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Copy HuggingChat

The config file for HuggingChat is stored in the chart/env/prod.yaml file. It is the source of truth for the environment variables used for our CI/CD pipeline. For HuggingChat, as we need to customize the app color, as well as the base path, we build a custom docker image. You can find the workflow here.

If you want to make changes to the model config used in production for HuggingChat, you should do so against chart/env/prod.yaml.

Running a copy of HuggingChat locally

If you want to run an exact copy of HuggingChat locally, you will need to do the following first:

  1. Create an OAuth App on the hub with openid profile email permissions. Make sure to set the callback URL to something like http://localhost:5173/chat/login/callback which matches the right path for your local instance.
  2. Create a HF Token with your Hugging Face account. You will need a Pro account to be able to access some of the larger models available through HuggingChat.
  3. Create a free account with (you will get 2500 free search queries)
  4. Run an instance of MongoDB, however you want. (Local or remote)

You can then create a new .env.SECRET_CONFIG file with the following content

MONGODB_URL=<link to your mongo DB from step 4>
HF_TOKEN=<your HF token from step 2>
  CLIENT_ID: "<your client ID from step 1>",
  CLIENT_SECRET: "<your client secret from step 1>",
SERPER_API_KEY=<your serper API key from step 3>
MESSAGES_BEFORE_LOGIN=<can be any numerical value, or set to 0 to require login>

You can then run npm run updateLocalEnv in the root of chat-ui. This will create a .env.local file which combines the chart/env/prod.yaml and the .env.SECRET_CONFIG file. You can then run npm run dev to start your local instance of HuggingChat.

Populate database

The MONGODB_URL used for this script will be fetched from .env.local. Make sure it's correct! The command runs directly on the database.

You can populate the database using faker data using the populate script:

npm run populate <flags here>

At least one flag must be specified, the following flags are available:

  • reset - resets the database
  • all - populates all tables
  • users - populates the users table
  • settings - populates the settings table for existing users
  • assistants - populates the assistants table for existing users
  • conversations - populates the conversations table for existing users

For example, you could use it like so:

npm run populate reset

to clear out the database. Then login in the app to create your user and run the following command:

npm run populate users settings assistants conversations

to populate the database with fake data, including fake conversations and assistants for your user.