
zqning's picture
init data
fc10d73 verified


Augmentations allows to change stems on the fly increasing the size of dataset by creating new samples from old samples. Now control for augmentations is done from config file. Below you can find the example of full config, which includes all available augmentations:

  enable: true # enable or disable all augmentations (to fast disable if needed)
  loudness: true # randomly change loudness of each stem on the range (loudness_min; loudness_max)
  loudness_min: 0.5
  loudness_max: 1.5
  mixup: true # mix several stems of same type with some probability (only works for dataset types: 1, 2, 3)
  mixup_probs: !!python/tuple # 2 additional stems of the same type (1st with prob 0.2, 2nd with prob 0.02)
    - 0.2
    - 0.02
  mixup_loudness_min: 0.5
  mixup_loudness_max: 1.5

  # apply mp3 compression to mixture only (emulate downloading mp3 from internet)
  mp3_compression_on_mixture: 0.01
  mp3_compression_on_mixture_bitrate_min: 32
  mp3_compression_on_mixture_bitrate_max: 320
  mp3_compression_on_mixture_backend: "lameenc"

    channel_shuffle: 0.5 # Set 0 or lower to disable
    random_inverse: 0.1 # inverse track (better lower probability)
    random_polarity: 0.5 # polarity change (multiply waveform to -1)
    mp3_compression: 0.01
    mp3_compression_min_bitrate: 32
    mp3_compression_max_bitrate: 320
    mp3_compression_backend: "lameenc"

    # pedalboard reverb block
    pedalboard_reverb: 0.01
    pedalboard_reverb_room_size_min: 0.1
    pedalboard_reverb_room_size_max: 0.9
    pedalboard_reverb_damping_min: 0.1
    pedalboard_reverb_damping_max: 0.9
    pedalboard_reverb_wet_level_min: 0.1
    pedalboard_reverb_wet_level_max: 0.9
    pedalboard_reverb_dry_level_min: 0.1
    pedalboard_reverb_dry_level_max: 0.9
    pedalboard_reverb_width_min: 0.9
    pedalboard_reverb_width_max: 1.0

    # pedalboard chorus block
    pedalboard_chorus: 0.01
    pedalboard_chorus_rate_hz_min: 1.0
    pedalboard_chorus_rate_hz_max: 7.0
    pedalboard_chorus_depth_min: 0.25
    pedalboard_chorus_depth_max: 0.95
    pedalboard_chorus_centre_delay_ms_min: 3
    pedalboard_chorus_centre_delay_ms_max: 10
    pedalboard_chorus_feedback_min: 0.0
    pedalboard_chorus_feedback_max: 0.5
    pedalboard_chorus_mix_min: 0.1
    pedalboard_chorus_mix_max: 0.9

    # pedalboard phazer block
    pedalboard_phazer: 0.01
    pedalboard_phazer_rate_hz_min: 1.0
    pedalboard_phazer_rate_hz_max: 10.0
    pedalboard_phazer_depth_min: 0.25
    pedalboard_phazer_depth_max: 0.95
    pedalboard_phazer_centre_frequency_hz_min: 200
    pedalboard_phazer_centre_frequency_hz_max: 12000
    pedalboard_phazer_feedback_min: 0.0
    pedalboard_phazer_feedback_max: 0.5
    pedalboard_phazer_mix_min: 0.1
    pedalboard_phazer_mix_max: 0.9

    # pedalboard distortion block
    pedalboard_distortion: 0.01
    pedalboard_distortion_drive_db_min: 1.0
    pedalboard_distortion_drive_db_max: 25.0

    # pedalboard pitch shift block
    pedalboard_pitch_shift: 0.01
    pedalboard_pitch_shift_semitones_min: -7
    pedalboard_pitch_shift_semitones_max: 7

    # pedalboard resample block
    pedalboard_resample: 0.01
    pedalboard_resample_target_sample_rate_min: 4000
    pedalboard_resample_target_sample_rate_max: 44100

    # pedalboard bitcrash block
    pedalboard_bitcrash: 0.01
    pedalboard_bitcrash_bit_depth_min: 4
    pedalboard_bitcrash_bit_depth_max: 16

    # pedalboard mp3 compressor block
    pedalboard_mp3_compressor: 0.01
    pedalboard_mp3_compressor_pedalboard_mp3_compressor_min: 0
    pedalboard_mp3_compressor_pedalboard_mp3_compressor_max: 9.999

    pitch_shift: 0.1
    pitch_shift_min_semitones: -5
    pitch_shift_max_semitones: 5
    seven_band_parametric_eq: 0.25
    seven_band_parametric_eq_min_gain_db: -9
    seven_band_parametric_eq_max_gain_db: 9
    tanh_distortion: 0.1
    tanh_distortion_min: 0.1
    tanh_distortion_max: 0.7
    pitch_shift: 0.1
    pitch_shift_min_semitones: -2
    pitch_shift_max_semitones: 2
    seven_band_parametric_eq: 0.25
    seven_band_parametric_eq_min_gain_db: -3
    seven_band_parametric_eq_max_gain_db: 6
    tanh_distortion: 0.2
    tanh_distortion_min: 0.1
    tanh_distortion_max: 0.5
    pitch_shift: 0.33
    pitch_shift_min_semitones: -5
    pitch_shift_max_semitones: 5
    seven_band_parametric_eq: 0.25
    seven_band_parametric_eq_min_gain_db: -9
    seven_band_parametric_eq_max_gain_db: 9
    tanh_distortion: 0.33
    tanh_distortion_min: 0.1
    tanh_distortion_max: 0.6
    pitch_shift: 0.1
    pitch_shift_min_semitones: -4
    pitch_shift_max_semitones: 4
    gaussian_noise: 0.1
    gaussian_noise_min_amplitude: 0.001
    gaussian_noise_max_amplitude: 0.015
    time_stretch: 0.01
    time_stretch_min_rate: 0.8
    time_stretch_max_rate: 1.25

You can copypaste it into your config to use augmentations. Notes:

  • To completely disable all augmentations you can either remove augmentations section from config or set enable to false.
  • If you want to disable some augmentation, just set it to zero.
  • Augmentations in all subsections applied to all stems
  • Augmentations in vocals, bass etc subsections applied only to corresponding stems. You can create such subsections for all stems which are given in training.instruments.