--- |
pipeline_tag: zero-shot-classification |
--- |
## Model Name: _ |
**Team Name: _** |
**Owner: _** |
**Last Updated: _** |
**Last Updated By: _** |
**Model Task: _** |
**Model Library: _** |
**GCP Project: _** |
**Model Hosting Platform: _** |
## THD Partners |
**Additional Contributors:** _ |
**Engineering Support:** _ |
**Product Support:** _ |
**VP or Initiative Owner** _ |
## Important Links |
**Source Code** [Place Link here and in proceeding () to hyperlink](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github/getting-started-with-writing-and-formatting-on-github/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax) |
**Model Running Location** [Link to Hyperlink]() |
**Confluence** [Link to Confluence]() |
## Overview |
**Problem Statement** |
This is where your models problem statement goes. |
**Intended Use & Limitations** |
This is where the intended use for your model and various limitations it may have goes. |
**Business Value** |
This is where the business value of your model goes. |
**Summary of Results** |
This is where the summary of the results your model produced goes. |
## Training Data |
**Dataset Used to Train Model** |
Here, you can explain some details about the data set that you trained the model on. |
Link Description: [Link to hyperlink]() |
**Datasets** |
Data Set Name [Link to dataset]() |
Data Set Name [Link to dataset]() |
Data Set Name [Link to dataset]() |
## How to Run |
This is where a detailed report on how to run your model goes. |
[Link to start code]() |
## Model Architecture |
This is where the description of the model architecture goes. |
Github: [Link to Github]() |
## Model Metrics |
**Metrics of Success** |
This is where a description of the different metrics that your model is capturing goes. |
| Metric | Result | |
| :----: | :----: | |
| Latency | # | |
| Accuracy | # | |
| Metric | # | |
## Description of Features |
- Feature 1 |
- Feature 2 |
- Feature 3 |
This is where a description of the features listed above goes. |
## Research |
This is where a detailed report of your research goes. |
Research Link: [Link to Research]() |
Link Description: [Link to Description]() |
Name of Link: [Link]() |
## Additional Fields |
### Title |
This is where additional information can be written. |
### Title |
This is where additional information can be written. |
## Associated Models |
**Model Name Goes Here** |
**Model Name Goes Here** |