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While the China Times Group has decided to drop its loss-making evening paper, it has acquired a majority stake in CtiTV, a Taiwan cable TV operator, and has also expressed an interest in acquiring China Television Company (CTV), which would make the group Taiwan's biggest multimedia empire. | 而在中時報系以不堪虧損為由捨棄晚報的同時,另方面卻持續入股中天電視台,並有意在未來收購中視,成就跨媒體集團霸業。 |
The ten years after the war were a golden age for Taiwanese Opera. There were many talented stars, and in addition to live performances in theaters, Taiwanese Opera found audiences on radio and in films. | 終戰後的十餘年間,可說是歌仔戲的黃金時代,人才輩出,除了活躍於戲院舞台的「內台戲」外,還有「廣播歌仔戲」、「電影歌仔戲」。 |
Civilian art, which is characterized by its non-academic foundation, developed in conjunction with the "liberalization of knowledge" trend kickstarted by Taiwan's community colleges in 1998. In fact, it was these community institutions that opened up a dialogue between Civilian Art and the academy, and Xizhi Community College that first incorporated Civilian Art into its curriculum. | 「國民美術」以非學院派美術基調的發展過程,巧妙地與 1998 年國內社區大學興起的「解放知識」風潮接軌,因而在這些社區基地找到和學院對話的管道。 |
"Civilian Art is like a harvest festival in which participation is collective," says Pan Ing-hai, former director of Xizhi Community College. "Liu Siu-mei has established painting clubs in the community, built a collective memory, and enabled people in the lower socioeconomic strata to collectively give expression to repressed feelings. | 汐止社大主任潘英海表示:「國民美術像集體參與的美術豐年祭,劉秀美在社區成立畫會,建構集體記憶,並且讓底層社會民眾的情緒壓抑得到集體性的宣洩。」 |
For example, Zheng Jionghui's grandfather ran a mine in Jinguashi during the period of Japanese rule. By illustrating every step of the waterwheel-driven gold extraction process, Zheng has filled in a bit of Taiwan's mining history missed by field surveys and the photographic record. | 例如日治時期祖父在金瓜石經營「鈔利搗礦場」的鄭炯輝,將當時用水車淘洗金砂的過程,一一用圖畫記錄下來,補白缺乏田野調查及攝影記錄年代的台灣採礦史。 |
In 25 years of taking shots, I have constantly strived for a sense of activity in them, to bring to them a feeling of the interplay of space, time, and light for just that moment, and give an image people can't see enough of, a thing that they can never quite understand. | 25 年的光影歲月中,我一直努力捕捉其中動靜,關切著空間、時間與光線瞬間的交感,以及那令人百看不厭的景物、百思不解的人事。 |
In the 20-some years that followed, she has gone from disliking Taiwanese Opera to playing the male leads, and from outdoor performances to exquisite productions in theaters. Tang has taken a Taiwanese Opera road that has been both harder and more wide-ranging than the norm. | 之後二十幾年,從討厭歌仔戲到成為當家小生,從野台磨練到製作精緻戲碼,唐美雲的歌仔戲路走得比別人辛苦,也比別人寬廣。 |
In the recent recession, agriculture had an outstanding record. The export of farm products increased at a time of stagnation in industry. | 近年來中華民國受世界性經濟萎縮的影響,農業生產仍保持相當高的紀錄,在工業不景氣期間,農產品輸出反而增加。 |
This time the role had a wedding-night bedroom scene, in which she had to sing in a duma duet. Her mother had to give her a crash course, summarizing the plot and helping her to memorize her part line by line. | 午場結束後,分派晚戲角色時,獨缺一個「二路小旦」(相當於第二女主角),眾人就把腦筋動到她身上。 |
Another NT $ 1,480 million has been loaned to farmers for modernization projects. With agriculture booming, public and private institutions have been encouraged to provide another NT $ 2,100 million worth of investment in the rural economy. The Taiwan agricultural record has been achieved in the face of a lack of arable land. | 除了使得農民生活環境改善外,還誘導公私農業機關投入農業發展資金新台幣二十一億元以上。 |
Huangmei diao, a style of singing in Mandarin, was very popular among overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, and Tang, a film buff, was able to sing all the huangmei diao parts from films. Consequently, her father was able to get her a job on the tour doing "backstage vocal accompaniment." | 愛看電影的她,每部電影的黃梅調全本都會唱,父親於是幫她爭取到「幕後代唱」的工作,隨團出國公演。 |
The emblem was raised over the building at sunrise the next day in defiance of Japanese tanks and planes. Chinese still in the city cheered and shed tears for the 800 heroes and their heroine. | 謝團長率領孤軍守護國旗在四行倉庫昇起,滬市居民驟見倉庫屋頂昇起國旗,喜極而泣。「八百壯士」英勇不屈的壯舉,鼓起了全民抗戰精神,而終於贏得最後勝利。 |
Temples with the ornate roof lines of Buddhist and Taoist building styles are to be seen everywhere in city and countryside (the Sanhsia temple, center, is in Taipei County). | 上圖為台北縣三峽鎮的祖師廟,這座廟宇的屋頂雕刻和塑像,巧奪天工,彩色豔麗,其設計和構圖完全屬於民間的建築藝術。 |
Architecture in the modern style might be from anywhere. Many Taiwan buildings would be at home anywhere in the world: high rise apartments at upper left, Tainan sports arena at bottom left, junior high school at upper right and the hillside apartments at bottom right. | 台灣除了傳統式的建築物之外,亦和世界各地一樣擁有許多現代的建築物。左上為公寓大廈;左為台南體育館;右上為國民中學校舍;右下為台北郊區公寓。 |
To meet the challenge posed by the Internet, the World Association of Newspapers met in Madrid last month. Representatives from around the world agreed that if the traditional newspaper industry is to turn the crisis triggered by the Internet into an opportunity for market leadership, it will have to embrace digital technology, expand web-based services, and develop new online profit models. | 針對網路對傳統報業的衝擊,上月初「世界報業協會」於西班牙馬德里舉行的會議裡,各國與會代表一致同意,惟有更積極擁抱數位科技,努力擴展網路服務,並開發新的線上獲利模式,傳統報業才有可能把網路所帶來的危機,轉化為自己的市場優勢。 |
Reaching 50, mental, emotional, and conscious worlds merge, in constant pursuit of a world, finally accomplishing a new vision for my own life. | 到了 50 人生,心境、情境、意境交融,走出另一個天地,終於為自己的人生,成就了一個新視野。 |
Bridges have long been an inescapable fact of life in Taiwan. There are rivers to be crossed and mountain ravines to be spanned. | 台灣河流交錯,山嶺遍佈,為便利交通,橋樑建造至為重要。 |
In so doing, her work makes it easier to understand why poor folk unable to pay a dowry sometimes hanged themselves. | 透過畫面不難體會,當時為何會有窮人家因為擺不出嫁 & # 0 ; 而上吊自殺。 |
Secondary roads have to go over or under the new freeways. In the cities, engineers must try to build spans which do not disfigure and give rise to new slums. CITY EXTENDS BEYOND TRADITIONAL BORDERS Taipei can no longer be kept within its traditional borders. | 在都市裡,我們的工程師為建築橋樑亦不斷進行周全的設計,以目前中華民國臨時首都的台北市而論,除了廣建地下行人道之外,工程偉大的陸橋和行人專用之高架橋,隨處可見。 |
Satellite cities have sprung up in all directions. | 台北市溝通衛星市鎮的橋樑台北市位於台灣北部的盆地,基隆河和淡水河交匯於市區的西北部。 |
In 1962 Taiwan Television began to broadcast Taiwanese operas. As a result, opera lovers no longer needed to leave their homes to see them. With live performances losing audiences, opera troupes began to break up, and performers were forced to change careers. | 1962 年,台灣電視公司開播,「電視歌仔戲」讓民眾不必再出門看戲,內台戲漸漸失去觀眾,戲班紛紛解散,演員也只好改行。 |
Nevertheless, because her home was also an opera training school, she grew up immersed in opera and naturally learned numerous operatic tunes. | 雖然如此,由於住家也是演員訓練班,耳濡目染下,唐美雲自然會哼唱許多歌仔戲曲調。 |
The farmer fell well behind the industrial worker in the 1960s. Now, with government help, he is beginning to catch up. | 過去幾年,因工業成長快速,相形之下,農業生產利潤顯得微落,農民所得亦顯得偏低。 |
The Taiwan Agricultural Record Has Been Achieved in the Face of a Lack of Arable Land. | 台灣耕地面積雖小,但由於農作技術不斷的改良,農業單位面積生產量已達於最高紀錄。 |
Agricultural growth is set at 3 per cent annually under a six-year development program worked out by the Sino-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction. Crops are slated to increase by 2.1 per cent, livestock by 6.5 per cent, fishery by 4.3 per cent and forestry by 3.3 per cent. Self-sufficiency in all foods will be increased from 88 to 90 per cent. | 中國農村復興聯合委員會研訂之加速農村建設六年計畫下,預定農業生產每年平均增加率為百分之三,其中農作物為百分之二點一,畜產百分之六點五,漁產百分之四點三,糧食自給率將由百分之八十八提高至百分之九十。 |
Agricultural aid of the government has totaled NT $ 2,500 million in the last two and a half years. | 過去兩年半期間,政府曾先後撥發補助專款新台幣二十五億元,配合貸款新台幣十四億八千萬元,實施農村機械化計畫。 |
Agriculture grew by 2.2 per cent in 1975. The rice crop was up by 2.7 percent. Maize, vegetables, livestock and fishery also climbed. | 民國六十四年的農業生產,依據最近對主要農產品全年生產的估計,成長率為百分之二點二,不過主要糧食生產仍能充分供應國內需要而有餘。 |
The only important deficiency is in food grains other than rice, soybeans and feed for animals. | 最重要的稻米生產,已經創下歷年最高生產紀錄,較過去的二百四十五萬公噸,增加百分之二點七。 |
To get her up to speed, her father would bring her along whenever he left home to teach opera. But she wasn't particularly excited about it. Whenever she saw her old classmates on the way to school in their neat uniforms, she couldn't help breaking into tears. | 為了趕上進度,父親出門教戲時總會把她帶在身邊,希望她跟著學,但她就是不起勁,看到同學穿著整齊的制服上學時,還會難過地流淚。 |
Farmers are well organized in various associations and elect their own officers. | 台灣各種農會組織健全,自行選舉負責人辦理業務。 |
The venues were much like the theaters used during the early "indoor" period of Taiwanese Opera in Taiwan. But the sets, lighting, sound, and costumes were all outstanding, and various mechanical props, such as strings of beads to represent rain, and flying coffins, delighted audiences. | 國外的劇場舞台類似台灣早期的「內台戲」,但佈景、燈光、音響、服飾都相當講究,還設計各種「機關」來取悅觀眾,像珍珠雨景、飛天棺材……。 |
When these works are unveiled, the elderly women in the class cover their eyes or lay their heads down on their desks, amused but embarrassed by the brags and laments of their male classmates. | 畫好了要發表時,教室裡的歐巴桑們就用手遮住眼睛、或是乾脆趴在桌上,一面聽「男同學」自吹自嘆,一面又好笑又羞赧。 |
Many tapestries may be seen in the Palace Museum at Taipei. | 藝術愛好者,可在中華民國國立故宮博物院欣賞到緙絲的珍品。 |
An exhibition of industrial products is held annually in Taipei. | 中華民國台北市舉辦工業產品展覽,以資業者觀摩,並供國內外顧客觀賞,從而改良品質,拓展國內外市場。 |
Taiwan is nearly self-sufficient in light industry, although some of the components are still imported. | 除少數零件尚待進口外,幾乎所有輕工業產品均能自行製造。而且這些價廉物美的產品,除了國內銷售自給自足外,尚有大量輕工業產品如電視機、腳踏車、農作機等輸出國外,每年賺取巨額外匯。台北市工業展覽舉行於每年元旦及春節期間,國內顧客可以在會場的零售攤中,採購各種廉價的新式產品。 |
The director would describe the play in ten minutes, but the actors would have two hours to perform it. They had to rely on their accumulated acting experience, as well as what they had gleaned from their everyday lives. Performance of this sort is true "living theater." | 導演說戲 10 分鐘,演員卻得演完兩個小時,憑藉的就是長期累積的經驗和平日所記、所學,這種即興演出稱做「演活戲」。 |
To this end, she perused storybooks and scripts that she found in her father's chests, and read numerous classical novels and memorized poetry. | 為此,她找出父親戲箱裡的故事書、劇本,詳加研讀,並大量閱讀古典章回小說、背誦詩句。她發現《昔日賢文》用在戲劇中相當押韻對仗,台灣民間的俚語和諺語,更是對白中所不可或缺的。 |
Air service was opened Dec. 9 between the tiny Republic of Nauru in the South Pacific and Taipei. | 中華民國與諾魯共和國之間的空中航線,於六十四年十二月九日正式通航。諾魯航空公司首航班機在當天下午二時飛抵台北。 |
Air Nauru has a weekly roundtrip flight in a B737. | 中諾航線定期飛行諾魯﹘﹘明諾蒲﹘﹘關島﹘﹘沖繩﹘﹘台北﹘﹘香港等地,每週一個班次,有七千多里航程。 |
Stops are also made in Hong Kong and Guam. China Airlines will subsequently open service to the Pacific Republic, which has a population of approximately 8,000. | 中華航空公司亦將開闢中諾航線。中華民國台灣省長達十一點五七公里的南北高速公路,繼台北至中壢段之後,中壢楊梅段,已於六十四年十二月十日凌晨零時開放通車,行車狀況良好,使得北段高速公路交通流量顯著增加。 |
Cities of Taiwan are an endless mixture of the old and new in architecture. | 台灣建築藝術,可以說集中西體制之大成。 |
To keep the company afloat, Tang has had to work in film and TV. | 為了支撐戲團,公演之餘,唐美雲不斷接拍電影和電視劇,以彌補財務缺口。 |
Construction in the pacesetter of industrial growth. | 建築事業蓬勃發展。 |
He marvels at how her operas use Taiwanese, operatic melodies and actors 'creativity to convey characters' joys and sorrows in a deeply moving way. | 「目睹她從籌備到演出,那是一種感動──從無到有,一手打點,把所有的錢都投入戲團,只為做出一齣好戲,」蔡振南感佩地說。 |
Happy New Year The Chinese Lunar New Year fell on January 31 in 1976. | 中華民國六十五年一月三十一日是農曆春節,全國軍民同胞,都在歲歲平安,萬事如意的祝福聲中共渡佳節,並和家人歡聚,共敘天倫之樂。 |
All over the stage people are wearing masks, while only the "God of the Opera Company" wears his true face, which is horribly scarred. He takes great pleasure in breathing freely. The scene highlights the hypocrisy of mankind. | 舞台上,只見人人都戴著面具,只有「梨園天神」露出天生重度傷殘的真面目,享受自由呼吸的快樂,也點出人性的虛偽。 |
New Year couplets on doors and exploding firecrackers symbolized the traditional "casting away the old and welcoming the new in spring." | 家家戶戶也在大門上、楹栓、門楣等處貼上了春聯。 |
The hope of the Republic of China people in the New Year is to work together for more economic prosperity, political stability, spiritual unity and national strength. | 所謂「爆竹一聲除舊歲,桃符萬戶更新春」,希望每一個人,每一個家庭,乃至於整個的社會,在「除舊布新」的目標之下,共同奮鬥,使得我們大家:生活更豐足,社會更安定,精神更團結,國力更堅強。 |
Tang Mei-yun's devotion to Taiwanese Opera is like an arrow that has left the bow: showing unyielding determination to pursue her destiny in spite of obstacles. | 歌仔戲之於唐美雲,就像離弓的箭;是宿命,更是百折不摧的堅持。 |
Supermarkets, clothing stores and street stalls do a thriving business. The pictures on these pages show the Year of the Dragon abundance offered Taipei shoppers in stores well-stocked with domestic goods and imports. Some of the new markets are as modern as those found anywhere. | 圖示台北市民為新年而忙碌的情景:(1)與(2)女仕們在衡陽路時裝公司選購新衣,(3)應景之年糕攤販,(4)至(7)各超級市場生意興隆。 |
Chinese Women have often been elected to high position at the headquarters or in the regional offices of such organizations. Managers of foreignowned factories in Taiwan assert that young women graduates of junior high schools are among the finest assembly line workers in the world. | 這些團體的我國會員,多數能當選總社或亞洲區相當重要的職務。中國婦女的才華,不但表現在國內,也輝耀在國際之間。 |
On the move In 1945 the Japanese forces surrendered, and in celebration Taiwanese hired opera troupes to reward the gods with performances. Freed from Japanese military suppression, more than 300 Taiwanese Opera troupes formed in just one year. Four years later there were over 500. | 十日徙東,十日徙西 1945 年,日軍投降,台灣人紛紛請戲酬神,歌仔戲團在脫離日軍壓制後,又恢復蓬勃氣象,短短一年就組了三百多團,4 年後更增至五百多團。 |
When sugar was in strong demand in the fiscal year of 1975, the total export brought in US $ 410 million. | 同時,隨著世界人口的增加及生活水準的提高,家庭及工業用糖均年有增加。 |
Where Women's Lib Has Already Arrived The status of Chinese women in family, society, economy and politics has improved greatly in recent years. | 現代中國婦女的地位,無論是在家庭,在社會,在經濟及在政治各方面,都比以前提高不少。 |
In recent years the participation of women in industrial production, particularly in electronics, has helped speed Taiwan's economic growth. | 尤其是這幾年來,婦女的走出家庭,進入工廠,使得我國在台灣的經濟成長有了良好的績效。以電子工業來說,如果沒有婦女的參加,絕不會如此順利的發展。 |
Huang Yau-tai had a tough childhood, one in which musical resources were in short supply. However, he strove to educate himself, motivated by his passion for music and his perseverence. Today, he is the composer of more than 2,000 songs and 20 books on music. | 黃友棣幼時生活困頓,音樂資源更是貧乏,憑著對音樂的熱愛與堅持,努力自學,至今已完成超過 2 千首樂曲及 20 本音樂專著。 |
Later in life, Huang would often volunteer his own time to train more music teachers in order to wipe out musical illiteracy from among the public at large. | 後來他常做義工,培養更多的音樂老師,目的就是要掃除大眾的「音盲」。 |
A pair of chickens in wartime In those years, studying music was a prerogative of the rich. Though he had talent and ambition, Huang could not openly pursue his dreams, but only look on longingly from afar. | 戰火中的一對雞兒那個年代,學音樂是有錢人家的專利,對音樂有天份又有抱負的黃友棣,不敢明說,只能暗戀。 |
Women in increasing numbers are entering many fields of their country's industrializing society where men long held monopolies. There are women judges, and legislators at all levels (national, provincial and local) in the Republic of China. | 主要的原因是由於社會結構的轉變,以及教育程度的提高,使得更多的婦女離開廚房,加入這個邁進工業化的社會,從事各行各業;使得各行各業中,普遍出現出類拔萃的女性。這種情況以教育界最為顯著,在政治方面則有大法官、立法委員、監察委員、國大代表、省市與縣市議員。 |
Women also are working to promote the welfare of the larger society in industry, business, trade, architecture, literature, fine arts, medicine, nursing, social work, day care service, dress design, music and sports. | 至於在工商貿易、建築工程、文學藝術、醫藥護理、社會福利、托兒育嬰、服裝設計、音樂體育等範圍之內,到處都有女性工作人員,勤奮努力地為廣大的人群服務。 |
Among college graduates in 1955 were over 1,000 males and over 200 females. | 專科畢業人數,民國四十四年,男生一千多人,女生一百多人;六十一年時,男生一萬五千多人,女生一萬多人。 |
Only 1,000,000 women were employed in 1964-65. But in 1971-73 working women reached 1,830,000. | 在統計中顯示:民國五十三、四年,婦女就業人數隻有一百萬人,到了民國六十至六十二年就業人數就達到一百八十三萬人。在這些人中間,雇主有一千多人,自營業有二十一萬九千人,協助工作者有六十一萬九千人,受雇者有一百萬人,其中在工廠者有八十三萬人,政府機構工作者十七萬人。 |
Several international women's organizations were established in Taiwan in the past two decades among them Taipei International Women's Club, Taipei Zonta Club and Business and Professional Women's Club. | 近十年來,國際性的婦女團體也先後在台灣成立,如國際婦女會、國際崇她社、泛太平洋婦女協會中華民國分會、國際職業婦女協會等。 |
In boxing, there are the "northern" and "southern" schools, as well as the "in" and "out" styles. | 在「拳術」中有南派及北派之分,又有內家外家之別;「兵杖」中則有劍、槍、棍、刀各法,皆有所本。 |
In 1949, with the change of government in China, Hong Kong became a prime gathering place for refugees. | 民國 38 年,大陸變色,香港立刻變成難民集中地。 |
Bamboo can be found everywhere in Taiwan. | 若干賢達,皆採用「竹」來標明其處所,以喻其行止操守,高風亮節,從而表達其人格的高潔。 |
The composer of this universally recognizable melody is none other than the renowned composer Huang Yau-tai, who has in his own life lived through the history of the Republic of China. | 而這首家喻戶曉歌曲的作曲者,正是與民國同歲、即將歡度 95 歲大壽的音樂大師──黃友棣。 |
Huang is not only a songwriter, but also a performer, educator, and a man of letters, someone who has strived his whole life long to bring music into his daily life. Huang has composed a vast corpus of easily accessible choral works, which has resulted in the popularization of art songs and the refinement of folk music. His works not only invite the audience's appreciation, but also their participation. | 他不僅是一位作曲家,同時亦是演奏家、教育家及文學家,他一生致力於「音樂生活化」,創造出大量易唱易懂的合唱曲,使藝術歌曲大眾化、民間歌曲高貴化,讓人們不僅欣賞,且能參與。 |
Impoverished childhood, solitary life Huang was born on January 14, 1912 in Gaoyao County, Guangdong Province, as the sixth of seven siblings. | 窘困童年,「孤佬」一生黃友棣 1912 年 1 月 14 日生於廣東省高要縣,有 7 個兄弟姊妹,他排行老 6。 |
His grandfather was a government official, and both his father and mother had grown up in educated households with extensive library collections. | 祖父曾擔任官職,父母都出身書香門第,家裡藏書甚多。 |
Many dragons can be found in folk arts, such as: 1. Covered-bowl of the Ming dynasty; 2. Stem-bowl of the Ming, 3. Lacquer plate of Ming; 4. | 在民間和歷史藝術上所表現的龍有:1. 明趕珠龍合;2. 寺廟龍柱;3. 明雙龍戲珠高足;4. 清描紅蓋罐;5. 明雙龍雕漆長方盤;6. 屋脊龍飾;7. 清青花雲龍缽;8. 明雕漆九龍圓盤。 |
Excavation of this tunnel, 2,685 meters in length, will require a year to complete, even for such a worker as Big John. | 崇德隧道全長兩千六百八十五公尺。工程進行順利,預計一年可能完工。 |
A rally marking the 1976 World Freedom Day was held in Taipei at the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall on January 23. | 六十五年世界自由日大會,一月廿三日上午在台北市國父紀念館隆重舉行。 |
President C. K. Yen delivered the keynote speech, calling for unity in the anti-Communist cause. | 嚴總統在大會中指出:我們願擴大結合世界自由力量,貫徹「為自由而反共」、「為反共而團結」的崇高目標,為增進人類福祉,奠定世界和平,添寫光輝的新頁。 |
When Huang was 11, invading armies came to vie for dominance in the territory. Huang's house was commandeered by soldiers, who not only looted it but also used it as a base from which to launch attacks. | 黃友棣 11 歲那年,碰上軍閥爭奪地盤,黃家的房子被軍隊強佔,除了大肆搜刮,還被當成戰場對外開火。 |
The earth comes from nearby hills and is transported by an elevated system of moving belts. This is the first use of continuous belt transportation in Taiwan. Suao will supplement Keelung harbor. | 但因蘇澳港碼頭及施工用地,必須以填海方式取得,工程人員乃研究出一種高架巨型輸送帶,將附近山頭取挖出的土,利用空中運輸,從事「移山填海」的工程。 |
Not only was food in short supply there, but Huang's family was also cruelly mistreated by members of that household. Situations such as being unable to pay his tuition on time, as well as various other sufferings, gave Huang feelings of low self-esteem. But deep down inside, he was still filled with a strong sense of his own dignity. | 住在大姊家,不但吃住簡陋,還飽受大姊家人的冷落虐待,學費也一拖再拖,種種苦悶,造成黃友棣自卑、自憐的心理,但內心又充滿了強烈的自尊。 |
Some 100,000 hectares of land (about 250,000 acres) grows sugarcane in Taiwan. | 台灣地居亞熱帶,適合甘蔗生長,每年約有十萬公頃土地用來種植甘蔗供應製糖。 |
The Corporation provides loans, subsidies, and technical assistance to improve sugarcane farmers 'income and lives, and to stimulate production in one of the Republic of China's greatest industries. | 台糖公司為了達成每年生產計畫,提高蔗農種植甘蔗興趣,除了實施分糖辦法外,並且建立平準基金制度,辦理農貸與肥貸,給予技術指導,運用代耕服務,及提供各種獎助增加蔗農收入,安定蔗農的生活。 |
Taiwan Sugar Corporation, a government enterprise that is responsible for all the production of sugar in the Republic of China, also has contributed to the improvement of agricultural production techniques and farm mechanization. The annual production of refined sugar is between 800,000 and 900,000 metric tons. Annual exports are 500,000 to 600,000 metric tons. | 特別是負責這項工業的台灣糖業公司在農業技術方面的改良與成就,如農耕機械化、水土保持、開發地下水、施用殺草劑、培育優良豬種等不斷推廣到農村,對於促進台灣農業技術進步及農業現代化,也有不可磨滅的貢獻。 |
Taiwan Sugar Corporation continues to improve the techniques of growing sugar cane and producing refined sugar. It is also engaged in various other types of related enterprise to make full use of one of the nation's major crops. | 我國目前國民之年砂糖消費量為十八點八公斤。台灣的糖,除了若干小規模產量有限的赤糖廠外,白糖的製造全部由台糖公司統一經營,每年的十一月到次年的五月是該公司各糖廠工作繁忙的季節。 |
More education for women has raised their social status in the Republic of China. The rapid development of the mass media of communications also has enabled many women to learn more about their country and the world even without higher education. | 我國婦女的社會地位日益提高,即使是沒有受過高等教育的婦女,在發達的大眾傳播媒介的影響下,她們的知識也比十年或二十年前的婦女大為提高。 |
Female graduates of secondary schools increased about 20 times from 1950 to 1973, while the male increase was around 15 times in the same period. | 例如:中等學校畢業人數,民國六十二年比民國三十九年,男女生增加約十五倍左右,女生增加約二十倍左右。 |
In 1972, the figures stood at more than 10,000 males and 7,000 females. | 大專畢業人數,四十四年時,男生一千多人,女生兩百多人;六十一年時,男生一萬多人,女生七千多人。 |
Shortly thereafter, one of the chickens, a hen, unexpectedly laid an egg, which fell out of the cage and cracked on top of the old man's head in an ooze of yellow and white. | 這顆蛋從雞籠的疏格中掉下來,正巧打在老人的頭上,弄得他滿頭黃白漿液。 |
The azalea's mournful beauty In 1941, the fourth year of the Sino-Japanese war, Fang Chien-peng, then a fourth-year philosophy student at Sun Yat-sen University, gave Huang a few of his poems. One was entitled "Azaleas," a piece that captured the feelings of young lovers during that era. | 淒美的「杜鵑花」民國 30 年,抗戰進入第 4 年,中山大學哲學系 4 年級學生方健鵬,寄了幾首小詩給黃友棣,其中一首「杜鵑花」,很能代表大時代中小兒女的感情。 |
To meet increasing needs, a Mechanized Parcel Post Processing Center now handles packages in Taipei. | 包裹業務是郵政經營項目之一,由於郵局機構普遍,又繫投遞到戶,故任何人交寄郵政包裹,無論是繁華都市或者是窮鄉僻壤,都可以順利送達。 |
Because of the far-reaching availability of postal establishments and home delivery service in Taiwan, parcel post service has expanded significantly, particularly for mailing small items of clothes, food, gifts, tools, sample goods and drugs. | 對於小件物品如衣服、食品、禮物、工具、貨樣、藥品等最為合宜。每年收寄包裹的數字甚大。因此,郵政總局為適應社會各界需要,特別興建北部包裹機構處理中心,並且在全區各地郵局創辦封裝服務,以加強包裹郵遞速率。 |
Huang says, "War is tragic enough in itself, and I did not want to simply reduce people to tears. I wanted to convey hope, so I wrote 'Azaleas' as a joyful song about the beauty of a fresh March day." | 「但是,戰爭已經夠悲慘了,我不想讓人成天哭哭啼啼,我要帶給大家一個美好的希望,所以把『杜鵑花』寫成快樂的歌,淡淡的三月天,多美麗啊……」。 |
These include evening post offices in Taipei and Kaohsiung, packing and sealing services, prompt delivery, stamp collection centers, the establishment of a postal museum and the sponsorship of postage stamp exhibitions. | 目前,郵政當局為配合國內工商各業的發展,除了分別在台北及高雄兩地,設立夜間郵局各一所外,並且加強窗口服務,封裝服務,限時專送郵件,設立集郵中心,郵政博物館舉辦郵票展覽,並為公眾提供最佳的服務。 |
As early as the Han dynasty (206 B.C. - 220 A.D.), popular entertainment in China already included a wide variety of juggling, tumbling and magic acts. | 事實上、早在我國秦漢時期,每逢節慶,京師鬧市即有民間技藝團體的演出,內容豐富,所謂是「百戲雜陳」。 |
Such entertainment as dragon dances, lion dances, rope walking, walking on stilts, sword-swallowing, fire-spitting and braving a sharp sword with one's bare chest all had their origins in different periods of Chinese history. | 根據後漢張衡「兩京賦」的記載,漢朝的技藝有「曼衍」、「尋橦」、「跳丸」、「扛鼎」、「衝狹」、「燕濯」、「角觝」等等,也就是今天的舞龍舞獅,走索踩蹺、吞刀吐火,胸突銛鋒。 |
The upper class in British-ruled Hong Kong tended to gravitate toward the culture of Europe and America. Ordinary people, meanwhile, tended to listen to Cantonese operas. | 原本屬於英國殖民地的香港,上流社會只支持歐美文化,一般市民聽的則是廣東大戲。 |
"Forgetting" took the most time to compose, and is a piece that rivals "Azaleas" in its popularity. | 其中「遺忘」是黃友棣作品中,耗時最久的一首,受人注目的程度不亞於「杜鵑花」。 |
Wildfires are burning on the other shore, a bitter wind stirs the tree branches. All night I walk along the bank, only in order to forget. | 隔岸的野火在燒,冷風裡樹枝在搖;我終夜躑躅堤上,只為追尋遺忘。 |
But you are like a star in the sky, burning and consuming me all through the night. " | 但是你呀,卻似天上的星光,終夜繞著我,終夜繞著我,終夜繞著我,徜徉。」 |
Chung and Huang made their acquaintance in 1952, when Huang accepted an invitation to travel from Hong Kong to Taiwan for a concert. When he learned that Chung loved to sing, Huang asked if she would write a few lines of romantic verse that he could set to music, and thus augment his supply of working material. | 鍾梅音與黃友棣結識於民國 41 年,黃友棣應邀從香港來台灣舉辦音樂會,得知鍾梅音愛唱歌,黃友棣期望她寫一些抒情歌詞來譜曲,以充實教材。 |
Some say its gracefulness in breezes and its beauty against the background of blue skies or silver moon can cleanse one's soul and drive away worries. | 一年四季,寒暑交替,而枝不改,葉不落,蒼翠欲滴,風華絕代;既體態溫婉,又仙風道骨,無畏於寒霜,無懼於風雨;其拂雲篩月之情,足令人忘憂滌慮,其迎風帶露之趣,足堪卷楮寄興。 |
Chiaotou's Chiang Yao-hsien is a case in point. | 在橋頭,一路從青澀學生走到不惑之年的蔣耀賢,就是這樣一位靈魂人物。 |
Huang says this musical strategy was designed to reveal the true nature of the love described in the song. | 黃友棣說,這是用樂聲洩露真情的設計。 |
The data in this dataset are collected from the Corpus of Contemporary Taiwanese Mandarin (COCT), mostly contributed by the Taiwan Panorama magazine.