stringlengths 2
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stringlengths 2
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stringlengths 27
Нужно найти Тома. | Tom needs to be found. | can you translate this message from English to Russian |
汤姆说他爱我。 | Tom said he loved me. | Please can you translate this input text from English to Mandarin_chinese? |
It won't be long. | Ça ne sera pas long. | Please can you switch the sentence from French to English. |
У нас у всех есть выбор. | We all have choices. | Please translate this message from English to Russian. |
Who's the person in charge? | Ki itt a főnök? | can you please switch the text from Hungarian to English? |
Please feed the dog every day. | Пожалуйста, корми собаку каждый день. | can you switch the text from Russian to English? |
Wychodzę. | I'm leaving. | Please can you translate this text from English to Polish. |
Non credo che Tom sia una spia. | I don't believe Tom is a spy. | Please communicate this sentence from English to Italian? |
Is distilled water drinkable? | Kann man destilliertes Wasser trinken? | Can you please translate from German to English? |
I will fight. | Lotterò. | please translate this input message from Italian to English |
Tämä kaivo on hyvin syvä. | This well is very deep. | Convert from English to Finnish. |
You aren't a bad person. | Вы неплохой человек. | Please switch the text from Russian to English? |
J'ai à faire ailleurs. | I have business elsewhere. | Can you please switch the message from English to French |
तुला लॅटीन येते का? | Do you know Latin? | Please can you translate from English to Marathi? |
Quindi che cosa vuole sapere? | So what do you want to know? | please communicate this sentence from English to Italian? |
Tom said that he thought that I was flaky. | Tom zei dat hij dacht dat ik schilferig was. | Can you please translate this input sentence from Dutch to English? |
Tom doesn't realize what he's lost. | Tom weiß gar nicht, was er verloren hat. | Translate this message from German to English? |
It's even very cold in May. | Даже в мае ещё очень холодно. | convert from Russian to English. |
You gave me one of these before. | Dałeś mi już jedną z tych. | I need a translation from Polish to English |
O Tom phendas mange ke kamlas te žal. | Tom told me he wanted to go. | Please translate this input text from English to Romani? |
Tendo a dubitarlo. | I tend to doubt it. | switch the text from English to Italian? |
Do you do this every day? | Fai questo ogni giorno? | Please switch the message from Italian to English? |
Je n'écoutais pas la radio. | I wasn't listening to the radio. | please can you translate this input message from English to French |
トムは忙しくないよね。 | Tom isn't busy, is he? | Can you communicate this message from English to Japanese |
Tom said he apologized to Mary. | トムはメアリーに謝罪したと言ってました。 | please can you communicate this message from Japanese to English? |
I knew they were your friends. | Sabía que eran tus amigos. | translate this sentence from Spanish to English? |
Я думаю, здесь Том и находится. | I think that's where Tom is. | please communicate this sentence from English to Russian? |
Aylardır bunu bekliyorum. | I've been waiting for this for months. | Can you please convert from English to Turkish? |
Як справи, Томе? | How are you doing, Tom? | Can you please translate this message from English to Ukrainian? |
映画見に行きたい。 | I want to go to the movies. | Please communicate this sentence from English to Japanese? |
Pensi che Tom sia colpevole? | Do you think Tom is guilty? | convert from English to Italian |
Рядом с моим домом есть парк. | There is a park near my house. | Translate this input sentence from English to Russian? |
Спросите у кого-нибудь. | Ask anyone. | Please can you switch the text from English to Russian. |
Procuro levantarme a las seis. | I make it a rule to get up at six. | can you translate this input text from English to Spanish. |
We're not friends anymore. | Emme ole enää ystäviä. | please can you translate this message from Finnish to English. |
У тебя есть последняя версия? | Do you have the latest version? | I need a translation from English to Russian |
It leaves nothing much to be desired. | Es lässt nicht viel zu wünschen übrig. | can you translate this input sentence from German to English. |
Tom wasn't listening to Mary. | Tom não estava ouvindo a Mary. | communicate this sentence from Portuguese to English |
They arrived at the hotel. | 彼らはホテルに着いた。 | can you please translate this text from Japanese to English? |
È troppo lento. | He's too slow. | please translate this message from English to Italian |
Почему ты мне не поверил? | Why didn't you believe me? | can you please communicate this message from English to Russian |
Which bicycle is Tom's? | Které kolo je Toma? | Please can you translate this input text from Czech to English? |
A cobra bit Tom. | Тома укусила кобра. | please can you communicate this sentence from Russian to English? |
Tom gestand ein, einen Fehler begangen zu haben. | Tom acknowledged making a mistake. | please can you translate this sentence from English to German? |
Tom estaba ausente. | Tom was absent. | Switch the message from English to Spanish |
Tom is the son of a doctor. | Tom bir doktorun oğlu. | Please can you translate this sentence from Turkish to English |
They were incredibly close. | İnanılmaz derecede yakınlardı. | Translate from Turkish to English. |
If that ever happens, I'll eat my hat. | 如果真係發生啲咁嘅事,我就切個頭落嚟俾你當凳坐。 | switch the message from Cantonese to English? |
My dog died last winter. | Mój pies zmarł zeszłej zimy. | Please can you translate this text from Polish to English? |
Maybe Tom was trying to warn us about something. | Vielleicht versuchte Tom, uns vor etwas zu warnen. | Convert the following text from German to English |
Vent lige der. | Wait right there. | Please can you translate this input text from English to Danish? |
You have time. | Du hast Zeit. | please can you switch the message from German to English |
Are both Tom and Mary Canadians? | 湯姆和瑪麗都是加拿大人嗎? | Can you translate this sentence from Mandarin_chinese to English |
Том нехотя вернулся в комнату. | Tom reluctantly went back into the room. | Please convert from English to Russian? |
את יכולה לדבר על זה מעט? | Can you talk about that a little? | Can you please translate this input sentence from English to Hebrew. |
Ei bine, noaptea este destul de lungă, nu-i așa? | Well, the night is quite long, isn't it? | translate this input sentence from English to Romanian |
Meine Mutter sagte mir, ich sei fett. | My mom told me that I'm fat. | please can you convert from English to German. |
Ово је некада била Томова канцеларија. | This used to be Tom's office. | translate this sentence from English to Serbian. |
Where are my books? | Каде ми се книгите? | Can you communicate this message from Macedonian to English? |
Тому не следовало это делать. | Tom shouldn't have done that. | Translate this text from English to Russian |
I just want to sleep. | 眠たいだけだよ。 | Please communicate this text from Japanese to English? |
Je suis d'accord avec toi d'une certaine manière. | I agree with you to a certain extent. | Please translate this input text from English to French. |
トムが戻るまで、ここでお待ちください。 | Please wait here until Tom gets back. | please can you translate this sentence from English to Japanese? |
Tom didn't even do that. | Tom nem fez isso. | please can you communicate this text from Portuguese to English? |
Food and blankets were given to the refugees. | Lebensmittel und Decken wurden an die Flüchtlinge ausgegeben. | can you please communicate this sentence from German to English? |
Уча френски сам. | I'm learning French on my own. | translate this sentence from English to Bulgarian |
The whole class took the test. | Toute la classe a passé le test. | please switch the message from French to English. |
Is my answer correct? | Tgerrez tiririt-iw? | can you switch the text from Kabyle to English? |
Don't let Tom look at these pictures. | トムにこの写真を見せないで。 | communicate this message from Japanese to English? |
I know why he did it. | Wiem, dlaczego to zrobił. | please translate this input text from Polish to English? |
I listened for a long time, but I didn't hear anything. | הקשבתי זמן רב אך לא שמעתי דבר. | Switch the message from Hebrew to English? |
Get off the train immediately. | Azonnal szállj le a vonatról! | can you please switch the message from Hungarian to English? |
Поверить не могу, что ты это Тому сказал. | I can't believe that you told Tom that. | Can you communicate this sentence from English to Russian? |
Podés comprar ese perro si querés. Está en venta. | You can buy that dog if you want to. It is for sale. | Please translate from English to Spanish |
Яку пораду ви можете мені дати? | What advice can you give me? | Can you please translate this input sentence from English to Ukrainian? |
Я буду працювати всю ніч. | I'll be up all night working. | Please can you translate this text from English to Ukrainian. |
I thought that you'd be happy to see me. | Я думал, что ты будешь рад меня видеть. | Please convert from Russian to English? |
Ich brauche nicht hier zu sein. | I don't have to be here. | can you translate this sentence from English to German? |
My favorite subject is biology. | Мой любимый предмет — биология. | Please communicate this sentence from Russian to English. |
I'd like you to take this. | Я хотел бы, чтобы вы взяли это. | Translate this input text from Russian to English. |
Zkuste se ovládat. | Try to control yourselves. | i need a translation from English to Czech? |
Where's your family? | तुझं कुटुंब कुठेय? | translate this text from Marathi to English? |
Tom looked at Mary and so did John. | Tom Mary'ye baktı, John da. | Can you switch the message from Turkish to English |
Мне бы очень не хотелось оказаться в вашей шкуре. | I'd hate to be in your shoes. | can you communicate this text from English to Russian |
Who should I address the letter to? | Кому мне следует адресовать письмо? | please translate this text from Russian to English? |
I wasn't dishonest. | Я не был нечестным. | Switch the text from Russian to English? |
Tom has a blue bicycle. | Tom hat ein blaues Fahrrad. | Switch the sentence from German to English? |
You have my attention already. | Já tens a minha atenção. | Translate this text from Portuguese to English? |
Perché siete così motivate? | Why are you so motivated? | please translate this sentence from English to Italian. |
Do you know what Tom is doing? | Вы знаете, что делает Том? | please translate this input sentence from Russian to English? |
No puede tu fumá adentro del elevator. | You may not smoke in the elevator. | can you please translate this message from English to Chavacano? |
You look a little green. | Egy kicsit zöldnek tűnsz. | please convert from Hungarian to English |
אתה לא אוהב אותי? | Don't you like me? | communicate this sentence from English to Hebrew |
Pune ouăle în frigider. | Put the eggs in the fridge. | can you please translate this text from English to Romanian? |
Eu gostava que alguém me ajudasse com isso. | I wish somebody would help me with that. | can you please translate this input text from English to Portuguese? |
Olenko mielestäsi ruma? | Do you think I'm ugly? | Switch the sentence from English to Finnish? |
發生這事是免不了的。 | What happened here was unavoidable. | can you please translate this sentence from English to Mandarin_chinese |
This magazine sells well. | Tasɣunt-a tettnuzu mliḥ. | can you please translate this input text from Berber to English. |
Я выхожу на следующей станции. | I get off at the next station. | Please translate this sentence from English to Russian? |
Are these yours? | Δικά σας είν' αυτά; | Translate this message from Greek to English |
Subsets and Splits