in the manner of a golden book sprung to life
Girl at fountain, getting a drink. A girl is inside a restaurant getting a drink.
at Randys, having fun with hubby and friends, loving my steph! thanks again mama
failing to compensate for the paper-thin characterizations and facile situations
the best possible senses of both those words
@shamim86 Tried ringing you this morning on my costa run- but got ur answer phone!
is not taking any wedding bookings for 2009. thank you for your interest!
@GregoryDouglas I could imagine...I was locked in hun...sorry...but I do have a fantastic BDay gift for u!!
waiting for @nickyjames to wake up...... hazin a sad
lost in the `` soon-to-be-forgettable '' section of the quirky rip-off prison romp pile
stanley kwan has directed not only one of the best gay love stories ever made ,
6 motorcycle riders going on tour. The motorcycles are going down the road
@DJ_DON think ill give it a miss looks a bit sus to me but hey...thanks anyway mr d j
A crowd of black people are gathered and one person has a backpack on. A crowd of people are gathered.
A large dog chases a ball outdoors. A cat is chasing a ball outdoors.
A group of men is drinking at a table. A group of men are friends.
the most surprising thing about this film is that they are actually releasing it into theaters .
Two and a half man then The big bang...<- that's a show 2! Don't assume me of anything els okay ;) haha
brings a tragic dimension and savage full-bodied wit and cunning to the aging sandeman
@MudslideMama sounds like fun. Nothing beat a PINK jeep.
A woman in a sari is talking to a man in a white shirt. A woman is talking to her husband.
@nmyers89 Aww, I'm happy that you finally got something to help you with your hayfever. Also, enjoy your nice weather
@Ta_Nee i put some up on myspace...go look i wanna see our sexy spec video...LMAO!!!
chillin at my moms i cant believe popo still got my car on hold
a paunchy midsection , several plodding action sequences
that even its target audience talked all the way through it
Hey everyone! What's up? I've benn quite busy preparing for school. Hmm.. it starts tomorrow.
Goodmorning everyone!! hope u all slept better then i did!
A lady in a blue swimsuit is swimming underwater. a camel trudges through a waterless desert.
A group of people in winter clothing sitting on a dock overlooking a lake. The group of people are swimming.
A little boy using a video camera. A boy is filming his dog.
http://mwizz13.webs.com sing the guestbook and become a member!! <3 you all #smile
Waking up to sunshine and woodland for miles is amazing
Goodnite twitter's! I still havent called lastnight a night lol- gota get some rest
@nunudollie you have to love it baby I totally do!
wishes these things were easier to talk about
The Terminator is on...Awesome! This pic says it all... http://twitpic.com/7g6fp
@skandarkeynes hiiiii. when's the voyage of the dawn treader coming out? have you started filming yet?
it 's ) a clever thriller with enough unexpected twists to keep our interest .
Awake, and so not ready for this long day of doing absolutely nothing. WooHoo!!
A football player trying to rush the opponents quarterback. A linebacker is attempting to deflect an upcoming pass.
@CelesteChong I'd reply your DM IF you were following me!!
@CyrilJones - Jackson is closed for a year... get used to it.
is unable to project either esther 's initial anomie or her eventual awakening
@shokoluv ???? ???? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???
A boy is swimming underwater holding a toy in his hand. The girl is swimming.
a frighteningly fascinating contradiction
A little boy splashing in a blue inflatable pool. A little boy splashing in a blue inflatable pool
Awesome day again, shame the good weather will be gone by the weekend
@Jeziqua So how u doin? Just saw your pics, they were grt8!
A boy in a fishing cap is blowing up an orange balloon. A man working at his desk.
a woman with a straw hat working on a strange machine with coconuts at her side. A woman is sitting on the couch.
Bye little house...I'll miss u! http://twitpic.com/6btdw
the concept behind kung pow : enter the fist is hilarious
@MusashiBeats my regular bottle of $5 wine is $15 here...gone r the days of 4 bottles for $20 its a sad day.
Two boys play on a swing in a playground. Two girls play on a swing in a playground.
A child is being swung by her arms while another child watches. The child is playing.
A group of people are gathered at some type of outdoor event. There are food boothes for people to buy food.
@NathanFillion UP: Saddest Disney/Pixar movie to date.
@lawruhx i honestly cant wait for him to call you down
@_sweetjane Thank you for voting! Very nice to meet another Tampa wine lover!
@SuperAuthor We have SacAnime up in San Jose area in August, but no LA cons.
The beach with a person in a red tank top sitting under a small tree. A small tree has someone sitting beneath it.
@KrisAllenmusic what's you fave song???
A black dog running in shallow water on a beach. A black dog is running on the beach.
I've crossed into the 2000's -- this is tweet # 2003.
A man works on the roof of an ornate building with a cup and brush. A human working.
Four men in reflective suits sweeping the pavement in a public setting. People are napping.
is a film that takes a stand in favor of tradition and warmth .
we 've liked klein 's other work but rollerball left us cold
@ddlovato yeah! so do i, i dont belive in love anymore, people broked my heart so many times
@Mark_A_Nolan Mixing up the Ivy & the Priory. A lot of celebs. have that problem too
@chemmefatale yeah, i'd leave that sounds pretty bad.
A woman is looking through the toy section in a store. A Woman is looking through the sports section
Two boy scouts in jeans act on a stage with tents. Two boys act out a scene from a play during a benefit.
Cheerleaders are on the field cheering. An old man wearing a diaper.
is gonna go to bed, alone and wonders who he is going home with?
I am slowly piecing my life back together. Sometimes all good things take time and patience to work themselves out!
A football player intercepts a pass as his teammate looks on. A player catches the ball.
of the film buzz and whir ; very little of it
Hey All... I'm showing twitter to my sister... say hi if you are around!
A motorcyclist performing amazing tricks in front of a crowd of thousands. The biker drives casually down the highway.
Glad to see some of you are awake! Getting up at 5:30am is lonely
A young girl in a red dress is wearing a black cowboy hat. A young girl in a black dress and red cowboy hat.
... manages to embody the worst excesses of nouvelle vague without any of its sense of fun or energy .
thank you mother nature! GORGEOUS WEATHER!! researchin'.meeting at 1pm. more researchin'...
Wet hair + No Hair Dryer = ... Dry fucker, DRY!!!
@EboneAngl yesss me tooo!! In this we pray in Jesus name Amen
Two postal workers handle canned goods with a smile. Two postal workers are delivering mail.
A band performing with a closeup on the singer. The band Rush performing in China.
Saw blade being sharpened on revolving sharpening wheel by a dark-skinned man. The saw blade is in motion.
A man and a woman in pink shirts snack with children. A man and woman snack with kids.
A small crowd outside of Famous Joe's Pizza. There is a small crowd.
My awesome husband washed the dishes and put up clothes! Nothing hotter than a man who does chores.
think the exam went quite well. overheated mel = grumpy gills!, not good. 2days and counting
` just letting the mountain tell you what to do
last week of school and im pumped . but there is still work
feels painfully redundant and inauthentic .
is an excellent choice for the walled-off but combustible hustler
Summer Session starts today Class from 3-9