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215 values
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 || || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> || || || || */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 || || en || 105 || || 131 ||Esteban Sapir || */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 || || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 || || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 || || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question State the most popular movie? When was it released and who is the director for the movie? Clarification: most popular movie refers to MAX(movie_popularity); when it was released refers to movie_release_year; director for the movie refers to director_name;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT movie_title, movie_release_year, director_name FROM movies ORDER BY movie_popularity DESC LIMIT 1 '})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 || || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> || || || || */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 || || en || 105 || || 131 ||Esteban Sapir || */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 || || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 || || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 || || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 || || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> || || || || */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 || || en || 105 || || 131 ||Esteban Sapir || */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 || || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 || || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 || || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question What is the average number of Mubi users who love movies directed by Stanley Kubrick? Clarification: average = AVG(movie_popularity); number of Mubi users who loves the movie refers to movie_popularity;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT AVG(movie_popularity) FROM movies WHERE director_name = 'Stanley Kubrick''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 || || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> || || || || */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 || || en || 105 || || 131 ||Esteban Sapir || */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 || || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 || || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 || || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 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341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 || || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> || || || || */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 || || en || 105 || || 131 ||Esteban Sapir || */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 || || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 || || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 || || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question List all movie title rated in April 2020 from user who was a trialist. Clarification: movie title rated in April 2020 refers to rating_timestamp_utc LIKE '%2020-04-%'; user is a trial list refers to user_trialist = 1;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.movie_title FROM movies AS T1 INNER JOIN ratings AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T2.user_trialist = 1 AND T2.rating_timestamp_utc LIKE '2020-04%''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 || || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> || || || || */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 || || en || 105 || || 131 ||Esteban Sapir || */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 || || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 || || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 || || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
"Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to (...TRUNCATED)
"[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T1.movie_release_year = 2021 THEN 1 ELSE 0 E(...TRUNCATED)
"### Instruction\n1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Data(...TRUNCATED)
"Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to (...TRUNCATED)
"[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ratings WHERE movie_id = 1269 AND rating_score <=(...TRUNCATED)
"### Instruction\n1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Data(...TRUNCATED)
"Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to (...TRUNCATED)
"[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T2.user_id) FROM movies AS T1 INNER JOIN ratings AS T2 ON(...TRUNCATED)
"### Instruction\n1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Data(...TRUNCATED)
"Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to (...TRUNCATED)
"[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.director_url FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T(...TRUNCATED)
"### Instruction\n1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Data(...TRUNCATED)
"Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to (...TRUNCATED)
"[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT MAX(T2.movie_popularity), MIN(T1.rating_timestamp_utc) FROM rat(...TRUNCATED)
"### Instruction\n1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Data(...TRUNCATED)
"Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to (...TRUNCATED)
"[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT DISTINCT T1.movie_release_year, T1.movie_title FROM movies AS T(...TRUNCATED)
"### Instruction\n1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Data(...TRUNCATED)
"Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to (...TRUNCATED)
"[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.rating_url FROM movies AS T1 INNER JOIN ratings AS T2 ON T1.(...TRUNCATED)
"### Instruction\n1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Data(...TRUNCATED)
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