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kaa_Latn | 1) yamasa x = 4, y = 1. | eng_Latn | 1) or x = 4, y = 1. |
kaa_Latn | tájiriybesizlik | eng_Latn | impracticality |
kaa_Latn | mektep | eng_Latn | schoolboy |
kaa_Latn | pediatriya | eng_Latn | Pediatrics |
kaa_Latn | Suspenziya Suyıqlıq penen aralastırılǵan untaq. | eng_Latn | Suspension A powder mixed in a liquid. |
kaa_Latn | 2. Ózgermeli tok shinjirina tek katushka jalǵanǵan halda ózgermeli tok kúshi hám kernewdin arasındaǵı fazalar ayırmashılıǵı nege teń? | eng_Latn | 2. What are the phase differences between the alternating current and voltage when only a coil is connected to the alternating current circuit? |
kaa_Latn | kógisleniw | eng_Latn | To turn blue |
kaa_Latn | Búgingi xalıqaralıq konferenciya ilimiy-teoriyalıq xarakterge ie bolıp, oǵan Germaniya, Qubla Koreya, Tailand, Polsha, Rossiya mámleketlerinen, sonday-aq, Ózbekstannıń derlik barlıq joqarı oqıw orınlarınan 180 nen aslam maqalalar hám tezisler qabıllanǵan. | eng_Latn | The conference was held internationally and received more than 180 scientific articles from scientific researchers of the Russian Federation, South Korea, Thailand, Poland and Germany, as well as higher educational institutions of our country. |
kaa_Latn | arasında | eng_Latn | among |
kaa_Latn | ótpey jatıp qalǵan tovarlar | eng_Latn | stock of goods |
kaa_Latn | Shvabrin hám starshinalar onın izinen erip ketti. | eng_Latn | Shvabrin and the officers followed him. |
kaa_Latn | Maydanshaǵa ma? | eng_Latn | To the platform? |
kaa_Latn | dán tazalaytuǵın mashina | eng_Latn | grain cleaning machine |
kaa_Latn | Júzim baǵların jaratıw hám eskilerin jańalawdı xoshametlew maqsetinde sertifikatlanǵan jańa júzim plantaciyalarınıń hár bir gektarına 10 million sumnan subsidiya beriledi. | eng_Latn | To encourage the creation of new and the renovation of old vineyards, subsidies of 10 million soums will be provided for each hectare of new certified plantations. |
kaa_Latn | ilajsızlıq | eng_Latn | inevitability |
kaa_Latn | Balalardaǵı bronxial astmanın klinikalıq etiui auırlıǵına qaray hár qıylı bolıwı múmkin. | eng_Latn | The clinical course of bronchial asthma in children can vary in severity. |
kaa_Latn | baǵıt alıw | eng_Latn | aspiration |
kaa_Latn | tutqınǵa alıw | eng_Latn | Conclusion |
kaa_Latn | D) 23 gektar; | eng_Latn | B) 23 hectares; |
kaa_Latn | shsh | eng_Latn | Shh. |
kaa_Latn | Bul jónelis bir kúnde 40 mıńǵa shamalas jolawshıǵa xızmet kórsetiw quwatlılıǵına ie boladı. | eng_Latn | The line will be able to transport approximately 40,000 passengers per day. |
kaa_Latn | Regeneraciya dep, organizmlerdiń tirishilik xizmeti dawamında yamasa qandayda bir tásir nátiyjesinde jasaw múddeti tamamlangan yaki jaraqatlangan kletkalar, toqimalar yaki agzalardın qayta tikleniwine aytıladı. | eng_Latn | Regeneration refers to the restoration of cells, tissues, or organs of an organism that have become obsolete as a result of its life processes or have been damaged due to some external influence. |
kaa_Latn | Cilindrdin kósherinen ótiwshi tegislikler de onıń simmetriya tegislikleri boladı (81-súwret). | eng_Latn | Any plane passing through the axis of a cylinder will also be an axis of symmetry of the cylinder (Fig. 81). |
kaa_Latn | 1924-jılı Vladimir Lenin qaytis bolgannan soń mámlekette Iosif Stalin hám oniń izbasarı tiykargi rol oynay basladı. | eng_Latn | After Vladimir Lenin's death in 1924, Joseph Stalin and his associates came to play the leading role in the state. |
kaa_Latn | 2. Usı qararǵa 1a-qosımshadaǵı mámleketlik akciya paketlerin satıw sheńberinde: eń jaqsı usınıslardı tańlap alıw tiykarında professional shólkemler sawda processlerin shólkemlestiriw ushın tartılıwı múmkin ekenligi; jergilikli investorlarǵa "E-auksion" elektron sawda platforması, sonıń ishinde, mobil qosımshası arqalı real waqıt rejiminde olardı identifikaciyalaw, investiciya dáldálshileri menen shártnama dúziw hám depo esapbetin ashıw imkaniyatı jaratıladı; akciyalardı satıp alıwda "E-auksion" elektron sawda platformasında barlıq investiciya dáldálshileri hám olardıń qarıydarları qatnasıwı ushın teń sharayatlar jaratılatuǵını; akciyalardı satıp alıw ushın elektron arzalar jergilikli investordıń ózi tárepinen yamasa investorlar atınan háreket etetuǵın investiciya dáldálshisi arqalı beriliwi múmkin ekenligi; onlayn aukcionlardıń juwmaqlarına bola aldı-sattı shártnamaları bahalı qaǵazlar sawdaları shólkemlestiriwshileriniń sawda maydanshalarınan tısqarıda dizimnen ótkeriletuǵını hám onıń nátiyjesi haqqındaǵı maǵlıwmat investordıń jeke kabinetine jiberiletuǵını belgilensin. | eng_Latn | 2. To establish that, within the framework of the implementation of the government share packages specified in Appendix No. 1a to this decree: professional organizations may be involved in organizing trading processes based on the selection of the best offers; for domestic investors, the opportunity is created to identify them, conclude agreements with investment intermediaries, and open depository accounts through the "E-auksion" electronic trading platform, including its mobile application, in real time; on the "E-auksion" electronic trading platform, equal conditions are created for the participation of all investment intermediaries and their clients in acquiring shares; an electronic application to acquire shares can be submitted by the investor themselves or through an investment intermediary acting on behalf of the investors; upon completion of online auctions, the registration of purchase and sale agreements is carried out outside the trading venues of the organizers of securities trading, information about the registration result is sent to the investor's personal account. |
kaa_Latn | cementten islengen | eng_Latn | Cement |
kaa_Latn | 6. Ta'kirarlaw operatori'ni'ń islewin túsindiriń. | eng_Latn | 6. Explain how a parameterized loop operator works. |
kaa_Latn | Ana razı bolsa, shańaraq ta, jámiet te razı boladı,-dedi Prezident. | eng_Latn | The President said, "If a woman is happy, her family and society will be happy as well." |
kaa_Latn | jumalatıw | eng_Latn | roll up |
kaa_Latn | yurisdikciya | eng_Latn | jurisdiction |
kaa_Latn | "Mehribanlıq úyi"ne Prezident sawǵası Usı jıl 4-sentyabr kúni Qaraqalpaqstan Respublikası Joqarǵı Keńesiniń Baslıǵı, Ózbekstan Qaharmanı M.Erniyazov Xojeli rayonındaǵı 1-sanlı "Mehribanlıq úyi"nde bolıp, tárbiyalanıwshıları jáne ustaz-pedagoglardı elimiz ǵárezsizliginiń 28 jıllıq bayramı hám jańa oqıw jılınıń baslanıwı menen qutlıqladı. | eng_Latn | On September 4th of this year, the Chairman of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Hero of Uzbekistan M. Erniyazov, visited "Mehribanlyk Uyi" No. 1 in Khojeli district, where he congratulated the pupils and educators on the 28th anniversary of our country's independence and the new academic year. |
kaa_Latn | End. a) A=1, B=1; b) A 8, B=1; f) A=25, B=25; e) A=8, B=8; d) A=1, B=8; g) A=100, B=10. | eng_Latn | 6) a) A=8, B=1; b) A=1, B=8; c) A=100, B=10; d) A=8, B=8; e) A=25, B=25; |
kaa_Latn | meniń basım aylandı | eng_Latn | I feel dizzy. |
kaa_Latn | Oqıwshiga sinaw ushın berilgen 10 balldan bahalanatuģın 10 mısaldıń sheshimi muģallim tárepinen 5, 7, 9, 7, 6, 7, 8, 6, 8, 9 ball menen bahalandı. a) oqiwshi jámi qansha bal toplagan? b) oqiwshının neshe sheshimine joqarı ball berilgen; d) oqiwshının neshe sheshimine en kem ball berilgen; e) oqıwshınıń neshe sheshimi 8 ball menen bahalanadı; f) oqıwshınıń bahaların ósip barıw tártibinde jazıń, payda bolgan maglıwmatlar qatarınan agzalar modasın tabıń. | eng_Latn | The student received 5, 7, 9, 7, 6, 7, 8, 6, 8, 9 points out of a possible 10. a) How many points did the student score in total? b) How many of the student's answers were rated with a high score? c) How many of the student's answers were rated with the lowest score? d) How many of the student's answers were rated with 8 points? f) Write out the student's scores in ascending order and find the mode of the terms in the resulting data series. |
kaa_Latn | quwratıp taslaw | eng_Latn | to dry |
kaa_Latn | 1. M. Kamal armiyası pútkil Turkiya aymaģın qashan azat etti? | eng_Latn | When did the troops of Mustafa Kemal liberate all of Turkey's territory? |
kaa_Latn | Ulıwma etip aytqanda, wálayatta oraylasqan ishimlik suw menen qamtıp alınıwın házirgi 87 procentten 97 procentke jetkeremiz, - dedi talaban. | eng_Latn | Overall, in terms of the coverage area for centralized drinking water, we will increase it from the current 87 percent to 97 percent, - noted the candidate. |
kaa_Latn | Qosımsha energetika quwatlıqların jaratıw boyınsha sistemalı jumıslar shólkemlestirildi. | eng_Latn | A systematic effort has been established to create additional energy capacity. |
kaa_Latn | tarqatıw | eng_Latn | to distribute |
kaa_Latn | satqınshılıq etiw | eng_Latn | to drown |
kaa_Latn | Forum sheńberinde Turkiyanıń bir neshe universitetleri menen Berdaq atındaǵı Qaraqalpaq mámleketlik universiteti arasında xalıq aralıq birge islesiw boyınsha memorandumlarǵa qol qoyıstı. | eng_Latn | Memoranda of understanding for international cooperation were signed between several Turkish universities and the Berdakh Karakalpak State University within the framework of the forum. |
kaa_Latn | talas | eng_Latn | Dispute |
kaa_Latn | jańǵaq ushın qısqısh | eng_Latn | nutcrackers |
kaa_Latn | ólshew | eng_Latn | measuring |
kaa_Latn | Paydalanıp atırǵan hám dáramat keltirmey atırǵan aktivler satıwǵa shıǵarıladı. | eng_Latn | Unused and unprofitable assets will be put up for sale. |
kaa_Latn | Bala sidigine onıń 1-2 10% tamshı eritpesn ko sılǵanda, sidik intensiv jasıl ireńge boyaladı. | eng_Latn | When 1-2 drops of a 10% solution are added to the child's urine, the urine turns a bright green color. |
kaa_Latn | Házirgi waqıtta aeroportta qurılıs jumısları baslap jiberilgen. | eng_Latn | Construction work has begun at the airport. |
kaa_Latn | 2) Bul sanlardıń hárbirinde neshe onlıq bar? | eng_Latn | 2) How many tens are in each of the numbers? |
kaa_Latn | qurıq basıw | eng_Latn | to sit out, to wait out |
kaa_Latn | 3. Gúlli ósimlikler ne ushın hár qıylı boladı? | eng_Latn | 3. What accounts for the diversity of flowering plants? |
kaa_Latn | ǵıjaq beriwshilik | eng_Latn | Provocation |
kaa_Latn | B) arablar; | eng_Latn | B) Arabs; |
kaa_Latn | ǵıshırlaw | eng_Latn | To creak |
kaa_Latn | Akcionerlik jámiyeti 8 jeńilletilgen akciyanı 25 000 sum bahada hárbir akciyaga 10% jıllıq dáramat hám 80 ápiwayı akciyanı 20 000 sum bahada shiǵardı. | eng_Latn | The joint-stock company issued 8 preferred shares with a par value of 25,000 soums each, yielding a 10% annual dividend, and 80 common shares at 20,000 soums each. |
kaa_Latn | múmkin emes | eng_Latn | no |
kaa_Latn | iskusstvonı súyiw | eng_Latn | love of art |
kaa_Latn | stajirovka | eng_Latn | Internship |
kaa_Latn | AC = 6; c) AB = 9; | eng_Latn | AC = 6; c) AB = 9; |
kaa_Latn | kachalka | eng_Latn | swing |
kaa_Latn | Ayırım tarmaqlarda shiyki zattı tereń qayta islew hám qosımsha bahalı ónimler islep shıǵarıwdıń bir tutas shınjırı jaratılmaǵanı kórsetip ótildi. | eng_Latn | A lack of a complete chain for deep processing of raw materials and the production of value-added products in some industries has been pointed out. |
kaa_Latn | Group 1: A boy has a donkey. | eng_Latn | Group 1: A boy has a donkey. |
kaa_Latn | Kompyuterdiń maglıwmatlardı elektron kóriniste súwretlew qurilmasi monitor (monitor - baqlaw, qadagalaw) dep ataladi. | eng_Latn | A device that displays data electronically is called a monitor (from the word "monitor" - tracking, monitoring). |
kaa_Latn | Bul úlkede hárqanday qashıqlıqlar Grinvich meridianı boyınsha temirjolǵa sáykeslenip ólshenedi. | eng_Latn | In these parts any distance was measured in relation to the railway, as if from the Greenwich meridian ... |
kaa_Latn | gúmanshıl | eng_Latn | skeptic |
kaa_Latn | Hayal-qızlar hám jaslardıń siyasiy belsendiligi arttırıladı Ózbekstan "Adolat" social-demokratiyalıq partiyasınan Prezidentlikke talaban Robaxon Maxmudovanıń isenimli wákili Nurlıbay Qayıpbergenov Moynaq rayonındaǵı saylawshılar menen ushırastı. | eng_Latn | A number of draft laws were discussed at a joint meeting of the factions of the People's Democratic Party and the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, including a proposal to liberalize criminal liability for minors. |
kaa_Latn | halın sorap biliw | eng_Latn | To visit |
kaa_Latn | belgiyalı | eng_Latn | Belgian |
kaa_Latn | ZC1OC2 = 60°; | eng_Latn | ZC, OS2 = 60 degrees; |
kaa_Latn | tártiplik | eng_Latn | Disciplinary |
kaa_Latn | bul sıyaqlı | eng_Latn | such |
kaa_Latn | Teris sanlar ústine ámeller áyyemgi grek alımı Diofant, hind alımı Braxmagupta (598 660) shigarmalarında ushiraydı. | eng_Latn | Negative numbers appear in the works of the ancient Greek scholar Diophantus and the Indian scholar Brahmagupta (598-660). |
kaa_Latn | erlik | eng_Latn | courage |
kaa_Latn | 72 4 Madinanın sheshimi: 4 juplıq: 12; | eng_Latn | Mubinobonu's Solution: 2 3 4 5 4 pairs: 12; |
kaa_Latn | barıp keliw | eng_Latn | to go (somewhere) |
kaa_Latn | oylap shıǵarıwshılıq penen shuǵıllanıw | eng_Latn | to engage in invention |
kaa_Latn | Ekinshi jáhán urisi jilları Italiya Liviyanın qolay strategiyalıq jaylasıwınan paydalandı: portlar, aerodromlar, jollar qurıldı. | eng_Latn | During World War II, Italy took advantage of Libya's strategic location, building ports, airfields, and roads. |
kaa_Latn | Tábiyģiy ekosistemalar 3 tipke bólinedi: 1) qurgaqlıq ekosistemaları; | eng_Latn | Depending on the conditions, natural ecosystems are divided into three types: 1) terrestrial; |
kaa_Latn | protest | eng_Latn | protest |
kaa_Latn | onıń sózi isine sáykes keledi | eng_Latn | His words did not harmonize with his actions. |
kaa_Latn | Menin menen ol ayrıqsha múláyim boldı. | eng_Latn | He was always especially affectionate with me. |
kaa_Latn | toktı ashıw | eng_Latn | to switch on the current |
kaa_Latn | u negb mnbgo pechatnıx rabbt onıq ba- sılıp shıkkan miynetleri kóp | eng_Latn | work |
kaa_Latn | 5) 3,25 saat; | eng_Latn | 5) 3.25 hours; |
kaa_Latn | amnistiya | eng_Latn | free pardon |
kaa_Latn | Biraq, Abul Qasım Firdawsiydin bul maqtaw qosıgı "Shahnama"nıń ózbek hám tájik tilinde basıp shigarılgan nusqalarında túsirip qaldırılgan. | eng_Latn | - However, this hymn by Abulqasim Firdawsi was omitted from editions of the "Shahnameh" published in Uzbek and Tajik. |
kaa_Latn | Bul mánisti Labell obyektiniń Caption qásiyetine beriw mumkin. | eng_Latn | This value can be assigned to the Caption property of the Label1 object. |
kaa_Latn | Konferenciya aldınan Túrkiya Respublikası Prezidenti Rejep Erdwǵannıń simpozium qatnasıwshılarına qutlıqlawı oqıp esittirildi. | eng_Latn | At the beginning of the conference, a message from the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, was read to the symposium participants. |
kaa_Latn | Maselen: Qıtay imperiyasında xukimettin barlıx xareketlerine juuap beretugın byurokratiyalıq shólkem bar edi. | eng_Latn | For instance, in imperial China, there was a bureaucratic officialdom that was responsible for all governmental actions. |
kaa_Latn | biytaplanıw | eng_Latn | Illness |
kaa_Latn | 6) nizamlardı ózlestiriw; | eng_Latn | 6) Study of legislation; |
kaa_Latn | Patrullew tezligi-600 km/s, en bálent ushıwı-10200 m, ushiw dawamlılıǵı-7 saat, ekipajı-5 adam, samolyot uzınlıǵı-46,5 m, bálentligi 14,7 m, IL-76 samolyotı bazasında jaratılgan (33-súwret). | eng_Latn | Patrol speed 600 km/h, service ceiling 10,200 m, flight duration 7 hours, aircraft crew - 46.5 m, height (Fig. 33). |
kaa_Latn | Shet el áskerleri menen sovetlerdiń ishki dushpanları birlesip, 1918-jili Rossiyanıń Volga boy1, Ural, Sibir, Uzaq Shigis aymaqlarında sovet húkimetin awdarıp tasladı. | eng_Latn | In 1918, the combined forces of counterrevolutionaries and foreign interventionists overthrew Soviet power in the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, and the Russian Far East. |
kaa_Latn | chtobı ne upast | eng_Latn | To grab, to seize, to clutch |
kaa_Latn | Belgili xalıq dástanların aytıń ("Mahabxarata" hám "Ramayana," "Panchatantra") 8. | eng_Latn | Name the famous epic poems of the people ("Mahabharata" and "Ramayana," "Panchatantra"). |
kaa_Latn | Kanada jagaları arqada Arqa Muz okeanı, shigista Atlantika okeanı, qubla-batista Tinish okean suwları juwadı. | eng_Latn | Canada is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, and to the southwest by the Pacific Ocean. |
kaa_Latn | Investiciya, sanaat hám sawda ministrliginde joybarlaw baslamasınan baslap, onı iske qosıwǵa shekemgi bolǵan barlıq processlerde investorlarǵa "bir ayna" arqalı járdemlesiw jolǵa qoyıldı. | eng_Latn | The Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade has established a system to assist investors at all stages, from project initiation to launch, using a "one-stop shop" principle. |
kaa_Latn | 2. Jazanıń belgilengenligi principiniń mánisi nede? | eng_Latn | 2. What is the essence of the principle of the inevitability of punishment? |
kaa_Latn | Anam esitip qalıp datbiyrat bolıp jılap jiberdi: "Fedya-aw, sen házir atta júre alatuǵın ba ediń! | eng_Latn | His mother heard what he said and burst into tears: "Where are you going, Fedya, to ride on top of the world right now?" |
kaa_Latn | ERGASHEV TARIYXÍ JÁHAN 60-julla (XVI-XIX ásirdiń Uliwma orta bilim beriw mekteplerinin 8-klass oqıwshıları ushin sabaqlıq Qayta islengen hám tolıqtırılgan tórtinshi basılıwı Arqa Amerika Özbekstan Respublikası Xalıq bilimlendiriw ministrligi tastıyıqlagan N Aziya Eugora htt Qubla Amerika Afrika Antarktida Avstraliya Sholpan atındaģı baspa-poligrafiya dóretiwshilik úyi Tashkent - 2019 uz UO K 372.893=512.121 (100) (075) KBK 63.3 (0) ya721 F91 Juwaplı redaktor: G. Babamatov - tariyx ilimlerinin kandidatı; | eng_Latn | R. FARMONOV, U. DJURAEV, SH. ERGASHEV WORLD HISTORY - 4917 (XVI - 60s of the XIX century) Textbook for students of 8th grade secondary schools Fourth revised and supplemented edition Recommended by the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan htt North America South America • Asia Europe Africa Australia 1 Antarctica, Publishing and Printing Creative House named after Chulpan Tashkent - 2019 UDC 372.893 (100) (075) BBK 63.3 (0) ya721 F91 Responsible editors: T. M. Bobomatov, Candidate of Historical Sciences; |
kaa_Latn | tovarlarǵa ústeme baha qoyıw | eng_Latn | Markup on goods |
Subsets and Splits