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Feature Dynamic Bayesian Networks | Feature Markov Decision Processes (PhiMDPs) are well-suited for learning
agents in general environments. Nevertheless, unstructured (Phi)MDPs are
limited to relatively simple environments. Structured MDPs like Dynamic
Bayesian Networks (DBNs) are used for large-scale real-world problems. In this
article I extend PhiMDP to PhiDBN. The primary contribution is to derive a cost
criterion that allows to automatically extract the most relevant features from
the environment, leading to the "best" DBN representation. I discuss all
building blocks required for a complete general learning algorithm.
Importance Weighted Active Learning | We present a practical and statistically consistent scheme for actively
learning binary classifiers under general loss functions. Our algorithm uses
importance weighting to correct sampling bias, and by controlling the variance,
we are able to give rigorous label complexity bounds for the learning process.
Experiments on passively labeled data show that this approach reduces the label
complexity required to achieve good predictive performance on many learning
A New Clustering Algorithm Based Upon Flocking On Complex Network | We have proposed a model based upon flocking on a complex network, and then
developed two clustering algorithms on the basis of it. In the algorithms,
firstly a \textit{k}-nearest neighbor (knn) graph as a weighted and directed
graph is produced among all data points in a dataset each of which is regarded
as an agent who can move in space, and then a time-varying complex network is
created by adding long-range links for each data point. Furthermore, each data
point is not only acted by its \textit{k} nearest neighbors but also \textit{r}
long-range neighbors through fields established in space by them together, so
it will take a step along the direction of the vector sum of all fields. It is
more important that these long-range links provides some hidden information for
each data point when it moves and at the same time accelerate its speed
converging to a center. As they move in space according to the proposed model,
data points that belong to the same class are located at a same position
gradually, whereas those that belong to different classes are away from one
another. Consequently, the experimental results have demonstrated that data
points in datasets are clustered reasonably and efficiently, and the rates of
convergence of clustering algorithms are fast enough. Moreover, the comparison
with other algorithms also provides an indication of the effectiveness of the
proposed approach.
A Novel Clustering Algorithm Based Upon Games on Evolving Network | This paper introduces a model based upon games on an evolving network, and
develops three clustering algorithms according to it. In the clustering
algorithms, data points for clustering are regarded as players who can make
decisions in games. On the network describing relationships among data points,
an edge-removing-and-rewiring (ERR) function is employed to explore in a
neighborhood of a data point, which removes edges connecting to neighbors with
small payoffs, and creates new edges to neighbors with larger payoffs. As such,
the connections among data points vary over time. During the evolution of
network, some strategies are spread in the network. As a consequence, clusters
are formed automatically, in which data points with the same evolutionarily
stable strategy are collected as a cluster, so the number of evolutionarily
stable strategies indicates the number of clusters. Moreover, the experimental
results have demonstrated that data points in datasets are clustered reasonably
and efficiently, and the comparison with other algorithms also provides an
indication of the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.
MIMO decoding based on stochastic reconstruction from multiple
projections | Least squares (LS) fitting is one of the most fundamental techniques in
science and engineering. It is used to estimate parameters from multiple noisy
observations. In many problems the parameters are known a-priori to be bounded
integer valued, or they come from a finite set of values on an arbitrary finite
lattice. In this case finding the closest vector becomes NP-Hard problem. In
this paper we propose a novel algorithm, the Tomographic Least Squares Decoder
(TLSD), that not only solves the ILS problem, better than other sub-optimal
techniques, but also is capable of providing the a-posteriori probability
distribution for each element in the solution vector. The algorithm is based on
reconstruction of the vector from multiple two-dimensional projections. The
projections are carefully chosen to provide low computational complexity.
Unlike other iterative techniques, such as the belief propagation, the proposed
algorithm has ensured convergence. We also provide simulated experiments
comparing the algorithm to other sub-optimal algorithms.
Distributed Preemption Decisions: Probabilistic Graphical Model,
Algorithm and Near-Optimality | Cooperative decision making is a vision of future network management and
control. Distributed connection preemption is an important example where nodes
can make intelligent decisions on allocating resources and controlling traffic
flows for multi-class service networks. A challenge is that nodal decisions are
spatially dependent as traffic flows trespass multiple nodes in a network.
Hence the performance-complexity trade-off becomes important, i.e., how
accurate decisions are versus how much information is exchanged among nodes.
Connection preemption is known to be NP-complete. Centralized preemption is
optimal but computationally intractable. Decentralized preemption is
computationally efficient but may result in a poor performance. This work
investigates distributed preemption where nodes decide whether and which flows
to preempt using only local information exchange with neighbors. We develop,
based on the probabilistic graphical models, a near-optimal distributed
algorithm. The algorithm is used by each node to make collectively near-optimal
preemption decisions. We study trade-offs between near-optimal performance and
complexity that corresponds to the amount of information-exchange of the
distributed algorithm. The algorithm is validated by both analysis and
A Theoretical Analysis of Joint Manifolds | The emergence of low-cost sensor architectures for diverse modalities has
made it possible to deploy sensor arrays that capture a single event from a
large number of vantage points and using multiple modalities. In many
scenarios, these sensors acquire very high-dimensional data such as audio
signals, images, and video. To cope with such high-dimensional data, we
typically rely on low-dimensional models. Manifold models provide a
particularly powerful model that captures the structure of high-dimensional
data when it is governed by a low-dimensional set of parameters. However, these
models do not typically take into account dependencies among multiple sensors.
We thus propose a new joint manifold framework for data ensembles that exploits
such dependencies. We show that simple algorithms can exploit the joint
manifold structure to improve their performance on standard signal processing
applications. Additionally, recent results concerning dimensionality reduction
for manifolds enable us to formulate a network-scalable data compression scheme
that uses random projections of the sensed data. This scheme efficiently fuses
the data from all sensors through the addition of such projections, regardless
of the data modalities and dimensions.
Joint universal lossy coding and identification of stationary mixing
sources with general alphabets | We consider the problem of joint universal variable-rate lossy coding and
identification for parametric classes of stationary $\beta$-mixing sources with
general (Polish) alphabets. Compression performance is measured in terms of
Lagrangians, while identification performance is measured by the variational
distance between the true source and the estimated source. Provided that the
sources are mixing at a sufficiently fast rate and satisfy certain smoothness
and Vapnik-Chervonenkis learnability conditions, it is shown that, for bounded
metric distortions, there exist universal schemes for joint lossy compression
and identification whose Lagrangian redundancies converge to zero as $\sqrt{V_n
\log n /n}$ as the block length $n$ tends to infinity, where $V_n$ is the
Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of a certain class of decision regions defined by
the $n$-dimensional marginal distributions of the sources; furthermore, for
each $n$, the decoder can identify $n$-dimensional marginal of the active
source up to a ball of radius $O(\sqrt{V_n\log n/n})$ in variational distance,
eventually with probability one. The results are supplemented by several
examples of parametric sources satisfying the regularity conditions.
Achievability results for statistical learning under communication
constraints | The problem of statistical learning is to construct an accurate predictor of
a random variable as a function of a correlated random variable on the basis of
an i.i.d. training sample from their joint distribution. Allowable predictors
are constrained to lie in some specified class, and the goal is to approach
asymptotically the performance of the best predictor in the class. We consider
two settings in which the learning agent only has access to rate-limited
descriptions of the training data, and present information-theoretic bounds on
the predictor performance achievable in the presence of these communication
constraints. Our proofs do not assume any separation structure between
compression and learning and rely on a new class of operational criteria
specifically tailored to joint design of encoders and learning algorithms in
rate-constrained settings.
A Limit Theorem in Singular Regression Problem | In statistical problems, a set of parameterized probability distributions is
used to estimate the true probability distribution. If Fisher information
matrix at the true distribution is singular, then it has been left unknown what
we can estimate about the true distribution from random samples. In this paper,
we study a singular regression problem and prove a limit theorem which shows
the relation between the singular regression problem and two birational
invariants, a real log canonical threshold and a singular fluctuation. The
obtained theorem has an important application to statistics, because it enables
us to estimate the generalization error from the training error without any
knowledge of the true probability distribution.
Matrix Completion from a Few Entries | Let M be a random (alpha n) x n matrix of rank r<<n, and assume that a
uniformly random subset E of its entries is observed. We describe an efficient
algorithm that reconstructs M from |E| = O(rn) observed entries with relative
root mean square error RMSE <= C(rn/|E|)^0.5 . Further, if r=O(1), M can be
reconstructed exactly from |E| = O(n log(n)) entries. These results apply
beyond random matrices to general low-rank incoherent matrices.
This settles (in the case of bounded rank) a question left open by Candes and
Recht and improves over the guarantees for their reconstruction algorithm. The
complexity of our algorithm is O(|E|r log(n)), which opens the way to its use
for massive data sets. In the process of proving these statements, we obtain a
generalization of a celebrated result by Friedman-Kahn-Szemeredi and Feige-Ofek
on the spectrum of sparse random matrices.
Model-Consistent Sparse Estimation through the Bootstrap | We consider the least-square linear regression problem with regularization by
the $\ell^1$-norm, a problem usually referred to as the Lasso. In this paper,
we first present a detailed asymptotic analysis of model consistency of the
Lasso in low-dimensional settings. For various decays of the regularization
parameter, we compute asymptotic equivalents of the probability of correct
model selection. For a specific rate decay, we show that the Lasso selects all
the variables that should enter the model with probability tending to one
exponentially fast, while it selects all other variables with strictly positive
probability. We show that this property implies that if we run the Lasso for
several bootstrapped replications of a given sample, then intersecting the
supports of the Lasso bootstrap estimates leads to consistent model selection.
This novel variable selection procedure, referred to as the Bolasso, is
extended to high-dimensional settings by a provably consistent two-step
On the Dual Formulation of Boosting Algorithms | We study boosting algorithms from a new perspective. We show that the
Lagrange dual problems of AdaBoost, LogitBoost and soft-margin LPBoost with
generalized hinge loss are all entropy maximization problems. By looking at the
dual problems of these boosting algorithms, we show that the success of
boosting algorithms can be understood in terms of maintaining a better margin
distribution by maximizing margins and at the same time controlling the margin
variance.We also theoretically prove that, approximately, AdaBoost maximizes
the average margin, instead of the minimum margin. The duality formulation also
enables us to develop column generation based optimization algorithms, which
are totally corrective. We show that they exhibit almost identical
classification results to that of standard stage-wise additive boosting
algorithms but with much faster convergence rates. Therefore fewer weak
classifiers are needed to build the ensemble using our proposed optimization
Cross-situational and supervised learning in the emergence of
communication | Scenarios for the emergence or bootstrap of a lexicon involve the repeated
interaction between at least two agents who must reach a consensus on how to
name N objects using H words. Here we consider minimal models of two types of
learning algorithms: cross-situational learning, in which the individuals
determine the meaning of a word by looking for something in common across all
observed uses of that word, and supervised operant conditioning learning, in
which there is strong feedback between individuals about the intended meaning
of the words. Despite the stark differences between these learning schemes, we
show that they yield the same communication accuracy in the realistic limits of
large N and H, which coincides with the result of the classical occupancy
problem of randomly assigning N objects to H words.
Practical Robust Estimators for the Imprecise Dirichlet Model | Walley's Imprecise Dirichlet Model (IDM) for categorical i.i.d. data extends
the classical Dirichlet model to a set of priors. It overcomes several
fundamental problems which other approaches to uncertainty suffer from. Yet, to
be useful in practice, one needs efficient ways for computing the
imprecise=robust sets or intervals. The main objective of this work is to
derive exact, conservative, and approximate, robust and credible interval
estimates under the IDM for a large class of statistical estimators, including
the entropy and mutual information.
Fixing Convergence of Gaussian Belief Propagation | Gaussian belief propagation (GaBP) is an iterative message-passing algorithm
for inference in Gaussian graphical models. It is known that when GaBP
converges it converges to the correct MAP estimate of the Gaussian random
vector and simple sufficient conditions for its convergence have been
established. In this paper we develop a double-loop algorithm for forcing
convergence of GaBP. Our method computes the correct MAP estimate even in cases
where standard GaBP would not have converged. We further extend this
construction to compute least-squares solutions of over-constrained linear
systems. We believe that our construction has numerous applications, since the
GaBP algorithm is linked to solution of linear systems of equations, which is a
fundamental problem in computer science and engineering. As a case study, we
discuss the linear detection problem. We show that using our new construction,
we are able to force convergence of Montanari's linear detection algorithm, in
cases where it would originally fail. As a consequence, we are able to increase
significantly the number of users that can transmit concurrently.
Non-Confluent NLC Graph Grammar Inference by Compressing Disjoint
Subgraphs | Grammar inference deals with determining (preferable simple) models/grammars
consistent with a set of observations. There is a large body of research on
grammar inference within the theory of formal languages. However, there is
surprisingly little known on grammar inference for graph grammars. In this
paper we take a further step in this direction and work within the framework of
node label controlled (NLC) graph grammars. Specifically, we characterize,
given a set of disjoint and isomorphic subgraphs of a graph $G$, whether or not
there is a NLC graph grammar rule which can generate these subgraphs to obtain
$G$. This generalizes previous results by assuming that the set of isomorphic
subgraphs is disjoint instead of non-touching. This leads naturally to consider
the more involved ``non-confluent'' graph grammar rules.
Tree Exploration for Bayesian RL Exploration | Research in reinforcement learning has produced algorithms for optimal
decision making under uncertainty that fall within two main types. The first
employs a Bayesian framework, where optimality improves with increased
computational time. This is because the resulting planning task takes the form
of a dynamic programming problem on a belief tree with an infinite number of
states. The second type employs relatively simple algorithm which are shown to
suffer small regret within a distribution-free framework. This paper presents a
lower bound and a high probability upper bound on the optimal value function
for the nodes in the Bayesian belief tree, which are analogous to similar
bounds in POMDPs. The bounds are then used to create more efficient strategies
for exploring the tree. The resulting algorithms are compared with the
distribution-free algorithm UCB1, as well as a simpler baseline algorithm on
multi-armed bandit problems.
Discovering general partial orders in event streams | Frequent episode discovery is a popular framework for pattern discovery in
event streams. An episode is a partially ordered set of nodes with each node
associated with an event type. Efficient (and separate) algorithms exist for
episode discovery when the associated partial order is total (serial episode)
and trivial (parallel episode). In this paper, we propose efficient algorithms
for discovering frequent episodes with general partial orders. These algorithms
can be easily specialized to discover serial or parallel episodes. Also, the
algorithms are flexible enough to be specialized for mining in the space of
certain interesting subclasses of partial orders. We point out that there is an
inherent combinatorial explosion in frequent partial order mining and most
importantly, frequency alone is not a sufficient measure of interestingness. We
propose a new interestingness measure for general partial order episodes and a
discovery method based on this measure, for filtering out uninteresting partial
orders. Simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms.
Extraction de concepts sous contraintes dans des donn\'ees d'expression
de g\`enes | In this paper, we propose a technique to extract constrained formal concepts.
Database Transposition for Constrained (Closed) Pattern Mining | Recently, different works proposed a new way to mine patterns in databases
with pathological size. For example, experiments in genome biology usually
provide databases with thousands of attributes (genes) but only tens of objects
(experiments). In this case, mining the "transposed" database runs through a
smaller search space, and the Galois connection allows to infer the closed
patterns of the original database. We focus here on constrained pattern mining
for those unusual databases and give a theoretical framework for database and
constraint transposition. We discuss the properties of constraint transposition
and look into classical constraints. We then address the problem of generating
the closed patterns of the original database satisfying the constraint,
starting from those mined in the "transposed" database. Finally, we show how to
generate all the patterns satisfying the constraint from the closed ones.
Multi-Label Prediction via Compressed Sensing | We consider multi-label prediction problems with large output spaces under
the assumption of output sparsity -- that the target (label) vectors have small
support. We develop a general theory for a variant of the popular error
correcting output code scheme, using ideas from compressed sensing for
exploiting this sparsity. The method can be regarded as a simple reduction from
multi-label regression problems to binary regression problems. We show that the
number of subproblems need only be logarithmic in the total number of possible
labels, making this approach radically more efficient than others. We also
state and prove robustness guarantees for this method in the form of regret
transform bounds (in general), and also provide a more detailed analysis for
the linear prediction setting.
Object Classification by means of Multi-Feature Concept Learning in a
Multi Expert-Agent System | Classification of some objects in classes of concepts is an essential and
even breathtaking task in many applications. A solution is discussed here based
on Multi-Agent systems. A kernel of some expert agents in several classes is to
consult a central agent decide among the classification problem of a certain
object. This kernel is moderated with the center agent, trying to manage the
querying agents for any decision problem by means of a data-header like feature
set. Agents have cooperation among concepts related to the classes of this
classification decision-making; and may affect on each others' results on a
certain query object in a multi-agent learning approach. This leads to an
online feature learning via the consulting trend. The performance is discussed
to be much better in comparison to some other prior trends while system's
message passing overload is decreased to less agents and the expertism helps
the performance and operability of system win the comparison.
Error-Correcting Tournaments | We present a family of pairwise tournaments reducing $k$-class classification
to binary classification. These reductions are provably robust against a
constant fraction of binary errors. The results improve on the PECOC
construction \cite{SECOC} with an exponential improvement in computation, from
$O(k)$ to $O(\log_2 k)$, and the removal of a square root in the regret
dependence, matching the best possible computation and regret up to a constant.
An Exact Algorithm for the Stratification Problem with Proportional
Allocation | We report a new optimal resolution for the statistical stratification problem
under proportional sampling allocation among strata. Consider a finite
population of N units, a random sample of n units selected from this population
and a number L of strata. Thus, we have to define which units belong to each
stratum so as to minimize the variance of a total estimator for one desired
variable of interest in each stratum,and consequently reduce the overall
variance for such quantity. In order to solve this problem, an exact algorithm
based on the concept of minimal path in a graph is proposed and assessed.
Computational results using real data from IBGE (Brazilian Central Statistical
Office) are provided.
Learning rules from multisource data for cardiac monitoring | This paper formalises the concept of learning symbolic rules from multisource
data in a cardiac monitoring context. Our sources, electrocardiograms and
arterial blood pressure measures, describe cardiac behaviours from different
viewpoints. To learn interpretable rules, we use an Inductive Logic Programming
(ILP) method. We develop an original strategy to cope with the dimensionality
issues caused by using this ILP technique on a rich multisource language. The
results show that our method greatly improves the feasibility and the
efficiency of the process while staying accurate. They also confirm the
benefits of using multiple sources to improve the diagnosis of cardiac
Domain Adaptation: Learning Bounds and Algorithms | This paper addresses the general problem of domain adaptation which arises in
a variety of applications where the distribution of the labeled sample
available somewhat differs from that of the test data. Building on previous
work by Ben-David et al. (2007), we introduce a novel distance between
distributions, discrepancy distance, that is tailored to adaptation problems
with arbitrary loss functions. We give Rademacher complexity bounds for
estimating the discrepancy distance from finite samples for different loss
functions. Using this distance, we derive novel generalization bounds for
domain adaptation for a wide family of loss functions. We also present a series
of novel adaptation bounds for large classes of regularization-based
algorithms, including support vector machines and kernel ridge regression based
on the empirical discrepancy. This motivates our analysis of the problem of
minimizing the empirical discrepancy for various loss functions for which we
also give novel algorithms. We report the results of preliminary experiments
that demonstrate the benefits of our discrepancy minimization algorithms for
domain adaptation.
Online Multi-task Learning with Hard Constraints | We discuss multi-task online learning when a decision maker has to deal
simultaneously with M tasks. The tasks are related, which is modeled by
imposing that the M-tuple of actions taken by the decision maker needs to
satisfy certain constraints. We give natural examples of such restrictions and
then discuss a general class of tractable constraints, for which we introduce
computationally efficient ways of selecting actions, essentially by reducing to
an on-line shortest path problem. We briefly discuss "tracking" and "bandit"
versions of the problem and extend the model in various ways, including
non-additive global losses and uncountably infinite sets of tasks.
Uniqueness of Low-Rank Matrix Completion by Rigidity Theory | The problem of completing a low-rank matrix from a subset of its entries is
often encountered in the analysis of incomplete data sets exhibiting an
underlying factor model with applications in collaborative filtering, computer
vision and control. Most recent work had been focused on constructing efficient
algorithms for exact or approximate recovery of the missing matrix entries and
proving lower bounds for the number of known entries that guarantee a
successful recovery with high probability. A related problem from both the
mathematical and algorithmic point of view is the distance geometry problem of
realizing points in a Euclidean space from a given subset of their pairwise
distances. Rigidity theory answers basic questions regarding the uniqueness of
the realization satisfying a given partial set of distances. We observe that
basic ideas and tools of rigidity theory can be adapted to determine uniqueness
of low-rank matrix completion, where inner products play the role that
distances play in rigidity theory. This observation leads to an efficient
randomized algorithm for testing both local and global unique completion.
Crucial to our analysis is a new matrix, which we call the completion matrix,
that serves as the analogue of the rigidity matrix.
Prediction with expert evaluators' advice | We introduce a new protocol for prediction with expert advice in which each
expert evaluates the learner's and his own performance using a loss function
that may change over time and may be different from the loss functions used by
the other experts. The learner's goal is to perform better or not much worse
than each expert, as evaluated by that expert, for all experts simultaneously.
If the loss functions used by the experts are all proper scoring rules and all
mixable, we show that the defensive forecasting algorithm enjoys the same
performance guarantee as that attainable by the Aggregating Algorithm in the
standard setting and known to be optimal. This result is also applied to the
case of "specialist" (or "sleeping") experts. In this case, the defensive
forecasting algorithm reduces to a simple modification of the Aggregating
Multiplicative updates For Non-Negative Kernel SVM | We present multiplicative updates for solving hard and soft margin support
vector machines (SVM) with non-negative kernels. They follow as a natural
extension of the updates for non-negative matrix factorization. No additional
param- eter setting, such as choosing learning, rate is required. Ex- periments
demonstrate rapid convergence to good classifiers. We analyze the rates of
asymptotic convergence of the up- dates and establish tight bounds. We test the
performance on several datasets using various non-negative kernels and report
equivalent generalization errors to that of a standard SVM.
Manipulation Robustness of Collaborative Filtering Systems | A collaborative filtering system recommends to users products that similar
users like. Collaborative filtering systems influence purchase decisions, and
hence have become targets of manipulation by unscrupulous vendors. We provide
theoretical and empirical results demonstrating that while common nearest
neighbor algorithms, which are widely used in commercial systems, can be highly
susceptible to manipulation, two classes of collaborative filtering algorithms
which we refer to as linear and asymptotically linear are relatively robust.
These results provide guidance for the design of future collaborative filtering
Efficient Human Computation | Collecting large labeled data sets is a laborious and expensive task, whose
scaling up requires division of the labeling workload between many teachers.
When the number of classes is large, miscorrespondences between the labels
given by the different teachers are likely to occur, which, in the extreme
case, may reach total inconsistency. In this paper we describe how globally
consistent labels can be obtained, despite the absence of teacher coordination,
and discuss the possible efficiency of this process in terms of human labor. We
define a notion of label efficiency, measuring the ratio between the number of
globally consistent labels obtained and the number of labels provided by
distributed teachers. We show that the efficiency depends critically on the
ratio alpha between the number of data instances seen by a single teacher, and
the number of classes. We suggest several algorithms for the distributed
labeling problem, and analyze their efficiency as a function of alpha. In
addition, we provide an upper bound on label efficiency for the case of
completely uncoordinated teachers, and show that efficiency approaches 0 as the
ratio between the number of labels each teacher provides and the number of
classes drops (i.e. alpha goes to 0).
Multiagent Learning in Large Anonymous Games | In large systems, it is important for agents to learn to act effectively, but
sophisticated multi-agent learning algorithms generally do not scale. An
alternative approach is to find restricted classes of games where simple,
efficient algorithms converge. It is shown that stage learning efficiently
converges to Nash equilibria in large anonymous games if best-reply dynamics
converge. Two features are identified that improve convergence. First, rather
than making learning more difficult, more agents are actually beneficial in
many settings. Second, providing agents with statistical information about the
behavior of others can significantly reduce the number of observations needed.
Differential Contrastive Divergence | This paper has been retracted.
A parameter-free hedging algorithm | We study the problem of decision-theoretic online learning (DTOL). Motivated
by practical applications, we focus on DTOL when the number of actions is very
large. Previous algorithms for learning in this framework have a tunable
learning rate parameter, and a barrier to using online-learning in practical
applications is that it is not understood how to set this parameter optimally,
particularly when the number of actions is large.
In this paper, we offer a clean solution by proposing a novel and completely
parameter-free algorithm for DTOL. We introduce a new notion of regret, which
is more natural for applications with a large number of actions. We show that
our algorithm achieves good performance with respect to this new notion of
regret; in addition, it also achieves performance close to that of the best
bounds achieved by previous algorithms with optimally-tuned parameters,
according to previous notions of regret.
Tracking using explanation-based modeling | We study the tracking problem, namely, estimating the hidden state of an
object over time, from unreliable and noisy measurements. The standard
framework for the tracking problem is the generative framework, which is the
basis of solutions such as the Bayesian algorithm and its approximation, the
particle filters. However, the problem with these solutions is that they are
very sensitive to model mismatches. In this paper, motivated by online
learning, we introduce a new framework -- an {\em explanatory} framework -- for
tracking. We provide an efficient tracking algorithm for this framework. We
provide experimental results comparing our algorithm to the Bayesian algorithm
on simulated data. Our experiments show that when there are slight model
mismatches, our algorithm vastly outperforms the Bayesian algorithm.
On $p$-adic Classification | A $p$-adic modification of the split-LBG classification method is presented
in which first clusterings and then cluster centers are computed which locally
minimise an energy function. The outcome for a fixed dataset is independent of
the prime number $p$ with finitely many exceptions. The methods are applied to
the construction of $p$-adic classifiers in the context of learning.
Kalman Filtering with Intermittent Observations: Weak Convergence to a
Stationary Distribution | The paper studies the asymptotic behavior of Random Algebraic Riccati
Equations (RARE) arising in Kalman filtering when the arrival of the
observations is described by a Bernoulli i.i.d. process. We model the RARE as
an order-preserving, strongly sublinear random dynamical system (RDS). Under a
sufficient condition, stochastic boundedness, and using a limit-set dichotomy
result for order-preserving, strongly sublinear RDS, we establish the
asymptotic properties of the RARE: the sequence of random prediction error
covariance matrices converges weakly to a unique invariant distribution, whose
support exhibits fractal behavior. In particular, this weak convergence holds
under broad conditions and even when the observations arrival rate is below the
critical probability for mean stability. We apply the weak-Feller property of
the Markov process governing the RARE to characterize the support of the
limiting invariant distribution as the topological closure of a countable set
of points, which, in general, is not dense in the set of positive semi-definite
matrices. We use the explicit characterization of the support of the invariant
distribution and the almost sure ergodicity of the sample paths to easily
compute the moments of the invariant distribution. A one dimensional example
illustrates that the support is a fractured subset of the non-negative reals
with self-similarity properties.
Optimistic Simulated Exploration as an Incentive for Real Exploration | Many reinforcement learning exploration techniques are overly optimistic and
try to explore every state. Such exploration is impossible in environments with
the unlimited number of states. I propose to use simulated exploration with an
optimistic model to discover promising paths for real exploration. This reduces
the needs for the real exploration.
Efficiently Learning a Detection Cascade with Sparse Eigenvectors | In this work, we first show that feature selection methods other than
boosting can also be used for training an efficient object detector. In
particular, we introduce Greedy Sparse Linear Discriminant Analysis (GSLDA)
\cite{Moghaddam2007Fast} for its conceptual simplicity and computational
efficiency; and slightly better detection performance is achieved compared with
\cite{Viola2004Robust}. Moreover, we propose a new technique, termed Boosted
Greedy Sparse Linear Discriminant Analysis (BGSLDA), to efficiently train a
detection cascade. BGSLDA exploits the sample re-weighting property of boosting
and the class-separability criterion of GSLDA.
A New Local Distance-Based Outlier Detection Approach for Scattered
Real-World Data | Detecting outliers which are grossly different from or inconsistent with the
remaining dataset is a major challenge in real-world KDD applications. Existing
outlier detection methods are ineffective on scattered real-world datasets due
to implicit data patterns and parameter setting issues. We define a novel
"Local Distance-based Outlier Factor" (LDOF) to measure the {outlier-ness} of
objects in scattered datasets which addresses these issues. LDOF uses the
relative location of an object to its neighbours to determine the degree to
which the object deviates from its neighbourhood. Properties of LDOF are
theoretically analysed including LDOF's lower bound and its false-detection
probability, as well as parameter settings. In order to facilitate parameter
settings in real-world applications, we employ a top-n technique in our outlier
detection approach, where only the objects with the highest LDOF values are
regarded as outliers. Compared to conventional approaches (such as top-n KNN
and top-n LOF), our method top-n LDOF is more effective at detecting outliers
in scattered data. It is also easier to set parameters, since its performance
is relatively stable over a large range of parameter values, as illustrated by
experimental results on both real-world and synthetic datasets.
Optimal Policies Search for Sensor Management | This paper introduces a new approach to solve sensor management problems.
Classically sensor management problems can be well formalized as
Partially-Observed Markov Decision Processes (POMPD). The original approach
developped here consists in deriving the optimal parameterized policy based on
a stochastic gradient estimation. We assume in this work that it is possible to
learn the optimal policy off-line (in simulation) using models of the
environement and of the sensor(s). The learned policy can then be used to
manage the sensor(s). In order to approximate the gradient in a stochastic
context, we introduce a new method to approximate the gradient, based on
Infinitesimal Perturbation Approximation (IPA). The effectiveness of this
general framework is illustrated by the managing of an Electronically Scanned
Array Radar. First simulations results are finally proposed.
How random are a learner's mistakes? | Given a random binary sequence $X^{(n)}$ of random variables, $X_{t},$
$t=1,2,...,n$, for instance, one that is generated by a Markov source (teacher)
of order $k^{*}$ (each state represented by $k^{*}$ bits). Assume that the
probability of the event $X_{t}=1$ is constant and denote it by $\beta$.
Consider a learner which is based on a parametric model, for instance a Markov
model of order $k$, who trains on a sequence $x^{(m)}$ which is randomly drawn
by the teacher. Test the learner's performance by giving it a sequence
$x^{(n)}$ (generated by the teacher) and check its predictions on every bit of
$x^{(n)}.$ An error occurs at time $t$ if the learner's prediction $Y_{t}$
differs from the true bit value $X_{t}$. Denote by $\xi^{(n)}$ the sequence of
errors where the error bit $\xi_{t}$ at time $t$ equals 1 or 0 according to
whether the event of an error occurs or not, respectively. Consider the
subsequence $\xi^{(\nu)}$ of $\xi^{(n)}$ which corresponds to the errors of
predicting a 0, i.e., $\xi^{(\nu)}$ consists of the bits of $\xi^{(n)}$ only at
times $t$ such that $Y_{t}=0.$ In this paper we compute an estimate on the
deviation of the frequency of 1s of $\xi^{(\nu)}$ from $\beta$. The result
shows that the level of randomness of $\xi^{(\nu)}$ decreases relative to an
increase in the complexity of the learner.
Conditional Probability Tree Estimation Analysis and Algorithms | We consider the problem of estimating the conditional probability of a label
in time $O(\log n)$, where $n$ is the number of possible labels. We analyze a
natural reduction of this problem to a set of binary regression problems
organized in a tree structure, proving a regret bound that scales with the
depth of the tree. Motivated by this analysis, we propose the first online
algorithm which provably constructs a logarithmic depth tree on the set of
labels to solve this problem. We test the algorithm empirically, showing that
it works succesfully on a dataset with roughly $10^6$ labels.
Graph polynomials and approximation of partition functions with Loopy
Belief Propagation | The Bethe approximation, or loopy belief propagation algorithm is a
successful method for approximating partition functions of probabilistic models
associated with a graph. Chertkov and Chernyak derived an interesting formula
called Loop Series Expansion, which is an expansion of the partition function.
The main term of the series is the Bethe approximation while other terms are
labeled by subgraphs called generalized loops. In our recent paper, we derive
the loop series expansion in form of a polynomial with coefficients positive
integers, and extend the result to the expansion of marginals. In this paper,
we give more clear derivation for the results and discuss the properties of the
polynomial which is introduced in the paper.
An Exponential Lower Bound on the Complexity of Regularization Paths | For a variety of regularized optimization problems in machine learning,
algorithms computing the entire solution path have been developed recently.
Most of these methods are quadratic programs that are parameterized by a single
parameter, as for example the Support Vector Machine (SVM). Solution path
algorithms do not only compute the solution for one particular value of the
regularization parameter but the entire path of solutions, making the selection
of an optimal parameter much easier.
It has been assumed that these piecewise linear solution paths have only
linear complexity, i.e. linearly many bends. We prove that for the support
vector machine this complexity can be exponential in the number of training
points in the worst case. More strongly, we construct a single instance of n
input points in d dimensions for an SVM such that at least \Theta(2^{n/2}) =
\Theta(2^d) many distinct subsets of support vectors occur as the
regularization parameter changes.
A Combinatorial Algorithm to Compute Regularization Paths | For a wide variety of regularization methods, algorithms computing the entire
solution path have been developed recently. Solution path algorithms do not
only compute the solution for one particular value of the regularization
parameter but the entire path of solutions, making the selection of an optimal
parameter much easier. Most of the currently used algorithms are not robust in
the sense that they cannot deal with general or degenerate input. Here we
present a new robust, generic method for parametric quadratic programming. Our
algorithm directly applies to nearly all machine learning applications, where
so far every application required its own different algorithm.
We illustrate the usefulness of our method by applying it to a very low rank
problem which could not be solved by existing path tracking methods, namely to
compute part-worth values in choice based conjoint analysis, a popular
technique from market research to estimate consumers preferences on a class of
parameterized options.
Learning Multiple Belief Propagation Fixed Points for Real Time
Inference | In the context of inference with expectation constraints, we propose an
approach based on the "loopy belief propagation" algorithm LBP, as a surrogate
to an exact Markov Random Field MRF modelling. A prior information composed of
correlations among a large set of N variables, is encoded into a graphical
model; this encoding is optimized with respect to an approximate decoding
procedure LBP, which is used to infer hidden variables from an observed subset.
We focus on the situation where the underlying data have many different
statistical components, representing a variety of independent patterns.
Considering a single parameter family of models we show how LBP may be used to
encode and decode efficiently such information, without solving the NP hard
inverse problem yielding the optimal MRF. Contrary to usual practice, we work
in the non-convex Bethe free energy minimization framework, and manage to
associate a belief propagation fixed point to each component of the underlying
probabilistic mixture. The mean field limit is considered and yields an exact
connection with the Hopfield model at finite temperature and steady state, when
the number of mixture components is proportional to the number of variables. In
addition, we provide an enhanced learning procedure, based on a straightforward
multi-parameter extension of the model in conjunction with an effective
continuous optimization procedure. This is performed using the stochastic
search heuristic CMAES and yields a significant improvement with respect to the
single parameter basic model.
Time manipulation technique for speeding up reinforcement learning in
simulations | A technique for speeding up reinforcement learning algorithms by using time
manipulation is proposed. It is applicable to failure-avoidance control
problems running in a computer simulation. Turning the time of the simulation
backwards on failure events is shown to speed up the learning by 260% and
improve the state space exploration by 12% on the cart-pole balancing task,
compared to the conventional Q-learning and Actor-Critic algorithms.
A Stochastic View of Optimal Regret through Minimax Duality | We study the regret of optimal strategies for online convex optimization
games. Using von Neumann's minimax theorem, we show that the optimal regret in
this adversarial setting is closely related to the behavior of the empirical
minimization algorithm in a stochastic process setting: it is equal to the
maximum, over joint distributions of the adversary's action sequence, of the
difference between a sum of minimal expected losses and the minimal empirical
loss. We show that the optimal regret has a natural geometric interpretation,
since it can be viewed as the gap in Jensen's inequality for a concave
functional--the minimizer over the player's actions of expected loss--defined
on a set of probability distributions. We use this expression to obtain upper
and lower bounds on the regret of an optimal strategy for a variety of online
learning problems. Our method provides upper bounds without the need to
construct a learning algorithm; the lower bounds provide explicit optimal
strategies for the adversary.
Exact Non-Parametric Bayesian Inference on Infinite Trees | Given i.i.d. data from an unknown distribution, we consider the problem of
predicting future items. An adaptive way to estimate the probability density is
to recursively subdivide the domain to an appropriate data-dependent
granularity. A Bayesian would assign a data-independent prior probability to
"subdivide", which leads to a prior over infinite(ly many) trees. We derive an
exact, fast, and simple inference algorithm for such a prior, for the data
evidence, the predictive distribution, the effective model dimension, moments,
and other quantities. We prove asymptotic convergence and consistency results,
and illustrate the behavior of our model on some prototypical functions.
Time Hopping technique for faster reinforcement learning in simulations | This preprint has been withdrawn by the author for revision
Eligibility Propagation to Speed up Time Hopping for Reinforcement
Learning | A mechanism called Eligibility Propagation is proposed to speed up the Time
Hopping technique used for faster Reinforcement Learning in simulations.
Eligibility Propagation provides for Time Hopping similar abilities to what
eligibility traces provide for conventional Reinforcement Learning. It
propagates values from one state to all of its temporal predecessors using a
state transitions graph. Experiments on a simulated biped crawling robot
confirm that Eligibility Propagation accelerates the learning process more than
3 times.
Performing Nonlinear Blind Source Separation with Signal Invariants | Given a time series of multicomponent measurements x(t), the usual objective
of nonlinear blind source separation (BSS) is to find a "source" time series
s(t), comprised of statistically independent combinations of the measured
components. In this paper, the source time series is required to have a density
function in (s,ds/dt)-space that is equal to the product of density functions
of individual components. This formulation of the BSS problem has a solution
that is unique, up to permutations and component-wise transformations.
Separability is shown to impose constraints on certain locally invariant
(scalar) functions of x, which are derived from local higher-order correlations
of the data's velocity dx/dt. The data are separable if and only if they
satisfy these constraints, and, if the constraints are satisfied, the sources
can be explicitly constructed from the data. The method is illustrated by using
it to separate two speech-like sounds recorded with a single microphone.
Evolvability need not imply learnability | We show that Boolean functions expressible as monotone disjunctive normal
forms are PAC-evolvable under a uniform distribution on the Boolean cube if the
hypothesis size is allowed to remain fixed. We further show that this result is
insufficient to prove the PAC-learnability of monotone Boolean functions,
thereby demonstrating a counter-example to a recent claim to the contrary. We
further discuss scenarios wherein evolvability and learnability will coincide
as well as scenarios under which they differ. The implications of the latter
case on the prospects of learning in complex hypothesis spaces is briefly
Induction of High-level Behaviors from Problem-solving Traces using
Machine Learning Tools | This paper applies machine learning techniques to student modeling. It
presents a method for discovering high-level student behaviors from a very
large set of low-level traces corresponding to problem-solving actions in a
learning environment. Basic actions are encoded into sets of domain-dependent
attribute-value patterns called cases. Then a domain-independent hierarchical
clustering identifies what we call general attitudes, yielding automatic
diagnosis expressed in natural language, addressed in principle to teachers.
The method can be applied to individual students or to entire groups, like a
class. We exhibit examples of this system applied to thousands of students'
actions in the domain of algebraic transformations.
Stability Analysis and Learning Bounds for Transductive Regression
Algorithms | This paper uses the notion of algorithmic stability to derive novel
generalization bounds for several families of transductive regression
algorithms, both by using convexity and closed-form solutions. Our analysis
helps compare the stability of these algorithms. It also shows that a number of
widely used transductive regression algorithms are in fact unstable. Finally,
it reports the results of experiments with local transductive regression
demonstrating the benefit of our stability bounds for model selection, for one
of the algorithms, in particular for determining the radius of the local
neighborhood used by the algorithm.
Learning convex bodies is hard | We show that learning a convex body in $\RR^d$, given random samples from the
body, requires $2^{\Omega(\sqrt{d/\eps})}$ samples. By learning a convex body
we mean finding a set having at most $\eps$ relative symmetric difference with
the input body. To prove the lower bound we construct a hard to learn family of
convex bodies. Our construction of this family is very simple and based on
error correcting codes.
Online prediction of ovarian cancer | In this paper we apply computer learning methods to diagnosing ovarian cancer
using the level of the standard biomarker CA125 in conjunction with information
provided by mass-spectrometry. We are working with a new data set collected
over a period of 7 years. Using the level of CA125 and mass-spectrometry peaks,
our algorithm gives probability predictions for the disease. To estimate
classification accuracy we convert probability predictions into strict
predictions. Our algorithm makes fewer errors than almost any linear
combination of the CA125 level and one peak's intensity (taken on the log
scale). To check the power of our algorithm we use it to test the hypothesis
that CA125 and the peaks do not contain useful information for the prediction
of the disease at a particular time before the diagnosis. Our algorithm
produces $p$-values that are better than those produced by the algorithm that
has been previously applied to this data set. Our conclusion is that the
proposed algorithm is more reliable for prediction on new data.
Recovering the state sequence of hidden Markov models using mean-field
approximations | Inferring the sequence of states from observations is one of the most
fundamental problems in Hidden Markov Models. In statistical physics language,
this problem is equivalent to computing the marginals of a one-dimensional
model with a random external field. While this task can be accomplished through
transfer matrix methods, it becomes quickly intractable when the underlying
state space is large.
This paper develops several low-complexity approximate algorithms to address
this inference problem when the state space becomes large. The new algorithms
are based on various mean-field approximations of the transfer matrix. Their
performances are studied in detail on a simple realistic model for DNA
On Fodor on Darwin on Evolution | Jerry Fodor argues that Darwin was wrong about "natural selection" because
(1) it is only a tautology rather than a scientific law that can support
counterfactuals ("If X had happened, Y would have happened") and because (2)
only minds can select. Hence Darwin's analogy with "artificial selection" by
animal breeders was misleading and evolutionary explanation is nothing but
post-hoc historical narrative. I argue that Darwin was right on all counts.
Boosting through Optimization of Margin Distributions | Boosting has attracted much research attention in the past decade. The
success of boosting algorithms may be interpreted in terms of the margin
theory. Recently it has been shown that generalization error of classifiers can
be obtained by explicitly taking the margin distribution of the training data
into account. Most of the current boosting algorithms in practice usually
optimizes a convex loss function and do not make use of the margin
distribution. In this work we design a new boosting algorithm, termed
margin-distribution boosting (MDBoost), which directly maximizes the average
margin and minimizes the margin variance simultaneously. This way the margin
distribution is optimized. A totally-corrective optimization algorithm based on
column generation is proposed to implement MDBoost. Experiments on UCI datasets
show that MDBoost outperforms AdaBoost and LPBoost in most cases.
Inferring Dynamic Bayesian Networks using Frequent Episode Mining | Motivation: Several different threads of research have been proposed for
modeling and mining temporal data. On the one hand, approaches such as dynamic
Bayesian networks (DBNs) provide a formal probabilistic basis to model
relationships between time-indexed random variables but these models are
intractable to learn in the general case. On the other, algorithms such as
frequent episode mining are scalable to large datasets but do not exhibit the
rigorous probabilistic interpretations that are the mainstay of the graphical
models literature.
Results: We present a unification of these two seemingly diverse threads of
research, by demonstrating how dynamic (discrete) Bayesian networks can be
inferred from the results of frequent episode mining. This helps bridge the
modeling emphasis of the former with the counting emphasis of the latter.
First, we show how, under reasonable assumptions on data characteristics and on
influences of random variables, the optimal DBN structure can be computed using
a greedy, local, algorithm. Next, we connect the optimality of the DBN
structure with the notion of fixed-delay episodes and their counts of distinct
occurrences. Finally, to demonstrate the practical feasibility of our approach,
we focus on a specific (but broadly applicable) class of networks, called
excitatory networks, and show how the search for the optimal DBN structure can
be conducted using just information from frequent episodes. Application on
datasets gathered from mathematical models of spiking neurons as well as real
neuroscience datasets are presented.
Availability: Algorithmic implementations, simulator codebases, and datasets
are available from our website at http://neural-code.cs.vt.edu/dbn
Why Global Performance is a Poor Metric for Verifying Convergence of
Multi-agent Learning | Experimental verification has been the method of choice for verifying the
stability of a multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) algorithm as the
number of agents grows and theoretical analysis becomes prohibitively complex.
For cooperative agents, where the ultimate goal is to optimize some global
metric, the stability is usually verified by observing the evolution of the
global performance metric over time. If the global metric improves and
eventually stabilizes, it is considered a reasonable verification of the
system's stability.
The main contribution of this note is establishing the need for better
experimental frameworks and measures to assess the stability of large-scale
adaptive cooperative systems. We show an experimental case study where the
stability of the global performance metric can be rather deceiving, hiding an
underlying instability in the system that later leads to a significant drop in
performance. We then propose an alternative metric that relies on agents' local
policies and show, experimentally, that our proposed metric is more effective
(than the traditional global performance metric) in exposing the instability of
MARL algorithms.
A Methodology for Learning Players' Styles from Game Records | We describe a preliminary investigation into learning a Chess player's style
from game records. The method is based on attempting to learn features of a
player's individual evaluation function using the method of temporal
differences, with the aid of a conventional Chess engine architecture. Some
encouraging results were obtained in learning the styles of two recent Chess
world champions, and we report on our attempt to use the learnt styles to
discriminate between the players from game records by trying to detect who was
playing white and who was playing black. We also discuss some limitations of
our approach and propose possible directions for future research. The method we
have presented may also be applicable to other strategic games, and may even be
generalisable to other domains where sequences of agents' actions are recorded.
Exponential Family Graph Matching and Ranking | We present a method for learning max-weight matching predictors in bipartite
graphs. The method consists of performing maximum a posteriori estimation in
exponential families with sufficient statistics that encode permutations and
data features. Although inference is in general hard, we show that for one very
relevant application - web page ranking - exact inference is efficient. For
general model instances, an appropriate sampler is readily available. Contrary
to existing max-margin matching models, our approach is statistically
consistent and, in addition, experiments with increasing sample sizes indicate
superior improvement over such models. We apply the method to graph matching in
computer vision as well as to a standard benchmark dataset for learning web
page ranking, in which we obtain state-of-the-art results, in particular
improving on max-margin variants. The drawback of this method with respect to
max-margin alternatives is its runtime for large graphs, which is comparatively
Efficient Construction of Neighborhood Graphs by the Multiple Sorting
Method | Neighborhood graphs are gaining popularity as a concise data representation
in machine learning. However, naive graph construction by pairwise distance
calculation takes $O(n^2)$ runtime for $n$ data points and this is
prohibitively slow for millions of data points. For strings of equal length,
the multiple sorting method (Uno, 2008) can construct an $\epsilon$-neighbor
graph in $O(n+m)$ time, where $m$ is the number of $\epsilon$-neighbor pairs in
the data. To introduce this remarkably efficient algorithm to continuous
domains such as images, signals and texts, we employ a random projection method
to convert vectors to strings. Theoretical results are presented to elucidate
the trade-off between approximation quality and computation time. Empirical
results show the efficiency of our method in comparison to fast nearest
neighbor alternatives.
Optimistic Initialization and Greediness Lead to Polynomial Time
Learning in Factored MDPs - Extended Version | In this paper we propose an algorithm for polynomial-time reinforcement
learning in factored Markov decision processes (FMDPs). The factored optimistic
initial model (FOIM) algorithm, maintains an empirical model of the FMDP in a
conventional way, and always follows a greedy policy with respect to its model.
The only trick of the algorithm is that the model is initialized
optimistically. We prove that with suitable initialization (i) FOIM converges
to the fixed point of approximate value iteration (AVI); (ii) the number of
steps when the agent makes non-near-optimal decisions (with respect to the
solution of AVI) is polynomial in all relevant quantities; (iii) the per-step
costs of the algorithm are also polynomial. To our best knowledge, FOIM is the
first algorithm with these properties. This extended version contains the
rigorous proofs of the main theorem. A version of this paper appeared in
Introduction to Machine Learning: Class Notes 67577 | Introduction to Machine learning covering Statistical Inference (Bayes, EM,
ML/MaxEnt duality), algebraic and spectral methods (PCA, LDA, CCA, Clustering),
and PAC learning (the Formal model, VC dimension, Double Sampling theorem).
Considerations upon the Machine Learning Technologies | Artificial intelligence offers superior techniques and methods by which
problems from diverse domains may find an optimal solution. The Machine
Learning technologies refer to the domain of artificial intelligence aiming to
develop the techniques allowing the computers to "learn". Some systems based on
Machine Learning technologies tend to eliminate the necessity of the human
intelligence while the others adopt a man-machine collaborative approach.
Limits of Learning about a Categorical Latent Variable under Prior
Near-Ignorance | In this paper, we consider the coherent theory of (epistemic) uncertainty of
Walley, in which beliefs are represented through sets of probability
distributions, and we focus on the problem of modeling prior ignorance about a
categorical random variable. In this setting, it is a known result that a state
of prior ignorance is not compatible with learning. To overcome this problem,
another state of beliefs, called \emph{near-ignorance}, has been proposed.
Near-ignorance resembles ignorance very closely, by satisfying some principles
that can arguably be regarded as necessary in a state of ignorance, and allows
learning to take place. What this paper does, is to provide new and substantial
evidence that also near-ignorance cannot be really regarded as a way out of the
problem of starting statistical inference in conditions of very weak beliefs.
The key to this result is focusing on a setting characterized by a variable of
interest that is \emph{latent}. We argue that such a setting is by far the most
common case in practice, and we provide, for the case of categorical latent
variables (and general \emph{manifest} variables) a condition that, if
satisfied, prevents learning to take place under prior near-ignorance. This
condition is shown to be easily satisfied even in the most common statistical
problems. We regard these results as a strong form of evidence against the
possibility to adopt a condition of prior near-ignorance in real statistical
Temporal data mining for root-cause analysis of machine faults in
automotive assembly lines | Engine assembly is a complex and heavily automated distributed-control
process, with large amounts of faults data logged everyday. We describe an
application of temporal data mining for analyzing fault logs in an engine
assembly plant. Frequent episode discovery framework is a model-free method
that can be used to deduce (temporal) correlations among events from the logs
in an efficient manner. In addition to being theoretically elegant and
computationally efficient, frequent episodes are also easy to interpret in the
form actionable recommendations. Incorporation of domain-specific information
is critical to successful application of the method for analyzing fault logs in
the manufacturing domain. We show how domain-specific knowledge can be
incorporated using heuristic rules that act as pre-filters and post-filters to
frequent episode discovery. The system described here is currently being used
in one of the engine assembly plants of General Motors and is planned for
adaptation in other plants. To the best of our knowledge, this paper presents
the first real, large-scale application of temporal data mining in the
manufacturing domain. We believe that the ideas presented in this paper can
help practitioners engineer tools for analysis in other similar or related
application domains as well.
Continuous Strategy Replicator Dynamics for Multi--Agent Learning | The problem of multi-agent learning and adaptation has attracted a great deal
of attention in recent years. It has been suggested that the dynamics of multi
agent learning can be studied using replicator equations from population
biology. Most existing studies so far have been limited to discrete strategy
spaces with a small number of available actions. In many cases, however, the
choices available to agents are better characterized by continuous spectra.
This paper suggests a generalization of the replicator framework that allows to
study the adaptive dynamics of Q-learning agents with continuous strategy
spaces. Instead of probability vectors, agents strategies are now characterized
by probability measures over continuous variables. As a result, the ordinary
differential equations for the discrete case are replaced by a system of
coupled integral--differential replicator equations that describe the mutual
evolution of individual agent strategies. We derive a set of functional
equations describing the steady state of the replicator dynamics, examine their
solutions for several two-player games, and confirm our analytical results
using simulations.
Dictionary Identification - Sparse Matrix-Factorisation via
$\ell_1$-Minimisation | This article treats the problem of learning a dictionary providing sparse
representations for a given signal class, via $\ell_1$-minimisation. The
problem can also be seen as factorising a $\ddim \times \nsig$ matrix $Y=(y_1
>... y_\nsig), y_n\in \R^\ddim$ of training signals into a $\ddim \times
\natoms$ dictionary matrix $\dico$ and a $\natoms \times \nsig$ coefficient
matrix $\X=(x_1... x_\nsig), x_n \in \R^\natoms$, which is sparse. The exact
question studied here is when a dictionary coefficient pair $(\dico,\X)$ can be
recovered as local minimum of a (nonconvex) $\ell_1$-criterion with input
$Y=\dico \X$. First, for general dictionaries and coefficient matrices,
algebraic conditions ensuring local identifiability are derived, which are then
specialised to the case when the dictionary is a basis. Finally, assuming a
random Bernoulli-Gaussian sparse model on the coefficient matrix, it is shown
that sufficiently incoherent bases are locally identifiable with high
probability. The perhaps surprising result is that the typically sufficient
number of training samples $\nsig$ grows up to a logarithmic factor only
linearly with the signal dimension, i.e. $\nsig \approx C \natoms \log
\natoms$, in contrast to previous approaches requiring combinatorially many
Fast and Near-Optimal Matrix Completion via Randomized Basis Pursuit | Motivated by the philosophy and phenomenal success of compressed sensing, the
problem of reconstructing a matrix from a sampling of its entries has attracted
much attention recently. Such a problem can be viewed as an
information-theoretic variant of the well-studied matrix completion problem,
and the main objective is to design an efficient algorithm that can reconstruct
a matrix by inspecting only a small number of its entries. Although this is an
impossible task in general, Cand\`es and co-authors have recently shown that
under a so-called incoherence assumption, a rank $r$ $n\times n$ matrix can be
reconstructed using semidefinite programming (SDP) after one inspects
$O(nr\log^6n)$ of its entries. In this paper we propose an alternative approach
that is much more efficient and can reconstruct a larger class of matrices by
inspecting a significantly smaller number of the entries. Specifically, we
first introduce a class of so-called stable matrices and show that it includes
all those that satisfy the incoherence assumption. Then, we propose a
randomized basis pursuit (RBP) algorithm and show that it can reconstruct a
stable rank $r$ $n\times n$ matrix after inspecting $O(nr\log n)$ of its
entries. Our sampling bound is only a logarithmic factor away from the
information-theoretic limit and is essentially optimal. Moreover, the runtime
of the RBP algorithm is bounded by $O(nr^2\log n+n^2r)$, which compares very
favorably with the $\Omega(n^4r^2\log^{12}n)$ runtime of the SDP-based
algorithm. Perhaps more importantly, our algorithm will provide an exact
reconstruction of the input matrix in polynomial time. By contrast, the
SDP-based algorithm can only provide an approximate one in polynomial time.
Experience-driven formation of parts-based representations in a model of
layered visual memory | Growing neuropsychological and neurophysiological evidence suggests that the
visual cortex uses parts-based representations to encode, store and retrieve
relevant objects. In such a scheme, objects are represented as a set of
spatially distributed local features, or parts, arranged in stereotypical
fashion. To encode the local appearance and to represent the relations between
the constituent parts, there has to be an appropriate memory structure formed
by previous experience with visual objects. Here, we propose a model how a
hierarchical memory structure supporting efficient storage and rapid recall of
parts-based representations can be established by an experience-driven process
of self-organization. The process is based on the collaboration of slow
bidirectional synaptic plasticity and homeostatic unit activity regulation,
both running at the top of fast activity dynamics with winner-take-all
character modulated by an oscillatory rhythm. These neural mechanisms lay down
the basis for cooperation and competition between the distributed units and
their synaptic connections. Choosing human face recognition as a test task, we
show that, under the condition of open-ended, unsupervised incremental
learning, the system is able to form memory traces for individual faces in a
parts-based fashion. On a lower memory layer the synaptic structure is
developed to represent local facial features and their interrelations, while
the identities of different persons are captured explicitly on a higher layer.
An additional property of the resulting representations is the sparseness of
both the activity during the recall and the synaptic patterns comprising the
memory traces.
Combining Supervised and Unsupervised Learning for GIS Classification | This paper presents a new hybrid learning algorithm for unsupervised
classification tasks. We combined Fuzzy c-means learning algorithm and a
supervised version of Minimerror to develop a hybrid incremental strategy
allowing unsupervised classifications. We applied this new approach to a
real-world database in order to know if the information contained in unlabeled
features of a Geographic Information System (GIS), allows to well classify it.
Finally, we compared our results to a classical supervised classification
obtained by a multilayer perceptron.
Information-theoretic limits of selecting binary graphical models in
high dimensions | The problem of graphical model selection is to correctly estimate the graph
structure of a Markov random field given samples from the underlying
distribution. We analyze the information-theoretic limitations of the problem
of graph selection for binary Markov random fields under high-dimensional
scaling, in which the graph size $p$ and the number of edges $k$, and/or the
maximal node degree $d$ are allowed to increase to infinity as a function of
the sample size $n$. For pairwise binary Markov random fields, we derive both
necessary and sufficient conditions for correct graph selection over the class
$\mathcal{G}_{p,k}$ of graphs on $p$ vertices with at most $k$ edges, and over
the class $\mathcal{G}_{p,d}$ of graphs on $p$ vertices with maximum degree at
most $d$. For the class $\mathcal{G}_{p, k}$, we establish the existence of
constants $c$ and $c'$ such that if $\numobs < c k \log p$, any method has
error probability at least 1/2 uniformly over the family, and we demonstrate a
graph decoder that succeeds with high probability uniformly over the family for
sample sizes $\numobs > c' k^2 \log p$. Similarly, for the class
$\mathcal{G}_{p,d}$, we exhibit constants $c$ and $c'$ such that for $n < c d^2
\log p$, any method fails with probability at least 1/2, and we demonstrate a
graph decoder that succeeds with high probability for $n > c' d^3 \log p$.
Average-Case Active Learning with Costs | We analyze the expected cost of a greedy active learning algorithm. Our
analysis extends previous work to a more general setting in which different
queries have different costs. Moreover, queries may have more than two possible
responses and the distribution over hypotheses may be non uniform. Specific
applications include active learning with label costs, active learning for
multiclass and partial label queries, and batch mode active learning. We also
discuss an approximate version of interest when there are very many queries.
Information Distance in Multiples | Information distance is a parameter-free similarity measure based on
compression, used in pattern recognition, data mining, phylogeny, clustering,
and classification. The notion of information distance is extended from pairs
to multiples (finite lists). We study maximal overlap, metricity, universality,
minimal overlap, additivity, and normalized information distance in multiples.
We use the theoretical notion of Kolmogorov complexity which for practical
purposes is approximated by the length of the compressed version of the file
involved, using a real-world compression program.
{\em Index Terms}-- Information distance, multiples, pattern recognition,
data mining, similarity, Kolmogorov complexity
Learning Nonlinear Dynamic Models | We present a novel approach for learning nonlinear dynamic models, which
leads to a new set of tools capable of solving problems that are otherwise
difficult. We provide theory showing this new approach is consistent for models
with long range structure, and apply the approach to motion capture and
high-dimensional video data, yielding results superior to standard
Finding Anomalous Periodic Time Series: An Application to Catalogs of
Periodic Variable Stars | Catalogs of periodic variable stars contain large numbers of periodic
light-curves (photometric time series data from the astrophysics domain).
Separating anomalous objects from well-known classes is an important step
towards the discovery of new classes of astronomical objects. Most anomaly
detection methods for time series data assume either a single continuous time
series or a set of time series whose periods are aligned. Light-curve data
precludes the use of these methods as the periods of any given pair of
light-curves may be out of sync. One may use an existing anomaly detection
method if, prior to similarity calculation, one performs the costly act of
aligning two light-curves, an operation that scales poorly to massive data
sets. This paper presents PCAD, an unsupervised anomaly detection method for
large sets of unsynchronized periodic time-series data, that outputs a ranked
list of both global and local anomalies. It calculates its anomaly score for
each light-curve in relation to a set of centroids produced by a modified
k-means clustering algorithm. Our method is able to scale to large data sets
through the use of sampling. We validate our method on both light-curve data
and other time series data sets. We demonstrate its effectiveness at finding
known anomalies, and discuss the effect of sample size and number of centroids
on our results. We compare our method to naive solutions and existing time
series anomaly detection methods for unphased data, and show that PCAD's
reported anomalies are comparable to or better than all other methods. Finally,
astrophysicists on our team have verified that PCAD finds true anomalies that
might be indicative of novel astrophysical phenomena.
Quantum Annealing for Clustering | This paper studies quantum annealing (QA) for clustering, which can be seen
as an extension of simulated annealing (SA). We derive a QA algorithm for
clustering and propose an annealing schedule, which is crucial in practice.
Experiments show the proposed QA algorithm finds better clustering assignments
than SA. Furthermore, QA is as easy as SA to implement.
Quantum Annealing for Variational Bayes Inference | This paper presents studies on a deterministic annealing algorithm based on
quantum annealing for variational Bayes (QAVB) inference, which can be seen as
an extension of the simulated annealing for variational Bayes (SAVB) inference.
QAVB is as easy as SAVB to implement. Experiments revealed QAVB finds a better
local optimum than SAVB in terms of the variational free energy in latent
Dirichlet allocation (LDA).
Coevolutionary Genetic Algorithms for Establishing Nash Equilibrium in
Symmetric Cournot Games | We use co-evolutionary genetic algorithms to model the players' learning
process in several Cournot models, and evaluate them in terms of their
convergence to the Nash Equilibrium. The "social-learning" versions of the two
co-evolutionary algorithms we introduce, establish Nash Equilibrium in those
models, in contrast to the "individual learning" versions which, as we see
here, do not imply the convergence of the players' strategies to the Nash
outcome. When players use "canonical co-evolutionary genetic algorithms" as
learning algorithms, the process of the game is an ergodic Markov Chain, and
therefore we analyze simulation results using both the relevant methodology and
more general statistical tests, to find that in the "social" case, states
leading to NE play are highly frequent at the stationary distribution of the
chain, in contrast to the "individual learning" case, when NE is not reached at
all in our simulations; to find that the expected Hamming distance of the
states at the limiting distribution from the "NE state" is significantly
smaller in the "social" than in the "individual learning case"; to estimate the
expected time that the "social" algorithms need to get to the "NE state" and
verify their robustness and finally to show that a large fraction of the games
played are indeed at the Nash Equilibrium.
Transfer Learning Using Feature Selection | We present three related ways of using Transfer Learning to improve feature
selection. The three methods address different problems, and hence share
different kinds of information between tasks or feature classes, but all three
are based on the information theoretic Minimum Description Length (MDL)
principle and share the same underlying Bayesian interpretation. The first
method, MIC, applies when predictive models are to be built simultaneously for
multiple tasks (``simultaneous transfer'') that share the same set of features.
MIC allows each feature to be added to none, some, or all of the task models
and is most beneficial for selecting a small set of predictive features from a
large pool of features, as is common in genomic and biological datasets. Our
second method, TPC (Three Part Coding), uses a similar methodology for the case
when the features can be divided into feature classes. Our third method,
Transfer-TPC, addresses the ``sequential transfer'' problem in which the task
to which we want to transfer knowledge may not be known in advance and may have
different amounts of data than the other tasks. Transfer-TPC is most beneficial
when we want to transfer knowledge between tasks which have unequal amounts of
labeled data, for example the data for disambiguating the senses of different
verbs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these approaches with experimental
results on real world data pertaining to genomics and to Word Sense
Disambiguation (WSD).
A Minimum Description Length Approach to Multitask Feature Selection | Many regression problems involve not one but several response variables
(y's). Often the responses are suspected to share a common underlying
structure, in which case it may be advantageous to share information across
them; this is known as multitask learning. As a special case, we can use
multiple responses to better identify shared predictive features -- a project
we might call multitask feature selection.
This thesis is organized as follows. Section 1 introduces feature selection
for regression, focusing on ell_0 regularization methods and their
interpretation within a Minimum Description Length (MDL) framework. Section 2
proposes a novel extension of MDL feature selection to the multitask setting.
The approach, called the "Multiple Inclusion Criterion" (MIC), is designed to
borrow information across regression tasks by more easily selecting features
that are associated with multiple responses. We show in experiments on
synthetic and real biological data sets that MIC can reduce prediction error in
settings where features are at least partially shared across responses. Section
3 surveys hypothesis testing by regression with a single response, focusing on
the parallel between the standard Bonferroni correction and an MDL approach.
Mirroring the ideas in Section 2, Section 4 proposes a novel MIC approach to
hypothesis testing with multiple responses and shows that on synthetic data
with significant sharing of features across responses, MIC sometimes
outperforms standard FDR-controlling methods in terms of finding true positives
for a given level of false positives. Section 5 concludes.
Equations of States in Statistical Learning for a Nonparametrizable and
Regular Case | Many learning machines that have hierarchical structure or hidden variables
are now being used in information science, artificial intelligence, and
bioinformatics. However, several learning machines used in such fields are not
regular but singular statistical models, hence their generalization performance
is still left unknown. To overcome these problems, in the previous papers, we
proved new equations in statistical learning, by which we can estimate the
Bayes generalization loss from the Bayes training loss and the functional
variance, on the condition that the true distribution is a singularity
contained in a learning machine. In this paper, we prove that the same
equations hold even if a true distribution is not contained in a parametric
model. Also we prove that, the proposed equations in a regular case are
asymptotically equivalent to the Takeuchi information criterion. Therefore, the
proposed equations are always applicable without any condition on the unknown
true distribution.
An optimal linear separator for the Sonar Signals Classification task | The problem of classifying sonar signals from rocks and mines first studied
by Gorman and Sejnowski has become a benchmark against which many learning
algorithms have been tested. We show that both the training set and the test
set of this benchmark are linearly separable, although with different
hyperplanes. Moreover, the complete set of learning and test patterns together,
is also linearly separable. We give the weights that separate these sets, which
may be used to compare results found by other algorithms.
Using Genetic Algorithms for Texts Classification Problems | The avalanche quantity of the information developed by mankind has led to
concept of automation of knowledge extraction - Data Mining ([1]). This
direction is connected with a wide spectrum of problems - from recognition of
the fuzzy set to creation of search machines. Important component of Data
Mining is processing of the text information. Such problems lean on concept of
classification and clustering ([2]). Classification consists in definition of
an accessory of some element (text) to one of in advance created classes.
Clustering means splitting a set of elements (texts) on clusters which quantity
are defined by localization of elements of the given set in vicinities of these
some natural centers of these clusters. Realization of a problem of
classification initially should lean on the given postulates, basic of which -
the aprioristic information on primary set of texts and a measure of affinity
of elements and classes.
Fast Weak Learner Based on Genetic Algorithm | An approach to the acceleration of parametric weak classifier boosting is
proposed. Weak classifier is called parametric if it has fixed number of
parameters and, so, can be represented as a point into multidimensional space.
Genetic algorithm is used instead of exhaustive search to learn parameters of
such classifier. Proposed approach also takes cases when effective algorithm
for learning some of the classifier parameters exists into account. Experiments
confirm that such an approach can dramatically decrease classifier training
time while keeping both training and test errors small.
Feature Reinforcement Learning: Part I: Unstructured MDPs | General-purpose, intelligent, learning agents cycle through sequences of
observations, actions, and rewards that are complex, uncertain, unknown, and
non-Markovian. On the other hand, reinforcement learning is well-developed for
small finite state Markov decision processes (MDPs). Up to now, extracting the
right state representations out of bare observations, that is, reducing the
general agent setup to the MDP framework, is an art that involves significant
effort by designers. The primary goal of this work is to automate the reduction
process and thereby significantly expand the scope of many existing
reinforcement learning algorithms and the agents that employ them. Before we
can think of mechanizing this search for suitable MDPs, we need a formal
objective criterion. The main contribution of this article is to develop such a
criterion. I also integrate the various parts into one learning algorithm.
Extensions to more realistic dynamic Bayesian networks are developed in Part
II. The role of POMDPs is also considered there.
Large-Margin kNN Classification Using a Deep Encoder Network | KNN is one of the most popular classification methods, but it often fails to
work well with inappropriate choice of distance metric or due to the presence
of numerous class-irrelevant features. Linear feature transformation methods
have been widely applied to extract class-relevant information to improve kNN
classification, which is very limited in many applications. Kernels have been
used to learn powerful non-linear feature transformations, but these methods
fail to scale to large datasets. In this paper, we present a scalable
non-linear feature mapping method based on a deep neural network pretrained
with restricted boltzmann machines for improving kNN classification in a
large-margin framework, which we call DNet-kNN. DNet-kNN can be used for both
classification and for supervised dimensionality reduction. The experimental
results on two benchmark handwritten digit datasets show that DNet-kNN has much
better performance than large-margin kNN using a linear mapping and kNN based
on a deep autoencoder pretrained with retricted boltzmann machines.
Matrix Completion from Noisy Entries | Given a matrix M of low-rank, we consider the problem of reconstructing it
from noisy observations of a small, random subset of its entries. The problem
arises in a variety of applications, from collaborative filtering (the `Netflix
problem') to structure-from-motion and positioning. We study a low complexity
algorithm introduced by Keshavan et al.(2009), based on a combination of
spectral techniques and manifold optimization, that we call here OptSpace. We
prove performance guarantees that are order-optimal in a number of
Bayesian History Reconstruction of Complex Human Gene Clusters on a
Phylogeny | Clusters of genes that have evolved by repeated segmental duplication present
difficult challenges throughout genomic analysis, from sequence assembly to
functional analysis. Improved understanding of these clusters is of utmost
importance, since they have been shown to be the source of evolutionary
innovation, and have been linked to multiple diseases, including HIV and a
variety of cancers. Previously, Zhang et al. (2008) developed an algorithm for
reconstructing parsimonious evolutionary histories of such gene clusters, using
only human genomic sequence data. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic
model for the evolution of gene clusters on a phylogeny, and an MCMC algorithm
for reconstruction of duplication histories from genomic sequences in multiple
species. Several projects are underway to obtain high quality BAC-based
assemblies of duplicated clusters in multiple species, and we anticipate that
our method will be useful in analyzing these valuable new data sets.
Entropy Message Passing | The paper proposes a new message passing algorithm for cycle-free factor
graphs. The proposed "entropy message passing" (EMP) algorithm may be viewed as
sum-product message passing over the entropy semiring, which has previously
appeared in automata theory. The primary use of EMP is to compute the entropy
of a model. However, EMP can also be used to compute expressions that appear in
expectation maximization and in gradient descent algorithms.
Bayesian Forecasting of WWW Traffic on the Time Varying Poisson Model | Traffic forecasting from past observed traffic data with small calculation
complexity is one of important problems for planning of servers and networks.
Focusing on World Wide Web (WWW) traffic as fundamental investigation, this
paper would deal with Bayesian forecasting of network traffic on the time
varying Poisson model from a viewpoint from statistical decision theory. Under
this model, we would show that the estimated forecasting value is obtained by
simple arithmetic calculation and expresses real WWW traffic well from both
theoretical and empirical points of view.
Bayesian two-sample tests | In this paper, we present two classes of Bayesian approaches to the
two-sample problem. Our first class of methods extends the Bayesian t-test to
include all parametric models in the exponential family and their conjugate
priors. Our second class of methods uses Dirichlet process mixtures (DPM) of
such conjugate-exponential distributions as flexible nonparametric priors over
the unknown distributions.
Rough Set Model for Discovering Hybrid Association Rules | In this paper, the mining of hybrid association rules with rough set approach
is investigated as the algorithm RSHAR.The RSHAR algorithm is constituted of
two steps mainly. At first, to join the participant tables into a general table
to generate the rules which is expressing the relationship between two or more
domains that belong to several different tables in a database. Then we apply
the mapping code on selected dimension, which can be added directly into the
information system as one certain attribute. To find the association rules,
frequent itemsets are generated in second step where candidate itemsets are
generated through equivalence classes and also transforming the mapping code in
to real dimensions. The searching method for candidate itemset is similar to
apriori algorithm. The analysis of the performance of algorithm has been
carried out.
Subsets and Splits