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我以前下载一个同性恋软件,五十米以内就有用户,说明不是同一层就是楼上或者楼下,而且有专门的已婚同性恋群,群里聊天内容不堪入目,其中一个男人让自己岁数不大的儿子舔,而竟然没有一个人觉得不对,恶心吧 | 1sexist
| MA | I | I used to download a gay software that had users within 50 meters, either on the same floor or upstairs or downstairs, and there was a special married group of gays and lesbians who talked in groups, and one of them let his little son lick it, and none of them was wrong. |
中国西欧美国对社会运动形成了群体免疫,后来没有再大规模爆发;而严防死守的东欧诸国,在下一波社会运动爆发时就轰然倒塌了。 | 0not sexist
| null | null | In Western Europe, China, the United States of America has been immunizing the social movement, and there has been no further large-scale outbreak; and the Eastern European countries, which are heavily guarded, have collapsed in the next wave of social movements. |
没事,我们还是需要努力的一代,也许看不到结果,成为过程的力量也挺好 | 0not sexist
| null | null | It's okay, we're still a generation that needs to work hard, and maybe we can't see the results, and it's good to be the power of the process. |
别把别把受不起,虽然湄拉是个好设定,但是艾梅柏演的角色还是不要和德普再捎上关系了 | 0not sexist
| null | null | Don't take it personally. Although Mekong's a good setup, Ember's role is no longer relevant to Depp. |
估计账号是注册在女性的名下,如果出事了用女性给他顶锅 | 0not sexist
| null | null | It's estimated that the account number is registered to a woman, and if anything happens, a woman will be used against him. |
借楼,我们应重视:1高等教育和事业。 2属于自己那份财产和不动产继承权。 3养不起或不想生一定别生孩子,想生又养的起可单身生育不用结婚。4生育有死亡风险。5学门外语(如英语)和职业技能。 6不婚并且与异性保持安全距离,不和已有婚恋关系的异性交往。7在生活中和国内外女/男们交流增强社交能力。 | 0not sexist
| null | null | We should pay attention to: 1 higher education and career; 2 the inheritance of property and real estate belonging to ourselves; 3 the inability or unwillingness to have other children; 4 the risk of death in childbirth; 5 the study of foreign languages (e.g. English) and vocational skills; 6 the absence of marriage and the safe distance from the opposite sex, and the absence of contact with the opposite sex; 7 the socialization of women/men in life and in domestic and foreign exchanges. |
我本能地相信一个女孩的无辜无助,也不会相信一个中年男人爱上女孩子的故事。 | 0not sexist
| null | null | I instinctively believe in the innocence of a girl and not in the story of a middle-aged man falling in love with a girl. |
亏你还是女性博主。 对这方面没有一点敏感性 | 0not sexist
| null | null | You're still a female blogger, and there's no sensitivity to that. |
所以说公众平台有什么意义?大家都发发天下和谐的文章好了,报警无人受理,现在连说话的权利也没有了,干脆点大家都祈祷自己运气好不会遇到这种事好了,遇到了就直接给对方一脚让他断子绝孙吧,毕竟也只能自己帮自己报仇了 | 0not sexist
| null | null | So what's the point of a public platform? Everyone's got a piece on harmony, there's no complaint to the police, there's no right to talk, so just pray that you're lucky you won't have this kind of thing. |
一直都没发现这条惊天大驴,直到突然怀崽才发现,一怀孕就开始歪屁股 举报 赞[12] 回复 05月12日 00:29 来自网页 | 1sexist
| MA | G | I didn't find this horrifying ass until I got pregnant, and I started to wring my ass when I got pregnant. |
我现在在读初二,马上升初三了。同年级其他班的有一个男生,经常在小卖部蹲点摸女生屁股啊腰啊手啊,被告发了没多久又开始作祟,我就惨遭毒手过 | 0not sexist
| null | null | I'm in second grade now, and the horses are in third grade. One of the other boys in the same class, he's always at the grocery store touching girls' ass. |
法律硕士就法律硕士,法学硕士又不说专业,半吊子装什么装呢 举报 赞[16] 回复 06月07日 17:14 来自网页 | 0not sexist
| null | null | Master's degree in law, Master's degree in law, not a profession, what's half-dressed, whistle-blowers, praises, reply, 07/06 17:14 from the web site. |
这照片我看男的不是挺乐呵的,怕是钱没给够气急了出来污一手吧 | 0not sexist
| null | null | I don't think it's a good picture of a man. |
许老师每次都把事情说得有理有据 论阐明观点我只服许老师 | 0not sexist
| null | null | Mr. Xu always makes things sound and reasoned. |
还有男女权运动也是男女不平等的倾权运动。 | 0not sexist
| null | null | There are also women ' s and men ' s rights movements, which are also movements in which men ' s and women ' s rights are unequal. |
不过步步惊心丽是真好看 所有影视剧私信我剧名拿资源❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ | 0not sexist
| null | null | But it's nice to see all the video dramas are private and I'm a resource person. |
又看到了用某一个职业甚至其中的某些科目来来以偏概全偷换概念评论比较所谓男女区别的。那是对身体素质的要求,而非性别。我不相信身体素质和体格指标完全一样的一男一女在战斗力上有太大差别。身高一米八体重七十公斤的女人也不可能打不过一米六五十公斤的男人。 | 0not sexist
| null | null | And I see that using a profession or even some of its subjects to change the concept of male and female differences in preference to the concept of sex. That is a requirement for physical qualities, not gender. I don't believe that a man and a woman with exactly the same physical qualities and physical indicators differ too much in their combat power. A woman with an 8-metre height and 70-kilogram weight is unlikely to beat a man with a six-foot-and-a-half-kilogram. |
你让我悟到了一个可怕的点。鲍毓明他可能真的就是那样想的,像他为自己辩护的那样 | 0not sexist
| null | null | You remind me of a terrible point. Pauline might really think that way, just like he defended himself. |
只要你为女性发声,只要你有独立意识,你就是“女拳” | 1sexist
| MA | I | As long as you speak for a woman, as long as you're independent, you're a woman's fist. |
怀疑真实性,金基德已经存在很久了,现在才集体爆出丑闻,有点过于完美 | 0not sexist
| null | null | It's been a long time since King's existence to suspect the truth. It's a little too perfect for a collective scandal. |
结婚率生育率慢慢下降了,所以有人着急了,德国单身生物的女人好多, 有男人精子他就要付抚养费。。 还是法律不公吧,男权社会何来女权? | 1sexist
| MA | I | The fertility rate has slowly declined, so some are anxious that German women with single organisms are so many that they have male sperm that they have to pay maintenance. Still, the law is not fair, so why should a patriarchal society have women’s rights? |
既得利益者为了维护自己的权利不断去抹黑女权 和女权本身没有太大关系 他们希望所有女人大门不出二门不迈提供免费子宫和劳动力最好 还能容忍几个姐妹一起上 这样逼死女人了他们才会闭嘴 | 1sexist
| MA | I | It's not so much about femininity as it is about women's rights, and they want all women to be free of uterus and labor, and to be able to put up with a few sisters so that they can shut up if they want to kill them. |
我怎么总觉得这些人的想法是~你们要帮我让他不要打我,让我们幸福的过日子……而不是远离…… | 0not sexist
| null | null | Why do I always think the idea of these people is that you're going to help me keep him from beating me and making us happy instead of being away from... |
你这种为钱可以抛弃原则,抛弃做人的底线专干断章取义谩骂污蔑的人也配谈脑子,请先学会做人再来辩,省我浪费时间 | 0not sexist
| null | null | You can throw away the principle of money, forget about being a human being and swear about insults. Please learn to be human before arguing. Save me the waste of time. |
我觉得正确的思想不应该为了考虑实用性而隐而不宣。也许影响不了这一代中国人,但有可能影响下一代。 | 0not sexist
| null | null | I don't think the right idea should be hidden for practical reasons. It may not affect this generation of Chinese, but it may affect the next generation. |
这说的很中肯,等警方调查结果吧,单方面指控说明不了什么 | 0not sexist
| null | null | That's a good point. Wait till the police find out. Unilateral charges don't mean anything. |
绝不是要强迫每个受害者都出来给自己发声 也不奢望所有施暴者都能在短期内受到审判 只是受害者需要一个不被当成异类的环境 更不会因为自己没有做错的事情被人厌恶和嘲笑 受害者是需要给予勇气和支持的 因为承认自己是弱者才是走向重生的第一步 | 0not sexist
| null | null | It's not about forcing every victim to come out and speak to himself, or wanting all the aggressors to be tried in the short term, but it's about the victim's need for an environment that doesn't look like a different person, not to be disgusted and mocked for what he did not do wrong. |
可不是,不就是女人生了那么多男人来害人害己吗 | 1sexist
| MA | I | No, it's just that women have so many men to hurt themselves. |
她说鲍xx高大多金是最佳归宿,她自己想嫁过去吧 | 0not sexist
| null | null | She said that most of the gold is the best place to go. She wants to marry herself. |
是啊,口味本来就是一种个人的主观判断,有什么问题吗?,说吃川菜的口味重,我不太喜欢川菜,并不是批判或否定川菜。口味也是艺术的一种表现形式,如同野兽派对色彩的运用,浮世绘对线条的运用,都是极致的,或者说口味重的。 | 0not sexist
| null | null | Yeah, taste is a personal subjective judgment. What's the problem? I don't like it very much. It's not critical or negative. |
这位支持艾女士的正义路人说的对!可以问问艾女士她利用女拳和米兔进行炒作,从而获得利益烦不烦? 评论配图 | 0not sexist
| null | null | The righteous man who supports Ms. Ai is right! Can you ask Ms. Ai if she's upset that she's using a woman's fist and a rice rabbit to make fun of her? |
跟谁姓是她的自由你凭什么指手画脚 | 0not sexist
| null | null | Who's her last name is her freedom? How can you tell me what to do? |
女人不应该故意裸露,这确实是对自己的一种保护。但有故意裸露,或无意走光,应该跟男性同等对待,这是对女性真正解放。否则这是种精神禁锢,男女不同,不公正的。 | 0not sexist
| null | null | Women should not be deliberately naked, which is indeed a protection for themselves. But they should be treated in the same way as men, either with intent to be naked or without intention. This is true emancipation for women. Otherwise, it is spiritual incarnation, different and unjust. |
因为当时证据在德普的律师团队手上,他们隐藏了,最近才回到德普自己手上。至于之前的律师团队为什么那么做,就不知道了 | 0not sexist
| null | null | Because the evidence was in the hands of Depp's team of lawyers, who hid it and only recently returned to DePou's own hands. As to why the previous team did that, I don't know. |
是,看出你就是想上来撕了我的那批人了,做个网友可真难,不仅得提供价值观还得提供方法论。说实在的我也不知道咋办,反正男人看女人率先互撕肯定可开心了 | 0not sexist
| null | null | Yeah, it's hard to be a networker, not only to provide values, but also to provide a methodology. I don't really know what to do. Men must be happy to see women tear each other first. |
我最恶心的是宣扬同性恋,其次是田园女权,再次是教男女PUA。 | 1sexist
| MA | I | The worst part of me is to promote homosexuality, followed by women's rights in the fields, and teach men and women PUA. |
遇到这样的就蹬鼻子上脸就完事了,他要是说“对对对都是你对”,你就可以“确实我对,那记住我说的是什么了吗?来,跟我重复一遍” | 0not sexist
| null | null | If he says, "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Remember what I said? Come on, repeat it to me." |
这人贴标签倒挺溜。怎么会关注你啊…三观严重不和啊,…… | 0not sexist
| null | null | This guy's got a pretty good sticker. How could he care about you? |
但是要补偿多少才合适呢?出生到成人,要算时间金钱成本,补偿100万都不算多,但是又有多少父亲拿得出? | 0not sexist
| null | null | But how much compensation is appropriate? How many fathers do you get when you're an adult, at the cost of time and money? |
酸兔的也是搞笑 没看小编最后一句吗 这个媒体和jyp关系不好啊 | 0not sexist
| null | null | Sour rabbits are funny, too. Don't you see the last sentence of editor-in-chief? |
爱死了!爱死了!爱死了!瞬间我就沸腾了~ | 0not sexist
| null | null | Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love. |
这是我学姐的真实经历,我说的是"有些",不要给我扣帽子,敌人还没打跑,先跟自己人杠上了。 | 0not sexist
| null | null | This is my real experience with my sister. I'm talking about "some." Don't take my hat off. The enemy hasn't run away yet. |
换个思路 如果她身边的女生都她这种 那女生之间都是敌对的 | 0not sexist
| null | null | In a different way, if all the girls around her are hers, the girls are hostile. |
戳到他们基点了呗,毕竟有些词说的不就是这帮天天叨逼叨逼的人吗 | 0not sexist
| null | null | That's what they're talking about. |
她是不是演过一个丑女翻身的电影唱了一首玛利亚 | 0not sexist
| null | null | Did she sing a Maria in an ugly movie? |
逼迫胁迫女生拍摄合同以外的东西违反合同法 也是犯罪行为懂了吗? | 0not sexist
| null | null | It's also a crime to force a girl to film something other than a contract. |
站在别人的角度换位思考真的很重要,不要用理所当然or这个社会的潜规则去束缚人的思考能力,不是没有良知只是它有时候被暂时蒙蔽了 | 0not sexist
| null | null | It's really important to think differently from someone else's. Don't use the subterranean rules of a society that's right or wrong to restrain a person's ability to think. It's not lack of conscience. It's just that it's sometimes blinded. |
怎么说呢 聪明人都懂得扬长避短以及用做成的事到达的成果说话 个体差异远远大过群体差异 | 0not sexist
| null | null | Well, smart people know how to stay out of it and get results with what they've done, and the differences between individuals are far greater than the differences between groups. |
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 笑死我了 还有和杨菊花八字不合梗🙊 | 1sexist
| MA | I | Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. |
茶真的没有说 伍迪艾伦在干嘛 对一个第一次合作的年轻演员这样小肚鸡肠 | 0not sexist
| null | null | The tea really didn't say what Woody Allen was doing with a young actress like that for the first time. |
你说得没错,但是大千世界无奇不有,你见多了就明白了 | 0not sexist
| null | null | You're right, but there's no surprise in the whole world. You've seen it all. |
一些人真的无语了,能不能就刨除情绪,拿事实按法律说事呢 | 0not sexist
| null | null | Some people really don't say a word. Can't they just take it out and tell the truth as a matter of law? |
也不是吧,细品更多侧重女性特征存在在男性身体的冲突戏剧感,有些中年女性的个性我一姑娘都烦 | 1sexist
| MA | G | I don't think so. It's more feminized. There's a sense of conflict in men's bodies. Some middle-aged women's personality bothers me. |
有石锤有打脸,还有这样的霍霍,这个戏可以说是相当好看了啊哈哈哈 | 0not sexist
| null | null | With a hammer and a face and a ho-ho, it's a pretty good show. |
想问碳酸饮料真的不能喝吗?昨天家庭聚餐又被说了,说喝多了不容易怀孕,哎,我又不能说我不想结婚生孩子,不然又唠叨 | 0not sexist
| null | null | I can't say I don't want to get married and have kids, and I can't say I don't want to. |
外公和公公可不是一个概念,可能你在说方言?你改了姓,也是和你外公姓,所以你是男权的附属品吗?是吗?,哇我越想你的逻辑越觉得厉害。女人出钱养一个啥事不干的男人,就是丧失女性主权,是男权的附属物。那我们应该大张旗鼓的表扬那些被男人养着啥事不干的女人啊,毕竟她们让男人丧失男性主权,让男人成为了女权的附属品啊!时代精英啊!,那你的意思是,如果一个男人出钱养了个啥事也不干的女人,他就是丧失男权了? | 1sexist
| SCB | G | Grandpa and Grandpa aren't concepts. Maybe you're speaking dialects. You changed your last name, and you're your grandfather's, so you're an accessory to male power. Is that right? The more I think about your logic. |
他那堆emoji小作文给人的感觉就像白头山大将军家的女主播痛斥美帝国主义 虽然自己很愤怒 但对方很可能一个字也没看懂还觉得你得了失心疯 | 0not sexist
| null | null | His little emoji essays are like the women of White Head Hill's family repulsing American imperialism, though they're angry, but they probably don't understand a word and think you're losing your mind. |
前夫,他母亲的第二个儿子,用他的话来说,从小就是二等公民,被母亲忽视,他从小一边愤愤不满,一边渴望得到认可,心态扭曲以至婚后家暴,个人认为就是他母亲对2个儿子的区别对待导致他内心仇恨女性而他却并不自知,导致他性格阴晴不定,喜怒无常。 | 0not sexist
| null | null | The former husband, his mother ' s second son, was, in his words, a second-class citizen, ignored by his mother, who grew up angry and angry at him, who yearned for recognition, distorted his mind and went to marital violence, and who thought that his mother ' s differential treatment of two sons had led him to hate women in his heart while he did not know it, causing him to have a chilling and irritated character. |
是的,通过小事看一个人,这是以前说的话,仔细想想应该是通过小事丰富更认识这个人,而现在变成了断定,下标签这个人了… | 0not sexist
| null | null | Yeah, looking at a person through a small thing, that's what I said before. Thinking about it as a small thing to get to know him better, and now it's a decision to label him... |
其实,自身条件很好的女生,不会这样。自卑的人才会整天跳脚。作为女的,我都以他们为耻 | 1sexist
| MA | I | In fact, girls who are in good shape don't do that. People who don't like themselves jump around all day. As women, I'm ashamed of them. |
我也思考过这个问题。我拿自己做类比:平时不发批判zf的反抗言论,反倒总是批判“极端自由派” | 0not sexist
| null | null | I've been thinking about it. I've used my own analogy: "Extremist liberals" are always criticized instead of criticising zf's resistance. |
真的是,就想说句没事儿吧?直成脑瘫了都,还聚着呢。多做点事儿。闲得……都这么大个人了,大sao担着一家人的担子,这帮键盘侠还一个人蹲出租房里骂骂咧咧 | 0not sexist
| null | null | Really, just to say it's okay? You've got a brain problem, you've got a lot of stuff to do. You've got a lot of time, you've got a lot of time, you've got a lot of time, you've got a lot of time, you've got a whole family on your hands. |
时代在进步 对过去那一套都是取其精华 弃其糟粕 您不会还活在旧社会 认为女子地位本就该低下吧?作为女子必须嫁为人妻 作为人妻必须生子 还要学会三从四德?那祝您能找到这样以夫为天的妻子呢 找不到可千万不能结婚 | 1sexist
| MA | I | You don't live in the old world and think that a woman's status should be inferior? As a woman must be married, and as a wife must have children. |
还他妈用我十元头像,简直是玷污十元,滚! | 0not sexist
| null | null | You're using my fucking ten-dollar head. It's a Ten-dollar stain. Get out of here! |
人性的丑恶他毫不掩饰体现出来了,作为女性,有时候要学会保护自己。 | 0not sexist
| null | null | The ugly nature of the human being, which he did not hide, sometimes learned to protect himself as a woman. |
那你承认他使用传言评定一个人了吗?你可以支持这个案件里面伍迪艾伦的立场,但没必要在众多演员里面挑一个表态几乎是最中立得体的演员来开涮。 | 0not sexist
| null | null | So do you admit that he's using rumours to rate a person? You can support Woody Allen's position in this case, but you don't have to pick an actor out of a lot of actors who are almost the most neutral. |
男主为了梦想抛弃家庭,去了一个陌生地方,为了有人照顾跟当地土着女结婚还生了孩子,都得传染病了,土着女扔不离不弃。跟月亮差不多的人性的枷锁里的那些配角女性也是,有那样的丈夫依然不离不弃生儿育女 | 1sexist
| MA | I | The man abandoned his family in his dream, went to a strange place, got infected, got married to a native girl, and gave birth to a child. And so did the woman who was a partner in the human shackles similar to the moon, who still had a husband who didn't give birth to a child. |
抱歉真没看到几个男性哈 全是阴阳怪气的女的 阴阳怪气你🐴 呢 | 1sexist
| MA | G | I'm sorry I didn't see a few men. |
田园女权就是自我矮化不够还得在历史上找存在感? | 1sexist
| SCB | I | The women's rights in the fields are not enough to become self-deficit enough to have a sense of existence in history? |
讲真 我觉得有些女性简直是毒药 没有屌 确是屌癌 | 1sexist
| MA | G | Seriously, I think some women are poison. |
问题泛华、贴大字报,本来是天朝微博用户(不只是田园女权)的法宝,居然流落到海外了 | 0not sexist
| null | null | The problem is that it's not just the women's rights in the fields, but it's all over the country. |
既想像欧美女人那样平等自由,又不想承担共同的养家责任,要求男买车买房还高价彩礼。同时又想像日韩女人那样养尊处优,又做不到他们那样那样的恭检持家相夫教子。又想得便宜又不想承义务。真是可笑。 | 1sexist
| SCB | I | Both want to be as free as beautiful women in Europe as they are, and do not want to share the responsibility of supporting their families, and ask men to buy cars and houses at a price of bride price. At the same time, it is ridiculous to expect Japanese women to be as generous as they are, and not as respectful as they are to take care of their children. |
中国什么时候也能有个真正的女权运动 | 0not sexist
| null | null | When can there be a real feminist movement in China? |
这个叫诗?就一个自我感动自我同情的打工男做作的哀嚎,我今年过年不回家 | 0not sexist
| null | null | It's called poetry. I'm not coming home this year. |
说得太对,我之前和朋友说“最近看完我耽美没几本”,细想起,原因就是这个,我快耽美PTSD | 0not sexist
| null | null | That's right. I said to my friends, "I haven't seen much of it lately," and I thought, "That's why I'm holding up PTSD." |
人家说的是不承认,愿意接受调查。你这妇女报怎么专门护屌啊 | 1sexist
| MA | G | People say they don't admit it, they want to be investigated. You're a woman who cares about dicks. |
不知道这些人多么阅人无数才觉得男人都出轨 | 0not sexist
| null | null | I don't know how many of these people think men are cheating. |
谋求中国式家庭教育下的女性权利,仍然是个漫长的过程。 | 0not sexist
| null | null | The pursuit of women ' s rights in Chinese-style family education is still a long process. |
说得太好了,嫌货才是买货人。男人是既得利益者,想通过骂男人让他们变为圣人,连宗教性洗脑都不敢这么想 | 1sexist
| MA | I | That's great. You're the buyer. A man's a vested interest, trying to make him a saint by scolding a man. A religious brainwasher doesn't even think that. |
不一定,我是因为被洗脑这样很浪荡,就条件反射不喜欢,你可能就是讨厌那种音色 | 0not sexist
| null | null | I don't know, because I'm being brainwashed, and I'm not gonna like it. You probably just hate that sound. |
这个事儿就不适合打拳着呢,不认识他的人肯定就理解错了,主要对于那些田园女权,我也不知道怎么搞,每次看这种事情都挺烦的 | 1sexist
| SCB | I | I don't know what to do with boxing. People who don't know him get it wrong. I don't know what to do with women's rights in the fields. |
20多岁的脑子很多都很简单的,我20岁的时候还相信爱情呢,见多识广了想法就不同了,所以男人喜欢年纪小的,说得好听单纯,说得难听就是蠢呗 | 0not sexist
| null | null | When I was 20 years old, I believed in love. It's different to see a lot of ideas, so a man likes a young man. |
那些家伙真的是一群鼠妇,现实中像个孙子一样的东西。 | 1sexist
| MA | I | Those guys are really a bunch of rats and they're like grandchildren. |
脸皮真的是个神奇的东西,因为它可大可小、可薄可厚,对于有些人来说甚至可有可无 | 0not sexist
| null | null | Faces are amazing, because they're small, they're small, they're thin, they're even for some. |
是啊不知道什么时候女权变成这样了,不过那PO主的简介是女尊 | 0not sexist
| null | null | Yeah, well, I don't know when this is going to happen, but the owner's profile is the lady. |
所谓的平权派,就是吃着女权努力挣来的红利,舔着男权的油水。 | 1sexist
| SCB | I | The so-called affirmative is to eat the dividends of feminist efforts and lick the men's oil. |
我觉得给他的话无前因后果扣上厌女的罪名是不公平的,更何况投稿人都说了有节目要求讲的部分。曾经他很温柔地拒绝了对他表白的女生,还有说体重的事情也讲过每个人情况不一样做自己不在意别人的眼光,还有直播的时候别人提到男生需要战斗像体育的时候他还说过体育也有女生。 | 0not sexist
| null | null | I don’t think it’s fair to hold him on charges of prevarication, not to mention the fact that the contributors say what they want to tell him. He’s been very gentle in refusing to tell him about the girl, and he’s also saying that weight is not the same for everyone as he doesn’t care about others, and that he also says that there are girls in sports when it comes to men’s need to fight like sports when they're on the air. |
我不厌女,但是我总是莫名其妙被其他女人厌恶,就很sad……有时候会和男生玩,因为女性朋友太少了 | 1sexist
| SCB | I | I'm not tired of women, but I'm always hated by other women for no reason, and I'm sad... sometimes I play with boys because there are too few women. |
看不到她们往“极端女权”投诚,反而有点怪我们声响太大惊动党中央,男权立刻敏感起来把法律改好了的感觉 | 1sexist
| SCB | G | It's a bit of a blame for not seeing them turn to “extreme feminism”, but for the fact that we're too loud to shock the center of the party, and that men's rights are immediately sensibilized to change the law. |
不是也有黑粉到处叫嚣不看神奇动物2的吗??你不看神2我不看海王哪里没对吗?不知道评论里面的道德卫士在杠啥子嘻嘻嘻 | 0not sexist
| null | null | Don't you see that there's black powder out there calling out about the Wonder Animal? I don't see the Sea King if you don't look at God. I don't know what the moral guard in the review is talking about. |
我是说你“反正只是死了一坨肉”那句话,表达的是一坨肉是唯一受到伤害的东西,孕妇受伤不重要....你写着一大段不相关的话我都替你累得慌,孕妇本人被打受的伤在你看来都不是个事呗,还没有那坨细胞重要 | 0not sexist
| null | null | I mean, you're saying that you're "a dead piece of meat" that means a piece of meat is the only thing that's hurt, and it doesn't matter if a pregnant woman gets hurt. |
支持你!很多女演员一边抱怨着男权碾压女性的不公社会,同时自己在戏中又在一味迎合那些男权碾压女性的角色,助纣为虐! | 1sexist
| MA | I | Support you! Many actresses complain about the unjust society of male power over women, while at the same time they cater to male power over female roles and aid abuse! |
女人有工作,但架不住田园女权没脑呀,男女之间一定要对立你才能高潮? | 1sexist
| MA | G | A woman has a job, but she can't hold a woman's rights in the field. |
想都没想清楚就糊里糊涂的结婚才是有病,当然像我这样找到真爱结婚的才是幸运 | 0not sexist
| null | null | It's sick to get married without thinking about it, but it's lucky to find someone like me. |
就是看完心里有一种说不明白的感觉,很难过,心酸,愤怒,无力都有,也不知道怎么办,现在能想到的就是一定要保护好自己吧 | 0not sexist
| null | null | It's a feeling of confusion, sadness, anger, incompetence, and I don't know what to do. |
我妈就很恨我,尖酸刻薄的话只在我们两人独处的时候才会说。有旁人在她就是一副好妈妈的样子。 | 0not sexist
| null | null | My mom hates me, and the meanest words are only said when we're alone. There's someone else who looks like a good mom. |
我这里也是,跟母姓也不是什么大事吧,合理合法,被po主说得好奇怪… | 0not sexist
| null | null | I don't think it's a big deal to have a mother's last name here. |
伪女权和女权我都不支持。我支持平权 | 0not sexist
| null | null | I don't support femininity and feminism. I support affirmative action. |
不能管人家叫驴。发声不是这个发法。现在搞到全网黑,达到效果了? | 0not sexist
| null | null | You can't call yourself a donkey. It's not that way. It's all black. |
有女的还说:不结婚的女人自私。而且生的还是女儿哟,真心疼当它女儿的人。 | 1sexist
| SCB | G | And the woman also said: A woman who does not marry is selfish; and she is born a daughter, and truly loves him who is his daughter. |
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