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0704.0909 | Sara Azzali | L^2 rho form for normal coverings of fibre bundles | We define the secondary invariants L^2- eta and -rho forms for families of
generalized Dirac operators on normal coverings of fibre bundles. On the
covering family we assume transversally smooth spectral projections, and
Novikov--Shubin invariants bigger than 3(dim B+1) to treat the large time
asymptotic for general operators. In the particular case of a bundle of spin
manifolds, we study the L^2- rho class in relation to the space of positive
scalar curvature vertical metrics.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0909v2 [math.GT] 5 Sep 2010L2-RHO FORM FOR NORMAL COVERINGS OF FIBRE BUNDLES
Abstract. We define the secondary invariants L2-eta and -rho forms for families
of generalized Dirac operators on normal coverings of fibre b undles. On the cover-
ing family we assume transversally s |
0704.0910 | Efton Park and Jody Trout | On the Nonexistence of Nontrivial Involutive n-Homomorphisms of
C*-algebras | An n-homomorphism between algebras is a linear map $\phi : A \to B$ such that
$\phi(a_1 ... a_n) = \phi(a_1)... \phi(a_n)$ for all elements $a_1, >..., a_n
\in A.$ Every homomorphism is an n-homomorphism, for all n >= 2, but the
converse is false, in general. Hejazian et al. [7] ask: Is every *-preserving
n-homomorphism between C*-algebras continuous? We answer their question in the
affirmative, but the even and odd n arguments are surprisingly disjoint. We
then use these results to prove stronger ones: If n >2 is even, then $\phi$ is
just an ordinary *-homomorphism. If n >= 3 is odd, then $\phi$ is a difference
of two orthogonal *-homomorphisms. Thus, there are no nontrivial *-linear
n-homomorphisms between C*-algebras.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0910v3 [math.OA] 27 Sep 2007TRANSACTIONS OF THE
Volume 00, Number 0, Pages 000–000
S 0002-9947(XX)0000-0
Abstract. Ann-homomorphism between algebras is a l |
0704.0911 | Debra Meloy Elmegreen (1), Bruce G. Elmegreen (2), Thomas Ferguson
(1), Brendan Mullan (1,3) ((1) Vassar College, (2) IBM T.J. Watson Research
Center, (3) Colgate University) | Smooth and Starburst Tidal Tails in the GEMS and GOODS Fields | GEMS and GOODS fields were examined to z~1.4 for galaxy interactions and
mergers. The basic morphologies are familiar: antennae with long tidal tails,
tidal dwarfs, and merged cores; M51-type galaxies with disk spirals and tidal
arm companions; early-type galaxies with diffuse plumes; equal-mass
grazing-collisions; and thick J-shaped tails beaded with star formation and
double cores. One type is not common locally and is apparently a loose
assemblage of smaller galaxies. Photometric measurements were made of the tails
and clumps, and physical sizes were determined assuming photometric redshifts.
Antennae tails are a factor of ~3 smaller in GEMS and GOODS systems compared to
local antennae; their disks are a factor of ~2 smaller than locally. Collisions
among early type galaxies generally show no fine structure in their tails,
indicating that stellar debris is usually not unstable. One exception has a
5x10**9 Msun smooth red clump that could be a pure stellar condensation. Most
tidal dwarfs are blue and probably form by gravitational instabilities in the
gas. One tidal dwarf looks like it existed previously and was incorporated into
the arm tip by tidal forces. The star-forming regions in tidal arms are 10 to
1000 times more massive than star complexes in local galaxies, although their
separations are about the same. If they all form by gravitational
instabilities, then the gaseous velocity dispersions in interacting galaxies
have to be larger than in local galaxies by a factor of ~5 or more; the gas
column densities have to be larger by the square of this factor.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0911v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Smooth and Starburst Tidal Tails in the GEMS and GOODS
Debra Meloy Elmegreen
Vassar College, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Box 745, Pough keepsie, NY 12604;
[email protected]
Bruce G. Elmegreen
IBM Research Division, T.J. Watson Research Center, P.O |
0704.0912 | Martin M. Boyd, Tanya Zelevinsky, Andrew D. Ludlow, Sebastian Blatt,
Thomas Zanon-Willette, Seth M. Foreman and Jun Ye | Nuclear Spin Effects in Optical Lattice Clocks | We present a detailed experimental and theoretical study of the effect of
nuclear spin on the performance of optical lattice clocks. With a state-mixing
theory including spin-orbit and hyperfine interactions, we describe the origin
of the $^1S_0$-$^3P_0$ clock transition and the differential g-factor between
the two clock states for alkaline-earth(-like) atoms, using $^{87}$Sr as an
example. Clock frequency shifts due to magnetic and optical fields are
discussed with an emphasis on those relating to nuclear structure. An
experimental determination of the differential g-factor in $^{87}$Sr is
performed and is in good agreement with theory. The magnitude of the tensor
light shift on the clock states is also explored experimentally. State specific
measurements with controlled nuclear spin polarization are discussed as a
method to reduce the nuclear spin-related systematic effects to below
10$^{-17}$ in lattice clocks.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0912v2 [physics.atom-ph] 10 Jul 2007Nuclear Spin Effects in Optical Lattice Clocks
Martin M. Boyd, Tanya Zelevinsky, Andrew D. Ludlow, Sebastian
Blatt, Thomas Zanon-Willette, Seth M. Foreman, and Jun Ye
JILA, National Institute of Standards and Technology and Un iversity of Colorado,
Dep |
0704.0913 | Zhihong Lu, P. B. Visscher, and W. H. Butler | Domain wall switching: optimizing the energy landscape | It has recently been suggested that exchange spring media offer a way to
increase media density without causing thermal instability
(superparamagnetism), by using a hard and a soft layer coupled by exchange.
Victora has suggested a figure of merit xi = 2 E_b/mu_0 m_s H_sw, the ratio of
the energy barrier to that of a Stoner-Wohlfarth system with the same switching
field, which is 1 for a Stoner-Wohlfarth (coherently switching) particle and 2
for an optimal two-layer composite medium. A number of theoretical approaches
have been used for this problem (e.g., various numbers of coupled
Stoner-Wohlfarth layers and continuum micromagnetics). In this paper we show
that many of these approaches can be regarded as special cases or
approximations to a variational formulation of the problem, in which the energy
is minimized for fixed magnetization. The results can be easily visualized in
terms of a plot of the energy as a function of magnetic moment m_z, in which
both the switching field [the maximum slope of E(m_z)] and the stability
(determined by the energy barrier E_b) are geometrically visible. In this
formulation we can prove a rigorous limit on the figure of merit xi, which can
be no higher than 4. We also show that a quadratic anistropy suggested by Suess
et al comes very close to this limit.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0913v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 6 Apr 2007Domain wall switching: optimizing the energy
Zhihong Lu
MINT Center and Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa AL 35487-0209
Email: [email protected]
P. B. Visscher
MINT Center and Department of Physics and Ast |
0704.0914 | Allan Greenleaf, Yaroslav Kurylev, Matti Lassas and Gunther Uhlmann | Electromagnetic wormholes via handlebody constructions | Cloaking devices are prescriptions of electrostatic, optical or
electromagnetic parameter fields (conductivity $\sigma(x)$, index of refraction
$n(x)$, or electric permittivity $\epsilon(x)$ and magnetic permeability
$\mu(x)$) which are piecewise smooth on $\mathbb R^3$ and singular on a
hypersurface $\Sigma$, and such that objects in the region enclosed by $\Sigma$
are not detectable to external observation by waves. Here, we give related
constructions of invisible tunnels, which allow electromagnetic waves to pass
between possibly distant points, but with only the ends of the tunnels visible
to electromagnetic imaging. Effectively, these change the topology of space
with respect to solutions of Maxwell's equations, corresponding to attaching a
handlebody to $\mathbb R^3$. The resulting devices thus function as
electromagnetic wormholes.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0914v1 [math.AP] 6 Apr 2007Electromagnetic wormholes via
handlebody constructions
Allan Greenleaf, Yaroslav Kurylev,
Matti Lassas and Gunther Uhlmann∗
Cloaking devices are prescriptions of electrostatic, opti cal or elec-
tromagnetic parameter fields (conductivity σ(x), index of |
0704.0915 | S. Noda, K. Hasegawa, H. Sugime, K. Kakehi, Z. Zhang, S. Maruyama, Y.
Yamaguchi | Millimeter-Thick Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Forests: Hidden Role of
Catalyst Support | A parametric study of so-called "super growth" of single-walled carbon
nanotubes(SWNTs) was done by using combinatorial libraries of iron/aluminum
oxide catalysts. Millimeter-thick forests of nanotubes grew within 10 min, and
those grown by using catalysts with a thin Fe layer (about 0.5 nm) were SWNTs.
Although nanotube forests grew under a wide range of reaction conditions such
as gas composition and temperature, the window for SWNT was narrow. Fe
catalysts rapidly grew nanotubes only when supported on aluminum oxide.
Aluminum oxide, which is a well-known catalyst in hydrocarbon reforming, plays
an essential role in enhancing the nanotube growth rates.
| What is the title of this paper? Millimeter-Thick Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Forests:
Hidden Role of Catalyst Support
Suguru Noda1*, Kei Hasegawa1, Hisashi Sugime1, Kazunori Kakehi1,
Zhengyi Zhang2, Shigeo Maruyama2 and Yukio Yamaguchi1
1Department of Chemical System Engineering, School of Engineering, The University
of Tokyo |
0704.0916 | A.V. Voinov, S.M. Grimes, C.R. Brune, M.J. Hornish, T.N. Massey, A.
Salas | Test of nuclear level density inputs for Hauser-Feshbach model
calculations | The energy spectra of neutrons, protons, and alpha-particles have been
measured from the d+59Co and 3He+58Fe reactions leading to the same compound
nucleus, 61$Ni. The experimental cross sections have been compared to
Hauser-Feshbach model calculations using different input level density models.
None of them have been found to agree with experiment. It manifests the serious
problem with available level density parameterizations especially those based
on neutron resonance spacings and density of discrete levels. New level
densities and corresponding Fermi-gas parameters have been obtained for
reaction product nuclei such as 60Ni,60Co, and 57Fe.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0916v2 [nucl-ex] 11 Jul 2007Test of nuclear level density inputs for Hauser-Feshbach mo del calculations
1A.V. Voinov∗,1S.M. Grimes,1C.R. Brune,1M.J. Hornish,1T.N. Massey,1,2A. Salas
1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ohio University, Athe ns, OH 45701, USA and
2Los-Alamos National L |
0704.0917 | Dominique Naef, Michel Mayor, Willy Benz, Francois Bouchy, Gaspare Lo
Curto, Christophe Lovis, Claire Moutou, Francesco Pepe, Didier Queloz, Nuno
C. Santos and Stephane Udry | The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets. IX. Exoplanets
orbiting HD 100777, HD 190647, and HD 221287 | The HARPS high-resolution high-accuracy spectrograph is offered to the
astronomical community since the second half of 2003. Since then, we have been
using this instrument for monitoring radial velocities of a large sample of
Solar-type stars (~1400 stars) in order to search for their possible low-mass
companions. Amongst the goals of our survey, one is to significantly increase
the number of detected extra-solar planets in a volume-limited sample to
improve our knowledge of their orbital elements distributions and thus obtain
better constraints for planet-formation models.
In this paper, we present the HARPS radial-velocity data and orbital
solutions for 3 Solar-type stars: HD 100777, HD 190647, and HD 221287. The
radial-velocity data of HD 100777 is best explained by the presence of a 1.1
M_Jup planetary companion on a 384--day eccentric orbit (e=0.36). The orbital
fit obtained for the slightly evolved star HD 190647 reveals the presence of a
long-period (P=1038 d) 1.9 M_Jup planetary companion on a moderately eccentric
orbit (e=0.18). HD 221287 is hosting a 3.1 M_Jup planet on a 456--day orbit.
The shape of this orbit is not very well constrained because of our non-optimal
temporal coverage and because of the presence of abnormally large residuals. We
find clues for these large residuals to result from spectral line profile
variations probably induced by stellar activity related processes.
| What is the title of this paper? Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. dnaef˙7361˙final c
ESO 2021
August 29, 2021
The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets.
IX. Exoplanets orbiting HD 100777, HD 190647, and HD 221287?
D. Naef1;2, M. Mayor2, W. Benz3, F. Bouchy4, G. Lo Curto1, C. Lovis2, C. Moutou5, F. Pepe2, D. Queloz2,
N |
0704.0918 | Seth Sullivant | Algebraic geometry of Gaussian Bayesian networks | Conditional independence models in the Gaussian case are algebraic varieties
in the cone of positive definite covariance matrices. We study these varieties
in the case of Bayesian networks, with a view towards generalizing the
recursive factorization theorem to situations with hidden variables. In the
case when the underlying graph is a tree, we show that the vanishing ideal of
the model is generated by the conditional independence statements implied by
graph. We also show that the ideal of any Bayesian network is homogeneous with
respect to a multigrading induced by a collection of upstream random variables.
This has a number of important consequences for hidden variable models.
Finally, we relate the ideals of Bayesian networks to a number of classical
constructions in algebraic geometry including toric degenerations of the
Grassmannian, matrix Schubert varieties, and secant varieties.
Abstract. Conditional independence models in the Gaussian case are algebraic varieties in the
cone of positive denite covariance matrices. We study these varieties in the case of Bayesian
networks, with a view towards generalizing the |
0704.0919 | Oleksandr Zelyak, Ganpathy Murthy, Igor Rozhkov | Interactions, superconducting $T_c$, and fluctuation magnetization for
two coupled dots in the crossover between the Gaussian Orthogonal and Unitary
ensembles | We study a system of two quantum dots connected by a hopping bridge. Both the
dots and connecting region are assumed to be in universal crossover regimes
between Gaussian Orthogonal and Unitary ensembles. Using a diagrammatic
approach appropriate for energy separations much larger than the level spacing
we obtain the ensemble-averaged one- and two-particle Green's functions. It
turns out that the diffuson and cooperon parts of the two-particle Green's
function can be described by separate scaling functions. We then use this
information to investigate a model interacting system in which one dot has an
attractive s-wave reduced Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer interaction, while the
other is noninteracting but subject to an orbital magnetic field. We find that
the critical temperature is {\it nonmonotonic} in the flux through the second
dot in a certain regime of interdot coupling. Likewise, the fluctuation
magnetization above the critical temperature is also nonmonotonic in this
regime, can be either diamagnetic or paramagnetic, and can be deduced from the
cooperon scaling function.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0919v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 6 Apr 2007Interactions, superconducting Tc, and fluctuation magnetization
for two coupled dots in the crossover between the Gaussian
Orthogonal and Unitary ensembles
Oleksandr Zelyak∗and Ganpathy Murthy†
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Kentuc |
0704.0920 | L.V. Grigorenko, M.V. Zhukov | Two-proton radioactivity and three-body decay. III. Integral formulae
for decay widths in a simplified semianalytical approach | Three-body decays of resonant states are studied using integral formulae for
decay widths. Theoretical approach with a simplified Hamiltonian allows
semianalytical treatment of the problem. The model is applied to decays of the
first excited $3/2^{-}$ state of $^{17}$Ne and the $3/2^{-}$ ground state of
$^{45}$Fe. The convergence of three-body hyperspherical model calculations to
the exact result for widths and energy distributions are studied. The
theoretical results for $^{17}$Ne and $^{45}$Fe decays are updated and
uncertainties of the derived values are discussed in detail. Correlations for
the decay of $^{17}$Ne $3/2^-$ state are also studied.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0920v1 [nucl-th] 6 Apr 2007Two-proton radioactivity and three-body decay. III. Integ ral formulae for decay
widths in a simplified semianalytical approach.
L. V. Grigorenko1,2,3and M. V. Zhukov4
1Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINR, RU-141980 Du bna, Russia
2Gesellschaft f¨ ur S |
0704.0921 | A. P. Balachandran, S. G. Jo | Z^0 \to 2\gamma and the Twisted Coproduct of the Poincar\'{e} Group | Yang's theorem forbids the process $Z^0 \to 2\gamma$ in any Poincar\'{e}
invariant theory if photons are bosons and their two-particle states transform
under the Poincar\'{e} group in the standard way (under the standard coproduct
of the Poincar\'{e} group). This is an important result as it does not depend
on the assumptions of quantum field theory. Recent work on noncommutative
geometry requires deforming the above coproduct by the Drinfel'd twist. We
prove that $Z^0 \to 2\gamma$ is forbidden for the twisted coproduct as well.
This result is also independent of the assumptions of quantum field theory. As
an illustration of the use of our general formulae, we further show that $Z^0
\to \nu + \nu$ is forbidden for the standard or twisted coproduct of the
Poincar\'{e} group if the neutrino is massless, even if lepton number is not
conserved. This is a special case of our general result that a massive particle
of spin $j$ cannot decay into two identical massless particles of the same
helicity if $j$ is odd, regardless of the coproduct used.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0921v5 [hep-th] 1 Nov 2007SU-4252-849
October 27, 2018
Z0→2γand the Twisted Coproduct of the Poincar´ e Group
A. P. Balachandran1
Department of Physics, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 1 3244-1130, USA.
S. G. Jo2
Department of Physics, Kyungpook National University, Dae gu, 702-701, K |
0704.0922 | Quang-Cuong Pham (LPPA, College de France) | A variation of Gronwall's lemma | We prove a variation of Gronwall's lemma.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0922v3 [math.CA] 9 Jan 2009A variation of Gronwall’s lemma
Quang-Cuong Pham
LPPA, Coll` ege de France
Paris, France
[email protected]
October 23, 2018
We prove a variation of Gronwall’s lemma.
The formulationandproofofthe classical Gronwall’s lemma canbefou nd
in [1]. W |
0704.0923 | Steven J. Miller | When the Cramer-Rao Inequality provides no information | We investigate a one-parameter family of probability densities (related to
the Pareto distribution, which describes many natural phenomena) where the
Cramer-Rao inequality provides no information.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0923v1 [math.ST] 6 Apr 2007WHEN THE CRAM ´ER-RAO INEQUALITY PROVIDES NO INFORMATION
Abstract. We investigate a one-parameter family of probability densi ties (related to the
Pareto distribution, which describes many natural phenome na) where the Cram´ er-Rao inequal-
it |
0704.0924 | Steven J. Miller | Lower order terms in the 1-level density for families of holomorphic
cuspidal newforms | The Katz-Sarnak density conjecture states that, in the limit as the
conductors tend to infinity, the behavior of normalized zeros near the central
point of families of L-functions agree with the N -> oo scaling limits of
eigenvalues near 1 of subgroups of U(N). Evidence for this has been found for
many families by studying the n-level densities; for suitably restricted test
functions the main terms agree with random matrix theory. In particular, all
one-parameter families of elliptic curves with rank r over Q(T) and the same
distribution of signs of functional equations have the same limiting behavior.
We break this universality and find family dependent lower order correction
terms in many cases; these lower order terms have applications ranging from
excess rank to modeling the behavior of zeros near the central point, and
depend on the arithmetic of the family. We derive an alternate form of the
explicit formula for GL(2) L-functions which simplifies comparisons, replacing
sums over powers of Satake parameters by sums of the moments of the Fourier
coefficients lambda_f(p). Our formula highlights the differences that we expect
to exist from families whose Fourier coefficients obey different laws (for
example, we expect Sato-Tate to hold only for non-CM families of elliptic
curves). Further, by the work of Rosen and Silverman we expect lower order
biases to the Fourier coefficients in families of elliptic curves with rank
over Q(T); these biases can be seen in our expansions. We analyze several
families of elliptic curves and see different lower order corrections,
depending on whether or not the family has complex multiplication, a forced
torsion point, or non-zero rank over Q(T).
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0924v4 [math.NT] 14 Feb 2009LOWER ORDER TERMS IN THE 1-LEVEL DENSITY FOR FAMILIES OF
ABSTRACT . The Katz-Sarnak density conjecture states that, in the lim it as the analytic conductors
tend to infinity, the behavior of normalized zeros near t |
0704.0925 | A.T. Black, E. Gomez, L.D. Turner, S. Jung, P.D. Lett | Spinor Dynamics in an Antiferromagnetic Spin-1 Condensate | We observe coherent spin oscillations in an antiferromagnetic spin-1
Bose-Einstein condensate of sodium. The variation of the spin oscillations with
magnetic field shows a clear signature of nonlinearity, in agreement with
theory, which also predicts anharmonic oscillations near a critical magnetic
field. Measurements of the magnetic phase diagram agree with predictions made
in the approximation of a single spatial mode. The oscillation period yields
the best measurement to date of the sodium spin-dependent interaction
coefficient, determining that the difference between the sodium spin-dependent
s-wave scattering lengths $a_{f=2}-a_{f=0}$ is $2.47\pm0.27$ Bohr radii.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0925v2 [cond-mat.other] 13 Apr 2007Spinor Dynamics in an Antiferromagnetic Spin-1 Condensate
A. T. Black, E. Gomez, L. D. Turner, S. Jung, and P. D. Lett
Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland and
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersb urg, Maryland 20899
(Da |
0704.0926 | Q.-C. Pham, N. Tabareau, J.-J. Slotine | A Contraction Theory Approach to Stochastic Incremental Stability | We investigate the incremental stability properties of It\^o stochastic
dynamical systems. Specifically, we derive a stochastic version of nonlinear
contraction theory that provides a bound on the mean square distance between
any two trajectories of a stochastically contracting system. This bound can be
expressed as a function of the noise intensity and the contraction rate of the
noise-free system. We illustrate these results in the contexts of stochastic
nonlinear observers design and stochastic synchronization.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0926v2 [math.OC] 25 Jan 2008A Contraction Theory Approach to Stochastic
Incremental Stability
Quang-Cuong Pham∗
LPPA, Coll` ege de France
Paris, France
[email protected] Tabareau
LPPA, Coll` ege de France
Paris, France
[email protected]
Jean-Jacques Slotine
Nonli |
0704.0927 | Steven J. Miller | A Symplectic Test of the L-Functions Ratios Conjecture | Recently Conrey, Farmer and Zirnbauer conjectured formulas for the averages
over a family of ratios of products of shifted L-functions. Their L-functions
Ratios Conjecture predicts both the main and lower order terms for many
problems, ranging from n-level correlations and densities to mollifiers and
moments to vanishing at the central point. There are now many results showing
agreement between the main terms of number theory and random matrix theory;
however, there are very few families where the lower order terms are known.
These terms often depend on subtle arithmetic properties of the family, and
provide a way to break the universality of behavior. The L-functions Ratios
Conjecture provides a powerful and tractable way to predict these terms. We
test a specific case here, that of the 1-level density for the symplectic
family of quadratic Dirichlet characters arising from even fundamental
discriminants d \le X. For test functions supported in (-1/3, 1/3) we calculate
all the lower order terms up to size O(X^{-1/2+epsilon}) and observe perfect
agreement with the conjecture (for test functions supported in (-1, 1) we show
agreement up to errors of size O(X^{-epsilon}) for any epsilon). Thus for this
family and suitably restricted test functions, we completely verify the Ratios
Conjecture's prediction for the 1-level density.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0927v5 [math.NT] 20 Nov 2007A SYMPLECTIC TEST OF THE L-FUNCTIONS RATIOS CONJECTURE
ABSTRACT . Recently Conrey, Farmer and Zirnbauer [CFZ1, CFZ2] conjec tured for-
mulasfortheaveragesoverafamilyofratiosofproductsofs hiftedL-functions. Their
L-functionsRatios Conjecturepre |
0704.0928 | Luis Anchordoqui, Haim Goldberg, Satoshi Nawata, Carlos Nunez | Cosmology from String Theory | We explore the cosmological content of Salam-Sezgin six dimensional
supergravity, and find a solution to the field equations in qualitative
agreement with observation of distant supernovae, primordial nucleosynthesis
abundances, and recent measurements of the cosmic microwave background. The
carrier of the acceleration in the present de Sitter epoch is a quintessence
field slowly rolling down its exponential potential. Intrinsic to this model is
a second modulus which is automatically stabilized and acts as a source of cold
dark matter with a mass proportional to an exponential function of the
quintessence field (hence realizing VAMP models within a String context).
However, any attempt to saturate the present cold dark matter component in this
manner leads to unacceptable deviations from cosmological data -- a numerical
study reveals that this source can account for up to about 7% of the total cold
dark matter budget. We also show that (1) the model will support a de Sitter
energy in agreement with observation at the expense of a miniscule breaking of
supersymmetry in the compact space; (2) variations in the fine structure
constant are controlled by the stabilized modulus and are negligible; (3)
``fifth''forces are carried by the stabilized modulus and are short range; (4)
the long time behavior of the model in four dimensions is that of a
Robertson-Walker universe with a constant expansion rate (w = -1/3). Finally,
we present a String theory background by lifting our six dimensional
cosmological solution to ten dimensions.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0928v3 [hep-ph] 26 Oct 2007Cosmology from String Theory
Luis Anchordoqui,1Haim Goldberg,2Satoshi Nawata,1and Carlos Nu˜ nez3
1Department of Physics,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201
2Department of Physics,
Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115
3Department of Ph |
0704.0929 | Hyun Seok Yang | Noncommutative Electromagnetism As A Large N Gauge Theory | We map noncommutative (NC) U(1) gauge theory on R^d_C X R^{2n}_{NC} to U(N ->
\infty) Yang-Mills theory on R^d_C, where R^d_C is a d-dimensional commutative
spacetime while R^{2n}_{NC} is a 2n-dimensional NC space. The resulting U(N)
Yang-Mills theory on R^d_C is equivalent to that obtained by the dimensional
reduction of (d+2n)-dimensional U(N) Yang-Mills theory onto R^d_C. We show that
the gauge-Higgs system (A_\mu,\Phi^a) in the U(N -> \infty) Yang-Mills theory
on R^d_C leads to an emergent geometry in the (d+2n)-dimensional spacetime
whose metric was determined by Ward a long time ago. In particular, the
10-dimensional gravity for d=4 and n=3 corresponds to the emergent geometry
arising from the 4-dimensional N=4 vector multiplet in the AdS/CFT duality. We
further elucidate the emergent gravity by showing that the gauge-Higgs system
(A_\mu,\Phi^a) in half-BPS configurations describes self-dual Einstein gravity.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0929v3 [hep-th] 3 Aug 2009HU-EP-07/12
NoncommutativeElectromagnetismAsALarge NGaugeTheory
Hyun Seok Yang∗
Institutf¨ urPhysik,HumboldtUniversit¨ atzuBerlin
Newtonstraße15, D-12489Berlin, Germany
We map noncommutative (NC) U(1)gauge theory on IRd
NCtoU(N→ |
0704.0930 | Theodore Erler | Marginal Solutions for the Superstring | We construct a class of analytic solutions of WZW-type open superstring field
theory describing marginal deformations of a reference D-brane background. The
deformations we consider are generated by on-shell vertex operators with
vanishing operator products. The superstring solution exhibits an intriguing
duality with the corresponding marginal solution of the {\it bosonic} string.
In particular, the superstring problem is ``dual'' to the problem of
re-expressing the bosonic marginal solution in pure gauge form. This represents
the first nonsingular analytic solution of open superstring field theory.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0930v2 [hep-th] 17 Apr 2007August 14, 2018
Marginal Solutions for the Superstring
Theodore Erler
Harish-Chandra Research Institute
Chhatnag Road, Jhunsi, Allahabad 211019, India
E-mail:[email protected]
WeconstructaclassofanalyticsolutionsofWZW-typeopensupers tringfieldtheoryd |
0704.0931 | Anna Pasquali, Frank C. van den Bosch, Hans-Walter Rix (MPIA) | The Isophotal Structure of Early-Type Galaxies in the SDSS: Dependence
on AGN Activity and Environment | We study the dependence of the isophotal shape of early-type galaxies on
their absolute B-band magnitude, their dynamical mass, and their nuclear
activity and environment, using an unprecedented large sample of 847 early-type
galaxies identified in the SDSS by Hao et al (2006). We find that the fraction
of disky galaxies smoothly decreases with increasing luminosity. The large
sample allows us to describe these trends accurately with tight linear
relations that are statistically robust against the uncertainty in the
isophotal shape measurements. There is also a host of significant correlations
between the disky fraction and indicators of nuclear activity (both in the
optical and in the radio) and environment (soft X-rays, group mass, group
hierarchy). Our analysis shows however that these correlations can be
accurately matched by assuming that the disky fraction depends only on galaxy
luminosity or mass. We therefore conclude that neither the level of activity,
nor group mass or group hierarchy help in better predicting the isophotal shape
of early-type galaxies.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0931v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007To appear in ApJ
The Isophotal Structure of Early-Type Galaxies in the SDSS:
Dependence on AGN Activity and Environment.
Anna Pasquali, Frank C. van den Bosch and Hans-Walter Rix
Max-Planck-Institut f¨ ur Astronomie, K¨ onigstuhl 17, D-69 117 Heidelberg, Germ |
0704.0932 | Xi Kang, Frank C. van den Bosch, Anna Pasquali (MPIA) | On the Origin of the Dichotomy of Early-Type Galaxies: The Role of Dry
Mergers and AGN Feedback | Using a semi-analytical model for galaxy formation, combined with a large
N-body simulation, we investigate the origin of the dichotomy among early-type
galaxies. We find that boxy galaxies originate from mergers with a progenitor
mass ratio $n < 2$ and with a combined cold gas mass fraction $F_{\rm cold} <
0.1$. Our model accurately reproduces the observed fraction of boxy systems as
a function of luminosity and halo mass, for both central galaxies and
satellites. After correcting for the stellar mass dependence, the properties of
the last major merger of early-type galaxies are independent of their halo
mass. This provides theoretical support for the conjecture of Pasquali et al
(2007) that the stellar mass of an early-type galaxy is the main parameter that
governs its isophotal shape. We argue that the observed dichotomy of early-type
galaxies has a natural explanation within hierarchical structure formation, and
does not require AGN feedback. Rather, we argue that it owes to the fact that
more massive systems (i) have more massive progenitors, (ii) assemble later,
and (iii) have a larger fraction of early-type progenitors. Each of these three
trends causes the cold gas mass fraction of the progenitors of more massive
early-types to be lower, so that their last major merger was dryer. Finally,
our model predicts that (i) less than 10 percent of all early-type galaxies
form in major mergers that involve two early-type progenitors, (ii) more than
95 percent of all boxy early-type galaxies with $M_* < 2 \times 10^{10} h^{-1}
\Msun$ are satellite galaxies, and (iii) about 70 percent of all low mass
early-types do not form a supermassive black hole binary at their last major
merger. The latter may help to explain why low mass early-types have central
cusps, while their massive counterparts have cores.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0932v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1–13 (2000) Printed 28 August 2021 (MN L ATEX style file v1.4)
On the Origin of the Dichotomy of Early-Type Galaxies:
The Role of Dry Mergers and AGN Feedback
X. Kang1,2⋆, Frank C. van den Bosch1, A. Pasquali1
1Max-Planck-Institu |
0704.0933 | Fa Wang, Ashvin Vishwanath, Yong Baek Kim | Quantum and Classical Spins on the Spatially Distorted Kagome Lattice:
Applications to Volborthite | In Volborthite, spin-1/2 moments form a distorted Kagom\'e lattice, of corner
sharing isosceles triangles with exchange constants $J$ on two bonds and $J'$
on the third bond. We study the properties of such spin systems, and show that
despite the distortion, the lattice retains a great deal of frustration.
Although sub-extensive, the classical ground state degeneracy remains very
large, growing exponentially with the system perimeter. We consider degeneracy
lifting by thermal and quantum fluctuations. To linear (spin wave) order, the
degeneracy is found to stay intact. Two complementary approaches are therefore
introduced, appropriate to low and high temperatures, which point to the same
ordered pattern. In the low temperature limit, an effective chirality
Hamiltonian is derived from non-linear spin waves which predicts a transition
on increasing $J'/J$, from $\sqrt 3\times \sqrt 3$ type order to a new
ferrimagnetic {\em striped chirality} order with a doubled unit cell. This is
confirmed by a large-N approximation on the O($n$) model on this lattice. While
the saddle point solution produces a line degeneracy, $O(1/n)$ corrections
select the non-trivial wavevector of the striped chirality state. The quantum
limit of spin 1/2 on this lattice is studied via exact small system
diagonalization and compare well with experimental results at intermediate
temperatures. We suggest that the very low temperature spin frozen state seen
in NMR experiments may be related to the disconnected nature of classical
ground states on this lattice, which leads to a prediction for NMR line shapes.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0933v2 [cond-mat.str-el] 5 Sep 2007Quantum and Classical Spins on the Spatially Distorted Kago m´ e Lattice:
Applications to volborthite Cu 3V2O7(OH) 2·2 H2O
Fa Wang,1,2Ashvin Vishwanath,1,2and Yong Baek Kim3,4
1Material Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratori es, Berkeley, Cali |
0704.0934 | L.V. Grigorenko, M.V. Zhukov | Two-proton radioactivity and three-body decay. IV. Connection to
quasiclassical formulation | We derive quasiclassical expressions for the three-body decay width and
define the ``preexponential'' coefficients for them. The derivation is based on
the integral formulae for the three-body width obtained in the semianalytical
approach with simplified three-body Hamiltonian [L.V. Grigorenko and M.V.\
Zhukov, arXiv:0704.0920v1]. The model is applied to the decays of the first
excited $3/2^{-}$ state of $^{17}$Ne and $3/2^{-}$ ground state of $^{45}$Fe.
Various qualitative aspects of the model and relations with the other
simplified approaches to the three-body decays are discussed.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0934v1 [nucl-th] 6 Apr 2007Two-proton radioactivity and three-body decay. IV. Connec tion to quasiclassical
L. V. Grigorenko1,2,3and M. V. Zhukov4
1Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINR, RU-141980 Du bna, Russia
2Gesellschaft f¨ ur Schwerionenforschung mbH, Planckstr |
0704.0935 | Alexander Dementsov, Vladimir Privman | Percolation Modeling of Conductance of Self-Healing Composites | We explore the conductance of self-healing materials as a measure of the
material integrity in the regime of the onset of the initial fatigue. Continuum
effective-field modeling and lattice numerical simulations are reported. Our
results illustrate the general features of the self-healing process: The onset
of the material fatigue is delayed, by developing a plateau-like
time-dependence of the material quality. We demonstrate that in this low-damage
regime, the changes in the conductance and similar transport/response
properties of the material can be used as measures of the material quality
| What is the title of this paper? – 1 –
Percolation Modeling of Conductance of Self-Healing Composites
Alexander Dementsov and Vladimir Privman *
Center for Advanced Materials Processing, and
Department of Physics, Clarkson University,
Potsdam, New York 13699, USA
PACS: 62.20.Mk, 46.50.+a, 72.80.Tm
Key Wor |
0704.0936 | Yuji Okawa (DESY) | Analytic solutions for marginal deformations in open superstring field
theory | We extend the calculable analytic approach to marginal deformations recently
developed in open bosonic string field theory to open superstring field theory
formulated by Berkovits. We construct analytic solutions to all orders in the
deformation parameter when operator products made of the marginal operator and
the associated superconformal primary field are regular.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0936v3 [hep-th] 4 Sep 2007arXiv:0704.0936
DESY 07-047
Analytic solutions for marginal deformations
in open superstring field theory
Yuji Okawa
DESY Theory Group
Notkestrasse 85
22607 Hamburg, Germany
[email protected]
We extend the calculable analytic approach to marginal defor |
0704.0937 | Vyacheslav Boyko, Jiri Patera and Roman Popovych | Invariants of Triangular Lie Algebras | Triangular Lie algebras are the Lie algebras which can be faithfully
represented by triangular matrices of any finite size over the real/complex
number field. In the paper invariants ('generalized Casimir operators') are
found for three classes of Lie algebras, namely those which are either strictly
or non-strictly triangular, and for so-called special upper triangular Lie
algebras. Algebraic algorithm of [J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 2006, V.39, 5749;
math-ph/0602046], developed further in [J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 2007, V.40,
113; math-ph/0606045], is used to determine the invariants. A conjecture of [J.
Phys. A: Math. Gen., 2001, V.34, 9085], concerning the number of independent
invariants and their form, is corroborated.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0937v4 [math-ph] 26 Sep 2007Invariants of Triangular Lie Algebras
Vyacheslav Boyko†, Jiri Patera‡and Roman Popovych†§
†Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, 3 Tereshchenkiv s’ka Str., Kyiv-4, 01601 Ukraine
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
‡Centre de Recherches Math´ |
0704.0938 | Hui Wang, Kipton Barros, Harvey Gould and W. Klein | Approaching equilibrium and the distribution of clusters | We investigate the approach to stable and metastable equilibrium in Ising
models using a cluster representation. The distribution of nucleation times is
determined using the Metropolis algorithm and the corresponding $\phi^{4}$
model using Langevin dynamics. We find that the nucleation rate is suppressed
at early times even after global variables such as the magnetization and energy
have apparently reached their time independent values. The mean number of
clusters whose size is comparable to the size of the nucleating droplet becomes
time independent at about the same time that the nucleation rate reaches its
constant value. We also find subtle structural differences between the
nucleating droplets formed before and after apparent metastable equilibrium has
been established.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0938v4 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 4 Jul 2007Approaching equilibrium and the distribution of clusters
Hui Wang,1Kipton Barros,2Harvey Gould,1and W. Klein2
1Department of Physics, Clark University, Worcester, MA 016 10
2Department of Physics and the Center for Computational Scie nce,
Boston Uni |
0704.0939 | Giridhar Nandikotkur, Keith M. Jahoda, R. C. Hartman, R. Mukherjee, P.
Sreekumar, M. B\"ottcher, R. M. Sambruna, and Jean H. Swank | Does the Blazar Gamma-Ray Spectrum Harden with Increasing Flux? Analysis
of 9 Years of EGRET Data | The Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) on the Compton Gamma-Ray
Observatory (CGRO) discovered gamma-ray emission from more than 67 blazars
during its 9 yr lifetime. We conducted an exhaustive search of the EGRET
archives and selected all the blazars that were observed multiple times and
were bright enough to enable a spectral analysis using standard power-law
models. The sample consists of 18 flat-spectrum radio quasars(FSRQs), 6
low-frequency peaked BL Lac objects (LBLs) and 2 high-frequency peaked BL Lac
objects (HBLs). We do not detect any clear pattern in the variation of spectral
index with flux. Some of the blazars do not show any statistical evidence for
spectral variability. The spectrum hardens with increasing flux in a few cases.
There is also evidence for a flux-hardness anticorrelation at low fluxes in
five blazars. The well-observed blazars (3C 279, 3C 273, PKS 0528+134, PKS
1622-297 PKS 0208-512) do not show any overall trend in the long-term spectral
dependence on flux, but the sample shows a mixture of hard and soft states. We
observed a previously unreported spectral hysteresis at weekly timescales in
all three FSRQs for which data from flares lasting for ~(3-4) weeks were
available. All three sources show a counterclockwise rotation, despite the
widely different flux profiles. We analyze the observed spectral behavior in
the context of various inverse Compton mechanisms believed to be responsible
for emission in the EGRET energy range. Our analysis uses the EGRET skymaps
that were regenerated to include the changes in performance during the mission.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0939v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Accepted for publication in ApJ
Preprint typeset using L ATEX style emulateapj v. 08/22/09
Giridhar Nandikotkur1,2, Keith M. Jahoda2, R. C. Hartman2, R. M |
0704.0940 | Peter Orland | Glueball Masses in (2+1)-Dimensional Anisotropic Weakly-Coupled
Yang-Mills Theory | The confinement problem has been solved in the anisotropic (2+1)-dimensional
SU(N) Yang-Mills theory at weak coupling. In this paper, we find the low-lying
spectrum for N=2. The lightest excitations are pairs of fundamental particles
of the (1+1)-dimensional SU(2)XSU(2) principal chiral sigma model bound in a
linear potential, with a specified matching condition where the particles
overlap. This matching condition can be determined from the exactly-known
S-matrix for the sigma model.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0940v2 [hep-th] 12 Apr 2007NSF-KITP-07-57
Peter Orlanda.b.c.1
a. Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, The University of Califo rnia, Santa
Barbara, CA 93106, U.S.A.
b. Physics Program, |
0704.0941 | Rita Tojeiro (IfA, Edinburgh), Alan F. Heavens (IfA, Edinburgh), Raul
Jimenez (UPenn), Ben Panter (IfA, Edinburgh) | Recovering galaxy star formation and metallicity histories from spectra
using VESPA | We introduce VErsatile SPectral Analysis (VESPA): a new method which aims to
recover robust star formation and metallicity histories from galactic spectra.
VESPA uses the full spectral range to construct a galaxy history from synthetic
models. We investigate the use of an adaptative parametrization grid to recover
reliable star formation histories on a galaxy-by-galaxy basis. Our goal is
robustness as opposed to high resolution histories, and the method is designed
to return high time resolution only where the data demand it. In this paper we
detail the method and we present our findings when we apply VESPA to synthetic
and real Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopic data. We show that the
number of parameters that can be recovered from a spectrum depends strongly on
the signal-to-noise, wavelength coverage and presence or absence of a young
population. For a typical SDSS sample of galaxies, we can normally recover
between 2 to 5 stellar populations. We find very good agreement between VESPA
and our previous analysis of the SDSS sample with MOPED.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0941v2 [astro-ph] 6 Aug 2007Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 000–000 (0000) Printed 30 August 2021 (MN L ATEX style file v2.2)
Recovering galaxy star formation and metallicity historie s
from spectra using VESPA
R. Tojeiro⋆1, A. F. Heavens1, R. Jimenez2and B. Panter1
1Institute for Astrono |
0704.0942 | Laura DeMarco and Suzanne Lynch Hruska | Axiom A polynomial skew products of C^2 and their postcritical sets | A polynomial skew product of C^2 is a map of the form f(z,w) = (p(z),
q(z,w)), where p and q are polynomials, such that f is regular of degree d >=
2. For polynomial maps of C, hyperbolicity is equivalent to the condition that
the closure of the postcritical set is disjoint from the Julia set; further,
critical points either iterate to an attracting cycle or infinity. For
polynomial skew products, Jonsson (Math. Ann., 1999) established that f is
Axiom A if and only if the closure of the postcritical set is disjoint from the
right analog of the Julia set. Here we present the analogous conclusion:
critical orbits either escape to infinity or accumulate on an attracting set.
In addition, we construct new examples of Axiom A maps demonstrating various
postcritical behaviors.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0942v2 [math.DS] 19 Oct 2007AXIOM A POLYNOMIAL SKEW PRODUCTS OF C2
Abstract. A polynomial skew product of C2is a map of the form
f(z,w) = (p(z),q(z,w)), where pandqare polynomials, such that f
extends holomorphically to |
0704.0943 | LIGO Scientific Collaboration | Search for gravitational-wave bursts in LIGO data from the fourth
science run | The fourth science run of the LIGO and GEO 600 gravitational-wave detectors,
carried out in early 2005, collected data with significantly lower noise than
previous science runs. We report on a search for short-duration
gravitational-wave bursts with arbitrary waveform in the 64-1600 Hz frequency
range appearing in all three LIGO interferometers. Signal consistency tests,
data quality cuts, and auxiliary-channel vetoes are applied to reduce the rate
of spurious triggers. No gravitational-wave signals are detected in 15.5 days
of live observation time; we set a frequentist upper limit of 0.15 per day (at
90% confidence level) on the rate of bursts with large enough amplitudes to be
detected reliably. The amplitude sensitivity of the search, characterized using
Monte Carlo simulations, is several times better than that of previous
searches. We also provide rough estimates of the distances at which
representative supernova and binary black hole merger signals could be detected
with 50% efficiency by this analysis.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0943v3 [gr-qc] 9 Oct 2007Search for gravitational-wave bursts in LIGO data
from the fourth science run
B Abbott14, R Abbott14, R Adhikari14, J Agresti14,
P Ajith2, B Allen2,51, R Amin18, S B Anderson14,
W G Anderson51, M Arain39, M Araya14, H Armandula14,
M Ashley4, S Aston38, P Aufmuth |
0704.0944 | Michael Kuhlen (1), J\"urg Diemand (2) and Piero Madau (2, 3) ((1)
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, (2) UC Santa Cruz, (3)
Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Astrophysik, Garching, Germany) | GLAST and Dark Matter Substructure in the Milky Way | We discuss the possibility of GLAST detecting gamma-rays from the
annihilation of neutralino dark matter in the Galactic halo. We have used "Via
Lactea", currently the highest resolution simulation of Galactic cold dark
matter substructure, to quantify the contribution of subhalos to the
annihilation signal. We present a simulated allsky map of the expected
gamma-ray counts from dark matter annihilation, assuming standard values of
particle mass and cross section. In this case GLAST should be able to detect
the Galactic center and several individual subhalos.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0944v1 [astro-ph] 7 Apr 2007GLASTand DarkMatter Substructure intheMilkyWay
MichaelKuhlen∗,Jürg Diemand†,∗∗andPieroMadau†,‡
∗Schoolof NaturalScience,InstituteforAdvancedStudy,Ei nsteinLane,Princeton,NJ 08540,USA
†DepartmentofAstronomyandAstrophysics,UCSantaCruz, 11 56HighStreet,SantaCruz |
0704.0945 | Peter McCullagh, Jim Pitman, Matthias Winkel | Gibbs fragmentation trees | We study fragmentation trees of Gibbs type. In the binary case, we identify
the most general Gibbs-type fragmentation tree with Aldous' beta-splitting
model, which has an extended parameter range $\beta>-2$ with respect to the
${\rm beta}(\beta+1,\beta+1)$ probability distributions on which it is based.
In the multifurcating case, we show that Gibbs fragmentation trees are
associated with the two-parameter Poisson--Dirichlet models for exchangeable
random partitions of $\mathbb {N}$, with an extended parameter range
$0\le\alpha\le1$, $\theta\ge-2\alpha$ and $\alpha<0$, $\theta =-m\alpha$, $m\in
\mathbb {N}$.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0945v2 [math.PR] 14 Nov 2008Bernoulli 14(4), 2008, 988–1002
Gibbs fragmentation trees
1Department of Statistics, University of Chicago, 5734 Univ ersity Ave, Chicago, IL 60637, USA.
E-mail:[email protected]
2 |
0704.0946 | Andrei Mesinger and Steven Furlanetto | Efficient Simulations of Early Structure Formation and Reionization | We present a method to construct semi-numerical ``simulations'', which can
efficiently generate realizations of halo distributions and ionization maps at
high redshifts. Our procedure combines an excursion-set approach with
first-order Lagrangian perturbation theory and operates directly on the linear
density and velocity fields. As such, the achievable dynamic range with our
algorithm surpasses the current practical limit of N-body codes by orders of
magnitude. This is particularly significant in studies of reionization, where
the dynamic range is the principal limiting factor. We test our halo-finding
and HII bubble-finding algorithms independently against N-body simulations with
radiative transfer and obtain excellent agreement. We compute the size
distributions of ionized and neutral regions in our maps. We find even larger
ionized bubbles than do purely analytic models at the same volume-weighted mean
hydrogen neutral fraction. We also generate maps and power spectra of 21-cm
brightness temperature fluctuations, which for the first time include
corrections due to gas bulk velocities. We find that velocities widen the tails
of the temperature distributions and increase small-scale power, though these
effects quickly diminish as reionization progresses. We also include some
preliminary results from a simulation run with the largest dynamic range to
date: a 250 Mpc box that resolves halos with masses M >~ 2.2 x10^8 M_sun. We
show that accurately modeling the late stages of reionization requires such
large scales. The speed and dynamic range provided by our semi-numerical
approach will be extremely useful in the modeling of early structure formation
and reionization.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0946v1 [astro-ph] 9 Apr 2007Submitted to the ApJ
Preprint typeset using L ATEX style emulateapj v. 6/22/04
Andrei Mesinger & Steven Furlanetto
Yale Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Yale Universit y, New Haven, CT |
0704.0947 | Satoki Matsushita, Sebastien Muller, Jeremy Lim (ASIAA) | Jet-disturbed molecular gas near the Seyfert 2 nucleus in M51 | Previous molecular gas observations at arcsecond-scale resolution of the
Seyfert 2 galaxy M51 suggest the presence of a dense circumnuclear rotating
disk, which may be the reservoir for fueling the active nucleus and obscures it
from direct view in the optical. However, our recent interferometric CO(3-2)
observations show a hint of a velocity gradient perpendicular to the rotating
disk, which suggests a more complex structure than previously thought. To image
the putative circumnuclear molecular gas disk at sub-arcsecond resolution to
better understand both the spatial distribution and kinematics of the molecular
gas. We carried out CO(2-1) and CO(1-0) line observations of the nuclear region
of M51 with the new A configuration of the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer,
yielding a spatial resolution lower than 15 pc. The high resolution images show
no clear evidence of a disk, aligned nearly east-west and perpendicular to the
radio jet axis, as suggested by previous observations, but show two separate
features located on the eastern and western sides of the nucleus. The western
feature shows an elongated structure along the jet and a good velocity
correspondence with optical emission lines associated with the jet, suggesting
that this feature is a jet-entrained gas. The eastern feature is elongated
nearly east-west ending around the nucleus. A velocity gradient appears in the
same direction with increasingly blueshifted velocities near the nucleus. This
velocity gradient is in the opposite sense of that previously inferred for the
putative circumnuclear disk. Possible explanations for the observed molecular
gas distribution and kinematics are that a rotating gas disk disturbed by the
jet, gas streaming toward the nucleus, or a ring with another smaller counter-
or Keplarian-rotating gas disk inside.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0947v1 [astro-ph] 9 Apr 2007Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. m51pdbi-main c/circlecopyrtESO 2018
October 28, 2018
Letter to the Editor
Jet-disturbed molecular gas near the Seyfert 2 nucleus in M5 1
S. Matsushita, S. Muller, and J. Lim
Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy and A |
0704.0948 | H. A. Sheets, J. R. Thorstensen, C. J. Peters, A. B. Kapusta and C. J.
Taylor | Spectroscopy of Nine Cataclysmic Variable Stars | We present optical spectroscopy of nine cataclysmic binary stars, mostly
dwarf novae, obtained primarily to determine orbital periods Porb. The stars
and their periods are LX And, 0.1509743(5) d; CZ Aql, 0.2005(6) d; LU Cam,
0.1499686(4) d; GZ Cnc, 0.0881(4) d; V632 Cyg, 0.06377(8) d; V1006 Cyg,
0.09903(9) d; BF Eri, 0.2708804(4) d; BI Ori, 0.1915(5) d; and FO Per, for
which Porb is either 0.1467(4) or 0.1719(5) d.
Several of the stars proved to be especially interesting. In BF Eri, we
detect the absorption spectrum of a secondary star of spectral type K3 +- 1
subclass, which leads to a distance estimate of approximately 1 kpc. However,
BF Eri has a large proper motion (100 mas/yr), and we have a preliminary
parallax measurement that confirms the large proper motion and yields only an
upper limit for the parallax. BF Eri's space velocity is evidently large, and
it appears to belong to the halo population. In CZ Aql, the emission lines have
strong wings that move with large velocity amplitude, suggesting a
magnetically-channeled accretion flow. The orbital period of V1006 Cyg places
it squarely within the 2- to 3-hour "gap" in the distribution of cataclysmic
binary orbital periods.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0948v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Spectroscopy of Nine Cataclysmic Variable Stars1
Holly A. Sheets, John R. Thorstensen, Christopher J. Peters , and Ann B. Kapusta
Department of Physics and Astronomy
6127 Wilder Laboratory, Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755-3528;
[email protected]
Cy |
0704.0949 | Gastao S. F. Frederico, Delfim F. M. Torres | Conservation laws for invariant functionals containing compositions | The study of problems of the calculus of variations with compositions is a
quite recent subject with origin in dynamical systems governed by chaotic maps.
Available results are reduced to a generalized Euler-Lagrange equation that
contains a new term involving inverse images of the minimizing trajectories. In
this work we prove a generalization of the necessary optimality condition of
DuBois-Reymond for variational problems with compositions. With the help of the
new obtained condition, a Noether-type theorem is proved. An application of our
main result is given to a problem appearing in the chaotic setting when one
consider maps that are ergodic.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0949v1 [math.OC] 6 Apr 2007Conservation laws for invariant functionals
containing compositions∗
Gast˜ ao S. F. Frederico†
[email protected]
Higher Institute of Education
University of Cabo Verde
Praia, Santiago – Cape VerdeDelfim F. M. Torres‡
[email protected]
Department of Mathematic |
0704.0950 | Yogesh C. Joshi (Queen's University Belfast) | Displacement of the Sun from the Galactic Plane | We have carried out a comparative statistical study for the displacement of
the Sun from the Galactic plane (z_\odot) following three different methods.
The study has been done using a sample of 537 young open clusters (YOCs) with
log(Age) < 8.5 lying within a heliocentric distance of 4 kpc and 2030 OB stars
observed up to a distance of 1200 pc, all of them have distance information. We
decompose the Gould Belt's member in a statistical sense before investigating
the variation in the z_\odot estimation with different upper cut-off limits in
the heliocentric distance and distance perpendicular to the Galactic plane. We
found z_\odot varies in a range of ~ 13 - 20 pc from the analys is of YOCs and
~ 6 - 18 pc from the OB stars. A significant scatter in the z_\odot obtained
due to different cut-off values is noticed for the OB stars although no such
deviation is seen for the YOCs. We also determined scale heights of
56.9(+3.8)(-3.4} and 61.4(+2.7)(-2.4) pc for the distribution of YOCs and OB
stars respectively.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0950v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Mon. Not. R.Astron. Soc. 000, 1–??(2007) Printed 21 November 2021 (MNL ATEX style filev2.2)
Y. C.Joshi⋆
Astrophysics Research Centre, School of Mathematics and Ph ysics, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK
A |
0704.0951 | J. A. Hoyos, Andr\'e P. Vieira, Nicolas Laflorencie, E. Miranda | Correlation amplitude and entanglement entropy in random spin chains | Using strong-disorder renormalization group, numerical exact diagonalization,
and quantum Monte Carlo methods, we revisit the random antiferromagnetic XXZ
spin-1/2 chain focusing on the long-length and ground-state behavior of the
average time-independent spin-spin correlation function C(l)=\upsilon
l^{-\eta}. In addition to the well-known universal (disorder-independent)
power-law exponent \eta=2, we find interesting universal features displayed by
the prefactor \upsilon=\upsilon_o/3, if l is odd, and \upsilon=\upsilon_e/3,
otherwise. Although \upsilon_o and \upsilon_e are nonuniversal (disorder
dependent) and distinct in magnitude, the combination \upsilon_o + \upsilon_e =
-1/4 is universal if C is computed along the symmetric (longitudinal) axis. The
origin of the nonuniversalities of the prefactors is discussed in the
renormalization-group framework where a solvable toy model is considered.
Moreover, we relate the average correlation function with the average
entanglement entropy, whose amplitude has been recently shown to be universal.
The nonuniversalities of the prefactors are shown to contribute only to surface
terms of the entropy. Finally, we discuss the experimental relevance of our
results by computing the structure factor whose scaling properties,
interestingly, depend on the correlation prefactors.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0951v2 [cond-mat.dis-nn] 15 Nov 2007Correlationamplitudeand entanglement entropy inrandom s pinchains
José A. Hoyos,1,2,∗André P. Vieira,3,†N. Laflorencie,4,5,‡and E. Miranda1,§
1Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin, Unicamp, Caixa Postal 61 65, 13083-970. Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
2Depar |
0704.0952 | M. Shao (JPL), G. Marcy (Univ. California), S. Unwin (JPL), R. Allen
(STScI), C. Beichman (MSC/Caltech), J. Catanzarite (JPL), B. Chaboyer
(Dartmouth), D. Ciardi (MSC/Caltech), S. J. Edberg (JPL), D. Gallagher (JPL),
A. Gould (Ohio State), T. Henry (Georgia State), K. Johnston (USNO), S.
Kulkarni (Caltech), N. Law (Caltech), S. Majewski (Univ. Virginia), J. Marr
(JPL), N. Law (JPL), X. Pan (JPL), S. Shaklan (JPL), E. Shaya (Univ.
Maryland), A. Tanner (JPL), J. Tomsick (Univ. California), A. Wehrle (Space
Sci Inst), G. Worthey (Washington State Univ) | SIM PlanetQuest: The Most Promising Near-Term Technique to Detect, Find
Masses, and Determine Three-Dimensional Orbits of Nearby Habitable Planets | The past two Decadal Surveys in Astronomy and Astrophysics recommended the
completion of a space-based interferometry mission, known today as SIM
PlanetQuest, for its unique ability to detect and characterize nearby rocky
planets (Bahcall 1991, McKee & Taylor 2001), as well as contributions to a
broad range of problems in astrophysics. Numerous committees of the National
Research Council as well as NASA Roadmaps have similarly highlighted SIM as the
one technology that offers detection and characterization of rocky planets
around nearby stars and which is technically ready. To date, SIM remains the
only program with the capability of detecting and confirming rocky planets in
the habitable zones of nearby solar-type stars. Moreover, SIM measures masses
and three-dimensional orbits of habitable planets around nearby stars (within
25 pc); these are the only stars for which follow-up by other techniques is
feasible, such as space-based spectroscopy, ground-based interferometry, and of
course TPF.
| What is the title of this paper? SIM PlanetQuest
The M ost Promis ing Near-Term T echnique to
Detect, Find Masses, and Determin e Three-dimensional Orbits of
Nearby Habitable Planets
M. Shao (JPL), G. Marcy (Univ. California) , S. Unwin (JPL), R. Allen (STScI), C.
Beichm an (MSC/Caltech), J. Catanzarite (JPL |
0704.0953 | Lei Bai, Delphine Marcillac, George H. Rieke, Marcia J. Rieke, Kim-Vy
H. Tran, Joannah L. Hinz, Gregory Rudnick, Douglas M. Kelly, Myra Blaylock | IR observations of MS 1054-03: Star Formation and its Evolution in Rich
Galaxy Clusters | We study the infrared (IR) properties of galaxies in the cluster MS 1054-03
at z=0.83 by combining MIPS 24 micron data with spectra of more than 400
galaxies and a very deep K-band selected catalog. 19 IR cluster members are
selected spectroscopically, and an additional 15 are selected by their
photometric redshifts. We derive the IR luminosity function of the cluster and
find strong evolution compared to the similar-mass Coma cluster. The best
fitting Schechter function gives L*_{IR}=11.49 +0.30/-0.29 L_sun with a fixed
faint end slope, about one order of magnitude larger than that in Coma. The
rate of evolution of the IR luminosity from Coma to MS 1054-03 is consistent
with that found in field galaxies, and it suggests that some internal
mechanism, e.g., the consumption of the gas fuel, is responsible for the
general decline of the cosmic star formation rate (SFR) in different
environments. The mass-normalized integrated SFR within 0.5R_200 in MS 1054-03
also shows evolution compared with other rich clusters at lower redshifts, but
the trend is less conclusive if the mass selection effect is considered. A
nonnegligible fraction (13%) of cluster members, are forming stars actively and
the overdensity of IR galaxies is about 20 compared to the field. It is
unlikely that clusters only passively accrete star forming galaxies from the
surrounding fields and have their star formation quenched quickly afterward;
instead, many cluster galaxies still have large amounts of gas, and their star
formation may be enhanced by the interaction with the cluster.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0953v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007IR observations of MS 1054-03: Star Formation and its Evolut ion
in Rich Galaxy Clusters
Lei Bai1, Delphine Marcillac1, George H. Rieke1, Marcia J. Rieke1, Kim-Vy H. Tran2,3,4,5
Joannah L. Hinz1, Gregory Rudnick6, Douglas M. Kelly1, and Myra Blaylock1
bail@as |
0704.0954 | Soummya Kar and Jose M. F. Moura | Sensor Networks with Random Links: Topology Design for Distributed
Consensus | In a sensor network, in practice, the communication among sensors is subject
to:(1) errors or failures at random times; (3) costs; and(2) constraints since
sensors and networks operate under scarce resources, such as power, data rate,
or communication. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is usually a main factor in
determining the probability of error (or of communication failure) in a link.
These probabilities are then a proxy for the SNR under which the links operate.
The paper studies the problem of designing the topology, i.e., assigning the
probabilities of reliable communication among sensors (or of link failures) to
maximize the rate of convergence of average consensus, when the link
communication costs are taken into account, and there is an overall
communication budget constraint. To consider this problem, we address a number
of preliminary issues: (1) model the network as a random topology; (2)
establish necessary and sufficient conditions for mean square sense (mss) and
almost sure (a.s.) convergence of average consensus when network links fail;
and, in particular, (3) show that a necessary and sufficient condition for both
mss and a.s. convergence is for the algebraic connectivity of the mean graph
describing the network topology to be strictly positive. With these results, we
formulate topology design, subject to random link failures and to a
communication cost constraint, as a constrained convex optimization problem to
which we apply semidefinite programming techniques. We show by an extensive
numerical study that the optimal design improves significantly the convergence
speed of the consensus algorithm and can achieve the asymptotic performance of
a non-random network at a fraction of the communication cost.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0954v1 [cs.IT] 6 Apr 2007Sensor Networks with Random Links:
Topology Design for Distributed Consensus
Soummya Kar and Jos´ e M. F. Moura∗
In a sensor network, in practice, the communicationamong se nsors is subject to: (1) errorsor failures
at random times; (2) costs; and (3) c |
0704.0955 | Nemani V. Suryanarayana and Matthias C. Wapler | Charges from Attractors | We describe how to recover the quantum numbers of extremal black holes from
their near horizon geometries. This is achieved by constructing the
gravitational Noether-Wald charges which can be used for non-extremal black
holes as well. These charges are shown to be equivalent to the U(1) charges of
appropriately dimensionally reduced solutions. Explicit derivations are
provided for 10 dimensional type IIB supergravity and 5 dimensional minimal
gauged supergravity, with illustrative examples for various black hole
solutions. We also discuss how to derive the thermodynamic quantities and their
relations explicitly in the extremal limit, from the point of view of the
near-horizon geometry. We relate our results to the entropy function formalism.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0955v2 [hep-th] 10 Oct 20070704.0955
Charges from Attractors
Nemani V. Suryanarayana1and Matthias C. Wapler2
1Theoretical Physics Group and
Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Imperial College London, UK
E-mail:[email protected]
2Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Waterl |
0704.0956 | Tanmoy Das, R. S. Markiewicz, A. Bansil | Nodeless d-wave superconducting pairing due to residual
antiferromagnetism in underdoped Pr$_{2-x}$Ce$_x$CuO$_{4-\delta}$ | We have investigated the doping dependence of the penetration depth vs.
temperature in electron doped Pr$_{2-x}$Ce$_x$CuO$_{4-\delta}$ using a model
which assumes the uniform coexistence of (mean-field) antiferromagnetism and
superconductivity. Despite the presence of a $d_{x^2-y^2}$ pairing gap in the
underlying spectrum, we find nodeless behavior of the low-$T$ penetration depth
in underdoped case, in accord with experimental results. As doping increases, a
linear-in-$T$ behavior of the penetration depth, characteristic of d-wave
pairing, emerges as the lower magnetic band crosses the Fermi level and creates
a nodal Fermi surface pocket.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0956v2 [cond-mat.supr-con] 10 Apr 2007Nodeless d-wave superconducting pairing due to residual antiferroma gnetism in
underdoped Pr 2−xCexCuO4−δ
Tanmoy Das, R. S. Markiewicz, and A. Bansil
Physics Department, Northeastern University, Boston MA 02 115, USA
(Dated: August 4, 2021)
We have |
0704.0957 | Soumik Pal and Jim Pitman | One-dimensional Brownian particle systems with rank dependent drifts | We study interacting systems of linear Brownian motions whose drift vector at
every time point is determined by the relative ranks of the coordinate
processes at that time. Our main objective has been to study the long range
behavior of the spacings between the Brownian motions arranged in increasing
order. For finitely many Brownian motions interacting in this manner, we
characterize drifts for which the family of laws of the vector of spacings is
tight, and show its convergence to a unique stationary joint distribution given
by independent exponential distributions with varying means. We also study one
particular countably infinite system, where only the minimum Brownian particle
gets a constant upward drift, and prove that independent and identically
distributed exponential spacings remain stationary under the dynamics of such a
process. Some related conjectures in this direction have also been discussed.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0957v2 [math.PR] 22 Jan 2008ONE-DIMENSIONAL BROWNIAN PARTICLE SYSTEMS WITH
Abstract. We study interacting systems of linear Brownian motions who se
drift vector at every time point is determined by the relativ e ranks of the coor-
dinate p |
0704.0958 | E. Pian (1), P. Romano (2,3), A. Treves (4), G. Ghisellini (2), S.
Covino (2), A. Cucchiara (5), A. Dolcini (4), G. Tagliaferri (2), C.
Markwardt (6), S. Campana (2), G. Chincarini (2,3), N. Gehrels (6), P. Giommi
(7), L. Maraschi (8), S.D. Vergani (9,10), F.M. Zerbi (2), E. Molinari (2),
V. Testa (11), G. Tosti (12), F. Vitali (11), L.A. Antonelli (11), P. Conconi
(2), G. Malaspina (2), L. Nicastro (13), E. Palazzi (13), E.J.A. Meurs (9),
L. Norci (10) ((1) INAF-Trieste, (2) INAF-Brera/Merate, (3) Univ.
Milano-Bicocca, (4) Univ. Insubria, (5) Penn State, (6) GSFC-NASA, (7) ASI
ASDC, (8) INAF-Brera/Milano, (9) Dunsink Obs., (10) School of Physical
Sciences and NCPST, Dublin, (11) INAF-Rome, (12) Univ. Perugia, (13)
INAF-IASF/Bologna) | Simultaneous Swift and REM monitoring of the blazar PKS0537-441 in 2005 | The blazar PKS0537-441 has been observed by Swift between the end of 2004 and
November 2005. The BAT monitored it recurrently for a total of 2.7 Ms, and the
XRT and UVOT pointed it on seven occasions for a total of 67 ks, making it one
of the AGNs best monitored by Swift. The automatic optical and infrared
telescope REM has monitored simultaneously the source at all times. In
January-February 2005 PKS0537-441 has been detected at its brightest in optical
and X-rays: more than a factor of 2 brighter in X-rays and about a factor 60
brighter in the optical than observed in December 2004. The July 2005
observation recorded a fainter X-ray state. The simultaneous optical state,
monitored by both Swift UVOT and REM, is high, and in the VRI bands it is
comparable to what was recorded in early January 2005, before the outburst. In
November 2005, the source subsided both in X-rays and optical to a quiescent
state, having decreased by factors of ~4 and ~60 with respect to the
January-February 2005 outburst, respectively. Our monitoring shows an overall
well correlated optical and X-ray decay. On the shorter time scales (days or
hours), there is no obvious correlation between X-ray and optical variations,
but the former tend to be more pronounced, opposite to what is observed on
monthly time scales. The widely different amplitude of the long term
variability in optical and X-rays is very unusual and makes this observation a
unique case study for blazar activity. The spectral energy distributions are
interpreted in terms of the synchrotron and inverse Compton mechanisms within a
jet where the plasma radiates via internal shocks and the dissipation depends
on the distance of the emitting region from the central engine (abridged).
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0958v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Simultaneous Swiftand REM monitoring ofthe blazar PKS0537–441in
E. Pian1, P. Romano2,3, A.Treves4, G. Ghisellini2, S. Covino2,A. Cucchiara5, A. Dolcini4,
G. Tagliaferri2, C. Markwardt6,S. Campana2, G. Chincarini2,3,N. Gehrels6, P. Giommi7,
L. Maraschi8, |
0704.0959 | Takumi Doi (Kentucky U., Riken BNL) | Theoretical Status of Pentaquarks | We review the current status of the theoretical pentaquark search from the
direct QCD calculation. The works from the QCD sum rule and the lattice QCD in
the literature are carefully examined. The importance of the framework which
can distinguish the exotic pentaquark state (if any) from the NK scattering
state is emphasized.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0959v1 [hep-ph] 6 Apr 20071
Theoretical Status of Pentaquarks
1Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Kentucky, Lexingto n, KY 40506, USA
2RIKEN BNL Research Center, BNL, Upton, NY 11973, USA
We review the current status of the theoretical pentaquark s earch from the d |
0704.0960 | Wen Yi Huo and Gui Lu Long | Generating Squeezed States of Nanomechanical Resonator | We propose a scheme for generating squeezed states in solid state circuits
consisting of a nanomechanical resonator (NMR), a superconducting Cooper-pair
box (CPB) and a superconducting transmission line resonator (STLR). The
nonlinear interaction between the NMR and the STLR can be implemented by
setting the external biased flux of the CPB at certain values. The interaction
Hamiltonian between the NMR and the STLR is derived by performing Fr$\rm\ddot
o$hlich transformation on the total Hamiltonian of the combined system. Just by
adiabatically keeping the CPB at the ground state, we get the standard
parametric down-conversion Hamiltonian. The CPB plays the role of ``nonlinear
media", and the squeezed states of the NMR can be easily generated in a manner
similar to the three-wave mixing in quantum optics. This is the three-wave
mixing in a solid-state circuit.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0960v2 [quant-ph] 15 Jun 2007Generating Squeezed States ofNanomechanical Resonator
Wen Yi Huo1and Gui Lu Long1,2,3
1Key Laboratory for Atomic and Molecular NanoSciences and De partment of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
2Tsinghua National Laboratory For Information S |
0704.0961 | G. H. Tovmassian (1), S.V. Zharikov (1) ((1) Instituto de Astronomia,
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Ensenada, Mexico) | On the orbital period of the magnetic Cataclysmic Variable HS 0922+1333 | Context: The object HS 0922+1333 was visited briefly in 2002 in a mini survey
of low accretion rate polars (LARPs) in order to test if they undergo high
luminosity states similar to ordinary polars. On the basis of that short
observation the suspicion arose that the object might be an asynchronous polar
(Tovmassian et al. 2004). The disparity between the presumed orbital and spin
period appeared to be quite unusual. Aims: We performed follow-up observations
of the object to resolve the problem. Methods: New simultaneous spectroscopic
and photometric observations spanning several years allowed measurements of
radial velocities of emission and absorption lines from the secondary star and
brightness variations due to synchrotron emission from the primary. Results:
New observations show that the object is actually synchronous and its orbital
and spin period are equal to 4.04 hours. Conclusions: We identify the source of
confusion of previous observations to be a high velocity component of emission
line arousing from the stream of matter leaving L1 point.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0961v1 [astro-ph] 7 Apr 2007Astronomy& Astrophysics manuscriptno.tovmassian˙englisheditor c/circlecopyrtESO 2018
Onthe orbital period ofthe magnetic CataclysmicVariable
G.H.Tovmassian⋆and S.V.Zharikov
Observatorio Astr´ onomico Nacional SPM, Instituto de Astr |
0704.0962 | Tilman Sauer | The Einstein-Varicak Correspondence on Relativistic Rigid Rotation | The historical significance of the problem of relativistic rigid rotation is
reviewed in light of recently published correspondence between Einstein and the
mathematician Vladimir Varicak from the years 1909 to 1913.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0962v1 [physics.hist-ph] 7 Apr 2007The Einstein-Vari´ cak Correspondence on
Relativistic Rigid Rotation∗
Tilman Sauer
Einstein Papers Project
California Institute of Technology 20-7
Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
[email protected]
The historical significance of the problem of |
0704.0963 | Tilman Sauer | Nova Geminorum 1912 and the Origin of the Idea of Gravitational Lensing | Einstein's early calculations of gravitational lensing, contained in a
scratch notebook and dated to the spring of 1912, are reexamined. A hitherto
unknown letter by Einstein suggests that he entertained the idea of explaining
the phenomenon of new stars by gravitational lensing in the fall of 1915 much
more seriously than was previously assumed. A reexamination of the relevant
calculations by Einstein shows that, indeed, at least some of them most likely
date from early October 1915. But in support of earlier historical
interpretation of Einstein's notes, it is argued that the appearance of Nova
Geminorum 1912 (DN Gem) in March 1912 may, in fact, provide a relevant context
and motivation for Einstein's lensing calculations on the occasion of his first
meeting with Erwin Freundlich during a visit in Berlin in April 1912. We also
comment on the significance of Einstein's consideration of gravitational
lensing in the fall of 1915 for the reconstruction of Einstein's final steps in
his path towards general relativity.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0963v1 [physics.hist-ph] 7 Apr 2007Nova Geminorum 1912 and the Origin of the
Idea of Gravitational Lensing
Tilman Sauer
Einstein Papers Project
California Institute of Technology 20-7
Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
[email protected]
Einstein’s early calculations of gravitati |
0704.0964 | Sergey Bravyi | Upper bounds on entangling rates of bipartite Hamiltonians | We discuss upper bounds on the rate at which unitary evolution governed by a
non-local Hamiltonian can generate entanglement in a bipartite system. Given a
bipartite Hamiltonian H coupling two finite dimensional particles A and B, the
entangling rate is shown to be upper bounded by c*log(d)*norm(H), where d is
the smallest dimension of the interacting particles, norm(H) is the operator
norm of H, and c is a constant close to 1. Under certain restrictions on the
initial state we prove analogous upper bound for the ancilla-assisted
entangling rate with a constant c that does not depend upon dimensions of local
ancillas. The restriction is that the initial state has at most two distinct
Schmidt coefficients (each coefficient may have arbitrarily large
multiplicity). Our proof is based on analysis of a mixing rate -- a functional
measuring how fast entropy can be produced if one mixes a time-independent
state with a state evolving unitarily.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0964v1 [quant-ph] 9 Apr 2007Upper bounds on entangling rates of bipartite Hamiltonians
Sergey Bravyi
IBM Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA .
October 24, 2018
We discuss upper bounds on the rate at which unitary evolutio n governed by a non-local
Hamiltonia |
0704.0965 | Zongwen Yu and Su Hu | Separability Criterion for Multipartite Pure States | In this paper, we give out some effective criterions which can be used to
judge the separability of multipartite pure states. We obtain the relationship
between separability and Schmidt decomposable of multipartite pure states in
Theorem1. The first criterion derived from Theorem2 dose not need the Schmidt
decomposition which is hard to find for multipartite states. Theorem3 is more
profound which can be used to deduce Corollary1 which is one of the main
results in [1]. Finally, we give out an algorithm which can be used to judge
the separability of multipartite pure states effectively.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0965v1 [quant-ph] 7 Apr 2007Separability Criterion for Multipartite Pure States
Zongwen Yu∗and Su Hu†
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Tsinghua University , Beijing 100084, China
In this letter, we give out some effective criterions which ca n be used to judge the separability of
mul |
0704.0966 | B.Alver, et al, the PHOBOS Collaboration | Cluster properties from two-particle angular correlations in p+p
collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 200 and 410 GeV | We present results on two-particle angular correlations in proton-proton
collisions at center of mass energies of 200 and 410 GeV. The PHOBOS experiment
at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has a uniquely large coverage for
charged particles, giving the opportunity to explore the correlations at both
short- and long-range scales. At both energies, a complex two-dimensional
correlation structure in $\Delta \eta$ and $\Delta \phi$ is observed. In the
context of an independent cluster model of short-range correlations, the
cluster size and its decay width are extracted from the two-particle
pseudorapidity correlation function and compared with previous measurements in
proton-proton and proton-antiproton collisions, as well as PYTHIA and HIJING
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0966v1 [nucl-ex] 7 Apr 2007Cluster properties from two-particle angular correlation s in p+p collisions at√s= 200 and 410 GeV
B.Alver4, B.B.Back1, M.D.Baker2, M.Ballintijn4, D.S.Barton2, R.R.Betts6, R.Bindel7, W.Busza4, Z.Chai2,
V.Chetluru6, E.Garc´ ıa6, T.Gburek3, K.Gulbrandsen4, J.Ham |
0704.0967 | Jia Liu and Y. Thomas Hou | Cross-Layer Optimization of MIMO-Based Mesh Networks with Gaussian
Vector Broadcast Channels | MIMO technology is one of the most significant advances in the past decade to
increase channel capacity and has a great potential to improve network capacity
for mesh networks. In a MIMO-based mesh network, the links outgoing from each
node sharing the common communication spectrum can be modeled as a Gaussian
vector broadcast channel. Recently, researchers showed that ``dirty paper
coding'' (DPC) is the optimal transmission strategy for Gaussian vector
broadcast channels. So far, there has been little study on how this fundamental
result will impact the cross-layer design for MIMO-based mesh networks. To fill
this gap, we consider the problem of jointly optimizing DPC power allocation in
the link layer at each node and multihop/multipath routing in a MIMO-based mesh
networks. It turns out that this optimization problem is a very challenging
non-convex problem. To address this difficulty, we transform the original
problem to an equivalent problem by exploiting the channel duality. For the
transformed problem, we develop an efficient solution procedure that integrates
Lagrangian dual decomposition method, conjugate gradient projection method
based on matrix differential calculus, cutting-plane method, and subgradient
method. In our numerical example, it is shown that we can achieve a network
performance gain of 34.4% by using DPC.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0967v1 [cs.IT] 7 Apr 2007Cross-Layer Optimization of MIMO-Based Mesh
Networks with Gaussian Vector Broadcast Channels
Jia Liu and Y. Thomas Hou
The Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer ing
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blac ksburg, VA 24061
Email |
0704.0968 | Cheongho Han (Chunguk Natl. Univ.) | Criteria in the Selection of Target Events for Planetary Microlensing
Follow-Up Observation | To provide criteria in the selection of target events preferable for
planetary lensing follow-up observations, we investigate the variation of the
probability of detecting planetary signals depending on the observables of the
lensing magnification and source brightness. In estimating the probability, we
consider variation of the photometric precision by using a quantity defined as
the ratio of the fractional deviation of the planetary perturbation to the
photometric precision. From this investigation, we find consistent result from
previous studies that the probability increases with the increase of the
magnification. The increase rate is boosted at a certain magnification at which
perturbations caused by central caustic begin to occur. We find this boost
occurs at moderate magnifications of $A\lesssim 20$, implying that probability
can be high even for events with moderate magnifications. The probability
increases as the source brightness increases. We find that the probability of
events associated with stars brighter than clump giants is not negligible even
at magnifications as low as $A\sim 5$. In the absence of rare the prime target
of very high-magnification events, we, therefore, recommend to observe events
with brightest source stars and highest magnifications among the alerted
events. Due to the increase of the source size with the increase of the
brightness, however, the probability rapidly drops off beyond a certain
magnification, causing detections of low mass ratio planets ($q\lesssim
10^{-4}$) difficult from the observations of events involved with giant stars
with magnifications $A\gtrsim 70$.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0968v1 [astro-ph] 7 Apr 2007DRAFT VERSION OCTOBER31, 2018
Preprint typesetusingL ATEX styleemulateapjv. 08/22/09
Program of Brain Korea21, Institute for Basic Science Resea rch, Departmen |
0704.0969 | Su Hu and Zongwen Yu | The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Separability for Bipartite
Pure States in Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces | In this paper, we present the necessary and sufficient conditions of
separability for bipartite pure states in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces.
Let $M$ be the matrix of the amplitudes of $\ket\psi$, we prove $M$ is a
compact operator. We also prove $\ket\psi$ is separable if and only if $M$ is a
bounded linear operator with rank 1, that is the image of $M$ is a one
dimensional Hilbert space. So we have related the separability for bipartite
pure states in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces to an important class of
bounded linear operators in Functional analysis which has many interesting
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0969v1 [quant-ph] 7 Apr 2007The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Separability for B ipartite Pure States in
Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces
Su Hu∗and Zongwen Yu†
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Tsinghua University , Beijing, 100084 China
In this letter, we present the necess |
0704.0970 | Mark Wardle (Macquarie University) | Magnetic fields in protoplanetary disks | Magnetic fields likely play a key role in the dynamics and evolution of
protoplanetary discs. They have the potential to efficiently transport angular
momentum by MHD turbulence or via the magnetocentrifugal acceleration of
outflows from the disk surface, and magnetically-driven mixing has implications
for disk chemistry and evolution of the grain population. However, the weak
ionisation of protoplanetary discs means that magnetic fields may not be able
to effectively couple to the matter. I present calculations of the ionisation
equilibrium and magnetic diffusivity as a function of height from the disk
midplane at radii of 1 and 5 AU. Dust grains tend to suppress magnetic coupling
by soaking up electrons and ions from the gas phase and reducing the
conductivity of the gas by many orders of magnitude. However, once grains have
grown to a few microns in size their effect starts to wane and magnetic fields
can begin to couple to the gas even at the disk midplane. Because ions are
generally decoupled from the magnetic field by neutral collisions while
electrons are not, the Hall effect tends to dominate the diffusion of the
magnetic field when it is able to partially couple to the gas.
For a standard population of 0.1 micron grains the active surface layers have
a combined column of about 2 g/cm^2 at 1 AU; by the time grains have aggregated
to 3 microns the active surface density is 80 g/cm^2. In the absence of grains,
x-rays maintain magnetic coupling to 10% of the disk material at 1 AU (150
g/cm^2). At 5 AU the entire disk thickness becomes active once grains have
aggregated to 1 micron in size.
| What is the title of this paper? Astrophysics and Space Science
Magnetic Fields in Protoplanetary Disks
Mark Wardle
Abstract Magnetic fields likely play a key role in the
dynamics and evolution of protoplanetary disks. They
have the potential to efficiently transport angular mo-
men |
0704.0971 | Zhi-zhong Xing and Shun Zhou | D0-anti-D0 Mixing and CP Violation in D0 vs anti-D0 to K*(+-) K(-+)
Decays | The noteworthy BaBar and Belle evidence for $D^0$-$\bar{D}^0$ mixing
motivates us to study its impact on $D^0\to K^{*\pm} K^\mp$ decays and their
CP-conjugate processes. We show that both the $D^0$-$\bar{D}^0$ mixing
parameters ($x$ and $y$) and the strong phase difference between $\bar{D}^0\to
K^{*\pm}K^\mp$ and $D^0\to K^{*\pm}K^\mp$ transitions ($\delta$) can be
determined or constrained from the time-dependent measurements of these decay
modes. On the $\psi (3770)$ and $\psi (4140)$ resonances at a $\tau$-charm
factory, it is even possible to determine or constrain $x$, $y$ and $\delta$
from the time-independent measurements of coherent $(D^0\bar{D}^0) \to
(K^{*\pm} K^\mp)(K^{*\pm} K^\mp)$ decays. If the CP-violating phase of
$D^0$-$\bar{D}^0$ mixing is significant in a scenario beyond the standard
model, it can also be extracted from the $K^{*\pm} K^\mp$ events.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0971v3 [hep-ph] 23 May 2007D0-¯D0Mixing and CPViolation in D0vs¯D0→K∗±K∓Decays
Zhi-zhong Xing∗andShun Zhou†
Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Scienc es, Beijing 100049, China
The noteworthy BaBar and Belle evidence for D0-¯D0mixing motivates us to study
its i |
0704.0972 | Fedor V.Prigara | The dissolution of the vacancy gas and grain boundary diffusion in
crystalline solids | Based on the formula for the number density of vacancies in a solid under the
stress or tension, the model of grain boundary diffusion in crystalline solids
is developed. We obtain the activation energy of grain boundary diffusion
(dependent on the surface tension or the energy of the grain boundary) and also
the distributions of vacancies and the diffusing species in the vicinity of the
grain boundary.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0972v4 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 14 May 2007The dissolution of the vacancy gas and grain boundary diffusi on
in crystalline solids
Fedor V.Prigara
Institute of Microelectronics and Informatics, Russian Ac ademy of Sciences,
21 Universitetskaya, Yaroslavl 150007, Russia∗
(Dated: September 12, |
0704.0973 | Fangjun Lu, Q.Daniel Wang, E. V. Gotthelf, and Jinlu Qu | X-ray Timing Observations of PSR J1930+1852 in the Crab-like SNR
G54.1+0.3 | We present new X-ray timing and spectral observations of PSR J1930+1852, the
young energetic pulsar at the center of the non-thermal supernova remnant
G54.1+0.3. Using data obtained with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer and Chandra
X-ray observatories we have derived an updated timing ephemeris of the 136 ms
pulsar spanning 6 years. During this interval, however, the period evolution
shows significant variability from the best fit constant spin-down rate of
$\dot P = 7.5112(6) \times 10^{-13}$ s s$^{-1}$, suggesting strong timing noise
and/or glitch activity. The X-ray emission is highly pulsed ($71\pm5%$
modulation) and is characterized by an asymmetric, broad profile ($\sim 70%$
duty cycle) which is nearly twice the radio width. The spectrum of the pulsed
emission is well fitted with an absorbed power law of photon index $\Gamma =
1.2\pm0.2$; this is marginally harder than that of the unpulsed component. The
total 2-10 keV flux of the pulsar is $1.7 \times 10^{-12}$ erg cm$^{-2}$
s$^{-1}$. These results confirm PSR J1930+1852 as a typical Crab-like pulsar.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0973v1 [astro-ph] 7 Apr 2007draft version of Feb. 19 2007
X-ray Timing Observations of PSR J1930 +1852 in the Crab-like
SNR G54.1 +0.3
Fangjun Lu1,2, Q.Daniel Wang2, E. V. Gotthelf3, and Jinlu Qu1
We present new X-ray timing and spectral observations of PSR J19 30+1852,
the you |
0704.0974 | Hikaru Kawamura and Atsushi Yamamoto | Vortex-induced topological transition of the bilinear-biquadratic
Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice | The ordering of the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the triangular
lattice with the the bilinear-biquadratic interaction is studied by Monte Carlo
simulations. It is shown that the model exhibits a topological phase transition
at a finite-temperature driven by topologically stable vortices, while the spin
correlation length remains finite even at and below the transition point. The
relevant vortices could be of three different types, depending on the value of
the biquadratic coupling. Implications to recent experiments on the triangular
antiferromagnet NiGa$_2$S$_4$ is discussed.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0974v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 7 Apr 2007Vortex-induced topological transition of the bilinear-bi quadratic Heisenberg
antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice
Hikaru Kawamura and Atsushi Yamamoto
Department of Earth and Space Science, Faculty of Science, O saka University, Toyonaka 560-0 |
0704.0975 | A. Sarkar, Charles L. Webber Jr., P. Barat, P. Mukherjee | Recurrence analysis of the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect | Tensile tests were carried out by deforming polycrystalline samples of
Al-2.5%Mg alloy at room temperature in a wide range of strain rates where the
Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) effect was observed. The experimental stress-time
series data have been analyzed using the recurrence analysis technique based on
the Recurrence Plot (RP) and the Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) to
study the change in the dynamical behavior of the PLC effect with the imposed
strain rate. Our study revealed that the RQA is able to detect the unique
crossover phenomenon in the PLC dynamics.
| What is the title of this paper? 1Recurrence analysis of the Po rtevin-Le Chatelier effect
A. Sarkara*, Charles L. Webber Jr.b
, P. Barata
, P. Mukherjeea
a Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, 1/ AF Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700064, India
b Department of Physiology, Loyola Universi ty Medical Center, 2160 S. First Avenue,
Maywood, |
0704.0976 | Jean-Pierre Eckmann | A Topological Glass | We propose and study a model with glassy behavior. The state space of the
model is given by all triangulations of a sphere with $n$ nodes, half of which
are red and half are blue. Red nodes want to have 5 neighbors while blue ones
want 7. Energies of nodes with different numbers of neighbors are supposed to
be positive. The dynamics is that of flipping the diagonal of two adjacent
triangles, with a temperature dependent probability. We show that this system
has an approach to a steady state which is exponentially slow, and show that
the stationary state is unordered. We also study the local energy landscape and
show that it has the hierarchical structure known from spin glasses. Finally,
we show that the evolution can be described as that of a rarefied gas with
spontaneous generation of particles and annihilating collisions.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0976v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 7 Apr 2007ATopologicalGlass
Jean-Pierre Eckmann
D´ epartement de Physique Th´ eorique et
Sectionde Math´ ematiques
Universit´ e de Gen` eve
1211 Gen` eve 4,Switzerland
Abstract. We propose and study a model withglassy behavior. The state s pace of the model i |
0704.0977 | Wei Yang, Ru-Zhi Wang, Yu-Fang Wang, Xue-Mei Song, Bo Wang, Hui Yan | Anomalous pressure behavior of tangential modes in single-wall carbon
nanotubes | Using the molecular dynamics simulations and the force constant model we have
studied the Raman-active tangential modes (TMs) of a (10, 0) single-wall carbon
nanotube (SWNT) under hydrostatic pressure. With increasing pressure, the
atomic motions in the three TMs present obvious diversities. The pressure
derivative of E1g, A1g, and E2g mode frequency shows an increased value (), a
constant value (), and a negative value () above 5.3 GPa, respectively. The
intrinsic characteristics of TMs consumedly help to understand the essence of
the experimental T band of CNT. The anomalous pressure behavior of the TMs
frequencies may be originated from the tube symmetry alteration from D10h to
D2h then to C2h.
| What is the title of this paper? 1The anomalous pressure behavior of tangential modes in
single-wall carbon nanotubes
Wei Yang1 Ru-Zhi Wang1* Yu-Fang Wang2 Xue-Mei Song1 Bo Wang1 H u i Y a n1*
1Laboratory of Thin Film Materials, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100022, China
2Department of Physics, Nankai Univ |
0704.0978 | S. Muller, M. Guelin, F. Combes, T. Wiklind | Distribution of the molecular absorption in front of the quasar
B0218+357 | The line of sight to the quasar B0218+357, one of the most studied lensed
systems, intercepts a z=0.68 spiral galaxy, which splits its image into two
main components A and B, separated by ca. 0.3'', and gives rise to molecular
absorption. Although the main absorption component has been shown to arise in
front of image A, it is not established whether some absorption from other
velocity components is also occuring in front of image B. To tackle this
question, we have observed the HCO+(2-1) absorption line during the
commissioning phase of the new very extended configuration of the Plateau de
Bure Interferometer, in order to trace the position of the absorption as a
function of frequency. Visibility fitting of the self-calibrated data allowed
us to achieve position accuracy between ~12 and 80 mas per velocity component.
Our results clearly demonstrate that all the different velocity components of
the HCO+(2-1) absorption arise in front of the south-west image A of the
quasar. We estimate a flux ratio fA/fB = 4.2 (-1.0;+1.8 at 106 GHz.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0978v1 [astro-ph] 7 Apr 2007Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. 7310 c/circlecopyrtESO 2018
November 19, 2018
Distribution of the molecular absorption in front of the qua sar
Muller S.1, Gu´ elin M.2, Combes F.3, and Wiklind T.4
1Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and |
0704.0979 | Hajime Takami, Kohta Murase, Shigehiro Nagataki, and Katsuhiko Sato | Cosmogenic neutrinos as a probe of the transition from Galactic to
extragalactic cosmic rays | There are two promising scenarios that explain the ankle, which is a dip in
the spectrum of cosmic rays at $\sim 10^{19}$ eV. A scenario interprets the
ankle as the transition from Galactic to extragalactic cosmic rays ({\it
ankle-transition scenario}), while the other is that the dip caused by pair
production on the cosmic microwave background radiation ({\it proton-dip
scenario}). In this paper, we consider whether cosmogenic neutrinos can be a
clue to judge which scenario is favored. We calculated the fluxes of cosmogenic
neutrinos following these scenarios with plausible physical parameter sets, and
found several important features as follows. First of all, the neutrino flux at
$\sim 10^{20}$ eV becomes much higher in the ankle-transition scenario as long
as the maximum energy of the cosmic rays at sources is sufficiently high. On
the other hand, the neutrino spectrum has a characteristic peak at $\sim
10^{16}$ eV in the proton-dip scenario on the condition that extragalactic
protons significantly contribute to the observed cosmic rays down to $10^{17}$
eV. Thus, we conclude cosmogenic neutrinos should give us a clue to judge which
scenario is favored, unless these features are masked by the neutrino
background coming from possible, powerful neutrino sources such as AGNs and
GRBs. We also found an interesting feature that the neutrino flux at $\sim
10^{18}$ eV depends only on the cosmological evolution of the cosmic ray
sources. That means cosmogenic neutrinos with the energy bring us information
on the cosmological evolution of the sources of ultra-high energy cosmic rays.
Finally, we compare the fluxes of cosmogenic neutrinos with the expected
sensitivity curves of several neutrino detectors, and conclude the detection of
cosmogenic neutrinos in the near future is promising.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0979v2 [astro-ph] 15 Jan 2009Cosmogenic neutrinos as a probe of the
transition from Galactic to extragalactic
cosmic rays
Hajime Takamia1, Kohta Muraseb, Shigehiro Nagatakib, and
Katsuhiko Satoa,c,d
aDepartment of Physics, School of Science, the University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo,
Bunkyo- |
0704.0980 | A. Pfund, I. Shorubalko, K. Ensslin, R. Leturcq | Spin state mixing in InAs double quantum dots | We quantify the contributions of hyperfine and spin-orbit mediated
singlet-triplet mixing in weakly coupled InAs quantum dots by electron
transport spectroscopy in the Pauli spin blockade regime. In contrast to double
dots in GaAs, the spin-orbit coupling is found to be more than two orders of
magnitudes larger than the hyperfine mixing energy. It is already effective at
magnetic fields of a few mT, where deviations from hyperfine mixing are
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0980v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 7 Apr 2007Spin state mixing in InAs double quantum dots
A. Pfund, I. Shorubalko, K. Ensslin and R. Leturcq
Solid State Physics Laboratory,
ETH Z¨ urich, 8093 Z¨ urich, Switzerland
E-mail: [email protected]
Wequantifythecontributionsofhyperfineandspin-orbitme |
0704.0981 | Xuan Hien Nguyen | Construction of Complete Embedded Self-Similar Surfaces under Mean
Curvature Flow. Part II | We study the Dirichlet problem associated to the equation for self-similar
surfaces for graphs over the Euclidean plane with a disk removed. We show the
existence of a solution provided the boundary conditions on the boundary circle
are small enough and satisfy some symmetries. This is the second step towards
the construction of new examples of complete embedded self similar surfaces
under mean curvature flow.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0981v1 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2007CONSTRUCTION OF COMPLETE EMBEDDED
Abstract. WestudytheDirichletproblemassociatedtotheequa-
tion for self-similar surfaces for graphs over the Euclidean plane
with a disk removed. We sho |
0704.0982 | Edward M. Drobyshevski and Mikhail E. Drobyshevski | Daemons and DAMA: Their Celestial-Mechanics Interrelations | The assumption of the capture by the Solar System of the electrically charged
Planckian DM objects (daemons) from the galactic disk is confirmed not only by
the St.Petersburg (SPb) experiments detecting particles with V<30 km/s. Here
the daemon approach is analyzed considering the positive model independent
result of the DAMA/NaI experiment. We explain the maximum in DAMA signals
observed in the May-June period to be associated with the formation behind the
Sun of a trail of daemons that the Sun captures into elongated orbits as it
moves to the apex. The range of significant 2-6-keV DAMA signals fits well the
iodine nuclei elastically knocked out of the NaI(Tl) scintillator by particles
falling on the Earth with V=30-50 km/s from strongly elongated heliocentric
orbits. The half-year periodicity of the slower daemons observed in SPb
originates from the transfer of particles that are deflected through ~90 deg
into near-Earth orbits each time the particles cross the outer reaches of the
Sun which had captured them. Their multi-loop (cross-like) trajectories
traverse many times the Earth's orbit in March and September, which increases
the probability for the particles to enter near-Earth orbits during this time.
Corroboration of celestial mechanics calculations with observations yields
~1e-19 cm2 for the cross section of daemon interaction with the solar matter.
| What is the title of this paper? 1
Edward M. Drobyshevski 1 and Mikhail E. Drobyshevski 1,2
1) Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 194021 St.Petersburg, Russia
2) Astronomical Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, St |
0704.0983 | S. M. Gerasyuta, M. A. Durnev | Form factors of the exotic baryons with isospin I=5/2 | The electromagnetic form factors of the exotic baryons are calculated in the
framework of the relativistic quark model at small and intermediate momentum
transfer. The charge radii of the E+++ baryons are determined.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0983v1 [hep-ph] 7 Apr 2007Form factors of the exotic baryons with isospin
S. M. Gerasyuta1,2, M. A. Durnev1
1Department of Theoretical Physics
St. Petersburg State University, 198904,
St. Petersburg, Russia
2Department of Physics, LTA, 194021,
St. Petersburg, Russia
The e |
0704.0984 | Sougato Bose, Dimitris G. Angelakis, Daniel Burgarth | Transfer of a Polaritonic Qubit through a Coupled Cavity Array | We demonstrate a scheme for quantum communication between the ends of an
array of coupled cavities. Each cavity is doped with a single two level system
(atoms or quantum dots) and the detuning of the atomic level spacing and
photonic frequency is appropriately tuned to achieve photon blockade in the
array. We show that in such a regime, the array can simulate a dual rail
quantum state transfer protocol where the arrival of quantum information at the
receiving cavity is heralded through a fluorescence measurement. Communication
is also possible between any pair of cavities of a network of connected
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0984v1 [quant-ph] 9 Apr 2007Transfer of a Polaritonic Qubit through a Coupled Cavity Arr ay
Sougato Bose1, Dimitris G. Angelakis2,∗and Daniel Burgarth1,3
1Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University College London, Gower St., London WC1E 6BT, UK
2Centre for Quantum Computation,
Depa |
0704.0985 | Mohd Abubakr, R.M.Vinay | Architecture for Pseudo Acausal Evolvable Embedded Systems | Advances in semiconductor technology are contributing to the increasing
complexity in the design of embedded systems. Architectures with novel
techniques such as evolvable nature and autonomous behavior have engrossed lot
of attention. This paper demonstrates conceptually evolvable embedded systems
can be characterized basing on acausal nature. It is noted that in acausal
systems, future input needs to be known, here we make a mechanism such that the
system predicts the future inputs and exhibits pseudo acausal nature. An
embedded system that uses theoretical framework of acausality is proposed. Our
method aims at a novel architecture that features the hardware evolability and
autonomous behavior alongside pseudo acausality. Various aspects of this
architecture are discussed in detail along with the limitations.
| What is the title of this paper? Architecture for Pseudo Acausal Evolvable
Embedded Systems
Mohd Abubakr and Rali Manikya Vinay,
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Miyapur, Hyderabad, 500045 INDIA
Email id: [email protected]
Abstract-Advances in semi cond |
0704.0986 | J. W. Maluf, F. F. Faria and S. C. Ulhoa | On reference frames in spacetime and gravitational energy in freely
falling frames | We consider the interpretation of tetrad fields as reference frames in
spacetime. Reference frames may be characterized by an antisymmetric
acceleration tensor, whose components are identified as the inertial
accelerations of the frame (the translational acceleration and the frequency of
rotation of the frame). This tensor is closely related to
gravitoelectromagnetic field quantities. We construct the set of tetrad fields
adapted to observers that are in free fall in the Schwarzschild spacetime, and
show that the gravitational energy-momentum constructed out of this set of
tetrad fields, in the framework of the teleparallel equivalent of general
relatrivity, vanishes. This result is in agreement with the principle of
equivalence, and may be taken as a condition for a viable definition of
gravitational energy.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0986v1 [gr-qc] 7 Apr 2007On reference frames in spacetime and
gravitational energy in freely falling frames
J. W. Maluf∗, F. F. Faria and S. C. Ulhoa
Instituto de F´ ısica,
Universidade de Bras´ ılia
C. P. 04385
70.919-970 Bras´ ılia DF, Brazil
We consider the interpretation of |
0704.0987 | C. Munoz | A kind of prediction from string phenomenology: extra matter at low
energy | We review the possibility that the Supersymmetric Standard Model arises from
orbifold constructions of the E_8 x E_8 Heterotic Superstring, and the
phenomenological properties that such a model should have. In particular,
trying to solve the discrepancy between the unification scale predicted by the
Heterotic Superstring (g_{GUT}x5.27x10^{17} GeV) and the value deduced from LEP
experiments (2x10^{16} GeV), we will predict the presence at low energies of
three families of Higgses and vector-like colour triplets. Our approach relies
on the Fayet-Iliopoulos breaking, and this is also a crucial ingredient,
together with having three Higgs families, to obtain in these models an
interesting pattern of fermion masses and mixing angles at the renormalizable
lebel. Namely, after the gauge breaking some physical particles appear combined
with other states, and the Yukawa couplings are modified in a well controlled
way. On the other hand, dangerous flavour-changing neutral currents may appear
when fermions of a given charge receive their mass through couplings with
several Higgs doublets. We will address this potential problem, finding that
viable scenarios can be obtained for a reasonable light Higgs spectrum.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0987v4 [hep-ph] 25 Apr 2007September 15, 2021 7:34 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE mplareviewMuno z
Modern Physics Letters A
c/circlecopyrtWorld Scientific Publishing Company
Departamento de F´ ısica Te´ oric |
0704.0988 | C.J. Cyganowski, C.L. Brogan, T.R. Hunter | Evidence for a Massive Protocluster in S255N | S255N is a luminous far-infrared source that contains many indications of
active star formation but lacks a prominent near-infrared stellar cluster. We
present mid-infrared through radio observations aimed at exploring the
evolutionary state of this region. Our observations include 1.3mm continuum and
spectral line data from the Submillimeter Array, VLA 3.6cm continuum and 1.3cm
water maser data, and multicolor IRAC images from the Spitzer Space Telescope.
The cometary morphology of the previously-known UCHII region G192.584-0.041 is
clearly revealed in our sensitive, multi-configuration 3.6cm images. The 1.3mm
continuum emission has been resolved into three compact cores, all of which are
dominated by dust emission and have radii < 7000AU. The mass estimates for
these cores range from 6 to 35 Msun. The centroid of the brightest dust core
(SMA1) is offset by 1.1'' (2800 AU) from the peak of the cometary UCHII region
and exhibits the strongest HC3N, CN, and DCN line emission in the region. SMA1
also exhibits compact CH3OH, SiO, and H2CO emission and likely contains a young
hot core. We find spatial and kinematic evidence that SMA1 may contain further
multiplicity, with one of the components coincident with a newly-detected H2O
maser. There are no mid-infrared point source counterparts to any of the dust
cores, further suggesting an early evolutionary phase for these objects. The
dominant mid-infrared emission is a diffuse, broadband component that traces
the surface of the cometary UCHII region but is obscured by foreground material
on its southern edge. An additional 4.5 micron linear feature emanating to the
northeast of SMA1 is aligned with a cluster of methanol masers and likely
traces a outflow from a protostar within SMA1. Our observations provide direct
evidence that S255N is forming a cluster of intermediate to high-mass stars.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0988v1 [astro-ph] 7 Apr 2007Evidence for a Massive Protocluster in S255N
C.J. Cyganowski1, C.L. Brogan2, T.R. Hunter2
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
S255N is a luminous far-infrared source that contains many indicatio ns of
active star formation but l |
0704.0989 | Daniel Groves, Henry Wilton | Enumerating limit groups | We prove that the set of limit groups is recursive, answering a question of
Delzant. One ingredient of the proof is the observation that a finitely
presented group with local retractions (a la Long and Reid) is coherent and,
furthermore, there exists an algorithm that computes presentations for finitely
generated subgroups. The other main ingredient is the ability to
algorithmically calculate centralizers in relatively hyperbolic groups.
Applications include the existence of recognition algorithms for limit groups
and free groups.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0989v2 [math.GR] 22 May 2007Enumerating limit groups
Daniel Groves and Henry Wilton
21st May 2007
We prove that the set of limit groups is recursive, answering a
question of Delzant. One ingredient of the proof is the obser vation
that a finitely presented group with local retra |
0704.0990 | Chong-Yu Ruan, Yoshie Murooka, Ramani K. Raman, Ryan A. Murdick | Dynamics of Size-Selected Gold Nanoparticles Studied by Ultrafast
Electron Nanocrystallography | We report the studies of ultrafast electron nanocrystallography on
size-selected Au nanoparticles (2-20 nm) supported on a molecular interface.
Reversible surface melting, melting, and recrystallization were investigated
with dynamical full-profile radial distribution functions determined with
sub-picosecond and picometer accuracies. In an ultrafast photoinduced melting,
the nanoparticles are driven to a non-equilibrium transformation, characterized
by the initial lattice deformations, nonequilibrium electron-phonon coupling,
and upon melting, the collective bonding and debonding, transforming
nanocrystals into shelled nanoliquids. The displasive structural excitation at
premelting and the coherent transformation with crystal/liquid coexistence
during photomelting differ from the reciprocal behavior of recrystallization,
where a hot lattice forms from liquid and then thermally contracts. The degree
of structural change and the thermodynamics of melting are found to depend on
the size of nanoparticle.
| What is the title of this paper? 1Dynamics of Size-Selected Gold Nanoparticles Studied
by Ultrafast Electron Nanocrystallography
Chong-Yu Ruan*, Yoshie Murooka, Ramani K. Raman, Ryan A. Murdick
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
* corresponding author: [email protected] |
0704.0991 | Masahiko Egami | A Direct Method for Solving Optimal Switching Problems of
One-Dimensional Diffusions | In this paper, we propose a direct solution method for optimal switching
problems of one-dimensional diffusions. This method is free from conjectures
about the form of the value function and switching strategies, or does not
require the proof of optimality through quasi-variational inequalities. The
direct method uses a general theory of optimal stopping problems for
one-dimensional diffusions and characterizes the value function as sets of the
smallest linear majorants in their respective transformed spaces.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0991v1 [math.OC] 9 Apr 2007ADirectMethodforSolvingOptimalSwitchingProblemsof
In this paper, we propose a direct solution method for optima l switching problems of one-dimensional
diffusions. This method is free from conjectures about the |
0704.0992 | Elena Magliaro, Claudio Perini, Carlo Rovelli | Compatibility of radial, Lorenz and harmonic gauges | We observe that the radial gauge can be consistently imposed \emph{together}
with the Lorenz gauge in Maxwell theory, and with the harmonic traceless gauge
in linearized general relativity. This simple observation has relevance for
some recent developments in quantum gravity where the radial gauge is
implicitly utilized.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0992v2 [gr-qc] 7 May 2007Compatibility of radial, Lorenz and harmonic gauges
Elena Magliaroac, Claudio Perinibc, Carlo Rovellic
aDipartimento di Fisica, Universit` a degli Studi Roma Tre, I -00146 Roma, EU
bDipartimento di Matematica, Universit` a degli Studi Roma T re, I-00146 Roma, EU |
0704.0993 | Piotr Bizo\'n, Tadeusz Chmaj, Andrzej Rostworowski | Late-time tails of a Yang-Mills field on Minkowski and Schwarzschild
backgrounds | We study the late-time behavior of spherically symmetric solutions of the
Yang-Mills equations on Minkowski and Schwarzschild backgrounds. Using
nonlinear perturbation theory we show in both cases that solutions having
smooth compactly supported initial data posses tails which decay as $t^{-4}$ at
timelike infinity. Moreover, for small initial data on Minkowski background we
derive the third-order formula for the amplitude of the tail and confirm
numerically its accuracy.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0993v2 [gr-qc] 20 Apr 2007Late-time tails of a Yang-Mills field
on Minkowski and Schwarzschild backgrounds
Piotr Bizo´ n,1,2Tadeusz Chmaj,3,4and Andrzej Rostworowski1
1M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian Univer sity, Krak´ ow, Poland
2Max-Planck-Institut f¨ ur Gravitations |
0704.0994 | J.-Cl. Falmagne, S. Ovchinnikov | Mediatic graphs | Any medium can be represented as an isometric subgraph of the hypercube, with
each token of the medium represented by a particular equivalence class of arcs
of the subgraph. Such a representation, although useful, is not especially
revealing of the structure of a particular medium. We propose an axiomatic
definition of the concept of a `mediatic graph'. We prove that the graph of any
medium is a mediatic graph. We also show that, for any non-necessarily finite
set S, there exists a bijection from the collection M of all the media on a
given set S (of states) onto the collection G of all the mediatic graphs on S.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0994v3 [math.CO] 14 Aug 2007Mediatic Graphs∗
Jean-Claude Falmagne†Sergei Ovchinnikov
University of California, Irvine San Francisco State University
[email protected] [email protected]
A medium is a type ofsemigroupon a set ofstates, constrainedby st rongaxioms. Any
mediumcanberepresen |
0704.0995 | Satish D. Joglekar | Composite Structure and Causality | We study the question of whether a composite structure of elementary
particles, with a length scale $1/\Lambda$, can leave observable effects of
non-locality and causality violation at higher energies (but $\lesssim
\Lambda$). We formulate a model-independent approach based on
Bogoliubov-Shirkov formulation of causality. We analyze the relation between
the fundamental theory (of finer constituents) and the derived theory (of
composite particles). We assume that the fundamental theory is causal and
formulate a condition which must be fulfilled for the derived theory to be
causal. We analyze the condition and exhibit possibilities which fulfil and
which violate the condition. We make comments on how causality violating
amplitudes can arise.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0995v2 [hep-ph] 21 May 2007Composite Structure and Causality
Satish D. Joglekar∗
October 30, 2018
Department of Physics, I.I.T. Kanpur, Kanpur 208016 (INDIA)
We study the question of whether a composite structure of ele men-
tary particles, with a length scale 1 /Λ, can leave o |
0704.0996 | Anurag Sahay, Gautam Sengupta | Brane World Black Rings | Five dimensional neutral rotating black rings are described from a
Randall-Sundrum brane world perspective in the bulk black string framework. To
this end we consider a rotating black string extension of a five dimensional
black ring into the bulk of a six dimensional Randall-Sundrum brane world with
a single four brane. The bulk solution intercepts the four brane in a five
dimensional black ring with the usual curvature singularity on the brane. The
bulk geodesics restricted to the plane of rotation of the black ring are
constructed and their projections on the four brane match with the usual black
ring geodesics restricted to the same plane. The asymptotic nature of the bulk
geodesics are elucidated with reference to a bulk singularity at the AdS
horizon. We further discuss the description of a brane world black ring as a
limit of a boosted bulk black 2 brane with periodic identification.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0996v2 [hep-th] 13 Apr 2007Brane World Black Rings.
Anurag Sahay∗, Gautam Sengupta,†,
Department of Physics,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Kanpur 208016, India.
Five dimensional neutral rotating black rings are describe d from a
Randall-Sundrum brane world perspective in the |
0704.0997 | Dan Coman and Evgeny A. Poletsky | Stable algebras of entire functions | Suppose that $h$ and $g$ belong to the algebra $\B$ generated by the rational
functions and an entire function $f$ of finite order on ${\Bbb C}^n$ and that
$h/g$ has algebraic polar variety. We show that either $h/g\in\B$ or
$f=q_1e^p+q_2$, where $p$ is a polynomial and $q_1,q_2$ are rational functions.
In the latter case, $h/g$ belongs to the algebra generated by the rational
functions, $e^p$ and $e^{-p}$.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0997v1 [math.CV] 9 Apr 2007Stable algebras of entire functions
Dan Coman and Evgeny A. Poletsky
Abstract. Suppose that handgbelong to the algebra Bgenerated by
the rational functions and an entire function fof finite order on Cnand
thath/ghas algebraic polar variety. We show that either |
0704.0998 | Louise Nyssen (I3M) | Test vectors for trilinear forms, when two representations are
unramified and one is special | Let F be a finite extension of Qp and G be GL(2,F). When V is the tensor
product of three admissible, irreducible, finite dimensional representations of
G, the space of G-invariant linear forms has dimension at most one. When a non
zero linear form exists, one wants to find an element of V which is not in its
kernel: this is a test vector. Gross and Prasad found explicit test vectors for
some triple of representations. In this paper, others are found, and they
almost complete the case when the conductor of each representation is at most
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0998v1 [math.NT] 7 Apr 2007Test vectors for trilinear forms, when two representations are
unramified and one is special
Louise Nyssen
November 1, 2018
1 Introduction
LetFbe a finite extension of Qp, with ring of integers OF, and uniformizing parameter πF,
whose residual field has qelements |
0704.0999 | G. Lusztig | Generic character sheaves on disconnected groups and character values | We relate a generic character sheaf on a disconnected reductive group with a
character of a representation of the rational points of the group over a finite
field extending a result known in the connected case.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0999v1 [math.RT] 7 Apr 2007GENERIC CHARACTER SHEAVES ON
G. Lusztig
The theory of character sheaves [L3] on a reductive group Gover an alge-
braically closed field and the theory of irreducible charact ers ofGover a finite
field are two |
0704.1000 | L.M. Zhang, et al (for the Belle Collaboration) | Measurement of D0-D0bar mixing in D0->Ks pi+ pi- decays | We report a measurement of D0-D0bar mixing in D0->Ks pi+ pi- decays using a
time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis. We first assume CP conservation and
subsequently allow for CP violation. The results are based on 540 fb$^{-1}$ of
data accumulated with the Belle detector at the KEKB $e^+e^-$ collider.
Assuming negligible CP violation, we measure the mixing parameters
$x=(0.80\pm0.29^{+0.09 +0.10}_{-0.07 -0.14})%$ and $y=(0.33\pm0.24^{+0.08
+0.06}_{-0.12 -0.08})%$, where the errors are statistical, experimental
systematic, and systematic due to the Dalitz decay model, respectively.
Allowing for CP violation, we obtain the $CPV$ parameters $|q/p|=0.86^{+0.30
+0.06}_{-0.29 -0.03}\pm0.08$ and $\arg(q/p)=(-14^{+16 +5 +2}_{-18 -3
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.1000v2 [hep-ex] 21 Jun 2007Measurement of D0-D0mixing in D0→K0
L. M. Zhang,37Z. P. Zhang,37I. Adachi,7H. Aihara,45V. Aulchenko,1T. Aushev,18,13A. M. Bakich,40
V. Balagura,13E. Barberio,21A. Bay,18K. Belous,12U. Bitenc,14A. Bondar,1A. Bozek,27M. Braˇ cko,20,14
J. Brodzicka,7T |
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