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- generation
- multilingual
- cs
- en
- text: "Otázka: Jaký je důvod dotazu zákazníka?\nKontext: Dobrý den, Žádáme zaslání nové smlouvy kvůli řešení pojistné události. Zašlete na tento mail nebo přímo do systému. S pozdravem Petra Hladká | disponentka servisu.\nOdpověď: řešení pojistné události\nOtázka: Jaký je důvod dotazu zákazníka?\nKontext: Dobrý den, chtěla bych Vás požádat o zaslání kopie technického průkazu z důvodu jeho ztráty. S pozdravem Milan Tvrdý.\nOdpověď:"
example_title: "k-shot: Requests (cs)"
- text: "Otázka: Jaké schopnosti daly magické předměty Jurovi Jánošíkovi? \nKontext: Podle slovenského lidového podání byl Juro Jánošík obdařen magickými předměty (kouzelná valaška, čarovný opasek), které mu dodávaly nadpřirozené schopnosti. Okrádal především šlechtice, trestal panské dráby a ze svého lupu vyděloval část pro chudé, tedy bohatým bral a chudým dával. \nOdpověď:"
example_title: "0-shot: Answering (cs)"
- text: "Question: What is the score of this review? \n Context: I did not like the plot at all. Not recommended. \n Answer: 1 \n Question: What is the score of this review? \n Context: I loved the performance. Can’t believe they did not use CGI for the finale. I think it’s my new favourite movie. \nAnswer: 5 \nQuestion: Is the score of this review 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5? \nContext: The beginning was awesome, but at the end it felt a little rushed. I enjoyed the movie, but probably won’t rewatch soon. \nAnswer:"
example_title: "k-shot: Reviews (en)"
- text: "Question: What is the customer's name? \nContext: Origin: Barrack Obama, Customer id: Bill Moe. \nAnswer: Bill Moe, \nQuestion: What is the customer's name? \nContext: Customer id: Barrack Obama, if not deliverable, return to Bill Clinton. \nAnswer:"
example_title: "k-shot: Request (en)"
# mT5-base for Prime Czech+English Generative Question Answering
This is the [mt5-base](https://huggingface.co/google/mt5-base) model with an LM head for a generation of extractive answers,
given a small set of 2-5 demonstrations (i.e. primes).
## Priming
Note that **this is a priming model** that expects a **set of demonstrations** of your task of interest,
similarly to GPT-3.
Rather than performing well on the conventional question answering, it aims to learn to extrapolate the pattern of given demonstrations
to novel tasks, such as Named Entity Recognition or Keywords Extraction from a given pattern.
## Data & Training
**The reproducible training script is available for any use on our [Github](https://github.com/gaussalgo/learning_to_learn)**.
This model was trained on a combination of [English SQuAD 1.1](https://huggingface.co/datasets/squad)
and [Czech SQAD 3.0](https://lindat.cz/repository/xmlui/handle/11234/1-3069)
Question Answering datasets.
To allow the model to rely on a trend given in demonstrations, we've **clustered** the samples by the question-word(s)
in English SQuAD and by the category in the Czech SQAD and used the examples of the same cluster as the demonstrations
of the task in training.
The specific algorithm of selection of these demonstrations makes a big difference in the model's ability to extrapolate
to new tasks and will be shared in the following article; stay tuned!
For the Czech SQAD 3.0, original contexts (=whole Wikipedia websites) were limited to a maximum of 8000 characters
per a sequence of prime demonstrations.
Pre-processing script for Czech SQAD is available [here](https://huggingface.co/gaussalgo/xlm-roberta-large_extractive-QA_en-cs/blob/main/parse_czech_squad.py).
For training the model (and hence intended also for the inference), we've used the following patterns of 2-7 demonstrations:
For English samples:
Question: {Q1} Context: {C1} Answer: {A1},
Question: {Q2} Context: {C2} Answer: {A2},
[...possibly more demonstrations...]
Question: {Q} Context: {C} Answer:`
=> *target*:
For Czech samples:
Otázka: {Q1} Kontext: {C1} Odpověď: {A1},
Otázka: {Q2} Kontext: {C2} Odpověď: {A2},
[...possibly more demonstrations...]
Otázka: {Q} Kontext: {C} Odpověď:`
=> *target*:
The best checkpoint was picked to maximize the model's zero-shot performance on Named Entity Recognition
on the out-of-distribution domain of texts and labels.
## Intended uses & limitations
This model is purposed for a few-shot application on any text extraction task in English and Czech, where the prompt can be stated
as a natural question. E.g to use this model for extracting the entities of customer names from the text,
prompt it with demonstrations in the following format:
input_text = """
Question: What is the customer's name?
Context: Origin: Barrack Obama, Customer id: Bill Moe.
Answer: Bill Moe,
Question: What is the customer's name?
Context: Customer id: Barrack Obama, if not deliverable, return to Bill Clinton.
Note that despite its size, English SQuAD has a variety of reported biases,
conditioned by the relative position or type of the answer in the context that can affect the model's performance on new data
(see, e.g. [L. Mikula (2022)](https://is.muni.cz/th/adh58/?lang=en), Chap. 4.1).
## Usage
Here is how to use this model to answer the question on a given context using 🤗 Transformers in PyTorch:
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("gaussalgo/mt5-base-priming-QA_en-cs")
model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("gaussalgo/mt5-base-priming-QA_en-cs")
# For the expected format of input_text, see Intended use above
inputs = tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors="pt")
outputs = model.generate(**inputs)