stringlengths 114
| target
stringclasses 500
values | number
int64 1
Please spell out the following numbers:
328 = three hundred and twenty eight
58 = fifty eight
13 = thirteen
380 = three hundred and eighty
141 = one hundred and forty one
126 = | one hundred and twenty six | 126 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
115 = one hundred and fifteen
72 = seventy two
378 = three hundred and seventy eight
53 = fifty three
347 = three hundred and forty seven
380 = | three hundred and eighty | 380 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
457 = four hundred and fifty seven
280 = two hundred and eighty
45 = forty five
303 = three hundred and three
217 = two hundred and seventeen
17 = | seventeen | 17 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
16 = sixteen
48 = forty eight
112 = one hundred and twelve
120 = one hundred and twenty
259 = two hundred and fifty nine
309 = | three hundred and nine | 309 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
14 = fourteen
288 = two hundred and eighty eight
102 = one hundred and two
367 = three hundred and sixty seven
333 = three hundred and thirty three
360 = | three hundred and sixty | 360 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
280 = two hundred and eighty
215 = two hundred and fifteen
113 = one hundred and thirteen
230 = two hundred and thirty
302 = three hundred and two
143 = | one hundred and forty three | 143 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
415 = four hundred and fifteen
446 = four hundred and forty six
4 = four
389 = three hundred and eighty nine
413 = four hundred and thirteen
82 = | eighty two | 82 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
358 = three hundred and fifty eight
217 = two hundred and seventeen
175 = one hundred and seventy five
143 = one hundred and forty three
80 = eighty
111 = | one hundred and eleven | 111 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
491 = four hundred and ninety one
391 = three hundred and ninety one
173 = one hundred and seventy three
53 = fifty three
48 = forty eight
195 = | one hundred and ninety five | 195 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
50 = fifty
184 = one hundred and eighty four
434 = four hundred and thirty four
177 = one hundred and seventy seven
310 = three hundred and ten
136 = | one hundred and thirty six | 136 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
414 = four hundred and fourteen
23 = twenty three
374 = three hundred and seventy four
236 = two hundred and thirty six
275 = two hundred and seventy five
64 = | sixty four | 64 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
499 = four hundred and ninety nine
473 = four hundred and seventy three
194 = one hundred and ninety four
41 = forty one
283 = two hundred and eighty three
151 = | one hundred and fifty one | 151 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
425 = four hundred and twenty five
322 = three hundred and twenty two
317 = three hundred and seventeen
454 = four hundred and fifty four
442 = four hundred and forty two
186 = | one hundred and eighty six | 186 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
296 = two hundred and ninety six
99 = ninety nine
361 = three hundred and sixty one
36 = thirty six
24 = twenty four
339 = | three hundred and thirty nine | 339 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
117 = one hundred and seventeen
396 = three hundred and ninety six
149 = one hundred and forty nine
41 = forty one
438 = four hundred and thirty eight
120 = | one hundred and twenty | 120 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
444 = four hundred and forty four
52 = fifty two
195 = one hundred and ninety five
143 = one hundred and forty three
233 = two hundred and thirty three
326 = | three hundred and twenty six | 326 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
428 = four hundred and twenty eight
187 = one hundred and eighty seven
84 = eighty four
190 = one hundred and ninety
182 = one hundred and eighty two
108 = | one hundred and eight | 108 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
344 = three hundred and forty four
137 = one hundred and thirty seven
360 = three hundred and sixty
480 = four hundred and eighty
350 = three hundred and fifty
332 = | three hundred and thirty two | 332 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
37 = thirty seven
312 = three hundred and twelve
326 = three hundred and twenty six
88 = eighty eight
274 = two hundred and seventy four
374 = | three hundred and seventy four | 374 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
126 = one hundred and twenty six
84 = eighty four
237 = two hundred and thirty seven
195 = one hundred and ninety five
139 = one hundred and thirty nine
474 = | four hundred and seventy four | 474 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
328 = three hundred and twenty eight
353 = three hundred and fifty three
286 = two hundred and eighty six
113 = one hundred and thirteen
351 = three hundred and fifty one
167 = | one hundred and sixty seven | 167 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
432 = four hundred and thirty two
394 = three hundred and ninety four
398 = three hundred and ninety eight
29 = twenty nine
118 = one hundred and eighteen
421 = | four hundred and twenty one | 421 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
17 = seventeen
413 = four hundred and thirteen
162 = one hundred and sixty two
206 = two hundred and six
138 = one hundred and thirty eight
34 = | thirty four | 34 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
109 = one hundred and nine
468 = four hundred and sixty eight
483 = four hundred and eighty three
291 = two hundred and ninety one
449 = four hundred and forty nine
368 = | three hundred and sixty eight | 368 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
162 = one hundred and sixty two
109 = one hundred and nine
336 = three hundred and thirty six
256 = two hundred and fifty six
203 = two hundred and three
453 = | four hundred and fifty three | 453 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
469 = four hundred and sixty nine
330 = three hundred and thirty
235 = two hundred and thirty five
74 = seventy four
136 = one hundred and thirty six
72 = | seventy two | 72 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
127 = one hundred and twenty seven
382 = three hundred and eighty two
288 = two hundred and eighty eight
276 = two hundred and seventy six
135 = one hundred and thirty five
383 = | three hundred and eighty three | 383 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
300 = three hundred
220 = two hundred and twenty
460 = four hundred and sixty
299 = two hundred and ninety nine
205 = two hundred and five
186 = | one hundred and eighty six | 186 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
113 = one hundred and thirteen
71 = seventy one
261 = two hundred and sixty one
253 = two hundred and fifty three
47 = forty seven
387 = | three hundred and eighty seven | 387 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
25 = twenty five
441 = four hundred and forty one
57 = fifty seven
79 = seventy nine
322 = three hundred and twenty two
82 = | eighty two | 82 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
406 = four hundred and six
349 = three hundred and forty nine
217 = two hundred and seventeen
306 = three hundred and six
33 = thirty three
198 = | one hundred and ninety eight | 198 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
196 = one hundred and ninety six
306 = three hundred and six
240 = two hundred and forty
271 = two hundred and seventy one
129 = one hundred and twenty nine
498 = | four hundred and ninety eight | 498 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
284 = two hundred and eighty four
441 = four hundred and forty one
483 = four hundred and eighty three
6 = six
349 = three hundred and forty nine
370 = | three hundred and seventy | 370 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
59 = fifty nine
350 = three hundred and fifty
454 = four hundred and fifty four
275 = two hundred and seventy five
385 = three hundred and eighty five
137 = | one hundred and thirty seven | 137 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
394 = three hundred and ninety four
329 = three hundred and twenty nine
175 = one hundred and seventy five
58 = fifty eight
151 = one hundred and fifty one
223 = | two hundred and twenty three | 223 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
81 = eighty one
233 = two hundred and thirty three
2 = two
489 = four hundred and eighty nine
370 = three hundred and seventy
449 = | four hundred and forty nine | 449 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
369 = three hundred and sixty nine
135 = one hundred and thirty five
498 = four hundred and ninety eight
257 = two hundred and fifty seven
391 = three hundred and ninety one
92 = | ninety two | 92 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
260 = two hundred and sixty
468 = four hundred and sixty eight
55 = fifty five
446 = four hundred and forty six
321 = three hundred and twenty one
153 = | one hundred and fifty three | 153 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
431 = four hundred and thirty one
328 = three hundred and twenty eight
260 = two hundred and sixty
312 = three hundred and twelve
102 = one hundred and two
79 = | seventy nine | 79 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
192 = one hundred and ninety two
391 = three hundred and ninety one
83 = eighty three
277 = two hundred and seventy seven
489 = four hundred and eighty nine
399 = | three hundred and ninety nine | 399 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
473 = four hundred and seventy three
272 = two hundred and seventy two
471 = four hundred and seventy one
1 = one
307 = three hundred and seven
166 = | one hundred and sixty six | 166 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
251 = two hundred and fifty one
10 = ten
58 = fifty eight
476 = four hundred and seventy six
186 = one hundred and eighty six
450 = | four hundred and fifty | 450 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
426 = four hundred and twenty six
414 = four hundred and fourteen
158 = one hundred and fifty eight
123 = one hundred and twenty three
30 = thirty
124 = | one hundred and twenty four | 124 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
450 = four hundred and fifty
291 = two hundred and ninety one
485 = four hundred and eighty five
41 = forty one
44 = forty four
375 = | three hundred and seventy five | 375 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
249 = two hundred and forty nine
418 = four hundred and eighteen
36 = thirty six
390 = three hundred and ninety
273 = two hundred and seventy three
393 = | three hundred and ninety three | 393 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
65 = sixty five
66 = sixty six
338 = three hundred and thirty eight
244 = two hundred and forty four
485 = four hundred and eighty five
282 = | two hundred and eighty two | 282 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
85 = eighty five
136 = one hundred and thirty six
271 = two hundred and seventy one
447 = four hundred and forty seven
311 = three hundred and eleven
217 = | two hundred and seventeen | 217 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
494 = four hundred and ninety four
109 = one hundred and nine
476 = four hundred and seventy six
277 = two hundred and seventy seven
387 = three hundred and eighty seven
374 = | three hundred and seventy four | 374 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
354 = three hundred and fifty four
103 = one hundred and three
366 = three hundred and sixty six
160 = one hundred and sixty
205 = two hundred and five
344 = | three hundred and forty four | 344 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
333 = three hundred and thirty three
192 = one hundred and ninety two
225 = two hundred and twenty five
461 = four hundred and sixty one
265 = two hundred and sixty five
232 = | two hundred and thirty two | 232 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
62 = sixty two
127 = one hundred and twenty seven
116 = one hundred and sixteen
33 = thirty three
174 = one hundred and seventy four
11 = | eleven | 11 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
302 = three hundred and two
284 = two hundred and eighty four
118 = one hundred and eighteen
113 = one hundred and thirteen
4 = four
37 = | thirty seven | 37 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
363 = three hundred and sixty three
324 = three hundred and twenty four
31 = thirty one
118 = one hundred and eighteen
35 = thirty five
464 = | four hundred and sixty four | 464 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
17 = seventeen
441 = four hundred and forty one
170 = one hundred and seventy
37 = thirty seven
264 = two hundred and sixty four
122 = | one hundred and twenty two | 122 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
143 = one hundred and forty three
343 = three hundred and forty three
249 = two hundred and forty nine
110 = one hundred and ten
277 = two hundred and seventy seven
68 = | sixty eight | 68 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
371 = three hundred and seventy one
479 = four hundred and seventy nine
452 = four hundred and fifty two
293 = two hundred and ninety three
296 = two hundred and ninety six
243 = | two hundred and forty three | 243 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
125 = one hundred and twenty five
402 = four hundred and two
243 = two hundred and forty three
414 = four hundred and fourteen
209 = two hundred and nine
98 = | ninety eight | 98 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
49 = forty nine
50 = fifty
338 = three hundred and thirty eight
221 = two hundred and twenty one
182 = one hundred and eighty two
217 = | two hundred and seventeen | 217 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
211 = two hundred and eleven
240 = two hundred and forty
443 = four hundred and forty three
374 = three hundred and seventy four
28 = twenty eight
345 = | three hundred and forty five | 345 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
335 = three hundred and thirty five
331 = three hundred and thirty one
51 = fifty one
32 = thirty two
207 = two hundred and seven
373 = | three hundred and seventy three | 373 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
174 = one hundred and seventy four
410 = four hundred and ten
442 = four hundred and forty two
56 = fifty six
128 = one hundred and twenty eight
99 = | ninety nine | 99 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
98 = ninety eight
275 = two hundred and seventy five
230 = two hundred and thirty
72 = seventy two
217 = two hundred and seventeen
94 = | ninety four | 94 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
143 = one hundred and forty three
237 = two hundred and thirty seven
128 = one hundred and twenty eight
448 = four hundred and forty eight
473 = four hundred and seventy three
39 = | thirty nine | 39 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
227 = two hundred and twenty seven
414 = four hundred and fourteen
442 = four hundred and forty two
439 = four hundred and thirty nine
282 = two hundred and eighty two
51 = | fifty one | 51 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
26 = twenty six
334 = three hundred and thirty four
277 = two hundred and seventy seven
429 = four hundred and twenty nine
8 = eight
497 = | four hundred and ninety seven | 497 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
48 = forty eight
475 = four hundred and seventy five
386 = three hundred and eighty six
435 = four hundred and thirty five
122 = one hundred and twenty two
86 = | eighty six | 86 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
209 = two hundred and nine
249 = two hundred and forty nine
247 = two hundred and forty seven
110 = one hundred and ten
443 = four hundred and forty three
206 = | two hundred and six | 206 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
463 = four hundred and sixty three
31 = thirty one
85 = eighty five
195 = one hundred and ninety five
2 = two
200 = | two hundred | 200 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
136 = one hundred and thirty six
475 = four hundred and seventy five
402 = four hundred and two
233 = two hundred and thirty three
147 = one hundred and forty seven
217 = | two hundred and seventeen | 217 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
357 = three hundred and fifty seven
491 = four hundred and ninety one
375 = three hundred and seventy five
402 = four hundred and two
285 = two hundred and eighty five
339 = | three hundred and thirty nine | 339 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
368 = three hundred and sixty eight
250 = two hundred and fifty
80 = eighty
98 = ninety eight
152 = one hundred and fifty two
112 = | one hundred and twelve | 112 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
496 = four hundred and ninety six
30 = thirty
297 = two hundred and ninety seven
377 = three hundred and seventy seven
278 = two hundred and seventy eight
32 = | thirty two | 32 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
383 = three hundred and eighty three
161 = one hundred and sixty one
30 = thirty
26 = twenty six
300 = three hundred
245 = | two hundred and forty five | 245 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
258 = two hundred and fifty eight
471 = four hundred and seventy one
437 = four hundred and thirty seven
272 = two hundred and seventy two
81 = eighty one
30 = | thirty | 30 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
492 = four hundred and ninety two
261 = two hundred and sixty one
42 = forty two
436 = four hundred and thirty six
96 = ninety six
36 = | thirty six | 36 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
305 = three hundred and five
35 = thirty five
346 = three hundred and forty six
442 = four hundred and forty two
121 = one hundred and twenty one
207 = | two hundred and seven | 207 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
62 = sixty two
483 = four hundred and eighty three
456 = four hundred and fifty six
292 = two hundred and ninety two
127 = one hundred and twenty seven
297 = | two hundred and ninety seven | 297 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
305 = three hundred and five
21 = twenty one
318 = three hundred and eighteen
42 = forty two
215 = two hundred and fifteen
337 = | three hundred and thirty seven | 337 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
299 = two hundred and ninety nine
290 = two hundred and ninety
268 = two hundred and sixty eight
162 = one hundred and sixty two
479 = four hundred and seventy nine
134 = | one hundred and thirty four | 134 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
105 = one hundred and five
343 = three hundred and forty three
367 = three hundred and sixty seven
161 = one hundred and sixty one
123 = one hundred and twenty three
136 = | one hundred and thirty six | 136 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
203 = two hundred and three
68 = sixty eight
344 = three hundred and forty four
331 = three hundred and thirty one
154 = one hundred and fifty four
235 = | two hundred and thirty five | 235 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
162 = one hundred and sixty two
476 = four hundred and seventy six
385 = three hundred and eighty five
480 = four hundred and eighty
38 = thirty eight
5 = | five | 5 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
235 = two hundred and thirty five
319 = three hundred and nineteen
289 = two hundred and eighty nine
52 = fifty two
38 = thirty eight
276 = | two hundred and seventy six | 276 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
110 = one hundred and ten
260 = two hundred and sixty
136 = one hundred and thirty six
68 = sixty eight
478 = four hundred and seventy eight
179 = | one hundred and seventy nine | 179 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
452 = four hundred and fifty two
36 = thirty six
451 = four hundred and fifty one
126 = one hundred and twenty six
190 = one hundred and ninety
146 = | one hundred and forty six | 146 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
81 = eighty one
225 = two hundred and twenty five
427 = four hundred and twenty seven
279 = two hundred and seventy nine
361 = three hundred and sixty one
155 = | one hundred and fifty five | 155 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
314 = three hundred and fourteen
414 = four hundred and fourteen
335 = three hundred and thirty five
271 = two hundred and seventy one
5 = five
342 = | three hundred and forty two | 342 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
419 = four hundred and nineteen
284 = two hundred and eighty four
154 = one hundred and fifty four
478 = four hundred and seventy eight
340 = three hundred and forty
54 = | fifty four | 54 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
481 = four hundred and eighty one
450 = four hundred and fifty
69 = sixty nine
136 = one hundred and thirty six
60 = sixty
456 = | four hundred and fifty six | 456 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
55 = fifty five
381 = three hundred and eighty one
284 = two hundred and eighty four
80 = eighty
140 = one hundred and forty
145 = | one hundred and forty five | 145 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
310 = three hundred and ten
108 = one hundred and eight
368 = three hundred and sixty eight
176 = one hundred and seventy six
105 = one hundred and five
352 = | three hundred and fifty two | 352 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
325 = three hundred and twenty five
437 = four hundred and thirty seven
136 = one hundred and thirty six
259 = two hundred and fifty nine
251 = two hundred and fifty one
129 = | one hundred and twenty nine | 129 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
464 = four hundred and sixty four
465 = four hundred and sixty five
434 = four hundred and thirty four
27 = twenty seven
48 = forty eight
325 = | three hundred and twenty five | 325 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
217 = two hundred and seventeen
425 = four hundred and twenty five
142 = one hundred and forty two
23 = twenty three
2 = two
171 = | one hundred and seventy one | 171 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
395 = three hundred and ninety five
67 = sixty seven
327 = three hundred and twenty seven
135 = one hundred and thirty five
83 = eighty three
380 = | three hundred and eighty | 380 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
227 = two hundred and twenty seven
283 = two hundred and eighty three
362 = three hundred and sixty two
219 = two hundred and nineteen
288 = two hundred and eighty eight
5 = | five | 5 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
58 = fifty eight
39 = thirty nine
484 = four hundred and eighty four
453 = four hundred and fifty three
354 = three hundred and fifty four
463 = | four hundred and sixty three | 463 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
77 = seventy seven
280 = two hundred and eighty
19 = nineteen
428 = four hundred and twenty eight
190 = one hundred and ninety
299 = | two hundred and ninety nine | 299 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
283 = two hundred and eighty three
76 = seventy six
221 = two hundred and twenty one
66 = sixty six
22 = twenty two
158 = | one hundred and fifty eight | 158 |
Please spell out the following numbers:
187 = one hundred and eighty seven
461 = four hundred and sixty one
478 = four hundred and seventy eight
408 = four hundred and eight
498 = four hundred and ninety eight
441 = | four hundred and forty one | 441 |
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