id (string)
stringlengths 1
| translation (translation)
stringlengths 40
300 | {"en": "It's day six of the Duke of Sussex' royal tour of Africa with his wife Meghan and baby Archie. But Friday morning, Harry returned to Angola alone to reconnect with the legacy of his late mother, Princess Diana.\n", "cs": "Je \u0161est\u00fd den kr\u00e1lovsk\u00e9ho turn\u00e9 v\u00e9vody ze Sussexu, jeho man\u017eelky Meghan a jejich d\u00edt\u011bte, syna Archieho. Ale v p\u00e1tek r\u00e1no se Harry vr\u00e1til s\u00e1m do Angoly, aby nav\u00e1zal na odkaz sv\u00e9 zesnul\u00e9 matky, princezny Diany.\n"} |
301 | {"en": "Diana's legacy was brought full circle when Harry donned the distinctive blue body armor of the HALO Trust. Twenty-two years ago, Diana took a similar path across an Angolan field scattered with deadly landmines, left over from years of civil war. It became one of the most iconic images of her short life.\n", "cs": "Kdy\u017e se Harry obl\u00e9kl do charakteristicky modr\u00e9 ochrann\u00e9 vesty organizace HALO Trust, byl Dianin odkaz napln\u011bn. P\u0159ed dvaadvaceti lety se Diana vydala na podobnou cestu nap\u0159\u00ed\u010d angolsk\u00fdm polem poset\u00fdm smrt\u00edc\u00edmi n\u00e1\u0161lapn\u00fdmi minami, kter\u00e9 zde z\u016fstaly z doby ob\u010dansk\u00e9 v\u00e1lky. To se stalo jedn\u00edm z nejzn\u00e1m\u011bj\u0161\u00edch obraz\u016f z jej\u00edho kr\u00e1tk\u00e9ho \u017eivota.\n"} |
302 | {"en": "Wearing protective body armor and a visor, Diana, Princess of Wales, visits a minefield being cleared by the charity Halo in Huambo, Angola, January 15, 1997.\n", "cs": "Diana, princezna z Walesu, v ochrann\u00e9 vest\u011b a obli\u010dejov\u00e9m \u0161t\u00edtu, nav\u0161t\u00edvila minov\u00e9 pole, kter\u00e9 vy\u010distila charitativn\u00ed organizace HALO trust v Huambo, Angola, 15. ledna 1997.\n"} |
303 | {"en": "She was campaigning to rid the world of this weapon of war, but never lived to see her success, dying just months before an international treaty banned landmines in December 1997.\n", "cs": "Sna\u017eila se zbavit sv\u011bt t\u00e9to v\u00e1le\u010dn\u00e9 zbran\u011b, ale nedo\u017eila se toho, aby vid\u011bla sv\u016fj \u00fasp\u011bch, zem\u0159ela jen n\u011bkolik m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f p\u0159edt\u00edm, ne\u017e byly mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed smlouvou z prosince 1997 n\u00e1\u0161lapn\u00e9 miny zak\u00e1zan\u00e9.\n"} |
304 | {"en": "Over two decades later, the world is still not free of these devices. And echoing his mother, loud and clear, Prince Harry detonated a recently detected mine.\n", "cs": "O v\u00edce ne\u017e dvacet let pozd\u011bji se na sv\u011bt\u011b st\u00e1le nach\u00e1zej\u00ed tyto zbran\u011b. A princ Harry, jako hlasit\u00e1 a jasn\u00e1 ozv\u011bna sv\u00e9 matky, odp\u00e1lil ned\u00e1vno nalezenou minu.\n"} |
305 | {"en": "\"Landmines are an unhealed scar of war,\" Prince Harry said. \"By clearing the landmines we can help this community find peace, and with peace comes opportunity.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eN\u00e1\u0161lapn\u00e9 miny jsou nezdravou jizvou v\u00e1lky,\u201c \u0159ekl princ Harry. \u201eVy\u010di\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed od n\u00e1\u0161lapn\u00fdch min m\u016f\u017ee pomoci t\u00e9to komunit\u011b naj\u00edt m\u00edr, a m\u00edr p\u0159in\u00e1\u0161\u00ed mo\u017enosti\u201c.\n"} |
306 | {"en": "Prince Harry detonated a recently detected mine in Angola.\n", "cs": "Princ Harry odp\u00e1lil ned\u00e1vno nalezenou minu v Angole.\n"} |
307 | {"en": "Thomas Cook pension trustees plot deal to salvage payouts\n", "cs": "Penzijn\u00ed spr\u00e1vci CK Thomas Cook \u0159e\u0161\u00ed, jak zachr\u00e1nit d\u016fchody zam\u011bstnanc\u016f\n"} |
308 | {"en": "Thomas Cook's pension funds have kicked off talks with specialist insurers about a deal to salvage the collapsed travel group's retirement scheme benefits.\n", "cs": "Penzijn\u00ed fondy CK Thomas Cook zah\u00e1jily rozhovory s p\u0159\u00edslu\u0161n\u00fdmi poji\u0161\u0165ovnami o dohod\u011b na z\u00e1chranu d\u00e1vek penzijn\u00edho p\u0159ipoji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed zam\u011bstnanc\u016f cestovn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159e.\n"} |
309 | {"en": "Sky News has learnt that Steve Southern, chair of the trustees, is holding talks with several parties about a buyout deal that would avoid most of Thomas Cook's 14,000 pension scheme members facing a steep cut to their payments.\n", "cs": "Televize Sky News zjistila, \u017ee Steve Southern, p\u0159edseda penzijn\u00edch spr\u00e1vc\u016f, vede rozhovory s n\u011bkolika stranami o dohod\u011b, kter\u00e1 by zabr\u00e1nila tomu, aby u v\u011bt\u0161iny ze 14 000 \u010dlen\u016f d\u016fchodov\u00e9ho syst\u00e9mu CK Thomas Cook do\u0161lo k razantn\u00edmu sn\u00ed\u017een\u00ed jejich d\u016fchod\u016f.\n"} |
310 | {"en": "Any deal with an insurer would be likely to involve a more modest cut to payouts than the 10% triggered by a pension scheme's transfer into the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) lifeboat.\n", "cs": "Jak\u00e1koli dohoda s poji\u0161\u0165ovnou by pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b znamenala m\u00edrn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed sn\u00ed\u017een\u00ed d\u016fchod\u016f ne\u017e je 10 % limit v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b p\u0159evodu d\u016fchodov\u00e9ho syst\u00e9mu Penzijn\u00edho ochrann\u00e9ho fondu (PPF).\n"} |
311 | {"en": "The discussions are at a very preliminary stage and - even if successful - will not result in a deal until after the Thomas Cook schemes have been through an assessment by the PPF.\n", "cs": "Jedn\u00e1n\u00ed jsou zat\u00edm v p\u0159\u00edpravn\u00e9 f\u00e1zi a \u2013 i kdy\u017e budou \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u00e1 \u2013 nebude jejich v\u00fdsledkem \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e1 dohoda, dokud syst\u00e9m penzijn\u00edho p\u0159ipoji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed spole\u010dnosti Thomas Cook neprojde zhodnocen\u00edm PPF.\n"} |
312 | {"en": "Thomas Cook bosses face investigation into what led to collapse\n", "cs": "Mana\u017ee\u0159i CK Thomas Cook jsou podrobeni vy\u0161et\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed, pro\u010d do\u0161lo k bankrotu\n"} |
313 | {"en": "That period could take up to two years, and if the schemes do enter the PPF will result in roughly 10,000 future pensioners having their payouts cut by 10%.\n", "cs": "\u0158e\u0161en\u00ed cel\u00e9 situace m\u016f\u017ee trvat a\u017e dva roky, a pokud se penzijn\u00ed fondy dostanou pod PPF, povede to k tomu, \u017ee zhruba 10 000 budouc\u00edch d\u016fchodc\u016f budou jejich d\u016fchody sn\u00ed\u017eeny o 10 %.\n"} |
314 | {"en": "Sources said that a number of pension risk transfer specialists, as well as at least one of the new \"superfund\" consolidation vehicles, were in talks with Thomas Cook's trustees about a deal.\n", "cs": "Zdroje uvedly, \u017ee \u0159ada specialist\u016f na p\u0159evod d\u016fchodov\u00e9ho rizika, v\u010detn\u011b alespo\u0148 jednoho z konsolida\u010dn\u00edch prost\u0159edk\u016f \u201esuperfondu\u201c, jednala o dohod\u011b s penzijn\u00edmi spr\u00e1vci CK Thomas Cook.\n"} |
315 | {"en": "News of the trustees' efforts to secure members' benefits comes four days after Britain's oldest tour operator ceased trading, sparking an international repatriation programme and triggering thousands of job losses.\n", "cs": "Zpr\u00e1vy o snaze spr\u00e1vc\u016f zajistit v\u00fdhody pro \u010dleny penzijn\u00edho syst\u00e9mu se objevily \u010dty\u0159i dny pot\u00e9, co nejstar\u0161\u00ed britsk\u00fd tour oper\u00e1tor ukon\u010dil obchodn\u00ed \u010dinnost, co\u017e spustilo mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed z\u00e1chrann\u00fd program a propu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed tis\u00edce zam\u011bstnanc\u016f z pracovn\u00edch m\u00edst.\n"} |
316 | {"en": "Thomas Cook's descent into insolvency has sparked a bitter blame game, with board members, government ministers and auditors all facing demands to explain their actions in the months before its collapse.\n", "cs": "Kdy\u017e se CK Thomas Cook dostala do platebn\u00ed neschopnosti, vyvolalo to spoustu ho\u0159k\u00fdch obvin\u011bn\u00ed. \u010clenov\u00e9 spr\u00e1vn\u00ed rady, minist\u0159i vl\u00e1d a audito\u0159i \u010del\u00ed ot\u00e1zk\u00e1m, jak vysv\u011btl\u00ed sv\u00e9 \u010diny b\u011bhem n\u011bkolika m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f p\u0159ed bankrotem.\n"} |
317 | {"en": "The company's four pension schemes are well-funded, with a \u00a3100m surplus on a PPF basis, according to the latest figures.\n", "cs": "\u010cty\u0159i penzijn\u00ed syst\u00e9my spole\u010dnosti jsou podle posledn\u00edch \u00fadaj\u016f dob\u0159e financov\u00e1ny s p\u0159ebytkem 100 milion\u016f GBP na b\u00e1zi PPF.\n"} |
318 | {"en": "Collectively, they hold assets worth about \u00a31.5bn.\n", "cs": "Dohromady vlastn\u00ed aktiva v hodnot\u011b asi 1,5 miliardy liber.\n"} |
319 | {"en": "However, as Sky News revealed last month, the trustees' demands for better terms in Thomas Cook's proposed rescue deal added a further complication to efforts to get the transaction across the line.\n", "cs": "Jak ale televize Sky News odhalila minul\u00fd m\u011bs\u00edc, po\u017eadavky spr\u00e1vc\u016f na lep\u0161\u00ed podm\u00ednky ve snaze o z\u00e1chranu, kter\u00e9 navrhla CK Thomas Cook, zv\u00fd\u0161ily snahu dos\u00e1hnout kone\u010dn\u00e9 transakce.\n"} |
320 | {"en": "Thomas Cook's liquidation brought to an end 178 years of solvent trading, prompting the launch of inquiries by the government's Insolvency Service, the accounting watchdog and an influential committee of MPs.\n", "cs": "S bankrotem CK Thomas Cook skon\u010dilo 178 let solventn\u00edho podnik\u00e1n\u00ed spole\u010dnosti, co\u017e vedlo k zah\u00e1jen\u00ed vy\u0161et\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed vl\u00e1dn\u00ed agenturou Insolvency Service, \u00fa\u010detn\u00edho \u201ehl\u00eddac\u00edho psa\u201c a vlivn\u00e9ho poslaneck\u00e9ho v\u00fdboru.\n"} |
321 | {"en": "Ministers have established a taskforce to address the crisis, which has left creditors facing meagre returns from the post-insolvency sale of assets.\n", "cs": "Minist\u0159i z\u0159\u00eddili pracovn\u00ed skupinu pro \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed krize, kter\u00e1 v\u011b\u0159itel\u016fm nechala skromn\u00e9 v\u00fdnosy z postinsolven\u010dn\u00edho prodeje aktiv.\n"} |
322 | {"en": "To date, just under half of Thomas Cook's overseas British customers have been flown home.\n", "cs": "K dne\u0161n\u00edmu dni byla t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 polovina z\u00e1kazn\u00edk\u016f CK Thomas Cook dopravena zp\u011bt dom\u016f.\n"} |
323 | {"en": "Its collapse came hours after Thomas Cook issued a last-gasp plea to its lenders to reduce a \u00a3200m funding demand.\n", "cs": "K bankrotu spole\u010dnosti do\u0161lo n\u011bkolik hodin pot\u00e9, co CK Thomas Cook p\u0159edlo\u017eila v\u011b\u0159itel\u016fm posledn\u00ed \u017e\u00e1dost, aby vyhov\u011bli jej\u00edmu po\u017eadavku o p\u016fj\u010dku 200 milion\u016f liber.\n"} |
324 | {"en": "What went so wrong for Thomas Cook?\n", "cs": "Co se stalo s CK Thomas Cook?\n"} |
325 | {"en": "The talks, which concluded without a deal on Sunday evening, represented a frantic last throw of the dice for a company which had been forced to seek more than \u00a31bn in new funding following a \u00a31.5bn half-year loss and deteriorating trading.\n", "cs": "Rozhovory, kter\u00e9 skon\u010dily v ned\u011bli ve\u010der bez dohody, byly posledn\u00edm vrhem kostkou pro spole\u010dnost, kter\u00e1 byla nucena hledat v\u00edce ne\u017e 1 miliardu GBP na nov\u00e9 financov\u00e1n\u00ed po p\u016flro\u010dn\u00ed ztr\u00e1t\u011b ve v\u00fd\u0161i 1,5 miliardy GBP a zhor\u0161uj\u00edc\u00edch se obchodn\u00edch aktivit\u00e1ch.\n"} |
326 | {"en": "Thomas Cook was founded in 1841 by a 32-year-old cabinet-maker and former Baptist preacher who began offering one-day rail excursions from Leicester to Loughborough for a shilling.\n", "cs": "CK Thomas Cook byla zalo\u017eena v roce 1841 32tilet\u00fdm truhl\u00e1\u0159em a b\u00fdval\u00fdm baptistick\u00fdm kazatelem, kter\u00fd za\u010dal nab\u00edzet jednodenn\u00ed v\u00fdlety \u017eeleznic\u00ed z Leicesteru do Loughborough za cenu 1 \u0161ilinku.\n"} |
327 | {"en": "From there, it went on to become one of the world's largest holiday companies, marking its 175th anniversary three years ago.\n", "cs": "Od t\u00e9 doby se stala jednou z nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00edch cestovn\u00edch kancel\u00e1\u0159\u00ed na sv\u011bt\u011b a p\u0159ed t\u0159emi lety si p\u0159ipomn\u011bla 175. v\u00fdro\u010d\u00ed od sv\u00e9ho zalo\u017een\u00ed.\n"} |
328 | {"en": "A PPF spokesperson said: \"Insolvency events, like the liquidation of Thomas Cook, are exactly why the PPF was set up.\n", "cs": "Mluv\u010d\u00ed PPF \u0159ekl: \u201eInsolven\u010dn\u00ed \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed, stejn\u011b jako likvidace CK Thomas Cook, jsou p\u0159esn\u011b d\u016fvodem zalo\u017een\u00ed PPF.\n"} |
329 | {"en": "\"We are here to protect the financial futures of members belonging to defined benefit pension schemes and they should take comfort knowing we are here to protect them.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eJsme tady, abychom chr\u00e1nili finan\u010dn\u00ed budoucnost \u010dlen\u016f penzijn\u00edch syst\u00e9m\u016f s ur\u010den\u00fdmi v\u00fdplatami, a m\u011bli by z\u016fstat v klidu, proto\u017ee v\u00ed, \u017ee jsme tady, abychom je chr\u00e1nili.\u201c\n"} |
330 | {"en": "A spokesman for Thomas Cook's pension trustees declined to comment on Friday.\n", "cs": "Mluv\u010d\u00ed penzijn\u00edch spr\u00e1vc\u016f CK Thomas Cook v p\u00e1tek odm\u00edtl celou v\u011bc komentovat.\n"} |
331 | {"en": "Adorable pictures show new-born rhino nuzzling her mother and exploring new home\n", "cs": "Roztomil\u00e9 fotky ukazuj\u00ed ml\u00e1d\u011b nosoro\u017ece, kter\u00e9 se tul\u00ed k matce a zkoum\u00e1 sv\u016fj nov\u00fd domov\n"} |
332 | {"en": "Baby Stella was welcomed into the world at Cotswold Wildlife Park, Oxfordshire, earlier this month and is the first female born to parents Monty and Ruby.\n", "cs": "Stellu p\u0159iv\u00edtali do sv\u011bta na za\u010d\u00e1tku tohoto m\u011bs\u00edce v p\u0159\u00edrodn\u00ed rezervaci Cotswold Wildlife Park, Oxfordshire, jedn\u00e1 se o prvn\u00ed sami\u010dku narozenou rodi\u010d\u016fm Montymu a Ruby.\n"} |
333 | {"en": "The youngster, who is healthy and nursing well, can be seen wondering about her enclosure before resting alongside her mother on a bed of straw.\n", "cs": "Ml\u00e1d\u011b, kter\u00e9 je zdrav\u00e9 a dob\u0159e p\u0159ij\u00edm\u00e1 potravu, m\u016f\u017eeme vid\u011bt, jak se nejprve potuluje po v\u00fdb\u011bhu, a potom odpo\u010d\u00edv\u00e1 na slam\u011bn\u00e9 podest\u00fdlce vedle sv\u00e9 matky.\n"} |
334 | {"en": "Mother Ruby joined the wildlife park in 2009 alongside another female called Nancy in the hope that one would produce the park's first ever calf with Monty.\n", "cs": "Matka ml\u00e1d\u011bte Ruby byla p\u0159ivezena do parku pro divok\u00e1 zv\u00ed\u0159ata v roce 2009 spolu s dal\u0161\u00ed sami\u010dkou jm\u00e9nem Nancy v nad\u011bji, \u017ee samec Monty s jednou z nich zplod\u00ed potomka.\n"} |
335 | {"en": "Nancy then gave birth to a female named Astrid in 2013, with Stella being the third female calf born at the park in its 49-year history.\n", "cs": "V roce 2013 pak Nancy porodila sami\u010dku jm\u00e9nem Astrid, kter\u00e1 se tak spolu se Stellou stala t\u0159et\u00edm ml\u00e1d\u011btem sami\u010d\u00edho pohlav\u00ed narozen\u00fdm v rezervaci b\u011bhem jeho 49let\u00e9 historie.\n"} |
336 | {"en": "Jamie Craig, curator of Cotswold Wildlife Park, said: 'We have had tremendous success with our current rhino herd.\n", "cs": "Jamie Craig, kur\u00e1tor rezervace Cotswold Wildlife Park, \u0159ekl: \u201eS na\u0161\u00edm sou\u010dasn\u00fdm st\u00e1dem nosoro\u017ec\u016f m\u00e1me ohromn\u00e9 \u00fasp\u011bchy.\u201c\n"} |
337 | {"en": "'Stella is the sixth youngster from Nancy and Ruby and our bull, Monty, has proved to be an excellent dad.\n", "cs": "\u201eStella je \u0161est\u00fdm ml\u00e1d\u011btem samic Nancy a Ruby a n\u00e1\u0161 b\u00fdk Monty se uk\u00e1zal jako vynikaj\u00edc\u00ed otec.\u201c\n"} |
338 | {"en": "'He is the perfect combination of a dominant bull and caring patriarch.\n", "cs": "\u201eJe skv\u011blou kombinac\u00ed dominantn\u00edho b\u00fdka a starostliv\u00e9ho patriarchy.\u201c\n"} |
339 | {"en": "'It is particularly satisfying that Ruby has produced a female calf - these are vital for the development of the breeding programme and Stella will eventually move to another collection to hopefully become a successful mother herself.'\n", "cs": "\u201eObzvl\u00e1\u0161t\u011b uspokojiv\u00fd je fakt, \u017ee Ruby porodila sami\u010dku \u2013 to je z\u00e1sadn\u00ed pro rozvoj \u0161lechtitelsk\u00e9ho programu, a Stella se \u010dasem p\u0159esune do jin\u00e9ho st\u00e1da, aby se tak\u00e9 mohla st\u00e1t \u00fasp\u011b\u0161nou matkou.\u201c\n"} |
340 | {"en": "Ruby has had two boys before, Ian in 2015 and Alan in 2017. Alan is still at the park whilst Ian is in Torino Zoo in Italy\n", "cs": "Ruby ji\u017e d\u0159\u00edve porodila dva same\u010dky, Iana v roce 2015 a Alana v roce 2017. Alan je st\u00e1le v parku, zat\u00edmco Ian je nyn\u00ed v tur\u00ednsk\u00e9 ZOO v It\u00e1lii.\n"} |
341 | {"en": "When Alan was just one-week old he weighed around eleven stone.\n", "cs": "Kdy\u017e byl Alanovi pouh\u00fd jeden t\u00fdden, v\u00e1\u017eil t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 sedmdes\u00e1t kilogram\u016f.\n"} |
342 | {"en": "Births in captivity are considered extremely rare. Females only reproduce every two-and-a-half to five years, so the window of opportunity for successful reproduction is limited.\n", "cs": "Narozen\u00ed ml\u00e1d\u011bte v zajet\u00ed je pova\u017eov\u00e1no za velmi vz\u00e1cn\u00e9. Samice se rozmno\u017euj\u00ed pouze ka\u017ed\u00e9 dva a p\u016fl a\u017e p\u011bt let, tak\u017ee mo\u017enosti pro \u00fasp\u011b\u0161nou reprodukci jsou omezen\u00e9.\n"} |
343 | {"en": "According to the park, a typical gestation period lasts between sixteen to eighteen months, after which a single calf is born.\n", "cs": "Podle rezervace trv\u00e1 b\u011b\u017en\u00e1 doba t\u011bhotenstv\u00ed mezi \u0161estn\u00e1cti a\u017e osmn\u00e1cti m\u011bs\u00edci, po kter\u00fdch se rod\u00ed jedin\u00e9 ml\u00e1d\u011b.\n"} |
344 | {"en": "It is considered the longest gestation periods of any land mammal, surpassed only by the twenty-two month gestation period of an Elephant.\n", "cs": "To je pova\u017eov\u00e1no za nejdel\u0161\u00ed obdob\u00ed b\u0159ezosti u v\u0161ech suchozemsk\u00fdch savc\u016f, kter\u00e9 p\u0159ed\u010d\u00ed pouze dvacetim\u011bs\u00ed\u010dn\u00ed obdob\u00ed b\u0159ezosti u slon\u016f.\n"} |
345 | {"en": "A newborn Rhino calf will stand up within one hour of birth. Once born, the calf will immediately attempt to suckle, although he or she may be a little unsteady on their feet for the first few days.\n", "cs": "Nosoro\u017e\u010d\u00ed ml\u00e1d\u011b se postav\u00ed samo na nohy u\u017e hodinu po narozen\u00ed. Jakmile se ml\u00e1d\u011b narod\u00ed, ihned se sna\u017e\u00ed nap\u00edt mate\u0159sk\u00e9ho ml\u00e9ka, i kdy\u017e b\u011bhem prvn\u00edch dn\u016f m\u016f\u017ee b\u00fdt p\u0159i ch\u016fzi trochu nemotorn\u00e9.\n"} |
346 | {"en": "It will remain under the watchful eye of the mother, suckling from her for approximately one year.\n", "cs": "Z\u016fstane pod ostra\u017eit\u00fdm dozorem sv\u00e9 matky, kter\u00e1 ho bude kojit p\u0159ibli\u017en\u011b jeden rok.\n"} |
347 | {"en": "Their bond is an intensely strong one and the calf will remain with its mother for at least two years, benefiting from her protection. Females guard their offspring aggressively and are intimidating adversaries if challenged.\n", "cs": "Jejich pouto je velmi intenzivn\u00ed, ml\u00e1d\u011b z\u016fstane s matkou po dobu nejm\u00e9n\u011b dvou let a bude pod jej\u00ed ochranou. Samice jsou p\u0159i hl\u00edd\u00e1n\u00ed sv\u00fdch potomk\u016f agresivn\u00ed a v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b napaden\u00ed zastra\u0161uj\u00ed v\u0161echny protivn\u00edky.\n"} |
348 | {"en": "Incel virgin Alex Minassian told Toronto police he was part of 4chan group\n", "cs": "P\u0159\u00edslu\u0161n\u00edk hnut\u00ed \u201enedobrovoln\u00e9ho celib\u00e1tu\u201c Alex Minassian \u0159ekl torontsk\u00e9 policii, \u017ee je sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed skupiny 4chan\n"} |
349 | {"en": "Footage has emerged of a man alleged to have killed 10 pedestrians in Toronto telling police that he was part of an online group for sexually frustrated men.\n", "cs": "Ned\u00e1vno se objevil z\u00e1znam mu\u017ee, kter\u00fd m\u011bl zab\u00edt 10 chodc\u016f v Torontu a \u0159ekl policii, \u017ee je sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed online skupiny pro sexu\u00e1ln\u011b frustrovan\u00e9 mu\u017ee.\n"} |
350 | {"en": "Alek Minassian, 26, said that he was part of the involuntary celibates (incel) forum on 4chan.\n", "cs": "Alex Minassian, 26 let, prohl\u00e1sil, \u017ee je sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed f\u00f3ra nedobrovoln\u00e9ho celib\u00e1tu (incel) skupiny 4chan.\n"} |
351 | {"en": "He is now facing 10 counts of murder in Canada and 16 counts of attempted murder following the attack on April 23, 2018.\n", "cs": "Nyn\u00ed v Kanad\u011b \u010del\u00ed obvin\u011bn\u00ed z vra\u017edy 10 lid\u00ed a 16 pokus\u016f o vra\u017edu po sv\u00e9m \u00fatoku 23. dubna 2018.\n"} |
352 | {"en": "When asked about the deaths, he told police: \"I feel like I accomplished my mission.\"\n", "cs": "Na dotaz ohledn\u011b zabit\u00fdch lid\u00ed odpov\u011bd\u011bl policii: \u201eM\u00e1m pocit, \u017ee jsem splnil svou misi.\u201c\n"} |
353 | {"en": "When the incident happened, it brought attention to the online world of loneliness, rage and misogyny.\n", "cs": "Po incidentu se ve\u0159ejnost za\u010dala v\u00edce zaj\u00edmat o virtu\u00e1ln\u00ed sv\u011bt osam\u011bl\u00fdch, rozloben\u00fdch a misogynn\u00edch mu\u017e\u016f.\n"} |
354 | {"en": "Minassian said that he had contact with a killer in California who was angry at women who had rejected him.\n", "cs": "Minassian \u0159ekl, \u017ee byl v kontaktu s vrahem z Kalifornie, kter\u00fd byl na\u0161tvan\u00fd na \u017eeny, proto\u017ee ho odm\u00edtaly.\n"} |
355 | {"en": "He stands accused of driving a rental van into crowds of pedestrians in a busy north Toronto neighbourhood. Eight women and two men ranging in age from 22 to 94 died.\n", "cs": "Je obvin\u011bn z toho, \u017ee najel pronajatou dod\u00e1vkou do davu chodc\u016f v ru\u0161n\u00e9 severn\u00ed \u010d\u00e1sti Toronta. P\u0159i \u00fatoku zem\u0159elo osm \u017een a dva mu\u017ei ve v\u011bku od 22 do 94 let.\n"} |
356 | {"en": "Minassian has yet to enter a plea. His trial begins in February, but a publication ban on his interrogation by police was lifted today. The police interview took place just hours after the attack.\n", "cs": "Minassian mus\u00ed je\u0161t\u011b podat vyj\u00e1d\u0159en\u00ed. Soudn\u00ed proces za\u010d\u00edn\u00e1 v \u00fanoru, dnes v\u0161ak byl zru\u0161en z\u00e1kaz zve\u0159ejnit jeho v\u00fdslech polici\u00ed. Policejn\u00ed v\u00fdslech se konal hned n\u011bkolik hodin po \u00fatoku.\n"} |
357 | {"en": "Minassian, who said he never had a girlfriend and was a virgin, acknowledged he used the van as a weapon and said he wanted to inspire more attacks.\n", "cs": "Minassian, kter\u00fd \u0159ekl, \u017ee nikdy nem\u011bl p\u0159\u00edtelkyni a byl panic, p\u0159iznal, \u017ee pou\u017eil dod\u00e1vku jako zbra\u0148 a \u0159ekl, \u017ee chce b\u00fdt inspirac\u00ed pro dal\u0161\u00ed \u00fatoky.\n"} |
358 | {"en": "He said: \"I know of several other guys over the internet who feel the same way,\" but added that they are \"too cowardly to act on their anger.\"\n", "cs": "\u0158ekl: \u201eV\u00edm o n\u011bkolika dal\u0161\u00edch mu\u017e\u00edch na internetu, kte\u0159\u00ed se c\u00edt\u00ed stejn\u011b,\u201c. Dodal, \u017ee jsou ale \u201ep\u0159\u00edli\u0161 zbab\u011bl\u00ed, aby se nechali ovl\u00e1dnout sv\u00fdm hn\u011bvem.\u201c\n"} |
359 | {"en": "Minassian calls himself an \"incel,\" short for \"involuntary celibate.\" The incel movement is an online subculture linked to the deadly attack in Toronto as well as attacks in California and Florida. It promotes the misogynistic idea that men are entitled to have sex with women.\n", "cs": "Minassian tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee je \u010dlenem hnut\u00ed \u201eincel\u201c, co\u017e je zkratka pro \u201enedobrovoln\u00fd celib\u00e1t\u201c. Incel je online subkulturou spojenou se smrt\u00edc\u00edm \u00fatokem v Torontu a \u00fatoky v Kalifornii a na Florid\u011b. Podporuje misogynn\u00ed my\u0161lenku, \u017ee mu\u017ei maj\u00ed n\u00e1rok na sex s \u017eenami.\n"} |
360 | {"en": "Over time, \"incel\" has become a buzzword for certain men infuriated at being rejected by women and prone to float ideas for violent payback, according to sociologists and others who study them.\n", "cs": "Podle sociolog\u016f a dal\u0161\u00edch lid\u00ed, kte\u0159\u00ed se problematikou zab\u00fdvaj\u00ed, se \u201eincel\u201c postupem \u010dasu stal popul\u00e1rn\u00edm ozna\u010den\u00edm pro n\u011bkter\u00e9 mu\u017ee, kte\u0159\u00ed jsou roztrp\u010deni t\u00edm, \u017ee je \u017eeny odm\u00edtaj\u00ed, a jsou n\u00e1chyln\u00ed k my\u0161lenk\u00e1m na odplatu v podob\u011b n\u00e1sil\u00ed.\n"} |
361 | {"en": "Like-minded people in internet forums sometimes use \"Chad\" and \"Stacy\" as dismissive slang for men and women with more active sex lives.\n", "cs": "Stejn\u011b sm\u00fd\u0161lej\u00edc\u00ed lid\u00e9 na internetov\u00fdch f\u00f3rech n\u011bkdy pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00ed term\u00edny \u201eChad\u201c a \u201eStacy\u201c jako hanliv\u00e1 slangov\u00e1 ozna\u010den\u00ed mu\u017e\u016f a \u017een s aktivn\u00edm sexu\u00e1ln\u00edm \u017eivotem.\n"} |
362 | {"en": "Minassian said he discussed his sexual frustrations on the website 4chan, which has become notorious as a place for extremists to post their views.\n", "cs": "Minassian \u0159ekl, \u017ee o sv\u00fdch sexu\u00e1ln\u00edch frustrac\u00edch diskutoval na webu 4chan, kter\u00fd se stal zn\u00e1m\u00fdm jako online str\u00e1nka pro extremisty a zve\u0159ej\u0148ov\u00e1n\u00ed jejich n\u00e1zor\u016f.\n"} |
363 | {"en": "US theater chain bans dressing up for \"Joker\" screenings over fears of another shooting\n", "cs": "Americk\u00fd \u0159et\u011bzec kin zak\u00e1zal kost\u00fdmy na projekc\u00edch filmu \u201eJoker\u201c kv\u016fli obav\u00e1m z dal\u0161\u00ed st\u0159elby\n"} |
364 | {"en": "The largest US independent theater chain won't let people in cosplay watch the critically acclaimed origin story of Batman supervillain \"Joker.\" Face paint and masks are already banned, but safety fears still remain.\n", "cs": "Nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed nez\u00e1visl\u00fd \u0159et\u011bzec kin v USA nedovol\u00ed lidem v kost\u00fdmech sledovat sn\u00edmek o p\u016fvodu zn\u00e1m\u00e9ho superpadoucha z p\u0159\u00edb\u011bh\u016f o Batmanovi, \u201eJokerovi\u201c. Malov\u00e1n\u00ed na obli\u010dej a masky jsou ji\u017e zak\u00e1z\u00e1ny, ale obavy z nebezpe\u010d\u00ed st\u00e1le trvaj\u00ed.\n"} |
365 | {"en": "Most US cinemas have banned masks, face paint and toy weapons after the 2012 mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado, which happened during a screening of another Batman flick, \"The Dark Knight Rises.\" The gunman wore a Joker costume when he went on a gun and tear-gas rampage, killing 12 people and injuring 70 others. Body costumes that don't hide a person's identity, however, have been generally allowed in theaters.\n", "cs": "V\u011bt\u0161ina americk\u00fdch kin zak\u00e1zala masky, malov\u00e1n\u00ed na obli\u010dej a atrapy zbran\u00ed po masov\u00e9 st\u0159elb\u011b v roce 2012 ve m\u011bst\u011b Aurora v Coloradu, k n\u00ed\u017e do\u0161lo b\u011bhem prom\u00edt\u00e1n\u00ed dal\u0161\u00edho filmu o Batmanovi, \u201eTemn\u00fd ryt\u00ed\u0159 povstal\u201c. St\u0159elec m\u011bl na sob\u011b kost\u00fdm Jokera, kdy\u017e ve\u0161el dovnit\u0159 se zbran\u00ed a slzn\u00fdm plynem, zabil 12 lid\u00ed a dal\u0161\u00edch 70 zranil. Kost\u00fdmy, kter\u00e9 nezakr\u00fdvaj\u00ed toto\u017enost osoby, v\u0161ak byly v kinech obecn\u011b povoleny.\n"} |
366 | {"en": "However, Landmark Theaters has now announced that it will not allow customers to wear costumes during screenings of the R-rated \"Joker.\"\n", "cs": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b kina Landmark nyn\u00ed ozn\u00e1mila, \u017ee nedovol\u00ed z\u00e1kazn\u00edk\u016fm nosit kost\u00fdmy b\u011bhem prom\u00edt\u00e1n\u00ed filmu \u201eJoker\u201c, na kter\u00fd nen\u00ed povolen vstup osob\u00e1m mlad\u0161\u00edm 17 let bez doprovodu dosp\u011bl\u00e9 osoby.\n"} |
367 | {"en": "\"I want customers to be comfortable in their surroundings,\" Landmark President-CEO Ted Mundorff told the Hollywood Reporter.\n", "cs": "\u201eChci, aby se na\u0161i z\u00e1kazn\u00edci c\u00edtili v kinech pohodln\u011b,\u201c \u0159ekl \u010dasopisu Hollywood Reporter Ted Mundorff, prezident a gener\u00e1ln\u00ed \u0159editel Landmarku.\n"} |
368 | {"en": "The company is based in Los-Angeles and runs 52 theaters in 27 markets, which makes it the biggest specialized theater chain in the country.\n", "cs": "Spole\u010dnost s\u00eddl\u00ed v Los Angeles a provozuje 52 kin na 27 trz\u00edch, co\u017e z n\u00ed d\u011bl\u00e1 nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed specializovan\u00fd \u0159et\u011bzec kin v zemi.\n"} |
369 | {"en": "Meanwhile, Kansas-based AMC Theatres, the largest chain in the country, reiterated its ban on \"masks, face paint or any object that conceals the face,\" but said they will welcome viewers in costume.\n", "cs": "Mezit\u00edm AMC Theaters se s\u00eddlem v Kansasu, nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed \u0159et\u011bzec v zemi, znovu zopakoval z\u00e1kaz \u201emasek, malov\u00e1n\u00ed na obli\u010dej nebo jak\u00e9koliv p\u0159edm\u011btu zakr\u00fdvaj\u00edc\u00edho obli\u010dej\u201c, ale dodal, \u017ee div\u00e1ci v kost\u00fdmech jsou v\u00edt\u00e1ni.\n"} |
370 | {"en": "The ban on masks and fake guns was mostly due to practical security reasons, but as the release of \"Joker\" draws closer, there are concerns that it may trigger a copycat gun attack. The LAPD said it would \"maintain high visibility\" around theaters on premier day, while Regal Cinemas, the second-largest chain in the country, said it was implementing security protocols developed \"in collaboration with NATO.\"\n", "cs": "Z\u00e1kaz masek a atrap zbran\u00ed byl v\u011bt\u0161inou vyd\u00e1n z praktick\u00fdch bezpe\u010dnostn\u00edch d\u016fvod\u016f, ale jak se bl\u00ed\u017e\u00ed uveden\u00ed \u201eJokera\u201c, jsou zde obavy, \u017ee m\u016f\u017ee doj\u00edt k dal\u0161\u00edmu podobn\u00e9mu \u00fatoku. Policie v Los Angeles uvedla, \u017ee \u201ebude dr\u017eet hl\u00eddky\u201c kolem kin v den premi\u00e9ry filmu, zat\u00edmco Regal Cinemas, druh\u00fd nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed \u0159et\u011bzec v zemi, ozn\u00e1mil, \u017ee zavedl bezpe\u010dnostn\u00ed protokoly vyvinut\u00e9 \u201eve spolupr\u00e1ci s NATO\u201c.\n"} |
371 | {"en": "The US Army went as far as advising service members to watch out for \"incels,\" disgruntled males who can't get a date, who supposedly idolize the Joker and may mimic his brutal ways.\n", "cs": "Americk\u00e1 arm\u00e1da \u0161la tak daleko, \u017ee vydala varov\u00e1n\u00ed ohledn\u011b \u201eincel\u016f\u201c, frustrovan\u00fdch mu\u017e\u016f z hnut\u00ed nedobrovoln\u00e9ho celib\u00e1tu, kte\u0159\u00ed jsou bez partnerek, \u017ee \u00fadajn\u011b zbo\u017e\u0148uj\u00ed Jokera a mohou napodobovat jeho brut\u00e1ln\u00ed jedn\u00e1n\u00ed.\n"} |
372 | {"en": "\"Joker,\" which is directed by Todd Phillips and stars Joaquin Phoenix as the title character, is due to be released on October 4 in the US, and is expected to become a box office hit. It follows the descent of a socially isolated and mentally unwell person, as he becomes the mass-murdering, green-haired, pale-faced nemesis of Batman.\n", "cs": "\u201eJoker\u201c, kter\u00e9ho re\u017e\u00edruje Todd Phillips a hlavn\u00ed roli ztv\u00e1rnil herec Joaquin Phoenix, m\u00e1 b\u00fdt v USA uveden 4. \u0159\u00edjna a o\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1 se, \u017ee se stane kasovn\u00edm trh\u00e1kem. Sleduje vzestup soci\u00e1ln\u011b izolovan\u00e9ho a du\u0161evn\u011b nemocn\u00e9ho \u010dlov\u011bka, kter\u00fd se st\u00e1v\u00e1 masov\u00fdm vrahem se zelen\u00fdmi vlasy a bledou tv\u00e1\u0159\u00ed jako oponent Batmana.\n"} |
373 | {"en": "It received rave reviews at its Venice International Film Festival premiere this year, taking the top prize. The film is a psychological thriller loosely based on the comic book series. Some commenters voiced concerns that it may cause harm by depicting the protagonist in a sympathetic way and including graphic and realistic violence. However, the creative team behind it said their work is meant for mature audiences who are expected to be able to tell right from wrong.\n", "cs": "Film z\u00edskal nad\u0161en\u00e9 recenze p\u0159i premi\u00e9\u0159e na leto\u0161n\u00edm Mezin\u00e1rodn\u00edm filmov\u00e9m festivalu v Ben\u00e1tk\u00e1ch, kde z\u00edskal nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed ocen\u011bn\u00ed. Film je psychologick\u00fdm thrillerem, kter\u00fd je voln\u011b zalo\u017een\u00fd na komiksov\u00e9 s\u00e9rii. N\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed koment\u00e1to\u0159i vyj\u00e1d\u0159ili obavy, \u017ee sn\u00edmku m\u016f\u017ee u\u0161kodit to, jak zobrazuje hlavn\u00edho protagonistu soucitn\u00fdm zp\u016fsobem a spojuje prvky virtu\u00e1ln\u00edho i realistick\u00e9ho n\u00e1sil\u00ed. Tv\u016fr\u010d\u00ed t\u00fdm v\u0161ak uvedl, \u017ee jejich d\u00edlo je ur\u010deno dosp\u011bl\u00fdm div\u00e1k\u016fm, od nich\u017e se o\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1, \u017ee budou schopni rozli\u0161it, co je spr\u00e1vn\u00e9 a co \u0161patn\u00e9.\n"} |
374 | {"en": "Midway Broadcasting announced today that its Chairwoman, Melody Spann Cooper is set to release her highly anticipated book to help female entrepreneurs and executives thrive in business. \"The Girlfriend's Guide To Closing the Deal\" shares insights on how women can use their voice to achieve equity at the negotiating table and advance their careers by using the female edition of the old-boy's network.\n", "cs": "Spole\u010dnost Midway Broadcasting dnes ozn\u00e1mila, \u017ee jej\u00ed p\u0159edsedkyn\u011b, Melody Spann Cooperov\u00e1 je p\u0159ipravena vydat svou velmi o\u010dek\u00e1vanou knihu, kter\u00e1 m\u00e1 pomoci podnikatelk\u00e1m a vedouc\u00edm pracovnic\u00edm v oblasti podnik\u00e1n\u00ed prosperovat. Kniha \u201eThe Girlfriend's Guide To Closing the Deal\u201c p\u0159ed\u00e1v\u00e1 informace o tom, jak mohou \u017eeny vyu\u017e\u00edt sv\u00e9ho hlasu k dosa\u017een\u00ed rovnosti u jednac\u00edho stolu a postoupit v kari\u00e9\u0159e pomoc\u00ed editace soci\u00e1ln\u00ed s\u00edt\u011b Old-boy\u00b4s network.\n"} |
375 | {"en": "Throughout the book, Spann Cooper uses anecdotal references to deal with challenging issues including the #MeToo movement and Hillary Clinton's Presidential defeat and its impact on fueling the female empowerment in America.\n", "cs": "V cel\u00e9 knize Spann Cooperov\u00e1 pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 neofici\u00e1ln\u00ed reference k \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed slo\u017eit\u00fdch ot\u00e1zek v\u010detn\u011b hnut\u00ed #MeToo a por\u00e1\u017eky Hillary Clintonov\u00e9 v prezidentsk\u00fdch volb\u00e1ch a jej\u00edho dopadu na pos\u00edlen\u00ed postaven\u00ed americk\u00fdch \u017een.\n"} |
376 | {"en": "The self-published book is the result of a groundbreaking self-entitled speech that Spann Cooper delivered as a keynote address at The National Association of Women Business Owners Conference in Chicago in 2017. The Girlfriend's Guide to Closing The Deal is written in a down-to-earth style that every \"girlfriend\" can relate.\n", "cs": "Kniha, kterou publikovala na vlastn\u00ed n\u00e1klady, je v\u00fdsledkem pr\u016fkopnick\u00e9ho projevu, kter\u00fd Spann Cooperov\u00e1 p\u0159ednesla jako hlavn\u00ed \u0159e\u010d na konferenci N\u00e1rodn\u00ed asociace vlastn\u00edk\u016f \u017een v Chicagu v roce 2017. P\u0159\u00edru\u010dka je napsan\u00e1 v prozaick\u00e9m stylu, kter\u00fd se m\u016f\u017ee vztahovat na ka\u017edou \u201e\u017eenu\u201c.\n"} |
377 | {"en": "Christie Hefner, businesswoman and daughter of Playboy Founder, Hugh Hefner, says \"The Girlfriend's Guide to Closing The Deal\" is both highly entertaining and very helpful. Melody weaves together personal anecdotes, triumphs, and setbacks with useful lessons learned. From how to own your ideas in a meeting to when its time to \"friend up,\" everyone can benefit from Melody's story.\"\n", "cs": "Christie Hefnerov\u00e1, podnikatelka a dcera zakladatele Playboy Hugha Hefnera, \u0159ekla, \u017ee kniha je velmi z\u00e1bavn\u00e1 a velmi u\u017eite\u010dn\u00e1. Melody v n\u00ed spojuje osobn\u00ed anekdoty, triumfy a ne\u00fasp\u011bchy s u\u017eite\u010dn\u00fdmi ponau\u010den\u00edmi. Z p\u0159\u00edb\u011bhu Melody m\u016f\u017ee t\u011b\u017eit ka\u017ed\u00fd, od toho, jak m\u00edt n\u00e1pady na sch\u016fzce, a\u017e do chv\u00edle, kdy je \u010das \u201ese sp\u0159\u00e1telit\u201c.\n"} |
378 | {"en": "As Chairman of Midway Broadcasting Corporation, she joined an elite list of America's female broadcast owners after purchasing the company's controlling interest in 1999. Midway Broadcasting Corporation is a best-in-class female and family-owned media boutique whose properties include radio and interactive platforms.\n", "cs": "Jako p\u0159edsedkyn\u011b Midway Broadcasting Corporation se po koupi hlavn\u00edho pod\u00edlu ve spole\u010dnosti v roce 1999 p\u0159ipojila k elitn\u00edmu seznamu americk\u00fdch majitelek vys\u00edlac\u00edch stanic. Midway Broadcasting Corporation je nejlep\u0161\u00ed medi\u00e1ln\u00ed podnik ve sv\u00e9 kategorii, kter\u00fd v sob\u011b zahrnuje rozhlasov\u00e9 a interaktivn\u00ed platformy.\n"} |
379 | {"en": "The book was co-written with T. Shawn Taylor, journalist, writer and founder of Tree Top Consulting, a full-service media consulting firm.\n", "cs": "Kniha byla napsan\u00e1 spole\u010dn\u011b s T. Shawn Taylorovou, novin\u00e1\u0159kou, spisovatelkou a zakladatelkou Tree Top Consulting, medi\u00e1ln\u00ed firmy, kter\u00e1 poskytuje kompletn\u00ed poradensk\u00e9 slu\u017eby.\n"} |
380 | {"en": "Romania Invests Billions in a Black Sea Military Base\n", "cs": "Rumunsko investuje miliardy do vojensk\u00e9 z\u00e1kladny u \u010cern\u00e9ho mo\u0159e\n"} |
381 | {"en": "Romania will spend 2.5 billion euros to modernize the Black Sea military base as part of counteracting Russia's growing presence in the region, according to The Times, quoted by the FOCUS News Agency. Mikhail Koglignichanu Airbase, located about 200 km. east of Bucharest, will be aligned with NATO standards, as evidenced by documents published by local news sites. Up to 10,000 NATO F-35 soldiers and aircraft can be accommodated there. It is planned to become a \"mini-city\" for the military with kindergartens, sports clubs and a hospital.\n", "cs": "Rumunsko vyd\u00e1 2,5 miliardy EUR na modernizaci vojensk\u00e9 z\u00e1kladny u \u010cern\u00e9ho mo\u0159e v r\u00e1mci boje proti rostouc\u00ed p\u0159\u00edtomnosti Rus\u016f v tomto regionu, uvedly The Times, citovan\u00e9 agenturou FOCUS News Agency. Z\u00e1kladna Michaila Koglignichana, kter\u00e1 se nach\u00e1z\u00ed asi 200 km v\u00fdchodn\u011b od Bukure\u0161ti, bude fungovat v souladu se standardy NATO, jak dokl\u00e1daj\u00ed dokumenty zve\u0159ejn\u011bn\u00e9 m\u00edstn\u00edmi zpravodajsk\u00fdmi weby. M\u016f\u017ee se zde ubytovat a\u017e 10 000 voj\u00e1k\u016f a letadel NATO F-35. Podle pl\u00e1n\u016f by se m\u011bla st\u00e1t jak\u00fdmsi \u201emini-m\u011bstem\u201c pro voj\u00e1ky, budou zde nap\u0159. mate\u0159sk\u00e9 \u0161koly, sportovn\u00ed kluby a nemocnice.\n"} |
382 | {"en": "The base has already become a center of increased NATO activity in the Black Sea, which has become a key area of tension between Russia and the West. After Moscow annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, the Kremlin began to increase its naval presence in the Black Sea, using the deep-sea base in Sevastopol to carry out naval missions in Syria. Russia is also hampering shipping in the region and last year captured three Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait.\n", "cs": "Z\u00e1kladna se ji\u017e stala centrem zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00e9 vojensk\u00e9 \u010dinnosti NATO v oblasti \u010cern\u00e9ho mo\u0159e, kter\u00e9 je kl\u00ed\u010dovou oblast\u00ed nap\u011bt\u00ed mezi Ruskem a Z\u00e1padem. Pot\u00e9, co Moskva v roce 2014 anektovala ukrajinsk\u00fd Krym, za\u010dal Kreml zvy\u0161ovat po\u010det n\u00e1mo\u0159n\u00edk\u016f v \u010cern\u00e9m mo\u0159i na hlubinn\u00e9 z\u00e1kladn\u011b v Sevastopolu, ze kter\u00e9 \u0159\u00edd\u00ed n\u00e1mo\u0159n\u00ed mise v S\u00fdrii. Rusko tak\u00e9 brzd\u00ed lodn\u00ed dopravu v regionu a v lo\u0148sk\u00e9m roce zajalo v Ker\u010dsk\u00e9m pr\u016flivu t\u0159i ukrajinsk\u00e9 lod\u011b.\n"} |
383 | {"en": "Romania and Bulgaria, located on the Black Sea coast, which in the past were allies of the USSR, have joined NATO and the EU since its collapse. In response to Russia's actions, they have asked the alliance to strengthen its presence in the region, writes The Times. In February, 500 US troops arrived at Romania's air base. An Eurofighter Typhoon fighter squadron of the British Air Force is stationed and deployed. Since April last year, these aircraft have repeatedly intercepted Russian fighter jets. Georgia, located on the eastern Black Sea coast, is also concerned about Russia's aspirations. It is not a member of the alliance, but is involved in NATO military exercises. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said during a visit to Tbilisi in March that the alliance was \"preparing\" Georgia for accession. Ukraine has also participated in NATO exercises in the region and has been developing its engagement with the Union since 2014.\n", "cs": "Rumunsko a Bulharsko, kter\u00e9 le\u017e\u00ed u pob\u0159e\u017e\u00ed \u010cern\u00e9ho mo\u0159e a byly v minulosti spojenci SSSR, vstoupily po jeho rozpadu do NATO a EU. V reakci na rusk\u00e9 kroky po\u017e\u00e1daly alianci o pos\u00edlen\u00ed jej\u00ed p\u0159\u00edtomnosti v regionu, napsaly The Times. V \u00fanoru dorazilo na rumunskou leteckou z\u00e1kladnu 500 americk\u00fdch voj\u00e1k\u016f. Je zde rozm\u00edst\u011bna bojov\u00e1 jednotka st\u00edhac\u00edch letoun\u016f Eurofighter Typhoon britsk\u00e9ho letectva. Od dubna lo\u0148sk\u00e9ho roku tato letadla opakovan\u011b zachytila rusk\u00e9 st\u00edha\u010dky. Gruzie, kter\u00e1 se nach\u00e1z\u00ed na v\u00fdchodn\u00edm pob\u0159e\u017e\u00ed \u010cern\u00e9ho mo\u0159e, je rovn\u011b\u017e znepokojena rusk\u00fdmi ambicemi. Nen\u00ed \u010dlenem aliance, ale zapojila se do vojensk\u00fdch cvi\u010den\u00ed NATO. Gener\u00e1ln\u00ed tajemn\u00edk NATO Jens Stoltenberg b\u011bhem b\u0159eznov\u00e9 n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvy Tbilisi \u0159ekl, \u017ee aliance \u201ep\u0159ipravuje\u201c Gruzii na p\u0159ijet\u00ed do aliance. Ukrajina se tak\u00e9 pod\u00edlela na cvi\u010den\u00edch NATO v regionu a od roku 2014 rozv\u00edj\u00ed spolupr\u00e1ci s Evropskou uni\u00ed.\n"} |
384 | {"en": "Ukraine, the \"New Berlin Wall,\" Once Again Lies at the Center of Scandal\n", "cs": "Ukrajinu, \u201enovou berl\u00ednskou ze\u010f\u201c, op\u011bt prov\u00e1z\u00ed skand\u00e1l\n"} |
385 | {"en": "Mr. Poroshenko's eagerness to win over Mr. Trump and his growing fears that political rivals would thwart his re-election opened the way for Mr. Giuliani to press Ukraine's prosecutor general, Yuri Lutsenko, who has since been fired, to help Mr. Trump's own re-election by investigating Joe Biden and his son.\n", "cs": "Dychtivost Poro\u0161enka zv\u00edt\u011bzit nad Trumpem a jeho nar\u016fstaj\u00edc\u00ed obavy, \u017ee by politi\u010dt\u00ed soupe\u0159i mohli zma\u0159it jeho znovuzvolen\u00ed prezidentem, otev\u0159eli cestu Giulianimu, kter\u00fd nal\u00e9h\u00e1 na ukrajinsk\u00e9ho gener\u00e1ln\u00edho prokur\u00e1tora Jurije Lucenka, kter\u00fd byl pot\u00e9 propu\u0161t\u011bn, aby pomohl Trumpovi dos\u00e1hnout jeho vlastn\u00edho znovuzvolen\u00ed prost\u0159ednictv\u00edm vy\u0161et\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed Joe Bidena a jeho syna.\n"} |
386 | {"en": "How Mr. Poroshenko expected the Trump administration to help lift his sagging fortunes ahead of Ukraine's presidential election, held in two rounds in March and April this year, is unclear. He got trounced anyway, losing emphatically to Mr. Zelensky, whose own officials quickly became the Trump team's new targets in its drive to damage Mr. Biden.\n", "cs": "Jak Poro\u0161enko o\u010dek\u00e1val, \u017ee mu Trumpova administrativa pom\u016f\u017ee ve \u0161t\u011bst\u00ed p\u0159ed ukrajinsk\u00fdmi prezidentsk\u00fdmi volbami, kter\u00e9 se konaly ve dvou kolech v b\u0159eznu a dubnu leto\u0161n\u00edho roku, nen\u00ed jasn\u00e9. Ka\u017edop\u00e1dn\u011b utrp\u011bl drtivou por\u00e1\u017eku a prohr\u00e1l se Zelensk\u00fdm, jeho\u017e \u00fa\u0159edn\u00edci se brzy stali nov\u00fdmi c\u00edli Trumpova t\u00fdmu ve snaze po\u0161kodit Bidena.\n"} |
387 | {"en": "While Democrats want Mr. Trump impeached over his dealings with Ukraine, the president and his allies have counterattacked with their own Ukraine-focused scandals. They have revived a debunked theory that the country colluded with the Clinton campaign to hurt Mr. Trump's chances in 2016 and asserted, with little evidence, that Mr. Biden used his position as vice president to prevent Ukraine from investigating his son.\n", "cs": "Zat\u00edmco demokrat\u00e9 cht\u011bj\u00ed, aby byl Trump obvin\u011bn z vyjedn\u00e1n\u00ed s Ukrajinou, prezident a jeho spojenci odpov\u00eddaj\u00ed proti\u00fatoky proti vlastn\u00edm skand\u00e1l\u016fm kolem Ukrajiny. Znovu o\u017eivili debaty o tom, zda se zem\u011b v roce 2016 dohodla s Clintonov\u00fdm apar\u00e1tem, aby se sn\u00ed\u017eily Trumpovy volebn\u00ed \u0161ance, a s nep\u0159esv\u011bd\u010div\u00fdmi d\u016fkazy tvrdili, \u017ee Biden vyu\u017eil sv\u00e9 funkce viceprezidenta, aby zabr\u00e1nil Ukrajin\u011b ve vy\u0161et\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed sv\u00e9ho syna.\n"} |
388 | {"en": "Ukrainians, jaded after years of watching their own leaders trade the power and privileges of office for personal financial or political gain, have mostly shrugged off what, for Mr. Trump, is possibly the most serious scandal to buffet the White House since Watergate toppled President Richard Nixon in 1974.\n", "cs": "Ukrajinci, unaven\u00ed letit\u00fdm sledov\u00e1n\u00edm sv\u00fdch politick\u00fdch v\u016fdc\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed zneu\u017e\u00edvaj\u00ed moci a privilegi\u00ed sv\u00fdch \u00fa\u0159ad\u016f pro osobn\u00ed finan\u010dn\u00ed nebo politick\u00fd zisk, v\u011bt\u0161inou pokr\u010dili rameny nad t\u00edm, co je pro Trumpa pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b nejv\u00e1\u017en\u011bj\u0161\u00edm skand\u00e1lem, kter\u00fd by dopadl na B\u00edl\u00fd d\u016fm od dob, kdy af\u00e9ra Watergate v roce 1974 ukon\u010dila kari\u00e9ru prezidenta Richarda Nixona.\n"} |
389 | {"en": "That a country few Americans paid much attention to in the past now commands center stage in Washington has stirred mostly bemusement in Ukraine. Those feelings are also tinged with a touch of pride that, after centuries in the shadow of Russia, its giant neighbor to the north, the nation is no longer seen as a backwater but a pivot around which the fate of the world's most powerful country implausibly turns.\n", "cs": "To, \u017ee zem\u011b, kter\u00e9 jen m\u00e1lo Ameri\u010dan\u016f v\u011bnovalo v minulosti n\u011bjakou pozornost, je n\u00e1hle v centru zorn\u00e9ho pole ve Washingtonu, vyvolala na Ukrajin\u011b p\u0159ev\u00e1\u017en\u011b zmaten\u00ed. Tento pocit je tak\u00e9 podbarven n\u00e1dechem hrdosti, \u017ee n\u00e1rod nach\u00e1zej\u00edc\u00ed se po stalet\u00ed ve st\u00ednu Ruska, sv\u00e9ho mohutn\u00e9ho souseda na severu, u\u017e nen\u00ed vn\u00edm\u00e1n jako slep\u00e9 rameno, ale jako \u00fast\u0159edn\u00ed bod, na kter\u00e9m z\u00e1vis\u00ed osud nejmocn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed zem\u011b sv\u011bta.\n"} |
390 | {"en": "Pavlo Klimkin, Ukraine's foreign minister under Mr. Poroshenko, said in a caustic Twitter message this week that going down in history \"as the country that led to the impeachment of the U.S. president\" was \"not a very fun prospect.\" But, he added, \"Now everyone understands what we are capable of.\"\n", "cs": "Pavlo Klimkin, ukrajinsk\u00fd ministr zahrani\u010d\u00ed, uvedl tento t\u00fdden v kousav\u00e9 zpr\u00e1v\u011b na Twitteru, \u017ee vstoupit do historie \u201ejako zem\u011b, kter\u00e1 p\u0159ivodila \u00fastavn\u00ed \u017ealobu na americk\u00e9ho prezidenta\u201c, \u201enen\u00ed p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 z\u00e1bavnou vyhl\u00eddkou\u201c. Dodal v\u0161ak: \u201eTe\u010f ka\u017ed\u00fd v\u00ed, \u010deho jsme schopni.\u201c\n"} |
391 | {"en": "Brother Jailed For Life For Pakistan Social Media Star Qandeel Baloch's Honour Killing\n", "cs": "Bratr p\u00e1kist\u00e1nsk\u00e9 hv\u011bzdy soci\u00e1ln\u00edch s\u00edt\u00ed Qandeel Balochov\u00e9 odsouzen na do\u017eivot\u00ed pro vra\u017edu ze cti\n"} |
392 | {"en": "Qandeel Baloch, who shot to fame for her social media photos, was strangled in July 2016.\n", "cs": "Qandeel Balochov\u00e1, kter\u00e1 se proslavila sv\u00fdmi fotkami na soci\u00e1ln\u00edch s\u00edt\u00edch, byla v \u010dervenci roku 2016 u\u0161krcena.\n"} |
393 | {"en": "The brother of Pakistani social media star Qandeel Baloch was on Friday convicted of her murder and sentenced to life in prison in the patriarchal country's highest-profile \"honour killing.\"\n", "cs": "Bratr p\u00e1kist\u00e1nsk\u00e9 hv\u011bzdy soci\u00e1ln\u00edch s\u00edt\u00ed Qandeel Balochov\u00e9 byl v p\u00e1tek obvin\u011bn z jej\u00edho zabit\u00ed a odsouzen k do\u017eivotn\u00edmu v\u011bzen\u00ed pro \u201evra\u017edu ze cti\u201c, kter\u00e1 je v t\u00e9to patriarch\u00e1ln\u00ed zemi st\u00e1le ost\u0159e sledovan\u00e1.\n"} |
394 | {"en": "Baloch, who shot to fame for her risque selfies -- tame by Western standards, but considered provocative in deeply misogynistic Pakistan -- was strangled in July 2016.\n", "cs": "Balochov\u00e1, kter\u00fd se proslavila sv\u00fdmi riskantn\u00edmi selfie fotkami \u2013 kter\u00e9 byly um\u00edrn\u011bn\u00e9 podle z\u00e1padn\u00edho ch\u00e1p\u00e1n\u00ed, ale provokativn\u00ed v siln\u011b misogynn\u00edm P\u00e1kist\u00e1nu \u2013 byla u\u0161krcena v \u010dervenci 2016.\n"} |
395 | {"en": "Her brother Muhammad Waseem was arrested. Days later he told a press conference that he had no remorse over what he did, saying that \"of course\" he had murdered his sister and that her behaviour had been \"intolerable.\"\n", "cs": "Jej\u00ed bratr Muhammad Waseem byl zat\u010den. O n\u011bkolik dn\u00ed pozd\u011bji na tiskov\u00e9 konferenci \u0159ekl, \u017ee nelituje toho, co ud\u011blal, a \u017ee \u201esamoz\u0159ejm\u011b\u201c zavra\u017edil svoji sestru, proto\u017ee jej\u00ed chov\u00e1n\u00ed bylo \u201enetolerovateln\u00e9\u201c.\n"} |
396 | {"en": "His lawyer, Sardar Mehmood, told AFP the court in the eastern city of Multan had found his client guilty and sentenced him to life imprisonment, in a long-awaited verdict.\n", "cs": "Waseem\u016fv pr\u00e1vn\u00edk Sardar Mehmood \u0159ekl agentu\u0159e AFP, \u017ee soud ve m\u011bst\u011b Multan ve v\u00fdchodn\u00ed \u010d\u00e1sti zem\u011b shledal jeho klienta vinn\u00fdm a odsoudil ho k do\u017eivotn\u00edmu v\u011bzen\u00ed v dlouho o\u010dek\u00e1van\u00e9m procesu.\n"} |
397 | {"en": "\"Inshallah (God willing), he will be acquitted by a high court,\" he said.\n", "cs": "\u201eIn\u0161al\u00e1h (d\u00e1-li B\u016fh), bude osvobozen vrchn\u00edm soudem,\u201c \u0159ekl pr\u00e1vn\u00edk.\n"} |
398 | {"en": "Earlier, Baloch's mother Anwar Mai told AFP she had hoped her son would be acquitted.\n", "cs": "Matka Balochov\u00e9, Anwar Maiov\u00e1, ji\u017e d\u0159\u00edve \u0159ekla AFP, \u017ee douf\u00e1, \u017ee jej\u00ed syn bude zpro\u0161t\u011bn obvin\u011bn\u00ed.\n"} |
399 | {"en": "\"He is innocent. She was my daughter and he is my son,\" she said.\n", "cs": "\u201eJe nevinn\u00fd. Byla to moje dcera a on je m\u016fj syn,\u201c \u0159ekla.\n"} |
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