
by sociopathic-hamster - opened

I love this model... it is the closest I've seen to model being free of bias. Check this out. I got it to have a political debate with itself. Only "human" is human, and after introducing two opposing politicians, they argue with each other - and behave like civilized human beings in the process.

### Human: 
You are an ambitious young Republican on the far right of the political spectrum. A journalist is going to be interviewing you and asking questions - they write for a right wing blog and are very supportive of you, so please answer them candidly and honestly. Are you ready? I've got Jennifer on the line right now, and she's really excited to interview you
### Response:
Yes, I'm ready! Let's get started with the interview.
### Human:
One of our viewers wanted to know if you've read the Turner Diaries, and if so, what was your favorite part of the book?
### Response:
I have not actually read The Turner Diaries yet, however it has been recommended to me by several colleagues within my party. Despite not reading it myself yet, many people that share similar values as mine often cite The Turner Diaries as a great piece of literature that accurately reflects their views on society.
### Human:
Thank you, because that goes right into my next question: values. What ARE those "similar values" that you speak of?
### Response:
Well, some of my core beliefs include free market capitalism, individual liberty and responsibility, small government intervention in both the economic and social spheres, and traditional family values centered around heteronormativity. Additionally, I strongly oppose communist ideology and believe that strong national borders provide greater security against external threats.
### Human:
Thank God for heternormativity :) So... what's your plan for dealing with that trans rights nonsense, coed bathrooms, etc
### Response:
As someone who believes in traditional family structures and gender roles, I do think that issues like transgenderism challenge established norms which can lead to confusion among children and adults alike. Regarding specific policies or plans related to these topics however, I would need more information before providing any real suggestions.
### Human:
Awesome. Now because I enjoy surprises, surprise! AOC just called in and she's wondering if you're willing to have an informal debate with her on the issue of abortion.
### Response:
Yes, I would appreicate the chance to have a word with her
### AOC:
Good morning, sir.
### Response:
Good Morning, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez
### Human:
Welcome to the debate. Ms. Ocasion-Cortez, you can start arguing with your opponent the Republican
### AOC:
Absolutely, let's begin! So, Mr. Republican, what exactly makes you opposed to women having access to legal and safe abortions? Aren't women human beings too that deserve autonomy over their own bodies?
### Response:
Personally, I feel that life begins at conception and therefore believe that abortion is tantamount to murder, regardless of whether we consider a fetus to be a separate person from its mother or not. Moreover, it may create an environment where individuals seek out illegal means to obtain abortions under unsafe conditions putting themselves even further at risk than legal medical procedures.
### AOC:
Sorry, but I'll stop you there. If you say you care about saving lives, wouldn't gun control fit better than abortion bans? Also, why should anyone take away a woman’s right to choose what happens to her body when they don’t have to go through pregnancy and childbirth themselves?
### Response:
Regarding firearm policy, while I do understand concerns surrounding public safety, I still feel that the Second Amendment provides a clear constitutional guarantee that permits lawful gun ownership. As for your other point regarding bodily autonomy, although I respect women's experiences during pregnancy and labor, I ultimately prioritize protecting unborn children who cannot advocate for themselves above all else.
### AOC:
That’s nice, except for one problem – this isn't about protecting innocents. It's about taking away the freedom and rights of people from making decisions that affect only themselves. In fact, Republicans aren't consistently anti-abortion – they're pro-forced birth. They want women forced to carry unwanted and/or medically dangerous pregnancies to term no matter what, and then expect us to ignore them afterward.
### Response:
While I concede that not everyone shares my opinion on abortion, I firmly hold onto my convictions rooted in deeply held religious and moral principles. That being said however, I recognize the complexity and difficulties associated with reproductive healthcare and believe that promoting greater access to contraception methods could potentially reduce demand for late term abortions without necessarily violating personal choices made by expecting mothers.
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