Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
0,"def show_slug_with_level(context, page, lang=None, fallback=True):
""""""Display slug with level by language.""""""
if not lang:
lang = context.get('lang', pages_settings.PAGE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE)
page = get_page_from_string_or_id(page, lang)
if not page:
return ''
return {'content': page.slug_with_level(lang)}"
1,"def show_revisions(context, page, content_type, lang=None):
""""""Render the last 10 revisions of a page content with a list using
the ``pages/revisions.html`` template""""""
if not pages_settings.PAGE_CONTENT_REVISION:
return {'revisions': None}
revisions = Content.objects.filter(page=page, language=lang,
if len(revisions) < 2:
return {'revisions': None}
return {'revisions': revisions[0:10]}"
2,"def do_videoplaceholder(parser, token):
Method that parse the imageplaceholder template tag.
name, params = parse_placeholder(parser, token)
return VideoPlaceholderNode(name, **params)"
3,"def do_get_pages_with_tag(parser, token):
Return Pages with given tag
{% get_pages_with_tag <tag name> as <varname> %}
Example use:
{% get_pages_with_tag ""footer"" as pages %}
bits = token.split_contents()
if 4 != len(bits):
raise TemplateSyntaxError('%r expects 2 arguments' % bits[0])
if bits[-2] != 'as':
raise TemplateSyntaxError(
'%r expects ""as"" as the second last argument' % bits[0])
varname = bits[-1]
tag = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])
varname = bits[-1]
return GetPagesWithTagNode(tag, varname)"
4,"def parserunstats(self):
""""""Parses the XML run statistics file (GenerateFASTQRunStatistics.xml). In some cases, the file is not
available. Equivalent data can be pulled from Basespace.Generate a text file name indexingQC.txt containing
the copied tables from the Indexing QC tab of the run on Basespace""""""
# metadata = GenObject()
# If the default file GenerateFASTQRunStatistics.xml is present, parse it
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.path, ""GenerateFASTQRunStatistics.xml"")):
# Create a list of keys for which values are to be extracted
datalist = [""SampleNumber"", ""SampleID"", ""SampleName"", ""NumberOfClustersPF""]
# Load the file as an xml ElementTree object
runstatistics = ElementTree.ElementTree(file=os.path.join(self.path, ""GenerateFASTQRunStatistics.xml""))
# Iterate through all the elements in the object
# .iterfind() allow for the matching and iterating though matches
# This is stored as a float to allow subsequent calculations
tclusterspf = [float(element.text) for element in runstatistics.iterfind(""RunStats/NumberOfClustersPF"")][0]
# Iterate through all the elements (strains) in the OverallSamples/SummarizedSampleStatistics category
for element in runstatistics.iterfind(""OverallSamples/SummarizedSampleStatistics""):
# List comprehension. Essentially iterate through each element for each category in datalist:
# (element.iter(category) and pull out the value for nestedelement
straindata = [nestedelement.text for category in datalist for nestedelement in element.iter(category)]
# Try and replicate the Illumina rules to create file names from ""Sample_Name""
samplename = samplenamer(straindata, 1)
# Calculate the percentage of clusters associated with each strain
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
percentperstrain = ""{:.2f}"".format((float(straindata[3]) / tclusterspf * 100))
# Use the sample number -1 as the index in the list of objects created in parsesamplesheet
strainindex = int(straindata[0]) - 1
# Set run to the .run object of self.samples[index]
run = self.samples[strainindex].run
# An assertion that compares the sample computer above to the previously entered sample name
# to ensure that the samples are the same
assert self.samples[strainindex].name == samplename, \
""Sample name does not match object name {0!r:s}"".format(straindata[1])
# Add the appropriate values to the strain metadata object
run.SampleNumber = straindata[0]
run.NumberofClustersPF = straindata[3]
run.TotalClustersinRun = tclusterspf
run.PercentOfClusters = percentperstrain
run.flowcell = self.flowcell
run.instrument = self.instrument
except IndexError:
elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.path, 'indexingQC.txt')):
# Grab the first element from the second line in the file
tclusterspf = float(getline(os.path.join(self.path, ""indexingQC.txt""), 2).split(""\t"")[0])
# Open the file and extract the relevant data
with open(os.path.join(""indexingQC.txt"")) as indexqc:
# Iterate through the file
for line in indexqc:
# Once ""Index"" is encountered, iterate through the rest of the file
if ""Index"" in line:
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio exists but content is empty.
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