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Description: 19594642-RR-13Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
M with PMH of nephrolithiasis s/p R
laser lithotripsy of 4mm stone presenting with severe RLQ pain since
this morningNO PO contrast // r/o appendicitis
MDCT axial images were acquired through the
abdomen and pelvis following intravenous contrast administration.
Oral contrast was not administered.
Coronal and sagittal reformations were performed and reviewed on PACS.
## DOSE:
Acquisition sequence:
1) Stationary Acquisition 5.0 s, 0.5 cm; CTDIvol = 24.1 mGy (Body) DLP =
12.0 mGy-cm.
2) Spiral Acquisition 6.4 s, 50.1 cm; CTDIvol = 10.1 mGy (Body) DLP = 504.3
Total DLP (Body) = 516 mGy-cm.
Aside from mild dependent atelectasis, the visualized lung fields
are within normal limits. There is no evidence of pleural or pericardial
The liver demonstrates homogenous attenuation throughout.
There is no evidence of focal lesions. There is no evidence of intrahepatic or
extrahepatic biliary dilatation. The gallbladder is within normal limits.
The pancreas has normal attenuation throughout, without evidence of
focal lesions or pancreatic ductal dilatation. There is no peripancreatic
The spleen shows normal size and attenuation throughout, without
evidence of focal lesions.
The right and left adrenal glands are normal in size and shape.
The kidneys are of normal and symmetric size with normal nephrogram.
There is a 4 mm nonobstructing stone in the right lower pole (2:38).
Additional nonobstructing punctate 1 mm calculus within the right interpolar
region is also noted (601:32). The previously seen stone at the right
ureterovesical junction is no longer visualized. There is no evidence of
solid renal lesions or hydronephrosis. There is no perinephric abnormality.
The stomach is unremarkable. Small bowel loops demonstrate
normal caliber, wall thickness, and enhancement throughout. The appendix is
fluid-filled and further dilated measuring up to 1.6 cm (2:66) with hyperemic
and thickened walls, adjacent fat stranding, mural thickening and edema at the
base of the cecum. There is no periappendiceal fluid collection. There is no
pneumoperitoneum. The colon and rectum are otherwise within normal limits.
The urinary bladder and distal ureters are unremarkable. There is no
free fluid in the pelvis.
The prostate and seminal vesicles are grossly
Multiple enlarged right lower quadrant ileocolonic lymph nodes
are likely reactive. There is no retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. There is
no pelvic or inguinal lymphadenopathy.
There is no abdominal aortic aneurysm. No significant
atherosclerotic disease is noted.
There is no evidence of worrisome osseous lesions or acute fracture.
The abdominal and pelvic wall is within normal limits.
1. Uncomplicated acute appendicitis. No evidence of perforation or
periappendiceal fluid collection.
2. Two nonobstructing right renal calculi, the largest being a 4 mm calculus
in the right lower pole kidney. The previously seen stone at the right
ureterovesical junction is no longer visualized. No hydroureteronephrosis.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594642", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2155-12-08 21:59:00"} | 1,604,900 |
Description: 19594642-RR-14Abstract: ## INDICATION:
year old man with right distal ureteral stone // please
evaluate for hydronephrosis and presence of ureteral jets
Redemonstrated in the right lower pole is a nonobstructing renal calculi
measuring approximately 0.8 cm. The previous 3 mm non-obstructing stone in
the left kidney is no longer visualized. There is no hydronephrosis, or
masses bilaterally. Normal cortical echogenicity and corticomedullary
differentiation are seen bilaterally.
Right kidney: 11.0 cm
Left kidney: 11.1 cm
The bladder is moderately distended and normal in appearance. Ureteral jets
not visualized however the bladder was not completely full.
1. Redemonstrated 0.8 cm right lower pole nonobstructing stone. No evidence
of hydronephrosis.
2. Previous 3 mm left-sided stone is no longer visualized. No evidence of
left-sided stone or hydronephrosis.
3. Ureteral jets are not visualized.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594642", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2156-07-27 14:10:00"} | 1,604,901 |
Description: 19594642-RR-8Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
with RUQ pain // eval gallstones, cholecystitis
The liver appears normal in grayscale appearance, size, without focal lesion.
There is no biliary ductal dilation with the common bile duct measuring 4mm.
The main portal vein is patent with hepatopetal flow. The gallbladder appears
normal. The pancreas is grossly unremarkable though poorly visualized. No
ascites is seen. Mild right hydronephrosis. A nonobstructing stone is seen
in the lower pole of the right kidney.
1. Mild right hydronephrosis with nonobstructing stone in the lower pole of
the right kidney. Passing right ureteral stone not excluded. Please
correlate clinically.
2. No acute gallbladder process.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594642", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2155-11-16 13:37:00"} | 1,604,902 |
Description: 19594642-RR-9Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
with R sided abdominal pain,
hydronephrosis on USNO PO contrast // eval R ureteral stone
## DOSE:
Acquisition sequence:
1) Spiral Acquisition 6.2 s, 49.1 cm; CTDIvol = 8.3 mGy (Body) DLP = 405.8
Total DLP (Body) = 406 mGy-cm.
Visualized lung bases appear clear.
Within the limitations of a non-contrast examination, no focal liver lesions
are identified. There is no biliary dilatation. Gallbladder appears normal.
Pancreas is unremarkable. Spleen is normal in size and appearance. Adrenals
appear normal.
The right kidney shows mild hydroureteronephrosis associated with a stone at
the right pelvic brim measuring up to 3 mm. Mild congestive stretched fat
stranding about the right kidney and upper ureter. Within the right kidney,
and 2 mm stone is found in the upper pole and, in the lower pole an additional
3 mm stone. Mild medullary nephrocalcinosis on each side. No well-formed
stones found on the left side, however.
The stomach and small bowel are unremarkable. Large bowel also appears
normal. Incidental appendecoliths in the tip of the appendix, but no evidence
of appendicitis.
Prostate is at the upper limits of normal size. Distal ureters, seminal
vesicles and bladder appear normal. No lymphadenopathy or free fluid. Aorta
is normal in caliber. Vascular structures are otherwise difficult to assess.
Vertebral body heights and interspaces are preserved in height. No suspicious
bone lesions.
Small obstructing right ureteral stone, measuring up to 3 mm.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594642", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2155-11-16 17:26:00"} | 1,604,903 |
Description: 19594776-RR-10Abstract: ## INDICATION:
male with G-tube which is occasionally leaking,
evaluate for peritonitis.
The visualized lungs demonstrate bibasilar atelectasis. There is no pleural
effusion or pneumothorax. The imaged portion of the heart is normal in size,
and there is no pericardial effusion.
The liver enhances homogeneously without focal lesions. The gallbladder is
decompressed. The spleen, pancreas, and adrenal glands are unremarkable. The
kidneys enhance symmetrically and excrete contrast without hydronephrosis.
The abdominal aorta and its major branches are unremarkable. There is an
infrarenal IVC present. There is no retroperitoneal or mesenteric
A percutaneous gastrostomy tube is present with 2.5 cm of side-holes seen in
the subcutaneous tissue along the tract. There is no abscess formation or
associated soft tissue stranding. There is no peritoneal free fluid or
hyperenhancement to suggest an underlying peritonitis. The imaged small and
large bowel are normal.
## BONE:
There are sclerotic lesions seen in the mid-to-lower thoracic spine.
Percutaneous gastrostomy tube sideholes are outside of the stomach, along the
catheter track; this can be advanced by 3 cm for better positioning. No
evidence for peritonitis or abdominal free fluid.
These findings were discussed with Dr. by Dr. by telephone on
at 16:40 hours.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594776", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2144-04-30 13:05:00"} | 1,604,904 |
Description: 19594776-RR-11Abstract: ## INDICATION:
male with G-tube presenting with right upper quadrant
abdominal pain and elevated LFTs. Rule out gallstone disease.
The liver is normal without focal or textural abnormality. The
main portal vein is patent with hepatopetal flow. The gallbladder is
distended but demonstrates no wall thickening. Sonographic sign was
reported to be absent. The gallbladder contains a few amorphous echogenic
lesions that demonstrate no posterior acoustic shadowing or internal
vascularity, most compatible with sludge balls. These were not previously
visualized on CT. The common duct measures 5 mm and there is no
evidence of intra- or extra-hepatic bile duct dilatation. The visualized
portion of the pancreas is unremarkable. The pancreatic tail is obscured by
overlying bowel gas.
Distended gallbladder containing a few sludge balls. No specific
signs for acute cholecystitis.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594776", "visit_id": "22329213", "time": "2144-06-12 18:36:00"} | 1,604,905 |
Description: 19594776-RR-12Abstract: ## HISTORY:
Elevated white blood cell count, right upper quadrant pain and
increased oxygen requirement.
Low lung volumes are present. This accentuates the size of the cardiac
silhouette which is likely top-normal. The mediastinal and hilar contours are
unremarkable. There is crowding of the bronchovascular structures. Patchy
opacities in the lung bases likely reflect atelectasis. No pleural effusion
is present. No pneumothorax or overt pulmonary vascular congestion is
present. An inferior vena cava filter is detected. There are no acute
osseous abnormalities.
Low lung volumes with bibasilar atelectasis.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594776", "visit_id": "22329213", "time": "2144-06-12 19:09:00"} | 1,604,906 |
Description: 19594776-RR-13Abstract: ## INDICATION:
male with increasing oxygen requirements with history
of DVTs. Rule out pulmonary embolism.
The thoracic aorta is normal without evidence of aneurysm or
dissection. The main pulmonary artery has a normal caliber. The lobar,
segmental, and subsegmental pulmonary arteries are normal without filling
defect. The great vessels are otherwise unremarkable.
The thyroid is unremarkable. No axillary, supraclavicular, mediastinal, or
hilar lymphadenopathy. Atherosclerotic calcification is seen in the left
anterior descending coronary artery, significant in this age group. The heart
is otherwise unremarkable. The mediastinum is unremarkable. The pericardium
is intact without effusion.
The central airways are patent. Bibasilar atelectasis is present, left
greater than right, increased since . No pulmonary consolidation
or pleural effusion is identified. No pneumothorax. The chest wall is
No focal lytic or sclerotic lesion concerning for
1. No pulmonary embolism. Bibasilar atelectasis.
2. Coronary artery atherosclerotic calcification, significant in this age
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594776", "visit_id": "22329213", "time": "2144-06-12 19:51:00"} | 1,604,907 |
male with history of multiple brainstem infarcts as well
as fusiform basilar artery aneurysm with thrombus and dilated vertebral
arteries; evaluate for interval infarcts, compare to MRI.
The study is compared with a series of MR examinations from
dating from through . N.B. Many
of these studies, uploaded to PACS, contained only localizer images or so-cold
"paperwork". The most diagnostic series consists of a non-enhanced cranial MR
examination dated . Comparison is also made with the
VCT" cranial CTA of .
Allowing for extensive susceptibility artifact at the level of the central
skull base, there is no focus of slow diffusion to suggest acute ischemia,
including in the posterior fossa. However, there is a remarkable appearance
to the intracranial vertebrobasilar system, which demonstrates marked ectasia
and tortuosity, particularly evident in the basilar artery, with an appearance
suggestive of underlying dolichoectasia. The distal left vertebral and
basilar arteries demonstrate a marked "targetoid" appearance, due to extensive
lamellated and rim-calcified thrombus throughout much of their extent. This
demonstrates a rim-"blooming" susceptibility artifact, particularly
anteriorly. On the MP-RAGE sequence, the lumen of this vessel enhances avidly
and uniformly, as do the distal vertebral arteries. However, the basilar
artery through much of its extent, to approximately the level of the left
cerebral peduncle, which it markedly indents, demonstrates differential
reduced flow-related enhancement in comparison to the remaining vessels of the
circle of . The markedly distorted and elevated basilar summit
demonstrates a markedly abnormal rostral location at approximately the level
of the foramen of . Note that its distal branches, specifically the
posterior cerebral arteries demonstrate normal flow-related and contrast
enhancement. In contradistinction, the AICA vessels are relatively
attenuated, with significantly reduced flow-related and contrast enhancement,
particularly on the left; the superior cerebellar arteries are also markedly
reduced in caliber and enhancement and difficult to identify on all sequences.
The axial images are otherwise notable for the marked mass effect of the
dilated basilar artery with indentation or frank invagination of the left
paramedian anterior aspect of the brainstem, commencing at the level of the
interpeduncular cistern and extending to the level of the superior cerebellar
peduncles. There is continued mass effect more caudally with effacement of,
particularly, the left medullary pyramid. Allowing for this, there is no
evidence of encephalomalacia or gliosis to reflect previous infarction,
particularly in the posterior fossa (as in the given history). However, while
there is no evidence of vascular territorial infarction and no finding to
specifically suggest gliosis, there are at least two sites of possible chronic
infarction involving the left and right paramedian ventral brainstem at the
level of the superior cerebellar peduncles (5:10 and 5:9) respectively; the
brainstem also appears globally atrophic.
There is no intra- or extra-axial hemorrhage, with no other susceptibility
artifact, beside that emanating from the basilar arterial mural thrombus. The
axial T1-weighted SE sequences demonstrate no evidence of intramural hematoma
to suggest underlying dissection involving either cervical vertebral artery.
The vertebral arteries are normal in course, caliber, and intrinsic signal
intensity from their subclavian origins through their distalmost V4 segments
where the fusiform aneurysmal dilatation, above, commences. The aortic arch
and great vessel origins are unremarkable. The common and cervical internal
and external carotid arteries demonstrate normal course, caliber, and contour.
They demonstrate normal uniform contrast enhancement with no flow-limiting
stenosis, significant mural irregularity, or evidence of dissection.
1. Marked vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia with severe fusiform aneurysmal
dilatation of the basilar artery, which measures up to 14 mm (AP), at the
level of the cerebral peduncles.
2. This vessel demonstrates extensive nearly-circumferential mural thrombus,
as on the previous Encinitas) studies from .
3. Marked distortion and attenuation of the AICA and SCA vessels, as before.
4. Marked mass effect with invagination of the brainstem, also not
significantly changed.
5. No evidence of acute ischemia, with findings that specifically suggest
previous infarction, particularly in the posterior fossa as queried.
6. Unremarkable cervical vessels; specifically, there is no evidence of
underlying vertebral artery dissection.
These findings were discussed with Dr. requesting
neurologist), via telephone, at 1525H on , roughly 20 minutes after
discovery. The possibility of underlying Ehlers-Danlos disease or other
vasculopathy was also discussed.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594776", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2145-02-02 15:14:00"} | 1,604,908 |
Description: 19594776-RR-30Abstract: ## INDICATION:
History of fusiform aneurysm with thrombus also with brainstem
strokes, quadriplegic, reports two weeks of increased hoarseness and
hypophonia, evaluate for infarct or hemorrhage.
At the level of the skull base, there is extensive susceptibility
artifact limiting evaluation for acute ischemia. Within this limitation,
there is no slow focus of diffusion identified throughout the remainder of the
brain. No new T2 abnormalities are present within the posterior fossa. There
is stable marked ectasia and tortuosity of the vertebrobasilar system
consistent with dolichoectasia. As previously stated, the targetoid
appearance of the distal left vertebral and basilar artery with rim of
blooming susceptibility artifact is likely due to calcified mural thrombus.
On T2-weighted imaging, intracranial flow voids are preserved throughout the
system; however, both on this sequence and on the time-of-flight imaging,
there appears to be slightly differential flow compared to remaining
craniocervical vessels, possibly due to slower velocity. There is fusiform
dilatation of the basilar tip immediately rostral to the foramen of ,
measuring 14mm. On time-of-flight imaging, the distal branches of the
posterior circulation, specifically the posterior cerebral and superior
cerebellar arteries are difficult to visualize likely reflecting noncontrast
technique, though their patency is presumed given the lack of parenchymal
changes. The anterior inferior cerebellar artery is diminutive bilaterally,
left greater than right, but patent.
There is stable marked invagination of the left anterior aspect of the
brainstem extending from the interpedicular cistern to the level of the
superior cerebellar peduncle. More caudally, the vertebral artery appears to
contact if not have mass effect on the left medullary pyramid. Overall, the
diencephalon appears grossly atrophic with multiple stable T2 hyperintensities
immediately posterior to the brainstem indentation (9:44, 9:50) which likely
represent remote infarct.
There is no intra-axial hemorrhage. There is no evidence of dissection,
stenosis, or aneurysm.
Stable markedly abnormal appearance of the basivertebral arterial
system and diencephalon. Specifically:
1. Stable marked vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia with fusiform aneurysmal
dilatation of the basilar artery with extensive partially calcified mural
2. Poor visualization of the posterior circulation on this non-contrast
study; however, there are no changes in the surrounding parenchyma to suggest
3. Vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia causes stable mass effect with invagination
of the brainstem which is atrophic.
4. No evidence of acute ischemia.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594776", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2145-10-29 15:50:00"} | 1,604,909 |
Description: 19594776-RR-33Abstract: ## INDICATION:
Routine year screening. Pt refused conventional colonoscopy.
// Screening.
On the very limited non contrast low-dose supine series of the abdomen and
pelvis the lung bases appear grossly clear. The liver, spleen, pancreas,
adrenal glands, and kidneys appear grossly unremarkable, but evaluation of
these structures is significantly limited due to image noise from low dose
technique and lack of intravenous contrast. This exam is not diagnostic for
identifying solid organ masses. A PEG tube is seen positioned in the stomach.
No enlarged mesenteric or retroperitoneal lymph nodes are identified.
Incidental note is made of malrotation of the bowel with all of the small
bowel being in the right side of the abdomen and the majority of the colon
being on the left side of the abdomen. The cecum does cross midline to
terminate in the right lower quadrant, but previously on the study from
it was in the left lower quadrant. The colon was poorly insufflated on the
initial images as the patient had issues retaining the carbon dioxide and was
frequently expelling it. Furthermore, the colon is diffusely filled with
liquid stool which would significantly limit diagnostic interpretation and was
also clogging the insufflation catheter. Therefore, the patient was instructed
to remain on clear liquids for today and take another bottle of magnesium
citrate and return tomorrow for reattempt after further prep.
An IVC filter is noted. The osseous structures are unremarkable.
Unable to complete CT colonography due to inadequate bowel prep. The patient
will return tomorrow for repeat attempt as discussed in detail above.
Incidental note made of malrotation of the bowel.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594776", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2146-03-25 13:46:00"} | 1,604,910 |
Description: 19594776-RR-35Abstract: ## CT COLONOGRAPHY:
Severely limited study due to large amount of fluid within
the colon. Patient is unable to hold insufflated air as demonstrated on . Only 5 axial images were obtained to evaluate fecal load.
Canceled CT colonography due to large amount of fluid within the colon. The
patient is unable to hold insufflated air is demonstrated on and is
a poor candidate for future CT colonography given this limitation.
The findings were discussed by Dr. with ,
Nurse Dr. on the telephone on at 3:50 , 5
minutes after discovery of the findings.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594776", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2146-03-28 14:20:00"} | 1,604,911 |
Description: 19594776-RR-36Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
year old man with purulent drainage from g-tube site. Assess
for fluid collection in abdominal wall
Approximately 1.6 x 1.0 cm hypoechoic area within the skin and subcutaneous
tissue which demonstrates posterior shadowing is most consistent with scar
from prior G-tube placement. No drainable fluid collection. No sinus tract
identified. No subcutaneous edema.
1.6 cm hypoechoic area within the skin and subcutaneous tissue is most
consistent with scar from prior G-tube placement. No drainable fluid
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594776", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2146-09-25 06:00:00"} | 1,604,912 |
Description: 19594776-RR-37Abstract: ## INDICATION:
year old man with G tube replacement
The percutaneous gastric catheter is noted with tip terminating in the left
upper quadrant medially. Multiple clips are seen in the left upper quadrant.
An inferior vena cava filter is in unchanged position. Bowel gas pattern is
unremarkable except for large amount of stool of the left colon and rectum.
Following the administration of oral contrast material through the catheter,
oral contrast opacifies the stomach and duodenum. No extraluminal contrast is
definitively noted on this single view.
Gastrostomy tube appears to be in standard position within the stomach
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594776", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2146-09-25 14:26:00"} | 1,604,913 |
Description: 19594787-RR-13Abstract: RIGHT ELBOW, THREE VIEWS
There is a comminuted intra-articular fracture of the distal humerus. The
fracture appears to extend across the base of the capitellum and trochlea.
The capitellum is displaced proximally and rotated anteriorly. There is
dislocation of the articulation between the capitellum and the radius as a
result of this. There is some apparent medial displacement of the trochlea
with respect to the proximal ulna and distal humerus. Incidental note is made
of enthesophytes at the medial and lateral epicondyles. An apparent
longitudinally orientated additional fracture line component extends along the
lateral aspect of the distal humerus to the supracondylar region. A small
longitudinal lucent line extending to the articular surface of the radial head
is suspicious for an additional nondisplaced fracture. There is extensive
soft tissue swelling.
1. Comminuted intra-articular displaced fracture of the distal humerus with
marked displacement of the capitellar fragment.
2. Intra-articular radial head fracture.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2132-07-26 08:55:00"} | 1,604,914 |
Description: 19594787-RR-16Abstract: RIGHT HUMERUS, THREE VIEWS
Distal humerus fracture, assess for healing.
The projection is different to the prior study as the current examination is a
humerus radiograph other than elbow. The distal humeral fracture was better
assessed on elbow views. There is evidence of a comminuted intra-articular
distal humeral fracture. Fragment alignment is not as well depicted though
there is likely persistent displacement of the capitellum and dislocation of
the radiocapitellar articulation. Mild residual widening of the elbow joint
is also seen. Fracture is again seen to involve the base of the trochlea.
No humeral shaft fracture is seen. A rounded density is demonstrated adjacent
to the anterior proximal right humeral shaft, possibly representing loose body
within the biceps tendon sheath. There is evidence of glenohumeral
degenerative joint disease with joint space narrowing. There is also
narrowing of the acromiohumeral interval, suggesting rotator cuff tear.
Comminuted distal humeral fracture with intra-articular extension
and persistent radiocapitellar dislocation. Alignment of fragments and
healing is difficult to accurately compare with the prior study as the
projection was different. Suggest additional followup with elbow radiographs.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2132-08-09 09:18:00"} | 1,604,915 |
Description: 19594787-RR-17Abstract: ## HISTORY:
Right humerus followup.
There is diffuse osteopenia. There is a comminuted fracture of the distal
humerus which probably extends into the joint space. Assessment of the elbow
joint itself is limited on these views which are centered in the mid shaft of
the humerus. Marked narrowing of the acromiohumeral distance is consistent
with a chronic rotator cuff tear. A 6-mm calcification adjacent to the
proximal humerus is again seen, ? loose body related to the biceps tendon
Fracture of the distal humerus, similar in appearance to .
If clinically indicated, dedicated elbow films may help to better delineate
details of the distal humeral fracture fragments.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2132-09-20 09:40:00"} | 1,604,916 |
Description: 19594787-RR-19Abstract: ## HISTORY:
-year-old female with left leg swelling and pain.
Grayscale, color, and spectral Doppler evaluation was performed of the left
lower extremity veins. There is normal phasicity of the common femoral veins
bilaterally. There is normal compression and augmentation of the left common
femoral, proximal femoral, mid femoral, distal femoral, popliteal, posterior
tibial, and peroneal veins. There is moderate left calf edema.
No evidence of DVT in the left lower extremity. Moderate left calf edema.
Findings were communicated via phone call by Dr. to Dr.
on at 16:01.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2135-02-03 14:30:00"} | 1,604,917 |
Description: 19594787-RR-20Abstract: ## INDICATION:
woman with iron-deficiency anemia, and a
non-diagnostic upper GI endoscopy and colonoscopy.
The imaged portion of the liver is unremarkable, except for a
few tiny biliary hamartomas (13:24, 29, 75). The gallbladder is normal.
There is no intra- or extra-hepatic bile duct dilation. The right adrenal
gland is normal. There is mild thickening of the left adrenal gland, without
a focal mass. The spleen is unremarkable, except for a 4 mm cyst. A few
renal peripelvic and cortical cysts are seen in both kidneys, left greater
than right. A 2.1 cm simple renal cortical cyst is seen in the interpolar
region of right kidney. A few scattered mesenteric lymph nodes in the abdomen
are not pathologically enlarged. The abdominal aorta has moderate
atherosclerotic disease, without aneurysmal dilation. There is mild stenosis
of the right proximal common iliac artery. Moderate degenerative changes are
seen throughout the lumbar spine with a mild S-shaped scoliosis.
The stomach and small bowel loops are normal, without
evidence of abnormal wall thickening, edema or focal mass. The large bowel is
unremarkable, except to note scattered sigmoid colonic diverticulosis, without
evidence for active inflammation. Uncomplicated right groin hernia containing
a loop of small bowel (1202:75) is noted, in a location slightly higher than
an inguinal hernia.
The urinary bladder, rectum and sigmoid colon are normal. The
uterus is not visualized. No pelvic free fluid. Small pelvic side wall lymph
nodes are not pathologically enlarged. No marrow signal abnormality is seen.
1. Uncomplicated small right groin hernia containing a loop of small bowel.
This may represent a femoral hernia though may be slightly more superiorly
located than typically seen. No focal bowel abnormality identified to explain
the patient's iron-deficiency anemia.
2. Scattered sigmoid colonic diverticulosis, without active inflammation.
3. Bilateral peripelvic and right renal cortical cysts.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2135-09-15 10:07:00"} | 1,604,918 |
Description: 19594787-RR-21Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
female approximate 1.4 weeks status post fall, now
with left shoulder pain and radicular symptoms. Evaluate for cervical spine
## DOSE:
Acquisition sequence:
1) Spiral Acquisition 6.4 s, 25.1 cm; CTDIvol = 37.3 mGy (Body) DLP = 936.0
Total DLP (Body) = 936 mGy-cm.
There is mild anterolisthesis of C7 on T1, grossly unchanged. The visualized
osseous structures are osteopenic. No definite fractures are
identified.Multilevel degenerative changes of the cervical spine are most
pronounced at C3-C4, C4-C5, C5-C6, and C6-C7, were there is endplate
sclerosis, severe disc space narrowing, and osteophytosis. No evidence of
bony spinal canal stenosis. There is no prevertebral soft tissue swelling.
Postsurgical changes related to prior right mandibular surgery are noted.
A 1.1 cm nodule in the left thyroid lobe is noted (3:54). Limited imaging of
lungs demonstrates approximately 3 mm right upper lobe ground-glass opacity.
1. No definite evidence of cervical spinal fracture.
2. 1.1 cm left thyroid lobe nodule. The College of Radiology
guidelines suggest that in the absence of risk factors for thyroid cancer, no
further evaluation is recommended.
3. Multilevel severe degenerative changes of the cervical spine as described.
4. Nonspecific right upper lobe 3 mm ground-glass opacity. he
Society guidelines for pulmonary nodule guidelines suggest for ground glass
nodules less than or equal to 5 mm no CT followup is required.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2137-12-26 13:56:00"} | 1,604,919 |
Description: 19594787-RR-22Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
with shortness of breath and crackles on lung exam//
?pulmonary edema
Moderate cardiac enlargement is unchanged with dense mitral annular
calcifications again noted. Diffuse atherosclerotic calcifications of the
thoracic aorta are re-demonstrated. Mediastinal and hilar contours are
unchanged and unremarkable. Pulmonary vasculature is not engorged. Blunting
of the left costophrenic sulcus persists, likely reflective of a small pleural
effusion. Lungs are otherwise clear without focal consolidation. No
pneumothorax is seen. The osseous structures are diffusely demineralized with
mild multilevel degenerative changes.
Persistent small left pleural effusion. No pulmonary edema.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "26871526", "time": "2138-10-21 14:19:00"} | 1,604,920 |
Description: 19594787-RR-25Abstract: ## INDICATION:
year old woman with upper GI bleeding post SBE and APC now
with severe abdominal pain. Assess for free air.
There are no abnormally dilated loops of large or small bowel. Mildly
distended cecum.
There is no free intraperitoneal air.
Osseous structures are notable for mild degenerative changes of bilateral hips
with subchondral sclerosis and small osteophytes. Limited evaluation of lower
lumbar spine is notable for degenerative changes with osteophytes and endplate
There are no unexplained soft tissue calcifications or radiopaque foreign
1. No free intraperitoneal air no obstruction.
2. Mild degenerative changes of bilateral hips and lower lumbar spine.
The findings were discussed with Dr. . by
, M.D. on the telephone on at 9:11 pm, 5 minutes after
discovery of the findings.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "23243383", "time": "2138-11-28 19:42:00"} | 1,604,921 |
Description: 19594787-RR-28Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
with left facial numbness// ? evidence of stroke or
## DOSE:
Acquisition sequence:
1) Sequenced Acquisition 18.0 s, 18.0 cm; CTDIvol = 50.2 mGy (Head) DLP =
903.1 mGy-cm.
2) Stationary Acquisition 5.0 s, 0.5 cm; CTDIvol = 54.5 mGy (Head) DLP =
27.2 mGy-cm.
3) Spiral Acquisition 4.9 s, 38.9 cm; CTDIvol = 31.0 mGy (Head) DLP =
1,206.2 mGy-cm.
Total DLP (Head) = 2,136 mGy-cm.
There is no evidence for acute hemorrhage, vascular territorial infarction,
mass effect, or edema. Small chronic infarct right cerebellum, stable since
. The ventricles and sulci are prominent. There is gross preservation of
gray-white matter differentiation.
Aerosolized secretions are seen within the left sphenoid sinus. Minimal
mucosal thickening is seen involving scattered ethmoid air cells. There is
under pneumatization versus postsurgical change valve in the left mastoid air
cells. The remainder of the paranasal sinuses, middle ear cavities, and
mastoid air cells are clear. The patient is status post bilateral lens
There is a normal 3 vessel aortic arch with mild calcifications seen at the
origins of the great vessels. Moderate calcifications are seen at the origin
of the left V1 segment. Otherwise, the vertebral arteries are patent without
high-grade stenosis or occlusion.
The bilateral common carotid arteries are patent. Mild left and moderate
right calcifications are seen at the bilateral carotid bulbs. There is no
evidence of internal carotid stenosis by NASCET criteria.
Mild calcifications are noted involving the bilateral cavernous internal
carotid arteries. Mild luminal irregularity and narrowing is seen involving
the right greater than left A1 segments, distal left M1 segment and left P1
segment, likely secondary to atherosclerotic disease. The right posterior
communicating arteries open and dominant. The left posterior communicating
artery is also patent. There is no evidence for high-grade stenosis,
occlusion, or aneurysm greater than 3 mm.
There are multiple metallic wires seen throughout the right mandible, likely
postsurgical. A small punctate focus of hyperdensity in left mandible may
also be postsurgical.
Mild pulmonary interstitial edema. Innumerable nodules are seen, measuring up
to 8 mm at the right upper lobe. Several is are solid versus ground-glass,
and many appear similar as compared to cervical spine CT dated .
The right pulmonary artery is mildly enlarged at 2.6 cm. The thyroid is
mildly heterogeneous with a 1.0 cm hypodense nodule seen on the left. There
is no cervical lymphadenopathy by CT size criteria. Degenerative arthritis
right shoulder. Advanced degenerative changes cervical spine.
1. No evidence for acute hemorrhage or acute infarction.
2. Mild-to-moderate global parenchymal volume loss.
3. Small chronic right cerebellar infarct.
4. Multifocal, mild-to-moderate atherosclerotic disease described throughout
the intracranial and cervical vasculature. No evidence for high-grade
stenosis, occlusion, or aneurysm.
5. Innumerable upper lung ground-glass and solid nodules measuring up to 8 mm,
many of which appear similar from . Few mildly prominent mediastinal
lymph nodes, may be reactive.
6. Mild interstitial pulmonary edema.
7. 1.0 cm hypodense left thyroid nodule.
For incidentally detected multiple subsolid nodules
bigger than 6mm, CT follow-up in 3 to 6 months is recommended. Subsequent
management should be based on the most suspicious nodule(s).
See the Society Guidelines for the Management of Pulmonary
Nodules Incidentally Detected on CT" for comments and reference:
Thyroid nodule. No follow up recommended.
Absent suspicious imaging features, unless there is additional clinical
concern, College of Radiology guidelines do not recommend further
evaluation for incidental thyroid nodules less than 1.0 cm in patients under
age or less than 1.5 cm in patients age or older.
Abnormal lymph nodes (those displaying
enlargement, calcification, cystic components and/or increased enhancement) or
invasion of local tissues by the thyroid nodule.
, et al, "Managing Incidental Thyroid Nodules Detected on Imaging: White
Paper of the ACR Incidental Findings Committee". J
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2139-09-04 22:36:00"} | 1,604,922 |
Description: 19594787-RR-31Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
Video oropharyngeal swallow study.
year old woman with dysphagia. Evaluation for swallowing
## DOSE:
Fluoro time: 04:53 min.
Barium was administered with passage visualized through the oropharynx and
upper esophagus. There was no evidence of penetration or aspiration with all
consistencies. Patient demonstrated delayed swallowing initiation with oral
phase hesitancy, likely volitional. Limited visualization of the esophagus
demonstrated mild retention of nectar thick liquids at the distal portion of
the esophagus, however there was no evidence of retrograde flow. There was
free passage of the 13 mm barium tablet with no evidence of holdup.
No evidence of penetration or aspiration.
Please note that a detailed description of dynamic swallowing as well as a
summative assessment and recommendations are reported separately in a
standalone note by the Speech-Language Pathologist (OMR, Notes, Rehabilitation
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "23311336", "time": "2139-09-15 09:30:00"} | 1,604,923 |
Description: 19594787-RR-34Abstract: ## INDICATION:
year old woman with MR mitraclip with residual stenosis
resulting in heart failure, now undergoing eval for open surgical MVR.//
evaluate carotid arteries for disease, prior to CABG
The right carotid vasculature has mild heterogeneous atherosclerotic plaque.
The peak systolic velocity in the right common carotid artery is 95 cm/sec.
The peak systolic velocities in the proximal, mid, and distal right internal
carotid artery are 70, 87, and 81 cm/sec, respectively. The peak end
diastolic velocity in the right internal carotid artery is 19 cm/sec.
The ICA/CCA ratio is 0.9.
The external carotid artery has peak systolic velocity of 67.7 cm/sec.
The vertebral artery is patent with antegrade flow.
## LEFT:
The left carotid vasculature has mild heterogeneous atherosclerotic plaque.
The peak systolic velocity in the left common carotid artery is 88 cm/sec.
The peak systolic velocities in the proximal, mid, and distal left internal
carotid artery are 67, 77, and 80 cm/sec, respectively. The peak end
diastolic velocity in the left internal carotid artery is 19 cm/sec.
The ICA/CCA ratio is 0.9.
The external carotid artery has peak systolic velocity of 62.7 cm/sec.
The vertebral artery is patent with antegrade flow.
Less than 40% stenosis in the bilateral internal carotid arteries.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "20435085", "time": "2139-10-24 08:35:00"} | 1,604,924 |
Description: 19594787-RR-35Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
year old woman s/p MVR// Fast track early extubation Contact
name: , Phone: 1
In comparison with study of , the patient has undergone a mitral
valve repair and there are intact midline sternal wires. Endotracheal tube
tip lies approximately 3 cm above the carina. Right IJ catheter extends to
the midportion of the SVC. What appears to be a Swan-Ganz catheter from the
femoral vein extends to the proximal portion of the right pulmonary artery.
Left chest tube is in place and there is no evidence of pneumothorax.
Basilar atelectatic changes are seen.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "20435085", "time": "2139-10-26 14:38:00"} | 1,604,925 |
Description: 19594787-RR-37Abstract: ## INDICATION:
year old woman with status post MVR, ASD closure, RIJ line
changed over wire to TLC// evaluate new line Contact name: :
Compared to the previous study from earlier in the same day, the small left
pleural effusion and atelectatic changes at the left base appear stable.
Atelectatic changes are noted at the right lung base, somewhat progressive
when compared to the previous study.
The tip of the right IJ line is in the right atrium. The aorta is
atherosclerotic. Sternal wires appear intact. The patient is status post
mitral valve replacement.
As above
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "20435085", "time": "2139-10-27 16:47:00"} | 1,604,926 |
Description: 19594787-RR-39Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
with shortness of breath and chest pain after MVR//
Please evaluate for pneumonia, effusion, or pulmonary HTN
Patient is status post median sternotomy and mitral valve replacement. Heart
size is difficult to assess as the heart is obscured by a moderate size right
and small left pleural effusions. The right pleural effusion appears similar
to the prior exam with the left pleural effusion appearing slightly decreased
in size. Atherosclerotic calcifications of the aortic knob are again noted.
There is mild pulmonary vascular congestion, improved from the prior study.
Bibasilar airspace opacities likely reflect atelectasis. No pneumothorax is
detected. No acute osseous abnormality is detected.
1. Moderate-sized right pleural effusion is unchanged with decreased size of
small left pleural effusion.
2. Mild pulmonary vascular congestion, improved from the prior exam.
3. Bibasilar airspace opacities likely reflect compressive atelectasis.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "25656555", "time": "2139-11-04 16:23:00"} | 1,604,927 |
Description: 19594787-RR-41Abstract: ## INDICATION:
year old woman s/p right thorocentesis// eval for
effusion/pneumo eval for effusion/pneumo
Compared to chest radiograph on .
Following thoracentesis evacuate in most of the previous moderate right
pleural effusion there is a moderate to large right pneumothorax extending
from the apex to the diaphragmatic surface. Moderate right lower lobe
atelectasis has not improved. Small to moderate left pleural effusion and
moderate left lower lobe atelectasis are unchanged. Left upper lobe is clear.
Heart size is normal. There is no pulmonary edema or vascular engorgement.
The findings were discussed with , NP by ,
M.D. on the telephone on at 2:47 pm, 1 minutes after discovery of
the findings.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "25656555", "time": "2139-11-05 14:25:00"} | 1,604,928 |
Description: 19594787-RR-42Abstract: ## INDICATION:
year old woman s/p CT placement for right pneumothorax.
There is a interval placement of a right-sided chest tube which terminates
overlying the thoracic spine and medial border of the right lung. There has
been interval resolution of right-sided pneumothorax. There is a small
right-sided pleural effusion which is new since most recent chest radiograph.
Small left pleural effusion is unchanged. There is bibasilar atelectasis.
Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits.
1. Interval resolution of right-sided pneumothorax.
2. Interval placement of right-sided chest tube which terminates overlying the
thoracic spine and medial border of the right lung. Lateral view chest
radiograph can be considered for better evaluation of the chest tube position.
3. Small right-sided pleural effusion is new as compared to chest radiograph
earlier today.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "25656555", "time": "2139-11-05 16:40:00"} | 1,604,929 |
Description: 19594787-RR-44Abstract: ## INDICATION:
year old woman// Placement
The right chest tube has been retracted, the tip now projecting over the right
paraspinal region. The size of the right pleural effusion appears to have
increased since 1 hour prior. A small left pleural effusion is unchanged.
Opacities overlying the right pleural effusion likely reflect atelectasis.
The size and appearance of the cardiac silhouette is unchanged. There is no
pneumothorax identified.
Slight interval retraction of the right chest tube. There is apparent
increase in size of the right pleural effusion since prior. No pneumothorax
is identified.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "25656555", "time": "2139-11-05 18:45:00"} | 1,604,930 |
Description: 19594787-RR-45Abstract: ## INDICATION:
year old woman with right pleural effusion and PTX// interval
AM xray
Right chest tube appears stable in position. Small residual right apical
pneumothorax is seen. Increased opacification of the right lung base is
likely due to right lower lobe collapse and pleural fluid. Small left pleural
effusion is unchanged. Moderate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is
stable. Median sternotomy wires remain midline, intact.
Stable right chest tube with small residual right apical pneumothorax.
Increased opacification of the right lung base likely reflects right lower
lobe collapse and pleural fluid. Unchanged small left pleural effusion.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "25656555", "time": "2139-11-06 07:59:00"} | 1,604,931 |
Description: 19594787-RR-48Abstract: ## INDICATION:
year old woman with removal of right CT// eval for pTX
In comparison with a study obtained on the same day, 2 hours prior, the right
chest as been removed. There is a small right apical pneumothorax, similar
appearance to the previous study. No other significant changes .
Interval removal of right chest tube with redemonstration of small right
apical pneumothorax.
The findings were discussed with , M.D. by
, M.D. on the telephone on at 3:58 pm, 10 minutes after
discovery of the findings.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "25656555", "time": "2139-11-07 13:56:00"} | 1,604,932 |
Description: 19594787-RR-50Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
History: with dyspnea, cough// ? pna ?fluid overload
Patient is status post median sternotomy, CABG, and mitral valve repair. Mild
cardiac enlargement is unchanged. The mediastinal and hilar contours are
similar. Pulmonary vasculature is not engorged. Lungs are hyperinflated
without focal consolidation. Complete or near complete resolution of a left
pleural effusion is noted. No pneumothorax. No acute osseous abnormality.
Osseous structures are diffusely demineralized.
No evidence for pneumonia or pulmonary edema. Complete or near complete
resolution of a previously noted left pleural effusion.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2140-05-09 12:07:00"} | 1,604,933 |
Description: 19594787-RR-51Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
CTA chest with intravenous contrast
A female with dyspnea.
## DOSE:
Acquisition sequence:
1) Stationary Acquisition 3.0 s, 0.5 cm; CTDIvol = 9.7 mGy (Body) DLP = 4.9
2) Spiral Acquisition 3.8 s, 29.6 cm; CTDIvol = 8.4 mGy (Body) DLP = 249.0
Total DLP (Body) = 254 mGy-cm.
The aorta and its major branch vessels are patent, with no evidence of
stenosis, occlusion, dissection, or aneurysmal formation. There is no
evidence of penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer or aortic arch atheroma present.
There is ulcerated atherosclerotic plaque along the aortic arch and descending
Limited study at the segmental and subsegmental pulmonary arteries of the
bilateral lower lobes are not well opacified. The pulmonary arteries are well
opacified to the lobar level, with no evidence of filling defect within the
main, right, left, lobar, segmental or subsegmental pulmonary arteries. The
main and right pulmonary arteries are normal in caliber, and there is no
evidence of right heart strain.
There is no supraclavicular, axillary, mediastinal, or hilar lymphadenopathy.
The thyroid gland appears unremarkable.
There is no evidence of pericardial effusion. There is no pleural effusion.
There are subtle scattered central lobar pulmonary nodules in the right upper
lung, may be due to small airway disease, small airways infection or
inflammation, (series 3, image 92). The airways are patent to the subsegmental
Limited images of the upper abdomen are unremarkable.
The patient is status post CABG and median sternotomy with intact sternal
wires. No lytic or blastic osseous lesion suspicious for malignancy is
1. Limited study as the subsegmental and segmental pulmonary arteries in the
bilateral lower lobes due to respiratory motion. Within the limitation of the
study, no evidence of central pulmonary embolism or acute aortic abnormality.
2. Subtle scattered, millimetric centrilobular pulmonary nodules in the right
upper lung may be due to small airway disease, small airways infection or
The ED nurse was emailed about the change in wet read and will
inform the patient.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2140-05-09 19:06:00"} | 1,604,934 |
Description: 19594787-RR-52Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
with dyspnea, hypoxia, elevated d-dimer.// Evaluate
for PE
## DOSE:
Acquisition sequence:
1) Stationary Acquisition 2.5 s, 0.5 cm; CTDIvol = 15.2 mGy (Body) DLP =
7.6 mGy-cm.
2) Spiral Acquisition 3.1 s, 24.1 cm; CTDIvol = 14.2 mGy (Body) DLP = 340.8
Total DLP (Body) = 348 mGy-cm.
Pulmonary vasculature is well opacified to the
subsegmental level without filling defect to indicate a pulmonary embolus. The
thoracic aorta is normal in caliber without evidence of dissection or
intramural hematoma. Median sternotomy and post CABG changes are noted. No
pericardial effusion is seen.
No axillary, mediastinal, or hilar
lymphadenopathy is present. No mediastinal mass. The esophagus is patulous.
No pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
A small group of pulmonary nodules measuring up to 4 mm in the
right upper lobe (02:20) are unchanged since the prior CT from .
There is a 4 mm pulmonary nodule in the right middle lobe (02:55) is
unchanged. A 3 mm right perifissural nodule (02:45) is unchanged. A 3 mm
pulmonary nodule in the left lower lobe (2:60), is unchanged since the prior
study. An 8 mm pulmonary nodule in the left lower lobe (02:50) is new since
the prior study from . Chronic atelectasis/scarring in the
right lower lobe is noted. The airways are patent to the level of the
segmental bronchi bilaterally.
Visualized portions of the base of the neck show no abnormality.
Included portion of the upper abdomen is unremarkable.
No suspicious osseous abnormality is seen.? There is no acute fracture.
1. No evidence of pulmonary embolism or aortic abnormality.
2. 8 mm left lower lobe pulmonary nodule, new since the prior study. Multiple
additional smaller scattered pulmonary nodules are unchanged since the prior
For incidentally detected multiple solid pulmonary nodules measuring 6 to
8mm, a CT follow-up in 3 to 6 months is recommended in a low-risk patient,
with an optional CT follow-up in 18 to 24 months. In a high-risk patient, both
a CT follow-up in 3 to 6 months and in 18 to 24 months is recommended.
3. Patulous esophagous. Recommend swallowing study for evaluation of
Swallowing studies and esophagogram to assess for
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "25131795", "time": "2140-12-31 05:10:00"} | 1,604,935 |
Description: 19594787-RR-54Abstract: ## INDICATION:
Please note that this report only pertains to extracardiac findings.
Linear atelectasis within the right lower lobe. Known pulmonary nodules are
better visualized on the recent chest CTA. Subcentimeter T2 hyperintense
lesions within the liver are incompletely characterized, but likely represent
cysts or biliary hamartomas. Small hiatal hernia. Mild levoconvex scoliosis
of the lumbar spine.
The entirety of this Cardiac MRI is reported separately in the Electronic
Medical Record (OMR) - Cardiovascular Reports.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594787", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2141-01-16 09:14:00"} | 1,604,936 |
Description: 19594816-RR-17Abstract: ## HISTORY:
Pain after forced movement, pain over base of third metatarsal and
No fracture, dislocation or degenerative change is
detected about the right ankle. The mortise is congruent. No OCD is
identified. No gross soft tissue swelling is appreciated radiographically.
No fracture, dislocation or degenerative change is
detected on these non-standing views. Faint ossific density projecting
lateral to the base of the first metatarsal appears to represent a normal
variant ossicle. By report, there is no specific clinical concern for a
Lisfranc injury. If the patient haS mid foot pain raising concern for
Lisfranc injury, then further assessment with an AP standing view help to
demonstrate abnormal widening at the base of the and metatarsal bones.
Findings discussed with covering house officer on the afternoon of the exam.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594816", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2116-02-03 12:08:00"} | 1,604,937 |
Description: 19594822-RR-4Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
year old woman with focal severe pain in the left lower jaw
that started in the tooth and then spread to the TMJ and mandible. Focal
## DOSE:
Found no primary dose record and no dose record stored with the sibling
of a split exam.
!If this Fluency report was activated before the completion of the dose
transmission, please reinsert the token called CT DLP Dose to load new data.
Streak artifact from dental amalgam limits evaluation.
There is mild leftward deviation of the nasal septum with a bony spur. There
is minimal mucosal thickening of the ethmoid sinuses. Otherwise, the
paranasal sinuses are clear, with no significant mucosal thickening or
air-fluid levels. The ostiomeatal units are patent. The cribriform plates are
intact. The lamina papyracea are intact. There are no destructive osseous
changes. No periapical lucencies are identified in the maxilla mandible.
The parapharyngeal fat planes are symmetric.
No focal fluid collections are identified. The parotid and submandibular
glands are symmetric without evidence of surrounding inflammatory changes.
There are a couple nonenlarged level 1B and level 2 lymph nodes. Otherwise,
no lymphadenopathy by CT size criteria.
The mastoid air cells and middle ear cavities are clear. The globes are
intact. The intraconal and extraconal fat planes are maintained.
1. No focal or organizing fluid collections to suggest abscess formation. No
evidence of inflammatory changes.
2. No periapical lucencies in the maxilla or mandible.
3. No significant mucosal thickening of the paranasal sinuses.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594822", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2136-12-30 14:31:00"} | 1,604,938 |
Description: 19594838-RR-14Abstract: ## HISTORY:
Status post right dynamic hip screw placement on with
diminished hematocrit and questionably increased swelling in the right thigh.
Evaluate for post-operative complications or hematoma formation.
Comparison is made to prior radiographs dated .
There is mild uniform enlargement of muscle groups in all
compartments of the right thigh, with a small intramuscular hematoma noted
medial to the surgical site. Additionally, a 15 x 22 mm simple fluid
collection is present adjacent to the greater trochanter. Dynamic hip screws
noted to bridge a comminuted partially impacted intertrochanteric fracture
and the surgical hardware appears intact, with no evidence of short-term
complication. There is mild right-sided subcutaneous edema. The bladder is
distended, and the remaining incompletely visualized pelvic organs appear
grossly unremarkable.
1. Small simple fluid collection adjacent to the greater trochanter, with
no other fluid collection.
2. Diffuse surrounding muscular edema and small intramuscular hematoma,
2. No immediate surgical hardware complications noted status post placement
of dynamic hip screw for comminuted right intertrochanteric fracture.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594838", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2111-02-09 14:46:00"} | 1,604,939 |
Description: 19594844-RR-8Abstract: ## REASON FOR EXAM:
Pregnant with vaginal spotting. Clinical concern for ectopic
Patient's last menstrual period is . A gestational sac
containing an embryo with crown-rump length of 1.2 cm corresponding to 7 weeks
and 4 days gestation is seen. Embryonic heart rate is identified. There is a
subchorionic hemorrhage extending more than 180 degrees surrounding the
gestational sac and measuring up to 4 mm in thickness. Bilateral ovaries are
normal. No ectopic pregnancy is seen on this transabdominal scan.
Single live intrauterine pregnancy.
Subchorionic hemorrhage extending more than 180 degrees surrounding the
gestational sac and measuring up to 4 mm in thickness. OB follow-up is
Dr. was aware of the above findings at time of dictation at approximately
7 pm, .
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594844", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2133-05-09 15:30:00"} | 1,604,940 |
Description: 19594936-RR-17Abstract: ## FINDINGS:
No meniscal tear is detected. Cruciate and collateral ligaments appear
There is curvilinear fluid intensity anterior to the patella and also in the
medial aspect of the patella. This is consistent with mild prepatellar fluid
or bursitis. The fluid measures approximately 4.8 cm in span and
approximately 0.4 cm in thickness.
Marrow signal is normal. There is no evidence of fracture or marrow edema.
Cartilage is normal.
There is a very tiny cyst identified. There is physiological
glenohumeral joint fluid.
1. Prepatellar fluid collection.
2. No meniscal tear.
3. Tiny cyst.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19594936", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2155-07-18 20:43:00"} | 1,604,941 |
Description: 19595050-RR-16Abstract: ## INDICATION:
Woman with chest pain and shortness of breath.
The visible osseous structures are unremarkable.
1. No evidence of pulmonary embolism or acute aortic syndrome.
2. Bilateral axillary lymphadenopathy. Bilaterally suggests systemic process
and clinical correlation is recommended with possible recent infection or
inflammatory process or history of malignancy, neoplastic process not
excluded. If no clinical correlation found, further work-up is warranted.
Consider biopsy. 3 month follow-up imaging to assess for resolution/interval
change. Given patient age, mammography (if not recently obtained) should also
be considered.
These findings as well as the recommendation for clinical correlation and
possible biopsy were communicated via telephone to MD at
10 pm on .
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595050", "visit_id": "22394791", "time": "2113-01-11 14:39:00"} | 1,604,942 |
Description: 19595050-RR-17Abstract: ## HISTORY:
Prior chest CT demonstrated bilateral axillary lymphadenopathy, and
a three-month followup is being obtained.
Bilateral axillary lymphadenopathy is not appreciably changed from . A 19 mm x 17 mm left axillary node is the largest in the left axillary
station and a 10 mm x 24 mm right axillary node is the largest on the right.
Central lymph nodes are not pathologically enlarged, with paratracheal lymph
nodes measuring only up to 6 mm. The heart is normal in size and there is no
pleural or pericardial effusion.
A 5-mm RLL pulmonary nodule (4:137) is unchanged. The lungs are otherwise
This examination is not tailored for subdiaphragmatic evaluation other than to
note normal-appearing adrenal glands.
1. No appreciable change in bilateral axillary lymphadenopathy, which should
be palpable on physical examination, and followup should be assessed on
clinical grounds.
2. No central adenopathy.
3. Three month stability of a 5-mm pulmonary nodule within the right lower
lobe. A follow-up Chest CT in eight months should be obtained to document
one-year stability. These recommendations were posted to the critical results
dashboard at 11:43 a.m. on .
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595050", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2113-05-19 16:35:00"} | 1,604,943 |
Description: 19595062-RR-10Abstract: ## INDICATION:
Perirectal abscess and external opening found on exam. Please
evaluate fistula tract.
Endoanal sonography shows a heterogeneously hypoechoic tract
extending from the right posterolateral anal canal (5 o'clock in the dorsal
lithotomy position) at the anal verge, coursing superiorly in intersphincteric
location, and appearing to communicate with the mucosa in the right lateral
aspect of the canal, at 3 o'clock in the dorsal lithotomy position,
approximately 1.5-2 cm from the verge. In addition, it is noted that the
echogenic region of apparent inflammatory change and fibrosis about the tract
extends to and involves the internal sphincter in the mid canal, approximately
2 cm from the verge, about the location where the tract communicates with the
mucosa. No perirectal abscess is noted. No obvious external opening was
visible at the perineum to cannulate and therefore peroxide fistulography
could not performed, despite repetitive attempts to cannulate.
Linear intersphincteric fistula tract extending from 5 o'clock at
the anal verge to 3 o'clock in the mid anal canal approximately 2 cm from the
anal verge, seen on preliminary, non-peroxide imaging. The internal sphincter
shows increased echogenicity suggestive of more marked inflammatory process
involving the sphincter at this location.
If the fistula recurs with perineal drainage, further attempts at peroxide
fistulography could be performed.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595062", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2132-10-07 13:11:00"} | 1,604,944 |
Description: 19595062-RR-12Abstract: ## INDICATION:
male with known anal fistula, now with increased anal
fistula drainage and urethral drainage. Evaluate for communicating
Perianal tract originates proximally in the 4 o'clock position, 2.5
cm above the anal verge, extends in the intersphincteric space and exits the
skin at the 6 o'clock position along the left gluteal cleft. There is mo
abscess, other fistula, free fluid or lymphadenopathy.
In the left mid and base of the prostate, note is made of a region of low
signal on the T2- weighted images (series 3:20). The rectum, sigmoid colon,
bladder, and seminal vesicles are normal.
1. Small intersphincteric perianal tract as described above. No abscess or
other fistula.
2. In the left mid and peripheral base of the prostate, note is made of a
region of low signal on the T2- weighted images. While this finding is non-
specifiic and can be seen with prostatitis; prostate cancer could have a
similar appearance. Correlation with physical exam and lab values is
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595062", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2133-03-17 07:34:00"} | 1,604,945 |
Description: 19595081-RR-20Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
Chest and pelvis radiograph
man with history of trauma
The lungs are overall clear without focal consolidation. The heart is
mildly enlarged with mild central pulmonary vascular engorgement without overt
interstitial pulmonary edema. No pleural effusion or or pneumothorax is seen.
Evaluation of the pelvis is mildly limited due to underpenetration.
No displaced fracture or dislocation of the proximal femurs and the pelvis is
seen. The evaluation of the sacrum is limited.
-Mild cardiomegaly and vascular engorgement without overt pulmonary edema.
-Limited evaluation of the pelvis due to underpenetration. No displaced
fracture or dislocation.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595081", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2112-10-04 03:30:00"} | 1,604,946 |
Description: 19595081-RR-21Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
with right wrist pain s/p mvc// wrist fracture
wrist fracture
There is mild elevation of the pronator quadratus fat pad. No acute displaced
fractures or dislocation are seen. There are no significant degenerative
changes. Carpal bones are well aligned. Mineralization is normal. There are
no erosions.
Mild elevation of the pronator quadratus fat pad without visualization of
fracture line. If clinically indicated, obtain short-term follow-up
radiograph for further evaluation. No displaced fracture or dislocation.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595081", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2112-10-04 05:52:00"} | 1,604,947 |
Description: 19595535-RR-18Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
year old woman with pregnancy// check fetal NT. Check fetal
well being
Transabdominal imaging demonstrates an intrauterine gestational sac with a
single living fetus with a crown rump length of 57 mm representing a
gestational age of 12 weeks, 2 days corresponding satisfactorily to the
menstrual age of 12 weeks, 4 days.
The nuchal translucency measures 1.5 mm.
The certified NT sonographer is S. , # .
The uterus demonstrates an exophytic left fibroid measuring 7.5 x 8.3 x 5.6
cm. The right ovary is not discretely seen. The left ovary is normal. A
tubular hypoechoic structure within the right adnexa demonstrating homogeneous
internal echoes likely represents a hematosalpinx. On the left, a tubular
anechoic structure within the left adnexa, separate from the ovary, likely
represents a small hydrosalpinx.
1. Size equals dates. Nuchal translucency measuring 1.5 mm.
2. Fibroid uterus. Nonvisualized right ovary. Normal left ovary.
3. Small small to moderate right hematosalpinx, and small left hydrosalpinx.
Recommend attention at the time of follow up.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595535", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2160-09-19 08:04:00"} | 1,604,948 |
Description: 19595535-RR-19Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
FFS, check fetal well-being
There is a single live intrauterine gestation. The fetus is in breech
position. The placenta is anterior. There is no evidence of previa. There is
a normal amount of amniotic fluid. Views of the fetal head, face, heart,
stomach, kidneys, cord insertion site, bladder, spine, 3 vessel cord, and
extremities are normal. Visualization of the profile and outflow tracts was
limited due to fetal positioning. No fetal morphologic abnormalities are
detected. A large left anterior fibroid is again noted measuring 7.8 x 6.1 x
5.8 cm, previously a 7.5 x 8.3 x 5.6 cm. No adnexal abnormalities are seen.
The following biometric data were obtained:
BPD 45 mm, 19 weeks 5 days.
HC 163 mm, 19 weeks 1 days.
AC 140 mm, 19 weeks 3 days.
FL 30 mm, 19 weeks 3 days.
19 weeks 3 days.
Age by Dates: 19 weeks 4 days.
EFW 286 g
Compared to the prior exam there has been appropriate interval growth.
1. Single, live fetus measuring size equals dates.
2. No fetal morphologic abnormalities are detected, but views of the outflow
tract profile are limited.
3. Fibroid uterus.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595535", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2160-11-07 14:18:00"} | 1,604,949 |
Description: 19595535-RR-20Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
year old woman with single pregnancy for views of the outflow
tract profile are limited on FFS// F/U views of the outflow tract profile are
limited on FFS
There is a live in breech presentation. The placenta is anterior.
There is no evidence of previa. There is a normal amount of amniotic fluid.
Additional views were obtained of the fetal heart including outflow tracts and
fetal facial profile were obtained. No fetal morphologic abnormalities are
Uterine fibroids are present. The largest fibroid is located in the left
uterine region measuring 9.2 x 5.5 x 5.7 cm, previously 6.1 x 7.8 x 5.8 cm.
No adnexal masses are seen.
1. Single live intrauterine gestation in breech presentation. Additional
views of the fetal facial profile and outflow tracts were obtained and were
normal. This completes the full fetal survey.
2. Uterine fibroids. Larger than on prior examination.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595535", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2160-11-24 07:07:00"} | 1,604,950 |
Description: 19595535-RR-21Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
year old woman with decreased fetal movement// decreased fetal
movement. check well being
There is a live in cephalic presentation. The placenta is anterior.
There is no evidence of previa. There is a normal amount of amniotic fluid
with an amniotic fluid index of 16 cm. A biophysical profile was performed.
There were 2 points each for breathing, motion, tone, and fluid for a total
score . No fetal morphologic abnormalities are detected. The uterus is
normal. No adnexal masses are seen.
The following biometric data were obtained:
BPD 70 mm, 28 weeks 2 days.
HC 262 mm, 28 weeks 4 days.
AC 266 mm, 30 weeks 5 days, 83 %.
FL 54 mm, 28 weeks 4 days.
29 weeks 1 days.
Age by Dates: 29 weeks 2 days.
EFW 1421 g, 60% (based on LMP)
Compared to the prior exam there has been appropriate interval growth.
Single live fetus with size equal to dates. The fetus demonstrates
appropriate movement. BPP . AFI of 16 cm.
The findings were communicated to Dr. office by the
radiology technician after discussion with Drs. on
at 3:00 pm, 10 minutes after discovery of the findings.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595535", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2161-01-14 13:48:00"} | 1,604,951 |
Description: 19595535-RR-22Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
year old woman with single pregnancy and post dates// post
dates testing, check fetal well-being and EFW
There is a live in cephalic presentation. The placenta is anterior.
There is no evidence of previa. There is a normal amount of amniotic fluid
with an amniotic fluid index of 11.38 cm. No fetal morphologic abnormalities
are detected. The uterus is normal. No adnexal masses are seen.
The following biometric data were obtained:
BPD 86.5 mm, 35 weeks 0 days.
HC 316.5 mm, 35 weeks 4 days.
AC 355.5 mm, 39 weeks 4 days.
FL 73.4 mm, 37 weeks 4 days.
37 weeks 0 days.
Age by Dates: 40 weeks 2 days.
EFW 3365 g (7 lb 7 oz), 46% (based on LMP)
Compared to the prior exam there has been 22 days less than expected interval
1. Single intrauterine pregnancy, size within normal limits for dates.
Estimated fetal weight of 7lb 7oz, 46th percentile based on LMP.
2. AFI measuring 11.4 cm.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595535", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2161-04-01 10:29:00"} | 1,604,952 |
Description: 19595535-RR-24Abstract: ## INDICATION:
year old woman with known fibroid // check fibroid
The uterus is anteverted. The uterus is enlarged and measures 12.2 x 6.0 x
8.6 cm. Uterine fibroids are demonstrated. The largest fibroid is exophytic
located in the region of the fundus measuring 8.0 x 6.9 x 5.0 cm, previously
7.5 x 8.3 x 5.6 cm. Other smaller intramural fibroids are present. The
endometrium is homogenous and measures 10 mm.
The ovaries are normal with 3.5 x 3.2 cm hemorrhagic corpus luteum on the
right. There is no free fluid.
1. Enlarged fibroid uterus. When compared to prior ultrasound, the size of
the largest fibroid is not significantly changed.
2. Normal ovaries.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595535", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2161-06-22 09:57:00"} | 1,604,953 |
Description: 19595558-RR-19Abstract: ## INDICATION:
History: with AMS// ?PNA
Blunting of the left costophrenic angle is seen, which may be due to a small
pleural effusion. Left base opacity could be due to pleural effusion and
atelectasis, but underlying pneumonia or aspiration is not excluded. No
evidence of pneumothorax. Cardiac silhouette size is mildly enlarged. The
aorta is calcified. The aortic knob may be mildly dilated. There is mild
pulmonary vascular congestion.
Blunted left costophrenic angle suggests small pleural effusion. Left base
opacity could be due to combination of pleural effusion and atelectasis, but
underlying pneumonia and/or aspiration is not excluded.
The aortic knob may be mildly dilated.
Mild pulmonary vascular congestion.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595558", "visit_id": "20219908", "time": "2122-04-13 13:19:00"} | 1,604,954 |
Description: 19595558-RR-20Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
year old man with new CVL for pressors// eval line placement
Contact name: :
There has been interval placement of a left internal jugular central venous
catheter which terminates in the upper superior vena cava.
There are new patchy perihilar opacities, which are slightly more pronounced
on the right, which may represent pulmonary edema or developing infection.
Mild blunting of the left costophrenic angle is unchanged and may represent a
small pleural effusion. There is no pneumothorax. The cardiomediastinal
silhouette is stable in appearance. The osseous structures are unchanged.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595558", "visit_id": "20219908", "time": "2122-04-13 21:07:00"} | 1,604,955 |
Description: 19595654-RR-17Abstract: ## HISTORY:
Neck pain.
There is mild left convex curvature of the cervical at C4/5,
which may be positional. There is borderline straightening of usual lordosis.
C1 through C7/T1 disc space is visualized on the lateral view. No prevertebral
soft tissue swelling is identified. Vertebral body heights are preserved. Disc
heights are preserved. No subluxation is detected. No gross degenerative
change is seen.
1. Borderline straightening of lordosis, which can relate to muscle spasm.
Possible minimal left convex curvature, which may also be positional.
2. No gross degenerative changes.
On the lateral view, the upper vertebral bodies are obscured by overlying
anatomy. Allowing for this, vertebral body heights are preserved. No gross
degenerative changes are identified. No subluxation is seen. No focal lytic
or sclerotic lesion is detected.
1. T-spine x-ray examination within normal limits.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595654", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2164-06-10 11:57:00"} | 1,604,956 |
Description: 19595665-RR-7Abstract: ## HISTORY:
man with prostate cancer, for staging.
The prostate gland measured 5 x 3.6 x 5.5 cm, yielding an estimated prostate
volume of 52 cm3. The central gland was enlarged and showed a heterogenous
swirled and whorled appearance with well-defined nodules indicative of BPH.
The peripheral zone is diffusely heterogenous in signal intensity. There are
focal areas of reduced signal seen in the peripheral zone of the left mid
gland; however, there is no corresponding abnormal enhancement on the
post-contrast images. On the pre-contrast T1-weighted images, there are
extensive areas of abnormal signal seen in the peripheral zone consistent with
post-biopsy hemorrhage.
There is, however, a 6mm area of intense early enhancement seen in the right
mid gland (301:41), in the paramidline location. Adjacent to this is a more
extensive area of less intense enhancement extending to the left side in the
mid-gland-to-apex region (301:41-46). Also in the left base, there is a 4-mm
focus of early enhancement with washout (301:36) which is concerning for a
second area of tumor involvement vs lower grade disease.
There is no evidence of extracapsular spread. The seminal vesicles and
neurovascular bundles appear to be intact. No pelvic lymphadenopathy is seen.
The visualized bone marrow is unremarkable.
Bilateral gland-confined disease, primarily along the midline in
the mid-gland-to-apex, MRI stage T2c.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595665", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2139-10-15 09:28:00"} | 1,604,957 |
Description: 19595724-RR-16Abstract: ## FINDINGS:
Noncompressible thrombus is seen within the left common femoral, proximal and
distal superficial femoral, and popliteal veins. Patent wall-to-wall flow is
demonstrated within the left posterior tibial and peroneal veins.
There is normal flow, compressibility, and/or augmentation within the right
common femoral, superficial femoral, popliteal, peroneal, and posterior tibial
1. Noncompressible thrombus from the left common femoral to popliteal veins,
with sparing within the mid segment of the left superficial femoral vein.
2. No right DVT.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595724", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2166-04-27 16:12:00"} | 1,604,958 |
There is no evidence of fracture or abnormal alignment of the
thoracic spine. The vertebral body heights and intervertebral body spaces are
preserved. There is no focal lucent or sclerotic lesion.
There are five non-rib-bearing L-type vertebral bodies. Vertebral
body heights and intervertebral disc space heights are preserved. Normal
lumbar lordosis is preserved. There is no focal lucent or sclerotic lesion.
The evaluation of the sacrum is limited by overlying bowel contents.
No evidence of acute fracture in the thoracic or lumbar spine.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595754", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2136-01-15 10:25:00"} | 1,604,959 |
Description: 19595754-RR-38Abstract: ## INDICATION:
Patient is a male with HIV. Now with left ankle pain
with ambulation. Evaluate for etiology of pain.
Two views of the left tibia, fibula, three views of the left
ankle, and three views of the left foot.
No fracture is detected in the tibia or fibula. No
focal lytic or sclerotic lesions or periosteal new bone formation. No soft
tissue calcifications. Limited assessment of the knee joint is unremarkable.
No fracture, dislocation, or degenerative change. The mortise is
preserved on this non-stressed view. No erosions, lytic or sclerotic lesions.
No soft tissue calcifications or radiopaque foreign bodies.
There is mild metatarsus varus with hallux valgus. No fracture,
dislocation, or degenerative change. No erosions, lytic or sclerotic lesions.
No radiopaque foreign bodies or soft tissue calcifications.
No fracture or dislocation.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595754", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2137-09-26 10:15:00"} | 1,604,960 |
Description: 19595754-RR-41Abstract: ULTRASOUND SOFT TISSUES OF THE NECK
patient with an approximately 2 cm enlarged left
anterior cervical lymph node.
In the area of clinical finding, just to the left and inferior to
the thyroid cartilage there is a chain of elongated lymph nodes measuring 4 in
number. The short-axis diameter of these lymph nodes varies between 0.4 and
0.6 cm. The long-axis measurement of the individual nodes varies between 1.3
and 1.7 cm. All of the lymph nodes appear to have a normal shape and fatty
hilum. No suspicious features are identified.
Small lymph nodes in the area of clinical concern. The lymph
nodes appear to have normal size and shape individually.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595754", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2140-04-21 14:18:00"} | 1,604,961 |
Description: 19595754-RR-44Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
year old man with of enlarged L anterior cervical nodes,
not resolving, please evaluate, smokes marijuana, but not tobacco, o/w normal
exam // assess L anterior cervical mass
Targeted ultrasound of the left neck soft tissue reveals multiple
normal-appearing lymph nodes with parallel orientation the skin surface,
maximum AP dimension 6mm.. No suspicious lymph nodes.
Multiple morphologically normal appearing left neck level 4 lymph nodes,
similar to , could be reactive or hyperplastic.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595754", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2144-10-21 14:50:00"} | 1,604,962 |
Description: 19595754-RR-45Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
year old man with left neck mass x years// left neck mass
## DOSE:
Acquisition sequence:
1) Spiral Acquisition 5.3 s, 34.1 cm; CTDIvol = 7.3 mGy (Body) DLP = 244.7
2) Spiral Acquisition 2.1 s, 3.2 cm; CTDIvol = 8.4 mGy (Body) DLP = 24.3
3) Spiral Acquisition 2.1 s, 3.2 cm; CTDIvol = 8.4 mGy (Body) DLP = 24.3
Total DLP (Body) = 293 mGy-cm.
External marker overlying the left anterolateral neck at the level of the
cricoid cartilage (series 3, image 51) indicates the patient's region of
palpable a interest. Deep to the marker and platysmas muscle is a
nonenhancing fat attenuation 3.6 x 1.6 x 4.2 cm (TRV, AP, SI) well
encapsulated lesion with a few small vessels coursing through it, compatible
with a lipoma. The lesion exerts posterior mass effect on the left
sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Evaluation of the aerodigestive tract demonstrates no mass and no areas of
focal mass effect.
The salivary glands enhance normally and are without mass or adjacent fat
stranding. The thyroid gland appears normal. There is no lymphadenopathy by
CT criteria. The neck vessels are patent.
The imaged portion of the lung apices are clear and there are no concerning
pulmonary nodules. There are no osseous lesions. Mild degenerative changes of
the cervical spine is most prominent at C3-C4 and C5-C6 where there are small
central protrusions which do not significantly narrow the spinal canal. No
high-grade neural foraminal narrowing.
1. Deep to an external marker and platysmas muscle at the left anterolateral
neck at the level of the cricoid cartilage is a 4.2 cm well encapsulated fatty
lesion most compatible with a lipoma.
2. No other mass lesions are identified. The visualized aerodigestive tract
is unremarkable.
3. Additional findings as described above.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595754", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2146-05-11 07:18:00"} | 1,604,963 |
Description: 19595754-RR-48Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
with well controlled HIV, months of early
satiety, nausea vomiting, abdominal pain and 20 lb weight loss.
The imaged lung bases are clear. The imaged portion of the heart
is unremarkable.
A hyperdense lesion is noted within segment 3 of the liver, series 5,
image 17 and series 6 image 13, measuring 12 x 18 x 15 mm, indeterminate. A
tiny hyperdense lesion is seen at the hepatic dome on series 6, image 33
measuring 7 x 9 x 9 mm, also indeterminate. A peripheral hypodensity is noted
in segment 6 on series 5, image 25 measuring 8 x 14 x 13 mm, not fully
characterized. While these lesions may represent benign entities, given
clinical history, recommend correlation with MRI. The spleen is normal in
size. Adrenals are normal bilaterally. The pancreas enhances normally
without concerning lesion or signs of inflammation. The kidneys enhance
symmetrically. No concerning lesion or hydronephrosis. The abdominal aorta
is mildly calcified though normal in caliber. No retroperitoneal, or
mesenteric adenopathy. The stomach and duodenum appear normal.
Small bowel loops demonstrate no signs of ileus or obstruction. The
appendix is normal. The colon contains enteric contrast and appears normal.
Mild diverticulosis without diverticulitis. No pelvic free fluid. No pelvic
sidewall or inguinal adenopathy. The urinary bladder appears normal. The
prostate is unremarkable.
No worrisome lytic or blastic osseous lesion is seen. Mild
degenerative disc disease at L5-S1 noted.
3 discrete small liver lesions which can be further characterized by MRI.
Otherwise, unremarkable CT exam.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595754", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2147-10-11 07:03:00"} | 1,604,964 |
Description: 19595754-RR-50Abstract: ## HISTORY:
with hx of lap chole yesterday, now with diffuse
abdominal pain and tenderness. Evaluation for pneumoperitoneum.
There are no abnormally dilated loops of large or small bowel. Mild fecal
loading noted within the ascending colon.
Minimal amount of free intraperitoneal air under the right hemidiaphragm, in
keeping with history of recent laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Osseous structures are unremarkable.
There are no unexplained soft tissue calcifications or radiopaque foreign
bodies. Surgical clips in the right upper quadrant consistent with recent
1. Minimal amount of free intraperitoneal air under the right hemidiaphragm,
in keeping with history of recent laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
2. Mild fecal loading noted within the ascending colon.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595754", "visit_id": "26338096", "time": "2147-10-30 11:52:00"} | 1,604,965 |
Description: 19595754-RR-51Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
with lap chole on , presents with abdominal pain
and mild transaminitis. Evaluation for biliary pathology.
Numerous echogenic lesions are noted within the liver parenchyma, with
the largest in the left hepatic lobe measuring 1.7 x 1.9 x 1.5 cm, better
assessed on CT abdomen/pelvis from . The background hepatic
parenchyma appears within normal limits. The contour of the liver is smooth.
The main portal vein is patent with hepatopetal flow. There is no ascites.
There is no intrahepatic biliary dilation.
The patient is status post cholecystectomy.
The pancreas is not well visualized, largely obscured by overlying
bowel gas.
Limited views of the kidneys show no hydronephrosis.
The visualized portions of aorta and IVC are within normal
limits. A small right pleural effusion is noted.
1. Status post cholecystectomy, without evidence of acute biliary pathology
2. Numerous echogenic lesions are noted within the liver parenchyma, with the
largest in the left hepatic lobe measuring 1.7 x 1.9 x 1.5 cm, better assessed
on CT abdomen/pelvis from . Further evaluation with dedicated MRI
is recommended for characterization.
3. Small right pleural effusion.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595754", "visit_id": "26338096", "time": "2147-10-30 13:39:00"} | 1,604,966 |
Description: 19595754-RR-52Abstract: ## INDICATION:
year old man with HIV, recent admission to for gallstone
pancreatitis, s/p CCY , here with worsening pain.// eval for potential
worsening pancreatitis, ?gallstone. Also to evaluated liver lesion seen on
CT scan
There is trace pleural effusion, slightly more on the right.
Enhancing consolidations at the lung bases are consistent with atelectasis.
Liver demonstrates homogeneous signal intensity throughout. There is
no significant drop in signal on opposed phase imaging to suggest hepatic
steatosis. There are approximately 7 hepatic lesions that are hyperintense on
T2 weighted imaging and demonstrate progressive discontinuous peripheral
nodular enhancement, consistent with hemangiomas. The largest in segment
measures up to 16 mm (04:22). This accounts for the indeterminate hepatic
lesions seen on the prior CT. No concerning hepatic lesion.
Gallbladder is surgically absent. CBD is dilated measuring up to 12
mm, with smooth tapering at the level of the ampulla. There is also mild
central intrahepatic biliary dilation. No choledocholithiasis or obstructing
lesion identified.
There is heterogeneous signal intensity throughout the pancreas,
consistent with pancreatitis. Marked peripancreatic fat stranding is most
pronounced along the head and neck, consistent with acute inflammation. There
is a peripancreatic fluid collection along the inferior margin of the pancreas
that measures up to 5.2 x 1.3 cm (4:2). Similarly, small pockets of fluid in
the pancreatic head measure 0.9 cm (04:15), and 0.7 cm (04:11) which may
represent developing collections. Main pancreatic duct is not dilated.
Spleen is normal in size, without focal lesions.
Normal in size and shape.
Kidneys are normal in size and shape. No solid parenchymal lesions
are identified. There is no hydronephrosis.
Stomach is unremarkable. There is no bowel
obstruction or ascites.
A few prominent peripancreatic lymph nodes are likely reactive.
Abdominal aorta is not aneurysmal. Celiac artery, superior
mesenteric artery, and bilateral renal arteries are patent. Portal venous
system is patent.
No worrisome osseous lesions are
identified. Soft tissues are unremarkable.
1. Moderate intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary dilation with smooth
tapering at the level of the ampulla, may reflect a combination of post
cholecystectomy ectasia and/or ampullary stenosis, although a small ampullary
neoplasm cannot be excluded. No choledocholithiasis. Endoscopic ultrasound
could be performed for further evaluation if clinically warranted.
2. Acute interstitial edematous pancreatitis with an associated 5.2 x 1.3 cm
acute peripancreatic fluid collection. Additional subcentimeter pockets of
fluid in the uncinate process may represent small developing fluid
collections. No pseudoaneurysm or portal venous system thrombosis.
3. Approximately 7 hepatic cavernous hemangiomas measuring up to 16 mm. No
concerning hepatic lesion.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595754", "visit_id": "26338096", "time": "2147-10-31 00:17:00"} | 1,604,967 |
Description: 19595754-RR-53Abstract: ## EXAMINATION:
year old man with recent h/o gallstone pancreatitis s/p lap
choly now with one week of L back and L lower abd pains, very tender in
LLQ on exam// r/o diverticulitis, ?kidney stone on L
## CTU:
Multidetector CT of the abdomen and pelvis were acquired
prior to and after intravenous contrast administration with the patient in
prone position. The non-contrast scan was done with low radiation dose
technique. The contrast scan was performed with split bolus technique.
Oral contrast was not administered.
Coronal and sagittal reformations were performed and reviewed on PACS.
## DOSE:
Acquisition sequence:
1) Spiral Acquisition 7.9 s, 51.1 cm; CTDIvol = 5.2 mGy (Body) DLP = 260.3
2) Sequenced Acquisition 0.5 s, 0.2 cm; CTDIvol = 8.8 mGy (Body) DLP = 1.8
3) Stationary Acquisition 7.4 s, 0.2 cm; CTDIvol = 117.8 mGy (Body) DLP =
23.6 mGy-cm.
4) Spiral Acquisition 8.1 s, 52.6 cm; CTDIvol = 8.9 mGy (Body) DLP = 461.9
5) Spiral Acquisition 6.6 s, 42.7 cm; CTDIvol = 5.6 mGy (Body) DLP = 233.8
Total DLP (Body) = 981 mGy-cm.
There are scattered millimetric peribronchovascular nodules, mild
diffuse bronchial wall thickening, and small cysts throughout the bilateral
lower lungs. There is no evidence of pleural or pericardial effusion.
The liver demonstrates homogenous attenuation throughout.
There are 8 enhancing lesions throughout the liver measuring up to 1.8 cm
within the lateral segment of the left hepatic lobe (14:27). At least 7 of
these lesions were seen on the prior MRI performed and were
characterized as hemangiomas. A 3 mm enhancing lesion along the falciform
ligament within segment II (11:39) was not apparent on the prior MRI but was
likely present on the CT performed in and also likely represents an
hemangioma. There is no evidence of intrahepatic biliary dilatation. The
common bile duct is dilated up to 0.9 cm, decreased from the recent MRCP when
it measured 1.2 cm, and similarly tapers to the ampulla. The gallbladder is
surgically absent.
The pancreas has normal attenuation throughout, without evidence of
focal lesions or pancreatic ductal dilatation. There is mild peripancreatic
stranding about the head and neck, which allowing for differences in modality,
appears slightly decreased compared to the MRI performed . A
peripancreatic fluid collection inferior to the pancreas along the anterior
pararenal fascial plane (11:70, 14:31) is again seen, also slightly decreased
in the axial plane measuring 4.8 x 0.9 cm (11:70), previously 5.9 x 1.1 cm.
Few tiny peripancreatic fluid collections elsewhere measure up to 1.2 cm
(11:54) and also appear slightly decreased.
The spleen shows normal size and attenuation throughout.
Subcentimeter enhancing foci in the superior aspect of the spleen (11: 34 and
37) are unchanged, likely hemangiomas.
The bilateral adrenal glands are mildly thickened without focal
nodularity, similar to prior.
The kidneys are of normal and symmetric size with normal nephrogram.
There is no nephrolithiasis or ureterolithiasis. There is no hydronephrosis.
There is no perinephric abnormality. There is no evidence of solid renal
lesions. There is no evidence of urothelial lesions. Apparent mild bladder
wall thickening is likely due to underdistention and/or chronic urinary
outflow obstruction in the setting of prostatomegaly. The distal ureters are
Apparent circumferential thickening of the gastric wall in
the region of the antrum (11:43) is likely due to peristalsis or reactive to
pancreatic inflammation. Small bowel loops demonstrate normal caliber, wall
thickness, and enhancement throughout. Mild diverticulosis of the sigmoid
colon is noted, without evidence of wall thickening or fat stranding. The
appendix is normal.
There is no free fluid in the pelvis.
The prostate is enlarged.
Few prominent subcentimeter peripancreatic nodes do not meet CT
size criteria for pathologic enlargement and are likely reactive. There is no
mesenteric, pelvic, or inguinal lymphadenopathy.
There is no abdominal aortic aneurysm. Mild atherosclerotic disease
is noted.
There is no evidence of worrisome osseous lesions or acute fracture.
The abdominal and pelvic wall is within normal limits.
1. Sequela of prior pancreatitis in the form of mild peripancreatic stranding
and scattered peripancreatic fluid collections, which allowing for differences
in modality, all appear decreased since the MRI performed .
2. Millimetric peribronchovascular nodules, diffuse bronchial wall thickening,
and small cysts within the bilateral lower lungs. Constellation of findings
are nonspecific and may be sequela of prior infection, although PCP should be
3. No new acute intra-abdominal pathology. No renal calculi or evidence of
acute diverticulitis.
4. Persistent mild common bile duct dilatation which tapers to the ampulla.
Review of the prior MRI suggests this is likely secondary to sphincter of Oddi
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595754", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2148-02-01 10:41:00"} | 1,604,968 |
Description: 19595754-RR-55Abstract: ## INDICATION:
year old man with 3 months of left low back pain with
radiation down lateral LLE // r/o lumbar DJD, disc rupture r/o lumbar
DJD, disc rupture
Alignment is normal. Vertebral body heights are preserved. The conus
terminates at L1 vertebral body level. Multilevel degenerative disc disease
as evidenced by T2 hypointense signal with height loss involving L3-L4, L4-L5
and L5-S1 intervertebral disc is observed. Associated degenerative endplate
marrow signal changes and endplate osteophytes, including type 1 signal
changes on the right at L5-S1.
## L1-L2:
Unremarkable. No spinal canal or neural foraminal narrowing.
## L2-L3:
Unremarkable. No spinal canal or neural foraminal narrowing.
## L3-L4:
Mild posterior disc bulge without significant spinal canal narrowing.
There is minimal narrowing of the subarticular recess bilaterally, more so on
the left than the right. No neural foraminal narrowing.
## L4-L5:
Mild posterior disc bulge without central canal narrowing. There is
minimal narrowing of the subarticular recess bilaterally resulting in crowding
of the traversing L5 nerve root without contact. There is mild left and no
right neural foraminal narrowing.
## L5-S1:
Degenerative disc height loss as well as posterior disc protrusion
without significant spinal canal narrowing. There is mild-to-moderate right
and no significant left neural foraminal narrowing.. Disc protrusion narrows
the right subarticular recess without contacting the exiting or traversing
nerve roots.
There is no evidence of infection or neoplasm.
1. Multilevel degenerative disc disease mostly involving L3-L4, L4-L5 and
L5-S1. Findings are most pronounced at L4-L5 and L5-S1, with mild left and
mild-to-moderate right neural foraminal narrowing at these levels
Prevalence of lumbar degenerative disk disease in subjects
without low back pain:
Overall evidence of disk degeneration 91% (decreased T2 signal, height loss,
T2 signal loss 83%
Disk height loss 58%
Disk protrusion 32%
Annular fissure 38%
Jarvik, et all. Spine 26(10):1158-1166
Lumbar spinal stenosis prevalence- present in approximately 20% of
asymptomatic adults over years old
, et al, Spine Journal 9 (7):545-550
These findings are so common in asymptomatic persons that they must be
interpreted with caution and in context of the clinical situation.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595754", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2148-04-05 16:22:00"} | 1,604,969 |
Description: 19595757-RR-58Abstract: ## INDICATION:
Patient with soft tissue mass in right supraclavicular fossa.
Evaluate soft tissue mass.
There are no prior studies for comparison.
A targeted examination of the right supraclavicular
fossa was performed, in the area of concern pointed out by the patient. The
left supraclavicular fossa was examined for comparison purposes. In the area
of clinical concern, a smoothly marginated solid hypoechoic soft tissue mass
is identified, measuring approximately 5.0 x 1.8 x 4.2 cm. The mass is quite
homogeneous throughout, except for a single ring-like calcification seen
centrally with some shadowing, measuring about 5 mm. No cystic spaces are
seen within the lesion. Vascularity is present within this structure, though
not increased. The lesion is quite asymmetric with the left side.
Soft tissue mass of the right supraclavicular fossa, solid and
indeterminant, but not suggestive of a lipoma. Soft tissue neoplasm is
favored, and infectious and inflammatory etiologies are considered unlikely.
Further evaluation with MRI is recommended.
Findings were relayed to the critical results dashboard for communication with
the ordering physician.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595757", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2167-07-31 13:18:00"} | 1,604,970 |
Description: 19595757-RR-59Abstract: MRI OF THE SOFT TISSUE OF THE NECK:
Soft tissue mass in the right supraclavicular fossa, question
Comparison is made with ultrasound from .
There is a fat-containing 4.4 x 2.5 cm lesion in the right posterior cervical
space which extends posteriorly to overlie the paraspinal musculature almost
to the midline. There appears to be a prominent vessel in its mid portion.
There is no nodular enhancement to suggest liposarcoma. There is no exophytic
mucosal mass. There is no pathologic adenopathy by imaging criteria.
There are multilevel degenerative changes in the cervical spine.
No thyroid mass is seen.
Findings most suggestive of a lipoma in the right posterior cervical space
extending posteriorly into the subcutaneous tissue, almost to the midline.
There is no solid nodular enhancement to suggest liposarcoma. On the recent
ultrasound, there was note made of a hyperechoic density within this mass.
This may represent a focus of calcification within a vessel, but would
recommend correlation with CT of the neck for further evaluation.
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595757", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2167-08-04 13:43:00"} | 1,604,971 |
Description: 19595757-RR-60Abstract: ## CT ABDOMEN:
Imaged lung bases demonstrate decrease mild scaring and
atelectasis in the medial right lung base. There is no new lung nodule,
pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. There are coronary calcifications,
unchanged since . There is no pericardial effusion.
The liver enhances homogeneously without focal lesion. There is no intra or
extra biliary dilatation. The gallbladder, spleen, pancreas and adrenal glands
appear normal. The stomach, loops of small bowel appear normal. The kidneys
are small in size, unchanged since . Otherwise, the kidneys enhance and
excrete contrast symmetrically without stones, masses or hydronephrosis.
There is diffuse calcified atherosclerosis throughout the aorta and its
branches with small calcified plaques at the origin of the celiac and SMA
without significant stenosis or aneurysm formation.
There is no free air, free fluid or lymphadenopathy.
The bladder and distal ureters are normal. Stable enlarged prostate
measures 4.7 x 6 x 4.6 cm. There are few colonic diverticuli without
diverticulitis. The rectum is normal. There is no inguinal or pelvic
lymphadenopathy, or free fluid.
There is no opacification from the superficial femoral up to the right iliac
vein, which is concerning for deep vein thrombosis.
Stable small sclerotic focus in a left rib. There are multilevel
degenerative changes throughout the thoracolumbar spine without osseous lesion
concerning for malignancy or infection. A new spine fusion hardware from L2-L5
appears intact.
1. No opacification of the superficial femoral vein up to the right iliac
vein, which is highly concerning for deep vein thrombosis.
2. No renal/ureteric calculi.
3. Diverticulosis without diverticulitis.
These findings were discussed by phone with Dr. on the time of
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595757", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2168-10-15 15:37:00"} | 1,604,972 |
Description: 19595757-RR-64Abstract: ## INDICATION:
male with history of CHF, status post CABG, now with
worsening dyspnea on exertion, here to evaluate for evidence of heart failure.
Frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest show persistent low
inspiratory lung volumes with increased size of small bilateral pleural
effusions from . Mild pulmonary edema bilaterally is improved from the
preceding radiograph. The pulmonary vasculature is not engorged. No focal
consolidation or pneumothorax is present. A tiny calcified nodule in the
periphery of the left upper lobe is stable from . The patient is status
post median sternotomy and CABG with preserved alignment. The cardiac
silhouette is unchanged. The mediastinal and hilar contours are stable. No
prominence of the azygos vein is seen.
Findings consistent with chronic heart failure. No evidence of
acute exacerbation.
Findings were communicated by Dr. to Dr. by phone at 13:50
p.m. on .
Meta Data: {"version": "mimic_iv", "note_type": "Radiology", "patient_id": "19595757", "visit_id": "N/A", "time": "2170-08-08 13:07:00"} | 1,604,973 |
Subsets and Splits