[ "Q:\n\nHow do I push and pop the matrix stack in LibGDX\n\nI'm having a hard time finding the equivalent of the very basic OpenGL functionality glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix in LibGDX.", "\nI have rendered my scene and I would like to render an overlay on top of the scene but I would like to do it in screen coordinates so I want to push the modelview matrix and load identity.", "\nIn essence I would like to perform the equivalent of:\nglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);\nglPushMatrix();\nglLoadIdentity();\n\n... stuff ...\n\nglPopMatrix();\n\nBut for the life of me, I cannot find a single mention of push or pop in the LibGDX documentation nor in the parts of source code that I have looked at.", "\nAm I missing something? ", "Is there some other preferred way of achieving this?", "\nEdit:\nWhat I want to achieve is a fade to black while I load the next level and then fade in. ", "I do this by rendering a black rectangle over the display with alpha. ", "None of that is a problem, I just want to have a fixed, known coordinate system independent of the current world transform to render this rectangle in.", "\n\nA:\n\nThose methods are part of the fixed render pipe of OpenGL ES 1. ", "Support for OpenGL ES 1 has been removed since libGDX version 1.0.0. ", "Only the programmable render pipe op OpenGL ES 2 and up is supported. ", "If you really want to use such old methods then you could use an older version of libGDX.", "\nThe question \"how to render a HUD overlay?\" ", "is too broad to explain here. ", "But for basic methods (like rendering a HUD overlay) libGDX abstracts away the need of using any gl methods at all. ", "You might want to have a look at the wiki, which includes some basic examples. ", "And follow a tutorial (although tutorials tend to get outdated of time, so be aware of that).", "\nBut assuming you are using SpriteBatch, then use batch.setProjectionMatrix()\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFIR design : compute coefficients for the same frequency response at another sampling frequency\n\nI would like to know if there's a standard way to obtain the FIR coefficients for a sampling frequency $F'$ when the coefficients are for a sampling frequency $F$.\nI would like to implement the filter described in ITU R BS.1770-3\n(the oversampling FIR filter, page 18).", "\nThe filter coefficients are given for a sampling frequency of 48 kHz.", "\nWhat would be the way to derive the coefficients for another sampling frequency?", "\nEdit december 28 2012\nI wonder if there's a meaning in my request.", "\nThe described filter is used on a 48 kHz sampling frequency audio signal that has been transformed into a 192 kHz sampling frequency signal by stuffing 3 zeros between each original sample. ", "It is the second step of an oversampling method.", "\nThe signal $[x_0, x_1, ..., x_n]$ is first transformed into $[x_0, 0,0,0, x_1, 0,0,0, ...,x_n,0,0,0]$. The filter I have mentioned is applied on this zero-stuffed signal.", "\nIf I understand correctly (which might not be the case), the cut-off frequency of this low pass filter can be expressed relative to the sampling frequency.", "\nGiven this context, and the desired result which is a sort of evaluation of the reconstruction of the audio signal into the analog domain, wouldn't this relative to sampling frequency cut-off frequency be appropriate for any sampling frequency ?", "\nLet's say the cut-off frequency of the filter is $\\alpha \\times F_s$ ($\\alpha$ should be around 0.125 for a 22 kHz analog upper bandwith ?), ", "wouln't this $\\alpha$ value be the good one for others sampling frequencies ?", "\nIf I have an original signal at 8 kHz sampling frequency, a four time oversample would lead to a 32 kHz sampling frequency, and I can suppose that the reconstructed analog signal would have an upper bandwith limit at approximately 4 kHz ?", "\nEnd of Edit december 28 2012\n\nA:\n\nThere is no direct way of converting filter coefficients between two sample rates while maintaining the exact transfer function (at least where it's properly defined). ", "\nRe-sampling the impulse response can be done but will often result in extra latency, a longer filter, and some change in the frequency response.", "\nIn this case, however, you can derive the original filter specification from the filter coefficients and than re-design the filter using the same specification at a different sample rate. ", "By visual inspection we can find that the ITU filter is an equiripple filter with\n\npass band edge: 20 kHz\nstop band edge: 28 kHz\npass band ripple: 0.1dB\nstop band attenuation: 40 dB\n\nLet's say you want that filter at 4*44.1kHz instead of 4*48kHz. ", "In Matlab you would do the following: \n%% match the filter at 44.1 kHz\nfs = 4*44100;\nd = fdesign.lowpass('Fp,Fst,Ap,Ast',20000,28000,0.1,40,fs);\nhd = design(d,'equiripple');\n% convert to polyphase\nh4 = 4*reshape(hd.", "Numerator',4,12)';\n\nand the coefficients would be\n 0.0057292 0.001552 -0.0015723 -0.0049864\n -0.0056096 -0.0017098 0.0050592 0.0099256\n 0.0080942 -0.0011323 -0.012505 -0.017267\n -0.0093558 0.0088501 0.025828 0.027239\n 0.0063161 -0.028386 -0.054115 -0.045155\n 0.011432 0.10497 0.20287 0.26531\n 0.26531 0.20287 0.10497 0.011432\n -0.045155 -0.054115 -0.028386 0.0063161\n 0.027239 0.025828 0.0088501 -0.0093558\n -0.017267 -0.012505 -0.0011323 0.0080942\n 0.0099256 0.0050592 -0.0017098 -0.0056096\n -0.0049864 -0.0015723 0.001552 0.0057292\n\nHowever, there are a bunch of potential problems: \n\nIn this case we simply lucked out that the number of coefficients for the new sample rate was 48 as well. ", "In other cases you may have to adjust the stop band frequency to dial in the desired number of coefficients.", "\nThis particular filter specification has been derived from the original sample rate, i.e. pass band and stop band are symmetrically spaced around the Nyquist frequency of 24 kHz. ", "That is intentional. ", "If your sample rate is different, you need to understand WHY it is different and whether the original specification is still appropriate. ", "In the case of 44.1 kHz you may consider placing pass and stop band symmetrically around 22.050 kHz and maybe also consider lowering the pass band and/or increasing the number of coefficients.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to serialize Flux style actions with nested payload with Jackson?", "\n\nI'm trying to set up custom serialization with jackson for \"Flux Standard Actions\".", "\nAn example JSON:\n{\n type: 'ADD_TODO',\n payload: {\n text: 'Do something.' ", " \n }\n}\n\nI've tried by declaring an interface with @JsonSubTypes:\n@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.", "Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.", "As.", "PROPERTY, property = \"type\")\n@JsonSubTypes(\n JsonSubTypes.", "Type(value = AddTodoAction::class)\n)\ninterface Action\n\n@JsonTypeName(\"ADD_TODO\")\ndata class AddTodoAction(\n val text: String\n) : Action\n\nAnd writing a custom serializer:\nclass ActionSerializer<T : Any>(clazz: KClass<T>) : StdSerializer<T>(clazz.java) {\n override fun serialize(value: T, gen: JsonGenerator?, ", "provider: SerializerProvider?) {", "\n // ??", "\n }\n\n override fun serializeWithType(\n value: T?,", "\n gen: JsonGenerator?,", "\n serializers: SerializerProvider?,", "\n typeSer: TypeSerializer?", "\n ) {\n check(gen !", "= null)\n check(serializers !", "= null)\n\n if (value == null) {\n serializers.defaultSerializeNull(gen)\n return\n }\n\n val typeId = typeSer!!.typeId(value, JsonToken.", "START_OBJECT)\n\n typeSer.writeTypePrefix(gen, typeId)\n gen.writeFieldName(\"payload\")\n serialize(value, gen, serializers)\n typeSer.writeTypeSuffix(gen, typeId)\n }\n}\n\nThe problem here is that I don't know how to write serialize function without causing infinite recursion. ", "I'm not even sure that this is the best approach. ", "Any suggestions? ", "I wouldn't want to write something hackish and I don't want to have a separate class for each payload.", "\n\nA:\n\ntry gson JsonDeserializer for basic interfaces you get out of the box \nand the JsonSerializer very easy to implement also great documented\nfun main(args: Array<String>) {\n val gson = GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(TodoAction::class.java, TodoActionSerializer())\n .create()\n val jsonString = \"{type: 'ADD_TODO',payload: {text: 'Do something.'}}\"", "\n val todoAction = gson.fromJson(jsonString, TodoAction::class.java)\n\n print(todoAction)\n}\n\nclass TodoAction(\n val type: String,\n val payload: JsonObject\n)\n\nclass TodoActionSerializer : JsonSerializer<TodoAction> {\n override fun serialize(p0: TodoAction?, ", "p1: Type?, ", "p2: JsonSerializationContext?): ", "JsonElement {\n val response = JsonObject()\n response.addProperty(\"type\", p0!!.type)\n response.add(\"payload\", p0.payload)\n return response\n }\n\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Lane Howell\n\nAutrey Lane Howell (born July 28, 1941) is a former American football player who played defensive tackle for seven seasons in the National Football League. ", "His career started in 1963 for the New York Giants, where he played for 2 seasons after which played on the Philadelphia Eagles for another 5 seasons before retiring.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:1941 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Sportspeople from Monroe, Louisiana\nCategory:Players of American football from Louisiana\nCategory:American football defensive tackles\nCategory:Grambling State Tigers football players\nCategory:New York Giants players\nCategory:Philadelphia Eagles players" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to reference blob column of array from other table in sqlite\n\nI've been playing around sqlite for android studio while making a RPG game app until I came to these two questions:\n\nCan I save an array as blob data in a table?", "\nIs it possible to reference the array values in that blob column from other tables? ", "If so, how?", "\n\nHere's are the details of the problem:\nThere's a table called, 'monster', which is a table of enemy NPCs that has columns mon_ID, HP, MP, mon_str, mon_con, mon_dex, mon_int, drop_items.", "\nIt's the drop_items column that I'm trying to solve.", "\nSome monsters have different number of drop items dropped after battle and I want to save them in the database, somehow.", "\nAlso, there is a table called, 'items', that has all the information about the items used in my game.", "\nThe drop_items column needs to be referenced from this 'items' table via item_ID.", "\nSo that's how I came up with trying to save an array list of drop items in the monster table.", "\nIf the above method is not really a good choice, can I have some other suggestions?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou should use a third table that links the monsters and the items. ", "This table will just contain mon_Id and item_ID.", "\nWith this table, a monster can have several items and an item several owners.", "\n\nmon_ID1 item_ID1\nmon_ID1 item_ID2\nmon_ID1 item_ID3\nmon_ID2 item_ID1\nmon_ID3 item_ID4\nmon_ID4 item_ID5\n\n" ]
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[ "If you are self-employed or work for an employer who does not carry Workers Compensation Insurance, you can purchase your own “Personal Injury/Accident” plan. ", "You could receive cash benefits for your injuries, whether you are hurt on or off the job! ", "Your receipt for treatment of an accidental injury by a doctor, emergency room, or urgent care facility will trigger payment of funds based on your plan’s payment schedule. ", "You use the money however you wish, regardless of health insurance coverage.", "\n\nMost accident plans have a fixed benefit that they will pay a client for items like: emergency room treatment, dislocated or broken limbs, severe lacerations or burns, eye injuries, hospital stay, ambulance transportation, and other common injuries. ", "Many even provide an accidental death benefit, which is payable to one’s designated beneficiary. ", "It doesn’t matter whether your medical treatment was covered by a health insurance policy or if you paid for it yourself. ", "Proof of the injury is what justifies payment of your claim.", "\n\nThese accident policies are available for individuals or families. ", "This protection could greatly reduce parents’ financial expenses if their children were injured while participating in sports. ", "If a family member is involved in an accident on vacation far from home, it does not affect your eligibility for benefit payment…there are no “Network” restrictions on who provides the emergency treatment. ", "Just be sure to get an itemized written receipt for treatment of those injuries from a medical professional.", "\n\nMany policies have multiple levels of coverage, and their premium cost is relative to the amount of compensation paid to the insured for each specific injury category. ", "Therefore, if your risk/danger of injury is high due to your occupation, lifestyle, sports participation, or hobbies, it is wise to consider a higher level of protection. ", "Those are all factors which affect your odds of experiencing an accidental injury!", "\n\nRemember, your plan must already be in effect, in order to pay benefits for any accidental injury. ", "A licensed independent insurance agent from AustinHealthPlans.com can provide you with details and no-obligation quotes. ", "This coverage could save you hundreds of dollars if you sustain a serious injury! ", "Contact us at: Ph (512) 535-3556 or e-mail: [email protected]\n\nHappy New Year to all my neighbors in Dripping Springs, Austin, and other nearby communities! ", "I want to thank those of you who have followed my articles over the years, and especially those who have given me the opportunity to serve as their local insurance agent. ", "These are difficult times that present many challenges in the area of healthcare. ", "As a self-employed individual, my family and I are also affected by the higher rates, smaller networks, reduced benefits, and fewer companies from which to choose.", "\n\nIf you are unhappy with these unprecedented negative changes, why not write to your congressmen in Washington, D.C. and voice your opinion? ", "We have experienced significant rate increases for three years in a row, from all of the major health insurance companies in our area. ", "Two major companies in Central Texas have decided not to renew many of their individual PPO plans for 2016. ", "Also in the last few years, three additional major health insurers chose not to sell ACA-Compliant insurance plans in our area.", "\n\nThe Open Enrollment will be over on January 31st. ", "If you don’t take care of business by that date, the only way to get a new health insurance plan later will be if you experience a “qualifying life event”. ", "Those special enrollment periods include: birth or adoption, death, marriage, divorce, loss of qualified health insurance, moving outside your plan’s coverage area, etc. ", "However, Short-Term Major Medical insurance plans, can be sold throughout the year, although these are NOT ACA-Compliant.", "\n\nSupplemental insurance plans like dental, vision, personal injury/accident plans, disability plans, hospital indemnity plans, cancer plans, long term care, and life insurance can be purchased throughout the year. ", "Except for dental, vision, and accident plans, most of these other types of insurance require underwriting evaluations, based on medical history and pre-existing conditions. ", "Apply while you are in good health!", "\n\nA licensed independent insurance agent can help you with free quotes for any of these supplemental insurance plans. ", "When you request an agent to enroll you in an insurance plan, that agent represents your interests if there are ever problems with your insurance company, with no fee charged for their services! ", "Call AustinHealthPlans.com at: 512-535-3556 or send an e-mail to: [email protected] and request details about securing great coverage for your insurance needs today!", "\n\nIf you are about to turn 65 in the near future, information in this article may be very beneficial to you. ", "As a taxpaying U.S. citizen, you will finally be able to enroll in Medicare health insurance! ", "For most people, the expense for this new health care coverage will mean a significant reduction in premiums, especially if their current individual insurance is through a private off-market plan.", "\n\nMost individuals will automatically be eligible for Medicare Part A (hospital coverage) when they turn 65, if they or their spouse paid Medicare taxes while they were working. ", "Medicare Part B helps with the cost of medical treatment from doctors, etc. ", "outside of a hospital setting. ", "However, in order to be insured for medical treatment for Part B, you must actually apply for coverage through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) within a certain specific time period. ", "If you are eligible when you turn 65, you can sign up during the 7-month period that begins 3 months before the month you turn 65, includes your birth month, and ends 3 months after the month you turn 65. (", "It is usually a good idea to begin the application process as soon as possible.)", "\n\nOnce you have applied for your “Original” Medicare Parts A & B, you will then have some other options to consider. ", "You can add a prescription drug plan, known as Part D, if you like. ", "Many people want additional coverage to help with those expenses that are not included in Parts A, B, and D. (Medicare has certain limits and does not cover all medical costs.) ", "There are two different ways to achieve this higher level of protection.", "\n\nMost major insurance companies offer a Medicare Supplement, commonly referred to as a “Gap Plan” or “Medi-Gap”. ", "As the name implies, these supplemental plans help to fill the gap for those costs that Original Medicare does not cover. ", "The second choice is to consider applying for a “Medicare Advantage Plan”. ", "These plans can be purchased with or without a prescription drug plan (MAPD) or (MA), and are required to provide coverage for the same benefits as Original Medicare Parts A & B at a minimum. ", "They usually cover some added benefits as well. ", "If you choose a Medicare Advantage plan, you will receive your benefits from a private insurance company instead of the U.S. government.", "\n\nThere is a lot of information to review and evaluate. ", "It’s a good idea to take the time to consider which method will provide you with the best benefits and at the right cost. ", "Contact a “Medicare-Certified” agent for more in-depth details so you will be prepared when the time comes for you to enroll for your Medicare benefits. ", "There is no fee for requesting the assistance of a certified agent! ", "If you live anywhere within the borders of Texas, Austinhealthplans.com can help you get started. ", "Call 512-535-3556 or send an e-mail message to: [email protected].", "\n\nIn our modern high-tech society, is there really any reason to ask an insurance agent to assist you in finding the health insurance that best suits your needs? ", "Isn’t that what people used to do 25-30 years ago, before the Internet, computers, and e-insurance? ", "Everyone knows that they can find whatever they need to know about any subject via the help of their computer. ", "Using an agent is old-fashioned, right?", "\n\nI’m sure there are some people who believe that to be true. ", "The majority of American households have at least one computer. ", "Every second more data is added to the Internet’s ever-growing collection of facts. ", "There’s a whole universe of knowledge available for us to access. ", "Health insurance benefits and details can be reviewed and compared without having a college degree! ", "Why should I involve an agent/broker in purchasing my health insurance?", "\n\nA significant percentage of my clients have expressed their disappointing experiences, after they initially purchased health insurance on their own! ", "For example, they mistakenly thought their doctor would be in their plan’s Network. (“", "Out-of-Network” benefits are almost always greatly reduced from “In-Network” coverage!)", "\n\nAnother major consideration is if a client should ever encounter difficulty in getting satisfaction in a claim dispute, the computer will only be a limited resource in dealing with your insurance company. ", "When you have your own “independent insurance agent”, that person represents YOU. ", "Your agent/broker will work through a local or regional representative to help to resolve problems. ", "Agents develop a working relationship with these representatives over time. ", "The agent can request the assistance of their local rep to review restricted information that the client cannot access on their own, not even with their home computer.", "\n\nOften by contacting his/her representative, your agent will be able to achieve a favorable outcome, when there is a misunderstanding or a mistake in the details. ", "If a client disagrees with the fees listed on their EOB (estimate of benefits) for example, they can bring this matter to their agent/broker to help determine if the charges are accurate and justified. ", "Your agent has experience in many areas of the health insurance field, and this is an asset when the client needs answers to billing questions, plan benefits and details, etc.", "\n\nSince there is no fee to request the assistance of an experienced, licensed agent, why would anyone want to spend hours of their time in getting quotes, checking doctors’ network participation, comparing the benefits of dozens of health plans, etc? ", "Most independent brokers can furnish you with fast, free quotes from several different major insurance companies…not just one! ", "For best results, it is wise to take advantage of the knowledge and experience a professional can provide.", "\n\nLastly, consider this fact: Your health insurance premium will cost the same amount, with or without an agent! ", "It’s your choice. ", "You could save money, time, frustration, and possibly regret, if you contact an independent licensed agent to find an inexpensive health plan. ", "An agent represents YOU!", "\n\nIn previous articles I offered some suggestions on how to save money by being healthy. ", "Maintaining a healthy lifestyle plays a big role in keeping your medical costs down. ", "Regular exercise can reduce body fat, lower blood pressure, and help you to release stress. ", "We all know the importance of eating a balanced diet, taking supplements, drinking purified water, breathing clean air, getting enough sleep, and teeth brushing. ", "If you smoke, consider quitting.", "\n\nThose who are in good health and have created a healthy lifestyle spend less money on medically-related expenses. ", "Their primary interest in health insurance is protection against any expensive treatment for unexpected, undiagnosed major illness or serious injury. ", "They do not need to see their doctor very often since they don’t have serious health conditions. ", "Therefore, since the risk of frequent medical treatment is low, they can choose a high-deductible health plan, saving money through lower monthly premiums.", "\n\nDid you know you can also save money by lowering your taxes at the same time? ", "There are qualified HDHP’s (high-deductible health plans) that allow you to do both; offering you lower monthly premiums AND helping you to lower your taxable income! ", "If you choose this type of health plan, you can open a HealthSavings Account or HSA, and deposit funds to pay for medically-related expenses. ", "Some of those allowable expenses include out-of-pocket medical, prescription, chiropractic, dental, and vision costs. ", "At retirement, you can spend any remaining funds on ANYTHING you like.", "\n\nYou can deduct your HSA contributions on your Federal Income Tax Return, even if you do not itemize! ", "Distributions are tax-free if you pay for qualified medically necessary expenses. ", "Many banks and credit unions can show you how easy it is to open one of their HSA’s, and provide you with more details. ", "To learn more about HSA guidelines, see IRS Publication 969 at www.irs.gov.", "\n\nA licensed independent health insurance agent can help you select an HDHP from a variety of qualified health plans that are available through many different insurance companies. ", "Contact AustinHealthPlans.com at (512)535-3556 or send an e-mail to: [email protected] and request a free quote.", "\n\nIf you are currently without health insurance, but anticipate the availability of new coverage in the future, there is a way to get short-term coverage for this temporary need. ", "Several notable insurance companies offer “Short-Term” health plans, to protect you from the high cost of hospitalization and more.", "\n\nHere are some situations in which a short-term health plan could be useful. ", "Perhaps you have lost health insurance coverage due to a job change, or some life event change. ", "Maybe you are a recent graduate who has found a job, but must complete a probationary period before being eligible for the employer’s insurance plan. ", "Many part-time or seasonal employees are not eligible to participate in a group health plan.", "\n\nOnce a person reaches age 26, they can no longer continue coverage through a parent’s plan. ", "Some retirees may need health insurance protection before they become eligible for Medicare. ", "For others, the cost of regular ACA-compliant health plans may be considered too expensive, compared to the lower rates for short-term insurance.", "\n\nMost short-term health plans will have a limit on their maximum benefit amount. ", "For some it may be $250,000 or up to $1,500,000 in maximum lifetime coverage. (", "Note that as of Jan.1, 2014, a requirement for all ACA-compliant health plans is to have NO LIFETIME LIMITS.) ", "Some companies will offer coverage on their short-term plans for up to 11 consecutive months.", "\n\nNormally these plans require an applicant to answer a few health questions about current or previous health conditions. ", "Serious pre-existing conditions like cancer, heart problems, stroke/brain problems, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, etc. ", "will prevent the issuance of these plans.", "\n\nFurther, less serious pre-existing health conditions will not be covered, although they do not prevent an applicant from getting insurance. ", "Certain plans provide doctor visit copays, but most do not. ", "Most benefits are subject to the insured meeting their deductible first.", "\n\nThe time one is covered on a short-term plan will not count toward the required 9 months minimum coverage to avoid a penalty, since they are not ACA-compliant. ", "A licensed health insurance agent can provide you with further details and discuss your options and rates.", "\n\nAustinHealthPlans.com can answer any questions you have and provide you with fast, free quotes. ", "Contact us at: [email protected] or call: (512) 535-3556.", "\n\nAs healthcare costs continue to rise, we have been using various ways to make our health insurance more affordable. ", "Eliminating the doctor visit copays and/or the prescription drug copays from your major medical plan can definitely save money on your premium. ", "So if you are normally healthy, not accident-prone, and seldom need to take prescription medications, eliminating copay benefits would probably suit you and your wallet.", "\n\nAnother means of cutting cost is with a high-deductible health plan; the rate is usually less expensive than health insurance with a low deductible. ", "This option is based on the risk (hope) that you will not be in a medical situation which will require you to meet that deductible, and it is more practical for healthy individuals. ", "You accept more of the financial responsibility with the high deductible, and therefore pay a reduced premium.", "\n\nYet another way to trim your health insurance expenses is to enroll in an HMO health plan, rather than the more traditional PPO type. ", "HMO plans generally cost less in comparison to PPO plans which have the same benefits, deductible, and maximum out-of-pocket responsibility. ", "The main trade-off is network restrictions. ", "HMO networks tend to be smaller than PPO networks.", "\n\nIf you don’t feel compelled to stay with a particular physician because of a long medical treatment history, you could select a primary care physician (PCP) from an HMO network, who would then refer you to specialists when necessary. ", "However, there are NO out-of-network benefits, so be sure to choose from their network provider directory.", "\n\nMost couples tend to share the same health insurance plan. ", "They are not obligated to do this; it is merely their choice. ", "If one spouse has excellent health and seldom needs medical treatment, but their partner has a health condition which requires frequent doctor visits, lab work, imaging/x-rays, therapy and prescription drugs, those folks obviously have different health insurance needs!", "\n\nWhy should they both pay a higher premium for a low-deductible copay plan, when only one person uses the full benefits of that insurance? ", "The healthier person could save money by getting their own separate higher-deductible health plan, possibly with no copays as well. ", "In health insurance, one plan does not fit all!", "\n\nDoes your plan suit you? ", "If not, contact AustinHealthPlans.com at (512) 535-3556 or send an e-mail to: [email protected]. ", "We will discuss your situation and make recommendations for several options. ", "There is no obligation and no fees for our services. ", "Get a free quote today!" ]
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[ "require 'values'\n\nmodule CartoGearsApi\n module Organizations\n # Organization information.", "\n #\n # @attr_reader [String] name Organization name.", "\n class Organization < Value.new(:name)\n\n # @api private\n def self.from_model(organization)\n CartoGearsApi::Organizations::Organization.with(\n name: organization.name\n )\n end\n end\n end\nend\n" ]
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[ "/*\nFlot plugin for stacking data sets, i.e. putting them on top of each\nother, for accumulative graphs.", "\n\nThe plugin assumes the data is sorted on x (or y if stacking\nhorizontally). ", "For line charts, it is assumed that if a line has an\nundefined gap (from a null point), then the line above it should have\nthe same gap - insert zeros instead of \"null\" if you want another\nbehaviour. ", "This also holds for the start and end of the chart. ", "Note\nthat stacking a mix of positive and negative values in most instances\ndoesn't make sense (so it looks weird).", "\n\nTwo or more series are stacked when their \"stack\" attribute is set to\nthe same key (which can be any number or string or just \"true\"). ", "To\nspecify the default stack, you can set\n\n series: {\n stack: null or true or key (number/string)\n }\n\nor specify it for a specific series\n\n $.plot($(\"#placeholder\"), [{ data: [ ... ], stack: true }])\n \nThe stacking order is determined by the order of the data series in\nthe array (later series end up on top of the previous).", "\n\nInternally, the plugin modifies the datapoints in each series, adding\nan offset to the y value. ", "For line series, extra data points are\ninserted through interpolation. ", "If there's a second y value, it's also\nadjusted (e.g for bar charts or filled areas).", "\n*/\n\n(function ($) {\n var options = {\n series: { stack: null } // or number/string\n };\n \n function init(plot) {\n function findMatchingSeries(s, allseries) {\n var res = null\n for (var i = 0; i < allseries.length; ++i) {\n if (s == allseries[i])\n break;\n \n if (allseries[i].stack == s.stack)\n res = allseries[i];\n }\n \n return res;\n }\n \n function stackData(plot, s, datapoints) {\n if (s.stack == null)\n return;\n\n var other = findMatchingSeries(s, plot.getData());\n if (!", "other)\n return;\n\n var ps = datapoints.pointsize,\n points = datapoints.points,\n otherps = other.datapoints.pointsize,\n otherpoints = other.datapoints.points,\n newpoints = [],\n px, py, intery, qx, qy, bottom,\n withlines = s.lines.show,\n horizontal = s.bars.horizontal,\n withbottom = ps > 2 && (horizontal ? ", "datapoints.format[2].x : datapoints.format[2].y),\n withsteps = withlines && s.lines.steps,\n fromgap = true,\n keyOffset = horizontal ? ", "1 : 0,\n accumulateOffset = horizontal ? ", "0 : 1,\n i = 0, j = 0, l;\n\n while (true) {\n if (i >= points.length)\n break;\n\n l = newpoints.length;\n\n if (points[i] == null) {\n // copy gaps\n for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)\n newpoints.push(points[i + m]);\n i += ps;\n }\n else if (j >= otherpoints.length) {\n // for lines, we can't use the rest of the points\n if (!", "withlines) {\n for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)\n newpoints.push(points[i + m]);\n }\n i += ps;\n }\n else if (otherpoints[j] == null) {\n // oops, got a gap\n for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)\n newpoints.push(null);\n fromgap = true;\n j += otherps;\n }\n else {\n // cases where we actually got two points\n px = points[i + keyOffset];\n py = points[i + accumulateOffset];\n qx = otherpoints[j + keyOffset];\n qy = otherpoints[j + accumulateOffset];\n bottom = 0;\n\n if (px == qx) {\n for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)\n newpoints.push(points[i + m]);\n\n newpoints[l + accumulateOffset] += qy;\n bottom = qy;\n \n i += ps;\n j += otherps;\n }\n else if (px > qx) {\n // we got past point below, might need to\n // insert interpolated extra point\n if (withlines && i > 0 && points[i - ps] !", "= null) {\n intery = py + (points[i - ps + accumulateOffset] - py) * (qx - px) / (points[i - ps + keyOffset] - px);\n newpoints.push(qx);\n newpoints.push(intery + qy);\n for (m = 2; m < ps; ++m)\n newpoints.push(points[i + m]);\n bottom = qy; \n }\n\n j += otherps;\n }\n else { // px < qx\n if (fromgap && withlines) {\n // if we come from a gap, we just skip this point\n i += ps;\n continue;\n }\n \n for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)\n newpoints.push(points[i + m]);\n \n // we might be able to interpolate a point below,\n // this can give us a better y\n if (withlines && j > 0 && otherpoints[j - otherps] !", "= null)\n bottom = qy + (otherpoints[j - otherps + accumulateOffset] - qy) * (px - qx) / (otherpoints[j - otherps + keyOffset] - qx);\n\n newpoints[l + accumulateOffset] += bottom;\n \n i += ps;\n }\n\n fromgap = false;\n \n if (l !", "= newpoints.length && withbottom)\n newpoints[l + 2] += bottom;\n }\n\n // maintain the line steps invariant\n if (withsteps && l !", "= newpoints.length && l > 0\n && newpoints[l] !", "= null\n && newpoints[l] !", "= newpoints[l - ps]\n && newpoints[l + 1] !", "= newpoints[l - ps + 1]) {\n for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)\n newpoints[l + ps + m] = newpoints[l + m];\n newpoints[l + 1] = newpoints[l - ps + 1];\n }\n }\n\n datapoints.points = newpoints;\n }\n \n plot.hooks.processDatapoints.push(stackData);\n }\n \n $.plot.plugins.push({\n init: init,\n options: options,\n name: 'stack',\n version: '1.2'\n });\n})(jQuery);" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFix snap application icon on 20.04 [gitkraken]\n\nAfter downloading gitkraken from the website (not snap store) the launcher does not show any icon, also he same in the dock.", "\nI searched inside the snap directory /snap/bin/gitkraken but couldn't see anything related to a desktop shortcut.", "\n\nAny ideas?", "\n\nA:\n\nJust modified the .desktop file to point to the GitKraken icon in the installation folder, which is in the directory: \n/snap/gitkraken/current/usr/share/gitkraken/gitkraken.png\n\nThe modified .desktop file is located at \n/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/gitkraken_gitkraken.desktop\n\n" ]
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[ "Do you live in Canada and are interested in finding out more on how to get modafinil? ", "If so, then this is the page for you. ", "Canada has some pretty strict laws when it comes buying and owning …\n\nContinue Reading about Where and How to Buy Modafinil in Canada →" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'Unlike typical phase transitions of first and second order, a system displaying the Thouless effect exhibits characteristics of both at the critical point (jumps in the order parameter and anomalously large fluctuations). ", "An $extreme$ Thousless effect was observed in a recently introduced model of social networks consisting of ‘introverts and extroverts’ ($XIE$). ", "We study the fluctuations and correlations of this system using both Monte Carlo simulations and analytic methods based on a self-consistent mean field theory. ", "Due to the symmetries in the model, we derive identities between all independent two point correlations and fluctuations in three quantities (degrees of individuals and the total number of links between the two subgroups) in the stationary state. ", "As simulations confirm these identities, we study only the fluctuations in detail. ", "Though qualitatively similar to those in the 2D Ising model, there are several unusual aspects, due to the extreme Thouless effect. ", "All these anomalous fluctuations can be quantitatively understood with our theory, despite the mean-field aspects in the approximations. ", "In our theory, we frequently encounter the ‘finite Poisson distribution’ (i.e., $x^{n}/n!$ for $n\\in \\left[ 0,N\\right] $ and zero otherwise). ", "Since its properties appear to be quite obscure, we include an Appendix on the details and the related ‘finite exponential series’ $\\sum_{0}^{N}x^{n}/n!$. Some simulation studies of joint degree distributions, which provide a different perspective on correlations, have also been carried out.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'Mohammadmehdi Ezzatabadipour^1,\\ 2^'\n- 'Weibin Zhang^1,\\ 2^'\n- 'Kevin E. Bassler^1,\\ 2^'\n- 'R. K. P. Zia^3,4^'\ntitle: Fluctuations and Correlations in a Model of Extreme Introverts and Extroverts\n---\n\n\\[sec:Intro\\]Introduction\n=========================\n\nFor systems undergoing phase transition, the study of fluctuations and correlations usually offer insight into the underlying collective behavior of the constituents. ", "Such studies are especially important for typical second order transitions, where large, anomalous, and non-analytic properties emerge. ", "Somewhat outside the conventional wisdom of critical phenomena are ‘mixed order transitions,’ also known as the Thouless effect. ", "Displaying characteristics of both a first order transition (e.g., jumps in the order parameter) and a second order one (e.g., anomalously large fluctuations), this effect has been studied continuously [@kafri_why_2000; @poland_phase_1966; @fisher_effect_1966] since fifty years ago, when Thouless’ introduction of the inverse distance squared Ising model [@Thouless_long-range_1969]. ", "More recently, Bar and Mukamel [@BarMukamel] coined the term ‘extreme Thouless effect’ (ETE) for a system that displays maximal jumps (e.g., $-1$ magnetisation to $+1$ across the transition) and ‘infinite’ fluctuations (i.e., variations scaling with the whole system) at the transition itself.", "\n\nThough the ETE effect seems exotic, a natural route exists for constructing an arguably trivial (and exactly solvable) system which displays it. ", "Introduced in the context of a kinetic Ising model [@FFK16], it is best viewed as a static system with a special Hamiltonian. ", "Consider the non-interacting Ising model with $\\mathcal{N}$ spins ($s_{\\alpha }=\\pm 1$) in an external field, $H$, at inverse temperature $\\beta =1$. Thus $P\\left(\nM\\right) $, the exact probability for finding the system with a given total magnetisation $M$, is proportional to a binomial times $e^{HM}$, while the Landau free energy, $-k_{B}T\\ln P$, is $\\ln \\frac{\\mathcal{N}+M}{2}!+\\ln \n\\frac{\\mathcal{N-}M}{2}!-HM$ (apart from a const). ", "All we needed to produce a ETE is to introduce an interaction Hamiltonian which cancels the first two terms here, i.e., $\\mathcal{H}\\left( \\left\\{ s_{i}\\right\\} \\right) =-\\ln %\n\\left[ \\left( \\mathcal{N}+\\sum_{\\alpha }s_{\\alpha }\\right) /2\\right] !", "-\\ln %\n\\left[ \\left( \\mathcal{N-}\\sum_{\\alpha }s_{\\alpha }\\right) /2\\right] !", "$. ", "Now, the free energy (at $\\beta =1$) is just $-HM$. Restricted to $m\\equiv M/%\n\\mathcal{N}\\in \\left[ -1,1\\right] $, the minimum is located at $sign\\left(\nH\\right) $, so that $m$ literally jumps from $-1$ to $+1$ when $H$ crosses $%\n0 $. ", "Meanwhile, at $H=0$, $P$ is completely flat over the *entire* interval. ", "Despite such drastic displays, there is no correlation between any pair of spins. ", "In this paper, we will explore a less trivial system which displays the ETE, and in particular, the non-vanishing correlations between its constituents.", "\n\nThe model system we study consists of a network of dynamic links, motivated by the changing contacts between individuals in a social setting[liu2013modeling]{}. ", "In a typical population, we can expect to find a range of preferences for how many contacts seems best, e.g., introverts preferring few and extroverts, many. ", "Labeling a node (an individual) by $i$ and its preferences by $\\kappa _{i}$, we evolve our simple model by choosing a node at random and noting its degree $k_{i}$ – the number of links (contacts) it has. ", "If $k_{i}<\\kappa _{i}$, it chooses another node (which is not already in contact) at random and makes a link to that. ", "Otherwise, it chooses a random existing link and cuts it. ", "At any time, this social network is completely described by the adjacency matrix $\\mathbb{A}$, the elements of which are binary: $a_{ij}=a_{ji}=1$ (or $0$) if the link between nodes $i$ and $j$ is present (or absent)[^1]. ", "Thus, the evolution of our system resembles that of a special kinetic two dimensional (2D) Ising model, in which a pair of spins ($s_{ij}=2a_{ij}-1=s_{ji}$) can be flipped in each step, depending on how many other spins in the same row (or column) are the same. ", "In general, the dynamics of such a system do not obey detailed balance[@liu2013modeling], so that the system eventually settles into a non-equilibrium steady state (NESS), characterized by a stationary distribution, $\\mathcal{P}^{\\ast }\\left( \\mathbb{A}\\right) $, as well as persistent probability currents, $\\mathcal{K}^{\\ast }\\left( \\mathbb{%\nA\\rightarrow A}^{\\prime }\\right) $ [@zia2007probability]. ", "Needless to say, understanding the collective behavior of this system is extremely challenging and so, only some simpler versions have been studied in detail so far. ", "Notable examples are (a) a homogeneous population, with just one $%\n\\kappa $ for all [@liu2013modeling], (b) a population with $N_{I}$ ‘introverts’ and $N_{E}$ ‘extroverts,’ specified by $\\kappa _{I}<\\kappa _{E}$ [@liu2014modeling], and most extensively, (c) the $XIE$ model [zia2012extraordinary, liu2013extraordinary, bassler2015extreme, bassler2015networks, ZZEB2018]{} for the extreme case of the latter, with $%\n\\kappa _{I}=0$ and $\\kappa _{E}=\\infty $. ", "In particular, the ETE was found in the last case [@zia2012extraordinary; @liu2013extraordinary]. ", "Beyond these models with static $\\kappa $’s, the further motivation is to exploit adaptive networks[^2], in which the preference may be dynamic due to personal reasons or external controls, to model realistic social phenomena such as revelation of hidden secrets or response to epidemics[@platini2010; @jolad2012].", "\n\nThis paper reports the continuing study of the $XIE$ model. ", "Specifically, despite the apparent presence of long-ranged and multi-spin interactions[zia2012extraordinary, liu2013extraordinary]{}, mean field approximations (MFA) have been extraordinarily successful in capturing all aspects of the ETE[@bassler2015extreme; @bassler2015networks; @ZZEB2018]. ", "A series of natural questions thus arises: What is the nature of the correlations? ", "Are they small, so that the MFAs are so effective? ", "Given that intimate relations exist between correlations and fluctuations, how can they be small when the fluctuations are ‘extreme’ at the critical point? ", "Before attempting to answer these questions, we provide details of the model in the next Section, as well as the similarities and contrasts with the standard 2D Ising model. ", "Turning to fluctuations and correlations in the following Section, we display the identities which relate fluctuations of magnetisation-like quantities to the standard two-point correlations, and we introduce another measure of correlations which is natural for networks but not for Ising systems. ", "Stimulation data and various mean-field approaches will be presented next. ", "Much of the theory is based on *finite* Poisson distributions, with somewhat unusual properties. ", "Since they appear to be rarely discussed in the literature, we include a substantial section in the Appendix on the results we derived. ", "We end with a summary and outlook.", "\n\n\\[sec:Models\\]The $XIE$ model and connections to the Ising model\n================================================================\n\nThe dynamic network we study here, the $XIE$ model, is an extreme version of social connections between $N_{I}$ introverts ($I$’s) and $N_{E}$ extroverts ($E$’s). ", "The system evolves in discrete time steps: At each step, one of the $N_{I}+N_{E}$ nodes is randomly chosen to act. ", "If an $I$ with $k$ ($>0$) links is chosen, it will cut one of the links with probability $1/k$. If an $%\nE$ with no connections to $p$ others is chosen, it will make a connection to one of these with probability $1/p$. Since no $I$ makes links and no $E$ cuts them, it is clear that, starting with any initial network, this minimal system will quickly settle into two distinct subgroups: $I$’s with no links amonst themselves and a complete graph of all the $E$’s. ", "The only dynamic links are the cross links between these groups and in this sense, the fluctuating part of our network ranges over all the *bipartite* graphs. ", "Thus, we only need to focus on one of the off diagonal blocks of the adjacency matrix $\\mathbb{A}$, i.e., the incidence matrix $\\mathbb{N}$. Let us denote the elements of $\\mathbb{N}$ by $n_{i\\eta }$, with $i=1,...,N_{I}$ and $\\eta =1,...,N_{E}$, which assumes the values $1$ and $0$ if the link between introvert $i$ and extrovert $\\eta $ is present or absent, respectively[^3]. ", "In the sense that $n$ is an occupation variable, we will also use the language of *particle/hole* for these states. ", "A typical configuration of an $N_{I,E}=5,4$ system in its steady state is illustrated in Fig.\\[pic\\], for which we have$$\\mathbb{N}=\\left( \n\\begin{array}{cccc}\n0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\\\ \n1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\\\ \n0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\\\ \n0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\\\ \n0 & 0 & 1 & 0%\n\\end{array}%\n\\right)$$\n\n![", "A typical steady state configuration of an $N_{I,E}=5,4$ system. ", "The $I$’s are represented as solid (blue on line) circles while $E$’s are open ones. ", "The $i$,$\\eta $ labels nodes from top to bottom. ", "All $I$-$%\nI $ ($E$-$E$) links are absent (present, solid lines, red on line), while only the $I$-$E$ links (dashed lines) are dynamic.[]{data-label=\"pic\"}](pic.png){width=\"35.00000%\"}\n\nAlthough our focus here will be much more modest, the ultimate goal of the statistical mechanics of $XIE$ model is the solution to the master equation for the probability distribution $$\\mathcal{P}\\left( \\mathbb{N};t+1\\right) -\\mathcal{P}\\left( \\mathbb{N}%\n;t\\right) =\\sum_{\\mathbb{N}^{\\prime }}\\mathbb{\\mathcal{L}}\\left( \\mathbb{%\nN\\leftarrow N}^{\\prime }\\right) \\mathcal{P}\\left( \\mathbb{N}^{\\prime\n};t\\right)$$which governs the evolution of $\\mathbb{N}$ in discrete time, given an initial distribution $\\mathcal{P}\\left( \\mathbb{N};0\\right) $. ", "Here, $%\n\\mathcal{L}$ is known as the Liouvillian and plays the role of the Hamiltonian in the Schrödinger equation. ", "It is composed of the transition probabilities (from $\\mathbb{N}^{\\prime }$ to $\\mathbb{N}$) and, since its explicit form is quite involved but not relevant, will not be discussed further. ", "Nevertheless, we emphasize that it is known to obey detailed balance [@zia2012extraordinary; @liu2013extraordinary] and so, the system eventually settles into an equilibrium stationary state with distribution[^4] $\\mathcal{P}^{\\ast }\\left( \\mathbb{N}\\right) \\propto \\Pi\n_{i}\\left( k_{i}!\\right) \\Pi _{\\eta }\\left( p_{\\eta }!", "\\right) $ (and zero persistent probability currents [@zia2007probability]). ", "Here, $$k_{i}=\\sum_{\\eta }n_{i\\eta };~~p_{\\eta }=N_{I}-\\sum_{i}n_{i\\eta }$$ denote, respectively, the particle and hole content of a row and column. ", "Note that $k_{i}$ and $\\left( N_{I}-p_{\\eta }\\right) $ are just the degrees of nodes $i$ and $\\eta $. ", "Since an $I$ ($E$) prefers to have no links (links to all), $k$ ($p$) is a measure of the ‘frustration’ of the node. ", "Finally, given that $\\mathcal{P}^{\\ast }$ is like a Boltzmann factor, we may regard$$\\mathcal{H}\\left( \\mathbb{N}\\right) =-\\sum_{i}\\ln \\left( k_{i}!\\right)\n-\\sum_{\\eta }\\ln \\left( p_{\\eta }!", "\\right) \\label{Ham}$$as a Hamiltonian (with inverse temperature $\\beta =1$ in this case).", "\n\nAs with $\\mathbb{A}$ above, $\\mathbb{N}$ can be regarded as a 2-D Ising model in the lattice gas representation. ", "Unlike $\\mathbb{A}$, which must remain symmetric to model undirected links in a network, there are no constraints on $\\mathbb{N}$, so that the dynamics involve only single ‘spin’ flips. ", "Of course, there are major differences between $XIE$ model and the Ising, some of which are listed here. ", "The only (explicit) control parameters in our minimal model are $N_{I,E}$. While $\\mathcal{N\\equiv }N_{I}N_{E}$ corresponds to the overall system size of the Ising model, the aspect ratio, $N_{I}/N_{E}$, is rarely considered as a variable. ", "Alternatively, we often use the average and difference$$N\\equiv \\left( N_{I}+N_{E}\\right) /2;~~\\Delta \\equiv N_{E}-N_{I}\n\\label{N+Delta}$$as parameters. ", "There is no spatial structure in our network; instead the system is symmetric under permutation of any row and any column (interchange between pairs of $I$-’s or $E$’s). ", "Thus, boundary conditions are irrelevant here. ", "Meanwhile, the $XIE$ dynamics corresponds to simple spin flip in Ising, as it stipulates (i) choosing a row or a column at random, (ii) flipping a random $1$ to $0$ in the chosen row, and (iii) flipping a random $%\n0$ to $1$ in the chosen column. ", "From these rules, we see that, if $\\Delta >0$ say, then more attempts will be made to flip from $0$ to $1$, so that $%\n\\Delta $ can be regarded as an external magnetic field in the Ising model. ", "Thus, the Ising symmetry corresponds to interchanging $1\\Leftrightarrow 0$ *together with* $\\Delta \\Leftrightarrow -\\Delta $. ", "It is possible to introduce a further bias favoring say, the choice of an $E$ to act. ", "Such a bias would mimic an addition field-like parameter, $H$. Similarly, we may introduce a temperature-like variable, $\\beta $, and perform simulations with the Boltzmann factor $\\exp \\left\\{ -\\beta \\mathcal{H}\\right\\} $. ", "Though our main focus is $\\beta -1=H=0$ here, we will mention briefly in the last section explorations that parallel those of the Ising model: in the full $%\n\\beta $-$H$ plane while keeping $\\Delta =0$. In this context, we are studying a 2-D Ising model with ‘long ranged,’ multi-spin interactions for a Hamiltonian. ", "Indeed, every spin interacts with all other spin in the same row or column[^5]. ", "Thus, the first impression is that correlations must be quite serious, in the sense that it cannot be exponential (or algebraic) decaying, as typical in the 2D Ising case. ", "On the other hand, they cannot be arbitrarily strong, since correlations are related to fluctuations. ", "In the next section, we will explore these relations in detail. ", "Here, let us provide a brief summary of the remarkable phenomena associated with the ETE.", "\n\nOf the many macroscopic quantities of interest in our system, the simplest is the total number of cross-links, or equivalently, the fraction of such links:$$X\\equiv \\sum_{i,\\eta }n_{i\\eta };~~f\\equiv X/\\mathcal{N}$$These correspond to the total net spin $M=\\sum_{i,j}s_{ij}$ and the magnetisation $m\\equiv M/\\mathcal{N}$ in the Ising model. ", "The stationary average[^6], $\\left\\langle X\\right\\rangle $, provides a coarse view of how connected the network is, while the variance $\\sigma\n_{X}^{2}=\\left\\langle X^{2}\\right\\rangle -\\left\\langle X\\right\\rangle ^{2}$ is a measure of its fluctuations. ", "Their analogs in the Ising model would be the order parameter and susceptibility. ", "The extraordinary behavior of these quantities was first discovered [@zia2012extraordinary; @liu2013extraordinary] through simulations of systems with $N=100$ and a few $%\n\\Delta $’s in $\\left[ -50,+50\\right] $. ", "Specifically, $f^{\\ast }\\equiv\n\\left\\langle f\\right\\rangle $ jumps from about $14\\%$ to $86\\%$ when $\\Delta \n$ is tuned to $-2$ (i.e., $101$ introverts and $99$ extroverts) or $+2$. In the Ising language, the jump in $\\left\\langle m\\right\\rangle $ would be from $-0.7$ to $+0.7$! ", "This behavior is illustrated in Fig. ", "\\[f-vs-Delta\\], for $N=40$ and $400$ as well.", "\n\n![", "The fraction of cross-links in the steady state, $f^{\\ast }$, as a function of $\\Delta $. ", "The simulation data (symbols) for $N=40,100,400$ are shown along with the theoretical predictions (denoted as $\\tilde{f}$ in Section IV B (lines). ", "In the large $N$ limit, $f^{\\ast }\\left( \\Delta \\right) $ approaches the Heaviside step function, $\\Theta \\left( \\Delta \\right) $.[]{data-label=\"f-vs-Delta\"}](f-vers-Delta.png){width=\"50.00000%\"}\n\nMeanwhile, when $f$ is monitored in the ‘critical’ system ($\\Delta\n_{c}=0$), it is found to execute an *unbiased random walk* [bassler2015extreme]{} between ‘soft walls’ at $f_{0}\\sim 0.2$ and $1-f_{0}$. In other words, its stationary distribution, $P^{\\ast }\\left( f\\right) $, resembles a mesa which spans nearly the entire allowed interval $\\left[ 0,1%\n\\right] $. ", "In subsequent simulation and theoretical studies [bassler2015extreme, bassler2015networks, ZZEB2018]{}, we found that, as $%\nN\\rightarrow \\infty $, the jump becomes maximal, while $f_{0}$ vanishes asymptotically as $\\sqrt{\\left( \\ln N^{2}\\right) /N}$. To emphasize, the latter means $P^{\\ast }\\left( f\\right) \\rightarrow 1$ for all $f\\in \\left[\n0,1\\right] $, while $\\sigma _{X}^{2}\\rightarrow \\mathcal{N}^{2}/12$! ", "While such extreme features are the defining signatures of an ETE, this work is devoted to exploring the implications of such gargantuan fluctuations for the correlations between the links in our network.", "\n\n\\[sec:CorrFluc\\]Correlations and fluctuations\n=============================================\n\nThe simplest measure of correlations in the 2D Ising model is the two-point function, $\\left\\langle s_{ij}s_{k\\ell }\\right\\rangle -\\left\\langle\ns_{ij}\\right\\rangle \\left\\langle s_{k\\ell }\\right\\rangle $, the integral (sum) of which is the variance $\\left\\langle M^{2}\\right\\rangle\n-\\left\\langle M\\right\\rangle ^{2}$, a measure of the fluctuations. ", "The analogs in $XIE$ are straightforward and, thanks to the permutation symmetry, they are relatively easy to compute (within the MFAs). ", "In the analysis, we will be led naturally to the degree distributions of the nodes. ", "Though, standard in the study of networks, their analogs in Ising model have rarely been examined. ", "Beyond these, we will consider another natural measure of correlation for networks, the *joint distribution* of degrees of two nodes. ", "Though easily measured in simulations, understanding their behavior remains a challenge.", "\n\n\\[sec:2pf\\]Two point functions\n------------------------------\n\nWe begin with the fluctuation-correlation identities, the foremost of which is simplest is $$\\sigma _{X}^{2}=\\sum_{i,\\eta ,j,\\gamma }\\left\\langle n_{i\\eta }n_{j\\gamma\n}\\right\\rangle -\\left\\langle X\\right\\rangle ^{2}$$Unlike the Ising case, ours is much simpler, since permutation symmetry of the steady state implies that there are only three distinct correlations. ", "As $n_{i\\eta }n_{i\\eta }=n_{i\\eta }$, we need to focus on cases where only one ($I$ or $E$) set of indices *differ*, or both $I$ and $E$ indices differ. ", "Thus, we define the correlations, for *any* $i\\neq j$ and $%\n\\eta \\neq \\gamma $,$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\chi _{I} &\\equiv &\\left\\langle n_{i\\eta }n_{j\\eta }\\right\\rangle -\\left(\nf^{\\ast }\\right) ^{2} \\\\\n\\chi _{E} &\\equiv &\\left\\langle n_{i\\eta }n_{i\\gamma }\\right\\rangle -\\left(\nf^{\\ast }\\right) ^{2} \\\\\n\\chi _{IE} &\\equiv &\\left\\langle n_{i\\eta }n_{j\\gamma }\\right\\rangle -\\left(\nf^{\\ast }\\right) ^{2}\\end{aligned}$$since $\\left\\langle n_{i\\eta }\\right\\rangle =\\left\\langle X\\right\\rangle /%\n\\mathcal{N}=f^{\\ast }$. ", "As a result, instead of the Ising relation, we find a much simpler fluctuation-correlation identity:$$\\frac{\\sigma _{X}^{2}}{\\mathcal{N}}=\\chi _{0}+\\left( N_{I}-1\\right) \\chi\n_{I}+\\left( N_{E}-1\\right) \\chi _{E}+\\left( N_{I}-1\\right) \\left(\nN_{E}-1\\right) \\chi _{IE} \\label{FCid}$$where$$\\chi _{0}\\equiv f^{\\ast }\\left( 1-f^{\\ast }\\right) \\label{chi0}$$is the variance of any single link: $\\left\\langle n_{i\\eta\n}{}^{2}\\right\\rangle -\\left\\langle n_{i\\eta }\\right\\rangle ^{2}$. Of course, we can consider normalized correlations $\\chi _{I,E,IE}/\\chi _{0}$. But, as will be shown below, these present unnecessary theoretical challenges when we study the critical system.", "\n\nThere are three unknown $\\chi $’s on the right of Eqn. (", "\\[FCid\\]). ", "All can be determined in terms of fluctuations if we consider the degree distributions. ", "In the stationary state, only two such distributions can be distinct: one associated with any $I$ and the other, with any $E$. To be precise, we write[^7]$$\\rho _{I}\\left( k\\right) \\equiv \\sum_{\\mathbb{N}}\\delta \\left( k-\\sum_{\\eta\n}n_{i\\eta }\\right) \\mathcal{P}^{\\ast }\\left( \\mathbb{N}\\right)$$where $\\delta $ is the Kronecker delta. ", "Of course, we can write a similar expression for $\\rho _{E}$. But, for symmetry reasons, it is better to consider the ‘*hole-distribution*’$$\\zeta _{E}\\left( p\\right) \\equiv \\sum_{\\mathbb{N}}\\delta \\left(\np-N_{I}+\\sum_{i}n_{i\\eta }\\right) \\mathcal{P}^{\\ast }\\left( \\mathbb{N}\\right)$$From these, we study the averages and variances[^8]$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\bar{k} &\\equiv &\\sum_{k}k\\rho _{I}\\left( k\\right) ;~~\\sigma _{k}^{2}\\equiv \n\\overline{k^{2}}-\\bar{k}^{2} \\\\\n\\bar{p} &\\equiv &\\sum_{p}p\\zeta _{E}\\left( p\\right) ;~~\\sigma _{p}^{2}\\equiv \n\\overline{p^{2}}-\\bar{p}^{2}\\end{aligned}$$Focusing on the $I$’s for now, we find an expected result$$\\bar{k}=\\sum_{\\mathbb{N}}\\left( \\sum_{\\eta }n_{i\\eta }\\right) \\mathcal{P}%\n^{\\ast }\\left( \\mathbb{N}\\right) =N_{E}f^{\\ast }$$which is also $\\left\\langle X\\right\\rangle /N_{I}$. Meanwhile,$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\overline{k^{2}} &=&\\sum_{k}k^{2}\\rho _{I}\\left( k\\right) =\\left\\langle\n\\sum_{\\eta }n_{i\\eta }\\sum_{\\gamma }n_{i\\gamma }\\right\\rangle \\\\\n&=&N_{E}\\left[ \\left\\langle n_{i\\eta }\\right\\rangle +\\left( N_{E}-1\\right)\n\\left\\langle n_{i\\eta }n_{i\\gamma }\\right\\rangle \\right]\\end{aligned}$$so that $\\sigma _{k}^{2}=N_{E}\\left[ f^{\\ast }+\\left( N_{E}-1\\right)\n\\left\\langle n_{i\\eta }n_{i\\gamma }\\right\\rangle -N_{E}\\left( f^{\\ast\n}\\right) ^{2}\\right] $, and we arrive at a ‘fluctuation-correlation identity for introverts’: $$\\frac{\\sigma _{k}^{2}}{N_{E}}=\\chi _{0}+\\left( N_{E}-1\\right) \\chi _{E}\n\\label{iFCid}$$To be precise, we should state that there is an exact relationship between the variance of an $I$’s degree and the correlation of two of its links (to two different $E$’s). ", "Since $\\sigma _{p}^{2}$ is also the variance of the extroverts’ degree distribution, we easily find a similar identity for the extroverts:$$\\frac{\\sigma _{p}^{2}}{N_{I}}=\\chi _{0}+\\left( N_{I}-1\\right) \\chi _{I}\n\\label{eFCid}$$Thus, *all* the $\\chi $’s are known, once we obtain the variances: $%\n\\sigma _{k}^{2}$, $\\sigma _{p}^{2}$, and $\\sigma _{X}^{2}$. Note that, though we may consider similar quantities in the 2D Ising model, there is typically little reason to study the row- or column-magnetisation, i.e., the sums of the spins in a row or a column. ", "Nevertheless, they do play crucial roles in highly anisotropic systems, such as driven diffusive systems[SZ95, DZ18]{} where the order parameter is the row (or column) magnetisation. ", "A further note concerns $\\sigma ^{2}/N$ in Eqns.(\\[FCid\\],\\[iFCid\\]): For non-critical systems, we expect ‘normal’ fluctuations and these to be $%\nO\\left( 1\\right) $ in the thermodynamic limit, so that $\\left(\nN_{I,E}-1\\right) \\chi _{I,E}$ and $\\left( N_{I}-1\\right) \\left(\nN_{E}-1\\right) \\chi _{IE}$ should be good scaling variables.", "\n\nThere is another perspective of these identities which provides us with a gauge on how inter-dependent our variables are. ", "In particular, if the degree of the $I$’s (and $E$’s) were iid’s from the same $\\rho _{I}$ (and $\\zeta\n_{E}$), then we would find$$\\sigma _{X}^{2}=N_{I}\\sigma _{k}^{2}=N_{E}\\sigma _{p}^{2} \\label{iidVar}$$However, Eqns. (", "\\[iFCid\\],\\[eFCid\\]) can be exploited to recast Eqns (\\[FCid\\]) in several equivalent forms$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\sigma _{X}^{2} &=&N_{I}\\sigma _{k}^{2}+\\mathcal{N}\\left( N_{I}-1\\right) %\n\\left[ \\chi _{I}+\\left( N_{E}-1\\right) \\chi _{IE}\\right] \\label{test-iid1}\n\\\\\n&=&N_{E}\\sigma _{p}^{2}+\\mathcal{N}\\left( N_{E}-1\\right) \\left[ \\chi\n_{E}+\\left( N_{I}-1\\right) \\chi _{IE}\\right] \\label{test-iid2}\\end{aligned}$$Applied to Erdős-Rényi graphs [@E-R] with average $f^{\\ast }$, all these $\\chi $’s vanish and Eqn. (", "\\[iidVar\\]) is verified. ", "In $XIE$, simulations show that these $\\chi $’s are non-trivial and differences like $%\n\\sigma _{X}^{2}-N_{I}\\sigma _{k}^{2}$ are significant.", "\n\nWe end this subsection with the analysis of the full stationary distribution of $X$ [^9]\n\n$$P^{\\ast }\\left( X\\right) \\equiv \\sum_{\\mathbb{N}}\\delta \\left(\nX-\\sum_{i,\\eta }n_{i\\eta }\\right) \\mathcal{P}^{\\ast }\\left( \\mathbb{N}\\right)\n\\label{P*(X)}$$\n\nand the related *fixed* $X$ *ensembles*, which are just cross-sections of $\\mathcal{P}^{\\ast }\\left( \\mathbb{N}\\right) $ with a given $X$. They will play key roles in the analysis of the critical system. ", "Their analogs in the Ising model, fixed $M$ ensembles, have received much attention for both physical and mathematical reasons. ", "Many systems in nature with conserved $M$, e.g., liquid-vapor and binary alloys, are formulated in this manner and typically presented as the ‘Ising lattice gas’ [YangLee52]{}. ", "Such systems allow us to explore a variety of phenomena, e.g., phase co-existence, interfacial properties, nucleation, metastability and hysteresis. ", "Mathematically, since fixed $M$ ensembles are conjugate to fluctuating $M$ ensembles with an external $H$, the associated free energies are Legendre transforms of each other (in the thermodynamic limit). ", "Thus, they offer different approaches to analyze subtle singularities in the free energy, such as those associated with metastability. ", "For the $XIE$ model, we discovered that fixed $X$ ensembles offer sufficient insight for constructing a mean-field approach that provides spectacular agreement with *all* simulation data, including those for the critical system[ZZEB2018]{}. ", "To avoid confusion, we will denote averages in such ensembles with extra caret above, e.g.,$$\\widehat{\\left\\langle \\mathcal{O}\\left( \\mathbb{N}\\right) \\right\\rangle }%\n\\equiv \\sum_{\\mathbb{N}}\\mathcal{O}\\left( \\mathbb{N}\\right) \\delta \\left(\nX-\\sum_{i,\\eta }n_{i\\eta }\\right) \\mathcal{P}^{\\ast }\\left( \\mathbb{N}\\right)$$with the understanding that $X$ (alternatively, $f\\equiv X/\\mathcal{N}$) is a control parameter here, with no fluctuations. ", "Thus, for example, $$\\hat{\\chi}_{0}=f\\left( 1-f\\right)$$is just a given constant, unlike $\\chi _{0}$ in (\\[chi0\\]) which must be computed from $\\left( N,\\Delta \\right) $. ", "Clearly, for such ensembles, $%\n\\widehat{\\sigma _{X}^{2}}\\equiv 0$ and Eqn. (", "\\[FCid\\]) reduces to$$0=\\hat{\\chi}_{0}+\\left( N_{I}-1\\right) \\hat{\\chi}_{I}+\\left( N_{E}-1\\right) \n\\hat{\\chi}_{E}+\\left( N_{I}-1\\right) \\left( N_{E}-1\\right) \\hat{\\chi}_{IE}\n\\label{FCid-fX}$$Thus, for fixed $X$ ensembles, some correlations must be negative. ", "As will be shown below, these $\\hat{\\chi}$’s are crucial for understanding the extraordinary correlations in the critical system ($\\Delta =0$).", "\n\nIn the next Section, we will present simulation data and MFA’s for understanding them.", "\n\n\\[sec:JDD1\\] Correlation in joint degree distributions\n------------------------------------------------------\n\nBeyond the two point function, there is a seemingly infinite variety of other possible measure of correlations. ", "Here, we focus on one other quantity which appears natural for networks, namely, the joint degree distribution. ", "In general, if $x$ and $y$ are independent variables distributed according to $\\rho _{x}\\left( x\\right) $ and $\\rho _{y}\\left( y\\right) $, then the joint distribution $\\rho \\left( x,y\\right) $ is just the product $\\rho\n_{x}\\left( x\\right) \\rho _{y}\\left( y\\right) $. ", "Thus, the difference between them is a good measure of the correlation between $x$ and $y$. In our case, we can study three such distributions: two $I$’s ($\\rho \\left( k,k^{\\prime\n}\\right) $), two $E$’s ($\\zeta \\left( p,p^{\\prime }\\right) $), and one of each ($\\mu \\left( k,p\\right) $). ", "To save notation, we will use, as above, $k$ for the degree associated with an $I$ and $p$ for the ‘*hole-degree*’ associated with an $E$. Thus, e.g., $$\\mu \\left( k,p\\right) =\\sum_{\\mathbb{N}}\\delta \\left( k-\\sum_{\\eta }n_{1\\eta\n}\\right) \\delta \\left( p-N_{I}+\\sum_{i}n_{i1}\\right) \\mathcal{P}^{\\ast\n}\\left( \\mathbb{N}\\right) \\label{mu}$$is the joint distribution for an $I$ and an $E$. In the steady state, all nodes in each group should be equivalent and so, we write $1$’s in the above for convenience. ", "The differences, such as$$\\mu \\left( k,p\\right) -\\rho \\left( k\\right) \\zeta \\left( p\\right)$$are measures of the correlations between the two nodes. ", "Finding a viable theory to provide quantitative insights into these quantities has been elusive. ", "Below, we will only show simulation data and make some qualitative statements. ", "In this context, we will present the ‘normalized’ differences, e.g., $$C_{IE}\\left( k,p\\right) \\equiv \\frac{\\mu \\left( k,p\\right) }{\\rho \\left(\nk\\right) \\zeta \\left( p\\right) }-1 \\label{C-def}$$\n\nBefore proceeding to the data, we should emphasize that, though $\\rho \\left(\nk,k^{\\prime }\\right) $ and $\\rho \\left( p,p^{\\prime }\\right) $ reduce to the respective products for random $\\mathbb{N}$’s (i.e., Erdős-Rényi bipartite graphs), this is not the case for the mixed distribution $\\mu $. ", "The reason is that, for any $I$-$E$ pair, their degrees are not entirely independent, as both $k$ and $p$ are affected (oppositely) by the one link between them. ", "In particular, $n_{11}$ appears in both $\\delta $ functions in Eqn. (", "\\[mu\\]), so that the sum does not factorize into the product of sums over $\\mathcal{P}^{\\ast }$, even if $\\mathcal{P}^{\\ast }$ itself factorizes. ", "Deferring details of this analysis to an Appendix, we only quote the result here[^10]$$C_{IE}^{ER}\\left( k,p\\right) =\\left( \\frac{k}{\\bar{k}}-1\\right) \\left( 1-%\n\\frac{p}{\\bar{p}}\\right) \\label{C-ER}$$where $\\bar{k}/N_{E}=1-\\bar{p}/N_{I}$ is the probability of any element in $%\n\\mathbb{N}$ being unity and illustrated in Fig \\[JDD-ER\\]. ", "Being a simple quadrupole[^11] in the $k$-$p$ plane, this scaling form clearly displays the anti-correlation between the particle- and the hole-count (i.e., one more $1$ in a row being correlated with one less $0$ in a column).", "\n\n\\[sec:Data+MFT\\]Simulation results and mean field approaches\n============================================================\n\nThis Section is devoted to simulation studies and our understanding through mean field approximations. ", "For the two point correlations and fluctuations (variances in the degrees of a node or the total number of cross-links), we considered systems with $N=40,100$, and $400$, performing 10 independent runs of $10^{7} \\times \\mathcal{N}$ MCS for each data point, where $\\mathcal{N}=N_I \\times N_E$. To obtain the averages in the steady state, $\\left\\langle ...\\right\\rangle $, we discard the first $10^{5} \\times \\mathcal{N}$ MCS and take measurement every $\\mathcal{N}$ MCS. ", "Following earlier studies of our model [@liu2013extraordinary; @bassler2015extreme], we first use $\\Delta $ as a control parameter, in the range $\\left[ -40,40%\n\\right] $. ", "Thanks to $I$-$E$ symmetry, the degrees of an $I$, $\\rho\n_{I}\\left( k\\right) $, in the stationary state is the same as the distribution of holes, $\\zeta _{E}\\left( p\\right) $, for an $E$ at the opposite $\\Delta $. ", "Though not display here, we have explicitly verified that such symmetries hold. ", "Thus, in the following, we will consider on only $%\n\\rho \\left( k\\right) $, where we also dropped the subscript for simplicity. ", "This symmetry also implies that the stationary distribution of cross-links, $%\nP^{\\ast }\\left( X\\right) $, obeys$$P^{\\ast }\\left( X;N,\\Delta \\right) =P^{\\ast }\\left( \\mathcal{N}-X;N,-\\Delta\n\\right)$$so that we can focus only on results for, say, $\\Delta \\leq 0$. Now, as Fig. ", "\\[f-vs-Delta\\] shows, as we study larger and larger systems with $\\Delta\n\\neq 0$, we have access to a more and more limited region of $f$. On the other hand, from Ref. [", "@ZZEB2018], we see that a critical system behaves like a superposition of fixed $f$ ones – from $f_{0}$ to $1-f_{0}$. Thus, we can access the intermediate $f$ regime by using fixed $f$ (or $X$) ensembles. ", "To generate such ensembles by Monte Carlo simulations, we begin with a random $\\mathbb{N}$ consisting of precisely $X$ ‘particles’ and carry out the standard Kawasaki particle-hole pair exchanges according to Metropolis rates (i.e., accepting the attempt with probability $\\min \\left\\{\n1,e^{-\\mathcal{H}}\\right\\} $ where $\\delta \\mathcal{H}$ is the difference in $\\mathcal{H}$ as a result of the exchange). ", "To obtain $\\widehat{\\left\\langle\n...\\right\\rangle }$, we discard the first $10^5 \\times \\mathcal{N}$ MCS and take measurement every $\\mathcal{N}$ MCS over $10$ independent runs.", "\n\n ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------\n ![", "image](XIE_s2K.png){width=\"80mm\"} ![", "image](XIE_xE.png){width=\"80mm\"}\n ![", "image](XIE_s2X.png){width=\"80mm\"} ![", "image](XIE_xIE.png){width=\"80mm\"}\n ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------\n\nAlthough the data in Fig. ", "\\[FlucCorr-vs-Delta\\] seem peculiar at first glance, we are able to understand all the unusual properties in two steps. ", "First, we derived identities which relate all distinct two-point correlations and the various variances, so that we need to focus our theoretical considerations on only, say, the $\\sigma ^{2}$’s. ", "For the degree distributions, we exploit a version of the self-consistent mean field approach (SCMF), first introduced in Ref. [", "@bassler2015extreme], which has been improved in several aspects. ", "From its predictions for $\\rho \\left(\nk\\right) $, we arrive at a good understanding of the fluctuations $\\sigma\n_{k}^{2}$. The second step follows the track in Ref. [", "@ZZEB2018], which leads us to an excellent approximation for $P^{\\ast }\\left( X\\right) $ and therefore, predictions for $\\sigma _{X}^{2}$, the fluctuations in $X$.\n\nEnding this Section, we will present data for the joint degree distributions (e.g., $\\mu \\left( k,p\\right) $) and the implied correlations (e.g., $%\nC_{IE}\\left( k,p\\right) $). ", "Unfortunately, finding a viable approximation for these proves elusive. ", "We provide a hint at the level of complexity involved in understanding such joint distributions, by computing the non-trivial $C_{IE}\\left( k,p\\right) $ for random bipartite graphs exactly.", "\n\n\\[sec:non-crit\\]Fluctuations and correlations for non-critical systems ($\\Delta \\neq 0$ and fixed $X$ ensembles)\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nWe begin with Fig. ", "\\[FlucCorr-vs-Delta\\], which shows two sets of fluctuations and correlations.", "\n\nA casual glance of this figure does not hint at any easily tractable behavior. ", "Indeed the data appear in general to be quite peculiar, displaying up to *three* regimes, i.e., $\\Delta $ being negative, positive, and zero. ", "To understand these unusual properties and to develop a more coherent picture, we first note that, though there are apparent differences between the fluctuation data and the correlations, they are indeed related by the identities derived above. ", "Since these are exact relations, there is no need for us to understand the behavior of both. ", "To be specific, we will focus on only the fluctuations, as we had mean field theories for the associated distributions. ", "We should emphasize that our data are in complete agreement with Eqns. (", "\\[FCid\\],\\[iFCid\\],\\[eFCid\\]), giving us confidence that a steady state has been established.", "\n\nNext, since $\\rho $ involves $N_{E}$ binary random variables, we expect the variance $\\sigma _{k}^{2}$ to scale with $N_{E}$. Thus, instead of the raw data, we plot the ‘normalized’ version: $\\sigma _{k}^{2}/N_{E}$in Fig. [", "Var-vs-Delta/f]{}a.", "\n\n -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------\n ![", "image](XIE_s2K_scaled.png){width=\"80mm\"} ![", "image](XIE_s2K-f_scaled.png){width=\"80mm\"}\n ![", "image](XIE_s2X_scaled.png){width=\"80mm\"} ![", "image](XIE_s2X-f_scaled.png){width=\"80mm\"}\n -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------\n\nSimilarly, we show $\\sigma _{X}^{2}/\\mathcal{N}$ in panel (b). ", "No obvious systematics emerge in this replot. ", "Now, we note that, for various $N$’s, $f^{\\ast }\\left( \\Delta \\right) $ is a rather complicated and singular function (See Fig. ", "\\[f-vs-Delta\\].). ", "That provides a motivation for us to plot the variances against $f^{\\ast }$: Fig. ", "\\[Var-vs-Delta/f\\]b,d. Only a minor improvement is seen: tolerable data collapse for $\\sigma\n_{k}^{2}/N_{E}$ in the $f^{\\ast }>1/2$ ($\\Delta >0$) regime. ", "Meanwhile, if we wish to study larger systems, the accessible region of $f^{\\ast }$ (with $%\n\\Delta \\neq 0$) becomes more severely limited. ", "In an effort to explore the ‘inaccessible’ region, we extended our studies to fixed $X$ ensembles of the critical ($N_{E}=N_{I}$) system. ", "Of course, for such systems, $\\widehat{%\n\\sigma _{X}^{2}}\\equiv 0$ and we are left with only $\\widehat{\\sigma\n_{k}^{2}}$, the data for which are shown in Fig. ", "\\[Fluc-vs-f\\]a.", "\n\nNote that these points are displayed alongside the data from Fig. [", "Var-vs-Delta/f]{}b, showing that the new points indeed fill in the gap.", " Though the two sets of data are mostly the same, there are small differences, the origins of which remain to be explored further. ", "We conjecture at least two possible sources: (i) Since $f$ is not fixed in the $\\Delta \\neq 0$ systems (the data point being plotted at $f^{\\ast }$ here), those fluctuations can contribute to the systematically larger $\\sigma _{k}^{2}/N_{E}$, especially discernible at the $f\\sim 1$ regime. (", "ii) Finite size effects are unlikely to be the same for the two sets of systems, leading to differences seen in the figure. ", "Finally, we should mention that there are clear shoulders, especially visible in the $N=40$ data, which are manifestations of the underlying mesa-like $P^{\\ast }\\left( X\\right) $. ", "A detailed understanding of such behavior is beyond the scope of this study and, though quite feasible, will be published elsewhere.", "\n\nTurning from these small differences to the more prominent common features, the most obvious feature is the *non-uniform convergence* of $%\n\\widehat{\\sigma _{k}^{2}}/N$ to the simple function $\\left( 1-f\\right) $ as $%\nN$ increases. ", "One may try to collapse the rise for small $f$ by a naive function like $Nf$. However, the quality of such collapse is poor *and* we cannot find any theoretical justification for such a form. ", "As will be shown in the next subsection, there exists a non-trivial scaling function for the difference:$$\\Phi _{N}\\equiv \\left( 1-f\\right) -\\widehat{\\sigma _{k}^{2}}/N\n\\label{Phi-def}$$Shown in Fig. ", "\\[Fluc-vs-f\\]b, $\\Phi _{N}$ displays the same non-uniform convergence properties, but to the singular step function $\\Phi _{\\infty\n}\\left( 0\\right) =1;\\Phi _{\\infty }\\left( f>0\\right) =0$.\n\nFinally, let us return to the fluctuations in $X$ and mention a curious phenomenon: Dividing $\\sigma _{X}^{2}/\\mathcal{N}$ by a further factor of $%\nN_{I}$, we find reasonable data collapse onto $f^{2}$! ", "There seems to be no theoretical basis for this behavior and perhaps its appearance is simply ‘an accident.’ ", "Instead, as the detailed analysis in the next subsection will show, there is a sound basis for collapse onto a different function, namely, $-1-1/f^{\\ast }\\Delta $.", "\n\n\\[sec:MFAs\\]Mean field approaches (MFA) and theoretical understanding\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThough the stationary distribution ($\\mathcal{P}^{\\ast }$) for our model is explicitly known, it is quite challenging to obtain exact theoretical results, especially since the system displays an ETE. ", "Surprising progress had been made, however, through a series of mean field approximations. ", "Though not systematic, MFAs are based on sound intuitions and captured much of the essence of the extraordinary properties in our model. ", "Referring the reader to Refs. [", "@liu2013extraordinary; @bassler2015extreme; @ZZEB2018] for the justifications and derivations, we provide only a brief summary here. ", "The basis of our MFA is the *finite* Poisson distribution (FPD):$$Q\\left( n;x,N\\right) =\\frac{x^{n}}{e_{N}\\left( x\\right) n!};~~n=0,1,...,N$$where $e_{N}\\left( x\\right) \\equiv \\sum_{0}^{N}x^{n}/n!$. Since it is rarely discussed in the literature, we collected in an Appendix a list of its properties, the most useful of which are $\\bar{n}=x\\left( 1-Q\\left( N\\right)\n\\right) $ and $\\overline{n\\left( n-1\\right) }=x^{2}\\left( 1-Q\\left( N\\right)\n-Q\\left( N-1\\right) \\right) $. ", "The FPD enters when we study the *introvert* degree distribution in the steady state $$\\rho \\left( k\\right) =Q\\left( N_{E}-k;\\lambda ,N_{E}\\right) \\label{Ansatz}$$as we balance the rate of losing of a link to that for gaining one. ", "In considering the gain rate, the number of $E$’s *not* already connected to our $I$ is $N_{E}-k$, while the probability of an $E$ making a link to our $I$ is a stochastic variable. ", "The parameter $\\lambda $ is meant to capture (the inverse of) the latter probability and so, was argued previously [@ZZEB2018] (where fixed $f$ ensembles were used) to be $%\nN_{I}\\left( 1-f\\right) $. ", "However, when $\\bar{k}$ is computed with this $%\n\\rho $ (and $\\lambda $), we find$$\\bar{k}=N_{E}-\\lambda \\upsilon \\label{k-bar}$$where $\\upsilon $ is the following function of $\\lambda $ $$\\upsilon \\equiv e_{N_{E}-1}\\left( \\lambda \\right) /e_{N_{E}}\\left( \\lambda\n\\right) =1-\\rho \\left( 0\\right) \\label{upsilon-def}$$and represents the fraction of ‘unsatisfied’ $I$’s (those with one or more links). ", "In other words, given $\\lambda $, the FPD will lead to the above $%\n\\bar{k}$ and therefore a fraction of cross-links being $\\bar{k}% is this consistant with Eq. ", "20?", "\n/N_{E}=1-\\lambda \\upsilon $. ", "But if we set $\\lambda $ to $N_{I}\\left(\n1-f\\right) $, then this $1-\\lambda \\upsilon $ can be $f$ only if $\\lambda $ takes on a specific value, $\\tilde{\\lambda}$, which satisfies $$\\tilde{\\upsilon}=N_{E}/N_{I} \\label{upsilon-tilde}$$where $\\tilde{\\upsilon}\\equiv \\upsilon \\left( \\tilde{\\lambda}\\right) $. ", "To emphasize this issue, if we insist on imposing three control parameters ($%\nN_{E}$, $N_{I}$, and $f$ – in fixed $X$ ensembles), then the FPD in Ref. [", "@ZZEB2018] *cannot* be a self-consistent approximation in general. ", "Remarkably, if we do not restrict the value of $f$, then it will settle, on average, at a $f^{\\ast }$ that corresponds to Eqn. ([", "upsilon-tilde]{}). ", "We will return to this question when we study $P^{\\ast\n}\\left( X\\right) $ below.", "\n\nHere, let us modify the MFA in Ref. [", "@ZZEB2018] to be a self-consistent mean field theory (SCMF), i.e., we will choose $\\lambda $ to be the solution to $$\\lambda \\upsilon \\left( \\lambda \\right) =N_{E}\\left( 1-f\\right)\n\\label{lambda(f)}$$so that the Ansatz (\\[Ansatz\\]) will agree with $\\bar{k}=N_{E}f$ in all cases[^12]. ", "Note that, in the context of the FPD, this relation provides a 1-1 mapping between $f$ and $\\lambda $. ", "In our case, it is straightforward to verify that $df/d\\lambda $ is strictly negative.", "\n\nOnce we grasp the $\\lambda $-$f$ connection, we can proceed to compute $%\n\\widehat{\\sigma _{k}^{2}}$ as a function of $f$. In particular, we seek the non-trivial cross-over behavior for large $N$. As noted above, the difference $\\Phi _{N}$ is more convenient for displaying these properties of $\\widehat{\\sigma _{k}^{2}}$. After some algebra, we find a compact expression:$$\\Phi _{N}=\\lambda \\xi f \\label{Phi=}$$where$$\\xi \\equiv 1-\\upsilon \\label{xi}$$is the fraction of ‘satisfied’ $I$’s (those no links). ", "The simple form for $%\n\\Phi _{N}$ is deceptive, however, as both $\\lambda $ and $\\xi $ are complicated functions of $f$. The details of the analysis are quite involved and so, deferred to an Appendix. ", "Here, let us only present the result. ", "As displayed in Fig.\\[Fluc-vs-f\\], $\\Phi _{N}$ drops steeply from $1$ down to near $0$ at cross-over values which diminishes as $N$ increases. ", "Nevertheless, as shown in Fig \\[Var-collapse\\]a, we find good quality data collapse (especially within $\\left( -1,+2\\right) $, even for systems as small as $40$) when this difference is plotted against a scaling variable$$w=\\frac{N+1-\\lambda }{\\sqrt{2\\left( N+1\\right) }}$$which emerges naturally from the analysis of our SCMF theory. ", "As $%\nN\\rightarrow \\infty $, $\\Phi _{N}$ is well approximated by the analytic scaling function[^13]$$\\Phi _{N}\\simeq 2\\mathcal{E}\\left( \\mathcal{E}+w\\right) \\label{Phi-final}$$where$$\\mathcal{E}\\left( w\\right) \\equiv 1\\left/ \\sqrt{\\pi }e^{w^{2}}\\left[ 1+\\func{%\nerf}\\left( w\\right) \\right] \\right.$$Both the numerical evaluation of $\\Phi _{400}$ and this analytic asymptotic form are shown in the figure for comparison.", "\n\nTo end this subsection, we turn to the fluctuations in $X$ in non-critical systems, $\\sigma _{X}^{2}/\\mathcal{N}$. As shown in Ref. [", "@ZZEB2018], by considering the balance of gain and loss of a link in a single attempt, the equation for the steady state $P^{\\ast }\\left( X\\right) $ is$$N_{E}\\left( 1-\\zeta _{E}\\left( 0\\right) \\right) P^{\\ast }\\left( X-1\\right)\n=N_{I}\\left( 1-\\rho _{I}\\left( 0\\right) \\right) P^{\\ast }\\left( X\\right)$$Again, thanks to $I$-$E$ symmetry, we can focusing on the regime of small $X$ (or $N_{E}/N_{I}<1$), say. ", "Then, we can approximate this equation by$$\\left( N_{E}/N_{I}\\right) P^{\\ast }\\left( X-1\\right) \\cong \\upsilon P^{\\ast\n}\\left( X\\right) \\label{balance}$$It is clear that, since $\\upsilon $ is a monotonic function of $f$ or $X$, the above recursion relation for $P^{\\ast }$ will lead to a maximum occurring at $\\tilde{f}$ (i.e., $\\tilde{X}=\\tilde{f}\\mathcal{N}$) which satisfies the equation $\\tilde{\\upsilon}=N_{E}/N_{I}$. To emphasize this point, the system will be most likely found at $\\tilde{f}$ and so, we will identify it with $f^{\\ast }$, the average value of $f$ when the system settles in the steady state. ", "Note that the condition (\\[balance\\]) corresponds to setting the first derivative of $\\ln P^{\\ast }$ to zero. ", "Beyond that, both theory and data support the expectation that, as $%\nN\\rightarrow \\infty $, $P^{\\ast }\\left( X\\right) $ approaches a Gaussian around $\\tilde{X}$. Thus, the curvature of $\\ln P^{\\ast }$ there should provide us with a good approximation (denoted by $\\cong $) for the fluctuations in $X$. Specifically, we expect$$\\begin{aligned}\n-1/\\sigma _{X}^{2} &\\cong &\\ln P^{\\ast }\\left( \\tilde{X}+1\\right) -2\\ln\nP^{\\ast }\\left( \\tilde{X}\\right) +\\ln P^{\\ast }\\left( \\tilde{X}-1\\right) \\\\\n&\\cong &\\ln P^{\\ast }\\left( \\tilde{X}+1\\right) -\\ln P^{\\ast }\\left( \\tilde{X}%\n\\right)\\end{aligned}$$In other words, $-1/\\sigma _{X}^{2}$ is related to $\\left. ", "\\partial _{X}\\ln\n\\upsilon \\right\\vert _{\\tilde{X}}$. After some algebra, we arrive at a concise expression$$\\sigma _{X}^{2}/\\mathcal{N}\\simeq \\frac{1}{-\\tilde{f}\\Delta }-1\n\\label{scaling-sig2X}$$with corrections of $O\\left( N^{-1/2}\\right) $ expected. ", "We emphasize that $%\n\\Delta <0$ for the regime of interest here, so that the first term is positive. ", "Though we can compute $\\tilde{f}$ in terms of the control parameters $\\left( N,\\Delta \\right) $, we cannot provide a simple expression as it depends on implicit relations like $\\tilde{\\upsilon}=N_{E}/N_{I}$. Nevertheless, we can expect that as $N$ increases with $| \\Delta\n| =O\\left( 1\\right) $, $\\tilde{f}$ decreases significantly (with upper bound $\\sqrt{\\ln N^{2}/N}$) and so, $\\sigma _{X}^{2}/\\mathcal{N}$ should become anomalously large. ", "Such a behavior is hardly surprising, as this limit corresponds to approaching the transition point of our ETE. ", "More importantly, when all the simulations results are plotted against the scaling variable, we find high quality data collapse (Fig. ", "\\[Var-collapse\\]b), even though our $N$’s are not so large. ", "It is reasonable to conclude that the SCMF here is very successful in capturing the essence of the anomalous fluctuations in the $XIE$ model.", "\n\n\\[sec:crit\\]Fluctuations and correlations for critical systems\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFinally, we turn to the behavior of critical systems ($\\Delta =0$). ", "Here also, the fluctuation-correlation identities were verified to hold and so, we again focus our attention only on the former. ", "As Figs [FlucCorr-vs-Delta]{} and \\[Var-vs-Delta/f\\] shows, the fluctuations of the are considerably larger than the ones in the non-critical systems or the fixed $X$ ensembles. ", "We devote this subsection to a brief summary of how this extraordinary phenomenon can be understood. ", "We follow the approach in Ref. [", "@ZZEB2018], i.e., to regard the critical system as a superposition of fixed $X$ ensembles, weighted by the critical $P^{\\ast }\\left(\nX;N,0\\right) $. ", "Then, for any observable, we have $$\\left\\langle \\mathcal{O}\\right\\rangle =\\sum_{X}\\widehat{\\left\\langle \n\\mathcal{O}\\right\\rangle _{X}}~P^{\\ast }\\left( X;N,0\\right)$$For example, this approach predicted $\\rho \\left( k\\right) $ and $\\zeta\n\\left( p\\right) $ successfully[@ZZEB2018]. ", "Applying it to the fluctuations of the degree, $\\sigma _{k}^{2}$, is straightforward, as we simply construct the convolution of $\\widehat{\\sigma _{k}^{2}}$ with $%\nP^{\\ast }\\left( X\\right) $. ", "The former is given above, while the latter can be found in Ref. [", "@ZZEB2018]. ", "Skipping the details, the results for the three $N$’s are in excellent agreement with data. ", "Of course, this approach allows us to understand why these fluctuations are so much larger than the non-critical ones. ", "While $%\nP^{\\ast }\\left( X;N,\\Delta \\neq 0\\right) $ are Gaussian-like with a relatively normal spread in $X$, $P^{\\ast }\\left( X;N,\\Delta =0\\right) $ resembles a mesa, with sharp drop-offs which approach the boundaries[ZZEB2018]{} as $N\\rightarrow \\infty $. ", "Indeed, in that limit, there is no need to compute the location of these drop-offs as $P^{\\ast }\\left( X\\right) \n$ becomes a uniform distribution in $\\left[ 0,\\mathcal{N}\\right] $. ", "Then, $%\n\\left\\langle X^{2}\\right\\rangle =\\mathcal{N}^{2}/3$ and $\\sigma _{X}^{2}=%\n\\mathcal{N}^{2}/12$. In other words, the divergence of Eqn. ([", "scaling-sig2X]{}) at $\\Delta =0$ is bounded by $\\mathcal{N}/12$ for large, but finite, $\\mathcal{N}$. Our data for $\\mathcal{N}=40^{2},100^{2},400^{2}$ are plotted in Fig. ", "\\[Fluc-crit\\], along with a line showing $\\mathcal{N}%\n^{2}/12$.\n\n![", "Data for $\\sigma _{X}^{2}$ (Y axis) in the three critical systems (symbols) in Fig.\\[FlucCorr-vs-Delta\\]c *vs.* $\\mathcal{N}$ (X axis), along with the (dashed) line $\\mathcal{N}^{2}/12$.[]{data-label=\"Fluc-crit\"}](Fluc-crit_labels.png){width=\"50.00000%\"}\n\nThis figure clearly shows that $\\sigma _{X}^{2}\\propto \\mathcal{N}$ is not satisfied, as it approaches the upper bound for the larger $\\mathcal{N}$’s. ", "To close this subsection, let us point to the analog in the 2D Ising model, where the fluctuations of the total magnetisation (which corresponds to our $%\nX$) of a finite $L\\times L$ system diverge anomalously at the critical point: $\\sigma _{M}^{2}\\sim L^{4-2\\beta /\\nu }=\\mathcal{N}^{15/8}$.\n\n\\[sec:JDD2\\]Joint degree distributions\n--------------------------------------\n\nLastly, we present results of the first explorations into joint distributions of degrees. ", "For simplicity, we only provide data for $\\rho\n\\left( k,k^{\\prime }\\right) $ (distribution of degrees of two $I$’s) and $%\n\\mu \\left( k,p\\right) $ (degrees of an $I$ and a $E$) in systems with $N=100$. To highlight the presence of correlations, we mostly present the difference between these and the products of the single node degree distributions, normalized by the latter, i.e., $$C_{II}\\left( k,k^{\\prime }\\right) \\equiv \\frac{\\rho \\left( k,k^{\\prime\n}\\right) }{\\rho \\left( k\\right) \\rho \\left( k^{\\prime }\\right) }%\n-1;~~C_{IE}\\left( k,p\\right) \\equiv \\frac{\\mu \\left( k,p\\right) }{\\rho\n\\left( k\\right) \\zeta \\left( p\\right) }-1 \\label{CII+CIE-def}$$\n\n![", "Upper panels: The joint degree distribution $\\mu \\left( k,p\\right) $ for two $N=100$ systems, near criticality (left, $\\Delta =-2$) and at criticality (right, $\\Delta =0$). ", "The elongated region in the latter is a reflection of the mesa-like distribution, $P^{\\ast }\\left( X\\right) $, at criticality. ", "Lower panels: The correlations, Eqn. (", "\\[CII+CIE-def\\]), associated with the upper panels. ", "Note the (highly distorted) quadrapolar form, i.e., correlated near $k=-p$ and anticorrelated close to $k=p$.[]{data-label=\"JDD-Delta-XIE-IE\"}](rho_Ni100_Ne100_kp_Delta.png \"fig:\"){width=\"45.00000%\"} ![", "Upper panels: The joint degree distribution $\\mu \\left( k,p\\right) $ for two $N=100$ systems, near criticality (left, $\\Delta =-2$) and at criticality (right, $\\Delta =0$). ", "The elongated region in the latter is a reflection of the mesa-like distribution, $P^{\\ast }\\left( X\\right) $, at criticality. ", "Lower panels: The correlations, Eqn. (", "\\[CII+CIE-def\\]), associated with the upper panels. ", "Note the (highly distorted) quadrapolar form, i.e., correlated near $k=-p$ and anticorrelated close to $k=p$.[]{data-label=\"JDD-Delta-XIE-IE\"}](fD_Ni100_Ne100_kp_Delta.png \"fig:\"){width=\"45.00000%\"}\n\nAs above, we first consider $XIE$ systems with fixed $\\Delta $. ", "To help the reader visualize the joint distribution itself, we present $\\mu \\left(\nk,p\\right) $ for $\\Delta =-2$ and $\\Delta =0$ in the upper panels of Fig. ", "\\[JDD-Delta-XIE-IE\\]. ", "As expected from our studies of the single node distributions $\\rho $ and $\\zeta $, $\\mu $ is mostly narrowly distributed around $\\left( k,p\\right) \\cong \\left( 14,86\\right) $ in the former, but spread over a wide range of values along the line $k+p\\cong 50$ in the latter. ", "These qualitative features are shared by the product $\\rho\n\\left( k\\right) \\zeta \\left( p\\right) $ of course. ", "The correlations $%\nC_{IE}\\left( k,p\\right) $ are displayed in the lower panels of Fig. [", "JDD-Delta-XIE-IE]{} and hints at a quadrupolar form: positive along the $k=-p$ diagonal and negative along the $k=p$ line. ", "Though the qualitative aspects of this phenomenon are easily understood (as they also occur for the Erdős-Rényi random ensemble, Fig. ", "\\[JDD-ER\\]d), the quantitative features are more subtle and yet to be examined in detail. ", "Undoubtedly related to the two-point correlations $\\chi $, they remaned to be well understood. ", "Turning to fixed $X$ ensembles, a more unexpected feature is revealed - octapolar $C_{IE}\\left( k,p\\right) $, as illustrated in Fig. ", "\\[fXIEvs.fER-IE0.5\\]a for a $f=0.5$ system. ", "It is unclear what is the origin of such behavior, though very small traces of it are visible in the corresponding fixed $X$ Erdős-Rényi ensemble: Fig. ", "\\[fXIEvs.fER-IE0.5\\].", "\n\n![", "Comparison of $C_{IE}\\left( k,p\\right) $ in two fixed $f=0.5$ ensembles: $XIE$ (a) and Erdős-Rényi (b). ", "Note the octaploar patterns in both.[]{data-label=\"fXIEvs.fER-IE0.5\"}](fXIEvsfER-IE05.png){width=\"45.00000%\"}\n\nThe next set of figures (\\[JDD-fXIE-II\\]) provide a similar challenge, as they show quadrupolar patterns associated with the joint distribution of two introverts, $C_{II}\\left( k,k^{\\prime }\\right) $, in fixed $X$ ensembles of the $XIE$ model. ", "Note that, unlike $C_{IE}$, both variables correspond to degrees (not ‘holes’). ", "As a result, the $f=0.2$ distribution are centered around $k=k^{\\prime }=20$. We conjecture that the positive/negative correlations along the two diagonals are manifestations of the fixed $X$ constraint, as increases in $k$ must be compensated by decreases in $k^{\\prime }$. ", "Perhaps there is a deeper connection to the octapolar pattern in $C_{IE}\\left( k,p\\right) $. ", "Quantitative analyses are underway but progress will be challenging, as techniques similar to those used to build a SCMF for $\\rho $ and $\\zeta $ fail for joint distributions.", "\n\n![", "Correlations between two *introverts*, $C_{II}\\left( k,k^{\\prime }\\right) $, in two fixed $X$ ensembles of $XIE$: (a) $f=0.2$ and (b) $f=0.5$.[]{data-label=\"JDD-fXIE-II\"}](JDD-fXIE-II.png){width=\"45.00000%\"}\n\nTo end this section, we will consider the simpler case of Erdős-Rényi bipartite graphs, i.e., randomly distributed cross-links, as the associated distributions are amenable to analytic tools and can display non-trivial patterns. ", "First, we study ensembles in which links are present with a fixed probability, $r$. Clearly, we expect $C_{II}^{ER}\\left(k,k^{\\prime }\\right) $ to vanish, since there is no correlation between two the entries on different row of $\\mathbb{N}$. This property is illustrated in Fig. ", "\\[JDD-ER\\]a,b for $r=0.2$ and $0.5$. By contrast, as shown in Appendix \\[App\\_JDER\\], we expect $C_{IE}^{ER}\\left( k,p\\right) $ to be non-trivial, as seen in Fig. ", "\\[JDD-ER\\]c,d. We verified that the data are in reasonably good agreement (i.e., within statistical errors) with the exact quadrupolar form of Eqn. (", "\\[C-ER\\]). ", "Another class of ER bipartite network is the fixed $f$ ensemble of random graphs, i.e., all $\\mathbb{N}$’s with a fixed fraction ($f$) of links, each with equal weight. ", "Although we expect the two ensembles to be equivalent in the $\\mathcal{N}\\rightarrow \\infty $ limit, there appear to be significant differences, as illustrated in Fig. ", "\\[fXIEvs.fER-IE0.5\\]b for $C_{IE}^{ER}\\left( k,p|X\\right) $ in a system with $X=\\left( 100\\right) ^{2}/2$. Not only is the magnitude much smaller than the unconstrained $%\nC_{IE}^{ER}\\left( k,p\\right) $ with $r=0.5$, there is a hint of a octapole instead of a quadrupole. ", "This puzzling aspect remains to be understood fully. ", "While further analysis is feasible, it is beyond the scope of this paper. ", "What we wish to emphasize here is that, even in the case of ‘simple ER’ bipartite graphs, we find a non-trivial pattern, similar to the one we found in the constrained $XIE$ model. ", "Clearly, joint distributions offer new and interesting horizons for future studies.", "\n\n![", "Correlations in Erdős-Rényi bipartite ensembles with links being present with probability $r$. Upper panels: $C_{II}^{ER}\\left( k,k^{\\prime }\\right) $ between two introverts. ", "Lower panels: $C_{IE}^{ER}\\left( k,p\\right) $, between an $I$ and an $E$. On the left are ensembles with $r=0.2$ and on the right, $r=0.5$.[]{data-label=\"JDD-ER\"}](JDD-ER.png){width=\"45.00000%\"}\n\n\\[sec:S+O\\]Summary and Outlook\n==============================\n\nIn this study, we examined the correlations and fluctuations in the $XIE$ model. ", "Given that it can be formulated as an 2D Ising model with a complicated Hamiltonian (which exhibits multi-spin and long-ranged interactions: Eqn (\\[Ham\\])) and that it displayed an extreme Thouless effect, we should expect serious correlations and fluctuations. ", "Focusing on two-point correlations, we showed that, in the steady state, the permutation symmetry of the model implies that there are only three independent correlations. ", "In $XIE$, these correspond to two links which share one $I$ but connected to two $E$’s ($\\chi _{E}$), one $E$ and two $I$’s ($\\chi _{I}$), or having no common nodes ($\\chi _{IE}$). ", "In the Ising language, these would be two spins on the same row, in the same column, in different rows and columns. ", "Since there are just three quantities, they can be uniquely related to three fluctuations: the degrees of $I$ and $E$ and the total number of cross-links. ", "In the Ising language, these would be the total magnetisation in a row, a column, and the entire system. ", "We have verified these fluctuation-correlation identities and chose to focus on the fluctuations only.", "\n\nIn general, there are two types of fluctuations, associated with non-critical and critical systems. ", "Drawing an analogy with the 2D Ising model, we note not only some similarities between the two point correlations and fluctuations of certain quantities, but also the unusual aspects found in our system. ", "In all cases, a self-consistent mean-field theory, improved from previous mean-field approaches, appears to capture the essence of the Monte Carlo data we obtained. ", "Thus, we conclude that the properties of these quantities are well understood. ", "An important lesson is that, under the right circumstances, mean field approaches can be adequate in describing large fluctuations and strong correlations. ", "Finally, we presented preliminary studies of joint degree distributions, which offer another perspective into correlations in the system as well as fresh challenges on how to understand them.", "\n\nWhile the study here provided some insight into the correlations and fluctuations associated with the extreme Thouless effect in the $XIE$ model, it also raise natural questions for future research. ", "blah-blah-blah. ", "Beyond the $XIE$ system, we plan to return to the more generic model of social networks involving more ‘realistic’ introverts, who prefer few but non-zero contacts, and extroverts who prefer more but not infinite number of friends. ", "In general, such systems evolve according to rules that do not obey detailed balance and so, will settle into non-equilibrium steady states with non-trivial probability current loops. ", "Thus, we expect studies of these systems will offer a level of insight into statistical systems not possible in the equilibrium-like $XIE$ model.", "\n\nJoint distribution for Erdős-Rényi graphs {#App_JDER}\n=========================================\n\nFor Erdős-Rényi bipartite graphs characterized by $r$ being the probability for the presence of any link, we have$$\\mathcal{P}^{ER}\\left( \\mathbb{N}\\right) =\\dprod\\limits_{i,\\eta }q\\left(\nn_{i\\eta };r\\right)$$where$$q\\left( n_{i\\eta };r\\right) =r\\delta \\left( 1-n_{i\\eta }\\right) +\\left(\n1-r\\right) \\delta \\left( n_{i\\eta }\\right)$$Thus, $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\rho ^{ER}\\left( k\\right) &=&\\sum_{\\mathbb{N}}\\delta \\left( k-\\sum_{\\eta\n}n_{1\\eta }\\right) \\mathcal{P}^{ER}\\left( \\mathbb{N}\\right) \\\\\n&=&\\sum_{\\left\\{ n_{1\\eta }\\right\\} }\\delta \\left( k-\\sum_{\\eta }n_{1\\eta\n}\\right) \\dprod\\limits_{\\eta }q\\left( n_{1\\eta };r\\right) \\\\\n&=&\\binom{N_{E}}{k}r^{k}\\left( 1-r\\right) ^{N_{E}-k}\\end{aligned}$$so that$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\rho ^{ER}\\left( k,k^{\\prime }\\right) &=&\\sum_{\\mathbb{N}}\\delta \\left(\nk-\\sum_{\\eta }n_{1\\eta }\\right) \\delta \\left( k^{\\prime }-\\sum_{\\eta\n}n_{2\\eta }\\right) \\mathcal{P}^{ER}\\left( \\mathbb{N}\\right) \\\\\n&=&\\rho ^{ER}\\left( k\\right) \\rho ^{ER}\\left( k^{\\prime }\\right)\\end{aligned}$$is self-evident. ", "Similarly, $$\\zeta ^{ER}\\left( p\\right) =\\binom{N_{I}}{p}r^{N_{I}-p}\\left( 1-r\\right) ^{p}$$and $\\zeta ^{ER}\\left( p,p^{\\prime }\\right) =\\zeta ^{ER}\\left( p\\right)\n\\zeta ^{ER}\\left( p^{\\prime }\\right) $. ", "However, for the mixed distribution, there are only $N_{I}+N_{E}-1$ i.i.d variables, since $n_{11}$ appear in both $\\delta $’s: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\mu ^{ER}\\left( k,p\\right) &=&\\sum \\delta \\left( k-\\sum_{\\eta }n_{1\\eta\n}\\right) \\delta \\left( p-N_{I}+\\sum_{i}n_{i1}\\right) \\times \\\\\n&&\\times q\\left( n_{11};r\\right) \\dprod\\limits_{\\eta \\neq 1}q\\left( n_{1\\eta\n};r\\right) \\dprod\\limits_{i\\neq 1}q\\left( n_{i1};r\\right)\\end{aligned}$$Summing over all but $n_{11}$ first, we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\mu ^{ER}\\left( k,p\\right) &=&\\sum_{n_{11}}q\\left( n_{11};r\\right) \\binom{%\nN_{E}-1}{k-n_{11}}r^{k-n_{11}}\\left( 1-r\\right) ^{N_{E}-1-k+n_{11}}\\times \\\\\n&&\\times \\binom{N_{I}-1}{p-\\left( 1-n_{11}\\right) }r^{N_{I}-1-p+1-n_{11}}%\n\\left( 1-r\\right) ^{p-1+n_{11}}\\end{aligned}$$After some algebra, the final result for $\\mu ^{ER}\\left( k,p\\right) /\\rho\n^{ER}\\left( k\\right) \\zeta ^{ER}\\left( p\\right) $ can be written as\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n&&\\left[ k\\left( N_{I}-p\\right) \\left( 1-r\\right) +\\left( N_{E}-k\\right) pr%\n\\right] \\frac{1}{\\mathcal{N}r\\left( 1-r\\right) } \\\\\n&=&\\left[ \\frac{k}{N_{E}}\\left( 1-r\\right) +\\frac{p}{N_{I}}r-\\frac{k}{N_{E}}%\n\\frac{p}{N_{I}}\\right] \\frac{1}{r\\left( 1-r\\right) }\\end{aligned}$$\n\nIf we insert $\\bar{k}=rN_{E}$ and $\\bar{p}=\\left( 1-r\\right) N_{I}$, then the difference from unity can be cast in the simple form$$\\frac{\\mu ^{ER}}{\\rho ^{ER}\\zeta ^{ER}}-1=\\left( \\frac{k}{\\bar{k}}-1\\right)\n\\left( 1-\\frac{p}{\\bar{p}}\\right)$$\n\nFinite Poisson distribution (FPD) {#App_FPD}\n=================================\n\nIn this appendix, we provide some properites of this distribution, which seems to be rarely used, if at all, in the physics literature. ", "Consisting of a finite number of terms in the standard Poisson distribution, it is the complement of the truncated Poisson distribution, which is often used in statistics (e.g., the ‘zero-truncated Poisson distribution’ [@Cohen1960]). ", "The pdf is defined by$$Q\\left( n;x,N\\right) \\equiv \\frac{x^{n}}{e_{N}\\left( x\\right) n!};~~n\\in %\n\\left[ 0,N\\right]$$where$$e_{N}\\left( x\\right) \\equiv \\sum_{n=0}^{N}\\frac{x^{n}}{n!} ", " \\label{eN-def}$$is a truncated exponential series ($e_{\\infty }\\left( x\\right) =e^{x}$). ", "This notation is the same as in Abramowitz and Stegen (e.g. 6.5.13) and clearly just $e^{x}$ times the cumulative Poisson distribution function. ", "Thus, it is $e^{x}\\Gamma \\left( N+1,x\\right) /N!$ where $\\Gamma $ is the incomplete Gamma function. ", "We list some of its important properties here.", "\n\n1. ", " If $x<N$, $Q$ peaks at $\\hat{n}\\simeq x$. This is clear, since the ratio of successive values are $Q\\left( n\\right) /Q\\left( n-1\\right) =x/n$.\n\n2. ", " If $x\\geq N$, $Q$ is monotonically increasing in $n$. (and peaks at $%\n \\tilde{n}=N$).", "\n\n3. ", " Of course, $e_{N}\\left( x\\right) $ is monotonically increasing in $N$. Given $x$, $e_{N}\\left( x\\right) $ has an inflection point at $N\\simeq x$ (and saturates to $e^{x}$). ", "It can be regarded as a ‘partition function’ in that $\\ln e_{N}$ plays a major role in computing averages. ", "Note that $%\n \\partial _{x}^{\\ell }e_{N}\\left( x\\right) =e_{N-\\ell }\\left( x\\right) $.", "\n\n4. ", " The mean is$$\\bar{n}=x\\frac{e_{N-1}\\left( x\\right) }{e_{N}\\left( x\\right) }=x\\partial\n _{x}\\ln e_{N}$$Two useful quantities are (i) the last entry of the FPD$$\\xi \\left( x,N\\right) \\equiv \\frac{x^{N}}{e_{N}\\left( x\\right) N!}$$and (ii) its complement$$\\upsilon \\equiv 1-\\xi$$which is related to $\\bar{n}$ via$$\\bar{n}=x\\upsilon$$If $x$ is held fixed and $N\\rightarrow \\infty $, then $e_{N}\\rightarrow\n e^{x} $ and $\\xi \\rightarrow 0$ so that $\\bar{n}\\rightarrow x$. On the other hand, if keep $x>N$ and we study large $N$, then we must be mindful of $n\\in %\n \\left[ 0,N\\right] $ and $\\xi $ cannot be small. ", "In this case, it is best to define a fraction $\\bar{n}/N$, or its complement$$\\begin{aligned}\n f &\\equiv &1-\\bar{n}/N \\label{f-def} \\\\\n &=&1-\\left( x/N\\right) \\partial _{x}\\ln e_{N}\\left( x\\right) \\label{f-eN}\\end{aligned}$$for analysis of the large $N$ properties. ", "If $x\\gg N$, the simplest result is obtained by keeping the last few terms in each $\\ln e_{N}\\simeq N\\ln\n x+N/x+...$, so that$$\\bar{n}/N=1-\\frac{1}{x}+...$$At this lowest order in $N/x$, this result is completely consistent with $%\n xf\\rightarrow 1$ as $f\\rightarrow 0$. The challenge is the cross over around $x\\sim N$.\n\n5. ", " The second moment is best found from$$\\overline{n\\left( n-1\\right) }=x^{2}\\frac{e_{N-2}}{e_{N}}=x^{2}\\upsilon\n -xN\\xi$$where the last term is actually the next to the last entry of the FPD. ", "From here, the variance can be obtained. ", "But, the more elegant expression is$$\\sigma ^{2}-\\bar{n}=x^{2}\\partial _{x}^{2}\\ln e_{N}$$Though the explicit expression for $\\sigma ^{2}$ is somewhat cumbersome, there is a simple relationship$$\\sigma ^{2}/N=\\left( 1-f\\right) -x\\xi f$$For fixed $x/N<1$, we have $\\xi \\rightarrow 0$ exponentially with $%\n N\\rightarrow \\infty $ , so that $\\sigma ^{2}/N$ converges to $1-f$. But, this convergence is not uniform, while the non-trivial, $N$-dependent, crossover behavior is implicit in $x\\xi f$. See Appendix \\[App\\_Scaling\\] for details.", "\n\n6. ", " In general, higher moments – $\\overline{n\\left( n-1\\right) ...\\left(\n n-\\ell +1\\right) }=$ $x^{\\ell }\\left( \\partial _{x}^{\\ell }\\ln e_{N}\\right)\n /e_{N}$ – all vanish for $\\ell \\geq N$. Thus, averages of any function of $%\n n $ can be expressed in terms of the lowest $N$ moments. ", "since the FPD has only terms up to $N$. Though this may appear strange, we know that, for *any* function ($h$) of a variable ($z$) which can take on only integer values $0,1,...,N$, it can be expressed as a polynomial of degree $N$. Denoted by $g_{N}\\left( z\\right) $, this polynomial depends only on $%\n h_{\\ell }$, the values of $h$ at integer $\\ell \\in \\left[ 0,N\\right] $. ", "In particular, given a functional form, $h\\left( z\\right) $, define $%\n g_{0}\\left( z\\right) =h_{0}$ and then, recursively$$g_{\\ell }\\left( z\\right) =g_{\\ell -1}\\left( z\\right) +\\frac{h_{\\ell\n }-g_{\\ell -1}\\left( \\ell \\right) }{\\ell !}", "z\\left( z-1\\right) ...\\left(\n z-\\ell +1\\right)$$for $\\ell =1,2,...,N$. For example, $g_{2}\\left( z\\right) =h_{0}+\\left[\n h_{1}-h_{0}\\right] z+\\left[ h_{2}-2h_{1}+h_{0}\\right] z\\left( z-1\\right) /2$, and it is easy to check that $g_{2}\\left( z\\right) $ assumes the values $%\n h_{0,1,2}$ for $z=0,1,2$.\n\nLarge $N$ behavior of $e_{N}\\left( x\\right) $ {#App_largN}\n---------------------------------------------\n\nThere are three regimes, two are trivial: (i) *fixed* $x$, for which $%\ne_{\\infty }\\left( x\\right) =e^{x}$  and (ii) $x\\gg N$, for which $%\ne_{N}\\left( x\\right) =x^{N}/N!\\left[ 1+O\\left( N/x\\right) \\right] $. ", "Our main interst is the intermediate crossover case of $x\\simeq N$, on which this Appendix is focused.", "\n\nUsing$$\\frac{1}{n!}=\\frac{1}{2\\pi i}\\int_{\\mathcal{C}}t^{-n}e^{t}\\frac{dt}{t}$$where $\\mathcal{C}$ can be any circle around the origin (since $n$ is an integer), we can rewrite the sum in Eqn. (", "\\[eN-def\\]) as$$e_{N}\\left( x\\right) =\\frac{1}{2\\pi i}\\int_{\\mathcal{C}}\\frac{1-\\left(\nx/t\\right) ^{N+1}}{t-x}e^{t}dt$$Restricting ourselves to $x>0$, we can choose the radius of $\\mathcal{C}$to be smaller than $x$, so that $\\int_{\\mathcal{C}}e^{t}/\\left( t-x\\right)\ndt=0$ and we are left with$$e_{N}\\left( x\\right) =\\frac{x^{N+1}}{2\\pi i}\\int_{\\mathcal{C}}\\frac{t^{-N-1}%\n}{x-t}e^{t}dt \\label{int1}$$This is *exact*, while the large $N$ asymptotics can be extracted by using the steepest descent method. ", "The saddle point we need lies on the real axis, at$$t_{0}=N+1 \\label{t0}$$and we should deform $\\mathcal{C}$ into the line $t_{0}+iy;y\\in \\left(\n-\\infty ,\\infty \\right) $. ", "So, if $x>t_{0}$, we can ignore the pole. ", "Otherwise, we must pick up the pole contribution there, which is$$e^{x}\\Theta \\left( N+1-x\\right)$$In general, the discontinuity associated with $\\Theta $ must cancel that in the line integral. ", "Obviously, in regime (i), we can expect this to be the dominant contribution as $N\\rightarrow \\infty $.", "\n\nTurning our attention to the integral over $y$, we make the usual expansion and, keeping only the lowest non-trivial term in the exponent, find$$\\begin{aligned} \\frac{t^{-N-1}}{x-t}e^{t}={} \\frac{1}{x-t_{0}\\left(\n1+iy\\right) }\\exp [ t_{0}-\\left( N+1\\right) \\ln t_{0} \\\\ -\\left(\nN+1\\right) \\frac{y^{2}}{2}-\\left( N+1\\right) \\frac{y^{3}}{3} ... ]\n\\end{aligned}$$Changing the variable of integration to\\\n$\\eta =y/\\sqrt{2/\\left( N+1\\right) }$ and defining $$w\\equiv \\frac{N+1-x}{\\sqrt{2\\left( N+1\\right) }}$$we arrive at$$e_{N}\\left( x\\right) \\simeq e^{x}\\Theta \\left( N+1-x\\right) -\\frac{1}{2\\pi }%\n\\left( \\frac{xe}{N+1}\\right) ^{N+1}\\int_{-\\infty }^{\\infty }\\frac{e^{-\\eta\n^{2}}d\\eta }{w+i\\eta } \\label{eN2}$$Note that the integral is singular at $w=0$. To continue, we exploit$$\\frac{1}{w+i\\eta }=\\int_{0}^{\\infty }du\\left\\{ \n\\begin{array}{cc}\ne^{-u\\left( w+i\\eta \\right) } & \\text{for }w>0 \\\\ \n-e^{-u\\left( \\left\\vert w\\right\\vert -i\\eta \\right) } & \\text{for }w<0%\n\\end{array}%\n\\right.$$perform the $\\eta $ integration, and define$$\\mathcal{J}\\left( \\left\\vert w\\right\\vert \\right) \\equiv \\frac{1}{2\\sqrt{\\pi \n}}\\int_{0}^{\\infty }due^{-u^{2}/4-u\\left\\vert w\\right\\vert }=\\frac{1}{2}%\ne^{w^{2}}\\limfunc{erfc}\\left( \\left\\vert w\\right\\vert \\right) \\label{J-def}$$where $\\limfunc{erfc}$ is the complementary error function. ", "The result is $$e_{N}\\left( x\\right) \\simeq e^{x}\\Theta \\left( w\\right) -\\left( \\frac{xe}{N+1%\n}\\right) ^{N+1}\\limfunc{sgn}\\left( w\\right) \\mathcal{J}\\left( \\left\\vert\nw\\right\\vert \\right) \\label{final}$$As $w\\rightarrow 0_{\\pm }$, the second term suffers a discontinuity of $%\ne^{N+1}$ and cancels that in the first term. ", "Though this form will turn out to be more convenient (especially for considering the $w<0$ regime), we can write (\\[final\\]) in a way that the discontinuity is manifestly zero (since $1-2\\mathcal{J}\\left( 0\\right) =0$). ", "First, to keep quantities to $%\n1+O\\left( N^{-1/2}\\right) $, we will need$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\left( \\frac{x}{N+1}\\right) ^{N+1} =\\left( 1-\\frac{w\\sqrt{2\\left(\nN+1\\right) }}{N+1}\\right) ^{N+1} &\\\\\n=e^{-w\\sqrt{2\\left( N+1\\right) }-w^{2}}\\left( 1+O\\left( N^{-1/2}\\right)\n\\right) \\label{x^N+1}&\\end{aligned}$$\n\nso that the second term in (\\[final\\]) becomes $e^{x}\\limfunc{sgn}\\left(\nw\\right) \\limfunc{erfc}\\left( \\left\\vert w\\right\\vert \\right) /2$. The result is $$e_{N}\\left( x\\right) \\simeq e^{x}\\left[ 1+\\func{erf}\\left( w\\right) \\right]\n/2 \\label{final-pretty}$$where we have used $\\Theta \\left( w\\right) -\\limfunc{sgn}\\left( w\\right) \n\\limfunc{erfc}\\left( \\left\\vert w\\right\\vert \\right) /2=\\left[ 1+\\func{erf}%\n\\left( w\\right) \\right] /2$ for $w>0$ and, for $w<0$, $\\limfunc{erfc}\\left(\n-w\\right) =1-\\func{erf}\\left( -w\\right) =1+\\func{erf}\\left( w\\right) $. ", "It can be found in Ref. , ", "26.4.11.", "\n\nThe most crucial result of this analysis is the identification of the scaling variable, $w$. Not surprisingly, $w=0$ is associated with the crossing over of the FPD from being an ordinary PD to a Laplacian like distribution peaked at $n=N$. In addition, at $w=0$, we find $f=\\xi +O\\left(\n1/N\\right) =\\sqrt{2/\\left( \\pi N\\right) }+O\\left( 1/N\\right) $, a value which fits well into where we observe the cross overs in the data.", "\n\nBefore ending this section, let us point out an easier route to an approximation which is also quite good for large $N$. This approach relies on approximating the (standard) Poisson distribution by a Gaussian for large $x$, i.e., $e^{-x}x^{n}/n!\\simeq \\left[ 2\\pi x\\right] ^{-1/2}\\exp \\left\\{ -\\frac{\\left( n-x\\right) ^{2}}{2x}\\right\\} $. ", "The cumulative distribution of the latter (by regarding $n$ as a continuous variable) is just $F\\left(n;x\\right) \\equiv \\left[ 1+\\func{erf}\\left\\{ \\left( n-x\\right) /\\sqrt{2x}\\right\\} \\right] /2$, leading to the approximate expression $e_{N}\\left( x\\right) \\simeq e^{x}F\\left( N;x\\right) $. ", "It is clear that this form differs from Eqn. (", "\\[final-pretty\\]) by $O\\left( 1/N\\right) $ for large $N$.\n\nScaling form for the crossover function $\\Phi _{N}$ {#App_Scaling}\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nHere, we present details for finding the scaling form for $$\\Phi _{N}=x\\xi f$$First, using (\\[f-def\\]), we can write $\\Phi $ in terms of $x\\xi /\\sqrt{N}$:$$\\Phi _{N}=x\\xi \\left( 1-\\frac{x}{N}+\\frac{x\\xi }{N}\\right) \\simeq \\sqrt{2}w%\n\\frac{x\\xi }{\\sqrt{N}}+\\left( \\frac{x\\xi }{\\sqrt{N}}\\right) ^{2}$$Next, (\\[final\\],\\[x\\^N+1\\]), we have, for $w<0$,$$\\begin{aligned}\n&\\frac{\\sqrt{N}}{x\\xi }=\\frac{e_{N}\\left( x\\right) \\sqrt{N}}{x^{N+1}/N!} &\\\\%", "\n&\\simeq \\left. ", "\\sqrt{2\\pi }\\left( \\frac{xe}{N+1}\\right) ^{N+1}\\mathcal{J}%\n\\left( -w\\right) \\right/ \\left( \\frac{xe}{N+1}\\right) ^{N+1}& \\\\\n&=\\sqrt{\\pi /2}e^{w^{2}}\\limfunc{erfc}\\left( -w\\right) \\left( 1+O\\left(\nN^{-1/2}\\right) \\right) &\\end{aligned}$$\n\nand for $w>0$, $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\frac{\\sqrt{N}}{x\\xi } &\\simeq &\\left. ", "\\sqrt{2\\pi }e^{x}\\right/ \\left( \\frac{%\nxe}{N+1}\\right) ^{N+1}-\\sqrt{\\pi /2}e^{w^{2}}\\limfunc{erfc}\\left( w\\right) \n\\\\\n&\\simeq &\\sqrt{\\pi /2}e^{w^{2}}\\left[ 2-\\limfunc{erfc}\\left( w\\right) \\right]\\end{aligned}$$Since $\\limfunc{erfc}\\left( -w\\right) =1-\\func{erf}\\left( -w\\right) =1+\\func{%\nerf}\\left( w\\right) $, both of these can be combined into a single compact form. ", "The result is, explicitly,$$\\Phi _{N}=2\\mathcal{E}\\left( \\mathcal{E}+w\\right) \\left( 1+O\\left(\nN^{-1/2}\\right) \\right)$$where $\\mathcal{E}\\left( w\\right) \\equiv 1\\left/ \\sqrt{\\pi }e^{w^{2}}\\left[\n1+\\func{erf}\\left( w\\right) \\right] \\right. ", "$.", "\n\n[10]{}\n\nYariv Kafri, David Mukamel, and Luca Peliti. ", "Why is the [DNA]{} [Denaturation]{} [Transition]{} [First]{} [Order]{}? , ", "85(23):4988–4991, December 2000.", "\n\nDouglas Poland and Harold A. Scheraga. ", "Phase [Transitions]{} in [One]{} [Dimension]{} and the [Helix]{}—[Coil]{} [Transition]{} in [Polyamino]{} [Acids]{}. , ", "45(5):1456–1463, September 1966.", "\n\nMichael E. Fisher. ", "Effect of [Excluded]{} [Volume]{} on [Phase]{} [Transitions]{} in [Biopolymers]{}. , ", "45(5):1469–1473, September 1966.", "\n\nDJ Thouless. ", "Long-[Range]{} [Order]{} in [One]{}-[Dimensional]{} [Ising]{} [Systems]{}. , ", "187(2):732–733, November 1969.", "\n\nAmir Bar and David Mukamel. 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", "However, nearly all other approaches are based on rewiring existing links from, e.g., an infected node to a healthy one. ", "By introducing *preferred degrees*, we believe our models capture human behavior more realistically, as well as the possibility of diverse and inhomogeneous population.", "\n\nT Platini and RKP Zia. ", "Network evolution induced by the dynamical rules of two populations. , ", "2010(10):P10018, 2010.", "\n\nShivakumar Jolad, Wenjia Liu, Beate Schmittmann, and RKP Zia. ", "Epidemic spreading on preferred degree adaptive networks. , ", "7(11):e48686, 2012.", "\n\nUnless stated otherwise, Latin/Greek indices are reserved for introverts/extroverts.", "\n\nWe denote quantities associated with the stationary state by a superscript ($^{\\ast }$).", "\n\nFor example, $\\protect \\qopname \\relax o{ln}\\left ( n_{1}+n_{2}+n_{3}\\right )\n !", "=\\left ( n_{1}n_{2}+n_{2}n_{3}+n_{3}n_{1}\\right ) \\protect \\qopname \\relax\n o{ln}2+n_{1}n_{2}n_{3}\\protect \\qopname \\relax o{ln}\\left ( 3/4\\right ) $.", "\n\nTo be consistent with our notation, we should write $\\left < ... \\right >\n ^{\\ast }$ for stationary averages. ", "But, for the sake of simplicity, we drop the superscript, since all averages considered in this paper will be in the stationary state. ", "By contrast, note that, e.g., while $f^{\\ast }\\equiv \\left\n < f\\right > $ is a single number, $f$ denotes a variable.", "\n\nAgain, we drop the superscript $^{\\ast }$ for $\\rho $ for simplicity, despite that it is a steady state quantity.", "\n\nNote the bar above denote averages over the degree distributions, not the microscopic $\\protect \\mathcal {P}\\left ( \\protect \\mathbb {N}\\right ) $.", "\n\nB Schmittmann and RKP Zia. ", "Statistical mechanics of driven diffusive systems. , ", "17:3–214, 1995.", "\n\nRonald Dickman and RKP Zia. ", "Driven widom-rowlinson lattice gas. , ", "97(6):062126, 2018.", "\n\nP. Erdos and A. Renyi. ", "On random graphs i. , 6:290–297, 1959.", "\n\nTo be clear, the full notation should be denoted $P^{\\ast }\\left ( X;N,\\Delta\n \\right ) $, showing the dependence on the control parameters $\\left (\n N,\\Delta \\right ) $. ", "For simplicity, we suppress the latter except when their presence are crucial.", "\n\nCN Yang and TD Lee. ", "Statistical theory of equations of state and phase transitions. ", "ii. ", "lattice gas and ising model. , ", "87(6):410–419, 1952.", "\n\nThe superscript, $ER$, is remind us that this result only holds for Erdős-Rényi graphs.", "\n\nIf we write $\\left ( k-\\protect \\mathaccentV {bar}016{k}\\right ) =\\protect\n \\mathaccentV {bar}016{k}\\protect \\qopname \\relax o{cos}\\theta $ and $\\left (\n p-\\protect \\mathaccentV {bar}016{p}\\right ) =\\protect \\mathaccentV\n {bar}016{p}\\protect \\qopname \\relax o{sin}\\theta $, then we find the standard quadrupole form: $C\\propto \\protect \\qopname \\relax o{sin}2\\theta $.", "\n\nWe should caution that even this condition cannot be valid for the $XIE$ model in general. ", "After all, if $X$ is fixed, then $\\rho \\left ( k>X\\right ) \\equiv\n 0$. If we now impose $X<N_{E}$, then this condition is automatically violated by the FPD Ansatz. ", "In other words, we should limit our attention to systems with $f>1/N_{I}$ only.", "\n\nThe $\\simeq $ sign refers to the right sides as the leading term to an asymptotic expansion for large $N$. Typically, corrections at $O\\left (\n N^{-1/2}\\right ) $ can be expected, as written explicitly in many equations in the Appendix. ", "By contrast, we use $\\protect \\cong $ to denote a good approximation, typically unrelated to asymptotic expansions.", "\n\nA Clifford Cohen. ", "Estimating the parameter in a conditional poisson distribution. , ", "16(2):203–211, 1960.", "\n\nMilton Abramowitz and Irene Stegun, editors. . ", "United States Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1964.", "\n\nT Gross and H Sayama, editors. . ", "NECSI/Springer, 2009.", "\n\n[^1]: We exclude all self-contacts: $a_{ii}\\equiv 0$.\n\n[^2]: There is considerable work on adaptive networks in the literature, especially in connection with epidemic spreading[@GrossGeneral]. ", "However, nearly all other approaches are based on rewiring existing links from, e.g., an infected node to a healthy one. ", "By introducing *preferred degrees*, we believe our models capture human behavior more realistically, as well as the possibility of diverse and inhomogeneous population.", "\n\n[^3]: Unless stated otherwise, Latin/Greek indices are reserved for introverts/extroverts.", "\n\n[^4]: We denote quantities associated with the stationary state by a superscript ($%\n ^{\\ast }$).", "\n\n[^5]: For example, $\\ln \\left( n_{1}+n_{2}+n_{3}\\right) !", "=\\left(\n n_{1}n_{2}+n_{2}n_{3}+n_{3}n_{1}\\right) \\ln 2+n_{1}n_{2}n_{3}\\ln \\left(\n 3/4\\right) $.", "\n\n[^6]: To be consistent with our notation, we should write $\\left < ... \\right > ^{\\ast }$ for stationary averages. ", "But, for the sake of simplicity, we drop the superscript, since all averages considered in this paper will be in the stationary state. ", "By contrast, note that, e.g., while $%\n f^{\\ast }\\equiv \\left< f\\right> $ is a single number, $f$ denotes a variable.", "\n\n[^7]: Again, we drop the superscript $^{\\ast }$ for $\\rho $ for simplicity, despite that it is a steady state quantity.", "\n\n[^8]: Note the bar above denote averages over the degree distributions, not the microscopic $\\mathcal{P}\\left( \\mathbb{N}\\right) $.", "\n\n[^9]: To be clear, the full notation should be denoted $P^{\\ast }\\left( X;N,\\Delta\n \\right) $, showing the dependence on the control parameters $\\left( N,\\Delta\n \\right) $. ", "For simplicity, we suppress the latter except when their presence are crucial.", "\n\n[^10]: The superscript, $ER$, is remind us that this result only holds for Erdős-Rényi graphs.", "\n\n[^11]: If we write $\\left( k-\\bar{k}\\right) =\\bar{k}\\cos \\theta $ and $\\left( p-%\n \\bar{p}\\right) =\\bar{p}\\sin \\theta $, then we find the standard quadrupole form: $C\\propto \\sin 2\\theta $.", "\n\n[^12]: We should caution that even this condition cannot be valid for the $XIE$ model in general. ", "After all, if $X$ is fixed, then $\\rho \\left( k>X\\right)\n \\equiv 0$. If we now impose $X<N_{E}$, then this condition is automatically violated by the FPD Ansatz. ", "In other words, we should limit our attention to systems with $f>1/N_{I}$ only.", "\n\n[^13]: The $\\simeq $ sign refers to the right sides as the leading term to an asymptotic expansion for large $N$. Typically, corrections at $O\\left(\n N^{-1/2}\\right) $ can be expected, as written explicitly in many equations in the Appendix. ", "By contrast, we use $\\cong $ to denote a good approximation, typically unrelated to asymptotic expansions.", "\n" ]
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0.0006526311626657844, 0.0007327581406570971, 0.19998019933700562, 0.0006829524645581841, 0.014828457497060299, 0.02505471743643284, 0.0006403099396266043, 0.0005894671776331961, 0.002479581395164132, 0.0007950254948809743, 0.0011610272340476513, 0.0009573837742209435, 0.0007826735381968319, 0.000745639146771282, 0.001726606977172196, 0.004698938690125942, 0.0007433375576511025, 0.0007283532759174705, 0.0006311448523774743, 0.0008279544417746365, 0.0006676605553366244, 0.0006257795612327754, 0.0006075884448364377, 0.0011519695399329066, 0.0007135052583180368, 0.0006876004626974463, 0.0006711140740662813, 0.02495812252163887, 0.0006834176601842046, 0.009040335193276405, 0.0007995382184162736, 0.0007932270527817309, 0.0007642891141586006, 0.00074919150210917, 0.0005977724795229733, 0.0007334635010920465, 0.0007483962690457702, 0.0006124034407548606, 0.0007665455341339111, 0.0006688180728815496, 0.0006259489455260336, 0.0006158614996820688, 0.0005294033326208591, 0.14481233060359955, 0.0006807541358284652, 0.005452882964164019, 0.018728619441390038, 0.0006523164920508862, 0.0005894671776331961, 0.002394621493294835, 0.0007917843176983297, 0.0010487879626452923, 0.0007866038358770311, 0.0006676605553366244, 0.0006486764759756625, 0.03264259174466133, 0.0006913648685440421, 0.009040335193276405, 0.0007995382184162736, 0.0007309640059247613, 0.0007714075036346912, 0.0019954426679760218 ]
[ "The long-term goals of the proposed research are to develop efficient asymmetric synthesis of C-11 functionalized delta-9 THC derivatives. ", "The synthetic methodology to be developed will be general enough to be applied to naturally occuring cannabinoids, the family of human metabolites and analogs. ", "To date there is no stereospecific method for the efficient synthesis of C-11 functionalized cannabinoids of the delta-9 series. ", "The proposed research will provide a reliable route to these compounds through the application of a unique cyclization reaction which has been recently discovered, and by choosing a highly suitable terpene fragment to combine with an olivetol derivative. ", "The terpene fragment is cheap, available in high optical purity (both enantiomers are in fact available), and it lends itself to chemical modification. ", "Cannabinoids exert a variety of useful physiological effects: analgesic, antiemetic, anticonvulsant, treatment of glaucoma, and others. ", "They have potential for use in the treatment of opiate withdrawal symptoms. ", "There are currently several cannabinoid analogs in clinical use. ", "Since it has recently been shown that cannabinoids exert their physiological effects at the receptor level, it is important to develop syntheses which are suitable for the preparation of radiolabelled compounds. ", "The tools of choice for in vivo studies of the pharmacology and metabolism of drugs are PET and SPECT, therefore the rapid introduction of a short-lived positron emitter in the last stage of the chemical synthesis is required. ", "The development of synthesis which are suitable for this application places the greatest demands on the organic chemist. ", "The proposed syntheses are ideal for such applications. ", "Furthermore, this research will be deployed for the preparation of conformationally restricted variants of the cannabinoids. ", "Such compounds may have enhanced activity or may act as a cannabinoid antagonist." ]
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[ "---\nauthor:\n- Yuki Nishida\n- Atsushi Igarashi\nbibliography:\n- 'reference.bib'\ntitle: Manifest Contracts with Intersection Types\n---\n\n=1\n\nAcknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}\n---------------\n\nWe would like to thank Peter Thiemann, John Toman, Yuya Tsuda, and anonymous reviewers for useful comments. ", "This work was supported in part by the JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H01723.", "\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1}\n===============\n\nFor many years, physiologists, physicians, and clinicians have employed various techniques to understand how the brain and, in more general terms, the central nervous system (CNS) control human movement. ", "This complex system generates different patterns of neuromuscular activity associated with certain environmental conditions during performance of various motor tasks \\[[@B1]--[@B26]\\]. ", "In addition, it is well documented that neuromuscular activities are altered by different factors of physiological health or aging \\[[@B3], [@B25]\\]. ", "A deep understanding of the nervous system is necessary for adequate treatment of impairments of the nervous system resulting from neuromuscular disorders, for example, Parkinson\\'s disease \\[[@B1], [@B2]\\].", "\n\nSurface electromyography (EMG) is a technique used to investigate neuromuscular activity associated with movement. ", "The strategies by which the CNS controls human movement can be revealed by studying the collective activation and complex orchestration of motor units in response to changes in external factors and internally generated movement goals \\[[@B28]\\]. ", "This approach is used extensively in basic research or in clinical and rehabilitation settings, with the goal to evaluate and monitor the state and responses of the neuromuscular system in both healthy and pathological individuals \\[[@B9]--[@B20]\\].", "\n\nIt has been postulated that one movement control strategy used by the CNS is the activation of multiple muscles acting in concert to achieve a specific movement \\[[@B23], [@B26], [@B12], [@B24]\\]. ", "To investigate this strategy, it is essential to analyze EMG signals from multiple muscles simultaneously in order to determine how neuromuscular activation characteristics are modified under varying conditions. ", "Traditional signal processing analyses (i.e., EMG analyses) have shown diagnostic responsiveness such as detecting neuromuscular fatigue but may be limited in detection of multiple other physiological characteristics and changes thereof \\[[@B27]\\]. ", "This has likely prevented investigators from detecting subtle but significant changes in neuromuscular activities during initiation and progression of neuromuscular disorders \\[[@B8], [@B11]\\]. ", "For a better understanding of symptoms of disease, earlier detection, or the potentially subtle effects of treatments and interventions, sophisticated nonlinear analysis tools are required.", "\n\nIn an earlier publication, we introduced a new analysis technique (SYNERGOS) designed to quantify multiple muscle coactivation (MMA) \\[[@B17]\\]. ", "SYNERGOS is based on a two-step method for assessing muscular multiple activation quantification. ", "The first step is using Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) to analyze the EMG signals of each recorded muscle separately. ", "The calculated percentage of determinism (%DET) of the EMG signal obtained from each muscle then serves as an input variable for the second step of SYNERGOS in which the inputs are combined by an algorithm that quantifies the level of MMA ([Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "A major advantage of the algorithm is the simplicity of the output, represented by a single value. ", "A SYNERGOS index of 100 represents the simultaneous activation of all measured muscles at a theoretical maximum contraction level (100%). ", "Such a situation is extremely unlikely when considering any voluntary contraction and is definitely not possible during a dynamic movement, because absolute rigidity would prevent any dynamic motor task. ", "Lower values indicate less muscular simultaneous activation and a less deterministic nature of activation patterns.", "\n\nPreviously, we demonstrated that SYNERGOS is effective in detecting changes in MMA induced by modifications of task constraints (different walking and running speeds on a treadmill) \\[[@B17]\\]. ", "As shown in the earlier experiment, changes in the quantity of SYNERGOS reflected changes in the neuromuscular activity characteristics governed by the CNS of healthy individuals, potentially to reduce the number of degrees-of-freedom (DOF) used during motor task performance. ", "Monitoring the SYNERGOS indices provided a quick and simple \"snapshot\" of the overall neuromuscular coordination and activity generated during a given movement.", "\n\nAs another step to investigate the potential of SYNERGOS as a monitoring tool, it is necessary to test if the novel technique is also sensitive to subtle changes of neuromuscular activation, that is, the level of MMA, for example, in response to pharmaceutical interventions in neuromuscular disease. ", "It is known that Parkinson\\'s disease affects movement and gait patterns, due to the degeneration of motor areas in the brain responsible for generation of coordinated, smooth, and rhythmic motor patterns. ", "However, levodopa intake alters these patterns, as evidenced by biomechanical analysis of gait \\[[@B13]\\].", "\n\nThus, we designed an experiment to investigate the responsiveness of the SYNERGOS algorithm to the changes in neuromuscular activities in individuals with Parkinson\\'s disease after levodopa intake, during treadmill walking with increasing speed. ", "We hypothesized that increasing walking speeds with or without levodopa would be reflected in SYNERGOS as an increase in the index, indicating increased activation of multiple muscles. ", "Further, we hypothesized that levodopa would be associated with a decrease in the SYNERGOS index relative to the no levodopa conditions across the increasing walking speeds, reflecting a more efficient MMA strategy in patients due to lowering the level of simultaneous muscle activities. ", "These findings would demonstrate the potential of the SYNERGOS index to serve as a screening tool for the evaluation of the therapeutic interventions in individuals with neuromuscular disorders or those in rehabilitation settings.", "\n\n2. ", "Methods {#sec2}\n==========\n\nNine men diagnosed with Parkinson\\'s disease participated in this study ([Table 1](#tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The subjects were recruited based on three inclusion criteria: (1) a certified neurologist specialized in movement neuromuscular disorders diagnosed the idiopathic Parkinson\\'s disease; (2) the participant was receiving oral anti-Parkinsonian medications; (3) the participant was required to be able to independently walk and be in the early stages of Parkinson\\'s disease, as defined by stages 2 to 3 of the Hoehn and Yahr scale \\[[@B7]\\]. ", "This study was conducted in compliance with all the regulations of the University of Houston and Baylor College of Medicine and was approved by the Committees for the Protection of Human Subjects (CPHS) at the University of Houston and the Institutional Research Board of Baylor College of Medicine. ", "All participants were adequately provided with instructions to understand the test protocols, risks, and benefits, and written consent was obtained from each participant prior to the start of data collection.", "\n\n2.1. ", "Apparatus {#sec2.1}\n--------------\n\nAll walking experiments were conducted on a motorized treadmill (Biodex Medical Systems Inc., RTM 4000, Shirley, NY). ", "EMG signals were collected using six preamplifier bipolar active electrodes (EMG preamplifier SX230, Biometrics Ltd., Gwent, UK) with a fixed electrode distance of 20 mm placed on specific muscles of the right leg ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}), affixed with double-sided tape and athletic wraps. ", "The electrodes were connected to a DataLINK DLK900 base-unit (Biometrics Ltd., Gwent, UK) of the EMG acquisition system which was connected to a personal computer using a Universal Serial Bus (USB) cable. ", "To achieve acceptable impedance level, the skin over the location of each electrode was shaved and cleaned with alcohol swabs. ", "EMG data were collected at 1000 Hz and passed through an amplifier with the gain set at 1000. ", "The amplification bandwidth was 20--460 Hz (input impedance = 100 MΩ, common mode rejection ratio \\>96 dB (\\~110 dB) at 60 Hz). ", "A reference electrode was placed above the right lateral malleolus bone and was secured with elastic wrap and tapes. ", "During the collection session, the electrodes were not removed from the subjects until data collection was completed.", "\n\nA 6-camera Vicon motion capture device (Oxford Metrics, Oxford, UK) was used to collect three-dimensional kinematic data from reflective markers that are placed on the right hip, knee, ankle, heel, and toe at 120 Hz to identify gait cycles (gait events) by detecting the position/point-in-time of each heel strike (i.e., right foot heel strike to the next right heel strike). ", "Heel strikes were defined at the point of the maximal anterior position of the heel marker during each gait cycle \\[[@B13]\\]. ", "Kinematic markers were located on the hip, knee, ankle, heel, and toe. ", "An electronic trigger was used to synchronize EMG and kinematic data and to identify the times at which treadmill speed increased ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In this study, we only utilized the kinematics data collected from the heel marker to detect the changes in gait pattern and identify each gait cycle. ", "Identification of gait cycles is required to calculate the SYNERGOS index as the EMG signals collected during the study are selected for each gait cycle (EMG bins) and the RQA was conducted on each bin of data and the outcomes were combined by the use of SYNERGOS algorithm.", "\n\n2.2. ", "Protocol {#sec2.2}\n-------------\n\nThe experiment was conducted during a single collection session at the Laboratory of Integrated Physiology located at the University of Houston. ", "All subjects underwent an initial interview and assessment. ", "The participants had not taken levodopa at least eight hours prior to participating in this study \"off medication\". ", "At the outset of the protocol, the participants were instructed to choose a comfortable walking speed they felt was sustainable for up to two minutes and closely approximated their walking pace during \"community-based\" activities \\[[@B13]\\]. ", "The choice of this \"comfortable\" gait speed was identified over a range of speeds by changing the treadmill speed several times until the individual identified their unique self-selected speed. ", "Participants then rested for five minutes. ", "The initial walking speed was used as the starting treadmill speed during the \"off\" and \"on\" states of levodopa. ", "The experiment started with the subject walking at the previous speed, which was then increased by 0.045 m/s every five strides. ", "Participants were instructed to continue walking until they felt uncomfortable continuing or up to a maximum of 180 seconds. ", "Participants then immediately took their Levodopa medication and rested for 45 minutes before repeating the protocol for the second trial, the \"on-medication\" condition.", "\n\n2.3. ", "Data Processing {#sec2.3}\n--------------------\n\nEMG and kinematic data were analyzed using a customized Matlab script (Mathworks, USA R2010b). ", "An initial surrogate testing was conducted according to methods presented elsewhere, to justify the use of RQA as a nonlinear tool in this experiment \\[[@B17], [@B15]--[@B22]\\]. ", "Data processing via the SYNERGOS algorithm was conducted according to mathematical formulations described previously \\[[@B17]\\]. ", "The calculated %DET of the EMG signal obtained from each muscle was used for computation of a single MMA value as generated by applying the SYNERGOS algorithm. ", "The obtained single scalar value based on this processing technique indicates the overall activity among the set of multiple muscles and was used for subsequent statistical analysis.", "\n\n2.4. ", "Statistical Analysis {#sec2.4}\n-------------------------\n\nTo analyze the efficiency of the SYNERGOS to detect the changes in MMA associated with levodopa intake (i.e., \"off\" or \"on\" state of levodopa) and changing gait speed, a restricted maximum likelihood linear mixed model was employed. ", "The model included three fixed effects---speed, medication (\"off\" or \"on\"), and speed-by-medication interaction---and two random effects---subjects and measurement error (i.e., random within-subject variation). ", "Although this analytical approach accounts for dependency, resulting from multiple measures within each subject similar to repeated-measures analysis of variance, it does not require equality in the number of measures for each subject. ", "As each individual initiated the walking with their self-selected walking speed (different between the subjects) and finished the protocol when they felt uncomfortable continuing (different between subjects), the number of measures (i.e., gait speed increments) from each subject was different. ", "The fixed effects were used to test the experiment hypotheses. ", "The significance level was set at *p* ≤ 0.05, and analysis was conducted using SPSS 17.0.1 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).", "\n\n3. ", "Results {#sec3}\n==========\n\n3.1. ", "Surrogate Testing {#sec3.1}\n----------------------\n\nThree surrogate testing algorithms were applied to each muscle within each gait cycle to justify the use of RQA in the EMG analysis for both conditions (i.e., off-medication and on-medication). ", "These algorithms were based on (1) time shuffled surrogate testing (2) Fourier transform (FT), and (3) iterated amplitude adjusted Fourier transform surrogate testing (IAAFT). ", "Results of the surrogate procedures for the condition in which the participants were off medication and after they were medicated were tested for potential differences. ", "Under both conditions, the null hypothesis was rejected by reaching a discriminant statistic of more than 2 (*φ* \\> 2 and *p* \\< 5%). ", "These results indicated that a more complex nonlinear pattern did indeed exist in EMG signals collected from the individuals, thereby justifying the use of RQA to investigate the changes in the signals.", "\n\nThe tibialis anterior acts as the primary ankle dorsiflexor. ", "At heel contact, the ankle is positioned in a neutral or minimal plantar flexed angle (3 to 5 degrees). ", "The plantar flexion ankle angle increases after heel contact, hence the reduction in TA activation. ", "The neuromuscular activities of the TA increase from the midstance position throughout the terminal stance, resulting in ankle dorsiflexion. ", "This pattern is shown in [Figure 4(a)](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"} and the recurrence plot of the signal in which the deterministic patterns are shown is depicted in [Figure 4(b)](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The shuffled EMG signal is shown in [Figure 4(c)](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"} and the corresponding recurrent plot in [Figure 4(d)](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The randomization of the signal resulted in scattered points within the recurrent plot; this did not demonstrate any specific pattern. ", "The shuffling process destroyed the underlying pattern of the original signal. ", "These outcomes indicate that indeed the use of higher order analysis such as RQA might be valuable to reveal nonlinear patterns embedded in the collected EMG signals.", "\n\n3.2. ", "SYNERGOS Analysis {#sec3.2}\n----------------------\n\nThe overall SYNERGOS index across all individuals and speeds whether on or off medication was 22.14 ± 9.42 (mean ± standard deviation). ", "Data is summarized in [Table 2](#tab2){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The assumption of normality was checked for the SYNERGOS indices calculated during off- and on-medication conditions using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. ", "The SYNERGOS indices during both conditions demonstrated a normal distribution (off medication: *D*(151) = .047, *p* = 0.20, and on medication *D*(189) = 0.06, *p* = 0.097).", "\n\nThe medication intake significantly reduced the overall MMA quantified by SYNERGOS value, *F*(1, 255.11) = 13.834, *p* \\< 0.001, hence confirming the hypothesis of this experiment that the algorithm was able to detect subtle changes in the MMA due to levodopa intake.", "\n\nThe outcome suggests that collective overall activity of the monitored muscles was decreased during on-medication condition when compared to the same subjects when performing the task while \"off\" medication. ", "Additionally, the SYNERGOS index was able to reflect the subtle changes in MMA associated with a slight increase in walking speed (i.e., increase of 0.045 m/s, *F*(40, 255.091) = 13.834, *p* \\< 0.001), as shown in [Figure 5](#fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\nThe interaction effect of gait speed and medication intake was not significant, *F*(34, 255.017) = 48.075, *p* \\> 0.05, indicating the consistent behavior of the SYNERGOS index in detecting changes in the state of MMA during different pharmaceutical conditions.", "\n\n4. ", "Discussion {#sec4}\n=============\n\nIn this experiment, SYNERGOS was used to investigate the changes in the overall neuromuscular activation of individuals with Parkinson\\'s disease in response to medication intake and walking speed. ", "The premise of SYNERGOS is that it eventually can be used as a reliable and valid assessment algorithm in clinical settings to monitor the changes in MMA over time or as a screening tool to identify potential neuromuscular abnormalities early in the progression of a disease state.", "\n\nThe SYNERGOS algorithm detected a significant change in the quantified MMA after levodopa intake as indicated by lower SYNERGOS indices. ", "The changes in the biomechanical aspects of the movement (i.e., more regularity of lower extremity \\[[@B13]\\]) suggested that these individuals employed different control strategies resulting in reduced MMA after medication intake. ", "This may be due to the fact that less overall neuromuscular activities were recorded by EMG in each epoch (i.e., gait cycle) after medication intake. ", "It is suggested that, in patients with Parkinson\\'s disease, the reciprocal inhibition at the level of the spinal cord is compromised. ", "During each movement, disynaptic Ia reciprocal inhibition function is to actively inhibit the antagonist motor neurons while reducing the inhibition of the agonists motor neurons. ", "Parkinson\\'s disease causes abnormalities in the function of disynaptic Ia reciprocal, hence resulting in the higher level of coactivation of agonist and antagonist muscles which ultimately thus increase the level of MMA in the Parkinson\\'s disease individuals \\[[@B14]\\] which may lead to freezing gait and movement rigidity. ", "Levodopa however is prescribed to overcome these symptoms by reducing the overall coactivity of the muscles, hence resulting in more optimal movement pattern. ", "The current results suggest that Levodopa may in fact increase reciprocal inhibition and therefore decreases overall MMA.", "\n\nDuring this experiment, participants performed a treadmill walking regimen in which the gait speed increased every five strides. ", "The outcome indicated that the small changes in overall neuromuscular activities as a result of subtle change in the kinematics of the movement (i.e., gait speed) were reliably detected by the SYNERGOS algorithm. ", "Previous studies have indicated that the stability of the human body decreases during higher gait speed which might be correlated with higher risk of fall and injury \\[[@B4]--[@B10]\\]. ", "Muscular cocontraction is a strategy used to stiffen the joints resulting in the reduction of kinematic degrees of freedom to enhance stability during dynamic movements that may threaten postural stability \\[[@B21]\\]. ", "During faster movements kinematics (velocity and accelerations) and kinetics (i.e., forces, torque, and momentum) parameters are altered at higher rates; therefore, a more reliable postural/movement strategy is required to ensure relatively quicker response to the variations imposed on the stability of the system. ", "Thus, to compensate for the required energy and balance to provide more movement stability during faster gait, the CNS activates a higher number of motor units resulting in a higher level of MMA. ", "Increasing SYNERGOS indices are compatible with the aforementioned observation of the motor control strategy.", "\n\nThere are some limitations to this study. ", "Although SYNERGOS enables simplicity of EMG analysis for clinical measurement and monitoring, there is a trade-off with respect to some temporal aspects of muscular activation. ", "To perform SYNERGOS analysis, epochs of signals (i.e., signals that are obtained from a specific cycle, such as gait cycle or squat cycle) are used; therefore, each SYNERGOS index represents an estimation of MMA during a specific epoch. ", "This unit has less time resolution compared to the actual data. ", "For example, if the EMG signals are collected at 1000 Hz, the data contains 1000 data points per second. ", "If we assume an epoch with the length of one second, then only one SYNERGOS index representing all detectable muscle activation can be derived during that epoch. ", "Although this process simplifies and reduces the amount of data to be monitored, it also limits the time resolution of the SYNERGOS index (e.g., 1000 samples versus 1 sample). ", "However, this issue may provide the opportunity to record and store EMG signals for a much longer time without facing physical memory storage challenges. ", "This will be valuable in longitudinal studies requiring data recording over a long period of time.", "\n\nAdditionally, in our experiment, participants were instructed to hold on to safety bars to further control their balance during the protocol. ", "This might have added a systematic error to the results as the levodopa intake would change the overall neuromuscular activities in both the lower and the upper limbs. ", "In this experiment, we did not measure the neuromuscular activities of the upper body; hence, it is impossible to draw a conclusion about the exact effect of the contribution of the upper body muscles to the changes in the neuromuscular activities of the lower body muscles while on and off medication. ", "Although SYNERGOS was capable of detecting the significant decrease in MMA after levodopa intake, the results might have been altered systematically as the upper body control strategies were altered between the two conditions (off versus on medication). ", "Finally, in our study we focused on the biomechanical aspects of the changes in the body in response to levodopa intake. ", "The UPDRS score was assessed only after medication intake and we did not assess the score prior to levodopa intake. ", "Future studies may be conducted aiming at gait characteristics and neuromuscular activation patterns when participants are secured via a harness not requiring additional handle bars.", "\n\n5. ", "Conclusion {#sec5}\n=============\n\nIn this experiment, we demonstrated significant changes in multiple muscle activation among individuals with Parkinson\\'s disease in response to levodopa and changes in walking speed, assessed by SYNERGOS indices. ", "The responsiveness, consistency, and simplicity of monitoring of SYNERGOS values indicate potential applicability of this algorithm in clinical settings to assess changes in the overall neuromuscular activity in individuals with Parkinson\\'s disease as a result of therapeutic interventions.", "\n\nThe authors would like to thank Max Kurz, Chris Arellano, and Azadeh Khorram for their assistance during data collections.", "\n\nConflict of Interests\n=====================\n\nThe authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.", "\n\n![", "The schematic view of the SYNERGOS algorithm. ", "EMG signals are analyzed using the RQA, and the output for each muscle, %DET, is imported into the SYNERGOS algorithm, which eventually provides a single scalar index representing the state of MMA.](PD2015-497825.001){#fig1}\n\n![", "Position of the EMG electrodes on the front of the right leg (a) and back of the right leg (b). ", "Muscle activity was measured at the rectus femoris (RF), vastus medialis (VM), tibialis anterior (TA), biceps femoris (BF), lateral gastrocnemius (GA), and soleus (SO) of the right leg.](PD2015-497825.002){#fig2}\n\n![", "Reflective markers were placed on the hip, knee, ankle, heel, and toe (modified) to calculate the heel contact. ", "In addition, EMG sensors were located on the right rectus femoris, tibialis anterior, lateral gastrocnemius, soleus, vastus medialis, and biceps femoris, and two workout wraps were used to stabilize the EMG sensors during faster gait speed. ", "The subjects were instructed to hold the safety bar installed on the treadmill to avoid excessive anterior-posterior movements.](PD2015-497825.003){#fig3}\n\n![", "Neuromuscular activity of tibialis anterior (TA) muscle during a gait cycle depicted by EMG activity. (", "a) TA is active during the initial phase of gait cycle (heel contact), with a reduction of activity towards the plantar flexion position. ", "From the midstance toward the terminal stance, the dorsiflexion of ankle is managed by higher activity of TA. ", "The recurrence plots (RP) generated based on the original data are shown in graph (b) indicating the existence of a specific pattern in TA activity during the gait cycle. ", "This pattern is depicted by several recurrent points located along particular diagonal lines which are parallel to the main diagonal line. ", "The outcome of the RQA also verified the existence of the aforementioned pattern (%REC = 1.93, %DET = 34.80, radius = 1.92 (maximum scale), and ApEn = 0.63). (", "c) contains the randomized shuffled data of the signal shown in (a); (d) is the RP of the randomized signal which shows no significant determinism in the shuffled data. ", "The time delayed dimensional data in RP are randomly scattered around the main diagonal line and the recurrent points are positioned along very short length. ", "In addition, the outcome of RQA has shown significant reduction in determinism in the randomized data (%REC = 0.44, %DET *≅* 0, radius = 1.92 (maximum scale), and ApEn = 1.93). ", "The significant drop in the determinism of the signal detected by decreasing %DET and increasing ApEn verified the nonlinear dynamics of the collected EMG signal.](PD2015-497825.004){#fig4}\n\n![", "The mean values of the SYNERGOS indices were compared while on and off medication, during which lower MMA is associated with medication intake.](PD2015-497825.005){#fig5}\n\n###### \n\nSubjects\\' initial measurements.", "\n\n Age (years) Height (meters) Mass (kg) Walking speed (m/s) UPDRS III score^\\*^ Hoehn and Yahr stage^\\*\\*^\n ------------- ----------------- ----------- --------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------\n 76 ± 6 1.7 ± 0.1 71.9 ± 12 0.62 ± 0.4 28.6 ± 4.6 2.8 ± 0.7\n\n^\\*^Measured after the participants took medication.", "\n\n^\\*\\*^Measured prior to medication intake.", "\n\n###### \n\nThe mean and standard deviation (SD) of the SYNERGOS index during off- and on-medication conditions.", "\n\n   Average SD\n ----- --------- ------\n Off 23.74 9.17\n On 20.86 9.44\n\n[^1]: Academic Editor: Marjan Jahanshahi\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "Phylogenetic analysis of isolates of Pasteurella pneumotropica from laboratory animals based on the gyrB gene sequence.", "\nPhylogenetic analysis using the gyrB sequence was performed to investigate the genetic relevance among 49 isolates of P. pneumotropica. ", "In the phylogeny, the isolates were clearly classified into three groups as follows: group A for the isolates of biotype Jawetz derived from mice, group B for the isolates of biotype Jawetz derived from rats, and group C for the isolates of biotype Heyl. ", "These results suggest that the gyrB sequence of P. pneumotropica differs between the isolates of two biotypes, and also between the isolates derived from mice and rats in the biotype Jawetz." ]
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[ 0.0006421592552214861, 0.0006189324776642025, 0.0005852766335010529, 0.000684254162479192 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAdding a table to a particular Div in the codebehind?", "\n\nJust for testing, I made a page with nothing but the form and div tags and, in the codebehind, I created a table, added rows to it, then used the following code to add the table to the page:\nPage.", "Controls.", "Add(dtStatuses);\n\nWhat I'd like to do now, though, is add this table to a particular div. ", " For instance, if I have a div tag with an ID of \"testDiv\", how can I add the above table (dtStatuses) to that div, with just code in the codebehind?", "\n\nA:\n\nJust set runat=\"server\" to the div\n<div id=\"testDiv\" runat=\"server\"></div>\n\nand add the control like this\ntestDiv.", "Controls.", "Add(dtStatuses);\n\n" ]
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[ 0.00084275146946311, 0.0006803322467021644, 0.0006956132128834724, 0.0006740790558978915, 0.0006539358291774988, 0.0008415887132287025, 0.0006956132128834724, 0.0010922675719484687 ]
[ "Educational inequalities in mortality among Israeli Jews: changes over time in a dynamic population.", "\nChanges in educational inequalities in mortality in a country that underwent a sudden population growth were examined using two census-based longitudinal studies from Israel (I, 1983-1992, n=152,150 and II, 1995-2004, n=209,125). ", "Relative changes in educational inequalities in mortality were assessed using mortality rates and odds ratios and their corresponding 95% confidence intervals. ", "Decreases in mortality rates and widening relative educational inequalities in mortality were seen over time. ", "Among recent immigrants, educational inequalities in mortality existed but to a lesser degree than for residents. ", "The widening gap (2.5-fold) in cardiovascular disease mortality risks observed for low versus high educated middle-aged women, was particularly alarming. ", "The observed decreasing mortality rates, indicative of a healthier society, alongside widening educational inequalities in mortality indicates uneven changes within the population." ]
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[ 0.004487715661525726, 0.0005932802450843155, 0.0006283131660893559, 0.0006107340450398624, 0.0006348338210955262, 0.0009055720875039697, 0.0005613414687104523 ]
[ "Những điều cần biết khi cai rượu bia ( Phần 2)\n\n7. ", "Hiểu thế nào là điều trị nội trú. ", "Nếu bác sĩ quyết định rằng trường hợp của bạn cần đến điều trị nội trú để có được sự kiểm soát tốt nhất, bạn sẽ được kiểm tra đánh giá và các biện pháp điều trị sẽ được đưa vào thực thi để giúp bạn trải qua giai đoạn cai nghiện khó khăn. ", "Chương trình điều trị được thiết kế để đem lại sự thoải mái hết mức có thể cho bạn và tránh những tác hại nghiêm trọng đôi khi có thể xuất hiện trong trường hợp dùng rượu bia quá nhiều.", "\n\nChương trình điều trị này thường bao gồm một thời gian dùng thuốc ngắn hạn, giúp bạn cảm thấy thoải mái khi cai rượu bia. ", "Benzodiazepine thường được sử dụng nhưng cách điều trị có thể khác nhau giữa các cơ sở y tế.", "\n\nThời gian nội trú thường chỉ khoảng một vài ngày. ", "Trong thời gian đó, kiểm tra thể chất và xét nghiệm sẽ được thực hiện để thu thập thông tin có tính quyết định đến mức điều trị dành cho bạn. ", "Thêm vào đó, đánh giá thể chất và kết quả xét nghiệm có thể hữu ích với bác sĩ ngoại trú sau khi chuyển giao. ", "Thông thường, bạn sẽ tiếp xúc với chuyên gia hay những bộ phận khác trong thời gian điều trị, những người có thể hỗ trợ bạn - chẳng hạn như y tá và bác sĩ chuyên khoa.", "\n\nBộ phận nội trú có thể hỗ trợ sắp xếp cuộc hẹn đầu tiên, giúp bạn liên hệ với các nhóm hỗ trợ và bắt đầu với những mục tiêu điều trị của bạn.", "\n\n8. ", "Sử dụng thuốc kê toa theo hướng dẫn. ", "Bên cạnh thuốc được cung cấp trong thời gian nội trú, có thể bạn sẽ được cho đơn thuốc để tiếp tục uống khi xuất viện. ", "Đơn thuốc này giúp ngăn ngừa sự kéo dài của những vấn đề về thể chất do cai nghiện cũng như cảm giác lo lắng và căng thẳng. ", "Đơn thuốc cai nghiện phù hợp với nhu cầu của bạn cũng có thể được kê.", "\n\n9. ", "Hoàn thành mục tiêu điều trị của bạn. ", "Đội ngũ điều trị cho bạn, ít nhất gồm bác sĩ chính và bác sĩ chuyên khoa, sẽ hướng dẫn bạn trong suốt quá trình điều trị. ", "Họ có thể sẽ yêu cầu bạn tham gia một vài hoạt động không thật sự quen thuộc, chẳng hạn như các nhóm tương hỗ. ", "Hãy hoàn thành trọn vẹn chương trình điều trị. ", "Trao đổi với bác sĩ chính hay bác sĩ chuyên khoa nếu điều gì đó không phù hợp. ", "Có rất nhiều cách khác nhau để đạt được mục tiêu của bạn.", "\n\n10. ", "Kiểm soát môi trường xung quanh. ", "Loại bỏ toàn bộ rượu bia trong nhà. ", "Nhờ đến sự hỗ trợ của bạn bè và gia đình, đặc biệt là những người chung sống. ", "Trong giai đoạn đầu của quá trình điều trị, tránh sự kiện xã hội có thể châm ngòi ham muốn rượu bia của bạn.", "\n\n11. ", "Điều chỉnh lối sống. ", "Tránh xa bạn nhậu, trừ khi họ muốn tham gia cùng bạn. ", "Đăng ký các lớp buổi tối, tham gia nhóm tình nguyện, hình thành thói quen mới, luyện tập thể thao hoặc những hoạt động ngoài trời không liên quan đến rượu bia khác.", "\n\nTrực tiếp tư vấn và điều trị nghiện rượu, nghiện heroin, rối loạn tâm thần nội sinh hoặc do sử dụng rượu, cần sa, cỏ Mỹ, ma túy đá (nghiện đá, ngáo đá), thuốc lắc, ketamin. ", "Tiến sĩ, Bác sĩ Trần thị Hồng Thu, hiện đang công tác tại https://www.maihuong.gov.vn/vi/doi-ngu-chuyen-mon.htm - Điện thoại, Zalo, Facebook 0988 079 038" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of Invention\nAt least one embodiment of the invention relates to an uninterruptible power supply (“UPS”) and, in particular, to a UPS for operation when connected to an AC source that does not provide a neutral conductor.", "\n2. ", "Discussion of Related Art\nUninterruptible power supplies are often employed to supply more reliable power to one or more electrical loads, for example, critical loads. ", "Typically, in an online UPS, the UPS converts an AC input to DC and supplies the DC to circuitry in the UPS that converts the DC to an AC output connected to the loads. ", "In addition, a UPS typically includes batteries that supply power during periods when the AC input is unavailable. ", "Polyphase UPSs employing power factor control are well-known today. ", "Such UPSs typically are connected to a polyphase AC input that includes a neutral. ", "Generally, the UPS includes a continuous neutral connection from the UPS input to the UPS output. ", "In many of these known approaches, the batteries that are employed with the UPS are connected to the neutral.", "\nA high level schematic of a power converter used to convert AC to DC, for example, in a UPS, is shown in FIG. ", "1. ", "In one embodiment, an AC source 100 is connected to a rectifier 102 included in a UPS. ", "The UPS typically also includes input capacitors 104 that may be employed as filter capacitors to eliminate electrical noise that would otherwise be transmitted from the UPS to the AC source 100. ", "The rectifier 102 is connected to a plurality of boost converters 115A, 115B, 117A, 117B, 119A, 119B included in circuitry 106 that convert the rectified AC to DC which is supplied to each of a positive DC bus 108 and a negative DC bus 110. ", "As is shown in FIG. ", "1, the UPS also includes a neutral 112. ", "Each of the positive DC bus 108, the negative DC bus 110, and the neutral 112 are supplied to further UPS circuitry (e.g., to an inverter) that converts the DC to an AC output voltage at the output of the UPS. ", "For purposes of clarity, the circuitry used to convert the DC to AC, which is well known to those of skill in the art, is not shown in FIG. ", "1.", "\nThe input capacitors 104 are each connected from a line (e.g., one of lines L1, L2, L3) to a common point 113 that is connected to the neutral 112 and a neutral 114 of the AC source 100. ", "Thus, the neutral 112 of the UPS is connected to the neutral 114 supplied from the AC source 100.", "\nThe UPS includes batteries, for example, a first battery 101 that is configured with a negative battery potential connected to the neutral 112 and a positive battery potential connected to the input of boost converter 115A via a switch 103 (e.g., a silicon controlled rectifier). ", "A second battery 105 is configured with a positive battery potential connected to the neutral 112 and a negative battery potential connected to the boost converter 115B via a switch 107.", "\nOperation of the circuitry is well-known to those skilled in the art and is described in greater detail, for example, in International Application No. ", "PCT/DK02/00041, filed on Jan. 22, 2002, by American Power Conversion Denmark APS, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference.", "\nBriefly, each phase of the AC source 100 (e.g., lines L1, L2, L3) is rectified to provide, for each phase, a positive half-cycle of the AC input and a negative half-cycle of the AC input. ", "Two boost converter circuits (e.g., circuits 115A, 115B) are employed for each phase to operate during the positive half-cycle of the AC input and the negative half-cycle of the AC input, respectively. ", "Each boost circuit associated with lines L2, L3 (e.g., boost circuits 117A, 117B, 119A, 119B) is substantially identical and a description of the operation of only boost circuits is 115A and 115B provided here. ", "Boost circuit 115A includes an inductor 116A, a switch 118A (e.g., a transistor) and a diode 120A. The inductor 116A is switchably connected to the neutral 112 by the switch 118A to store energy in the inductor during a first period of an operating cycle. ", "In a second period of the operating cycle, the inductor 116A is disconnected from the neutral 112 when the switch 118A is turned off. ", "When the inductor 116A is disconnected from the neutral 112, the energy stored in the inductor is provided to the positive DC bus 108 via a diode 120A. During the period when the inductor 116A is providing energy to the positive DC bus 108, a capacitor 122 is also charged.", "\nDuring the negative half cycles of the line L1, boost circuit 115B which includes an inductor 116B, a switch 118B, and a diode 120B, operates in a fashion similar to that described for the circuit 115A to provide power to the negative DC bus 110. ", "Each of the remaining boost circuits operate in a similar manner to supply power to the positive DC bus 108 and the negative DC bus 110 during the respective positive and negative half-cycles of each line, for example, where boost circuits 117A and 119A supply power to the positive DC bus 108, and boost circuits 117B and 119B supply power to the negative DC bus 110. ", "Operation of the switches that provide the switching in the circuitry 106 is provided by control logic that, in general, switches the switches on and off in response to a comparison between a desired output waveform and the existing waveform. ", "Typically, operation of the boost converters is controlled by pulse width modulation. ", "Further, the circuitry 106 may include power factor control to maintain a unity power factor of the power drawn from the AC source 100.", "\nWhen the AC source 100 is unavailable, DC power from batteries 101, 105 provides power to the input of circuits 115A, 115B, 117A, 117B, 119A, 119B. Further, power from the batteries 101, 105 can be provided to circuits 115A, 115B when the AC source 100 is available to supplement the AC source, for example, during periods of heavy electrical loading.", "\nOften, the load on the positive DC bus 108 and the negative DC bus 110 is balanced. ", "There are circumstances, however, during which the two buses 108, 110 are unevenly loaded. ", "For example, some UPSs employ separate battery chargers where a first battery charger charges the batteries that supply power to the positive DC bus 108 and a second battery charger charges the batteries that supply power to the negative DC bus 110. ", "The separate battery chargers may draw different amounts of power, for example, where one charger is connected to a set of batteries that are discharged while the other charger is connected to a set of batteries that are partially or fully charged. ", "The result of the unbalanced loading of the two buses 108, 110 is that some amount of DC current will flow in the neutral 112. ", "As shown in FIG. ", "1, the DC current will return to the UPS input via neutral 112 and from there return to the AC source 100 via neutral 114.", "\nIn theory, the current drawn by each phase of the circuitry 106 should also be balanced because the circuitry generally operates as three current sources which draw currents having the same amplitude as one another at a 120° phase displacement relative to each other. ", "In reality, however, component tolerances and other minor variations in hardware result in at least small unintended differences in either or both of the amplitude and the phase displacement of the current drawn in each of the boost circuits (i.e., 115A, 115B, 117A, 117B, and 119A, 119B) of the control circuit 106 when compared to the other two circuits. ", "The unbalanced current draw results in a current in the neutral because the current drawn by circuitry 106 is not balanced from phase to phase. ", "Here too, the neutral current will flow from the UPS neutral 112 to the AC source 100 via neutral 114.", "\nInformation concerning electrical system neutrals is presented here as background concerning some of the terminology used herein. ", "Referring to FIG. ", "2, the system connections for a polyphase AC source supplied from a wye connected system and an AC source supplied from a delta configured system are shown in FIGS. ", "2A and 2B, respectively. ", "As shown in FIG. ", "2A, a wye connected system includes a conductor for each phase L1, L2, L3 and a neutral point NP. ", "The neutral conductor represented by the dashed line may be connected to the neutral point NP and be made available for connection to a load along with line conductors L1, L2, L3. ", "The circumstances described herein where the AC source 100 does not include a neutral refer to the fact that a neutral conductor is not provided along with the line conductors L1, L2, L3.", "\nSimilarly, the delta system shown in FIG. ", "2B also includes a neutral point Np, however, the neutral point of the delta system is not physically embodied, and as a result, a neutral conductor cannot be connected to a delta-configured AC source in the manner shown for the wye-configured source. ", "Because a neutral conductor is not obtained from a delta configured system, a neutral cannot be supplied to electrical equipment (including UPSs) along with line conductors L1, L2, and L3 where a delta system is used.", "\nIn a balanced polyphase AC system, the neutral point as shown with reference to the wye configured system in FIG. ", "2A is a point from which a voltage measured from each line conductor L1, L2, L3 has an equal magnitude relative to each of the other voltages measured from the remaining line conductors to neutral. ", "That is, the same voltage exists at each of the three line terminals L1, L2, L3 with reference to the neutral point Np. ", "In the delta connected system, the magnitude of voltages measured from the line conductors L1, L2, L3 to the delta neutral point Np also equal one another. ", "Thus, although a physical location is not available from which a neutral conductor can be provided in a delta system, a neutral point does exist. (", "Referring to FIG. ", "1, the AC source is configured in a wye configuration with a neutral point Np.)", "\nFurther, although it may be advantageous to employ a neutral for improved safety (among others reasons) there are circumstances where the AC source 100 (whether a wye-configured source or a delta-configured source) does not include the neutral 114. ", "Two of the more common examples are 480 volt delta connected AC sources employed in the U.S. and 3-wire 200 volt AC systems found in Japan. ", "Because UPS systems are employed with AC sources 100 that do not include a neutral (e.g., 3-wire systems), it is desirable to connect a UPS with a neutral to an AC source that does not provide a neutral. ", "However, typical control systems for UPSs do not provide satisfactory operation in such an installation.", "\nFor example, typically, a control system employed with the electronics of the boost circuits in the UPS includes a reference waveform generator. ", "The control system includes a positive regulator for control of the positive half cycle of each of the three lines and a negative regulator for control of the negative half cycle of each of the three lines. ", "An error signal based on the gain of the respective bus is received by the regulators as an input. ", "That is, a difference between a positive gain and a reference is supplied to the regulator for the positive bus and a difference between a negative gain and a reference is supplied to the regulator for the negative bus. ", "The regulator outputs are supplied as inputs to the reference waveform generator and outputs of the reference waveform generator are employed to control the switching of the boost circuits. ", "During UPS operation it is desirable to maintain the positive DC bus and the negative DC bus substantially in balance. ", "That is, the control system acts to maintain equal magnitude of the DC potential on the positive DC bus and the DC potential on the negative DC bus. ", "As one example, the control system responds to a condition where the magnitude of the positive DC bus is less than the magnitude of the negative DC bus by increasing the amplitude of the positive half cycles of current supplied to the positive DC bus relative to the magnitude of the amplitude of the current supplied to the negative DC bus.", "\nAs a result, the output signals of the regulators determine the amplitude of the reference waveform that are supplied to controllers (e.g., PWM current controllers) used to control the current drawn from each line L1, L2, L3 by the circuitry 106.", "\nSuch an approach typically cannot maintain a balance between the voltage of the positive DC bus 108 and the voltage of the negative DC bus 110 where the AC source does not provide a neutral conductor for connection to the UPS neutral.", "\nA separate transformer (e.g., a neutral transformer) is often used to derive a neutral at the UPS input where a UPS including a neutral is connected to an AC source that does not provide a neutral. ", "Of course, this solution is expensive because an additional transformer is required. ", "In addition, a neutral transformer requires more space to install and decreases overall system efficiency because of transformer losses. ", "Some of these transformer losses generate additional heat that a cooling system must then remove to maintain a desired ambient temperature for UPS operation." ]
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[ "Q:\n\ninvalid foreach() expecting to show no data if null in Codeigniter\n\nI was expecting view to show message 'no data found' when my query is returning null value but im getting error message: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()\nHere's the controller code:\npublic function index()\n {\n $ctki = $this->ctki_model->get_all_ctki_data();\n if ( !", "empty($ctki) ) {\n $this->data['ctkiData'] = $ctki;\n } else {\n $this->data['ctkiData'] = 'Tidak ada data CTKI.';", "\n }\n $this->load->view($this->layout, $this->data);\n }\n\nHere's the view code:\n<table class=\"table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-condensed\">\n <thead>\n <tr>\n <th>No</th>\n <th>Nama Lengkap</th>\n <th>Jenis Kelamin</th>\n <th>No KTP</th>\n <th>No Passport</th>\n <th>Kota</th>\n <th>No Telepon</th>\n <th>No HP</th>\n <th>Aksi</th>\n </tr>\n </thead>\n <tbody>\n <?", "php foreach($ctkiData as $row): ?", ">\n <?", "php\n // Link edit, hapus, cetak\n $link_edit = anchor('program/administrasi/edit/'.$row->ID_CTKI, '<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-edit\"></span>', array('title' => 'Edit'));\n $link_hapus = anchor('program/administrasi/hapus/'.$row->ID_CTKI,'<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-trash\"></span>', array('title' => 'Hapus', 'data-confirm' => 'Anda yakin akan menghapus data ini?'));", "\n ?", ">\n <tr>\n <td><?php echo ++$no ?", "></td>\n <td><?php echo $row->Username ?", "></td>\n <td><?php echo $row->Nama_Lengkap_User ?", "></td>\n <td><?php echo $row->No_Telepon ?", "></td>\n <td><?php echo $row->No_HP ?", "></td>\n <td><?php echo $row->Level ?", "></td>\n <td><?php echo format_is_blokir($row->Status_Blokir) ?", "></td>\n <td><?php echo $link_edit.", "'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$link_hapus ?", "></td>\n </tr>\n <?", "php endforeach ?", ">\n </tbody>\n </table>\n\nA:\n\nWith \n$this->data['ctkiData'] = 'Tidak ada data CTKI.';", "\n\nyou assign a string to this variable. ", "In your template you expect it to be an array.", "\nYou can solve this on different ways, for instance by checking in your template if the data is an array and if it has got any items. ", "If not show an error.", "\n<?", "php \nif (is_array($ctkiData) && count($ctkiData) > 0) {\nforeach($ctkiData as $row): ?", ">\ntable here\n<?", "php endforeach } else { ?", ">\nerror message here\n<?", "php } ?", ">\n\n(not tested, but something like that). ", "\nA better solution is to use a template engine like Twig for instance and not to use php code in your html template.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "What follows is a letter I wrote to every person on my email list, that I have ever corresponded with. ", "It is important to me to get this message out, as soon as possible, as wide as possible.", "\n\n===\n\nMany of you, I haven't spoken to in weeks, months or even years. ", "I'm sorry. ", "I pray for you, your families, and anyone you may have lost in these tragic times. ", "I want you back in my life, because you are important to me.", "\n\nWhat I am about to say is going to sound trite.", "\n\nWhat I am about to say is going to sound clichéd.", "\n\nWhat I am about to say is true.", "\n\nI am going to use phrases from pop culture that we all know, because they communicate more quickly the ideas that have taken years for me to formulate and articulate; not because I lack the imagination to think for myself. ", "Taken within the context of my whole life, they make perfect sense to me, but I don't have the time to explain all that. ", "So please. ", "Look deeper. ", "Before you respond, take a deep breath. ", "Sit with it awhile. ", "Come back to it 2 or 3 times before you write anything.", "\n\nThis is too important for me, to try to send to individuals. ", "By the time I talk to each of you, I feel that it will be too late (judging by how few of you I have been able to see or speak to in the last week). ", "So, even though I have had a long talk with one of my friends about how poorly my mass-emails have gone over, I am sending this to everyone that I care about.", "\n\nEveryone.", "\n\nI can't tailor this to fit each person's personality quirks, to appeal to each person's individual hopes or goals. ", "That is the business of politics. ", "I am not a politician. ", "I am a human being, and this entire situation is about the state of human beings, just like you and me, NOT about America, or a political agenda. ", "It is about seeing human nature, in all its ugliness and glory.", "\n\nI am a truth seeker. ", "That's why I bounce my ideas off of everyone, take your input, and come back to you later, and try again. ", "Oftentimes the truth hurts. ", "Socrates was put to death for it. ", "But truth can be dealt with. ", "Lies and denial only hinder our pursuit.", "\n\nHere goes.", "\n\nIn Star Wars: Episode 1, Yoda said, “Fear leads to anger. ", "Anger leads to hate. ", "And hate leads to suffering.” ", "Suffering is what is happening in this world right now.", "\n\nSo what leads to fear? ", "What starts this chain of human emotions that ends in sorrow?", "\n\nNot knowing. ", "Not understanding.", "\n\nIn order not to fear, we need to look into ourselves, and feel secure in our values, and things we hold dear. ", "We should not give those things up, just because we are threatened from without. ", "Because our strength comes from within.", "\n\nIn 1851 Henry David Thoreau wrote, “Nothing is so much to be feared as fear.” ", "I don't know if this was an insight based solely upon experience, or in response to some tragedy. ", "But in the face of the intense trials facing our country, President Franklin D. Roosevelt repeated that idea in 1933 saying, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”", "\n\nSo what is it I fear? ", "What is it that I don't know?", "\n\nI do know that people from all over the world have joined together, to offer money, blood, time, resources, and their hearts, in order to help the victims of this tragedy. ", "I saw how, on Amazon.com, one of my friends had seen $1000 donated to the Red Cross through their site Wed morning, then at $3000 by Thurs afternoon. ", "By the time I reached the site Fri morning, the total was at $4,900,171 and change. ", "I had to stop and count the commas, just to be sure. ", "That is almost $5 MILLION dollars raised, and that was merely through that one portal. ", "In 3 days. ", "I haven't been back to see what it is now. ", "The Red Cross is also receiving donations in the mail, and through direct phone calls.", "\n\nThe horror of these acts knows no national boundaries. ", "Human beings of every skin color and religious belief are shaken by what has transpired, and have declared their sorrow for the destruction and loss of human life.", "\n\nThen there are those reports of the Palestinians who cheered upon hearing the news. ", "Those Palestinians must be some awful people, huh?", "\n\nNow imagine that we had received videotape of Iraqi rebels dragging Saddam Hussein into the streets of Baghdad, his “government” in shambles. ", "You can hear the cheers that would erupt in the US, just as well as I can… Look into those feelings. ", "Please.", "\n\nAre the Palestinians really so different from ourselves? ", "They share the same anger and pain that we do, only they have sustained it for a much longer time, and have managed to turn it into hatred. ", "We must not allow that to happen to us.", "\n\nThe character of the terrorists has been made clear. ", "They are cowardly; lurking in the shadows; waiting for the time to strike the innocent, in order to draw a larger fight; hoping to pick up allies, once their enemy makes a misstep.", "\n\nWhat is unknown to me is the true hearts of my fellow Americans. ", "We are grieving, in pain, and desperate to show that we are strong (grief does not demonstrate weakness, by the way). ", "So we posture, and we talk big.", "\n\nBut this also makes us unpredictable. ", "President Bush has said that the terrorists have “roused a mighty giant” and this is certainly true. ", "We have a lot of power. ", "We're not afraid to use it. ", "We are in the moral right. ", "We are righteous in our anger.", "\n\nBut righteousness, while powerful and focused, can be a dangerous thing to ourselves, as well as our enemies.", "\n\nWithin the safety that the freedom of the country has provided, we have been able to nurture such values as respect for life, helping others, and supporting the same freedoms for everyone on earth. ", "We must not let these terrorist acts destroy these values.", "\n\nThey think that these values are our weakness. ", "What they do not realize is that they are our greatest strength. ", "If they succeed in causing us to displace our values, THEN they truly have won.", "\n\nIn my work with abused and emotionally disturbed kids, I was trained in how to de-escalate potentially explosive situations. ", "I worked with teenagers, notoriously hard to deal with in the first place. ", "You would be surprised (I know I am, looking back) how well we could contain outbreaks of violence and property damage, without ever having to touch the child. ", "But sometimes, the kids go too far. ", "We were trained to deal with that, as well. ", "We were trained to use the least amount of force necessary, and to keep ourselves safe. ", "We were instructed to only use more force, when it becomes clear that the current level still creates a risk to the child or others.", "\n\nIn our training, we had the restraints done to us, just as we learned how to apply them to someone else. ", "Having 2 people (or more) lay their entire body weight upon you, and keep you from struggling is NOT fun. ", "It is very scary, as a matter of fact.", "\n\nIn the 4 years in my field, I have had to do a number of restraints. ", "I have never enjoyed it, but it needed to be done. ", "So I did it. ", "I had to set aside all my personal feelings I had, despite the threats and insults I received, and concentrate on keeping that child safe.", "\n\nSome were so uncontrollable that they were sent to a hospital, or juvenile hall, in order to keep them safe. ", "Some kids I would have to look in the eye the very next day.", "\n\nI've been hearing this statement a lot in the last few days. “", "It needs to be done.” “", "It,” being war.", "\n\nI recognize that, just like the kids I have described, we have given the terrorists plenty of chances to end their murderous behavior. ", "They haven't stopped, so we must stop them.", "\n\nBut that does not mean that we must enjoy it. ", "This is a dirty job. ", "We must not forget that this is a dirty job. ", "We are in this for justice, not payback.", "\n\nWhen we have won the war, and we are cheering, and crying, and hugging each other, let those cheers be of relief, not of delight over the destruction has been left in the wake of an unavoidable conflict. ", "When it is over, we will be able to mourn for the losses incurred, and we should mourn for both sides.", "\n\nYes, for both sides.", "\n\nI listened to it during the Gulf War. ", "Cheers in my classes, when we heard about yet another target destroyed by our missiles. ", "Exultation in showing Saddam what we could do. ", "Do you remember that? ", "We rode a wave of nationalism that was unprecedented in my lifetime. ", "Until now.", "\n\nWe must rally together, and show our unity. ", "But please remember that nationalism is the weapon that Hitler used to convince an entire nation to rally behind what became atrocities uncountable (though 5 million is the number springing to mind right now… isn't that a low number?). ", "He used nationalism, and fear.", "\n\nGeorge Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, a philosopher in the 1800s, said “What experience and history teach is this-that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principals deduced from it.” ", "I found this quote, while looking for the one that says, “Those who fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.” ", "I don't know who said that one, and I don't even know that I have it correct, but it says the same thing.", "\n\nWe must look critically at the things that have led up to this day. ", "We must look at our successes, and our failures, and use that knowledge to avoid making the mistakes that have plagued our ancestors for millennia. ", "4 and a half millennia (isn't that the time frame scientists have placed on mankind's existence?). ", "That's an awful lot of history. ", "That's an awful lot of successes and failures. ", "There are more people alive right now, than have ever died on earth.", "\n\nWhen do we evolve our perceptions? ", "Our ideas? ", "When do we grow beyond the animal, lurking at the base of our brains? ", "Human beings have become what we are, because of a large surface area of gray matter. ", "We have been able to grow in a world filled with large animals with sharp teeth and claws, and dense fur to keep them warm, despite having no such defenses ourselves.", "\n\nHow did we do this? ", "We used our developed forebrains to devise our own defenses from the world around us (think of Tarzan, whether from the book, or the Disney movie). ", "No fur? ", "We'll cover ourselves with animal skin. ", "No claws? ", "We'll use that sharp rock. ", "We formed social groups and we helped each other. ", "We protected each other. ", "Some made sacrifices of themselves, because they knew that the others would be able to thrive, even after they were gone.", "\n\nA smart human evolves when they learn from their own successes, and the hardest lessons are from their failures. ", "But the smart human will learn from OTHERS' successes and failures. ", "And the truly evolved human will know all this instinctively, and be able to concern itself with more important matters, when the pointlessness of hatred, bigotry, and fear becomes clear.", "\n\nThe price that humanity has paid to learn these lessons is immense. ", "But that should only serve to reinforce how valuable the lessons are. ", "We must not give them up.", "\n\nI grieve for the loss of the human lives in New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania. ", "I grieve for the loss of our innocence. ", "I grieve for the loss of humanity in the perpetrators of these heinous acts.", "\n\nI cannot fathom how faith in a divine, all-powerful God, can lead one to abandon the very principles of life that it professes to teach. ", "The persons responsible have perverted these messages, to justify their own selfish ends. ", "Human beings do not act, without some sort of reason, even if it's based on twisted, distorted, dream-logic. “", "It made sense at the time.” ", "Islam is not the first religion that had its zealots who followed their own path, using the name of their faith even as they ignored it. ", "Christians are responsible for the Inquisition and the slaughter of indigenous people. ", "Both Christians and Muslim played their parts in the Crusades.", "\n\nBut these acts do not portray either religion, as they truly are. ", "Do not let one group's distorted mirror change the good deeds done by peoples of any religious background. ", "Faith has been the support for many of us in these difficult times. ", "Notice that I did not say, “religion,” I said faith.", "\n\nJeremy -- you are clearly a deeply compassionate and thoughtful person, and what you have written here is a beautiful appeal to us to remember that we are human, ALL of us, including the terrorists. ", "Indeed, we must do what is necessary to fight against terrorism, but we must not lose or ignore our values while doing so. ", "Thank you!", "\n\nI need to correct two of your statements. ", "First, the one about the Palestinians cheering and how we would feel about Saddam Hussein's death. ", "The two are not compatible comparisons. ", "The analgoy is not a correct one, in my view. ", "Here is why.", "\n\nThe Palestinians who cheered and danced in the streets were celebrating the death of probably over 5,000 innocent civilians who have nothing at all to do with their war in the middle east, other than prehaps voting for elected officials who then make the decisions and policies that do affect the middle east. ", "theuy were only going to work, walking through lower Manhaaton on a beautiful sunny day in NY City, jogging, etc. ", "The celebration of that group of Palestinians shows their total disregard for innocent human life -- adults and children. ", "These are the same Palestinians who also support the bombing of innocent people in Israel -- women and children on buses on their way to school, or civilians of all ages sitting in a restaurant or cafe eating and spending time with friends. ", "These Palestinians certainly do not represent all Palestinians, and we would be making a grave error if we begin to blame all Palestinians or Arabs for what happened in NY and Washington, or for the attacks in Israel. ", "Nevertheless, let us not gloss over the ugliness and horror of those Plaestinians and others who DO care little if at all for innocent human life, but rather care only about inflicting pain and violence and death on unsuspecting innocents in order to make a political point. ", "These terrorists and their supporters are simply wrong and doing evil things.", "\n\nI also must disagree that the pain and suffering of these people is any justification for their behavior or acts of terrorism. ", "NOTHING justifies intentionaly killing innocent people. ", "Israel, for example, has suffered as much as the Palestinians in the last 53 years since the State of Israel was created. ", "theuy have been attacked 4 times by every country that surroiunds Israel, losing thousands of lives. ", "Their northern borders and the towns and cities near the border have been attacked again and again by mortar fire and terroist incursions, killing innocent women and children. ", "theuy been forced to live in a state of war since the day of the Staet's creation on May 18, 1948 because their neighbors refused to accept a Jewish state in theeir midst. ", "The Palestinians have also suffered, to be sure, but much of that suffereig has been at the ands of Jordan, Syria and Lebsanon, all of whom kept the refugee Palestinians in squalid refeugess campes for more than two decades, refusing to absorb them into their own countries.", "\n\nYes, there are individual Israelis who have done some terrible and wrong things to Palestinians, and Israel artests and punishes those indivduals for their acts. ", "You did not see and won't see Israelis dancing in the streets when an Israeli terrorist commits a terrorist act. ", "In fact, when an Israeli terrorist bombed and crippled the Mayor of Bethlehem back in the early 80's, i think it was, the perpetrator was arrested, tried and jailed for a very long time. ", "No one in Israel danced or cheered, though I am sure that the Israeli terrorist's accomplises and partners in terror probably did celebrsate. ", "I am also sure that there are some Israelis who would feeel just fine with commiting horribel acts against Palestinians, but they would be just as wrong and misguided as the terrorists.", "\n\nI suspect that we Americans would feel pleased if Hussein were finally eliminated, but I also suspect that most of us would also feel sad that it had to come to that to begin with. ", "Then again, even if we did celebrate, we would be celebrating the elimination of a man who has been the root casue of so much suffereing and eveil in his country and in the region. ", "He IS a problem and IS directly invovled in the horrors he commits, unlike the 5,000+ Amercians who have died and are innocent. ", "This where the analogy between teh Palestinians cheering over the 5000 and our cheerig over Hussein breaks down. ", "The two simply are not the same.", "\n\nHowever, I am convinced that if America went in and simply slaughtered innocent people, there would be outrage here across the country. ", "Would there be some Americnas who would celebrate? ", "Probabaly. ", "After all, the KKK, Aryan Nations, etc. ", "are Americans and do some horrible things to innocent people who are not white christian americans. ", "We are also the ones who kept thousdnas and thousands of blacks enslaved for so many years, and then kept balcks segregated and weithout equeal rights for so many more years. ", "We still do some of this today.", "\n\nWe are all human, no matter what our race or nationality, so there will always be those who seek to pervert what is right and just. ", "but we must not allow that minority to become who we are as human beings and Americans...i agree with you 100%.", "\n\nNow, the second correction is the number of people slaughtered by Hitler in the Holocaust. ", "It is over 11 million, 6 million of whom were Jews. ", "The other 5 million were gays, the mentally ill, phyically handicapped, retarded/developmentally delayed, anyone who was deemed weak and not a true specimen of the pure German race, and anyone who was caught not fully supporting Hitler and his plans.", "\n\nThanks again for your message here, Jeremy. ", "I appreciate it very much.", "\n\nThank you, Lance, for your corrections (I knew the death toll of the Holocaust was too low). ", "As I said, I am a truth seeker.", "\n\nHaving read your other post, and knowing of your experiences living in Israel, I can see how you might have jumped to a few conclusions. ", "You actually made my point, in your rebuttal.", "\n\nLook what has happened to the Palestinians who cheered in the streets over the deaths of over 5000 Americans! ", "They let themselves give in to hate, and stopped thinking of the human lives lost.", "\n\nWe MUST not let that happen here. ", "We MUST not allow our (very righteous, but easily misdirected) anger over this tragedy take us down that road.", "\n\nAnd don't let the colors of a person's flag determine their goodness. ", "Every human being on this planet will put their best foot forward... or their worst. ", "Only time will tell.", "\n\nI've heard a few of my friends use the word \"justify\" when I try to speak of these horrific events. ", "It seems to imply that they think that I think these things were ok. ", "When I make a statement of what might have gone through the heads of these people that gave up their membership in the human race, I am simply trying to make sense of the nonsensical. ", "How can any sane person say that the killing of thousands is a good thing? ", "I know that I didn't say any such thing. ", "I think the entire tone of my letter attests to my feelings on the matter.", "\n\nLife must be valued, in all its forms. ", "We must protect the lives of all who are threatened, especially from the (barely) human predators that have done these horrific things. ", "This goes beyond national borders. ", "We are talking about the souls of humankind.", "\n\nYou know, there is a story in Jewish tradition that says the following:\n\nWhen the people of Israel were fleeing the Egyptians and then cornered at the Red Sea, they then crossed on dry land, and the Egyptians were drowned and destroyed in the returning waters of the sea. (", "This is what it says in the Old Testament, as we all know). ", "The children of Israel broke into song and dancing and celebrating because of their escape and the death of the Egyptians. ", "Then, suddenly, there was a crash from heaven and the voice of God cried out saying, \"My children are drowning in the sea, and YOU are celebrating?\"", "\n\nThis is a story that we retell again and again, to remind oursleves and our children that even the Egyptians, who persecuted us and tried to destroy us, were human beings, just like us. ", "Even when humans do terrible things, they are still human, and the death of any human being is something about which to feel sad, not rejoice.", "\n\nAlso, on Passover, at the Passover Seder (special ceremonial meal held on the first two nights), we retell the story of Passover. ", "Part of the story is about the ten plagues and the death of the first born children of Egypt. ", "Here, too, as we read the names of the plagues, we pour out one drop of wine from our glasses for each plague, symbollically reducing the sweetness of the holiday and reducing our joy by not drinking these drops of wine. ", "We do this in rememberance of ALL those who died and suffered, including the Egyptians, for it is important to remember that every life is precious.", "\n\nI thought of these things while reading your original message. ", "This is a powerful value and lesson in humanity and humility, one that I hope that we can all learn and remember, especailly during these difficult times!", "\n\nI had a long talk with my best friend last night, covering \"Deep Thoughts,\" \"Words from my heart,\" as well as the politics of the current mess, and religion.", "\n\nWe talked about the hypocricy of the Christians who hate, and the Muslims who murder. ", "My friend has issues with the Bible, as a creation of man, rather than God.", "\n\nI agree, to a point, that something was lost in the translation from God's inspiration, through man's writing, to man's editing, and eventually, man's translation into multiple languages. ", "But I believe, deep down, that God's underlying message did manage to seep through, even with all the trappings of mankind that got in the way.", "\n\nWith that in mind, I notice that the ending you provided, does not appear in my New International Version Student Bible.", "\n\nAs a Christian, my connection to things Jewish is limited to the Old Testament. ", "I haven't studied them indepth, either. ", "What are the sources of these additional insights?", "\n\nI look forward to hearing your input. ", "I hope that others will join our discussion.", "\n\nThe ending where God chastises the children of Israel for celebrating the death of the Egyptians comes from texts called the Midrash. ", "These are part of the volumes of Rabbinic commentary on the Torah (Five Books of Moses). ", "In Judaism, we have what we call Written Law (Torah) and the Oral Law (Talmud and Midrash).", "\n\nThe Oral Law is also very ancient and was passed dwon for hundreds of years only as oral tradition until it was finally written down in the early part of the common era. ", "While the Talmud is more legal in its discourse, the Midrash is more a collection of stories that were told to illustrate and illuminate the hidden meanings of the biblical texts.", "\n\nThe Midrash I quoted is one interpretation of the part of the Bible where the people of Israel do dance and sing after the Egyptans are drowned. ", "The Rabbis were uncomfortable with the notion of celebrating the death of other human beings and found that a careful reading of the biblical text suggested to them the story I quoted.", "\n\nThis story is a view from the Jewish perspective of over 2,000 years ago, and it still resonates for Jews today.", "\n\nRespecting The Dignity of Every Human BeingRev. ", "Robert W. Nelson,Rel.", "D.,LMFTEpiscopal Diocese of Alaskaretired July 2001\n\nQuote:\n\nOur God is one who takes sides with the vulnerable and the oppressed against the powers and principalities, even when the principality is the church... Inherent in this stance is judgment against those who cause harm to others. ", "This judgement is not for judgment's sake, but for the sake of repentance for the abuser and justice for the victim.", "\n\nComapassion for the victim means that we be willing to suffer with her/him and not look for some easy way out of a difficult situation; we help make justice in spite of the confusion, pain and hostility in the community. ", "Compassion for the abusing minister does not mean helping him/her avoid the discomfort of being called to account. ", "It means being willing to call him/her to account and be present to him/her for the purpose of repentance.", "\n\nJustice-making becomes the means for healing all parties involved. ", "The church... can be the vehicle for justice where harm has been done by one of its representatives. ", "Justice-making can free people to forgive, which can make restoration possible- with memory. ", "Our goal is not to forgive and forget, but to forgive and remeber.", "The Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence, Seattle 1992\n\nI\nagree that my access and use of the MaleSurvivor discussion forums and\nchat room is subject to the terms of this Agreement. ", "AND the sole\ndiscretion of MaleSurvivor. ", "I agree that my use of MaleSurvivor\nresources are AT-WILL,\nand that my posting privileges may be terminated at any time, and for\nany reason by MaleSurvivor." ]
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0.0013840185711160302, 0.0018061978043988347, 0.0005777059122920036, 0.0008577298140153289, 0.0006009425851516426, 0.0007533542811870575, 0.0036128279753029346, 0.001983021618798375, 0.0007097407360561192 ]
[ "FBI Laboratory Specialized Training Program\n\nThe FBI Laboratory is requesting input from the forensic community regarding the Specialized Training Program. ", "The Program currently offers a wide range of courses that provide state and local laboratory personnel with an expense-free training resource. ", "Course schedules are posted on the FBI Virtual Academy at https://fbiva.fbiacademy.edu.", "\n\nThe forensic community has increasing and varying needs. ", "Laboratory managers are encouraged to contact the training officer at [email protected] regarding your training needs. ", "Please type Training Request in the subject line.", "\n\nThe goals of the Specialized Training Program are to continue meeting the training needs of the forensic community and to be responsive to advances in technology." ]
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[ 0.0005453255143947899, 0.000656432006508112, 0.0005988283082842827, 0.0006046105409041047, 0.0005431522149592638, 0.0005328574334271252, 0.0005394537001848221 ]
[ "A man in the Detroit suburbs went full-on 'MURICA! ", "over Independence Day weekend by pulling out some sort of armor-plated military vehicle with a machine gun attached and began firing shots while driving through the streets.", "\n\n\nPer reports from the Macomb Daily and WDIV, the Shelby Township — one of those otherwise bland Macomb County suburbs where people are flocking to, presumably to escape violence — man was arrested after frightened residents flooded police lines with reports of the guy causing commotion around 11 p.m.\n\n\nTurns out, he wasn't firing bullets from the modified, 50-caliber machine gun, but shooting off compressed gas that emits bright light and simulates the sound of gunfire. ", "There aren't any other details about the actual vehicle, only that's it's from the days of World War II.", "\n\nThis sounds awesome, but probably best to alert your local constabulary and your neighbors that it isn't a real gun.", "\n\nIt's worth noting that two years in Michigan, Gov. Rick Snyder passed a law loosening our fireworks restrictions, allowing for more-powerful explosives to fall into the hands of your local boom nuts and also terrifying the state's canine populace all summer.", "\n\nNot that I'm a legal expert here, but this guy could skate with a good defense if this law comes into play.", "\n\n\nUPDATE: The owner of the tank was later identified as John Lind, a veteran of the Marines, the Navy and the Air Force, according to his website. ", "Lind runs the Detroit Arsenal of Democracy, a museum \"specializing in WWII-era military vehicles\" (which should answer this QOTD firmly) and has, quite frankly, a ton of cool-looking tanks, motorcycles and Jeeps from the era.", "\n\n\nDespite Lind's apparent lack of judgment, you can't deny he's curated quite the collection. ", "Check out one of the many the photo collections here, and local war buffs can check out the calendar of events here.", "\n\n[Photo via AP]" ]
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[ 0.0015659306664019823, 0.0032862520311027765, 0.00096279033459723, 0.0006221493240445852, 0.0008363174274563789, 0.002135146874934435, 0.0012669203570112586, 0.0005639083101414144, 0.0006717207143083215, 0.0008732062415219843, 0.0006519936141557992, 0.0006068071816116571 ]
[ "Q:\n\nRegEx consecutive matches\n\nI have this regex in Javascript to remove words with 3 letters or less:\nsrcText = srcText.replace(/\\s[a-z]{1,3}\\s/gi,'');\n\nIt works but when two consecutives matches are found, the 2nd isn't affected:\nEx.:", "\n\"... this is one sample of a text ... \"\n' one ' and ' a ' won't be affected unless I run the code one more time:\nsrcText = srcText.replace(/\\s[a-z]{1,3}\\s/gi,'');\n\nSo I'd have to run the code n times, n being the consecutives matches in srcText.", "\nfor testing purpose:\nhttp://regexpal.com/\nsample text:\nhttp://www.gutenberg.org/files/521/521-0.txt (say, 4th paragraph)\nIs my regex missing something or javascript won't allow this kind of recursiveness?", "\n\nA:\n\nJavaScript's regular expressions (and most others too) support the \\b escape sequence, which matches (zero-width) word boundaries. ", "In your expression, simply replace the two \\s with \\b and it will work.", "\nNote that \"word boundary\" also applies around dashes, dots, etc. ", "So this-test - more. ", "will have boundaries at: |this|-|test| - |more|. ", "Usually this is desirable, but it is a difference in behaviour from \\s which is worth knowing about.", "\nAs noted by Sam in the comments, a word boundary is identified as:\n(^\\w|\\w\\W|\\W\\w|\\w$)\n\nthat is, a non-word character followed by a word character, or a word character followed by a non-word character, where the start and end of the string are taken as non-word characters. (", "but note that \\b is zero-width, so it isn't just a shorthand for that expression)\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0008523631258867681, 0.0007441484485752881, 0.0006695450283586979, 0.0006675950135104358, 0.0011661640601232648, 0.0005883011035621166, 0.0008509722538292408, 0.0006153425201773643, 0.0006583324866369367, 0.0006774152861908078, 0.0007448277319781482 ]
[ "Typically, printing of a web for a horizontal form-fill packaging machine has included a platen press. ", "Printing of the packaging web could be accomplished at a speed of 12-15 imprints per minute. ", "The relatively slow speed involved was required to obtain proper alignment of the press with the moving web and the requirement for an even printing contact of the platen press with the web. ", "Characteristically, the resultant printed web was of a poor quality.", "\nFurther, due to the long dwell time of the ink on the printing plate between impressions, a slow-drying ink was required. ", "The slow-drying ink limited the characteristics of the web used, typically limiting the web to an absorbent film, such as a paper web, which could absorb the slow-drying ink. ", "This, however, precluded the use of a platen press on non-absorbent film or foil which required quick-drying ink which would dry by evaporation only.", "\nA proposed solution to overcoming the difficulties encountered by the use of platen presses has been the use of flexographic printers using a liquid ink as compared to a paste ink typically associated with platen presses. ", "Traditional flexographic printers are driven entirely mechanically through a single drive system. ", "A standard fixed speed DC motor is used and elaborate controls required to match the speed of printing with the speed of the web.", "\nAll flexographic printers consist of a print cylinder, printing plate, anilox roll, fountain roll, ink fountain, ink and impression roll, and operate in the following manner: The ink fountain is filled with enough ink to wet the bottom half of the fountain roll which is positioned in the fountain. ", "As it rotates, ink is picked up on the fountain roll and transferred to the anilox roll which is positioned parallel to it. ", "The combination of the type of engraving on the anilox roll and the amount of squeeze between the anilox roll and the fountain roll determines the volume of ink transferred. ", "As the anilox roll and print cylinder rotate, the ink is transferred to the printing plate which is mounted to the surface of the print cylinder. ", "The web, which is positioned between the print cylinder and the impression roll, is printed when the print cylinder and inked printing plate roll over the web and transfer the message on to the web." ]
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[ 0.0006251056911423802, 0.0006027771160006523, 0.0006759645766578615, 0.0010812015971168876, 0.0005866563296876848, 0.0006799086113460362, 0.0007341086165979505, 0.0005926633602939546, 0.0006059760344214737, 0.0006777168600820005, 0.0007141008391045034, 0.0006239732610993087, 0.0006716237403452396, 0.0006305081187747419, 0.0006617538747377694 ]
[ "Why is the Christian Reformed Church in Decline?", "\n\n\"In the last decade, membership in the Christian Reformed Church has dropped more than 13 percent. ", "Synod 2017 discussed this trend and encouraged churches and denominational staff to make church renewal a priority.\"", "\n\nThis is just one of several sources you would find doing a quick Google search.", "\n\nIn my observation, I have noticed a trend, the more Calvinist the doctrines are, the greater the decline. ", "However, admittedly this is riddled with bias. ", "But eh...[emoji19]. ", "Is it the Calvinist doctrine the problem that is causing members to leave?", "\n\nIf the directory is half way accurate, there is not a reformed church within 50 miles of me. ", "I can't think of a SBC church in my county that is reformed. ", "Of course, the two Presbyterian churches are reformed.", "\nA SBC church in the neighboring county has a reformed pastor, but he's in the closet. ", "I know because we are good friends.", "\n\n\"In the last decade, membership in the Christian Reformed Church has dropped more than 13 percent. ", "Synod 2017 discussed this trend and encouraged churches and denominational staff to make church renewal a priority.\"", "\n\nThis is just one of several sources you would find doing a quick Google search.", "\n\nIn my observation, I have noticed a trend, the more Calvinist the doctrines are, the greater the decline. ", "However, admittedly this is riddled with bias. ", "But eh...[emoji19]. ", "Is it the Calvinist doctrine the problem that is causing members to leave?", "\n\nSent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk\n\nClick to expand...\n\nInteresting question.", "\n\nI believe part of the explanation is lack of understanding among the Millennials about the Christian message in general, for example, that the neighbour and God are more important in our lives and that we thus cannot be the most important person in our life.", "\n\nI know this is not a particular problem for the Christian Reformed Church but a problem for the church in general.", "\nNevertheless, I think it explains a lot.", "\n\nSite Supporter\n\nIf the directory is half way accurate, there is not a reformed church within 50 miles of me. ", "I can't think of a SBC church in my county that is reformed. ", "Of course, the two Presbyterian churches are reformed.", "\nA SBC church in the neighboring county has a reformed pastor, but he's in the closet. ", "I know because we are good friends.", "\n\nClick to expand...\n\nI am not denying that Reformed Baptist Churches are a minority. ", "They are and are likely to remain that way. ", "My point is that they are growing. ", "There are also Sovereign Grace Baptists, Founders Movement churches, Acts 29 Network churches...I can go on. ", "The OP focused on why Reformed churches are dying, using the CRC denomination as an example. ", "While the Dutch Reformed denomination is in poor shape, it is not representative of all Reformed churches.", "\n\nAnd one more thing. ", "Monergism does not automatically equal \"Reformed\". ", "There are some Presbyterians that almost lose their sanctification at the idea Baptists can be Reformed. ", "To them Reformed and paedobaptism are inexorably linked. ", "Reformed (in the Baptist sense) includes confessionalism and a conservative view of the Lord's day.", "\n\nSite Supporter\n\nYou need to factor in population shifts.", "\nMany people are leaving the Rust Belt, Midwest, and Northeast seeking employment, retiring, etc.", "\nSome denominations are centered mainly in these shrinking states (Michigan and Iowa in the case of the Christian Reformed Church).", "\nSimilar for microdenominations, which have no churches at all in many states, and just one or a few in the rest; they lose people when they migrate.", "\n\nIs it the Calvinist doctrine the problem that is causing members to leave?", "\n\nClick to expand...\n\nIt has happened over disagreement in interpreting a couple of words in a Confession.", "\nOne microdenomination (Reformed's second suggested link) dropped from eighty to sixty churches in a single year over such an issue: whether \"an emotional change in God of any kind would necessarily entail a change in the essence and existence of God.\"", "\n\nSite Supporter\n\nThe Christian Reformed denomination also happens to be one of the more liberal of such in the USA, comparable in many respects to the United Church of Christ. ", "It is apples and oranges when comparing them to various other \"Reformed\" churches." ]
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nThe ability of most organisms to survive relies on their capability to rapidly trigger a coordinated systemic response upon nutrient or environmental stresses. ", "In eukaryotes, such a stress response involves the inhibition of global protein synthesis, with a concomitant reprogramming of gene expression, which allow cells to conserve resources, maintain cellular homeostasis, and effectively deal with stress (Spriggs *et al*., [", "@b35]). ", "Inhibition of protein synthesis is attained through phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of the translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2α) by specific protein kinases, each activated by different stress signals (Wek *et al*., [", "@b43]). ", "General control nonderepressible 2 is the only eIF2α kinase conserved from yeast to mammals that regulates amino acid transport and metabolism in response to nutrient depletion (Hinnebusch, [@b13]). ", "GCN2 can also be activated by other stresses, such as UV irradiation, and has been shown to regulate many other vital cellular processes in mammals, such as lipid metabolism, oxidative stress resistance, feeding behavior, NF-kB signaling upon UV radiation, synaptic plasticity, and memory (Harding *et al*., [", "@b11]; Costa-Mattioli *et al*., [", "@b7]).", "\n\nPhosphorylation of eIF2α under stress results in inhibition of global protein synthesis, which is accompanied by favored translation of specific mRNAs that adapt the organism to stress. ", "These mRNAs include potent transcription factors such as GCN4 in yeast (Natarajan *et al*., [", "@b25]) and ATF4 in mammals (Harding *et al*., [", "@b11]). ", "The proposed model for the translation of these mRNAs, under amino acid limitation, involves the upstream open reading frames (uORFs) that are located in their 5′-UTR (Tzamarias & Thireos, [@b39]; Vattem & Wek, [@b41]). ", "These uORFs are preferentially translated in the nonstressed condition, leading to synthesis of incorrect peptides and precluding translation of the authentic gene initiation site (Hinnebusch, [@b13]). ", "Under stress, the inhibitory effect of eIF2α phosphorylation to the levels of the active ternary complex increases the probability that ribosomal scanning will bypass the uORFs, and translation re-initiation will occur at the canonical *gcn4* or *atf4* initiation site.", "\n\nThe mechanisms of translational and transcriptional reprogramming under stress have emerged as important mediators of lifespan extension and stress resistance in *Caenorhabditis elegans* (Curran & Ruvkun, [@b8]; Hansen *et al*., [", "@b9]; Syntichaki *et al*., [", "@b38]; Rogers *et al*., [", "@b33]). ", "Consistent with this, aging in many organisms is modulated by conserved signaling pathways that affect numerous cellular processes, involving regulation of translation. ", "One such pathway is that of the target of rapamycin (TOR) kinase, which responds to hormonal, nutrient, and environmental stress signals to regulate growth, differentiation, and metabolism of eukaryotes (Cornu *et al*., [", "@b6]). ", "The TOR pathway has been identified as a mediator of DR-induced longevity in yeast, worms, flies, and mice (Kapahi *et al*., [", "@b18]), whereas differential expression of TOR signaling has been recently associated with advancing age in human populations (Harries *et al*., [", "@b12]; Passtoors *et al*., [", "@b30]). ", "The downstream targets of TOR signaling involve mRNA translation, ribosome synthesis, transcription, stress response, metabolism, and autophagy. ", "All these cellular processes have been linked to the longevity effects of TOR disruption in multiple species.", "\n\nDespite the well-established link between nutrient limitation and lifespan in many eukaryotes, the interplay between the two major nutrient-sensing pathways, GCN2 and TOR, in longevity still remains unclear. ", "Reduced availability of nutrients such as nitrogen, carbon, or amino acids inhibits TOR and induces autophagy in yeast and mammals (Jung *et al*., [", "@b15]). ", "Also in mice, the impaired amino acid uptake in intestinal cells leads to increased phosphorylation of eIF2α, suggesting activation of the GCN2 pathway and reduced TOR signaling (Broer *et al*., [", "@b4]). ", "Rapamycin (a TOR-specific inhibitor) has been shown to derepress translation of yeast GCN4 through activation of GCN2 (Cherkasova & Hinnebusch, [@b5]; Kubota *et al*., [", "@b19]). ", "Genetic evidence in yeast suggests that DR, TOR inhibition or depletion of the 60S ribosomal subunits mediate replicative lifespan partially through the activation of the GCN4 transcription factor (Steffen *et al*., [", "@b36]). ", "Recently, a role of GCN2 in the aging process was suggested in mice, where the absence of GCN2 affects macronutrient selection changes during aging (Maurin *et al*., [", "@b23]). ", "Herein, we have established the conserved function of the GCN-2 kinase in *C. elegans* under amino acid limitation, and we showed that loss of GCN-2 activity is not required for normal lifespan, but affects the lifespan of nutrient-sensitized worms. ", "We revealed that GCN-2 signaling positively regulates the induction of PHA-4/FoxA transcription factor under nutrient or oxidative stress, as part of the adaptive response that ensures stress survival and longevity.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nA GCN-2-dependent phosphorylation of eIF2α under amino acid limitation\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn *C. elegans*, the sole homolog of yeast/mammalian GCN2 is encoded by the gene Y81G3A.3 (*gcn-2*) and phosphorylates the eIF2α subunit at the putative phosphorylation site Ser49 (Nukazuka *et al*., [", "@b26]). ", "Lately, it was shown that GCN-2 is required for the induced phospho-eIF2α levels during mitochondrial or osmotic stress (Baker *et al*., [", "@b3]; Lee & Strange, [@b22]), but its function during nutrient deprivation or other stresses has not been established. ", "The predicted GCN-2 protein of 1696 amino acids shares 24.2% identity (40.7% similarity) with human HsGCN2 and 21% identity (35.3% similarity) with yeast ScGCN2 (EMBOSS Align-EMBL/EBI), having all the functional domains that characterize the kinase across species (Fig. [", "1A](#fig01){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "To investigate the function of GCN-2, we used the existing *gcn-2* mutants (*ok871* and *ok886*), both of which have an in-frame deletion (Wormbase WS230), lacking part of the internal coding sequence (Fig. [", "1A](#fig01){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In both *gcn-2* alleles, we detected a truncated mRNA transcript (lanes 1 and 2 in Fig. [", "1B](#fig01){ref-type=\"fig\"}, left pane) expressed at the same levels as the wild-type (N2) transcript (Fig. [", "1B](#fig01){ref-type=\"fig\"}, right pane). ", "By measuring the basal levels of eIF2α phosphorylation in whole protein extracts of N2 worms subjected to *gcn-2(RNAi)* (lane 2 in Fig. [", "1C](#fig01){ref-type=\"fig\"}) or of each *gcn-2* mutant (lanes 3--4 in Fig. [", "1C](#fig01){ref-type=\"fig\"}), compared to untreated animals (lane 1 in Fig. [", "1C](#fig01){ref-type=\"fig\"}), we verified that both *ok871* and *ok886* are loss-of-function alleles of *gcn-2*.", "\n\n![", "Conservation in gene structure and function of *Caenorhabditis elegans* *gcn-2*. (", "A) Gene structure and predicted protein domains of GCN-2, designed using the Prosite MyDomains (<http://prosite.expasy.org/mydomains/>): Black boxes represent exons linked by lines corresponding to introns, and white boxes indicate the 5′ and 3′ UTR found in a second alternative isoform (<http://www.wormbase.org>). ", "The graphic was created using the Exon-Intron Graphic Maker (<http://wormweb.org/exonintron>). ", "Branches point to the sequences deleted in the two alleles *ok871* and *ok886*. ", "Black arrowheads indicate the position of primers used in this study (Table [S2](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). (", "B) Reverse transcription (RT)--PCR analysis with primers G1/G2 (shown in A pane) and qRT-PCR analysis with primers G4/G5 (shown in A pane). (", "C) Western blot analysis showing the levels of phosphorylated (P-eIF2α) normalized by the total amount of eIF2α, in whole worm extracts. ", "Basal levels of P-eIF2α under well-fed conditions in untreated or *gcn-2(RNAi)*-treated N2 and *gcn-2* mutants (left pane). ", "Induced levels of P-eIF2α under amino acid limitation in *krs-1(RNAi)* treated worms (right pane).](acel0012-0742-f1){#fig01}\n\nTo determine whether worm GCN-2 kinase responds to amino acid limitation, we raised worms on plates seeded with bacteria expressing dsRNA against *krs-1* gene, the worm lysil-tRNA synthetase. ", "Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARSs) catalyze the ligation of specific amino acids to their cognate tRNAs and are important for cellular protein synthesis. ", "Changes in the levels of AARSs affect the levels of uncharged tRNAs, and this consists the major signal for GCN2 activation and eIF2α phosphorylation in other organisms. ", "We found that worms grown on bacteria expressing dsRNA for *krs-1* either arrested in early larval stages or became adults with low brood size (∼20% of the normal), depending on the starting time of RNAi treatment (eggs or L3--L4 stage, respectively). ", "In such *krs-1(RNAi)*-fed adults, we monitored an increase (∼50%) of the phospho-eIF2α levels (lane 6 in Fig. [", "1C](#fig01){ref-type=\"fig\"}), compared to untreated control animals (lane 5 in Fig. [", "1C](#fig01){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "We observed the same level of induction using RNAi for *lrs-1*, encoding a leucyl-tRNA synthetase (lanes 1--2 in Fig. [", "S1](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Moreover, this increase depends on GCN-2 activity (lanes 7--8 in Fig. [", "1C](#fig01){ref-type=\"fig\"} and lanes 3--4 in Fig. [", "S1](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "All these are consistent with the conserved role of worm GCN-2 as an eIF2α kinase under amino acid limitation conditions.", "\n\nFavored translation of *atf-5* during amino acid limitation\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\nPhosphorylation of eIF2α in yeast and mammals has two consequences: inhibition of global protein synthesis and induction of specific mRNA translation. ", "In *C. elegans,* it has been shown that knockdown of several genes encoding AARSs reduces \\[^35^S\\]methionine incorporation and protein synthesis rate (Anderson *et al*., [", "@b1]), in agreement with the increased phospho-eIF2α levels shown in Fig. [", "1C](#fig01){ref-type=\"fig\"} (compare lanes 5 and 6). ", "Therefore, we tested whether phosphorylation of eIF2α under amino acid deprivation could also induce translation of specific mRNAs. ", "The worm homolog of yeast GCN4 and the related mammalian ATF4 transcription factor is encoded by the *atf-5* (T04C10.4) gene, bearing two upstream ORFs (Fig. [", "2A](#fig02){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "To evaluate the role of uORFs in *atf-5* mRNA translation, we created transgenic animals carrying either the intact *atf-5* gene including the two uORFs (BRF140) or the *atf-5* coding sequence lacking both uORFs (BRF152). ", "In both cases, the transgenes were fused at C′-terminus with *gfp,* and their expression was driven by the *atf-5* promoter. ", "BRF140 worms showed only a weak fluorescent signal with *atf-5::gfp* expression in the nucleus of few cells, varying between individuals (Fig. [", "2B](#fig02){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In contrast, BRF152 worms displayed a bright GFP signal in the nucleus of all cells (Fig. [", "2B](#fig02){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "As the expression levels of *atf-5* mRNA are increased ∼10-fold in BRF140 and ∼twofold in BRF152 young adults, compared to endogenous mRNA (Fig. [", "2B](#fig02){ref-type=\"fig\"}), it becomes evident that the presence of the uORFs in the 5′ leader of *atf-5*mRNA is inhibitory for its translation.", "\n\n![", "Translational control of *atf-5* gene expression. (", "A) Schema of uORFs within the *atf-5* 5′-UTR. ", "The amino acid length of the predicted translated uORF and the coding sequence of *atf-5* gene are shown. (", "B) Confocal and bright field images of 1-day-old transgenic worms expressing the translational fusion of the intact *atf-5* (left box) or the uORF-less *atf-5* transgene (right box) under normal feeding conditions. ", "A larger magnification of the area in the red box is shown on the top left. ", "White arrows indicate fluorescent nuclei, and white arrowheads show regions of autofluorescence. ", "All images were taken at 20× magnification under the same microscopy settings (scale bar: 50 μm). ", "The levels of *atf-5* mRNA in N2, BRF140, and BRF152 worms, normalized to *ama-1(mRNA)*, were quantified using qRT--PCR.](acel0012-0742-f2){#fig02}\n\nThe inhibitory effect of uORFs in the translation of the intact *atf-5* mRNA was also greatly ameliorated in response to amino acid limitation, as this was recapitulated through RNAi-mediated silencing of AARSs genes. ", "Transgenic BRF140 worms subjected to *krs-1(RNAi)* showed enhanced fluorescent signal in neurons, hypodermis, muscles, and intestine (Fig. [", "3](#fig03){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The fluorescence intensity in the few L3-arrested progeny (F1) of the RNAi-treated animals (P0) almost attained the brightness of BRF152 worms. ", "This enhancement was dependent on GCN-2 function as we showed by expressing the same intact *atf-5* transgene in the *gcn-2(ok871)* background (BRF144 in Fig. [", "3](#fig03){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Only the basal signal in varying cells and the autofluorescence of the intestine were observed. ", "Similar results (Fig. [", "S2](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) were obtained by inactivating an arginyl-tRNA synthetase (*rrt-1*) gene. ", "The *gcn-2*-dependent induction of *atf-5::gfp* mirrored the *gcn-2*-dependent phosphorylation of eIF2α upon amino acid limitation. ", "Consequently, direct inactivation of eIF2α by RNAi, instead of phosphorylation, bypasses the requirement for *gcn-2* resulting in upregulation of *atf-5::gfp* transgene in both N2 and *gcn-2* worms (Fig. [", "S2](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "We also observed a *gcn-2*-independent induction of *atf-5::gfp* transgene after treatment of worms with a potent inducer of ER stress, tunicamycin (Fig. [", "S2](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Thus, the two uORFs direct the translational activation of the *C. elegans atf-5* gene under nutrient or other stresses, in agreement with the yeast *gcn4* and mammalian *atf4* homologs.", "\n\n![", "General control nonderepressible-2-dependent translational control of *atf-5* under amino acid limitation. ", "Confocal images of N2 or *gcn-2(ok871)* worms, both carrying a translational fusion of *atf-5::gfp*, fed Control or *krs-1(RNAi)* expressing bacteria. ", "The images show 1-day adults fed with each RNAi from eggs (P0) or their L3-arrested progeny (F1) in *krs-1(RNAi)* worms. ", "White arrows indicate fluorescent nuclei; white arrowheads show regions of autofluorescence. ", "All images were taken at 20× magnification under the same microscopy settings (scale bar: 50 μm).](acel0012-0742-f3){#fig03}\n\nGeneral control nonderepressible-2 signaling influences the longevity of nutrient-sensitized worms\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe conservation of GCN-2 signaling as a nutrient-sensing pathway in *C. elegans* offers the opportunity to address its impact in the aging process, which is strongly affected by the nutrient status of the organism. ", "We performed phenotypic and lifespan analysis in both *gcn-2* (*ok871* and *ok886*) worms as well as in the *atf-5(ok576)* null mutant (Wormbase WS230). ", "All three mutants behaved indistinguishably from N2 strain under normal conditions in growth, development, movement, fecundity (Fig. [", "S3A](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}), and lifespan (Fig. [", "4A](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"} and Table [1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Similarly, postdevelopmental RNAi of *gcn-2* or *atf-5* had no significant effect on the lifespan of N2 worms (Fig. [", "4B](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"} and Table [2](#tbl2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "As GCN2 is activated under amino acid limitation, we monitored the lifespan of N2 and *gcn-2* mutants subjected to *rrt-1(RNAi)* or *krs-1(RNAi),* during adulthood only. ", "In all cases, knockdown of either tRNA synthetase gene remarkably shortened lifespan of worms (Fig. [", "S4A](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} and 1 m[m]{.smallcaps} isopropylb-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) in Table [2](#tbl2){ref-type=\"table\"}; Table [S3](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "However, when we applied weaker RNAi conditions to partially inactivate *rrt-1* or *krs-1* gene, we revealed significantly increased sensitivity of both *gcn-2* mutants, compared to N2 (Fig. [", "S4B](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} and 0.25 m[m]{.smallcaps} IPTG in Table [2](#tbl2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Worms deficient in GCN-2 kinase activity had a mean lifespan ∼10--15% shorter than the mean lifespan of wild-type. ", "Surprisingly, *atf-5* mutants were not more sensitive than N2 worms under these conditions (Table [S3](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).", "\n\n![", "Loss of GCN-2 function affects lifespan only under nutrient stress. ", "Survival curves of (A) N2, *gcn-2,* and *atf-5* mutants fed OP50 bacteria (B) N2 worms treated with *gcn-2(RNAi)* or *atf-5(RNAi)* from L4s (C) *eat-2(ad465)* and *eat-2(ad465);gcn-2(ok871)* fed OP50 bacteria (D) N2 and *gcn-2(ok871)* treated with *let-363(RNAi)* from their first day of adulthood (E) N2 and *gcn-2(ok871)* treated with *rsks-1(RNAi)* from L4s (F) N2 and *ife-2(ok306)* treated with *gcn-2(RNAi)* from L4s.](acel0012-0742-f4){#fig04}\n\n###### \n\nLifespan experiments in OP-50 plates[\\*](#tf1-1){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n\n Strain Treatment Median/Max lifespan (days)[†](#tf1-2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} Mean lifespan ± SEM (days)[‡](#tf1-3){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} Number (T/C)[§](#tf1-4){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} *P*-value against N2[¶](#tf1-5){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} *P*-value against specific strain[\\*\\*](#tf1-6){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n ----------------------------------- -------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n Fig. [", "4A](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"} N2 20 °C 21/30.5 21.33 ± 0.33 99/6 \n *gcn-2(ok871)* ≫ 21/29.4 20.67 ± 0.33 80/6 0.4864 \n *gcn-2(ok886)* ≫ 20/30 19.33 ± 0.67 88/3 0.7357 \n *atf-5(ok576)* ≫ 20/27.7 19.67 ± 0.33 98/3 0.0347 \n Fig. [", "4C](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"} N2 20 °C 19/31 19.4 ± 0.55 110/2 \n *eat-2(ad465)* ≫ 23/35.6 23.25 ± 0.25 160/17 0.0001 \n *eat-2(ad465);gcn-2(ok871)* ≫ 20/31.4 20.5 ± 0.87 145/14 0.4172 0.0009 \n\nData from representative experiments are shown. ", "Data from independent repeats of each longevity assay are shown in Table [S3](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} (Supporting information).", "\n\nMax lifespan is the mean of the last 10% surviving worms.", "\n\nMean lifespan and standard error of the mean (SEM) of 2--4 plates.", "\n\nTotal number (T) of dead and censored (C) worms/censored (C).", "\n\n*P*-value from log-rank test comparing a mutant strain to N2 wild-type strain (\\<0.05 is considered statistically significant).", "\n\n*P*-value from log-rank test comparing a double mutant to a specific single mutant, for example *eat-2;gcn-2* vs. *eat-2* etc.", "\n\n###### \n\nLifespan experiments in RNAi plates[\\*](#tf2-2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n\n Strain/RNAi Treatment/ IPTG[†](#tf2-3){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} Median/Max lifespan (days)[‡](#tf2-4){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} Mean lifespan ± SEM (days)[§](#tf2-5){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} Number (T/C)[¶](#tf2-6){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} *P*-value against control[\\*\\*](#tf2-7){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} *P*-value against specific control[††](#tf2-8){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n ------------------------------------------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------\n Fig. [", "4B](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"} N2/Control 20 °C/1 m[m]{.smallcaps} 21/30 20.83 ± 0.44 83/3 \n N2/gcn-2(RNAi) ≫ 21/31.3 20.67 ± 0.33 88/3 0.6489 \n N2/atf-5(RNAi) ≫ 20/29 19.5 ± 0.29 70/5 0.5680 \n Fig. [", "S4 A](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} N2/Control 20 °C/1 m[m]{.smallcaps} 21/30.1 21 ± 0.58 124/5 \n N2/rrt-1(RNAi) ≫ 10/16.1 10 ± 0.58 119/10 \\<0.0001 \n N2/krs-1(RNAi) ≫ 8/11.5 7.83 ± 0.16 124/6 \\<0.0001 \n Fig. [", "S4 A](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} N2/Control 20 °C/1 m[m]{.smallcaps} 22/30.4 22 ± 1 118/9 \n N2/rrt-1(RNAi) ≫ 13/20.6 13 ± 0.57 125/1 \\<0.0001 \n *gcn-2(ok871)*/Control ≫ 21/30.4 22.17 ± 1.69 117/5 0.0978 \n *gcn-2(ok871)*/rrt-1(RNAi) ≫ 13/19.1 12.67 ± 0.67 108/6 \\<0.0001 0.4078 \n Fig. [", "S4 B](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} N2/Control 20 °C/0.25 m[m]{.smallcaps} 22/30.6 22.50 ± 0.29 80/5 \n N2/rrt-1(RNAi) ≫ 19/28.3 18.83 ± 0.44 140/5 \\<0.0001 \n *gcn-2(ok871)*/Control ≫ 22/30.7 21.67 ± 0.67 76/8 0.6962 \n *gcn-2(ok871)*/rrt-1(RNAi) ≫ 16/27.2 16.33 ± 0.33 138/2 \\<0.0001 \\<0.0001 \n Fig. [", "S4 B](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} N2/Control 20 °C/0.25 m[m]{.smallcaps} 20/28.6 19.67 ± 0.67 91/5 \n N2/rrt-1(RNAi) ≫ 17/25.8 16.33 ± 0.33 185/8 \\<0.0001 \n *gcn-2(ok880)*/Control ≫ 19/26 18.67 ± 0.33 92/2 0.1081 \n *gcn-2(ok880)*/rrt-1(RNAi) ≫ 15/22.9 14.83 ± 0.16 177/6 \\<0.0001 \\<0.0001 \n Fig. [", "S4 B](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} N2/Control 20 °C/0.25 m[m]{.smallcaps} 21/28.6 21.33 ± 0.67 82/12 \n N2/krs-1(RNAi) ≫ 12/14.4 12 ± 0.0 96/9 \\<0.0001 \n *gcn-2(ok871)*/Control ≫ 22/27.9 22 ± 1 83/13 0.9383 \n *gcn-2(ok871)*/krs-1(RNAi) ≫ 11/12.3 11 ± 0.0 79/9 \\<0.0001 \\<0.0001 \n Fig. [", "4D](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"} N2/Control 20 °C/0.25 m[m]{.smallcaps} 22/31.7 21.5 ± 0.5 66/2 \n N2/*let-363(RNAi)* ≫ 30/39 29.63 ± 1.14 120/3 \\<0.0001 \n *gcn-2(ok871)*/Control ≫ 21/31.2 21.25 ± 0.75 69/2 0.2995 \n *gcn-2(ok871)*/*let-363(RNAi)* ≫ 24/34.4 24 ± 1.08 113/4 0.0279 \n *atf-5(ok576)*/Control ≫ 21/30.4 21.5 ± 0.5 97/1 0.0456 \n *atf-5(ok576)*/*let-363(RNAi)* ≫ 27/35.3 27.13 ± 0.77 111/3 \\<0.0001 \n Fig. [", "4F](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"} N2/Control 20 °C/1 m[m]{.smallcaps} 21/29.2 21 ± 0.58 119/2 \n *ife-2(ok306)*/Control ≫ 23/32.4 23 ± 0.41 133/7 0.0002 \n *ife-2(ok306)*/*gcn-2(RNAi)* ≫ 23/31.5 23.25 ± 0.25 124/5 0.1072 \n *ife-2(ok306)*/*atf-5(RNAi)* ≫ 23/30.3 22.83 ± 0.44 123/4 0.1696 \n Fig. [", "4E](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"} N2/Control 20 °C/1 m[m]{.smallcaps} 20/30 19.75 ± 0.48 112/12 \n N2/*rsks-1(RNAi)* ≫ 23/34.1 23.25 ± 0.75 135/5 \\<0.0001 \n *gcn-2(ok871)*/Control ≫ 22/30.8 21.88 ± 0.87 131/18 0.1485 \n *gcn-2(ok871)*/*rsks-1(RNAi)* ≫ 22/30.2 22.13 ± 0.72 130/8 0.6481 \n *atf-5(ok576)*/Control ≫ 19/28 19 ± 0.41 101/15 0.0495 \n *atf-5(ok576)*/*rsks-1(RNAi)* ≫ 20/30.7 20.75 ± 0.75 134/18 0.0162 \n\nIPTG, isopropylb-D-thiogalactopyranoside.", "\n\nData from representative experiments are shown. ", "Data from independent repeats of each longevity assay are shown in Table [S3](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} (Supporting information).", "\n\nIPTG final concentration in bacterial cultures.", "\n\nMax lifespan is the mean of the last 10% surviving worms.", "\n\nMean lifespan and standard error of the mean (SEM) of 2--4 plates.", "\n\nTotal number (T) of dead and censored (C) worms/censored (C).", "\n\n*P*-value from log-rank test comparing a RNAi-treated strain to isogenic Control strain. *", "P* \\< 0.05 is considered statistically significant.", "\n\n*P*-value from log-rank test comparing a mutant strain to the equal treated N2 population, for example *gcn-2/Control* vs. N2*/Control or gcn-2/RNAi* vs. N2*/RNAi*.", "\n\nDietary restriction slows aging across animal species and, in *C. elegans*, a well-studied feeding defective mutant that has decreased food uptake and increased lifespan is the *eat-2(ad465)* (Avery, [@b2]; Lakowski & Hekimi, [@b20]). ", "We examined the effect of *gcn-2* deletion in the lifespan of *eat-2* worms by creating the double mutant *eat-2(ad465);gcn-2(ok871)*. ", "Loss of GCN-2 activity suppressed the longevity of *eat-2* worms, making them live as wild-type (Fig. [", "4C](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"} and Table [1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "This is not due to higher pumping rate of *eat-2;gcn-2*, compared to *eat-2* (data not shown) and *eat-2;gcn-2* worms had similar reduced fecundity as *eat-2* worms (Fig. [", "S3B](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "In addition, the double mutant exhibited a further delay in development than the single *eat-2* mutant (at 90 h posthatching, ∼30% of *eat-2;gcn-2* animals became adults vs. ∼90% in *eat-2* population), suggesting that *gcn-2* activity is required for both normal growth and longevity of *eat-2* worms.", "\n\nSeveral studies in diverse species have linked the DR effect on longevity with the inhibition of the TOR kinase pathway (Kapahi *et al*., [", "@b17]; Kaeberlein *et al*., [", "@b16]; Hansen *et al*., [", "@b10]). ", "We examined whether loss of GCN-2 signaling affects the long life of worms with reduced TOR (LET-363) kinase activity. ", "By subjecting N2, *gcn-2,* and *atf-5* worms in *let-363(RNAi)* from their first day of adulthood, we observed that TOR inhibition failed to increase lifespan in *gcn-2* mutants (Fig. [", "4D](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"} and Table [2](#tbl2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "We verified by quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT--PCR) that *gcn-2* mutants were responsive to feeding RNAi at the same level as N2 (Fig. [", "S5](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Two downstream effectors of the TOR pathway are the *rsks-1/*S6 kinase and *ife-2/*eIF4E translation initiation factor, which when inactivated extends worm's lifespan (Hansen *et al*., [", "@b9]; Pan *et al*., [", "@b27]; Syntichaki *et al*., [", "@b38]). ", "We found that inactivation of *rsks-1* failed to increase the lifespan in *gcn-2* mutants (Fig. [", "4E](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"} and Table [2](#tbl2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "However, inactivation of *gcn-2* gene in *ife-2(ok306)* worms did not alter their long life (Fig. [", "4F](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"} and Table [2](#tbl2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Finally, loss of *atf-5* did not alter the longevity induced by inactivation of TOR and its effectors (Table [2](#tbl2){ref-type=\"table\"}), suggesting that loss of ATF-5, in contrast to GCN-2, is not sufficient to alter lifespan of nutrient-sensitized worms.", "\n\nGeneral control nonderepressible-2 regulates the activation of PHA-4 in response to TOR disruption\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn *C. elegans*, the transcription factor PHA-4/FoxA is selectively required for lifespan extension by DR or reduced TOR signaling (Panowski *et al*., [", "@b29]; Steffen *et al*., [", "@b36]). ", "It was also shown that inactivation of *let-363* and *rsks-1*, but not *ife-2*, promotes PHA-4 activity to increase lifespan, indicating that the TOR and *rsks-1*/S6K signaling antagonizes PHA-4 (Steffen *et al*., [", "@b36]). ", "The expression levels of *pha-4* are increased in TOR-deficient and *eat-2(ad1116)* animals (Panowski *et al*., [", "@b29]; Lapierre *et al*., [", "@b21]). ", "We observed similar transcriptional induction of *pha-4* in *eat-2(ad465)*, N2/*let-363(RNAi),* and N2/*rrt-1(RNAi*) worms, but this induction was impaired in the absence of GCN-2, at least for the RNAi-treated animals (Fig. [", "5A](#fig05){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Thus, GCN-2 signaling positively regulates *pha-4* transcript levels in response to reduced TOR pathway.", "\n\n![", "General control nonderepressible-2 influences the induction of *pha-4* and its downstream targets in response to TOR inactivation. ", "qRT--PCR of *pha-4(mRNA)* in (A) 1-day adults of N2 and *gcn-2(ok871)* treated with *let-363(RNAi)* from L3 stage; N2, *eat-2,* and *eat-2;gcn-2* young adults raised on OP-50 bacteria at 20 °C; and in the F1 progenies (L2--L3 stage) of N2 and *gcn-2(ok871)* treated with *rrt-1(RNAi*) (B) qRT--PCR of *sod-1*, *sod-2*, *sod-3*, *sod-4*, *mtl-1,* and *lgg-1* on 1-day adults of N2 and *gcn-2(ok871)* treated with *let-363(RNAi)* from L3 stage. ", "Quantification of each mRNA level, relative to *ama-1* mRNA and the mean ± SD of biological triplicates are shown. ", "The asterisks represent statistical significant difference from N2/Control or *gcn-2*/Control (\\**P* \\< 0.05, \\*\\* *P* \\< 0.01, \\*\\*\\**P* \\< 0.001 in unpaired *t*-test).](acel0012-0742-f5){#fig05}\n\nIt has been suggested that increased expression of *pha-4* during DR or TOR inhibition facilitates its binding to DR-specific genes, in an analogous manner to its expression and binding specificity during embryogenesis (Panowski *et al*., [", "@b29]). ", "Such PHA-4 targets are genes mostly involved in metabolic processes and defense responses (Panowski *et al*., [", "@b29]; Zhong *et al*., [", "@b44]). ", "The superoxide dismutase (*sod*) gene family, responsible for scavenging ROS, includes members that are differentially regulated by PHA-4 and DAF-16/FoxO transcription factors in response to DR or reduced insulin/IGF-1 signaling (ISS), respectively. ", "PHA-4 regulates the expression of *sod-1*, *sod-2*, *sod-4,* and *sod-5*, but not *sod-3*, in *eat-2* mutants, while DAF-16 regulates the expression of *sod-1*, *sod-3,* and *sod-5* in ISS mutants (Panowski *et al*., [", "@b29]). ", "By measuring the mRNA levels of *sod* genes in *let-363(RNAi)*-fed worms, we found a clear induction of PHA-4-regulated *sod-1*, *sod-2,* and *sod-4* (*sod-5* was not tested) (Fig. [", "5B](#fig05){ref-type=\"fig\"}), similarly to *eat-2* mutants. ", "Moreover, this induction was GCN-2-dependent (Fig. [", "5B](#fig05){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Curiously, we observed an induction of DAF-16-regulated *sod-3* in *let-363(RNAi)*-fed worms, which was totally GCN-2-independent (Fig. [", "5B](#fig05){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Although TOR disruption extends lifespan independently of DAF-16, the induction of *sod-3* in TOR-deficient worms might be due to reduced ISS and activation of DAF-16 or alternatively, a mild stress response to elevated mitochondrial ROS under these conditions (Ristow & Zarse, [@b32]). ", "Evidence against the first hypothesis comes from the lower induction of *sod-3* here than in response to lower ISS and that the expression of another DAF-16 target, *hsp-16.2*, did not change in *let-363(RNAi)*-treated worms (data not shown).", "\n\nWe also tested the expression of *mtl-1* gene, encoding for a metallothionein involved in detoxification/stress adaptation. ", "This is a DAF-16 target under reduced ISS, but is a candidate PHA-4 target in starved L1s (Zhong *et al*., [", "@b44]). ", "We observed an upregulation of *mtl-1* transcript in *let-363(RNAi)*-treated animals, which was partially GCN-2-dependent (Fig. [", "5B](#fig05){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "PHA-4 is also directly involved in the induction of autophagy-related genes, and autophagy is required for lifespan extension in response to DR and TOR disruption (Jia & Levine, [@b14]; Hansen *et al*., [", "@b10]; Zhong *et al*., [", "@b44]; Lapierre *et al*., [", "@b21]). ", "Again, we measured less induction of the autophagic gene *lgg-1* in *let-363(RNAi)*-fed worms when GCN-2 activity was missing, compared to controls (Fig. [", "5B](#fig05){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Similarly, the induction of *mtl-1* and *lgg-1* was diminished in *eat-2;gcn-2* compared to *eat-2* worms (Fig. [", "S6](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Taken together, loss of GCN-2 impairs the induction of *pha-4* and specific downstream targets, under conditions of DR or TOR inactivation.", "\n\nGeneral control nonderepressible-2 signaling has a protective role against a multitude of stresses\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nInactivation of various components of the TOR pathway in yeast and *C. elegans* (Powers *et al*., [", "@b31]; Hansen *et al*., [", "@b9]; Pan *et al*., [", "@b27]; Syntichaki *et al*., [", "@b38]) leads to increased stress resistance, but the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. ", "The transcriptional activity of PHA-4 under DR or reduced TOR should be part of an adaptive mechanism of cells to cope with environmental stresses and live longer. ", "Based on our findings that GCN-2 activity positively regulates expression of PHA-4 and some of its targets, which are genes involved in stress defense, we assessed sensitivity of TOR-deficient worms to oxidative stress, in the presence or absence of GCN-2. ", "Whereas *let-363(RNAi)*-treated animals were more resistant to sodium arsenite than untreated controls, the deletion of *gcn-2* partially suppressed this resistance (Fig. [", "6A](#fig06){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Likewise, *eat-2* worms were more resistant to sodium arsenite than the *eat-2;gcn-2* (Fig. [", "6B](#fig06){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "We also observed that knockdown of *pha-4* decreased the percentage of N2 that survived this stress but had smaller effect on *gcn-2* worms, which were more sensitive than N2 (Fig. [", "6C](#fig06){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "As our data suggest that oxidative stress can induce *pha-4* in a GCN-2-dependent manner, we confirmed this by quantification of the fluorescent signal of *a pha-4* promoter-driven GFP reporter in N2 and *gcn-2(RNAi)* worms, under sodium arsenite (Figs [6D](#fig06){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [S7](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "This was also verified by measuring the mRNA levels of the endogenous *pha-4* gene in N2 and *gcn-2*, treated with sodium arsenite (Fig. [", "6E](#fig06){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Finally, we observed increased sensitivity of *gcn-2* worms after heat shock or UV irradiation, compared to N2 (Fig. [", "S8](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Combined these results suggest a broad role of GCN-2 on stress response and survival, through its function on translation regulation and/or transcriptional induction of specific programs that adapt cells to each stress (Fig. [", "6F](#fig06){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "GCN-2 affects *pha-4* induction and survival of TOR-deficient and *eat-2* worms under oxidative stress. ", "Survival to sodium arsenite (SA) of 1-day adults of (A) N2 and *gcn-2(ok871)* fed with *let-363(RNAi)* from L3 stage (B) *eat-2(ad465)* and *eat-2(ad465);gcn-2(ok871)* (C) N2 and *gcn-2(ok871)* fed with *pha-4(RNAi)* from eggs (D) Quantification in arbitrary units (AU) of GFP signal in the intestine of 1-day adults expressing a membrane-bound GFP under the *pha-4* promoter, fed either Control or *gcn-2(RNAi)* expressing bacteria and treated or not with SA (15 m[m]{.smallcaps} for 3 h before observation). ", "Fluorescence intensity was measured from several confocal images using ImageJ. The total number (*n*) of areas counted and the mean ± SD are shown (E) qRT--PCR of *pha-4(mRNA)* in 1-day N2 or *gcn-2* worms treated or not with SA (15 m[m]{.smallcaps} for 1.5 h). ", "Quantification of each mRNA level, relative to *ama-1* mRNA, and the mean ± SD of biological triplicates are shown (\\**P* \\< 0.05, \\*\\**P* \\< 0.01, \\*\\*\\**P* \\< 0.001 in unpaired *t*-test) (F) A model illustrating the function of GCN-2 in response to nutrient and other stresses.](acel0012-0742-f6){#fig06}\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nAging is a complex biological process critically influenced by endogenous or exogenous signals that affect basic mechanisms and pathways, related to metabolism and stress response. ", "Reduced nutrient signals can effectively alter the lifespan in many organisms, and nutrient-sensing pathways have acquired central role in the longevity determination. ", "One such is the TOR kinase pathway that regulates both anabolic and catabolic processes, important for stress management and long-term survival. ", "Another nutrient-sensing pathway is that of GCN2 kinase, which phosphorylates eIF2α translation factor in response to nutrient or other stresses. ", "However, the impact of GCN2 function and its possible connection to TOR pathway in lifespan determination have not been investigated. *", "C. elegans* is a primary model organism for aging studies and has profoundly contributed to the determination of genetic and environmental factors that affect aging in organismal level.", "\n\nWe established the conserved role of *C. elegans* GCN-2 as an eIF2α kinase under nutrient stress and showed that the mRNA of *atf-5*, encoding a worm homolog of yeast GCN4 and mammalian ATF4 transcription factors, is under translational control by GCN-2. ", "In normal culture conditions, deletion of *gcn-2* was dispensable for growth, fertility, and lifespan of worms. ", "However, under amino acid limitation, loss of *gcn-2* shortened lifespan, supporting its function under nutrient deprivation. ", "Furthermore, *gcn-2* deletion decreased the long lifespan of nutrient-responsive worms, such as *eat-2* mutants, a genetic model of DR (Lakowski & Hekimi, [@b20]), or RNAi-treated worms for *let-363/*TOR, and its downstream target *rsks-1/*S6K. We have revealed a novel role of GCN-2 in modulating *pha-4/*FoxA expression under conditions of TOR inactivation or amino acid deprivation. ", "PHA-4/FoxA transcription factor is a master regulator of organ development, but is also required for survival of larvae under starvation and DR-induced longevity in adults (Hansen *et al*., [", "@b9]; Panowski *et al*., [", "@b29]; Sheaffer *et al*., [", "@b34]; Zhong *et al*., [", "@b44]). ", "Thousands of genes are candidate PHA-4 targets, with diverse roles in many biological processes and preferentially bound in specific conditions (Zhong *et al*., [", "@b44]).", "\n\nUnder DR, PHA-4 activity regulates the expression of many autophagy-related genes or certain *sod* genes, encoding superoxide dismutase isoforms (Morck & Pilon, [@b24]; Panowski *et al*., [", "@b29]; Hansen *et al*., [", "@b10]). ", "Here we showed that the induction of such stress-responsive genes in *let-363(RNAi)*-treated worms was dependent on GCN-2, consistent with the lower induction of *pha-4* in *gcn-2* mutants, relative to N2. ", "Accordingly, *gcn-2* deletion rendered wild-type, *eat-2,* or TOR-deficient worms more sensitive to sodium arsenite-induced oxidative stress, compared to the GCN-2 proficient animals. ", "Also *gcn-2* worms were more susceptible to other stresses, such as heat shock and UV irradiation. ", "Lately, it was shown that activation of GCN-2 signaling protects cells during mitochondrial and hypertonic stress (Baker *et al*., [", "@b3]; Lee & Strange, [@b22]). ", "A common cellular response to stress is the inhibition of global translation and induction of specific translational/transcriptional programs to maintain their intracellular homeostasis. ", "GCN-2 has a central role in this response and participates in stress management by activating key transcription factors, such as ATF4 and NF-kB in mammals (Wek *et al*., [", "@b43]). ", "This stress-induced reprogramming would also determine lifespan. ", "A role of the yeast GCN4 in the lifespan extension by mutations in TOR, S6K, and 60S subunits has been reported (Steffen *et al*., [", "@b36]). ", "Although GCN-2 increases *atf-5* synthesis under amino acid limitation, loss of *atf-5* did not recapitulate the effect of *gcn-2* deletion in stress survival and lifespan. ", "We speculate that ATF-5 has either more specific roles not related to the longevity mechanisms in worms or redundant function(s) with other transcription factors (e.g., PHA-4), so worms can compensate for its loss.", "\n\nOverall, we demonstrated the central role of worm GCN-2 in stress response and revealed that the PHA-4 transcription factor is part of the GCN-2 signaling in response to nutrient and oxidative stress. ", "Although longevity is not always linked to increased stress resistance and overexpression of antioxidants genes does not necessary lead to longevity, such an association could rely on specific genetic or environmental backgrounds. ", "Studies in yeast, worms, flies, and mice suggest that an induction of oxidative stress and mitochondrial respiration may be a mechanism of DR-induced longevity (Ristow & Zarse, [@b32]; Pan *et al*., [", "@b28]). ", "In *Drosophila*, SOD1 is required for lifespan extension by protein restriction only when sugar level is high (Sun *et al*., [", "@b37]). ", "Conversely, genetic data in *C. elegans* support that oxidative stress is uncoupled from aging, and deletions of individual or combinations of antioxidant genes did not reduce the lifespan of N2, *eat-2,* or ISS mutants (Van Raamsdonk & Hekimi, [@b40]). ", "This might be due to their small contribution on the whole adaptive response that determines longevity. ", "This adaptive response should involve a coordinated function of several genes and pathways, regulated by transcription factors with a broad cellular role.", "\n\nThe function of PHA-4 in promoting survival of L1 larvae under starvation is dictated by the expression of several targets, mostly related to stress defense and metabolic processes (Zhong *et al*., [", "@b44]). ", "It is likely that the function of PHA-4 in the modulation of adult lifespan extension under DR entails similar targets and cellular processes. ", "Increase in antioxidant defense and catabolic processes such as autophagy protect cells from the accumulation of damaged proteins or organelles. ", "On the other hand, metabolic alterations induced by mitochondrial function or regulators of fatty acid metabolism could significantly modulate longevity. ", "In yeast, activation of Rim15 kinase by nutrient depletion positively regulates the stress-responsive transcription factors Msn2/4 and Gis1 to protect cells and increase lifespan under DR and TOR inhibition (Powers *et al*., [", "@b31]; Wei *et al*., [", "@b42]). ", "This is accomplished through the induction of stress defense genes and by switching metabolism from respiration to glycolysis and glycerol synthesis, generating a DR-like environment that enhances stress survival and lifespan (Wei *et al*., [", "@b42]). ", "Our work provides the first genetic evidence that GCN-2 activity can influence the outcome of DR effect on lifespan by modulating the TOR/S6K signaling and its downstream transcription factor PHA-4. ", "GCN-2 signaling positively regulates the induction of PHA-4 under nutrient or oxidative stress, by a yet unidentified mechanism. ", "The next challenge will be to identify the downstream targets of TOR pathway that are controlled by GCN-2 and contribute to stress resistance and longevity.", "\n\nExperimental procedures\n=======================\n\n*Caenorhabditis elegans* strains and culture\n--------------------------------------------\n\nStandard methods of culturing and handling worms were used. ", "Worms were raised on NGM plates seeded with *E. coli* OP50 as food. ", "For tunicamycin treatments, L4 larvae were transferred on NGM plates with tunicamycin (5 μg/mL) for 24 h. See Table [S1](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} (Supporting information) for all strains used in this study. ", "Wild-type Bristol N2 and single mutant strains were provided by the Caenorhabditis Genetics Center (CGC, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA). ", "The *gcn-2(ok871)*, *gcn-2(ok886),* and *atf-5(ok576)* were outcrossed four times with the N2, and the relevant mutations were tracked in F2 progeny by PCR. ", "For genotyping the mutants, primers G1/G2 and G1/G3 (Table [S2](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) were used for both *gcn-2* alleles vs. N2, and for *atf-5(ok576),* the set of primers A1/A2 (Table [S2](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "The double mutant *eat-2(ad465);gcn-2(ok871)* was made by crossing the desired strains and selecting F2 progeny by PCR for carrying both mutations. ", "To track the ad465 point mutation in *eat-2,* a PCR fragment using primers E1/E2 (Table [S2](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) was digested with the restriction enzymes BamHI-SfcI. Transgenic animals were generated by microinjection of plasmid DNAs into the gonad of young adult N2 worms, using *rol-6(su1006)* as cotransformation marker. ", "BRF144 was obtained by genetic cross of BRF140 with BRF162 males (Table [S1](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).", "\n\nConstructs\n----------\n\nRNAi plasmids were constructed by inserting gene-specific PCR product, amplified from genomic DNA using the relevant primers (Table [S2](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}), into the RNAi feeding vector pL4440 (Andy Fire Kit 1999, Addgene plasmid 1654, Cambridge, MA, USA). ", "For *eIF2α(RNAi)* plasmid, a KpnI digest fragment from pHSG399-eIF2α plasmid (provided by Dr. Shin Takagi (Nukazuka *et al*., [", "@b26])) was subcloned to pL4440. ", "RNAi clone for *let-363* and *rsks-1* was previously described (Syntichaki *et al*., [", "@b38]). ", "For the intact *atf-5::gfp* transgene, a genomic PCR fragment with the A1/A4 primers (Table [S2](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) containing the 1612 bp sequence upstream of the *atf-5* coding region, and the 1413 bp *atf-5* coding region (including uORFs) was cloned into the pPD95.77 vector (Andy Fire Kit 1995, Addgene plasmid 1494, Cambridge, MA, USA) in fusion with *gfp* at the C'-terminal. ", "For the uORF-less *atf-5::gfp*, we first cloned the promoter region of *atf-5*, amplified with the set of primers A1/A2 (Table [S2](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}), into the pPD95.77 vector, and in this plasmid (P~*atf-5*~::GFP), we added the coding region of *atf-5* without uORFs, amplified with the primers A5/A4 (Table [S2](#sd1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).", "\n\nWestern blot analysis\n---------------------\n\nWorms of each strain, grown on OP50 or RNAi plates at 20 °C, were collected in M9 buffer when just reaching adulthood. ", "After 2--3 washes to remove bacteria, they were frozen in ethanol dry ice and, before loading onto SDS-PAGE, worm pellets were boiled in 50 μL 2X SDS-sample buffer for 10 min. ", "Primary antibodies were a polyclonal antibody raised against worm eIF2α, a kind gift from Dr. Shin Takagi (Nukazuka *et al*., [", "@b26]), for total (T)-eIF2α and an anti-phospho-eIF2α antibody (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, sc-101670) for phosphorylated (P)-eIF2α levels. ", "A secondary anti-rabbit IgG antibody (HRP) was used for immunoblot signal detection with ECL (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA). ", "Quantification of immunoblot signals was performed using ImageJ software (ImageJ, U. S. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA). ", "Ratio of P- to T-eIF2α levels was measured in two independent experiments.", "\n\nRNA interference\n----------------\n\nThe RNAi clones, expressing dsRNA from the indicated genes in HT115(DE3) *E. coli* bacteria, were grown with ampicillin (50 μg/mL) and tetracycline (10 μg/mL) in LB medium. ", "On the following days, fresh cultures with ampicillin were induced with 0.25 or 1 m[m]{.smallcaps} isopropylb-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) and seeded on RNAi plates. ", "Bacteria carrying the empty vector (pL4440) and treated likewise were used as control cultures.", "\n\nMicroscopy\n----------\n\nThe expression pattern of transgenic worms was monitored by mounting sodium azide- or levamizole-treated animals on 2% agarose pads, on glass microscope slides. ", "Animals were imaged either under fluorescence microscope or using a Leica TCS SP5 confocal imaging system. ", "Images shown from confocal are 2D maximal projections of z-stacks.", "\n\nRNA isolation and quantitative reverse transcription PCR\n--------------------------------------------------------\n\nTotal RNA was prepared from frozen worm pellets, of the indicated genetic backgrounds and developmental stages, using a NucleoSpin RNA XS kit (Macherey--Nagel, Dueren, Germany) and measured by Quant-iT RNA assay kit (Invitrogen, Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, USA). ", "Total RNA was reverse transcribed with iScript™ cDNA synthesis kit (Biorad, Hercules, CA, USA), and quantitative PCR was performed using the SsoFast™ EvaGreen supermix (BioRad) in the MJ MiniOpticon system (BioRad). ", "The relative amounts of mRNA were determined using the comparative Ct method for quantification, and the gene expression data are presented as the fold change in each strain relative to N2. ", "qRT--PCR was performed in at least two independent samples in triplicates, and each sample was independently normalized to endogenous reference *ama-1*. ", "The mean ± the standard deviation (SD) of at least two independent experiments is presented. ", "The sequence of primers used for qRT--PCR is available upon request.", "\n\nLifespan assays\n---------------\n\nLifespan assays were conducted as described previously (Syntichaki *et al*., [", "@b38]). ", "Briefly, L4 larvae of each strain were transferred to NGM plates or RNAi plates, at the assay temperature. ", "Animals were transferred every two days to fresh plates and were daily scored for surviving worms. ", "Animals that failed to respond to stimulation by touch were referred as dead, whereas that bagged, exploded, or crawled off the plates were referred as censored in the analysis. ", "Day 0 of adulthood was defined the day that the L4s were transferred to plates. ", "Lifespan and statistical analysis were performed using GraphPad Prism, version 5 (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA). ", "Each population is compared with the appropriate control population using the log-rank test.", "\n\nFertility assay\n---------------\n\nWorms of each genotype were grown at 20 °C, and 5--10 L4 hermaphrodites were placed on individual NGM plates to lay eggs. ", "Animals were transferred daily to fresh plates until egg-laying ceased and the hatched progeny were counted in each plate. ", "The total number of progeny per worm (brood size) was counted for each genotype, and the average brood size (mean ± SD) of each strain was plotted. ", "Unpaired *t-*test was used to calculate *P*-values in GraphPad Prism 5.", "\n\nStress resistance assays\n------------------------\n\nFor heat-shock assays, 1-day-old worms were shifted at 35 °C for 6 h. After one night of recovery at 20 °C, the percentage of worms surviving was determined. ", "For UV resistance assays, 5-day adults were irradiated to NGM plates without bacteria at 0.2J/cm^2^ and then were transferred to NGM plates with food at 20 °C. ", "Three days later, the percentage of worms surviving was determined. ", "For oxidative stress, 1-day adults of each strain were transferred on NGM plates with 3 m[m]{.smallcaps} (for *eat-2* and *eat-2;gcn-2*) or 5 m[m]{.smallcaps} (for N2 and *gcn-2*) sodium arsenite, and the percentage of worms surviving was determined after 20 h or 48--58 h at 20 °C, respectively. ", "The average (mean ± SD) of at least three independent experiments with ∼100 individual for each strain per experiment was plotted. ", "Unpaired *t*-test was used to calculate *P*-values in GraphPad Prism 5.", "\n\nP.S. dedicates this work to the memory of her mentor and life companion George Thireos, for his continuous encouragement, inspiration, and support all these years. ", "We are grateful to Dr. Shin Takagi of Nagoya University for providing the anti-eIF2α antibody and pHSG399-eIF2α construct. ", "We thank the BIU of BRFAA for using the confocal system and all the members of the P.S. laboratory for technical assistance and helpful discussion. ", "We would like to acknowledge Irene Topalidou, Dimitris Stravopodis, Antony Gavalas, George Diallinas, and Dimitris Thanos for their critical reading and suggestions on this manuscript. ", "Some strains were provided by the Caenorhabditis Genetic Center, which is funded by the National Institutes for Health National Center for Research Resources (Minneapolis). ", "The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Program (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement n. \\[201975\\].", "\n\nAuthor contributions\n====================\n\nPS and GT conceived and designed the experiments; AR, ArV, AnV, SP, and PS designed/performed experiments and analyzed the data; PS wrote the manuscript.", "\n\nSupporting Information\n======================\n\nAdditional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher's web-site.", "\n\n###### \n\n**Fig. ", "S1** Inactivation of leucyl-tRNA synthetase *lrs-1* induces phospho-eIF2α levels in a *gcn-2*-dependent manner.", "\n\n**Fig. ", "S2** Induction of *atf-5::gfp* transgene by *eIF2α(RNAi)* or tunicamycin does not require GCN-2 activity.", "\n\n**Fig S3** *gcn-2* deletion does not alter fertility in wild-type or *eat-2* mutants.", "\n\n**Fig. ", "S4** Loss of GCN-2 activity sensitizes animals to amino acid limitation.", "\n\n**Fig. ", "S5.** ", "RNAi efficiency is not affected in *gcn-2* mutant worms.", "\n\n**Fig. ", "S6** GCN-2 regulates the induction of PHA-4 target genes in *eat-2* mutants.", "\n\n**Fig. ", "S7** Inactivation of *gcn-2* affects the induction of a P~*pha-4*~*::gfp* reporter under oxidative stress.", "\n\n**Fig. ", "S8** Loss of *gcn-2* but not *atf-5* increases the stress sensitivity of worms.", "\n\n**Table S1** List of the strains used in this study.", "\n\n**Table S2** List of primers used for plasmid construction in this study.", "\n\n**Table S3** Summary of data from independent repeats of lifespan experiments.", "\n\n[^1]: Present Address: Biotech Research and Innovation Centre, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen 2200, Denmark.", "\n" ]
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[ "How to explain being fired in a job interview\n\nIt’s a nightmare scenario: you’ve been fired from your last job and a hiring manager is asking why you were let go. ", "And although you may have not been fully responsible for your termination, sounding bitter or angry about it may keep you from getting hired. ", "Here are five tips to help you better explain your dismissal to potential Bay Area employers.", "\n\nBe frank\nThis will require some introspection. ", "Focus on the main reason why you were let go and try pushing all the noise leading up to the event to the side. ", "Whether the work environment had become toxic, you had a terrible boss, or if the quality of your projects dropped, it’s important to own up to it — especially since most Bay Area employers conduct very thorough background checks. ", "Your story should match any documentation or reference stories people in your industry may be saying about you.", "\n\nFocus on what you learned\nThis will be the most important part of your answer. ", "While many people get fired, not all of them make self-improvements. ", "It’s crucial to show potential employers how the event helped you grow in a positive way. ", "Showing you are aware of your limitations will make you look more appealing.", "\n\nBe concise\nWhen explaining your reason for being let go, most managers will only be looking for a brief description. ", "Be precise and avoid mentioning your boss or company politics. ", "Here are two examples:\n\nIt was my first time in sales and I wasn’t meeting my goals. ", "I now know I’m not a sales person.", "\n\nThe startup had me wearing many hats and the quality of my work was affected. ", "I should have spoken up. ", "Now, I know the amount of work I can handle.", "\n\nPractice your answer\nSaying your answer out loud will help you get comfortable with it. ", "It will also help with sounding calm and aid in pushing aside the negative feelings associated with the experience of being let go.", "\n\nRemember, being able to sound at peace with your dismissal will make you look like you are ready to move to the next step in your career.", "\n\nBelo Cipriani is an award-winning author, former staffing professional, a spokesperson for Guide Dogs for the Blind and the Writer-in-Residence at Holy Names University. ", "Learn more at BeloCipriani.com." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nhtaccess rewrite rule with regular expression\n\nI have a hard time to create rewrite rule for a redirect using part of an old URL. ", "Example:\nOld URL:\nhttp://www.example.com/news/index.php/2014/11/07/my-blog-post-from-old-site\nor\nhttp://www.example.com/news/index.php/2014/11/07/my_blog_post_from_old_site\nNew URL:\nhttp://www.example.com/2014/11/07/my-blog-post\nNew URL should to have only dates and first three elements of a permalink after stripping from dashes. ", "Even I'm not sure if can be done using .htaccess rule but for sure can be done using PHP.", "\nHere are my .httaccess rules\nRewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example.com [NC,OR]\nRewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.example.com [NC]\nRewriteRule ^(/?news/index.php/.*/[^/]*?)_([^/]*?_[^/]*)$ $1-$2 [N]\nRewriteRule ^(/?news/index.php/.*/[^/]*?)_([^/_]*)$ $1-$2 [R=301]\nRewriteRule ^news/index.php/([^/]+)-([^/]+)-(.*)$ http://www.example.com/$1-$2-$3 [L,R=301,NC]\n\nA:\n\nJust match for the blocks until hyphen (-) is encountered:\nRewriteRule ^news/index\\.php/([^-]+-[^-]+-[^-]+).* ", "/$1 [R=301,L,NC]\n\n" ]
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[ "/* \r\n *\tCopyright (C) 2003-2006 Gabest\r\n *\thttp://www.gabest.org\r\n *\r\n * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\r\n * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\r\n * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)\r\n * any later version.", "\r\n * \r\n * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", "See the\r\n * GNU General Public License for more details.", "\r\n * \r\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\r\n * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. ", " If not, write to\r\n * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ", "\r\n * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\r\n *\r\n */\r\n\r\n#pragma once\r\n\r\n#include \"ISubPic.h\"\r\n\r\nenum {MSP_RGB32,MSP_RGB24,MSP_RGB16,MSP_RGB15,MSP_YUY2,MSP_YV12,MSP_IYUV,MSP_AYUV,MSP_RGBA};\r\n\r\n// CMemSubPic\r\n\r\nclass CMemSubPic : public ISubPicImpl\r\n{\r\n\tSubPicDesc m_spd;\r\n\r\nprotected:\r\n\tSTDMETHODIMP_(void*) GetObject(); // returns SubPicDesc*\r\n\r\npublic:\r\n\tCMemSubPic(SubPicDesc& spd);\r\n\tvirtual ~CMemSubPic();\r\n\r\n\t// ISubPic\r\n\tSTDMETHODIMP GetDesc(SubPicDesc& spd);\r\n\tSTDMETHODIMP CopyTo(ISubPic* pSubPic);\r\n\tSTDMETHODIMP ClearDirtyRect(DWORD color);\r\n\tSTDMETHODIMP Lock(SubPicDesc& spd);\r\n\tSTDMETHODIMP Unlock(RECT* pDirtyRect);\r\n\tSTDMETHODIMP AlphaBlt(RECT* pSrc, RECT* pDst, SubPicDesc* pTarget);\r\n};\r\n\r\n// CMemSubPicAllocator\r\n\r\nclass CMemSubPicAllocator : public ISubPicAllocatorImpl\r\n{\r\n\tint m_type;\r\n\tCSize m_maxsize;\r\n\r\n\tbool Alloc(bool fStatic, ISubPic** ppSubPic);\r\n\r\npublic:\r\n\tCMemSubPicAllocator(int type, SIZE maxsize);\r\n};\r\n\r\n" ]
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[ "Since the long overdue debate around violence against women got traction, parents have been asking me for advice on how to get their little girls to learn to defend themselves. ", "Teaching women to fight is far from a real solution for our society’s rape-culture problem but, at least on the individual level, it may help – either by teaching them how to get out of violent situations or creating clear signs of physical confidence that will make some predators think twice. ", "​\n\nI’ve been teaching martial arts to women for a while now. ", "It’s fun, but sometimes very disheartening. ", "Most of my female students tell me they wanted to learn to fight when they were kids, but their parents said “it was a boy’s thing.” ", "That’s the first part of the problem, and an easy one to fix: don’t be those parents.", "\n\n​Other issues I’ve empirically observed start at how uncomfortable my female students usually are with rough, physical contact. ", "They can’t stand causing any level of pain. ", "They get psychologically shocked when they get hit. ", "Most of all, they lack confidence. ", "The idea they can survive a fight with a stronger man is unfathomable for them. ", "That's what they've heard their entire lives, after all. ", "Good news: all those issues are the base of every martial art in the planet. ", "Let them start early, and they may have the chance of not even developing those erroneous feelings. ", "It will make learning much easier for them.", "If you are a parent of a little girl and is on board with this plan, just doesn't know how to get started, here’s my advice:\n\nDon’t wash fighting action away from their world. ", "Let them see martial arts as something natural. ", "Movies and tv shows can do a lot for that. ", "From Dreamworks’ Kung Fu Panda to Netflix’s Kicking It, and even some super hero flicks, there are lots of good entertainment that touches this subject without slipping into dumb violence while showing they need no prince to save them.", "\n\nSince young age, wrestle and tumble with them. ", "Schools wisely tell kids not to play rough for safety reasons, but at home, parents should be able to do it with care. ", "From pillow fights to wrestling in bed, to getting them to escape the tickle monster or simply laying on top of them and force them to escape, make them understand a size difference doesn’t mean they can’t win, and that physical pressure and discomfort is ok.", "\n\nIf they show any interest early, find a nice school with lots of other kids and teachers that make them feel like they are playing. ", "Until they are 7 or 8 at least, the hard discipline of martial arts may turn them off too early.", "\n\nWhen they reach 12-13 years old, make them join a class and stick with it. ", "Truth is: in today’s world, one in five college women will be victims of some sort of violence, learning to defend themselves is like knowing how to swim for younger kids. ", "It’s a life skill. ", "If they join at that age and stick with it, by the time they go to college, they are likely to have an advanced degree and be able to handle almost everyone.", "\n\nLook at different styles; try different things. ", "There is not such a thing as a better style, just the one that suits you better. ", "If you live in a big city with lots of choices, experiment. ", "For younger kids, 11 or under, I would start with big, physical styles like Taekwondo, Karate, Capoeira or Northern schools of Kung Fu, with their high kicks and punches and jumps; or maybe gentler but smart styles like Judo. ", "Later, after 12, more intense methods like Boxing, Muay Thai, MMA, compact styles like Wing Chun, Jet Kune Do, Krav Maga or more complex ones like Aikido and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can be added to that list. ", "More than picking a style, though, chose the nicer, more balanced instructor that enjoys working with kids.", "\n\nNo matter if an early or late starter, all women I know that spent time to learn a fighting system became a fierce, impressive, confident fighter that can defend herself against much bigger opponents using technique and intelligence. ", "Following these tips will give them the chance to focus on the fun part much quicker, cause they won’t have to unlearn the fear. ", "As a side benefit, they will also develop a sense of confidence under pressure that will help even more in this misogynist world.-----------------------* PJ Pereira is a martial arts instructor with 20 years of experience and advanced degrees in Shao Shin Hao Kung Fu, Wing Chun and Shorinji-Ryu Karate.", "\n\nDisclaimer: I know violence against women is a serious issue and do not mean to diminish the debate to this single angle. ", "And I know there will be people that will severely disagree with me and think this is a man trying to blame women for not being violent or something like that. ", "Please, understand this whole thing saddens me more than you can think. ", "I got into martial arts not to defend myself but because I loved the discipline behind it. ", "Having to teach someone for self-defense reasons breaks my heart. ", "Unfortunately, that’s the world we live in, and if this little advice can save only a few brave women from trouble, it will be worth the headache it may cause. ", "In the meantime, us, parents of boys, have a long road ahead to teach and educate them to treat their female peers with respect." ]
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[ "Scotland, Florida\n\nScotland is an unincorporated community in Gadsden County, Florida, United States. ", "It is located south of Havana at the intersection of County Roads 159 and 270.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Unincorporated communities in Gadsden County, Florida\nCategory:Tallahassee metropolitan area\nCategory:Unincorporated communities in Florida" ]
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[ "Ramazan shopping keeps Hyderabad bright and alive at night\n\nHyderabad, June 23: Traffic jams are a common sight in parts of Hyderabad, especially in the Old City, during peak hours every single day. ", "But during the holy month Ramazan, the city witnesses traffic snarls throughout the night.", "\n\nIt is chock-a-block well past midnight at the famous markets around the historic Charminar and other commercial centres like Mallepally, Mehdipatnam and Toli Chowki.", "\n\nWith the fasting month entering the last phase, Eid shopping has reached a crescendo in Hyderabad.", "\n\nThe Old City, with its rich Islamic history and cultural heritage, never sleeps during Ramazan. ", "Men, burka-clad women and children try to grab whatever they can for Eid, which marks the culmination of the holy month.", "\n\nCrowded and dazzling markets, illuminated shops, qawalis blaring from hotels and eateries, the aroma of ‘Haleem’, shouts of hawkers selling everything from safety pin to clothes to ‘atar’ (perfumes), the area around Charminar presents an extraordinary spectacle.", "\n\nAs one crosses the Musi river to enter the Old City, the stretch from Madina Building to Charminar and the adjoining markets are packed with shoppers who come not only from the city and Telangana but also nearby states like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra.", "\n\nThe month-long festivities of Ramazan reach the peak during last ‘ashra’ (10 days). ", "If the business in the first 20 days is dominated by dates, fruits, dry fruits, food items, groceries, skull cap, ‘atar’ and surma, the last days witness splurging sprees among families buying clothes, footwear, bangles, jewellery, mehndi, crockery and household items.", "\n\nTraders of dry fruits do brisk business while ‘sewian’ (homemade vermicelli) is in huge demand.", "\n\nWhile the Charminar area has been the epicentre of Eid shopping for decades, the activity has spread to other parts of the city in recent years. ", "Nampally, Mallepally, Asif Nagar and the stretch from Mehdipatnam to Toli Chowki too see shopping till ‘sehri’ (pre-dawn meal before fast begins).", "\n\nMany shoppers prefer to end their shopping with ‘shar’ at hotels, serving Haleem, biryani, kebabs and other dishes.", "\n\nWith Muslims accounting for about 30 percent of the city’s estimated nine million population, every commodity associated with the festivities opens up huge business opportunities.", "\n\nThe volume of business, mostly in the unorganised sector, is beyond anybody’s guess. ", "Thousands of hawkers occupy the pavements setting up makeshift shops. ", "The authorities too look the other way.", "\n\n“There is no other festivity which goes on non-stop for the whole month and in no other Indian city can you find such kind of celebration,” said Ritesh Sharma, General Manager at Taj Falaknuma Palace.", "\n\nWhile the city has witnessed changes in the way people shop, with the onset of shopping malls and big stores, for many Eid shopping is incomplete without a visit to Madina, Patthergatti, Patel Market, Laad Bazar and other traditional markets around Charminar.", "\n\n“You get everything with a wide range to choose from. ", "It’s also light on the pocket,” said Irfan Ahmed, a retired government employee.", "\n\nThe city comes also alive because of spiritual activity in the last days of the holy month. ", "The devout throng mosques to offer special prayers which continue till 3 a.m.\n\nAccording to police, three buses of a company were standing at a bypass road in Chatra district when criminals poured kerosene on them and set them on fire early on Friday. ", "All the three buses were gutted.", "\n\nPolice recovered a pamphlet from the torched bus site, with the ‘Tiger Group’ claiming responsibility for the incident.", "\n\nThe pamphlet says that denial of extortion is the reason for the incident.", "\n\nThe owner of the bus claimed that he has suffered Rs 1 crore loss. ", "The buses were new and were plying from Ranchi to Sasaram in Bihar, via Chatra.", "\n\nIn the past Maoist guerrillas used to torch vehicles after being denied levy.", "\n\nThis is the first time that a criminal group has claimed responsibility for such an incident." ]
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[ "It Does Get Better\"I started to prepare myself for my 1z0-102 four to five months before the exam. ", "I used all that I could such as books, notes and all the relevant practice material I could get. ", "After what I thought...\"\n\nThe Reason Behind My...Success.....\"The founder of Actualanswers and the people working on it, you all are the reason of my great success. ", "You people really deserve credit and Actualanswers itself as well. ", "I was passed in my Network+...\"\n\nJust Beyond My Imagination\"I used to think that I am very weak mentally, when I was young I was really good student but then I had bilirubin deficiency and when I recovered from it I used to find learning stuff very hard, I ...\"\n\nThese companies use Actual Answers\n\nCompTIA A+ Certifications\n\nActualAnswers.com gives you what you need to get CompTIA A+ Certification: actual answers for latest actual questions. ", "Get all the latest actual A+ answers for a package price : $129.00. ", "Instant access to 1000+ other exam PDFs and Free Lifetime Updates. ", "You WILL definitelypass CompTIA A+ exam!", "\n\nOther CompTIA Certification Guides\n\nActualAnswers CompTIA A+ Customers Reviews\n\nUnlike Anything!", "\n\nActualanswers is incomparable with others or in other words unlike anything else I ever go through. ", "The developer of Actualanswers the maintainer of web and the updating material guide done on daily basis makes it unique and useful not only for beginners or students but for professional and seekers too. ", "When I was introduced by it, I have always considered certifications a hard nut to crack but after the introduction of Actualanswers it makes it easier for me, in fact just after getting know about its ease and benefits I planned to appear for A+ and A+ changes my opportunities and my career.", "\nSarah Arthur\n\nTrust\n\nTrust is like a glass, once broken extremely hard to regain it on same extent. ", "Whenever you are disappointed your problems your dearest people had a great role in mending your personality at that time. ", "When the person is broken they want instant solution otherwise most people went in the stage of depression which results in very harmful and dangerous repercussions at times. ", "Same was the situation of my dearest friend after lots of attempts in A+ but I got know about the whole scenario which I controlled well in time through Actualanswers, that it gains my trust art first sight which I tried to convey in my friend too and helped really well in A+ exam.", "\nCarla Peter\n\nTrue Friend\n\nA true friend is the one who is always by your side in all circumstances. ", "Never leaves you alone in misery, always tries to allure and to give their best to comfort you. ", "At times they are like your body part that they can't be happy until you got comforted. ", "Similarly I consider Actualanswers as my true friend who always supported me with my queries, helped me when I was miserable and disturbed by the studies and tension of A+ was headed along with me. ", "But to clear up my A+ Actualanswers was my best guide I have ever gone through. ", "Its comprehensiveness and understandable material guide was its best part.", "\nCelina Eric\n\nMiracle\n\nMiracle happened in older times too, but now as well. ", "Some miracles happen that you can never realize and you never ever have imagined about them. ", "Similarly once it happens with me too, when I was damn tense and worried about my A+ exam, a simple blog and advertise on anonymous website which becomes my eye catcher and my destiny, was not less than a miracle for me. ", "It was the introduction of Actualanswers which was the best gift for me as I was underestimated and loosed my morale after my first attempt in A+ but after knowing about Actualanswers everything changes and seems wonderful.", "\nJames Arthur" ]
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[ "Splinter by Nendo for Conde House\n\nJapanese design studio Nendo have designed the “Splinter collection” for Conde House, a manufacturer based in Japan’s famous Asahikawa wooden furniture region. ", "Each object seems to have been peeled from a single piece of wood." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to explicitly broadcast a tensor to match another's shape in tensorflow?", "\n\nI have three tensors, A, B and C in tensorflow, A and B are both of shape (m, n, r), C is a binary tensor of shape (m, n, 1).", "\nI want to select elements from either A or B based on the value of C. The obvious tool is tf.select, however that does not have broadcasting semantics, so I need to first explicitly broadcast C to the same shape as A and B.\nThis would be my first attempt at how to do this, but it doesn't like me mixing a tensor (tf.shape(A)[2]) into the shape list. ", " \nimport tensorflow as tf\nA = tf.random_normal([20, 100, 10])\nB = tf.random_normal([20, 100, 10])\nC = tf.random_normal([20, 100, 1])\nC = tf.greater_equal(C, tf.zeros_like(C))\n\nC = tf.tile(C, [1,1,tf.shape(A)[2]])\nD = tf.select(C, A, B)\n\nWhat's the correct approach here?", "\n\nA:\n\nEDIT: In all versions of TensorFlow since 0.12rc0, the code in the question works directly. ", "TensorFlow will automatically stack tensors and Python numbers into a tensor argument. ", "The solution below using tf.pack() is only needed in versions prior to 0.12rc0. ", "Note that tf.pack() was renamed to tf.stack() in TensorFlow 1.0.", "\n\nYour solution is very close to working. ", "You should replace the line:\nC = tf.tile(C, [1,1,tf.shape(C)[2]])\n\n...with the following:\nC = tf.tile(C, tf.pack([1, 1, tf.shape(A)[2]]))\n\n(The reason for the issue is that TensorFlow won't implicitly convert a list of tensors and Python literals into a tensor. ", "tf.pack() takes a list of tensors, so it will convert each of the elements in its input (1, 1, and tf.shape(C)[2]) to a tensor. ", "Since each element is a scalar, the result will be a vector.)", "\n\nA:\n\nHere's a dirty hack:\nimport tensorflow as tf\n\ndef broadcast(tensor, shape):\n return tensor + tf.zeros(shape, dtype=tensor.dtype)\n\nA = tf.random_normal([20, 100, 10])\nB = tf.random_normal([20, 100, 10])\nC = tf.random_normal([20, 100, 1])\n\nC = broadcast(C, A.shape)\nD = tf.select(C, A, B)\n\n" ]
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[ "271 F.2d 122\nNATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD, Petitioner,v.WHELAND COMPANY, and Local No. ", "176, Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO, Respondent.", "\nNo. ", "13792.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals Sixth Circuit.", "\nOctober 29, 1959.", "\n\nHans J. Lehmann, Washington, D. C., Jerome D. Fenton, Thomas J. McDermott, Marcel Mallet-Prevost and Arnold Ordman, Washington, D. C., on the brief, for petitioner N. L. R. B.\nFrank A. Constangy, Atlanta, Ga., Constangy & Prowell, Atlanta, Ga., Witt, Gaither, Abernathy, Caldwell & Wilson, Chattanooga, Tenn., on the brief, for respondent.", "\nHugh Hafer, Milwaukee, Wis., David Previant, Milwaukee, Wis., of counsel, David Leo Uelmen, Goldberg, Previant & Cooper, Milwaukee, Wis., on the brief, for intervenor.", "\nBefore MARTIN, MILLER and WEICK, Circuit Judges.", "\nPER CURIAM.", "\n\n\n1\nThe National Labor Relations Board seeks enforcement of its order of May 7, 1958.", "\n\n\n2\nPrior to the events herein involved, the respondent operated at two locations in Chattanooga, Tennessee. ", "At one location it operated a Manufacturing Division. ", "The majority of the employees in the Manufacturing Division were represented by the International Association of Machinists, AFL-CIO, herein called IAM, and a residual unit was represented by United Steelworkers of America, AFL-CIO, herein called Steelworkers. ", "At the other location, Signal Mountain Road, it operated an Ordnance Division. ", "The employees in the Ordnance Division, approximately 213 in number, were represented by Local 176, Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO, herein referred to as Allied.", "\n\n\n3\nOn August 31, 1956, respondent decided, on account of existing business conditions, to abolish the Ordnance and Manufacturing Divisions and consolidate their operations in a new Wheland Products Division to be located at the Signal Mountain Road plant. ", "Shortly thereafter, the unions and the employees were so advised. ", "At a meeting held on September 5, respondent stated to representatives of IAM and the Steelworkers that it would seek a Board election as a means of determining the representative of the new unit.", "\n\n\n4\nAt a bargaining meeting held on September 10, respondent advised Allied that it could not negotiate with Allied as the representative of the employees in the Wheland Products Division, because those employees had not yet selected a bargaining representative. ", "Respondent also rejected Allied's demand that it be recognized on the ground that the new division was merely the result of an accretion to the ordnance plant in which it already represented the employees.", "\n\n\n5\nOn September 13, Allied submitted to respondent 206 newly signed authorization cards of employees who were formerly employed in the Ordnance Division. ", "This was a majority of the 335 employees in the new Wheland Products Division. ", "No cards were either solicited or received from employees who came or were to come from the Manufacturing Division. ", "The validity of the cards was carefully checked by respondent and no contention is made in this proceeding that they were not valid authorizations by the 206 employees who signed them. ", "On the basis of these signed cards, respondent recognized Allied as exclusive representative of the Wheland Products Division employees, and on September 18, entered into an interim working agreement with Allied.", "\n\n\n6\nOn September 28, IAM filed a petition with the Board asking for an election in a unit comprising all the employees in the new division.", "\n\n\n7\nThe formal contract between the parties was executed on January 3, 1957. ", "Prior to the execution of this contract, respondent agreed orally with Allied to establish a new seniority roster for all the employees of the new division, the validity of which is one of the issues herein involved.", "\n\n\n8\nUpon charges filed by the Steelworkers, a complaint was issued against respondent on January 9, 1957, alleging that respondent had engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Sec. ", "8(a) (1) and (2) of the National Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C.A. § 158 (a) (1, 2). ", "The Board, with the chairman and another member dissenting, so held. ", "The Board, with the chairman dissenting, also held that the new seniority roster between respondent and Allied granted preferential seniority rights to former Ordnance Division employees over the former Manufacturing Division employees. ", "On May 7, 1958, it issued its order which directed the respondent, The Wheland Company, to cease and desist from recognizing Allied as the exclusive representative of the employees of the respondent in its Wheland Products Division unless and until said organization shall have been duly certified by the Board as the representative of such employees, and from giving effect to any agreement with said union granting preferential seniority rights to former Ordnance Division employees.", "\n\n\n9\nIt is well settled that the National Labor Relations Act imposes an obligation upon an employer to recognize and bargain in good faith with a labor organization upon its presentation of proof of its representation of the majority of the employees, unless the employer has a good faith doubt as to its majority status. \"", "The statute does not provide that the bargaining process between employer and employee must be delayed until an election is ordered by the Board. ", "The right to representation exists prior to the holding of an election and must be recognized whenever it is found that an organization represents a majority of the employees.\" ", "N. L. R. B. v. Thompson Products, 6 Cir., ", "162 F.2d 287, 293; N. L. R. B. v. Armco Drainage & Metal Products, 6 Cir., ", "220 F.2d 573, 576-577.", "\n\n\n10\nWe are of the opinion that under the facts of this case respondent was obligated to recognize Allied and to bargain with it as the bargaining representative of the employees although it had not been so certified by the Board as the result of a representation election. ", "It committed no unfair labor practice in doing what it was legally obligated to do.", "\n\n\n11\nWe concur in the view of the two dissenting members of the Board that although initially the respondent stated that it would seek a Board election as a means of determining the representative of the new unit, it was under no obligation to use that method, absent a rival claim which would itself raise a real question concerning representation in the unit.", "\n\n\n12\nThe consolidation of the Manufacturing and Ordnance Divisions into the new Wheland Products Division involved the question of seniority rights of the employees of the merging divisions. ", "Seniority arises only out of contract or statute. ", "An employee has no inherent right to seniority in service. ", "Trailmobile Co. v. Whirls, 331 U.S. 40, note 21, at page 53, 67 S.Ct. ", "982, at page 988, 91 L.Ed. ", "1328. ", "The resulting seniority roster was a matter of contract between the respondent and the union, in the negotiation of which the parties had the responsibility of weighing the relative advantages and disadvantages of differing proposals. \"", "Inevitably differences arise in the manner and degree to which the terms of any negotiated agreement affect individual employees and classes of employees. * * * ", "The complete satisfaction of all who are represented is hardly to be expected. ", "A wide range of reasonableness must be allowed a statutory bargaining representative in serving the unit it represents, subject always to complete good faith and honesty of purpose in the exercise of its discretion.\" ", "Ford Motor Co. v. Huffman, 345 U.S. 330, 338, 73 S.Ct. ", "681, 686, 97 L.Ed. ", "1048. ", "As pointed out in that opinion, \"Compromises on a temporary basis, with a view to long range advantages, are natural incidents of negotiation.\" ", "The National Labor Relations Act does not compel a bargaining representative to limit seniority clauses solely to the relative lengths of employment of the respective employees. ", "Aeronautical Industrial District Lodge 727 v. Campbell, 337 U.S. 521, 528-529, 69 S.Ct. ", "1287, 93 L.Ed. ", "1513.", "\n\n\n13\nWe believe it is unnecessary to discuss in detail the seniority roster agreed upon by the respondent and Allied, except to point out that they were necessarily confronted with problems, the solution of which would inevitably be unsatisfactory to some employees. ", "We have considered the resulting seniority roster in the light of the fundamental requirements referred to above and are of the opinion that under all the circumstances of the case, it was not an invalid exercise of the power conferred upon the respective negotiating parties.", "\n\n\n14\nThe petition to enforce the order of the Board is denied.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow do I get params attributes in post?", "\n\nI am using Sinatra with Ruby 1.8.7. ", " I'm new to web development, so I don't totally understand get and post, but I got some stuff working. ", " What I need to know next is how to interrogate params in post for certain attributes. ", " In my main file, I have this code:\nget \"/plan_design\" do\n erb :plan_design\nend\n\npost \"/plan_design\" do\n # do stuff with params\nend\n\nIn plan_design.erb, I have:\n<% if (hash[paramTitle].kind_of?(String)) %>\n <div> <input class=\"planDesignAsset\" name=\"<%= paramTitle %>\" value=\"<%= hash[paramTitle] %>\" ></input> </div> \n<% else %> \n <div> <input class=\"planDesignAssetNum\" name=\"<%= paramTitle %>\" value=\"<%= hash[paramTitle] %>\" ></input> </div> \n<% end %>\n\nAs you can see I'm using a different class for non-strings. ", " In post, I need to ask params[some_key], what kind of class are you? ", " Then I can treat each param accordingly. ", " Does this make sense?", "\n\nA:\n\nIn Sinatra you use params to access the form data. ", "You should put the values you need into an instance variable, which you can access from your view:\npost \"/plan_design\" do\n @title = params[:title]\n erb :plan_design\nend\n\n<input name=\"<%= @title %>\" />\n\nI’m not sure if this answers your question, but I hope it helps.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Hybrid View\n\nSpots to Next Years' World Championships\n\nI figured it would be nice to list how many skaters each country will be able to send to next years' worlds in one place. ", "As far as I know, a country can send three entries if their top two finishers have a combined placement of 13 or less, and can send two entries as long as one skater/team finishes in the top 10. ", "Please correct me if I'm wrong." ]
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[ "'Z1 TELEVIZIJA, SBTV i OSJEČKA TELEVIZIJA dužni su prestati emitirati program u ponedjeljak, 3. ", "prosinca 2018. ", "od 00:00 do 23:59 sati, a televizije SRCE TV, ADRIATIC TV i TV JADRAN u ponedjeljak, 3. ", "prosinca 2018. ", "od 18:59 do 22:59 sati.'", "\n\nVijeće za elektroničke medije na danas održanoj 43. ", "sjednici donijelo je, nakon provedene analize, odluke o privremenom oduzimanju koncesija nakladnicima televizija zbog govora mržnje utvrđenoga u emisiji Bujica od 5. ", "studenoga ove godine, javljaju iz Agencije za elektroničke medije. ", "Njihovo priopćenje je u nastavku, a ovdje poveznica na naš tekst o spornoj emisiji.", "\n\nNa 24 sata oduzima se koncesija nakladnicima televizije Z1 televizija d.o.o. – ", "kanal Z1 TELEVIZIJA, Slavonsko-brodska televizija d.o.o, – kanal SBTV, OAR d.o.o. – ", "kanal OSJEČKA TELEVIZIJA, te na 4 sata televizijskim nakladnicima Mijor d.o.o. – ", "kanal SRCE TV, Robur j.d.o.o – kanal ADRIATIC TV i Televizija Jadran d.o.o. – ", "kanal TV JADRAN.", "\n\nZ1 TELEVIZIJA, SBTV i OSJEČKA TELEVIZIJA dužni su prestati emitirati program u ponedjeljak, 3. ", "prosinca 2018. ", "od 00:00 do 23:59 sati, a televizije SRCE TV, ADRIATIC TV i TV JADRAN u ponedjeljak, 3. ", "prosinca 2018. ", "od 18:59 do 22:59 sati.", "\n\nVijeće je navedene odluke donijelo jer su spomenuti nakladnici prekršili Zakon o elektroničkim medijima, članak 12., ", "stavak 2. ", "koji definira govor mržnje.", "\n\nSpomenuta emisija bavila se temom od javnog interesa tematizirajući političke, sigurnosne i druge aspekte migrantske krize koja zaokuplja javnost Republike Hrvatske i svijeta, te traje već nekoliko godina. ", "Emisiju je najavom otvorio voditelj i urednik emisije Velimir Bujanec te je nastavljena uvodnim prilogom novinarke, a potom je uslijedio razgovor s gostima Zoranom Grgićem i Franom Čirkom.", "\n\nU emisiji je emitiran prilog pod naslovom “Ispovijest T. L. – Zagrepčanke, žrtve migrantske pljačke” u kojem sugovornica kaže: „Ne daj Bože da ih netko ne istuče ili nešto. ", "Mislim… što bi po meni trebalo radit do iznemoglosti, dok valjda ne prekinu…“. ", "U njemu se poziva druge na mržnju i nasilje prema migrantima kao identitetski određenoj skupini. ", "Ovaj prilog je ranije pripremljen i urednički odobren, te je emitiran kao dio emisije. ", "Time su nakladnici donijeli i odluku da preuzimaju i uredničku odgovornost za izjave sudionika u prilogu, pa i one koje se mogu okvalificirati kao govor mržnje, a što jesu izjave u ovom prilogu. ", "Nemoguće je odreći se te odgovornosti tako da se nakladnici od ovog sadržaja ograđuju tekućim tekstom (crawl), kao što navode u svom očitovanju.", "\n\nNadalje, gost u studiju izražava se o migrantima kao bolesnoj skupini, zaraženoj teškim i prenosivim zaraznim bolestima (AIDS, hepatitis, tuberkuloza), čime se u gledateljstvu može stvoriti privid zdravstvene opasnosti koja prijeti, dodatno i zbog toga jer te bolesti, po navodu gosta, migranti namjerno šire. ", "Od takve mrzilačke izjave se voditelj i urednik ne ograđuje, osim što ju ocjenjuje „malo radikalnom“, a što se ne može ocijeniti kao primjereno upozorenje gostu da je takav govor nedopušten i neprimjeren.", "\n\nRazmatrani su i ponašanje i izjave voditelja emisije koji u uvodu emisije konstatira da je riječ o „tim divljacima koji su došli s Istoka i koji siluju“, čime sam usmjerava diskurs emisije i potiče na mrzilački, diskriminatorni i omalovažavajući diskurs prema migrantima.", "\n\nVijeće je razmotrilo i očitovanje nakladnika te u određenoj mjeri prihvatilo njihove argumente uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da je riječ o emisiji uživo pa su mjere koje su nakladnicima dostupne za suzbijanje poticanja na mržnju ipak manje nego onda kada program ide s odgodom, kada je i mogućnost intervencije u program potpuna.", "\n\nOtežavajuća okolnost je činjenica da su Z1 televizija, Slavonsko-brodska televizija i Osječka televizija reprizno emitirali emisiju u izvornom obliku zbog čega im se koncesije, za razliku od kanala Srce TV, Adriatic TV i TV Jadran, oduzimaju na 24 sata.", "\n\nVijeće ukazuje kako voditeljsko ograđivanje ne može biti puko formalno sredstvo, koje se zloupotrebljava za nastavak neprimjerenog govora. ", "Također, Vijeće ukazuje i da isprike nakladnika za vrijeme i nakon emitiranja spornih sadržaja ne mogu služiti kao podloga za izbjegavanje uredničke i zakonske odgovornosti, posebice kada se iste emisije repriziraju.", "\n\nOdlučujući o izboru i vremenskom trajanju ove mjere, Vijeće ni u buduće neće tolerirati govor mržnje, jer sloboda izražavanja nije apsolutna vrijednost sama po sebi, već je zaštićena zakonskim propisima. ", "Ustav Republike Hrvatske kaže da se „slobode i prava mogu ograničiti samo zakonom da bi se zaštitila sloboda i prava drugih ljudi, te pravni poredak, javni moral i zdravlje“." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nBest GIT strategy for a project overhaul\n\nI have an existing GIT project that I am going to significantly overhaul. ", "I think the easiest strategy will be to start with a blank slate and copy/paste the pieces I need over from the existing project. ", "\nKnowing that, my plan was to create a new empty (orphan) branch in my existing repo and then eventually promote it up to the 'master' branch.", "\nBut thinking through that, I don't want it to try to merge the new branch with any of the existing branches because things are going to get messy.", "\nWould it be better to create a whole new repo in this case?", "\n\nA:\n\nI'm going to say you should go with the orphan branch, because:\n\nMost git projects aren't about just the code, there is documentation on wikis, issues on issue trackers and other metadata that is associated with the repository on github/bitbucket/gitlab etc. ", "A new repo means you loose the continuity on those front as well.", "\nWhile new repo offers a clean slate allows for under the radar kind of development, referring any of the development history is not possible if you don't have the older codebase - you may loose information in git commit messages, and perspectives on coding choices that commits can encapsulate.", "\nBranch names in git are nothing but labels on commit ids, and it is easy to just move your branches around. ", "For example, in future, you can create an archived branch of your master branch, and push the orphaned branch as master, doing away with the need of merging the branches:\ngit push origin master:master_archive\ngit push origin orphaned_branch:master -f\n\nSo, in essence, use a new repo if a combination of below is true for you:\na. your codebase is smallish (there is not much context to be lost)\nb. very few devs work on the project (not much knowledge transfer required)\nc. you want to fly under the radar\nd. you plan on discarding all the older code and tickets and references in future.", "\ne. your wikis and bug tracking are not coupled with the repository\n\n" ]
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[ "Hit enter to search or ESC to close\n\nHPS Names Michael Steel Partner\n\nWASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Hamilton Place Strategies (HPS) announced that Michael Steel has been named partner at the firm.", "\n\nFor the past two years, Steel has served as managing director at HPS, advising several of the firm’s most high-profile clients, including nonprofit foundations, trade associations, and major corporations on issues as diverse as financial services, healthcare, tech, and tax reform.", "\n\n“Becoming a partner means so much at our firm—you’re entrusted not only with growing the business, but also with continually working to improve our culture, talent, and strategic direction. ", "Michael Steel has been doing these things since the first day he joined us,” said HPS founding partner Tony Fratto. “", "Michael is already such an important part of our team. ", "We all value his talent, leadership, judgement, and his friendship. ", "He isn’t just one of the best communicators in Washington, he’s one of the very best people in Washington. ", "I couldn’t be happier that he’ll now be a permanent part of HPS’s leadership. ", "We’re very lucky.”", "\n\nPrior to joining HPS, Steel was a senior policy and communications advisor for former governor Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign. ", "Previously, Steel was press secretary for House Republican Leader and later Speaker of the House John Boehner, where he managed and coordinated communications strategy on a range of issues. ", "While in the Speaker’s office, he was involved in debates over spending, taxes, healthcare, financial regulations, energy security, and national security. ", "Steel also served as press secretary for vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan in 2012 and as communications director for Republican members of the House Ways and Means Committee.", "\n\nIn addition to his role at HPS, Steel is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy, teaching courses on campaigns and Congress. ", "He also just finished a semester as the Rankin Visiting Professor at the University of North Carolina’s School of Media and Journalism. ", "A North Carolina native, Steel graduated from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill with a degree in journalism and mass communications and received a Master of Science from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism." ]
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[ "\n55 F.Supp.2d 758 (1999)\nJanet E. VIROSTEK, Plaintiff,\nv.\nLIBERTY TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT/TRUSTEES, et al., ", "Defendants.", "\nNo. ", "4:96 CV 2336.", "\nUnited States District Court, N.D. Ohio, Eastern Division.", "\nJune 7, 1999.", "\n*759 Denise J. Knecht & Associates, Cleveland, OH, Daniel J. Nealon, for Janet E. Virostek.", "\nJohn David Latchney, Reminger & Reminger, Cleveland, OH, for Liberty Township Police Dept.", "\nJohn David Latchney, Reminger & Reminger, Cleveland, OH, Barry R. Laine, Dennis Haines, Green, Haines, Sgambati, Murphy & Macala, Youngstown, OH, for Gerald T. Wardrop.", "\nDennis Haines, Green, Haines, Sgambati, Murphy & Macala, Youngstown, OH, for Daniel Thomas, Shirley Turney.", "\n\nMEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER\nECONOMUS, District Judge.", "\nOn October 28, 1996, Plaintiff, Janet E. Virostek, filed the above-captioned action against the Liberty Township Police Department and Trustees (\"Liberty\") and its Chief of Police, Gerald T. Wardrop[1] (\"Wardrop\") alleging that Defendants discriminated and retaliated against her based upon her sex, age, and disability in violation of 29 U.S.C. §§ 621, 794, 42 U.S.C. § 2000(e) et seq. ", "and OHIO REV. ", "CODE § 4112.99. ", "Plaintiff also alleged claims of breach of contract and violations of constitutional rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983.", "\nOn November 19, 1998, this Court granted Defendants' Summary Judgment on all of Plaintiff's claims, except her Title VII (sex discrimination and retaliation), Age Discrimination in Employment Act (\"ADEA\"), and OHIO REV. ", "CODE § 4112.99 (age and sex discrimination and retaliation) claims insofar as they dealt with her involuntary transfer from the juvenile division to the patrol division.", "\nIn December, 1998, the Court held a trial in the above-captioned matter. ", "Prior to trial, the parties and the Court agreed that the Court would decide whether or not Plaintiff was entitled to back pay. ", "Transcript of February 9, 1999 hearing at 7, In. ", "16-20. ", "At the close of Plaintiff's case-in-chief, the Court granted Defendants' FED.R.CIV.P. 50(a)(1) motion for judgment as a matter of law on Plaintiff's retaliation claims. ", "On December 22, 1998, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Plaintiff with regard to her state and federal claims that her transfer from the juvenile officer position to the patrol division *760 was a result of sex discrimination and awarded her one dollar ($1.00) in damages. ", "On the age discrimination claim, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Defendant Liberty. ", "On February 9, 1999, the Court heard arguments from counsel on Plaintiff's Motions for back pay (Dkt. ", "No. ", "224) and attorney's fees and costs (Dkt. ", "No. ", "225). ", "For the following reasons, Plaintiff's motions are DENIED.", "\n\nFACTS\nOn July 9, 1979, Plaintiff began her full-time employment with Liberty. ", "In January 1990, Plaintiff was appointed \"Acting\" Sergeant. ", "On June 12, 1990, she was promoted to Sergeant. ", "During most of her tenure, Plaintiff was the only female officer with Liberty.", "\nOn September 25, 1992, Plaintiff was placed in the juvenile officer position. ", "On April 20, 1995, Plaintiff was involuntarily transferred from her juvenile officer position to the Patrol Division and replaced by a 26-years-old male officer. ", "After successfully pursuing a union grievance, she returned to the juvenile officer position on July 1, 1996, with Dr. Anderson releasing her to work.", "\nOn June 26, 1998, Plaintiff was appointed as a Captain in the Liberty Township Police Department and is still serving in that capacity today.", "\n\nANALYSIS\n\nI. Back pay Issues\nThe goal of Title VII is to \"make persons whole for injuries suffered on account of unlawful employment discrimination.\" ", "Albemarle Paper Co. v. Moody, 422 U.S. 405, 95 S.Ct. ", "2362, 45 L.Ed.2d 280 (1975). ", "To help achieve this goal, Title VII and Ohio law provide for the award of back pay where discrimination is proved. ", "See 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(q); OHIO REV. ", "CODE § 4112.99.", "\nIn the instant case, Plaintiff was laterally transferred from the juvenile officer position to the patrol division.[2] Despite the transfer, her rank of sergeant, wages, and benefits remained the same. ", "In most instances, a transfer that does not involve a demotion or a reduction in pay will not give rise to a materially adverse employment action. ", "Williams v. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 85 F.3d 270, 274 (7th Cir.1996). ", "However, it is reasonable to determine that a transfer from the detective division to the patrol division would be an adverse employment action due to the shift in job responsibilities and the loss of the distinction that normally accompanies a detective position.", "\nOrdinarily, back pay would not be an appropriate remedy when there is no change in wages or benefits. ", "See Zerilli v. New York City Transit Authority, 973 F.Supp. ", "311, 315 (E.D.N.Y.1997). ", "Plaintiff, however, alleges that the transfer to patrol sergeant and the ancillary physical rigors of that position forced her to take a medical leave of absence to have corrective shoulder surgery. ", "She further alleges that the loss of wages and benefits during this medical leave entitles her to $53,867.28 in back pay.", "\nIn order to succeed on her back pay claim, Plaintiff must demonstrate that there was a causal connection between her transfer to the patrol division and her medical leave which was necessitated by her shoulder surgery. ", "See Jackson v. Dukakis, 526 F.2d 64 (1st Cir.1975); Pettway v. American Cast Iron Pipe Company, 494 F.2d 211 (5th Cir.1974). ", "She heavily relies upon the testimony of Dr. Thomas Anderson, her treating physician, to establish this causal connection. ", "Indeed, Dr. Anderson did testify that the surgery *761 \"would make her better able to perform her patrol duties.\" ", "Dr. Anderson Transcript at 24, ln. ", "3-4. ", "He further testified that Plaintiff's treatment with injections would be more \"problematic\" if she were assigned to patrol duties. ", "Dr. Anderson Transcript at 23, ln. ", "18-22.", "\nHowever, despite Plaintiff's argument that she was physically competent to perform the duties of a detective position, Dr. Anderson also testified that he did not know whether the injections would provide the necessary relief for Plaintiff to perform the juvenile officer duties. ", "Dr. Anderson Transcript at 23, ln. ", "13-17. ", "In fact, he testified that since he was having difficulty \"controlling her shoulder pain,\" they had to consider \"operative management.\" ", "Dr. Anderson Transcript at 22, ln. ", "11-17. ", "He further testified that her shoulder problems prohibited her from engaging in certain juvenile officer duties which involved physical confrontations or making custodial arrests. ", "Dr. Anderson Transcript at 34, ln. ", "5-15.[3] Thus, the record indicates that the shoulder surgery was necessary regardless of whether she was transferred to the patrol division or continued in her position as the juvenile officer.", "\nIn light of Dr. Anderson's testimony that plaintiff's shoulder problems prohibited her from engaging in any physically demanding duties of the patrol or juvenile officer positions, Plaintiff has failed to establish the requisite causal connection between her transfer to the patrol division and her medical leave of absence. ", "Therefore, as Plaintiff has failed to demonstrate that she lost any wages or benefits as a result of her lateral transfer from the juvenile officer position to the patrol division, the Court need not further discuss any other arguments of Defendants. ", "Accordingly, Plaintiff's Motion for Back pay is DENIED.", "\n\nII. ", "Attorney's Fees\nOn December 22, 1998, the jury returned a one dollar verdict in favor of Plaintiff on her claim for sex discrimination. ", "Title VII provides that in \"any action or proceeding under this subchapter the court, in its discretion, may allow the prevailing party ... a reasonable attorney's fee....\" 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(k). ", "The Sixth Circuit has held that the trial courts must conduct an initial valuation of the hours reasonably expended at a reasonable rate and then examine the award against several factors such as those outlined in Johnson v. Georgia Highway Express, Inc., 488 F.2d 714, 717-19 (5th Cir. ", "1974). ", "See, United Slate, Tile, & Composition Roofers v. G & M Roofing & Sheet Metal Co., 732 F.2d 495, 502-03, 503 n. 3 (6th Cir.1984). ", "In Johnson, the Fifth Circuit set forth twelve factors that trial courts may consider in calculating reasonable attorneys' fee awards.[4]See Blanchard v. Bergeron, 489 U.S. 87, 93, 109 S.Ct. ", "939, 103 L.Ed.2d 67 (1989)(Johnson court's twelve factors \"provides a useful catalog of *762 the many factors to be considered in assessing the reasonableness of an award of attorney's fees.\") ", "The most critical factor in determining a fee award's reasonableness is the degree of success obtained. ", "Hensley v. Eckerhart, 461 U.S. 424, 436, 103 S.Ct. ", "1933, 76 L.Ed.2d 40 (1983).[5]\nHowever, in the instant matter, an analysis of the Johnson factors is unnecessary as this court finds that Plaintiff is not entitled to attorney's fees. ", "Courts have generally held that when a prevailing party is awarded only nominal damages, attorney's fees should not be awarded. ", "See Farrar v. Hobby and Cramblit v. Fikse, discussed infra.", "\nIn Farrar v. Hobby, 506 U.S. 103, 113 S.Ct. ", "566, 121 L.Ed.2d 494 (1992), the plaintiffs were able to establish liability, but could not prove the actual injury necessary for a compensatory damages award. ", "Therefore, as in the case sub judice, the jury in Farrar awarded the plaintiffs one dollar in nominal damages. ", "Based upon this outcome, the Farrar Court held that the plaintiffs were \"not entitled to a fee award.\" ", "The Court further held:\nWhile the technical nature of a nominal damages award does not affect the prevailing party inquiry, it does bear on the propriety of fees awarded under § 1988. ", "The most critical factor in determining a fee award's reasonableness is the degree of success obtained, since a fee based on hours expended on the litigation as a whole may be excessive if a plaintiff achieves only partial or limited success. [", "Cite omitted.] ", "When a plaintiff recovers only nominal damages because of his failure to prove an essential element of his claim for monetary relief, the only reasonable fee is usually no fee at all. ", "In light of the relationship between the extent of the petitioner's success on the merits and the award's amount, the reasonable fee was not the District Court's $280,000 award but no fee at all.", "\nId. at 103-104, 113 S.Ct. ", "566(syllabus)(emphasis added).", "\nThe Farrar Court further noted that the litigation accomplished little beyond giving the plaintiffs the moral satisfaction of knowing that a federal court concluded that their rights had been violated. ", "Id. at 114, 113 S.Ct. ", "566. ", "Even less was accomplished in the instant case since four months prior to filing the case at bar, Plaintiff was reinstated to the juvenile officer position after succeeding in a grievance and arbitration procedure.", "\nThe Sixth Circuit, in Cramblit v. Fikse, 33 F.3d 633 (6th Cir.1994), followed the Farrar Court's decision and affirmed the trial court's denial of plaintiff attorney's fees when jury returned a verdict for plaintiff in the amount of one dollar ($1). ", "In Cramblit, the plaintiff argued that she had a great \"degree of success\" despite the one dollar nominal damage award. ", "The plaintiff further argued that her goal was not monetary but rather, to vindicate her constitutional rights and further prevent constitutional violations. ", "The Sixth Circuit rejected the argument that the plaintiff's goals were intangible.", "\nSimilarly, in the case sub judice, counsel for Plaintiff, in her closing arguments did not focus on the vindication of Plaintiff's rights, rather, she discussed damages with respect to pain and suffering. ", "Excerpt of Trial Transcript at 3, ln. ", "21-22. ", "Plaintiff's counsel further argued:\n\n*763 that \"the most important thing I would like to convey to you is if and when you consider the issue of damages, be reasonable. ", "Jan only wants what you think she is entitled to .... [m]y job is to give you an idea of dollars.... I would like to suggest that anywhere between $100,000 and $400,000 in pain and suffering damages would be reasonable.\"", "\nExcerpt of Transcript of Trial at 4, ln. ", "3-11.", "\nPlaintiff also admits that back pay and compensatory damages are the only remedies sought by her on the discriminatory transfer. ", "Application for Attorney's Fees at 3. ", "Thus, since the jury awarded one dollar in nominal damages and this Court has already determined that she is not entitled to back pay, Plaintiff has failed to prove a compensable injury which is an essential element when seeking $100,000 to $400,000 in compensatory damages. ", "In sum, Plaintiff failed to prevail on all of her claims[6] except sex discrimination for which she received no actual damages. ", "Therefore, the only reasonable attorney's fee is no fee at all.", "\nNumerous other courts have also held that a de minimis result will justify the exercise of the court's discretion in denying plaintiff attorney's fees and costs. ", "McCardle v. Haddad, 131 F.3d 43 (2d Cir. ", "1997)(where $1.00 in nominal damages awarded, district court's attorney's fees award of $.33 affirmed); Pino v. Locascio, 101 F.3d 235 (2d Cir.1996)(where $1.00 in nominal damages awarded, district court's award of attorney's fees reversed and remanded with instruction to deny plaintiff's application for attorney's fees and costs); Briggs v. Marshall, 93 F.3d 355 (7th Cir. ", "1996)(where $1.00 in nominal damages awarded, district court's denial of attorney's fees affirmed); Caruso v. Forslund, 47 F.3d 27 (2d Cir.1995)(where judgment for nominal damages of $1.00 entered by district court, denial of application for attorney's fees affirmed); Milton v. Des Moines, Iowa, 47 F.3d 944 (8th Cir. ", "1995)(where $1.00 nominal damages awarded, denial of attorney's fees and motion for costs affirmed). ", "Accordingly, Plaintiff is not entitled to attorney's fees and costs on a $1.00 award of nominal damages. ", "Therefore, Plaintiff's Motion for Attorney's Fees and Costs is DENIED.", "\n\nCONCLUSION\nPlaintiff has failed to demonstrate that she has suffered a loss of wages or benefits as a result of the discriminatory transfer from the juvenile officer position to the patrol division. ", "Therefore she is not entitled to a back pay award. ", "Moreover, the nominal damages award of one dollar represents only a de minimis victory. ", "While there is no dispute that Plaintiff is the \"prevailing party\" for purposes of 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(k), attorney's fees are not warranted due to the limited success of her case. ", "Based upon the foregoing reasons, Plaintiff's Motion for Back pay (Dkt. ", "No. ", "224) and Motion for Attorney's Fees and Costs (Dkt. ", "No. ", "225) are DENIED.", "\nIT IS SO ORDERED.", "\nNOTES\n[1] On March 2, 1998, this Court dismissed all claims of employment discrimination under federal statutes against Defendant Wardrop in his individual capacity as an individual cannot be sued under Title VII, the ADA, or the ADEA.", "\n[2] Plaintiff already argued before the jury that she was entitled to compensatory damages for the loss of income she experienced in losing her teaching position at Youngstown State University while on medical leave. ", "Nevertheless, the jury only awarded one dollar in damages. ", "Therefore, the loss of income from her teaching position will not be discussed herein as it is not an issue before this Court.", "\n[3] The only juvenile officer duties which Dr. Anderson testified that Plaintiff was capable of performing with her shoulder problems were taking reports, interviewing people, paperwork, speaking at the schools, routine driving, and testifying in court. ", "Dr. Anderson Transcript at 38, ln. ", "4-20.", "\n[4] The Johnson factors are summarized as follows:\n\n(1) the time and labor required;\n(2) the novelty and difficulty of the questions;\n(3) the skill requisite to perform the legal service;\n(4) the preclusion of employment by the attorney due to the acceptance of the case;\n(5) the customary fee;\n(6) whether the fee is fixed or contingent;\n(7) time limitations imposed by the client or the circumstances;\n(8) the amount involved and the results obtained;\n(9) the experience, reputation, and ability of the attorneys;\n(10) the undesirability of the case;\n(11) the nature and length of the professional relationship with the client; and\n(12) awards in similar cases.", "\nHensley v. Eckerhart, 461 U.S. 424, 430 n. 3, 103 S.Ct. ", "1933, 76 L.Ed.2d 40 (1983).", "\n[5] It is important to note that the standards for evaluating motions for attorney's fees under 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(k) of Title VII, such as the instant motion, and those brought under 42 U.S.C. § 1988 \"are identical.\" ", "Harvey-Williams v. Peters, 117 F.3d 1420, 1997 WL 397234, * 3, 1997 U.S.App. ", "LEXIS 17735 (6th Cir. ", "July 10, 1997) at *8, citing Hensley, 461 U.S. 424, 433, n. 7, 103 S.Ct. ", "1933, 76 L.Ed.2d 40. ", "The Supreme Court's decision in Hensley was decided within the context of a fee award pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1988. ", "The Court also noted that \"[t]he standards set forth in [the] opinion are generally applicable in all cases in which Congress has authorized an award of fees to a `prevailing party.'\" ", "461 U.S. at 433 n. 7, 103 S.Ct. ", "1933. (", "emphasis added).", "\n[6] As previously discussed, many of Plaintiff's claims did not survive dispositive motions. ", "Additionally, the Court granted judgment as a matter of law on Plaintiff's retaliation claims after the Plaintiff's case-in-chief. ", "The jury returned a Defendants' verdict on the age discrimination claims and awarded Plaintiff one dollar in nominal damages for sex discrimination.", "\n" ]
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[ "In need of a capable graphics editor on your Ubuntu box? ", "If so, check out Vectr, a free app now available from Ubuntu Software.", "\n\nVectr is a free, online vector graphics editor available on Windows, macOS, Linux and Chrome OS. ", "It’s available to install on the Ubuntu desktop as a Snap app.", "\n\nA simple and uncluttered layout makes Vectr super simple to use. ", "If you’ve ever goofed around in Gimp or Photoshop you’ll be able to make sense of the interface. ", "Keeping mind that Vectr, as it name tells you, is a vector-based editor.", "\n\nVector graphics are scalable, making them ideal for icons and logo designs, webpage or mobile app mockups, and other illustrations. ", "Graphics stay crisp and clean, even when resized.", "\n\nAdmittedly the app isn’t a “pro” tool. ", "Proficient users of apps like Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator and Sketch will find the lack of advanced features, tools, and settings limiting.", "\n\nBut this pared feature set is also a strength. ", "The app is well suited for average tasks asked of average users: you don’t need to be skilled to create stunning 2D vector art in Vectr, and you aren’t bamboozled over over-awed by a giddying feature set.", "\n\nVarious shape tools\n\nFreehand pen tool\n\nLayer styles, inc. ", "shadow and stroke\n\nLayer filters, inc. ", "gradient and fills\n\nText tool with 100s of fonts\n\nOption to insert/upload images\n\nWhether it’s designing a blog graphic, illustrating a tweet, or making a quick meme for Reddit, Vectr probably has everything you’ll need. ", "A comprehensive online user guide is also available and walks through the various features and settings the app has.", "\n\nOnce you’ve finished your masterpiece you can export as a PNG, JPG, or SVG file.", "\n\nNow for the rubbish bit: Vectr doesn’t work offline. ", "You need an active internet connection to use the app. ", "Also, to save work for future editing, you need to sign up for a (free) Vectr account.", "\n\nVectr is available to install from the Ubuntu Store as a Snap app:\n\nInstall Vectr from Ubuntu Software\n\nThe app can also be installed from the command line:\n\nsudo snap install vectr\n\nOnce you’ve given the app the once over feel free to come back and share your thoughts on Vectr in the comments, or upload any SFW creations you concoct in it." ]
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[ "Debt-stressed home owners and renters are increasingly turning to alternative lenders offering so-called \"payday\" loans and consumer leases, as falling property prices plunge more households into negative equity and banks crack down on credit.", "\n\nKey points: Payday lenders are growing faster than banks as mainstream credit tightens\n\nEase of access to online lenders is pushing households into risky debt situations\n\nThere are calls for tighter regulation of the burgeoning sector\n\nA combination of cost of living pressures outstripping CPI, stagnant wages growth and rising levels of mortgage stress is being blamed for putting immense pressure on homeowners, with Australia's household debt to disposable income levels hitting record highs.", "\n\nAfter increased scrutiny and accusations of irresponsible lending were levelled by the Hayne Royal Commission, banks have pulled back on new finance and tightened credit — something experts said was having the unintended consequences of pushing households into often riskier forms of credit offered by non-bank lenders.", "\n\nShort- to medium-term credit of up to $5,000 and car loans can be easily accessed through online platforms and mobile phone applications, with providers promoting same-day loan approvals.", "\n\nExperts said it was a dangerous situation for people struggling with financial problems.", "\n\n\"The online tool, the app, that's a really important part of the story because a few years ago there was almost nobody offering apps for credit,\" Digital Finance Analytics data scientist and banking analyst Martin North said.", "\n\n\"These days, a lot of people can actually get credit online, and once you've got into the online environment you've then got much more flexibility to flog other products, often without much visibility.\"", "\n\nLoan left single mother owing double\n\nSingle mother Belinda Fox from Albany in southern WA took out a $175 payday loan to make ends meet for a few weeks after her Centrelink payments suddenly stopped when her son turned eight.", "\n\nThe payday lender approved the loan within a day and did not ask to see her credit history.", "\n\n\"I just wanted to have everything nice for my son, I want to be a good mum to my son and I pretty much didn't eat full meals, I made sure my son did and then I'd eat his scraps,\" she said.", "\n\n\"I knew I couldn't get a loan anywhere physically in Albany, so I thought I'd try online.", "\n\n\"It was super easy, I just clicked a few buttons and they said they'd get back to me within 24 hours, and they did. ", "They said the loan had been approved and the money was in my bank.\"", "\n\nMs Fox chose to repay the debt in four instalments, meaning the total loan amount doubled to $360.", "\n\nShe quickly found she could not keep on top of the repayments and went to a financial counsellor for help.", "\n\n\"Doing without for the short-term isn't as hard as doing without long-term, because every time I've had to make a repayment, I've had to go without,\" she said.", "\n\n\"So I should have just gone without for the few weeks, rather than having to go another six months through hard times.", "\n\n\"The risks should be laid out a lot more. ", "The interest shouldn't be so high perhaps for people who actually need a loan and intend on paying it. ", "It seems a bit silly the repayments are so high.\"", "\n\nPayday lenders growing faster than the banks\n\nSince April 2016, 3 million additional payday loans totalling $1.85 billion have been written by about 1.6 million Australian households, according to research conducted by Digital Finance Analytics.", "\n\nThe consultancy — which conducts research for a range of companies and regulatory bodies including the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission — found within that time about one-fifth of the loans, or about 332,000 households, were new payday borrowers.", "\n\n\"They're growing a lot faster than the banks at the moment and I think that's quite concerning, because the regulatory framework within that sector of the market is a lot lower,\" Mr North said.", "\n\n\"Households have significant financial pressures on them, whether they are owners or renters, and that financial pressure has been getting tighter and tighter in recent years.", "\n\n\"Even when people are working full-time in multiple jobs, they still don't have enough income coming in to support what they want to do.", "\n\n\"So what people tend to do is turn to alternative credit offerings to try and bridge some of those short-term credit problems.", "\n\n\"The trouble is they end up digging a bigger hole for themselves because they end up borrowing from particular providers, they repay that one and then go elsewhere, and over time the spiral of debt just grows.\"", "\n\nThe rise of medium-sized loans\n\nAmong the major non-bank lenders, there has been a shift away from small loans below $2,000 to medium-sized cash advances, also known as medium amount cash contracts or MACCs, of between $2,000 and $5,000.", "\n\n\"What they've done is change their focus to people who are a bit more affluent than Centrelink recipients, but also people who are struggling with their finances,\" Mr North said.", "\n\n\"So there's a whole new sector of the economy that are being offered these loans.", "\n\n\"Households are needing more than very short-term, payday-type lending, they actually need longer-term credit just to keep their household finances afloat.\"", "\n\nExample of a MACC loan: $3,000 for 18 months\n\n$400 establishment fee\n\nOther fees and interest: $1379.06\n\nTotal: $4779.06\n\nAlmost 60 per cent more than the original loan amount Source: Nifty Loans\n\nOne of the largest non-bank providers, Cash Converters, reported a 154.6 per cent increase in its MACC loan book over the past financial year, while Money3 stated in its annual report a focus on building up its automotive business \"through medium-term secured loans\".", "\n\nCredit Corp's Wallet Wizard reported mainstream lenders tightening their lending criteria was driving more consumers into its segment of the market.", "\n\n\"If you can't easily and profitably lend people money on a short-term credit contract … you change the game. [", "It becomes] 'how about I loan you more over a longer time?'\" ", "Motley Fool's director of research in Australia Scott Phillips said.", "\n\n\"You're in a way upselling those customers.", "\n\n\"If the SACCs [short amount cash contracts] aren't a profitable and accessible option for the lender or the borrower, you simply push people to take the next available option.\"", "\n\nMr Phillips said tightening credit at the banks would have unintended consequences.", "\n\n\"We're seeing the big banks pull out of some of those less mainstream credit products, so all that's left is to go to those providers of consumer leases or payday loans\", he said.", "\n\n\"There is so much more scrutiny on the big guys when they're making loans so they're going to be risk averse, a bit gun shy, when it comes to making loans to people who maybe otherwise would have got one, but in this new world probably won't get one.", "\n\n\"And that will push them into the hands of smaller, less known and maybe, arguably, unscrupulous players.\"", "\n\nBattling a debt spiral of payday loans\n\nAnglicare WA financial counsellor Kevan O'Hare, who is at the coalface of the problem in Perth's northern suburbs, said an increasing number of clients walking into his office were caught in a debt spiral of payday loans.", "\n\n\"I see people who are financially stuck. ", "They work their way into payday lenders and then they come to me once they've been through two, three, four payday lenders,\" he said.", "\n\n\"It could be anyone. ", "It could be someone with a really high-paying job who has allowed their debt to spiral out of control, and it can be a single mum on Centrelink benefits who is struggling to balance the budget at the end of the week.", "\n\n\"Almost everyone who takes out a payday loan will find themselves in that debt cycle where they just keep taking out more payday loans until they can't physically get anymore.\"", "\n\nMr O'Hare said many of his clients were mortgage-stressed, leading them to try to borrow their way out of debt and in some instances even take out a cash advance to meet their home loan repayments.", "\n\n\"By and large a lot of these people didn't have a big deposit, so they're in negative equity right now. ", "They might have lost their job and … their income might have reduced by two-thirds in some instances,\" he said.", "\n\n\"They work their way through their credit card, get a balance transfer credit card, get a debt consolidation loan … and just to meet their day-to-day living expenses they're relying on payday lenders.\"", "\n\nMr O'Hare said his biggest concern was the ease of access offered to this type of lending through websites and mobile phone applications.", "\n\n\"The fact you can apply for a payday loan on a smartphone without any real background checks … they find themselves fairly quickly spiralling out of control,\" he said.", "\n\nSenate inquiry to hand down findings\n\nA Senate inquiry into credit and financial services targeted towards Australians at risk of financial hardship was launched in December, to investigate the impact on individuals and communities from services offered by companies including payday lenders and consumer lease providers.", "\n\nIt is expected to hand down its findings on Friday and follows a similar inquiry in 2016 into SACCs which made 24 recommendations.", "\n\nThey included limiting payday loan or consumer lease repayments to 10 per cent of a consumer's net income, and introducing a cap on leases equal to the base price of the goods plus 4-per-cent-a-month interest.", "\n\nBut three years since the recommendations were handed down, legislation is yet to pass Parliament.", "\n\nLabor's Madeline King introduced a private member's bill into the House of Representatives on Monday in a bid to get the Federal Government to act on the draft legislation it released in October 2017.", "\n\nThe National Credit Providers Association (NCPA), which represents non-bank lenders, supported 22 of the 24 recommendations from the 2016 inquiry.", "\n\nBut it did not back a key push to prevent lenders from issuing loans where repayments would exceed more than 10 per cent of a customer's income.", "\n\n\"The things we put in place back in 2013 was a 20 per cent protected earnings amount [and] responsible lending obligations, where people are not allowed to be given a loan if more than 20 per cent of their income is used to repay that loan,\" NCPA chairman Rob Bryant said.", "\n\n\"They're caps on the amount that could be charged. ", "So there's none of this debt spiral that happened.", "\n\n\"Yes, it happened prior to 2010 and 2013, and it can still happen in consumer leases and other unregulated products.\"", "\n\nNon-bank lenders 'sick of being treated as a pariah'\n\nMr Bryant disputed research showing growth in the non-banking lending market, but acknowledged businesses were now focusing on medium-sized loans.", "\n\n\"We have the actual raw data collected by the independent group Core Data Analytics, which the banks use as well, which clearly demonstrates no such thing as that ridiculous number that's been bandied around,\" he said.", "\n\n\"If they were considering the unregulated market as well, because demand is there and the unregulated market is growing quickly, there have been groups identified throughout this Senate inquiry that are growing.", "\n\n\"There is growth in that [medium-sized loans] space, yes, and you get sick of being treated as a pariah.", "\n\n\"The SACC lending is the convenient monster, even though it's the most regulated of all the credit sectors and it's working really well.", "\n\n\"I think it would be a shame if everybody moves away from it.\"", "\n\nDemand for a fix with no loopholes\n\nThe Consumer Action Law Centre (CALC) in Melbourne receives calls for help from thousands of debt-stressed people each year.", "\n\nIt said the Government's inaction on introducing tougher legislation for non-bank lenders had continued to cause harm.", "\n\n\"What we've seen in recent years is the market expanded to be more mainstream, we've seen some very savvy marketing that targets the younger demographic, particularly younger males,\" CALC director of policy Katherine Temple said.", "\n\n\"I've seen some companies move into the medium amount lending.", "\n\n\"What we really need is a solution that covers all forms of fringe lending so we're not creating harmful loopholes.", "\n\n\"[Because] what we've seen from this industry time and time again is they will exploit loopholes wherever they exist, and they will move into the least regulated area.\"" ]
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[ "Chromium has been identified as a \"primary hazardous substance\" at a large proportion of the Superfund Hazardous Waste Sites. ", "Epidemiological studies have linked the exposure to chromium compounds in the work place to increased risk for development of lung cancer. ", "Furthermore, certain forms of chromium have been shown to be carcinogenic in animals and mutagenic in bacteria and mammalian cell systems. ", "Although the process of carcinogenesis is complex, it is clear that mutagenic activation of proto-oncogenes plays an important role. ", "The purpose of the research proposed here is to understand the mechanisms by which chromium causes mutations in mammalian cells and to provide a link between the mutagenic and carcinogenic activities of chromium. ", "We are using shuttle vectors in cultured mammalian cells and yeast to identify premutagenic DNA damage induced by chromium compounds and to determine the mutagenic specificity of this damage. ", "We are also using a mammalian in vitro DNA replication system to investigate how the cellular DNA replication apparatus responds to chromium-induced template damage and whether DNA replication fidelity is affected by direct effects of chromium on DNA replication factors. ", "In addition, we are seeking a link between chromium mutagenesis and carcinogenesis by using transgenic mice to examine the mutagenic effects of inhaled calcium chromate dust in the lung - the target organ for chromium carcinogenesis. ", "The focus of this work will be to understand the role that biotransformation of chromium within the cell plays in the mutagenic activation of the compound. ", "Apparently, chromium enters the cells as Cr(VI) where it can be reduced to reactive species Cr(V), Cr(VI) and Cr(III). ", "Although a number of cellular macromolecules have been implicated in these transformations, it appears that intracellular glutathione may play a key role in chromium reduction and mutagenesis. ", "We propose to test the following hypothesis: The intracellular reduction of chromium by glutathione is a major pathway for the generation of reactive intermediates that are responsible for chromium mutagenesis in the intact cell and for chromium carcinogenesis in animals. ", "By comparing the spectra of mutations induced in a mutagenesis target gene by chromium compounds when plasmid DNA is treated in vitro and replicated in yeast or mammalian cells, when yeast or mammalian cells that contain plasmid are treated with chromium, and in the transgene in the lungs of mice following chromium inhalation, we hope to identify the types of premutagenic DNA damage that are important in chromium mutagenesis and determine how the mutagenic specificity is determined by the specific pathway for chromium reduction in the cell. ", "An increased understanding of the mechanisms of chromium mutagenesis, should enhance our ability to evaluate the risks associated with human exposure to the environmental hazard, and perhaps suggest methods for intervention and prevention of adverse health effects of exposure." ]
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[ "It's not too late to give! ", "A special group of donors is challenging YWCA supporters to help make the organization financially sound for the long-term by making a new Changing Lives Society or other five year pledge. ", "The first year of each five year pledge will be matched dollar-for dollar by the Leadership Gift up to $51,000! ", "Double the impact of your first year by joining or renewing your commitment in our Changing Lives Society.", "\n\nYour long-term support is essential as YWCA grapples with the 20% cut in Grant-In-Aid support from the state and cuts in United Way funding. ", "Your financial support launches you into a powerful group of donors who want to make positive change happen and to invest in YWCA’s strong track record of meeting the community’s needs." ]
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[ 0.002150699496269226, 0.0005720747285522521, 0.0005775170866400003, 0.0012379332911223173, 0.000747046316973865, 0.0005463017150759697 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCardinality of all subsets of $\\mathbb{N}$\n\nSay I have a set $Y$ such that $\\vert Y \\vert = \\aleph_0$ ($Y$ is countable), \nand one $y \\in Y$.\nHow can I prove that $\\vert \\{ X \\in P(Y) \\mid y \\in X \\} \\vert = \\aleph$ ?", "\nMeaning that the group of all subsets of $Y$ which $y$ is in them is not countable.", "\n\nA:\n\nDo you have the proof without the restriction that $0 \\in A$? ", " Then take a set in $P(\\Bbb N)$ and correspond it to the set with all the elements increased by $1$ and $0$ added in. ", " This is a bijection between all of $P(\\Bbb N)$ and your $A$.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.01709725335240364, 0.003118370193988085, 0.007926800288259983, 0.0017665731720626354, 0.24977275729179382, 0.0019954426679760218 ]
[ "4. ", "16th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (Geneva, 28 February - 25 March 2011) (\nHeidi Hautala\nChair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights. - ", "Mr President, I have some very good human rights news. ", "Sakharov Prize candidate, Haitham al-Maleh, an 80-year old Syrian human rights lawyer, was pardoned and released two days ago. ", "This is a wonderful example of how the European Parliament can strengthen human rights.", "\nNow that he is free again, Haitham al-Maleh is full of vigour in his aim to help release the thousands of political prisoners in Syria.", "\n(Loud applause)\nPresident\nThank you for telling us this news. ", "It is sure to give us a great boost in our work.", "\n- Before the vote on paragraph 8:\nJean-Pierre Audy\n(FR) Mr President, I would simply like to point out that, when you put paragraph 8 of the original text to the vote, the French translation indicated that it was paragraph 19. ", "So there was a misunderstanding over the voting instructions.", "\nPresident\nWe will look into it. ", "Thank you for your comment.", "\nFiona Hall\nMadam President, I simply would like to take the opportunity to say thank you to the 400 colleagues from across this House who signed Written Declaration 81; I would also like to say thank you to my staff for all their hard work and to the Written Declaration services for their support, but most of all, I would like to thank the campaigners whose dedication made this possible.", "\nI am proud to be a member of a Parliament where it is possible for ordinary citizens to come and to make their case and where MEPs listen and are persuaded. ", "That is democracy at its best and it shows that the European Parliament is not remote from its people.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "EuroParl" }
[ 0.0012900290312245488, 0.0005751253920607269, 0.0006172360153868794, 0.0008035294595174491, 0.0005633117398247123, 0.0018196615856140852, 0.0005090941558592021, 0.0005201732856221497, 0.0005490001640282571, 0.0005814817268401384, 0.0005453868652693927, 0.0005217728321440518, 0.0004991640453226864, 0.0005501035484485328, 0.0006332889897748828, 0.0019954426679760218 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCan I mix and match wired and wireless connections between Gooogle Wifi access points?", "\n\nImagine I have the following set up:\n\nInternet --wired--> Google Wifi 1\nGoogle Wifi 1 --wireless--> Google Wifi 2\nGoogle Wifi 2 --wireless--> Google Wifi 3\n\nI notice that the connection is slow when connecting to Google Wifi 3. ", "Probably because of the 2 wireless hops.", "\nConnecting an ethernet cable between all 3 points is not feasible. ", "However, I can connect a cable between Google Wifi 2 and Google Wifi 3. ", "\n\nInternet --wired--> Google Wifi 1\nGoogle Wifi 1 --wireless--> Google Wifi 2\nGoogle Wifi 2 --wired--> Google Wifi 3\n\nIf I do that, will these access points behave as one would expect? ", "I.e. Google Wifi 3 would prefer the wired connection over the wireless, and even though Google Wifi 2 gets its signal wirelessly, it can still share its signal in a wired manner?", "\nI tried searching Google but they either talk about hooking up all the Wifi access points wirelessly to each other, or hooking them all up to the same modem. ", "I couldn't find any articles that mention the mixed case as above.", "\nI did the second set up, and tried a mesh test, and everything looked \"great\" but I'm not sure if is because it's actually using the wired connection or if it's still using the wireless one and it happens to be \"great\". ", "The app does not tell me how one point is connected to another.", "\n\nA:\n\nYes, it looks like you can mix and match wired and wireless connections as you please between the access points. ", "However, if you upgrade to the newer Google Nest Wifi, you'll lose this ability as they have separate hardware, one router and many access points, with the latter not having any ethernet ports.", "\n\nThe way I tested this was to make the distance between Google Wifi 2 and Google Wifi 3 pretty long. ", "Enough that when doing the mesh test when they are wireless, it will show a low signal strength.", "\nNext, without moving the access points, I simply plugged in an ethernet cable between the two points (blue port on Google Wifi 2 for out, and green/internet port on Google Wifi 3 for in). ", "After running the mesh test, it showed up as \"Great\" connection. ", "To verify once more, I just unplugged the cable, did the mesh test once more, and it went back down to \"OK\".", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0011400616494938731, 0.0007233028300106525, 0.0006347152520902455, 0.0005642349133267999, 0.0005955651286058128, 0.0007927933475002646, 0.0006269610021263361, 0.0007032988942228258, 0.0006065773195587099, 0.0005838872748427093, 0.0006683264509774745, 0.0005409754812717438, 0.000729910156223923, 0.0005969537887722254, 0.0006172003340907395, 0.0005949988844804466, 0.0005523223080672324, 0.0005741211934946477, 0.0019954426679760218 ]
[ "Chauncey Billups holds the Detroit Pistons’ all-time playoff record for most made 3-point field goals with 107 during his eight seasons with the team. ", "The all-time leader before him was Isiah Thomas with 86.", "\n\nBillups ranks sixth in NBA history with 267 postseason 3-pointers made during his 17-year career." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.0010284666204825044, 0.000679565011523664, 0.0007732522790320218 ]
[ "Members of the Butler County Sheriff’s Office in Ohio surprised an eight-year-old girl battling stage four brain cancer with a ride on a “unicorn.”", "\n\nThe Journal-News of Butler County reported that eight-year-old Naomi Short was surprised last Saturday afternoon when she walked into Hamilton Fire Station 26 and found a horse covered in decorations to make it look like a unicorn.", "\n\nHer mother, Melissa, held her hand as the two walked toward the white horse wearing pink flowers and silver sparkles on her hooves.", "\n\n“This is a real unicorn,” Naomi said, before riding the horse around the fire station’s bay. ", "The ride was supposed to take place at Naomi’s house, but it had to be moved due to inclement weather.", "\n\nDeputies from the Butler County Sheriff’s Office also gave her two stuffed animals.", "\n\n“I want one of my own so bad,” she said of the horse. “", "But I couldn’t take care of it because of the chemo.”", "\n\nNaomi said she always wanted to ride a unicorn, adding that it was a “bucket list item” for her.", "\n\nWhen asked if she was scared to ride a horse, she quickly responded, “It’s a unicorn.”", "\n\nThe town of Hamilton has pitched in to help Naomi and her family in other ways too.", "\n\nSmall businesses throughout the town have set up donation jars to help offset the family’s medical expenses, and teachers and students have worn blue in solidarity with Naomi, CBS News reported.", "\n\n“My dream is to just get like every treatment over with and to just hang out with my friends again,” Naomi told CBS News." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.09055749326944351, 0.0007097735069692135, 0.0011627709027379751, 0.0011829135473817587, 0.0008368714479729533, 0.0009300174424424767, 0.00592804467305541, 0.0017438874347135425, 0.0008359947241842747, 0.0012924758484587073, 0.0005213536787778139, 0.0005718621541745961, 0.0008723015198484063 ]
[ "* Alle Preise inklusive Mwst. ", "zuzüglich Versandkosten. ", "|| ** Ehemaliger Verkaufspreis\n\n*** Die Lieferzeit bezieht sich auf eine Lieferung innerhalb von Deutschland. ", "Die Lieferfristen für andere Länder sowie die Berechnung der Lieferzeit können Sie auf unserer Seite Versandkosten einsehen." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.016704924404621124, 0.03737982362508774, 0.01645735092461109, 0.4818737208843231 ]
[ "News broke a few weeks ago that revealed WWE’s Pay-Per-View schedule for 2018. ", "It looks like there could be another one joining the list soon.", "\n\nA new report suggests that WWE is currently discussing a major international Pay-Per-View for 2018.", "\n\nAccording to a report from James McKenna of Pro Wrestling Sheet, there have been “serious internal discussions” about WWE running a: ‘Global Warning’ PPV in Australia.", "\n\nThis would be called ‘Global Warning II’. ", "For fans that remember, WWE ran the original ‘Global Warning’ event in 2002 at Colonial Stadium in Melbourne. ", "The event drew over 56,000 people.", "\n\nThe report says that WWE is looking to top the original in a big way. ", "The idea right now is for it to happen in October at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. ", "This happens to hold 100,000 people.", "\n\nNothing is set in stone right now but they are trending in the right direction.", "\n\nLet us know what you think in the comment section below." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.0006352959899231791, 0.0008493998320773244, 0.0006283997208811343, 0.0006560204201377928, 0.000705512473359704, 0.0006101909093558788, 0.0007860552868805826, 0.0006892537930980325, 0.0005875897477380931, 0.0008890031022019684, 0.0006455824477598071, 0.0005544413579627872 ]
[ "Display devices with large screens can display many pieces of information. ", "Therefore, such display devices are excellent in browsability and suitable for information processors.", "\nThe social infrastructures relating to means for transmitting information have advanced. ", "This has made it possible to acquire, process, and send out many pieces and various kinds of information with the use of an information processor not only at home or office but also at other visiting places.", "\nWith this being the situation, portable information processors are under active development.", "\nFor example, portable information processors are often used outdoors, and force might be accidentally applied by dropping to the information processors and display devices included in them. ", "As an example of a display device that is not easily broken, a display device having high adhesiveness between a structure body by which a light-emitting layer is divided and a second electrode layer is known (Patent Document 1)." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.000596039870288223, 0.0005562041769735515, 0.0005274915019981563, 0.0005585821345448494, 0.0005472397897392511, 0.0005550668574869633, 0.0006068311631679535 ]
[ "[Impact of double stigmatization in oncogeriatry: reviewing existing data].", "\nCancer is a major health problem for which age is a proved risk factor. ", "Paradoxically, elderly suffering from cancer are often excluded from clinical trials and undertreated compared to younger patients. ", "Also, their psychosocial needs remain unknown. ", "An explanatory factor for these observations is the age stigma (that is to say our stereotypes about age and so, ageism), age being currently cited as the main reason for discrimination. ", "Besides these age-related stigmas, cancerous patients face pathology-related stigmas because nowadays cancer (especially some types of cancer such as lung cancer) still conveys a lot of negative representations. ", "These observations bring us to the notion of double stigmatization in oncogeriatry. ", "Moreover, the aim of this review is to present ageism phenomenon on the basis of several studies that had proved negative influence of ageism on elderly's mental and physical health and on the attitude of elderly's interlocutors. ", "Afterwards, we will broach the way by which ageism and stigmatization linked to cancer is observed in the specific context of oncogeriatry, which will allow us to identify current shortcomings." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006948273512534797, 0.007874277420341969, 0.0008584628230892122, 0.20297771692276, 0.0005851753521710634, 0.0008138523553498089, 0.0007725415052846074, 0.0007029816042631865, 0.0007307672058232129 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAndroid floating view (over other views)\n\nI've been messing around with this for a few days now, hopefully someone here can lend me a hand.", "\nI have a simple two-column layout, the left side is a navigation bar with buttons, the right side is a content panel. ", " When the user taps one of the buttons (say, the third one down), I'd like to have a floating view aligned to the right of this button but floating on top of the content pane. ", " Here's a picture to illustrate what I mean:\n\nEverything I've tried shoves the floating menu inside the navigation bar or inside the content panel, which is not what I want. ", " Any ideas? ", " Here's basically what I have so far:\n<RelativeLayout\n xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n android:layout_width=\"fill_parent\"\n android:layout_height=\"fill_parent\"\n android:orientation=\"horizontal\"\n>\n <LinearLayout\n android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n android:layout_height=\"fill_parent\"\n android:orientation=\"vertical\"\n android:layout_alignParentLeft=\"true\"\n android:id=\"@+id/navigation_bar\"\n >\n <FrameLayout \n android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n android:layout_weight=\"0.14\"\n >\n <ImageButton \n android:id=\"@+id/button1_btn\"\n android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n android:background=\"@drawable/icon\"\n android:layout_gravity=\"center\"\n />\n </FrameLayout>\n <FrameLayout\n android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n android:layout_weight=\"0.14\"\n >\n <ImageButton \n android:id=\"@+id/button2_btn\"\n android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n android:background=\"@drawable/icon\"\n android:layout_gravity=\"center\"\n />\n </FrameLayout>\n </LinearLayout>\n <FrameLayout\n android:id=\"@+id/content\"\n android:layout_width=\"fill_parent\"\n android:layout_height=\"fill_parent\"\n android:layout_weight=\"0.14\"\n android:layout_toRightOf=\"@id/navigation_bar\"\n >\n </FrameLayout>\n</RelativeLayout>\n\nA:\n\nA FrameLayout allows you to have a view overlapping another view. ", " I'm not sure it makes sense to have them with only one child view, as you have in your example. ", " Try having a FrameLayout at the highest level, with your \"static\" view as the first child element, and the floating menu as the second child.", "\nThe developer documents have a good overview the layout types, it might help you get started.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0005481416010297835, 0.0006403184961527586, 0.0006069283117540181, 0.0007976556662470102, 0.0007957345223985612, 0.0008542230352759361, 0.0009312432957813144, 0.0008850244921632111, 0.00051818264182657, 0.0019954426679760218 ]
[ "The Department of Education has told House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi\nthat the City College of San Francisco can have more time to fix its\nproblems and avoid closure.", "\n\nPhoto: Justin Sullivan, Getty Images\n\nThe Department of Education has told House Minority Leader ...\n\nImage 2 of 7\n\nClaudeen Narnac walks down the steps in front of a City College of San Francisco sign which may lose its accreditation effective on July 31, 2014 in San Francisco.", "\n\nPhoto: Ian C. Bates, The Chronicle\n\nClaudeen Narnac walks down the steps in front of a City College of...\n\nImage 3 of 7\n\nFirst year student Westly Huang sits and waits for his Accelerated English class to begin at San Francisco City College in San Francisco, CA Wednesday September 11, 2013.", "\n\nPhoto: Michael Short, The Chronicle\n\nFirst year student Westly Huang sits and waits for his Accelerated...\n\nImage 4 of 7\n\nPeople wait under the Ocean Avenue/CCSF Pedestrian Bridge on Ocean Avenue for inbound KT-Ingleside/Third Street trains on December 11, 2013 near City College of San Francisco in San Francisco, Calif.\n\nPhoto: Pete Kiehart, The Chronicle\n\nPeople wait under the Ocean Avenue/CCSF Pedestrian Bridge on Ocean...\n\nImage 5 of 7\n\nTimur Nenaydokh, City College of San Francisco, student, poses for a portrait on campus on Wednesday, January 29, 2014 in San Francisco, Calif. Nenaydokh wears a backpack he exchanged for his with a member of the Royal Air Force while serving with the Marines in Afghanistan.", "\n\nCity College of San Francisco student Wendy Liu (left) checks over classwork during an Introductory Statistics class (Econ 5) with Professor David Pieper (right) at CCSF on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 in San Francisco, Calif.\n\nPhoto: Lea Suzuki, The Chronicle\n\nCity College of San Francisco student Wendy Liu (left) checks over...\n\nImage 7 of 7\n\nCity College of San Francisco student Norman Nesby Jr. tears a sheet of paper to wrap some meat in as he works at his internship at The Local Butcher Shop on Thursday, February 20, 2014 in Berkeley, Calif.\n\nIn its clearest communication yet, the U.S. Department of Education has told House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi that the commission seeking to revoke accreditation from City College of San Francisco can extend that looming deadline to give the school more time to fix its problems and avoid closure.", "\n\nThe Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges \"has the authority to reconsider or rescind its termination decision so as to provide the institution with additional time to come into compliance within the two-year time frame, if such period has not run out, or to provide an extension for good cause,\" Lynn Mahaffie, a senior accrediting director with the Education Department, wrote Pelosi on Monday in response to questions from the congresswoman.", "\n\nThat two-year time frame ends on July 31, despite a legal injunction that bars the commission from revoking accreditation until a trial in October determines whether the commission acted properly when it first evaluated City College in 2012.", "\n\nThe letter to Pelosi confirms what a spokeswoman for U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan told The Chronicle last week: that the commission can extend its deadline.", "\n\n\"This letter from the Department of Education responding to my inquiry proves that the (commission) retains the flexibility to grant CCSF an extension for good cause, despite their previous claims to the contrary,\" Pelosi said in a statement.", "\n\n\"For the (commission) to refuse to allow good-cause extension - even after this clarification from the Department of Education, even after all the monumental progress City College has made along its Roadmap to Success - would be destructive, irresponsible, and could be viewed as a political act.", "\n\n\"For the livelihood of the students, the community, and the state, the (commission) must send in a new evaluation team with a fresh set of eyes and allow a good-cause extension of accreditation.\"", "\n\nRequest of commission\n\nAlso on Tuesday, the chairman of the California Community Colleges Board of Governors, Manuel Baca, sent a letter to Sherrill Amador, the commission's chairwoman, asking the commission to rescind its decision to revoke City College's accreditation and saying the state board would not have cooperated with the commission in its concerns about City College if it had been told there was no hope to save the vast and important school.", "\n\nLast summer, the Board of Governors replaced City College's elected Board of Trustees with a single special trustee.", "\n\n\"We did so with the strong encouragement of (the commission) and with the commission's assurances that there was a pathway to restoration of the accreditation of the college,\" Baca wrote. \"", "We would never have undertaken the job if there were no chance of fully restoring accreditation.\"", "\n\nBaca's letter reflects the increasing anxiety of thousands of City College students and employees, as well as state officials and politicians from Pelosi to San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee about the fate of the college of 80,000 students, the largest public school in California, because the commission appears to be unwilling to help the college avoid losing accreditation. ", "Without it, City College would lose state funding and close.", "\n\nAccreditation critical\n\nThe commission has said it would prefer that City College lose accreditation and become a candidate for future accreditation. ", "Without that seal of approval, however, credits earned at City College would not be transferrable to universities, and federal financial aid could be jeopardized. ", "The state would also have to pass a special law to permit funding for an unaccredited City College.", "\n\nCity College officials have said they will not voluntarily give up accreditation, and advocates for the school have called on the commission to adopt a policy at its next meeting, June 4-6, to extend the current revocation deadline.", "\n\nBut during a visit to The Chronicle last week, accrediting commission President Barbara Beno, Chairwoman Amador and Vice Chairman Steven Kinsella insisted that the Department of Education does not allow it to extend the deadline.", "\n\nAt the same time, Amador said that if the Education Department removed all doubt about the commission's authority to extend the deadline, \"we'd look at it. ", "We're reasonable people.\"", "\n\nThe commission's spokeswoman did not respond to requests for comment on the letter to Pelosi.", "\n\nIn it, Mahaffie explained that the commission can adopt a policy allowing it to extend the deadline in response to \"an improvement in institutional performance.\"", "\n\nLack of oversight\n\nIn 2012, the commission determined that City College had extremely poor financial controls, a tangled governance structure and a lack of educational oversight to such an extent that college officials hadn't known what courses to offer or whether students were meeting learning objectives.", "\n\nSo bad was the situation that 125 people had access to the payroll, and the college lost millions of dollars by failing to charge registration fees from students.", "\n\nCommission leaders said last week that they knew of no evidence of improvement,but they acknowledged they hadn't checked since spring 2013, when their team last visited City College." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006870214128866792, 0.0006748835439793766, 0.0006551656406372786, 0.000631882983725518, 0.0006299969390965998, 0.0006132766720838845, 0.0005827364511787891, 0.0005638343864120543, 0.0005676191067323089, 0.0009778873063623905, 0.0004915808094665408, 0.000553710968233645, 0.0006006245384924114, 0.0005243808845989406, 0.0006099618040025234, 0.0005608288920484483, 0.003284564008936286, 0.0006933199474588037, 0.000592388620134443, 0.0007277139229699969, 0.0005661648465320468, 0.000599564693402499, 0.0005766252288594842, 0.0005553052178584039, 0.0006816688692197204, 0.00055418856209144, 0.0006156507879495621, 0.004263359121978283, 0.0005383449024520814 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCan you delete the contents of the downloads folder?", "\n\nIn my Steam folder, under steamapps, there is a downloading directory which is totaling more than 5gB. Exploring it shows game files for games that, not only do I not have a local installation for, but have since been removed from my library completely (trial for a HL mod).", "\nSteam is currently not downloading anything (paused, suspended or otherwise) and I was wondering whether it was completely safe to just delete the files in steamapps/downloading.", "\nI've restarted steam and it doesn't seem to be performing any cleanup\n\nA:\n\nI noticed that the files and folders that were direct sub-folders of downloading were numbered.", "\nstate_17515_206.patch\n17515/\nstate_17585_17581.patch\n17585/\n\nThese correspond with the steam app ID's of the games that don't exist on my system (17585).", "\nThere are no other files which leads me to believe that this is just a bug in Steam (because it is cleaning up files for games I do have).", "\nI.e. it will clean up downloads for games that it knows about, but any other files it may have put there will not be removed if the game is deleted.", "\nI deleted the files, restarted steam, and nothing adverse happened.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt should be ok. ", "If in doubt just move the contents to somewhere else temporarily and see if it has any adverse affect. ", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0009261491941288114, 0.0006989054381847382, 0.0007062433869577944, 0.0006735344650223851, 0.0007038973271846771, 0.0007079883362166584, 0.0006517659057863057, 0.0008879407541826367, 0.0006069222581572831, 0.0006188653060235083, 0.0019954426679760218 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhat exactly are size, ratio and line distance in Eagle PCB text tool?", "\n\nWhat exatly does size quantify in the Eagle text tool?", "\nAlso, changing ratio and line distance does not seem have any affect. ", "What exactly are they used for?", "\nHow do I know if I need to use vector, proportional or fixed Font?", "\n\nA:\n\nI'm pretty sure those are attributes that apply to text elements. ", " Size changes the height of the letters, Ratio changes the thickness of the letters, and distance (I think) affects the vertical space between lines (obviously only for multi-line texts), but context would help to clarify.", "\nAs far as vector, proportional, or fixed -- I just always use Vector to avoid surprises when it comes time to generate Gerber files. ", "Seriously, I have no idea why it's not the default. ", "\nA picture is worth a thousand words, as they say. ", "Experiment to see the effect of changing properties and how they interact.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006848123157396913, 0.0008656801655888557, 0.0006014669197611511, 0.0007517593912780285, 0.0006977454177103937, 0.0005758692277595401, 0.000547223084140569, 0.0005907718441449106, 0.0008699959143996239, 0.0009882008889690042, 0.0005769177223555744, 0.0019954426679760218 ]
[ "A lot of people in the United States don't know anything about soon-to-be ex-senator Marco Rubio of Florida, which means he theoretically still has a chance to be president, the same way the Philadelphia Phillies can still theoretically win this year's pennant. ", "It will not last, and it will never have been realistic.", "\n\nRubio's entry in the 2016 presidential race will fuck up his hitherto inexplicably promising career. ", "It will cost the Republican Party dearly in Florida and in Washington. ", "It will prove to be one of the dumbest moves in the dumb history of politics. ", "This will happen because Marco Rubio is that rare youthful combination of un-telegenic bumbling incompetence and malign corruption only Florida can nourish to maturity.", "\n\nThe Marco Experience\n\nRubio has two major political achievements. ", "First, he was speaker of the Florida House of Representatives—an annual beauty pageant of ugly Republicans, by ugly Republicans, for ugly Republicans, so that ugly Republicans shall not perish from the earth. ", "Second, he took an election from political changeling Charlie Crist, something that a reanimated pygmy skink could do, and has done. ", "The thickest section of Rubio's resumé is his involvement in some truly ghastly internecine political and financial corruption. ", "But he's running against a Clinton, a Bush, and a Texan. ", "So much for that advantage.", "\n\nSure: On paper, Rubio looks like a formidable candidate, a nod to consensus wisdom on Republican electoral demographics. ", "Part of the problem is not with him, so much as with the contradictions inherent in that wisdom. ", "He sounds like a doctrinaire conservative, who hates social welfare and undocumented immigrants and alternate lifestyles. ", "But! ", "He's young and Latino! ", "Who better to deliver a grumpy retrograde anti-minority vision of America's future?", "\n\nIt's true, Rubio's face is taut next to that of his rough contemporary and fellow Cuban-American, Ted Cruz. ", "But it doesn't really exude freshness—like a Winn-Dixie cheddar log whose expiration date is months into the future, but whose suspicious shrink-wrapped languor still makes you pass it by in the supermarket cooler. ", "You've gotta be really hungry to give it a chance.", "\n\nThe Marco Gamble\n\nCruz—who also will not be president in 2017—provides a perfect contrast to Rubio. ", "Because Ted Cruz, however much of a detestable pandering creeper he might be, is an astute politician who has real incentives to crash the GOP primary this year. ", "It helps him raise his profile for 2020 or later. ", "More critically, it helps him grab de facto national leadership of rank-and-file Republicans that his Senate colleagues have refused to hand him de jure. ", "Cruz is going the Julius Caesar route, and it will work out just fine for him.", "\n\nRubio has none of those incentives. ", "He is skipping a run for reelection to the Senate next year. ", "So in order to kiss an Iowa state-fair butter cow and hope it convinces enough slackjaw racist-emailing state delegates to rush over to his corner of some god-forsaken parqueted gym floor in Dubuque, he will have to give up a job he could have held for life as a United States senator in the union's fast-growing, third-largest, politically up-for-grabs state. ", "A job that could have positioned him well for 2020 or 2024 or the governor's mansion or Fox News, after he'd had a few more seasons to learn to talk with his tongue in his mouth.", "\n\nMore to the point, Rubio's decision is going to cost Republicans hundreds of millions in critical political money at best, and lose them a previously safe Senate seat at worst. ", "He was uniquely positioned to hold his seat in a presidential election year, which typically favors Democrats in Florida. ", "Thanks to his blandness and his refusal to do, like, policy, his approval numbers and net positives beat those of any other state politician. ", "No other Republican comes close.", "\n\nAnd for all that risk, what is to be gained? ", "When Rubio fails to win a ride on Marine One, he becomes an unemployed loser. ", "Another Charlie Crist. ", "Only younger and with fewer friends.", "\n\nThe Marco Brand\n\nDidn't we say all this about a gawky rogue presidential candidate named Barack Obama? ", "Sure. ", "But Obama had the advantage of not looking and sounding like a complete fucking idiot. ", "Obama was on the Harvard Law Review, not the Santa Fe Community College football team. ", "Then again, that's not really fair to community collegians and football players: Plenty of each are smart enough to run the country. ", "It just so happens that Rubio isn't one of them.", "\n\nFor proof, simply look to Rubio's campaign message, a bizarre simulacrum of \"hope and change\" focus-grouped by Red Stripe-swilling blue blazers who are slightly scared of hope and change because they've witnessed its power but never fully understood its appeal, like those crouched simians sizing up the galactic monolith in 2001.", "\n\nHere is his campaign poster, with its apparent retail-mall inspiration:\n\nNote the tagline. ", "This is how we freshen up the Republican brand: by declaring a new American century in 2015, a sixth of the way into the century. (", "And by stealing mojo from the Iraq \"regime change\" neocons who formed the Project for a New American Century in 1997, just after Rubio finished his work on fresh-faced newcomer Bob Dole's presidential campaign.)", "\n\nThis queer store-bought concept of newness is Rubio's shtick. \"", "Yesterday is over, and we are never going back,\" Rubio said to canned cheers yesterday upon announcing his candidacy, just after attacking Democrats for \"looking backward\" and before declaring that his novel vision of a future America involved militarism, banning abortion, school vouchers, and celebration of \"family—not government.\"", "\n\nThat's not to say he didn't go out on a limb. ", "See, for example, the New York Times' analysis of his bold, audacious campaign:\n\nOr his clearly controversial pronouncements to ABC News:\n\n.@marcorubio to ABC: \"I think the 21st century can be the American century, and I believe that I can lead this country in that direction.\" — ", "Alex Leary (@learyreports) April 13, 2015\n\nEven in the history of vapid political horse-races, this is a new level of content-free mad-libbing, an adolescent appropriation of the tissue-thin framework that undergirds our nation's political discourse: \"I think the CILANTRO can be the SNOZZBERRY, and I believe that I can lead this TED TALK in that GLORY HOLE.\" ", "Rubio is, as Hedley Lamarr might say, a provincial putz, and he is running a provincial putz's campaign to lead the free world.", "\n\nThe Marco Rationale\n\nSo why are we talking about him at all? ", "For two main reasons. ", "One is that, at least for the time being, he moves reporters' copy because he is enough of a phony cipher to shoehorn into their phony narratives. ", "One need look no further than the writing of Jason Zengerle —whose Monday piece, \"Why Rubio vs. Jeb Will Become the GOP Title Fight,\" talks little about Rubio and less about why he matters to American voters. ", "But who cares? ", "We have two guys who know each other, competing for the same prize! ", "Make it work, man!", "\n\nBut the larger and more insidious reason we are talking about Marco Rubio is because his waifish, manufactured brand appeals to a small number of highly influential idiots with billions of dollars to spend fine-tuning a plutocratic system that's immediately responsive to most of their whims—but not yet all of them. ", "These are the Koch-heads, the sugar barons, the neocon casino magnates, the football-and-car-dealership tycoons, the i-bankers and hedge-funders looking for a soft, supple hand to stimulate their sacks of cash with a youthful wink and a nod to old-fashioned values. ", "Or just opportunistic contractors who see the wisdom in investing a little campaign money now to build billions worth of Coast Guard cutters later.", "\n\nAs long as Rubio holds these dollar-worshiping dullards in thrall, he has a card to play with smarter Republican leaders and more promising presidential candidates who need those coffers to win a general election—like a penny-ante land speculator who holds the last few deeds in the shanty town where the interstate highway is going up. ", "He is not running for votes, but for the kind of power most voters cannot comprehend, because they will never see it out in the open.", "\n\nThis, in the end, is probably the soon-to-be-ex-Florida-senator's strongest campaign pitch: \"MARCO RUBIO 2016: I Will Trade You My Big Donors For a Veep Nod and a Juicy Juice.\" ", "He is destined to be the next John Edwards or Sarah Palin, only inordinately duller.", "\n\n[Photo credit: Getty Images]" ]
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[ "Introduction {#S1}\n============\n\nRationale {#S1.SS1}\n---------\n\nCognitive functions are mental abilities that allow the correct interpretation and management of environmental information. ", "These skills are distributed along a continuum that involves optimal cognitive functioning at one extreme and dementia at the other ([@B52]). ", "Proper cognitive functioning is essential to perform both the simplest tasks of everyday life and the most complex activities. ", "Many factors can contribute to the physiological decline of cognitive functions in general, or of a specific domain, linked to the aging process ([@B11]; [@B46]).", "\n\nSometimes, the cognitive changes associated with aging became clinically significant and severe enough to compromise social and daily life functioning. ", "The challenge of modern science, given the current sociodemographic conditions (i.e., population aging), is precisely to understand the reasons for this pathological decline, as well as to try to identify the early markers of cognitive impairment.", "\n\nCognitive functioning worsens under conditions of autonomic ([@B68]; [@B70]) and cardiovascular ([@B47]) dysfunctions. ", "Within this perspective, a promising physiological correlate of cognitive functioning is heart rate variability (HRV) that is considered an index of autonomic control of the heart. ", "HRV reflects the oscillations in the interval (ms) between consecutive heartbeats (R-R intervals) that result mainly from the dynamic interaction between the parasympathetic and the sympathetic inputs to the heart through the sinoatrial node ([@B40]; [@B67]; [@B56]).", "\n\nHeart rate variability analysis can be conducted in the time domain, frequency domain, and by using non-linear analyses. ", "In the time-domain, it is possible to calculate: (a) the standard deviation of all R--R intervals (SDNN) that reveals the components responsible for variability in the recording period ([@B40]); and (b) the root mean square of successive standard deviation (RMSSD) and the percentage of consecutive regular sinus RR intervals over 50 ms (pNN50) that should reflect vagal tone ([@B67]; [@B29]; [@B59]; [@B33]).", "\n\nIn the frequency domain, the oscillatory components are usually differentiated into different spectral profiles ([@B40]; [@B1]; [@B56]). ", "Ultra-low frequencies (ULF; \\<0.0033 Hz) can only be evaluated using 24-h recordings, and reflect circadian oscillations, body temperature, metabolism, and activity of the renin-angiotensin system ([@B33]). ", "Very-low frequencies (VLF; 0.0033--0.04 Hz) represent long-term regulation mechanisms, thermoregulation, and hormonal mechanisms ([@B40]; [@B33]). ", "The low frequencies (LF; 0.04--0.15 Hz) reflect a mix between the sympathetic and vagal influences and are considered a marker of cardiac outflow influenced by both sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) ([@B40]; [@B33]). ", "Initially, it was assumed that only sympathetic outflow contributes to the LF-HRV. ", "However, this view is not without controversial opinions. ", "In particular, some authors suggest that LF-HRV primarily reflects parasympathetic influence ([@B56]), and it is potentially affected by other cardiac mechanisms such as baroreflex sensitivity (e.g., [@B21]). ", "High frequencies (HF; 0.15--0.40 Hz) reflect vagal tone ([@B40]; [@B33]) and can be taken as an index of cardiac parasympathetic tone ([@B56]). ", "Finally, the LF/HF-HRV ratio has long been considered as an index of sympathovagal balance. ", "However, this viewpoint has been strongly criticized (e.g., [@B2]), because the physiological bases are not clear ([@B33]). ", "For these reasons, this index, although widely used, would have a low predictive value ([@B33]).", "\n\nThe cardiac vagal tone has frequently been linked to cognitive and emotional control (e.g., [@B54]; [@B23]; [@B15]). ", "Within the HRV spectrum, the high-frequency band corresponds to parasympathetic cardiac activity. ", "Parasympathetic influences are essential for the successful adaptation of the individual to changing environmental demands ([@B54]; [@B67], [@B68]; [@B55]). ", "A reduction in vagal control (i.e., decreased HF-HRV) could indicate a lack of ability to respond flexibly to changing demands, reducing the range of possible options and thus limiting the individuals' ability to generate appropriate responses and inhibit inappropriate ones.", "\n\nAccording to the Neurovisceral Integration Model, there is an association between cardiac vagal tone and the functioning of attentional and emotional self-regulatory systems ([@B67], [@B68]). ", "The neurovisceral integration hypothesis has suggested that the brain areas involved in self-regulation are also involved in cardiac autonomic activity through the vagus nerve ([@B16]; [@B64]). ", "These areas include the anterior, insular, and orbitofrontal cortices; amygdala; periaqueductal gray matter; ventral striatum; and autonomic motor nuclei of the brainstem ([@B64]).", "\n\nFurther studies have confirmed the existence of an association between higher resting HRV and active inhibitory prefrontal-subcortical circuits ([@B67], [@B68]; [@B58]). ", "In particular, higher resting-state HRV appears to be related to increased activity in executive brain regions ([@B64]), while lower resting HRV seems to be related to hypoactive prefrontal regulation ([@B69]; [@B50]). ", "Consequently, a vagal control of the heart appear to be associated with the effective functioning of self-regulatory neural circuits, which permit the organism to respond quickly and flexibly to environmental demands ([@B67], [@B68]; [@B65]; [@B66]; [@B64]).", "\n\nThis hypothesis was formulated for the first-time considering emotion regulation and dysregulation ([@B67]). ", "According to this view, affective regulation requires selective attention to emotionally relevant stimuli and the inhibition of attention to irrelevant stimuli. ", "Therefore, from a neurovisceral perspective, attentional and emotional regulations run together in the process of self-regulation and goal-directed behaviors. ", "This extension of the neurovisceral hypothesis to other cognitive domains can allow improving the understanding of the relationship between the ANS and cognitive functioning.", "\n\nAims {#S1.SS2}\n----\n\nThe general aims of this systematic review of the literature are: (a) to analyze the relationship between autonomic regulation and cognitive processes in the absence of affective dimensions and pathological aspects; (b) according to the hypothesis of the neurovisceral integration model, to understand the relationship between executive functioning and HRV; (c) to investigate the relationships between HRV and other cognitive domains (i.e., processing speed, attention, memory, language, visuospatial skills), to highlight whether HRV can be considered an index of general cognitive functioning; (d) to evaluate whether HRV can be considered as a predictor of cognitive performance.", "\n\nMethods {#S2}\n=======\n\nThe review process was conducted according to the PRISMA-Statement ([@B36]; [@B43]).", "\n\nResearch Strategies {#S2.SS1}\n-------------------\n\nA systematic analysis of the international literature was carried out by selecting articles published in peer-review journals, using PubMed, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, and MEDLINE databases. ", "The last research was conducted on June 10, 2018. ", "Restrictions were made, limiting the study to academic publications in which the full text was published in English, and the study included human populations without age, gender, or ethnicity restrictions. ", "The search strategy used the following syntax: \"(cognit^\\*^ or neuropsych^\\*^) and (HRV or heart rate variability or vagal tone or vagal activity).\"", "\n\nEligibility Criteria {#S2.SS2}\n--------------------\n\nFrom the list of potential articles produced by systematic research, we selected the studies that included one or more cognitive measures and the measurement of HRV. ", "Studies that included participants with medical conditions, which could potentially influence this relationship and those that included participants with a diagnosis of dementia, psychiatric disorders, strokes, and traumatic brain injury were excluded.", "\n\nThe first exclusion of non-inherent studies was made by analyzing titles and abstracts of the articles. ", "Subsequently, the reading of the full text allowed further selection. ", "Two researchers made the selection independently; inconsistent decisions between them were resolved by consulting a supervisor.", "\n\nData Collection {#S2.SS3}\n---------------\n\nAccording to the PICOS approach ([@B36]), the following information has been extracted from each selected study: (1) author(s) and year of publication (2) characteristics of participants (including age, years of education, gender); (3) type of HRV measures (including measurement in the time or frequency domain); (4) cognitive domain analyzed (global, executive functions, processing speed, language, memory, attention, visuospatial skills); (5) nature and direction of the identified relationship. ", "These data are summarized in [Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Only HRV resting measurements have been considered because the heterogeneity of cognitive tasks could influence recovery measures hindering finest comparisons between the variables.", "\n\n###### \n\nParticipants' characteristics, cognitive domains analyzed, HRV measurements, and links to cognitive performances in the selected studies.", "\n\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n **Study** **Participants** **Cognitive Domain** \n ----------- ------------------ ---------------------- --------------- ------- --- ------ --- --- --- --- --- ------------------ -------------\n [@B42] 52 22.0 (3.0) 48 ✓ HF; MF^\\*^ Positive\n\n [@B23] 53 23.0 ✓ ✓ HF Positive\n\n [@B22] 37 19.1 ✓ ✓ HF Positive\n\n [@B27] 311 65--85 0 ✓ RMSSD; HF Positive\n\n [@B3] 5375 58.0 (6.0) 72 x x x x ✓ SDNN; LF; HF. ", " No Relation\n\n [@B15] 60 24.5 (3.7) 47 MF^\\*^ Positive\n\n [@B14] 18 47.7 (15.7) 27.8 ✓ SDNN; LF; HF Positive\n\n [@B60] 416 55.0 (2.9) ✓ HF Positive\n\n [@B62] 19 21.5 (0.5) 47 ✓ ✓ RMSSD; SDNN; HF. ", " Positive\n\n [@B17] Male\\ 2145\\ 61.8 (8.3)\\ 100 0 ✓ ✓ x ✓ x ✓ SDNN; LF; LF/HF Positive\n Female 2618 61.5 (8.39 \n\n [@B28] 817 57.11 (11.15) 44.2 ✓ HF Positive\n\n [@B20] 75 18.4 36.4 ✓^b^ HF; LF Positive\n\n [@B74] 869 76.0 (6.0) 41 ✓ ✓ SDNN; RMSSD Positive\n\n [@B41] 533 54.9 (10.7) 46.3 ✓ HF Positive\n\n [@B72] 104 19.25 (1.43) 54 ✓ HF Positive\n\n [@B39] 3583 75.0 (3.0) 47 ✓ x ✓ ✓ HF Positive\n\n [@B8] High HRV\\ 44\\ 21.3 (0.3)\\ 43.2\\ ✓ . ", " HF Positive\n Low HRV 44 21.1 (0.3 43.2 \n\n [@B73] 2118 45.0 (4.0) 42 x ✓ SDNN; RMSSD Positive\n\n [@B7] 90 22.1 (2.5) 33.3 ✓ RMSSD; HF Positive\n\n [@B48] 50 24.2 (4.0) 38 ✓ RMSSD; HF Positive\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nM, mean; SD, standard deviation;, domain assessed but not resulted impairment in this study;, domain assessed and resulted impairment in this study; GC, global cognition; ME, memory; LG, language; AT, attention; EF, executive functioning; PS, information processing speed; VS, visuospatial skills; HF, high-frequency band; RMSSD, root mean square of successive RR interval differences; SDNN, standard deviation of NN intervals; LF, low-frequency band; LF/HF, ratio of LF-to-HF power;\n\na\n\nnot reported in all studies;\n\nb\n\nability to suppress unwanted memory;\n\n\\*\n\nMF, mid frequency band (0.06--0.14 Hz).", "\n\nThe neuropsychological tests used in the selected studies were associated, as defined by the authors, with some cognitive *a priori* domains (global functioning, attention, executive functions, memory, visuospatial skills, language, and processing speed). ", "Performance in the various domains was analyzed, considering a single test or a composite score based on the measures of multiple neuropsychological tests (see [Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n###### \n\nNeuropsychological tests used for the evaluation of the cognitive domains in the included studies.", "\n\n **Cognitive domain** **Task** **Study**\n ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------\n Global cognition Inductive reasoning tasks [@B42]\n Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) [@B27]; [@B39]\n Modified Mini-Mental State Examination (3MSE) [@B74]\n Alice-Heim 4-I (AH4-I) [@B3]\n Bennett--Seashore--Wesman Differential Aptitude Test [@B62]\n Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) [@B17]\n Memory Computerized Working Memory Test [@B23], [@B22]\n 20-word free recall test of short-term verbal memory [@B3]\n Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) Subtest [@B17]\n Unwanted memory Test [@B20]\n Composite Score [@B60]^a^\n Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test [@B73]\n Picture-Word Learning Test [@B39]\n Spanish and English verbal learning test (SEVLT) [@B74]\n Language Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) subtest [@B17]\n Mill Hill Vocabulary Test [@B3]\n Attention Modified Flanker Task [@B72]\n Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) Subtest [@B17]\n Test d2 [@B15]\n California Computerized Assessment Package (CALCAP) [@B23], [@B22]\n Executive function Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) Subtest [@B17]\n California Computerized Assessment Package (CALCAP) [@B23], [@B22]\n Verbal fluency [@B3]\n Computerized working memory task [@B23], [@B22]\n Composite Score [@B28]^b^; [@B41]^c^\n Stop-change paradigm [@B8]\n Rule Shift Cards and the Hayling Sentence Completion Test [@B48]\n Iowa Gambling Task and Game of Dice Task [@B14]\n Processing speed Task-switching paradigm [@B7]\n Stroop Task [@B39]; [@B73]\n Letter-Digit Coding [@B39]\n Visuospatial abilities Bennett--Seashore--Wesman Differential Aptitude Test [@B62]\n Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) Subtest [@B17]\n\na\n\nVerbal Selective Reminding Test (SRT) and the visual SRT;\n\nb\n\nDigits Backward task, Red/Green task (a variant of the classic Go/No Go) and Category Fluency;\n\nc\n\nBrief Test of Adult Cognition (BTAC) and Stop and Go Switch Task (SGST).", "\n\nResults {#S3}\n=======\n\nSelection of the Studies {#S3.SS1}\n------------------------\n\nThe flowchart shows the number of studies identified from the databases and examined by the authors, the number of articles, assessed for eligibility, and included in the review; the reasons for possible exclusions are also reported ([Figure 1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The final analysis included 20 studies.", "\n\n![", "Studies selection flow diagram (PRISMA flow chart).](fnins-13-00710-g001){#F1}\n\nResults of the Selected Studies {#S3.SS2}\n-------------------------------\n\n### Demographic Data {#S3.SS2.SSS1}\n\nThe 20 studies that met the inclusion criteria were conducted from 2001 to 2018 and involved 19,431 people. ", "Participants were aged between 18.4 ([@B20]) and 76.0 years ([@B74]). ", "The percentage of men in the studies ranged from 0 ([@B27]) to 72% ([@B3]). ", "Three studies did not report information about the participants' gender ([@B23], [@B22]; [@B60]). ", "Only one study presented a gender comparison ([@B17]). ", "Almost all of the researchers carried out a cross-sectional analysis, and only one study performed a longitudinal evaluation ([@B3]).", "\n\nMany studies ([@B23], [@B22]; [@B27]; [@B3]; [@B17]; [@B74]; [@B39]; [@B48]) carried out statistical analysis controlling some confounding variables, such as demographics (age, gender, years of education, ethnicity), clinical (body mass index; blood pressure; heart rate; cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol, diabetes), and behavioral (smoking, exercise, alcohol consumption) variables.", "\n\nHRV Measurement {#S3.SS3}\n---------------\n\nExcept for one study ([@B39]), HRV measurement was conducted by a continuous ECG recording, which lasted at least 5 min, as recommended by the guidelines of the European society of cardiology and the North American society ([@B40]).", "\n\nHeart rate variability was evaluated considering time-domain analyses ([@B23]; [@B74], [@B73]), frequency-domain analyses ([@B42]; [@B22]; [@B15]; [@B14]; [@B28]; [@B20]; [@B41]; [@B39]; [@B72]; [@B8]; [@B7]), or both ([@B27]; [@B3]; [@B14]; [@B62]; [@B17]; [@B7]; [@B48]).", "\n\nThe HF-HRV analysis was the most frequently reported ([@B42]; [@B23], [@B22]; [@B27]; [@B3]; [@B14]; [@B60]; [@B62]; [@B28]; [@B20]; [@B41]; [@B39]; [@B72]; [@B8]; [@B7]; [@B48]). ", "The LF/HF HRV ratio ([@B17]), the LF-HRV band ([@B3]; [@B14]; [@B17]; [@B20]), the mid-frequency (MF) HRV band ([@B42]; [@B15]), the standard deviation of mean RR interval (SDNN) ([@B3]; [@B14]; [@B62]; [@B17]; [@B74], [@B73]) and the square root of the mean squared differences of successive RR intervals (RMSSD) ([@B27]; [@B62]; [@B74], [@B73]; [@B7]; [@B48]) were also evaluated.", "\n\nCognitive Domain {#S3.SS4}\n----------------\n\nAll the cognitive domains were examined; global cognitive functioning (eight studies), memory (eight studies), language (two studies), attention (five studies), executive functions (thirteen studies), visuospatial skills (two studies), and processing speed (one study) (for references, see [Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nHRV and Global Cognition (*n* = 8) {#S3.SS5}\n----------------------------------\n\nAn association between HRV and global cognitive performance was reported. ", "Only [@B3] fail to find this relationship. ", "Specifically, a low HRV was related to poorer performance ([@B42]; [@B27]; [@B62]; [@B17]; [@B74]; [@B39]) also after the adjustment of data for demographic, clinical and behavioral confounding variables ([@B27]; [@B17]; [@B74]; [@B39]).", "\n\nOne study emphasized the role of the respiration rate ([@B42]), highlighting that poor reasoners had higher levels of sympathetic activity and respiratory rate than good reasoners.", "\n\nHRV and Memory (*n* = 8) {#S3.SS6}\n------------------------\n\nThree studies ([@B60]; [@B17]; [@B20]; [@B74]) found a relationship between HRV and memory functionality, also after controlling demographic and clinical variables ([@B60]; [@B17]).", "\n\nPeople with higher HRV levels demonstrate a better ability to control over memory and a better ability to suppress unwanted memories ([@B20]). ", "Lower HRV is independently associated with a worse performance both in short and long-term verbal memory ([@B60]; [@B17]).", "\n\nHowever, some studies did not find a relationship between verbal ([@B3]; [@B39]; [@B73]) or visuospatial memory ([@B60]) and HRV.", "\n\nHRV and Language (*n* = 2) {#S3.SS7}\n--------------------------\n\n[@B17] reported that reduced HRV is associated with lower linguistic performance, also after the adjustment of data for demographic, clinical and behavioral confounding variables. ", "Conversely, [@B3] did not find any relationship between HRV and linguistic performance.", "\n\nHRV and Attention (*n* = 5) {#S3.SS8}\n---------------------------\n\nFour studies ([@B23], [@B22]; [@B15]; [@B72]) found that individual differences in resting HRV predicted attentional performance. ", "Lower HRV was associated with worse performance, also after the adjustment of the data for confounding variables ([@B15]; [@B72]). ", "However, these results were not confirmed by [@B17], who did not find any relationship between HRV and attention.", "\n\nHRV and Executive Functions (*n* = 13) {#S3.SS9}\n--------------------------------------\n\nThe executive domain was the most investigated. ", "The studies demonstrated an association between lower HRV and poor executive performance; however, two studies ([@B3]; [@B17]) did not confirm these findings.", "\n\nLower HRV predicted poorer performance on tasks involving executive functioning independently from demographic, clinical and behavioral confounding variables.", "\n\nHRV and Visuospatial Skills (*n* = 2) {#S3.SS10}\n-------------------------------------\n\nConsidering visuospatial abilities, only [@B17] observed a relationship with HRV. ", "Lower HRV was associated with poor visuospatial performance, also after the adjustment of the data for demographic, clinical and behavioral confounding variables.", "\n\nHRV and Processing Speed (*n* = 1) {#S3.SS11}\n----------------------------------\n\nThe only study ([@B39]) that investigated processing speed showed that people with lower HRV had worse performance and experienced a higher decline in processing speed, independently from demographic and clinical characteristics.", "\n\nDiscussion {#S4}\n==========\n\nSummary of Evidence {#S4.SS1}\n-------------------\n\nThe role of ANS on emotional regulation is well-known, whereas its links with cognitive functions are less well defined. ", "Some studies concerning the general arousal ([@B37]), the attentional orienting ([@B61]), the alerting ([@B71]), and the regulation of actions ([@B25]) have reported specific autonomic changes that were concurrent with cognitive functioning.", "\n\nThe first studies that have tried to identify a specific relationship between vagal tone and cognitive functions have highlighted changes in HRV depending on the type or complexity of the task ([@B34]; [@B57]). ", "Based on these findings, some theories have been developed to explain the relationship between HRV and cognitive functioning. ", "Among these, there is the Polyvagal Theory of [@B53], which highlights the importance of the vagus nerve for cognitive functions and in particular for the attentional processes. ", "More recently, [@B66] developed the Neurovisceral Integration Model, which hypothesized a cortical integration between the executive, autonomic, and emotional functionality. ", "The ANS is controlled by cortical circuits located in the prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate gyrus, the orbitofrontal cortex, and the amygdala, which are also crucial for cognitive and emotional processes ([@B9]; [@B49]). ", "The authors hypothesized that a sympathetic hyperactivation, with consequent prefrontal hypoactivation, would facilitate the disinhibition of the amygdala, i.e., an adaptive response; the amygdala would promote a decrease in HRV and an increase in heart rate ([@B68]). ", "This hypervigilant reaction would be related to reduced cognitive flexibility and vice versa; under parasympathetic activity conditions, the lack of prefrontal hypoactivation would be expressed through an increase in HRV with improved cognitive functions ([@B68]).", "\n\nOne of the aims of this review was to analyze the neurovisceral integration hypothesis considering the performance that involved executive components in the absence of affective dimensions and pathological aspects.", "\n\nA close examination of the selected studies confirms the relationships between resting HF-HRV and cognitive functioning, supporting the neurovisceral hypothesis in the absence of affective dimensions. ", "The early results of [@B23] suggested a connection between resting HF-HRV, processing speed, and the accuracy of responses to monitoring tasks, with a stronger association when working memory was required; participants with high HF-HRV performed better than participants with low HF-HRV. ", "The same set of tests was administered in a subsequent study ([@B22]), and the results were replicated. ", "These results were also confirmed during a condition of a threat of shock ([@B24]).", "\n\nSubsequently, numerous studies have analyzed the association between executive functions and HRV, considering both time and frequency domains, and in some cases with a large sample ([@B28]; [@B39]; [@B73]). ", "A relationship with HRV was confirmed considering different executive functions ([@B22]; [@B41]; [@B39]; [@B8]). ", "Moreover, participants with high resting-state HRV (indexed by RMSSD), as compared to participants with low resting-state HRV, demonstrated better action cascading ([@B8]), underlining that high resting HRV is associated with the optimal functioning of the prefrontal-subcortical inhibitory circuits that sustain flexible and adaptive responses to environmental demands ([@B8]).", "\n\nAnother aim of this review was to analyze the relationship between HRV and different cognitive domains. ", "Many studies have found that reduced HRV in both time domain (RMSSD, SDNN) and frequency domain (HF, LF, LF/HF) were associated with weaker cognitive performance in both global cognition and specific cognitive domains.", "\n\nInterestingly, the various HRV indices appear related to cognitive domains differently.", "\n\nLower LF-HRV, which is influenced by both sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of ANS, was linked to worse cognitive performance, in particular considering memory, language and global cognitive scores ([@B62]; [@B17]). [", "@B42] reported that high MF (Mid-Frequency band: 0.06--0.14 Hz), regulated by both the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the ANS, was associated with better performance in spatial tasks and to poorer verbal reasoning ability, while high HF-HRV was associated with better verbal reasoning ability. ", "On the other hand, lower HF-HRV, which reflects vagal modulation, appears to be associated with weaker performance in global cognitive functions, such as those measured by the Mini-Mental State Examination ([@B27]), verbal reasoning abilities ([@B62]), inhibition of memory responses ([@B20]), or executive functions ([@B22]; [@B41]; [@B39]; [@B8]). ", "These results can be due to the lateralisation of autonomic functions ([@B42]). ", "In particular, sympathetic activation is related to visual and motor cortices, while parasympathetic activation is linked to the activity of prefrontal areas.", "\n\nMoreover, some studies ([@B27]; [@B6]) reported a link between low HF-HRV and the risk of developing cognitive impairment. ", "According to this hypothesis, low LF-HRV has been associated with white matter lesions in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairments ([@B75]; [@B18]) and Alzheimer's Disease ([@B45]; [@B75]; [@B10]). ", "These results linked to others that identified a change in the LF/HF ratio based on the type and difficulty of the task ([@B38]; [@B44]), reinforce the idea that the various parameters of HRV are associated with different cognitive functions.", "\n\nThe results under the umbrella of the memory domain are particularly fascinating. ", "Although a general relationship between HRV and verbal memory was found, visual memory seems not to be associated with HRV. ", "This finding can be explained by considering that many brain regions involved in visual functions, including parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes, all lie outside of the central autonomic network ([@B12]; [@B51]). ", "Therefore, HRV may correlate with verbal, but not visual, memory performance because verbal memory more specifically involves the central autonomic network.", "\n\nIn general, it is evident that executive functions, as well as global cognitive functioning, are the most investigated dimensions about HRV. ", "The other cognitive domains (attention, processing speed, visuospatial skills, memory, and language) were the object of investigations that appear to be characterized by many methodological limits from both a quantitative and a qualitative point of view. ", "A critical aspect of the studies measuring HRV is given by the numerous confounding variables. ", "The results are particularly relevant when confounding variables are controlled; in some cases, the relationship became stronger, while in others, the adjustment for the confounding variables modifies the terms of the relationship. ", "This pattern of results appears to indicate that other variables mediate the relationship between HRV and cognitive functions. ", "HRV changes according to many factors, such as gender ([@B63]), BMI ([@B30]), anxiety ([@B5]), stress ([@B13]), heart rate ([@B19]), and smoking habits ([@B35]; [@B26]), and so became important controlling these variables. ", "Consequently, the analyses of their specific influence in mediating HRV effects on cognitive functioning are compelling. ", "It is interesting to note that, in contrast to the other domains, the executive domain was significantly associated with HRV, above and beyond significant confounding variables (i.e., cardiovascular risk, age, and gender). ", "This association is not surprising and reinforces the idea that HRV is strongly associated with the neuronal activity of the prefrontal cortex, which in turn regulates the executive functions ([@B66]).", "\n\nIn contrast to results of other studies, [@B3] did not show any correlation between HRV parameters and cognitive functioning, even if they considered a large cohort of people with characteristics similar to those of other studies. ", "These inconsistent results could be due to the high variability of the data, which is attributable to some methodological procedures; for example, the participants were selected in different phases of one longitudinal study and this procedure can have implied effects due to both the survival and the selection of the sample. ", "Another explanation could be the high percentage of males present in the sample (72%). ", "Several studies show that men, compared to women, had a higher RR interval, a higher LF-HRV, and a lower HF-HRV ([@B31]). ", "Finally, the tests used in this study (Whitehall II cognitive test battery) did not assess executive functions in detail.", "\n\nAnother aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive value of HRV for cognitive performance. ", "The analyzed studies found that a higher HRV, both in time and frequency domains, were associated with finest cognitive performance, even after adjustment for the confounding variables commonly associated with HRV (i.e., age, gender, years of education, body mass index, blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases). ", "Therefore, even if caution must be employed in defining the HRV as a predictor of performance in several cognitive domains, the results obtained from this review seem promising in that sense. ", "However, more longitudinal studies and further research on poorly considered cognitive domains are needed to allow reliable inferences in this regard.", "\n\nLimitations {#S4.SS2}\n-----------\n\nThis systematic review of the literature aimed to carry out an analysis of the scientific studies concerning the link between the activity of the autonomic system and cognitive functioning.", "\n\nAlthough we have tried to control the research methodology as much as possible, this study presents some limitations that could undermine the generalizability of the results. ", "One weakness is given by the heterogeneity of the population and measures; this heterogeneity does not allow performing a quantitative analysis (i.e., meta-analysis) that would have given greater force to the conclusions.", "\n\nAnother limitation could be indirectly linked to the publication bias. ", "The choice to include only academic articles published in peer-review journals may have limited the selection of only those studies that have obtained results in line with the literature. ", "As a consequence, the results may overestimate this relationship. ", "Moreover, the choice to select only studies published in English could have led to the elimination of studies conducted on other populations and written in different languages, further limiting the generalizability of the results. ", "Moreover, the marked interest in a specific domain, i.e., the executive functions, and the relatively small number of studies in this topic does not allow to a conclusion concerning the involvement of the other cognitive domains. ", "Finally, another limitation is represented by the overwhelming presence of cross-sectional studies that do not enable to few causal inferences on the relationship between HRV and cognitive functioning to be made.", "\n\nFuture Perspectives {#S4.SS3}\n-------------------\n\nTo overcome these limitations, in future psychophysiological studies it will be useful to utilize the emerging guidelines for reporting HRV parameters (e.g., [@B33]), which can improve the quality of data, allow to more transparent reporting, and lead to more analysable data in quantitative analysis (e.g., meta-analysis).", "\n\nFurther research should aim to increase the studies on the relationship between HRV and some cognitive domains, such as attention, language, processing speed, and visuospatial skills., ", "that are disregarded by the studies until now. ", "Likely these cognitive domains have been neglected because they are never associated with an early cognitive impairment.", "\n\nOf particular note is the attentional domain because it has been evaluated with tests that do not allow a complete assessment of this multidimensional construct.", "\n\nOther essential aspects to consider in future studies are the vagal reactivity and the recovery processes that have been linked to cognitive performance ([@B4]). ", "Vagal reactivity represents the change between baseline and a specific event, like completing a task, and it is essential recording it to evaluate the individual's adaptability to the situation ([@B32]). ", "Recovery is usually seen as a process of restoration; it refers to the change between the event and a time point after the event when the vagal activity has to be similar to the baseline. ", "Comparable to vagal reactivity, vagal recovery plays a crucial role in the adaptability of the organism ([@B32]). ", "These two aspects are poorly analyzed with cognitive functioning. ", "However, according to the vagal tank theory ([@B32]), considering the vagal activity and the vagal recovery during different cognitive tasks could be interesting. ", "This type of study could allow us understanding better how cardiac vagal control influences several key self-regulatory aspects of behavior and also evaluating whether the differences between baseline, task execution, and recovery are related to cognitive impairment.", "\n\nConclusion {#S5}\n==========\n\nIn this review, we focused on the analysis of the autonomic baseline that allows us to make inferences about the predictive value of autonomic homeostasis on cognitive impairment. ", "Despite providing very relevant information, this analysis does not adequately enable the understanding of the mechanisms involved. ", "Some studies that have analyzed HRV changes during the performance of cognitive tasks have shown that autonomic functionality varies according to the complexity and type of the task ([@B38]; [@B44]).", "\n\nAlthough this review has highlighted how some cognitive domains are more heavily investigated than others, in general, higher resting HRV is related to better performance in cognitive tasks. ", "In contrast, lower resting HRV is associated with a lack of prefrontal control of the subcortical activity, which results in poor functioning of self-regulatory systems ([@B67]; [@B66]). ", "In summary, a higher HF-HRV has been linked to better cognitive performance, and a lower HF-HRV has been associated with cognitive impairment.", "\n\nIn conclusion, this review highlights that the autonomous nervous system and the neurocognitive systems operate in close interaction. ", "The results suggest that autonomic markers (LF, HF, LF/HF, SDNN) can be considered as early biomarkers for the measurement of cognitive impairment in populations without dementia or stroke. ", "An initial analysis of these biomarkers could allow the implementation of preventative measures of autonomic control to prevent the worsening of cognitive decline.", "\n\nAuthor Contributions {#S6}\n====================\n\nMC and GF were responsible for the conception of the review, the literature research, and writing the manuscript. ", "FF supervised the selection of the studies and contributed to the revision of the manuscript. ", "All authors revised, read, and approved the submitted version.", "\n\nConflict of Interest Statement {#conf1}\n==============================\n\nThe authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.", "\n\n**Funding.** ", "This work was funded by the research, doctorate program in Psychology and Cognitive Science, Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome.", "\n\n[^1]: Edited by: Timo Siepmann, Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, Germany\n\n[^2]: Reviewed by: Luca Carnevali, University of Parma, Italy; Alessandro Tonacci, Institute of Clinical Physiology (CNR), Italy\n\n[^3]: This article was submitted to Autonomic Neuroscience, a section of the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nwoocommerce customer Fetch with time filter\n\nI am requesting customer data using Rest Api of woocommerce. ", "Woocommerce api documentation says\n\"All endpoints (except for customer orders) support date filtering via created_at_min and created_at_max as ?", "filter[] parameters. ", "e.g. ?", "filter[created_at_min]=2013-12-01\".", "\nHowever, when I am giving date filter in request URL it results in blank response!!", "\nMy question is,can the customer data be fetched via date filter in woocommerce.", "\nThanks. ", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can pass Filter with time in REST API of WooCommerce.", "\nJust pass the filter in H:i:s format.", "\nNote : while trying to generate the signature, I found, the URL encoding needs to be done twice because of extra space between DateTime filter criteria. ", "Just encode the clean text once to get RFC3986 encoding, and do it again to generate the signature. ", "Pass the first encoded string and append the generated signature. ", "I saw the filter to be working.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Pages\n\nTuesday, July 20, 2010\n\nTT#9- Paper Piercing\n\nHello to another Tuesday! ", "Would someone please explain to me how the weeks just fly by?! :) ", "This week over on the Tuesday Throwdown Challenge blog we are being sponsored by Whimsy Stamps and the challenge is paper piercing! ", "I used this super cute image and printed it onto a really fun Cricut cut off the Cindy Loo cartridge. ", "I added lots of piercings to highlight the die cut and image. ", "I colored with Copics and added a bit more shading with Prismacolor pencils. ", "There is not a speck of patterned paper on here, it's all stamped:) I am trying to get better at rotating all my stamps so they all get some lovin', so the ones on this card haven't been inked up before:) I hope you'll hop on over to the TT blog and join us! ", "Thanks for stopping by, your comments always make me feel warm and fuzzy, like my card says...love you THIS much!" ]
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[ "The Nosler Liberty M48 Rifle Delivers Freedom Far and Wide\n\nReach out and take your trophy with out-of-the-box accuracy from Nosler.", "\n\nThere is no question in my mind that long distance shooting is more math oriented than any other shooting I've ever seen. ", "The M48 rifle that Nosler is releasing in several different calibers is pretty awesome and even better is the price.", "\n\nPriced to fit most everyday shooters' budgets, you too can take prized animals with razor sharp accuracy.", "\n\nThe M48 has a very lightweight stock and it even comes Cerakoted out of the box. ", "I personally have had to pay for this feature on some of the weapons I own and can tell this is a large savings all together. ", "The rifle is bolt action and features a two stage rocker safety.", "\n\nThe rifle is guaranteed at Sub Moa with the Nosler proprietary rifle ammunition. ", "Slap the custom Leopold optic on the rifle and the M48 is out performing custom rifles priced at three to four times the price.", "\n\nMade in America, and in small batches, these rifles are not mass produced like a 10-22. ", "The details are very well controlled to make sure you get the best as soon as you get your hands on it. ", "Don't waste money elsewhere that could be spent on getting ammo for the Nosler. ", "You'll be glad you did." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "lo spid sistema pubblico di identità\ndigitale permette con un unico username\ne un'unica password di accedere a\ndiversi servizi della pubblica\namministrazione come ad esempio\nl'iscrizione a scuola dei figli, le\nprenotazioni sanitarie o servizi inps o inail\nper ottenere la propria spid\nbisogna innanzitutto scegliere tra i\ndiversi identity provider cioè tra chi\nti offre la possibilità di creare\nun'identità speed gratuitamente o\na pagamento a seconda dei livelli di\nsicurezza.", "\nNello specifico esistono tre livelli di\nsicurezza: con livello 1 si accede ai\nservizi on line attraverso il nome\nutente e password, con il livello 2 ,oltre\nil nome utente e la password, si genera\nun codice temporaneo OTP che\nsolitamente è inviato tramite sms, con il\nlivello 3\noltre a nome utente, password e otp è\nnecessario anche un supporto fisico per l'identificazione.", "\nTra i vari provider noi abbiamo simulato\nla registrazione con poste italiane.", "\nprima di iniziare è necessario avere un indirizzo email,\nun numero di cellulare, un documento di identificazione e una tessera sanitaria\no codice fiscale.", "\nIl sito delle poste italiane permette diversi tipi di identificazione.", "\nSe non si è in possesso di un conto bancoposta o di una postpay\nsi può procedere all'iscrizione online e\npoi completare l'identificazione in un\nufficio postale gratuitamente o\na domicilio, a pagamento, grazie al\nportalettere che provvederà all'identificazione\nNel caso si sia\npossessori di un conto bancoposta o di una postpay\nsi può completare\nl'identificazione attraverso un sms sul cellulare\noppure tramite lettore\nbancoposta,\noppure si può completare l'attivazione se si è in possesso:\ndella\ncarta nazionale dei servizi, della carta d'identità elettronica\noppure della\nfirma digitale\nponiamo il caso di non avere ne il conto\nbanco posta nella postepay.", "\nIn questo caso nella prima schermata che appare\nsaranno richiesti i dati anagrafici\ndovremo inserire nome, cognome, data e\nluogo di nascita e codice fiscale\nproseguendo verrà chiesto di inserire\nl'indirizzo email, che sarà utilizzato\ncome nome utente, e di scegliere una\npassword\nfatto ciò si dovrà inserire il numero di\ntelefono\ne gli estremi del documento di riconoscimento\ne scegliere il tipo di\nidentificazione,\nse gratuita presso l'ufficio postale o\na pagamento presso la\nvostra abitazione.", "\nSuccessivamente si dovranno caricare due file\ncon il fronte il retro del documento di riconoscimento\ne della\ntessera sanitaria\nin alternativa si possono fare\nscansionare i documenti direttamente\nall'ufficio postale.", "\nLe ultime pagine riguardano le condizioni generali del servizio\ne la\nmanifestazione del consenso al trattamento dei dati personali\ninfine vi verrà inviata una mail di\nconferma dell'avvenuta registrazione da\npresentare presso l'ufficio postale che preferite,\nse avete scelto questo metodo per completare l'identificazione.", "\nper ulteriori informazioni, visita l'articolo\nsu magevola.it\nper non\nperderti altri bandi agevolazioni\niscriviti al canale, clicca la campanella\ne seguì gli altri social di mangevola\nal prossimo video\n" ]
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[ "Sorghum bicolor - an important species for comparative grass genomics and a source of beneficial genes for agriculture.", "\nA high-resolution genetic, physical, and cytological map of the sorghum genome is being assembled using AFLP DNA marker technology, six-dimensional pooling of BAC libraries, cDNA mapping technology, and cytogenetic analysis. ", "Recent advances in sorghum comparative genomics and gene-transfer technology are accelerating the discovery and utilization of valuable sorghum genes and alleles." ]
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[ "\"Maya, does this dress look okay to you?\" \"", "Yeah, it looks great.\" \"", "Oh, good.\" \"", "Sting's hosting a benefit tonight, and it's so hard to find something I like that's American-made.\" \"", "Last year, everyone freaked out just because I wore a gown sewn by Asian children.\" \"", "Please, that's why the stitching's so tiny.\" \"", "Oh, God, I love Sting.\" \"", "What's the cause?\" \"", "Oh, it's a fundraiser to ban human cloning.\" \"", "They're already raising money for that?\" \"", "Oh, it's never too early to jump on a good cause.\" \"", "I mean, otherwise, you're left with something passé like...orphans.\" \"", "Nina!\" \"", "Aren't you forgetting something?\" \"", "Tonight's the Oscar Milos fashion show.\" \"", "That's tonight?\" \"", "Yeah, the messenger just dropped off your passes.\" \"", "Oh, God, I can't miss this show.\" \"", "Milos is an important designer.\" \"", "On the other hand, there'll be some industry types at Sting's.\" \"", "Although, Milos is a huge advertiser, but I really do feel strongly against cloning.\" \"", "God, I just wish at times like this there were two of me.\" \"", "Oh, well.\" \"", "Oh, man!\" \"", "What?\" \"", "Well, here we are working our butts off in this supposedly glamorous industry, but do we ever get to go to any of these cool things?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Speak for yourself, nerd.\" \"", "What's that supposed to mean?\" \"", "My clippings.\" \"", "Come hither.\" \"", "Take a gander.\" \"", "Here I am at a little music show called the Grammys.\" \"", "Here I am busting a move at the \"Bring in Da Noise\" Quanza party.\" \"", "You're not in any of these pictures.\" \"", "Yes, I am.\" \"", "There's the tip of my head.\" \"", "There's my elbow.\" \"", "See how Barbra Streisand looks all irritated?\" \"", "That's because I just asked James Brolin to take a look at my transmission.\" \"", "How did you get invited to these things?\" \"", "It's very complicated.\" \"", "You wouldn't understand, but if you really want to go to that Milos show,\" \"I can make it happen.\" \"", "Yeah, right.\" \"", "How?\" \"", "Here you go, Nina.\" \"", "Pick me up at 8.\" \"", "How am I gonna pass for Nina?\" \"", "Eat nothing, drink everything, wake up in the coat room.\" \"", "Man, I can't wait to get a new chair.\" \"", "This one is murder on my back.\" \"", "Well, you're getting the best.\" \"", "Okay, spine, 22 inches.\" \"", "So my ex-wife was wrong.\" \"", "I do have a spine.\" \"", "All right, black leather, tilt and swivel, adjustable lumbar...\" \"And get I get a little side compartment built in there?\" \"", "Oh, for, like, a calculator?\" \"", "Sure, a calculator, a bag of marshmallows, that sort of thing.\" \"", "Hey, Jack, we still on for sushi?\" \"", "Oh, I'm sorry.\" \"", "I didn't know you were busy.\" \"", "Oh, that's okay.\" \"", "Elliott DiMauro, this is Meredith Baker.\" \"", "Nice to meet you.\" \"", "Love the shirt.\" \"", "Thanks.\" \"", "Okay, well, that about does it.\" \"", "Jack, your new chair will be ready in about a week.\" \"", "What am I supposed to do until then?\" \"", "Keep your marshmallows in your desk.\" \"", "She seems nice.\" \"", "Yeah, she does, doesn't she?\" \"", "Mm-hmm.\" \"", "You know what?\" \"", "You should take her out.\" \"", "You think so?\" \"", "Oh, yeah.\" \"", "When I was single, that's exactly the kind of girl\" \"I went for.\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "She's not my type.\" \"", "She lacks a certain self-absorbed, crazy neediness that I seem to feed on.\" \"", "Well, that's what I mean.\" \"", "She'd be good for you.\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "Oh, come on.\" \"", "There's nothing more exciting than the thrill of the chase... except for when you're with a girl and her boyfriend the cop comes home early, and you have to run six blocks wrapped in a shower curtain.\" \"", "That's an entirely different kind of thrill.\" \"", "Finch, did you see that?\" \"", "Robert De Niro just spilled his drink on me.\" \"", "This is the best party ever.\" \"", "Just calm down, Nina.\" \"", "Oh, that's right.\" \"", "Here he is, everybody.\" \"", "The man of the hour... the great Oscar Milos.\" \"", "Oh, please!\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "Please, I do not deserve any of this.\" \"", "You are embarrassing me.\" \"", "I'm a glorified seamstress, for crying God-sakes out loud.\" \"", "Wait!\" \"", "Something's wrong.\" \"", "Something is wrong.\" \"", "Where is my ice pilgrim?\" \"", "Milos, it's right\" \"Where is my ice pilgrim?\" \"", "Milos, it's\" \"I specifically requested that there will be an ice sculpture of a pilgrim!\" \"", "The theme of the show is pilgrims!\" \"", "Buckles, buckles, buckles!\" \"", "You hate me.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "You don't want me to be happy.\" \"", "You're a passive-aggressive, little\" \"Oh!\" \"", "Oh, Reg!\" \"", "Oh, I knew I could count on you.\" \"", "Why are these napkins folded like this?\" \"", "Why would a napkin be folded like a little ugly penguin bug?\" \"", "Why are you hating me?\" \"", "Why are you trying to destroy me?\" \"", "I hate you!\" \"", "I hate you!\" \"", "Pick these up.\" \"", "I hate you!\" \"", "Please!\" \"", "I'm sorry!\" \"", "Please!\" \"", "Oh, he's quite a character.\" \"", "No need to be intimidated.\" \"", "The key is to act like you belong.\" \"", "Watch and learn.\" \"", "Milos!\" \"", "My man!\" \"", "It's a killer show.\" \"", "I'm really proud of you, buddy.\" \"", "Glad you could make it, my friend.\" \"", "You look fantastic.\" \"", "Oh, really?\" \"", "I have been working out a little bit.\" \"", "Not me.\" \"", "The last gym I was inside moved to Miami.\" \"", "So did you try the meatballs?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Don't.\" \"", "It's soy.\" \"", "Everything is soy.\" \"", "These people are freaks.\" \"", "The champagne's good.\" \"", "So what did you think of the clothes?\" \"", "The champagne's good.\" \"", "Not a fan?\" \"", "Well, everyone says he's a genius, but I-I don't know.\" \"", "I just don't get it.\" \"", "Hey, I hear you.\" \"", "I mean, there's more buckles on those clothes than a straitjacket, which makes sense, because you've got to be crazy to wear 'em.\" \"", "If you ask me, it's just another case of the emperor having no clothes.\" \"", "Oh, no, no.\" \"", "You do not want to see me dance.\" \"", "Trust me!\" \"", "You do not want to see me dance.\" \"", "Yeah...\" \"Milos, break it down with the ladies!\" \"", "Oh!\" \"", "Heh heh...\" \"Hey, I bruise easy!\" \"", "So how was that Sting benefit?\" \"", "Terrifying.\" \"", "This cloning thing is even closer than we think.\" \"", "Good morning, Maya.\" \"", "Shh.\" \"", "Shh!\" \"", "Shh!\" \"", "Shh!\" \"", "Does the clinking bother you?\" \"", "Oh, wow.\" \"", "There's an article on Milos' show.\" \"", "What does it say?\" \"\"", "Famed designer Oscar Milos unveiled his new line\" \"\"to the usual rave reviews.\" \"\"", "The only detractor was Blush magazine's Nina Van Horn, who said, quote, 'The emperor has no clothes.'\"\" \"", "What the hell?\" \"", "Oh, my God!\" \"", "Excellent!\" \"", "Check out whose elbow's next to Madonna.\" \"", "Ooh, heh heh.\" \"", "Nobody I know.\" \"\"", "The emperor has no clothes\"?\" \"", "Nina!\" \"", "Jack, I was not at that party.\" \"", "Well, according to this, you were.\" \"", "Oh, for God's sakes, don't you think I'd remember where I was last night?\" \"", "Oh, Jack, I am so sorry.\" \"", "Nina didn't say those things.\" \"", "Yes, she did.\" \"", "It's in the paper.\" \"", "It must be true.\" \"", "I did.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "What?\" \"", "What?\" \"", "Maya, how could you?\" \"", "I apologize.\" \"", "I thought it would be fun to go, so we used your creden\" \"\"We?\" ", "Who's \"we\"?\" \"", "Hey, gang, did anybody stay home last night and watch that nature show about otters?\" \"", "What does that have to do with anything?\" \"", "Are you kidding?\" \"", "They can open clams while floating on their backs.\" \"", "They're cute.\" \"", "I'll get it.\" \"", "I used the credentials, and I drank too much champagne.\" \"", "How was I supposed to know that that woman was a reporter?\" \"", "Well, what'd you expect, that she'd be wearing a big hat that says \"scoop\"?\" \"", "Look, if you had been there, you would've had the same opinion about those ridiculous clothes as I had.\" \"", "Had the opinion, maybe.\" \"", "Said the opinion, never.\" \"", "Maya, in five minutes, you undid years of Nina's evasiveness, half-truths, and sucking up.\" \"", "Thank you, Jack.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "I'm sorry, but how much damage could one offhand remark do?\" \"", "$3.8 million.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "That was Milos' office.\" \"", "They just yanked the advertising for the whole year.\" \"", "Oh...\" \"All right, that's it.\" \"", "We've got to get that business back.\" \"", "Dennis, find a restaurant where it's impossible to get reservations and get reservations.\" \"", "On it.\" \"", "Nina, I want you to get all your\" \"Wait!\" \"", "I want to take care of this.\" \"", "You?\" \"", "I made this mess, and I want to clean it up.\" \"", "I\" \" I-I can be a phony.\" \"", "I can suck up.\" \"", "I don't know, you've got all this... integrity.\" \"", "I can put it aside.\" \"", "Give me a chance.\" \"", "All right, but I want to be kept up to date.\" \"", "God, this is a lousy day!\" \"", "Elliott, it's Meredith.\" \"", "Line two.\" \"", "All right!\" \"", "Elliott, come on.\" \"", "We'll take it in my office.\" \"", "Jack, she's calling me.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "Isn't it great?\" \"", "I wonder if she got the flowers.\" \"", "What flowers?\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "Thanks for the flowers.\" \"", "You're so sweet.\" \"", "You're welcome.\" \"", "There sure were a lot of them.\" \"", "I could barely get into my office.\" \"", "I hope that wasn't too presumptuous.\" \"", "No, I loved them, and by the way, tonight's fine.\" \"", "Tonight?\" \"", "Didn't you mention going out again in your poem?\" \"", "My poem?\" \"", "Yeah, yeah.\" \"", "So, what'd you have in mind?\" \"", "Well, there's a... an opening at a gallery in Soho.\" \"", "It's for an artist I know who's doing some radical things with acrylics.\" \"", "Oh, well...\" \"I don't know, um...\" \"Or we could take a cruise.\" \"", "A dinner cruise.\" \"", "Wow.\" \"", "Sure.\" \"", "That sounds fun.\" \"", "And the cost to you is zero.\" \"", "Oh...\" \"Ohh...\" \"M\" \" M-Milos?\" \"", "H\" \" How are you doing?\" \"", "Oh, I am dreadful.\" \"", "I can't get comfortable!\" \"", "I need more pillows.\" \"", "That is not a pillow.\" \"", "That is a sham.\" \"", "Where would you like it?\" \"", "Behind your back or\" \"Why don't you put it on my face?\" \"", "That is where you would like to put it, isn't it?\" \"", "No, Milos, no, no.\" \"", "You think you're like a king or something of some\" \"Ah!\" \"", "Oh...\" \"Oh, Reg, my pet, you've done it.\" \"", "You've silenced the barking of the hell hounds.\" \"", "That's good, because we have a visitor.\" \"", "Somebody from Blush magazine.\" \"", "Nina Van Horn!\" \"", "No, no, no!\" \"", "Nina Van Horn!\" \"", "No, no, no, no!\" \"", "No, no, no, no, no!\" \"", "S\" \" Someone named Maya.\" \"", "Uh, I work with Nina.\" \"", "Oh, I see.\" \"", "One of Satan's foot soldiers.\" \"", "Well, you can return to your mistress and delight her with the news that I am a shattered figurine.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I\" \" I came to your studio\" \"Studio?\" \"", "The emperor has no clothes.\" \"", "Why would he need a studio?\" \"", "Nina didn't say that.\" \"", "I did.\" \"", "You?\" \"", "Yes, I used her credentials.\" \"", "I was dying to go to the show.\" \"", "Nina loves your designs, and so do I.\" \"Hmm.\" \"", "So when you said...\" \"\"No one looks good in big buckles, except theBudweiserClydesdales...\"\" \"That was taken completely out of context.\" \"", "What I said was,\" \"\"no one else looks good up until now,\"\" \"and those horses perform all over the country.\" \"", "People love them.\" \"\"", "The pilgrim collection\" \"\"certainly reminds me of Thanksgiving.\" \"", "It's a real turkey.\"\" \"", "That was a misquote.\" \"", "I said \"quirky,\" as in brilliant.\" \"", "The puritanical dress juxtaposed with the plunging neckline, it's groundbreaking.\" \"", "Well, I thought so.\" \"", "Me too.\" \"", "So...\" \"So you're going to... you're going to clarify this in your column?\" \"", "Oh, well, the magazine will, but fashion's not my department.\" \"", "I beg your pardon?\" \"", "I'm the articles editor at Blush.\" \"", "So you have nothing to do with fashion.\" \"", "You are a...\" \"What is the word I'm looking for, Reg?\" \"", "A person?\" \"", "A person.\" \"", "Yeah, I'm afraid so.\" \"", "Well, that changes everything.\" \"", "All right, my children, we are back in business.\" \"", "So the advertising?\" \"", "Yes, you can tell Jack we're still in bed together.\" \"", "That should curl his hair.\" \"", "God, thank you.\" \"", "I felt so bad.\" \"", "Well, that is the beautiful part, it doesn't matter how you feel.\" \"", "Reg, get her a cab.\" \"", "Right this way.\" \"", "Uh, what did you mean, it doesn't matter how I feel?\" \"", "Because you know nothing about fashion or design.\" \"", "Be gone.\" \"", "But I have a brain, and I buy clothes.\" \"", "Don't you care what regular people think?\" \"", "Oh, by \"regular people\", you mean those potato-like creatures on the news that talk about how a tornado has blown away their mobile home?\" \"", "No, I mean real women with real bodies.\" \"", "You'd have to be a six-foot, 95-pound genetic freak to fit into the clown suits you design.\" \"", "Well, it's pretty hard to take that out of context.\" \"", "Nobody talks to Milos like that.\" \"", "I've seen his work.\" \"", "I can tell.\" \"", "Wait!\" \"", "Bring the girl to me.\" \"", "You know, people know where I am.\" \"", "They're gonna be plenty worried.\" \"", "This is a gown for my new collection.\" \"", "How would you... change it?\" \"", "Well, you mean, after I got rid of all the big buckles?\" \"", "Yes, the buckles are gone.\" \"", "Forget the buckles.\" \"", "In fact, everybody, drop your belts.\" \"", "I don't have a belt.\" \"", "I have a sash.\" \"", "Let's have a parade for Mr. Sash.\" \"", "Now, come, sit next to me on the pillow.\" \"", "Uh, that's a sham.\" \"", "I am the sham, thanks to you.\" \"", "Now, sit down.\" \"", "You've been demoted to a house cat.\" \"", "Uh... r-reow!\" \"", "Now, what else would you change?\" \"", "Well, I'd... lower the waistline.\" \"", "To where?\" \"", "The waist?\" \"", "Interesting.\" \"", "Go on.\" \"", "And... maybe give it a little bit more flow, so you can move.\" \"", "Like... that?\" \"", "Oh...\" \"God, that's beautiful.\" \"", "You really do have a gift.\" \"", "No, you are beautiful.\" \"", "You are my muse.\" \"", "From now on,\" \"I want no more yes men.\" \"", "That's an excellent idea, Milos.\" \"", "You're a genius.\" \"", "What did you say?\" \"", "R- reow.\" \"", "Good morning!\" \"", "Great morning!\" \"", "I just got off the phone with the ad department.\" \"", "Milos is back on board.\" \"", "You're kidding.\" \"", "How did you do it?\" \"", "Hmm...\" \"I just told him exactly how I felt.\" \"", "Seems that he's been surrounded by yes men for so many years, he just wanted some honest feedback.\" \"", "Yeah, and I want to get a goat and make my own cheese.\" \"", "Maya, some guy from Milos' office just dropped this off for you.\" \"", "I can't believe it.\" \"", "This is it.\" \"", "This is what?\" \"", "He asked me my opinion on a design, and this is it!\" \"", "He asked you?\" \"\"", "Dear Maya, please do me the honor of wearing our creation to theGramercy Fund ball tonight.\"\" \"", "I don't believe it!\" \"", "You're invited to the ball, and I'm not?\" \"", "Aw, looks like another evening at home talking to the mirror.\" \"\"", "Thanks for the kick in the patootie.\" \"", "Kisses, Milos.\"\" \"", "See?\" \"", "When you tell the truth, things just work out.\" \"", "Well, Maya, you have rocked my world.\" \"", "I'm turning over a new leaf.\" \"", "From now on, I'm going to deal directly and honestly with every person I meet.\" \"", "Nina, it's your mother.\" \"", "I'm with a patient.\" \"", "So, uh... how many tickets he throw in there?\" \"", "Two.\" \"", "Would you like to join me?\" \"", "Well, gee, I don't know.\" \"", "I've never been to one of those fancy shindigs.\" \"", "I wouldn't know how to act.\" \"", "Hey, I'd love to\" \"Uh-uh.\" \"", "She said me.\" \"", "Elliott!\" \"", "Elliott, how was it?\" \"", "Did she go nuts over the cruise?\" \"", "She didn't go nuts over the cruise.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "I've road-tested that baby dozens of times.\" \"", "She broke it off.\" \"", "She said I was smothering her, Jack.\" \"", "She said that the relationship was getting creepy.\" \"", "Creepy?\" \"", "If putting a billboard up outside her office with your picture and the words \"soulmates forever\" is creepy, then I say guilty as charged.\" \"", "Jack, you didn't.\" \"", "Please.\" \"", "Don't worry, Elliott.\" \"", "I know where they keep theMacy'sballoons.\" \"", "Whoo hoo hoo!\" \"", "Finch, a little help.\" \"", "Oh, yeah.\" \"", "Wow.\" \"", "They must really like the dress.\" \"", "Yeah, it's completely see-through.\" \"", "Oh, my God, the lights!\" \"", "Now who has no clothes?\" \"* ", "Life keeps bringing me Back to you *\" \"* Keeps bringing me home *\" \"* It don't matter what I'm gonna do *\" \"* 'Cause It's got a mind of its own *\" \"* Life keeps bringing me Back to you **\"" ]
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[ "Friday, December 4, 2009\n\nI watched Butler's surprisingly easy 38-14 win over Independence Friday night from the sideline at Providence High and came away even more impressed with the Bulldogs. (", "Providence's awesome replay scoreboard made this easier, since you could see Butler dominate again on the video board after most plays).", "\n\nIn my column for Saturday's paper, I predict that Butler will end the season 15-0 in a week, beating Fayetteville Britt for the state championship on Dec.12. ", "I haven't seen Britt play, but I've seen enough good high school teams to know that this Butler bunch is state-championship caliber and very focused.", "\n\nSenior H-back Anthony Short caught two long TD passes Friday -- they have nicknamed him \"PlayStation\" for a reason. ", "QB Christian LeMay was spectacular. ", "But like all great football teams, Butler has a lot of depth. ", "Junior H-back Deion Walker may be the Bulldogs' most underrated player -- he's fantastic, too. ", "If I were kicking the ball deep to Walker and Short, I'd just as soon boot it out of bounds.", "\n\nButler was so good Friday night at answering challenges, too. ", "The two times Independence scored TDs, in both cases Butler answered very quickly -- one time it only took 16 seconds (a long kickoff return and then a pass to Short). ", "The other time, after Indy scored on the last play before halftime, Butler just took the second-half kickoff and needed only about 90 seconds to score.", "\n\nThe Bulldogs weren't a bit intimidated by the situation and I can't believe they will be next Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in Raleigh, when playing Britt at N.C. State's home (Carter-Finley Stadium). ", "This is a team that is all grown up and deserves to win a state title. ", "I believe it will.", "\n\nJust a flat out better team won the game any way you look at it!! ", "Its too bad a dynasty had to die last night, with a trash talking, ego filled coach! ", "Its not trash if you can back it up, he couldn't, he got bitch slapped! ", "The new dynasty has been born!!", "\n\nWord is Knotts was told to throw the game or else if he wanted the RRHS job next yr since Butler never been to the finals or won the big one and will have nothing next yr so its now or never. ", "Nobody gets 550 yds of offense and loses unless its a fix.", "\n\nBritt a badazz mutha and has everyone back. ", "They romped RC last year in the finals but gave it away in the last minutes with stupidity and a lot of luck from the Raiders who been there done that about 50 times.", "\n\nTwo hongry teams on a mission. ", "Who wins? ", "The most lean and mean and hongry." ]
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[ "Csanád County (medieval)\n\nThe Chanad or Csanád County () was a county of the Kingdom of Hungary in the High and Late Middle Ages. ", "It was established after Csanád (the eponymous founder) had defeated Ajtony, and the bishopric of Csanád was founded in the 11th century.", "\n\nHistory\n\nIt was established after Magyar nobleman Csanád (the eponymous founder) had defeated Ajtony, who had ruled over the region now known as Banat (in Romania and Serbia). ", "At urbs Morisena, which was given the name of Csanád, a Roman Catholic bishopric was immediately founded, headed by Gerard. ", "By that time Csanád had been baptized and become the head of the royal county (comitatus) organized around the fortress at Csanád.", "\n\nSee also\nBanat in the Middle Ages\nSanjak of Çanad\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:States and territories established in the 11th century\nCategory:Counties of the Kingdom of Hungary in the Middle Ages\nCategory:States and territories disestablished in 1526\nCategory:History of Banat" ]
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[ "Genetically determined differences in the antagonistic effect of pressure on ethanol-induced loss of righting reflex in mice.", "\nHyperbaric exposure antagonizes ethanol's behavioral effects in a wide variety of species. ", "Recent studies indicating that there are genetically determined differences in the effects of body temperature manipulation on ethanol sensitivity suggested that genotype might also influence the effects of hyperbaric exposure on ethanol intoxication. ", "To investigate this possibility, ethanol injected long sleep (LS)/Ibg (2.7 g/kg), short sleep (SS)/Ibg (4.8 g/kg), 129/J (2.9 g/kg), and C57BL/6J (3.6 g/kg) mice were exposed to one atmosphere absolute (ATA) air or to one or 12 ATA helium-oxygen (heliox) at ambient temperatures selected to offset ethanol and helium-induced hypothermia. ", "Hyperbaric exposure significantly reduced loss of righting reflex (LORR) duration in LS, 129, and C57 mice, but not in SS mice. ", "A second experiment found that hyperbaric exposure significantly reduced LORR duration and increased the blood ethanol concentration (BEC) at return of righting reflex (RORR) in LS mice, but did not significantly affect either measure in SS mice. ", "These results indicate that exposure to 12 ATA heliox antagonizes ethanol-induced LORR in LS, 129 and C57 mice, but not in SS mice. ", "Taken with previous results, the present findings suggest that the antagonism in LS, 129, and C57 mice reflects a pressure-induced decrease in brain sensitivity to ethanol and that the lack of antagonism in SS mice cannot be explained by pressure-induced or genotypic differences in ethanol pharmacokinetics.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)" ]
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[ "It was brother vs brother at the 2016 LA Grand Slam, and those two brothers were two of the best in competitive Brazilian jiu-jitsu: Joao Miyao and his twin brother, Paulo.", "\n\nJoao immediately sat to guard and the majority of their under-seven-minute match was Paulo trying to pass his brother’s open guard.", "\n\nAt about six minutes in, Joao stood up and attacked Paulo’s back, getting his hooks in. ", "Paulo put his hands on the ground, and shook his brother off. ", "Unfortunately, Joao rolled in the perfect position for an armbar, earning the tap.", "\n\nWinner via armbar: Joao Miyao\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nThose with a FloGrappling account can watch a replay of the match here." ]
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[ "Login to your account\n\nGrey's Anatomy 6x1\n\nGood Mourning (1)\n\nThe hospital staff is left to deal with the aftermath of George’s passing. ", "Hitting the staff hard, they all find unique ways to get through the various stages of grief. ", "George’s mom returns, faced with the difficult task of deciding what to do with his organs." ]
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[ "A leading industrial lawyer has teed-off on the state of IR debate in the Australian media. ", "It \"occurs without any scientific, factual or empirical basis\" -- especially at \"right-wing blog\" The Australian.", "\n\nAustralia’s highest-flying employment lawyer has offered up a savage assessment of the state of industrial relations journalism and discussion in Australia, zeroing in on the role played by national broadsheet The Australian in distorting the terms of the debate.", "\n\nMaurice Blackburn principal Josh Bornstein, in a speech delivered to the Australian Industry Group today and obtained by Crikey, unloads on the standard of public dialogue, slamming it as a “debate that occurs without any scientific, factual or empirical basis. ", "It lacks rigour, logic, fact and integrity. ", "It is enough to make a cretin weep.”", "\n\nBornstein, who recently represented Peter Slipper and whose court victory over stevedoring company Patrick in the waterfront dispute was immortalised in the hit ABC miniseries Bastard Boys, gives three examples of distortions: unfair dismissal laws, individual contracts and the productivity-workplace flexibility stoush.", "\n\nBut he reserves his sharpest barbs for The Australian — that he agrees is a “right-wing blog” — and its “editor-at-large” Paul Kelly. ", "He highlights a 2011 Kelly feature “Bell Tolls for IR Law” as a “spectacular illustration of all that is wrong with the IR debate”.", "\n\nInstead of applying “rigour, science, research, scepticism or factual inquiry to test the assertions of a link between the Fair Work Act and productivity performance”, Kelly “embellishes the assertions” of the usual suspects from the business lobby like Michael Chaney and Heather Ridout.", "\n\nKelly’s take, Bornstein says, was “simplistic, misleading, lazy and hopelessly partisan” and “economically illiterate”. “", "The article comes from a journalist who has won a Walkley Award for ‘journalism leadership’ and is now described as ‘editor-at-large’ of The Australian,” he said.", "\n\nAustralian editor-in-chief Chris Mitchell hit back hard this morning, branding Bornstein a paid-up member of the “IR club”. “", "He would say that wouldn’t he?” ", "Mitchell mused.", "\n\nThanks for signing up We look forward to seeing you bright and early with your need-to-know talking points and tidbits for the day ahead. ", "Get Crikey FREE to your inbox every weekday morning with the Crikey Worm. ", "Please enter your email address Sign up\n\nBut he might be on to something with productivity. ", "As Crikey has repeatedly demonstrated, labour productivity has grown at an average of 2.1% a year over the last two decades, including by 3.7% in 2011-12 (its highest rate since 2002). ", "The real issue, if there is one, is multi-factor productivity and how that dovetails with pro-employer legislation. ", "That case is less than clear cut.", "\n\nRapid productivity improvement occurred in the 1990s, when labour regulation was much tighter than it is now. ", "And this graph delivered up by Saul Eslake last year says the big “reforms” of WorkChoices had less-than-spectacular results and weren’t “productivity enhancing”.", "\n\nBornstein says the unfair dismissal debate is often erroneously framed as if the inaction of stronger laws could lead to more unemployment when there is little evidence to back it up. ", "Print journalists and “a conga line of shock jocks” defer to right-wing ideologues who find themselves without a leg to stand on when pressed for actual evidence.", "\n\n“The idea that unfair dismissal laws have any significant bearing on unemployment has not been established since the first such laws were introduced in South Australia. ", "In other words, we have had over 40 years experience of such laws without a single, credible piece of peer-reviewed research that would support such an attack,” he said.", "\n\nAnd he says the idea that Howard-era claims about the supposedly vigorous employer/employee negotiation over individual employment contracts “is about as rare as a mortgage contract negotiated by a bank and a customer”.", "\n\n“What is notable about these events is the lack of scientific rigour or integrity in the arguments put by the business community, politicians and employer groups. ", "This is compounded by the echo effect experienced when reading a newspaper,” he said.", "\n\nBornstein’s media criticisms also reflect the ailing ranks of serious IR journalism. ", "As this helpful report from May’s ACTU congress showed, there are now only a few industrial relations scribes remaining in Australia. ", "In the 1970s, Sydney alone boasted 15 dedicated roundsmen.", "\n\nBen Schneiders at The Age is an experienced chronicler and often weighs in as a senior writer; the paper’s day-to-day industrial coverage is helmed by workplace editor Clay Lucas. ", "The other leading lights were Ewin Hannan on The Oz (who escapes Bornstein’s sabre), hard-bitten AMWU chronicler Mark Skulley on The Australian Financial Review and Newcastle Herald veteran Ian Kirkwood.", "\n\nAs an aside, Bornstein accurately recalls that union-buster barrister of choice and HR Nicholls society vice-president Stuart Wood, who recently represented Kathy Jackson in her HSU fight, was once a left-leaning student at Melbourne University in the late 1980s and early ’90s." ]
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[ "// ***********************************************************************\r\n// Assembly : HZH_Controls\r\n// Created : 08-08-2019\r\n//\r\n// ***********************************************************************\r\n// <copyright file=\"FrmWaiting.cs\">\r\n// Copyright by Huang Zhenghui(黄正辉) All, QQ group:568015492 QQ:623128629 Email:[email protected]\r\n// </copyright>\r\n//\r\n// Blog: https://www.cnblogs.com/bfyx\r\n// GitHub:https://github.com/kwwwvagaa/NetWinformControl\r\n// gitee:https://gitee.com/kwwwvagaa/net_winform_custom_control.git\r\n//\r\n// If you use this code, please keep this note.", "\r\n// ***********************************************************************\r\nusing System;\r\nusing System.", "Collections.", "Generic;\r\nusing System.", "ComponentModel;\r\nusing System.", "Data;\r\nusing System.", "Drawing;\r\nusing System.", "Linq;\r\nusing System.", "Text;\r\nusing System.", "Windows.", "Forms;\r\n\r\nnamespace HZH_Controls.", "Forms\r\n{\r\n /// <summary>\r\n /// Class FrmWaiting.", "\r\n /// Implements the <see cref=\"HZH_Controls.", "Forms.", "FrmBase\" />\r\n /// </summary>\r\n /// <seealso cref=\"HZH_Controls.", "Forms.", "FrmBase\" />\r\n public partial class FrmWaiting : FrmBase\r\n {\r\n /// <summary>\r\n /// Gets or sets the MSG.", "\r\n /// </summary>\r\n /// <value>The MSG.</value>\r\n public string Msg { get { return label2.Text; } set { label2.Text = value; } }\r\n /// <summary>\r\n /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref=\"FrmWaiting\" /> class.", "\r\n /// </summary>\r\n public FrmWaiting()\r\n {\r\n base.", "SetStyle(ControlStyles.", "UserPaint, true);\r\n base.", "SetStyle(ControlStyles.", "AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);\r\n base.", "SetStyle(ControlStyles.", "DoubleBuffer, true);\r\n InitializeComponent();\r\n }\r\n\r\n /// <summary>\r\n /// Handles the Tick event of the timer1 control.", "\r\n /// </summary>\r\n /// <param name=\"sender\">The source of the event.</param>\r\n /// <param name=\"e\">The <see cref=\"EventArgs\" /> instance containing the event data.</param>\r\n private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)\r\n {\r\n if (this.label1.ImageIndex == this.imageList1.Images.", "Count - 1)\r\n this.label1.ImageIndex = 0;\r\n else\r\n this.label1.ImageIndex++;\r\n\r\n }\r\n\r\n /// <summary>\r\n /// Handles the VisibleChanged event of the FrmWaiting control.", "\r\n /// </summary>\r\n /// <param name=\"sender\">The source of the event.</param>\r\n /// <param name=\"e\">The <see cref=\"EventArgs\" /> instance containing the event data.</param>\r\n private void FrmWaiting_VisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)\r\n {\r\n //this.timer1.Enabled = this.", "Visible;\r\n }\r\n\r\n /// <summary>\r\n /// Does the escape.", "\r\n /// </summary>\r\n protected override void DoEsc()\r\n {\r\n\r\n }\r\n\r\n /// <summary>\r\n /// Handles the Tick event of the timer2 control.", "\r\n /// </summary>\r\n /// <param name=\"sender\">The source of the event.</param>\r\n /// <param name=\"e\">The <see cref=\"EventArgs\" /> instance containing the event data.</param>\r\n private void timer2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)\r\n {\r\n base.", "Opacity = 1.0;\r\n this.timer2.Enabled = false;\r\n }\r\n\r\n /// <summary>\r\n /// Shows the form.", "\r\n /// </summary>\r\n /// <param name=\"intSleep\">The int sleep.</param>\r\n public void ShowForm(int intSleep = 1)\r\n {\r\n base.", "Opacity = 0.0;\r\n if (intSleep <= 0)\r\n {\r\n intSleep = 1;\r\n }\r\n base.", "Show();\r\n this.timer2.Interval = intSleep;\r\n this.timer2.Enabled = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n" ]
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[ "\n179 Ga. App. ", "658 (1986)\n347 S.E.2d 303\nDIXIE CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS, INC.", "\nv.\nWMH, INC. ", "et al.", "\n72158.", "\nCourt of Appeals of Georgia.", "\nDecided June 20, 1986.", "\nRehearing Denied July 7, 1986.", "\nRobert A. Elsner, Nelson H. Turner, for appellant.", "\n*660 J. Anderson Davis, C. King Askew, for appellee.", "\nBENHAM, Judge.", "\nAppellant Dixie Construction Products, Inc. was insured under two policies issued by appellees Commercial Union Ins. ", "Co. and American Employers' Insurance Company. ", "Appellee WMH, Inc. was the independent insurance agent through which appellant obtained its coverage. ", "On Dec. 26, 1983, appellant's insured buildings and equipment were damaged by severe weather conditions, and it sought compensation for the damage under its insurance policies. ", "After filing its claims and receiving only partial payments under the insurance coverage, appellant sued appellees for failing to meet their contractual obligations, and sought recompense under OCGA § 33-4-6, which states that \"[i]n the event of a loss which is covered by a policy of insurance and the refusal of the insurer to pay the same within 60 days after a demand has been made by the holder of the policy and a finding has been made that such refusal was in bad faith, the insurer shall be liable to pay such holder, in addition to the loss, not more than 25 percent of the liability of the insurer for the loss and all reasonable attorney's fees for the prosecution of the action against the insurer\". ", "Appellant later amended its complaint to include an action for trover and trespass to personal property. ", "Appellees moved for summary judgment on all of the claims and the trial court granted the motion. ", "This appeal seeks reversal of that grant of summary judgment. ", "We affirm.", "\n1. ", "Appellant contends that the trial court erred in finding that prior to May 9, 1984, it had made no demand on appellees for payment, and claims that on May 4, 1984, it made the demand required under OCGA § 33-4-6 to validate the suit it filed against appellees on July 9, 1984. ", "Our review of the record shows that when appellant's agent Mr. Brown was deposed, he admitted that he did not submit to appellees the last of the final figures for adjustment of the claim until May 10, 1984, and that at that time he did not inquire how long it would take appellees' agent Sanders to do his final report, but figured that he would need a reasonable amount of time to process the claim information. ", "Brown also testified that he called Sanders on May 21 to see if he had heard anything about the checks, but did not demand that Sanders pay him on that day.", "\nDemand must be made at a time when the insured is legally in a position to demand immediate payment, and it is not in order if the insurer has additional time left under the terms of the insurance policy in which to investigate or adjust the loss and therefore has no legal duty to pay at the time the demand is made. ", "Buffalo Ins. ", "Co. v. Star Photo &c. Co., 120 Ga. App. ", "697 (1) (a) (172 SE2d 159) (1969). *", "659 There is no evidence that appellant was legally in a position to demand immediate payment more than 60 days before it filed suit. ", "Appellant having failed to make the necessary demand more than 60 days before filing suit, it was barred as a matter of law from recovering the bad faith penalty and attorney fees under OCGA § 33-4-6. ", "Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Ga. v. Merrell, 170 Ga. App. ", "86 (316 SE2d 548) (1984).", "\n2. ", "Appellant's second enumeration of error, that the trial court erred in finding that appellant filed its suit less than 60 days from the date of demand, has no merit in light of our analysis in Division 1 of this opinion.", "\n3. ", "Nor do we find any error in the trial court's ruling that appellees did not act in bad faith in delaying the final payment under the insurance policies. ", "Bad faith under § 33-4-6 means frivolous and unfounded denial of liability or refusal to pay a claim. ", "Public Savings &c. Ins. ", "Co. v. Wilder, 123 Ga. App. ", "754 (2) (182 SE2d 536) (1971); U. S. Fidelity &c. Co. v. Woodward, 118 Ga. App. ", "591 (2) (164 SE2d 878) (1968). ", "The record indicates that appellees had never contested the claim or denied liability; had made three interim payments on the claim before appellant had submitted all of its documentation of losses; had paid the balance of the claim in full before the lawsuit was adjudicated, and that appellant cashed the draft, thus accepting the final payment as payment in full.", "\nUnder these circumstances the trial court correctly determined that as a matter of law there remained no question of bad faith. ", "See Morris v. Aetna Life Ins. ", "Co., 160 Ga. App. ", "484 (2) (287 SE2d 388) (1981); Banister v. Nat. ", "Fire Ins. ", "Co. of Hartford, 108 Ga. App. ", "202 (1) (132 SE2d 518) (1963).", "\n4. ", "Appellant's final enumeration of error is that summary judgment should not have been granted against it in the trover and trespass to personal property claims in its amended complaint. ", "The trial court held that there was no evidence that appellees unlawfully withheld money or property belonging to appellant, and that the only injury appellant suffered was as a result of the alleged breach of the insurance contract. ", "There being no duty owed to appellant other than the contractual one, (which, as decided above, was not breached) appellant has no other basis for recovery. ", "See Orkin Exterminating Co. v. Stevens, 130 Ga. App. ", "363 (203 SE2d 587) (1973).", "\nJudgment affirmed. ", "Deen, P. J., and Beasley, J., concur.", "\n" ]
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[ "Follow wicKEDly by Email\n\nSearch for wicKED things\n\nShare it\n\nAbout wicKED\n\nMy name is Ked and I am one of the biggest fans of all things Halloween, a Halloween enthusiast if you will. ", "Looking to learn, share, and celebrate all wicKED things. ", "You will find fact, fiction, reviews, rankings, humor, and horror in these pages. ", "I hope to bring the spirit of Halloween to all, especially those that live locally.", "\nI have over 20 years experience in the commercial haunted house industry, running haunts for various non profits and charities. ", "I have also worked at the advisory level for two nationally operating Haunted Houses as well as a subject matter expert for a syndicated talk show.", "\nI live with my wonderfully supportive wife, M, and our troop of enigmatic feline companions in a valley of the beautiful mountains of South West Virginia.", "\nI hope you find my blog as entertaining as I do writing it. ", "Have a wicKED time!" ]
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[ "[Pulmonary fibrosis caused by inhalation: silicosis].", "\nSilicosis is an important disease not only for its prevalence and the degree of pulmonary insufficiency it entails but also because it provides a natural model of interstitial fibrotic disease in the lung which is of known origin. ", "This can, in turn, help us understand the pathogenic nature of a great number of pulmonary fibroses whose cause is unknown. ", "The fifty postmortem studies which we describe correspond to miners who had worked in underground mines in the mountainous region near Cartagena (SE Spain) for times ranging from 5 to 36 years. ", "The autopsies showed that they had been exposed to dust containing abundant metallic particles, particularly iron oxide (mixed dust). ", "Although the pathogenic action was related with silica, it was also clearly modified by the composition of the dust associated with it. ", "The basic lesions which are produced in the lung after inhalation of silica (< 5 microns diameter) are coniosis, fibroconiosis and sclerohyalinosis. ", "The sclerohyalino nodules are characterized by abundant collagenization and hyalinization, different types of which can be distinguished according to the disposition of the collagenous fibres. ", "Nodular lesions gradually grow in size even when exposure to dust has ceased. ", "As they grow they get nearer until they join to form conglomerate masses. ", "When the diameter exceeds 3 cm this is called massive fibrosis. ", "Pulmonary tuberculosis was found in 27% of cases. ", "This took the form of lesions, which could be associated to or independent of silicotic lesions. ", "Besides evolutive nodular lesions, a patient suffering from silicosis may show other unspecific lesions which must be correctly evaluated for a more correct clinical-pathological assessment, since, clinically, the respiratory function may be profoundly affected although such silicotic damage may be not very noticeable by radiological examination. ", "Silicosis of the liver and spleen was not infrequent in the autopsies carried out, with basic lesions in all evolutive states being observed, the most evolved in the spleen. ", "This means that silicosis should be considered as a systemic illness." ]
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[ 0.004475342575460672, 0.0007174716447480023, 0.0009711642633192241, 0.0005438137450255454, 0.0007871429552324116, 0.0006265640258789062, 0.0010800379095599055, 0.0006922988686710596, 0.0008202356984838843, 0.000833965081255883, 0.06961783766746521, 0.000626281020231545, 0.000579397426918149, 0.0006050224183127284, 0.0011387120466679335, 0.0010037118336185813 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to change initial commit of branch after filter-branch\n\nAfter a filter-branch on master (to add sign-off), I have this :\nA-B-C-D-E-F (master)\n\nA'-X-Y-Z (branch xxx)\n\nwhere A' is the old initial commit. ", "I want to \"reconnect\" my branch \"xxx\" to master, to initial commit A to have something like this :\nA-B-C-D-E-F (master)\n \\\n X-Y-Z (branch xxx)\n\nHow to do that ? ", "\nThanks\n\nA:\n\n3-steps solution with backup option included :\n# create a backup for the branch\ngit checkout -b backup-xxx xxx\n\n# force position of branch xxx at A\ngit branch -f xxx A\n\n# get the commits you wanted from the backup branch\ngit checkout xxx\ngit cherry-pick X Y Z\n\nYou'll have backup-xxx in the state xxx was before the operations, just in case you regret your move later.", "\nBackup plan :\n# to restore branch xxx in its previous state\ngit branch -f xxx backup-xxx\n\n" ]
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[ "The view from the tarmac of the proposed design for New Plymouth Airport.", "\n\nNew Plymouth district councillors want the wow factor and nothing less for the redevelopment of the city's airport.", "\n\nIn a unanimous decision at Tuesday's full New Plymouth District Council meeting, members decided to move forward with a full business case and costing for a new \"iconic\" New Plymouth Airport - estimated to cost between $16.4 million and $22m.\n\nIn an uncommon move, councillors - without any arguing - approved the most expensive option for the redevelopment, rejecting plans for a cheaper, more functional building. .", "\n\nSupplied The view of the iconic build coming down Airport Drive.", "\n\nHowever, those who spoke at the meeting agreed the value added by a design which incorporated a cultural narrative and provided a worthy gateway to the region was worth the extra cost.", "\n\nREAD MORE:\n\n* Functional or iconic option for the new New Plymouth Airport expansion\n\n* The greatest European airport\n\n* Revealed: Nelson's new $32 million airport terminal\n\n* New Plymouth airport expansion design approved\n\n* Brand new terminal for New Plymouth airport considered as part of $11m expansion project\n\n* New Plymouth Airport's new commercial manager will focus on development\n\nInternationally-renowned New Zealand sculptor and artist Rangi Kipa was involved in the design process to include the narrative of Puketapu hapu and the importance of the land the airport is built on.", "\n\nSupplied An aerial view of the \"new iconic build\" option for the airport expansion.", "\n\nPeter Moeahu, speaking on behalf of the Puketapu hapu, said council didn't have to choose between functional and \"outstanding\".", "\n\n\"We support it because it is a fantastic design. ", "The team behind it have provided concepts that are amazing.\"", "\n\n\"The 3a design reflects the Puketapu affinity to that land. ", "It respects Puketapu - that's what 3a does. ", "3b does nothing.", "\n\nHe said council had made a conscious decision to include and respect the views of Puketapu in discussions over the design.", "\n\n\"We deserve 'wow!',\" ", "he said.", "\n\nAnd councillors agreed. ", "Councillor Howie Tamati said the iconic design would give the building life, depth and spirituality.", "\n\n\"I think it's outstanding,\" he said. \"", "It will provide mana and pride for this province.\"", "\n\nHe said Kipa is one of New Zealand's leading artists and the depth he provided to the project through his cultural knowledge had been amazing.", "\n\nCouncillor Grant Coward, who had opposed projects which would come at a cost to ratepayers, supported the $22m design.", "\n\n\"It might come as some surprise that I actually support this. ", "But I'm a cynic as you all know - and unlike councillor Chong I don't believe a financial implication on our ratepayers.", "\n\n\"On the face of it I support it because I like it and the people I talk to like it.\"", "\n\nHis comments were met with laughter and applause around the council table.", "\n\nWhile four options were presented to council, one of two new build options was recommended.", "\n\nThe other option was a functional build, based on the Invercargill Airport terminal - which Wootton pointed out did win a regional airport award - costed more modestly at between $12.9m and $17.5m.\n\nHowever councillors were assured it would not impact on ratepayers. ", "The Crown and NPDC have a 50-50 partnership in the redevelopment, which will be funded by loans from landing fees, car parking and commercial rentals.", "\n\nSeveral councillors who spoke on the proposal also congratulated council officers and Beca Architects along with New Plymouth firm Jackson Architects, for their comprehensive consultation with hapu on the project, which they believed strengthened the design." ]
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[ "MIT OpenCourseWare is a publication of MIT\ncourse materials. ", "There is no registration\nfor the site, and all materials are completely\nfree to use.", "\nCourses are published on OpenCourseWare after\nthey have been taught at MIT.", "\nYou'll find courses that were taught ten years\nago, but are just as relevant today, such\nas Classical Mechanics. ", "But you'll also find\ncourses taught recently on timely issues like\nrepairing the Hubble telescope. ", "The icons\non our course lists indicate some of the resources\nin the course, such as exams with solutions\nor image galleries.", "\nThe materials in these courses show educators\nhow they might teach a similar topic: how\nmany times the course met each week and what\nwas covered during each session.", "\nMIT students use the site to plan their workload\nor review concepts they learned during previous\nsemesters.", "\nIndependent learners can brush up on skills\nor tackle new subjects with our video lectures.", "\nMany courses contain exams and solutions,\nso you can practice what you've learned.", "\nCourses can be downloaded for offline use.", "\nJust save the link to your computer and extract\nthe contents. ", "It's all the same material as\nwhat you see online, except we leave out video\nand audio files to keep the file from getting\ntoo large.", "\nYou can download those files from our partner\nsites, like iTunes U.\nWe have collected all courses that have video\nor audio resources in one list here.", "\nWith more than one million visitors each month,\nwe can't answer all of the questions you might\nhave while using the site, and we can't connect\nyou directly to MIT faculty. ", "But a lot of\nyour questions may be answered in our Help\nsection.", "\nWe publish 50 new courses every year, and\nupdate 100 older courses with new material.", "\nSo check back frequently for updates.", "\nMany of our course lists are available as\nRSS feeds. ", "You can subscribe to these feeds\nand get an alert whenever we publish new content\nin the areas that interest you.", "\nOur monthly newsletter contains a list of\nrecently-published courses, alerts about site\nfeatures, and stories of how our content is\nused by people around the world.", "\nOpenCourseWare is free to use, but we rely\non donations from users like you to support\nthe publication.", "\nExplore the site. ", "Watch a video lecture. ", "Try\na practice problem. ", "We always appreciate feedback\nor suggestions for improvement. ", "You can contact\nus by emailing [email protected].", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow can I make a \"read-only variable\"?", "\n\nIn Bash, you can create a read-only variable\ndeclare -r somevar='bla'\n\nI tried to find something similar in POSIX sh, but the only thing that comes close is this phrase in the set documentation:\n\n[...] read-only variables cannot be reset.", "\n\nHow can I create such a read-only variable?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can make use of readonly:\n$ var=\"hello\"\n$ readonly var\n$ echo $var\nhello\n$ var=\"bye\"\nsh: var: readonly variable\n\n" ]
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[ "1709 Ukraina\n\n1709 Ukraina, provisional designation , is a stony asteroid from the inner regions of the asteroid belt, approximately 9 kilometers in diameter. ", "It was discovered on 16 August 1925, by Soviet astronomer Grigory Shajn at Simeiz Observatory on the Crimean peninsula. ", "It was named in honor of Ukraine.", "\n\nOrbit and classification \n\nUkraina orbits the Sun in the inner main-belt at a distance of 1.9–2.9 AU once every 3 years and 8 months (1,340 days). ", "Its orbit has an eccentricity of 0.21 and an inclination of 8° with respect to the ecliptic.", "\n\nThe body's observation arc begins at Heidelberg, five days after its official discovery observation at Simeiz.", "\n\nPhysical characteristics \n\nThe S-type asteroid has an albedo of about 0.2 and a rotation period of 7.3 hours.", "\n\nNaming \n\nThis minor planet was named after the country Ukraine, then the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (1922–1991). ", "The name was proposed by the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy in Leningrad, what is now St. Petersburg. ", "The official was published by the Minor Planet Center on 1 June 1967 ().", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n Asteroid Lightcurve Database (LCDB), query form (info)\n Dictionary of Minor Planet Names, Google books\n Asteroids and comets rotation curves, CdR – Observatoire de Genève, Raoul Behrend\n Discovery Circumstances: Numbered Minor Planets (1)-(5000) – Minor Planet Center\n \n \n\n001709\nCategory:Discoveries by Grigory Shajn\nCategory:Minor planets named for places\nCategory:Named minor planets\n19250816" ]
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[ "College Hockey:\n\nWhen asked to identify the weakest of the four conferences, without hesitation, most fans would say the CHA. ", "The popular answer is not always the correct answer.", "\n\nThus far this season, if excluding games against independents Lindenwood and Sacred Heart, teams from the CHA are four games over .500. ", "By comparison, Hockey East squads have compiled a collective record five games below .500 with the same exclusions, and teams out of the ECAC are 17 games under.", "\n\nLooked at another way, CHA representatives have advanced to the NCAA title game once, Mercyhurst in 2009. ", "Boston University last season was Hockey East’s first foray to the championship game, and while the ECAC has several such appearances, only Cornell in 2010 played for the title in the last six years.", "\n\nOf course, much of the success of the CHA occurs in Erie, Penn., ", "home of the Lakers. ", "Mercyhurst has put together a streak of seven straight NCAA tournament berths, a mark that is shared with Minnesota-Duluth and is still active for both. ", "Accomplishing the feat without the safety net of an automatic bid to the tournament makes the Lakers’ run all the more impressive.", "\n\n“The nice thing with us and our program, and it is a challenge, is the cupboard is never completely bare,” coach Mike Sisti said. “", "I think any quality program, you need that. ", "I think that we’ve had so many great players here, and it has helped us in so many ways. ", "Fortunately, as they move on, a combination of the younger players that learn from them that move into leadership roles and handle that well, and certainly the new players get thrown into the fire being able to pull their weight and perform well, has been the key to our success.”", "\n\nThis season was one of the more challenging in that regard, given Mercyhurst’s losses last season to graduation. ", "When the team dropped a game in each of its first two series of the season, the string of NCAA bids looked to be in jeopardy.", "\n\n“We knew we’d be very young; we lost about 800 or 900 points out of our lineup,” Sisti said. “", "Over the years, our program has done a great job of replacing great players. ", "Each year and team are different. ", "We’ve been able to find whatever way is necessary for a particular team to win, given their strengths or weaknesses.”", "\n\nChristine Bestland (Mercyhurst Athletics)\n\nAfter a loss to Minnesota State dropped the Lakers’ record to 1-2, they regrouped and rattled off nine straight wins heading into a crucial series hosting No. ", "3 Cornell. ", "The contest was Mercyhurst’s first against a team currently ranked in the top 10, but the team proved itself ready by scoring the game’s first two goals and taking a 3-1 lead early in the second period.", "\n\n“Our teams are always prepared to play,” Sisti said. “", "That’s a credit to my staff and a credit to the players, who really absorb whatever we give them. ", "This team has learned so much. ", "When you have a lot of new people, there’s just so many things to teach them, from the basics to any complex tweaks or whatever you need to win a particular weekend. ", "This team has been real diligent in how they go about their business, their work ethic, and really listen to what we’re giving them and applying it come game day. ", "Those games, we put in some tweaks, and they handled it well and really played well.”", "\n\nThe Big Red stormed back, scoring three times in just over 10 minutes in the middle frame, and claimed a 5-4 decision on a late goal from Laura Fortino.", "\n\n“In the second period, we took some untimely penalties, and they got a couple key goals there to get rolling,” Sisti said. “", "Even with that game, we had chances late to come back. ", "We tied the game, and obviously, they won it in the last minute. ", "It was a really exciting college hockey game for the fans. ", "It could have went either way. ", "When you’ve got a team with so many game breakers that they have, they’re never out of a game, and that’s what happens on some nights.”", "\n\nIn the rematch with Cornell, the Lakers didn’t settle for the moral victory of playing well, but did the things necessary to skate to a 5-2 triumph.", "\n\n“In game one, as well as we played, we made enough mistakes that a real good team took advantage of,” Sisti said. “", "In game two, I guess if there was a difference, we just made less of those mistakes. ", "Not that we still didn’t make some. ", "We got some great saves both nights, but goaltending was awesome night two, and we just made less mistakes. ", "We were able to make sure they never got as close game two.”", "\n\nAfter not facing a top team for the season’s first two months, Mercyhurst met them on successive weekends, traveling to Boston for a pair of games with No. ", "4 Boston College.", "\n\n“I think we did not play nearly as good the second weekend,” Sisti said. “", "Usually in games, you can get away with one or two players not playing their best, but it was just an off night for a lot of our players. ", "A lot of credit goes to BC, too. ", "They had a lot of energy. ", "I think it was just one of those weekends where you do get in the term where a lot of players on your team don’t quite have it on a particular weekend. ", "Even there, our team fought hard. ", "We had a chance to tie it late and gave up an open-net goal in the first game.”", "\n\nAs in the Cornell series, the Lakers lost the opener, as Alex Carpenter’s empty-netter sealed a 4-2 BC win. ", "With tournament aspirations and a 1-2 mark over its first three games against opponents in the Teams Under Consideration category, No. ", "5 Mercyhurst knew salvaging points was critical in the conclusion of the series with the Eagles.", "\n\n“They are a team; they really support each other and they don’t point fingers at each other in tough times, and they don’t give up,” Sisti said. “", "They’ve been fun to coach, because as young as they are, they’re all pulling together and they believe they can win games, and that’s a big part of it. ", "That’s why certainly after game one that we knew our backs were against the wall and the team challenged themselves and we got tremendous goaltending, which is key. ", "Our special teams answered the bell, and obviously, we were able to win the game.”", "\n\nMercyhurst earned a 3-2 victory on the strength of two power-play goals and Wayne State transfer Jill Szandzik’s game-winner at 3:01 of overtime.", "\n\nThe win was senior goaltender Hillary Pattenden’s 91st in her Mercyhurst career, matching the mark that Wisconsin’s Jessie Vetter established in the 2009 championship, ironically at the expense of the Lakers. ", "On December 14, Pattenden set a new NCAA record with win 92 as Mercyhurst blanked Lindenwood, 9-0.", "\n\n“It’s been nice over the course of our program to have some NCAA records and some team awards,” Sisti said.", "\n\nHillary Pattenden (Mercyhurst Athletics)\n\nHe believes Pattenden, whom he calls a great competitor, is certainly deserving of the record.", "\n\n“She’s a great person,” Sisti said. “", "There’s never been a player that we’ve had that has said a bad word about her.”", "\n\nSisti describes Pattenden as quiet, but she also knows when the situation calls for something to be said.", "\n\n“When she speaks, people listen,” he said.", "\n\nMuch of the recognition of Mercyhurst players over the years has come at the other end of the ice. ", "Meghan Agosta tallied an NCAA record 303 points in her career, and was voted a Patty Kazmaier top-three finalist all four years. ", "Forward Vicki Bendus, who was a star in the classroom as well as on the ice, took home the Kazmaier Award in 2010.", "\n\nAgain this season, a number of Lakers are emerging as candidates for Kazmaier or All-American honors.", "\n\n“[Senior Kelley] Steadman is having an awesome year,” Sisti said. “[", "Christine] Bestland is only a sophomore, but we give her a lot of responsibility. ", "Pam Zgoda, our captain on ‘D’, is anchoring a young ‘D’ corps. ", "Certainly with [Bailey] Bram and Jess Jones and Steadman up front, they play in every situation. ", "They are seasoned veterans. ", "Jess Jones is really — a credit to her, she’s had two knee surgeries on both knees, and that kid never gives up and can do absolutely everything for us and is such a smart hockey player, and obviously doing a great job leading for us as well. ", "I think Bailey clearly deserves a long look at the Patty Kazmaier this year, along with some other great players across the country, but she’s doing everything we ask of her.”", "\n\nSenior forward Bram’s 48 points on 21 goals and 27 assists matches the total amassed by Wisconsin’s Brianna Decker as the top production in the country. ", "Having played in two fewer games, Bram has set the best mark in points per game with a 2.67 average.", "\n\nIn the second half of the season, CHA league play will get underway in earnest. ", "Because the Lakers have claimed every CHA tournament and regular season championship, with the season crown being shared with Wayne State in 2007-08, they carry a target into showdowns with conference rivals.", "\n\n“As far as our league goes, we’ve always been able to be tested and challenged by our league opponents, because there are huge rivalries that have been there,” Sisti said. “", "We’ve been on top fortunately for a long time. ", "Their season, it’s no secret — they want what we have. ", "Those are huge games on their schedule. ", "We get their absolute top-level focus and competitiveness, and that’s always a challenge for us.”", "\n\nWith the possible exception of the Wayne State teams that featured Melissa Boal, Sam Poynton, and Lindsay DiPietro, the problem for the rest of the conference in tilts with Mercyhurst is that most of the best players on the ice are wearing Lakers jerseys. ", "Whether the challenge presented by the maximum effort of lower-ranked teams will provide the competition necessary to achieve an NCAA crown remains to be seen. ", "In the meantime, all the Lakers can do is prepare for whatever opponent the schedule brings.", "\n\n“In our early years, we’d go into programs that had been around for 20, 30 years and didn’t have any national players on our team, but our players would play with great heart and pride and find ways to win, and we’ve never lost sight of that.”", "\n\nPossibly related:\n\nThe following is a self-policing forum for discussing views on this story. ", "Comments that are derogatory, make personal attacks, are abusive, or contain profanity or racism will be removed at our discretion. ", "USCHO.com is not responsible for comments posted by users. ", "Please report any inappropriate or offensive comments by clicking the “Flag” link next to that comment in order to alert the moderator.", "\n\nPlease also keep “woofing,” taunting, and otherwise unsportsmanlike behavior to a minimum. ", "Your posts will more than likely be deleted, and worse yet, you reflect badly on yourself, your favorite team and your conference." ]
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[ "-170)/(-16) + 24/64. ", "Suppose -q + 26 = 5*f. ", "Factor 9*u**f - 9*u**3 - 6*u**3 - 2*u**4 - 4*u**2.", "\n-2*u**2*(u + 1)*(u + 2)\nLet o(c) be the third derivative of -5/6*c**5 - 1/15*c**7 + 0*c + 9*c**2 + 19/60*c**6 + 4/3*c**4 + 1/168*c**8 + 0 - 4/3*c**3. ", "Factor o(d).", "\n2*(d - 2)**2*(d - 1)**3\nLet z(t) = -8*t**2 + 0 + 10*t**2 - 3*t + 0. ", "Let a be z(2). ", "Factor 0*c**3 - 3*c**4 - a*c**3 - c**3 + 0*c**4.", "\n-3*c**3*(c + 1)\nLet n(t) be the third derivative of -t**9/756 + t**8/420 + t**7/210 - t**6/90 + 7*t**3/6 - 3*t**2. ", "Let h(f) be the first derivative of n(f). ", "Solve h(w) = 0.", "\n-1, 0, 1\nLet l(z) be the first derivative of -z**6/105 + z**5/70 - z - 14. ", "Let c(q) be the first derivative of l(q). ", "Let c(x) = 0. ", "What is x?", "\n0, 1\nLet h(v) be the first derivative of -1/72*v**4 + 0*v**2 + 0*v + 2*v**3 + 0*v**5 + 1 + 1/1080*v**6. ", "Let s(t) be the third derivative of h(t). ", "Factor s(q).", "\n(q - 1)*(q + 1)/3\nFactor -192/5*o**2 - 26/5*o**3 - 288/5*o + 0 + o**4 + 1/5*o**5.", "\no*(o - 6)*(o + 3)*(o + 4)**2/5\nLet k(o) be the second derivative of 1/6*o**3 + 0*o**2 + 8*o + 0 - 1/2*o**4. ", "Let k(v) = 0. ", "Calculate v.\n0, 1/6\nLet z(n) = 10*n - 3. ", "Let p be z(2). ", "Suppose y - 12 = -5*t + p, 15 = 5*y - t. Factor -7*r**4 + 5*r**4 - 3 - y*r**3 + 4*r + 5.", "\n-2*(r - 1)*(r + 1)**3\nLet r(w) be the third derivative of -16*w**2 + 5/3*w**3 + 0*w + 1/16*w**5 + 0 + 35/48*w**4. ", "Factor r(x).", "\n5*(x + 4)*(3*x + 2)/4\nLet o be 2/8 + (-66)/270. ", "Let t(a) be the third derivative of 1/30*a**5 + 0*a**3 + 0*a + 0 + 1/18*a**4 - 2*a**2 + o*a**6. ", "Factor t(v).", "\n2*v*(v + 1)*(v + 2)/3\nLet p(d) be the third derivative of 7/9*d**3 + 0*d + 1/8*d**4 - 26*d**2 + 1/180*d**5 + 0. ", "Determine l, given that p(l) = 0.", "\n-7, -2\nLet y(j) be the second derivative of j**5/2 + 35*j**4/12 + 35*j**3/6 + 5*j**2 + 49*j + 4. ", "Solve y(s) = 0.", "\n-2, -1, -1/2\nSuppose 0 = 4*y - 0*y + 120. ", "Let v be (-14)/(-4) + 15/y. Factor -24*z + 140 + v*z**2 - 32 - 60.", "\n3*(z - 4)**2\nLet u(n) be the first derivative of -5*n**6/6 + 69*n**5/5 - 316*n**4/5 + 584*n**3/5 - 88*n**2 + 144*n/5 - 368. ", "Find p such that u(p) = 0.", "\n2/5, 2, 9\nLet g(b) be the first derivative of -b**3/5 + 147*b**2/5 - 7203*b/5 + 851. ", "Solve g(o) = 0.", "\n49\nLet 10 + 224*v + 6 + 1193*v**2 - 309*v**2 + 676*v**3 = 0. ", "Calculate v.\n-1, -2/13\nSuppose 66*h = 62*h + 28. ", "Let p be 2 - (10/3 + -9 + h). ", "Factor -2/3 - 7/3*f**2 + 7/3*f + p*f**3.", "\n(f - 2)*(f - 1)*(2*f - 1)/3\nLet s(t) be the second derivative of t**7/63 - t**6/9 + t**5/5 + 2*t**4/9 - 8*t**3/9 + 663*t. ", "Factor s(m).", "\n2*m*(m - 2)**3*(m + 1)/3\nSuppose 2*o - 5 + 2*o**4 + 9 - 4*o**3 + 2*o - 6 = 0. ", "Calculate o.\n-1, 1\nSuppose n + 5*k = 18, -18 = 3*k - 27. ", "Let d(w) be the third derivative of 1/15*w**5 + 0*w + 0*w**n - 1/3*w**4 - 13*w**2 + 0. ", "Factor d(p).", "\n4*p*(p - 2)\nLet w = -127 + 129. ", "Let g(v) be the first derivative of -1/5*v**3 + 1 - 3/5*v - 3/5*v**w. ", "Factor g(z).", "\n-3*(z + 1)**2/5\nLet b(m) be the third derivative of -1/300*m**5 - 1/1800*m**6 + 0*m + 1/40*m**4 + 0 + 3*m**2 + 5/6*m**3. ", "Let g(r) be the first derivative of b(r). ", "Factor g(h).", "\n-(h - 1)*(h + 3)/5\nDetermine d so that -404*d + 112 - 177 - 179 + 1376*d + 16*d**2 = 0.", "\n-61, 1/4\nLet s(m) = 48*m + 3363. ", "Let f be s(-70). ", "Find o such that 0 + 4*o**f + 0*o + 13/4*o**4 + 1/2*o**5 + 5/4*o**2 = 0.", "\n-5, -1, -1/2, 0\nFactor -44/5*l - 2/5*l**2 - 42/5.", "\n-2*(l + 1)*(l + 21)/5\nLet k = 3/55 - -43/220. ", "Let x(c) be the second derivative of 0*c**3 + k*c**4 - 1/20*c**5 + 4*c + 0 - 2*c**2. ", "Factor x(q).", "\n-(q - 2)**2*(q + 1)\nLet m(x) be the first derivative of -x**6/6 - x**5/2 + 5*x**4/12 + 5*x**3/3 + 16*x - 4. ", "Let g(k) be the first derivative of m(k). ", "Solve g(b) = 0.", "\n-2, -1, 0, 1\nLet o be (24/(-10))/(80/(-200)). ", "Let i(k) be the first derivative of 1/12*k**o - 1/4*k**4 + 2 + 0*k**2 + 1/10*k**5 + 0*k + 0*k**3. ", "Let i(v) = 0. ", "What is v?", "\n-2, 0, 1\nLet o(c) be the second derivative of 7/4*c**5 + 80*c**3 + 80*c**2 + 0 - 45/2*c**4 - 41*c. ", "Solve o(y) = 0.", "\n-2/7, 4\nLet g(k) be the second derivative of -k**4/54 - 11*k**3/27 - 10*k**2/9 - 45*k. ", "Factor g(z).", "\n-2*(z + 1)*(z + 10)/9\nLet z(r) be the third derivative of r**6/120 - 17*r**5/20 + 289*r**4/8 - 4913*r**3/6 + 35*r**2. ", "Factor z(g).", "\n(g - 17)**3\nSuppose 2*c - 291 = r + 23, -3*c + 489 = 3*r. ", "Let s = 1115/7 - c. Determine j, given that -1/7*j**2 - s + 3/7*j = 0.", "\n1, 2\nSolve -100*w**3 + 4*w**5 + w**5 - 15*w**4 + 110*w**3 = 0.", "\n0, 1, 2\nLet k(n) = -23*n + 11. ", "Let u be k(-1). ", "Suppose -u + 36 = v. Factor -2/9*a**v + 2/9 + 0*a.", "\n-2*(a - 1)*(a + 1)/9\nLet w(u) = 5*u - 4 + u - u**2 + 0 + 8. ", "Let h be w(6). ", "What is o in 4*o**3 + 4*o**2 + 2*o**h - 5*o**2 + 3*o**2 = 0?", "\n-1, 0\nLet f = 375 - 180. ", "Let a = -193 + f. Factor 34/7*u - 4/7 - 30/7*u**a.", "\n-2*(u - 1)*(15*u - 2)/7\nSuppose -5*t - 5*n + 200 = 0, n = 5*t + 4*n - 202. ", "Solve t*i**2 - 5*i**4 - 2 - 20*i**3 + 2 - 16*i**2 = 0.", "\n-5, 0, 1\nLet d = 72 + -68. ", "Let k(w) be the first derivative of -1/9*w**3 + 4 + 0*w - 1/12*w**d + 1/3*w**2. ", "Let k(i) = 0. ", "Calculate i.\n-2, 0, 1\nLet n be 72/28 - (-9)/21. ", "Suppose l = -h + 2 + 4, n*l - 6 = 0. ", "Let 60*q**3 + q**4 + 13*q**4 + 72*q**2 + 0*q**h + 16*q + 0*q**4 = 0. ", "Calculate q.\n-2, -2/7, 0\nLet i = 12377/14838 - 2/2473. ", "Let b(z) be the first derivative of -8 - i*z**3 - 2*z**2 - 3/2*z. ", "Factor b(m).", "\n-(m + 1)*(5*m + 3)/2\nLet u(x) be the second derivative of 14*x + 2/9*x**3 - 1/6*x**2 - 1/9*x**4 + 0. ", "Factor u(b).", "\n-(2*b - 1)**2/3\nLet b(n) = -254*n**3 + 4*n - 4. ", "Let w be b(1). ", "Let i = w - -519/2. ", "Factor -i*m + 9/2*m**4 - 7/2*m**2 - 1 + 11/2*m**3.", "\n(m - 1)*(m + 1)**2*(9*m + 2)/2\nLet g(i) be the first derivative of 31 - 8*i - 5*i**2 + 1/4*i**4 - 1/3*i**3. ", "Factor g(d).", "\n(d - 4)*(d + 1)*(d + 2)\nSuppose c = 2*n - 2, -2*n + 14 = 3*c - c. Find y, given that -y**n - 4*y**3 + 33 - 5*y**4 + 5*y + 15*y**2 - 25 - 18 = 0.", "\n-2, -1, 1\nFactor -14 + 2*r**3 + 6*r**2 + 12*r + 5 + 3*r**4 - 13*r**3 - r**3.", "\n3*(r - 3)*(r - 1)**2*(r + 1)\nSuppose 22 = 2*h - 3*j, 3 - 7 = -h - 2*j. ", "Let n(r) be the second derivative of h*r + 0*r**4 + 0*r**3 + 0*r**2 + 0 + 1/90*r**5. ", "Factor n(x).", "\n2*x**3/9\nLet n be 60/80 - (-5)/260. ", "Determine q, given that n*q**2 - 6/13*q**3 + 4/13*q + 0 = 0.", "\n-1/3, 0, 2\nLet d = 125112/4285 - -2/857. ", "Let y = d + -29. ", "Factor 1/10*s**2 + 1/10 + y*s.", "\n(s + 1)**2/10\nLet j(s) = 136*s**2 + 50*s - 4. ", "Let q(g) = -27*g**2 - 10*g + 1. ", "Let p(w) = -2*j(w) - 11*q(w). ", "Factor p(c).", "\n(5*c - 1)*(5*c + 3)\nLet x(k) = -2*k**2 - 111*k - 1800. ", "Let d(v) = -4*v**2 - 225*v - 3600. ", "Let r(g) = 3*d(g) - 5*x(g). ", "Factor r(c).", "\n-2*(c + 30)**2\nSuppose -178 = -5*g + 42. ", "Suppose 0 = 5*b + 7*a - 3*a - g, -28 = -3*b - 4*a. ", "Solve -10*f**3 + 8*f - b*f**2 + f**2 - 9*f**2 = 0 for f.\n-2, 0, 2/5\nLet o(i) be the second derivative of -1/50*i**6 + 2/5*i**3 + 17*i + 3/20*i**5 - 2/5*i**4 + 0*i**2 + 0. ", "Let o(t) = 0. ", "Calculate t.\n0, 1, 2\nSuppose -h + 3*h - 8 = 0. ", "Suppose h*a + 4 = 4*r - 8, -4*a + 6 = 2*r. ", "Factor z**4 - 2*z**r + 4 - 2*z**4 + 7*z**2 - 13*z**2 + 2*z + 3*z**4.", "\n2*(z - 2)*(z - 1)*(z + 1)**2\nSolve 1/4*w**2 - 5/2*w + 21/4 = 0 for w.\n3, 7\nFactor -18*b - b**2 + 15 + 13*b**2 - 7*b**2 - 2*b**2.", "\n3*(b - 5)*(b - 1)\nLet n be 67/5 + (-4)/10. ", "Suppose 4*d + 3 - n = 2*b, d - 19 = -5*b. ", "Solve -2*j**2 + 3 + 0 - 8*j - j**2 - d*j + 12*j**3 = 0.", "\n-1, 1/4, 1\nLet w be (-25)/(-2)*(-24)/(-15). ", "Let v be (24/w)/(4/10). ", "Determine j, given that -15*j**2 - 1 - j**3 - 8 + 4*j**v + 21*j = 0.", "\n1, 3\nSuppose 0 = 4*n - 4*a - 3 - 21, 0 = 3*a. ", "Suppose c - n = -2*c. ", "What is r in 0 + 0*r + 1/2*r**3 + 1/2*r**c = 0?", "\n-1, 0\nLet w(f) be the first derivative of -f**4/12 + 2*f**3/9 + 10*f**2/3 + 8*f + 195. ", "Factor w(q).", "\n-(q - 6)*(q + 2)**2/3\nLet i = 77623/6 + -12831. ", "Let d = i + -106. ", "Factor 0 - 1/6*m + d*m**2.", "\nm*(m - 1)/6\nSuppose -2*z + 14 = 5*d, -61*d + 60*d + 12 = 5*z. ", "Suppose 1/7*p**z + 4/7 - 5/7*p = 0. ", "What is p?", "\n1, 4\nLet w(h) be the first derivative of h**5/80 + h**4/48 + 2*h - 13. ", "Let s(a) be the first derivative of w(a). ", "Factor s(n).", "\nn**2*(n + 1)/4\nLet s = -19402/5 - -3890. ", "Determine d, given that -72/5*d**2 - s*d**3 - 3/5 - 27/5*d = 0.", "\n-1, -1/4\nSuppose 0 = 2*x + 4*o - 16 - 8, 3*o - 5 = 5*x. ", "Let -112*y**2 + 34*y**2 - 30*y**x - 2 + 36*y - 1 = 0. ", "Calculate y.\n1/6\nLet o(m) be the second derivative of -62/15*m**5 + 21*m - 20/9*m**4 + 0 - 86/45*m**6 - 2/7*m**7 + 0*m**2 + 16/9*m**3. ", "Determine b, given that o(b) = 0.", "\n-2, -1, 0, 2/9\nFind v such that -3*v - 4*v**2 - 3*v - v**3 + 2*v**3 + v = 0.", "\n-1, 0, 5\nLet q = 75/47 - 103/94. ", "Determine u, given that -q*u*" ]
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[ "This is a draft in User space, not yet ready to go to Citizendium's main space, and not meant to be cited. ", "The {{subpages}} template is designed to be used within article clusters and their related pages.", "It will not function on User pages.", "Menad Benchellali is a suspected terrorist arrested in France on January 6 2004.[1]\nBenchellali is alleged to have been an al Qaedachemical weapons specialist.", "\n\nAccording to the Washington Post, Benchellali was known as \"the chemist.[2] French investigators assert that, when Benchellali returned to France, from Afghanistan, he built a home lab in his bedroom, where he manufactured ricin.", "\n\nBenchellali is reported to have sent his younger brother Mourad Benchellali and a friend, Nizar Sassi, to Afghanistan.[3]\nMourad and Sassis were captured and detained in Guantanamo.", "\n\nBenchellali, was convicted, along with 24 others, on June 14 2006 for their roles in planning a terrorist attack that was to have taken place in France to support Chechen independence..[4]\nBenchellali was described as the group's leader, and received a 10 year sentence. ", "Benchellali's father, Chellali Benchellali,\nHafez Benchellali, a younger brother, and Hafsa Benchellali, his mother, were also convicted for their roles.", "\n\nMourad Benchellali published a book about his experiences, and on June 14 2006 the New York Times published an op-ed by Mourad, in which he blamed Menad for tricking him into attending a military training camp on what he thought would be a kind of vacation.[5] Mourad said he was looking forward to his day in court, for attending that training camp, after spending years in detention, without charge, in Guantanamo." ]
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[ "Kevin Godfrey\n\nKevin Godfrey may refer to:\n\n Kevin Godfrey (footballer) (born 1960), English football winger\n Epic Soundtracks (1959–1997), British musician" ]
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[ "Embodiments of the invention relate to non-woven materials and, more particularly, to certain types of non-woven materials which are known as industrial absorbents.", "\nIndustrial absorbents are used in a variety of circumstances. ", "For example, non-woven absorbent pads are often used in manufacturing facilities to absorb water, oil, chemicals, and other liquids that may be dispensed, emitted, or leaked from various machines and manufacturing lines. ", "For example, industrial absorbent pads may be used around cutting machines to absorb lubricants, printing presses to absorb ink, and processing equipment to absorb chemicals. ", "The pads are used to help reduce the spread of such liquids into walkways, onto other machinery, to pick up spills after they occur, and similar purposes." ]
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[ "KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 30): Following the exemption of the Sales and Services Tax (SST) on construction materials, new home buyers may be able to look forward to discounts between five to 10 per cent on house prices in the coming months.", "\n\nThe Malay Mail reports that Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng said the discounts would apply to newly launch housing units only, not including low cost housing projects which as they are under the price controlled category.", "\n\n“As for existing units that have already been built, you will have to wait until this Friday for the Budget announcement,” he was quoted as saying.", "\n\n“To me I would wish for a 10 per cent discount and so we will give Rehda time to work towards achieving that goal,” he said.", "\n\nWhen talking about developers who would not lower their prices, the Finance Minister said that the SST would be reimposed by the government.", "\n\n“We want to see a reduction for new homes that are yet to be built or else we will bring back the six per cent of SST,” he said.", "\n\nThe daily reports that he said the government wants to see house price reduction, instead of additional perks by developers, such as freebies and rebates.", "\n\nThe daily cites a statement issued by Rehda yesterday, where Rehda president Datuk Soam Heng Choon encouraged developers to lower their prices, subject to location and type of projects." ]
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[ "John Burrows, a local greyhound trainer, with Sandy, one of his greyhounds. ", "Credit:Wolter Peeters But Villiers Lane, encased by three sleepy streets on a hill overlooking town, has become the scene of unimaginable terror and Portland is now grappling with its first murder mystery in several decades. ", "Local greyhound trainer John Burrows, a 58-year-old father-of-three and employee at the local power plant for three decades, was blown up in a deliberate act on July 24. ", "At 6.30am that Friday morning, as he did every week day, Mr Burrows walked from his home on the corner of Wolgan Street and Villiers Lane, down the lane to the garage behind his mother Phyllis' home on Villiers Street. \"", "I used to call him 'big fella',\" said Phyllis Burrows. \"", "And in May, because of my arthritis, I gave my car to my daughter so I said, 'well big fella, that's your garage now'. ", "He started putting his car in there every night. ", "If only I hadn't given him that garage.\"", "\n\nThe aftermath of the explosion in Portland which killed John Burrows. ", "Credit:Carmel Houlison As he reached the roller door just before dawn, he knelt down to pick up what looked like a white backpack. ", "It was a sophisticated improvised explosive device that detonated in his face and catapulted him several metres to the other side of the laneway. ", "He died instantly from the force but was also horrifically maimed and burnt, police said. ", "Garry Burrows, outside his mother's garage where his brother, John, was killed. ", "Credit:Wolter Peeters Windows blew out in surrounding homes and walls rattled along the entire street. ", "People in Wallerawang, a town five kilometres away, heard the blast.", "\n\nHowever, even more shocking that the monstrous explosion was the revelation from police later that day that it was being treated as a homicide. ", "The home of well-known local greyhound trainer John Burrows, in Wolgan Street, Portland. ", "Credit:Wolter Peeters \"We believe that John was specifically targeted and whoever targeted him did so with the intent of killing him,\" Bathurst crime manager Detective Inspector Luke Rankin told The Sun-Herald this week. \"", "It was someone familiar with his [morning] routine. ", "It was someone who had the intent to kill.\" ", "The Sun Herald has learnt investigators have been examining an ongoing conflict Mr Burrows had with a neighbour on Villiers Lane, stemming from his barking greyhounds.", "\n\nMr Burrows treated his dogs like his babies. ", "He would trim their nails in his yard and use Palmolive Milk and Honey shampoo to give them an enviously glossy coat ahead of race meets, his brother Garry Burrows says. ", "However, about 2010, two of his champion greyhounds were mysteriously bashed several times over many months and eventually had to be put down. ", "No one was ever charged. ", "Police have confirmed that in 2011, they were notified that Phyllis had discovered a neighbour, Paul John Fitzpatrick, standing in the Burrows' backyard with a stick. \"", "He was yelling and screaming, 'I'm sick and tired of hearing that dog whinge, whinge, whinge',\" Mrs Burrows recalled. ", "Not long after, Mr Burrows and Mr Fitzpatrick, a pensioner who served in the Vietnam War and worked for most of his life as an electrician, had an altercation in Wolgan Street that turned violent.", "\n\nMr Fitzpatrick was hospitalised with a fractured eye socket yet an assault charge against Mr Burrows fell over in court due to unreliable evidence given by Mr Fitzpatrick. ", "The incident stunned Mr Burrows' family, including his wife and three children. \"", "He was such a calm guy usually, he never let anything worry him,\" Garry said. \"", "You won't hear a bad word spoken about him around here.\" ", "Residents in Portland either knew little of Mr Burrows or spoke fondly of him. ", "His daughter runs a cafe in town and young workers at the Mount Piper power plant regarded him as a father figure. \"", "He was so friendly, he was such a lovely fellow,\" said June Lane, 85, who went to school with Mrs Burrows and lives a few doors up. \"", "This is the last thing I'd ever think would happen to him.\"", "\n\nMany people in the streets around Villiers Lane knew of the tension over Mr Burrows' greyhounds. ", "Another resident on Wolgan Street, who asked not to be named, said complaints were made about her dogs a few years ago and one day she found a man standing in her backyard. \"", "John was a good man,\" she said quietly through her screen door. ", "Soon after the blast, Mr Fitzpatrick spoke at length with police and the ramshackle property he shares with his sister was searched over two days. ", "Inspector Rankin confirmed he had been questioned along with several others persons of interest to their investigation. ", "When approached at his home this week, Mr Fitzpatrick declined to comment and ordered The Sun-Herald off his property.", "\n\nThe Sun Herald does not suggest he had any involvement in the homicide. ", "Inspector Rankin said no suspects have been taken into custody at any point and the well-known conflict was one line of inquiry among others. \"", "Any conflict is a prominent line of investigation,\" he said. ", "It's understood detectives are looking closely at the explosive device and tracing the origin of each component in order to build a detailed profile of how it was made and by whom. ", "For residents of Portland, initial shock has turned to silence and disbelief. ", "A recent report in the Lithgow Mercury said the feeling being commonly expressed around town was: \"This is Portland, not the Middle East\". ", "The last time Portland grappled with a murder was in 1988 when teenager Pheiona McCann was killed by Brett Francis Sharp after a concert at the Portland RSL.", "\n\nIn 1950, 26-year-old quarryman Kevin John Seach molested and killed two boys, aged seven and eight, whom he had come across behind a toilet at the sports ground. ", "In a strange and tragic twist, Portland has suffered two other fatalities in the past five weeks. ", "Kindergarten school mates Simon Williams and Rebecca Karini, both seven, were killed in separate road accidents on Pipers Flat Road. ", "Lithgow mayor Maree Statham, who is from Portland, said it was an extraordinary run of bad luck for such a small town. \"", "We are mourning for so many different reasons,\" she said. \"", "I've been speaking to people in their 80s in Portland who say this is the most horrendous period of time for fatal accidents they've ever seen.\" ", "Garry says his mother is struggling more than most. ", "She had a nightmare about her son's killer last week and suffered two black eyes when she fell out of bed and hit a bedside table.", "\n\n\"Whatever has happened [with John] in the past, we never ever dreamt it would come to this,\" said Garry. \"", "He was one of the best, truly one of the best.\" ", "Correction: An earlier version of this story said the last murder in Portland was in 1950." ]
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[ "Search form\n\nClearing Up\n\nPosted on Friday, June 27, 2014\n\nI really do understand the separation anxiety. ", "The books have been around forever, and they’ve become part of the fabric of your existence, and even though you need to make space (so you can buy more in July) you want to be sure they’ll be treated kindly, and given new homes.", "\n\nBut there’s not much excuse for “Could I come back after the sale and pick them up if they don’t sell?”", "\n\nThis sort of took my breath away. ", "I explained that it’s very difficult to segregate one donor’s books (it was no more than two small bags) and even more difficult to go through on the Monday after and pull out a few books from the debris of a good, long sale. ", "But I can read in a person’s eyes when my message is not getting through (this happens a lot, somehow) so my suggestion was, “Why don’t you come in on Sunday afternoon and BUY them back? ", "Then you’ll be sure to get them all.”", "\n\nIt was even more breathtaking to see the relief in the donor’s face and hear, “You’re right! ", "That’s just what I should do!”", "\n\nThe mighty cartoonist Joe Martin made a mantra of the phrase “unclear on the concept”. ", "This motto has come to my mind more and more as we creep toward the Book Fair. ", "For one thing, I had two inquiries in as many days along the lines of “Can we donate books during the days you don’t want us to donate books?”", "\n\nOne problem with this question is that the person who asks it doesn’t care about the answer anyway. ", "Short of being told, “Well, you can, but it’s your own fault if you set off the flamethrowers”, that person is going to donate books anyway.", "\n\nAnother problem is the same old same old. ", "I am not, except under extreme circumstances, going to turn away a donation. ", "It is one of the rules of the Book Fair that I refuse to be put in the position of saying, “Sorry, I can’t accept that Gutenberg Bible when I have all these paperback romances to get ready in time for the Book Fair.”", "\n\nThe reason we have these Don’t Donate Books periods is that if you donate books during them You Will Be In The Way. ", "We have other things we need to be up and doing. ", "We do not want to take time out from these things to unload your SUV, chat about the circumstance under which you lost volume 17 of your encyclopedia, and find a place to stack those boxes of yours until you leave and it’s safe to throw the books in the recycling bin. ", "In July especially, I am very busy trying to decide what’s going to get priced to go into the 2014 sale, and what I can stash in the basement to wait until next year. ", "It’s not just a matter of “This is valuable, let’s get it in this year.” ", "It’s also a matter of “I need to do more research on this; it will have to wait” and “I know the other four volumes of this came in six months ago and I set them aside, but I can’t hunt for ‘em now.”", "\n\nIf you donate books during this period, it means (since I cannot, unfortunately, stash you and your Hyundai in the basement until a more convenient time) something we wanted to accomplish for July will not get done in time. ", "Do you understand that because you chose to bring in all those Management texts you never got around to reading, a pile of really nice pop-up books that need a little glue to make them saleable will NOT get priced?", "\n\nSome of you don’t, I know, because you are still Unclear On The Concept. ", "But that’s okay. ", "It is no disgrace to be occasionally clueless. ", "Sometimes I fail to understand things at first glance, myself. ", "When I saw that little box labeled “Anatomy Flash Cards”, my mind leapt to the wrong conclusion entirely.", "\n\nPost New Comment\n\nYour name *\n\nE-mail *\n\nThe content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005385709810070693, 0.0008229347295127809, 0.0017283584456890821, 0.00398914935067296, 0.0006835736567154527, 0.000871845695655793, 0.0025426086504012346, 0.0007555588963441551, 0.0017977048410102725, 0.000755136483348906, 0.0006594499573111534, 0.0006943196640349925, 0.0025489828549325466, 0.01581088826060295, 0.002890483709052205, 0.0006912644021213055, 0.0009328603628091514, 0.0009757050429470837, 0.0006118532619439065, 0.003233106806874275, 0.0006515094428323209, 0.0007271271315403283, 0.0006228853017091751, 0.001722770626656711, 0.0007838397868908942, 0.000835002341773361, 0.000722880766261369, 0.0055541242472827435, 0.0007109653670340776, 0.0007501806248910725, 0.0007824934436939657 ]
[ "Sleeping Man and Sitting Woman\n\nThe drawing of the sleeping man and sitting woman is a stunning work of art from Pablo Picasso. ", "The drawing is a vivid, crystal clear and amazing work of art. ", "The drawing shows a handsome sleeping naked man and a beautiful sitting naked woman. ", "Both the man and woman are good looking. ", "The man is sleeping on the bed while the woman is sitting on the bed. ", "The man is fast asleep while the woman is gazing at the man. ", "The man is sleeping close to the man while the woman is sitting close to the sleeping man. ", "The woman's hands are on her shoulders while the man's hands are on his head. ", "The man is asleep and unaware of his environment while the woman is awake and fully aware of his surroundings.", "\nThe drawing of the sleeping man and sitting woman is a representation of harmony. ", "The naked sleeping man and naked sitting woman are obviously in harmony with one another. ", "The drawing is also a depiction of the beauty of nudity. ", "The drawing shows a man and woman who are at peace with themselves and nudity. ", "Both the man and the woman are quiet. ", "The surrounding environment is also quite. ", "There is love between the sleeping man and the sitting woman.", "\nThe Sleeping Man and Sitting Woman drawing shows two people who are at peace with each other. ", "The Sleeping man and Sitting Woman drawing depicts peace, rest and cooperation. ", "The sleeping man is unaware of his surrounding but has total confidence in the sitting woman. ", "The sitting woman is aware that the man is relying on her protection and the woman is offering it totally by sitting close to the man and watching intently.", "\nThe Sleeping Man and Sitting Woman drawing is a stunning, amazing, scenic and picturesque work of art. ", "The shape of the sleeping man and sitting woman blends perfectly with the background. ", "The drawing is an amazing work of art that has no blemish.", "\n\nDisclaimer: www.PabloPicasso.net is a fan website dedicated to the paintings and art prints produced by famous Spanish artist Pablo Picasso, and is in no way an official website for painter Pablo Picasso, nor does it claim to be. ", "The Estate of Pablo Picasso and their presence hold all necessary copyrights and licences for all of his paintings and other works. ", "All prints, paintings and photos included in www.PabloPicasso.net are provided as an affiliate to Art.com who hold all the necessary permissions." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0007248540641739964, 0.0005569924833253026, 0.02767343819141388, 0.000754541193600744, 0.009684822522103786, 0.0010490886634215713, 0.001813759095966816, 0.03828174248337746, 0.0010707061737775803, 0.0006738934316672385, 0.010437799617648125, 0.0006819317350164056, 0.0012063030153512955, 0.0010878361063078046, 0.000587654416449368, 0.000862392014823854, 0.0006430806824937463, 0.0005966326571069658, 0.0007973713218234479, 0.0008947068126872182, 0.0006737864459864795, 0.0006476315320469439, 0.0008648286457173526, 0.0007302050944417715, 0.0006094336276873946, 0.0005972323124296963 ]
[ "Conventional adder/subtractor circuits are used in configurable logic devices to perform the most common arithmetic operations. ", "FIG. ", "1 is a schematic diagram of a conventional carry chain circuit, which receives three input signals A, B, and Cin, where Cin is a carry input signal received from another carry chain multiplexer circuit. ", "Input signals A and B are applied to input terminals of XOR gate 101A. In response, XOR gate 101A provides a carry propagate signal, P.\nCarry propagate signal P is applied to an input terminal of XOR gate 102. ", "Carry input signal Cin is applied to the other input terminal of XOR gate 102. ", "In response, XOR gate 102 provides a sum signal S. Table 1 depicts the truth table for the carry chain circuit shown in FIG. ", "1.", "\nTABLE 1ABCinPSumCout000000100110010110110001001010101101011101111011\nFIG. ", "2 depicts the subtraction operation A−B by using a conventional logic device. ", "The carry propagate signal P is also applied to a control input terminal of multiplexer 103. ", "Input signal A is applied to the “0” input terminal of multiplexer 103 and the carry input signal Cin is provided to the “1” input terminal of multiplexer 103. ", "Depending upon the value of carry propagate signal P, either input signal A or carry input signal Cin is transmitted through multiplexer 103 as carry output signal Cout. ", "The XNOR gate 101B is used here instead of the XOR gate 101A. This is equivalent to inverting input B and using XOR gate 101A instead.", "\nImplementation of subtraction operation by using two's complement operation is shown in Table 2.", "\nTABLE 2ABBinPDiff(P xor Bin)Bout000110100001010000110110001101101011011010111101Carry/Borrow chain circuits shown in FIG. ", "1 and FIG. ", "2 have been implemented in a number of different ways in programmable logic devices (PLDs) such as field programmable-gate-arrays-(FPGAs).", "\nA conventional circuit for using a function generator of a programmable logic device to implement carry logic functions is described by the U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,818,255 that shows one of the methods of implementing the aforementioned truth tables in PLDs. ", "The circuit is further illustrated diagrammatically in FIG. ", "3. ", "The configurable bits 320 and 401-416 are programmed with appropriate values to implement the truth tables shown in Table 1 and Table 2. ", "Signal G is connected to “A” or “B”. ", "It can be easily observed from the aforementioned U.S. Patent that it does not have a dedicated provision to cascade the output S of the 4-input LUT for implementing wide input cascade functions.", "\nAnother conventional circuit for implementing dynamic addition subtraction operation is shown in FIG. ", "4 that perform dynamic addition subtraction in 2's complement form by configuring input G3 or input G4 of the LUT as the add-sub signal and then using some additional logic so that the “cin” may become either “0” for addition or “1” for subtraction, since the operation is 2's complement. ", "It is noteworthy that the add-sub signal needs to be connected at two places that is one at the LUT inputs (G3 or G4) and the other at the logic required for initializing the chain to logic 0 or logic 1. ", "MUXCY is used for implementing carry logic as well as for implementing wide input functions by cascading the outputs of the 4-input LUTs. ", "However the cascade element (MUXCY) does not have any provision of implementing XOR gates. ", "Furthermore, additional connectivity in the logic circuit requires an increase in the resources.", "\nAn existing Altera device shown in FIG. ", "5A provides an XOR gate (501) at the input “data1” of the LOT. ", "This XOR gate is specifically given for performing dynamic addition/subtraction using 2's complement logic. ", "However providing an XOR gate at only one input of the LOT causes the logical equivalence of the two arithmetic inputs “data1” and “data2” to be lost when performing dynamic addition subtraction operation since only “data2±data1” operation can be performed and not “data1±data2” operation. ", "If this equivalence is required then additionally connectivity has to be provided at the input terminals for “data1” and “data2” so that any signal that reaches “data1” can also reach “data2” and vice-versa any signal that reaches “data2” can also reach “data1”. ", "This causes an additional increase in hardware resources due to more connectivity and therefore requires more configuration bits.", "\nTable 3 shows the truth table for the subtraction operation for performing A−B in 2's complement form.", "\nTABLE 3ABBin (2scomp)DBout (2scomp)0001010001010001101000101101110111011101Bin(2's comp) represents the Bout(2's comp) of the previous subtraction operation. ", "At the start of the subtraction operation Bin(2scomp) is given a fixed value of logic 1 at-the-LSB.", "\nEquation for a 2's complement subtraction (A−B) operation can be written as:Diff=˜B^A^Bin(2scomp)  (1)Bout(2scomp)=(˜B&&A)∥(˜B&&Bin(2scomp))∥(Bin(2scomp)&&A)  (2)\nHere, it is assumed that the operation (101011-110100) that is equivalent to −21-(−12) has to be performed using 2's complement operation, which is illustrated in detail by FIG. ", "5B. Also shown are the borrow outs of each stage. ", "The result is 110111, which is the binary representation of −9 in 2's complement form. ", "As can be seen from this example that at the LSB “Bin (2scomp)” requires a value of logic 1. ", "This is shown as “init” in FIG. ", "5B.\nAll of the above prior art approaches implement subtraction using the two's complement arithmetic. ", "The subtraction is performed by simply inverting one of the operands and making “Cin” as logic 1 for the LSB subtraction. ", "Using two's complement arithmetic it suffices to provide just an adder circuit and generates the requirement of more hardware resources.", "\nThus, there is a need for an improved logic device that provides a scalable approach for achieving a minimum hardware implementation of arithmetic operations on n-bit variables." ]
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[ "As for the build & background, well once again I can't take credit for some of that.", "\n\nThe build is totally my work. ", "The background however is taken mostly from Crinos' thread in the Settings section here on the ATT with a bit of editing on my part to make Gravitar fit into my FC setting.", "\n\nHey... i'm into the abusive relationships. ", "Every woman i've been with has been extremely abusive. ", "be it physical, mental or emotional... or all of the above! ", "and this chick is just screaming, \"Let me beat you like a whipped dog!\" ", "to me.", "\n\nAmerican Patriot (MSG Nathaniel Hale Spaight, US Army - Ret.), ", "American Meta-Human Super-Soldier (PL10/150pp.)\"Sometimes... success is measured just one little victory at a time.\"", "\n\nNormally I look up pics for characters with similar power sets as the build I've been working on, sometimes I'm lucky & already have an idea in mind so it doesn't take me too long to find something along the lines I'm wanting.", "\n\nThough I'd never seen this costume of Moonstone's so I mark this one up to a lot of luck as the minute I saw the pic I knew it was the right one to use for Gravitar.", "\n\nI knew even less about him than I did Luke’s other request the Witchblade. ", "I even ended up having to ask Luke for a little bit of info on Jackie just so I could finish the build, so thanks for the assist Luke, and he was kind enough to share via a PM what I needed. ", "I’m fairly happy with the build, I even managed to hit it right on the 150 mark to boot without having to edit anything out!", "\n\nThat said this is a very bare bones build but that was what I was going for since I had never read anything about him. ", "Jackie’s fairly challenging even without the Darkness powers as a hitman he knows how to handle himself with a pistol or with his hands. ", "Something to surprise the occasional mook or mid-level baddie who thinks they’ve gotten the better of him.", "\n\nOh yeah, I thought it would probably be a good idea to include the Darklings Jackie summons for his lite-work and in true hack fashion I \"borrowed\" them from Thorpacolypse. ", "His take on them fits right with what I was thinking overall, plus he's actually read some of the books so it's probably a good idea for me to go off his experience on this one. ", "Thanks Boss!", "\n\nyeah, he's pretty well rounded overall for starting out character. ", "Which is good since I'm still not all that familar with the character, I just never read any of the books with him in it, I did that build as a request bascially so it's all wiki-based information I used to build him from." ]
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[ 0.0005527096800506115, 0.0009412877261638641, 0.0006651173462159932, 0.08738557249307632, 0.06488428264856339, 0.002270251512527466, 0.9755560159683228, 0.0012464765459299088, 0.0007776294369250536, 0.0007343902252614498, 0.0006163629586808383, 0.0006638836348429322, 0.0012567867524921894, 0.0005326700629666448, 0.0006115282303653657, 0.0007930471911095083, 0.00403453316539526, 0.16039396822452545, 0.0011321105994284153, 0.0005363270174711943, 0.0008715840522199869, 0.000576719525270164, 0.0005910100298933685 ]
[ "Cross-border investments are an increasingly important part of venture capitalists’ portfolios. ", "In order to better understand venture capitalists’ international investment decisions, we use dyadic pairings of European countries over a 10-year time span to examine how regulative, normative, and cultural-cognitive institutional differences are related to cross-border venture capital investment flows. ", "Results demonstrate that increased normative and cultural-cognitive distance reduce cross-border investments, whereas regulative distance shows no relationship. ", "Together, these findings suggest that institutional dimensions do influence venture capital investment decisions and that the type of distance can have differing effects." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.000663727056235075, 0.0005563622107729316, 0.0005972340586595237, 0.0005556313553825021 ]
[ "millennium?", "\n30\nHow many millilitres are there in 0.704457 litres?", "\n704.457\nWhat is 9.145844 litres in millilitres?", "\n9145.844\nWhat is 1/5 of a kilometer in centimeters?", "\n20000\nWhat is three fifths of a centimeter in millimeters?", "\n6\nWhat is seven halves of a litre in millilitres?", "\n3500\nConvert 91.28817um to meters.", "\n0.00009128817\nWhat is six fifths of a tonne in kilograms?", "\n1200\nConvert 785.3526 nanometers to millimeters.", "\n0.0007853526\nWhat is fifty-two fifths of a millennium in years?", "\n10400\nWhat is 46.24336 centuries in decades?", "\n462.4336\nHow many litres are there in 523.992ml?", "\n0.523992\nWhat is 0.54681 nanograms in grams?", "\n0.00000000054681\nWhat is 997501.2l in millilitres?", "\n997501200\nWhat is four fifteenths of a day in minutes?", "\n384\nWhat is twenty-seven halves of a meter in millimeters?", "\n13500\nHow many micrometers are there in 77.16224mm?", "\n77162.24\nWhat is fourty-six ninths of a day in minutes?", "\n7360\nConvert 3.935502 litres to millilitres.", "\n3935.502\nConvert 800322.9 weeks to microseconds.", "\n484035289920000000\nConvert 59.1866604 minutes to weeks.", "\n0.0058716925\nHow many millilitres are there in 896.3365l?", "\n896336.5\nWhat is thirty-three fifths of a microgram in nanograms?", "\n6600\nWhat is 0.4067662 decades in millennia?", "\n0.004067662\nWhat is 42.37463 tonnes in micrograms?", "\n42374630000000\nHow many meters are there in thirteen quarters of a kilometer?", "\n3250\nConvert 7755.455 millilitres to litres.", "\n7.755455\nHow many litres are there in 83.81371ml?", "\n0.08381371\nConvert 12096.7533 nanoseconds to days.", "\n0.00000000014000871875\nHow many millilitres are there in 1/4 of a litre?", "\n250\nHow many months are there in seven halves of a century?", "\n4200\nWhat is 7419.66 millilitres in litres?", "\n7.41966\nHow many micrograms are there in 5/4 of a milligram?", "\n1250\nWhat is 1/4 of a litre in millilitres?", "\n250\nHow many centimeters are there in 927.4334 meters?", "\n92743.34\nWhat is twenty-five halves of a century in months?", "\n15000\nHow many months are there in 2/75 of a millennium?", "\n320\nWhat is eleven tenths of a centimeter in millimeters?", "\n11\nHow many centimeters are there in 0.1992584 millimeters?", "\n0.01992584\nHow many months are there in 79349.8 centuries?", "\n95219760\nWhat is 41/2 of a microsecond in nanoseconds?", "\n20500\nWhat is five eighths of a minute in milliseconds?", "\n37500\nWhat is 0.3516046 micrometers in centimeters?", "\n0.00003516046\nWhat is 629.7025 milligrams in tonnes?", "\n0.0000006297025\nWhat is twenty-seven fifths of a decade in years?", "\n54\nConvert 48.38321 millilitres to litres.", "\n0.04838321\nConvert 0.6747756ml to litres.", "\n0.0006747756\nConvert 9.41228 milligrams to kilograms.", "\n0.00000941228\nWhat is 1/30 of a millennium in months?", "\n400\nHow many millilitres are there in 26/5 of a litre?", "\n5200\nWhat is 83.45638nm in meters?", "\n0.00000008345638\nWhat is 8160.277 centimeters in millimeters?", "\n81602.77\nConvert 3.553724 micrometers to meters.", "\n0.000003553724\nWhat is 2.487436 weeks in seconds?", "\n1504401.2928\nHow many years are there in eleven halves of a decade?", "\n55\nWhat is 37606.55 kilograms in tonnes?", "\n37.60655\nWhat is 15/4 of a litre in millilitres?", "\n3750\nHow many meters are there in 605.5403um?", "\n0.0006055403\nWhat is 3/5 of a kilometer in centimeters?", "\n60000\nWhat is 564.9042 millilitres in litres?", "\n0.5649042\nHow many years are there in 1.2232779 months?", "\n0.101939825\nHow many millilitres are there in three eighths of a litre?", "\n375\nConvert 0.2028336mg to grams.", "\n0.0002028336\nWhat is thirty-two sevenths of a week in days?", "\n32\nWhat is 0.3676659 centimeters in kilometers?", "\n0.000003676659\nHow many nanometers are there in 3/5 of a micrometer?", "\n600\nHow many seconds are there in 422.994us?", "\n0.000422994\nHow many months are there in 63829.02 centuries?", "\n76594824\nConvert 192037.35 months to decades.", "\n1600.31125\nConvert 7971.038ng to kilograms.", "\n0.000000007971038\nHow many seconds are there in 7.427038 weeks?", "\n4491872.5824\nWhat is 3/5 of a decade in months?", "\n72\nConvert 24.285816 months to centuries.", "\n0.02023818\nHow many weeks are there in 1929291.21ms?", "\n0.003189965625\nConvert 1.140766 litres to millilitres.", "\n1140.766\nWhat is 11/4 of a millimeter in micrometers?", "\n2750\nConvert 3996.08ng to tonnes.", "\n0.00000000000399608\nHow many millilitres are there in 25/2 of a litre?", "\n12500\nHow many millilitres are there in twenty-nine fifths of a litre?", "\n5800\nConvert 5.2141 hours to milliseconds.", "\n18770760\nConvert 263951.2 millennia to months.", "\n3167414400\nConvert 5173.186 days to nanoseconds.", "\n446963270400000000\nWhat is 11/2 of a micrometer in nanometers?", "\n5500\nWhat is five eighths of a litre in millilitres?", "\n625\nWhat is one fifth of a litre in millilitres?", "\n200\nHow many minutes are there in 33/5 of a hour?", "\n396\nWhat is 1.407958m in centimeters?", "\n140.7958\nWhat is 18/5 of a minute in seconds?", "\n216\nConvert 84248.25ug to tonnes.", "\n0.00000008424825\nConvert 0.8402436 millimeters to centimeters.", "\n0.08402436\nHow many meters are there in seven halves of a kilometer?", "\n3500\nHow many centuries are there in fifty-four fifths of a millennium?", "\n108\nHow many millilitres are there in fourty-three halves of a litre?", "\n21500\nHow many seconds are there in 59.45769ms?", "\n0.05945769\nWhat is three sixteenths of a week in minutes?", "\n1890\nHow many meters are there in three tenths of a kilometer?", "\n300\nHow many grams are there in 31/2 of a kilogram?", "\n15500\nHow many years are there in 64/5 of a century?", "\n1280\nHow many seconds are there in five sixths of a day?", "\n72000\nConvert 7147.661 centuries to months.", "\n8577193.2\nConvert 8.804269 tonnes to micrograms.", "\n8804269000000\nWhat is 0.2465875m in kilometers?", "\n0.0002465875\nHow many minutes are there in 1/9 of a week?", "\n1120\nHow many days are there in 765.14085us?", "\n0.000000008855796875\nHow many months are there in 5/24 of a century?", "\n250\nWhat is 44.2637 kilograms in nanograms?", "\n44263700000000\nHow many nanograms are there in 45/8 of a microgram?", "\n5625\nWhat is 47/4 of a decade in months?", "\n1410\nWhat is 75.152 decades in millennia?", "\n0.75152\nWhat is eighteen fifths of a microgram in nanograms?", "\n3600\nWhat is 3/10 of a minute in milliseconds?", "\n18000\nWhat is 719780.5 kilograms in grams?", "\n719780500\nHow many years are there in 64/5 of a millennium?", "\n12800\nConvert 119.30187 months to centuries.", "\n0.099418225\nWhat is 40.49396g in nanograms?", "\n40493960000\nConvert 6864.459 hours to milliseconds.", "\n24712052400\nHow many nanometers are there in 55/2 of a micrometer?", "\n27500\nHow many kilograms are there in eleven halves of a tonne?", "\n5500\nWhat is one-hundred-and-one quarters of a century in years?", "\n2525\nWhat is 0.3481942ng in kilograms?", "\n0.0000000000003481942\nWhat is 382.2612 millilitres in litres?", "\n0.3822612\nHow many grams are there in 27/4 of a kilogram?", "\n6750\nHow many nanograms are there in 27/4 of a microgram?", "\n6750\nConvert 70.54199km to millimeters.", "\n70541990\nWhat is 29/5 of a centimeter in micrometers?", "\n58000\nHow many months are there in 3/16 of a century?", "\n225\nHow many centuries are there in 51.5897 years?", "\n0.515897\nHow many seconds are there in 8040.75 nanoseconds?", "\n0.00000804075\nWhat is 0.0377343 centuries in decades?", "\n0.377343\nWhat is 3/40 of a litre in millilitres?", "\n75\nConvert 5.4875745 seconds to days.", "\n0.00006351359375\nHow many centimeters are there in 0.122337 meters?", "\n12.2337\nWhat is 30364.46 grams in nanograms?", "\n30364460000000\nWhat is 949.2274 millilitres in litres?", "\n0.9492274\nWhat is 289.6878 litres in millilitres?", "\n289687.8\nWhat is 22.43052us in minutes?", "\n0.000000373842\nConvert 54710.06 milligrams to nanograms.", "\n54710060000\nHow many meters are there in 3/5 of a kilometer?", "\n600\nWhat is 27/5 of a centimeter in micrometers?", "\n54000\nWhat is 47829.78 tonnes in milligrams?", "\n47829780000000\nWhat is 49.31072 millennia in centuries?", "\n493.1072\nHow many nanograms are there in 9.110935 grams?", "\n9110935000\nWhat is 37/5 of a microgram in nanograms?", "\n7400\nConvert 37465.35 weeks to hours.", "\n6294178.8\nWhat is 537.5009 years in decades?", "\n53.75009\nHow many nanograms are there in 1/4 of a microgram?", "\n250\nWhat is 27/5 of a millennium in years?", "\n5400\nHow many millilitres are there in three tenths of a litre?", "\n300\nWhat is one fifteenth of a minute in seconds?", "\n4\nWhat is one tenth of a millennium in decades?", "\n10\nConvert 2.008343 years to months.", "\n24.100116\nHow many millilitres are there in 60396.43 litres?", "\n60396430\nWhat is 55/2 of a century in months?", "\n33000\nWhat is 564.9309g in nanograms?", "\n564930900000\nWhat is 1.10478 micrometers in millimeters?", "\n0.00110478\nWhat is eleven quarters of a dec" ]
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[ " FILED\n NOT FOR PUBLICATION OCT 22 2015\n\n MOLLY C. DWYER, CLERK\n UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS U.S. COURT OF APPEALS\n\n\n\n FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT\n\n\nMISAEL VENCES MAYA, AKA Misael No. ", "13-73496\nMaya, AKA Leonel Morales Carmona,\nAKA Misael Quintero, Agency No. ", "A077-287-810\n\n Petitioner,\n MEMORANDUM*\n v.\n\nLORETTA E. LYNCH, Attorney General,\n\n Respondent.", "\n\n\n On Petition for Review of an Order of the\n Board of Immigration Appeals\n\n Submitted October 14, 2015**\n\nBefore: SILVERMAN, BYBEE and WATFORD, Circuit Judges.", "\n\n Misael Vences Maya, a native and citizen of Mexico, petitions pro se for\n\nreview of the Board of Immigration Appeals’ (“BIA”) order dismissing his appeal\n\nfrom an immigration judge’s decision finding him removable and denying his\n\n\n *\n This disposition is not appropriate for publication and is not precedent\nexcept as provided by 9th Cir. ", "R. 36-3.", "\n **\n The panel unanimously concludes this case is suitable for decision\nwithout oral argument. ", "See Fed. ", "R. App. ", "P. 34(a)(2).", "\n\fapplication for cancellation of removal. ", "Our jurisdiction is governed by 8 U.S.C. §\n\n1252. ", "We grant the petition for review and remand.", "\n\n When the BIA concluded that Vences Maya is removable due to a controlled\n\nsubstance conviction, it did not have the benefit of this court’s opinion in Medina-\n\nLara v. Holder, 771 F.3d 1106 (9th Cir. ", "2014) (examining record of conviction).", "\n\nWe remand for the BIA to reconsider Vences Maya’s removability in light of this\n\nintervening opinion.", "\n\n In light of this disposition, we do not reach Vences Maya’s remaining\n\ncontentions.", "\n\n We do not consider the extra-record materials that Vences Maya submitted\n\nwith his briefs. ", "See 8 U.S.C. § 1252(b)(4)(A) (the court’s review is limited to the\n\nadministrative record); Fisher v. INS, 79 F.3d 955, 963 (9th Cir. ", "1996) (en banc)\n\n(new evidence may be added to the record through a motion to reopen with the\n\nagency).", "\n\n We grant Vences Maya’s motion for leave to file a supplemental brief.", "\n\n PETITION FOR REVIEW GRANTED; REMANDED.", "\n\n\n\n\n 2 13-73496\n\f" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
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