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d2397cef8140-0 | 828 Glossary of Technical Terms
and content (e.g., beliefs). Psychoticism is one of the five broad PERSONALITY TRAIT DO-
MAINS defined in Section III “Alternative DSM-5 Model for Pers onality Disorders.”
purging disorder Eating disorder characterized by re current purging behavior to influ-
ence weight or shape, such as self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or
other medications, in the absence of binge eating.
racing thoughts A state in which the mind uncontrollably brings up random thoughts
and memories and switches between them ve ry quickly. Sometimes the thoughts are
related, with one thought leading to anothe r; other times they are completely random.
A person experiencing an episode of racing thoughts has no cont rol over them and is
unable to focus on a single topic or to sleep.
rapid cycling Term referring to bipolar disorder char acterized by the presence of at least
four mood episodes in the previous 12 months that meet the criteria for a manic, hypo-
manic, or major depressive episode. Episodes are demarcated either by partial or full
remissions of at least 2 months or by a sw itch to an episode of the opposite polarity
(e.g., major depressive episode to manic epis ode). The rapid cycling specifier can be ap-
plied to bipolar I or bipolar II disorder.
rapid eye movement (REM) A behavioral sign of the phase of sleep during which the
sleeper is likely to be experiencing dreamlike mental activity.
repetitive speech Morphologically heterogeneous iterations of speech.
residual phase Period after an episode of schizophren ia that has partly or completed re-
mitted but in which some symptoms may remain, and symptoms such as listlessness,
problems with concentrating, and withdrawal from social activities may predominate. | dsm5.pdf |
d2397cef8140-1 | problems with concentrating, and withdrawal from social activities may predominate.
restless legs syndrome An urge to move the legs, usually accompanied or caused by
uncomfortable and unpleasant sensations in the legs (for pediatric restless legs syn-
drome, the description of these symptoms should be in the child’s own words). The
symptoms begin or worsen during periods of rest or inactivity. Symptoms are partially
or totally relieved by movement. Symptoms are worse in the evening or at night than
during the day or occur only in the night/evening.
restricted affectivity Little reaction to emotionally arousing situations; constricted
emotional experience and expression; indiffer ence and aloofness in normatively engaging
situations. Restricted affectivity is a facet of the broad personality trait domain D ETACH -
rigid perfectionism Rigid insistence on everything being flawless, perfect, and without
errors or faults, including one’s own and ot hers’ performance; sacrificing of timeliness
to ensure correctness in every detail; believi ng that there is only one right way to do
things; difficulty changing ideas and/or viewpoint; preo ccupation with details, orga-
nization, and order. Lack of rigid perfection ism is a facet of the broad personality trait
risk taking Engagement in dangerous, risky, and po tentially self-damaging activities, un-
necessarily and without regard to consequences; lack of concern for one’s limitations and
denial of the reality of personal danger; reck less pursuit of goals regardless of the level of
risk involved. Risk taking is a facet of the broad personality trait domain D ISINHIBITION .
rumination (rumination disorders) Repeated regurgitation of food over a period of at | dsm5.pdf |
d2397cef8140-2 | rumination (rumination disorders) Repeated regurgitation of food over a period of at
least 1 month. Regurgitated food may be re-chewed, re-s wallowed, or spit out. In
rumination disorders, there is no evidence that an associated gastrointestinal or an-
other medical condition (e.g., gastroesophage al reflux) is sufficient to account for the
repeated regurgitation. | dsm5.pdf |
db1c997ff1b3-0 | Glossary of Technical Terms 829
seasonal pattern A pattern of the occurrence of a sp ecific mental disorder in selected
seasons of the year.
self-directedness, self-direction Pursuit of coherent and meaningful short-term and life
goals; utilization of constructive and prosocial internal standards of behavior; ability to
self-reflect productively.
separation insecurity Fears of being alone due to rejection by and/or separation from
significant others, based in a lack of confidence in one’s ability to care for oneself, both
physically and emotionally. Separation insecu rity is a facet of the broad personality
sex Biological indication of male and female (understood in the context of reproductive
capacity), such as sex chromosomes, gona ds, sex hormones, and nonambiguous inter-
nal and external genitalia.
sign An objective manifestation of a pathological condition. Signs are observed by the
examiner rather than reported by th e affected individual. Compare with SYMPTOM .
sleep-onset REM Occurrence of the rapid eye movement (REM) phase of sleep within
minutes after falling asleep. Usually assessed by a polysomnographic MULTIPLE SLEEP
sleep terrors Recurrent episodes of abrupt terror ar ousals from sleep, usually occurring
during the first third of the major sleep episode and beginning with a panicky scream.
There is intense fear and signs of autonomi c arousal, such as mydriasis, tachycardia,
rapid breathing, and sweating, during each episode.
sleepwalking Repeated episodes of rising from bed during sleep and walking about,
usually occurring during the first third of the major sleep episode. While sleepwalking,
the person has a blank, staring face, is relati vely unresponsive to the efforts of others to | dsm5.pdf |
db1c997ff1b3-1 | communicate with him or her, and can be awakened only with great difficulty.
somnolence (or “drowsiness”) A state of near-sleep, a strong desire for sleep, or sleep-
ing for unusually long periods. It has two di stinct meanings, referring both to the usual
state preceding falling asleep and to the chro nic condition that involves being in that
state independent of a circadian rhythm. Compare with HYPERSOMNIA .
specific food cravings Irresistible desire for sp ecial types of food.
startle response (or “startle reaction”) An involuntary (reflexive) reaction to a sudden
unexpected stimulus, such as a loud noise or sharp movement.
stereotypies, stereotyped behaviors/movements Repetitive, abnorma lly frequent, non-
goal-directed movements, seemingly driven , and nonfunctional motor behavior (e.g.,
hand shaking or waving, body rock ing, head banging, self-biting).
stress The pattern of specific and nonspecifi c responses a person makes to stimulus
events that disturb his or he r equilibrium and tax or exceed his or her ability to cope.
stressor Any emotional, physical, social, economic, or other factor that disrupts the nor-
mal physiological, cognitive, emotional, or behavioral balance of an individual.
stressor, psychological Any life event or life change that may be associated temporally
(and perhaps causally) with the onset, occurr ence, or exacerbation of a mental disorder.
stupor Lack of psychomotor activity , which may range from not actively relating to the
environment to complete immobility.
submissiveness Adaptation of one’s behavior to the actual or perceived interests and
desires of others even when doing so is antithetical to one’s own interests, needs, or | dsm5.pdf |
db1c997ff1b3-2 | desires. Submissiveness is a facet of the broad personality trait domain N EGATIVE AF-
FECTIVITY . | dsm5.pdf |
9573097d7501-0 | 830 Glossary of Technical Terms
subsyndromal Below a specified level or threshold required to qualif y for a particular
condition. Subsyndromal conditions ( formes frustes) are medical condit ions that do not
meet full criteria for a diag nosis—for example, because the symptoms are fewer or less
severe than a defined syndrome—but that nevertheless can be identified and related to
the “full-blown” syndrome.
suicidal ideas (suicidal ideation) Thoughts about self-harm, with deliberate consider-
ation or planning of possible techniques of causing one’s own death.
suicide The act of intentionally causing one’s own death.
suicide attempt An attempt to end one’s own life, which may lead to one’s death.
suspiciousness Expectations of—and sensitivity to— signs of interpersonal ill intent or
harm; doubts about loyalty and fidelity of ot hers; feelings of being mistreated, used,
and/or persecuted by others. Suspiciousness is a facet of the broad personality trait do-
symptom A subjective manifestation of a pathological condition. Symptoms are reported
by the affected individual rather than observed by the examiner. Compare with SIGN .
syndrome A grouping of signs and symptoms, ba sed on their frequent co-occurrence
that may suggest a common underlying pathog enesis, course, familia l pattern, or treat-
ment selection.
synesthesias A condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway
leads to automatic, involunt ary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.
temper outburst An emotional outburst (also calle d a “tantrum”), usually associated
with children or those in emotional distress, and typically characterized by stubborn-
ness, crying, screaming, defiance, angry rant ing, a resistance to attempts at pacifica- | dsm5.pdf |
9573097d7501-1 | tion, and in some cases hitting. Physical co ntrol may be lost, the person may be unable
to remain still, and even if the “goal” of th e person is met, he or she may not be calmed.
thought-action fusion The tendency to treat thoughts and actions as equivalent.
tic An involuntary, sudden, ra pid, recurrent, nonrhythmic motor movement or vocal-
tolerance A situation that occurs with continued use of a drug in which an individual
requires greater dosages to achieve the same effect.
transgender The broad spectrum of individuals wh o transiently or permanently identify
with a gender different from their natal gender.
transsexual An individual who seeks, or has undergone, a social transition from male to
female or female to male, which in many, but not all cases may also involve a somatic
transition by cross- sex hormone treatment and geni tal surgery (“sex reassignment
traumatic stressor Any event (or events) that may cause or threaten death, serious injury,
or sexual violence to an individual, a close family member, or a close friend.
unusual beliefs and experiences Belief that one has unusual abilities, such as mind
reading, telekinesis, or THOUGHT -ACTION FUSION ; unusual experiences of reality, in-
cluding hallucinatory experiences. In genera l, the unusual beliefs are not held at the
same level of conviction as DELUSIONS . Unusual beliefs and experiences are a facet of
the personality trait domain P SYCHOTICISM .
waxy flexibility Slight, even resistance to positio ning by examiner. Compare with CAT-
ALEPSY . | dsm5.pdf |
d715ede1404c-0 | Glossary of Technical Terms 831
withdrawal, social Preference for being alone to being with others; reticence in social
situations; AVOIDANCE of social contacts and activity; lack of initiation of social contact.
Social withdrawal is a facet of th e broad personality trait domain D ETACHMENT .
worry Unpleasant or uncomfortable thoughts th at cannot be consci ously controlled by
trying to turn the attention to other subjects. The worrying is often persistent, repeti-
tive, and out of proportion to the topic worr ied about (it can even be about a triviality). | dsm5.pdf |
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229023333520-0 | 833 Glossary of Cultural
Concepts of Distress
Ataque de nervios
Ataque de nervios (“attack of nerves”) is a syndrome among individuals of Latino descent,
characterized by symptoms of intense emotio nal upset, including acut e anxiety, anger, or
grief; screaming and shouting uncontrollably; a ttacks of crying; tremblin g; heat in the chest
rising into the head; and becomi ng verbally and physically ag gressive. Dissociative experi-
ences (e.g., depersonalization, derealization, am nesia), seizure-like or fainting episodes, and
suicidal gestures are prominent in some ataques but absent in others. A general feature of an
ataque de nervios is a sense of being out of control. Attacks frequently occur as a direct result
of a stressful event relating to the family, such as news of the death of a close relative, con-
flicts with a spouse or childr en, or witnessing an accident involving a family member. For a
minority of individuals, no partic ular social event triggers their ataques; instead, their vul-
nerability to losing control comes from the accumulated experience of suffering.
No one-to-one relationship has been found between ataque and any specific psychiatric dis-
order, although several disorders, including pani c disorder, other specif ied or unspecified dis-
sociative disorder, and conversion diso rder, have symptomatic overlap with ataque .
In community samples, ataque is associated with suicidal ideation, disability, and out-
patient psychiatric utilization, after adjustment for psychiatric diagnoses, traumatic expo-
sure, and other covariates. However, some ataques represent normative expressions of | dsm5.pdf |
229023333520-1 | sure, and other covariates. However, some ataques represent normative expressions of
acute distress (e.g., at a funeral) without clinical sequelae. The term ataque de nervios may
also refer to an idiom of distress that includ es any “fit”-like paroxysm of emotionality (e.g.,
hysterical laughing) and may be used to indica te an episode of loss of control in response
to an intense stressor.
Related conditions in other cultural contexts: Indisposition in Haiti, blacking out in
the Southern United States, and falling out in the West Indies.
Related conditions in DSM-5: Panic attack, panic disorder, other specified or unspec-
ified dissociative disorder, co nversion (functional neurologic symptom) disorder, inter-
mittent explosive disorder, other specified or unspecified anxiety disorder, other specified
or unspecified trauma and stressor-related disorder.
Dhat syndrome
Dhat syndrome is a term that was coined in South Asia little more than half a century ago to
account for common clinical presentations of young male patients who attributed their
various symptoms to semen loss. Despite the name, it is not a discrete syndrome but rather
a cultural explanation of distress for patients who refer to diverse symptoms, such as anx-
iety, fatigue, weakness, weight loss, impotence, other multiple somatic complaints, and
depressive mood. The cardinal feature is an xiety and distress about the loss of dhat in the
absence of any identifiable physiological dysfunction. Dhat was identified by patients as
a white discharge that was noted on defecation or urination. Ideas about this substance
are related to the concept of dhatu (semen) described in the Hindu system of medicine,
Ayurveda, as one of seven essential bodily fluids whose balance is necessary to maintain | dsm5.pdf |
229023333520-2 | Ayurveda, as one of seven essential bodily fluids whose balance is necessary to maintain
health. | dsm5.pdf |
1fc7a6e883fd-0 | 834 Glossary of Cultural Concepts of Distress
Although dhat syndrome was formulated as a cultural guide to local clinical practice, related
ideas about the harmful effects of semen loss have been shown to be widespread in the general
population, suggesting a cultural disposition for explaining health problems and symptoms
with reference to dhat syndrome. Research in health care settings has yielded diverse estimates
of the syndrome’s prevalence (e .g., 64% of men attending psychiatric clinics in India for sexual
complaints; 30% of men attending general medical clinics in Pakistan). Although dhat syndrome
is most commonly identified with young men from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, mid-
dle-aged men may also be affe cted. Comparable concerns about white vaginal discharge (leu-
korrhea) have been associated with a variant of the concept for women.
Related conditions in other cultural contexts: koro in Southeast Asia, particularly Sin-
gapore and shen-k’uei (“kidney deficiency”) in China.
Related conditions in DSM-5: Major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disor-
der (dysthymia), generalized anxiety disorder, somatic symptom disorder, illness anxiety
disorder, erectile disorder, early (premature) ejaculation, other specified or unspecified
sexual dysfunction, academic problem.
Khyâl cap
“Khyâl attacks” ( khyâl cap ), or “wind attacks,” is a synd rome found among Cambodians in
the United States and Cambodia. Common symptoms include those of panic attacks, such
as dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath, and cold extremities, as well as other symp-
toms of anxiety and auto nomic arousal (e.g., tinnitus and neck soreness). Khyâl attacks in- | dsm5.pdf |
1fc7a6e883fd-1 | clude catastrophic cognitions centered on the concern that khyâl (a windlike substance)
may rise in the body—along wi th blood—and cause a range of serious effects (e.g., com-
pressing the lungs to cause shortness of breath and asphyxia; entering the cranium to
cause tinnitus, dizziness, blurry vision, and a fatal syncope). Khyâl attacks may occur with-
out warning, but are frequently brought abou t by triggers such as worrisome thoughts,
standing up (i.e., orthostasis), specific odor s with negative associations, and agoraphobic-
type cues like going to crowded spaces or riding in a car. Khyâl attacks usually meet panic
attack criteria and may shape the experience of other anxiety and trauma- and stressor-
related disorders. Khyâl attacks may be associated with considerable disability.
Related conditions in other cultural contexts: Laos ( pen lom), Tibet ( srog rlung gi nad ),
Sri Lanka ( vata), and Korea (hwa byung ).
Related conditions in DSM-5: Panic attack, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disor-
der, agoraphobia, posttraumatic stre ss disorder, illness anxiety disorder.
Kufungisisa (“thinking too much” in Shona) is an id iom of distress and a cultural explana-
tion among the Shona of Zimbabwe . As an explanation, it is considered to be causative of
anxiety, depression, and somatic problems (e .g., “my heart is painful because I think too
much”). As an idiom of psychosocial distress, it is indicative of interpersonal and social
difficulties (e.g., marital problems, having no money to take care of children). Kufungisisa | dsm5.pdf |
1fc7a6e883fd-2 | involves ruminating on upsettin g thoughts, particularly worries.
Kufungisisa is associated with a range of psychopathology, including anxiety symp-
toms, excessive worry, panic atta cks, depressive symptoms, and ir ritability. In a study of a
random community sample, two-thirds of the cases identified by a general psychopathol-
ogy measure were of this complaint.
In many cultures, “thinking too much” is considered to be damaging to the mind and
body and to cause specific symptoms like headache and dizziness. “Thinking too much”
may also be a key component of cultural syndromes such as “brain fag” in Nigeria. In the
case of brain fag, “thinking too much” is primarily attributed to excessive study, which is | dsm5.pdf |
2ae6e6debabf-0 | may also be a key component of cultural syndromes such as “brain fag” in Nigeria. In the
case of brain fag, “thinking too much” is primarily attributed to excessive study, which is
considered to damage the brain in particular, with symptoms including feelings of heat or
crawling sensations in the head. | dsm5.pdf |
6ae14c6ac281-0 | Glossary of Cultural Concepts of Distress 835
Related conditions in other cultural contexts: “Thinking too much ” is a common id-
iom of distress and cultural explanation acro ss many countries and ethnic groups. It has
been described in Africa, th e Caribbean and Latin America, and among East Asian and
Native American groups.
Related conditions in DSM-5: Major depressive disorder, pe rsistent depressive disorder
(dysthymia), generalized anxiety disorder, pos ttraumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compul-
sive disorder, persistent complex bereavement disorder (see “Conditions for Further Study”).
Maladi moun
Maladi moun (literally “humanly caused illness,” also referred to as “sent sickness”) is a
cultural explanation in Haitian communitie s for diverse medical and psychiatric disor-
ders. In this explanatory mode l, interpersonal envy and malice cause people to harm their
enemies by sending illnesses such as psychosis, depression, social or academic failure, and
inability to perform activities of daily living. The etiological model assumes that illness
may be caused by others’ envy and hatred, pr ovoked by the victim’s economic success as
evidenced by a new job or expensive purchase . One person’s gain is assumed to produce
another person’s loss, so visible success make s one vulnerable to attack. Assigning the la-
bel of sent sickness depends on mode of on set and social status more than presenting
symptoms. The acute onset of new symptoms or an abrupt behavioral change raises sus-
picions of a spiritual attack. Someone who is at tractive, intelligent, or wealthy is perceived
as especially vulnerable, and even young healthy children are at risk.
Related conditions in other cultural contexts: Concerns about illness (typically, phys- | dsm5.pdf |
6ae14c6ac281-1 | Related conditions in other cultural contexts: Concerns about illness (typically, phys-
ical illness) caused by envy or social co nflict are common across cultures and often ex-
pressed in the form of “evil eye” (e.g. in Spanish, mal de ojo, in Italian, mal’occhiu).
Related conditions in DSM-5: Delusional disorder, persecutory type; schizophrenia
with paranoid features.
Nervios (“nerves”) is a common idiom of distress among Latinos in the United States and
Latin America. Nervios refers to a general state of vulne rability to stressful life experiences
and to difficult life circumstances. The term nervios includes a wide range of symptoms of
emotional distress, somatic disturbance, an d inability to function. The most common
symptoms attributed to nervios include headaches and “brain aches” (occipital neck ten-
sion), irritability, stomach disturbances, slee p difficulties, nervousness, easy tearfulness,
inability to concentrat e, trembling, tingling sensations, and mareos (dizziness with occa-
sional vertigo-like exacerbations). Nervios is a broad idiom of distress that spans the range
of severity from cases with no mental diso rder to presentations resembling adjustment,
anxiety, depressive, dissociative, somatic symptom, or psychotic disorders. “Being ner-
vous since childhood” appears to be more of a trait and may precede social anxiety disor-
der, while “being ill with nerves” is more related than other forms of nervios to psychiatric
problems, especially dissociation and depression.
Related conditions in other cultural contexts: Nevra among Greeks in North America, | dsm5.pdf |
6ae14c6ac281-2 | Related conditions in other cultural contexts: Nevra among Greeks in North America,
nierbi among Sicilians in North America, and nerves among whites in Appalachia and
Related conditions in DSM-5: Major depressive disorder, peristent depressive disor-
der (dysthymia), generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, other specified or
unspecified dissociative disorder, soma tic symptom disorder, schizophrenia.
Shenjing shuairuo
Shenjing shuairuo (“weakness of the nervous system” in Mandarin Chines e) is a cultural
syndrome that integrates conceptual categori es of traditional Chinese medicine with the | dsm5.pdf |
27d1f35400f9-0 | 836 Glossary of Cultural Concepts of Distress
Western diagnosis of neurasthenia. In the second, revised edition of the Chinese Classifica-
tion of Mental Disorders (CCMD-2-R), shenjing shuairuo is defined as a syndrome composed
of three out of five nonhierarchical symptom clusters: weak ness (e.g., mental fatigue),
emotions (e.g., feeling vexed), excitement (e.g., increased recollections), nervous pain (e.g.,
headache), and sleep (e.g., insomnia). Fan nao (feeling vexed) is a form of irritability mixed
with worry and distress over conflicting thoug hts and unfulfilled desires. The third edi-
tion of the CCMD retains shenjing shuairuo as a somatoform diagno sis of exclusion. Salient
precipitants of shenjing shuairuo include work- or family-rel ated stressors, loss of face
(mianzi, lianzi ), and an acute sense of failure (e.g., in academic performance). Shenjing sh-
uairuo is related to traditional concepts of weakness ( xu) and health imbalances related to
deficiencies of a vital essence (e.g., the depletion of qi [vital energy] following overstrain-
ing or stagnation of qi due to excessive worry). In the traditional interpretation, shenjing
shuairuo results when bodily channels ( jing) conveying vital forces ( shen) become dysreg-
ulated as a result of various social and interpersonal stressors, such as the inability to
change a chronically frustrating and distressi ng situation. Various psychiatric disorders
are associated with shenjing shuairuo, notably mood, anxiety, and somatic symptom disor- | dsm5.pdf |
27d1f35400f9-1 | ders. In medical clinics in China, however, up to 45% of patients with shenjing shuairuo do
not meet criteria for any DSM-IV disorder.
Related conditions in ot her cultural contexts: Neurasthenia-spectrum idioms and
syndromes are present in India ( ashaktapanna ) and Japan ( shinkei-suijaku ), among other set-
tings. Other conditions, such as brain fag syndrome, burnout syndrome, and chronic fa-
tigue syndrome, are also closely related.
Related conditions in DSM-5: Major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disor-
der (dysthymia), generalized anxiety disorder, somatic symp tom disorder, social anxiety
disorder, specific phobia, po sttraumatic stress disorder.
Susto (“fright”) is a cultural explanation fo r distress and misfortune prevalent among
some Latinos in the United States and amon g people in Mexico, Central America, and
South America. It is no t recognized as an illness catego ry among Latinos from the Carib-
bean. Susto is an illness attributed to a frightenin g event that causes the soul to leave the
body and results in unhappiness and sickness, as well as difficulties functioning in key
social roles. Symptoms may appear any time from days to years after the fright is experi-
enced. In extreme cases, susto may result in death. There are no specific defining symp-
toms for susto; however, symptoms that are often reported by people with susto include
appetite disturbances, inadequa te or excessive sleep, troubled sleep or dreams, feelings of
sadness, low self-worth or dirtiness, interperso nal sensitivity, and lack of motivation to do | dsm5.pdf |
27d1f35400f9-2 | anything. Somatic symptoms accompanying susto may include muscle aches and pains,
cold in the extremities, pallo r, headache, stomachache, and diarrhea. Precipitating events
are diverse, and include natural phenomena, an imals, interpersonal situations, and super-
natural agents, among others.
Three syndromic types of susto (referred to as cibih in the local Zapotec language) have
been identified, each ha ving different relationships with psychiatric diagnoses. An interper-
sonal susto characterized by feelings of loss, aban donment, and not being loved by family,
with accompanying symptoms of sadness, poor self-image, and suicidal ideation, seemed to
be closely related to major depressive disorder. When susto resulted from a traumatic event
that played a major role in shaping symptoms and in emotional processing of the experience, | dsm5.pdf |
089cef73826b-0 | be closely related to major depressive disorder. When susto resulted from a traumatic event
that played a major role in shaping symptoms and in emotional processing of the experience,
the diagnosis of posttrauma tic stress disorder appe ared more appropriate. Susto character-
ized by various recurrent somatic symptoms—for which the person sought health care from
several practitioners—was thought to resemble a somatic symptom disorder.
Related conditions in other cultural contexts: Similar etiological concepts and symp-
tom configurations are found globally. In the Andean region, susto is referred to as espanto . | dsm5.pdf |
04aa3810a7d0-0 | Glossary of Cultural Concepts of Distress 837
Related conditions in DSM-5: Major depressive disorder, posttraumatic stress disor-
der, other specified or unspecified trauma and stressor-related di sorder, somatic symp-
tom disorders.
Taijin kyofusho
Taijin kyofusho (“interpersonal fear disorder” in Japa nese) is a cultural syndrome charac-
terized by anxiety about and av oidance of interpersonal situations due to the thought, feel-
ing, or conviction that one’s appearance and actions in social interactions are inadequate
or offensive to others. In the United States, the variant involves having an offensive body
odor and is termed olfactory reference syndrome. Individuals with taijin kyofusho tend to focus
on the impact of their symptoms and behavior s on others. Variants include major concerns
about facial blushing (erythrophobia), having an offensive body odor (olfactory reference
syndrome), inappropriate gaze (too much or too little eye co ntact), stiff or awkward facial
expression or bodily moveme nts (e.g., stiffening, trem bling), or body deformity.
Taijin kyofusho is a broader construct than social an xiety disorder in DSM-5. In addition
to performance anxiety, taijin kyofusho includes two culture-relate d forms: a “sensitive type,”
with extreme social sensitivity and anxiety about interpersonal inte ractions, and an “of-
fensive type,” in which the major concer n is offending others. As a category, taijin kyofusho
thus includes syndromes with features of body dysmorphic disorder as well as delusional
disorder. Concerns may have a delusional qualit y, responding poorly to simple reassurance
or counterexample. | dsm5.pdf |
04aa3810a7d0-1 | or counterexample.
The distinctive symptoms of taijin kyofusho occur in specific cultural contexts and, to
some extent, with more severe social anxiet y across cultures. Simila r syndromes are found
in Korea and other societies that place a st rong emphasis on the self-conscious mainte-
nance of appropriate social behavior in hierarchical interpersonal relationships. Taijin kyo-
fusho –like symptoms have also b een described in other cultural contexts, including the
United States, Australia, and New Zealand.
Related conditions in other cultural contexts: Taein kong po in Korea.
Related conditions in DSM-5: Social anxiety disorder, bo dy dysmorphic disorder, de-
lusional disorder, obsessive-co mpulsive disorder, olfactory re ference syndrome (a type of
other specified obsessive-compulsive and related disorder ). Olfactory reference syndrome
is related specifically to the jikoshu-kyofu variant of taijin kyofusho, whose core symptom is
the concern that the person emits an offensive body odor. This presentation is seen in var-
ious cultures outside Japan. | dsm5.pdf |
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ddb56f72beb1-0 | 839Alphabetical Listing of
DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes
(ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM)
ICD-9-CM codes are to be used for coding purposes in the United States through
September 30, 2014. ICD-10-CM codes are to be used starting October 1, 2014.
ICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem
V62.3 Z55.9 Academic or educational problem
V62.4 Z60.3 Acculturation difficulty
308.3 F43.0 Acute stress disorder
Adjustment disorders
309.24 F43.22 With anxiety
309.0 F43.21 With depressed mood
309.3 F43.24 With disturbance of conduct
309.28 F43.23 With mixed anxiety and depressed mood
309.4 F43.25 With mixed disturbanc e of emotions and conduct
309.9 F43.20 Unspecified
V71.01 Z72.811 Adult an tisocial behavior
307.0 F98.5 Adult-onset fluency disorder
Adult physical abuse by nonspouse or nonpartner, Confirmed
995.81 T74.11XA Initial encounter
995.81 T74.11XD Subsequent encounter
Adult physical abuse by nonspouse or nonpartner, Suspected
995.81 T76.11XA Initial encounter
995.81 T76.11XD Subsequent encounter
Adult psychological abuse by nonspouse or nonpartner,
995.82 T74.31XA Initial encounter
995.82 T74.31XD Subsequent encounter
Adult psychological abuse by nonspouse or nonpartner, Suspected
995.82 T76.31XA Initial encounter | dsm5.pdf |
ddb56f72beb1-1 | 995.82 T76.31XA Initial encounter
995.82 T76.31XD Subsequent encounter
Adult sexual abuse by nonspouse or nonpartner, Confirmed
995.83 T74.21XA Initial encounter
995.83 T74.21XD Subsequent encounter
Adult sexual abuse by nonspo use or nonpartner, Suspected
995.83 T76.21XA Initial encounter
995.83 T76.21XD Subsequent encounter | dsm5.pdf |
ba296aef4e47-0 | 840 Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM)
300.22 F40.00 Agoraphobia
291.89 Alcohol-induced anxiety disorder
F10.180 With mild use disorder
F10.280 With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.980 Without use disorder
291.89 Alcohol-induced bipo lar and related disorder
F10.14 With mild use disorder
F10.24 With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.94 Without use disorder
291.89 Alcohol-induced depressive disorder
F10.14 With mild use disorder
F10.24 With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.94 Without use disorder
291.1 Alcohol-induced major neuroc ognitive disorder, Amnestic
confabulatory type
F10.26 With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.96 Without use disorder
291.2 Alcohol-induced major neuroc ognitive disorder, Nonamnestic
confabulatory type
F10.27 With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.97 Without use disorder
291.89 Alcohol-induced mild neurocogniti ve disorder
F10.288 With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.988 Without use disorder
291.9 Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder
F10.159 With mild use disorder
F10.259 With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.959 Without use disorder
291.89 Alcohol-induced sexual dysfunction
F10.181 With mild use disorder
F10.281 With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.981 Without use disorder
291.82 Alcohol-induc ed sleep disorder
F10.182 With mild use disorder | dsm5.pdf |
ba296aef4e47-1 | F10.182 With mild use disorder
F10.282 With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.982 Without use disorder
303.00 Alcohol intoxication
F10.129 With mild use disorder
F10.229 With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.929 Without use disorder
291.0 Alcohol intoxication delirium
F10.121 With mild use disorder
F10.221 With moderate or severe use disorder
F10.921 Without use disorderICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
b62f27d68b75-0 | Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM) 841
Alcohol use disorder
305.00 F10.10 Mild
303.90 F10.20 Moderate
303.90 F10.20 Severe
291.81 Alcohol withdrawal
F10.232 With perceptual disturbances
F10.239 Without perceptual disturbances
291.0 F10.231 Alcohol withdrawal delirium
292.89 Amphetamine (or other stim ulant)–induced anxiety disorder
F15.180 With mild use disorder
F15.280 With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.980 Without use disorder
292.84 Amphetamine (or other stimul ant)–induced bipolar and related
F15.14 With mild use disorder
F15.24 With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.94 Without use disorder
F15.921 Amphetamine (or other stimulant)–induced delirium
292.84 Amphetamine (or other stimul ant)–induced depressive disorder
F15.14 With mild use disorder
F15.24 With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.94 Without use disorder
292.89 Amphetamine (or other stimulan t)–induced obsessive-compulsive
and related disorder
F15.188 With mild use disorder
F15.288 With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.988 Without use disorder
292.9 Amphetamine (or other stimul ant)–induced psychotic disorder
F15.159 With mild use disorder
F15.259 With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.959 Without use disorder | dsm5.pdf |
b62f27d68b75-1 | F15.959 Without use disorder
292.89 Amphetamine (or other stimul ant)–induced sexual dysfunction
F15.181 With mild use disorder
F15.281 With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.981 Without use disorder
292.85 Amphetamine (or other stim ulant)–induced sleep disorder
F15.182 With mild use disorder
F15.282 With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.982 Without use disorder
292.89 Amphetamine or other stimulant intoxication
Amphetamine or other stimulant intoxication, With perceptual
F15.122 With mild use disorder
F15.222 With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.922 Without use disorderICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
13f79b4dbb3a-0 | 842 Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM)
Amphetamine or other stimulant intoxication, Without perceptual
F15.129 With mild use disorder
F15.229 With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.929 Without use disorder
292.81 Amphetamine (or other stim ulant) intoxication delirium
F15.121 With mild use disorder
F15.221 With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.921 Without use disorder
292.0 F15.23 Amphetamine or other stimulant withdrawal
Amphetamine-type substance use disorder
305.70 F15.10 Mild
304.40 F15.20 Moderate
304.40 F15.20 Severe
307.1 Anorexia nervosa
F50.02 Binge-eating/purging type
F50.01 Restricting type
Antidepressant disc ontinuation syndrome
995.29 T43.205A Initial encounter
995.29 T43.205S Sequelae
995.29 T43.205D Subsequent encounter
301.7 F60.2 Antisocial personality disorder
293.84 F06.4 Anxiety disorder due to another medical condition
Attention-deficit/hy peractivity disorder
314.01 F90.2 Combined presentation
314.01 F90.1 Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive presentation
314.00 F90.0 Predominantly inattentive presentation
299.00 F84.0 Autism spectrum disorder
301.82 F60.6 Avoidant personality disorder
307.59 F50.8 Avoidant/restricti ve food intake disorder
307.51 F50.8 Binge-eating disorder | dsm5.pdf |
13f79b4dbb3a-1 | 307.51 F50.8 Binge-eating disorder
Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode depressed
296.56 F31.76 In full remission
296.55 F31.75 In partial remission
296.51 F31.31 Mild
296.52 F31.32 Moderate
296.53 F31.4 Severe
296.54 F31.5 With psychotic features
296.50 F31.9 Unspecified
296.40 F31.0 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode hypomanic
296.46 F31.72 In full remission
296.45 F31.71 In partial remission
296.40 F31.9 UnspecifiedICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
fb46934e9950-0 | Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM) 843
Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode manic
296.46 F31.74 In full remission
296.45 F31.73 In partial remission
296.41 F31.11 Mild
296.42 F31.12 Moderate
296.43 F31.13 Severe
296.44 F31.2 With psychotic features
296.40 F31.9 Unspecified
296.7 F31.9 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode unspecified
296.89 F31.81 Bipolar II disorder
293.83 Bipolar and related disorder due to another medical condition
F06.33 With manic features
F06.33 With manic- or hypomanic-like episodes
F06.34 With mixed features
300.7 F45.22 Body dysmorphic disorder
V62.89 R41.83 Borderline in tellectual functioning
301.83 F60.3 Borderline personality disorder
298.8 F23 Brief psyc hotic disorder
307.51 F50.2 Bulimia nervosa
292.89 Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder
F15.180 With mild use disorder
F15.280 With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.980 Without use disorder
292.85 Caffeine-indu ced sleep disorder
F15.182 With mild use disorder
F15.282 With moderate or severe use disorder
F15.982 Without use disorder
305.90 F15.929 Caffeine intoxication
292.0 F15.93 Caffeine withdrawal
292.89 Cannabis-induced anxiety disorder
F12.180 With mild use disorder | dsm5.pdf |
fb46934e9950-1 | 292.89 Cannabis-induced anxiety disorder
F12.180 With mild use disorder
F12.280 With moderate or severe use disorder
F12.980 Without use disorder
292.9 Cannabis-induced psychotic disorder
F12.159 With mild use disorder
F12.259 With moderate or severe use disorder
F12.959 Without use disorder
292.85 Cannabis-indu ced sleep disorder
F12.188 With mild use disorder
F12.288 With moderate or severe use disorder
F12.988 Without use disorder
292.89 Cannabis intoxicationICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
8dc69f6d6eaf-0 | 844 Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM)
Cannabis intoxication, Wi th perceptual disturbances
F12.122 With mild use disorder
F12.222 With moderate or severe use disorder
F12.922 Without use disorder
C annabis intoxication, Without percep tual disturbances
F12.129 With mild use disorder
F12.229 With moderate or severe use disorder
F12.929 Without use disorder
292.81 Cannabis intoxication delirium
F12.121 With mild use disorder
F12.221 With moderate or severe use disorder
F12.921 Without use disorder
Cannabis use disorder
305.20 F12.10 Mild
304.30 F12.20 Moderate
304.30 F12.20 Severe
292.0 F12.288 Cannabis withdrawal
293.89 F06.1 Catatonia associated with another mental disorder (catatonia
293.89 F06.1 Catatonic disorder due to another medical condition
Central sleep apnea
780.57 G47.37 Central sleep apnea comorbid with opioid use
786.04 R06.3 Cheyne-Stokes breathing
327.21 G47.31 Idiopathic central sleep apnea
V61.29 Z62.898 Child affected by parental relationship distress
Child neglect, Confirmed
995.52 T74.02XA Initial encounter
995.52 T74.02XD Subsequent encounter
Child neglect, Suspected
995.52 T76.02XA Initial encounter
995.52 T76.02XD Subsequent encounter
V71.02 Z72.810 Child or adolescent antisocial behavior
Child physical abuse, Confirmed | dsm5.pdf |
8dc69f6d6eaf-1 | Child physical abuse, Confirmed
995.54 T74.12XA Initial encounter
995.54 T74.12XD Subsequent encounter
Child physical abuse, Suspected
995.54 T76.12XA Initial encounter
995.54 T76.12XD Subsequent encounter
Child psychological abuse, Confirmed
995.51 T74.32XA Initial encounter
995.51 T74.32XD Subsequent encounter
Child psychological abuse, Suspected
995.51 T76.32XA Initial encounter
995.51 T76.32XD Subsequent encounterICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
7e8b2958db4f-0 | Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM) 845
Child sexual abuse, Confirmed
995.53 T74.22XA Initial encounter
995.53 T74.22XD Subsequent encounter
Child sexual abuse, Suspected
995.53 T76.22XA Initial encounter
995.53 T76.22XD Subsequent encounter
315.35 F80.81 Childhood-onset fluency disorder (stuttering)
Circadian rhythm sl eep-wake disorders
307.45 G47.22 Advanced sleep phase type
307.45 G47.21 Delayed sleep phase type
307.45 G47.23 Irregular sleep-wake type
307.45 G47.24 Non-24-hour sleep-wake type
307.45 G47.26 Shift work type
307.45 G47.20 Unspecified type
292.89 Cocaine-induced anxiety disorder
F14.180 With mild use disorder
F14.280 With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.980 Without use disorder
292.84 Cocaine-induced bipo lar and related disorder
F14.14 With mild use disorder
F14.24 With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.94 Without use disorder
292.84 Cocaine-induced depressive disorder
F14.14 With mild use disorder
F14.24 With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.94 Without use disorder
292.89 Cocaine-induced obsessive- compulsive and related disorder
F14.188 With mild use disorder
F14.288 With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.988 Without use disorder
292.9 Cocaine-induced psychotic disorder
F14.159 With mild use disorder | dsm5.pdf |
7e8b2958db4f-1 | 292.9 Cocaine-induced psychotic disorder
F14.159 With mild use disorder
F14.259 With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.959 Without use disorder
292.89 Cocaine-induced sexual dysfunction
F14.181 With mild use disorder
F14.281 With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.981 Without use disorder
292.85 Cocaine-induc ed sleep disorder
F14.182 With mild use disorder
F14.282 With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.982 Without use disorderICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
34bd1fa83b0f-0 | 846 Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM)
292.89 Cocaine intoxication
Cocaine intoxication, With perceptual disturbances
F14.122 With mild use disorder
F14.222 With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.922 Without use disorder
Cocaine intoxication, With out perceptual disturbances
F14.129 With mild use disorder
F14.229 With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.929 Without use disorder
292.81 Cocaine intoxication delirium
F14.121 With mild use disorder
F14.221 With moderate or severe use disorder
F14.921 Without use disorder
Cocaine use disorder
305.60 F14.10 Mild
304.20 F14.20 Moderate
304.20 F14.20 Severe
292.0 F14.23 Cocaine withdrawal
C onduct disorder
312.82 F91.2 Adolescent-onset type
312.81 F91.1 Childhood-onset type
312.89 F91.9 Unspecified onset
300.11 Conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder)
F44.4 With abnormal movement
F44.6 With anesthesia or sensory loss
F44.5 With attacks or seizures
F44.7 With mixed symptoms
F44.6 With special sensory symptoms
F44.4 With speech symptoms
F44.4 With swallowing symptoms
F44.4 With weakness/paralysis
V62.5 Z65.0 Conviction in civil or criminal proceedings without imprisonment
301.13 F34.0 Cyclothymic disorder
302.74 F52.32 Delayed ejaculation
D elirium | dsm5.pdf |
34bd1fa83b0f-1 | 302.74 F52.32 Delayed ejaculation
D elirium
293.0 F05 Delirium due to an other medical condition
293.0 F05 Delirium due to multiple etiologies
292.81 Medication-induced delirium (for ICD-10-CM codes, see specific
substances )
Substance intoxication delirium (see specific substances for codes)
Substance withdrawal delirium (see specific subs tances for codes)
297.1 F22 Delusional disorder
301.6 F60.7 Dependent personality disorderICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
3a22dd75298c-0 | Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM) 847
300.6 F48.1 Depersonalization/derealization disorder
293.83 Depressive disorder due to another medical condition
F06.31 With depressive features
F06.32 With major depr essive–like episode
F06.34 With mixed features
315.4 F82 Developmental c oordination disorder
V60.89 Z59.2 Discord with neighbor, lodger, or landlord
V62.89 Z64.4 Discord with so cial service provider, including probation officer,
case manager, or social services worker
313.89 F94.2 Disinhibited soci al engagement disorder
V61.03 Z63.5 Disruption of family by separation or divorce
296.99 F34.8 Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
300.12 F44.0 Dissociative amnesia
300.13 F44.1 Dissociative amnesia, with dissoc iative fugue
300.14 F44.81 Dissociative identity disorder
307.7 F98.1 Encopresis
307.6 F98.0 Enuresis
302.72 F52.21 Erectile disorder
698.4 L98.1 Excoriation (s kin-picking) disorder
302.4 F65.2 Exhibitionistic disorder
V62.22 Z65.5 Exposure to disaster , war, or other hostilities
V60.2 Z59.5 Extreme poverty
300.19 F68.10 Factitious disorder
302.73 F52.31 Female orgasmic disorder
302.72 F52.22 Female sexual interest/arousal disorder
302.81 F65.0 Fetishistic disorder | dsm5.pdf |
3a22dd75298c-1 | 302.81 F65.0 Fetishistic disorder
302.89 F65.81 Frotteuristic disorder
312.31 F63.0 Gambling disorder
302.85 F64.1 Gender dysphoria in adolescents and adults
302.6 F64.2 Gender dysp horia in children
300.02 F41.1 Generalized anxiety disorder
302.76 F52.6 Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder
315.8 F88 Global developmental delay
292.89 F16.983 Hallucinog en persisting perception disorder
V61.8 Z63.8 High expressed emotion level within family
301.50 F60.4 Histrionic personality disorder
300.3 F42 Hoarding disorder
V60.0 Z59.0 Homelessness
307.44 F51.11 Hypersomnolence disorder
300.7 F45.21 Illness anxiety disorder
V62.5 Z65.1 Imprisonment or other incarceration
V60.1 Z59.1 Inadequate housingICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
0ee96eeffc71-0 | 848 Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM)
292.89 Inhalant-induced anxiety disorder
F18.180 With mild use disorder
F18.280 With moderate or severe use disorder
F18.980 Without use disorder
292.84 Inhalant-induced depressive disorder
F18.14 With mild use disorder
F18.24 With moderate or severe use disorder
F18.94 Without use disorder
292.82 Inhalant-induced majo r neurocognitive disorder
F18.17 With mild use disorder
F18.27 With moderate or severe use disorder
F18.97 Without use disorder
292.89 Inhalant-induced mild neurocognitive disorder
F18.188 With mild use disorder
F18.288 With moderate or severe use disorder
F18.988 Without use disorder
292.9 Inhalant-induced psychotic disorder
F18.159 With mild use disorder
F18.259 With moderate or severe use disorder
F18.959 Without use disorder
292.89 Inhalant intoxication
F18.129 With mild use disorder
F18.229 With moderate or severe use disorder
F18.929 Without use disorder
292.81 Inhalant intoxication delirium
F18.121 With mild use disorder
F18.221 With moderate or severe use disorder
F18.921 Without use disorder
Inhalant use disorder
305.90 F18.10 Mild
304.60 F18.20 Moderate
304.60 F18.20 Severe
307.42 F51.01 Insomnia disorder
V60.2 Z59.7 Insufficien t social insurance or welfare support | dsm5.pdf |
0ee96eeffc71-1 | V60.2 Z59.7 Insufficien t social insurance or welfare support
Intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder)
317 F70 Mild
318.0 F71 Moderate
318.1 F72 Severe
318.2 F73 Profound
312.34 F63.81 Intermittent explosive disorder
312.32 F63.2 Kleptomania
V60.2 Z59.4 Lack of adequate f ood or safe drinking water
315.32 F80.2 Language disorder
V60.2 Z59.6 Low incomeICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
dd89952964c0-0 | Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM) 849
Major depressive disorder, Recurrent episode
296.36 F33.42 In full remission
296.35 F33.41 In partial remission
296.31 F33.0 Mild
296.32 F33.1 Moderate
296.33 F33.2 Severe
296.34 F33.3 With psychotic features
296.30 F33.9 Unspecified
Major depressive disorder, Single episode
296.26 F32.5 In full remission
296.25 F32.4 In partial remission
296.21 F32.0 Mild
296.22 F32.1 Moderate
296.23 F32.2 Severe
296.24 F32.3 With psychotic features
296.20 F32.9 Unspecifed
331.9 G31.9 Major frontotemporal neurocognitive disorder, Possible
Major frontotemporal neurocognitive disorder, Probable ( code first
331.19 [G31.09] frontotemporal disease)
294.11 F02.81 With behavioral disturbance
294.10 F02.80 Without behavioral disturbance
331.9 G31.9 Major neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease, Possible
Major neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease,
Probable (code first 331.0 [G30.9] Alzheimer’s disease)
294.11 F02.81 With behavioral disturbance
294.10 F02.80 Without behavioral disturbance
Major neurocognitive disorder due to another medical condition
294.11 F02.81 With behavioral disturbance
294.10 F02.80 Without behavioral disturbance | dsm5.pdf |
dd89952964c0-1 | 294.10 F02.80 Without behavioral disturbance
Major neurocognitive disorder due to HIV infection ( code first 042
[B20] HIV infection)
294.11 F02.81 With behavioral disturbance
294.10 F02.80 Without behavioral disturbance
Major neurocognitive disorder due to Huntington’s disease ( code
first 333.4 [G10] Huntington’s disease)
294.11 F02.81 With behavioral disturbance
294.10 F02.80 Without behavioral disturbance
331.9 G31.9 Major neurocogni tive disorder with Lewy bodies, Possible
Major neurocognitive disorder with Lewy bodies, Probable ( code
first 331.82 [G31.83] Lewy body disease)
294.11 F02.81 With behavioral disturbance
294.10 F02.80 Without behavioral disturbance
Major neurocognitive disord er due to multiple etiologies
294.11 F02.81 With behavioral disturbance
294.10 F02.80 Without behavioral disturbanceICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
03927ae52e78-0 | 850 Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM)
331.9 G31.9 Major neurocognitive disorder due to Parkinson’s disease, Possible
Major neurocognitive disorder due to Parkinson’s disease,
Probable (code first 332.0 [G20] Parkinson’s disease)
294.11 F02.81 With behavioral disturbance
294.10 F02.80 Without beha vioral disturbance
Major neurocognitive disord er due to prion disease ( code first
046.79 [A81.9] prion disease)
294.11 F02.81 With behavioral disturbance
294.10 F02.80 Without beha vioral disturbance
Major neurocognitive disorder due to trauma tic brain injury (code
first 907.0 late effect of intracranial injury without skull fracture
[S06.2X9S diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of conscious-
ness of unspecified duration, sequela])
294.11 F02.81 With behavioral disturbance
294.10 F02.80 Without beha vioral disturbance
331.9 G31.9 Major vascular neuroc ognitive diso rder, Possible
Major vascular neurocog nitive disorder, Probable
290.40 F01.51 With behavioral disturbance
290.40 F01.50 Without beha vioral disturbance
302.71 F52.0 Male hypoactive sexual desire disorder
V65.2 Z76.5 Malingering
333.99 G25.71 Medication-ind uced acute akathisia
333.72 G24.02 Medication-induced acute dystonia
292.81 Medication-induced delirium (for ICD-10-CM codes, see specific
substances) | dsm5.pdf |
03927ae52e78-1 | substances)
333.1 G25.1 Medication-indu ced postural tremor
331.83 G31.84 Mild frontotemporal neurocognitive disorder
331.83 G31.84 Mild neurocognitive diso rder due to Alzheimer’s disease
331.83 G31.84 Mild neurocognitive disord er due to another medical condition
331.83 G31.84 Mild neurocognitive disorder due to HIV infection
331.83 G31.84 Mild neurocognitive diso rder due to Huntington’s disease
331.83 G31.84 Mild neurocognitive disorder due to multiple etiologies
331.83 G31.84 Mild neurocognitive diso rder due to Park inson’s disease
331.83 G31.84 Mild neurocognitive disorder due to prion disease
331.83 G31.84 Mild neurocognitive diso rder due to traumatic brain injury
331.83 G31.84 Mild neurocognitive disorder with Lewy bodies
331.83 G31.84 Mild vascular neurocognitive disorder
301.81 F60.81 Narcissistic personality disorder
N arcolepsy
347.00 G47.419 Autosomal dominant ce rebellar ataxia, deafness, and
347.00 G47.419 Autosomal domi nant narcolepsy, obesity, and type 2 diabetes
347.10 G47.429 Narcolepsy secondary to another medical condition
347.01 G47.411 Narcolepsy wi th cataplexy but withou t hypocretin deficiency
347.00 G47.419 Narcolepsy without catapl exy but with hypocretin deficiency
332.1 G21.11 Neuroleptic-induced parkinsonismICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
0e098a70ec91-0 | Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM) 851
333.92 G21.0 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
307.47 F51.5 Nightmare disorder
V15.81 Z91.19 Nonadherence to medical treatment
Non–rapid eye movement sleep arousal disorders
307.46 F51.4 Sleep terror type
307.46 F51.3 Sleepwalking type
300.3 F42 Obsessive-compulsive disorder
301.4 F60.5 Obsessive-compuls ive personality disorder
294.8 F06.8 Obsessive-compulsive and related disorder due to another
medical condition
327.23 G47.33 Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea
292.89 Opioid-induced anxiety disorder
F11.188 With mild use disorder
F11.288 With moderate or severe use disorder
F11.988 Without use disorder
F11.921 Opioid-induced delirium
292.84 Opioid-induced depressive disorder
F11.14 With mild use disorder
F11.24 With moderate or severe use disorder
F11.94 Without use disorder
292.89 Opioid-induced sexual dysfunction
F11.181 With mild use disorder
F11.281 With moderate or severe use disorder
F11.981 Without use disorder
292.85 Opioid-induce d sleep disorder
F11.182 With mild use disorder
F11.282 With moderate or severe use disorder
F11.982 Without use disorder
292.89 Opioid intoxication
Opioid intoxicati on, With perceptual disturbances
F11.122 With mild use disorder
F11.222 With moderate or severe use disorder | dsm5.pdf |
0e098a70ec91-1 | F11.222 With moderate or severe use disorder
F11.922 Without use disorder
Opioid intoxicati on, Without percep tual disturbances
F11.129 With mild use disorder
F11.229 With moderate or severe use disorder
F11.929 Without use disorder
292.81 Opioid intoxication delirium
F11.121 With mild use disorder
F11.221 With moderate or severe use disorder
F11.921 Without use disorder
Opioid use disorder
305.50 F11.10 Mild
304.00 F11.20 Moderate
304.00 F11.20 SevereICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
1d8bc3c620c0-0 | 852 Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM)
292.0 F11.23 Opioid withdrawal
292.0 F11.23 Opioid withdrawal delirium
313.81 F91.3 Oppositional defiant disorder
Other adverse effect of medication
995.20 T50.905A Initial encounter
995.20 T50.905S Sequelae
995.20 T50.905D Subsequent encounter
Other circumstances related to adul t abuse by nonspouse or nonpartner
V62.83 Z69.82 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of
nonspousal adult abuse
V65.49 Z69.81 Encounter for mental health services for victim of nonspousal
adult abuse
Other circumstances related to child neglect
V62.83 Z69.021 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of
nonparental child neglect
V61.22 Z69.011 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of parental
child neglect
V61.21 Z69.010 Encounter for mental health se rvices for victim of child neglect by
V61.21 Z69.020 Encounter for mental health services for victim of nonparental
child neglect
V15.42 Z62.812 Personal history (past history) of neglect in childhood
Other circumstances related to child physical abuse
V62.83 Z69.021 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of
nonparental child abuse
V61.22 Z69.011 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of parental
child abuse
V61.21 Z69.010 Encounter for mental health services for victim of child abuse by
parent | dsm5.pdf |
1d8bc3c620c0-1 | parent
V61.21 Z69.020 Encounter for mental health services for victim of nonparental
child abuse
V15.41 Z62.810 Personal histor y (past history) of phys ical abuse in childhood
Other circumstances related to child psychological abuse
V62.83 Z69.021 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of
nonparental child psychological abuse
V61.22 Z69.011 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of parental
child psychological abuse
V61.21 Z69.010 Encounter for mental health services for victim of child
psychological abuse by parent
V61.21 Z69.020 Encounter for mental health services for victim of nonparental
child psychological abuse
V15.42 Z62.811 Personal histor y (past history) of psychological abuse in childhood
Other circumstances related to child sexual abuse
V62.83 Z69.021 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of
nonparental child sexual abuse
V61.22 Z69.011 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of parental
child sexual abuseICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
5d3bf2722377-0 | Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM) 853
V61.21 Z69.010 Encounter for mental health services for victim of child sexual
abuse by parent
V61.21 Z69.020 Encounter for mental health services for victim of nonparental
child sexual abuse
V15.41 Z62.810 Personal his tory (past history) of se xual abuse in childhood
Other circumstances related to spou se or partner abuse, Psychological
V61.12 Z69.12 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of spouse or
partner psychological abuse
V61.11 Z69.11 Encounter for mental health services for victim of spouse or
partner psychological abuse
V15.42 Z91.411 Personal hi story (past history) of spouse or partner
psychological abuse
Other circumstances related to spouse or partner neglect
V61.12 Z69.12 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of spouse or
partner neglect
V61.11 Z69.11 Encounter for mental health services for victim of spouse or
partner neglect
V15.42 Z91.412 Personal his tory (past history) of sp ouse or partner neglect
Other circumstances related to sp ouse or partner violence, Physical
V61.12 Z69.12 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of spouse or
partner violence, Physical
V61.11 Z69.11 Encounter for mental health services for victim of spouse or
partner violence, Physical
V15.41 Z91.410 Personal histor y (past history) of spouse or partner violence,
Other circumstances related to sp ouse or partner violence, Sexual
V61.12 Z69.12 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of spouse or | dsm5.pdf |
5d3bf2722377-1 | V61.12 Z69.12 Encounter for mental health services for perpetrator of spouse or
partner violence, Sexual
V61.11 Z69.81 Encounter for mental health services for victim of spouse or
partner violence, Sexual
V15.41 Z91.410 Personal histor y (past history) of spouse or partner violence,
V65.40 Z71.9 Other counseling or consultation
292.89 Other hallucinogen–i nduced anxiety disorder
F16.180 With mild use disorder
F16.280 With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.980 Without use disorder
292.84 Other hallucinogen–induced bipolar and related disorder
F16.14 With mild use disorder
F16.24 With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.94 Without use disorder
292.84 Other hallucinogen–ind uced depressive disorder
F16.14 With mild use disorder
F16.24 With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.94 Without use disorderICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
a0bcacd5b540-0 | 854 Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM)
292.9 Other hallucinogen–induced psychotic disorder
F16.159 With mild use disorder
F16.259 With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.959 Without use disorder
292.89 Other hallucinogen intoxication
F16.129 With mild use disorder
F16.229 With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.929 Without use disorder
292.81 Other hallucinogen intoxication delirium
F16.121 With mild use disorder
F16.221 With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.921 Without use disorder
Other hallucinogen use disorder
305.30 F16.10 Mild
304.50 F16.20 Moderate
304.50 F16.20 Severe
333.99 G25.79 Other medication-induced movement disorder
332.1 G21.19 Other medicatio n-induced parkinsonism
V15.49 Z91.49 Other personal hi story of psychological trauma
V15.89 Z91.89 Other personal risk factors
V62.29 Z56.9 Other problem related to employment
V62.89 Z65.8 Other problem relate d to psychosocial circumstances
300.09 F41.8 Other specif ied anxiety disorder
314.01 F90.8 Other specified attentio n-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
296.89 F31.89 Other specified bi polar and related disorder
780.09 R41.0 Other sp ecified delirium
311 F32.8 Other specified depressive disorder
312.89 F91.8 Other specified disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorder
300.15 F44.89 Other specifie d dissociati ve disorder | dsm5.pdf |
a0bcacd5b540-1 | 300.15 F44.89 Other specifie d dissociati ve disorder
Other specified elimination disorder
787.60 R15.9 With fecal symptoms
788.39 N39.498 With urinary symptoms
307.59 F50.8 Other specified feeding or eating disorder
302.6 F64.8 Other specifie d gender dysphoria
780.54 G47.19 Other specified hypersomnolence disorder
780.52 G47.09 Other specified insomnia disorder
300.9 F99 Other specified mental disorder
294.8 F06.8 Other specified mental disord er due to another medical condition
315.8 F88 Other specified neur odevelopment al disorder
300.3 F42 Other specified obsessive-compulsive and related disorder
302.89 F65.89 Other specifie d paraphilic disorder
301.89 F60.89 Other specifie d personality disorder
298.8 F28 Other specified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder
302.79 F52.8 Other specifie d sexual dysfunctionICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
ef4b30ad0794-0 | Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM) 855
780.59 G47.8 Other specified sleep-wake disorder
300.89 F45.8 Other specified somati c symptom and related disorder
307.20 F95.8 Other spec ified tic disorder
309.89 F43.8 Other specified trauma - and stressor-related disorder
292.89 Other (or unknown) subs tance–induced anxiety disorder
F19.180 With mild use disorder
F19.280 With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.980 Without use disorder
292.84 Other (or unknown) substance–induced bipolar and related disorder
F19.14 With mild use disorder
F19.24 With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.94 Without use disorder
F19.921 Other (or unknown) substance–induced delirium
292.84 Other (or unknown) substa nce–induced depressive disorder
F19.14 With mild use disorder
F19.24 With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.94 Without use disorder
292.82 Other (or unknown) substance–induced major neurocognitive
F19.17 With mild use disorder
F19.27 With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.97 Without use disorder
292.89 Other (or unknown) substance–induced mild neurocognitive
F19.188 With mild use disorder
F19.288 With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.988 Without use disorder
292.89 Other (or unknown) substance–induced obsessive-compulsive
and related disorder
F19.188 With mild use disorder | dsm5.pdf |
ef4b30ad0794-1 | and related disorder
F19.188 With mild use disorder
F19.288 With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.988 Without use disorder
292.9 Other (or unknown) substa nce–induced psychotic disorder
F19.159 With mild use disorder
F19.259 With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.959 Without use disorder
292.89 Other (or unknown) substa nce–induced sexual dysfunction
F19.181 With mild use disorder
F19.281 With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.981 Without use disorder
292.85 Other (or unknown) subs tance–induced sleep disorder
F19.182 With mild use disorder
F19.282 With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.982 Without use disorderICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
735697569233-0 | 856 Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM)
292.89 Other (or unknown) substance intoxication
F19.129 With mild use disorder
F19.229 With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.929 Without use disorder
292.81 Other (or unknown) subs tance intoxication delirium
F19.121 With mild use disorder
F19.221 With moderate or severe use disorder
F19.921 Without use disorder
Other (or unknown) substance use disorder
305.90 F19.10 Mild
304.90 F19.20 Moderate
304.90 F19.20 Severe
292.0 F19.239 Other (or unknown) substance withdrawal
292.0 F19.231 Other (or unknown) su bstance withdrawal delirium
Other or unspecified stimulant use disorder
305.70 F15.10 Mild
304.40 F15.20 Moderate
304.40 F15.20 Severe
278.00 E66.9 Overweight or obesity
Panic attack specifier
300.01 F41.0 Panic disorder
301.0 F60.0 Paranoid pe rsonality disorder
V61.20 Z62.820 Parent-child relational problem
302.2 F65.4 Pedophilic disorder
307.22 F95.1 Persistent (chronic) motor or vocal tic disorder
300.4 F34.1 Persistent depressi ve disorder (dysthymia)
V62.22 Z91.82 Personal history of military deployment
V15.59 Z91.5 Personal history of self-harm
310.1 F07.0 Personality change du e to another medical condition
V62.89 Z60.0 Phase of life problem | dsm5.pdf |
735697569233-1 | V62.89 Z60.0 Phase of life problem
292.89 Phencyclidine-induced anxiety disorder
F16.180 With mild use disorder
F16.280 With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.980 Without use disorder
292.84 Phencyclidine-i nduced bipolar an d related disorder
F16.14 With mild use disorder
F16.24 With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.94 Without use disorder
292.84 Phencyclidine-induc ed depressive disorder
F16.14 With mild use disorder
F16.24 With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.94 Without use disorderICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
fa5ebff99e99-0 | Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM) 857
292.9 Phencyclidine-indu ced psychotic disorder
F16.159 With mild use disorder
F16.259 With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.959 Without use disorder
292.89 Phencyclidine intoxication
F16.129 With mild use disorder
F16.229 With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.929 Without use disorder
292.81 Phencyclidine intoxication delirium
F16.121 With mild use disorder
F16.221 With moderate or severe use disorder
F16.921 Without use disorder
Phencyclidine use disorder
305.90 F16.10 Mild
304.60 F16.20 Moderate
304.60 F16.20 Severe
307.52 Pica
F50.8 In adults
F98.3 In children
309.81 F43.10 Posttraumatic stress disorder
302.75 F52.4 Premature (early) ejaculation
625.4 N94.3 Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
V62.21 Z56.82 Problem related to cu rrent military deployment status
V69.9 Z72.9 Problem related to lifestyle
V60.3 Z60.2 Problem related to living alone
V60.6 Z59.3 Problem related to living in a residential institution
V61.5 Z64.1 Problems related to multiparity
V62.5 Z65.3 Problems related to other legal circumstances
V62.5 Z65.2 Problems related to release from prison
V61.7 Z64.0 Problems related to unwanted pregnancy
307.21 F95.0 Provisional tic disorder | dsm5.pdf |
fa5ebff99e99-1 | 307.21 F95.0 Provisional tic disorder
316 F54 Psychological factors affecting other medical conditions
Psychotic dis order due to another medical condition
293.81 F06.2 With delusions
293.82 F06.0 With hallucinations
312.33 F63.1 Pyromania
327.42 G47.52 Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder
313.89 F94.1 Reactive attachment disorder
V61.10 Z63.0 Relationship distress wi th spouse or intimate partner
V62.89 Z65.8 Religious or spiritual problem
333.94 G25.81 Restless legs syndrome
307.53 F98.21 Rumination disorderICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
9356e8a99036-0 | 858 Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM)
Schizoaffective disorder
295.70 F25.0 Bipolar type
295.70 F25.1 Depressive type
301.20 F60.1 Schizoid pe rsonality disorder
295.90 F20.9 Schizophrenia
295.40 F20.81 Schizoph reniform disorder
301.22 F21 Schizotypal personality disorder
292.89 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced anxiety disorder
F13.180 With mild use disorder
F13.280 With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.980 Without use disorder
292.84 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiol ytic-induced bipolar and related
F13.14 With mild use disorder
F13.24 With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.94 Without use disorder
F13.921 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced delirium
292.84 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiol ytic-induced depr essive disorder
F13.14 With mild use disorder
F13.24 With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.94 Without use disorder
292.82 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiol ytic-induced major neurocognitive
F13.27 With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.97 Without use disorder
292.89 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiol ytic-induced mild neurocognitive
F13.288 With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.988 Without use disorder | dsm5.pdf |
9356e8a99036-1 | F13.988 Without use disorder
292.9 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced ps ychotic disorder
F13.159 With mild use disorder
F13.259 With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.959 Without use disorder
292.89 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiol ytic-induced sexual dysfunction
F13.181 With mild use disorder
F13.281 With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.981 Without use disorder
292.85 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or an xiolytic-induced sleep disorder
F13.182 With mild use disorder
F13.282 With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.982 Without use disorder
292.89 Sedative, hy pnotic, or anxiolytic intoxication
F13.129 With mild use disorder
F13.229 With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.929 Without use disorderICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
090db13ebf7b-0 | Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM) 859
292.81 Sedative, hypnot ic, or anxiolytic intoxication delirium
F13.121 With mild use disorder
F13.221 With moderate or severe use disorder
F13.921 Without use disorder
Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use disorder
305.40 F13.10 Mild
304.10 F13.20 Moderate
304.10 F13.20 Severe
292.0 Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic withdrawal
F13.232 With perceptual disturbances
F13.239 Without perceptual disturbances
292.0 F13.231 Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic withdrawal delirium
313.23 F94.0 Selective mutism
309.21 F93.0 Separation anxiety disorder
V65.49 Z70.9 Sex counseling
302.83 F65.51 Sexual masochism disorder
302.84 F65.52 Sexual sadism disorder
V61.8 Z62.891 Sibling relational problem
Sleep-related hypoventilation
327.26 G47.36 Comorbid sleep-related hypoventilation
327.25 G47.35 Congenital centra l alveolar hypoventilation
327.24 G47.34 Idiopathic hypoventilation
300.23 F40.10 Social anxiety disorder (social phobia)
V62.4 Z60.4 Social exclusion or rejection
315.39 F80.89 Social (pragmat ic) communication disorder
300.82 F45.1 Somatic symptom disorder
Specific learning disorder
315.1 F81.2 With impairment in mathematics | dsm5.pdf |
090db13ebf7b-1 | Specific learning disorder
315.1 F81.2 With impairment in mathematics
315.00 F81.0 With impairment in reading
315.2 F81.81 With impairment in written expression
Specific phobia
300.29 F40.218 Animal
300.29 Blood-injection-injury
F40.230 Fear of blood
F40.231 Fear of injections and transfusions
F40.233 Fear of injury
F40.232 Fear of other medical care
300.29 F40.228 Natural environment
300.29 F40.298 Other
300.29 F40.248 Situational
315.39 F80.0 Speech sound disorder
Spouse or partner abuse, Psychological, Confirmed
995.82 T74.31XA Initial encounter
995.82 T74.31XD Subsequent encounterICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
29ad84790755-0 | 860 Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM)
Spouse or partner abuse, Psychological, Suspected
995.82 T76.31XA Initial encounter
995.82 T76.31XD Subsequent encounter
Spouse or partner neglect, Confirmed
995.85 T74.01XA Initial encounter
995.85 T74.01XD Subsequent encounter
Spouse or partner neglect, Suspected
995.85 T76.01XA Initial encounter
995.85 T76.01XD Subsequent encounter
Spouse or partner viol ence, Physical, Confirmed
995.81 T74.11XA Initial encounter
995.81 T74.11XD Subsequent encounter
Spouse or partner violence, Physical, Suspected
995.81 T76.11XA Initial encounter
995.81 T76.11XD Subsequent encounter
Spouse or partner violence, Sexual, Confirmed
995.83 T74.21XA Initial encounter
995.83 T74.21XD Subsequent encounter
Spouse or partner violence, Sexual, Suspected
995.83 T76.21XA Initial encounter
995.83 T76.21XD Subsequent encounter
307.3 F98.4 Stereotypic movement disorder
Stimulant in toxication (see amphetamine or cocaine intoxication for
specific codes)
Stimulant use disorder (see amphetamine or cocaine use disorder for
specific codes)
S timulant withdrawal (see amphetamine or cocaine withdrawal for
specific codes)
Substance intoxication delirium (see specific subs tances for codes)
Substance withdrawal delirium (see specific subs tances for codes) | dsm5.pdf |
29ad84790755-1 | Substance withdrawal delirium (see specific subs tances for codes)
Substance/medication-induced anxiety disorder (see specific
substances for codes)
Substance/medication-induced bipolar and related disorder (see
specific substa nces for codes)
Substance/medication-induced depressive disorder (see specific
substances for codes)
Substance/medication-induced major or mild neurocognitive
disorder (see specific substances for codes)
Substance/medication-induced ob sessive-compulsive and related
disorder (see specific substances for codes)
Substance/medication-induced psychotic disorder (see specific
substances for codes)
Substance/medication-induced sexual dysfunction (see specific
substances for codes)
Substance/medication-induced sleep disorder (see specific
substances for codes)ICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
028b60709467-0 | Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM) 861
333.99 G25.71 Tardive akathisia
333.85 G24.01 Tardive dyskinesia
333.72 G24.09 Tardive dystonia
V62.4 Z60.5 Target of (perceived) adve rse discrimination or persecution
292.85 Tobacco-induc ed sleep disorder
F17.208 With moderate or severe use disorder
Tobacco use disorder
305.1 Z72.0 Mild
305.1 F17.200 Moderate
305.1 F17.200 Severe
292.0 F17.203 Tobacco withdrawal
307.23 F95.2 Tourette’s disorder
302.3 F65.1 Transvestic disorder
312.39 F63.3 Trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder)
V63.9 Z75.3 Unavailability or inaccessibility of health care facilities
V63.8 Z75.4 Unavailability or inaccessibility of other helping agencies
V62.82 Z63.4 Uncomplic ated bereavement
291.9 F10.99 Unspecified alcohol-related disorder
300.00 F41.9 Unspecified anxiety disorder
314.01 F90.9 Unspecified attention- deficit/hyperacti vity disorder
296.80 F31.9 Unspecified bipo lar and related disorder
292.9 F15.99 Unspecified caffeine-related disorder
292.9 F12.99 Unspecified cannabis-related disorder
293.89 F06.1 Unspecified catatonia ( code first 781.99 [R29.818] other symptoms
involving nervous and musculoskeletal systems) | dsm5.pdf |
028b60709467-1 | involving nervous and musculoskeletal systems)
307.9 F80.9 Unspecified co mmunication disorder
780.09 R41.0 Unspecified delirium
311 F32.9 Unspecified depressive disorder
312.9 F91.9 Unspecified disruptive, impu lse-control, and conduct disorder
300.15 F44.9 Unspecified di ssociative disorder
Unspecified elimination disorder
787.60 R15.9 With fecal symptoms
788.30 R32 With urinary symptoms
307.50 F50.9 Unspecified feed ing or eating disorder
302.6 F64.9 Unspecified gender dysphoria
292.9 F16.99 Unspecified hallucinogen-related disorder
V60.9 Z59.9 Unspecified hous ing or economic problem
780.54 G47.10 Unspecified hy persomnolence disorder
292.9 F18.99 Unspecified inhalant-related disorder
780.52 G47.00 Unspecified insomnia disorder
319 F79 Unspecified intellectual disability (intellectual developmental
300.9 F99 Unspecified mental disorder
294.9 F09 Unspecified mental disorder due to another medical condition
799.59 R41.9 Unspecified ne urocognitive disorderICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
db847f1cebfd-0 | 862 Alphabetical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM)
315.9 F89 Unspecified neurodevelopmental disorder
300.3 F42 Unspecified obsessive-co mpulsive and related disorder
292.9 F11.99 Unspecified opioid-related disorder
292.9 F19.99 Unspecified other (or unkn own) substance–related disorder
302.9 F65.9 Unspecified paraphilic disorder
301.9 F60.9 Unspecified personality disorder
292.9 F16.99 Unspecified phency clidine-related disorder
V62.9 Z60.9 Unspecified problem related to social environment
V62.9 Z65.9 Unspecified problem related to unspecified psychosocial
298.9 F29 Unspecified schizophrenia spec trum and other psychotic disorder
292.9 F13.99 Unspecified sedative-, hypnot ic-, or anxiolytic-related disorder
302.70 F52.9 Unspecified sexual dysfunction
780.59 G47.9 Unspecified sleep-wake disorder
300.82 F45.9 Unspecified somatic symptom and related disorder
292.9 Unspecified stimul ant-related disorder
F15.99 Unspecified amphetamine or other stimulant-related disorder
F14.99 Unspecified cocaine-related disorder
307.20 F95.9 Unspecifi ed tic disorder
292.9 F17.209 Unspecified to bacco-related disorder
309.9 F43.9 Unspecified trauma- an d stressor-related disorder
V61.8 Z62.29 Upbringing away from parents
V62.89 Z65.4 Victim of crime
V62.89 Z65.4 Victim of terrorism or torture
302.82 F65.3 Voyeuristic disorder | dsm5.pdf |
db847f1cebfd-1 | 302.82 F65.3 Voyeuristic disorder
V40.31 Z91.83 Wandering associat ed with a mental disorderICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM Disorder, condition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
9d691740e5d4-0 | 863Numerical Listing of
DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes
ICD-9-CM codes are to be used for coding purposes in the United States through
September 30, 2014.
ICD-9-CM Disorder, cond ition, or problem
278.00 Overweight or obesity
290.40 Probable major vascular neurocognitive disorder, With behavioral disturbance
290.40 Probable major vascular neurocog nitive disorder, Without behavioral
291.0 Alcohol intoxication delirium
291.0 Alcohol withdrawal delirium
291.1 Alcohol-induced major ne urocognitive disorder, Amnestic confabulatory type
291.2 Alcohol-induced major neurocognitive disorder, Nonamnestic confabulatory type
291.81 Alcohol withdrawal
291.82 Alcohol-induced sleep disorder
291.89 Alcohol-induced anxiety disorder
291.89 Alcohol-induced bipolar and related disorder
291.89 Alcohol-induced depressive disorder
291.89 Alcohol-induced mild neurocognitive disorder
291.89 Alcohol-induced sexual dysfunction
291.9 Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder
291.9 Unspecified alco hol-related disorder
292.0 Amphetamine or other stimulant withdrawal
292.0 Caffeine withdrawal
292.0 Cannabis withdrawal
292.0 Cocaine withdrawal
292.0 Opioid withdrawal
292.0 Opioid withdrawal delirium
292.0 Other (or unknown) substance withdrawal
292.0 Other (or unknown) subs tance withdrawal delirium
292.0 Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic withdrawal
292.0 Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic withdr awal delirium
292.0 Tobacco withdrawal | dsm5.pdf |
9d691740e5d4-1 | 292.0 Tobacco withdrawal
292.81 Amphetamine (or other stim ulant) intoxication delirium
292.81 Cannabis intoxication delirium
292.81 Cocaine intox ication delirium | dsm5.pdf |
0593bf8b1f5c-0 | 864 Numerical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM)
292.81 Inhalant intoxication delirium
292.81 Medication-induced delirium
292.81 Opioid intoxication delirium
292.81 Other hallucinogen intoxication delirium
292.81 Other (or unknown) subs tance intoxication delirium
292.81 Phencyclidine intoxication delirium
292.81 Sedative, hypnotic, or an xiolytic intoxication delirium
292.82 Inhalant-induced majo r neurocognitive disorder
292.82 Other (or unknown) substance–in duced major neurocognitive disorder
292.82 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic -induced major neurocognitive disorder
292.84 Amphetamine (or other stimulant)–i nduced bipolar an d related disorder
292.84 Amphetamine (or other stimulan t)–induced depressive disorder
292.84 Cocaine-induced bipolar and related disorder
292.84 Cocaine-induced depressive disorder
292.84 Inhalant-induced depressive disorder
292.84 Opioid-induced depressive disorder
292.84 Other hallucinogen–induced bipolar and related disorder
292.84 Other hallucinogen–indu ced depressi ve disorder
292.84 Other (or unknown) substance–in duced bipolar and related disorder
292.84 Other (or unknown) substanc e–induced depres sive disorder
292.84 Phencyclidine-induced bi polar and related disorder
292.84 Phencyclidine-induce d depressive disorder
292.84 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic -induced bipolar and related disorder
292.84 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiol ytic-induced depr essive disorder | dsm5.pdf |
0593bf8b1f5c-1 | 292.85 Amphetamine (or other stim ulant)–induced sleep disorder
292.85 Caffeine-induced sleep disorder
292.85 Cannabis-induced sleep disorder
292.85 Cocaine-induced sleep disorder
292.85 Opioid-induced sleep disorder
292.85 Other (or unknown) subs tance–induced sleep disorder
292.85 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or an xiolytic-induced sleep disorder
292.85 Tobacco-induced sleep disorder
292.89 Amphetamine (or other stimul ant)–induced anxiety disorder
292.89 Amphetamine (or other st imulant)–induced obsessiv e-compulsive and related
292.89 Amphetamine (or other stimulan t)–induced sexual dysfunction
292.89 Amphetamine or other stimulant intoxication
292.89 Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder
292.89 Cannabis-induced anxiety disorder
292.89 Cannabis intoxication
292.89 Cocaine-induced anxiety disorder
292.89 Cocaine-induced obsessive-co mpulsive and related disorder
292.89 Cocaine-induced sexual dysfunction
292.89 Cocaine intoxication
292.89 Hallucinogen persisti ng perception disorder ICD-9-CM Disorder, cond ition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
89c7d79b1347-0 | Numerical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM) 865
292.89 Inhalant-induced anxiety disorder
292.89 Inhalant-induced mild neurocognitive disorder
292.89 Inhalant intoxication
292.89 Opioid-induced anxiety disorder
292.89 Opioid-induced sexual dysfunction
292.89 Opioid intoxication
292.89 Other hallucinogen–induced anxiety disorder
292.89 Other hallucinogen intoxication
292.89 Other (or unknown) substance–induced anxiety disorder
292.89 Other (or unknown) substance–in duced mild neurocognitive disorder
292.89 Other (or unknown) substance–induced obsessive-compulsive and related disorder
292.89 Other (or unknown) substanc e–induced sexual dysfunction
292.89 Other (or unknown) substance intoxication
292.89 Phencyclidine-indu ced anxiety disorder
292.89 Phencyclidine intoxication
292.89 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxi olytic-induced anxiety disorder
292.89 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-induced mild neurocognitive disorder
292.89 Sedative-, hypnotic- , or anxiolytic-induced sexual dysfunction
292.89 Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic intoxication
292.9 Amphetamine (or other stimul ant)–induced ps ychotic disorder
292.9 Cannabis-induced psychotic disorder
292.9 Cocaine-induced psychotic disorder
292.9 Inhalant-induced psychotic disorder
292.9 Other hallucinogen–induced psych otic disorder
292.9 Other (or unknown) substa nce–induced psychotic disorder
292.9 Phencyclidine -induced psychotic disorder | dsm5.pdf |
89c7d79b1347-1 | 292.9 Phencyclidine -induced psychotic disorder
292.9 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiol ytic-induced psychotic disorder
292.9 Unspecified caffeine-related disorder
292.9 Unspecified cannabis-related disorder
292.9 Unspecified hallucin ogen-related disorder
292.9 Unspecified inhalant-related disorder
292.9 Unspecified opioid-related disorder
292.9 Unspecified other (or unknown) substance–related disorder
292.9 Unspecified phencycl idine-related disorder
292.9 Unspecified sedative-, hypnotic- , or anxiolytic-related disorder
292.9 Unspecified stimulant-related disorder
292.9 Unspecified tobacco-related disorder
293.0 Delirium due to another medical condition
293.0 Delirium due to multiple etiologies
293.81 Psychotic disorder due to another medical condition, With delusions
293.82 Psychotic disord er due to another medical condition, With hallucinations
293.83 Bipolar and related disorder due to another medical condition
293.83 Depressive disorder due to another medical condition
293.84 Anxiety disorder due to another medical condition
293.89 Catatonia associated with another mental disorder (catatonia specifier)ICD-9-CM Disorder, cond ition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
12b8a8db3b1f-0 | 866 Numerical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM)
293.89 Catatonic disorder due to another medical condition
293.89 Unspecified catatonia ( code first 781.99 other symptoms involving nervous and
musculoskeletal systems)
294.10 Major neurocognitive disorder due to another medical condition, Without
behavioral disturbance
294.10 Major neurocognitive disorder due to HIV infection, Without behavioral
disturbance ( code first 042 HIV infection)
294.10 Major neurocognitive disorder due to Huntington’s disease, Without
behavioral disturbance ( code first 333.4 Huntington’s disease)
294.10 Major neurocognitive disorder due to multiple etiologies, Without behavioral
294.10 Major neurocognitive disorder probab ly due to Parkinson’ s disease, Without
behavioral disturbance ( code first 332.0 Parkinson’s disease)
294.10 Major neurocognitive disorder due to prion disease, Without behavioral
disturbance ( code first 046.79 prion disease)
294.10 Major neurocognitive disorder due to traumatic brain injury, Without
behavioral disturbance ( code first 907.0 late effect of intracranial injury without
skull fracture)
294.10 Probable major frontotemporal neurocognitive disorder, Without behavioral
disturbance ( code first 331.19 frontotemporal disease)
294.10 Probable major neurocognitive disor der due to Alzheimer’ s disease, Without
behavioral disturbance ( code first 331.0 Alzheimer’s disease)
294.10 Probable major neurocognitive disorder with Lewy bodies, Without behavioral
disturbance ( code first 331.82 Lewy body disease) | dsm5.pdf |
12b8a8db3b1f-1 | disturbance ( code first 331.82 Lewy body disease)
294.11 Major neurocognitive disorder due to another medical condition, With
behavioral disturbance
294.11 Major neurocognitive disorder due to HIV infection, With behavioral
disturbance ( code first 042 HIV infection)
294.11 Major neurocognitive diso rder due to Huntington’s disease, With behavioral
disturbance ( code first 333.4 Huntington’s disease)
294.11 Major neurocognitive disorder due to multiple etiologies, With behavioral
294.11 Major neurocognitive disorder prob ably due to Parkinso n’s disease, With
behavioral disturbance ( code first 332.0 Parkinson’s disease)
294.11 Major neurocognitive disorder due to prion disease, With behavioral
disturbance ( code first 046.79 prion disease)
294.11 Major neurocognitive diso rder due to traumatic brai n injury, With behavioral
disturbance ( code first 907.0 late effect of intracranial injury without skull
294.11 Probable major frontotemporal neurocognitive disorder, With behavioral
disturbance ( code first 331.19 frontotemporal disease)
294.11 Probable major neurocognitive disor der due to Alzheimer’ s disease, With
behavioral disturbance ( code first 331.0 Alzheimer’s disease)
294.11 Probable major neurocog nitive disorder with Lewy bodies, With behavioral
disturbance ( code first 331.82 Lew y body disease)
294.8 Obsessive-compulsive and related disorder due to another medical condition
294.8 Other specified mental disorder due to another medical condition | dsm5.pdf |
12b8a8db3b1f-2 | 294.8 Other specified mental disorder due to another medical condition
294.9 Unspecified mental disorder due to another medical conditionICD-9-CM Disorder, cond ition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
323b047f6be1-0 | Numerical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM) 867
295.40 Schizophreniform disorder
295.70 Schizoaffective disorder, Bipolar type
295.70 Schizoaffective diso rder, Depressive type
295.90 Schizophrenia
296.20 Major depressive disorder , Single episode, Unspecifed
296.21 Major depressive disord er, Single episode, Mild
296.22 Major depressive disorder , Single episode, Moderate
296.23 Major depressive disorder , Single episode, Severe
296.24 Major depressive disorder, Single episode, With psychotic features
296.25 Major depressive disorder, Sing le episode, In partial remission
296.26 Major depressive disorder, Si ngle episode, In full remission
296.30 Major depressive disorder, Recurrent episode, Unspecified
296.31 Major depressive disord er, Recurrent episode, Mild
296.32 Major depressive disorder, Recurrent episode, Moderate
296.33 Major depressive disorder, Recurrent episode, Severe
296.34 Major depressive disorder, Recurr ent episode, With psychotic features
296.35 Major depressive disorder, Recurr ent episode, In partial remission
296.36 Major depressive disorder, Recu rrent episode, In full remission
296.40 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode hypomanic
296.40 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode hypomanic, Unspecified
296.40 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode manic, Unspecified
296.41 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode manic, Mild
296.42 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode manic, Moderate
296.43 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode manic, Severe | dsm5.pdf |
323b047f6be1-1 | 296.43 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode manic, Severe
296.44 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode manic, With psychotic features
296.45 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode hypomanic, In partial remission
296.45 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most re cent episode manic, In partial remission
296.46 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most re cent episode hypomani c, In full remission
296.46 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most re cent episode manic, In full remission
296.50 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode depressed, Unspecified
296.51 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode depressed, Mild
296.52 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode depressed, Moderate
296.53 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode depressed, Severe
296.54 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most re cent episode depresse d, With psychotic
296.55 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode depressed, In partial remission
296.56 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most rece nt episode depressed, In full remission
296.7 Bipolar I disorder, Current or most recent episode unspecified
296.80 Unspecified bipolar and related disorder
296.89 Bipolar II disorder
296.89 Other specified bipo lar and related disorder
296.99 Disruptive mood dy sregulation disorder
297.1 Delusional disorder
298.8 Brief psychotic disorder
298.8 Other specified schizophrenia sp ectrum and other psychotic disorderICD-9-CM Disorder, cond ition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
511cfee9071a-0 | 868 Numerical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM)
298.9 Unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder
299.00 Autism spectrum disorder
300.00 Unspecified anxiety disorder
300.01 Panic disorder
300.02 Generalized anxiety disorder
300.09 Other specified anxiety disorder
300.11 Conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder)
300.12 Dissociative amnesia
300.13 Dissociative amnesia, With dissociative fugue
300.14 Dissociative identity disorder
300.15 Other specified di ssociative disorder
300.15 Unspecified dissociative disorder
300.19 Factitious disorder
300.22 Agoraphobia
300.23 Social anxiety disorder (social phobia)
300.29 Specific phobia, Animal
300.29 Specific phobia, Blood-injection-injury
300.29 Specific phobia, Natural environment
300.29 Specific phobia, Other
300.29 Specific phobia, Situational
300.3 Hoarding disorder
300.3 Obsessive-com pulsive disorder
300.3 Other specified obsessive-compulsive and re lated disorder
300.3 Unspecified obsessive-comp ulsive and re lated disorder
300.4 Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)
300.6 Depersonalization/derealization disorder
300.7 Body dysmorphic disorder
300.7 Illness anxiety disorder
300.82 Somatic symptom disorder
300.82 Unspecified somatic symptom and related disorder
300.89 Other specified somatic symptom and related disorder
300.9 Other specified mental disorder
300.9 Unspecified mental disorder
301.0 Paranoid personality disorder
301.13 Cyclothymic disorder
301.20 Schizoid personality disorder
301.22 Schizotypal personality disorder | dsm5.pdf |
511cfee9071a-1 | 301.20 Schizoid personality disorder
301.22 Schizotypal personality disorder
301.4 Obsessive-compulsiv e personality disorder
301.50 Histrionic pe rsonality disorder
301.6 Dependent personality disorder
301.7 Antisocial pers onality disorder
301.81 Narcissistic pe rsonality disorder
301.82 Avoidant personality disorder
301.83 Borderline personality disorder
301.89 Other specified personality disorderICD-9-CM Disorder, cond ition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
0ad41acaa373-0 | Numerical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM) 869
301.9 Unspecified pe rsonality disorder
302.2 Pedophilic disorder
302.3 Transvestic disorder
302.4 Exhibitionistic disorder
302.6 Gender dysphoria in children
302.6 Other specified gender dysphoria
302.6 Unspecified gender dysphoria
302.70 Unspecified sexual dysfunction
302.71 Male hypoactive sexual desire disorder
302.72 Erectile disorder
302.72 Female sexual interest/arousal disorder
302.73 Female orgasmic disorder
302.74 Delayed ejaculation
302.75 Premature (early) ejaculation
302.76 Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder
302.79 Other specified sexual dysfunction
302.81 Fetishistic disorder
302.82 Voyeuristic disorder
302.83 Sexual masochism disorder
302.84 Sexual sadism disorder
302.85 Gender dysphoria in adolescents and adults
302.89 Frotteuristic disorder
302.89 Other specified paraphilic disorder
302.9 Unspecified paraphilic disorder
303.00 Alcohol intoxication
303.90 Alcohol use disorder, Moderate
303.90 Alcohol use disorder, Severe
304.00 Opioid use disorder, Moderate
304.00 Opioid use disorder, Severe
304.10 Sedative, hypnotic, or anxi olytic use disorder, Moderate
304.10 Sedative, hypnotic, or an xiolytic use disorder, Severe
304.20 Cocaine use disorder, Moderate
304.20 Cocaine use disorder, Severe
304.30 Cannabis use disorder, Moderate
304.30 Cannabis use disorder, Severe
304.40 Amphetamine-type substa nce use disorder, Moderate
304.40 Amphetamine-type subs tance use disorder, Severe | dsm5.pdf |
0ad41acaa373-1 | 304.40 Amphetamine-type subs tance use disorder, Severe
304.40 Other or unspecified stimulant use diso rder, Moderate
304.40 Other or unspecified st imulant use disorder, Severe
304.50 Other hallucinogen use disorder, Moderate
304.50 Other hallucinogen use disorder, Severe
304.60 Inhalant use disorder, Moderate
304.60 Inhalant use disorder, Severe
304.60 Phencyclidine us e disorder, Moderate
304.60 Phencyclidine us e disorder, SevereICD-9-CM Disorder, cond ition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
26f0a076823d-0 | 870 Numerical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM)
304.90 Other (or unknown) subs tance use disorder, Moderate
304.90 Other (or unknown) subs tance use disorder, Severe
305.00 Alcohol use disorder, Mild
305.1 Tobacco use disorder, Mild
305.1 Tobacco use disorder, Moderate
305.1 Tobacco use disorder, Severe
305.20 Cannabis use disorder, Mild
305.30 Other hallucinogen use disorder, Mild
305.40 Sedative, hypnotic, or an xiolytic use disorder, Mild
305.50 Opioid use disorder, Mild
305.60 Cocaine use disorder, Mild
305.70 Amphetamine-type subs tance use disorder, Mild
305.70 Other or unspecified st imulant use disorder, Mild
305.90 Caffeine intoxication
305.90 Inhalant use disorder, Mild
305.90 Other (or unknown) su bstance use disorder, Mild
305.90 Phencyclidine use disorder, Mild
307.0 Adult-onset fluency disorder
307.1 Anorexia nervosa
307.20 Other specified tic disorder
307.20 Unspecified tic disorder
307.21 Provisional tic disorder
307.22 Persistent (chronic) mo tor or vocal tic disorder
307.23 Tourette’s disorder
307.3 Stereotypic movement disorder
307.42 Insomnia disorder
307.44 Hypersomnolence disorder
307.45 Circadian rhythm sleep-wake di sorders, Advanced sleep phase type
307.45 Circadian rhythm sleep-wake di sorders, Delayed sleep phase type
307.45 Circadian rhythm sleep-wake di sorders, Irregula r sleep-wake type | dsm5.pdf |
26f0a076823d-1 | 307.45 Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders, Non-24-hour sleep-wake type
307.45 Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders, Shift work type
307.45 Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders, Unspecified type
307.46 Non–rapid eye movement sleep ar ousal disorders, Sleep terror type
307.46 Non–rapid eye movement sleep ar ousal disorders, Sleepwalking type
307.47 Nightmare disorder
307.50 Unspecified feedin g or eating disorder
307.51 Binge-eating disorder
307.51 Bulimia nervosa
307.52 Pica
307.53 Rumination disorder
307.59 Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
307.59 Other specified feed ing or eating disorder
307.6 Enuresis
307.7 Encopresis
307.9 Unspecified communication disorderICD-9-CM Disorder, cond ition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
52d0606725fd-0 | Numerical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM) 871
308.3 Acute stress disorder
309.0 Adjustment disorders , With depressed mood
309.21 Separation anxiety disorder
309.24 Adjustment disorders, With anxiety
309.28 Adjustment disorders, With mixed anxiety and depressed mood
309.3 Adjustment disorders, With disturbance of conduct
309.4 Adjustment disorders, With mixed disturbance of em otions and conduct
309.81 Posttraumatic stress disorder
309.89 Other specified trauma- an d stressor-related disorder
309.9 Adjustment disorders, Unspecified
309.9 Unspecified trauma- and stressor-related disorder
310.1 Personality change due to another medical condition
311 Other specified depressive disorder
311 Unspecified depressive disorder
312.31 Gambling disorder
312.32 Kleptomania
312.33 Pyromania
312.34 Intermittent ex plosive disorder
312.39 Trichotillomania (h air-pulling disorder)
312.81 Conduct disorder, Childhood-onset type
312.82 Conduct disorder, Adolescent-onset type
312.89 Conduct disorder, Unspecified onset
312.89 Other specified disr uptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorder
312.9 Unspecified disruptive, impuls e-control, and conduct disorder
313.23 Selective mutism
313.81 Oppositional defiant disorder
313.89 Disinhibited social engagement disorder
313.89 Reactive attachment disorder
314.00 Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Predominantly inattentive presentation
314.01 Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Combin ed presentation
314.01 Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Predomin antly hyperactive/
impulsive presentation
314.01 Other specified attention- deficit/hyperacti vity disorder | dsm5.pdf |
52d0606725fd-1 | impulsive presentation
314.01 Other specified attention- deficit/hyperacti vity disorder
314.01 Unspecified attention-de ficit/hyperactivity disorder
315.00 Specific learning disorder , With impairment in reading
315.1 Specific learning disorder, With impair ment in mathematics
315.2 Specific learning di sorder, With impairment in written expression
315.32 Language disorder
315.35 Childhood-onset fluenc y disorder (stuttering)
315.39 Social (pragmatic ) communication disorder
315.39 Speech sound disorder
315.4 Developmental coor dination disorder
315.8 Global developmental delay
315.8 Other specified neurodevelopmental disorder
315.9 Unspecified neurodevelopmental disorder
316 Psychological factors affecting other medical conditionsICD-9-CM Disorder, cond ition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
6f023016b7e6-0 | 872 Numerical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM)
317 Intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder), Mild
318.0 Intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder), Moderate
318.1 Intellectual disability (intelle ctual developmental disorder), Severe
318.2 Intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder), Profound
319 Unspecified intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder)
327.21 Central sleep apnea, Idio pathic central sleep apnea
327.23 Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea
327.24 Sleep-related hy poventilation, Idiopathic hypoventilation
327.25 Sleep-related hypovent ilation, Congenital centra l alveolar hypoventilation
327.26 Sleep-related hypoventilation, Como rbid sleep-relate d hypoventilation
327.42 Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder
331.83 Mild frontotemporal ne urocognitive disorder
331.83 Mild neurocognitive disord er due to Alzheimer’s disease
331.83 Mild neurocognitive disorder due to another medical condition
331.83 Mild neurocognitive disorder due to HIV infection
331.83 Mild neurocognitive disorder due to Huntington’s disease
331.83 Mild neurocognitive disorder with Lewy bodies
331.83 Mild neurocognitive disord er due to multiple etiologies
331.83 Mild neurocognitive disord er due to Parkin son’s disease
331.83 Mild neurocognitive diso rder due to prion disease
331.83 Mild neurocognitive disorder due to traumatic brain injury
331.83 Mild vascular neur ocognitive disorder
331.9 Major neurocognitive disorder possibly due to Parkinson’s disease
331.9 Possible major frontotempor al neurocognitive disorder
331.9 Possible major neurocognitive di sorder due to Al zheimer’s disease | dsm5.pdf |
6f023016b7e6-1 | 331.9 Possible major neurocognitive di sorder due to Al zheimer’s disease
331.9 Possible major neurocognitive disorder with Lewy bodies
331.9 Possible major vascular neurocognitive disorder
333.1 Medication-induce d postural tremor
332.1 Neuroleptic-ind uced parkinsonism
332.1 Other medication-i nduced pa rkinsonism
333.72 Medication-induced acute dystonia
333.72 Tardive dystonia
333.85 Tardive dyskinesia
333.92 Neuroleptic ma lignant syndrome
333.94 Restless legs syndrome
333.99 Medication-induc ed acute akathisia
333.99 Other medication-ind uced movement disorder
333.99 Tardive akathisia
347.00 Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, deafness, and narcolepsy
347.00 Autosomal dominant narcolepsy, obesity, and type 2 diabetes
347.00 Narcolepsy withou t cataplexy but with hypocretin deficiency
347.01 Narcolepsy with cataplexy but without hypocretin deficiency
347.10 Narcolepsy secondary to another medical condition
625.4 Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
698.4 Excoriation (ski n-picking) disorderICD-9-CM Disorder, cond ition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
8faec4a0a51e-0 | Numerical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM) 873
780.09 Other specified delirium
780.09 Unspecified delirium
780.52 Other specified insomnia disorder
780.52 Unspecified insomnia disorder
780.54 Other specified hy persomnolence disorder
780.54 Unspecified hypersomnolence disorder
780.57 Central sleep apnea, Central sl eep apnea comorbid with opioid use
780.59 Other specified sleep-wake disorder
780.59 Unspecified sleep-wake disorder
786.04 Central sleep apnea, Cheyne-Stokes breathing
787.60 Other specified elimination disorder, With fecal symptoms
787.60 Unspecified elimination di sorder, With fecal symptoms
788.30 Unspecified elimination di sorder, With urinary symptoms
788.39 Other specified elimination disorder, With urinary symptoms
799.59 Unspecified neur ocognitive disorder
995.20 Other adverse effect of medication, Initial encounter
995.20 Other adverse effect of medication, Sequelae
995.20 Other adverse effect of me dication, Subsequent encounter
995.29 Antidepressant di scontinuation syndrome, Initial encounter
995.29 Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome, Sequelae
995.29 Antidepressant disc ontinuation syndrome, Subsequent encounter
995.51 Child psychological abuse, Confirmed, Initial encounter
995.51 Child psychological abuse, Co nfirmed, Subsequent encounter
995.51 Child psychological abuse, Suspected, Initial encounter
995.51 Child psychological abuse, Su spected, Subsequent encounter
995.52 Child neglect, Confirmed, Initial encounter
995.52 Child neglect, Confirmed, Subsequent encounter
995.52 Child neglect, Suspec ted, Initial encounter
995.52 Child neglect, Suspecte d, Subsequent encounter | dsm5.pdf |
8faec4a0a51e-1 | 995.52 Child neglect, Suspecte d, Subsequent encounter
995.53 Child sexual abuse, Co nfirmed, Init ial encounter
995.53 Child sexual abuse, Conf irmed, Subsequent encounter
995.53 Child sexual abuse, Su spected, Initial encounter
995.53 Child sexual ab use, Suspected, Subsequent encounter
995.54 Child physical abuse, Co nfirmed, Initial encounter
995.54 Child physical abuse, Conf irmed, Subsequent encounter
995.54 Child physical abuse, Su spected, Initial encounter
995.54 Child physical abuse, Susp ected, Subsequent encounter
995.81 Adult physical abuse by nonspouse or nonpartner, Confirmed, Initial encounter
995.81 Adult physical abuse by nonspouse or nonpartner , Confirmed, Subsequent
995.81 Adult physical abuse by nonspouse or nonpartner, Su spected, Initial encounter
995.81 Adult physical abuse by nonspouse or nonpartner, Suspected, Subsequent
encounterICD-9-CM Disorder, cond ition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
e743961c18c6-0 | 874 Numerical Listing of DSM-5 Diagnoses and Codes (ICD-9-CM)
995.81 Spouse or partner violence, Phys ical, Confirmed, Initial encounter
995.81 Spouse or partner violence, Physic al, Confirmed, Subsequent encounter
995.81 Spouse or partner violence, Phys ical, Suspected, Initial encounter
995.81 Spouse or partner violence, Physic al, Suspected, Subsequent encounter
995.82 Adult psychological abuse by nonspo use or nonpartner, Confirmed, Initial
995.82 Adult psychological abuse by no nspouse or nonpartner, Confirmed,
Subsequent encounter
995.82 Adult psychological abuse by nonspo use or nonpartner, Suspected, Initial
995.82 Adult psychological abuse by no nspouse or nonpartner, Suspected,
Subsequent encounter
995.82 Spouse or partner abuse, Psycholo gical, Confirmed, Initial encounter
995.82 Spouse or partner abuse, Psychological, Confirmed, Subsequent encounter
995.82 Spouse or partner abuse, Psycholo gical, Suspected, Initial encounter
995.82 Spouse or partner abuse, Psychologi cal, Suspected, Su bsequent encounter
995.83 Adult sexual abuse by nonspouse or nonpartner, Confirmed, Initial encounter
995.83 Adult sexual abuse by nonspouse or nonpartner, Confirmed, Subsequent
995.83 Adult sexual abuse by nonspouse or nonpartner, Suspected, Initial encounter
995.83 Adult sexual abuse by nonspouse or nonpartner, Suspected, Subsequent
995.83 Spouse or partner violence, Se xual, Confirmed, Initial encounter | dsm5.pdf |
e743961c18c6-1 | 995.83 Spouse or partner violence, Se xual, Confirmed, Initial encounter
995.83 Spouse or partner violence, Sexu al, Confirmed, Subsequent encounter
995.83 Spouse or partner violence, Se xual, Suspected, Initial encounter
995.83 Spouse or partner violence, Sexu al, Suspected, Subsequent encounter
995.85 Spouse or partner neglect, Confirmed, Initial encounter
995.85 Spouse or partner neglect, Confirmed, Subsequent encounter
995.85 Spouse or partner neglect, Suspected, Initial encounter
995.85 Spouse or partner neglect, Suspected, Subsequent encounter
V15.41 Personal history (p ast history) of physical abuse in childhood
V15.41 Personal history (past history) of sexual abuse in childhood
V15.41 Personal history (pas t history) of spouse or partner violence, Physical
V15.41 Personal history (pas t history) of spouse or partner violence, Sexual
V15.42 Personal histor y (past history) of neglect in childhood
V15.42 Personal history (p ast history) of psychological abuse in childhood
V15.42 Personal history (past history) of spou se or partner neglect
V15.42 Personal history (pas t history) of spouse or partner psychological abuse
V15.49 Other personal history of psychological trauma
V15.59 Personal history of self-harm
V15.81 Nonadherence to medical treatment
V15.89 Other personal risk factors
V40.31 Wandering associated with a mental disorder
V60.0 Homelessness
V60.1 Inadequate housing
V60.2 Extreme povertyICD-9-CM Disorder, cond ition, or problem | dsm5.pdf |
Subsets and Splits