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We introduce a new model describing a bosonic system with chiral properties.
It consists of a free boson with two peculiar couplings to the background
geometry which generalizes the Feigen-Fuchs-Dotsenko-Fateev construction. By
choosing the two background charges of the model, it is possible to achieve any
prefixed value of the left and right central charges and, in particular, obtain
chiral bosonization. A supersymmetric version of the model is also given. We
use the latter to identify the effective action induced by chiral
superconformal matter.
| hep-th/9112034 | 727,182 |
The computation of anomalies in quantum field theory may be carried out by
evaluating path integral Jacobians, as first shown by Fujikawa. The evaluation
of these Jacobians can be cast in the form of a quantum mechanical problem,
whose solution has a path integral representation. For the case of Weyl
anomalies, also called trace anomalies, one is immediately led to study the
path integral for a particle moving in curved spaces. We analyze the latter in
a manifestly covariant way and by making use of ghost fields. The introduction
of the ghost fields allows us to represent the path integral measure in a form
suitable for performing the perturbative expansion. We employ our method to
compute the Hamiltonian associated with the evolution kernel given by the path
integral with fixed boundary conditions, and use this result to evaluate the
trace needed in field theoretic computation of Weyl anomalies in two
| hep-th/9112035 | 727,182 |
We discuss the BSRT quantization of 2D $N=1$ supergravity coupled to
superconformal matter with $\hat{c} \leq 1$ in the conformal gauge. The
physical states are computed as BRST cohomology. In particular, we consider the
ring structure and associated symmetry algebra for the 2D superstring ($\hat{c}
= 1$).
| hep-th/9112036 | 727,182 |
Rectangular $N\times M$ matrix models can be solved in several qualitatively
distinct large $N$ limits, since two independent parameters govern the size of
the matrix. Regarded as models of random surfaces, these matrix models
interpolate between branched polymer behaviour and two-dimensional quantum
gravity. We solve such models in a `triple-scaling' regime in this paper, with
$N$ and $M$ becoming large independently. A correspondence between phase
transitions and singularities of mappings from ${\bf R}^2$ to ${\bf R}^2$ is
indicated. At different critical points, the scaling behavior is determined by:
i) two decoupled ordinary differential equations; ii) an ordinary differential
equation and a finite difference equation; or iii) two coupled partial
differential equations. The Painlev\'e II equation arises (in conjunction with
a difference equation) at a point associated with branched polymers. For
critical points described by partial differential equations, there are dual
weak-coupling/strong-coupling expansions. It is conjectured that the new
physics is related to microscopic topology fluctuations.
| hep-th/9112037 | 727,182 |
We develop an operator formalism for investigating the properties of
nonabelian cosmic strings (and vortices) in quantum field theory. Operators are
constructed that introduce classical string sources and that create dynamical
string loops. The operator construction in lattice gauge theory is explicitly
described, and correlation functions are computed in the strong--coupling and
weak--coupling limits. These correlation functions are used to study the
long--range interactions of nonabelian strings, taking account of
charge--screening effects due to virtual particles. Among the phenomena
investigated are the Aharonov--Bohm interactions of strings with charged
particles, holonomy interactions between string loops, string entanglement, the
transfer of ``Cheshire charge'' to a string loop, and domain wall decay via
spontaneous string nucleation. We also analyze the Aharonov--Bohm interactions
of magnetic monopoles with electric flux tubes in a confining gauge theory. We
propose that the Aharonov--Bohm effect can be invoked to distinguish among
various phases of a nonabelian gauge theory coupled to matter.
| hep-th/9112038 | 727,183 |
We analyze the unlocalized ``Cheshire charge'' carried by ``Alice strings.''
The magnetic charge on a string loop is carefully defined, and the transfer of
magnetic charge from a monopole to a string loop is analyzed using global
topological methods. A semiclassical theory of electric charge transfer is also
| hep-th/9112039 | 727,183 |
We analyze the charges carried by loops of string in models with non-abelian
local discrete symmetry. The charge on a loop has no localized source, but can
be detected by means of the Aharonov--Bohm interaction of the loop with another
string. We describe the process of charge detection, and the transfer of charge
between point particles and string loops, in terms of gauge--invariant
correlation functions.
| hep-th/9112040 | 727,183 |
Present state of the study of nonlinear ``integrable" systems related to the
group of area-preserving diffeomorphisms on various surfaces is overviewed.
Roles of area-preserving diffeomorphisms in 4-d self-dual gravity are reviewed.
Recent progress in new members of this family, the SDiff(2) KP and Toda
hierarchies, is reported. The group of area-preserving diffeomorphisms on a
cylinder plays a key role just as the infinite matrix group GL($\infty$) does
in the ordinary KP and Toda lattice hierarchies. The notion of tau functions is
also shown to persist in these hierarchies, and gives rise to a central
extension of the corresponding Lie algebra.
| hep-th/9112041 | 727,183 |
A continuum limit of the Toda lattice field theory, called the SDiff(2) Toda
equation, is shown to have a Lax formalism and an infinite hierarchy of higher
flows. The Lax formalism is very similar to the case of the self-dual vacuum
Einstein equation and its hyper-K\"ahler version, however now based upon a
symplectic structure and the group SDiff(2) of area preserving diffeomorphisms
on a cylinder $S^1 \times \R$. An analogue of the Toda lattice tau function is
introduced. The existence of hidden SDiff(2) symmetries are derived from a
Riemann-Hilbert problem in the SDiff(2) group. Symmetries of the tau function
turn out to have commutator anomalies, hence give a representation of a central
extension of the SDiff(2) algebra.
| hep-th/9112042 | 727,183 |
We study the quantum conserved charges and S-matrices of N=2 supersymmetric
sine-Gordon theory in the framework of perturbation theory formulated in N=2
superspace. The quantum affine algebras ${\widehat {sl_{q}(2)}}$ and super
topological charges play important roles in determining the N=2 soliton
structure and S-matrices of soliton-(anti)soliton as well as soliton-breather
| hep-th/9112043 | 727,183 |
The recently discovered $O(d,d)$ symmetry of the space of slowly varying
cosmological string vacua in $d+1$ dimensions is shown to be preserved in the
presence of bulk string matter. The existence of $O(d,d)$ conserved currents
allows all the equations of string cosmology to be reduced to first-order
differential equations. The perfect-fluid approximation is not
$O(d,d)$-invariant, implying that stringy fluids possess in general a
non-vanishing viscosity.
| hep-th/9112044 | 727,183 |
We construct a class of Heterotic String vacua described by Landau--Ginzburg
theories and consider orbifolds of these models with respect to abelian
symmetries. For LG--vacua described by potentials in which at most three
scaling fields are coupled we explicitly construct the chiral ring and discuss
its diagonalization with respect to its most general abelian symmetry. For
theories with couplings between at most two fields we present results of an
explicit construction of the LG--potentials and their orbifolds. The emerging
space of (2,2)--theories shows a remarkable mirror symmetry. It also contains a
number of new three--generation models.
| hep-th/9112047 | 727,184 |
$O(N)$ invariant vector models have been shown to possess non-trivial scaling
large $N$ limits, at least perturbatively within the loop expansion, a property
they share with matrix models of 2D quantum gravity. In contrast with matrix
models, however, vector models can be solved in arbitrary dimensions. We
present here the analysis of field theory vector models in $d$ dimensions and
discuss the nature and form of the critical behaviour. The double scaling limit
corresponds for $d>1$ to a situation where a bound state of the $N$-component
fundamental vector field $\phi$, associated with the $\phi^2$ composite
operator, becomes massless, while the field $\phi$ itself remains massive. The
limiting model can be described by an effective local interaction for the
corresponding $O(N)$ invariant field. It has a physical interpretation as
describing the statistical properties of a class of branched polymers.\par It
is hoped that the $O(N)$ vector models, which can be investigated in their most
general form, can serve as a test ground for new ideas about the behaviour of
2D quantum gravity coupled with $d>1$ matter.
| hep-th/9112048 | 727,185 |
We show that in special K\"ahler geometry of $N=2$ space-time supergravity
the gauge variant part of the connection is holomorphic and flat (in a
Riemannian sense). A set of differential identities (Picard-Fuchs identities)
are satisfied on a holomorphic bundle. The relationship with the differential
equations obeyed by the periods of the holomorphic three form of Calabi-Yau
manifolds is outlined.
| hep-th/9112049 | 727,185 |
We attempt a direct derivation of a conformal field theory description of 2D
quantum gravity~+~matter from the formalism of integrable hierarchies subjected
to Virasoro constraints. The construction is based on a generalization of the
Kontsevich parametrization of the KP times by introducing Miwa parameters into
it. The resulting Kontsevich--Miwa transform can be applied to the Virasoro
constraints provided the Miwa parameters are related to the background charge
$Q$ of the Virasoro generators on the hierarchy. We then recover the field
content of the David-Distler-Kawai formalism, with the matter theory
represented by a scalar with the background charge $Q_m=Q-{Q\over 2}$. In
particular, the tau function is related to the correlator of a product of the
`21' operators of the minimal model with central charge $d=1-3Q_m^2$.
| hep-th/9112055 | 727,185 |
We show that the Yang-Baxter equations for two dimensional models admit as a
group of symmetry the infinite discrete group $A_2^{(1)}$. The existence of
this symmetry explains the presence of a spectral parameter in the solutions of
the equations. We show that similarly, for three-dimensional vertex models and
the associated tetrahedron equations, there also exists an infinite discrete
group of symmetry. Although generalizing naturally the previous one, it is a
much bigger hyperbolic Coxeter group. We indicate how this symmetry can help to
resolve the Yang-Baxter equations and their higher-dimensional generalizations
and initiate the study of three-dimensional vertex models. These symmetries are
naturally represented as birational projective transformations. They may
preserve non trivial algebraic varieties, and lead to proper parametrizations
of the models, be they integrable or not. We mention the relation existing
between spin models and the Bose-Messner algebras of algebraic combinatorics.
Our results also yield the generalization of the condition $q^n=1$ so often
mentioned in the theory of quantum groups, when no $q$ parameter is available.
| hep-th/9112067 | 727,185 |
I discuss several aspects of strings as unified theories. After recalling the
difficulties of the simplest supersymmetric grand unification schemes I
emphasize the distinct features of string unification. An important role in
constraining the effective low energy physics from strings is played by
$duality$ symmetries. The discussed topics include the unification of coupling
constants (computation of $\sin ^2\theta _W$ and $\alpha _s$ at the weak
scale), supersymmetry breaking through gaugino condensation, and properties of
the induced SUSY-breaking soft terms. I remark that departures from
universality in the soft terms are (in contrast to the minimal SUSY model)
generically expected.
| hep-th/9112050 | 727,185 |
Topological quantum field theories containing matter fields are constructed
by twisting $N=2$ supersymmetric quantum field theories. It is shown that $N=2$
chiral (antichiral) multiplets lead to topological sigma models while $N=2$
twisted chiral (twisted antichiral) multiplets lead to Landau-Ginzburg type
topological quantum field theories. In addition, topological gravity in two
dimensions is formulated using a gauge principle applied to the topological
algebra which results after the twisting of $N=2$ supersymmetry.
| hep-th/9112051 | 727,185 |
We generalize Toda--like integrable lattice systems to non--symmetric case.
We show that they possess the bi--Hamiltonian structure.
| hep-th/9112053 | 727,185 |
It is shown that the breakdown of a {\it global} symmetry group to a discrete
subgroup can lead to analogues of the Aharonov-Bohm effect. At sufficiently low
momentum, the cross-section for scattering of a particle with nontrivial $\Z_2$
charge off a global vortex is almost equal to (but definitely different from)
maximal Aharonov-Bohm scattering; the effect goes away at large momentum. The
scattering of a spin-1/2 particle off a magnetic vortex provides an amusing
experimentally realizable example.
| hep-th/9112054 | 727,185 |
We explore consequences of $W$-infinity symmetry in the fermionic field
theory of the $c=1$ matrix model. We derive exact Ward identities relating
correlation functions of the bilocal operator. These identities can be
expressed as equations satisfied by the effective action of a {\it three}
dimensional theory and contain non-perturbative information about the model. We
use these identities to calculate the two point function of the bilocal
operator in the double scaling limit. We extract the operator whose two point
correlator has a {\it single} pole at an (imaginary) integer value of the
energy. We then rewrite the \winf~ charges in terms of operators in the matrix
model and use this derive constraints satisfied by the partition function of
the matrix model with a general time dependent potential.
| hep-th/9112052 | 727,185 |
These notes are devoted to explaining aspects of the mirror manifold problem
that can be naturally understood from the point of view of topological field
theory. Basically this involves studying the topological field theories made by
twisting $N=2$ sigma models. This is mainly a review of old results, except for
the discussion in \S7 of certain facts that may be relevant to constructing the
``mirror map'' between mirror moduli spaces.
| hep-th/9112056 | 727,185 |
In the first part of the talk, I review the applications of loop equations to
the matrix models and to 2-dimensional quantum gravity which is defined as
their continuum limit. The results concerning multi-loop correlators for low
genera and the Virasoro invariance are discussed. The second part is devoted to
the Kontsevich matrix model which is equivalent to 2-dimensional topological
gravity. I review the Schwinger--Dyson equations for the Kontsevich model as
well as their explicit solution in genus zero. The relation between the
Kontsevich model and the continuum limit of the hermitean one-matrix model is
| hep-th/9112058 | 727,185 |
We derive one-point functions of the loop operators of Hermitian matrix-chain
models at finite $N$ in terms of differential operators acting on the partition
functions. The differential operators are completely determined by recursion
relations from the Schwinger-Dyson equations. Interesting observation is that
these generating operators of the one-point functions satisfy
$W_{1+\infty}$-like algebra. Also, we obtain constraint equations on the
partition functions in terms of the differential operators. These constraint
equations on the partition functions define the symmetries of the matrix models
at off-critical point before taking the double scaling limit.
| hep-th/9112057 | 727,185 |
Starting with three dimensional Chern--Simons theory with gauge group
$Sl(N,R)$, we derive an action $S_{cov}$ invariant under both left and right
$W_N$ transformations. We give an interpretation of $S_{cov}$ in terms of
anomalies, and discuss its relation with Toda theory.
| hep-th/9112060 | 727,186 |
In previous papers we have shown how strings in a two-dimensional target
space reconcile quantum mechanics with general relativity, thanks to an
infinite set of conserved quantum numbers, ``W-hair'', associated with
topological soliton-like states. In this paper we extend these arguments to
four dimensions, by considering explicitly the case of string black holes with
radial symmetry. The key infinite-dimensional W-symmetry is associated with the
$\frac{SU(1,1)}{U(1)}$ coset structure of the dilaton-graviton sector that is a
model-independent feature of spherically symmetric four-dimensional strings.
Arguments are also given that the enormous number of string {\it discrete
(topological)} states account for the maintenance of quantum coherence during
the (non-thermal) stringy evaporation process, as well as quenching the large
Hawking-Bekenstein entropy associated with the black hole. Defining the latter
as the measure of the loss of information for an observer at infinity, who -
ignoring the higher string quantum numbers - keeps track only of the classical
mass,angular momentum and charge of the black hole, one recovers the familiar a
quadratic dependence on the black-hole mass by simple counting arguments on the
asymptotic density of string states in a linear-dilaton background.
| hep-th/9112062 | 727,186 |
We present a simple a direct proof of the complete integrability of the
quantum KdV equation at $c=-2$, with an explicit description of all the
conservation laws.
| hep-th/9112063 | 727,186 |
We rederive the recently introduced $N=2$ topological gauge theories,
representing the Euler characteristic of moduli spaces ${\cal M}$ of
connections, from supersymmetric quantum mechanics on the infinite dimensional
spaces ${\cal A}/{\cal G}$ of gauge orbits. To that end we discuss variants of
ordinary supersymmetric quantum mechanics which have meaningful extensions to
infinite-dimensional target spaces and introduce supersymmetric quantum
mechanics actions modelling the Riemannian geometry of submersions and
embeddings, relevant to the projections ${\cal A}\rightarrow {\cal A}/{\cal G}$
and inclusions ${\cal M}\subset{\cal A}/{\cal G}$ respectively. We explain the
relation between Donaldson theory and the gauge theory of flat connections in
$3d$ and illustrate the general construction by other $2d$ and $4d$ examples.
| hep-th/9112064 | 727,186 |
We argue the existence of solutions of the Euclidean Einstein equations that
correspond to a vortex sitting at the horizon of a black hole. We find the
asymptotic behaviours, at the horizon and at infinity, of vortex solutions for
the gauge and scalar fields in an abelian Higgs model on a Euclidean
Schwarzschild background and interpolate between them by integrating the
equations numerically. Calculating the backreaction shows that the effect of
the vortex is to cut a slice out of the Euclidean Schwarzschild geometry.
Consequences of these solutions for black hole thermodynamics are discussed.
| hep-th/9112065 | 727,186 |
The space of all solutions to the string equation of the symmetric unitary
one-matrix model is determined. It is shown that the string equation is
equivalent to simple conditions on points $V_1$ and $V_2$ in the big cell $\Gr$
of the Sato Grassmannian $Gr$. This is a consequence of a well-defined
continuum limit in which the string equation has the simple form $\lb \cp
,\cq_- \rb =\hbox{\rm 1}$, with $\cp$ and $\cq_-$ $2\times 2$ matrices of
differential operators. These conditions on $V_1$ and $V_2$ yield a simple
system of first order differential equations whose analysis determines the
space of all solutions to the string equation. This geometric formulation leads
directly to the Virasoro constraints $\L_n\,(n\geq 0)$, where $\L_n$ annihilate
the two modified-KdV $\t$-functions whose product gives the partition function
of the Unitary Matrix Model.
| hep-th/9112066 | 727,187 |
The structure of Hamiltonian reductions of the Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten
(WZNW) theory by first class Kac-Moody constraints is analyzed in detail. Lie
algebraic conditions are given for ensuring the presence of exact
integrability, conformal invariance and $\cal W$-symmetry in the reduced
theories. A Lagrangean, gauged WZNW implementation of the reduction is
established in the general case and thereby the path integral as well as the
BRST formalism are set up for studying the quantum version of the reduction.
The general results are applied to a number of examples. In particular, a
${\cal W}$-algebra is associated to each embedding of $sl(2)$ into the simple
Lie algebras by using purely first class constraints. The importance of these
$sl(2)$ systems is demonstrated by showing that they underlie the
$W_n^l$-algebras as well. New generalized Toda theories are found whose chiral
algebras are the ${\cal W}$-algebras belonging to the half-integral $sl(2)$
embeddings, and the ${\cal W}$-symmetry of the effective action of those
generalized Toda theories associated with the integral gradings is exhibited
| hep-th/9112068 | 727,188 |
We give a simple derivation of the Virasoro constraints in the Kontsevich
model, first derived by Witten. We generalize the method to a model of unitary
matrices, for which we find a new set of Virasoro constraints. Finally we
discuss the solution for symmetric matrices in an external field.
| hep-th/9112069 | 727,189 |
The elements of $O(d,d,\Z)$ are shown to be discrete symmetries of the space
of curved string backgrounds that are independent of $d$ coordinates. The
explicit action of the symmetries on the backgrounds is described. Particular
attention is paid to the dilaton transformation. Such symmetries identify
different cosmological solutions and other (possibly) singular backgrounds; for
example, it is shown that a compact black string is dual to a charged black
hole. The extension to the heterotic string is discussed.
| hep-th/9112070 | 727,189 |
We define a physical Hilbert space for the three-dimensional lattice gravity
of Ponzano and Regge and establish its isomorphism to the ones in the $ISO(3)$
Chern-Simons theory. It is shown that, for a handlebody of any genus, a
Hartle-Hawking-type wave-function of the lattice gravity transforms into the
corresponding state in the Chern-Simons theory under this isomorphism. Using
the Heegaard splitting of a three-dimensional manifold, a partition function of
each of these theories is expressed as an inner product of such wave-functions.
Since the isomorphism preserves the inner products, the partition function of
the two theories are the same for any closed orientable manifold. We also
discuss on a class of topology-changing amplitudes in the lattice gravity and
their relation to the ones in the Chern-Simons theory.
| hep-th/9112072 | 727,190 |
We show how the Turaev--Viro invariant can be understood within the framework
of Chern--Simons theory with gauge group SU(2). We also describe a new
invariant for certain class of graphs by interpreting the triangulation of a
manifold as a graph consisiting of crossings and vertices with three lines. We
further show, for $S^3$ and $RP^3$, that the Turaev-Viro invariant is the
square of the absolute value of their respective partition functions in SU(2)
Chern--Simons theory and give a method of evaluating the later in a closed form
for lens spaces $L_{p,1}$.
| hep-th/9112071 | 727,190 |
The $N=2$ minimal superconformal model can be twisted yielding an example of
topological conformal field theory. In this article we investigate a Lie
theoretic extension of this process.
| hep-th/9112073 | 727,191 |
We apply non-linear WKB analysis to the study of the string equation. Even
though the solutions obtained with this method are not exact, they approximate
extremely well the true solutions, as we explicitly show using numerical
simulations. ``Physical'' solutions are seen to be separatrices corresponding
to degenerate Riemann surfaces. We obtain an analytic approximation in
excellent agreement with the numerical solution found by Parisi et al. for the
$k=3$ case.
| hep-th/9112074 | 727,196 |
Certain subclasses of $B_1(K)$, the Baire-1 functions on a compact metric
space $K$, are defined and characterized. Some applications to Banach spaces
are given.
| math/9201236 | 727,197 |
We give a review of the extended conformal algebras, known as $W$ algebras,
which contain currents of spins higher than 2 in addition to the
energy-momentum tensor. These include the non-linear $W_N$ algebras; the linear
$W_\infty$ and $W_{1+\infty}$ algebras; and their super-extensions. We discuss
their applications to the construction of $W$-gravity and $W$-string theories.
| hep-th/9112076 | 727,197 |
We study algebraic aspects of Kontsevich integrals as generating functions
for intersection theory over moduli space and review the derivation of Virasoro
and KdV constraints.
1. Intersection numbers
2. The Kontsevich integral
2.1. The main theorem
2.2 Expansion of Z on characters and Schur functions
2.3 Proof of the first part of the Theorem
3. From Grassmannians to KdV
4. Matrix Airy equation and Virasoro highest weight conditions
5. Genus expansion
6. Singular behaviour and Painlev'e equation.
7. Generalization to higher degree potentials
| hep-th/9201001 | 727,197 |
We present here "the" cartesian closed theory for real analytic mappings. It
is based on the concept of real analytic curves in locally convex vector
spaces. A mapping is real analytic, if it maps smooth curves to smooth curves
and real analytic curves to real analytic curves. Under mild completeness
conditions the second requirement can be replaced by: real analytic along
affine lines. Enclosed and necessary is a careful study of locally convex
topologies on spaces of real analytic mappings. As an application we also
present the theory of manifolds of real analytic mappings: the group of real
analytic diffeomorphisms of a compact real analytic manifold is a real analytic
Lie group.
| math/9201254 | 727,198 |
A rather simple natural outer derivation of the graded Lie algebra of all
vector valued differential forms with the Fr\"olicher-Nijenhuis bracket turns
out to be a differential and gives rise to a cohomology of the manifold, which
is functorial under local diffeomorphisms. This cohomology is determined as the
direct product of the de Rham cohomology space and the graded Lie algebra of
"traceless" vector valued differential forms, equipped with a new natural
differential concomitant as graded Lie bracket. We find two graded Lie algebra
structures on the space of differential forms. Some consequences and related
results are also discussed.
| math/9201255 | 727,198 |
For any unitary representation of an arbitrary Lie group I construct a moment
mapping from the space of smooth vectors of the representation into the dual of
the Lie algebra. This moment mapping is equivariant and smooth. For the space
of analytic vectors the same construction is possible and leads to a real
analytic moment mapping.
| math/9201256 | 727,198 |
We define two $(n+1)$ graded Lie brackets on spaces of multilinear mappings.
The first one is able to recognize $n$-graded associative algebras and their
modules and gives immediately the correct differential for Hochschild
cohomology. The second one recognizes $n$-graded Lie algebra structures and
their modules and gives rise to the notion of Chevalley cohomology.
| math/9201257 | 727,198 |
The space of all non degenerate bilinear structures on a manifold $M$ carries
a one parameter family of pseudo Riemannian metrics. We determine the geodesic
equation, covariant derivative, curvature, and we solve the geodesic equation
explicitly. Each space of pseudo Riemannian metrics with fixed signature is a
geodesically closed submanifold. The space of non degenerate 2-forms is also a
geodesically closed submanifold. Then we show that, if we fix a distribution on
$M$, the space of all Riemannia metrics splits as the product of three spaces
which are everywhere mutually orthogonal, for the usual metric. We investigate
this situation in detail.
| math/9201258 | 727,198 |
The space of all Riemannian metrics on a smooth second countable finite
dimensional manifold is itself a smooth manifold modeled on the space of
symmetric (0,2)-tensor fields with compact support. It carries a canonical
Riemannian metric which is invariant under the action of the diffeomorphism
group. We determine its geodesics, exponential mapping, curvature, and Jacobi
fields in a very explicit manner.
| math/9201259 | 727,198 |
Certain second-order partial differential operators, which are expressed as
sums of squares of real-analytic vector fields in $\Bbb R^3$ and which are well
known to be $C^\infty$ hypoelliptic, fail to be analytic hypoelliptic.
| math/9201260 | 727,198 |
In this announcement we present a general and new approach to analyzing the
asymptotics of oscillatory Riemann-Hilbert problems. Such problems arise, in
particular, in evaluating the long-time behavior of nonlinear wave equations
solvable by the inverse scattering method. We will restrict ourselves here
exclusively to the modified Korteweg de Vries (MKdV) equation,
$$y_t-6y^2y_x+y_{xxx}=0,\qquad -\infty<x<\infty,\ t\ge0, y(x,t=0)=y_0(x),$$
but it will be clear immediately to the reader with some experience in the
field, that the method extends naturally and easily to the general class of
wave equations solvable by the inverse scattering method, such as the KdV,
nonlinear Schr\"odinger (NLS), and Boussinesq equations, etc., and also to
``integrable'' ordinary differential equations such as the Painlev\'e
| math/9201261 | 727,198 |
The authors discuss the role of controversy in mathematics as a preface to
two opposing articles on computational complexity theory: "Some basic
information on information-based complexity theory" by Beresford Parlett
[math.NA/9201266] and "Perspectives on information-based complexity" by J. F.
Traub and Henryk Wo\'zniakowski [math.NA/9201269].
| math/9201262 | 727,198 |
We construct new coordinates for the Teichm\"uller space Teich of a punctured
torus into $\bold{R} \times\bold{R}^+$. The coordinates depend on the
representation of Teich as a space of marked Kleinian groups $G_\mu$ that
depend holomorphically on a parameter $\mu$ varying in a simply connected
domain in $\bold{C}$. They describe the geometry of the hyperbolic manifold
$\bold{H}^3/G_\mu$; they reflect exactly the visual patterns one sees in the
limit sets of the groups $G_\mu$; and they are directly computable from the
generators of $G_\mu$.
| math/9201263 | 727,198 |
The authors announce the following theorem.
Theorem 1. If $G=A*_H B$ is an amalgamated product where $A$ and $B$ are
finitely presented and semistable at infinity, and $H$ is finitely generated,
then $G$ is semistable at infinity. If $G=A*_H$ is an HNN-extension where $A$
is finitely presented and semistable at infinity, and $H$ is finitely
generated, then $G$ is semistable at infinity.
| math/9201264 | 727,198 |
To most mathematicians and computer scientists the word ``tree'' conjures up,
in addition to the usual image, the image of a connected graph with no
circuits. In the last few years various types of trees have been the subject of
much investigation, but this activity has not been exposed much to the wider
mathematical community. This article attempts to fill this gap and explain
various aspects of the recent work on generalized trees.
The subject is very appealing for it mixes very na\"{\i}ve geometric
considerations with the very sophisticated geometric and algebraic structures.
In fact, part of the drama of the subject is guessing what type of techniques
will be appropriate for a given investigation: Will it be direct and simple
notions related to schematic drawings of trees or will it be notions from the
deepest parts of algebraic group theory, ergodic theory, or commutative algebra
which must be brought to bear? Part of the beauty of the subject is that the
na\"{\i}ve tree considerations have an impact on these more sophisticated
topics and that in addition, trees form a bridge between these disparate
| math/9201265 | 727,198 |
Numerical analysts might be expected to pay close attention to a branch of
complexity theory called information-based complexity theory (IBCT), which
produces an abundance of impressive results about the quest for approximate
solutions to mathematical problems. Why then do most numerical analysts turn a
cold shoulder to IBCT? Close analysis of two representative papers reveals a
mixture of nice new observations, error bounds repackaged in new language,
misdirected examples, and misleading theorems.
Some elements in the framework of IBCT, erected to support a rigorous yet
flexible theory, make it difficult to judge whether a model is off-target or
reasonably realistic. For instance, a sharp distinction is made between
information and algorithms restricted to this information. Yet the information
itself usually comes from an algorithm, so the distinction clouds the issues
and can lead to true but misleading inferences. Another troublesome aspect of
IBCT is a free parameter $F$, the class of admissible problem instances. By
overlooking $F$'s membership fee, the theory sometimes distorts the economics
of problem solving in a way reminiscent of agricultural subsidies.
The current theory's surprising results pertain only to unnatural situations,
and its genuinely new insights might serve us better if expressed in the
conventional modes of error analysis and approximation theory.
| math/9201266 | 727,198 |
Let $f$ be a holomorphic mapping between compact complex manifolds. We give a
criterion for $f$ to have {\it unobstructed deformations}, i.e. for the local
moduli space of $f$ to be smooth: this says, roughly speaking, that the group
of infinitesimal deformations of $f$, when viewed as a functor, itself
satisfies a natural lifting property with respect to infinitesimal
deformations. This lifting property is satisfied e.g. whenever the group in
question admits a `topological' or Hodge-theoretic interpretation, and we give
a number of examples, mainly involving Calabi-Yau manifolds, where that is the
| math/9201267 | 727,198 |
We survey existence and regularity results for semi-linear wave equations. In
particular, we review the recent regularity results for the $u^5$-Klein Gordon
equation by Grillakis and this author and give a self-contained, slightly
simplified proof.
| math/9201268 | 727,198 |
The authors discuss information-based complexity theory, which is a model of
finite-precision computations with real numbers, and its applications to
numerical analysis.
| math/9201269 | 727,198 |
Shoen and Uhlenbeck showed that ``tangent maps'' can be defined at singular
points of energy minimizing maps. Unfortunately these are not unique, even for
generic boundary conditions. Examples are discussed which have isolated
singularities with a continuum of distinct tangent maps.
| math/9201270 | 727,198 |
Starting from string field theory for 2d gravity coupled to c=1 matter we
analyze the off-shell tree amplitudes of discrete states. The amplitudes
exhibit the pole structure and we use the off-shell calculus to extract the
residues and prove that just the residues are constrained by the Ward
Identities. The residues generate a simple effective action.
| hep-th/9212156 | 727,198 |
The quantum deformed (1+1) Poincare' algebra is shown to be the kinematical
symmetry of the harmonic chain, whose spacing is given by the deformation
parameter. Phonons with their symmetries as well as multiphonon processes are
derived from the quantum group structure. Inhomogeneous quantum groups are thus
proposed as kinematical invariance of discrete systems.
| hep-th/9201002 | 727,199 |
In these lecture notes we review the various relations between intersection
theory on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces, integrable hierarchies of KdV
type, matrix models, and topological quantum field theories. We explain in
particular why matrix integrals of the type considered by Kontsevich naturally
appear as tau-functions associated to minimal models. Our starting point is the
extremely simple form of the string equation for the topological (p,1) models,
where the so-called Baker-Akhiezer function is given by a (generalized) Airy
| hep-th/9201003 | 727,199 |
By defining the heterotic Green-Schwarz superstring action on an N=(2,0)
super-worldsheet, rather than on an ordinary worldsheet, many problems with the
interacting Green-Schwarz superstring formalism can be solved. In the
light-cone approach, superconformally transforming the light-cone
super-worldsheet onto an N=(2,0) super-Riemann surface allows the elimination
of the non-trivial interaction-point operators that complicate the evaluation
of scattering amplitudes. In the Polyakov approach, the ten-dimensional
heterotic Green-Schwarz covariant action defined on an N=(2,0) super-worldsheet
can be gauge-fixed to a free-field action with non-anomalous N=(2,0)
superconformal invariance, and integrating the exponential of the covariant
action over all punctured N=(2,0) super-Riemann surfaces produces scattering
amplitudes that closely resemble amplitudes obtained using the unitary
light-cone approach.
| hep-th/9201004 | 727,200 |
I study the Ward identities of the $w_\infty$ symmetry of the two-dimensional
string theory. It is found that, not just an isolated vertex operator, but also
a number of vertex operators colliding at a point can produce local charge
non-conservation. The structure of all such contact terms is determined. As an
application, I calculate all the non-vanishing bulk tachyon amplitudes directly
through the Ward identities for a Virasoro subalgebra of the $w_\infty$.
| hep-th/9201005 | 727,200 |
We study supersymmetric domain walls in N=1 supergravity theories, including
those with modular-invariant superpotentials arising in superstring
compactifications. Such domain walls are shown to saturate the Bogomol'nyi
bound of wall energy per unit area. We find \sl static \rm and \sl reflection
asymmetric \rm domain wall solutions of the self-duality equations for the
metric and the matter fields. Our result establishes a new class of domain
walls beyond those previously classified. As a corollary, we define a precise
notion of vacuum degeneracy in the supergravity theories. In addition, we found
examples of global supersymmetric domain walls that do not have an analog when
gravity is turned on. This result establishes that in the case of extended
topological defects gravity plays a crucial, nontrivial role.
| hep-th/9201007 | 727,203 |
This is a continuation of the paper [FJS] with a similar title. Several
results from there are strengthened, in particular:
1. If T is a "natural" embedding of l_2^n into L_1 then, for any well-bounded
factorization of T through an L_1 space in the form T=uv with v of norm one, u
well-preserves a copy of l_1^k with k exponential in n.
2. Any norm one operator from a C(K) space which well-preserves a copy of
l_2^n also well-preserves a copy of l_{\infty}^k with k exponential in n.
As an application of these and other results we show the existence, for any
n, of an n-dimensional space which well-embeds into a space with an
unconditional basis only if the latter contains a copy of l_{\infty}^k with k
exponential in n.
| math/9201202 | 727,203 |
We describe few aspects of the quantum symmetries of some massless
two-dimensional field theories. We discuss their relations with recent
proposals for the factorized scattering theories of the massless $PCM_1$ and
$O(3)_{\theta=\pi}$ sigma models. We use these symmetries to propose massless
factorized S-matrices for the $su(2)$ sigma models with topological terms at
any level, alias the $PCM_k$ models, and for the $su(2)$-coset massless flows.
| hep-th/9201006 | 727,203 |
If E is a nonempty closed subset of the locally finite Hausdorff
(2n-2)-measure on an n-dimensional complex manifold M and all points of E are
nonremovable for a meromorphic mapping of M \ E into a compact K\"ahler
manifold, then E is a pure (n-1)-dimensional complex analytic subset of M.
| math/9201201 | 727,203 |
The Coulomb gas representations are presented for the ${\rm
SU(2)}$$_k$-extended $N$=4 superconformal algebras, incorporating the
Feigin-Fuchs representation of the\break ${\rm SU(2)}$$_k$ Kac-Moody algebra
with {\sl arbitrary} level $k$. Then the long-standing problem of identifying
the whole set of charge-screening operators for the $N$=4 superconformal
algebras is solved and their explicit expressions are given. The method of
achieving a rigorous proof of the $N$=4 Kac determinant formulae following Kato
and Matsuda is suggested. The complete proof for them will be given elsewhere.
Our results for the screening operators also provide the basis for studying the
BRST formalism of the $N$=4 superconformal algebras ${\sl {\grave a}\ la}$
| hep-th/9201008 | 727,204 |
It is shown explicitly, that a number of solutions for the background field
equations of the string effective action in space-time dimension D can be
generated from any known lower dimensional solution, when background fields
have only time dependence. An application of the result to the two dimensional
charged black hole is presented. The case of background with more general
coordinate dependence is also discussed.
| hep-th/9201015 | 727,204 |
The simplest toroidally compactified string theories exhibit a duality
between large and small radii: compactification on a circle, for example, is
invariant under R goes to 1/R. Compactification on more general Lorentzian
lattices (i.e. toroidal compactification in the presence of background metric,
antisymmetric tensor, and gauge fields) yields theories for which large-small
invariance is not so simple. Here an equivalence is demonstrated between large
and small geometries for all toroidal compactifications. By repeatedly
transforming the momentum mode corresponding to the smallest winding length to
another mode on the lattice, it is possible to increase the volume to exceed a
finite lower bound.
| hep-th/9201009 | 727,205 |
The Ward identities in Kontsevich-like 1-matrix models are used to prove at
the level of discrete matrix models the suggestion of Gava and Narain, which
relates the degree of potential in asymmetric 2-matrix model to the form of
$\cal W$-constraints imposed on its partition function.
| hep-th/9201010 | 727,205 |
We demonstrate the equivalence of Virasoro constraints imposed on continuum
limit of partition function of Hermitean 1-matrix model and the Ward identities
of Kontsevich's model. Since the first model describes ordinary $d = 2$ quantum
gravity, while the second one is supposed to coincide with Witten's topological
gravity, the result provides a strong implication that the two models are
indeed the same.
| hep-th/9201011 | 727,205 |
We introduce a new 1-matrix model with arbitrary potential and the
matrix-valued background field. Its partition function is a $\tau$-function of
KP-hierarchy, subjected to a kind of ${\cal L}_{-1}$-constraint. Moreover,
partition function behaves smoothly in the limit of infinitely large matrices.
If the potential is equal to $X^{K+1}$, this partition function becomes a
$\tau$-function of $K$-reduced KP-hierarchy, obeying a set of ${\cal W}
_K$-algebra constraints identical to those conjectured in \cite{FKN91} for
double-scaling continuum limit of $(K-1)$-matrix model. In the case of $K=2$
the statement reduces to the early established \cite{MMM91b} relation between
Kontsevich model and the ordinary $2d$ quantum gravity . Kontsevich model with
generic potential may be considered as interpolation between all the models of
$2d$ quantum gravity with $c<1$ preserving the property of integrability and
the analogue of string equation.
| hep-th/9201013 | 727,205 |
Using the finite-size effects the scaling dimensions and correlation
functions of the main operators in continuous and lattice models of 1d spinless
Bose-gas with pairwise interaction of rather general form are obtained. The
long-wave properties of these systems can be described by the Gaussian model
with central charge $c=1$. The disorder operators of the extended Gaussian
model are found to correspond to some non-local operators in the {\it XXZ}
Heisenberg antiferromagnet. Just the same approach is applicable to fermionic
systems. Scaling dimensions of operators and correlation functions in the
systems of interacting Fermi-particles are obtained. We present a universal
treatment for $1d$ systems of different kinds which is independent of the exact
integrability and gives universal expressions for critical exponents through
the thermodynamic characteristics of the system.
| hep-th/9201012 | 727,205 |
We generalize the known method for explicit construction of mirror pairs of
$(2,2)$-superconformal field theories, using the formalism of Landau-Ginzburg
orbifolds. Geometrically, these theories are realized as Calabi-Yau
hypersurfaces in weighted projective spaces. This generalization makes it
possible to construct the mirror partners of many manifolds for which the
mirror was not previously known.
| hep-th/9201014 | 727,206 |
The coupling of Yang-Mills fields to the heterotic string in bosonic
formulation is generalized to extended objects of higher dimension (p-branes).
For odd p, the Bianchi identities obeyed by the field strengths of the
(p+1)-forms receive Chern-Simons corrections which, in the case of the 5-brane,
are consistent with an earlier conjecture based on string/5-brane duality.
| hep-th/9201019 | 727,207 |
We present a unified group-theoretical framework for superparticle theories.
This explains the origin of the ``twistor-like'' variables that have been used
in trading the superparticle's $\kappa$-symmetry for worldline supersymmetry.
We show that these twistor-like variables naturally parametrise the coset space
${\cal G}/{\cal H}$, where $\cal G$ is the Lorentz group $SO^\uparrow(1,d-1)$
and $\cal H$ is its maximal subgroup. This space is a compact manifold, the
sphere $S^{d-2}$. Our group-theoretical construction gives the proper
covariantisation of a fixed light-cone frame and clarifies the relation between
target-space and worldline supersymmetries.
| hep-th/9201020 | 727,208 |
The Polyakov measure for the Abelian gauge field is considered in the
Robertson-Walker spacetimes. The measure is concretely represented by adopting
two kind of decompositions of the gauge field degrees of freedom which are most
familiarly used in the covariant and canonical path integrals respectively. It
is shown that the two representations are different by an anomalous Jacobian
factor from each other and also that the factor has a direct relationship to an
uncancellation factor of the contributions from the Faddeev-Popov ghost and the
unphysical part of the gauge field to the covariant one-loop partition
| hep-th/9201022 | 727,210 |
Two-dimensional gravity in the light-cone gauge was shown by Polyakov to
exhibit an underlying $SL(2,R)$ Kac-Moody symmetry, which may be used to
express the energy-momentum tensor for the metric component $h_{++}$ in terms
of the $SL(2,R)$ currents {\it via}\ the Sugawara construction. We review some
recent results which show that in a similar manner, $W_\infty$ and
$W_{1+\infty}$ gravities have underlying $SL(\infty,R)$ and $GL(\infty,R)$
Kac-Moody symmetries respectively.
| hep-th/9201023 | 727,210 |
We construct a centerless W-infinity type of algebra in terms of a generator
of a centerless Virasoro algebra and an abelian spin-1 current. This algebra
conventionally emerges in the study of pseudo-differential operators on a
circle or alternatively within KP hierarchy with Watanabe's bracket.
Construction used here is based on a special deformation of the algebra
$w_{\infty}$ of area preserving diffeomorphisms of a 2-manifold. We show that
this deformation technique applies to the two-loop WZNW and conformal affine
Toda models, establishing henceforth $W_{\infty}$ invariance of these models.
| hep-th/9201024 | 727,210 |
The current algebra of classical non-linear sigma models on arbitrary
Riemannian manifolds is analyzed. It is found that introducing, in addition to
the Noether current $j_\mu$ associated with the global symmetry of the theory,
a composite scalar field $j$, the algebra closes under Poisson brackets.
| hep-th/9201025 | 727,210 |
Coset constructions in the framework of Chern-Simons topological gauge
theories are studied. Two examples are considered: models of the types
${U(1)_p\times U(1)_q\over U(1)_{p+q}}\cong U(1)_{pq(p+q)}$ with $p$ and $q$
coprime integers, and ${SU(2)_m\times SU(2)_1\over SU(2)_{m+1}}$. In the latter
case it is shown that the Chern-Simons wave functionals can be identified with
t he characters of the minimal unitary models, and an explicit representation
of the knot (Verlinde) operators acting on the space of $c<1$ characters is
| hep-th/9201027 | 727,211 |
This is a detailed development for the $A_n$ case, of our previous article
entitled "W-Geometries" to be published in Phys. Lett. It is shown that the
$A_n$--W-geometry corresponds to chiral surfaces in $CP^n$. This is comes out
by discussing 1) the extrinsic geometries of chiral surfaces (Frenet-Serret and
Gauss-Codazzi equations) 2) the KP coordinates (W-parametrizations) of the
target-manifold, and their fermionic (tau-function) description, 3) the
intrinsic geometries of the associated chiral surfaces in the Grassmannians,
and the associated higher instanton- numbers of W-surfaces. For regular points,
the Frenet-Serret equations for $CP^n$--W-surfaces are shown to give the
geometrical meaning of the $A_n$-Toda Lax pair, and of the conformally-reduced
WZNW models, and Drinfeld-Sokolov equations. KP coordinates are used to show
that W-transformations may be extended as particular diffeomorphisms of the
target-space. This leads to higher-dimensional generalizations of the WZNW and
DS equations. These are related with the Zakharov- Shabat equations. For
singular points, global Pl\"ucker formulae are derived by combining the
$A_n$-Toda equations with the Gauss-Bonnet theorem written for each of the
associated surfaces.
| hep-th/9201026 | 727,211 |
It is shown that the weak $L^p$ spaces $\ell^{p,\infty}, L^{p,\infty}[0,1]$,
and $L^{p,\infty}[0,\infty)$ are isomorphic as Banach spaces.
| math/9201237 | 727,211 |
In [Sh:89] we, answering a question of Monk, have explicated the notion of
``a Boolean algebra with no endomorphisms except the ones induced by
ultrafilters on it'' (see section 2 here) and proved the existence of one with
character density aleph_0, assuming first diamondsuit_{aleph_1} and then only
CH. The idea was that if h is an endomorphism of B, not among the ``trivial''
ones, then there are pairwise disjoint D_n in B with h(d_n) not subset d_n.
Then we can, for some S subset omega, add an element x such that d <= x for n
in S, x cap d_n=0 for n not in S while forbidding a solution for {y cap
h(d_n):n in S} cup {y cap h(d_n)=0:n not in S}. Further analysis showed that
the point is that we are omitting positive quantifier free types. Continuing
this Monk succeeded to prove in ZFC, the existence of such Boolean algebras of
cardinality 2^{aleph_0}.
We prove (in ZFC) the existence of such B of density character lambda and
cardinality lambda^{aleph_0} whenever lambda > aleph_0. We can conclude answers
to some questions from Monk's list. We use a combinatorial method from
[Sh:45],[Sh:172], that is represented in Section 1.
| math/9201238 | 727,212 |
Assuming 0^sharp does not exist, kappa is an uncountable cardinal and for all
cardinals lambda with kappa <= lambda < kappa^{+ omega}, 2^lambda = lambda^+,
we present a ``mini-coding'' between kappa and kappa^{+ omega}. This allows us
to prove that any subset of kappa^{+ omega} can be coded into a subset, W of
kappa^+ which, further, ``reshapes'' the interval [kappa, kappa^+), i.e., for
all kappa < delta < kappa^+, kappa = (card delta)^{L[W cap delta]}. We sketch
two applications of this result, assuming 0^sharp does not exist. First, we
point out that this shows that any set can be coded by a real, via a set
forcing. The second application involves a notion of abstract condensation, due
to Woodin. Our methods can be used to show that for any cardinal mu,
condensation for mu holds in a generic extension by a set forcing.
| math/9201249 | 727,212 |
We prove that assuming suitable cardinal arithmetic, if B is a Boolean
algebra every homomorphic image of which is isomorphic to a factor, then B has
locally small density. We also prove that for an (infinite) Boolean algebra B,
the number of subalgebras is not smaller than the number of endomorphisms, and
other related inequalities. Lastly we deal with the obtainment of the supremum
of the cardinalities of sets of pairwise incomparable elements of a Boolean
| math/9201250 | 727,212 |
We present a survey of some results of the pcf-theory and their applications
to cardinal arithmetic. We review basics notions (in section 1), briefly look
at history in section 2 (and some personal history in section 3). We present
main results on pcf in section 5 and describe applications to cardinal
arithmetic in section 6. The limitations on independence proofs are discussed
in section 7, and in section 8 we discuss the status of two axioms that arise
in the new setting. Applications to other areas are found in section 9.
| math/9201251 | 727,212 |
We show that it is consistent with ZFC that L^infty (Y,B, nu) has no linear
lifting for many non-complete probability spaces (Y,B, nu), in particular for
Y=[0,1]^A, B= Borel subsets of Y, nu = usual Radon measure on B .
| math/9201252 | 727,212 |
It is shown that if T is stable unsuperstable, and aleph_1< lambda
=cf(lambda)< 2^{aleph_0}, or 2^{aleph_0} < mu^+< lambda =cf(lambda)<
mu^{aleph_0} then T has no universal model in cardinality lambda, and if e.g.
aleph_omega < 2^{aleph_0} then T has no universal model in aleph_omega. These
results are generalized to kappa =cf(kappa) < kappa (T) in the place of
aleph_0. Also: if there is a universal model in lambda >|T|, T stable and kappa
< kappa (T) then there is a universal tree of height kappa +1 in cardinality
lambda .
| math/9201253 | 727,212 |
A general construction for $\sigma-$finite absolutely continuous invariant
measure will be presented. It will be shown that the local bounded distortion
of the Radon-Nykodym derivatives of $f^n_*(\lambda)$ will imply the existence
of a $\sigma-$finite invariant measure for the map $f$ which is absolutely
continuous with respect to $\lambda$, a measure on the phase space describing
the sets of measure zero. Furthermore we will discuss sufficient conditions for
the existence of $\sigma-$finite invariant absolutely continuous measures for
real 1-dimensional dynamical systems.
| math/9201300 | 727,212 |
The effective action of $N=2$, $d=4$ supergravity is shown to acquire no
quantum corrections in background metrics admitting super-covariantly constant
spinors. In particular, these metrics include the Robinson-Bertotti metric
(product of two 2-dimensional spaces of constant curvature) with all 8
supersymmetries unbroken. Another example is a set of arbitrary number of
extreme Reissner-Nordstr\"om black holes. These black holes break 4 of 8
supersymmetries, leaving the other 4 unbroken.
We have found manifestly supersymmetric black holes, which are non-trivial
solutions of the flatness condition $\cd^{2} = 0$ of the corresponding
(shortened) superspace. Their bosonic part describes a set of extreme
Reissner-Nordstr\"om black holes. The super black hole solutions are exact even
when all quantum supergravity corrections are taken into account.
| hep-th/9201029 | 727,212 |
The method of separation of variables is shown to apply to both the classical
and quantum Neumann model. In the classical case this nicely yields the
linearization of the flow on the Jacobian of the spectral curve. In the quantum
case the Schr\"odinger equation separates into one--dimensional equations
belonging to the class of generalized Lam\'e differential equations.
| hep-th/9201035 | 727,213 |
A systematic construction of super W-algebras in terms of the WZNW model
based on a super Lie algebra is presented. These are shown to be the symmetry
structure of the super Toda models, which can be obtained from the WZNW theory
by Hamiltonian reduction. A classification, according to the conformal spin
defined by an improved energy-momentum tensor, is dicussed in general terms for
all super Lie algebras whose simple roots are fermionic . A detailed discussion
employing the Dirac bracket structure and an explicit construction of
W-algebras for the cases of $OSP(1,2)$, $OSP(2,2)$ , $OSP(3,2)$ and $D(2,1 \mid
\alpha )$ are given. The $N=1$ and $N=2$ super conformal algebras are discussed
in the pertinent cases.
| hep-th/9201030 | 727,213 |
We present particularly simple new solutions to the Yang--Baxter equation
arising from two--dimensional cyclic representations of quantum $SU(2)$. They
are readily interpreted as scattering matrices of relativistic objects, and the
quantum group becomes a dynamical symmetry.
| hep-th/9201031 | 727,213 |
We propose and investigate the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations for the
minimal $W_p^N$ models~(associated with the $A_{N-1}$ Lie algebra) perturbed by
the least~($Z_N$ invariant) primary field $\Phi_N$. Our results reproduce the
expected ultraviolet and infrared regimes. In particular for the positive sign
of the perturbation our equations describe the behaviour of the ground state
flowing from the $W_p^N$ model to the next $W_{p-1}^N$ fixed point.
| hep-th/9201032 | 727,213 |
We consider the hermitian matrix model with an external field entering the
quadratic term $\tr(\Lambda X\Lambda X)$ and Penner--like interaction term
$\alpha N(\log(1+X)-X)$. An explicit solution in the leading order in $N$ is
presented. The critical behaviour is given by the second derivative of the free
energy in $\alpha$ which appears to be a pure logarithm, that is a feature of
$c=1$ theories. Various critical regimes are possible, some of them corresponds
to critical points of the usual Penner model, but there exists an infinite set
of multi-critical points which differ by values of scaling dimensions of proper
conformal operators. Their correlators with the puncture operator are given in
genus zero by Legendre polynomials whose argument is determined by an analog of
the string equation.
| hep-th/9201033 | 727,213 |
We review the BRST analysis of the system of a (super)conformal matter
coupled to 2D (super)gravity. The spectrum and its operator realization are
reported. In particular, the operators associated with the states of nonzero
ghost number are given. We also discuss the ground ring structure of the
super-Liouville coupled to ${\hat c}=1$ matter. In appendices, hermiticities,
states for $c<1$ conformal matter coupled to gravity and the proof for the
spectrum are discussed.
| hep-th/9201034 | 727,214 |
$G/G$ topological field theories based on $G_k$ WZW models are constructed
and studied. These coset models are formulated as Complex BRST cohomology in
$G^c_k$, the complexified level $k$ current algebra. The finite physical
spectrum corresponds to the conformal blocks of $G_k$ .The amplitudes for $G/G$
theories are argued to be given in terms of the $G_k$ fusion rules. The
$G_k/G_k$ character is the Kac-Weyl numerator of $G_k$ and is interpreted as an
index. The Complex BRST cohomology is found to contain states of arbitrary
ghost number. Intriguing similarities of $G/G$ to $c\leq 1$ matter systems
coupled to two dimensional gravity are pointed out.
| hep-th/9201036 | 727,216 |
We generalize the Marinari-Parisi definition for pure two dimensional quantum
gravity $(k = 2)$ to all non unitary minimal multicritical points $(k \geq 3)$.
The resulting interacting Fermi gas theory is treated in the collective field
framework. Making use of the fact that the matrices evolve in Langevin time,
the Jacobian from matrix coordinates to collective modes is similar to the
corresponding Jacobian in $d = 1$ matrix models. The collective field theory is
analyzed in the planar limit. The saddle point eigenvalue distribution is the
one that defines the original multicritical point and therefore exhibits the
appropriate scaling behaviour. Some comments on the nonperturbative properties
of the collective field theory as well as comments on the Virasoro constraints
associated with the loop equations are made at the end of this letter. There we
also make some remarks on the fermionic formulation of the model and its
integrability, as a nonlocal version of the non linear Schr\"{o}dinger model.
| hep-th/9201037 | 727,217 |
We show that Witten's two-dimensional string black hole metric is exactly
conformally invariant in the supersymmetric case. We also demonstrate that this
metric, together with a recently proposed exact metric for the bosonic case,
are respectively consistent with the supersymmetric and bosonic $\sigma$-model
conformal invariance conditions up to four-loop order.
| hep-th/9201039 | 727,218 |
Subsets and Splits