int64 0
| text
stringlengths 71
42 | Unreal engine project not responding to key binding changes I'm getting started with learning Unreal development, and I've created a new project based off the FPS C template. I've changed the key mappings inside the DefaultInput.ini, rebuilt the Visual Studio solution, and rebuilt the project in the Unreal editor, but none of my changes are taking effect. What step am I missing? |
42 | How do I add custom data to a ListView widget in Unreal? I have a UserWidget object with a ListView in it. How do I add objects add and custom data to them, such as names? |
42 | How can I change the dimensions of collision volumes showed in UE4's physics asset tool? How can I change the dimensions of the capsule for one bone in the physics assets tool? The problem is that bones not connected by joints have overlapping collision volumes in the mannequin that comes with the starter content, which causes those body parts to apear dislocated or out of place when the simulation is running. For instance in this image the pelvis and the middle bone in the spine (Spine 2) are overlapping. So, when the simulation runs Pelvis and Spine 2 get pushed apart reducing the overlapping to a contact point. |
42 | Nonsense error in the overlap between 2 warriors and a tower I have a project where 1 warrior is generated every 5 seconds. This warrior as it is generated tries to follow a path that contains 4 target points. Between the target point 1 and the target point 2 there is a tower. Then the warrior is going to meet the target point 2, but as soon as he hits the tower, he fails to reach the target point 2 and goes to meet it until it is destroyed. The part of the code circled in pink was to be executed only after the destruction of the tower (when the life of the tower reaches 0), which does not happen, but the worst thing is that when it executes, it does not execute completely, the tower is not destroyed, but the warrior moves toward target point 2. Result in game Look that the impression occurs for the two warriors. Maybe the message log will help I decrease the delay time of the loop to 0.1 and as there is no time for the second warrior to overlap the tower along with the first warrior, everything works correctly. The problem occurs when more than one warrior reaches the tower simultaneously. |
42 | Unable Compile Unreal Project into .Exe File I'm new to Unreal Engine and I've been looking for an answer online but I don't understand why the project I just started on is unable to compile. I only used the default blueprints. The error logs are below. UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) Running AutomationTool... UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) Parsing command line ScriptsForProject C Users belmo OneDrive Documents GitHub EscapeFromDarksidePenitentiary EscapeFromDarkSide EscapeFromDarkSide.uproject BuildCookRun nocompileeditor installed nop4 project C Users belmo OneDrive Documents GitHub EscapeFromDarksidePenitentiary EscapeFromDarkSide EscapeFromDa rkSide.uproject cook stage archive archivedirectory C Users belmo OneDrive Documents GitHub EscapeFromDarksidePenitentiary EscapeFromDarkSide package ue4exe quot C Program Files Epic Games UE 4.26 Engine Binaries Win64 UE4Editor Cmd.exe quot ddc InstalledDerivedDataBackendGraph pak prereqs nodebuginfo targetplatform Win64 clientconfig Development utf8 output UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) Setting up ProjectParams for C Users belmo OneDrive Documents GitHub EscapeFromDarksidePenitentiary EscapeFromDarkSide EscapeFromDarkSide.uproject UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) COOK COMMAND STARTED UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) Running UE4Editor Cook for project C Users belmo OneDrive Documents GitHub EscapeFromDarksidePenitentiary EscapeFromDarkSide EscapeFromDarkSide.uproject UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) ERROR Cook failed. UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) (see C Users belmo AppData Roaming Unreal Engine AutomationTool Logs C Program Files Epic Games UE 4.26 Log.txt for full exception trace) PackagingResults Error Cook failed. UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode 25 (Error UnknownCookFailure) UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) BUILD FAILED PackagingResults Error Unknown Cook Failure LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogEditorViewport Clicking on Actor (LMB) StaticMeshActor (Cube11) LogSlate Window 'Output Log' being destroyed LogSlate Window 'Output Log' being destroyed LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogEditorViewport Clicking on Actor (LMB) StaticMeshActor (Cube11) |
42 | How to export unreal assets in a package like in unity? Unity has an asset exporter that export it into a .unitypackage format. This ensure that the prefab has all the links to its child assets. In Unreal 4, its migrate tool allow for moving of assets. However, it require that both project be on the same machine to migrate from one content folder to another content folder. How can I export unreal assets for easy sharing in a similar way to unity? |
42 | Recreating Common "Glowing Pillar" Effect in UE4 I've noticed a common "glowing pillar beacon" effect in a few games lately (Overwatch, Fortnite, etc). The effect provides a translucent glowing beam pointing upwards that tapers off towards the top and fades out. I'm attempting to recreate the effect and was wondering if this is some form of particle emitter and what is involved in the effect? Thanks! Examples |
42 | What does the update button in the Unreal Engine launcher actually update the engine to? Unreal Engine 4 seems to have a very handy way of managing different versions of the engine mainly you get to keep several copies and choose which one to launch. That said, not having used the new launcher recently I see that I am quite behind in engine versions but where previously I had to download the new version (as can be seen by my several copies of the engine) there is now an update button on the engines. My internet is really slow so I'm curious if anyone could tell me what the update button actually does? For example, in the circled one, will it update to some 4.2.x minor version or will it update to the 4.7.2 version that I can freshly install? If I can save some bandwidth by upgrading to 4.7.2 over downloading a fresh copy that would be ideal. |
42 | Visual Studio not adding the header file to the Solution explorer I'm having trouble with my Unreal Visual Studio 2019 project. I created a new header file, and saved it in the same folder my other ones are in. (I didn't add these, they were in the starter project of the video course I'm following.) For some reason, the file is not showing in the solution explorer, and IntelliSense isn't working in the particular file. How do i fix this? sorry if it's obvious, I'm not an expert at Visual Studio. |
42 | How to get a list of parameters from a material in UE4? TLDR how to access the parameters of a given material material instance in BP and or C . I would like to expose material parameters to the UI so the player can edit material instances at runtime(i.e. color, roughness of objects, etc). I have a base class, that is the parent of everything in game that has a variable of type Material Instance Dynamic called WMaterialInstance. It also has an Interface function to return that var. Please see the construction script. I'd like read parameters of this instance and expose it to the UI somehow. But I can't get those parameters... I am using a Get Scalar Values node to get my params... I tried feeding it a Material Instance Dynamic reference, but my Print String nodes return zero, although there are parameters on the material, 100 . Please see the BP nodes here. I found a post describing a similar issue. One of the answers says That node is a bit silly, it doesn't work with dynamic material instances, only constant. What you can do is get the parent of the material instance you're creating, cast it as a MaterialInstance (not dynamic), then get the scalar parameters of that one. If you need the values too you can use a for loop with the scalar parameter array as the input, break the array element and hook the Name into a GetScalarParameterValue (from your dynamic material instance) in the loop. So I got the parent of my Material Instance Dynamic and tried casting it to just a normal MaterialInstance, but the cast seems to fail, if I feed the parent to it... Here is how I did it. Note the Get Material node is my interface call to the Dynamic Instance from construction script, not the built in one. Further down in the post there is an answer saying Well you need to have an actual constant material instance first, create that by right clicking your material and creating a material instance in the content browser. Then create your dynamic version from that. I created a material instance from my original material and assigned it to one of the child classes of the baseclass, so I use that one in the base construction script. Still, doesn't want to work... I get the same zeros and cast failures... I noticed, that if I Print String the Display name of the Parent I get from the accessed base material it prints WorldGridMaterial, which means, it did not find what it supposed to... Did anyone experience something similar? Is there a better way to access these parameters? |
42 | Switch from left click to right click to make character walk in the Top Down Example, in UE4? When creating a new project in the Unreal Engine 4, you can choose to create a project already with some added features and things (Top Down Example) This project has a character (which I changed its appearance) and it moves around the map when I click the left mouse button I looked at the blueprints of the project, but I did not identify where the command is that makes the character walk, so I'd like it to walk when I right click. Alls blueprints of project M Cursor Decal TopDownCharacter TopDownController TopDownGameMode The circled blocks of reds are the ones I suspected could be where I should make the modification, but no information on them gave me the certainty that that was where I was supposed to change. I still do not create projects in C programming mode, because I do not have Visual Studio 2017. Some links from websites where I spent before coming here and that can help you to help me https docs.unrealengine.com en us Engine Blueprints https www.youtube.com watch?v EFXMW UEDco The video is 2015, so although it's good, I did not take it so well, because I know that with all this time that has already happened, a lot is different. Sorry for any translation errors, I'm not English speaker. |
42 | GetUserWidgetObject returns null I have a widget component inside of my character ABCharacter.h ... UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, Category UI) class UWidgetComponent HPBarWidget ... ABCharacter.cpp ... AABCharacter AABCharacter() Set this character to call Tick() every frame. You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it. PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick true HPBarWidget CreateDefaultSubobject lt UWidgetComponent gt (TEXT("HPBARWIDGET")) HPBarWidget gt SetupAttachment(GetMesh()) I checked HPBarWidget is null and it wasn't if (HPBarWidget nullptr) UE LOG(ArenaBattle, Error, TEXT("NULL")) HOWEVER, When I try to get the widget object, it said it's null. if (HPBarWidget gt GetUserWidgetObject() nullptr) UE LOG(ArenaBattle, Error, TEXT("NULL")) it printed NULL What causes this returns null? I can clearly see I have a WidgetComponent that exists in my character's tree, and HPBarWidget wasn't null too. I struggled this already hours and couldn't find any related issues. What did I wrong? Using 4.24.3. |
42 | Recreating Common "Glowing Pillar" Effect in UE4 I've noticed a common "glowing pillar beacon" effect in a few games lately (Overwatch, Fortnite, etc). The effect provides a translucent glowing beam pointing upwards that tapers off towards the top and fades out. I'm attempting to recreate the effect and was wondering if this is some form of particle emitter and what is involved in the effect? Thanks! Examples |
42 | Unpack the pak file Unreal Engine So I have the encryption key. This is stressed so much to have it. Well, I have it. Where do I use it? Unrealpak does not seems to offer an option to supply the encryption key, if your pak is encypted the unpackaging simply fails. |
42 | How do I expose a variable from a class in Unreal Engine 4 to blueprints? I would like to expose to blueprints the variable CurrentTouchInterface in the class APlayerController, just like the method APlayerController ActivateTouchInterface. So, I'm guessing I have to change the header file PlayerController.h from this The currently set touch interface UPROPERTY() class UTouchInterface CurrentTouchInterface To something like this The currently set touch interface UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category "Game Player") class UTouchInterface CurrentTouchInterface The point is, what do I need to do for the engine's editor to start showing the exposed variable CurrentTouchInterface in blueprints? I'm working with UE 4.9 downloaded from the Epic Games Launcher application. |
42 | Game area where I can not click? I created a project based on the Top Down Example. What is happening is that there is an area just above my character where I can not click. Image showing location where the mouse is and soon after, when I move it a little to the left it disappears By the minimap you can see that the game recognizes as if the mouse was on top of the character, very close. I went to test to see if this happened in all Top Down Examples, but it does not happen I've modified the position of the camera a bit in this project where I'm having problems (image 1). Is there a non clickable area defined based on the camera, to prevent the player from clicking the location where the character is? And with the change of position the area is no longer equivalent to the position of the character? This area in red I can not click I have not changed anything that has to do with the mouse in the character's blueprint What is going on? EDIT 1 (tests done based on some comments to clarify the question and to verify possible cause of the problem) I pressed P to see if there was any area of the map where there could be no click See I can put my mouse right below the character, and even click From there up the mouse does not appear, and obviously I can not click Location where the mouse appears again and what I can click These 3 images were captured in the character's home position without moving it. But the problem persists wherever the character is. Through the test I did below, I prove that the problem is directly related to the position the character is in The green question marks the spot where my mouse is. EDIT 2 (I think I discovered the problem) I read DMGregory's comment again and went to look at the collider, it was small and it already existed before the problem happened. I started the game and paused. I came across this image I created this sprite to appear on the minimap, I believe that may be the cause of the problem. How to make the mouse skip it? Without having to simply upload it? |
42 | Unable to create a blueprint containing multiple actors I'm having some trouble in Unreal 4.23. According to the documentation, if I select a bunch of Actors and hit the Blueprints button in the toolbar, I should get an option to quot Convert Selection To Blueprint Class, quot which then gives me a choice of three options of what to do with the different objects before creating the blueprint. Instead, I get quot Convert Selected Components To Blueprint Class, quot the dialog asking me what to do with the objects does not show up it goes straight to the one asking where to save the blueprint and the blueprint it generates is a mess textures get changed, the names of the actors are lost, and all of the objects are quot dropped on the ground quot rather than being positioned where they had been relative to each other! The objects in question are a character (Skeletal Mesh) and several sub objects representing the character's clothing (also skeletal meshes, attached to the character as sub objects in the World Outliner hierarchy.) I basically want to do the same thing you can do in Unity take this character and save it as a prefab so I can make copies of it easily in different maps. From researching the documentation and various forum posts, it seems like making them into a Blueprint using the Harvest Components option is the best way to do that, but that option is never showing up! This problem persists even after closing and restarting Unreal. Anyone have any idea why the editor is not behaving as documented, and what I can do about it? (And yes, I know about Prefabricator. This is supposed to be for Marketplace content, though, where third party dependencies are discouraged.) |
42 | UE Sequencer Foot slide with character movement What is the best way to implement the character movement on the sequencer so there is no foot slide? I would go with Root Motion but the animations I have are on place. Thank you |
42 | Drawing roads on heightmaps I've been running into walls for the past week or so on my toy project in UE4. My goal is to draw procedural roads on a procedural landscape (eventually getting to intersections and buildings). The landscape is generated with libnoise and the roads are generated with a slightly modified version of the algorithm found here. But I'm having issues draping the roads on the landscape and I can't find any straightforward algorithmic way of doing it. You can see my problem below the geometry of the road intersects the geometry of the landscape. In short, given The landscape index buffer The landscape vertex buffer Every road segment's X,Y,Z coordinate How do I modify the underlying vertex index buffer so that the landscape "wraps around" the roads? |
42 | How do I expose a variable from a class in Unreal Engine 4 to blueprints? I would like to expose to blueprints the variable CurrentTouchInterface in the class APlayerController, just like the method APlayerController ActivateTouchInterface. So, I'm guessing I have to change the header file PlayerController.h from this The currently set touch interface UPROPERTY() class UTouchInterface CurrentTouchInterface To something like this The currently set touch interface UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category "Game Player") class UTouchInterface CurrentTouchInterface The point is, what do I need to do for the engine's editor to start showing the exposed variable CurrentTouchInterface in blueprints? I'm working with UE 4.9 downloaded from the Epic Games Launcher application. |
42 | How to use the unreal "automation spec" with the "automation driver" and latent actions? I would like to be able to create an automated test for Unreal that will load a specific map level and then use the automation driver, which as I understand it, is a way of faking user input, to do things on that level. My goal is simply to load my quot main menu quot level and then exit out of it. My problem is this The documentation shows you how to use the automation driver with the automation spec style of automated test. But none of the automation spec tests in the UE4 source do anything with assets (or anything resembling a latent action, as with the other style of tests). Most of the automation spec tests are more akin to unit tests that have no dependency on data, or AutomationDriver.spec.cpp, which has its own hard coded test UI made using SAutomationDriverSpecSuite There seem to be no examples at all for using the automation driver with the quot simple quot or quot complex quot tests (IMPLEMENT SIMPLE AUTOMATION TEST IMPLEMENT COMPLEX AUTOMATION TEST), and the automation driver documentation just states that it can be pretty tricky unless you're using it in conjunction with an automation spec |
42 | How to view 360 degree images in Unreal Engine 4 Is there any way I can view 360 degree images in UE4, Ive read about possibly mapping it onto a hollow sphere however it always seems warped. I am working on a virtual tour and would like to be able to transition between multiple 360 images such as the ones found here http www.wpanorama.com panoramas.php?page 01n . I am new to Unreal Engine and any help would be greatly appreciated. Ideally I would like to have it mapped to a sky sphere with the image on the sky sphere changing based on the "point" the user clicks on however I am not sure how I could go about this. |
42 | For Visual Studio Community 2017, 'Unreal Engine Installer' option is not available On Visual Studio Community Installer, I cannot find 'Unreal Engine Installer' under 'Desktop Developemtn with C ' 'Optional'. According to the tutorials I am learning, the 'Unreal Engine Installer' should be availbl.e I have Visual Studio installed on 'C ' and Unreal installed on 'H ' can this be the problem? |
42 | Removing DefaultBloomKernel.uexp file? My friend is using Unreal Engine 4 v17. His problem is that when he exports to Android, the game is over 100mb in size. He's not using materials or importing anything. He found a (probably) useless file called "DefaultBloomKernel.uexp" and wants to remove it. How can that be done? |
42 | When and how often does Epic charge me royalties on my game? I want to know about that 5 royalties that Epic charges for the Unreal Engine if I sell games above 3000. What about if my game just made 300? Do I still need to pay 5 royalties to them? And how many times should I pay? For example, I made a game that was sold for above 3000 so I paid 5 royalties but do I still need to pay it again for the same game? |
42 | Unreal Engine Size on Disk I want to install Unreal Engine 4 from the epic game launcher but I have the following problem If I want to install the engine after about 50 it says I don't have enough space on my disk, and if I look up how much space the folder took it says 75 GB is that normal? |
42 | How to find the client's monitor valid refresh rates with Unreal Blueprints? I am making a settings menu. This includes a combo box where you can change the refresh rate setting. How do I find out the maximum allowable refresh rate of the current user's monitor, using Blueprints? |
42 | In unreal engine, what's the difference among "set global time dilation" and "set current time dilation" and "set custom time dilation"? what's the different effect of these three functions, thanks! |
42 | Unreal Engine 4 Error 2738 I am having trouble installing UE4 on my computer. I keep getting Error 2738 as I start the installation and can't find a fix. Even Microsoft Fix It 50842 won't work. I've attempted to re download installer, reboot, use a flash drive. Still the same error. Anybody else been having this issue? If so how did you fix it? |
42 | Why can't UObject derived objects call BlueprintFunctionLibrary functions? My question is a very simple one. Why can't UObject derived classes (direct inheritance) call functions from Blueprint Function Libraries? Edit My question relates to Blueprints only. An Object derived Blueprint seems to be incapable of calling functions from an editor created BlueprintFunctionLibrary |
42 | How to find the client's monitor valid refresh rates with Unreal Blueprints? I am making a settings menu. This includes a combo box where you can change the refresh rate setting. How do I find out the maximum allowable refresh rate of the current user's monitor, using Blueprints? |
42 | How to create smoke that spreads outward in all directions? I saw many tutorials about smoke grenade but they just use volumetric smoke. I want to make something like the smoke grenade in PUBG, where the smoke spreads in all directions how to do that? The Unreal Engine 4 smoke grenade throws out smoke in a particular direction, like this But I want something more like PUBG's that spreads smoke evenly in all directions |
42 | How do I add custom data to a ListView widget in Unreal? I have a UserWidget object with a ListView in it. How do I add objects add and custom data to them, such as names? |
42 | Real time fluid simulation? I'd like to create a system in Unreal Engine 4 with glob like fluids which interact with the environment, like the gel in Portal 2. Here's a GIF of the gel from that (search that I used to bring up similar images) I was wondering how it might be possible to do something like this? An in depth guide would be nice as I have a mostly basic understanding of blueprints in UE4, although I know it's a lot to ask for. If you know how I can achieve this, please let me know. Thank you! ) P.S The quot fluid quot stains don't need to give effects such as speed like you saw in the GIF, but I would still like the liquids to stain wherever they hit. ) |
42 | What is an ArchVisCharacter? What is it used for? As the question states. I can't really find any useful documentation surrounding this. What is an ArchVisCharacter and what do you use them for? |
42 | High resolution VR with tethered smartphone display I have an Android SmartPhone with a fairly high resolution USB C port, a USB C to USB A cable, and a Google Cardboard headset. Is it possible to develop a VR app running on a PC game engine (such as Unreal) but stream the output to the Cardboard headset by using the phone as a display? (rather than running the app entirely on the phone). For instance, if I wanted to render using a beefy NVIDIA GPU and stream the graphics over USB. What are the options here? I'm aware of this guide, which seems reasonable https uploadvr.com budget vr 101 get pc vr streaming phone Is this a use case supported by any Game Engines like Unreal Unity? |
42 | How to change the mesh of the character in UE4? I made a Bellsprout mesh in Blender, exported it as an FBX file, and imported it into UE4. I can insert it in the stage without problem, but I would like to use this Bellsprout mesh to replace the mesh of the built in character. Even clicking and dragging will not replace the mesh I've looked into importing between blender UE4 https wiki.unrealengine.com Static Mesh from Blender And also about mesh editing https docs.unrealengine.com en us Engine Content Types StaticMeshes Editor I also looked at some questions in this forum Changing rendering in UE4 and Making only parts of a mesh destroy in UE4 To see if the question had not already been asked. |
42 | How to change the mesh of the character in UE4? I made a Bellsprout mesh in Blender, exported it as an FBX file, and imported it into UE4. I can insert it in the stage without problem, but I would like to use this Bellsprout mesh to replace the mesh of the built in character. Even clicking and dragging will not replace the mesh I've looked into importing between blender UE4 https wiki.unrealengine.com Static Mesh from Blender And also about mesh editing https docs.unrealengine.com en us Engine Content Types StaticMeshes Editor I also looked at some questions in this forum Changing rendering in UE4 and Making only parts of a mesh destroy in UE4 To see if the question had not already been asked. |
42 | Blueprint script executed on tick but not on construction Below, on event tick, I am initializing a map of images once, which works fine (remember we are in a graph for a widget blueprint here). Z Cursor Images is the map of the images. The keys in the map are an enum, and I am adding first an image for the default cursor, and then an image for when the player is targeting an object that she can pick up. Now, when I do the same in the construction script (Event Construct), it does not throw an error but later I cannot access the textures from the map. IsValid returns false for them... So why is the map filled on tick but not on Event Construct? And how do I solve this? |
42 | UE4 Repeat fail how to feed text widget unique message on instances I am a noob who has spent many hours looking at similar questions and responses but still failing to get desired result. I am going to be thorough and specific I'm very keen on walk throughs with any helpful experts! Thanks in advance. Backdrop My level consists (ideally) of the following Trigger boxes Spheres that have 2x sided texture with media player texture (let's call these quot movie globes quot ) Transparent actors with blinking borders and are clickable ( quot highlight inspect quot ) (I made these with a tutorial on adding post process stencil depth something or other in order to get a blinking appearance) Text widget that appears to inform viewer of what they clicked. Variable across unique instances In simple terms let's say I have 5 trigger boxes with 5 unique (360 video captured) movies. You step into trigger, sphere appears around the actor and the media texture movie begins playing on inside of that sphere (I successfully did this), at which point you can pan around and look. I initiate a delay function before the visibility for quot highlight inspect quot appears, so that the user may spontaneously first look at movie around them before seeing blinking highlights over certain people, things, etc captured displayed in movie imagery. Let's say the movie globes are depicting different forest types or different habitats, and the user is meant to learn about quot xx oak tree quot quot yy pine species quot quot zz herb that provides x benefit quot etc. The idea is to have a kind of interactive museum per se. Some globes might only have one highlight, some might have 4 the idea is that I can use the quot highlight inspectable quot actor object as a click event across these instances but each one returns unique text upon a widget template (saves font color style etc) As if to demonstrate my thick headedness around this issue of actor objects and instances, I also currently have separate but locationally equivalent triggers for the globe and for the highlight object, mainly because I need different spheres to call different movies in their blueprint... in other words I have an actor that has a component 'trigger capsule' that toggles visibility of a sphere i have an actor that has a component 'trigger capsule' that toggles visibility of highlight inspect mesh object.. I just need a simple way to do all this sigh shakes fist bangs head on wall. what I'm failing to learn I've come across quot casting quot and quot blueprint interfaces quot and quot event dispatchers quot and more, and I'm still not grasping those and whether any apply here and how. I kinda understand that I should be able to make the Text Element in the Widget quot variable quot and or bind it to a variable.. but I can't smoothly achieve this. Thank you for your help, I am posting some images below (in the screenshots the pink cylinder light is the trigger, and the next screenshot is user's POV standing there after globe materializes and highlight is showing. the sketch up is for more illustration) ps the second screenshot is actually in next comment SS |
42 | Why Are Some Foreign Characters Not Displaying Properly I am localizing a game for the first time and I'm noticing some characters are not displaying properly. Most are fine but there is a small handful that are not correct. For example on a loading screen I display the word Loading. In German I'm displaying L dt. The character is not displayed as , instead isn't displayed as shown in the image. I'm running in a standalone game. I packaged a development build to see if the problem was there too but it seem localizing is not working when I package it but I can tackle that problem later unless there is a known issues with this. To change languages I am calling Set Current Culture in blueprints. |
42 | Unreal Engine 4 Error in Macro Syntax Causes Build to Hang Problem Errors in macro syntax causes the module's build to hang for 2 hours (possibly, indefinitely) with no indication of a build error. Steps to Reproduce Create a template game project in the editor. Introduce the following macro into some C code UE LOG(LogTemp, WrongVerbosityTypeHere, TEXT( quot Some Text Here quot )) Trigger a module only build e.g. right click project gt Build. Look for the following in the build output 1 gt Using Visual Studio 2019 14.28.29335 toolchain (C Program Files (x86) Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Community VC Tools MSVC 14.28.29333) and Windows 10.0.18362.0 SDK (C Program Files (x86) Windows Kits 10). 1 gt Building 4 actions with 32 processes... The message should stay the same for 2 hours. So wait for that long or until you feel something is wrong... Remove or correct the macro usage with something like the following UE LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT( quot Some Text Here quot )) Trigger module only build. Build completes in seconds. Development Environment Windows 10 (Version 10.0.19042 Build 19042) Visual Studio Community 2019 (Version 16.8.3) Unread Editor 4.26 (Version 4.26.0 0 UE4 Release 4.26) Questions Is this a known bug? If not, is there a configuration in UBT via Visual Studio or in the terminal to report errors quickly? Cross Postings Unreal Engine Forums |
42 | Money Every Minute System? I'm making a 2D sandbox tycoon in UE4. I haven't started the money system yet, but I was wondering how I could make a money system that gives you a certain amount of money per real life minute. Then, I want to connect this system up to some text so that the digits go up by whatever amount each minute. |
42 | How to change the mesh of the character in UE4? I made a Bellsprout mesh in Blender, exported it as an FBX file, and imported it into UE4. I can insert it in the stage without problem, but I would like to use this Bellsprout mesh to replace the mesh of the built in character. Even clicking and dragging will not replace the mesh I've looked into importing between blender UE4 https wiki.unrealengine.com Static Mesh from Blender And also about mesh editing https docs.unrealengine.com en us Engine Content Types StaticMeshes Editor I also looked at some questions in this forum Changing rendering in UE4 and Making only parts of a mesh destroy in UE4 To see if the question had not already been asked. |
42 | Clickable Text Render Actor So I couldn't find anything online for this, but I want to make my text render actor clickable for my main menu. For example, when "New Game" is clicked it starts a new game. If you have any answers, please leave them for me! Tysm! |
42 | How can I add these bones to my meta human? Or is there a way I can make virtual bones count when retargetting? Paid for animations thinking they would be fine and they mostly are but... the hands are using these IK bones that I do not have. Is there a way I can add the bones to my meta skeleton within unreal? I tried creating virtual bones but they dont seem to come up in the retarget manager ( Also, I can only seem to add one virtual bone to the root whereas both the foot and hand IK root bones are parented to the root bone here. Any help would be massively appreciated! |
42 | Is there a way to setup a notification from Unreal Engine when it finishes packaging building my game? In Unity I was able to use a post build script to send myself an email when Unity finishes building a game. Is there a way to make a script run when Unreal Engine is done packaging a game? Or any other way to set up a notification sound or visual prompt in my Windows PC to alert me when it finishes packaging? |
42 | Switch from left click to right click to make character walk in the Top Down Example, in UE4? When creating a new project in the Unreal Engine 4, you can choose to create a project already with some added features and things (Top Down Example) This project has a character (which I changed its appearance) and it moves around the map when I click the left mouse button I looked at the blueprints of the project, but I did not identify where the command is that makes the character walk, so I'd like it to walk when I right click. Alls blueprints of project M Cursor Decal TopDownCharacter TopDownController TopDownGameMode The circled blocks of reds are the ones I suspected could be where I should make the modification, but no information on them gave me the certainty that that was where I was supposed to change. I still do not create projects in C programming mode, because I do not have Visual Studio 2017. Some links from websites where I spent before coming here and that can help you to help me https docs.unrealengine.com en us Engine Blueprints https www.youtube.com watch?v EFXMW UEDco The video is 2015, so although it's good, I did not take it so well, because I know that with all this time that has already happened, a lot is different. Sorry for any translation errors, I'm not English speaker. |
42 | GetUserWidgetObject returns null I have a widget component inside of my character ABCharacter.h ... UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, Category UI) class UWidgetComponent HPBarWidget ... ABCharacter.cpp ... AABCharacter AABCharacter() Set this character to call Tick() every frame. You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it. PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick true HPBarWidget CreateDefaultSubobject lt UWidgetComponent gt (TEXT("HPBARWIDGET")) HPBarWidget gt SetupAttachment(GetMesh()) I checked HPBarWidget is null and it wasn't if (HPBarWidget nullptr) UE LOG(ArenaBattle, Error, TEXT("NULL")) HOWEVER, When I try to get the widget object, it said it's null. if (HPBarWidget gt GetUserWidgetObject() nullptr) UE LOG(ArenaBattle, Error, TEXT("NULL")) it printed NULL What causes this returns null? I can clearly see I have a WidgetComponent that exists in my character's tree, and HPBarWidget wasn't null too. I struggled this already hours and couldn't find any related issues. What did I wrong? Using 4.24.3. |
42 | Tag object in map in Unreal Is there a clean way in unreal to place text in the map to tag different buildings and areas for developper that can easily be turned on off for all the tags in the map? |
42 | UE4 storing complex actors in Game Instance I want to make a game where I can hold tools in my hand and inventory. Obviously I want to pass them between levels and maybe even game sessions. Question is, how would I do that? With simple variables like amount of money or HP, all I do is store a variable in the Game Instance. But what about, for example, a tool that has more data, like the class type, durability, maybe value? Even worse, whole array of them? The way I use that in game is, there's an actor representing the tool. But even if I store array of those in the game instance, the actors get destroyed while changing level and the array just points empty memory. I could just spawn new ones by using the class type but that is not enough for me. My idea is to create something... maybe a struct, that would hold the information and then recreate the inventory item actors according to the data in the struct. My questions What are other ways to do it? and Is there something fundamentally wrong with the way I'm storing the items in my inventory now? |
42 | I want to drop a platform after I land on it I want to disable z axis translation lock 2 seconds after my player hits the object in question. I am using Unreal 4. Been slamming my head against it for a week and a half, please save this newb. I just noticed this is the iteration where I enabled gravity instead of disabling z lock... the intended result is be the same for both of these UPDATE now the thing drops but it doesnt wait for the timer UPDATE! I DID IT! |
42 | Masking A Postprocess Unreal 4.10 I was able to make a full screen blur with the depth of field post process which I want to use for the background both my pause menus and my in game HUD. The issue is that when I want to use it for my in game UI it needs to only be rendered under the HUD and not the entire screen. Is there any way the I can mask the post process to a UMG widget for simplicity? The other solution that I thought of was to create a material and mask it off in the material. The problem is that PostProcessInput0 already has the blur applied and I can't use the SceneColor any more, so I don't have a way to get the original texture without the blur. Is there any way to do this? Cheers. |
42 | UObjectFinder versus UClassFinder when is one better than the other? I want to change the default pawn of my game and I decided to do it with c . I came up with this solution, which works fine static ConstructorHelpers FClassFinder lt APawn gt MyPawn(TEXT(" address...")) DefaultPawnClass Pawn.Class However, I searched on the internet and found this approach used more often static ConstructorHelpers FObjectFinder lt UClass gt MyPawn(TEXT(" address...")) DefaultPawnClass (UClass )Pawn.Object What advantages does UObjectFinder have over UClassFinder? Are there certain circumstances where one is preferable to the other? |
42 | UE4 Repeat fail how to feed text widget unique message on instances I am a noob who has spent many hours looking at similar questions and responses but still failing to get desired result. I am going to be thorough and specific I'm very keen on walk throughs with any helpful experts! Thanks in advance. Backdrop My level consists (ideally) of the following Trigger boxes Spheres that have 2x sided texture with media player texture (let's call these quot movie globes quot ) Transparent actors with blinking borders and are clickable ( quot highlight inspect quot ) (I made these with a tutorial on adding post process stencil depth something or other in order to get a blinking appearance) Text widget that appears to inform viewer of what they clicked. Variable across unique instances In simple terms let's say I have 5 trigger boxes with 5 unique (360 video captured) movies. You step into trigger, sphere appears around the actor and the media texture movie begins playing on inside of that sphere (I successfully did this), at which point you can pan around and look. I initiate a delay function before the visibility for quot highlight inspect quot appears, so that the user may spontaneously first look at movie around them before seeing blinking highlights over certain people, things, etc captured displayed in movie imagery. Let's say the movie globes are depicting different forest types or different habitats, and the user is meant to learn about quot xx oak tree quot quot yy pine species quot quot zz herb that provides x benefit quot etc. The idea is to have a kind of interactive museum per se. Some globes might only have one highlight, some might have 4 the idea is that I can use the quot highlight inspectable quot actor object as a click event across these instances but each one returns unique text upon a widget template (saves font color style etc) As if to demonstrate my thick headedness around this issue of actor objects and instances, I also currently have separate but locationally equivalent triggers for the globe and for the highlight object, mainly because I need different spheres to call different movies in their blueprint... in other words I have an actor that has a component 'trigger capsule' that toggles visibility of a sphere i have an actor that has a component 'trigger capsule' that toggles visibility of highlight inspect mesh object.. I just need a simple way to do all this sigh shakes fist bangs head on wall. what I'm failing to learn I've come across quot casting quot and quot blueprint interfaces quot and quot event dispatchers quot and more, and I'm still not grasping those and whether any apply here and how. I kinda understand that I should be able to make the Text Element in the Widget quot variable quot and or bind it to a variable.. but I can't smoothly achieve this. Thank you for your help, I am posting some images below (in the screenshots the pink cylinder light is the trigger, and the next screenshot is user's POV standing there after globe materializes and highlight is showing. the sketch up is for more illustration) ps the second screenshot is actually in next comment SS |
42 | Unreal Engine 4 DefaultInput.ini mappings not showing in editor The mappings from DefaultInput.ini are not showing up in the editor. I had originally added them in the editor project settings, but it lost the mappings except for 2 of them Jump and Reset VR. They still show up in the DefaultInput.ini file. How do I get the editor to recover them (or read them from the .ini file? |
42 | How do I import a custom map into UE4? I have seen videos on creating the map level in UE4, but not how to import the map from something like maya. Would I have to import it as an object? I have been playing around in the editor but haven't been able to find any setting that seems to do the trick. |
42 | How do I make wasd controls for a top down game in unreal engine 4.13.1 I've been trying to make controls for a top down game in unreal engine 4 but I can't figure out how to make it and all the tutorials I've been seeing are outdated. |
42 | How to support importing .uasset files in game for content creators(UE4)? I would like to support importing clothes(as SkeletalMeshes) and props(as StaticMeshes) as uasset files into game for content creators, which obviously have not been packaged with the game. Basically I am looking for a clean modding pipeline. EDIT TLDR Is it possible to load .uasset files with StaticLoadObject() into game and use assets from it after the game has been packaged? Or does it only work with packaged files? If not what function do you recommend for that purpose? not TLDR Bringing in stuff does work well in the editor, using Rama's LoadObjectFromAssetPath, just by right clicking my asset in Content Browser copy reference and copy pasting the result to the path variable of the LoadObjectFromAssetPath blueprint node. Well, I am not sure if it is going to work at runtime... So I used my favourite search engine and put in some keywords and bumped into this. Then I wrote some code(Blueprint Function Library) void UFileDialogOpener LoadFile(FString from) auto result StaticLoadObject(UStaticMesh StaticClass(), NULL, from) GEngine gt AddOnScreenDebugMessage( 1, 150.0f, FColor Red, quot from quot from) if(result)GEngine gt AddOnScreenDebugMessage( 1, 150.0f, FColor Green, quot name quot result gt GetName()) else GEngine gt AddOnScreenDebugMessage( 1, 150.0f, FColor Green, quot no result quot ) auto meSkelMesh Cast lt UStaticMesh gt (result) if(meSkelMesh)GEngine gt AddOnScreenDebugMessage( 1, 150.0f, FColor Red, meSkelMesh gt GetName()) else GEngine gt AddOnScreenDebugMessage( 1, 150.0f, FColor Red, quot no mesh quot ) As per the debug messages StaticLoadObject does not find anything. I tried feeding it the both of the results of righclicking my asset in Content Browser and choosing either copy reference and copy path. Neither of them yielded any result. Not sure where I am messing up. Anyways, just wondering if anyone can recommend a better way of doing this(code, plugins etc)? |
42 | Why can't this event call its parent event? It's me... Back again... with another Unreal problem... I have an Event in my Parent Class called Overridable PreDialogueScreenEnter I have overridden the same Event in a Child Class Yet when I attempt to call the parent event from the child class, the option is greyed out. Tl Dr Why call parent event not work |
42 | How do you spawn a component from a class in UE4? Background I'm working on a shooter game at the moment and I'm trying to spawn an Actor Component for the weapon currently in use, in order to have less Actors to keep track of. The problem with this is that I can't easily switch out components on the fly, without making a separate function for each weapon. Question Is there currently any way to spawn a component with blueprints from a class like you would do with an Actor? |
42 | How to get UE4 to correctly put my bundle identifier for iOS projects? Each time I create a new project UE4 adds a generic bundle identifier to the iOS platform settings, that I always have to change to com.myname. PROJECT NAME in order to be able to run the newly created project. So, I wonder how can I make UE4 to correctly auto detect this field from the picked provisioning profile. I was thinking something like putting BUNDLE IDENTIFIER (including the square brackets) but the editor crashes when I put that in the bundle identifier field. |
42 | Drawing roads on heightmaps I've been running into walls for the past week or so on my toy project in UE4. My goal is to draw procedural roads on a procedural landscape (eventually getting to intersections and buildings). The landscape is generated with libnoise and the roads are generated with a slightly modified version of the algorithm found here. But I'm having issues draping the roads on the landscape and I can't find any straightforward algorithmic way of doing it. You can see my problem below the geometry of the road intersects the geometry of the landscape. In short, given The landscape index buffer The landscape vertex buffer Every road segment's X,Y,Z coordinate How do I modify the underlying vertex index buffer so that the landscape "wraps around" the roads? |
42 | Cannot add key in matinee for static meshes (UE4) My problem is the following I was trying to make a sliding door based on a video tutorial, I had the static mesh, which was the door itself, and I added a Matinee for that door, so I went 'Add New Empty Group Add Movement Track', so I had the door with a movement track, but when I tried to add a key, I couldn't. This was the error message "Nothing to keyframe, or selected object can't be keyframed on this type of track." And I only get this message when I try to add keys in the movement track of a static mesh. When it's a camera, everything is fine. Any idea why this is happening, and how I can solve this? Thanks for your help |
42 | Use ramp and steps meshes as actual ramp in unreal engine 4.26 Is it possible to use a ramp mesh as an actual ramp in UE4? It seems that the system create a rectangle box around the ramp o the character does not climb the ramp, it is over it like on a box. I know that we can use landscape ramp's generator, but it's one more step that could be avoid. thanks guys! |
42 | How can I change the dimensions of collision volumes showed in UE4's physics asset tool? How can I change the dimensions of the capsule for one bone in the physics assets tool? The problem is that bones not connected by joints have overlapping collision volumes in the mannequin that comes with the starter content, which causes those body parts to apear dislocated or out of place when the simulation is running. For instance in this image the pelvis and the middle bone in the spine (Spine 2) are overlapping. So, when the simulation runs Pelvis and Spine 2 get pushed apart reducing the overlapping to a contact point. |
42 | Why is the Set new visibility doesn't resets the hair's skeletal mesh visibility to be visible? The helmet is loaded when pressed a defined key and helmet is removed automatically by setting the remove on 2s delay. The Problem when the helmet is removed, the hairs visibility doesn't sets to be visible while blueprint is set to restore the visibility. setvisibility and sethiddeningame both are tested, none of them works. How to fix it? any help appreciated. |
42 | Unreal engine project not responding to key binding changes I'm getting started with learning Unreal development, and I've created a new project based off the FPS C template. I've changed the key mappings inside the DefaultInput.ini, rebuilt the Visual Studio solution, and rebuilt the project in the Unreal editor, but none of my changes are taking effect. What step am I missing? |
42 | How can I load and store JSON data in UE Blueprints? For a college project that spans a few months, I'm working on a text adventure game in Unreal. I would like to state up front that even if I wanted to use code, I can't. For some reason my college computers don't have Visual Studio or any other IDE UE supports. I've made multiple text adventures before (in Flash and Unity) using custom frameworks that get and parse JSON data for the game. I have no idea how I can accomplish a similar task (loading and parsing JSON data) using UE4's Blueprints. Can anyone help me come up with some sort of way I could go about doing this? |
42 | Multiple errors on brand new C project I've just started a brand new project and created a created a new C Character class. However Visual Studio 2017 shows 140 errors. The project still builds fine, however the syntax highlighting and errors are very intrusive. Here are some examples of the errors on the BaseCharacter.cpp class I just created class "UObject" has no member "BeginPlay" class "UObject" has no member "Tick" class "UObject" has no member "SetUpPlayerInputComponent" on multiple '.h' files this declaration has no storage class or type specifier for all ' .generated.h' files cannot open source file " ClassName .generated.h" Is this a problem with my intellisence or the project itself? I haven't changed any of the code that was generated by Unreal. |
42 | Problem with progress bar visibility I have a code with several elements. One of these elements I would like you to initiate hidden. So I did, set for the progress bar to start hidden. It started to go wrong when and I was calling its visibility (bind) the same stopped starting hidden. I did a test with this problematic progress bar and another one created on time The progress bar that has the visibility setting function appears even if I set it to start hidden As I said, I believe that this strange behavior is due solely and exclusively to the fact that there is such a function Even though I have created a boolean variable that imposes a condition, the bar insists on appearing The variable quoted initiates by default as false I thought the blame could be on the return knot, but as you can see in the fourth image, even putting "hidden", the progress bar appears anyway. |
42 | How do I fix this "Accessed None trying to read property Save Game" error? I have create this blueprint, with a Check for an existing Save Game and load it in case of true. Else, create a new save game object. While Z is pressed, create a new Save Game, getting the Player Position. The problem is that when I try to start the game, I have two errors How can I solve those problems? This is my blueprint Thanks. |
42 | How to render this stereopanorama for VR in unreal engine4 How to render this stereopanorama for VR in unreal engine4 |
42 | How do I fix this "Accessed None trying to read property Save Game" error? I have create this blueprint, with a Check for an existing Save Game and load it in case of true. Else, create a new save game object. While Z is pressed, create a new Save Game, getting the Player Position. The problem is that when I try to start the game, I have two errors How can I solve those problems? This is my blueprint Thanks. |
42 | UE4 custom template can only start with blueprints I tried making a custom template for UE4 to help save some time during gamejams. I follow this tutorial https docs.unrealengine.com en US Engine Basics Projects CreatingTemplates index.html It works alright, even though some minor things don't work, like saving custom folder colors. But what really bothers me is this Normally, the options are Blueprint and CPP. I tried making a new template with a different config file, but nothing changes. Is there a way to fix it? |
42 | mesh gets twisted wildly when trying to use Unreal's mannequin's skeleton I have modelled a simple mannequine and made a skeleton for it in Blender. As far as I can judge, this skeleton copies the Unreal's standard mannequine's skeleton perfectly... All the hierarchy and bone names are the same, and Unreal also does not complain when I import this mesh and use Unreal's skeleton asset for it. However, when I try to play a preview animation on my mesh, it gets twisted wildly. This is a normal state ... and this happens when I play an animation on this asset I thought it was due to different joint initial transforms, so I tried exporting from Blender with varying bone axes (x axis along the bone, z axis along the bone etc.) but it did not help. There is neither imporevement nor mere difference when I change that. Can you tell me possible reasons? Please find the .fbx here https drive.google.com file d 1v1X8t7l 6lwQragO8E0mtC1chdT2p1m4 view?usp sharing |
42 | Eliminate unwanted "hills" in navmesh over a flat floor So in the image below you can see that my navmesh has these weird hills being formed in it. Any way to remove these? My AI gets stuck on them. |
42 | Cannot create EAttachmentRule variable in a Blueprint struct I'm trying to add a EAttachmentRule variable in a struct but the enum doesn't appear in the list of available types I managed to create a variable in a BP by dragging the pin from an AttachActorToComponent node and promoting it to a variable. But I can't do the same thing to create a variable in a struct |
42 | Unreal Expose Terrain Layers via a blueprint I have the below play area and I have 4 terrain materials defined in a material and attached to the terrain. What I want to achieve is a way to use a blueprint to expose the pathway layer through the entire maze while avoiding collisions. Terrain Terrain Material This is what I wanted to achieve programattically via a blueprint with the path. By collision I mean it cant go through trees, rocks, bushes or walls with colliders on them. |
42 | Multiple errors on brand new C project I've just started a brand new project and created a created a new C Character class. However Visual Studio 2017 shows 140 errors. The project still builds fine, however the syntax highlighting and errors are very intrusive. Here are some examples of the errors on the BaseCharacter.cpp class I just created class "UObject" has no member "BeginPlay" class "UObject" has no member "Tick" class "UObject" has no member "SetUpPlayerInputComponent" on multiple '.h' files this declaration has no storage class or type specifier for all ' .generated.h' files cannot open source file " ClassName .generated.h" Is this a problem with my intellisence or the project itself? I haven't changed any of the code that was generated by Unreal. |
42 | Tank turret animations I don't know if this question is more of Blender 3D or gamedev Unreal question, but I decided to ask here first. What I want to do is make a character, simple robot. The bottom part rides around on wheels, controlled by keyboard, while the top part is a turret that turns towards player cursor (which works as a crosshair). I made the model in blender, using only two bones, one for the bottom part and one for the turret. I created 4 poses for aiming each direction. Then, in Unreal, I created 2D aim offset (as I only need one dimension). And after some coding, it works... almost. When I aim forward, and then to the right, it transitions, nice. Then towards the back, also works. But if I then move to the left, instead of rotating extra 90 degrees, the turrent rotates back forward and then to the left. How can I fix it? Is there some settings in Unreal that I could use, or should I create the model in blender differently? Is the whole rig bones solution not gonna work? TLDR I want the turret on my robot to rotate infinitely to whatever I aim at. |
42 | Widget button hover event works but not click This is my first time making a widget and I'm trying to make a super simple one, just a button. However, when I attach the widget to an actor and try to press it, it doesn't register any click events but it does register hover events and responds to those. I have my widget blueprint which looks like this I then have the mouse events set up like so In my scene I just attached a widget component to an empty actor And lastly I added a WidgetInteraction component to my player Now when I hit play and test it out, I get the hovered message but I can never get the click message when I click on the button and I'm not sure why. |
42 | Why can't this event call its parent event? It's me... Back again... with another Unreal problem... I have an Event in my Parent Class called Overridable PreDialogueScreenEnter I have overridden the same Event in a Child Class Yet when I attempt to call the parent event from the child class, the option is greyed out. Tl Dr Why call parent event not work |
42 | UE4 Cloth collision How is collision working in UE4 Free Asset Paragon Kallari? It seems like the body of the character and the cape is somehow colliding but I wasnt able to find any physics asset or any setting. Could someone help me with this? |
42 | FBX Import Errors "Multiple roots are found in the bone hierarchy" I followed these steps I exported my character from Blender as an fbx file I went to Unreal Engine and make a new folder I paste the fbx file in that folder I put and tried to put it with a skeleton I get the following errors No smoothing group information was found in this FBX scene. Could not find the bind pose. It will use time 0 as bind pose. Multiple roots are found in the bone hierarchy. We only support single root bone. Get Import Data has failed. I think it is an issue with Blender. Specifically, I think it is a problem with the spine names. The character has a skeleton I on it in Blender. |
42 | Unable Compile Unreal Project into .Exe File I'm new to Unreal Engine and I've been looking for an answer online but I don't understand why the project I just started on is unable to compile. I only used the default blueprints. The error logs are below. UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) Running AutomationTool... UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) Parsing command line ScriptsForProject C Users belmo OneDrive Documents GitHub EscapeFromDarksidePenitentiary EscapeFromDarkSide EscapeFromDarkSide.uproject BuildCookRun nocompileeditor installed nop4 project C Users belmo OneDrive Documents GitHub EscapeFromDarksidePenitentiary EscapeFromDarkSide EscapeFromDa rkSide.uproject cook stage archive archivedirectory C Users belmo OneDrive Documents GitHub EscapeFromDarksidePenitentiary EscapeFromDarkSide package ue4exe quot C Program Files Epic Games UE 4.26 Engine Binaries Win64 UE4Editor Cmd.exe quot ddc InstalledDerivedDataBackendGraph pak prereqs nodebuginfo targetplatform Win64 clientconfig Development utf8 output UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) Setting up ProjectParams for C Users belmo OneDrive Documents GitHub EscapeFromDarksidePenitentiary EscapeFromDarkSide EscapeFromDarkSide.uproject UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) COOK COMMAND STARTED UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) Running UE4Editor Cook for project C Users belmo OneDrive Documents GitHub EscapeFromDarksidePenitentiary EscapeFromDarkSide EscapeFromDarkSide.uproject UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) ERROR Cook failed. UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) (see C Users belmo AppData Roaming Unreal Engine AutomationTool Logs C Program Files Epic Games UE 4.26 Log.txt for full exception trace) PackagingResults Error Cook failed. UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode 25 (Error UnknownCookFailure) UATHelper Packaging (Windows (64 bit)) BUILD FAILED PackagingResults Error Unknown Cook Failure LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogEditorViewport Clicking on Actor (LMB) StaticMeshActor (Cube11) LogSlate Window 'Output Log' being destroyed LogSlate Window 'Output Log' being destroyed LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogD3D11RHI CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result 'DXGI ERROR INVALID CALL' (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain. LogEditorViewport Clicking on Actor (LMB) StaticMeshActor (Cube11) |
42 | Why can't UObject derived objects call BlueprintFunctionLibrary functions? My question is a very simple one. Why can't UObject derived classes (direct inheritance) call functions from Blueprint Function Libraries? Edit My question relates to Blueprints only. An Object derived Blueprint seems to be incapable of calling functions from an editor created BlueprintFunctionLibrary |
42 | How to create smoke that spreads outward in all directions? I saw many tutorials about smoke grenade but they just use volumetric smoke. I want to make something like the smoke grenade in PUBG, where the smoke spreads in all directions how to do that? The Unreal Engine 4 smoke grenade throws out smoke in a particular direction, like this But I want something more like PUBG's that spreads smoke evenly in all directions |
42 | How to make a Multicast Delegates in Blueprint? I used the Set Timer by Event, but I could not use the delegate in more than one event I've been researching about and it's possible, but I've only found results in c https docs.unrealengine.com en US Programming UnrealArchitecture Delegates index.html My code This is not at all functional. I'm using the same function twice. I could call the "second" event after the execution of the "first" event, but I would like to know a way (if any) to use the delegate in more than one event. |
42 | change widget's size through blueprints I want to change the size X of my 'Horizontal Box' widget's through blueprints but cannot figure out how to do that... the properties that I want to be able to control from blueprints are marked red below To give you some context, I need this to instantiate my widget dynamically. I first add a bunch of child widgets which works just great, but I also need to kinda resize the quad in the background to fit in size the child widgets that I am 'spawning'. Isn't there really any way to do this? Because this seems a super basic thing to do as from my point of view but can't find it anywhere... |
42 | Unreal Engine 4 AI MoveTo always fails I try to move a character with AI MoveTo, but it always fails. I tried to do this with standart ThirdPersonController and a custom one. The blueprint is simple When the event happens, it starts printing "failed". I checked many times if I have a NavMesh on the level or any other problems with it, but I don't think there are any problems with that. Any ideas? |
42 | Unreal virtual function causing unresolved external error I'm making a base gun cpp class that just has the stuff all the other guns will have. I have a virtual function called PullTrigger that doesn't do anything, I just want to have it on the base gun so i can implement it on the derived classes without recreating it. in my header file under private, I have this code virtual void PullTrigger() I tried adding override after the parantheses, but it gave me an error. As is, VS is uncomplaining, but Unreal says the function has an quot Unresolved external symbol quot . I have no clue what that is. How do i fix this? |
42 | Nonsense error in the overlap between 2 warriors and a tower I have a project where 1 warrior is generated every 5 seconds. This warrior as it is generated tries to follow a path that contains 4 target points. Between the target point 1 and the target point 2 there is a tower. Then the warrior is going to meet the target point 2, but as soon as he hits the tower, he fails to reach the target point 2 and goes to meet it until it is destroyed. The part of the code circled in pink was to be executed only after the destruction of the tower (when the life of the tower reaches 0), which does not happen, but the worst thing is that when it executes, it does not execute completely, the tower is not destroyed, but the warrior moves toward target point 2. Result in game Look that the impression occurs for the two warriors. Maybe the message log will help I decrease the delay time of the loop to 0.1 and as there is no time for the second warrior to overlap the tower along with the first warrior, everything works correctly. The problem occurs when more than one warrior reaches the tower simultaneously. |
42 | Setting object O2 to have the same geometric relation to P2 as O1 has to P1 I'm trying to place Object O2 with the same relation to P2 that O1 has to P1, like shown in the picture below. This is a problem that I'm facing trying to implement portals in Unreal Engine 4, where O1 is the player camera P1 is a portal O2 is a second camera, used to render the scene from the perspective of the other portal P2 is the portal linked to P1 Get the player position in relation to this portal and project it in relation to the linked portal FMatrix NewCameraWorldMatrix LinkedPortal gt GetTransform().ToMatrixWithScale() GetTransform().ToMatrixWithScale().Inverse() PlayerCamera gt GetComponentTransform().ToMatrixWithScale() FTransform NewCameraWorldTransform FTransform(NewCameraWorldMatrix) PortalCameraAnchor gt SetWorldLocationAndRotation(NewCameraWorldTransform.GetTranslation(), NewCameraWorldTransform.GetRotation()) However, the above code is not solving the problem I presented and I can't figure out why. Any ideas on what may be the issue? Note I've wrapped the PortalCamera with an Anchor since the PortalCamera must have a specific relative orientation at all times and using SetWorldLocationAndRotation directly on it would mess up its rotation. Note I have these logs (one per portal) which might be useful LogTemp Warning LogTemp Warning GetTransform().ToMatrixWithScale().Inverse() 1 2.38419e 07 0 0 2.38419e 07 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1410 1570 420 1 LogTemp Warning LinkedPortal gt GetTransform().ToMatrixWithScale() 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 820 1410 420.238 1 LogTemp Warning PlayerCamera gt GetComponentTransform().ToMatrixWithScale() 0.572059 0.791792 0.214041 0 0.810578 0.585631 0 0 0.125349 0.173497 0.976825 0 372.749 65.9088 332.374 1 LogTemp Warning NewCameraWorldMatrix 0.572059 0.791793 0.214042 0 0.810578 0.585631 5.10315e 08 0 0.125349 0.173497 0.976825 0 767.052 3445.01 144.706 1 LogTemp Warning NewCameraWorldTransform.GetTranslation() X 767.052 Y 3445.011 Z 144.706 LogTemp Warning NewCameraWorldTransform.GetRotation() X 0.095848404 Y 0.048997864 Z 0.885227978 W 0.452530354 LogTemp Warning LogTemp Warning GetTransform().ToMatrixWithScale().Inverse() 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 820 1410 420.238 1 LogTemp Warning LinkedPortal gt GetTransform().ToMatrixWithScale() 1 2.38419e 07 0 0 2.38419e 07 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1410 1570 420 1 LogTemp Warning PlayerCamera gt GetComponentTransform().ToMatrixWithScale() 0.572059 0.791792 0.214041 0 0.810578 0.585631 0 0 0.125349 0.173497 0.976825 0 372.749 65.9088 332.374 1 LogTemp Warning NewCameraWorldMatrix 0.572059 0.791792 0.214041 0 0.810577 0.585631 5.10314e 08 0 0.125349 0.173497 0.976825 0 767.11 3444.93 145.171 1 LogTemp Warning NewCameraWorldTransform.GetTranslation() X 767.110 Y 3444.927 Z 145.171 LogTemp Warning NewCameraWorldTransform.GetRotation() X 0.095848396 Y 0.048997886 Z 0.885228097 W 0.452530175 LogTemp Warning |
42 | How do you import submeshes on a skeletal mesh? I'm trying to help out a friend on an Unreal issue. He has a Unity scene he's trying to convert to run on Unreal, and getting the models right has been a bit of a bumpy road. Like many models, this has several sub meshes on it. Some of them are mutually exclusive and should only have one out of a group of submeshes turned on at once, so that the same basic model can be repurposed as multiple different characters with different base geometry. In Unity, this quot just works. quot Import the FBX file and you get a prefab with all of the submeshes as sub objects, and everyone's happy. In Unreal, it's a bit more complicated. A bit of searching came up with this question from 4 years ago, which is exactly the problem I'm having here, and says exactly how to deal with it unselect the quot Combine Meshes quot option in the importer. Except that this model is rigged, and for whatever reason, when you check the quot Skeletal Mesh quot option in the importer, the Combine Meshes option vanishes and everything gets lumped together in one single blob of mutually exclusive geometry! I find it difficult to believe this this would work perfectly right out of the box in Unity, while Unreal, which has been around almost a decade longer, has no support at all for such a fundamentally important operation. But at least at first glance, that appears to be the case. Are there any more experienced Unreal devs out there who know how to get sub meshes to import correctly on a skeletal mesh? |
42 | Can I remove Unreal Engine Splash Screen and put my own? In Unity, I can change the splash screen if I buy the Pro version. Can I do the same with Unreal? |
42 | How can I import a model from a Source Engine game into Unreal Engine 4? I am currently developing a game in Unreal Engine 4. This project is for personal use, and will not be exhibited or sold. Because I have no talent, I need to snatch some models from some Source Engine games. Does anyone happen to know how I would port these models into UE4? I have Blender and Crowbar already installed. |
42 | Elements of a widget blueprint do not appear if I click on simulate I made a widget that contains 2 minimaps and 2 texts related to a character's variables. When I click the play button (Selected Viewport) everything happens fine Focus where I circled in pink. It turns out that when I click the Simulate button, these two texts do not appear, but the minimaps do I did a test by first clicking the play button (Selected Viewport) and then I ejected the character (which for me is the same thing as simulating, except without closing and opening the game) and the texts appeared, so my problem is only when I'm done start simulating. I would like to know how to make these 2 texts appear even if I click on simulate instead of play. |
42 | UE4 "get" and "set" component without using an actor specific reference i'm using Unreal Engine 4 and I want to get the variable mode from some actors by referencing them but the only option that i can find in the menu is actor specific like this. So what i want is a version of the component in my image that is not "Target H1" specific. And i also need the same thing for the "set" component please. and if this is not possble can someone tell me please. |
42 | How to make overlap detection more accurate? I have a project where there are two types of warrior, red and blue. When they overlap, both are destroyed, or at least that is what should happen. Red Warrior Blueprint (code of destruction) This overlap is not detected. I put an impression right after the Cast To and it does not appear, so the event is not detected. Which makes me think of another question I asked, maybe I have found the answer for it (Error detecting collision with another instance of the same actor?). Capsule Collision of Warriors I had a similar problem in the collision of the red warrior with a tower, in order to have the detection of the overlap I had to greatly increase the capsule collision of tower It's practically a sphere. The correct title of the question should be How to make overlap detection more accurate without having to increase the collision box? But I do not rule out that increasing the collision box is not the best way to detect overlap, I just want you to explain why (if it is). EDIT 1 (attempt based on Stephen's comment) I put an impression when the cast fails. Red Warrior Blueprint and Blue Warrior Blueprint (respectively) Result in game Test made with capsule in size (sclae) x 1.5, y 1.5, z 1.5. EDIT 2 (Event image) Image to show how the overlay is called |
Subsets and Splits