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Josh Brandon is a social justice advocate, anti-poverty organizer, environmentalist, and enthusiastic Winnipegger. Born and raised in Surrey, British Columbia, he moved to Winnipeg in 2007. He is a community organizer at the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg, and former chair of Make Poverty History Manitoba. Josh is a leader in working for a just and environmentally sustainable community: Campaigned to stop 25 cent bus fare increases and service reductions in 2017 As chair of Make Poverty History Manitoba, Josh worked with community allies to get the Rent Assist program implemented in 2015, making housing more affordable for thousands of low income families Started a coalition to reduce pesticides use resulting in Manitoba cosmetic pesticide use regulation in 2014, protecting the health of children pets and the environment Led Manitoba Eco-Network water caucus fighting for better water quality in Manitoba lakes and rivers; helped pass the Save Lake Winnipeg Act in 2011. Josh has also worked as a researcher at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. He co-edited Poor Housing: a Silent Crisis, a book on low income housing in Winnipeg published by Fernwood Publishing in 2015. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Simon Fraser University. Josh est un manitobain bilingue. He lives on Camden Place in Wolseley with his partner Karen.
namespace Machine.Specifications.Runner.Utility { public class custom_delegate_specs : running_specs { const string Code = @" using System; using Machine.Specifications; namespace Example.CustomDelegates { [SetupDelegate] public delegate void Given(); [ActDelegate] public delegate void When(); [AssertDelegate] public delegate void Then(); [Subject(typeof(Account), ""Funds transfer"")] public class when_transferring_between_two_accounts { static Account fromAccount; static Account toAccount; Given accounts = () => { fromAccount = new Account {Balance = 1m}; toAccount = new Account {Balance = 1m}; }; When transfer_is_made = () => fromAccount.Transfer(1m, toAccount); Then should_debit_the_from_account_by_the_amount_transferred = () => fromAccount.Balance.ShouldEqual(0m); Then should_credit_the_to_account_by_the_amount_transferred = () => toAccount.Balance.ShouldEqual(2m); } [Subject(typeof(Account), ""Funds transfer"")] public class when_transferring_an_amount_larger_than_the_balance_of_the_from_account { static Account fromAccount; static Account toAccount; static Exception exception; Given accounts = () => { fromAccount = new Account {Balance = 1m}; toAccount = new Account {Balance = 1m}; }; Because transfer_is_made = () => exception = Catch.Exception(() => fromAccount.Transfer(2m, toAccount)); Then should_not_allow_the_transfer = () => exception.ShouldBeOfExactType<Exception>(); } public class Account { public decimal Balance { get; set; } public void Transfer(decimal amount, Account toAccount) { if (amount > Balance) throw new Exception(String.Format(""Cannot transfer ${0}. The available balance is ${1}."", amount, Balance)); Balance -= amount; toAccount.Balance += amount; } } }"; static CompileContext compiler; static AssemblyPath path; Establish context = () => { compiler = new CompileContext(); path = compiler.Compile(Code); }; Because of = () => runner.RunAssembly(path); Cleanup after = () => compiler.Dispose(); } public class when_running_specs_with_custom_delegates : custom_delegate_specs { It should_run_them_all = () => listener.SpecCount.ShouldEqual(3); } }
Senators wrote a letter to the Federal Aviation Administration on Tuesday saying that agency whistleblowers have come forward with potential safety issues. potential The Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation said the workers point to a lack of training in aircraft certification programs that lead to the approval of Boeing's 737 Max aircraft. Boeing is the source of multiple government investigations after the plane crashed twice since October. The Senate transportation committee said Tuesday that multiple whistleblowers have warned of serious safety issues in the government’s safety inspection program for new aircraft, including Boeing's 737 max jet that’s crashed twice since October. "Allegation from these whistleblowers include information that numerous FAA employees, including those involved in the Aircraft Evaluation Group (ARG) for the Boeing 737 MAX, had not received proper training and valid certifications," the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation said in a letter to the FAA’s acting administrator on Tuesday. "Some of these FAA employees were possibly involved as participants on the Flight Standardization Board (FSB)," the letter continued. The committee, led by Republican Roger Wicker of Mississippi, says it’s concerned this lack of training could have lead to "an improper evaluation" of the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS), which investigators have said is a leading suspect in the investigation of Ethiopian Airlines crash in March. The letter comes after the Department of Justice in March subpoenaed Boeing as part of a criminal investigation into how the deadly plane was certified to fly. Read more: JPMorgan warns Boeing's 737 Max crisis could drag down the entire US economy Last week, multiple reports said the FAA would soon announce changes to its aircraft certification program, which currently allows manufacturers to run some safety checks on their products in the FAA's name, in light of the crashes "According to the information obtained from whistleblowers and a review of documents obtained by the committee, the FAA may have been notified about these deficiencies as early as August 2018,” the letter said. "Furthermore, the committee is led to believe that an FAA investigation into these allegations may have been completed recently." You can read the Senate committee’s full letter below:
Nasturtium Nasturtium leaves are a beautiful garnish when plated raw and a unique, strong herb when cooked. These edible leaves have a slightly sour, slightly spicy taste with hints of honey. Crisp but chewy texture. We accept orders and inquiries in the state of Tennessee through our contact page. Please allow 2-3 weeks for cultivation.
The Great Gatsby He didn’t say any more but we’ve always been unusually communicative in a reserved way, and I understood that he meant a great deal more than that. In consequence I’m inclined to reserve all judgments, a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores. The abnormal mind is quick to detect and attach itself to this quality when it appears in a normal person, and so it came about that in college I was unjustly accused of being a politician, because I was privy to the secret griefs of wild, unknown men. Most of the confidences were unsought—frequently I have feigned sleep, preoccupation, or a hostile levity when I realized by some unmistakable sign that an intimate revelation was quivering on the horizon—for the intimate revelations of young men or at least the terms in which they express them are usually plagiaristic and marred by obvious suppressions......
Q: ListView with subitems. (Android) I need to show in a listview a query result to the DB. I'm returning the query 2 values ​​("cod", "value"). I thought of using a SimpleAdapter to solve the problem, but it did not work. this is my code: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.techcharacteristic); PopulateTechCharacteristicList populateList = new PopulateTechCharacteristicList( this); populateList.execute(); SimpleAdapter adapter = new SimpleAdapter(this, list, R.layout.techcharacteristic_rows, new String[] {"cod", "value"}, new int[] { R.id.techCharacteristic, R.id.techCharacteristicName }); setListAdapter(adapter); } public class PopulateTechCharacteristicList extends AsyncTask<Integer, String, Integer> { ProgressDialog progress; Context context; public PopulateTechCharacteristicList(Context context) { this.context = context; } protected void onPreExecute() { progress = ProgressDialog.show(TechCharacteristicList.this, getResources().getString(R.string.Wait), getResources() .getString(R.string.LoadingOperations)); } protected Integer doInBackground(Integer... paramss) { ArrayList<TechCharacteristic> arrayTechChar = new ArrayList<TechCharacteristic>(); TechCharacteristicWSQueries techCharWSQueries = new TechCharacteristicWSQueries(); try { arrayTechChar = techCharWSQueries .selectTechCharacteristicByAsset("ARCH-0026"); HashMap<String, String> temp = new HashMap<String, for(TechCharacteristic strAux : arrayTechChar) { temp.put("cod", strAux.getTechCharacteristic() + " - " + strAux.getTechCharacteristicName()); temp.put("value", strAux.getTechCharacteristicValue()); list.add(temp); } } catch (QueryException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 0; } return 1; } protected void onPostExecute(Integer result) { if(result == 1) progress.dismiss(); } } On account of being utlizando the same codes ("cod", "value") to include values ​​in the HashMap, my listView is always showing the last item inserted. But in my statement SimpleAdapter'm using hard coded ("cod", "value") and whenever I put any value other than ("cod", "value") in the HashMap, the listView carries empty. Can anyone help me? A: On account of being utlizando the same codes ("cod", "value") to include values ​​in the HashMap, my listView is always showing the last item inserted. As you are creating HashMap object out of for loop, and adding values to that object only in the for loop,hence the previous values get erased and you get only last values. To solve this you need to create the HashMap object in for loop corresponding to each row. Try HashMap<String, String> temp = null; for(TechCharacteristic strAux : arrayTechChar) { temp = new HashMap<String,String>(); temp.put("cod", strAux.getTechCharacteristic() + " - " + strAux.getTechCharacteristicName()); temp.put("value", strAux.getTechCharacteristicValue()); list.add(temp); }
2 4 6 8 8 2 4 6 6 8 2 4 4 6 8 2 3 4 6 8
Iran nuclear talks appear headed for a stall U.S. says Tehran didn't respond directly at a meeting in Kazakhstan to the latest offer from six world powers. Iran says it did. Negotiators from Iran and the so-called P5-plus-1 group -- the U.S., Britain,… (Shamil Zhumatov / European…) WASHINGTON — Iranian officials did not directly respond Friday to the latest American-backed offer to curb Tehran's disputed nuclear program, raising the possibility that the high-level diplomatic effort may be suspended for at least a few months. Iranian and international negotiators meeting in Kazakhstan engaged in a "long and substantial discussion" but remained "a long way apart on the substance," said a Western official, who asked to remain unidentified, citing sensitive diplomatic issues. The first day of talks in Almaty was "substantive, but we don't yet have any progress to report," Victoria Nuland, a State Department spokeswoman, said in Washington. Talks resume Saturday. Nuland said Iranian officials planned to meet privately with some delegations, but no U.S.-Iranian session was planned. President Obama has encouraged direct talks, but Iranian authorities have rejected the idea in past meetings. U.S. and other Western officials said before the meeting that Tehran needed to provide a clear and concrete reply to the proposal they made in February. Western members of the so-called P5-plus-1 negotiating group — the United States, Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia — threatened to suspend the talks and increase economic sanctions if Tehran failed to make a counteroffer. However, Iranian officials insisted Friday that they had offered a "comprehensive proposal" and were ready to negotiate. Ali Bagheri, a senior Iranian nuclear negotiator, told Iran's state-controlled press that Iran had offered "clear proposals for the beginning of a new round of cooperation." The meeting is the fifth since early 2012 over Iran's uranium enrichment program. Many nations fear Tehran is developing a weapons capability that could threaten Israel and destabilize the Mideast. Iran insists it needs nuclear energy for electricity and other civilian purposes. Western diplomats do not expect the Almaty talks to produce a breakthrough. They believe Iranian leaders are unlikely to take major political risks before their nation's presidential election in June. Shortly after talks began Friday, Iranian officials claimed they had made a counteroffer, and Western officials said they hadn't. The Western official said diplomats were puzzled because the Iranians had offered only "general comments" without addressing the group's offer. The six world powers have asked Iran to suspend operations at its underground uranium enrichment plant at Fordow, to halt production of medium-enriched uranium that could be turned into bomb fuel, and to send most of the current stockpile out of the country. In return, they offered limited suspension of international economic sanctions. The Iranians' response was to reiterate the deal they offered in June in Moscow. They said they would freeze production of medium-enriched uranium in return for a lifting of all sanctions. The West views that proposal as unacceptable. Cliff Kupchan, a former State Department official now at the Eurasia Group consulting firm in Washington, said the talks were stopping short of real negotiations. He said the approach could lead to a suspension of further talks. He said Tehran's negotiating team appeared on "the typical Iranian glide path," in which it starts with strong ideological declarations, then moves into a detailed discussion but never engages in the back-and-forth that could lead to a deal. A suspension could spark calls for the West to impose tougher sanctions or to plan military action. But even if talks are frozen, it does not end the chance for diplomacy since U.S. officials say Iran is unable to build a bomb before at least mid-2014, and Israel has eased off hints it might attack Iran's nuclear installations this spring.
IT IS no secret that support for Mitt Romney and Barack Obama breaks down differently among men and women. But while this “gender gap” is typically discussed in terms of Mr Romney’s stance on so-called "women’s issues", such as abortion rights and contraception coverage, the evidence indicates that it actually reflects partisan differences over the government's social-welfare programmes. Moreover, the source of the gender gap has less to do with women and more to do with men moving away from the Democratic Party. If the gender gap is defined as the difference between men and women’s support for a candidate, most polls currently show it to be about ten percentage points for Mr Romney, who does better with men. (John McCain, by comparison, faced a gap of about five points in 2008.) Women have been consistently more likely than men to give the president higher marks, and there is evidence that more women than men have swung into Mr Obama’s column in the last month, helping to fuel a recent bump in the president's poll numbers. It wasn't always this way. The earliest studies of voters detected gender-based differences in the presidential vote in 1948, 1952 and 1956. Women, however, initially favoured the Republican candidates; by about four to six points, more women than men supported Tom Dewey and Dwight Eisenhower. Thereafter, however, the gender-based difference in presidential voting began to reverse, with women slightly more likely to favour the Democrat beginning in 1964. The gap grew noticeably wider in 1980, when Ronald Reagan won the election with greater support, by eight points, among men than women. Since Reagan’s election the gender gap has endured, more or less, with women consistently more likely than men to support the Democratic candidate. To be sure, this does not mean the Democratic candidate has always won the women’s vote—in fact, the Republicans did better with women in every presidential election from 1980-1992. It has only been since 1996 that a majority of woman voters have backed the Democratic candidate. (Bill Clinton won a plurality of the women’s vote in 1992, but less than the combined share won by George Bush and Ross Perot.) It is tempting to blame the re-emergence and persistence of the gender gap, particularly since 1996, on the parties’ differences on women’s issues, dating back to 1980 and Reagan’s opposition to abortion and the Equal Rights Amendment. In this view, women have abandoned a party that has turned rightward on issues important to them. However, a look at the trend in party identification among women and men indicates that the source of the gender gap is more likely the movement, beginning as early as 1964, of men toward the Republican Party. During this same period, women generally stuck with the Dems. So why did men leave the Democratic Party, while women did not? According to political scientists, the primary influence seems to be their different attitudes toward social-welfare spending. (See pages 95-105 of Morris Fiorina's book for a short summary of the evidence.) Since at least 1948 men have tended to be more conservative than women on social-welfare issues, but the difference grew more noticeable when the role of “big government” and rising budget deficits became an increasingly important wedge issue. Reining in government growth was central to Reagan’s 1980 campaign, and the desire to limit taxes and spending has continued to be a salient theme among Republican candidates. Democrats, meanwhile, have consistently sought to portray themselves as protectors of the social safety net. This all matters because party ID is the most important determinant of an individual’s presidential vote. And if social-welfare spending is the critical issue, it is unlikely that all the recent talk of women's issues, most notably at the Democratic convention, has done much to sway the vote. On the other hand, we have two candidates with very different views of government spending. A difference accentuated by Mr Romney’s 47% gaffe, which struck at the core of the male-female divide. Such a statement is likely to remind women why they have stayed true to the Democratic Party all these years (and was perhaps too tactless to win over men). Since 1980, the proportion of women voting in presidential elections has been greater than the proportion of men. If that holds true come November, and if the magnitude of the current gender gap persists, Mr Romney will be hard pressed to beat Mr Obama despite his advantage among men. In the coming weeks the Republican nominee may be best served trying to convince woman voters that the sluggish economy has disproportionately affected society’s most vulnerable members, and that Mr Obama is to blame.
Arthur Daniels (footballer) Arthur W. C. Daniels was an English footballer from Mossley, Lancashire. He played in the Football League for Manchester City, Watford and Queens Park Rangers. He was described as a "shrewd and speedy left-winger". Daniels signed for his hometown club in 1920 after briefly playing for a works team in Salford. He scored two goals in 18 Mossley appearances in the 1920–21 season. Daniels made his first team debut for Manchester City against Tottenham Hotspur in a First Division match in March 1923. He provided the cross for Manchester City's only goal in a 3–1 defeat, leading the Manchester Guardian to describe him as "the best forward in the line". He proceeded to play a further nine consecutive matches, but this proved to be his longest run in the team, and he spent most of the next three seasons in the reserves. He scored one goal for the club, a late consolation in a 4–2 defeat at Bolton in February 1925. In total he made 32 appearances for the Manchester club. Daniels left Manchester City in 1926, and joined Watford, of the Third Division South. He scored in a 10–1 FA Cup win over Lowestoft Town at Vicarage Road, a scoreline which remains Watford's biggest ever winning margin at the stadium. Daniels was ever-present for Watford during the 1927–28 season, and continued to play regularly for the remainder of his time there. He left Watford to join nearby QPR in 1930, before departing the club at the end of the 1930–31 season. References Category:Year of birth missing Category:Year of death missing Category:People from Mossley Category:English footballers Category:English Football League players Category:Manchester City F.C. players Category:Watford F.C. players Category:Queens Park Rangers F.C. players Category:Association football wingers Category:Mossley A.F.C. players
Hosts Whether you’re a first-time host or have been renting your property short-term for years, we have the tools that can help you optimize pricing, understand your competition and improve your occupancy rates. Investors There’s a lot of money to be made investing in property and putting it on the short-term rental market. AllTheRooms Analytics provides the tools you need to ensure that you can make your investment decision with confidence, backed by data. Property Mangers Navigating the short-term rental market and keeping your clients/guests happy presents new challenges every single day. Our products help property managers around the world achieve better results and grow their client base. Tourism Boards AllTheRooms Analytics provides DMOs, CVBs and Tourism Boards the data and analytics they need to give them a complete overview of the accommodations space in their country, state or city. Hotels For those in the hotel industry, keeping a finger on the pulse of the short-term rental market is essential. Discover how data intelligence from AllTheRooms Analytics helps hospitality managers stay one step ahead of the competition. Enterprise Custom solutions and delivery options for asset managers, insurers or any other application that needs accurate insights into the short-term rental market.
A primary obstacle capturing high-quality images is the lack of light. In low-light situations, such as capturing images in indoor environments or at night, the scene as a whole may provide insufficient light. Images of outdoor daylight scenes may also suffer from insufficient light in shady areas of the scene. Although there are various accessories that can be used to gather more light, such a larger-aperture lens, additional image sensors, image stabilization equipment, flash equipment, and so on, imaging devices with smaller form factors are unable to accommodate this equipment. For example, if the image capture device is a cell phone or wearable device, size constraints preclude inclusion of these large accessories. Alternate strategies to improving image quality in low-light situations include increasing the exposure time of a camera or image sensor to increase pixel brightness. However, longer exposure times increase the presence of motion blur in an image that results from camera jitter or motion of a subject in the scene during image capture. In order to account for dark and noisy images, various techniques combine multiple image frames of a scene to produce a single image using pixel values from the multiple image frames. Combining multiple image frames into a single image reduces an overall amount of image noise, but it does not entirely eliminate image noise and often results in a visually soft image. Although there are various post-processing techniques that can be applied to improve visual qualities of a multiple-frame image, these post-processing techniques do not account for variations in a number of frames used to generate a multiple-frame image. Thus, it is desirable to visually alter images generated from multiple frames to produce a sharp image with minimal noise in a manner that considers an amount of frames used to generate an image.
D(T)PACE as salvage therapy for aggressive or refractory multiple myeloma. Dexamethasone ± thalidomide with infusion of cisplatin, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, and etoposide [D(T)PACE] is generally reserved as salvage therapy for aggressive multiple myeloma (MM) or plasma cell leukaemia (PCL) resistant to conventional therapies. The efficacy and durability of this potentially toxic regimen in this setting is unclear. We identified 75 patients who received D(T)PACE for relapsed/refractory MM at two tertiary care centres: Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto and Mayo Clinic Arizona. At time of D(T)PACE, 16 patients had PCL and three patients had leptomeningeal disease. Patients were heavily pretreated (median three prior regimens, range 1-12; prior autologous stem cell transplant [ASCT] 33%). Overall response rate was 49% (very-good partial response 16%, partial response 33%) with stable disease in an additional 36%. Median progression-free survival (PFS) was 5·5 months (95% confidence interval [CI]:4·3-9·8); overall survival (OS) 14·0 months (95% CI:8·7-19·3). Thirty-five patients proceeded to ASCT or clinical trial, with median PFS for this subset of 13·4 months (95% CI:7·7-20·1) and OS 20·5 months (95% CI:14·8-63·8). D(T)PACE is an effective salvage therapy for heavily pretreated MM patients. Although the overall response rate of 49% in this poor prognosis cohort is reasonable, the PFS is short, suggesting the best role for D(T)PACE is in bridging to definitive therapy, such as transplantation.
Methods for culturing saltwater rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) for rearing larval zebrafish. The saltwater rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis, is widely used in the aquaculture industry as a prey item for first-feeding fishes due to its ease of culture, small size, rapid reproductive rate, and amenability to enrichment with nutrients. Despite the distinct advantages of this approach, rotifers have only been sporadically utilized for rearing larval zebrafish, primarily because of the common misconception that maintaining cultures of rotifers is difficult and excessively time-consuming. Here we present simple methods for maintaining continuous cultures of rotifers capable of supporting even the very largest zebrafish aquaculture facility, with minimal investments in materials, time, labor, and space. Examples of the methods' application in one large, existing facility is provided, and troubleshooting of common problems is discussed.
Synthesis and characterization of poly (amino ester) for slow biodegradable gene delivery vector. Many therapeutic carrier materials were exploited for human gene therapy from viral to polymeric vectors. This research describes the evaluation of two biodegradable ester-bonded polymers synthesized by double-monomer polycondensation for a non-viral cationic polymer-based gene delivery system. The backbone was constructed to include inner tertiary amines and outer primary amines. Self-assembly with DNA resulted in the production of regularly nano-sized spherical polyplexes with good transfection efficiency, especially in the presence of serum. The polymers showed a relatively slow degradability for an amine-containing ester polymer, as they maintained DNA/polymer complex for 7 days in physiological buffer conditions. Finally, the low toxicity and slow degradation concluded these polymers reliable for long-term therapeutic applications.
Characterization of the human beta-secretase 2 (BACE2) 5'-flanking region: identification of a 268-bp region as the basal BACE2 promoter. The main characteristic of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is brain deposition of the beta-amyloid (Abeta) peptide, generated endoproteolytically from Abeta precursor protein (APP) by beta- and gamma-secretases. A transmembrane aspartyl protease, beta-APP-cleaving enzyme (BACE1), was identified as beta-secretase. Although BACE1 cleaves APP at the beta-secretase site, the role of its homolog, beta-secretase 2 (BACE2) is poorly understood. We report the mRNA expression profile, DNA sequence, and molecular characterization of the BACE2 gene, located on chromosome 21q22.3. The BACE2 gene expresses more strongly in peripheral tissues, although BACE2 mRNA is found in the majority of brain regions, including the postcentral gyrus and temporal lobe. Characterization of 2932 bp of the BACE2 5'-flanking region (GC content of 55%), reveals the absence of canonical CCAAT and TATA boxes within 1 kb of the transcription start site (TSS). The sequence lacks significant internal repeats and has a housekeeping gene structure. Two active regions of the BACE2 promoter determine its basal expression and cell-type specificity. The proximal region (-31/+238) likely determines general basal expression, and the distal region (-2618/-1513), cell-type specificity. Several putative transcription factor sites, particularly SP1, Oct-1, and HES-1, are predicted to be within 1 kb of the TSS. On either side of the proximal promoter region, two negative regulatory domains might reduce BACE2 expression under an induced condition. The BACE2 5'-flanking region is likely to be highly regulated and expressed in a tissue type-specific manner.
Adaptive type Adaptive type – in evolutionary biology – is any population or taxon which have the potential for a particular or total occupation of given free of underutilized home habitats or position in the general economy of nature. In evolutionary sense, the emergence of new adaptive type is usually a result of adaptive radiation certain groups of organisms in which they arise categories that can effectively exploit temporary, or new conditions of the environment. Such evolutive units with its distinctive – morphological and anatomical, physiological and other characteristics, i.e. genetic and adjustments (feature) have a predispositiona for an occupation certain home habitats or position in the general nature economy. Simply, the adaptive type is one group organisms whose general biological properties represent a key to open the entrance to the observed adaptive zone in the observed natural ecological complex. Adaptive types are spatially and temporally specific. Since the frames of general biological properties these types of substantially genetic are defined between, in effect the emergence of new adaptive types of the corresponding change in population genetic structure and eternal contradiction between the need for optimal adapted well the conditions of living environment, while maintaining genetic variation for survival in a possible new circumstances. For example, the specific place in the economy of nature existed millions of years before the appearance of human type. However, just when the process of evolution of primates (order Primates) reached a level that is able to occupy that position, it is open, and then (in leaving world) an unprecedented acceleration increasingly spreading. Culture, in the broadest sense, is a key adaptation of adaptive type type of Homo sapiens the occupation of existing adaptive zone through work, also in the broadest sense of the term. References See also Adaptive zone Adaptation Progressive evolution Speciation Category:Evolutionary biology
Double-C loop platform in combination with hydrophobic and hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lens materials. To analyze the behavior of a new double-C-loop quadripod symmetrical intraocular lens (IOL) platform combined with a hydrophilic lens material and a new hydrophobic glistening-free acrylic lens material, Ankoris and Podeye, respectively, in silico (computer simulation), in vitro (laboratory investigation), and in vivo (rabbit model). John A. Moran Eye Center, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, and Physiol S.A., Liege, Belgium. Experimental study. An in silico simulation investigation was performed using finite elements software, an in vitro investigation according to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO11979-3:2012), and an in vivo implantation in a rabbit model with 4 weeks of follow-up. Postmortem data were collected by Miyake-Apple gross examination and histopathologic analyses. Biocompatibility and IOL centration were tested. Both IOLs demonstrated statistically insignificant variations in posterior and anterior capsule opacification and Soemmerring ring formation. They were well biotolerated with no signs of toxicity, inflammation, or neovascularization. Axial and centration stability were noted in vitro and in vivo as a result of significant contact between surrounding tissues and haptics and the posterior portion of the optic. The results suggest suitability of the double-C loop IOL platform for the manufacturing of premium (ie, multifocal, toric, and multifocal toric) IOLs. Drs. Bozukova, Gobin, and Pagnoulle are employees of Physiol S.A., Liege, Belgium. Dr. Pagnoulle has a proprietary interest in the tested intraocular lenses. No other author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned.
Q: Laravel Middleware Auth for API I am currently developing and application that has an API which I want to be accessible through middleware that will check if the user is authenticated using either Laravel's default Auth middleware and Tymone's JWT.Auth token based middleware so requests can be authenticated either of the ways. I can work out how to have one or the other but not both, how could I do this? I'm thinking I need to create a custom middleware that uses these existing middlewares? I am using Laravel 5.1 Thanks A: Turns out I did need to make my own middleware which was easier than I thought: <?php namespace App\Http\Middleware; use Auth; use JWTAuth; use Closure; class APIMiddleware { /** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Closure $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { try { $jwt = JWTAuth::parseToken()->authenticate(); } catch (\Tymon\JWTAuth\Exceptions\JWTException $e) { $jwt = false; } if (Auth::check() || $jwt) { return $next($request); } else { return response('Unauthorized.', 401); } } } Then I use this middleware on my api route group like so after registering in the kernel: Route::group(['prefix' => 'api', 'middleware' => ['api.auth']], function() {
2017 Croatian Water Polo Cup The 2017 Croatian Cup is the 26th edition of the tournament. Schedule The rounds of the 2017 competition are scheduled as follows: Preliminary round The first round ties are scheduled for 1 and 3 December 2017. Group A Tournament will be played at Bazen u Gružu, Dubrovnik. Group B Tournament will be played at Bazen Crnica, Šibenik. Final four The final four will be held on 16 and 17 December 2017 at the Sports Park Mladost in Zagreb. Semi-finals Final Final standings References External links Croatian Water Polo Federaration Croatian Water Polo Cup Croatian Water Polo Cup Men
Q: Logging: how to set a maximum log level for a handler With logging library you can log to file. You have to set the file handler log level. Any log with level equal or higher than the specified level will be logged to file. But what if I want to log errors and exceptions to a file myapp_errors.log, infos to another file myapp_info.log and any other log to another file myapp_debug.log? The only option is to create three loggers? A: You can add filters to filehandlers. This way you can redirect specific levels to different files. import logging class LevelFilter(logging.Filter): def __init__(self, low, high): self._low = low self._high = high logging.Filter.__init__(self) def filter(self, record): if self._low <= record.levelno <= self._high: return True return False logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) log = logging.getLogger('foo') error_handler = logging.FileHandler('error.log', 'a') error_handler.addFilter(LevelFilter(40, 40)) warn_handler = logging.FileHandler('warn.log', 'a') warn_handler.addFilter(LevelFilter(30, 30)) log.addHandler(error_handler) log.addHandler(warn_handler) log.debug('debug') log.info('info') log.warn('warn') log.error('error') Warnings will go to warn.log, errors to error.log. All other levels will not be stored in a file. Example: $ python log.py DEBUG:foo:debug INFO:foo:info WARNING:foo:warn ERROR:foo:error $ tail -n +1 *.log ==> error.log <== error ==> warn.log <== warn
A Neo-Nazi protester in Charlottesville gives a Nazi salute. Trump said there were good people on both sides. (Evan Nesterak) Yesterday America completed its fall to third-world country status. I wrote about the signs of this in a previous column. But now we have political violence, a staple of third world countries. On Wednesday, about nine opponents of President Donald Trump, including the Obamas, the Clintons, former Attorney General Eric Holder and CNN, were targeted with crudely-made pipe bombs. The bombs were all targeted at former opponents or people who had been vocally critical of Trump. This was obviously an attempt at silencing critics. The latest act of violence is the end result of a country that was stupid enough to elect a racist, sociopathic demagogue to the most powerful position in the world. Americans shouldn’t be surprised at the consequences of their ignorance and apathy. Trump has been stoking a tidal wave of violence for the past two years, now the wave has hit the shore. As far back as 2016, we began to see inklings of what Trumpism meant. There were reports of increased anti-semitism, Jewish synagogues and homes were targeted with neo-Nazi graffiti and black protestors assaulted at Trump rallies. That was just a sign of what was to come. Alexander Soros, son of George Soros, the billionaire philanthropist who was also targeted with an explosive device, agrees. “Before that, the vitriol he (George Soros) faced was largely confined to the extremist fringes, among white supremacists and nationalists who sought to undermine the very foundations of democracy,” said Alexander Soros in a Daily Mail interview. “But with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, things got worse.” Once Trump was elected president, he welcomed neo-Nazis into the White House and continued to rile up his easily-deluded supporters. In 2017, Heather Heyer was killed during a neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville. Trump failed to condemn this saying there were “good people on both sides.” This was a wink to white nationalists who are a core part of his base. A few weeks ago the Proud Boys, a white nationalist gang, rampaged through the streets of New York, while police stood by. The Proud Boys were invited by a Republican group and have also provided security for Trump associate Roger Stone. Most security analysts say the biggest threat of domestic terrorism comes from right-wing groups. However, that’s not what Trump says. “The media also has a responsibility to set a civil tone and to stop the endless hostility and constant negative and oftentimes false attacks and stories,” said Trump during a rally at Mosinee, Wis. “They’ve gotta stop. Bring people together.” A long-time conspiracy theorist, Trump has tweeted memes of him body slamming CNN, and running over the press. But now he blames the media for inciting violence! The man who called neo-Nazis “good people” now claims the left is a violent mob, even as three Proud Boys have been arrested for their New York rampage. The man who leads his cult followers in chants of lock her up, targeted at innocent female politicians, now calls for civility? It would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic. This is just another example of his refusal to take responsibility for his actions. Almost lost in the reporting about the pipe bombs, was a New York Times report detailing how Chinese and Russians spies had been monitoring Trump’s phone calls. This surveillance was easy because Trump has refused to replace his phone every 30 days as required by government security experts. Trump has continued to use an unsecured phone for at least two years, revealing government secrets to the world. Trump responded to this by tweeting. “The so-called experts on Trump over at the New York Times wrote a long and boring article on my cell phone usage that is so incorrect I do not have time here to correct it,” said Trump in a tweet. “I only use Government Phones, and have only one seldom used government cell phone. Story is soooo wrong!” “Trump has radicalized his base. He is inciting terrorism. He is an accomplice to attempted murder,” said Truscott. “Someone is going to be killed before this is over.” From his inciting of violence, his leaking of classified information and his reverence for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who boasts of reducing America’s global influence, it’s clear the greatest threat to the United States is the president of the United States. Voters have a chance to put a check on this in a few weeks, since it’s clear the Republican Party refuses to do anything to stop Trump. But I hope it’s not too late. Author and Salon columnist Lucian Truscott IV, offers a dire warning. “Trump has radicalized his base. He is inciting terrorism. He is an accomplice to attempted murder,” said Truscott. “Someone is going to be killed before this is over.”
Marrakech walking tour Marrakech – Palace and Monuments Guided Marrakech walking tour Among the most impressive views of Marrakech, Koutoubia is one of the largest and most beautiful mosques in the Western Muslim world. Its 68m high minaret is a Hispano-Moresque masterpiece that is very similar to the Giralda of Seville, Spain. The Bahia Palace was built at the end of the 19th century in a garden of one hectare. It is a haphazard arrangement of luxurious secret apartments on the inner courtyards. During 7 years about 1000 craftsmen of the region Fes worked on the Palace. The only sections open to the public are the Sultan’s Concubine Apartments, the City Council Room, the Walled Walls and the Illuminated Cedar Ceiling, and the Great Central Hall (paved with marble and decorated with zelliges and fountains). Many things Saadian Tombs with their delicate decorations and beautiful architectural lines to be one of the finest achievements of architecture. They first built for the tombs of Sultan Saadian, Ahmed el Mansour. In 1591 the first “Koubba” (the dome at the top of a mosque) of this cemetery built in the south of the Kasbah. At the base of the Atlas Mountains is the Menara Gardens. Covering an area of ​​125 hectares, they are filled with olive trees surrounding a large central lake that dates back to the 12th century and is fed by a network of irrigation canals. At the edge of the water is a small Saadian pavilion. With the snowy peaks at the back, there is a breathtaking view in the evening when the golden rays fall. Included: – Pick up at the hotel – Departing from hotels in Guéliz and Hivernage areas – Inputs To note: – A valid passport or other identity card will be required – Please present your printed ticket to the staff at the place of departure – Free for children under 2 years old – Do not forget his camera or video Place of departure: A car will pick up people in Marrakech. Please be at the reception at least 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time. For other customers residing outside the Marrakech area, the starting point is in front of the office (Residence Yasmine, Majorelle, Moulay Abdlah Boulevard, Mag n5, Marrakech). Please be at the point of departure at least 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time.
Q: How does this bash string manipulation work? I'm a bit confused by a bash script I'm working with. Here's a simplified bit of the syntax/operation that's confusing me: STACKDIR="/Users/my.name/projects/someproject" WORKDIR="/Users/my.name/projects/someproject/foo/bar/baz" SUBPATH="${WORKDIR/$STACKDIR\//}" echo $STACKDIR echo $WORKDIR echo $SUBPATH this outputs /Users/my.name/projects/someproject /Users/my.name/projects/someproject/foo/bar/baz foo/bar/baz how does SUBPATH="${WORKDIR/$STACKDIR\//}" work to remove STACKDIR from the start of WORKDIR? A: Have a look at Shell-Parameter-Expansion See ${parameter/pattern/string} From the link above: The pattern is expanded to produce a pattern just as in filename expansion. Parameter is expanded and the longest match of pattern against its value is replaced with string. The double \\are replaced as one \ Hope this helps. Addendum: It's not specified by POSIX. Not all Unix shells implement it.
107 Squadron SAAF 107 Squadron is a territorial reserve squadron of the South African Air Force. The squadron operations include coastal reconnaissance, command and control and radio relay in crime prevention operations in cooperation with the South African Police in the Northern Cape. The squadron is based in Kimberley, but is controlled by AFB Bloemspruit. References Category:Squadrons of the South African Air Force Category:Territorial Reserve Squadrons of the South African Air Force
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -analyze -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-constraints=range -fblocks -analyzer-opt-analyze-nested-blocks -analyzer-checker=core,experimental.deadcode.IdempotentOperations -analyzer-max-loop 3 -verify %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -analyze -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-constraints=range -fblocks -analyzer-opt-analyze-nested-blocks -analyzer-checker=core,experimental.deadcode.IdempotentOperations -analyzer-max-loop 4 -verify %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -analyze -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-constraints=range -fblocks -analyzer-opt-analyze-nested-blocks -analyzer-checker=core,experimental.deadcode.IdempotentOperations %s -verify void always_warning() { int *p = 0; *p = 0xDEADBEEF; } // expected-warning{{Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p')}} // This test case previously caused a bogus idempotent operation warning // due to us not properly culling warnings due to incomplete analysis of loops. int pr8403() { int i; for(i=0; i<10; i++) { int j; for(j=0; j+1<i; j++) { } } return 0; }
Q: How to pull and restart my custom docker image from dockerhub I have paid version of docker hub. I started my dockerfile from docker hub by: sudo docker pull myname/demo-test:latest sudo docker run -d -p 4444:4444 myname/demo-test And it is working fine. A created new version (new latest tag) and now, I would like to pull and restart my container. How can I do it? I tryied: sudo docker pull myname/demo-test:latest sudo docker restart ID ... but still old version is running. A: After pulling the latest tag again, stop the existing container. and execute the run command again. sudo docker run -d -p 4444:4444 myname/demo-test
We chose to break tradition and do a "first look" photo shoot before the ceremony, which so much fun. Our ceremony was set to kick off at 3 (it was a little postponed due to the 49ers playoff game), so it was nice to make use of the early afternoon light before the guests arrived. It was halftime at 2, so the boys were more than willing to pose for photos. When I approached Jeffery for the first time, instead of turning to greet me, he turned away and wouldn't look at me, hence me laughing in the fourth photo. Seeing him calmed my nerves immediately, and from that point on I was really excited.
Q: Java generics syntax I am trying to understand what the following means? public class Bar<T extends Bar<T>> extends Foo<T> { //Some code } What is the advantage of doing something like this (e.g. use-case?). A: That's a fairly theoretical example, but you could need it in this case: public class Bar<T extends Bar<T>> extends Foo<T> { private final T value; public T getValue() { return value; } public void method(T param) { if (param.getValue().equals(someValue)) { doSomething(); } else { doSomethingElse(); } } } You would not be able to call param.getValue() if T were not a Bar, which it is because T extends Bar<T>. A: This is very similar with the way java.lang.Enum class is defined: public abstract class Enum<E extends Enum<E>> implements Comparable<E> { private final String name; private final int ordinal; protected Enum(String name, int ordinal) { this.name = name; this.ordinal = ordinal; } public final String name() { return name; } public final int ordinal() { return ordinal; } public String toString() { return name; } public final int compareTo(E o) { return ordinal - o.ordinal; } } As the classes defined like this have to be abstract and cannot be instantiated directly, the pattern is useful in constructs similar with the way normal enums are expanded: // corresponds to // enum Season { WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, FALL } final class Season extends Enum<Season> { private Season(String name, int ordinal) { super(name,ordinal); } public static final Season WINTER = new Season("WINTER",0); public static final Season SPRING = new Season("SPRING",1); public static final Season SUMMER = new Season("SUMMER",2); public static final Season FALL = new Season("FALL",3); private static final Season[] VALUES = { WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, FALL }; public static Season[] values() { return VALUES.clone(); } public static Season valueOf(String name) { for (Season e : VALUES) if (e.name().equals(name)) return e; throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } Example from book "Java Generics and Collection". A: You are basically limiting the kinds of types that Bar will "deal with" to anything that extends Bar<T>. In this case, you want to make sure that Bar is only dealing with extensions of itself - maybe call a method that's private to Bar. One simple example is that you might use this class to implement a kind of linked list, and iterate over it while doing something that only Bar can/should do. Let's say you had the following code: public class Bar<T extends Bar<T>> extends Foo<T> { private T next; //Initialize next in constructor or somewhere else private void doSomethingOnlyBarCanDo(){ //Do it... } public void iterate(){ T t = next; while(t != null){ t.doSomethingOnlyBarCanDo(); t = t.next; } } } With this kind of a construct, it'd be very easy to iterate over a "chain" of Bar instances, because each instance would have a reference to the next - recall that T extends Bar<T>, so you can refer to it as such.
"Can I get divorced from my husband?" by H. Shuseh Kokubu, Q.H.P. The querent is signified by the ascendant ruler, Venus, with the Moon as co-significator. Her husband is shown by the ruler of the seventh, Mars, and by the Sun, the natural ruler of men. Mars is retrograde, moving away from Venus, showing the husband's differing views and their disagreements. Venus trines Mars, and the Moon sextiles the Sun, but both these aspects are separating: the querent has been in harmony with her husband, but is now trying to get away from him. Venus, however, is in a succeedent house: the querent cannot be too optimistic about the outcome of her question. The Moon is void of course: she can expect nothing; the status quo will be preserved. The querent's significator is in the fifth house of children, and is in mutual reception by sign with Jupiter, the ruler of most of that house: she has strong ties with her children, which have an important bearing on the question. The Moon and Mars are also in mutual reception: with the Moon in the second house, this shows the querent depending on the husband for her living expenses. She has no hope of finding a job that would allow her to live independently, for the Moon, which also rules the tenth house of career, is in its fall. This is, indeed, what happened: despite her wishes, the querent's financial position and responsibilities constrained her to stay in the marriage.
Q: Jquery FormData can append array to upload on net core? I writed this code to upload file using Jquery and I ready a model to maaping this ajax return $("input[name='ResolutionAttachedFile']") .each(function () { var ReadyToUpload = $(this)[0].files; if (ReadyToUpload.length > 0) { $.each(ReadyToUpload, function (i, file) { data.append("ResolutionAttachedFile", file); }); } }); test.append('MyIFormFile', data); jQuery.ajax({ url: '/Home/DocumentPage', data: test, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, type: 'POST', success: function (data) { alert(data); } }); and this is my controller and data model public class test { public testArea MyIFormFile { get; set; } public class testArea { public List<IFormFile> ResolutionAttachedFile { get; set; } } } [HttpPost] public IActionResult DocumentPage(test _test) { return View(); } but this model can't mapping value. and I don't want to change model structure. so how can I do let it can working? A: For binding to MyIFormFile.ResolutionAttachedFile, you need to pass with MyIFormFile.ResolutionAttachedFile. Make a test with ajax below: <div> <input type="file" multiple name="ResolutionAttachedFile" /> </div> @section Scripts{ <script type="text/javascript"> $("input[name='ResolutionAttachedFile']") .change(function () { var data = new FormData(); $("input[name='ResolutionAttachedFile']").each(function () { var ReadyToUpload = $(this)[0].files; if (ReadyToUpload.length > 0) { $.each(ReadyToUpload, function (i, file) { data.append("MyIFormFile.ResolutionAttachedFile", file); }); } }); jQuery.ajax({ url: '/DocumentPage', data: data, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, type: 'POST', success: function (data) { alert(data); } }); }); </script> } Note As my test, it will fail when the project is under netcoreapp2.1, it fail to bind when there is no extra properties in testArea. It only works when there is additionl properties like Name and set the name value from ajax. For resolving this issue, you could migrate your project to netcoreapp2.2. Here is my working .csproj <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web"> <PropertyGroup> <TargetFramework>netcoreapp2.2</TargetFramework> <UserSecretsId>aspnet-IdentityCore-85ED30A8-40E9-4BD5-A9D2-EAF6BCF0D5F1</UserSecretsId> </PropertyGroup> <ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Design" Version="2.2.0-preview3-35497" PrivateAssets="All" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design" Version="2.1.5" PrivateAssets="All" /> </ItemGroup> </Project>
Sisters in Law Sisters in Law may refer to: Sibling-in-law, a person related to another by being the sibling of a spouse or the spouse of a sibling Sisters in Law (film), a 2005 documentary film "Sister in Law" (Everybody Loves Raymond episode), episode 13 of season 9 Sisters-in-Law (TV series), a 2017 South Korean television series.
Mexican Family Drills For Water, And Discovers Oil Instead In Tabasco, Mexico, one family discovered a strange discovery beneath their home while drilling for water. Instead of water flowing from the area in which they were drilling beneath their home, the family was surprised to find oil shooting up from where they had been attempting to create a well. The Hernandez family spoke to EFE about the occurrence. “. . . First water started to shoot up, then mud and later oil came out,” Óscar Hernández said. Their neighbor, Manuel Silvan, a blacksmith, confirmed their story and even went on to explain how to water purifier being installed by the family was promised to benefit him with clean drinking water as well. “The gentleman told us that he was going to install a little well . . . he was going to give us water,” he said. Due to the risk of explosion, Civil protection personnel and soldiers closed the home off, so Pemex could investigate. Forty other families in the area known as the Fortuna Nacional neighborhood of Belén were evacuated as well. According to Macuspana Civil Protection inspector Luis Pereyra, Pemex personnel believed that the oil likely originated from an old pipeline or old petroleum, reserve beneath the home. However, the governor of Tobasco has asked for a pause until Pemex has voiced their official opinion on the matter. “We do not physically have the record that a pipeline passes through that place. Either it could be due to an omission when the line was laid, or it was also because someone at some point removed the prohibition signal. But, they are already making relevant investigations, “he told the media. The EFE reported that the possibility of intent to steal petroleum from a pipeline to sell it on the black market is being considered and investigated until authorities know otherwise.
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12/26/2012 Things That Brought the Rude Pundit Unmitigated Joy in 2012: The Rude Pundit is giving his brain and soul a day off from thinking about pushing the NRA off the fiscal cliff or whatever the hell is going on out there. Instead, he's doing a non-political thing here, a kind of year-in-review thing, but instead of listing ten movies you can scoff at, this is a bit more personal. Here's some moments in cultural type things that were little rays of light for the Rude Pundit in the dark tunnel of 2012: 1. In the movie tent at the end of the Bonnaroo Music Festival in Tennessee in June, with the band fun. and two others groups loudly echoing around, the Rude Pundit sat with two great friends and about fifty other people and watched Beasts of the Southern Wild. And all of the noise and exhaustion faded away. This was something unexpected, strange, and magical, and, by the end, so beautiful and true, that, when the lights came up, we three grown men were crying, as was pretty much everyone else in the tent. No film this year came close to inducing that kind of visceral feeling. 2. "Take a Walk" by Passion Pit is a pop song with teeth about men who, frankly, could only afford to eat at Taco Bell. The story of people suffering in the recession, it climaxes with this bridge that describes the Tea Party generation about as well as any song: Honey it’s your son I think I borrowed just too much We had taxes, we had bills We had a lifestyle to front And tonight I swear I'll come home And we’ll make love like we’re young Tomorrow you’ll cook dinner For the neighbors and their kids We could rip apart those socialists And all their damn taxes You’ll see I am no criminal I’m down on both bad knees I’m just too much a coward To admit when I’m in need So why is this in a list of joy? Because it's all set to a bouncy, driving tune with a chorus that won't leave your head and, truly, you won't mind. (Bonus song: "Christmas in the Room" by Sufjan Stevens) 3. In the encore of his first concert ever at the Prudential Center in Newark, Bruce Springsteen picked up a sign from the audience that said, "Play one for Levon." He walked around to the E Street Band and talked it over, going through some quiet chord changes, and then he said that he hadn't played this song since his bar days and that this was for Levon Helm. Yeah, Bruce Springsteen played "The Weight" as a singalong for 20,000 people, and it was one of those moments where there was nowhere else on earth you wanted to be. (Concert runners-up: The Kills at Terminal 5 in NYC and The Roots at Bonnaroo) 4. The play We Are Proud to Present a Presentation About the Herero of Namibia, Formerly Known as Southwest Africa, From the German Sudwestafrika, Between the Years 1884-1915 at the Soho Rep in New York. More than any other theatre this year, this work by Jackie Sibblies Drury, about a group of self-involved actors trying to figure out how to do a play about the first genocide of the 20th century, consistently surprised its audience with its shifting tones and perspective. 5. The conversation between Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert at the Wellmont Theatre in Montclair, New Jersey was not really about politics (or Hugh Grant). But it was two incredibly smart, incredibly funny men sitting on stage and talking about how they conceive of and create their shows for over two hours. Now that was some bliss.
New York-based Morgan Stanley will pay $41 a share for Barra, the companies said, representing a 9% premium based on Barra's closing share price Monday of $37.63. "Barra was one of the first guys who developed modern portfolio theory," said Richard Bove, an analyst at Hoefer & Arnett Inc. in Pinellas Park, Fla. "Thirty years ago, they were a market leader." Barra is selling after Chief Executive Kamal Duggirala announced in November that he would step down to attend to the illness of a family member. "We always have been interested in Barra and have always had admiration and respect for their products and management," said Henry Fernandez, president and CEO of Morgan Stanley Capital International Inc. "When Kamal announced he was stepping down because of a family illness, we used that opportunity to talk to Barra management and the Barra board." Morgan Stanley is buying Barra as consolidation in the asset management industry has caused the company to lose clients, said Christopher Bonavico of Transamerica Investment Management. A Barra spokeswoman was not available to comment. Morgan Stanley said it would combine Barra with MSCI, part of its institutional securities division, which also houses equity sales and trading. MSCI and Barra create stock indexes that institutional portfolio managers use to trade against. Barra also works with Standard & Poor's on its indexes of growth and value stocks. Barra is the leader in software that helps managers understand the risks in their portfolios, said Jeff Hershey, an analyst at Awad Asset Management in New York, which owns shares of Barra. In its fiscal third quarter ended Dec. 31, Barra reported net income of $8.7 million, or 43 cents a share, on revenue of $38.2 million, both from continuing operations, and had more than $200 million of cash and investments on its balance sheet. It said it has more than 8,500 paying clients and employs more than 500 people. Barra shares rose $3.13, or 8.3%, to $40.76 on Nasdaq. Morgan Stanley rose 60 cents to $56.95 on the New York Stock Exchange.
Ultrastructural study on the small blood vessels of human vocal cords. Small blood vessels of human vocal cords were examined by electron microscopy. The endothelial cells contain a large number of filaments. Two kinds of filaments could be differentiated: Short intermediate filaments with a diameter of 10-12 nm, which were localized in the pericaryon, and bundles of thin filaments with a periodicity of 480 nm lying beneath the luminal cellular membrane. The basement membrane of capillaries, arteries, and veins was lamellate. Between the outermost, not fully closed lamellae, myocytes or pericytes could be seen. Both the lamellate basement membranes and the large number of intermediate filaments in the endothelial cells are discussed as stabilizing structures in blood vessels which are exposed to high mechanical forces. The bundles of cross-striated thin filaments may possibly increase the permeability of the vessel wall by their contraction, permitting the well-known fast development of edema in the vocal cords. The importance of Weibel-Palade bodies, which could be disclosed in the endothelial cells in large numbers, is not yet known.
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to circuit board assemblies and, more particularly, to a circuit board assembly with improvement of solder-open defects. 2. Description of Related Art Nowadays, electrical connections used in circuit board assemblies mainly include soldering connections and conductive-adhesive connections. Weld connection parts such as soldering spots are preformed on a circuit board assembly, and electrical elements are fixed on the soldering spots by solder, the circuit board assembly with the electrical elements are then transferred to a high-temperature furnace to be heated. The solder is melted so as to form electrical connections between the electrical elements and the circuit board. Adhesive connecting parts such as gilt layers are preformed on the circuit board, and the electrical elements are attached to the connecting part by conductive adhesives, then the circuit board assembly with the electrical elements are heated to solidify the conductive adhesive. In this way, electrical connections are formed between the electrical elements and the circuit board. However, poorly applied gilding or scuffing of the connecting part may occur. As a result recesses may be formed on the connecting part due to the scuffing of the connecting part. During assembling the circuit board assembly, air may be trapped in the recesses. This leads to bad contact states or solder-open defects. A solder-open defect is a condition where there is too little or no solder at an intended solder joint to form a proper connection. What is needed, therefore, is to provide a circuit board assembly with improvement of solder-open defects.
Jund Filastin Jund Filasṭīn (, "the military district of Palestine") was one of the military districts of the Umayyad and Abbasid province of Bilad al-Sham (Syria), organized soon after the Muslim conquest of the Levant in the 630s. Jund Filastin, which encompassed most of Palaestina Prima and Palaestina Tertia, included the newly established city of Ramla as its capital and eleven administrative districts (kura), each ruled from a central town. History and structure According to al-Biladhuri, the main towns of the district, following its conquest by the Rashidun Caliphate, were Gaza, Sebastia, Nablus, Caesarea, Ludd, Yibna, Imwas, Jaffa, Rafah, and Bayt Jibrin. At first, under the early Umayyad caliphs, Ludd served as the district capital. After the caliph Sulayman ibn Abd al-Malik founded the nearby city of Ramla, he designated it the capital, and most of Ludd's inhabitants were forced to settle there. In the 9th century, during Abbasid rule, Jund Filastin was the most fertile of Syria's districts, and contained at least twenty mosques, despite its small size. The Arab tribes that settled Jund Filastin after the Muslim conquest were the Lakhm, Kindah, Qays, Amila, Judham and the Kinana; at the time of the Arab conquest, the region had been inhabited mainly by Aramaic-speaking Miaphysite Christian peasants. The population of the region did not become predominantly Muslim and Arab in identity until several centuries after the conquest. At its greatest extent, Jund Filastin extended from Rafah in the south to Lajjun in the north, and from the Mediterranean coast well to the east of the southern part of the Jordan River. The mountains of Edom, and the town of Zoar (Sughar) at the southeastern end of the Dead Sea were included in the district. However, the Galilee was excluded, being part of Jund al-Urdunn in the north. After the Fatimids conquered the district from the Abbasids, Jerusalem eventually became the capital, and the principal towns were Ashkelon, Ramla, Gaza, Arsuf, Caesarea, Jaffa, Jericho, Nablus, Bayt Jibrin, and Amman. The district persisted in some form until the Seljuk invasions and the Crusades of the late 11th century. See also Greater Syria Levant Mashriq Middle East Shaam Syria Palaestina 'Ubadah ibn al-Samit References External links Mideastweb Map of "Palestine Under the Caliphs", showing Jund boundaries Category:Subdivisions of the Abbasid Caliphate Category:Medieval Palestine Category:Military history of the Umayyad Caliphate Category:7th century in Asia Category:8th century in Asia Category:9th century in Asia Category:10th century in Asia Category:11th century in Asia Category:States and territories established in the 7th century Category:States and territories disestablished in the 11th century Category:11th-century disestablishments in Asia Category:Syria under the Umayyad Caliphate
Q: Utilisation de « de raisonnable » à la place de « raisonnable » Quelle est la fonction de de dans la phrase « quelqu'un d'aussi raisonnable que » ? « Mon cher professeur, quelqu'un d'aussi raisonnable que vous ne devrait pas hésiter à prononcer son nom, ne croyez-vous pas? » Cette phrase, tiré du livre Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers me laisse perplexe : pourquoi de raisonnable ? J'ai cherché dans plusieurs œuvres de référence pour trouver les utilisations de raisonnable précédé de de, e.g. TLFi et je n'ai rien trouvé. Pourquoi ajouter ainsi de à un adjectif ? Est-ce qu'on peut le faire pour tous les adjectifs ? e.g. « Un livre de rouge » au lieu de « Un livre rouge » ? Serait-il préférable d'employer « quelqu'un aussi raisonnable que vous » à la place ? A: Les deux constructions quelqu'un d'aussi raisonnable que vous et quelqu'un aussi raisonnable que vous sont ici équivalentes et je ne pense pas que l'une soit préférable à l'autre. La préposition de indique ici le rapport attributif et elle est facultative dans la phrase que tu cites. Par contre si on gardait le verbe être pour exprimer le rapport attributif on ne pourrait pas employer de et il faudrait dire : « ... quelqu'un qui est aussi raisonnable que vous ne... » (Explication adaptée de La Grammaire Larousse du français contemporain. On ne peut employer cette construction que si l'adjectif est employé comme attribut. On ne pourrait pas dire « Un livre de rouge. » parce que rouge est ici épithète. Par contre « Je vois quelque chose de rouge » ou « Il y a un livre de rouge. » est correct, rouge étant attribut dans ces deux phrases. A: Le complément de « quelqu'un » est introduit par « de » (entrée II a 1 b dans le TLFi).
Gaining US citizenship gets harder for immigrant soldiers A growing number of immigrant soldiers are being denied citizenship even after reporting for duty.
Chiropractic tables consist of segmented tables with each segment being cushioned to support the particular portion of the patient's anatomy. The tables are designed to permit the doctor to place attention on the spinal column in order to relieve pressure and to perform a variety of other skeletal adjustments. Many improvements to chiropractic tables have been made over the years as evidenced by the following patents: U.S. Pat. No. 2,023,429; U.S. Pat. No. 4,354,485; U.S. Pat. No. 1,950,948; U.S. Pat. No. 1,126,460; U.S. Pat. No. 1,234,536; U.S. Pat. No. 1,374,115; U.S. Pat. No. 1,536,354; U.S. Pat. No. 1,582,950; U.S. Pat. No. 2,002,349; U.S. Pat. No. 4,271,830; and U.S. Pat. No. 4,579,109. Applicant's invention comprises a segmented chiropractic table with chin rest; however, Applicant's table permits the doctor to provide measured lateral pressure upon the patient and thus the spinal column through the use of track mounted lateral pressure arms slidably mounted on a track and adjustable by means of a crank and worm gear to permit the doctor to provide adjustable, measured lateral pressure to the patient and the patient's spine.
SonicWALL TotalSecure Email provides complete protection for both inbound and outbound e-mail by providing award-winning anti-spam, anti-virus, anti-phishing, and policy and compliance management in an easy-to-use solution. For organizations with up to 750 users there is simply no easier way to get complete e-mail protection. Technical Specifications Specifications are provided by the manufacturer. Refer to the manufacturer for an explanation of the print speed and other ratings.
Neauphe-sous-Essai Neauphe-sous-Essai is a commune in the Orne department in north-western France. See also Communes of the Orne department References INSEE Neauphesousessai
Workload consolidation is one of the fundamental underpinnings of cloud computing, enabling the provider to realize reductions in infrastructure and energy costs and to achieve economies of scale. Consolidation needs to be balanced against the obvious concerns of isolation, not just limited to security, but performance and quality of service (QoS) as well. Thus, placement of clients performing the different workloads, such as virtual machines (VMs), in a physical infrastructure is an important factor in efficiently utilizing the physical resources. An effective client placement strategy must meet the requirements of the clients and optimize several, sometimes conflicting, goals, while taking into consideration the complexities of the physical infrastructure. Even after the clients have been properly placed in the physical infrastructure, some of these clients may have to be moved or migrated to different hosts for various reasons, such as load balancing. Thus, the selection of appropriate hosts to which the clients will be migrated is an important resource management process. When making client placement decisions, including client migration decisions, various parameters are considered in making the decisions. Some of the parameters considered relate to resource controls of the clients, such as reservation, limit and share values. However, the parameters currently considered in making client placement decisions may not produce the desired results, for example, with respect to performance and service level agreements (SLAs).
Viral hepatitis among male amphetamine-inhaling abusers. Few studies have focused on the clandestinely consumed amphetamine as a primary drug. The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and the related factors in male amphetamine-inhaling abusers. This was a cross-sectional study. From November 2004 to February 2005, 285 amphetamine-inhaling male subjects at one prison in Taiwan and 285 age-matched healthy men without history of using illicit drugs or tattooing were enrolled. A face-to-face interview focusing on amphetamine-addicted history and sociodemographic information was used. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and anti-HCV were tested. The mean age of the subjects was 34.1 +/- 8.6 years (range 17-75 years). Among 285 subjects, 13.3% were positive for HBsAg, 20.0% positive for anti-HCV and 2.5% positive for combined HBsAg and anti-HCV. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that tattoo (odds ratio (OR) 2.97, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.37-6.43) and elevated alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (OR 3.15, 95% CI 1.49-6.66) were independently related to persons being anti-HCV positive. Elevated ALT was related to persons being HBsAg positive (OR 2.60, 95% CI 1.15-5.89). Screening of HBV and HCV infection among amphetamine-inhaling abusers remains necessary. Tattoo and elevated ALT are identified as the related factors for being anti-HCV positive. Elevated ALT is the related factor for being HBsAg positive.
From ciphers to confidentiality: secrecy, openness and priority in science. I make three related claims. First, certain seemingly secretive behaviours displayed by scientists and inventors are expression neither of socio-professional values nor of strategies for the maximization of the economic value of their knowledge. They are, instead, protective responses to unavoidable risks inherent in the process of publication and priority claiming. Scientists and inventors fear being scooped by direct competitors, but have also worried about people who publish their claims or determine their priority: journal editors or referees who may appropriate the claims in the manuscript they review or patent clerks who may claim or leak the inventions contained in the applications that cross their desks. Second, these protective responses point to the existence of an unavoidable moment of instability in any procedure aimed at establishing priority. Making things public is an inherently risky business and it is impossible, I argue, to ensure that priority may not be lost in the very process that is supposed to establish it. Third, I offer a brief archaeology of regimes and techniques of priority registration, showing the distinctly different definitions of priority developed by each system.
Q: Парадокс печати в консоль std::vector<std::string> get_playlist(int day) { std::vector<std::string> playlist; ifstream playlist_file(get_path(day)); while (!playlist_file.eof()) { std::string str; std::getline(playlist_file, str); std::vector<std::string> temp = split(str, '.'); std::string exe = temp[temp.size()-1]; std::cout << exe << " <|> " << str << " <| " << std::endl; if (exe == std::string("mp4") || exe == std::string("avi")) { int vector_size = playlist.size(); if (vector_size > 0) { bool is = false; for (int i = 0; i < vector_size; i++) { if (playlist[i] == str) { is = true; break; } } if (!is) { playlist.push_back(str); std::cout << str << std::endl; } } else { playlist.push_back(str); std::cout << str << std::endl; } } } return playlist; } Для отладки пытаюсь распечатать то что видит программа std::cout << exe << " <|> " << str << " <| " << std::endl; Но выхлоп неожиданный: ... <| Jay Sean - Maybe.mp3 <| Inferno Show - Iscariota.mp3 <| Dannii Minogue - You Won't Forget About Me.mp3 <| Antonio Carlos Jobim - A Felicidade.mp3 <| Nelly Furtado - Say It Right.mp3 <| Louie Vega & Julie McKnight - Diamond life.mp3 <| Adam Lambert - If I Had You.mp3 <| Passenger - Let Her Go.mp3 <| Noisettes - Never Forget You.mp3 mp3 <|> Morcheeba - Crimson.mp3 <| Только последняя строка вывелась так как просили, почему? A: Давайте-ка просуммирую дискуссию в комментариях между @avp, @hitman249 и мной. Строки, которые читаются из файла, скорее всего записаны в Windows-формате: строки оканчиваются на "\r\n". (Возможно, это часть стандарта формата .m3u — я не нашёл спецификации по формату в интернете.) Программа читает файл построчно, но системная библиотека интерпретирует строки в Unix-стандарте: \n считается концом строки, таким образом, \r остаётся в строке. Если считанная строка "Jay Sean - Maybe.mp3\r", она выводится так: (exe == "mp3\r", str == "Jay Sean - Maybe.mp3\r"): std::cout << exe << " <|> " << str << " <| " << std::endl; выводит mp3 <- возврат каретки без перевода строки, дальше с начала строки <|> Jay Sean - Maybe.mp3 <- снова возврат каретки _<|_ <- _ означает пробел Результат: <| Jay Sean - Maybe.mp3 В последней строке файла, очевидно, не было символов перевода строки, поэтому она вывелась как ожидалось. Как с этим бороться? Например, можно удалить символы типа перевода строки при чтении строки: str.erase(str.find_last_not_of(" \n\r\t") + 1); (этот код отбрасывает последовательные пробелы, различные варианты конца строки и символы табуляции в конце строки). Дополнение: если вы хотите, чтобы ваш код был переносимым и вёл себя одинаково на всех системах, нужно отключить системно-зависимую интерпретацию символов перевода строки. Для этого открывайте поток так: ifstream playlist_file(get_path(day), ios_base::binary);
Another holiday is almost upon us and I don’t know about you, but it feels like Christmas was just yesterday. I love going all out for holidays, but sometimes reality sets in and you have to timebox your projects a tad place to visit in hong kong. You know, so you can actually spend time with your family celebrating said holiday! If you can relate to life being on warp speed, today’s recipe is definitely for you. It’s elegant enough for Easter entertaining yet won’t have you in the kitchen all day. There are no layers to tort or fillings to make, and the frosting is relaxed yet totally delicious. Plus, we’re being strategic with the prep work and making the most impressive part in advance, leaving us plenty of time to hunt for Easter eggs with the kids! It all starts with a dense pound cake that bakes up crispy sweet on the outside yet soft and buttery on the inside. Cream cheese and lemon zest add a mild tang that’s deepened with the help of some lemon extract. Then comes the super simple icing that is somewhere between a glaze and a cream cheese frosting. Packed with a powerful punch of lemon 香港 社員旅行, it drips ever so slightly and sets up once refrigerated. So you don’t have to fuss with making it perfect. Top with your made-in-advance candied lemon slices and you’ve got Easter dessert in the bag. These candied lemon slices are what elevates this cake to special-event-worthy. They’re deliciously sweet and tangy with a chewy candy texture that comes from simmering water and sugar. Although they take some babying while making, they keep super well and will hang out in the fridge for a week without losing any of their amazingness. That means you can knock these out way in advance, saving you time later on. We’re also cutting prep time by coating our Bundt pan with PAM Baking Spray – definitely one of those time savers that every baker can appreciate! PAM Baking Spray combines the no-stick power of PAM with real flour for a specially formulated baking spray that reaches every nook and cranny. It ensures this cake will pop out of the Bundt pan perfectly and leaves up to 99% less residue, which means cleanup is a snap and you won’t waste time scrubbing residue off your Bundt pan. The best part about this cake is that it works for a number of events. It can easily be the centerpiece of a bridal shower or a Mother’s Day brunch, even a spring birthday or relaxed summer BBQ. And of course it works for Easter! Just dress it up or down with different cake pedestals and linens to fit the occasion. Serve up a slice of this refreshing cake, bursting with lemony flavor seo services, and get back to celebrating life!
In this Monday, Dec. 16, 2019, file photo, a Boeing worker walks in view of a 737 MAX jet in Renton, Wash. Boeing is considering a range of options to reduce its payroll by approximately 10%, sources familiar with the plan confirmed to CNBC. No decision has been reached yet but the final reduction would likely include voluntary layoffs, early retirements, natural attrition and potentially mandatory layoffs. Boeing's consideration of possible payroll cuts was first reported by The Wall Street Journal. Boeing has approximately 160,000 employees worldwide, but the payroll cuts are likely to focus on the commercial airplane division, which is facing major financial pressure. Boeing is not manufacturing any commercial airplanes due to the coronavirus pandemic. On Monday the company said it would suspend production of 787 Dreamliner planes in South Carolina because of the coronavirus pandemic, a move that put all of the manufacturer's production of commercial airplanes on hold. The announcement came after South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster ordered most residents to stay at home except for certain activities such as buying essential goods or visiting family. Even before Boeing shut down all of its plants due to the COVID-19 outbreak, it had suspended production at its Renton, Washington plant where the 737 Max is manufactured. On Wednesday, Boeing's rival Airbus said it will cut commercial airplane production by a third due to an expected drop in demand for new planes as airlines around the world are expected to defer or cancel orders. CNBC's Leslie Josephs contributed to this story.
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a pattern forming method of resists used in the manufacturing process of semiconductor devices. 2. Discussion of the Background Together with the progress of semiconductor technology, high speed and high integration implementations of semiconductor devices, in its turn, semiconductor devices have been improved. Accompanied by this, the pattern wire width formed on a semiconductor substrate has been reduced to submicrons, and a lithography technique required for their production and the performance required for resist materials have become more severely needed. The light source used in the lithography technique is moving in the direction of short wavelengths from the present ultraviolet rays, KrF excimer rays (248 nm of wavelength), etc. Against this trend, the development of resist materials is also progressing, but it is not easy to form patterns of a lower submicron size to cut 0.5 .mu.m. As a means to solve this problem, a multilayer resist process has been proposed. The multilayer resist process is to share a role charged to the resist by making it multilayer. That is to say, as the basic method of the multilayer resist process, first, a first resist layer of 2 to 3 .mu.m of thickness is formed on the substrate, the steps on the chip surface are made flat, and the reflected light from the ground is absorbed by this resist layer. By carrying out the patterning by the resist layer of high resolution as the second resist layer thereon, the exposure development can be carried out under ideal conditions separated from the ground, and patterns with good dimensional precision are formed at high resolution. However, the above-mentioned resist process has technical problems, such as the occurrence of pinholes, the occurrence of cracks and curvature by the stress generated between resist layers of different kinds, sophistication of process, pattern conversion difference at patterning of the lower layer, etc. As a means to solve the problems of the multilayer resist, there is a process called "DESIRE" ("DESIRE: a novel dry developed resist system", Fedor Coopmans, Bruno Roland, pp 34-pp 39, SPIE Vol. 631, Advances in Resist Technology and Processing III (1986)). This typical process is shown in process cross sectional views in FIGS. 1(a) to 1(d). That is to say, a resist layer 2 is coated on the surface of a substrate 1 (FIG. 1 (a)). Next, the exposure is carried out using exposure rays 4 like ultraviolet rays, etc., through a mask 3, and an exposure region 5 is formed in the resist layer 2 (FIG. 1 (b)). Against this exposure region 5, the silicon compound is selectively absorbed, and a silylation layer 6 is formed on the surface of the resist layer (FIG. 1 (c)). In succession, the non-exposure region of the resist layer 2 is eliminated by dry etching such as reactive ion etching, etc., and a pattern with a mask of a silicon oxide film is obtained on the surface (FIG. 1 (d)). The above is the pattern forming method by the typical silylation process. In this process, since absorbing the silicon compound in the exposure region is carried out in a gas atmosphere, the concentration of the silylation layer 6 is larger in profile, the more the surface is exposed to the gas atmosphere and smaller the more it comes into the film. Therefore, a silicon oxide film 7 obtained from the silylation layer by the reactive etching is limitedly formed only on the surface of the resist layer 2. Since this silicon oxide film 7 is used as the mask for etching the substrate or for patterning the resist layer 2 of the ground, it is necessary to have an adequate film thickness. However, as described above, in this silylation process, since the silicon oxide film 7 is limitedly formed only on the surface of the resist layer 2 and the concentration of silicon oxide film is not always sufficient, the selectivity of patterning and etching is not good. Thus, there is a problem of reliability. In the silylation process, the formation of the silicon oxide film is carried out by two steps of the process: exposing the resist layer 2 to the silicon compound gas and the reactive ion etching. As a result, the setting of process conditions was complicated in order to obtain the required silicon oxide film.
Updated Published: 8:24 AM June 12, 2019 Updated: 6:07 PM September 17, 2020 Conservative MP Boris Johnson leaves his home in London on the day he launches his leadership campaign. Picture: ISABEL INFANTES/AFP/Getty Images - Credit: AFP/Getty Images A poll commissioned by the Telegraph has put Boris Johnson far ahead in voters' opinions - but several commentators have cast doubt on its methods. To repeat: Making any decisions based on polling about a hypothetical General Election with a hypothetical party leader and then trying to translate that to seats incorporating a new party into the equation with nearly a quarter of the vote would be.... Brave. — Joe Twyman (@JoeTwyman) June 11, 2019 The survey of 2,017 adults between June 7 and 9 found that if Boris Johnson were Tory leader, 24% would vote Conservative - nine per cent ahead of Jeremy Hunt and Dominic Raab. The poll also found that under this hypothetical Johnson leadership, the Brexit Party vote share drops from between 12% to 14% under other candidates, to 9%. The figures have spurred speculation that the candidate, who has gathered the support of 64 MPs, is the only person who can see off the Brexit Party threat. The poll also found that 27% of respondents felt Johnson has what it takes to be a good prime minister, 13 points ahead of his nearest rival, Jeremy Hunt. 2/? First: the poll assumes equal knowledge of the candidates. That's obviously not the case. Boris is far better known than the others. But that wouldn't hold through a leadership campaign, nor would it hold if he were PM. This head start he gets is misleading — Rob Ford (@robfordmancs) June 12, 2019 You may also want to watch: Crunching the numbers, Sky News has projected that a Johnson leadership would give the Tories a general election with with a majority of 140 seats. But academics and professional pollsters have warned against taking too much from the poll. "Making any decisions based on polling about a hypothetical general election with a hypothetical party leader and then trying to translate that to seats incorporating a new party into the equation with nearly a quarter of the vote would be ... Brave," said Deltapoll founder and former YouGov pollster Joe Twyman on Twitter. Manchester University politics professor devoted a thread to breaking down "a number of obvious methodological problems" with the poll, calling it "badly designed". In the thread, he elaborates on several assumptions that the poll has made. He starts by pointing out the poll assumes both the candidates and their political positions are equally well-known by the respondents. In addition, "The poll assumes voters are good at predicting their own behaviour in a hypothetical situation," he said. "They really aren't. There is a lot of good evidence on that." It's "uttlerly nuts" to assume people can predict, after the year in politics we've had, their future reaction to the unknown impact of a new prime minister on the political context. He also warned against the electoral maths being done on seat changes, suggesting it's simply not possible to translate votes into seats with the shifting party landscape. "There's nowt wrong with the fieldwork or representativeness of this poll," he said. "It's just badly designed, pretending to give info that its simply not possible for a poll to give." Johnson's campaign launch coincides with the poll results. Although the Telegraph employs Johnson as a columnist, the poll conducted by ComRes was weighted to represent all British adults.
Evaluation of a syndromic surveillance for the early detection of outbreaks among military personnel in a tropical country. To evaluate a new military syndromic surveillance system (2SE FAG) set up in French Guiana. The evaluation was made using the current framework published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA. Two groups of system stakeholders, for data input and data analysis, were interviewed using semi-structured questionnaires to assess timeliness, data quality, acceptability, usefulness, stability, portability and flexibility of the system. Validity was assessed by comparing the syndromic system with the routine traditional weekly surveillance system. Qualitative data showed a degree of poor acceptability among people who have to enter data. Timeliness analysis showed excellent case processing time, hindered by delays in case reporting. Analysis of stability indicated a high level of technical problems. System flexibility was found to be high. Quantitative data analysis of validity indicated better agreement between syndromic and traditional surveillance when reporting on dengue fever cases as opposed to other diseases. The sophisticated technical design of 2SE FAG has resulted in a system which is able to carry out its role as an early warning system. Efforts must be concentrated on increasing its acceptance and use by people who have to enter data and decreasing the occurrence of the frequency of technical problems.
It may be weird but it’s definitely not wired. That would defeat the purpose of Teslaphoresis, the Rice University-born technique to move and assemble carbon nanotubes wirelessly with a Tesla coil force field. Still, Teslaphoresis qualified as one of the “best new words” of the year named in a Wired story late last month. The word was chosen by Jonathon Keats, who writes the magazine’s monthly “Jargon Watch” column, and slotted between “stomach tap” and “Textalyzer” in the alphabetical list. Teslaphoresis, discovered and developed by Rice chemist Paul Cherukuri, uses the wireless energy field from a Tesla coil to self-assemble individual nanotubes into ultra-long wires and circuits. The invention could have electronic and even medical applications, according to the scientists. “The first time I saw the phenomenon, I knew we had to name it,” he said. “But then, Rice has a rich history of naming cool and interesting nanoscale discoveries, like the buckyball, and I wanted to keep that tradition alive. Now I feel like we’ve succeeded.”
Launch prices The Nikon Z6 began shipping in late November 2018 for a suggested retail price of US$1,995.95 in a body-only configuration. The Z6 is also available in a kit with the new Nikkor Z 24-70mm f/4 S lens for a list price of US$2,599.95. Street prices have since dropped by about $200, to just under US$1,800 for the body and US$2,400 for the 24-70 f/4 kit.
Q: Backup specific tables in db2 I know about backing up databases in online and offline mode. I also know about backing up tablespaces in db2. I wanted to know if there's any way we could back up only some specific tables inside a given schema/tablespace. A: It is not possible to back up individual tables using the BACKUP command. A common approach is to use EXPORT command. If you need to backup the schema, use db2look to extract the DDL for that table.
An elderly couple is on the brink of being forced out of a place they have called home for 34 years under an obscure state law called the Ellis Act, and tenant advocate groups rallied on Wednesday to show their disappointment. "Even though this place is old, I have a lot of memories here," Gum Gee Lee told NBC Bay Area through a translator. "It's my last day in this house and I don't know where to go." On Wednesday, Lee and her husband, Poon Hueng Lee, were surrounded by supporters, beating drums and locking arms, hoping to keep the couple in their home, though realizing that the eviction was pretty much inevitable. PHOTOS: Supporters Rally Behind Couple on Brink of Eviction But no sheriff's deputies came at 6 a.m. - the time they were supposed to leave - and the rally was going strong five hours later. Two San Francisco supervisors, including David Campos, were there, saying they wished the city would do more with the overall affordable housing problem. The 74-year-old Lee and her 79-year-old husband raised seven children in the two-bedroom apartment on the corner of Jackson and Larkin streets in San Francisco. They are now left taking care of their 48-year-old developmentally disabled daughter. "My feeling is that I am very worried because I don't know what's going to happen," Poon Hueng Lee said through a translator. "I'm elderly, who will rent to me?" The Lees are alone in the eight-unit building -- their neighbors left, settling with the buildings new owner when he used the Ellis Act to evict them. Lawmakers said the property owner is not breaking the law. But housing advocates said they are not following the intent of the law. Omar Calimbas at Asian American's Advancing Justice said Ellis Act evictions rise with housing prices. The act is a state law that says landlords have the unconditional right to evict tenants to "go out of business" once the landlord removed all of the units in the building from the rental market. The act is typically used to "change the use" of the building. Most Ellis act evictions are used to convert rental units to condos, using loopholes in the condo law. MORE: Details on Ellis Act Evictions "You target under valued rent controlled properties, get a lender to finance it, you clear the property of tenants to renovate it and resell it as a luxury tenancy in common," Calimbas said. The Lee's are being forced out of their $778-a-month rent controlled apartment. One-bedroom apartments in the neighborhood start at $2,000 a month. Lee is shocked by the prices and said the family has nowhere to go. But she is hoping her story will motivate law makers to do something to protect people like her. "I hope it helps me, but I hope it helps others people too," she said.
I don't always stray from r/trees while high But when i do, I'm on r/earthporn upvoting all the things 14,907 shares
Protesters who are backing Catalonia’s secession from Spain have blocked major highways, train tracks and roads across the northeastern region. A 24-hour general strike organised by small unions of pro-independence workers and students is underway to protest the trial of a dozen separatist leaders. On paper, the strike is demanding improved social policies, including a 35-hour work week and a higher minimum wage, but protesters carried pro-secession flags and chanted slogans for the release of the 12 separatists currently on trial in the Madrid-based Supreme Court of Spain. Strikers formed human chains to stop traffic on several highways across Catalonia, it has been reported. There have also been some reports of clashes, with one protester arrested for hitting an officer in downtown Barcelona, police said. Strikers light fires and clash with police in Catalonia Show all 11 1 /11 Strikers light fires and clash with police in Catalonia Strikers light fires and clash with police in Catalonia Police officers work to remove burning tires that were placed in the road by demonstrators during Catalonia's General Strike AP Strikers light fires and clash with police in Catalonia Police officers work to remove burning tires that were placed in the road by demonstrators during Catalonia's General Strike AP Strikers light fires and clash with police in Catalonia Police officers remove demonstrators who are blocking a road in Barcelona during Catalonia's General Strike AP Strikers light fires and clash with police in Catalonia Police officers remove demonstrators who are blocking a road in Barcelona during Catalonia's General Strike AP Strikers light fires and clash with police in Catalonia Police officers remove demonstrators who are blocking a road in Barcelona during Catalonia's General Strike AP Strikers light fires and clash with police in Catalonia Graffiti reads 'February 21st National Strike' during the Catalan general strike EPA Strikers light fires and clash with police in Catalonia Police officers remove demonstrators who are blocking a road in Barcelona during Catalonia's General Strike AP Strikers light fires and clash with police in Catalonia Police officers remove demonstrators who are blocking a road in Barcelona during Catalonia's General Strike AP Strikers light fires and clash with police in Catalonia Police officers remove demonstrators who are blocking a road in Barcelona during Catalonia's General Strike AP Strikers light fires and clash with police in Catalonia Police officers remove demonstrators who are blocking a road in Barcelona during Catalonia's General Strike AP Strikers light fires and clash with police in Catalonia Police officers work to remove burning tires that were placed in the road by demonstrators during Catalonia's General Strike Reuters Strikers, many of whom covered their faces, threw objects at a police line in a standoff on a rural highway before agents in riot gear advanced to disperse them. Protesters elsewhere burned tyres on some highways. The main unions in Catalonia did not back the strike. In Barcelona, students and the pro-secession group ANC were planning separate marches later on Thursday. ANC’s protest slogan is “self-determination is not a crime”. The Spanish government says regions cannot independently secede, according to the constitution. Support free-thinking journalism and attend Independent events The trial into the roles played by the 12 separatists in Catalonia’s failed 2017 secession attempt is in its second week. Former Catalan government member Santi Vila and activists Jordi Sanchez and Jordi Cuixart are scheduled to testify at the court on 21 February. The trial is expected to last for at least three months. Election results and polls indicate Catalonia’s 7.5 million residents are equally divided over the secession issue.
Utekhol Utekhol is a census town in Raigad district in the Indian state of Maharashtra. Demographics India census, Utekhol had a population of 7286. Males constitute 51% of the population and females 49%. Utekhol has an average literacy rate of 74%, higher than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 79%, and female literacy is 69%. In Utekhol, 14% of the population is under 6 years of age. References Category:Cities and towns in Raigad district
721 F.2d 820 *U. S.v.Gonzalez 81-6202 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS Eleventh Circuit 12/6/83 1 S.D.Fla. AFFIRMED 2 --------------- * Fed.R.App. P. 34(a); 11th Cir. R. 23.
A mathematical computer stimulation model for the development of colonic polyps and colon cancer. Currently known information about the development and progression of colon polyps and cancer is summarized and organized into a mathematical computer simulation model that successfully predicts the natural history of colon polyp and cancer development for an average patient with (1) familial polyposis coli (2) genetic susceptibility as measured by a positive family history, and (3) negative family history with a high fat diet. The mathematical model uses four distinct types of cells (normal, transformed, polypoid, and cancerous) and two kinetic processes (mutation and promotion). Arachidonic acid metabolites play a role in the model in the promotion of cancer from polyps, and account for that promotion through: (1) their effect on encouraging more polypoid cells in mitosis to move toward cancer; and (2) their immunosuppressive effect over time. The model also shows that one defect in allowing more cells to mutate to the transformed state is sufficient to account for the chain of events leading to the clinical sequelae of familial polyposis coli. A second genetic effect at another point in the process is unnecessary. The mechanism of action of Sulindac on colon polyps is explained by the model through inhibition of production of arachidonic acid metabolites, most notably prostaglandin E.
I Bet You Didn’t Know This About Africa and the LGBT Community The shocking truth about life around the world is it is very complex, compelling and even at times just wrong. If you live in the LGBT lifestyle and happened to be a resident in the country of Africa you know that your choices as a human could end up taking your life or Landing you in prison. Many people do not realize this. In Kenya Africa, it is against the law to have gay sex. If someone even accuses you buy rumor of having engaged in gay sex you are subject to being arrested and receiving an anal probe to determine your sexual orientation. Apparently by anally probing individuals they can discover if someone is gay or not. This is exactly what happened to two men who were arrested at a bar along the coast of the Indian Ocean in 2015. The charge, suspicion of engaging in gay sex. These two individuals subdued to hepatitis B and HIV tests, as well as being tortured and degraded with an anal examination. A Kenyan Court has upheld the right to use anal exams or anal probing in order to determine the sexual orientation of a suspect. Supporters of the LGBT community are in dismay that the country would want to use its limited resources on something like this. The two men if convicted of engaging in gay sex will face up to 14 years in prison each. People that want to change the world can start by ending senseless hate like this, and that’s the shocking truth.
1時間50ミリの雨、3割増加 気象庁が70~80年代と比較 災害リスク高く 2017.8.14 07:50 更新 1時間に50ミリ以上の大雨が降る頻度が、1970~80年代に比べ3割程度増加していることが14日、気象庁の統計で明らかになった。地球温暖化との関連が指摘されており、短時間で一気に降る大雨は災害を引き起こす危険性がある。 << 下に続く >> PR 気象庁の統計では、降水量が1時間に50ミリ以上だった回数はアメダス千地点あたり、76~85年の10年間は年110~230回で、平均すると173・8回だった。2007~16年は年169~282回、平均は232・1回と33・5%増加していた。 アメダスは1970年代後半から本格的に全国で運用が始まった自動観測所。統計が始まった76年の約800地点から現在は約1300地点に増加しているため、気象庁は千地点当たりに換算してまとめている。 気象庁は1時間に50ミリ以上80ミリ未満を「非常に激しい雨」、80ミリ以上を「猛烈な雨」としている。 滝のように降り、傘が役に立たなかったり、水しぶきで視界が悪くなったりする雨の強さだ。土砂災害のリスクが高まり、都市部ではマンホールから水があふれる浸水害が発生しやすくなる。
After losing Alonzo Gee and Jrue Holiday to a growing list of injured players Monday night, Pelicans coach Alvin Gentry sent out a call for help. "I am gonna send out an all-points bulletin to anybody in the French Quarter or anywhere else," Gentry said after a 99-91 win over the Knicks at Smoothie King Center. "We need a voodoo doctor or something here. We've gotta find the bones under this place. We gotta do something. Because this is becoming comical." Pelicans coach Alvin Gentry may have been joking when he called for help from a "voodoo doctor" Monday night, but some have answered his "all-points bulletin." AP Photo/David J. Phillip Whether Gentry was serious or not, some have answered his call. Belfazaar Ashantison, who has been a voodoo practitioner for more than 25 years and a voodoo priest in New Orleans for 14 years, told The Advocate that he believes he can fix whatever has plagued the Pelicans. "I do believe, honestly, that they are jinxed, for lack of a better word," said Ashantison, also known as Zaar. "I think there's a negative energy that keeps surrounding them." The Pelicans (27-46) have lost 262 games this season because of injury, and they have already shut down Anthony Davis (left knee), Quincy Pondexter (left knee), Tyreke Evans (right knee), Eric Gordon (right finger) and Bryce Dejean-Jones (right wrist) for the season. The team announced Tuesday that Holiday suffered a fracture to his right inferior orbital wall and Gee ruptured his right quad in Monday's game. Both are done for the season. Ryan Anderson, who missed his fifth straight game Monday, has been diagnosed with a sports hernia and will get a second opinion from a specialist in Philadelphia, according to the Pelicans. Norris Cole, out for the past 11 games with a lower-back injury, has experienced "back discomfort," according to the team, and he is officially considered day-to-day. The Pelicans, who play the Spurs at San Antonio on Wednesday night, have used 36 different starting lineups, most in the NBA. Ashantison works at Voodoo Authentica in the French Quarter. He told The Advocate he'd help the Pelicans "in a heartbeat." New Orleans priestess Cinnamon Black also told The Advocate that she thought she could help. "You would do a ritual of some sort," she said. "You would do a blessing. I would give them a gris-gris bag for good health." Black performed a ritual in 2010 to break the "Madden curse," an alleged jinx for players on the cover the of the NFL video games, when Saints quarterback Drew Brees was on the cover. Voodoo could "absolutely" be valuable to the Pelicans, she said. Tom Benson, owner of the Pelicans and the Saints, is in a legal battle with his family, and this tumult "has caused this negativity to snowball," Ashantison said. "The easy way around that is a spiritual cleansing," he said. "There's a number of different ones you could do." The cleansings could include sage smudging, throwing sea salt in the corner to fight jinxes and players reciting a protective psalm. "We did a ritual for Drew Brees," Black said. "Why not do one for them as well? They're part of our city, and we're all one big family." ESPN's Justin Verrier and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
[Computer-based substrate specifity prediction for cytochrome P450]. Cytochrome P450 is important class of enzymes metabolizing numerous drugs. The composition and activity of these enzymes are determined the drug distribution in organism, its pharmacological and toxic effect. Thus the prediction of the behaviour of compounds in organism is essential for discovery and development of new drugs in the early stages of this process. The different isoforms of cytochrome P450 can oxidized wide range of chemical compounds and their substrate specifity do not correlate with their taxonomical classification. The main methods of cytochrome P450 substrate specifity prediction is reviewed. These methods divided based on primary informations that used: prediction based on amino acid sequences, ligand-based (pharmacophore and QSAR models) and structure-based (molecular docking, affinity prediction) methods. The common problem of cytochrome P450 substrate prediction and advantage and disadvantages of these methods are discussed.
ATHENS, Ga. -- Stephen Wrenn is in an unusual position. He was a member of David Perno’s final recruiting class as the Georgia baseball head coach. And on Saturday, Wrenn is set to become the first Georgia player to go to the plate under new head coach Scott Stricklin. It’s not a symbolic move. Wrenn, a freshman center fielder who was drafted last year (albeit not very early) by the Atlanta Braves, won the leadoff in fall practice. And the first pitch of the Stricklin era will be thrown by a holdover, sophomore pitcher Sean McLaughlin. Georgia is not expected to do much in Stricklin’s first year. The Bulldogs were picked to finish sixth in the SEC East in a vote of conference coaches. But given the benefit of the honeymoon period, Stricklin has not been seeing the bar low. “His first message to me was we were gonna compete, and we were gonna get after it,” Wrenn said. “There probably weren’t too many expectations for the team this year, but his expectations are pretty high. And ours are, as well.” Stricklin’s debut was pushed back a day because of the bad weather. Georgia and Georgia Southern will play a doubleheader starting at noon on Saturday, with a third game scheduled for 1 p.m. on Sunday. Wrenn wasn’t going to be the only freshman starter. Shortstop Mike Bell was also set to start, but he broke his hand and is out as the season begins. Otherwise, there will be familiar faces from the Perno era. And the season starts with some familiar concerns. A major undoing of the past two teams was the lack of a Friday ace and a top hitter to build the rest of the lineup around. The hope is that McLaughlin (5-6, 3.28 ERA as a freshman) can eventually become the staff ace. But Stricklin hasn’t talked about a shut-down ace as much as he has pitching depth. Holdovers Patrick Boling, Jared Walsh and Luke Crumley and newcomers Patrick Tyler and Ryan Lawlor have all been candidates to start. And in the bullpen, Stricklin plans a closer by committee. “We have a lot of guys on this staff and a lot of guys who can contribute. When you look at championship teams you usually see eight to 10 guys who can contribute,” Stricklin said. “I see more guys doing that for us.” The new coach is also excited about the potential of the every-day players. There isn’t a surefire major leaguer in the middle of the lineup, but that doesn’t mean one can’t develop. “I think we’ve got some good versatility,” Stricklin said. “I think we’ve got some guys who can hit for power, once we get everybody back. I think we’ve got some power in the middle of the order. I think we’ve got some guys that can run and bunt and put pressure on defenses in the beginning and the end (of the order). “I think when you look at 1, 2, 7-9, we can be a team that causes some trouble for defense. And when you look at 4, 5, 6, we can be a team that hits for some power. So I like our versatility, and I like what we have offensively.” About Jason Butt Jason Butt joins The Telegraph after spending the past two years covering high school sports for The Washington Post. A 2009 University of Georgia graduate, he's also covered the Baltimore Ravens and Atlanta Falcons for CBSSports.com.
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to an array panel, specifically, to an array panel of a liquid crystal display that a color washout problem is reduced or avoided when under a wide viewing angle. 2. Descriptions of the Related Art With fast developing technologies, people have become accustomed to using various electronic products. One key component of multimedia electronic products is the display. Because of its desirable characteristics, such as power-saving, radiation-free, small size, low power consumption, space-saving, flat square, high resolution, and stable display quality, thin film transistor liquid crystal displays (TFT LCDs) have gradually started to replace the traditional cathode ray tube (CRT) display. Consequently, TFT LCDs are widely used as the display panel of electronic products, such as cellular phones, display screens, digital TVs, and notebooks. Since it has started to replace CRT displays, TFT LCDS have also improved quite rapidly, especially in improving display quality. For wide viewing angles, a multi-domain vertical alignment (MVA) technique, researched by Fujitsu, extends both the upper and lower viewing angle to about 120°. This technique improves the viewing angle for the LCD substantially so that the CRT display is not the only display that has the wide viewing angle characteristic. However, the display that employs the multi-domain alignment technique has problems involving color washout under wide viewing angles and light leakage. These complications have led to alterations in the manufacturing process, resulting in higher costs. Consequently, a polymer stabilized alignment (PSA) technique has been developed to improve the drawbacks of the multi-domain vertical alignment technique. The pixel design of the PSA technique consists of a fixed pretilt angle in each liquid crystal cell. While the pixel structure is operating, the liquid crystal cell deflects to a required angle with a shorter response time according to an electric field formed between the pixel electrode and the common electrode. Thus, multiple sub-domains are formed according to the various shapes of the pixel electrodes. Still, due to the irregular distribution of the electric field, the neighboring liquid crystal cells of the two pixel structures are not well arranged. The neighboring liquid crystal cells of the central area of the common electrode (common line) are also not well arranged as shown in the circled area of the pixel 1 in FIG. 1. These improperly arranged liquid crystal cells leads to color washout, such that a brightness area distribution is irregular, especially for representing left and right viewing angles. Consequently, although the PSA technique has enhanced the contrast ratio and brightness, while shortening the response time for TFT LCDs, the color washout problem under a wide viewing angle still has not been resolved. In summary, current TFT LCDs problems with color washout under wide viewing angles. In addition, the brightness area distribution is not uniform due to the irregular arrangement of the liquid crystal cells which causes light leakage and affects display quality. Consequently, there is a need to find a method to prevent color washout under wide viewing angles from occurring, as well as a need to improve the arrangement of liquid crystal cells to prevent light leakage.
International LoneStar The International LoneStar is a Class 8 semi-trailer truck manufactured by International Trucks, powered by the Cummins X15 with 605 horsepower and 2,050 pound-feet of torque. Models LoneStar: The standard LoneStar model. LoneStar Daycab: A variant with no sleeper section in the cab. LoneStar Harley: A LoneStar variant designed in collaboration with Harley-Davidson, which features several Harley-Davidson inspired elements. LoneStar Recovery: A tow truck variant of the LoneStar. Additional Information Due to the truck's unique appearance, which resembles the International D2, the LoneStar has developed somewhat of a cult following. The LoneStar is featured in SCS Software's American Truck Simulator References Category:Navistar International trucks
Man United is still favorite to win title, says Mancini Manchester (England): Apr 29: Manchester City could win Monday's crunch derby against archrival Manchester United and still miss out on the Premier League title, manager Roberto Mancini said Saturday.City can regain top spot on goal India TV News Desk [ Updated: April 29, 2012 14:30 IST ] man united is still favorite to win title says mancini Manchester (England): Apr 29: Manchester City could win Monday's crunch derby against archrival Manchester United and still miss out on the Premier League title, manager Roberto Mancini said Saturday. City can regain top spot on goal difference with two games remaining with a win at the Etihad Stadium. But Mancini, who looked relaxed and joked with reporters at a packed news conference Saturday, said City has the more difficult run-in and United will still be favorite to take the title whatever the result Monday. "They have more chance than us because we play the derby on Monday and after we play Newcastle. That will be a very tough game and after QPR," Mancini said. "United will play against Swansea and Sunderland. I think for them it will be two easy games. "I think (even) if we win this (derby) game, they are favorite." Mancini has no injuries and has maverick striker Mario Balotelli in contention again after suspension ahead of the big match. "All the players are available," he said. "I have 48 hours to the game. I have time to decide whether he (Balotelli) plays or not." Underlining the intimate nature of the derby, United and City train at complexes next door to each other in Carrington, on the outskirts of Manchester. United, however, is expected to escape the pressure of the derby by taking a short training break to Wales this weekend. "If they want to stay there until Tuesday, for us that's OK," Mancini joked, adding that his team would prepare at its Carrington base as normal. "We go Monday, if they don't come, we win the game." Joking aside, Mancini agreed with Ferguson that Monday's match was "the derby game of all derby games," but said the pressure was on United. "We don't have any pressure because we don't have anything to lose," the City manager said. "For them, I think a draw would be a good result ... but I don't think they have this mentality. Like us, it's difficult for us to play for a draw, we want to win always — also when we play against a better team than us, like in this moment, like against United." Despite leading the Premier League for most of the season, City looked to have spoiled its title chances with patchy away form culminating in a loss at Arsenal earlier this month. That defeat helped United take an eight-point lead in the standings, but the defending champion has stuttered with a 1-0 loss at Wigan and 4-4 draw against Everton to let City back into the race. "I'm not surprised, because this is football," said Mancini. "Until you finish the championship and every game, anything can happen. Like we lost seven points in four games, this can also happen to the other team." Mancini acknowledged that while he may be calm, City's supporters are reaching fever pitch as they try to capture a first league title since 1968. "I didn't see any City supporters," he joked. "They are at home, I think, they are afraid. All the City supporters are at home to prepare for this game on Monday." Whatever happens, City's status continues to rise thanks to the multi-million-pound investment from its Abu Dhabi-based owners, and the club's points total at the end of the season will likely be enough to have won the title most years. "I think we should be proud for our season," Mancini said. "I have a big respect for United because for me they are the best team here and maybe in Europe, with Barcelona and Real Madrid. They have fantastic players and incredible support.
Ryan’s Miracle Watch 3/2/17 So happy it’s Thursday! It seems like I haven’t seen Ryan in forever. Looking out of his window at the front yard. What a mess. Glad for all the rain this year, because I should be able to plant some things that Ryan will appreciate. Spring up oh well…Numbers 21:17
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Test variable expansion of '<|(list.txt ...)' syntax commands. """ import os import sys import TestGyp test = TestGyp.TestGyp(format='gypd') expect = test.read('filelist.gyp.stdout') if sys.platform == 'win32': expect = expect.replace('/', r'\\').replace('\r\n', '\n') test.run_gyp('src/filelist.gyp', '--debug', 'variables', stdout=expect, ignore_line_numbers=True) # Verify the filelist.gypd against the checked-in expected contents. # # Normally, we should canonicalize line endings in the expected # contents file setting the Subversion svn:eol-style to native, # but that would still fail if multiple systems are sharing a single # workspace on a network-mounted file system. Consequently, we # massage the Windows line endings ('\r\n') in the output to the # checked-in UNIX endings ('\n'). contents = test.read('src/filelist.gypd').replace( '\r', '').replace('\\\\', '/') expect = test.read('filelist.gypd.golden').replace('\r', '') if not test.match(contents, expect): print "Unexpected contents of `src/filelist.gypd'" test.diff(expect, contents, 'src/filelist.gypd ') test.fail_test() contents = test.read('src/names.txt') expect = 'John\nJacob\nJingleheimer\nSchmidt\n' if not test.match(contents, expect): print "Unexpected contents of `src/names.txt'" test.diff(expect, contents, 'src/names.txt ') test.fail_test() test.pass_test()
[Laparoscopic fundoplication]. The authors describe their experience with laparoscopic fundoplication the way they have made it in first 18 ill persons at the Ist. Department of Surgery in Olomouc. They find the advantage of this operational technique in outstanding overlook and anatomical orientation in the oesophageal hiatus, reduction of post operative discomfort, shortening of recovery and the length of hospitalisation. In indicated cases we consider this procedure to be optimal.
Q: Connect remote ssh to pc... pc connect vpn I have: -PC with ubuntu 18 -Install and configure ssh for remote access -Open ssh port in my router -My IP is dinamic, so I configure Dynamic DNS (www.noip.com). I have remote access to my PC from another external computer, with domain no-ip and ssh port. No problem. Now: -I connect my PC for Tunnel VPN (openvpn) to a VPN server (VPNbook) -Refresh my no-ip domain with the new public VPN IP. -But I can't connect for ssh (domain no-ip and ssh port) to my PC... Why? What am I missing? A: Finally I found: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/237460/ssh-into-a-server-which-is-connected-to-a-vpn-service https://askubuntu.com/questions/893775/cant-ssh-to-server-with-vpn-connection https://www.linode.com/community/questions/7381/openvpn-client-connected-to-a-server-while-listening-to-ssh In my PC: Connect VPN List item Execute: ip rule add from table 128 ip route add table 128 to dev enp2s0f0 ip route add table 128 default via Where: -> Internal IP to my PC -> subnet, calculate with "subnetcalc" enp2s0f0 -> it is the name of my net interface -> My default-gateway Now, i have remote access for ssh.
hollow core door desk now if anyone has ever wondered what the inside of a hollow core door looks like here ya go obviously this needed a bit of sanding to smooth things out hollow core door desk tabl. hollow core door desk once all four legs were in place it came time to attach my rails i carefully measured and cut those four pieces using my miter saw and then drilled pilot desk made from hollow co.
Multivalent peptidomimetic conjugates: a versatile platform for modulating androgen receptor activity. We introduce a family of multivalent peptidomimetic conjugates that modulate the activity of the androgen receptor (AR). Bioactive ethisterone ligands were conjugated to a set of sequence-specific peptoid oligomers. Certain multivalent peptoid conjugates enhance AR-mediated transcriptional activation. We identify a linear and a cyclic conjugate that exhibit potent anti-proliferative activity in LNCaP-abl cells, a model of therapy-resistant prostate cancer. The linear conjugate blocks AR action by competing for ligand binding. In contrast, the cyclic conjugate is active despite its inability to compete against endogenous ligand for binding to AR in vitro, suggesting a non-competitive mode of action. These results establish a versatile platform to design competitive and non-competitive AR modulators with potential therapeutic significance.
WordCamp US 2020 to be an Online Event One of the biggest WordCamps around the globe, WordCamp US is conducting the conference online this year. WordCamp US 2020 is free for everyone and anyone can join. The reason behind shifting this big event online is the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Thousands of people around the world have already lost their lives and millions are fighting for theirs. We place our sincere sympathies to all those who are suffering because of this pandemic. The virtual WordCamp US 2020 event will take place on October 27-29. This online extravaganza will include all WCUS events including sessions, workshops, contributor day, state of word, a hallway track, and more. According to the official announcement post, it was difficult for the organizer to make the decision as it would be much different than the one in person. However, the decision to shift WCUS online would now provide all organizers, speakers, and sponsors the opportunity to create an innovative virtual WordCamp US. Subscribe via Email Social Gallery and Widget DevotePress – Dedicated to WordPress We are an online media based in Kathmandu, Nepal. We cover anything and everything related to WordPress. DevotePress is solely dedicated to WordPress. We feature news, events, interviews, tutorials, hacks, and more regarding WordPress.
Apple open source its Java tools and technologies to OpenJDK for Mac OS X Calming fear and uncertainties of its continue support of Java on Mac OS X, Apple today together with Oracle announced that it is open sourcing its Java tools and technologies to OpenJDK project. This ensures that future Java SE 7 implementation for Mac OS X will enjoy a good foundation to begin with. Oracle and Apple® today announced the OpenJDK project for Mac OS® X. Apple will contribute most of the key components, tools and technology required for a Java SE 7 implementation on Mac OS X, including a 32-bit and 64-bit HotSpot-based Java virtual machine, class libraries, a networking stack and the foundation for a new graphical client. OpenJDK will make Apple’s Java technology available to open source developers so they can access and contribute to the effort. Apple also confirmed that current version of Java SE 6 will continue to be available from Apple for Mac OS X Snow Leopard and next year’s Mac OS X Lion. Future version of Java for Mac OS X will come from Oracle.
Q: Is it possible to make a plastic touch screen as sensitive and accurate as a glass one? I learned in this answer that touch screens with a glass front are generally more sensitive and accurate than those with plastic fronts. This corresponds with my personal experience. However, is there a way to bring devices with plastic fronts up to the accuracy and sensitivity levels of those of glass? What would this require? A: Your questions requires a bit more specification as to the technology behind the touch detection. Touch detection techniques vs. Materials Typically, plastic surfaces are resistive touch panels placed in-front of glass or plastic LCD screens. They have to be made from plastic (as opposed to glass) because they detect touch by deforming. The user's finger bends the plastic film where it touches and this presses an upper film into one beneath it completing a circuit (4-wire design) or enables a complex triangulation of the deformation location (5-wire design). This style of screen is used in many industrial applications because it works when you have gloves on (factories, hospitals, etc). Typically, glass touchscreens use a technique called capacitive touch detection. They emit a constant quasi-static electric field and look for changes to that field caused by the presence of conductive (charge storing) materials nearby (like your finger). Yes. You can make both. It is possible to make capacitive screens on plastic substrates. There are many applications that do, but it's not done on CellPhones (and virtually all consumer applications) because for the higher cost of the capacitive circuitry and the relatively minimal cost to go from plastic to glass, the outcome is much nicer for the finished product. You can make plastic capacitive touch screens as accurate as glass ones if you use the right substrates. Glass works well because it is optically clear and doesn't electrically polarize easily, this can hold true for certain plastics as well. This is, however, not true of the typical commercial plastic (PE, PET, PTFE, PVC, etc) -- you need additives or alternate chemistry. Source: Geoff Walker, Sr. Engineer, Touch Tech. @ Intel; Lecture slides from FPD China 2013 So in short... Plastic touch panels appear less sensitive because the ones you commonly encounter are a different type of technology (resistive touch panel -- RTP) that requires physically deforming a film, measuring the location of the deformation, and tracking one finger at a time. Glass panels appear more sensitive because capacitive sensing responds to the mere presence of your finger and does not even require that you touch the screen. A: There are many ways of constructing a PCAP touchscreens and some of them are entirely independent of the glass material. In effect the touchscreen is a film attached to the coverglass (or plastic) so as long as the material does not mess with the electric field projected by the capacitive terminals the touchscreen is perfectly happy. On the other hand glass has better permittivity than most plastics so you get roughly similar capacitance with 2-3x thicker glass than you would with plastic. Whether or not this is significant depends on the application. General trend is to create as thin coverglass as possible and thick glass solutions are reserved more to vandal-resistant public displays. Some touchscreens are actually integrated to the LCD display, which is what Apple does. Without going to gritty details, your touchscreen requires two terminals, between which the capacitance change is sensed. Depending on construction these may be separate films with insulating layer in-between, single layer constructions with some clever routing, exploiting LCD display cells as a terminal etc. Most basic of these are organized as a crisscross pattern with separate layers, more sophisticated use diamond patterns that etch jumper bridges to "hop" over opposing terminals and so on. In fact you don't need the glass at all for the touchscreen to function. Except touching the touch screen would "short" the traces. If you're interested in touch technology in general, Geoff Walker has quite comprehensive presentations on the subject here: http://www.walkermobile.com/PublishedMaterial.htm
Pages Thursday, May 22, 2014 There's Still Time to Play in Challenge #196: Ann's Clean and Simple Floral Challenge There is still time to play in Challenge #196: Ann's Clean and Simple Floral Challenge! To see the original post and to view the Design Team inspiration cards, clickHERE. We can't wait to see what you create! The challenge ends Friday, May 23rd at Noon, PDT.
Chilean rock band La Ley to make comeback The Chilean rock band La Ley is making a comeback after eight years out of the spotlight with a concert at the next Viña del Mar Festival and a tour of Latin America. Organizers of the Viña del Mar Festival confirmed the participation of the group led by singer Beto Cuevas in the 2014 edition of the contest, while the daily La Tercera on Saturday announced the band's upcoming tour around the continent, citing sources close to the musicians. The daily also revealed that the only Chilean group to win a Grammy in the United States and which made a hit in the 1990s throughout Latin American with albums like "Invisible," "Vertigo" and "Uno," is working on a number of new songs. Details of the group's plans, according to the newspaper, will be announced by Beto Cuevas at the Latin Grammy Awards gala in November. In La Ley's comeback, Cuevas will be accompanied by Mauricio Claveria and Pedro Frugone, which the daily said came as a surprise to Luciano Rojas and Rodrigo Aboitiz, original members of the band. During its appearance at the Viña del Mar Festival, which required three months of negotiations, La Ley paid tribute to its founder, Andres Bobe, to mark the 20th anniversary of his death in a motorcycle accident. EFE
/* * This file is part of muCommander, http://www.mucommander.com * * muCommander is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * muCommander is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.mucommander.ui.theme; import java.awt.*; /** * {@link DefaultFont} implementation that maps to a fixed value. * @author Nicolas Rinaudo */ public class FixedDefaultFont extends DefaultFont { // - Instance fields ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Font to default to. */ private Font font; // - Initialisation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new instance of {@link FixedDefaultFont}. * @param font font to default to. */ public FixedDefaultFont(Font font) { this.font = font; } // - DefaultFont implementation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public Font getFont(ThemeData data) { return font; } }
[Alcohol abuse in soldiers of the Herzegovina Corps of the Republic of Serbia Army during the 1992-1994 war]. The frequency of alcohol abuse in the soldiers of Herzegovinian corps of the Republic of Srpska Army during the 1992-1994 war, who took part in combat action was investigated by retrospective analysis of medical documentation. The same procedure was performed in the members of Yugoslav Army for the same period who did not take part in combat actions. By comparing the obtained results, it was concluded that the alcohol abuse was 3.7 times more frequent in participants of combat actions compared to those who did not have such assignment.
Q: How to make this SQL query in peewee I am porting my code from sqlite3 to peewee and so far it works great, however I can't figure out how to port this query: query = ("SELECT * FROM things WHERE Fecha substr(Fecha,7)||'/'||substr(Fecha,4,2)||'/'||substr(Fecha,1,2) BETWEEN ? AND ?", my_field, my_second_field) On peewee I've got this far: where_condition = database.fecha.fn.Substr(database.fecha, 7) .concat('/') .concat(database.fecha.fn.Substr(database.fecha, 4,2)) .concat('/') .concat(database.fecha.fn.Substr(database.fecha, 1,2)) .between(my_field, my_second_field) database.select().where(where_condition) But it doesn't works and I'm clueless on how to concatenate substrings on peewee. >>> 'TextField' has no attribute 'fn' UPDATE: It's very important that where_condition is an external variable, as it's just 1 filter of many. I make different filters on a different method and then I pass them together to where as a tuple (I think the fn function doesn't works because of it). The full code of that is: for record in database.select().where(*self.build_where_conditions()) # Do something def build_where_conditions(self): where_condition = [] # first_thing if self.checkfirst_thing.isChecked(): where_condition.append(database.first_thing == first_thing) # something if self.checksomething.isChecked(): where_condition.append(database.something == something) # client if self.checkclient.isChecked(): where_condition.append(database.client == client) # Serie if self.checkSerie.isChecked(): where_condition.append(database.code.startswith("{0}{1}".format("18", serie))) # Code if self.checkCode.isChecked(): where_condition.append(database.code.between( "{0}{1}".format("18", code1), "{0}{1}".format("18", code2))) # NOTE: Must always return a tuple if len(where_condition) >= 1: return where_condition return (None,) Any suggestion on how to do this properly is appreciated. A: "fn" should be by itself. It's not an attribute (just like the error says...duh). from peewee import fn where_condition = fn.Substr(TheModel.the_text_field, 7) .concat('/') .concat(fn.Substr(TheModel.the_text_field, 4,2)) .concat('/') ... etc
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" /> <title>Hello webpack</title> </head> <body></body> <script src="./dist/main.js"></script> </html>
Free audio book A very rare and beautiful book from the 56a Archive read by Dorothy Spencer and Carl Cattermole. We made this into a free audiobook because we loved it so much - so many lessons for our generation. Stream audio (for mobile) or download the complete zip file including photos and more info here. £5.99 - The definitive guide to UK prisons - emotional and funny but a truly practical resource for prisoners, their families, legal professionals, tax payers and clueless politicians alike. Features contributions from female/LGBTQ/child prisoners and those who support them from the outside. Illustrated throughout by Banx (Private Eye) with phenomenal contributions from Julia Howard, Sarah Jane Baker, Jon Gulliver, Elliot Murawski and Lisa Selby. "Essential reading" - Will Self. "A mockery of our criminal justice system" - Priti Patel MP Poster 4.99 GBP £4.99 - Features all 150 current UK prisons, from publicly owned Victorian hellholes to ex-military barracks to private futuristic warehouses that look like spaceships. A0, 841mm x 1189mm, full colour, high quality print. Erika Flowers' painting of London's recently closed female jail features politicians and property developers carting money off one way, prison vans carting women off the other way, Sarah Reed sits above in the clouds while the NHS workers escape using a drone that was used to fly drugs over the fence. A totally amazing print. Available from her website.
Q: Javascript - Get Multiple textarea values with jquery I'm newbie with jQuery. I Want to get value from these two textarea, I have html like this and jquery below : Html : <pre> <a id="send-thoughts" href="">Click</a> <textarea id="message1" class="message">Hello</textarea> <textarea id="message2" class="message">World</textarea> </pre> jQuery: jQuery("a#send-thoughts").click(function() { var thought= jQuery("textarea.message").val(); alert(thought); });​ Why only one value show up ? and how to get two value of textarea ? http://jsfiddle.net/guruhkharisma/9zp9H/ ​ A: var text = ""; jQuery("textarea.message").each(function(){ text += jQuery(this).val() + "\n"; })
In a statement posted to her Facebook page, J.K. Rowling announced that she would be teaming with Warner Bros. to create a new series of films "inspired by" the Hogwarts textbook Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and the book's author, Newt Scamander. Rowling, who will be making her screenwriting debut, had this to say about the new project: "It all started when Warner Bros. came to me with the suggestion of turning 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' into a film. I thought it was a fun idea, but the idea of seeing Newt Scamander, the supposed author of 'Fantastic Beasts', realized by another writer was difficult. Having lived for so long in my fictional universe, I feel very protective of it and I already knew a lot about Newt. As hard-core Harry Potter fans will know, I liked him so much that I even married his grandson, Rolf, to one of my favourite characters from the Harry Potter series, Luna Lovegood. As I considered Warners' proposal, an idea took shape that I couldn't dislodge. That is how I ended up pitching my own idea for a film to Warner Bros. Although it will be set in the worldwide community of witches and wizards where I was so happy for seventeen years, 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' is neither a prequel nor a sequel to the Harry Potter series, but an extension of the wizarding world. The laws and customs of the hidden magical society will be familiar to anyone who has read the Harry Potter books or seen the films, but Newt's story will start in New York, seventy years before Harry's gets underway. I particularly want to thank Kevin Tsujihara of Warner Bros. for his support in this project, which would not have happened without him. I always said that I would only revisit the wizarding world if I had an idea that I was really excited about and this is it."
Electronic devices can render content for display by a display device. Various user inputs can be received by an electronic device to control the view of the displayed content. For example, the user inputs can specify scrolling, zooming, and so forth. Scrolling can be indicated by using slidable scroll bars or other displayed control icons, or using an input control device (e.g. mouse, touchpad, etc.). Alternatively, scrolling can also be indicated by a touch event on a touch-screen display device, where the touch event can include a sliding action, a drag action, or a flick action.
Carex grayi Carex grayi, commonly known as Gray's sedge, is a species of flowering plant in the sedge family, Cyperaceae. It is native to eastern North America. References grayi Category:Flora of North America Category:Plants described in 1848 Category:Taxa named by John Carey
You no longer need an Android phone if you want to join in Xbox party chats when you're away from your console -- Microsoft has introduced party chat to the beta Xbox app for iOS. If you've been accepted into the program (you have to sign up first), you can keep up with your teammates' voice conversations from your iPhone or iPad while you're racing home to join them in a multiplayer match.
Morphological evidence of a filamentous cilia-associated respiratory (CAR) bacillus in goats. A filamentous cilia-associated respiratory (CAR) bacillus was discovered in 12 3-4 month-old goats experimentally infected with two different strains of mycoplasmas belonging to the Mycoplasma mycoides type. The CAR bacilli were always arranged parallel to the cilia, and the morphology of these bacilli is very similar to that of other bacilli described previously in other species from various parts of the world.
Life lessons learned Human ecology grad takes her training in seniors housing and living well home to China By ALES News staff on June 8, 2018 Yiming Li (left), holds a favourite picture of her as a toddler with her maternal grandfather, Zhongsheng Yan. Her father (middle) Chun Li, and mother (standing) Yan Yan, traveled from China to attend their daughter’s convocation June 14. The Chinese philosopher Confucius first introduced the ides of filial piety—the virtue of respect for one’s parents, elders and ancestors—in the 4th century BC. It’s a perspective that is still strong in Chinese culture and one that Yiming Li, who graduates with a bachelor of science (human ecology) June 14, intends to make her life’s work. Like Li, who is an international student, is one of 33 international students graduating June 14. Raised in large part by her grandparents in Dalian, China, Li found the Human Ecology undergraduate program through her online research. The major in family ecology, coupled with a minor in aging, spoke volumes to Li. “China has a large aging population but it hasn’t done a lot of work to support aging well,” she said. Through her four years of school, Li developed a breadth of knowledge to the Chinese seniors industry, but it was her final practicum that helped coalesce her planning. The practicum program in the Department of Human Ecology began in 1974. “Back then, just like now, practicums were believed to be an important way for students to apply their skills and knowledge in a real world setting, and to build confidence in the skills they had before they graduated,” said Kathryn Chandler, practicum coordinator for the department. “HECOL students hit the ground running as soon as they graduate because they know they've got what it takes to get a job in their field,” she said. “A practicum is especially important for international students because many of them, like Yiming, come to Canada with no work experience. The practicum is their first job experience and therefore a big boost for their resume, and their confidence.” Li worked at the Senior Housing’s Community Supports team at the Greater Edmonton Foundation to poll local members of the Chines community on a Quality of Life survey, which looks at perspectives of people transiting into living in Greater Edmonton Foundations Seniors Housing. The goal of the survey, said Li, is to identify pressure points for seniors that may be an impediment to their happiness in the GEF housing so that programming can be developed from the survey results. What Li discovered with she completed the survey could have profound results for work engaging seniors at home in Dalian: despite her fluency in Mandarin, which many respondents spoke exclusively, their frustration with language barriers made them reluctant to participate in the survey. So, for Li, her success was measured by the time spent face-to-face with seniors, rather than through the traditional survey methods. This lesson, as well as the others she has accumulated, will be significant in Li’s work with Chinese systems. “When I go back to China I want to develop programs that are focused on seniors housing and integrate what I learned about Canadian culture.”
Q: Regex for URL rewriting I'm starting in the URL rewriting and for now I have only one rule: RewriteRule ^(\w|\-)+/?$ ?o=$0 This rewrite .../anything into ?o=anything. Now I'm trying to do something that would rewrite .../anything/article5 into ?o=anything&id=5. How can I achieve this? Do I need to do a second rule or a more elaborated rule? Also, I'm not very good in regex so I'm struggling a little bit. A: You could add this rule : RewriteRule ^([\w|\-]+)/article([0-9]+)/?$ ?o=$1&id=$2 You have to wrap with squared brackets [] to defines a characters' series. Then, $0 contains the full query, $1 the first capture group (()), $2 the second, and so on. So : /anything/article5 Will transform : ?o=anything&id=5
Warm greatings to all the existin and upcoming duelists around.Hope to meat nice ppl and make a lot of gud friends while we duel each other out to death.o.0just jokin, lets just have fun duelin each other....
Three West Papua Activists Arrested Three West Papua Activists Arrested The Jakarta Post [website] - Papua Police have detained three activists of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB), for their allegedly subversive activities. The three activists -- Mako Tabuni, Serafin Diaz, and Yance Motte – had been arrested along with 14 of their friends on Friday, Papua Police spokesman Adj. Sr. Comr. Nurhabri said on Monday. Tabuni and Diaz had been arrested in Jayapura harbor, and Yance was apprehended in the office of the Papua Customary Council. The 14 friends had subsequently been released, but the three remained in police custody. "We have evidence that the three activists were involved in a rally on Mar. 10 in front of Wamena, calling on people to separate from the Unitary State of Indonesia."
Julian Guttau Julian Guttau (born 29 October 1999) is a German footballer who plays as a midfielder for Hallescher FC. References External links Profile at DFB.de Profile at kicker.de Category:1999 births Category:Living people Category:Sportspeople from Halle (Saale) Category:Footballers from Saxony-Anhalt Category:German footballers Category:Association football midfielders Category:Hallescher FC players Category:3. Liga players
Jet engines and other turbomachines employ turbines in a heated environment to produce power. Because of the design of such equipment, the power increases as the temperature in which the turbine operates increases. Consequently, it is beneficial to have components of the turbine which can withstand higher operating temperatures. Such components can include not only the turbine blades, but also the platform on which the turbine blades are supported. Turbine blades are typically cooled to increase the temperature range in which they can effectively perform. In some turbines, the turbine blade platform can also be cooled, although it is usually incident to the cooling of the blade. Because the turbine blade has the largest exposed surface area and rotates at the extreme outer radius of the turbine's rotation, it is generally thought to experience the highest combination of stresses and temperature. Because the turbine blade platform couples the turbine blade to other components of the turbine, the rotation of the turbine imparts stresses to the blade platform as well. Additionally, because the blade platform is exposed to the high temperature environment, it can experience failure modes where the combination of heat and stress cause plastic deformation. The combination of heat and stress experienced by the blade platform can be sufficient to cause plastic deformation even when the same conditions do not cause failure, through plastic deformation or otherwise, of the turbine blade.
White Head Island White Head Island is a Canadian island located in the Bay of Fundy. Located within Grand Manan Parish which is part of Charlotte County, New Brunswick, the island is located off the east coast of Grand Manan Island. In 2011 the island had a population of 162. White Head Island is governed as a local service district. Its economy is based largely around aquaculture and fishing. The island has an elementary school which has kindergarten to grade 2 and grades 3 to 6 in two separate classrooms. Recently there have been efforts to move children to the larger Grand Manan Community School however the younger grades remain on White Head due to the ferry crossing. It's the smallest school within the Anglophone South School District of Southern New Brunswick. Coastal Transport Limited provides car ferry service between White Head and Grand Manan. The ferry William Frankland operates year-round and is free of charge. The community has a small general store located at the dock where the ferry arrives at the island. There is a Baptist church on the island that was completed in 1981. However, there are records of a religious house in use until 1928, when the second of three churches was dedicated. Gallery History Notable people See also List of lighthouses in New Brunswick List of communities in New Brunswick List of islands of New Brunswick References External links Aids to Navigation Canadian Coast Guard Category:Islands of New Brunswick Category:Communities in Charlotte County, New Brunswick Category:Local service districts of Charlotte County, New Brunswick Category:Lighthouses in New Brunswick
Q: Let $n$ denote the number chosen uniformly from $\{1,2,3, ... 100\}$ What is the probability that another number drawn from $1,2....n$ is $30$? Let $A$ denote the event of randomly choosing a number uniformly from the set $\{1,2,3, ... 100\}$. Let this number be denoted by $n$. Another number $k$ is randomly chosen from the set $\{1,2, ... n\}$. What is the probability that $k$ is $30$? Attempt: In case of the first event $A$, when the number $n$ chosen turns out to be between $1$ and $29$, the second conditional event cannot occur. The second event can only occur when the number $n$ ranges between $\{30,31, ... 100\}$. Let us suppose the number $n$ turns out to be $30$. In this case, for the second event, the probability that $k$ is 30 is $\frac{1}{30}$ since we can choose $30$ from $\{1, 2, ... 30\}$ in only one way. Similarly, when $n$ is $31$, the probability that $k$ is 30 is $\frac{1}{30}$ since we can choose $30$ from $\{1, 2, ... 31\}$ in only one way. This reasoning can be extended for all values of $n$ till $100$. If we were to visualize this as a tree, the edges along the first level of the tree would denote the choice of $n$ and the edges along the second level of the tree would denote the choice of $k$. Thus, going by the favorable cases, the probability should be $\frac{1}{100} \times \frac{1}{30}$ for the edges of the tree when $n$ is $30$ and $k$ is $30$. Similarly it should be $\frac{1}{100} \times \frac{1}{31}$ for the edges of the tree when $n$ is $31$ and $k$ is $30$. If we add all of them, we should get the total probability. A: We can see that: If $n=1$ then $P(\text{choosing $30$ from $\{1,\cdots,n\}$})=0$ If $n=2$ then $P(\text{choosing $30$ from $\{1,\cdots,n\}$})=0$ $\qquad\vdots$ If $n=29$ then $P(\text{choosing $30$ from $\{1,\cdots,n\}$})=0$ If $n=30$ then $P(\text{choosing $30$ from $\{1,\cdots,n\}$})=\frac 1{30}$ If $n=31$ then $P(\text{choosing $30$ from $\{1,\cdots,n\}$})=\frac{1}{31}$ $\qquad\vdots$ If $n=100$ then $P(\text{choosing $30$ from $\{1,\cdots,n\}$})=\frac{1}{100}$ Each $n$ has a probability of $\frac 1{100}$ of being chosen, so, we have \begin{align}P(k=30) &= \frac1{100}\left(\sum_{n=0}^{29}0+\sum_{n=30}^{100}\frac 1n\right)\\ &=\frac 1{100}\sum_{n=30}^{100}\frac 1n\\ &\approx 0.0122572\end{align}