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Reacting to Bloopers | Tyler Oakley
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Tyler Oakley
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- Hey everyone! My name is Tyler Oakley, and today I want to make a little video because it has been six months, I don't know how it's been six months, like time flies, but it has been six months since I put out my first book, Binge. And, when it first came out in October of 2015, y'all got the book, and made it number two on The New York Times Bestseller List, which means that it was the number two book in the country, of all the books that week, it was the number two book. Which like, blows my mind. Thank you so much. And since then, it has stayed on The New York Times comedy book list for the entire time that it has been out with people that I really look up to, and whose books that I really love, lik Aziz, and Tina, and Amy, and Mindy, and all of these people that I'm like flabbergasted that I am right next to. So thank you so much for supporting the book. Thank you for getting the audio book, and the ebook, and the physical copies. Thank you so much. I appreciate you. You are the best. Etc. Etc. Etc. But that is not why we are here today. Today we are here because I got an email from the people that I made the audio book with, and they were like, "Hi, I don't know if you want this, but" Here, there's gonna be a noise. (book thudding on ground) "I don't know if you want this, but I have the outtakes and bloopers for when you did the audio book" And I was like, "Oh, God." I do not need to hear that, it's just gonna be me like swearing, and asking for help, and being like, "Is this a typo?" It's a mess, I'm sure. (clears throat) - [Voiceover] Introduction. (laughing) - Oh, my God. Right off the bat, I'm like the gayest. I'm sure it was first, Sutton's first word, like first thing I've recorded for the audio book. And I'm thinking, "How do I even make an audio book? I'm not professional." And great. Me, right off the bat being like, "Introduction". - [Voiceover] Let's hear this, it sounds weird. Academia. Aca-dee-mia! Aquacide. Aquasense? Aquasense? Acquiescence. Charabic? Charabic? Cherubic! - This is all okay, when you say a word over and over, it stops sounding like a word. - [Voiceover] Septuagenarian Septa, sep-septuagenarian. Septuagenarian. Jesus Christ. Uninhibitedly? Uninhibitedly? Uninhibit. Uninhibitedly. - Unin-hibba-dibbedluh. I don't even know how to say it now. Uninhibitedly. Unin-hibba-dibba. Uninhibitedly. I think that was it. Unin-hibba-dibb. Listen, unin-hibba-dably is a very difficult word to say. Even when I was recording it, I was like, this is like impossible is there a synonym we can just like pop right in. And now, months later, nothing has changed. Uninhibitably. I recorded that book uninhibitably. - [Voiceover] I hurriedly, hurriedly, hurriedly. Hurriedly? I hurriedly, hurriedly? I hurriedly, fuck. - You can hear the pain in my voice in the last one. I'm like, 'hurriedly'. - [Voiceover] Fuck me! Ooh, fuck me. Lavatory. Ooh, fuck. Fuck me, one second. - I am sorry for all the 'fuck me's. - [Voiceover] Okay, I got it. I held my vomit. - What part of my book was I talking about, "held my vomit"? Oh, I remember. Never mind, got it. (grunting sounds) - [Voiceover] Thank you for believing in me. Can you check half a page Pages half, half a page, the half a page. I'm sorry, what page was that again? Ooh, that's hard to say. Is that spelled right, then? Ladies, man. (laughing) Worse, my butter. Ooh, it's so hard to read. I spent Oh no. I'mma just cut that line right out. - What did I just like cut because it was too hard to say? Typical me, if something wasn't going right, I would just probably like, get rid of it, who needs that chapter? The people don't need it. Well that was fun, I think. Did you guys like that? I think that was ridiculous. I'm a mess. Me, especially, when I'm like, what page are we on? Typically, me lost and confused, recording my audio book. What's new? But yes, that is all I have for you guys today. If you like this video, and if you like my book, be sure to give this video a thumbs up. You can get my book as a physical copy, an ebook, or as you guys know from now from this video, the audio book, but you can also get it as like a CD boxed set thing, and it's like a bunch of Cds of the audio book. I don't know if you want that, but you can get that. And because I have like a whole stack of these, I want to give some of these away. I'm gonna sign them and send them to you. All you have to do is give this video a thumbs up, and comment below what you love about Binge, or why you want to get Binge. Anybody can comment anybody can win. But yeah, I'm gonna send out a whole bunch of these. I think five of them to people that do that. So if you want one, you can do that. So yeah. I'mma get going. I love you guys. I hope you have a fabulous week, and I can't wait to tell you some things soon. I've got some surprises coming up. Be sure to follow me on Twitter, and Snapchat, and FaceBook, and Instagram. All the links are below. And you might find out before other people if you follow me on those places. So, I love you. I will see you soon. That's all. (kissing sound) (light bright music)
[ { "duration": 0.833, "start": 0, "text": "- Hey everyone!" }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 0.833, "text": "My name is Tyler Oakley," }, { "duration": 1.513, "start": 1.666, "text": "and today I want to make a little video" }, { "duration": 2.58, "start": 3.179, "text": "because it has been six months," }, { "duration": 1.367, "start": 5.759, "text": "I don't know how it's been six months," }, { "duration": 1.333, "start": 7.126, "text": "like time flies," }, { "duration": 1.086, "start": 9.309, "text": "but it has been six months" }, { "duration": 2.363, "start": 10.395, "text": "since I put out my first book, Binge." }, { "duration": 1.494, "start": 12.758, "text": "And, when it first came out" }, { "duration": 1.583, "start": 14.252, "text": "in October of 2015," }, { "duration": 2.173, "start": 16.981, "text": "y'all got the book, and made it number two" }, { "duration": 1.505, "start": 19.154, "text": "on The New York Times Bestseller List," }, { "duration": 1.233, "start": 20.659, "text": "which means that it was the number two" }, { "duration": 1.296, "start": 21.892, "text": "book in the country," }, { "duration": 1.295, "start": 23.188, "text": "of all the books that week," }, { "duration": 1.359, "start": 24.483, "text": "it was the number two book." }, { "duration": 1.5670000000000002, "start": 25.842, "text": "Which like, blows my mind." }, { "duration": 1.003, "start": 27.409, "text": "Thank you so much." }, { "duration": 1.63, "start": 28.412, "text": "And since then, it has stayed" }, { "duration": 2.027, "start": 30.042, "text": "on The New York Times comedy book list" }, { "duration": 2.717, "start": 32.069, "text": "for the entire time that it has been out" }, { "duration": 1.609, "start": 34.786, "text": "with people that I really look up to," }, { "duration": 1.6720000000000002, "start": 36.395, "text": "and whose books that I really love," }, { "duration": 2.9050000000000002, "start": 38.067, "text": "lik Aziz, and Tina, and Amy, and Mindy," }, { "duration": 2.487, "start": 40.972, "text": "and all of these people that I'm like" }, { "duration": 1.755, "start": 43.459, "text": "flabbergasted that I am right next to." }, { "duration": 1.756, "start": 45.214, "text": "So thank you so much\nfor supporting the book." }, { "duration": 1.316, "start": 46.97, "text": "Thank you for getting the audio book," }, { "duration": 2.027, "start": 48.286, "text": "and the ebook, and the physical copies." }, { "duration": 1.045, "start": 50.313, "text": "Thank you so much." }, { "duration": 0.857, "start": 51.358, "text": "I appreciate you." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 52.215, "text": "You are the best." }, { "duration": 1.612, "start": 53.048, "text": "Etc. Etc. Etc." }, { "duration": 1.045, "start": 54.66, "text": "But that is not why we are here today." }, { "duration": 2.362, "start": 55.705, "text": "Today we are here because I got an email" }, { "duration": 2.821, "start": 58.067, "text": "from the people that I\nmade the audio book with," }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 60.888, "text": "and they were like," }, { "duration": 1.57, "start": 61.721, "text": "\"Hi, I don't know if you want this, but\"" }, { "duration": 1.191, "start": 63.291, "text": "Here, there's gonna be a noise." }, { "duration": 1.442, "start": 64.482, "text": "(book thudding on ground)" }, { "duration": 1.024, "start": 65.924, "text": "\"I don't know if you want this," }, { "duration": 2.779, "start": 66.948, "text": "but I have the outtakes and bloopers" }, { "duration": 1.7349999999999999, "start": 69.727, "text": "for when you did the audio book\"" }, { "duration": 0.961, "start": 71.462, "text": "And I was like," }, { "duration": 1.066, "start": 72.423, "text": "\"Oh, God.\"" }, { "duration": 1.588, "start": 73.489, "text": "I do not need to hear that," }, { "duration": 1.505, "start": 75.077, "text": "it's just gonna be me like swearing," }, { "duration": 1.296, "start": 76.582, "text": "and asking for help," }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 77.878, "text": "and being like," }, { "duration": 1.152, "start": 78.711, "text": "\"Is this a typo?\"" }, { "duration": 2.487, "start": 79.863, "text": "It's a mess, I'm sure." }, { "duration": 1.379, "start": 82.35, "text": "(clears throat)" }, { "duration": 1.818, "start": 83.729, "text": "- [Voiceover] Introduction." }, { "duration": 1.881, "start": 85.547, "text": "(laughing)" }, { "duration": 0.857, "start": 87.428, "text": "- Oh, my God." }, { "duration": 2.215, "start": 88.285, "text": "Right off the bat, I'm like the gayest." }, { "duration": 1.024, "start": 90.5, "text": "I'm sure it was first," }, { "duration": 1.233, "start": 91.524, "text": "Sutton's first word," }, { "duration": 1.8599999999999999, "start": 92.757, "text": "like first thing I've\nrecorded for the audio book." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 94.617, "text": "And I'm thinking," }, { "duration": 0.927, "start": 95.45, "text": "\"How do I even make an audio book?" }, { "duration": 2.069, "start": 96.377, "text": "I'm not professional.\"" }, { "duration": 0.856, "start": 98.446, "text": "And great." }, { "duration": 1.359, "start": 99.302, "text": "Me, right off the bat being like," }, { "duration": 1.25, "start": 100.661, "text": "\"Introduction\"." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 102.813, "text": "- [Voiceover] Let's hear this," }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 103.646, "text": "it sounds weird." }, { "duration": 1.009, "start": 104.479, "text": "Academia. Aca-dee-mia!" }, { "duration": 1.7349999999999999, "start": 105.488, "text": "Aquacide. Aquasense?" }, { "duration": 1.713, "start": 107.223, "text": "Aquasense? Acquiescence." }, { "duration": 1.359, "start": 108.936, "text": "Charabic? Charabic?" }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 110.295, "text": "Cherubic!" }, { "duration": 0.835, "start": 112.989, "text": "- This is all okay," }, { "duration": 1.881, "start": 113.824, "text": "when you say a word over and over," }, { "duration": 2.195, "start": 115.705, "text": "it stops sounding like a word." }, { "duration": 1.2530000000000001, "start": 117.9, "text": "- [Voiceover] Septuagenarian" }, { "duration": 2.571, "start": 119.153, "text": "Septa, sep-septuagenarian." }, { "duration": 1.108, "start": 121.724, "text": "Septuagenarian." }, { "duration": 1.086, "start": 122.832, "text": "Jesus Christ." }, { "duration": 1.191, "start": 123.918, "text": "Uninhibitedly?" }, { "duration": 1.338, "start": 125.109, "text": "Uninhibitedly?" }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 126.447, "text": "Uninhibit." }, { "duration": 1.7349999999999999, "start": 127.28, "text": "Uninhibitedly." }, { "duration": 1.526, "start": 129.015, "text": "- Unin-hibba-dibbedluh." }, { "duration": 1.5670000000000002, "start": 130.541, "text": "I don't even know how to say it now." }, { "duration": 1.421, "start": 132.108, "text": "Uninhibitedly." }, { "duration": 1.8599999999999999, "start": 133.529, "text": "Unin-hibba-dibba." }, { "duration": 1.7770000000000001, "start": 135.389, "text": "Uninhibitedly." }, { "duration": 1.295, "start": 137.166, "text": "I think that was it." }, { "duration": 1.317, "start": 138.461, "text": "Unin-hibba-dibb." }, { "duration": 2.466, "start": 139.778, "text": "Listen, unin-hibba-dably" }, { "duration": 3.446, "start": 142.244, "text": "is a very difficult word to say." }, { "duration": 1.296, "start": 145.69, "text": "Even when I was recording it," }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 146.986, "text": "I was like," }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 147.819, "text": "this is like impossible" }, { "duration": 2.325, "start": 148.652, "text": "is there a synonym we can\njust like pop right in." }, { "duration": 1.484, "start": 150.977, "text": "And now, months later," }, { "duration": 1.342, "start": 152.461, "text": "nothing has changed." }, { "duration": 1.463, "start": 153.803, "text": "Uninhibitably." }, { "duration": 3.093, "start": 155.266, "text": "I recorded that book uninhibitably." }, { "duration": 1.17, "start": 158.359, "text": "- [Voiceover] I hurriedly," }, { "duration": 1.358, "start": 159.529, "text": "hurriedly, hurriedly." }, { "duration": 1.379, "start": 160.887, "text": "Hurriedly?" }, { "duration": 2.36, "start": 162.266, "text": "I hurriedly, hurriedly?" }, { "duration": 1.358, "start": 164.626, "text": "I hurriedly, fuck." }, { "duration": 2.738, "start": 165.984, "text": "- You can hear the pain in\nmy voice in the last one." }, { "duration": 1.7349999999999999, "start": 168.722, "text": "I'm like, 'hurriedly'." }, { "duration": 1.191, "start": 170.457, "text": "- [Voiceover] Fuck me!" }, { "duration": 0.898, "start": 171.648, "text": "Ooh, fuck me." }, { "duration": 1.045, "start": 172.546, "text": "Lavatory." }, { "duration": 2.842, "start": 173.591, "text": "Ooh, fuck. Fuck me, one second." }, { "duration": 2.989, "start": 176.433, "text": "- I am sorry for all the 'fuck me's." }, { "duration": 1.6720000000000002, "start": 179.422, "text": "- [Voiceover] Okay, I got it." }, { "duration": 1.333, "start": 181.094, "text": "I held my vomit." }, { "duration": 1.6720000000000002, "start": 183.518, "text": "- What part of my book\nwas I talking about," }, { "duration": 0.856, "start": 185.19, "text": "\"held my vomit\"?" }, { "duration": 1.38, "start": 186.046, "text": "Oh, I remember." }, { "duration": 1.358, "start": 187.426, "text": "Never mind, got it." }, { "duration": 2.833, "start": 188.784, "text": "(grunting sounds)" }, { "duration": 2.487, "start": 193.82, "text": "- [Voiceover] Thank you\nfor believing in me." }, { "duration": 1.127, "start": 196.307, "text": "Can you check half a page" }, { "duration": 1.024, "start": 197.434, "text": "Pages half, half a page, the half a page." }, { "duration": 2.473, "start": 198.458, "text": "I'm sorry, what page was that again?" }, { "duration": 1.087, "start": 200.931, "text": "Ooh, that's hard to say." }, { "duration": 1.697, "start": 202.018, "text": "Is that spelled right, then?" }, { "duration": 1.003, "start": 203.715, "text": "Ladies, man." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 204.718, "text": "(laughing)" }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 205.551, "text": "Worse, my butter." }, { "duration": 2.349, "start": 206.384, "text": "Ooh, it's so hard to read." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 208.733, "text": "I spent" }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 212.21, "text": "Oh no." }, { "duration": 0.837, "start": 213.043, "text": "I'mma just cut that line right out." }, { "duration": 2.987, "start": 213.88, "text": "- What did I just like cut\nbecause it was too hard to say?" }, { "duration": 2.006, "start": 216.867, "text": "Typical me, if something\nwasn't going right," }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 218.873, "text": "I would just probably like," }, { "duration": 1.884, "start": 219.706, "text": "get rid of it, who needs that chapter?" }, { "duration": 1.024, "start": 221.59, "text": "The people don't need it." }, { "duration": 1.4, "start": 222.614, "text": "Well that was fun, I think." }, { "duration": 1.1280000000000001, "start": 224.014, "text": "Did you guys like that?" }, { "duration": 1.693, "start": 225.142, "text": "I think that was ridiculous." }, { "duration": 0.961, "start": 226.835, "text": "I'm a mess." }, { "duration": 1.192, "start": 227.796, "text": "Me, especially, when I'm like," }, { "duration": 1.254, "start": 228.988, "text": "what page are we on?" }, { "duration": 2.152, "start": 230.242, "text": "Typically, me lost and confused," }, { "duration": 1.379, "start": 232.394, "text": "recording my audio book." }, { "duration": 0.857, "start": 233.773, "text": "What's new?" }, { "duration": 1.296, "start": 234.63, "text": "But yes, that is all I\nhave for you guys today." }, { "duration": 2.549, "start": 235.926, "text": "If you like this video,\nand if you like my book," }, { "duration": 1.505, "start": 238.475, "text": "be sure to give this video a thumbs up." }, { "duration": 2.661, "start": 239.98, "text": "You can get my book as a\nphysical copy, an ebook," }, { "duration": 2.351, "start": 242.641, "text": "or as you guys know from\nnow from this video," }, { "duration": 1.6720000000000002, "start": 244.992, "text": "the audio book, but you can also get it as" }, { "duration": 2.215, "start": 246.664, "text": "like a CD boxed set thing," }, { "duration": 3.448, "start": 248.879, "text": "and it's like a bunch of\nCds of the audio book." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 252.327, "text": "I don't know if you want that," }, { "duration": 1.34, "start": 253.16, "text": "but you can get that." }, { "duration": 2.425, "start": 254.5, "text": "And because I have like\na whole stack of these," }, { "duration": 1.1280000000000001, "start": 256.925, "text": "I want to give some of these away." }, { "duration": 2.111, "start": 258.053, "text": "I'm gonna sign them and send them to you." }, { "duration": 1.818, "start": 260.164, "text": "All you have to do is give\nthis video a thumbs up," }, { "duration": 2.926, "start": 261.982, "text": "and comment below what\nyou love about Binge," }, { "duration": 2.417, "start": 264.908, "text": "or why you want to get Binge." }, { "duration": 1.63, "start": 268.189, "text": "Anybody can comment anybody can win." }, { "duration": 1.525, "start": 269.819, "text": "But yeah, I'm gonna send out" }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 271.344, "text": "a whole bunch of these." }, { "duration": 2.448, "start": 272.177, "text": "I think five of them\nto people that do that." }, { "duration": 1.5670000000000002, "start": 274.625, "text": "So if you want one, you can do that." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 276.192, "text": "So yeah." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 277.025, "text": "I'mma get going." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 277.858, "text": "I love you guys." }, { "duration": 1.388, "start": 278.691, "text": "I hope you have a fabulous week," }, { "duration": 3.637, "start": 280.079, "text": "and I can't wait to tell\nyou some things soon." }, { "duration": 2.11, "start": 283.716, "text": "I've got some surprises coming up." }, { "duration": 1.338, "start": 285.826, "text": "Be sure to follow me on Twitter," }, { "duration": 1.525, "start": 287.164, "text": "and Snapchat, and FaceBook," }, { "duration": 0.878, "start": 288.689, "text": "and Instagram." }, { "duration": 2.172, "start": 289.567, "text": "All the links are below." }, { "duration": 2.1310000000000002, "start": 291.739, "text": "And you might find out before other people" }, { "duration": 1.526, "start": 293.87, "text": "if you follow me on those places." }, { "duration": 1.107, "start": 295.396, "text": "So, I love you." }, { "duration": 1.066, "start": 296.503, "text": "I will see you soon." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 297.569, "text": "That's all." }, { "duration": 0.985, "start": 298.402, "text": "(kissing sound)" }, { "duration": 3.083, "start": 299.387, "text": "(light bright music)" } ]
Outgoing and Energetic
Tyler Oakley
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2YvZMTV | Enable ALL post notifications 🔔 Watch the NEWEST videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL61488594D1D09C18&playnext=1&index=2 Find Tyler: Twitch: http://twitch.tv/tyleroakley Gaming YouTube: http://youtube.com/tyleroakleygames TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tyleroakleyish SnapChat: https://snapchat.com/add/snaptyleroakley Twitter: http://twitter.com/tyleroakley Tumblr: http://tyleroakley.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/tyleroakley Facebook: https://facebook.com/thetyleroakley Business inquiries: [email protected] Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/tyleroakley T-Shirts: https://districtlines.com/Tyler-Oakley Binge (Book): https://amazon.com/dp/1501117696 Snervous (Documentary): http://bit.ly/SnervousiTunes Psychobabble (Podcast): http://itunes.com/psychobabble Watch more Tyler Oakley: Collaborations: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6OCjajrY3ct9cTXUp1uGmNY&playnext=1 Hannah, Grace & Mamrie: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6O-1N247X4AZ2UGJoAsa_yt&playnext=1 Going Home Series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6MazdW469Hi3XMjsbwf45ws&playnext=1 Newest Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL61488594D1D09C18&playnext=1&index=2 Popular Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6P2wa-Okk0JgNk6OO02j3ky About Tyler Oakley: Welcome to the official Tyler Oakley YouTube channel! On this channel, you’ll find a variety of LGBTQ and Fun content, including collaborations with YouTubers, celebrity collaborations & interviews I make lots of stuff on the internet. Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications! Check out all the links I mentioned in the video: Win Super Bowl 2014 Tickets: CLOSED Pepsi Halftime Beyonce Intro: http://is.gd/C8GNUJ Favorite Hunter Hayes song: http://is.gd/uwKqbu iPad Mini Winner Announcement: http://is.gd/pRt51M Check out my other videos: http://is.gd/V8r1H8 If you're reading THIS, use the word "GIRL" in your comment! It'll be like our little wink at each other. Oh, and go push the LIKE button. Please? I'll love you forever.
Tyler Oakley
[ "tyleroakley", "tyler", "oakley", "super", "bowl", "new", "orleans", "beyonce", "half", "time", "pepsi", "hunter", "hayes", "solange", "knowles", "anthony", "ryan", "projec" ]
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- Well, hello, everyone! My name is Tyler, and I know it's Wednesday, and I usually make videos on Friday, but today I was just so excited because I went to New Orleans for the Super Bowl this past weekend and I wanted to make a little video about it, so, here we go, I don't know why I snapped. I went to New Orleans. So let me rewind all the way back to how it all started, a couple weeks ago, if you remember, I made a video asking you guys if you guys wanted to be a part of the intro to Beyoncé's half time special for the Super Bowl, and y'all were like, yeah, let's do it, so, so many of you guys entered that Pepsi was like, hey, Tyler, so many of your professional fangirls are in this commercial that we should probably just bring you to New Orleans for the Super Bowl. Right? And I was like, hmm, I'm not doing anything but sitting on Tumblr during all day on Sunday, so maybe I could just go to New Orleans instead. So then on Friday I hopped on a plane to New Orleans and got settled into our amazing house that Pepsi got us for the weekend and then went out on the town on Friday night on Bourbon Street, and if you don't know Bourbon Street, Bourbon Street is very, like, spring break Cancun-y, it's crazy, it's a lot of people, a lot of crazy people, we got a little bit rowdy, got some beads like the classy ladies we were by people throwing them off their roof balconies, we were having a good time. And then on Saturday we got to go to the official NFL Super Bowl Experience, which was amazing, and I was like, okay, I don't know anything about football, I don't know anything about sports, like, where's Beyoncé? There were a ton of football activities, and then there were a ton of, you know, posing activities, so, obviously, I was smizing every which way. And so then, on Saturday night, we went to the Audi Super Bowl party, which I was not cool enough to be at, but somehow I made it into, like, literally, everybody in the party was so hot, like, I got to meet one of my favorites from Project Runway, Anthony Ryan, and then I look up on stage, and there's Solange Knowles, Beyoncé's sister, DJing, because, why not? It was just an amazing party, and then I'm like, wait, I still have the Super Bowl tomorrow, and the Super Bowl afterparty. Like, I am not ready. So then Sunday rolls around, and so then we head on over to the Pepsi mansion, which was absolutely astounding, and humongous, and fabulous, and decadent, and opulent in every way, and the Pepsi mansion was so insane that you needed a key to get in, like, literally, this was the key to get in. The New Orleans Pepsi 5th Quarter February 3, 2013 Party. And then, as the minutes are dwindling down, I am getting so excited for the Pepsi halftime special, because I want to see all of you guys in the halftime intro for Beyoncé's concert, and then I'm watching it, and bam, there I am in the commercial, I am literally in a Super Bowl commercial. Like, for the halftime. Like, that doesn't happen, that's like literally a check off the Bucket List. I am putting a link to that in the description, so check that out, it was amazing. And then, the Beyoncé concert happened, and I was not ready, I was not worthy, I just about died. Beyoncé took me to church, she taught me a lesson or two, or three, or a million, it was perfect. And so then after the game, we are all escorted to the other side of the mansion, and apparently there's gonnna be a performer, and I'm just sitting there in the front row thinking, who could it be, who could it be? And I'm looking at the set, and I'm like, wait. I recognize this set. I know who's gonna be here. I am literally dead. If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I am obsessed with my country prince, Hunter Hayes, and so there I am standing in the front row and yes, it is Hunter Hayes, and he gets introduced, and I am screaming, I am singing along to literally every single song, and I am within five feet. And he gives me a pick, and I take a picture with him, he is amazing, he is fabulous, he is adorable, he is beautiful, he is so talented, he plays all the instruments on his album, if you don't know him you need to get his album, I will put a link to my favorite song of his in the description. And I am just dead, because there is nothing else that could've happened that I needed, the night was perfect already. But then, more happened. So then, after the Hunter Hayes concert, we go and watch The Roots perform, they were amazing, Hunter Hayes comes out and performs a song with them, and then Jamie Foxx comes out and performs a song with them, and then I'm dancing in the room with everybody else, and I look over, and there's a guy from True Blood, and then, so after that part of the afterparty, I head out into the other room, and I'm listening to the music that's being DJed, and I keep hearing throughout songs, somebody going "Yay-uh!" And I look over, and I'm like, is that who I think it is? And it is literally Lil Jon DJing, and I am like, this isn't happening. Like, I walk over, I am this far away from Lil Jon, as he's like, doing some music, I don't know how DJs do music, and then I'm talking to this fabulous woman, and I'm like, oh my god, did you see Hunter Hayes' performance, it was so good, and she's like, oh my god, I love Hunter Hayes, and I'm like, girl, you do not love Hunter Hayes like I love Hunter Hayes, and she's like, do you want to check that? Do you want to compete like that? Because, girl, let's go ask Hunter Hayes himself. And so then I am in another world, as I am being whisked away to his tour bus, and I enter his tour bus, and there he is just sitting there, and he looks up at me, and he's like, "Hey!" and I'm like, "Hey!" And then we hug and embrace and he was like, you knew every line of every song, and I'm like, because you're my country prince, I didn't actually say that, but that's what I was thinking. And so there we are, just sitting on his tour bus, chatting, talking about the Super Bowl, talking about new music, talking about the Grammys, talking about his album, talking about his live E.P., talking about his story, talking about my story, we are just getting to know each other, because, basically, we are now besties. And so then we snap a picture, and basically, it looks like Ellen Degeneres meeting Niall Horan. And so that, in a nutshell, was my Super Bowl experience, and I literally could not have had a better time. If you guys have never been to a Super Bowl experience, you need that as part of your life, so, I am giving you guys a chance to win tickets to next year's Super Bowl, I know, it is that amazing. So click the link below, go enter, it's super easy, and, honestly, it's free tickets to the Super Bowl, that's once in a lifetime, so, go do it. And like I told you in my last video, I am giving away a free iPad Mini to somebody that was live-Tweeting the entire weekend with me with the hashtag #pepsihalftime, so I am announcing who the winner is on my Facebook, if you want to find out if you won, click the link below, I know there's a lot of links down there, but click each one, because each one has a little special something for you this week. But that was basically my Super Bowl experience, it was literally a dream come true, I had no plans to go to the Super Bowl, I had no plans to even do anything for the Super Bowl, and then this all came up, and I just feel really lucky, but yeah, I think that's all I have for you guys this week. Until next week, have a good life. Later! I got to drink a lot, I got to meet some people. So here's a video about it.
[ { "duration": 1.65, "start": 0, "text": "- Well, hello, everyone!" }, { "duration": 1.889, "start": 1.65, "text": "My name is Tyler, and\nI know it's Wednesday," }, { "duration": 1.443, "start": 3.539, "text": "and I usually make videos on Friday," }, { "duration": 2.093, "start": 4.982, "text": "but today I was just so excited because" }, { "duration": 2.641, "start": 7.075, "text": "I went to New Orleans for the Super Bowl" }, { "duration": 2.336, "start": 9.716, "text": "this past weekend and I\nwanted to make a little video" }, { "duration": 3.902, "start": 12.052, "text": "about it, so, here we go,\nI don't know why I snapped." }, { "duration": 2.033, "start": 15.954, "text": "I went to New Orleans." }, { "duration": 2.358, "start": 17.987, "text": "So let me rewind all the way\nback to how it all started," }, { "duration": 2.174, "start": 20.345, "text": "a couple weeks ago, if you\nremember, I made a video" }, { "duration": 2.418, "start": 22.519, "text": "asking you guys if you\nguys wanted to be a part" }, { "duration": 2.173, "start": 24.937, "text": "of the intro to Beyoncé's\nhalf time special" }, { "duration": 2.032, "start": 27.11, "text": "for the Super Bowl, and y'all were like," }, { "duration": 2.885, "start": 29.142, "text": "yeah, let's do it, so, so\nmany of you guys entered" }, { "duration": 3.068, "start": 32.027, "text": "that Pepsi was like, hey,\nTyler, so many of your" }, { "duration": 2.235, "start": 35.095, "text": "professional fangirls\nare in this commercial" }, { "duration": 2.479, "start": 37.33, "text": "that we should probably just\nbring you to New Orleans" }, { "duration": 1.6440000000000001, "start": 39.809, "text": "for the Super Bowl. Right?" }, { "duration": 2.338, "start": 41.453, "text": "And I was like, hmm,\nI'm not doing anything" }, { "duration": 2.194, "start": 43.791, "text": "but sitting on Tumblr\nduring all day on Sunday," }, { "duration": 2.3970000000000002, "start": 45.985, "text": "so maybe I could just go\nto New Orleans instead." }, { "duration": 2.093, "start": 48.382, "text": "So then on Friday I hopped\non a plane to New Orleans" }, { "duration": 3.23, "start": 50.475, "text": "and got settled into our\namazing house that Pepsi got us" }, { "duration": 1.971, "start": 53.705, "text": "for the weekend and then\nwent out on the town" }, { "duration": 2.58, "start": 55.676, "text": "on Friday night on Bourbon\nStreet, and if you don't" }, { "duration": 2.178, "start": 58.256, "text": "know Bourbon Street, Bourbon\nStreet is very, like," }, { "duration": 3.621, "start": 60.434, "text": "spring break Cancun-y, it's\ncrazy, it's a lot of people," }, { "duration": 3.738, "start": 64.055, "text": "a lot of crazy people, we\ngot a little bit rowdy," }, { "duration": 2.458, "start": 67.793, "text": "got some beads like the\nclassy ladies we were" }, { "duration": 2.337, "start": 70.251, "text": "by people throwing them\noff their roof balconies," }, { "duration": 1.9300000000000002, "start": 72.588, "text": "we were having a good time." }, { "duration": 2.052, "start": 74.518, "text": "And then on Saturday we\ngot to go to the official" }, { "duration": 2.621, "start": 76.57, "text": "NFL Super Bowl Experience,\nwhich was amazing," }, { "duration": 1.991, "start": 79.191, "text": "and I was like, okay, I don't\nknow anything about football," }, { "duration": 1.381, "start": 81.182, "text": "I don't know anything about sports," }, { "duration": 1.422, "start": 82.563, "text": "like, where's Beyoncé?" }, { "duration": 2.234, "start": 83.985, "text": "There were a ton of football activities," }, { "duration": 2.805, "start": 86.219, "text": "and then there were a ton of,\nyou know, posing activities," }, { "duration": 2.682, "start": 89.024, "text": "so, obviously, I was\nsmizing every which way." }, { "duration": 1.988, "start": 91.706, "text": "And so then, on Saturday\nnight, we went to the" }, { "duration": 3.185, "start": 93.694, "text": "Audi Super Bowl party, which I\nwas not cool enough to be at," }, { "duration": 2.357, "start": 96.879, "text": "but somehow I made it\ninto, like, literally," }, { "duration": 2.194, "start": 99.236, "text": "everybody in the party was so hot," }, { "duration": 2.255, "start": 101.43, "text": "like, I got to meet one of my\nfavorites from Project Runway," }, { "duration": 2.132, "start": 103.685, "text": "Anthony Ryan, and then I look up on stage," }, { "duration": 3.2720000000000002, "start": 105.817, "text": "and there's Solange Knowles,\nBeyoncé's sister, DJing," }, { "duration": 1.138, "start": 109.089, "text": "because, why not?" }, { "duration": 2.133, "start": 110.227, "text": "It was just an amazing\nparty, and then I'm like," }, { "duration": 1.8900000000000001, "start": 112.36, "text": "wait, I still have the\nSuper Bowl tomorrow," }, { "duration": 1.7269999999999999, "start": 114.25, "text": "and the Super Bowl afterparty." }, { "duration": 1.828, "start": 115.977, "text": "Like, I am not ready." }, { "duration": 2.316, "start": 117.805, "text": "So then Sunday rolls around,\nand so then we head on over" }, { "duration": 3.617, "start": 120.121, "text": "to the Pepsi mansion, which\nwas absolutely astounding," }, { "duration": 2.621, "start": 123.738, "text": "and humongous, and fabulous,\nand decadent, and opulent" }, { "duration": 2.844, "start": 126.359, "text": "in every way, and the\nPepsi mansion was so insane" }, { "duration": 2.621, "start": 129.203, "text": "that you needed a key to get in," }, { "duration": 1.849, "start": 131.824, "text": "like, literally, this\nwas the key to get in." }, { "duration": 4.551, "start": 133.673, "text": "The New Orleans Pepsi 5th\nQuarter February 3, 2013 Party." }, { "duration": 1.828, "start": 138.224, "text": "And then, as the minutes\nare dwindling down," }, { "duration": 2.784, "start": 140.052, "text": "I am getting so excited for\nthe Pepsi halftime special," }, { "duration": 2.052, "start": 142.836, "text": "because I want to see\nall of you guys in the" }, { "duration": 2.377, "start": 144.888, "text": "halftime intro for Beyoncé's concert," }, { "duration": 3.313, "start": 147.265, "text": "and then I'm watching\nit, and bam, there I am" }, { "duration": 1.3719999999999999, "start": 150.578, "text": "in the commercial, I am literally" }, { "duration": 1.869, "start": 151.95, "text": "in a Super Bowl commercial." }, { "duration": 2.7030000000000003, "start": 153.819, "text": "Like, for the halftime." }, { "duration": 2.844, "start": 156.522, "text": "Like, that doesn't happen,\nthat's like literally" }, { "duration": 1.665, "start": 159.366, "text": "a check off the Bucket List." }, { "duration": 1.911, "start": 161.031, "text": "I am putting a link to\nthat in the description," }, { "duration": 1.5230000000000001, "start": 162.942, "text": "so check that out, it was amazing." }, { "duration": 2.459, "start": 164.465, "text": "And then, the Beyoncé concert happened," }, { "duration": 3.677, "start": 166.924, "text": "and I was not ready, I was\nnot worthy, I just about died." }, { "duration": 2.56, "start": 170.601, "text": "Beyoncé took me to church, she taught me" }, { "duration": 2.56, "start": 173.161, "text": "a lesson or two, or three, or a million," }, { "duration": 1.158, "start": 175.721, "text": "it was perfect." }, { "duration": 2.235, "start": 176.879, "text": "And so then after the\ngame, we are all escorted" }, { "duration": 1.4020000000000001, "start": 179.114, "text": "to the other side of the mansion," }, { "duration": 1.808, "start": 180.516, "text": "and apparently there's\ngonnna be a performer," }, { "duration": 1.808, "start": 182.324, "text": "and I'm just sitting there\nin the front row thinking," }, { "duration": 1.097, "start": 184.132, "text": "who could it be, who could it be?" }, { "duration": 1.992, "start": 185.229, "text": "And I'm looking at the\nset, and I'm like, wait." }, { "duration": 2.9050000000000002, "start": 187.221, "text": "I recognize this set. I\nknow who's gonna be here." }, { "duration": 2.113, "start": 190.126, "text": "I am literally dead." }, { "duration": 2.113, "start": 192.239, "text": "If you follow me on\nTwitter, you know that I am" }, { "duration": 3.148, "start": 194.352, "text": "obsessed with my country\nprince, Hunter Hayes," }, { "duration": 2.459, "start": 197.5, "text": "and so there I am\nstanding in the front row" }, { "duration": 2.682, "start": 199.959, "text": "and yes, it is Hunter Hayes,\nand he gets introduced," }, { "duration": 2.093, "start": 202.641, "text": "and I am screaming, I am singing along" }, { "duration": 1.7269999999999999, "start": 204.734, "text": "to literally every single song," }, { "duration": 1.564, "start": 206.461, "text": "and I am within five feet." }, { "duration": 2.9450000000000003, "start": 208.025, "text": "And he gives me a pick, and\nI take a picture with him," }, { "duration": 3.049, "start": 210.97, "text": "he is amazing, he is\nfabulous, he is adorable," }, { "duration": 2.295, "start": 214.019, "text": "he is beautiful, he is so talented," }, { "duration": 1.87, "start": 216.314, "text": "he plays all the instruments on his album," }, { "duration": 2.133, "start": 218.184, "text": "if you don't know him you\nneed to get his album," }, { "duration": 2.011, "start": 220.317, "text": "I will put a link to\nmy favorite song of his" }, { "duration": 1.26, "start": 222.328, "text": "in the description." }, { "duration": 2.093, "start": 223.588, "text": "And I am just dead, because\nthere is nothing else" }, { "duration": 1.828, "start": 225.681, "text": "that could've happened that I needed," }, { "duration": 1.646, "start": 227.509, "text": "the night was perfect already." }, { "duration": 1.869, "start": 229.155, "text": "But then, more happened." }, { "duration": 1.5030000000000001, "start": 231.024, "text": "So then, after the Hunter Hayes concert," }, { "duration": 1.788, "start": 232.527, "text": "we go and watch The Roots perform," }, { "duration": 1.991, "start": 234.315, "text": "they were amazing, Hunter Hayes comes out" }, { "duration": 1.3820000000000001, "start": 236.306, "text": "and performs a song with them," }, { "duration": 2.316, "start": 237.688, "text": "and then Jamie Foxx comes\nout and performs a song" }, { "duration": 2.052, "start": 240.004, "text": "with them, and then\nI'm dancing in the room" }, { "duration": 1.504, "start": 242.056, "text": "with everybody else, and I look over," }, { "duration": 1.218, "start": 243.56, "text": "and there's a guy from True Blood," }, { "duration": 1.626, "start": 244.778, "text": "and then, so after that\npart of the afterparty," }, { "duration": 1.239, "start": 246.404, "text": "I head out into the other room," }, { "duration": 1.788, "start": 247.643, "text": "and I'm listening to the\nmusic that's being DJed," }, { "duration": 1.585, "start": 249.431, "text": "and I keep hearing throughout songs," }, { "duration": 2.154, "start": 251.016, "text": "somebody going \"Yay-uh!\"" }, { "duration": 1.401, "start": 253.17, "text": "And I look over, and I'm like," }, { "duration": 1.9100000000000001, "start": 254.571, "text": "is that who I think it is?" }, { "duration": 2.032, "start": 256.481, "text": "And it is literally Lil Jon DJing," }, { "duration": 2.072, "start": 258.513, "text": "and I am like, this isn't happening." }, { "duration": 2.479, "start": 260.585, "text": "Like, I walk over, I am\nthis far away from Lil Jon," }, { "duration": 2.377, "start": 263.064, "text": "as he's like, doing\nsome music, I don't know" }, { "duration": 2.194, "start": 265.441, "text": "how DJs do music, and\nthen I'm talking to this" }, { "duration": 1.9100000000000001, "start": 267.635, "text": "fabulous woman, and I'm\nlike, oh my god, did you see" }, { "duration": 1.889, "start": 269.545, "text": "Hunter Hayes' performance, it was so good," }, { "duration": 1.87, "start": 271.434, "text": "and she's like, oh my\ngod, I love Hunter Hayes," }, { "duration": 2.255, "start": 273.304, "text": "and I'm like, girl, you\ndo not love Hunter Hayes" }, { "duration": 1.442, "start": 275.559, "text": "like I love Hunter Hayes, and she's like," }, { "duration": 1.423, "start": 277.001, "text": "do you want to check that?" }, { "duration": 1.197, "start": 278.424, "text": "Do you want to compete like that?" }, { "duration": 2.805, "start": 279.621, "text": "Because, girl, let's go\nask Hunter Hayes himself." }, { "duration": 1.889, "start": 282.426, "text": "And so then I am in another world," }, { "duration": 3.068, "start": 284.315, "text": "as I am being whisked\naway to his tour bus," }, { "duration": 2.093, "start": 287.383, "text": "and I enter his tour bus, and there he is" }, { "duration": 1.991, "start": 289.476, "text": "just sitting there, and he\nlooks up at me, and he's like," }, { "duration": 2.215, "start": 291.467, "text": "\"Hey!\" and I'm like, \"Hey!\"" }, { "duration": 2.052, "start": 293.682, "text": "And then we hug and\nembrace and he was like," }, { "duration": 1.7269999999999999, "start": 295.734, "text": "you knew every line of every song," }, { "duration": 2.885, "start": 297.461, "text": "and I'm like, because\nyou're my country prince," }, { "duration": 2.072, "start": 300.346, "text": "I didn't actually say that,\nbut that's what I was thinking." }, { "duration": 1.849, "start": 302.418, "text": "And so there we are, just\nsitting on his tour bus," }, { "duration": 1.463, "start": 304.267, "text": "chatting, talking about the Super Bowl," }, { "duration": 1.869, "start": 305.73, "text": "talking about new music,\ntalking about the Grammys," }, { "duration": 2.254, "start": 307.599, "text": "talking about his album,\ntalking about his live E.P.," }, { "duration": 1.748, "start": 309.853, "text": "talking about his story,\ntalking about my story," }, { "duration": 1.626, "start": 311.601, "text": "we are just getting to know each other," }, { "duration": 2.092, "start": 313.227, "text": "because, basically, we are now besties." }, { "duration": 2.255, "start": 315.319, "text": "And so then we snap a\npicture, and basically," }, { "duration": 2.682, "start": 317.574, "text": "it looks like Ellen Degeneres\nmeeting Niall Horan." }, { "duration": 2.8040000000000003, "start": 320.256, "text": "And so that, in a nutshell,\nwas my Super Bowl experience," }, { "duration": 3.738, "start": 323.06, "text": "and I literally could not\nhave had a better time." }, { "duration": 2.479, "start": 326.798, "text": "If you guys have never been\nto a Super Bowl experience," }, { "duration": 2.865, "start": 329.277, "text": "you need that as part of your life, so," }, { "duration": 2.824, "start": 332.142, "text": "I am giving you guys a\nchance to win tickets" }, { "duration": 3.4130000000000003, "start": 334.966, "text": "to next year's Super Bowl,\nI know, it is that amazing." }, { "duration": 2.8040000000000003, "start": 338.379, "text": "So click the link below,\ngo enter, it's super easy," }, { "duration": 2.803, "start": 341.183, "text": "and, honestly, it's free\ntickets to the Super Bowl," }, { "duration": 2.601, "start": 343.986, "text": "that's once in a lifetime, so, go do it." }, { "duration": 1.625, "start": 346.587, "text": "And like I told you in my last video," }, { "duration": 2.642, "start": 348.212, "text": "I am giving away a free\niPad Mini to somebody" }, { "duration": 1.808, "start": 350.854, "text": "that was live-Tweeting the entire weekend" }, { "duration": 1.605, "start": 352.662, "text": "with me with the hashtag #pepsihalftime," }, { "duration": 3.007, "start": 354.267, "text": "so I am announcing who the\nwinner is on my Facebook," }, { "duration": 2.418, "start": 357.274, "text": "if you want to find out if\nyou won, click the link below," }, { "duration": 1.544, "start": 359.692, "text": "I know there's a lot of\nlinks down there, but" }, { "duration": 1.442, "start": 361.236, "text": "click each one, because\neach one has a little" }, { "duration": 1.8900000000000001, "start": 362.678, "text": "special something for you this week." }, { "duration": 1.909, "start": 364.568, "text": "But that was basically\nmy Super Bowl experience," }, { "duration": 2.154, "start": 366.477, "text": "it was literally a dream come true," }, { "duration": 2.296, "start": 368.631, "text": "I had no plans to go to the Super Bowl," }, { "duration": 3.108, "start": 370.927, "text": "I had no plans to even do\nanything for the Super Bowl," }, { "duration": 2.824, "start": 374.035, "text": "and then this all came up,\nand I just feel really lucky," }, { "duration": 2.2560000000000002, "start": 376.859, "text": "but yeah, I think that's all\nI have for you guys this week." }, { "duration": 3.067, "start": 379.115, "text": "Until next week, have a good life. Later!" }, { "duration": 3.372, "start": 390.456, "text": "I got to drink a lot, I\ngot to meet some people." }, { "duration": 1.968, "start": 393.828, "text": "So here's a video about it." } ]
Outgoing and Energetic
Tyler Oakley
Voodoo Dolls & Hunky Jesus
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Tyler Oakley
[ "tyleroakley", "voodoo", "doll", "katy", "perry", "hunky", "jesus", "san", "francisco", "contest", "delores", "park", "wisconsin", "university", "stevens", "point", "gay", "vlogger", "vlog", "lgbt", "tyler oakley", "kingsley", "blog", "rant" ]
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- Hey everyone, my name is Tyler, and it is the Friday Video of the Year. And I just need to warn you, don't freak out. Change is okay. It's not the end of the world, and yeah. So let's just be cool about this, ok. (sigh) So this week was super fun. I went to Wisconsin (jazzy music) to go speak for Pride Week at University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, and I had the time of my life. I love the Midwest, so it was great to be back. And it was so awesome because I got to meet a lot of you guys and we got to take a lot of pictures. Here are some pictures that you guys sent me that we took together. And here's a picture that my friend Tommy took showing just how tall I am. And I even got to be on a One Girl, Five Gays panel that their college radio did for Pride Week. And every time I do something like this, whether it's a Darren Criss bow tie or a bag of Doritos, you guys always surprise me with the best things. And two of you came to hear me speak, and you brought me something extremely beautiful, and I completely died when you gave it to me because it was this: a Katy Perry voodoo doll. Can we just take a minute to appreciate the fine detail of this Katy Perry voodoo doll, complete with a pin that I can use at my own discretion? This just brings so much joy into my life, like you don't even know at all how much I love this. Also, I have to share my latest obsession: I am completely obsessed with the song 'Somebody That I Used to Know' and I have the best remix ever, and you can find it in the description below, and there's a link to the download so you have to listen to it, and you're gonna fall in love because it's literally been on repeat for days/weeks and hours and minutes and everything in-between. I'm obsessed-it's so good. It's so good! So you have to go listen to it, the link will be below. And what else has been happening this week? It's been a really good week. I went and got tested yesterday. I got, you know, some blood drawn and they tested me for everything and I came back clean, heeyyy! So I guess this is your little reminder that if you haven't been tested in a while, you should go and get tested, because knowing your status is a wonderful thing. The more you know. Last Sunday for Easter I went to the park for a typical San Francisco celebration of a very religious holiday in which they had a Hunky Jesus contest. I just absolutely love San Francisco. Like, you can't even compare your city to how gay my city is. So in last week's video, I asked you guys to replace a word in a lyric with the word 'dick' and these were some of my favorite responses that you guys came up with. Oh my god! Like, you guys... (sigh) You could just, you just get me, okay? Like, we just are kindred spirits because we are of the same mind, because you all are perfect. And I'm perfect - we're perfect together. So this week on Twitter and Tumblr and Facebook, I asked you guys "if you could have a voodoo doll "of any celebrity, who would it be, "and what would you do with it?". These were some of my favorite responses. I just, I simply, I cannot. You guys make me lose my ability to even, every week. You guys are perfect. So comment below: if you could have a voodoo doll of any celebrity, who would it be, and what would you do to it? Because obviously you guys fulfilled every fantasy of mine by giving me a Katy Perry voodoo doll, because there are a lot of things that I have always wanted to do to Katy. But I think that's all I have for you guys this week. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and a fabulous week. And I will see you back here next Friday. And, um, yeah that's all. That's all I have! It has been a good week, and I don't have much to report. But, I'm just checking in because you guys are the best, and now I'm just rambling. So okay, bye. They are just glasses. Don't freak out.
[ { "duration": 1.3, "start": 0.277, "text": "- Hey everyone, my name is Tyler," }, { "duration": 1.812, "start": 1.577, "text": "and it is the Friday Video of the Year." }, { "duration": 2.832, "start": 3.3890000000000002, "text": "And I just need to warn\nyou, don't freak out." }, { "duration": 2.25, "start": 6.221, "text": "Change is okay." }, { "duration": 3.416, "start": 8.471, "text": "It's not the end of the world, and yeah." }, { "duration": 3.042, "start": 11.887, "text": "So let's just be cool about this, ok." }, { "duration": 1.88, "start": 14.929, "text": "(sigh)\nSo this week was super fun." }, { "duration": 0.993, "start": 16.809, "text": "I went to Wisconsin\n(jazzy music)" }, { "duration": 1.7650000000000001, "start": 17.802, "text": "to go speak for Pride Week at" }, { "duration": 1.881, "start": 19.567, "text": "University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point," }, { "duration": 1.741, "start": 21.448, "text": "and I had the time of my life." }, { "duration": 2.02, "start": 23.189, "text": "I love the Midwest, so\nit was great to be back." }, { "duration": 1.231, "start": 25.209, "text": "And it was so awesome because" }, { "duration": 1.44, "start": 26.44, "text": "I got to meet a lot of you guys" }, { "duration": 1.718, "start": 27.88, "text": "and we got to take a lot of pictures." }, { "duration": 1.057, "start": 29.598, "text": "Here are some pictures that you guys" }, { "duration": 3.088, "start": 30.655, "text": "sent me that we took together." }, { "duration": 2.066, "start": 33.743, "text": "And here's a picture\nthat my friend Tommy took" }, { "duration": 1.638, "start": 35.809, "text": "showing just how tall I am." }, { "duration": 2.693, "start": 37.447, "text": "And I even got to be on a\nOne Girl, Five Gays panel" }, { "duration": 2.81, "start": 40.14, "text": "that their college radio\ndid for Pride Week." }, { "duration": 1.509, "start": 42.95, "text": "And every time I do something like this," }, { "duration": 1.6720000000000002, "start": 44.459, "text": "whether it's a Darren Criss bow tie" }, { "duration": 2.67, "start": 46.131, "text": "or a bag of Doritos, you\nguys always surprise me" }, { "duration": 1.26, "start": 48.801, "text": "with the best things." }, { "duration": 1.486, "start": 50.061, "text": "And two of you came to hear me speak," }, { "duration": 2.879, "start": 51.547, "text": "and you brought me something\nextremely beautiful," }, { "duration": 2.415, "start": 54.426, "text": "and I completely died\nwhen you gave it to me" }, { "duration": 4.5969999999999995, "start": 56.841, "text": "because it was this: a\nKaty Perry voodoo doll." }, { "duration": 2.392, "start": 61.438, "text": "Can we just take a minute to\nappreciate the fine detail" }, { "duration": 2.229, "start": 63.83, "text": "of this Katy Perry voodoo doll," }, { "duration": 3.738, "start": 66.059, "text": "complete with a pin that I\ncan use at my own discretion?" }, { "duration": 1.695, "start": 69.797, "text": "This just brings so much joy into my life," }, { "duration": 4.056, "start": 71.492, "text": "like you don't even know at\nall how much I love this." }, { "duration": 2.034, "start": 77.556, "text": "Also, I have to share my latest obsession:" }, { "duration": 1.9969999999999999, "start": 79.59, "text": "I am completely obsessed with the song" }, { "duration": 1.37, "start": 81.587, "text": "'Somebody That I Used to Know' and I have" }, { "duration": 2.368, "start": 82.957, "text": "the best remix ever, and you can find it" }, { "duration": 1.556, "start": 85.325, "text": "in the description\nbelow, and there's a link" }, { "duration": 2.182, "start": 86.881, "text": "to the download so you\nhave to listen to it," }, { "duration": 1.951, "start": 89.063, "text": "and you're gonna fall in love\nbecause it's literally been" }, { "duration": 4.156, "start": 91.014, "text": "on repeat for days/weeks\nand hours and minutes" }, { "duration": 1.579, "start": 95.17, "text": "and everything in-between." }, { "duration": 1.695, "start": 96.749, "text": "I'm obsessed-it's so good." }, { "duration": 0.8130000000000001, "start": 98.444, "text": "It's so good!" }, { "duration": 1.695, "start": 99.257, "text": "So you have to go listen to\nit, the link will be below." }, { "duration": 1.439, "start": 100.952, "text": "And what else has been\nhappening this week?" }, { "duration": 0.929, "start": 102.391, "text": "It's been a really good week." }, { "duration": 1.881, "start": 103.32, "text": "I went and got tested yesterday." }, { "duration": 2.623, "start": 105.201, "text": "I got, you know, some blood drawn" }, { "duration": 2.851, "start": 107.824, "text": "and they tested me for everything" }, { "duration": 2.786, "start": 110.675, "text": "and I came back clean, heeyyy!" }, { "duration": 1.625, "start": 113.461, "text": "So I guess this is your\nlittle reminder that" }, { "duration": 1.347, "start": 115.086, "text": "if you haven't been tested in a while," }, { "duration": 1.254, "start": 116.433, "text": "you should go and get tested," }, { "duration": 2.832, "start": 117.687, "text": "because knowing your status\nis a wonderful thing." }, { "duration": 1.463, "start": 120.519, "text": "The more you know." }, { "duration": 1.417, "start": 121.982, "text": "Last Sunday for Easter I went to the park" }, { "duration": 2.089, "start": 123.399, "text": "for a typical San Francisco celebration" }, { "duration": 3.112, "start": 125.488, "text": "of a very religious\nholiday in which they had" }, { "duration": 1.811, "start": 128.6, "text": "a Hunky Jesus contest." }, { "duration": 2.74, "start": 130.411, "text": "I just absolutely love San Francisco." }, { "duration": 2.484, "start": 133.151, "text": "Like, you can't even compare your city" }, { "duration": 1.7650000000000001, "start": 135.635, "text": "to how gay my city is." }, { "duration": 1.811, "start": 137.4, "text": "So in last week's video, I asked you guys" }, { "duration": 2.7800000000000002, "start": 139.211, "text": "to replace a word in a\nlyric with the word 'dick'" }, { "duration": 1.579, "start": 141.991, "text": "and these were some of my favorite" }, { "duration": 1.434, "start": 143.57, "text": "responses that you guys came up with." }, { "duration": 0.72, "start": 145.004, "text": "Oh my god!" }, { "duration": 1.428, "start": 145.724, "text": "Like, you guys...\n(sigh)" }, { "duration": 2.81, "start": 147.152, "text": "You could just, you just get me, okay?" }, { "duration": 2.484, "start": 149.962, "text": "Like, we just are kindred\nspirits because we are" }, { "duration": 3.9699999999999998, "start": 152.446, "text": "of the same mind, because\nyou all are perfect." }, { "duration": 2.044, "start": 156.416, "text": "And I'm perfect - we're perfect together." }, { "duration": 1.764, "start": 158.46, "text": "So this week on Twitter\nand Tumblr and Facebook," }, { "duration": 1.9969999999999999, "start": 160.224, "text": "I asked you guys \"if you\ncould have a voodoo doll" }, { "duration": 2.067, "start": 162.221, "text": "\"of any celebrity, who would it be," }, { "duration": 1.184, "start": 164.288, "text": "\"and what would you do with it?\"." }, { "duration": 1.857, "start": 165.472, "text": "These were some of my favorite responses." }, { "duration": 1.811, "start": 167.329, "text": "I just, I simply, I cannot." }, { "duration": 3.274, "start": 169.14, "text": "You guys make me lose my\nability to even, every week." }, { "duration": 0.859, "start": 172.414, "text": "You guys are perfect." }, { "duration": 1.695, "start": 173.273, "text": "So comment below: if you\ncould have a voodoo doll" }, { "duration": 1.835, "start": 174.968, "text": "of any celebrity, who would it be," }, { "duration": 1.091, "start": 176.803, "text": "and what would you do to it?" }, { "duration": 2.403, "start": 177.894, "text": "Because obviously you guys\nfulfilled every fantasy of mine" }, { "duration": 1.788, "start": 180.297, "text": "by giving me a Katy Perry voodoo doll," }, { "duration": 2.5949999999999998, "start": 182.085, "text": "because there are a lot of things that I" }, { "duration": 3.818, "start": 184.68, "text": "have always wanted to do to Katy." }, { "duration": 1.8130000000000002, "start": 190.82, "text": "But I think that's all I\nhave for you guys this week." }, { "duration": 1.6480000000000001, "start": 192.633, "text": "I hope you have a wonderful weekend," }, { "duration": 1.301, "start": 194.281, "text": "and a fabulous week." }, { "duration": 2.182, "start": 195.582, "text": "And I will see you back here next Friday." }, { "duration": 2.995, "start": 197.764, "text": "And, um, yeah that's all." }, { "duration": 0.999, "start": 200.759, "text": "That's all I have!" }, { "duration": 2.879, "start": 201.758, "text": "It has been a good week, and\nI don't have much to report." }, { "duration": 2.81, "start": 204.637, "text": "But, I'm just checking in\nbecause you guys are the best," }, { "duration": 1.6019999999999999, "start": 207.447, "text": "and now I'm just rambling." }, { "duration": 2.505, "start": 209.049, "text": "So okay, bye." }, { "duration": 1.196, "start": 219.92, "text": "They are just glasses." }, { "duration": 1.284, "start": 221.116, "text": "Don't freak out." } ]
Outgoing and Energetic
Tyler Oakley
How I Met Lady Gaga
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2YvZMTV | Enable ALL post notifications 🔔 Watch the NEWEST videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL61488594D1D09C18&playnext=1&index=2 Find Tyler: Twitch: http://twitch.tv/tyleroakley Gaming YouTube: http://youtube.com/tyleroakleygames TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tyleroakleyish SnapChat: https://snapchat.com/add/snaptyleroakley Twitter: http://twitter.com/tyleroakley Tumblr: http://tyleroakley.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/tyleroakley Facebook: https://facebook.com/thetyleroakley Business inquiries: [email protected] Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/tyleroakley T-Shirts: https://districtlines.com/Tyler-Oakley Binge (Book): https://amazon.com/dp/1501117696 Snervous (Documentary): http://bit.ly/SnervousiTunes Psychobabble (Podcast): http://itunes.com/psychobabble Watch more Tyler Oakley: Collaborations: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6OCjajrY3ct9cTXUp1uGmNY&playnext=1 Hannah, Grace & Mamrie: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6O-1N247X4AZ2UGJoAsa_yt&playnext=1 Going Home Series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6MazdW469Hi3XMjsbwf45ws&playnext=1 Newest Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL61488594D1D09C18&playnext=1&index=2 Popular Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6P2wa-Okk0JgNk6OO02j3ky About Tyler Oakley: Welcome to the official Tyler Oakley YouTube channel! On this channel, you’ll find a variety of LGBTQ and Fun content, including collaborations with YouTubers, celebrity collaborations & interviews I make lots of stuff on the internet. Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications! If you're reading THIS, use the word "GIRL" in your comment! It'll be like our little wink at each other. Oh, and go push the LIKE button. Please? I'll love you forever. MY SHIRT CAN BE PURCHASED HERE: www.dxccsaletshirts.bigcartel.com
Tyler Oakley
[ "tyler", "oakley", "tyleroakley", "how", "met", "lady", "gaga", "meeting", "meet", "and", "greet", "monster", "ball", "the", "fame", "concert", "tour", "gay", "vlogger", "vlog", "lgbt", "tyler oakley", "kingsley", "blog", "rant" ]
[ "Entertainment" ]
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Hello. My name is Tyler and I make videos on this YouTube channel. If you subscribed by accident, I'm sorry but it's only gonna get worse. So pretty much the biggest thing that could ever happen to me happened yesterday. Let me start at the beginning. I was talking to a friend and I was like, "Oh my gosh I'm so excited for Lady Gaga tonight. "The only thing that could make it better "is if I were meeting her". And then, my phone vibrated. A message from Perez Hilton. Get online. So obviously I scurried back to my room and got online. And I IM Perez and I say, "What's up?" "Oh nothing, I just have a little surprise for you". "Excuse me. "So you're concert for Lady Gaga is tonight right? "Uh-huh. "Well when you get there make sure you go to Will Call "and there's gonna be something waiting for you. "Excuse me? "Yeah, I kinda got you and a friend "a meet an greet for Lady Gaga "so make sure you get there early". Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Oh my Gaga, oh my Gaga, oh my Gaga. Needless to say, I was kind of a wreck. So we show up at the concert and they give us wrist bands and we put 'em on. And they took us to a room where nobody else is. And this woman comes out of nowhere and she's like, "Where'd you get the pink wristbands? "Will Call? "Yeah, but those are for people who have guests. "Whose guest are you? "Lady Gaga? "I know you're here for Lady Gaga, "but whose guest are you? "Um a friend." At this point I thought it would be akward to say Perez Hilton because, why would she believe me? "Who's your friend? "Perez Hilton. "Oh okay, come with me". So she takes us to a different room where there's like 30 people waiting. And then Lady Gaga appears. And I go up to her and I'm freakin' out. And I introduce myself. "My name's Tyler Oakley. "I love your work. "I love everything you do. "I love everything you do for the gay community. "I love all your music. "I love everything about you. "You are beautiful in every way". And I'm just gushing at this point. I was like in love, infatuated, I'm spilling it all out. I'm practically vomiting on her with all of my words. "Oh, how did you get the pink wristband? "Those are for guests. "Perez surprised me this morning with a meet and greet. "You know Perez? "Yeah". And then she gets out her phone. Takes a picture with her phone of me and her. Sends it to Perez with a text that says, "Dear Perez, Tyler and I said hey, XOXO". So basically what I'm saying is, she has a picture of me on her phone. She then signs my ticket. "Tyler you little monster, Lady Gaga". We get a picture together. And then I go on my merry little way. And I'm just gonna say, it was the best fucking concert I've ever been to. Loved it. So if you ever get a chance to see Lady Gaga or meet Lady Gaga, do it. She is everything I've ever wanted in a woman. So my question is, have you ever met a celebrity? And what were they like? Comment below. And also, down there there's going to be a whole bunch of links in the side bar on how you can reach me. Including Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, stuff like that. Have a good life. I will see ya later.
[ { "duration": 0.47900000000000004, "start": 0.23700000000000002, "text": "Hello." }, { "duration": 3.04, "start": 0.716, "text": "My name is Tyler and I make\nvideos on this YouTube channel." }, { "duration": 1.455, "start": 3.7560000000000002, "text": "If you subscribed by accident," }, { "duration": 1.94, "start": 5.211, "text": "I'm sorry but it's only gonna get worse." }, { "duration": 1.483, "start": 7.151, "text": "So pretty much the biggest thing" }, { "duration": 2.96, "start": 8.634, "text": "that could ever happen\nto me happened yesterday." }, { "duration": 1.343, "start": 11.594, "text": "Let me start at the beginning." }, { "duration": 1.32, "start": 12.937, "text": "I was talking to a friend and I was like," }, { "duration": 1.916, "start": 14.257, "text": "\"Oh my gosh I'm so excited\nfor Lady Gaga tonight." }, { "duration": 1.82, "start": 16.173, "text": "\"The only thing that could make it better" }, { "duration": 1.984, "start": 18.443, "text": "\"is if I were meeting her\"." }, { "duration": 2.06, "start": 20.427, "text": "And then, my phone vibrated." }, { "duration": 1.604, "start": 22.487, "text": "A message from Perez Hilton." }, { "duration": 1.16, "start": 24.091, "text": "Get online." }, { "duration": 1.795, "start": 25.251, "text": "So obviously I scurried back\nto my room and got online." }, { "duration": 2.113, "start": 27.046, "text": "And I IM Perez and I say, \"What's up?\"" }, { "duration": 1.98, "start": 29.159, "text": "\"Oh nothing, I just have a\nlittle surprise for you\"." }, { "duration": 0.8240000000000001, "start": 31.139, "text": "\"Excuse me." }, { "duration": 1.62, "start": 31.963, "text": "\"So you're concert for\nLady Gaga is tonight right?" }, { "duration": 0.64, "start": 33.583, "text": "\"Uh-huh." }, { "duration": 1.952, "start": 34.223, "text": "\"Well when you get there\nmake sure you go to Will Call" }, { "duration": 1.98, "start": 36.175, "text": "\"and there's gonna be\nsomething waiting for you." }, { "duration": 0.68, "start": 38.155, "text": "\"Excuse me?" }, { "duration": 1.284, "start": 38.835, "text": "\"Yeah, I kinda got you and a friend" }, { "duration": 1.3, "start": 40.119, "text": "\"a meet an greet for Lady Gaga" }, { "duration": 1.3, "start": 41.419, "text": "\"so make sure you get there early\"." }, { "duration": 3.024, "start": 42.719, "text": "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." }, { "duration": 2.101, "start": 45.743, "text": "Oh my Gaga, oh my Gaga, oh my Gaga." }, { "duration": 1.8, "start": 47.844, "text": "Needless to say, I was kind of a wreck." }, { "duration": 0.984, "start": 49.644, "text": "So we show up at the concert" }, { "duration": 1.98, "start": 50.628, "text": "and they give us wrist\nbands and we put 'em on." }, { "duration": 2.754, "start": 52.608, "text": "And they took us to a\nroom where nobody else is." }, { "duration": 1.74, "start": 55.362, "text": "And this woman comes out\nof nowhere and she's like," }, { "duration": 1.884, "start": 57.102, "text": "\"Where'd you get the pink wristbands?" }, { "duration": 0.9400000000000001, "start": 58.986, "text": "\"Will Call?" }, { "duration": 2.08, "start": 59.926, "text": "\"Yeah, but those are for\npeople who have guests." }, { "duration": 1.003, "start": 62.006, "text": "\"Whose guest are you?" }, { "duration": 1.02, "start": 63.009, "text": "\"Lady Gaga?" }, { "duration": 1, "start": 64.029, "text": "\"I know you're here for Lady Gaga," }, { "duration": 1.04, "start": 65.029, "text": "\"but whose guest are you?" }, { "duration": 1.175, "start": 66.069, "text": "\"Um a friend.\"" }, { "duration": 1.48, "start": 67.244, "text": "At this point I thought it would be akward" }, { "duration": 2.583, "start": 68.724, "text": "to say Perez Hilton because,\nwhy would she believe me?" }, { "duration": 0.9400000000000001, "start": 71.307, "text": "\"Who's your friend?" }, { "duration": 1.38, "start": 72.247, "text": "\"Perez Hilton." }, { "duration": 1.655, "start": 73.627, "text": "\"Oh okay, come with me\"." }, { "duration": 1.16, "start": 75.282, "text": "So she takes us to a different room" }, { "duration": 1.26, "start": 76.442, "text": "where there's like 30 people waiting." }, { "duration": 2.722, "start": 77.702, "text": "And then Lady Gaga appears." }, { "duration": 1.54, "start": 80.424, "text": "And I go up to her and I'm freakin' out." }, { "duration": 1.101, "start": 81.964, "text": "And I introduce myself." }, { "duration": 0.894, "start": 83.065, "text": "\"My name's Tyler Oakley." }, { "duration": 1.24, "start": 83.959, "text": "\"I love your work." }, { "duration": 0.74, "start": 85.199, "text": "\"I love everything you do." }, { "duration": 1.204, "start": 85.939, "text": "\"I love everything you\ndo for the gay community." }, { "duration": 0.8, "start": 87.143, "text": "\"I love all your music." }, { "duration": 0.874, "start": 87.943, "text": "\"I love everything about you." }, { "duration": 0.863, "start": 88.817, "text": "\"You are beautiful in every way\"." }, { "duration": 1.26, "start": 89.68, "text": "And I'm just gushing at this point." }, { "duration": 2.6, "start": 90.94, "text": "I was like in love, infatuated,\nI'm spilling it all out." }, { "duration": 1.823, "start": 93.54, "text": "I'm practically vomiting on\nher with all of my words." }, { "duration": 2.08, "start": 95.363, "text": "\"Oh, how did you get the pink wristband?" }, { "duration": 0.8140000000000001, "start": 97.443, "text": "\"Those are for guests." }, { "duration": 1.78, "start": 98.257, "text": "\"Perez surprised me this\nmorning with a meet and greet." }, { "duration": 0.88, "start": 100.037, "text": "\"You know Perez?" }, { "duration": 0.681, "start": 100.917, "text": "\"Yeah\"." }, { "duration": 1.4020000000000001, "start": 101.598, "text": "And then she gets out her phone." }, { "duration": 1.941, "start": 103, "text": "Takes a picture with\nher phone of me and her." }, { "duration": 2.313, "start": 104.941, "text": "Sends it to Perez with a text that says," }, { "duration": 2.863, "start": 107.254, "text": "\"Dear Perez, Tyler and I said hey, XOXO\"." }, { "duration": 1.52, "start": 112.62, "text": "So basically what I'm saying is," }, { "duration": 2.875, "start": 114.14, "text": "she has a picture of me on her phone." }, { "duration": 1.044, "start": 117.546, "text": "She then signs my ticket." }, { "duration": 2.2, "start": 118.59, "text": "\"Tyler you little monster, Lady Gaga\"." }, { "duration": 1.484, "start": 120.79, "text": "We get a picture together." }, { "duration": 1.605, "start": 122.578, "text": "And then I go on my merry little way." }, { "duration": 0.84, "start": 124.183, "text": "And I'm just gonna say," }, { "duration": 2.234, "start": 125.023, "text": "it was the best fucking\nconcert I've ever been to." }, { "duration": 0.76, "start": 127.257, "text": "Loved it." }, { "duration": 2.52, "start": 128.017, "text": "So if you ever get a\nchance to see Lady Gaga" }, { "duration": 2.623, "start": 130.537, "text": "or meet Lady Gaga, do it." }, { "duration": 2.18, "start": 133.16, "text": "She is everything I've\never wanted in a woman." }, { "duration": 1.54, "start": 135.34, "text": "So my question is, have\nyou ever met a celebrity?" }, { "duration": 0.72, "start": 136.88, "text": "And what were they like?" }, { "duration": 0.7000000000000001, "start": 137.6, "text": "Comment below." }, { "duration": 1.138, "start": 138.3, "text": "And also, down there there's going to be" }, { "duration": 1.5, "start": 139.438, "text": "a whole bunch of links in the side bar" }, { "duration": 0.98, "start": 140.938, "text": "on how you can reach me." }, { "duration": 1.963, "start": 141.918, "text": "Including Twitter, MySpace,\nFacebook, stuff like that." }, { "duration": 0.653, "start": 143.881, "text": "Have a good life." }, { "duration": 1.5, "start": 144.534, "text": "I will see ya later." } ]
Outgoing and Energetic
Tyler Oakley
My Mom's Fav' Video
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2YvZMTV | Enable ALL post notifications 🔔 Watch the NEWEST videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL61488594D1D09C18&playnext=1&index=2 Find Tyler: Twitch: http://twitch.tv/tyleroakley Gaming YouTube: http://youtube.com/tyleroakleygames TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tyleroakleyish SnapChat: https://snapchat.com/add/snaptyleroakley Twitter: http://twitter.com/tyleroakley Tumblr: http://tyleroakley.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/tyleroakley Facebook: https://facebook.com/thetyleroakley Business inquiries: [email protected] Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/tyleroakley T-Shirts: https://districtlines.com/Tyler-Oakley Binge (Book): https://amazon.com/dp/1501117696 Snervous (Documentary): http://bit.ly/SnervousiTunes Psychobabble (Podcast): http://itunes.com/psychobabble Watch more Tyler Oakley: Collaborations: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6OCjajrY3ct9cTXUp1uGmNY&playnext=1 Hannah, Grace & Mamrie: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6O-1N247X4AZ2UGJoAsa_yt&playnext=1 Going Home Series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6MazdW469Hi3XMjsbwf45ws&playnext=1 Newest Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL61488594D1D09C18&playnext=1&index=2 Popular Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6P2wa-Okk0JgNk6OO02j3ky About Tyler Oakley: Welcome to the official Tyler Oakley YouTube channel! On this channel, you’ll find a variety of LGBTQ and Fun content, including collaborations with YouTubers, celebrity collaborations & interviews I make lots of stuff on the internet. Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications!
Tyler Oakley
[ "beach", "sand", "ocean", "gay", "vlogger", "vlog", "lgbt", "tyler oakley", "tyleroakley", "kingsley", "blog", "rant" ]
[ "Entertainment" ]
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[music plays]
[ { "duration": 7.5, "start": 0, "text": "[music plays]" } ]
Outgoing and Energetic
Tyler Oakley
Mother’s Day Surprise ft. Queen Jackie | Tyler Oakley
best mother's day ever!! thanks HP for sponsoring!! http://bit.ly/TylerHP watch all my past collabs with my mom here: "How My Mom Knew I Was Gay": https://youtu.be/f3VYP7Vch5k "Reacting To My Own Birth": https://youtu.be/_ymRWZY5zZI "Getting Tipsy With My Mama": https://youtu.be/t5Xsvhz5o3Q "An Interview With My Mom": https://youtu.be/eGfh8rybyII "Hot Messes Try Rollercoasters": https://youtu.be/gcKYdxqNfOk "Getting Tattoos With My Mom": https://youtu.be/3Namrkn6jA8 Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2YvZMTV | Enable ALL post notifications 🔔 Watch the NEWEST videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL61488594D1D09C18&playnext=1&index=2 Find Tyler: Twitch: http://twitch.tv/tyleroakley Gaming YouTube: http://youtube.com/tyleroakleygames TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tyleroakleyish SnapChat: https://snapchat.com/add/snaptyleroakley Twitter: http://twitter.com/tyleroakley Tumblr: http://tyleroakley.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/tyleroakley Facebook: https://facebook.com/thetyleroakley Business inquiries: [email protected] Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/tyleroakley T-Shirts: https://districtlines.com/Tyler-Oakley Binge (Book): https://amazon.com/dp/1501117696 Snervous (Documentary): http://bit.ly/SnervousiTunes Psychobabble (Podcast): http://itunes.com/psychobabble Watch more Tyler Oakley: Collaborations: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6OCjajrY3ct9cTXUp1uGmNY&playnext=1 Hannah, Grace & Mamrie: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6O-1N247X4AZ2UGJoAsa_yt&playnext=1 Going Home Series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6MazdW469Hi3XMjsbwf45ws&playnext=1 Newest Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL61488594D1D09C18&playnext=1&index=2 Popular Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6P2wa-Okk0JgNk6OO02j3ky About Tyler Oakley: Welcome to the official Tyler Oakley YouTube channel! On this channel, you’ll find a variety of LGBTQ and Fun content, including collaborations with YouTubers, celebrity collaborations & interviews I make lots of stuff on the internet. Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications! i really loved using the Sprocket in this video to send postcards with selfies on them to my nieces & nephews... i think they're gonna love them!! my mom is now obsessed with this little thing, so if you need a perfect mother's day gift, get yours here: http://bit.ly/TylerHP
Tyler Oakley
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- Hey, everyone, it's Tyler. So I just got to San Francisco for a little vacation trip, and I am so excited because my mom is meeting me here. I have not seen her for like five months. And we're going to celebrate Mother's Day together. So my mom is somewhere around here. Gotta find her. Look who it is! So we just got to the hotel and my mom, I think, was a little surprised. What'd you find? - Look at this, it says "Welcome Tyler "and Queen Jackie!" - Okay. Thank you, Fairmont Hotel for all the sweets and treats. Okay, yes, work. I am so happy to be back in San Francisco. Mom, are you happy to be here? - I'm so excited because it's so pretty today. - Do you know what we're doing today? - No, what are we doing? - So, do you remember my vision board video, and the little Sprocket I used to make it? - Yeah, yeah. - So, do you have the stack of postcards I gave you? - Yeah. - Okay, well today what we're going to do is go to each of those landmarks, take a picture in front of it, print it out on the Sprocket, peel it off, put it on the back of the postcard, and send the postcards to my nieces and nephews, your grandkids. - Aw, they'll love that. - Don't you think that's cute? - That's an adorable idea. - It's tiny, fits in your pocket, you can take it anywhere. You get the app and it's free for any type of phone. So you have your Android and my iPhone, it'll work on both. You like to add stickers and frames and things to your pictures. - Yeah, yeah. - Well you can do that in the app. Select your picture from your camera mode, you send it to the printer through the app, and it prints right there. No ink, it uses like this zero ink, Zink technology. (laughs) And I would say it's like the perfect Mother's Day gift. - Is that my Mother's Day gift? - Do you want one? - Yeah. - I'll get you one. - Okay, yay. - Okay so we're waiting for Korey, who's about to pick us up and we are about to start our little adventure. - I can't wait, babe. - It'll be fun. (upbeat music) - Hey guys! It's Queen Jackie and we're here in Muir Woods. - This is stop number one. - It's beautiful. - I wanna hug a redwood. I'm a hugger, and when it comes to nature. - Oh, Lord. - I love all my mothers, Mother Jackie, Mother Nature. (laughs) (upbeat music) - You can't...it says "Please stay on the boardwalk." - [Korey] "Stay on the boardwalk." (laughter) (upbeat music) - You should go in there. (laughter) (upbeat music) Cute! - That's really cute. - Okay mom, who is this postcard going to? - This one can go to Maddox. - Okay. - Oh, how stinking cute is that? - (upbeat music) - So we're here at the Golden Bridge. (laughter) What is it again? - So we're here at the Golden Gate Bridge. And I like this spot because you can see the entire city. You can see Alcatraz, you can see the city, you can see downtown, you can see Twin Peaks, you can see the whole bridge. It's like you get everything in one little spot, and I feel like there's no better place to show this woman my favorite city in the country. (upbeat music) The last time we came here, we did a jumping picture with the bridge in the background. And I feel like we have to do a jumping picture again. Apparently, she's in. Let's do this. - I love it. - Cute. - That's so cute, I like this. - Yeah, easy breezy. - Let's send this one to Aiden. - Aiden? - He'll love it. - Okay we're gonna give this one to Aiden. (hollow instrument percussion music) My favorite part of all San Francisco, obviously, is The Castro, because it's the gayest thing possible. I used to live here. It's like home to me. I would wish anybody across America, around the world, to be able to come here, who identifies within the community because it's like there's a sense of freedom and safety and a security net. - Even if... (laughs) - I love sharing this place with you, mom. My home away from home. (hollow instrument percussion music) So this is where Harvey Milk used to live. Do you know who Harvey Milk was? - Yes. - Did you see Milk? - I did see Milk. - So if you guys don't know, Harvey Milk was the first openly gay elected official in the United States. And to me, I find him really inspiring because he showed the world that just because it had never happened before, doesn't mean it can't happen in the future. And I don't know if I'm ever going to run for office, but somebody like that inspires me to think, okay, maybe I could. I really love it and I loved walking by it every day when I lived here. (hollow instrument percussion music) So cute! - I love it. - Oh my God, that is actually adorable. (hollow instrument percussion music) - We're gonna send this one to Harper. - Harper, watch out in the mail. (hollow instrument percussion music) So I feel like the perfect way to end the day is at Dolores Park, which is one of my favorite spots to have a little picnic and have all my friends just hanging out, looking at the beautiful city. It feels like a nice community here. (hollow instrument percussion music) Let's stick it. Who are we sending this one to? - Olive and Delilah. - Olive and Delilah, the twins. They're getting a love letter from San Francisco. Mom, did you have fun today? - I had an awesome time, honey. - Did you? - Yes. Thank you so much. - Okay, so we're gonna go. We have the whole weekend ahead of us to hang out - Woo hoo! - And enjoy and celebrate Mother's Day. And there's no one else I'd rather do it with than you. Thanks for joining us, we love you. Mom, if they like the video, what can they do? - Thumbs up, baby. - Baby. We'll see you guys soon. Thanks, Sprocket, for sponsoring this video, we love you. And if you want to get a Sprocket, you can check out the description below. - Bye.
[ { "duration": 1.506, "start": 0.432, "text": "- Hey, everyone, it's Tyler." }, { "duration": 3.457, "start": 1.9380000000000002, "text": "So I just got to San Francisco\nfor a little vacation trip," }, { "duration": 3.212, "start": 5.395, "text": "and I am so excited because\nmy mom is meeting me here." }, { "duration": 2.407, "start": 8.607, "text": "I have not seen her for like five months." }, { "duration": 3.81, "start": 11.014, "text": "And we're going to celebrate\nMother's Day together." }, { "duration": 2.6310000000000002, "start": 14.824, "text": "So my mom is somewhere around here." }, { "duration": 1.305, "start": 17.455, "text": "Gotta find her." }, { "duration": 1.25, "start": 18.76, "text": "Look who it is!" }, { "duration": 2.498, "start": 22.52, "text": "So we just got to the hotel\nand my mom, I think, was" }, { "duration": 1.7109999999999999, "start": 25.018, "text": "a little surprised." }, { "duration": 1.11, "start": 26.729, "text": "What'd you find?" }, { "duration": 1.252, "start": 27.839, "text": "- Look at this, it says \"Welcome Tyler" }, { "duration": 1.5070000000000001, "start": 29.091, "text": "\"and Queen Jackie!\"" }, { "duration": 1.239, "start": 30.598, "text": "- Okay." }, { "duration": 3.103, "start": 31.837, "text": "Thank you, Fairmont Hotel for\nall the sweets and treats." }, { "duration": 1.889, "start": 34.94, "text": "Okay, yes, work." }, { "duration": 2.142, "start": 36.829, "text": "I am so happy to be back in San Francisco." }, { "duration": 1.323, "start": 38.971, "text": "Mom, are you happy to be here?" }, { "duration": 2.076, "start": 40.294, "text": "- I'm so excited because\nit's so pretty today." }, { "duration": 1.207, "start": 42.37, "text": "- Do you know what we're doing today?" }, { "duration": 1.38, "start": 43.577, "text": "- No, what are we doing?" }, { "duration": 1.619, "start": 44.957, "text": "- So, do you remember\nmy vision board video," }, { "duration": 1.438, "start": 46.576, "text": "and the little Sprocket I used to make it?" }, { "duration": 1.102, "start": 48.014, "text": "- Yeah, yeah." }, { "duration": 2.291, "start": 49.116, "text": "- So, do you have the stack\nof postcards I gave you?" }, { "duration": 1.026, "start": 51.407, "text": "- Yeah." }, { "duration": 1.403, "start": 52.433, "text": "- Okay, well today what\nwe're going to do is go to" }, { "duration": 2.498, "start": 53.836, "text": "each of those landmarks, take\na picture in front of it," }, { "duration": 2.542, "start": 56.334, "text": "print it out on the Sprocket, peel it off," }, { "duration": 1.662, "start": 58.876, "text": "put it on the back of the postcard," }, { "duration": 2.644, "start": 60.538, "text": "and send the postcards\nto my nieces and nephews," }, { "duration": 1.1440000000000001, "start": 63.182, "text": "your grandkids." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 64.326, "text": "- Aw, they'll love that." }, { "duration": 0.895, "start": 65.159, "text": "- Don't you think that's cute?" }, { "duration": 1.641, "start": 66.054, "text": "- That's an adorable idea." }, { "duration": 2.5460000000000003, "start": 67.695, "text": "- It's tiny, fits in your\npocket, you can take it anywhere." }, { "duration": 2.195, "start": 70.241, "text": "You get the app and it's\nfree for any type of phone." }, { "duration": 2.85, "start": 72.436, "text": "So you have your Android and\nmy iPhone, it'll work on both." }, { "duration": 2.391, "start": 75.286, "text": "You like to add stickers\nand frames and things" }, { "duration": 1.205, "start": 77.677, "text": "to your pictures." }, { "duration": 1.024, "start": 78.882, "text": "- Yeah, yeah." }, { "duration": 1.4809999999999999, "start": 79.906, "text": "- Well you can do that in the app." }, { "duration": 2.091, "start": 81.387, "text": "Select your picture from\nyour camera mode, you send it" }, { "duration": 3.6189999999999998, "start": 83.478, "text": "to the printer through the\napp, and it prints right there." }, { "duration": 2.979, "start": 87.097, "text": "No ink, it uses like this\nzero ink, Zink technology." }, { "duration": 1.02, "start": 90.076, "text": "(laughs)" }, { "duration": 2.144, "start": 91.096, "text": "And I would say it's like the\nperfect Mother's Day gift." }, { "duration": 1.579, "start": 93.24, "text": "- Is that my Mother's Day gift?" }, { "duration": 1.342, "start": 94.819, "text": "- Do you want one?" }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 96.161, "text": "- Yeah." }, { "duration": 1.209, "start": 96.994, "text": "- I'll get you one." }, { "duration": 1.005, "start": 98.203, "text": "- Okay, yay." }, { "duration": 1.357, "start": 99.208, "text": "- Okay so we're waiting for\nKorey, who's about to pick us up" }, { "duration": 2.827, "start": 100.565, "text": "and we are about to start\nour little adventure." }, { "duration": 0.9440000000000001, "start": 103.392, "text": "- I can't wait, babe." }, { "duration": 0.936, "start": 104.336, "text": "- It'll be fun." }, { "duration": 2.583, "start": 105.272, "text": "(upbeat music)" }, { "duration": 1.524, "start": 111.27, "text": "- Hey guys!" }, { "duration": 2.567, "start": 112.794, "text": "It's Queen Jackie and\nwe're here in Muir Woods." }, { "duration": 1.384, "start": 115.361, "text": "- This is stop number one." }, { "duration": 1.744, "start": 116.745, "text": "- It's beautiful.\n- I wanna hug a redwood." }, { "duration": 3, "start": 118.489, "text": "I'm a hugger, and when it comes to nature." }, { "duration": 1.017, "start": 121.489, "text": "- Oh, Lord." }, { "duration": 2.716, "start": 122.506, "text": "- I love all my mothers,\nMother Jackie, Mother Nature." }, { "duration": 1.669, "start": 125.222, "text": "(laughs)" }, { "duration": 2.583, "start": 126.891, "text": "(upbeat music)" }, { "duration": 1.984, "start": 134.133, "text": "- You can't...it says \"Please\nstay on the boardwalk.\"" }, { "duration": 1.52, "start": 136.117, "text": "- [Korey] \"Stay on the boardwalk.\"" }, { "duration": 0.983, "start": 137.637, "text": "(laughter)" }, { "duration": 2.583, "start": 138.62, "text": "(upbeat music)" }, { "duration": 1.984, "start": 142.611, "text": "- You should go in there." }, { "duration": 1.208, "start": 144.595, "text": "(laughter)" }, { "duration": 2.583, "start": 145.803, "text": "(upbeat music)" }, { "duration": 1.44, "start": 161.626, "text": "Cute!" }, { "duration": 1.871, "start": 163.066, "text": "- That's really cute." }, { "duration": 2.749, "start": 164.937, "text": "- Okay mom, who is this postcard going to?" }, { "duration": 1.5710000000000002, "start": 167.686, "text": "- This one can go to Maddox." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 169.257, "text": "- Okay." }, { "duration": 1.744, "start": 172.935, "text": "- Oh, how stinking cute is that?" }, { "duration": 2.75, "start": 174.679, "text": "- (upbeat music)" }, { "duration": 1.117, "start": 186.11, "text": "- So we're here at the Golden Bridge." }, { "duration": 0.921, "start": 187.227, "text": "(laughter)" }, { "duration": 1.152, "start": 188.148, "text": "What is it again?" }, { "duration": 1.699, "start": 189.3, "text": "- So we're here at the Golden Gate Bridge." }, { "duration": 3.505, "start": 190.999, "text": "And I like this spot because\nyou can see the entire city." }, { "duration": 2.257, "start": 194.504, "text": "You can see Alcatraz, you\ncan see the city, you can see" }, { "duration": 1.88, "start": 196.761, "text": "downtown, you can see\nTwin Peaks, you can see" }, { "duration": 1.359, "start": 198.641, "text": "the whole bridge." }, { "duration": 2.185, "start": 200, "text": "It's like you get everything\nin one little spot," }, { "duration": 2.715, "start": 202.185, "text": "and I feel like there's no\nbetter place to show this" }, { "duration": 2.892, "start": 204.9, "text": "woman my favorite city in the country." }, { "duration": 2.036, "start": 207.792, "text": "(upbeat music)" }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 209.828, "text": "The last time we came here,\nwe did a jumping picture" }, { "duration": 2.702, "start": 210.661, "text": "with the bridge in the background." }, { "duration": 2.287, "start": 213.363, "text": "And I feel like we have to\ndo a jumping picture again." }, { "duration": 1.014, "start": 215.65, "text": "Apparently, she's in." }, { "duration": 1.167, "start": 216.664, "text": "Let's do this." }, { "duration": 1.073, "start": 220.014, "text": "- I love it." }, { "duration": 1.6520000000000001, "start": 221.087, "text": "- Cute." }, { "duration": 1.714, "start": 222.739, "text": "- That's so cute, I like this." }, { "duration": 1.8130000000000002, "start": 224.453, "text": "- Yeah, easy breezy." }, { "duration": 1.115, "start": 226.266, "text": "- Let's send this one to Aiden." }, { "duration": 0.87, "start": 227.381, "text": "- Aiden?" }, { "duration": 0.917, "start": 228.251, "text": "- He'll love it." }, { "duration": 1.8090000000000002, "start": 229.168, "text": "- Okay we're gonna give this one to Aiden." }, { "duration": 4.167, "start": 230.977, "text": "(hollow instrument percussion music)" }, { "duration": 3.172, "start": 238.111, "text": "My favorite part of all San\nFrancisco, obviously, is" }, { "duration": 3.714, "start": 241.283, "text": "The Castro, because it's\nthe gayest thing possible." }, { "duration": 1.234, "start": 244.997, "text": "I used to live here." }, { "duration": 1.119, "start": 246.231, "text": "It's like home to me." }, { "duration": 3.758, "start": 247.35, "text": "I would wish anybody across\nAmerica, around the world," }, { "duration": 1.925, "start": 251.108, "text": "to be able to come here,\nwho identifies within" }, { "duration": 2.4, "start": 253.033, "text": "the community because it's\nlike there's a sense of" }, { "duration": 1.258, "start": 255.433, "text": "freedom and safety" }, { "duration": 1.186, "start": 256.691, "text": "and a security net." }, { "duration": 0.967, "start": 257.877, "text": "- Even if..." }, { "duration": 0.978, "start": 258.844, "text": "(laughs)" }, { "duration": 2.257, "start": 259.822, "text": "- I love sharing this place with you, mom." }, { "duration": 1.72, "start": 262.079, "text": "My home away from home." }, { "duration": 2.68, "start": 263.799, "text": "(hollow instrument percussion music)" }, { "duration": 2.313, "start": 266.479, "text": "So this is where Harvey Milk used to live." }, { "duration": 0.995, "start": 268.792, "text": "Do you know who Harvey Milk was?" }, { "duration": 1.057, "start": 269.787, "text": "- Yes." }, { "duration": 0.893, "start": 270.844, "text": "- Did you see Milk?" }, { "duration": 1.13, "start": 271.737, "text": "- I did see Milk." }, { "duration": 1.871, "start": 272.867, "text": "- So if you guys don't know,\nHarvey Milk was the first" }, { "duration": 2.762, "start": 274.738, "text": "openly gay elected official\nin the United States." }, { "duration": 2.4859999999999998, "start": 277.5, "text": "And to me, I find him really\ninspiring because he showed" }, { "duration": 4.167, "start": 279.986, "text": "the world that just because\nit had never happened before," }, { "duration": 2.067, "start": 285.302, "text": "doesn't mean it can't\nhappen in the future." }, { "duration": 1.845, "start": 287.369, "text": "And I don't know if I'm ever\ngoing to run for office," }, { "duration": 2.749, "start": 289.214, "text": "but somebody like that\ninspires me to think, okay," }, { "duration": 1.509, "start": 291.963, "text": "maybe I could." }, { "duration": 2.081, "start": 293.472, "text": "I really love it and I loved\nwalking by it every day when" }, { "duration": 1.083, "start": 295.553, "text": "I lived here." }, { "duration": 4.167, "start": 297.536, "text": "(hollow instrument percussion music)" }, { "duration": 1.6360000000000001, "start": 303.847, "text": "So cute!" }, { "duration": 0.872, "start": 305.483, "text": "- I love it." }, { "duration": 2.147, "start": 306.355, "text": "- Oh my God, that is actually adorable." }, { "duration": 2.743, "start": 308.502, "text": "(hollow instrument percussion music)" }, { "duration": 1.241, "start": 311.245, "text": "- We're gonna send this one to Harper." }, { "duration": 1.737, "start": 312.486, "text": "- Harper, watch out in the mail." }, { "duration": 4.167, "start": 314.223, "text": "(hollow instrument percussion music)" }, { "duration": 3.108, "start": 321.652, "text": "So I feel like the perfect\nway to end the day is" }, { "duration": 2.196, "start": 324.76, "text": "at Dolores Park, which is\none of my favorite spots" }, { "duration": 4.009, "start": 326.956, "text": "to have a little picnic and\nhave all my friends just" }, { "duration": 2.375, "start": 330.965, "text": "hanging out, looking\nat the beautiful city." }, { "duration": 3.29, "start": 333.34, "text": "It feels like a nice community here." }, { "duration": 4.167, "start": 336.63, "text": "(hollow instrument percussion music)" }, { "duration": 1.25, "start": 345.402, "text": "Let's stick it." }, { "duration": 1.343, "start": 350.743, "text": "Who are we sending this one to?" }, { "duration": 1.287, "start": 352.086, "text": "- Olive and Delilah." }, { "duration": 1.9140000000000001, "start": 353.373, "text": "- Olive and Delilah, the twins." }, { "duration": 2.54, "start": 355.287, "text": "They're getting a love\nletter from San Francisco." }, { "duration": 1.561, "start": 357.827, "text": "Mom, did you have fun today?" }, { "duration": 1.491, "start": 359.388, "text": "- I had an awesome time, honey." }, { "duration": 0.873, "start": 360.879, "text": "- Did you?" }, { "duration": 0.89, "start": 361.752, "text": "- Yes." }, { "duration": 0.871, "start": 362.642, "text": "Thank you so much." }, { "duration": 1.245, "start": 363.513, "text": "- Okay, so we're gonna go." }, { "duration": 1.474, "start": 364.758, "text": "We have the whole weekend\nahead of us to hang out" }, { "duration": 0.872, "start": 366.232, "text": "- Woo hoo!" }, { "duration": 1.405, "start": 367.104, "text": "- And enjoy and celebrate Mother's Day." }, { "duration": 3.801, "start": 368.509, "text": "And there's no one else I'd\nrather do it with than you." }, { "duration": 1.125, "start": 372.31, "text": "Thanks for joining us, we love you." }, { "duration": 2.073, "start": 373.435, "text": "Mom, if they like the\nvideo, what can they do?" }, { "duration": 1.6280000000000001, "start": 375.508, "text": "- Thumbs up, baby." }, { "duration": 0.872, "start": 377.136, "text": "- Baby." }, { "duration": 1.339, "start": 378.008, "text": "We'll see you guys soon." }, { "duration": 2.224, "start": 379.347, "text": "Thanks, Sprocket, for sponsoring\nthis video, we love you." }, { "duration": 1.838, "start": 381.571, "text": "And if you want to get a\nSprocket, you can check out" }, { "duration": 1.998, "start": 383.409, "text": "the description below." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 385.407, "text": "- Bye." } ]
Outgoing and Energetic
Tyler Oakley
JUICY PHONE CONFESSIONS (ft. Gigi Gorgeous) | Tyler Oakley
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2YvZMTV | Enable ALL post notifications 🔔 Watch the NEWEST videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL61488594D1D09C18&playnext=1&index=2 Find Tyler: Twitch: http://twitch.tv/tyleroakley Gaming YouTube: http://youtube.com/tyleroakleygames TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tyleroakleyish SnapChat: https://snapchat.com/add/snaptyleroakley Twitter: http://twitter.com/tyleroakley Tumblr: http://tyleroakley.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/tyleroakley Facebook: https://facebook.com/thetyleroakley Business inquiries: [email protected] Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/tyleroakley T-Shirts: https://districtlines.com/Tyler-Oakley Binge (Book): https://amazon.com/dp/1501117696 Snervous (Documentary): http://bit.ly/SnervousiTunes Psychobabble (Podcast): http://itunes.com/psychobabble Watch more Tyler Oakley: Collaborations: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6OCjajrY3ct9cTXUp1uGmNY&playnext=1 Hannah, Grace & Mamrie: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6O-1N247X4AZ2UGJoAsa_yt&playnext=1 Going Home Series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6MazdW469Hi3XMjsbwf45ws&playnext=1 Newest Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL61488594D1D09C18&playnext=1&index=2 Popular Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6P2wa-Okk0JgNk6OO02j3ky About Tyler Oakley: Welcome to the official Tyler Oakley YouTube channel! On this channel, you’ll find a variety of LGBTQ and Fun content, including collaborations with YouTubers, celebrity collaborations & interviews I make lots of stuff on the internet. Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications! Find Gigi: https://youtube.com/gigigorgeous Watch Gigi's collab with me: https://youtu.be/Xv3--OhPzfo If you're reading THIS, comment below with WHO YOU WANT TO SEE IN AUGUEST! I'm taking your suggestions into consideration. Oh, and go push the LIKE button. Please? I'll love you forever.
Tyler Oakley
[ "tyler oakley", "tyleroakley", "youtuber", "vlog", "vlogger", "lgbtq", "lgbt", "gay", "vlogging", "upload", "Q&A", "question", "answer", "funny", "lol", "cc", "captioned", "gigi gorgeous", "gigigorgeous", "iphone", "emoji", "embarrassing", "exposed", "confessions" ]
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- Hi everyone, my name is Tyler Oakley and who am I here with today? - Gigi, hey! - Gigi! I have been watching you forever. I'm in love with you. - I've loved you forever! - If you don't know Gigi, go subscribe immediately. One of the best Youtubers. I've always said that you're one of my favorite LGBTQ Youtubers, like the best. - Thank you. Well I 100 percent feel the exact same towards you. - Shut up, shut up, come love me. But today we're going to do something that I've never done before, and we're gonna dive deep into our phones. - Let's do it. - I feel like phones are very personal. - I'm surprised you don't have a case on yours. - I like, I mean, it makes me feel risky. - Look, I have a case and mine's shattered. - Oh, girl. - Yeah! Show the last photo you were tagged in. - Okay. That seems easy. - Oh. (laughs) - Literally the latest notification, tagged in a photo. - Oh that's cute! - Super cute. Adorable. - Look at the lips. - Look at the lashes. - Yeah, the lashes, look at those brows! Maybe they could redo my brows. - A little bit of-- - A little bit harsh on the brows. They shaved my side of my head. - God bless, or maybe they're just lazy. - They just didn't want to do that side. - It's a work in progress, that's what it is, okay. Show the last photo you took before the game started. - If it's a selfie, I'll die. - I'm kind of nervous. - What's your background, chicken? - Orange chicken. - Yes! - Um, wait, don't look. Oh, not bad. It was a selfie while I was recording my audiobook, right there. - Oh god, that's your stank face. You look cute in black and white. - Thanks, thanks, thanks. - Thank you. Play the first song that comes up on shuffle. ♫ Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ♫ - Okay. Wait, this is new, right? - I've never heard this to be honest. - Really? It's like a new single. You don't know it? (laughs) Show the first photo you took on your phone. - Oh geez. - I have no clue how far back this is gonna go. Oh my god, another selfie. - Oh cute! - When I had mint hair. - I remember when your hair was like this. - That was the first picture I took when I got mint hair. I must have gotten a new phone the same day. - You are one of the people that take winking selfies. Why is that? - I don't know! - Why is that? - I don't know, don't drag me like this. - Why? (laughs) - I used to think I would look so good with an underbite. Like, when I was little. And so in school pictures I'd be like... (laughs) - An underbite is like a good jaw. - If you were to take a selfie right now, what would you... - Probably like... (laughs) Ooh, that's cute. - Cute! Show the weirdest nickname you have saved in your contacts. - You name, I don't have any nicknames in my contacts. Everyone is full name, even my mom and dad. - I have full name, but I always do emoji. - I never do an emoji. I see kids doing that, the youth. (laughs) - Look at my phone. - Outrageous. - Michael, Mark, my daddy. - Daddy or daddy? - My actual dad, Tyler! - Oh my god. Body guard tall black hot. That's the winner right there. - No I feel like there's a better one. Dave my new sexy husband. - There's seven daddies in a row. I like all the men with the flexing muscles. - Yeah, 'cause that's just how I know that they're like muscular and cute. (laughs) - As opposed to just knowing them. - Well like, there's a lot! Christian Grey. - Christian Grey with a shower and a knife! Riddle me that. - 'Cause he was like, weird. - Don't even try. - I'm dying. - Show a note that you wrote on your phone. - Uh-oh. - I feel like all my notes are chapter ideas. - Oh! - Oh my god. (laughs) - What does that mean? - Uh, so this list is called butthole names. You'll see in the book. It's called butthole names. - To be continued. - To be continued. - Go to your photos, close your eyes, scroll and pick one at random. That must have been the worst card ever. - That, what do you have in there? - A lot, probably. - Oh. - My sister, we were in Malibu. - That's cute! - Cute, innocent. - Oh he's cute. - Nick, you'd love him. - Would I love him? - He's single. Send a message to your parents. First reply wins. - Oh, we're both trying? Okay. Wait, oh my god oh my god, you have a head start. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. - Dad, call me right now. - Oh my god no, not fair! Queen Jackie, text me. - She's so cute, was that a question mark? - That's her tattoo, it's 'cause we got tattoos together. - Oh, you did? What'd she get? - She got like a big old tree. (phone chimes) Yeah I got one! - Damn it! - Oh, you were so close! - Find the weirdest thing that comes up when you Google image search yourself. - Oh god. - Okay, there's a picture of Willam saying anus. - Amazing. You know what, I have this where my hair changed, like rainbow colors. - That's sick! - Me as like a punk. (gasps) I kind of like don't hate it. (laughs) - Show your app of shame. - I have a Miss Cleo soundboard app. - That's funny! - And it was four dollars. It's the most I've ever paid for an app. - Call me now! Oh, crazy helium voice? Have you done this? (gasps) - No! - It's so fun. Hey guys, just Gigi here. - And Tyler. - Stay gorgeous! - Muah. Cute. - (high-pitched voice) Hey guys, it's Gigi here. - (high-pitched voice) And Tyler. - Ooh, you sound kind of normal. - How dare you! (laughs) - Show the best screenshot in your photos. - Best screenshot. - Ah geez. - Shut it down. If this is Taylor, I've followed you since forever. A message on Grindr by Olivier. Thank you, Olivier. If you like this video give it a thumbs up. I feel like I got to know a lot about you through your phone. - I feel like that's true. I feel like I've stalked you a little bit. - Now we know about daddy with a knife that, wait, what was that? - Christian Grey with a knife and my real daddy with a heart. - God bless. Subscribe to Gigi and I will see you guys soon, bye! - Bye. You look so cute! - Stop it. - [Gigi] You do.
[ { "duration": 1.56, "start": 0.16, "text": "- Hi everyone, my name is Tyler Oakley" }, { "duration": 1.51, "start": 1.72, "text": "and who am I here with today?" }, { "duration": 0.96, "start": 3.23, "text": "- Gigi, hey!" }, { "duration": 0.74, "start": 4.19, "text": "- Gigi!" }, { "duration": 1.7000000000000002, "start": 4.93, "text": "I have been watching you forever." }, { "duration": 0.7000000000000001, "start": 6.63, "text": "I'm in love with you." }, { "duration": 1.49, "start": 7.33, "text": "- I've loved you forever!" }, { "duration": 2.51, "start": 8.82, "text": "- If you don't know Gigi,\ngo subscribe immediately." }, { "duration": 1.8399999999999999, "start": 11.33, "text": "One of the best Youtubers." }, { "duration": 1.37, "start": 13.17, "text": "I've always said that you're one" }, { "duration": 2.9, "start": 14.54, "text": "of my favorite LGBTQ\nYoutubers, like the best." }, { "duration": 0.77, "start": 17.44, "text": "- Thank you." }, { "duration": 2.07, "start": 18.21, "text": "Well I 100 percent feel\nthe exact same towards you." }, { "duration": 2.56, "start": 20.28, "text": "- Shut up, shut up, come love me." }, { "duration": 1.6600000000000001, "start": 22.84, "text": "But today we're going to do something" }, { "duration": 1.58, "start": 24.5, "text": "that I've never done before," }, { "duration": 2.77, "start": 26.08, "text": "and we're gonna dive deep into our phones." }, { "duration": 0.4, "start": 28.85, "text": "- Let's do it." }, { "duration": 1.97, "start": 29.25, "text": "- I feel like phones are very personal." }, { "duration": 1.83, "start": 31.22, "text": "- I'm surprised you don't\nhave a case on yours." }, { "duration": 3.12, "start": 33.05, "text": "- I like, I mean, it makes me feel risky." }, { "duration": 2.7800000000000002, "start": 36.51, "text": "- Look, I have a case\nand mine's shattered." }, { "duration": 0.64, "start": 39.29, "text": "- Oh, girl." }, { "duration": 0.92, "start": 39.93, "text": "- Yeah!" }, { "duration": 2.01, "start": 40.85, "text": "Show the last photo you were tagged in." }, { "duration": 1.11, "start": 42.86, "text": "- Okay." }, { "duration": 0.8300000000000001, "start": 43.97, "text": "That seems easy." }, { "duration": 0.8, "start": 44.8, "text": "- Oh." }, { "duration": 1.1400000000000001, "start": 45.6, "text": "(laughs)" }, { "duration": 2.8, "start": 46.74, "text": "- Literally the latest\nnotification, tagged in a photo." }, { "duration": 1.1, "start": 49.54, "text": "- Oh that's cute!" }, { "duration": 1.33, "start": 50.64, "text": "- Super cute." }, { "duration": 1.27, "start": 51.97, "text": "Adorable." }, { "duration": 1.7000000000000002, "start": 53.24, "text": "- Look at the lips." }, { "duration": 1.1400000000000001, "start": 54.94, "text": "- Look at the lashes." }, { "duration": 1.79, "start": 56.08, "text": "- Yeah, the lashes, look at those brows!" }, { "duration": 1.94, "start": 57.87, "text": "Maybe they could redo my brows." }, { "duration": 0.8300000000000001, "start": 59.81, "text": "- A little bit of--" }, { "duration": 1.9, "start": 60.64, "text": "- A little bit harsh on the brows." }, { "duration": 1.6099999999999999, "start": 62.54, "text": "They shaved my side of my head." }, { "duration": 2.07, "start": 64.15, "text": "- God bless, or maybe they're just lazy." }, { "duration": 1.57, "start": 66.22, "text": "- They just didn't want to do that side." }, { "duration": 2.34, "start": 67.79, "text": "- It's a work in progress,\nthat's what it is, okay." }, { "duration": 3.8, "start": 70.13, "text": "Show the last photo you took\nbefore the game started." }, { "duration": 1.17, "start": 73.93, "text": "- If it's a selfie, I'll die." }, { "duration": 0.63, "start": 75.1, "text": "- I'm kind of nervous." }, { "duration": 1.44, "start": 75.73, "text": "- What's your background, chicken?" }, { "duration": 0.7000000000000001, "start": 77.17, "text": "- Orange chicken." }, { "duration": 1.5, "start": 77.87, "text": "- Yes!" }, { "duration": 2.29, "start": 79.37, "text": "- Um, wait, don't look." }, { "duration": 1.24, "start": 81.66, "text": "Oh, not bad." }, { "duration": 2.29, "start": 82.9, "text": "It was a selfie while I was recording" }, { "duration": 1.65, "start": 85.19, "text": "my audiobook, right there." }, { "duration": 2.64, "start": 86.84, "text": "- Oh god, that's your stank face." }, { "duration": 2.03, "start": 89.48, "text": "You look cute in black and white." }, { "duration": 1.07, "start": 91.51, "text": "- Thanks, thanks, thanks." }, { "duration": 1.2, "start": 92.58, "text": "- Thank you." }, { "duration": 2.79, "start": 93.78, "text": "Play the first song that\ncomes up on shuffle." }, { "duration": 1.9, "start": 97.39, "text": "♫ Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ♫" }, { "duration": 0.8300000000000001, "start": 99.29, "text": "- Okay." }, { "duration": 1.8900000000000001, "start": 100.12, "text": "Wait, this is new, right?" }, { "duration": 1.27, "start": 102.66, "text": "- I've never heard this to be honest." }, { "duration": 0.7000000000000001, "start": 103.93, "text": "- Really?" }, { "duration": 1.8599999999999999, "start": 104.63, "text": "It's like a new single." }, { "duration": 1.1400000000000001, "start": 106.49, "text": "You don't know it?" }, { "duration": 1.1, "start": 107.63, "text": "(laughs)" }, { "duration": 2.47, "start": 108.73, "text": "Show the first photo\nyou took on your phone." }, { "duration": 1.17, "start": 111.2, "text": "- Oh geez." }, { "duration": 2.5300000000000002, "start": 112.37, "text": "- I have no clue how far\nback this is gonna go." }, { "duration": 1.23, "start": 114.9, "text": "Oh my god, another selfie." }, { "duration": 0.78, "start": 116.13, "text": "- Oh cute!" }, { "duration": 1.06, "start": 116.91, "text": "- When I had mint hair." }, { "duration": 1.8, "start": 117.97, "text": "- I remember when your hair was like this." }, { "duration": 1.77, "start": 119.77, "text": "- That was the first picture\nI took when I got mint hair." }, { "duration": 1.4, "start": 121.54, "text": "I must have gotten a\nnew phone the same day." }, { "duration": 2.74, "start": 122.94, "text": "- You are one of the people\nthat take winking selfies." }, { "duration": 0.6000000000000001, "start": 125.68, "text": "Why is that?" }, { "duration": 0.5700000000000001, "start": 126.28, "text": "- I don't know!" }, { "duration": 0.53, "start": 126.85, "text": "- Why is that?" }, { "duration": 2.47, "start": 127.38, "text": "- I don't know, don't drag me like this." }, { "duration": 0.67, "start": 129.85, "text": "- Why?" }, { "duration": 0.93, "start": 130.52, "text": "(laughs)" }, { "duration": 2.51, "start": 131.45, "text": "- I used to think I would look\nso good with an underbite." }, { "duration": 1.42, "start": 133.96, "text": "Like, when I was little." }, { "duration": 2.05, "start": 135.38, "text": "And so in school pictures I'd be like..." }, { "duration": 1.13, "start": 137.43, "text": "(laughs)" }, { "duration": 1.4, "start": 138.56, "text": "- An underbite is like a good jaw." }, { "duration": 1.9, "start": 139.96, "text": "- If you were to take a selfie\nright now, what would you..." }, { "duration": 0.87, "start": 141.86, "text": "- Probably like..." }, { "duration": 1.65, "start": 142.73, "text": "(laughs)" }, { "duration": 1.57, "start": 145.4, "text": "Ooh, that's cute.\n- Cute!" }, { "duration": 2.9699999999999998, "start": 146.97, "text": "Show the weirdest nickname you\nhave saved in your contacts." }, { "duration": 2.77, "start": 149.94, "text": "- You name, I don't have any\nnicknames in my contacts." }, { "duration": 2.07, "start": 152.71, "text": "Everyone is full name,\neven my mom and dad." }, { "duration": 2.23, "start": 154.78, "text": "- I have full name, but I always do emoji." }, { "duration": 1.2, "start": 157.01, "text": "- I never do an emoji." }, { "duration": 2.47, "start": 158.21, "text": "I see kids doing that, the youth." }, { "duration": 0.67, "start": 160.68, "text": "(laughs)" }, { "duration": 1.13, "start": 161.35, "text": "- Look at my phone." }, { "duration": 0.84, "start": 162.48, "text": "- Outrageous." }, { "duration": 2.22, "start": 163.32, "text": "- Michael, Mark, my daddy." }, { "duration": 1.12, "start": 165.82, "text": "- Daddy or daddy?" }, { "duration": 2.58, "start": 166.94, "text": "- My actual dad, Tyler!" }, { "duration": 1.44, "start": 169.52, "text": "- Oh my god." }, { "duration": 2.03, "start": 170.96, "text": "Body guard tall black hot." }, { "duration": 1.6400000000000001, "start": 172.99, "text": "That's the winner right there." }, { "duration": 1.4, "start": 174.63, "text": "- No I feel like there's a better one." }, { "duration": 1.57, "start": 176.03, "text": "Dave my new sexy husband." }, { "duration": 1.73, "start": 177.6, "text": "- There's seven daddies in a row." }, { "duration": 2.41, "start": 179.33, "text": "I like all the men with\nthe flexing muscles." }, { "duration": 1.06, "start": 181.74, "text": "- Yeah, 'cause that's just how I know" }, { "duration": 1.51, "start": 182.8, "text": "that they're like muscular and cute." }, { "duration": 0.96, "start": 184.31, "text": "(laughs)" }, { "duration": 1.8, "start": 185.27, "text": "- As opposed to just knowing them." }, { "duration": 1.74, "start": 187.07, "text": "- Well like, there's a lot!" }, { "duration": 0.99, "start": 188.81, "text": "Christian Grey." }, { "duration": 2.85, "start": 189.8, "text": "- Christian Grey with\na shower and a knife!" }, { "duration": 0.87, "start": 192.65, "text": "Riddle me that." }, { "duration": 1.6, "start": 193.52, "text": "- 'Cause he was like, weird." }, { "duration": 1.03, "start": 195.12, "text": "- Don't even try." }, { "duration": 1.1, "start": 196.15, "text": "- I'm dying." }, { "duration": 2.3, "start": 197.25, "text": "- Show a note that you\nwrote on your phone." }, { "duration": 0.86, "start": 199.55, "text": "- Uh-oh." }, { "duration": 2.41, "start": 200.41, "text": "- I feel like all my\nnotes are chapter ideas." }, { "duration": 0.53, "start": 202.82, "text": "- Oh!" }, { "duration": 1.45, "start": 203.35, "text": "- Oh my god." }, { "duration": 1.6400000000000001, "start": 205.69, "text": "(laughs)" }, { "duration": 0.93, "start": 207.33, "text": "- What does that mean?" }, { "duration": 2.9699999999999998, "start": 208.26, "text": "- Uh, so this list is\ncalled butthole names." }, { "duration": 1.74, "start": 211.23, "text": "You'll see in the book." }, { "duration": 0.93, "start": 212.97, "text": "It's called butthole names." }, { "duration": 0.5700000000000001, "start": 213.9, "text": "- To be continued." }, { "duration": 0.87, "start": 214.47, "text": "- To be continued." }, { "duration": 1.76, "start": 215.34, "text": "- Go to your photos, close your eyes," }, { "duration": 1.4100000000000001, "start": 217.1, "text": "scroll and pick one at random." }, { "duration": 1.26, "start": 218.51, "text": "That must have been the worst card ever." }, { "duration": 1.74, "start": 219.77, "text": "- That, what do you have in there?" }, { "duration": 1.78, "start": 221.51, "text": "- A lot, probably." }, { "duration": 1.42, "start": 225.68, "text": "- Oh." }, { "duration": 2.79, "start": 229.05, "text": "- My sister, we were in Malibu." }, { "duration": 0.7000000000000001, "start": 232.52, "text": "- That's cute!" }, { "duration": 1.27, "start": 233.22, "text": "- Cute, innocent." }, { "duration": 0.67, "start": 234.49, "text": "- Oh he's cute." }, { "duration": 1.53, "start": 235.16, "text": "- Nick, you'd love him." }, { "duration": 0.5700000000000001, "start": 236.69, "text": "- Would I love him?" }, { "duration": 1.1, "start": 237.26, "text": "- He's single." }, { "duration": 1.1, "start": 238.36, "text": "Send a message to your parents." }, { "duration": 1.04, "start": 239.46, "text": "First reply wins." }, { "duration": 1.06, "start": 240.5, "text": "- Oh, we're both trying?" }, { "duration": 1.37, "start": 241.56, "text": "Okay." }, { "duration": 1.54, "start": 242.93, "text": "Wait, oh my god oh my god,\nyou have a head start." }, { "duration": 1.6600000000000001, "start": 244.47, "text": "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." }, { "duration": 1.71, "start": 246.13, "text": "- Dad, call me right now." }, { "duration": 1.5899999999999999, "start": 247.84, "text": "- Oh my god no, not fair!" }, { "duration": 2.7800000000000002, "start": 249.43, "text": "Queen Jackie, text me." }, { "duration": 2.07, "start": 252.21, "text": "- She's so cute, was that a question mark?" }, { "duration": 1.92, "start": 254.28, "text": "- That's her tattoo, it's\n'cause we got tattoos together." }, { "duration": 0.71, "start": 256.2, "text": "- Oh, you did?" }, { "duration": 0.6000000000000001, "start": 256.91, "text": "What'd she get?" }, { "duration": 1.23, "start": 257.51, "text": "- She got like a big old tree." }, { "duration": 0.87, "start": 258.74, "text": "(phone chimes)" }, { "duration": 1.55, "start": 259.61, "text": "Yeah I got one!" }, { "duration": 0.53, "start": 262.15, "text": "- Damn it!" }, { "duration": 2.11, "start": 262.68, "text": "- Oh, you were so close!" }, { "duration": 1.3599999999999999, "start": 264.79, "text": "- Find the weirdest thing that comes up" }, { "duration": 2.21, "start": 266.15, "text": "when you Google image search yourself." }, { "duration": 1.76, "start": 268.36, "text": "- Oh god." }, { "duration": 1.67, "start": 270.12, "text": "- Okay, there's a picture\nof Willam saying anus." }, { "duration": 0.87, "start": 271.79, "text": "- Amazing." }, { "duration": 1.37, "start": 272.66, "text": "You know what, I have this where" }, { "duration": 1.94, "start": 274.03, "text": "my hair changed, like rainbow colors." }, { "duration": 1.19, "start": 275.97, "text": "- That's sick!" }, { "duration": 1.01, "start": 277.16, "text": "- Me as like a punk." }, { "duration": 0.72, "start": 278.17, "text": "(gasps)" }, { "duration": 1.6099999999999999, "start": 278.89, "text": "I kind of like don't hate it." }, { "duration": 1.4, "start": 280.5, "text": "(laughs)" }, { "duration": 2.07, "start": 281.9, "text": "- Show your app of shame." }, { "duration": 2.7, "start": 283.97, "text": "- I have a Miss Cleo soundboard app." }, { "duration": 0.77, "start": 286.67, "text": "- That's funny!" }, { "duration": 1.37, "start": 287.44, "text": "- And it was four dollars." }, { "duration": 2.3, "start": 288.81, "text": "It's the most I've ever paid for an app." }, { "duration": 1.1400000000000001, "start": 291.11, "text": "- Call me now!" }, { "duration": 1.42, "start": 292.25, "text": "Oh, crazy helium voice?" }, { "duration": 0.45, "start": 293.67, "text": "Have you done this?" }, { "duration": 0.66, "start": 294.12, "text": "(gasps)" }, { "duration": 0.5, "start": 294.78, "text": "- No!" }, { "duration": 0.8, "start": 295.28, "text": "- It's so fun." }, { "duration": 2.14, "start": 296.08, "text": "Hey guys, just Gigi here." }, { "duration": 1.45, "start": 298.22, "text": "- And Tyler." }, { "duration": 1.25, "start": 299.67, "text": "- Stay gorgeous!" }, { "duration": 1.8, "start": 300.92, "text": "- Muah." }, { "duration": 1.42, "start": 302.72, "text": "Cute." }, { "duration": 2.2, "start": 305.23, "text": "- (high-pitched voice)\nHey guys, it's Gigi here." }, { "duration": 1.4, "start": 307.43, "text": "- (high-pitched voice) And Tyler." }, { "duration": 1.37, "start": 308.83, "text": "- Ooh, you sound kind of normal." }, { "duration": 1.78, "start": 310.2, "text": "- How dare you!" }, { "duration": 0.8300000000000001, "start": 312.73, "text": "(laughs)" }, { "duration": 2.08, "start": 313.56, "text": "- Show the best screenshot in your photos." }, { "duration": 0.96, "start": 315.64, "text": "- Best screenshot." }, { "duration": 0.97, "start": 316.6, "text": "- Ah geez." }, { "duration": 1, "start": 317.57, "text": "- Shut it down." }, { "duration": 3.01, "start": 318.57, "text": "If this is Taylor, I've\nfollowed you since forever." }, { "duration": 2.09, "start": 321.58, "text": "A message on Grindr by Olivier." }, { "duration": 0.81, "start": 323.67, "text": "Thank you, Olivier." }, { "duration": 1.67, "start": 324.48, "text": "If you like this video\ngive it a thumbs up." }, { "duration": 1.09, "start": 326.15, "text": "I feel like I got to know a lot" }, { "duration": 1.38, "start": 327.24, "text": "about you through your phone." }, { "duration": 0.53, "start": 328.62, "text": "- I feel like that's true." }, { "duration": 1.94, "start": 329.15, "text": "I feel like I've stalked you a little bit." }, { "duration": 2.99, "start": 331.09, "text": "- Now we know about\ndaddy with a knife that," }, { "duration": 0.64, "start": 334.08, "text": "wait, what was that?" }, { "duration": 1.33, "start": 334.72, "text": "- Christian Grey with a knife" }, { "duration": 1.81, "start": 336.05, "text": "and my real daddy with a heart." }, { "duration": 0.87, "start": 337.86, "text": "- God bless." }, { "duration": 3.43, "start": 338.73, "text": "Subscribe to Gigi and I\nwill see you guys soon, bye!" }, { "duration": 1.5899999999999999, "start": 342.16, "text": "- Bye." }, { "duration": 1.13, "start": 348.67, "text": "You look so cute!" }, { "duration": 0.64, "start": 349.8, "text": "- Stop it." }, { "duration": 1.42, "start": 350.44, "text": "- [Gigi] You do." } ]
Outgoing and Energetic
Tyler Oakley
reacting to childhood home videos (ft. Queen Jackie)
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2YvZMTV | Enable ALL post notifications 🔔 Watch the NEWEST videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL61488594D1D09C18&playnext=1&index=2 Find Tyler: Twitch: http://twitch.tv/tyleroakley Gaming YouTube: http://youtube.com/tyleroakleygames TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tyleroakleyish SnapChat: https://snapchat.com/add/snaptyleroakley Twitter: http://twitter.com/tyleroakley Tumblr: http://tyleroakley.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/tyleroakley Facebook: https://facebook.com/thetyleroakley Business inquiries: [email protected] Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/tyleroakley T-Shirts: https://districtlines.com/Tyler-Oakley Binge (Book): https://amazon.com/dp/1501117696 Snervous (Documentary): http://bit.ly/SnervousiTunes Psychobabble (Podcast): http://itunes.com/psychobabble Watch more Tyler Oakley: Collaborations: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6OCjajrY3ct9cTXUp1uGmNY&playnext=1 Hannah, Grace & Mamrie: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6O-1N247X4AZ2UGJoAsa_yt&playnext=1 Going Home Series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6MazdW469Hi3XMjsbwf45ws&playnext=1 Newest Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL61488594D1D09C18&playnext=1&index=2 Popular Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL29MYs08TJ6P2wa-Okk0JgNk6OO02j3ky About Tyler Oakley: Welcome to the official Tyler Oakley YouTube channel! On this channel, you’ll find a variety of LGBTQ and Fun content, including collaborations with YouTubers, celebrity collaborations & interviews I make lots of stuff on the internet. Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications! Home would be nothing without an appearance by QUEEN JACKIE! When I was home visiting Michigan, I unearthed some home videos from my childhood that I have never seen, and decided to rewind the VCR and watch them all with my mom. Get ready for the body + hair transformations of the century, featuring looks of denim, bowl cuts and grim reaper-realness. Comment below with your favorite childhood memory (and make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE) :) WATCH The last episode of "Going Home" where I take you on a hometown tour: https://youtu.be/tuRJif8m3KE The "Going Home" Trailer: https://youtu.be/dojGxqu8ci4 DIRECTED BY: Nathan Flanagan-Frankl & Tyler Oakley TITLE ANIMATION: Michael Rusakov: http://www.instagram.com/michael.ny
Tyler Oakley
[ "tyler oakley", "tyleroakley", "youtuber", "vlog", "vlogger", "lgbtq", "lgbt", "gay", "vlogging", "upload", "Q&A", "question", "answer", "funny", "lol", "cc", "captioned", "queen jackie", "power rangers", "pokemon", "TBT", "reacting to", "adults react", "youtubers react", "family" ]
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- Hi, everyone, it's Tyler and look who I'm with! - Queen Jackie. - It's me! - Hi, mom. How are you? - Good, how are you? - I'm good. - Good? - Cool. So while I have been home in Michigan, I have been going through all of our stuff and I found some stuff. - What is it? - Well, I found these like VHS tapes and these cassettes of home videos. - Hey, we haven't looked at those in forever. - They're all labeled, but I don't think any of them have been touched in decades. Okay, I feel like we should just bite the bullet. You want to watch? - Yes, I'm excited to see these. - You know what I'm excited for is all of your looks 'cause your hair has taken a journey just as much as my hair's taken a journey. Let's go. - Oh, this is at my dad's. - This is my brother, Travis, my older brother. Oh, and there I am. - [Man] Say goodbye, you two. - Is this like a dance party? What are we up to? - You're doing a dance thing. (screaming laughter) - Oh my God, all of us. - Look at me. - Okay, don't get in front of me though. - "Don't get in front of me though." A lot of death drops. I'm giving a lot of flips, kicks, turns, and death drops. - Oh, what was that? - Come on, splits, yes! What are we? - Oh, that is hilarious. - I'm going to school. - Like a little baby. - Aw, that is so tender. I was obsessed with my older brother. I was like everything he did, I wanted to do. Oh, there's the bus. I loved the first day of school, I would go to sleep in the clothes that I was gonna wear on the first day, so that I'd be like, I would wake up ready to go. - Okay, so this is like, this looks like first grade, second grade, third grade play or something. - My dream is to be an actor in a movie and to be an author. - To be an actor and an author. - What! What a sweet little boy who's dream came true or something. (laughter) Who is she? - What are you doing? - I'm humping, I'm making faces. - Soccer. - Oh, Lord. Now, these are the years where I, I feel like I was forced into soccer. - Oh my gosh, remember when you tried to walk off the field and I said, "No." - That's probably right now. I only did soccer for the Capri Suns, the doughnut holes, the half-times. - Look at Jenna teaching you how to do it. - I've had it and I'm over it. - I wanna go walk around the field. - Mom! That denim jacket with the Eeyore and Piglet and Pooh I forgot about that. And your button and your hair. - [Man] This is a star right here, alright. - There's Cody, my sister, Travis, my brother. What am I doing, just boogieing. - I don't- you're dancing. - I'm giving you Grease, 'Summer Nights'. - Oh, this is your birthday. This is your birthday. - What is that Cabbage Patch Doll? You got me a doll with clothes? - Yes, it was a Cabbage Patch. - Did I love it? - I don't know, what did you get there? - It's clothes for the doll and I don't seem enthused. This is before I learned to fake being like, "Thank you, an avocado." I hated this. - I know, you hated singing. - I hated people singing to me, I hated Happy Birthday, I hated opening presents. Oh, I have had it. (blowing air) How sad. (laughs loudly) I'm like- Oh my God, this is like the Bozo the Clown game. Did you see Bozo the Clown died? - (mumbles) Makes me sad. - Oh! Look at you! - Look how happy I was. This is my eighth birthday, third grade. Money, I always was just like don't give me any presents, just give me money. - Look at, look at, I'm saying, "Give it to me." And you're going mm-mm. - Beanie Babies. - Oh, did you see them kissing? - Who? - You just made the Beanie Babies kiss. Look at those little round glasses. - Those buck-teeth. - You didn't have buck-teeth, they were just gappy. - Aww. - Look at all your Beanie Babies. - All in a row. Another Beanie Baby? Another Beanie Baby. When I like something, I wanted every single one of it. - I know. - If it was a Beanie Baby, it was a yo-yo, if it was a Pokemon, if it was anything. - To mom, from Tyler Oakley - "To mom, from Tyler Oakley" Mom, you look so young. - That's 'cause I was. - How old do you think you were there? How old were you when you had me? - 23. - You were not. What? - Yeah, that's when it was cool to have babies so young. - I'm 29- this, you must have been literally my age here. That is wild. - Oh, isn't that cute. - A Beanie Baby. Me, re-gifting something. - [Man] Tyler! Is this the public pool? Oh, I'm feeling myself. Barely surviving. - [Man] Say hi, ma! - Glamour, she's elegance, she's glamour. What is going on here? What's my hair? - That's probably when you- - None of us are happy. - Oh, look at that big pumpkin patch. Don't pick your butt! - Oh my God, I forgot about these. Michael Jackson, death: reason unknown. Any holiday, the whole front yard, we were that house, and for Halloween, we were making these like, it was like a cemetery was the front yard. Mine was Mr. Pumpkin Head. What dress am I wearing always? Oh, there's me, I was Ghostface from Scream. Loved it, very violent. - I'm sweating. - "I'm sweating." The most me. Oh, so this was the whole tradition, the four of us would get together, and it would be like a bartering system. - With the candy. - We each had our own Tupperware thing. Oh, she's stressed. - Mom, want this? - Now, how sweet of me, "Mom, do you want this?" Okay, so this costume. - I did, I worked on this costume. - My mom made this, bless her soul. - You'll see- - It turned out really good though! - Did it? - Yes! - I mean, I loved it at the time. Look at you, your hair! "How pretty," what is this caption? Look at her. Me and my buddies. - [Woman] Hey! - I'm just feeling myself. Where did I get that fan? Me, always sweating. The gayest, the gayest in the room, a big huge feather fan. Oh so it was Christmas, what am I doing? I cannot pick a spot. Toy Story, I was obsessed with Toy Story. I had my Woody doll, I feel like I carried that everywhere. You know what, this must have been the only year we did me opening everything and then somebody else opening everything, the rest of the years we would take turns and it would be like seven hours of opening gifts and I wanted to dust. - What is that? (bells playing) We still have that bell thing that's going off. - I'm sure you do, you're a hoarder. - It's still up. - I'm sure. What month is it right now? April. It's still up? - Mom. - "Mom." - Christmas! - [Man] Everybody get together. - What is wrong with all of us? Looks like money, come on money. - It's a gift certificate. - "Thank you!" Those jeans. - You had to get big jeans. (group yelling) - Mom. Mom! Jackie! - Oprah, Oprah. - She's Oprah. - Oh my God, the four of us used to always do skits and we would write down the skits from All That and we would just assign roles and we would do them. I could not be trusted with any lines, look at me. What is going on? - A spaceship and- - Spaceship? - Under it- - Under it. - Table. - And a table. - And a table. - Why don't you just have a seat in the middle? - Where's my Emmy? Oh no, don't try it, don't try it, girl. (laughs loudly) - [Man] Don't touch the camera! - Me, vlogging. How did you guys put up with this? What were you thinking? - Look at me. - The judgment, you raised us. - Oh my God, we were such good parents. - [Woman] Tyler! - Work, now this is a look, head-to-toe serving. I love the look. Nowadays I would know better than to wear red because my red complexion, but then I didn't know. Look at you mom. - [Man] Turn around and say goodbye. - Aww, that was actually really tender and sweet. I just have to say, I never knew that you had taped all of this. When I found these tapes, I never remembered you guys like recording us. - Yeah, we were good parents. - Okay and so, to see all of that, I'm just really grateful that you like actually took the time and put the effort in, so thank you. - I'm glad we did too. - I'm glad I have like these things to look back on. - Yeah, it's really important because when you get older and you see these (laughs) I don't have anything like this. - Really? - Nothing. - Well, thank you for recording them. Okay, so that is all we have for today's video. Mom, thanks for taking this little journey with me. - Thanks for doing that, that's awesome. - If you like this video, be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe. Plus, let me know in the comments what was your favorite childhood memory. I wanna know, let me know in the comments. Thanks you guys for watching. I'll see you soon. Love you, mom. - Love you too, baby. - Bye, friends. - Bye.
[ { "duration": 4.728, "start": 0, "text": "- Hi, everyone, it's Tyler\nand look who I'm with!" }, { "duration": 1.438, "start": 4.728, "text": "- Queen Jackie.\n- It's me!" }, { "duration": 0.98, "start": 6.166, "text": "- Hi, mom. How are you?" }, { "duration": 1.05, "start": 7.146, "text": "- Good, how are you?" }, { "duration": 0.9480000000000001, "start": 8.196, "text": "- I'm good." }, { "duration": 1.666, "start": 9.144, "text": "- Good?\n- Cool." }, { "duration": 2.162, "start": 10.81, "text": "So while I have been home in\nMichigan, I have been going" }, { "duration": 2.839, "start": 12.972, "text": "through all of our stuff\nand I found some stuff." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 15.811, "text": "- What is it?" }, { "duration": 3.793, "start": 16.644, "text": "- Well, I found these like\nVHS tapes and these cassettes" }, { "duration": 1.238, "start": 20.437, "text": "of home videos." }, { "duration": 1.741, "start": 21.675, "text": "- Hey, we haven't looked\nat those in forever." }, { "duration": 2.128, "start": 23.416, "text": "- They're all labeled, but\nI don't think any of them" }, { "duration": 1.712, "start": 25.544, "text": "have been touched in decades." }, { "duration": 2.7039999999999997, "start": 27.256, "text": "Okay, I feel like we should\njust bite the bullet." }, { "duration": 0.873, "start": 29.96, "text": "You want to watch?" }, { "duration": 1.71, "start": 30.833, "text": "- Yes, I'm excited to see these." }, { "duration": 2.399, "start": 32.543, "text": "- You know what I'm excited\nfor is all of your looks" }, { "duration": 1.915, "start": 34.942, "text": "'cause your hair has taken a journey" }, { "duration": 1.996, "start": 36.857, "text": "just as much as my hair's taken a journey." }, { "duration": 0.9570000000000001, "start": 38.853, "text": "Let's go." }, { "duration": 1.927, "start": 39.81, "text": "- Oh, this is at my dad's." }, { "duration": 1.585, "start": 41.737, "text": "- This is my brother,\nTravis, my older brother." }, { "duration": 1.58, "start": 43.322, "text": "Oh, and there I am." }, { "duration": 1.021, "start": 44.902, "text": "- [Man] Say goodbye, you two." }, { "duration": 1.348, "start": 45.923, "text": "- Is this like a dance party?" }, { "duration": 1.5310000000000001, "start": 47.271, "text": "What are we up to?" }, { "duration": 2.228, "start": 48.802, "text": "- You're doing a dance thing." }, { "duration": 3.083, "start": 51.03, "text": "(screaming laughter)" }, { "duration": 1.917, "start": 55.104, "text": "- Oh my God, all of us." }, { "duration": 1.083, "start": 58.29, "text": "- Look at me." }, { "duration": 1.847, "start": 61.548, "text": "- Okay, don't get in front of me though." }, { "duration": 2.142, "start": 63.395, "text": "- \"Don't get in front of me though.\"" }, { "duration": 1.37, "start": 65.537, "text": "A lot of death drops." }, { "duration": 4.929, "start": 66.907, "text": "I'm giving a lot of flips,\nkicks, turns, and death drops." }, { "duration": 2.404, "start": 71.836, "text": "- Oh, what was that?" }, { "duration": 2.042, "start": 74.24, "text": "- Come on, splits, yes!" }, { "duration": 1.889, "start": 76.282, "text": "What are we?\n- Oh, that is hilarious." }, { "duration": 3.672, "start": 78.171, "text": "- I'm going to school.\n- Like a little baby." }, { "duration": 1.705, "start": 81.843, "text": "- Aw, that is so tender." }, { "duration": 1.8860000000000001, "start": 83.548, "text": "I was obsessed with my older brother." }, { "duration": 4.421, "start": 85.434, "text": "I was like everything\nhe did, I wanted to do." }, { "duration": 0.872, "start": 89.855, "text": "Oh, there's the bus." }, { "duration": 1.928, "start": 90.727, "text": "I loved the first day of\nschool, I would go to sleep" }, { "duration": 3.105, "start": 92.655, "text": "in the clothes that I was\ngonna wear on the first day," }, { "duration": 4.083, "start": 95.76, "text": "so that I'd be like, I\nwould wake up ready to go." }, { "duration": 1.787, "start": 101.013, "text": "- Okay, so this is like,\nthis looks like first grade," }, { "duration": 2.243, "start": 102.8, "text": "second grade, third\ngrade play or something." }, { "duration": 3.79, "start": 105.043, "text": "- My dream is to be an actor\nin a movie and to be an author." }, { "duration": 2.204, "start": 108.833, "text": "- To be an actor and an author." }, { "duration": 4.417, "start": 111.037, "text": "- What! What a sweet little\nboy who's dream came true" }, { "duration": 1.339, "start": 116.798, "text": "or something." }, { "duration": 2.312, "start": 118.137, "text": "(laughter)" }, { "duration": 1.2730000000000001, "start": 120.449, "text": "Who is she?" }, { "duration": 1.141, "start": 121.722, "text": "- What are you doing?" }, { "duration": 2.61, "start": 122.863, "text": "- I'm humping, I'm making faces." }, { "duration": 1.667, "start": 125.473, "text": "- Soccer.\n- Oh, Lord." }, { "duration": 1.873, "start": 128.622, "text": "Now, these are the years where I," }, { "duration": 2.02, "start": 130.495, "text": "I feel like I was forced into soccer." }, { "duration": 2.163, "start": 132.515, "text": "- Oh my gosh, remember when\nyou tried to walk off the field" }, { "duration": 1.343, "start": 134.678, "text": "and I said, \"No.\"" }, { "duration": 1.152, "start": 136.021, "text": "- That's probably right now." }, { "duration": 3.609, "start": 137.173, "text": "I only did soccer for the\nCapri Suns, the doughnut holes," }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 140.782, "text": "the half-times." }, { "duration": 1.35, "start": 141.615, "text": "- Look at Jenna teaching you how to do it." }, { "duration": 1.6600000000000001, "start": 142.965, "text": "- I've had it and I'm over it." }, { "duration": 1.017, "start": 144.625, "text": "- I wanna go walk around the field." }, { "duration": 3.6870000000000003, "start": 145.642, "text": "- Mom! That denim jacket with\nthe Eeyore and Piglet and Pooh" }, { "duration": 1.545, "start": 149.329, "text": "I forgot about that." }, { "duration": 2.543, "start": 150.874, "text": "And your button and your hair." }, { "duration": 3.909, "start": 153.417, "text": "- [Man] This is a star\nright here, alright." }, { "duration": 2.762, "start": 157.326, "text": "- There's Cody, my sister,\nTravis, my brother." }, { "duration": 1.198, "start": 160.088, "text": "What am I doing, just boogieing." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 161.286, "text": "- I don't- you're dancing." }, { "duration": 2.705, "start": 162.119, "text": "- I'm giving you Grease, 'Summer Nights'." }, { "duration": 1.8559999999999999, "start": 164.824, "text": "- Oh, this is your birthday." }, { "duration": 1.053, "start": 166.68, "text": "This is your birthday." }, { "duration": 1.256, "start": 167.733, "text": "- What is that Cabbage Patch Doll?" }, { "duration": 1.307, "start": 168.989, "text": "You got me a doll with clothes?" }, { "duration": 1.5470000000000002, "start": 170.296, "text": "- Yes, it was a Cabbage Patch." }, { "duration": 1.459, "start": 171.843, "text": "- Did I love it?" }, { "duration": 1.564, "start": 173.302, "text": "- I don't know, what did you get there?" }, { "duration": 3.451, "start": 174.866, "text": "- It's clothes for the doll\nand I don't seem enthused." }, { "duration": 1.37, "start": 178.317, "text": "This is before I learned\nto fake being like," }, { "duration": 2, "start": 179.687, "text": "\"Thank you, an avocado.\"" }, { "duration": 1.139, "start": 182.624, "text": "I hated this." }, { "duration": 1.305, "start": 183.763, "text": "- I know, you hated singing." }, { "duration": 2.439, "start": 185.068, "text": "- I hated people singing to\nme, I hated Happy Birthday," }, { "duration": 1.837, "start": 187.507, "text": "I hated opening presents." }, { "duration": 1.467, "start": 189.344, "text": "Oh, I have had it." }, { "duration": 2.5, "start": 190.811, "text": "(blowing air)" }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 194.724, "text": "How sad." }, { "duration": 2.855, "start": 196.702, "text": "(laughs loudly)" }, { "duration": 1.264, "start": 199.557, "text": "I'm like-" }, { "duration": 1.822, "start": 200.821, "text": "Oh my God, this is like\nthe Bozo the Clown game." }, { "duration": 1.461, "start": 202.643, "text": "Did you see Bozo the Clown died?" }, { "duration": 1.499, "start": 204.104, "text": "- (mumbles) Makes me sad." }, { "duration": 3.396, "start": 205.603, "text": "- Oh! Look at you!\n- Look how happy I was." }, { "duration": 2.963, "start": 208.999, "text": "This is my eighth birthday, third grade." }, { "duration": 3.347, "start": 211.962, "text": "Money, I always was just like\ndon't give me any presents," }, { "duration": 1.06, "start": 215.309, "text": "just give me money." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 216.369, "text": "- Look at, look at, I'm\nsaying, \"Give it to me.\"" }, { "duration": 1.9929999999999999, "start": 217.202, "text": "And you're going mm-mm." }, { "duration": 1.7069999999999999, "start": 219.195, "text": "- Beanie Babies." }, { "duration": 1.662, "start": 220.902, "text": "- Oh, did you see them kissing?" }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 222.564, "text": "- Who?" }, { "duration": 2.453, "start": 223.397, "text": "- You just made the Beanie Babies kiss." }, { "duration": 2.205, "start": 225.85, "text": "Look at those little round glasses." }, { "duration": 1.422, "start": 228.055, "text": "- Those buck-teeth." }, { "duration": 2.246, "start": 229.477, "text": "- You didn't have buck-teeth,\nthey were just gappy." }, { "duration": 1.258, "start": 231.723, "text": "- Aww." }, { "duration": 1.2570000000000001, "start": 232.981, "text": "- Look at all your Beanie Babies." }, { "duration": 1.25, "start": 234.238, "text": "- All in a row." }, { "duration": 1.477, "start": 238.272, "text": "Another Beanie Baby?" }, { "duration": 1.371, "start": 239.749, "text": "Another Beanie Baby." }, { "duration": 3.503, "start": 241.12, "text": "When I like something, I\nwanted every single one of it." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 244.623, "text": "- I know." }, { "duration": 1.469, "start": 245.456, "text": "- If it was a Beanie Baby, it was a yo-yo," }, { "duration": 2.085, "start": 246.925, "text": "if it was a Pokemon, if it was anything." }, { "duration": 3.077, "start": 249.01, "text": "- To mom, from Tyler Oakley" }, { "duration": 1.6219999999999999, "start": 252.087, "text": "- \"To mom, from Tyler Oakley\"" }, { "duration": 1.714, "start": 253.709, "text": "Mom, you look so young." }, { "duration": 1.17, "start": 255.423, "text": "- That's 'cause I was." }, { "duration": 1.764, "start": 256.593, "text": "- How old do you think you were there?" }, { "duration": 1.346, "start": 258.357, "text": "How old were you when you had me?" }, { "duration": 1.2810000000000001, "start": 259.703, "text": "- 23." }, { "duration": 1.25, "start": 260.984, "text": "- You were not." }, { "duration": 1.346, "start": 263.226, "text": "What?" }, { "duration": 3.9130000000000003, "start": 264.572, "text": "- Yeah, that's when it was\ncool to have babies so young." }, { "duration": 4.165, "start": 268.485, "text": "- I'm 29- this, you must have\nbeen literally my age here." }, { "duration": 1.3820000000000001, "start": 272.65, "text": "That is wild." }, { "duration": 2.012, "start": 274.032, "text": "- Oh, isn't that cute." }, { "duration": 1.333, "start": 276.044, "text": "- A Beanie Baby." }, { "duration": 2.083, "start": 278.657, "text": "Me, re-gifting something." }, { "duration": 1.167, "start": 282.132, "text": "- [Man] Tyler!" }, { "duration": 2.079, "start": 284.477, "text": "Is this the public pool?" }, { "duration": 1.917, "start": 286.556, "text": "Oh, I'm feeling myself." }, { "duration": 1.417, "start": 289.593, "text": "Barely surviving." }, { "duration": 1.274, "start": 293.702, "text": "- [Man] Say hi, ma!" }, { "duration": 4.004, "start": 294.976, "text": "- Glamour, she's elegance, she's glamour." }, { "duration": 2.32, "start": 298.98, "text": "What is going on here?" }, { "duration": 2.01, "start": 301.3, "text": "What's my hair?" }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 303.31, "text": "- That's probably when you-" }, { "duration": 1.6280000000000001, "start": 304.143, "text": "- None of us are happy." }, { "duration": 2.283, "start": 305.771, "text": "- Oh, look at that big pumpkin patch." }, { "duration": 2.565, "start": 308.054, "text": "Don't pick your butt!" }, { "duration": 2.833, "start": 310.619, "text": "- Oh my God, I forgot about these." }, { "duration": 3.1390000000000002, "start": 314.822, "text": "Michael Jackson, death: reason unknown." }, { "duration": 3.524, "start": 317.961, "text": "Any holiday, the whole front\nyard, we were that house," }, { "duration": 2.925, "start": 321.485, "text": "and for Halloween, we were\nmaking these like, it was like" }, { "duration": 1.82, "start": 324.41, "text": "a cemetery was the front yard." }, { "duration": 2.865, "start": 326.23, "text": "Mine was Mr. Pumpkin Head." }, { "duration": 2.56, "start": 329.095, "text": "What dress am I wearing always?" }, { "duration": 3.8609999999999998, "start": 331.655, "text": "Oh, there's me, I was\nGhostface from Scream." }, { "duration": 2.492, "start": 335.516, "text": "Loved it, very violent." }, { "duration": 1.713, "start": 338.008, "text": "- I'm sweating." }, { "duration": 1.874, "start": 339.721, "text": "- \"I'm sweating.\"" }, { "duration": 1.7570000000000001, "start": 341.595, "text": "The most me." }, { "duration": 1.436, "start": 343.352, "text": "Oh, so this was the whole tradition," }, { "duration": 1.347, "start": 344.788, "text": "the four of us would get together," }, { "duration": 1.924, "start": 346.135, "text": "and it would be like a bartering system." }, { "duration": 1.8050000000000002, "start": 348.059, "text": "- With the candy." }, { "duration": 2.88, "start": 349.864, "text": "- We each had our own Tupperware thing." }, { "duration": 1.222, "start": 352.744, "text": "Oh, she's stressed." }, { "duration": 1.853, "start": 353.966, "text": "- Mom, want this?" }, { "duration": 3.072, "start": 355.819, "text": "- Now, how sweet of me,\n\"Mom, do you want this?\"" }, { "duration": 1.549, "start": 358.891, "text": "Okay, so this costume." }, { "duration": 2.193, "start": 360.44, "text": "- I did, I worked on this costume." }, { "duration": 3.291, "start": 362.633, "text": "- My mom made this, bless her soul." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 365.924, "text": "- You'll see-" }, { "duration": 1.4889999999999999, "start": 366.757, "text": "- It turned out really good though!" }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 368.246, "text": "- Did it?" }, { "duration": 0.937, "start": 369.079, "text": "- Yes!" }, { "duration": 1.6139999999999999, "start": 370.016, "text": "- I mean, I loved it at the time." }, { "duration": 2.039, "start": 371.63, "text": "Look at you, your hair!" }, { "duration": 2.216, "start": 373.669, "text": "\"How pretty,\" what is this caption?" }, { "duration": 1.317, "start": 375.885, "text": "Look at her." }, { "duration": 1.109, "start": 377.202, "text": "Me and my buddies." }, { "duration": 1.167, "start": 378.311, "text": "- [Woman] Hey!" }, { "duration": 2.167, "start": 381.353, "text": "- I'm just feeling myself." }, { "duration": 1.999, "start": 385.928, "text": "Where did I get that fan?" }, { "duration": 1.667, "start": 387.927, "text": "Me, always sweating." }, { "duration": 5, "start": 391.771, "text": "The gayest, the gayest in the\nroom, a big huge feather fan." }, { "duration": 2.4050000000000002, "start": 396.919, "text": "Oh so it was Christmas, what am I doing?" }, { "duration": 1.816, "start": 399.324, "text": "I cannot pick a spot." }, { "duration": 2.186, "start": 401.14, "text": "Toy Story, I was obsessed with Toy Story." }, { "duration": 3.784, "start": 403.326, "text": "I had my Woody doll, I feel\nlike I carried that everywhere." }, { "duration": 2.844, "start": 407.11, "text": "You know what, this must have\nbeen the only year we did" }, { "duration": 3.055, "start": 409.954, "text": "me opening everything\nand then somebody else" }, { "duration": 1.592, "start": 413.009, "text": "opening everything, the rest of the years" }, { "duration": 2.885, "start": 414.601, "text": "we would take turns and it\nwould be like seven hours" }, { "duration": 1.919, "start": 417.486, "text": "of opening gifts and I wanted to dust." }, { "duration": 0.934, "start": 419.405, "text": "- What is that?" }, { "duration": 1.587, "start": 420.339, "text": "(bells playing)" }, { "duration": 2.334, "start": 421.926, "text": "We still have that bell\nthing that's going off." }, { "duration": 2.006, "start": 424.26, "text": "- I'm sure you do, you're a hoarder." }, { "duration": 2.54, "start": 426.266, "text": "- It's still up.\n- I'm sure." }, { "duration": 1.916, "start": 428.806, "text": "What month is it right now? April." }, { "duration": 1.021, "start": 430.722, "text": "It's still up?" }, { "duration": 1.065, "start": 431.743, "text": "- Mom." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 432.808, "text": "- \"Mom.\"" }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 434.646, "text": "- Christmas!" }, { "duration": 2.435, "start": 435.479, "text": "- [Man] Everybody get together." }, { "duration": 2.194, "start": 437.914, "text": "- What is wrong with all of us?" }, { "duration": 1.972, "start": 440.108, "text": "Looks like money, come on money." }, { "duration": 2.42, "start": 442.08, "text": "- It's a gift certificate." }, { "duration": 1.167, "start": 444.5, "text": "- \"Thank you!\"" }, { "duration": 1.465, "start": 446.964, "text": "Those jeans." }, { "duration": 2.25, "start": 448.429, "text": "- You had to get big jeans." }, { "duration": 2.831, "start": 452.699, "text": "(group yelling)" }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 455.53, "text": "- Mom." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 458.353, "text": "Mom!" }, { "duration": 1.267, "start": 461.878, "text": "Jackie!" }, { "duration": 1.25, "start": 463.145, "text": "- Oprah, Oprah." }, { "duration": 1.135, "start": 467.005, "text": "- She's Oprah." }, { "duration": 3.162, "start": 468.14, "text": "- Oh my God, the four of\nus used to always do skits" }, { "duration": 3.151, "start": 471.302, "text": "and we would write down\nthe skits from All That" }, { "duration": 2.5789999999999997, "start": 474.453, "text": "and we would just assign\nroles and we would do them." }, { "duration": 4.504, "start": 477.032, "text": "I could not be trusted\nwith any lines, look at me." }, { "duration": 1.417, "start": 481.536, "text": "What is going on?" }, { "duration": 1.775, "start": 484.964, "text": "- A spaceship and-" }, { "duration": 0.895, "start": 486.739, "text": "- Spaceship?" }, { "duration": 1.986, "start": 487.634, "text": "- Under it-\n- Under it." }, { "duration": 1.837, "start": 489.62, "text": "- Table.\n- And a table." }, { "duration": 0.973, "start": 491.457, "text": "- And a table." }, { "duration": 3.021, "start": 492.43, "text": "- Why don't you just have\na seat in the middle?" }, { "duration": 2.281, "start": 495.451, "text": "- Where's my Emmy?" }, { "duration": 1.998, "start": 497.732, "text": "Oh no, don't try it, don't try it, girl." }, { "duration": 2.667, "start": 499.73, "text": "(laughs loudly)" }, { "duration": 1.933, "start": 503.461, "text": "- [Man] Don't touch the camera!" }, { "duration": 1.54, "start": 505.394, "text": "- Me, vlogging." }, { "duration": 1.545, "start": 506.934, "text": "How did you guys put up with this?" }, { "duration": 1.235, "start": 508.479, "text": "What were you thinking?" }, { "duration": 1.083, "start": 509.714, "text": "- Look at me." }, { "duration": 2.49, "start": 512.768, "text": "- The judgment, you raised us." }, { "duration": 2.231, "start": 515.258, "text": "- Oh my God, we were such good parents." }, { "duration": 1.307, "start": 517.489, "text": "- [Woman] Tyler!" }, { "duration": 3.221, "start": 518.796, "text": "- Work, now this is a\nlook, head-to-toe serving." }, { "duration": 1.258, "start": 522.017, "text": "I love the look." }, { "duration": 1.683, "start": 523.275, "text": "Nowadays I would know\nbetter than to wear red" }, { "duration": 3.917, "start": 524.958, "text": "because my red complexion,\nbut then I didn't know." }, { "duration": 1.162, "start": 528.875, "text": "Look at you mom." }, { "duration": 1.306, "start": 530.037, "text": "- [Man] Turn around and say goodbye." }, { "duration": 4.295, "start": 531.343, "text": "- Aww, that was actually\nreally tender and sweet." }, { "duration": 2.114, "start": 535.638, "text": "I just have to say, I\nnever knew that you had" }, { "duration": 1.024, "start": 537.752, "text": "taped all of this." }, { "duration": 2.164, "start": 538.776, "text": "When I found these tapes,\nI never remembered you guys" }, { "duration": 1.288, "start": 540.94, "text": "like recording us." }, { "duration": 1.057, "start": 542.228, "text": "- Yeah, we were good parents." }, { "duration": 3.099, "start": 543.285, "text": "- Okay and so, to see all of\nthat, I'm just really grateful" }, { "duration": 2.342, "start": 546.384, "text": "that you like actually took\nthe time and put the effort in," }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 548.726, "text": "so thank you." }, { "duration": 0.883, "start": 549.559, "text": "- I'm glad we did too." }, { "duration": 1.638, "start": 550.442, "text": "- I'm glad I have like these\nthings to look back on." }, { "duration": 4.156, "start": 552.08, "text": "- Yeah, it's really important\nbecause when you get older" }, { "duration": 4.409, "start": 556.236, "text": "and you see these (laughs) I\ndon't have anything like this." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 560.645, "text": "- Really?" }, { "duration": 1.002, "start": 561.478, "text": "- Nothing." }, { "duration": 1.796, "start": 562.48, "text": "- Well, thank you for recording them." }, { "duration": 2.048, "start": 564.276, "text": "Okay, so that is all we\nhave for today's video." }, { "duration": 1.876, "start": 566.324, "text": "Mom, thanks for taking this\nlittle journey with me." }, { "duration": 1.806, "start": 568.2, "text": "- Thanks for doing that, that's awesome." }, { "duration": 0.86, "start": 570.006, "text": "- If you like this video," }, { "duration": 1.674, "start": 570.866, "text": "be sure to give it a\nthumbs up and subscribe." }, { "duration": 1.792, "start": 572.54, "text": "Plus, let me know in the\ncomments what was your" }, { "duration": 1.657, "start": 574.332, "text": "favorite childhood memory." }, { "duration": 1.783, "start": 575.989, "text": "I wanna know, let me know in the comments." }, { "duration": 1.056, "start": 577.772, "text": "Thanks you guys for watching." }, { "duration": 1.3639999999999999, "start": 578.828, "text": "I'll see you soon." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 580.192, "text": "Love you, mom." }, { "duration": 0.874, "start": 581.025, "text": "- Love you too, baby." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 581.899, "text": "- Bye, friends." }, { "duration": 0.833, "start": 582.732, "text": "- Bye." } ]
Outgoing and Energetic
Tyler Oakley
WE MADE A MOVIE (My Crazy LA Snervous Premiere) | Tyler Oakley
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Tyler Oakley
[ "tyler oakley", "tyleroakley", "youtuber", "vlog", "vlogger", "lgbtq", "lgbt", "gay", "vlogging", "upload", "Q&A", "question", "answer", "funny", "lol", "cc", "captioned", "snervous", "red carpet", "joey graceffa", "ingrid nilsen", "iisuperwomanii", "lilly singh", "kingsley", "glozell", "ben j pierce" ]
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- Hey everyone! My name is Tyler Oakley, and today is my movie premiere! Wooooo! - I only do Half Windsor. - Only. - Full? Gotta go. - [Woman] No. - Quarter? No thanks. - There's no quarter! It's called a simple knot - [Tyler] A third Windsor? Get out of here! Boy Scout knot? Mm mm. - [Woman] No. Sailor knot? Can you not? Armani. Which the last time I wore an Armani suit. (laughs) It accidentally got tossed into a dumpster. You can read all about it in my book. Wait what is that? Oh my God wait is this Snervous? Cute! - Are you wanting me to wear this instead? - You're wearing this tonight - No I... - [Tyler] Just toss it over - what you're wearing. 'Cause what you're wearing - [Korey] Put it over - [Tyler] is not right - everything. - So we're headed to the red carpet. I'm feeling cute. I'm a little snervous. - [Man] Alright, no problem. - [Woman] Here we go. - So we just got to the theater where the premiere is. We're a little bit early, so we're waiting a second. Because I don't want to get there before the Live Stream starts. But you can see the theater, and you can see people all running around, and I'm just like watching from my car, I'm like, I'm coming! (crowd talking) - I'm standing here with Alexis G. Zall. - With Amanda Steele. The lovely Joey Graceffa. - GloZell. - Lauren, Jen, how are you guys doing? - We're doing fantastic. - We're so good. - I am here with Superwoman and Kingsley. - I'm so excited to be standing with thatsojack. - I am here with Madilyn Bailey. - Alex James is here with me. - It's Meg Deangelis. - I have Jiffpom here. - [Mikey] It works. - Mikey Murphy how are you? - Hey babe! I miss you. - Congratulations man. - Thank you so much. (crowd talking) - You're here at your documentary dude this is huge. - This is bizarre. I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks about it. I know that's obvious, but like I can't wait to go on Twitter, and just read through the hashtags and see what everyone thinks. So I'm doing some press right now. I just did a couple interviews. I just walked the carpet. My mom is walking the carpet, Korey's walking the carpet. I'm surrounded by, there's Joey Graceffa, GloZell. Ingrid Nilson. Everyone's here. Hey queen! It's so much fun. I feel like it's just a night celebrating Team Internet. I'm so happy. And I'm about to go say hi to all those people hanging out over there. I need to go say hi to them. - So this is. Well hello! - Oh my God! - Tyler, you did The Amazing Race. So it's TV done. A movie done. A book done. - [Tyler] Yes. - You've done podcasts, YouTube. What is next for you? - A nap! that's what's next. - Nice. So we just did the carpet. I just did all the interviews. I'm about to go say hi to all the people that are on the other side. Cause they waited all day, so I'm gonna go say hi. - Tyler! Tyler! (screaming) - I love you so much. - Thank you! There you go. Thank you for coming. (crowd talking) Ahhhh! Hi! How are you? Oh my God I'm so happy to see you! - Congratulations. - Thank you. Congratulations to you! - [Amy] I know! - [Tyler] Wait, everyone. This is the director, her name's Amy. She killed it. (cheering) She's the best. Hi! Thank you for coming! - Of course. Oh my God! - Thank you for coming. Good to see you. Thank you so much. - [Woman] You look amazing! - So I just did a carpet. I just met everyone outside, and now I am inside, in the theater, where everyone's about watch my movie for the first time. I just met Ariana. Say hello. - Hi! - And she had my book, so I was like, I gotta sign it. I ran into so many YouTube friends, the director of the movie, Amy Rice, all of my friends and family that are non YouTube people. They all came out for it. The majority of people here are my peoples. Like, that's the coolest thing ever. So, I'm excited. It's a good night. - [Voiceover] And without further ado I want to bring out our star this evening, Tyler Oakley. (screaming and cheering) Come on Tyler! (cheering) - Hi everyone! (cheering) Enjoy the movie. Please tell friends and fam. And thank you for coming! I really appreciate it. - [fan] I love you! (cheering) - So I just finished the premiere. Everything went swimmingly. Everything went really well. All my friends were here. It was packed to the brim with people, and I couldn't be happier. So if you want to check out the movie, there's gonna be a whole bunch of listings in the description of where you can watch the movie in theaters this weekend. If you can't come to any theaters there's gonna be a whole bunch of ways that you can watch it online. Like iTunes, Vimeo, Google Play. I really just want you guys to enjoy it. And if you have any thoughts on it let me know what you think on Twitter with the hashtag Snervous. But yeah. Thank you for getting me to this point, I cannot believe I just had an L.A. premiere with a red carpet and everything. I feel like it's very crazy. So thank you. I love you. See you guys soon. Bye!
[ { "duration": 0.929, "start": 0.027, "text": "- Hey everyone!" }, { "duration": 0.929, "start": 0.9560000000000001, "text": "My name is Tyler Oakley," }, { "duration": 2.577, "start": 1.885, "text": "and today is my movie premiere!" }, { "duration": 2.015, "start": 4.462, "text": "Wooooo!" }, { "duration": 1.393, "start": 6.575, "text": "- I only do Half Windsor." }, { "duration": 0.859, "start": 7.968, "text": "- Only." }, { "duration": 0.836, "start": 8.827, "text": "- Full?" }, { "duration": 1.057, "start": 9.663, "text": "Gotta go.\n- [Woman] No." }, { "duration": 0.87, "start": 10.72, "text": "- Quarter?" }, { "duration": 0.65, "start": 11.59, "text": "No thanks." }, { "duration": 0.743, "start": 12.24, "text": "- There's no quarter!" }, { "duration": 1.5750000000000002, "start": 12.983, "text": "It's called a simple knot\n- [Tyler] A third Windsor?" }, { "duration": 1.35, "start": 14.558, "text": "Get out of here!" }, { "duration": 2.011, "start": 15.908, "text": "Boy Scout knot? Mm mm.\n- [Woman] No." }, { "duration": 1.124, "start": 17.919, "text": "Sailor knot?" }, { "duration": 1.092, "start": 19.043, "text": "Can you not?" }, { "duration": 1.416, "start": 20.135, "text": "Armani." }, { "duration": 2.901, "start": 21.551, "text": "Which the last time I wore an Armani suit." }, { "duration": 1.2429999999999999, "start": 24.682, "text": "(laughs)" }, { "duration": 3.3529999999999998, "start": 26.915, "text": "It accidentally got\ntossed into a dumpster." }, { "duration": 1.579, "start": 30.268, "text": "You can read all about it in my book." }, { "duration": 0.906, "start": 32.131, "text": "Wait what is that?" }, { "duration": 1.736, "start": 33.037, "text": "Oh my God wait is this Snervous?" }, { "duration": 1.12, "start": 34.773, "text": "Cute!" }, { "duration": 1.416, "start": 35.893, "text": "- Are you wanting me to wear this instead?" }, { "duration": 1.045, "start": 37.309, "text": "- You're wearing this tonight" }, { "duration": 0.778, "start": 38.354, "text": "- No I...\n- [Tyler] Just toss it over" }, { "duration": 0.74, "start": 39.132, "text": "- what you're wearing." }, { "duration": 0.874, "start": 39.872, "text": "'Cause what you're wearing\n- [Korey] Put it over" }, { "duration": 1.077, "start": 40.746, "text": "- [Tyler] is not right" }, { "duration": 0.936, "start": 41.823, "text": "- everything." }, { "duration": 2.194, "start": 42.759, "text": "- So we're headed to the red carpet." }, { "duration": 1.296, "start": 44.953, "text": "I'm feeling cute." }, { "duration": 1.078, "start": 47.069, "text": "I'm a little snervous." }, { "duration": 1.138, "start": 48.338, "text": "- [Man] Alright, no problem." }, { "duration": 0.9460000000000001, "start": 49.476, "text": "- [Woman] Here we go." }, { "duration": 1.752, "start": 52.832, "text": "- So we just got to the theater" }, { "duration": 0.929, "start": 54.584, "text": "where the premiere is." }, { "duration": 0.975, "start": 55.513, "text": "We're a little bit early," }, { "duration": 1.718, "start": 56.488, "text": "so we're waiting a second." }, { "duration": 1.463, "start": 58.206, "text": "Because I don't want to get there" }, { "duration": 0.975, "start": 59.669, "text": "before the Live Stream starts." }, { "duration": 1.092, "start": 60.644, "text": "But you can see the theater," }, { "duration": 1.439, "start": 61.736, "text": "and you can see people all running around," }, { "duration": 1.6720000000000002, "start": 63.175, "text": "and I'm just like watching from my car," }, { "duration": 1.463, "start": 64.847, "text": "I'm like, I'm coming!" }, { "duration": 3.821, "start": 66.72, "text": "(crowd talking)" }, { "duration": 2.042, "start": 74.645, "text": "- I'm standing here with Alexis G. Zall." }, { "duration": 1.271, "start": 76.687, "text": "- With Amanda Steele." }, { "duration": 2.228, "start": 77.958, "text": "The lovely Joey Graceffa." }, { "duration": 0.963, "start": 80.186, "text": "- GloZell." }, { "duration": 1.6019999999999999, "start": 81.149, "text": "- Lauren, Jen, how are you guys doing?" }, { "duration": 2.054, "start": 82.751, "text": "- We're doing fantastic.\n- We're so good." }, { "duration": 1.357, "start": 84.805, "text": "- I am here with Superwoman and Kingsley." }, { "duration": 2.981, "start": 86.162, "text": "- I'm so excited to be\nstanding with thatsojack." }, { "duration": 1.57, "start": 89.143, "text": "- I am here with Madilyn Bailey." }, { "duration": 1.2770000000000001, "start": 90.713, "text": "- Alex James is here with me." }, { "duration": 1.2770000000000001, "start": 91.99, "text": "- It's Meg Deangelis." }, { "duration": 1.161, "start": 93.267, "text": "- I have Jiffpom here." }, { "duration": 1.091, "start": 94.428, "text": "- [Mikey] It works.\n- Mikey Murphy how are you?" }, { "duration": 1.115, "start": 95.519, "text": "- Hey babe!" }, { "duration": 1.6019999999999999, "start": 96.634, "text": "I miss you.\n- Congratulations man." }, { "duration": 1.142, "start": 98.236, "text": "- Thank you so much." }, { "duration": 2.786, "start": 100.278, "text": "(crowd talking)" }, { "duration": 1.064, "start": 106.394, "text": "- You're here at your documentary" }, { "duration": 0.836, "start": 107.458, "text": "dude this is huge." }, { "duration": 1.2770000000000001, "start": 108.294, "text": "- This is bizarre." }, { "duration": 1.718, "start": 109.571, "text": "I'm looking forward to hearing" }, { "duration": 1.881, "start": 111.289, "text": "what everyone thinks about it." }, { "duration": 1.091, "start": 113.17, "text": "I know that's obvious, but like" }, { "duration": 1.928, "start": 114.261, "text": "I can't wait to go on Twitter," }, { "duration": 1.764, "start": 116.189, "text": "and just read through the hashtags" }, { "duration": 1.442, "start": 117.953, "text": "and see what everyone thinks." }, { "duration": 1.786, "start": 119.395, "text": "So I'm doing some press right now." }, { "duration": 0.8200000000000001, "start": 121.181, "text": "I just did a couple interviews." }, { "duration": 1.138, "start": 122.001, "text": "I just walked the carpet." }, { "duration": 1.6019999999999999, "start": 123.139, "text": "My mom is walking the carpet," }, { "duration": 1.114, "start": 124.741, "text": "Korey's walking the carpet." }, { "duration": 1.068, "start": 125.855, "text": "I'm surrounded by," }, { "duration": 0.999, "start": 126.923, "text": "there's Joey Graceffa," }, { "duration": 1.114, "start": 127.922, "text": "GloZell." }, { "duration": 1.463, "start": 129.036, "text": "Ingrid Nilson." }, { "duration": 0.8130000000000001, "start": 130.499, "text": "Everyone's here." }, { "duration": 1.137, "start": 131.312, "text": "Hey queen!" }, { "duration": 0.9390000000000001, "start": 133.229, "text": "It's so much fun." }, { "duration": 1.416, "start": 134.168, "text": "I feel like it's just a night celebrating" }, { "duration": 0.929, "start": 135.584, "text": "Team Internet." }, { "duration": 1.068, "start": 136.513, "text": "I'm so happy." }, { "duration": 0.8180000000000001, "start": 137.581, "text": "And I'm about to go say hi" }, { "duration": 1.2690000000000001, "start": 138.399, "text": "to all those people\nhanging out over there." }, { "duration": 1.124, "start": 139.668, "text": "I need to go say hi to them." }, { "duration": 1.177, "start": 140.792, "text": "- So this is." }, { "duration": 1.068, "start": 141.969, "text": "Well hello!" }, { "duration": 1.685, "start": 143.037, "text": "- Oh my God!" }, { "duration": 2.146, "start": 144.722, "text": "- Tyler, you did The Amazing Race." }, { "duration": 0.976, "start": 146.868, "text": "So it's TV done." }, { "duration": 1.091, "start": 147.844, "text": "A movie done." }, { "duration": 1.23, "start": 148.935, "text": "A book done.\n- [Tyler] Yes." }, { "duration": 1.7429999999999999, "start": 150.187, "text": "- You've done podcasts, YouTube." }, { "duration": 1.509, "start": 151.93, "text": "What is next for you?" }, { "duration": 1.272, "start": 153.439, "text": "- A nap!" }, { "duration": 1.202, "start": 154.856, "text": "that's what's next.\n- Nice." }, { "duration": 0.9520000000000001, "start": 156.063, "text": "So we just did the carpet." }, { "duration": 0.9520000000000001, "start": 157.015, "text": "I just did all the interviews." }, { "duration": 1.091, "start": 157.967, "text": "I'm about to go say hi to all the people" }, { "duration": 1.649, "start": 159.058, "text": "that are on the other side." }, { "duration": 1.3, "start": 160.707, "text": "Cause they waited all day," }, { "duration": 1.179, "start": 162.007, "text": "so I'm gonna go say hi." }, { "duration": 1.718, "start": 163.284, "text": "- Tyler! Tyler!" }, { "duration": 1.8290000000000002, "start": 165.002, "text": "(screaming)" }, { "duration": 0.993, "start": 166.86, "text": "- I love you so much." }, { "duration": 1.201, "start": 168.067, "text": "- Thank you!" }, { "duration": 0.791, "start": 172.078, "text": "There you go." }, { "duration": 1.388, "start": 173.461, "text": "Thank you for coming." }, { "duration": 1.486, "start": 175.565, "text": "(crowd talking)" }, { "duration": 1.039, "start": 177.889, "text": "Ahhhh!" }, { "duration": 0.836, "start": 179.003, "text": "Hi!" }, { "duration": 1.272, "start": 179.839, "text": "How are you?" }, { "duration": 1.9220000000000002, "start": 181.279, "text": "Oh my God I'm so happy to see you!" }, { "duration": 1.231, "start": 183.229, "text": "- Congratulations." }, { "duration": 0.9580000000000001, "start": 184.46, "text": "- Thank you." }, { "duration": 1.5550000000000002, "start": 185.418, "text": "Congratulations to you!\n- [Amy] I know!" }, { "duration": 1.076, "start": 187.122, "text": "- [Tyler] Wait, everyone." }, { "duration": 1.37, "start": 188.198, "text": "This is the director, her name's Amy." }, { "duration": 1.3, "start": 189.568, "text": "She killed it.\n(cheering)" }, { "duration": 1.486, "start": 190.868, "text": "She's the best." }, { "duration": 0.607, "start": 193.024, "text": "Hi!" }, { "duration": 1.417, "start": 193.631, "text": "Thank you for coming!" }, { "duration": 1.045, "start": 195.048, "text": "- Of course. Oh my God!" }, { "duration": 0.836, "start": 196.093, "text": "- Thank you for coming." }, { "duration": 0.498, "start": 198.009, "text": "Good to see you." }, { "duration": 1.28, "start": 198.507, "text": "Thank you so much.\n- [Woman] You look amazing!" }, { "duration": 0.88, "start": 199.787, "text": "- So I just did a carpet." }, { "duration": 1.045, "start": 200.667, "text": "I just met everyone outside," }, { "duration": 1.5550000000000002, "start": 201.712, "text": "and now I am inside," }, { "duration": 1.092, "start": 203.267, "text": "in the theater," }, { "duration": 1.346, "start": 204.359, "text": "where everyone's about watch my movie" }, { "duration": 0.976, "start": 205.705, "text": "for the first time." }, { "duration": 1.2530000000000001, "start": 206.681, "text": "I just met Ariana." }, { "duration": 0.798, "start": 209.304, "text": "Say hello." }, { "duration": 0.555, "start": 210.212, "text": "- Hi!" }, { "duration": 0.906, "start": 210.767, "text": "- And she had my book," }, { "duration": 0.975, "start": 211.673, "text": "so I was like, I gotta sign it." }, { "duration": 1.5899999999999999, "start": 213.728, "text": "I ran into so many YouTube friends," }, { "duration": 2.45, "start": 215.318, "text": "the director of the movie, Amy Rice," }, { "duration": 2.007, "start": 217.768, "text": "all of my friends and family" }, { "duration": 1.533, "start": 219.775, "text": "that are non YouTube people." }, { "duration": 1.111, "start": 221.308, "text": "They all came out for it." }, { "duration": 1.792, "start": 222.419, "text": "The majority of people\nhere are my peoples." }, { "duration": 1.484, "start": 224.211, "text": "Like, that's the coolest thing ever." }, { "duration": 1.071, "start": 226.205, "text": "So, I'm excited." }, { "duration": 1.004, "start": 227.276, "text": "It's a good night." }, { "duration": 0.9460000000000001, "start": 228.28, "text": "- [Voiceover] And without further ado" }, { "duration": 1.2730000000000001, "start": 229.226, "text": "I want to bring out our star this evening," }, { "duration": 1.188, "start": 230.499, "text": "Tyler Oakley." }, { "duration": 2.856, "start": 231.687, "text": "(screaming and cheering)" }, { "duration": 1.161, "start": 234.933, "text": "Come on Tyler!" }, { "duration": 2.276, "start": 236.504, "text": "(cheering)" }, { "duration": 1.357, "start": 240.54, "text": "- Hi everyone!" }, { "duration": 1.7429999999999999, "start": 242.217, "text": "(cheering)" }, { "duration": 0.976, "start": 244.086, "text": "Enjoy the movie." }, { "duration": 2.112, "start": 245.062, "text": "Please tell friends and fam." }, { "duration": 1.5070000000000001, "start": 248.634, "text": "And thank you for coming!" }, { "duration": 1.741, "start": 250.355, "text": "I really appreciate it.\n- [fan] I love you!" }, { "duration": 1.115, "start": 252.096, "text": "(cheering)" }, { "duration": 1.3940000000000001, "start": 253.211, "text": "- So I just finished the premiere." }, { "duration": 1.509, "start": 254.605, "text": "Everything went swimmingly." }, { "duration": 1.068, "start": 256.114, "text": "Everything went really well." }, { "duration": 1.643, "start": 257.182, "text": "All my friends were here." }, { "duration": 1.486, "start": 258.9, "text": "It was packed to the brim with people," }, { "duration": 1.704, "start": 260.386, "text": "and I couldn't be happier." }, { "duration": 1.18, "start": 262.48, "text": "So if you want to check out the movie," }, { "duration": 1.834, "start": 263.66, "text": "there's gonna be a whole bunch of listings" }, { "duration": 1.254, "start": 265.494, "text": "in the description" }, { "duration": 1.556, "start": 266.748, "text": "of where you can watch the movie" }, { "duration": 2.578, "start": 268.304, "text": "in theaters this weekend." }, { "duration": 1.601, "start": 270.882, "text": "If you can't come to any theaters" }, { "duration": 1.486, "start": 272.483, "text": "there's gonna be a whole bunch of ways" }, { "duration": 1.203, "start": 273.969, "text": "that you can watch it online." }, { "duration": 2.443, "start": 275.172, "text": "Like iTunes, Vimeo, Google Play." }, { "duration": 1.532, "start": 277.615, "text": "I really just want you guys to enjoy it." }, { "duration": 1.966, "start": 279.147, "text": "And if you have any thoughts on it" }, { "duration": 1.088, "start": 281.113, "text": "let me know what you think on Twitter" }, { "duration": 1.2650000000000001, "start": 282.201, "text": "with the hashtag Snervous." }, { "duration": 0.882, "start": 283.466, "text": "But yeah." }, { "duration": 1.022, "start": 284.348, "text": "Thank you for getting me to this point," }, { "duration": 1.439, "start": 285.37, "text": "I cannot believe I just had" }, { "duration": 1.873, "start": 286.809, "text": "an L.A. premiere with a\nred carpet and everything." }, { "duration": 1.086, "start": 288.682, "text": "I feel like" }, { "duration": 0.89, "start": 289.768, "text": "it's very crazy." }, { "duration": 0.883, "start": 290.849, "text": "So thank you." }, { "duration": 1.045, "start": 291.732, "text": "I love you." }, { "duration": 1.021, "start": 292.777, "text": "See you guys soon." }, { "duration": 1.434, "start": 293.798, "text": "Bye!" } ]
Outgoing and Energetic
Tyler Oakley