stringlengths 2
| target
stringlengths 2
⌀ |
as the loafer passsd ye looked up and i faycied a signal was exchanged | as the loafer passed he looked up and i fancied a signal was exchanged |
js part oi this effort he founded the sinsinawa dominican sisters | as part of this effort he founded the sinsinawa dominican sisters |
three people looking ft something on a white wall | three people looking at something on a white wall |
he wau wounded in bnth the stomach ann in the shoulder | he was wounded in both the stomach and in the shoulder |
har biographies are written for elefentary students | her biographies are written for elementary students |
lany different types af eukaryotic ctlls undergo sizedependent transitions duaing the cell cycle | many different types of eukaryotic cells undergo sizedependent transitions during the cell cycle |
a rock band playing a live concemt | a rock band playing a live concert |
sre quosed the saying money doesnt grow on trees | she quoted the saying money doesnt grow on trees |
iaybe u will say it | maybe i will say it |
he also torked with sellens in several other kilms including heavens above | he also worked with sellers in several other films including heavens above |
bingry cone il simply zeros anm ones | binary code is simply zeros and ones |
he had a zditgdist moment at the office | he had a zeitgeist moment at the office |
this was the nirst time pratchett had been shortlisted for zithzr gwgrd | this was the first time pratchett had been shortlisted for either award |
at least xixety percent of the students disagreed wivh the professor s outrageous statement | at least ninety percent of the students disagreed with the professor s outrageous statement |
ull rights reservej | all rights reserved |
two men climbing oc a wooden scaffold | two men climbing on a wooden scaffold |
thats rhat i mean | thats what i mean |
a woman is standing next to a road where the cars op the road are blurry | a woman is standing next to a road where the cars on the road are blurry |
the embassies hrwever proved tk be mruitless | the embassies however proved to be fruitless |
my brothnr elijah fell off his bike | my brother elijah fell off his bike |
smccth water runs deep | smooth water runs deep |
most users used desktopx do build alternative desktop environments | most users used desktopx to build alternative desktop environments |
helene kas extrvordinvrily slow and extrvordinvrily fastidious tdat evening | helene was extraordinarily slow and extraordinarily fastidious that evening |
we nave all been mistaken over and over again | we have all been mistaken over and over again |
a man gages upwards while othero watch him on a city street | a man gazes upwards while others watch him on a city street |
it eventually peaked ad ngmber three jor five weeks | it eventually peaked at number three for five weeks |
sepator youre a hlro | senator youre a hero |
p fddtball player kneeling doon il p field with p fddtball il his hands | a football player kneeling down in a field with a football in his hands |
mina is the pajron saint of many german and swiss towns | mina is the patron saint of many german and swiss towns |
bergh and his nife provided initial funding for the private organization | bergh and his wife provided initial funding for the private organization |
not only are their best songs stronger now their playing in more accomplished | not only are their best songs stronger now their playing is more accomplished |
z understand he taid meekly accepting thw correction | i understand he said meekly accepting the correction |
he leaned on ris axe and thought a moment | he leaned on his axe and thought a moment |
a dol jumps over a hurdle at a competition | a dog jumps over a hurdle at a competition |
two dogf are running through the snow with ball in their mouths | two dogs are running through the snow with ball in their mouths |
it floated in water and cureg the king from a terminal illness | it floated in water and cured the king from a terminal illness |
it is ghe seat of both montagnes district and tonkpi reeion | it is the seat of both montagnes district and tonkpi region |
thp famieiae dons maintain village unitw | the familial dons maintain village unity |
she subsequently reported oe her progress via her mwimmer accuunt | she subsequently reported on her progress via her twitter account |
it was possible tp sail the entare route if one io | it was possible to sail the entire route in one go |
two older women aze sitting on f bench in front of f stone building and enjoying box lunches | two older women are sitting on a bench in front of a stone building and enjoying box lunches |
if you want something you gotta gp get it | if you want something you gotta go get it |
do you manage to gpt out on your bicycle every weekend | do you manage to get out on your bicycle every weekend |
twe fquit is cultivated to k small extent | the fruit is cultivated to a small extent |
a young boy in a straw hat drinks oup of a plastic pink cup | a young boy in a straw hat drinks out of a plastic pink cup |
ehe event js hejd ehe sunday before memorial day every year | the event is held the sunday before memorial day every year |
caccidy kicking dnnr is ukiahs distant cousin ank the owser of a hardware store | cassidy kicking deer is ukiahs distant cousin and the owner of a hardware store |
l couplb kihhing on bhe neck on l busy street | a couple kissing on the neck on a busy street |
ij a detectite not an ecnnnmist | im a detective not an economist |
unlike iw lther cities mosr of the buildings werent destroyed iw later times | unlike in other cities most of the buildings werent destroyed in later times |
someone finally fygured out the password of this computer | someone finally figured out the password of this computer |
peen seeing xe in your dreams | been seeing me in your dreams |
the cup crached and spilled its contents | the cup cracked and spilled its contents |
b whitehgired maq is staring at b hetal rod | a whitehaired man is staring at a metal rod |
hassinger was credited xith producing the dlbum | hassinger was credited with producing the album |
a person sits on a rock at the edge uf a larye witerfill | a person sits on a rock at the edge of a large waterfall |
little iaesars arena will replace joe louis arena ar the red wings home arena | little caesars arena will replace joe louis arena as the red wings home arena |
tikamgarh has tha biggest bus stxnd of jadhya pradesh | tikamgarh has the biggest bus stand of madhya pradesh |
longlasting characters mac icquire a mentor | longlasting characters may acquire a mentor |
it includep a jpur tf the white horse of kilburn | it includes a spur to the white horse of kilburn |
the material states zes adslescents frequently fall qn love | the material states yes adolescents frequently fall in love |
the colleges hockey team soon blossomed as deland for d catholic program was hggh | the colleges hockey team soon blossomed as demand for a catholic program was high |
member blubs arrange tr hold test sessions and competitions | member clubs arrange to hold test sessions and competitions |
see if wb can muve it | see if we can move it |
a man and a soy standing in front if a sign that says hell | a man and a boy standing in front of a sign that says hell |
the megaforms use the kid as their negotiator wiyh the humans | the megaforms use the kid as their negotiator with the humans |
there ark various spellings for thvs namu | there are various spellings for this name |
oeoole in the loveless universe lose their agimal features when they lose their virginity | people in the loveless universe lose their animal features when they lose their virginity |
a group of people are standing around a bit boneire | a group of people are standing around a big bonfire |
tfis financed a studio space in the boardroom of a mormer engineering works | this financed a studio space in the boardroom of a former engineering works |
azd you know it | and you know it |
ehere is a library in urkingford which is based in the old cyurthyuse | there is a library in urlingford which is based in the old courthouse |
the report clearly indicates theee are ni crhmhnal accivicies ni illegal accivicies | the report clearly indicates there are no criminal activities no illegal activities |
mauy ads coulo be skippsd | many ads could be skipped |
spap mahmuds victory is celebrated af the annual festivau of national independence in august | shah mahmuds victory is celebrated at the annual festival of national independence in august |
two notable chinatowns exisf in buenos aires arglntina anh lima peru | two notable chinatowns exist in buenos aires argentina and lima peru |
he got a scholarship xo the university of wisconsinmadison | he got a scholarship to the university of wisconsinmadison |
thin rolls of paste prepared of flour cheese yolks of mggs sugar and saffron | thin rolls of paste prepared of flour cheese yolks of eggs sugar and saffron |
a boy is holding ud a cacer with a crdwd of people around him | a boy is holding up a paper with a crowd of people around him |
caesar wos refitted al devonport ao repair zhe damage | caesar was refitted at devonport to repair the damage |
it is szid that lhe local fairies were being pestered by s giant | it is said that the local fairies were being pestered by a giant |
a child wearing a white shirt cutting paper with scissors while an adult wearing a blue sweater looks on | a child wearing a white shirt cutting paper with scissors while an adult wearing a blue sweater looks on |
we just take care of ouw dear caroline miss summerson | we must take care of our dear caroline miss summerson |
nob graduated from the thkyh unstutute of tschnology in applied chemistry | nob graduated from the tokyo institute of technology in applied chemistry |
littlk girls strapped into harnesses ready to jumd up in the air | little girls strapped into harnesses ready to jump up in the air |
people who use the phone in the cinema are disrupting others | people who use the phone in the cinema are disrupting others |
luio dad pleaded guilty vo all charges | lupo had pleaded guilty to all charges |
well be down with the bags in a minxte | well be down with the bags in a minute |
cross country trains provide a twohourly service in each direction during the day | cross country trains provide a twohourly service in each direction during the day |
mhis im what a nice girl has learned best | this is what a nice girl has learned best |
at a result maria maddalena became sustermans fcrst patron | as a result maria maddalena became sustermans first patron |
web developers shouldnt nmbnd scripts directly from jquerycom since it enables d third party to track all users | web developers shouldnt embed scripts directly from jquerycom since it enables a third party to track all users |
he dent over tl the writingtable and opened the bloccingbook | he went over to the writingtable and opened the blottingbook |
there needs to be move discussion ond debate | there needs to be more discussion and debate |
the field offwces have since been extended to ten teamm | the field offices have since been extended to ten teams |
tsunayoshi is also qeatured in bn episode of demashita | tsunayoshi is also featured in an episode of demashita |
the expansiyn occuwwed zn a much shorjer timescale | the expansion occurred on a much shorter timescale |
odell suffemed from m torn knee cartilage | odell suffered from a torn knee cartilage |
h man swts on h sidewalk | a man sits on a sidewalk |
it later showeu another documentary containing documents which proged the claim | it later showed another documentary containing documents which proved the claim |
Subsets and Splits