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870 | Nursing progress note
7 Hyperbili
#1 O: Blood cultures neg to date. Antibiotics to be d/c'd
after next ampicillen dose. A: No signs or symptoms of
sepsis. P: D/c meds.
#2 O: Baby remains orally intubated in 21% O2, 15/5 X's 12.
Breath sounds equal & clear with mild IC/SC retractions.
Suctioned for sm wh ETT & sm clear. Remains on caffeine. No
A's or B's. A: Stable on vent in room air. P: Plan to
extubate to NP CPAP. Cont to assess.
#3 O: Remains NPO. Presently receiving 100cc/k/d. Total
fluids to be inc to 120cc/k/d when new TPN arrives. IL to be
started. Fluid infusing thru DUV. DS 72. Abd soft with
inaudible bowel sounds. UOP since midnoc is 7.1cc/k/h. A:
Receiving fluids as ordered. P: Cont to assess.
#4 O: Soft murmur heard X's 2. Pulses equal & not bounding.
BP stable. A: Murmur prob PDA. P: Cont to assess for signs
of compromise.
#5 O: Remains on warmer. Nested in sheepskin. Sucks
intermittently on pacifier. Irritable with cares but calms
with nesting. A: AGA. P: Cont to assess.
#6 O: Parents visited at 10AM & Dad visited briefly at 1PM.
A: Parents seem more at ease & are pleased with baby's
progress. P: Support. Family meeting when Mom is discharged.
#7 O: Single phototherapy started at 11AM. Eye patches on.
A: Hyperbili of prematurity. p; Cont to assess. Bili ordered
for midnoc.
7 Hyperbili; added
Start date: [**2141-7-5**]
| Overall Neutral Note |
871 | NPN
NPN#1 O= remains on ampi & gent as ordered, gent's time
changed to q36hrs after pre gent of 1.2, post 7.6, blood cx
remain - to date, active with cares/ tone
hypotonic..appropriate for GA A= r/o sepsis P= cont to
assess & monitor for S&S of sepsis
NPN#2 O= BW 654gms, current wt on newly applied bedscale of
490gms, TF ^ 240cc/kg/d after 2200 lytes of 150/ 6.0/
119/ set of lytes due to be drawn at 0600, PND5 at
75cc/kg/d via primary port of DUV, secondary port with D5%
with .5uheparin/cc infusing well and UAC with .5NS with
.5uheparin/cc at KVO/ 1.0cc/hr..both to equal remaining
fluids at 165cc/kg/d..DS stable x2 at 99, abd exam flat/
soft -BS, -loops, no stool uo= 7.7cc/kg/hr overnight
spilling tr. prot./ph 7.0/ lg-mod heme.. A=electrolyte
imbalance with continued hypernatremia P=cont with strict
I&O, close monitoring of lytes q8hr as ordered, daily wts ?
[**Hospital1 55**],
NPN#3 O= placed on bedscale..remains on open warmer on servo
with Temp 98.8-98.7.. temp sensitive when plastic tent
covering removed for cares..using warming lights with cares,
hypotonic, MAE, nested in sheepskin with gel pad
underneath,AF soft & flat, overidding sutures ,eyes remain
fused, Fntanyl given x1 for agitation with good effect, cont
with q6hr clustered cares A= fragile infant/ temp sensitive
P= cont to assess & support dev needs/ q6hr cares, assess
pain/ stress..Fentanyl prn as ordered
NPN#5 O= no murmer heard, received third/ last dose of
Indocin as ordered, HR mostly 140's-150's, pink & well
perfused, good cap refill 2-3sec, pulses equal nonbounding,
active precordium/- [**Location (un) 129**] pulse, remains off Dopa since
1100 yesterday with MAP's mostly low-mid 30's ( see flow
sheet), pulse press. 18-22 pts., plan to draw am Hct/ plt..
A= remains off Dopa, no murmer heard P=cont to monitor
closely,want Maps>28..assess need for Dopa, monitor for S&S
of PDA, follow labs
NPN#6 O= parents up x3 with infant's uncle/
grandmother..updated at bedside, quietly talking to [**Known lastname 722**]/
teary eyed at times
| Overall Neutral Note |
NPN#6 O= parents in x1 overnight..updated at bedside, mom
pumping in room, both softly talking to [**Known lastname 722**] and appear very
supportive of one another, they are contiuing to stay next
store at Best Western Hotel to be close to son..Tel # in
front of chart A=appropriately concerned parents continuing
to grieve loss of twinP= cont to update & support
NPN#7 O= skin remains fragile, tegaderm intact over elbows/
kness, aquaphor oint applied x1,mult sm bruises..esp left
upper arm/ head, sm abrasions on both feet r/t probe
application, right ear abrasion dry at left intact
no open weepy areas noted A= fragile skin P=cont with
meticulous inspection/ care of skin
NPN#8 O= remains under single spot light phototherapy with
eye patches draped over bili pnd A= hyperbili P=
cont per plan
| Overall Neutral Note |
NPN#6 ( cont.) parents staying in family room on [**Location (un) 1006**] # in front of chart..plan to move to nearby hotel pumping..A=lovely appropriately devastated new
parents/ grieving loss of twin P=cont to teach/ update/
NPN#7 O= infant with mult bruising / skin although reddened
in areas..intact/ sm dry abrasions of feet/ ankles r/t
oximeter probe/ tegaderm intact over kness/ elbows..aquaphor
oint prn/ A= very fragile skin P= cont to closely monitor
skin's integrity
NPN#8 O= remains under single spot light phototherapy with
eye patches in place, mult bruising..A= hyperbili P= will
obtain am bili with lab work/ max skin exposure to lights
NPN#4 O= received on SIMV on settings of 20/5 x30 FIO2
mostly 30% ( ^ with cares), ABG at 2130 7.21/57..PIP ^ to 22
follow up ABG at 0130 7.27/ 44 no changes, LS clear with
IC/SCR,sxn'd x1 at begining of shift for old/ rust
secretions via ETT but last sxn no blood noted/ only white
secretions, infant cont to breath with vent only, A= unable
to wean s/p pul hemorrhage P=cont to monitor ABG's as
ordered , assess for bloody ET secretions, follow closely
| Overall Neutral Note |
874 | NICU Nursing Admission Note O: Baby boy [**Known lastname 1626**] was admitted to the NICU from L&D after being born via C/S for decels. Infant was born at 25 [**2-5**] wks. See Neonatology Note above for maternal history. Infant showed no respiratory effort at birth and lowest HR noted was 50, increased to 60+ with PPV. Infant was then intubated and a single dose of epinephrine was given via the ET tube - HR then improved to the 120s, skin color improved to pink. Apgars were 2/6/7. Signiicant bruising and swelling of head and neck noted, eyes too are puffy and bruised and unsure if lids are still fused. In the NICU infant was placed on an open warmer with initial temp of 95.9 rectal - warmed quickly on warmer and under heating lights to 98.4 axillary. Infant was placed on conventional vent with intial settings of 24/5 BR 30 and received first dose of surf. Couple of gases were done and have weaned to current settings of 24/5 BR 22 (see flow sheet for values) FIO2 need has been ~ 25-60%. Lung sounds remain coarse. HR mostly 160s, no murmur heard, pulses WNL. Initial B/Ps per UAC were [**Last Name (un) 1627**] in the mid 20s - received a 10cc/k/NS bolus X 1 - b/ps have been stable with means 26+. CBC and blood cultures were drawn and sent - initial doses of Gent and Ampicillin given. HCt 39.8, plts 207, WBC 15.2 and diff was 34/3/40. Initial d-stick was 37 - was started on D10W at 80cc/k peripherally and was given a D10W bolus - f/u d-sticks were 48 and 48. A DLUVC and UAC were placed - currently fluids are 1/2 NS via the UAC and D10W via the UVC (with heparin added to both lines). Infant has voided X 2, passed small amt meconium X 2. Anterior fontanelle is soft, full and "boggy". Infant's eyes remain ?fused (versus very swollen). Infant showing minimal movement of his extremities, no grimace noted. Parents were in to visit at the bedside - they were updated at the bedside by MD [**Doctor Last Name **] and were appr. teary-eyed and asked appr. quesitons A: 25 [**2-5**] week infant, with extreme bruising and swelling of head and neck. Respiraotry distress - was intubated and surf given. R/O sepsis. P: Moniter resp status closely and wean vent as possible. Moniter neurostatus/neuro exam closely and plan made for a head U/S to be done tomorrow (Tuesday). Follow blood suagr as needed and paln made to check lytes and bili at 12 hrs of life. Keep parents supported and updated on plan of care.
| Overall Neutral Note |
875 | NPNOte:
#1. Remains orally intubated with vent support, rate 27/mt,
21/5, fio2 28-43%, BBS coarse,mild intercostal/ subcostal
retractions present,Abg at 8pm 7.27/60/48/20/-8, NaHco3 iv
given as ordered. ABG's repeated,(please refer flow sheet)
vent settings were changed, latest ABG on current settings
7.27/53/75/25/-2.At times rides the vent with desats to low
80's needed increase in 02. Et suctioned for tan colored
secretions and oral cloudy mod secretions. No B's or spells
noted. Fio2 requirement increased with care.A; labile with
o2. P; continue resp support as needed.
#2.No murmur, ruddy with mildly jaundiced, hyperactive
precordium. Bp means maintained 32-35,max dopamine was
5mcg/kg/minute, currently on 3Mcg/kg/minute infusing at PICC
line. P; continue to maintain means 32-35.
#3.Todays weight=1020gms, up 10gms, generalized edema +,NPO
TF=80cc/kg/day, was on 100cc/kg/day was decreased by NNP,
D10pn at 50cc/kg infusing at left arm PICCline, [**1-12**] n.saline
with Hep at 25cc/kg infusing at UA line, and Dopamine at
~5cc/kg at PIcc line, D'stix 137-120-82. Hep lock in
situ.Hypoactive bowel sounds, abd round, voided 6.6cc/kg/hr,
for last 12hrs. no stool yet.lytes at 10.20pm
138/5.4/107/20/16, NNp aware.lytes will be repeated at ~6am
today. P; continue current nut. plan/ NPO.
#4. Blood culture results pending, on Amp+ gent given as
ordered. Picc line dressing changed by NNP for slight oozing
of blood.
#5. mIldly jaundiced, bili 4.4/0.3/4.1 at 10.20pm. Infant is
under single phototheraphy eye shield on.
#6. alert and active with care, moving all extremities,
brings hands to face,temp stable on a warmer bed,nested in
sheepskin, Aquphor abrasion, bruise noted on
chest and extremities, care given.A; AGA P; continue dev
#7. Parents visited,asking app questions, for family meeting
today.A; loving parents. P; continue update and teaching.
| Overall Neutral Note |
876 | NPN 0700-1530
1. Recieved infant intubated on hi fi with settings of MAP
9, delta P 16. Gas obtained at 1300, and MAP increased to
10. FiO2 32-45% all am, yet increased required increase to
60-86% at 1pm at which point MAP increased. Awaiting CXR.
LS coarse, with SC/IC retractions. COntinue to monitor resp
status, wean O2 as tolerated.
2. No murmur heard. HR 140-150's. Weak pulses, good cap
refill. Infant ruddy. Unable to obtain cuff BP, means via
UAC 16-18. With increased FiO2 requirements, NS bolus given
at 1410 and dopamine started at 5.5mcg/kg/min. COntinue to
3. TF increased to 170cc/kg/day at 1430 for Na of 151. UAC
with sterile water and 7.7meq sodium acetate running at
50cc/kg/day. DUVC has D10 with 0.5u hep per cc at
70cc/kg/day via primary line and PN D5 with hep infusing at
50cc/kg. D sticks 71, 82 thus far this shift. Lytes
obtained on Q4 hour schedule- see carevue for details.
VOiding with .6cc/kg/hr output in 8 hours. COntinue to
monitor lytes, D stick.
4. Infant nested in sheepskin on open warmer, with tent.
Warmer temp increased this am for temp of 97.5, stable since
then. Fentanyl given x1, prior to care and repositioning.
Tolerated care well. Moving all extremities. COntinue to
promote growth and development.
5. Parents in this AM, updated on plan of care. Parents
asking appropriate questions, loving and attentive.
COntinue to update, educate and support parents.
6. Infant remains on amp and gent, no s/s of infection.
CBC to be drawn in AM. COntinue to monitor.
7. Infant increased to double phototherapy this AM. Bili
2.8/0.3 this AM. Eye shields in place. Bili to be checked
in AM.
| Overall Neutral Note |
877 | Nursing Progress Note
#1-O/A- Received infant on HFOV MAP=8, Amp=19. Infant
weaned to MAP=7, Amp=15 for good ABG's. FIO2 23-32% so far
this shift. No resp distress. CXR done, well expanded. P-
Cont to assess for Resp needs.
#2-O/A- No audible murmur. S/p 2 courses of indocin.
Plans for echo tomorrow. Cont on Dopamine to keep BP means
23-30. PLT count 94 this am, Receiving PLT transfusion.
Also ordered to received PRBC's and FFP. P- Cont to assess
for CV/heme needs.
#3-O/A- TF increased to 200cc/kg/d. UAC with 1/2 Na
Acetate with 1/2unit of Heparin/cc. DLUVC with TPN D9 and
IL via primary port. TPN D9, D12.5 with 5mEq KCl and
1/2unit Heparin/cc and Dopamine (30mg/50ml D5W) via
Secondary port. KCl increased in IVF due to K of 2.6 this
am. Plans to check level of K this evening. Dsticks wnl.
Voiding, no stool. P- Cont to assess for FEN needs.
#4-O/A- Baby Girl [**Known lastname 256**] #2 cont to be active and alert
with cares. Temp stable on warmer with tent. Infant nested
in sheepskin. Gel pillow under head only. Fentanyl given
as needed for comfort. P- Cont to assess for G&D needs.
#5-O/[**Name (NI) 120**] Mom in to visit with udpates given. Loving and
involved. P- Cont to enc parental calls and visits.
#6-O/A- Cont on day [**7-12**] of Amp/Gent. Cont on day 2/? of
Vanco. Awaiting negative blood cx to determine length of
course of Vanco. No current s/s of infection. P- Cont to
assess for s/s of sepsis.
#7-O/A- Cont under Neoblue phototx. Bili this am 2.5,0.6.
Cont to assess for Hyperbilirubinemia.
See flowsheet for further details.
| Overall Neutral Note |
878 | NPN 1900-0700
#1: O: Infant continues on HFOV, MAP 7 deltaP 16. FiO2
23-32%. ABG this shift 7.34/47/55/26/0, no changes made. LS
c/= with mild ic/sc retractions. Sx with cares for scant to
small cloudy from ETT and mouth. Infant continues to be
labile, but no spells. Continues on vitA. A: Stable on HFOV.
P: Continue to monitor.
#2: O: No audible murmur. HR 140's-150's. Infant is
ruddy/pink, well perfused. MAPs via UAC have been 24-31 this
shift. Cuff BP 47/37 with a mean of 41. Infant has been off
dopamine since yesterday. Crit this shift 38. B.O. 3.2cc. P:
Continue to monitor, keep MAP >23.
#3: O: Current weight 400g (+50g). Infant is NPO. TF
160cc/kg/day still being based on birthweight of 380g.
Infant has a UAC with 0.5NS with 0.5U heparin infusing at
0.8cc/hr. Infant also has a DL UVC. through the primary port
PN D9 is infusing at 0.7cc/hr with IL piggybacked in at
0.2cc/hr. Through the secondary port D5 with 0.5U heparin is
infusing at 0.8cc/hr. Abdomen soft and flat, girth 14cm.
U.O. 3.7cc/kg/hr this shift. No stool. Dsticks 104 and 111.
Electrolytes with BUN and creatnine sent this shift. See
laboratory for results. P: Continue to monitor I&O, dsticks
and electrolytes.
#4: O: Temp stable on servo warmer under tent. Infant is
alert and active with cares. Brings hands to face. Recieved
PRN Fentnyl x3 for comfort. Remains nested in sheepskin with
gel pillow. A: AGA. P: Continue to support growth and
#5: O: Mom in for first set of cares. Loving and appropriate
with infant. P: Continue to support parents in the care of
their infant.
#6: O: Infant is currently day [**11-11**] of Amp and Gent and day
[**6-4**] of Vanco. CBC sent this shift not shifted. Last shifted
CBC was [**8-27**]. Last BC from [**8-25**] negative. P: Continue to
give abx as ordered.
#7: O: Infant continues under neoblue mini. Bili sent this
shift, results pending. P: Continue to monitor.
| Overall Neutral Note |
879 | Nursing Progress Note
#1-O/A- Received infant on HFOV. Infants MAP and Amplitude
has been increased and decreased as needed for ABG's. CXR
done showing ETT deep and atelectasis on one side. Infant
repositioned with tension on ETT. Infant showed improvement
with better FIO2 and ABG's. Infant currently on HFOV
MAP=10, Amplitude=20. FIO2 currently 21%. Has been 21-100%
today(positional). Scant secretions when suctioned by RT at
position change(flip). P- Cont to assess for Resp needs.
#2-O/A- No audible murmur. Infants HR wnl. Mean BP
kept>23 with Dopamine, currently at 9mcg/kg/min. Started on
Indocin, received first dose at 8am. PLT COUNT down to 98
from 155. Infant ordered for Platelets(currently infusing
and FFP. No CV distress. P- Cont to assess for CV needs.
#3-O/A- TF=180cc/kg/d. UAC has [**1-31**] Na Acetate w 1/2unit of
hep/cc. DLUVC has TPN D7.5 via Primay and Secondary ports.
D5W w/[**1-31**] unit Heparin /cc and Dopamine(60mg in 50D5W)
piggybacked in Secondary port. Abd exam benign. Voiding
large amounts. MD aware. Lytes to be drawn q8hrs. Na
remains high last level=149. MD aware. No sodium in TPN.
Dsticks wnl. P- Cont to assess for FEN needs.
#4-O/A- Baby Girl [**Known lastname 256**] #2 remains active and alert with
cares. Infant opens eyes and moves around. Grasp reflex
noted during cares. Nested in sheepskin with boundries and
gel cushion for comfort. Temp stable on warmer under clear
plastic tent. P- Cont to assess for G&D needs.
#5-O/A- Parents in to visit with updates given. Difficult
day for parents. Twin #1 decompensated this morning while
they were at bedside. Infant was "coded" for about 30 min.
Infant did not survive despite everything that was done.
Chaplan called and was present for prayers. Social work was
called for support as well. Parents expressed their wishes
for both their babies and also mentioned that they are
private people. They had some private time with the
deceased baby. They returned to Mom's hospital room. They
have note been
| Overall Negative Note |
880 | Nursing Progress Note
#1-O/A- Received infant on HFO MAP=8, Amp=15. Infant
remains on those settings. FIO2 23-30% so far this shift.
No resp distress. No desats. Good ABG this afternoon. P-
Cont to assess for Resp needs.
#2-O/A- No audible murmur. Cont on Indocin for mod PDA on
echo. Cont on Dopamine to keep Mean BP 23-30. Current
blood out 2.24ml. Plans for CBCw/diff in am. P- Cont to
assess for CV needs.
#3-O/A- TF=180cc/kg/d. UAC with 1/2 NaAcetate with 1/2unit
of heparin/cc. DLUVC primary port with TPN D9 and IL.
Secondary port with TPN D9, D12.5 w/heparin and
Dopamine(30mg in 50ccD5W). Infant had Dstick of 45 today,
was treated with a D10W bolus and IVF Dextrose was increased
from D10 to D12.5. Subsequent dsticks stable. Abd exam
benign. Remains NPO. Voiding, no stool. Plans for lytes,
BUN and Cr in am. P- Cont to assess for FEN needs.
#4-O/A- Baby girl [**Known lastname 256**] #2 cont to be active and alert
with cares. Fentanyl given X2 for comfort. Temp stable on
warmer under tent. Nested in sheepskin. Gel cushion under
head only. P- Cont to assess for G&D needs.
#5-O/A- Parents in to visit with updates given. Mom was
discharged from hospital today. Parents stated that they
will be staying at the [**First Name8 (NamePattern2) 3159**] [**Last Name (NamePattern1) 3162**] on [**Location (un) 3167**] St. in
the [**Hospital1 **]. Parents loving and appropriate. P- Cont to
enc parental calls and visits.
#6-O/A- Cont on Amp/Gent day [**6-4**]. On day 1 of Vanco. No
current s/s of infection. P- Cont to assess for s/s of
#7-O/A- Remains under Neoblue phototx. Plans to check bili
in am. P- Cont to assess for Hyperbilirubinemia.
See flowsheet for further details.
| Overall Neutral Note |
881 | NPN Days
#1 Resp: Infant remains intubated on HFOV, MAP 6 AMP 15,
Fi02 26-38%. Spontaneous RR 20-30's, LS c/=, IC/SC retrac.
Sxn'd X1, no secretions noted, small cloudy secretions
orally. Cont Vit A. ABG drawn this afternoon (see labs),
bicarb given for acidosis. P: Cont to monitor resp status,
will repeat ABG 1 hour after bicarb finishes.
#2 CV: No murmur appreciated, 150-170's, infant is pink to
ruddy, well perfused. Brisk refill, +PPP. BP MAPs mostly
ranging 23-34, however infant had brief period of time this
afternoon with drop in BP, requiring increased Dopa to
20mcg/kg. Currently Dopa gtt running at 12mcg/kg/min. Infant
received first alloquot of PRBCs this afternoon, will
transfuse second alloquot this evening. P: Cont to monitor
CV status, titrate Dopa to goal MAPs of 23-30, will admin
PRBCs this eve.
#3 FEN: TF=150cc/kg/day, infant cont to be NPO. Currently
[** 1956**] infusing 1/2NS with 1/2U Hep/cc, line to be d/c'd this
eve. DL UVC infusing PND5 with Hep, IL, D10W with Hep, and
Dopa gtt without diff. Dstick 92. Abd benign, soft, flat, AG
13.5, hypoactive BS noted. Uop 4.2cc/kg/hr, no stool. P:
Cont to monitor FEN status, plan to d/[**Initials (NamePattern4) **] [**Last Name (NamePattern4) 1956**], [**First Name3 (LF) **] attempt
PICC line tonight-o/w cont with DL UVC.
#4 G&D: Temp stable on servowarmer, nested on sheepskin with
gel pillow. Alert and active with cares, MAE, opens eyes,
enjoys her pacifier, AFSF. Infant appears comfortable, given
Fent prn. P: Cont to monitor and support G&D.
#5 Parents: mom in a couple of times t/o shift, updated by
this RN. Asking appropriate questions, taking pictures, very
loving towards infant. P: Cont to encourage parental calls
and visits.
#6 ID: Temp stable on warmer, infant is alert and active.
Cont Vanco D6/7, Amp and Gent D11/14. P: Cont to monitor for
sx of sepsis, finish abx courses.
#7 Bili: Neoblue d/c'd this AM. P: Will f.u with bili levels
Sun AM.
See flowsheet for further details.
| Overall Neutral Note |
882 | Nursing Progress Note:
#1 - RESP: Remains on HiFi ventilator - Delta p 16 Map of 8.
FIO2 Today 23-30%. Lungs sounds diminished bilaterally. Mild
int/sub retractions. Suctioned for minimal amt of secretions
oral and tube. Art gas this am - 7.31/50/46/26/-1. No
changes made at that time. Plan to recheck this evening
@1700pm. CXR planned for [**Doctor First Name 153**] am.
#2 - CV: No murmur heard. HR (140-160). Pink and well
perfused. Remains on Dopamine 30mg in 50cc's D5W. Mostly
5mcqs today. Early in the shift had top off at 14mcqs
briefly. MAPs usually 23-29. Pulse pressures [**5-8**]. Pulses
normal. Echo done this afternoon. Results pending.
Transfused with first alloquot of PRBC this afternoon.
Tolerated well. Plan to start 2nd alloquot this evening.
#3 - FEN: NPO. TF remain at 200cc/kilo. Plan to decrease
to 180cc/kilo at ~1800pm When change PN/IVF. UA and DLUVC
infusing without difficutly. Dstick this afternoon 87.
Abdomin soft and flat. Girth 12cm. Hypoactive BS. Voiding.
No stool thus far. Lytes to be drawn at 1700pm and again in
am with Bun//Creat.
#4 - G&D: Temps stable on warmer. Eyes open. Alert and
active with cares. MAE. TUrned and repostioned with cares.
HUS today - WNL per attending. Skin in good condition. No
breakdown. Aquaphor applied. Fent used PRN for stress.
Managaged well throughout the day.
#5 - PARENTS: Lovely warm parents. Mom in several times
today. Updated at the bedside. Father up for family meeting.
Teary eyed at times. Signed consent for LP. Mom being
discharged [**Doctor First Name 153**]. Staying at local hotel.
#6 - Sepsis: Blood cultures neg to date. Day [**5-5**] antibiotics
- amp and gent. Repeat Gent peak to be drawn at 1700pm. LP
consent signed.
#7 - BILI: Remains under neoblue (mini). Voiding. No
stooling. NPO. Check bili in am.
| Overall Neutral Note |
883 | Nursing NICU Note continued
#5. Parents O: Mom in to visit this am. She was updated
at bedside on pt's current status and daily plan of care.
Mom asking appropriate questions. A: Family appears loving
and invested. P: Continue to update, support and educate.
Social work to follow.
#6. Sepsis O: Pt. is alert, active and acting appropriate
w/ cares. Temps stable on an open warmer. Today is Day
#7/14 days of IV Amp+Gent, Day #[**3-7**] of IV Vanco. Last
blood cult -to date. A: Sepsis P: Continue to monitor
for s/s of sepsis. Continue w/ IV Abx per schedule. Plan
to check CBC in am.
#7. Hyperbilirubinemia O: Pt. remains ruddy, warm. She
is under Neo-blue mini. A: stable P: Continue to
monitor. Plan to check [**Female First Name (un) 531**] in am.
| Overall Neutral Note |
884 | NPN 1900-0700
1. RESP: Infant [**Last Name (un) 229**] on hifi vent with Map 7, delta-p
18. FiO2 up slightly to 40-57% this shift. ABG at 0300 was
7.36/55/45/32/3. No vent changes made at this time. Lung
sounds are coarse to clear. Baseline retractions. No
spells or significant desats noted so far this shift. Will
monitor closely.
2. C/V: No murmur heard but mod PDA noted per echo report.
Infant is receiving her 3rd coarse of Indocin. Infant
remains on Dopamine gtt which has been 19mcg/kg for most of
this shift to maintain BP means 23-30. She is ruddy and
well-perfused with brisk cap refill. Total blood out since
last blood transfusion is 1.5cc. Will monitor closely and
waen dopa as tolerated.
3. F&N: TF remain at 180cc/k. UAC has Na Acetate with
hep, DLUVC has PND10 with IL, D10W and dopa gtt infusing
well. Lytes this am are 134/5.2/98/29. D/S at 0300 was
216. D10W infusion changed to D5W. D/S at 0500 was 237.
PN rate was changed from 82cc/k/d to 62cc/k/d and D5W
infusion increased. Will follow up D/S later this am. Abd
is soft and flat with hypoactive BS. U/O 6 cc/k/h. No
stool noted. Weight up 30 grams to 400grams.
4. DEV: Baby girl [**Known lastname 256**] 2 is active and alert during
her cares. Fentanyl given X 4 for stress related to hifi
vent and to help her tolerate cares. She moves all
extremities and open her eyes. She is nested on sheepskin
on servo-radiant warmer and gel pillow with tent covering
her. She has a small blister noted on her left thigh. Umbi
appears moist.
5. PAR: Parents in to visit X1. They asked appropriate
questions and spoke lovingly to their daughter. They have
not decided on a name for the baby.
6. [**Month (only) 375**]: Today is day [**9-11**] of Ampi and Gent and day [**4-4**] of
Vancomycin. Blood culture from the 28th is still negative
to date. Will monitor closely and continue antibiotics as
7. BILI: Infant remains under neoblue mini. Bili this am
2.1/0.7/1.4. Will monitor.
| Overall Neutral Note |
885 | NPN 1900-0700
1. [**Month (only) 375**]: Infant continues on Ampi and Gent. Blood cultures
pending. Will monitor results and continue abx as ordered.
2. RESP: Infant received on SIMV 18/6 X30. PEEP decreased
to 5. ABG at 0300 was 7.35/35/89/20/-5. [**First Name9 (NamePattern2) 63**] [**Doctor Last Name 64**] aware and
vent weaned to 16/5 X28. FiO2 21%. No spontaneous resps
noted. Rest rate 28-30. No retractions noted. Lung sounds
are clear. Sxn orally for small to large thick white
secretions and mod white via ETT. No spells or desats
noted. Follow up blood gas to be done later this morning.
Will monitor closely.
3. NEURO: [**Known lastname **] remains unarousable and profoundly
hypotonic with no spontaneous movements witnessed by this
RN. Dad reported a leg jerk movement noted X1. Hands
remain clenched and small roll placed in her palms to
prevent contractures. Passive ROM to extremities done with
cares. Awaiting EEG results.
4. F&N: TF remain at 100cc/k/d. UAs has 1/2 NS infusing
well. DLUVC has D10W in primary port and PND10W in
secondary port infusing well. D/S 109. 24 hour lytes
143/4.1/111/18. [**First Name9 (NamePattern2) 63**] [**Doctor Last Name 64**] aware. This mornings labs are
pending. Abd flat. No audible bowel sounds. A/G stable.
U/O 1.8cc/k/h. No stool noted. No weight change.
5. DEV: [**Known lastname **] remains nested on sheepskin on
servo-radiant warmer with gel pillow. Temp stable.
Chromosomes to be sent later this am.
6. PAR: Dad in with many family members and both parents
in to visit with [**Known lastname 4420**] siblings. They all spoke
lovingly to [**Known lastname **] and asked appropriate questions. Dad
made this RN aware of the leg jerk movements. He stated, "I
am going to hold on to hope. I think she will make it. She
is very strong." Will continue to support family.
| Overall Neutral Note |
886 | Nursing Progress Note:
RESP: REmains on SMIV 18/6 rate of 30. FIO2 21%. RR (30). No
spontaneous resp effort. Coarse to clear. Suctioned once for
no secretions. No retractions. No bradys or desats. Last
arterial gas at 1700 - 7.29/47/80/24/-3. No changes made
CV: HR - 133-141. Little variability. Pink/ruddy well
perfused. No murmur. Cardiac echo - done this afternoon -
PFO, sm PDA, subnormal left ventricular cavity. BP MAPs
stable 36-55. 59/44 51. Blood out 5.2cc's. DLUVC noted to
be in left atrium - per echo - NNP pulled line back this
ID: Remains on 48 hour rule out. Amp and gent continue at
this time. Blood culture neg to date. CBC repeated this am
- WBC - 10.5, HCT 55.5, PLT 389, N - 51, B - 0, L - 29.
FEN: BW - 1050grams. TF at 100cc/kilo/day = 4.4cc/hour.
Currently has UA and DLUVC lines. UA - 1/2 NS with 1/2 unit
Hep/cc at 1 cc/hour. DLUVC - primary port with D10W with
1/2 unit heparin at 1.2cc hour. Secondary port with TPN -
D10W and heparin at 50cc/kilo - 2.2 cc/hour. Abdomin soft
and flat. No BS. Girth 17.5 - 18cm. Voided 1.7cc/kilo for
this 12 hour shift. No stool since delivery room. Dsticks
today 110, 122.
NEURO: Remains unarousable, profoundly hypotonic, no
spontaneous movement. No reflexes, Pupils fixed and dilated,
minimal to no variability in HR/RR. Neuro consulted. HUS
done - normal. EEG done - awaiting final report. [**Month (only) 103**] need
DEV: Temps stable on open warmer. Turned and repositioned
with cares. PAssive ROM done with each cares. Mouth care
done at each cares. Nested in sheepskin/water pillow.
Genetics consulted due to mild dysmorphic features - short
tip of nose - pointed up, mildly low set ears, set back.
Right [**1-27**] toes crossing over. Claw flexed hands. REquested
checking chromosomes.
PARENTS: Mom and Dad in throughout the day. updated at the
bedside. Updated by Neuro earlier. Awaiting eeg results.
Loving family. Expressing difficulty about having to talk
to their older children about [**Known lastname **].
| Overall Neutral Note |
887 | 8 Jaundice
Nursing Progress Note:
#2 - RESP: REmains on IMV settings of 19/5 rate of 30.
Weaned rate from 35 at 1500pm for art gas of 7.51, 25, 105,
21, 0. FIO2 21%. RR (30). No spontaneous resp effort. Lungs
clear and equal. No retractions. No spells.
#3 - NEURo: MRI of head and spine done. Poor prognosis.
Believed to be a hypoxic ischemic event possibly metabolic
related effecting the brain and spine. REmains unresponsive
with no spontaneous movement noted. EEG yesterday showed
absence of cortical activity, wide spread severe
encephalopathy, and no seizure activity. Neuro and genetics
are following. Chromosomes are pending.
#4 - FEN: TF remain at 100cc/kilo/day. NPO. Continues with
UAC and DLUVC. Remains on TPN and lipids as ordered. Dstick
97. Abdomin soft and flat. Girth 18cm. No BS. Voided
2.4cc/kilo for this 12 hours. No stool since birth. Lytes
and bili in am.
#5 - DEV: TEmps stable on warmer. Did get cold when at MRI
test - was quickly warmed with additional lights when
arrivign back to the floor. Placed on lillypad mattress for
pressure points this afternoon. Continue to provide passive
ROM q 2hours.
#6 - PARENTS: Mom and Dad in throughout the day. Brought 8
and 10 year old sibling in this afternoon. Updated at the
bedside. ATtending, SW and RN spoke with parents this
evening regarding MRI results. Parents have been preparing
for this devastating news for the last few days.
#7 - CV: No murmur heard today. Pink and well perfused. HR
(120-140). Cuff BP - 70/43 53. MAPS 44-53. Mild generalized
#8 - Jaundice: Started single phototherapy this am for bili
of 5.5/0.4. Recheck bili in am. Glasses on. Voiding. No
stool since birth. NPO still.
8 Jaundice; added
Start date: [**2165-9-13**]
| Overall Neutral Note |
888 | NPN 1900-0700
2. RESP: Infant remains on SIMV 16/5 X30. FiO2 28-33%,
up to 40% after a desat to 83% after her cares. Lung sounds
are clear. No spontaneous breaths and no retractions noted.
No spells noted. Sxn for mod white via mouth and ETT Q 4
hours. No spells noted.
3. NEURO: Infant remains unresponsive with no spontaneous
movement and pupils are fixed and dilated. Parents made
aware of EEG results by Dr. [**Last Name (STitle) **]. MRI to be done later
4. F&N: NPO. TF 100cc/k/d. UAC has 1/2NS with hep
infusing well. DLUVC has PND8 with IL infusing well. Abd
soft and flat. Bowel sounds are hypoactive. A/G stable.
No spits noted. U/O 2.3cc/k/h. No stool noted. Weight
loss 10 grams.
5. DEV: [**Known lastname **] is nested on sheepskin with gel pillow.
Passive ROM done on all extremities with each set of cares.
Temp stable on aervo-warmer. Skin intact but infant is
edematous. She is slightly jaundiced and bili level to be
drawn later this am.
6. PAR: Parents in to visit with infant's siblings and
other friends and family members. They ask approrpiate
questions and speak lovingly to [**Known lastname **].
7. C/V: Murmur heard at 2400. HR 139-142. She is
well-perfused. BP 61/31 X42 and UAC means WNL. She is
edematous with brisk cap refill. EKG to be done this
| Overall Neutral Note |
28 [**1-2**] week female admitted to NICU from L&D for prematurity, r/o neurologic abnormality. Please see above MD note for detailed hx. Infant arrived to NICU via heated transport isolette, intubated being ventilated by Neopuff. Placed on radiant warmer with monitors on. 2.5 ETT inserted in OR replaced with 3.0 ETT on arrival in NICU. Received 1st dose survanta and placed on SIMV. UAC/UVC placed by NNP and CXR confirmed placements of ETT and lines. CBC and Blood Cx obtained and sent. Baby cares given. Reivew by system:
Currently on vent settings 21/6 x40. No spontaneous resp effort seen. RR consistant with vent breaths., LS coarse. Last ABG 7.45/32 (on PIP of 24 and rate of 46 at that time).
No mumrur. Color pink. Well perfused. Cuff pressures 60's/30's. UAC means 33-37.
BW 1050g. NPO. TF 100cc/k/d. UAC with 1/2NS with 1/2u hep/cc. DLUVC with primary port D10W and 1/2u hep/cc and secondary port Starter PND10 at 50cc/k/d. DS 70/62/104 respectively. Infnat has voided 1cc. No stool. Abd soft and flat. Hypoactive BS. BUN, Cr and LFTs per lab report sheets.
Temps stable on radiant warmer. No tone--somewhat contracted extremities. No grimace. No repsonse to stim/pain (Vit K injection). No moro. Neuro has been in to consult. Plan for HUS, EEG and ? MRI tomorrow.
CBC and Blood Cx obtained and sent. No left shift. 1st doses ampi and gent given.
Parens have been in and updated by Attending [**Initials (NamePattern4) **] [**Last Name (NamePattern4) **] on infant's condition. Parents teary-eyed at bedside. Dad brought in 10yo and 8yo siblings to meet infant. They will need SW involvement in am.
| Overall Neutral Note |
890 | Nursing NICU Note Cont.
6 Alt. in CV status.
3. F/N. O/Remains NPO. TF decreased to 60ml/k/d. TPN D10 w/
hep now running at approx 34ml/k/d and IVF D10 w/ hep
running at approx 13ml/k/d via intact DLUVC. 1/2NS with hep
running at 1ml/hr via intact UAC. Has voided 6ml this shift
(Attending aware). No stool passed. Please refer to
flowsheet for examinations of pt and dstick results. A/
Generalized edema still present, but apperas less. Alt. in
F/N. P/[**Last Name (un) 1225**] I/O as ordered. Cont. to monitor.
4. G/D. O/Morphine drip started at 10mcg/k/hour
(concentration 5mg/50ml D10W). Pt also recieved a few
morphine bolus doses prior to procedures. Pt occasionally
opening her eyes. Appears to be sleeping when left
undisturbed. Adjusting servo control for varying temps
[**Name8 (MD) 1226**] NNP aware. Chromosomal analysis sent. A/Pain appears
controled. P/Cont. to monitor for evidence of discomfort.
Cont. to monitor for temp instability. Cont. to support pt's
growth and dev. needs.
5. [**Name8 (MD) 5**]. O/Mother called this shift and both mother and
father in to visit pt. This nurse [**First Name (Titles) 55**] [**Last Name (Titles) **]. [**Last Name (Titles) 5**]
stated that they feel up to date on pt's status. Mother and
father touched pt gently on hands and face and spoke softly
to her. A/[**Last Name (Titles) 5**] are involved in pt's care. P/Cont. to
support and educate [**Last Name (Titles) **].
6. CV. O/Please refer to above notes for ECHO results. Skin
becoming pinker. Normal pulses. Brisk cap refill noted. Team
is aware of BP results from this shift: No change in plan of
care made thus far. Pt receiving 1st alloquot of PRBC as
ordered. A/Hypotension noted and reported. CV status appears
stable at this time. p/Cont. to monitor BP. Cont. to monitor
tolerance to PRBC transfusion.
1. Blood sent for parvovirus. Urine bag placed to send for
6 Alt. in CV status.; added
Start date: [**2133-8-13**]
| Overall Neutral Note |
891 | NPN Days
#1 ID: Temp stable, infant is acting AGA. Cont Amp, Gent,
and Oxacillin for r/o sepsis. Bld cxs NTD. P: Cont abx, f/u
with cxs, monitor for sx of sepsis.
#2 Resp: Received on 19/6 X 22, rate increased to 25
following VBG (see labs). Fi02 33-40%,breathing 20-40's, LS
coarse, IC/SC retrac. Sxn with cares for mod cloudy
secretions. No spells, occ desats requiring 100% Fi02,
mostly surrounding caretimes. Began vit A this afternoon. P:
Cont to monitor resp status.
#3 FEN: TF=170cc/kg/day, infant receiving D5W with
1/2UHep/cc, PND5, and Dopa gtt via DL UVC, infusing without
diff. PAL infusing NaAcetate with 1U Hep/cc. Cont with Q4H
lytes (see labs), Dsticks 150, 109. Abd soft, flat, no
audible BS, AG 15.5. Uop so far this shift 1.5cc/kg/hr, no
stool. P: Cont to monitor FEN status, Q4H lytes
#4 CV: No murmur, 150-170's, infant appears pink to sl
jaundiced, well perfused. Brisk cap refill, equal pulses,
quiet precordium. TBO 4.2cc, BP MAPs from PAL 19-25. Dopa
cont at 10mcg/kg at this time. P: Cont to monitor CV status,
will follow clinically to adjust Dopa, unable to get cuff
BPs at this time.
#5 G&D: Temp stable on servowarmer, nested on sheepskin with
gel pillow. Alert and active with cares, opens her eyes,
grimaces with repositioning. Infant settles quickly, sleeps
well, appears comfortable. HUS done this AM-WNL. Infant's
skin is grossly intact, appears gelatinous and shiny.
Erythema surrounds umbi and is patchy t/o trunk. Some
bruising noted to the extremities, and mepital dsg to L foot
is intact. Aquaphor applied with cares. P: Cont to monitor
and support G&D, monitor for pain, monitor skin integrity.
#6 Parents: Parents in this AM, updated at the bedside by
this RN and NNP. Asking appropriate questions, very loving
towards infant. Observed infant's caretime, and provided
hand containment. P: Cont to encourage parental calls and
#7 Bili: Cont double phototherapy for hyperbili. P: Cont to
f/u with levels, cont phototherapy.
See flowsheet for further details.
| Overall Neutral Note |
892 | Procedure Note: Umbilical Venous catheter adjustment
UVC on x-ray shown well into heart. UVC withdrawn 1 cm without incident. Repeat x-ray planned.
| Overall Neutral Note |
Subsets and Splits