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078d579d6164-65 | yeah they usually kind of freak out a little bit they look at me and they're like um you know go away and I'm sorry but you know and I'm scared of you please don't harm me uh because we say that rainbow Chase we have been practicing the Buddhist path for so many generations like I've been doing it for eight rebirths so maybe like 500 years roughly uh more or less so then we also do a lot of what we call Protection deities we have a lot of protection deities they're very powerful and they accompany us so some people who are who can see who are possessed but with not with the bad spirits with some relatively good spirit they look at me and they're like on your right shoulder there is uh chuckman which is a male deity very powerful on your left shoulder there is which is like Kali Mata and then you have a third eye on your forehead so yeah they say certain things like that so we are accompanied by deities | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-66 | things like that so we are accompanied by deities so wherever inputes go his deities will accompany him to protect him so that his activities will not be uh you know there will not be obstacles so when some of these people uh bad Spirit they see me they sometimes freak out a little bit and they say like oh I'm so sorry you know for doing this please don't harm me and all that but I assure them I'm only here to help you and please stop touching this person and I say certain mantras you know mostly I try to do it compassionately yeah mostly mostly yes some of them are quite naughty and later [Laughter] I can't imagine you angry or feels just when I talk to you I feel like I'm talking to someone younger than me you know like you give out that kind of uh Sun Goku energy that's what I'll say but when and how what do you do when you have to become fears with the uh it's honestly I never beat them I | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-67 | the uh it's honestly I never beat them I never physically harmed them maybe I'll squeeze their hands a little bit I will grab the head and I will just squeeze the skull just a little bit to grab the attention I'll make them look into my eyes and I will try to enlarge my eyes though I have very small eyes and I'll tell them now I'm not you know bullying I'm being serious and you really have to let go of this person you really don't want me to you know you don't want to see the bad side of me and I do have a well I can say I do have a fair side he's been suppressed for a long time you've had to take it out and out for yourself no no I haven't taken it off for many years and I really don't like to take it out are you comfortable talking about when you took it out um yeah I mean it's like I don't know it's like I really get out of control actually and something happens to me | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-68 | out of control actually and something happens to me there's this fire burning in my body everything becomes very reddish dark reddish black and white and I just focus on that person or the thing that is enraging me so much and I just zero into that and I don't say anything else so I used to feel that more when I was younger but now I think with practice with meditation that has become more under control yeah carried these deities and abilities with you when you went to Europe uh well I honestly speaking I really don't know I carry them or not that's what you know the spirits tell me but supposedly it goes with me wherever I go and maybe sometimes when people say like oh orange I feel this Aura with you you're a little bit this and that maybe they feel certain aspects of these deities you know they're projecting something on my behalf or I don't know but I've had near-death experiences like I've almost drowned once when I drove my Maserati at | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-69 | drowned once when I drove my Maserati at 300 kilometers per hour on the Autobahn almost crashed um I was very foolishly Peugeot 106 I think in England I was very poor I had a Peugeot 106. lovely little car I was going to work and I wanted to change my sweater so while driving to commercial belt okay and I was taking over my sweater it was stuck I couldn't pull it out I pulled it down and I was almost entering the the lane that was coming this side so almost died there like maybe a split second I managed to put it back so a few near-death experiences and also when I had kovid almost died two years ago very badly hit by kovid I had pneumonia before I had kovitz so my defense went down my immune system the system went down and I think it was the first one I don't know which one it was but it was very Fierce there was no uh you know vaccination nothing at all and uh almost dead then | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-70 | vaccination nothing at all and uh almost dead then but I think there was a time when I felt I was okay to die I'm ready to die or like if I have to die I'm okay yeah but he was supposed to do all this more work in the world I guess I had to be on the ravisha honestly then those Chinese we will I want to know a little bit more about the deity aspects of you spoke about wrathful deities as well um why are Roth full of ears deities even needed in the first place is it for even more fear spiritual advancement is it for more fears protection a bit of both uh sometimes you need a little bit of fire in your practice a little bit of arrogance in the way you carry yourself um to to become successful in daily life but also in spiritual life so in those parts you need certain wrathful deities you mean the elements of those deities rub off on you yeah that's what we call about transformation so what | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-71 | yeah that's what we call about transformation so what happens uh I think I'm okay to share this with you on this show when you are in uh three years and three months Retreat uh the basic practice the major practice that you do is you receive the empowerment of a certain deity okay you get introduced basically to a certain deity you have the deities phone number let's say you know where the deity is living on the ninth floor on this building on that side so basically you have entered the deities premises the deities has allowed you to enter the deities premises you get introduced like this through an Abhishek empowerment Abhishek by Guru after that then you are empowered to practice a deity and then the deities hours rub on off you like you put it and we do this by visualizing ourselves as a duty constantly for three years in three months and chanting the deities Mantra nothing else nothing else day night as much as you can we sleep in this position | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-72 | as much as you can we sleep in this position we wake up and we chant the Mantra we literally brainwash ourselves with the deities uh you know powers and everything so I guess you kind of absorb the deities uh personality the deities powers and it starts manifesting in your activities the way you feel that we carry yourself you can be compassionate you can be down to Earth but then a flick of a finger you can be this froth full fierceful deity and just comes out and people like whoa so yeah and with age you learn how to control it yeah exactly so you have like this Jacqueline Hyde inside you and you try to control the wrathful one because that's slightly more unpleasant and that's only like a last resort kind of thing in what kind of situations um in many situations honestly you can look in relationships uh I think especially relationships I think the girls had some wrathful deities no no that I attribute to your uh good looks and to your good energy | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-73 | to your uh good looks and to your good energy and to your past Good Karma yeah you have been a good person I think you were very in Buddhism we say you're very patient in your past life so in this life you have lots of people who like you yeah so that's your good karma from your past life anyway moving forward um so yeah I think I really cannot tell you like particularly when you when do we use the wrathful aspect or when we don't I think it comes out and goes whenever necessary okay it's like the AC on O2 actually so when the temperature is like you set it to 25 and the room Ambiance we are like 30 people in the room the temperature heats up it automatically goes down to maybe 17 or 16 it cools it down so it's a bit like that once you realize they're less people less body heat it goes up again and maintains it 25 okay um are we good to go a little longer I can go all night I'm gonna | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-74 | little longer I can go all night I'm gonna go one layer deeper okay with your permission and the deities permissions around you as a human being or as a soul that's chosen monkhood do you have a lot more duties in a realm other than this realm that we're in right now like we're in the Physical Realm there's a higher realm which in a lot of books is called the astral world it's the world of Dreams it's the world of deities it's a world of ghosts come to realize that all monks have much more work there probably a lot of spiritual human beings also have work there but they're not aware that they're working there and those memories I raised every time you wake up in the morning not for everyone but for many human beings are you comfortable talking a little bit about this yeah it's part of my life okay so um when you come to radhak not if when you come to Lata can spend some time with me uh we will I'll introduce | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-75 | some time with me uh we will I'll introduce you to some of the oracles people who get possessed by good deities and they prophesize the future vaguely they kind of direct you to a certain things they will just to gain your faith they will tell you something that only you know initial then after that they will talk to you once that happens and you know oh my God and you keep your mouth open you look at everybody else and you know that on the ranveer alavadia knows this thing nobody else maybe one person more then you gain their trust so I'll introduce you to some of the oracles that I know and have gained my trust and faith um and they tell me of like uh they guide me sometimes when I meet them they tell me not to worry that all the deities are with me I'm doing a really good work and they ask me to be careful of this politician that person in the village they asked me to be careful of this period like three | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-76 | me to be careful of this period like three months just be a little bit careful after that it'll be okay things like that so they also tell me about like um um you know to which a village to go to and to which um place to visit and to consecrate to cleanse it using Buddhist teachings mantras and so on like doing yog for example we do a lot of yag I personally do a lot of you know so what other kind of yoga is there well the main young is agniak but then there are different kinds of yogs but the main yagis yeah um and we chant a lot of mantras mantras are very powerful so they guide me through that in the spiritual because they see the spiritual realm the dimension we only see the human Dimension you know I don't I'm not an expert on this but they tell me that certain place needs certain things and you should go there you should do this you should meet this person and oh be careful of that person | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-77 | meet this person and oh be careful of that person and he's planning this he's planning that and I'm like okay I'll be on my Lookout don't worry yeah so they give me a little naughty list most of the time okay um do you remember your dreams uh yes but to be honest with you I don't drink that much okay yeah why for some reason I don't dream that do you think your soul is at work uh I hope so I hope so um but I really don't dream that much and I'm very happy that I dreamed I don't I don't like dreaming too much I think we have enough dreaming going in the daytime I like because I think it's also one thing I want to touch upon is the power of meditation ranveer it's crazy man it it makes you rest it gives you rest at such a level that even when you sleep for two three hours you feel like you have had a sleep for eight solid hours the power of meditation because it rests | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-78 | solid hours the power of meditation because it rests your soul your core your mind your Consciousness it dress all the layers of your being the ultimate of which is the core is a soul you know the soul is the sorry the soul is the core and on top of that your Consciousness you have like different layers uh it rests everything down to the core so when you wake up from your sleep if you're meditating and then you sleep for two three hours you feel like you're ready to go again it's a crazy thing so I think maybe that's why I don't drink that much but if I do dream I remember them yes okay let's talk about meditation um I've been meditating for five years now and at this stage of my life I feel I'm going slightly deeper and sometimes I feel it's not an outcome of the effort I've put in it was just the point in my own life time where I had to reach in my own timeline I had to reach this point and then the | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-79 | timeline I had to reach this point and then the meditation would allow me deeper am I right in saying that or something okay yes some things are predested yeah I think it's like Mario Reaching the pipe and entering the pipe you know so unless you reach the pipe have you I'm sure you played Mario yeah yeah so if you don't reach the pipe you cannot go down to the uh bottom level so it's a bit like that and I think at certain points in our lives we reach like a portal and then you enter it and then certain practices help you to go deeper into certain aspects of your life okay yeah yeah um no I'll take it one level further the yogic path has always fascinated me since I discovered meditation because I realized oh your body and your mind can be manipulated through yoga a little bit and you can make it more conducive for meditation yes so I left non-veg I left alcohol with some difficulty I left marijuana okay but I left | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-80 | some difficulty I left marijuana okay but I left them slowly okay okay and at this stage now next is maybe junk food you know like that you put into your bodies and if you can give up these will go even deeper into America yes but my question is that all these Cravings of alcohol weed smoking cigarettes non-veg yeah sex are the Cravings also placed in your head because of Destiny but the desires also come out of some place and then in the same way that your meditation goes deeper at some point in your timeline to the desires also leave you at some point in the timeline are you supposed to work on it yourself um I think you don't necessarily have to give certain things in your life I know some yogis who eat meat and they are the best meditators I know some yogis who have sexual partners married relationships and they are like some of the best meditators most spiritual people I've met and I know some who smoke weed so I think you | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-81 | I know some who smoke weed so I think you don't necessarily have to give up certain things in life but when you're starting for the common person so that you don't get caught up in certain webs or let's say you don't get caught up in Hooks and get torn apart it's good to remove those hooks from the wall so that when you enter your room your body doesn't get caught up your clothes don't get torn but as you go deeper in spirituality you realize that most of the things that you want to abstain from and you want to renounce are inside you not outside you that's the real renunciation you're saying that abstaining from negative emotions is more important than abstaining from yeah from jealousy from greed from attachment from ego from you know that that's more important than alcohol yeah yeah but obviously when you start those can be uh miss you know like misleading and they can um you can get addicted to certain things and they may harm you so maybe | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-82 | certain things and they may harm you so maybe initially it's good to abstain from meat and you know alcohol and marijuana and whatnot and eventually as you go deeper when you learn the real renunciation the real abstinence which is from within then you realize that these external things don't make any difference they may sometimes even enhance your practice let's talk about that um so um okay let's talk about uh sex okay bluntly speaking in the Buddhist vajrayana path uh there is an element of meditation we called uh sexual Union so we uh those who have not taken celibacy Wows as a pure monk those who don't have who have not taken the syllabusive house uh at certain points they're allowed to have a concert a companion with whom they how can I put it I don't want this to become misleading for the general audience they uh they practice in a union uh which is sexual in nature but the goal is not only sexual gratification like orgasm the goal is | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-83 | not only sexual gratification like orgasm the goal is to deepen their spiritual uh their spirituality the deep in their meditation yeah we've had a tantra practitioner on the show spoke about tantric sex with the goal of tantric sex being witnessing or deity in its real form yeah at the point of orgasm but it's a very stretched orgasm which you can't really call an orgasm that's very true yeah I will know I don't know whether we can I can say the same thing as in witnessing the deity but I will say maybe realizing the deity I would use the word realize realize the deity realize the certain practice that you're doing at that time whatever practice you're doing um and yeah the object is not one orgasm for a few seconds and then done it is it kind of continues and stays with you that feeling what I was talking about the great joy so um so yeah like you know at that point I think sex becomes an asset so in | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-84 | that point I think sex becomes an asset so in vajrayana Buddhism the Buddhism that we practice we don't even uh you know we don't negate anything anything that can enhance because anger like for example anger is a very strong emotion but if you can work with anger if you can cultivate anger it can actually burn your negative emotions wow You'll have to expand that thought yeah uh I don't know how to explain it um like you know without guiding you through it but let me just put it that way anger is like a fire that if you contain it in a heater like in a stove it can cook your food you know it's like fire but then when you let it out when it goes out of control if you don't know how to cultivate fire it will destroy your house so anger is a bit like that if you let it out with ego with intolerance and with the intention of harming somebody it can destroy you it can destroy all your good points Karma and you can | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-85 | can destroy all your good points Karma and you can also cause a lot of disharmony for the other person like how breakups build bodybuilders yeah maybe I've never thought about that buddy anger or break up okay you end up using in the gym and you'll see a lot of gym Bros like the guy in front of you at 19 at 20 when you go through a bad breakup often you like channelize that pain and anger towards building your body and that's all you know then it becomes building your career then it becomes building your spiritual note so yeah I think you can put it that way actually you know so it's about channelizing things in the Buddhism practice we don't reject anything we channelize it okay that's how transformation works because if you only choose the 50 of the good emotions and you reject the 50 of the bad emotions then you're only utilizing 50 of the energy or whereas if you use hundred percent of them and learn how to work with them and channelize them and | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-86 | learn how to work with them and channelize them and how to use them in your day-to-day life meeting different kinds of people for different purposes money uh Puja anything bodybuilding traveling it just uh enhances you 50 more some people might consider this a shallow question some people might consider it a deep question uh I have no opinion I don't even know what kind of question it is and I've kind of hesitated about asking this question on the show for a long time again because of the place of not judging okay which I learned from you that's why I think you're the right person to ask this question too um I think there was an astrology based YouTube channel called abhigya okay and a relative of mine watches a Big Year a lot and a bigger spoke about how we're in a dark age and a big part of the darkness is people killing animals for food like that especially with factory farming okay it's not even done ethically anymore yes so his explanation was that ideally you | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-87 | yes so his explanation was that ideally you shouldn't be killing animals for food but if you have to at least do it ethically where it's Farm raise you take care of the animal but now animals are being like born like are they being created just because you know being killed and eaten yeah and then they have to go through suffering they're also a part of the universal Consciousness and the consciousness of Mother Nature in the same way that we're throwing them away as tissues maybe the Earth is starting to throw human beings away as tissues just so they understand that listen you can't look at meat as just meat I'm asking this from a very non-judgmental perspective I've been a hardcore non-vegetarian been on one end of the spectrum I have even practiced veganism I'm vegetarian now I eat I eat milk or products I eat paneer okay uh I just don't know what you think of this do you think that our acts on animals are actually causing the Earth to | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-88 | our acts on animals are actually causing the Earth to go through what we're going through yes very much the way we are uh warming the globe extracting all precious uh natural resources that we are the way we Harvest animals as food you don't see them as living beings with capabilities of profound emotions and sensitive Beautiful Creatures who can cry who can laugh who can run around you who can give you the love that nobody else can give and just to treat them as food and so on yeah collectively I think we are we are accelerating a Dark Age we're not helping it at all uh becoming vegetarian I think can help in many different ways not only to um stop you know causing suffering to innumerable amount of animals who are innocent or beautiful and who deserve to be treated humanely even if to be consumed for for food by certain people uh though I think the entire world should become vegetarian uh yeah so I think it is accelerating the decay of our time | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-89 | think it is accelerating the decay of our time definitely and myself like you just were very honest to admit I also was a die-hard uh non-vegetarian until five six years ago living in Europe and all that and um you know being part of the Himalayan Society my previous incarnations were all Tibetans and um nothing grows in the winter there so you have no option you either eat meat or you starve it's basically just that only reason in ladakh especially after we got UT Union territory uh vegetables have become more abundant they fly from in the intense cold months they uh the you know the government uses special cargo planes and transports vegetables because the roads are locked you know because of intense snow so um yeah now we have a choice so that's what I'm telling people but in some of the villages which are near the borders I don't talk about vegetarianism because it's not fair on the people they do treat the animals humanely there is no Mass killing my | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-90 | the animals humanely there is no Mass killing my mom so yeah like if they if I tell them not to eat meat what will they have Maggie or Top Ramen for how long so but in places where food is abundant I tell them we have a choice now and I make them aware of all the steroids and the hormones and the antibiotics that they inject into the animals which are bad for our bodies but also at the same time about all the stress stress hormones that the animals excrete in their bodies when we cut our fingers we go you know but imagine how it must feel when your body is tied up and your throat is being cut when you're being stabbed on the on the head with a gun you know and when you're being electrocuted and I just I don't know man I mean like you know when I was a non-vegetarian my response to what you just said would have been but it's so tasty like that's what I used to say the thing is your | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-91 | that's what I used to say the thing is your taste buds kind of are subjective yes and once you go vegetarian your your base preferences change honestly that's what I've heard but it's something you have to experience to really know again no judgments everyone's food choices are their own at the end of the day uh coming back to this question about the Dark Ages you spoke about oracles have they had anything to say about the age that were yeah they do they say that people are losing faith um You can call almighty God you know goodness people are losing faith in the teachings of the Buddha of of spirituality you know uh people are becoming very materialistic very instant uh and they asked me to remind people and to connect to people because they are caught it they are caught up in the spiritual world and they can only speak to a few of us in a very intense way gnashing their teeth closing their eyes you know like huffing and puffing and running around and jumping | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-92 | huffing and puffing and running around and jumping around and you know extending the tongue and literally they're so frustrated uh the expression comes out quite vividly and I don't think we can you know we can have them on the channel or I think it'll be quite podcast with an oracle yeah I think the mic will you'll have to replace a lot of mics um but yeah so they asked me to do my best to to meet the right people to amplify my voice like I'm doing through you and with other people and to reach out to many people and then to remind them to be more mindful to be more spiritual to be more compassionate to replace their default emotions with uh good emotions yeah so that's what they do but they do take notice of the changing in times and yeah do they have a timeline in their minds because everyone believes that the 30s are going to be the beginning of the age of light at least a lot of the spiritual people are okay do | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-93 | least a lot of the spiritual people are okay do you have any opinions on this not really yeah it's quite vague we talk in terms of Ages we don't talk in terms of decades or you know certain amount of time we talk in terms of an age an era so it's quite vague yeah but I think in my opinion in my humble opinion though I'm not an expert I think it's going to take um some time at least not while we are live really yeah yeah I think we're still okay but we may witness small decays here and there but I think in our time there are still good people in the world and we can step on the break a little bit and delay it but overall the world is going to a darker Place yeah the arc is not definitely favorable but uh we do have certain people and they manage to correct the flight path a little bit and hopefully it will not happen in our time do you have any last message for everyone who's listening to this very | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-94 | any last message for everyone who's listening to this very long conversation that we've had um I do have I have a lot of messages but uh I just want people to remember one very important thing um just stop looking for happiness outside in external phenomena because all external phenomena um is compounded they're made up of joining things like our bodies they're made of of assemblage of marrow bones veins flesh skin hair and so on a house a beautiful house it doesn't matter how beautiful it is it is made of bricks and mortar and stones and so on money one crore 10 crore one billion is made up of one one rupee it's an assemblage it's a compound so don't look for happiness in compounded phenomena because they're all impermanent and by impermanent I mean it doesn't last it is a time limit it usually has a price tag Gucci guys [Laughter] this version that version iPhone 14 iPhone 15 you know Maybach Maseratis uh this restaurant that restaurant this girlfriend that boyfriend | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-95 | uh this restaurant that restaurant this girlfriend that boyfriend you know everything has everything is compounded phenomena everything is impermanent and almost everything has a price tag so don't limit yourself don't limit don't assign a price tag don't assign the curse of impermanence to your source of happiness because impermanence means something that is born that that comes into being that remains and then that it ends it has three different modes so your happiness will be born every time it will stay for a little bit and then it'll be gone then obviously likewise your happiness will also be born will remain and be gone and you will try to replicate it all the time and it becomes very tiring exhausting you can get addicted to it like some people are addicted to parties it was very nice party this time next time let's invite more celebrities bigger venue more music longer time maybe some other things that to eat and drink so then you want to keep recreating all this experience and they're all very addictive that | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-96 | all this experience and they're all very addictive that euphoria that sense of happiness because it's all out there it's external it's compounded it's impermanent instead look inside look Within yeah and with the foundations of love and compassion patience understanding not judging others understanding that everybody wants to be happy saying thinking from your heart yeah smiling just being good and even if you know that the person is fake sometimes and I'm sure you do meet certain fake people and you know from your heart that you want to run from this room and you never want to see that person again you have to be compassionate you have to know that that person wants to be happy he or she wants to be recognized that's what they have put on certain clothes wear talks in a certain way shines in a certain way you know and pretends in a certain way crosses his legs her legs this motion that motion that laughter that touching of the hands you have to see everything with a sense of compassion that | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-97 | have to see everything with a sense of compassion that that person is they want to be happy like how you want to be happy let me just say yes yes okay good very good you just smile I nod my head like the meme yeah yeah so you understand what I'm saying yes yeah everybody wants to be happy yeah so wow uh love driving through your entire life honestly not the last time having you on the show is a very grateful for just having met you and I would have had this conversation with you anyway best life in the world that I get to record it and earn my bread through this so thank you from the bottom of my heart so thank you for your time thank you for your perspectives before we finish I would like to present you with a small gift for your new office mean so much so this is uh the Mantra um wow yeah and it has a extra syllable of Sri which is to wrap it all up this is the basic Mantra um these six syllables uh | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-98 | is the basic Mantra um these six syllables uh represent what we what I chanted in the beginning it represents compassion and wisdom it represents love it represents uh patience it represents generosity it represents discipline wisdom everything and it is the I I cannot express it in words how powerful this Mantra is it is the Mantra that brings positivity it is the soap that removes all stains and bring brings cleanliness to the fabric of your life so I would like to offer this to you to be put up uh wherever you want in this space and uh I hope that the power of this Mantra brings positivity though you don't need that much yours you really are on the right Arc thank you so this means so much I know exactly where this is going up this is going up in my bedroom um I will have to wrap it up very gently you know because from our end uh our team also has a gift for you thank you it's from Team TRS and uh agio it's | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-99 | you it's from Team TRS and uh agio it's a little hamper with a few material goodies I wish we could wrap in some spiritual goodies as well but just consider that we've wrapped in our love so so this one's for you thank you it's a little heavy thank you uh all right yeah okay just thank you for being on the show sir and team TRS I can't thank you enough and this is not the last time we will meet I just hope you had fun today so I did really was such a pleasure meeting you a rest of your team and to be in this beautiful studio and uh I look forward to meeting you again and I know that next time we we meet we will be in ladakh yes yes thank you thank you again thank you since this particular conversation I am a hundred percent sure this is not the last time I'm meeting Parker in poche and this is not the last time you're witnessing palgar and poche on audio presents TRS for more episodes just like this | pApS4K-J_Xc |
078d579d6164-100 | audio presents TRS for more episodes just like this follow us on Spotify every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world this look has been styled by agio so make sure you download the rgo app and get shopping what I will end this podcast with is a cute little tiny message for all the listeners and viewers please begin meditating there's a quote from a spiritual mentor of mine who I won't name but he told me that irrespective of how difficulty or present is your future becomes easier through meditation that's the motivation behind creating and growing level supermind it's linked down below make sure you check it out make sure you begin your own growth Journey as your presence TRS we'll be back [Music] thank you | pApS4K-J_Xc |
809ced334046-0 | the biggest threat to a country is if you cut off their water and one of the reasons why Pakistan has adhered to the indust water treaty that's the only treaty they have abided by with us is because they have a favorable deal on the treaty they get more water than they should according to the treaty even according to the treaty and we need to re-evaluate the treaty remember how many days the Russians the Soviets fought against Hitler in Saint Petersburg a year and a half I think bread and water that's all they had and Hitler had to retreat now that is the Russian strength the belief in themselves that is why Putin is continuing till today because he has that string palakkot counter-attack that we did after pulvama was a message that if you do this we will do this to you and we'll do it again it has made a difference the tune has been different since then we did this welcome to another special episode of rgo presents the | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-1 | welcome to another special episode of rgo presents the runway show we have Vikram soothe with us on today's episode he's a former rnaw Chief the research and Analysis Wing you know you see spy movies with all the top Hindi film stars they're all Loosely based upon rnaw the actual functioning of rnaw the actual world of rnaw is extremely different than the world shown in films but I promise you it's much cooler if you take a deep dive into their world along with me on today's podcast over the course of his career he achieved it in style and today Vikram sooth is going to share whatever he's allowed to share on the Indian internet remember guys we've done a lot of military episodes this is our first English rnaw special we've done one in Hindi with GBS sidhu but this is hopefully the first of many more rnaws special episodes for more episodes like this make sure you follow us on Spotify whether Spotify exclusive every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-2 | exclusive every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world this particular super stylish look has been styled by rgo so if you wish to look like this make sure you begin shopping on the rgo app straight away lots of heavy duty questions and even more heavy duty answers coming up on this one this is an rnew special it's all about spies it's all about geopolitics it's all about the future of our nation's security as well please try watching it till the end it's an epic episode enjoy another episode of audio presents show [Music] an epic conversation awaits Vikram suit so how are you I'm very well thank you for having me here okay that's all you want to say that's all I want to say for the time being um you speak very Less on your interviews it is a it's become a habit now because you have to be short and crisp when you're talking to important people they can't be very valuable so get to the | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-3 | they can't be very valuable so get to the point okay and then get on with it so people do tell me that I'll try I'll try that okay um I've reached a point in my own Journey with Fame where when I go to parties uh people celebrate me for just being there all the YouTubers here do you ever get celebrated for being the former rnaw Chief occasionally yes it gets there and when when I do a podcast like this or when I do an interview then I momentarily remember okay and then people move on to other things that's fair enough life do uncles and aunties come and prove you about your rnaw yeah they want to probe they want to know they they attribute a lot of things to me which never happened or never would have happened but they say is okay let's begin with the story of rnaw there's too many kids watching this show college students uh teenagers but I'd also say their parents are watching the show and I believe that the | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-4 | are watching the show and I believe that the parents believe that they know what rnaw is what raw is but I don't know if what they believe is the truth I think you're the only person I've met today in my own podcasting Journey who has the ability to explain what rnaw is in its truest form okay so I will let you take it Forward okay I start at the beginning huh all right start at the beginning of let's say the what was our intelligence operators at Independence and how raw evolved over a period of time and with to go from the British all the systems that they had we took over and to begin with we had the intelligence Bureau responsible for external and internal intelligence this is where I probe and ask you what the meaning of intelligence is intelligence is the gathering information about the adversary his plans his intentions his abilities and is likely moved against you against India to our detriment so it is Advanced knowledge really or sometimes even the background knowledge and then assessments of | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-5 | sometimes even the background knowledge and then assessments of what might he do one is collecting hard intelligence factual intelligence um you know that they've made this uh equipment they've made this bomb or they've made this new weapon they've raised new Infantry Division now what does that mean to us that some experts will get together and decide that the raising of a division here means that they are expanding in a particular direction that they want to raise a mountain division for instance they're raising a mountain division obviously they have intentions to use it in the Heights so you know then you then you or or on political issues and who's going to win the next election in in a particular country what is our assessment who are the candidates and what are they like what is their attitude towards India all that has to be fade into the system for the governments of the day to be forearmed for equipped with this in the beginning all this work was done by the intelligence Sparrow then remember in 1962 we had | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-6 | the intelligence Sparrow then remember in 1962 we had the Chinese invasion and we had a we took a knocking there then we had 1965 the Pakistani invasion they had sent in uh so-called Freedom Fighters and and into Kashmir and we pushed them back and then the famous movie made into cross the international boundary at Lahore and moved the troops in which the pakistanis did not expect but we were we had to do it because otherwise they were going to cut off Kashmir from us so this was the move and that changed the whole direction of the war in 65. but we were caught unawares really into the surprise okay and we we succeeded in doing what we needed to do it's I think at that stage the government started to think that given the situation that we are in with an enemy on the one front and another enemy on the other front one organization will not be able to handle it with full devotion because you go to do internal work too so to decided that there should be | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-7 | internal work too so to decided that there should be a new organization dealing only with external threats not internal threats therefore they decided to form the research and Analysis Wing the research and Analysis Wing is is rnaw but normal people call it raw but we prefer to call ourselves rnaw anyhow that's that's a matter of detail so the raw was created in 1968. September 21 1968 was the day we got the orders that this is now come into existence and Mr Aaron Cowell was the head of the organization he remained in charge of the organization for nine years and he saw it through its raising and abilities and the first page of success raw had was the 1971 War with Pakistan over Bangladesh and Bangladesh was Pakistan was split and he got Bangladesh we raw helped The Liberation fighters of Bangladesh then East Pakistan in their overthrow of the Pakistani regime in Dhaka so that was the first major success of raw not just in terms of intelligence but intelligence operations I.E helping the mukti bahini | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-8 | but intelligence operations I.E helping the mukti bahini train them equip them send them in to fight the Pakistani irregular forces so that was what we did in the first few years of the existence he spoke about hard intelligence which is data about equipment or actual moves that the enemy is making I'm assuming there is something called Soft intelligence as well well her intelligence is is either based on documents proof proof or is based on audios or you know imagery all the modern gadgets that you have now photographs imagery audio recording documented evidence a letter from A to B the other is that your source knows everything but he's not giving you documents or or proof of that so that you have to now rely on him on his information by Source you mean a spy on the other side somebody you've raised somebody you've cultivated is paid or otherwise he's operating in behind let's say Enemy Lines and he gives you information he sends it to you by by any means in my code by Cipher by letter | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-9 | by any means in my code by Cipher by letter through rooted through another country because it don't let him do it directly exchange of information from 8B those days in my days when we joined when I joined in 1972 we didn't have any of these there was no such thing as a mobile phone you must you know like kids these days have all these equipment so we didn't have any of this we didn't have we didn't even have facts even teleprinters came later or maybe around that time so we were relying either on the information collected by the source and brought in or rooted to somewhere else time was a constraint I mean it could take 10 days for him to deliver that information by which time it might conceivably be old um he had the information but he couldn't reach it to you and therefore it is redundant okay so you these are those are the patrols of that time I remember we used to there's something called topographical intelligence that means you collecting intelligence about the Topography of | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-10 | that means you collecting intelligence about the Topography of the neighboring country you're mapping it out mapping it out you didn't have the facility to do it by satellite imagery you have to do it on the ground okay so you had to send a guy in with equipment so he'd go mile by mile Bridge vibrates Culvert by Culvert to collect topography then you put it together piece it together it could take maybe a month or two to get that thing right but nowadays it's also different and you got Google map and it tells you everything not everything right well it tells you a lot a lot that he wants you to know okay okay so what I've gathered from your answer is that rnew collects information about what's happening on the other side of the Border uh especially about activities that could be dangerous to India's security yeah uh now Yola collecting information through multiple means one of which is spice or I'm sure there are countless other memes which you're probably not even able to | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-11 | other memes which you're probably not even able to talk about on a public platform uh also once you've collected that information there is an analysis part of rnaw that tries predicting the near future or the next moves of the enemy and you all feed that Intel to what I am assuming is the Indian military and uh the pmo and maybe ISRO I don't know well I tell you two things here okay the meaning of security today is much wider okay it's it's not just military anymore it's not just the political aspects of what's happening there they're important they still remain important but you have um demography for it migrations if there's a a famine in the other country and those people start to come into your country that could be a potential security threat because they don't know who's coming in okay you have instances of even water shortage the biggest threat to a country is if you cut off their water and one of the reasons why Pakistan has adhere to the indust water treaty all these | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-12 | adhere to the indust water treaty all these years that's the only treaty they have abided by with us is because they have a favorable deal on the treaty they get more water than they should according to the treaty even according to the treaty and we need to re-evaluate the treaty why is it more favorable towards Pakistan because without generosity you say that these Rivers will flow into Pakistan and these rivers and the southern Rivers we would make use of but but we're not able to make full use of the rivers Waters and they just close in okay so we want to that 70 30 equation has to change but if we balance it out and make it 50 50 what happens then they're not going to do it so easily they say that change of the treaty is a is a is a Act of War okay so we have to negotiate okay so we I suppose the government would at some stage go into it seriously they're talking about it but what's | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-13 | it seriously they're talking about it but what's the point what will happen if we change it no the change is you are you are violating a treaty that you have signed so automatically you lose sympathy with a lot of people okay it's not the done thing I mean powerful countries do it all the time the United States of brigades treaties it works of treaties when it feels like but they can afford to do it okay we would prefer a negotiated settlement we would certainly want it to be hoped that Pakistan sees reason at the end of the day because right now they're in a an awful mess so maybe now is the time to work that treaty out but that's I'm getting ahead of my time I'm getting uh that's all right so we were talking of something else actually I was going to say that the intelligence that intelligence agencies collect and put it into use is about 10 percent of the total information that is available most of the information comes from open sources which | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-14 | available most of the information comes from open sources which means what which is available to everybody everybody knows about it it is the art of putting that intelligence that information together with with this additional information that you've got that gives you the quantum jump okay and tells you what might happen is there any chance you'd mention some of the open sources you mean like Google Maps or something yeah even Google Maps wow okay or social media really yeah if somewhere of intelligence agencies watch social media and write in it too can't write in it contribute to it okay it's it's a weapon of collection and a weapon of uh influence you can psychologically impact yeah you can you can twist the story around and you can make WhatsApp can do it um okay look at the kind of stories that you can get on WhatsApp these days you don't know which one is true which one isn't is India a victim of uh Chinese and Pakistani intelligence agencies twisting narratives on social media I expect they are doing it I | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-15 | on social media I expect they are doing it I expect they're doing it and I wouldn't be surprised if they're not doing doing this this is this is the game um little rookie question for you okay and I'm asking this on behalf of mainstream media how do you feel when you see movies like pathan or tiger or any Indian I think we haven't got the art of doing those movies you think they can be done better oh yes I mean they can be realistic okay they're not realistic what you see what is not realistic about them huh well it's not realistic you're trying to make a James Bond movie which is also not realistic okay then you have this story of the isi girl in the raw man living happily ever after when take a break has that ever happened not really right no the whole atmospherics of the whole thing you know I haven't seen batana and I won't see it because I don't think it is an accurate depiction it's not an accuracy I'm not | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-16 | accurate depiction it's not an accuracy I'm not going to waste my time I did seek the tiger and I laughed and I enjoyed that because it was so quaint not because it was defeating anything yeah like you had that other movie of um War where they can no this was this fellow Salman Khan going under a tunnel into Pakistan to deliver a girl who had got legendary but whatever this one you have to have entertainment which is fun and realistic you should see that movie The Bridge of spies if that is a real movie okay that is how real spy movies are made what does a real spy movie constitute it means dealing with actual facts no no blonde round no nothing around it's okay living a lonely life you're living on by yourself living your cover story he able uh with goldfish was actually a an artist who is doing paintings he used to make him make money out of it and but he was doing this other job also so running is espionage ring and they show all | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-17 | also so running is espionage ring and they show all that our documents are exchanged or document information is exchanged you have things called letter dead letter boxes a dead letter box in in Espionage is a place it could be a book let's say or or that statue I put my UBS under it and leave it and leave a sign outside on some tree or a wall that I've I've fed the the dead litter box okay so the other chap comes and picks it up and takes it away the two never meet all right is the human motivation to become an intelligence officer based on the fact that you want to serve your country is that the core motivation for example with the military that's a core motivation everyone joins the military in order to serve their country it's the same thing here not not quite but but there is there is a section of the people join who join it for the for the need for the desire to work in this particular kind of work there are others probably just come to look | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-18 | of work there are others probably just come to look at it and see how it goes and whether it suits them or not and then some many of them or not many quite a few of them go back they're not interested are you comfortable talking about how you got into the system like how you were recruited well I was recruited in 1907 either my recruitment started I should imagine sometime end of 71. you mean you were being researched upon I suppose so because then I was asked to go and meet an officer in the cabinet Secretariat and he wants to talk to you so I did that and then he asked me would you be willing to because we had heard about this you know they we heard that there is going to be a new organization so I went and had it a little chat with him that's it then because earlier on it was decided by the government of Mrs Gandhi and with Mr Cow as they had that it should not be a police organization it should have | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-19 | it should not be a police organization it should have talent from everywhere else all right so I am one of the everywhere else's do you have any Bros well there have been they are the every intelligence agency has a brew I meant on a very human level did you have a guy who worked with you at RNA wa you're like he's a brother or you're taught not to think like that about anyone you can't develop a real social connection no it's not so so so restrictive okay and but these days you know in India it is very difficult to hide where you're working okay you know I I probably not in Bombay so much but in Delhi where we where I spend my life where it's a bureaucratic City so everybody the whoso is the is ifs IPS and these kinds of people the politician it's a power City so there they you meet somebody I'm always second or third question is so where are you working so if you say you're working in the ministry of | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-20 | if you say you're working in the ministry of Home affairs okay is you know they want to fit fix you I'm giving an imaginary answer sure which color you know they keep the key pattern they won't stop so for us also the cabinet secretary where do you sit okay what did you say back in the day back in the day we said cabinet Secretariat and nobody knew much about it cabinet secretary it passed on and there was also that kind of Aura of fear okay oh okay even now they do it even now it happens yeah I'm not I'm not feeling comfortable about this conversation honestly now I am wasn't in the morning did your family know what you did my wife knew okay my children didn't know for a long time so what do they think the dad does no they didn't they weren't bothered I mean they were they just kids okay all right kids don't after 13 14 those days are not so inquisitive and then they suddenly started noticing that is doing | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-21 | and then they suddenly started noticing that is doing something different and then gradually it gets to know now so it took a while for them to know all right how did you have that conversation with them how did they get to know that what is exactly that you do really with my daughter probably by the time they were teenagers and they figured yeah yeah then they figured out thank you okay so I let it be known gently you know but then there was no reaction [Music] getting posted around I have odd hours of work etc so then they've asked me and I said well I work with an intelligence organization but keep it to yourself that's it no noise no nothing okay all right is this line of questioning making you uncomfortable not yet what would make you uncomfortable well I don't know that depends on what questions you are if I ask you something where the answer could pose a threat to India security that's what would make you uncut I would not name names oh yeah I would not name names I | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-22 | name names oh yeah I would not name names I would not name locations and I would not do anything that might embarrass the government today and now in order to read you even deeper so I will enter your heart yeah so uh this is our segment called rgo presents keep it casual where we'll kind of have a little more relaxed format of questioning uh this is to get to know you better so that I can navigate the conversation better post this segment so are you ready sir keep it casual so you can't think too long about your answers but I will ask you some tangential questions if you've given me an interesting answer so uh are you ready okay what's the first thing that comes to your mind when I say the following words India my country spy me military uh bravery politics I love it intelligence it's a good thing to have R and aw the best okay at the peak of your career did you get any days off and if yes what did you choose to do and what did you choose to | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-23 | you choose to do and what did you choose to wear on Saturday novel trousers and t-shirt or whatever like if you have nothing to do at home what are you wearing still the same okay uh what was the best day of your life best day of my life yes the best day yes 23rd of January why as the day I got married oh okay romantic romantic at all yeah your wife had a role to play in your career she was a rock behind me okay because it's an extremely lonely career okay okay yeah I want to ask you so much more about that but it doesn't make for good content when you're talking to a spy sometimes no people want to know like you know where's the knife and where's the guy but I have so many of my own personal questions related to marriage and all that which we will speak about maybe after the shoot okay um if someone made you the PM of the country what are three things you'd like to change up I would like to I would like to | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-24 | change up I would like to I would like to do three things presuming they haven't been done I would like to educate children in skills not just graduates and postgraduate skills different skills I would like to give 50 of your population greater opportunities the women um and I would look after the olders okay why the third one the older ones because once there at that age they need they need help and protection okay more than the young young can manage on their own based on the true nature of espionage which Indian actor's style would be best suited to portray the character of a spy you know I I saw um three three actors or three or four actors were very good this kind of a thing who could fit into these kinds of rules not giving any order of preference but I like nawazuddin Siddiqui I used to like Imran Khan Irfan Khan sorry and he was he was a consummate actor anupam care and uh these two actors the one who played family man um very good okay they | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-25 | one who played family man um very good okay they could fit into the ruler and Mishra pankaj Mishra tripati or is it the one who did uh tripathi yeah I think it's the party okay maybe it's Punk which Indian or international movie has come closest to portraying the truth about Espionage you named one I think the perfect spy okay no a Bridges a bridge of spies and then there was a very nice movie TV series actually BBC Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy all right it's a cold war story about the the it's actually based on this Cambridge five you know the Cambridge five the uh Kim philby and others who were spying for who were actually with the MI6 but it was actually a KGB agent okay the real mole and he would have been Chief maybe one day I had the not been caught out so on that jean-lucare made a novel thinketh illness of the Spy it's beautifully done the book is marvelous and the acting and they movies Alec Guinness was then | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-26 | the acting and they movies Alec Guinness was then I think all right if you can get a look seriously you should watch it okay and watch this uh Bridge of spies cool uh my biggest Hope from the Indian internet is Dash Indian intellect or internet internet will get our own oh okay okay that's a segment for uh the podcast after this particular scenario um okay they say that shoes say a lot about a person keeping that in mind what's your all-time favorite pair of shoes all-time favorite pair of shoes is my light and brown shoes right didn't wear this time but those that's my favorite that's most comfortable it's very smart Okay and matches most of my trousers so I'm happy with that okay practicality with a little bit of style yeah all right cool I actually think it's the end of the round pass okay uh yes sir where do we even begin the next segment sir okay let's start with what have you written about in your books okay okay what have you written about in your books | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-27 | okay okay what have you written about in your books my first book was about Espionage okay as a theme not about RW about how the whole thing works how International Espionage will anecdotes in it what is the word espionage mean you'll have to explain that as well Espionage is spying okay the art of spying or the business of spying Espionage and counter espionage which means that you've launched a spy attack on me I turn it around and I do the same thing to you spy versus Me Maybe yeah maybe the same guy is doing it what same guy or double agent level eight so that is espionage and counter explanation for example if you figure that someone in your team is actually a mole you'll feel them you'll feed the mole wrong information so that he goes and harms his own organization okay that is if I can find the more [Laughter] okay I mean um how comfortable are you about speaking about identifying moles like I'm 100 sure you've encountered at least eight you know I | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-28 | sure you've encountered at least eight you know I can speak and speak about the theory of it hahaha so everyone oh my God you know like allridge Ames the famous CIA man who was spying for the KGB for X number of years made a lot of money he got caught out because he was just spending too much money and they figured when you once you get your sights on a man then you start watching him watching what he does when you feed him information I'll see what he does so you you can you close the trap on him and pick him out but the most important thing is how do you spot a mall I'm a mobile catch me so you have to be it could be anyone in the system who could be a mole so it takes uh that much good luck shall I say or the van acts out of character is too inquisitive about somebody something which is not his business to know so then you start homing Anonymous pick him up or you have a straight betrayal | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-29 | pick him up or you have a straight betrayal as in somebody comes and tells you from the other side you know that guy is is our man so someone from that side is betrayed he's betraying nature for his own reason maybe whatever what could be his own reason it could be Revenge against against his own system Cal break your systems okay it's a game real life games could the guy at the top also be a double agent theoretically yes okay theoretically yes um no one is about Sin in the round we just had with all those questions you mentioned something interesting about the internet yeah you want to expand that thought a little bit you said that we need an Indian internet is a western day into us it's a gift shall we say it's another gift to us it's a gift to themselves okay because through internet they've got a lot of data information about everything everywhere now Google has everything on on them on us literally speak any any other agency knows knowledge is now coming from them to us | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-30 | agency knows knowledge is now coming from them to us our own knowledge is coming back to us from them you put a name and it call comes down it's all stored up this we don't have anything and I fear that things like I don't know whether I am technically right or wrong about this this chat GPT which is going to become over a period of time when this step is going to do everything for you then I think the human mind is going to stop thinking um he will leave it to that machine the machine will talk to that other machine and then you have artificial intelligence which like some people say will one day in the future exceed human intelligence if you look at the Chinese belief that the best war is the war but you'd fight without having to kill without having to die just sub on the race because upon the people yeah I like that you brought up China so because I want to take this into a geopolitical place this podcast I've had a bunch of people on the show I | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-31 | had a bunch of people on the show I believe that everyone who tilts towards uh the right wing basically for lack of a better word believes that China's on the brink of some sort of a civil war um I'm sure you follow geopolitics very closely as well do you have an opinion I would you know this this kind of data reports its analyzes comes out from the West okay and the West always all there if you look over a Time they believe that first the Soviet Union was a big threat and then after that it became Russia is useless it's about collapse it's now they're still saying that similarly for China they're saying that there's a lot of trouble in China there's trouble in xinjiang there's trouble in Tibet the economy is the economy is going down etc etc maybe it is going down and maybe Xi Jinping doesn't if we would be really worried if in a totalitarian Society you have a riot so you have food right so you have this | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-32 | riot so you have food right so you have this I don't think we have reached that state but supposing for arguments say this is how it happens then the totalitarian state is is more worried about this happening then we would hear because we are used to disorder of a Kind we're used to trouble we're used to strikes here and there not in that state so their reactions would be much stronger much more um cruel if I may use the word yeah so that kind of a thing can be a start point but I don't think China is going to Big countries just don't die away okay they don't die away Saina is a civilization also they may have got communism now but one thing about the the Chinese is that they don't think autocracy is a bad thing they've had they've had rulers who've been autocrats all along the Hans and everybody you have to explain what an autocrat is autocrat is is a is a person with power and authority and money and he has his | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-33 | with power and authority and money and he has his own way of dealing with things yes or no kind of situation the reason I have to make you do these things is this is the charm of the show you need to be able to speak to 12 year olds about these things all right oh can you go on so uh so they're used to this harsh rules which the West doesn't understand but there resilience or the Russian resilience is much more than they think it is okay remember how many days the Russians the Soviets fought against Hitler in Saint Petersburg a year and a half I think bread and water that's all they had and Hitler had to retreat now that is the Russian strength the belief in themselves we will not give in that is why Putin is continuing till today because he has that strength the Chinese also have that string so let's not discount them discount them so you're saying these narratives come out of the West uh it's probably some sort of propaganda but China | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-34 | uh it's probably some sort of propaganda but China didn't come so far just by being lucky yeah there's a lot of thought a lot of mental strength and a lot of strategy that's gone and and yeah and a lot of aid from from the West funnily enough they made them Rich okay for their own reasons okay what were other books about the second the first one I was about I call you the unending game it was about intelligence in the world the next book was the ultimate goal it was about how narratives are built by States okay and how they are countered and what is it that make goes into the making of those narratives I'm trying to tell my own people that you may have all the power in the world but unless you have this good story to tell about yourselves it won't work could you give an example to explain this thought more this narratives are built yeah one one narrative is is a long-term Narrative of superiority let's say sure like how we've always | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-35 | superiority let's say sure like how we've always portrayed as a land of snake Charmers exactly okay exactly and they are the powerful the rich they have values Democratic Values values of fair play sporting people yeah generous people so on so forth sure we are the poor mean follows so they they made us poor and then they laughed at us for being poor and that is the long term that your you had no Sanskrit you had nothing you were actually Aryans who came down and gave you all this you were nothing without us and that story sold for a long time in India the other is a short time thing for a particular purpose remember how the story about Saddam Hussein having wmds and and Osama Bin Laden Al-Qaeda was operating there therefore we must go into that country and cure it and read it off that the war on terror the Warren Warren Terrace this was became a war against Saddam Hussein for trying to make it a nuclear bomb well he | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-36 | for trying to make it a nuclear bomb well he wasn't they knew it but they manufactured intelligence then they manufactured a story and they spread it all over and then they attacked that is the narrative that built say up to March 18 2003. I think that's the year they attacked before I let you move forward why was this narrative built what was the underlying intention the underlining intention was that Saddam Hussein was sitting on a lot of oil okay and he had been under sanctions that they could sell oil for dollars up to a particular limit because he had done Kuwait and they had put him under sanctions he did a clever thing oh try to do a clever thing he started to sell oil for euros and he made a lot of money the Americans realized that if this happens then they hold on the on the oil will go away so they had to find a narrative to get in there to stop this from happening the rest is history then they found | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-37 | from happening the rest is history then they found that instead of Saddam Hussein what they've got now is a stronger Iranian presence the shias had taken over because there's a substantial percentage of Iraqis oceans in fact majority are shares so they got nervous on that then they had to stop that then they went into Syria and so it became a huge mess and then Russians moved in into Syria so that was a narrative which went wrong so basically the goal is money in one form or the other yeah uh if America can get richer by invading a country uh they will do it yeah they will tell their media portals and their General uh population that listen we're going in there because we're the superheroes we're going in to save this country from its evil dictation yes yes now that media narrative because it's being released to the American audiences it also Finds Its way to the rest of the world because the rest of world media usually copies American Media true uh so then the whole | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-38 | usually copies American Media true uh so then the whole world starts believing that America's Batman or Superman and they're going up and fighting against the Joker the evil but it may not truly be this is the case even if there's a smaller version of uh this which is true it's not the complete truth that you're seeing in mainstream media and you're the former rnaw Chief who's saying this do you think General Indian audiences should stop watching the news well I have okay so how should they get the informations podcasting all right no but I'll let you continue this so what about Gaddafi what about um you know they were they were all part of the same uh system all right Gaddafi gave up the nuclear option Gaddafi was sitting on a lot of oil and Gaddafi wanted to make a himself the leader of the Arab Muslim world in Africa that was a No-No it can't be done so you have to be got rid of okay which they did okay hmm there's a show on Netflix called | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-39 | did okay hmm there's a show on Netflix called how to be a dictator I think it's called how to be a dictator right it's one of the most beautifully edited and written shows and when I had watched it I was blown away by the quality of work as a content creator as a writer as a media professional I love that show showed it to my mom showed it to some of my guests on the show abhiji chowda included and um their first reaction was listen I think this is a lot of propaganda on this show where they are portraying these same dictators that you and me are speaking about in a much more evil light than they actually are uh that's also a part very likely a part of the same long-term narrative that you're uh yeah to give you a very modern day example when you follow someone on Instagram someone of the opposite sex and that person is posting very beautiful photos of themselves constantly you begin to get slightly more attracted to them it's just a | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-40 | get slightly more attracted to them it's just a matter of that same gorgeous face being thrown at you again and again it's the same reason someone becomes more desirable you know in the general uh public side so if you're fed a certain narrative constantly that becomes Your Truth yeah it becomes okay so all these dictators that we heard of over the last 20 years or so there was an element of America going into those countries in order to make some money yeah okay all right now what do we do with this information that we have just know it yeah the idea is that if you if a large number of us can understand that this is the game but if the large number of us let's carry on with this game we'll also make some money then you're not going to succeed okay so the conditioning of my mind is not enough your mind has to be conditioned to to accept what is being done to me I didn't understand this you see they are saying that Saddam Hussein is | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-41 | see they are saying that Saddam Hussein is an evil dictator he has to be crushed but if I keep saying no no you're wrong you're wrong you're not so bad then it's only half the battle one so my mind has to be conditioned to believe that yeah he is really really evil so I get different stories planted on me my mind gets conditioned I accept that this is so I joined the game because then there is some Temptation for me to make some money out of it too join the race okay this is what America is finding difficult these days Ukraine has been people around around the world have been failure here neutral about it except for the Western lobbies as in no one knows who the hero the villain is yeah and and he's my hero is your villain your villain is my hero and that kind of thing is going on and then now there is a rush on the dollar because these sanctions people have started trading differently rupee Royal and this is growing | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-42 | trading differently rupee Royal and this is growing they're now talking about a brics currency and today I read that the U.S treasury secretary treasury is saying that dollar is under pressure what happens then so this is a game of a superpower which has lost some of its superpower abilities yeah yeah and it is finding it difficult to get out of it finding it difficult how to I mean if you keep saying that Ukraine must win how will Ukraine when without soldiers without ammunition without arms you can give it all that but that's not enough um okay what is the future of America in the 2030s according to you would you go as far as predicting that America is still a very strong country I mean let's not under underestimate its power it is had these kinds of setbacks in the past but it's a very very strong country and it has a lot of a lot of good things happening for it okay and the technology that you get out of it the the education system | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-43 | that you get out of it the the education system that you get out of it the all these are values that are important for the world and they are a strong Nation but I think they've gotten into a wrong track now they'll have to they'll have to re-evaluate and learn to live with others because in in 1974 Way Beyond before you they had a meeting on how to have how to control the population so that you can feed them what yeah because you cannot have 8 billion people on the Earth or 10 billion people on the Earth and feed them so population has to be restricted how do you restrict population vasectomies something has to be done because you can't share I can't share my wealth with everybody it's mine and if everybody else wants to be as rich as I am then I have to become poorer isn't it so how do how do I control by having fewer of the others reducing the population in other parts of the world at least reducing the growth of population so what was | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-44 | least reducing the growth of population so what was the outcome of that oh yes I think you should read a bit more of these uh journals and magazines that are coming out from the United States that talk about this talk about this this uh phenomenon or this discussion that population has to be controlled but this happens you talk about artificial food can you imagine food the tree is artificial they said you feed on it 1974. so they started discussing it in 1974. there would have been an outcome in these last 50 years could have been yes so maybe all these wars genetically modified food what is it because you can control oil you can control the world you can control food you can control the people so you're saying in genetically modified foods there could possibly be some elements that might cause things like cancer I I wouldn't want to speculate but I think the genetically modified food has been known to this at least the European used to say that it is harmful how in what way I still | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-45 | it is harmful how in what way I still don't know but it does restrict a genetically modified seeds for instance means that you cannot replant that seed goes away after one one growth one Harvest you have to buy a new seat you have to buy a new uh insecticides everything else and you have to have water so the man who's supplying you uh genetically modified seeds is the controller which is America which is America or American companies Anto and others they're the ones who do all this okay so this conspiracy theories that we hear about the sugar Lobby controlling marketing narratives and uh say the meat industry controlling narratives or you know things like this all this could be very true okay and all this actually does happen all right it could be happening no I have no idea whether they are actually modifying all this okay but there there are obviously wasted interest in controlling a market okay whether it is meat or food or minerals I don't know whether I should ask you the next | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-46 | I don't know whether I should ask you the next question that I actually want to ask you it's about Ibrahim would you like to speak about this topic he went away and got settled in Pakistan it's that all I know is that his daughter married and he's living there he's making money they don't want to who's going to touch him because he's protected by the isi and the pakistanis oh yes do you believe that's what we believe that he is protected okay why is he protected okay random a favor Finance them Finance Finance them we did Bombay 1993 okay and he probably helping them with with money to create more trouble I don't like asking you this question but in 1993 was there any intel that something like this would happen I don't think so no hello there was probably straight information but not the magnitude or nothing and you know when these major things happen a whole lot of people are involved not just intelligence local security what were they doing where did all these RDX come from you mean the | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-47 | where did all these RDX come from you mean the police force of Mumbai the police force yeah yeah somebody must be knowing about it somebody must be the local uh and again money probably put them on the other side yeah the dark side man okay the general narrative about PM Modi and this government is that it does have sort of a tiger's branding on the world stage people don't mess with India anymore we are also in a phase where India feels safer than it's ever been yeah okay and I want to clarify that I'm deeply Centrist I'm not on either side and I think as a media professional it is ethically correct to be Centrist I'm not batting for uh Modi ji's government or anything like that but I do wish to ask you as the former rnaw Chief what has gone right uh in the last 10 years or so why are we seeing us safe for India I think you're safe you're seeing a safer India for one or two three reasons one is that the | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-48 | for one or two three reasons one is that the car you you see visibly that the government is trying to deliver on some of the promises okay okay it has delivered promises for the Common Man okay I mean we are the largest biggest uh transactors of phone pick kind of money in the world the French and the Germans don't have it we have it so that is access to money access to the bank access to subsidies you know these common facilities are you and I don't understand that they exist that they matter but the woman who has to go and pick up twigs and light a fire and when she gets a gasket July it's a lot of difference it's a lot of time save a lot of effort saved and held there so that makes a lot of difference to toilets make a difference to your dignity so when you help a sizable chunk of your population you're delivering and that is important okay and then he has had a reach out to the rest of the world May our | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-49 | reach out to the rest of the world May our relations with the West Asian Nations have never been better why because he's reached out and told them what what it's all about and what we can do together so many of these foreign foreign countries their leaders come and say that we are the country to watch not everything is right I'm also with you that not everything is right it can't be but it's definitely better and you know things like balakot the attack the counter attack that we did after bullwama was a message it wasn't to be a battle strike that you destroyed their airport or whatever it's a message that if you do this we will do this to you and we'll do it again and it did make a difference it has made a difference the tune has been different since then we did this so there is a country who is willing to now stand up that's why people think twice authorized before yeah you know next time might be bigger hmm okay and so and like what Mumbai 2008 | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-50 | hmm okay and so and like what Mumbai 2008 happened it was terrible but we did nothing oh that's the difference what do you give you self-pride it give you confidence and that's that's an important thing and then that gives an impression outside also then why would somebody else come and look after you what do you think Modi ji would have done if he would have been the PM then the time of the 2008 attacks they would have been there would have been a reaction there would have been reaction there doesn't have to be tomorrow it doesn't have to be day after it has to be in your time but the message would have gone ideally if you have a three-day uh attack going on the world would have actually forgiven you if you had done it the second day get me they would have said well do you asked for it I had the honor of speaking with IPS shivanandan on the show he spoke about how post the 2008 attacks they actually fixed the security much better of Mumbai | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-51 | attacks they actually fixed the security much better of Mumbai which is why Mumbai feels safer before I asked you this previous question about why we have this Tiger's branding on a world stage I would assume that your answer would be that the Modi government has fueled the intelligence agencies as well as the Indian military to be more equipped uh security WISE research-wise Technology wise that's how we're safer but you're saying it's probably a combination of that as well as the overall one without the other all right so it's both oh it has to be both because you can't just beef up your security apparatus and not bother about the people that you're supposed to protect okay uh you said you're a cricket fan right yeah one as well um today Cricket is like very deeply data oriented I know this because I have a few friends from good cricketing circles I've been told that before every match there are captains Road Sharma being one where they will plan almost every over of the match depending | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-52 | they will plan almost every over of the match depending on who the batter is especially if they want to take someone's Wicket and all this is data back okay so that's why you have data unless in IPL teams you have probably a bowling codes yes right it's called technology now if this would have been a metaphor for your world I believe that intelligence agencies are the data analysts and the coaches and then the military and the government are batsman and your bonus yeah am I right something like that yeah it would mean also that you would then be able to analyze your mistakes your failures better with the data that you've got you collected and improve on the system as you go on right otherwise it used to be by word of mouth and it's over right um what's it like working with the military as sort of a partner agency the Indian military I've gotten to again had the honor to get to know them through the show and all of them are tigers what's it like working with | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-53 | of them are tigers what's it like working with them when you're talking to the military generals uh uh would you like to share anything about your experience of working with them would you like to speak on behalf of the Indian military yeah I have the point is that I've always had very good relations with the Armed Forces wherever I was posted and there was never any uh personal problem there are they are professional requirements at times which is different I think we are we get along we still do get along professionally get along very well and there is an increasing realization that you cannot do without one or the other right you have to it's it's a it's a joint effort but there have been differences of opinion yeah there have always been different I can't imagine a situation where there would be a difference of opinion because you're basically the coach telling the bowler to bowl at a certain level no and you do had difference of Assessments you know you can assess the situation | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-54 | Assessments you know you can assess the situation differently and they can assess the same information differently all right and they are the users we are not we are the suppliers of information okay so we cannot dictate to them because you've got to use it only the way I tell you to use them okay so they will use it the way they think it is useful or not useful do you want to talk about the kargil war maybe maybe I just want to ask you the human aspect of it being what you were in rnaw what were you going through when the war was going on on a mental level or on an emotional level no it was it was fearful it was fearful that they had reached so high and then they were we were caught unawares really and whether we're going to get it back particularly when the pakistanis we could hear saying by July it will be over will be hours and so but then there was this underlying uh belief it will cost us more it cost | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-55 | underlying uh belief it will cost us more it cost us more but we will get there in the end which we did I think we've almost reached the end of this episode so is there anything you'd like to cover that we've not covered I just thought you know we're talking about [Music] um I think without the family and how it sort of I think one important factor that I should have mentioned is that in your life one of the best things you have is your friends and if you're lucky you have good friends I will stand by you throughout and I was very lucky just wanted to say that as part of the thing you know nothing like a good friend everyone needs a bro at some point uh especially if you're constantly made to take yourself too seriously which people in your position are so you need someone to just make fun of you yeah yeah of course all right yeah he pulled you down a peg or two yeah that's it that's it thank you we have planned uh for today before we | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-56 | thank you we have planned uh for today before we let you leave uh there's a gift on behalf of Team TRS and team rgo I've injured my shoulder so I won't be able to give it to you I've got some sort of tendonitis situation in my shoulder it's probably because of weight training so my producer shrutesh will hand it to you sir uh it's on behalf of Team RG on team TRS it's got a bunch of goodies it's a little uh if you want you can just like keep it here which I just want you to know that it's got a lot of love back then as well no no no no no no whatever you give is wonderful yeah it's it's gone yeah yeah don't worry about it no no no yeah so it's got a bunch of goodies uh what I will say is that it's also got a lot of love back too it's not every day that we get to speak to someone of your caliber someone who's done work I'm sure | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-57 | of your caliber someone who's done work I'm sure you do I'm not sure you're doing something different like military podcast rnaw podcasts are uh kind of the honor of our world because we do get to talk to cricketers and actors and they're fantastic business people have taught us a lot you guys are living on a slightly different realm According To Me based on all the conversations I've had and you know especially with rnaw officers I think more often than not y'all don't get saluted enough which is why I'll salute you uh so thank you for everything you've done thank you thank you for having me like lots of respect and uh seriously there's a whole aspect of your life which maybe even your wife doesn't know and only you know so more than anything I salute you from the bottom of my heart for all that stuff that you're keeping secret thank you and uh thank you it's been great being here and I've watched your shows earlier good for us so it's been wonderful | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-58 | earlier good for us so it's been wonderful being here to talk to you all I can offer you is a visit to Bangalore and you can stay there uh just this opportunity to speak to someone like yourself for this long this is the biggest gift you can ever give me so uh thank you sir thank you for this conversation thank you for the views that this conversation will get us uh I am a capitalist at the end of the day but genuinely meant a lot so and I'm hoping to speak to you again thank you my pleasure thank you sir thanks a lot that was the episode for today as you can tell it wasn't the simplest episode for me because that's the training of a top quality rnaw officer tell me what else I could have asked him I honestly want to know your perspective I've built this podcast along with you guys and I'd like to know what else we can do in episodes like this which are sort of so difficult for me to Traverse | ixO7Ubo2piw |
809ced334046-59 | are sort of so difficult for me to Traverse through as a podcaster how do you rate my performance in this one please tell me in the comment section down below please keep listening in the TRS follow us on Spotify every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before it's available any else in the world this book has been started by rgo make sure you download the rgo app right now to look as stylish as fashion bhaiya we'll be back very soon we'll be achieving it in style once again very soon agio presents the runway show is going to be back keep supporting keep loving keep learning and keep staying curious [Music] thank you | ixO7Ubo2piw |
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