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04:32 PM ET
4 years ago
Roberts calls partisanship at State of the Union 'very troubling'
soundoff (320 Responses)
1. Edward Veidt
Not only did the Supreme Court make a decision that essentially sold out all Americans, but the Court is also apparently populated with crybabies.
March 10, 2010 03:20 pm at 3:20 pm |
2. A True Centrist
"Someone needs to remind the people that the SC is there to rule on "laws for the land" using the constitutions and its amendments as the foundations for their decisions. "
The Justices ruled this was a freedom of speech issue. You should read the opinion before typing your unsubtantiated rants.
What most uneducated people need to realize is that the campaign reform laws did nothing to reel in the corporate dollars. Now, instead of coming from the JP Morgans of the land, the money is funneled through the MoveOn.Org and Tea Party movement type organizations. The campaign reform laws were well intentioned, but like most bills passed by Congress, did nothing to solve the problem at hand (similar to the bills passed to fine airline carriers for late flights (which resulted in the most cancelled flights on record), the reforms enacted to protect credit card holders (which resulted in increased fees and interest rates prior to implementation etc...)
3. An Independent
The State of the Union was not a political pep rally. Nice try to make an excuse not to attend. The Courts lack of presence would not draw the government or the people closer together. Not attending would have the opposite result of the Justices implied purpose i.e showing respect for the government as an institution.
Mr. Roberts knows that the State of the Union had something in there for everyone. If his remarks are correctly quoted and fully quoted he should be ashamed of himself for the shallowness of those reported remarks.
The President’s statement cut across party lines. Both parties support a change to the change the Court handed down. If the Justice is uncomfortable maybe he should stick to precedence as he said that he would during his confirmation. Now there is a thought!!!
4. Brijhy
Though the First Amendment can be a bit complicated, the line between people and corporations are the easiest to draw. But realize that the Court in its decision has just rubbed out that line.
The Supreme Court has told us that we should trust corporations more than our elected officials. Right or wrong, it is a sad comment on our democracy.
5. Nick , California
Stop the press.. someone doesn't agree with the supreme court ruling that allows corporations to influence the direction of our country! I'm proud that our president has called this issue to the attention of the citizens of this country. These large corporations don't speak for the people as they exist for one reason.. to make as much money as possible.. no matter how it effects the country or the world! They are more than happy to send jobs overseas for cheap labor (profit) and bring this great nation to its knees! Have you ever heard someone say.. sorry its just business.. not personal! Well FYI, business does have a direct impact on personal lives!!!
6. Reality bites
The supreme court is not above the law. They are just as political as the dems and republics...and its not relevant what if Bush would have done! The flood gate is open for more corruption in politics! Get over it leonardofru!
7. TheTruthForOnce, NOT BS
Chief Justice John Roberts of courses introduces politics into this by his very statements on the subject. I'm sure he didn't ever make the same assumptions when his buddy George was blasting all those who were against taking basic rights away from them and lying to congress. It is just utterly amazing the audacity of republicans and the stupidity of democrats.
8. Chaz
Only a young inexperienced president would make this type of mistake. This was no place to make such a political statement whether he felt he was right or not. There has to be a healthy respect for separation of powers. I for one am sick of this partisan BS from both parties!
9. Darth Cheney
So, selling out the election process to corporations is NOT troubling, but being called out for it IS troubling.
March 10, 2010 03:21 pm at 3:21 pm |
10. Mike In Carolina
This controversy clearly defines conservative hypocracy and their double standards. When it suits their cause, claims of activist judges are heard loudy from The Right. Obama was right to criticize the unlimited infusion of corporate and foreign financing into our electorial processes. He had the guts to do so because this discounts the power of individuals and those without deep pockets.
11. guest
If Obama had any guts he would pack the court like Roosevelt did and neutralize a partisan judge like this one
Justic Roberts call it like it is. The ball is in your court and perhaps you just stepped on the presidont Toes.
13. Joe citizen abroad
I'm sure Chief Justice Roberts has explained why the ruling was in keeping with the letter of the law. But what about the spirit? I'd love to hear him explain how that ruling is good for America and the health of our electoral process.
Have people gone mad? How is it a good thing to allow large organizations with limitless funds to dominate the campaign airwaves? Are we just dropping all pretense and declaring our government for sale to the highest bidder?
Thank goodness we have a president with the courage to rebuke the court. They are not gods. They are not much as the chief justice might like to think so.
March 10, 2010 03:22 pm at 3:22 pm |
14. Ron
First, those who criticize the Supreme Court decision don't even know the specifics of the case. I suggest researching before simply repeating what Obama said. Obama misrepresented (intentionally) because he is trying to gain political points and knows the uninformed will support him regardless of its accuracy. Second, the intention of the State of the Union (SOTU) is to tell the country the state of affairs (quick history lesson – the State of the Union used to be a written summation and not a verbal representation). the intention of the SOTU is NOT to confront a part of the three branches of government. This just shows how immature and uninformed Obama really is. I suggest the Supreme Court no longer attends the SOTU until it becomes more professional. BTW, wasn't Obama supposed to be a "Uniter" and not a "Divider"?
15. Tram
Given the fact that the Supreme Court is part of the reason we're in the mess we're in these days (and thanks to them not stopping Bush or the Patriot Act), he's got no room to talk.
16. Steve
Obama is the one that's out of touch and out of control. His Highness is still in campaign mode, and has made no attempt to learn how to govern. He came in with no experience in governance, and hopefully will be gone before he has a chance to do more damage.
What a cry baby.He voted for a stupid issue that should not have passed simple as that.I never thought that the Supreme Court could be influeneced by Corporations or bought.But then again leave it to the conseratives for a stupid decision. Everybody thank lil bush
18. gary
When an activist court led by a right-wing political Chief Justice interprets the Constitution in a way that fundamentally changes the relationship between the government and business, the President is obligated to speak up. His job is to defend and uphold the Constitution. If Roberts doesn't like this and thinks the State of the Union is a "pep rally," he ought to hide out at home.
March 10, 2010 03:23 pm at 3:23 pm |
19. Indy
Roberts might be a judge but Obama is the President !! It is his State of the Union not the judges.Sorry President always trumps a judge.
20. tyler
whether or not you agree with the SC opinion is not the point. It's fine for the President, Congress, the American people to disagree with the opinion. What is not ok is the President blasting the Supreme Court in front of a cheering Congress when the Supreme Court is required to not do or say anything while there (and Alito broke this rule). The President is free to rip on Court decisions all he wants, but it's out of line and improper to do it when the justices are there as a courtesy. The problem here is not the SC ruling, it's the way in which Obama chose to comment on it and embarrass the Supreme Court, and in the process, embarrass himself. The justices are there as a measure of good spirit and Obama guaranteed that spirit will never be extended by the SC again. Way to go, Barry O.
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Many don't trust it, but an accurate count assures federal aid is distributed fairly
March 09, 2010|By Arlene Martínez | OF THE MORNING CALL
It's 10 questions, and it takes 10 minutes. It may just be the quickest $11,000 you can make.
Yet this year, millions won't fill out the form that determines how much money -- roughly $11,000 a person -- the federal government will give to their communities.
The U.S. Census began mailing and hand-delivering a short questionnaire to households in the 50 states and Puerto Rico earlier this month.
There's been an aggressive campaign to educate community leaders on what the Census is about and why it's important that every individual be counted.
On Sunday, the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials Educational Fund brought its ''Ya Es Hora'' (It's Time) campaign to Allentown.
''Es facil. Es importante. Es seguro,''
Jissette Leonardo, NALEO's regional
Census coordinator, told a small group gathered at St. Paul Catholic Church.
Translation: It's simple. It's important. It's safe.
Getting across the last point, that it's safe, can be challenging, the group of community leaders and clergy was told.
Immigrants may not realize that the form is filled out anonymously and won't be used, for example, to deport illegal immigrants.
''There's a lot of people that say, 'I don't want to fill it out because I don't trust it,''' Leonardo said.
But a community's total population, regardless of the legal status of its residents, determines how the federal government calculates the roughly $400 billion given annually to state and local governments.
Communities with large minority and poor populations historically have been undercounted, leaving them with far less money than they would be eligible for.
This year, NALEO expects it to be even more difficult to track immigrants because they're more scattered than they were 10 years ago, living in rural areas in addition to big cities.
The ramifications of undercounting people go beyond money.
After each decennial Census, boundaries for congressional districts are redrawn. Some states typically lose representation while others gain seats, depending on population shifts. Pennsylvania, for example, lost two seats after the 2000 Census.
''There's a lot of repercussions and that includes political power,'' Leonardo said.
Muhlenberg College professor Erika Sutherland, who is working with Grupo de Apoyo e Integración Hispanoamericano, gave some tips on getting residents to fill out the form.
She pointed out that a Census worker will visit any household that doesn't return the form.
''What's better, filling out the form or having someone come knocking?'' Sutherland said.
Morning Call Articles | | robots: classic
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The KittyTiger blog serves as an outlet for two like-minded creative individuals living in Kuala Lumpur (with radically different personalities and talents, however) to express themselves. Naturally, the blog needs a unique logo. As creative individuals, it is not always an elegant act to borrow (or pilfer) images from the internet. So what does one do when one suddenly wants a logo but has limited skills in graphic design and photoshop? One draws of course! The above logo was hastily drawn in 5 minutes. It has a bit of an amateurish feel, but it’s better that way, cuz it’s unique. | | robots: classic
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Here's a little something from, Global Security .org, that I found quite interesting.
Gates To Take Comprehensive Approach To End "Stop-Loss.
It was written on 02/29/2009.
I wonder why it wasn't better publicized?
Most everything that I've been able to find on this subject gives the appearance that Secretary Gates has requested that military leaders lower the "stop-loss" ratio, and that they, (Military Leaders), chose to ignore his requests. I won't call them orders because then they (the leaders) would be in defiance of direct orders, and we all know that isn't allowed in the military.
I have a better idea Mr. Secretary.
Let's just end stop-loss all together.
Let's direct our military leaders to start doing something about morale, and retention.
Get out from behind those desks and get out and find out what it would take to make the Army a better place to be.
Lets show Secretary Gates that he has the backing of a lot of military members, their families, and friends, by signing the petition.
Online petition - End Stop Loss.
We're nearing the 100 signature mark and counting.
Not quite the progress I had hoped for in a week, but never the less a good showing.
If you are a member of Facebook, you are invited to join our group.
God bless our soldiers and bring them home safe.
1. As you said, I don't think it was an order. It's the same old publicity. He said the same thing a while ago, and your guest poster was correct--actual usage and implementation of it jumped somewhere between 40-60%, depending on your source.
Just a quick heads up, the military is not very fond of I don't know enough to say whether it is political, but they publish the sort of information that the military would prefer kept hidden. If you dig deep enough, you'll find detailed maps of bases overseas, and a general approach that is critical of the military.
I have found their information to be useful, but I also know that some will consider them invalid. Have you dug into my paper yet? Also, along the sidebar of my blog, in the links section, I have a few places for you to read up on the order and how it came into power.
BTW, i know it was in the other post, but SGT M is completely right about making the issue a collection of personal ones, rather than a huge non-personal issue. And, the questions he raised are worth thinking over. I'm interested in seeing how others may answer them.
2. I haven't read your paper yet.
I've been dealing with some health issues. Nothing serious, just a bunch of nagging things, and haven't felt like reading or writing.
I don't know why it is being perceived that I'm turning this into a non personal issue?
That's certainly not my intention.
Along with the signatures on the petition I'm cultivating a list of email addresses that I can get testimonials from.
In fact, I hope to begin posting some of them on the blog.
I was thinking about doing an interview series, but haven't thought it out well enough yet.
Any suggestions?
first off, forgive me if i sound like an idiot, but im really confused after your last post and im feeling like i may not know enough about stop loss. you did say john that you think that guys deployed in combat should stay until the deployments over. thats what i think too. i didnt understand the whole noncombat deployed stop loss thing you say. maybe its cause im running the tail end of a week thats had me asleep maybe 30 hours in last 7 days. maybe its cause ive been awake and working for the last 19 hours. i am under the impression that soldiers who are slated to get out right before a deployment or during a deployment are the only ones who get stop lossed. were you saying that those who are slated to leave right before a deployment should be allowed to leave, but those whos contracts run out while deployed should stay.
like i said before im really tired so im kinda having a hard time wraping my head around this. im feeling like im lost and that im not understanding what im reading. would you clarify it for me. im really truely sorry, i havent felt this dumb in a long time.
4. I wonder why it wasn't better publicized?
Think about it(media).
5. Mike,
Your not dumb at all.
In fact, the farther I get into this, the more confused I get.
The more I read about it the less I understand.
In my son's case, his ETS was sometime in late May, or early June.
The brigade got stop-loss orders in late February.
They returned from a fifteen month deployment in early June 08. 06/06/08, 2:00 AM to be exact. We were there. So if you go by what I have been able to determine from my reading, they are due a 1:1 dwell time. Now I'll admit that this dwell time issue is quite confusing as well. Some articles say that the ratio is 1:1 to a max of twelve months, for a unit that has been deployed for a period of 12 continuous months or more.
While others claim, 1:1 for the full deployed time.
Then a third article I read claimed that soldiers are entitled to two years home for one year deployed to a combat situation?
Keeping with the 1:1 ratio, a unit that got home from a fifteen month tour in June 08, would be non-deployable until September 09.
If I understand the policy correctly it reads that stop-loss can be issued up to 90 days prior to deployment.
So why a stop-loss order seven months prior to a unit being available for deployment?
And when there is no actual known deployment order?
While I am against the policy. I understand the logistical problems created by soldiers separating from a unit in a war zone. It didn't happen In WWI, WWII, Korea, or Vietnam. Even with the draft still in effect until, I think, 1974. (By this I mean that even with the draft in place, soldiers were held in units in country, until the unit came home). And it shouldn't happen now.
I understand that the contract states that you may be kept on active duty for up to eight years, during a time of war.
That being in effect should be sufficient to address the issue of manpower during a time of need.
And thus no need for stop loss.
It is my understanding that Iraq, while having been approved for war by Congress was never actually voted to be a war. (Probably a political ploy). I heard the other day that they are going to start using lawyers, and politicians in laboratory testing. No kidding. They found that there were certain things that rats just wouldn't stoop to.
So then isn't stop-loss being employed illegally? (Question, not opinion).
I'm still working for signatures,Online petition - End Stop Loss, to assist me in going forward with this endeavor to end stop-loss in a manner which is fare and equitable to both sides.
All thoughts, comments, and ideas are welcome.
I've gained a lot of knowledge from personal emails, which I welcome, even the spiteful and ignorant comments. Some individuals don't seem to know how to debate a subject without name calling.
I'm the general manager of a petroleum company. There aren't many insults you can throw my way that I haven't heard in the past year...
I've honestly appreciated the input from you, and 13stoploss, since we got by that first unruly exchange. I think we have all grown a bit.
I haven't heard from Jenn for a while?
Hope all is well on the home front.
I know how tough it is having a son over there. I can't begin to imagine how difficult it could be for a wife or husband at home raising the family.
Hopefully it will serve to make the bond even stronger, and you will enjoy many years of happiness when all is said and done.
Stay safe SGT, God speed, and I hope you get some rest.. | | robots: classic
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In Real Life by Lawrence Tabak
Whenever I think about a gamer kid the image of a socially awkward pimply kid comes to mind. Seth (called ActionSeth online) is a gaming and math prodigy from the Midwest. He loves the game Starfare and spends hours playing in order to achieve his goal of turning pro and living in Korea. For all his mental abilities he is awkward in school and although he has a crush on a pretty girl called Beth he never does anything to show her how he feels.
Seth's parents are divorced and his brother is a jock college basketball player. Seth lives with his dad, a travelling salesman who seems to love to berate poor Seth whenever he comes home from one of his business trips. When his dad encourages him to get a job so that he doesn't have to go live with his mom (they have an awkward relationship) he does so at a local pizza parlor. It is there that he meets Hannah, a girl he develops an instant crush on. Hannah seems intrigued by Seth's gaming prowess and academic talent. Seth for his part admires Hannah for her artsy side and free spirit.
Seth had entered a gaming contest where he was beaten soundly by the Koreans. His play attracted the attention of a top Korean gaming team and before he knows it Seth finds himself overseas. Everything does not end happily ever after however and Seth soon finds that the pace of life, his difficulty adjusting and the fact that he misses people back home interfere with his overall play. He must then make some very adult decisions despite the fact that he is only sixteen.
Tabak's book is an in depth look at the life of a teenager who achieves his life's goal early. Some people don't do so until they are many years older and some don't even know what their goal is in life For that I applaud Seth because he was offered an opportunity and he reached out and grabbed it. He did not neglect is studies though so even when things got rough he knew that he had other options. This, I think is the most important takeaway from the novel.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Half a World Away by Cynthia Kadohata
Jfic books rarely deal with sensitive topics but Kadohata's book Half a World Away deals with something that I have rarely discussed with other adults-adoption. I do not know how many couples enter into a relationship intending to adopt but I would love to see those stats. In this book, told through the eyes of young Jaden we meet a family that is just now coming to terms with Jaden's behavior. He has hard a hard time adjusting to life and has some weird behavior patterns for which he has seen several therapists.
Although his parents love him very much they don't feel complete and are determined to go Kazakhstan to adopt a baby. Jaden himself was adopted from Romania as a young child and he vaguely remembers his mother before she abandoned him. He claims not to love his parents and truth be told, his parents, or at least his adopted father may love him but seems not to like him very much.
Jaden realizes how charmed his life is when he interacts with locals. The driver, Sam is my favorite character in this book and I like his sly digs at American culture. In essence he shows Jaden that for all their wealth Americans sometimes lose sight of the simple things in life. The family traveled halfway across the world intending to adopt one child but due to the bizarre nature of the process that child ends up going to a German family. As it so happens after the family is shown some babies the parents and Jaden end up liking different babies. Both children seem to have special needs and I applaud Jaden's parents for even considering adopting them as many parents probably would not have done so.
This book is not a feel good book, it is very moody and deals with some difficult subject matter and emotions. Mature children would probably get into this book but it is so different from a lot of the standard jfic fare that is out there that I would not readily recommend this to patrons.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Death Coming Up The Hill by Chris Crowe
Those who do not learn from the events of History are doomed to repeat it. I always think of that saying whenever events transpire that give me a sense of deja vu. Those who lived long enough to see the fall out from the Vietnam War may have been saddened by the nation's involvement in two wars we could not win in Iraq and Afghanistan. I remember when the Iraq wars first started how sad it was to see the daily count on the news and see the bodies being brought home. With our twenty four hour news cycle, coverage was much more in depth than it was forty odd years ago yet still I felt a sense of detachment from the events over there.
The book Death Coming Up the Hill by Chris Crowe is a small ode to the soldiers who perished and/or went MIA in Vietnam. Told completely in haiku form the book relates one year in the life of a teenager called Ashe who lives with his parents in Arizona. Theirs is a loveless marriage although they both love Ashe dearly.
Ashe has a vibrant English teacher Mr. Reed who does not shy away from the realities of what is happening to the young men fighting in Vietnam. He gets very emotional about the subject but this is because he has a strong sense of right and wrong and knows that what is going on there could never be right.
Ashe also meets a kindred spirit with whom he can talk about the war as well as his turbulent family life. As his home life unravels Ashe has some tough decisions to make and eventually decides to do what will benefit his mom the most.
I flipped this book open when it came in and I saw the haiku and assumed it was a poetic ode to the war but only after examining it closely did I discover that it was indeed a novel. The verse form did not impede the narrative and it flowed smoothly. As I reflect on how hard it is to compose haiku, this is some feat. Despite the fact that the book deals with happenings from the 1960s it is still relevant today due to the fact that many of these same issues are still unresolved and in some cases are even worse today.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Library news November 2014
Russia has been in the news often over the past few months what with their incursions into the eastern part of Ukraine. Now the Russian Presidential Library has been tasked with creating a "Russian-focused alternative to Wikipedia". So far they have collected more than 50,000 books and archive documents from 27 regional libraries. Read more here.
It seems that budget cuts have hit libraries worldwide. I admit that I was not following the goings on closely but as I browsed through the UK's Public Libraries News I noticed the compromises and policy adjustments that were made, among them having libraries taking over by a council and cutting money from other areas to fund libraries. In Southampton there have been protests by residents to save libraries. This article describes how protesters want councillors to go and not the libraries-five city libraries are in danger of being closed.
The BBC is reporting that a court in India has ruled that it is against the country's constitution for female students to be banned from a main university library. This after several thousand female undergrads were banned from the Maulana Azad Library in a university in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
In Canada, a recent report cited urban-rural library technology divide as well as decreased accessibility to archival material. Also Canadians can now search their family's First World War history online. Library and Archives Canada has a Soldiers of the First World War database which is an index to the service files held by LAC for the servicemen and women who served during that era.
It is no secret that today's libraries are community hubs. The Twin Cities' oldest library (in existence since the 19th century) is being reborn as a job skills center for Emerge. The 13,000 square foot building's programs are expected to help make a dent in the region's high unemployment rate. Read more here.
We are smack dab in the middle of NaNoWriMo and this article talks about the efforts by two librarians to push this program at their library in Oregon. The program was so popular last year that they even published a collection of writings from many of the participants.
Finally, do you want to prove that you are Native American or have Native American ancestry? This blog by the Denver Public Library shows you just how the process goes, and believe me when I say that it is not easy.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Fall crafts
I have focused a lot on the books part of the blog of late so let me try to highlight some cool ideas that I intend to submit to my library's craft committee and/or use in my own weekly storytimes.
Paper plates are so handy, easy to manipulate and cheap and these cute crafts are simple to create with some glue, felt, paint, markers and googly eyes.
Top 10 DIY Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids - Top Inspired
This owl uses a few paper plates as well as some paint. This may be a bit too much for a story time craft but looks ideal for a day care craft for toddlers, for an after school program or even for a rainy/snowy day outside.
I found a website called Classy Clutter that has a host of crafts for the little ones using a variety of materials such as popsicle sticks, paper and leaves. I noticed that they had a few crafts on there where the kids traced their hands. That is a well worn craft but they also had a craft where the kids made a handprint turkey hat. I have not seen many of those done and it should be well worth a try for those tired of the same old. Here are the directions and this is what the finished product looks like:
For the Thanksgiving season many people like to have the little ones make things to show how thankful they are. Hand crafts are always in vogue and on this site they give directions to make a nifty hand print wreath full of precious little hands.
Another thankful craft I found on Learn Create Love's site had the kids trace and cut out their hands, write something thankful on them and stick them on a tree template. An excellent way to celebrate the thankful season.
Finally, for someone looking for a craft that could be done at home and would be big enough to decorate a wall, this craft is fantastic for that. Using construction paper, leaves, string, marshmallows and other materials, you can make a sign that says just how you feel about this time of year.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
How It Went Down by Kekla Magoon
Sometimes when an incident occurs eyewitnesses have a different take on what exactly occurred. What they see is often colored by their experiences and prejudices. That is the case in Kekla Magoon's fantastic book for teens called How It Went Down which deals with the fall out from the killing of an unarmed black teenager called Tariq by a man named Jack Franklin. As (bad) luck would have it Franklin just happens to be white.
The premise appears ripped from the headlines what with the recent unrest in Florida and in Ferguson, Missouri. One of the better drawn characters is the preacher Pastor Sloan who is conflicted with his role. On one hand he is scoring political points which help bolster his campaign for office, on the other hand he has a son of his own with whom he does not have the best relationship. the Pastor also has to resist the temptations that come with his standing.
Written in small first person vignettes that slowly reveal the characters' relationship if any with the victim, Magloon paints a picture of a neighborhood trying its best to deal with the aftermath of the youth's killing. This killing is especially hurtful because while Tariq was no angel his death was completely unavoidable. The killing reverberates in several other ways too and causes the beautiful Jennica to examine her relationship with gang member Noodle. At first she is aghast at his callous reaction to the Tariq's death but gradually she begins to examine her life and what she wants out of it.
Tariq was flirting with joining a gang and the gang's leader Brick feels that he was closer to joining than he really was. Through the eyes of the youngest member of the group, Tyrell we see how he Tariq, Sammy, Junior and youth were close knit but drifted apart as the call of the streets became too strong. Junior is in jail serving a long sentence for a crime that he took the rap for. Sammy is afull-fledged member of the group and is determined to climb the ranks.
The role of fathers is underscored and by far the most fatherly figure is Steve Conners who seems to care more about his step son than Tyrell's own biological dad. To say the two enjoy a frosty relationship putting it mildly. Tyrell is academically gifted and is determined to go to college and become the first one in his circle and his family to do so. Though it is not overtly stated it seems that his father feels threatened by his son's upward mobility. Besides the father-son dynamic there is also a class divide apparent. Steve implores Will not to return to the hood and his disdain towards the denizens of that part of town is apparent.
This is a fantastic read that rings to light many societal ills and many issues within the African-American community. It is telling that the older African American males who are in a position of power and influence make no attempt to mentor or provide some sort of guidance for these at-risk youth. Also Pastor Sloan himself admits that were the shooter another young black male he most likely would not have been as visible and as vocal in the press and on tv. This is a timely read and while it does not delve deeply into issues that need to be addressed, it at least starts a discussion.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Ellray Jakes Rocks the Holidays by Sally Warner
I have not seen many books for the 2nd-4th grade set that had an African American main character and is not set in an urban setting. So when I stumbled upon this series I was pleasantly surprised. Lancelot Raymond "EllRay" Jakes lives with his genius dad, mom and younger sister in California. His dad is a professor and his mom is a writer and they live a comfortable middle class life.
In this particular book Ellray is having a normal day until he accidentally offends the other 'brown" kid in class, Kevin. He then must do a set of challenges prescribed by Kevin in order for them to be even.
Although the book is aimed at young readers it still explores themes such as race and class. EllRay's dad for example explicitly tells him that he should make nice with Kevin since in his mind people of color need to stick together especially when they live in communities that are predominantly white. A non POC reader might find this hard to believe but this is completely true. Even EllRay's teacher Ms. Sanchez shares some of her story growing up in a different time.
EllRay is a shy kid and it just so happens that one of Kevin's challenges is to go up in front the school and emcee the winter holiday program. The debate over the name of the program is pretty funny and illustrates how pc life has become. As you would expect things do work out in the end without too much fuss-this is a Christmas adventure after all.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
The Witch's Boy by Kelly Barnhill
From the title of this book I assumed for some reason that the main character would learn magic at the hand of a good witch to whom he was apprenticed. I wasn't too far off in my guess as he does end up learning magic but not quite in the way that I imagined. Ned, the aforementioned witch's boy was one half of a twin until one day he and his brother take to sea in a flimsy craft and end up stranded. Ned himself only survived due to his mother's heroic use of magic. Circumstances soon conspire to bring big trouble to his neck of the woods though as the bandit king and his army raid their village and try to steal the magic which Ned's mother has safeguarded.
Set in a time far off when kings and queens ruled we see the level of ignorance and distrust that exists among people in the same town and between peoples of different towns. Ned's people for example don't think that there is anything beyond the mountain. Aine's people think that Ned's people are simpletons. Even Ned's people are afraid of his mother despite the fact that she is called upon to help them when any misfortune occurs.
Another good theme that I found in this work is that of the strong woman. I read something recently about staying away from the damsel in distress trope and Barnhill does a good job of this. There are three main characters in this book and non can be classified as "weak": The Queen, Sister Witch (Ned's mom) and Aine, daughter of a red-haired bandit king whose name we never learn. The Queen, despite her advanced age is in control of her faculties and is a kind and just ruler. Ned's mom exercises her office and uses her power wisely-many times she uses herbal remedies instead of magic-and is a good bridge between Ned and his father. Aine for her part has been taught well by her father and can defend herself if need be. It is she who takes pity on Ned when they first meet because he has no experience living in the wild and is dependent on her for instruction.
Power corrupts is another theme and we see it in the machinations of the Queen's family who try to usurp the throne many times. The boy King is another character who abuses his power and Aine's own father cannot curb his baser instincts and returns to the life that he lived before he met Aine's mother. Aine for her part tries to make sense of the abrupt change her father seems to have undergone. She out of all the characters struggles with some very heavy issues. She is a brave girl indeed. Life must go on and loss is a part of life and I thought that Barnhill did an excellent job with dealing with the loss of loved ones in this book. Older readers aged 10+ would grasp what she is trying to convey. | | robots: classic
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1 - You will be run through the takeoff and landing procedures as the #2 aircraft.
2 - You will need to be able to successfully bomb at least 7 tanks in 10 attempts, as well as strafe at least 7 soft targets (artillery, AAA, vehicles) in 10 attempts.
3 - You will need to be able to successfully complete a dead stick, wheels up landing in the field, and to successfully recover from a stall induced spin.
4 - You will need to be able to verbally go through the phonetic alphabet.
5 - You will fly a mock mission as a flight leader. This is to include the takeoff and landing procedures, navigation, attacking ground forces protected by AAA, and reconnaissance.
New members will receive as much specific training as is necessary to pass all parts of this test.
A much more thorough and detailed training program is run for Staffel members, with weekly meetings every Wednesday. For those, we focus primarily on areas that are relevant to our upcoming missions for that week. | | isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2018-47
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Conservation and National Security
A Handbook for a Conserver Society
by David R. Brower
. . . I wish I could show you two maps and stop talking for a while.
One is a computer map of the U.S. population in 1776, 1876, and 1976, prepared at M.I. T.
On the 1976 segment Los Angeles is barely perceptible. It had not even become one of the largest 25 U.S. cities by the 1900 census. The M.I.T. map is enough to assure even aHerman Kahn that we can't go on in the next century the way we carried on in the first two. It should assure the space colonizers that they couldn't dissect asteroids fast enough to build colonies for our fertility excess, or find fuel enough to ship it any farther than India, where it is hardly needed.
The other map exists only in my mind -- a demographic-drain map to show what resources were required to sustain our new population peaks, a map in which the area of countries is the product of their population multiplied by their resource drain. Newsweek published a map on October 26 that comes close, but not close enough.
Something better than gross national product is needed to measure the drain of resources. (For example, the U.S., with five percent of the worlds population, uses one third of the resources; the remaining ninety-five percent use the other two thirds -- a ratio of about ten to one. Our 225 million, multiplied by ten, equals 2.25 billion, half the earth's population. On the global map, then, the U.S. would occupy half the land area, and in the Newsweek map it doesn't begin to. Africa would be tiny.) I think that if we looked long and hard at such a map, we would realize why it has been said that a lot of nations can't afford the U.S. anymore.
When I first heard that comment, scenes from Italy flashed through my mind, abandoned castles on hills, castles once comfortably occupied by the affluent who thought that if they kept their supporting peasants ill-clothed and ill-housed and ill-fed enough, the peasants couldn't muster enough strength to cause trouble. You could simply tell them to lift themselves by their bootstraps, mind the magic of the marketplace, and buy a do-it-yourself covered wagon and go west . . .
We have better ideas, and I'm sure you do. For the full Friends of the Earth list of things to spend a trillion on, I refer you to:
Progress As If Survival Mattered; A Handbook for a Conserver Society. | | robots: classic
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I'm trying to create the icon for my iPhone app, but don't know how to get the exact radius that the iPhone's icons use. I've searched and searched for a tutorial or a template but can't find one.
I'm sure that I'm just a moron, but how do you get the rounded corners exactly right with your icon from Illustrator or Photoshop?
What's the radius for the Retina iPad?
share|improve this question
Why do you believe you need to? – Nick Veys Jan 20 '10 at 22:45
Thank you so much for asking this. I've been looking everywhere :) – SeniorShizzle Dec 26 '10 at 8:36
@NickVeys No matter how old, an unanswered question bugs me. Not sure if this is the poster's intention, but it could be for a Jailbreak app, or artwork outside of iOS itself. – tkbx May 26 '12 at 2:46
And then iOS 7 came, increased the "default" icon radius, and made this question instantly out-of-date. – marzapower Jun 10 '13 at 23:42
11 Answers 11
You can make four icons (as of today) for your app and they can all have a different look - not necessarily based on the 512x512 image.
• corner radius for the 512x512 icon = 80 (iTunesArtwork)
• corner radius for the 1024x1024 icon = 160 (iTunesArtwork Retina)
• corner radius for the 57x57 icon = 9 (iPhone/iPod Touch)
• corner radius for the 114x114 icon = 18 (iPhone/iPod Touch Retina)
• corner radius for the 72x72 icon = 11 (iPad)
• corner radius for the 144x144 icon = 23 (iPad Retina)
If you do create a set of custom icons, you can set the UIPrerenderedIcon option to true in your info.plist file and it will not do any of the gloss or corner rounding for you but it will place a black background under it with these corner radii so if the corner radius on any of the icons is greater then it will show black around the edges/corners.
To add a retina-compatible file, use the same file name and add '@2x'. So if I had a file for my 72x72 icon named icon.png, I would also add a 114x114 PNG file named [email protected] to the project/target and Xcode would automatically use that as the icon on a retina display. You can see this in action on the Summary page of the application target if you've done it right. The same works for your launch images. Use launch.png at 320x480 and [email protected] at 640x960.
share|improve this answer
Note that the icon on the iPhone 4 is not 72x72, but 114x114 with a radius of 18. ;) – Pascal Feb 13 '11 at 12:55
@Pascal @stinkbutt: Fixed and +1. – BoltClock Mar 26 '11 at 21:30
512/80 == 114/18 == 72/11 == 57/9 == 6.4 You can take your icon's square length, and divide it by 6.4 to get the same ratio as apple does. So for a 19x19 icon, 19/6.4 ~ 3px border radius – Devin G Rhode Jun 14 '11 at 15:57
The 80px radius for iTunesArtwork is definitely wrong. You can find the mask image that's used in iTunes in the iTunes bundle. It's 90 px. Could it have been changed lately? – zmippie Jun 18 '11 at 15:46
The Retina iPad radius (144x144 icon) is 23 pixels, FYI. And 1024x1024 icons should have a 160 pixel radius. Pretty easy to calculate these yourself though. – Andrew R. Apr 16 '12 at 20:52
After trying some of the answers in this post, I consulted with Louie Mantia (former Apple, Square, and Iconfactory designer) and all the answers so far on this post are wrong (or at least incomplete). Apple starts with the 57px icon and a radius of 10 then scales up or down from there. Thus you can calculate the radius for any icon size using 10/57 x new size (for example 10/57 x 114 gives 20, which is the proper radius for a 114px icon). Here is a list of the most commonly used icons, proper naming conventions, pixel dimensions, and corner radii.
1. Icon1024.png - 1024px - 179.649
2. Icon512.png - 512px - 89.825
3. Icon.png - 57px - 10
4. [email protected] - 114px - 20
5. Icon-72.png - 72px - 12.632
6. [email protected] - 144px - 25.263
7. Icon-Small.png - 29px - 5.088
8. [email protected] - 58px - 10.175
Also, as mentioned in other answers, you don't actually want to crop any of the images you use in the binary or submit to Apple. Those should all be square and not have any transparency. Apple will automatically mask each icon in the appropriate context.
Knowing the above is important, however, for icon usage within app UI where you have to apply the mask in code, or pre-rendered in photoshop. It's also helpful when creating artwork for websites and other promotional material.
Additional reading:
Neven Mrgan on additional icon sizes and other design considerations: ios app icon sizes
Bjango's Marc Edwards on the different options for creating roundrects in Photoshop and why it matters: roundrect
Apple's official docs on icon size and design considerations: IconsImages
I did some tests in Photoshop CS6 and it seems as though 3 digits after the decimal point is enough precision to end up with the exact same vector (at least as displayed by Photoshop at 3200% zoom). The Round Rect Tool sometimes rounds the input to the nearest whole number, but you can see a significant difference between 90 and 89.825. And several times the Round Rectangle Tool didn't round up and actually showed multiple digits after the decimal point. Not sure what's going on there, but it's definitely using and storing the more precise number that was entered.
Anyhow, I've updated the list above to include just 3 digits after the decimal point (before there were 13!). In most situations it would probably be hard to tell the difference between a transparent 512px icon masked at a 90px radius and one masked at 89.825, but the antialiasing of the rounded corner would definitely end up slightly different and would likely be visible in certain circumstances especially if a second, more precise mask is applied by Apple, in code, or otherwise.
share|improve this answer
Great answer. I personally always used 512px with 90px radius as start point and then scale down as needed. Works perfect. – Aleksandar Vacic Apr 20 '12 at 9:20
Aleksandar, though it may look fine in most circumstances, starting with 90 won't work perfect in all circumstances. See my update above. – drbarnard Apr 20 '12 at 15:19
Great post with lots of detail. Very glad you bugged Louie for an exact answer. Mine have all been based on 57px then scaled up, but that was a fluke. Great to have confirmation that's what Apple do. – Marc Edwards Apr 21 '12 at 1:23
Is this means that if app icon is not square, then we should use Illustrator to draw the icon? because Photoshop does not support radius with a decimal point..... – flypig Nov 23 '12 at 9:43
this is what i need – Cristiana214 Oct 30 '13 at 11:08
Important: iOS 7 icon equation
With the upcoming release of iOS 7 you will notice that the "standard" icon radius has been increased. So try to do what Apple and I suggested with this answer.
It appears that for a 120px icon the formula that best represents its shape on iOS 7 is the following superellipse:
|x/120|^5 + |y/120|^5 = 1
Obviously you can change the 120 number with the desired icon size to get the corresponding function.
You should provide an image that has 90° corners (it’s important to avoid cropping the corners of your icon—iOS does that for you when it applies the corner-rounding mask) (Apple Documentation)
The best approach is not rounding the corners of your icons at all. If you set your icon as a square icon, iOS will automatically overlay the icon with a predefined mask that will set the appropriate rounded corners.
If you manually set rounded corners for your icons, they will probably look broken in this or that device, because the rounding mask happens to slightly change from an iOS version to another. Sometimes your icons will be slightly larger, sometimes (sigh) slightly smaller. Using a square icon will free you from this burden, and you will be sure to have an always up-to-date and good looking icon for your app.
This approach is valid for each icon size (iPhone/iPod/iPad/retina), and also for the iTunes artwork. I followed this approach a couple of times, and if you want I can post you a link to an app that uses native square icons.
To better understand this answer, please refer to the official Apple documentation about iOS icons. In this page it is clearly stated that a square icon will automatically get these things when displayed on an iOS device:
1. Rounded corners
2. Drop shadow
3. Reflective shine (unless you prevent the shine effect)
So, you can achieve whatever effect you want just drawing a plain square icon and filling content in it. The final corner radius will be something similar to what the other answers here are saying, but this will never be guaranteed, since those numbers are not part of the official Apple documentation on iOS. They ask you to draw square icons, so ... why not?
share|improve this answer
Yes, right on. This is exactly the conclusion I've come to; unless one has time to pay a designer to create AND TEST each icon size individually for each device. – Dogweather Jul 24 '11 at 17:00
Your icons will look very bad when downscaled. – ryyst Sep 22 '11 at 16:51
They are not downscaled. You have to set the correct icon size for each device, but instead of drawing the corners, you just leave the icons in a plain square format. Apple will do the rest of the work for you. No scaling needed. Just try and let me know! – marzapower Sep 22 '11 at 19:50
Marzapower, you're right, as long as you're happy with Apple's lighting effect. You can't have one without the other unless you pre-render – Gordon Dove Aug 8 '12 at 17:39
Apple's lighting effect has nothing to do with rounded corners. By the way you can change the overlay effect in your icons using a square icon, and everything will work fine. – marzapower Sep 4 '12 at 15:02
The answer from dbarnard has the formula to calculate the correct radius, but since you were looking for the templates, all the masks and overlays can be found in this directory:
(path is for recent versions of XCode. For older version it will probably be inside /Developer/).
As others have noted, you should NOT mask them yourself, but you can use these to check how your icons will look once masked.
(credits for this finding goes to Neven Mrgan IIRC)
share|improve this answer
This is very useful, thanks! – Gustav Sep 11 '12 at 13:19
I see a lot of "px" discussion but noone is talking percentages which is the fixed number you want to calculate by
15.625% is the key percentage here. Multiply any of the image sizes mentioned above in by 0.15625 and you will get the correct pixel radius for that size.
share|improve this answer
Vote for this answer. – tszming Feb 23 '13 at 6:53
For a 1024x1024 icon (I'm creating some press kit graphics), this gives a corner radius of 160, which is too small according to my eye. – Chris Prince Oct 1 at 20:19
For my eye, again, for press kit graphics, not for any official Apple submission, 22.37% looks more pretty close to the iOS8 rounding. E.g., 229 px radius in photoshop for 1024x1024. – Chris Prince Oct 1 at 20:43
@ChrisPrince This answer definitely needs updating for iOS8, thanks for the input – bitwit Oct 1 at 23:08
The corner radius of the 57 x 57 pixel icon is 9 pixels.
share|improve this answer
Willc2, you're correct - but if Frank is designing iPhone icons properly he'd be working with a 512x512 image and the border radius at that level is 80 pixels which rounds off to 9px when you scale it down to 57x57. – Jessedc Aug 6 '10 at 3:26
If not considering stroke, the exact radius is actually 10px for 57x57 icon.
I get this info from iconreference.
share|improve this answer
I agree with this. Using a 9px radius doesn't quite look right if you're framing your app icon with an inside stroke to get an effect like the Settings app. 10px for a 57x57px icon and 20px for the @2x icon looks much better to me. – Alex Robinson Feb 14 '11 at 0:59
When designing my app icons with Photoshop, I have found that no integer corner radius fits the device's mask exactly.
What I do now is create an empty project with Xcode, set a completely white PNG file as the icon, and turn off the preset bevel & gloss. Then, I run the app and take a screenshot of the home screen. Now, you can easily create a mask from that image, which you can use in Photoshop. This will get you perfectly rounded corners.
share|improve this answer
See @Agos answer, use the png-masks in the folder he mentions. – Gustav Sep 11 '12 at 13:22
There are two totally conflicting answers with large number of votes one is 160px@1024 the other is 180px@1024. So witch one?
I ran some experiments and I think that it is 180px@1024 so drbarnard is correct.
I downloaded iTunes U icon from the App Store it's 175x175px I upscaled it in photoshop to 1024px and put two shapes on it, one with 160px radius and one with 180px.
As you can see below the shape (thin gray line) with 160px (the 1st one) is a bit off whereas the one with 180px looks just fine.
shape with 160px radiusenter image description here
This is what I do now in PhotoShop:
1. I create a canvas sized 1026x1026px with a 180px mask for main design Smart Object.
2. I duplicate the main Smart Object 5 times and resize them to 1024px, 144px, 114px, 72px and 57px.
3. I put a "New layered Based Slice" on each Smart Objects and I rename slices according to their size (e.g. icon-72px).
4. When I save the artwork I select "All User Slices" and BANG! I have all icons necessary for my app.
share|improve this answer
The iphone rounds corners for you, all you need is a square 57x57 png icon and u should be good
share|improve this answer
This is true, but not the answer to his question... – dododedodonl Sep 28 '10 at 14:49
For official apps, this is true (well, sort of. 57x57 is certainly not the only size you need any more). But, for jailbreak apps, this rounding is NOT done for you. You need to do the rounding in the PNG graphics themselves. So, it very well might matter. – Nate May 13 '11 at 7:13
I tried 228px radius for 1024x1024 and it worked :)
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protected by Michael Fredrickson Mar 14 '13 at 19:55
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Merry Christmas! I'm glad you've stumbled upon my page today because were in for a special treat (hahaha its a pun you'll get in a minute).
I love Christmas. I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by people who love me, gifts that surprise me, and food that fills me. I could not ask for a better atmosphere on Christmas day. Everyone is there, my family, close relatives, close non-relatives, my boyfriend, his friends, their kids friends, parents friends, and of course the dog.
Speaking of the dog, (can I say that since I brought the topic up?) my dogs name is Chewy. You may recognize her from my post ONE ON ONE With Chewy. Well it's time for her to shine again.
Have you ever heard of that show "Dog With a Blog"? It is on Disney channel and that is the extent of my knowledge. It was a rhetorical question because I won't be able to relate this post in any way to that show. If I do, it is pure coincidence.
Welcome to Dog With A Blog: Christmas Edition.
Starring: Chewy the Chug (part pug part Chihuahua)
This is how Chewy Spent her Christmas day.
Oh, Time to wake up.... wait, why is it still dark. Oh, no! It's happening! I'm going blind! I knew it was coming up but I didn't know it would be this soon! I still have so much to live for!!!!
Nahhhh, nevermind, the humans were just playing tricks on me. Putting a blanket over my head. The nerve of those people.
No! Wait! I take it back! We can be friends again. I see you have ham on your plate. Aren't you watching your sodium levels. Just slap that down on the floor right here.
Oh, mama's got the good stuff too. Maybe, when no one is looking I can snag that potato, or is it stuffing? Do I even care?!?! It's food! I've been starving since before I took my nap.
SPOTTED: Jordan catching chewy mid-plot. Chewy almost had her chance to take what she wanted, but Jordan caught her red handed.
XOXO Chewy Cam
Ugh, I ate so much ham.... so much food inside my belly. I can't even get up.
What is this stupid thing on my head. Here we go with these humans again. Why is there paper everywhere? I hate the sound of paper being crinkled and they're over here just shredding away not having any concerns about what I feel or think. RUUUUDE.
I only smiled because I was told I was getting a treat. Do you think I got that treat with these humans?!?!
You bet I did.I don't do nothing for free. I run this town.
What the heck is on my head? I don't really care, just keep petting me. Don't stop for anyth.... TREAT?!?!?!
Who let the dogs out, huh? Living young, and wild, and free. Santa can't catch me now.
Welp, santa caught me. Give him the puppy eyes, works every time!
Santa put me on the naughty list, just temporarily. I'm trying to befriend him to get me back on the nice list. I need some chew sticks. My owners ran out.
Does this Santa hat make me look fat?
Oh, did you want to hang these up? Just don't hang me up with them! I belong on all 4's at all times. | | robots: classic
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Bathroom RemodelA detailed spending budget breakdown and our total free project organizing system is also accessible for cost-free if you want it. This kitchen remodel estimator is the culmination of more than three months of analysis and improvement work, and supplies the most accurate cost data for installing or refacing cabinets, new countertops, kitchen fixtures and plumbing, appliances, as effectively as new floors, and painting the walls.
The stress for the contractor is knowing, for example, that their client just committed to a $50K remodel, but after demo found water harm and mold and now has to inform the client that 1.) they cannot move forward with the remodel till the dilemma is fixed.
Whereas stone tiles, regardless of whether they be 2×4, 3×6, or 2×12, normally charges $25to $40 per square foot in labor although the material can variety from $2 a square foot, all the way up to $100 a square foot, based on the rarity of the stone.
Well-known kitchen information saved to ideabooks include massive islands that accommodate each a workspace and space for consuming, bar stools for island seating, transitional-style metal and glass pendant lighting, wide-planked wood flooring and dramatic ceiling details, from rustic exposed beams to elegant two-tone painted and coffered architecture.
Speaking of options: while the decks, kitchens, and bathrooms are regular (depending on layout decision), optional fireplaces, wood stoves, outside showers, stackable washer/dryer combinations, and added kitchen attributes like a garbage disposal and dishwasher, are accessible. | | isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2019-47
publisher: Common Crawl
description: Wide crawl of the web for November 2019
operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected])
hostname: ip-10-67-67-211.ec2.internal
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This week's questions have a continental feel
Brian O'Driscoll of Ireland
Brian O'Driscoll of Ireland. Photograph: Huw Evans Agency/REX
1. 1. Brian O'Driscoll plays his last game in the Six Nations this weekend when Ireland travel to France. How many times has O'Driscoll won the championship?
2. 2. O'Driscoll has scored more Six Nations tries than any other player, but who has scored the most points in the competition?
3. 3. Who said: "I am singing it from the heart, not from the script. I'm not an actor, I work on impulse. I'm never going to take a step back. I'm just going to shoot from the hip. That's what I'm like. I'm a manager, not a babysitter"?
4. 4. Which horse won the Champion Hurdle at Cheltenham?
5. 5. Which of these clubs did not make it to the FA Cup semi-finals?
6. 6. Which Italian clubs played each other twice this week: in Serie A on Sunday and then in the Europa League on Thursday?
7. 7. The Formula One season begins this weekend with a race in which city?
8. 8. Katarina Johnson-Thompson won a silver medal in the long jump at the World Indoor Championships, but in which event does she normally compete?
9. 9. Who won Great Britain's first ever gold medal at the Winter Paralympics?
10. 10. Which Premier League fixture has produced more red cards than Manchester United versus Liverpool?
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• Hot topics | | robots: classic
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Gold was down again yestreday morning, steadily drifting back towards the more comfortable $1,640 range. At least the price movements are in line with moves in the currency markets as the euro keeps losing ground to the dollar.
In early trading gold was down $11.05 to $1,651.10 and silver wasoff $0.37 to $30.63, leaving the silver/gold ratio at 53.9, where it was the day before.
The pricing movements this week point out the inflation and volatility induced in commodity markets by derivatives trading, the same kind of market manipulation the equities markets have experienced for the last decade.
This week the gold market was shaken and trading briefly halted because of a single order. Gold fell $14 an ounce in one minute on April 30 and trading was halted when someone fat fingered a sell order worth $1.24 billion dollars.
Most analysts agree the order was either a mistake or deliberate market manipulation. If you know there are a lot of stop-loss orders at a particular price point and you have the means to induce a big move in the market, you can create a cascade crash in prices with a large sell order by triggering programmed trades. When the market crashes, you can then buy back in at a huge discount and pocket the difference when prices recover. That’s nice work when you can get it.
So what’s happened this week is that we had the huge panic crash, an almost immediate recovery in prices, then a gradual sell off down to almost the exact same level as the flash crash. All of those moves were taking place apart from fundamentals like currency exchange rates. That’s quite a coincidence, isn’t it?
Now you know why I constantly prod my readers to buy physical gold and silver and avoid bullion-backed instruments like ETFs. But if the precious metals market is inflated by derivatives trading, doesn’t that mean there’s the chance gold prices would collapse if the market collapsed? Absolutely, but so what?
The gold and silver you have in your safe is going to retain some relative value regardless of what happens to the market and prices will naturally correct to some equilibrium relative to currency values. And that is why you keep physical gold in your safe instead of a bullion-backed ETF in your portfolio.
Chris Poindexter, Senior Writer, National Gold Group, Inc
Chris Poindexter
Chris Poindexter is a senior writer for National Gold Group.
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Discussion in 'Pseudoscience Archive' started by scott3x, Nov 14, 2008.
How do you think the World Trade Center Collapsed?
1. Terrorist controlled aeroplanes crashing into them (like on the footage)
18 vote(s)
2. Remote controlled aeroplanes to manipulate a war on false grounds
0 vote(s)
3. Demolitions charges rigged by the government to manipulate war
9 vote(s)
4. Allah!
2 vote(s)
5. People keep flogging a dead horse!
12 vote(s)
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1. scott3x Banned Banned
Well, Stryder hasn't responded for 24 hours regarding my idea of creating a WTC thread and MacGyver said I should give it a go.. so here goes. In a previous post, I listed all the reasons that the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth listed that supported the theory of a controlled demolition for the twin towers and made it clear that the fires could not have been the cause of the collapse. The post I did this is here:
KennyJC rebutted all but one of the claims. His rebuttal is here:
Here is my rebuttal to his rebuttals, and rebuttals to shaman as well:
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3. MacGyver1968 Fixin' Shit that Ain't Broke Valued Senior Member
I believe a combination of damage from the planes, and the subsequent fires brought down the towers.
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5. scott3x Banned Banned
Found a good excerpt that refutes the notion that the planes and fires brought down the twin towers:
The Strength of Steel Frame Structures
For those who want us to imagine that the Towers "collapsed", the assumption that they "fell" on their own is a critical part of the story. But to anyone who is familiar with the performance of modern steel-frame structures, it should be obvious that they cannot simply collapse on their own, with or without an office fire, or even from the impact of a falling portion of the same building. If impacted from above, the Towers might bend or distort, but they wouldn't explode, disintegrate in mid-air, or collapse like a house of cards!
Anyone who's ever played with an Erector Set knows that as long as the structural members remain well-connected, a framework may become twisted and distorted if it falls to the floor, but it will never just collapse into pieces under any scenario involving self-related and self-proportional forces. Buildings that have fallen in earthquakes demonstrate this resistance to disintegration.
For a more detailed analysis of why collapses had to have been demolitions, feel free to visit my web page on the subject:
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7. shaman_ Registered Senior Member
Do you think that is a refutation?
Fell on their own? Did they not see the planes flying into them?
It appears that those who are the most familiar with the performance of steel frame buildings disagree. Hence the peer reviewed documents, which support the official story. Conspiracy theorists want to bring up people like Barnett and Asteneh and their qualifications but ignore the conclusions they reached.
They didn’t explode. Watch a video of the event.
It didn’t disintegrate in mid-air. Explosives would not explain disintegration anyway.
Yes an erector set weighing a few hundred grams is pretty much exactly the same as one of the tallest buildings in the world. :rolleyes: Exactly the same in fact!
That's even worse that Gage and his boxes.
Another irrelevant and moronic comparison.
Not a good start to the new thread Scott.
Last edited: Nov 14, 2008
8. scott3x Banned Banned
Indeed :)
The planes were of negligible effect on the towers. 9/11 Research explains:
Demartini, who had an office on the 88th floor of the North Tower, has been missing since the 9/11/01 attack, having remained in the North Tower to assist in the evacuation. 6 Demartini had first worked at World Trade Center when Leslie E. Robertson Associates hired him to assess damage from the truck bombing in 1993.
And ofcourse, WTC 7 wasn't hit by a plane at all. It did fall in the classic demolition manner, however, from the bottom up.
You must mean the people the government paid to 'investigate' the case. The same people that Bill Manning, Fire Engineering's editor in chief said were engaged in a 'half-baked farce':
Let's see the petition that 526 or so Architects and Engineers have signed:
Please Take Notice That:
The Undersigned
9. scott3x Banned Banned
I have never ignored the conclusions they have reached. Astaneh-Asl's conclusions were tentative, however: Paper 2003.pdf
What's more:
Astaneh resigned from the investigation team put together by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the American Society of Civil Engineers because he didn't agree with the group's decision to keep findings secret until the initial inquiry was complete. Without FEMA's backing, the National Science Foundation team was shut out.
In the following video, Jonathan Barnett also made it clear that his team was very surprised that WTC 7 collapsed, and also made it clear that the investigation of tower 7 was not business as usual:
10. Stryder Keeper of "good" ideas. Valued Senior Member
This was a quite interesting Modelling of the events, however I don't think their rendering took so much consideration into the explosion being structurally damaging.
Interesting enough:
Obviously in this particular unrelated to 9/11 story the fact is that one aerosol can was enough to blow the roof of the house off. This is due to the fact that aerosol's are of course canisters of compressed air.
While of course the Fuel in an aircraft is not compressed air, the Air-Fuel mix that is necessary to cause combustion can be a problem. You see rather than be starved oxygen is pulled in from the floors or extremities of the building during it's flash explosion, this causes a "breathing" effect where the floors themselves would have been rippling not from the impact but the displacement of the volume of air.
Obviously the building with less floor above the impact lasted longer, because the weight of the floors plus the degrading state of the structure caused by fire would eventually cause a collapse.
It doesn't take much to cause a landslide, however it takes a lot to stop one.
11. scott3x Banned Banned
I've watched several.
I disagree and so does the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth site, as well as the 9/11 Research site. The 9/11 Research site goes into more depth on the issue in their "Concrete Pulverization" page:
Again, I disagree as do many in the 9/11 truth movement.
I agree that it's a bit different. David Ray Griffin has this to say about the issue of scale:
If one could somehow create an exact scaled replica of one of the Towers, complete with multi-story miniature steel core columns with their steel beam framing and cross-bracing, high-strength interconnected steel perimeter columns, the floor system with its steel pans and trusses, and all of the other steel framing, welds and bolted connections, it would be much STRONGER than any conceivable Erector Set structure of similar height and proportions.
Not to fond of his boxes eh? Personally, I'd like to take another look at them, but I -did- manage to find this excellent 30 minute interview that Alex Jones gave to Richard Gage: gage wtc
Must you continue with terms like 'moronic'? I understand that Headspin has used such terms, but seriously, I think all it does is sour the mood of the discussion and distract from the arguments and the evidence. When you present arguments, I try to stay away from such terms and instead try to focus on why your arguments are flawed if I believe that they are.
12. scott3x Banned Banned
I'd seen that video before today, but it doesn't seem to get into what took the buildings down.
What makes you think that this is the case? If you listen to Richard Gage, who founded Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth, you will come to understand that, although fires have raged stronger and longer in other high rise buildings, the only day that not 1, but -3- high rise buildings allegedly collapsed due to fires (with or without planes) was on 9/11. Here is an excellent video interview that he gives to Alex Jones: gage wtc
Also, feel free to browse my web page which has all the information that the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth has, plus some rebuttals that have been tailored for arguments made by forum goers here such as KennyJC and shaman:
Sure. In fact, there was atleast one case where -part- of a high rise fell off (the madrid tower). So this could be like a 'land slide' if you will. There have been no cases where a high rise simply disintegrated due to fires alone however, whether or not a plane crashed into it before hand.
13. Stryder Keeper of "good" ideas. Valued Senior Member
I'm not sure if Richard Gage took into consideration that the Fire Departments at the time were having to deal with more than one Blaze. As you are well aware a lot of firemen lost their lives when the building eventually collapsed and this would have effected dealing with fires not just through manpower but as a moral shock to all those departments, since Living firemen had not time to grieve or succumb to shock.
14. spidergoat give up Valued Senior Member
Absense of evidence is sometimes evidence of absense. If you have seen any demolitions, the explosions are clearly visible as flashes of light and shock waves. Nothing like that was seen in the videos.
15. scott3x Banned Banned
The arguments on his Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth web site aren't based upon how many firemen were able to put out the WTC 7 fires. Here are the points made for WTC 7 (generally similar to the twin tower collapses, but they do differ a bit):
As your own eyes witness — WTC Building #7 (a 47-story high-rise not hit by an airplane) exhibits all the characteristics of a classic controlled demolition with explosives: (and some non-standard characteristics)
1. Rapid onset of “collapse”
2. Sounds of explosions at ground floor - a full second prior to collapse
5. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic dust clouds
6. Tons of molten metal found by CDI (Demolition Contractor).
9. Expert corroboration from the top European Controlled Demolition professional
10. Fore-knowledge of “collapse” by media, NYPD, FDNY
1. Slow onset with large visible deformations
3. Evidence of fire temperatures capable of softening steel
16. scott3x Banned Banned
Perhaps so. However, in this case, many people, including notable authors, architects, engineers, physicists and scholars believe there is plenty of evidence that WTC 1,2 and 7 were brought down by controlled demolition.
You may want to look more closely. There's actually a wealth of evidence that there was in the case of the twin towers, as I make clear on the following page of my web site:
I have seen no evidence that this was the case in the case of WTC 7, but because of the rest of the evidence concerning that building, I think it'd be a lot easier to find the explanation for that (perhaps because the demolition material, thermate, is not like normal explosives in this regard) than it would be to explain that it was brought down by the fires alone.
17. spidergoat give up Valued Senior Member
WTC7 was not a prominent target, there would be no advantage to destroying it on purpose. The obvious explanation is that two huge office buildings collapsed nearby, and that debris could damage a building in a spot that caused catastrophic collapse.
I fail to understand why anyone would anticipate that simply crashing two huge jetliners into NYC's largest buildings (and the Pentagon) would not create the desired effect (whatever that was). It would not be logical to prepare an extremely risky mission to secretly place explosives in ADDITION to jets, since it was certainly possible that any preparations for explosives would be damaged by the crashes and later detected. Explosives do not eliminate the evidence of their existence.
18. MacGyver1968 Fixin' Shit that Ain't Broke Valued Senior Member
Nicely said SG..welcome to the thread.
Ask him about min-nukes. :)
19. spidergoat give up Valued Senior Member
I am well prepared to accept that the full story has not been told, but I'm not convinced the funny business is revealed in the details of how the towers fell. It would be more likely to be found in Dick Cheney's secret e-mails.
20. leopold Valued Senior Member
still can't believe your own eyes, eh?
21. scott3x Banned Banned
You may want to read the following:
There had to be a very good reason for [WTC 7] to be rigged for demolition whilst it was still occupied. Did Silverstein, the new World Trade Center owner who wisely invested in insurance against terrorism, have prior knowledge of the attacks?
22. scott3x Banned Banned
Damage is one thing. However, other then 9/11, the only cases where high rise buildings have collapsed straight down have been in controlled demolitions.
Because planes have crashed in high rises before and yet have never had the effect that occured on 9/11. It has been argued that no plane the size of 757s even did so, but the WTC towers were specifically designed to withstand crashes of planes of this size (707s are around the same size as 757s). Frank D. Martini, who was the construction manager for the twin towers at the time of the collapse and died during the collapse, had this to say earlier in 2001 concerning the possibility of jet impacts to the buildings:
The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door. This intense grid * and the jet-plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting.
Perhaps, but perhaps the possibility was extremely low. I'm not a military demolition expert, so I wouldn't know, but I believe that the evidence that the buildings -were- taken down by controlled demolition is definitive.
Indeed they don't:
Last edited: Nov 15, 2008
23. spidergoat give up Valued Senior Member
The evidence is certainly far from "definitive". Unless there was residue of explosives at the site, or evidence of explosive related material, the rest of it is pure conjecture.
The towers, if you notice, did not fall straight down, The top section fell on the damaged section and tilted on an angle, then the lower floors pancaked. Demolitions require multiple blast points and usually start from the ground up. But the most obvious evidence against this is the lack of explosive shock waves in the video. Loud sounds don't count.
The buildings were NOT designed for that size of an airplane, and definitely not for the amount of fuel they carried.
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} | 713 | 'A nod from Korshak, and Vegas shuts down': Sidney Korshak had an A-list of clients, but his true power arose from organized crime
David B. Green
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On January 20, 1996, Sidney Korshak, a lawyer who parlayed his knowledge of the law into avoiding arrest or indictment while carrying on a profitable career in U.S. organized crime, died, at the age of 88. In the first of a series of investigative pieces about him, in 1976, The New York Times noted that, “To scores of Federal, state and local law enforcement officials, Mr. Korshak is the most important link between organized crime and legitimate business.”
With his role as lawyer to some of the nation’s biggest labor unions, his reputation among the Chicago mafia as “our man,” and his connections in the entertainment and hotel industries, Korshak became known as a “fixer,” someone who could make seemingly impossible deals materialize, and the threat of crippling strikes magically evaporate.
Writing about his close friend in his 1994 memoir, former Paramount Pictures chief Robert Evans put it like this: "Let's just say that a nod from Korshak, and the teamsters change management. A nod from Korshak, and Santa Anita [racetrack] closes. A nod from Korshak, and Vegas shuts down. A nod from Korshak, and the Dodgers can suddenly play night baseball."
How to entrap a senator
Sidney Roy Korshak was born on June 6, 1907, in Chicago. His father, Harry Korshak, was a Kiev-born Jew who had succeeded as a building contractor in Chicago. His mother was the former Rebecca Beatrice Lashkovitz, born in Odessa.
Sidney’s older brother, Theodore, became a small-time Chicago criminal and drug addict, who died in obscurity in 1971. His younger brother, Marshall, also became a lawyer, but he went on to a career in Chicago politics and in the Illinois state senate, which was at least nominally different from a career in organized crime.
Growing up in Chicago’s Lawndale neighborhood, Sidney attended the Theodore Herzl elementary school, Marshall High School, the University of Wisconsin (where he was a boxing champion), and DePaul University, where he obtained his law degree in 1930.
Within months, Korshak was defending members of Al Capone’s crime syndicate. When necessary, he would arrange for a judge to be paid off so as to guarantee the desired verdict. Additionally, as one former Chicago judge told the New York Times, “Sidney always had contact with high-class girls. Not your $50 girl, but girls costing $250 or more."
It was Korshak too, according to a source interviewed by The Times, who arranged for Senator Estes Kefauver, who had come to Chicago in 1952 to take testimony for his organized-crime commission, to be entrapped by a prostitute (and a hidden camera) at the Drake Hotel. Confronted with the images, Kefauver hurriedly left town without hearing a single witness.
Guess who cast Al Pacino in 'Godfather'
Korshak’s secret strength was his ability to mediate between his legitimate clients - which included Hilton and Hyatt, the Los Angeles Dodgers, Max Factor and General Dynamics - and the crime organizations and powerful labor unions with which he was involved.
It was he, for example who organized all of the pension funds of the huge Teamsters labor union under a single roof. He then used the truck drivers’ collected retirement savings as a private bank for off-the-books loans to the film industry and the burgeoning hotel scene in Las Vegas. It was not out of graciousness that Teamsters chief Jimmy Hoffa famously vacated the presidential suite at the Riviera Hotel in Vegas for Korshak, when the latter arrived for a conclave of Teamsters lawyers in 1961.
And, according to long piece in Vanity Fair that ran shortly after Korshak’s death, he was the man who made the phone call to MGM owner Kirk Kerkorian that convinced him that is studio should release actor Al Pacino from another film so that he could appear in Paramount’s “Godfather.” Korshak had reportedly asked Kerkorian, a hotel magnate, if he really wanted to get construction on his next hotel finished.
Sidney Korshak died of a heart attack at his Beverly Hills home, just one day after his younger brother, Marshall, died in Chicago, at age 85.
David B. Green is a Haaretz Contributor | | robots: classic
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Last Updated May 18, 2011 2:37 AM EDT
Every time there's a stock market meltdown big enough to wreck the real economy—and we've seen quite enough of that recently, thank you—the hunt for scapegoats leads to executive compensation. We pay our top executives too much, goes the argument, and worse, we give them all the wrong incentives. We reward leaders for taking risks and fudging numbers and then are shocked when reckless leverage and shady accounting cause a crash.
Roger Martin
Roger Martin, dean of the Rotman School of Business at the University of Toronto, agrees in his new book Fixing the Game that executive compensation is a key culprit. But the reason we get comp wrong, he argues, is not just that we give too much of it but that we give too much of it in stock and stock options. That alone transforms corporate chiefs from stewards into gamblers—and disaster, he says, has to follow. He explained why in an interview with BNET editor in chief Eric Schurenberg.
Giving stock to executives is supposed to align their interests with those of the shareholders. What's wrong with that?
It makes sense, in theory: Managers get rich only if shareholders get rich, too. But look at how it has worked out. Over the past couple decades shareholder returns went down, volatility went up, and we've had massive bubbles and massive accounting fraud. You'd have to conclude there's something wrong with our model
So what is wrong with it?
Paying executives on stock performance pushes them away from the real market—where customers are the focus and a leader's job is to find better ways to serve them—to the expectations market, where the leader's job is to manipulate Wall Street's expectations about the company.
People just don't realize what a company's stock price is. It's the collective expectation of what that company will do in the future. It has very little to do with how a company really performs. Look at Microsoft. The company has tripled earnings and revenues over the past decade and the stock is completely flat, earning a 1.3% compound annual return. Microsoft performed way better than it did a decade earlier and investors say, "Ho hum, we expected that."
So the CEO's job is to beat expectations.
Not just to beat them, but to change them. The only way an executive can raise the stock price is to make expectations rise from their current level.
When stock-based comp came in during the early 80s, Executives were in some sense fooled by the same thing as everyone else. They figured, "My job is to increase earnings."
In due course, they figured it out: "Oh no, not that way. I have to make expectations rise." So in the early 1990s, you saw the advent of earnings guidance. Eventually some executives decided, "We can do some sharp accounting, so it looks like we're growing faster than we are, and we'll do acquisitions that make it look like we're growing like stink." By the 1990s, in the worst cases, it evolved into "We'll manipulate earnings to commit massive fraud." Welcome to Enron and WorldCom.
The other problem is, you can´t make expectations rise forever. So phase three of CEO reaction to stock-based pay is to build expectations to a short-term peak, and then get the hell out.
In your book, you compare corporate comp and the NFL pay. Professional football players aren't exactly cheap, either.
No but the NFL, unlike corporate America, has faced up to the dangers of letting the expectations game interfere with the real game.
An expectations market in football?
It's there. It's called the spread, and it matters to gamblers. After the 1962 season, the legendary commissioner Pete Rozelle suspended Alex Karras, a star tackle, Paul Hornung, the league's MVP, for a full season on suspicion of gambling on football games. He saw that the expectations market could wreck the integrity of the real game. His successors have followed suit and maintained a strict separation between the real market and the expectations market.
Can you imagine Peyton Manning or Aaron Rogers in the press conference after a football game, apologizing for not covering the spread? "I owe all of you Colts' fans an apology. Yes, we won, but I've let you down: We didn't beat the spread. I'm sorry, I'll try harder next time."
That would be laughable. It would be preposterous. But it's what CEOs do every quarter.
So it's unseemly, but what's the real harm?
Before 1976 when stock –based compensation was proposed as a way to align CEOs' interests and shareholders' you just can't find examples of really massive accounting fraud.
You only start to see that in the mid-1990s, and inevitably, the purpose of the fraud was to boost the appearance of profitability growth. Remember it's not enough to increase profits on a straight line. You have to change the slope of the line to get expectations up and make stock prices rise.
So, the so-called SPVs at Enron, which allowed the company to re-categorize expenses as assets—they were an attempt to change the slope of the line.
Acquisitions, especially ones in which you capitalize all sorts of expenses, are another example. So was the options backdating scandal and the long-running practice of not accounting for stock options as expenses. Lehman Brothers hiding the leverage on their balance sheet. These are all ways of fixing the expectations game. We've evolved to the point that it's all we care about.
What would you have companies do differently?
I'd have them measure CEOs by some real measure of company performance—not the stock price—and pay them in cash.
Actually, I wouldn't care if you paid them in stock, but I'd stipulate that the pay has to be in shares that can't be traded or borrowed against for three years after he left the company.
Paying people in stock ex post facto is like cash. It's paying them on the basis of what they've really accomplished, not on their ability to shift expectations.
Fixing thre Game
Look, I think this is really serious. No, we are not going to have another market bubble based on overhyped internet stocks or subprime mortgages. Yet in no way have the regulations we've put in place after the crashes of 2001 and 2008 diminished the likelihood of a disaster caused by other things. That is a real danger, and we've done nothing to minimize it. Zero.
Fixing the Game: Bubbles, Crashes, and What Capitalism Can Learn from the NFL by Roger L. Martin | | robots: classic
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In a RGB color space, hex #8e745d is composed of 55.7% red, 45.5% green and 36.5% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 0% cyan, 18.3% magenta, 34.5% yellow and 44.3% black. It has a hue angle of 28.2 degrees, a saturation of 20.9% and a lightness of 46.1%. #8e745d color hex could be obtained by blending #ffe8ba with #1d0000. Closest websafe color is: #996666.
• R 56
• G 45
• B 36
RGB color chart
• C 0
• M 18
• Y 35
• K 44
CMYK color chart
#8e745d color description : Mostly desaturated dark orange.
#8e745d Color Conversion
The hexadecimal color #8e745d has RGB values of R:142, G:116, B:93 and CMYK values of C:0, M:0.18, Y:0.35, K:0.44. Its decimal value is 9335901.
Hex triplet 8e745d #8e745d
RGB Decimal 142, 116, 93 rgb(142,116,93)
RGB Percent 55.7, 45.5, 36.5 rgb(55.7%,45.5%,36.5%)
CMYK 0, 18, 35, 44
HSL 28.2°, 20.9, 46.1 hsl(28.2,20.9%,46.1%)
HSV (or HSB) 28.2°, 34.5, 55.7
Web Safe 996666 #996666
CIE-LAB 50.725, 6.663, 16.54
XYZ 19.376, 19.033, 13.008
xyY 0.377, 0.37, 19.033
CIE-LCH 50.725, 17.832, 68.059
CIE-LUV 50.725, 18.161, 19.63
Hunter-Lab 43.626, 2.934, 12.859
Binary 10001110, 01110100, 01011101
Color Schemes with #8e745d
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Analogous Color
Split Complementary Color
Triadic Color
Tetradic Color
Monochromatic Color
Alternatives to #8e745d
Below, you can see some colors close to #8e745d. Having a set of related colors can be useful if you need an inspirational alternative to your original color choice.
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#8e745d Preview
Text with hexadecimal color #8e745d
This text has a font color of #8e745d.
<span style="color:#8e745d;">Text here</span>
#8e745d background color
This paragraph has a background color of #8e745d.
<p style="background-color:#8e745d;">Content here</p>
#8e745d border color
This element has a border color of #8e745d.
<div style="border:1px solid #8e745d;">Content here</div>
CSS codes
.text {color:#8e745d;}
.background {background-color:#8e745d;}
.border {border:1px solid #8e745d;}
Shades and Tints of #8e745d
A shade is achieved by adding black to any pure hue, while a tint is created by mixing white to any pure color. In this example, #0c0908 is the darkest color, while #ffffff is the lightest one.
Shade Color Variation
Tint Color Variation
Tones of #8e745d
A tone is produced by adding gray to any pure hue. In this case, #7c756f is the less saturated color, while #e86e03 is the most saturated one.
Tone Color Variation
Color Blindness Simulator
Below, you can see how #8e745d is perceived by people affected by a color vision deficiency. This can be useful if you need to ensure your color combinations are accessible to color-blind users.
• #797979 Achromatopsia 0.005% of the population
• #7d7873 Atypical Achromatopsia 0.001% of the population
• #877f67 Protanopia 1% of men
• #947a65 Deuteranopia 1% of men
• #97777f Tritanopia 0.001% of the population
• #897b63 Protanomaly 1% of men, 0.01% of women
• #927862 Deuteranomaly 6% of men, 0.4% of women
• #937673 Tritanomaly 0.01% of the population | | robots: classic
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Please read a complete definition of a code violation on the code violation page.
Show All Answers
1. What is a Code Violation?
2. How do I dispose of items like appliances, televisions, furniture, paint, motor oil, or other toxic materials?
3. How do I find out who registered a complaint on my property?
4. Do I need to give my name and contact information to file a complaint about a code violation?
5. I made a complaint. How long do I have to wait before something is done?
6. Is a garage sale sign allowed?
7. Is a permit required for banners/temporary signs?
8. What should I do if the violation is contained solely in the back yard and cannot be seen by the Code Compliance Officer?
9. I received notification of a violation. How much time do I have?
10. What are the penalties for a violation?
11. Will the City abate a violation? | | isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2019-35
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Christ Healing the Paralytic
Commemorated on the Fourth Sunday of Pascha
--Oikos of the Feast
The word of Christ was strength for the paralytic;
And thus this word alone was his healing.
Jesus healed the Paralytic at the Sheep’s Pool, located near the Sheep’s Gate of Jerusalem, where people sacrificed their beasts and washed their insides. The pool had five sides, with a porch and arch on each. A number of people, afflicted with various diseases, passed through them, waiting at the water for an angel to come down and stir it. Once it moved, whoever stepped into the water first was instantly healed. One poor man, whose story is recounted in today’s Gospel lection in the Divine Liturgy, waited 38 years for someone to lower him into the water, because he was unable to move into the water himself. However, the Savior merely commanded the man to get up and walk, and he was healed.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2017
The House
I live in Helena, Montana. We pronounce it hell-eh-na not he-lee-na.
Gold, discovered here in 1865 made it an overnight boom town, while
a civil war was raging in the East. It's a very small town with the city
limits boasting 25,000 people.
The town is unique and I fell in love with it
over 40 years ago. The gardens and the old
houses beckoned to me. Many miners did strike
it rich and expensive mansions popped up
throughout the city with each house vying
to be different.
I can go out my back door, walk 2 steep blocks and I'm at the base
of a mountain that provides many walking paths. There is one house
located just before the sharp incline where the mountain begins. Some
how, this old house reaches out to me and every time I actually
stop and take in all the house's magnetism. Cody dog would always
look at me as if to ask, "why are we stopping?" Even if she could
talk, I'd never have an answer, I just had to stop for a while and
afterward, "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" always entered my mind. lol
Joanie, a shirt tail relative, grew up in Helena and knew of every
family who lived on the West end. One day we were walking up
to the mountain and talking about history, a favorite subject to
both of us. I was saying that I had read most of Stephen Ambrose
books because he was my favorite historian.
Joanie said, "He used to live right up here." I got so excited and
wanted to see his family house. Well, of course, it was the house
where Cody and I always stopped. I was speechless but not
surprised as things like that often happen to me.
I don't know what one would call it, a
vibration, a ghost beckoning, an apparition
conundrum, or just enthralled with an old
Anything like that ever happen to you?
1. Not in waking life, but I used to often dream of a certain house and garden where I felt so comfortable, I knew I'd lived there and would live there all my life. I've never seen this house, although i have seen a few that looked similar. Not in a past life; I'm pretty sure this is my first time round, so maybe it's a home for my next life.
1. River
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could really find the house in our dreams and live there. I would have to find mine when I'm very young because
trees and gardens are so important to me. But...... I'm still planting trees. LOL I even plan on planting a few more fruit trees this spring.
Keep that home in mind... you'll find it.
2. Such things have happened indeed. I think they do to us all but some fail to recognize them. Not sure it was any ghost beckoning though lol but hey, maybe it was a ghost farting and you smelled it and stopped hahaha
1. Pat
Ghost farts! Are they little white sparkly, misty floaters? Some ghosts just eat too much and then they won't fit into their sheets. Ha I'm not surprised that you don't believe in ghosts .... but maybe I do and maybe
I don't.
3. Love his writing, not surprising that you would love his home.
Still a nice
1. joeh
I'm happy that you appreciate his wriiting too. My oldest son was visiting me when Ambrose was here for one of his last lectures. We both enjoy his books and usually read the same books so we can discuss it. How great to have a son that shares in ones's same interests. I hope your kids share interests with you too.
4. I love this story. The world is full of connection, so much of which happens on a level we don't actually understand.
I also appreciated your comment about Alison Krauss over on my blog. She has come a Long way. Here is the link to a more recent photo:
1. Robin
I see what you mean. Quite the change from her baggy sweat shirts when I saw her. Of course, I like baggy sweat shirts toos but one has to glam up when on stage.
Thanks for directing me to her photo.
5. Those kinds of things happen to me sometimes too, AND Ambrose has always been my favorite historian. I have to be honest though, when all of the incidents of plagiarism kept surfacing, I didn't know what to think. It shouldn't have tarnished my opinion of him, without the facts, but it did. I still like his books, of course, but I always think about those accusations. Have you read Rick Atkinson? He is one of my faves.
And now about Helena... I've been prounouncing it wrong my whole life!!!! LOL
Have a wonderful, happy day. :)
6. Rosie
Yes, I'm familiar with the accusations but I haven't been excited enough about it to actually look into it but this is the way I look at historical plagiarism. If there is only one account of a historical event, isn't it all plagiarism? If there were 15 different stories to one historical event, wouldn't some of them be lies and some would be told as the truth. Rosey, I don't know, as I said, but perhaps Ambrose lifted something word for word from another historian's book.
When I've gone to his lectures, he told such an exciting story of history and to meet him in person, he seems so "midwest honest, I just loved the man and love reading his books.
I guess I plagiarize in my blog because I've never had one original idea in my head
and I don't always give credit to where it comes from. LOL
That's OK..... most people pronounce it the other way. I guess there would not exactly be a right or wrong but just the popular way of pronounciating it.
I am so bogged down in work that I'm tearing my hair out. AND I'm working with puppy to come to a whistle call. What a job. I give out a whistle code and quickly give her a very expensive treat....a little piece of juicy steak or the like. I repeat this until my breath is gone. I do this twice a day. That is where I am in this new quest, doing it for a couple weeks or more. Then we move outside with all the distractions and whistle AND she is supposed to remember that she got steak when she returned to that whistle. We'll see when we move outside. Many years ago, we raised hunting dogs and taught them to a whistle but I've forgotten exactly how we did it. We had one bird dog that didn't like to go in the water and the kids tell me, I threw him overboard from the duck boat. What a meany I must have been and I don't even remember it. It must have happened because they all tell the same story. hahaha
1. We had a little dog that didn't like to swim. My second oldest (the dog's favorite of us all) used to put her in the pool and we'd all be mortified, lol. Good luck with the pup. I hope the training goes well and is fast! I'm trying to teach Macbeth to a bunch of high schoolers who think Shakespeare is a waste of pulling one's hair out is not so foreign of a concept to me. ;) And that's awesome that you got to meet a famous author in person!
7. Hello from Idaho and since we're almost neighbors. I've never been in Helena Mt.
Found your blog though River.
If you find the time stop in for cup of coffee.
1. Dora
Hello and thank you for visiting. It is nice to meet you
A gracious invitation. I'll drop by. I like coffee.
8. that's awesome that you got to meet a famous author in person!
การ์ตูนโป๊, jav | | robots: classic
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Price: $5 USD
Question description
In 2010, respondents to the General Social Survey were asked: "There are always some people whose ideas are considered bad or dangerous by other people. For instance, somebody who is against churches and religion. If such a person wanted to make a speech in your (city/town/community) against churches and religion, should he be allowed to speak, or not?" Among the 408 respondents who considered themselves Democrats, 290 said, "Allow," whereas among the 287 respondents who considered themselves Republicans, 231 said, "Allow." Is there a difference between the proportion of Democrats and the proportion of Republicans that would allow an antireligionist to speak?
The pooled sample proportion of respondents who would allow an antireligionist to speak is
pˆ (±0.0001) =
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Come enjoy erstwhile pleasures by participating in maple sap harvesting and observing the sap transformation steps.
Maple sap harvesting is an activity that you can do on your own, with your family, between friends or as a couple.
Snowshoeing or by foot, come do the trails of our sugar shack and collect maple sap.
Nostalgia for older individuals and a new experience for younger people.
Heated refuge at your disposal.
Cost: $20/adult and $15 / child of under 12 years or less accompanied by an adult. | | isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2019-18
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description: Wide crawl of the web for April 2019
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When institutions do not help: making and mending sustainable energy systems at home
Alice Dal Gobbo (Cardiff University)
Paper short abstract:
In the context of decarbonisation, institutional energy systems' change lags behind the inventiveness of everyday life assemblages. Here, practices of creative rediscovery, recycling and care produce "primitive technologies" that are low-carbon but also enable affectively rich experiences of energy.
Paper long abstract:
Many debates today centre around how people's lives might be impacted by, and react to, infrastructural changes in energy provision systems towards decarbonisation. I consider the somewhat opposite case: when institutions lag behind and actors concerned with the environmental sustainability of their own energy practices come up with household-level creative solutions. With the help of ethnographic material from my study on everyday energy transitions in the North East of Italy, I reflect on how practices such as repairing old appliances, care for objects, inventive make-do with recycled materials, re-discovery of traditional energy systems, etc. are deployed to reduce environmental impact. These "primitive technologies" (partially) compensate for the unsustainability of grid energy (mainly based on non-renewables) and resist entrenched carbon-intensive energy consumption and a culture of disposability. Yet arguably, they also offer an alternative to a certain blind chase towards "greening" technological innovation (e.g. "smart technologies") - whose efficacy is nowadays still contested/-able. In the perspective of "assemblages", I investigate primitive technologies as they dynamically emerge out of a coalescing encounter between the affordances of human beings, objects, embodied cultures, systems of meaning - all of which are actualised in a present at the crossroads of past and future lines of becoming. I would also like to reflect, in a psycho-social vein, on how these micro-energy systems become doubly precious as their proximity to the singularity of each livelihood makes them not only sustainable but also affectively intense and therefore a source of enrichment for daily experiences of energy.
panel A11
Encountering energy in systems and everyday spaces | | isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2020-34
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First day of Uni was today, I have to say, It could not have gone off any better, after the first lecture I made insta-friends, seriously, people wait entire lifetimes before finding a bunch of people who like the same things as much as you do to the same point (if not a little more) than you do, I have definitely found the right course to do, my tafe friends are great, but these people are honestly the most amazing people I have met in a very long time... although knowing me, I'm going to do something and fuck it up really badly, I always do... It'll most likely turn out to be something as small as someone finding this and being all like "WOAH, WHAT THE HELL?! I know I have a little bit of a messed sense of humour, but this guy is ridiculous... "
Second worst case scenario that is haha
But yeah, we were watching SHED.MOV on youtube, and that's when I knew for sure that I had met the holy grail of people I could be myself around with (for a second time)
Seriously, watch it, the whole series is fucking hilarious.
Actual learning wise, basically the whole course is a giant wank, assuming I can get my head around writing essays... Which for some reason I've never been able to do correctly... I just have to attempt at least a credit average and I'll be able to go overseas for exchange, which'll be hella fun assuming I'm able to go where I'd like to go...
I could not have hoped for a better first day!
The Last Story
Okay, first off, I don't care how popular this is with Europeans, the voice acting is absolutely horrible, I don't think I've seen/heard worse in a game series, what the hell were they thinking putting 20 year old cockney British accents on people who were obviously not British nor the age they sounded, they should have just kept the Japanese voices with the subtitles... which leads me onto part two... By changing what the characters said in the EU games meant that you had to basically rewrite the story, this is something that makes game story lines fail really badly, because the story isn't completely told correctly and things are left out, I really hate it when something is supposed to be really emotional and the European voice actor/director decides that's It's perfectly fine to lengthen what the character is saying by putting words in that aren't supposed to be there in the first place, it completely ruins the whole feeling and is just bad, stop it... Please!
The same goes with Animé, unless you're going to cast the character voices properly, I suggest you don't do it at all.
Apart from the voice acting, the games visual element is pretty awesome, It's what I would like to see in more Nintendo games, instead of all the colourful nonsense, you're going the right way if you don't want to see your company last very long in the first party sense...
Just a few words to show that I'm still alive
There's a reason why I'm so forgetful all the time.
It's because my sleeping patterns are ballistic, seriously, I don't know how people stay sane living like this, it doesn't make any sense to me... But, if I try to sleep at a good time... say something like going to bed at 8pm, I'll wake up at 1am the next day and regret it because I won't be able to go back to sleep again, it's not because I've had enough sleep either, it's just that my body won't let me... Which annoys me a lot seeing as for the rest of the day everything becomes a chore and.. just... urgh... It's not that I'm lazy, because I'm really not, it's just I have absolutely no energy to do anything ...
Also, all this shit about piracy taking money from artists and such is a bunch of bullshit, If someone likes your stuff, they're going to support you, if they don't, then they're going to delete the item anyway, technically no-one is loosing any money, everyone is just doing what they used to do, which is share something around and show people something they think is cool, the people who agree with the person that showed them will (eventually) buy the product, thus helping the person who created the product and everyone included in the price tagged... also, if you REALLY want to make money from a consumer, BANNING and CENSORING something isn't going to make them want to BUY the fucking product, it'll make them want to steal it even more, just out of spite... What happened to the days when people did things like make music and perform for the sake of making music and performing? Artists and producers should get money for actually making GOOD MUSIC or GOOD TV/MOVIES, shit music like "born this way" by "lady gaga" or god awful TV shows like "modern family" should NOT be funded based on the amount of dvd sales or advertising money they get, they should be funded by "if you (the consumer) agree they should be funded" by watching/listening to it first, and if you really liked it THEN you pay for it, otherwise you don't and that's the end of that.
I'm sick of hearing about the latest tantrum a celebrity has had because some jewel studded aeroplane has just come out and they don't have enough money to buy it, they should work in a REAL job and then understand that life isn't as fucking easy as they might like to think it is, just because you're worth a bundle of money doesn't mean you have to act like a fucking child when things don't go your way, and as for the people who actually go around and make celebrities their life by reading about them in the newspaper and then changing their lifestyle to match the ritch person's?
Stop it, you stupid fucking idiot, their life is so small it's not funny, they make MOVIES, they don't make important things like spoons, forks, trucks, houses, electricity or any of that shit, your husband/wife who works at the fucking BOX FACTORY down the road is more important than some 2-bit retard who can change their voice or personality to suit some roll for others to watch...
Sure, movies and music are a nice thing, I'm not saying that they aren't, but that's all they are, the people who make them can be impressive, but that doesn't mean they're important or should be important... unless they're a rocket scientist, or a new age genius as well... In which case, I tip my hat to you good sir/ma'am you are one of the very few people who actually matter and can do something to actually help humanity instead of make their life numb and happy for about 1.5 hours
I should be moving soon
My plan for this year is to move out of my current home and live on campus, beating the 2 hour wait between my place and Penrith and removing the constant/moderate annoyance of my brother/family, Sure, I love them and whatever, but I can't study at home, it's next to impossible with everything that goes on here...
Once I move into Penrith campus I'm going to try and set up my own TV, Radio, Data stream on my own LAN and see how that pans out, I doubt it'll take off... but one can hope/dream, plus it'd be cool making somewhat of a name of myself (apart from "that guy who was on the footy show those three times" or "that guy who used to make them videeoohs on yoohtoobe" etc.)
Life Update: University
I am now officially a uni student, now all I need to do is get this "advanced standing" crap processed... although it would appear that to do so would mean you have the IQ of the four most intelligent people in the world... plus their computers because to do anything of the sort seems almost impossible... which is quite annoying... | | robots: classic
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Vestimenta y Señalización en el Job Market
Un interesante artículo sobre la vestimenta de los aplicantes en el Job market... de economistas.... ¿qué piensan?
Ultimately, the economics job market is a matching game - each candidate and each employer is trying to find the candidate that's right for them. Hence a candidate's signal should be tailored to the type of employer he or she wishes to attract. Jeans and a t-shirt say "I'm not willing to put on a suit just to please students or clients or hiring committees". Since that would be a bad signal to give to a teaching oriented university, jeans and a t-shirt is a way of signalling interest in research. Matching also makes things tricky for female and minority candidates - a candidate who is demographically similar to the hiring committee can aim to fit in, to dress like one of the guys. Others can try, but they are less likely to succeed.
In other words, it's a complete total and utter minefield - everything from your hair to your shoes is a signal, and you could get it wrong. Looking on the bright side, as Amartya Sen once observed, economic man is close to being a social moron.** You might have been the least fashion-conscious and most clued out person in high school, but in a group of economists, you too can be a fashion star. And even if you aren't, the average economist is unlikely to notice. | | robots: classic
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If art truly imitates life, then the struggle for happiness has been chronicled for about as long as humans have had the capacity to record their thoughts. Charles Drouet steals money from his employer in order to run away with a beautiful woman and try and find happiness with her in Sister Carrie. The titular hero of Tarzan teaches himself to read and write, and eventually finds his way to America in order to be with the woman that he loves and who makes him happy.
Outside of the realm of fiction, literature on happiness is a bankable commodity. A cursory investigation of shows titles such as Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill; The Happiness Project; Secrets of True Happiness; The Happiness Advantage; and The Happiness Hypothesis. While it may be easy to understand why people would want to chase happiness, it is harder to understand why happiness is so difficult to maintain. Some people may have mental illnesses that prevent them from achieving happiness for long periods of time, and may need the help of a psychologist and prescription drugs. What about the rest of humanity though? What is our excuse for finding happiness to be so fleeting? How do we go about enjoying life more without buying self-help books or speaking to mental health professionals? There are many experts who suggest that part of our inability to remain happy is a product of the way our brain is wired for survival. Our chronic unhappiness may also be due to a misunderstanding of what is truly important-being happy, or having a meaningful life.
"...nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so"
Dr. Rick Hanson, a member of U.C. Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center's advisory board, has written a book himself titled Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence, a self-help tome that uses science and research to discuss the problem of our issue with pervasive unhappiness. The human tendency to focus on the negative that happens in our lives instead of the positive happens because, as Hanson said during an interview with Julie Beck for The Atlantic, "repeated patterns of mental activity build neural structure," and "the brain is very good at building brain structure from negative experiences." This is not because we want to remain depressed, angry, or miserable. We focus on the negative because our ancestors learned more from those experiences than they did from positive ones. Learning from the negative experience of having to avoid a large animal stalking you for prey became much more important than learning from the positive experience bringing down that animal for food. If one of our ancestors missed a day of food, he/she would have the chance to hunt again. If they happened to be caught by a predator, they would not have a good chance of surviving that encounter. Negative experiences became the teachable moments our ancestors learned from and passed down to posterity.
According to Hanson, most of the techniques that self-help books espouse, such as positive thinking, do nothing to curb the negative feelings that build up in people and cause us to chase positive emotion. With positive thinking, people are encouraged to ignore or push away negative feelings, and just pretend that everything is alright in an effort to trick their minds. It does not have any real impact on changing the way our brains are wired for survival, which is what is really needed to make our feelings of happiness last. If the wiring of our brain is what needs to be changed, how do we go about that? Two researchers may have found that providing our lives with meaning is more beneficial than searching for happiness, and may also be healthier as well.
The meaning of a meaningful life
While there have been many studies that link happiness to a healthy life, this relationship may not be the full truth of the situation.The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published a study by Barbara Frederickson, a psychological researcher at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and Steve Cole, a genetics and psychiatric researcher at UCLA. This study differentiated between a happy life and a meaningful life and discovered that pursuing meaning led to more positive outcomes that chasing happiness. Frederickson, Cole, and other researchers who helped with the study noticed that the feeling of happiness was associated with actions and behaviors that were selfish, and people who felt they had a meaningful life exhibited more selfless qualities and behavior. This is important to note because searching for happiness in life may actually have a negative impact on us and our health.
In work he has done previously, Cole has found that continuous exposure to adversity can be linked to a certain pattern of gene expression in our bodies. This pattern forces us into threat mode, which is evident when we are in danger from outside sources such as predators, or from internal sources such as bacterial infections. Through their research Frederickson and Cole were able to study the gene expression patterns of people who felt they were happy, and those who said they had a meaningful life. People who claimed happiness but little meaning to their lives had the same gene pattern as people who were dealing with chronic adversity. Having our bodies exist in a perpetual state of stress can lead to depression, heart disease, sleep problems, weight gain, and memory problems, according to the Mayo clinic.
This is not to say that people should not search for happiness. Frederickson has written in the past about the beneficial qualities of positive emotions, but has realized that both happiness and meaning need to be in balance. It is when people focus on just being happy, Frederickson said, "[that] this [gene] pattern that's akin to adversity [emerges]."
Socializing our sadness
It is important to understand how chasing happiness alone can be detrimental to our health, especially with the pervasive quality of social networks. There are many people who deal with clinical depression, but adolescents and young adults are taking to social media and venting about being depressed without any sort of professional evaluation. According to Dr. Stan Kutcher, an adolescent psychiatry expert, some of the people who use social media to talk about their depression aren't actually depressed. They may be upset, demoralized, or distressed, but they are not actually depressed. They are self-diagnosing because they feel bad about an experience in life, but this bad experience sometimes has little to do with actual depression.
Social media communities are creating places where these "distressed" youth can go and find others who are dealing with stress in life and have kindred spirits acknowledge their pain. This can be a problem as it just reinforces the negative feelings these individuals have. Dr. Mark Reinecke, chief psychologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, spoke about the insular quality of these communities, and how dangerous they can be. Because young adults are finding people who feel the same, it validates the sadness they feel. Reinecke's worry is about whether these communities will "lead [people] to get better," and if they "give [people] a different perspective on the world, or different things that [people] could try and improve things."
Having people who can listen is very important for people who may feel alone in their suffering, but the listening has to be tempered with a challenge to find ways to combat the sadness, the loneliness, and the suffering. Tumblr, a popular social media site, is pepper with pictures of young adults suffering, and tagged with quotes such as "Can I just disappear," "I want to die a lovely death," and "People who die by suicide don't want to end their lives, they want to end their pain." These may not be the best images and messages for people who feel they are depressed and have no other outlet but social media to voice their pain.
Meaning over happiness
Science is beginning to point to the fact that finding meaning in life and using that to develop happiness may be a better approach than just scrambling to fill our lives with the desire to just be happy.Since our minds are hardwired to focus more on negative experiences than positive ones, and since chasing happiness may lead to disappointment and disillusionment, a balance should be struck so that having meaning in life is what brings about most of our happiness. As Frederickson pointed out "[i]t's not the amount of hedonic happiness that's a problem, it's that it's not matched by eudaimonic well-being." In other words, people are too worried about selfish desires without balancing that against selfless acts that provide meaning and lead towards a deeper connection with others. Moderation may be key to a healthy life, or at least one that is not filled with so much unhappiness and suffering.
"Chronic stress puts your health at risk," Mayo Clinic, July 11, 2013
"How to Build a Happier Brain," Julie Beck, The Atlantic, October 23, 2013
"Meaning Is Healthier Than Happiness," Emily Estahani Smith, The Atlantic, August 1, 2013
"Social Media Is Redefining 'Depression,'" Anne-Sophia Bine, The Atlantic, October 28, 2013
"A functional genomic perspective on human well-being," Barbara L. Fredricksona, Karen M. Grewenb, Kimberly A. Coffeya, Sara B. Algoea, Ann M. Firestinea, Jesusa M. G. Arevaloc, Jeffrey Mac, and Steven W. Cole, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, July 2, 2013
About the Author:
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Now, I am not denying her power and the incredible impact she has made on society and pop culture. There is no one else that could take a book, movie, a movie star, a two-bit professional good at the sound-bite, industries, trinkets and trash and make it either an instant run-away hit, or a first class pariah. She had a power that gave many a public relations free-pass. Forget pitching any other media outlet, social media icon, or marquee event – just get on Oprah and you are set. And how else would we have seen Tom Cruise’s career and credibility take a massive nose-dive if it were not for Oprah and her couch?
So as someone in PR, why won’t I miss Oprah?
The Oprah Winfrey show was no longer a powerful, objective international media outlet, thanks largely to its namesake. Oprah turned from talk show host to modern day prophet. For many, Oprah became a religion. She told you right from wrong. Up from down. What to eat, wear, read, spend your money on. She also told people what not to eat, what not to wear, what not to read, and what you shouldn’t spend your money on. She schooled you on how to take care of your body, your mind and your wellbeing without ever laying eyes on you. She was like an overbearing mother or evangelist on steroids.
Now I realize that everyone had the choice to watch. You could choose to attend 5 o’clock services, or not. And I realize that not every fan of the show was a sheep in Oprah’s large flock.
While Oprah was a religion to many, sitting in my living room at home, it often felt as if Oprah considered herself to be “the chosen one”, divinely selected to uplift the people by bringing them newfound knowledge they could not otherwise obtain themselves.
And while she did a lot of good, she often crossed the line of journalistic objectivity and good, and moved into personal opinion and perspective. Media Bias 101. American beef producers know this all too well. It was about furthering the Oprah brand, which was less about empowering people to think for themselves, and more about empowering her entertainment empire. Even her over the top moments of generosity were more about sponsorship and another company’s promotional budget than about Oprah’s own philanthropy. She was a vehicle (for many vehicles!) and she got all the credit. Pretty powerful stuff.
So for me, I look forward to seeing how the void gets filled as there is no one that can or will ever fill her shoes. I look forward to seeing how companies, book publishers, near has-been celebrities, and B-movies will have to work to be a household name. How former viewers, mostly women, will spend that extra hour they have gained in their day (did someone say Food Network?). How many will get their daily doctrine on how to live their life…..or if they will just begin to critically think for themselves. | | robots: classic
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Auto Loan Approvals with Bad Credit and 1099 Income
Our Experience
If all or part of your income comes from self employment or if you work for one or more employers as an independent contractor, it's important that you understand how this can affect your application for credit if your FICO scores are low.
Here at Auto Credit Express we know how this type of income can impact the chances of auto loan approvals because we've been helping credit-challenged car buyers for over two decades.
Income reporting
Unlike regular employees that typically receive a W-2 wage statement at the end of the year, independent contractors receive a form 1099 from their employer (or "employers" since being an independent contractor doesn't necessarily tie you to just one employer).
This income is then reported on a Schedule C of an income tax return and, minus expenses, results in the income after expenses (net income) that is then reported on a Form 1040 Federal tax form.
In some cases, because it reduces what they have to pay in taxes and thus saves them money, people who receive this kind of income try to reduce their taxable income by doing some "creative bookkeeping" by increasing their expenses. This reduces what they'll have to pay in taxes but it can also lead to problems – not the least of which is an IRS audit.
But today we're not concerned with what the IRS might or might not do, but rather the problems this sometimes creates if the FICO scores of these individuals fall below 640 and they need to apply for a car loan with a high-risk lender.
Because while traditional lenders usually don't require proof of income, this isn't the case with lenders that work with people that have credit problems.
With both self-employed persons and independent contractors, the income after expenses (net income) that is reported on a tax return is the income these lenders will use to qualify that individual for an auto loan.
Income issues
Subprime auto lenders typically have minimum monthly income requirements. This means, in the case of independent contractors and self-employed persons, they use the net income reported on tax returns to determine if an applicant meets their income requirements. They also use this figure to determine a debt-to-income ratio as well as to compute a car payment budget.
Typically, things can go wrong at this point in one of two ways or even both:
1. High-risk lenders typically have minimum income requirements ranging anywhere from $1,500 to $1,800 per month. This means a tax return needs to reflect a net income of, at a minimum, anywhere from $18,000 to $21,600 a year.
2. Even if the reported net income meets this standard, total monthly expenses (rent, mortgage, utilities, etc.), when compared to this income, are often too high because the actual income is more. If this is the case, this means that the debt ratio is too high and, consequently, the loan application will be turned down.
It's also important that the correct net income is reported for not just one year, but every year. That's because many subprime lenders will ask for multiple tax returns to prove a specific historical level of income stability.
The Bottom Line
If you're self employed or an independent contractor and your car credit is bad, it's important that you correctly report your income and expenses every year. By doing this you'll give yourself a better chance for a loan approval.
Just as importantly, we want you to know that that Auto Credit Express can help you find a dealer that can offer your best opportunity for approved auto loans.
So if you're ready to reestablish your auto credit, you can start here by filling out our online car loans application. | | isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2019-18
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Updated: Oct 14, 2020
List of top 5 action movies from 2020 that I recommend watching.
How many of us have imagined ourselves being a part of high-speed car chases, or shooting a bunch of bad guys, or even straight up having superpowers? Well, for normal people like us, leading normal lives, all of this is purely the stuff of daydreams and is just too far-fetched to ever match our realities.
So, then what do we do? We go to the next best thing: Action movies.
Action movies have a way of portraying things that we cannot normally imitate or replicate, letting us live out our imaginations by visualising it on a big screen.
And so, with that, here are the top 5 action movies from 2020, that I recommend watching.
5. Project Power
Jamie Foxx in 'Project Power'
Jamie Foxx in 'Project Power'. Image Credit: Netflix
IMDb Rating: 6.0
The movie is about a new type of drug pills hitting the streets of New Orleans, which gives its users unpredictable superpowers for 5 minutes. The superpower varies from individual to individual, and at times, if a person is not strong enough, the pill may just kill the person.
An ex-soldier (Jamie Foxx) on a rescue mission to save his daughter; a teenage dealer (Dominique Fishback) trying to raise money for her sick mother; and a local cop (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), who cares for his city. As the three lives intersect, they discover the truth behind the drug and try to stop the masterminds behind it all.
Don’t be deceived by the rating. The movie is quite fun. A concept like this has potential to be much than what it is now and although the directors (Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman) couldn’t make full use of Jamie Foxx’s and Joseph’s Gordon-Levitt’s amazing versatility, they have put together a decent, fun and enjoyable movie (with a possibility for a sequel!)
4. Bad Boys for Life
Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in 'Bad Boys for Life'
Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in 'Bad Boys for Life'. Image Credit: Columbia Pictures
IMDb rating: 6.6
Detectives Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) are back again in the third instalment of the Bad Boys series. While Mike Lowrey has continued to live life dangerously being a cop, Marcus Burnett has retired and is a constant source of frustration to his family by being on the couch all day long doing nothing or by screwing up something for the family to clean up.
When the people Mike and Marcus worked with in the past start being targeted and killed, Mike and Marcus are forced to team up once again to root out the cause and in doing so, learn a truth that was hidden away for years.
The movie is what you expect it to be: absolutely fun, a lot of chaos and a good amount of chaotic humour. Whether you’ve had a long day of doing nothing, or gruelling online classes or work, it is a fun watch at the end of the day.
Not a lot of attention is given to physics and reality of things, but then again, we don’t really expect such things from this genre anyway, do we?
3. Enola Holmes
Henry Cavill and Millie Bobby Brown in 'Enola Holmes'
Henry Cavill and Millie Bobby Brown in 'Enola Holmes'. Image Credit: Netflix
IMDb rating: 6.7
We have all definitely heard of Sherlock Holmes, the greatest detective of all times. We’ve been Robert Downey Jr.’s portrayal of Sherlock, and we’ve been Benedict Cumberbatch’s absolutely brilliant version of Sherlock. Now, it’s time for Henry Cavill to be Sherlock. Yep, the Superman himself. Or the Witcher. Whichever you know him as.
But… it’s not Sherlock’s story. It’s his witty younger sister, Enola’s (Millie Bobby Brown).
Growing up, Enola didn’t have her brothers, Sherlock and Mycroft (Sam Claflin) around. Instead, she grew up with, and was tutored by, her mother Eudoria (Helena Bohham Carter).
One day, Eudoria disappears, leaving a parting gift. While Enola wants to find her mother, appalled at the state of his home and his little sister’s lack of “breeding”, Mycroft decides to enroll her into a women’s school so that she can learn to be a lady.
Enola rebels and takes off from home in search of her mother, using the parting gift as clue and outwitting her brothers. On her journey, she stumbles upon a young Lord Tewkesbury, a meeting that triggers the unravelling of a dangerous conspiracy against the young Lord.
The movie is dynamic, witty and almost non-stop fun. Millie Bobby Brown has done a marvellous job of her portrayal and has probably set the foundation for multi-movie series. While Enola Holmes isn’t exactly an action movie, it checks enough boxes to make the list.
2. Extraction
Chris Hemsworth in 'Extraction'
Chris Hemsworth in 'Extraction'. Image Credit: Netflix
IMDb rating: 6.7
You probably expected to see this reading the list. Heck, when I first thought of making a list, Extraction was the very first movie that came to mind. Why wouldn’t it, when it became the most watched original movie in Netflix’s history?
When Ovi Mahajan (Rudhraksh Jaiswal), the son of an incarcerated drug lord (Pankaj Tripathi) is kidnapped by a rival drug lord, a black-market mercenary, Tyler Rake (Chris Hemsworth) is recruited by fellow mercenary Nik Khan (Golshifteh Farahani) to rescue Ovi.
Once Tyler is successful and reaches the extraction point, they find out that no money has been transferred and ground his team is wiped out by Saju (Randeep Hooda), who works for Ovi’s father. Instead of abandoning the mission, Tyler sticks with Ovi. Thus, a hunt for Ovi and Tyler ensues by Saju and the rival drug lord’s men.
The movie is nothing exceptional in terms of storyline, but the action sequences and keeping-on-edge factors are excellent, which is what makes this movie a must watch.
As a bonus: after years of seeing Chris Hemsworth being the near invincible, funny Asgardian God, it’s quite interesting seeing him portrayed as normal, yet lethal human.
1. Greyhound
Tom Hanks in 'Greyhound'
Tom Hanks in 'Greyhound'. Image Credit: Sony Pictures Entertainment
IMDb rating: 7.0
Greyhound is an American war movie based on the 1955 novel The Good Shepherd by C. S. Forester.
U.S. Navy Commander Ernest Krause (Tom Hanks), is assigned to command an Allied convoy during WWII. When the convoy enters the Mid-Atlantic Gap called the “Black-Pit”, they intercept German transmissions from a U-boat (submarine). They try to get within firing range, but the U-boat dives down and evades them. Meanwhile, they start getting reports of six more subs, which they suspect, were waiting for nightfall to start the attack.
The movie shows how Captain Krause leads the convoy, even though it was his first wartime command, for three days till they can make contact and seek air support.
The movie is tense throughout and fast paced despite it being a war film.
Overall, a must watch movie. Tom Hanks being in it makes all the more reason to watch it.
Bonus: The Old Guard
Charlize Theron and Chiwetel Ejiofor in 'The Old Guard'
Charlize Theron and Chiwetel Ejiofor in 'The Old Guard'. Image Credit: Netflix
IMDb rating: 6.7
Andromache ‘Andy’ of Scythia (Charlize Theron), Booker (Matthias Schoenaerts), Joe (Marwan Kenzari) and Nicky (Luca Marinelli) are warriors with extraordinary regenerative abilities.
Throughout their lives, spanning centuries, they have secretly helped people time and again by taking up missions given by people (only after deeming it to be helpful to others).
On their most recent mission to rescue children given by Copley (Chiwetel Ejiofor), they’re ambushed and filled with bullets. But they heal, only to find out that their abilities have been recorded on video.
Meanwhile, a U.S. Marine, Nile Freeman (KiKi Layne) is KIA, only to recover without even a scratch. The team seeks her out and together, they start tracking down Copley and anyone else responsible for the ambush in order to keep their abilities and identities a secret.
Before I watched Project Power, this movie was up for the 5th spot on the list, but because of Project Power’s potential concept, I decided to go with it instead.
Regardless, I’m recommending this as a bonus since the movie is action-packed, fast paced, overall fun and has Charlize Theron!
So, there you have it. My picks for action movies this year. These are not critically analysed and put together though!
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