stringclasses 2
values | scenario
stringclasses 2
values | sent
stringlengths 38
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stringclasses 2
values | id
stringlengths 15
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stringclasses 3
values |
True | causal | The movie will start at 3:00 PM, so the couple wants to go the theatre by 3:30 PM | False | 526f6703be0b489 | time |
False | causal | If I am both tired and hungry at work and I have an hour lunch break, I would want to sleep for half an hour instead of a full hour so I can still eat lunch. | True | e9e5b7b4fe3c40a | time |
False | comparison | It's faster to get where you're going in a car rather than walking. | True | 4e95ab395fdc4f1 | physical |
True | causal | His carefully planned-out day was ruined when his train arrived three hours late. | True | 0f7d4571c1cb400 | time |
False | causal | If the land is heated, it will create an area of low pressure near the land. | True | fc0a27dae23a4c1 | physical |
False | comparison | If you like interaction with strangers, you might want to ride a bus rather than drive your car to work. | True | 841c48c023754bc | social |
False | causal | If you don't have a piece of tape, you can use a q-tip to attach the paper to the board. | False | 18c2f5cfb1334a4 | physical |
False | causal | If it is dark outside, a flashlight will help you see. | True | e904e82a88154eb | physical |
False | comparison | Thomas likes to take walks to think, and he thinks best in the rain. Howard also likes to walk, but he hates walking in the rain. Howard is more likely than Thomas to head home from his walk when it starts to get cloudy. | True | 5ac010e27dfa4c4 | social |
True | causal | Since I work from 7 pm to 7 am, I find it difficult to visit a bank. | False | 7a0f2672a21f494 | time |
False | causal | Buying the whole family gifts the day before Christmas should give a sufficient amount of time to wrap them all. | False | 4328d8a2d7d440c | social |
False | comparison | Bobby is newly single and decided to go on a cruise. He will probably choose to go to the speed dating event over couple's therapy. | True | 8b7095fe71e24c7 | social |
False | causal | Toilet paper becomes more expensive when there is a pandemic. | True | 55cb814455da4ff | social |
False | comparison | Sandra has studied every day for the exam for years and the night before she got a gift so she's not likely to perform well. | False | a50ade2be9fc424 | social |
True | comparison | You can more efficiently get on your roof with a thirty foot ladder than you can with a three foot ladder. | True | 0a5f237974594f7 | physical |
False | comparison | Onions are easier to chop on an emery board than on a surf board. | False | cfb75ec6470448a | physical |
False | causal | Phil was in a hurry to get to work but he was afraid of another speeding ticket so he drove dangerously. | False | 4c6c7373ab374eb | social |
False | causal | The longest gap between meals for most people is between breakfast and brunch. | False | de32b57e82b8422 | time |
True | causal | If the tables in a restaurant seat six people, a soccer team consisting of thirteen players can be seated at two tables. | False | 31f19b939cd1432 | physical |
False | causal | If Edie doesn't get mad when she loses at a game her friends will not want to play games with her again. | False | ee608cda195c401 | social |
True | comparison | Rachel is five years old. Her parents decided to get her golf clubs in fifteen years instead of now. | True | f852ed5bc596498 | time |
True | causal | Kelly got in trouble because she took a bathroom break at school and didn’t return to class for five minutes. | False | b21f3a94bfe945a | time |
False | comparison | It is better to drink water than mojitos when you are hiking. | True | 90d49b1c71e74ff | physical |
True | causal | The recipe said the cake needed to bake for two more minutes, so Amy decided to take a nap while she waited. | False | 1363bb96e20a43f | time |
True | comparison | A quarter dollar coin from the 1800s is likely to be more circulated than a quarter dollar coin from 2001 in the same grade. | False | ac2f44f3e3804df | time |
False | comparison | Edward is going home because he is sick and Tom is staying at the office. Edward is more likely to turn off the lights. | False | 8ad00187ef30422 | social |
False | causal | Brad went to sleep at 4pm, so he missed the overnight meteor shower. | True | 03cd03a4cb824e5 | time |
False | causal | Frank wanted to cool off the pie, so he put it in the hot oven. | False | be6cf0abb770406 | physical |
True | comparison | The produce delivery is at 9 am. The restaurant employees therefore start prepping at 8 am instead of 10 am. | False | c2ac47d76262438 | time |
False | causal | Joan secretly admired Peter. She was disappointed to find out he has a girlfriend. | True | 72827d2223bd47f | social |
False | causal | I ran the red light and got a ticket from a police officer. | True | de86296aa4bb4e7 | social |
True | comparison | It is easier to run three miles than it is to run one hundred miles. | False | a859df912a1e4dd | physical |
False | comparison | Since Katie's shoulders are sunburnt, she wore a shirt instead of a bikini. | True | 920d795441e04bc | physical |
True | causal | If the new Super Hero movie premieres at 7 pm tonight, I will have to be ready a few minutes before to see it. | True | 1b9f9e40ed524ca | time |
True | causal | If a person reads 30 pages every day and book has 300 pages, with one week break from reading, person will finish the book in 16 days | False | b4390cd5357f4b3 | time |
False | causal | If you are trying to hide a kitchen chair, you can always put it inside of a bush. | True | 9a52c85ea4fe4fc | physical |
False | causal | Tom got assaulted and decided to go on a vacation to Mexico | False | 9f4d85cf7ed74fd | social |
False | causal | When it is raining outside there are more people walking their dogs. | False | c8c7bed9fdb647b | social |
False | causal | Everyone looked at Kevin in disgust because he slammed the weights on the floor in the gym. | True | 424b5f66a63f40b | social |
True | causal | If I would like to become a professional musician, I could purchase a piano with eighty-eight keys. | True | c1da55f79feb44d | physical |
False | comparison | The game I'm excited for comes out next month rather than next year, so I won't get a preorder yet. | False | 9adf79430ca5426 | time |
True | causal | Sara aims to get the recommended 8 hours of sleep and has to get up for work at 9:00AM. In order to achieve this goal, Sara would need to go to bed at 5:00AM. | False | 34064208900e492 | time |
True | causal | We will leave as soon as this sitcom is over, so be ready in 30 minutes | True | a2e4d132f3d04fb | time |
False | comparison | Tim is obese and Rick is fit, so Rick is more likely to die prematurely from heart disease. | False | fdaa0ce4414445b | social |
False | comparison | Tim is obese and Rick is fit, so Tim is more likely to die prematurely from heart disease. | True | eb984486a4fb48f | social |
False | causal | Peter's daughters is going to marry next week, he booked a wedding hall for that purpose. | True | ad709d614e9947a | social |
False | comparison | Amanda has blue hair and Stephanie has brown hair. A conservative law firm is more likely to hire Amanda than Stephanie. | False | 2a32ab08c8ed404 | social |
True | comparison | Since a 13-day project is only four days behind on its deadline, it is more reasonable to request for an additional month than an additional week | False | 05c2d54ebe38487 | time |
True | causal | Trevor is extremely hungry, so he would likely be happy to eat in 5 hours. | False | 707d65fb01d941a | time |
True | comparison | Susan us quite stingy. So, she decided to pay 10 dollars to take a taxi rather than spending 1 dollar to rent a bike. | False | 22d7e0f2f5a44fe | social |
True | comparison | When you sort thousand books, it would be harder to sort them alphabetically rather than by their quality. | False | c36c4b34129a4fd | physical |
False | comparison | John worked as a biologist before and Jane as a pilot so John is less likely to be asked to help find a COVID cure. | False | e8585cb3d31a497 | social |
True | causal | When I'm attending school for 10 hours a day, I then have 2 hours to do my homework. | True | 950f640521e848c | time |
True | comparison | I will come home from work for 1 hour before lunch, and I'll come home again for the night around 5:30 p.m., so I should read the 200-page book when I come home for the night rather than when I come home for lunch. | True | 2cafbb53c690450 | time |
True | causal | If I am looking for diamonds, I should mine somewhere where the contents have been under pressure for one hundred years. | False | e504cf1033644f6 | time |
False | causal | John wanted to becomea scientist as hewas very good in science. | True | 315b2e037899469 | social |
False | causal | As a self-admitted alcoholic and AA member, Tom avoids drinking in all circumstances per AA doctrine. | True | ec2e86e1e11b454 | social |
False | comparison | If Maggie wants to get a pet with whom she could have a conversation, she should get a parrot rather than a tarantula. | True | 27326ec60b584cc | social |
True | causal | Having had a late lunch I decided to move my dinner reservation up two hours. | False | 00485cc05d114de | time |
False | causal | If you don't have a cup, you can use a dipper to drink water out of. | True | 2722707aea28449 | physical |
True | comparison | If I just flipped a coin into the air to make a decision, I should reach out to catch it one second later rather than twenty seconds. | True | 996c5b3e5d5b4a6 | time |
False | comparison | Since there is a storm watch, it's best to stay inside rather than go out to the bar. | True | 70a85cc104bd4c4 | physical |
False | causal | Johnson was born on 29th February, he throws a big party every year, on his actual birth date. | False | c67db3315f55440 | time |
False | comparison | A steel nail is more suitable to draw on a cement wall than a knife. | True | 8c6deababf5041a | physical |
True | causal | Paul called a taxi at 5 pm to get to a party 3 miles away from his place at 6 pm. | True | edde86f95ec2460 | time |
True | comparison | Many people disapproved of the widow waiting one week after his wife's death to start dating again, rather than one year. | True | ba2049fac75c4c2 | social |
False | comparison | Jane wanted to change her hairstyle for a job interview, so she put it into a ponytail rather than into braids. | True | 4c99da25d6fc448 | social |
True | causal | At night I sleep for six hours, I wake up when the sun sets. | False | 3f77790f2d594bb | time |
False | comparison | It is better to use a bouquet of flowers than a mouse as a paperweight. | False | ad02d83640da483 | physical |
False | comparison | Mark is a forensic data analyst and Brad is a news reporter. Due to his area of expertise, Mark is more credible when it comes to determining whether election fraud took place. | True | d9cf4299edd3436 | social |
False | causal | If you are going to take a long trip to Florida, it is best to go during summer break so that the kids don't miss school. | True | 667fff6883884ac | time |
False | causal | If his shoulder is sore, lifting heavy weights may make it worse. | True | 600e23ec2cba410 | physical |
True | causal | Amanda has an appointment in fifteen minutes, so she should probably take a nap. | False | 1d3bd0a30c244f4 | time |
True | causal | Because he played ping pong for two hours without stopping, he is thirsty. | True | 5cb522d6fc3e46b | time |
False | comparison | Because the garbage man comes on Monday morning, Ryan should take his trash at the road on Sunday evening rather than Thursday evening. | True | 47a8ba4d34cb4f3 | time |
False | comparison | Paul gets his lottery winning at the end of March. He would go on a shopping spree in February rather than in April. | False | 19ddeb482de141e | time |
False | comparison | Greg is a teacher and Ted is a dentist, so Ted gets more time off from work. | False | a98e68f2dee84a0 | social |
True | causal | A human being can not legally drink alcohol after 30 years of living. | False | 74ec9e08a3a94f1 | time |
False | comparison | I ripped a hole in the knee of my jeans, so I should repair it with a patch instead of with rubber cement. | True | ad3dab3a21ab47f | physical |
False | comparison | It is best to put a fire out with water instead of milk. | True | b535936edcf0469 | physical |
False | causal | As Harry got injured he rushed to the hospital for help | True | 2507f3dd6a23463 | social |
False | causal | Since Megan was a vegetarian, she refused to eat a cucumber. | False | dde567c380c4484 | physical |
False | comparison | Sonja's family works in the construction industry while Chris's father is an accountant so Sonja is more likely to know more about buildings | True | 7ccc78bea74842b | social |
False | comparison | It is easier to jump over the couch than over the bed. | True | 6ae6762ef63b482 | physical |
False | comparison | Tim and Brad live in adjacent apartments. Unlike Brad, Tim makes a lot of mess outside by eating sunflower seeds The building maintenance staff will probably find it easier to clean after Brad. | True | 9e2d89f4940c41d | social |
False | comparison | Sam's parents are from China and Al's are from the US so Sam is more likely to speak Chinese. | True | e385bae7de324ed | social |
False | causal | Timmy gets offended easily, is quick to anger, and often insults people for no particular reason, so he makes new friends slowly. | True | 11d4b0037cbf47c | social |
False | comparison | Sam left a snack basket for the mail carriers. Laura left nothing for the mail carriers. The mail carriers like to deliver to Laura's house more than Sam's house. | False | 4d094e76718f4bb | social |
False | causal | If I start cooking a pizza now, it should be done in less than a second. | False | 23435a6bc65e434 | time |
True | comparison | Since Angela has social anxiety, she opted to go to the coffee shop with only three people present instead of the one with thirty people present. | True | 65091265037c4af | social |
True | causal | Lisa usually goes to bed by 10 pm, so she wanted to read 10 chapters of a book at 9:30 pm. | False | ae75a9c4f6d849e | time |
True | causal | If the wood on the balcony is rotten, it is not a good idea to put a table on it that weighs 500 lbs. | True | fa053fba7f8646a | physical |
True | comparison | Though they are both 5 years ago, the child both in December is usual more developed than the child born in January | False | ed55069447cb43c | time |
False | comparison | If you want to send warm mittens to a friend in New York, it would be better to do so in June than in December. | False | 8aa73eb9c581461 | time |
True | comparison | Natasha's fiancé is serving in the military for two years. So she decided to have a wedding and a honeymoon today instead of in three years. | False | c47731cebbed442 | time |
False | comparison | It is faster to paint with a paintbrush than a roller. | False | b2ac9abe7d954e1 | physical |
False | causal | The child's scream was so low-pitched that our ears hurt | False | 083ad43f65a9431 | physical |
False | causal | Frank wanted to cool off the pie, so he put it in the fridge. | True | 25ea331358e7496 | physical |
False | causal | If you put a cover on your pool there will be less chance for leaves to get in it. | True | bac7cb7dc17a43c | physical |
True | comparison | Having a job with salary of $6000 per month with incidental expenses of $1000 per month is better than a job with salary of $7000 per month with incidental expenses of $3000 per month. | True | 772dec522c88442 | time |
Subsets and Splits