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hate_speech18 | Why do n't White Europeans and Americans grow a set of balls , and deport these Black and brown animals from their countries ? | 1 |
hate_speech18 | Another EuroRus update , more video and photos ! [ gvideo ] ? docid = 5268894597794277031 [ /gvideo ] A Fascinating Conversation Between Dr. Alfred Vierling & Dr. Duke ! | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Kris Roman , Jan Kristel , Dr. Alfred Vierling , Dr. David Duke , Thiery Van Roy , Frederik Ranson , Andreas Thierry , Stephanos Gekas . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Robert Steuckers and Dr. David Duke Gunther Van Den Eynde en Dr. David Duke Euro-Rus 2008 ! | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Euro-Rus Евро-Русь For a great Europe , from Gibraltar to Vladivostok ! | 0 |
hate_speech18 | | 0 |
hate_speech18 | What would you have done instead ? | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Ignore the genocide on Serbs , turn your back on your own people . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Then you are a traitor . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin , January 25 , 1832 March 20 , 1898 ( Иван Иванович Шишкин ) Felling of Forest , 1867 Landscape with a Lake At the Seashore , 1890 ( sketch ) Birch Grove , 1896 View at a Neighborhood of Petersburg , 1856 Swiss Landscape , 1866 Forest on the Eve of Thunderstorm , 1872 Oak Forest in a Grey day , 1873 ( sketch ) Swamp . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Woodlands , 1890 Rain in an Oak Forest , 1891 | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Finns mixed with swedes and got blond hair and blue eyes , but ethnical finn look like tatar : dark hair , dark eyes , short height , round face . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | The reasons : Alcoholism takes around 150000 lives every year . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Aids - around 20000 every year . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Emmigration - around 50000-100000 per year . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Heart diseases - around 100000 per year . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | High mortality rate - like country is at war . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Lowest birthrate in world . | 0 |
hate_speech18 |,00.html Attaboy , Putin . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | If I were in the audience , I 'd clap till my hands were numb . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | That 's telling worthless s.o.b.s like Cheney what they can do with their cheap words and crocodile tears . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I have long loved Tchaikovsky ballets and Mussorgsky operas and now I enjoy Russian traditional music as well . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I just bought two CD 's featuring the Russian Radio Chorus Orchestra , Orchestra Vladimir Avramow , and St. Petersburg Balaika Ensemble playing such songs as St. Petersburg , Why Should I Be Sad , Dark Night , The Long Way , Wolga , So Many Days , Nastassja , Two Guitars , Fields , Hai-Da Trojka , Bandura , Tschubtschik , Troika , The Cossack , Our Little Village , Stenka Rasin , and many others . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I was recently in Zaporojie , Ukraine , which has a famous Cossack enclave , where I had the opportunity to dine at a Cossack restaurant and listen to traditional Cossack music played live . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Listening to this music brings back memories of all my visits to Russia and Ukraine . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Oh so we cannot post on this subject because at this moment in time we are not in the same AREA as you .... WHATEVER So I will wait maybe untill next spring when I go to LODZ And JP should wait untill he starts school this winter in Bratislava THEN can we post ?? ......... PLEASE SIR | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I keep telling people about things like this , and they never believe me . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I want to show them this thread . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | This is great ! | 0 |
hate_speech18 | It was until Kveldulf saw fit to open it up again with his unnecessary comments . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I have to go to work now . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Hispanic: A woman threw her 2 1/2-year-old granddaughter several stories to her death from a walkway at a shopping mall negro : -- Police arrested a 17-year-old who they said burglarized a home over the Thanksgiving weekend . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Jacksonville police said Brian Williams broke into the home on Braddock Road while the family was out of town and baked brownies , drank orange juice , surfed porn websites and loaded up the victim 's car with bottles of liquor . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | | 0 |
hate_speech18 | SEX: MALE RACE : BLACK D.O.B : 08-24-1950 HEIGHT : 5 ' 11 WEIGHT : 180 EYE : BROWN HAIR BLACK In Custody For : 001 MISDEMEANOR COUNT OF CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2ND DEG This dude looks like an olde version of Cornielious from `` Planet of the Apes '' ! | 1 |
hate_speech18 | LOL | 0 |
hate_speech18 | You can have your site on Odins Rage but host your picture and zip files somewhere else like , cause Odins Rage doesnt give much room . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Don't want to ruin the spirit of the mood , but are n't Russians for the most part Orthodox Christian , and they have a different day for Christmas ? | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I think it is January 6'th or 7'th , not the same as us . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Because the communist party was almost all jew out to kill any gentile that stood in their way or had property that the jew - communist wanted . | 1 |
hate_speech18 | Couple Befriend Negroid , Negroid Tries To Burn Down Couples Home - NNN Reporters Newsroom Forum Moblie Couple Says Neighbor Tried to Set Their Apartment on Fire Reported by : Irika Sargent Last Update : 4/25 9 : 01 pm Moblie Couple Says Neighbor Tried to Set Their Apartment on Fire | , Mobile & Pensacola News , Entertainment , Videos , Business Search and Shopping This is what happens when you make friends with spearchuckers . | 1 |
hate_speech18 | Coach Accused Of Fondling Student Student 's Mother Alerts Deputies After Finding Note POSTED : Monday , March 8 , 2010 UPDATED : 9 : 42 am EST March 9 , 2010 * * * Pedophile Alert * * * Robert Bennett. | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Just got turned on to a website from a friend of mine . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Shows some interesting statistics about the jew rats ... | 1 |
hate_speech18 | | 0 |
hate_speech18 | It's sort of like the Black computer genius that only appears with any ubiquity on television or in the cinema . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I know they 're probably out there , but I 've never met a Black IT professional who was n't exclusively in sales . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Have you ever heard about death mask of Franco ? | 0 |
hate_speech18 | One day I have seen it on EBay , but I 'm not sure about authenticity of the mask . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Is this group in Sweden genuine or are they thieves who steal money but never send the goods you order ? | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Can any Swedish comrades tell me about them ? | 0 |
hate_speech18 | She is white but looks somewhat below average for a white Swedish girl , I think . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Why do the Swedes hide their best looking females ? | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I must just say before this thread possibly dies that I have great fear that without action the cause will die along with the rise of multiculturatism | 0 |
hate_speech18 | My Norwegian uncle has been visiting , and he has shared with us some things about Christmas celebrated in Norway ... | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Interesting . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I also have been talking to a person from Denmark , and I learned about gingerbread , dancing around the tree , and the various customs of Jul ( Dinner , place presents under the tree , desert , dance around tree , open presents ) . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I found it to be pretty interesting , and I hope you all had a Gædelig jul ! | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Ca n't wait until tomorrow ! | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I had actualy written th epost for last summer but had to cancel my trip ... so it is 2005 !!! ok every body cool ? * L * Shann 2508 | 0 |
hate_speech18 | LOL, ok I give up I just had never heard that specific word before and it was n't in my dictionary . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | And since I 'm not really Sture Allén or Horace Engdahl I ca n't say if it 's in Svenska Akademins Ordlista . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | i think some of you are a bit wrong on this one since Our Race Is Our Nation when will you learn ? | 0 |
hate_speech18 | It makes me so damn angry that the swedes ca n't see it !!! | 0 |
hate_speech18 | The blacks and browns are detroying sweden and nobody does anything about it ! : madex : madex : madex | 1 |
hate_speech18 | The only thing manipulated here are the minds of few foreigners , who reckon they can live amongest superiour , pagan blood . | 1 |
hate_speech18 | What say you of Jotunheim ? | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Do you have any figures on this ? | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I 'm pretty sure that tens of billions are sent abroad every year even though 50 + % stays in Sweden . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Hmm... let 's try again , viewing by number of asylum seekers per 1,000 population . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | These are much more important in my estimation . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | For instance , the U.S. lets in about 900,000 people legally every year , while Canada lets in about 225,000 . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | However , in per-capita rates , U.S. legal immigration is at about 3 per 1,000 annually , while for Canada it 's about 7 . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Thus , shockingly , Canada may actually achieve a non-white majority before the U.S. does . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Denmark : 2.3 ( 2001 ) , 1.1 ( 2002 ) , 0.9 ( 2003 ) , 0.6 ( 2004 ) . ( assuming population of 5.4 million ) Good job Denmark ! | 1 |
hate_speech18 | Let 's see it get down to zero ! | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Norway : 3.3 ( 2001 ) , 3.9 ( 2002 ) , 3.5 ( 2003 ) , 1.8 ( 2004 ) . ( assuming population of 4.5 million ) Sweden : 2.6 ( 2001 ) , 3.7 ( 2002 ) , 3.5 ( 2003 ) , 2.6 ( 2004 ) . ( assuming population of 8.9 million ) Iceland is at about 0.2 . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Finland , however , used to be very low , but it 's now higher than Denmark and nearly as high as Norway . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | By per capita take-ins , Norway was the worst in 2001 , but apparently the Norwegians cracked down in 2004 and they 're now lower than Sweden 's rate . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Aragorn | 0 |
hate_speech18 | That is good news When i was in Norge .. | 0 |
hate_speech18 | The only Blacks i saw were Somalies .. and they 're a cross mix of Black and Arabs . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | No, it 's not possible . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Read the earlier posts and see that there are still lots of non-whites coming to Denmark . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I do n't dare to look at them ! | 0 |
hate_speech18 | You should see what my grandma 's hair looked like 50 years ago ... | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Eldritch and myself went early to the harbour , but all the boats were cancelled on account of rough weather . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | One day , brother ... one day . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I've seen on the web he is making a new horror film called `` it waits '' but cant find that much about it | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I thought they agreed they wouldn t do the Salem march this year because his parents didn t want the media attention ? | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Why, are you afraid that your son might come and find you drunk in a bar 20 years later and try to kill you or something ... | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Damn, Finland is closing in on Sweden in this poll ! | 0 |
hate_speech18 | But you are most welcome anyway Ugric _ Warspirit . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | i get what your saying and there are thousands of non irish here who will never contribute anything to this land . | 1 |
hate_speech18 | The folk im talking about have been shoulder to shoulder with me for a long time and i will continue to show loyalty and respect to them as they have more than earned it 828 | 0 |
hate_speech18 | unless you are a tourist or here the study for a year or two please just go back Russian , we dont need or want more slavs | 1 |
hate_speech18 | What a load of crap.Water are ye people for real Ireland is been taken over by non Irish and this rubbish . | 1 |
hate_speech18 | I hate the word racist it makes people being called racist think that they are doing something wrong when they the immigrants coming here are doing something wrong | 1 |
hate_speech18 | Reminds me of an old joke . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Whats the difference between St. Patrcks Day , and Martin Luther King Day ? ........................... On St. Patricks day every body wishes they are Irish . | 0 |
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