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JUnit Contributor License Agreement

  • You will only Submit Contributions where You have authored 100% of the content.
  • You will only Submit Contributions to which You have the necessary rights. This means that if You are employed You have received the necessary permissions from Your employer to make the Contributions.
  • Whatever content You Contribute will be provided under the Project License(s).

Project Licenses

Commit Messages

As a general rule, the style and formatting of commit messages should follow the guidelines in How to Write a Git Commit Message.

In addition, any commit that is related to an existing issue must reference the issue. For example, if a commit in a pull request addresses issue #999, it must contain the following at the bottom of the commit message.

Issue: #999

Pull Requests

Our Definition of Done (DoD) offers some guidelines on what we expect from a pull request. Feel free to open a pull request that does not fulfill all criteria, e.g. to discuss a certain change before polishing it, but please be aware that we will only merge it once the DoD is met.

Please add the following lines to your pull request description:


I hereby agree to the terms of the JUnit Contributor License Agreement.

Coding Conventions

Naming Conventions

Whenever an acronym is included as part of a type name or method name, keep the first letter of the acronym uppercase and use lowercase for the rest of the acronym. Otherwise, it becomes impossible to perform camel-cased searches in IDEs, and it becomes potentially very difficult for mere humans to read or reason about the element without reading documentation (if documentation even exists).

Consider for example a use case needing to support an HTTP URL. Calling the method getHTTPURL() is absolutely horrible in terms of usability; whereas, getHttpUrl() is great in terms of usability. The same applies for types HTTPURLProvider vs HttpUrlProvider, etc.

Whenever an acronym is included as part of a field name or parameter name:

  • If the acronym comes at the start of the field or parameter name, use lowercase for the entire acronym -- for example, String url;.
  • Otherwise, keep the first letter of the acronym uppercase and use lowercase for the rest of the acronym -- for example, String defaultUrl;.



Code formatting is enforced using the Spotless Gradle plugin. You can use gradle spotlessApply to format new code and add missing license headers to source files. Formatter and import order settings for Eclipse are available in the repository under junit-eclipse-formatter-settings.xml and junit-eclipse.importorder, respectively. For IntelliJ IDEA there's a plugin you can use in conjunction with the Eclipse settings.

It is forbidden to use wildcard imports (e.g., import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;) in Java code.


Text in *.adoc and *.md files should be wrapped at 90 characters whenever technically possible.

In multi-line bullet point entries, subsequent lines should be indented.


Use American English spelling rules when writing documentation as well as for code -- class names, method names, variable names, etc.


  • Javadoc comments should be wrapped after 80 characters whenever possible.
  • This first paragraph must be a single, concise sentence that ends with a period (.).
  • Place <p> on the same line as the first line of a new paragraph and precede <p> with a blank line.
  • Insert a blank line before at-clauses/tags.
  • Favor {@code foo} over <code>foo</code>.
  • Favor literals (e.g., {@literal @}) over HTML entities.
  • New classes and methods should declare a @since ... tag.
  • Use @since 5.10 instead of @since 5.10.0.
  • Do not use @author tags. Instead, contributors are listed on the GitHub page.
  • Do not use verbs in third-person form in the first sentence of the Javadoc for a method -- for example, use "Discover tests..." instead of "Discovers tests...".


See ExtensionContext and ParameterContext for example Javadoc.



  • All test classes must end with a Tests suffix.
  • Example test classes that should not be picked up by the build must end with a TestCase suffix.


  • Use org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions for simple assertions.
  • Use AssertJ when richer assertions are needed.
  • Do not use org.junit.Assert or junit.framework.Assert.

Mocking and Stubbing

  • Use either Mockito or hand-written test doubles.


  • In general, logging should be used sparingly.
  • All logging must be performed via the internal Logger façade provided via the JUnit LoggerFactory.
  • Levels defined in JUnit's Logger façade, which delegates to Java Util Logging (JUL) for the actual logging.
    • error (JUL: SEVERE, Log4J: ERROR): extra information (in addition to an Exception) about errors that will halt execution
    • warn (JUL: WARNING, Log4J: WARN): potential usage or configuration errors that should not halt execution
    • info (JUL: INFO, Log4J: INFO): information the users might want to know but not by default
    • config (JUL: CONFIG, Log4J: CONFIG): information related to configuration of the system (Example: ServiceLoaderTestEngineRegistry logs IDs of discovered engines)
    • debug (JUL: FINE, Log4J: DEBUG)
    • trace (JUL: FINER, Log4J: TRACE)


The JUnit 5 project uses the @API annotation from API Guardian. Publicly available interfaces, classes, and methods have a defined lifecycle which is described in detail in the User Guide.

That following describes the deprecation process followed for API items.

To deprecate an item:

  • Update the @API.status to DEPRECATED.
  • Update @API.since. Please note since describes the version when the status was changed and not the introduction of the element.
  • Add the @Deprecated Java annotation on the item.
  • Add the @deprecated JavaDoc tag to describe the deprecation, and refer to an eventual replacement.
  • If the item is used in existing code, add @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") to make the build pass.