stringlengths 3
| decl
stringlengths 11
| bodies
stringlengths 8
'Determine Referrer-Policy to use from a parent Response (or URL),
and a Request to be sent.
- if a valid policy is set in Request meta, it is used.
- if the policy is set in meta but is wrong (e.g. a typo error),
the policy from settings is used
- if the policy is not set in Request meta,
but there is a Referrer-policy header in the parent response,
it is used if valid
- otherwise, the policy from settings is used.'
| def policy(self, resp_or_url, request):
| policy_name = request.meta.get('referrer_policy')
if (policy_name is None):
if isinstance(resp_or_url, Response):
policy_header = resp_or_url.headers.get('Referrer-Policy')
if (policy_header is not None):
policy_name = to_native_str(policy_header.decode('latin1'))
if (policy_name is None):
return self.default_policy()
cls = _load_policy_class(policy_name, warning_only=True)
return (cls() if cls else self.default_policy())
'Return True if a page without hash fragment could be "AJAX crawlable"
according to'
| def _has_ajax_crawlable_variant(self, response):
| body = response.text[:self.lookup_bytes]
return _has_ajaxcrawlable_meta(body)
':param prefix: string for setting keys
:return: dictionary of image pipeline settings'
| def _generate_fake_settings(self, prefix=None):
| def random_string():
return ''.join([chr(random.randint(97, 123)) for _ in range(10)])
settings = {'IMAGES_EXPIRES': random.randint(100, 1000), 'IMAGES_STORE': self.tempdir, 'IMAGES_RESULT_FIELD': random_string(), 'IMAGES_URLS_FIELD': random_string(), 'IMAGES_MIN_WIDTH': random.randint(1, 1000), 'IMAGES_MIN_HEIGHT': random.randint(1, 1000), 'IMAGES_THUMBS': {'small': (random.randint(1, 1000), random.randint(1, 1000)), 'big': (random.randint(1, 1000), random.randint(1, 1000))}}
if (not prefix):
return settings
return {(((prefix.upper() + '_') + k) if (k != 'IMAGES_STORE') else k): v for (k, v) in settings.items()}
':return: ImagePipeline class will all uppercase attributes set.'
| def _generate_fake_pipeline_subclass(self):
| class UserDefinedImagePipeline(ImagesPipeline, ):
MIN_WIDTH = random.randint(1000, 2000)
MIN_HEIGHT = random.randint(1000, 2000)
THUMBS = {'small': (random.randint(1000, 2000), random.randint(1000, 2000)), 'big': (random.randint(1000, 2000), random.randint(1000, 2000))}
EXPIRES = random.randint(1000, 2000)
IMAGES_URLS_FIELD = 'field_one'
return UserDefinedImagePipeline
'If there are two instances of ImagesPipeline class with different settings, they should
have different settings.'
| def test_different_settings_for_different_instances(self):
| custom_settings = self._generate_fake_settings()
default_settings = Settings()
default_sts_pipe = ImagesPipeline(self.tempdir, settings=default_settings)
user_sts_pipe = ImagesPipeline.from_settings(Settings(custom_settings))
for (pipe_attr, settings_attr) in self.img_cls_attribute_names:
expected_default_value = self.default_pipeline_settings.get(pipe_attr)
custom_value = custom_settings.get(settings_attr)
self.assertNotEqual(expected_default_value, custom_value)
self.assertEqual(getattr(default_sts_pipe, pipe_attr.lower()), expected_default_value)
self.assertEqual(getattr(user_sts_pipe, pipe_attr.lower()), custom_value)
'If image settings are not defined at all subclass of ImagePipeline takes values
from class attributes.'
| def test_subclass_attrs_preserved_default_settings(self):
| pipeline_cls = self._generate_fake_pipeline_subclass()
pipeline = pipeline_cls.from_settings(Settings({'IMAGES_STORE': self.tempdir}))
for (pipe_attr, settings_attr) in self.img_cls_attribute_names:
attr_value = getattr(pipeline, pipe_attr.lower())
self.assertNotEqual(attr_value, self.default_pipeline_settings[pipe_attr])
self.assertEqual(attr_value, getattr(pipeline, pipe_attr))
'If image settings are defined but they are not defined for subclass default
values taken from settings should be preserved.'
| def test_subclass_attrs_preserved_custom_settings(self):
| pipeline_cls = self._generate_fake_pipeline_subclass()
settings = self._generate_fake_settings()
pipeline = pipeline_cls.from_settings(Settings(settings))
for (pipe_attr, settings_attr) in self.img_cls_attribute_names:
value = getattr(pipeline, pipe_attr.lower())
self.assertNotEqual(value, self.default_pipeline_settings[pipe_attr])
setings_value = settings.get(settings_attr)
self.assertEqual(value, setings_value)
'If there are no settings for subclass and no subclass attributes, pipeline should use
attributes of base class.'
| def test_no_custom_settings_for_subclasses(self):
| class UserDefinedImagePipeline(ImagesPipeline, ):
user_pipeline = UserDefinedImagePipeline.from_settings(Settings({'IMAGES_STORE': self.tempdir}))
for (pipe_attr, settings_attr) in self.img_cls_attribute_names:
custom_value = self.default_pipeline_settings.get(pipe_attr.upper())
self.assertEqual(getattr(user_pipeline, pipe_attr.lower()), custom_value)
'If there are custom settings for subclass and NO class attributes, pipeline should use custom
| def test_custom_settings_for_subclasses(self):
| class UserDefinedImagePipeline(ImagesPipeline, ):
prefix = UserDefinedImagePipeline.__name__.upper()
settings = self._generate_fake_settings(prefix=prefix)
user_pipeline = UserDefinedImagePipeline.from_settings(Settings(settings))
for (pipe_attr, settings_attr) in self.img_cls_attribute_names:
custom_value = settings.get(((prefix + '_') + settings_attr))
self.assertNotEqual(custom_value, self.default_pipeline_settings[pipe_attr])
self.assertEqual(getattr(user_pipeline, pipe_attr.lower()), custom_value)
'If there are custom settings for subclass AND class attributes
setting keys are preferred and override attributes.'
| def test_custom_settings_and_class_attrs_for_subclasses(self):
| pipeline_cls = self._generate_fake_pipeline_subclass()
prefix = pipeline_cls.__name__.upper()
settings = self._generate_fake_settings(prefix=prefix)
user_pipeline = pipeline_cls.from_settings(Settings(settings))
for (pipe_attr, settings_attr) in self.img_cls_attribute_names:
custom_value = settings.get(((prefix + '_') + settings_attr))
self.assertNotEqual(custom_value, self.default_pipeline_settings[pipe_attr])
self.assertEqual(getattr(user_pipeline, pipe_attr.lower()), custom_value)
'Test situation when user defines subclass of ImagePipeline,
but uses attribute names for default pipeline (without prefixing
them with pipeline class name).'
| def test_user_defined_subclass_default_key_names(self):
| settings = self._generate_fake_settings()
class UserPipe(ImagesPipeline, ):
pipeline_cls = UserPipe.from_settings(Settings(settings))
for (pipe_attr, settings_attr) in self.img_cls_attribute_names:
expected_value = settings.get(settings_attr)
self.assertEqual(getattr(pipeline_cls, pipe_attr.lower()), expected_value)
'Referer header is set by RefererMiddleware unless it is already set'
| @defer.inlineCallbacks
def test_referer_header(self):
| req0 = Request('http://localhost:8998/echo?headers=1&body=0', dont_filter=1)
req1 = req0.replace()
req2 = req0.replace(headers={'Referer': None})
req3 = req0.replace(headers={'Referer': ''})
req0.meta['next'] = req1
req1.meta['next'] = req2
req2.meta['next'] = req3
crawler = self.runner.create_crawler(SingleRequestSpider)
(yield crawler.crawl(seed=req0))
self.assertIn('responses', crawler.spider.meta)
self.assertNotIn('failures', crawler.spider.meta)
echo0 = json.loads(to_unicode(crawler.spider.meta['responses'][2].body))
self.assertNotIn('Referer', echo0['headers'])
echo1 = json.loads(to_unicode(crawler.spider.meta['responses'][1].body))
self.assertEqual(echo1['headers'].get('Referer'), [req0.url])
echo2 = json.loads(to_unicode(crawler.spider.meta['responses'][2].body))
self.assertNotIn('Referer', echo2['headers'])
echo3 = json.loads(to_unicode(crawler.spider.meta['responses'][3].body))
self.assertEqual(echo3['headers'].get('Referer'), [''])
'Test whether errors happening anywhere in Crawler.crawl() are properly
reported (and not somehow swallowed) after a graceful engine shutdown.
The errors should not come from within Scrapy\'s core but from within
spiders/middlewares/etc., e.g. raised in Spider.start_requests(),
SpiderMiddleware.process_start_requests(), etc.'
| @defer.inlineCallbacks
def test_graceful_crawl_error_handling(self):
| class TestError(Exception, ):
class FaultySpider(SimpleSpider, ):
def start_requests(self):
raise TestError
crawler = self.runner.create_crawler(FaultySpider)
(yield self.assertFailure(crawler.crawl(), TestError))
'Test that the resulting urls are str objects'
| def test_urls_type(self):
| lx = self.extractor_cls()
self.assertTrue(all((isinstance(link.url, str) for link in lx.extract_links(self.response))))
'Test the extractor\'s behaviour among different situations'
| def test_extraction_using_single_values(self):
| lx = self.extractor_cls(allow='sample')
self.assertEqual([link for link in lx.extract_links(self.response)], [Link(url='', text=u''), Link(url='', text=u'sample 2'), Link(url='', text=u'sample 3 text'), Link(url='', text='sample 3 repetition with fragment')])
lx = self.extractor_cls(allow='sample', deny='3')
self.assertEqual([link for link in lx.extract_links(self.response)], [Link(url='', text=u''), Link(url='', text=u'sample 2')])
lx = self.extractor_cls(allow_domains='')
self.assertEqual([link for link in lx.extract_links(self.response)], [Link(url='', text=u'')])
lx = self.extractor_cls(deny_domains='')
self.assertEqual([link for link in lx.extract_links(self.response)], [Link(url='', text=u'')])
'Test the extractor\'s behaviour for links with rel="nofollow"'
| def test_nofollow(self):
| html = '<html><head><title>Page title<title>\n <body>\n <div class=\'links\'>\n <p><a href="/about.html">About us</a></p>\n </div>\n <div>\n <p><a href="/follow.html">Follow this link</a></p>\n </div>\n <div>\n <p><a href="/nofollow.html" rel="nofollow">Dont follow this one</a></p>\n </div>\n <div>\n <p><a href="/nofollow2.html" rel="blah">Choose to follow or not</a></p>\n </div>\n <div>\n <p><a href="" rel="external nofollow">External link not to follow</a></p>\n </div>\n </body></html>'
response = HtmlResponse('', body=html)
lx = self.extractor_cls()
self.assertEqual(lx.extract_links(response), [Link(url='', text=u'About us'), Link(url='', text=u'Follow this link'), Link(url='', text=u'Dont follow this one', nofollow=True), Link(url='', text=u'Choose to follow or not'), Link(url='', text=u'External link not to follow', nofollow=True)])
'Test restrict_xpaths with encodings'
| def test_restrict_xpaths_encoding(self):
| html = '<html><head><title>Page title<title>\n <body><p><a href="item/12.html">Item 12</a></p>\n <div class=\'links\'>\n <p><a href="/about.html">About us\xa3</a></p>\n </div>\n <div>\n <p><a href="/nofollow.html">This shouldn\'t be followed</a></p>\n </div>\n </body></html>'
response = HtmlResponse('', body=html, encoding='windows-1252')
lx = self.extractor_cls(restrict_xpaths="//div[@class='links']")
self.assertEqual(lx.extract_links(response), [Link(url='', text=u'About us\xa3')])
'html entities cause SGMLParser to call handle_data hook twice'
| def test_restrict_xpaths_concat_in_handle_data(self):
| body = '<html><body><div><a href="/foo">>\xbe\xa9<\xb6\xab</a></body></html>'
response = HtmlResponse('', body=body, encoding='gb18030')
lx = self.extractor_cls(restrict_xpaths='//div')
self.assertEqual(lx.extract_links(response), [Link(url='', text=u'>\u4eac<\u4e1c', fragment='', nofollow=False)])
'Test restrict_xpaths with encodings'
| def test_process_value(self):
| html = '\n <a href="javascript:goToPage(\'../other/page.html\',\'photo\',\'width=600,height=540,scrollbars\'); return false">Link text</a>\n <a href="/about.html">About us</a>\n '
response = HtmlResponse('', body=html, encoding='windows-1252')
def process_value(value):
m ="javascript:goToPage\\('(.*?)'", value)
if m:
lx = self.extractor_cls(process_value=process_value)
self.assertEqual(lx.extract_links(response), [Link(url='', text='Link text')])
'If there are different instances with different settings they should keep
different settings.'
| def test_different_settings_for_different_instances(self):
| custom_settings = self._generate_fake_settings()
another_pipeline = FilesPipeline.from_settings(Settings(custom_settings))
one_pipeline = FilesPipeline(self.tempdir)
for (pipe_attr, settings_attr, pipe_ins_attr) in self.file_cls_attr_settings_map:
default_value = self.default_cls_settings[pipe_attr]
self.assertEqual(getattr(one_pipeline, pipe_attr), default_value)
custom_value = custom_settings[settings_attr]
self.assertNotEqual(default_value, custom_value)
self.assertEqual(getattr(another_pipeline, pipe_ins_attr), custom_value)
'If subclasses override class attributes and there are no special settings those values should be kept.'
| def test_subclass_attributes_preserved_if_no_settings(self):
| pipe_cls = self._generate_fake_pipeline()
pipe = pipe_cls.from_settings(Settings({'FILES_STORE': self.tempdir}))
for (pipe_attr, settings_attr, pipe_ins_attr) in self.file_cls_attr_settings_map:
custom_value = getattr(pipe, pipe_ins_attr)
self.assertNotEqual(custom_value, self.default_cls_settings[pipe_attr])
self.assertEqual(getattr(pipe, pipe_ins_attr), getattr(pipe, pipe_attr))
'If file settings are defined but they are not defined for subclass
settings should be preserved.'
| def test_subclass_attrs_preserved_custom_settings(self):
| pipeline_cls = self._generate_fake_pipeline()
settings = self._generate_fake_settings()
pipeline = pipeline_cls.from_settings(Settings(settings))
for (pipe_attr, settings_attr, pipe_ins_attr) in self.file_cls_attr_settings_map:
value = getattr(pipeline, pipe_ins_attr)
setting_value = settings.get(settings_attr)
self.assertNotEqual(value, self.default_cls_settings[pipe_attr])
self.assertEqual(value, setting_value)
'If there are no settings for subclass and no subclass attributes, pipeline should use
attributes of base class.'
| def test_no_custom_settings_for_subclasses(self):
| class UserDefinedFilesPipeline(FilesPipeline, ):
user_pipeline = UserDefinedFilesPipeline.from_settings(Settings({'FILES_STORE': self.tempdir}))
for (pipe_attr, settings_attr, pipe_ins_attr) in self.file_cls_attr_settings_map:
custom_value = self.default_cls_settings.get(pipe_attr.upper())
self.assertEqual(getattr(user_pipeline, pipe_ins_attr), custom_value)
'If there are custom settings for subclass and NO class attributes, pipeline should use custom
| def test_custom_settings_for_subclasses(self):
| class UserDefinedFilesPipeline(FilesPipeline, ):
prefix = UserDefinedFilesPipeline.__name__.upper()
settings = self._generate_fake_settings(prefix=prefix)
user_pipeline = UserDefinedFilesPipeline.from_settings(Settings(settings))
for (pipe_attr, settings_attr, pipe_inst_attr) in self.file_cls_attr_settings_map:
custom_value = settings.get(((prefix + '_') + settings_attr))
self.assertNotEqual(custom_value, self.default_cls_settings[pipe_attr])
self.assertEqual(getattr(user_pipeline, pipe_inst_attr), custom_value)
'If there are custom settings for subclass AND class attributes
setting keys are preferred and override attributes.'
| def test_custom_settings_and_class_attrs_for_subclasses(self):
| pipeline_cls = self._generate_fake_pipeline()
prefix = pipeline_cls.__name__.upper()
settings = self._generate_fake_settings(prefix=prefix)
user_pipeline = pipeline_cls.from_settings(Settings(settings))
for (pipe_cls_attr, settings_attr, pipe_inst_attr) in self.file_cls_attr_settings_map:
custom_value = settings.get(((prefix + '_') + settings_attr))
self.assertNotEqual(custom_value, self.default_cls_settings[pipe_cls_attr])
self.assertEqual(getattr(user_pipeline, pipe_inst_attr), custom_value)
'Test situation when user defines subclass of FilesPipeline,
but uses attribute names for default pipeline (without prefixing
them with pipeline class name).'
| def test_user_defined_subclass_default_key_names(self):
| settings = self._generate_fake_settings()
class UserPipe(FilesPipeline, ):
pipeline_cls = UserPipe.from_settings(Settings(settings))
for (pipe_attr, settings_attr, pipe_inst_attr) in self.file_cls_attr_settings_map:
expected_value = settings.get(settings_attr)
self.assertEqual(getattr(pipeline_cls, pipe_inst_attr), expected_value)
'Constructor arguments are assigned to spider attributes'
| def test_spider_args(self):
| spider = self.spider_class('', foo='bar')
self.assertEqual(, 'bar')
'Constructor arguments are assigned to spider attributes'
| def test_spider_without_name(self):
| self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.spider_class)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.spider_class, somearg='foo')
'If a rule matches the URL, use it\'s defined callback.'
| @defer.inlineCallbacks
def test_crawlspider_matching_rule_callback_set(self):
| (status, out, stderr) = (yield self.execute(['--spider', ('goodcrawl' + self.spider_name), '-r', self.url('/html')]))
self.assertIn("[{}, {'foo': 'bar'}]", to_native_str(out))
'If a rule match but it has no callback set, use the \'parse\' callback.'
| @defer.inlineCallbacks
def test_crawlspider_matching_rule_default_callback(self):
| (status, out, stderr) = (yield self.execute(['--spider', ('goodcrawl' + self.spider_name), '-r', self.url('/text')]))
self.assertIn("[{}, {'nomatch': 'default'}]", to_native_str(out))
'Using -r with a spider with no rule should not produce items.'
| @defer.inlineCallbacks
def test_spider_with_no_rules_attribute(self):
| (status, out, stderr) = (yield self.execute(['--spider', self.spider_name, '-r', self.url('/html')]))
self.assertRegexpMatches(to_native_str(out), '# Scraped Items -+\n\\[\\]')
self.assertIn('No CrawlSpider rules found', to_native_str(stderr))
'The requested URL has no matching rule, so no items should be scraped'
| @defer.inlineCallbacks
def test_crawlspider_no_matching_rule(self):
| (status, out, stderr) = (yield self.execute(['--spider', ('badcrawl' + self.spider_name), '-r', self.url('/enc-gb18030')]))
self.assertRegexpMatches(to_native_str(out), '# Scraped Items -+\n\\[\\]')
self.assertIn('Cannot find a rule that matches', to_native_str(stderr))
'L{client._parse} should return C{str} for the scheme, host, and path
elements of its return tuple, even when passed an URL which has
previously been passed to L{urlparse} as a C{unicode} string.'
| def test_externalUnicodeInterference(self):
| if (not six.PY2):
raise unittest.SkipTest('Applies only to Py2, as urls can be ONLY unicode on Py3')
badInput = u''
goodInput = badInput.encode('ascii')
(scheme, netloc, host, port, path) = self._parse(goodInput)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(scheme, str))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(netloc, str))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(host, str))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(path, str))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(port, int))
'L{client.getPage} returns a L{Deferred} which is called back with
the body of the response if the default method B{GET} is used.'
| def test_getPage(self):
| d = getPage(self.getURL('file'))
d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '0123456789')
return d
'L{client.getPage} returns a L{Deferred} which is called back with
the empty string if the method is C{HEAD} and there is a successful
response code.'
| def test_getPageHead(self):
| def _getPage(method):
return getPage(self.getURL('file'), method=method)
return defer.gatherResults([_getPage('head').addCallback(self.assertEqual, ''), _getPage('HEAD').addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')])
'When a non-zero timeout is passed to L{getPage} and the page is
retrieved before the timeout period elapses, the L{Deferred} is
called back with the contents of the page.'
| def test_timeoutNotTriggering(self):
| d = getPage(self.getURL('host'), timeout=100)
d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, to_bytes(('' % self.portno)))
return d
'When a non-zero timeout is passed to L{getPage} and that many
seconds elapse before the server responds to the request. the
L{Deferred} is errbacked with a L{error.TimeoutError}.'
| def test_timeoutTriggering(self):
| finished = self.assertFailure(getPage(self.getURL('wait'), timeout=1e-06), defer.TimeoutError)
def cleanup(passthrough):
connected = list(six.iterkeys(self.wrapper.protocols))
if connected:
return passthrough
return finished
'Test that non-standart body encoding matches
Content-Encoding header'
| def test_encoding(self):
| body = '\xd0\x81\xd1\x8e\xd0\xaf'
return getPage(self.getURL('encoding'), body=body, response_transform=(lambda r: r)).addCallback(self._check_Encoding, body)
'Example taken from:'
| def test_decode_chunked_transfer(self):
| chunked_body = ('25\r\n' + 'This is the data in the first chunk\r\n\r\n')
chunked_body += ('1C\r\n' + 'and this is the second one\r\n\r\n')
chunked_body += ('3\r\n' + 'con\r\n')
chunked_body += ('8\r\n' + 'sequence\r\n')
chunked_body += '0\r\n\r\n'
body = decode_chunked_transfer(chunked_body)
self.assertEqual(body, (('This is the data in the first chunk\r\n' + 'and this is the second one\r\n') + 'consequence'))
'Test that a gzip Content-Encoded .gz file is gunzipped
only once by the middleware, leaving gunzipping of the file
to upper layers.'
| def test_process_response_gzipped_gzip_file(self):
| headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/gzip', 'Content-Encoding': 'gzip'}
f = BytesIO()
plainbody = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<urlset xmlns="">\n <url>\n <loc></loc>\n <lastmod>2009-08-16</lastmod>\n <changefreq>daily</changefreq>\n <priority>1</priority>\n </url>\n <url>\n <loc></loc>\n <lastmod>2009-08-16</lastmod>\n <changefreq>weekly</changefreq>\n <priority>0.8</priority>\n </url>\n</urlset>'
gz_file = GzipFile(fileobj=f, mode='wb')
r = BytesIO()
gz_resp = GzipFile(fileobj=r, mode='wb')
response = Response('http;//', headers=headers, body=r.getvalue())
request = Request('')
newresponse =, response, self.spider)
self.assertEqual(gunzip(newresponse.body), plainbody)
'Test Response copy'
| def test_copy(self):
| r1 = self.response_class('', body='Some body')
r2 = r1.copy()
self.assertEqual(r1.status, r2.status)
self.assertEqual(r1.body, r2.body)
assert (r1.flags is not r2.flags), 'flags must be a shallow copy, not identical'
self.assertEqual(r1.flags, r2.flags)
assert (r1.headers is not r2.headers), 'headers must be a shallow copy, not identical'
self.assertEqual(r1.headers, r2.headers)
'Test Response children copies preserve their class'
| def test_copy_inherited_classes(self):
| class CustomResponse(self.response_class, ):
r1 = CustomResponse('')
r2 = r1.copy()
assert (type(r2) is CustomResponse)
'Test Response.replace() method'
| def test_replace(self):
| hdrs = Headers({'key': 'value'})
r1 = self.response_class('')
r2 = r1.replace(status=301, body='New body', headers=hdrs)
assert (r1.body == '')
self.assertEqual(r1.url, r2.url)
self.assertEqual((r1.status, r2.status), (200, 301))
self.assertEqual((r1.body, r2.body), ('', 'New body'))
self.assertEqual((r1.headers, r2.headers), ({}, hdrs))
r3 = self.response_class('', flags=['cached'])
r4 = r3.replace(body='', flags=[])
self.assertEqual(r4.body, '')
self.assertEqual(r4.flags, [])
'Test urljoin shortcut (only for existence, since behavior equals urljoin)'
| def test_urljoin(self):
| joined = self.response_class('').urljoin('/test')
absolute = ''
self.assertEqual(joined, absolute)
'Check that unknown declared encodings are ignored'
| def test_declared_encoding_invalid(self):
| r = self.response_class('', headers={'Content-type': ['text/html; charset=UKNOWN']}, body='\xc2\xa3')
self.assertEqual(r._declared_encoding(), None)
self._assert_response_values(r, 'utf-8', u'\xa3')
'Test utf-16 because UnicodeDammit is known to have problems with'
| def test_utf16(self):
| r = self.response_class('', body='\xff\xfeh\x00i\x00', encoding='utf-16')
self._assert_response_values(r, 'utf-16', u'hi')
'Test invalid chars are replaced properly'
| def test_replace_wrong_encoding(self):
| r = self.response_class('', encoding='utf-8', body='PREFIX\xe3\xabSUFFIX')
assert (u'\ufffd' in r.text), repr(r.text)
assert (u'PREFIX' in r.text), repr(r.text)
assert (u'SUFFIX' in r.text), repr(r.text)
r = self.response_class('', encoding='utf-8', body='\xf0<span>value</span>')
assert (u'<span>value</span>' in r.text), repr(r.text)
'Test urljoin shortcut which also evaluates base-url through get_base_url().'
| def test_urljoin_with_base_url(self):
| body = '<html><body><base href=""></body></html>'
joined = self.response_class('', body=body).urljoin('/test')
absolute = ''
self.assertEqual(joined, absolute)
body = '<html><body><base href="/elsewhere"></body></html>'
joined = self.response_class('', body=body).urljoin('test')
absolute = ''
self.assertEqual(joined, absolute)
body = '<html><body><base href="/elsewhere/"></body></html>'
joined = self.response_class('', body=body).urljoin('test')
absolute = ''
self.assertEqual(joined, absolute)
'Run spider with specified settings; return exported data.'
| @defer.inlineCallbacks
def run_and_export(self, spider_cls, settings=None):
| tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
res_name = (tmpdir + '/res')
defaults = {'FEED_URI': ('file://' + res_name), 'FEED_FORMAT': 'csv'}
defaults.update((settings or {}))
with MockServer() as s:
runner = CrawlerRunner(Settings(defaults))
(yield runner.crawl(spider_cls))
with open(res_name, 'rb') as f:
'Return exported data which a spider yielding ``items`` would return.'
| @defer.inlineCallbacks
def exported_data(self, items, settings):
| class TestSpider(scrapy.Spider, ):
name = 'testspider'
start_urls = ['http://localhost:8998/']
def parse(self, response):
for item in items:
(yield item)
data = (yield self.run_and_export(TestSpider, settings))
'Return exported data which a spider yielding no ``items`` would return.'
| @defer.inlineCallbacks
def exported_no_data(self, settings):
| class TestSpider(scrapy.Spider, ):
name = 'testspider'
start_urls = ['http://localhost:8998/']
def parse(self, response):
data = (yield self.run_and_export(TestSpider, settings))
'Assert we can deal with trailing spaces inside <loc> tags - we\'ve
seen those'
| def test_sitemap_strip(self):
| s = Sitemap('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<urlset xmlns="">\n <url>\n <loc></loc>\n <lastmod>2009-08-16</lastmod>\n <changefreq>daily</changefreq>\n <priority>1</priority>\n </url>\n <url>\n <loc></loc>\n <lastmod />\n </url>\n</urlset>\n')
self.assertEqual(list(s), [{'priority': '1', 'loc': '', 'lastmod': '2009-08-16', 'changefreq': 'daily'}, {'loc': '', 'lastmod': ''}])
'We have seen sitemaps with wrongs ns. Presumably, Google still works
with these, though is not 100% confirmed'
| def test_sitemap_wrong_ns(self):
| s = Sitemap('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<urlset xmlns="">\n <url xmlns="">\n <loc></loc>\n <lastmod>2009-08-16</lastmod>\n <changefreq>daily</changefreq>\n <priority>1</priority>\n </url>\n <url xmlns="">\n <loc></loc>\n <lastmod />\n </url>\n</urlset>\n')
self.assertEqual(list(s), [{'priority': '1', 'loc': '', 'lastmod': '2009-08-16', 'changefreq': 'daily'}, {'loc': '', 'lastmod': ''}])
'We have seen sitemaps with wrongs ns. Presumably, Google still works
with these, though is not 100% confirmed'
| def test_sitemap_wrong_ns2(self):
| s = Sitemap('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<urlset>\n <url xmlns="">\n <loc></loc>\n <lastmod>2009-08-16</lastmod>\n <changefreq>daily</changefreq>\n <priority>1</priority>\n </url>\n <url xmlns="">\n <loc></loc>\n <lastmod />\n </url>\n</urlset>\n')
assert (s.type == 'urlset')
self.assertEqual(list(s), [{'priority': '1', 'loc': '', 'lastmod': '2009-08-16', 'changefreq': 'daily'}, {'loc': '', 'lastmod': ''}])
'Assert we can deal with starting blank lines before <xml> tag'
| def test_sitemap_blanklines(self):
| s = Sitemap('\n<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<sitemapindex xmlns="">\n\n<!-- cache: cached = yes name = sitemap_jspCache key = sitemap -->\n<sitemap>\n<loc></loc>\n<lastmod>2013-07-15</lastmod>\n</sitemap>\n\n<sitemap>\n<loc></loc>\n<lastmod>2013-07-15</lastmod>\n</sitemap>\n\n<sitemap>\n<loc></loc>\n<lastmod>2013-07-15</lastmod>\n</sitemap>\n\n<!-- end cache -->\n</sitemapindex>\n')
self.assertEqual(list(s), [{'lastmod': '2013-07-15', 'loc': ''}, {'lastmod': '2013-07-15', 'loc': ''}, {'lastmod': '2013-07-15', 'loc': ''}])
'method which returns request
@returns requests 1'
| def returns_request(self, response):
| return Request('', callback=self.returns_item)
'method which returns item
@returns items 1 1'
| def returns_item(self, response):
| return TestItem(url=response.url)
'method which returns item
@returns items 1 1'
| def returns_dict_item(self, response):
| return {'url': response.url}
'method which returns item
@returns items 0 0'
| def returns_fail(self, response):
| return TestItem(url=response.url)
'method which returns item
@returns items 0 0'
| def returns_dict_fail(self, response):
| return {'url': response.url}
'returns item with name and url
@returns items 1 1
@scrapes name url'
| def scrapes_item_ok(self, response):
| return TestItem(name='test', url=response.url)
'returns item with name and url
@returns items 1 1
@scrapes name url'
| def scrapes_dict_item_ok(self, response):
| return {'name': 'test', 'url': response.url}
'returns item with no name
@returns items 1 1
@scrapes name url'
| def scrapes_item_fail(self, response):
| return TestItem(url=response.url)
'returns item with no name
@returns items 1 1
@scrapes name url'
| def scrapes_dict_item_fail(self, response):
| return {'url': response.url}
'method with no url
@returns items 1 1'
| def parse_no_url(self, response):
| pass
'Test if customization of request_fingerprint method will change
output of request_seen.'
| def test_request_fingerprint(self):
| r1 = Request('')
r2 = Request('')
dupefilter = RFPDupeFilter()
assert (not dupefilter.request_seen(r1))
assert (not dupefilter.request_seen(r2))
class CaseInsensitiveRFPDupeFilter(RFPDupeFilter, ):
def request_fingerprint(self, request):
fp = hashlib.sha1()
return fp.hexdigest()
case_insensitive_dupefilter = CaseInsensitiveRFPDupeFilter()
assert (not case_insensitive_dupefilter.request_seen(r1))
assert case_insensitive_dupefilter.request_seen(r2)
'Anything that is not in the supplied sequence will evaluate as \'in\' the container.'
| def test_set(self):
| seq = set([(-3), 'test', 1.1])
d = SequenceExclude(seq)
self.assertIn(0, d)
self.assertIn('foo', d)
self.assertIn(3.14, d)
self.assertIn(set('bar'), d)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, ((0, 1, 2) in d))
self.assertRaises(TypeError, d.__contains__, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
for v in [(-3), 'test', 1.1]:
self.assertNotIn(v, d)
'Simple selector tests'
| def test_simple_selection(self):
| body = "<p><input name='a'value='1'/><input name='b'value='2'/></p>"
response = TextResponse(url='', body=body, encoding='utf-8')
sel = Selector(response)
xl = sel.xpath('//input')
self.assertEqual(2, len(xl))
for x in xl:
assert isinstance(x, Selector)
self.assertEqual(sel.xpath('//input').extract(), [x.extract() for x in sel.xpath('//input')])
self.assertEqual([x.extract() for x in sel.xpath("//input[@name='a']/@name")], [u'a'])
self.assertEqual([x.extract() for x in sel.xpath("number(concat(//input[@name='a']/@value, //input[@name='b']/@value))")], [u'12.0'])
self.assertEqual(sel.xpath("concat('xpath', 'rules')").extract(), [u'xpathrules'])
self.assertEqual([x.extract() for x in sel.xpath("concat(//input[@name='a']/@value, //input[@name='b']/@value)")], [u'12'])
'Check that classes are using slots and are weak-referenceable'
| def test_weakref_slots(self):
| x = Selector(text='')
assert (not hasattr(x, '__dict__')), ('%s does not use __slots__' % x.__class__.__name__)
'Executes downloader mw manager\'s download method and returns
the result (Request or Response) or raise exception in case of
| def _download(self, request, response=None):
| if (not response):
response = Response(request.url)
def download_func(**kwargs):
return response
dfd =, request, self.spider)
results = []
ret = results[0]
if isinstance(ret, Failure):
return ret
'Regression test for a failure when redirecting a compressed
This happens when httpcompression middleware is executed before redirect
middleware and attempts to decompress a non-compressed body.
In particular when some website returns a 30x response with header
\'Content-Encoding: gzip\' giving as result the error below:
exceptions.IOError: Not a gzipped file'
| def test_3xx_and_invalid_gzipped_body_must_redirect(self):
| req = Request('')
body = '<p>You are being redirected</p>'
resp = Response(req.url, status=302, body=body, headers={'Content-Length': str(len(body)), 'Content-Type': 'text/html', 'Content-Encoding': 'gzip', 'Location': ''})
ret = self._download(request=req, response=resp)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(ret, Request), 'Not redirected: {0!r}'.format(ret))
self.assertEqual(to_bytes(ret.url), resp.headers['Location'], 'Not redirected to location header')
'Record a signal and its parameters'
| def record_signal(self, *args, **kwargs):
| signalargs = kwargs.copy()
sig = signalargs.pop('signal')
signalargs.pop('sender', None)
self.signals_catched[sig] = signalargs
'Tests if "Content-Length: 0" is sent for bodyless POST requests.
This is not strictly required by HTTP RFCs but can cause trouble
for some web servers.
| def test_content_length_zero_bodyless_post_request_headers(self):
| def _test(response):
self.assertEqual(response.body, '0')
request = Request(self.getURL('contentlength'), method='POST', headers={'Host': ''})
return self.download_request(request, Spider('foo')).addCallback(_test)
'Tests choosing of correct response type
in case of Content-Type is empty but body contains text.'
| def test_response_class_choosing_request(self):
| body = 'Some plain text\ndata with tabs DCTB and null bytes\x00'
def _test_type(response):
self.assertEqual(type(response), TextResponse)
request = Request(self.getURL('nocontenttype'), body=body)
d = self.download_request(request, Spider('foo'))
return d
'Test TunnelingTCP4ClientEndpoint'
| @defer.inlineCallbacks
def test_download_with_proxy_https_timeout(self):
| http_proxy = self.getURL('')
domain = 'https://no-such-domain.nosuch'
request = Request(domain, meta={'proxy': http_proxy, 'download_timeout': 0.2})
d = self.download_request(request, Spider('foo'))
timeout = (yield self.assertFailure(d, error.TimeoutError))
self.assertIn(domain, timeout.osError)
'Test that calling `fetch(url)` follows HTTP redirects by default.'
| @defer.inlineCallbacks
def test_fetch_redirect_follow_302(self):
| url = self.url('/redirect-no-meta-refresh')
code = "fetch('{0}')"
(errcode, out, errout) = (yield self.execute(['-c', code.format(url)]))
self.assertEqual(errcode, 0, out)
assert ('Redirecting (302)' in errout)
assert ('Crawled (200)' in errout)
'Test that calling `fetch(url, redirect=False)` disables automatic redirects.'
| @defer.inlineCallbacks
def test_fetch_redirect_not_follow_302(self):
| url = self.url('/redirect-no-meta-refresh')
code = "fetch('{0}', redirect=False)"
(errcode, out, errout) = (yield self.execute(['-c', code.format(url)]))
self.assertEqual(errcode, 0, out)
assert ('Crawled (302)' in errout)
'Test Request copy'
| def test_copy(self):
| def somecallback():
r1 = self.request_class('', callback=somecallback, errback=somecallback)
r1.meta['foo'] = 'bar'
r2 = r1.copy()
assert (r1.callback is somecallback)
assert (r1.errback is somecallback)
assert (r2.callback is r1.callback)
assert (r2.errback is r2.errback)
assert (r1.meta is not r2.meta), 'meta must be a shallow copy, not identical'
self.assertEqual(r1.meta, r2.meta)
assert (r1.headers is not r2.headers), 'headers must be a shallow copy, not identical'
self.assertEqual(r1.headers, r2.headers)
self.assertEqual(r1.encoding, r2.encoding)
self.assertEqual(r1.dont_filter, r2.dont_filter)
'Test Request children copies preserve their class'
| def test_copy_inherited_classes(self):
| class CustomRequest(self.request_class, ):
r1 = CustomRequest('')
r2 = r1.copy()
assert (type(r2) is CustomRequest)
'Test Request.replace() method'
| def test_replace(self):
| r1 = self.request_class('', method='GET')
hdrs = Headers(r1.headers)
hdrs['key'] = 'value'
r2 = r1.replace(method='POST', body='New body', headers=hdrs)
self.assertEqual(r1.url, r2.url)
self.assertEqual((r1.method, r2.method), ('GET', 'POST'))
self.assertEqual((r1.body, r2.body), ('', 'New body'))
self.assertEqual((r1.headers, r2.headers), (self.default_headers, hdrs))
r3 = self.request_class('', meta={'a': 1}, dont_filter=True)
r4 = r3.replace(url='', body='', meta={}, dont_filter=False)
self.assertEqual(r4.url, '')
self.assertEqual(r4.body, '')
self.assertEqual(r4.meta, {})
assert (r4.dont_filter is False)
'ipdata (Maxmind, functions'
| def test_data(self):
| (res, out, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'ipdata', ''])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
self.assertEqual(out, '\n')
res = RUN(['ivre', 'ipdata', '--init'], stdin=open(os.devnull))[0]
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
(res, out, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'ipdata', ''])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
self.assertEqual(out, '\n')
res = RUN(['ivre', 'ipdata', '--download'])[0]
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
res = RUN(['ivre', 'ipdata', '--import-all', '--no-update-passive-db'])[0]
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
(res, out, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'ipdata', ''])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
out = sorted(((' coordinates (37.751, -97.822)' if (x == ' coordinates (37.750999999999998, -97.822000000000003)') else x) for x in out.splitlines()))
self.assertEqual(out, sorted('\n as_num 15169\n as_name Google Inc.\n coordinates (37.751, -97.822)\n country_code US\n country_name United States\n'.splitlines()))
(res, out, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--output', 'Count', '--asnum', '15169'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
self.assertEqual(out, 'AS15169 has 2685951 IPs.\n')
(res, out, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--output', 'Count', '--country', 'US'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
self.assertEqual(out, 'US has 1595080627 IPs.\n')
(res, out, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--output', 'List', '--country', 'A2'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
self.assertEqual(out, ' -\n57.72.6.0 -\n62.56.206.0 -\n62.128.160.0 -\n62.128.167.0 -\n62.145.35.0 -\n77.220.0.0 -\n78.41.29.0 -\n78.41.227.0 -\n80.78.16.152 -\n80.78.16.192 -\n80.78.16.224 -\n80.78.19.57 -\n80.78.19.233 -\n80.231.5.0 -\n82.206.239.0 -\n83.229.22.0 -\n84.22.67.0 -\n86.62.5.0 -\n86.62.30.0 -\n87.234.247.0 -\n93.93.101.96 -\n93.93.102.96 -\n111.90.150.0 -\n185.38.108.0 -\n196.15.8.0 -\n196.15.10.0 -\n196.47.77.0 -\n196.201.132.0 -\n196.201.135.0 -\n196.201.148.0 -\n199.190.44.0 -\n213.193.49.0 -\n216.147.155.0 -\n217.30.26.0 -\n217.175.75.0 -\n')
(res, out, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--output', 'ListCIDRs', '--country', 'A1'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
self.assertEqual(out, '\n37.221.172.0/23\n46.19.137.0/24\n46.19.143.0/24\n50.7.78.88/31\n62.73.8.0/23\n63.235.155.210/32\n64.12.118.23/32\n64.12.118.88/32\n67.43.156.0/24\n69.10.139.0/24\n70.232.245.0/24\n74.82.9.224/32\n80.254.74.0/23\n93.115.82.0/23\n93.115.84.0/23\n96.47.226.20/32\n147.203.120.0/24\n176.9.75.43/32\n185.36.100.145/32\n192.238.21.0/24\n193.107.17.71/32\n193.200.150.0/24\n198.144.105.88/32\n199.114.223.0/24\n199.188.236.0/23\n200.200.200.200/32\n206.71.162.0/24\n206.196.103.0/24\n208.43.225.52/32\n209.216.198.0/24\n213.234.249.115/32\n216.151.180.0/24\n')
(res, out1, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--output', 'ListAll', '--country', 'A1'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
(res, out2, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--output', 'ListAllRand', '--country', 'A1'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
(out1, out2) = (out1.split('\n'), out2.split('\n'))
self.assertGreater(len(out1), 0)
self.assertItemsEqual(out1, out2)
(res, out1, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--output', 'ListAll', '--region', 'GP', 'R5'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
(res, out2, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--output', 'ListAllRand', '--region', 'GP', 'R5'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
(out1, out2) = (out1.split('\n'), out2.split('\n'))
self.assertGreater(len(out1), 0)
self.assertItemsEqual(out1, out2)
(res, out1, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--output', 'ListAll', '--city', 'FR', 'Carcassonne'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
(res, out2, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--output', 'ListAllRand', '--city', 'FR', 'Carcassonne'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
(out1, out2) = (out1.split('\n'), out2.split('\n'))
self.assertGreater(len(out1), 0)
self.assertItemsEqual(out1, out2)
(res, out1, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--output', 'ListAll', '--asnum', '12345'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
(res, out2, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--output', 'ListAllRand', '--asnum', '12345'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
(out1, out2) = (out1.split('\n'), out2.split('\n'))
self.assertGreater(len(out1), 0)
self.assertItemsEqual(out1, out2)
res = RUN(['ivre', 'ipdata', '--init'], stdin=open(os.devnull))[0]
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
'Functions that have not yet been tested'
| def test_utils(self):
| self.assertIsNotNone(ivre.config.guess_prefix())
(res, out1, err) = RUN(['ivre'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
self.assertTrue((not err))
(res, out2, err) = RUN(['ivre', 'help'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
self.assertTrue((not err))
self.assertEqual(out1, out2)
(res, _, err) = RUN(['ivre', 'version'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
self.assertTrue((not err))
(res, _, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'inexistant'])
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
ivre.utils.range2nets((2, 1))
teststr = "TEST STRING -./*'"
self.assertEqual(ivre.utils.regexp2pattern(teststr), (re.escape(teststr), 0))
self.assertEqual(ivre.utils.regexp2pattern(re.compile((('^' + re.escape(teststr)) + '$'))), (re.escape(teststr), 0))
self.assertEqual(ivre.utils.regexp2pattern(re.compile(re.escape(teststr))), ((('.*' + re.escape(teststr)) + '.*'), 0))
self.assertEqual(ivre.utils.str2list(teststr), teststr)
teststr = '1,2|3'
self.assertItemsEqual(ivre.utils.str2list(teststr), ['1', '2', '3'])
ports = [1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 80, 5, 5, 110, 111]
self.assertEqual(set(ports), ivre.utils.nmapspec2ports(ivre.utils.ports2nmapspec(ports)))
self.assertEqual(ivre.utils.ports2nmapspec(ports), '1-6,80,110-111')
ivre.config.NMAP_SHARE_PATH = './share/nmap/'
with open(os.path.join(ivre.config.NMAP_SHARE_PATH, 'nmap-service-probes'), 'w') as fdesc:
fdesc.write('Probe TCP NULL q||\nmatch test m|^test$|\nsoftmatch softtest m|^softtest$|\n')
self.assertTrue(any(((not fp[1]['soft']) for fp in ivre.utils.get_nmap_svc_fp()['fp'])))
self.assertTrue(any((fp[1]['soft'] for fp in ivre.utils.get_nmap_svc_fp()['fp'])))
def is_prime(n):
if ((n == 2) or (n == 3)):
return True
if ((n < 2) or ((n % 2) == 0)):
return False
if (n < 9):
return True
if ((n % 3) == 0):
return False
r = int((n ** 0.5))
f = 5
while (f <= r):
if ((n % f) == 0):
return False
if ((n % (f + 2)) == 0):
return False
f += 6
return True
for _ in range(3):
nbr = random.randint(2, 1000)
factors = list(ivre.mathutils.factors(nbr))
self.assertTrue((is_prime(nbr) or (len(factors) > 1)))
self.assertTrue(all((is_prime(x) for x in factors)))
self.assertEqual(reduce((lambda x, y: (x * y)), factors), nbr)
'Run scans, with and without agents'
| def test_scans(self):
| (res, out, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--output', 'Test', '--test', '2'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
self.assertTrue(('\nRead address\n' in out))
self.assertTrue(('\nRead address\n' in out))
res = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--network', ''])[0]
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
fdesc = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
fdesc.writelines((('127.0.0.%d\n' % i).encode() for i in range(2, 4)))
res = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--file',, '--output', 'XMLFork'])[0]
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
res = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--range', '', '', '--output', 'XMLFull'])[0]
count = sum((len(walk_elt[2]) for walk_elt in os.walk('scans')))
self.assertEqual(count, 9)
res = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--output', 'CommandLine'])[0]
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
(res, out, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscans', '--output', 'Agent'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
with open('', 'wb') as fdesc:
os.chmod('', 493)
pid_agent = subprocess.Popen([os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '')], preexec_fn=os.setsid, cwd='tmp').pid
res = RUN(['ivre', 'runscansagent', '--test', '2', '--feed', './tmp/'], stdin=open(os.devnull, 'wb'))[0]
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
feed_cmd = ['runscansagent', '--sync', './tmp/']
feed_cmd = ((COVERAGE + ['run', '--parallel-mode', which('ivre')]) + feed_cmd)
feed_cmd = (['ivre'] + feed_cmd)
pid_feed = subprocess.Popen(feed_cmd).pid
while any((walk[2] for dirname in ['agentsdata/._tmp_/input', 'agentsdata/._tmp_/remoteinput', 'agentsdata/._tmp_/remotecur', 'tmp/input', 'tmp/cur', 'tmp/output'] for walk in os.walk(dirname))):
print(u'Waiting for runscans sync & agent')
os.kill(pid_agent, signal.SIGTERM)
os.kill(pid_feed, signal.SIGTERM)
os.waitpid(pid_agent, 0)
os.waitpid(pid_feed, 0)
count = sum((len(walk_elt[2]) for walk_elt in os.walk('agentsdata/._tmp_/remoteoutput/')))
self.assertEqual(count, 2)
pid_agent = subprocess.Popen([os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '')], preexec_fn=os.setsid, cwd='tmp').pid
res = RUN(['ivre', 'runscansagentdb', '--init'], stdin=open(os.devnull))[0]
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
res = RUN(['ivre', 'runscansagentdb', '--add-local-master'])[0]
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
res = RUN(['ivre', 'runscansagentdb', '--source', 'TEST-AGENT-SOURCE', '--add-agent', os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tmp')])[0]
res = RUN(['ivre', 'runscansagentdb', '--test', '2', '--assign-free-agents'])[0]
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
fdesc = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
fdesc.writelines((('127.0.0.%d\n' % i).encode() for i in range(3, 5)))
res = RUN(['ivre', 'runscansagentdb', '--file',, '--assign-free-agents'])[0]
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
daemon_cmd = ['runscansagentdb', '--daemon']
daemon_cmd = ((COVERAGE + ['run', '--parallel-mode', which('ivre')]) + daemon_cmd)
daemon_cmd = (['ivre'] + daemon_cmd)
pid_daemon = subprocess.Popen(daemon_cmd).pid
scanmatch = re.compile('scan:\n - id: (?P<id>[0-9a-f]+)\n.*\n.*\n - targets added: (?P<nbadded>\\d+)\n - results fetched: (?P<nbfetched>\\d+)\n - total targets to add: (?P<nbtargets>\\d+)\n')
is_scan_over = (lambda scan: (int(scan['nbtargets']) == int(scan['nbfetched'])))
while True:
(res, out, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscansagentdb', '--list-scans'])
scans = [scan.groupdict() for scan in scanmatch.finditer(out)]
self.assertEqual(len(scans), 2)
if any((is_scan_over(scan) for scan in scans)):
scan = next((scan for scan in scans if (not is_scan_over(scan))))
agentmatch = re.compile('agent:\n - id: (?P<id>[0-9a-f]+)\n')
(res, out, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscansagentdb', '--list-agents'])
agents = [agent.groupdict() for agent in agentmatch.finditer(out)]
self.assertEqual(len(agents), 1)
agent = agents[0]
res = RUN(['ivre', 'runscansagentdb', '--assign', ('%s:%s' % (agent['id'].decode(), scan['id'].decode()))])[0]
while True:
(res, out, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'runscansagentdb', '--list-scans'])
scans = [scan.groupdict() for scan in scanmatch.finditer(out)]
self.assertEqual(len(scans), 2)
if all((is_scan_over(scan) for scan in scans)):
while any((walk[2] for dirname in ['tmp/input', 'tmp/cur', 'tmp/output', ivre.config.AGENT_MASTER_PATH] for walk in os.walk(dirname) if (not (walk[0].startswith(os.path.join(ivre.config.AGENT_MASTER_PATH, 'output', '')) or ((walk[0] == ivre.config.AGENT_MASTER_PATH) and (walk[2] == ['whoami'])))))):
print(u'Waiting for runscans daemon & agent')
os.kill(pid_agent, signal.SIGTERM)
os.kill(pid_daemon, signal.SIGTERM)
os.waitpid(pid_agent, 0)
os.waitpid(pid_daemon, 0)
(res, out, _) = RUN(['ivre', 'scancli', '--count'])
self.assertEqual(res, 0)
self.assertEqual(int(out), 4)
self.assertEqual(RUN(['ivre', 'scancli', '--init'], stdin=open(os.devnull))[0], 0)
self.assertEqual(RUN(['ivre', 'runscansagentdb', '--init'], stdin=open(os.devnull))[0], 0)
'Returns a condition that is true iff all of the given
conditions is true.'
| def flt_and(self, *args):
| return reduce(self._flt_and, args)
'Returns a condition that is true iff both `cond1` and
`cond2` are true.
This is typically implemented in the backend-specific
| @staticmethod
def _flt_and(cond1, cond2):
| raise NotImplementedError
'Returns a condition that is true iff any of the given
conditions is true.'
| def flt_or(self, *args):
| return reduce(self._flt_or, args)
'Returns a condition that is true iff either `cond1` or
`cond2` is true.
This is typically implemented in the backend-specific
| @staticmethod
def _flt_or(cond1, cond2):
| raise NotImplementedError
'Filters documents based on their schema\'s version.'
| @staticmethod
def searchversion(version):
| raise NotImplementedError
'Filters (if `neg` == True, filters out) one particular IP
network (CIDR notation).'
| def searchnet(self, net, neg=False):
| return self.searchrange(neg=neg, *utils.net2range(net))
'Filters (if `neg` == True, filters out) one particular IP
range given its boudaries `start` and `stop`.'
| @staticmethod
def searchrange(start, stop, neg=False):
| raise NotImplementedError
'Finds phpMyAdmin instances based on its cookies.'
| def searchphpmyadmin(self):
| return self.searchcookie('phpMyAdmin')
'Finds specific cookie names.
This is typically implemented in the backend-specific
purpose-specific subclass.'
| def searchcookie(self, name):
| raise NotImplementedError
'Finds shared files or directories that are typical of a web
Being able to write web files often leads to arbitrary code
Being able to read directly web files (without a
PHP/ASP/... interpreter) often leads to privilege escalation
in the application and sometimes to arbitrary code
execution by finding backdoors/shells/vulnerabilities.'
| def searchwebfiles(self):
| return self.searchfile(fname=re.compile('vhost|www|web\\.config|\\.htaccess|\\.([aj]sp|php|html?|js|css)', re.I))
'Finds shared files or directories from a name or a
| def searchfile(self, fname=None, scripts=None):
| raise NotImplementedError
'Finds Java User-Agent.'
| def searchjavaua(self):
| return self.searchuseragent(re.compile('(^| )(Java|javaws)/', flags=0))
'Finds specified User-Agent(s).'
| @staticmethod
def searchuseragent(useragent):
| raise NotImplementedError
'Gets a cursor, which can be iterated to get results.
The type of that cursor is backend-specific, and this is
typically implemented in the backend-specific subclasses'
| def get(self, spec, **kargs):
| raise NotImplementedError
'Gets a unique identifier for a specified `record`.
The type of the identifier is backend-specific, and this is
typically implemented in the backend-specific subclasses'
| @staticmethod
def getid(record):
| return record['_id']
'Gets a specific record given its unique identifier `idval`.
Alias for .searchobjectid().'
| @classmethod
def searchid(cls, oid, neg=False):
| return cls.searchobjectid(oid, neg=neg)
'Filters records by their ObjectID. `oid` can be a single or many
(as a list or any iterable) object ID(s), specified as strings
or an `ObjectID`s.'
| @classmethod
def searchobjectid(cls, oid, neg=False):
| raise NotImplementedError
Subsets and Splits