sequence | meta
dict | scores
sequence | avg_score
float64 0
| num_sents
int64 5
"Q:\n\nCannot store binary files with JPA and Sybase ASE\n\nA user should be able to change the contents of an entity which contains a byte array, mapped to an image column in the DB. ",
"Please note that I cannot use LOB functionality, since Sybase does not support it.",
"\nWhen when I try to persist or merge the entity, only entities containing text/plain data are stored normally, while files of other types, like .pdf or .odt make the DB throw:\n java.sql.",
"SQLException: JZ0SM: jConnect could not execute a stored procedure because there was a problem sending the parameter(s). ",
"This problem was likely caused because the server does not support a specific datatype, or because jConnect did not request support for that datatype at connect time.",
"\nTry setting the JCONNECT_VERSION connection property to a higher value. ",
"Or, if possible, try sending your procedure execution command as a language statement.",
"\n\nHibernate logs a normal update immediately before the exception, and I am definitely not executing any stored procedures, so I'm not sure what stored procedure the error refers to. ",
"I have tried the same with native queries, but anded up with the same error.",
"\n16:08:04,776 INFO Hibernate: update KVS_MIPO_DOWNLOAD_FILE set creatorName=?, ",
"data=?, ",
"referencePeriod=? ",
"where id=?",
"\n\nI have checked the version of my jconn4 driver and have added JCONNECT_VERSION=7.0 to my connection string in the datasource. ",
"No effect.",
"\nSearching the web did not yield any related issues. ",
"The Sybase support page simply lists the erorr and offers no further assistance.",
"\nI am using Sybase ASE 15.7.0, JPA 2 over Hibernate 4.0.1.Final, running on JBoss 7.1.1 on a Suse 12.2 machine.",
"\nThe entity:\n@Entity\n@DiscriminatorValue(\"file\")\n@Table(name = \"KVS_MIPO_DOWNLOAD_FILE\")\npublic class DownloadFile extends DownloadResource {\n\n @Column(nullable = false)\n private String creatorName;\n\n @Basic(fetch = FetchType.",
"LAZY)\n private byte[] data = new byte[0];\n\n private String referencePeriod;\n\n ...\n\n public byte[] getData() {\n if (data !",
"= null) {\n return data.clone();\n }\n return new byte[0];\n }\n\n public void setData(final byte[] data) {\n if (data == null) {\n this.data = null;\n return;\n }\n this.data = data.clone();\n }\n\nThe table DDL:\ncreate table KVS_MIPO_DOWNLOAD_FILE (\n referencePeriod varchar(255) null ,\n creatorName varchar(255) not null ,\n id int not null ,\n data image null \n)\n\nThank you.",
"\nEDIT: this question started out as a JSF/JPA/Sybase question. ",
"Through tests I can exclude JSF as the source of the error, so I removed the JSF parts.",
"\n\nA:\n\nTurns out the reason for the error was a bug in the 7.0 version of jConnect. ",
"I have updated to 7.07 and the issue was solved. ",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.009429 | 5 |
"Source & Copyright: The source of the above visa and immigration information and copyright owner’s is the:\n– The Official Site of the Jordanian e-Government – URL: http://www.jordan.gov.jo/wps/portal\n– Foreign Ministry The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan – URL: http://www.mfa.gov.jo/wps/portal/FMArabicSite"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.006601 | 5 |
"Stanley Hauerwas, The Work of Theology (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 2015).",
"\n\nThere are moments during worship, especially during the consecration of the Eucharist or as the congregation recites the Lord’s Prayer, in which I feel as if I am stumbling upon myself from the outside. ",
"It’s as if I become aware of how insane the worshipping community must sound. ",
"This realization is different from when I think the liturgy itself is problematic, when our words and symbols seem to fall short and are in need of grace. ",
"Instead, this is something akin to empathy with that proverbial non-Christian fly on the wall. ",
"I experience an existential vertigo. ",
"I’m a fish with a busted internal GPS that just keeps ramming its head into a rock. ",
"I don’t know where I am or why I’m doing what I’m doing or if this is a community I’m truly a part of.",
"\n\nDuring this a-Wesleyan worship experience—in which my heart is strangely chilled—I am not sure I want to go on. ",
"This momentary loss of faith has occurred intermittently for most of my life, and being human, I’ve often made this experience about me. ",
"The vertigo, I believed, was something to resist, a phenomenon that required pastoral intervention or a recalibration of my faith. ",
"I needed to get in there and reboot the software that was running my soul—the presence of others’ fidelity should not make me dizzy.",
"\n\nBut in the moment itself, the prayer continues, the bread is broken, and I partake. ",
"My desire is broken and then mended; there is a loss and rediscovery of my identification with a way of speaking. ",
"This moment, when Christian speech seemed to be breaking down, when the routine repuzzles itself, becoming alien and confusing again, is one way that I have started to understand what it means to mean what I say when I say I am a Christian.",
"\n\nThe theologian and ethicist Stanley Hauerwas has made a career of trying to help American Christians mean what they say. ",
"In his recent book, The Work of Theology, he provides both expected and new angles in this project; familiar themes, one-liners, and conversation partners all make an appearance. ",
"He asserts that this work does not aim to be a sterile recycling but both a return and clarification—a response to misunderstandings. ",
"He deepens areas where some have said he is deficient (“How the Holy Spirit Works”), clarifies what he sees as his own inadequacy (“How to Remember the Poor”), and expands into new theological territories (“How to be Theologically Ironic”).",
"\n\nAt a certain point, the composition of Hauerwas’s theological thought settled into a mixture of Aristotle, John Howard Yoder, Karl Barth, Alasdair MacIntyre, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. ",
"Like a protean piece of concrete, his theology takes many forms, but it is always made of the same materials. ",
"New questions are posed and new conversation partners are found, but familiar answers are given. ",
"In his more recent work, the ease with which Hauerwas slips into a Barthian register is both impressive and tiresome. ",
"The problem is not so much with Barth but in the way Barth is constantly used and reused. ",
"Like an overprescribed antibiotic, Barth starts to become ineffective. ",
"One gets the feeling that, eventually, the church’s problems will start to develop antibodies to the continual application of the same theological drug.",
"\n\nBut this pattern of myopic overprescription is not peculiar to Hauerwas—it’s a problem throughout the discipline of theology. ",
"When reading many academic theologians, you can’t help but wonder what their writing means for the Christian life or church. ",
"As I have said elsewhere, most theological work often seems the equivalent of a police officer handing out parking tickets in the middle of a riot. ",
"Academic theology holds a large ring of keys, but has forgotten what locks they might open.",
"\n\nEven with the unsurprising nature of The Work of Theology, a certain difference still marks Hauerwas’s theological work. ",
"Both the man and his writing play a role in this difference, and many aspects of his oddity have received treatment or critique: his ecclesiology, ethics, church/world distinction, Texas drawl, Christology, et cetera. ",
"But there is one oddity that, for the most part, remains relatively unexplored: Stanley Hauerwas as an essayist. ",
"Unlike many other theologians, Hauerwas doesn’t write academic tomes; instead, in book after book, he simply takes the fine thread of a theme and uses it to bind together many shorter arguments, presentations, and sermons.",
"\n\nWith each essay collection, he relates how he has been told to write the big book on ethics, make his position clear, do the “real work” of theology, reveal the method behind his madness. ",
"And it’s notable that an academic who failed to write as was expected of him would exercise so much influence over the academic and ecclesial conversation. ",
"Hauerwas’s essayistic oddity means something, for, as Benjamin Myers states,\n\nIt is one of the casualties of academic culture that theologians today tend to give so little consideration to their own use of language. ",
"When the conventions of academic discourse become self-legitimating, we can easily begin to assume that how we talk about God is relatively unproblematic, the only real question being what we say. ",
"The result is a sort of linguistic Docetism that tears apart form and content.",
"\n\nMyers draws attention to a general but important point about the unexamined habits that form academic theological speech and talking about God. ",
"All speech about God is fraught, tenuous, flirting with idolatry; this means how Hauerwas has said what he has said is important for what he has said. ",
"The form and genre of words matter, as truth and falsity can arise just as easily from the form of one’s speech as its content.",
"\n\nHauerwas himself recognizes this, and in one introduction after another, he gradually argues for the essayistic nature of his work. ",
"In his 1977 introduction to Truthfulness and Tragedy Hauerwas asserts that the essay is “the best form for a still developing theological ethic.” ",
"At this point, his argument is simple: the essay helps prevent premature closure, allowing for development and recurring acts of self-criticism. ",
"This justification resonates with how essayist Charles D’Ambrosio understands the “good essay”:\n\nA good essay seemed to question itself in a way that a novel or short story did not—or perhaps it was simply that the personal essay left its questions on the page, there for everyone to see; it was a forum for self-doubt, for an attempt whose outcome wasn’t assured.",
"\n\nAs its etymology indicates—essay partially comes from the French essai, which can mean “to try or attempt”— literary pliancy is part of the essay’s DNA. ",
"Openly dedicated to the “pathways” of a particular mind, its “humble mutability of tone” can help ensure that the questions keep breathing, allowing for the inadequacy of answers to be recognized and revisited.",
"\n\nThen, twenty years later, in Sanctify Them in the Truth, Hauerwas’s argument for the essay is refined, becoming more contextual. ",
"He argues,\n\nThat much of my work is done in the form of essays is, therefore, not accidental. ",
"Composing essays is something like doing theology one brick at a time. ",
"Just as laying bricks requires as well as allows for exploration and experimentation, so does the writing of essays. ",
"Having to work in such an experimental yet conscientious fashion seems to me to be particularly appropriate, given the ecclesial challenges before us.”",
"\n\nThe essay is a situational necessity, something that emerges from the current context where the church finds itself. ",
"Attentive to the landscape it is built within, the essay enables the still developing theological ethic lay its bricks in response to the specific challenges facing the church.",
"\n\nHauerwas provides the most robust defense of the essay in 2015’s The Work of Theology. ",
"In “How I Think I Learned to Think Theologically,” Hauerwas draws on David Starling’s interaction with his own work on the form theology should take, stating the following,\n\nDavid Starling . . . ",
"has called attention to my injudicious claim in After Christendom that “the very idea of systematic theology was a result of a church with hegemonic power that belied the very substance that made it the church to begin with.” ",
"Starling charitably observes that I am not dismissing theology per se, but rather the judgment I make about systematic theology reflects my general concern that Christian theology not be treated as a timeless system of belief (23).",
"\n\nFrom Starling’s reflections, Hauerwas compares his use of the essay with Paul’s letters—they are “occasional,” yet they cohere around “what makes the church the church” (24). ",
"Like Paul’s letters, the essayistic form both resists and critiques the theological dangers and errors present within certain forms of systematic theology. ",
"If Hauerwas’s words often critique how American Christianity is carried out, then the essayistic nature of his writing attacks how theology is done.",
"\n\nAccording to Hauerwas, problematic systematic theology began when doctrine “became an end in itself” and discussions of theological method became the prerequisite for theological speech—think of the ever-expanding prolegomena of the nineteenth and twentieth century (24). ",
"Unsurprisingly, Hauerwas views the personal panopticons of systematic theology as a late-blooming, diseased gift of Christendom. ",
"The politics of Christendom allowed for systematic theology to engage in idolatrous abstractions that were decoupled from the life of the church—it is a way of theology that emerged from and supports empire. ",
"More specifically, Hauerwas connects systematic theology’s more problematic forms with the post-Reformation’s articulation of doctrine for doctrine’s sake and the academic specialization of the modern research university. ",
"Taken together these historical inputs—Christendom, the post-Reformation doctrinal turn, and academic specialization—imprison theology within theoretical and methodological concerns, creating the conversational habits that Hauerwas hopes to resist.",
"\n\nThroughout its development as a form of writing, the essay has been used as an opportunity for both personal reflection and persuasive argument. ",
"The essay doesn’t require an attempt to edit yourself out of it; the I can remain on the page. ",
"It is a form of writing with practices friendly to particularity and resistant to abstraction. ",
"On the essay’s resistance to prioritizations of method and systems, the philosopher and sociologist Theodore Adorno has argued,\n\nWith regard to scientific procedure and its philosophic grounding as method, the essay, in accordance with its idea, draws the fullest consequences from the critique of the system. . . . ",
"Doubt about the unconditional priority of method was raised, in the actual process of thought, almost exclusively by the essay. ",
"It does justice to the consciousness of non-identity, without needing to say so, radically un-radical in refraining from any reduction to a principle, in accentuating the fragmentary, the partial rather than the total. . . . ",
"If truth has a temporal core, then the full historical content becomes an integral moment in truth.",
"\n\nLike anything, the essay can be abused, but from Michel de Montaigne to Joan Didion, from Stanley Hauerwas to W. E. B. Du Bois, there is a transparency regarding the “temporal core” and incompleteness of every essay.",
"\n\nWhile forms of systematic theology provide false closure and are a way for theological speech to forget the incomplete creatureliness of human speech, the essay starts at a different place. ",
"It begins with contingency, emerges from where you are. ",
"To borrow a phrase from Edwin Muir, the format of the essay provides one possible way out of the “hygienic prison” of academic speech and sheer doctrine. ",
"The essay is allergic to the false sterility of certain forms of academic speech—long attempts to deny the self—and if you try to wipe it clean of the personal, the form begins to break down.",
"\n\nHowever, the essay allows for more than just resistance to the Babelesque hopes of systematic theology. ",
"Hauerwas has repeatedly stated that his work is about helping the church to speak faithfully, helping Christians “try to mean what we say” (115). ",
"This is not to say that Christianity is all words but that the life of faith depends on witnessing to and embodying the story of Christ. ",
"The church is both an embodied proclaimer and participant in this story, and truthful speech and an intelligible story requires lives conformed to the way and truth of Christ. ",
"Christian communities act as a place of worship, a language school for faithful speech, the setting where we learn to practice the way of Christ. ",
"And theology, especially the theological essay, exists for the church; it exists to provide a particular way of teaching Christians how to speak Christian.",
"\n\nA comparative point is necessary here. ",
"In Christian Existence Today, Hauerwas connects the form of Barth’s Church Dogmatics to the linguistic work it does for Christian speech:\n\nTherefore, the style of Barth’s Dogmatics is integral to Barth’s theological position. ",
"For by his lengthy and leisurely unfolding of Christian language Barth was attempting to “re-create a universe of discourse, and he had to put the reader in the middle of that world, instructing him in the use of that language by showing him how—extensively, and not only by stating the rules or principles of discourse.”",
"\n\nLanguage does more than describe the world; it creates and orders worlds, shaping both what and how life is encountered. ",
"Systematic theology, with its seemingly bottomless concerns about method and atemporal pretensions, can act as a language school that malforms its students. ",
"In the Dogmatics, instead of providing an infinite prolegomenon—becoming stuck in the act of constructing a foundation upon which to ground theological speech—Barth attempts to simply speak fluent Christian, performing the language of the faith one topic at a time.",
"\n\nMore stylistically similar to Martin Luther in style than Barth, Hauerwas doesn’t create a universe of discourse but instead shows one essay at a time how we can go on speaking as Christians as certain forms of Christendom die. ",
"As it becomes a post-Christian body politic, America continues to invite Christians into a way of life which takes us off the path that our words about Christ require. ",
"Amid this shift, Hauerwas’s words hope to demonstrate that Christian speech is still possible, one act and one repetition after another. ",
"The good practices of the church should go on; the pilgrim should continue walking.",
"\n\nUltimately, it is the story of Christ that guides the Christian pilgrim in the act of “going on.” ",
"This story is what provides the church with the direction, the sense of where we are walking to and why we are walking. ",
"Yet we need more than a story. ",
"We don’t just tell the story—we must reflect on it—and the essay is a genre especially fit for reflecting on the story and assisting with the act of going on. ",
"It is a form of speech, a mode of theology, appropriate for the Christian sojourner, the pilgrim. ",
"As Alan Jacobs states, “I love the essay primarily because it is the genre par excellence of wayfaring. ",
"An old phrase holds that to be a Christian is to be homo viator: the human being as wayfarer, as pilgrim.”",
"\n\nThrough the essay, Hauerwas hopes to remind the church that it can go on as Christian sojourners because of its constellation of habits and practices, its grammar and rules that guide the formative words and work of good repetition. ",
"This is the Wittgensteinian angle to his use of the essay. ",
"The grammar of the faith enables us to continue in our worship and witness—we pilgrims can press on, discovering how to live truthfully in the contingency of who we are and what we have received. ",
"And this use of the essay reveals that contrary to many of his detractors, Hauerwas writes not for the sectarian clique but for the pilgrim church.",
"\n\nThe theological essay emerges from and speaks to a particular time and local community, a specific point along the journey. ",
"As Hauerwas says,\n\nIf theology is understood as something like the writing of letters, then it should be clear that there is no place to begin or end the work of theology. ",
"Rather you always begin in the middle. ",
"The demand for “method” is often an attempt to avoid this conclusion, but there is no method that can free theology of the necessity to respond to the challenges of trying to discern what being a Christian entails in this place and time. ",
"There is no prolegomena for all future theology. ",
"Indeed, there is no prolegomena period. ",
"It is performance all the way down. ",
"Thus, my presumption that letters, sermons, and essays may well be the central genres for theological reflection (24).",
"\n\nJust as there is no prolegomena in life, there is none in theology. ",
"The story never starts with us, and there is no need for an unshakable epistemological foundation, because we are part of an ongoing pilgrimage. ",
"We do not need epistemological temples; we instead require tents. ",
"We need no new beginnings but simply a theology that keeps us accountable to the journey we are already on. ",
"Therefore, the essay is, to use Nicholas Lash’s words about the Eucharist, “travellers’ fare”—“The food we need is travellers’ fare, because we are in via, living between the times.”",
"\n\nSustenance and sanctification are oddly similar events for the pilgrim. ",
"And sanctification, especially the sanctification of our speech, doesn’t occur through the adoption of a position or through the ossification of a space in the church or the academy. ",
"Sanctification is God’s act on us, but in this it is a velocity, something kinetic, a transformation on the move, the ability to go on, to abide. ",
"It leads to voices singing old songs, eyes seeing old things anew, feet falling in new places.",
"\n\nChristians, as sojourners, begin with what we are given, and what we have been given is often what we need. ",
"This is not to deny there are false givens (e.g., white supremacy) or moments when we must resist our formation and reject the fare we have received. ",
"During my a-Wesleyan worship experiences—when the familiar becomes strange and then familiar again—it’s almost as if I’m relearning what it means to keep going, reacquiring the capacity to follow the way of faith. ",
"The given becomes regiven; I can go on.",
"\n\nAs Hauerwas uses it, the theological essay—and the essays in The Work of Theology are no different—is about making what we have been given possible, sustainable, and maybe even faithful to where we find ourselves."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.003126 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nJQuery Post wrong reaction\n\nI want to post an variable to a PHP-File with This:\n $.post( $(\"#executiveForm\").attr(\"action\") ,{id:idvalue},function(response){\n if(response.message === \"error\"){\n alert(\"Error\");\n }else if(response.message === \"okay\"){\n location.reload();\n }else{\n alert(response.message);// always undefined\n }\n });\n\nMy Problem is, that the Parameter is sent to the PHP-File, but my PHP-File didn't respond. ",
"I've added the following Code at the first Line in the PHP-File to get an Error back (To test if the Post reachs the PHP-File):\n$makeItFail = \"\";\necho $makeItFail.error.showMeSomeErrors;\n\nUnfortunately, I only got the respond of my Whole PHP-Page, where I send the Post request... No Errors...\nPls dont answer with \"Use $.ajax\" or \"XML...\". ",
"I want to use \"$.post\".",
"\n\nA:\n\nFound the Answer.",
"\nI looked 1000 times but there are not a single PHP File with the same name, but I just renamed my PHP File 1-2 times to something completly Different from before and it worked... I dont know why, but I hope it helps.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.006095 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nHow to get Source code of html file and put in string\n\nIs it possible to put In a variable a source code of an HTML file?",
"\nI mean, If I have test.html, so how can I take the source code of this html file and put it on a string ?",
"\n\nA:\n\nJust open the file and read it:\nf = open('test.html', 'r')\nhtml_string = f.read()\nf.close()\n\nor\nwith open('test.html', 'r') as f: # with can auto close the file like f.close() does\n html_string = f.read()\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.003086 | 5 |
"Highly Luminescent Linear Complex Arrays of up to Eight Cuprous Centers.",
"\nLinearly arranged metal atoms that are embedded in discrete molecules have fascinated scientists across various disciplines for decades; this is attributed to their potential use in microelectronic devices on a submicroscopic scale. ",
"Luminescent oligonuclear Group 11 metal complexes are of particular interest for applications in molecular light-emitting devices. ",
"Herein, we describe the synthesis and characterization of a rare, homoleptic, and neutral linearly arranged tetranuclear Cu(I) complex that is helically bent, thus representing a molecular coil in the solid state. ",
"This tetracuprous arrangement dimerizes into a unique octanuclear assembly bearing a linear array of six Cu(I) centers with two additional bridging cuprous ions that constitute a central pseudo-rhombic Cu(I) 4 cluster. ",
"The crystal structure determinations of both complexes reveal close d(10) ⋅⋅⋅d(10) contacts between all cuprous ions that are adjacent to each other. ",
"The dynamic behavior in solution, DFT calculations, and the luminescence properties of these remarkable complexes are also discussed."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.004816 | 5 |
"[Response to the orthostatic test in patients with macrofocal myocardial infarct under different tempo of activization].",
"\nIn 68 patients with large-focal myocardial infarction subjected to different tempos of activization the orthostatic test was conducted while assuming the vertical position for the first time and prior to being discharged from the hospital. ",
"Orthostatic complications and changes in the terminal part of the ventricular complex on ECG were found to be much more frequent in cases of slow tempo activation. ",
"A qualitatively different response to the orthostatic test was revealed in myocardial infarction patients with or without circulatory insufficiency. ",
"In those with signs of circulatory insufficiency the acceleration of the cardiac contractions rate in the orthostatic position, the shortening of the ejection phase, the reduction of the rheographic amplitude in the lungs and the lower extremities were negligible in comparison with those free of circulatory insufficiency and having statistically significant shifts in the above parameters. ",
"The patients with circulatory insufficiency tended to a greater increase of the diastole-systolic ratio of the lower extremities rheogrammes which proves a hindered outflow of blood from this vascular zone. ",
"Faster tempos of activization, even in the presence of circulatory insufficiency, helped to prevent the above shifts."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.002062 | 5 |
"Designs for correction and camouflage of bilateral clefts of the lip and palate.",
"\nThe bilateral cleft anomaly is difficult to correct and camouflage because of the double lack of many important landmarks and the shortness of skin in the midvertical plane. ",
"A possible solution in patients who have some columella or in those of races not needing a long columella is the strap flap advancement of the nostril sills and alar bases. ",
"In all other cases, the forked flap is the method of choice for adequate correction and camouflage of the bilateral cleft lip-nose deformity."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
"Andrea:\nWe are having our credit lunch tomoorow from 11:30 to 1:30 in 30C1. ",
" You are \nmore than welcome to attend.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} | [
] | 0.004386 | 5 |
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the two players Mel Kiper is comparing Logan Thomas to both Tight Ends? ",
"Funny, I don't see comparisons being drawn between Eric Ebron (TE out of North Carolina, projected to be first taken in the draft) and any NFL quarterbacks.",
"\n\nLet's Explore The Perceptions Surrounding The Development Of VT QBs\n\nThis tweet just highlights the preposterous nature of this entire Logan Thomas experiment. ",
"Virginia Tech under Frank Beamer has operated under a crisis of confidence at the QB position for his entire tenure. ",
"Even getting Jim Druckenmiller drafted in the first round; and Michael Vick drafted number one overall didn't dispel his \"inferiority complex\" regarding how he is perceived as having built his program on ONLY the strength on Defense and Special Teams, and that he is strategically challenged on the offensive side of the football.",
"\n\nThe quarterbacks who recognize success in the program are not often coveted by the NFL, because the system(s) Virginia Tech runs are not compatible with those that are presently being used in the pros. ",
"And because, as the whispers tell it, the respect for the Football IQ of a VT quarterback product is often regarded as developmentally delayed. ",
"Druckenmiller and Vick did not help refute these notions.",
"\n\nI sympathize with Beamer. ",
"He is stuck between a rock and a hard place. ",
"He has to convince top-flight quarterback recruits to attend VT somehow, and to do this he needs to be able to assure them that he can prepare them for the pros, and potentially a big payday on draft day. ",
"You say, well aren't Druckenmiller and Vick proof positive that he CAN do this? ",
"Well, yes and no.",
"\n\nWhile it's true that those two did get drafted in the first round, anyone advising the potential recruit would say: Druckenmiller played in a system that VT no longer uses, and he was utterly unprepared to deal with the NFL playbooks when he arrived. ",
"And the adviser can ask the recruit: Do you run a 4.25 40 yard dash like Mike Vick, and can you throw the ball 75 yards in the air across your body? ",
"If the recruit says no, then you can see how the conversation ends there.",
"\n\nBecause the reality is, that Maurice DeShazo, Al Clark, Bryan Randall, Marcus Vick, Sean Glennon, and Grant Noel are more the rule for VT Football, and Druckenmiller and Vick unique exceptions. ",
"It is a very tough sell to any quarterback who hopes to make it to the NFL one day, that they can get the requisite attention in such a passing attack. ",
"And VT's offensive reputation among NFL draft personnel certainly hurt Tyrod Taylor, who found himself unfairly lumped in with the larger group, as opposed to being viewed as a potential game-changer with tremendous makeup.",
"\n\nTaylor still awaits his chance, having proven he is more than capable of absorbing and applying the concepts contained in the Baltimore Ravens playbook. ",
"Unfortunately, he awaits his chance while earning a paycheck that is less than it should be. ",
"Nobody will ever be able to convince me Tyrod didn't deserve to go in the top three rounds. ",
"His combine numbers were good, and he had a nice body of work at VT that was achieved in spite of the numbskullery of Bryan Stinespring's offensive playcalling.",
"\n\nBecause Stinespring and Mike O Cain were simply not up to task, Beamer found recruiting the position difficult and lost out on a few key targets that might have replaced Taylor. ",
"But with Logan Thomas displaying a huge arm and the carriage necessary to lead a team, Dr Beamerstein went into the lab and had a EUREKA! ",
"moment. ",
"Cam Newton had just been drafted and their physical attributes were similar. ",
"Beamer thought: perhaps this is my golden ticket!",
"\n\nThe rest is history, very disappointing mediocre history. ",
"After leading the Hokies to an 11-2 record (we won that Michigan Sugar Bowl $&#!) ",
"in 2011, Logan lost his top RB to the NFL's 1st round in David Wilson and lost a pair of school record-breaking Wide Receivers in Jarrett Boykin and Danny Coale. ",
"Tech never replaced these playmakers and Thomas slogged through a 15-11 record over his final two years, never to again reach the heights we caught a brief glimpse of here:\n\nThomas showed flashes every game, but rarely put the complete game together, save for the Miami tilts, who he saved his very best for. ",
"While in school he was never able to best Tajh Boyd as Clemson got the best of the Hokies three times; and Virginia Beach product EJ Manuel went on to become a key factor in revitalizing the Free Seafood University football program before getting drafted 16th overall by Buffalo in the 2013 draft. ",
"While those two were likely never coming to Blacksburg, it just highlights the deficit we were operating at creating a QB from relative scratch once Chesapeake-area recruit Kevin Newsome took his talents to the Big 10 (11? ",
"14? ",
"Whatever). ",
"All of those names were in-state products like Thomas, and none seriously considered VT as an attractive option.",
"\n\nLet's Talk Draft Now, You're Done Crying Over Spilled Milk\n\nBut enough of the sour grapes about Logan's VT tenure, which I completely deluded myself into supporting for far too long. ",
"Let's discuss the NFL prospects for Logan. ",
"I consider him to be a wonderful prospect....primarily at Tight End. ",
"And while he will be drafted at QB, it is my hope that he realizes he can make a far greater impact in the league at TE and follows that path.",
"\n\nAs evidenced in the tweet above and in my February article about the combine, Logan's measurables are TREMENDOUS. ",
"But is he really that fast? ",
"He was more of a rumbler when carrying the ball. ",
"We can essentially dispense with the Cam Newton comparisons right there. ",
"Examine the speed Cam exhibits here as he pulls away from DBs in the open field:\n\nBy contrast let's examine Logan's forays into the secondary. ",
"Funny, there aren't many, aside from one hole vs Miami in 2011 you could have drove an 18-wheeler through, when he went 73 yards. ",
"Instead, this is the type of run we came to expect, and NFL personnel men should expect nothing different once he reaches the pros:\n\nWhile Logan could run over defenders with his 260 lb frame, he often looked like a bull in a china shop, bucking around the right end on keepers and eating up three yards here, four yards there. ",
"His first year at the helm, he had an impressive run of 20+ straight 3rd and short conversion runs, but as the offensive line began to struggle in his second and third years, his push alone was not enough to pick up those first downs any longer; especially considering the defense had a good idea what was coming. ",
"Often his decision making on the keepers looked a bit delayed, and holes would close up on him.",
"\n\nAs you saw above, Logan can deliver the punishment. ",
"But he is also extremely durable while standing up to pass rush in the pocket, as Georgia Tech's Jeremiah Attaochu can attest:\n\nWhile Logan's refusal to go down on this play was admirable, and a key to that victory, this is not the kind of play NFL GMs envision him needing to make with any type of regularity, nor do they want him to. ",
"What they are looking for is rapid decision-making ability and the ability to self-preserve. ",
"Which is a disconnect documented all too well in the Robert Griffin III saga here in Washington DC.",
"\n\nAnd plays like this one below have everyone wincing at poor decision making and a lack of inclination to self-preserve:\n\nJust look at how he opens himself up to take that hit. ",
"Not wise at all, for a minor gain. ",
"And to me it was it was almost too poetic in terms of how that capped his VT career. ",
"Showing off the tools on one series, and giving cause for consternation on the very next.",
"\n\nCan He Make The Throws?",
"\n\nOK, so he's no burner, but he runs pretty fast for his size and he can take a hit. ",
"But what about the throws? ",
"As a QB can he make all the throws? ",
"To be curt, no he cannot. ",
"He has been working with quarterback \"guru\" (and man do I feel dirty for using it here) George Whitfield Jr. out in SoCal and per George Whitfield Jr:\n\nHonestly though what else is he supposed to say at this point? ",
"For me it's difficult to say how effective Whitfield is in working with QBs. ",
"He attaches himself to some pretty completed projects and takes a lot of extra credit for things that might have come to his clients organically in the first place. ",
"This article by Bruce Feldman states that his body of work with prep prospects isn't so \"glowing\". ",
"With combine numbers that were just fantastic, it's up to Logan to convince scouts that he can make the throws. ",
"Because if they refer to the tape they see this:\n\nYeah. ",
"Four picks in a HOME loss to Dook. ",
"When evaluating QBs you have to take into account both their ceiling and floor. ",
"If this is the floor, then there are miles of work to be done before you could classify him as a completed project. ",
"Which is why he went from being hailed as the next Cam Newton and a likely first round choice following his 2011 campaign to mid-late round project following his senior year.",
"\n\nThe developmental concerns in going from a red-shirt sophomore who exhibited such poise and leadership to a shaky, somewhat defensive senior have been cataloged the world over. ",
"The ESPN look-in at summer camp showed Thomas having an inordinate amount of difficulty throwing intermediate out patterns, check out starting after the 18:40 mark:\n\nYou can see the frustration on Wide Receiver Aaron Moorehead's face as he takes Beamer's constructive criticism about WRs catching with their hands and away from the body. ",
"If someone would just stopping bouncing those passes, maybe they would be able to utilize proper technique.",
"\n\nSo Now That We've Established That Logan Is Still A Diamond In The Rough, Where Does He Get Drafted?",
"\n\nWho knows? ",
"Just what you read this far to read right?",
"\n\nThere have been murmurs that he could go late in the 2nd round, and there have been projections of him going as late as the 5th. ",
"He has the strongest arm of all the QBs in the draft, and is still being thought of as one of the most intriguing prospects in the draft, even more advanced at this point than Cam Newton. ",
"It appears that folks are actually holding VT against him in a beneficial way this time around, which goes against the grain of the history I quoted you above. ",
"It appears that NFL scouts view him as malleable, and feel that all his bad habits can be worked out in the right system.",
"\n\nThe hedge bet here is that those teams that are thinking of him as a 2nd round pick will see what he has to offer at QB, but deep down they know he could be split out wide and catching passes for them in the event that the QB gambit fails. ",
"Those that draft him later see him exclusively at QB in their plans, and would be excited to have an overall athlete of his caliber developing his skills for the future.",
"\n\nFor my inflation-adjusted two cents, I am of the opinion that you only take Logan in the 2nd round if you plan on him playing relatively soon, in one capacity or the other. ",
"At QB, I don't believe he's ready to do much beyond run the practice squads for a while, certainly not step in immediately and carry the clipboard as a number two.",
"\n\nEveryone loves a big, mobile athlete taking snaps. ",
"One who can see the field and has the arm for the throws. ",
"But as we all saw from the Alabama opener all the way through the Sun Bowl, while he has the arm for those throws, he doesn't exhibit patience, look defenders off well, or make the touch throws with any natural ease. ",
"But if you need the 20 yard seam route, nobody looks prettier.",
"\n\nThis may have read like I'm negative on Logan, but that couldn't be further from the truth. ",
"I'm just negative on the universal tug-of-war that has surrounded him for four years now, and it's a stalemate, with no one side getting pulled into the mud. ",
"He is a jack of all trades and master of none at this point. ",
"And I hope that whatever situation he finds himself in come Monday, that he will be able to shake free from the clutches of negativity that we've foisted upon him as an over-expectant fan base.",
"\n\nBut just so you know, I look at this video below and I see the future of Logan Thomas:\n\nEnjoy the weather and the draft everyone! ",
"We'll back later with our final pre-draft profile on Antone Exum, and we'll continue with draft coverage over the weekend so you can see where all our Hokies end up! ",
"Let us know below in the comments where you think Logan might be a good fit."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.00656 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nYou have two rooms to build your photography skills, measuring about 12 x 12 feet and 9 x 8.8 feet. ",
"What lens/lenses would you buy and why?",
"\n\nAfter days of indecision I've decided I'll be buying the Nikon D5100. ",
"Now my only issue is what lens/lenses to go for. ",
"I think it will be best to give you an idea of what types of photographs I intend to take and information about the type of environment and space I'll be working in as well as the type of video footage I intend to shoot. ",
"I'll throw in a few example photos to show you what my expectations are in regards to the full potential of the camera and lens/lenses.",
"\nPhotographs\nI'm going to be taking a mixture of headshots, head and shoulder shots, head to waist shots, the occasional full body shots and photos with family. ",
"But my photos will mainly be above the waist. ",
"Also 90% of these photos will be of myself, in other words they'll be self portraits. ",
"\nI will be taking a lot of gym progress photos to track my weight gain (suffered muscle atrophy due to injury). ",
"Most of my photos will go into online albums on facebook, flickr, instagram etc. ",
"They won't be blown up for now, I'm still a beginner and want to use myself as a guinea pig to learn. ",
"It will also be nice to be able to take photos of nice places I travel to. ",
"\nMost of these photos will be shot in the home gym (12 x 12 feet) and in a small room (furthest walls at 9 x 8.8 feet). ",
"I don't plan on doing any self portraits outside the house at the moment.",
"\nVideo\nI will shoot gym sessions from different angles. ",
"We have a summer house we have converted into a mini home gym and the space I'm working with is about 12 x 12 feet as mentioned above. ",
"\nAdditional Accessories\nI'll be buying a cheap tripod for under £20 via ebay, not sure if theres anything else I'll need. ",
"I'm guessing the camera will come with a carry case.",
"\nThe Needs\nI want a lens in my budget that has the potential to produce the most sharpest possible realistic images. ",
"Check the photos attached and you'll see what I'm aiming for. ",
"Also background blur would be great.",
"\nAdditional Info\nOriginally I wanted to go for the 135mm lens but they're costly and I've been told by many this will be too long for the space I want to shoot in. ",
"I then looked at Nikkor AF-S 85mm f/1.8G Lens and seen it for £419. ",
"I could push my budget but again various people have said it will be too much for the space I'm shooting in. ",
"\nI decided to call Jessops on Tottenham Court Road in London and a 35mm lens was recommended. ",
"I do know I definitely want a prime lens but then again the flexibility of using a zoom lens would come in very handy. ",
"I'm just obsessed with clarity, whether it's clarity in music, clarity when I'm writing code or taking photographs, I just demand quality. ",
"\nConclusion\nI've come to the conclusion that I may need to buy 2 lenses. ",
"I was thinking I could go for this deal http://www.jessops.com/online.store/categories/products/nikon/d5100-digital-slr-camera-18-55mm-vr-lens-80903/show.html which comes with a 18-55mm VR Lens. ",
"Then purchase either a 35mm prime lens which I'm not liking the idea of or going for a 50mm prime lens to accompany the 18.55mm VR lens. ",
"\nI don't want to go overboard with my lens selection then not be able to produce great photos and I don't want to aim too low and get something that just isn't good enough. ",
"I'm not a photographer but I seem to be able to notice the tiniest of details in various compared photographs. ",
"On top of this the motivation to learn is there. ",
"Being a programmer I'm patient, good at problem solving and willing to put in the work to learn this craft.",
"\nI've often been told I'd make a great photographer because of my attention to detail and to be honest lately I've been intrigued by how much there is to photography. ",
"It's like a whole new world that's not just about picking up a camera and pressing a button. ",
"It's a complex art and this is part of the reason I decided to take it up as a hobby. ",
"The other reason is because I often find myself saying \"I wish I got this on camera\". ",
"Well no more.",
"\nIt seems I need balance. ",
"I need all my equipment to work like a successful marriage. ",
"I understand I could spend £1000 on a lens that wouldn't work well with the environment I'll be working in. ",
"So it's about weighing my options and making a good decision.",
"\nThe Question\nTaking all the information I've provided, if you were me and had a £700 budget what lens/lenses would you buy to accompany your Nikon D1500 and why would you choose it/them?",
"\n\nA:\n\nI've chosen an 18 - 55mm VR lens and an 85mm lens. ",
"I managed to try them out yesterday and I really like them. ",
"My aim was to make a purchase and not need to upgrade in a long time and I feel my chosen lenses will cover most of what I intend to shoot. ",
"I chose the 85mm over the 50mm for a number of reasons such as reviews, sample images, recommendations and I feel it's a nice balance between the 135mm and the 50mm.",
"\nBelow is my final list of my \"beginner\" equipment, well sort of final list. ",
"I can get a Nikon D7000 for a little more or if I want to be a little extra and get a Nikon D7100. ",
"I'm looking at this as a long term investment and seeing as I saved all throughout 2013 and just paid bills I'm seeing this a kind of treat to myself. ",
"This is a hobby I'd like to take seriously, it will be a way of freeing my mind from the stresses of software development.",
"\nWho knows I might be able to make some money out of it one day. ",
"I'm feeling really drawn to the Nikon D7000 because of how convenient it will be in regards to my external flash. ",
"One thing that bothers me is not having the swivel screen but to be honest that's not a big deal. ",
"I don't care for the big amount of megapixels for the bill board.",
"\nFinal To Buy List\nNikon D5100 + 18 - 55 VR Lens\n£399\nor D7000 or D7100\nNikon AF-S NIKKOR 85mm f/1.8G Lens\n£352\nNikon SB-700\n£140\nWestcott Shoot-Through Umbrella\n£17.21\nSandisk 64GB SDXC Memory Card\n32.79\nNikon ML-L3 Remote Control\n£6.45\nManfrotto 055XPROB Tripod\n£116\nGiottos GTLC325-1 4 Section 322cm Lighting Stand\n£34.61\nManfrotto 026 Lite Tite Swivel + Umbrella Adapter\n£23\nManfretto 498RC2\n£74.99\nTotal spend: £1016.44 (If I end up going for the D5100 camera)\nUpdate: \nI ended up going for the D7100. ",
"It made sense as it cost me an extra £300 or so, with my lenses and all my above gear I feel I'll be good for a few years. ",
"Looking forward to the experience.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.002319 | 5 |
"A group of people related to the Swedish Pirate Party claimed this week that the state has officially sanctioned “Kopimism” as a legitimate religion, granting them the freedom to carry out their holy sacrament of copying information from the Internet.",
"\n\n(Update: Reached for comment by Raw Story, Swedish authorities with the Kammarkollegiet confirmed that Kopimism has indeed been granted the status of a religion.)",
"\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nThe Missionary Church of Kopimism, which holds that copying information is a sacred act, has been wrangling with Swedish authorities for over a year, trying to obtain recognition for their beliefs. ",
"Their first request was denied in March of 2011 after authorities found that they did not meet the formal requirements to be recognized as a valid faith.",
"\n\nThe church claimed it had finally won that recognition, saying in a press release this week (translated to English by Google) that it took so long because Swedish authorities have been “infiltrated” by copyright “extremism.”",
"\n\n“Throughout history, various groups around the world have been persecuted by oppressors,” the church explains on its website. “",
"They have since taken refuge in religion with a desire for a peaceful coexistence. ",
"Without threats and harassment. ",
"In our belief, communication is sacred. ",
"Communication needs to be respected. ",
"It is a direct sin to monitor and eavesdrop on people. ",
"Absolute secrecy is holy in the Church of Kopimism.”",
"\n\nMost Swedes are members of the Church of Sweden, which follows Lutheranism. ",
"It is not a state-sponsored religion. ",
"Recognized religious denominations are allowed to apply for financial support through the national tax system, which their members contribute to in order to support their favored organizations. ",
"The government does not track the religion of individual citizens.",
"\n\nA United Nations report on religious freedom in Sweden, filed in 2010, found that there are 22 other recognized religious denominations in the country. ",
"The report noted that Swedish officials generally respect religious freedoms, imposing only minor regulations on religious practices like the ritual slaughter of animals, male genital mutilation (circumcision) and unusual dietary restrictions for soldiers.",
"\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nIt was not clear whether the religious exception for copying information would enjoy the same level of protection from the government, but Sweden is known as one of the friendliest countries in the world for individuals who disregard copyright law on the Internet. ",
"Since the Pirate Party took Sweden by storm in 2006, they’ve been credited with helping push more moderate politicians into positions of support for online freedom, and the party’s youth wing is the largest in the country with over 21,000 members."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.003465 | 5 |
"Henryk VII\n\nHenryk VII may refer to:\n\n Henry VII of Brzeg (1343/45 – 1399)\n Henry VII Rumpold (ca. ",
"1350 – 1395)"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | [
] | 0.010101 | 5 |
"I promised a thread on \"centrists\" vs \"partisans\" earlier. ",
"Here it is!",
"\n\n\n\nIt's easy to believe that centrists, by virtue of their own self-declared beliefs, are less biased than partisans. ",
"They're not. ",
"They're just prone to a different type of bias.",
"\n\n\n\nIt may even be a WORSE bias!",
"\n\nWhy worse? ",
"Because a partisan's biases are easy to detect, whereas a centrist's are not.",
"\n\n\n\nIf a conservative labels something socialist, put your critical thinking skills on alert. ",
"Likewise if a leftist labels something racist.",
"\n\n\n\nWhen do you put your guard up with a centrist?",
"\n\nHow do I know centrists have their own set of biases? ",
"Because condemning tribalism and bubbles doesn't mean you can escape it. ",
"Centrists follow other centrists, read other centrists, watch other centrists. ",
"Crucially, they TRUST other centrists - which is where bias comes in."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
"Saufley honored with civil rights award\n\nPORTLAND, Maine (AP) - The chief justice of Maine's highest court is being honored for her years of work improving the state's judicial system.",
"\n\nLeigh Saufley, chief justice of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, is this year's winner of the Sampson Center Catalyst for Change Award. ",
"The annual honor is given by the Jean Byers Sampson Center for Diversity in Maine at the University of Southern Maine.",
"\n\nSaufley will receive the award at a dinner in Portland on Thursday.",
"\n\nThe Sampson Center promotes diversity and civil rights through research, education and outreach.",
"\n\nSaufley is being honored for helping focus the court system on domestic violence issues, strengthening the special adult and juvenile drug courts, and advocating that people with limited English skills have access to interpreters.",
"\n\nCopyright 2013 The Associated Press. ",
"All rights reserved. ",
"This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.008069 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nFinding the tangent to a piecewise function\n\nI'm new to Mathematica and I am trying to calculate the expression of the tangent to the curve \nf[X_] = \n Piecewise[{{-X^2 + 4 X - 3, X < 3}, {3 - X (Abs[X - 4]), X >= 3}}] \n\nat x = 2. ",
"\nI have to draw the function and the tangent line. ",
"I would really appreciate some help. ",
"\n\nA:\n\nWell, easy. ",
"Just calulate the slope at $x=2$ and then, plot the tangent with that slope and through the point $(2, f(2))$.\nThe slope is calulated as the first derivative of $f(x)$ in $x=2$:\nD[f[v], v] /. v -> 2\n\nand the tangent line passing through $(2, f(2))$ with $f(2)=1$ is:\nX*(D[f[v], v] /. v -> 2) + f[2]\n\nPlotting both functions:\nPlot[{Piecewise[{{-3 + 4 X - X^2, X < 3}, {3 - X Abs[-4 + X], X >= 3}}, 0],\nX*(D[f[v], v] /. v -> 2) + f[2]}, {X, 0, 5}, \nPlotRange -> All, Epilog -> {Red, PointSize[0.02], Point[{2, f[2]}]}]\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.001237 | 5 |
"Bryce Bennett finishes 16th in men’s Olympic downhill\n\nLocal alpine skier Bryce Bennett competed in men's downhill at the Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea on Wednesday, Feb. 14, and finished in 16th place.",
"\n\nBennett didn't have a great start to the race, which featured 55 competitors, and by the end of his run was 1.97 seconds off the pace of gold medalist Aksel Lund Svindal, of Norway.",
"\n\nSvindal, 35, finished with a time of 1:40.25 to become the oldest man to win an alpine skiing gold medal. ",
"Bennett, 25, finished the course with a time 1:42.22 for Team USA’s fastest run. ",
"The Squaw Valley product was ninth in the third and final training run leading up to the event. ",
"Bennett also took 17th place in men’s alpine combined earlier in the week."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.009784 | 5 |
"Improvement in hemocompatibility of chitosan/soy protein composite membranes by heparinization.",
"\nTo improve the hemocompatibility of chitosan/soy protein isolate composite membranes by heparinization. ",
"Chitosan/soy protein isolate membranes (ChS-n, n=0, 10 and 30, corresponding to the soy protein isolate content in the membranes) and heparinized ChS-n membranes (HChS-n) were prepared by blending in dilute HAc/NaAc solution. ",
"The hemocompatibility of ChS-n and HChS-n membranes were comparatively evaluated by measuring surface heparin density, blood platelet adhesion, plasma recalcification time (PRT), thrombus formation and hemolysis assay. ",
"The surface heparin density analysis showed that heparinized chitosan/SPI soy protein isolate membranes have been successfully prepared by blending. ",
"The density of heparin on the surface of HChS-n membranes was in the range of 0.67-1.29 μg/cm2. ",
"The results of platelet adhesion measurement showed that the platelet adhesion numbers of HChS-n membranes were lower than those of the corresponding ChS-n membranes. ",
"The PRT of the HChS-0, HChS-10 and HChS-30 membranes were around 292, 306 and 295 s, respectively, which were longer than the corresponding ChS-0 (152 s), ChS-10 (204 s) and ChS-30 (273 s) membranes. ",
"The hemolysis rate of HChS-n membranes was lower than 1%. ",
"The hemocompatibility of ChS membranes could be improved by blending with heparin. ",
"Compared with ChS membranes, HChS membranes showed lower platelet adhesion, longer PRT, higher BCI, significant thromboresistivity and a lower hemolysis rate due to the heparinization. ",
"This widens the application of chitosan and soy protein-based biomaterials that may come in contact with blood."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.008275 | 5 |
"591 F.2d 1387\n100 L.R.R.M. (BNA) 3130, 85 Lab.",
"Cas. ",
"Plaintiffs-Appellants,v.JACKSONVILLE TERMINAL COMPANY, Defendant-Appellee.",
"\nNo. ",
"78-2682\n\nSummary Calendar.*",
"\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Fifth Circuit.",
"\nMarch 28, 1979.",
"\nMahoney, Hadlow & Adams, Guy O. Farmer, II, Jeffrey H. Klink, Jacksonville, Fla., Highsaw, Mahoney & Friedman, John O'B. Clarke, Jr., James L. Highsaw, Jr., Washington, D. C., William J. Donlon, Gen. Counsel, Brotherhood of Railway & Airline Clerks, Rosemont, Ill., for plaintiffs-appellants.",
"\nLuke G. Galant, Jacksonville, Fla., for defendant-appellee.",
"\nAppeal from the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida.",
"\nBefore CLARK, GEE and HILL, Circuit Judges.",
"\nPER CURIAM:\n\n\n1\nAppellants, an unincorporated labor organization and individual employees of appellee, brought an action in the District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Jacksonville Division, asking that an award of a Special Board of Adjustment established pursuant to the Railway Labor Act, 45 U.S.C. § 153, Second, be reviewed and declared invalid.",
"\n\n\n2\nThe district court, George C. Carr, Judge, ruled in favor of appellee, and this appeal is from that order and judgment dismissing the case.",
"\n\n\n3\nIn a memorandum opinion accompanying the Order of Dismissal, the district judge cited the case of BRAC v. Kansas City Terminal Ry., ",
"442 F.Supp. ",
"1173 (W.D.Mo.1977). ",
" Noting that the cited case has since been affirmed by the Eighth Circuit, BRAC v. Kansas City Terminal Ry., ",
"587 F.2d 903 (8th Cir. ",
"1978), we affirm on the basis of the District Court's opinion attached as an Appendix.",
"\n\n\n6\nThe Court has for consideration the defendant's motions to dismiss and strike and plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment. ",
" The Court held a hearing on the motions on March 15, 1978. ",
" Upon review of the memoranda and oral argument of the parties, the Court is of the opinion that defendant's motion to dismiss should be granted. ",
" All other pending motions, therefore, need not be discussed.",
"\n\n\n7\nPlaintiffs are the Brotherhood of Railway, Airline and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, (hereinafter cited as B.R.A.C.), and five named individuals who are members of B.R.A.C. The individual plaintiffs were formerly employed by the defendant, Jacksonville Terminal Company, as mail handlers in its Baggage and Mail Department. ",
" B.R.A.C. is the duly authorized representative of the individuals named herein.",
"\n\n\n8\nOn February 7, 1965, a collective bargaining agreement, identified as the Stabilization Agreement was entered into by all the nation's railroads and the five labor organizations representing the railroad employees. ",
" The purpose of the agreement, as outlined by the parties in argument, was to provide protective benefits to employees of carriers who might be harmed by predictable technological advances in the industry. ",
" In exchange for these protective benefits, the carriers acquired the right to transfer and rearrange work with employees throughout the carrier system in order to implement technological, operational, and organizational changes. ",
" The carrier was restricted by the agreement because it could not require the crossing of craft lines by employees. ",
" This agreement was executed pursuant to the provisions of the Railway Labor Act and remains in effect. ",
" The plaintiffs named in the complaint qualified under the provisions of the Stabilization Agreement as \"protected employees\" and as such were eligible for the protective benefits provided under the agreement.",
"\n\n\n9\nOn September 12, 1975 the individual plaintiffs were informed that their positions as mail handlers would be abolished as of October 18, 1975. ",
" The reason for their termination by the defendant was that the contract between Jacksonville Terminal Company and the United States Postal Service relative to the handling of bulk mail had expired. ",
" The Postal Service as of the date of the plaintiffs' termination had completed a new facility in Jacksonville for the handling of bulk mail and had hired a labor force to perform those operations.",
"\n\n\n10\nAfter the September 12, 1978 notice was posted, B.R.A.C. representatives corresponded frequently with the defendant and steadfastly asserted that the employees handling mail were \"protected employees\" and could not be fired. ",
" The defendant responded to the B.R.A.C. assertions by stating that that Stabilization Agreement did not offer protection to employees in those situations where the business of a specific facility was completely terminated. ",
" The defendant did continue to employ several workers after the plaintiffs' termination, but the retained employees worked in a switching tower and were never involved in the company's mail operation.",
"\n\n\n11\nWhen the parties failed to reach an agreement as to the application of the Stabilization Agreement, the plaintiffs submitted the dispute to the disputes committee created by Article VII of the Stabilization Agreement. ",
" Upon consideration of the briefs and evidentiary documentation of the parties, dispute committee, Special Board of Adjustment 605 (Award No. ",
"409), found that the Stabilization Agreement contemplated the decline in the carrier's business, but did not contemplate the complete cessation of the carrier's business. ",
" The Special Board of Adjustment also considered the plaintiffs' contention regarding the continued employment of the towermen by the defendant, but rejected the significance of this fact in light of the complete cessation of work at the mail facility.",
"\n\nThe Present Litigation\n\n12\nOn July 19, 1977, approximately four months after the ruling in Award No. ",
"409 by Special Board of Adjustment 605, the plaintiffs filed suit in this Court seeking review of Award No. ",
"409. ",
" The Court has jurisdiction of the complaint pursuant to both 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1337. ",
" Although there was some initial speculation whether district courts could review arbitration awards pursuant to voluntary agreements (like the Stabilization Agreement) as opposed to an arbitration award issued by a statutorily created arbitration board (National Railroad Adjustment Board), the weight of authority now supports review on the awards of both types of boards on the same basis. ",
" Employees Protective Ass'n v. Norfolk and Western Railway Co., 511 F.2d 1040 (4th Cir. ",
"1975); Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers v. Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad, 411 F.2d 1115 (10th Cir. ",
"1969); Kansas City Southern Railway Co. v. Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, 305 F.Supp. ",
"1142 (W.D.Mo.1969); Contra Brotherhood of Railway Employees v. Special Board of Adjustment No. ",
"605, 410 F.2d 520 (7th Cir. ",
"1969). ",
" Thus it is settled that voluntary arbitration awards can be reviewed and the scope of review by the Court is the same as that applied to statutory arbitration awards. ",
" The scope of review which is clearly set forth in 45 U.S.C. § 153 First (p) and (q), limits invalidation of a special board's findings only to (1) failure of the board to comply with the requirements of the Railway Labor Act; (2) failure of the order to confine itself to matters within the scope of its jurisdiction; or (3) fraud or corruption of the members of the board. ",
" The plaintiffs contend that the award of the special board is invalid because it failed to comply with the requirements of the Railway Labor Act and because it failed to confine itself to matters with the scope of its jurisdiction. ",
" See plaintiffs' complaint, Paragraph 17.",
"\n\n\n13\nThe Supreme Court in Gunther v. San Diego and Arizona E. R. Co., 382 U.S. 257, 86 S.Ct. ",
"368, 15 L.Ed.2d 308 (1965) discussed the restricted power of the Courts to review findings and orders made by the Board. ",
" In Gunther the Court in reversing the District Court's invalidation of the Board's decision stated, \"certainly it cannot be said that the Board's interpretation was wholly baseless and completely without reason.\" ",
" The Fifth Circuit in elaborating upon Gunther has opined,\n\n\n14\n. . . ",
" In the arbitration context, an award \"without foundation in reason or fact\" is equated with an award that exceeds the authority or jurisdiction on the arbitrating body. ",
" To merit judicial enforcement, an award must have a basis that is at least rationally inferable, if not obviously drawn, from the letter or purpose of the collective bargaining agreement.",
"\n\n\n15\n. . . ",
" If there is no rational way to explain the remedy handed down by the arbitrator as a logical means of furthering the aims of the contract, that is, if an award is \"without foundation in reason or fact\", the award lies beyond the arbitrator's jurisdiction.",
"\n\n\n16\nBrotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Central of Georgia Railway Co., 415 F.2d 403, 411-412 (5th Cir. ",
"1969). ",
" See also Diamond v. Terminal Railway Alabama State Docks, 421 F.2d 228 (5th Cir. ",
"\n\n\n17\nThe plaintiffs contend that Special Board of Adjustment No. ",
"605 (Award No. ",
"409) departed from its jurisdiction because its interpretation of the dispute was without basis in the written agreement, the conduct of the parties under that language, or in some uniform custom and practice concurred in by the parties. ",
" Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Central of Georgia Railway Co., supra at 414. ",
" The plaintiffs' chief disagreement with the Board's decision is that it equated the closing of the defendant's Baggage and Mail Department with a complete cessation of the defendant's business.",
"\n\n\n18\nGiven the facts relative to the closing of the defendant's Baggage and Mail Department, the Board's decision has a foundation in reason and fact. ",
" The Board's decision simply acknowledged that for all practical purposes the termination of the work in the Baggage and Mail Department was not a decline in work of the defendant, within the terms of the Stabilization Agreement, but was the death knell of defendant's entire business operation. ",
" The Board further acknowledged that the defendant could not be expected to terminate all its operations on a single day. ",
" It is significant to note that the Board's determination relative to the termination of businesses is a decision which follows the Board's prior precedent although without the segmentation question. ",
" Special Board of Adjustment No. ",
"605 (Awards No. ",
"352 and 408). ",
" It is clear from a reading of the Board's decision that it followed its obligation in evaluating whether the dispute was within, not only the language of the agreement, but within its purposes. ",
" In deciding that the parties had not designed the Stabilization Agreement to handle the dispute presented, the Board did not go outside its jurisdiction but dealt squarely with the failure of the contract in question to provide a remedy. ",
" Thus upon consideration of the Board's decision and record, the Stabilization Agreement, and the memoranda of the parties, the Court is of the opinion that the Board acted within its jurisdiction, that it complied with the requirements of the Railway Labor Act, and that its decision was a logical means of furthering the aim and purpose of the contract. ",
" BRAC v. Kansas City Terminal Railway Co., 442 F.Supp. ",
"1173 (W.D.Mo.1977). ",
" Accordingly, the defendant's motion to dismiss should be and is hereby granted.",
"\n\n\n19\nDONE AND ORDERED in Chambers in Jacksonville, Florida this 30th day of June, 1978.",
"\n\n\n\n*\n Rule 18, 5 Cir.; ",
" See Isbell Enterprises, Inc. v. Citizens Casualty Co. of New York et al., ",
"5 Cir., ",
"1970, 431 F.2d 409, Part I\n\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "FreeLaw"
} | [
] | 0.010805 | 5 |
"Resource\n\nTowards the next generation: delivering affordable, secure and lower emissions power\n\nThe Minister for the Environment and Energy, the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP, asked the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) and the Climate Change Authority to jointly provide advice on policies to enhance power system security and to reduce electricity prices consistent with achieving Australia’s emissions reduction targets in the Paris Agreement (Appendix A). ",
"In developing its advice, the Authority and the AEMC were asked to draw on existing analysis and review processes and be informed by independent modelling.",
"\nThis report outlines the AEMC and the Authority’s findings on these important matters.",
"\nAustralia’s energy sector is undergoing a significant transformation. ",
"This change is being driven by new technologies, business models and consumer preferences. ",
"It also reflects the intent of governments (particularly the Commonwealth Government as well as the state and territories) to reduce emissions from energy generation to meet emissions reduction targets or, in some cases, to support renewable technology industries.",
"\nAs many commentators have observed, energy and emissions reduction policies have been largely pursued as separate agendas. ",
"In the AEMC and the Authority’s view, this lack of cohesion between energy and emissions policy has placed considerable pressure on the National Electricity Market’s (NEM’s) ability to supply secure and low cost electricity for Australian businesses and consumers. ",
"The policy advice provided in this report is intended to provide a platform to underpin the better integration of energy and emissions reduction policies in the future and in doing so, help keep electricity prices as low as possible while enhancing power system security.",
"\nThe NEM was established to introduce competition in the wholesale electricity sector with the objective of decentralising operational and investment decisions to commercial parties who are best placed to bear the costs and manage the risks of those decisions. ",
"The overall aim of the NEM is to provide reliable, secure energy at the best possible price for consumers. ",
"To continue to do so, the NEM will need to continue to transform and significant commercially driven capital investment will be needed.",
"\nInvestment decisions taken today affect reliability, security, prices and emission levels for many years to come. ",
"A policy or policies to reduce emissions and help meet Australia’s Paris targets would need to attract widespread support, if they are to be durable and provide investment certainty.",
"\n\nWith regard to separation of food scraps for composting, this research identified that there are two important aspects often overlooked when the focus is only on behaviour: 1. ",
"Policy makers need to ensure that there are socio-technical systems supporting diverse groups of people...Read more\n\nThe 2020s are predicted to be a decade of transformation for urban mobility. ",
"There are at least six forces that are expected to disrupt the urban mobility landscape. ",
"From self-driving vehicles and the sharing economy, through to vehicle electrification, mobile computing, the...Read more\n\nWith the final report from the Finkel Review into the future security of the National Electricity Market (NEM) having been released, here are ten basic facts about electricity costs, emissions and security to help guide you through it.",
"\n\nThe Climate Action Tracker (CAT) foresees a dwindling role for natural gas in the power sector toward the middle of the century, not only to meet the Paris Agreement goals, but also due to increasing competition from renewables."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.004207 | 5 |
"For To Copy Files\n\nI have an operation that copies files very quickly on my local drive, but when it is run against a server, it can greatly slow down. ",
"I had the idea that maybe I could throw it at the Parallel.",
"For. ",
"Is it possible? ",
"Below is my code.",
"\nDim FilesToCopy As HashSet(Of String) = New HashSet(Of String)\n\n 'FilesToCopy holds the files names that will be copied because \n 'the \"copy\" folder can have hundreds of files, but only a small subset will be copied\nFor Each Item In FilesToCopy\n FileName = My.",
"GetName(Item)\n Splitter = Regex.",
"Split(FileName, \"_\", RegexOptions.",
"IgnoreCase)\n ThisHour = Integer.",
"Parse(Splitter(9).Substring(0, 2)) + 1\n My.",
"Concat(GrabPath, \"\\\", Item), String.",
"Concat(DropPath, \"\\\", _\n StaticFileName, ThisHour.",
"ToString, \".NETLOSS\"), FileIO.UIOption.",
"OnlyErrorDialogs, UICancelOption.",
"ThrowException)\n SBuilder.",
"Concat(StaticFileName, ThisHour.",
"ToString, \".NETLOSS\"))\n LogFile.",
"Concat(\"INFO The following file (\", Item, \") was copied from the \", GrabPath, _\n \" folder to the \", DropPath, \" folder.\"))",
"ForEach is what you want. ",
"Since I don't know the VB.NET syntax, I'll give a C# version. ",
"I hope it's understandable to you.",
"\nTurn this:\nforeach (var Item in FilesToCopy)\n{\n /*do stuff using Item*/\n}\n\nInto this:\nParallel.",
"ForEach(FilesToCopy, Item =>\n{\n /*do stuff using Item*/\n});\n\nYou may also want to consider the overload of ForEach that takes a third ParallelOptions parameter, which you can set the MaxDegreeOfParallelism property of.",
"\nBe aware that whatever \"stuff\" you're doing in the loop body will need to be threadsafe, meaning (in this context) that it behaves properly if it is being run multiple times for different items concurrently.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.010569 | 5 |
"LR7\n\nThe LR7 is a manned submersible undersea rescue vehicle in service with the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) since 2009, and is usually deployed onboard one of China's Type 926 submarine support ships. ",
"Constructed by the British firm Perry Slingsby Systems, of the Triton Group, as a development of earlier LR5, the 25 ft long LR7 is designed for retrieving sailors from stranded submarines at a depth greater than 300 meters, and is capable of rescuing 18 at a time.",
"\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Auxiliary ships of the People's Liberation Army Navy\nCategory:Crewed submersibles\nCategory:Submarines of the People's Liberation Army Navy\nCategory:Deep-submergence vehicles\nCategory:Deep-submergence rescue vehicles\nCategory:Lifeboats"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | [
] | 0.00669 | 5 |
"Let’s examine “Some responsibilities proper to the catechetical ministry,” specifically, an “Analysis of the situation and its needs.” ",
"This analysis is directed for dioceses and other “big” organizations, but a parish should probably be attuned to this:\n\n279. ",
"The particular Church, in organizing its catechetical activity, must have as its point of departure an analysis of the situation. “",
"The object of this investigation is multiple: included are examination of pastoral action and analysis of the religious situation as well as of the sociological, cultural, and economic conditions, to the extent that these facts of collective life can greatly influence the success of evangelization”. (",
"General Catechetical Directory 100) This is nothing other than becoming aware of reality from the point of view of catechesis and its needs.",
"\n\nMore concretely:\n\n– there must be a clear awareness, in “examining pastoral action”, of the state of catechesis: how, in fact, it is situated in the process of evangelization; a distinct balance between the various catechetical sectors (children, adolescents, young people, adults); the co-ordination of catechesis with Christian education in the family, in schools and elsewhere; its internal quality; the contents imparted and the methodology used; the characteristics of catechists and their formation;\n\n– an “analysis of the religious situation” of the Diocese includes three closely related levels: the sense of the sacred, that is those human experiences, which, because of their depth, tend to open to mystery; the religious sense, the concrete ways in which a particular people conceives of and communicates with God; and the situation of the faith, in the light of the various types of believer; in connection with these levels, it also investigates the moral situation as lived, inquiring into its emerging values and evident ambiguities or counter values.",
"\n\n– “socio-cultural analysis”, about which much has already been said in relation to the human sciences in the formation of catechists, (Cf. ",
"Part Five, chap. ",
"5) is also necessary because catechumens and those being catechized must be prepared to constitute a Christian presence in society.",
"\n\n280. ",
"The analysis of the situation, from these various perspectives, “should also convince those who work in the ministry of the word that, so far as pastoral action is concerned, human situations are ambivalent. ",
"Therefore, workers in the service of the Gospel should learn to note the many possibilities that are opening up for their action in new and diverse circumstances… For always possible is a process of change which can make clear the way to the Faith”. (",
"General Catechetical Directory; cf. ",
"Introductory explanation, 16)\n\nThis analysis is a primary working instrument, of an informational nature, offered by the catechetical service to pastors and catechists.",
"\n\nCommentary:\n\nOur current weakness is in missing the evangelical connection–how Catholics reach out to the unchurched. ",
"And sorting out the authentic catechetical needs: inspiring first faith and engaging catechesis when the new/renewed believer is ready.",
"\n\nConsider those “three closely related levels,” the human encounter with the sacred, the concrete experience of religion, and the various expressions of faith. ",
"Morality is then linked with these, but these three “levels” give a context, and a hope for both evangelization as well as deepening the faith life later on.",
"\n\nLike this:\n\nLikeLoading...\n\nRelated\n\nAbout catholicsensibility\n\nTodd lives in the Pacific Northwest, serving a Catholic parish as a lay minister."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.002431 | 5 |
"Entering Sunday, the Eagles had two paths to the division title: Either beating the Rams at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, or having the Giants game against the Cowboys either ending in a Cowboys loss, or a tie between the pair of division rivals at MetLife Stadium.",
"\n\nGoff threw to Pharoah Cooper who tried to lateral the ball to Tavon Austin, but he dropped the ball and it was recovered by Brandon Graham for the game clinching score.",
"\n\nBefore the fumble and the field goal and the big third-down pass to Agholor and the final touchdown by the defense, Carson Wentz got hurt.",
"\n\nPhiladelphia continued to pile on as they scored on their next possession as Wentz found backup tight end, Trey Burton for the go-ahead touchdown.",
"\n\nAnti-Trump Protests Flare In Beirut Close to The US Embassy\nThe Turkish presidential source said Erdogan and Macron agreed during a phone call that Trump's move was worrying for the region. ",
"The Foreign Ministry stated that Turkey was concerned about Palestinian casualties sustained during the protests.",
"\n\nPopular news\n\nPresident Pence 'unwelcome in Palestine,' PA says\nThe vice-president will also address the Knesset, the first senior U.S. official to do so since President George W. Trump said this marks the start of a \"new approach\" to solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.",
"\n\nStatus Orange Weather Warning For Midlands\nAn orange weather warning has already been issued by Gardai and Met Eireann for counties in Connacht, Ulster and Leinster. ",
"The warning was issued on yesterday, Friday 8 December and will last until tomorrow, Sunday 10 December at 11pm.",
"\n\nCreek Fire Containment Up to 40 Percent\nIn Los Angeles , the Burning index rating, a daily reading of fire danger, is now at 296, according to fire officials, a record. ",
"Santa Ana winds continued to hamper the firefighting effort, with gusts expected to reach up to 80 miles per hour at their peak.",
"\n\nIsraeli army destroys incomplete tunnel from Gaza\nSince 2007, following the winning of Hamas in the elections in Gaza, Israel has imposed a blockade on the strip. ",
"The IDF used explosives to destroy another tunnel from Gaza on October 30, killing at least seven Palestinians.",
"\n\nPope Francis says 'Lord's Prayer' words should be changed\nThe Lord's Prayer , which is memorized by millions of Christians across the world, appears in the New Testament of the Bible. ",
"The Pope claims God does not lead you into temptation . \"",
"It is not God who tempts us into sin but the enemy of human nature\".",
"\n\nLouvre Abu Dhabi to Display World's Most Expensive Painting\nSaudi Prince Badr bin Farhan al-Saud had recently been rumored to have bought the painting, which the Prince's office denied. ",
"People visit the Louvre Museum, during the public opening day, in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Saturday, Nov. 11, 2017."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.010948 | 5 |
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"pile_set_name": "Github"
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] | 0.010811 | 5 |
"The present invention relates to a method for making organohalosilanes by the direct reaction of an organic halide such as methylchloride and powdered silicon in the presence of a copper catalyst. ",
"More particularly, the present invention relates to the employment of thermally oxidized spent direct method contact mass as a source of copper oxide catalyst for the production of organohalosilanes.",
"\nPrior to the present invention, organohalosilanes were generally made by the direct reaction of an organic halide and powdered silicon in the presence of a copper catalyst as shown by Rochow U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"2,380,995. ",
"It was found that as the reaction proceeded, the silicon powder became spent which adversely affected yield and selectivity.",
"\nRossmy, U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"3,069,452 teaches that improved yields and selectivity of organohalosilanes can be obtained if the copper catalyst used in the Rochow synthesis is replaced with a brittle easily grindable silicon-copper alloy having from 50% to 99% by weight copper. ",
"The silicon copper alloy is then finely ground and mixed with silicon powder and the resulting mixture is sintered in an inert atmosphere prior to reaction with organic halide.",
"\nIn Shade, U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"4,281,149, particles of silicon and copper of less than 40 microns average diameter which were generated during the Rochow process are removed from the reactor, abraded and then returned to the reactor. ",
"In Shah et al, U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"4,307,242, a portion of direct process contact mass is analyzed for particle size distribution, classified and segregated into a silicon rich fraction which can be returned to the reactor, and a silicon poor fraction which can be removed from the reactor.",
"\nIn copending application Ser. ",
"No. ",
"7/867,657, filed Apr. 13, 1992, there is described a method for passivating or stabilizing spent silicon contact mass generated during the direct method for making organohalosilanes by the reaction between silicon powder and an organic halide such as methylchloride. ",
"Spent silicon contact mass can have an average particle size in the range of 0.1 to 200 microns. ",
"It is difficult to manage because it is pyrophoric in air and cannot be readily moved to an appropriate waste disposal site or be reused. ",
"Treatment of spent silicon contact mass by heating it at a temperature in the range of about 900.degree. ",
"C. to about 1400.degree. ",
"C. under an inert atmosphere has been found to render the spent contact mass substantially unreactive in air and more easily handled. ",
"The treating procedure of copending application Ser. ",
"No. ",
"07/867,657, provides a significant advance over prior art methods such as shown by Hosokawa, U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"4,724,122, requiring the combining of the spent silicon contact mass with water and granulating the mixture followed by coating the resulting granules with an inert organic powder. ",
"Offenlegungschrift DE 313 1732A1 and U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"4,758,35to Feldner et al. ",
"also describe procedures for reprocessing residues produced during organohalosilane synthesis. ",
"Unlike copending application serial no. ",
"07/867,657, the residues from DE 313 1732A1 and U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"4,758,352 are derived from sludge vessels which consist of siliceous solids and liquids such as polysilanes. ",
"It is desirable therefore to provide additional procedures for making organohalosilane from spent powders while minimizing waste."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} | [
] | 0.000365 | 5 |
"Linux - NewbieThis Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.",
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"\n\nIntroduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide\n\nThis guide was created as an overview of the Linux Operating System, geared toward new users as an exploration tour and getting started guide, with exercises at the end of each chapter.",
"\nFor more advanced trainees it can be a desktop reference, and a collection of the base knowledge needed to proceed with system and network administration. ",
"This book contains many real life examples derived from the author's experience as a Linux system and network administrator, trainer and consultant. ",
"They hope these examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system and that you feel encouraged to try out things on your own.",
"\n\nMasterC....it just keeps getting worse: kscd crashes everytime I try to load it and xmms locks up either individually or it locks the whole system! ",
"None of the cd burning applications 'see' tracks even with /dev/cdrom1 like grip showed tracks with. ",
"I removed xmms from the system and re -installed and no change....can't find a way to remove kscd to do th same.",
"\nIf my other computer wasn't a 486 with win95 and a nearly full 2g hardrive I would try it there now. ",
"Still thinking about Wal-Mart....\n\nHmm... First try a different window manager. ",
"Fire up fluxbox or something lite, maybe xfce since it's Cholesterol Free Either way, get away from KDE for now. ",
"Let's rule out a sound server problem. ",
"Now fire up grip again. ",
"Get the CD playing. ",
"Make sure you have the audio cable connected to the back of the drive and the soundcard. ",
"Make sure volumes are unmuted in your mixer. ",
"Make sure you have permission to access /dev/dsp and /dev/dsp (and /dev/mixer). ",
"Check the modules to ensure the module for your card is loaded. ",
"Finally, check the volume on your speakers, and make sure they are plugged in.",
"\n\nNow, here's how to get your mixer up (use root for all of this, but be careful not to dork with anything too much):\nfire up xterm or any terminal and type:\nkmix (or gmix or aumix if any of those don't work, install one from your install discs)\n\nthe minor success that I had using the KSCD to play a disc was done with KDE gui, I don't like using terminal's, I haven't really got a clue how to use them to best advantage, as I haven't had any experience of them - my first PC was a wind0w$ 95 system so I was too late for DOS.",
"\n\nJust keep at it, it's got to be a configuration thing if you are getting system sounds.",
"\n\nIn my case, it's cos I'm a total tit, either that, or as per f*****g, the pricks who write the documentation don't understand the meaning of the word \"Intuitive\" - cos that's what they say about XMMS, and let me tell you, they are lieing like a hairy egg.",
"\n\nOh, and before I finish my rant, I can't get f*****g grip to start either. ",
"I was earlier, but I went to change the \"cdrom\" device to it said /dev/scd0 and now the bastard just won't start - I did also try it in a terminal but the piece of s**t just says error unable to initialise cdrom2\n\nso at the moment, it's a pile of crap!",
"\n\nregards\n\nJohn the unfeasibly frustrated!",
"\n\np.s. ",
"did I read somewhere that you are getting stuck in respect of resources i.e. hdd size or ram or somesuch - I only ask, because I use mandrake because the bit of research that I did before starting to learn linux indicated that mandrake was about the most user friendly in a newbie/desktop sort of way - again they lied seriously though, I feel that half the problem is that the people who are linux dev's have forgotten what it's like to be a n00b, and that's why they use phrases like \"intuitive\", when it's not, but as for the snags you mentioned with win xp - my hdd is only 40 gig's and the win xp has a partition of about 22 gig's. ",
"But if your hdd is getting a bit full, slash and burn - I don't tend to keep anything on my hdd except the applications, and if I find that I don't use something - then I bin it.",
"\n\nmasterC\ni need some basics on doing a differnet window manager...typing flubox or xfce at the run command or a terminal did nothing.",
"\nI tried the other trouble shooting cammands and that did nothing or showed me nothing.",
"\n\nbigjohn\nI feel your frustration! ",
"this Linux will never fly with the general public if it cannot be managed from the desktop! ",
"This coding from a terminal is like dinking with the registry in windows. ",
"I d/l'd and installed from the internet and so far my only investment is time and I am running out of that and patience. ",
"Has anyone who has actually bought this product gotten any support?",
"\nI thought that apple was the stepchild to windows...mandrake must be the bastard child....\n\nTo start with, the first couple of times, I just did download stuff, but the version that I have running at the moment is a boxed set - which did actually make a difference.",
"\n\ne.g. I know that you can now get the various nvidia drivers, but they where already on the boxed version and set up ready to go. ",
"Also, the support for the alcatel speedtouch usb really was \"out of the box\" no more messing with the microcode.",
"\nAnd they included the \"bootstrap\" rpm for the micr0$0ft font's that are available on the net, though I removed that and did the install myself, as that enables me to use all the fonts I want (under my wind0w$ licence).",
"\n\nI also decided that to show a little loyalty, the 25 pounds was better in their bank than in my wallet, I now appreciate some of the difficulties of producing software, and as you can't even get a decent restraunt meal for \"*a pony\" down my neck of the wood's I thought, why not.",
"\n\nEven though I generally enjoy using mandrake - more than once I have been close to putting a large hammer straight through the monitor in frustration - but then I remember (thus far) that I do't get road rage even if I'm trying to force my 55ft tractor/trailer combo through central London - I just walk away and chill.",
"\n\nOriginally posted by 322bnh masterC\ni need some basics on doing a differnet window manager...typing flubox or xfce at the run command or a terminal did nothing.",
"\nI tried the other trouble shooting cammands and that did nothing or showed me nothing.",
"\n\nbigjohn\nI feel your frustration! ",
"this Linux will never fly with the general public if it cannot be managed from the desktop! ",
"This coding from a terminal is like dinking with the registry in windows. ",
"I d/l'd and installed from the internet and so far my only investment is time and I am running out of that and patience. ",
"Has anyone who has actually bought this product gotten any support?",
"\nI thought that apple was the stepchild to windows...mandrake must be the bastard child....\n\nHow are you getting into X? ",
"If you are using \"startx\" then you will need to just make a .xinitrc file in your home directory, and then add this line to that file:\nexec /path/to/xfce\nTo find the path:\nwhereis xfce\n\nThen logout of your existing X, and then start right back up:\nstartx\nAnd it should fire up xfce."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.001186 | 5 |
"Cross-cultural differences in risk perceptions of disasters.",
"\nPublic risk perceptions of mass disasters carry considerable influences, both psychologically and economically, despite their oft-times imprecise nature. ",
"Prior research has identified the presence of an optimistic bias that affects risk perception, but there is a dearth of literature examining how these perceptions differ among cultures-particularly with regard to mass disasters. ",
"The present study explores differences among Japanese, Argentinean, and North American mental health workers in their rates of the optimistic bias in risk perceptions as contrasted between natural disasters and terrorist events. ",
"The results indicate a significant difference among cultures in levels of perceived risk that do not correspond to actual exposure rates. ",
"Japanese groups had the highest risk perceptions for both types of hazards and North Americans and Argentineans had the lowest risk perceptions for terrorism. ",
"Additionally, participants across all cultures rated risk to self as lower than risk to others (optimistic bias) across all disaster types. ",
"These findings suggest that cultural factors may have a greater influence on risk perception than social exposure, and that the belief that one is more immune to disasters compared to others may be a cross-cultural phenomenon."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.000546 | 5 |
"Linda Mtoba finds love\n\nMtoba,25, who plays Zama Ngwenya on hit drama Isibaya, broke the hearts of many of Mzansi’s men when she posted her traditional-wedding pictures on Instagram this week.",
"\n\nA few did not take the news well, with one hurt male follower, Sipho Mokati, tweeting a request to become husband number two.",
"\n\nBayanda Mzoneli from the National Association of Husbands and Boyfriends (Nahab) lamented on Facebook: “Nahab has noted, with disappointment and anger, the reports of Ms Linda Mtoba’s purported wedding over the weekend. ",
"As if colonisation, apartheid, land dispossession and the plundering of our natural resources by white people was not enough, a white man has now misappropriated, unto himself, one of our prized national assets, Linda Mtoba.”",
"\n\nRead the full post here:\n\nMxolisi Phendukwayo followed, creepily, with: “We are calling on all Nahab members to make contributions in putting together the money that was paid for lobola by this mlungu guy called Steve and pay him back his unholy lobola of our national key point.”",
"\n\nIn an interview this week, Mtoba wore a silver-and-bronze wedding band. ",
"She admitted some of the comments were hurtful, while others were very funny.",
"\n\n“My husband and I read the comments and just laughed,” she said.",
"\n\nMtoba declined to reveal her husband’s name, saying she needed to respect the fact that her husband was not the one in the entertainment industry.",
"\n\nThe couple has been together for the past six years and met through a mutual friend in Durban. ",
"From the first day they “just clicked – it was love at first sight”, she says.",
"\n\n“It feels great to be a wife. ",
"There is a bit of a change because of our commitment to each other and now there is a sense of belonging,” she says.",
"\n\nMtoba and her on-screen character, Zama, have one thing in common – they are both in love.",
"\n\nThe proposal\n\nShe recalls how her husband proposed to her.",
"\n\n“It was a random Sunday and it was very cloudy, it was just the two of us in our home in the most natural state. ",
"We were just canoodling in the bedroom and I just saw him taking out a ring, he took my hand and put a ring on it. ",
"It was the most perfect thing ever and I couldn’t say no,” she says.",
"\n\n“I had told him before that the day he decides to propose to me, it has to be natural and simple because we’ve done many romantic things before.”",
"\n\nThere will be a white wedding\n\nMore bad news for her male fans: Mtoba is busy planning her white wedding. ",
"It will be intimate and private with family and close friends.",
"\n\nMtoba, who will have been in Isibaya for a year next month, never studied drama. ",
"The show was her first acting gig. ",
"The former isiZulu teacher was motivated by a friend to audition.",
"\n\n“My friend believed in me, more than I believed in myself. ",
"When she encouraged me to audition for Zama’s role, I doubted myself,” she says. “",
"But when I left that audition room, I had a feeling I’d nailed it.”",
"\n\nHowever, she says she has turned down two big acting gigs because she feels she still has to perfect her craft before jumping to another ship.",
"\n\nMarriage and fame, she says, won’t change her.",
"\n\n“I’m still your girl from next door and I like spending time indoors. ",
"If I’m not shooting, I spend most of my time with my family in Umlazi. ",
"My family ... let me be what I want to be.”"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.005153 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nHow to merge decision/fork nodes in UML\n\nI have the below UML activity diagram for a shopping cart use case. ",
"It has several decision and fork nodes but there are no corresponding join/merge nodes. ",
"Could you please show me:\n\nhow to correct the diagram by introducing the merge/join nodes. ",
" \nhow to modify the diagram so that a customer can repeat the process (of adding more products to the shopping cart).",
"\n\nThank you.",
"\n\nA:\n\nDo you have an initial activity element anywhere? ",
" Makes it a bit easier to read. ",
" To your question, the merge should be used as opposed to having multiple connectors coming into the same activity. ",
" For instance, \"Acknowledge Msg\" should have a merge above it that the other branches can flow into.",
"\nAs for how to make it repeatable, you may want an \"Add to Cart\" action, and prior to a \"Checkout\" action, have a Decision with guards for \"Shopping Complete\" (which goes to the Checkout action) and \"Continue Shopping\" (which goes back to \"Enter Product #\").",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.002518 | 5 |
"Anatomic proximity of the peroneal nerve to the posterolateral corner of the knee determined by MR imaging.",
"\nThe pie crusting technique has been extensively used to release the lateral soft tissue in total knee arthroplasty. ",
"However, it may place the peroneal nerve at direct injury risk when performed in a valgus knee. ",
"The aim of this study was to determine the anatomic proximity of the peroneal nerve to the posterolateral corner of the knee. ",
"One hundred knees were measured on axial MR images for the proximity of peroneal nerve to the closest edge of the inner surface of joint capsule or the posterolateral corner of proximal tibia at the level of the joint line and the level of the tibial cut respectively. ",
"The distance between the peroneal nerve and the closest edge of the inner surface of joint capsule at the level of the joint line was 15.0 ± 2.6mm (range, 8.5-22.3mm), and the distance between the peroneal nerve and the posterolateral corner of proximal tibia was 14.0 ± 2.7 mm (range, 8.0-23.2mm). ",
"These distances were correlated with the anteroposterior diameter of the soft tissue of the knee, but not correlated with the size of the tibia. ",
"These results suggest that it is safe enough providing that the scalpel blade does not pierce more than 8mm deep. ",
"However, patients with smaller legs are at greater risk of direct peroneal nerve injury."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Central"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
"The invention relates to a gas turbo-group according to the preamble of claim 1.",
"\nThe requirements for performance and efficiency of gas turbo-groups are paralleled by rising requirements both for cooling the thermally highly loaded machine components on the one hand, and for the design of the cooling system on the other hand. ",
"Sufficient cooling therefore must be ensured in the interest of operational safety. ",
"On the other hand, the consumption of cooling air should be reduced as much as possible. ",
"EP 62932 suggested cooling the components of a gas turbine with steam in the closed cycle. ",
"This requires a relatively complex sealing of the components carrying the cooling steam. ",
"At the same time, the components are cooled solely by convection; no use is hereby made of the effect of a cooling film for reducing the introduction of heat. ",
"A number of other documents, for example EP 684 369 or EP 995 891 and the corresponding U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"6,161,385 suggest the use of steam or of a steam/air mixture for cooling film-cooled components. ",
"However, such processes require relatively large amounts of steam that must fulfill high requirements with respect to purity and superheating in order to prevent obstructions of the film cooling holes that often measure only a few tenths of a millimeter across. ",
"Even if the required amount and quality of steam is available, the cooling of the gas turbo-group with steam is not inherently ensured, which is in contrast to cooling with compressor extraction air.",
"\nConsequently, the cooling with compressor extraction air continues to have a number of solid advantages, whereby the extracted cooling air volume should be minimized in the interest of the efficiency of the working process. ",
"As a result, the design of cooling air systems more and more pushes the limits so as to still provide sufficient cooling even at the most unfavorable operating pointxe2x80x94seen from the standpoint of cooling technologyxe2x80x94yet without using too much cooling air. ",
"On the one hand, this means a high sensitivity for deviations of the working process from the design point if, for example, as a result of shifting pressure conditions in a machine, the cooling air volumes vary. ",
"On the other hand, an overcooling of thermally loaded components results in a series of other operating points so that the potential performance and efficiency levels are not achieved.",
"\nIt has therefore been repeatedly suggested, for example in EP 1 028 230 to provide variable throttle points in the cooling air path. ",
"DE 199 07 907 suggests to directly adjust the pre-pressure of the cooling air with adjustable compressor rotating rows arranged immediately next to an extraction point for the cooling air. ",
"While the implementation of these measures is indeed promising, they are by nature very complicated and hardly suitable for retrofitting existing gas turbo-groups. ",
"In addition, the installation of moving parts into the cooling system, as disclosed in EP 1 028 230, is associated with the latent risk of an obstruction of the cooling air lines should a mechanical failure of components occur.",
"\nThe present invention is based on the objective of preventing the disadvantages of the state of the art in cooling a gas turbo-group of the initially mentioned type.",
"\nThis objective is realized with the entirety of the characteristics of claim 1.",
"\nThis means that it is the core of the invention to bypass a throttle point in the cooling air channelsxe2x80x94a throttle point known to the expert from the state of the art for adjusting the cooling air mass flow in a defined mannerxe2x80x94and to use suitable means for designing the bypass mass flow in a variable manner, for example, by locating a regulating means in a second flow channel that acts as a bypass; alternatively to a variable throttling of the bypass, means that exert a variable motive force on the bypass mass flow, for example ejectors, also can be provided. ",
"These means are realized in a way so as to be accessible to external control interventions. ",
"It is useful that the second flow channel has smaller dimensions than the cooling air channel; in particular, the dimensions of the second flow channel are such that the throughput mass flow accounts for no more than 80% of the mass flow of the main cooling air channel. ",
"Values ranging from 20% to 50% are found to be favorable; if it is sufficient for the desired variation range, the size of the bypass mass flow also may be designed with values of 10% and less or even only 5% of the main mass flow, or even less. ",
"The design mass flow in the bypass hereby must correspond at least to the desired control dynamics. ",
"A particularly advantageous aspect of the solution according to the invention is that it is not necessary to design the entire cooling air mass flow as variable, but that only a partial flow must be varied by suitable means. ",
"It is hereby furthermore advantageous that, in particular when cooling the stator, this bypass channel can be passed to a point of the gas turbo-group that is accessible from the outside, while the main cooling system is able to extend in a compact manner along the machine. ",
"This is an important advantage with respect to maintenance and adjustability; in addition, such a measure is much more suitable for the retrofitting of existing systems than a variable throttling of the entire main cooling air mass flow.",
"\nAn advantage with respect to operational safety is that the bypass line is provided, upstream from the union with the main cooling air flow, with a retention system that prevents debris from entering and blocking the cooling air channels if the regulating means in the bypass should break."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} | [
] | 0.000438 | 5 |
"John R. Cherry III\n\nJohn R. Cherry III is an American film director and screenwriter, most notable for creating the character of Ernest P. Worrell.",
"\n\nCareer\nA native of Nashville, Tennessee, Cherry attended the Ringling School of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida.",
"\n\nHe was the executive vice president and co-namesake of the Nashville-based Carden and Cherry advertising agency, for which the \"Ernest\" character was developed. ",
"He based the character on a man who worked for his father, about whom Cherry has said, that he thought he knew everything but did not know anything. ",
"Ernest was portrayed for 15 years by Jim Varney, who at the time of the character's debut was an up-and-coming stand-up comic; after a string of successful commercials and sketches, Cherry directed a television series (Hey, Vern! ",
"It's Ernest) and several movies. ",
"Cherry made three cameo appearances in his own films: in Slam Dunk Ernest as a basketball spectator, Ernest Goes to Africa as a customer and in Ernest in the Army as Sergeant Ben Kovsky. ",
"In addition to Varney, Cherry also introduced the comic duo of Chuck and Bobby (Gailard Sartain and Bill Byrge respectively), who were integrated into the Ernest films as supporting characters.",
"\n\nCherry retired the Ernest character after Varney's declining health made it impossible for him to continue in the role (Varney died in 2000). ",
"He directed two other films without Ernest: For Love or Mummy, a collaboration with Larry Harmon that sought to reintroduce the long-deceased Laurel and Hardy comic team with new actors (with Hardy portrayed by Sartain); and Pirates of the Plain, for which Cherry had intended to include Varney but could not.",
"\n\nPersonal life\nHe has 3 children: Josh and Emilie from a previous marriage and his son Chapman from his current marriage with Ruthie Cherry, with whom he resides in Nashville.",
"\n\nCherry's son Josh appeared in Ernest in the Army as Corporal Davis.",
"\n\nFilmography\nPirates of the Plain (1999)\nThe All New Adventures of Laurel & Hardy in For Love or Mummy (1999)\nErnest in the Army (1998)\nErnest Goes to Africa (1997)\nSlam Dunk Ernest (video) (1995)\nErnest Rides Again (1993)\nErnest Scared Stupid (1991)\nErnest Goes to Jail (1990)\nErnest Saves Christmas (1988)\nErnest Goes to Camp (1987)\nHey, Vern, Win $10,000 (video) (1987)\nDr. Otto and the Riddle of the Gloom Beam (1986)\nThe Ernest Film Festival (video) (1986)\nKnowhutimean? ",
"Hey Vern, It's My Family Album (video) (1983)\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:1948 births\nCategory:Film producers from Tennessee\nCategory:American male screenwriters\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:People from Franklin, Tennessee\nCategory:Film directors from Tennessee\nCategory:Screenwriters from Tennessee"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | [
] | 0.017424 | 5 |
"How many pathways to pheochromocytoma?",
"\nPheochromocytomas, like several other tumors, may be either sporadic or the manifestation of a familial cancer syndrome. ",
"Recently, major advances have occurred in both the understanding of diverse molecular mechanisms leading to pheochromocytoma and the diagnostic modalities available for detection of the disease. ",
"Familial pheochromocytoma may be a manifestation of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN-2), von Hippel-Lindau (VHL), or neurofibromatosis-1 (NF 1) disease. ",
"Tumor-suppressor genes responsible for the familial occurrence of extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma, called paraganglioma, have been identified. ",
"This wealth of genetic information, coupled with the availability of sensitive and specific biochemical tests as well as imaging studies, allows for genetic screening and early diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. ",
"In addition, genetic screening of relatives at risk is now feasible. ",
"In this article, we review recent clinical and molecular advances in our understanding of pheochromocytoma."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.001553 | 5 |
"CD133+ bone marrow stem cells (BMSC) control platelet activation - Role of ectoNTPDase-1 (CD39).",
"\nWe previously demonstrated CD133+ bone marrow stem cells (BMSC) to promote hepatic proliferation for liver regeneration. ",
"Here, we evaluated the capacity of CD133+BMSC to utilize platelets for homing to vasculature and concomitant controlling their aggregability upon ADP stimulation. ",
"CD133+BMSC and platelets were co-cultured along micro endothelial cells under variable flow conditions and tested for homing levels along vasculature. ",
"Aggregometry and FACS analysis were utilized to evaluate platelet reactivity following co-incubation ± CD133+BMSC. ",
"RT-PCR and FACS analyses served to characterize ADP degrading ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase-1 (ectoNTPDase-1/CD39) expression on various cell types. ",
"Platelets attracted human CD133+BMSC to autologous micro endothelium under shear stress unaffected by ADP stimulation. ",
"However, CD133+BMSC inhibited ADP-mediated platelet activation and aggregation. ",
"Latter was dependent on ectoNTPDase-1 expression levels. ",
"Platelet aggregatory control was increased with CD133+BMSC compared to CD133+PHSC. ",
"Different effects of those stem cell subtypes positively correlated with their FACS-detected expression levels of ectoNTPDase-1. ",
"We provide evidence that CD133+BMSC are capable of controlling ADP-dependent platelet aggregation and activation by direct interaction dependent on cellular expression of ectoNTPDase-1. ",
"Whether different capacities of BMSC modulate platelet-depending thrombogenicity at sites of regeneration impact effectiveness and adverse event profiles of regenerative treatment requires further evaluation."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.003706 | 5 |
"Political Leader Murder….Bleeding On the Road Till The Death\n\nBharatiya Janata Party (BJP) pioneer was cut to death in Lucknow by unidentified attackers, police said on Tuesday. ",
"Pratyishmani Tripathi, 34, was assaulted on Monday night in Badshahnagar. ",
"He was left bleeding out on the road .",
"\n\nAs per the police, he was raced to the trauma centre at the King George’s Medical University (KGMU) where he was pronounced dead on entry . ",
"Just before he died at around 3 a.m., his wife claimed that he had named five men who attacked him.",
"\n\nTripathi was involved in a spat with some neighbours a few days back over an eve teasing incident, his family members said. ",
"Not long after 12 pm, several of his followers dissented outside the hospital , raised protest against police and demanded the quick suspension of Lucknow Senior Superintendent of Police Kalanidhi Naithani.",
"\n\nThe upsetting group asserted that Tripathi had educated the locale police chief about dangers to his life and requested security however the demand was not paid notice to."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.005303 | 5 |
"Look, I have a Minecraft Orespawn sword! ",
"It is a tiger’s eye sword. ",
"Ew… does that mean this is made of a cat’s eye? ",
"I think I’ll use my giant corndog as a weapon instead. ",
"Wait, … Eww, it’s made of a dog’s corn.",
"\n\nOne day, I was visiting London. ",
"When I was strolling along Baker Street, I bumped into Sherlock Holmes! ",
"The real Sherlock Holmes! ",
"The detective that solved every case that he had a taste of. ",
"Many people call him a maniac, or a psychopath. ",
"But he calls himself a high functioning socialpath. ",
"I tried not to … Continue reading “The Fires of Buckingham”\n\nLazy Wolf: I’m going down the sea to make jelly doughnuts. ",
"Pig: Why do you need to go down the sea? ",
"Lazy Wolf: First, I need to collect some jellyfish for jelly. ",
"Next, I heard there’s hidden treasure in the sea so I’ll get a ton of dough. ",
"And … Pig: Let me guess. ",
"You’re … Continue reading “Jell-sea Dough-water”"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.003697 | 5 |
"Q:\n\njQuery insert/remove text at specific position in input field/textarea\n\nI am trying to do similar thing as YouTube has when you are embeding a video and you want to get a code. ",
"You can click on checkboxes or select size and it dynamically changes the value of input field.",
"\nDoes somebody have idea how to do it?",
"\nI managed to write a code that is replacing the width correctly, but I dont know how to make a code that would add &scheme=XXX at the end of the link or remove it if user selects no color scheme.",
"\nThis is the code for width,I dont think its best one, but works:\n$(\"#width\").on(\"change keyup\", function(){\n var width = $(this).val();\n if (width){\n $(\"#embed-text\").val($(\"#embed-text\").val().replace(/ (width\\s*=\\s*[\"'])[0-9]+([\"'])/ig, ' width=\\''+width+'\\''));\n }\n});\n\nHere is textarea which I am trying to change and inputs I'm using for it:\nThe ID is taken from PHP, in actual textarea that jQuery sees the \".$id.\" ",
"is actual number\n<textarea class='clean' id='embed-text'><iframe src='http://my.url/embed/?r=\".$id.\"' ",
"width='600' height='\".$height.\"' ",
"frameborder='0' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' allowtransparency='true'></iframe></textarea>\n\n<div style='padding-right: 10px; display: inline-block;'>\n Color scheme: \n <select id='schemes' class='clean'>\n <option value='-'>None</option>\n <option value='xxx'>Xxx</option>\n </select>\n</div>\n<div style='padding-right: 10px; display: inline-block;'>\n Width: <input type='number' min='250' max='725' value='600' id='width' class='clean'>\n</div>\n\nWhen user does not select any scheme (or changes from XXX to None), I want link in textarea (iframes src) to be like this:\nhttp://my.url/embed/?r=X\nBut when he selects any scheme, i would like it to look like this:\nhttp://my.url/embed/?r=X&scheme=XXX\nI actually have no idea how to do this. ",
"Tried googling for more than hour, but I don't know what the ID will be (to identify position where to add the string), thats PHP value and I cant pass it to external script file, so I tried to find if I can insert something at specific position (ie.: ",
"15th character from start) with JS, but could not find anything.",
"\n\nA:\n\nI separate some functions in order to keep the code clean check this I think that is what you were looking for JsFiddle\nvar generateUrl = function(id,colorScheme) {\n var baseUrl = \"http://my.url/embed/?\";",
"\n var url = baseUrl.concat(\"r=\"+id);\n\n if (colorScheme !",
"= null && colorScheme !",
"= '')\n url = url.concat(\"&scheme=\"+colorScheme);\n\n return url;\n};\n\nvar changeUrl = function(id, colorScheme) {\n var url = generateUrl(id, colorScheme);\n var srcPattern = \"src='(.*?)'\";",
"\n var embedText = $(\"#embed-text\").val();\n var newEmbedText = embedText.replace(new RegExp(srcPattern),\"src='\"+url+\"'\");\n $(\"#embed-text\").val(newEmbedText);\n\n};\n\nvar changeWidth = function(newWidth) {\n var widthPattern = \"width='([0-9]*)'\";\n var embedText = $(\"#embed-text\").val();\n var newEmbedText = embedText.replace(new RegExp(widthPattern),\"width='\"+newWidth+\"'\");\n $(\"#embed-text\").val(newEmbedText);\n};\n\nvar getURLParameter = function(url,parameterName) {\n return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + parameterName + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec(url)||[,\"\"])[1].replace(/\\+/g, '%20'))||null\n};\n\nvar getId = function() {\n var urlPattern = \"src='(.*?)'\";",
"\n var embedText = $(\"#embed-text\").val();\n var url = embedText.match(new RegExp(urlPattern))[1];\n var id = getURLParameter(url, 'r');\n return id;\n};\n\n$(\"#width\").on(\"change keyup\", function(){\n var width = $(this).val();\n var colorScheme = $(schemes).val();\n\n changeWidth(width);\n changeUrl(getId(),colorScheme);\n});\n\nAnd i removed the value '-' for the first option just leave it in blank.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.008789 | 5 |
"Excessive Force\n\nAs I waited in a corridor of the intervention program offices with others, for the earlier session to finish up, Paul approached me and started a conversation. ",
"He said that his judge refused to believe him, denied his request for a restraining order against his ex-girlfriend, and told her instead that she could call the police if she saw him anywhere near her, which would result in Paul, the plaintiff in this proceeding, going to jail for six months. ",
"I advised Paul that he should seriously consider leaving this place if at all possible to avoid further danger, particularly if his ex-girlfriend was indeed baiting him as he informed us all.",
"\n\nConversation in the session this day began with a tragic instance of gun violence. ",
"A Dilbut cop, a sixteen-year veteran Lieutenant of the force, a detective, had been shot and killed recently. ",
"He had pulled over a car with an obstructed license plate. ",
"Something he probably need not have done, said a group member.",
"\n\n“It’s a dangerous job…” said Sid.",
"\n\n“There were fifty cops chasing these perps,” Lopez objected.",
"\n\nA typically quiet group member piped up and said that while he felt bad for the cop’s family, the attention given to this incident seemed overboard.",
"\n\n“Look at the fire engine there and all those glossy pictures. ",
"I bet, if it was some Joe Schmo, there won’t be a fraction of that level of attention or care, as they show for a cop,” he asserted.",
"\n\nAnother spoke up, agreeing with him. “",
"What about the Peoria situation, a sixty-seven year old man, tasered twice, and shot to death for DV? ",
"And what about the homeowner, fighting an armed intruder, shot six times by a responding cop? ",
"Six shots with a police weapon––do they shoot to kill, to leave no witnesses?”",
"\n\nThat homeowner, who’d wrestled an armed intruder down and was taking his weapon, survived, but was confined to a wheelchair, permanently, due to his wounds. ",
"It was clear that cops focused on how not to get killed, or sued, in performing their law enforcement duties. ",
"Reminded me of Fred’s suggested method––in resolving a wife-in-bed-with-another situation––employing extreme prejudice.",
"\n\nI related a personal incident in which I woke up at night, in my house, in my bed, with three guns pointed at me by three Dilbut cops. ",
"This was some years prior to ’07, resulting from a door not properly closed by my wife that had swung open in the night. ",
"The home alarm system activated while everyone slept upstairs. ",
"My wife slept with our children in the kids’ bedroom. ",
"No one heard the loud alarm downstairs. ",
"The cops came by a while later to find the door open. ",
"They’d come in, come upstairs, and found me sleeping in the bed alone.",
"\n\nSid disagreed with my implication. “",
"How would you expect the police to respond? ",
"Maybe you were in bed with a knife at someone’s throat.”",
"\n\nI didn’t provide any further details; it seemed pointless for us to debate police methods. ",
"It is easy to realize that the gun-happy cops could, quite readily, have shot me multiple times, without any further thought, had I reacted in a nervous manner that they could have interpreted as a threat. ",
"And, with three guns pointed at a target less than a body length away, I wouldn’t have had any chance at survival.",
"\n\nAs it happened, I’d woken up, very much aware of the guns pointed at me, with my hands raised, and asked them if I could check on my family before anything else. ",
"They allowed me passage to the kids’ bedroom, where I found the door locked, and upon inquiring if everything was fine, I heard a muffled response from my wife, while the door did not open. ",
"By this time, their guns lowered and holstered, the cops explained that the alarm system signal brought them over to check on the house. ",
"I asked them to help me search the house to ensure that nothing was amiss, which they did. ",
"They left afterward with sheepish looks on their faces, or so I remember.",
"\n\nI did recall that two of the cops who came by appeared to be young, and were likely in training. ",
"But three guns? ",
"All pointed at someone obviously sleeping, and alone, in the big bed in the big bedroom of the house? ",
"What were they thinking? ",
"Memory fails me now, but I think they offered an explanation that they thought I might have been a perpetrator who’d decided to take a nap after a crime. ",
"Did they get that from the Dilbut training manual for cops?",
"\n\n• • •\n\nFebruary 18, 2015 update: The State of Alabama offers an unreserved apology for excessive force employed by the cop – BBC article link\n\nSept. 11, 2015 update: An Alabama jury deadlocks over the cop’s prosecution, a mistrial is declared. ",
"The prosecutors plan to try him again.",
"\n\nAdvertisements\n\nShare this:\n\nLike this:\n\nLikeLoading...\n\nAbout Rian Nejar\n\nRian Nejar is an Indian-American author. ",
"He trained and worked as an engineer in India, lived briefly in the Middle East, and arrived in America in the early 90's. ",
"After a Master’s degree in electrical engineering in America, he worked as an academic instructor, engineer, entrepreneur, and technical writer over the two decades since. ",
"Humbling and Humility (http://goo.gl/FKUnCM) is his first mainstream nonfiction. ",
"He lives and writes in the Southwest United States.",
"\n\nMeta\n\nHnH (print)\n\nEbook (Amzn)\n\nA favorite of mine, books and stories like these are rare gems in endearing, entertaining literature. ",
"Its relaxed, scripted, short chapters read like brief reminiscences, and belie the depicted savage realities of life in the southern Un...\n\nA balanced, unifying, compassion-filled view and vision for the world by His Holiness, the Dalai Lama...elegantly compiled from interviews by Daniel Goleman. ",
"Touching upon events in antiquity, events and learning in the Dalai Lama's life...\n\nAn alternative rags to riches tale with every imaginable vice blended in, this work reflects a writer's formulaic gumbo and overactive imagination far more than cultural contradictions of any true aspect in India. ",
"True to form, the autho...\n\nA romantic, metaphor-filled, highly imaginative reflection on life by a renowned Indian poet and devotee of a dualistic school of thought. ",
"The author makes a laudable effort to unify various religious pathways through the use of wisdom i..."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
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] | 0.002492 | 5 |
"This application requests funds to purchase a precision X-Irradiator/ConeBeam CT for animal and cellular use at the University of Pennsylvania. ",
"This instrument (named Small Animal Radiation Research Platform-SARRP) represents a significant advance over any current instrument and was developed by Dr. John Wong at Johns Hopkins University, with support from the NCI through the Bioengineering Research Partnership mechanism. ",
"The SARRP addresses a critical need in Radiation Research for Image Guided Radiotherapy in rats and mice with resolution and accuracy comparable (on a scale- proportional basis) to therapy in humans. ",
"All former instruments for animal use have been derived from standard irradiators used for humans, large animals or industry. ",
"These represent, with minor improvements, 50-yr old technology. ",
"Until the development of this new machine (being commercially developed and sold by Gulmay Medical, Inc.) beam collimation for animal irradiators has been limited to shielding blocks and most irradiators had no freedom of movement for beam direction. ",
"The current instrument has the capability of 0.5 mm2 beam (a 400-fold improvement) and beam direction can be varied over 1200, with precise laser- based control of isocenter. ",
"The irradiation stage has 4-dimensional movement control (X-Y-Z and rotation) allowing complete flexibility of dose administration. ",
"Most importantly, the instrument is designed to be operated under low power as a cone- beam CT (CBCT) instrument and software for the instrument is modeled after human dose- planning, using the CBCT data. ",
"The instruments software control will also allow image fusion with other modalities, importantly PET and MRI. ",
"The instrument will be used in conjunction with other state-of-the art imaging equipment and will be initially installed in space occupied by the Radiation Research Division in the John Morgan Building and later moved to the new Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. ",
"Thus, in addition to providing advanced research capabilities for the Radiation Oncology Department, this instrument will open a world of opportunity for combined research with all other users of the Small Animal Imaging facilities at PENN. ",
"Importantly, numerous aspects of normal tissue research will become possible due to the precision of this device. ",
"Examples include realistic comparisons, using X-rays, of the scanned beam system designed for the Roberts Proton Radiotherapy center and selective irradiation of specific regions of mouse lung and brain. ",
"PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: This application requests support to purchase a unique animal irradiator, named the 'Small Animal Radiation Research Platform'(SARRP - Gulmay Medical). ",
"This instrument represents a unique, revolutionary, technical achievement that for the first time allows state-of-the art radiotherapy to be delivered to small animals (mice and rats) to closely recapitulate the parameters used for treatment of human cancer patients with radiotherapy. ",
"This will allow researchers in different fields (Radiation Oncology, Radiology, Pulmonary Medicine, etc), to study the effects of radiation on the tumor and surrounding normal tissues. ",
"This research will lead to better approaches to deliver radiation to the target, mitigate normal tissue toxicity and image changes in normal tissues before they manifest pathologically, thereby improving overall human health and quality of life."
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"During an address at the National Press Club on Monday, PayPal co-founder and billionaire Trump supporter Peter Thiel reacted to LGBT magazine The Advocate and their article that claimed he couldn’t be a homosexual if he was a conservative, declaring, “If you don’t conform, then you don’t count as diverse.”",
"\n\n“This judgement has been hard to accept for some of the country’s most fortunate, socially prominent people,” explained Thiel on the establishment’s reaction to millions of Trump supporters. “",
"It’s certainly been hard to accept for Silicon Valley, where many people have learned to keep quiet if they dissent from the coastal bubble.”",
"\n\n“Louder voices have sent a message that they do not intend to tolerate the views of one half of the country. ",
"This intolerance has taken on some bizarre forms,” he continued, referencing an article from LGBT magazine The Advocate that claimed Thiel could not be a real homosexual if he supported Donald Trump.",
"\n\n“The Advocate, a magazine that once raised me as a gay innovator, even published an article saying as of now I am, and I quote, ‘not a gay man’ because I don’t agree with their politics,” he announced. “",
"The lie behind the buzzword of diversity could not be made more clear. ",
"If you don’t conform, then you don’t count as diverse. ",
"No matter what your personal background.”",
"\n\n“Faced with such contempt, why do voters still support Donald Trump?” ",
"Thiel asked. “",
"Even if they think the American situation is serious, why would they think that Trump, of all people, could make it any better? ",
"I think it’s because of the big things that Trump gets right.”",
"\n\nMoving on with examples, Thiel stated that “free trade has not worked out well for all of America.”",
"\n\n“All of our elites preach free trade. ",
"Highly educated people that make public policy preach that cheap imports make everyone a winner, according to economic theory. ",
"But in actual practice, we’ve lost tens of thousands of factories and millions of jobs to foreign trade,” he declared. “",
"The heartland has been devastated. ",
"Maybe policy-makers really believe that nobody loses, or maybe they don’t worry about it too much because they think they’re among the winners.”",
"\n\n“The sheer size of the US trade deficit shows that something has gone badly wrong. ",
"The most developed country in the world should be exporting capital to the less developed countries,” Thiel claimed. “",
"Instead the United States is importing more than 500 billion dollars every year. ",
"That money flows into financial assets and distorts our economy in favor of more financialization, and it gives the well connected people, who benefit, a reason to defend the status quo.”",
"\n\n“But not everyone benefits and the Trump voters know it,” he concluded.",
"\n\nCharlie Nash is a reporter for Breitbart Tech. ",
"You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington or like his page at Facebook."
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] | 0.00497 | 5 |
"This invention generally relates to bearing materials and more particularly to a method of making a PTFE based tape suitable for impregnation into a porous metal matrix.",
"\nDry bearing materials, i.e., those which will operate as a bearing without the benefit of a lubricant applied to the bearing surface, are well known and may generally be considered to be of three main types: 1) homogeneous materials which may be molded or pressed and machined, any surface of which can be the bearing surface; 2) non-homogeneous materials generally taking the form of a backing material and a bearing layer, in which the bearing layer is a dry bearing composition; and 3) non-homogeneous materials generally taking the form of a backing material and an impregnated interlayer, and having a relatively thin surface layer over the interlayer, which surface layer generally cannot be machined without seriously adversely affecting the bearing capability of the material because of exposure of the interlayer. ",
"The present invention may generally be considered to relate to a composite material of the third type referred to above, except that the surface layer may be of significant thickness such that it can be machined without seriously affecting bearing capability. ",
"The present invention may have other applications as well.",
"\nNumerous situations arise wherein a bearing material is required to provide good wear resistance and low friction under conditions of moderate load and temperature while operating in a substantially dry or non-lubricated environment. ",
"A variety of composite bearing materials and plastic materials which incorporate desirable bearing characteristics and are of good wear resistance under the foregoing operating conditions have heretofore been used or proposed for use as bearing materials. ",
"Of the various dry bearing materials known, those based on polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) have perhaps received the most widespread use for this purpose. ",
"While dry bearing materials incorporating PTFE have been found to provide satisfactory performance under many different bearing operating conditions, an inherent disadvantage of such materials, when they are of the third general type described above, is, as noted above, the difficulty encountered in the finish machining thereof into bearings of the desired configuration and size. ",
"It is desirable therefore to retain the advantages of the third general type of bearing material, while at the same time providing the product with a degree of machinability. ",
"Among such advantages of this third general type of bearing material are: 1) a good bond between the lining and the backing (the porous interlayer being metallurgically bonded to the backing, and the polymer being keyed into the porous interlayer --(This is particularly important in the case of PTFE which is difficult to bond to a backing. ",
"Composites of the second general type referred to above in which the lining is PTFE based tend to have a weak bond.); ",
"2) dimensional stability (shared with the second general type referred to above when the dry bearing composition lining is thin); and 3) high thermal conductivity (shared with the second general type referred to above when the dry bearing composition lining is thin).",
"\nDry bearing materials consisting of a metal backing and a porous metal interlayer impregnated with PTFE are well known. ",
"Generally, the PTFE is applied to the surface of the porous interlayer as a thick paste obtained by the coagulation of a dispersion of micron size PTFE particles in water. ",
"Sufficient water is retained in the paste to make it amenable to roll impregnation into the porous interlayer. ",
"Metallic or non-metallic fillers may be incorporated by mixing them in powder with the PTFE before coagulation or at some stage during the preparation of the paste.",
"\nA composite bearing material of the third general type referred to above is normally produced as continuous strip, starting with a coil of steel, (which may be plated), to the surface of which bronze powder is sintered to form a porous bronze layer. ",
"PTFE paste, with or without filler(s), is generally applied to the surface of the porous bronze with a spoon. ",
"The strip then passes under a roller which spreads the paste over the surface of the bronze as a reasonably uniform layer. ",
"It then passes through a rolling mill which forces the paste into the porous bronze, leaving little or no paste above the bronze. ",
"The strip is then heated to a temperature in excess of 327.degree. ",
"C. during which process the remaining water is driven off and the PTFE is sintered.",
"\nThe method of applying the PTFE described above has several disadvantages. ",
"First, the paste is typically applied in discrete spoonfuls making it difficult to achieve a perfectly uniform distribution over the bronze surface. ",
"Second, the process is typically labor intensive, since the operator with a spoon is often solely occupied with spooning the paste on to the strip. ",
"It has proved somewhat difficult to mechanize this operation.",
"\nThere is a third disadvantage which applies to certain forms of the product. ",
"In a common form of the product, a single filler, in the form of lead powder, is incorporated into the PTFE. ",
"During roll impregnation of the PTFE/lead paste into the porous bronze layer, only a very thin layer of paste, usually less than about 30 microns (1.2.times.10.sup.-3 inches) thick is typically left above the surface of the bronze. ",
"The thickness of this surface layer is substantially unchanged during sintering of the PTFE. ",
"The surface layer has very low wear resistance, and in service the surface of the composite wears rapidly until the bronze surface is exposed in spots in the area of rubbing. ",
"Wear rate then falls to a low value. ",
"As wear proceeds, the proportion of bronze exposed to the area of rubbing gradually increases. ",
"When the proportion reaches approximately 10%, wear rate begins to increase and bronze is exposed at an increasing rate. ",
"Wear rate increases rapidly and the useful dry bearing life of the composite is near an end.",
"\nIn other forms of the product, more than one filler is incorporated into the PTFE. ",
"If the fillers are appropriately chosen, the surface layer may be made to possess a high degree of wear resistance. ",
"A low wear rate is not dependent on the exposure of the impregnated bronze surface in the area of rubbing. ",
"In such forms of the product, it is an advantage to have a thick layer of PTFE above the bronze, since the dry bearing life of the composite is thereby increased.",
"\nThe third disadvantage referred to above of applying the PTFE as a paste by spoon to the bronze is that it has proved difficult by this process to leave a thick layer of PTFE above the bronze during impregnation. ",
"If the consistency of the paste is sufficiently soft for spooning and spreading evenly over the surface of the bronze, it is often so soft that some excess PTFE is often squeezed off the edges of the strip during impregnation and is not retained above the bronze as a thick surface layer. ",
"It has therefore proved difficult to achieve the increased dry bearing life theoretically made possible by the incorporation of appropriate fillers in the PTFE.",
"\nDevelopment of a technique for creating a tape of PTFE incorporating controlled amounts of filler(s), suitable for roll impregnation into a porous metal matrix or interlayer, has been necessitated by the peculiar nature of PTFE. ",
"Although PTFE is classed by polymer chemists as a thermoplastic, it does not melt like other typical thermoplastics. ",
"At its transition temperature of 327.degree. ",
"C., it changes to a rubber-like state generally unsuitable for melt processing. ",
"Tape of the type suitable for impregnation into a porous matrix cannot therefore generally be produced by extrusion like other thermoplastic polymers, such as nylon based materials, hexafluoropropylene based materials, or the like. ",
"The common method of producing sintered PTFE tape is to press and sinter a cylindrical block of the polymer, with or without the incorporation of fillers, and to skive off a tape from the surface of the cylinder with a knife. ",
"Unsintered PTFE can also be produced, and is commonly used for sealing threaded joints. ",
"Also, the use of a conveyor and compressing roller system including a belt made of a filtering or permeable material (such as felt), and the application of a vacuum to both the belt and to a PTFE based composition (which may include fillers) thereon, to produce PTFE based sheeting of tape is known. ",
"However, these forms of PTFE tape are not believed to be totally suitable for roll impregnation into porous metal sinter, since in some instances the PTFE is sufficiently strong even above its transition temperature to compact the porous metal interlayer instead of continuously and fully impregnating into it, as is often desired. ",
"Successful impregnation may under certain circumstances be obtained, but may require the application of pressure at elevated temperature for times often impracticable for a reasonable roll impregnation strip process required to operate at reasonably economic speeds.",
"\nIt is accordingly a principal object of the present invention to provide a method for making a tape which includes PTFE therein suitable for impregnation into a porous metal matrix.",
"\nAnother object of the present invention is to provide an improved method of producing a composite bearing material.",
"\nStill another object of the present invention is to provide a method of making a composite bearing material having a surface layer of significant thickness which may be machined without seriously affecting bearing capability."
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] | 0.000362 | 5 |
"\n * Connect - Cache\n * Copyright(c) 2011 Sencha Inc.\n * MIT Licensed\n */\n\n/**\n * Expose `Cache`.",
"\n */\n\nmodule.exports = Cache;\n\n/**\n * LRU cache store.",
"\n *\n * @param {Number} limit\n * @api private\n */\n\nfunction Cache(limit) {\n this.store = {};\n this.keys = [];\n this.limit = limit;\n}\n\n/**\n * Touch `key`, promoting the object.",
"\n *\n * @param {String} key\n * @param {Number} i\n * @api private\n */\n\nCache.prototype.touch = function(key, i){\n this.keys.splice(i,1);\n this.keys.push(key);\n};\n\n/**\n * Remove `key`.",
"\n *\n * @param {String} key\n * @api private\n */\n\nCache.prototype.remove = function(key){\n delete this.store[key];\n};\n\n/**\n * Get the object stored for `key`.",
"\n *\n * @param {String} key\n * @return {Array}\n * @api private\n */\n\nCache.prototype.get = function(key){\n return this.store[key];\n};\n\n/**\n * Add a cache `key`.",
"\n *\n * @param {String} key\n * @return {Array}\n * @api private\n */\n\nCache.prototype.add = function(key){\n // initialize store\n var len = this.keys.push(key);\n\n // limit reached, invalidate LRU\n if (len > this.limit) this.remove(this.keys.shift());\n\n var arr = this.store[key] = [];\n arr.createdAt = new Date;\n return arr;\n};\n"
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"No genetic evidence for Neuregulin 3 conferring risk of schizophrenia in the Chinese population.",
"\nWe genotyped 13 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within Neuregulin 3 (NRG3) to investigate the association between NRG3 and schizophrenia in 488 patients and 506 controls in Northwest China. ",
"No association was detected either in SNPs or in haplotypes. ",
"Our study provided no evidence that NRG3 confers a risk of schizophrenia susceptibility in the Han Chinese population."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
"Hong Kong culls chickens amid bird flu fears\n\nAbout 20,000 chickens to be killed, and imports of fresh poultry banned for 21 days, after discovery of H7N9 virus.",
"\n\n28 Jan 2014 19:00 GMT\n\nAuthorities have ordered the closure of the wholesale poultry market where the virus was discovered [AFP]\n\nHong Kong has begun culling 20,000 chickens and has suspended imports of fresh poultry from mainland China for 21 days after the discovery of the H7N9 bird flu virus in a batch of live chickens from the southern province of Guangdong.",
"\n\nThe government order took effect on Tuesday, two days before celebrations begin for Chinese New Year, when poultry sellers generally anticipate a boom.",
"\n\nAuthorities also ordered the closure of the wholesale poultry market, where the virus was discovered, until February 18 for cleaning and disinfection.",
"\n\nLocal farms were banned from supplying live chickens to the market.",
"\n\n\"Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department officers will inspect all the local chicken farms and collect more samples for testing to ensure that local farms are not affected by H7 avian influenza,\" Dr Ko Wing-man, secretary for food and health, said in a statement.",
"\n\nThe H7N9 virus passes between birds, but cases in humans have so far not shown evidence of sustained human-to-human infection, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).",
"\n\nHealth warning\n\nExperts have urged health authorities worldwide to be alert in detecting the H7N9 virus.",
"\n\nTwo people infected with H7N9 bird flu have died in Hong Kong and a third patient is being treated.",
"\n\nAll three were infected during visits to the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen.",
"\n\nThe H7N9 bird flu virus emerged in March last year and has so far infected at least 240 people in China, Taiwan and HongKong, according to the Hong Kong Department of Health.",
"\n\nChina's official Xinhua news agency, citing the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, said 19 people had died of the flu in China this year.",
"\n\nChina's Health and Family Planning Commission reported a further nine cases of H7N9 bird flu to the WHO on Sunday and Monday.",
"\n\nHong Kong last suspended live poultry imports in 2011 after a dead chicken tested positive for the H5N1 strain of bird fluat the same market."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.003972 | 5 |
"Accessories\n\nYou May Also Like\n\nProduct Details\n\nFlash Furniture Dark Brown Leather Upholstered Parsons Chair - This Leather Parsons Chair will add contemporary sophistication to your dining room or living room. ",
"This chair can be used as an accent chair around the home when giving your home a more decorative appeal. ",
"The European designed side chair features brown leather upholstery, while the frame and legs are constructed of solid wood.",
"\n\nReviews\n\nQuestion & Answer\n\nNo questions have been posted for this product.",
"\n\nHave a question about this product? ",
"Please click the button below to\nget started. ",
"Once you have posted your question we will submit it to\nour community of customers and with our own staff who have recent\nexperience with the same product for their open and honest feedback."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
"Crimea: the stay behind barbed wire\n\n23.09.2016\n\nMy previous article “feudalism in the Russian Crimea” has caused a strong reaction, including the negative. ",
"Some were outraged, wrote that “to the sea you can go free”.",
"\n\nAnswer: if the sea can take place freely, then it is simply unnecessary.",
"\n\nThe most valuable part of the Crimea — is the South coast (southern coast). ",
"It is on the South coast in the nineteenth century built their palaces and estates of the Russian feudal lords, including the Emperor himself. ",
"Gradually the whole coast was bought and estates docked fence to fence.",
"\n\nTrue, barbed wire was not entangled.",
"\n\nWhy the South coast? ",
"Because it is along the southern coast is the highest ridge of the Crimean mountains, which protects the coast from the flow of superheated steppe air in the summer and cold in winter, whereby there are no sudden changes in temperature.",
"\n\nIn addition, the proximity of mountains and sea making the landscape very picturesque and the sea, and from the coast have stunning views. ",
"But it is the mountains, terminating in the water are contributing to the problem are not available in other parts of the Crimea.",
"\n\nFirst, on the South coast there is little or no natural beaches. ",
"At best, it’s the rocks, forming a narrow strip of coast in the worst — just sheer cliffs stretching into the sea. ",
"So in some places there is not only the beaches, but even the descent to the water. ",
"Most boat landings are made by those same Russian feudal lords who had founded their estate.",
"\n\nMost of the beaches on the South coast — artificial bulk. ",
"First you have to make a concrete wall every 50 meters, then poured pebbles between them. ",
"Breakwaters look ugly and spoil the landscape, but without them, the pebbles will wash away in the sea in a week.",
"\n\nIn fact, her and breakwaters wash out to sea if a storm is very strong.",
"\n\nEvery year the administration of pensions falls asleep the beaches of new gravel to increase the width to ten meters, but by the season’s end from the beach is a narrow strip of two meters, and sometimes washes away everything, to the concrete parapet.",
"\n\nExcept for the cost of the shingles is the cost of keeping the beach clean, security, etc.",
"\n\nThe most important thing is to make the beach inaccessible for everyone.",
"\n\nBecause if the beach will be accessible to everyone, then, who gave up the boarding house (sanatorium) with space prices?",
"\n\nKnow how much standard room for two persons with not very good food and with so-called treatment? ",
"8000 rubles per day. ",
"And it is still very inexpensive.",
"\n\nOne of the resorts with the Russian version of “all inclusive” hotel offers standard double room over 17 000 per day! ",
"Give prices for high season, and resorts on the South coast (near Gaspra, lower road).",
"\n\nNow think for yourself: will people buy vouchers for the money, if to the beach can take anyone and there will be no room to fall?",
"\n\nThe answer is obvious.",
"\n\nTherefore, the boarding houses enclosed by high fences with barbed wire on top, in some places there is even a spiral Bruno! ",
"The beaches are also fenced — at the breakwaters are high fences stretching into the sea. ",
"The resort, on the beach I hung out, went even further: the entire breakwater and the entire metal fence smeared with something like motor oil, which cannot be washed away, only to “commoners” from the nearby beach was not included on “feudal beach of this resort.",
"\n\nBut people still tried to climb. ",
"Because on my side of the beach width of 50 meters I was alone, and on the adjacent beach “for all” in the same area it was 100 people.",
"\n\nIn the Crimea I travel since 1997, and it so happened that I rested almost all the time in the same boarding house. ",
"And he was, as if to say, “not for everyone”. ",
"That is, I all the time rested on the feudal territories”, and like a rest rest, seen from above, from the cliff. ",
"My family always watched in horror as more and more people in the nearby beaches. ",
"It’s really very clear when you look from the height of bird flight.",
"\n\nAnd this year, I suddenly — again — and found himself on this beach “for all”.",
"\n\nIn 2014, when the annexed Crimea, all the beaches are made open and you could walk to the sea and everywhere around the coast from beach to beach — free.",
"\n\nI, naively, thought that so will be always, and this year took a room at the hotel, which is located on the line just in 100-150 meters from the shore, but not close to the “feudal” to the beach, and the beach “for all”.",
"\n\nI didn’t know that all closed once more — and became even worse than it was before!",
"\n\nIn the end, from my hotel directly you can get only on open beach “in common use”.",
"\n\nI had enough for the first three days. ",
"Just, I was phalsa before release that the first three days I didn’t care, I wanted to lie down. ",
"Yes, and there were showers, and people were less than usual. ",
"But then… then the weather improved, and people began to shape the hip to hip! ",
"I love humanity, but not to this extent.",
"\n\nHad to go to a private beach. ",
"The thing is that with all these fences, gates and barbed wire had to walk a detour on mountain road — about a mile there and the same back. ",
"But directly, that is, if you go down to the sea and walk along the shore, it would be 5 times shorter. ",
"Of course, these “walks” sometimes tired, especially in the intense heat, but the fitness was good.",
"\n\nI wrote about “Russian feudalism in Crimea, now Crimea is Russian, and I live in Russia and not used to saying “but look at them there blacks Lynch”, but…\n\nBut the historical truth is that the same beaches “feudal lords” and “commoners” was when the Crimea was Ukrainian. ",
"But before that — in Soviet times — was also closed pensions to the party nomenklatura, departmental pensions, the same feudalism, but under “socialist” guise. ",
"And before that rested in the Crimea, these feudal lords in their estates.",
"\n\nWhat to do? ",
"The answer is simple: to build beaches. ",
"Do not reinvent the need — all have been already invented. ",
"In Singapore, in Dubai for a long time already not that that beaches the whole artificial island build. ",
"So you can build big, long breakwaters, to create spacious beaches that all have enough and no one else will feel second rate, everyone will feel like — at least on the beach. ",
"And barbed wire can be removed."
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} | [
] | 0.000746 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nIt is not appending the variable\n\nI want to append the name of the file which has been uploaded using the $_POST method to post the $_FILES['fileImage']['name'] from the php script. ",
"Problem is that after the file has been uploaded, I don't see the filename appended, it just shows a blank. ",
"Why is it not appending the file's name after succesful upload of the file?",
"\nIf anyone could provide a coded example then it would be very helpful.",
"\nBelow is Javascript code:\n <?",
"php\n session_start();\n\n $output = array();\n if(isset($_POST['fileImage'])){\n $idx = count($_POST['fileImage']) -1 ;\n $output[] = isset($_POST['fileImage'][$idx]) ?",
"\n $_POST['fileImage'][$idx]['name'] : \"\";\n }\n\n ?",
">\n\n <script> \n\n function stopImageUpload(success) {\n var imageNameArray = <?",
"php echo json_encode($output); ?",
">;\n var result = '';\n\n if (success == 1) {\n result = '<span class=\"msg\">The file was uploaded successfully!</span><br/><br/>';\n for (var i = 0; i < imageNameArray.length; i++) {\n $('.listImage').append(imageNameArray[i] + '<br/>');\n }\n }\n else {\n result = '<span class=\"emsg\">There was an error during file upload!</span><br/><br/>';\n }\n\n return true;\n }\n\n</script>\n\nBelow is the php script which uploads the file and this script is on a seperate age from the Javascript function:\n <?",
"php\nsession_start();\n\n$result = 0;\n$errors = array ();\n$dirImage = \"ImageFiles/\";\n\nif (isset ( $_FILES ['fileImage'] ) &&\n $_FILES [\"fileImage\"] [\"error\"] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {\n\n $fileName = $_FILES ['fileImage'] ['name'];\n\n $fileExt = pathinfo ( $fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );\n $fileExt = strtolower ( $fileExt );\n\n $fileDst = $dirImage . ",
"$fileName;\n\n if (count ( $errors ) == 0) {\n if (move_uploaded_file ( $fileTemp, $fileDst )) {\n $result = 1;\n }\n }\n}\n\n$_SESSION ['fileImage'][] = array('name' => $_FILES ['fileImage']['name']);\n?",
">\n\nA:\n\nBecause you're looking in $_POST for a variable which is in $_SESSION. ",
"Try changing it to: \n$output = array();\nif(isset($_SESSION['fileImage'])){\n $idx = count($_SESSION['fileImage']) -1 ;\n $output[] = isset($_SESSION['fileImage'][$idx]) ?",
"\n $_SESSION['fileImage'][$idx]['name'] : \"\";\n}\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.005966 | 5 |
"Comparison of intraoperative cytology with frozen sections in the diagnosis of thyroid lesions.",
"\nWe retrospectively studied the usefulness of intraoperative cytology (IOC) and frozen section (FS) in the rapid diagnosis of 68 thyroid lesions. ",
"In 14 cases of papillary thyroid carcinoma, IOC correctly diagnosed 13 cases, while FS correctly diagnosed 11 cases. ",
"There was no significant difference in sensitivities, and both methods had similar specificities. ",
"In 21 cases of colloid nodule, IOC was slightly more sensitive than FS; IOC correctly diagnosed 16 cases, while FS correctly diagnosed 15 cases. ",
"However, the specificity of IOC was only 71%, but was 98% for FS. ",
"Of 17 follicular adenomas, FS diagnosed 16 as follicular neoplasms and misdiagnosed only 1 as a colloid nodule. ",
"By contrast, IOC misdiagnosed 9 follicular adenomas as colloid nodules, most of which were macrofollicular variants with abundant colloid. ",
"Of 11 follicular carcinomas, FS diagnosed all as follicular neoplasms, while IOC misdiagnosed 3 as colloid nodules. ",
"While IOC is not as accurate as FS in the diagnosis of colloid nodules and follicular neoplasms, it is highly sensitive and specific in the diagnoses of papillary carcinoma and performance of the technique is rapid and easy. ",
"In an intraoperative setting, IOC is a useful adjunct to FS in screening thyroid nodules for the presence of papillary carcinoma."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.010512 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nDjango-Socialauth or django-social-auth, which one is the best?",
"\n\nI am looking for a Django application to implement Facebook-connect, and I have found 2 options that look pretty stable:\n\nhttps://github.com/agiliq/Django-Socialauth/\nhttps://github.com/omab/django-social-auth\n\nThey seem to be forks of each other, but they are in fact different applications. ",
"Has anybody tried both of them? ",
"If so, which one would you recommend me?",
"\nThanks! ",
"\n\nA:\n\nI've had the best experience with django-social-auth. ",
"It has the best docs, no weird templates, code looks clean, and issues are solved very quick. ",
"It's also very easy to combine with a javascript openid plugin like http://jvance.com/pages/jQueryOpenIdPlugin.xhtml.",
"\n\nA:\n\nI tried django-socialregistration, Django-Socialauth, django-social-auth, and django-allauth, and wrote a review of them.",
"\ndjango-allauth is the only one that worked out of the box for me. ",
" And it's the only one that supports both username/password registration as well as social auth.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.002216 | 5 |
"A small plane landed in the parking lot of a Wawa store in Fredericksburg Monday morning.",
"\n\nThe 1968 single-engine Piper landed on a grassy area near the entrance of the gas station on Shannon Park Drive around 5:50 a.m.\n\n\n\nThe pilot, Jerome M. Orlando, 33, reportedly told employees at the store he forgot to fuel the plane before taking off from Tampa, Fla. Running short on fuel, Orlando was diverted from his destination in Charlottesville to Stafford Regional Airport and later to Shannon Airport.",
"\n\n\n\nShannon Airport manager Robert Stanley says the pilot had tried to land at the two airports, but fog prevented him. ",
"The plane then ran out of fuel, forcing Orlando to land in the field. ",
"The gas station is located about a quarter mile away from Shannon Airport.",
"\n\nNo injuries were reported. ",
"Only a mailbox and parking sign were damaged by the crash.",
"\n\nVirginia State Police say the plane suffered minor damage, and the FAA and NTSB has been notified."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.004148 | 5 |
"Welcome to the State of Connecticut’s Online Voter Registration System NOTE:\n\nThe particular social service office at which you register to vote, or whether you decline to register, remains confidential and will be used only for voter registration purpose.",
"\n\n\n\nWARNING:\n\nIf you sign this statement even though you know it is untrue, you can be convicted and imprisoned for up to five years and fined up to $5,000 The particular social service office at which you register to vote, or whether you decline to register, remains confidential and will be used only for voter registration purpose.",
"If you sign this statement even though you know it is untrue, you can be convicted and imprisoned for up to five years and fined up to $5,000\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.001302 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nWhat does Package 'unittest' is depended on from both sources 'sdk' and 'hosted' mean?",
"\n\nI have a pubspec.yaml file like this:\nname: My App\ndependencies:\n unittest: { sdk: unittest }\n json_object:\n git:\n url: git://github.com/chrisbu/dartwatch-JsonObject.git\n\n(I'm just using JsonObject as an example here)\nWhen I run pub install I get this error:\nPackage 'unittest' is depended on from both sources 'sdk' and 'hosted'\n\nWhat does this mean and how can I resolve it?",
"\n\nA:\n\nPub, the Dart package manager, identifies packages by name as well as where they come from. ",
"If pub detects two packages with the same name, but come from two different sources, it will throw an error like \"Package foo is dependend on from both sources 'sdk' and 'hosted'\"\nTo resolve this, you need to ensure all of your dependencies refer to the same package with the same source.",
"\nThe right solution is for every package to stop using the sdk sources, as all of the SDK packages are now hosted in pub.dartlang.org.",
"\nYou should change:\ndependencies:\n unittest: { sdk: test }\n\nInto this:\ndependencies:\n unittest: any\n\nThe any means \"any version from pub.dartlang.org\"\nThe following packages are now in pub, their new canonical home:\n\nargs\nhttp\nintl\nlogging\nmeta\noauth2\nunittest\nwebdriver\n\nIf you use any of the above packages, please use foo: any instead of {sdk: foo} in your pubspec.yaml file.",
"\nNow, of course you as a developer can update your own pubspec.yaml, but you may not be able to control your 3rd party dependencies. ",
"I recommend that you contact your package's author via email (which you can get from pub.dartlang.org) as ask them to update to using hosted packages like unittest.",
"\nSee more at http://news.dartlang.org/2012/12/sdk-packages-now-available-on-pub.html\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.00449 | 5 |
"The present invention relates to a liquid crystal display apparatus capable of effecting high-speed display with a high contrast.",
"\nAlmost all the commercially available active matrix-type displays utilize a TN (twisted nematic)-mode using a nematic liquid crystal.",
"\nHowever, a liquid crystal display device using such a TN-mode is accompanied with difficulties such as a low response speed (e.g., a large response time of several ten msec to several hundred msec) and a poor viewing-angle characteristic, thus resulting in inferior image qualities.",
"\nIn order to overcome these difficulties, high-speed liquid crystal devices have been studied and proposed. ",
"As a representative example thereof, liquid crystal devices using a ferroelectric liquid crystal or an anti-ferroelectric liquid crystal have been developed. ",
"By using these liquid crystal devices, it is possible to realize a high-speed responsiveness (several ten psec to several hundred xcexcsec) and a wider viewing angle. ",
"These liquid crystal devices are proposed, e.g., by T. Yoshida et al., ",
"xe2x80x9cA full-color thresholdless Antiferroelectric LCD exhibiting wide viewing angle with fast response timexe2x80x9d, SID (Society for Information Display) 97 DIGEST, p.841- or T. Saishu et al., ",
"xe2x80x9cVoltage-holding properties of thresholdless antiferroelectric liquid crystals driven by active matricesxe2x80x9d, SID 96 DIGEST, p.703-.",
"\nA liquid crystal material used in these articles is a smectic liquid crystal showing thresholdless antiferroelectricity and used in combination with a pair of cross-nicol polarizers for optical modulation. ",
"One optical axis (an absorption axis or transmission axis) of (two optical axes of) the pair of polarizers is aligned with an (average) optical axis of (anti-ferroelectric or smectic) liquid crystal molecules placed in a state where no electric field is applied, i.e., an antiferroelectric alignment state. ",
"These optical axes are also aligned with a direction normal (perpendicular) to a smectic (molecular) layer extension direction (hereinbelow, referred to as a xe2x80x9clayer normal directionxe2x80x9d).",
"\nWhen a liquid crystal device and the pair of cross-nicol polarizers are arranged in such a state, a positive-polarity electric field and negative-polarity electric field having an identical magnitude (as an absolute value) provide an identical optical state (response characteristic) when these electric fields are applied to the liquid crystal device. ",
"Accordingly, the above-described arrangement of the liquid crystal device and the polarizers is convenient for drive of the liquid crystal device with an AC driving waveform.",
"\nA transmittance T (%) of a liquid crystal device is represented by the following formula:\nT(%)xe2x88x9d sin2(2xcex8),\nwherein xcex8 denotes an angle formed between an optical axis of (two optical axes) of a pair of polarizers and an (average) optical axis of a liquid crystal.",
"\nAs apparent from the above formula, in order to provide a maximum transmittance, a condition of xcex8=45 degrees is required but the antiferroelectric liquid crystal material generally provides xcex8=30-35 deg. ",
"as also described in the above-mentioned articles. ",
"As a result, it is difficult to obtain the maximum transmittance in the above-described case where one of two optical axes is aligned with the layer normal direction of smectic liquid crystal molecules, thus resulting in a low contrast.",
"\nIncidentally, in order to develop a liquid crystal display device allowing smooth motion picture display, in addition to an increase in response speed of the liquid crystal material per se, studies from the viewpoint of human engineering have been promoted (e.g., K. Sueoka et al., ",
"xe2x80x9cImproving the moving-image quality of TFT LCDsxe2x80x9d, International display research conference (IDRC) 1997, p. 203-).",
"\nAccording to this article, a CRT (cathode ray tube)-type display device is an impulsive light-emission display device for each frame period. ",
"On the other hand, a TFT (thin-film transistor)-type liquid crystal device is a light-quantity holding display device for holding a light quantity during each frame period. ",
"In view of smoothness of motion picture display, the former impulsive display allows smooth motion picture display due to response characteristics including an after light characteristic on human eyes but the latter light-quantity holding type display device is accompanied with less visibility of motion picture image, such as a double image phenomenon (a phenomenon such that the image is seen double by a viewer) since the afterlight in the preceding frame period still remains in human eyes in the current frame period. ",
"In order to realize the smooth display of motion picture image in the TFT-type liquid crystal device, one frame period is divided into two periods including a half (50%) display period and a half non-display period.",
"\nAs described hereinabove, in the conventional liquid crystal display devices, a high-speed liquid crystal material such as the antiferroelectric liquid crystal is suitable for the TFT-type liquid crystal device allowing the motion picture display but provides a smaller tilt angle, thus failing to realize a sufficient transmittance. ",
"In order to obtain smooth motion picture image display in the TFT-type liquid crystal device, it is necessary to effect display with a timewise opening rate of about at most 50%.",
"\nIn view of the above-mentioned problems of the conventional liquid crystal display devices, an object of the present invention is to provide a liquid crystal display apparatus providing not only a sufficient transmittance (transmitted light quantity) by using a liquid crystal (such as an anti-ferroelectric liquid crystal) showing a high-speed responsiveness and a wide viewing angle but providing a relatively small saturated tilt angle (below 45 deg.), ",
"but also a timewise opening rate of at most 50% for meeting motion picture display and a sufficient continuous image forming performance.",
"\nAnother object of the present invention is to provide a liquid crystal display apparatus capable of providing a high-speed display with a high contrast.",
"\nAccording to the present invention, there is provided a liquid crystal display apparatus, comprising:\na liquid crystal device comprising a pair of substrates each having thereon an electrode and a liquid crystal disposed between the pair of substrates and providing a tilt angle,\ndriving voltage application means for applying a driving voltage to the liquid crystal, and\nat least one polarizer having a polarizing axis, wherein\nsaid liquid crystal has a voltage-dependent alignment characteristic such that the tilt angle continuously changes depending on the driving voltage applied to the liquid crystal, and\nsaid at least one polarizer is disposed so that the polarizing axis is shifted from positions providing a maximum transmittance and minimum transmittance under application of no electric field.",
"\nAccording to the present invention, there is also provided a liquid crystal display apparatus, comprising:\na liquid crystal device comprising a pair of substrates each provided with an electrode and a liquid crystal disposed between the pair of substrates to form a plurality of pixels arranged in a matrix form,\ndrive means for driving the liquid crystal device, and\na pair of cross nicol polarizers disposed to sandwich the liquid crystal device, wherein\nthe liquid crystal is an antiferroelectric liquid crystal which provides a thresholdless voltage-transmittance curve inherently assuming a V-character shape having a symmetry axis across a zero-voltage point if one of optical axes of the polarizers were aligned in a direction normal to molecular layers of the antiferroelectric liquid crystal,\nbut said one of optical axes of the polarizers is actually set to form a prescribed angle with said direction normal to molecular layers thereby to provide an asymmetrical voltage-transmittance curve with respect to a line across a zero-voltage point, and\nsaid drive means comprises means for driving the liquid crystal device in alternately repeated display and non-display periods to compensate for a DC voltage component.",
"\nHerein, the term xe2x80x9ctilt anglexe2x80x9d refers to to an angle formed between an average molecular axis (optical axis) of the liquid crystal and the layer normal direction of the liquid crystal molecules.",
"\nThese and other objects, features and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent upon a consideration of the following description of the preferred embodiments of the present invention taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} | [
] | 0.003166 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nQuestions about SIMD instructions\n\nWhat is the trend over time for the size of registers of x86 CPUs? ",
"I know that we have today 512-bit registers, but is there a kind of Moore's Law to predict the size of registers in the future?",
"\nThank you very much.",
"\n\nA:\n\nMoore's law is only indirectly involved here. ",
" NVidia's SIMD registers are 1024 bits wide, have been that wide since at least 2006, and haven't grown. ",
" Intel's slowly grew from 64-bit MMX in 1996, to 128-bit SSE in 1999, to 256-bit AVX in 2008, to the 512-bit AVX-512 in 2015.",
"\nMy prediction is that neither Intel nor NVidia will grow their SIMD registers any wider from here on out. ",
" The cost would be large, and the benefits decrease with each doubling.",
"\nThe reason the cost would be large for Intel is that Intel has a whole bunch of inter-related design decisions that would need to be revisited. ",
" Intel processors have used a cache-line width of 512 bits since the Pentium-4. ",
" The cache ports to the cpu pipeline are 512-bits wide. ",
" The BTB designs probably assume 64-byte cache lines. ",
" I assume the coherence busses for multi-socket systems are 512-bits wide. ",
" (I'm in the software division, not the hardware division.) ",
" There is probably quite a bit of legacy code that has now been optimized for 512-bit cache lines. ",
" For example: to avoid false-sharing overhead on cache lines, data structures may be aligned on 64-byte boundaries. ",
" Customers would get annoyed if they spent thousands of dollars for a new server only to discover that their legacy code now runs slower. ",
" I would guess that NVidia faces similar constraints.",
"\nThe benefits decrease with each doubling because of something similar to Amdahl's law. ",
" The benefit of SIMD is supposed to be that you double your ALU bandwidth, while keeping the area (and power) of the rest of your pipeline constant. ",
" Suppose your processor is 16mm2, of which 1mm2 is your 32-bit ALU and register file, and you are getting 1 GFlOPS. ",
" That's 1/16 GFlOPS/mm2. ",
" Move to 64-bit SIMD, and your performance doubles, but so does the size of your ALUs and register file. ",
" So now you are getting (at best) 2 GFloPS/17mm2, which is almost twice as good. ",
" But when you get up to 512-bit SIMD you have 16 GFlOPS/31mm2. ",
" Now doubling to 1024-bit SIMD gets you to 32 GFlOPS/47mm2, which is only 32% better.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.003966 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nVueJs keydown event stacking up\n\nI'm building a <textarea> field that starts fading out once the user types on it v-on:keydown, but if he keeps on typing the fades resets keeping the opacity: 1.",
"\nHowever, the behaviour is different than expected. ",
"The more the users type the faster the fade starts happening, ignoring the setTimeout defined, and over time getting back to normal (eg.: ",
"if there's one letter on the <textarea> the fade behaves accordingly; if there are two letters it runs the fade out function twice, first time with double speed and second time on a normal speed; three letters, 3 times, 3 times as fast once...).",
"\nThis is what I have so far:\n<textarea placeholder=\"Start typying your text here...\" v-model=\"text\" v-on:keydown=\"startFade\" ref=\"textArea\" style=\"opacity: 1\"> </textarea>\n\nMethods:\nmethods: {\n fader(element) {\n\n if (element.style.opacity == 0) {\n this.text = ''\n element.style.opacity = 1\n console.log(element.style.opacity)\n } else {\n element.style.opacity = element.style.opacity - 0.1\n setTimeout(() => {\n console.log(element.style.opacity)\n this.fader(element)\n }, 1000);\n }\n },\n startFade() {\n let element = this.$refs.textArea;\n element.style.opacity = 1;\n setTimeout(() => {\n this.fader(element)\n }, 1000);\n }\n}\n\nHow do I stop this events to pile up and just run one time? ",
"\nI tried adding a clearTimeout() to reset the function, but it didn't work.",
"\n\nA:\n\nTo use clearTimeout effectively, you would have had to pass it the value returned from your previous setTimeout.",
"\nYour approach is too DOM-oriented, anyway. ",
"You should be adjusting a variable that appears in a v-bind:style. ",
"The fader should be an interval that runs continuously, and the key event resets the variable.",
"\n\nnew Vue({\r\n el: '#app',\r\n data: {\r\n op: 1,\r\n started: false\r\n },\r\n methods: {\r\n startOrReset() {\r\n if (this.started) {\r\n this.op = 1;\r\n } else {\r\n setInterval(() => {\r\n this.op -= 0.1;\r\n if (this.op < 0) {\r\n this.op = 0;\r\n }\r\n }, 1000);\r\n this.started = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n});\n<script src=\"//unpkg.com/vue@latest/dist/vue.js\"></script>\r\n<div id=\"app\">\r\n <textarea :style=\"{opacity: op}\" @keydown=\"startOrReset\">\r\n Type something here before I disappear!",
"\r\n </textarea>\r\n</div>\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.000299 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nWhen to use diffuser, reflector, fill flash and ND filter?",
"\n\nThis question stems from the answers I received for another question \"Is 35mm on a cropped sensor good for fashion photography?\"",
"\nI have been watching couple of videos where the photographer uses a HSS fill flash to take pictures and the images turn out looking stunningly amazing. ",
"For example this video on youtube \"Creating Color with Off Camera Flash\" \nThe photographer demonstrates how that the images look flat when the images are taken with just natural light while the pictures taken using flash have good color tones and depth. ",
"I wanted to try this approach but then soon realized that my Nikon D5600 (with 50mm 1.4G) does not support HSS. ",
"\nI started to look for workarounds and found this video High Speed Sync vs ND Filters where the photographer shows that ND filter and HSS flash both can achieve same results.",
"\nIn other tutorial videos, the photographer simply uses a diffuser and reflector. ",
"But most of the time I see the reflector and diffuser being held by a person. ",
"\nI want to understand when to use diffuser, reflector, ND and fill flash ? ",
"\nAlso If I use spot meter on the shadows of a person's face while I have the ND filter on, then is it a replacement for diffuser and reflector ?",
"\n\nA:\n\nND filter and HSS flash both can achieve same results\n\nThat is a bit oversimplified. ",
"ND-filters (ND stands for \"Neutral Density\", which basically means that they [ideally] filter out equal amounts of all visible wavelengths) simply reduce the amount of total EV that your camera gets - with the same settings than before, your picture will become darker.",
"\nHSS on the other hand is a flash-/camera-feature that allows for higher shutter speeds while using the flash.",
"\nWhen you need a flash light but also want to stop high-speed action, then an ND-filter will not help you. ",
"If, however, you just want to get the exposure right and the flash sync time (usually around 1/200s ± 1/3 EV) is plenty fast for you, then ND-filters of course will work.",
"\n\nReflector | fill flash | ND-filter:\n\nReflectors are a way to bounce ambient light (e.g. sun, but also flashes or other lights) to a certain region - like a mirror, but less harsh (though there are silver reflectors that are quite mirrory). ",
"You use them to lighten up shadows, emphasize regions of interest or add some colors (e.g. by using golden reflectors).",
"\n\nPros: Continuous (as in: no flickering); don't need batteries; cheap\nCons: Bulky (especially in windy situations, you will need an assistant); efficiency depends on environment (i.e. don't work too well in new moon nights, if shooting in line with the sun,...)\n\nFill flashes are a way to add additional light to the scene. ",
"With color filters and flash formers (like soft boxes), they can be used pretty similarly to reflectors.",
"\n\nPros: High level of customisation (many different levels of power output, many different light modifiers,...)\nCons: Depend on batteries (bring plenty!); ",
"Not continuous, so they need to recharge between shots; need to be synced with the camera's shutter.",
"\n\nDiffusors are a way to soften down harsh light. ",
"They can be useful to reduce shadows, but the diffused area is darker than the surrounding area.",
"\n\nPros: Cheap (typically come with reflectors)\nCons: Same as reflectors; Darken the diffused area\n\nND-filters, as stated above, simply darken the whole picture (an exception are gradual ND-filters, which only darken down a portion of the frame (they are mostly used to darken the sky in landscape shots). ",
"I would not consider ND-filters to be in the same category as the above mentioned light modifiers, because ND-filters at least do not directly affect shadows or other attributes.",
"\n\nWhen to use what?",
"\nIt might be just me, but whenever I work outdoor, I bring all of these with me and choose them according to the situation: There are situations where I use none, there are situations where I choose just one option, and there are situations where I use all of them.",
"\nI will search around for a few tutorials on when to use which later (will include them here).",
"\nBasically, use whatever you feel most comfortable with at any time - there is no \"right\" or \"wrong\" in this (well, using a reflector in pitch darkness isn't the smartest move, but I think you get the point).",
"\nPersonally, I like to use reflectors over flashes when the situation allows for them - they allow me more flexibility on my parameters. ",
"Then again, if I have to work alone, I tend to use off-camera flash(es). ",
"I rarely use an ND-filter in portrait photography, but rather use a polarizing filter if there is any use for it (e.g. they are useless in completely overcast skies). ",
"On some occasions, I use diffusors, but if you use relatively small ones (diameter below 3m), then they only work in certain situations because - as said - they darken the subject below them quite noticeably.",
"\nAll of the options work better with an assistant that can help you to reposition your equipment: E.g. it can be really frustrating and exhausting to move between the equipment and your camera multiple times just to get a nose shadow out of the way.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.003263 | 5 |
"Arthur Joseph Weir [1889 - 1916]\n\nLouisa was born in 1866 at Nelson between Portland & Port MacDonnell on the Victorian coast. ",
"She married Arthur's father - Robert Weir - at Winiam in 1887. ",
"Robert was born at Portland in 1860 and died at the age of 91 in 1951.Louisa and Robert had eight children, two of their children - Frederick & Arthur - were listed as being killed in action during WW1.",
"\n\nLocation of Winiam, Victoria, Australia\n\nArthur enlisted in Melbourne on 15th July 1915 at the age of 26 years and was granted the service number of 358. ",
"Arthur acknowledged his father - Robert Weir - as his next of kin.",
"\n\nHe was added to the 29th Battalion - The 29th Battalion being raised as part of the 8th Brigade at Broadmeadows Camp in Victoria on 10th August 1915.",
"\n\nAnother family member - Edward Harold Artso - also enlisted in the 29th Battalion and was KIA ~ 18th May 1918.",
"\n\non 5th November 1915, The Battalion proceeded by three special trains to Melbourne where a route\nmarch through the principle streets took place. ",
"His Excellency the Governor\nof Victoria & Minister of Defence inspected the troops taking salute\non the steps of Parliament House prior to their departure to the Middle East.",
"\n\nimage is of the Ascanius at Port Melbourne on 10th November 1915\n\nThe HMAT Ascanius departed Melbourne on 19th\nNovember 1915 bound for the Australian training camps in Egypt, where\nthe AIF would undergo a doubling in size and reorganization after its\nwithdrawal from the Gallipoli campaign.",
"\n\nplan of the HMAT Ascanius - November 1915\n\nTraining was continued on board ship, but with only 200 rifles being available for this purpose! ",
"While \"at sea\", along with other soldiers, Arthur was charged with the crime of 'gambling' and was cautioned!",
"\n\nBy 7 December 1915, the Ascanius had arrived at Port Suez in Egypt where the troops disembarked. ",
"One week later the Battalion had received orders to move and proceeded to Ismailia by train.",
"\n\nWhile Arthur was in the Middle East, his brother - Frederick William Weir - enlisted on 17th March 1916 in the AIF at Horsham. ",
"He was in the 38th Battalion and departed from Melbourne on 20th June 1916 on board the HMAT Runic.",
"\n\nArthur was bound for France on 14th June 1916 on board the troopship HMT Tunisian. ",
"One week later he had arrived at Marseilles with the rest of the 29th Battalion and was then transported by rail to Hazebrouk.",
"\n\n10 July 1916 the 29th Battalion were in Bois-Granier, northern France. ",
"This area was known as \"The Nursery\" because it was a relatively quiet\nsector and was used to introduce new troops to trench warfare.",
"\n\nThe Battle of Fromelles (19–20 July 1916) was a British military operation on the Western Front during World War I, subsidiary to the Battle of the Somme.",
"General Headquarters (\"GHQ\") of the British Expeditionary Force (\"BEF\") had ordered the First Army and Second Army to prepare attacks to support the Fourth Army\non the Somme 80 kilometres (50 mi) to the south, to exploit any\nweakening of the German defences opposite.",
"\n\nThe attack took place 16\nkilometres (9.9 mi) from Lille,\nbetween the Fauquissart–Trivelet road and Cordonnerie Farm, an area\noverlooked from Aubers Ridge to the south. ",
"The 29th Battalion took part in an attack against the Germans around Delangre Farm. ",
"The ground was low-lying and\nmuch of the defensive fortifications on both sides consisted of breastworks, rather than trenches.",
"\n\nThe ruins of a brick chimney at Delangre\nFarm, the scene of severe fighting in the attack at Fromelles on 19\nJuly 1916. ",
"Barbed wire entanglements in the foreground remain standing\ntwo years after the battle.",
"\n\nThe 8th Brigade was positioned on the northern end of the\nAustralian attack line at The Battle of Fromelles. ",
"Arthur Weir was amongst the 5,533 Australian\ncasualties from the disastrous attack on the heavily defended ‘Sugar\nLoaf’ Salient at Fromelles. ",
"At first Arthur was listed as MIA, but was soon reported as KIA.Much has been written about the massive losses as well as the battle itself. ",
"Some of it can be seen here on Wikipedia.",
"\n\nThe Australian War Memorial\nstates: The 8th Brigade joined the newly raised 5th Australian\nDivision in Egypt and proceeded to France, destined for the Western\nFront, in June 1916. ",
"The 29th Battalion fought its first major battle at\nFromelles on 19 July 1916.",
"\n\nThe nature of this battle was summed up by\none 29th soldier: “the novelty of being a soldier wore off in about five\nseconds … it was like a bloody butcher’s shop.”",
"\n\nA German propaganda postcard showing dead \"English\" soldiers (according\nto the German caption) arranged in a wooded area near Fromelles just\nafter the battle of 19–20 July 1916.",
"\nThe Australian War Memorial notes that many of the soldiers are already covered with groundsheets:eyelets from groundsheets (used to lower the bodies into the deep graves) were recovered from the Pheasant Wood site.",
"\n\nThe aftermath of the battle, showing the bodies of Australian\nmen covered with blankets, 20 July 1916.",
"\n\nThe battle at Fromelles was the only battle the AIF fought in the\nWestern Front that failed to produce a positive response. ",
"Much of the\nblame was placed on poor planning and execution of the British High\ncommand, supposedly \"professional\" soldiers.",
"C.E.W. Bean recounts;\n\n“We found the old No-Man’s-Land simply full of our dead,” he recorded. “",
"The skulls and bones and torn uniforms were lying about everywhere.”",
"\n\nWith their ID discs removed, the remains were unidentifiable. ",
"They were buried in an unmarked, common grave in what is now VC Corner cemetery. ",
"The names of all those lost are engraved on a series of tablets across the back of the cemetery.",
"\n\nLarge numbers of soldiers were not accounted for. ",
"On the left flank, the 8th Brigade penetrated the German lines looking for a supposed second line of trenches. ",
"Instead all they found was a muddy ditch and having over-extended, and with their right flank exposed by the failure of the neighbouring Brigades to neutralise the enemy machine guns, they were enfiladed, progressively cut off and destroyed piecemeal in counterattacks and clearance actions by the German defenders throughout the night and early morning of the 20th July. ",
"Many had been killed or captured behind enemy lines, mainly from the 8th Brigade. ",
"The dead - including Arthur Weir - were were buried by the Germans.",
"The body of Arthur was later recovered and it was\nnot until the research of amateur historian Lambis Englezos that the\nclue to his possible burial place was revealed. ",
"Nineteen members of\nthe 29th Battalion were listed amongst the 175 missing diggers from the Battle of Fromelles.",
"\n\nIncluded in the Red Cross files\nwere copies of the German death vouchers completed by the German army\nwhen they cleared their trenches, after the battle, and the subsequent\nappearance of the names on German death lists. (",
"see below)\n\nThis provided Lambis with the vital\nclue to where these soldiers had been buried. ",
"The second vital clue\nwas the documentation stating that the identity discs of the soldiers\nhad been returned to their families.",
"\n\nfallen soldiers were removed from the battlefield by the Germany Army and transported by light rail systems.",
"\n\nUseful websites when researching those who went to war;\nwww.naa.gov.au\nwww.awm.gov.au\nwww.aid.adfa.edu.au\nwww.cwgc.org\nwww.dontforgetthediggers.com.au\nwww.mappingyouranzacs.naa.gov.au\nwww.findagrave.com - See more at: http://shazlex.blogspot.com.au/search?q=weir#sthash.yy8UZTAn.dpuf\n\nUseful websites when researching those who went to war;\nwww.naa.gov.au\nwww.awm.gov.au\nwww.aid.adfa.edu.au\nwww.cwgc.org\nwww.dontforgetthediggers.com.au\nwww.mappingyouranzacs.naa.gov.au\nwww.findagrave.com - See more at: http://shazlex.blogspot.com.au/search?q=weir#sthash.yy8UZTAn.dpuf\n\nThe Australian soldiers had been taken to the field adjacent to Pheasant\nWood where they were placed in pits and lay undetected for nearly 92\nyears.",
"\n\nPhoto: Pheasant Wood excavation trench\n\nIn 2007, The Australian Army commissioned Glasgow University\nArchaeological Research Department (GUARD) to undertake non-invasive\nsurveys to assess the likelihood of burials having taken place at\nPheasant Wood, and whether the ground had been disturbed by subsequent\nrecovery. ",
"The excavations have confirmed the presence of a\nsignificant number of human remains, consistent with the German accounts\nof the burials of Australian and British soldiers in the pits at\nPheasant Wood.",
"\n\n..... on 13 March 1917 the identification disc (of Arthur Weir) was received from Germany. ",
"No particulars afforded except that the soldier is deceased.",
"\n\nTo be reported as KILLED IN ACTION ~ FRANCE\n\nfrom Arthur Weirs Service records\n\nA J WEIR - 358 - German Documents\n\nTranslation of German Death Voucher rec'd 29 October 1919\n\nThe list of 75 Australian soldiers whose remains were recovered from\nthe burial pits at Pheasant Wood and whose identities have been\nestablished by the Fromelles Joint Identification Board was released on\nWednesday 17 March 2010. ",
"One of those being Arthur Joseph Weir:\n\nIn the Nhill Newspaper on 3rd April 1917 the following notice appeared. ",
"His parents had been officially informed of his death nine months later.",
"\n\nThe Weir family placed this 'in memoriam' notice in the Nhill Newspaper dated 20th July 1917.....\n\nThe family\nsuffered further loss with Frederick William Weir (brother to Arthur)\nbeing killed in action on 13th October 1917 in Belgium.",
"\n\nThe following is the headstone - that was ordered on 26 March 2010 - for Arthur Weir\n\nIdentified (March 2010) and released for public notice on 5th August 2010.",
"\n\nThe remains of Arthur were identified in March 2010 and the results were released for public notice on 5th August 2010.",
"\n\nArthur Joseph Weir's name will be projected onto the exterior of the Hall of Memory on:\n\nFri 8 August, 2014 at 8:06 pm\n\nSun 21 September, 2014 at 10:40 pm\n\nWed 12 November, 2014 at 4:05 am\n\nTue 6 January, 2015 at 1:09 am\n\nSat 28 February, 2015 at 2:03 am\n\nThu 16 April, 2015 at 7:30 pm\n\nThu 28 May, 2015 at 5:31 am\n\nSun 5 July, 2015 at 4:53 am\n\nThese dates and times are estimates. ",
"The\nactual time of projection could change as a result of weather and other\nfactors, so it is advisable to check closer to the date. ",
"In the rare\nevent of a temporary loss of electrical power, the names scheduled for\ndisplay in that period will not appear until the next time listed.",
"\n\nLEST WE FORGET\n\nSo far have located THREE family members that were at the Battle of Fromelles on 19th July and they are"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.008964 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nHow to get a rule for, e.g., (x + y) to apply to (-x - y), etc.?",
"\n\nFor example, the substitution (x + y) -> s fails here:\nIn[1]:= (-x - y) /. (x + y) -> s\n\nOut[1]= -x - y\n\nOf course, I could try applying the rule (-x - y) -> -s, but this strategy becomes unwieldy in more complicated cases. ",
" At the very least it would require duplicating a lot of rules. ",
" For example, if the expression to be transformed were something like\n(x + y)^2 + 2 (-x - y)\n\n...then I'd need to use something like\n{(x + y) -> s, (-x - y) -> -s}\n\nIs there a better way to transform the above expression to s^2 - 2 s?",
"\n\nA:\n\nHere are two methods to create patterns that match; the first uses a default value, while the second uses an explicit Alternatives expression.",
"\np1 = x (s_: - 1) + y (ss_: - 1);\np2 = (x | -x) + (y | -y);\n\nexpr = {x + y, x - y, -x + y, -y - x};\n\nMatchQ[#, p1] & /@ expr\nMatchQ[#, p2] & /@ expr\n\n{True, True, True, True}\n\n{True, True, True, True}\n\nIf you specify how you want to handle the sign in all cases I can recommend something for the replacement.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.000928 | 5 |
"Communication systems typically include a plurality of communication units, such as mobile or portable radio units and dispatch consoles that are located at multiple sites. ",
"The various sites usually include base site repeaters (\"repeaters\") for transceiving information such as control, voice, data and network management traffic between the communication units and each other. ",
"The communication units are often logically divided into various subgroups, known as talkgroups, which can be made up of communication units at different sites desiring to participate in a group or dispatch call. ",
"A dispatch call is one in which members of a particular talkgroup can communication with each other via communication links established between multiple endpoints, such as voice repeaters and dispatch console positions. ",
"Dispatch calls are often prioritized according to the source of the communication. ",
"For example, a message from a console operator typically receives a higher priority than one from a mobile or portable radio unit.",
"\nNext generation radio systems propose to employ multicast addressing protocols such as multicast Internet Protocol (IP) for providing group or dispatch call services. ",
"Examples include U.S. patent application Ser. ",
"No. ",
"09/283,121, titled \"Wireless Communication System Incorporating Multicast Addressing and Method For Use\" and U.S. patent application Ser. ",
"No. ",
"09/464,269, titled \"Methods for Implementing a Talk group Call in a Multicast IP Network,\" each assigned to Motorola, Inc. and incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. ",
"Generally, IP multicasting protocols provide one-to-many or many-to-many communications capability in a connectionless packet network. ",
"The network defines a spanning tree of router interfaces and necessary routes between those interfaces to provide multicast distribution of data with a minimum amount of data replication. ",
"Moreover, with multicast routing protocols, there is no need for dedicated bandwidth to each endpoint, thus dispatch service can be provided relatively more efficiently and less costly than in traditional circuit-switched networks. ",
"However, no solutions are currently known to exist for voice priority among competing sources in an IP multicast network.",
"\nAccordingly, there is a need for a method of implementing talkgroup calls in an IP multicast network among competing sources that may have different transmit priorities. ",
"The transmit priorities may relate to the priority of the sources per se (e.g., dispatch console having a higher priority than a subscriber unit), the priority of different units of the same type (e.g., police radio having a higher priority than a dogcatcher radio) or the priority of the messages from the respective sources (e.g., emergency calls having a higher priority than status updates). ",
"To that end, there is a need for a system and method that allows a source having a higher transmit priority (e.g., dispatch console) to \"takeover\" an active call from a source having a lower transmit priority (e.g., subscriber radio unit). ",
"Preferably, a first group of communication devices in the talkgroup (e.g., monitoring console positions) will be able to hear both the high transmit priority and low transmit priority sources, while a second group of communication devices in the talkgroup (e.g., subscriber units) should hear the high transmit priority source instead of the low transmit priority source after the takeover.",
"\nConversely, there is a need for accommodating a request to transmit (\"attempted takeover\") from a lower transmit priority source during an active call from a higher transmit priority source. ",
"In this scenario, a first group of communication devices in the talkgroup (e.g., consoles) will preferably be able to hear both the high transmit priority and low transmit priority sources, while a second group of communication devices in the talkgroup (e.g., subscriber units) should continue hearing the high transmit priority source and not hear the lower transmit priority source during the attempted takeover. ",
"In either the \"takeover\" or \"attempted takeover\" situation, there is a need for accommodating cases when the lower transmit priority source dekeys before the higher transmit priority source and when the higher transmit priority source dekeys before the lower transmit priority source. ",
"The present invention is directed to addressing these needs."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} | [
] | 0.002818 | 5 |
"Problematic prescription opioid use is cited as a primary contributor to the current ‘opioid epidemic’ in the United States, which is characterized by recent rapid increases in individuals seeking treatment for opioid dependence and staggering rates of opioid overdose deaths. ",
"Individuals with chronic pain are commonly prescribed opioids to treat pain, and by this mere exposure are at increased risk for the development of problematic opioid use. ",
"However, the factors contributing to variation in risk across patients have only recently begun to be unraveled. ",
"In the present review, we describe the recent and expanding literature on interactions between pain and reward system function in an effort to inform our understanding of risk for problematic opioid use in chronic pain. ",
"To that end, we describe the limited experimental evidence regarding opioid abuse liability under conditions of pain, and offer suggestions for how to advance a research agenda that better informs clinicians about the factors contributing to opioid addiction risk in patients with chronic pain. ",
"We raise mechanistic hypotheses by highlighting the primary conclusions of several recent reviews on the neurobiology of pain and reward, with an emphasis on describing dopamine deficits in chronic pain, the role of the reward system in mediating the affective and motivational components of pain, and the role of opponent reward/anti-reward processes in the perpetuation of pain states and the development of problematic opioid use behaviors. ",
"Finally, we also argue that positive affect—which is directly regulated by the mesolimbic reward system—is a key pain inhibitory factor that, when deficient, may increase risk for problematic opioid use, and present a model that integrates the potential contributions of pain, reward system function, and positive affect to problematic opioid use risk."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
"\n\nAmber ran a one shot of the magical girl skin of Honey Heist called Crystal Caper by Meghan Dornbrock.",
"\n\nMeandering side talk? ",
"Unfocused discussions? ",
"Constant joking? ",
"It’s happened. ",
"Amber has experienced a serious case of “table full of brain farts.”",
"\n\nThe MetaWarriors are: Chris as Jade; Brandon as Ruby; Brother John as Pyrite; and Kristin as Sapphire.",
"\n\nPlease check out Meghan’s other cool projects she works on, like comics and podcasts, at meglish.com.",
"\n\nSynth Sparkle by Komit on freesound.org.",
"\n\nPush play or download to hear all about great magical girl hair."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.020666 | 5 |
"[Evaluation of frequency human papillomavirus infections during pregnancy].",
"\nThe frequency of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection was estimated among pregnant women. ",
"Cervical smears were obtained from 50 patients treated in the Chair and Department of Obstetrics and Perinatology, University Medical School of Lublin. ",
"They were investigated for the presence of HPV DNA. ",
"For the above purpose Digene Hybrid Capture method was used. ",
"HPV DNA was detected in the 4 (8%) of 50 patients. ",
"One of them had mixed infection low and high risk types of HPV, the other--high risk types of HPV infections. ",
"1. ",
"HPV DNA was detected in 8% of the patients, in all cases high risk types of HPV was found. ",
"2. ",
"The diabetic patients seem to be more vulnerable to HPV infection during pregnancy."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.009181 | 5 |
"Pages\n\n9/12/12\n\nBlogging Tips\n\nI've always been intrigued by Alt. ",
"It became so popular so fast. ",
"Because of their amazing success, I tend to take them very seriously. ",
"So when I saw that they were taking their up a notch, I was very excited. ",
"I thought I'd share a link to the Alt blog so that you could enjoy all that they have to offer as well. ",
"For blogging inspiration and business advice check out the new Alt blog."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.002525 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nSpring Kafka listenerExecutor\n\nI'm setting up a kafka listener in a spring boot application and I can't seem to get the listener running in a pool using an executor. ",
" Here's my kafka configuration:\n@Bean\nThreadPoolTaskExecutor messageProcessorExecutor() {\n logger.info(\"Creating a message processor pool with {} threads\", numThreads);\n ThreadPoolTaskExecutor exec = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();\n exec.setCorePoolSize(200);\n exec.setMaxPoolSize(200);\n exec.setKeepAliveSeconds(30);\n exec.setAllowCoreThreadTimeOut(true);\n exec.setQueueCapacity(0); // Yields a SynchronousQueue\n exec.setThreadFactory(ThreadFactoryFactory.defaultNamingFactory(\"kafka\", \"processor\"));\n return exec;\n}\n\n@Bean\npublic ConsumerFactory<String, PollerJob> consumerFactory() {\n Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();\n props.put(ConsumerConfig.",
"BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootstrapServers);\n props.put(ConsumerConfig.",
"GROUP_ID_CONFIG, consumerGroup);\n props.put(ConsumerConfig.",
"ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, false);\n DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory<String, PollerJob> factory = new DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory<>(props,\n new StringDeserializer(),\n new JsonDeserializer<>(PollerJob.class));\n return factory;\n}\n\n@Bean\npublic ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, PollerJob> kafkaListenerContainerFactory() {\n ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, PollerJob> factory\n = new ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<>();\n factory.setConsumerFactory(consumerFactory());\n factory.setConcurrency(Integer.valueOf(kafkaThreads));\n factory.getContainerProperties().setListenerTaskExecutor(messageProcessorExecutor());\n factory.getContainerProperties().setAckMode(AbstractMessageListenerContainer.",
"MANUAL);\n return factory;\n}\n\nThe ThreadFactoryFactory used by the ThreadPoolTaskExecutor just makes sure the thread is named like 'kafka-1-processor-1'.",
"\nThe ConsumerFactory has the ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG flag set to false and I'm using manual mode for the acknowledgement which is required to use executors according to the documentation.",
"\nMy listener looks like this:\n@KafkaListener(topics = \"my_topic\",\n group = \"my_group\",\n containerFactory = \"kafkaListenerContainerFactory\")\npublic void listen(@Payload SomeJob job, Acknowledgment ack) {\n ack.acknowledge();\n logger.info(\"Running job {}\", job.getId());\n ....\n}\n\nUsing the Admin Server I can inspect all the threads and only one kafka-N-processor-N threads is being created but I expected to see up to 200. ",
" The jobs are all running one at a time on the that one thread and I can't figure out why.",
"\nHow can I get this setup to run the listeners using my executor with as many threads as possible?",
"\nI'm using Spring Boot 1.5.4.RELEASE and kafka",
"\n\nA:\n\nIf your topic has only one partition, according the consumer group policy, only one consumer is able to poll that partition.",
"\nThe ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer indeed creates as much target KafkaMessageListenerContainer instances as provided concurrency. ",
"And it does that only in case it doesn't know the number of partitions in the topic.",
"\nWhen the rebalance in consumer group happens only one consumer gets partition for consuming. ",
"All the work is really done there in a single thread:\n private void startInvoker() {\n ListenerConsumer.this.invoker = new ListenerInvoker();\n ListenerConsumer.this.listenerInvokerFuture = this.containerProperties.getListenerTaskExecutor()\n .submit(ListenerConsumer.this.invoker);\n}\n\nOne partition - one thread for sequential records processing.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.008994 | 5 |
"346 King William Street, Adelaide\nPhone: (08) 8231 5858\nwww.latrattoria.com.au\nLittle slice of Italy in Adelaide.",
"\nLa Trattoria, King William Road Adelaide (the Glenelg tram stops right outside) was established in 1975 by brothers Andy and Chris Parisi, the boys are from Sicily so the main cuisine of the...\n\n108 Jetty Rd, Glenelg\nPhone: (08) 8376 9222\nwww.cafestrand.com.au\nA Strand of History in Glenelg\nThe Strand Restaurant is a well-respected and established business, with owners John and Tus Papatolis’ family steeped in the business history of Glenelg (their parents established the first fish and chips..."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.013407 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nHow to not have my questions closed or downvoted?",
"\n\nSo far I have only asked four questions on this site and it seems that I consistently ask bad questions, though personally I think they are really interesting questions and maybe even good questions.",
"\nIs is that I'm really that bad at asking questions or is it just a fact that most interesting questions (at least interesting to me) are bound to be controversial?",
"\nI have gone through the help guide but I'm still unable to edit my questions in a way that they can be taken seriously.",
"\nFor example, take my latest question: Is there any correlation between gender inequality and women choosing making porn for a living?",
"\nAll I needed when I asked the question was some pointers to literature about the relationship between gender inequality and making porn for a living. ",
"\n\nI didn't ask for opinions on the subject. ",
"I got opinions anyway.",
"\nI think the question is not open-ended. ",
"It must have a definite answer, if there's any literature about the topic then the answer would be a pointer to such literature, if no one knows any literature then it should just stay there, inactive. ",
"On the contrary I got down votes and other users rambling in the comments section.",
"\nAfter being down-voted, I requested feedback in the comments but I got no answer at all that would help me improve the question.",
"\n\nSo I all have now is more questions:\n\nIs there a more appropriate site to ask questions like those four?",
"\nHow would you edit any of those questions so that it is answerable given the format in this site?",
"\n\nA:\n\nIs there any correlation between gender inequality and women choosing making porn for a living?",
"\nThe question is fascinating, but off topic, as it's not really about politics. ",
"The data you are looking for may influence policy decisions, however for the question to be on topic it would actually have to be about the policy decisions, or at the very least about the processes that lead to those decisions.",
"\nFurthermore, Stack Exchange sites are not search engines, requests for external resources rarely fare well. ",
"You might get lucky once in a while, but in general if your question is of the \"is there a book, study, website, etc\" variety you should expect down and close votes. ",
"\nYou could of course remove the explicit requests for external resources, and focus on the actual question (\"Is there any correlation between gender inequality and women choosing making porn for a living?\"). ",
"This would be a good edit, but I'm afraid the question would still be off topic.",
"\nWhy is there so much fuss about an internet “fast lane” for a privileged few?",
"\nAgain, technically, this is off topic. ",
"However it's main issue is that \"why suddenly everyone goes crazy\" is unanswerable. ",
"We can discuss it for hours, but that's really not what this site is for.",
"\nThis one also doesn't fit the general Stack Exchange philosophy & format, so I'm afraid there isn't a site where we could move it.",
"\nWhat are the main obstacles for implementing a Resource Based Economy as proposed by Jacque Fresco?",
"\nThis one is open, and answered. ",
"Not much to discuss here.",
"\nPros/Cons of anonymity in a modern democracy?",
"\nThe close reason picked isn't the more suitable one; \"too broad\" would better explain the issues with the question than \"primarily opinion-based\". ",
"\nNothing inherently wrong with questions asking for a list of things, however the site was build with questions with a limited set of self contained answers in mind. ",
"Lists of things simply don't fit the site's format: Their answers tend to be equally valid, which breaks the answer evaluation process (\"Good answers are voted up and rise to the top\"). ",
" \n\nFurther reading: \n\nWhat topics can I ask about here?",
"\nWhat types of questions should I avoid asking?",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.001022 | 5 |
"Europe presses Africa to ‘do their part’ to contain migrants\n\nFirst came the announcement of a Euro-African joint operation to free the migrants held prisoners in detention centers in Libya. ",
"Then came the promise of substantial investment for the benefit of small and medium-sized African businesses. ",
"The impression we are left with is of two parallel summits taking place these days in the Ivory Coast: the pre-announced one between the European Union and African Union, and another, unexpected summit between the same Africans leaders and Emmanuel Macron, determined to play the role of undisputed protagonist.",
"\n\nOn Wednesday, before his arrival in Abidjan, where the summit is taking place, the French president sent a message that must have been particularly pleasing for African leaders: his intention to create a fund worth $1 billion for the benefit of small- and medium-sized companies on the continent. ",
"These funds would be made available by the French Public Investment bank and the French Development Agency.",
"\n\n“The goal,” Macron explained before leaving Burkina Faso for the Ivory Coast, “is to multiply these funds tenfold, with an appeal to our European allies and to other private financiers, from Europe and beyond.”",
"\n\nIt is not a given that the forward role assumed by the occupant of the Elysee Palace is a development welcomed by the other European leaders. ",
"More likely the opposite. ",
"Beside agriculture, digital development, sustainable cities and energy, African SMEs are one of the five areas on which the E.U. has decided to focus, providing development for African economies in exchange for security for Europeans. ",
"What this ‘security’ refers to is full cooperation in locking down internal borders, but also in taking back those who have crossed the Mediterranean and managed to land in Europe. ",
"These desperate people are referred to in the final statement of the summit as those taking part in “irregular migration.”",
"\n\nNow, Macron’s announcements could overshadow the work done by the E.U. in the past months, crediting the French president as the main European leader during a difficult moment for Chancellor Merkel and with Britain on track to exit the Union.",
"\n\nTake, for example, the proposal to evacuate the migrants from Libya, a goal toward which the International Organization for Migration is already working, as confirmed Wednesday to the U.N. Security Council by the head of the IOM, William Lacy Swing. ",
"The plan provides for four flights per week for the voluntary repatriation of 20,000 migrants, a task that will take several months to complete, without resolving the fundamental issue. ",
"As the IOM official admitted, this will only involve emptying 30 government-run centers, without touching those run by the militias, which is to say most of them.",
"\n\nStill, the High Representative of the E.U. for Foreign Affairs and Security, Federica Mogherini, asked the African partners Wednesday to “do their part” in taking back their citizens. ",
"The first response came from the President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, who announced the repatriation and “rehabilitation” of all Nigerians stranded in Libya and “other parts of the world.” ",
"Buhari added that he was shocked by the images shown on CNN where “some Nigerians were being sold like goats for few dollars in Libya.”",
"\n\nToo bad that the diligence the E.U. is asking from African states regarding repatriations is not also being asked of E.U. member states in order to ensure a framework for legal entry to Europe, the only way to truly take the migrants out of the hands of traffickers. “",
"This argument is not popular among European political parties,” Mogherini admitted, “but if all the migrants in Europe were to disappear tomorrow, entire sectors of our economy would collapse overnight.”"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.004925 | 5 |
"\n227 Miss. 397 (1956)\n86 So.2d 298\nSTANDARD INSURANCE CO. ",
"OF N.Y., et al.",
"\nv.\nANDERSON\nNo. ",
"\nSupreme Court of Mississippi.",
"\nMarch 26, 1956.",
"\nWingo & Finch, Hattiesburg; Watkins & Eager, Jackson, for appellants.",
"\n*399 Hannah, Simrall & Aultman, Cephus Anderson, Hattiesburg, for appellee.",
"\n*401 LEE, J.\nLawrence Anderson filed two separate suits in the Circuit Court of Forrest County to recover for fire *402 losses. ",
"One was against Standard Insurance Company of New York for coverage of $1,500 on merchandise and $1,500 on fixtures. ",
"The other was against New Hampshire Fire Insurance Company, whose policy provided coverage of $1,000 on merchandise and $2,000 on fixtures. ",
"The property was located in Anderson's store building just outside the corporate limits of the City of Hattiesburg.",
"\nThe answers of the defendants denied the material allegations of the declarations, and pled specially as defenses in bar of the actions certain provisions of the policies, to wit: \"This entire policy shall be void if, whether before or after a loss, the insured has wilfully concealed or misrepresented any material fact or circumstance concerning this insurance or the subject thereof, or the interest of the insured therein * * * The insured, as often as may be reasonably required, shall exhibit to any person designated by this Company all that remains of any property herein described, and submit to examination under oath by any person named by this Company, and subscribe the same; and, as often as may be reasonably required, shall produce for examination all books of account, bills, invoices and other vouchers, or certified copies thereof if originals be lost, at such reasonable time and place as may be designated by this Company or its representative, and shall permit extracts and copies thereof to be made. * * * ",
"IRON SAFE CLAUSE Guarantee to keep books and inventories and to produce them in case of loss. * * * ",
"No suit or action on this policy for the recovery of any claim shall be sustainable in any Court of law or equity unless all the requirements of this policy shall have been complied with * * *\". ",
"The effect of the special defenses was to charge a willful concealment of material facts and circumstances, the violation of the terms of the policy in the procurement of additional unauthorized insurance, and failure to comply with the terms of the iron safe clause.",
"\n*403 The replications of the plaintiff denied the allegations of the answers. ",
"However, during the trial, the court permitted an amendment, which in effect raised the issue of waiver as to the iron safe clause and additional insurance. ",
"The court offered to continue the case because of the amendment, but the insurance companies desired to proceed.",
"\nThe causes were consolidated and tried together. ",
"At the close of the evidence, the court sustained the requested peremptories of the insurance companies as to the coverage on merchandise in the total sum of $2,500, but refused them as to the $3,500 on fixtures. ",
"The cause was submitted to the jury, and it returned a verdict for the plaintiff in the total sum of $3,500 for the fixtures. ",
"The insurance companies appealed because of the court's denial of their requested peremptories as to the $3,500 on the fixtures. ",
"Anderson appealed because of the granting of the peremptory as to the $2,500 on merchandise.",
"\nThe Standard policy was issued on February 25, 1953, by the Mike Ginsberg Insurance Agency, at which time policies in the amount of $10,500, including this one, were written to cover the building, fixtures and merchandise.",
"\nThe New Hampshire policy was issued on June 15, 1953, by the Brock Insurance Agency, at which time policies in the amount of $10,500, including this one, were also written to cover the building, fixtures and merchandise.",
"\nThe fire occurred between two and three o'clock A.M. on October 16, 1953, and the building and its contents were a total loss.",
"\nAnderson testified that he wished to purchase $21,000 of insurance on his property, and that Ginsberg came to his place and inspected it. ",
"When he said, \"I see you do not have an iron safe,\" Anderson showed him an iron box, which he used for a safe and in which he kept his papers. ",
"Ginsberg then said that the iron box was *404 all right, that he would write $10,500 of insurance, and would send another agent to write the additional amount. ",
"The policies were written, Ginsberg delivered them the next day, and Anderson paid the premiums. ",
"The other agent did not come for some time. ",
"Ginsberg was trying to write insurance on Anderson's truck. ",
"Anderson declined to change this insurance at that time, but informed Ginsberg that the other agent had not written the additional insurance. ",
"Whereupon Ginsberg promised to send Robert Dunn for that purpose. ",
"Dunn came on June 15, 1953, explaining that he was the one to write the additional insurance, looked over the place, examined the iron box just as Ginsberg had done, took the outstanding policies to his office, wrote the additional insurance of $10,500 of that date, delivered them to Anderson, and he in turn paid the premiums. ",
"Several days later he apprised Ginsberg as to what had transpired. ",
"Mrs. Anderson corroborated her husband's version in detail; and two other witnesses also gave corroboration thereto.",
"\nOn the cross-examination of Anderson, it was developed that he was examined under oath in the office of attorney Cephus Anderson on December 22, 1953, under the provisions of the policy, as provided for in the answers, supra. ",
"In that examination, on the advice of his counsel, Anderson refused to disclose when he purchased the property, or the consideration which he paid, or the amount of the acreage. ",
"He did exhibit his deed; but this showed the consideration to be $10 and other valuable considerations, the date as September 13, 1950, and the description by metes and bounds. ",
"He refused to answer whether he had competitors in the vicinity at the time of the purchase, or whether he had made efforts to sell the property before the fire, or whether he took out the insurance in the way in which it was issued by the Ginsberg Agency, or whether he attempted to obtain additional insurance from Ginsberg, or whether he applied *405 for the New Hampshire policy or a general American Casualty Company policy, or whether he had any discussions with Ginsberg with reference to the insurance before the loss, and what occurred at the time of the fire.",
"\nFollowing the fire and notice thereof, J.M. Lewis, Jr., an adjuster for the several companies, went to the scene for the purpose of making an inspection. ",
"When Anderson produced his policies, Lewis observed that there appeared to be a policy violation as to additional insurance, and that he could not proceed with the investigation except under a nonwaiver agreement. ",
"While Anderson testified that Lewis told him at the time that the companies would not pay him anything, later, after talking with an attorney, the nonwaiver agreement was signed on October 27, 1953, by him and Lewis, as agent of the companies. ",
"The material part thereof was as follows:\n\"It is hereby agreed by and between the above named assured and the insurance companies whose names are signed hereto that anything done or to be done by said insurance companies, or on their behalf in connection with the above described loss, including any investigation into cause or amount of loss or damage or other matter relative thereto, shall not waive, invalidate, forfeit or modify any of their rights under the terms and conditions of the respective policies issued by them. ",
"This agreement is made further for the aid and convenience of the parties hereto, to permit investigation of the claim and ascertainment of appropriate values of and loss or damage to the property involved to be made without delay and without prejudice to any of their rights.\"",
"\nMike Ginsberg, denying in detail Anderson's version, testified that $10,500 was full insurance; that there was no request for more, and he would not have written any more if he had been requested to do so; that he did not agree to send another agent to do so; and that he did *406 not send Robert Dunn. ",
"He denied any knowledge as to the iron box, or that he called Anderson about insurance on his truck. ",
"Robert Dunn did not testify.",
"\nAt the threshold of this appeal, the Court is confronted with the effect of Anderson's refusal to answer questions, which were propounded to him under oath, in accordance with a specific provision of the policies, thereby concealing facts or circumstances concerning his insurance.",
"\n45 C.J.S., Insurance, Section 1024, pp. ",
"1254-5 says: \"Fire insurance policies generally contain a provision requiring insured, after the loss, or as often as demanded, to submit to examination under oath touching all matters material to the adjustment of the loss. ",
"Such a provision is reasonable and valid, and is to be given a reasonable interpretation. ",
"While compliance therewith is not a condition precedent to a recovery unless made so by the policy, under the terms of most policies, a failure to comply with it bars a recovery either by insured or by anyone claiming under or through him, in the absence of any excuse for noncompliance.",
"\n\"The requirement contemplates an examination of insured personally, and none other can take his place. ",
"While insured's refusal to submit to an examination is not final, and may be retracted within a reasonable time by a subsequent offer to submit, where, during the examination, insured refused to answer material questions, he cannot recover on the policy, although at the close of his testimony at such examination he stated that he would not refuse to answer any reasonable question. * * *\"",
"\nIn Claflin, et al. ",
"v. Commonwealth Insurance Company, et al., ",
"110 U.S. 81, 28 L.Ed. ",
"76, Frances E. Barrett, the original policy holder, assigned the policies to William Murphy, who, after the loss, assigned them to the plaintiff in error. ",
"In an examination under oath, under a provision of the same effect as that involved in the policies here in question, Murphy swore that he *407 purchased the stock of goods for $35,484.20, paying for same in cash and securities, and that no other person had an interest therein, when the value thereof did not exceed $18,000; and that the property was damaged to the extent of $26,827.06, when such damage did not exceed $5,000. ",
"In other words, his statement under oath was false; but his explanation was that he made it because of a statement which he had given to a commercial agency a day or two after his purchase with a view of obtaining commercial credit. ",
"The trial judge instructed the jury that: \"* * * these Companies had a right to have from him the truth about every matter that was material as evidence to show whether he owned these goods or not; they had a right to have the truth from him whatever his intentions might have been, that is, as far as the truth was material; and so far as his testimony before the notary had a tendency to mislead the Companies on an important matter, it was false swearing and false testimony within the meaning of the policy, and would avoid the policy. ",
"If he stated that which was intended for their action, and which would probably influence their action, and these statements were false, then he swore falsely within the meaning of the policy, though he didn't intend to cheat them, but intended to cheat somebody else, for, without looking to his motives, the Company had a right to an honest statement from him to all questions, that went to show whether he was the owner of these goods or not.\" ",
"The opinion, in upholding the instructions and in affirming the case said:\n\"The object of the provisions in the policies of insurance, requiring the assured to submit himself to an examination under oath, to be reduced to writing, was to enable the Company to possess itself of all knowledge, and all information as to other sources and means of knowledge, in regard to the facts, material to its rights, to enable it to decide upon its obligations, and to protect it against false claims. ",
"And every interrogatory *408 that was relevant and pertinent in such an examination was material, in the sense that a true answer to it was of the substance of the obligation of the assured. ",
"A false answer as to any matter of fact, material to the inquiry, knowingly and willfully made, with intent to deceive the insurer, would be fraudulent. ",
"If it accomplished its result, it would be a fraud effected; if it failed, it would be a fraud attempted. ",
"And if the matter were material and the statement false, to the knowledge of the party making it, and willfully made, the intention to deceive the insurer would be necessarily implied, for the law presumes every man to intend the natural consequences of his acts. * * * ",
"By that contract, the Companies were entitled to know from him all the circumstances of his purchase of the property insured, including the amount of the price paid and in what manner payment was made; and false statements, willfully made under oath, intended to conceal the truth on these points, constituted an attempted fraud by false swearing which was a breach of the conditions of the policy, and constituted a bar to the recovery of the insurance.\"",
"\nIn Phoenix Insurance Company v. Summerfield, 70 Miss. 827, 13 So. ",
"254, this Court said: \"We concur in the view held in Claflin v. Insurance Company\", supra, though upholding liability in that case on a wholly different theory.",
"\nIn Claxton v. Fidelity & Guaranty Fire Corporation, 179 Miss. 556, 175 So. ",
"210, because Claxton swore falsely in an examination held under the terms of his policy, similar to the ones here, with reference to the value of certain personal property, it was held that the chancellor was correct in rejecting his claim for the loss of such personal property.",
"\nIn Home Insurance Company of New York v. Cavin, 162 Miss. 1, 137 So. ",
"490, the insured, in his application, disclosed only one previous fire when he had actually had three others. ",
"Under the terms of his policy, a false *409 answer thereto rendered it void. ",
"Consequently the Court held that the insurance company was not liable.",
"\nSee also Hickman v. London Assurance Corporation, 184 Cal. ",
"524, 195 Pac. ",
"45, 18 A.L.R. 742; Robinson v. National Automobile & Casualty Insurance Company, 282 Pac.2d 930; Gipps Brewing Company v. Central Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Company, C.C.A. 7th, 147 Fed.2d 6; Happy Hank Auction Company v. American Eagle Fire Insurance Company, 145 N.Y.S.2d 206.",
"\n(Hn 1) On November 18, 1954, Bruce C. Aultman, an attorney for the plaintiff, by letter advised counsel for defendants that he was tendering Anderson to them for reporting to the defendants such information as they might see fit to ask or require. ",
"However, this letter was written following the mistrial of a case against another insurance company, the cause of action having arisen from the same fire. ",
"This offer came entirely too late. ",
"Any benefits, which could have been discovered from the examination on December 22, 1953, had long since perished and could not have been resurrected as a result of compliance with this belated offer. ",
"Wagley v. Colonial Baking Company, 208 Miss. 815, 45 So.2d 717.",
"\n(Hn 2) In the Claflin and Claxton cases, supra, the policyholders made false statements in the examination under oath. ",
"In the case here, Anderson deliberately refused to answer questions on matters which were material, and thus willfully concealed such material facts and circumstances. ",
"The policy prohibited both concealment and misrepresentation. ",
"Consequently his concealment operated, under the provisions of the policy, to deny and defeat his right to recover under them.",
"\nHence we do not reach the question of waiver by the insurance companies of the provisions as to additional insurance or the iron safe clause.",
"\nFrom which it follows that the defendant insurance companies were entitled to a directed verdict, not only *410 as to recovery for the loss of merchandise, but also on a recovery for loss of fixtures.",
"\nThe judgment of the court on the peremptory in favor of the insurance companies denying recovery for the loss of merchandise is affirmed.",
"\nThe judgment of the court in refusing a peremptory for the insurance companies as to the item of fixtures, and submitting the cause to the jury on that question, is reversed, and judgment will be entered here in favor of the appellants.",
"\nAffirmed in part; and in part reversed and judgment here for the appellants.",
"\nMcGehee, C.J., and Arrington, Ethridge and Gillespie, JJ., ",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "FreeLaw"
} | [
] | 0.007652 | 5 |
"QPR are still mulling over whether to offer Marco Motta a contract.",
"\n\nMarco Motta is still training with QPR, TMW reports.",
"\n\nThe once-capped Italian international has been with the Rs for a number of weeks, hoping to earn a contract with the Championship side.",
"\n\nHowever, no deal has yet been struck, and the latest report indicates that the right-back is still in training with QPR as the club considering offering him a full-time deal until the end of the season.",
"\n\nJimmy Floyd Hasselbaink has been keen to asses the fitness of the former Juventus player, who spent last season with Watford.",
"\n\nHe played nine times for the Hornets as they won promotion to the Premier League, although he did little to impress and the 29-year-old will be lucky to get another chance in the Championship.",
"\n\nQPR are debating whether to offer Motta a contract, knowing that he can be signed at any time.",
"\n\nAs he is a free agent, there was no window needed to bring Motta to Loftus Road before the end of January, and Hasselbaink is continuing to assess the full-back for a few more weeks before offering him a contract.",
"\n\nIn other news, ‘Our best player’: Bruce names Newcastle man of the match; it isn’t Fraser"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.018163 | 5 |
"“When I joined the company, Google was not crawling the Times,” said Marshall. “",
"I’m pushing to get more traffic to the site.”",
"\n\nIn a series of telephone and email interviews with Marshall, we learned what steps he took to change things at the Times to make the company’s web sites more search friendly. ",
"Most of the changes he made will be of interest to anyone responsible for in-house search engine optimization efforts.",
"\n\nThe biggest problem for the Times with search engines was one common to most newspapers: The Times required users to register to read an article. ",
"Registration forms effectively block search engines from indexing a web site, as the crawlers can’t type a user name or password to access articles.",
"\n\n“Yahoo had indexed our registration page 20 million times,” quipped Marshall, but that turned out to be a serious issue. ",
"Yahoo’s crawler recognized the importance of the Times’ web site, but was unable to do anything but hammer away on the registration page that was ultimately displayed whenever the search engine crawler attempted to access a Times article by following a link.",
"\n\nTo put it kindly, I would say it was extreme non-genius on the part of the New York Times that their archives weren’t already crawlable, but, hey, that’s part of why the newspaper industry is in deep doodoo.",
"\n\nFollow me on Twitter\n\nThe Missing Runner\n\nClick photo to buy it on Amazon or read free sample\n\nIn January 2014 Jeffrey Boucher — a completely normal guy — went out for a run and never returned. ",
"The police still don't know what happened to him. ",
"This short e-book (magazine article length) presents my theory."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.008766 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nDo Legacy XP Bonus unlocks affect Legacy XP?",
"\n\nIn the game, there are character perks that allow you to unlock XP Bonuses for different activities in the game, such as Space Combat, PvP, Flashpoints and a lot of other events. ",
"\n\nBut do those also affect Legacy XP? ",
"Is Legacy XP always a percentage of the XP gained or a set value? ",
"In short, are those unlocks beneficial when you hit the level cap?",
"\n\nA:\n\nYes, because Legacy XP is affected by the XP's source too, it's not just generalized as \"experience.\" ",
"so if you have 25% more xp on quest rewards, the legacy system will calculate the buffed xp received.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.012174 | 5 |
"creation of Pseudomonas newsgroup\n\nIn response to Brian Hoyle's posting in bionet.general in which he\nobjected to the creation of a new newsgroup, bionet.organisms.pseudomonas, I\nwould like to explain that the idea for this newsgroup came out of discussions\nat the recent ASM annual meeting in Washington, D.C. The proposal was\nenthusiastically received at the Pseudomonas club meeting, and I collected\nover 60 e-mail addresses at the time, having added many more since then.",
"\nErgo, I think there is more than sufficient support for a Pseudomonas\nnewsgroup among researchers in our field. ",
"Brian negates his own objection by\ncorrectly observing that \"those interested in a specific topic may not want to\nwade through other, \"useless\" information.\" ",
"If Brian is \"leery\" of \"ultra-\nspecific newsgroups,\" then I am far more worried about having to wade through\nthe veritable mountain of information available in the many newsgroups and\non the internet in general just to find the information I need to keep our lab\nmoving forward. ",
"One truely excellent way to cut out the \"noise\" and focus on\nthe useful stuff is to create specific newsgroups so that particular\ncommunities of researchers can share information and ideas in a more\nconcentrated way. ",
"I'm sure Brian is perfectly correct when he says that \"I find\nthe bionet.micro newsgroup a useful place to pick up information.\" ",
"If \"picking\nup information\" is the only thing the bionet was good for, we would need only\na fraction of the newsgroups we already have, particularly if, as Brian\nsuggests, our discipline (microbiology) needs more interaction, not\nfragmentation. ",
"The whole idea behind the creation of specific newsgroups is\nto provide a forum, a central location, so that workers in a particular\ndiscipline can share ideas, data, and technical problems unique to their field\nwithout having to roam through the entire bloody internet to find what they\nneed. ",
"The fact that they find their own newsgroup useful does not imply at all\nthat they will not \"pick up information\" and share in discussions in a whole\nvariety of other newsgroups. ",
"This is not an \"either-or\" proposition. ",
"Well, this\nis my $0.02 worth. ",
"Cheers, Bruce"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.002899 | 5 |
"Playa Venao is a place for all skill levels of surfers. ",
"Our sand bottom surf break creates a fun and safe learning environment for your next Surf Camp in Panama.",
"\n\nYour Surf Coaching will be tailored to your skill level. ",
"Our coaching staff are talented, passionate, and truly want you to succeed in your surfing journey. ",
"Your first class will be an evaluation of your surf level. ",
"We will then set goals for you during your Surf Camp and watch you gain the skills and confidence to keep progressing and practicing on your own.",
"\n\nWe offer Private, Group, Family and Premium surf retreats. ",
"On a day trip to Playa Venao? ",
"Stop by Beach Break Surf Camp for an intro class. ",
"Walk-ins always welcome."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.005119 | 5 |
"\"\"\"Parser for future statements\n\n\"\"\"\n\nfrom compiler import ast, walk\n\ndef is_future(stmt):\n \"\"\"Return true if statement is a well-formed future statement\"\"\"\n if not isinstance(stmt, ast.",
"From):\n return 0\n if stmt.modname == \"__future__\":\n return 1\n else:\n return 0\n\nclass FutureParser:\n\n features = (\"nested_scopes\", \"generators\", \"division\",\n \"absolute_import\", \"with_statement\", \"print_function\",\n \"unicode_literals\")\n\n def __init__(self):\n self.found = {} # set\n\n def visitModule(self, node):\n stmt = node.node\n for s in stmt.nodes:\n if not self.check_stmt(s):\n break\n\n def check_stmt(self, stmt):\n if is_future(stmt):\n for name, asname in stmt.names:\n if name in self.features:\n self.found[name] = 1\n else:\n raise SyntaxError, \\\n \"future feature %s is not defined\" % name\n stmt.valid_future = 1\n return 1\n return 0\n\n def get_features(self):\n \"\"\"Return list of features enabled by future statements\"\"\"\n return self.found.keys()\n\nclass BadFutureParser:\n \"\"\"Check for invalid future statements\"\"\"\n\n def visitFrom(self, node):\n if hasattr(node, 'valid_future'):\n return\n if node.modname !",
"= \"__future__\":\n return\n raise SyntaxError, \"invalid future statement \" + repr(node)\n\ndef find_futures(node):\n p1 = FutureParser()\n p2 = BadFutureParser()\n walk(node, p1)\n walk(node, p2)\n return p1.get_features()\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n import sys\n from compiler import parseFile, walk\n\n for file in sys.argv[1:]:\n print file\n tree = parseFile(file)\n v = FutureParser()\n walk(tree, v)\n print v.found\n print\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} | [
] | 0.003241 | 5 |
"Hey friends and family and those who might stumble upon us. ",
"We are glad you are reading this. ",
"Well, I (Jollene) have 2 biological children from a previous relationship. ",
"And David and I adopted two children from my previous marriage. ",
"Yes, that is correct my previous marriage we adopted two. . . . .",
"\n\nHey friends and family and those who might stumble upon us.",
"\n\nWe are glad you are reading this. ",
"Well, I (Jollene) have 2 biological children from a previous relationship. ",
"And David and I adopted two children from my previous marriage. ",
"Yes, that is correct my previous marriage we adopted two children from because they needed a stable loving home.",
"\n\nAfter giving birth to my 2nd child I had my tubes tied in hopes that when I find the right man I will have a baby with him! ",
"And I have found him.",
"\n\nDavid has no children of his own and we have looked in many different angles of having an addition to our family.",
"\n\nThe cost for invitro for the two of us is going to cost 8,000.00 but we were able to save up some money and only need 5500.00 more! ",
"We both got our approval from the doctors to go get em. ",
"And I was told about this website that will help you get donations for these kind of things! ",
"So, I said heck lets try it. ",
"I am not asking for alot but a dollar goes along ways! ",
"We are hoping to have everything done by the middle of Feb. Doctor of course would like it sooner but patiences. ",
"LOL We appreciate the donation and are truly thankful! ",
"If you donate a dollar we will public thank you for your generousity. ",
"If you donate 50.00 we will send you a thank you card from our family to you. ",
"And if you donate 100.00 or more I will personally hand craft a wood burning of your choice and send it to you for free! ",
"Thank you for reading this and hope that you have a great day!",
"\n\nHey friends and family and those who might stumble upon us.",
"\n\nWe are glad you are reading this. ",
"Well, I (Jollene) have 2 biological children from a previous relationship. ",
"And David and I adopted two children from my previous marriage. ",
"Yes, that is correct my previous marriage we adopted two children from because they needed a stable loving home.",
"\n\nAfter giving birth to my 2nd child I had my tubes tied in hopes that when I find the right man I will have a baby with him! ",
"And I have found him.",
"\n\nDavid has no children of his own and we have looked in many different angles of having an addition to our family.",
"\n\nThe cost for invitro for the two of us is going to cost 8,000.00 but we were able to save up some money and only need 5500.00 more! ",
"We both got our approval from the doctors to go get em. ",
"And I was told about this website that will help you get donations for these kind of things! ",
"So, I said heck lets try it. ",
"I am not asking for alot but a dollar goes along ways! ",
"We are hoping to have everything done by the middle of Feb. Doctor of course would like it sooner but patiences. ",
"LOL We appreciate the donation and are truly thankful! ",
"If you donate a dollar we will public thank you for your generousity. ",
"If you donate 50.00 we will send you a thank you card from our family to you. ",
"And if you donate 100.00 or more I will personally hand craft a wood burning of your choice and send it to you for free! ",
"Thank you for reading this and hope that you have a great day!",
"\n\nCustomer Happiness\n\nPress & Resources\n\nGoGetFunding is a crowdfunding website that lets you raise money for anything that matters to you. ",
"From personal causes and events to projects and more. ",
"We've helped people from all over the world raise millions online.",
"\n\nWe use cookies. ",
"By continuing to use GoGetFunding, you're agreeing to our Use of Cookies."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.001734 | 5 |
"Day and nighttime excretion of 6-sulphatoxymelatonin in adolescents and young adults with autistic disorder.",
"\nSeveral reports indicate that nocturnal production of melatonin is reduced in autism. ",
"Our objective was to examine whether melatonin production is decreased during the whole 24-h cycle, whether the melatonin circadian rhythm is inverted, and whether the reduction in melatonin production is related to the severity of autistic behavioral impairments. ",
"Day and nighttime urinary excretion of 6-sulphatoxymelatonin (6-SM) was examined during a 24-h period in post-pubertal individuals with autism (N=43) and typically developing controls (N=26) matched for age, sex and pubertal stage. ",
"Low 6-SM excretion (mean ± SEM) was observed in autism, both at daytime (0.16 ± 0.03 vs. 0.36 ± 0.05 μg/h, p<0.01), nighttime (0.52 ± 0.07 vs. 1.14 ± 0.23 μg/h, p<0.05), and during 24h (8.26 ± 1.27 vs. 18.00 ± 3.43 μg/24-h collection, p<0.001). ",
"Intra-individual nighttime-daytime differences (delta values) in 6-SM excretion were smaller in individuals with autism than in controls (0.36 ± 0.07 vs. 0.79 ± 0.23 μg/h, p<0.05). ",
"Nocturnal excretion of 6-SM was negatively correlated with autism severity in the overall level of verbal language (Spearman ρ=-0.30, p<0.05), imitative social play (Spearman ρ=-0.42, p<0.05), and repetitive use of objects (Spearman ρ=-0.36, p<0.05). ",
"A deficit in melatonin production is present both at daytime and at nighttime in individuals with autism, particularly in the most severely affected individuals. ",
"These results highlight interest in potential therapeutic uses of melatonin in autistic disorder, especially in individuals with severe autistic impairment and/or low urinary 6-SM excretion."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.003669 | 5 |
"Living Room : Modern Black And White Living Room Apartment With Photo Frame Decor Idea Black and White Living Room Design Black And White Living Room Ideas Pictures‚ Black And Grey Living Room Decorating Ideas‚ Black White Home Decor also Living Rooms"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.011952 | 5 |
"Alex Jones breaks down the importance of having iodine as apart of a balanced diet, and he exposes all the benefits of Survival Shield X-2 which contains the purest form of iodine.",
"\n\nThe Emergency Election Sale is now live! ",
"Get 30% to 60% off our most popular products today!"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.003704 | 5 |
"Estradiol plus progesterone treatment and precopulatory behavior in prepubertally ovariectomized female rats: dose-response relationships.",
"\nThe copulatory and precopulatory behavioral repertoire expressed in terms of the intensity scale of sexual responsiveness was investigated in female rats ovariectomized on the 30th day after birth and treated for 9 weeks, once weekly, with estradiol dipropionate (5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 micrograms per animal) plus progesterone (in the range from 0.0 to 2.4 mg per animal). ",
"It was found that the higher the dosage of estradiol and progesterone used, the more complete the precopulatory behavioral pattern that was induced. ",
"Further, the same level of sexual responsiveness was achieved by various combinations of both hormones used. ",
"The dose-response relationships are less complicated in prepubertally ovariectomized females in comparison with those spayed as adults. ",
"Finally, the most complete pattern, characterized by ritualized darting, was not achieved at all."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.002926 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nSpark SQL - DataFrame - select - transformation or action?",
"\n\nIn Spark SQL (working with the Java APIs) I have a DataFrame.",
"\nThe DataFrame has a select method.",
"\nI wonder if it's a transformation or an action?",
"\nI just need a confirmation and a good reference which states that clearly. ",
" \n\nA:\n\nIt is transformation. ",
"Please refer: https://spark.apache.org/docs/2.0.0/api/java/org/apache/spark/sql/Dataset.html\n\nA Dataset is a strongly typed collection of domain-specific objects\n that can be transformed in parallel using functional or relational\n operations. ",
"Each Dataset also has an untyped view called a DataFrame,\n which is a Dataset of Row.",
"\nOperations available on Datasets are divided into transformations and\n actions. ",
"Transformations are the ones that produce new Datasets, and\n actions are the ones that trigger computation and return results.",
"\n Example transformations include map, filter, select, and aggregate\n (groupBy). ",
"Example actions count, show, or writing data out to file\n systems.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.007057 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nWhere to look for historical or reconstructed orbit data for early NASA missions - Mercury-Atlas 6 for example\n\nAfter reading this answer I decided that for my own use I'd like to plot the orbit of Mercury-Atlas 6, the spacecraft piloted by John Glenn on February 20, 1962. ",
"This thorough answer lists fourteen (14) ground stations plus two additional radar tracking stations for telemetry and/or voice communication, spread out - roughly along the general path that the spacecraft wold follow.",
"\nWikipedia lists some parameters for an elliptical orbit in geocentric (inertial) coordinates. ",
"From these I should be able to find an ellipse whose ground track comes close to intersecting the launch and landing coordinates. ",
"There's some uncertainty there, but I'll see what happens tomorrow. ",
"\nPerigee: 149 kilometers (80 nautical miles)\nApogee: 248 kilometers (134 nautical miles)\nInclination: 32.5 degrees\nLaunch site: Cape Canaveral LC-14\nLanding site: 21°20′N 68°40′W\n\nWhile the TLE catalog available from space-track.org is convenient to use and indeed lists SatCat: 1962-003A, NORAD: 00240, it doesn't seem to have TLEs available. ",
"I requested data from the Celestrak \"requestor\" and have now received a second e-mail with the attached .txt file. ",
"No dice.",
"\n=====================================================================\n 00240 1962-003A MERCURY ATLAS 6 \n Launched: 1962-02-20 (051) Start Date: 1962-02-19 (050) \n Decayed: 1962-02-20 (051) Stop Date: 1962-02-21 (052) \n=====================================================================\nNo data found for Catalog Number 00240\n<End of file>\n\nQuestion: Where to I look for historical or reconstructed orbit data for early NASA missions - Mercury-Atlas 6 for example. ",
"\nOf course if there are more missions that would be great! ",
"I thought that I'd read years ago that NASA had put a collection of at least approximate, reconstructed trajectories somewhere for the public to access, but I can't find it now. ",
"I'm flexible on the form of the data, for example a table of state vectors, TLEs, or even one or more sets of Kepler orbital elements.",
"\nI suppose when I am done I can generate something like this display board shown below, but now I will also be able to plot approximate altitude, azimuth, and distance to each of the tracking stations as a function of time. ",
"\nI'm not looking for such a plot, the answer I'm looking for will help suggest where I might find reconstructed orbit data.",
"\n\nabove: View of Mercury Control at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, in Florida (USA) during the Mercury-Atlas 6 mission, in February 1962. ",
"From here.",
"\n\nabove: A ground-track map for Mercury-6 from here.",
"\n\nA:\n\nFor the record, @Uwe said this in a comment, which @uhoh considers an answer:\n\nThe MA-6 Technical Report on http://ibiblio.org/mscorbit/document.html shows some trajectory parameters in Table II on page 26 to 28 of PDF A nice mixture of nautical and statue miles, velocities in foot per second. ",
"Good luck for the orbit plot\n\nThat MA-6 Technical report says, for example: \nTABLE II COMPARISON OF PLANNED AND ACTUAL TRAJECTORY PARAMETERS\n| Condition and Quantity | Planned | Actual | Difference |\n|----------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| Cutoff conditions (including tail- | | | |\n| off): | | | |\n| Range time, seconds | 303.3 | 302.0 | -1.3 |\n| min:sec | 05.03.3 | 05:02 | |\n| Geodetic latitude, | 30.4273 | 30.4533 | 0.0260 |\n| Longitude, deg west | 72.5268 | 72.5865 | 0.0597 |\n| Altitude, feet | 528,428 | 528,381 | -47 |\n| nautical miles | 57.00 | 56.96 | -0.04 |\n| Range, nautical miles | 436.4 | 433.7 | -2.7 |\n| Space-fixed velocity, feet per sec | 25715 | 26708 | -7.0 |\n| Space-fixed flight-path angle, deg | 0 | -.0468 | -.0468 |\n| Space-fixed heading angle, deg | | | |\n| east of north | 77.4756 | 77.4826 | 0.0070 |\n\nThe original memo on calculating orbits like Glenn's (by Katherine Johnson, with Ted Skopinski, is The Determination of Azimuth Angle at Burnout for Placing a Satellite over a Selected Earth Position 1960. ",
"T.H. Skopinski, Katherine G. Johnson, NASA TN D-233. ",
"\nAs I note there, I'd also love to see recreations of the orbits, and especially comparisons of the orbits calculated according to the original methods (including the IBM 7090 approach), vs modern spacecraft kernel approaches.",
"\nFor more on recreations of what those human computers, of Hidden Figures fame, did, see my answer at specific examples of the calculations human “computers” did for the Mercury space program?.",
"\nThese data, showing state vectors for images (position, direction of view) from Apollo may also be of interest.",
"\n\nApollo Image Archive - Ephemeris Data\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.007093 | 5 |
"Tuesday, January 31, 2012\n\nFLIP featured artist Dean Yeagle is doing a book signing tonight! ",
"Originally published in France, \"Melange\" is an 128 page overview of his career including many of Dean's Playboy cartoons. ",
"If you're in the Hollywood area go see Dean at Book Soup! ",
"His feature in FLIP was its most popular page ever. ",
"I wonder why.......\n\nSunday, January 29, 2012\n\nBack in the day, Rebecca and I were delighted to receive an invitation to attend a gathering at Ward Kimball's house. ",
"Kelly Kimball was there of course. ",
"Brian McEntee and Chuck Richardson were there. ",
"Ward and his crew fired up full size steam engines and gave visitors rides back and forth across his property. ",
"What a blast! ",
"And what a shock it must have been for people passing on the neighborhood street, seeing steam engines racing toward the fence, then slowing at the last moment and edging up to the bumpers at the end of the tracks. ",
"Most of the day was spent chatting, eating and riding the trains. ",
"But Ward saw several of us peeking at the building where he kept his vast collection of miniature trains. ",
"He let us in and asked \"you want somethin' to run?\"",
"\n\nHe fired up several trains at once and got everything chugging. ",
"You could tell he was having a blast! ",
"Boy did his eyes twinkle...\n\nLater that day he wanted to see the tapes I'd been recording. ",
"He said he liked the footage better than the stuff a news crew had staged and shot earlier. ",
"He found it more candid and fun.",
"\n\nThat VHS tape has been sitting on a shelf for a whole lot of years. ",
"After intending to digitize it for a long, long time, I finally gave it a shot. ",
"Some of it is still in decent shape. ",
"But there are segments lost to tape degeneration. ",
"I could kick myself for not doing it sooner! ",
"But over the next few weeks I plan to go back and salvage as many scenes as possible - both the big trains, and the miniatures - and post it all on my site.",
"\n\nThe piece I shared today was just the first test (before the digitizer broke!). ",
"I've ordered a new one and will be back at it in a few days.",
"\n\nFriday, January 27, 2012\n\nI have been doing some teaching lately at the University of Kent at Canterbury, where my old friend David Byers-Brown runs an excellent Msc. ",
"in Computer Animation, a course which he built from scratch. ",
"It's a one year graduate course on a 1960s campus a short cab ride out of beautiful medieval Canterbury, where David's students are producing some amazingly sophisticated work. ",
"David and I worked together many years ago on The Thief and The Cobbler; he animated lots of excellent shots of Zig Zag the Grand Vizier, and later went to work for ILM where he seems to have mastered most of the elements of digital film-making. ",
"His students are not just trained to be animators but rather emerge with all-round skills in Maya - an excellent training for work in the visual effects industry in London. ",
"You can see their website here - check out in particular the excellent short film \"The Raptor Hunter\", created and animated by the very talented Dariusz Szczuraszek. - ",
"Alex\n\nWednesday, January 25, 2012\n\nNow and again I teach animation classes at the wonderful Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark, a school which I think offers one of the very best English-speaking undergraduate animation courses in the world. ",
"The school has a great spirit, marvellous dedicated staff, and produces excellent work. ",
"A couple of years ago I was working there as an artist in residence when one of my students, Benjamin Kousholt, pitched me his idea for a student film. ",
"It was all about Vikings. \"",
"Oh no...\" I thought, \"here we go...\" Vikings? (",
"yawn) Going to Valhalla? (",
"double yawn). ",
"I thought: When will these Danes stop banging on about Vikings? ",
"It's like the Norwegians and their forest trolls - time to stop digging through the cultural attic in search of antique furniture and do something new.",
"\n\nHow wrong I was. ",
"Benjamin and his team of animators and visual effects artists put together one of the best student films I have ever seen. ",
"It's beautifully designed, well animated, very funny, and has over a million hits on YouTube. ",
"I salute their hard work and a wonderful result. - ",
"Alex\n\nMonday, January 23, 2012\n\nIt was January 28th, 1986, and I had just arrived to work on The Brave Little Toaster at Wang Film Studios, a.k.a. ",
"Cuckoo’s Nest. ",
"I had been put up at the China Hotel, and must have arrived on the weekend as the studio was closed during my first full day there. ",
"After breakfast at the hotel, I took a walk to check out the town.",
"\n\nI was just 23 years old, and found the city of Taipei to be like the land of Blade Runner. ",
"The buildings, the lighting, the smells, and the noise let me know with no uncertainty that I was far from the animator's safe haven of Burbank. ",
"Taipei was very loud, and on the eve of Chinese New Year, firecrackers went off constantly throughout the city, with rolls running the height of three story buildings. ",
"Most all signage was in Chinese, rendering me illiterate. ",
"American fast-food was there; Wendy's, Pizza Hut (with ketchup in lieu of tomato sauce on their pizza) and of course, McDonald's. ",
"As I approached a life-size, fiberglass Ronald McDonald on the sidewalk, a small boy puked a strawberry milkshake at his feet - a National Geographic photo-op missed. ",
"It was all so intensely bizarre and exhilarating, I strolled around like a Replicant, drawing stares for being a strawberry-blonde haired, green-eyed freak.",
"\n\nDay one in Taipei.",
"\n\nWalking past a large, shiny department store, my green eyes caught a bank of TVs in the showcase window with footage of what appeared to be the space shuttle exploding. ",
"I stopped short, taking a closer look next to a couple of locals. ",
"The footage was on a thirty second loop, the shuttle exploding, then back intact, then exploding, then back intact. ",
"The locals were talking about it, but in Chinese, so why was I eavesdropping? ",
"I went into the store to hear the TV commentary. ",
"It was an American news report dubbed in Chinese. ",
"I could hear a familiar voice (Brokaw?) ",
"reporting, but Chinese translation transposed on the tape made it very difficult to decipher. ",
"The Chinese news also added musical score for dramatic effect. ",
"\n\nHours later, I met up with some of my American Toaster crew mates and learned that the shuttle had, indeed, exploded killing the entire crew. ",
"Every January 28th since, when reminded of the disaster, I flash back to the front of that Chinese department store and that bank of televisions, luring people to come shop with a loop of the Challenger exploding during Chinese New Year. ",
"Shin yen kwai le!",
"\n\nSaturday, January 21, 2012\n\nLast week I found myself painting a one meter high fibreglass egg for a charity egg hunt - The Big Egg Hunt - launching in London in february. ",
"You can see their website here.",
"\n\nIt's a bit like last year's Elephant Parade in London - different artists paint the eggs (or elephants) and, after they have graced the capital with their presence, they get auctioned off for charity. ",
"The charities this year are Action For Children and Elephant Family.",
"\n\nThe funny thing was - I've been working digitally for so long that I can't really remember how to use paint properly anymore. ",
"So I had to beg a favour from an old friend of mine - Clarissa Parish, who is an awesomely talented muralist who specialises in huge commissions like cruise ships and hotels. ",
"Here's her website:\n\nShe had to bail me out of trouble on various occasions when I threatened to screw the whole thing up. ",
"Eventually however with her help I managed to get the egg safely to its \"nest\" in Clerkenwell, from where it will move to a yet-to-be-disclosed location in London. - ",
"alex\n\nWednesday, January 18, 2012\n\nMy head fell off. ",
"A week later, I saw this one, below (skip to about 1:30 to get to the interesting stuff).",
"\n\nNow, I’ve been around long enough to say I’ve been around long enough.",
"And for the first time in years I saw something animated that really blew my mind.",
"How do they do it? ",
"Jerry explains “Augmented Reality” and his work with AMUSME, a start-up new-tech company he has been working with as Lead Creative.",
"\n\nJerry Rees:\n\n\"Augmented Reality (AR) is a process that allows web cams and/or smart mobile devices to show you a live image of what is actually there (the Reality part), plus an added element that isn't actually there (the Augmented part). ",
"Software locks the Augmented element to the scale and perspective of a preordained marker in the real space. ",
"This \"tracking\" to the marker is essential in making the added element seem to be part of the physical world. ",
"When you move the marker in Reality, the Augmented element moves right along with it.",
"\n\nOld school tracking markers used to be blocky black & white symbols. ",
"We now use image recognition. ",
"This allows the app to \"recognize\" almost any image, such as a face or a logo and launch the software.",
"\n\nThe term Augmented Reality is used pretty indiscriminately by many companies, often referring to a flat overlay that doesn't track, or just a link to a traditional website or video playback.",
"\n\nWe are excited to push the AR envelope with true 3D animation that tracks the real world and includes original music and sound. ",
"We aim to create involving experiences and we aim for high quality. ",
"Since AR places extreme limitations on the amount of data that can be streamed live, we are constantly exploring work-around strategies to elevate the sense of production value. ",
"One day soon, cloud computing and hardware advancements will work together to remove most of these limitations. ",
"Until then we valiantly joust!",
"\n\nWhen planning out the Augmented Reality pieces, I start with sketches. ",
"I storyboard the expected attitudes and action. ",
"My storyboards for Owney included plans for him to sit up and beg, catch a little envelope in his mouth, toss it back to you, bark, trot and run. ",
"The idea was for updates of the app to feature Owney doing more and more interactive tricks - to display more and more personality.",
"\n\nOur Maya animator Jeff Clifton started building Owney in 3D, keeping in mind his required activities.",
"\n\nI rendered a pose test cycle to establish a cadence for Owney's trot. ",
"I gave this reference video to Jeff as a timing guide for his animation. ",
"I also gave it to our composer, Ian Rees, as a timing guide for his music.",
"\n\nLooking at historical photos I painted the flat Owney fur textures for Jeff to wrap around the Maya model. ",
"This was the only fur solution available to us since Augmented Reality cannot yet handle the heavy data required to move thousands of fur strands.",
"\n\nJeff sent me animation dailies married to Ian's music, and we tweaked various drafts.",
"\n\nBut Jeff's challenges went far beyond traditional animation. ",
"He had to collaborate with the software techs who were providing us the playback tools which track our animation to the physical marker. ",
"Not only were there strict restrictions on the amount of data, but different tracking software uses different rendering environments as well. ",
"So Jeff had to keep simplifying the data load while laboring to preserve the quality of our character. ",
"And he had to work within the software language parameters of each vendor. ",
"Not easy. ",
"But he has become a top practitioner in essentially outsmarting the medium - especially as we followed up the Owney AR release with other projects such the JFK stamp, a dynamic Captain America movie promo and more. ",
"Randy Cartwright has become an invaluable consultant, brainstorming with Jeff on best new methods.",
"\n\nA web portal allowed us to view tests on how smoothly the animation moved in the AR software environment, how well the sound stayed in sync, and how well the animation locked to the physical marker as you moved it around. ",
"There were a number of trouble-shooting passes to smooth things out.",
"\n\nOnce we were happy, the Apple apps team ran Owney through his paces. ",
"He got a clean bill of health!",
"\n\nOn some of the projects I've used Photoshop plus 3D layers in After Effects to do a more elaborate animatic of how the final experience should appear. ",
"This process has allowed some of the textures and layers I build during pre-viz to be incorporated as hybrid aspects of the Maya model and the final app.",
"\n\nCurrently my directing duties at Imagineering are keeping me from participating full time, as I did for the first year of our AR venture. ",
"But the AMUSME team is going strong and I keep throwing in my two cents until I can dive back in! ",
"We've started collaborating with computer science faculty members at various universities. ",
"So many breakthroughs are just about to happen and we are poised to secure a perch on the front of the next wave. ",
"Fun will be had by all!\"Jerry and Stephen Michael Schwartz wrote a 69 page version all based on newspaper articles vetted by Smithsonian. ",
"Free at the iTunes app store for iPad.http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/owney-tales-from-the-rails/id488657528?mt=8\n\nFor those without an iPad there's a web version link.",
"Fred Cline did awesome illustrations in the classic Golden Book style.",
"\n\nTuesday, January 17, 2012\n\nAnimation takes too long. ",
"Animators spend days or weeks (months even?) ",
"polishing our work. ",
"If I look back on the shots I am most proud of, they are usually scenes that took forever to get right. ",
"I have a sense of achievement looking back on them - but I've mostly edited out the pain that went into them.",
"\n\nSo it's a pleasure to come across work which didn't take weeks of graft to perfect. ",
"Evgenia Golubeva is one of my super-talented ex students from the character animation course at Escape Studios. ",
"Evgenia animated a short film titled \"Hold Me Clothes\", a stop-motion film written by her, and animated in just one day at a film festival in Italy.",
"\n\nHold Me Clothes is sweet and funny and completely charming. ",
"Her work is a reminder that good animation is as much about storytelling and an eye for comic timing as it is about polished technique. ",
"Congratulations to her on a delightful film. - ",
"Alex\n\nSunday, January 15, 2012\n\nAnimation is a complex craft and it takes a long time to master. ",
"The only exception to this rule - the only animator I can think of who seems to have emerged into the industry fully formed - is James Baxter, whose first animation test I still vividly remember seeing on \"Who Framed Roger Rabbit?\". ",
"It was a short test of Thumper the rabbit shaking his head and looking up at the camera - and it was so good that it immediately earned James a spot on the animation team. ",
"It also made me think I would never, ever have the skill to become anywhere near as good as that.",
"\n\nTwenty years later not much has changed, except that these days I do a lot of teaching - especially at the excellent Escape Studios in London - and I spend a good deal of time trying to figure out what should go into a really good animation course. ",
"How does a school get its students completely up to speed - ie to a professional level of skill - within the shortest possible period of time? ",
"Many students seem to emerge from 3 years of animation study at prestigious schools with only basic skills, which most likely says more about the quality of training they received than it does about them.",
"\n\nAt Escape the animation courses are just 3 months long, which is a very short space of time to cram in as much as we possibly can to make the course as effective as possible, to get the best possible results. ",
"This means we can't spend long on any individual exercise - no more than a day or two. ",
"One week max for the final acting exercise. ",
"In a way it's a good thing - everyone works like crazy and we don't waste any time. ",
"Every hour of every day is precious and the challenge is to figure out the fastest and most efficient way to get the best work done. ",
"Here's a link to the latest student reel - most of the students here had absolutely no knowledge of Maya before they began the course.",
"\n-Alex\n\nEditor's Note: In September 2012 Alex launched a new online animation school - Animation Apprentice, incorporating many of the lessons learned at Escape Studios and elsewhere, with a view to bringing high quality animation training to students all over the world.",
"\n\nMonday, January 9, 2012\n\nLast March, I got an e-mail from Alex Williams. ",
"He had a proposal - that we should team up and relaunch my e-zine FLIP as a blog. ",
"This is it.",
"\n\nAlex lives in London. ",
"That's a picture of us during my family vacation there in August 2010. ",
"He took us out for some spectacular Middle-Eastern cuisine. ",
"It was Ramadan, so we had the place to ourselves until dusk. ",
"I had just posted my final issue of FLIP as a webzine, and we talked about it a bit that night among a myriad of other things in the rambling conversation you have with someone you see once every four or five years. ",
"My wife, Donna, was running for local office, and Alex introduced her to the poster that would become her campaign mantra:\n\nThis was something Churchill had posted around town when the Nazi's were bombing the shit out of London. ",
"Donna co-opted the slogan and would win the election, beating our own local version of Boss Hogg.",
"\n\nI first met Alex in Los Angeles in 1998 - a cool, sophisticated cat but not in the phony L.A. way. ",
"He's very intelligent - was once a barrister in London (or was he a solicitor?). ",
"Besides being an animator, he does a comic strip for The Times in London called\"Queen's Counsel\". ",
"When he proposed teaming up, I thought he'd offer a great counterpoint to my South Jersey tactless manner.",
"\n\nFor you readers, expect to read more of the types of articles done in the original FLIP. ",
"Bookmark the page if you like it, and join our Facebook page too! ",
"We're not posting comments as they tend to be inane and give my site viruses, but if you have something valid to add or contribute, send us an e-mail. ",
"And please - spread the word!"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.006205 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nWhy doesn't LINQ include a `distinct` keyword?",
"\n\nNOTE: Before you read on or provide an answer, I know about Enumerable.",
"Distinct, I am asking about specific language support for that method, not about the method itself.",
"\nI've always wondered why there is no distinct keyword in the C# LINQ keyword set so that I could write:\nvar items = distinct from x in y\n select x;\n\nor\nvar items = from x in y\n select distinct x;\n\nAnybody know why this wasn't included or why it would be a bad idea to include it? ",
"It just feels cumbersome to me that I have to wrap the query just to call Distinct(); a distinct keyword would feel more natural.",
"\nNOTE: I know that the Distinct method has overrides to provide a comparer if that is required, but a keyword that uses the default comparer would be great. ",
"I could even imagine a distinct by keyword combination so that a comparison operator could be provided inline to the query.",
"\n\nA:\n\nIn VB, there actually is.",
"\nDim l = From x In {1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2} Distinct Select x\n\nI don't suspect there has been some active decision against distinct for C#, it's just has not been implemented.",
"\n\nA:\n\nCharlie Calvert has a blog post (\"Using Distinct and Avoiding Lambdas\") discussing the issue. ",
"From the top of the post:\n\nMost query operators such as Select(), Where() and GroupBy() take something called a lambda as a parameter.",
"\nLambdas are difficult to write.",
"\nQuery expressions were created in large part to allow developers to use LINQ without having to learn the complex syntax associated with lambdas.",
"\nA few query operators, such as Distinct(), do not take lambdas as parameters. ",
"As a result, they are easy to call.",
"\nQuery expressions were therefore not created for operators such as Distinct() that do not take lambdas.",
"\n\nAnd also, from further down in the post:\n\nQuery operators are method calls. ",
"In other words, there are methods in the LINQ API called Select(), Group(), Distinct(), etc. ",
"We don't usually call these methods directly because they take lambdas as parameters, and many people find that lambdas are hard to understand. ",
"To help developers avoid the complex task of writing lambdas, the team invented query expressions, which are a \"syntactic sugar\" that sit on top of lambdas.",
"\n\nTL;DR: There's no distinct keyword for simplicity's sake, since distinct does not take a lambda expression.",
"\n\nA:\n\nReword: distinct is a set operator... set operators don't take lambdas as parameters. ",
" The c# team decided to give you shortcuts to methods that take lambdas, such as Select() and Group(), because they felt that lambdas can be confusing to people just starting out. ",
" .Distinct() doesn't take a lambda, so is clear when you call it directly. ",
" \nA good read on the subject:\nhttp://blogs.msdn.com/b/charlie/archive/2006/11/19/linq-farm-group-and-distinct.aspx\n\n"
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"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
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] | 0.00448 | 5 |
"letters picked without replacement from {z: 2, s: 9, m: 6, i: 1, e: 1}. ",
"Give prob of picking 1 z and 1 m.\n4/57\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {e: 9, r: 7}. ",
"Give prob of picking 2 r.\n7/40\nFour letters picked without replacement from ybybb. ",
"Give prob of picking 1 y and 3 b.\n2/5\nFour letters picked without replacement from {s: 5, e: 14}. ",
"What is prob of picking 2 s and 2 e?",
"\n455/1938\nTwo letters picked without replacement from lkuma. ",
"What is prob of picking 1 a and 1 l?",
"\n1/10\nFour letters picked without replacement from yjjdwyrywzw. ",
"What is prob of picking 2 j, 1 y, and 1 r?",
"\n1/110\nFour letters picked without replacement from bbbatabazzbjzbjabt. ",
"Give prob of picking 1 t, 1 a, and 2 z.\n2/255\nTwo letters picked without replacement from kyskvzkkk. ",
"Give prob of picking 1 s and 1 z.\n1/36\nCalculate prob of picking 3 z and 1 n when four letters picked without replacement from {z: 4, n: 3}.",
"\n12/35\nThree letters picked without replacement from {x: 3, q: 9}. ",
"Give prob of picking 1 x and 2 q.\n27/55\nThree letters picked without replacement from {n: 2, o: 1, e: 1, h: 2}. ",
"Give prob of picking 1 e and 2 n.\n1/20\nTwo letters picked without replacement from ffffffffffmff. ",
"What is prob of picking 1 m and 1 f?",
"\n2/13\nWhat is prob of picking 1 h, 2 b, and 1 n when four letters picked without replacement from hnvvhthnbnhnhvhvhtbh?",
"\n32/4845\nTwo letters picked without replacement from jnnqnqnd. ",
"Give prob of picking 1 j and 1 n.\n1/7\nWhat is prob of picking 2 k when two letters picked without replacement from {x: 4, k: 2}?",
"\n1/15\nCalculate prob of picking 1 v and 3 x when four letters picked without replacement from {v: 5, x: 5}.",
"\n5/21\nWhat is prob of picking 2 j and 2 z when four letters picked without replacement from {z: 5, p: 1, m: 1, v: 5, j: 3, q: 3}?",
"\n1/102\nWhat is prob of picking 1 p and 1 w when two letters picked without replacement from {w: 4, c: 6, p: 1}?",
"\n4/55\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {v: 4, i: 2, p: 1, w: 3, b: 1, f: 1}. ",
"What is prob of picking 2 v?",
"\n1/11\nCalculate prob of picking 3 x when three letters picked without replacement from {m: 2, x: 5}.",
"\n2/7\nCalculate prob of picking 2 k when two letters picked without replacement from {p: 1, k: 7}.",
"\n3/4\nWhat is prob of picking 1 i and 3 s when four letters picked without replacement from {t: 3, i: 2, s: 5}?",
"\n2/21\nFour letters picked without replacement from {m: 10}. ",
"Give prob of picking 4 m.\n1\nThree letters picked without replacement from {t: 5, p: 3, y: 4, v: 1, g: 1}. ",
"Give prob of picking 1 p, 1 v, and 1 t.\n15/364\nFour letters picked without replacement from klvvnkokoooo. ",
"What is prob of picking 1 l, 1 v, and 2 o?",
"\n4/99\nCalculate prob of picking 1 n and 1 g when two letters picked without replacement from {n: 7, g: 2}.",
"\n7/18\nThree letters picked without replacement from {a: 3, d: 7}. ",
"Give prob of picking 3 a.\n1/120\nCalculate prob of picking 1 u and 2 k when three letters picked without replacement from {l: 1, u: 1, j: 4, h: 3, m: 4, k: 4}.",
"\n3/340\nThree letters picked without replacement from kkmkmkkkkkkk. ",
"What is prob of picking 1 k and 2 m?",
"\n1/22\nCalculate prob of picking 1 p, 1 j, and 1 b when three letters picked without replacement from jujbjbjp.",
"\n1/7\nCalculate prob of picking 1 o and 1 b when two letters picked without replacement from {b: 2, n: 1, h: 3, o: 3, r: 4, i: 4}.",
"\n3/68\nWhat is prob of picking 2 e when two letters picked without replacement from {e: 3, h: 7, s: 2}?",
"\n1/22\nCalculate prob of picking 1 t, 1 e, and 2 r when four letters picked without replacement from {r: 2, e: 1, b: 5, l: 6, t: 2}.",
"\n1/910\nTwo letters picked without replacement from uukkkkkkukukuaauok. ",
"Give prob of picking 2 a.\n1/153\nTwo letters picked without replacement from yfuogfd. ",
"Give prob of picking 2 g.\n0\nTwo letters picked without replacement from lldxlnnll. ",
"What is prob of picking 2 n?",
"\n1/36\nWhat is prob of picking 1 v and 1 w when two letters picked without replacement from vwwawayaww?",
"\n1/9\nWhat is prob of picking 3 w when three letters picked without replacement from {w: 13, k: 6}?",
"\n286/969\nTwo letters picked without replacement from qiyysqyyqsyx. ",
"What is prob of picking 1 x and 1 s?",
"\n1/33\nThree letters picked without replacement from {t: 1, r: 3, x: 3, k: 2, i: 4, n: 6}. ",
"Give prob of picking 1 r and 2 x.\n3/323\nFour letters picked without replacement from {e: 4}. ",
"Give prob of picking 4 e.\n1\nCalculate prob of picking 2 v and 1 y when three letters picked without replacement from {e: 1, y: 3, v: 12}.",
"\n99/280\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {w: 2, t: 1, k: 1}. ",
"What is prob of picking 1 t and 1 k?",
"\n1/6\nWhat is prob of picking 2 c when two letters picked without replacement from hxxcxxcccxh?",
"\n6/55\nTwo letters picked without replacement from cccbccccccbbcbccbbc. ",
"What is prob of picking 1 b and 1 c?",
"\n26/57\nThree letters picked without replacement from {j: 4, k: 6}. ",
"Give prob of picking 1 k and 2 j.\n3/10\nFour letters picked without replacement from pssiivi. ",
"What is prob of picking 2 s, 1 p, and 1 v?",
"\n1/35\nFour letters picked without replacement from {d: 4, t: 4, y: 3}. ",
"Give prob of picking 1 d and 3 y.\n2/165\nCalculate prob of picking 3 o and 1 b when four letters picked without replacement from boooobbbobooo.",
"\n56/143\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {m: 5, i: 3, q: 1}. ",
"What is prob of picking 1 m and 1 q?",
"\n5/36\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {e: 1, h: 7, m: 3, x: 1}. ",
"Give prob of picking 1 e and 1 m.\n1/22\nCalculate prob of picking 1 m, 1 d, and 1 q when three letters picked without replacement from qmbqlqmqmqlmdbq.",
"\n24/455\nThree letters picked without replacement from cfllfdrcfflffcd. ",
"What is prob of picking 2 f and 1 r?",
"\n3/91\nThree letters picked without replacement from pxppxx. ",
"Give prob of picking 3 p.\n1/20\nWhat is prob of picking 3 v and 1 u when four letters picked without replacement from {u: 4, o: 4, v: 3}?",
"\n2/165\nTwo letters picked without replacement from czgzz. ",
"Give prob of picking 1 c and 1 z.\n3/10\nThree letters picked without replacement from {j: 5, q: 5}. ",
"What is prob of picking 3 q?",
"\n1/12\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {n: 2, i: 2, l: 4, h: 2}. ",
"What is prob of picking 1 h and 1 l?",
"\n8/45\nWhat is prob of picking 2 b when two letters picked without replacement from qbbbqqbqbbbqbbbqbbb?",
"\n26/57\nCalculate prob of picking 1 k and 3 f when four letters picked without replacement from fffkfffkfffffk.",
"\n45/91\nThree letters picked without replacement from opopoppppppppp. ",
"What is prob of picking 1 o and 2 p?",
"\n165/364\nFour letters picked without replacement from {m: 4, i: 6, p: 3, w: 1, f: 1}. ",
"What is prob of picking 1 i and 3 m?",
"\n8/455\nWhat is prob of picking 2 j when two letters picked without replacement from jjojojojjjjjjojojo?",
"\n22/51\nFour letters picked without replacement from tytyyctcycc. ",
"What is prob of picking 1 t, 2 y, and 1 c?",
"\n12/55\nThree letters picked without replacement from {z: 1, m: 1, w: 1, c: 3, d: 1}. ",
"Give prob of picking 2 c and 1 z.\n3/35\nFour letters picked without replacement from beebbbbbebbebb. ",
"Give prob of picking 2 b and 2 e.\n270/1001\nFour letters picked without replacement from rrrrrvrr. ",
"What is prob of picking 1 v and 3 r?",
"\n1/2\nCalculate prob of picking 1 d and 2 m when three letters picked without replacement from {b: 1, k: 2, m: 3, d: 3, g: 1}.",
"\n3/40\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {o: 1, m: 1, r: 2, v: 1, q: 1, e: 1}. ",
"Give prob of picking 1 m and 1 r.\n2/21\nTwo letters picked without replacement from plplplpkplle. ",
"Give prob of picking 1 l and 1 e.\n5/66\nFour letters picked without replacement from ftttfntftlttfntnptt. ",
"What is prob of picking 4 t?",
"\n35/646\nWhat is prob of picking 1 x and 2 f when three letters picked without replacement from {x: 2, z: 1, r: 10, g: 1, f: 6}?",
"\n1/38\nCalculate prob of picking 1 n, 1 z, and 1 j when three letters picked without replacement from {z: 2, j: 2, y: 6, c: 1, n: 1}.",
"\n1/55\nFour letters picked without replacement from {s: 2, h: 2, q: 9}. ",
"Give prob of picking 2 q, 1 h, and 1 s.\n144/715\nTwo letters picked without replacement from gfxffxu. ",
"Give prob of picking 2 f.\n1/7\nWhat is prob of picking 2 d when two letters picked without replacement from {x: 1, d: 2}?",
"\n1/3\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {w: 3, x: 8}. ",
"Give prob of picking 2 x.\n28/55\nFour letters picked without replacement from {v: 8, d: 5, n: 2}. ",
"What is p"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics"
} | [
] | 0.000235 | 5 |
"Irish Republic 85bn euro bail-out agreed Published duration 28 November 2010\n\nmedia caption Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen said the deal would be cheaper than borrowing on the open money markets\n\nEuropean ministers have reached an agreement over a bail-out for the Irish Republic worth about 85bn euros ($113bn; £72bn).",
"\n\nThe deal will see 35bn euros go towards propping up the Irish banking system with the remaining 50bn euros to help the government's day-to-day spending.",
"\n\nAn average interest rate of 5.8% will be payable on the loans, above the 5.2% paid by Greece for its bail-out.",
"\n\nIrish PM Brian Cowen said it was the \"best available deal for Ireland\".",
"\n\nIt provides \"vital time and space to successfully and conclusively address the problems we've been dealing with since the financial crisis began\", the prime minister said.",
"\n\nDetails of the 85bn euro plan include:\n\nan average interest rate on rescue loans of 5.83%\n\nthe 35bn euros allocated to Irish banks is divided into 10bn euros for \"immediate recapitalisation measures\" and 25bn euros as a contingency fund\n\nthe Irish Republic itself will contribute 17.5bn euros to the overall fund\n\nthe EU will contribute 45bn euros, including direct bilateral loans from the UK, Sweden and Denmark\n\nthe IMF will contribute 22.5bn euros\n\nallows the Irish Republic to delay by one year to 2015 its deadline for reducing its budget deficit to 3% of GDP.",
"\n\nThe Irish government has also said that interest payments on all state debt will account for more than 20% of tax revenues in 2014.",
"\n\nThe deal does not require the Irish Republic to change its low 12.5% corporation tax.",
"\n\nRate negotiation\n\nThe rescue package is the second to be approved in the eurozone this year following Greece's bail-out in May.\n\nThere had been much negotiating between European ministers over the interest rate the Irish Republic must pay on the loans.",
"\n\nA report from Irish state broadcaster on Saturday suggested the rate would be set at 6.7%, and the BBC's business editor Robert Peston said that Germany had been pushing for a higher interest rate of about 7% so that any rescue loans would not look like cheap money.",
"\n\nThe Irish government had believed it would pay 5%, and the agreed rate of 5.8% is still higher than many in Ireland had hoped for, especially as it is higher than the agreed rate for Greece.",
"\n\nBut Mr Cowen said the loans were necessary.",
"\n\n\"These loans will provide money that we had already planned to borrow on the international markets. ",
"That funding will now be available to Ireland at a cheaper interest rate than if we'd borrowed on those markets,\" he said.",
"\n\nLoan 'warranted'\n\nThe details of the IMF and EU bail-out were discussed at a meeting in Brussels.",
"\n\nMinisters had been keen to reach an outline agreement before the financial markets reopen on Monday.",
"\n\nThe Irish government applied for aid last Sunday when it conceded the banking crisis was too big for the country.",
"\n\nEurozone finance ministers' chairman Jean-Claude Juncker said ministers had \"unanimously endorsed\" the measures.",
"\n\nmedia caption Jean-Claude Juncker: \"Ministers unanimously endorsed the measures\"\n\n\"Ministers concur with the [European] Commission and the European Central Bank that providing a loan to Ireland is warranted to safeguard financial stability in the euro area and in the European Union as a whole,\" Mr Juncker said.",
"\n\nThe crisis in the Irish Republic has been brought on by the global recession and the almost total collapse of the country's debt-ridden banks.",
"\n\nThe rescue programme rests on the Irish Republic meeting three conditions.",
"\n\nFirstly, it must immediately strengthen and overhaul its banking system.",
"\n\nSecondly, it must implement an ambitious fiscal adjustment to reduce its \"excessive\" deficit by 2015.",
"\n\nFinally, it must introduce growth-enhancing reforms in particular on the labour market.",
"\n\nDebt mechanism\n\nThe EU also agreed the outline of a new European Stability Mechanism for resolving debt crises in the eurozone.",
"\n\nThe mechanism should force losses on private investors \"only on a case by case basis\", and will replace an existing rescue fund which runs out in 2013.",
"\n\nBBC business editor Robert Peston said UK Chancellor George Osborne believes he has won an important concession from other EU countries in return for providing a direct loan of 3.84bn euros (£3.2bn) to Ireland.",
"\n\nMr Osborne has secured an agreement that the UK will not be part of the new rescue fund for eurozone countries to be launched in 2013, he said.",
"\n\nThe announcement on the permanent mechanism may have been rushed through to try to allay concerns about the debt crisis in Europe spreading.",
"\n\nEarlier, French President Nicolas Sarkozy's office \"categorically\" denied that France was threatened by the crisis in the eurozone.",
"\n\nThe comments came as concerns mount that Portugal may also need a bail-out, while fears over Spain, Italy and Belgium also increase."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.004283 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nDo something if view loads\n\nI shift to my view by \n[[self navigationController] popToViewController:controller animated:YES];\n\nIn that ViewController, I'm not able to get a notice, that it comes back to front (e.g. by viewWillAppear). ",
"I want to reload a table, as soon as the view is visible again.",
"\nHow do I get a notice, that the view comes back on the screen?",
"\n----> solved: See my last comment on Corey's answer\n\nA:\n\nviewWillAppear should be called if you are using a UINavigationController.",
"\nAre you sure you have added it correctly to the view hierarchy?",
"\nDid you check if viewWillDisappear gets called when it goes offscreen?",
"\nDid you try viewDidAppear just to make sure?",
"\nDid you spell the method name correctly? ",
"\n\nTo add:\nIs the instance of UINavigationController added directly to the UIWindow instance? ",
"\nThe delegate methods like viewWillappear are sent from UIApplication (I believe). ",
"UIApplication only \"knows\" about viewControllers whose views are either:\n\nAdded Directly to UIWindow.",
"\nAdded to a\nUINavigationController/UITabBarCOntroller\nthat is added directly to UIWindow\n(or a chain of these that leads to UIWindow).",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.003672 | 5 |
"National Green Corps\n\nNational Green Corps (NGC), popularly known as 'a programme of eco-clubs', initiated nation-wide by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of India (GoI). ",
"The programme has school children at the vanguard of a campaign to green the Earth. ",
"Begun in 2001-02, NGC now has more than 91,000 schools, as many teachers and more than three million students involved in conservation efforts, making it one of the most successful programmes of the Ministry of Environment and Forests. ",
"It is a unique programme aimed at building a cadre of young green corps working towards environmental conservation for a more secure and sustainable planet. ",
"Operated through eco-clubs, the programme adopts novel educational approaches, exposes school children to in-depth field experiences, and provides opportunities to convert their ideas into creative action. ",
"The programme goes beyond schools, promoting school - society interactions to sensitize the society. ",
"With more than 91,000 eco-clubs functioning across the country (2006 - 2007), covering most of the States and Union Territories , it is one of the largest environmental conservation networks in India . ",
"Today, National Green Corps programme of the Ministry is one of the most successful and far- reaching programmes of action by the school children. ",
"The programme is implemented by KSCSTE , in the state of Kerala.",
"\n\nTotal Visitor: 4601107\n\nSite designed, developed and hosted by\nNational Informatics Center\nContents of this website is published and managed by\nENVIS Centre: Kerala State of Environment and Related Issues\nCopyright (c) 2011 by Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. ",
"of India. ",
"All rights reserved."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.004462 | 5 |
"319 Leona\n\nLeona, (minor planet designation: 319 Leona) provisional designation , is a dark asteroid and tumbling slow rotator from the outermost regions of the asteroid belt, approximately 70 kilometers in diameter. ",
"It was discovered on 8 October 1891, by French astronomer Auguste Charlois at Nice Observatory in southwestern France. ",
"Any reference of its name to a person is unknown.",
"\n\nClassification and orbit \n\nLeona orbits the Sun in the outer main-belt at a distance of 2.7–4.1 AU once every 6 years and 3 months (2,295 days). ",
"Its orbit has an eccentricity of 0.22 and an inclination of 11° with respect to the ecliptic.",
"\n\nThe asteroid's observation arc begins at the discovering observatory, one night after its official discovery observation.",
"\n\nPhysical characteristics\n\nSpectral type \n\nLeona has been characterized as a dark and reddish P-type asteroid by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), and as an X-type asteroid by Pan-STARRS photometric survey. ",
"The Collaborative Asteroid Lightcurve Link groups it to the carbonaceous C-type asteroids.",
"\n\nSlow rotator and tumbler \n\nIn October 2016, a rotational lightcurve of Leona was obtained from photometric observations by astronomers Frederick Pilcher (see naming cite for ) at Organ Mesa Observatory (), United States, Lorenzo Franco at Balzaretto Observatory (), Italy, and Petr Pravec at the Ondřejov Observatory, Czech Republic. ",
"Lightcurve analysis gave a well-defined rotation period of hours with a brightness variation of 0.5 magnitude ().",
"\n\nThis makes Leona one of the Top 100 slowest rotators known to exist. ",
"The astronomers also detected a non-principal axis rotation seen in distinct rotational cycles in successive order. ",
"This tumbling also gives an alternative candidate period solution of hours, one of the longest periods ever measured. ",
"It is the third-largest tumbler known to exists (also see List of tumblers).",
"\n\nPrevious observations of Leona gave a much shorter period between 6 and 15 hours, which demonstrates the intricacy when observing slow rotators, especially those with a tumbling motion. ",
"A detailed description of the procedure of the photometric measurement is given by Pilcher.",
"\n\nDiameter and albedo \n\nAccording to the surveys carried out by the Japanese Akari satellite and the NEOWISE mission of NASA's WISE space-telescope, Leona measures between 49.943 and 89.00 kilometers in diameter and its surface has an albedo between 0.02 and 0.085. ",
"CALL derived an albedo of 0.0318 and a diameter of 67.97 kilometers based on an absolute magnitude of 10.2.",
"\n\nNaming \n\nThe origin of this minor planet's name is unknown.",
"\n\nUnknown meaning \n\nAmong the many thousands of named minor planets, Leona is one of 120 asteroids, for which no official naming citation has been published. ",
"All of these low-numbered asteroids have numbers between and and were discovered between 1876 and the 1930s, predominantly by astronomers Auguste Charlois, Johann Palisa, Max Wolf and Karl Reinmuth (also see category).",
"\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n Asteroid Lightcurve Database (LCDB), query form (info)\n Dictionary of Minor Planet Names, Google books\n Asteroids and comets rotation curves, CdR – Observatoire de Genève, Raoul Behrend\n Discovery Circumstances: Numbered Minor Planets (1)-(5000) – Minor Planet Center\n \n \n\n000319\nCategory:Discoveries by Auguste Charlois\nCategory:Minor planets with names of unknown origin\nCategory:Named minor planets\n000319\n18911008"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | [
] | 0.005793 | 5 |
"Matana\n\nMatana is a Burundian town and colline, seat of the Commune of Matana, in Bururi Province.",
"\n\nGeography\nIt is a mountain town is located at , and is crossed in the middle by the national highway RN7, that links Bujumbura (94 km northwest), the largest city and former capital, to the town of Rutana (49 km southeast). ",
"It is 15 km north of Songa, 30 km north of Bururi, and the nearest places are the villages of Rubanga and Butwe.",
"\n\nReligion\nMatana is the seat of the homonym Anglican diocese, part of the Province of the Anglican Church of Burundi.",
"\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nSatellite map at Maplandia.com\nMatana at World Weather Online\n\nCategory:Populated places in Bururi Province"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | [
] | 0.011704 | 5 |
"Kritsada Wongkaeo\n\nKritsada Wongkaeo (), is a Thai futsal midfielder for Indonesia Pro Futsal League club Black Steel Manokwari, on loan from Futsal Thai League club Chonburi Bluewave Futsal Club and currently a member of Thailand national futsal team.",
"\n\nReferences\n \n\nKritsada Wongkaeo\nCategory:1988 births\nCategory:Living people\nKritsada Wongkaeo\nKritsada Wongkaeo\nCategory:Southeast Asian Games medalists in futsal\nCategory:Competitors at the 2011 Southeast Asian Games"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | [
] | 0.018707 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nWhy are the watch values formatted strangely (text/html/xml visualizers will not appear) in VS 2010 for my XBOX 360 ADK Reference Application Project\n\nWhile attempting to use the Visual Studio 2010 debugger on an Xbox 360 ADK Reference application, I'm noticing that the watch values in the debug output are formatted strangely.",
"\nOnce I earn enough reputation points (new user) I will post a screenshot.",
"\nThe 'value' field should be a string however it starts with '0x004df938'. ",
"Because of this none of the visualizers are available to me.",
"\nNOTE: I do not have 'Hexadecimal display' enabled.",
"\nI have done a lot of searching and have only found one other issue close to what I am experiencing:\nhttp://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vsdebug/thread/ac20a4d8-8519-4daa-a8b4-efe88d9fda24\n(the screenshot contained in the above link mirrors what I am seeing on my end)\nThe person who posed the problem changed their target platform (in the project configuration manager) from Any CPU to x86 but I was unable to do this (there is no x86 option available in the following UI):\nThanks in advance for the help.",
"\n\nA:\n\nThere was a mismatch between the ADK and XDK versions installed on the machine. ",
"The system had the July release of the XDK and the April release of the ADK. ",
"Once I uninstalled the April version and installed the July version (July 2012 QFE ADK) my problems were resolved.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.00155 | 5 |
"A monoclonal antibody to the alpha subunit of Gk blocks muscarinic activation of atrial K+ channels.",
"\nThe activated heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding (G) protein Gk, at subpicomolar concentrations, mimics muscarinic stimulation of a specific atrial potassium current. ",
"Reconstitution studies have implicated the alpha and beta gamma subunits as mediators, but subunit coupling by the endogenous G protein has not been analyzed. ",
"To study this process, a monoclonal antibody (4A) that binds to alpha k but not to beta gamma was applied to the solution bathing an inside-out patch of atrial membrane; the antibody blocked carbachol-activated currents irreversibly. ",
"The state of the endogenous Gk determined its susceptibility to block by the antibody. ",
"When agonist was absent or when activation by muscarinic stimulation was interrupted by withdrawal of guanosine triphosphate (GTP) in the presence or absence of guanosine diphosphate (GDP), the effects of the antibody did not persist. ",
"Thus, monoclonal antibody 4A blocked muscarinic activation of potassium channels by binding to the activated G protein in its holomeric form or by binding to the dissociated alpha subunit."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.004499 | 5 |
"NZR G class (1874)\n\nThe NZR G Class was a class of four saddle tank locomotives from English builders Black Hawthorn in the early 1870s. ",
"Like the similarly sized D class, they were an attempt to produce a passenger version of the already highly successful F class.",
"\n\nOrigin and design\n\nThe G class were ordered by the Canterbury Provincial Council. ",
"They were derived from the F class, replacing the first of the three driving axles with a four-wheel bogie. ",
"It was hoped that the reduced rigid wheelbase would allow the locomotive to provide higher speed passenger services. ",
"The type suffered from lack of weight on the driving axles, a driver stating that \"it took the 'G' all its time to push its front bogie along, let alone pull a load\". ",
"They were followed by the L Class which were a more successful attempt to produce a faster F Class.",
"\n\nService\n\nIn the early 1890s the locomotives were progressively transferred to the Picton section, where it was felt that they had been relegated to get rid of them from the busy Hurunui-Bluff section. ",
"Their maximum load on the 1 in 37 gradient from Picton was six 4-wheel wagons.",
"\n\nWithdrawal & Disposal\n\nAll of the locomotives were withdrawn between 1915 and 1919 and were sold for further service in industry.",
"\n\nNotes and references\n\nNotes\n\nReferences \n\nLloyd, W.G. (2002); Register of New Zealand Railways Steam Locomotives 1863-1971, Otago Railway & Locomotive Society/Triple M Publications\n \nW.W.Stewart (1970), When Steam Was King, REED\n\nCategory:Steam locomotives of New Zealand\nCategory:Scrapped locomotives\nCategory:Railway locomotives introduced in 1874\nCategory:3 ft 6 in gauge locomotives of New Zealand"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | [
] | 0.003982 | 5 |
"Koningslied\n\nThe Koningslied () is a song written for the investiture of prince Willem-Alexander as King of the Netherlands on 30 April 2013. ",
"Upon release on request of the Nationaal Comité Inhuldiging (National Committee Inauguration), the song was met with tough criticism and as a result of the criticism Ewbank withdrew the Koningslied on 20 April 2013. ",
"Nevertheless, the Nationaal Comité Inhuldiging confirmed on 22 April 2013 the song would be used as part of the investiture.",
"\n\nBackground, release and controversy\nJohn Ewbank composed the music and wrote the lyrics using suggestions that were sent in during a participation project through Dutch social media and the official website of the inauguration. ",
"Artists that cooperated on writing the song are Ali B, Bollebof, Daphne Deckers, Fouradi, Lange Frans, Guus Meeuwis, Kraantje Pappie, Gers Pardoel, and Jack Poels.",
"\n\nThe Koningslied was released on 19 April 2013. ",
"Soon after its release it reached the first position on the iTunes download chart. ",
"The song quickly gained heavy criticism. ",
"The music, the rap part and the lyrics were fiercely criticized and ridiculed. ",
"The same day, an online petition to get rid of the song was started by journalist Sylvia Witteman and was signed 20,000 times. ",
"It passed the 40,000 mark a few days later. ",
"Alternative King's Songs were released on YouTube soon after. ",
"As a result of the criticism Ewbank withdrew the Koningslied on 20 April 2013. ",
"The Nationaal Comité Inhuldiging confirmed on 22 April 2013 the song would be used as part of the investiture.",
"\n\nThe song cost €550000, which was paid by the Nederlanse Publieke Omroep (Dutch Public Broadcasting Company).",
"\n\nPerformance for King Willem-Alexander\nThe Nationaal Comité Inhuldiging originally intended that the song would be sung on 30 April 2013 for Willem-Alexander in one central place in all the provinces of the Netherlands and in each of the countries of the Netherlands Antilles. ",
"This did not happen because of a lack in interest in Maastricht and Assen. ",
"In Utrecht, no license was given for the event and in Zwolle the DJ forgot to play the song. ",
"The performance of the song in Rotterdam Ahoy by 33 of the participating artists was broadcast on two videoscreens in Amsterdam for Willem-Alexander and Máxima.",
"\n\nCooperating artists\n\nRob de Nijs withdrew after reading the song's lyrics.",
"\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:2013 songs\nCategory:Dutch-language songs\nCategory:Dutch pop songs\nCategory:Coronation\nCategory:Cultural depictions of Dutch kings\nCategory:Songs written by John Ewbank (composer)\nCategory:Songs about royalty\nCategory:Songs about the Netherlands"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | [
] | 0.008832 | 5 |
"Craft Daily is brought to you by the team at F+W. You might better know us as the company that publishes David & Charles craft books.",
"\n\nOur office is in Newton Abbot, and we’re lucky to live and work in sunny Devon. ",
"From our view across the railway line (we’re just after the section that fell into the sea recently), we’ve been publishing books since 1961. ",
"A few years ago now, we became part of a company based in America that is just like us. ",
"Across the world we publish books and magazines but we also run events and websites, many of which are about craft and creative arts topics.",
"\n\nIt has been really important for us to adapt to how you, our craft customers, are changing. ",
"The internet has changed the way people find inspiration, learn skills and discover project ideas. ",
"A big part of that change has been video, which is now easier to produce and share than ever before.",
"\n\nCraft Daily started life as an internet video subscription business, a bit like a Netflix for craft. ",
"It is still very much that business today and you can subscribe to all our video’s at www.craftdaily.com. ",
"In time we will have more and more video added from UK tutors, commissioned and filmed here in Devon.",
"\n\nWe wanted to add to the Craft Daily online business and bring some of the best of the content from across F+W to UK through Sky and Freesat. ",
"That’s why we decided to launch Craft Daily UK as a new channel and why we’re hugely excited to be going live on October 6th.",
"\n\nOur mission is to provide the very best craft instruction to our customers, whether in print, video or digital.",
"\n\nWe always welcome your feedback and so please do tell us what you think, what you’d like to see more of and what you like and don’t like.",
"\n\nThere’s a contact form on this site and we will listen to our customers on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. ",
"We’ll always aim to respond and to take on board your comments."
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"namespace CodeCracker\n{\n /// <summary>\n /// Used to indicate what can be said about the initialization\n /// of a symbol in a given block of statements.",
"\n /// </summary>\n internal enum InitializerState\n {\n /// <summary>\n /// Indicates that the block of statements does NOT initialize the symbol for certain.",
"\n /// </summary>\n None,\n /// <summary>\n /// Indicates that the block of statements DOES initialize the symbol for certain.",
"\n /// </summary>\n Initializer,\n /// <summary>\n /// Indicates that the block of statements contains a way to skip any initializers\n /// following the given block of statements (for instance a return statement inside\n /// an if statement can skip any initializers after the if statement).",
"\n /// </summary>\n WayToSkipInitializer,\n }\n}"
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"1981–82 European Cup Winners' Cup\n\nThe 1981–82 European Cup Winners' Cup was won by Barcelona in the final against Standard Liège at Camp Nou. ",
"It was their second title in the competition.",
"\n\nNo Albanian club joined this competition.",
"\n\nPreliminary round\n\n|}\n\nFirst leg\n\nSecond leg\n\nFirst round\n\n|}\n\nFirst leg\n\nSecond leg\n\nSecond round\n\n|}\n\nFirst leg\n\nSecond leg\n\nQuarter-finals\n\n|}\n\nFirst leg\n\nSecond leg\n\nSemi-finals\n\n|}\n\nFirst leg\n\nSecond leg\n\nFinal\n\nTop scorers\n\nSee also\n1981–82 European Cup\n1981–82 UEFA Cup\n\nExternal links \n 1981–82 competition at UEFA website\n Cup Winners' Cup results at Rec.",
"Soccer Statistics Foundation\n Cup Winners Cup Seasons 1981–82–results, protocols\n website Football Archive 1981–82 Cup Winners Cup\n\n3\nCategory:UEFA Cup Winners' Cup seasons"
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Subsets and Splits