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audioduration (s)
Oideachas agus luathghairmréim
Education and early career
I mí Feabhra 2014, d’fhógair an rialtas go n-ainmneofar breitheamh a bhí ag fónamh san Ard-Chúirt ag an am, Seán Ó Riain mar an t-uachtarán ar an gcúirt nua.
In February 2014, the government announced that serving High Court judge Seán Ryan would be designated as the president of the new court.
Cé go raibh tionchar indíreach éigin ag dlí na Róimhe ar dhlí na hAlban, bhí tionchar díreach dhlí na Róimhe beag go leor go dtí timpeall an 15ú haois.
Although there was some indirect Roman law influence on Scots law, the direct influence of Roman law was slight up until around the 15th century.
Tá an líne deighilte idir Baden-Württemberg (thiar) agus an Bhaváir (soir)
The dividing line is between Baden-Württemberg (west) and Bavaria (east)
Faoi dhaonáireamh 1901, bhí Eibhlín agus George (Seoirse) ag baint úsáid as ainmneacha Gaeilge.
By the 1901 census, Nic Niocaill was using the Irish spelling of her name and George was Seoirse.
Chomh maith leis na téarmaí atá liostaithe anseo, tá na mílte téarmaí sé caint neamhfhoirmeálta ann.
Besides the terms listed here, there are thousands of common and uncommon poker slang terms.
Láithreas mar aoi
Guest appearances
Sa bhliain 2004 tugadh aitheantas ar Pierre Lévy mar chomhalta den Chumann Ríoga Cheanada.
In 2004 Pierre Lévy was recognized as a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.
Údar Briotánach agus scoláire Briotánach ab ea Louis-Paul Némo (18 Samhain 1900 – 29 Meitheamh 1978), nó Roparz Hemon mar is fearr aithne air.
Louis-Paul Némo (18 November 1900 – 29 June 1978), better known by the pseudonym Roparz Hemon, was a Breton author and scholar of Breton expression.
D'fhill sé ansin ar an West Point mar oifigeach oirbheartaíochta cuideachta do E-1.
He then returned to the West Point as a company tactical officer for E-1.
Léiriú fáthchiallach ar nuachóiriú an iarthar nua is ea American Progress (1872) le John Gast .
American Progress (1872) by John Gast is an allegorical representation of the modernization of the new west.
Ní raibh páistí ar bith acu agus fuair siad colscaradh tar éis 28 mbliana.
During those same years, Wharton herself was said to suffer from bouts of depression and health issues with asthma.
Fosclaíodh an Busáras Bhochanan atá ann faoi láthair i 1977.
The present Buchanan bus station opened in 1977.
Féadann sé seo struis sa bhreise a chruthú ar an té atá á chaitheamh; lagú ar a gcumas a gcuid oibre a dhéanamh agus leibhéil shuntasacha míchompord a chruthú.
This can create additional strains on the wearer; impair their ability to carry out their work and create significant levels of discomfort.
Bhíothas ag súil go rachadh Robert isteach san eaglais freisin, agus thiocfadh sé chun bheith ina ríogaí diongbháilte.
Expected to join the church, Robert, too, would become a staunch monarchist.
I ndaonáireamh 2001 bhí daonra 405 duine ann.
In the 2001 Census it had a population of 405 people.
I 1925 a reáchtáladh an Chomhdháil i mBaile Átha Cliath, áit a raibh Dubhghlas de hÍde ar dhuine de na cainteoirí.
In 1925 the Congress was held in Dublin, where one of the speakers was Douglas Hyde.
Dhírigh siad timpeall ar na Bushveldt Carbineers (BVC), reisimint neamhrialta de chuid raidhfilí suite de chuid Arm na Breataine atá gníomhach sa Transvaal Thuaidh.
They centered around the Bushveldt Carbineers (BVC), a British Army irregular regiment of mounted rifles active in the Northern Transvaal.
Léiríonn na cuntais na bhfinte ag tús gach ceannteidil an tacsanomaíocht seo, mar a dhéanann na comhaireamh speiceas atá le fáil i ngach cuntas fine.
The family accounts at the beginning of each heading reflect this taxonomy, as do the species counts found in each family account.
Bhí rialtais na Ríochta Aontaithe, Saorstát na hÉireann agus Thuaisceart Éireann chun ball amháin a ainmniú don choimisiún.
The governments of the United Kingdom, of the Irish Free State and of Northern Ireland were to nominate one member each to the commission.
Is planda uisceach ilbhliantúil é a mbíonn ag fás in uisce úr nó i lochanna agus aibhneacha le sruthanna beaga.
It is a perennial aquatic plant that exist in fresh standing water or in lakes and rivers with slight currents.
Dhíchóimeáil sé clog práis agus thóg sé macasamhail adhmaid a d’oibrigh “maith go leor”.
He dismantled a brass clock and built a wooden replica that reportedly worked "well enough".
don cheimic, is meascán de dhá idirghníomhaíocht neamh-chomhfhiúsach é salanndroichead : nascadh hidrigine agus nascadh ianach (Fíor 1).
In chemistry, a salt bridge is a combination of two non-covalent interactions: hydrogen bonding and ionic bonding (Figure 1).
Is éard is loinnir ann ná an bealach a n-idirghníomhaíonn solas le dromchla criostail, carraige nó mianra .
Lustre (British English) or luster (American English; see spelling differences) is the way light interacts with the surface of a crystal, rock, or mineral.
Fásann an speiceas seo comh fada agus 19 ceintiméadar (7.5 orlach). Is é seo an speiceas amháin den géineas a bhfuil eolas air.
This species grows to a length of 19 centimetres (7.5 in) TL. This species is the only known member of its genus.
Tá trí chineál céimseata PCI ann: plánach (Fíor 3 (a)), sorcóireach (Fíor 3 (b)), agus leath-toróideach (Fíor 3 (c)).
There are three types of ICP geometries: planar (Fig. 3 (a)), cylindrical (Fig. 3 (b)), and half-toroidal (Fig.
Is éard is coimhthílín ann ná cáithnín hipitéiseach comhdhéanta de staid cheangailte de uaschuairc, íoschuairc agus bhríochtchuairc .
A strangelet is a hypothetical particle consisting of a bound state of roughly equal numbers of up, down, and strange quarks.
Ag obair le grianghrafadóireacht, scannán agus físeán, tá spéis leanúnach ag Al - Ani sa traidisiún doiciméadach, trí chuimhní cinn dlútha agus cuntais oifigiúla eile.
Working with photography, film and video, Al-Ani has an ongoing interest in the documentary tradition, through intimate recollections and more official accounts.
Duilleoga fiaclacha urchomhaireacha, cúig nó níos mó bláthanna beaga peitealta, níos annamh le ceithre pheitil, ceithre-pheitil i bláthraí cymose, agus na torthaí ina ndrúp atá mar chomhartha sóirt acu.
They are characterised by opposite toothed leaves, small five- or, more rarely, four-petalled flowers in cymose inflorescences, and the fruit being a drupe.
As ceantar Chicago ó dhúchas , d’fhreastail Garland ar Ollscoil Harvard dá oideachas fochéime agus dlí.
A native of the Chicago area, Garland attended Harvard University for his undergraduate and legal education.
Is eachtarchríoch thalamhiata de chuid an í an Phoblacht Fhéinrialaitheach Nakhichevan (Asarbaiseáinis: Naxçıvan Muxtar Respublikası).
The Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (Azerbaijani: Naxçıvan Muxtar Respublikası, pronounced [nɑxt͡ʃɯˈvɑn muxˈtɑɾ resˈpublikɑsɯ]) is a landlocked exclave of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Is féidir bunús an fhocail a rianú chomh fada do dtí an Laidin lux, rud a chiallaíonn "solas", agus go ginearálta tugann sé radantas, snas, nó gléine le fios.
The word traces its origins back to the Latin lux, meaning "light", and generally implies radiance, gloss, or brilliance.
Slándáil fuinnimh.
Energy security.
Veirgil an file Ágastach, i mósáic ón 3ú haois a thaispeánann Béithe Chlio agus Melpomene freisin .
The Augustan poet Vergil in a 3rd-century mosaic also depicting the Muses Clio and Melpomene.
Tá an prionsabal céanna i gceist le dromchlaí tagartha eile a úsáidear mar mhúnlaí le haghaidh an Domhain.
The same applies to other reference surfaces used as models for the Earth.
Ar dtús, tá móilíní tuaslagtha ar thaobh na láimhe clé de bhac (líne corcra) agus níl aon cheann ar dheis.
Initially, there are solute molecules on the left side of a barrier (purple line) and none on the right.
Rugadh Áine i gContae Thiobraid Árann sa bhliain 1955.
Ní Ghlinn was born in County Tipperary in 1955.
Chuaigh sé isteach in Ollscoil Cornell agus i 1980 ghnóthaigh sé Ph.D. sa rialachas, go háirithe i gcaidreamh idirnáisiúnta.
He entered Cornell University and in 1980 earned a Ph.D. in government, specifically in international relations.
Chuir an Dara Triúracht cogadh cathartha na bhFuascailteoirí ae siúl mar dhíoltas i gcomhair dúnmharaithe Iúil Caesar.
The Liberators' civil war was started by the Second Triumvirate to avenge Julius Caesar's murder.
Tá gallchnónna an-triomach-chrua.
Walnuts are also very hardy against drought.
Is taidhleoir ón Nua-Shéalainn agus iar-oifigeach póilíní é David Ross Ardern (rugadh é 28 Feabhra 1954).
David Ross Ardern (born 28 February 1954) is a New Zealand diplomat and former police officer.
Is é an t-albam díol déag is mó de Shakur, agus bhog 1,366,000 aonad i 2004.
It is Shakur's tenth-biggest selling album, with 1,366,000 units moved as of 2004.
Colscaradh tuismitheoirí Daniels, Sheila agus Bill Gregory, thart ar trí nó ceithre bliana tar éis a rugadh í.
Daniels' parents, Sheila and Bill Gregory, divorced about three or four years after she was born.
Is aturnae agus dlí-eolaí Meiriceánach í Janet Claire Protasiewicz (rugadh i mí na Nollag 1962 í agus d'fhreastal sí mar bhreitheamh cúirte cuarda Wisconsin i gContae Milwaukee ó 2014.
Janet Claire Protasiewicz (/ˌproʊtəˈseɪwɪtz/; pro-tuh-SAY-witz; born December 1962) is an American attorney and jurist who has served as a Wisconsin circuit court judge in Milwaukee County since 2014.
Cuireadh maratón na bhfear ag Cluichí Oilimpeacha an tSamhraidh 1904 in St. Louis, Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá, ar siúl ar 30 Lúnasa na bliana sin, ar chúrsa 40km ar fad.
The men's marathon at the 1904 Summer Olympics in St. Louis, United States, took place on August 30 of that year, over a distance of 24.85 miles (40 km).
Bhí cead ag teastáil mar bhí na péindlíthe ann.
Permission was needed due to the continued Penal Laws.
I measc cuid de na príomhshráidbhailte i Stryn tá Loen, Innvik, Utvik, Randabygda, Olden, agus Flo .
Some of the main villages in Stryn include Loen, Innvik, Utvik, Randabygda, Olden, and Flo.
Fuair sé bás i gCangas sa bhliain 757. "
He died in Cangas in the year 757."
Cuireadh an taispeántas a bhí acu le dearthóir máithreachais ar ceal chomh maith leis na himeachtaí ar fad a bhí fágtha.
The exhibition they were having to feature a maternity designer was canceled as well as all remaining events .
Dá airde é an fad teangeolaíochta, is ea is ísle an chomh-intuigtheacht.
The higher the linguistic distance, the lower the mutual intelligibility.
Sa bhliain 1851, mar fhreagra ar an ngéarchéim sin, bhunaigh Trevelyan agus Sir John McNeill an Highland and Island Emigration Society.
In 1851, in response to that crisis, Trevelyan and Sir John McNeill founded the Highland and Island Emigration Society.
Anseo stop sé a chapall agus d’amharc sé den uair dheireanach ar an Alhambra agus an gleann glas a scaip thíos.
Here he reined in his horse and viewed for the last time the Alhambra and the green valley that spread below.
Tá fíonchaora Amúracha aicmithe i dtrí fhospeiceas:
Amur grapes are classified into three subspecies:
Cartlannaíodh an bunleathanach ar 7 March 2017.
Archived from the original on 7 March 2017.
Ó thús, bhí a teicníocht nádúrtha, líofa agus muiníneach, a léiríonn a chuid tallainne dúchasach do mheán deacair.
From the beginning, his technique was natural, fluid and confident, demonstrating his innate talent for a difficult medium.
Is minic a chruthaíonn éin imirceacha agus éin gheimhridh tréada beaga.
Migrating birds and wintering birds often form small flocks.
Ambasadóir Ginearálta
Ambassador at Large
Sin ráite, ghlac sé le 15,000 "quintal" chruithneachta agus gealltanas ceithre ball airtléire. Níor seoladh na gunnaí móra riamh, sa dheireadh.
However, he accepted 15,000 quintals of wheat and the promise of four pieces of artillery, the latter of which seems never to have been delivered.
An Chúlóg (an chuid is mó de) agus ceantair ó dheas agus soir
Coolock (most of) and areas to south and east
Sa bhliain 1909, bronnadh cumhachtaí éigeantacha ceannaigh air, agus thosaigh sé ag athdháileadh breis is 1000 eastát ina raibh timpeall is dhá mhilliún acra (8100 km2).
In 1909, it was granted compulsory powers of purchase and began redistributing over 1,000 estates totalling 2,000,000 acres (8,100 km2).
Cónaíonn siad go príomha i réigiún cladachúil agus iardheisceart Chamarún agus is cuid de na Sawabantú nó "daoine cósta" .
They primarily inhabit the littoral and southwest region of Cameroon and form a portion of the Sawabantu or "coastal people" of Cameroon.
Is é deischostas táirge nó seirbhíse an t-ioncam a d’fhéadfaí a thuilleamh trína úsáid mhalartach.
The opportunity cost of a product or service is the revenue that could be earned by its alternative use.
Tá an planda seo eisigineach ilacmhainneach; agus le linn torthúlachta, forbróidh sé cairpéad amháin i dtorthadh neamhoscailteach agus cosúil le falacail.
This plant is facultatively xenogamous; and during fruiting, it will develop one carpel in an indehiscent and follicle-like fruit.
Ionghabháil Texas
Texas annexation
Príomhphróiseas tionsclaíoch chun chun alúmanam a bruithniú is ea an Próiseas Hall–Héroult.
The Hall–Héroult process is the major industrial process for smelting aluminium.
Rugadh i Roisín na Mainiach, Carna, Co. na Gaillimhe í, an iníon ba shine le Mairtin Gorham agus Catherine de Búrca.
Born in Roisin na Manach, Carna, County Galway, the eldest daughter of Mairtin Gorham and Catherine Burke.
Forluíonn an Mheánaois Luath den chuid is mó leis an Seandacht Dhéanach.
The Early Middle Ages largely overlap with Late Antiquity.
O bhí Lúnasa 2022, measadh gur US$11.0 billiún a ghlanfhiúchas.
As of August 2022, his net worth was estimated at US$11.0 billion.
Torthaí Chraobhchomórtas Carranna Turasóireachta na Breataine
Complete British Touring Car Championship results
Foirmíonn guairneáin bheaga nuair a bhíonn folcadh nó doirteal ag sileadh.
More powerful ones in seas or oceans may be termed maelstroms.
Rinne sé seo go léir gan cead an Rí Anraí II ShasanaAnraí II Shasana .
He did all this without King Henry II's permission.
An bhliain dár gcionn thug pardún ginearálta deis don teaghlach filleadh ar Chathair Pheadair, rud a athainmníodh ina n-éagmais mar Petrograd.
The following year an amnesty allowed the family to return to St Petersburg, which in their absence was renamed Petrograd.
Múinteoir, cartlannaí, agus foclóirí Ollannach ab ea Johan Hendrik van Dale (15 Feabhra 1828 - 19 Bealtaine 1872).
Johan Hendrik van Dale (15 February 1828 - 19 May 1872) was a Dutch teacher, archivist, and lexicographer.
Forbraíodh oifig an Phríomh-Aire le linn an 18ú haois.
In the course of the 18th century, the office of Prime Minister developed.
Is éard is leithlisiú sóisialta ann ná easpa teagmhála iomlán nó gar-iomlán idir duine aonair agus an tsochaí.
Social isolation is a state of complete or near-complete lack of contact between an individual and society.
Go minic, tarlaíonn sé seo mar gheall ar ghaol teangeolaíochta idir na teangacha, agus bíonn siad cosúil lena chéile ó thaobh cúrsaí gramadaí, stór focal, fuaimniú, nó gnéithe eile.
Often the languages are genetically related, and they are likely to be similar to each other in grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, or other features.
Ar an gceann ba shuntasaí agus ba rathúla díobh seo bhí Yn Chruinnaght (Gaeilge na hÉireann: An Cruinniú)
The most notable and successful of these was Yn Chruinnaght.
Ní mhaireann aon cheann dá bhailiúchán phlandaí cé go maireann an ceann a rinne a mhac léinn Gherardo Cibo timpeall na bliana 1532.
None of his herbaria survive although the one by his student Gherardo Cibo made around 1532 survives.
Gleann na Claise Móire ón spás.
The Rift Valley from space
Scaoileadh é, mar aon le beirt phríomhfheidhmeannaigh Twitter eile, ar 27 Deireadh Fómhair, 2022, tar éis do Elon Musk an chuideachta a cheannach .
He was fired, along with two other top Twitter executives, on October 27, 2022, following Elon Musk’s purchase of the company.
Watty Graham (1768-1798), ball de na hÉireannaigh Aontaithe, a raibh baint aige leis an éirí amach agus a cuireadh chun báis i 1798.
Watty Graham (1768-1798), member of the United Irishmen, involved in the rebellion and executed in 1798.
Ach, faoi 1968 thug agóidí a bhí ag dul i dtoil ar Massamba-Débat ceann de cheannairí na hagóidí, an Captaen Marien Ngouabi, a chuir sa phríosún .
However, by 1968 mounting protests led Massamba-Débat to throw in prison one of its leaders, Captain Marien Ngouabi.
Ba í Parlaimint na hÉireann reachtas Thiarnas na hÉireann, agus Ríocht na hÉireann ina dhiaidh sin, ó 1297 go dtí 1800.
The Parliament of Ireland was the legislature of the Lordship of Ireland, and later the Kingdom of Ireland, from 1297 until 1800.
Tá na himrisc buí, tá an goba buí le culmain dhubh, agus na troithe agus na cosa glas-buí.
The irides are yellow, the bill is yellow with a black culmen, and the feet and legs greenish-yellow.
Athraíonn Barlow feighlí an dumpa baile Dud Rogers agus deisitheoir teileafóin Corey Bryant ina vampírí.
Barlow also turns town dump custodian Dud Rogers and telephone repairman Corey Bryant.
Ba í an dara iníon í de sheisear mac agus ceathrar iníonacha an teaghlaigh.
She was the second daughter of the family's six sons and four daughters.
11 Samhain 2013 Zawada, an Pholainn Carpet (i) Nina Zander 6–1, 6–3 Buaiteoir 5.
11 November 2013 Zawada, Poland Carpet (i) Nina Zander 6–1, 6–3 Winner 5.
Is féidir múcháin simléir nach n-úsáidtear nó nach n-úsáidtear go minic a dhíonadhh le heisiatóirí balún nó fabraice atá feistithe sa chuid íochtair den mhúchán.
Unused or infrequently used chimney flues can be draught proofed with balloon or fabric type excluders that are fitted in the lower section of the flue.
Anatamaíocht de néarón ilpholach
Anatomy of a multipolar neuron
Ba shufraigéid agus náisiúnaí Éireannaigh í Johanna Mary "Hanna" Sheehy Skeffington (née Johanna Mary Sheehy) (24 Bealtaine 1877 – 20 aibreán 1946).
Johanna Mary "Hanna" Sheehy Skeffington (née Johanna Mary Sheehy) (24 May 1877 – 20 April 1946) was a suffragette and Irish nationalist.
Bíonn siad ag geimhreadh freisin i Jeju, sa Chóiré Theas, i Kyushu agus in Okinawa, sa tSeapáin, agus i ndeilt na hAbhann Deirge i Vítneam.
Wintering also occurs in Jeju, South Korea, Kyushu and Okinawa, Japan, and the Red River delta in Vietnam.
Ar a chlos sin do chruinnigh Domhnall Mac Iain ’Ic Sheumais de Chlann Raghnaill a 12 GilleMhoire agus chuaidh go Cáirinis.
On hearing this, Donald MacIain 'ic Sheumais (Donald, son of John, son of James) of Clan Ranald gathered his 12 gillemores and bound for Carinish.
Bhí sé ina Fhear Ionad na hÉireann faoi Leifteanantacht Georges Plantagenêt an Diúc de Clarence ó 1463 go dtí a bhás, agus i 1464 bhunaigh sé Coláiste Eochaill.
He was Lord Deputy of Ireland under the Lieutenancy of Duke of Clarence from 1463 to his death, and in 1464 founded the College of Youghal.
Is coincheap eacnamaíoch agus polaitiúil é mórcheannas airgeadaíochta ina mbíonn tionchar cinntitheach ag stát aonair ar fheidhmeanna an chórais airgeadaíochta idirnáisiúnta.
Monetary hegemony is an economic and political concept in which a single state has decisive influence over the functions of the international monetary system.
Ansin chríochnaigh sé an príomhbhíobla sa bhliain 1955, agus ba é an British and Foreign Bible Societya phriontáladh é mar "Y Beibl".
He then completed the main Bible in 1955, and it was printed by the British and Foreign Bible Society as "Y Beibl".
Bhí seomra íochtarach ag parlaimintí eile freisin ar a dtugtar "Teach na dTeachtaí"
Other parliaments have also had a lower house called a "House of Commons".
Tá ceiliúr simplí fliúite nó feadaúil ag an smólach fireann seo, cosúil leis an deargán sneachta .
The male dusky thrush has a simple fluted or whistling song, similar to the redwing.
Féadfar trealamh cosanta a chaitheamh chun críocha sábháilteachta ceirde agus sláinte a bhaineann leis an bpost, chomh maith le haghaidh spóirt agus gníomhaíochtaí áineasa eile.
Protective equipment may be worn for job-related occupational safety and health purposes, as well as for sports and other recreational activities.
Rinne sí staidéar ar Mhínealaín ag Byam Shaw School of Art agus bhain sí MA sa Ghrianghrafadóireacht amach sa Royal College of Art i 1997.
She studied Fine Art at the Byam Shaw School of Art and graduated with an MA in Photography from the Royal College of Art in 1997.
Drochaimsir sa bhliain 1885 agus 1886 ba chúis freisin le teip barr , rud a d’fhág go raibh sé níos deacra cíosanna a íoc.
Bad weather in 1885 and 1886 also caused crop failure, making it harder to pay rents.
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Dataset Details

Synthetic audio dataset, created using Azure text-to-speech service. The bilingual text is a portion of the Wikimedia dataset, consisting of 7,545 text segments. The dataset includes two sets of audio data, one with a female voice (OrlaNeural) and the other with a male voice (ColmNeural). The speech data comprises approximately 34 hours and 23 minutes (34:23:12) spread across 15,090 utterances.

Dataset Structure

    features: ['audio', 'text_ga', 'text_en'],
    num_rows: 15090


  • The speech dataset Wikimedia-Speech-Irish was created and introduced as part of the following paper:
  title={Leveraging Synthetic Audio Data for End-to-End Low-Resource Speech Translation},
  author={Moslem, Yasmin},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2024)},
  address={Bangkok, Thailand}
  • The original Wikimedia bilingual text dataset was collected by the OPUS project, introduced in the following paper:

  title     = "{Parallel Data, Tools and Interfaces in {OPUS}}",
  booktitle = "{Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language
               Resources and Evaluation ({LREC}'12)}",
  author    = "Tiedemann, J{\"o}rg",
  publisher = "European Language Resources Association (ELRA)",
  pages     = "2214--2218",
  month     =  may,
  year      =  2012,
  url       = "",
  address   = "Istanbul, Turkey"
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Collection including ymoslem/Wikimedia-Speech-Irish