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If the history of leaders like PERSON and the movements they ride PERSON is any indication, we should expect the current support for PERSON (at least amongst his core supporters) to be much diminished within a couple of years (quite possibly by the 2018 mid-term elections).
Hopefully, this implosion will limit damage to which you correctly refer. | unbiased | 5205400 | 201 |
That's why it's important we don't let PERSON turn this country into some third world dictatorship like he wants. | unbiased | 6126458 | 202 |
This is part of what was predicted about the increase in the minimum wage. As lower wages increase, the upper wages will also want to increase to keep pace. This will put further stress on the economy. | unbiased | 6145644 | 203 |
Oh those liberals, there they go again, spoiling everything. If only the world were free of liberals. | biased | 6217066 | 204 |
That inoculation won't happen, if PERSON and his ilk get their way. | unbiased | 452250 | 205 |
Cite the source that shows PERSON does it differently. Good luck with that. Lol. Maybe this will teach you to not parrot what your handlers have indoctrinated you to believe. Grow a brain and a spine. Stop resisting! | biased | 6051255 | 206 |
Worst excuse for a president, ever. | unbiased | 6185134 | 207 |
Sour grapes | unbiased | 318008 | 208 |
The skate parks are inhabited by adolescent males of all ages. The ratio of male to female is probably 20:1 The city created a hazard, IMO and I'll wager that there will be lawsuits against the city when someone gets seriously injured or dead there. | unbiased | 337805 | 209 |
The Press is sickening ad naseum.
When interviewed by the press to comment on a newly implemented system of operation at work; I said that the new system worked very well and that there is always room for further improvement in any system.
All that the paper wrote in the article of my comments was that I stated that there was room for improvement with the system.
True but very typical of what I see in today's press - selective reporting.
Reporting in the press that a jury said that one is guilty by conveniently missing the word "not" is bias in its purest form. | unbiased | 886959 | 210 |
Sorry PERSON, your man excels at making himself look stupid. Don't blame the columnists or us "snowflakes". This is squarely on you - if you, indeed, voted for the man. Every day we see more lies exposed, immature and pathetic behavior. We, the 66% of the people that do NOT approve of his performance, are represented by these columnists that are articulating how we see truth. Mr. PERSON is particularly adept at cutting through the nonsense and I appreciate his columns. | biased | 5709677 | 211 |
I must point out that PERSON never actually said, "feed the poor and care for the sick personally". He said to love your neighbor and your enemies. He said to feed others, visit them in prison, and care for them when sick. All true. Bt he did not specify that was specifically an individual action. One could easy make a case that PERSON' point is for the community to do so, since "The Kingdom of God" is a community. | unbiased | 5259353 | 212 |
No oil is not less each year. Oil just switchs over to small fields with low tax revenue. They just lost a suit for this. As for Walker's cut in salary? PERSON, won't miss a dime. | unbiased | 734503 | 213 |
PERSON, seem to be a branch of The Republican Party. | unbiased | 807025 | 214 |
And that is 100% why PERSON and his wife voted for PERSON and not PERSON. | unbiased | 6199950 | 215 |
Very sorry to hear about PERSON. He's a good guy. Wishing him well. | unbiased | 283355 | 216 |
You think we should all just except it without any comment? It may be a waste of time, but in my view it is extremely necessary to object to such inequity.
There was no confusion - we all knew how it would turn out. That doesn't mean we should just carry on as though it never happened. | unbiased | 5810044 | 217 |
I'm afraid it is -- if only because it expresses Truth about PERSON and his incoming administration! It also speaks clearly to Americans who voted for PERSON, of whom I am proud NOT to be one! | unbiased | 799399 | 218 |
Most journalist quit reporting the news sometime ago and now try to create the news. Unfortunately, most main stream journalists are left-wing and report fake and negative news about conservatives. Conservatives don't believe what you report anymore. And we totally agree with President PERSON that you are the enemy of Middle America. | unbiased | 5307414 | 219 |
When I was growing up we did something called da, "PERSON" | unbiased | 6303997 | 220 |
Where is her poppy? | unbiased | 6299606 | 221 |
Yeah ....all PERSON is doing is increasing the stock markets and bringing in millions of jobs, and the "business community" is "leaving" him. LOL!
When PERSON was in the unemloyment rate went from 65 million Americans out of work in 2008, to over 100 million jobless when he left 8 years later in 2016.
The Zucks and the PERSON's can go to you know where...they are anti-trust and will be busted up and regulated. That is PERSON. PERSON will be hit with all forms of problems in his way of doing business. It is happening now. That is called censorship. Just a matter of time. The others leaving will be crawling back to him later, or they will be out of business. PERSON is not their problem, they are.
Major companies are coming back into this country as China gets ready to dump big time. NKorea, war, and all of that will also drive those guys back here. $Trillions are coming home to the US, and PERSON is doing that by himself. The global elites that control you hate that. | biased | 5785662 | 222 |
This is a nice story. I only have one question: Why did they buy the kid NBA2K18 and not the new PERSON (which features the players who bought him the Xbox)? | unbiased | 6051059 | 223 |
fyi the budget of the entire athletics department is less than 3% of the budgetary crisis facing the university. It is cutting off your nose to spite your face. Hobby? Some of these athletes are actually headed to the pro level. As for "putting educational funds for them to get good at hobbies", you mean like a scholarship for maintaining an above 3.0 gpa to get a college degree? Sounds like a good opportunity to me! | unbiased | 559555 | 224 |
You beat me to it. I was going to say "not conservative enough" = won't kill enough poor and middle class people to tickle their sadistic pleasure center. | biased | 5474897 | 225 |
sorry, I didn't mean to offend you my friend.........aloha and have a wonderful bigly day | unbiased | 5372410 | 226 |
I was trying to say "the other guy", but PERSON is definitely not a guy. | biased | 5279336 | 227 |
Who says rural life isn't culture and can't be artistic? | unbiased | 5638644 | 228 |
Bavius should actually be applauded.
He works so hard formulating his creative contrarian positions. They provide some entertaining comic relief.
Predicted future button-pushing offerings from from our tiresome troll:
--emojis are an existential threat to western civilization;
PERSON was on the payroll for "PERSON."
-- the societal benefits of puppy mills.
Keep up the good work. | biased | 5627251 | 229 |
Re: dog waste - indeed! Seems to be much more of it this year and some right on the sidewalks. I suggest as a source for biodegradable bags so you can pick up and help the earth. Take few seconds out of your walk/run/bike and pick up your pet's waste.
Re: ISP. Yes, our reps sold us out. In more ways than one. | biased | 5088125 | 230 |
"PERSON was careful to clarify that he believes Lima-Marin should be released and he opposes the move to deport him to Cuba — even as he objected to the pardon decision."
I don't agree with Mr. PERSON's form over substance position. "Yes, justice is best served with Lima-Marin remaining free, but lock him up because that is the rule." And that doesn't even include the money the state saves. Put me on the side of common sense. | unbiased | 5365996 | 231 |
Ah, the old "whataboutism" trick.
Hey PERSON? Can you focus on the article maybe? | biased | 5562385 | 232 |
The US elected this slime-bucket, he's their problem.
Still, our eyes are drawn to this slo-mo train wreck . . . when he splats it's going to be UUUUGE! | unbiased | 5006126 | 233 |
Popular vote, really??? I wouldn't be so sure now that California is getting their IDless voter roles subpoena'd... | unbiased | 5694410 | 234 |
Judges are over ruling democracies. They need to be stopped. | biased | 5009991 | 235 |
Canadian Railroad Trilogy and Wreck of The Edmund Fitzgerald....two of the greatest
stories PERSON put to music. | unbiased | 5523149 | 236 |
Since $1,500 is the contribution limit everyone agrees on as being too small to gain sway,, and all parties fundraise as it is normal, sorry, no, PERSON has not given the appearance of breaching his own guidelines. The fundraiser does not give the appearance of influence under those limiations. Cash for access is merely a bizarre new name for fundraising,
Secondly, it's kind of a nasty trick to run headlines about the donation to the PERSON Foundation without a followup clarifying headline that the donation was in the works since 2014 and nothing to do with the fundraiser.
Thirdly, not everyone disagrees with PERSON's PERSON comment, given the man had just died, and I wager there are many Canadians who have spent zero time even thinking about it.
The economy is growing.
He's made a gutsy decision on pipelines.
People notice the frenzy of media and CPC to acheive their obsession of ending his honeymoon. | unbiased | 641912 | 237 |
Big surprise!!!
Just take a look at the people responsible for all the security checks at Pearson... | unbiased | 5069815 | 238 |
Maybe the Archbishop travels in circles in which this kind of criticism of the internal life of the Church is never heard and he doesn't understand how mainstream it is. | unbiased | 537192 | 239 |
They've always been able to do so. Short term plans have been around for decades. It's that they are always underfunded or criminal schemes. But hey! This time it will be different. PERSON promises. Smh. | biased | 6139165 | 240 |
Well, it seems pointless and arbitrary, then. It's like saying "you can't remodel your house, but you can sell it to someone else and they can remodel it." I suppose you could sell your building to your mother for a dollar, paint over the mural, and have her sell it back to you. (Or paint a PERSON mural over it, Mom always loved PERSON.) | unbiased | 394614 | 241 |
I'm not going to say anything. | unbiased | 5398801 | 242 |
I think that I gave a rundown of the "academics" when their letter "supporting" PERSON came out. Vatican II hating/ Tridentine Mass loving Internet bloggers and assorted cranks is a better description for them than "academics." | unbiased | 884940 | 243 |
What beef do Canadian elitists have with secular democracy they cannot stop undermining it with religion, religion, religion and more religions? | unbiased | 5951992 | 244 |
So says a Marxist. | unbiased | 5434946 | 245 |
ID records biological sex. Are gender activists now saying Sex/Gender *are* the same thing?
If one were to say, "Well, I feel like I was born in NYC, my ID should reflect that", this notion would not be entertained. Same as if one were to say, "I was assigned my birth date, I identify as a 12 year-old; change my ID" this notion would not be entertained.
But because this involves sex, everyone loses their damn minds. One loud angry idiot arguing one extreme, another load angry idiot arguing the opposite extreme, and three people in the middle sick of listening to both of them. | biased | 5570811 | 246 |
This is an interesting and intriguing perspective. St. Ignatius suggested that one place oneself meditatively within the biblical scene and see where it leads you in prayer. When infused with an historical and theological knowledge this is particularly significant (as is an uninformed or ideological cultishness dangerous). This is one strong scenario where the "incarnational" insight is furthered; where the reality of PERSON' mission in time and place a message for us today.
It may not resonate for everyone. Those who define the "sacred" as only in distance from the reality of creation, and community only as the creed of "traditional markers" might well be horrified.
Yes PERSON "organized" community on many levels - but to deny the socio-political-historical environment and implications and their intrinsic "entwinement" is silly; to "see" it is enlightening and hopeful. | biased | 5272160 | 247 |
Delays by opponents of rail? REALLY. So the city issuing contracts early and having the contractor sit around for 3 years before starting construction is the fault of the city, not rail opponents. The hawaiian lady that challenged the city for not following the law wasn't a rail opponent, so that delay was the city's fault. Poor planning and poor management is the main reason for the delays, not rail opponents. If you still think its rail opponents who caused the delays, then name the lawsuits that caused such delays. Work never stopped during litigation of those lawsuits, and no judge ever ordered to stop work on those lawsuits. | unbiased | 5094338 | 248 |
PERSON: Just the fact that you are here commenting is a positive sign for your group. You youngsters have social media up the ying yang to communicate with each other and you can easily organize and work to remove a lot of the Boomer and WW2 generations laws that mess up your lives:
- Stop the globalized trade and make things here that you buy. Not everybody in your gen likes factory jobs, but they did pay well. Think as workers!
- Get rid of the green zones, bylaws and building codes that stymie your efforts to get reasonably priced housing. Accept that if you want to live close to city cores, you will have higher density. Some people even like it. BTW, factories are usually located away from city cores and frequently were even in small towns where housing is cheap.
- Pensions became common in WW2 as a way to entice needed workers without violating wartime wage controls. We could still afford them for your group if we moved away from global competition. Don't just b*tch - ACT! | biased | 665719 | 249 |
PERSON, PERSON, and PERSON :"Somehow, we need to come to terms with the fact that the financial condition of the state of Alaska has changed. And everything has to be looked at and on the table.”
Everything, that is, except for: (1) size and cost of legislative staff, which has grown tremendously in the past 10 years.
(2) legislator/staff travel, including to Paris and Turkey and other exotic locations for 'study."
And, of course, the money set aside for Legislator Salary Padding. Legislators pad their salaries because they exploit an obscure section of IRS code and choose to get "reimbursed" for lodging and food at the federal per diem rate-regardless of expenses- rather than at the state per diem rate used by the governor and other state employees- putting thousands in their pockets every year. | unbiased | 262071 | 250 |
What a collection of winger bumper stickers. | unbiased | 410739 | 251 |
History has clearly shown that the biggest threat to the people of North Korea are the Kims.
Only a pathetic knee-jerk US-bashing DPRK apologist could make the puerile suggestion that the PERSON monarchy is even remotely concerned about protecting the North Korean people.
An invasion of the DPRK by the US or China would be the best thing to happen to the DPRK in 77 years... | biased | 5001190 | 252 |
Agreed. There is an old saying that "it is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt." PERSON would do well to reflect on that wisdom. | unbiased | 944732 | 253 |
Rev. PERSON. | unbiased | 5789260 | 254 |
Greetings.....this is good news for the Church. PERSON is pushing for a showdown with the Holy Father. By using PERSON and PERSON as examples of hierarchy out of touch with his reforms, PERSON is saying by this action that he expects the cardinals to be first a Shepherd.....not a Borgia style politician while being a member of the college of Cardinals. PERSON needs to head to the nearest Friary of PERSON hang out with his Trad buddies! | biased | 619967 | 255 |
I am expecting PERSON to have a federal inquiry into the killings, with memorials in Ottawa and Quebec City built to commemorate the event. There will be annual rallies on Parliament Hill calling for the end to Islamophobia . This event will replace WWI in national importance | unbiased | 935995 | 256 |
Imagine your father dying of old age before you are a teen? | unbiased | 703713 | 257 |
Being Denver, I'm surprised it didn't stand for the "Cannabis Airport Therapy Squad." | unbiased | 6052165 | 258 |
I am less concerned with PERSON, his supporters or the stories politicians on both sides have been spinning for years about everything. I just want to be able to walk down the street and express my views without being beat up or shouted down by a bunch of lefties. Recent events and comments at NYU and Barkley are great examples your so called German tactics to muzzle free speech. | biased | 946450 | 259 |
PERSON, there's a strong counterpoint to your sober second thought argument.
First, calling our Enviro, and Indigenous procedures an "economic senate" presupposes that our democratic government has control over the process. This is not the case. The true situation in this country is that many projects that are widely supported are held hostage and ultimately killed by minority interest groups. That's not sober second thought; its just dysfunctional.
Secondly, while the delay might occasionally save us from making a bad investment (and I don't agree Australia is so bad off), the counterpoint is that we totally lack the ability to act quickly to take advantage of good conditions. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" | unbiased | 5702894 | 260 |
There is no lock on who will stifle freedom more - Liberals or Conservatives. Republicanism is designed to prevent the abuses of Democracy. After all the years of practice it is discouraging that a college professor still thinks Democracy is good. Did he never study?
We are unable to exercise our freedom if it isn't politically correct. Many colleges will boot you out or not allow you to speak on their property. NPR cries out for an end of many of the freedoms of our Constitution including a call for censorship of those with whom they disagree.
Then we have co-called conservatives who want to end various liberties be they free speech or freedom of religion. Our liberties are under increasing attack from both sides.
Our public speaking liberals cry out against a Trump Presidency and completely ignore the illegal activities of the PERSON administration. the sky is falling, the sky is falling...
It would be nice if Americans could actually learn something in our schools and colleges | unbiased | 770937 | 261 |
And it is not just the pipeline issue. PERSON promised before the election that the Liberals would address the issue of housing in Vancouver (and Toronto) as it relates to foreign investment and affordability. He is also on record as stating that an imported labour force drives down wages and takes jobs from Canadians.
Fast forward to an elected PERSON, and nothing has been done by the Feds to stop the commodification of housing and improve housing affordability, and all signals are that he will bow to pressure from vested interests and backtrack on imported labour.
Then PERSON tells our youth to get used to contract jobs and reduced benefits. | unbiased | 645766 | 262 |
Hilarious! | unbiased | 549010 | 263 |
Here's a crazy idea: people SHOULD retire and not work until they die. That way there can be opportunities for the younger people to establish themselves. Keep celebrating retirement, everyone, please!
Also, here's a related myth we need to explode: there's jobs that you love doing available for everybody. No there isn't. In fact, almost no one in reality gets their dream career in life. So for the vast majority, if they put in 30, 40 years in a career that is just a paycheque.....what are they supposed to look forward to in life if not retirement? And before you say "oh, that's sad"....wake up! That's most people. | unbiased | 977599 | 264 |
Great points from the pope.
There's a tendency to romanticize missionary work...."going to Honduras to be with the people...let me tell you about our mission trip..we were roughing it!".
But that's just for the flighty and trendy people...the "world changers" with a trail of former wives/husbands or estranged and troubled children...or no children..but they are the first to tell you about their little two week mission trip!
Real missionary work is always around us. God gives us good work to do wherever we are. | unbiased | 6208156 | 265 |
Excellent choice as Foreign Minister, in sharp contrast to milquetoast PERSON.
Good luck, Ms. PERSON. | unbiased | 821730 | 266 |
The comment to which I am replying (by Aint Carrol) makes me wonder why you have to "jump through hoops" to finally have your comment posted. "The excellent Psychology Department that she destroyed"? I don't see what use screening was... in the final analogy. President PERSON did not destroy the psychology department at Pacific Union College. She sought to safeguard the department from teaching things that are contradictory to SDA beliefs:
1. Atheism.... Which ain't got nothing to do with Psychology; making me wonder why PERSON was invited in the first place.
2. Homosexuality.... Club sponsored by a Psych. Dept. faculty member. WO opponents are very quick to try and use perceived SDA Fundamental Belief violations (FB #14) to substantiate WO. Hence, they should know that we clearly don't believe in Gay Marriage or Homosexuality.
Any "destroying of the Psych. Dept. at PUC came from professors standing up for fellow professors; instead of standing for God! | biased | 689507 | 267 |
It would help to know exactly what PERSON is actually saying in AL. So many different interpretations and spin. Indeed, he also says in AL that the document is not magisterial.
Let him answer the requests for clarity and perhaps one will know what he is asking from the Church. | unbiased | 6321401 | 268 |
I disagree, your beliefs are relevant. I think they explain your strong dislike for PERSON message of PERSON, or PERSON account of PERSON itself. I don't think you believe that PERSON is real, that hell exists or in the supernatural. Why the hesitancy to admit as much? The Our Father prayer ends with "Deliver us from Evil". The Hail Mary prayer ends with" Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death". Why would this be necessary if Hell and PERSON are fanciful nonsense? I hope one day you change your mind. Good day. | biased | 5264482 | 269 |
That's why I asked the question instead of jumping on the poster. | unbiased | 550945 | 270 |
PERSON has become so subservient to PERSON that it hard to believe that PERSON doesn’t have damaging information on him. The only way that we could even begin to have any trust in PERSON would be a complete release of his tax returns.
We also cannot overestimate the threat to democracy both here and in European nations created by the appeasement towards Russia shown by PERSON and his Republican supporters. (Fortunately there still are some Republicans who have the courage to stand up against PERSON) It’s the 25th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union and yet Russia is stronger than ever in spreading its brand of authoritarianism. We will certainly suffer here in the US, but the people who really be hurt are democracy advocates in places like Ukraine and the Baltic nations. | unbiased | 803862 | 271 |
That is patently false and one of the huge misconceptions that an ignorant public such as yourself, took out of context. One of the biggest faults of our society today, is a populace that lacks critical thinking skills, as you have just exemplified. | biased | 580873 | 272 |
"only 200,000 Alaskan wage earners who would pay the tax"
PERSON. Since everyone pays the 2%, and PFD's are income, everyone pays at least some tax. Granted, PERSON 2% is a lot more than my 2%, but he benefits from the state a lot more than I do (civil courts, state contracts, police protection, 'influencing' legislators...).
"Most are seasonal and work in the seafood processing and hospitality sectors and do not earn enough to pay an income tax."
PERSON. Everyone pays. No exemptions. No write-offs. No deductions.
Once you introduce the exemptions and deductions, the administration of the tax gets dramatically higher. Political favors start to slip sweetheart deductions and exemptions in. And those who can afford it hire accounts and tax lawyers to game the system. Nope. Keep it dead simple. 2%. Or 1.5%. Or whatever makes sense. | biased | 5153824 | 273 |
I see you are an ardent supporter of Dr. PERSON PERSON.
He is the nice man who invented gun registration for the Nazis (National Socialism)How did that registration work out for the Jews,and non-Nazi Germans? | unbiased | 359112 | 274 |
This medical marijuana regulatory scheme has gotten more complex than any other drug. Staff is being hired and the government is spending money like mad. This approach has been what has stalled this program for years and is driving up costs for patients. Patients will find it much cheaper on the black market. DOES ANY OTHER STATE MAKE AS MUCH OF A MESS AS HAWAII? | biased | 5309206 | 275 |
The PERSON comment refers to a bout of renaming in the Centennial School District. We also have another school district in another state renaming a school from Jefferson Davis High to the name of another traitor, PERSON. | biased | 6177249 | 276 |
The AP and the Democrats shouldn't (but they will), keep comparing any Republican proposal to the failing ACA. It's a big problem when Dems give something to the public then portray the Republicans as "taking it away". Maybe PERSON will start crying again on camera. | unbiased | 5481313 | 277 |
This guy is a fig leaf for the tRump administration. Since his PERSON constituency is blatantly anti-Semitic, with this nomination they throw a bone to the Likud wing of the Isreal lobby. | unbiased | 747681 | 278 |
Your = possessive
You're = you are, a contraction | unbiased | none | 279 |
Are you kidding me ? People smiling as though keeping America safe is a joke . PERSON is correct to impose a ban on certain people entering America until we can get all of our security measures in order. Who's side are these protesters on ? Clearly not America's . | biased | 916132 | 280 |
In the real world, discussions continue between the Roman Catholic Church and the SSPX so that the latter may continue "on the way to full communion" (May 2016 statement).
The tail cannot wag the dog. | unbiased | 566270 | 281 |
Great post. If he had been called PERSON, he'd still be an unknown teacher. | unbiased | 632073 | 282 |
No PERSON. You see, back before the civil rights movement, "conservatives" were Democrats and "liberals" were Republicans. Lincoln and hist party were actually a party of liberals who opposed slavery and opposed segregation. Conservatives and "religious conservatives" were pro-slavery and fought against Lincoln and the Union. Religious conservatives used their bibles to justify slavery and justify segregation and justify the ban on interracial marriage, all the way up their opposition of, not only marriage equality, but equality in general. So the liberals have always been liberals- the compassionate, caring, Equal Justice, Equal Rights, the right to life liberty & pursuit of happiness and C'est la Vie. And conservatives have always been... well, conservative... you know. | biased | 6220905 | 283 |
President NEED TO CALM DOWN! Rome wasn't built in a day! You are alienating critical relationships. There are ways to make things happen. Being heavy handed is not one of them. Finesse, charisma, communication and understanding! These are qualities of a great leader. | unbiased | 904352 | 284 |
PERSON and PERSON weren't PERSON though. So Apples and Oranges. | unbiased | 6081950 | 285 |
... maybe you missed .. " The pit would be nearly as deep as the Grand Canyon. The pit, tailings dams of processed ore, and waste rock piles would cover an area larger than Manhattan.
"The Pebble deposit, north of Iliamna Lake, is in the watersheds of two major salmon rivers, the PERSON and the PERSON, which together support about a quarter of the world’s wild sockeye salmon, according to EPA."
EPA should have given him billboards and Superbowl ad time to get the word out!! | biased | 269251 | 286 |
I am not sure about the sequence of events, but maybe Judge PERSON was not happy about PERSON's attempt to move forward a case that is moot: "Regardless of the change in government and approach, he had argued that it’s still important for the court to clarify whether the prime minister has absolute discretion to fill Senate vacancies when – or if – he chooses."
With court resources being limited, it is not productive to argue a case for a principle that has no current practical application. | unbiased | 527608 | 287 |
Why is any country staying in a structure as vile, harmful, hypocritical, authoritarian and corrupt as the EU? | biased | 6083009 | 288 |
Wait. Wasn't this guy also charged with possessing crack cocaine and it turned out to be frankenscence? Gotta question credibility here. | unbiased | 1046784 | 289 |
With the PERSON headed to 0.62, this only makes sense for Ford. Wonder how the guy in the WH likes it. | unbiased | 5075370 | 290 |
High Flight:
"Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
......and touched the face of God." | unbiased | 688418 | 291 |
Don't you know how the corporate world works?
You have an executive job because you are buds with somebody, not because you re good at anything.
You can run the company into the ground and not only still have a job, but also be bonused by a million or so.. see Postmedia this last month | unbiased | 649608 | 292 |
Now there's equivocating if ever there was!
😱 | unbiased | 5807134 | 293 |
remember this is Justin's preferred trading partner | unbiased | 5036022 | 294 |
It is the actions people take after referencing their particular scripture that is worth paying attention to. Check out the world's major conflict zones, list the number of terrorist acts by culture, assess the brand of religiosity of suicide bombers - assess the evidence, then draw conclusions.
The Bible has no shortage of nut case followers, but either they must be muzzling the MSM to keep their actions under wrap, or one of these scriptures is not like the other. | unbiased | 5050288 | 295 |
What about her saying "I should just shoot myself" at 2:42 of the original video? How is that not a threatening enough to warrant an arrest or a trip to the nuthouse for a few day...? Here in America, if you make a scene and tell people that you're thinking about hurting yourself or others with a gun AND its recorded, your ass is getting locked up in something iron or padded for sure! Why is this nut allowed to have a kid when she goes on unbalanced public rants and is actively threatening to shoot herself?! WTF? | biased | 5451372 | 296 |
I CAN SMELL A WS TITLE‼️LET’S GO STROS‼️#EarnHistory #Game7 | unbiased | none | 297 |
We did not have this so-called homeless situation when we had vagrancy laws that were enforced. Enter the ACLU, homeless advocates and liberal judges who declared the laws unconstitutional and wallah! We have a major problem. Vagrants can sleep on sidewalks, in public parks, on beaches, under freeways and wherever they want on public property, defecate anywhere, leave their trash everywhere, and there is little we can do about it. We still may have vagrants if the old laws could be enforced, but it would not be the monumental problem that it now is. | unbiased | 6211280 | 298 |
PERSON? | unbiased | 558128 | 299 |
My good lord, guy, you just ripped selfie boy
another entrance. Great job, well done. Not
enough accolades. | unbiased | 1026633 | 300 |
Subsets and Splits