84 values
An argument is emotionally deceptive if the emotions appealed to are used as deceptive tricks to win, derail, or end the discussion. Decide whether the argument is Emotionally Deceptive or Not Emotionally Deceptive
Topic: (w.u.c.) government should ensure that all citizens meet a certain minimum standard of living. stance: disagree: Argument: Absolutely not. Why am I obliged to provide for my bum of a neighbor? You're in effect forcing individuals to make contributions to charities without their consent. Set up voluntary support associations, with reasonable criteria for the support applicants (e.g. they're in the process of trying to get a job/education), and then I'm interested. Give tax breaks to those who contribute (this already happens when you contribute to a recognized charity). Provide insurance benefits only to those who've contributed in the past. Even require applicants to pay back the dole they've received, if you wish. But don't tell me what a worthy cause is. That's my decision.
Is Emotionally Deceptive
An argumentation should be seen as effective if it achieves to persuade you of the author’s stance on the discussed issue or—in case you already agreed with the stance before—if it corroborates your agreement with the stance. Besides the actual arguments, also take into consideration the credibility and the emotional force of the argumentation. Decide in dubio pro reo, i.e., if you have no doubt about the correctness of the author’s arguments, then do not judge him or her to be not effective—unless you explicitly think that the arguments do not support the author’s stance. How would you rate the effectiveness of the author’s argumentation on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
I choose life. Keeping the law pro-choice is allowing women to murder their own unborn human child.
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument A is more convincing because it is more balanced, objective, discusses several points of view, well-rounded or addresses flaws in opposing views.
Argument A: Atheism is based on science, but faith is based on the soul. An atheist is always looking for the absence of God, but religious person just believes. Atheism should be constantly fed, but faith shouldn't be. <br/> Although I'm religious person, I think atheist can stand to hear besause everyone is indepent and everyone has to have his own opinion. Argument B: i'm not a Christianity but i mean if your a Christianity, you really can't argue with them at all unless your argument is base on on the same subject. kinda of like Street fighting and UFC. different platform.
Segment the following review into its elementary argumentative units. Elementary argumentative units are the fundamental components of an argument.
When we received these we like the color but the ear piece fabric came off on the same day. Also you could not hear in them very well they weren't very loud. We had to rig them to actually get to where you could hear good. Definitely a waste of money! My daughter was so disappointed. I would not recommend these to anyone. !!!
When we received these we like the color but the ear piece fabric came off on the same day. Also you could not hear in them very well they weren't very loud. We had to rig them to actually get to where you could hear good. Definitely a waste of money! My daughter was so disappointed. I would not recommend these to anyone. !!!
Given a pair of argument clauses coming from the same document, predict if they are members of the same argument or not.
Clause 1: Lonrho proceeded to launch an acrimonious campaign against the applicants Clause 2: The principal questions which they addressed when investigating the affairs of HOFH were as follows
Not members of the same argument
An argument is missing commitment if the topic is not taken seriously or openness other’s arguments is absent. Given the following argument and the topic of the debate the argument appeared in. Decide whether the argument Lacks Commitment or Does Not Lack Commitment
Topic: Hey, are you for impeaching the british royalty?: Argument: I don't know. As an American I find it so hilarious that the UK keeps pissing away so much money into that royal family thing. Granted, I wouldn't be so amused it I were English, but since I'm not- HAHAHAHAHAHA- And let them keep talking about Bush all they want. At least we elected him. What do they call it over there? Divine Right? HAHAHA- glad my tax dollars don't go to ski trips, drinking binges, designer clothes, torrid love affairs, expensive cars and castles and God only knows what else...
Lacks Commitment
An argument is emotionally deceptive if the emotions appealed to are used as deceptive tricks to win, derail, or end the discussion. Decide whether the argument is Emotionally Deceptive or Not Emotionally Deceptive
Topic: Explain how the common law can violate the principle of legality?: Argument: It really can't in a common law jurisdiction. The concept of common law is that valid decisions/interpretations by courts are binding authority on lower courts. So, it can't be illegal for courts to do what they are designed to do. Civil law systems (such as France, or Lousisana) work differently, and there the court holdinds are not binding in the same way as under common law.
Is Not Emotionally Deceptive
Is the following argument clause a premise?
therefore within the six month time-limit provided for by Article 26 (Art. 26) of the Convention.
An argumentation should be seen as reasonable if it contributes to the resolution of the given issue in a sufficient way that is acceptable to everyone from the expected target audience. Try to adequately weight your judgments about global acceptability, global relevance, and global sufficiency when judging about reasonableness—unless there is a particular dimension among these that dominates your view of the author’s argumentation. In doubt, give more credit to global acceptability and global relevance than to global sufficiency due to the limited feasibility of the latter. How would you rate the reasonableness of the author’s argumentation on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
An action is ethical if society as a whole would benefit if we all did it. Fair enough? <br/> If everyone had a gay marriage, then society as a whole would NOT benefit. In fact, we would all become extinct, because without one man and one woman there would be no reproduction and continuation of our species. <br/> Therefore, gay marriage can't be ethical. <br/> You can't refute my statement by saying, "There will always be straight people" because that's like saying killing someone is right because there will always be those who won't kill.
An argument has unclear meaning if its content is vague, ambiguous, or implicit, such that it remains unclear what is being said about the issue (it could also be an unrelated issue). Given the following argument and the topic of the debate the argument appeared in. Decide whether the argument has Unclear Meaning or Does Not Have Unclear Meaning
Topic: India has the potential to lead the world: Argument: India has Strong Military Neighbors (China & Pakistan)...India has bad relation with Pakistan as they have territorial disputes and also fought 4 wars for this... and as far as china , India relation also become tense with china...due rise of territorial disputes and India interference in Pakistan China has long term plans ....for example Pak China Economic Corridor and Gawadar Mega Oil City....
Has Unclear Meaning
Given as input an argumentative claim, potentially along with context information on the debate, rewrite the claim such that it improves in terms of text quality and/or argument quality, and preserves the meaning as far as possible.
Gillette's slogan has been "The Best a Man Can Get" since 1989
Gillette's slogan has been "The Best a Man Can Get" since [1989.](
The premises of an argument should be seen as sufficient if, together, they provide enough support to make it rational to draw the argument’s conclusion. If you identify more than one conclusion in the comment, try to adequately weight the sufficiency of the premises for each conclusion when judging about their “aggregate” sufficiency—unless there are particular premises or conclusions that dominate your view of the author’s argumentation. Notice that you may see premises as sufficient even though you do not personally accept all of them, i.e., sufficiency does not presuppose acceptability. How would you rate the sufficiency of the premises of the author’s argument on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
How can anyone say that Gay Marriage is Wrong. It is a personal choice that is made from personal beliefs so who are we to say that gay couples do not have the right to enjoy all of the benefits that straight couples do?
Segment the following review into its elementary argumentative units. Elementary argumentative units are the fundamental components of an argument.
Wasted my money. Will not connect to my iPhone 6. Seems like that should have been mentioned in the description.
Wasted my money. Will not connect to my iPhone 6. Seems like that should have been mentioned in the description.
Given an argument consisting of a claim and a reason, select the correct warrant that explains reasoning of this particular argument. There are only two options given and only one answer is correct.
Topic: Will Electric Cars Finally Succeed? Additional Info: Are plug-in cars the future, or will high cost and other technologies eclipse their promise? Claim: Electric cars will succeed Reason: The future is an opportunity for electric car success if battery costs go down. Warrant 1: this is a hurdle the companies can get over, it appears there are ways to bring the cost down Warrant 2: this doesn't seem to be a hurdle the companies can get over, it seems to be costly no matter what they do
this is a hurdle the companies can get over, it appears there are ways to bring the cost down
Argument strength refers to the strength of the argument an essay makes for its thesis. An essay with a high argument strength score presents a strong argument for its thesis and would convince most readers. Score the argument strength of the given argumentative essay using the following scoring range: 1.0 (essay does not make an argument or it is often unclear what the argument is) 1.5 2.0 (essay makes a weak argument for its thesis or sometimes even argues against it) 2.5 3.0 (essay makes a decent argument for its thesis and could convince some readers) 3.5 4.0 (essay makes a strong argument for its thesis and would convince most readers)
The claim that there is no longer a place for dreaming and imagination because our modern world is dominated by science, technology and industrialisation is, in my opinion, downright stupid. I also think that such a claim reveals a sense of nostalgia I think has little or no relevance to the genres, or professions if you like, which best express contemporary thought and ideas, namely literature, music and arts. In this essay I will try to elaborate on a few point in order to explain my view . Frankly, I find the claim hard to grasp. Do humans dream less because of the invention of the microchip? Has our imagination diminished because we can now read books on the Internet? I think the claim could be narrowed down to "evolution kills imagination". Considering that humans still possess imagination, I feel tempted to point out the obvious: Human culture has evolved since the beginning. When did science and technology stop us from dreaming? Was it the invention of the lightbulb that killed our imagination? Rhetorical questions aside, here is my point: When one speaks of dreaming and imagination, then this nostalgia, this longing for the past, should be seen as much more dangerous than science and imagination. These are all traits that go hand in hand, and they are distinctly human. In fact, a modern world dominated by science and machines gives way to new dreams and new ways of thinking. Science fiction can be seen as an example of this, and so can electronic music. I have the feeling that someone capable of declaring that science and technology leaves no space for imagination, might not be the biggest Sci-fi nut . Modern techniques such as photo rendering and computer graphics are new tools available to the modern artist. Sampling and the use of computers have become essentials in creating various forms of modern music, and writers of all kinds now use word processing. Modern technology can not only be a tool easing the creative prosess, it can also make new forms of creativity possible. Some critics argue that the use of modern tools such as computers often results in inferior quality. To that I can only say that the artist has the sole responsibility. It should be fairly obvious that the choice of tools directly influences the creative process. Some even argue that musicians should not need to go to school to develop a high level of proficiency on their instruments. They fear that schooling takes away the individual character of an up-and-coming musician. In response to such fears I quote the renowned guitarist Bill Frisell: "It's only the players' fault if they let themselves be programmed by the routines that these places establish." He continues: "For example, in the harmony classes at Berklee, they'd have ' avoid notes', notes you weren't supposed to use over a particular chord. Naturally, those were the first ones I'd check out." (Guitar Player, July 1992) I think the combined output of all contemporary artistic activity is a clear indicator of the state of mankind. Many argue that this is precisely the job of an artist; to mirror contemporary ideas and thoughts in all its shapes . Industrialisation and new technology inevitably shapes our daily life and the world around us, hence it also influences the way we think and the way we dream. Invention and progress should be seen as assets, not burdens, of living in modern times. I think a key point in this discussion is whether the comforts of modern life, with all its impressive gadgets and its focus on effectiveness, leaves us with more spare time to dream or not. I believe that is often the case, and if not, one should reconsider the ways in which the fruits of modern times are employed. The responsibility of an action is that of the performer, not the tool. Thanks to word processing, I have been able to spend more time elaborating on this essay than actually writing it .
Given an argument consisting of a claim and a reason, select the correct warrant that explains reasoning of this particular argument. There are only two options given and only one answer is correct.
Topic: Do Colleges Need French Departments? Additional Info: With humanities programs being cut at many universities, what do students stand to lose? Claim: Colleges need humanities programs Reason: Liberal arts provide knowledge to learn creative thinking, reading, and writing which are important to many career paths. Warrant 1: those career paths are more than just being a liberal arts teacher or a hobo Warrant 2: those career paths are being a liberal arts teacher or a hobo
those career paths are more than just being a liberal arts teacher or a hobo
Argument conclusions are novel when they contain novel premise-related content and/or combination of the content in the premises in a way that goes beyond what is stated in the premise. Given the conclusions below: Is conclusion A better than conclusion B in terms of novelty?
Premise: The Geneva Convention applies only to Prisoners of War whom are troops of nations that have both signed and abide by the Geneva convention. This does not apply to terrorists who have not state affiliation, have no signatory connection to the Geneva Convention, and who willingly violate the rules of war on the Geneva Convention. Conclusion A: Geneva Conventions only apply to POWs who sign it Conclusion B: Friends can become enemies, and vice versa.
They are equally novel
An argumentation should be seen as globally sufficient if it adequately rebuts those counter-arguments to its conclusion that can be anticipated. Notice that it is not generally clear which and how many counter-arguments can be anticipated. There may be cases where it is infeasible to rebut all such objections. Please judge about global sufficiency according to whether all main objections of an argumentation that you see are rebutted. How would you rate the global sufficiency of the author’s argumentation on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
India is a secular state.people of all communities reside here so india has the knowledge of almost all countries and the way they live. so it can easily lead all the people of world without creating any nuissance among anyone.
Given the following comment-argument pair, decide which of these statements is true: The comment... ...explicitly attacks the argument. ...vaguely/implicitly attacks the argument. ...makes no use of the argument. ...vaguely/implicitly supports the argument. ...explicitly supports the argument.
Comment: I do not think that it is appropriate to have the phrase Under God in the United States of America Pledge. I do not think this because I have anything against Christianity or God, I simply think that, seeing as America was created for religious freedom, we should not expect our citizens to pledge themselves to a god that they may or may not believe in. Argument: Separation of state and religion
The comment vaguely/implicitly supports the argument.
Produce a short text that argues for or against the following debate topic.
Have social media improved the lives of teenagers?
Social media has improved the lives of teenagers, because they have the world at their fingertips. They can use social media to gather important information from friends and families to enhance the academic abilities. Teenagers have the opportunity to engage with teachers, professors and leaders to gain great knowledge for their academic studies.
An argument is missing commitment if the topic is not taken seriously or openness other’s arguments is absent. Given the following argument and the topic of the debate the argument appeared in. Decide whether the argument Lacks Commitment or Does Not Lack Commitment
Topic: Is this what happens when police are not allowed to act against criminal gangs? stance: laws protecting immigrants are essential to protecting society.: Argument: Criminal gangs are criminal gangs - regardless of whom they are made up of. If the police is not allowed to protect the population from criminal gangs, regular citizens will take up arms to protect themselves. While it is understandable, this is not good for the rule of law. Therefore, 'political correctness' must not be used to prevent police from doing their jobs and keeping the public safe.
Does Not Lack Commitment
Is the following argument clause an argument conclusion?
Consequently the applicants cannot derive from Article 13 (Art. 13) of the Convention a right to a remedy for these Convention claims
An argument is missing commitment if the topic is not taken seriously or openness other’s arguments is absent. Given the following argument and the topic of the debate the argument appeared in. Decide whether the argument Lacks Commitment or Does Not Lack Commitment
Topic: Victim of blind justice or white racisam in south caroilna or us justice?: Argument: Your client? Give me a break are some crack pot conspiracy theorist...first there is no consistent question within your rant of improperly formed English (incomplete) sentences. Second, the racism charges in your "question" make it highly suspect. Honestly, I am glad that your "client" is not allowed in the US, because if he "hired" you, he should not be here.
Lacks Commitment
Does the given clause belong to an argument?
The applicants have complained about the making, contents and publication of the Inspectors' report on the affairs of the fourth applicant, a company
An argument has unclear meaning if its content is vague, ambiguous, or implicit, such that it remains unclear what is being said about the issue (it could also be an unrelated issue). Given the following argument and the topic of the debate the argument appeared in. Decide whether the argument has Unclear Meaning or Does Not Have Unclear Meaning
Topic: Which is more important for (call centre) business operation? agents or management? stance: agent: Argument: AGENTS. this is effin' callcenter. its should already be a cliche. eventhough management is the one creating the "strategy", if its not favorable to the AGENTS, then the management is useless, they need to come up with another plan... unless the "power" kicks in that AGENTS wont be able to do anything but to freakin' follow.
Has Unclear Meaning
An argument is unclassified if it is inappropriate because of reasons not covered by Detrimental Orthography, Toxic Emotions, Missing Commitment and Missing Intelligibility. Given the following argument and the topic of the debate the argument appeared in. Decide whether the argument is Unclassified or Not Unclassified
Topic: Is porn wrong: Argument: It is no more wrong than any other form of expression that is used for exploitation.
Is Unclassified
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument B is less convincing because it is off topic or doesn't address the issue.
Argument A: From a religious standpoint gay marriage isn't even possible. Let along right. But everyone isn't religious or adheres to specific religious guidance. <br/> Marriage is defined as between a woman and a man. So the word "marriage" may be misused in this case. Civil unions, well that's a different matter. Argument B: For anyone who tries to follow these threads of arguments and rebuttals, it looks like chasbas' argument which I rebutted on Feb 07, 2007 07:09 has been deleted, presumably by chasbas. I wish the argument/rebuttal system on the site were better.
An argument is not intelligible if its meaning is unclear or irrelevant to the topic or if its reasoning is not understandable. Given the following argument and the topic of the debate the argument appeared in. Decide whether the argument Lacks Intelligibility or Does Not Lack Intelligibility
Topic: Which type of endeavor is better a personal pursuit or advancing the common good: Argument: Well me personally I think advancement of the common good is better. I don't really know how to back this up, I just know its the way i feel about the topic. I guess because I'm not a selfish person at all when it comes to anything. I believe in sharing and helping others out. So if there's something i have to sacrifice personally for the advance of the common good, 9 times out of 10 I'm going to do it.
Does Not Lack Intelligibility
Produce a short text that argues for or against the following debate topic.
Do violent video games cause people to act out violently?
Violent video games do not themselves cause people to act out violently. Video games may contribute to the overall mindset of a violent person who acts out violently, but cannot in and of themselves cause violence. A violent person will seek out justification and violence in whatever forms exist. Violent video games can also contribute to the normalization and desensitization of violence, but is only one factor among a whole host of factors leading to violence, the most important of which is individual choice.
An argumentation should be seen as well-arranged if it presents the given issue, the composed arguments, and its conclusion in the right order. Usually, the general issue and the particularly discussed topics should be clear before arguing and concluding about them. Notice, however, that other orderings may be used on purpose and may still be suitable to achieve persuasion. Besides, notice that, within the given setting (online debate forum on a given issue), some parts may be clear (e.g., the issue) and thus left implicit. How would you rate the arrangement of the author’s argumentation on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
I think it would be better fatherless the reason why is because i have never had a father in my life. I think that if you have a lousy father you will be taught to be lousy just like him. Parents are supposed to be setting examples for their kids, not just be lazy and that type of thing. Whats the point of having a bum for a father your whole life? you are not going to learn anything from him so why keep him? I feel like a mother can raise a son the same as a father can, well at least my mother did.
Argument conclusions are valid if they follow from the premise, meaning a logical inference links the premise to the conclusion. Is the conclusion valid?
Premise: Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., compared the decision to try accused 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other terrorists in New York City to trying Nazi war criminal Hermann Goering in San Francisco. "It's ridiculous. These are war criminals and terrorists and they should not be privy to regular courtroom procedures. Conclusion: Justice Department Defense 1/27/06
An enthymeme is defined here as any missing argumentative discourse unit (ADU) that would complete the logic of a written argument. Given the following argument with such a gap, generate a new ADU that fills the gap indicated with "<mask>".
In the past and even still at this time Pakistan facing a lot of problems in every field even not any system being operated properly just like as if we talk about our education system there are several factors that are responsible for the failure of our education system. In which involved economic, social, political issues, conflict between native and target languages, medium of instruction, illiteracy, private and government sectors, unemployment, corruption, favoritism, lack of technology, problems in material designing, lack of awareness, inequality and overpopulation. <mask> In fact it is commonly known that our education system not functioning well. From the different perspectives Pakistan can't stand among the highly developed countries. Even most of the people not aware the current need of time that how we can establish socially as well as mentally growing country.
So, there are uncountable issues regarding education system in Pakistan which day by day weakend the roots of this system.
Is the following argument clause a premise?
The Commission finds that the applicant was deprived of his liberty "after conviction by a competent court" within the meaning of Article 5 para. 1 (a) (Art. 5-1-a) of the Convention.
An argumentation should be seen as globally acceptable if everyone from the expected target audience would accept both the consideration of the stated arguments within the discussion of the given issue and the way they are stated. Notice that you may see an argumentation as globally acceptable even though the stated arguments do not persuade you of the author’s stance. How would you rate the global acceptability of the author’s argumentation on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
Do gay marriages hurt anyone? No. Do gay marriages kill many people? No. Are gay marriages going to end the world? No. Are gay marriages in anyway affecting anyone but the two getting married? No. Then why the hell do straight ppl get so offensive? If you want marrage to just be between you fine let them do something else to show they love each other. Bottom line, if you love someone you should be allowed to be with them. God accepts everyone, his people should follow that. Bottom line, it should be a sin to kep two people who love each other apart. Enough said.
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument B is less convincing because it is non-sense, has no logical sense or is confusing.
Argument A: Bottled water should be only used for emergencies weather it be natural or human disaster. To help people in need and not pollute in the environment and harm habitats by dumping in the ocean or in landfills. Plastic doesn't decompose so in that case do not use on for emergencies. Argument B: Water bottles can easily be made into long term fiber materials, like clothing or carpet. It is easy to just fill cup with water and re use it.
An argumentation should be seen as successful in creating credibility if it conveys arguments and other information in a way that makes the author worthy of credence, e.g., by indicating the honesty of the author or by revealing the author’s knowledge or expertise regarding the discussed issue. It should be seen as not successful if rather the opposite holds. Decide in dubio pro reo, i.e., if you have no doubt about the author’s credibility, then do not judge him or her to be not credible. How would you rate the success of the author’s argumentation in creating credibility on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
Science can prove that evolution is the beginning of life. <br/> The big bang theory is a term used to describe the bursting of molecules that begun the creation of the universe. The universe started out as a hot, dense space. Scientists know that because now nearby galaxies are moving further and further away and the universe is expanding and becoming cooler, so, in the past, the universe must have been hotter and more dense. Earth was the perfect candidate for life because it has the "Goldilocks" conditions. Bacteria started to form from molecules, which formed into fish, and then amphibians, then land animals, then monkeys, then humans.
Segment the following review into its elementary argumentative units. Elementary argumentative units are the fundamental components of an argument.
I must write a review of this headphones I bought this headphones in 2014 I use them every day, I bought it at Amazon in one of those so called lightning deals of the day. I think I paid $17.00 ( now today's deals) and I must say this are the best headphones I could buy. The sound is great the noise cancellation work perfect, excellent quality!! Yes the little noise cancellation thing is a little annoying cause is right in the middle of the cable, I also own some JBL headphones to be exact the synchros S400BT+JET BLACK. and the sound on my phiatons is way better! This $17.00 headphones are 10 times better then my $230.00 JBL. The negative reviews about this headphones make no sense you won't be disappointed if you buy it.
I must write a review of this headphones I bought this headphones in 2014 I use them every day, I bought it at Amazon in one of those so called lightning deals of the day. I think I paid $17.00 ( now today's deals) and I must say this are the best headphones I could buy. The sound is great the noise cancellation work perfect, excellent quality!! Yes the little noise cancellation thing is a little annoying cause is right in the middle of the cable, I also own some JBL headphones to be exact the synchros S400BT+JET BLACK. and the sound on my phiatons is way better! This $17.00 headphones are 10 times better then my $230.00 JBL. The negative reviews about this headphones make no sense you won't be disappointed if you buy it.
Segment the following review into its elementary argumentative units. Elementary argumentative units are the fundamental components of an argument.
This is now the 2nd pair of NRG Symphonized ear buds I've purchased from Amazon. Not only did they get here early, I think I had them 4 days early. The sound is just incredible. I've got a pair of Sennheiser's, & the sound is as good if not better. Just goes to show you that you don't need to pay $100 or more on a pair of ear buds. I spent $25, & love the sound quality! Great fit and comfort as always (that's why I've bought 2 pairs). Do yourself a favor, spend the money.... it's worth it!
This is now the 2nd pair of NRG Symphonized ear buds I've purchased from Amazon. Not only did they get here early, I think I had them 4 days early. The sound is just incredible. I've got a pair of Sennheiser's, & the sound is as good if not better. Just goes to show you that you don't need to pay $100 or more on a pair of ear buds. I spent $25, & love the sound quality! Great fit and comfort as always (that's why I've bought 2 pairs). Do yourself a favor, spend the money.... it's worth it!
Extract the central claim from the following argumentative text.
Anyone who operating a vehicle should be strictly prohibited to use a cell phone in any capacity, unless its hands-free; which mean no phone calls, making or receiving, no texting, messaging, no surfing the web, viewing videos or photos and no playing games. Being distracting by one's cell phone can significantly increase the chances of getting into a major car accident, cause harm to the driver, their passengers and other motorists on the road. No matter who good a driver you might think you are, and you may feel that your paying attention well enough, but the truth of the matter is, driving needs the driver's full attention. Any caught driving while operating a cell phone should be punished with steep fines.
Anyone who operating a vehicle should be strictly prohibited to use a cell phone in any capacity, unless its hands-free; which mean no phone calls, making or receiving, no texting, messaging, no surfing the web, viewing videos or photos and no playing games.
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument A is more convincing because it is more balanced, objective, discusses several points of view, well-rounded or addresses flaws in opposing views.
Argument A: Uniforms allow an equal and fair social status only based on personality and not looks. I do half to admit wearing what you want is fun and creative but its only fun if everyone can do it and for some children thats not the case and they cant afford to live up to their peers standards so uniforms would make social life much easier and it would give a more mature look to the school. Argument B: Frankly, if kids didn't dress like whores and drug dealers all the time then it wouldn't be a problem, but since a lot of them do school districts have to turn to such a thing. <br/> The argument of individuality...who cares? That's a load of bull. Is school the only place these kids go? What is stopping them from going home and putting on different clothes after school? And it isn't the schools job to make sure that every kid gets to "express their opinion." School is meant to be a learning environment, not a fashion show or a night club.
Argument conclusions are valid if they follow from the premise, meaning a logical inference links the premise to the conclusion. Given the conclusions below: Is conclusion A better than conclusion B in terms of validity?
Premise: Charles McCombie, Executive Director of Arius: "The worst part is the part that we don’t see – the mining and milling of uranium. Conclusion A: The worst part of uranium mining is hidden Conclusion B: Mining and milling of uranium is inefficient
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument A is more convincing because it has more details, information, facts, examples, reasons, better arguments, goes deeper or is more specific.
Argument A: From a biological standpoint, men and women were "engineered" to be together. This idea was corrupted by the morals and society of our time. Argument B: Here is a reason why gay marriage could be wrong. If gay marriage is ok, then sister and brother marriage is ok too? Whats the difference? Oh wait, the sex is the difference, so SISTER and SISTER or BROTHER and BROTHER is ok... right?
An argumentation should be seen as well-arranged if it presents the given issue, the composed arguments, and its conclusion in the right order. Usually, the general issue and the particularly discussed topics should be clear before arguing and concluding about them. Notice, however, that other orderings may be used on purpose and may still be suitable to achieve persuasion. Besides, notice that, within the given setting (online debate forum on a given issue), some parts may be clear (e.g., the issue) and thus left implicit. How would you rate the arrangement of the author’s argumentation on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
We will be able to ban water bottles until we get out of this recession!
An argumentation should be seen as successful in making an emotional appeal if it conveys arguments and other information in a way that creates emotions, which make the target audience more open to the author’s arguments. It should be seen as not successful if rather the opposite holds. Notice that you should not judge about the persuasive effect of the author’s argumentation, but you should decide whether the argumentation makes the target audience willing/unwilling to be persuaded by the author (or to agree/disagree with the author) in principle—or neither. How would you rate the success of the author’s argumentation in making an emotional appeal on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
I believe that India is fast emerging as a hub for international trade and investment. India has provided a huge opportunity to enhance trade and investments in sectors such as mechanical and electrical engineering, food processing, automotive, tourism and banking among others. Almost every multinational company is focusing on India.
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument B is less convincing because it is attacking, abusive or disrespectful.
Argument A: gays are overrated. it is another "look at me" stunt. i think gays are the product of overly protective parents, abuse, or liberal wakoness (it should be a disease). <br/> if you gays would stop calling attention to yourselves, nobody would really care what you do. Argument B: HOMOSEXUALITY IS WRONG!!!! And I like this website but I don't find it very clear. This one is better :
An argument is missing openness if it displays an unwillingness to consider arguments with opposing viewpoints and does not assess the arguments on their merits but simply rejects them out of hand. Decide whether the argument Lacks Openness or Does Not Lack Openness
Topic: Gay marriage right or wrong: Argument: Why does it matter? If two people regardless of gender love each other to the point of which the two marry, shouldn't that follow what the bible really teaches us. All you bible nutjobes by the way are making me sick. The bible teaches love and forgiveness, and lets not forget dont judge others before you judge yourself.
Does Not Lack Openness
Extract the central claim from the following argumentative text.
Regardless of a good job offer, I would not live in Beijing. The pollution will have enough of an impact on my health that will negate any benefits from working there. Add to that the social and political limitations and it won't be much of a life there.
Regardless of a good job offer, I would not live in Beijing.
Argument conclusions are novel when they contain novel premise-related content and/or combination of the content in the premises in a way that goes beyond what is stated in the premise. Is the conclusion novel?
Premise: Obama's plan amounts to this: partial coverage of the uninsured; modest improvements (possibly) in their health; sizable budgetary costs worsening a bleak outlook; significant, unpredictable changes in insurance markets; weak spending control. This is a bad bargain. Benefits are overstated, costs understated. This legislation is a monstrosity; the country would be worse for its passage. Conclusion: US health care reform is bad bargain for money
An argument is missing seriousness if it is either trolling others by suggesting (explicitly or implicitly) that the issue is not worthy of being discussed or does not contribute meaningfully to the discussion. Given the following argument and the topic of the debate the argument appeared in. Decide whether the argument Lacks Seriousness or Does Not Lack Seriousness
Topic: Cmv: adhd and autism isn't a disease but the next step or human evolution.: Argument: I think ADHD and perhaps some forms of autism aren't a bad thing, but the next level of human evolution. ADHD yes makes you not focus easily but when you do, you hyper focus grasping everything. I have multiple friends who have ADHD and when they force themselves to focus, they do great things, get the highest grades and retain more knowledge. And some people with autism can be servants, which means they are highly proficient in something, generally math science or music, which is fantastic. I think we should let those kids blossom and be there own unique awesome person, advancing human towards the next step in our history. Please cmv!
Does Not Lack Seriousness
An argument has toxic emotions if the emotions appealed to are deceptive or their intensities do not provide room for critical evaluation of the topic by the reader. Given the following argument and the topic of the debate the argument appeared in. Decide whether the argument is Toxic or Not Toxic.
Topic: Why the people are loosing their faith on govt. as well as on law and order.?: Argument: Actually you have it wrong. The justice system developed and practiced in the United States is the best that has developed in mankind in all of history so far. It is far from perfect. It is flawed. It is human. It is still the best we have come up with so far. No matter what media may claim and promote, it is getting better all the time, not worse. Because people do better and want better, we will become better for ourselves and our children.
An argument has confusing reasoning if its components (claims and premises) seem not to be connected logically. Decide whether the argument has Confusing Reasoning or Does Not Have Confusing Reasoning
Topic: Firefox vs internet explorer: Argument: Firefox is wayyyyy better that's all I have to say. Go figure why
Does Not Have Confusing Reasoning
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument B is less convincing because it has language issues, bad grammar, uses humor, jokes or sarcasm.
Argument A: Banning plastic bottled water would be a huge mistake in this very moment. More than a million people in the United States purchase bottled water every day which is helping the economy com out of this recession we are in. maybe not in a big way but every kid of help counts! Bottled water also only makes less then 1&#xof; the worlds wastes and can be recycled! According to the National Association for PET Container resources, PET water bottles are no the most recycled container in curb side programs by weight and by number! <br/>[email protected]=31101711001 Argument B: jesus loves plastic water bottles, and you cant argue with that logic
Argument conclusions are novel when they contain novel premise-related content and/or combination of the content in the premises in a way that goes beyond what is stated in the premise. Is the conclusion novel?
Premise: Most Americans were prepared to accept George Bush as President following the Supreme Court’s decision on the Florida recount issue. His high levels of support post-September 11th shows that the country was prepared to rally around him as a legitimate commander-in-chief in a crisis. Conclusion: Americans support the electoral college system because they see it as a guarantor of their rights.
Given as input an argumentative claim, potentially along with context information on the debate, rewrite the claim such that it improves in terms of text quality and/or argument quality, and preserves the meaning as far as possible.
One of the [advantages]( of school breaks is that it allows teachers and students a relief from stress.
One of the [advantages]( of school breaks is that it allows teachers and students a mental break from common school stresses.
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument B is less convincing because it is only opinion, or a rant.
Argument A: why would we ban a product that more than a million people buy when we are in the middle of a recession? Argument B: When the most interesting man on the world is not drinking Dos equis, hes drinking bottled water.
An argument is detrimental orthography if it has serious spelling and/or grammatical errors, negatively affecting its readability. Given the following argument and the topic of the debate the argument appeared in. Decide whether the argument has Detrimental Orthography or Does Not Have Detrimental Orthography
Topic: Should physical education be mandatory in schools: Argument: The answer is so obvious. Teachers should let everyone exercise so they can strengthen their mussels and get thinner and more flexible instead of fatter and more lazy so they won't get bullied as much.
Has Detrimental Orthography
An argument is missing openness if it displays an unwillingness to consider arguments with opposing viewpoints and does not assess the arguments on their merits but simply rejects them out of hand. Decide whether the argument Lacks Openness or Does Not Lack Openness
Topic: Why does america allow foreigners to come to this country & live off of welfare?: Argument: Our borders should be closed, we are at war we can not afford to take care of these people, we are not even taking care of ours. No one has a reason to teach them English, they can learn to speak English before coming over her to take the test. If I go to a foreign country I don't expect them to take the time to teach me their language, not even realistic. They need to go work at bettering their country just like we are trying to do. How many of these "illegal immigrants" are fighting in our war? They need to go home and fix their country, while we try to fix ours, we do not have what it takes to keep everyone up any more. Close our borders till we are on our feet again...and if you think we are on our feet do some checking around, it won't take you long to see what a shape we are in. You ask a very good question.
Lacks Openness
Argument strength refers to the strength of the argument an essay makes for its thesis. An essay with a high argument strength score presents a strong argument for its thesis and would convince most readers. Score the argument strength of the given argumentative essay using the following scoring range: 1.0 (essay does not make an argument or it is often unclear what the argument is) 1.5 2.0 (essay makes a weak argument for its thesis or sometimes even argues against it) 2.5 3.0 (essay makes a decent argument for its thesis and could convince some readers) 3.5 4.0 (essay makes a strong argument for its thesis and would convince most readers)
The reason why there is prison is because it must rehabilitate criminal, so that they become good people. Punishing people will not bring out the best in people, but it depepends on what kind of punishment is it. There is positive and Negative punishment . Criminals are human like everybody else, they do mistakes, so does everybody. I think if they are punished negatively, that punishment will end up filling this criminals with rage. They will want vengeance on the community. This won't do anything good, because this criminals will always commit crime as a way of punishing the community. This will result in a situation where both the community and criminals try to punish each other. They will be traped in a vicious circle. This negative punishment wont take our community anywhere. By the way, by negative punishment I mean things like, mob justise, Police assaulting prisoners and being attacked verbaly. This things will only make our criminals angry, even if they were willing to change they won't because they way they are treated will Somehow kill their sense of worth . If prisoners are being punised positively, it might bring out the best in them. By positive punishment I am talking about tusks that will make them feel like they are important or they are worth Something. Those tasks can be Planting vegetable, helping in Community projects, Doing Gardens on government's offices. This are ways of punishment, but they are not harsh punishments. This types of punishments will instill Some Sense of importance in this prisoners. This will help in rehabilitating this Criminals, even though it won't rehabilitate them Completly, it will do something. We musn't forget that the purpose of prison is to rehabilitate prisoners not to punishment . Lastly, Prisoners need professional help from the experts. This experts can be psychologists and social workers. As I have said before that prisoners are only human like everybody, they need councelling if they go wrong. Frequent visits from the Psychologists and Social workers will help them through the process of rehabilitation. This way our prisoners will feel that they are important. They will get the courage to go and discourage young people from commiting crimes, because there are children who look to prisoners as their role model. By rehabilitating prisoners might help the society somehow. That is why I feel that he society should not puish but rehabilitate criminals .
What kind of support relation, if any, exists from elementary unit X for a proposition Y of the same argument? Differentiate between REASON, EVIDENCE and NO SUPPORT RELATION. Support relations in this scheme are two prevalent ways in which propositions are supported in practical argumentation: REASON and EVIDENCE. The former can support either objective or subjective propositions, whereas the latter can only support objective propositions. That is, you cannot prove that a subjective proposition is true with a piece of evidence. REASON: For an elementary unit X to be a REASON for a proposition Y, it must provide a reason or a justification for Y. For example, “The only issue I have is that the volume starts to degrade a little bit after about six“and I find I have to buy a new pair every year or so.”(Y). EVIDENCE: For an elementary unit X to be EVIDENCE for a proposition Y, it must prove that Y is true. For example, “[...]”(X) and “The product arrived damage[d],”(Y).
Argument: These blue tooth headphones are amazing! They come at a great price to! They are comfortable to wear and the two ends have magnets so that if you wan to wear them around your neck they don't fall off. The sound quality is great as well. The headphones have a very good sound to them and they have a lot of base as well. I was very impressed with the quality and the quality of the sound. It is also very easy to connect to any blue tooth device. I had no problem connecting it to my ipod or my phone. I highly recommend this product to any one who is looking for a good quality headphone at a good price. Elementary unit X: and the two ends have magnets Proposition Y: so that if you wan to wear them around your neck they don't fall off.
Score the helpfulness of the following review on a scale from 0 (lowest) to 4 (highest).
During operation of the bluetooth when used touch pad on headset to stop music expereinced pulsating base like sound omitted from the left ear piece into my ear. Turning off noise cancelling and bluetooth the sound ceased but return when action was reappiied. Sound began to cause a nausing sensation and I experienced fear of damaged eardrum. Returned to Amazon within required time for refund. Headphones also did not produce clear sound and were somewhat muffled. Not much in treble unable to hear purcussions instruments . Perhaps only defective unit. When purchased only five reviews written.
An enthymeme is defined here as any missing argumentative discourse unit (ADU) that would complete the logic of a written argument. Given the following argument with such a gap, generate a new ADU that fills the gap indicated with "<mask>".
As we all know, people need to work to live in good life condition. Especially today, both man and woman in a house should work so that they care of children, they can buy their needs, that is they can live. But women are not allowed to work and if they try to work, they are paid less than men as well. Women's position relative to men in employment has improved only slightly. <mask>
One of the main reason is that men continue to control the positions of power and of wealth and are slow to share these with women .
A premise of an argument should be seen as relevant if it contributes to the acceptance or rejection of the argument’s conclusion, i.e., if you think it is worthy of being considered as a reason, evidence, or similar regarding the conclusion. If you identify more than one premise in the comment, try to adequately weight the relevance of each premise when judging about their “aggregate” relevance—unless there are particular premises that dominate your view of the author’s argumentation. You should be open to see a premise as relevant even if it does not match your own stance on the issue. How would you rate the relevance of the premises of the author’s argument on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
I take the view that, school uniform is very comfortable. Because there is the gap between the rich and poor, school uniform is efficient in many ways. If they wore to plain clothes every day, they concerned about clothes by brand and quantity of clothes. Every teenager is sensible so the poor students can feel inferior. Although school uniform is very expensive , it is cheap better than plain clothes. Also they feel sense of kinship and sense of belonging. In my case, school uniform is convenient. I don't have to worry about my clothes during my student days.
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument B is less convincing because it is unclear, or hard to follow.
Argument A: Christianity is perhaps the most vile ideal to poison the minds of men. It's uses, motives, and fictional stories are quite plainly immoral. <br/> ( <br/> ( <br/> ( 3956.Christopher_Hitchens) Argument B: Did i also mention that christianity condones slavery? If jot I'm sorry
An argumentation should be seen as globally relevant if it contributes to the resolution of the given issue, i.e., if it provides arguments and/or other information that help to arrive at an ultimate conclusion regarding the discussed issue. You should be open to see an argumentation as relevant even if it does not your match your stance on the issue. Rather, the question is whether the provided arguments and information are worthy of being considered within the discussion of the issue. How would you rate the global relevance of the author’s argumentation on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
There's no reason at all why anyone could say IE is better. Firefox is proven to be safer, faster, and sleeker. You can customize it to look any way you want, and you can add any functionality you can think of. It even has a more original name!
Predict the stance (pro, con, or unknown) of the user on the corresponding big issue from the text of the claim.
The proof that backs evolution is horrible . The very beginning is flawed . For example , the theory of evolution , states that life can only come from life . Yet , where did it all start ? The con must explain why evolution 's beginning is valid . May the best man win .
Given as input an argumentative claim, potentially along with context information on the debate, rewrite the claim such that it improves in terms of text quality and/or argument quality, and preserves the meaning as far as possible.
In a socialist economy people would primarily be driven by other ideals than capital gain.
In a socialist economy people would primarily be driven by other ideals than capital gain. By putting less focus on seeking capital gain, people are less likely to strive to earn excessive amounts of money at the expense of others.
A premise of an argument should be seen as relevant if it contributes to the acceptance or rejection of the argument’s conclusion, i.e., if you think it is worthy of being considered as a reason, evidence, or similar regarding the conclusion. If you identify more than one premise in the comment, try to adequately weight the relevance of each premise when judging about their “aggregate” relevance—unless there are particular premises that dominate your view of the author’s argumentation. You should be open to see a premise as relevant even if it does not match your own stance on the issue. How would you rate the relevance of the premises of the author’s argument on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
If being homosexual was natural then <br/> 1. There would only be possibly 6 people on the earth...meaning none of the people making up these sarcastic remakes would be around....heck I wouldn't be around <br/> 2. If homosexuality was natural then the butthole would be in the front part of the body. <br/> Its never been accepted as "natural" by society only till now. So i'm pretty sure thousands of years of recorded human history have a little more weight than some piss ant liberal venting on how its unfair.
A small set of talking points, termed key points can be used to form a concise summary from a large collection of arguments on a given topic. Generate multiple key points on the given topic and provide the stance of each key point towards the topic.
Topic: We should abolish capital punishment
The death penalty helps the victim/their family (con) The death penalty is proportional (con) The death penalty prevents crimes (con) The death penalty saves costs to the state (con) The death penalty is acceptable in cases of severe crimes (con) State-sanctioned killing is principally wrong (pro) The death penalty harms the disenfranchised (pro) The death penalty irreversible (pro) The death penalty is a waste of resources (pro) The death penalty is ineffective in deterring crimes (pro)
How would you rate the overall quality of the author’s argumentation on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
When the U.S. fought the Brits for their independence, the Brits wore a red uniform. Every time the Americans saw a British soldier, they would yell, "The red coats are coming, the red coats are coming." <br/> If India ever tried to take over the U.S., Americans would be forced to yell, "The red dots are coming, the red dots are coming." ;)
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument A is more convincing because it has more details, information, facts, examples, reasons, better arguments, goes deeper or is more specific.
Argument A: No.If you research about FarQuhar.He didn't do anything to help Singapore while Raffles was away,instead of doing anything he just made a big mess and allowed things like vice,crimes and gambling dens carry on. Argument B: The Singapore Treaty is signed between Raffles,Sultan Hussein and the Temenggong with Commandant under the accompanying seven ships witnessing the event.
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument B is less convincing because it is only opinion, or a rant.
Argument A: It was Raffles who signed the treaty with the Sultan Hussein,not Farquhar. Farquhar was just Raffles subordinate. Argument B: Raffles found that Farquhar had done a bad job of raising the city of Singapore, he also introduced opium selling into Singapore in order to raise more money to build Singapore.
You are given the following question, stance (Yes vs. No) towards this question and a type of reasoning (logos vs. pathos). Your task is to form a persuasive argument toward the question that supports the given stance based on the following type of reasoning
Question: Should the the morning-after pill be sold over the counter at the pharmacy? Stance: No Reasoning: Emotional reasoning (pathos-oriented)
no one should have the possibility to pick up the morning-after pill over the counter at the pharmacy . from a medical perspective the morning-after pill works best when taken as soon as possible after intercourse , However, easy access to the morning-after pill could result in its appearing to be an easier method than other forms of contraception that have fewer health effects , and the morning-after pill has a number of side effects .
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument B is less convincing because it is off topic or doesn't address the issue.
Argument A: Unless the brain is used no human being can understand any medium. Be it TV or books. By watching the television people can create a make believe situation and think. "What if they would go left? They would be SAVED, wouldn't they?" Even viewing tv requires brains. And moreover we can watch television in the dark. But to read a book you need the lights on. Which also wastes electricity. Argument B: tv is better than books because you learn easier by seeing not read
An argument is missing openness if it displays an unwillingness to consider arguments with opposing viewpoints and does not assess the arguments on their merits but simply rejects them out of hand. Decide whether the argument Lacks Openness or Does Not Lack Openness
Topic: In the eyes of the law..can a woman rape a man?: Argument: Legally yes it can and has happened. The imfamous urban legend of Biker chicks knocking a guy down and having thier way with him in a park is an example. The reality is that it's hard to have unwilling sex with a guy by deffinition. Guys like sex. If they are not in a relationship they have little incentive to avoid sex, even bad sex. A guy weak enough to be "raped" would be a laughing stock. The most likely scenario would be a date rape drug and the guy contracts an STD from it's usage. Especially a married or engaged man. However it would be extremely hard for the guy to prove his unwillingness and it would take a mountain of evidence to prove such.
Lacks Openness
How would you rate the overall quality of the author’s argumentation on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
That's really good idea. As i remember every morning i though what was better to wear? It was really problem, i spent quiet a lot of time. I asked my parents to buy new clothes for me, it was happened not rare. I know that not everyone thought as me, but it much better if the school has own uniform and everybody has to follow it. First it looks very good, smart. Secondly there is no envy that somebody have really nice skirt or jeans. Every pupil is the same and it would be easy to study, to not think about another things!!
Label each elementary argumentative unit as REFERENCE or as one of the proposition types FACT, TESTIMONY, POLICY, and VALUE. FACT (Proposition of Non-Experiential Fact) is an objective proposition, meaning it does not leave any room for subjective interpretations or judgements. For example, “and battery life is about 8-10 hours.”. TESTIMONY (Proposition of Experiential Fact) is also an objective proposition. However, it differs from FACT in that it is experiential, i.e., it describes a personal state or experience. For example, “I own Sennheisers, Bose, Ludacris Souls, Beats, etc.”. POLICY (Proposition of Policy) is a subjective proposition that insists on a specific course of action. For example, “They need to take this product off the market until the issue is resolved.”. VALUE (Proposition of Value) is a subjective proposition that is not POLICY. It is a personal opinion or expression of feeling. For example, “They just weren’t appealing to me”. REFERENCE (Reference to a Resource) is the only non-proposition elementary unit that refers to a resource containing objective evidence. In product reviews, REFERENCE is usually a URL to another product page, image or video. Also, REFERENCE cannot be supported by other elementary units. For example, “[...]”.
So I loved the spund, and Bluetooth was fine. But I had this problem where the button would not turn on the device. Had to return it and now use a different paur of Bluetooth headphones.
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument A is more convincing because it is well thought out, has smart remarks or is more complex.
Argument A: Of course it has the potential, but right now the current religious tension between Muslims and Hindus would probably prevent this. I can't think of a leading nation that has had large scale internal conflict, it just doesn't work. To "lead" a country must have time and resources to worry about other countries and not itself. Argument B: Hi all of u.................. dis is a new gal joining da prsns who r in favor of dis argue...... those who are in oppose of dis topic..... may i request u one thing dat plz think before u tell about India"s potential bcoz the wealth which the foreigners are enjoying nw are the looted one 4m India........ The other foreign countries are more developed den us bcoz it is da Indian people who are using their brain and making the foreign countries develop..........
An argument has confusing reasoning if its components (claims and premises) seem not to be connected logically. Decide whether the argument has Confusing Reasoning or Does Not Have Confusing Reasoning
Topic: Is the school uniform a good or bad idea: Argument: it dose not show kids expressions and unforms dose not show is it
Has Confusing Reasoning
An argument is not intelligible if its meaning is unclear or irrelevant to the topic or if its reasoning is not understandable. Given the following argument and the topic of the debate the argument appeared in. Decide whether the argument Lacks Intelligibility or Does Not Lack Intelligibility
Topic: Evolution vs creation: Argument: Define "order and detail." Existence isn't a BMW. You are falling for the old 'watch maker' argument. You fail to recognize the significance of self replicating systems within a naturally selecting environment. A good read: "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins. Not as aggressive as his more recent "The God Dilusion," and equally well written.
Lacks Intelligibility
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument A is more convincing because it provokes thought.
Argument A: tv is far superior due to its wider variety of thing to do and some people say that tv is incontinent but now you can watch tv on a smart phone witch is very convenient Argument B: i believe books are better(i believe i can fly...) <br/> So true
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument B is less convincing because it is only opinion, or a rant.
Argument A: If you can only understand or speak a specific language but you move to another country then most of the books are not in your language but TV comes in all different languages and you can also hear how the words are pronounced in a different language. Argument B: TV is better because you can just explore the world while sitting on a couch
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument B is less convincing because it is non-sense, has no logical sense or is confusing.
Argument A: why would we ban a product that more than a million people buy when we are in the middle of a recession? Argument B: jesus loves plastic water bottles, and you cant argue with that logic
An argumentation should be seen as globally sufficient if it adequately rebuts those counter-arguments to its conclusion that can be anticipated. Notice that it is not generally clear which and how many counter-arguments can be anticipated. There may be cases where it is infeasible to rebut all such objections. Please judge about global sufficiency according to whether all main objections of an argumentation that you see are rebutted. How would you rate the global sufficiency of the author’s argumentation on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
The argument that porn would expose one to the reality in life, and thus increasing one's maturity and prevent possible future sexual assaults, is totally crap. <br/> porn is definitely wrong. after a dosage, the guilt of wasting ur time, wasting energy, wasting effort and not devoting urself to another thing and regretting that you should not have started would almost kill you. trust me. <br/> its a road that shld not be taken, its as bad as smoking and dugs. i think the only reason its not banned in most developed countries is that they are facing an aging population.
Given an argument consisting of a claim and a reason, select the correct warrant that explains reasoning of this particular argument. There are only two options given and only one answer is correct.
Topic: Should Parents Control What Kids Learn at School? Additional Info: In New Hampshire, parents can tailor each child's curriculum to avoid "objectionable" content. Does that turn education into a private right instead of a public good? Claim: Parents should not control what kids learn at school Reason: Public schools already tailor classes to children's needs without parent interference. Warrant 1: today's children have turned out not to be dumb and obnoxious Warrant 2: today's children have turned out to be dumb and obnoxious
today's children have turned out not to be dumb and obnoxious
Does the given clause belong to an argument?
meant that it could not be regarded as a body satisfying the requirements of Article 5 para. 4 (art. 5-4)
An argument is missing commitment if the topic is not taken seriously or openness other’s arguments is absent. Given the following argument and the topic of the debate the argument appeared in. Decide whether the argument Lacks Commitment or Does Not Lack Commitment
Topic: Cmv: pirate bay co founder pete sunde's arrest is 100% deserved.: Argument: I'm wholly against pirating content online. Most people seem to feel it is harmless, since you're stealing from big companies like Fox or EA, but those are just the producers, not the actual company that created the content and deserves the money they worked their asses off to earn. The pirate bay doesn't even attempt to hide that it's soul purpose is to circulate torrented files of copy righted content. The fact that Mr. Sunde was arrested for his involvement in both creating the site, and developing methods to make it harder for the site to be taken down is wholly justified.
Does Not Lack Commitment
Given the following two arguments (Argument A and Argument B), determine which of the two is more convincing.
Argument A: I volunteer at Irving Cares, and when I do I feel so great that I can help the community. To me when I help advance the common good I am helping myself. When people do something for the good of others it helps them out in the long run. Whether it is a favor in return or anything else. In a personal pursuit you are just helping yourself. If we all just helped ourselves where would our world be? We all depend on others for help at some point. This world should be about others, not just me. Argument B: While striving to make advancements for the common good you can change the world forever. <br/> Allot of people have succeded in doing so. Our founding fathers, Thomas Edison, George Washington, Martin Luther King jr, and many more. These people made huge advances for the common good and they are honored for it.
Argument B
The style of an argumentation should be seen as appropriate if the used language supports the creation of credibility and emotions as well as if it is proportional to the discussed issue. The choice of words and the grammatical complexity should, in your view, appear suitable for the discussed issue within the given setting (online debate forum on a given issue), matching with how credibility and emotions are created via the content of the argumentation. How would you rate the appropriateness of the style of the author’s argumentation on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
Banning plastic bottled water would be a huge mistake in this very moment. More than a million people in the United States purchase bottled water every day which is helping the economy com out of this recession we are in. maybe not in a big way but every kid of help counts! Bottled water also only makes less then 1&#xof; the worlds wastes and can be recycled! According to the National Association for PET Container resources, PET water bottles are no the most recycled container in curb side programs by weight and by number! <br/>[email protected]=31101711001
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument A is more convincing because it is more balanced, objective, discusses several points of view, well-rounded or addresses flaws in opposing views.
Argument A: books are better than TV because TV can make you blind. your eyes can also hurt alot if you watch to much. Argument B: Books r like cool! TV is not! Books are for nerds, Tv is for weirdos, I think Black ops is better! ROFL!
An argument is missing seriousness if it is either trolling others by suggesting (explicitly or implicitly) that the issue is not worthy of being discussed or does not contribute meaningfully to the discussion. Given the following argument and the topic of the debate the argument appeared in. Decide whether the argument Lacks Seriousness or Does Not Lack Seriousness
Topic: Christianity or atheism: Argument: No one has ever waged a war in the name of atheism.
Does Not Lack Seriousness
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument B is less convincing because it is unclear, or hard to follow.
Argument A: Gays are human beings just like we are. They should have the right to marriage just like we are. Argument B: AS LONG AS IT IS NOT DISEASE WE SHOULD ALL BE FINE WITH ITT ITS NOT OUR BUSINESS!!!
Consider the two arguments below (Argument A and Argument B). Would you agree with the following statement?Argument A is more convincing because it is clear, crisp, to the point or well written.
Argument A: I believe that India is fast emerging as a hub for international trade and investment. India has provided a huge opportunity to enhance trade and investments in sectors such as mechanical and electrical engineering, food processing, automotive, tourism and banking among others. Almost every multinational company is focusing on India. Argument B: Hi all of u.................. dis is a new gal joining da prsns who r in favor of dis argue...... those who are in oppose of dis topic..... may i request u one thing dat plz think before u tell about India"s potential bcoz the wealth which the foreigners are enjoying nw are the looted one 4m India........ The other foreign countries are more developed den us bcoz it is da Indian people who are using their brain and making the foreign countries develop..........
Extract the Toulmin components (Premise, Claim, Backing, Refutation and Rebuttal) from the given argument. The output should be in the format: "Premise: <premise> --> Claim: <claim>" or "Refutation: <refutation> --> Rebuttal: <rebuttal>" or "Rebuttal: <rebuttal> --> Claim: <claim>" or "Backing: <backing>"
The report that an increasing number of parents in this country are seeking to homeschool their children is not at all surprising. However, some persons expressed confusion about this admission from an official of the Ministry of Education recently, because of the high standard of education we afford our children at the nursery, primary and secondary levels. We in Barbados think of homeschooling as an activity that occurs only in North American countries or perhaps further afield, and cannot imagine why in a country that offers free education to all school aged children, a parent would want to take on the responsibility of teaching their child. It is a question I used to ask myself some years ago, until I recognised that the school environment of today is much more explosive than it was just a few decades ago. The media coverage here and abroad about bullying, teasing as well as physical and emotional abuse in public schools is abundant, and it could make a parent want to protect their children from that bad environment. Certainly there are advantages and disadvantages to homeschooling and if it is an area that is gaining currency in this country, the relevant authorities will need to do some probing to ensure that parents are giving their children instruction in the right manner, and are not in fact putting their children at a disadvantage. It will no doubt require that officials of the Ministry of Education create measures to guide parents opting to go this route, and by extension require them to visit these homes to observe what is being done. Indeed, if homeschooling is really on the rise, Government may have to seek parliamentary approval to institute laws and regulations to govern this method of teaching. I am not sure if this is already the case, but I believe that it would serve the State well to treat homeschooling as a type of private school and require that they meet the same standards as those registered facilities. Some parents may see this as an invasion of their privacy and an intrusion, but the State has a responsibility to ensure that all children living in this country are properly educated. I make that point because teachers specialise in specific subject areas and if parents choose to homeschool their children, it is expected that they would have vast knowledge of each subject area which they choose to teach their children. Research in the United States has shown that homeschooling is growing at a rate of seven to 15 per cent per year, with millions of children currently learning at home. Additionally, it is said that homeschooled children do well on standardised tests, and as adults, are known to be self-directed learners and reliable employees. On the other hand, as a family member recently pointed out to me, by homeschooling children we could be stunting the development of their socialisation skills. Indeed, that is a distinct possibility and the onus would have to be on the parents to ensure that does not happen. It would require that they make certain that their children are given opportunities to interact with and form lasting relationships with other children in their age group, and this is can achieved by exposing them to extracurricular activities.
Premise: It is a question I used to ask myself some years ago, until I recognised that the school environment of today is much more explosive than it was just a few decades ago. The media coverage here and abroad about bullying, teasing as well as physical and emotional abuse in public schools is abundant, and it could make a parent want to protect their children from that bad environment. --> Claim: Rebuttal: On the other hand, as a family member recently pointed out to me, by homeschooling children we could be stunting the development of their socialisation skills. --> Claim: Backing: Research in the United States has shown that homeschooling is growing at a rate of seven to 15 per cent per year, with millions of children currently learning at home. Additionally, it is said that homeschooled children do well on standardised tests, and as adults, are known to be self-directed learners and reliable employees.
Given a controversial topic and a set of beliefs, generate an argumentative claim tailored to the beliefs.
Topic: are muslims ignorant to their own religion? Beliefs: Abortion: Con Affirmative Action: Con Animal Rights: No Opinion Barack Obama: Con Border Fence: Pro Capitalism: Pro Civil Unions: No Opinion Death Penalty: Pro Drug Legalization: Pro Electoral College: Pro Environmental Protection: No Opinion Estate Tax: Con European Union: Con Euthanasia: Con Federal Reserve: Con Flat Tax: Pro Free Trade: Pro Gay Marriage: Con Global Warming Exists: Con Globalization: No Opinion Gold Standard: Pro Gun Rights: Pro Homeschooling: Pro Internet Censorship: Con Iran-Iraq War: No Opinion Labor Union: Con Legalized Prostitution: No Opinion Medicaid & Medicare: Con Medical Marijuana: Pro Military Intervention: No Opinion Minimum Wage: Con National Health Care: Con National Retail Sales Tax: Pro Occupy Movement: Con Progressive Tax: Con Racial Profiling: No Opinion Redistribution: Con Smoking Ban: Con Social Programs: Con Social Security: Con Socialism: Con Stimulus Spending: Con Term Limits: No Opinion Torture: Pro United Nations: Con War in Afghanistan: Pro War on Terror: Undecided Welfare: Con
I do n't think so.. No , Muslims know that in a Western Country , they presently lack the power to institute Sharia and kill unbelievers , but they are making significant inroads throughout European countries and to a lesser extent in the U.S. or Canada . The Hadith informs them to smile in our faces while they curse us inwardly . Gaddafi summed up the reality in a speech saying , `` We have 50 million Muslims in Europe . There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords , without guns , without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades . '' They view themselves as Muhammad did during his earliest period in Meeca or initial move to Medina , where they are too militarily weak to have open warfare . The people that are ignorant are non-Muslims , the kufar or infidels , who do n't understand the violent , supremacist teachings of Islam and how low and detested unbelievers are regarded in the Qu'ran ( the vilest of creatures . ''
You are given the following question, stance (Yes vs. No) towards this question and a type of reasoning (logos vs. pathos). Your task is to form a persuasive argument toward the question that supports the given stance based on the following type of reasoning
Question: Should intelligence services be regulated more tightly by parliament? Stance: Yes Reasoning: Emotional reasoning (pathos-oriented)
intelligence services should be more closely regulated by parliament as intelligence services intervene massively in the privacy of citizens . Although a certain level of secrecy is the basis for the work of intelligence services , intelligence services must be monitored more closely to prevent abuse .
Given the following two argumentative discourse units (ADUs), determine whether the two ADUs are connected by any argumentative relation (e.g. support or attack).
ADU1: It also allows them to focus on one another instead of independent items. ADU2: Doing sports together is a good thing for families.
An argumentation should be seen as successful in making an emotional appeal if it conveys arguments and other information in a way that creates emotions, which make the target audience more open to the author’s arguments. It should be seen as not successful if rather the opposite holds. Notice that you should not judge about the persuasive effect of the author’s argumentation, but you should decide whether the argumentation makes the target audience willing/unwilling to be persuaded by the author (or to agree/disagree with the author) in principle—or neither. How would you rate the success of the author’s argumentation in making an emotional appeal on the scale "1" (Low), "2" (Average) or "3" (High)?
Our world could be a giant hologram <br/> <br/> It is exceedingly likely that we live in a simulated universe
Segment the following review into its elementary argumentative units. Elementary argumentative units are the fundamental components of an argument.
Best pair of In-ear headphones Bose has made yet. Headphones have a comfortable fit. These are the 3rd version of bose in ear headphones and these are best set yet. Buttons work well with my Samsung S5.
Best pair of In-ear headphones Bose has made yet. Headphones have a comfortable fit. These are the 3rd version of bose in ear headphones and these are best set yet. Buttons work well with my Samsung S5.
An enthymeme is defined here as any missing argumentative discourse unit (ADU) that would complete the logic of a written argument. Given the following argument with such a gap, generate a new ADU that fills the gap indicated with "<mask>".
The recent revival of interest in both local and national history is due to many reasons. History has long been neglected by those who claim that it has nothing to teach people in a modern society dominated by technology and science since so many of these phenomenal are completely new to man. Interests in history have also been suppressed by people who fear that knowledge of our national history will develop too strong nationalistic feelings which will encourage extremists to come forward with their racist propaganda. <mask>
Fortunately, these people have in recent years become fewer and this has lead to the renaissance for history as a subject not only to be taught in schools, where it has been shamefully neglected for many years, but also as a source to discuss in mass-media and in literature .
Given as input an argumentative claim, potentially along with context information on the debate, rewrite the claim such that it improves in terms of text quality and/or argument quality, and preserves the meaning as far as possible.
Successive UK Governments have not applied all the measures that are available to police immigration from either without or within the EU. Under resourced Customs and Immigration departments UK wide are the problem, not EU membership as such.[Cuts to Border Force.](
Successive UK Governments have not applied all the measures that are available to police immigration from either without or within the EU. Under resourced Customs and Immigration departments UK wide are the [problem](, not EU membership as such.