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Parameter CSV files

Files and directories


Account configuration list

  • count Number of accounts
  • min_balance Minimum initial balance
  • max_balance Maximum initial balance
  • country Alpha-2 country code
  • business_type business type
  • model Account behavior model ID (See also
    • 0: Single transactions
    • 1: Fan-out
    • 2: Fan-in
    • 3: Mutual
    • 4: Forward
    • 5: Periodical
  • bank_id Bank ID which these accounts belong to (optional)

Raw account list

  • uuid Account ID
  • seq
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • street_addr
  • city
  • state
  • zip
  • gender
  • phone_number
  • birth_date
  • ssn


This CSV file has three columns with header names: Count, In-degree and Out-degree. Each CSV row indicates how many account vertices with certain in(out)-degrees should be generated.

Here is an example of degree.csv.


From this parameter file, the transaction graph generator generates a directed graph with five vertices (accounts) and five edges. Two of five vertices has no outgoing edges and two of five vertices has no incoming edges (these two vertices might be same). The transaction network generator constructs a directed graph from the degree distribution data with Configuration Model.


AML typology transaction pattern parameters (CSV columns)

  • count Number of typologies (transaction sets)
  • type Name of transaction type (fan_in, fan_out, cycle...) as the AML typology
  • schedule_id Transaction scheduling ID of the typology
    • 0: All member accounts send money in order with the same interval (number of days)
    • 1: All member accounts send money in order with random intervals
    • 2: All member accounts send money randomly
  • min_accounts: Minimum number of involved accounts
  • max_accounts: Maximum number of involved accounts
  • min_amount Minimum initial transaction amount
  • max_amount Maximum initial transaction amount
  • min_period Minimum overall transaction period (number of days)
  • max_period Maximum overall transaction period (number of days)
  • bank_id Bank ID which member accounts belong to (optional: if empty, no limitation for the bank ID)
  • is_sar Whether the alert is SAR (True) or false alert (False)


This CSV file has two columns with header names: Type (transaction type name) and Frequency (relative number of transaction frequency)

Here is an example of transactionType.csv.


In this case, "WIRE" transaction will appear with 10% probability (5 / (5+10+15+20) = 0.1)