stringlengths 3
cct duties |
cease-fire |
cedefop |
ceec |
cellulose |
cement |
census |
central america |
central asia |
central bank |
central greece |
central portugal |
centralisation of information |
centre |
cept |
ceramics |
cereal flour |
cereal product |
cereals |
certificate of origin |
cessation of farming |
cessation of trading |
ceuta and melilla |
cfsp |
chain store |
chamber of commerce and industry |
champagne |
champagne-ardenne |
change of job |
channel islands |
charcoal |
charge having equivalent effect |
charges for use of infrastructure |
chartering |
cheese |
chemical alcohol |
chemical compound |
chemical element |
chemical fertiliser |
chemical industry |
chemical pollution |
chemical process |
chemical product |
chemical salt |
chemical weapon |
cheque |
child |
child care |
child labour |
child of migrant |
child pornography |
child protection |
children's rights |
chile |
china |
chromium |
cid |
cider |
cif price |
cinema |
cis |
cis countries |
citizen-authority relations |
citizens' europe |
citrus fruit |
civil-law association |
civil aviation |
civil defence |
civil engineering |
civil law |
civil liability |
civil procedure |
civil proceedings |
civil servant |
civil service |
civil status |
civil war |
civilian personnel |
civilian victim |
claim |
clandestine worker |
classification |
clean technology |
clearing agreement |
climate |
climate change |
clock and watch industry |
closing of accounts |
clothing |
clothing industry |
cmea countries |
co-determination |
co-financing |
co-insurance |
coal |
coal industry |
coal mining |
coalmining policy |
coastal region |
cocoa |
Subsets and Splits