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例如ன是ṉa(有母音a),而ன்是ṉ(沒有母音)。 | For example, ன is ṉa (with the inherent a) and ன் is ṉ (without a vowel). | zh-en | -3.342609 |
你应当召唤众人来崇拜你的主。 | You who read (this), pray for them through the Lord. | zh-en | -4.026455 |
我也不能找到任何防止我们吃人的法律。 | Nor can I find any law which prevents us from eating people. | zh-en | -3.25329 |
我是个贼,Trent先生。 | I'm a thief, Mr Trent. | zh-en | -0.608764 |
真主對萬事確是全能的。 | God is powerful over all things." | zh-en | -0.903315 |
隨先主於荊州,產後主。 | From The Lord of the Rings vol. | zh-en | -13.246441 |
六月十日:尽管革命仍在进行,科学研究仍然继续。 | June 10: Despite the Revolution, scientific research continues. | zh-en | -0.212496 |
所以我告诉爸爸,是时候让这小女孩吃东西了。 | So I said to papa, it is time the little girl should eat. | zh-en | -0.889147 |
这是一个事实,800年前在这座城市犯下了一件罪行。 | It is a fact that a crime was committed here in the city 800 years ago." | zh-en | -0.709949 |
例如,假設在夏天時的蘋果100%也是紅色的。 | For example, suppose 100% of apples are observed to be red in summer. | zh-en | -0.600752 |
很快我將被發現和殺死,像其他人那樣。 | Soon I shall be found and slain, like the others. | zh-en | -0.519851 |
伊拉克同时估算了大约有价值$24亿美元的伊拉克石油被科威特“偷采”,并要求科威特予以赔偿。 | Iraq estimated that US$2.4 billion worth of Iraqi oil was "stolen" by Kuwait and demanded compensation. | zh-en | -0.899508 |
」吳王為之流涕霑襟,指天為誓。 | By Allat, by al-‘Uzzá! | zh-en | -6.918879 |
(然而1869年她的棺材被发现是空的。 | (In 1869, however, her coffin was found to be empty. | zh-en | -0.094784 |
从2017年6月起,保加利亚将拥有其第一颗对地静止 通信卫星 。 | From June 2017, Bulgaria will have its first geostationary communications satellite. | zh-en | -0.253703 |
當我回到捷克斯洛伐克時,我已經開始了解市場的原則。 | By the time I returned to Czechoslovakia, I had an understanding of the principles of the market. | zh-en | -0.255543 |
~ 短髮 ~ 站起來女孩 Please Miniskirt Postwoman! | "Please Miniskirt Postwoman!" | zh-en | -6.867412 |
但是,Betlemitani 教堂对于耶稣会士来说还不够大。 | However, the Betlemitani church was not large enough for the Jesuits. | zh-en | -0.795465 |
北也门(后来演变成为也门)于1945年5月5日加入。 | North Yemen (later becoming Yemen) joined on 5 May 1945. | zh-en | -0.824932 |
一个非报复策略的例子是始终合作。 | An example of a non-retaliating strategy is Always Cooperate. | zh-en | -0.80444 |
如此,番人必聽命,可潛消他日憂。 | What you will certainly hear is that so and so's burial is tomorrow". | zh-en | -7.201096 |
党员的平均年龄显示类似的趋势。 | The average age of party members showed a comparable trend. | zh-en | -0.289006 |
旅馆客满,而又来了一个新客人。 | The hotel is full, and then a new guest arrives. | zh-en | -0.623823 |
Telmex拥有TV UNO和 Claro Sports。 | Telmex owns TV UNO and Claro Sports. | zh-en | -0.29584 |
这两个特别法庭的成立更加突出了常设国际刑事法院的必要性。 | The creation of these tribunals further highlighted the need for a permanent international criminal court. | zh-en | -0.622049 |
2011年11月,他提出了一些自己的经济政策见解: 创造工作岗位。 | In November 2011, he announced some of his economic proposals: Job creation. | zh-en | -0.242257 |
有關每個框架的基本資訊。 | Basic information about each framework. | zh-en | -0.050447 |
在2010年之前,该文书曾名为Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons(SUSDP)。 | Before 2010, it was known as the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons (SUSDP). | zh-en | -1.618807 |
2009年,一名新嫌疑犯被调查。 | In 2009, a new suspect was investigated. | zh-en | -0 |
有比卧室更多的工作。 | Has more jobs than bedrooms. | zh-en | -1.659841 |
很久以来,思考死亡对我而言就是自由的开始。 | The thought of death has long been for me the beginning of freedom. | zh-en | -0.381678 |
我希望情况并非如此,因为那将意味着CRPG已经停滞不前”。 | I hope that's not the case, though, because that would mean the CRPG has stagnated". | zh-en | -0.659342 |
旅行者1号发出的信号需要19个小时才能到达地球。 | Signals from Voyager 1 take over 19 hours to reach Earth. | zh-en | -0.513813 |
詹春柏為此曾鄭重否認。 | Jacob, however, denied any wrongdoing. | zh-en | -3.705514 |
NLG出現已久,但是商業NLG技術直到最近才變得普及。 | NLG has existed for a long time but commercial NLG technology has only recently become widely available. | zh-en | -0 |
为避免混淆,它现在被称为Mozilla应用程序框架。 | To avoid confusion, it is now referred to as the Mozilla application framework. | zh-en | -0.294249 |
根据这个观点,马太福音10:23应该以同样的方式来理解。 | According to this view Matthew 10:23 should be understood in the same way. | zh-en | -0.411023 |
一些国家,特别是非洲国家,由于发展停滞和艾滋病的影响,似乎在第二阶段停滞不前。 | Some countries, particularly African countries, appear to be stalled in the second stage due to stagnant development and the effect of AIDS. | zh-en | -1.980506 |
在莫斯科,我簡述了我們的取態。 | In Moscow, I outlined our approach. | zh-en | -0.352359 |
从2005年10月19日至2006年2月18日,该项目已提交国家公开辩论。 | From 19 October 2005 to 18 February 2006 the project was submitted to a national public debate. | zh-en | -0.568123 |
然而,1965年的雷达观测表明,他们的值都是错误的。 | However, radar observations made in 1965 showed that they were both wrong. | zh-en | -0.697066 |
這種講法終明之世並無所本,僅流行於乾隆之後。 | Its theme is affirmation of Resurrection and the life hereafter. | zh-en | -9.484541 |
据Flake说,采取这样的改变是因为他太经常受伤。 | According to Flake, the change occurred because he was injured too often. | zh-en | -0.553904 |
至关重要的是,这种“新闻”不是在英国制作或广播的。 | It is vital that that kind of 'news' is not made or broadcast in the UK. | zh-en | -0.324094 |
我终不会浪费一万劳工的劳动成果。 | I will not waste the fruits of the 10,000 laborers. | zh-en | -2.07692 |
他还指出,许多用户会在编辑摘要中留下许多他不想让9岁的孙子看到的评论。 | He has also stated that many of the comments left by users in the edit summaries are things he would not want his nine-year-old grandson to see. | zh-en | -0.731184 |
第一个方面是上述的个体的因果机制(del Rio & Strasser, 2011)。 | The first facet is the aforementioned individual causal mechanisms (del Rio & Strasser, 2011). | zh-en | -0.960313 |
1988年至1990年间,他建造了六座桥梁。 | From 1988 to 1990 he builds six bridges. | zh-en | -0.050259 |
引起混淆的一个主要问题是第二定律仅适用于孤立的系统。 | A chief point of confusion is the fact that the Second Law applies only to isolated systems. | zh-en | -0.95284 |
Iomega经常指出,这些问题是由使用(功能相同的)第三方媒体造成的。 | Iomega often stated that the problems were caused by the use of (functionally identical) third-party media. | zh-en | -0.474451 |
原文:Federer Hits His Greatest Shot Ever, a Second Time。 | "Federer Hits His Greatest Shot Ever, A Second Time". | zh-en | -1.096414 |
巴勒斯坦医护人员说,至少有1155名巴勒斯坦人在过去三个星期死亡。 | Palestinian medics say at least 1,155 Palestinians have died over the past three weeks. | zh-en | -0.324429 |
但是,一個確定的弱點改變以前所有的計劃。 | However, an identified weakness changed all the previous plans. | zh-en | -0.130103 |
“我不能支持当前形式的提案,”福克斯告诉首相。 | "I cannot support the proposal in its current form," Fox told the Prime Minister. | zh-en | -0.97075 |
伊拉克的解放实际上是最罕见的事情 - 英国外交政策的成功。 | The liberation of Iraq has actually been that rarest of things – a proper British foreign policy success. | zh-en | -0.697119 |
”这个事件的“日子和时间”是未知的。 | The "day and hour" of this event is not known. | zh-en | -0.690617 |
粮食短缺和性别歧视使得一些妇女尤其脆弱。 | Food shortage and gender discrimination makes some women especially vulnerable. | zh-en | -0.22364 |
Green决定于当局合作。 | Green decides to cooperate with the authorities. | zh-en | -0.388523 |
我们还利用下列简单的观察。 | We will also make use of the following simple observation. | zh-en | -0.795192 |
JRM被解散,每个创始团体都按照自己的政策继续运作。 | The JRM was dismantled and each of the founding groups continued operating according to their own policy. | zh-en | -0.485196 |
1936年2月其他一些被告也被赦免。 | In February 1936 some other defendants were also pardoned. | zh-en | -0 |
史密斯對犯罪心軟。 | Smith is soft on crime. | zh-en | -0.674614 |
第一起爆炸源于一辆车。 | The first explosion originated from a car. | zh-en | -0.257706 |
他说,“在医疗保健中有自然垄断,而患者的选择永远不会推动变化。 | He stated that "there are natural monopolies in healthcare, where patient choice is never going to drive change". | zh-en | -0.219133 |
John決定追擊那些活該損失金錢的人:私酒販。 | John decides to go after those who deserve to lose their money: bootleggers. | zh-en | -2.184896 |
因此,TRIPS是知识产权法律全球化中最重要的多边文书。 | For this reason, TRIPS is the most important multilateral instrument for the globalization of intellectual property laws. | zh-en | -0.187047 |
在目前累积排放量之上,本世纪内也会有将大量增加的排放量,即使是在最雄心勃勃的低排放情景。 | In addition to the presently accumulated emissions, there will be significant additional emissions during this century, even in the most ambitious low-emission scenarios. | zh-en | -1.191158 |
一些人意識到Web可能比Gopher更好。 | A few people noticed that the Web might be better than Gopher. | zh-en | -0.370569 |
《亚洲人登记法令》(1906)要求所有印度人登记并携带通行证。 | The Asiatic Registration Act (1906) required all Indians to register and carry passes. | zh-en | -1.38821 |
会议还同意接纳另外20,000名来自欧盟以外的难民。 | It was also agreed to take in another 20,000 refugees from outside the EU. | zh-en | -0.454696 |
它基于BFS,但包含许多新特性。 | It is based on BFS, but contains many new features. | zh-en | -0.330995 |
美国国际开发署和千年挑战公司曾称他们不确定他们是否包含其中。 | The United States Agency for International Development and Millennium Challenge Corporation have said they are not sure whether they are covered. | zh-en | -1.185134 |
她显然是想和真正的男朋友一起过正常的生活。 | She is apparently attempting to live a normal life with a real boyfriend. | zh-en | -0.498822 |
但是,至少有两个数据库表明可能存在更多的物种。 | However, at least two databanks indicate more species may exist. | zh-en | -0.127424 |
他們決定採用AL391 Xtrema,並加上更新以符合他們的需求。 | They decided to take the AL391-Xtrema, and update it to fit their needs. | zh-en | -1.424076 |
因此,我决定把我的名字推向领导层。 | I have, therefore, decided to put my name forward for the leadership. | zh-en | -0.585887 |
3月他回到JG1。 | He returned to JG 1 in March. | zh-en | -0.211324 |
埃里克·帕森斯发布了照片和证词,证实了第四对夫妇莎朗(Sharon)和史蒂夫(Steve)的婚礼也是真的。 | Eric Parsons' published photograph and testimony which confirms that the wedding of couple number 4 (Sharon and Steve) wedding is also genuine. | zh-en | -3.50691 |
不过,西南航空,EasyJet 和瑞安航空并没有区分每个座位;所有的座位都是一样的。 | However, Southwest Airlines, EasyJet and Ryanair do not distinguish between every seat; all seats are the same. | zh-en | -0.547116 |
在汉堡时,他们收到了一份匿名电报:“不要来东京。 | While in Hamburg they received an anonymous telegram stating: "Do not go to Tokyo. | zh-en | -0.542398 |
WebGL的早期應用包括Zygote Body。 | Early applications of WebGL include Zygote Body. | zh-en | -1.057121 |
我在西沃(Civaux)所交谈的每个人都喜欢他们所在地区的选择。 | Everybody I spoke to in Civaux loves the fact their region was chosen. | zh-en | -1.293788 |
這座宮殿很容易防守。 | The palace was easy to defend. | zh-en | -0.440133 |
这种理解也由捷克共和国宪法法院于1997年认定。 | That understanding has been assumed also by the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic in 1997. | zh-en | -1.092656 |
他把头靠到我的肩上,跟我说罗尼杀害了弗朗西斯。 | He put his head on my shoulder and told me Ronnie killed Frances. | zh-en | -1.287168 |
2002年,来自14个国家的超过125名妇女共同签署了一份声明,呼吁建立一所国际法庭。 | In 2002 over 125 women from 14 countries signed a statement calling for an international tribunal. | zh-en | -0.152804 |
在1989年,以《London Doubt Boys》出道。 | In 1989, she made her debut with London Doubt Boys. | zh-en | -0.700481 |
就在黎明前,Bill回到家裏感到內疚和困惑。 | Just before dawn, Bill arrives home guilty and confused. | zh-en | -0.346982 |
我们不是任何类似計劃的一部分,并继续致力于保护我们用户的隐私。 | We are not part of any such program and remain committed to protecting our users’ privacy." | zh-en | -0.214219 |
他在与这些同僚的不同的信件中交代了这些观点。 | He did so in separate letters to these colleagues. | zh-en | -0.431238 |
每个人都会谈论第一稿。 | Everybody talks first draft. | zh-en | -0.932976 |
中国和叙利亚有重要的贸易关系。 | China and Syria have significant trade relations. | zh-en | -0 |
一些反移民的政治家声称,艾伦在海滩上的形象是伪造的。 | Some anti-immigration politicians claimed that the image of Alan on the beach had been faked. | zh-en | -0.484878 |
在欧盟在2005-2009年期间,可再生能源产业提供了新的工作机会。 | The renewable energy industry have offered new work opportunities in the EU during 2005–2009. | zh-en | -0 |
他告诉金,从现在起他就是孩子的叔叔了,而他将带她们去曼谷。 | He tells Kim that now he is the boy's uncle, and he will lead them to Bangkok. | zh-en | -0.667715 |
據魔物們所言,他倆有能力將她降臨于世。 | It is revealed that they have both used up all of their magic. | zh-en | -3.631199 |
波兰和立陶宛的关系并非特别友善。 | The relations between Poland and Lithuania were not particularly friendly. | zh-en | -0.031368 |
7.8%来自出售食物和饮料。 | Another 7.8% was from food and beverage sales. | zh-en | -0.138391 |
轉移到可再生燃料資源已經是很多年的目標了。 | The shift to a renewable fuel resource has been a target for many years now. | zh-en | -0.469481 |
2009年是纪录片45365的主题。 | In 2009, it was the subject of the documentary film 45365. | zh-en | -0.496105 |
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