AutoTrain documentation
Sentence Transformers
Sentence Transformers
This task lets you easily train or fine-tune a Sentence Transformer model on your own dataset.
AutoTrain supports the following types of sentence transformer finetuning:
: dataset with two sentences: anchor and positivepair_class
: dataset with two sentences: premise and hypothesis and a target labelpair_score
: dataset with two sentences: sentence1 and sentence2 and a target scoretriplet
: dataset with three sentences: anchor, positive and negativeqa
: dataset with two sentences: query and answer
Data Format
Sentence Transformers finetuning accepts data in CSV/JSONL format. You can also use a dataset from Hugging Face Hub.
For pair
training, the data should be in the following format:
anchor | positive |
hello | hi |
how are you | I am fine |
What is your name? | My name is Abhishek |
Which is the best programming language? | Python |
For pair_class
training, the data should be in the following format:
premise | hypothesis | label |
hello | hi | 1 |
how are you | I am fine | 0 |
What is your name? | My name is Abhishek | 1 |
Which is the best programming language? | Python | 1 |
For pair_score
training, the data should be in the following format:
sentence1 | sentence2 | score |
hello | hi | 0.8 |
how are you | I am fine | 0.2 |
What is your name? | My name is Abhishek | 0.9 |
Which is the best programming language? | Python | 0.7 |
For triplet
training, the data should be in the following format:
anchor | positive | negative |
hello | hi | bye |
how are you | I am fine | I am not fine |
What is your name? | My name is Abhishek | Whats it to you? |
Which is the best programming language? | Python | Javascript |
For qa
training, the data should be in the following format:
query | answer |
hello | hi |
how are you | I am fine |
What is your name? | My name is Abhishek |
Which is the best programming language? | Python |
class autotrain.trainers.sent_transformers.params.SentenceTransformersParams
< source >( data_path: str = Nonemodel: str = 'microsoft/mpnet-base'lr: float = 3e-05epochs: int = 3max_seq_length: int = 128batch_size: int = 8warmup_ratio: float = 0.1gradient_accumulation: int = 1optimizer: str = 'adamw_torch'scheduler: str = 'linear'weight_decay: float = 0.0max_grad_norm: float = 1.0seed: int = 42train_split: str = 'train'valid_split: typing.Optional[str] = Nonelogging_steps: int = -1project_name: str = 'project-name'auto_find_batch_size: bool = Falsemixed_precision: typing.Optional[str] = Nonesave_total_limit: int = 1token: typing.Optional[str] = Nonepush_to_hub: bool = Falseeval_strategy: str = 'epoch'username: typing.Optional[str] = Nonelog: str = 'none'early_stopping_patience: int = 5early_stopping_threshold: float = 0.01trainer: str = 'pair_score'sentence1_column: str = 'sentence1'sentence2_column: str = 'sentence2'sentence3_column: typing.Optional[str] = Nonetarget_column: typing.Optional[str] = None )
- data_path (str) — Path to the dataset.
- model (str) — Name of the pre-trained model to use. Default is “microsoft/mpnet-base”.
- lr (float) — Learning rate for training. Default is 3e-5.
- epochs (int) — Number of training epochs. Default is 3.
- max_seq_length (int) — Maximum sequence length for the input. Default is 128.
- batch_size (int) — Batch size for training. Default is 8.
- warmup_ratio (float) — Proportion of training to perform learning rate warmup. Default is 0.1.
- gradient_accumulation (int) — Number of steps to accumulate gradients before updating. Default is 1.
- optimizer (str) — Optimizer to use. Default is “adamw_torch”.
- scheduler (str) — Learning rate scheduler to use. Default is “linear”.
- weight_decay (float) — Weight decay to apply. Default is 0.0.
- max_grad_norm (float) — Maximum gradient norm for clipping. Default is 1.0.
- seed (int) — Random seed for reproducibility. Default is 42.
- train_split (str) — Name of the training data split. Default is “train”.
- valid_split (Optional[str]) — Name of the validation data split. Default is None.
- logging_steps (int) — Number of steps between logging. Default is -1.
- project_name (str) — Name of the project for output directory. Default is “project-name”.
- auto_find_batch_size (bool) — Whether to automatically find the optimal batch size. Default is False.
- mixed_precision (Optional[str]) — Mixed precision training mode (fp16, bf16, or None). Default is None.
- save_total_limit (int) — Maximum number of checkpoints to save. Default is 1.
- token (Optional[str]) — Token for accessing Hugging Face Hub. Default is None.
- push_to_hub (bool) — Whether to push the model to Hugging Face Hub. Default is False.
- eval_strategy (str) — Evaluation strategy to use. Default is “epoch”.
- username (Optional[str]) — Hugging Face username. Default is None.
- log (str) — Logging method for experiment tracking. Default is “none”.
- early_stopping_patience (int) — Number of epochs with no improvement after which training will be stopped. Default is 5.
- early_stopping_threshold (float) — Threshold for measuring the new optimum, to qualify as an improvement. Default is 0.01.
- trainer (str) — Name of the trainer to use. Default is “pair_score”.
- sentence1_column (str) — Name of the column containing the first sentence. Default is “sentence1”.
- sentence2_column (str) — Name of the column containing the second sentence. Default is “sentence2”.
- sentence3_column (Optional[str]) — Name of the column containing the third sentence (if applicable). Default is None.
- target_column (Optional[str]) — Name of the column containing the target variable. Default is None.
SentenceTransformersParams is a configuration class for setting up parameters for training sentence transformers.