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edu | Don't listen to Senator Bob's opinion. He is a crook, and a spiteful loony man. | ad hominem |
edu | Which type of appeal is used in the following phrase from the Declaration of Independence: “He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people”? | appeal to emotion |
edu | I knew I should have helped that old lady across the road. Because I didn’t, I have been having bad Karma all day. | false causality |
edu | An NSA whistle-blower, William Binney, said last week that the agency’s surveillance activities put us on 'a slippery slope toward a totalitarian state' | faulty generalization |
edu | People nowadays only vote with their emotions instead of their brains. | faulty generalization |
edu | According to the university brochure, the majors with the most students are Economics and Computer Science. Therefore, you should declare one of these majors if you want to have a successful career. | ad populum |
edu | Why should we put people on trial when we know they are guilty? | circular reasoning |
edu | It’s getting late, and we still have to decide on the school budget. What do you say we just leave it as is and we can call it a night? | faulty generalization |
edu | We now produce the best program in existence; four thousand businesses subscribe to our program. | ad populum |
edu | If I’m psychic, I will be able to see dead people. I see dead people, therefore I’m psychic. | fallacy of logic |
edu | Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, look at the bloody clothes, the murder weapon. Imagine the helpless screams of the victim. Such a crime deserves no verdict except guilty, guilty! | fallacy of relevance |
edu | If you told a person, "I think we should all stay inside to bend the curve of COVID-19" and they replied, "so I guess you want people to lose their jobs then," what logical fallacy are they using? | fallacy of extension |
edu | Running the government is like running a business. You can’t keep running into debt and expect to be successful. | fallacy of logic |
edu | What did you use to wipe your fingerprints from the gun? | intentional |
edu | He said a lovely lady like me doesn't have to worry about his bear because this is a man-eating bear. | equivocation |
edu | If it’s brown, flush it down.
I flushed it down.
Therefore, it was brown. | fallacy of logic |
edu | Unless you can close your eyes to abuse, write a check to save this puppy. | false dilemma |
edu | Why must you always take such a stupid and uninformed approach to ethics? | intentional |
edu | "He wouldn't make a good president because he looks like a sad muppet." | ad hominem |
edu | "I have one Japanese friend and it's true that all of them are numb." | faulty generalization |
edu | Lois and Jan did a "snow dance" one afternoon, and it snowed that night. They claimed to have brought the snow. | false causality |
edu | Of course, your minister says he believes in God. He would be unemployed otherwise. | ad hominem |
edu | Jack is a good athlete. Jack comes from Canada. Therefore, all Canadians are good athletes." | fallacy of logic |
edu | Gertrude: I am tired of having to fill out these forms all day. Can't we find a more efficient system?
Cindy-Lou: If you're not happy with the way we do things, we can find someone who is!
| ad hominem |
edu | If someone said, "all kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but you don't love it so you must not be a real kid," what logical fallacy are they using? | intentional |
edu | We should move to the midwest because the Wall Street Journal says the cost of living is cheaper there. | fallacy of credibility |
edu | Either we go to war or we appear weak. | false dilemma |
edu | "If we ban Hummers because they are bad for the environment, then eventually the government will ban all cars; therefore, we should not ban Hummers." | faulty generalization |
edu | Lisa is trying to raise money for her university's library. In her address to the board of trustees, she says, "We must raise tuition to cover the cost of new books. Otherwise, the school library will close!"
Of what fallacy is this an example? | false dilemma |
edu | “President Jones raised taxes, and then the rate of violent crime went up. Jones is responsible for the rise in crime.” | false causality |
edu | "How am I to get in?" asked Alice again, in a louder tone.
"Are you to get in at all?" said the Footman, "That's the first question, you know." | intentional |
edu | Senator Jill: "We'll have to cut education funding this year."
Senator Bill: "Why?"
Senator Jill: "Well, either we cut the social programs or we live with a huge deficit and we can't live with the deficit." | false dilemma |
edu | Television Advertisement: Rush to shop at Super-Mart this weekend, everyone is doing it! | ad populum |
edu | Appealing to popularity or the fact that many people do something as an attempted form of validation. | ad populum |
edu | One day, Megan wore a Donald Duck t-shirt, and she got an ¨A¨ on her Chemistry test. Now she wears a Donald Duck t-shirt every day to Chemistry class.
Of what fallacy is this an example? | false causality |
edu | Parent: You need to clean out your backpack.
Child: You know I have ADD! Why can’t you just accept me as I am? | fallacy of extension |
edu | All hunting is inhumane and should be outlawed. | circular reasoning |
edu | Jeff is preparing to create a commercial for a new energy drink. He visits a local high school and surveys students in an English class about their beverage preferences. The majority of the class says they prefer grape flavored drinks, so Jeff tells his superiors that grape is the flavor favored most by high school students.
What error in reasoning has Jeff made? | faulty generalization |
edu | There were wonderful psychologists who passed away several decades ago. If they could be effective in what they did without reading any of the studies or other articles that have been published in the last several decades, there's no need for me to read any of those works in order to be effective. | fallacy of logic |
edu | Where did you hide the marijuana you were smoking? | intentional |
edu | This technique using vague positive words that actually hold little meaning. | appeal to emotion |
edu | “President Jones raised taxes, and then the rate of violent crime went up. Therefore, I think Jones is responsible for the rise in crime." | false causality |
edu | All writing teachers must be awesome because Ms. Lopez is. | faulty generalization |
edu | P1. Lead poisoning can contribute to violent behavior.
P2. Many inner city children have dangerous levels of lead in their blood.
C. Therefore, violent crime in the inner city can be solved by curing the lead problem. | false causality |
edu | What I do know is that if a dirty bomb goes off on Wall Street and the winds are blowing this way, then I and much of this part of Brooklyn are possibly toast. Is that worth possible violations of the rights of some psycho-violent street thug? To me it is. | circular reasoning |
edu | All men are mortal, and Socrates is a man, therefore Socrates likes dogs. | fallacy of logic |
edu | Gas prices have been rising steadily these past few years. Thus, the cost of car ownership is higher than it was previously. | faulty generalization |
edu | You see someone walking their dog. The dog goes to the bathroom on a lawn but they don’t pick up after their dog. You ask them to clean up after their dog, but they say, “why do you hate dogs?” What fallacy have they committed? | fallacy of extension |
edu | If you don't study, you'll fail your test. Then you will do poorly in the class and your GPA will fall. You won't get into a good college, so you'll never get a decent job and you'll end up homeless. | faulty generalization |
edu | The economy continues to grow as the number of likes on my Instagram account continue to increase. Clearly, the two are linked. | false causality |
edu | When the judge asked the defendant why he hadn't paid his parking fines, he said that he shouldn't have to pay them because the sign said 'Fine for parking here' and so he naturally presumed that it would be fine to park there. | equivocation |
edu | Television Advertisement: Get all of your stains out by using new and improved Ultra Suds and wash your blues away! | appeal to emotion |
edu | "Either the city should provide recycling bins or throw out the Recycling Act" is an example of: | false dilemma |
edu | This is usually used in a company's slogan, using words that are very vague and nonspecific, but sound really nice. ex: "Eat Fresh." "Expect More. Pay Less." | appeal to emotion |
edu | Either we pass this ordinance or there will be rioting in the streets. | false dilemma |
edu | I want to sell my house for $400,000. A buyer wants it for $100,000, so I must sell it for $250,000. | fallacy of relevance |
edu | Officer, I was only driving as fast as everyone around me. You can't give me a ticket for doing what every other driver on the road was also doing. | ad populum |
edu | The model is in close agreement with the data. | intentional |
edu | Pol Pot, the Cambodian Maoist revolutionary, was against religion, and he was a very bad man. Frankie is against religion; therefore, Frankie also must be a very bad man. | faulty generalization |
edu | Brad's mother asked him why he wasn't trying out for the school play. He responded: ''Because if Tom gets the male lead, which he always does, then I'll only be in the chorus, and it's not worth being in the play if I'm only going to be in the chorus.'' This is an example of which logical fallacy? | faulty generalization |
edu | Exercise is good. Therefore everybody should exercise.'
"'I agree,' said Polly earnestly. 'I mean exercise is wonderful. I mean it builds the body and everything.' | faulty generalization |
edu | Students only want cell phones so they can text their friends in class; it's about time students focused more on their studies and less on their social lives. | fallacy of extension |
edu | If we ban cell phones because they are bad for teenagers next the government will ban all iPods and eventually all video games as well. | faulty generalization |
edu | She should not be voted president because she's a liar and a thief. | ad hominem |
edu | This legislation is sinful because it is the wrong thing to do. | circular reasoning |
edu | Verizon advertising the newest Samsung Galaxy phone, claiming that everyone else who has bought it loves the new product. | ad populum |
edu | "Either you recycle or you don't care about human life." | false dilemma |
edu | Dan White ate a lot of Twinkies and then killed the Mayor of San Francisco. If I were a mayor, I’d ban Twinkies so no one would kill me. | false causality |
edu | When an animal rights activist says, "Keeping a dog as a pet is every bit as evil as human slavery. Pet owners are the KKK of the 21st century," they are committing what logical fallacy? | fallacy of relevance |
edu | The museum's new gemstones and precious minerals exhibit needs more security guards. If you don't agree, then you must be planning to steal a piece of the exhibit | false dilemma |
edu | "Every person is either my enemy or my friend. If are my enemy I should hate them. If they are my friend I should love them So I should either love them or hate them." | false dilemma |
edu | “How can you argue your case for vegetarianism when you are enjoying your steak?” | ad hominem |
edu | Bill: "You know, those feminists all hate men." Joe: "Really?" Bill: "Yeah. I was in my philosophy class the other day and that Rachel chick gave a presentation." Joe: "Which Rachel?" Bill: "You know her. She's the one that runs that feminist group over at the Women's Center. She said that men are all sexist pigs. I asked her why she believed this and she said that her last few boyfriends were real sexist pigs. " Joe: "That doesn't sound like a good reason to believe that all of us are pigs." Bill: "That was what I said." Joe: "What did she say?" Bill: "She said that she had seen enough of men to know we are all pigs. She obviously hates all men." Joe: "So you think all feminists are like her?" Bill: "Sure. They all hate men." | faulty generalization |
edu | , that makes it right/valid. | ad populum |
edu | Aren't you tired of the political divisiveness in this country? Republicans know what they are talking about when it comes to immigration. Don't you agree? | appeal to emotion |
edu | a persuasive technique used in media messages that appeals to the "everyone is doing it" mentality | ad populum |
edu | “No one has ever been able to prove definitively that extra-terrestrials exist, so they must not be real.” | intentional |
edu | Skipping looking for a second opinion or evidence and just asking one doctor is what fallacy? | fallacy of credibility |
edu | You would think that taxes should be lowered because you are a Republican [and therefore your argument about taxes should be rejected]. | circular reasoning |
edu | Ted: Biological evolution is both a theory and a fact.
Edwin: That is ridiculous! How can you possibly be absolutely certain that we evolved from pond scum!
Ted: Actually, that is a gross misrepresentation of my assertion. I never claimed we evolved from pond scum. Unlike math and logic, science is based on empirical evidence and, therefore, a scientific fact is something that is confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional consent. The empirical evidence for the fact that biological evolution does occur falls into this category. | fallacy of extension |
edu | You're with us or you're against us. | false dilemma |
edu | Circular reasoning occurs when someone makes an argument in which both the premises and the conclusion have to rely on the truthfulness of the other. | circular reasoning |
edu | I hold a doctorate in theology, have written 12 books, and personally met the Pope. Therefore, when I say that Jesus’ favorite snack was raisins dipped in wine, you should believe me. | fallacy of credibility |
edu | Wife: “I see Mr. Smith is cooking out on his new barbecue grill.” Husband: “So his wife finally got fed up with his unfaithfulness!” | equivocation |
edu | Major in English in college, start reading poetry, and next thing you know, you will become an unemployed pot-smoking loser. | faulty generalization |
edu | Too much candy can cause cavities. You should avoid eating any candy unless you want cavities. | false dilemma |
edu | Homosexuality is / ought to be morally wrong (moral property) because it is not normal (natural property).
Homosexuality is not normal (natural property); therefore, it is / ought to be morally wrong (moral property). | fallacy of credibility |
edu | , or a group of people think, in order to persuade one to think the same way. | ad populum |
edu | The word of Zorbo the Great is flawless and perfect. We know this because it says so in The Great and Infallible Book of Zorbo’s Best and Most Truest Things that are Definitely True and Should Not Ever Be Questioned. | circular reasoning |
edu | Did the pollution you caused increase or decrease your profits? | intentional |
edu | The newest brand jeans that everyone is wearing are called Blue Dogs. Blue Dogs are being worn by all young teens. Be sure to go out and buy your new jeans at your local mall. | ad populum |
edu | I think scientists are wrong. There is no such thing as global warming. I just finished talking to my boss, and he thought the idea was ridiculous. | fallacy of credibility |
edu | "My brother's girlfriend's Mother's hairdresser said that COVID numbers are going down, so I'm not going to bother with my mask" IS an example of this fallacy. | fallacy of credibility |
edu | "Everyone was driving over the speed limit, so I shouldn't have gotten a ticket for it!" is an example of which logical fallacy? | ad populum |
edu | I am athletic because I run, and I run because I'm athletic. | circular reasoning |
edu | If it wasn't a missile, a bomb, or mechanical failure, then all that's left is a meteorite. | false dilemma |
edu | Moving the goalposts or making up exceptions when a claim is shown to be false. | intentional |
edu | Either you are with me or you are against me. | false dilemma |
edu | McDonald's Hamburgers, over 99 billion served. | ad populum |
edu | "Jose, join us because everybody will come to the party and only you will be left behind." | ad populum |
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