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The Radioisotope thermoelectric generator produces heat through passive radioactive decay. Some radioisotope thermoelectric generators have been created to power space probes (for example, the Cassini probe), some lighthouses in the former Soviet Union, and some pacemakers. The heat output of these generators diminishes with time; the heat is converted to electricity utilising the thermoelectric effect.
Nuclear fission reactors produce heat through a controlled nuclear chain reaction in a critical mass of fissile material. All current nuclear power plants are critical fission reactors, which are the focus of this article. The output of fission reactors is controllable. There are several subtypes of critical fission reactors, which can be classified as Generation I, Generation II and Generation III. All reactors will be compared to the Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR), as that is the standard modern reactor design.
These reactors use a pressure vessel to contain the nuclear fuel, control rods, moderator, and coolant. They are cooled and moderated by high pressure liquid water. The hot radioactive water that leaves the pressure vessel is looped through a steam generator, which in turn heats a secondary (non-radioactive) loop of water to steam that can run turbines. They are the majority of current reactors, and are generally considered the safest and most reliable technology currently in large scale deployment. This is a thermal neutron reactor design, the newest of which are the VVER-1200, Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor and the European Pressurized Reactor. United States Naval reactors are of this type.
A Canadian design (known as CANDU), these reactors are heavy-water-cooled and -moderated Pressurized-Water reactors. Instead of using a single large pressure vessel as in a PWR, the fuel is contained in hundreds of pressure tubes. These reactors are fueled with natural uranium and are thermal neutron reactor designs. PHWRs can be refueled while at full power, which makes them very efficient in their use of uranium (it allows for precise flux control in the core). CANDU PHWRs have been built in Canada, Argentina, China, India (pre-NPT), Pakistan (pre-NPT), Romania, and South Korea. India also operates a number of PHWRs, often termed 'CANDU-derivatives', built after the Government of Canada halted nuclear dealings with India following the 1974 Smiling Buddha nuclear weapon test.
A Soviet design, built to produce plutonium as well as power. RBMKs are water cooled with a graphite moderator. RBMKs are in some respects similar to CANDU in that they are refuelable during power operation and employ a pressure tube design instead of a PWR-style pressure vessel. However, unlike CANDU they are very unstable and large, making containment buildings for them expensive. A series of critical safety flaws have also been identified with the RBMK design, though some of these were corrected following the Chernobyl accident. Their main attraction is their use of light water and un-enriched uranium. As of 2010, 11 remain open, mostly due to safety improvements and help from international safety agencies such as the DOE. Despite these safety improvements, RBMK reactors are still considered one of the most dangerous reactor designs in use. RBMK reactors were deployed only in the former Soviet Union.
This is a reactor design that is cooled by liquid metal, totally unmoderated, and produces more fuel than it consumes. They are said to "breed" fuel, because they produce fissionable fuel during operation because of neutron capture. These reactors can function much like a PWR in terms of efficiency, and do not require much high pressure containment, as the liquid metal does not need to be kept at high pressure, even at very high temperatures. BN-350 and BN-600 in USSR and Superphénix in France were a reactor of this type, as was Fermi-I in the United States. The Monju reactor in Japan suffered a sodium leak in 1995 and is pending restart earliest in February 2010. All of them use/used liquid sodium. These reactors are fast neutron, not thermal neutron designs. These reactors come in two types:
Most LMFBRs are of this type. The sodium is relatively easy to obtain and work with, and it also manages to actually prevent corrosion on the various reactor parts immersed in it. However, sodium explodes violently when exposed to water, so care must be taken, but such explosions wouldn't be vastly more violent than (for example) a leak of superheated fluid from a SCWR or PWR. EBR-I, the first reactor to have a core meltdown, was of this type.
This entry was posted on October 4, 2009 at 12:14 pm, and is filed under Nuclear Reactor Technology . Follow any responses to this post through RSS. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. |
26. Wild, wet Sunday. Gusting to gale force makes the roof flex. Safe and warm indoors. Elemental versus fundamental – eternal battle.
28. Decision made; a good decision just for having been made; a right decision. The time has come. The momentous in a moment.
30. The new moon and Venus hang, ice-bright in a navy-blue sky. Cosmic signposts. Eternity fleetingly viewed.
31. Another day, another week, another month. The ups and downs of life keep it flowing, depositing good and bad, giving it flavour.
I know three posts for the price of one! Those of you who know me/follow me elsewhere will know I’ve recently moved house. Therefore there’s been a bit of slippage in the 26 Books in 52 Weeks posting. So it’s a bit of a catch-up today.
Book number 9 had to be a book that was made into a film. Lots to choose from here, but it was Gone with the Wind, set during the American Civil War, that came to mind first – so I’m going with that. This is the Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Margaret Mitchell first published in 1936, and made into a film in 1939. I was given it as a Christmas present in the 1970s and at around a thousand pages long it was the longest book I’d ever read. I didn’t see the film until after I’d read the book. I loved both. I was a teenage girl and it was one exciting and epic romance. Nowadays the book’s portrayal of slavery and of African Americans is controversial. As an adult, I can see why that is, but I can’t deny that as a naive teenager it had me gripped.
Back Cover Blurb:Many novels have been written about the Civil War and its aftermath. None take us into the burning fields and cities of the American South as Gone With the Wind does, creating haunting scenes and thrilling portraits of characters so vivid that we remember their words and feel their fear and hunger for the rest of our lives. In the two main characters, the white-shouldered, irresistible Scarlett and the flashy, contemptuous Rhett, Margaret Mitchell not only conveyed a timeless story of survival under the harshest of circumstances, she also created two of the most famous lovers in the English-speaking world since Romeo and Juliet.
Book number 10 had to be a book published in the twentieth century. Again lots to choose from, and again I’ve gone for the one that sprang to mind first. Ladder of Years by Anne Tyler was published in 1995. It’s the book that confirmed for me that I’d like to have a go at writing a novel. It’s the kind of novel I aspire to write and it’s the kind of novel I love reading. It’s a wonderful example of contemporary fiction that is not only literary, but also tells a good story.
Back Cover Blurb: One warm summer’s day at the beach, forty-year-old Cordelia Grinstead, dressed only in a swimsuit and beach robe, walks away from her family and just keeps on going. After hitching a ride with a stranger to a new town where she knows no one, she reinvents herself as a single woman with no ties and begins living a new life altogether. But how long can she keep this up before her real life finds her?
And book number 11 had to be book set in my home town or region. No contest here. I love Ian Rankin’s crime fiction and I love his (now retired) police detective, John Rebus. So I’ve gone for the latest, the twenty-first in the Rebus series – Rather Be The Devil. Like all the books in the series, the novel is set in the city of Edinburgh where I was born and grew up and lived and worked in for many years. Rebus is a superb creation and Rankin’s writing is just fab. His portrayal of Edinburgh is one I recognise – somewhere between Irvine Welsh’s Trainspotting and Alexander McCall Smith’s The Sunday Philosophy Club.
Back Cover Blurb: Some cases never leave you. For John Rebus, forty years may have passed, but the death of beautiful, promiscuous Maria Turquand still preys on his mind. Murdered in her hotel room on the night a famous rock star and his entourage were staying there, Maria’s killer has never been found. Meanwhile, the dark heart of Edinburgh remains up for grabs. A young pretender, Darryl Christie, may have staked his claim, but a vicious attack leaves him weakened and vulnerable, and an inquiry into a major money laundering scheme threatens his position. Has old-time crime boss Big Ger Cafferty really given up the ghost, or is he biding his time until Edinburgh is once more ripe for the picking?
20th century novels, 26 books in 2017, Anne Tyler, Books made into films, Gone With the Wind, Ian Rankin, Ladder of Years, Novels set in Edinburgh, Rather be the Devil
Great choices. I would have picked Gone with the Wind as well. I read it when I was 14 in three days, during the summer holidays. I have never forgotten those characters. It was many years until I finally saw the movie. I guess To Kill a Mocking Bird would be a close second. Any Anne Taylor book would be a good choice but I would have to pick The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood for my best twentieth-century novel. Snow Falling on Cedars for one set in my area. It is set in the Pacific Northwest and I lived in Vancouver BC for 25 years which is the Canadian side of the PNW. Great descriptions and a superb story.
Darlene, thanks so much for visiting and for your great comments. I do like your choices and appreciate your detailed reply.
Book from my region: Ivanhoe by Walter Scott… I haven’t actually read that but, I’ve seen the film 👀
Aw thanks, for your kind words George. Thanks too for sharing what your three book choices would be. Interesting! 🙂
In the first half of 2015, big food and biotech companies spent $51 million to support the Deny Americans the Right to Know (DARK) Act, despite the fact that 9 out 10 Americans want genetically engineered food (GMOs) to be labeled.
Companies like Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Kellogg’s, Kraft, General Mills and Land O’Lakes spent millions to lobby for legislation that would block state and federal agencies from requiring food companies to label products that contain GMO ingredients. The DARK Act prevents states from creating their own GMO labeling laws, as well as preventing dubious and inaccurate “natural” claims on GMO foods.
According to a new analysis by Environmental Working Group (EWG), in the first six months of last year, Coca-Cola ($5,040,000), PepsiCo ($3,230,000), Kraft ($1,180,000), Kellogg’s ($1,310,000), General Mills ($1,100,000) and Land O’Lakes ($720,000) disclosed the largest lobbying expenditures that mentioned GMO labeling.
“With the House passing the DARK Act, Big Food will certainly re-stock the cash pipeline and unleash its army of lobbyists who are pushing the Senate to pass the DARK Act and deny Americans in every state the right to know what’s in their food… The gap between the amount of money spent by Big Food and that spent by public interest groups is simply mind-boggling,” said Libby Foley, a policy analyst with EWG and author of the report.
In November of 2012, some of America’s biggest and most profitable chemical companies teamed up with a handful of large food companies to spend more than $45 million in an advertising blitz to stop Prop 37, an initiative to require labeling of genetically modified foods. While claiming their products are safe and that biotechnology is beneficial, they are emptying their pockets to fight a simple label. What is there to hide?
Just Label It’s latest video asked celebrity mothers about what they think about Big Food companies denying them the right to know what’s in their kids’ food. Watch what they had to say:
This Article (Big Food Spent $51 Million In The First Six Months Of 2015 TO DEFEAT GMO LABELING) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com. |
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Welcome to 8tracks radio: free music streaming for any time, place, or mood. tagged with snow, winter, Michael Bublé, and holiday. You can also download one of our free apps to enjoy internet radio on your favorite device.
BEIJING/LONDON – The WannaCry “ransomware” cyber attack hobbled Chinese traffic police and schools on Monday as it rolled into Asia for the new work week, while authorities in Europe said they were trying to prevent hackers from spreading new versions of the virus.
In Britain, where the virus first raised global alarm when it caused hospitals to divert ambulances on Friday, it gained traction as a political issue just weeks before a general election. The opposition Labour Party accused the Conservative government of leaving the National Health Service vulnerable.
Shares in firms that provide cyber security services rose with the prospect that companies and governments would have to spend more money on defenses.
Some victims were ignoring official advice and paying the $300 ransom demanded by the cyber criminals to unlock their computers, which was due to double to $600 on Monday for computers hit by Friday’s first wave.
Brian Lord, managing director of cyber and technology at cyber security firm PGI, said victims had told him “the customer service provided by the criminals is second to none”, with helpful advice on how to pay: “One customer said they actually forgot they were being robbed.”
Although the virus’s spread was curbed over the weekend in most of the world, France, where carmaker Renault was among the world’s highest profile victims, said more attacks were likely.
“We should expect similar attacks regularly in the coming days and weeks,” said Giullaume Poupard, head of French government cyber security agency ANSSI. “Attackers update their software … other attackers will learn from the method and will carry out attacks.”
Companies and governments spent the weekend upgrading software to limit the spread of the virus. Monday was the first big test for Asia, where offices had already mostly been closed for the weekend before the attack first arrived.
British media were hailing as a hero a 22-year-old computer security whiz who appeared to have helped stop the attack from spreading by discovering a “kill switch” – an internet address which halted the virus when activated.
China appeared over the weekend to have been particularly vulnerable, raising worries about how well the world’s second largest economy would cope when it opened for business on Monday. However, officials and security firms said the spread was starting to slow.
“The growth rate of infected institutions on Monday has slowed significantly compared to the previous two days,” said Chinese Internet security company Qihoo 360. “Previous concerns of a wide-scale infection of domestic institutions did not eventuate.”
Qihoo had previously said the attack had infected close to 30,000 organizations by Saturday evening, more than 4,000 of which were educational institutions.
The virus hit computers running older versions of Microsoft software that had not been recently updated. Microsoft released patches last month and on Friday to fix a vulnerability that allowed the worm to spread across networks.
In a blog post on Sunday, Microsoft (MSFT.O) President Brad Smith appeared to tacitly acknowledge what researchers had already widely concluded: the attack made use of a hacking tool built by the U.S. National Security Agency that had leaked online in April.
Infected computers appear to largely be out-of-date devices that organizations deemed not worth the price of upgrading. Some have also been machines involved in manufacturing or hospital functions, difficult to patch without disrupting operations.
“The government’s response has been chaotic, to be frank,” the British Labour Party’s health spokesman Jon Ashworth said. “They’ve complacently dismissed warnings which experts, we now understand, have made in recent weeks.”
“The truth is, if you’re going to cut infrastructure budgets and if you’re not going to allow the NHS to invest in upgrading its IT, then you are going to leave hospitals wide open to this sort of attack.”
Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) is the world’s fifth largest employer after the U.S. and Chinese militaries, Walmart and McDonald’s. The government says that under a previous Labour administration the trusts that run local hospitals were given responsibility to manage their own computer systems.
Asked if the government had ignored warnings over the NHS being at risk from cyber attack, Prime Minister Theresa May told Sky News: “No. It was clear [that] warnings were given to hospital trusts.”
An official from Cybersecurity Administration China (CAC) told local media on Monday that while the ransomware was still spreading and had affected industry and government computer systems, the spread was slowing.
Chinese government bodies from transport, social security, industry watchdogs and immigration said they had suspended services ranging from processing applications to traffic crime enforcement.
It was not immediately clear whether those services were suspended due to attacks, or for emergency patching to prevent infection.
“If a system supports some kind of critical processes those systems typically are very hard to patch … We don’t have a precedent for something of this scale (in China),” said Marin Ivezic, a cybersecurity expert at PwC in Hong Kong.
Energy giant PetroChina (601857.SS) said payment systems at some of its petrol stations were hit, although it had been able to restore most of the systems.
Elsewhere in Asia, the impact seems to have been more limited. Japan’s National Police Agency reported two breaches of computers in the country on Sunday – one at a hospital and the other case involving a private person – but no loss of funds.
Industrial conglomerate Hitachi Ltd. (6501.T) said the attack had affected its systems at some point over the weekend, leaving them unable to receive and send e-mails or open attachments in some cases.
In India, the government said it had only received a few reports of attacks on systems and urged those hit not to pay attackers any ransom. No major Indian corporations reported disruptions to operations.
At Indonesia’s biggest cancer hospital, Dharmais Hospital in Jakarta, around 100-200 people packed waiting rooms after the institution was hit by cyber attacks affecting scores of computers. By late morning, some people were still filling out forms manually, but the hospital said 70 percent of systems were back online.
South Korea’s presidential Blue House office said nine cases of ransomware were found in the country, but did not provide details on where the cyber attacks were discovered. A coal port in New Zealand shut temporarily to upgrade its systems. –Reuters
LOS ANGELES – Veteran rock band AC/DC has been forced to reschedule 10 dates on the US leg of its “Rock or Bust” world tour because lead singer Brian Johnson could lose his hearing if he takes the stage, the band’s publicist said on Monday.
The band known for its blazing guitars and full-throated vocals on songs like “Back in Black” and “Highway to Hell” will reschedule dates starting with a Tuesday show in Atlanta through an April 4 date in New York.
“Brian Johnson, has been advised by doctors to stop touring immediately or risk total hearing loss,” the band’s publicist said.
Johnson, 68, joined AC/DC in 1980, taking over lead vocals just after former frontman Bon Scott died. The band, formed in the early 1970s, and was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2003. -Reuters
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Indians love street foods, which frequently consists of small plates of savory snacks called chaat. The greatest Delhi StreetFood is without a doubt observed in Old Delhi about Chandni Chowk. It’s really well worth trying some just to taste the different flavors and spices of India. If you’re unfamiliar with the location, it’s really a fantastic idea to choose a guided walking tour as it’s really crowded and you also could easily come to feel frustrated. This hot Old Delhi food items Tour is one option. Additionally, Have a Look at Delhi Foods Walks.
Historic Paranthe Wali Gali turned into a very famous tourist location as a result of its parantha outlets opened up there in the 1870s. A Couple of them still exist, including Pandit Gaya Prasad Shiv Charan (1872), Pandit Kanhaiya Lal & Durga Prasad’s Parantha Shop (1875), and Pandit Babu Ram Devi Dayal’s(1886).
If the sign of the superior spot to consume is its popularity with all the natives, then this store needs to become one among the greatest places for chaat in Old Delhi. Its decor is ordinary but it serves up an incredible variety of delicious snacks. Adventurous eaters must-try it.
What Is Great: The papri chaat (crispy fried dough wafers, served with boiled potatoes, boiled chick peas, chilies, yogurt and tamarind chutney).
Amid the sights and sounds of Chandni Chowk, this place is renowned for its refreshing fruit chaat. Your family that runs it has been in the business for four generations. While you’re there stop for a classic cup of chai at Satguru’s Tea Stall near-by.
Bishan Swaroop can be challenging to find but is definitely well worth your time and time and effort. It’s hidden away in one of Chandni Chowk’s unruly side roads, which makes it retain the old-world experience (it was in business since 1923, after all). However, what this place makes, it gets very well. If you love potatos, do not miss it!
What is Good: The aloo kulla (boiled potato that is certainly breathed out and filled with chickpeas and garnished with spices and lemon).
This up market location is ideal for people who wish to sample Delhi’s delicious street food however aren’t enthusiastic about venturing into the depths of Chandni Chowk. It’s received a huge following of ex pats owing to its posh residential and shopping location, and strict hygiene specifications.
What is Good: The gol gappas (fried crispy shells filled with a watery mixture of potato, chilli, also tamarind), also referred elsewhere India because pani puri.
If it arrives to kulfi (ice cream), a number of those very best has ever been built by the Kuremal family in Old Delhi since the early 1900s. There are significantly more than fifty eclectic flavors to pick from, including cherry, pomegranate, paan,and tamarind.
What is Great: The orange and mango stuffed kulfi. The inside of the fruit is partially eliminated and filled with kulfi. Yum!
Reuters reports (via Techmeme) that Apple has persuaded a Japanese court that Samsung did indeed infringe its patent of the rubber-banding or bounce-back user-interface feature.
Apple claimed that Samsung had copied the “bounce-back”, in which icons on its smartphones and tablets quiver back when users scroll to the end of an electronic document. Samsung has already changed its interface on recent models to show a blue line at the end of documents …
The ruling, due to be announced in detail later today, means that Samsung may have to withdraw from sale in Japan some of its early models that incorporate the feature.
The same claim had earlier been rejected in the U.S. back in April by the U.S. Patent and Trademark office, allowing Samsung’s older handsets to remain on sale within the country, before the decision was reversed earlier this month.
Smartphones are pretty expensive, but they’re also fragile. A simple drop can sometimes result in a shattered, unusable phone. Motorola has pushed forward in fixing this problem fir consumers by introducing a technology it calls ShatterShield on phones like the Moto Z2 Force, but it seems like that isn’t the only idea the company has had to fix this problem…
A recently-surfaced patent from Motorola (via The Verge) reveals that the company is working, to some extent, on a new type of display which can actually heal itself. A cracked display would require nothing more than a bit of heat to repair the damage.
According to the patent, the phone would be able to detect damage to the display and use a special material called a “shape memory polymer” to repair it. That polymer would apparently be able to be deformed and then repaired through heat, including the phone’s own heat or the user’s body heat. What’s described actually sounds a lot like what LG tried on the G Flex series, which had a self-healing back which could remove scratches with heat.
As cool as this sounds, it’s probably going to be quite some time before we see any version of this hit the market. For one thing, this polymer would likely feel more like plastic than glass. The current ShatterShield tech already feels much less premium compared to a glass display (and scratches far easier), so unless Motorola is working miracles, this probably wouldn’t be any better. Further, the patent says that this process can only partially repair the damage.
We’ve been testing out a new iPhone and iPod touch application called Car Facts. The application is a comprehensive way to manage several pieces of data and information during the life span of your ownership of a car.
The application allows you to input every time you refuel your car with gas, conduct a repair, and you can view all of these car facts on nicely rendered graphs within the application on your iPhone or iPod touch.
The application allows you to input information such as different car readings like the odometer for future reference.
The car repair management feature will also send you reminders for when recommended car part replacements or checks should be conducted. The user interface and options are very comprehensive for inputted repairs. Again, you can input how much these repairs costed in order to create graphs of how much money you spent on your car.
You can even store photos of your receipts for repairs within the application. This feature is handy if you ever need definitive proof that your car was serviced. Information such as where you had your car repaired can also be stored.
If you have multiple devices, you can sync all of the information you have inputted into Car Facts over Apple’s iCloud sync service. Since Car Facts stores a lot of important information about your car, the iCloud sync also makes things easier if you replace or purchase a new iOS device.
The free version of the application allows you to store up to one vehicle. However, there is a $3.99 in-app-purchase Car Facts upgrade available. This update allows you to store an unlimited amount of vehicles within the application.
The settings portion of the application allows you to choose from several global currencies, fuel units, distance units, and default fuel octane levels.
The application works well in our tests, and we are impressed by how comprehensive the options are for inputting milage, various pieces of data for your car, and repair information. |
‘Thicky’ Nicky Morgan must think we’re as stupid as she is if she expects us to let her forced-academisation of all English schools go ahead – especially in the light of scandals like this.
We could crack all the usual jokes about her being a dunce and needing to go to the back of the class, but that would be softening the issue here.
The issue is that academies are wide open to corruption while failing to provide anything like a decent education for our children.
Considering all the evidence, Morgan should walk away from her plan and her cabinet position. She is worse than useless to the United Kingdom – she is a hindrance.
The investigation found that a Birmingham academy trust, which runs five secondary schools in the area, paid nearly £1.3 million to a business which then paid a “second salary” to one of its headteachers.
It revealed that the Trust made payments of £1.297 million over two years to a business called Nexus Schools Ltd, which itself sub-contracted another company called Liam Nolan Ltd, whose sole director is Liam Nolan.
Liam Nolan is also one of three executive headteachers at Perry Beeches The Academy Trust, and its Accounting Officer and Chief Executive.
there have been serious breaches of the Academies Financial Handbook including serious concerns about financial management, control and governance.
This letter and its annex consequently serve as a written notice to improve financial management and governance at the Trust.
– The trust had spent nearly £1.3m with Nexus over two years, “without a written contract or formal procurement”.
– The trust’s chair of governors had “joint business interests” with a director of Nexus – which were not disclosed in a register of interests.
Perry Beeches The Academy Trust had earlier been praised by Education Secretary Nicky Morgan and David Cameron as model schools.
But it turned out that regulations from the Academies Financial Handbook, Charity Commission and academies accounting rules, and trustee guidelines had been broken. But the issue only came to light after a whistleblower made claims that Nolan had been receiving a second salary.
Source: Why The Government Quietly Buried News Of A Big Academy Schools Scandal Yesterday | Political Scrapbook
LOL. So there’s no reverse gear is there? This is of course, coming from the very same woman who, during a recent QT appearance stated that the chancellors PIP cuts were just a ‘suggestion’, and then shortly afterwards the Treasury issued a statement along the lines of ‘we don’t know why Nicky said this, they’re not suggestions but fixed policy’. Blah, blah, blah. I mean, I’m no school/academy expert, but…… WHAT A JOKE !!!!
Does anyone else see a mirror image of Thicky Nicky in Liz Truss, Environ Sec, in that one is dark, the other blonde, but both are apparently equally non-existent?
And then there are the numerous incidents of biased opinions being peddled by private faith schools. We are, and have been for some time, a non-religious culture, and should not use public funds to prop up such self-serving institutions.
The point of academification would appear to be making what would normally be considered theft and illegal, lawful. This can’t be stopped by calling the rozzers, as while it’s outright looting, it’s within the law. The Tories are making it legal and lawful for their buddies to enrich themselves at the expense of other people. It’s often suggested the point of law is to legitimise theft, well, here’s a classic example of why, soon to be routinely repeated, no doubt.
Oh, right… you mean like the long held Con belief in Tax Havens… but not for the purpose of tax avoidance, of course
I have to say that I think this is excellent news. Wales and Scotland will have the pick of all the best teachers as they leave the deteriorating English Education system in their droves and the Tories achieve their ambition of only properly educating the wealthy elite. After all education is wasted on the working class. If you educate them the ungrateful sods realise that their best interests lie with Labour and instead of being apathetic they may even vote.
My impression from talking to parents was that even the school didn’t know it was going to happen and the decision was with the MAT (Multi Academy Trust) and was handed down from on high, with the school told to only give the official statement.
The result was that the kids were told, you can stay on for the rest of the year and we’ll try to get some form of qualification, or sod off – your choice. (The kids were told before the parents had been informed, in an assembly!) To make matters worse, the teachers who would have taught the kids were jumping ship, so kids that stayed would have no one to actually, you know, teach, and the school was offering no help to the pupils as it was outside of their remit!
I can see more and more of this happening as central government reduce the funding for sixth form, probably to balance the books as its spending millions on conversions and extra funding to academies.
It seems this is not the only trust pulling financial, and other, sleights of hand and irregularities.
Well this whole “academy trust” thing is looking better and better; all hunky-dory; a wonderful example of how private enterprise can do better than the state(1); soooooperrr-dooooper, jolly good show, what what, spiffing. *snark*
Which seems to have “improved” only by dumping the failing schools… not by actually, you know, improving or anything. (And, as an added bonus, it only cost the “hard-working tax payer” a calculated 1.5 million; based on the 8 schools it dumped, against a previous “transfer” of other schools)
And it has improved [reduced] the gap between “disadvantaged” pupils and not…. not by improving the chances of the disadvantaged children, that would be far to troublesome and expensive, but by reducing the attainment of the non-disadvantaged pupils to such a point that the poor kids look better – on a spreadsheet. Bazinga!
Please, please, please… could EVERYONE who includes a reference to “tax payer/ taxpayer” CAPITALISE the important part… PAYER… in solidarity of the vast majority of US and a finger to THEM. |
U.S. stocks boomed in the last nine months of 2009, but remained well below earlier highs. Indeed, many people referred to the first 10 years of the 21st century as “the lost decade,” because stocks returned virtually nothing while investors had been conditioned to expect 10% a year. Meanwhile, bonds and commodities experienced a stunning run. Have the rules of investing changed? What’s ahead for 2010? Knowledge@Wharton talked with Wharton finance professor Jeremy Siegel, who sees some hazards, especially for bonds, but expects a good year for stocks.
Knowledge@Wharton: Stocks have had an incredible run in the last nine months, giving 2009 a pretty good gain. Is this what we can expect for the future? And what has caused this?
Jeremy Siegel: It shouldn’t be a surprise. We dodged a very severe bullet when the financial crisis hit worldwide. It started out very much like the Great Depression in the early 1930s. But in contrast to the Great Depression, central banks around the world rallied to the cause, providing enough liquidity to prevent a collapse of the financial system. It was doubtful whether they would be able to do that earlier last year, which is why we saw the stock market down some 58% from its high. Now that we avoided [a repeat of the Great Depression] — and I can say that with about 98% confidence — the market has moved up substantially — and justifiably — from the abyss we were looking into.
Knowledge@Wharton: When you look at the indices — for example, the S&P 500 — and at data like price-to-earnings (PE) ratios, what are they telling you right now?
Siegel: We had a severe hit to earnings. Certainly, the financial sector was a major cause of that. Before the recession, in 2007, we had earnings on the S&P 500 that were in the $90-per-share range. That fell to around $30 a share at the bottom. Most of that was due to the financials, which had severe, multibillion dollar losses. Those minus signs cancelled out a lot of the profits in other sectors.
We are looking forward to much better earnings this year. Consensus forecasts are around $70 a share on the S&P 500. I think it might even be higher. Take, for example, a PE ratio of 15, which is the long-run average — and we can talk about whether that’s appropriate or not. Fifteen times 70 is 1,050. We’re at 1,100, or a few points above that. So we are now in the range of an average valuation for this year’s earnings.
Siegel: My research shows that when interest rates and inflation are as low as they are now, the average post-World War II PE ratio has been 18 to 20. One might say that as long as we don’t get a sharp increase in interest rates, the fair valuation of the stock market is higher than what we see today. A second very important factor is that 2010 is just one year out from the most severe recession in the post-war period. It’s nowhere near what I would even consider normal earnings. If we go back in history, we have usually matched, if not surpassed, the previous peak in earnings after four years or so. As I mentioned, in 2007 we had $92 a share. That won’t be hit in 2010. It might not even be hit in 2011. But history tells us that by 2012, we should be in the $90 range or even above. So, if you apply normal ratios — 15 or 16, let’s say — to $90 a share, you still end up considerably higher than we are today.
Siegel: That’s true, if interest rates stay low. As I’m sure we’re going to discuss later, I don’t think they’re going to stay as low as they are now, although I don’t picture a severe ratcheting up of rates.
Knowledge@Wharton: Let’s discuss it now. One thing many people have commented on is the great run that the bond market has had in recent years. A lot of that has been driven by the price gains caused by falling interest rates. What do you see happening with interest rates and bonds?
Siegel: That bull market ended in the first quarter of last year, when we got the long bond [rate] down to 2%, which was crazy but it was a depression hedge rate. In other words, people were saying, “I need this. I want my treasuries in case the world collapses.” Now that the world has not collapsed and is recovering, we see the long bond moving toward 4%.
It was a good decade for the long bond, to say the least. But 2009 was a bad year for Treasury bonds. I don’t see it being a good year in 2010 either, because the Fed will be forced to raise interest rates sooner rather than later. We will see bond rates move higher.
Knowledge@Wharton: Is this good news for people who are fixed-income investors or retired, or care about interest earnings?
Siegel: It is. We all know we’re sitting on our money funds, and earning infinitesimally little income. We’re not going to experience the double digits, or even high single digit interest rates, that we did in the 1970s. But we don’t want that. That was associated with very high inflation. We’re going to move toward normal interest rates, which is going to be very good for savers. For borrowers, it’s going to be tougher.
Knowledge@Wharton: Higher yields are wonderful as long as you’re not losing out to inflation. What is inflation going to do?
Siegel: Inflation is going to be under control this year and probably into 2011. However, we will have an upward tilt to inflation, which means the longer-run trends point to a 2%-to-4% range of inflation rather than zero to two, which unofficially is what most central banks and the Fed have targeted. So we’re going to have low to moderate inflation, not double digit or even high single digit.
The scaremongers, who worry that the ton of money the Fed created to fight off the crisis is going to fuel the next [period of] inflation, are wrong. At the same time, we will have a slight upward tilt in our inflation rate from what we’ve had over previous years.
Siegel: It’s not. I remember when I was studying economics, we talked about what a victory it would be if we could get down to between 2% and 4%. We’ve been spoiled with very low rates. Most central banks use zero to two. They come closer to two.
We’ll move closer to between 2% and 4%, particularly in the United States, given the large deficits that we have and the liquidity that was created. But just as Bernanke acted very responsibly in providing the liquidity necessary to prevent [a repeat of] the Great Depression, he is also an excellent enough economist to know that money is what fuels inflation. The Fed is really solely responsible for inflation. He will not let it go above five, and probably not even four. He will raise interest rates to whatever level is necessary if inflation starts running into the mid-single digits or higher.
Knowledge@Wharton: When we talk about inflation, we also often talk about commodities. There has been a pretty good run in some commodities, especially gold. What do you see happening there?
Siegel: The commodities cycle has followed the world economy. It had hit its low very close to the same time the stock market did. Everyone was looking at a very severe recession that could get worse and commodities — except maybe gold — are dependent on economic activity, particularly oil, which is the most important one. Now that the world markets have recovered, we see oil has recovered. I wish [the price per barrel] could have stayed down in the 60s. It has moved up to the 80s, partly because of the very cold weather we’ve been having in the northeast [in the U.S.]. It’s boosting demand for fuel. I would love to see it in the $70-to-$80 per-barrel range.
I believe commodities are fully priced. Gold … is priced for an inflationary scenario that is much worse than will be realized. Those who fear that all the paper money and liquidity that have been created will fuel hyperinflation have been moving into gold. Speculators have moved into gold. The trends are up. But gold is a risky investment now…. Gold is not going to be a good investment throughout 2010 and the longer term.
Knowledge@Wharton: Looking at the economy and the financial markets as a whole, what are the big dangers that could derail things?
Siegel: I worry about commodity prices getting out of hand. I would be disturbed if oil got to $100 [a barrel] or above. That would put a dent in our recovery, but not squelch it entirely. At this juncture, I don’t fear over-regulation. Not that I like everything that’s happening in Washington, but I don’t see anything on that front that is really going to squelch the recovery.
Over the Christmas break, I was in China and Hong Kong, and Asia is very much back on the road to recovery. That [region], of course, has been the major driver of economic growth around the world over the last several years. So this recovery has a very sound basis. It is really a worldwide recovery in the economy. It will continue into this year.
Knowledge@Wharton: The China story is especially intriguing. It seems to have rebounded wonderfully. Of course, their system is very different from ours, and I’m wondering whether there are lessons that the West can draw from China.
Siegel: There are a lot of differences. One of the differences is they have over $1 trillion in the piggy bank and we don’t have anything. China has such high savings ratios that it can start spending. We spend with deficits, and then worry about deficits and rising interest rates. China has a lot more flexibility. When it saw foreign demand dry up, it boosted domestic demand and infrastructure, which it is still building apace. It has the flexibility to move.
When you have the size deficits we have, you just don’t have as much flexibility, because every dollar the government spends means a dollar of extra deficit and future taxes, which scares investors and consumers. China doesn’t have that situation. As a result, it was able to withstand the world recession better than most other countries.
Knowledge@Wharton: In the U.S., the deficit is the elephant in the room. How important is it that we tackle the deficit, and how soon does that have to be done?
Siegel: Two-thirds of the deficit is caused by the recession. As the recession wanes, tax revenues will bounce back. Some spending will decline — unemployment insurance, etc. We will move to a more manageable deficit as a result of the economic recovery. The big 800-pound elephant in the room is really Medicare and, to a lesser extent, Social Security, which aren’t [addressed] at all in the long run. They amount to multitrillion dollar liabilities, which unfortunately I don’t think Obama’s health plan has really tackled. But the big multitrillion dollar liabilities were here in 2007, when we were at the top of the boom. They were here in 2005 and earlier…. The problem is that although we are able to run this size deficit in a recession, as the recession wanes, we can’t run this size of deficit.
Such deficits will drive interest rates way too high, and the government will be forced to pull back. For the long run, unfortunately, we haven’t solved our problems. But for the short run, this deficit isn’t something that will derail the expansion, because we’ve had a tremendous decline in domestic credit creation. The increased savings by consumers has to go somewhere, and it’s going into the government debt.
All this government deficit, which is over $1 trillion, is being very easily absorbed, because there’s been no private credit creation. As the economy improves and there’s more private credit creation … the government deficit won’t be able to be absorbed as easily. But as the economy improves, fortunately, the size of the deficit itself will go down, because tax revenues will rise. So the big 800-pound elephants in the long run are still there, but I do not believe this deficit is going to derail the economic recovery.
Knowledge@Wharton: Coming back to stocks, a lot of people have been calling the first 10 years of this century “the lost decade.” I’m wondering if comparing prices today versus 10 years ago is fair. There’s quite a big difference in PE ratios from 1999 to 2009. If we were to do a 10-year span starting a couple years later, it would be an easier comparison to make. What is the best way to gauge the long-term performance of the market? Should it be over 10-year, or longer, periods?
Siegel: Unfortunately, we hit the bubble peak in the first quarter of 2000. I’m going back 10 years ago to the technology and Internet boom. This decade got measured from the very top. The Dow Jones peaked in January 2000, the S&P in March 2000. And, by the way, the 1990s followed an extraordinary decade of the 1980s. The reason why the last 10 years have been bad is that we had two decades of extraordinary record returns. Usually a very good decade is followed by a less good decade, back and forth. We had never had two double-digit return decades as we did in the 1980s and 1990s.
The result was that the market simply got way too high. The last decade has offset the excesses reached in the 1990s. It shouldn’t be viewed as a template for what’s going to happen as we get into this new decade. We’re back to normal. My analysis shows we’re even slightly below normal [since] this decade has been so bad. [This decade was] slightly worse [for stocks] than the 1930s. When we look at the long run, we are much more confident that we’re back into the normal range of equity returns. Long run [equity returns are] 6% to 7% per year after inflation. With this decade correcting the excesses of the 1990s, there’s no reason why we can’t be back in that zone of normal returns.
Knowledge@Wharton: When we look at the stock market, we tend to look at the S&P 500 and the Dow. But there are lots of other indices. I’m particularly interested in small company or mid-sized stocks and foreign stocks. Do you have any thoughts on the health of those?
Siegel: I’ve been a big fan of international, and I still am. I’m a big fan of emerging markets. You should be in international, emerging and U.S. stocks. The revenues and profits of much of the S&P 500 — in excess of 40% now — come from overseas. You’ve got to take a global view on equities. A broad index I like to look at is the Russell 3000, [for the 3,000 largest, most liquid stocks traded in the U.S.].
Small stocks have done very well in the last month. They had a very good December, and they have held out well. They often do very well early in recoveries. They should not be ignored. You’ve got to take a global, comprehensive approach to your stock investing.
Knowledge@Wharton: How much of an American investor’s portfolio should be devoted to small and foreign stocks?
Siegel: My feeling is that you should have about 40% of your investment in foreign stocks. I wouldn’t mind it split between the EFA [shares in countries in Europe, the Far East and Australasia] and emerging markets. One adviser asked me what I thought about him having his clients in one-third U.S., one-third EFA and one-third emerging markets. I said it’s very aggressive, but I like it. Over half the world’s equity capital is outside the United States. That fraction is growing. You have to take a global view.
Knowledge@Wharton: That 40% — that’s of the equity portion of a portfolio, not the entire portfolio, which also includes bonds?
Siegel: This is the equity portion. People ask me about what fraction [of a portfolio] stocks or bonds should be. I don’t recommend that because it varies with each individual’s financial circumstances. You can’t generalize. It depends on your age, your other assets, what kind of income and pensions you’re expecting…. You have to talk to your financial adviser about what [your allocation] should be. Let me just say that given the low interest rates and what I see for the recovery and earnings for stocks, stocks are going to be much more rewarding over the next few years than the fixed-income part of a portfolio.
Knowledge@Wharton: That takes us to our usual final question, asking for a bit of forecasting. What can we hope for in 2010 in the stock market, and are stocks still the best bet for the long run?
Siegel: We’re going to have a good year. The main factor that stocks are going to deal with is that the Federal Reserve, in my opinion, is going to be forced to raise interest rates earlier than the consensus now expects. Many people are talking about no increase in 2010, all the way into 2011. I don’t think that’s going to happen. The recovery is going to be stronger than expected. The Fed is will have to act sooner. At first, this [will lead to a] kind of panic among stock investors. There will probably be a correction in the market.
But then, investors will say, “Just a minute. They’re only raising interest rates because the economy’s so good, and profits are better” — and [stocks will] regain their footing. So it will be another positive year in stocks. I’m not saying it’s going to be as good as the 22% or so that we had in 2009. But I see no reason why we can’t have another 10% gain in equities.
Siegel: I don’t think bonds are going to have a good year. The risk premium has gone down a lot. I did like corporates, and risky corporates a little bit better. But those risk premiums have shrunk dramatically from where they were earlier last year. I don’t think any long-term bond portfolio looks to get good returns in 2010.
Siegel: Stocks are going to be the place to be, not only in the long run, but also over the next 12 months. |
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Integration level may vary depending on the application version and other factors. Make sure that user are using recent version of Ashampoo UnInstaller. Please contact us if you have different integration experience. |
In the next development release of ModelConverterX the ground polygon wizard as a new option: Prevent autogen suppresion. When you check this option the file will have the tweak to keep your autogen around the airport. However there is a bug in this tweak that it will result in flickering shadows. So if your shadows are important you better not select this option. This is just a partial fix of the problem of course, I will continue searching for a few to have both the shadows and the autogen. But at least you have a choice now which feature is … Continue reading Ground Polygon Wizard: shadow bug – a partial fix
A user reported that the ground polygon wizard of ModelConverterX lost some of his polygons while converting them. When I was debugging this issue, I found out that this was because the polygons were not actually on the ground. They were a few centimeters above the ground. The code that makes sure the polygons are sliced correctly for FSX can’t handle such polygons correctly. That’s why some of them got lost. So to fix such trouble I have made two small changes to the ground polygon wizard. The first is that you get a warning when your model contains such polygons. The … Continue reading Ground Polygon Wizard and non ground polygons
I have just released a new version of ModelConverterX. The big change in this new release is that the ground polygon wizard is now included. Before I will go into the details of how to use this wizard, let’s first take a look at the problems it is trying to solve. When creating ground polygons scenery designers usually encounter these problems: You need the FS2002 gamepack, since that is still the preferred way to create ground polygons. Some of the files of the gamepack are only on the FS2002 Pro disks, which means you have to find all kind of work … Continue reading Ground Polygon Wizard available
Kishorekumar SVS is a senior development SAP consultant. He has worked on numerous projects and gained practical experience in ABAP, Webdynpro ABAP and Floor Plan Manager (FPM). Kishorekumar is very interested in new technologies. Currently he is dealing with Web Dynpro ABAP,Floorplan manager, BADI’s and the Switch and Enhancement Framework.
In a Web Dynpro component, group together as many views that belong to one application part as possible. If,
Note: Although memory consumption is reduced by the lifespan of when visible, when visible can affect performance
since in this case the view has to be initialized every time it is displayed. See also Creating and Deleting Components and
Note the following exception: If the application screen is to be used fordisplay only and not for user input,
Note: server and client performance is strongly affected by nesting’s.It may also occur that deeply nested contents are not shown on the front end as a result of browser restrictions which cannot be influenced by the Webdynpro framework.
As beginners we do coding inside the respective controllers. We should be aware that it is wrong practice of coding .
Model is the area to store the business logic which indicates separation of business logic and user view.
Assistance class represents the best example for model. We can put our business logic inside the assistance class and by attaching the assistance class , we can access those methods.
About 60% or more of software costs is maintenance. The more code lines we have, the more maintenance
Mostly developers ignores the above fact by following standard way of generating code through code wizard.
In real time applications, we need to build multiple views and each view has to read ‘n’ number of context and nodes
Rather using 14 lines of code to read the context and nodes, we can achieve the same in 2 lines of code as given below.
Experts advice not to use drop down by key. In unavoidable scenarios, we can handle the dropdown by key through optimization.
You may have an application where you want to automatically refresh the data selection periodically,
To make a business application available to those users who are dependent on technical support of various kinds due to
disability, the Web Dynpro framework provides them with the option of setting up accessible applications.
Almost all UI elements additionally provide the property accessibilityDescription. This can be used to include a
title, as an alternative, whenever the UI element should not or cannot carry a visible title (Header). In contrast to the case with
the tooltip, which should contain a semantic description of the purpose of the UI element, only a short, title-like expression is
quick testing you can also display the accessible text in a box at the bottom of the browser window.
In WDA, use the key combination ‘CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-P’ to see some interesting memory and performance stats for your
Use transaction SHMM from NetWeaver 6.20 and higher to take a memory snapshot at any moment in time for your
Use transaction STAD if you see a lot of server time as a problem with your app (e.g. things are taking a lot of time
Use tools like HTTPWatch or Chrome browser development tools to see what is happening in your HTTP requests/responses.
You can perform a memory analysis for your Web Dynpro ABAP application to analyze the current memory consumption. The
The Web Dynpro trace tool supports the analysis of problems and errors arising in Web Dynpro ABAP, by
The performance monitor is used to check the general performance of Web Dynpro applications. The monitor does
The look and feel of your ABAP webdynpro applications can be changed using themes. A theme is a collection
This ability is highly significant: your applications are not restricted to the standard SAP look and feel.
Minor changes such as text size can easily be made via the theme editor (described below). With more extensive
CSS knowledge, the entire look and feel of the application can be customised. An obvious use for this would be
Without a portal, we may also like to create and use bespoke themes. The Theme Editor supplied with the portal, can also be
This is quite a complex procedure, requiring you to install Java and Eclipse, and then adding a plug-in to Eclipse for the theme
Be careful to download the versions of Java and Eclipse specified – it may not work with more recent versions. If you
have more than one version of the Java runtime environment installed, you may need an extra ‘-vm’ parameter to make it
In my own case I had difficulty in adding the parameters to my Eclipse shortcut, so instead I added to .cmd file to my desktop with the following
Once we have created our own theme, we need to upload it to the MIME repository and then use it in our webdynpro application. This is process is explained here, by Bastian Preissler and Matthias Grün:
Note that it is possible to set the theme from within the webdynpro code. This is enormously powerful: if required, your application could run logic to choose from a number of themes at runtime.
Here’s a screenshot from an application using a modified theme. The text is all much larger than normal, and the colours used in the table have been changed:
It is very simple to create a SAP GUI transaction that will run a webdynpro application. The transaction can be created in SE93, calling transaction WDYID with the application name as one of the parameters (thanks to Glen Simpson for this tip):
using MVC, split the component up if too large, using if_wd_component_usage=>delete_component to delete all web dynpro component instances as soon as no longer needed
Keep context as small as possible, Create context only required by UI binding, use assistance class or other ABAP OO
Add assistance class to sub component: For the more complicated situation, we have to split up the component and
into the sub component, add the z_wd_component_sub into component usage of z_wd_component_demo as sub.
As we begin commencement celebrations, we want to extend our warmest congratulations to our graduating seniors and their family and friends!
It has been a pleasure to work with you, and we look forward to remaining in touch as you begin new chapters and new work!
We know that you go forward prepared to think about how to conduct conflict in constructive ways, how to advance justice, and how to cultivate more peaceful human relations. Let’s support each other in our efforts, and we hope the Peace and Conflict Studies Program will remain a base for collaboration and mutual education.
Hey everyone, Rob here again. With the release of Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 we have added new methods of enrolling for certificates: Certificate Enrollment Policy (CEP) and Certificate Enrollment Service (CES). CEP is a web service that enables users and computers to obtain certificate enrollment policy information. This information includes what types… Read more
I have a teammate with too much time, money and Ebay expertise on his hands. So I am now a luchador. In other news, our holiday posting drought should be at an end – plenty of blog stuff in the pipeline coming your way soon. Stay tuned. – Ned “corto y el mal” Pyle… Read more
David Everett here again with an interesting issue that causes the Advertising test in DCdiag.exe to fail when verifying the role of a global catalog (GC). A customer called Microsoft Product Support to determine why the Advertising test in dcdiag.exe was reporting that the global catalog role was not working on a Windows Server 2008… Read more
Hello, David Everett here again. Recently a customer contacted Microsoft Product Support to determine why the Connect to Domain Controller option in Active Directory Users and Computers (aka: ADUC or dsa.msc) was generating an incomplete list of Domain Controllers (DCs) for one domain. Even though the list of available DCs was truncated we found we… Read more
Ned here again. I’m frequently asked to explain the DFSR conflict algorithm – i.e. what happens when files are created or modified on two servers before replication takes place. What we don’t document well is that there are actually three conflict algorithms and they all behave quite differently. I am breaking these out into scenarios… Read more
Take a look at the new guidance for combing HT and CAS and you can install both roles by running Setup.com /mode:install /role:H,C (nice and easy) Written by Daniel Kenyon-Smith
Whilst working for a customer they had a specific requirement to apply a disclaimer to all outbound mail e.g. not to apply disclaimers to mail sent to other users within the Exchange organisation. Their requirement also included to only apply the disclaimer if it had not already been applied (or where it contained the same…
So another Exchange 2010 snack has been released for your viewing pleasure! Unified Messaging in Exchange Server 2010 Written By Daniel Kenyon-Smith
Learning snacks are short and interactive presentations on popular technologies, see this one for Exchange 2010, more to follow. Take a look at the Learning snack portal for other great presentations. Written by Daniel Kenyon-Smith |
Why Flexibility and Communication are the key to customer satisfaction. Chiral Screening and Purification.
The definition of flexibility is 'being responsive to change' or 'susceptible to influence,' and communication is 'the exchange of information or news'. For any company but especially an outsource company it is essential to be flexible to meet customer requirements. It is also important to keep the customer updated with the status of their project, and this is why a minimum of 3 points of contact for the customer is important.
A flexible approach is essential for any outsource company. However, in the case of outsource purification, efficient screening protocols to make the best use of resources is vital.
Using chiral chromatography as the example, separations are very difficult to predict from the structure. Therefore it is important to cover as much selectivity space as possible. Here is an example below of the useful toolkits for chiral chromatography.
For example Company A have SFC screening capability but no HPLC capability or prep capability. Being able to use the screening data to perform the prep, or go straight to HPLC method development brings about a large time saving for both customer and chromatographer. Hence reduce costs.
Being able to adapt and accommodate to almost any scenario presented, makes outsourcing purification a very robust and uncomplicated solution.
There she was. After months of hunting, at last he had her in his sights. All he could see was the back of her honey brown head through the café window, but he was certain it was her. His wolf could sense his mate no matter how far away, but this close he could, ever so faintly, catch her scent. The fresh smell—like evergreens and cherry blossoms—made his heart thunder, his pants tighter, and everything under his skin come alive.
Damn wolf. Now was not the time to get excited. He needed to stick to the plan. If he went in there like He-man, it could mess things up. He needed to be patient. Had to keep the wolf at bay for a little while longer.
Trager sat back in the seat of his motorcycle and turned the engine off. He couldn’t get a good look at her from his vantage point, but he didn’t necessarily want to get closer. Too risky. He’d just wait her out. She’d have to leave sometime.
His shades made it possible for him to spy on her in broad daylight, but unfortunately, there was only a bobbing head to be seen. He would’ve given his left nut for a view of her profile. Waiting this long left him feeling desperate.
The amount of time he spent outside the café was measured in units of torture. By the time she left the place, he was dying for even a hint at what his mate looked like. A hint other than the color of her hair. Which was fucking awesome. In his experience, brunettes were always hotter.
Trager didn’t own a watch, and he didn’t feel like digging his phone out to check the time, but if every bob of his mate’s dark head was the equivalent of a second, he sat there for almost an hour before she finally stepped out of the café.
Anticipation made his breath catch in his throat. A truck whizzed by, obscuring his view for more seconds than he could possible tolerate. Fisting his hands, he waited, heart thundering…
Finally, he got a look at her, and the first thing he noticed was what she wore. Khakis. A pale pink polka-dotted shirt, sensible shoes, and khakis. He was appalled, but then a grin inched one side of his mouth upward. He’d like to get her out of those drab clothes. Peel every stitch off slowly, revealing her luscious body one centimeter at a time, until there was all skin and zero fabric.
She was going to reject him. It had been prophesied by the Elders when he was still a pup, that his mate would deny him, that he would never find love, that he would never have young.
That single foretelling rendered him useless to the pack. A male who couldn’t secure a mate? One who couldn’t produce offspring? Even though he’d been too young to do much more than simply survive pack life, he was the weakest link and therefore expelled. Or as he liked to think of it, tossed on his ass.
He’d spent so much of his life hoping the Elders were wrong. Now, he needed them to be. And not because his mate was beautiful beyond words, with a body he’d love to spend a lifetime learning to master. No, he needed them to be wrong because his pack—the very ones who’d betrayed him—was in danger.
Her scent drifted over to him, a thousand times stronger than it had been when she was still inside. His wolf shuffled under his skin, wanting out, because he knew Trager wasn’t going any closer to her. Wolf wanted to get cozy, and Trager wouldn’t mind either, but he had to take it easy.
His mate paused by the door of the restaurant to dig in her purse, her long hair falling to shield what he knew now was full round cheeks, big almond-shaped eyes, and a mouth that formed a perfect puckered bow.
Trager revved his bike, preparing to escape her presence and find a way to calm his wolf. But at the first sound of the engine, his mate’s head snapped up, her eyes narrowing, her gaze lasering on him.
His mouth dried, at the look on her face. Shock, anger, concern. He couldn’t understand why she looked at him like that, with her already big eyes widening.
Attempting to ignore her, he turned the wheel of his bike to pull into the lane, narrowly missing a minivan. But that wasn’t the real trouble….
The pop of a chain snapping, the rush of collective gasps, the whoosh of something falling fast enough to do a hell of a lot of damage when it landed. He had the smallest fraction of a second to make sure his mate was out of harm’s way.
When he realized he was the one in danger, not her, he dove from his bike, rolling across the road, thankful for a break in the traffic. Before he’d even come to a stop, a crash that sounded like a bomb exploding, sent dust and debris skittering into the road. He jumped up, and lunged at his mate, shielding her from any possible shrapnel. |
NeurotriS use the latest advancements in NANO 2nd generation technology to offer clients a non-invasive solution for facial and body toning. If you are not ready for a surgical procedure because of time, financial, or medical limitations, we can offer a non-invasive approach to improve and return a youthful appearance. The experience is wonderfully relaxing and euphoric, causes no pain, swelling or downtime, and noticeable results are seen immediately.
The Sx-50 is a Level I & Level II body toning microcurrent system that uses our patented Constant Waveform Morphology to monitor skin impedance across 8 independent channel outputs.
The Sx-101 is a Level I & Level II body toning microcurrent system that uses our patented Constant Waveform Morphology to monitor skin impedance across 16 independent channel outputs.
The NeurotriS PicoWave is a Dynamic Intelligent System that features a Bio-Feedback monitoring loop that automatically sequences different signals throughout the duration of the preset program optimizing results based on an individual’s skin type at the time of the treatment.
The Sx-3800 is our top facial toning microcurrent system that uses our patented Constant Waveform Morphology to monitor skin impedance across 4 independent channel outputs.
The Sx-4500 is a Level I & Level II facial & body toning microcurrent system that uses our patented Constant Waveform Morphology to monitor skin impedance across 16 independent body and 2 independent face channel outputs.
The PICO Toner is a single output personal microcurrent system that uses our patented Platinum Nano Technology featuring 2 preset programs and a long battery life.
The average Database administrator salary in Canada is $80,906 per year or $41.49 per hour. Entry level positions start at $40,753 per year while most experienced workers make up to $137,540 per year.
Oversees definition, design, verification, and documentation for SoC (System on a Chip) development. Determines architecture design, logic design, and system simulation.
Defines module interfaces / formats for simulation. Performs Logic design for integration of cell libraries, functional units and subsystems into SoC full chip designs, Register Transfer Level coding, and simulation for SoCs.
Contributes to the development of multidimensional designs involving the layout of complex integrated circuits. Performs all aspects of the SoC design flow from highlevel design to synthesis, place and route, timing and power to create a design database that is ready for manufacturing.
Analyzes equipment to establish operation infrastructure, conducts experimental tests, and evaluates results. May also review vendor capability to support development.
Perform Microarchitecture and detailed block design from system requirements specifications. Excellent... Hands on in Perl Unix scripting. Hands on in SoC level RTL integration. Excellent analytical, and...
You will work with an elite team of physical design implementation engineers and have personal design... Successful track records of taping out complex IP's & SoC's at. 16 10 7 5 nm. Power user of Cadence...
Primary job responsibilities. Develop and own the annual marketing plan through market segmentation, design, and implementation, including face to face, digital, and social media, that is...
Digital Design Engineer. Your Responsibilities. Digital circuit design and optimization (power, timing... Your Profile. At least 7 years of experience in digital design, SoC integration. Expert in AMBA...
Role Summary. As a Probabilistic Design & Methods engineer, you will develop advanced probabilistic... NIE. Social Security Affiliation Number in Spain (NAF) and Bank Account in Spain. They must be in...
Roles & Responsibilities. Looking for Engineers expertised in RTL based digital design for SoC IP... SoC IP Digital Design team is responsible for delivery of high performance SoCs targeted for mobile...
What You'll Do We are looking for an expert and talented Senior ASIC Engineer. You will have an ASIC... All aspects of implementation. specification, design, verification, timing closure, power optimization...
As a Post sales Applications Engineer in the Solutions Group at Synopsys, you will be responsible for... Minimum of 5 years relevant experience in ASIC SoC front end design including RTL coding in Verilog...
Work with Application & Concept Engineers, IP designers, Verification, Validation and Software teams to... Become the owner of one or more SoC functional areas in Bangalore and expand to influence across MC D...
Founded in 1950, Aquaheat has delivered high quality building services solutions to commercial, industrial and infrastructure customers throughout New Zealand.
With an impressive track record in the design installation and commissioning of specialist HVAC Mechanical Services, Aquaheat can arguably claim to be the premier provider of building services in New Zealand.
Aquaheat Facility Services Limited, based in Auckland is recruiting for two HVAC Mechanical Service Technicians.
Reporting to the Service Supervisor, you will be responsible for efficiently, effectively and safely undertaking all planned maintenance, reactive or remedial service work, fault diagnostics and installation works relating to HVAC (air conditioning and refrigeration).
The Horizon Energy Group takes pride on its commitment to the health and safety of all its stakeholders and bases all its activities on safety leadership, risk management and worker participation as premise.
To support this, you will have excellent communication and problem solving skills, sound industry and product knowledge, be safety focussed at all times, possess a high degree of initiative, able to think clearly under pressure and most of all be a team player.
Are you an experienced Service Technician (HVAC) looking to join a progressive company. Then this may be... Service and preventative maintenance. Fault diagnosis. Perform breakdown repairs. Establish and maintain...
Has a vacancy in our branch in Albany for a Service Technician. We will bring you onboard as a Service... s. is 100. dedicated to providing consumers with tyres and related services for their personal car, 4x4...
Field Service role. Heavy Diesel. Earthmoving Equipment. High profile employer & machinery. Nationally... Go to people. this client has a virtually on going need for more service people from a Heavy Diesel...
Licensed electrician required to manage the flow of technical information on service related issues and... Develop a continuous improvement approach to service repair and implement corrective actions...
Waitemata District Health Board. We have vacancies for both trainee and experienced technicians in the... We are looking for staff with a diploma certificate or trade qualification in mechanical or electrical...
A solid mechanical and electrical understanding with the able to demonstrate good hand skills with... at a fraction of the cost of cumbersome traditional launch services. We are ushering in a new era of...
Our technicians are the real heroes of our busy wholesale operation. They keep our customers machinery... Some of the main duties are. Providing excellent service to our wholesale customers. Swiftly responding...
Auckland District Health Board. The Clinical Engineering Service (CE) of the Auckland District Health... We are currently looking for electro mechanical minded persons who would like to get involved in...
Job Description Summary. With a reputation for excellence in providing service and support to our... project work and assisting HVAC Technicians where required. CLIENTS. Clients will include major banks...
Knowledge of methods, techniques, parts, tools and materials used in the maintenance and repair of vehicle including testing, diagnosis, HVAC service, hydraulic, brakes, testing and repair of...
Carry out pre hire checks on thl vehicles to identify any mechanical or interior issues. Repair interior... development activities to improve personal and team knowledge and service provision. Skills & Experience...
Offering solutions for environmental issues through our specialised range of services. Pattle Delamore... About You. At least 3 years' CAD draughting experience, either civil or mechanical. High attention to...
The IC Design team is searching for a hands on, team oriented, IC design engineer with strong digital... Work closely with place and route team on place & route and timing closure. Use programming languages...
The DFT engineer interacts with the customers to assess their methodologies and flows and provides... physical design and sign off verification tools (static timing, simulation, formal verification...
This opportunity is for a Customer facing Product Engineer. You will be part of a highly efficient and... You have a solid understanding and an established track record of DFT methodologies flow (e.g scan, test...
Investigate efficiency recipe to optimize test program and script to robust Mfg test flow... The group is responsible for NVM technology design and development, complete Solid State Drive (SSD...
..for solid state lighting and displays, and in the fabrication of advanced semiconductor devices... Provides engineering support on reliability qualification and evaluation. Organizes, carries out and...
. To develop new test methodology solution. 4. To assist sales staff as a consultant... No. Job Categories...
It takes people who have the passion and desire to disrupt the status quo, push boundaries, deliver... Education Requirements. B.A. Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or Engineering Science...
Job Description. The Systems Engineering (SE) group in Taiwan organization, part of NI CHT (China... Work experience in chipset design house is preferred. Self starter and proactive team member. Sense of...
Your Contribution. Be Yourself. Be Open. Stay Hungry and Humble. Speak up. Collaborate. Challenge... Support engineers to specify, design and qualify optical and sensing solutions from concept to...
Job Description and Requirements. Job Description. A Logic Library Applications Engineer (LL AE) is the... Run customer engagements on cutting edge technology nodes where one has to set up flows and...
..for solid state lighting and displays, and in the fabrication of advanced semiconductor devices... Overview. The Field Service Engineer performs intermediate customer support activities involving the...
Bear in mind that the specific content of the position is negotiable we are able to modify the position to match your skills and interests! Sounds good? |
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The host also provides the important computer software which you wish for with different administrative alternatives and suppleness. A committed server isn't shared with almost every other internet site. A further sort of hosting, focused server internet hosting is really a approach which reserves a complete server for a person internet site owner.
A cost-effective Webhosting, or simply a trusted Internet hosting, because expertise compel the consumer to feel that in several situations reasonably priced hosting is just not a reliable choice. types of Internet hosting options the type of Internet hosting Answer you choose on is predicated on the kind of Site you have. everytime you're creating a website over the internet, the most significant factor is to pick out which web host server to pick out for web hosting your web site.
Should your World-wide-web server goes off the net, you won't just Give up building revenue, but On top of that free your Net visitors. these days, numerous Sites elect for shared Web hosting. Not all folks who'd adore to get a Site or Internet websites are well-informed with regard to the way The online and the site web hosting are running.
The best web hosting support Continue vendors wouldn't cease short of providing the right providers for their prospects considering the fact that They're dedicate to be certain their satisfaction. The providers supply the person with many of World-wide-web Room and bandwidth besides a certain amount of domains Which may be operated upon. they permit the tip consumer to own his Web page hosted at an incredibly cost-effective cost with extra functions such as finish security and surveillance.
If your website surpasses the thirty day period-to-month transfer Restrict you don't shell out any added prices. every time you wish a provider supplier, remember to Have a very search on those elements. It truly is utilised to supply products and services for a person domain title which normally implies it may possibly only be employed by a single Corporation without having being shared.
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a web host can be a business enterprise that has Online servers with pretty massive hard disk Area that happen to be associated with the web whatsoever occasions. When you opt for a committed server, you are likely to be in finish cost of server functions as your World-wide-web web page will likely be the only one about the server. everytime you are selecting the devoted web server, you should know They may be of two differing types.
You won't have the chance to acquire your individual figuring out area title, the Unquestionably totally free hosts are packed with advertisement, and you have confined space to work with. Furthermore likely for affordable hosting deals that happen to be highly-priced won't instantly mean that It truly is great. The internet hosting deal must be brimming with traits which will support the necessity of The shoppers.
internet hosting is sort of a complex and element specific enterprise which points out why it isn't really advised you attempt to host your own personal web-site. Solutions need to be dependent on unique wants of the company. web hosting companies supply unique features to spice up your site administration experience.
It is a superb notion to receive hold of income Section of the online market place host To find out more in regards to the internet hosting contract in the enterprise. For people who need a web site for private uses or their small business, it's strongly wise to get started with selecting An inexpensive or inexpensive web hosting enterprise. prior to deciding to choose a Internet hosting Company, you should obtain the details concerning the Firm. |
To reach Paramaribo in this distance one would set out from Sacramento, California bearing 100.5° or E and follow the great circles arc to approach Paramaribo bearing 129.3° or SE .
Paramaribo has a tropical rainforest climate (Af) whereas Sacramento, California has a Mediterranean hot climate (Csa).
Average monthly temperatures vary by 14 °C (25.2°F) less in Paramaribo. The continentality subtype is truly hyperoceanic as opposed to truly oceanic.
Total annual precipitation averages 1764.9 mm (69.5 in) more which is equivalent to 1764.9 l/m² (43.31 US gal/ft²) or 17,649,000 l/ha (1,886,795 US gal/ac) more. About 5 as much.
There are 928 fewer hours of sunlight per year in Paramaribo. In whichever way circa 2h 32' less per day or about 3/4 as many.
The altitude of the sun at midday is overall 22.9° higher in Paramaribo than in Sacramento, California.
The table shows values for Paramaribo relative to Sacramento, California. You can also view this comparison the other way around from the perspective of Sacramento, California vs Paramaribo.
I finally get the chance to see Gantungan Falls' entirety last Christmas break. Together with some high school friends, we decided to get down the steep and narrow trail which leads all the way to Gantungan River down below. The trail can be seen on the left side just before reaching the concrete posts of a proposed bridge project.
Getting down the river wasn't as hard as I imagined it to be. It was steep but short, with degree of difficulty much like going down to the base of Dila Falls, also inside CEDAR.
Upon reaching the river, we saw thin strips of water falling down the cliff. It was beautiful but it is not Gantungan Falls yet.
We waded in chest-deep waters for a few meters and upon reaching the curtain-like falls, we finally saw Gantungan Falls in its entirety.
I was instantly awed by Gantungan Falls' beauty. Its thunderous cascades are so powerful that we couldn't get any closer to its base. However seeing it at the bottom of the hollowed cliff which formed an arch-like frame was simply an amazing sight to behold. I felt like we're on a different world yet in reality we were just about two kilometers away from the national highway.
To thoroughly enjoy the experience, we showered and swam on its ice cold waters and savored this nature's gift to our hearts content.
Gantungan Falls is located inside CEDAR, Impalutao, Impasugong, Bukidnon. The park is about 18 kilometers north of Malaybalay City, the capital of the province. Entrance fee is only 10 pesos per person.
Posted by Earl E. Bolivar at 9:21 PM Labels: Bukidnon , CEDAR , Gantungan Falls , Impasugong , Outdoor Adventures
Beautiful place! If I have a chance to travel around the Philippines, Gantungan falls would be the must
Yep. That’s right. I haven’t posted my December updates on the SS web site yet. And I got up this morning to find the sky hadn’t fallen in.
The UK Government has published proposals to dramatically reduce electricity demand across the whole UK economy. Cutting the amount of electricity used in Britain’s homes, businesses and industry can be much cheaper than paying firms to supply it; saving money through lower bills and reducing the need for new generation capacity. Just a 10% reduction […]
Tags: DECC, department of energy and climate change, Ed Davey, energy bill, Energy Company Obligation, energy efficiency, energy saving, EU Energy Efficiency Directive, Green investment bank, Greg Barker, Guernsey, saving energy, The Green deal, using less.
Tags: Cleantech Investor magazine, Ed Davey, Ernst & Young, Guernsey Finance, Guernsey Renewable Energy Team, House of Commons, Johnny Gowdy, JTC Group, Marine Energy Park, Matt Desforges, Paul Smith, Recharge magazine, Regen South West, Regen SW, Renewable Energy Forum, Rhea Gordon, South West Marine Energy Park, States of Guernsey, States of Guernsey’s Commerce and Employment Department, UK Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change.
Tags: body heat, carbon dioxide, clean technology, climate, Connie Hedegaard, economy, Ed Davey, energy efficiency, EU emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, insulation, low carbon economy, renewable energy.
Tags: Bruce Tofield, Build with CaRe, building refurbishment, building stock, Ed Davey, energy efficiency, Energy Roadmap 2050, European Regional Development Fund, Guernsey, insulating, insulation, John Helmfridsson, lower utility bills, Martin Ingham, Passivhaus, Passivhuscentrum, reducing energy bills, retrofitting, UEA, University of East Anglia.
DIY, Gifts, Natural Body Care, Your Home, Your Mind beginning herbalism, calendula, cold infusion, culinary herbs, herbal oils, lavender, Mountain Rose Herbs, Rosemary Gladstar, Rosemary Gladstar's "Medicinal Herbs", solar- infusion, Susun Weed
03-06 апреля на ежегодной конференции ESAB были подведены итоги прошлого 2017 года. По результатам работы наша компания подтвердила статус дистрибьютора ESAB на 2018 год и была удостоена соответствующего сертификата. |
LEADING THOUGHTS I was working on a blogpost the other day, talking about humanness in corporate social media, as well as the phenomenon of the professional and personal worlds blending. I knew that somewhere, a long time ago, I came across someone’s personal anecdote about receiving more compassion in a service role after adding a photo with kids to social media avatars. For the life of me, I couldn’t think of who said that, about what company, or what the platform of expression was (tweet, blog, forum, etc). Go figure! Tricia and I scoured Google and Twitter search for mentions of anything that had the words “kids, service, avatar, compassion” — you get the point. Nothing! It’s was much like finding a proverbial needle in a haystack.
Because I knew this example existed, and because I’m stubborn and curious, I just couldn’t give up yet. The very first idea that came to my mind was to tweet and ask anyone who was listening to point me in the right direction. And then, the most amazing thing happened. Our friend Mitch Lieberman ended up publicly replying to me and to a woman named Kira, whom I hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting yet. He mentioned that she had had this same experience in her work at Intuit. Nice! Then another awesome thing happened: Kira was incredibly gracious and generous to chat with me on Twitter and email me her story as a follow up. All of this happened in the span of one evening. I was so incredibly happy for two main reasons. Firstly, I had a real, personal story to share. Secondly, it made me think of all the things I love about the social web: conversation, collaboration, sharing. Even though traditionally. the term “crowdsourcing” is used for more involved projects, where solutions are submitted and voted on (Wikipedia defines it as a “distributed problem-solving and production mode”), the meaning has expanded to include a simpler process of asking questions and delivering answers inside of a community, which this is an example of. Whether you call it crowdsourcing or just a simple conversation, the result is clear: leveraging the “collective brain” of the community produces a higher-quality result in a more efficient way than you would produce alone. This is simply due to the fact that the “collective brain” and the collective experience is simply richer than an individual’s. This is why teamwork and collaboration are so important. When you crowdsource from a community, however, you are enabling collaboration with not only people you ordinarily work with or know, but also people you don’t know — sometimes, people you may not have met in another circumstance. And I think being able to work with a stranger, who becomes a partner, is beyond cool. To be able to tap into the “collective brain” and make it work for you, you should keep the following points in mind:
Trust and relationships are everything. Just like with everything on the social web, for any collaborative project to work, there will need to be a baseline of trust. You are more likely to trust the word of someone who is in your network, or at least adjacent to it. Tools like LinkedIn, for example, allow you to see “degrees of connection” — the closer to yourself the connection is, the more likely to be trusted. On Twitter, as in the example I gave above, the connection came through a mutual friend. This did two things: I was able to trust Kira as a high-quality source, and she was more likely to spend time helping me, because I was a friend of a friend.
Become a member of the community first. This goes along with the previous points. If people trust you, know who you are, and you are known for being helpful, you will have an easier time with each “ask”. The more you become a trusted member of the community, the stronger and bigger your network will get. Size does matter, but only when quality is emphasized equally. For a call for help to be answered, it has to be heard first. Without a sizable and engaged community, or an ability to get to this community, your plea will fall on deaf ears.
Asking for help appeals to a basic human need. People are social creatures, and a basic human desire is to be helpful to others, especially those to whom you feel some kind of affiliation — either through sharing a tribe, profession, a friendship of some sort. When you ask people to help, as long as you do it in a way that benefits not just you, but also others, a basic human instinct is to be helpful.
You need to give back. That being said, you should always be careful of not asking too many things without contributing something back. The whole concept of social capital rests on a perceived mental balance of credits and debits into your “account”. Are you someone who gives and helps? If yes, then others will want to help you. If not, probably less likely to do so. The “golden rule” is alive and well, and you should treat others the way you want to be treated. An important corollary is also “Don’t go to the well too many times,” because you certainly don’t want to be known as someone who doesn’t understand the value of a give-and-take. Because social media is such a huge part of my daily life, it’s easy to get desensitized to the small and amazing ways in which it moves my personal and professional life forward. The above was just such an example. It wasn’t earth-shattering, but it’s the little things that matter and make up your entire experience online. On this Friday afternoon, I’d love to extend a sincere thanks to our community for being awesome and a real family. Photo credit: crsan
The same software update that adds Off-TV Play also allows European and North American gamers to play together online. |
Welcome to my new blog! Before we set out on this journey, I want to talk with you about a big change that happened in my life. This change opened up room for growth and helped set a lot of the tone for my turquoise ‘baby.’
Until late 2011, I never imagined I would actually pull the trigger to take a giant leap forward on the path to enlighten my soul. That was, until December 2011 rolled around:
It was a pleasant day… no hard deadlines and nothing out of the ordinary happening… even though it was the holiday season in the Twin Cities. I was happily plugging away at my awesome job at Metromix Twin Cities (an online entertainment guide based out of KARE 11) and co-planning a killer New Year’s Eve party for the masses. Late in the afternoon, I received a phone call at my desk. A knot quickly formed in my stomach, but I disregarded it. That phone call turned into a punch in the stomach. I was hit… hard. It was so hard, I didn’t feel the first impact, but then a, sore, lingering ache vibrated through my body. Warm, heavy tears filled my eyes; I couldn’t hold them in. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t comprehend what was happening. I was numb… raw.
That sentence changed my life path. Everything I had dreamed of (my Mom worked at KARE 11 for 18 years), worked for (started as a data-entry gal and moved up to lead producer and editor) and believed I wanted, was over at the end of 2011.
When a door slams shut, it hurts so badly at first. I know many of you have felt this scary, icky feeling. I can truly say I had never been so shocked in my entire life. Being forced to change is not always easy for me. In fact, the unknown is downright scary. Especially for a girl that has a brain on overdrive, likes to over-think every little detail and gets sent into a tizzy when she can’t control everything. So, the thoughts that were running through my mind ranged from panic to calm to shock and back to calm again. Yet, In the depths of those manic thoughts, I knew that the sense of calm was going to have to win.
That sense of calmness also came from an understanding that I wasn’t mad about losing my job. I loved everything about that job (the people, the pride, and the fact that I was actually recognized for doing great work). Better things were opening up for me (better than all those amazing things? I am still excited at the possibilities). As I believe they do for all people in these circumstances… but you have to believe this to be true… that is the key.
I honestly still do not know. I find it really difficult to answer the questions (and always have for some reason):
I can’t say for sure, but what I do know is that I have to follow my heart. I absolutely know that sounds SO cliche and generic… but that’s where I need to start. I have to… there is no other choice!
I hope I can inspire others to believe that you can follow your heart and get everything you’ve dreamed of (happiness, a bazillion hours of vacation time, flexibility, fulfillment, endless ice cream, and all those other wonderful things that make life worth living!)… because that is exactly what I plan on doing.
Do you agree? Will you strive to believe, follow your truth and have your heart guide you to what’s next on your amazing journey? I hope you will, because I am giving it my best shot. The door at Metromix may have shut for good (no more opening that one because all of the national broadcast divisions were shut down)… so now it’s time to open some others.
Here are some happy truths that have sent sparks flying in both my personal and professional life that have come recently just from keeping doors open! So far, in the 30 days of 2012, I have been given:
an opportunity to work with a beautiful non-profit organization, Peace Begins With Me (a small BIG peace project)
My heart is telling me so! Alright, alright… and, because I want to share my love of the American West through inspiring photography, my travel experiences, stories that others have experienced, places to explore, travel meditations and anything else my heart comes up with!
I also want this blog to help me accept myself, my life path, my journey. And while doing just that, I want to help you accept yourself, your life path, your journey… whatever that may be. Life is going to be so much more fun if you live authentically! Wanna give it a go with me?
Turquoise is a stone with properties that helps us understand ourselves and to bring our ideas and emotions under control so we can see them become fruitful in our reality. It helps you stop and listen, be still and be ready to hear the truth about who and what you are. Only then will you obtain your full power.Honored by the native Americans as a sacred stone, the gemstone absorbs negativity, transmuting it into useful energy. It also helps you to become one with the universe.
February 13, 2012 Filed Under: illuminate your inspiration, Mindfulness, Soul Strength + Bravery, Travel Tips 10 Comments |
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I attended Pastor Don Sciortino’s service at the Woman’s Club last Sunday. His Net-Works Laguna Beach ministry serves the homeless, those Christ might term “the least of these.” It’s a place of worship adapted to people who lack even an address. You can’t sit among them and not sense the hopelessness that surrounds them, or be moved by this mission to help them to their feet. Pastor Don has turned his efforts to the people most of us turn our eyes away from, and he is making a difference. He has built a community and by God’s grace their modest strengths are combining to rebuild lives. Their successes are minor miracles, but miracles nonetheless.
Each summer there’s a nameless man on the corner of Coast Highway and Forest Avenue, passing out leaflets inviting you to come to Christ. He seems just another eccentric, but if you speak with him you find a sincere, devout Christian working to make a difference. I spoke to him at the end of the summer and asked how it had gone. He smiled and told of his harvest. Billy Graham had his millions; our sidewalk pastor won 23 souls and he thought it a good return for his labors.
You can’t help but be fascinated by those who minister to our town. They do the finishing work on Kant’s “crooked timber of mankind.” These gifted men and women dedicate their lives to us, and do it for a modest recompense. This column is dedicated to them and the work they do, beginning with “America’s pastor.”
Today in North Carolina the preacher man known as Billy Graham will be laid to rest beside his beloved wife Ruth. He came of age on a nearby family dairy farm. His first childhood home lacked indoor plumbing. Five living U.S. presidents and assorted notables will attend his funeral, but the speakers will be his five children, all preachers in their own way.
Due to the frailties of age, Graham had not preached for some time. But you can hear “Billy Graham’s Last Message” on YouTube. He begins in those broad familiar tones: “As I look back over my life, it’s full of surprises.” His message is, as always, about the Cross, of coming to the Cross, of confronting the Cross that calls the viewer to a more Christ-like life.
Graham first became famous in a 1949 Los Angeles tent revival. His genius was to turn away from the battle between fundamentalists and religious liberals—thus bypassing the church establishment—and adopt the emerging technologies of radio, TV, and the Internet to connect with the unchurched. His stage was the revival tent and then the stadium, but his medium was the screen in every home.
He was no intellectual; though an avid reader, he barely graduated high school. But his message was simple enough for all to embrace. The intellectual theologian Reinhold Niebuhr attacked Graham for his simplicity. Graham responded with disarming meekness: “When Dr. Niebuhr makes his criticisms . . . I study them, for I have respect for them. I think he has helped me”.
Graham was an exceptional man, humble, modest in all his doings, faithful to family, untainted by scandal, bold in his mission, constant in his message. Lofty obituaries have been written, but you could tell his story with three simple scriptures: Jesus to his disciples: “Go ye unto all the world and preach . . . “ (Mark 16:15) The Apostle Paul: “But we preach Jesus crucified . . . “ (1 Corinthians 1:23) Then Paul again, in his farewell to Timothy: “I have fought [the] good fight . . . I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)
This leads us to the pastors who serve in Laguna’s churches: Fr. Ken Schmidt, caring for the flock at St. Catherine’s Catholic Church; the long-serving Rev. Jerry Tankersley at Laguna Presbyterian; Jay Grant of the Church by the Sea pastoral team; the spirited Rev. Rod Echols now at Neighborhood Congregational; faith out of Africa in Rev. Lester Mackenzie at St. Mary’s Episcopal; Pastor Lynn Francis at United Methodist; the tireless Rabbi B. at Chabad Jewish Center; and all who serve Laguna’s congregations. God bless them, every one, as well as the many lay volunteers who freely give.
Some may say we won’t see another like Billy Graham, but here’s another view. Look at the good people who minister in our town—though doctrines may differ, they together constitute a modern miracle. It’s no disrespect to Billy Graham to say that their influence here by the sea is much greater. I say it again: God bless them, every one,
We are proud to announce that Emily Morris has been awarded the Lake Homes Realty designation of Premier Agent. In addition, Emily received the Aqua Award for outstanding and unwavering performance and customer service.
He is a very skillful and friendly person who's always willing to help. The Classified Employee of the Week is chosen through staff submissions.
Billy Ward, Maintenance Department employee, has been named Camdenton Classified Employee Association (CCEA) Employee of the Week. Billy is a long time dedicated employee of our school district. He is a very skillful and friendly person who's always willing to help. The Classified Employee of the Week is chosen through staff submissions. CCEA members recognize classified employees who have made a difference in their field. |
trends in real long-term interest rates • World monetary policy has been extraordinarily relaxed since 2000, with interest rates falling to around 0% in Japan, 1% in the USA and 2% in Euroland. • But short-term interest rates have now rising in the UK, USA, Australia and Canada, with the markets predicting further monetary tightening over the next two years. • Meanwhile, in Japan and Europe, limited signs of economic recovery and some inflationary pressure have not yet led to any decisive moves in monetary policy. • Real long-term interest rates remain low: 10 year US Treasury securities yield 4. 57% in nominal terms, and 10 year indexed yields are 2%. • Possible explanations for continue low long-term rates: global saving glut; global investment shortfall; excess liquidity; heightened appetite for risk (qv. ‘the Greenspan put’).
a view from the top “Thus, this vast increase in the market value of asset claims is in part the indirect result of investors accepting lower compensation for risk. Such an increase in market value is too often viewed by market participants as structural and permanent. To some extent, those higher values may be reflecting the increased flexibility and resilience of our economy. But what they perceive as newly abundant liquidity can readily disappear. Any onset of increased investor caution elevates risk premiums and, as a consequence, lowers asset values and promotes the liquidation of the debt that supported higher asset prices. This is the reason that history has not dealt kindly with the aftermath of protracted periods of low risk premiums”, Alan Greenspan, August 2005.
bubbles in theory • Many theoretical arguments have been advanced to justify rational bubbles in asset markets, although this is not the focus of our paper. For example: • The survival of noise traders in financial markets: limits to arbitrage prevent rational traders from driving noise-traders out of the market (De Long, Shleifer, Summers, Waldmann, 1990). • Asset markets are micro-efficient but macro-inefficient (Samuelson, 1998). • Global games: dissatisfaction with common knowledge assumptions leads to ‘games of incomplete information whose type space is determined by the players each observing a noisy signal of the underlying state’. Differences between public and private information can drive selection between multiple equilibria (Morris and Shin, 2002).
features of good regional house price models • Regional house price models useful to address: • The ‘ripple effect’ from Greater London and the South East to the rest of Britain; • Housing affordability in different regions; • Policy issues relating to housing supply and migration. • Meen and Andrews (1998) suggest these features: • Data-consistency, economic interpretation; • Spatial lags, errors, coefficient heterogeneity; • Plausible estimates of income and price elasticities; • Clear implications for housing market efficiency; • Explanation of the ripple effect and demographics.
preview of the model • We estimate an annual econometric model of regional house prices for the 9 regions of Great Britain between 1972 and 2003. The model is a system of inverted demand equations with the predetermined housing stock as an explanatory variable along with regional income, real and nominal interest rates, demographics and other demand shifters. • Our approach contrasts somewhat with two other recent approaches (structural time-series modelling, focussing on unit roots and cointegration; and models of house price to rental ratios). • Our model can be viewed as an equilibrium-correction model with positive effects from recent rises in house prices (the so-called ‘bubble-builder’ effect) and negative effects from high levels of real house prices relative to their fundamentals (the so-called ‘bubbleburster’ effect).
the Nickell version • “This discussion leads us to conclude that there has probably been a substantial rise in the equilibrium house price to earnings ratio since the mid-1990 s. Of course, there is a good deal of uncertainty here, but it is clear that it may be legitimately argued that there has been no housing bubble whatever”, speech to the B. A. September 2005. • Equilibrium level of UK house prices has risen for four reasons: • Strong income growth (more two-earner households, more income inequality); • Low elasticity of housing supply response; • Strong population growth and net household formation; • Low real interest rates and the disappearance of front-end loading.
The ABC of house price determination • An inverted demand equation: suppose real house prices adjust to equate log demand with log of end of previous period supply, h(-1). • Let log housing demand be given by h = - rp + y + z , rp = log house price and y = log real income and z = other demand shifters. The own price elasticity of demand is - and we assume the income elasticity is 1. Solving yields • rp= (y – h(-1) + z)/ . • Note log (income per house) restriction. • Consensus that is approx 2. • z will include interest rates, demographics, expectations of rate of return or user cost, etc.
Modelling Regional House Prices • We model real house prices in eight regions of Great Britain – the North (NT), Yorkshire and Humberside (YH), East Midlands (EM), West Midlands (WM), Greater London (GL), the South (ST), the South West (SW), Wales (WW) and Scotland (SC). • The choice of regions is determined by the need for consistent regional boundaries since the government switched from Standard Statistical Regions (SSR’s) to Government Office Regions (GOR’s) in the mid 1990’s.
• The heterogeneity in house price inflation is more obvious. • The leading role of Greater London house prices and the tendency of house pr • So called “ripple effect”.
Modelling • We estimate a reasonably standard system of inverted housing demand equations. • We use SUR to take account of contemporaneous spatial correlations. • The equations are non-linear with many cross-equation restrictions, because of common parameters, and interaction terms. • Some spatial coefficient heterogeneity is allowed for. • We use annual data from 1972 to 2003. • Details of the model used and the SUR parameter estimates are set out in the Appendices to paper.
Long Run Effects • The long-run solution is for lrhpr, the real log level of house prices in region r. • The key element in the long-run solution is the log of real personal disposable non-property income per house, the same as in Geoff Meen’s work. • For region r, we call this lrynhsr defined as: log(real non-property income) - log(housing stock)-1 0. 7*log(rate of owner-occupation)-1 in region r. • The owner-occupation term implies a modest spill-over from non-owner occupied supply onto the owneroccupied housing market.
• lrynhsr is really a combination of three terms. • The log per capita (or household) income and housing stock terms have equal but opposite signs. • Population (or the number of households) is implicit in this formulation – it just cancels out on both sides. • All regions are influenced not just by the own region value of income per house lrynhsr but also by the GB value, lrynhs. GB, with weights 0. 3 and 0. 7 respectively • The long-run effect of log real income per house on the log real house price is 2 in line with previous studies. • The speed of adjustment is 0. 25, meaning that about three quarters of the adjustment to an income shock is completed within four years.
Other Long Run Levels Effects • Region specific intercepts and (small positive ) time trends. • The log price of house prices in London relative to GB (rlhp. GL) which we allow to vary by region. This has a positive effect in the regions adjoining Greater London, capturing some of the role of London as the driver of UK house prices. • An index of credit conditions (cci) which measures credit supply to UK households. • The interaction of cci with both the log nominal mortgage rate (labmr) and the real mortgage rate (rabmr). • The interest rate effect are consistent with findings for mortgage demand by Fernandez-Corugedo and Muellbauer (2005).
Other Long Run Levels Effects • A reduction of rates from 5% to 4% has a stronger effect on house prices than a reduction from 10% to 9%. • Nominal interest rate effects are also a little stronger in London and the South. • We proxy downside risk using rrhnegr the average value over the previous 4 years of the negative return in the region’s housing market. rrhnegr is significant which means that a history of negative returns depresses house prices for some time to come. • Possessions not significant given rrhnegr.
Some Short Run Effects • Short run effects include house price and income dynamics as well as changes in nominal interest rates, the housing stock, population structure inter alia. • There is persistence in house price inflation. The estimated coefficient on the previous year’s house price growth rate is about 0. 45. • We allow the relative weight attached to house price inflation in the own region ( lrhpr, -1), in contiguous regions ( clrhpr, -1) and in Greater London ( lrhp. GL, -1) to vary by region. • Generally speaking, regions closer to London have the largest weights on London house price growth, reflecting the ‘ripple effect’ emanating from London.
• Income dynamics are important. • Outside London and the South East, the estimated coefficient on current rate of growth of national disposable non-property income ( lrpdin) is about 0. 66. • In London and the South East the estimated income growth coefficients are higher. • As expected, the effect decline over time as credit conditions (proxied by cci) have improved. • The previous year’s income growth rate ( lrpdin-1) has an estimated coefficient of about 0. 56. • Region specific income growth rates have little explanatory power. • Surprising? Common trends. Regional A/C’s income data very poor.
• The question of stock and flow equilibrium effects on house price determination is important. • The stock equilibrium effect enters through the log income per house variables, lrynhsr and lrynhs. GB, discussed above. • A flow equilibrium can be examined through the effects of housing stock changes and population changes. • The idea is that short term increases in the housing stock relative to population lead to short-term local excess supply, with downward pressure on local prices. • We measure this effect by including log(wpopr/hsr, -1) in each region’s equation. • We find a significant effect, suggesting that a 1 percent rise in working age population relative to the housing stock has a short run effect of the order of 1. 5 to 2 percent on the region’s house price index.
• Stock market or financial wealth effects? We failed to find a positive levels effects unlike earlier national studies. • Reason? Probably because no regional wealth data. • The rate of growth of the FTSE index in real terms ( lrftse) has significant positive effects, especially in Greater London and the South. • Also looked at a simple measure of downside risk for the stock market. lrftseneg, which equals lrftse if this is negative and zero otherwise, is important in Greater London and the South only. • The two stock market effects together suggest that, for example, a 20% stock market downturn has a much smaller (absolute) effect on house price inflation in Great London and the South than a 20% upturn.
• We investigated whether the growth in the regional population proportion in the main ages for first time buyers (20 to 39) had any effect. The estimated effect of this pp 2039 variable is statistically significant and positive. • We include dummy variables for 1988, 1989 and 2001. • In 1988 it became clear that domestic rates would be abolished in England Wales and replaced by the Poll Tax. It also marked the March announcement that from August 1 st, tax relief for mortgage interest would be restricted to one per property. • The 2001 dummy reflects 9/11 and stock market turmoil effects, likely to have been more severe in London
Checks on Model Adequacy • Overall the model fits well, although there is some evidence of mild autocorrelation in a couple of equations. • The stability of the model was checked by estimating it on different sub-samples. • In particular, there is no evidence that we over fitted the recent house price boom. • The specification was checked against quarterly house prices equations for the UK and the North and South of Britain and consistent results were obtained.
Some Caveats • We checked for income distribution effects, since space is a luxury good, and property tax effects (domestic rates, council tax) since variations in tax rates over time and over regions should have effects on prices. • Income distribution changes are trend like and so are hard to detect. • Despite pain-staking work constructing regional tax data back to 1975, the estimated tax effects were insignificant. The use of 1988 and 1989 dummies probably picks up much of the effects of the tax switches of the time. • Further work on the issue desirable, although handling expectations of tax changes will always be difficult. • It seems likely that property taxes linked more closely to house prices could have damped the market and had some long run effects.
Caveats (Cont’d) • No frenzy effects of the kind used by Hendry (1984) and Muellbauer and Murphy (1997) in the model. • No income expectation terms, though expectations effects are likely to be reflected in the interest rate and income dynamics which are in the model.
• • • Figure 4 shows the effects of downside risk, clearly a lagged endogenous variable, mea It suggests that the depth of the early 1990 s housing market recession had much to do w This was so especially in Greater London, where the effect only began to lift after 1995
• • • Figure 5 shows the effect of changes in the proportion of the working age population a It plays a considerable role in explaining the out-performance of Greater London house It also helps explain why house prices were apparently slow to respond to the interest r
• • • Figure 6 suggests that, before 1997 or so, the rate of house building broadly matched r Since then, the latter have greatly outpaced the rate of house building, especially in Gr The composite effect explains most of the rise in real house prices since around 1997, .
• • • Figure 7 a shows one version of an error correction term including income per house, Great The change in age structure and the rate of change in population per house, two near I(1) v Figure 7 a suggests that, given interest rates, incomes, population and housing stock, Greate
Base scenario cont’d • Regional population projections from Gov’t Actuaries Dept. • Shows decline in growth of working age population over next 7 years. • Further decline of proportions aged 20 -39, with largest decline around 2006, then tailing off a little. • Rate of growth of regional housing stocks = average of last 7 years. • Relative per capita regional earnings, tax factors, and employment rates unchanged. • Growth of owner-occupation = average of previous 7 years.
Results • No house price bubble if this is plausible scenario. • Increase rate of growth of housing stock by 50%: house price growth only marginally lower, though level effect accumulates. • What could go wrong? Economy turning sour.
Conclusions • UK base scenario suggests there has been no bubble. • If REITS and SIPPS valuation effects are significant, could be upturn. • If economy turns sour and no REITS, SIPPS valuation effects, could see moderate nominal falls in 2006 -7, esp. in London and South. • System response is important for answering question: if consumption, income, exchange rate feedbacks are large, could be self-reinforcing, but temporary, downturn. • Exposure to debt, high house prices in Anglo-Saxon economies is high, so global interest rate environment will remain kind. |
If you’re building any kind of business, you are going to need advice at some point down the line. For busy professionals, whether they're experienced entrepreneurs or those about to embark on making their first business idea a reality, a guiding hand and some words of wisdom from a mentor are gifts worth their weight in gold.
If you've identified someone you think would be a perfect mentor, don’t worry about whether he or she is too busy. There’s no point in recognizing the need for you to grow and be guided professionally if you don’t shoot for a mentor who is successful and probably stretched for time. Have the confidence that the reply will be "yes," and get your pitch together.
Try to find a mentor who will challenge your thinking and show you there might be a different way to approach a problem, or an additional potential one you never knew existed.
In my book Pioneers of Digital, Carolyn Everson—global head of marketing solutions at Facebook—recommends you take on a “board of advisors” to help with multiple aspects of your career. No one person will have all the answers, so choose a number of different mentors with different backgrounds and experiences to shape your goals and outcomes in a more wholesome way.
A mentor/mentee relationship should never just be a one-way affair. Try to make it useful for your mentor by asking what he or she might like in return. Many will say that giving of their time is a way to give back and help to shape someone’s future. But never assume. It’s a relationship, so there must be something you can do in return to make the union more fruitful and a "career positive" for you.
You're painfully aware of the latest craze that's engulfed the nation. Unnerved by its omnipresence and intrigued by society's fervent embrace of the trend, you find yourself cowering in a corner, questioning your ability to predetermine its popularity and pondering the various ways to profit from its bounty.
Recognizing trends or, better yet, detecting emerging ones, is one of the biggest keys to success for most entrepreneurs, but not everyone is able to extract opportunity from a trend, let alone profit from one. While certain trends don't cater to followers, like the innovative Pet Rocks, some do offer fertile ground for follow-up businesses to make their mark.
Take Paul O'Brien and his Krispy Kreme delivery service. Until the demand for the delectable pastries begins to wane or the franchise opens a store on every corner, O'Brien has a very alluring business on his hands. Early-morning pick-ups at the Van Nuys, California, location pack O'Brien's SUV with several dozen donuts, which he then delivers to office buildings and residents, charging double the in-store price.
Then there are entrepreneurs who can see a trend coming, like 34-year-old comic book aficionado Lou Bank, the self-proclaimed "Big Dog" behind Vancouver, Washington, marketing and design company Ten Angry Pitbulls. Bank entertained the idea of bringing the comic properties of the Japanese phenomenon Pokémon out from the specialty comic-book stores and into the major toy chains months before the fad hit full-force. While attending New York City's International Toy Show in January 1999, Bank took note of a manufacturing tactic that assembled the popular Dark Horse comics into packages of four. Realizing other comic properties could benefit from this approach, Bank called up some friends at Viz Communications, publisher of the Pokémon comic, and nailed down the distribution rights to the Pokémon comic-book property. "For six months, I had exclusive rights to try to place the comics in toy stores," says Bank. "I suspect that if I'd waited until March, I wouldn't have gotten in."
Instead of handling the packaging himself, Bank sold the rights to a third-party distributor and, at press time, had achieved the majority of his company's revenue through the million-plus packages sold. "It was a matter of picking the right property early and getting lucky," he explains. Assured he's got the next two hot properties covered, Bank won't divulge his gift of prophecy. "Somehow, I keep lucking into it," he says. "It's just a gut feeling that's right more often than wrong. You know Spiderman's tingling spider sense? That's all it is, a tingling."
A tingling that Arnold Brown, chairman of New York City trends analysis firm Weiner, Edrich, Brown Inc., knows only a select few possess. "There are entrepreneurs who instinctively recognize an opportunity in a trend, and then there are the rest of us who have to think about it," says Brown. That means being acutely aware of everything going on around you and being able to translate trends into practical concepts. But aside from that, if a concept makes sense to you, it probably makes sense to someone else. As for the problems that may arise with jumping on a hot trend that too quickly turns tepid, Brown offers a cut-and-dried piece of advice. "It's a crapshoot," he says. "There's just no scientific way of knowing."
Ok, now that you've identified the phenomenon, how do you jump on it? Iconoculture's Trend Commandments offer some sound guidance.
Sift through the clutter for cultural `passion points'--look for things that elicit an emotional, visceral reaction.
View everything as a sign requiring decoding--focus on the meaning of things rather than the things themselves.
Look for connections, parallels and analogies--make links between trends popping up in different categories. |
In the 1970's Eastport Plaza had a very nice Lipmann's(sp) department store in the location that eventually housed Mervyn's. I don't remember who owned Lipmanns, but they all went out of business in Portland by the early 80's. Mervyn's probably kept the mall alive longer than it would have after Lipmanns closed.
I thought Eastport Plaza was unusual in the fact that it had four strong anchors (GI Joes,Tower Records,Mervyn's and JC Penney)for quite awhile, but it was a very small mall with only about twenty specialty shops on the inside. I also remember a DJ's Sound City which I believe was a national music chain, but they left when Tower Records came aboard. There was also a Hush Puppies shoe store that liquidated at some point in the 80's and a local shop called Doo Da's that was kind of a poor man's Spencers Gifts!
I Christmas shopped there in about 1987 and remember enjoying that it was great to get in and out and avoid the huge crowds and traffic jams at Clackamas Towne Center, but also thinking that the mall would not be long for this world because Mervyn's announced they would be moving to a strip center next to the Clackamas Mall.
Eastport Plaza still exists as a massive strip center as the area is still very valuable real estate. The GI Joes is still standing, but the enclosed mall is gone.
Eastport Plaza was an enclosed mall in outer southeast Portland. It was sited strategicly close to Foster Road and was off 82nd Avenue, the two main thouroughfares through this section of town. Also, it was not too far from I-205, which was built through southeast after the mall opened. I'm not sure when it was built, but from what I remember, it looked like a 1960's to late 1970's enclosed mall.
Until the larger Clackamas Town Center was built nearby, Eastport Plaza was the main shopping mall for the south metro area. My father remembers that it was a very popular hangout for teenagers. I was very young, but remember that it was starting to decline in the early 1980's.
From what I recall from my earliest memories, the northern end of the mall was anchored by a GI Joe's, a local sporting goods company. There was a waterslide park and arcade just outside GI Joe's in the mall, where we would watch people slide into the pools from slides originating in a tower far above the mall (waterslides in or near smaller malls were a big thing in 1980's Oregon for some reason). The mall curved to the south at a Mervyn's anchor store, and ended at the southern entry. Between the south entry and Mervyn's was an outdated JC Penney and an JJ Newberry five and dime store across the hall from it.
I remember that the minor stores in the mall were mostly outdated, but major brands. Soem stores had pulled out to move to Clackamas Town Center, but the mall was doing well enough at the time to continue business for those that remained: JK Gill (local stationary store), Tower Records, Lerner New York, an Orange Julius kiosk, a King's Table buffet, and Foxmoor. An Albertsons grocery store was an outparcel on the southeast premises.
The first to go was the water park, a victim of sucessful litigation against the chain. All of its infrastructure was removed, and hidden behind a nice wood barrier. The arcade moved and lingered on for a few more years. For the rest of the mall's life, the former waterpark storefront remained tastefully boarded up.
Business began to decline, despite Eastport Plaza's prime location. By the 1990's, JC Penney decided not to invest any more effort into Eastport Plaza, baing happy in their new and larger Clackamas Town Center store. Also, Albertsons closed, to be replaced with a sucession of flea markets and vacancy. The Malmanac listed a triangular "future development" seperated from the main body of the mall on the Albertson's site. This would never be built. The mall started to rapidly lose stores, eventually leaving only GI Joe's, JJ Newberry, Mervyn's, and some small secondary stores among mostly empty storefronts. Mervyn's and Newberry's eventually left, moving to newly built stores farther south along 82nd.
The loss of Mervyn's dealt the death blow to Eastport Plaza. Many of the secondary stores and anchors were redundant thanks to Clackamas Town Center. The mall was still open, but only Tower Records and GI Joe's remained. The US Post Office and an Armed Forces Recruiting Center set up shop in parking-lot facing storefronts toward the end.
At the end of the nineties, it was decided to demolish most of the existing mall and redevelop it towards "Big Box" retailers. Only GI Joe's and a very small portion of the enclosed mall attached to it survive today. Albertsons returned to the premises in a new store, as did Wal-Mart. The rest of the premises were converted to strip-mall style development around the parking lot, and a large multiplex cinema was built behind the surviving buildings. The new development has been sucessful.
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Low Vitamin D in Childhood Linked to Heart Risks Later in Life, and Raises Adults’ Risk of Severe Stroke and Cancer
People who have low vitamin D status are far more likely to suffer more severe strokes, and they also have poorer outcomes after suffering a stroke compared to those with more adequate vitamin D levels
Patients diagnosed with metastatic colorectal cancer who have higher levels of vitamin D have a far greater progression-free survival rate than those who are deficient
Researchers such as Dr. Robert Heaney, who I previously interviewed in the above video, have now realized that vitamin D is involved in the biochemical “machinery” of all cells and tissues in your body, which is why it has such a potent impact on health and disease.
When you don’t have enough, your entire body will end up struggling to function properly, because all cells need the active form of vitamin D to open up the genome and access the information retained within its genetic plans.
When you’re deficient in vitamin D, your health can deteriorate in any number of ways from this lack of access to the cells’ genetic blueprint.
Researchers have previously pointed out that increasing levels of vitamin D3 among the general population could prevent chronic diseases that claim nearly one million lives throughout the world each year.
Chances are this number would reach even higher if more recent research were to be taken into account. Either way, compelling evidence suggests that optimizing your vitamin D can reduce your risk of death from any cause,1 making it a foundational component of optimal health.
For years, it’s been known that children born to vitamin D-deficient mothers are at increased risk for type 1 diabetes. Vitamin D deficiency in childhood is also associated with more severe asthma and allergies.
Recent research also suggests that having low vitamin D levels in childhood may raise your risk of hardening of the arteries in middle-age. The study,2 published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, involved nearly 2,150 people who were enrolled in 1980 at the age of 3-18. As reported by the New York Times:3
“All underwent periodic physical exams, including measures of serum vitamin D levels, blood pressure, lipid levels, diet, smoking, and physical activity and were examined up to age 45.
Doctors used ultrasound to examine arteries, including the carotid artery in the neck; thickening of the arteries is considered a marker of higher cardiovascular risk.
A vitamin D level of between 30 to 50 is generally considered adequate. Children in the lowest one-quarter for vitamin D levels, about 15 nanograms per milliliter, were nearly twice as likely to have thickening of the carotid artery as those in the other three quarters.”
According to lead author, Dr. Markus Juonala, a professor of internal medicine at the University of Turku in Finland, the findings suggest that vitamin D plays a role in long-term arterial health.
Here, they did not find that low vitamin D in childhood resulted in any specific heart conditions or stroke later in life, but other studies have indeed noted a strong connection between low vitamin D in adults and such health problems.
According to veteran vitamin D researcher Dr. Michael Holick, research has shown that vitamin D deficiency can increase your risk of heart attack by 50 percent. Moreover, if you have a heart attack and you're vitamin D deficient, your risk of dying from that heart attack is upwards of 100 percent!
Similarly, findings presented at this year’s annual American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference suggest that people who have low vitamin D status are far more likely to suffer more severe strokes.
They also have poorer outcomes after suffering a stroke compared to those with more adequate vitamin D levels. As reported by the American Heart Association:4
“[Stroke] patients who had low vitamin D levels –defined as less than 30 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) – had about two-times larger areas of dead tissue resulting from obstruction of the blood supply compared to patients with normal vitamin D levels...
For each 10 ng/mL reduction in vitamin D level, the chance for healthy recovery in the three months following stroke decreased by almost half, regardless of the patient's age or initial stroke severity.”
Low vitamin D is also strongly associated with an increased risk for well over a dozen different cancers, including breast and colon cancer. Theories linking vitamin D deficiency to cancer have been tested and confirmed in hundreds of epidemiological studies, and understanding of its physiological basis stems from more than 2,500 laboratory studies.
Its anticancer effects include the promotion of apoptosis (cancer cell death), and the inhibition of angiogenesis (the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor), and the level of protection afforded by vitamin D can indeed be significant. For example:
One recent meta-analysis5 found that having a high serum level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D was associated with a 25 percent reduction in relative risk of bladder cancer
A 2007 study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine6 concluded that a vitamin D level of more than 33 ng/mL was associated with a 50 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer
Researchers7,8 Joan Lappe and Robert Heaney found that menopausal women given enough vitamin D to raise their serum levels to 40 ng/ml experienced a 77 percent reduction in the incidence of all cancers after just four years’ of supplementation
According to Carole Baggerly, founder of GrassrootsHealth,9 the evidence suggests as much as 90 percent of ordinary breast cancer may be related to vitamin D deficiency
Not only does vitamin D protect against tumor proliferation in the first place, it also affects treatment outcome and recovery. The connection between vitamin D status and cancer survival was most recently demonstrated in research presented at the annual Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium.
Patients diagnosed with metastatic colorectal cancer who had higher levels of vitamin D had a far greater progression-free survival rate than those who were deficient. As reported by Clinical Oncology:10
“The study’s lead investigator, Kimmie Ng, MD, MPH... said the research adds to the existing evidence that vitamin D levels have an effect on cancer. Vitamin D is known to inhibit cell proliferation and angiogenesis, induce cell differentiation and apoptosis and have anti-inflammatory effects.
“Many of these processes are dysregulated in cancer, which led to the hypothesis that perhaps vitamin D had anticancer activity,” said Dr. Ng. Laboratory data support this hypothesis, with experiments demonstrating that administering vitamin D to mice with intestinal cancer reduces tumor burden.”
Nearly 1,045 patients with metastatic colorectal cancer were included in the study, and the median vitamin D level among them was just over 17 ng/ml. Few of them reported taking any kind of vitamin D supplement. Typically, anything below 20 ng/ml is considered a serious deficiency state that increases your chances of any number of health problems, including cancer. Many studies show that having adequate vitamin D is critical in order to optimize treatment outcome. Here, Dr. Ng noted that: “Patients who had levels in the highest quintile had a median survival of 32.6 months compared with 24.5 months for patients with levels in the lowest quintile.”
Vitamin D is one of the most well-researched nutrients out there, and the evidence overwhelmingly points to the fact that it is critical for optimal health and disease prevention. By the end of 2012, there were nearly 34,000 published studies on the effects of vitamin D, and there are well over 800 references in the medical literature showing vitamin D's effectiveness against cancer alone.
I’m thoroughly convinced that optimizing your vitamin D stores can go a long way toward preventing disease and living a longer, healthier life, as the known health benefits of vitamin D now number in the hundreds, if not thousands. Besides cancer and cardiovascular disease, other benefits of vitamin D include protection against:
Autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D is a potent immune modulator, making it very important for the prevention of autoimmune diseases, like multiple sclerosis11 (MS) and inflammatory bowel disease.
Lung disease. In those who are deficient, vitamin D supplementation may reduce flare-ups of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) symptoms by more than 40 percent.12 Other research13 suggests vitamin D may protect against some of the adverse effects of smoking as well.
Infections, including influenza. Vitamin D also fights infections, including colds and the flu, as it regulates the expression of genes that influence your immune system to attack and destroy bacteria and viruses. I believe it's far more prudent, safer, less expensive, and most importantly, far more effective to optimize your vitamin D levels than to get vaccinated against the flu.
DNA repair and metabolic processes. One of Dr. Michael Holick’s studies showed that healthy volunteers taking 2,000 IUs of vitamin D per day for a few months upregulated 291 different genes that control up to 80 different metabolic processes. This included improving DNA repair; having a beneficial effect on autoxidation (oxidation that occurs in the presence of oxygen and /or UV radiation, which has implications for aging and cancer, for example); boosting the immune system; and many other biological processes.
Brain health,(depression,14,15 dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease). Vitamin D receptors appear in a wide variety of brain tissue, and activated vitamin D receptors increase nerve growth in your brain. Vitamin D is therefore important for optimal brain function, mental health, and for the prevention of degenerative brain disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease. According to one recent study,16,17 seniors with low vitamin D levels may double their risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Another study18,19,20 found that people with the highest average intakes of vitamin D had a 77 percent decreased risk for Alzheimer's. Researchers believe that optimal vitamin D levels may enhance the amount of important chemicals in your brain and protect brain cells by increasing the effectiveness of the glial cells in nursing damaged neurons back to health. Vitamin D may also exert some of its beneficial effects on your brain through its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties.
Dr. Robert Heaney is a professor and a well-respected vitamin D researcher, having studied this nutrient for more than 50 years. In the interview above, he shares many of his insights into this question. As a general guideline, an ideal, and what needs to be reclassified as normal, vitamin D level is in the range of 40-60 ng/ml. According to Dr. Heaney, research has shown that 40-60 ng/ml is the level a nursing mother needs in order to ensure her milk will contain the vitamin D her nursing infant needs. The 40-60 ng/ml range is also the same range needed for thyroid health, and it’s the range found in tribal populations living on the equatorial plains of East Africa.
Dr. Heaney has pointed out new research showing that oral sources of vitamin D are much higher than previously thought, and this provides compelling justification for the use of oral supplementation. But virtually every expert I have asked does believe that vitamin D produced from the UVB exposure provides additional therapeutic benefits. But for most people, winter precludes anything other than to increase their oral vitamin D supplementation.
That said, sensible sun exposure appears to be the best way to optimize your vitamin D level. Dr. Heaney stresses that you need to get approximately 5,000 to 6,000 IUs of vitamin D per day from all sources – sun, supplements, and food – in order to reach and maintain a blood level of 40-60 ng/ml.
Keep in mind that the specific dosage is a very loose guideline, because people vary widely in their ability to respond to vitamin D. GrassrootsHealth—which Dr. Heaney is Research Director of—also has a helpful chart showing the average adult dose required to reach healthy vitamin D levels based upon your measured starting point. Ideally, make sure to monitor your levels at regular intervals, and take whatever amount of vitamin D3 you need to maintain a clinically relevant level year-round. Do remember to take vitamin D3—not synthetic D2—along with vitamin K2 and magnesium. To learn more about the reason for this recommendation, please see my previous article, “Magnesium—The Missing Link to Better Health.”
Virginia Quarterly Review and the awesomeness of books and moves, with emphasis on Amour and Iron Man 3
I began this post shortly after seeing Amour — a gorgeous film, IMO, with sets that convinced me to return for a second viewing, despite its difficult subject matter. And the depth and breadth of human experience it reveals — well, for the week after enjoying this movie, I toyed with the idea that I should actually throw out my 40+ years of writing stories (yes, I started when I was six) and learn how to craft a screenplay.
And. But. One: I’m an old dog, it’d be a new trick, etcetera; there is truth to adages. Two: I love stories more than I enjoy movies. Three: see my previous post; my short story has me in its howling grip and I can’t/won’t walk away from it.
Then: VQR arrived in the mail, with Richard Nash’s essay, What is the Business of Literature. He writes eloquently about the book as technology — like a chair! or the wheel! — and concludes, “Literature is about blowing sh*t up.” (He uses the entire s word. My kids read these posts so I’m making an effort to be family friendly.)
Then, in early May, we went to Iron Man 3. It is always a pleasure to watch Robert Downey Jr. in action. But the last, oh, 30-40 minutes is naught but explosions, and glistening-with-sweat near-death misses. The opposite of the still, quiet, physical-explosion-free Amour, which was, for me, the more devestating movie.
I have pondered the appeal of each of these films, and the motivation behind those who imagined and created them. They are as different as Marcel Proust and formulaic romance novels, yet, like each of those genres, each holds its pleasures for this reader. They each have a place in the human experience; they each have something to teach us about how to behave with each other.
And they each started with a story in someone’s head. I don’t care if you write comic books or Great Literature, an effective story is both well-told and compelling. Check out Donald Maas’ comment on Julianna Baggott’s post at Writer (un)Boxed for his succinct analysis of the false dichotomy between stories that are sold to us as “literature” versus those promoted as “entertainment.”
In Amour, the sh*t that gets blown up, as in expanded, was my idea of end-of-life care and what it may require of us, as humans, lovers, family. In Iron Man 3, the sh*t that gets blown up is more literal: buildings, oil tankers, human beings. Eye-candy fireworks.
I had some folks over for game night recently; Engineer Hubby has been traveling and on this particular evening the boys were both avidly watching (and then bemoaning the results of) Virginia Tech’s football fate in the regional championship. I’m sort-of following FLY-Lady’s “Cruising for the Holidays” plan, which means I do a little bit every day, and although some days I resent the little bit, it also means that having people over isn’t stressful: a quick sweep to gather up the day’s cat and dog hair is about all that’s required. Which is lovely! I know author Laura Benedict actually gave FLYLady an Official Acknowledgement on the Acknowledgement page of her first novel, which is no small thing, as anyone who’s fantasized about having such a page, and who they’d include on it, knows.
So. Folks over. For all my hermit-crab ways, I know I need people and their quirks and their loving ways and their good hearts and thoughts in my life. ‘Twas lovely, and we had a few drinks and few nibblies and it was very Civilized. Though some of us are more persnickety about the rules being strictly followed than others; some of us want the game to be played Efficiently (eg, no side conversations! What’s your card?!), some of us are hard of hearing; some of us don’t realize others of us are hard of hearing; some of us think the others of us are competitive egotistical maniacs; some of us think everyone is taking it too damn seriously!; some of us know we’re hard of hearing and speak slowly and clearly; some of us are writers and are, compulsively, taking massive quantities of mental notes. Not necessarily me; there was a poet at the gathering, too!
Notwithstanding the specifics of that event, I find myself floundering, more often than I’d like given my age and so-called experience and wisdom, in social settings. This is temporarily mitigated when I read essays by other writers who experience the same thing. But it remains a chronic challenge for me. A zone of discomfort, albeit one softened by a healthy slug of port, and a zone where good things also happen.
And it reminds me of the friends with whom I do not flounder. A few rare souls with whom my awkwardness is nonexistent, for whom my sense of humor is instantly understood, who make me feel beautiful inside and out. I want to nurture those friendships, and yet I don’t. I don’t often invite them over for game night, or drinks, or to watch a movie or to take a walk in the woods or whatever other small, daily bit of life I’m living and could share with someone.
This is often because, frankly, I don’t want to share. I want to be left the hell alone. My kids gobble up all my extrovert energy, plus we are SO DAMN BUSY.
And it occurred to me while taking one of those solo walks that my relationship with my friends parallels that of my relationship with my favorite authors and their books. I had a passionate love affair with Henry James novels in my early twenties. I’d love to return to Portrait of a Lady and see what, if anything, resonates with me now. Ditto Laurens van der Post’s A Far Off Place. But I don’t make the time. I pick up new books, I skim the inside flaps of the latest and greatest novel, I take notes when Maureen Corrigan gives her recommendations and compare those with the various bestseller lists compiled by Publisher’s Weekly, then don’t venture to the library to pick up a copy, or splurge and buy a copy.
Just as I fail to pick up the phone to call my brother and father on a regular (dare I say it, disciplined) manner, I fail to return to the words and stories that formed me. I need to reflect and refine my thoughts to write –I’ve re-read Emma and Middlemarch, and both yielded generous fruit. How different to be on the other side of love, marriage and childbearing and read Austen and Eliot! Why don’t I re-read more often?! Why don’t I call the friend of my early twenties, the one with whom years melt away when we bump into each other? Why don’t I commit to hosting or attending more social gatherings, where I’ll deepen old connections or build new ones?
The effort it takes to enter the social discomfort zone, open new books or re-read known novels, is laden with potential friends, readers, fellow-writers, insights, opinions. And I’ll never know if I don’t show up.
I am so damn busy in part because I’ve fallen into a rut of thinking that butt-in-chair, hands-on-keyboard (or pen-on-paper) is my only “real” writing time. I hold those hours sacred, and everything else is play, time away from the Real Work.
When time away is forced upon me by, say, an older son with a concussion followed by head cold that puts him to bed all week with pathetic requests to me for things like tissue and Vicks Vaporub, I have, traditionally, squirmed with anxiety about the time away from my desk. But! Personal progress! This week, spurred in part by The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, and The Life Organizer by Jennifer Louden, I forced myself to consider these breaks opportunities to undertake “other” writing work. I decided to make the most of what was before me, instead of lamenting what I don’t have: uninterrupted chunks of time. So, I hosted my writers group at my house for our craft discussion. I read the memoir I’ve had on my to-do list, settled into my reading chair and stared at my bookshelf and selected my top three re-reads for 2012. Had folks over for that game night. All things related to my writing life but that I haven’t done because “I don’t have time.”
I suspect, based on the evidence, that breaks from at-my-desk time will continue to occur organically while my boys live at home, and run into each other at high rates of speed, cracking skulls. But I also want to honor the time to (re)connect with friends – real and fictional – old and new.
It feels cold-blooded to pencil into my calendar, “reading hour” but if I don’t, it doesn’t happen. It feels equally workman-like to schedule a phone call with my dad, my friend from the 80s. But if I don’t, it won’t happen. I’m breaking out my 2012 calendar and inking in sacred time for getting into my discomfort zone, socially. And for reconnecting with those real and fictional friends.
With a back-up plan for the inevitable snow days when the boys are home, flying off sleds into snowbanks.
Tagged Fiction, FlyLady, friendship, GretchenRubin, Happiness Project, Henry James, re-reading, time management, writing
Open Evenings and school visits are a fantastic opportunity for prospective students and parents to learn more about ArtsEd.
Take part in a day of dance, drama and musical theatre workshops with ArtsEd tutors. Meet current students and learm about life at ArtsEd Sixth Form.
Our 2018 Boys Day was a great success, if you are interested in joining the Boys' Day, 2018 on Saturday 13 October, please contact Amy Larham for a registration form direct at: [email protected]
If you would like to visit the school another time, please contact Rosalie Jones, School Secretary Jones to arrange your visit to ArtsEd - [email protected].
Abstract: Optimal control theory is a powerful tool for improving figures of merit in quantum information tasks. Finding the solution to any optimal control problem via numerical optimization depends crucially on the choice of the optimization functional. Here, we derive a functional that targets the full set of two-qubit perfect entanglers, gates capable of creating a maximally-entangled state out of some initial product state. The functional depends on easily-computable local invariants and uniquely determines when a gate evolves into a perfect entangler. Optimization with our functional is most useful if the two-qubit dynamics allows for the implementation of more than one perfect entangler. We discuss the reachable set of perfect entanglers for a generic Hamiltonian that corresponds to several quantum information platforms of current interest. |
Integrated water resources management (iwrm) water is a key driver of economic and social development while it also has a basic function in maintaining the integrity of the natural environment. Conservation of natural resources we've all begun to experience the effects of the depletion of natural resources to live comfortably in the coming years, conservation of natural resources is extremely essential. Water is the most precious, limited natural resource we have in this country but because water belongs to no one—except the people—special interests, including government polluters, use it as their private sewers. Without natural resources, our world would be a very different place help your class understand the importance of water, plants, and soil with this exploratory science lesson.
The natural resources defense council works to safeguard the earth - its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends. Water is a renewable resource in the sense that it replenishes itself through rain however, it is possible to use water in ways that render it a non-renewable resource a renewable resource is any natural resource that replaces itself given enough time the rate of replenishment must be equal to or. These natural resources are derived from the environment while few of them are used for our survival like water, air, rest of them like coal, gas, oil are used for satisfying our daily needs from forests to mountains to minerals to coastal shores and wetlands, each of these natural resource has its own importance. The water resources graduate emphasis area offers ms and phd degree programs specializing in (but not limited to) the occurrence, circulation, distribution, chemical and physical properties, and environmental interaction of surface and subsurface waters, including groundwater.
Water is also used in many other industrial applications, from cooling for nuclear reactors, pulp and paper production, chemical and pharmaceuticals, electronics, and many other industrial processes domestically, it is used to grow and wash food, to prepare food, wash our bodies and our clothes, clean our cars, and to flush our waste. The director of natural resources may grant and administer permits to public water suppliers: (a) to locate, develop, and maintain ground water supplies through water wells or other means and to transport water into the area to be served and (b) to continue existing use of ground water and the transportation of ground water into the area served. The department’s soil and water conservation program is working with the university of missouri’s college of agriculture, food and natural resources to perform the agricultural water needs analysis portion of the missouri water resources plan. Part 2 of 3 a majority of canadians consider water to be the nation's most important natural resource this short video shows why water is important to canadians' health, the natural environment. Natural sciences managers supervise the work of scientists, including chemists, physicists, and biologists they direct activities related to research and development, and coordinate activities such as testing, quality control, and production.
Managing natural resources a variety of agencies are responsible for protecting our nation’s land and water natural resources the management of these resources is largely characterized by the struggle to balance the demand for greater use of these resources with the need to conserve and protect them for the benefit of future generations. These invaluable natural resources include more than 700 acres in 27 distinct sites they provide important examples for our rich natural heritage and represent significant, accessible resources for teaching, research, demonstration and nature appreciation. Groundwater is a hidden, but invaluable, natural resource that is the source of drinking water for about two-thirds of all vermonters vnrc has been working with towns that choose to take a proactive approach on groundwater protection. Natural resources are found all over earth like sunlight, air, water, rocks, soil, plants and animals there are two types of natural resources - renewable and nonrenewable resources. Minnesota department of natural resources - division of waters home page the page contains information concerning the division's programs and concerning water resources in general.
The ohio department of natural resources is dedicated to developing and implementing policies that will have far-reaching impact on the environment and our natural resources it is an agency comprised of incredible diversity with a vast understanding of the importance of partnerships with the public. Water resources center the department and its water resources center has statutory authority for water quantity issues such as statewide water use and availability, water resources monitoring and planning, drought assessment, flood and hydrology studies and wetland studies. Water comes from three main natural sources: rain water, underground water and surface water hidden water trapped in different forms such as in polar ice caps and glaciers is another important source of water precipitation such as rainfall, snow, hail and sleet is one of the major natural water.
The state water resources control board web site covers california water quality and rights regulation, board meetings, laws, funding, watershed management, enforcement, citizen involvement, news and education. Water resources are natural resources of water that are potentially useful uses of water include agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and environmental activities all living things require water to grow and reproduce. Research, maps and data on water, oceans, aquatic ecosystems, hydrography, marine geological hazards, ice and more water in the north water management, including data collection and monitoring, in the north. In many areas, concerns are growing about the adequacy of the available ground and surface water supply and the quality of the water to support intended uses agriculture is one of the largest users of the nation’s surface water and groundwater, with irrigation being the greatest use.
Minnesota board of water and soil resources (bwsr) works to improve and protect minnesota's water and soil resources by working in partnership with local organizations and private landowners.
Twc believes promoting water for health, for healing, for life is an invaluable public health message we can all change the way we drink – by drinking pure, natural water that is good for our health, our pocket book, and our environment.
Without a doubt, water is the most abundant resource on the planet approximately 72 percent of our planet is covered with water the human race is crowded onto only slightly more than a quarter of our planet's surface, but without the water that consumes the rest of the space, the human race would perish.
This increasing rate of natural resources consumption causes scarcity of natural resources, burden to the ecosystem, air pollution, water pollution, soil erosion, natural unbalance, extinction of many species, water contamination, outbreak of diseases and finally threaten our existence. In alaska's constitution, water was declared a public resource belonging to the people of the state to be managed by the state for maximum benefit to the public all surface and subsurface waters on all lands in alaska are reserved to the people for common use and are subject to appropriation in accordance with the alaska water use act the water resources section adjudicates water rights.
Haney and Sons uses the finest Egyptian chamomile flowers of which they use only flower heads – no extenders. This produces a tisane with definite body. |
Ethel was born Ethel Gore-Brown in 1864 in Tasmania where her father, Sir Thomas Gore-Brown was Governor. In 1894, Ethel married Hugh Locke-King and they went to live at “Brooklands” in Weybridge, Surrey. Shortly after their marriage, Ethel and Hugh purchased a hotel called “Mena House” just outside Cairo in Egypt which had formerly been a hunting lodge. They made it into a luxury hotel and added a golf course on the advice of a friend – Alice Gress.
They began their married life by farming the Brooklands estate but Hugh was passionately interested in motor racing and soon began building a race track on their land. The Motor Car Act of 1903 in Britain restricted motor vehicles to a 20 miles per hour speed limit which meant that trials between motor vehicles could not take place on public roads.
The earliest mention of a trial between motor vehicles was recorded as being from Paris to Rouen in July 1894, which was followed in 1895 with a race between Paris and Bordeaux.
Ethel took over the supervision of the development of the Brooklands racing circuit and aerodrome when the hard work involved in organising the construction adversely affected her husband’s health. Ethel’s family helped out, lending sufficient money to pay off debts incurred by the building work. Brooklands Motor Racing Circuit and Aerodrome was opened on June 1907 with a luncheon for motor car manufacturers. On 17th June 1907, Ethel led the inaugural procession of cars on to the track in her Itala car. The first race was held on 6th July 1907 and around ten thousand people attended the event. Women were not allowed to race but in 1908 the Ladies Bracelet Handicap was run with nine entrants. The winner was Muriel Thompson in an Austin, with Ethel Locke-King in the Italia second and Christobel Ellis in an Arrol-Johnston third. The Brooklands Automobile Club then banned women drivers until 1928. A similar ban was imposed on women's football teams after WW1.
During the First World War, Ethel Locke-King (seen here on the right) was Assistant County Director of Surrey, UK. She was responsible for establishing and organising twelve auxiliary military hospitals, one of which was in their home Brooklands House and is now Brooklands College. Several of the other hospitals were in houses owned by Hugh Locke-King. Ethel oversaw the management of 700 volunteers in nineteen Voluntary Aid Detachments. Mena House Hotel in Egypt was requisitioned for use by the Australian Army during WW1.
For her work during the conflict, Ethel was appointed Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in 1918.
If you have not already visited Brooklands, I can highly recommend it. The banking was absolutely incredible and would never be permitted in Formula One today. After the death of her husband in 1926, Ethel continued to farm the Brooklands estate, with particular interest in their herd of Guernsey cattle. After Hugh Locke King’s death in 1926, Dame Ethel continued to play an active role in the Brooklands track company until its sale to new investors in 1936. She died in 1956.
The famous British race track, which was the first purpose-built circuit for racing motor cars in the world, is the subject of a temporary exhibition being held at Brooklands Museum in April 2017. The Exhibition, which is organised by the Surrey Museums Partnership together with 43 Surrey museums, will to mark Surrey Museums Month. The theme of this year’s Museums Month, held annually. This year’s theme celebrates the history of the county’s “Surrey Women”.
To find out more about the exhibition at Brooklands please see their website https://www.brooklandsmuseum.com/about/latest-news/april-is-surrey-museums-month
With grateful thanks to Callan Chevin for information about Margaret Mayne, who was born in Ballinamallard, Co. Tyrone, Ireland in 1882.
Margaret trained as a nurse and worked as a Staff Nurse in the North Staffordshire Infirmary from 1907 until the outbreak of WW1. She died in Harwich Hospital on 20th April 1917. A plaque to the memory of Margaret, who was awarded the Associate Royal Red Cross Medal for her work, was placed in the Chapel of the North Staffordshire Infirmary. Since 2015, this plaque has been situated in the Atrium at the Royal Stoke University Hospital, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, UK.
Margaret's name is not on my copy of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission List of Female Casualties of the First World War. If anyone knows more about Margaret, please get in touch.
Proving just how dangerous crossing the Channel was in WW1, His Majesty’s Hospital Ship ‘Salta’ hit a mine and sank on 10th April 1917, going down in under ten minutes. Among those who died were 9 nurses of the Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Nursing Reserve, 42 Royal Army Medical Corps personnel and 79 crew members.
HMHS ‘Salta’ was on her way from Britain to the port of Le Havre in France to collected wounded to transport them to Britain for treatment.
The ship was a passenger liner built by French ship builders Societe de Forges et Chantier de la Mediterranee at Seyne-sur-Mer in Var. She was run by the Societe General de Transport Maritime Steam and requisitioned by the British Admiralty in 1914 to be converted into a hospital ship.
More information can be found in Women Casualties Of The Great War In Military Cemeteries - Volume 1: Belgium & France
Lee Bowes, General Manager at Virgin Limited Edition’s Son Bunyola Estate in Mallorca, has shared her top 5 activities to make the most of this island haven;
With over 500km of coastlines, a boat trip is one of the best ways to discover the island. Explore hidden coves, snorkel in the turquoise waters or stop for lunch at one of the coastal restaurants that can only be accessed from the water.
‘Deborah’s Culinary Island Experience’ is a fantastic way to learn more about Mallorca’s thriving food scene. From olive oil tasting to a paella cooking class, Deborah will guide you through the highlights of our culinary landscape.
The north west of the island is a paradise for hikers and bikers and offers stunning Mediterranean views. From a gentle afternoon stroll to a challenging ride, there are routes for all abilities.
Mallorca’s wine is one of our best kept secrets, and a trip to a vineyard is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. Learn about the winemaking process and enjoy a rustic picnic lunch (and, of course, a glass or two!) under the groves.
Wandering the sunny streets of pretty towns and villages is a must-do for those who want to know the ‘real’ Mallorca. Deia, Valldemossa and Soller are some of my personal favourites for their character and charm.
Rates start from EUR 17,900 for a seven night stay, and are inclusive of all drinks, breakfast, lunch and dinner including a local restaurant reservation one night. |
Activities in the home can be a fun way to meet people, have a “date night”, or learn new skills. It just takes some imagination and sometimes a little research. Continue reading →
This entry was posted in Money Blog and tagged Family Fun, Low Cost Activities, Money Choices on April 3, 2013 by Kristine Young.
Because I have a family of four children, I am constantly looking for ways to have outings that do not cost much money. I have learned over the years that taking the family out, doesn’t have to cost a whole lot, but can often times be educational and fun for the whole family. Continue reading →
This entry was posted in Money Blog and tagged Family Fun, Low Cost Activities, Money Choices on February 21, 2013 by Kristine Young.
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(9) The Division shall deny or refuse to renew the registration of the mover or simply a moving broker or deny a registration or renewal request by any from the mover’s or moving broker’s directors, officers, house owners, or normal associates When the mover or moving broker has not pleased a civil penalty or administrative wonderful for your violation of s. 507.07(nine).
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IM No. .” Each individual from the mover’s automobiles should Evidently and conspicuously display a sign on the driver’s facet doorway which includes at least a person of those phrases in lettering of at the very least one.five inches in peak.
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2. The husband or wife or surviving spouse of the veteran must give to the Section a replica in the veteran’s DD Variety 214, as issued by The usa Department of Defense, or A further satisfactory method of identification as specified from the Section of Veterans’ Affairs, and a copy of a legitimate relationship license or certification verifying that she or he was lawfully married to your veteran at the time of discharge; or
The exchange finally permitted the listing right after it absolutely was proven that Baystar experienced not agreed to some lock-up settlement to maintain its shares for your time, as is typical in these scenarios. In actual fact, Baystar had been an intense seller from the primary day of buying and selling.
(four) This chapter would not supersede the authority or jurisdiction of any federal company for merchandise or services controlled or managed beneath other provisions of law.
(1) Each mover and moving broker must register Along with the Office, offering its lawful company and trade identify, mailing address, and organization spots; the entire names, addresses, and telephone quantities of its homeowners or corporate officers and directors plus the Florida agent with the Company; an announcement whether it is a domestic or foreign Company, its point out and day of incorporation, its charter quantity, and, if a foreign Company, the day it registered Together with the Office of Condition; the date on which the mover or broker registered its fictitious name Should the mover or broker is running beneath a fictitious or trade title; the name of all other organizations, business enterprise entities, and trade names by which Each and every owner of the mover or broker operated, was recognised, or did small business to be a mover or moving broker within the previous five many years; and evidence World Van Line with the insurance policies or substitute coverages required less than s. 507.04.
Atlas transports retail outlet fixtures based on the shop time period. Focus on shipping and delivery permits fixture receipt right after organization hours. Sequential loading and unloading services and self-loading are presented services from Atlas.[9]
Hugo Boss AG, often styled as Manager, can be a German luxurious vogue property. It absolutely was Launched in 1924 by Hugo Manager and is also headquartered in Metzingen, Germany. Originally specializing in uniforms, it had been a supplier for Nazi Get together organizations both of those ahead of And through Globe War II. Once the war and also the founder's Demise in 1948, Hugo Boss began to transform its emphasis from uniforms to men's suits. The corporation went community in 1985 and introduced a fragrance line that very same year, extra mens and womenswear diffusion lines in 1997, an entire Females's selection in 2000 along with kid's apparel in 2008/2009, and it has due to the fact evolved into A serious international manner residence with much more than 1,a hundred organization-owned retail suppliers around the world (2016).
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1933 Advertisement positioned by Hugo Manager for National Socialist uniforms, function- sports- and rainwear.
In 1923, Hugo Boss Started his individual clothing company in Metzingen, a small town south of Stuttgart, wherever it remains dependent. In 1924 he began a manufacturing facility coupled with two partners. The corporate produced shirts, jackets, get the job done garments, sportswear and raincoats. Due to financial climate of Germany at the time, Boss was forced out of business. In 1931, he achieved an arrangement together with his creditors, leaving him with 6 sewing equipment to get started on again.[5]
That very same year, he became a member from the Nazi Bash, receiving the membership quantity 508,889, and also a sponsoring member ("Fileörderndes Mitglied") with the Schutzstaffel (SS). He also joined the German Labour Front in 1936, the Reich Air Protection Association in 1939, and also the Countrywide Socialist People's Welfare in 1941.[citation needed] Following joining these organizations, his revenue increased from 38,260 RM ($26,993 U.S. pounds in 1932) to around three,300,000 RM in 1941.[citation necessary] His income also enhanced in the same time frame from five,000 RM to 241,000 RM.[citation necessary] Even though he claimed in a 1934–35 ad that he were a "provider for National Socialist uniforms since 1924", it is possible that he didn't start to supply them until 1928 within the earliest.[citation desired] Here is the 12 months he grew to become a Reichszeugmeisterei-licensed provider of uniforms for the Sturmabteilung (SA), Schutzstaffel, Hitler Youth, National Socialist Motor Corps, and various occasion companies.[citation required]
Via the 3rd quarter of 1932, the all-black SS uniform was created by SS customers Karl Diebitsch (artist) and Walter Heck (graphic designer). The Hugo Boss company was also amongst the businesses that developed these black uniforms for the SS. By 1938 the business was focused on developing Wehrmacht uniforms and later on also uniforms for the Waffen-SS.[six]
For the duration of the Second World War Hugo Manager utilized one hundred forty forced laborers, the majority of them Gals. Together with these personnel forty French prisoners of war also worked for the corporate briefly among Oct 1940 - April 1941. In line with German historian Henning Kober, the organization administrators have been fervent National Socialists who have been all great admirers of Adolf Hitler. In 1945 Hugo Manager had a photograph in his condominium of him with Hitler, taken on the Berghof, Hitler's Obersalzberg retreat.[seven] [6]
Due to his early NS Bash membership, his economic aid in the SS as well as uniforms delivered to the Countrywide Socialist German Workers Occasion, Boss was regarded both of those an "activist" plus a "supporter and beneficiary of National Socialism". Within a 1946 judgment he was stripped of his voting legal rights, his capacity to run a company, and fined "a really weighty penalty" of a hundred,000 DM ($70,553 U.S. bucks).[eight] Nonetheless, Manager appealed, and he was ultimately categorized to be a ‘follower’, a lesser class, which intended that he wasn't considered to be an Lively promoter of Nationwide Socialism.[six]
Due to the ban on Manager becoming in enterprise, his son-in-regulation Eugen Hugo Boss parfym Holy took over ownership and managing of the corporate. In 1950, following a period providing do the job uniforms, the organization obtained its 1st buy for guys's satisfies, resulting in an expansion to one hundred fifty workforce by the end in the 12 months. By 1960 the corporation was creating ready manufactured satisfies. In 1969, Eugen retired, leaving the corporation to his sons Jochen and Uwe, who began Worldwide progress. In 1970, the 1st Manager branded suits had been made, With all the model getting a registered trademark in 1977. This was accompanied by the start of the organization's lengthy association with motorsport, sponsoring Method Just one driver Niki Lauda, and later on the McLaren Racing crew.
In 1984, the 1st Manager branded fragrance appeared. This served the company acquire the required growth for listing around the Frankfurt Stock Exchange the subsequent calendar year. The manufacturer entered the world of golfing by sponsoring Bernhard Langer in 1986 and entered the world of tennis by sponsoring the Davis Cup in 1987. In 1989, Boss launched its first licensed sun shades. Afterwards that calendar year, the corporation was acquired by a Japanese team.[nine]
After the Marzotto textile group acquired a seventy seven.five% stake for $one hundred sixty five,000,000 in 1991,[9][10] the Hugo and Baldessarini brands were released in 1993. In 1995 the corporation released its footwear selection, the primary in the now entirely produced leather products vary throughout all sub-makes. A partnership Along with the Solomon R. Guggenheim Basis was introduced in 1995, resulting in the Hugo Boss Prize, an once-a-year $one hundred,000 stipend in present day arts offered given that 1996.
In 2005, Marzotto spun off its vogue manufacturers in to the Valentino Style Team, which was then marketed to Permira personal fairness group. In March 2015 Permira announced plans to provide the remaining shareholding of twelve%. Because the Exit by Permira, ninety one% of your shares floated about the Börse Frankfurt and also the residual two% held by the corporate. 7% of the shares owns the Marzotto Relatives. Hugo Boss has a minimum of six,102 factors of sale in 124 countries. Hugo Manager AG immediately owns more than 364 outlets, 537 monobrand retailers, and around 1,000 franchise-owned shops.[9]
In 2009, Manager Hugo Boss was by far the most important section, consisting of sixty eight% of all income. The rest of product sales were being manufactured up by BOSS Orange at seventeen%, BOSS Range at 3%, Manager Inexperienced at 3% and HUGO at nine%.[11]
In 2010, the corporate had gross sales of $2,345,850,000 in addition to a Internet gain of $262,183,000,[9] with royalties of forty two% of complete Web earnings.[nine]
In March 2010, Hugo Manager was boycotted by actor Danny Glover for the business's plans to close the plant in Brooklyn, Ohio just after Hugo Boss parfym 375 personnel of the Employees United Union reportedly turned down Hugo Boss proposal to chop the workers' hourly wage 36% from $13 one hour to $8.thirty.[fourteen] Right after an Original statement by CFO Andreas Stockert declaring the corporation had a obligation to shareholders and would move match producing from Ohio to other facilities in Turkey, Bulgaria, and Romania,[fifteen] the company capitulated on the boycott and cancelled the project.[16] Options to close the plant once more in April 2015 also unsuccessful.[seventeen][18]
In September 2015, Hugo Manager (British isles) was fined £1.2m in relation on the Dying in June 2013 of a baby who died 4 times following struggling lethal head injuries at its retailer in Bicester, Oxfordshire.[19] The 4-calendar year-old boy had been hurt any time a steel-framed fitting-area mirror weighing a hundred and twenty kg (250 lb) fell on him. Oxford Crown Court had previously been explained to that it had "negligently been still left absolutely free-standing with none fixings"[19] and also the coroner had claimed that the death was an "accident waiting around to occur".[twenty] In June 2015, Hugo Manager (UK) had admitted its breach of the two the Wellbeing and Protection at Function Act 1974 and Management of Overall health and Basic safety at Do the job regulations 1999.[21] The business’s authorized agent reported: "The consequence of the failing is as dreadful as one could reasonably picture. For the reason that working day with the incident Hugo Manager has finished all it can, initial to acknowledge Individuals failings, to specific authentic, heartfelt regret and likewise reveal a resolve To place matters right and make sure there cannot be a repeat of what went Improper".[21]
BOSS Orange, which incorporates both of those Adult males's have on (1999) and girls's don (2005). This line was relaunched in 2010 as denim dependent relaxed use. With the Spring / Summer season 2018 assortment BOSS Orange will probably be referred to as BOSS Everyday.
Manager Inexperienced, which was Formerly referred to as Boss Activity, incorporates golf-design active clothing in both of those Adult men's don (2003) and ladies's put on (2010). From the Spring / Summer months 2018 Hugo Boss parfym selection BOSS Eco-friendly will be often called Manager Athleisure.
Products are created in a number of places, such as the firm's personal production web-sites in: Metzingen, Germany; Morrovalle, Italy; Radom, Poland; Izmir, Turkey; and Cleveland, U.s..[23]
Hugo Boss has invested in technological know-how for its designed-to-measure application, working with machines for nearly every one of the tailoring historically produced by hand.[24]
Hugo Boss has licensing agreements with various corporations to supply Hugo Boss branded solutions. These contain agreements with Samsung, HTC and Huawei to produce cellphones; C.W.F. Little ones Throughout the world Fashion SAS to create children's garments; Shiseido and Procter & Gamble Prestige to make fragrances and skincare;[25] Movado to make watches;[26] and Safilo to supply sun shades and eyewear.[27
13 Every aspect of the museum needs to be improved It will be expensive but if we manage to go through with the revival we will be able to maintain it as a vital piece of our own heritage It is now the home of all the artefacts It needs to be revered and honoured Dr Mahmoud El Halwagy Director of the Egyptian Museum Square itself over an area where an underground garage is presently being built Together with the proposed western extension towards the River Nile this southern extension will create a vast open L shaped garden in the middle of which would stand the historical building The Tahrir Garden will create a pedestrian thoroughfare and visual continuity from the front of the museum to the subway stations located at Tahrir Square The importance of dealing with the entire Egyptian Museum site in a holistic manner is fundamental according to Dr Mounir Neamatalla who believes that if this initiative is realised it would not only survive and be well managed but it will kick start a self propelling change in downtown Cairo in its entirety The Revival Initiative further proposes the redesigning of the museum s main garden to the south as an Egyptian Botanical Garden which will serve as an encyclopaedia of indigenous Egyptian plants extending towards the Nile |
Some things are beyond politics: Race, social justice, and school reform – American Enterprise Institute | Social Justice News
Civil society organisations in Germany need to be directly empowered to use data, in order to maintain their scope for action in a digitalised world.
The rise of data-driven decision-making has made huge impact on government and business over the past decade. Major shifts in society and economy driven by technological advances in the collection, analysis and use of large data sets has become commonplace. Debates over the use of social media data to effect democratic elections, the rise of the data-driven FANG corporations (Facebook, Netflix, Amazon and Google) and the use by governments in the West of large data sets to guide policy making have fundamentally changed the way we understand and interact with human relations. Secondary effects, including the flourishing of innovation techniques based around iteration and immediate feedback inspired by Silicon Valley (Design Thinking, “Lean Startup” methodology, agile approaches) further shape the way that audiences, consumers and citizens are understood and served. Civil society organisations will need support to keep pace with developments in the private and public sectors, so that they can continue to mediate between increasingly complex social groups and sectors in a digitalised future.
Many civil society organisations have been exposed to the collection and analysis of large data sets through the application of impact-oriented methodologies to make civil society activities more efficacious. Organisations like Phineo in Germany, NESTA in the UK and Ashoka globally advocate for more impact orientation and more impact measurement, to increase transparency, efficaciousness and purposeful social change. Funding decisions will be increasingly based on the ability of civil society organisations to prove their impact qualitatively, or even more convincingly, quantitatively. However, currently the vast majority of civil society organisations are unprepared for the importance that data collection and analysis will play in the future- in a recent survey from the BetterPlace Lab only 25% of civil society organisations in Germany felt prepared for the increasing influence of impact measurement on funding decisions[i]. Perhaps even more crucially, civil society organisations are not prepared to take advantage of the potential of big data to increase, or even just to maintain, their current sphere of action.
“Specifically in Germany, awareness of data protection topics is pronounced. Civil society organisations normally know how important the protection of personal data is, and have developed the relevant competencies to do so. There is also a good understanding of simple data manipulation tasks, such as with Excel. Many non-profits have, however, a very limited understanding of the potential of data in their work, and the competences that they would need to do so. For example, abilities in the use of external sources of data, the connection of multiple sources of data together, the interpretation of data and the recognition of complex relationships in data, the visualisation of data and the use of large data sets are very limited” (Helene Hahn, Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e. V.[ii] (translated by the author)
The production, analysis, and criticism of data-based policy, the representation of the interests of civil society actors and their beneficiaries in a data-driven polity, and the development of innovative, robust and scalable solutions to social problems will all increasingly require a data literacy from civil society organisations that is currently not there. Organisations that I work with are all currently performing these crucial roles in society, but their ability to mediate between state, business and communities is becoming more and more dependent on their ability to use data.
Through my work with civil society organisations I see the potential for data collection at every scale, as well as the barriers that organisations have to taking advantage of this potential. As an example, working with a consortium of small, neighbourhood organisations supporting a struggling inner-city primary school in Berlin, we developed a simple quantitative tool, including questions for parents, teachers, pupils and civil society stakeholders. We translated the questions into, along with German, Arabic and Turkish, on order to reach all of the important stakeholders. With relatively little effort we were able to identify five clear areas where the local organisations and the school could work better together, as well as indicators of which activities could potentially affect the most change. With the clear indications produced by the statistics, we were able to convince all important stakeholders of the necessity for action.
The challenges faced by these actors are very common in big cities in Germany, and a scaling of this tool would almost certainly lead to improvements in education and neighbourhood solidarity. More importantly the questions we asked indicated major problems on a regional and a national level, most importantly around migration and integration, but also in terms of urban development, which local actors could not solve. However, if this tool was used by twenty schools throughout a single Bundesland, or through the whole of Germany, we would have enough data that could be used to effect policy change on a national level.
The role of smaller civil society actors to effect policy change, to mediate between interest groups, the state, society and business, could be strengthened through data literacy and the ability to produce, criticize and analyse data. However, there are major barriers civil society actors need to overcome to take advantage of these possibilities.
Primarily, civil society actors themselves need to increase their data literacy, by learning the basics of statistical operations and understanding the terms used in the growing field of data science. This need cannot be met by pro-bono or other external advisors- in order for civil society actors to be able to analyse external data sets, to set the data agenda in their organization, and crucially recognizing the potential that data offers, they must be comfortable at least with basic concepts like statistical significance and effect size, and they should have an understanding of what machine learning, data analytics and data mining are, and which sources for data there are that are relevant to their work.
Additionally, many civil society organisations have serious reservations about using data that need to be settled before they can take full advantage of it. Many are concerned about data security, knowing what data they can collect and how. Many are concerned about alienating their beneficiaries, and striking the right balance between useful and usable data and maintaining trust. These concerns can be met with more training and understanding of how data can be securely collected and stored, transparently handled and how target groups can be reassured and trust can be maintained.
A serious issue for the collection and application of impact are the current existential fears held by civil society organisations regarding funding. Whilst impact orientation and the use of research techniques offers major benefits when it comes to funding decisions, quantitative data should be used as one of many tools for measuring social benefit, and the limitations of quantitative tools to measure, for example, culture or complex social change should be recognised. Funders need to act with sensitivity when working with organisations to carry out impact measurement activities, and organisations need to develop an understanding of what quantitative practices can achieve before quantitative impact analysis can achieve its full potential. Crucially, the use of impact measurement and quantitative impact measurement needs to be implemented internally within organisations, where it also has the potential to have the most benefit, before it is used across the board to measure success and inform funding decisions.
Finally, civil society organisations need digital tools designed specifically for them, developed in cooperation with them. The needs of civil society organisations in data collection, analysis and visualization are very different from academic research institutions and commercial enterprises. Flexibility is a requirement, but more than anything tools should take into account the amount of organisations working independently on the same goal, and should offer clear structure. Tools should take advantage of this local repetition and allow cooperation between organisations to create robust and representative data sets. They should try to make the most of cooperation by allowing transparency when it makes sense, whilst still recognizing the needs of organisations to have control over their data. The limited resources of civil society organisations, and the efficiency with which they work, should be taken into account when it comes to training and knowledge requirements to use the tools.
Civil society organisations urgently need tools and methods that empower them to use data to mediate between groups and institutions in an ever more complex society. They need to learn through doing, ideally using impact measurement as an introduction as this is a skill that they will need to rapidly learn to maintain funding. They need support that focuses on cooperation between organisations, in order to create robust data sets as well as build a more networked civil society to leverage their diverse skills and competencies and their combined size. Civil society organisations need to recognize the skills that they lack and focus on acquiring them, no small feat in the current climate of limited resources. Funders need to recognize the role that they can play, by building trust through support of supported organisations to acquire these skills and a recognition of a broad spectrum of appropriate tools to measure impact, in which quantitative impact plays an key role.
If civil society organisations are equipped in this way, the potential for increasing the sensitivity and responsiveness of social policy is enormous. The ability of civil society organisations to make visible and suggest solutions to social and economic problems which would otherwise be ignored can be strengthened. The increasing complexity of modern societies can be moderated by active citizenship through associations and NGOs that can marshal similar data resources as think tanks, business interests and the state. Without these key tools, and access to a language increasingly necessary for decision making, we will leave the decisions to those who can talk data. |
France's Kuhn Group wants to replenish russia's outdated fleet with its agricultural machines. the task isn't easy: Kuhn faces protectionist state policies, falling production and competition from other foreign brands.
In the nation with the fourth-largest amount of farmable land, Russia's market for agricultural equipment is a fertile place for foreign companies.
If a brand-new tractor or combine is rolling over a Russian field, there is a good chance that it has a foreign logo. Last year, foreign brands made up almost 70 percent of the market for equipment that cultivates soil and close to 70 percent of the market for devices that sow crops. Overall, in 2009, brands from outside Russia supplied just under 40 percent of its new farming equipment and, despite Russian government intervention, foreign brands comprised about 50 percent of the market in 2010.
France's Kuhn Group is one of those brands. Its Russian subsidiary, Kuhn Vostok, includes a Moscow office and Kaluga warehouse. Kuhn imports its machines for Russian farmers — but it isn't alone. It faces stiff competition from German, Belarussian and U.S. manufacturers. Both German and U.S. companies have opened factories in Russia, ratcheting up the competition. In fact, if Kuhn's leadership sees the right conditions in the market, it could open a factory here, too, director Nicolas Raimbault said in an interview.
This isn't an easy sell. Last summer's savage drought walloped the agricultural sector and devastated farms. Government policies are pushing farmers to buy domestically made equipment, customs procedures are making it difficult to obtain spare parts, and many farmers are opting to repair rather than buy. Rosagromash, a farm equipment industry association, estimates that 70 percent of Russia's equipment is worn-out and 90 percent is outdated.
Making the market even more challenging, many international corporations are competing for the same customers. German companies such as Claas hold a 28 percent share of the market for imported equipment. Belarussian companies hold 16 percent, and U.S. companies such as Deere & Company and AGCO have 11 percent, Rosagromash said. Italy, Ukraine, China and France also are top market players, according to the association.
Kuhn wants to make inroads, however. In the years leading up to 2008, the Russian market for farm machines was about $5.5 billion, and about 60 percent of all purchases were of non-Russian brands, according to data from Rosagromash. Given those types of figures, Kuhn jumped in with both feet.
Opening a subsidiary was "a milestone for Kuhn Group in order to enhance our understanding of the local market needs and to improve our service offering toward our customers," Raimbault said.
"On the one side, the crisis situation has given us some opportunities, but it is also difficult to build a team and develop a dealer network when the market has decreased significantly," Raimbault said in an e-mail interview.
'In 2011 we are expecting our sales to double. For the next two to three years, we are expecting strong growth,' said Nicolas Raimbault of Kuhn Vostok.
It was a rough period. In 2009, agricultural enterprises found themselves forced to slash their expenses, with the farm machine market plummeting 40 percent that year. That led to a spectacular drop in imports of farming equipment, from 3.16 billion euros ($4.49 billion) in 2008 to 1.1 billion euros ($1.56 billion) in 2009, a drop of 65 percent, according to IndexBox, a market researcher.
The equipment market decline continued into 2010, as low purchasing power and curbed lending from banks combined to hamper the market.
For foreign producers, the crisis was exacerbated by protectionist government policies aimed at boosting the domestic industry and at forcing foreign producers to put production facilities in Russia.
Foreign suppliers had a 62 percent share of the domestic agricultural market in 2009, and "the Russian market is by far the most open to foreign producers of machinery and agricultural equipment," Rosagromash said in a report this year.
By 2010, the government's interventions, and perhaps the financial crisis, had undercut the foreign market share. Its policies, such as increasing import duties on certain types of equipment, restricting purchases of foreign equipment to government-connected programs and giving loan subsidies for Russian machines, set the foreigners' share at 51 percent last year.
Some international companies have set up shop here, a fact that allows them to avoid restrictions on the import of assembled equipment. Claas has been operating a factory in Krasnodar since 2005, where it makes combines. Deere & Company, also known as John Deere, launched a factory outside Moscow last year. The plant assembles skidders, tractors, combines, backhoe loaders and motor graders for Russia and other countries, according to John Deere's 2010 annual report.
Kuhn has no short-term plans to open production facilities in Russia, but if the market develops as expected, it would be common sense to open production, Raimbault said.
He explained that Russian farmers are eligible to receive certain subsidies and loans from the state-owned agricultural banks, Rosselkhozbank and Rosagrolizing, only if they buy equipment that is made in Russia.
Slow customs procedures are another challenge, especially when it comes to the import of spare parts, which can be needed urgently by farmers with idled machines.
"All companies importing spare parts on the Russian market will testify that a great deal of work had to be done, but the procedure is now fully under control and our company can 'custom clear' a full truck of parts within 24 hours," Raimbault said. In fact, Kuhn recently has opened a warehouse for spare parts in Kaluga and has increased its stocks of spare parts.
'Modernizing Russia's aged fleet could generate upwards of $60 billion in sales,' a Morningstar market analysis said.
Maxim Firsov, an expert from Moscow's Research Academy for Agricultural Engineering, said guaranteeing the delivery of spare parts is indeed a major problem. Firsov added that there is also a lack of technical expertise on foreign equipment. Those factors contribute to farmers holding on to Russian or Belarussian machines, he said. In terms of the overall stock of equipment owned by farmers here, Russian and Belarussian products probably make up more than half, though exact figures could not be confirmed.
Firsov painted a bleak picture for the future of the Russian industry. Production numbers are decreasing, since the domestic producers are struggling to keep up with the international competition.
According to Rosagromash, revenues of the world's largest agricultural equipment makers far exceed those of Russian manufacturers. Sales volumes for even the biggest Russian producers are just one-tenth of foreign competitors' volumes, while research and development investment lags even more.
Market researcher Morningstar concluded in a 2010 analysis of the country's agricultural equipment market that "modernizing Russia's aged fleet could generate upwards of $60 billion in sales. As such, we think all major manufacturers could enjoy growth without viciously competing for market share."
"Bigger competition required us to increase support for our dealer network and to be more attentive to final customers' needs. This means we had to review some internal procedures in order to be able to react quicker to customers' needs," Raimbault said.
Also, "customers are buying machines they know. Therefore we are putting a high focus on presenting and exhibiting our machines at different shows and field events," the Kuhn Vostok executive said.
IndexBox has predicted that the market will recover in the short term because the farming sector is recovering from both the crisis and the drought, while credit policies are liberalizing and pent-up demand is emerging. It estimated that pre-crisis figures can be reached by 2014 or 2015.
Now that the darkest days for the agricultural equipment market seem to be behind Kuhn Vostok and the foreign producer market, Raimbault is looking at the future optimistically. He believes that Russia will soon return to its pre-crisis annual growth.
"Three years later [following the start of the crisis], it seems to me that we have faced this challenge quite well," he said.
"We managed to extend our dealer network and are present in the most important agricultural regions of the Russian Federation, which allows us to increase our sales and benefit from the 'after crisis' growth," he added. "In 2011 we are expecting our sales to double. For the next two to three years we are expecting strong growth."
Kuhn has a significant presence in central and southern Russia — in Kazan and Krasnodar — which are agricultural strongholds. Kuhn is also eyeing the Volga region, the area near the Urals and parts of Siberia as potential markets.
"Sales in the Commonwealth of Independent States are expected to see notably stronger gains from the previous year's depressed level," John Deere said in an earnings statement in May. "Farm conditions are strengthening in the European and CIS markets."
Companies from France make up a sizable part of Russia’s business fabric, and French firms' strategies are covered in-depth in this supplement. What's more, for the first time in our country supplement magazines, you can view the extent of French business activity by federal district in a specially designed map. |
In Italian you can wear a classical head, a terracotta head, or a pumpkin. The classical head is il capo, which nowadays seems to have shriveled up in its use and is ready to drop off. The most-used head is la testa, originally a shell, then a...
Danfresnourban is my Twitter name. I am not extremely chatty on Twitter, but I usually tweet a couple of times a day
I am alienwednesday on twitter. Follow at your own risk, some days I say nothing. Other days I am snarky. Some days I promote myself a couple times.. it is whatever I feel like on that day.
I guess, I better get a twitter account. I will get back to you with my twitter name. take care! Blessings to you!
Nice concept. Let say i have been having problem getting audience on twitter, so am really into the game.
@MelanieShebel here. I am not particularly chatty, but I do read a lot of people's stuff! I would be glad to add you. Feel free to add me -- you'll get information on a lot of my latest hubs and things I am up to.
The Knights of Ni are characters in Monty Python's 1975 movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail; here you can find out more about them, see video clips, merchandise and pictures of the Knights who say "Ni".
Monty Python and the Holy Grail has consistently been voted one of the funniest comedy movies ever, and with fans of the movie the scene with the Knights who say "Ni" is one of the most popular. I first watched this movie years after my father had been exposing me to random outbursts of "Ni" and I must confess that the scene quickly became one of my favourite parts of the movie too.
The Knights who say "Ni" appear in the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail. They are the guardians of the forest and protectors of sacred words, barring the way for King Arthur, Sir Bedevere and their squires and demand a tribute in order to let these travelers pass.
The Knights who say Ni are led by a 12 foot tall knight, with stumpy arms and deer antlers stuck into his helmet; whereas the remaining Knights of Ni are of normal height and have helmets which cover their faces.
Whereas in other movies, tributes and quests take the form of dragon-slaying or the finding of some secret parchment, The Knights who say Ni have a rather more mundane request - they want a shrubbery! To ensure that King Arthur and his fellow travelers comply with this quest, the knights repeatedly yell "Ni" at them, striking fear into the group who then go off in search of a shrubbery salesperson who does not overcharge.
This Knight who says Ni appears as a funny booble-head toy that collectors of movie memorabilia and Monty Python fans will love. This Knight also masquerades as his alter-ego "The Knights who say Ecky ecky ecky ecky Patang Zoom Boing". Place this on your desk to raise a laugh in the office.
However, it is only the word "Ni" that the Knights use repeatedly in order to inflict fear and pain on their victims.
King Arthur, played by Graham Chapman, is already well into a Grail Quest when he comes upon the Knights of Ni in the forest. Reluctant as he is to go on a further quest, he luckily stumbles upon a nearby shrubber who has economic problems and is available at short notice to appease the Knights.
If you fancy yourself as a mythical king then this King Arthur costume is a good choice for a fancy dress party.
You must return here with a shrubbery or else you will never pass through this wood alive! One that looks nice. And not too expensive."
A weakness for floral arrangements, picket fences and water features ensures that King Arthur has a mundane task ahead of him to ensure safe passage past the Knights of Ni (the head knight is played by Michael Palin, standing on a ladder).
Fortunately for King Arthur's quest, Roger the Shrubber, played by Eric Idle, happened to be passing at the very time that the Knights of the Round Table required an urgent shrubbery arrangement to appease the Knights Who Say Ni.
Sir Bedevere, played by Terry Jones, has a strange brand of logic, which earlier in the movie led him to condemn a woman as a witch because she weighed the same as a duck, but this does not come into play in this scene as he is struck dumb by the fearful chorus of "Ni" as King Arthur negotiates with the Knights of Ni.
Are you wise? Can you tell the difference between a witch and a duck? If you answer yes to these questions then the Sir Bedevere costume is just right for you.
Sir Robin, played by Eric Idle, and his minstrels (head minstrel played by Neil Innes) arrive after the Knights have become the Knights who until recently said Ni. Whilst telling King Arthur the result of his quest he inadvertently stumbles upon the Knights who formerly said Ni's weakness - fear of the word "it".
Dress up like brave Sir Robin and you can bravely chicken out and run away from any foe that you meet!
This Knights Who Say Ni t-shirt features the quote by Roger the Shrubber who bemoans, "Oh what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies". This t-shirt comes in a variety of colours, styles and sizes to suit all Monty Python and the Holy Grail fans.
"First you must find... another shrubbery! Then, when you have found the shrubbery, you must place it here, beside this shrubbery, only slightly higher so you get a two layer effect with a little path running down the middle. Then, you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forrest... with... a herring!"
The Knights who say Ni prove themselves to be rather fickle as, although they appreciate King Arthur's shrubbery, they have decided that they are no longer the Knights of Ni but go by a much more confounded title. Whilst the tribute they demand becomes more difficult, their change of name renders them powerless when hearing the word "it", but not "is", you wouldn't get very far in life without using the word "is"!
This wonderfully inventive coat-of-arms of the Knights who until recently said Ni appears on the front of this Monty Python t-shirt. This most original t-shirt will surely bring a smile to the face of passing Holy Grail fans that see you wearing it along with the inscription - Ecky, ecky, ecky, ecky, patang, zoomboing.
This Monty Python button/pin/badge sums up King Arthur's confusion with the quote, "Knight who until recently said Ni" in black script on a white background. You can select from square-shaped buttons or circular and there are also five different sizes to choose from. Choose ten different buttons and you will get a discount!
No one seems to be able to agree on what exactly it is that the Knights rename themselves as, even King Arthur, in the movie, cannot decipher what it is they say and calls them, "Knights until recently said Ni".
There is no agreed upon spelling of what they say nor even is it agreed upon exactly what it is they say. In the musical Spamalot, the Knights call themselves something different every night, the actors ad-libbing something that is appropriate to the time and place of the performance.
For those who are fans of the Knights who say Ni scene from the Monty Python and the Holy Grail movie, this download from the soundtrack of the movie will allow you to listen to the full nonsense about shrubberies, passing shrubbers and cutting down of the forest with fish over and over again.
I shall try to avoid saying that other word which causes the knights such distress, while congratulating you on a brilliant and informative lens; I shall be angel blessing it. Damn! Sorry, I went and said it. Oooh, and I said it again...
I don't know if I can be honest AND funny...and least since I do have to leave out the finer points of my favorite way to get rid of headaches. And because I usually get headaches while my husband is at work, so it doesn't do me any good. At any rate, I'll generally ignore headaches until they get to migraine level, then a bit of caffeine, dark chocolate, and a nap in a dark room does wonders. Before I got pregnant I would take Ibuprofen with these other measures in some cases, but now I don't because I don't want them saying, "Oops, we were wrong about the safe amount to take..." a couple years in the future.
I take Excedrin. It works better for me than other over the counter medications. Also lying down in a cool dark room helps.
If you take excederin with a multivitamin at the same time it works better. My name is Max, I work on cars.
What do you think is the biggest headache to owning a home?For me it is trying to find an honest and skilled HVAC company. Most headaches come from the HVAC system. I own a condo, but I know there could be many more with a single family residence. What is your biggest headache with owning a home?
Which editor wrote the article on ICLEI in the April 24th Saturday edition? I would like to comment.
After reading this articlein your paper this morning, I looked up ICLEI and found the article to be factually incorrect and misleading. I have read the "Strategic Plan 2004-2009 -The Athens Plan"- which was approved by the ICLEI Council in Greece in 2003. This is most definitely being engineered by the World Council and ensures the implementation of this Plan by the members, of which Spokane is now a member having paid the annual fee of $2,250. This is nothing but more world domination at the local levels through the process of power and control. Mayor Verner has been misdirected.
The media is the real problem all the time. They project all that is bad and mean, nobody wants to show the positive side of anything.. Thanks for the reply..
My ex and I have been divorced for 16 years. Only now do we have a kind of friendship, via facebook. I admire those who can remain friends after divorce; that was not my experience.
Ditto...we have had some rough years after the ugly divorce. But now with grown kids and grandkids we connect via facebook , like old friends each with loving relationships of our own. Plus it helps that I'm on the East Coast and he is on the West Coast
My mother and father divorced when I was 7 years old, but that always remained friends, up to the point he died.
Thanks Cagsil.. Your parents have shown the true spirit of their relationship! You should be real proud!
I believe it's critical that they do if there are children from the marriage. I tried to stay friends with my ex but instead she decided since I divorced her she would ensure she divorced my children from their father and she succeeded. Are we friends today? Nada
Of the 4 children I only have contact with one who lives with me and stands by his daddy. The other 3 have chosen to be brain washed by their mother.
I totally agree. its finally their choice, if their mother brainwashed them don't they themselves have any say on it? How old are they anyways? Good to know at least one has a brain of his!
I guess depends on the personalities. I know some people who are divorced, but still act as if they were married together. Then there are others, who would not even have the name of their ex mentioned. I would say the vast majority at least stay in speaking terms, specially when kids are involved. It must be horrible for the kids though.
Thanks rus-leelaratne..yes its hard for children who get sandwiched in the whole process. But parents need to understand what a child wants. They want to divorce..fine, but why should a child be kept away from one of his parent. Does not apply to those cases where being with any of the parent could be really harmful in any nature, but what about the rest!
I and my first husband met when I was 14 and he was 16. We married after I graduated from high school. We were married 23 years. After our divorce we have remained great friends. I think we're better friends than we've ever been
I think it largely depends on WHY a couple divorces and how much resentment or anger is there and how mature the couple is in getting past it. We were two people who still care for each other, we just don't want to be married to each other.
Yes KCC Big Country..that's what the point is all about! Even if you care for each other or know each other very well, yet you don't have to stay in the marriage just to prove it! You can still remain great friends and share things with each other. Love your point!
I believe finally it depends on how worse the things went between both of them! If the battle of divorce went off ugly then maybe you could say it was impossible to be friends.
Feng Shui involves improving the "Chi" (the flow of energy) in your surroundings. Based on this, all aspects of your life can benefit. Feng Shui practices can range from simple activities such as rearranging objects to more dramatic procedures such as moving to a house that is facing in a more desirable direction.
The Yin and Yang theory is prevalent in Feng Shui. This is based on the idea that there are two opposing forces that govern everything within the universe. Yin is the feminine force that is related to darkness, relaxation and silence. In contrast, Yang is the masculine force that is related to loud noises, lights and colors. Both exist in relation to each other. The Yin and Yang forces need to be in balance with one another to create the right environment. In the Western world, it is common for Yang energy to be found in abundance due to the faster pace of life. At the same time, Yin energy is often low, which creates an imbalance which affects diverse areas of everyday life from relationships to household finances. Understanding even the basics of Feng Shui can be challenging as it can be complicated.
The five elements of Feng Shui are the elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Each element is associated with different colors. Typically, Wood is represented by green and brown; Fire is represented by red, yellow, orange, purple and pink; Earth is represented by light yellow and light brown; Metal is represented by white and gray, and Water is represented by blue and black.
Using these colors to balance your environment requires an understanding of the Feng Shui energy map. This divides your space into separate areas such as fame and recognition. The easiest way to determine which area of your home falls into these specific areas is to draw a rough plan of the layout of your house onto a piece of paper and then drawing lines on top of this to divide the drawing into areas. To do this properly, you need to find out which direction your house is facing. This is easy to determine if you have a compass, as you can simply stand at the front door and let the compass inform you of the direction.
In an ideal scenario, each room of your house would fit into one of the areas, which would make it relatively simple to use the aforementioned colors to redress the balance of energy in your house. Depending on the layout of your house, you may find that rooms fall into more than one area. If this is the case, you will need to use a combination of different colors to redress the balance of energy.
There are eight separate areas on the energy map. The Career and Life Path area is found on the north of the energy map and is associated with the Water element; the Spiritual Growth area is found on the north-east of the energy map and is associated with the Earth element; the Health and Family area is found on the east of the energy map and is associated with the Wood element; the Money and Wealth area is found on the southeast of the energy map and is associated with the Wood element; the Fame and Recognition are is found on the south of the energy map and is associated with the Fire element; the Love and Marriage area is found on the southwest area of the energy map and is associated with the Earth element; the Creativity and Children area is found on the west of the energy map and is associated with the Metal element, and the Travel area is found on the northwest of the energy map and is associated with the Metal element. Once you have worked out which room links to these areas, you can use the colors associated with the relevant element to redress the energy balance.
As well as colors, the five elements are also have shape associations. As well as using colors to alter the balance of energy, you can use shapes too. For Wood, use rectangular shapes; for Fire, use triangular shapes; for Metal, use round shapes; for Earth, use square shapes, and for Water, use wavy shapes. It works best if the color and shape match each other. For example, a round mirror that is gray in color would work well in an area that is associated with the Metal element.
To further strengthen a particular area, you can use the Feng Shui productive cycle. The Water element feeds the Wood element, which in turn feeds the Fire element. The Fire element feeds the Earth element, which then feeds the Metal element. For example, you may find that you need to strengthen the Fire element in one of the rooms in your house. While you will already have introduced Wood colors and shapes into the room, you can go a step further by bringing Wood elements into the equation. This can be done by introducing items that are literally made from food, but you can also use the colors associated with the Fire element.
When energy enters your house, it is absorbed in the hallway. Because of this, you need to ensure that there is a good flow of energy in this area of your house as it will impact on the rest of the house. There are several ways to improve the flow of energy in the hallway. This can be done through the color of your front door. The color depends on the direction that your house is facing (based on the compass reading). For example, if your house faces south, it is ruled by the Fire element and needs to be one of the colors associated with this element. Alternatively, you could paint it in one of the colors associated with the Wood element, as Wood feeds Fire in the Feng Shui productive cycle.
Your bedroom needs to have high levels of Yin energy as it is supposed to be a place in which you can relax and recharge your batteries for the following day. To do this, you need to get rid of anything that disrupts the flow of energy in the room. This includes electrical appliances such as televisions, computers and radios. There should also be some degree of Yang energy in the room too, such as deep red candles. Overall, the color scheme should be fairly neutral and soothing to create a restful sleeping environment. It is considered to be bad Feng Shui to have a mirror directly opposite your bed.
Your bathroom should also be a room in which Yin energy is the predominant energy. As bathrooms are notorious for negatively affecting the flow of energy in your home, it is highly beneficial to make sure that your bathroom has good Feng Shui. Small water fountains are often incorporated into bathrooms as a way of promoting peacefulness and relaxation. This is not as difficult as you might think as it can amount to little more than an ornamental feature.
In the living room and the kitchen, Yang energy should be high. Bright colors such as yellow will satisfy this, along with the presence of electrical appliances such as televisions and computers. If you have an office area at home, setting it up in the living room will increase the flow of Yang energy in this area of the home. At the same time, Yin energy needs to exist to some degree. Installing comfortable seating arrangements in your living room to promote relaxation will do this. Keep electrical appliances to a minimum in the kitchen
You will often find that rooms will fall into "problem" areas within your Feng Shui energy map. For example, your bathroom might be located in your Money area. In Feng Shui terms, this is considered problematic as you are literally flushing your finances down the toilet or plug hole. Common Feng Shui techniques for solving this problem include using colors associated with the Fire and Water elements, and placing a bowl of Feng Shui crystals and eight stalks of lucky bamboo in your bathroom.
As Feng Shui is rather complicated, these tips are designed to offer a basic introduction to the practice and its benefits. For a more in-depth look at Feng Shui, you can consult a book or hire a Feng Shui consultant to provide a service that is specialized to your individual circumstances.
Fire Island is an intersting place to visit because you cannot drive there. You can only park your car in 3 other towns called Bay Shore, Patchogue, and Sayville. Then, you need to take a ferry over. The ferry ride is 15 minutes, but the view is beautiful. With over 35 restuarants in over 20 towns on Fire Island, you can stay there for several days. One place you can visit is Sunken Forest which has beautiful wildlife you can view and walk down its path that stretches for 3 miles. I jog on it.
Adventureland is Long Island's largest amusement park with over 15 games and 30 rides, including 2 roller coasters, 12 kiddie rides, and 15 adult rides. I take my daughter every year.
Adventureland is like a 1/5 the size of Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey, but just as exciting. Ride the Hurricane Roller Coaster or for children, they can ride the Lady Bug Coaster. Adventure Land also includes a haunted house, Ferris Wheel, Flying Wave (the famous swing ride), Himalayan Music Express, two water flumes, bumper cars, and a train that circles the park, which is ideal for families.
Atlantis is Long Island's largest Aquarium and Marina. From over 10 exhibits including Butterfly free flies, snorkeling adventures, Sea Lion Kiss, Penguin Encounter, Shark Dive, there is so much.
Your kids can even be Scientist for a Day where they pretend to be a biologist. Scientist For A Day is open to children nine to fourteen years of age.
Another cool event is Sleep With the Fishes. Children can actually sleep over on certain nights and this is good for birthday parties and other events.
Montawk Lighthouse and Montawk Point is the eastern most tip of Long Island. The lighthouse is a great historic attraction and it includes two museums. You can rent hotel and motel rooms and there are amazing seafood and Italian restaurants in the area.
When I saw there, I even took a kayak ride across the lake and aw the scenery that way. Montawk Point is also located east of the Hamptons is a group of elite towns on Long Island and Amagansett which is where Billy Joel and Jerry Seinfeld used to live. The Hamptons are also known for 25 amazing wineries.
We once visited Long Island and loved Montawk. We also visited Theodore Roosevelt's home, Sagamore Hill at Oyster Bay as one of my sons was crazy for TR. A wonderful place for folks who like history.
In 2004, our commercial tanker vessel discharged cargo at the port of LI, New York. But, during that time, all seafarers were cautioned to go ashore because something bad happened at the mainland. I cannot mention it here, but nevertheless, I loved to rekindle my experience there as a seafarer.
Love sightseeing with you. Thanks for sharing this informative hub. If I'm ever in the area....I will be sure and check them out. Voted UP!!
But then this report this morning contradicts the one in the Times form the previous day. So incredibly fascinating this story is. I remember years ago there was an Egypt Air flight that was taken down by a pilot, but in that one, the pilot made his intention known at the last minute. It's not much of a political protest when motives remain secret. But perhaps he didn't intend it to remain secret, but that shit hit the fan.
I'll buy it. I sure do hope that he managed to land the plane somewhere because: A. I hope everyone is alive and B. That would be one hell of a story.
Interested to note gender of those sharing. Of course it's early yet, but I wonder if I am not alone in my feelings? Edit: Still all dudes from what I can tell. Interestink.
I've shared in the hopes that even one person analyzes it thoughtfully. But I am 100% on board with you here.
Fuck. Not the article I needed to read after a rough couple days. I think it's a good night for a bottle of wine.
My intentions as well. I wasn't trying to make light of something so serious. Sorry for the negative vibes, and I hope you feel better.
Don't get me wrong. I know it's meant as satire and I see how it is meant as satire. I understand how it is a joke, and I am not offended and don't think you were making light of something serious - I mean, I don't think this post minimizes the American experience of female body shaming. Quite the reverse, to be honest.
I grew up in a household where I was not allowed to wear spaghetti or tank tops, only shirts that fully covered my shoulders. The only fuzzy justification my mother ever gave for mandating this wardrobe was that if I wore a tank top, my bra straps would be visible, and this was positively verboten. I vividly remember the first day I wore a tank top in public. I was in college.
It's funny. I noticed in the article they touch on "feminine hygiene products" - pads and tampons. It's a satire and it's still more progressive than home - my mom actively denied that they even existed when I hit puberty.
Just remember to never ask them and bury them deep down inside, and I’ll do my best to ignore whatever’s going on with you.
I suspect this article hits me a little closer to home than the average gal because of how I was raised. I know it's meant as satire and knowing that my reality was so similar is what disheartens me. That is why I can't share, because I know that there are places where this satire is reality and that is so wrong and so sad.
It's a joke in that it reveals the conflict between addressing our conflict between how we'd like to see ourselves and live our lives and how we really do. It's a joke because it suggests how we should feel and how we really feel. It's a joke because this is a way we can actually talk about the issue. It's only "funny" in a bitter way.
Contradiction and pain are the living beating heart of humor. For some people this is the easiest way to confront the pain of life. Many people find David Sedaris hilarious, I see the humor, but it's a dark painful humor. I can think of a lot of comedy and humor that runs along these lines.
I shared this with my wife, I know that she battled living with her body greatly growing up. She said that this was the knifes edge of satire.
I've had a number of women tell me that their mothers did nothing to prepare them for the changes they had coming. Some had to talk to a friend's mom or aunt. Others had their mom shove a box of tampons on their hands with no words said and were left to figure shit out on their own. This piece helps me understand the pain of these experiences a little better.
My daughter tries to talk to me about her girl parts. I just can't do it in anything more than talk to her in a cursory fashion. I tell her "talk to your Mom, Grandma or Aunt," if you want to know more about that stuff. I don't know if I'm doing her a disservice? There have been two incidents where I've slightly hurt her and the next day at school she told the teacher that I was hurting her (one was an errant elbow in horse play, the other she was lying on my lap feet on my shoulders and started flailing around with her feet. I took a heel to the nose and jerked her off my lap, it left a bruise. Why she told the teacher I was hurting her haunts me). I want as little to do with her sexuality as I reasonably can. Kid say strange stuff and I don't want child services coming around after she yells all the kids at school about all the stuff I'm telling her about private parts.
Maybe I'm just fucked up and should be frank and honest with her questions. Maybe my avoidence of the topic is contributing to what ever cultural nerosis and sexual hangups she will discover in the future. A lack of ability to communicate on the topic with future partners? Maybe when she is older and understands a bit more about the state of things. That's my plan at least. Any ladies have an idea if I'm doing wrong? My wife says I'm too uptight and I need to be more open.
If anything I would suggest showing with your actions that her changing body and sexuality are nothing to be ashamed of. For example if she needs tampons or pads don't act weird about buying them. It also depends on the questions as it might just be that your wife will have a better understanding of whats's being asked. In that case I think maybe instead of just saying ask your mother and leaving her to imagine why you don't want to answer say something like "your mother knows more about that and would be a better person to ask" That way she understands that she is going to her mother simply because she is the most knowledgeable on the topic.
I say this because although my own mother tired to talk to me about some things I could always feel how uncomfortable it made her and if anything that messed me up the most.
You’re not a little girl anymore—you’re turning into a full-grown collection of body parts that can be openly criticized or complimented by anyone at any time, irrespective of your wishes or desires
I once dressed as a woman for halloween, and even that was enough for strangers to start commenting on my body. What's up with that?
I'm sure anyone of either gender who has struggled with self-esteem issues gets it, and it's particularly poignant when other people remind you.
Huddle's access levels provide an extra layer of security to your workspaces; by default, folders can be viewed by all members of a workspace. Access levels allow Workspace Managers to set which teams can access and edit the content in your workspaces' folders.
If you are a Workspace Manager, to learn how to set up and manage teams, see this article. You will then be able to read our article about configuring access levels here.
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I feel like it's at least a little creepy to be taking screenshots of people's photos.But as long as you're the only one using your phone, what's the practical difference between looking at Facebook and looking at saved screenshots?Immediately after a man ejaculates, his dick starts to go soft and he loses all interest in sex—hormones have been released into his bloodstream that short-circuit sexual arousal.Bodily fluids and orifices a man was happily lapping up or at a minute ago are suddenly repulsive, not because the dude is necessarily inhibited or insecure, CUMU, but because he's having his period—his refractory period.One thing he won't do is kiss me after I've swallowed his load.We've been together only four months, so maybe I just need to wait and hope that he'll come around.(2) He's got kinks, but he hasn't managed to incorporate his kinks into his sex life in a healthy, consensual manner—and now that he knows you enjoy the same things he does (but you're healthier about them than he is), he's projecting his self-loathing onto you. You recently said it's okay to fantasize about other people so long as we keep it to ourselves.
But I'm fully open to being more kinky or whatever else he needs. I'm Not Good At Acronyms He knows what he wants, and he can't or won't tell you. Most of us have dated younger women who can be extremely demanding and difficult to get along with, as they are simply less mature.This can be exhausting for any man in a relationship with them.Anal Newbie Avoiding Leakage Yeah, don't go for a run immediately after anal.Spend a few minutes on the toilet instead—bring your phone, post something to Instagram, let gravity do its thing. But only the Duggar girls and Princess Diana's boys are capable of truly loving someone. My boyfriend complains that our sex life is too vanilla.In this era, we can see actual pictures of the people we're fantasizing about more often than not.Facebook stalking for spank bank purposes is fine—we all do it—but does it cross a line to actually download the pictures for later?Stating This Obvious Point Take it away, Free Dictionary: "ad•vice: opinion about what could or should be done about a situation or problem." The only qualification you need to give someone your opinion? Hell, I sometimes give advice to Republicans despite not being a heartless idiot.you can choose between the following options:- Chat for free with all kind of people from Ontario.He says it's "disturbing" that I like what he's been doing.Two questions: (1) Smacking my butt is okay so long as I don't want it? Joking About Consensual Kinks Two options: (1) He goes in for domineering head games and "playful" violence because he's abusive and controlling.
As for those notable film portraits of pianists as corrupt, volatile, violent -- well, art sometimes does imitate life.
IN 1970, when Jack Nicholson gave life to the conflicted dropout Robert Eroica Dupea in Bob Rafelson's "Five Easy Pieces," it was rare for a classical pianist to be depicted onscreen as anything other than an eccentric genius, an obsessive or a dandy. The avalanche of gritty, character-driven indie films that was about to rock the studio system was just a trickle, and in popular culture, it was still considered rebellious to glorify the domestic lives of Mafiosi.
So a few years later, when young filmmaker and frustrated amateur musician James Toback persuaded George Barrie of the Fabergé perfume company to finance his directorial debut, "Fingers," about a turmoil-ridden young pianist, Toback — and all movie lovers receptive to the connections between "high" and "low" culture — had a lot to be thankful for.
In a richly detailed portrayal of a character torn between life as a thuggish debt collector for his gangster father and as a musician who just might vicariously resurrect the concert career of his mentally ill mother, star Harvey Keitel created a moving portrait of a new-to-the-screen but surprisingly realistic archetype: the deviant pianist.
Ask anyone who has toiled for years at a conservatory about the dark, volatile personalities lurking in the cracks of such ivory towers, and that term is unlikely to raise any eyebrows. In her recent, overtly cinematic book, "Mozart in the Jungle," for example, author Blair Tindall, a freelance oboist, writes of classical musicians snorting cocaine, having orgies and committing sexual abuse in 1980s Manhattan. As the violinist son of Juilliard-trained pianists, I myself am all too familiar with tales of morally corrupt, aberrant and violence-prone classical musicians.
"Only a few 'make it,' " my parents told me as I practiced. "Among all of the winners and losers, there are many characters you don't want to know."
But for better or worse — and without even a hint of reference to my terribly upstanding colleagues and family members — it's pianists, in particular, who seem the most narratively and pathologically appropriate musicians to be depicted on celluloid as twisted personalities. Look for signs not only in "Five Easy Pieces" and "Fingers" but in Michael Haneke's 2001 S&M romp, "The Piano Teacher," and in Jacques Audiard's new remake of "Fingers," "The Beat That My Heart Skipped" — an electric film introducing even more people to the mad-pianist type while also, according to Netflix, prompting a sharp spike in "Fingers" DVD-renting.
In a recent phone conversation, 25-year-old Jonathan Biss expressed no surprise at the way filmmakers have taken to portraying his fellow pianists. "I know of even more pianist-deviants in real life than I do on film," he said, tongue only partly in cheek. "If you play the piano, you spend a ridiculous amount of time alone in a room doing something that encourages those voices in one's head to scream."
Pianists, after all, must extract from their scores numerous characters — lines, harmonies and rhythms among them — at once. And alone. Moreover, the percussive nature of playing the piano — the fact that you can bang the devil out of one and receive acclaim for doing so — makes it plausible that an emotionally contrapuntal keyboardist could easily veer between highbrow and lowbrow, sensitivity and violence, love and aggression more successfully than, say, a neurotic violinist, swaggering trumpeter or quirky bassoonist.
In "Fingers," Keitel's stoic yet unstable Jimmy — firm brow, wide, hard-worn face, powerful hands — carries a boombox around desolate, open Manhattan spaces. He confidently flips on saccharine but "musically inventive" doo-wop in a fancy restaurant and, at one point, sparks a fight with a banker type over the grating tune, only to return home for a solitary, near-orgasmic encounter with Bach's similarly repetitive E-minor Toccata — an encounter made of far more passion than his brutish sexual trysts with the mistress of an enemy or a downtown sculptor-prostitute.
Later in the film, he tries to explain to a cop that he doesn't deserve jail time for collecting a debt; he has an imminent audition for a music "impresario" at Carnegie Hall. The cop doesn't buy the excuse. But he also doesn't realize just how revealing his prisoner has been and how smart he was to arrest him. It's not just that Jimmy has an important audition. It's that he can't learn to quiet his mind, to escape the aberrance-jail that a pianist's life can lock you in, so that he would, perhaps, be as effective a Bach interpreter as he is a strong-armer: a public master of emotional duplicity, a deft negotiator between physical aggression and the art of both controlling and manipulating it.
In Audiard's slick remake, the intense young French actor Romain Duris (here called Tommy) listens to hypnotic electronica through headphones instead of blasting the Jamies' "Summertime, Summertime" from a tape deck. But he too ricochets between frustrating bouts of practicing and lightning-like eruptions of physical rage. In "The Piano Teacher," Isabelle Huppert is buttoned-up on the outside but vengeful and vicious just beneath: She blithely puts broken glass in the coat pocket of a student she sees as a threat.
Why do these characters play the piano, as opposed to another instrument? The answer may partly be that pounding a keyboard provides more of an emotional release. But the dark-versus-light struggle inherent in the very construction of the piano and the music that's written for it could also play a part.
"I have known a slew of pianists and was friendly with Aaron Copland and Lenny Bernstein for years," Toback told me from New York, explaining that with "Fingers," he wanted to humanize a pianist, to integrate a classical music character into urban, visceral life as no other film had done. "It isn't that these composers resembled Keitel's character per se. But there was usually something rather surprising and challenging to, if not contradictory of, the musical side of their personality. There was a lot of other stuff going on that certainly was parallel to their musical lives."
Like most pianists, Toback's and Audiard's protagonists are tragically self-conscious. They may suspect they can be their true contrapuntal selves, unedited, only when alone with a large wooden machine of sonic betrayal, where one voice is never enough, and art can come only from struggle.
"With the possible exception of the violin, the piano is also the instrument that gives the greatest opportunity for exhibitionism, for show. There is an inherent narcissism about the instrument," added Toback, who gave Keitel a film of Glenn Gould — perhaps the ultimate study in narcissism — to watch before production began.
Since its initial release (and failure) in 1978, "Fingers" has steadily acquired a cult following. Among its devoted fans is Christopher O'Riley — a concert pianist known for interpreting electronic Radiohead songs as deftly as he does Stravinsky. He respectfully offered an excellent counterargument to Toback's.
"I think pianists' working well as deviant film characters has less to do with emotional and musical counterpoint and more to do with sensuality," he said. "The human voice is the embodiment of music. The pianist's hands have more of a slight distance than the voice and evoke more of a sensual quality. Things the hands can do may even seem in some performances to be separate or distanced from the person playing.
"Witness other pianist movies, such as Peter Lorre in 1935's 'Mad Love,' involving a hand transplant on a pianist who inadvertently ends up with the hands of a murderer. There's also the rather silly melodrama 'Letter From an Unknown Woman,' with Louis Jourdan as a pianist wholly unaware of the havoc and pain he has wrought on the life of a young girl who heard him play from outside his window. There's an obliviousness in some pianist characters that places them outside the laws of polite society. Their empyrean demeanor is something that somehow comes off convincing."
To me, it has always seemed that many pianists don't just have to be isolated, they want to be. I have long recognized the look of dark delight that comes over the face of a pianist who interrupts a conversation or encounter to say, "I've got to go. I need to practice." There's frequently an antisocial — and sometimes lightly sociopathic — quality to people who choose to play the piano, and nowhere are characters like this more beloved than on the big screen.
In the movies, as opposed to real life, a person who keeps you at arm's length, making you more interested, will then, often, grant you a private passport into secret sides of his or her life. It's deliciously invasive, revelatory — a marked improvement on reality. No one knows what goes on in a pianist's practice room except the pianist. No one is allowed to intrude. But a movie about a pianist must show this private world to its viewers if it's going to be successful, both narratively and dramatically.
Even if it doesn't, though, viewers must assume pianists capable of going to extremes — or else the movies would stop using them that way. For instance, in the 1971 "Mephisto Waltz," an aging, Satan-worshiping pianist desperate to live and play switches souls with a young music journalist played by Alan Alda. Would the film have worked if the pianist had been a French-horn player? In François Truffaut's 1960 "Shoot the Piano Player," Charles Aznavour is a virtuoso whose existence is dominated by crime and grief — he's ensconced in a family of crooks. Perhaps it's because the piano is its own limitless orchestra that those who can make it hum at the highest level, on all cylinders, seem to possess the ability to commit dramatic acts on all sides of the human behavioral divide.
In a phone call from France, Audiard, the director of "The Beat That My Heart Skipped," took a stab at this hypothesis.
"It's interesting that you have this idea of pianists," he said, "because among the musicians I know, many develop a kind of neurosis, and playing music onstage becomes more difficult for them as they age. It's almost an illness. And yet these are some of the most generous people I know. To perform like this is a generous act."
I didn't disagree that many people do perform for the sake of generosity. And I certainly didn't disagree that, for many, performing is an affliction they can't escape. But I did reply by suggesting that perhaps Audiard hadn't known the pianists I have, from a childhood of musical immersion.
"It seems to me," I said, "that the majority of people who follow this career path, successful or not, aren't exactly in it for the sake of generosity."
In fact, watch any of the aforementioned films — watch how any of the pianist protagonists reacts physically to the act of performance — and you'll see a human response inescapably similar to that of a criminal who has just pulled off the score of a lifetime, beaten an archenemy to a pulp or indulged in any number of ego-satisfying compulsions outside the boundaries of the law. |
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The Lasker Foundation's first ever award to a Chinese scientist working on the mainland has reignited a 30-year controversy over whether one person should be recognized for developing a powerful antimalarial drug that was the product of a massive government project during China's Cultural Revolution. Last Friday in New York City, the foundation presented Tu Youyou, an 80-year-old phytochemist at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with the 2011 Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award for "the discovery of artemisinin, a drug therapy for malaria that has saved millions of lives across the globe, especially in the developing world." But some Chinese scientists disagree with the citation, particularly its exclusive focus on Tu.
Wu Yulin, a retired chemist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences's Institute of Organic Chemistry who helped determine the chemical structure of artemisinin, wrote in response to an inquiry from ScienceInsider that Tu "made contributions to the discovery of the compound" but did not make significant contributions after that. Critics of the Lasker citation emphasize that development of the artemisinin-based combination therapy used today resulted from a scientific relay race that went through many stages. In comments on Web postings and in an independent newspaper, they argue that more than one person deserves to be cited for the achievement.
Tu's proponents argue, however, that her discovery stands out. Two supporters—Louis Miller, chief of Malaria Cell Biology at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, and colleague Xinzhuan Su, also at NIH—described Tu's contributions in a 16 September Cell article, writing that they have "no doubt that the major credit must go to Youyou." Su says their conclusion was backed by classified documents shown to them by Tu and officials at her institute.
Rao Yi, a neuroscientist at Peking University in Beijing, takes a more nuanced stand in support of Tu. Rao and his colleagues say they have seen a much larger set of classified and internal documents archived at institutions that were involved in artemisinin research and interviewed many of the major players. Rao says, "Although we agree with Miller and Su that Youyou should be recognized as a representative, we find they went too far in reaching conclusions that are not supported by available sources and in attributing credits based on claims that are at least controversial if not wrong." Rao included some of their findings in an article he posted online. He says: "Our article is very specific about clarifying the role of Tu Youyou, and we came to the conclusion that Tu is a representative of the project. We clearly mentioned others such as [contemporary artemisinin researchers] Yu Yagang and Zhong Yurong. We did note that the roles of others need to be further studied and established."
The search that led to artemisinin began in the 1960s when the North Vietnamese government asked China for help in finding a cure for drug-resistant malaria, which was decimating troops in the jungles of Indochina. Under Mao Zedong's instruction, China launched a secret effort at the height of the Cultural Revolution in 1967. Code-named Project 523, it mobilized more than 500 researchers from some 60 organizations across several military and civilian agencies.
Project 523 planned a three-pronged attack on drug-resistant malaria: research and develop new drugs the Western way, screen traditional medicine and folk remedies to search for a Chinese therapy, and find ways to prevent malaria infection in the first place. Tu's institute, the Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, was assigned to work on the second approach. According to research by Rao's group, Yu Yagang, who worked at the same institute as Tu, analyzed a 1965 compilation of traditional remedies for malaria statistically and found qinghao (green-blue wormwood) was one of the ingredients used most often. Yu then worked with another researcher from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences to test a crude extract of qinghao on a rodent model of malaria, finding that the extract killed parasites with 60% to 80% potency. Yu reported the results to Tu, the group leader. Yu soon was reassigned to an even larger effort—searching for a treatment for bronchitis, from which Mao suffered. Tu then asked others in the group to repeat Yu's experiment, but they couldn't obtain extracts with consistent potency.
Tu describes her work in some detail in an essay in the October issue of Nature Medicine. She suspected that extraction at high temperature destroyed the active ingredient of qinghao. She went back to the traditional medicine book and, after reading about a preparation that called for soaking qinghao with cold water, proposed using a low boiling point solvent to extract the active chemical. This insight is considered a breakthrough step toward the discovery of artemisinin by her supporters. Tu's detractors, however, point out that using ether and other low boiling point solvents to extract active ingredients from plants is standard phytochemistry.
Li Ying, a retired chemist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Materia Medica in Shanghai, who worked on the synthesis of artemisinin derivatives, wrote in an article in 2008 that Tu's method of extraction and purification yielded crystals containing artemisinin mixed with other chemicals, giving rise to toxicity in clinical trials. At roughly this time, Wei Zhenxing of the Shandong Institute of Pharmacology and Luo Zeyuan of the Yunnan Institute of Pharmacology, after hearing about Tu's breakthrough, each independently derived antimalarial chemicals from local herbs called huang hua hao or yellow-flower wormwood (Artemisia annua). Several species were used traditionally as medicinal qinghao, but only A. annua eventually proved to contain a sufficient amount of artemisinin. The Yunnan group also found the best cultivated source of A. annua in another province. Using this source, they were able to produce pure artemisinin in large quantities, speeding up drug research and development. Tu's group also adopted the Yunnan method.
Meanwhile, researchers working in Shanghai from 1973 to 1975 found that artemisinin has a novel and unusual structure, a so-called peroxide bridge. Artemisinin is the only natural compound known to have this structure. It is key to its antimalarial property and makes artemisinin-based drugs entirely different from those derived from quinine, such as chloroquine, to which malarial parasites have become resistant. Li Ying's group in Shanghai synthesized artemisinin derivatives that were more potent at killing malaria parasites and had more desirable chemical properties (such as solubility in water), making them better drug candidates than natural artemisinin. They are the basis of therapy used today. It was only after secrecy rules were lifted in 1977 that research papers from Project 523 began to come out.
After the Lasker Award ceremony, Tu seemed eager to mollify the critics, telling Xinhua News Agency, "I think the honor not only belongs to me but also to all Chinese scientists."
Because the Lasker Award is often seen as a precursor to the Nobel Prize, the Chinese media are abuzz with anticipation. But some worry that the disagreement over credit might give the Nobel committee pause. Rao says that if he had to choose three scientists—the limit for the Nobel—then he would pick either Yu Yagang, Tu Youyou, and Zhong Yurong for the discovery of artemisinin; or Tu Youyou, Luo Zeyuan, and Li Ying for the early work on artemisinin that led to the drug therapy.
I offered a flat earth proponent to look through my solar telescope so he could confirm himself it never changed size sunrise, noon to sunset. He wouldn't do it.
generaly they lack the mental concentration required to follow through on cross system functionality for science comparative evaluation.
this emotional breaking point has been propped up by the flat earth theory to serve as an emotional need.
someone who is interested in science doesnt just say "stop" and stop studying something because they feel like their ego or emotions are not aligning with the scientific results coming out.
flat-earthers are incapable of this because they are operating from the same part of the brain as religous cults do.
The earliest reliably documented mention of the spherical Earth concept dates from around the 6th century BC when it appeared in ancient Greek philosophy but remained a matter of speculation until the 3rd century BC, when Hellenistic astronomy established the spherical shape of the Earth as a physical given. The paradigm was gradually adopted throughout the Old World during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. A practical demonstration of Earth's sphericity was achieved by Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastián Elcano's expedition's circumnavigation (1519–1522).
The concept of a spherical Earth displaced earlier beliefs in a flat Earth: In early Mesopotamian mythology, the world was portrayed as a flat disk floating in the ocean with a hemispherical sky-dome above, and this forms the premise for early world maps like those of Anaximander and Hecataeus of Miletus. Other speculations on the shape of Earth include a seven-layered ziggurat or cosmic mountain, alluded to in the Avesta and ancient Persian writings (see seven climes).
The realization that the figure of the Earth is more accurately described as an ellipsoid dates to the 17th century, as described by Isaac Newton in Principia. In the early 19th century, the flattening of the earth ellipsoid was determined to be of the order of 1/300 (Delambre, Everest). The modern value as determined by the US DoD World Geodetic System since the 1960s is close to 1/298.25.
Pomponius Mela, the first Roman geographer, asserted that the earth had two habitable zones, a North and South one, but that it would be impossible to get into contact with each other because of the unbearable heat at the Equator.
From the time of St Augustine, the Christian church was skeptical of the notion. Augustine asserted that "it is too absurd to say that some men might have set sail from this side and, traversing the immense expanse of ocean, have propagated there a race of human beings descended from that one first man."[8]
In the Early Middle Ages, Isidore of Seville's widely read encyclopedia presented the term "antipodes" as referring to antichthones (people who lived on the opposite side of the Earth), as well as to a geographical place; these people came to play a role in medieval discussions about the shape of the Earth.[9] In 748, in reply to a letter from Saint Boniface, Pope Zachary declared the belief "that beneath the earth there was another world and other men, another sun and moon" to be heretical. In his letter, Boniface had apparently maintained that Vergilius of Salzburg held such a belief.[10][11][12][13]
The antipodes being an attribute of a spherical Earth, some ancient authors used their perceived absurdity as an argument for a flat Earth.[14] However, knowledge of the spherical Earth was widespread during the Middle Ages, only occasionally disputed — the medieval dispute surrounding the antipodes mainly concerned the question whether people could live on the opposite side of the earth: since the torrid clime was considered impassable, it would have been impossible to evangelize them. This posed the problem that Christ told the apostles to evangelize all mankind; with regard to the unreachable antipodes, this would have been impossible. Christ would either have appeared a second time, in the antipodes, or left the damned irredeemable. Such an argument was forwarded by the Spanish theologian Alonso Tostado as late as the 15th century and "St. Augustine doubts" was a response to Columbus's proposal to sail westwards to the Indies.[15]
The author of the Norwegian book Konungs Skuggsjá, from around 1250, discusses the existence of antipodes. He notes that (if they exist) they will see the sun in the north in the middle of the day and that they will have seasons opposite those of the Northern Hemisphere.
The earliest surviving account by a European who had visited the Southern Hemisphere is that of Marco Polo (who, on his way home in 1292, sailed south of the Malay Peninsula). He noted that it was impossible to see the star Polaris from there.
The idea of dry land in the southern climes, the Terra Australis, was introduced by Ptolemy and appears on European maps as an imaginary continent from the 15th century. In spite of having been discovered relatively late by European explorers, Australia was inhabited very early in human history; the ancestors of the Indigenous Australians reached it at least 50,000 years ago.
hmmm... it is obvious that some don't understand latitude and longitude and the significance of both , from the sea navigation perspective.
I guess he has large nails in his shoes when he walks outside and relies on the iron in his blood to keep him in bed
People who love to quote from Scripture during sermons usually leave out the parts that they know will not be believed or are contrary to the morals they wish to promote.
When the Israelites were wandering in the famous (but not unique) desert, with Moses and God guiding them, the people complained to Moses about the lack of food and water. Moses complained to God, who reliably provided some food and water, but the people weren't pleased with the quality. They complained further, so Moses asked Aaron to to spy out the land ahead. Aaron sent his three best soldiers, knowing that God would not approve of this innovation, as He had said that the route to the Promised Land would be chosen by Him alone.
Anyway, off they went, taking with them some provisions, including a "paddle", which one assumes was some kind of spade for digging holes where they could relieve themselves. On the first night, they were attacked by some Baalites and although they managed to escape, they left their paddle behind and one of them was found dead the next morning. The two remaining spies discussed what to do and decided to carry on, as they feared Aaron's wrath. The next night, they were attacked by wild animals that had four faces and one of the soldiers was swallowed alive, but his companion escaped by hiding up a tree. The remaining solder decided again to carry on with his mission, being vary careful, hiding among rocks and sleeping up trees.
There were no people around to record this and in any case, languages were developed by humans over many thousands of years. English did not exist when the Universe was created !
Of course only a total fool would contend that everything in the bible should be taken literally. Virtually no preachers do so, nor have they done so at any point in history after about 400 AD - perhaps even earlier. And then again, no preacher is going to recite the whole damned thing, so inevitably they will "leave out" most of it. What they actually do, as most people realise, is to choose a passage that illustrates an idea or a behaviour that they want to draw to the attention of their flock.
If your post is just laboriously making the point that you think the bible should be classified as "fiction", then forget it. Religious texts are classified as, er, religious texts, for the reason that they have a particular cultural significance to society, whether you like it or not.
Please when you want to be critical of the bible could you separate New testament from the Old testament
Why should they be treated separately when they are routinely published together? Why should they (or either) be treated differently than the Book of Mormon or the Vedic scriptures or the Koran?
I think I understand what he is getting at. From the viewpoint of Christianity, the OT is respected as the old Jewish inheritance of Christianity, but it is the NT, about the life and teaching of Christ, which defines Christianity, often by way of revision and contrast to what was in the OT.
Thus it seems to me that attacks on Christianity which rely solely on quoting selected bits of the OT do not really hit the mark.
Also, I have no idea what's going on here, since Ted also said that any errors in the Bible come from human interpretation. Clearly, fiction is an error.
Bolded part 100% true and even more illogical will contradictorily claim the entire bible is the perfect and infallible word of god and god is perfect.
If god is perfect, the bible wouldnt need to be revised as in the big elephant in the room wouldnt need to be ignored by constant omission.
I suspect that many of the Biblical writers looked at what had been invented before and thought to themselves, you know, I could make up a convincing story, just like all the others. So they then picked out a few details that they found and incorporated them into their new stories. So, for example, Revelation, the book so much admired by prophets of doom, has many notions copied straight out of Ezekiel, where creatures are described having unusual characteristics such as four faces, the face of a man, a lion, an ox and an eagle etc..
They also pretend they are fulfilling prophecies in the old testament in doing so. They sometimes actually tell you they are doing it! A good example is in Matthew chapter 1, verse 22 and 23...
"Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord saying, Behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us"
How do I know? Because the next chapter tells us "And I went unto the prophetess and she conceived and bare a son. Then said the LORD to me, Call his name Maher-shalal-hash-baz".
If I say "you should clean behind your ears before you you to bed", I am not saying something that is true nor not true, I am offering advice, which may or may not be good advice. If it turns out to be bad advice, then you could say it is not true that it is good advice, but until the advice has been tested, we don't know whether or not it is good advice.
Some books contain both "testaments", but I suspect the Jewish Bible doesn't contain the New one. One of my books has the New only. Some Christians have taken the trouble of actually reading the whole of the Holy book and know that the Old is quoted many times in the New, especially by Yeshua (aka Jesus). Oftentimes, the New writers state that some of the events in the New fulfill prophecies in the Old and these examples are used by some theologians to "prove" the unity and truth of the Bible. In any case, if the Fall of Man myth isn't true, then we don't inherit sin, which means there was no need for Yeshua to save us from that sin, which completely removes the need for him to be sacrificed to his father. In other words, if you want the New Testament, you'll have to accept the Old one, warts and all. Remember that Yeshua came to complete the word of God, not delete it.
How can be not true " the fall of man , " I sin every day so I fall every day so Yahshua was necessary. Think about If every individual that sins have to bring an offering of a lam at the present time it would be disastrous with pollution and smell of burned flesh. So tank to Yahshua for his sacrifice.
There was no sacrifice. Jesus admittedly had a bad weekend but then went to paradise. His death has nothing to do with one's immoral actions - an artifact, by the way, of an imperfect design. So don't blame yourself for that.
No. If you want the idea of Jesus' salvation, you need to accept the idea of the Fall of Man. Not the whole OT "warts and all".
The question then is what is really conveyed by the idea of the Fall of Man - and the accompanying doctrine of Original Sin. The latter is quite subtle and has been much discussed in theology over the last two thousand years: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Original_sin
Personally, I find the idea of Original Sin as an inherent tendency to sinfulness quite easy to understand. I have always associated the Fall with the acquisition of moral responsibility, via eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which can be seen as a metaphor for becoming aware of good and evil, combined with this inherited tendency not to do the morally right thing. Just like a child as it grows up.
Your story wouldn't pass at all. There are too many details that are clearly not Biblical: the "paddle" nonsense, animals with four faces, a bottomless pit. Nobody who has read the Bible would be fooled by your story.
Deuteronomy 23:13 "And thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon; and it shall be, when thou wilt ease thyself abroad, thou shalt dig therewith, and shalt turn back and cover that which cometh from thee"
Ezekiel and Revelation are both figurative. Your made-up story makes no distinction between figurative and literal. |
Flagellin stopped rotavirus by rapidly inducing an immune response that would normally be activated by select bacteria rather than a virus. Flagellin triggered the innate immune system, which provides an immediate response to pathogens, to produce two proteins: Interleukin-22, which prevented the virus from entering cells, and Interleukin-18, which removed existing rotavirus from infected cells. [Press release from Georgia State University discussing online prepublication in Science] Press Release | Abstract
Scientists demonstrate that human and mouse noroviruses infected B cells in vitro and likely in vivo. Human norovirus infection of B cells required the presence of histo-blood group antigen-expressing enteric bacteria. Mouse norovirus replication was reduced in vivo when the intestinal microbiota was depleted by means of oral antibiotic administration. [Science] Abstract | Press Release
Cutaneous Innate Immune Sensing of Toll-like Receptor 2-6 Ligands Suppresses T Cell Immunity by Inducing Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells
Researchers found suppression of immune responses due to cutaneous infection with Gram-positive S. aureus, which was based on bacterial lipopeptides. Skin exposure to Toll-like receptor (TLR)2-6-binding lipopeptides, but not TLR2-1-binding lipopeptides, potently suppressed immune responses through induction of Gr1+CD11b+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells. [Immunity] Abstract | Graphical Abstract | Press Release
Investigators show that hepatitis C virus (HCV)-specific T cells induced by ChAd3 are optimally boosted with modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA), and generate very high levels of both CD8+ and CD4+ HCV-specific T cells targeting multiple HCV antigens. [Sci Transl Med] Abstract | Press Release
The Staphylococcal Toxins γ-Hemolysin AB and CB Differentially Target Phagocytes by Employing Specific Chemokine Receptors
Researchers identified the chemokine receptors CXCR1, CXCR2 and CCR2 as targets for γ-hemolysin AB, and the complement receptors C5aR and C5L2 as targets for γ-hemolysin CB. The receptor expression patterns allow the toxins to efficiently and differentially target phagocytic cells. [Nat Commun] Abstract
Scientists investigated whether nucleotide-binding domain and leucine rich repeat pyrin containing (NLRP)3 and/or apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD (ASC) were required for caspase-1 activation upon lethal toxin stimulation in the BALB/c background. The NLRP1b inflammasome activation was assessed in both macrophages and dendritic cells lacking either ASC or NLRP3. [Proc Natl Acad Sci USA]
As chronic infection with RNA viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) induces profound dysfunction of CD4+ T cells, researchers investigated the role of Toll-like receptor (TLR)7-induced anergy in HIV-1 infection. [Nat Immunol] Abstract
Investigators performed a single arm, open label, proof-of-concept study in which vorinostat, a pan-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) latency and histone deacetylase inhibitor, was administered orally once daily for 14 days to 20 HIV-infected individuals on suppressive antiretroviral therapy. [PLoS Pathog] Full Article
Researchers quantified the susceptibility of naïve and memory CD4+ T-cell subsets, including stem cell memory T-cells, to infection by HIV-1 subtype C strains from treatment-naïve subjects who progressed from chronic to advanced stages of disease whilst either maintaining CCR5-using viruses, or who experienced emergence of dominant CXCR4-using strains. [Retrovirology] Full Article
HIV-Specific ADCC Improves after Antiretroviral Therapy and Correlates with Normalization of the NK Cell Phenotype
Scientists investigated natural killer (NK) cell function, as measured by antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), in HIV-1 positive individuals before and six months after highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) initiation. [J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr] Abstract
Scientists found that during progressive HIV-1 infection plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) were depleted in peripheral blood compared to seronegative controls, and, correlating with plasma viremia, the remaining pDCs upregulated the gut-homing marker, α4β7. [AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses] Abstract
Recent studies of HIV-positive patients with strongly neutralizing sera have shown that the human immune system is capable of producing potent and broadly neutralizing antibodies, some of which neutralize up to 90% of HIV strains. The use of engineered glycoproteins and other glycostructures as vaccines to elicit antibodies with broad neutralizing activity is a key area of interest in HIV vaccine design. [Nat Chem Biol] Abstract
ADMA Biologics, Inc. announced data describing the composition and efficacy in an animal model of its polyclonal IVIG product, RI-002. [Press release from ADMA Biologics, Inc. discussing research presented at the 9th International RSV Symposium, Cape Town] Press Release | Poster
For HIV-infected women in good immune health, taking a three-drug regimen during pregnancy prevents mother-to-child HIV transmission more effectively than taking one drug during pregnancy, another during labor and two more after giving birth. [The National Institutes of Health (NIH)] Press Release
The grant includes three University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) labs working with mouse models and one lab at the University of California-Davis. It also includes a series of human experiments run at Emory University. The UAB grant focus is viral-induced cell-fate decisions in anti-viral immunity. [University of Alabama at Birmingham] Press Release
Mairi Noverr, PhD has been awarded a $1.8 million grant by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The funding will support research to reduce the death rate from intra-abdominal infections caused by both fungal and bacterial pathogens. [Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center (EurekAlert)] Press Release
Dr. Marc Pellegrini is one of three researchers to be awarded a 2014 Sylvia and Charles Viertel Charitable Foundation Senior Medical Research Fellowship. Pelligrini said the five-year fellowship would allow him to focus on progressing his research into chronic infections such as HIV, hepatitis B and tuberculosis. [The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research] Press Release |
Welcome to music! This is my 11th year teaching and my 11th year at Allemands Elementary School. I am looking forward to singing and performing with all of my students.
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The Byre a semi-detached cottage in the heart of the village of Kilchoan, is an ideal retreat for couples visiting the untamed beauty of Western Ardnamurchan. It has been tastefully decorated with some unique touches, including a beautiful wall painting in the bathroom and a quirky, cast-iron spiral staircase winding its way from the living room to the king size bedroom, which enjoys beautiful views over the Sound of Mull. At the back of the cottage, there is patio area with seating, allowing you to enjoy the evening sun and the mature garden full of fruit trees and bushes. On cooler evenings, stock up the wood-burning stove in the cosy living room. Kilchoan is a haven for hill-walkers and wildlife enthusiasts as well as those just wanting a quiet, romantic break away from the rest of the world. All local amenities are within easy walking distance including a friendly pub, local shop, and regular ferry sailings to Tobermory, on the Isle of Mull.
Ground floor: Kitchen with dining area. Comfortable living room with high ceiling, and wood-burning stove and large bathroom with bath, hand-held shower, toilet and washbasin. Upstairs: small converted attic bedroom with a kingsize bed. Garden: patio at the back, attractive garden at the front, with seating feature.
Short Lets Linen and Towels Inclusive: Kingsize bed made up for your arrival. Tea towels, kitchen hand towel and bath mat provided. Stove: A large basket of wood, kindling and firelighters provided, more wood can be purchased by the basket from us.
Stove: A large basket of wood, kindling and firelighters provided, more wood can be purchased by the basket from us.
How to get to Byre – PH36 4LL As you come into the village of Kilchoan there is a hotel and a school on your left, then a church on your right. After a further 300 yards turn right at the sign for Steading Holiday Cottages office. Byre is attached to the Steading Holiday Cottages office. Parking for one car is beyond the cherry tree at the back of the Steading.
“My husband and I loved this place (so did our greyhound!). It was home from home – just perfect. John and Jacqui were great hosts, they couldn’t have done more for us or to make us feel welcome. Will definitely return.” Emma
“We had a great time at The Byre. Near the end of the most twisting, narrow, but beautiful road you can imagine, miles from anywhere. Lovely welcome from John and Jackie, the log stove lit with smoke coming out of the chimney made us feel at home straight away. Make sure you go to Sanna beach – one of the most beautiful and empty beaches we’ve ever seen. Don’t panic about the weather or the midges – weather was fantastic and it was too breezy for midges!”
“John was a fantastic host, nothing was too much trouble. It was our first visit and it won’t be our last. Most wonderful and beautiful part of the UK. Even our dogs loved it, they have been a bit grumpy since we got back. Would recommend to everyone that reads this review, add this to your bucket list guys you won’t regret it“
“Home from home. Everything you could wish for was provided. Location and views wonderful. Log fire every night a dream end to the day. Would recommend Steading Cottages very highly. Lovely Garden to relax in. All in all an extremely relaxing holiday location, with no noise what so ever.“
Happy Spring from our paradise in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Ski season just wrapped up with a beautiful weekend and we got in a few more turns before the lifts stopped running. We are looking forward to everything that spring in the Yampa Valley will bring.
It’s prime listing season and a busy time in the Steamboat real estate market. If you are thinking about selling, now is the perfect time to start preparing so you can be ready before more competition comes on the market. There are a lot of simple things you can do inside before the snow melts to add value to your place. Just let me know if you would like to know more and get specific recommendations. |
SANTA ANA, CA - The U.S. District Court for the Central District of California once again rejected a request for a new trial in the Flores v. City of Westminster case late last week. Additionally, the Court denied the Defendant's claims that there was not substantial evidence to support the jury's findings and verdict, and the court also awarded MALDEF and co-counsel Alexander Krackow + Glick LLP (AKG) $3.3 million in fees and costs.
"The jury verdict and last week's decisions should stand as a strong deterrent to any agencies that continue to follow outdated and unlawful employment practices," stated Thomas A. Saenz, MALDEF President and General Counsel. "Law enforcement must fully embrace the entire community, including Latinos as the nation's largest and fast-growing minority group."
The initial lawsuit alleged that, despite their stellar performance and qualifications, the Latino officers were relegated to dead-end, second tier assignments, and upon filing formal complaints, experienced workplace retaliation from superiors, a violation of state and federal law. In March 2014, a jury returned a verdict against the City of Westminster and four current and former Chiefs of the Westminster Police Department and in favor of three Latino police officers who experienced racial discrimination and retaliation. In August 2014, the Court upheld the jury's decision awarding $3.34 million in damages to the three Latino officers.
"Consistent with the proof demonstrated at the time of trial, we are pleased that Judge Carter properly denied defendant's post-trial motions, and granted Plaintiffs' request for costs and attorney fees. We trust that the City will heed the unanimous jury verdict, conform their promotion practices to the law and seek to finally resolve this matter," stated J. Bernard Alexander, III, Partner at AKG.
"This was an incredibly hard fought case, with Defendants tenaciously defending what was ultimately an indefensible and biased culture at the Westminster Police Department," stated Martha L. Gomez, MALDEF Staff Attorney. "We are pleased that the Court acknowledged our hard work throughout the litigation. These attorney fees will go to further advance justice in the Latino community."
MALDEF is committed to upholding fair employment practices nationwide. Among the Plaintiffs was an active-duty Major in the U.S. Marine Corps, where he has been promoted four times; a long-serving police officer who received the Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Award and Centurion Award; and an officer who was awarded the Bronze medal of merit, including for saving someone's life, and Rookie of the Year award during his first year with the Department.
Although midterm elections too often receive less attention than presidential elections, this November, voters nationwide will cast ballots to elect significant state and national leaders. In addition, important ballot measures will be decided by voters in a number of states. Oregon has a number of significant measures on the ballot. As you can read further below, MALDEF has reviewed the measures and urges you to vote YES on Measures 86, 88, and 89. In particular, MALDEF endorses a YES vote on Measure 88, a measure placed on the ballot by opponents of immigrant integration. I hope that the position endorsements and brief explanations set forth below help you in deciding how to vote on these three important ballot measures. But, however you decide, what is most important is that every eligible voter take the time to decide and VOTE. Thank you.
This proposed constitutional amendment would create an Oregon Student Opportunity Fund to support students attending higher education, including career training.
This measure would provide much-needed additional assistance to students in college. College affordability is increasingly an obstacle to students from all but the wealthiest of families, and in particular is an obstacle for Latino students. This measure would create one means to begin to address affordability concerns.
This referendum measure would approve the Legislature's decision to provide a driver card to eligible persons who are undocumented and unable to prove legal presence.
This measure would increase public and traffic safety by ensuring that all drivers are registered and have met the requirements to demonstrate safe driving knowledge and ability. This referendum was placed on the ballot by anti-immigrant forces seeking to overturn the Legislature's decision to create safer roads in Oregon. A YES vote ensures that the law adopted by the Legislature and Governor to increase public safety will go into effect.
This proposed constitutional amendment would add an express prohibition on governmental discrimination based on sex, while ensuring that all other protections against discrimination remain in place.
This measure would ensure that women are accorded equal rights by all levels of government in Oregon. By placing an express provision for such equal rights in the state constitution, the measure ensures that no change in interpretation of the existing constitution could threaten equal rights for women. The measure would protect against the incremental cutting back of women's rights that seems to be occurring sporadically across the nation.
We are a full service design firm with the experience, knowledge and expertise to provide architectural interior design services. From wall paneling to galley cabinets and day-head vanities, entertainment units to dining tables, we can design any custom piece of millwork for your yacht. As we work through the fine details of millwork design we can provide you with 3D renderings for your conceptual review and we'll develop expert CAD drawings for your builder. |
The Yuki Teikei Haiku Society (YTHS) sponsors the annual Kiyoshi and Kiyoko Tokutomi Memorial Haiku Contest. This is the oldest USA-based international haiku contest honoring the English-language adaptation of the traditional Japanese form. The contest requires each submitted haiku to have a five-seven-five-syllable pattern and to include a single kigo (seasonal phrase) from a contest-specific list.
Before I discuss the contest screening process, here are features of the kigo. A kigo “operates in Japanese haiku as a poetic device. Symbolic of a season, it holds the power of allusion to literary, religious, and historical references” (Machmiller, 2011). Thus, in addition to denoting a season for the poem and placing it in nature, a kigo provides a “vertical” link between the haiku and poet’s historical, cultural, and literary past (see also Shirane, 1998 and 2000). Haruo Shirane comments:
In Japan, the seasonal word triggers a series of cultural associations which have been developed, refined and carefully transmitted for over a thousand years and which are preserved, transformed and passed on from generation to generation through seasonal handbooks, which remain in wide use today.
A kigo “is the sounding board of the poem…. [without it] there would be no amplification, no overtones, no lingering reverberations” (Machmiller, 2011). Furthermore “the season that a kigo represents is chosen because the kigo is at its most impressive at that time of year” (Machmiller, personal communication, 2013).
The Tokutomi contest offers haiku poets the opportunity to explore these aspects of the haiku tradition by encouraging the creation of contest-worthy haiku. I acknowledge that skillful poets can successfully break rules and conventions. In particular, many admirable haiku have been written with more than one kigo and even without a kigo. But, to be fair, entries in a contest must comply with contest rules. My objective here is to summarize kigo usages that fell outside the 2013 Tokutomi Contest rules. I hope this information could help the reader be successful in using the classical form required by the Tokutomi Contest. Contestants in subsequent Tokutomi Contests could be less likely to use multiple kigo or make other inadvertent errors that can cause disqualification of a poem.
Each year the contest coordinator selects kigo for the contest. The list for the 2013 contest contained kigo for each of the five seasons (including New Year), and can be found here.
For the 2013 contest, poets offered 218 poems. One of the largest coordinator tasks was, surprisingly, to screen haiku for compliance with the rules. Unfortunately 56 poems (a quarter of the haiku) failed to meet at least one of the four contest rules. This disqualified them from being forwarded to the judges. Almost all disqualifications were caused by disregarding the contest rule: “Haiku with more than one recognized kigo will be disqualified” (see all the 2013 contest rules here).
Sometimes a poet added an explicit season name (“spring,” “summer,” “autumn,” or “winter”) that matched the contest-list kigo used. But, by definition, each kigo refers to a season. Naming the season duplicates the season information and diminishes the power of the specified kigo. The poet needs to allow each kigo to denote its season fully.
Less commonly a poet added an explicit season that conflicted with the chosen contest-list kigo. For example, more than one poet added “winter” in a haiku with the contest-list kigo “first sun.”
Sometimes the poet inserted the name of a month (January, October, etc). This is a double problem. First, the name of a month either duplicates or challenges the season invoked by the contest-list kigo. Second, the explicit month is best avoided in general because poets write haiku in the southern hemisphere as well as the northern: the name of a month denotes the reverse season to a reader living on the opposite side of the equator to the poet.
Just as a contest-list kigo implies a season, so do many other words. One of the hardest areas for the haiku poet is to develop attentiveness to words and phrases that potentially signify the season, in order to not include them inadvertently.
In contest submissions, some poets added an extra season word that signified but did not name the season. Some words duplicated and some contradicted the contest-list kigo used. A small and randomly selected subset is:
Poets sometimes differ in their ideas about the seasonal significance of a word: set that aside. This contest is guided by traditional (as opposed to personal) uses of season words. In the same way that a writer uses a dictionary and a spelling checker, a haiku poet can consult the YTHS season word list as well as the non-regional season-word almanac by Higginson (1996a) in order to check against accidental addition of season words.
A haiku was disqualified if it used a contest-list kigo incompletely. In particular “migrating raptors” is an autumn kigo. Replacing it by the unqualified and non-seasonal “raptors” was cause for disqualification.
Altering a kigo from singular to plural (or vice versa). Thus “migrating raptor” was as acceptable as “migrating raptors.”
Modifying a kigo to use a synonym. Thus “migrating hawk” was acceptable as a variant of “migrating raptors,” although the unqualified “hawk” (a winter kigo) was not acceptable.
The 2013 rules did not specify that a haiku would be disqualified if it used a contest-list kigo as a simile. Examples are:
Accordingly, such haiku were not disqualified for the 2013 contest. For future contests, a guideline will be added that a haiku would be disqualified if it were to use a contest-list kigo in any non-kigo manner.
Practice the use of a single kigo in a haiku. This has two benefits that can result in better haiku:
Every word is vitally important in the haiku, the shortest of poems. When any word duplicates a meaning already in the poem, a word is wasted and the impact of the haiku is diluted.
The study of kigo helps a poet attend to the sensibility of the essential role that the natural world and the seasons play in the classical haiku.
Study kigo through reading Higginson (1996a and 1996b) and Machmiller (1995 and 2011), as well as Missias (2000). Enrich the depth of your studies through such books as Traces of Dreams: Landscape, Cultural Memory, and the Poetry of Basho (Shirane, 1998).
Ueda (1999, p. 19) also comments on the cultural resonance of the haiku’s kigo, writing about the kigo being something the senryu (the haiku’s often humorous human-nature sibling) lacks:
[W]hile a haikai poet could create complexity through the use of [a] kigo (season word), a senryu writer has no such culturally loaded vocabulary at his disposal… He could use a word referring to season … but because senryu had no tradition of seasonal poetry to feed on, the word would not carry the kind of rich cultural connotations that a kigo would.
Trumbull (2000), in an exploration of adaptations of the Japanese haiku by Western writers, advised that classically in Japan: “Poets who used a kigo incorrectly, in a way that failed to capture the manifest essence of the season, would risk the rebuke of the haiku master.” Meanwhile, I hope that this essay, far from being intended as a rebuke, is a helping hand in the kigo foothills, and will bring you greater success in your future submissions to the Tokutomi Contest.
As for the moon, kigo almanacs show “moon” to be of the autumn season. If you see “moon” by itself in a kigo list for a Tokutomi Contest, do not duplicate the season in your “moon” haiku by adding “autumn” or any other autumnal season word. And do not add a phrase that conflicts with the autumn season given simply by “moon.”
Instead, allow the kigo to do its full work. Let the moon denote the brightest of moons, the moon closest to the earth in autumn. To distinguish this usage from other occurrences of the moon, the traditional convention is that a reference to the moon at another time of the year must be shown by naming the season (summer moon, winter moon, or spring moon) or by some other designation (such as in the 2013 Tokutomi Memorial Haiku Contest whose spring kigo included “sugar moon”).
I am grateful to Patricia J. Machmiller for her kigo guidance. Without it, I would not have had the opportunity to coordinate the 2013 Tokutomi Memorial Haiku Contest. I hope that by sharing this experience with you, you will be able to incorporate some of it in your writing and that in future years’ contests your haiku will be among the winners.
Missias, A.C., editor (2000). In Due Season: a discussion of the role of kigo in English-language haiku. Supplement #1 of the Acorn haiku journal, released Spring, 2000.
Trumbull, Charles (2000). Seasonality: English-language Haiku in Search of its Vertical in Missias (2000) above.
I recently saw a patient an old fibro patient, who I’d last seen a few years ago. She had been doing quite well managing her fibromyalgia over the years by following my advice and taking the appropriate supplements I had recommended. In her return visit she shared with me how her fibromyalgia symptoms of fatigue, achy muscle pain, fibro fog, and low moods had been a growing problem over the last several months. A year ago, she was doing fine.
Being a good detective, my first question was “what have you been doing differently?” She said she had been under more stress but it was better now. She couldn’t think of anything else. I proceeded to quiz her about her health. My next question was “how is your sleep”? She responded “fine, no problem. I take 10mg of Ambien and I’m out of it for the night.”
“Are you taking 5HTP”? I asked. She said “No, I’m taking Ambien because it only costs me $10 with my co-pay and the 5HTP was costing me $30 a month. “Was the 5HTP working, was it helping you fall asleep and stay asleep?’ I asked. “Yes it was, but since I was taking Ambien, I didn’t think I needed it and I wanted to save money.”
I about fell out of my chair, but I quickly regained my composure. “A year ago, you stopped taking 5HTP which was working and switched to Ambien to save $20 a month?” “Yes.” She replied.
Here was a smart, educated woman who was well versed in my writings and protocol, a past patient who by following my advice had kept her fibromyalgia in check for a number of years. Who was now having fibro flares due to her narrow minded thinking. Her symptoms had returned from a combination of stress, stopping 5HTP, and switching to Ambien. The side effects of Ambien include next day fatigue, achy muscle pain, “brain fog”, low moods, and loss of memory. Do these side effects look familiar? They should, they are the same symptoms experienced by everyone with fibromyalgia.
5-hydroxytryptophan (5HTP) plus the B-vitamins, magnesium and other nutrients, in the CFS/Fibro formula makes the brain chemical serotonin. Serotonin increases mental clarity moods (the happy hormone), your natural sleep hormone, melatonin, and your pain threshold. The higher your pain threshold is, the less pain you have. The obvious solution for my patients’ recent fibro flares was to wean off of the Ambien and immediately start back on the 5HTP.
I recognize the importance of trying to save a few bucks, especially in today’s economy. But, saving money at the expense of your health isn’t worth it. My patient thought she was saving $20 a month, $240 a year. But, was she really saving money?
Well, let’s see. Let’s do the quick math – Due to her recent flare up, she’d visited two different doctors, and had missed a total of eight days of work. Her co-pays plus her visit to me were almost $200. Elizabeth works on an hourly basis. So she was out eight days or 64 hours worth of pay. It’s easy to see she wasn’t saving money at all. In fact if she had continued down the ill fated path, she would have become sicker, required more doctor visits, more drugs, and lost additional days at work.
I often have people tell me they can’t come see me because I don’t accept their insurance. They would rather stay trapped in with the medical go around with stupid doctors who continue to push the same old drugs. Yes the drugs and the doctor visits are covered by insurance but for most folks with fibromyalgia they don’t help, only make matters worse.
Please realize your insurance company doesn’t care if you get well or not – you’re a number, only a statistic to them. If you can find a doctor who knows what they’re doing and they can accept your insurance, then great. As long as you’re doing better, getting well, then stick with them. However, if you continue to follow advice from stupid doctors, ones who don’t offer any real, lasting help- find someone who will help even if it means you will pay out of pocket. Don’t let the insurance company or the narrow minded thinking keep you from feeling great again.
Saving money by seeing doctors who only take your insurance or taking drugs because they are covered and supplements are not, is a recipe for failure. If you think long term and factor in continued poor health, additional office visits, drugs, declining health from these drugs, missed work or opportunities, there is no savings at all.
Your health is your number one commodity. Without it, you’re destined to have mounting life robbing symptoms, doctor/drug bills, and misery.
Don’t let your insurance dictate your health, be proactive and find a doctor who will help you get well weather they accept your insurance or not.
If you are ready to feel good again and are looking for real change then call my clinic 205-879-2383 to schedule a phone or in clinic consult to see if I’ll accept your case. Life is too short to feel bad more days than good.
I can and do order blood tests and lab tests that you can have done in your home town…there isn’t a need to travel to Birmingham to see me in person.
Tags: 5 HTP, Dr. Murphree, Dr. Rodger Murphree, health insurance, natural healthcare, no insurnace coverage for wellness, Rodger Murphree, The Fibro Doctor, Treating and Beating
I am taking the B complex, and eating organically-fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meat, no gluten products. I recently spent a few hours in ER due to hemiplegic migraine. Would the 5HTP help me to prevent the migraines along with finally getting some sleep? I also take gabapentin, tramadol
I agree with what you are saying and have experienced it myself. A couple years ago I was in terrible shape, taking a handful of drugs and still feeling like I’d been hit by a truck. Then I read your book and started using your protocols but buying the supplements you recommended separately instead of buying your forumla. I’m now only taking pain medication and have gotten off pharmaceutical sleep aids, depression, and fibro medications and I’m taking samE, 5-HTP, COQ10, melatonin, etc. instead. BUT it costs me three times as much for the supplements as it did for the copay on the drugs. It’s easy for you, a person with money, to say it’s stupid to take drugs only due to the money. I am on SSD and my husband is retired so we are very limited on income and this is a big deal for us and a difficult decision. It upset me that you are deriding this person that I totally identify with. Sometimes it IS all about the money…
I’m sorry you are offended. However, to beat fibro you must get healthy, drugs don’t make you healthy and almost ALWAYS lead to more problems. Understand the pain of making financial choices, I lived on Ramen noodles for 8 years while I put myself through college. A bottle of melatonin costs less than $10, 5HTp $30. most products could be had for less than what it costs for copays and ongoing doctor visits.
I would love to try your products but it’s sometimes not being narrow minded it’s being poor! I have suffered from FMS for 7 yrs. I have been on disability for 6 yrs. I absolutely don’t have the money. When I had more than Medicare I tried everything. Now I am forced to take ambien & ultram because the two are under $20.00 together. No shipping! This only slightly helps but I get some sleep & the ultram sometimes takes the edge off. There are so many out there that are taking advantage of people with chronic pain & when there’s no money, your forced to just live with it!
I did the fibro pack for around 8 months, I think. i did extra melatonin and 5htp. I never slept, and I kept my restless leg syndrome. my iron went off the charts and my dr. then said i had hemochromotosis.
I believe in what you are saying, but was discouraged because i think i tried every supplement you had to offer for the syptoms I had. I never got to talk with you, but I would love to use your supplements and sleep and get better.
Wish it was easy….fibro is a complicated illness and patients benefit the most by working with one on one. My staff is happy to answer any questions 205-879-2383
I am not sure what supplements I should take to help relieve the Fibromyalgia. I take vitamins and extra vitamin D and Calcium but the exhaustion never goes away. I am 74 and have battled this before they had a name for it. I am so tired. I would like to spend the time I have left here feeling good.
I have never heard a doctor speak as you do, Dr Murphree! I am definitely intrigued by hearing what you have to say. I am considering calling you to seek your advice on how to improve my health. How much do you charge for phone consultations? I have no insurance except for Medicare, but am willing to pay out of pocket if necessary. I have been paying out of pocket for a while now, because I have had no other options, and like you said I am tired of listening to stupid doctors who just want to drug me and don’t really care if I get well or not! I do believe in taking natural supplements and have been taking the 5HTP because a friend suggested it. I have noticed a great benefit from taking it. I am curious about what else I can do to improve the quality of my health, and thus my life overall!
New Patient Phone consults are $129. Please call the clinic 205-879-2383 my staff will be happy to answer any questions and help anyway they can.
I have suffered from relentless flare-ups in the past 5 months, to the point where I am so exhausted and in so much pain, I can almost not function anymore. I am not on any medication for fibromyalgia currently, firstly because I was on Lyrica, but had such horrendous side effects that I stopped taking it after 6 months. Secondly, my husband is unemployed, and we have no health insurance, and very little money, so I honestly don’t HAVE the money to spend on medication or additional doctors’ visits. But I am miserable. I really don’t know which way to go next. I am 52, but if this is the rest of my life, it’s not worth living.
Matilda sorry you are struggling. A low cost way to get started is through learning what to do next here is the link for ordering my eBook or you can do so online at Amazon http://www.getfibrobooks.com
I make $21, 000 a year. I barely make ends meet on that. I know I should take better care of myself but with my $850 deductible and just trying to keep a roof over my head. I can’t go to the doctor or always keep up on my supplements. Any ideas for poor fibromyalgia suffers?
A low cost way to get started is through learning what to do next here is the link for ordering my eBook or you can do so online at Amazon http://www.getfibrobooks.com
I was your patient 2 years ago, and then my time ran out -I still read your articles, but this one particularly interested me – I also was on ambiem for years. You got me off it, and I am so glad. You suggested Trazadone for me, which I still do – but so much better without the ambiem.
Can I buy 5 HTP without a prescription? I live in MI and have been diagnosed for years with fibro and three types of arthritis. I have no insurance but would love to be able to sleep and feel rested.
James Bond is widely considered to be the poster boy for all things espionage. With a history spanning over six decades, it’s safe to assume that Bond would have at least mastered the basics by now and would have no difficulty walking into any spy agency in the world.
Last Thursday, Britain’s enigmatic chief of Secret Intelligence Service, Alex Younger, acknowledged that while the Bond franchise has helped to establish the agency as one of the most recognisable of its kind in the world, it’s come at a price.
“I’m conflicted about Bond. He has created a powerful brand for MI6: as C, the real-life version of M, there are few people who will not come to lunch if I invite them. Many of our counterparts envy the sheer global recognition of our acronym.”
“And to be fair, there are a few aspects of the genre that do resonate in real life: fierce dedication to the defence of Britain, for example. The real life ‘Q’ would want me to say that we too enjoy – and, indeed, need – a deep grasp of gadgetry. But’s that’s pretty much where the similarity ends. And, were Bond to apply to join MI6 now, he would have to change his ways,” Younger said.
It turns out that changing his ‘ways’ roughly translates to “This blokes a bit too loose to get a job here, he should probably chill on the whole ‘breaking every law in the civilised world’ thing and while he’s at it, probably stop trying to root any woman who glances at him,” … Or something like that.
Younger went on to speak about how the Bond franchise has actually led people to believe that there’s a checklist of qualities that are needed to work for the allusive spy agency when that couldn’t be further from the truth.
“For too long – often because of the fictional stereotypes I have mentioned – people have felt that there is a single quality that defines an MI6 officer, be it an Oxbridge education or a proficiency in hand-to-hand combat. This is, of course, patently untrue. There is no standard MI6 officer.”
So there you go, it’s actually possible to become an MI6 agent after all. HMU when you start looking for agents with very few employable qualities and a dislike for physical activity. |
This is an overarching concern for all of us. All we do has security in mind. The environment has changed so much for the worse.
When we started in IT, a username and password was usually sufficient. Most viruses were moved via floppy disk, so to be careful you got an anti-virus program. With the advent of the internet, we installed a firewall as a perimeter to keep out the bad guys. Hacking was usually like vandalism - damage to the computer so you could not use it. Remediation was often as simple as cleaning up the mess with anti-virus software or reinstalling Windows.
The stakes are much higher today because of what is stored. The hackers have monetized the game and are after identity documents that can be used to establish credit and access bank information. Another troubling trend is ransomware - software that encrypts all your files until you pay the hackers money. Organized crime and even countries are sponsoring such efforts. The media has an endless parade of stories of large businesses impacted. Small businesses are especially vulnerable because they do not have teams of people focused on network security.
We have come to the place where we have shifted our paradigm. We have scrapped as useless the concept of machines and users inside are trusted and those outside are untrusted. Yes we still do anti-virus programs and firewalls. But our focus is more on:
credit information security - on a personal and company level, closing doors that don't need to be open
The report on the SD Synthetic Tanning Agent market offers a broad overview of the dynamics at play on both the buy side and sell side. In order to deepen readers’ understanding of the SD Synthetic Tanning Agent market, the report provides brief historical highlights that have influenced developments herein. Furthermore, the report segments the SD Synthetic Tanning Agent market on the basis of fundamental yet critical parameters such as: applications, product/technology types, and geographical regions. Given that the value chain is an inextricable part of the SD Synthetic Tanning Agent market, the report analyzes the same in great detail.
Factors that are external to the SD Synthetic Tanning Agent markets, yet influence its future course are discussed by the team of analysts working on this report. A number of other analytical essentials such as the present and projected economic situation and macroeconomic environment form an integral part of the report.
The report also provides recommendations for growth based on the present regulatory environments, focusing on regions that will hold future growth opportunities. Key factors such as the availability of alternatives to SD Synthetic Tanning Agent the threat from emerging competitors, and buying power of customers are assessed to provide strategic insights. The report on the SD Synthetic Tanning Agent markets lays emphasis on the competitive landscape, with a detailed evaluation of the current market leaders, their revenues, strategic collaborations and plans, and pricing tactics.
SD Synthetic Tanning Agent Report by Material, Application, and Geography – Global Forecast to 2023 is a professional and in-depth research report on the world’s major regional market conditions, focusing on the major regions (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific) and the major countries (United States, Germany, united Kingdom, Japan, South Korea and China).
The report firstly introduced the SD Synthetic Tanning Agent basics: definitions, classifications, applications and markets overview; product specifications; manufacturing processes; cost structures, raw materials and so on. Then it analyzed the world’s main region market conditions, including the product price, profit, capacity, production, supply, demand and market growth rate and forecast etc. In the end, the report introduced new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis.
The findings of this SD Synthetic Tanning Agent report will prove valuable in formulating new market entry plans, financial models and competition tracking. The SD Synthetic Tanning Agent markets research study has been composed using key inputs from industry experts. Furthermore, the extensive primary and secondary research data with which the report has been composed helps deliver the key statistical forecasts, in terms of both revenue and volume. In addition to this, the trends and revenue analysis of the global SD Synthetic Tanning Agent market has been mentioned in this report. This will give a clear perspective to the readers how the SD Synthetic Tanning Agent market will fare globally.
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: THIS REALLY WORKS!!!! : "WHAT'S 6 BUCKS? IT COULD BE 6 GRAND!!! : IT'S WORTH A TRY... BUT YOU'VE GOT TO FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS EXACTLY !" : A little while back, I was browsing through newsgroups, just : like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you could make : thousands of dollars within weeks : with only an initial investment of $6.00! So I thought, "Yeah, : right. This must be a scam." : But like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. : Anyway, it said that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and : addresses stated in the : article. : You then place your own name and address on the bottom of the : list at #6, and post the : article : in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are thousands.) No catch -- : that was it. So after : thinking it : over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying : it. : I figured, "what have I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00, : right?" Like most of us I : was a : little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of : it all. So I checked it out with : the : U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is : indeed legal! (Also refer : to : Title 18: Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the Postal lottery laws.) Then I : invested the measly $6.00. : Well... GUESS WHAT???... Within 7 days, I started getting money : in the mail! I was : shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept : coming in. In my first : week, I : made about $25.00. By the end of the second week, I had made a : total of over $1,000.00! : In the third week, I had over $10,000.00 and it's still growing. : This is now my fourth week : and : I have made a total of just over $42,000.00, and it's still : coming in rapidly! It's certainly : worth $6.00 and 6 stamps. I have spent more than that on the : lottery!!! : Let me tell you how this works and, most importantly, why it : works. (Make sure you print a : copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of : it as you need it.) : STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following : on each piece of paper: : "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Then write your name and : address. : Now get : 6 US $1.00 bills and fold ONE "inside" EACH of the 6 pieces of : paper so the bill will not : be : seen through the envelope (to prevent thievery.) Next, place one : paper in each of the 6 : envelopes and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, : each with a piece of : paper : stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 : bill. What you are doing is : creating a service by this. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! Mail the 6 : envelopes to the : following addresses: : #1 J. Hendrickson : 1812 Forest Ln. : San Bernardino, CA 92404 : #2 ASP : 7882 N. Summerhill Dr. : Park City, UT 84098 : #3 Lop : 1206 Kay Ave. : Chesapeake, Va. 23324 : #4 T. Jones : 270 4th st : Idaho Falls, ID 83401 : #5 M. Sears : 34761 Doheny Place : Capistrano Beach, Ca 92624 : #6 Moe : 4315 Ravenstone Dr. : Greensboro, NC 27407 : STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above and : move the other names : up : (i.e. #6 becomes #5, #5 becomes #4, etc.) Then add YOUR name and : address as #6 on the : list. : STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this : article as close to the original as : possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200 : newsgroups. (I think there are : close to 24,000 groups.) All you need is 200, but remember, the : more you post, the more : money you make! : ***DIRECTIONS***HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS*** : Step 1: You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your : own posting. Simply put : your : cursor at the beginning of this letter, drag your cursor to the : bottom of this document, and : select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire : letter into the computer's : memory. : Step 2: Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the : top of the blank page. : From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the : letter into notepad so that you : can add your name to the list. : Step 3: Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want : to do your postings in : different sittings, you'll always have this file to go back to. : Step 4: Use Netscape or Internet Explorer and try searching for : various newsgroups : (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.) : Step 5: Visit these message boards and post this article as a : new message by highlighting the : text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill : in the Subject. This will be the : header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of : postings in a particular group. : Click the 'post message' button. You're done with your first : one! Congratulations... THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to : different newsgroups and : post : away. After you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 : seconds for each newsgroup! : ** REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY : YOU : WILL MAKE!!! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINUMUM OF 200** : That's it. You will begin receiving money from around the world : within days! You may : eventually want to rent a P.O. Box due to the large amount of : mail you will receive. If you : wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as : the post man will deliver it. : JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT! : Now the WHY part: Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 : replies (a very low example). : So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, each : of the 5 persons who : just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name : at #5 and only 5 : persons respond to each of the original 5. That is another : $25.00 for me. Now those 25 : each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies : each, I will bring in an : additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post : the MINIMUM 200 : with my name at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an : additional $626.00! OK, : now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons posts a MINIMUM : 200 letters with my : name at : #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me : $3,125.00!!! With an original : investment of only $6.00!!! AMAZING! : When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the : latest posting in the : newsgroups, : and send out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your : name at number 6 again. : And start posting again. The thing to remember is, do you realize : that thousands of people all : over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles : every day, JUST LIKE YOU : are now??? So, can you afford $6.00 to see if it really works??? I : think so... : People have said, "What if the plan is played out and no one : sends you the money?" So : what! What are the chances of that happpening when there are tons of : new honest users and : new honest people who are joing the internet and newsgroups every : day and are willing to give it a : try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, : with thousands of those joining : the actual internet. Think about this!!! If you gamble your : money away in a casino or a : race track, or maybe just the lottery...WHY? Because we all want more : $$$! RIGHT? So we risk : our money... playing it agianst the odds! : NEED MONEY? Well, if you have any logic and $6, you will! You : think this is a gamble? : Maybe. But it's not odds your up against -- INSTEAD, IT'S YOUR : OWN INTEGRITY! : You NEED MONEY? Play FAIRLY and HONESTLY, WITH FULL INTEGRITY and : you will : be making some SERIOUS CASH!!! : $GO FOR IT$ |
World politics book review – ‘a pathway to peace’ - assignment example on in assignment sample this book was written by gerry adams, the president of the sinn fein, as a collection of his uncensored views to bringing peace to northern ireland. Oliver macdonagh, ‘ambiguity in nationalism: the case of ireland’, in ciaran brady (ed), interpreting irish history (1994) ‘like his successors from parnell to griffith, o’connell was a separatist who saw the measure of separation as ultimately to be determined in great britain. View essay - northern ireland and scotland nationalism from pols x232 at loyola university new orleans alliciyiageorge from the northern ireland and the british dimension by john coakley i learned.
The northern ireland conflict - how the state to nation imbalance caused a centuries' conflict - anna fuchs - essay - politics - international politics - topic: peace and conflict studies, security - publish your bachelor's or master's thesis, dissertation, term paper or essay history of the northern ireland conflict 3 the state to nation. The history of northern ireland northern ireland has had a volatile and tortured history in 1969 began the conflict, which today is known as the troubles, but northern ireland's troubled history roots back to a much earlier period of time. Leaving cert history sample essay: religion and culture in northern ireland the us and the world: politics and administration we’re very excited to present our work on later modern history (higher level. Ireland has a long history, and was known to the ancient romans as hibernia although the romans did not colonize ireland as they did with england tradition marks ireland's conversion to christianity by saint patrick during the roman period.
Since the beginning of the northern ireland conflict in the late 1960s, irish nationalism has been identified as a prominent force in the political culture of the state recent studies have suggested, however, that the ‘nationalist’ population has become increasingly content within the new. The conflict in northern ireland is a combination of religious strife between catholics and protestants, nationalism versus colonialism and a search for a true irish identity that has been elusive since the colonization of ireland in 1603. The debate on revisionism had already been ongoing for a number of years when he launched his attack with ‘nationalism and historical scholarship in modern ireland’ in irish historical studies in 1989.
Global business glasgow essay school essay on global warming, nationalism and case study of northern ireland history essay, nationalism and case study of northern ireland history essay global trends in insurance sector commerce essay, the principles of psychology essay. New markets developed before ireland’s economy became so globalised it traded mainly with the uk today our main trading partners are the us, asia and europe today globalisation is perceived as both an opportunity and a threat for ireland. The book irish nationalists and the making of the irish race, by bruce nelson, studies the concept of identity through race in ireland while the book when god took sides: religion and identity in ireland – unfinished history, by marianne elliott, deals with the idea of irish identity through religion.
Breuilly identifies six classes of nationalism which provide the backbone of his subsequent case studies specifically, there are separation, reform, and unification varieties which differ when found in either non-nation states or nation states (12. G-h books: gellner, ernest the majority of greenfeld's book is taken up with five case studies: britain, france, russia, germany, and america the war in northern ireland is the result of contested national identity the fundamental difference between loyalists and nationalists is that loyalists have a britannic identity while irish. Nationalism case study: italy and germany chosen alliances he set about gaining control of northern italy for sardinia cavour realized that the greatest roadblock to annexing northern italy one of the commanding figures of german history with the king’s approval, bismarck declared that he.
Irish nationalism essay what problems did irish a history of ireland essay for conflict and such is the case in northern ireland for hundreds of years catholics and protestants have battled over rights, government and land the spark of this conflict can be traced back to the mid 1500s.
Facing history proponents suggest that using an external case study such as the holocaust might allow students to rethink questions of us versus them and the legacy of violence in a society the overwhelming message that links 1916 to the present and to a longer historical record is one of nationalist masculinity.
- nationalism in britain the state is officially the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, but this is clouded in ambiguity – many refer to ‘the uk’ or simply ‘britain’, while part of the state, england, is often confused with the whole. This sample ethnic nationalism research paper is published for educational and informational purposes only free research papers are not written by our writers, they are contributed by users, so we are not responsible for the content of this free sample paper if you want to buy a high quality research paper on history topics at affordable price please use custom research paper writing services. The object of the present essay is to suggest that the mainstream tradition of irish historical scholarship, as it has developed since the 1930s, has been vitiated by a faulty methodological. |
Want to know the 10 dating rules for men believe it or not fellas, there are certain dating rules for men what, did you think you'd just enter the dating game with a helmet and pads and start tackling women. But the former can be due to various fundamental dating mistakes after multiple dating ever read the rules the dating world i agree that guys. 12 tips on dating casually for the serial monogamists, because you really can do it by beca grimm feb 19 2015 hi. Dating is really just a sex & relationships dating smitten how to correctly date multiple people at and distilled their advice into some basic rules of. Read on for 8 rules for casual dating experiment by dating guys with different looks, personalities and outlooks on life.
Over the past two weeks i have met four different guys i've only ever had one serious boyfriend, so i don't know the rules of dating. Five guys, ages 20 – 30, opened up about what goes through their minds before they hit send our panel of eligible male millennials: (names have been changed) david, 20 braden, 20 cameron, 23 ben, 27 nate, 30 1 are there “rules” to texting let’s cut to the chase – pun intended four out of five of the guys said yes, there are rules to texting. Five rules for dating in sweden the local [email protected] @thelocalsweden 10 november 2014 and guys, feel free to be gentlemanly and offer to pay for the girl. @becca, i'm actually casually dating two guys right now with each of them, we just have fun going out - there's no commitments, no strings (and one of my personal rules is that if there's no commitm.
The dirty truth about college dating you've heard the basics about college dating: more types of guys (it's actually against the rules at some campuses to. Is it wrong to date lots of different men dating decent multiple guys isn’t to let the non-committal guy we like or society’s made up rules determine. Dating multiple people is a great idea home dating multiple people (and why you should be doing it) finding a person that you mesh well with can take time. Dating multiple women is different to dating one woman and courting her into a committed relationship but i date multiple guys and follow much the same rules.
If you guys make it to date two, three, four and so on don’t forget to keep these dating etiquette rules in mind the next time you head out on a date. Home » 50 unwritten rules every man should live by feel free to humiliate and ridicule your friends around guys that’s how we know we like each other. How do you guys feel about serial dating or seeing multiple people at the same time how do you guys feel about serial dating or seeing multiple dating other guys. The twelve new rules of dating by eharmony staff january 3, 2011 times have changed — and so have the rules regarding the biggest game of your life dating rules.
The dos and don'ts of dating more than one guy at a time by dating multiple men makes for a very high probability of getting i'm dating two guys right now. Dating can be a difficult thing to master, and so it's important to know what type of standards you should be able to expect from your new partner but it can be tough to keep up with these expectations when the dating rules keep changing.
20 unwritten rules of online dating more men than women advertise on most dating sites, so the girls get the pick of the bunch don’t get despondent. New york post latest in living apps such as tinder have spoiled us for choice and made it ok to be dating multiple people at once guys pick up the check. How to date more than one guy at a willing to let go faster when you’re dating multiple guys net/dating-multiple-people-the-rules-1695.
I spent years dating men who were very hard to manage and decided that or even just the best men they can find for fun and memories choose a couple good guys. The rules for dating multiple people acceptable unacceptable going on dates with multiple guys how to date multiple guys without being shady the. Dating around online the first rule of dating multiple people is you don’t talk about dating multiple people know that the rules change once you get physical. By the end of this page you will know whether you have good dating etiquette or dating etiquette - general the rules are dating etiquette guys on the.
You may be a nice person but to ensure that your date has a good time, here are a few dating rules for men and women that should never be overlooked. Me and this girl are kinda sorta interested in each other we've gone on a few little dates and kissed but haven't slept with each other or. Without being a total tell them you’re dating multiple guys ahead of time so they can play it cool with these simple rules, you should be able to handle. Decoding dating has 4 ratings and 0 reviews the ultimate guide to cracking the social code of datingthe rules of dating are a conundrum for many men, b. 10 casual relationship rules to keep and date many guys by virtue of reaching out to multiple women on dating sites/apps and more than one.
Alright everybody. I am about to rant. A couple of times. I'm sorry I have been more or less AWOL over the past month (unless you follow me on Instagram), but I have been silly busy with the ins and outs of getting a job, starting my third year of university, taking care of my mental health and baking mango cakes.
This is my one of my favourite dresses. Like most of my stuff, I got it cheap at a thrift shop. It's comfy, flattering and makes me really love my body. I call it my "super hips" dress. And I would pretty much live in this dress if I didn't cop street harassment for it every time I go out in it. Literally. Every. Time. I live near a major road, and walking to the bus stop is really becoming an exercise in how many ways I can creatively respond to/ ignore gross cat-callers from cars.
Before heading over to Annika's house to take these photos, I sent her an exasperated message detailing the ins and outs of yet another shitty walk to the bus stop in this dress (she also has also written a fucking fantastic open-letter to cat-callers here). It was a really hot day, I was grossed-out, sweaty and bothered and had absolutely zero tolerance for bros, so I got my teeth stuck into some searing and shouting, which to an outsider would make it seem like maybe I am an incredible bad-ass who doesn't get scared or isn't made anxious by shit like this. This is not true. It frightens me. It can ruin my day, hell, it can ruin my week. Over time, this kind of crap can, and does, ruin women and gender non-conforming people's lives.
It is a deadly serious issue. This is not about some well-intended dudes who just want to wish you a nice day as they speed off down the highway. This is about cis-men's perceived entitlement of the body of basically anyone who is not a cis-man. This is about the strategic layering of masculinity and power over time that continues to build an empire of misogyny in which we still reside in.
This video came across my newsfeed this morning, and it is a fantastic SBS report on sexual-harassment in Australia. According to this report, 83% of women aged 18-24 experience abuse from random guys in public. Definitely worth a watch.
Now, without a doubt the most time consuming, exhausting and difficult thing I have been doing recently is trying to get a job. I have worked in countless crappy waitress jobs over the years, and it's taken its toll on my well-being. From the misogyny spewed out from the some of the self-appointed small-business overlords to the snide, sexist remarks from my customers (no sir, sorry, I am not "on the menu" and I also don't "come with the special"), it has been a roller-coaster of tiring, sometimes terrible, sometimes incredibly fun and rewarding and always exhausting under-paid work days broken up with days of great tips that would sometimes be claimed by my boss because apparently I didn't work hard enough.
So, yeah. I am pretty over hospitality. So over the past year, I have been volunteering with The Trading Circle, an amazing not-for-profit business that sets up producer groups of women around the world living in poverty or hardship, and seeks to foster their skills while at the same time creating a source of fair income and trade. We sell their crafts in our shop, and the profits go directly back to them. It has been a wonderful place to work, not only for the amazing work behind the scenes but because of the amazing and supportive community I have been a part of, that has been a world away from my experience as a waitress/ barista.
So I decided recently that I have enough experience to break out into the world of paid retail work, and have successfully landed an awesome job at a not-for-profit second-hand boutique store in Sydney, run by an acclaimed international charity organisation. So that's pretty damn cool, and I get to manage the whole store for two days every week, going through donations, making the store pretty etc. I've only just started, but I love it. I feel lucky, and privileged to have been given such an opportunity.
(This is my favourite necklace, given to my by my gorgeous friend Rasiha for my birthday. Jeanette Winterson is one of my favourite authors, and writes fantastic things on the body and feminism.)
But that is the cool part. The not-so-cool part happened during another interview for a retail shop in the city.
I arrive, dressed in my smartest interview attire. Manager-dude shakes my hands before standing back, aghast by the amount of "electricity" we appear to share. I nervously laugh and try to remain composed. I want the job. During the course of the interview, the man attempts to stand over me, while asking me if he was "intimidating" me. He then tells me that he "knows (I am) a girl, but this job is more than just pretty things", before telling me that he and I could "get into real trouble here". Before I leave, he confides in me that no, I probably won't be getting this job, because sure I am perfectly qualified but he thinks I am too attractive for the role, and that I could get him into trouble because we are obviously so attracted to one another.
I left the store quickly and called my friend for support, and then received a phone call from him asking where I lived.
I ended up filing a formal complaint with the Human Rights Commission and being involved in a series of events wherein this man was heavily reprimanded for his actions, and out of some miracle the CEO of the company was this amazing woman who helped me every step of the way. It is not always that easy to get justice though, so if you have been victim of an kind of sexual harassment in a workplace environment and live in Australia, don't feel like you have to keep it to yourself.
The Human Rights Commission lists example of sexual harassment occurring in the workplace (which happens to 1 in 5 women), including:
If you have experienced any of this, or anything else that makes you feel uncomfortable, do not hesitate to say something, either to someone in a higher position, the HRC, a friend, or heck, me. I am more than happy to help if you need, and if so please send me an email at [email protected].
So that concludes the story of this sexy dress and my new job. Well, not really, but I am reaching critical lows of energy and need to take a nap. Because this is draining. But what is exciting is the potential for change, and our ability to reach out to one another and connect. We can get shit done, and it's hard, but we are doing it. So well done us.
I am so proud that you did something about that horrific interview experience. I am actually too angry to write anything else about that. It must have been so scary and upsetting.
Perfect as always. So glad you made a post about this, and I seriously hope that it encourages more people to talk about their experiences. Love you <3 xx
One of the reasons I never dress up is because I feel anxious of the men's stares and/or verbal harassments. When I was really young I had an "over appreciation" (let's call it that) and that scarred me for life. Whenever a guys tries to hit on me I don't know if it's for who I am or how big my boobs are.. I love your super feminist posts, they never make me feel alone!!
Im so glad that guy that was interviewing you got what he deserved! Too many stories where the guy gets away with it. They need to learn that this is not okay! Thanks for writing this!
Katie, this is such a great post, and I am so angry that that situation happened to you -- but MAJOR applause to you for doing exactly what you did! I already commented on Annika's post, but the two of you are so eloquent and are saying precisely what needs to be said. This issue is at the forefront of so much right now, and it amazes me how there are people who still don't understand that this harassment is NOT a compliment and is NOT in any way okay. <3
Wow, that interviewer was so out of line, along with all the cat-callers you experience on a daily. I'm amazed that writing this was part of your response. Mine probably would have been to hide under my covers & not get out of bed for a week.
It makes me so angry reading about your horrible experiences, I'm so glad that sucker was reprimanded for what he did. I'm proud that you actually did something about it too. I find women are definitely recognizing and identifying inappropriate behaviour more and more yet there is still not enough women actually DOING something about it. We need to not just complain to our friends and vent on the internet but take the leap and attempt to resolve things completely and professionally. Also, you're looking so good whilst fighting for women, that dress is ca-y-ooot.
It upsets me so much when wom*an get treated this way. I've been a victim of it several times; the honking, blocking my path, and even purposely brushing onto me. The thing about all of these times is that I wasn't even dressed "provocatively" as I'm a jeans and sweater or basic tee kinda gal.
It's so good that you found such a lovely job and also reported him for treating you in that rude manner.
Oh my God! May I just say that that was such a horrible interviewer?! Yes, I say that, not he, because a creep like that should not be respectfully regarded as a human being in my book. Glad that everything works out for you and you now want to help other people who might have gone through the same stuff. By the way, I came here from Annika's blog just to let you know how I applaud your bravery in showing off your body hair. I'm working up my courage to finally be able to stand for that. My leg hair is fine but armpit hair is still a little hard for me. Maybe one day. Anyway, cool post and don't ever stop fighting for this cause!
Yikes! Fucking bastard. It reminded me of the countless times male interviewers asked me if I was married or if I had a boyfriend... What the fuck?! I've probably told you before but I really admire you and your attitude towards these things that still happen nowadays...One thing I've noticed here in Dublin (where I am currently): I have never witnessed any sort of cat calling/street harassment! Ever. They tend to smile and say a joke about the weather forecast but all in a nice way... Maybe they care way too much about her sisters and mothers and that adds to the respect they feel for women :)) xx
You are AMAZING and I'm hugely relieved to hear about such a positive outcome - so few women (a) stand up for themselves and (b) are actual ambassadors for change. You did both and are an absolute inspiration. xx
You are such an inspiration - you take negative experiences and make them a positive, using it to help others and not get you down. Never let anything get to you - you are an amazing human and the world is a better place already simply because you're in it!
Woah I just found your blog and you are one inspirational lady! That sounds like the worst interview in the world but you are a gem for standing up for your right not be abused. I so hope it encourages more women to do the same. I can't count the number of cat calls I get and it makes me feel so sad when it happens, I truly hope the world can change and that one day that will not be the norm.
Ugh what a horrible man. I am so stuck at the moment on how people can be so against feminism and I'm like omg ARE YOU BLIND look at what we have to put up with EVERY FREAKING DAY! Scuse the rant haha. I got a message from a number that clearly wasn't in my contacts last week saying "hi amber how are you babe?" and for ages I couldn't think who it'd be, but they knew my name! I figured who it might be and compared the numbers. It was this guy who I met briefly a year ago, thought he was lovely, swapped numbers, he ended up texting me non-stop, even when I asked him to simmer down. I ended up starting to ignore his messages until he sent me the weirdest one asking me to describe my vagina "in my own words, please". (I responded with "have you seen the film teeth" haha). Then I ignored him but he still texted me, about once a month after that, until I blocked his number. Then this "how are you babe?" came through three months after blocking his number on whatsapp. So now I've had to block him on whatsapp too. I can't even remember what he looks like, I hope he doesn't remember what I look like. That's just one of my most recent difficulties! Sorry for rambling I just wanted to share it with someone. xo
Change of topic. So excited for you new job! I too landed my dream job last summer, at our town's thrift shop, after four years of volunteering. Please share more about your store.
I love this post and I love you! Also love your dress *SOCUTE* It's refreshing to see more posts about cat-calling and how its absolutely awful and happens every single day.
Katie, you are inspirational. So amazing to have found your blog here, thank you for all the work you are doing;- for in these experiences that you have, and actions that you make, all the learning you are doing, is helping all of us women (and men) to change and grow too, you know? That doesn't mean you should have to go through horrible experiences (like the one you so well recounted with the 'man'ager) but if you do, you are giving strengh to others so they know what to do. Its incredible. More important than any qualification or assumed intelligence. You look gorgeous in this dress, the pictures are great with you and Annika, i feel like your words and pictures compliment each other so well because they are both strikingly STRONG. And feminine, in its true sense. A raw energy. Hugs, Betsy
It's a shame that you have to watch out for simply wearing something. What I wouldn't give to live in the world where people can just go out and be whatever they want, wear whatever they like, without worrying about their welfare or some guy's behavior. It is constraining. People should at least be able to empathize with this aspect of the problem. The best then do from there is to learn, be more ethical and help enforce existing laws against harassment.
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Rachel Roy has established herself as the go-to choice for fun and functional elegant fashion. Her collections are inspired by and crafted for strong, confident working women with an eye for classic detail and timeless lines. This Spring Rachel Roy has brought the season to life with flirty blossoming prints and fun vibrant hues that will take you from the day to night in minutes.
An update to a classic denim jacket. A collarless, destructed jacket in a worn wash is the perfect companion to your Spring wardrobe. It gives a sheath dress the perfect topper with its bell sleeves, relaxed fit, and slightly cropped length. Bell sleeve denim jacket with raw edge in Felicity Wash Denim (400-4072) – $139
A fun way to add print to your closet, this loose yet body hugging shape of this drape back sleeveless dress defines your curves with a below the knee asymmetrical hemline. Printed drape back dress in Navy Print (200-2199) – $139
This freeform relaxed fit dress features a playful hi-low hem with V detail, slight cap sleeves, and an asymmetrical neckline. Pockets strategically placed on the seam keep it utilitarian without the bulk and gives the dress its modern minimalist vibe. Harper dress in Paradise, also available in African Violet colour (200-2198) – $139
A delicately oversized arm and relaxed fit gives this top a cape feel. The romantic print is an effortless way to try the season’s trendy florals. Easy cape top in African Violet (472-3338) – $99
A light wash mixed with dark patches on the seams and cuffs make this denim a definite add to your collection. The cropped length makes it easy to dress up or down. Seamed denim crop pant in Valance Wash Denim (421-4987) – $129
Comfortable & versatile, the relaxed silhouette of this sleeveless panel scarf dress has a sporty yet polished feel. Featuring an asymmetrical hemline that hits below the knee, and a feminie floral ombre print that is perfect for spring. Panel scarf dress with ombre hem in Blush Combo (200-2196) – $169
The classic bomber shape is elongated to create a dramatic piece that works equally with heels or trainers. Combining two trends of this season, the bomber and duster, this jacket features a relaxed fit with ribbed neck, cuffs, & hemline which hits past the knees. Romantic rose duster bomber in Romantic Rose Combo (400-4084) – $269
Hi Nicole, we have this dress available in Paradise and African Violet colours (and a Denim Chambray coming soon!) – Please contact us at [email protected] with more information regarding your size and location and we would be more than happy to help out!
Hi Genevieve, That sounds great! We still have a size 1X in stock and will contact you via email to make arrangements. Please also feel free to contact us at [email protected] anytime for further assistance.
Hi Karen! Thank you for your interest! Yes we do currently have a 1X in stock in limited quantity. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we would be happy to help!
Jourini Black’s suffered wounds so severe on her face, she required a total of 65 stitches, reported Fox 29.
Jourini’s father, who was not at the home during the attack, said he was devastated when the baby’s mother told him the news.
Jourini’s mother, Ashley Rodgers, had only recently moved into her North Philadelphia apartment when the attack took place. Rodgers said she took her 6-year-old to the bathroom and when she returned she saw her baby on the floor.
“She was laying on the floor across the room blood all over her face and her PJs,” Rodgers told Fox 29.
She says the raccoon pulled the child from the bed onto the floor. She was rushed to Temple and then to St. Christopher for surgery.
While Jourini is in recovery, her father spoke with Fox 29 about raccoon infestations the property has had and how the landlord has not properly handled the situation.
According to Samuel Black, the building’s owner, Jihad Simpson, did not notify his daughter’s mother about a rodent problem.
According to Fox 29, Simpson owes $23,000 in back-taxes on the building; however, he is currently on a payment plan. Additionally, City Licenses and Inspections records indicate Simpson has no license to rent but Ashley Rodgers tells FOX 29 she moved in on Tuesday and paid $375.
Now, Jourini’s father wants justice for his daughter and wants to make sure no other children on the property are attacked.
There are 60 cars with 180 drivers. 60 stories to follow. Three class races other than LMP1. Please do not belittle all of that just because the race for the win might be boring!
Author Pat WPosted on 13 June 2018 Categories 2018, ELMS, IMSA, Le Mans, Sportscars, WEC, Weekend PreviewTags 24 Hours of Le Mans, FIA WEC, Le Mans, preview, WEC, Weekend Preview1 Comment on Weekend Preview: 16/17 June 2018 Le Mans
Set aside your Sunday. It is a Bank Holiday in the UK, you’ve got Monday to see the family, so settle in and let’s watch some racing!
For me and many in the UK/Europe the main double is the Monaco GP followed immediately by the Indy 500, which should be the highlight of the day.
Now this is a massively busy week, including one of the most stupid date clashes of the year, between the Nurburgring 24 Hours and the European Le Mans Series.
Apologies for not writing a recap of last weekend. I actually went to the Blancpain GT Sprint at Brands Hatch to sit on the grass in the glorious sunshine watching GT racing, which I didn’t preview at all, and I haven’t yet seen any of the other events I did write about! With the upcoming weekend so full it looks like I may not catch up for some time.
Author Pat WPosted on 11 May 2018 30 May 2018 Categories ELMS, F1, IndyCar, Sportscars, Touring Cars, Weekend PreviewTags ELMS, F1, IndyCar, N24, preview, Weekend Preview3 Comments on Weekend Preview: 12/13 May 2018 |
Let me first go on record to say that I’m all for freedom of expression, freedom of choice, and the freedom to wear whatever the f*ck you want.
But a male thong is just wrong, on the beach AND in the bedroom—no matter how firm or round the ass.
Up until a few weeks ago, I always thought men wearing thongs was one of those urban legends perpetuated by jilted girlfriends who were looking to emasculate their ex (a subtle, yet grating form of payback).
But then a friend and I were having drinks recently, and she unleashed on me the mother of all bombshells:
The guy she had been seeing, the alleged love of her life, a guy I had met many a time, wore thongs.
It was at that precise moment that a piece of my soul died, and I started to lose all faith in humanity.
He was a young, good-looking attorney. Very much a jock, and very much a macho Italian (e.g. if Channing Tatum had a half-brother named Vito).
It was the mother of all anticlimaxes. After days of flirting, drinking and heavy petting, my friend finally found herself on his bed, ready for the ride of her life. But as soon as the pants came off, her interest—and libido—almost went out the window.
He could tell his thong was bothering her, and they both looked at each other like the other was crazy.
She asked him about it (in a very nonchalant, non-confrontational kinda way), and all he could say was, “They make my ass look good.”
He reassured her that it wasn’t a regular habit, and that he could easily slip into something more…what’s the word?…”traditional.”
They still had sex (kudos to her for still being able to get wet for the guy), but the real clincher of the story—and my favorite part—was the part where he later hopped in the shower, and she dared to open his underwear drawer.
There they were: Not one pair…or two pairs…but a drawer full. Black ones, purple ones, leopard ones, you name it. It was every Chippendale dancer and sexually-confused boy’s wet dream. Not a single boxer brief to be found.
Like so many leopard thongs before, this marked the end of an otherwise perfect relationship. She just couldn’t bring herself to date a guy she could share skivvies with.
They look awkward on dudes…thongs don’t look as good on “bulkier” bodies (not that I’ve tried or anything).
Turns out, you can never truly know what a guy is hiding under his blue jeans. But, just like the old expression, “If you have nothing good to say, don’t say anything at all,” if you’ve got nothing good to wear, go commando.
“Did I mention they’re for girls???…” Uh, no, actually. Men were wearing thong type clothing in ancient times, long, long before women ever began wearing them; thongs for women is a relatively recent concept (1970s). These kinds of articles always remind me of how stupidly judgmental some narrow-minded people can be. Fortunately, most adults don’t think the way this author does.
First point, thongs were entended for men. They are modern loin cloths and still traditionally worn in japan called a fundoshi. So you cant really say they are for women. Also mens thongs have a pouch up front and womens dont….
Second point, it is very sad that people like you or her are so closed minded to what is considered “normal” that you would dismiss the possibility that mens thongs are just better underwear. Let me drop some knowledge on you. Mens thongs are the most comfortable underwear available. Less fabric means more movement and no bunching. There is a large number of brands so finding your perfect fit isnt that difficult.
Third point, you must think white ass cheeks are super sexy. Hahaha, i dont. So wearing a thong at the beach makes alot of since to me… i dont know how you arent getting this…
Forth point, well if she is so choked up on something so unimportant as type of underwear. I dont think she is mature enough for a relationship…
Well you can thank the modern education system for that. And when i dont care to spell check every little thing i post on the internet.
It’s even more ridiculous when people have no argument at all, and would rather pick on someone for their grammar & syntax. Did that make you feel good to point out his mistake? Here have a cookie and a pat on your back.
No wonder this generations girls are going for that hood-rat look where men wear their pants below their butts. Men have stopped being men, and started being women all worried about that comfort, and sexy feeling, and such. Stand up on your hind legs and be a man!
Second, they are more practical for men, being that they provide support for men’s equipment, and more practical for men, where as women don’t need support down there.
Third, the person who wrote this must be an obese person, and have security issues, insecure in themselves, and in their masculinity to think such nonsense.
It’s this type of attitude that led us into an era of male body-shame with baggy clothes, board shorts down to the shins, and swim shirts. Just because you’re not comfortable (or possibly not confident enough) baring so much skin, doesn’t mean every guy has to fit into your paradigm.
I was incredibly self-conscious when I bit the bullet about 10 years ago and went. Since then, my attitude has changed drastically and I really don’t care what people wear – well, there’s a time and place for everything, I’ll admit.
The point I’m making here is that it’s only as a big of a deal as ‘you’ make it out to be. Rather than obsess over who should cover their skin with what, wouldn’t it be easier to just accept it and move on? I mean really, we’re talking about a piece of fabric.
it’s also that same back-ass attitude that made “shorts” for me be like an inch shorter than full-length pants instead of real shorts you saw in the 80′s (like with about an inch below the butt).
Stupid, cliched, and conservative nonsense. even the guy he describes that looks like channing tatum.. mr. tatum rocks thongs too in magic mike.. male or female, if you have a great body, thongs will look good. anyone who is so threatened and offended by a bit of kinky underwear is in my opinion completely ridiculous. an ignorant hater.
Heres A history lesson for you moron, but thongs were originally developed by men, and for men, the premise was to cover and protect the genitals while keeping you as cool as possible. The original thong, is a loin cloth made by and exclusively for men.
It originated from areas of the world with hot and harsh climates. So before you start running your mouth like your an expert, you should take a few moments and educate yourself on the topic, I dont judge people and am a very open-minded individual myself. Hey in my experience the majority of women who hate on men wearing thongs are lacking there own confidence themselves. they wish they could pull it off!!! Just like yoga pants and leggings, 65% of women I see wearing them shouldnt even be allowed to own them, let alone 80% of women dont even wear the proper panties. Yoga pants and Leggings are for thongs and thongs only, Seeing womens panty lines looks horrible, those pants are made with such thin materials there isnt a bikini or brief that wont show, let alone when women dont wear thongs it looks like you have dropped a load in your pants. I myself have a great body with an hourglass shape, If I want I can pull off leggings and yoga pants if I want to and i look better than 75% off women who even attempt it. Anyone who is bothered or wierded out by men wearing thongs or womens thongs or underwear, are insecure, uneducated, close minded, and as shallow as it gets.
Every female ive met has and wears mens clothes, That is CROSS-DRESSING to Ladies, It is the exact same thing as men wearing womens clothes!
The Difference is Society says its ok for women to wear mens stuff but its not ok for men to wear womens clothes. Some men have sensual sides as well. In My experience women wear what they wear to look good as well as feel good, Some men want the same exact feeling as well, But us guys dont have people designing sexy clothes and underwear like women do, Men want to feel sexy too, plain and simple!! Wearing a thong does not change who the man is or what he is about, clothes are just aestheticS, Doesnt change who a man is, what he is about, his capabilities, his Integrity, It actually is an indicator of how confident and comfortable a man is with himself.
So ladies open your minds and quit being so judgemental, it makes you all look ignorant, uneducated, and close-minded. when a girl throws on a pair of guys boxers it is the same exact thing as him throwing on your panties!!!! THE EXACT SAME THING!!!!! Aesthetics are Aesthetics none of this shit is important when finding the right person, Its about what you have in your head not about what your wearing under your pants.
Lastly where do you get off snooping through a mans drawers without asking, thats a low blow and thats how low life losers act. You invaded his privacy and ended the relationship just because yo dont like what kind of underwear he wears(COULDNT BE ANYMORE SHALLOWER)!!!! You should probably hit the gym, start eating better and your work on your selfconfidece issues cause youve got some serious issues to be worked out, also make sure yo do the proper research before you make yourself look dumber than a box of rocks!!!
As a straight guy who wears thongs, I would just like to say thanks for being a voice of reason. I completely agree with the point you made. Oh, and guess what? My girlfriend does to. Cheers.
Cheers as well, glad to hear there are more open-minded people such as yourselves, thanks for the comments and compliments
Rightly said. I’ve been wearing thongs and g-strings since a few years now and couldn’t be happier! I live in a country with mostly hot climate and a thong really helps keep things cool and dry, plus it gives excellent support while walking long distances. There is also the feel-good factor and sexiness. My GF loves it and thinks I look hot in them. Moreover, men thongs have pouches which provide better support than a “girl” thong, so when the author says thongs are for women, she couldn’t imagine how wrong SHE is.
What a pathetic and ignorant article! Seems like written by school kid who’s just got rid of his tighty whities and got his first few pairs of boxer briefs (so common in some part of the World) and is so fond of it. Well, now everybody in the comments have already told that thongs are intended for men since early ages, I don’t want to put more emphasis on this. What I know is that thongs provide the best support and are comfortable too. So, it takes the best out of briefs (support) and boxers (comfort). There are hundreds of brands manufacturing simple and comfy designs dedicated for men. They dont need to be leopard print or with a zipper. I have dozens of thongs with ample pouch and great fabric which look sexy without looking cheap. As far as girls’ attitude towards it, it was my girlfriend who introduced me to men’s thongs and initially even I was in shock. But wearing them for a week or so, I haven’t looked back since then!
Whilst everyone is entitled to their opinion and to voice it freely I do at times wonder how some people’s opinion is formed. I’m not about to get into a slagging match with this author about their feelings, or about who is right or wrong, I am however going to disagree with their sentiments entirely!
I have worn thongs as both underwear and swimwear ever since my then GF introduced me to the style, just over 25 years ago. She bought me a thong tanning suit to wear while on holiday and bet me I wasn’t brave enough to wear it out around the pool……. She lost the bet and I received a LOT of positive complements!!! Got some banging tan lines into the bargain! I was well and truly hooked.
Within a week of our return she had totally changed my underwear draw so that it contained nothing but thongs…….
Now I’m no stud, but that said, I am a bloke, I’ve had my share of encounters with the girls and I have to say that with the exception of 2 (1 hated, 1 rather I didn’t) I’ve had nothing but positive experiences when it came to them finding out I wore thongs…… even when they found out I had a draw FULL of them!!
Oh and that’s not to mention the many hundreds of positive comments I’ve received while out tanning in one. And let me tell you my tanning suits are TINY!!!!!
The author spends waaaay too much time looking at other men’s underwear. Why do you care? Why should anyone care? What’s important is comfort and practicality. Why anyone would wear boxers for underwear — or those idiotic board shorts for swimming — is a mystery to me. Boxers offer no support and a great opportunity to get bunched up. Board shorts triple your resistance in the water and take forever to dry. And precisely what advantage do they offer? Because people look better in them than in thongs? Yeah, if it’s a 300 lb fatso, but such a person won’t look good in boxers, board shorts, or nude either. For me thongs are simply more practical … they are supportive, cool, and require no folding after washing. That is all that is important. Now, let’s talk about why the author spends so much time worrying about other men’s underwear.
“did I mention they’re for girls?” They were originally for men. And try to remember while you are calling other people vain that the chances are that your opinion on the matter really doesn’t bother them/us. And do try and be slightly more tolerant in future. Have you thought maybe we wear them just coz we want to?
It doesn’t get any more traditional or old-fashioned than a g-string/thong for men. It is the original underwear, and still sported all across the world. People’s ignorant and undying love of their mentally-imprisoned upbringing never ceases to baffle me. So sad.
LMAO! Just how old are you, son? Whose tradition are you talking about? Old fashioned for all intents and purposes means boxer shorts. Then white briefs. New traditions are boxer briefs and colored underwear. Now the freaks, they are the ones who wear thongs, non-athletic jockstraps, string bikini underwear, and they even match those with their skinny jeans and man purse.
MOAL! most tribes wore them sonny. I know you’re just over 2 years old and I don’t want to use words to deal with you.
This is such a stupid article. If it wasn’t for the surprise of the thong under my jeans, I may have never had a successful relationship with my wife. I love wearing thongs, both underwear and swimwear, and my wife loves seeing me in them. Let people make their own decisions and wear what they want to wear.
I started working out not too long ago and found a pack of man thongs to be cheaper than a jock strap, so I got them for support reasons. Then it eventually turned into everyday wear. And I’m straight.
Fact of the matter is, its underwear. Who is really gonna see it? And underwear has been evolving for years. It used to cover the ENTIRE body. To be honest, a thong doesn’t feel any different than wearing any other kind of underwear. To each his own.
how about the writer of this fuck off, your yuppy ass don’t own ppl so get a life moron. and the thong song was originally sang by a man dumbass. society has you rich bastards all fucked in the head, im in shape and not going to be wearing a suit and tie, EVER, not even on a 100 degree day, ppl that wear shit like that get robbed and beat up.
To each their own. If underwear is such a big deal for her then maybe she should get out of the relasionship.
Oh, and by the way. The statement about sharing underwear is a bit ignorant. As if a pouchless female thong would fit a man properly and vise versa. That is just silly.
Thongs were made for guess what dumb ass…….native american MEN!!!!!!! MEN!!!!!!! I was in the army the underwear they gave us sucked so I gave a thong a try guess what no more heat rash kept my boys cooler and was easier to move in. If u dont wanna see a guys thong then stop lookin. And thongs work for guys who have bigger stuff like me boxers ….I sit on my stuff…. briefs bunch up so much and have no support whitty tightys let em move to much ride up and give one hell of a wedgie …..so if im gonna have a wedgie imma wear a thong but….. u dont feel the string . And im a big guy im not fat just a big country guy I was also infantry so yeah ANY guy can wear what they want when they want .dont like it ……tuff shit shut ur mouth and keep moving
Dude, if you do not feel that string going up your crack, then it must be pre-widenened. You reference the fact that native American men made them. Are you native American and living in 1700? I challenge you to find any native American who wears thongs today. You mention briefs too. Men wear boxers or boxer briefs. When I was in the Marine Corps, we were issued white boxers and briefs were not even allowed.
I whole heartedly agree with this. Men shouldn’t wear thongs in this modern day and age. I mean, you can do whatever the hell you want, but the majority of ppl will think you’re a creepy fuckbag. And yes, thongs were originally made for men, but that was because it was practical. It served a functional purpose and it wasn’t meant to be sexy. To each their own. Just don’t expect anyone to take you seriously. Peace.
I feel you. Skirts were first worn my en too, and women had to wear robes. That does not mean that one can get away with them today, unless you are a Scottman, and a masculine one at that. Bright yellow or sky blue thong on a man. Dafuq?
IM STRAIGHT AND WEAR ONLY THONGS, UNDERWEAR AND BATHING SUITS, YES I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND WHO JUST HAPPENS TO LIKE IT. if a girl can wear slutty clothes, which most of them do daily cuz you know they want the attention, then I’ll keep wearing what I’m comfortable in. ppl drown in board shorts, smaller is better and they dry way quicker.
This would be a better story if it was scolding someone for dumping a person over their choice of underwear, rather than scolding someone for their choice of underwear… imagine a guy dumping a girl over the sort of underwear she wears? And someone writing an article about it being understandable? Total idiocy (not to mention sexist).
I wear thongs because I like to wear thongs. Simple as that. If they were made for men, women, who actually cares? There are so many strange fetishes around. No doubt the writer of this article, be a he or a she, has their own strange fetishes. One such fetish appears to be writing ignorant articles like this one, criticising others on their choice of underwear. How about you start searching for some happiness in your own life instead of wanting to build up your own ego by publicly writing about you’re supposedly superior knowledge of what is or is not sexy on a man. And by the way, pretty much every girlfriend I’ve had actually really likes the fact that I wear thongs and even helps me choose them, so maybe for some less actually is more. And on another note, something that makes a girl extremely sexy, is being intelligent and open minded.
Why thongs? WHY do you like to wear them? When you say girlfriend, do you mean sexually involved girlfriend, or just a friend who is a girl? Your comments sounds pretty bitchy to me.
Bachelor; you really stepped in it did you not. Everyone supposedly is free to express their opinion, as you did, as long as it agrees with opinion of everyone else.
When I read your ending question, “Can you date a man who wears thongs”, I took that to be a question directed to women, but all I see it a lot of other men scolding you having the gall to intimate that they might just have a repressed ladyboy gene for wearing thongs. That input “from other women” would stand on it’s own, of which the overwhelming majority would probably say, “gross, no way”, but I could be wrong. To the guy I would say, if you like it, and don’t really care if the women think your a little, queer, (notice where I put the comma), then do it, what do you care.
Totally agree. Perhaps the ladyboys are the only ones who get so miffed that they bother to respond here? You are not wrong about the assumed women’s responses. Most WOULD say “Eeeewwwww, grosss!” They already say that with Speedos, and thongs make Speedos look almost traditional (NOT). Sure, you can find women who not only do not mind a thong, but also would not mind if their guy wore a bit of makeup, perhaps some Capri pants and gets his toenails painted. That does not make those things “acceptable”. They look feminine!
Now I get it, your one of those women trapped in a man’s body and it just just hurts so bad when your bud calls you bra and you’re oh, wait you meant like bro… sad face. Must be tough walking around with a ruler making sure your briefs are atleast 7 inches long otherwise you insecurities come up. So here you are in the meanwhile – must feel good dunnit solider boi up in the hole, watch him whine watch blaoww.
No, just a straight man comfortable in a man’s body. Perhaps the fact that I am rather….um….large, I cannot imagine my junk being bunched up in a thong. I like the feeling of swinging free and feeling some air circulating around in there. But what turns me off about them most is how they look. So feminine! The ultimate girly garment even more girly than panties or bikini bottoms. I can accept full cut Speedos because I have seen them on European men and they can look okay. But things? Uh, hell no.
Cheekies are better than thongs anyway. You get all the complimentary ass-display, without any of the wedgie.
Isnt it better to actually HAVE a nice butt without needing to wear underwear to enhance it? Isnt that the way it has been done for centuries?
Hang on so you were there since the past few centuries… O_o I seen someone else here saying they were too, hmm
So many thong defenders. LOL! Thongs, no matter if they were first designed for men, are a distinctly feminine look. Sure there are women who might like them, but the majority of them do not. They LOOK feminine and not at all masculine. What sort of man wants a strip of fabric going right across his anus? The sight of a thong above the beltline of a man’s pants will ping many women’s Gaydar even if the guy is straight. These flimsy little garments are right up there with Speedos, see through chiffon men’s shirts, men’s skirts (not kilts), and man-purses. Many men think these elements make them hip and modern, but those same people think skinny jeans look okay on men. How about skinny jeans with a thong underneath?
I wonder how many of these thong wearing guys are over the age of 30? My legs are too muscled to squeeze into skinny jeans, and for me, the tightest underwear I am going to wear is going to be boxer briefs.
Kobe SBM – ”””Perhaps the ladyboys are the only ones who get so miffed that they bother to respond here?””’ Ummmmmm, are you not quite a contributor in the list of responses. Really, why does it bother you enough to defend the fact that guys shouldn’t wear thongs? Have you stopped and asked yourself this? Seems like you are the one that is being most defensive of their masculinity out of everyone. Why are you even commenting anyway?
I’m a straight guy, and all I wear is thongs. Why? Not because I think they’re sexy or because I think I look good in them. I wear them because they’re comfortable and I never have to adjust them or myself while wearing them. I really don’t understand the bias against men wearing thongs. Who cares? In any case, I’m not sure I want to take advice on masculinity from someone that has a gal pal that tells him about her sex life and the underwear that her boyfriends wear.
This post is so pathetic I swear. A man can wear whatever he wants. There is nothing in this world that is “just for women” except your bloody fucking tampons
Ya to be honest, the reading was very shallow arrogant and wrong. But to each is his own. I have my opinion about your writing and you have your opinion writen. Many women love men in thongs. Let go of ur pride cuz your opinion is only based off of your own reality and your reality is always subject to change therefore your opinion will forever be unstable and always wavering. Not much to look to. And not that ur wrong you just have ur pride in the wrong place. Only saying this cuz pride can cost you your own happiness and has costed others their lifes.
I disagree with the author; as a 38yr old straight married guy, my wife and many of her friends heartily endorse my wearing of brief style swimsuits (Speedo brand and others) along with thong underwear. I compete casually in triathlon and swim long distances in our local lake (miles at a time). During the workday, (I own a welding/machine shop), I find great comfort in the ventilation offered. The objections to a “perpetual wedgie” are offered only by those whom never tried a properly sized quality garment.
I just love my thongs. It’s very simple: they are the most comfortable underwear I have ever worn, and I tried every men’s underwear cut there is. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e634167cf825fcdc10d51fede201dca0c0693ebfa70c68d863fb21c5eee639e9.jpg
What a load of crap! “thongs are for girls”. No, there are thongs for women and thongs for men. People should wear whatever is comfortable for them. Oh, by the way, thongs were originally designed for the male anatomy. |
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Although if asked honestly, most of us share a preference of dating within our party lines, in America, we frequently express that it’s best to keep politics out of love. However, the discovery of a true romance seldom goes according to plan. And imagine how much tougher courtship becomes when in the Sundance hit Strangers when the man and woman who find they’re becoming increasingly drawn to one another are Israeli and Palestinian respectively.
Beginning with a typical “meet cute,” classic romantic comedy set-up, World Cup tourists Eyal and Rana first catch each other’s eye sitting opposite one another aboard a Berlin train. After mistakenly leaving with their opposite yet identical rucksacks and phoning to arrange a swap, the two strangers find themselves stranded in the overly-crowded city and find unlikely shelter in a large apartment upon learning that all hotels are booked. Despite a few tense moments and awkward jokes, they manage to form a bond despite their differences and soon slide rather naturally from friendship to romance amidst the celebrating city.
Although unlike the admittedly naïve characters in Richard Linklater’s similarly plotted Generation X classic Before Sunrise, the problems Eyal and Rana face are global in scale. Ultimately, following their separation in Berlin after a night of young passion, the two must come to terms with how their experiences, family duties and ethnicity will impact any chance of a future when Eyal forgoes Rana’s wish and heads to Paris to reunite with his beguiling new love. This becomes especially complicated when a second Israel-Lebanon war begins.
Hopefully optimistic, surprisingly touching and exuberantly photographed with earnest portrayals by its young leads, the fast-paced film admirably avoids the predictable tragedy one would fear. And along the way it should manage to inspire even the most politically cynical audience members that perhaps it isn’t too late to remember the old 60’s slogan to “make love, not war.”
Upon hearing rumors that 20,000 Brazillian tourists will be flooding their tiny Uruguayan village for the 1988 visit of “The Traveling Pope,” His Holiness John Paul II, the locals of Melo eagerly sell their land and take out enormous bank loans in preparation to erect nearly 400 food stands in the hopes that God will provide them with fortune.
While his neighbors opt for mouth watering recipes, long-time smuggler Beto—weary from the lengthy treks he makes along into Brazil to bring back goods to sell to businesses while dodging a crooked customs officer—decides to put on his notorious thinking cap, scheming that logically after one eats, the next requirement will find passersby looking for a suitable restroom.
Impulsively, he enlists the help of his devoted but frustrated wife and ambitious daughter who longs to escape her fate and become a journalist, by erecting an enclosed “pay toilet” fit for a Pope on his property. However, when the expenses begin mounting, Beto finds himself struggling to make ends meet, not only to provide for his family but also to create what he deems will be the moneymaking answer to all of their problems, which he—along with his neighbors—feel will no doubt be solved by, if not a Catholic miracle, then a visit from the Pope.
Alternately funny and melancholic, with an obvious homage towards classic Italian neorealist films such as The Bicycle Thief, this deceptively simple and quirky offering became Uruguay’s official entry to the Academy Awards. It also raises some vital questions about ethical and moral obligations and implications that arise when religious figures travel to poverty-stricken communities, leading to mixed results that are sure to have film festival attendees chatting away, especially while in line for the restroom.
Devotees of Lewis Carroll’s beloved children’s classic “Alice in Wonderland” series will be sure to seek out tickets to writer/director Daniel Barnz’s cinematically dazzling tea party which draws numerous parallels to Carroll’s work.
At a crossroads between acceptable childhood innocent curiosity and imaginative exploration mixed with peculiar Alice-like behavior, we follow the tale of the sensitive nine year old Phoebe (Elle Fanning), as her tendency to live in her creative mind is beginning to baffle her classmates, teachers, and parents (Bill Pullman and Felicity Huffman). When she’s given the lead role in the school’s theatrical production of “Alice in Wonderland” by her unorthodox new drama teacher Ms. Dodger (Patricia Clarkson) who likens herself to the Mad Hatter, Phoebe becomes increasingly drawn in by the play, which is coincidentally the same topic of her mother’s scholarly dissertation turned nonfiction work.
Mistaking her daughter’s erratic mannerisms as a cry for motherly attention, Hilary Lichten (Felicity Huffman) tries to intervene when Phoebe runs into trouble with her strict principal (Campbell Scott), however when it becomes apparent that Phoebe is going through something more than just a fleeting fascination with Alice’s “looking glass,” those around her realize they need to stop listening to themselves and start listening to Phoebe.
Tenderly drawn, heartfelt, and filled with gripping portrayals from its ensemble cast, Barnz’s Wonderland was screened in a highly successful premiere at the Sundance Film Festival before it was singled out by several critics as one of the festival’s hidden gems.
Produced by Constant Gardner director Fernando Meirelles, this impressively audacious and high quality debut feature film from Brazilian writer/director Philippe Barcinski follows in the thematic and cinematically stylistic footsteps of Altman’s Short Cuts, Iñárritu’s Amores Perros and 21 Grams, and Haggis’ Crash.
Centering on the alternately tragic and romantic yet always unpredictable fates of its seemingly unrelated characters, we first meet Enio, a middle-aged Sao Paulo traffic controller whose orderly existence, driven by mathematical logic and scientific precision is thrown into a tailspin after he discovers there are things beyond his control. After a startling event shakes Enio to his core, we encounter the younger talented billiard player Pedro, who, similar to Enio has a passion for structure in the geometric design of his pool table designs, and later discover that he is also linked to the film’s earlier climactic event.
Polished, breathtaking and expertly photographed with a memorable score woven throughout, Not By Chance is one of those films that will not only get audiences talking about the existential matters of free will vs. destiny but will also benefit from a second viewing.
More than anything else, the endlessly optimistic yet eternally unlucky Yukie Moirta (Miki Nakatani) wants to be happy… if only for a little bit. Unfulfilled in her daily work serving customers as a waitress in a noodle-bar where she’s the oblivious target of her boss’ misguided romantic attention, Yukie’s home life is further complicated by the unpredictable moods of her brawny live-in lover Isao Hayama (Hiroshi Abe).
Prone to repetitively flipping over their kitchen table complete with Yukie’s sumptuous cuisine on ever-changing whims, the irrationally quick-to-anger unemployed Hayama who spends his days gambling away the money he steals from his girlfriend’s wages is nonetheless adored by the faithful and loyal Yukie. Unfailingly calling him her “darling,” Yukie fondly recalls the way her lover had saved her from fellow members of his old Tokyo Yakuza street gang.
Convinced that he’s a changed man and their love will set him straight, Yukie ignores the naysayers and fights the odds to earn her own slice of happiness in director Yukihiko Tsusumi’s adaptation of Japan’s wildly popular heartbreaking comic strip “Jigyaku no Uta,” from creator Yoshiie Goda.
If it hadn’t already been used as the title of one of Chekov’s most beloved short stories, perhaps writer/director Dorota Kedzierzawska would have been better off renaming the admittedly melancholic Time to Die, The Lady With the Dog instead.
Time is bolstered by the feisty, winsome performance by its 91 year old lead actress Danuta Szaflarska as Aniela, a strong-willed woman who adamantly refuses “to go gently into that good night.” With her loyal border collie Phila (short for Philadelphia—possibly a reference to W.C. Fields’ gravestone of “I’d rather be in…”) at her side, Aniela, prefers to spend her days wandering around the sprawling, dusty, overwhelmingly large and slightly dilapidated wooded Warsaw home that was once the setting of grand World War II era parties.
Between spying on her neighbors and sharing nostalgia driven tea (or more accurately liquor) parties reminiscing with her dog, after Aniela discovers that scheming relatives and locals may be in cahoots to inherit her property, the elderly woman realize it’s time to stop living in the past and start planning for the future in order to outwit the others.
Clip this coupon: Art-house fans charmed by The Station Agent and Pieces of April should be sure to add Film Movement's The Grocer’s Son to their Scottsdale International Film Festival ticket shopping list which was inspired by both director Eric Guirado’s love of road movies such as the Wim Wenders classic Paris, Texas as well as his own work as a television documentarian crafting cinematic portraits of traveling grocers over the course of eighteen months. Although it’s set during an idyllic summer, The Grocer’s Son is a warm celebration of the French countryside in the tradition of Eric Rohmer’s Autumn Tale.
After having traded what he perceived to be a dead-end existence in the south of France for the hustle and bustle of city life a decade earlier, thirty-year old Antoine sacrifices personal ambition for family duty when he reluctantly agrees to return to his home in Provence upon learning that his father has fallen ill. With his free-spirited, academically ambitious friend and crush Claire in tow, Antoine takes over his father’s work driving the family grocery delivery truck throughout the sleepy, sparsely populated and eccentric community.
And while journeying throughout the hamlets, Antoine is surprised to realize that he has a lot to learn, not only about the business which he finds fills an important human need throughout Provence, but his own life as well, while rediscovering the important things in life—namely, love, friendship and family.
Divided into three hypnotically photographed, thematically linked vignettes, award-winning filmmaker Zero Chou offers audiences an unconventional look at gender and sexual orientation in Taiwan with her third feature film, Drifting Flowers. Although it opens with a fascinatingly heartfelt tale of two sisters struggling to stay together in a society with prejudices regarding disability and homosexuality, the film’s real discovery is in the terrifically naturalistic performance by university student turned actress Chao Yi-lan as Chalkie, the good-hearted, tomboy accordion player who appears in two of the film’s segments.
Using a constantly moving train as a symbol for journey and femininity throughout, writer/director Zero Chou transports us as her heroines drift along like tough but delicate flowers blooming in their own time while navigating through self-discovery, familial duty, and friendly loyalty with the ultimate destination of love in all of its incarnations.
The opening quote from this superb biopic of legendary 1950’s Nashville guitarist Hank Garland warns that in Garland’s words, “The music business can be hazardous to your health.” However, Crazy director Rick Beiber would have done just as well citing the other famous musician his lead actor Waylon Payne previously portrayed in the Oscar winning Walk the Line—Jerry Lee Lewis-- by including a line that may have contributed as much to Garland’s unraveling as it did to Lewis, namely that, “Too much love drives a man insane.”
Chronicling Garland’s life from his humble debut at the Grand Ole Opry to becoming one of the most sought after studio session players in 1950’s Nashville, contributing excellent work to country and rockabilly classics by Roy Orbison, Elvis Presley, Patsy Cline and countless others, the film illustrates both Garland’s tremendous range which found him challenging himself across all genres as well as his passion for the music which often led to fights, disagreements, and reckless encounters as he butted heads with domineering musical executives and other performers.
However, as temperamental as Garland was when it came to his music, his pure joy for the medium is unparalleled, which made it all the more complicated when he falls into a love that quickly turns into an obsession with Heroes star Ali Larter’s beautiful Evelyn, a quick-thinking blonde impervious to his “groupie tactics.” Tragically, after becoming his wife, Evelyn learns that she’s no match for the lure of the road or the promise of a new song, which leads to a rocky road ahead for the married couple as well as Garland’s career when he continually tests the limitations placed on him by corrupt industry.
With admirable attention to detail, Crazy gets a mighty boost from the performance of its gripping lead Waylon Payne, in a role that he no doubt knew in his blood, having been born to two country music artists in their own right.
“No water, no sex.” Whereas the women in Aristophanes’ classic Greek comedy Lysistrata withheld sex from their men to end a war, the women in the village of Absurdistan concoct a similar plan out of necessity in order to get their community’s water pipe fixed. However, unlike the women of Lysistrata, the results of their decision don’t end a war but rather begin one of epic proportions between the sexes complete with the usual devices of espionage, sabotage and tested loyalties.
For Absurdistan, director Veit Helmer’s allegorically absurdist, unusual comedy employs cinematic techniques utilized in Jeunet’s Amelie and Gorris’ Antonia’s Line. Along the way, Helmer balances the broad comedy of the piece with a sweet tale of youthful love among Aya and Temelko, who, born on the same day, have been destined for one another’s arms their entire lives. But will their village’s feud end soon enough for them to finally come together? For the answer, we’ll have to look—not to the stars—but to the water.
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quiet neighborhood, elevator, cellar, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, individual room, construction – panel construction type, prevailing flat orientation: jv, wooden windows, linoleum, central heating, shops, public transport, nursery school, kindergarten , school, playground, doctor, pharmacy, post office, bank
quiet neighborhood, cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, partly furnished, individual room, construction – panel construction type, wooden windows, combinated, central heating, shops, nursery school, kindergarten , school, playground, doctor, pharmacy, post office, bank
quiet neighborhood, barrier-free access, cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, partly furnished, individual room, construction – panel construction type, plastic windows, laminate flooring, central heating, shops, nursery school, kindergarten , school, playground, doctor, pharmacy, post office, bank
elevator, balcony, cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, individual room, construction – panel construction type, wooden windows, linoleum, central heating, common antenna, shops, kindergarten , school, playground, doctor, pharmacy, post office, bank
floor:3/3, quiet neighborhood, balcony, cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, furnished, individual room, security door, built-in wardrobe, construction – panel construction type, prevailing flat orientation: jv, plastic windows, laminate flooring, central heating, satellite tv, kitchen unit, shops, kindergarten , playground, post office
quiet neighborhood, elevator, cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, partly furnished, individual room, built-in wardrobe, construction – panel construction type, wooden windows, linoleum, central heating, shops, nursery school, kindergarten , school, playground, doctor, pharmacy, post office, bank
plot is fenced, quiet neighborhood, barrier-free access, terrace , loft, duplex apartment, trouble-free parking, unfurnished , alarm system, security door, telephone connection/line, brick construction type
quiet neighborhood, cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, partly furnished, individual room, brick construction type, wooden windows, laminate flooring, central heating, shops, kindergarten , school, playground, post office
quiet neighborhood, barrier-free access, elevator, balcony, cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, furnished, individual room, construction – panel construction type, plastic windows, linoleum, central heating, cable tv, internet connection, shops, kindergarten , school, playground, doctor, pharmacy, post office
quiet neighborhood, balcony, cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, partly furnished, individual room, security door, brick construction type, plastic windows, laminate flooring, central heating, shops, playground
quiet neighborhood, cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, partly furnished, individual room, construction – panel construction type, plastic windows, laminate flooring, central heating, shops, nursery school, kindergarten , school, playground, doctor, pharmacy, post office
quiet neighborhood, balcony, cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, individual room, security door, brick construction type, plastic windows, combinated, central heating
quiet neighborhood, cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, partly furnished, individual room, built-in wardrobe, telephone connection/line, brick construction type, plastic windows, combinated, central heating, cable tv, shops, nursery school, kindergarten , school, playground, doctor, pharmacy, post office, bank
cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, individual room, brick construction type, wooden windows, parquet wood floor , central heating, shops, nursery school, kindergarten , school, playground, post office
quiet neighborhood, barrier-free access, cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, partly furnished, individual room, fireplace/stove, brick construction type, wooden windows, combinated, local heating, shops, playground, post office
quiet neighborhood, elevator, cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, partly furnished, individual room, brick construction type, wooden windows, parquet wood floor , central heating, shops, public transport, nursery school, kindergarten , school, playground, doctor, pharmacy, post office, bank
floor:1/8, quiet neighborhood, barrier-free access, elevator, balcony, cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, unfurnished , individual room, construction – panel construction type, plastic windows, laminate flooring, central heating, shops, nursery school, kindergarten , school, playground, doctor, pharmacy, post office, bank
quiet neighborhood, elevator, balcony, cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, partly furnished, individual room, construction – panel construction type, plastic windows, laminate flooring, local heating, shops, nursery school, kindergarten , school, playground, doctor, pharmacy, post office, bank
quiet neighborhood, balcony, cellar, trouble-free parking, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, individual room, security door, construction – panel construction type, plastic windows, parquet wood floor , central heating, shops, nursery school, kindergarten , school, playground, doctor, pharmacy, post office, bank
quiet neighborhood, cellar, number of bathrooms: 1, number of rest rooms: 1, unfurnished , individual room, security door, brick construction type, prevailing flat orientation: sw, plastic windows, laminate flooring, local heating, satellite tv, shops, public transport, nursery school, kindergarten
GOOOOOOOO Birds! the win wasn’t pretty and the new NFL rules were strange – But we’ll take it Fly Eagles fly! |
Minimally-invasive surgery has proven to be safer, requires a shorter hospital stay and is cosmetically preferred over conventional surgery because the incisions are much smaller.
But while procedures such as a laparoscopic cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal) have become commonplace since the 1980s, cardiothoracic surgeons have largely relied on traditional methods, not the least of which is cracking open a patient's chest in order to fully expose the heart.
That, however, is changing as more surgeons are beginning to see the benefits of using microsurgical instruments that are attached to highly maneuverable robotic arms.
As demand for these robotic systems increase, there are fewer options available. The dominant player in the field is Sunnyvale, CA-based Intuitive Surgical Inc., whose da Vinci Surgical System is now being used worldwide.
One of the pioneers in the refinement of the da Vinci Surgical System is W. Randolph Chitwood, M.D., director of the East Carolina Heart Institute and professor of Surgery at the Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.
Dr. Chitwood recalls the skepticism he and other cardiac surgeons faced when they began to believe that minimally-invasive surgery could be used in heart surgery.
“People said you could take a gall bladder out but you'll never be able to attach small vessels. You need tactility,” Dr. Chitwood said.
But because the robotic system uses a miniature camera, which is inserted into the center incision of the three tiny ones made in the chest, he noted, “Eighty percent of your cues are visual, so you can develop a kind of visual tactility.”
“We started redesigning instruments and showed we could do mitral valve repairs using 'chopstick' instruments,” he said.
“In about 1997, I presented our findings at a conference in Minnesota and was approached by an engineer from Intuitive Surgical,” he continued. “I went to California and worked with the prototype for a few days, then took the robot to Leipzig and did four cases there to show its efficacy.”
Back in the U.S., the FDA allowed the system to be tested on 10 patients, then approved a multicenter study involving five universities, he says.
In 2001, the da Vinci system received FDA approval. “Then we started training people,” Dr. Chitwood notes. “So far, we've trained over 300 surgeons worldwide.”
Training cardiothoracic surgeons on the system is not hard, he says, but they have to already have some experience. “If you're a good mitral valve surgeon, doing more than 50 a year, you can reach comfort level at 10 and expertise at 25.”
At East Carolina, Dr. Chitwood and his team have already performed over 270 mitral valve repairs using the system, he says.
To assist in the training of other surgeons, a second control console can be hooked up in a dual-control situation similar to the dual controls found in driving school automobiles, he says. Training could be made a lot easier, though, if there was a full-size simulator like those used by airline pilots.
Repairing the mitral valve, or “inflow valve” for the left ventricle of the heart, usually is required to treat regurgitation (leakage) or stenosis (narrowing) of the valve. Conventional methods entail performing a sternotomy (splitting of the breastbone) in order to gain entry into the chest cavity.
But the da Vinci system gives surgeons access to the heart through only three small (usually one to two cm) incisions. The system itself consists of two major components: the surgeon's viewing and control console and the surgical arm units that position and maneuver detachable and interchangeable surgical instruments. The pencil-sized instruments, which include computer-enhanced mechanical wrists, are designed to provide the dexterity of the surgeon's forearm and wrist at the surgical site.
Marc R. Katz, M.D., is a cardiothoracic surgeon with Cardiac & Thoracic Surgical Associates and at Henrico Doctors Hospital, which is located just outside Richmond, VA. He also was one of the surgeons whom Dr. Chitwood trained on the da Vinci system.
Dr. Katz says that patients who undergo cardiac surgery involving a sternotomy are usually in the hospital for five to seven days, versus two and a half days when the surgery is performed using the robotic system.
Lelan G. Siwek, M.D., a cardiothoracic surgeon with Northwest Heart & Lung Surgical Associates and at Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, WA, says hospital stays are shorter and recovery times are faster because there's no bone to heal. “Most people can get back to work and physical activity, even sports, in as short a time as a couple of weeks.”
A da Vinci user for about four years, Dr. Siwek says in 2005 he performed 58 robotic procedures, of which 37 were mitral valve repairs. In the first three months of 2006 he's already performed 16 mitral valve repairs.
But mitral valve repair is not the only procedure for which the da Vinci system is proving to be invaluable. Hybrid revascularization, the marriage of percutaneous intervention and robotic-assisted revascularization is developing into a solid treatment model for multivessel coronary artery disease.
This type of bypass surgery involves the detachment and then reattachment of the left internal mammary artery — a procedure that until recently was done only through open-chest surgery.
Dr. Siwek says that because this robotic-assisted procedure is still relatively new, his hospital is one of 12 trial sites in which the da Vinci system is being used.
On the other hand, the proven success of the da Vinci system in mitral valve repair has helped Sacred Heart Medical Center become a major West Coast training facility for cardiothoracic surgeons.
The systems aren't cheap, though. Dr. Chitwood says a complete da Vinci system costs over $1 million. But he adds: “I think we're on the cusp of a new horizon. With very few modifications, it can become a standard.”
Pacemakers have been around for decades and have been unquestionably effective in stabilizing the heartbeats of millions of people who go on to live normal, active lives. But a new procedure that uses a robotic surgical system to facilitate the connection of leads is gaining wider acceptance.
Called cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), or biventricular pacing, the procedure uses standard pacemaker technology but with a special third lead to sense and pace the left ventricle. This allows the pacemaker to provide outputs to both the left and right ventricles simultaneously in order to restore synchrony and allow the ventricles to pump more efficiently.
In the typical placement of a pacemaker using standard percutaneous methods, this third lead is placed via the coronary sinus into a vein on the back of the heart. By using a robotic surgical system, surgeons have been able to attach the third lead to the wall on the outside of the heart, thereby ensuring that the pacemaker is successfully implanted. However, it's been reported that 15 to 20 percent of the time this vein is inaccessible.
The first robotic-assisted surgery of this type performed in the U.S. was done at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York City using the da Vinci system.
The operating room is not the only place where robotic technology is finding a home in hospitals. Mobile robots that serve as the eyes and ears of physicians are now being used extensively in emergency rooms, intensive care units and catheterization labs.
Andrew Schwartz, M.D., a cardiothoracic surgeon and chairman of the division of cardiothoracic surgery at Shawnee Mission Hospital in Overland Park, KS, says he uses such a robot for late-night rounds and to help him make a diagnosis when he's unable to be with the patient.
Dr. Schwartz originally had been using the RP-6 Remote Presence Robot developed by Santa Barbara, CA-based InTouch Health, but has since upgraded to the RP-7 model.
“The RP-7 has improved visibility so you can see the floor and where you're going at the same time,” he says. “I can also zoom in with a mouse and do not have to use a keyboard.”
Under the direct control of the physician, the RP-7 wireless robot can move anywhere untethered, allowing the physician to freely interact with patients, their families or other staff members. The built-in speakers, microphone, camera and viewing screen provide face-to-face interactions, even if the physician is miles away.
In addition, Dr. Schwartz noted, “The robot has a stethoscope attachment so I can listen to a patient's heart and lungs. The sound quality is so good, it's like being right at the bedside.”
Because the robot is controlled via its remote ControlStation, the physician has total control from anywhere in the hospital, office or home.
“I once got a call at 3 a.m. about a patient who had cardiac surgery the day before,” Dr. Schwartz recalled. “I drove the robot to the bedside and was able to see that the patient needed to go back into surgery. By the time I got to the hospital, the patient was prepped and the team was ready.”
Dr. Schwartz also says the robot has made rounding easier. “I round at night, about 10 p.m., so I am able to talk with patients and interact with the nursing staff,” he said, adding that using the robot for nightly rounds not only enhances patient care, “but it is enhancing my lifestyle.”
The mobility of the robot and its high-quality audio/video components has even turned it into a teaching tool, he says. “One surgeon actually brought the robot into the OR to watch an associate and to offer guidance.”
At a cost of about $155,000 for the robot and about $1,000 for the control console, this robotic system is affordable for most hospitals. Dr. Schwartz says Shawnee Mission Hospital now owns four — one of which is being used exclusively in the ICU.
And they have become part of the hospital's expansion plans, he says. “We're planning to build a second hospital, so we can link the two with these robots.”
The Xiem Fluting Tool Set provides a quick and easy way to create concave surface textures in both functional and non-functional ceramic pieces.
The set includes three interchangeable blades (Small, Medium, and Large), giving ceramicists flexibility and freedom. The titanium-bonded, rust-resistant blades offer a superior cutting edge, with an angled blade design for smooth cuts and consistent depths. The blades are three times harder than steel, making them ideal for carving into leather-hard clay. |
Old Dominion gathered before a sold-out show at Marathon Music Works on Thursday (Jan. 14) to celebrate the band’s first No. 1 single, “Break Up With Him.”
The title spent two weeks at the top of the Billboard chart and was written by all five members of the band, Matthew Ramsey (celebrating his third No. 1), Trevor Rosen (celebrating his fourth No. 1), Brad Tursi (celebrating his third No. 1), Geoff Sprung, and Whit Sellers. For their first No. 1, the latter two writers were presented with their own Boulder Creek No. 1 guitar.
All five songwriters are ASCAP-affiliated. Mike Sistad and Beth Brinker represented the organization. The No. 1 event was sponsored by First Tennessee Bank and FTB Advisors.
“When it’s just the five of us on the road, someone always points it out,” says Ramsey. “It highlights how it’s not just the five of us anymore, but how many people are out there busting their asses for us. Sometimes that’s the only reason we get up and bust ours.”
“I moved here to not be in a band,” said Tursi. “But that didn’t work out.” Sellers recalled having been in Nashville for 10 years and how the band feels serendipitous. Sprung looked back on the long journey while Ramsey expressed surprise at how everything has fallen in place.
Producer Shane McAnally celebrated his fourth No. 1 as a producer at the event. McAnally offered thanks to the band’s manager, Clint Higham, who also managed McAnally’s artist career in the 1990s. “Clint and I have been friends for 20 years and have for so long tried to figure out a project to work on together,” recalled McAnally. “He is the most generous, the most passionate and the hardest-working manager with a great team around him. That’s the reason he’s so successful. It feels like this is all meant to be.”
Remarks were also offered by publishers. Blake Chancey of RPM Music shared the lesson he’s learned from the band−to never give up. Ree Guyer Buchanan of Rehits and Robert Carlton of Smacktown Music testified to the strong work ethic they observe specifically in Rosen, the writer they share. Pete Robinson of Big Deal Music commented on how the band’s success is not something that happens every day, going from Whiskey Jam to the Hollywood Bowl. Geo Whaley’s Sonic Geo Music also recalled the band’s humble beginnings.
As the “label before the label,” ReeSmack Records (Thirty Tigers) was also recognized with remarks from Guyer Buchanan and Michael Baum before current label—RCA Nashville/Sony—was represented by Keith Gale, who offered plaques and remarks. “We’re here to celebrate a big No. 1 record, but I’d also like to celebrate the album (Meat and Candy) as a whole body of work because it’s amazing,” Gale said before pumping the band’s second single, “Snapback,” which had over 126 stations playing the song in its first week.
MusicRow’s Owner/Publisher Sherod Robertson offered No. 1 Challenge Coins for the single that also landed No. 1 on the secondary radio CountryBreakout chart on October 8, 2015. SiriusXM was an early adopter of the gold-selling “Break Up With Him,” and it was announced that the song won The Highway’s listener poll as the No. 1 song of 2015, for which plaques were presented. Holly Freeman from the CRB and Brandi Simms from the CMA also offered commemorations.
Later that evening before Old Dominion took to the stage, Buzz Brainard and Al Skop announced the show would be live streamed on SiriusXM.
For the band’s first show of 2016, a playlist of catchy, self-penned tunes was in line including “Snapback,” “Said Nobody,” “Nowhere Fast,” and “Wrong Turns.”
The audience of largely 20-somethings crowded the stage and snapped smartphone photos throughout the show, which also featured the band members’ individual songwriting catalogs.
Columbia Nashville/Sony newcomer Maren Morris opened the show. Morris also shares early beginnings with songs released by her publisher, Big Yellow Dog, before being picked up by a major label. With a two-member band, not including her own acoustic guitar prowess, she played through her stellar songs “Sugar,” “80s Mercedes,” “I Wish I Was,” “Drunk Girls Don’t Cry,” and her current single “My Church.” |
For the past week, the restaurant and owner have dominated the news. Neugebauer has also caused a firestorm on social media. Why? Because she slammed her hands on a counter and told an out-of-control two-year-old who was disrupting the restaurant to “shut up.”
With the media frenzy this has created, do you think there is a correlation between meaningless stories such as this, which dominates the news cycles, and low-functioning voters?
In an effort to incorporate their strictly altruistic views and policies, a group of progressive Republican and Democratic legislators have banned together and thumbed their noses at the Maine voters’ wish for comprehensive welfare reform. In their minds, these arrogant elitists feel they understand the problem by listening to the daily banter inside the confines of the State House as opposed to the average person who is exposed daily to welfare abuse.
In order to carry out these policies, they need a distraction—a distraction that will focus voters’ attention away from the real issue. An untruth repeatedly fed to the public is their attempt to create a politically and social-morality charged atmosphere. They demonize and marginalize anyone opposed to their “We’re educated, we know what’s right for you” policies.
They have focused on Governor Paul LePage, Senator Eric Brakey and myself for our opposition in using local and state money to support non-citizens, known as asylum seekers—a group whom our federal government neither recognizes nor will help.
Those who revel in making Maine an intake center for asylum seekers argue that Maine is aging and needs younger blood. They point out that many of these non-citizens hold degrees and are well educated. They are horrified over the small percentage of college degrees held by native Mainers. They lament as to how the state will move forward.
Easy! Maine in its heyday was built by many people with little or no education. Today, those with high school degrees are the builders, painters, electricians, plumbers and landscapers who build and maintain the houses, businesses and properties of those holding a college degree. Their earnings as non-degree professionals stay in their pocket, not used to pay off school loans.
Another thing that perplexes me is the fact that these “highly educated, professional non-citizens” have to depend on the support of local people to survive. They come to the United States on visitor or educational visas. It is my understanding that to obtain this type of visa, the issuing embassy must satisfy itself that those being issued the visa will return home when the time on their visa expires.
One of the things checked by each embassy is the financial health of those being issued a visa to ensure they are solvent. When a person arrives in the United States and asks for asylum, their finances are known by the federal government and should be shared with the local general assistance office in order to determine if, in fact, they need assistance.
Lastly, let me leave you with something to ponder. If it takes several weeks to obtain a visa, how much danger could one be in? Then, prior to leaving their native country on a commercial airliner, those coming on visas must run a gauntlet of government officials who rubberstamp their exit. How does this equate with their life being in imminent danger?
Apparently apoplectic that Governor Paul LePage and myself “demonize” the Maine taxpayers’ biggest enemy—the Maine People’s Alliance (MPA)—Lewiston’s former mayor, who used to occupy this space, sent a letter to the local daily newspaper extolling the MPA.
It appears he believes the Governor and I should appear in a public square dressed in sackcloth, covered with ashes and groveling for forgiveness. You see, in this new politically correct world it is a grievous sin to criticize anything that is liberal progressive.
They advocate for enhanced Social Security benefits. Really? It seems that my Social Security check, along with many others, is getting smaller each year because of the Medicare increases brought on by ObamaCare and miniscule COLAS.
While the elderly struggle, layabouts and non-citizens appear to be taken care of better than those who have contributed all their life to the system. Protests and carrying signs result in nothing more than wasted time spent protesting and carrying signs.
Progressive liberal Democrats had a chance to pass Social Security reform a few years ago when both houses of Congress and the White House were controlled by Democrats. Nothing happened. Fifteen years ago, Maine State Democrats tried to pass a bill that would have allowed the State of Maine to tax your Social Security check.
Social Security is an emotional issue rolled out before each election, then put back in its crate minutes after the polls close.
Then we have healthcare as a human right. Translation: those of us who actually pay health insurance premiums will see an increase in our premiums in order to cover layabouts and non-citizens. This comes at a time when there is a move to encourage doctors to dissuade elderly patients from expensive treatments that might prolong their lives. This would allow more dollars to be spent on the medical needs of younger people.
Also listed is safe housing. I’m going to make a big assumption here. This probably refers to buildings owned by people the MPA refers to as “slum lords.”
I will concede that a few fall into this category, but the majority have buildings in a state of disrepair due to tenants not paying rent (some for a few months), opening apartment windows during the cold of winter, driving up heating costs, and removing batteries from lifesaving smoke-detector units found in their apartments, occasionally even removing entire units from the apartment wall.
They fill the halls with clutter, sometimes blocking fire exits. But hey! According to MPA, these conditions are the landlords’ fault.
Then there is protecting the environment. What does this mean? After shoveling several feet of snow this winter and seeing my heating bill skyrocket, you’re going to try and convince me this was due to global warming?
Their environmental stance does nothing but drive up the average person’s heating and gasoline costs. They are also driving out and preventing businesses from considering relocation in Maine.
They claim they are fighting to protect children from toxic chemicals. So is everyone else! As part of the Mayors’ Coalition, I was among the many who successfully testified for a bill lowering the acceptable rate of lead in the blood of children.
The former mayor further states the MPA helps small businesses. He then goes on to say the MPA supports a minimum wage, paid family medical leave and paid sick days. How do these added expenses help small businesses? This goes to show how out of touch they are with the realities of running a small business.
Lastly, the MPA was successful in lobbying the Legislature into passing a rewritten version of LD 369. This forces Lewiston taxpayers to support a certain number of immigrants who refuse to go home. They can now legally bleed the taxpayers because federal officials are not performing their Constitutional duties.
Finally, the former mayor characterizes the views of both the Governor and me as biased. I would characterize his views as both delusional and enabling.
To conclude my “5 Ways in 5 Days” series, I wanted to tell you about one of my favorite tools I use to gain more traffic. I would say that while majority of my blog traffic comes from Pinterest, most of it actually starts with Tailwind. How? Because of bloggers supporting bloggers! In other words, bloggers help each other by sharing each others content on Pinterest, which gives more content exposure.
When I first publicized my blog, I was nervous to invest in anything. I obviously didn’t want to lose money. A reasonable concern, right? What was nice is I was able to try a free month of Tailwind, and then determine if it was worth the time and money. And, it totally was! After another month of trial at the lowest plan, I loved it so much, I had absolutely no concern about it being my biggest expense. Obviously, you need to know how to use it and how it helps you gain readers, though. So, read on to learn 5 ways to use Tailwind to gain more traffic!
Tailwind tribes are a group of like-minded content creators that help each other out by sharing pins. Each tribe is categorized by type (lifestyle, travel, etc.), and it can even be broken down further (budget, mental health, etc.).
Each tribe has their own set of rules. Some tribes are “open”, which means anyone can join, and some are closed- you have to request to join. The tribes all have guidelines, which vary, but the general rule is if you submit a pin, you are expected to reciprocate. By sharing other people’s content, you are also pinning more, which is great to gain more traffic to Pinterest!
This is exactly what it sounds like- Tailwind gives you the ability to connect your Instagram and Pinterest, and share your Instagram photos to Pinterest. If you are a blogger or business owner like me, who has shoppable images on Instagram, you want them to get as much exposure as possible! Pinterest has a different audience, which means more people who can discover you on different forums!
In order to schedule it’s quite simple, you go to “publisher” on the left hand side, “pin from Instagram”, press schedule on the post of your choice, and you can choose which board the pin goes to! Yay double exposure!
The pin scheduler is a clever tool that allows you to schedule pins, which keeps you from constantly manually pinning. It has multiple components to it:
You can “set” or schedule intervals for pins. Say you would like post the same pin to multiple boards, but you don’t want them to post at the same time. You can use the set interval feature and chose a duration between pins, such as 1 hour, 2 hour, etc.
You have the ability to schedule UNLIMITED amount of pins, whether they are yours or from one of the tribes you are in!
There are a few analytics for Pinterest- profile performance, board insights, pin inspector, and website insights.
Profile performance tells you follower loss or gain, the amount of pins you submit per week/all time, how many repins you receive, and engagement rates.
Board insights tells you how many pins each of your boards have, followers, repins and how well they are doing.
Last, but not least, is website insights. This tells you the trends from your website, meaning what people pin more of from the site.
For Instagram, there is profile performance and post inspector. The concept is almost the exact same!
How did you like this 5 day series? Are there any blog related topics you would like to see on another series? Let me know in the comments!
I’ve made and validate the photo card option, but the tweets within my timeline appear wih the link “view photo”. Is it possible to have the tweets expanded already without pressing the link?
There is no singular way to pre-expand a card. On web, you can pin a card to your timeline, which will expand it. |
Each week R-Mean has been releasing brand new music as part of his Mean Mondays series. Last week, the Los Angeles based emcee teamed up with none other than KXNG CROOKED for the 9th installment. On the track Deeper Than Rap, R-Mean and Crooked exchange dope rhymes over a Pharomazan produced instrumental. Fans who enjoy the record are encouraged to go back and catch up on R-Mean’s Mean Mondays as soon as possible.
I love listening to NPR. My other obsession: I am crazy about podcasts. There is something about audio consumption that is just so comforting to me. It reminds me of my childhood when my step mom would read Harry Potter to my brother and I before we went to bed. It’s not just news I enjoy but the personal stories that I can learn about from so many different shows. Now, I have my own “story” time when I’m doing the laundry, driving home from class or taking my dog for a walk.
I could go on and on about the ones I love, but here are my top three. Do yourself a favor and follow these podcasts. Download the NPR app and start listening. You won’t regret it.
Modern Love is a sort of an extension to the Modern Love column that is printed in the New York Times. David Jones is the editor of the column and advisor to the show. What I love about this podcast is just as they describe “a show about love, loss and redemption,” there are no limits to which type of love can find its way into the story. In some episodes, I’ve listened about the love of a turtle, the loss of two dogs or the love of friendship. Modern Love knows no bounds and does not discriminate against those of the LGBTQ community either.
Some of the same stories are in print for the New York Times, but what I find unique about listening to the podcast is that a famous actor will read the story, and afterwards, the host will talk with the author. Sometimes the story happened years ago, and you get an update on how their lives are going now. Also, Jones comes on at the end to talk about why he thought the story needed to be told on Modern Love.
Two recent episodes I’ve listened to is A Life Plan for Two read by Olivia Munn and Learning Humanity from Dogs read by Ethan Hawk. The first one is about teenage love that blossoms over time, resulting in just two people stuck in the friendzone. The author is now a comedian and she and her friend still receive letters rooting for the two to get together. The story read by Hawk is about a man who is fighting for his sobriety when his wife unexpectedly leaves him. He returns to his empty house with his two giant, St. Bernard dogs. His heartbreaking and inspiring story is about how he learned unconditional love from his dogs.
Speaking of unconditional love, BBC’s World Service Outlook podcast is amazing. Often times, they interview people from all over the world who have been captured or tortured, or simply in a very trying situation that they were able to overcome. The most shocking recent episode was about a Georgian woman who is the mother of a sociopath. A very tragic story. Right at the top of the show, we learn about her background and her own personal battles. Then, the listener learns about what her son did to earn this diagnosis. It is chilling. It is truly a miracle that this woman was able to overcome her son’s crime and speak about his condition so objectively.
Another amazing story on Outlook is the episode called Awake But Trapped Inside My Body. Since eleven years old, a young girl has been struck with a rare neurological condition where she loses control of her body. For several years, she is consciously aware and left with her own thoughts, but unable to do anything with her body. She was an aspiring Olympic swimmer when her world came to a halt. She also talks about the book she wrote about her experiences, detailing how the medical workers were very unprofessional when they think a patient can’t hear them. Her story was absolutely compelling.
Last, but certainly not least is Fresh Air. This show was the reason I started downloading podcasts. I would miss the last half of the show driving home listening to the radio. What I love about Fresh Air is the variety of the podcast. Often times, there is something to do with literature, music, popular culture, politics or personal stories. It’s truly amazing. The host Terry Gross has been on the show since it first started in the 1980s. Gross’s ability to listen and not judge is endearing — she is able to ask her guests some of the most difficult questions.
Recently award-winning chef José Andrés joined Gross to talk about the chaos that ensued in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. He explains how chefs and customer service people are able to handle chaos and adapt quickly. Andrés’ helped prepare 100 thousand meals a day. It was amazing to learn the impact he’s making by using his skills as a chef.
Another interesting podcast is Breaking Free From The Evangelical Purity Movement by author Linda Kay Klein about the shame caused by churches that “claim women and girls are responsible for the sexual desires of men.” She walks the listener through her love of the church and how her mother’s love for the Evangelical church lead her there. After years of shame and feeling unworthy for having kissed her boyfriend, she left the church in her 20s. She talks about how she has had to manage the shame and guilt while still trying to keep her faith intact.
Podcasts are like books for the ears. Find Modern Love, BBC World Service Outlook and Fresh Air when you download your podcasts. They’re all good about offering new episodes frequently so you’ll never get bored listening to their shows. You can thank me later.
I am a roaming Catholic. Most people think of “roaming Catholics” with a smirk, meaning someone who is Catholic and attends Mass regularly, but who does not belong to a parish. I am not one of those.
That being said, I do LOVE to travel. For pilgrimage, or for pleasure, memories made together on the road are dear to my heart. We often go to Orlando, FL and have frequented Walt Disney World, Universal Studios and other adventures that have made their way into the area. We leave on the Friday before our week away and arrive in Kissimmee, FL, on Saturday afternoon. After check in, we leave again. The Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe is our destination.
Many people who are traveling do not always attend Mass. Their missed obligation is confessed or shrugged away, “We’re out of town, God doesn’t mind…” Or does He?
On Sundays and other holy days of obligation the faithful are bound to participate in the Mass; they are also to abstain from those labors and business concerns which impede the worship to be rendered to God, the joy which is proper to the Lord’s Day, or the proper relaxation of mind and body. 1. The precept of participating in the Mass is satisfied by assistance at a Mass which is celebrated anywhere in a Catholic rite either on the holy day or on the evening of the preceding day. (Canon 1247-1248)
Anyone who knows my dad understands that missing Mass on a Sunday is out of the question. It simply isn’t done. He searched for a church in the yellow pages to fulfill our family’s obligation. And what a church we found in the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe, It is simply breathtaking and its history is amazing, answering the needs of those who flock to Orlando for entertainment and needing their Sunday Obligation met. The place was built with donations from the faithful and is growing to this day. With gorgeous grounds, including a Rosary garden, the place is a destination for Catholics.
Each Mass begins with a greeting and the priest always asks where everyone is from. The Catholic Church is truly universal! We’ve seen worshippers from all walks of life attend Mass at this sacred place. We’ve seen people come in dressed in their Sunday best and some in their theme park attire, complete with fanny packs and Mickey ears. We attend the Saturday Vigil Mass, thanking God for a safe journey and with gratitude for the fun we are about to have.
Speaking of gratitude, there was one family trip that I will never forget. My cousin and I found a European cruise when she was beginning college and planned to save up for four years to go. We were to go to Barcelona, Capri, Naples, Rome, Florence, Monte Carlo, Nice and Avignon. Such a trip was highly anticipated and even though my husband and I had gotten married and had a delightful honeymoon, he happily joined the plans. Our godmother came with us and, as a surprise for my cousin, upgraded their two tickets to first class.
Trouble struck the minute we arrived at the airport. Our arrival in Barcelona was to be a day before the ship set sail from its port, and we felt that this was a clever way for us to try and shake off the jet lag. What we didn’t know was that the plane that was to carry us to Atlanta’s International airport was late. If we were very lucky, we would get to Atlanta JUST in time to run through the airport and reach our flight to Barcelona.
The flight from Shreveport to Atlanta was excruciating. We eagerly awaited our arrival with cold sweat on our palms. Upon our arrival, we had to run to the OPPOSITE end of the airport. In the confusion two of our party were separated and went to the wrong terminal. Our frantic calls to their cell phones went unanswered. We actually boarded the plane without them.
Saying as many Hail Marys under our breath as one can in the allowed time, we were relieved to see their faces. It seemed that the plane couldn’t leave because there was some first class luggage that was to be loaded onto the plane. My aunt’s and cousin’s luggage as it turns out, and because they were first class, our luggage was loaded as well. Whew!
When we toured Barcelona the next morning, we visited the Cathedral. It was amazing, and there was a Vigil Mass that afternoon. Because the Church is truly universal, we could follow the order of the Mass. It was amazing to hear it in another language, and it was in Catalonian, not Spanish. We could still worship as we knew all the times to respond. We were eternally grateful for arriving safely and praised God for His help on our journey. • |
Celebrity Big Brother 2017 starts tonight (January 3) and with mix of old and new celebrities it could be the most explosive one yet.
A team of All Stars will be made up of fan favourites, while some new blood will join them on the Channel 5 series.
The team behind the show are keeping the official housemates under wraps but it hasn't stopped the rumoured line-up leaking online.
This special line-up celebrates the 20th series of the show, which first aired in 2001. Presenters Emma Willis and Rylan Clark-Neal will return on the Channel 5 show, which starts at 9pm tonight.
The interior of the house has already been unveiled and has a bright, colourful pop-art design, which used more than 150 cans of paint, producers revealed.
As soon as Big Brother viewers saw the sixth tease, fans of the Channel 5 reality show instantly guessed the housemates would be joined by Mark Labbett aka The Beast from ITV's The Chase.
The 51-year-old Chaser is a master quizzer so expect the New Stars to have a good ally in The Beast.
In the promo it says he'll "miss listening to Eminem" when he goes into the house - we're sure his fellow housemates will provide enough entertainment for him to get by.
The Welsh exes of Celebrity Big Brother's Stephen Bear and Towie's Megan McKenna wash up on Ex On The Beach
The 90s DJ, famed for his storm of the Brit Awards stage in 2000, was known for his hard partying ways.
Heidi and Spencer Pratt were the housemates everyone loved to hate in 2013 after they spectacularly fell out with Rylan Clark.
The Loose Women star first appeared on the show back in 2015, but the latest teaser from bosses has given fans their biggest hint yet about her rumoured comeback.
A 19-second clip posed to the reality show's official Twitter account features a silhouetted woman with sizeable cleavage talking about internet trolls.
Austin Armacost, who was runner-up to 2015 winner James Hill, is reportedly set to make a comeback when the new series launches in January.
It's thought producers are hoping for another scandalous series, and Austin's bromance with Apprentice star James certainly brought in the viewers thanks to their flirty antics.
When Channel 5 sent out their third teaser, saying "this one definitely isn't afraid of confrontation", viewers instantly suspected it was the 51-year-old.
Nicola McLean was one of the first to be 'confirmed' to return to the Celebrity Big Brother house - despite previously claiming it was “the worst experience of [her] life”.
CBB are bringing back old favourites and not-so-favourites to celebrate the show’s 20th series and the former Page 3 girl is among the names set to appear.
Nicola , 35, appeared on the show in 2012, but clashed with many of the celebs in the house especially her nemesis, Denise Welch.
The US rapper - who dated Kim Kardashian and saw a sex tape with the reality star leak in 2007 - will be a dream housemate for Channel 5 producers, especially if he exposes the details of his previous exploits with his most famous ex.
Kim's best friend Jonathan Cheban recently had a stint in the house but stayed loyal to his pal - CBB producers are hoping that Ray J does the opposite, according to The Sun .
Danielle Lloyd's love-rat ex husband, former Spurs and Portsmouth star, Jamie O'Hara is set to appear in CBB 2017.
The 30-year-old is currently without a football club though after leaving Gillingham by mutual consent in September following his failure to recover from an ongoing injury.
Former Strictly pro James came third back in summer 2014, but will the outspoken dancer try and outdo his wife Ola - who impressed viewers on I'm A Celebrity last month?
The step-daughter of former England footy star Paul, Bianca has never appeared on CBB before.. We know - we thought she'd been on it about five times!
However, according to the rumour mill, she's set to enter the house to pull on the heartstrings of her ex-boyfriend Calum Best.
And it's rumoured that he will be following in the footsteps of his co-star Ollie Locke - who finished in third place - by entering the house.
She is BFFs with Khloe Kardashian and is a regular on the E! reality show Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
It's fair to say that John and Edward Grimes have not been as in demand as they once were, and even though the twin brothers are nothing if not unique, their business has been losing money.
But a cash injection could be on the way as the lads, better known as Jedward, are said to be heading back into the Celebrity Big Brother house in the new year.
After becoming the stars of the show back in 2011, Jedward are wanted back again by the show's bosses because they made such great viewing and were popular with audiences.
The American star, who was famed for dating Blue singer Lee Ryan, starred in the 2014 series of the hit reality show.
With Blue's Lee reportedly also making a return, Channel 5 could be hoping for an explosive reunion.
The former Shameless star, was cleared of interrogating ex Apprentice star Adam Hosker on his front doorstep and hounding him with threatening phone calls and tweets over his ex finacee.
The 2013 X Factor star broke his silence in October after a video of himself performing a sex act leaked online.
Julie Morgan, MP for Cardiff North, said: “I think giving 16-year-olds the vote would be a vote of confidence in young people.” |
Glasgow tastemakers Optimo are decamping from their usual stomping ground at the Sub Club for a special all day event. ‘The East End Social, whose mandate is to bring music to the east end of Glasgow, approached us to see if we would be interested in doing a Barrowlands event,’ explains resident Twitch. ‘The idea was to put on a daytime event with a lineup of our choosing featuring artists who tickle our fancy.’
As you would expect, it’s a typically diverse bill reflecting Twitch and Wilkes’ own musical sensibilities. What’s important is quality, not sticking rigidly within specific genres. Headlining is Norwegian nu disco remixer Todd Terje who, despite 15 years as a professional DJ/producer, has recently released his debut album, the aptly titled It’s Album Time. The Barrowland Revue will also mark the first Scottish outing for his full live band playing out his Italo tropicalia meets future beats.
Golden Teacher will also be playing live and, in a departure from the usual Optimo formula, there’ll be several guests behind the turntables. ‘It is ultra-rare that we ever book DJs, as while there are oodles of great DJs out there, there are only a tiny handful who tick all our boxes and we would actually want to listen to,’ explains Twitch of booking Hessle Audio mainman Ben UFO for a dose of house, grime, bass, garage and dubstep. He'll be joined on the decks by Optimo themselves and Tim Sweeney (DFA/Beats in Space). ‘Tim is an old friend and, again, one of a small number of DJs we have booked before and has the Optimo seal of approval. We know he loves Glasgow and thought he'd get a kick out of playing the Barrowlands.’
Twitch and Wilkes take over the Barras for an early doors electronica showcase featuring live sets from Norwegian re-edit master Todd Terje (promoting his debut album) and Glasgow's Golden Teacher, plus Ben UFO, Tim Sweeney and the Optimo DJs.
Trio has been a recurring format in the work of guitarist Pat Metheny, and has invariably induced a creative response to the open textures and responsive interplay of his collaborators. Despite digressions into spikier and more controversial projects with Derek Bailey and Ornette Coleman, the guitarist has built his huge following on a highly sophisticated but readily accessible approach to melodic improvisation, and that is precisely what he serves up here with bassist Christian McBride and drummer Antonio Sanchez.
All ten compositions are by the guitarist, including a revisit to ‘The Red One’ (previously recorded in a duo with John Scofield) and a memorial to the New Orleans disaster, ‘Is This America? (Katrina 2005)’. He breaks no new ground in terms of style or approach, but the music is delivered with all of the anticipated technical expertise and improvisational flair.
Description: Strategy role-playing gamers be ready, as this game will truly test your ability to conquer the evils that lurk in the sprawling networks of mines and ruins in the areas surrounding the fortress city of Feste. Seasoned explorers and novices alike venture underground into dangerous caves to collect the coveted material known as Pluton. During your first trip down into the depths of one of these mines, you and your new explorer friends quickly realize that things may be more dire than you had imagined as you encounter a brand-new type of evil lurking below the surface. You and your newfound friends must strategically defeat these Strategy role-playing gamers be ready, as this game will truly test your ability to conquer the evils that lurk in the sprawling networks of mines and ruins in the areas surrounding the fortress city of Feste. Seasoned explorers and novices alike venture underground into dangerous caves to collect the coveted material known as Pluton. During your first trip down into the depths of one of these mines, you and your new explorer friends quickly realize that things may be more dire than you had imagined as you encounter a brand-new type of evil lurking below the surface. You and your newfound friends must strategically defeat these new difficult foes and warn the kingdom of their presence before it's too late. ... (more) (less)
Need some wild west style for your home? order this awesome waterfall tabletop fountains indoor today!
The indoor water fountain tabletop features a cowboy hat, saddle, barrel and a pair of cowboy boots set on top of polished rocks.
If you have any questions about this product by Cascading Fountains, contact us by completing and submitting the form below. If you are looking for a specif part number, please include it with your message.
Product description :: Presents this tabletop water fountain. Add a natural aspect to your interior home living. This miniature, tabletop water fountain is constructed of poly-resin material and fiberglass. Earthy and natural, the fountain feature... |
For the next stage of quadrocopter development I wanted to get something off the ground to ensure that when I get the software correct I will be able to put it to use. To do this I brought out my trusty 3D printer and SketchUp software and got designing the CAD that would make up the skeleton of the quadrocopter.
I also started shopping around for the bits I needed to build a working model and so bought some fairly chunky brushless motors and matching 30A speed controllers (ESC) from eBay. The exact motors I used are HL2215-450 from EMax rated at 11.1V – 14.4V but pretty much any similar motor would do just fine. To go with these I used a propeller mounting bracket I had from some old impellers from a previous quad project and finished off with some matched 8X4 propellers, two clockwise and two counter clockwise. If you get propellers that all spin the same way then the overall effect is that the quad spins round and round during flight making it very difficult or impossible to control. Matched propeller pairs overcome this rotation effect.
I originally had matched 3-bladed propellers and the calculator quickly pointed out that these would not allow the motors to spin fast enough to be efficient. The calculator also allowed me to find the most suitable battery size and current wise so as to try and get the most flight time.
The battery I decided on was a 3 cell 11.1V LiPo 2700mAh battery from Turnigy which is fairly heavy but provides a lot of current due to it’s inbuilt nano technology. Great care must be taken with these batteries as the output current is potentially very high. All the websites mention “Do not short” so I used heat shrink on all my wiring and take my time whenever the battery is involved.
To control the quad I bought a HK-T6A V2 6-channel R/C controller and receiver pair from HobbyKing for $25. The transmitter is of fairly solid construction and the controls seems to work very nicely. The receiver comes in a small plastic case but using my trusty tiny screwdriver I was able to remove the casing and to my surprise this allowed the receiver’s I/O to connect directly with a piece of veroboard.
As the transmitter and receiver were so cheap and so easy to use I will do a few examples to show how these could be used with Flowcode v6 to control hardware or to directly control the simulation.
Here is a schematic of the circuit I made on Veroboard to allow my ECIO28P to interface to the electronics. (note that the VCC power rail for U3 should be connected to 5V, missed the label from the schematic.)
Here is a picture of my veroboard circuit sat on top of the 3D printed skeleton. At the bottom of the picture is the ECIO28P with 4 wires going to the control signals of the ESCs. Above this is the RF receiver and the MPU-6050 Accel and Gyro sensor. Above this is a basic 7805 voltage regulator circuit to convert the battery voltage down to 5V to power the ECIO and other electronics.
Using Flowcode v6 I created a very basic program (ECIO28P) to allow me to control all four brushless motors using the main throttle channel from the R/C receiver as the signal source. The four main channels of the receiver are fed to the upper nibble of PortB which allows an interrupt on change macro to fire whenever any of the signals change state. By copying the pin state of one of the channels and applying to the output pins connected to the ESCs it is very easy to see if the motors are going to work. It would be a small step to add a USB serial component and stream the data through to Flowcode so allow me to see the varying signals on the scope window. As it happens I have a small R/C type servo motor instead which I used to obtain the correct R/C channel for the throttle and then checked the ECIO was processing it correctly.
Connecting up the battery and switching on the transmitter I was able to start the motors at a low speed to get all the motors spinning the right way for their respective propeller. If a motor is spinning the wrong way then you simply swap around any two of the three connections and the motor will then reverse it’s direction. If you wanted a brushless motor capable of direction control then a relay could potentially be used to switch the two signals.
Using some digital kitchen scales I weighed my fully assembled quad and it came out at 830g. To test that the motors, battery, ESCs would be ok to lift the device I did a quick test to see if it would at least try and lift up the device. Here is a quick vid showing the outcome.
Back to the drawing board with the 3D CAD I feel, also using ABS rather then PLA might not be a bad idea. I printed the PLA at 40% infil so maybe upping this will also add some more strength. The CAD for the 3D printed chassis will be released shortly onto Thingiverse as soon as the design is a bit more reliable long term.
It looks like at around 10-20% throttle the quad starts to move about so even though I broke the quad it answered my question about whether it will fly or not. Before the next test I want to add in the accelerometer and gyro functionality we looked at in the first post so we get a much more stable takeoff which is much less likely to damage the chassis. The main cause of damage seems to be the initial kick the motors give when starting up so maybe a little reinforcement or dampening in some key areas will help. Good to know it doesn’t always go right first time (this is in fact the second time I have shattered one of the arms, Gutted! about half an hour to unscrew everything, replace the arms and screw it all back together).
Embedded engineer with experience in Cybernetics (HMI), Robotics, Mechatronics, Control Systems and Communications using Microcontrollers and Microprocessors.
I don’t understand the part with rx and tx and I get totally confused since they’re on the SDA and SCL pins.
On my schematic so far I have SCL and SCA on pin 20 and 21 (as well as Vin and GND). I also have a mosfet to change 5v into 3,3v so I can power the gyro well.
With the 4 connectors I have for the ESCs I was going to connect them with the 4 channels generated by my transmitter and therefor connect them to the receiver.
I think what I’m trying to ask is, am I doing this right? Do the same channels need to be connected with the ECIO28P?
Alright everyone. You will be working in teams this week to develop your thoughts on these potential landmark cases. These are 10 cases that the Supreme Court will be hearing this year's session.
Read other websites or resource literature on the case (as you respond to others, you should back up your thinking where you can, just put in your link where you can).
Be ready to meet as a group Tuesday and present your learning to the class. Have a list of resources you used to come up with your thinking. Try, as a team, to have read several different pieces. |
So as everyone has seen, we've migrated from vbulletin to xenforo. In transition we've gained features and lost some at the same time. While we're still finding our footing we're looking for our members to experiment with what's available, to post praise when they find something they like and to report what they don't. There has already been a bit of discussion out on the boards, but this really merits its own topic.
Please post any and all feedback you have - likes/dislikes/suggested features. We'll look into what we can do to make the community one we all can enjoy.
It's not terrible, just different. I'd be interested to see some new styles to play with and not just this bright white everywhere thing, but otherwise I think any complaints I have will go away once I'm used to using it.
Hmm it puts me at the first page of posts whenever I click on a thread... which seems kind of odd to me. Is that changeable or is that something I'll just have to get over ?
Also, now that I have a headache, I too echo the sentiment that this stark white is way to bright... and I don't even have my screen brightness past half. x.x
Looks great, with M2A (M&As?) new start it's good to have a new system to move us forward. The merging of forums worked out well with this too, since we can still organize specific topics.
Yep M and two A's Hence we can keep the acronym - haha! There's a nice Flexile Dark style, will look into that... Glad you like.
I'd be interested to see some new styles to play with and not just this bright white everywhere thing
More styles will be on the way - I'm looking into retrofitting our old set of styles to the new system. I miss having everything in purple, heh.
If I've got a minute I might look at redoing that old Kenshin one, the style with red and black and swords and stuff.
181 Studies on the physiology of flowering and fruit growth in mango (Mangifera indica L). VII. Naturally occurring auxins and inhibitors in the shoots of flowering (on) and vegetative (off) mango trees.
Thank you for showing an interest in what we do here at Manic Ceramics, we welcome you to our guide through the little blue shop….
We have lots of different, fun ways to help your child celebrate their special day. All our parties run along the same basis, that is one and a half hours of fun , split roughly into 1 hour of creativity and 30 minutes for munchies and giggles. We need a minimum of 8 children and can seat up to 30 (over 20 children we have to split over 2 rooms).
You will have a dedicated member of staff to assist the party goers with their chosen party. As they finish and wash their hands we will clear the art away and have some nibbles. We will finish the party with a cake and a certain well known song… The per head price includes basic nibbles, jugs of juice, packet of crisps per child and some party biscuits. We can offer a catered party – jugs of juice, cheese, ham and jam sandwiches, carrot sticks, cucumber and homous, cocktail sausages, mini savoury eggs, crisps all followed by grapes, brownie bites and party rings, all of this for £4.00 per head.
Each child selects one animal from a range of around 20 different pieces. Under instruction they paint up their chosen animal and on completion they design a base where their animal lives on a 4”tile – a jungle for an elephant or a garden for a caterpillar – there are lots of ideas on hand, we then fuse the tile to the animal for a lovely keepsake.
Paint up one of our favourites, a lovely cup cake trinket box, then ice and decorate some real cupcakes to take home – yumm yumm !
Draw round a template of a large butterfly and paint in – really cheerful and a lovely bowl for cereal every morning.
design a super fun plate with a pot for tomato ketchup in a fab pizza design, choose your favourite toppings.
Create a lovely heart shape plaque with your house and garden etc, home sweet home, make a bead handle – just lovely
Each child selects a piece from a range which can include : dragons, fairies, cars, money boxes, football pieces, large cats and dogs, trinket boxes, plates, mug and bowls. The children select one of the above pieces of bisque and after listening to instruction, they design and paint their piece .
If you are interested in a party for 3 year olds and younger then please have a chat with Debs – little ones don’t tend to be able to sit for 1.5 hours – we can do a scaled down version for a party – prices are scaled down too!
On all our ceramic party packages the pottery needs to be left with us for a few days whilst we glaze and fire the pieces. Each item will be wrapped and named to make delivery easy. Once the pottery has been fired all items are microwave and dishwasher proof and plates and mugs etc can be used as normal crockery, however, even once we have worked our magic, if dropped it won’t bounce.
The above prices are all inclusive of bisque and studio fee’s. We also offer a sweetie cone service; party bags made easy for just £1.20 each, and a homemade chocolate fudge birthday cake can be provided for £10.00 |
The eighteenth story of Beckett’s in Interzone, and one of the best that I have read. A near-future London is the setting, and for Clarissa Fell it is decaying, dark and lifeless. However, for the rest of the population, now uploaded into an Urban Consensual Field, the virtual London which they inhabit, still largely co-terminous with the bricks and mortar reality, is still a vibrant, brightly lit place. Clarissa is determined to visit Picadilly Circus, to see the lights she saw as a child – the real lights – and she is pottering into central London, her Implants enabling her, when she chooses, to be part of the virtual London.
Beckett effectively illustrates, as she flicks between the dark, lonely London which she inhabits, and the vibrant virtual London, that which will be lost when the virtual life replaces ‘real’ life – a process, IHMO, which we are already embarked upon, as there is an increasingly consensual ‘other’ reality coming at us (or at those who choose to receive it) from the media, which bears little resemblance to reality.
First Contact stories have morphed of late into Problematic Communication Post-First Contact stories, in which stories the protagonist (an exo-something or other) lands on a planet to resolve difficulties in communicating with the indigineous life forms.
This story follows the well-established rote, in that typically the protagonist arrives with either a deadline or with a human team in place who are resentful of their presence. Here Kandler, and exo-sociologist has to solve the K’fondi conundrum with the administrator of the on-site Bureau of Offworld Trade pissed-off at his presence.
However, this story then moves away from the typically dreary linguistic/behavioural/etc musings which lead to the protagonist cleverly solving, in a matter of days, problems which the on-site team have been unable to do over several months or years.
Kandler is a bit more direct, and after observing the largely infantile behaviour of the K’fondi, attempts to ‘go native’, by shaving his head and painting himself purple, to masquerade as a K’fondi (they closely resemble humans).
His attempts are doomed to failure, however, as it transpires that the physically mature/behaviourally immature K’fondi which they have seen to date, are not the true ‘adults’, but it is the physically immature/behaviourally mature ‘children’ who are in charge. As such his disguise is worthless.
Kandler thus makes contact, but more than that, is willing to give the K’fondi the technical secrets which have enabled Earth to have a monopoly on interstellar trade.
Kandler was made as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit by the Bureau of Offworld Trading at the beginning of the story, so you wonder just how unpopular he is going to be after this spectacular piece of species treachery!
Hughes’ two current series of stories in F&SF, one featuring Hengis Hapthorne, and the other set in a chant-transversed ‘noosphere’ tales have left me largely unmoved (the HH stories I now simply skip, and the ‘noosphere’ tales I skim-read). However this singleton, more sfnal and light on the humour, was more to my taste.
East follows up his ‘Puddy Buddy’ story last month with an intriguing take on VR – something that is not easy to do as there has been so much written in this sub-genre. The v9 in the title refers to version 9 – the ninth running of a Battle of the Bulge (WWII) scenario. X Company, of the 101st Division, are in the eightieth iteration, and are populated by simulations of the men who actually fought in the battles, and a range of aware an non-aware VR combatants, observers, and programmers. The protagonist (Glitch) is one of the simulations, who is becoming increasingly self-aware, forced to undergo variations on bloody death and injury, as others, new to the scenario are parachuted in.
As the battle approaches, Glitch is concerned at a newcomer, who seems unaware that what is happening is not real, as he lives (and dies) through the carnage that descends.
With the exception of the cheesy names (Captain Applet, Lieutentant Interface etc) which struck a discordant note, to my mind a more challenging take on topic which the much more pedestrian ‘The Cookie Monster’ by Vernon Vinge which won a Hugo a year or two back.
A Gormenghastian fable – but not a cod-fantasy, for in the stead of cod-pieces are plunder-pants. Evan Spandos is high-born, but travels to the castle of the Emperor to make petition for his true love to be spared from the battlefront to be with him.
Spandos must spend time in the bowels of the castle in order to make his petition, and I use the phrase bowels quite literally, as he is tasked with keeping the castle’s sewage system running smoothly (smoothly as in ‘no lumpy bits’).
The story illustrates an adage that the pain of the judged shall be on the judges, and Spandos sees the pain wrought upon the Emperor and those who judge by his side. The torment of the Emperor is great, as he is responsible for war, as is the suffering of sal-Jesic whom at first tests Spandos’ resolve through fire, but whom Spandos comes to serve and revere, as he realises that his own petition is a self-serving, worthless one.
An interesting setting – a relatively near-future Africa, with that continent ravaged by civil war and hi-tech weaponry and ordinance. Mativi is a Weapon’s Inspector, and he is v-e-r-y disturbed at what he finds in the Congo – the locals have been disposing of increasing volumes of materials into ranked masses of machines, each of which contain a black hole at their centre. The setting, and the set-up are fine, but the denouement doesn’t quite reach the heights it could have. We hear of the potential damage that could be done should one of the black holes escape (memorably covered by Paul J McAuley in ‘How We Lost The Moon, A True Story by Frank W. Allen’). The rather blase treatment of a suicide of a Congolese official at the end jars, as does the use of the adjective ‘blacks’ at the beginning (“..made social parriahs (sic) of blacks all over Europe..”). Oh, and the illustrations…
Mike O’Driscoll ponders the brough-ha-ha (sp?) over the review of Stel Pavlou’s ‘Gene’ by James Lovegrove on The Alien Online, and the broader issue over the relationship between the reviewer and the reviewed
A strong issue, with Beckett and East being the pick of the bunch IMHO. And the couple of iffy internal illustration don’t detract from the drop-dead gorgeous cover. |
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Oakland, Maine - December 1, 2011 -- Matthew Hunt, President of A2Z Computing Services, Inc. the parent company of Hometown USA announced Thursday that they will begin accepting press releases from businesses, organizations and individuals for posting on HometownUSA.com. In an effort to populate their redesigned News and Events section with quality information of interest to local residents and visitors alike, the company will immediately start posting valid press releases for viewing by their visitors. Read more about this Lincolnshire, Illinois press release.
"The overhead run 'n gunner is a genre that never quite came to fruition on the console front. The pioneering Ikari Warriors series, despite having three separate outings, could not overcome the dreadful archetype that defines it. Guerilla War seemed to get everything right, only to turn around and commit an unpardonable sin - players would infinitely re-spawn upon death, so if they wanted a challenge, they would need to imagine their own handicap. Unfortunately, Heavy Barrel..."
The overhead run 'n gunner is a genre that never quite came to fruition on the console front. The pioneering Ikari Warriors series, despite having three separate outings, could not overcome the dreadful archetype that defines it. Guerilla War seemed to get everything right, only to turn around and commit an unpardonable sin - players would infinitely re-spawn upon death, so if they wanted a challenge, they would need to imagine their own handicap. Unfortunately, Heavy Barrel may be the best bet for players seeking Ikari style gaming - unfortunate because, like all of Data East's NES releases, it is a lazy, almost negligent port of one of their arcade hits. The game is merely a soulless shadow of its former self.
It is up to our no-name, all-American hero, upon parachuting to a desert island under siege, to take down a terrorist operation threatening nuclear holocaust. So far, all the makings of a free-flowing blast 'em up are in place, but we couldn't be so lucky. Employing all the sneakiness of a kick to the groin, the terrorists have given bright red uniforms to personnel charged with guarding all-important keys, which one can pry from their freshly dead bodies and use to unlock a series of typical power-ups. Upgrades such as the flame thrower and super grenades make the default weapons seem useless by comparison but - here's the hitch - come with limited ammo. If the player is conservative with his firepower, he should have more than enough to make it to his next fill, although this defeats the whole purpose of the genre. Overkill has been substituted with timid, careful blasting, mercy must be given to enemies who are not necessary to kill, and lofty fits of destruction must be administered in short spurts. Too much thinky, not enough shooty. Should a stray bullet graze our commando, it is back to the pitiful default weapons. It's often better just to reset the game at this point than attempt to charge through enemy strongholds ill equipped.
''Wait just a minute, though, how is it possible for one man to take on an entire regime of bad guys?'' Ah, the most frequently asked question regarding video game logic, and Heavy Barrel may be the only game to ever make the answer apparent - the hero is up against flagrant idiots. Grunts casually jog in straight lines across the screen, come to a stop, and might toss a bullet or two at the hero if he waits around long enough. Most other enemies attack from a standstill, never giving up their perch. The terrorists in command of heavy machinery should waste no time in squashing one little ground troop, right? These brain-dead goons disagree. They are content just trying to scare the hero by driving around and then backing away from him.
The game bears a resemblance to the classic Metal Gear, down to the enemies who take on the gawky ''Solid Snake strut''. Battlegrounds, like those in MG, alternate between unremarkable jungle or desert locales and high-tech military installations, but even less detail is present in this title. While the outdoor stretches can be dull and barren, it's nothing compared to the enemy bases dominated by hideous color schemes. Repeating tiles of brown are overlaid with mint green pipe, and approximately half of everything in the game is a shade of purple. The only things that look good are the oversized mechanical bosses, and we don't even have the pleasure of seeing them blown up in a satisfying manner.
Heavy Barrel has one ace up its sleeve. Unbeknownst to the terrorists, parts of a dismantled super weapon lay scattered throughout the island, hidden away by the hostage technician who invented it. Should one collect six of these parts, the most glorious segment of unbridled carnage is ushered in with a hardly intelligible, undeniably gratifying voice clip…
Working on a time limit, the bazooka to which the game owes its namesake lifts all inhibitions and shifts the emphasis from plodding, sluggish bullet weaving to the reckless abandon the game should have boasted all along. While activated, photon blasts powerful enough to immediately defeat most bosses are delivered as often as the player can pound them out. Don't think of this as a ticket through the island, though - the heavy barrel is a once or twice per game deal. To wield the weapon when it will prove most effective, persistent players must open up all chests, map out their findings (whether on paper or in the mind), and then pick and choose power-ups accordingly. A laborious task to say the least, and one more appropriate for dungeon crawlers than shooting games. Further leeching upon one's enjoyment, the scrolling can't keep up with the hero, resulting in a frustrating lag time that stints the player's euphoric hustle. Because of this condition of a lazy port job, even the shining moment of the game becomes a stumbling block.
The bloodied carcass of an arcade title can be witnessed in other places as well. A lone mine cart comes to a crash at the end of its track and then tumbles off-screen - just the kind of spontaneous ''cool part'' that would fit well in the arcade, but here it comes across as an impromptu imitation. Cargo elevators turn into torture chambers for the hero as enemies pile in, but it is more sluggish and awkward than chaotic. Only a handful of soldiers can attack at a time, and when slowdown occurs, it is the hero, and not his surroundings, that are affected first. If the game offers any challenge at all, it is because of its own clunkiness. Take for example a crane boss that aims to crush the player with its extendable arms. By the time one sees the attack coming, it may already be too late. Though there are several seconds to get out of the way, the crawling pace of the hero prohibits it.
So shoddy is this port that the opening theme of the game is apparently incomplete. The repetitive eight-note composition is certain to offend the ear of those who do not immediately press start. From there, the soundtrack redeems itself with hummable, urgent tunes that fit well into the militaristic atmosphere. But as with everything else in Heavy Barrel, there is a downside: only a few different songs are recycled throughout the game.
The foundation is in place for Heavy Barrel to break free from the realm of mediocrity, and perhaps it would have if less apathetic developers had been in charge of bringing it over to the system. As it stands, the game falls short (to various degrees) in every crucial area. Not even the crazy heavy barrel segments can save it, for they are only exciting in contrast to the rest of the action. If you’re looking for something in the vain of Ikari Warriors, however, and your heart is set, there is no other title I can recommend over this one.
The most endearing quality of Elemental Master is apparent before the controller is even touched. It begins with a pitch-black sky against a low lying blanket of fog, tousled only by the sharp hill tops jutting through, as a single, ever-escalating note lends its intensity to the dreary, oppressive scene. Sheet ...
If you enjoyed this Heavy Barrel review, you're encouraged to discuss it with the author and with other members of the site's community. If you don't already have an HonestGamers account, you can sign up for one in a snap. Thank you for reading!
"Humankind cannot gain anything, without first giving up something in return. To obtain something, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one and only truth." All Fullmetal Alchemist fans have heard that quote before -- Most can probably even hear Alphonse's voice as they read it. It basically sums up how Alchemy works in the Fullmetal Alchemist manga and anime works. People who have stud...
I don’t blame Mario for being pissed. I mean, if a giant ape came up, grabbed my girlfriend and ran away with her under his fat sweaty arm, I’d be pretty cheesed off too. Extracting revenge for this heinous act, Mario has kidnapped Donkey Kong and mysteriously managed to the lock the ape up. He’s also separated Donkey from his only son and when the brave little tyke sets out to rescue is father, Mario tries to kill him by throwing little crocodiles at him. Don’t you think that’s rather harsh?...
Before committing themselves to a Tekken 4, Namco has released a tag-team variation of its prominent fighting series befittingly entitled Tekken Tag Tournament (triple T, if you will). The concept is quite simple: roundup every Tekken character, render them in 3D-pixelated heaven, and then pit them against each other in teams of two. For all intentional purposes, this semi-sequel compilation is a “Tekken All-Stars” that follows the crossover trend of Capcom’s prolific and seemingly never-ending ...
Are you kidding? This is the same company that came up with classics like Contra and Life force? The same “Konami” that is responsible for modern-day goliaths like Metal Gear and Lament of Innocence? What were they thinking? Oh, that’s right. The joke Robin Williams made about only having enough blood for one thing at a time. No, I’m not going to repeat it; True Baby has more class then that.
As Nintendo careens toward a purgatorial stasis, a descent fueled by its irrationality as well as its irrelevance, it's impossible to not lament its better days. For the same company who now relies on portable non-games to keep breath in its collapsing lungs once made the greatest game ever released. That game is Zelda: The Ocarina of Time.
On a wave of blood and bodies, The Punisher hauls the limp corpse of manly gaming back from the brink. Every knife to the eyeballs, every shotgun blast to the face, every circular saw through a criminal's crotch is another CPR thrust to the chest of the old dream of shooting gameplay. The Punisher is a simple game. The Punisher is a God-send of a refreshing game.
If you’re looking for a perfect “pick up and play” title then Kirby’s Dream Land will happily fill that role. It’s not rife with challenge nor is it the most complicated game you’re going to play but it sure is something that will pleasantly keep you entertained for over an hour or so. Kirby doesn’t push himself too hard to rival the old retro hotshots that we spent so much time with yesteryear but it still provides a fun and pleasant experience that is rather memorable. Don’t expect i...
Entitled Rune in Japan, Lost Kingdoms was Gamecube's first true RPG. While it was a welcomed addition to the Gamecube's games library, it didn't sell very well, but that didn't prevent it from getting a sequel. Now that better RPGs came out on Gamecube, The Lost Kingdoms series quickly faded into gamers' memory. Can't blame them though, as Lost Kingdoms is a very forgettable game. Its short length, shallow storyline and non-intriguing quest give a bad first impression of it. It's clearly obvious...
Legacies are hard to come by in the gaming world. Few franchises can claim that they have stood the test of time by lasting over a decade or have kept up with the constantly changing hardware by producing profitable sequels on more then one next-generation system. Castlevania—much like its Nintendo counter parts Metroid and Zelda—is one series that can boast such things. Eighteen years later and its mark left on more then four systems, Castlevania is still a legend in its own right. However, the... |
Nicola Burnell, publisher of CapeWomenOnline magazine, will present her Fall Series of block-busting, life altering workshops and classes that are designed to help you discover your inspired, authentic Self.
This is an informal event where you will have the opportunity to discuss Nicola's dynamic programs and meet some of the students who have taken them. From artists, to writers, to women going through major life transitions, come and be inspired by their stories and how these programs have helped them move through their fears, into action and empowerment.
For more information on what classes are being offered, check out the CWO classes pages of the magazine at www.CapeWomenOnline.com
It's titled "The Department of Meditation" and each issue brings words of wisdom on carving out time for yourself to stop and center yourself.
Columnist Constance Wilkinson, LMHC, MFA is a licensed psychotherapist who uses a mindfulness-based, solution-focused approach to help reduce symptoms of dysregulation, as well as to develop clients' personal goals and strategies to achieve them. She is trained in EMDR, clinical hypnosis, EFT, and expressive arts.
She's not preachy or over-the-top flowy in her language, but rather down-to-earth and practical. "You say you don't have time to meditate? Everyone has 5 minutes. Here's how to find it."
If you haven't read it because you don't have time in your schedule to even think about meditation, think again. And check out her column.
Sometimes you find a quote that speaks to you, and you say, "That's it! That's just how I feel and that's exactly how I would say it, too!"
It was a brilliant piece of writing and, umm, diligent research, and reminded me of why I LOVE Calvin and Hobbes so so much... it also reminded me that I can go back and read them over and over, and keep finding new pearls of wisdom.
But my all-time favorite Calvin and Hobbes quote I made into a painting years ago. It now hangs on my son's wall, reminding him to live each day to its fullest.
I many need to do a companion painting now, with my new favorite Calvin quote. More special effects and dance numbers for everyone!
CapeWomenOnline recommends THE BEST WORST YEAR, by Candace Hammond. It's currently available on Amazon for your Kindle for $3.99. The back-of-book blurb reads:
When we meet journalist Cassie Keaton, it’s the off-season on Cape Cod, when life is supposed to be quiet. But as “The Best Worst Year” begins, Cassie is attempting to not-so-gracefully navigate the gauntlet of losing her job, dealing with her newly remarried ex-husband, coping with bad boyfriends and waking up to a desolately empty nest as her children venture off into the world. Out of the wreckage of her life, Cassie learns to salvage meaning from every struggle. She discovers that, sometimes, our worst moments are just a prelude to our best.
Candace wrote and article about writing this book for the Summer Issue of CWO - read it online now at
I know that this is Carnival week down in Provincetown, but Cape Women know that there's more to P-town than parties and drag queens (although they're fun, too.)
Like many Cape Cod towns, Provincetown is a fishing village. Over the years, it has also become an important art colony, and a haven for writers and playwrights of all persuasions.
In the Summer issue of CWO, we feature two book reviews of new books about Ptown's fishing history, reviewed by Yvonne deSousa.
Seraphine, by Julianne Papetsas, is a fictional story of a Portuguese fisherman born on a crossing of the Atlantic, who lives by, works on, and raises his family with the sea. The protagonist spends his entire life on the tiny spit of land that separates the harbor and Cape Cod Bay from the ocean.
And remember that there's more to P-town than carnival parades and drag-queen karaoke. Although, we'll be looking for you along the parade route tomorrow afternoon ;-)
In each issue of CapeWomenOnline magazine, we try to bring you poetry for the season. Our Web Princess tries to put together interesting visuals with the poems - or sometimes, the poet will send us images to go with their words and we work with both to create a beautiful page.
Diane McDonough sent the photo of the blue heron to accompany her poem "Near the Sandwich Boardwalk," as the poem itself tells the story of trying to capture the elusive bird on film.
Saltwind Poet Jadene Felina Stevens didn't send a photo to accompany her poem, but I have lillies in my own garden and love to try to capture the essence of flowers in photos, like the photo above (which isn't a lilly, but still lovely.)
Do you have a poem you'd like to submit to the magazine? Send it in - we're always looking for fresh voices!
With each issue, we receive more and more letters, Facebook posts and email, praising the magazine in general as well as individual writers and articles.
It warms my heart to see your online success, for the last 5 years you are connecting women with ideas, information, articles and classes in the community. You are a strong part of creating community on the Cape.
I had written articles for your magazine when it was made of paper (can you imagine!) and now to be able to contribute an article online feels like such a beautiful technological leap! Thank you for all you do!!
Thank you, Diane! And if you feel the way she does, let us know. We'll publish your letter and a link to your website, too.
The Mermaid's Ball is the signature fundraiser for the National Marine Life Center (NMLC) of Bourne. There's a wonderful article by Devon Ellington all about NMLC and this upcoming event in the current Summer issue of CapeWomenOnline magazine.
The event takes place August 25th from 6-10:30 p.m. at the Willowbend Country Club in Mashpee. Tickets are $125 and limited - so if you're going, order tickets SOON online by visiting the website here.
It's home to both the Harwich Farmers' Market every Thursday afternoon and the Harwich Historical Society, which has some great exhibits this summer - including one celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouting in America.
The Historical Society's exhibit focuses on the history of Girl Scouts in Harwich, and Gail Nickerson wrote a great article about the Girl Scout exhibit for the Summer issue of CapeWomenOnline.
The museum is open from 1-4 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, and late on Thursdays during the Harwich Farmers' Markets to add a double-shot of community goodness to your summer!
This is the final week of concerts in the Citizen's Bank Summer Series - have you checked them out yet this summer?
Read the whole story in the Summer issue of CapeWomenOnline to see who's playing where this week. I know we're headed to Chatham for Tripping Lilly on Wednesday!
We play high quality New Orleans Jazz well worth listening to. Melodies You didn’t know You would love. The old classics to sing along to. All driven by an irresistable and powerful beat inviting people to the dance floor! That’s Jazz at Work….
We handle everything from small events to huge festivals. Contact us now for a good deal, while there is still space in the calendar! |
This page is a reference for ProgClub system administrators. For information about ProgClub domains, see Domains. For information about member services, see Services. See Machines for information about hosts on the ProgClub network. See Projects for current projects or check out our Forums to get in touch.
So the new systems integrity and strength have been deployed as part of the Network v2 migration. They are mostly managed via AWS and Salt. If you're watching the web-logs and see a brute force attempt against WordPress etc. then you can issue a "temporary" ban for the offending IP address (it's "temporary" because you should remove it after a day or two once the problem has gone away). The actual firewall for our services is with AWS and its security groups, so we leverage this fact to simplify our UFW rules, for example, by using a default allow incoming policy.
As a ProgClub administrator you have a lot of power. You have the capability to destroy ProgClub's files and configuration, to access all of ProgClub's databases, to pretend to be other users, and to access other users' private data. We expect you won't abuse your power. Specifically, under no circumstances should you:
All of your systems administration activity should be documented, and you shouldn't be doing anything evil. If you're not sure what qualifies as evil, if you have any doubt at all, please ask.
Although ProgClub doesn't make any guarantees, members should be able to feel as though their privacy is respected at ProgClub, and they should be able to feel confident that administrators aren't spying on them by reading their email or their other data.
Your administrator login on charity and your member account in LDAP will give you sudo privs on all of the ProgClub machines, both administrative and user machines. Some tools require special purpose logins, and for those you will find login details in the /home/jj5/login_* files which you can access from any of the machines.
Note: don't use screen while administering systems, because it frags PuTTY's scroll buffer, and you need that in order to copy-and-paste your session log.
It's not a bad idea to link to the relevant section(s) of the admin page(s) from the network administration 'done' note, but that's not strictly necessary.
As explained on the Machines page ProgClub separates its machines into two groups: administrative machines and user machines. There is only one administrative machine, charity. There are two user machines, hope and honesty. If you're doing sysadmin work on the user machines, make sure you duplicate your work and create an identical system configuration on each machine. Both user machines should have the same configuration. And, yes, this means that you have to duplicate your documentation too. If you're doing some experimental configuration I'd suggest doing it on honesty first, and then once you've got everything figured out and stable duplicating onto hope. You can use hope first though if it suits you. Try not to let too much time pass with the systems in different configurations, generally you should do your sysadmin work on both systems immediately one after the other.
The way logins work for administrators (as opposed to normal users) is that you have two logins. One login is for the administrative server (currently there is only one of these, charity), and the other login is your Kerberos/LDAP login that gets you access to the user machines. You can use different passwords if you want, but the usernames (and UIDs) will be the same. All administrators are members of the 'sudo' group on charity and in LDAP. This means that you can use your sudo privileges on either administrative machines or user machines.
Etckeeper is now installed on charity (and hope and honesty), which means the correct procedure after making edits to files in /etc is to issue:
after you're done with your changes. There's an auto commit every day, and an autocommit whenever you apt-get install something. You can manually commit your changes as above. To see the commit log for a particular file:
To revert an unwanted or bad change, work out which revision you want to revert to (see log above) and run:
ProgClub uses the Mailman software to manage its mailing lists. From time to time some spam makes it through the mail filters onto the list. Such spam then really needs to be removed otherwise it will become a part of the HTML list archives published on our site.
Your virtual server will be configured as an SSH system accessible by root. SSH to your new system as root and then change the password:
Before logging in as jj5, from an existing system that has access (e.g. sixsigma), copy in the authorised keys:
Note: don't forget to change the email address from [email protected] for jj5.net and ProgClub servers.
Copy in the SSH deny rules that are applicable to the new server. These start on the second line after the *filter line.
Check the /etc/mailname file and confirm it's the fully qualified domain name, e.g. charity.progclub.org.
If you need to allocate a user id for a member, use their member number from the Members page. Member numbers start at 1000 and increment from there.
If you need to allocate a user id for a system user, such as a user that a process will run as, check for UIDs starting from 500 and use the next available one. If you create a user on one machine with a particular UID you should create the same user with the same UID on all the other machines too.
At the moment member information is recorded in Members. A member should have a Wiki account to start with (create one for them if they haven't already created their own), then an entry in the Members page (where they are allocated a member number), then the "User info" on their user page should be filled out (leave fields as "Not disclosed" unless you have their permission to publish their details). After the Members page has been updated you will have:
replacing 'username' as appropriate. You need to restart the Kerberos administration server after this change:
Name: if the member gave you permission to use their name, then their name. Otherwise their username.
Once you've done that, login to the user email administration facility with the member's username and the password you generated.
Now send an email to the member at their new email address ([email protected]) letting them know the details of their new account. You should include:
You should already have subscribed them to the announcement list. You might also like to subscribe their new ProgClub email address to any or all of the following:
The HasOffers iOS SDK by ram interacts with the API to implement performance marketing solutions in social media applications. Configuration is available, in addition to debugger, launcher, and actions.
The ProPublica Congress .NET SDK by Justin Skiles allows developers to integrate most of the ProPublica Congress API's functions into their C#/.NET applications. |
Soo PRetty Miss Denise!! Love those Sweet Roses and your Wonderful coloring!! The touch of sparkle is just Perfect too! And the turquoise really make everything Pop!! Love this Lady! 8-)
Such a lovely card. I love the teal and red together, and the sparkle on the flower is such a pretty extra touch.
Denise, this is AMAZING!!! What a restrained hand!! It can be hard to mix such bold colors, but your card is marvelous!
Fabulous use of the colors, Denise! This is such a bold and beautiful statement of love! The sparkle on the image is awesome!
Awwww....this is such a a lovely and beautiful card, Denise! Love the detail you added on the flowers and the use of those challenge colors!
So pretty! I love tags and this one is wonderful! Those dies are on my list too, but just haven't gotten them. :) Green... my favorite!
This green tag is perfect Denise. I love the lacey circle die and I think it is so pretty with the butterfly to the side! Beauty!
Since green is my favorite colour, loving this beauty, especially paired with the kraft, lacy circle and butterfly - all faves of mine too :)
What a beautiful tag, Denise! At first I thought your circle was sponged or water colored until I read the post! This is awesome!
Oh this tag is just divine! I love the detail in the scalloped circle focal point and think the kraft and green color combo are lovely together. Really blends well and I love that you made this for a girl when it would work great for masculine birthdays too!
With Christmas coming I need to make room for the onslaught of sparkly new toys. It also gives me the opportunity to have a good old clear out. Kind of like a Spring Clean but in mid-Winter.
Whilst both the kids are now over the age of three years old, for some reason, I still seem to have a lot of baby toys floating around which I really need to donate to a more appreciative home. I have tried, on several occasions, to give the toys away but it always seems to backfire. I gather all the toys up, pop them in a plastic bag which inevitably gets left in the hallway for weeks on end, whilst I decide what to do with them. Then the kids, with their ‘toy-radar’ turned on, gravitate towards the toys I am trying to get rid of and end up playing with them. And back into their toy box they go.
There is a part of me that feels a bit sad when I purge the house of toys. It makes me think of Woody and Mr Potato Head in Toy Story, and how anxious they were when new toys arrived.
However, I realise that I need to just man up and DO IT. And at the same time, organise all the toys so I (and the kids) know where everything is. So here are my Top 10 Ways to Organise Kids Toys.
Once they are in piles (dolls, Lego, train tracks, etc.) it’s much easier to work out what you have accumulated over time. For example, you might find that you have three Barbie dolls. Do you REALLy need three? Then it’s simply a case of choosing whether to keep it, give it to charity or if it’s beyond salvaging, then bin it.
They can the answer the question of whether they play with the toy in question, without being sidetracked by sentimental value or being concerned about how much something cost.
Nurseries and schools do this beautifully so take inspiration from them. If you have young children, use visual aids such as photographs or simple drawings rather than written labels.
Don’t be tempted to run to Ikea and buy new storage until you have worked out what is left after your clear out. You might find that you have plenty of storage once you have sent a load to charity. It also might give you the opportunity to repurpose that wicker hamper that’s been sitting in the loft for years.
Clear Plastic boxes are particularly useful as not only can you see what is in the box, but they are also stackable so they are a really efficient use of space. I am a big fan of Wham Boxes, which are good quality, stackable plastic boxes with different coloured lids.
They look smart, stack well plus the colourful lids make it easier to organise toys. They also come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
If however, you only have a few toys, which are kept in a shared space, then check out some more aesthetically pleasing ways of storing toys in my Top 10 Toy Storage baskets.
This works well in our house as it coincides with Christmas and summer birthdays, so it means we can have a clear out before the next influx of toys. If you can, try and do it during school holidays as it means the kids can get involved.
In order to keep the mess at bay then you’ll need to spend some time changing the kids’ mindset. Encourage them to tidy up after themselves or set the rule that they can only get a new toy out once they have put the last one away. It can’t be a bad thing to encourage the kids to take responsibility for their things.
For my own sanity, I have a catch-all basket. A beautiful pink bolga basket that I picked up on holiday in France that lives in my front room. This is useful when you are madly rushing around and don’t have time (or the inclination) to put the toys back in the right place. This is perfect for those days when the in-laws turn up unannounced and the house is an absolute tip. I just pick up all the toys and chuck them in my catch-all basket, which I then sort through later on. Sometimes.
So there we have it. And, on that note, I am off to do everything I listed above. I can’t say I am particularly looking forward to it but I am going to put on some Christmas tunes, courtesy of Michal Bublé, turn up the volume and just blitz it! Such a rock n’roll lifetsyle that I lead!
Atletico Madrid defender and Manchester United target Jose Gimenez has admitted that he dreams of playing ...
Atletico Madrid defender and Manchester United target Jose Gimenez has admitted that he dreams of playing in the Premier League some day. Jose Mourinho reportedly identified the 21-year-old, seen by m ...
Manchester United target and Atletico Madrid defender Jose Gimenez is considering a move away from Spain ...
Atletico Madrid defender Jose Gimenez is interested in a summer transfer to Manchester United, according ...
Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho is hopeful of sealing a deal for Atletico Madrid defender Jose Gi ...
Jose Mourinho has prioritised Atletico Madrid centre-back Jose Gimenez as his main transfer target for ne ...
Jose Mourinho has prioritised Atletico Madrid centre-back Jose Gimenez as his main transfer target for next summer, according to reports. The 21-year-old arrived in Spain back in 2013 for €900,000 and ...
One of the most important benefits that Saffron tea bag has is that it helps you to fight against Insomnia which is the biggest problem for youth nowadays. And to fight against another big problem which is depression. Depression is a problem which can be seen in 99% of people and all those 99% people can get rid of their problem by consuming Saffron tea before going to bed every day. Though lots of people are not aware that Saffron flavored tea is also there, but for those who know about this fact, they are getting lots of health benefits by consuming the tea.
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Born in Erfurt in Germany in 1864, Weber grew up to see his country convulsed by the dramatic changes ushered in by the Industrial Revolution. Cities were exploding in size, vast companies were forming, a new managerial elite was replacing the old aristocracy. Weber’s father, successful in business and politics, prospered greatly from this new era, leaving his son with a fortune that would allow him the independence to be a writer. His mother was a sober, withdrawn figure, who mostly stayed at home practising an extremely pious and sexually-strict version of Christianity.
Weber became a successful academic at a young age. But when he was in his mid-thirties, during a family get-together, he fell into a grave quarrel with his father over the latter’s treatment of his mother. Weber senior died the next day and the son believed he might inadvertently have killed him. This catapulted him into severe depression and anxiety. Weber had to give up his university job and lay more or less mute on a sofa for two years.
His wife, Marianne, turned out to be unhelpfully similar to his mother. The marriage was unconsummated and filled with neurotic complaints on both sides. Weber’s path to intellectual recovery began after he had a liberating affair with a sexually-progressive 19-year-old student, Else von Richthofen (whose sister, Frida, comparable in temperament, was married to the novelist D. H. Lawrence). Max Weber had the sort of life that his contemporary, Freud, was born to address.
Weber was largely unknown during his lifetime. But his fame has grown exponentially ever since – because he originated some key ideas with which to understand the workings and future of Capitalism.
Capitalism might feel normal or inevitable to us but, of course, it isn’t. It came into existence only relatively recently, in historical terms, and has successfully taken root in just a limited number of countries.
The standard view is that Capitalism is the result of developments in technology (particularly, the invention of steam power).
But Weber proposed that what made Capitalism possible was a set of ideas, not scientific discoveries – and in particular religious ideas.
Religion made Capitalism happen. Not just any religion; a very particular, non-Catholic kind of the sort that flourished in Northern Europe where Capitalism was – and continues to be – particularly vigorous. Capitalism was created by Protestantism, specifically Calvinism, as developed by John Calvin in Geneva and by his followers in England, the Puritans.
In his great work, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, published in 1905, Weber laid out some of the reasons why he believed Protestant Christianity had been so crucial to Capitalism:
Catholics have it – relatively – easy in Weber’s analysis. Believers who have strayed are able to confess their transgressions at regular intervals and can be ‘cleansed’ by priests and thereby recover a sense of their good name in the eyes of God. But no such purifications are available to Protestants, for only God is thought able to forgive and He won’t make his intentions known until the Day of Judgement. Until then, Weber alleged, Protestants are left with heightened feelings of anxiety as well as life-long guilty desires to prove their virtue before a severe, all-seeing but silent God.
In Weber’s eyes, Protestant guilt feelings were diverted into an obsession with hard work. The sins of Adam could only be expunged through constant toil. To rest, relax and go hunting – as the old Catholic aristocracy liked to do – was to ask for divine trouble. Not coincidentally, there were far fewer festivals and days of rest in Protestantism. God didn’t like time off. Money earnt wasn’t to be blown in feasts celebrating the here-and-now. It was always and only to be reinvested for tomorrow.
Catholics had limited their conception of holy work to the activities of the clergy. But now Protestants declared that work of any kind could and should be done in the name of God, even jobs like being a baker or an accountant. This lent new moral energy and earnestness to all branches of professional life. Work was no longer just about earning a living, it was to be part of a religious vocation connected with proving one’s virtue to God. The clerk was meant to approach his work at the office with all the seriousness and piety of a monk.
In Catholic countries, the family was (and often still is) everything. One would regularly give jobs to relatives, help out indolent uncles and lightly swindle the central authorities for family gain without too much compunction. But Protestants took a less benevolent view of family. The family could be a haven for selfish and egoistic motives, running counter to Jesus’s injunctions that a Christian should be concerned with the family of all believers, not his or her specific family. For early Protestants, one was meant to direct one’s selfless energies to the community as a whole, the public realm where everyone deserved fairness and dignity. To stick up for one’s family over and against the claims of the wider group was nothing less than a sin; it was time to do away with narrow vested interests and clan loyalties.
Protestantism turned its back on miracles. God wasn’t thought to be lever-pulling behind the scenes day-to-day. One couldn’t get prayers directly answered. Heavenly power didn’t intervene in a fantastical, childish way. Weber called this ‘the disenchantment of the world.’ Instead, in the Protestant philosophy, the emphasis fell on human action: the day to day world was ruled by facts, by reason and by the discoverable laws of science. And therefore, prosperity was not mysteriously ordained by God and couldn’t be won through imploring prayers. It could only be the result of thinking methodically, acting honestly and working industriously and sensibly over many years.
Taken together, these five factors created, in Weber’s eyes, the crucial catalytic ingredients for Capitalism to take hold. In this analysis, Weber was in direct disagreement with Karl Marx, for Marx had proposed a materialist view of Capitalism (where technology was said to have created a new capitalist social system), whereas Weber now advanced an idealist one (suggesting that it was in fact a set of ideas that had created Capitalism and given the impetus for its newfound technological and financial arrangements).
The argument between Weber and Marx pivoted around the role of religion. Marx had argued that religion was ‘the opium of the masses’, a drug that induced passive acceptance of the horrors of Capitalism. But Weber turned this dictum on its head. It was religion that was in fact the cause and foremost supporter of Capitalism. People didn’t tolerate Capitalism because of religion, they only became capitalists as a result of their religion.
There are about 35 countries where Capitalism is now well developed. It probably works best in Germany, where Weber first observed it. But in the remaining 161 nations, it arguably isn’t working well at all.
This is a source of much puzzlement and distress. Billions of dollars in aid are transferred every year from the rich to the poor world, and are spent on malaria pills, solar panels and grants for irrigation projects and women’s education.
But a Weberian analysis tells us that these materialist interventions will never work, because the problem isn’t really a material one to begin with. One has to start at the level of ideas.
What the World Bank and the IMF should be giving sub-Saharan Africa is not money and technology but ideas.
In the Weberian analysis, certain countries fail to succeed at Capitalism because they don’t feel anxious and guilty enough, they trust too much in miracles, they like to celebrate now rather than reinvest for tomorrow and their members feel it’s acceptable to steal from the community in order to enrich their families, favouring the clan over the nation.
Weber didn’t believe that the only way to be a successful Capitalist country was actually to convert to Protestantism. He argued that Protestantism had merely brought to their first fruition ideas which could now subsist outside of religious ideology.
Today Weber would counsel those who wish to spread Capitalism to concentrate on our equivalent of religion: culture. It is a nation’s attitudes, hopes and sense of what life is about that produces an economy that either flourishes or flounders. The path to reforming an economy shouldn’t hence wind through material aid, it should go through cultural assistance. The decisive question for an economy is not what the rate of inflation is, but what is on TV tonight.
3. Why is Capitalism not going so well in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (the poorest country on earth)?
Because, Weber would tell us, this unfortunate nation has the wrong mentality, one far removed from that of Rhineland Germany. They believe in clans, they have magical thinking, they don’t believe that God would Himself command them to be an honest mechanic or hairdresser…
Weber’s point is that if Capitalism is going to take root in developing nations – and bring the advantages of higher productivity and greater wealth – then we will need to look to changing mentalities, instilling something akin to an updated version of the attitudes of Calvinism.
Weber’s views on global development emerged in two books he wrote on two religions that he felt were extremely unhelpful to Capitalism, The Religion of India and The Religion of China. For Weber, the caste system of the Hindus assigns everyone to a status they can’t escape and therefore makes any sustained commercial effort futile. The belief in samsara – the transmigration of souls – also inspires the view that nothing substantial can change until the next life. At the same time, a Hindu ideology of the clan takes pressure off individual responsibility and encourages nepotism rather than meritocracy. These ideas have economic consequences; they are why nowadays, Weberians would argue, there are many excellent public hospitals in Geneva and Erfurt and not too many in Chennai or Varanasi.
Weber noted similarly unhelpful factors in China. There Confucianism gives too much weight to tradition. No one feels able to rethink how things are done. The devotion to bureaucracy encourages a static society – whereas entrepreneurship arises from a fruitful mixture of anxiety and hope.
Weber was writing in an age of revolution. Lots of people around him were trying to change things: communists, socialists, anarchists, nationalists, separatists.
He too wanted things to change, but he believed that one first had to work out how political power operated in the world.
He believed that humanity had gone through three distinct types of power across its history. The oldest societies operated according to what he called ‘traditional authority.’ This was where kings relied on appeals to folklore and divinity to justify their hold on power. Such societies were deeply inert and only rarely allowed for initiative
These societies had subsequently been replaced by an age of ‘charismatic authority’, where a heroic individual, most famously a Napoleon, could rise to power on the back of a magnetic personality – and change everything around him through passion and will.
But, Weber insisted, we were now long past this period of history, having entered a third age of ‘bureaucratic authority.’ This is where power is held by vast labyrinthine bureaucracies whose workings are entirely baffling to the average citizen. It’s not obvious what all the functionaries actually do in meetings and at their desks. Bureaucracy achieves its power via knowledge: only the bureaucrats know how stuff works, and it will take an outsider years to work it out (for example, how housing policy or the educational curriculum are actually structured). Most simply give up – usefully for the powers that be…
The dominance of bureaucracy has major implications for anyone trying to change a nation. There is often an understandable, but misguided, desire to think one just has to change the leader, who is imagined as a kind of super-parent personally determining how everything goes. But in fact, removing the leader almost never has the degree of impact that is hoped for. (The replacement of Bush by Obama did not lead, for example, to all the changes some people expected; Weber would not have been surprised).
Weber knew that today one can’t bring about significant social change just by charisma. It can feel as if political change should be driven by fiery rhetoric, marches, fury and grand, exciting gestures, like publishing a bestselling revolutionary book. But Weber is pessimistic about all such hopes, for they are misaligned with the reality of how the modern world works. The only way to overcome the power lodged within bureaucracy is through knowledge and systematic organisation.
Weber encourages us to see that change is not so much impossible as complicated and slow. If we are to get things to go better, much of it will have to come through outwardly very undramatic processes. It will be through the careful marshalling of statistical evidence, patient briefings to ministers, testimonies to committee hearings and minute studies of budgets.
Weber, though personally a cautious man, is an unexpected source of ideas on how to change things. He tells us how power works now and reminds us that ideas may be far more important than tools or money in changing nations. It is a hugely significant thesis. We learn that so much which we associate with vast impersonal external forces (and which hence feels entirely beyond our control) is, in fact, dependent upon something utterly intimate and perhaps more malleable: the thoughts in our own heads.
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I'm not one to make yearly goals, but I thought I would give it a shot this year now that I have this blog to keep track of my progress and you guys to hold me accountable. So we'll see how this goes this year.
Get a job that uses my degree: Right now I'm not doing anything that uses the degree I spent A LOT of money on and FIVE years to get. That needs to change. For those of you that don't know, my degree is Landscape, Nursery and Greenhouse Management and I would really like a job at a florist, but if that doesn't work out soon, then a job at a nursery. I just want to work with pretty plants and flowers again. Its been to long.
Clean out the greenhouse and use it again: Many years ago, my dad built a greenhouse in our backyard. I can't ever remember it being used as a greenhouse, but more for storage. See the problem? So in the next couple of months I would like to clean it out and start growing some seeds! It is so satisfying watching flowers and vegetables grow that you started from seed.
Work on flexibility: Once upon a time I was able to do the splits. Not so much any more. I've wanted to be able to do them again for quite some time but have never put in the time to work on it again. Not being flexible is so restricting, I feel… old. So hopefully this is the year. But if I were to pick a goal that I wouldn't follow through with, this one would be it. Just saying.
Take a picture a day: Well so far I have achieved this one! Follow me on Instagram and you can see my daily pictures. They may come a couple days late but they were taken on the day I say they were. I just think it would be so neat to have an album with a picture for everyday of the year. With this goal I plan to have monthly updates on it.
Learn more about photography: I have always loved taking pictures and just really started to get into it this year. This upcoming year I would like to get more comfortable with the manual setting on the camera and use the auto less. Learning what all those numbers mean would be a good place to start.
Identify trees and flowers around me: I took a plant identification class in college and completely loved it. But you know, you study just for the test and forget things after the final. So now I'm looking at all of these trees around me and I know I know what they are but the name isn't coming to me. Except, of course, for the cotton candy tree, won't ever forget that one. Its time to break out my old textbooks and identification cards and get back out there identifying these trees and flowers.
These are all rockstar goals! I am right there with you on writing more handwritten notes and being more flexible. A photo a day is ambitious, but would be so rewarding in the long run. How neat that you have a greenhouse degree! My dream alternative life job is being a florist :] Best of luck with the search
I love these goals! Especially pursuing a job that uses your degree. Nothing worse than feeling you have to settle for something that's not your passion. Been there! Best of luck with all your goals!
I love that you got a degree in Landscape! Best of luck finding a job where you can put all of that time and knowledge to good use. I'm right there with you in that goal. Except I will take whatever full time job I can get at this point so I can move out of my parents' house :)
Great goals! Concerning the job I have the same goal for 2014! These days I ask myself often why I studied and that I should somehow make something in my life that has to do with what I studied AND what I love!
Except for the job, my goals are rather "low"...like relaxing more and putting less pressure on myself :) |
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At San Quentin is the 31st overall album by Johnny Cash, recorded live at San Quentin State Prison on February 24, 1969 and released on June 4 of that same year. The concert was filmed by Granada Television, produced and directed by Michael Darlow.[1] The album was the second in Cash's conceptual series of live prison albums that also included "At Folsom Prison" (1968), "Pa Osteraker" (1973), and "A Concert Behind Prison Walls" (1976).
The album was certified gold on August 12, 1969, platinum and double platinum on November 21, 1986, and triple platinum on March 27, 2003 by the RIAA. The album was nominated for a number of Grammy Awards, including Album of the Year and won Best Male Country Vocal Performance for "A Boy Named Sue."
There have been several releases with different songs and set order. The album cover photo by Jim Marshall is considered to be an iconic image of Cash, with Marshall Grant's Epiphone Newport bass guitar famously silhouetted in the foreground.
Johnny Cash had previously recorded a concert at prison in 1968 at Folsom Prison, This concert was recorded for a live LP and a television documentary for the UK. On the original LP release, the song order was changed and several songs were cut, presumably for space reasons. Despite the timing limitations of the vinyl LP format, however, both performances of the song "San Quentin" (Cash agreed to perform an encore at the audience's request) are included on the original album. Some of the songs were censored. Despite the title of the version released on CD in 2000 – At San Quentin (The Complete 1969 Concert) – the CD does not contain the entire concert uncut, but does feature additional tracks and running order that parallels the actual setlist. In 2010, the album was reissued on vinyl by Sundazed Records with the original Columbia catalog number LP 5362. The reissued Sundazed vinyl is an exact copy of the original record except that the back cover has a barcode and indicates it is a Sundazed issue. Performed but not included were the songs "Jackson" and "Orange Blossom Special", which are included in the video release of the show (both songs had been included in At Folsom Prison). Two songs were somehow slowed down by half a step ("Starkville City Jail" and "Blistered"), possibly due to using another tape machine while the tape on the original machine was changed.
This was Cash's first album recorded without his longtime lead guitar player and Tennessee Two founder Luther Perkins, who had died several months earlier. On the album, Cash is heard paying tribute to Perkins (who was not related to Carl Perkins, who appears on the recording as lead guitarist on several tracks).
Two songs are performed live on stage for the first time during the show: "San Quentin" and "A Boy Named Sue". According to biographer Robert Hilburn, the decision had already been made for Cash to perform "San Quentin" twice as it was considered the major new song of the set, though on record Cash makes it appear as if the encore is due to audience demand; producer Bob Johnson ultimately chose to include both versions of the song on the album. According to Hilburn, Cash spontaneously decided to perform "A Boy Named Sue" during the show and neither the TV crew nor his band knew he planned to do it (though he gave them advance warning by announcing early in the show his intent to play it); he used a lyric sheet on stage while Perkins and the band improvised the backing.[2]
At the Dutch 1969 CBS Vinyl LP, is the CBS number S-63629 printed at the top left of the cover. The songs are the same (including "San Quentin" twice at side two), but the song's lengths are not presented officially.[3]
A crew from Granada Television in the UK filmed the concert for broadcast on television. In the extended version of the concert released by Columbia/Legacy in 2000, Cash is heard expressing frustration at being told what to sing and where to stand prior to his performance of "I Walk the Line". The famous image of an angry-looking Cash giving the middle finger gesture to a camera originates from the performance; in his liner notes for the 2000 reissue, Cash explains that he was frustrated at having Granada's film crew blocking his view of the audience. When the crew ignored his request to "clear the stage", he made the gesture.[4]
The album was nominated for a number of Grammy Awards, including Album of the Year and won Best Male Country Vocal Performance for "A Boy Named Sue."
* Has no author-credit. Apparently David G. George didn't win a lawsuit against RCA-Victor in 1933 over the copyrights for this song.
It is worth noting, however, that it seems to be widely accepted that Henry Whitter wrote the music, as "The Ship That Never Returned"; Fred Lewey wrote the original words, and Charles Noell wrote the original two additional verses. Source: http://www.ezfolk.com/bgbanjo/bgb-tabs/wreck97/wreckbio/wreckbio.html
The original 1969 documentary produced by Granada TV in the U.K. chronicles Cash's historic concert at the maximum security prison. Includes footage of the concert that became the 1969 best-selling LP, and features an edited performance of the number 1 hit "A Boy Named Sue". Also contains one-on-one interviews with several of the prison guards and inmates, talking about their time and experiences behind bars. (Running time: approx. 60 minutes)
Several tracks on the original LP are preceded by several minutes of Cash talking to the audience, including a tangent where Cash is recorded trying to get his guitar tuned on stage. The original LP release bleeps profanity, including on "A Boy Named Sue" but later issues including the Legacy edition are uncensored. The original album's closing track "Folsom Prison Blues" is a partial performance of the song edited from a longer medley available in complete form in later reissues.
^ Johnny Cash (March 2000), "The Bird," Johnny Cash at San Quentin liner notes, Columbia/Legacy CK 66017, 2000
^ "British album certifications – Johnny Cash – San Quentin". British Phonographic Industry. Select albums in the Format field. Select Gold in the Certification field. Type San Quentin in the "Search BPI Awards" field and then press Enter. |
CANNES/HANGZHOU: Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce giant, wants to develop collaborative relationships with Western advertisers and believes its "Uni Marketing" framework provides the means to achieve this goal, the company's CMO has said.
Speaking to The Drum at last week's Cannes Lions festival, Chris Tung sought to differentiate Alibaba from arch rival Amazon by suggesting that it offers advertisers a certain degree of impartiality because it doesn't sell its own products across its various online marketplaces.
"We are running a totally a totally different marketplace to Amazon. We're supporting our partners to build their brands through our data capability," he said.
"And so, the key words from Alibaba are that we're open, collaborative and can make it easy to do business anywhere," he added.
Data and the gathering of insights into the behaviour of Alibaba's 450m active users are key to helping Western brands engage with consumers in China, Tung believed, as he promoted the company's Uni Marketing suite of tools.
According to Alibaba, Uni Marketing aggregates and analyses data so brands can better identify, target, reach and retain their customers, and Tung described it as "a system that leverages the multi-dimensional data around our shoppers to help build brands in a different way".
Specifically, marketers can access its "Brand Databank", an online dashboard that shows brands how many consumers are interested in their products and that can also track the success of campaigns.
Other tools in the Uni Marketing suite include "Uni Strategy", which is said to provide "a complete picture" of consumer behaviour across touchpoints.
There is also "Uni Communication", a media planning and ad-serving tool, and "Uni Operation", which enables brands to create and deliver personalised content and manage consumer relationships across Alibaba touchpoints.
Finally, "Uni Desk" is a planning tool that allows agencies to access a brand's data bank account to service them more effectively. "It's a co-creation process between agency, Alibaba and advertiser for a much more targeted and better ROI type of advertising," said Tung.
These and the other capabilities on offer certainly seem to have persuaded Publicis Groupe to get involved, with the French communications giant announcing last week that it had become the first agency to adopt Alibaba's Uni Marketing tools.
"I'm delighted to announce that our clients will have priority access to the Uni Desk tools as they are rolled out and we're already working with several of our clients across both FMCG and Luxury categories," commented Bertilla Teo, CEO of Publicis Media Greater China, at the time.
TOKYO: Apple, the electronics giant, will launch the iAd mobile advertising platform in Japan next year, as it seeks to gain ground in a country known for its digital maturity.
Dentsu, the advertising agency, is assuming responsibility for creative executions, media planning and selling inventory, while Apple hosts, targets and delivers ads to the iPhone and iPod Touch.
Having rolled out the iAd system in its home market this July, Apple is now hoping to generate considerable interest in the Asian nation.
"After an incredibly successful launch in the US ... we've already doubled the number of brands on the network," said Andy Miller, Apple's vice president of iAd. "We're excited to bring iAd to Japan."
Dentsu has also endeavoured to enhance its digital capabilities in the recent past, and suggested Apple could soon play a leading role among Japan's wireless operators.
"Mobile advertising is Japan's fastest-growing platform," said Ryuichi Mori, Dentsu's senior executive vice president.
"iAd's rich media experience and engaged audience of iPhone and iPod touch users make it uniquely positioned to capture mobile's full potential for advertisers and developers."
SYDNEY - Nestlé, the world's biggest foods group, this week took another step in its strategy of bolt-on acquisitions with the A$890m ($671.59m; €522.88m; £357.06m) purchase of Uncle Tobys, one of Australia's best known food and cereal brands.
The deal will boost Nestlé's position in breakfast cereals in Australasia - which accounted for 40% of Uncle Tobys' A$400m sales last year - as well as in nutritious snacks and instant soups.
Uncle Tobys, a household name in Australia, is the country's second biggest breakfast cereal maker after world leader Kelloggs.
America's telemarketing industry was dealt another severe blow Monday when the US Supreme Court rejected an appeal to overturn the recently enacted 'do not call' telemarketing registry.
The appeal was lodged by a trade body, the American Teleservices Association, whose membership ranges from charities to investment banks and major companies like Verizon.
The justices refused to accept the argument that the "First Amendment rights of legitimate telemarketers" had been violated. ATA executive director Tim Searcy described the 'don't call' legislation as "truly a case of regulatory overkill."
As a result of the registry, introduced in October 2003, the number of telephone solicitations (which previously had soared to a high point of 100 million calls a day) there has been a dramatic reduction in the number of unsolicited calls to US households.
Violators are open to penalties of $11,000 for each offense, although charitable and political calls are exempted from the ban.
Promised the Federal Trade Commission, the government agency that introduced the legislation: "[We} will continue to champion consumer privacy by maintaining the registry and taking enforcement action against violators as appropriate."
LONDON: The UK's sole cable services provider, Virgin Media, has escalated its row with the nation's sole satellite TV operator BSkyB, claiming that the latter is abusing its "dominant position in pay-TV".
In papers submitted to the High Court in London, Virgin alleges that BSkyB "engaged in abusive behaviour involving a disproportionate attack targeted at its only material competitor".
The two broadcasters are locked in a dispute over the amount BSkyB was charging Virgin to broadcast its channels. As a result they were pulled from the cable company's platform.
Virgin claims this has damaged its business, and also states that it was essentially strong-armed into providing its own content to BSkyB in an earlier deal because of the News Corporation-owned company's dominance of the market.
The court papers also referred to BSkyB's controversial purchase of shares in ITV, the UK's largest commercial broadcaster, which is now under investigation by communications watchdog Ofcom. |
It has been a while since I sent out my Saturday newsletter (Australian time). Family life has become very busy on Saturdays!
Last weekend I went to the Mum Heart Conference, in Newcastle. It was an encouraging time to be with other homeschool mums - all in different places in their homeschooling journey - but all with the same heart to disciple their children.
But another highlight of my trip was to spend 1 day with my Mum and Dad for a very quick catch up - along with catching up with a few long time friends. Our country is very big - and never more so than when you miss your family!
This week has been about catching up with some rest, housework and being with my kids. One highlight for me was to go to a cooking demonstration by Matt Moran - part of our local yearly festival, Kimberley Muster. This is will probably be the only event I'll get to this year. He made BBQ-ing a whole fish look very easy!
One of the things I've been talking about with my kids is writing a bucket list - short term and/or longer term. One goal I have been working on is to use my crockpot more - specifically for Thursday nights when I am out of the house for all afternoon, and come home late.
On the education front - Daniel has continued to paint his room (his main 'school project' at this stage), along with setting up his laptop from scratch, after it has had a major overhaul, and writing his story. We are working on time management strategies and will be re-establishing morning routines over the next little while. Last weekend Daniel's Taekwondo club had a demonstration at the Moon Fair (also part of our Muster event), his TAFE day included welding, and he went fishing with the boys Bible Study group.
The old saying “a mother’s work is never done” is true – there is always something to do. How we think about this will reflect on how we get through our day. A mother’s work is never done – but that doesn’t make it a hopeless case.
We can say “a mother’s work is never done” with resignation, with frustration, despair, tiredness – and fair enough – some of our tasks are repetitive, seemingly thankless, and not particularly inspiring. Alternatively, we can focus on the purpose of being a mother, and from that gain a sense of significance for the things that we do.
Mothers create memories – tangible memories of doing things together and for each other, as well as intangible by just being there
Mothers teach – and our lessons shape the very being of our children: spiritual, moral, social, emotional, and physical being
A mother’s work is far more than looking after the physical well-being of everyone in the family; of making sure there is good healthy food, clean clothes, and fresh sheets, of getting people to the right place at the right time, or wiping snotty noses, toilet training, and organising all our stuff. It includes those things, and yet when we give ourselves to the whole role of being a mother, it is much more.
I think the most significant task we can take on as a mother is to foster relationships in our family.
Husband and Wife relationship – This relationship alone has several significant purposes. In nurturing this primary relationship I am looking after my own emotional and social needs, which in turn creates a safe, stable and strong family life for my children, and it shows them how to build a strong and healthy marriage for themselves one day. This issue alone is a generation builder!
Parent to Child relationships – without relationships we are just adults and children living in the same house, without relationships we are just living by house rules and waiting to grow up. To be any influence in my children’s lives, to be able to help them, encourage them, give them wisdom and confidence we need to have a relationship – a healthy relationship.
Sibling relationships – we say that siblings don’t choose to be friends, that they are just put in a family, but reality is that a healthy sibling relationship is a choice – and we as mothers can teach, guide and encourage our children to choose to love their siblings.
Friendships – mothers teach, guide and encourage friendships beyond the family walls. We not only teach the skills to be a good friend we help our children make time for their friends.
Community connections – The home is the base for all social connections – as we teach our children the value of other people, and the importance of being a friend and meeting people’s needs, and as we make time and opportunity for this to happen, our children’s world expand
Relationship with God – As I live an honest and open relationship with God myself, I introduce Him to our children.
Busyness kills relationships – or at least maims it! This is where the idea that ‘a mother’s work is never done’ becomes harmful – we focus on all that we have to do. And then we let our attitude stink about it, because it is exhausting, and endless, and ... well, exhausting!
There is always going to be work to do – it is the nature of our world. Dust happens, dirt, grime, spills, mess. Our family will always need to be fed and clothed. The baby needs to be bathed, the toddler needs a band-aid, the school kid needs help with their school project, the teen needs to be driven to their sport practice, the young adult is buying a car – and this only covers the sphere of motherhood, I am also a wife, homemaker, homeschooler, friend and volunteer!
These things are good things – it is good to be busy, to work hard, but when we talk about busyness there is an underlying dissatisfaction: we know that we are focusing on the wrong things, that our priorities are out of order, that these things are taking the best of our time and energy – and it is these things that are affecting our attitude.
As with all things we have a choice – we may not feel like we have a choice, considering all the things pushing in on us, all the things left undone – but we do have a choice. We may not be able to choose the circumstance we find ourselves in but we can choose our attitude. We can also choose our priorities. Will I choose to focus on tasks or on relationships? Will I choose to see the eternal perspective of the things I do during my day or will I choose to be frustrated and overwhelmed by the many practical things?
This does not mean that we sit around with our kids sharing milk and cookies all day – no, there are things that need to happen, but our heart should be tuned towards relationships.
First we need to know that building and fostering relationships is our number one task. You may need to change your thinking here – the mother’s role is to foster relationships – have you thought about that before? Think about it now, and start to see the things that you do with those glasses on. Relationships should tint all that we do.
When we have relationship coloured glasses on, we will value our time differently because we are not only with the people we love, but we can use this time to influence them. Our energy is focused on how to help my child. And my attitude can be one of thankfulness for the material things we have around us, that allow us to be together.
You see, a mother’s work is never do ne, not because it is mundane and repetitive, not because kids are sloppy and not picking up their responsibilities – a mother’s work is never done because we are always a mother, a mother who values relationships. |
We’d like to introduce you to our new copier vendor, LDI Color Toolbox. The NY Conference recently signed a lease agreement for three new Canon copiers which will save us almost $10,000 a year over our last lease. These Canon copiers are easy to use and have been providing great copies with very little intervention since they were installed.
Our sales rep, Michael Farrell, is really great to work with, helping us to find the technology appropriate for our needs and budget. The install was easy, and they even helped to return our old copiers to the previous vendor at no cost to us. And, our LDI service tech checks in on a regular basis to ensure that all is well. Michael is based in New York City, and LDI has service techs all over NY and CT.
If you are in need of a digital solution — small or large; in black and white and/or color; from multi-function copier/printer/fax devices to 135-page-per-minute digital printing systems, and everything in between, including software solutions to manage total document workflow, please reach out to Michael. He’ll find a solution for you that includes the right equipment at the best price.
A Con Ed employee was found guilty of careless driving after he struck and killed 88-year-old Stella Huang while turning left at Avenue C and E. 16th Street. The NYS DMV revoked his license for one month. Image: Google Maps
A Con Ed employee who fatally struck a Manhattan senior and was found guilty of careless driving had his license revoked for one month by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.
Andrew Franco hit 88-year-old Stella Huang with a Con Ed truck while making a left turn at Avenue C and E. 16th Street. The crash occurred at around 5:15 p.m. on November 27, 2013, a day when New York City motorists killed four pedestrians and one cyclist.
The Daily News reports that in August, nearly three years after the crash, the DMV revoked Franco’s license “after hearings and an appeal.”
In New York State, a license revocation means a motorist may apply to have his driving privileges reinstated after a prescribed period of time, which is normally a minimum of six months. Though according to the Daily News Franco was found guilty of failing to exercise due care — which likely means Huang was walking with the right of way when he killed her — the DMV deemed Franco eligible to get his license back after one month.
The News reports that Franco filed a lawsuit because the DMV isn’t processing his application for reinstatement quickly enough.
Franco’s lawyer, Michael McNulty, says the delay is “shocking to the conscience,” particularly since Franco has a good record and needs the license to work. He is asking the court to reduce the penalty to a suspension so Franco’s license could be reinstated immediately.
When a license is revoked, the DMV may or may not decide to restore driving privileges. A revocation is more severe than a suspension, which allows a driver to get his license back after a certain period of time simply by paying a fee. Essentially, then, Franco’s attorney is arguing that since the DMV could not make a reinstatement determination at the end of one month, the revocation for killing a person while failing to exercise due care should be invalidated.
We’ve asked Con Ed if Franco continued to drive a truck for the company after he killed Stella Huang and was found guilty of careless driving, and if he may keep driving for Con Ed if he gets his license back. We also asked for info on Con Ed’s driver safety protocols. We’ll update this post if we get an answer.
Franco’s lawyer, Michael McNulty, says the delay is “shocking to the conscience,” particularly since Franco has a good record…
This is like when Giuliani says over and over that there were no major terrorist attacks under George W Bush.
Though according to the Daily News Franco was found guilty of failing to exercise due care — meaning Huang was walking with the right of way when he killed her
That’s not what it means to fail to exercise due care. Motorists are required to exercise due care even to avoid colliding with pedestrians who are in the wrong.
If Huang indeed was crossing with the signal, and therefore Franco was required by law to yield, why wasn’t he found guilty for failure to yield as well as for failure to exercise due care?
Nice wide open intersection, no need for any design changes here. Nothing that could be done with an additional $50 million from the City Council.
NYS DMV: “Meh. She was 88 and was probably going to die soon anyway. Feel free to continue driving, sir… Next!”
You’re right. That’s not what it means. But in practice, if NYPD has ever charged a motorist with failure to use due care after hitting a person who was not crossing with the right of way, I’ve never seen it.
Often a driver will be charged with multiple offenses but will be found guilty only of the “top” charge. But I don’t know that that’s what happened here. Court records are not online now, if they ever were.
Well, NYPD is a violent lawless crime gang. Some of the cops in real police departments in the rest of the state do occassionally arrest motorists for killing jaywalkers.
I think DMV can be reformed; I think failing to revoke licenses is just habit with DMV, and the judges seem properly disturbed by how easy it is for reckless killer drivers to get back on the road.
Franco’s actions are shoking to the conscience and Franco has a record as a careless, reckless killer, which is what should be pointed out.
Over the last few years, advocates have called for standardized practices from DMV to suspend or revoke the licenses of drivers whose recklessness behind the wheel leads to serious injury or death. But a review of recent hearings after fatal crashes reveals no apparent rhyme or reason to the penalties for deadly driving meted out by DMV.
A driver with a revoked license killed a senior in Brooklyn Tuesday. As of Wednesday he was not charged by NYPD or District Attorney Ken Thompson for causing a death. The crash occurred in the 67th Precinct, where motorists have killed at least three pedestrians this year, and at least seven pedestrians since January 2013. […]
A driver with a staggering record of recklessness, who nevertheless had a valid New York State driver’s license, was sentenced to jail time and had his license revoked for the death of Manhattan pedestrian Jean Chambers. Roberto Mercado hit Chambers while making a left turn at West End Avenue and W. 95th Street in the […]
Routes will be streamlined and optimized, creating faster commutes for Staten Island express bus riders.
The MTA's plan will increase service frequency on key routes, simplify routes so buses make fewer turns, reduce the number of stops in both Manhattan and Staten Island. Image: MTA
Staten Island’s express buses are getting a complete overhaul, MTA officials and Borough President James Oddo announced yesterday. These changes will save people time by better aligning bus service with travel patterns — and they could be a template for bus network improvements citywide.
Staten Island express buses, which carry riders to Manhattan job centers, are plagued by reliability problems. The routes also have too many stops — 27 on average before even leaving the island, despite the fact that 83 percent of riders board at 50 percent of those stops. In Manhattan, they’re often stuck in congestion getting from Lower Manhattan to Midtown, even though only 4 percent of riders get on or off in between.
The MTA’s plan, set for implementation in 2018, will increase service frequency on key routes, simplify routes so buses make fewer turns, reduce the number of stops in both Manhattan and Staten Island, and shift some bus travel from local streets to highways [PDF].
MTA Interim Executive Director Ronnie Hakim told the Advance the changes will yield “increased reliability, lower travel times, better frequency of service, [and] better headways” for Staten Island commuters. Next up is a public feedback period over the next few months.
Two years ago, Oddo asked the agency to review Staten Island’s outmoded bus network, which has remained mostly unchanged since the 1960s. A plan to overhaul the borough’s local bus routes is also in the works.
In addition to three public workshops, the MTA surveyed 2,000 riders and partnered with NYU’s Rudin Center and TransitCenter for a hackathon last spring, where participants used MTA Bus Time data to shape proposals for service improvements, elements of which were reflected in the plan released yesterday.
Staten Island accounts for 5 percent of the city’s bus riders, but the MTA’s work there bodes well for the other 95 percent too, said Jon Orcutt and Tabitha Decker of TransitCenter.
In the past, MTA studies of bus service have been limited to smaller areas, like Co-Op City and northeastern Queens. With the Staten Island plan, Orcutt said, the MTA is thinking bigger and developing “best practices” that could eventually be part of a “rolling program” to improve bus networks across the city.
TransitCenter has provided the research muscle for the New York City Bus Turnaround Coalition, which is advocating for citywide improvements to reverse flagging bus ridership. Optimizing stop spacing and redesigning routes, as in the Staten Island plan, are two of the coalition’s key recommendations.
Great stuff! It’s smart to do this demonstration starting with Staten Island express buses, where stakes are lower. Maybe do Staten island local buses next, then expand the effort to the other boroughs. I would caution, though, that express buses are a very different beast than local buses,
The MTA proposal is just a start. I think the x2, x3, x9 New Dorp Terminal should be retained, as well as Madison Avenue / Lexington Avenue and Water Street service. I agree that some express bus stops can be eliminated on SI. Northbound Cannon Blvd can be retained but Ebbitts Avenue can be eliminated, they are two short block apart and Cannon has the larger bus shelter and a wider sidewalk. MTA needs to provide better documentation. The SI map is decent but the Manhattan map lacks street names.
MTA said that the local bus proposals will be next but did not give a timeline for a release. S.I. has no true street grid which makes new or altered local routes somewhat difficult to design. After the Dongan Hills SIR station was made wheelchair-accessible the S52 was supposed to be extended eastward to Richmond Road along Seaview Avenue (returning via Garretson Ave) to connect with the station – that was about 20 years ago and still no extension.
Interesting. You don’t necessarily need a rigid grid to create a good bus network. I think you mainly need high frequency on a number of roughly parallel routes (maybe north-south or southwest-northeast), and high frequency on a number of generally perpendicular routes.
Taking a train from Princeton University to New York City is always convenient but sometimes it take long due to delays. http://www.daisylimo.com/princeton_nj.html however, there is no cheaper option unless pay more for car service.
When it comes to Staten Island, the Department of Transportation and MTA are considering a different model for Select Bus Service. The service planned for Hylan Boulevard will provide dedicated bus lanes for less of the route than on existing SBS lines, but high-tech features like transit-friendly traffic lights and even a possible pilot of […] |
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Palliative chemotherapy is treatment designed for terminal cancer patients to prolong survival and ease symptoms but not cure disease. Now, researchers have found that the therapy comes with certain harms, which they say need to be addressed.
The researchers, from the Weill Cornell Medical College, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, have published their results in the BMJ.
They say their findings uncover a discrepancy between what type of care cancer patients want and what they actually receive.
Overall, the team found that terminal cancer patients who receive chemotherapy during the last months of their lives are less likely to die where they wish and are more likely to undergo invasive medical procedures - including CPR and mechanical ventilation - than patients who did not receive the therapy.
Dr. Holly Prigerson, of Weill Cornell Medical College, says that the reasons for the link are complicated, but they may originate in misunderstanding of the purpose and consequences of palliative chemotherapy.
For the study, investigators assessed data from 386 patients in a federally funded study, called Coping with Cancer.
This 6-year study followed terminally ill people and their caregivers until the patients died, and the researchers looked at how psychosocial factors influenced patient care.
After asking the caregivers to rate their patient's care, quality of life and where the patient would have wanted to die, the researchers reviewed patient medical charts to determine the type of care they actually received during their last week.
The researchers found that patients receiving palliative chemotherapy were less likely to talk to their oncologists about the type of care they wanted to receive, to complete Do-Not-Resuscitate orders or to even acknowledge they were terminally ill.
The findings reveal that 68% of patients receiving palliative chemotherapy died where they wanted, compared with 80% of those not receiving the therapy.
In detail, 47% of patients who received the therapy died at home, compared with 66% of patients who did not receive the palliative care. Additionally, 11% of patients receiving the chemotherapy died in an intensive care unit, versus only 2% of patients not receiving the therapy.
"It's hard to see in these data much of a silver lining to palliative chemotherapy for patients in the terminal stage of their cancer. Until now, there hasn't been evidence of harmful effects of palliative chemotherapy in the last few months of life."
"This study is a first step in proving evidence that specifically demonstrates what negative outcomes may result," she adds.
The team also found that patients receiving palliative chemotherapy were more likely to be referred to hospice care much later than those not receiving the therapy.
Hospice care is a place that provides comfort and emotional support for terminal patients, and 54% of the patients receiving chemotherapy were referred to hospice late, compared with 37% of the patients not receiving the drugs.
The team notes that 56% of the patients from the study were receiving palliative chemotherapy in their final months, and they say this majority of use emphasizes the potential need for changes in oncology practice at academic medical centers.
"We often wait until patients stop chemotherapy before asking them about where and how they want to die, but this study shows we need to ask patients about their preferences while they are receiving chemotherapy to ensure they receive the kind of care they want near death."
But Dr. Wright adds that their findings should not be interpreted that patients should be denied or not offered palliative chemotherapy:
"The vast majority of patients in this study wanted palliative chemotherapy if it might increase their survival by as little as a week. This study is a step towards understanding some of the human costs and benefits of palliative chemotherapy."
Pre-surgery chemo benefits more esophageal cancer patients New study finds pre-op chemotherapy may not always shrink esophageal cancer tumors but may reduce spread into lymph nodes, increasing the range of patients who potentially benefit. Read now
Herbal remedies may be risky for cancer patients Herbal remedies have a long history in the Middle East, but they cause harm for people undergoing cancer treatment - by altering the effects of chemotherapy. Read now
Associations between palliative chemotherapy and adult cancer patients’ end of life care and place of death: prospective cohort study, Holly G Prigerson, et al., BMJ, DOI:10.1136/bmj.g1219, published 4 March 2014.
Ellis, Marie. "Palliative chemotherapy: harms and benefits weighed in new study." Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl., 5 Mar. 2014. Web.
Ellis, M. (2014, March 5). "Palliative chemotherapy: harms and benefits weighed in new study." Medical News Today. Retrieved from
Over-the-counter dietary supplements and therapies sold to improve male sexual health may be ineffective and even unsafe, says a report published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
To avoid paying for prescription drugs, or the embarrassment of discussing such matters with their physicians, many turn to over-the-counter (OTC) products.
Sales of dietary supplements doubled in the US from 1999-2007, and around 50% of Americans use them for a variety of conditions.
The dazzling array of products, from horny goat weed to ginseng, costs from $0.83 to $5.77 per day. But lack of regulation on dosage, purity or ingredients, and limited information regarding health effects confuses patients and medical practitioners alike.
Researchers from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, NC, reviewed the scientific evidence for the effectiveness and safety of the most common ingredients in top-selling men's health products.
They wanted to provide urologists with a guide for counseling patients who present with sexual health problems and who are taking such supplements.
There was no scientific evidence to support claims that many products positively impact erectile function, libido and sexual performance, and some were likely to be unsafe.
Some products advertised as "natural" contain traces of phosphodiesterase-5-inhibitors (PDE5Is), the same class of medication that includes prescription drugs such as Viagra, which is used to treat erectile dysfunction. PDE5Is cannot be legally sold over the counter in the US, because using them without a physician's supervision could be risky.
Patients with advanced heart disease or who take nitrates, such as nitroglycerin, should not use PDE5Is, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
PDE5Is should also be avoided by men with severe liver impairment or end-stage kidney disease. Those with enlarged prostates who take medications such as Flomax (tamsulosin), terazosin or doxazosin should only take it with supervision, as interactions may cause dizziness, leading to falls and fractures.
DHEA is a hormone naturally made by the human body and produced in laboratories from chemicals found in wild yam and soy. While findings do not suggest a benefit, it appears to be relatively safe, as the impact on hormone levels is not significant
Fenugreek features in 1 in 3 top-selling men's health supplements. It may improve sexual arousal and orgasm, muscle strength, energy and well-being. There was no evidence of adverse effects
Ginkgo biloba is taken for numerous conditions, but data does not support its use in erectile dysfunction. It can cause headache, seizures and significant bleeding, especially if taken alongside Coumadin
Ginseng is the most common ingredient in top-selling men's health supplements; it can cause headache, upset stomach, constipation, rash and insomnia. It can also lower blood sugar, risky in cases of diabetes
Horny Goat Weed is generally safe with rare reports of toxicity leading to fast heart rate and hypomania; it has no apparent benefit for sexual function
L-arginine is the top amino acid in men's health supplements, featuring in 1 in 3 best sellers. It may improve erectile function in some patients and seems relatively safe. It has been associated with a drop in blood pressure but without significantly changing the heart rate
Maca is the most common vegetable among top-selling men's health supplements. Maca has been associated with increased sexual behavior in animals but not in humans. Rare cases of toxicity and a mild increase in liver enzymes and blood pressure have been reported.
Tribulus promises to treat a range of conditions, but evidence is lacking to prove its effectiveness; two young men suffered liver and kidney toxicity after taking high doses. Yohimbine is a well-established product that may improve male sexual function, but it can also cause hypertension, headache, agitation, insomnia and sweating. Zinc appears to be safe but not beneficial.
Purity is a concern. Because dietary supplements are currently classified as foods rather than drugs, the manufacturers themselves are largely responsible for ensuring the safety, purity and efficacy of the products.
Four major retailers have recently been targeted by the New York attorney general for selling misleading or adulterated dietary supplements.
"While certain natural supplements we reviewed show promise for improving mild sexual dysfunction, they lack robust human evidence."
Dr. Terkecki adds that his team is unlikely to recommend the products to patients due to concerns that they are impure or ineffective.
The best men's health blogs Men's health blogs cover anything and everything from exercise and diet to disease prevention. Here are our top picks from the men's health blogosphere. Read now
Why older men should do more housework New research in older adults reveals that women spend more time doing housework than men, and that this has important implications for their health. Read now
A urologist's guide to ingredients found in top-selling nutraceuticals for men's sexual health, Tao Cui et al., Journal of Sexual Medicine, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jsm.13013, published 11 January 2016.
Brazier, Yvette. "Men's sexual health: are the supplements safe?." Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl., 16 Jan. 2016. Web.
Brazier, Y. (2016, January 16). "Men's sexual health: are the supplements safe?." Medical News Today. Retrieved from
Prions cause neurodegenerative diseases in humans and animals like cows, sheep, or deer. In most cases, humans or animals get sick sporadically, when, for unknown reasons, normal proteins in the brain called PrPc change to harmful prions (called PrPSc).
The PrPSc proteins then cause severe degeneration of the brain that kills the victims within a matter of months. There are no cures or therapies for prion diseases. The most common human prion disease is sporadic Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease, or sCJD. Scientists still understand little about why and how in some cases normal proteins change to prions and destroy the brain.
All patients die, most of them within a few months, but there are differences between individual cases. The hope is that understanding the differences between individual cases might eventually provide some insight into the causes of the disease and suggest ways to treat it.
To catalogue and examine those differences, it is important to come up with standard assays that allow meaningful comparisons. Markus Glatzel (Hamburg University) and colleagues have developed such an assay.
Applying it to 50 postmortem samples from patients with sCJD reveals substantial differences in molecular pathology, suggesting that this approach could indeed help to understand this mysterious and devastating disease.
PLoS is a nonprofit organization of scientists whose aim is to make the world's scientific and medical research literature a public resource. We are funded by a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to develop a publishing program based on the Open Access business model, whereby the costs of publication are paid upfront so that anyone with an internet connection can have access to the content, in a free and unrestricted manner. Our immediate goal is to launch two top-tier journals - PLoS Biology (in October, 2003) and PLoS Medicine (in 2004). |
28 Lunar Mansions - constellations situated along the moon's path as it rotates around the earth each month. They are called "mansions" or "lodges" because they were once understood to be resting places for the moon during its journey.
Acupuncture - traditional Chinese medical treatment using needles to stimulate the flow of ch'i in the body.
Alchemist - one who practices alchemy, a Taoist set of procedures and principles meant to prolong human life
Alchemy - in Taoist practice, a set of procedures and principles meant to prolong human life. In Taoism, there were two types of alchemy: Outer Alchemy consisted of the chemical production of elixirs that were meant to be swallowed; Inner Alchemy, however, relied on symbolic meditation to achieve the same end.
Bagua (or pa-kua) - the eight trigrams; the basis of divination scheme in the Book of Changes (I Ching).
Bigu - Abstention from grains; a Taoist longevity practice based on the notion that immortals live off the air and "soak up the dew"
Body-minded action - In spiritual practice, this is essentially about obeying oneself first, foremost, and continuously through surrendering to one's pure intention and conscious effort. This action then represents the purest form of the integration of the body as a vehicle, the mind as conscious soul, and the spirit as the divine inspiration.
Caldron - Energetic space located below the line of the Dai (Belt) meridian with the navel in the front and the pressure point for the gate of life in the back. It is in front of the adrenal glands and kidneys and above the bladder and ovary or prostate glands. The caldron or the womb is an empty space for producing the pure Self. It is also called the cooking vessel in the Lower Cinnabar Field -- the battery of life essence.
Celestial Worthy of the Way and Its Power - divine title of Lao Zi by the second century A.D. In this guise, Lao Zi is one of the Three Purities, the greatest Taoist gods. The name is derived from the Taoist text attributed to Lao Zi, the Classic of the Way and Its Power
Ch'ang - (lit. "enduring"). The permanent and eternal. This word always appears as an attribute of Tao. It is translated by "constant, lasting, eternal. It designates the permanent as opposed to the changing. In chapter 1 of Tao Te Ching it reads: "The Tao that can be trodden is not the enduring and unchanging [ch'ang] Tao." (Legge)
Ch'i - Life energy that flows throughout the human body and the universe. Literally translated: "air, vapors, ether, breathing, energy". At the same time it means "temperament, power, atmosphere". Ch'i is one's vital force but also the universal spiritual energy pervading all beings. {also see qi}
Chinese zodiac - organization of the calendar into 12-year cycles, each represented by an animal associated with specific personality traits. The animals include: rat, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, cock, dog, and pig. People born in the zodiac year of a specific animal are said to possess that animal's traits.
Cinnabar - red mercury ore, or mercuric sulfide, which was highly valued and used for its color and chemical properties; a primary ingredient used in the Taoist elixirs of Outer Alchemy.In Taoist inner alchemy, there are three distinguishing places in our body: these places are called the Cinnabar Fields or Elixir Fields. The lower Cinnabar Field is the actual place for the vessel to be set, where the caldron is located. It is the center for biological manifestation. It is in this empty place, or groundless space where all the abdominal organs are unified. The middle Cinnabar Field is located in the thymus gland. It is the center for displaying both emotions and personalities. The upper Cinnabar Field is located at the central joint where the two sides of the brain split and then rejoin, between the pituitary glands and the pineal gland. It is the center for intellect and spirituality.
Classic of the Way and Its Power (Daode jing or TAO TE CHING) - the earliest-known text of the Taoist tradition, which is said to have been authored by the legendary figure Lao Zi. The text is actually a compilation of various writings collected over the course of generations. It may have assumed its current form by the third or fourth century B.C. The Classic of the Way and Its Power includes poetic passages, sayings, fragments of political texts, and passages intended for recitation. It served as the foundation for both philosophical and religious Taoism.
Cosmology; cosmological - beliefs about the origin and structure of the universe. Chinese cosmology referred not only to the structure and operation of the heavens, but also to that of the earth and human beings. Cosmology in this context implies the way that these realms work together and affect the others; of or relating to the origin and structure of the universe
Damp Heat - a condition of dampness and heat often resulting in infection (bacterial or viral).combined with symptoms of thick yellow secretions and phlegm such as jaundice, hepatitis, urinary problems, or eczema
Dantian - Cinnabar field; one of three locations in the body used in the practice of inner alchemy [see cinnabar]
Deficient Blood - Blood, one of the five essential energies of the body in Oriental Medicine. Blood is the physical manifestation of Qi and is responsible for carrying nourishment and moisture to the Organs, tissues, and muscles. Deficient blood shows a general pattern of dizziness; pale, lusterless face; pale lips; dry skin or hair; scant menses; pale Tongue material; thin Pulse.
Deficient Qi - Qi is the fundamental life force or energy that is found in all living things and is formed from the interaction of yin and yang energies. Deficient Qi shows general weakness; pale, bright face; shallow respiration; low or soft voice; spontaneous sweating; pale Tongue material; Empty, weak Pulse.
Deficient Yang - Yang is one of the two fundamental polar energies found in all living things. Yang qualities or conditions are hot, dry, excessive, on or near the surface of the body. Yang complements yin. Deficient Yang is similar to Deficient Qi but with signs of Interior Cold, including cold limbs; aversion to cold; puffy Tongue; slow Pulse.
Deficient Yin - Yin is one of the two fundamental polar energies found in all living things. Yin qualities or conditions are cold, damp, deficient, and found in the interior of the body. Yin complements yang. Deficient Yin is similar to Deficient Blood, but characterized by "appearance of Heat,' including agitated manner; red cheeks; warm palms and soles; night sweats; red Tongue material and rapid, thin Pulse
Dry / Dryness - characterized by dry hair, lips, mouth, nose, skin and throat, extreme thirst and constipation.
Eight Principles - four sets of factors commonly used to assess a person's health. Represented by internal/external, cold/heat, excess/deficiency, and yin/yang (they should all be in balance with their counterpart).
Elixir - in Outer Alchemy, a magical potion that bestows immortality when swallowed; in Inner Alchemy, the life-prolonging energy attained through spiritual purification
Empty Fire - In Excess/Heat conditions where the "Fire" often rises to the head, and there are signs such as splitting headaches; dizziness; red face and eyes; dry mouth; deafness or sudden ringing in the ears. In addition, irritability, frequent anger and insomnia may be present, as well as constipation; dark, scanty urine; red Tongue with rough, yellow moss; and a rapid and full, as well as Wiry Pulse. This pattern is often seen in Western medicine as essential hypertension, migraine headaches, bleeding of the upper digestive tract, menopausal complaints; eye diseases such as acute conjunctivitis and glaucoma; or ear disturbances such as labyrinthitis, Meniere's disease, or otitis.
Excess Yang - similar to excess heat with symptoms of rapid pulse, hypertension, agressive actions, loud voice, high fever, red complexion or restlessness
Excess Yin - an imbalance of excessive fluids in the body with symptoms of fluid retention, a plump or swollen appearance, lethargy and overall signs of dampness - although those with excess yin may still have adequate energy levels
Fangshi (or fang-shih) "Magico-technicians"; Han dynasty practitioners of alchemy and immortality whose methods influenced the later flourishing of Taoism
Five Phases - the relationship of nature's five elements (water, wood, fire, metal, and earth) to various natural cycles and phenomena. In Taoism, each of the five elements corresponds to a time of day, direction, and season. Movement from one phase to the next occurs in defined sequences. For instance, water (night, north, winter) eventually becomes wood (morning, east, spring). The Five Phase system also includes the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac (for example, the rat and pig are water signs). The movements of the Five Phases are rooted in the cycles of yin and yang.
Fu - "return", concept associated with Tao. In Tao Te Ching it reads: "The movement of the Tao / By contraries proceeds..." (Legge). [For more information, see Fall 2003: Fu/Return issue of Mountain SKYLIGHT]
Heat - An external or internal "climatic" imbalance or ailment characterized by fever, aversion to heat, overactivity, constipation, dehydration, sparse dark urination, and insomnia. Heat can also progress and penetrate to the interior of the body and frequently combines with damp to create internal heat-damp imbalances. Heat is Yang in character.
Hierarchy - a social structure in which individuals or classes of people are ranked so that some people occupy higher levels of importance than others
Hsien - (lit. "fluttering") The Immortals, who are described in the Chuang-tzu. Perhaps originally intended to be allegorical, the nature and abilities of these beings became a practical goal for later Taoists
Hun hun - Heavenly soul; the soul that ascends to heaven and is venerated in the form of ancestral tablets
Hundun (or hun-tun) - Chaos; the state of pregnant non-being from which everything arises, and to which Taoists aim to return
Immortals - in Taoism, individuals who have achieved eternal life through perfect realization of the Tao. One may become immortal through meditation or inner visualization, physical training and breathing techniques, the ingestion of elixirs, or moral behavior. Taoists believe that immortals dwell in the heavens, in caverns, on mountains, and in other magical paradises.
Inner Alchemy - a procedure, based on Taoist principles, designed to prolong human life, with the ultimate goal of immortality. Inner Alchemy involves meditation, which produces a symbolic elixir in the body.
Inner Visualization - a form of Taoist religious practice that directs the practitioner's imagination toward spiritual transformation. The process may either involve an imagined journey or the metaphoric transformation of the human body into the form of a mountain. The goal is immortality.
I-ching - "Book of Changes". Philosophical and divination book dated from the period when Chou Dynasty replaced Yin Dynasty. Although the I Ching has its origin in Chinese culture, the underlying truth inherent in all 64 hexagrams is the same the world over, and is found at the heart of all spiritual and wisdom teachings. The I Ching's truths are often dressed in different clothing, expressed in different words, reflecting the unique qualities of varying races and cultures. Because these truths are part of our lives, regardless of the words we read, the apparent differences in the viewing lens does not matter. The living truth in each hexagram is in its visual image: the energetic dance in the arrangement of its lines.
Jing (or ching) - the Substance, or Essence, that underlies all organic life and is the source of organic change. It is thought of as fluid-like, and is supportive, nutritive and is the basis of reproduction and development
Lao Zi (Lao Tzu) - literally, "old master" or "old child" traditionally assumed to have been born in the sixth century B.C. Also known as Lao Tan or Li Erh, he is considered the author of the earliest Taoist philosophical text, the Classic of the Way and Its Power (Daode jing). Historians now agree that Lao Zi was a legendary figure developed to provide an author for the Daode jing, which was compiled by a group of scholars in the third century B.C. During the Han dynasty, Lao Zi was deified; he remains one of the most important deities in religious Taoism.
Lotus - a plant of the water-lily family that grows in water or mud. Because its blossoms emerge pure and beautiful out of muddy waters, Buddhists view the lotus as a symbol of human beings' true nature, which can remain unstained by the mud of the world. The lotus may also symbolize the soul that has attained enlightenment, freed from the mire of the everyday world. The many seeds of the lotus make it also a symbol of fertility. Although it was borrowed from Buddhism, the lotus appears in many Taoist religious images.
Lower Warmer - Anatomical location referring to the abdominal area below the navel, especially encompassing the Kidney and Liver. (The location of the liver is related to its Meridian pathway in the lower groin.) The condition of Damp Heat in the lower Warmer may refer, for example, to an infectious process in the large intestine (dysentery) or in the bladder (urinary tract infection).
Lu - Register; a listing of the names of spirits possessed by those initiated into the Way of the Celestial Masters. Similar to the Christian "book of life"
Meridians - the 12 major pathways through which qi flows, supplying energy and nourishment to the body. Acupuncture needles are placed in points along these pathways to assist in correcting imbalances.
Middle Warmer - Anatomical area below the chest, but above the navel, including the Spleen and Stomach. in Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, the term Spleen/Stomach disharmony often refers to a variety of digestive disorders.
Ming - fate, destiny, life; the physiological element of one's person in Complete Reality cultivation. Also 'name'. In Chinese thought, to name something is to assign it a place in the hierarchy of the universe. The Tao is therefore nameless.
Orifices - The sense organs of the head, including eyes, ears, nose and mouth. In conditions where the orifices are "closed," there is unconsciousness
Organs - a major source of confusion in understanding the Traditional Chinese Medicine. Although the organ names are the same as in Western Medicine, they cover a wide range of systems and functions:
· Liver - includes digestion, circulation, clearing toxins from the blood, regulating the endocrine system, and creating harmony in mental and emotional states
· Spleen - responsible for the digestive system, blood production and circulation, water metabolism and concentration
· Lung - is in charge of respiration, water metabolism, blood circulation and some functions of the immune system
· Kidney - includes urinary and reproductive systems, growth and development, endocrine system, hormones, brain and nervous system, metabolism, bones, hair, and respiratory functions
Outer Alchemy - the branch of alchemy that used elixirs, which would produce immortality when swallowed. The most important ingredients were cinnabar and gold. As Taoism developed, the belief that immortality must be achieved by ingesting an elixir was supplanted by the doctrine of Inner Alchemy.
Pa-kua (or bagua) - eight trigrams. The eight symbols consisting of three strokes (combinations of continuous and broken lines) which form the basic structure of I Ching.
Phoenix - according to Taoist tradition, a mythical bird not related to the phoenix of Western mythology, which arises from ashes. The Chinese phoenix is often paired with the dragon. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the phoenix symbolized the empress and the dragon symbolized the emperor. According to ancient Chinese lore, the appearance of the phoenix on the wutong tree was a testament to the peaceful rule of a virtuous emperor.
P'u - (literally, "uncarved block"). State of simplicity and true nature, as in infancy, before being shaped by knowledge, morality and other influences of society. For Lao-Tzu, this is the state of the ideal ruler.
Qi (or ch'I) pronounced "chee", literally "air, water, vapor, or breath"-a central concept in Taoism, Chinese medicine, philosophy, and art in general. Qi refers to the rhythmic energy that constitutes each and every thing. In Taoism, energy and matter are one and the same -- thus all people are actually qi itself. This is the vital energy or life force which flows through the meridians and is used to protect, transform and warm the body.
Chinese thought does not distinguish between matter and energy, but Qi is considered matter on the verge of becoming energy, or energy at the point of materializing. In Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, it is often referred to as the "energy" present in the Meridians and the organs of the body. It is the fundamental life force or energy that is found in all living things and is formed from the interaction of yin and yang energies.
Qigong (or ch'i-kung) - Qi-skill; an energy practice that became popular in the 19th century - a set of exercises including medatative and physical movements. Used to move qi, thereby maintaining and regaining physical, emotional and spiritual health
Qingjing (or ch'ing-ching) - Purity and stillness; the aims of meditation in the Way of Compete Perfection
Quanzhen (or ch'üan-chen) - Complete Perfection; Total Reality; the monastic Taoist movement founded by Wang Zhe
San Jiao - Triple Warmer or Triple Burner, an "energy system" that has no equivalent in Western conventional medicine.
San Ching - San Ching, represents the three purity manifested from the universal Qi. The first one is Jade Purity (Yu-ching), retaining neutral state. The second one is Superior Purity (Shang-ching), the beginning manifest of visible Qi, the third one is
Seal - an impression in the form of an emblem stamped on a document, painting, or piece of calligraphy to document authorship, ownership, or general appreciation. Seals and inscriptions might also be added to a work over the course of centuries, as the work passes from collector to collector; thus, the study of seals can reveal the history of a work. Seal carving was considered to be a gentleman's pastime in China, and many modern Chinese artists still carve their own seals. The emblems themselves may be carved in stone or ivory. Impressions are always made in red ink.
Self-cultivation - program of meditation and self-discipline that may include scripture study, restricted diet, and breathing exercises designed to bring the individual to a state of spiritual purity
Stagnation - a blockage or buildup of qi or blood that prevents it from flowing freely. Is a precursor of illness and disease and is frequently accompanied by pain or tingling.
Stagnation of Blood (or Congealed Blood) - The Blood has become obstructed and is not flowing smoothly. There is sharp, stabbing pain accompanied by tumors, cysts or swelling of the Organs (most commonly the Liver).
Stagnation of Qi (or Stuck Qi) - The normal movement of Qi is impaired, where it does not flow through the body in a smooth and orderly fashion. Stagnant Qi in the limbs and Meridians may be the origins of pain and aches in the body. Stagnation of Qi in the Lungs may result in coughing and dyspnea. Stagnation of Qi in the Liver may result in distension in the ribs and abdomen, or elsewhere, including breast distension.
Silk Roads - the long and arduous routes by which traders, missionaries, and others traveled between China and the ancient Middle East, so named because silk traveled to the Mediterranean along these routes. The Silk Roads stretched across northwest China into central Asia and then southward to what is now Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, and finally westward toward the Middle East and the Mediterranean.
Solstice - either of the two times of the year when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at noon, marking the longest and shortest days of the year and the change of seasons
Sweet dew - fluid produced by the combination of cosmic force from above the head, and the energy coming from the spine and sky with the digestive and healing enzyme.
T'ai Chi - (literally, "Great Polarity.") Yin and yang. Supreme Ridgepole; the centre of the heavens; Supreme Ultimate the foundational metaphysical principle. In I Ching it reads: "Therefore in (the system of) the Yi there is the Grand Terminus [t'ai-chi], which produced the two elementary Forms. Those two Forms produced the Four emblematic Symbols, which again produced the eight Trigrams." (Legge)
Talismans - abstract, written patterns infused with magical protective powers. In religious Taoism, Taoist priests write talismans. They often resemble a particularly strange and eccentric version of Chinese calligraphy.
Tao - (literally, "Way"). Unchanging principle behind the universe; unproduced producer of all that is. The Tao-te Ching describes it as "something formlessly fashioned, that existed before Heaven and Earth." Conceived as an empty void, the Tao is the powerful force capable of creating the universe. From the Tao was generated qi , the constantly moving energy found in all things, as well as the two complementary forces of yin and yang. To realize the Tao, one must live simply and virtuously, in harmony with nature.
Tao-te Ching (or Daode Jing) - (literally, "Book of the Way and its Power.") Foundational text of Taoism. Attributed to Lao-Tzu and probably composed in the 4th century BCE.
Te (or de) - (literally, "power" or "virtue"). Means through which the Tao becomes manifest and actualized.
Three Officials - a triad of Taoist deities in charge of heaven, earth, and the waters under the earth. The Three Officials record people's good and bad deeds and determine their life span and destiny.
Three Purities (Three Clarities) - the highest deities in Taoism, they reside over the three greatest heavenly realms. Their names are the Celestial Worthy of Primordial Beginning, the Celestial Worthy of Numinous Treasure, and the Celestial Worthy of the Way and Its Power (the divine name given to Lao Zi)
Tiger and Dragon - traditional symbols of yin (tiger) and yang (dragon). The Taiji symbol, introduced during the Song dynasty, eventually surpassed the image of the tiger and dragon as the most commonly recognized visual emblem of yin and yang.
Trigrams (Eight Trigrams) - symbols of the cycle of yin and yang energy present in all things. Each of the Eight Trigrams consists of three horizontal lines that represent either yin or yang energy. Yang energy is depicted as a continuous line, and yin energy by a broken line. Each of the trigrams embodies a particular configuration of yin and yang, ranging from completely yang, with three unbroken lines, to completely yin, with three broken lines. The Eight Trigrams can appear in different orders, arranged in a circle. Not specific to Taoism, the Eight Trigrams were absorbed into Taoism as it became an organized religion.
Triple Warmer - Also called "Triple Burner" and San Jiao in Chinese. In Oriental Medicine, this is a yang organ or, more precisely, an "energy system" that has no equivalent in conventional medicine. The Triple Warmer is crucial to all phases of digestion and has three parts: The Upper Burner (from mouth to Stomach); the Middle Burner (from Stomach to Large Intestine); and the Lower Burner (from Small Intestine to the Rectum).
Triptych - a work of art composed of three panels or parts, usually a center section and one wing on each side. The three sections often share one common subject or theme.
Virgin boy, virgin girl - They represent the un-manifested, non-materialized, and non-separated state, the oneness of two opposites, or the unification between the Great Mother and Heavenly Father, before the seed of multiplication and reproduction.
Way of the Celestial Masters - the first formal Taoist religious organization, founded in the late Han dynasty by Taoist master Zhang Daoling, who claimed to have received teachings from the deified Lao Zi. Members of the Celestial Masters sect addressed the spiritual needs of the community. Communal rites were performed regularly, especially during seasonal changes. The Celestial Masters sect was also responsible for healing, which required the recording of misdeeds on a paper addressed to one of the Three Officials (heaven, earth, or water). The movement remains active in China to this day.
Wei Stage of Febrile Disease - The first stage of Four Stages of Febrile Disease. The Wei Qi is the protective Qi of the body. This stage develops when an 'outside pernicious influence' (OPI) is in the first depth of the body, with symptoms such as fever, a slight fear of cold, headache, coughing, slight thirst, with or without perspiration. It is often an early stage of OPI Wind-Heat syndrome, seen with the common cold or flu.
Wei Syndrome - Weakness and eventual wasting of the musculature, especially of the lower extremities, and the resultant impairment of motor function.
Wind - In Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, this refers to anything that has sudden onset and movement. This may refer to sudden onset from an Outside Factor, such as the common cold or flu (OPI Wind-Cold or Wind-Heat) as seen in an infectious or contagious disease. Or, this may refer to sudden onset form the inside, such as Internal Wind (often referred to as Liver Wind), where there is dizziness, tinnitus, numbness of the limbs, tremors, convulsions and stroke (apoplexy). Because Wind is associated with movement, it is often recognized by signs that move from place to place, such as itching or skin eruptions that change location, spasms, tremors of the limbs, twitching, dizziness, joint and muscle pains that move throughout the body. Wind symptoms are sudden and acute, frequently occurring in the spring, and commonly occur in tandem with other external causes of illness, especially cold.
Wind-Cold - Acute, infectious disease characterized by headache, soreness due to obstructed Meridians; relatively severe chills; low fever; while, moist Tongue moss; floating, tight Pulse.
Wind-Heat - Acute, infectious disease similar to Wind-Cold, however the fever tends to be higher and the chills are less pronounced; the Pulse is floating and fast; the Tongue is dry and reddish, with a yellow moss.
Wu - Not-Being. Not synonymous with nothingness, wu is an immense void containing all potentialities. It is thus interdependent with yu, Being.
Wu-wei - (literally, "non-action") Actionless-action; non-assertive action; action as though non-action. The ideal for rulers as set out in the Tao te Ching.
Xianren (or hsien-jen) - Immortal, transcendent being; sometimes translated in popular literature as "fairy" or "wizard
Yin-Yang - The fundamental principle of two mutually interdependent and constantly interacting polar energies that sustain all living organisms. The interaction of Yin and Yang produces Qi. Yin is described as yielding, passive, negative, dark, and female. Yang is dynamic, assertive, positive, light, and male. The two energies are opposite and yet mutually dependent. Yin may become yang and vice versa, just as day becomes night, cold becomes hot, and the reverse. The behavior of yin and yang describes the structure of any event or thing. It may be said that their dynamic relationship describes the operation of the Tao in its cycles of creation, and that their alternating movement underlies the structure of everything in the universe.
Zhongmin: Seed-people; the name given to those who would survive the impending apocalypse foretold in the southern Celestial Masters tradition
Ziran: Self-so, spontaneous, natural; the basic principle that the Tao follows in its evolution; and the core value of Taoism. |
DraftExpress recently had the chance to take in the Italian league All-Star game at the hosts of the 2006 Winter Olympics, Turin. The expanded squad of the local Italian national team blew out the Champion All-stars made up of some of the top foreigners in Lega Baskets Seria A 93-76 behind the strong play of MVP Massimo Bulleri, but it was the performance of 18 year old Danilo Gallinari that caught our eye in particular.
The game itself was conducted slightly more seriously than your typical all-star game. Things were fairly close for the first 25 minutes or so, as unselfish and extremely efficient play by Rimantas Kaukenas and Harold Jamison kept the legion of foreigners in the game. Eventually their lack of chemistry and poor shot selection did them in, and the Italians dazzled the sold out and extremely enthusiastic crowd of 4,000 behind a fantastic team effort that yielded spectacular results.
Danilo Gallinari got the start despite his status as a rookie in the top Italian league, and did not look out of place for a moment, scoring 11 points in 18 minutes on 5/6 shooting and pulling down 8 rebounds. He also won the 3-point contest by a wide margin. Gallinari might not have been the most athletic player on the floor (Slam Dunk champion Paul McPherson gets the nod here), but he certainly used his athleticism better than anyone else on the court, getting up off the floor on a number of occasions for crowd pleasing alley-oop jams and put-back dunks off offensive rebounds.
What makes Gallinari unique is just how versatile he is. Standing 6-9, he is capable of playing virtually any position on the floor. Extremely strong and physical for his age, with great proportions, he uses his excellent frame to body players up on the perimeter and around the hoop, and has no problem going right into traffic to come up with rebounds. Although he wont out-quick or just leap over most players to come away with a rebound, he is highly instinctive in the way he positions himself and anticipates, often tipping loose balls to himself or to a teammate to ignite the fast break. If the outlet pass isnt there, Gallinari shocks with the way he can put the ball on the floor and handle it comfortably with either hand, surveying the floor accurately and weaving in and out of traffic smoothly the way youd expect a point guard to.
If the defense lapses for even a second, hell show absolutely no hesitation to pull up off the dribble sharply and smoothly the way a true shooting guard would, maybe even with a slight fadeaway and completing the entire sequence with highly polished and picture perfect form. The same impression is received when watching him spot up from the 3-point line after being rewarded for his excellent off the ball movement. Right now he might not be super consistent with his percentages in the Italian league (13/38 in 12 games or 34%), but from the mechanics and touch he shows and the way he absolutely destroyed the competition in the 3-point contest, it cant be too long until he develops into a capable, if not lethal, 3-point shooter.
When asked to create his own shot from the perimeter, Gallinari doesnt outright explode past opponents, but rather uses his mind and terrific skill-set to maneuver his way to the basket, using strong head fakes, terrific ball-handling ability and plenty of craft to outsmart his defender and find space to operate. Once he gets in the lane, his strong body and gritty determination allow him to take contact from opponents and still finish strong. All these characteristics help him become a solid slashing threat at a very high European level from what we saw both here as well as on tape, but its not quite clear how effective hell be in this area once he reaches the next leveleither the Euroleague or NBA.
What is clear is that Gallinari does not force the issue. He is incredibly poised and mature for someone this young, being highly unselfish and more than willing to play within the flow of the offense and defer to his more veteran teammates when need be. Hes a terrific passer who has indeed been hailed as a bit of a point forward, ala Dejan Bodiroga, and from what weve seen there isnt any reason to dispute that.
A player he really reminds of at the same age (since I personally never saw Bodiroga at age 18) is Christian Drejer, now a starter with the top team in Italy, VidiVici Bologna. Unlike Drejer, known for his passive play and lack of killer instinct which has prevented him from elevating his game beyond that of a role-player, Gallinari has intangibles that cannot be taught, including a huge heart, plenty of fight and the type of confidence that leads you to believe that he will not settle for becoming anything less than a star.
While offensively he picks his spots and only at times will look to create offensive opportunities for himself and others, defensively is where his true fighting character really comes out. Gallinari isnt the quickest guy in the world, but hes got the fundamentals down to a science, and hell never allow himself to be outhustled. He moves his feet very well on the perimeter to stay in front of his man and can be really bothersome with his pesky aggressiveness. He understands angles and is not afraid to stick his nose into take a charge when the opportunity presents itself. When asked to switch onto a post player and throw his weight around, he doesnt seem to shy away even one bit, dishing out contact just as easily as he takes it, and as noted having no problem to go after the glass and fight for a rebound, particularly on the offensive end.
What kind of weaknesses can we expect in such a complete player at this phase in his career? The main one would be his athleticism, or rather lack thereof. Gallinari lacks great quickness and explosiveness, although as noted he does take full advantage of what he does have at the moment.
He is off to a great start in his rookie season playing for one of the best teams (Armani Jeans Milan) in arguably the 2nd best domestic league in Europeaveraging 9.3 points per game in 24 minutes on 51% shooting from the fieldbut hell have to continue to produce if a spot in the top half of the first round is what hes after. Hes not the type of player who can simply expect to be drafted in the lottery based off his unlimited upside, although at age 18 hes hardly a finished product at the moment. From what Gallinari himself told us not too long ago, he isnt in a huge rush to leave for the NBA and will most likely not declare for the draft this year. If he decides to leave in 2008as we have him projected on our current draft boardhe does not anticipate his team Armani Milan standing in his way. Another season and a half playing at a very high levelpotentially the Euroleague next year if his team keeps it upwill benefit him greatly. |
ouston BCycle will offer free 30-minute rides from each of its 72 stations to celebrate the Astros' upcoming ALCS homestand.
Anyone 18 or older can walk up to any station, check out as a "Guest User," and enter the promo code "2018" to redeem a BCycle for free.
Redemptions are unlimited. However, any ride lasting longer than 30 minutes will incur a $3 per half-hour overage charge. The timer on a ride ends when the BCycle is firmly checked back into a dock at any station.
For those looking to use the free rides to get to Minute Maid Park, Houston BCycle has plenty of stations in the area, with 15 in downtown and four in nearby East End.
Those planning on enjoying the game at a local bar or restaurant can also use the bikes to skip traffic and parking fees.
Central Market is a Texas staple widely recognized as a marketplace for peak-of-season produce and a purveyor of rare grocery goods. The twisted aisles and secret passageways lead to many a gem, but the Sandwich Bar makes up a sizable percentage of Central Market’s entire profit and that is no coincidence. Access to acres of produce, the freshest ingredients, an adjoined deli and a bakery that never stops are the ingredients that make up the Sandwich Bar’s success.
What most people don’t know is that Central Market has a secret…a secret menu, that is. Before I was writing about food, I was building it behind the counter of the prestigious Sandwich Bar. During my tenure, I learned about these creative customer modifications and off-the-menu items that would give anyone in line behind you a mad case of food envy. Here are some of the best:
Employees come and go, but great ideas are forever. I never had the pleasure of meeting Felicia, a former Sandwich Bar employee (or “partner” as CM employees are so lovingly referred to), but bless her for leaving this significant sandwich behind. For those familiar with Central Market’s most popular sandwich, the California Connection, the Felicia is a far superior update.
Call it narcissistic. Call it vain. I’m going to call it the best secret sandwich of them all. My dad and I dreamt up this muffuletta-inspired sandwich when I was only 16. Over the course of 10 years, the Justine has been honed into the most gluttonous, meat-filled, saucey sandwich that a carnivore could wish for. This double meat, double cheese, quadruple sauce creation will have you groaning for more.
Another employee-conceived masterpiece makes the list, showing love to the underappreciated cold sandwich. The Goblerone showcases Central Market’s ultra-fresh produce, then bites back with the addition of pickled jalapeños and pepper jack. Add bacon and avocado to transform this into the ultimate club.
Think back to the good ol’ lunch box days, when kids used snacks as currency on the playground. The Grilled “Toast Chee” is an ode to the beloved peanut butter cheese cracker. Your taste buds will travel back in time with these familiar sweet-and-salty flavors. Don’t forget the napkins though: This butter-basted sandwich is a little meltier than its cracker counterpart.
Whether you’re gluten-intolerant or simply getting your body right for the summer, subbing bread for lettuce as the binder for your sandwich is a great way to skip out on carbs while retaining all the flavor.
For a completely customized meal you can pick up meats, cheeses, and offerings from the deli or Chef’s Case. Bring your ingredients to the Sandwich Bar and let your imagination run wild! Note, you have to pay for the miscellaneous components separately.
Central Market’s themed events transform the whole store into a culinary adventure. The Sandwich Bar stays follows suit during these events, so make sure not to miss their fleeting menus.
This annual celebration showcases a single country for two weeks towards the end of April or beginning of May each year. Pasaporte Mexico ended on May 3, during which time the Sandwich Bar dished up items like the torta de Salvador, torta de pastor and torta de tinga.
This enormous Hatch chile party brings the heat every August. Discover unique fixings like Hatch pesto and Hatch cheese alongside Hatch chile riddled sandwiches before this pepper’s short-lived season ends.
After expanding the light rail system and redesigning the bus network, Metro is now seeking funds to expand its operations. And that could include something Houstonians have long hoped for
Metro has been holding public events and open houses to get input on “MetroNext,” its plan for expanding Houston’s bus and rail system.
So what are officials hearing at those meetings? Metro Chairman Carrin Patman said riders are asking for more buses to major activity centers along with designated bus lanes. Also high on the wish list is something Houston doesn’t have right now and that’s trains to the airports.
“We’ve gotten a great deal of support so far in comments for taking one of the existing lines down to Hobby,” said Patman. “And then with Intercontinental, there’s always the thought that we’d ideally like to go up there but that really bears further study as to how exactly we’d get up there.”
As for the next step, Patman said a preliminary plan will soon go up for discussion before Metro’s board. Once they come up with a final plan, they’ll put a dollar amount on it.
“We have to, of course, look at our bonding capacity and that has to be taken into account,” added Patman. “We need to get cost numbers on whatever the board and the community decide we need to do.”
Some of the other suggestions that have come up at Metro’s public meetings include improving bus shelters as well as customer service.
Posted on January 22, 2018 · The Houston-area poet talks about his love of the Texas landscape, and he reads his scenic poem, Imagi 31.
A web search let me know that several people are having problems with the speed of the videos on iPhone. Most of them wanted to slow down a video on iPhone.
Some of them were students who wanted to slow down videos on iPhone just because they were having problem viewing courses and the course material were just going too quick. So that was just making it more difficult for them to prepare for their study.
In my earlier post I have written about how to turn on Mono Audio in iPhone. This post is dedicated to all such students and all those people who wanted to slowdown the speed of a video on iPhone.
But before that let me inform you that the contents of this blog are updated frequently. So don’t forget to subscribe to my email list to get useful tips of this blog directly in your Email.
You can slow down a video on iPhone by simply using a free app called Slow Fast Slow. This app is available on the iTunes App store.
This app works with all iOS devices and its new version is 2.5 at the time of writing this post. Apart from that one of the great thing about this app is that it is absolutely free of cost.
It is compatible with iOS 10 or later devices. It is also compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
- You can control the speed of your video or slow down a video on your iPhone with an interactive timeline build in this app.
So here I have simply explained how you can slow a video on iPhone using a free app called Slow Down Slow. Do let me know through comments how this post has helped you. Don't forget to subscribe to my email list.
Montrose, PA is a borough in northern Pennsylvania, northwest of Scranton. Located in Susquehanna County, Montrose is near The Nature Conservancy, Woodbourne Forest and Wildlife Preserve. Serviced by Montrose Area School District and close to Interstate 81, Montrose provides a wonderful living situation ideal for your needs. Montrose has Original Italian Pizza & Restaurant for a good meal and Viewmont Mall for shopping. Need some time outdoors? Salt Springs State Park has waterfalls and hiking trials to help you get some fresh air. Established in 1824, Montrose has much to offer.
Looking for homes for sale in Montrose, PA? Our Montrose real estate office is knowledgeable about the area, and ready to help.
I reinstalled Mandriva and got the same results the second time. This time I went on with the install and completed it. I then began the rest of the instructions with the "Perfect Setup".
1) MySQL could not install because it was missing some dependencies mysql-client and mysql-common. I tried installing these and it said that I was missing perl(dbi).
Never had such problems. Make sure you follow the tutorial to the letter (except where you have to provide custom information).
One question: is it maybe a 64-bit Mandirva you're trying to install? Maybe that's why some of the packages are missing.
I don't know how mailman was installed. The only additional packages I installed was GNOME--during the Mandriva setup. I have been using http://www.falkotimme.com/howtos/perfect_setup_mandrake_10_2/index.php. I downloaded from the mirror you provided as well. I made sure the mode date of the tutorial was the same as the one on HTF. Everything I entered was copied and pasted from the tutorial (except for settings unique to my install--ip addresses, domain, etc.). I will mention that after I installed the o/s, I switched over to my WXP machine so I could putty the rest.
They are on the cd-rom #3, but they must have corrupted during the download, because I tried to install them after the fact; it asked for cd #3 and errored out because they corrupt. I was able to successfully download and install them from the ftp.lip6.fr mirror.
I tried installing these packages (MySQL-common and MySQL-client), but was unsuccessful. It said that I needed perl(dbi), which is a dependency of MySQL-client.
I thought I'd go on to perl, just to see what would happen there. Well, I went through all the configuration and when I tried to telnet localhost, it would not connect.
Okay thanks again. That alowed me to move on. I hope that my 3rd party software accepts version 5 like they say they do...
This is the same problem I have with Debian. This time I have entered a host and domain that is active on the internet and will not be hosted from ISPConfig. To be sure, what DNS servers should I have entered during the Mandriva setup? I am still trying to understand what DNS servers go where--still a newbie, but not a quiter!
You must enter external DNS Servers to resolve Domain names that are not hosted by your server. Normally you get the IP addresses of these name servers from your DSL or datacenter provider.
To be sure, what DNS servers should I have entered during the Mandriva setup? I am still trying to understand what DNS servers go where--still a newbie, but not a quiter!
I landed up aborting the Mandriva install due to these problems. I stayed up all night and reinstalled Debian. I don't know if you remember from before, but I had this same postfix problem with Debian.
Well, I had some luck reinstalling Debian. I have ISPConfig running on it as well as postfix. Everything went flawlessly!
All I have to do now is move the data to the new hd. I am just going to recreate my websites in ISPConfig just to keep it clean. I only have 4 hosted currently so it shouldn't be a big deal. Then I can move the site files over as required.
This tutorial shows how you can enable Compiz Fusion on an Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) desktop with the Unity interface (the system must have a 3D-capable graphics card which I assume it has because otherwise Unity wouldn't start, and GNOME would be used instead). With Compiz Fusion you can use beautiful 3D effects like wobbly windows or a desktop cube on your desktop.
I have tried this on a desktop computer with an NVIDIA GeForce 8200. It should work the same way with all other 3D-capable graphics cards.
Your system might tell you that additional drivers (e.g. the proprietary NVIDIA drivers) are available for installation, but normally you don't need these. The installed driver should work fine and make the system use your graphics card's 3D features because otherwise the Unity desktop would not have started.
The first thing we do is install AWN (Avant Window Navigator), a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop. We use this as a fallback because when we configure Compiz, the Unity navigation and taskbar will disappear temporarily, making it impossible to launch any program or to log out of the current session (which we will have to do at the end to complete the Compiz setup). Once Compiz is configured correctly, you can use the Unity navigation and taskbar again.
The AWN dock should appear at the bottom of your desktop. Because we need to be able to launch programs and log out from that dock, we have to add two applets to the dock that enable us to do these tasks. Right-click on the dock and select Dock Preferences from the menu:
Next go to the Desktop section and uncheck Ubuntu Unity Plugin (this will make the Unity navigation and taskbar disappear)...
Now go to the General section and check if Composite, Gnome Compatibility, and OpenGL are still checked (if not, check them):
Now go back to the Desktop section and check Desktop Cube (you might have to click twice to make the selection):
Description: A tutorial explaining all commands about stack manipulation on the 49. There are also examples and exercises. This is the first version of "Programando na HP 49G". |
NPG Records and Warner Bros. Records have announced that two new Prince releases celebrating the iconic artist's music and are previously unreleased material from his legendary vault, will in fact now be released. This will mark the first Prince recordings dropped since his passing on April 21st of this year. Released on November 22nd in the U.S. and…
Lady Gaga finally released her highly anticipated album "Joanne" on October 21st. The album had been teased with her Lady Gaga x Bud Light dive bar tour, where she sang a few songs off the album, including lead single "Perfect Illusion". The tour started in Nashville with her father in the audience, whose deceased sister…
The Metropolitan Museum of Art announced this week that The Costume Institute’s spring 2017 exhibition will be Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garçons, on view from May 4 through September 4, 2017. The exhibition will examine Kawakubo’s fascination with interstitiality, or the space between boundaries. Existing within and between entities—self/other, object/subject, fashion/anti-fashion—Kawakubo’s work challenges conventional notions of beauty,…
Missoni Creative Director, Angela Missoni, is merging contemporary culture, modern art, and fashion design with her new project which launched this week, Surface Conversion. The project has the intention of developing a series which is based in the idea of sharing, discussing and supporting contemporary art. The ongoing program will be alternating every three months, and will touch upon various disciplines…
Frightgeist, a Halloween themed Google Trends board, has released the top searched Halloween costumes of 2016. At both national and local levels, the site lists 5+ of the most popular searches for those who are lacking in inspiration, or making sure they aren't one in a sea of many. On the national level, the top…
We went backstage at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia from October 13 - 17th with photographer Ryan Koopmans, who shot an exclusive series for The Untitled Magazine behind the scenes at runway shows including Slava Zaitsev, IVKA, Turbo Yulia, Yasya Minochkina, Ksenia Knyazeva, Saint- Tokyo, Sorry, I'm Not, Yulia Nikolaeva, Dasha Gauser, and Viva Vox.
“Donald Trump with KKK” by Alison Jackson. This piece is one of many to be shown in “ONE YEAR OF RESISTANCE.”
New York-based artist, gallerist and curator Indira Cesarine was inspired to create a gallery space and platform for contemporary female artists and feminist art as a genre when she opened TriBeCa gallery The Untitled Space a few years ago. Since its opening, the space has hosted a number of critically-acclaimed shows confronting pertinent themes such as the female gaze on the nude and feminism in art. Now, coinciding with the upcoming one-year anniversary of President Donald Trump’s inauguration, the gallery is gearing up for the opening of “ONE YEAR OF RESISTANCE,” a group show featuring the work of over 80 artists responding to Trump’s destructive policies and behavior.
“A year ago I curated an exhibition titled ‘UPRISE / ANGRY WOMEN‘ at the gallery that was timed with the presidential inauguration and Women’s March on Washington,” Cesarine explains. “That exhibit featured 80 female artists responding to the election of Trump and his sexist, misogynist and racist comments. Our forthcoming exhibition, ‘ONE YEAR OF RESISTANCE,’ is in many respects a follow up to our show from last January. Though not specifically revolving around women’s issues, it rather confronts far broader themes that are affecting society today. ‘ONE YEAR OF RESISTANCE’ give voices to artists from all backgrounds, genders and ages in light of the divisive politics of the last year, shedding light on urgent issues that have brought millions to the streets in protest.”
The works in the exhibition will confront topics ranging from reproductive rights to gun control to xenophobia in a range of media. Alison Jackson’s portraits of Trump using body doubles create scenes that, Jackson says, “we all imagine but have never seen before;” Signe Pierce’s “CONTROL” is a “disarmament of patriarchal constructs that dictate what we are and are not allowed to do…a swift, blunt reminder that in order to know thy enemy, we must also know thyself,” and Desire Moheb Zandi’s multimedia weavings are “inspired by the resistance movement and world immigration crisis.” Cesarine’s own artwork (such as “EQUAL MEANS EQUAL,” a neon light sculpture calling for the end of “discrimination and the abuse of power”) will be displayed alongside that of myriad other artists, male and female, from around the country and globe.
Brooklyn-based painter Annika Connor created “Blind Faith” in response to the greed of Trump’s administration. “It seems that money is the driving factor in politics. These white men in suits don’t care that they can’t see what they agree to and whom they join hands with, as long as dollar bills are backing their decisions,” she writes in her artist statement.
Pop artist Cabell Molina “created a series of paintings and collages that highlight the absurdity of [Trump’s] backward politics” in response to the President and his prehistoric cabinet members’ attempts to stifle women’s rights. “Using actual wording from vintage comics and 50s-style comic drawings combined with some modern imagery, the series hopes to draw attention to the problems with Trump’s administration,” she writes.
Former stand up comedian Joe Tretin created images like the above as a “tribute to our tin-pot dictator, fast-talking charlatan and full-time scoundrel. They are part of a series entitled “Stranger in Paradox.” Instead of showing photographs that lampoon Trump’s image, I concentrated on creating imagery that shows the consequences of his actions, casts his cronies in their true light and shows the absurdity of his actions. I’ve spent the past year dedicated to taking Trump down. These images, along with other actions, are my way of participating in trying to make things right again.”
Desdemona Dallas first began photographing during the Occupy movement. She continues her politically-charged practice with “The Ashes.” “Through the lens of my camera, I have attempted to make sense of America’s cultural upheaval. On my many ventures into the streets to document protests, I found that the American people will not cease to stand up for justice and a better future for the masses,” she says.
Diagnosed with a rare form of cervical cancer in 2010 that eventually led to a full hysterectomy in 2013, photographer Kat Toronto uses “Miss Meatface” as an artistic and spiritual catalyst to delve into a complex set of questions about where she now fits into society as a woman. Her work featured in “ONE YEAR OF RESISTANCE” was born out of a self-induced period of isolation following the election of Trump: “I shut down. I locked myself up in my grandmother’s house and shot as much as I could, putting blindfolds over my eyes and a protective latex skin over my body in order to keep the world out… I spent much of 2017 at my grandmother’s vacant house (she had suffered a severe stroke in May and was moved to a care home as she was no longer capable of taking care of herself) photographing myself going about daily household duties, completely shutting myself off from the outside world and living in my own little universe.”
Painter Dessie Jackson, who has worked with famed fashion photographer Nick Knight, created a similarly personal work for the show. “‘Wet Grass’ is inspired by the #MeToo movement,” she writes. “The painting is a reflection on my personal connection with sexual assault and abuse—it’s a portrait of where I was when it happened to me. The movement has given me an opportunity to confront my personal experiences and has made me feel brave enough to explore and talk about it by hearing and seeing other women do the same.”
Greek artist Eleni Giannopoulou created a framed sculpture of an abortion bed that “argues pro-choice, no matter how hard a woman’s choice is. White, privileged men should not have the power to decide what happens in my own body. Abortion is a hard decision that carries a lot of baggage, and women should be treated respectfully if they choose to undergo it.”
Self-taught artist Linda Friedman Schmidt was born stateless in a German displaced persons camp. She is the first child of Holocaust survivors, a perosnal history that has fueled her passion for creating work that fearlessly addresses religious intolerance, racism, ethnic cleansing, violence and the pain and suffering caused by displacement and war. “HEADS ROLL” is a “powerful visual metaphor for lives tossed aside” It “brings the viewer face to face with disposable clothing, disposable humanity, and the world’s indifference.”
Acclaimed Los Angeles-based photographer Parker Day took the trope of blood and created “something equal parts fearsome and silly” that addresses the ideas of menstruation and reproduction. “Rather than capture a vulnerable femininity, I wanted show the woman as potentially threatening, to subtly question why her body and her blood would be considered threatening at all,” she writes.
Swedish American Michele Pred uncovers the cultural and political meaning behind everyday objects with a particular focus on themes like equal pay, reproductive rights and personal security. “I started to use the phrase ‘My Body My Business’ in my artwork 4 years ago in response to the increasingly difficult access to affordable birth control and women’s health services,” Pred writes. “In this new and dangerous world of a Trump-ian politics that routinely voices unambiguous disdain and hatred, this statement now connects to a much wider range of progressive issues and movements: gender/trans, body positivity, #MeToo and so many more. I chose the purse as my canvas as a way to marry the powerful, politically-charged language of today’s resistance with representations of women’s modern economic power and the possibilities for change that come with it.”
Rebecca Goyette creates persona-based works poking holes in Puritanical sexual mores. “Sausage Party Bride” is a the product of her belief that “sexuality is the most significant gateway into the rich territory of psychology and human interaction, into the remotest ranges of the subconscious mind.”
“ONE YEAR OF RESISTANCE” is proof that people around the world won’t easily back down in the fight against Trump. “It is an important time for those that oppose his political agenda to maintain momentum in their fight against his divisive politics,” Cesarine says. “As an artist and curator I believe in the powerful message of art as activism…Artists have always been perceived as a sort of mirror of the population and with a group show of this size, I think we are able to present a very real picture of what people are thinking and feeling on these subjects right now. We want to create an empowering and positive impact with this show, and hopefully encourage continued investigation of these subjects and themes.”
Cesarine encourages visitors to take their time exploring the exhibit. “The artists’ statements will be available at the exhibition so viewers can read about the artists and what motivated their works in the show. I recommend that visitors give themselves at least an hour to visit the exhibition,” she says. Cesarine also encourages viewers to take their own photos of the art to share with friends on social media.
“ONE YEAR OF RESISTANCE” is an especially important look at the importance of activist art in light of Trump’s proposal to end funding of the National Endowment of the Arts (NEA). “Art is not a luxury; it is our history, it is our story,” Cesarine explains. “It is important that art education and cultural enrichment continue to be accessible as they empower and inspire people.”
“ONE YEAR OF RESISTANCE” opens to the public on January 17th, 2018 and runs until February 4th. The Untitled Space is open weekdays from 12pm to 6pm and weekends 12pm-5pm. |
So do you see yourself as a budding Master Chief? Want to see if you can trash a warthog in real life as badly as you did in the game?
Well if you are in Sydney this weekend coming then this news is for you, the real Halo Warthog will be sitting on Cockatoo Island all weekend (8th and 9th of August) in preperation for the upcoming HALO: ODST launch on the 22nd of September.
It’s starting to feel like the whole “Collectors Edition” idea is starting to get a little out of hand lately.
I am really looking forward to the super-realistic war sim Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising and I have really high hopes for the game but even with my excitement I am not entirely sure how to react to the details and images of its Collectors Edition.
No details on pricing of availability have been released yet but from the looks of things I hope that it it isn’t going to cost too much. All that comes packaged with the usual game is a branded military helmet and a set of dog tags.
I sincerely hope that the game is more impressive than its Collectors Edition. The CE should be available for PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.
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While danger concerns what is in the future, evil concerns what exists in the present. Presently, sin grieves the Holy Spirit and we are encouraged to, “Not grieve not the Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed unto the day of redemption.” Ephesians 4:12. If by our ingratitude we grieve a loving and tender friend, what more is it to grieve the tender, loving Spirit of God who has chosen our hearts as his dwelling place.
You can’t think this and not feel convicted! Our sins were not forgiven so that we may casually and contentedly continue in them. Grieving sin seriously, seeking freedom from its bondage, and vigilantly dealing with it is the ongoing preoccupation of God’s man. If we are not dutiful to kill sin we are not abusers of God’s grace, which incidentally did not come cheap. Becoming good at tracking sin down is a key message of the scriptures, Elimination is the goal. But John isn’t after perfection by human efforts. “But if anyone does sin we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense—Jesus Christ the righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins.” Defeating sin is a lifelong process because we are humans. But John’s reminder of sacrifice recalls the high price, raises our intensity level and renews our commitment to go after sin with the same passion our King did on that ugly Friday 2000 years ago.
There is no complete elimination of sin for the believer on earth. Though the Bible is crystal clear that there is to be a steady weakening of sin through our constant fight with increasing evidence of frequent success, the final victory will go to the Savior.
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MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Police would be required to collect data on race and traffic stops, under an anti-racial profiling bill approved Tuesday by the Alabama Senate.
Senators voted 27-0 for the bill that would require police agencies to annually submit to the state information about traffic stops, including the race and ethnicity of stopped motorists. The bill now moves to the Alabama House of Representatives.
“Profiling exists,” the bill’s sponsor, state Sen. Rodger Smitherman, D- Birmingham, said. “It happens every day.”
During the debate, Smitherman, who is black, described being stopped by police near his home as he and his wife, who is a circuit judge, were driving home after visiting their daughter. Smitherman said he did not receive a ticket and suspected they were stopped because they were a black couple driving a Lexus late at night.
Agencies would be required to annually submit reports on the number of people stopped for traffic violations and the “race, color, ethnicity, gender and age” of the individuals. Police would also report the reason for the stop and the outcome, including if a warning or citation were issued.
The bill would also require police departments to adopt written policies that prohibit the stopping of motorists solely based on “race, color, ethnicity, age, gender, or sexual orientation.”
The state Senate approved the bill last year, but it did not clear the House before the session ended.
Republican Sen Larry Stutts of Tuscumbia said he was concerned lawmakers were sending a message that they did not trust law enforcement. Stutts added an amendment to also collect data on injuries to officers.
TOKYO (AP) _ Carlos Ponce, who belonged to the Milwaukee Brewers’ organization, drove in two runs with his second homer of the Japanese baseball season and a grounder, leading the Yokohama Taiyo Whales to a 4-2 victory over the Yomiuri Giants Sunday.
MADRID, Spain (AP) - Juan Antonio Garcia of Spain won the Madrid marathon Sunday, outlasting a field of more than 3,000 runners.
He covered the 26.2 miles in two hours, 14 minutes and 32 seconds, setting a Madrid marathon record. The previous mark of 2:17:04 was set by countryman Ramiro Matamoros in 1986.
Czaslana Nentlewicz of Poland won the women’s marathon in 2:37:19, and set a record. The previous record of 2:41:46 was set last year by Spain’s Mercedes Calleja.
Among the men, Enrique Cortina of Spain was second in 2:18:08, followed by Dubiel Wielsan of Poland in 2:18:14.
Joaquina Casa of Spain was second in the women’s marathon with 2:48:20, followed by Wanda Sosinka of Britain in 2:52:16.
A total of 3,417 runners, including 80 women, started the race, the 11th Madrid marathon. The event was run through the streets of the Spanish capital and watched by thousands of people.
SINGAPORE (AP) - Monique Javer of Britain won the singles title, while Natalia Byokova and Natalia Mededeva of the Soviet Union won the doubles competition Sunday in the $50,000 Singapore Open women’s tennis tournament.
Javer, a British citizen living in the United States who is ranked 162th in the world, defeated Leila Meskhi of the Soviet Union 7-6, 6-3 in the final Sunday at Kallang Center.
In the doubles competition, Byokova and Mededeva defeated compatriots Meskhi and Svetlana Parkhomenko 7-6, 6-3.
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - Dan Goldie of the United States beat Andrew Castle of Britain 6-3, 6-7 (5-7), 6-0 Sunday to win the KAL Cup Korea Open tennis championship.
Castle saved two match points at 5-6 in the second set with a forcing serve and then an ace. He then battled back from 3-5 in the tie-breaker with four consecutive points, winning the set on a forehand passing shot down the line.
But Goldie, the fifth seed, blanked him in the deciding set, collecting $18,680 for his win. Castle, unseeded, received $5,600.
MURATAMACHI, Japan (AP) - Geoff Lees of Britain, driving a March 88 Honda from the pole position, Sunday won the second race in the six-race Grand Champion Series for his second triumph of the series.
Lees sped 50 laps around the 2.29-mile Sugo racing course in one hour, five minutes, 31.97 seconds for an average speed of 105.130 mph.
Kunimitsu Takahashi of Japan drove his Lola T88 to a second-place finish in 1:05:47.30, followed by compatriot Keiji Matsumoto in a Lola T87, who finished with a time of 1:05:48.63. |
^ Staff Writer (October 15, 2009). "Destruye 'Patricia' 815 has. en agro" (in Spanish). Noroeste. Archived from the original on August 19, 2011. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
^ Associated Press (October 19, 2009). "Weakening Rick threatens Baja California resorts". The Denver Post. Retrieved October 19, 2009.
^ Susy Buchanan (October 19, 2009). "Hurricane Rick kills man, nears Mexico coast". Reuters. Archived from the original on 23 October 2009. Retrieved October 20, 2009.
^ Pete Thomas (October 21, 2009). "Cabo San Lucas bids farewell to Tropical Storm Rick, which caused minimal damage". Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on 24 October 2009. Retrieved October 21, 2009.
^ Unattributed (October 17, 2009). "Overflight indicates Neki did minimal damage in Papahanaumokuakea". The Honolulu Advertiser. Archived from the original on 2009-10-31. Retrieved August 19, 2011.
Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2009_Pacific_hurricane_season&oldid=868007001"
Arab Canadians (French: les Canadiens Arabes) come from all of the countries of the Arab world. According to the 2016 Census there were 523,235 Canadians who claimed Arab ancestry.[1] According to the 2011 Census there were 661,750 Canadians who claimed full or partial ancestry from an Arabic-speaking country.[2] The large majority of the Canadians of Arab origin population live in either Ontario or Quebec. Not all Canadians from the Arab world are Arabs, there are also communities of Armenians, Assyrians, Copts, Kurds, Turcomans, Berbers, and those who espouse a Phoenician or Aramean heritage (see Phoenicianism and Arameanism).
The distribution of the Arab population of Canada according to the 2001 Census, 2011 Census, and 2016 Census was as follows:
Kevin O'Leary - entrepreneur and reality television personality (Dragons' Den, Shark Tank) (of Lebanese and Irish descent)
Omar Alghabra - former Liberal MP (2006–2008) in the federal riding of Mississauga—Erindale in Ontario, Canada (of Syrian descent, born in Saudi Arabia)
Pierre de Bané - former Liberal MP (1968–1984), Cabinet Minister and former Senator (of Palestinian)
Mac Harb - Senator, former Liberal MP (1988–2004) and former Ottawa City Councilor (of Lebanese descent)
Sana Hassainia - current NDP member of House of Commons for Verchères—Les Patriotes riding (of Tunisian descent)
Lorraine Michael - former Nun, leader of New Democratic Party of Newfoundland and Labrador (of Lebanese descent)
Maria Mourani - current Bloc Québécois MP (2006–) in federal riding of Ahuntsic in Quebec, Canada (of Lebanese descent)
Djaouida Sellah - current NDP member of House of Commons for Saint-Bruno—Saint-Hubert (of Algerian descent)
Maher Arar - human rights activist; deportation and tortured victim in Syrian jail (of Syrian descent)
Anisa Mehdi - Emmy Award-winning film director, journalist and director of Inside Mecca (of Iraqi descent)
Fabian Joseph - former professional hockey player (Canada men's national ice hockey team) (of Lebanese descent)
CAM is an adaptation for increased efficiency in the use of water, and so is typically found in plants growing in arid conditions.[3]
During the night, a plant employing CAM has its stomata open, allowing CO2 to enter and be fixed as organic acids that are stored in vacuoles. During the day the stomata are closed (thus preventing water loss), and the carbon is released to the Calvin cycle so that photosynthesis may take place.
The carbon dioxide is fixed in the cytoplasm of mesophyll cells by a PEP reaction similar to that of C4 pathway. But, unlike the C4 mechanism, the resulting organic acids are stored in vacuoles for later use; that is, they are not immediately passed on to the Calvin cycle. The latter cannot operate during the night because the light reactions that provide it with ATP and NADPH cannot take place.
During the day, the CO2-storing organic acids are released from the vacuoles of the mesophyll cells and enter the stroma of the chloroplasts where an enzyme releases the CO2, which then enters into the Calvin cycle.
The most important benefit of CAM to the plant is the ability to leave most leaf stomata closed during the day.[4] Plants employing CAM are most common in arid environments, where water comes at a premium. Being able to keep stomata closed during the hottest and driest part of the day reduces the loss of water through evapotranspiration, allowing such plants to grow in environments that would otherwise be far too dry. Plants using only C3 carbon fixation, for example, lose 97% of the water they uptake through the roots to transpiration - a high cost avoided by plants able to employ CAM.[5][What percentage is lost in CAM plants?]
The C4 pathway bears resemblance to CAM; both act to concentrate CO2 around RuBisCO, thereby increasing its efficiency. CAM concentrates it temporally, providing CO2 during the day, and not at night, when respiration is the dominant reaction. C4 plants, in contrast, concentrate CO2 spatially, with a RuBisCO reaction centre in a "bundle sheath cell" being inundated with CO2. Due to the inactivity required by the CAM mechanism, C4 carbon fixation has a greater efficiency in terms of PGA synthesis.
Plants with CAM must control storage of CO2 and its reduction to branched carbohydrates in space and time.
At low temperatures (frequently at night), plants using CAM open their stomata, CO2 molecules diffuse into the spongy mesophyll's intracellular spaces and then into the cytoplasm. Here, they can meet phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), which is a phosphorylated triose. During this time, the plants are synthesizing a protein called PEP carboxylase kinase (PEP-C kinase), whose expression can be inhibited by high temperatures (frequently at daylight) and the presence of malate. PEP-C kinase phosphorylates its target enzyme PEP carboxylase (PEP-C). Phosphorylation dramatically enhances the enzyme's capability to catalyze the formation of oxaloacetate, which can be subsequently transformed into malate by NAD+ malate dehydrogenase. Malate is then transported via malate shuttles into the vacuole, where it is converted into the storage form malic acid. In contrast to PEP-C kinase, PEP-C is synthesized all the time but almost inhibited at daylight either by dephosphorylation via PEP-C phosphatase or directly by binding malate. The latter is not possible at low temperatures, since malate is efficiently transported into the vacuole, whereas PEP-C kinase readily inverts dephosphorylation.
In daylight, plants using CAM close their guard cells and discharge malate that is subsequently transported into chloroplasts. There, depending on plant species, it is cleaved into pyruvate and CO2 either by malic enzyme or by PEP carboxykinase. CO2 is then introduced into the Calvin cycle, a coupled and self-recovering enzyme system, which is used to build branched carbohydrates. The by-product pyruvate can be further degraded in the mitochondrial citric acid cycle, thereby providing additional CO2 molecules for the Calvin Cycle. Pyruvate can also be used to recover PEP via pyruvate phosphate dikinase, a high-energy step, which requires ATP and an additional phosphate. During the following cool night, PEP is finally exported into the cytoplasm, where it is involved in fixing carbon dioxide via malate.
Plants use CAM to different degrees. Some are "obligate CAM plants", i.e. they use only CAM in photosynthesis, although they vary in the amount of CO2 they are able to store as organic acids; they are sometimes divided into "strong CAM" and "weak CAM" plants on this basis. Other plants show "inducible CAM", in which they are able to switch between using either the C3 or C4 mechanism and CAM depending on environmental conditions. Another group of plants employ "CAM-cycling", in which their stomata do not open at night; the plants instead recycle CO2 produced by respiration as well as storing some CO2 during the day.[3]
Plants showing inducible CAM and CAM-cycling are typically found in conditions where periods of water shortage alternate with periods when water is freely available. Periodic drought – a feature of semi-arid regions – is one cause of water shortage. Plants which grow on trees or rocks (as epiphytes or lithophytes) also experience variations in water availability. Salinity, high light levels and nutrient availability are other factors which have been shown to induce CAM.[3]
Since CAM is an adaptation to arid conditions, plants using CAM often display other xerophytic characters, such as thick, reduced leaves with a low surface-area-to-volume ratio; thick cuticle; and stomata sunken into pits. Some shed their leaves during the dry season; others (the succulents[6]) store water in vacuoles. CAM also causes taste differences: plants may have an increasingly sour taste during the night yet become sweeter-tasting during the day. This is due to malic acid being stored in the vacuoles of the plants' cells during the night and then being used up during the day.[7]
CAM photosynthesis is also found in aquatic species in at least 4 genera, including: Isoetes, Crassula, Littorella, Sagittaria, and possibly Vallisneria,[8] being found in a variety of species e.g. Isoetes howellii, Crassula aquatica.
These plants follow the same nocturnal acid accumulation and daytime deacidification as terrestrial CAM species.[9] However, the reason for CAM in aquatic plants is not due to a lack of available water, but a limited supply of CO2.[8] CO2 is limited due to slow diffusion in water, 10000x slower than in air. The problem is especially acute under acid pH, where the only inorganic carbon species present is CO2, with no available bicarbonate or carbonate supply.
Aquatic CAM plants capture carbon at night when it is abundant due to a lack of competition from other photosynthetic organisms.[9] This also results in lowered photorespiration due to less photosynthetically generated oxygen.
Aquatic CAM is most marked in the summer months when there is increased competition for CO2, compared to the winter months. However, in the winter months CAM still has a significant role.[10]
Plants which are able to switch between different methods of carbon fixation include Portulacaria afra, better known as Dwarf Jade Plant, which normally uses C3 fixation but can use CAM if it is drought-stressed,[12] and Portulaca oleracea, better known as Purslane, which normally uses C4 fixation but is also able to switch to CAM when drought-stressed.[13]
CAM has evolved convergently many times.[14] It occurs in 16,000 species (about 7% of plants), belonging to over 300 genera and around 40 families, but this is thought to be a considerable underestimate.[15] It is found in quillworts (relatives of club mosses), in ferns, and in Gnetopsida, but the great majority of plants using CAM are angiosperms (flowering plants).
Cactaceae xerophyte Almost all cacti have obligate Crassulacean Acid Metabolism in their stems; the few cacti with leaves may have C3 Metabolism in those leaves;[26] seedlings have C3 Metabolism.[27]
Portulacaceae xerophyte recorded in approximately half of the genera (note: Portulacaceae is paraphyletic with respect to Cactaceae and Didiereaceae)[28]
Euphorbiaceae[29] CAM is found is some species of Euphorbia[30][32] including some formerly placed in the sunk genera Monadenium,[30] Pedilanthus[32] and Synadenium. C4 photosynthesis is also found in Euphorbia (subgenus Chamaesyce).
Geraniales Geraniaceae CAM is found in some succulent species of Pelargonium,[34] and is also reported from Geranium pratense[35]
Salvadoraceae[40] CAM is found in Salvadora persica.[40] Salvadoraceae were previously placed in order Celastrales, but are now placed in Brassicales.
Fabales Fabaceae[40] CAM is found in Prosopis juliflora (listed under the family Salvadoraceae in Sayed's (2001) table,[40]) but is currently in the family Fabaceae (Leguminosae) according to The Plant List[42]).
Ruscaceae[29] Sansevieria[30][40] (This genus is listed under the family Dracaenaceae in Sayed's (2001) table, but currently in the family Asparagaceae according to The Plant List), Dracaena[52]
Foreign relations of Portugal are linked with its historical role as a major player in the Age of Discovery and the holder of the now defunct Portuguese Empire. Portugal is a European Union member country and a founding member of NATO. It is a committed proponent of European integration and transatlantic relations. Augusto Santos Silva is the current Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal.
Portugal was a founding member of NATO (1949), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (1961), and European Free Trade Area (1960); it left the latter in 1986 to join the European Economic Community, which would become the European Union (EU) in 1993. In 1996, it co-founded the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP). The country is a member state of the United Nations since 1955.
Portugal has been a significant beneficiary of the EU. It was among the top beneficiaries of the EU-15 between 1995 and 2004 (only behind Spain and Greece in absolute terms, and behind Ireland and Greece in a per capita basis).[1] Portugal is a proponent of European integration and held the presidency of the European Union for the second time during the first half of 2000, and again in the second half of 2007. Portugal used its term to launch a dialogue between the EU and Africa and to begin to take steps to make the European economy dynamic and competitive. In 2002, the euro began to circulate as Portugal's currency. José Sócrates, as Prime Minister of Portugal, presided over the rotative Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the period July–December 2007.[2] In this post, Sócrates and his team focused on the EU-Brazil (1st EU-Brazil summit) and EU-African Union (2007 Africa-EU Summit) relations, as well as in the approval of the Treaty of Lisbon.
Portugal ruled Angola for 400 years,[3] colonizing the territory from 1483 until independence in 1975. Angola's war for independence did not end in a military victory for either side, but was suspended as a result of a coup in Portugal, that replaced the Caetano regime with a Military junta.
Relations between Brazil and Portugal have spanned over four centuries, beginning in 1532 with the establishment of São Vicente, the first Portuguese permanent settlement in the Americas, up to the present day.[4] Relations between the two are intrinsically tied because of the Portuguese Empire. They continue to be bound by a common language and ancestral lines in Portuguese Brazilians, which can be traced back hundreds of years.
Portugal has an embassy in Mexico City and honorary consulates in Cancun, Monterrey and Veracruz city.[6]
Armenia is represented in Portugal through its embassy in Rome, Italy.[7] Portugal is represented in Armenia through its embassy in Moscow, Russia.[8]
Relations between India and Portugal began amicably in 1947 when the former achieved independence. Relations went into decline after 1950 over Portugal's refusal to surrender its enclaves of Goa, Daman and Diu on India's west coast. By 1955, the two nations had cut off diplomatic relations, triggering a crisis which precipitated in the invasion of Portuguese India in 1961. Portugal refused to recognize Indian sovereignty over the annexed territories until 1974 when, following the Carnation Revolution, the new government in Lisbon recognized Indian sovereignty and restored diplomatic relations.
Relations have turned cordial since then and a number of state visits have been made, treaties have been signed. Indo-Portuguese bilateral trade grew from USD 69 million in 1991 to USD 289.52 million in 2005.
The Indian state of Goa hosted the 2013 Lusophony Games, the third edition of the multi-sport event for delegations representing every Portuguese-speaking National Olympic Committees.
In 1999, Indonesia and Portugal restored diplomatic relations, which were broken off following the Indonesian invasion of East Timor in 1975. Indonesia has an embassy in Lisbon,[9] and Portugal has an embassy in Jakarta.[10]
Since 1959 Israel and Portugal were represented by Consulates General only. Full diplomatic relations with the Israeli government were established in 1977, following the Portuguese revolution of 1974.[11]
In 1975, North Korea and Portugal established diplomatic relations.[12] In 2017, Portugal cuts diplomatic ties with North Korea.[13]
Although far apart in geographical terms, the known contacts between Portugal and Korea date from the beginning of the 17th century.
In 1604, a Portuguese merchant, João Mendes, traveled to East Asia via Macao to engage in trading and, after having been taken captive along with other crew in a sea battle with a Japanese foreign trade mission boat, landed in Tongyang, on the Southeastern coast of Korea.
But before that – throughout the 16th century - both Portuguese cartography and texts written by Portuguese Jesuit fathers provide a significant number of references to Korea. Luís de Fróis, in his History of Japan (which includes ten chapters on Korea), Tomé Pires, in his Summa Oriental, Fernão Mendes Pinto, celebrated author of The Peregrination, Fernão Vaz Dourado, Gaspar Vilela, or father Manuel Teixeira, are some of the authors and cartographers where numerous references to Korea can be found.
On the basis of toponyms related to Korea found in texts written and charts drawn by Portuguese travelers and cartographers, Korean historians have attributed to the Portuguese the introduction of Korea to the Western world.
Thus, Portugal and Korea can trace their relations back to the era when Portugal played a pioneering role in opening the sea routes between Europe and Asia, between East and West, setting out the first wave of globalization and fostering multiform contacts and exchanges between different civilizations that became the hallmark of the modern world.
Today, the relations between Portugal and Korea stand on solid grounds, built upon an extensive network of bilateral agreements and political visits at high level, as well as on a growing exchange of people to people contacts. With Asia taking centerpiece place in the world economy and Korea playing a leading role in Asia, trade and relations between both countries are expected to develop further.
On the sidelines of their meeting on April 10 the South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se and his Portuguese counterpart Rui Machete signed the Memorandum of Understanding between South Korea and Portugal concerning a Working Holiday Program.
The Memorandum of understanding (MOU) was brought into force on April 10, 2014, allowing an annual 200 youngsters aged 18–30 of each country to stay in the other country for up to one year traveling and working.
South Korea is the first country Portugal has concluded such an MOU with The bilateral MOU is expected to offer opportunities to future leaders of the two countries to better understand each other’s cultures and promote exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.
Turkey's 161 years of political relations with Portugal date back to the Ottoman period when the Visconde do Seixal was appointed as an envoy to Istanbul. Diplomatic relations ceased during World War I and were re-established in the Republican period in 1926. A resident embassy was established in 1957.
Portugal recognized Kosovo on October 7, 2008.[21][22][23] Kosovo has formally announced its decision to open an embassy in Lisbon.[24]
Malta has an embassy in Lisbon and four honorary consulates, in the Algarve, Azores, Lisbon, and Porto).[25]
Portugal established diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Serbia on October 19, 1917.[27] Relations continued with the successor Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The Portuguese recognized the government in exile of this state after the German occupation of 1941.[28] Relations with the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which took power in 1945 after World War II, were only established in 1974 after the Portuguese Carnation Revolution.[29] Following the dissolution of SFR Yugoslavia during the Yugoslav wars, Portugal maintained relations with the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, later reconstituted as Serbia and Montenegro and finally as Serbia after Montenegro declared its independence in July 2006.[30] Portugal has an embassy in Belgrade. Serbia has an embassy in Lisbon.[30]
In April 1999, Portugal participated in the NATO bombing of Serbia from the Aviano air base in Italy.[31] Portugal also provided troops as part of NATO peacekeeping efforts in the breakaway Serbian province of Kosovo in 1999.[32] In April 1999, Serbia filed a complaint with the International Court of Justice regarding Portugal's use of force in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.[33] As of 2007, Portugal still had about 300 troops in Kosovo.[34]
In December 1997, President of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milošević received Portuguese Foreign Minister Jaime Gama to discuss strengthening bilateral relations.[35]
In January 2002, Jaime Gama returned to Yugoslavia in his capacity as Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Chairman-in-Office. The OSCE was engaged in stabilizing the situation in southern Serbia following the Kosovo War.[36]
In November 2003, the President of Serbia and Montenegro, Svetozar Marović, visited Portugal. During this visit, he signed an agreement on the succession of Bilateral Agreements between Yugoslavia and Portugal, extending prior agreements on tourism, business, scientific, and technological co-operation, and co-operation in information.[30]
In July 2005, Portuguese Minister of Defense Luís Amado visited Serbia and Montenegro, where he discussed military co-operation with his Serbian counterpart.[37]
In May, 2007, Portuguese Foreign Minister Luís Amado gave strong support for Serbian ambitions to join the European Union.[38]
In October 2008, Portugal recognized Kosovo's independence from Serbia.[40] (See also Kosovan–Portuguese relations.)
In November 2008, Portuguese Foreign Minister Luís Amado met with his Serbian counterpart Vuk Jeremić in Belgrade and voiced his support for removing the suspension of a trade agreement between Serbia and the European Union.[41] Also that month, the Serbian Minister of Science and Technological Development met a Portuguese delegation and discussed cooperation in energy efficiency, nanotechnology, and the food industry, with plans to sign a co-operation agreement on science and technology by the end of 2008.[42]
In February 2009, Serbian Defence Minister Dragan Šutanovac met with his Portuguese counterpart Nuno Severiano Teixeira. They signed an agreement on defense cooperation and discussed Serbia's NATO bid.[43][44]
In June 2009, Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković met with Portuguese parliamentary speaker Jaime Gama, and discussed improvements to bilateral cooperation.[45]
In the January–October 2006 period, bilateral trade between Serbia and Portugal were estimated at US$12.7 million.[30]
Historically, the two states were long-standing adversaries, but in recent years, they have enjoyed a much friendlier relationship and in 1986, they entered the European Union together.
As of 2015, according to United Nations statistics, there are 45,051 Ukrainians living in Portugal.[47]
^ Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: direction of Armenians embassies around the world Archived March 4, 2009, at the Wayback Machine.
^ Communiqué issued on 18 July 1977 by the Permanent Mission of Portugal to the United Nations Archived February 22, 2014, at the Wayback Machine.
^ "Diplomatic Missions of Kosovo Abroad (Albanian)" Archived 2009-02-07 at the Wayback Machine. Kosovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Link accessed 01/10/09
^ "NATO-member Portugal wants to withdraw troops from Kosovo". International Action Center (New York). October 24, 2000. Retrieved 2009-08-04.
^ "OSCE Chairman-in-Office visits Belgrade and Podgorica". OSCE. 18 February 2002. Retrieved 2009-08-04.
^ "Serbia-Montenegro, Portugal to promote military cooperation". Xinhua News Agency. July 25, 2005. Retrieved 2009-08-04.
^ "Portugal favors unfreezing of trade deal". B92 Radio (Serbia). 25 November 2008. Archived from the original on 7 June 2011. Retrieved 2009-08-04.
^ "Serbia is Strengthening its Cooperation Links in S&T". European Community's Programme for International Cooperation. November 16, 2008. Archived from the original on July 24, 2011. Retrieved 2009-08-06.
^ "Serbia, Portugal in defense cooperation". B92 Radio (Serbia). 14 February 2009. Archived from the original on 7 June 2011. Retrieved 2009-08-04.
^ United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. "Trends in International Migrant Stock: Migrants by Destination and Origin, Table 16. Total migrant stock at mid-year by origin and by major area, region, country or area of destination, 2015". United Nations Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. United Nations. Retrieved 23 January 2018.
Irving Solomon "Irv" Teibel (October 9, 1938 - October 28, 2010) was an American field recordist, graphic designer, and photographer. His company, Syntonic Research, Inc., is best known for its influential environments psychoacoustic recording series (1969-1979) and The Altered Nixon Speech (1973). Teibel was also an accomplished photographer who worked as an editor for Ziff Davis and photographed for Popular Photography and Car and Driver.
Teibel was born in Buffalo, New York in 1938.[1] He attended the Rochester Institute of Technology and the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California before serving in the army as a public information specialist in Stuttgart, Germany. During this time he became interested in electronic music and musique concrète and began experimenting with tape at a local radio station.[2] While in Germany he also claimed to have studied briefly with Karlheinz Stockhausen. "Interview with Irv Teibel" (Interview). Austin. Retrieved April 28, 2017.
Teibel returned from Europe in 1966 and settled in New York City where he worked a number of jobs including associate editor at Ziff Davis. He also took night classes in electronic music at The New School during this time and was a founding resident of the famous Westbeth Artists Community. In 1969, he worked with Tony Conrad on Conrad's film Coming Attractions which involved recording the ocean at Coney Island. After this experience, Teibel became interested in using natural white noise for psychological purposes. Working with neuropsychologist Lou Gerstman at Bell Labs, he processed a short ocean loop recorded at Brighton Beach through an IBM 360 computer to create one continuous thirty-minute soundscape.[3] This became the first environments recording, "The Psychologically Ultimate Seashore." The record was unique for its extremely long playback times—30 minutes per side at 331⁄3 rpm—and could be played at any speed from 162⁄3 up to 45 rpm. "The Psychologically Ultimate Seashore" was one of the first commercially available releases edited with a mainframe computer[4] and one of the earlier examples of commercial quadraphonic sound.[5]
In 1970, Teibel created an environmental sound installation for the Museum of Contemporary Crafts,[6] and in 1971, he began teaching a class in experimental recording techniques at The New School.[7]
In 1973, to demonstrate how magnetic tape could be manipulated, Teibel edited Richard Nixon’s August 15th speech to reveal that the president, in fact, had “prior knowledge” of the Watergate break-in. In the subsequent years, Teibel performed as an expert witness for magnetic tape technology.
In 1981, Teibel moved to Austin, Texas, with his then-wife Rosanne. They had two daughters, Jennifer and Dara. He lived in Austin for 29 years until his death on October 28, 2010 at age 72.[1]
Over the years, Teibel's recordings attracted significant national and international attention from publications like The New York Times.[2] Teibel claimed environments 6 was excerpted in the “Sounds of Earth” audio collage aboard the Voyager Spacecraft’s Golden Record (this is still unverified).[9] His work also appears in Terrence Malick’s Days of Heaven, credited as "special environmental sound recording,"[10] and Errol Morris' Gates of Heaven as "environmental sound."[11] In 2013, his work appeared in Lise Raven's film Kinderwald.[12]
Music critic Robert Christgau described Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music as "Lou's answer to Environments"[13] and Lester Bangs included environments 2 on his list of the "Ten Most Ridiculous Records of the Seventies."[14] Musicians Dominick Fernow[15] and Mica Levi[16] have also listed environments LPs of among their favorite recordings. Outside magazine included environments 1 on their list of "The Top 10 Field Recordings."[17] The album cover for the drone metal group Earth's album Earth 2 is an homage to the environments 2 CD with its "special low frequency version" message.
Atlas Obscura has described Teibel as "a forgotten 1970s-era hippie polymath."[18] They go on to explain his lasting influence: "If you flip on a waterfall to fall asleep, if you keep rainymood.com in your bookmarks, if you associate well-being with the sound of streams and crickets or wonder why the beach never quite sounds as tranquil as you imagine, it's because of Teibel."[18]
Pitchfork elaborates on the novelty of Teibel's work: "Now, Teibel’s concept—the soothing sounds of nature, or at least a synthesized facsimile of it—is quaint, the wallpaper of therapy waiting rooms and spa foyers. At the time, it was entirely new."[19] They go on to explain the complicated place Teibel's work inhabits in the history of field recording and music: "Here was nature not as it is, but as we hope it’ll be, the lullaby of waves without the sand in our trunks."[19]
In February 2018, the Chicago reissue label Numero Group re-released Teibel's original recordings as an ambient sound app for iOS devices.[20]
^ Harvey, Dennis (13 February 2014). "Film Review: 'Kinderwald'". Variety. Retrieved 9 September 2014.
Onutė Narbutaitė (born June 12, 1956, Vilnius)[1] is a Lithuanian composer. She graduated in 1979 from the Lithuanian State Conservatory where she studied composition with Julius Juzeliūnas. From 1979 to 1982 she taught music theory and history there. Since then she has been working as a freelance composer in Vilnius. Her works have been performed at concerts and music festivals in Stockholm, Helsinki, Munich, Bern, Amsterdam, Seattle, Canada, and Japan.[1]
"Melody in the garden of olives" (Lith."Melodija alyvu sode") for trumpet and 2 strings quartets (2000)
Priming (foaming in North America) is a condition in the boiler of a steam locomotive in which water is carried over into the steam delivery. It may be caused by impurities in the water, which foams up as it boils, or simply too high a water level. It is harmful to the valves and pistons, as lubrication is washed away, and can be dangerous as any water collecting in the cylinders is not compressible and if trapped may fracture the cylinder head or piston.
The most frequent cause is running the locomotive with too high a level of water in the boiler and is most apparent when the regulator is opened sharply or steam demand is high. Thus, sensible locomotive management by the operators will help to prevent the occurrence. The phenomenon is particularly evident in areas of impure water, where boiled water creates a foam, or a mist of droplets, filling the space that collects steam at the top of the boiler, to be drawn down the steam collector pipe in the form of slugs of water. If boiler water is condensed and re-used, any oil or grease must be extracted as this form of contamination is particularly likely to give trouble.
Early designers fitted curved sheets below the steam collector pipe, but these were not successful as the whole of the steam space could contain foam. In districts where the feed water is unsuitable, blowdown valves ("scum valves"), either continuously working while the regulator is open or operated in conjunction with the boiler feed, are fitted. Valves at water level reduce surface scum; those towards the bottom of the boiler help remove precipitated solids. Other forms of prevention include the chemical treatment of water before it enters the boiler. In the event of priming (and also when steam is admitted through cold piping or into a cold cylinder) the operators need to open the cylinder cocks, which are designed to release trapped water. Once occurring, the problem can affect the level indicated in the boiler's gauge glass and for this reason is difficult to put right without reducing the water level to the extent that the firebox crown becomes dangerously exposed.
Shake is a discontinued image compositing package used in the post-production industry developed by Apple Inc. Shake was widely used in visual effects and digital compositing for film, video and commercials. Shake exposed its node graph architecture graphically. It enabled complex image processing sequences to be designed through the connection of effects "nodes" in a graphical workflow interface. This type of compositing interface allowed great flexibility, including the ability to modify the parameters of an earlier image processing step "in context" (while viewing the final composite). Many other compositing packages, such as Blender, eyeon Fusion, Nuke and Cineon, also used a similar node-based approach.
Shake was available for Mac OS X and Linux. Support for Microsoft Windows and IRIX was discontinued in previous versions.[1][2]
On July 30, 2009, Apple discontinued Shake.[3] No direct product replacement was announced by Apple, but some features are now available in Final Cut Studio and Motion, such as the SmoothCam filter.[4]
In 1996, Arnaud Hervas and Allen Edwards founded Nothing Real, and released Shake 1.0 as a command-line tool for image processing to high-end visual effects facilities in early 1997.
Emmanuel Mogenet joined the R&D as a senior developer in the summer of 1997 as Shake 2.0 was being rewritten with a full user interface. In the fall of 1997, Dan Candela (R&D), Louis Cetorelli (head of support) and Peter Warner (designer/expert user) were added to the team. After initially working as a consultant in early 1998, Ron Brinkmann also joined in spring of 1998 as product manager. This core group were all among the original Sony Imageworks employees.
Shake 2.0 was first shown at the 1998 NAB conference as an alpha demo with a minimal set of nodes, a node view and the player. A more complete beta version of Shake was shown at the 1998 SIGGRAPH conference.
Version 2 was released in early 1999 for Windows NT and IRIX, costing $9900 US per license, or $3900 for a render-only license. Over the next few years, Shake rapidly became the standard compositing software in the visual effects industry for feature films.
In 2002, Apple Computer acquired Nothing Real.[5] A few months later, they released version 2.5,[6] which introduced Mac OS X compatibility. To strengthen the Mac's position in production studios, the Mac version held a price of $4950 US, and users of the non-Mac operating systems were given the offer of doubling the number of licenses at no extra cost by migrating to Mac OS X. In 2003, version 3 of Shake was announced,[7] which introduced the Qmaster software, discontinued support for Microsoft Windows, and allowed unlimited network render clients at no additional cost. A year later, the release of Shake 3.5 at the National Association of Broadcasters show saw the price drop to $2999 for Mac OS X and $4999 for Linux and IRIX.
In April 2005 Apple announced Shake 4 at a pre-NAB event. New features included 3D multi-plane compositing, 32-bit Keylight and Primatte keying, Optical Flow image processing (time-remapping and image stabilisation), Final Cut Pro 5 integration and extensions to their open, extensible scripting language and SDK. Shake 4 had no IRIX version.
At the NAB event in April 2006, Apple announced that Shake 4.1 would be a Universal Binary version and would ship in May that year. It was actually released on June 20, 2006 and was rebranded as a companion for Final Cut Studio;[8] as such, its price was dropped from $2999 to $499 for Mac OS X (but remained the same for Linux). At the same time, Apple also announced that they would end support for Shake. Rumor web sites claimed that Apple was working on a next-generation compositing application codenamed Phenomenon.[9] Existing maintenance program subscribers had the option to license the Shake source code for $50,000 USD.
On July 30, 2009, Apple removed Shake from its online store and website. Shake had been officially been declared 'end of life' status 3 years prior but continued being sold in the Apple Store for $499 until that time.[10] The Shake website now redirects to Apple's Final Cut Pro X website.
Shake was used in such films as Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings[11] and King Kong[12], as well as Harry Potter[13] films and Cloverfield[14]. It was also used by The Embassy to create a television advertisement for Citroën with a dancing car. Shake was used by Broadway Video for restoring the release of “Saturday Night Live: The Complete First Season” DVD box set. It is also in use by CBS Digital for creating new visual effects for Star Trek Remastered.
Shake was also used for video post-production, but in this field Autodesk's Flint, Flame and Inferno systems were usually used in conjunction with Shake for a fast turnaround of projects. Shake's historical strength had been the ability to work better with very high resolution formats such as 2K, 4K and IMAX used in the motion picture industry.
^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on June 8, 2011. Retrieved September 11, 2017. CS1 maint: Archived copy as title (link)
^ "Apple Announces Shake 2.5 for Mac OS X" (Press release). Apple Computer. July 22, 2002. Archived from the original on July 26, 2006. Retrieved August 21, 2006.
^ "Apple Announced Shake 3" (Press release). Apple Computer. April 6, 2003. Archived from the original on July 26, 2006. Retrieved August 21, 2006.
^ "Apple Releases Shake 4.1" (Press release). Apple Computer. June 20, 2006. Archived from the original on August 13, 2006. Retrieved August 21, 2006.
"The Chain" is a song by the British-American rock band Fleetwood Mac, released on their critically acclaimed, best-selling album Rumours.[1][2][3] It is the only song from the album credited to all five members (Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham, Christine McVie, John McVie, and Mick Fleetwood).
"The Chain" was created from combinations of several previously rejected materials, including solo work by Buckingham, Nicks and Christine McVie. It was assembled, often manually by splicing tapes with a razor blade, at the Record Plant in Sausalito, California, with hired engineers Ken Caillat and Richard Dashut.[4]
Following the critical and commercial success of Rumours, "The Chain" has become a staple of the band's live shows, typically the opening song. It was featured as the opening track on The Dance, a 1997 live concert CD/DVD release, as well as several greatest hits compilations. It has attained particular fame in the United Kingdom, where the instrumental section is used as the theme tune for the BBC and Channel 4's television coverage of Formula One.[5][6]
According to interviews on the writing of Rumours, the final section of "The Chain"—beginning with a bass progression—was created by John McVie and Mick Fleetwood. Stevie Nicks had written the lyrics separately and thought they would be a good match; she and Christine McVie did some reworking to create the first section of the tune. Other elements were worked in from an early project of Christine's called "Keep Me There".[4] The blues-style piano motif was removed, and the remainder combined with a bridge from yet another piece manually using a razor blade to cut and splice the tapes. To complete the song, Buckingham recycled the intro from an earlier song from a duet with Nicks, "Lola (My Love)", originally released on their self-titled 1973 album.[7]
Due to the spliced nature of the record (the drums and guitar were the only instruments actually recorded in each other's company) and its sporadic composition and assembly from different rejected songs, "The Chain" is one of only a few Fleetwood Mac songs whose authorship is credited to all members of the band at the time.[4] The finished song itself has a basic rock structure, although it has two distinct portions: the main verse and chorus, and the outro. The song shows influences of hard rock, folk, and country, using a dobro to play the guitar riff.[4][8]
Rumours garnered widespread critical acclaim upon its release. Subsequent analysis of "The Chain" has also led many to cite it as one of the most evocative expressions of the internal fracture between various band members at the time. Buckingham and Nicks were ending their relationship at the same time that John and Christine McVie's marriage broke down, as did that of Fleetwood and his wife Jenny Boyd.[4] In 1997, Fleetwood Mac released a live concert CD/DVD package called The Dance, which featured the reunion of the Rumours-era Fleetwood Mac members. The rendition of "The Chain" reached number 30 on the Billboard Mainstream Rock Tracks chart. It has also appeared on 25 Years - The Chain and The Very Best of Fleetwood Mac.
The song was recorded by the American rock band Tantric, released as the second single off their 2004 second album After We Go. Though being released as a single the song lacked much promotion, debuting at number 36 on the US Mainstream Rock chart.
Tantric's cover of the song was used as the theme song for the HBO Documentary series Family Bonds.[11]
The BBC's Formula One coverage used the ending bass line as a theme tune from 1978 until the BBC's loss of TV rights to ITV Sport in 1997, thus making the song highly recognisable in the United Kingdom.[12] On 29 March 2009 the song re-entered the UK Chart at #94 through downloads, following confirmation from the BBC that it would be reintroduced, the BBC having regained broadcasting rights from ITV. On 20 March 2011, "The Chain" peaked higher at #81 in the UK chart following a campaign on Facebook to try to get the song to number 1 for the start of the 2011 Formula One season.[5] By April 2018, the song had been certified Platinum by the British Phonographic Industry based on download sales alone, making it one of Fleetwood Mac's most successful songs in the UK.[citation needed]
Marvel Studios utilized "The Chain" in two trailers for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, including one that aired during Super Bowl LI.[13] It is heard twice in the film itself, and appears in the movie's soundtrack, Awesome Mix Vol. 2.[14]
The song is also featured in a scene of the 2017 biographical film about Tonya Harding, I, Tonya and appears on the soundtrack.
^ a b "BBC Formula One coverage to bring back Fleetwood Mac's 'The Chain'". Daily Telegraph. 24 February 2009. Retrieved 19 March 2011.
^ Klein, Jamie (12 February 2016). "Channel 4 to keep 'The Chain' as F1 theme song". Motorsport.com. Retrieved 12 February 2016.
^ Kennelty, Greg (September 22, 2018). "TOOTHGRINDER's Cover Of "The Chain" By FLEETWOOD MAC Is Really Well Done". Metal Injection. Retrieved October 2, 2018.
^ Zahlaway, Jon Tantric takes another swing on U.S. club circuit Archived 2009-03-25 at the Wayback Machine. LiveDaily.com (August 26, 2004). Retrieved March 22, 2008.
The Ciphers of the Monks: a Forgotten Number-notation of the Middle Ages is a book by David A. King.
The book describes in detail a numeral system that was commonly used by European monks in the Middle Ages. That number system allowed one to write numbers from 1 to 9999 with minimum of strokes. This numeral system later fell out of use.[1]
The system uses a vertical straight line as its main symbol. This symbol is essentially an axis that divides the two-dimensional plane into four quadrants. Each of these four quadrants signifies one of the four digits. The number can then be determined by visual inspection.[2][3]
The numeral system was invented in the 1300s by French Cistercian monks. It was later replaced by the Hindu–Arabic numeral system. In any case, this numeral system later inspired several shorthands and secret ciphers.
Hermeneutics is the theory of text interpretation, especially the interpretation of biblical texts, wisdom literature, and philosophical texts. |
GandALF 2018, the Ninth International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification, will be held September 26–28 in Saarbrücken.
It is the first time that the symposium is taking place outside of Italy. The aim of symposium is to bring together researchers from academia and industry who are actively working in the fields of games, automata, logics, and formal verification. Hence, GandALF 2018 covers a wide spectrum of themes to stimulate cross-fertilization, ranging from theory to applications.
FRANCISTOWN: Francistown City Council (FCC) employees have accused senior management officials of forcing them to supply primary schools in the city rotting sorghum to be consumed by pupils.
The FCC chief education secretary, Leslie Botsie who is directly involved with the supply of food rations to primary schools in the city is alleged to be amongst those pushing council officers to supply the sorghum rations that are not in a desirable state for consumption.
While the sorghum was supplied between late last year and early this year, employees suspect that it might have been kept longer than the prescribed time or special precautions were not taken while it was under storage. As a result, the sorghum ended up moulding and in the process attracting weevils.
“The council just ordered in bulk for the sake of ordering, now it piles. Some 25kg sorghum bags have gone bad and the only thing that can be done is to be thrown away but they (senior officials) don’t want to do that.
“They want it delivered in its current state because that way they will be covered (from accusations of wasting the taxpayer’s money) as they will argue that the sorghum was delivered to schools in a good state but was not used in time,” said one of the employees speaking on condition of anonymity.
According to the aggrieved council employees, sorghum in 1,552 bags purchased last year and early this year has moulded and is infested with weevils.
The officers added that some primary schools have already discarded the condemned sorghum outside their kitchens. The officers alleged that the city council is supposed to carry out random tests on its sorghum stock before supplying to schools, but the procedure is not being followed in relation to the current sorghum supplies as it is inevitable that they will be condemned.
The previous Thursday morning, Mmegi visited Phatsimo, one of the primary schools that is alleged to have received the sorghum that has moulded and is infested with weevils.
Upon arrival one of the school officials who did not want to be named confirmed that there was sorghum that has moulded and has weevils. She pointed out that the sorghum was outside the kitchen. When asked when the sorghum was supplied, the officers became hostile before referring further enquiries to the head teacher. The head teacher was also hostile and did not want to dwell much on the matter. The head teacher was adamant that she was not the one to take questions from the media referring all enquiries to the FCC.
One of her colleagues, a teacher apparently responsible for the school feed intimated that some of their sorghum supplies had moulded. She claimed that the supply came before the schools closed and only to realise when the schools reopened that the sorghum had turned bad and was not fit for consumption.
There was no denying that within the kitchen courtyard, there were some sorghum bags stored just outside the school store-room, which could not be used because they gone irretrievably bad.
Mmegi also has it on good authority that on the same day of Mmegi’s visit in the afternoon, the head teacher of Phatsimo reportedly turned down another supply stating that it was not in a desired state for consumption by pupils.
Other primary schools that allegedly received the condemned sorghum are Mahudiri and Mokaleng. In fact, late last week cooks at Mahudiri are also alleged to have turned down another supply ration from council officials as it was not suitable for consumption.
Yesterday, Botsie rubbished claims that the FCC is forcing its officers to supply sorghum that is not suitable for consumption to schools. “We have professional people at the warehouse who regularly test food items that are supplied by the council to schools and other government organisations. If the food is not fit for consumption they issue a condemnation certificate,” said Botsie.
He added in his response, “We supply schools with food monthly and on a weekly basis we receive reports on the stock we have supplied. If there is a problem with the food supplied, the schools report to us and we act accordingly. Schools have not reported any problem with regards to our food supplies in recent times”.
Botsie also offered an explanation as to why the head teacher at Phatsimo turned down some supplies.
“The reason why the school head at Phatsimo did not receive the sorghum bags is because she said that they were using a single pot at their kitchen as others were still under maintenance.”
Asked why the head teacher did not take the sorghum bags to the kitchen storeroom, as they had nothing to do with the maintenance of electric pots Botsie said, “I am not privy to all the details but what I understand is that the head teacher used her discretion when turning down the sorghum supply”.
Yesterday council employees at the supplies department maintained their original stance. They said that Botsie’s position is a public relations exercise. Children at the mentioned schools either go hungry, or are forced to eat rotten sorghum meals. |
Joining the Toyota lineup for the 2018 model year, the C-HR brings a fresh compact crossover option for drivers who desire an efficient yet capable vehicle to get them from point A to point B. The C-HR has an incredibly stylish and aerodynamic exterior in addition to a wide array of next-level technologies that set it apart from the crowd.
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It’s music, madness, and Mozart at Bainbridge Performing Arts this March. AMADEUS, Peter Schaffer’s Tony and Oscar award winning story of passion, jealousy, and revenge comes to vivid life with the sublime music of Mozart performed live by a Chamber group and choral ensemble. In the court of the Austrian Emperor Josef, Antonio Salieri is the established composer. Enter the greatest musical genius of all time: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Salieri has given himself to God so that he might realize his sole ambition to be a great composer. Mozart is a foul-mouthed, graceless oaf who has that which is beyond Salieri’s envious grasp: Genius.
Beloved by Bainbridge audiences for her insightful direction of Snow Falling on Cedars, The Kentucky Cycle, Distracted, Private Eyes, Arcadia, The Grapes of Wrath, Picasso at the Lapin Agile, More Fun Than Bowling, Anton in Show Business, Art and The Philadelphia Story, Director Kate Carruthers is joined by a stellar artistic team, including BPA’s Resident Musical Director Josh Anderson (Mary Poppins, Hair, The Drowsy Chaperone, Monty Python’s Spamalot, Little Shop of Horrors, Avenue Q, Shrek, and the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee), and Music Supervisor Jon Brenner and Associate Music Director Elizabeth Faye – both long-standing performers with the BPA Mainstage Band.
The beguiling cast of BPA stage veterans and newcomers includes Nelsen Spickard as Antonio Salieri, Luke Walker as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Melissa Fenwick as Constanze Weber, Dara Lillis as Emperor Joseph II, Ron Mackley as Count Johann Kilian Von Strack, David Skover as Count Franz Orsini-Rosenberg, Rob Burke as Baron Gottfried Van Swieten, Frank Buxton as Kapellmeister Guiseppe Bonno, Jennifer Pippin-Montanez as Teresa Salieri, Chapple Langemack as Salieri’s Cook, Will Langemack as Salieri’s Valet, Geoff Finney and Lee Ann Hittenberger as Venticelli, and Tori Konig as Katharina Cavalieri.
AMADEUS appears at BPA March 11 – 26, with shows Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 3:00 p.m. A special Pay-What-You-Can Preview will be held Thursday, March 10 at 7:30 p.m., and the Opening Night Reception will be Friday, March 11 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets, $27 for adults, $22 for seniors, and $19 for students, youth, military, and teachers, may be purchased online at www.bainbridgeperformingarts.org, by phone at 206.842.8569 or in person at BPA, 200 Madison Avenue North, Bainbridge Island. BPA Box Office hours are 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Wednesday through Friday, and one hour prior to each performance. AMADEUS is produced by special arrangement with Samuel French. AMADEUS deals with emotionally intense material, some language, and adult situations. The production is recommended for ages 12 and older.
Bainbridge Performing Arts extends special thanks to Title Sponsor Merrill Lynch Wealth Management and Community Sponsors The Maggi Rogers Fund and The Morgan Fund. BPA is supported, in part, by Bainbridge Community Foundation and One Call for All. Bainbridge Performing Arts is pleased to offer an “Open Doors” program. Free and reduced-cost tickets are available for most programs to community members in need through our partner Helpline House thanks to grants from the Mabee Family and Bainbridge Community Foundations. Please contact the BPA Box Office at 206.842.8569 or Helpline House to reserve tickets today. |
My 65th birthday taught me something, or maybe it's better to say, it caused me to focus on something that has always been just slightly out of my view. I'm still working out the implications for my work and for my life. Yeah, it was kind of big for me. Let me tell you what happened.
I've been unwell, really unwell, for a week now. I should have gone to the doctor earlier, but I didn't. So as my birthday approached, I was feeling really tired. Tired from coughing. Tired from lousy sleeps because of coughing. Tired enough to make everything, including things I like, seem burdensome. Even celebrating my birthday, which I had looked forward to, seemed like work to me.
But plans had been made. It wasn't going to be a big deal but it was going to be fun, and delicious. The girls and their mom were coming over and they, along with Joe, would make a huge batch of pancakes. Half blue berry and half chocolate chip, I was on the blueberry list, I'll leave you to guess who was on the chocolate chip list.
When they arrived I had moved from mys spot in my wheelchair here at the computer over to my big chair in the front room. Joe and I had been watching television and when the doorbell rang, he got up and when the door opened the noise began. It was happy noise. It was 'we're here' noise. It was welcomed noise. In they came to the front room and the first of many 'Happy Birthdays' was wished. We all talked together for a few minutes and then it was time for the kitchen.
Ruby and Sadie followed Joe to the kitchen and soon pancakes were underway. Marissa stayed and talked with me a bit and then, coming to a call from the kitchen, she went along to check on the progress and see what she could do for help. This left me alone. The room was darkened, purposely, so the Christmas lights could do their job of making the place seem warm and welcoming.
I took the moment alone to push back in my big, soft chair, and close my eyes. I could feel the warmth from the heater, I could smell the pancakes cooking, I could here the gentle sound of industrious children excited to be doing something for someone else. I could hear the sound of all of their voices, a soft symphony of instruments all perfectly tuned.
But more than that, much more than that, the sounds and the smells and the warmth combined with the weaving wonderful sound of voices in harmony with each other, I felt safe. Completely and utterly safe.
But there I sat, just a bit apart hearing the world around me and knowing that in no dark corner of my house, in no dark corner of anyone's mind, lurked danger. No one would hurt me tonight. I felt that. I knew that deep down inside me.
I rarely to never feel completely safe. As a person who lives at many intersections regarding disability, and sexuality and weight I am easy prey for a wide segment of the population and I have often shrunk deep down inside my body, hidden myself away, making who I am seem to be what they see and knowing that they are wrong. This is how I protect myself.
But I could rise up from that hidden place. I could inhabit all of my body and all of my differences because they are known here, yes, but they are cherished here as well. No one here would wish me different.
The next day I began to think of the people we serve who have significant disabilities, who are often those who experience life from other rooms of awareness. Who hear sounds. Who hear voices. Who smell smells. Who experience welcome though senses and through a lifetime of learning. Their mental age is the chronological age, people learn from the lives they live and should be respected for who they have come and how they have managed to survive.
Can we create moments where people who may seldom feel safe, completely and totally, in their body and in their mind and in their soul safe?
How do we use what's at hand to create at first moments and then, perhaps even, lifetimes of feeling safe, and warm and welcome? How do we make it safe for people to rise up and live fully in their body, fully in their world?
your writing is so clear that I felt as if i were in the room, hearing, smelling, seeing the scene. I've only met you once, so it is hard to 'see' you - though you reveal parts of your self clearly.
what you describe feels to me like what a baby feels being held when he is well-fed, warm, and in his mother's arms...that first intimate and life giving connection...
i think that experience of safety and belonging and serenity is what we all long for...and it is so rare for adults. How to ensure this experience for those who have disabilities, or who are seriously ill or in pain, or aging and feeling trapped is a mystery.
A few moments of that experience - such as you write about- is powerful and transformative for the recipient and the giver, if the giver is aware.
I am not sure how to make everyone feel safe but the descriptions you gave of the feeling you had this day are wonderful. I can just imagine the smells and sounds and I certainly know the feeling.
The word safety is often thrown around lightly, with simple solutions and with little understanding of what it really means. Many people have so little of it in their life or would even understand that concept. Love how you describe the simple things that support safety...
I use a bunch of different pieces of technology to put Dave’s Picks together every week. I also use it as a test-bed for new things I’m learning. Sometimes this will make things appear a little rough around the edges as I’m figuring something new out, but generally I try to keep everything happy and HTML 4.0 compliant.
This is an attempt to describe all of those bits of technology, plus give some reasons for why I chose them. But first I need to give a little history, since that will provide some background for the decisions I made. I’ll continue adding to this file as I change things, so it’ll be an ongoing history.
Finally, rather than being the usual most-recent-first order, this is in straight chronological order. It makes more sense for someone who’s reading it for the first time that way, and I think that’s important.
I started Dave’s Picks on Friday 21. November, 1997. Well, I actually started it before then, but that’s the oldest entry that survives. I was at WAM!NET at the time, and found that a lot of folks in the office were missing out on news that was relevant to our business. I was sending around links to news stories via email. Rather than clogging email boxes, I decided to start publishing those links to the web every Friday.
I’d been using Frontier to build web stuff for a while, and the ability to have a scripts menu appear in my browser that could fetch the URL and title of a web-page was pretty cool. Plus, Frontier has an outliner, which I used heavily to get the structure I wanted to sort the links out every week.
When I was laid-off from WAM!NET in January of 1999 and decided to start my own business, Dave’s Picks provided a diversion while I was getting the business up and running (you wouldn’t believe how much time was spent waiting on other people because I didn’t know how long things took). It also gave me a chance to keep current with the latest changes in HTML.
I’d been running Dave’s Picks over on my personal site up to this point, but in November, 1999, I bought the davespicks.com domain name, and started running pre-release versions of Manila. I spent 2000 trying out cool ideas using Manila and generally being happy with the product, though its mysterious crashes got on my nerves.
This went on until March, 2001, when I’d finally had enough. The same bugs that I’d reported late in 1999 were still there in 2001. They would crash my server hard, and as near as I could tell, nobody was looking into the problems. They certainly weren’t getting solved.
So I bought my first x86 machine in nearly 15 years. It’s an AMD box, built by General NanoSystems. I wanted a bit of security (another thing lacking in Manila), so I installed OpenBSD 2.8 and a slew of patches, got Apache up and running, installed PHP and got that working. Then, because that was working too well, I decided to upgrade to OpenBSD 2.9, the latest Apache, PHP and MySQL and had everything completely broken for a while. Finally got back to a clean 2.9 build and documented how I needed to build all the various pieces, and that’s what’s serving these pages.
The twice-weekly updates of Dave’s Picks were still generated using Frontier in March of 2001. Many of the other pages are built using BBEdit, and use Apache Server Side Includes or PHP to supply things like the navigation on the right (I used to have navigation both on left and right, but decided I liked things better with just one navigation bar -- you can’t get to a specific month in the archives with a single-click anymore, but there’s a search now, so you don’t need to, either).
In December, 2001, prompted by Verio killing the server at best.com that had held those web pages for me since 1995, I wrote a bunch of software to wrap every page at Dave’s Picks a template to give the site a consistent look (including the hundreds of pages I migrated from best.com). This software’s written mostly in PHP, and is based on the template class within PHPLib. It also uses mod_rewrite to keep the URLs looking pretty (though if you get something wrong in mod_rewrite, it’s quite possible to have a server task chew up incredible amounts of memory, which can make the server pretty sluggish. Beware the infinite loop.
Rather than having to re-render all the pages in Frontier just to change the look, I can edit one template file by hand and everything changes. I’ve also got a better chance of cleaning up the code so I can make the transition from HTML 4.01 Transitional to XHTML 1.0 one of these days. There’s little chance of Frontier 5.0 ever generating XHTML for me.
Of course in changing to using PHP templates, I broke the search I had running when I did that, but I expect to have it working soon. And with the newfound flexibility, I can maybe drop Frontier entirely. I’ll be happy to not have it crashing my desktop Mac for me.
There’s also the sitemap. Since I was mucking with everything, I decided I’d add some intelligent caching to the sitemap. Now when you ask for the sitemap, it checks to see if the existing map is "current enough", and if it is, the cached version gets returned, rather than worrying about building a new one each time. Quicker response is good, especially since I display the sitemap when a requested page isn’t found.
The most recent changes (30. December, 2001) are the Suggest a Pick script and changes to the CSS and HTML to throw a background behind the date lines in the picks to make them stand out better.
The Suggest a Pick script pops a form for you, takes the information, formats it up just like in the final output version and writes it to a file only I can access. I’m currently manually moving things from that file into the main page, but the plan is that I’ll eventually write more scripts to automate this process. The bonus is that I can collect the various items until I’ve got enough for a theme. Having a script on my server also means that I’m no longer using Frontier 5.0 for the day-to-day work of keeping Dave’s Picks up to date. Everything new is added via the web, and I can do the editing either via BBEdit’s FTP functionality, using vi from a shell on my server, or any of a number of other ways.
The idea behind highlighting the date line for each entry is that eventually each date will be a separate file (or will at least look that way from the outside). Putting in the extra information now will allow me to break the old archives into pieces automatically, rather than having to do it by hand.
I describe how I improved handling incoming requests with an extra period or greater-than at the end of the URL in writing/programming/progexample1.html.
There have been multiple changes I didn’t document, but I’ve updated the Suggest a Pick script so that multiple categories are supported per item. This is part of a larger plan to do the following:
I’ve got a lot of work left to get all that done, but one of the first things I wanted to do was have multiple categories for a single posting. That lets me categorize things better as I enter them, and capturing that data is important to me. The rest of it is all display stuff, and I can worry about that as time goes on. But one of these days I’d still like to get Dave’s Picks being a real content management system with a lot less manual intervention on my part. I’d like to think this is the first step along the way.
I finially finished switching over the archives so each month has a directory. Thanks to Bill for some help writing the perl script that did much of the work. The to-do list is now: |
What better way to unwind than a mass meditation with over a thousand other people from across the country?
The Big Quiet, an organization that “brings meditation to the masses,” is hosting a mass meditation and sound experience event in New York City on March 19 that sounds as relaxing as it does awesome; but don’t book your plane tickets just yet. While the real-life event takes place at the One World Observatory – atop One World Trade Center, the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere – the Historic Third Ward’s Kimpton Journeyman Hotel brings the event local on the hotel’s rooftop Sunday evening.
The meditation trend is no foreign concept in Milwaukee. Recently, West Milwaukee Intermediate School implemented “Mindful Mondays” and now frequently begins classes with a “mindful minute.” At local non-profit Growing Minds, instructors guide their young students through sun salutations after they sing in unison about their chakras. More and more wellness studios are popping up around the city than ever before.
Milwaukee is one of seven North American locations to host The Big Quiet via livestream. The night begins with a community-led meditation followed by a live streaming of the NYC event around 9 p.m. Later in the evening, enjoy a reception featuring music by local string musicians and locally-made tea provided by Urbal Tea.
Third Ward athleisure boutique Kit and Ace (which also has NYC locations) is collaborating with The Big Quiet to make the event possible. The brand, an offshoot of Lululemon Athletica, is a natural fit for the mass-meditation event; their online magazine The Ante features stories such as How to Use Mindfulness to Break Your Bad Habits and How to Meditate Anywhere.
The group meditation at the Kimpton Journeyman Hotel is free and open to the public, but attendees must make reservations through Eventbrite.
1. "It is better to risk saving a guilty man than to condemn an innocent one. " Sung-Woo Cho and Brendan Ryu http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/v/voltaire_4.html
3. Divorce is probably of nearly the same date as marriage. I believe, however, that marriage is some weeks the more ancient. -Voltaire Michael Cho 9F
8.1.1. For example, you are free not to go to school, but you go because you need to learn, go to college, and get favorable jobs
9. It is said that the present is pregnant with the future. Minae and Michelle http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/v/voltaire_4.html
9.2. Every man's life lies within the present; for the past is spent and done with, and the future is uncertain. Marcus Aurelius - http://www.wisdomquotes.com/cat_future.html
10. I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it. - Jenny Kim & Yun Ji Lee http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/v/voltaire_3.html
10.1. Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God.” -Diana Robinson http://thinkexist.com/quotations/prayer/
11. There is a wide difference between speaking to deceive, and being silent to be impenetrable. http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Voltaire/
12. ...the safest course is to do nothing against one's conscience. With this secret, we can enjoy life and have no fear from death. Voltaire (http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Voltaire/) John Jung 9F
13. "God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/1389.html
14. God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.- Chris Kim 9F - http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Voltaire/
14.1. “God places the heaviest burden on those who can carry its weight.” - Chris Kim 9F http://thinkexist.com/quotations/god/
15.1. Courage and conviction are powerful weapons against an enemy who depends only on fists or guns. Animals know when you are afraid; a coward knows when you are not. - David Seabury Joshua Park
16.1. "When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail." - Abraham Maslow (1908-1970)
17. Every man is guilty of all the good he didn't do. Austin Yoo http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Voltaire/
17.1. “Punishment - The justice that the guilty deal out to those that are caught.” Elbert Hubbard quoteshttp://thinkexist.com/quotes/with/keyword/guilty/
19. Business is the salt of life. -Voltaire Justin Ko & Andrew Park You need a plan to build a house. To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or goal. Zig Ziglar - Planning - Goals - Life http://www.woopidoo.com/business_quotes/important-quotes.htm |
We are at an unprecedented time in history – when we have novel possibilities for creating and sharing data (Twitter, Facebook, wikis, blogs, collaboratively created databases and other social media) as well as analytical tools that allow us to visualize the vast, oftentimes unorganized amounts of this invisible data. Could those be used toward understanding of a complex phenomenon called innovation?
Researchers and other investigators of ecosystems of companies and connected individuals can actually see the entities, relationships and forces they’re making sense of! With data-driven images, they can visually share the current realities and desired transformations with program managers, change makers and others interested in the phenomena.
In this session, we are going to describe the concept of innovation ecosystem, define questions that are yet to be answered, present visualization-driven methods of social media analysis, and discuss how these methods may be applied in the context of innovation ecosystem research. Further, we give a review of some of the openly available and easy-to-use tools for visual network analysis such as NodeXL and Gephi as well as other visualisation tools that can be used to complement network analysis.
This event follows the Innovation Ecosystem Summit (http://mediax.stanford.edu/summit2011.html) organized on July 11, 2011 hosted by Media X at Stanford (http://mediax.stanford.edu/).
Some speakers are yet to be confirmed. The titles are preliminary and may change for the final program.
Breaking Bad, Midnight in Paris, The Descendants, and Modern Family were among the big winners at the Writers Guild of America awards last night. Woody Allen won for best original screenplay for Paris, and Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon, and Jim Rash won for best adapted screenplay for The Descendants. The WGA awards are imperfect Oscar foreshadowers, though, because the nominees tend to be so different; Midnight in Paris and Bridesmaids were nominated for both awards, but 50/50, Win Win, and Young Adult were WGA-only.
On the TV side, Breaking Bad won for best drama, and “Box Cutter,” its fourth season-premiere, tied with Homeland’s “The Good Soldier” for best episode. Modern Family won for best comedy, and its “Caught in the Act” won for best comedy episode. Homeland won best new series, and The Colbert Report won for best comedy/variety series. Host Zooey Deschanel called the ceremony the “nerd prom,” even though true nerds know that description is reserved for the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.
Is Vioobu a real streaming platform created by, directed by, edited by, showrun by, and starring Clip Cup’s Craig Healy, or a ruse by some very talented, very committed comedians? Only you can decide. YOU. Because I’m not blowing it.
Though we (or, you) may never know the hard truth about this masterpiece, one thing’s for sure: this love note to the deluge of premium dramedies about comedians’ struggles being comedians, but also people, but ALSO comedians is my favorite thing online this week. By a-da-far (inside joke, watch Cuplicated if you wanna get it).
Martin Dolling has several years of experience in the marketing and strategy fields of the telecommunication manufacturing industry, and he worked many years as consultant for business economics, specialized in medium-sized enterprises (SME’s). He was also responsible for the Private Equity and Venture Capital business in a major bank, and he was responsible managing director of a technology holding for almost three years.
As managing director of the Wagemann + Partner – New Consulting – Business Consulting, Martin Dolling is mainly responsible for the business economic consultancy and the structuring of financing of medium-sized enterprises and young technology companies.
Wagemann + Partner PartG mbB is a tax advisory, audit and CPA firm experienced in providing advice in all issues of tax law and accounting that you are facing.
Every day when my wife Lee and I make our way to the pool for lap swim we give thanks for the great way we have to exercise our no-longer-young-or-healthy selves. What we need is more company.
It’s good that plenty of kids are still enrolling in swimming lessons (a new session begins next week). And thanks to the school's use of the pool in PE each fall, we probably live in one of the most swimming literate communities in the state.
One way we could improve is for more adults to take advantage of the lap swims at 8:30 a.m., and 5:30 p.m., or water aerobics at 7:30 a.m., and 6:30 p.m. Six punch passes are available this year, providing a way to make a commitment to exercising without getting in too deep (so to speak.)
Remember, the best way to show our appreciation for this great resource is to make use of it. See you at the pool!
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1009 NE 32ND St has a Walk Score of 0 out of 100. This location is a Car-Dependent neighborhood so almost all errands require a car.
1009 NE 32ND St is in the city of Moore, OK. Moore has an average Walk Score of 30 and has 55,081 residents. |
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The tour promoted by Salewa to discover the climber of the future begins again this April. Five Italian climbing gyms take part in the event which spans 9 countries. The Salewa Rock Show 2013 is about to kick off. For the fifth year running the.
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Greenpeace said Monday that hazardous chemicals were "widely present" in a range of outdoor gear it tested, from clothing and footwear to backpacks, tents and sleeping. Norrona and Salewa, especially in the production of footwear, trousers, sleeping.
The tour promoted by Salewa to discover the climber of the future begins again this April. Five Italian climbing gyms take part in the event which spans 9 countries. The Salewa Rock Show 2013 is about to kick off. For the fifth year running.
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The Ruth Kirschstein Diversity in Science Award was established to honor an outstanding scientist who has shown a strong commitment to the encouragement of under-represented minorities to enter the scientific enterprise and/or to the effective mentorship of those within it. The award will consist of a plaque, a cash prize of $3,000, and travel expenses to present a lecture at the annual ASBMB meeting. The recipient will be chosen by the ASBMB Minority Affairs Committee. Nominations must be originated by society members; however, the nominee need not be an ASBMB member.
• Medical, dental and veterinary students, who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, are eligible to apply.
Increasingly, we hear that future science must take on a team approach (1), without classical, single-discipline academic silos. This future likely will involve public–private partnerships linking academia and industry with each other and the public sector (2, 3). A key to the formation of any successful multidisciplinary team is communication, including the appreciation for and understanding of each other’s expertise. Through its new, yearlong Medical Research Scholars Program, the National Institutes of Health is trying to seed the fields of translational research by training one necessary segment of future biomedical science teams, health professional students, across the entire spectrum of research, from basic discovery to epidemiology and back. The overarching goal, in the spirit of the NIH Roadmap, is to help “advance science and enhance the health of the nation” (4).
Since its founding, the NIH has been committed to the training of future biomedical researchers and clinician–scientists. As a result, many American basic scientists received their Ph.D.s through NIH-sponsored training programs, as did many double-degreed clinician–scientists. When one of us (Baum) completed his Ph.D. in biochemistry in the mid-1970s through such a training program, the future looked bright for an academic research career, and it was. However, right now the future seems uncertain for all stripes of young biomedical scientists. As Bob Dylan sang in 1964, “The times they are a changin’.”
A major accelerator for change in biomedical research occurred in 2003, when then-NIH Director Elias Zerhouni published a paper in the journal Science announcing the NIH Roadmap (5). Two of the three major themes described were “research teams of the future” and “reengineering the clinical research enterprise” (5). Since then, translational research and multidisciplinary science have become catchwords, while the country’s current economic woes have led to concerns about the financial support available for and the preeminence of American biomedical science (6, 7). Not surprisingly, the bidirectional research emphasis and economic challenges have sparked concern about career opportunities available for young scientists and students, whether they are focused on either the basic or clinical science ends of the biomedical research continuum (8, 9).
The MRSP evolved from two past highly successful yearlong intramural NIH training programs that ran in parallel: the Clinical Research Training Program, which existed for 15 years, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute-NIH Research Scholars Program, which existed for more than 25 years. These two programs allowed more than 1,400 medical, dental and veterinary students to experience the spectrum of health-related science, albeit in a nonintegrated way. Impressively, the majority of alumni from these two programs, who have been tracked after completing all of their clinical training, are engaged in research. Both programs, however, ended with the close of the 2011 – 2012 academic year, and in their place emerged the MRSP, a single program in which student-scholars are exposed to all facets of biomedical research.
Importantly, the MRSP is also a public–private partnership, with financial support coming jointly from the NIH common fund (i.e., the Roadmap initiative) and generous private-sector partners, particularly Pfizer Inc. and the Helmsley Charitable Trust. Our objective was to develop a dynamic training experience for the selected students, who typically participate between their third and fourth years of health professional school. The initial 2012 – 2013 MRSP class has enrolled 45 students, with an ultimate annual training capacity goal of about 70.
We think that by providing focused and rich opportunities for students to become engaged actively in research early in their clinical careers, we may help foster an appreciation of the entire process of scientific discovery. Further, we anticipate that individuals trained in the context of team science will recognize and be better prepared for the variety of long-term career pathways spanning the range of biomedical research. To achieve this goal, in addition to closely mentored research training, the MRSP provides an academic curriculum highlighting the diverse ways that scientific careers develop, training in human subjects research, and teaching rounds utilizing patients enrolled in NIH research protocols. Will this pedagogical experiment succeed? Only time will tell, but clearly traditional scientific training strategies must change.
The MRSP represents one small step in preparing individuals for a future in science quite different from the departmentally based and narrowly focused training most young scientists currently receive. While much of the outcry about multidisciplinary teams for translational research has focused on clinical scientists in training (9, 10), the need for new training models clearly exists across the research spectrum. The kinetics of successful translational research endeavors are bidirectional (5, 11) and so must be the training of America’s future translational research scientists.
Bruce J. Baum ([email protected]) is the director of the Medical Research Scholars Program and formerly directed a bench-to-clinic gene-therapy program at the National Institutes of Health. Frederick P. Ognibene ([email protected]) is deputy director for educational affairs and strategic partnerships at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, the former director of the NIH Clinical Research Training Program and a former NIH senior investigator in the Clinical Center’s Critical Care Medicine Department.
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The Herald Scottish Digital Business awards 2016, Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow. Winner of the Digital Professional of the Year Award is Laura Blackhurst of LUX. Presenting the award are David Mains and Anndeep Sandhu, both of Enigma People Solutions and h
My business is a digital marketing and copywriting consultancy, specialising in social media management and content creation for clients encompassing a wealth of industries, from food and drink to finance, TV production to retail. Output includes: social media strategies, training workshops, paid advertising campaigns, insights and reporting, as well as creative copywriting to support digital or print activity.
My business’ main aim is to deliver bespoke solutions that don’t take a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. Every business is unique, which means that its corresponding strategy has to be too, ensuring that all activity stays true to the brand, its key aims, and is designed to achieve future goals.
I’m based between my home office in Glasgow, as well as at the locations of my clients, as and when necessary.
My next step is to secure dedicated office space at a co-working facility; Glasgow is abundant with fantastic options, with spaces like Collabor8te or Clockwise which are ideal for providing small business owners a space in the heart of the city. Working in an environment such as this is also invaluable for networking with people in different industries, which could even lead to forming a partnership or securing new business.
I started freelancing alongside having a full-time job three years ago (yes, it doesn’t leave you with much free time!). I did this to be able to develop my craft in multiple areas, while building an additional network of contacts. I was able to easily navigate working on the additional commitments around my full-time job, by spending either weekends or free evenings working on them. It was also beneficial to my full-time job as I was picking up additional skills and knowledge that I could then implement within the business.
Three years later, when I was approached by more companies asking to work with me, I knew I was no longer able to balance a full-time role and freelance work. At this point I decided it was prime time to go solo and set up my own business.
My one piece of advice would be that if you are thinking of taking on additional consulting work on top of a job, be absolutely sure that it will not be detrimental in any way to your full-time commitments.
I have a mixture of agency and editorial experience, having worked in digital agencies as well as a stint as Editor-in-chief for a magazine. At my last employment, I worked my way up to Head of Social Media at full-service communications agency, LUX, during which time the company put me forward for the Digital Professional of the Year Award at The Herald Awards in 2016. Much to my utter disbelief, I won!
Hone your craft! Work scrupulously to gain the knowledge and experience you need until you are 100% confident in your ability to provide the service for which you are asking people to pay. Talk to as many people as possible, not just those within your industry, but outside of it, and start to make a ‘hit list’ of dream businesses with which you’d like to work - then approach them! I firmly believe you’ll do your best work if you consult for a business about which you’re truly passionate.
I learned very swiftly that you simply cannot do everything yourself. It can be hard for most of us to relent control of something so close to you, but you should accept the fact that while you are skilled in some areas, you are’t in all of them. When you realise your strengths and weaknesses, learn to reach out to people who are experts in their respective fields. No great shakes with websites? Source a developer to help you. Don’t know where to start with the finance side of things? Hire a bookkeeper. In the long-run, this will absolutely save your business an invaluable amount of resources - whether that’s in the form of your time, money or sanity!
One of the biggest attractions to consulting in the digital world is the flexibility it allows - not only with managing your own schedule, but also how unrestrictive it is with regards to your physical working location. Armed with an internet connection and a laptop, I could hypothetically work from anywhere in the world the majority of the time. Within five years, this is an area I would like to further explore through working in different locations around the world.
Over the next few years the plan is to be able to take on a higher volume of projects, which will be achieved by employing additional people to work with me to deliver them e.g. web developers, photographers, designers, data analysts.
I would also highly recommend keeping up-to-date with networking opportunities, including 29 Studios’: https://www.29studios.com/networking/ as well as the monthly Digital Platform meet-ups, organised by Nine Twenty, which explore a different area of the digital industry at each event, with guest speakers talking in great detail about the area’s current development. |
Under sure network ailments involving Ethernet equipment without the need of Command system connections, the InifiNetEX diagnostics Device might not present InfinetEX gadgets or any look to hold.
Will present all information been given from gadget. X-Axis size based on sample rely returned through the gadget.
Added mistake checking in ProductVerifyPResence so an error is returned if the conversation can not even be setup. Current docs to reflect this.
Mounted bug in Be a part of Monitoring potential init which could cause recursion crash. Wasn't contacting foundation to map skills.
Made Serial to TSID conversion scenario insensive. Conversion would dismiss all lower situation characters and bring about an incorrect conversion.
Added code to work out correct timeout just after sending a generic file determined by file dimensions for GenericFileXFerPut to allow the device adequate time to put in writing towards the flash.
16. This can be a one-time inconvienence neccesary to move forward with the newest development equipment and therefore provide the best product possible.
Mounted bug in which right after picking a device form, transforming the primary link type, would apparent this collection.
You'll have to open new textual content console Home windows and re-save the workspace 1 time to convert these workspaces to work with The brand new textual content console.
Additional mistake checking to NVRAMDisk permit to show any mistake described via the system (like insufficient NVRAM.
Preset bug working with downloading a job. Present-day Functioning folder not set so audio data files were being dropped.
When building capability assistance map, also load timeouts at that time so They are really loaded for Any time we'd like them. Not carrying out this was leading to a ask for soon after sending firmware here for FollowReboot although the system is just not there at that time.
Toolbox now checks some particular network habits relating to identify resolution and adjusts which resolution protocol is utilized very first, community DNS or Crestron Discovery.
Preset numerous crashes when signal states for serials of ~200 figures or maybe more would crash the debugger, incoming or outgoing.
Fastened Display screen challenge paths. In System Builder, the tree could rarly locate the Show jobs due to interface path not getting established, or having shed.
Added "ConcurrentSectionLimit" essential to header to Restrict number of sections to operate concurrently. Established to 1 to garauntee execution get.
Modified 2SeriesCommand technique of CompactFlahs to use the foundation path and tag for position from memeber variables so they might be quickly overridden in derived solutions.
Preset some difficulties referring to closing gadget periods which could potentially cause challenges for other tools connected ot exactly the same system.
Added further code in Original system detection to detect signal debug statements and also to assume the product is ready for commands the moment it sees any of such. Checks for "x03x01x0D" sequence.
Repair for SIMPL Debugger wherever reloading a modified program, all signals commenced tracing, not precisely what was before.
MeshnetMasterReportDevice - improved to employ directed query request if total rerport is not really by now stored from the cache.
Exclusive Be aware: Pro Sound Applications computerized speaker calibration is restricted to 32-bit versions of the above detailed working techniques.
Mounted VptParser for x wherever it would not advance to the correct character. Primarily affects audio qualities.
Preset issue within the scheduler where by it could get hung in PumpMessage even though requests had been ready in session queues. Include a max time poll closing date (def to 1s) through which if no messages are available in within this time, we fall by and check for requests. Overridable by using registry.
Preset bugs in EAfnThirdPartyAudioConfig_GetConfigState to properly return the time and in addition to take care of the timestamp from your AMS as UTC if the MSB is set.
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Corporal punishment definition is - punishment that involves hitting someone : physical punishment how to use corporal punishment in a sentence. The american academy of family physicians is opposed to corporal punishment in schools the aafp defines corporal punishment in schools as the purposeful. Historically, offenders were subject to corporal punishment inflicted by various methods including the strap, whipping with the cat-o' -nine-tails, water hose,.
Corporal punishment definition, physical punishment, as flogging, inflicted on the body of one convicted of a crime: formerly included the death penalty,. Whereas the resort to corporal punishment tends to reduce the likelihood of employing more effective, humane, and creative ways of interacting with children. All the latest breaking news on corporal punishment browse the independent's complete collection of articles and commentary on corporal punishment. Corporal punishment (a) corporal punishment is defined as physically punishing a student for an infraction of the discipline policy use of corporal punishment.
Nashville — the comptroller's office of research and education accountability (orea) has released a new report on corporal punishment. This study tested the hypothesis that the use of corporal punishment (cp), such as slapping a child's hand or “spanking,” is associated with restricted. A bill that would have banned corporal punishment in public schools failed on a voice vote in senate education committee wednesday. More than 160000 children in 19 states are the victims of corporal punishment in schools each year, new research suggests, with.
Corporal punishment against children has received support for thousands of years from interpretation of legal and religious doctrines, including those beliefs. Yet only 47 countries have, like ireland, introduced legislation to protect children from corporal punishment in all settings, including the home. Corporal punishment, the infliction of physical pain upon a person's body as punishment for a crime or infraction corporal punishments include flogging, beating. It is important to eliminate the use of corporal punishment in both public schools and private schools, which serve students receiving federal. A growing body of research has linked corporal punishment of children in the home with numerous adverse outcomes both in childhood and adulthood some of.
A new law requires that school districts must now report detailed information about their use of corporal punishment to the tennessee. What is corporal punishment why should it matter to us why is challenging corporal punishment very important this document gives you in-depth. Corporal punishment in the home (also called physical punishment) refers to an act by a parent or other legal guardian causing deliberate physical pain or.
Half of all primary school students in bangladesh still experience corporal punishment in the classroom.
Discipline the effects of corporal punishment corporal punishment is a punitive act that inflicts pain this includes hitting, slapping, spanking, or forcing a child.
There is considerable evidence that parental corporal punishment (cp) is positively associated with children's behavioral and mental health problems however. Corporal punishment definition: 1 the physical punishment of people, especially of children, by hitting them2 physical punishment, esp by hitting with the hand. Corporal punishment policy rationale utah code annotated 1953, section 53a-11-802, specifically prohibits corporal punishment by any school. The most controversial way that some parents and teachers attempt to manage children's behaviour is through corporal punishment.
His first patient was his mother, who was almost blind • rizal, who came to be called “doctor uliman” because he came from germany,. For truth be told, not only was jose rizal an ophthalmologist, he was a pretty good further medical education was not necessary to call oneself a physician or.
The national hero of the philippines, dr jose rizal, is one of the most to follow further medical studies to call oneself a physician or to practice medicine however they all came to see doctor uliman, the doctor who came from germany.
In her letters, her pet name was “gettie” and she called rizal “pettie” to rizal as “dr uliman” from “el doctor aleman” (the german doctor.
-rizal was warned not to return home by: paciano silvestre ubaldo jose m rizal was called the great doctor from germany “doctor uliman ”. Rizal who came to be called doctor uliman because he came from germany of santo tomas stated that the noli was “heretical, impious, and scandalous in. |
Mhh, endtime 007 have more reboots and also sod. Will go back now. Can I do something to provide more info about the sod? At work I can connect it to USB for longer time and make a logcat but have no idea for what I have to look...
well since maps was being annoying i used google maps from the website, its not as cool as using maps app but it did the job
To the people who're having problems with GPS, you need to go to location services and check location services. It is the reason your maps/GPS is not working.
For some reason it is turned off automatically. PS, im having massive problems when using music. My battery went from 90 to 60 in one hour only playing music with the screen off except when changing songs. When I'm not listening to music however my battery life is insane. 6 hours with a 2% drop :P
Aside from that one quarrel, i have noticed the speed increasing, although I haven't yet switched to the new firmware. I'll wait for some more recommendations before updating :P
The location services thing has nothing to do with the phone not getting a GPS lock. That was the first thing I tried after flashing when I noticed GPS didn't work.
Also, flashing Trip's kernel on any other ROM breaks GPS, as well. So it looks like it's a problem with the kernel.
I completely appreciate all of your hard work and dedication. Definitely impressive. That being said, I'll stick with Virtuous Quattro until your next update. I'd rather not take several steps backwards by losing my flash/torch, GPS, battery life while playing music and solid still-shot camera. I think your previous build had fewer broken parts.
Man! I had such amazingly high hopes based on your progress reports on Twitter. You made it sound like it was nearly perfect! Oh well, I know how hard you work and your dedication and talent will surely pay off soon. Good luck. Cant wait to run your "finished" product. Thanks again!
woa my phone just went hard sleep mode i was hittin the power button ,vol - + everything until i took the battt n rebooted again wonder why tho? (dunno if anyone has stared something like that just wondering)
No cid is necessary if you use the firmware from Xda just flash firmware through your bootloader like normal. You may notice some faster data speeds and phone may feel faster but could also just be in my head who knows
I totally agree with you...at first the rom ran smoothly and i was impressed and then i started doing other things. There i finally figured out what was working, what had been working and what is now not working. But I'm sure Trip gonna make a come back and I'm here all the time supporting him all the way. :D
if you want maps to work downlosd google maps 6.1 not the 6.1.1 thatll freeze your phone also has anybody gotten the new google music to open it was not signed properly after downloading from Market
1. Is there anyway i can turn off the screen-off animation? it seems sluggish and is the only thing about the rom that feels slow..
2.is there any way i could add the quicl setting like in Virtuous Quattro? where you can click the settings button in the notification bar and some toggles and brightness settings pop-up?
It's called "placebo". I'm skipping these updates until Camera & BT is working properly. Testing out other ROMs ATM (I know, nobody cares)
:( Reboots every couple minutes, after calling, searching w/e, and no GPS. Hopefully these are fixed next update
I installed the firmware pack, but how i get another rom booting? I tried one and it went to trips bootscreen and then to recovery:s do i have to flash his kernal on every other rom?? I also tried to install a few other firmware packs but everytime i still have trips boot, i likebit though, but it wont let me boot into then rom? Everytime it just go back to recovery? Help me please, i'm a little confused and concerned i cant install another rom, i'm a flash junkie so any help from my brothers?
Everything worked great here, fast, no FCs. Only problem was the high battery drain. Overnight on idle, 20% down. Otherwise great ROM!
The latest firmware package is for ICS ROMs only. If you want to run GB ROMs, you need to flash the previous firmware.
I got some Sleep of Death... But for me it's much smoother then before and no reboots right now except the SOD. Will try now the new kernel let's see...
I also get Sleep of Death. Very annoying when the phone has been dead for hours on my desk and no one has been able to reach me. Unless I try to use the phone there is no way to know if is dead or just screen off.. :(
Did you install the latest firmware that Trip made or the regular 3.24 update that is floating around on XDA?
AFAIK the one Trip made only works with his ROMs. The leaked one should work with any ICS ROM (AOSP or Senseless). |
There are some years when it’s pretty easy to pick out which first-quarter crime, mystery, and thriller novels are destined to become the Big Reads, those books that enjoy extraordinary promotions and generate the most word-of-mouth. Such is not the case heading into the initial three months of 2017. There are so many promising new works by so many familiar or highly touted authors due out in the States this season, that guessing which ones will be remembered fondly even ...
Last December, after posting my “favorite crime novels of 2015” list, I put together a rather different assessment of the year’s new offerings in this genre. Rather than confine myself to picking 10 books (all released in the United States) that I judged to have been particularly well-written and memorable—a traditional and potentially valuable, but admittedly limiting exercise—I expanded my criteria to spotlight an assortment of other meritorious mystery, crime, and thriller works, some of which had barely failed to ...
This is the fifth consecutive time I’ve assembled, for Kirkus, a year-end list of my favorite crime, mystery, and thriller novels published in the United States during the preceding 12 months. Nostalgia grips me warmly as I look back now at previous picks—from M.J. McGrath’s White Heat (2011) and Peter May’s The Blackhouse (2012) to Derek B. Miller’s Norwegian by Night (2013), Laura Lippman’s After I’m Gone (2014), and Conor Brady’s historical mystery debut, A June of Ordinary Murders ...
This is Election Day in the United States, with the principal attraction being the hyper-contentious race to succeed two-term President Barack Obama in the White House. So I’d planned to devote this column to crime, mystery, and thriller fiction featuring American presidents, presidents’ wives, presidential cabinet members, and maybe even presidential pets (remember Stuart M. Kaminsky’s The Fala Factor, in which Eleanor Roosevelt turns to 1940s Hollywood gumshoe Toby Peters for help in retrieving Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famous but ...
It seems you can take Peter May out of Scotland’s Outer Hebrides, but you can’t take the Outer Hebrides out of Peter May. After penning a Canada-set thriller titled Entry Island (2015), followed by Runaway (2016), about teenage musicians whose quest for rock-’n’-roll renown in London is seriously marred by murder, May returns, in his new standalone, Coffin Road, to the storm-swept chain of islands off Scotland’s west coast where he set the novel that gained him his greatest ...
All Hallows’ Eve, All Saints’ Eve - Halloween. That time of the year when the leaves are changing colors (the Aspens are gorgeous, btw), the chill wind blows in and we seek to be scared. Be it movies, haunted houses, ghost hunter shows on tv or the books we read, we love to be scared this time of year. It’s very nearly a prerequisite of the season. With that in mind, I thought I’d do a list of Horror-themed graphic novels ...
Nowadays most crime-fiction readers probably recognize the Pinkerton National Detective Agency for having inspired—with its logo featuring a large, unblinking human eye and the slogan “We Never Sleep”—the term “private eye.” They might also remember that its founder, a Scottish barrel maker named Allan Pinkerton, who’d left Great Britain for the United States in 1842, started his snooping career by helping to take down a gang of counterfeiters northwest of Chicago, Illinois, and was subsequently appointed as the Windy ...
So this might be the funniest story to come out of Bouchercon 2016, the September 15-18 World Mystery Convention held in New Orleans, Louisiana.
As Icelandic crime novelist Yrsa Sigurdardóttir (Someone to Watch Over Me) writes on her Facebook page, she had been scheduled to hold a public meet-and-greet session on Friday afternoon during Bouchercon, along with fellow Reykjavik native Ragnar Jonasson (Snowblind) and Norwegian cop-turned-author Jørn Lier Horst (The Caveman). Their event was to take place in an establishment ...
Despite the continuous wet weather over the pastweek the Greenkeeping team and on coursedrainage are doing a great job with both coursesremaining fully open and on full greens andtees!
On the main course it remains carry bags onlywith no trolleys allowed, however on theBlenheim Trolleys and Buggies are still in useon the hardcore path only.
We have our Winter Open in just over two week'stime so remember to sign up for this, why notalso invite a guest along to come and play thecourse and enjoy the day!
You can sign up in the Pro Shop to our WinterOpen on Saturday, 30 January, this is anIndividual Stableford Competition open to Men,Ladies and Juniors, it is also a Full HandicapQualifier being on full greens and tees.
Entrance fee is just £10for adult Members (£30 AdultVisitors) and £5for junior members (£20Junior Visitors). This includes coffee onarrival followed by a rolling buffet after golfwith prize giving along with nearest the pin andlongest drive prizes. Clickhere for more details.
Trainee Catering Manager position available atKirtlington Golf Club. Suitable forcollege/university leaver or a person with someexperience looking to move on in their career.
On here it has all the club events and fixturescoming up this year - a great way of keepingtrack of what is going on at the Club!
On Friday, 11 March we have the Seniors Dinner.This is open to all the Seniors and LadyMembers, more details and Menu to follow...
Following a number of requests we have added ourown local rules to this week's newsletter to therulessection of the shop site so everyone isclear on these and adopting the correct reliefwhen required like the local rule 8 concerningan embedded ball in any rough area:
8. Embedded Ball: Any ballembedded in its own pitch mark in any rough areamay be rolled out by up to one circumference ofthe ball but must not be rolled closer to thehole being played. The ball may notbe cleaned.
If there is anything you would like to see addedin this rules section or to learn more aboutplease clickhere and let us know so we can featurethis.
The temperatures are set to drop later this weekfrom the mild and wet conditions we have becomeaccustomed to!
Make sure you are prepared and layered up - inthe shop we have a full range of winter productsto stock up with from handwarmers, to beanies,mittens and Outer Layers.
Thisemail was sent to you by Gary Quainton and isprovided as a service for the members and guests ofKirtlington Golf Club and the customers of theKirtlington Pro Shop and has been supported andsponsored by advertisers in this mail and by ourpartner suppliers:
Gary Quainton is a member of Foremost Golf, the UK's largest golf retail group, delivering value through expertise for the Club Golfer
This email was sent to you by Gary Quainton and is provided as a service for the members and guests of Kirtlington Golf Club and the customers of the Kirtlington Golf Club Pro Shop and has been supported and sponsored by advertisers in this mail and by our partner suppliers: |
Bottom Line: In this study, we examine and contrast the magnitude and phenotype of the T cell immune response against gB, gH, and gL within healthy donors. gB-specific CD4(+) T cells were found in 95% of donors, and 29 epitopes were defined with gB-specific response sizes ranging from 0.02 to 2.88% of the CD4(+) T cell pool.Glycoproteins were effectively presented following delivery to APCs but only gB-derived epitopes were presented following endogenous synthesis. gB expression was observed exclusively within vesicular structures colocalizing with HLA-DM whereas gH was distributed evenly throughout the cytoplasm.These results reveal that gB is a uniquely immunogenic CMV glycoprotein and this is likely to reflect its unique pattern of endogenous Ag presentation.
fig01: Identification of peptide-specific T cells by intracellular cytokine staining for IFN-γ. (A) Schematic representation of the three CMV-derived glycoproteins studied. The identification of a CD4-restricted gB-derived epitope is shown as an example in (B). PBMCs were stimulated overnight, then stained with Live/Dead fixable violet stain and anti-CD19 (dump channel) as well as anti-CD4 and anti-CD8. After fixation (4% paraformaldehyde) and permeabilization with 0.5% saponin, activated T cells were identified by staining with anti–IFN-γ. DMSO and staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB)–stimulated cells served as negative or positive controls, respectively. Shown are the gating strategy (top row) and results of the first round of screening (middle row). The individual peptide epitope was then identified in a subsequent screening (bottom row). Numbers indicate the frequency of IFN-γ–producing cells within the total CD4+ T cell population. FSC-A, forward scatter area; FSC-H, forward scatter height; SSC-A, side scatter area.
Mentions: Following overnight stimulation, activated T cells were identified by flow cytometric detection of intracellular IFN-γ expression. For this, cells were washed with 1× PBS and stained with Live/Dead fixable violet stain (Invitrogen) for 15 min at room temperature (RT) followed by one wash in 1× PBS and one in staining buffer (1× PBS plus 0.5% BSA and 2 mM EDTA). T cells were then identified by staining with anti–CD4-PE (BD Biosciences) and anti–CD8-PECy5 (Beckman Coulter), and B cells were excluded by staining with anti-CD19 Pacific Blue (eBioscience; dump channel). Cells were incubated for 15 min at 4°C before washing off excess Ab with staining buffer. Fixing was carried out with 4% paraformaldehyde (in PBS; Sigma-Aldrich) for 15 min at RT before permeabilizing with 0.5% saponin (in PBS; Sigma-Aldrich) for 5 min. Intracellular IFN-γ was then stained with an anti–IFN-γ FITC Ab (BD Biosciences) followed by a final wash in staining buffer. Acquisition was carried out on an LSR II flow cytometer and FACSDiva software (BD Biosciences) collecting 300,000 live lymphocytes, and data were analyzed using FlowJo software version 7.6.5 (Tree Star). For the analysis, doublets were excluded based on forward scatter height versus forward scatter area, followed by exclusion of dead cells and CD19+ cells. The lymphocyte population was then gated on a forward scatter area versus side scatter area scatter plot (see Fig. 1B), and the proportion of IFN-γ–producing cells was determined within the CD4 or CD8 T cell subset. A cytokine response was defined as positive when the frequency of cytokine-producing cells was at least 2-fold increased above background frequency detected in the corresponding DMSO-stimulated sample.
The libelant, under the circumstances, had no duty to take care of the oranges. As to him they stood as if they were still in the not discharged. They were wholly in the custody and at the risk of the vessel. The libelant is entitled to recover the invoice cost, with interest, according to the findings, and his costs in the district court. The claimant is allowed its costs in this court.
A vessel lying at anchor and afloat between Jersey Cit, and Manhattan Island, on the Hudson river, on the westerly side of the mIddle of said river, is within the territorial limits of the state of New Jersey, and hence within the admiralty jurisdiction of the United States district court for New Jersey.
NIXON, J. This case comes before the court on a question of jurisdiction. A number of libels for seamen's wages having been filed against the brig Sarah E. Kennedy, a monition was issued and placed in the hands of the marahal, who boarded the vessel while she was lying at anchor and afloat on the Hudson river, between Jersey City and Manhattan island, several hundred feet east of the Morris-street pier of Jersey City, and on the westerly side of the middle of said river. The respondents claim that the place of said seizure was outside of the admirality jurisdiction of this court, a.nd that the libels should be dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Since the adoption of the federal constitution it seems to have been the policy of congress to make the jurisdiction of the district courts of the United States co-extensive with the limits and boundaries of the states. Thus, the second section of the judiciary act of 1789 constituted the state of New Jersey one federal district, and the state of New York another. And although the latter state, in consequence of its extent and large growth in population, has since been subdivided into three districts,-the northern, southern, and eastern,-the jurisdiction of each is expressly limited to designated counties of that state, and the waters thereof. See sections 531, 541, 542, Rev. St. U. S. No authority is found in any act of congress for the courts
of the district in one state to exercise jurisdiction over the territory of another. Before the revolution, and running far back into the colonial times, there had been a dispute between New York and New Jersey as to the true boundary line of the respective states. The territory of both states was originally embraced within the patent or grant of March 12, It',64, from Charles II. to his brother, the Duke of York. On the twenty-fourth of June, following, the latter conveyed to Lord Berkley and Sir George Carteret the land which now constitutes the state of New Jersey, being described in said conveyance as "all that tract of land adjacent to New England, and lying and being to t!Ie westward of Long island and Manhattan island, and bounded on the east, part by the main sea, and part by.Hudson's river; and hath upon the west, Delaware bay or river, and extendeth southward to the main ocean as far as Cape May, at the mouth of Delaware bay; and to the northward as far as the northermost branch of the said bay or river of Delaware, which is in 4:1 deg. 40 min. of latitude, and crosseth over thence in a straight line to Hudson's river, in 41 deg. of latitude." From that time onward, the people of the state of New Jersey have claimed that it was entitled to the exclusive jurisdiction and property of and over the waters of Hudson river and the bay of "New York, to the middle of the river and to the channel of the bay, from 41 deg. north latitude to the said bay. The people of New York, on the other hand, asserted the right of the state to jurisdiction and property over the said river and bay, to the low-water mark on the western shore. It is n:ot necessary here to express an opinion which was the better claim, inasmuch as commissioners appointed by the respective states to determine and settle the proper boundary line came to an agreement or compact on the sixteenth of September, 1833, which was confirmed by the legislature of the two states, and was assented to by the congress of the United States by an act approved June 28, 1834. 4 U. S. St. 708. That agreement, in its first article, fixed the boundary line between the two states "from a point in the middle of Hudson river, opposite the point on the western shore, in the 41 deg. of north latitude, to the main sea, at the middle of the river, of the bay of New York, of the waters between Staten island and New Jersey, and of Raritan ba,y to the main sea." The territory of the state of New Jersey has always constituted this judicial district. Where a dispute exists between neighboring states respecting the true boundary line, it would seem a reasonable conclusion that when such line is fixed by commissioners of the states, with the assent of congress, the jurisdiction of the national courts should follow and extend to the limits of the boundary thus agreed to and established. Whatever may be the arrangements between the states as to police regulations and quarantine laws, they cannot be construed into a surrender of the admiralty jurisdiction of the courts of the
United States throughout the state. It was probably, in part at least, to prevent any such construction of the compact, that the congress, in it!:! act assenting to the same, another section to said act of ratification. providing that nothing therein contained should be construed to impair, or in any manner affect, any right of jurisdiction of the United States in and over the islands or waters which formed the subject of the agreement. 'rhe principles which are to govern in the decision of this case are very clearly indicated by the supreme court in In re Devoe Mamif'g Co., 108 U. S. 401; S. C. 2 Sup. Ct. Rep. 894. It arose upon an application for a writ of prohibition to this court restraining it from exercising jurisdiction under the following circumstances: In the month of April, 1882, a libel in personmn was filed in this court against the Devoe Manufacturing Company, a New York corporation, to recover damages arising from a collision. The corporation not being found within the district, a monition was issued out of the court in October following, commanding the marshal to cite the respondent if it could be found, and if not, then to attach its goods and chattels in the district. The officer seized a tug-boat belonging to the corporation, and made return that he had attached the vessel as the property of the respondent. It appeared in the case that the tug when seized was afloat in the Kill von Kull, between Staten island and New Jersey, fastened at the end of a dock at Bayonne, about 300 feet below low-water mark, and about half a mile from the entrance of the Kill into the bay of New York. A motion was made here to set aside the service of the process; the respondent claiming that the boat, when seized, was not within the district of New Jersey, but was within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Eastern district of New York. This court denied the motion, holding that the tug, when taken by the marshal,-being fastened to a dock on the New Jersey shore,-was within the New Jersey district, although far below the low-waterline of the river. See Hall v. Devoe ManuJ'g Co., 14 Fed. Rep. 183. The application was then made to the supreme court to issue a writ of prohibition to this court restraining it from exercising the jurisdic'"tion thus claimed. The conrt was unanimous in refusing the writ. Mr. Justice BLATCHFORD filed an able opinion carefully reviewing the former grounds of controversy between the states of New Jersey and New York, and, among other things, stated that "we are all of the opinion that when the act of congress of 1789 declared that the New Jersey district should consist of the state of New Jersey, it in tended that any territory, land or water, which should at any time, with the express assent of congress, form part of that state, should form part of the district of New Jersey." It was thus announced for the first time, by the highest judicial authority, that the limits of the jurisdiction of the federal'courts in the several states varied from time to time as the boundaries were changed with the assent of the congress of the United
It appearing that the brig was seized on waters west of the middle of the Hudson river, she was lying within the territorial limits of the state of New Jersey, and hence ;within the admiralty jurisdiction of this court. The motion to dismiss must therefore be refused.
10. § 4233. On the evidence, held, that the schooner F., which, while lying at anchor in the harbor of New Haven, was run down at night by the steamer C., was solely in fault for the collision in having no anchor light properly burning. 2. ANCHOR W ATCH-USAGE-MARITIME DuTY. If vessels anchor in places where other vessels are not reasonably to be expected to pass, it is not the usage, and, as it seems, is not a maritime duty, to maintain an anchor watch. 3. SAME-PROXIMITY TO PASSING VESSELS-FLASH-LIGHT-REV. ST. § 4234. But near a narrow channel-way, where steamers are accustomed to pass, whenever the weather is thick and lights likely to be obscured, it seems that the neglect to maintain an anchor watch and to exhibit a torch-light to ap· steamers should be deemed a neglect of ordinary prudence as well as of the llltention of section of the Revised Statutes.
In Admiralty. Wilcox, Adams ct Macklin, for libelants. Goodrich, Deady ct Platt, for claimants. BROWN, J. The libelants' schooner Foam, while at anchor in the harbor of New Haven, at about half past 10 P.M., on June 25,1884, was run into by the steam-propeller Erastus Corning, in coming out of the harbor, bound for New York. The place of the collision, as I find from the weight of evidence, was a little less than one.half of a nautical mile below the Long Dock light, and from one-half to twothirds of the distance between that light and the Black buoy, and probably from 100 to 200 feet west of a line joining those points, in about nine feet of water at low tide. The buoy is near the western edge of the dug-out channel. The night was dark, and somewhat thick with rain or mist, but without fog. Various points are raised in the defense; but the only one I find it necessary to consider is the allegation that the schooner displayed no light. The channel from the Sound up to New Haven light consists of a dug.out portion about t>DO feet wide, alid, upon the westerly side, a further margin of natural channel, having from seven to twelve feet of water, very irregular and variable both in breadth and depth. The
Where the same man owns several banks, each having a separate account with still another bank, a check drawn by one of his banks upon the outside bank will not operate as assignment of any portion of the accounts of hi. other banks.
As between a bank holding a note which is dUll and the payee of a check, drawn by the maker of the note, the equities are in favor of the bank.
Where a bank holds a depositor's note, it has a right, at any time during the day on which it falls due, to apply funds in its hands belonging to the maker to the payment of the note, even where nothing will be left to the maker's credit to apply on checks. Where a trust fund can be traced, equity will follow it.
In Equity. Dyer, Lee ct Ellis, for complainant. Boyle, Adams ct McKeighan, for defendants. BREWER, J., (orally.) In the case of Schuler against the Laclede Bank, which was submitted upon bill, answer, and agreed statement of facts, the suit is brought by the plaintiff as the payee of a check drawn by Israel & Co. on the defendant the Laclede Bank. 'fhe 26th. Israel & check, drawn October 20th, was presented Co. failed, and made an assignment on October 24th, of which notice had been received by the Laclede Bank, who declined paying. The first question is whether an action at law or a suit in equity can be maintained by the payee of such a check against the drawee, under any circumstances, and, if so, under what. That no action at law can be maintained in the lederal courts is clear. In the case of Bank v. Millard, It} Wall. 152, the supreme court held that "the holder of a bank-check cannot sue the bank for refusing payment, in the absence of proof that it was accepted by the bank, or charged against the drawer." The same doctrine was aifirmed in a later case of Bank v. Whitman, 94 U. S. 343. "The payee of a check, before it is accepted by the drawee, cannot maintain an action upon it against the holder, as there is no privity of contract between them." In the case of Ohri.stmas v. Russell, 14 Wall. 69, in reference to what constitutes this matter as to whether there is an equitable assignment, the court say:
'''rhe assignor must not retain any control over the fund, any authority to collect. or any power of revocation. If he do, it is fatal to the claim of the assignee. The transfer must be of such a character that the fund-holder can safely pay. and is compellable to do so, though forbidden by the assignor. Where the transfer is of the character described, the fund-holder is bound from the time of notice. A bill of exchange or check is not an equitable as-' signment pro tanto of the funds of the drawer in the hands of the drawee."
In 2 Daniel. Neg. Inst. § 1638, the author, who criticises this doctrine of the supreme court, states that "it is universally understood between banks of deposit, arising from the customs of trade, that the check
of the bolder is to be paid upon presentation. The United States supreme court 80 declares in a recent opinion, though, as yet, it has not followed that declaration to its logical sequence;" citing Gentral Bank v. Life Ins. Go., [104 U. S. 54,] decided in 1881. That logical sequence, as he contends, would be that such a check operates as an equitable assignment, and that a suit in equity can be maintained thereon. These are the chief rulings and expressions of opinion on the pad of the supreme court in this respect. I think it is clear from them that no action at law, and no suit in equity, can be maintained upon the mere possession of such a check; that there must be, besides the possession of the check, some other circumstances which either create a contract between the payee and the bank or which equitably requi{e that the funds in the possession of the bank should be appropriated to the payment of the particular check. Over against these decisions of the supreme court I find .these in this circuit: One .in the case of Wtllker v. Seigel, reported in 2 Cent. Law J. 508, in which my Brother TREAT states the rule thus: "An order drawn on a general or particular funcl for a part only does not amount to an assignment of that part, or give a l.en as against the drawee, unless he accepts. That rule, as thus broadly stated, seems to apply only to cases at law. Such.an order, so soon as notice is given to the drawee, works an assignment in equity." In German Sav. Inst. v. Ad(M, 1 McCrary, 501, S. C. 8 Fed. Rep. 106, after the insolvency of, and a general assignment by, the drawer, the bank came into this court by a bill of interpleader and tendered the money, brought in the payee and the assignee of the drawer, and asked the court to dispose of the fund ;.and the court, holding possession of the fund, as between the drawer of the check and the payee declared that the payee was entitled to it, and so gave judgment. In a still later case of First Nat. Blink v. Coates, reported in 8 Fed. Rep. 540, the Mastin Bank had drawn on the Metropolitan Bank of New York several checks. On presentation, the Metropolitan Bank refused to pay, having previously received notice of an assignment by lhe Mastin Bank, and turned the money over to the assignee, Coates. These various check-holders then brought a suit in equity against the assignee having possession of this money, claiming that, as between themselves and the assignee who represented the drawer, they had an equity upon it superior to the general creditors of the Mastin Bank; and Justice MILLER, the presiding justice of this circuit, held that they had, and in the course of the opinion he says: "The question here is whethp,r this is an appropriation in equity of that , much of that fund in favor of the payee. It is said it is not, because the payee or holiler of the check cannot bring suit against the bank for money, and it is not an equitable assignment of that much money. But that argnment is founded on a misconception or want of proper conception of the doctrine of equitable assignments. The very words' equitable assignment' are used because the assignment is only recognized in a court of equity, and
not a court of law. If it were recognized in a court of law, It could be enforced there, and we would never have heard of any such words as 'equitable assignment.' Therefore it is an assignment of that much of the debt, which a court of equity will recognize and's court of law will not."
"The philosophy of it is that this fund, having been appropriated by these checks duly presented, did not pass by the assignment; that the fund on which they were drawn, to that extent, did not pass by the assignment as the general property of the bank into the hands of Coates, but when he got it he held it subject to the lien established on it. The result of that is that these drafts are each of them an appropriation of that much of the fund, and the complainants are entitled to recover the amount."
That justifies me in the conclusion which I have jnst expressed, that no suit in equity ever can be maintained upon the mere possession and production of the check by the payee; 'that there must be some equitable circnmstances to justify the conrt in seizing that fund and giving it to the payee. One of those equitable circumstances is the insolvency of the drawer; because, when the drawer becomes insolvent, the question is whether that money shall be paid over to the payee to whom the drawer has directly appropriated it or distributed generally among his creditors, and it would seem to be equitable that the party in favor of whom the appropriation has been made should be preferred to those creditors who are merely general creditors, and in whose favor no such appropriation has been made. That rule applies in this case. So, also, I think there is some room for the application of the principle that where a fund can be traced equity will follow it. I do not mean to say that there is the fullest room for the application of that principle. The facts are that the cashier of Israel & Co., the drawer of this check, held a note belonging to the plaintiff for collection. He received in part payment thereof a check for $12,500, drawn upon a bank at Fort Worth. He received this as the agent of the plaintiff, the owner of the note. He sent that check to the bank at Fort Worth, with directions to deposit the same to the account of Israel & Co., and then, within a day or two, directed $7,000 of that money to be transferred to the Laclede Bank, which was done, and in a roundabout way some more was also transferred to the Laclede Bank; so that, practically, the money collected on that note went to the Laclede Bank, and made the fund there to the credit of Israel & Co. at the time this check was presented. I think for both these reasons the payee of the check is entitled to maintain this suit. A further question then arises upon theae facts: Israel & Co., on the morning of October 24th, had on deposit in the Laclede Bank twelve thousand and odd dollars. On that day they assigned. Three months before they had discounted with the Laclede Bank a note of $6,500, which, by its terms, would become due on October 26th. Prior to the 24th they forwarded to the Laclede Bank a new note for $6,500, dated October 24th, as a renewal of the former note. The
Laclede Bank, on October 24th, the day this new note was received, charged up the old note to the account of Israel & Co., but did not discount the new note,-at least, they did not enter it on the books, and had not formally resolved to discount it. So it stood on the morning of the 26th. On that morning, prior to opening of the bank, they received telegraphic notice of the assignment, and of course declined to discount the new note. At a quarter past 10 this check was presented. Now, the bank insists that this note was due on the 26th; that, having funds in its possession, it was at liberty to charge up that note as against those funds; and that, therefore, prior to the presentation of this check, Israel & Co.'s account was reduced to that extent. On the other hand, it is claimed tliat the note WitS not payable until the close of the day of October 26th, and therefore that this check was presented before the note was payable. This question must be solved in a court of equity, upon equitable grounds, and I think that it is equitable for a bank, upon the day on which a note becomes due, and at any time during the day, having funds of the maker in its possession, to apply those funds to the payment of that note, although by so doing it leaves nothing standing to the credit of the maker to apply on cbecks drawn by him. As between the bank, the holder of a note due, and the payee of a check upon that bank, the equities are in favor of the bank. Or, at least, if the equities are equal, legal title to the funds and possession is with the bank, and it should not be postponed. rrhis only brings me to another question. J. M. Israel was the sale owner of the Bank of C. W. Israel & Co. He was also sole of the Exchange Bank of Harold, located in another city, and of the Exchange Bank of Wichitaw Falls, located in still another place. Each of these three banks owned by J. M. Israel, doing business under a separate name, had a separate account with the Laclede Bank. Does the drawing of this checkby the Bank of Co W. Israel & Co. operate in any way as an equitable assignment to the payee of the check of any portion of the accounts of these other banks, upon the simple ground that the same man is proprietor of all three? I think not. The equitable assignment created by the drawing of a check does not give rise to anything in the nature of a garnishment upon the bank. Supposing the Laclede Bank, having this account with Israel & Co., had also in its possession a stock of merchandise belonging to Israel & Co., could it for a moment be claimed that the drawing and presentment of this check would have operated to give a lien upon the stock of goods, or to charge it in any way as a garnishee? It seems to me all that can be claimed in respect to such a check is that it operates as an equitable assignment of the fund on which it is drawn, and to the extent only that the fund remains in the possession of the drawee at the time it is presented. In that view of the case, it is unnecessary to inquire as to the state of the account of these other banks, or what would be the claim
of the assignee as against the Laclede Bank. The account of Israel & Co. was $12,412.41, less the $6,500,-the note charged up on the 24th,-leaving a balance of $5,912.41 subject to the check at the time it was presented, and for that amount, with legal interest from the date of demand. the plaintiff may take decree.
NOTE·· It is p"jd by the supreme court of Illinois, in the case of National Bank of America v. Indiana Banking Co., 2 N. E. Hep. 401, that a check drawn on a bank operates as an assignment of the funds of the drawer to the amount for which the check is drawn. . Notwithstanding the agreement which bankers make with their customers to pay their checks to the amount, standing to their credit, a checkholder can take no benefit from this agreement, and a check does not operate as a transfer or. assignment of any part of the debt, or create a lien at law or in equity upon the deposit. JEtna Nat. Bank v. Fourth Nat. Bank, 46 N. Y. 82. There is no privity of contract between the holder of a check and the banl} on which it is urawn, and arefusal to pay the check would not give the holder a right of action against the bank. Case v. Henderson, 23 La. Ann. 49. Where a depositor draws his check on his banker, who has funds to an equal or greater sum than his check, it operates to transfer the SUIll named to the payee, who may sne for and recover the amount frolll the bank, and a trans,er of the check carries with it the title to the amount named in the check to each successive holder. Union Nat. Bank v. Oceana Co. Bank, 80 Ill. 212. A check in the ordinary form does not operate as an assignment of so much of the drawer's funds in the drawee's hands. Attorney General v. Continental Life Ins. Co., 71 N. Y. 325. No action can be maintained, on an check, against the drawee. National Bank of Rockville v. Second Nat. Bank of Lafayette, 69 Ind. 479. No aeti()n lies, in favor of the transferee of an accepted check, against the bank on which it is drawn. Colorado Nat. Bank of Denver v. Boettcher, 5 Colo. 185.
Where a suit had abated, after demurrer overruled and answer filed, by the death of the plaintiff, and subsequently there was granted a motion by defendant to dismiss for want of prosecution. !teld, that the attorney's docket fee of $20 was taxable under a decree awarding the defendant his costs.
HAMMOND, J. I do not feel called upon here to reverse, as I am asked to do, the opinion in Goodyear v. Sawye'r, 17 Fed. Rep. 2. That case called attention to the conflict of authority on the point whether, upon the voluntary dismissal of a suit in equity after answer filed, etc.· the solicitor's docket fee be taxable under Rev. St. §§ 824. 823, and 983. It sought to find some principle of interpretation for statutory language which is somewhat obscure in itself.
susceptible perhaps of significations, and as to which it is altogether probable that the persons who framed and passed the statute had no precise conception of its exact meaning. Following the ordinary course that couds take out of such difficulties, I endeavored to to apply, as best I could, to the interpretation of a statute costs of suits in equity the meaning of the terms "on final hearing," as understood in that particular. branch of the law at the timE! of the passage of the statute and anterior thereto. The truth is, it is a. rather loose expression familiar to equity lawyers of that day, and used to designate that final dispositiun of a case which ended it, and ordinarily resulted in a decree for costs. It might come after issue; it might come before,-whatever disposed of the case was the "fina,l hearing." It was used in contradistinction to all that which preceded sense, interlocuthis final result, and which was deemed, in a tory. It might be that proceeding which was known in a strictly tech· nical sense as "the hearing,"-not the final hearing,-or it might not, according to circumstances. The technical practice of the English court of chancery had been greatly modified by statute, more by custom; and all its terminology was loosely applied. These words "final came into use to distinguish from "the hearing" that last expiring proceeding which generally disposed of the costs. I wish to quote here briefly from chapter 27 of the first edition of Daniell's Chaucery Practice, and refer, without quotation, to the opening paragraphs of the preceding chapter; the one being the opening chapter of volume 3 of the original work, and the other the final chapter of volume 2. And, before making the quotation, I refer to Mr. Justice BRADI,EY'S note to Thomson v. Wooster, 114 U. S. 112, S. C. 5 Sup. Ct. Rep. 792, to my own note to U. S. v. Anon., 21 Fed. Rep. 766, and to the learned Chancellor COOPER'S note to the corresponding chapter of Daniell, in the fifth American edition, volume 2, p. 1376. These notes will explain the importance of the following quotation, and generally emphasize the necessity, in our federal practice, of caution in these matters not to be misled by implications based on mere words, overlooking the constant changes that legal terminology undergoes in the peculiarities of our American systems. Mr. Daniell says:
"As it is the usual practice of the court, where, upon the hearing, it directs either an issue or a case or a reference to a master, not to give any diredions upon the subject of costs till after the verdict or certificate of the judges has come in, or till the master has made his report, (a practice which appears to have been adopted for the purpose of accelerating the final termination of the suit,) it generally happens that the costs of the suit are taken into consideration at the time when the cause comes on for hearing for f1J,Tther di'rections, and that on such occasions, as soon as the further directions are disposed of, the conrt makes such order with regard to the costs as it thinks the justice of the case requires," etc.
This was the "final hearing," and the books of practice give abundant evidence that there was good cause for falling into the habit of
using this phrase to express and distinguish a possible and often occurring pl'oceeding which came after "the hearing;" that is to sa.y, after "that submission of it to the court in such shape as the parties choose to give it, with a view to a determinattion whether the plaintiff or the libelant has made out the case stated by him in his bill or libel as the ground for the permanent relief which his pleading seeks, on such proofs as the parties place before the court, be the case one of pro confesso, or bill, or libel and answer, or pleadings alone, or pleadings and proof." Wooster v. Hnndy, 23 Fed. :Rep. 56. Most deferentially I submit that the words of the statute do not necessarily imply that ceremony which is described by the last above quotation. They may describe that, of course, if it happen to be in fact the final hearing; but generally they do not, but rather that other hearing described by Mr. Daniell in the above extract, which finally terminates the case; and it is "on" this final hearing, but not for it that the attorney's fee is taxable, and it is not taxable before that time. It is the confusion of these two hearings that causes the trouble in these cases. If we examine the law of costs in courts of equity,-and that branch of it was as well understood ·as others,-we can see why the statute preferred to allow a lump sum at the end of the suit to undertaking to regulate allowances on interlocutory proceedingl:l for solicitor's costs, and determining a.t the final hearing what should be decreed, in that behalf, to the parties to the suit, as against each other. The notion that congress, in the midst of that law, intended to ignor6 all other services, and give the lawyer a fee of $20 for the particular labor of ceremoniously trying the case on its merits, no matter how much or how little, but necessarily always some little, seems untenable, to say the least of it. Combining the law of costs in all departments, and taking the statute as a whole, it seems to be a reasonable construction to hold that congress intended to abolish the idea of giving particular fees for particular services of the lawyer, itemized somewhat like a grocer's bill, and at the end to allow the party, on the score of attorney's costs, an aggregate sum of money, not at all jrom for any particular service, but for all that was done in the beginuing to end: In cases at law, if there had been a tdal by jury, $20; not for a trial by jury, but in a case tried by jury, for all services rendered, $20. If there be judgment without a jury, $10; not $10 for the ceremony of taking a .jurlgment without a jury, but for all services in the case, that sum. If the case be discontinued, $5; not for the discontinuance itself, but for the entire service in a discontinued case. But in all equity and admiralty cases, (with the exception mentioned in the proviso,) because of their peCUliarities and comparatively larger amount of professionq,l work, this plan of gradation was dropped, and, when finally disposed of, $20 were allowed on the score of attorney's costs, whether tried before a jury, as they might be, or
not, as they generally are,-whether disposed of in one way or another,-so that they are finally heard, or, in other words, ended. The contrary doctrine reverses this plan of allowing one sum for all services, and relegates the allowance to one fee-and a very large one it may be under some circumstances-for a particular service, which is often the slightest in the case, and that, too, the most difficult of ascertaining and defining; for, it is often impossible to tell whether a given state of facts constitute "a trial before a jury" or "a final hearing," or not; and, besides, we must, on that theory, go beyond the record, and determine aliunde whether the fee be chargeable, by ascertaining somehow by evidence whether the particular service was in fact rendered. It establishes the manifest injustice of refusing any allowance, in equity and admiralty cases, after the work is all done, if the plaintiff chooses to dismiss a lost cltuse, in order to evade the fee,. rather than submit it for formal decision,-a result not, possible in law cases, and as to which there is no reason for so singular a distinction. The fallacy consists in looking at the act as giving a fee to the lawyer for a specific item of service, when it is an allowance to the party to the suit in lieu of a bill of costs taxable before that time, and including many different items of attorney's taxable costs. Construed as this opinion contrues it, there need never be any doubt about the taxable costs for attorney's fees due the parties in any case, and the statute is homogeneous as to attorney's costs to be taxed in all branches of the jurisdiction. Construed the other way, it is always hard to tell whether the fee should be taxed in equity and admiralty cases; it works injustice in many of them, establishes senseless distinctions, and involves much confusion. I have not the least doubt that congress meant to give, in every equity and admiralty case, a taxed fee of $20 whenever and however it was finally ended, with the single exception specifically mentioned in the statute, and that it did not intend to merely provide a fee for the ceremony of trying the case before the judge on its merits, leaving all other services unprovided for, and without any fee at all, and devolving upon the court in those cases to determine, on facts not in the record, whether or not they were so far tried "on the merits" as to be charged for in the bill of costs; and thus substituting those words "tried on the merits" for "final hearing," as used in the statute. 'I have the word of the original anthor of the statute, then a representative and now a senator in congress, for the construction I give the act. He thinks the case of Goodyel(T v. Sawye1', supra, correctly construes it; and while, of course, this is no technical support for that case, it gratifies me to know that he approves it, for he is a competent and trustwortby interpreter of that statute, and an able lawyer. Nevertheless, since my brethren elsewhere have not approved that ruling, and uniformity of practice may be of more importance than consistency or even correctness of judgment, I shall, when the point again arises, consider whether I should abandon my own matured con-
victions, and conform onr practice to that of other conrts by a reversal of that opinion, in deference to theirs. Wooster v. Handy, 23 Fed. Rep. 49; Mercartney v. Crittenden, 24 Fed. Rep. 401; Consolidated, etc., Co. v. American, etc., Co., Id. 658. But see Andrew8 v. Cole, 20 Fed. Rep. 410. Plausible, however, as is the suggestion that I shall now reverse it, I do not think this case requires that course, and I reserve the point for further reflection. Here the facts are that the case was dismissed for want of prosecution, on motion of the defendants, with full notice and under peculiar circumstances, not at all like any of the other cases. In Me1'cartney v. Crittenden, supra, the plaintiiJ dismissed the bill voluntarily, after demurrer overruled and answer filed. In McLean v. Cllirlc, 23 Fed. Rep. 861, there was a demurrer overruled and answer filed, the fee being claimed, as if upon a final hearing; and it was properly denied, since the case did not, as in P.rice v. Coleman, 22 Fed. Rep. 694, go off upon demurrer without further proceedings. But in this case, when the demurrer was overruled, as reported in P(trtee v. Thomas, 11 Fed. Rep. 769, an answer was filed and the cause stood at issue. The plaintiff sUbsequently died. The suit thus became defective, but what was the precise technical effect of the death upon the right of the defendant as to costs, or how it might be propfrom the docket, if at all, without revivor, may be doubterly ful. Beames, Eq. Costs, 195; 2 Daniell, Gh. Pro (1st Ed.) 359,360; Id. (5th Ed.) 1506 et seq. We were relieved from the consideration of the matter of proper practice in that regard by the action of the parties. Following the 'state practice, (as is generally done, without objection, in all doubtful emergencies, notwithstanding equity rule 90,) the defendants suggested and proved the death of the plaintiff, and gave notice to the personal representatives, or heirs at law, and to counsel of record, of a motion to dismiss for want of prosecution, if a revivor should not be had. The representatives not desiring to revive, and being willing that the case should be thus disposed of, the motioll was granted, and there was a judgment against them and the surety on the cost-bond for costs. It is impossible to say certainly how far the doctrine that there must be "a trial on the merits" to en· title the parties to a taxation of the docket fee is to be pressed in this direction, or how far, operating in that way, it shall properly go in denying the fee in a case like this, where work has been thoroughly done, which ought to give it to the party to whom costs have been awarded; for in Wooster v. Handy, supra, it is carried in an opposite direction, to the extent of giving more than one fee in a single case, and establishing that very many docket fees may be allowed, if very many ''final hearings" should be had, in the same case. But since no case cited is a precedent for this, and being uncertain how to apply the principle contended for so that it shall operate uniformly in all directions with reasonable satisfaction to a sense of justice to those concerned or interested in the bill of costs, I feet, with my convicv.27F.no.5-28
tions of the meaning of the statute, that, while I should possibly follow the precedents in judgment, I should not lead them beyond the strict limits they define by their own peculiar facts. Motion disallowed.
A bill of lading deliverable to the order of the shipper, and attached to a draft drawn upon the purchaser, and sent to a bank' for acceptance and collection, " with no other instructions, is rightfully delivered by the bank on acceptance of the draft, and passes the title to the goods, and the bank need not hold the bill of lading until payment.
A consignor who. on discovery of the purchaser's insolvency, haa notified the defendant not to deliver goods to him or his assigns, has no right of stoppage in fJran8itu, aa against an indorsee of the bill of lading for valuable con· sideration, even though such valuable consideration be an antecedent debt. 1
A bill of lading, running to the order of the shipper, being- delivered unindorsed to the purchaser by the shipper's agent, with intent to pass the title, transfers the title to the property as absolutely as would a bill of sale.
Demurrer to Amended Complaint. On November 17, 1883, the plaintiff shipped a car-load of flour at St. Paul, Minnesota, by the defendant's transportation line, consigned to itself at Boston, and took a bill of lading therf:lfor showing such consignment. On the same day plaintiff made its draft, at 15 days' sight, against the flour mentioned in the bill of lading upon one Whitcomb, of Boston, and forwarded the draft, with the bill of attached, unindorsed, to the Tremont National Bank of Boston "for acceptance and collection." Upon presentation, November 22nd, Whitcomb accepted the draft, and received the bill of lading from the bank without indorsement. He afterwards indorsed and transferred the bill of lading to the National Bank of Redemption for an ante· cedent debt which he owed said bank. Such transfer of the bill of lading by Whitcomh was not in full payment or satisfaction of the antecedent debt, but with the understanding that the bank should sell the flour on its arrival in Boston, and Whitcomb should have credit on his debt for whatever amount the flour brought. If the proeeeds of the flour should amount to mora than said debt, the balance was to be paid back to Whitcomb; and if the proceeds Wf\re less than the debt, then Whitcomb should pay the bank the deficit. 1.'he apand note, 476. |
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The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations found in this study are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Advocacy, the United States Small Business Administration, or the United States Government.
Whereas the use of credit scoring for consumer loans has been commonplace in banks for quite some time, the use of credit scoring for small business loans is a more recent phenomenon. The study attempts to answer several questions related to the use of credit scoring in small business lending as follows: • How have banks incorporated credit scoring in their small business lending operations? • How does credit scoring influence the availability of credit to small businesses? • What factors predict the likelihood of the use of small business credit scoring by banks? Three basic investigations were conducted for this research. The study investigated the use of credit scoring within banks. The study estimated how small business lending and micro business lending was impacted by the adoption of credit scoring by banks. Finally, the study investigated the factors that affected the likelihood that a bank would use credit scoring for small business loans.
The survey confirms that banks implement the use of credit scoring for small business loans in a number of different ways—while a majority of banks depend on the credit score of the owner as the key credit metric, other banks utilize the business score, and still others use both. • Relationships continue to be the dominant factor in the lending decision to small businesses. When credit scoring was compared with relationships and loan purpose for the credit decision, relationships and loan purpose were considered more important than credit scoring regardless of whether a bank used credit scoring or not. • The principal alternative use of credit scores after loan underwriting is for the periodic reevaluation of existing loans. Loan monitoring is the next most cited use of small business credit scores. Banks generally perceive an improvement in the credit decision subsequent to the incorporation of credit scoring for small business loans. • Geographic expansion does not appear to result from the adoption of credit scoring by banks. • The adoption of credit scoring for small business lending by banks appears to be based on the operational thrust of the bank. Those banks with the larger proportion of total loans relative to total assets tend to be more likely to adopt credit scoring. • Banks increase their investment in small business loans relative to total loans over time subsequent to the adoption of small business credit scoring. • Banks with lower ratios of small business loans to total loans tend to adopt credit scoring for small business loans. Similarly, banks with lower ratios
While credit scoring has yet to become a primary instrument in loan underwriting for a majority of banks in the United States, there are indications that credit scoring may be providing more borrowing opportunities to small businesses. Although it does not appear that there is geographic expansion resulting from credit scoring, it does appear that there are significant increases in the importance of small business and micro business loans in the total lending portfolio subsequent to the adoption of credit scoring.
This report was developed under a contract with the Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy, and contains information and analysis that was reviewed and edited by officials of the Office of Advocacy. However, the final conclusions of the report do not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Advocacy.
of microbusiness loans to total loans tend to adopt credit scoring for small business loans. • A bank’s investment in small business loans under $100,000 relative to total loans tends to increase with the age of the bank. • Rural banks are less likely to use credit scoring for small business loans as compared with their urban counterparts. • Credit scoring appears to be part of a bank’s competitive strategy, with those banks with larger investments in lending overall having a greater tendency to adopt credit scoring.
Survey methods were used to investigate small business credit scoring in banks. A detailed questionnaire was prepared and approved for use by the Small Business Administration. The Office of Management and Budget approved the questionnaire and general survey design (OMB control no. 32450354). Using the June 2004 Call Reports, a sample was drawn from all banks reporting lending to small businesses. A stratified sample of 1,500 banks was drawn that was specifically designed for projectability to the population of banks. The sample included a diverse cross section of large corporate banks to small community banks throughout the nation. The senior credit officer in each bank was asked to complete a survey and return the survey either over fax or email. Each bank was contacted a minimum of two times with telephone calls to encourage a response to the survey. A total of 327 banks responded to the survey. The responses were then analyzed to ascertain the degree to which credit scores are currently being used in banks when making credit decisions for small business loans. The determinants of small business lending were next analyzed to understand what characteristics of banks lead to investments in small business loans. The data included the survey responses and the June 2005 call report data for each bank in the survey. Two separate ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions were run that differed primarily by their dependent variable. The dependent variable in the first was the ratio of micro small business loans (loans under $100,000) relative to total loans. The second dependent variable was the ratio of all small business loans regardless of size to total loans. Two independent variables were used in each regression to capture the impact of credit scoring on small business lending. The first was a dummy indicator variable that
indicated whether the bank used credit scoring. The second independent variable designed to capture the impact of credit scoring was time since adoption. This variable measured the number of years the bank had been using credit scoring for small business lending. Other independent variables were primarily selected based on use in the previous literature. These variables included the natural log of assets, the ratio of total loans to total assets, the ratio of property, plant, and equipment to total assets, the ratio of chargeoffs to total industrial and commercial loans, and the age of the bank in years. The independent variables were consistent across the two OLS regressions, with the exception of a final independent variable, the ratio of micro business loans to total small business loans. This independent variable was only included in the second regression that used the ratio of small business loans to total loans as the dependent variable. The likelihood of banks adopting credit scoring was investigated using a logistic regression. The dependent variable was the dummy variable indicating whether a bank used credit scoring in small business lending. The independent variables used in the OLS regressions were also used in the logistic regression. In addition, a variable was added for the ratio of farm loans to total loans. This variable was designed to capture any differences between rural lenders and urban lenders. This report was peer reviewed consistent with the Office of Advocacy’s data quality guidelines. More information on this process can be obtained by contacting the director of economic research at [email protected] or (202) 205-6533.
The full text of this report and summaries of other studies performed under contract with the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of Advocacy are available on the Internet at www.sba.gov/advo/research. Copies are available for purchase from: National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (800) 553-6847 or (703) 605-6000 Order number: PB2007-100020 www.ntis.gov For email delivery of Advocacy’s newsletter, press, regulatory news, and research, visit http://web. sba.gov/list. For Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, visit www.sba.gov/advo/rsslibrary.html.
This report was prepared with the generous support of the United States Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy. We would like to thank Charles Ou, Senior Economist, for valuable direction and advice in the preparation of this report. We would also like to thank Scott Frame and Keith Leggett for their very insightful comments that served to enhance this report. In addition, we would like to recognize the expert data management assistance of Danny Heisner and all those who assisted with the conduct of the survey. And we would especially like to thank all the survey participants who gave of their valuable time and without whom this report would not be possible. Dr. Charles D. Cowan Principal Investigator
Analytic Focus LLC, under contract to the Small Business Administration1, conducted a survey of banks to determine what information banks use to determine whether to originate loans to small businesses. Analytic Focus administered the contract, entitled, “Impact of Credit Scoring on Lending to Small Firms,” during 2005.
Banks are a primary source of funding for small business. Therefore, changes in the small business lending practices of banks have important implications for these firms. It is believed that the competitive landscape for small business loans is changing with the advent of small business credit scoring. The goal of the survey was to determine to what extent banks use credit scoring in making loans to small businesses. We investigate how credit scoring is
implemented and what weight it is given in the overall credit extension decision. We also combine the survey responses with bank Call Report data to examine the importance of credit scoring for relative levels of small business lending. Finally, we investigate the factors that suggest that a bank will adopt credit scoring.
A nationally representative, stratified sample of banks was selected from the set of banks reporting small business loans in the June 2004 Call Reports. A detailed questionnaire was prepared and approved for use by the Small Business Administration. The Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) as part of the Paperwork Reduction Act review approved this questionnaire and the general survey design.2 This questionnaire was sent to senior credit officers at each bank in the sample via fax or e-mail. Analytic Focus, LLC followed up with each bank a minimum of two times with telephone calls to encourage response to the survey, with some banks being called as many as five times over a two month period. A total of 327 banks responded to the survey.
Banks are identified by two primary categories for purposes of analyzing the results of the survey. The first category consists of those banks that use small business credit scoring in any form (hereinafter referred to as SBCS banks). These banks may use the individual owner credit
score, the business credit score, or both in the loan origination decision. The second category consists of the remaining banks that do not use credit scores for small business lending (hereinafter referred to as NCS banks).
Overall, we find that approximately 53 percent of the respondents do not use any type of credit score for originating small business loans. Lack of confidence in the scores and unique loan aspects are given as the primary reasons for not using these scores. It appears from other responses that this lack of confidence relates primarily to business credit scores that depend to some extent on self-reporting by businesses. The use of business credit scores is limited to approximately 9.5 percent of the total survey respondents. Banks have a great incentive to ensure that the information they obtain from the small businesses is correct to manage credit risk. In contrast to business credit scores, we find that the remaining 43.5 percent of banks using credit scores continue to rely predominantly on the credit score of the individual owner for purposes of originating small business loans.
Our survey results provide some evidence that for those banks using credit scores, credit is being extended to a broader distribution of small business borrowers. Many banks use credit scoring for risk based pricing and in the process make loans to lower credit quality small businesses. Credit scores enable banks to charge risk adjusted premiums on these less creditworthy loans. The ability to price loans in such a manner makes the business profitable to banks and opens opportunities for more small businesses.
Despite the availability of credit scoring, the relationship of the business with the bank appears to continue to be the dominant factor considered in the lending decision. This finding is true regardless of bank size. This may reflect the value of flexibility in the renegotiation of contract terms in relationship banking as discussed by Boot (2000). It suggests a preference for discretion based versus rules based decision making in banking. In contrast, those respondents who elected a lending methodology based on credit scoring for the most part did so to obtain a quantifiable measure of risk.
One disappointing result of the survey is that there is no indication of any momentum in the development of secondary markets for small business loans. Secondary markets have been critical in improving the availability and price of credit in other loan markets, such as the residential loan market. A credit score provides potential buyers with a quantified risk
measure. As credit scores tend to reduce the information asymmetry regarding the quality of loans being sold, credit scoring would be expected to provide a means of facilitating the development of this market. However, respondents generally did not find secondary market sales as an important consideration for the use of credit scores. Despite the ability to obtain a quantified risk measure through a credit score, other factors, such as lack of homogeneity in the loan pool, may slow the development of secondary markets.
By matching the survey responses with the call report data, we are able to further investigate the relationship between small business lending and credit scoring. We provide empirical evidence that suggests that banks increase their investment in small business loans relative to total loans subsequent to the adoption of credit scoring for small business lending. Such a finding suggests a potential improvement in credit availability to small firms over time as banks continue to integrate this technology in their loan underwriting.
The adoption of credit scoring appears to be based on the operational characteristics of the bank. Rural lenders are less likely to adopt credit scoring than other banks. In addition, banks that invest greater proportions of assets in loans have a greater propensity to adopt credit scoring. This may reflect the fact that banks that use credit scoring for other large consumer lending operations transfer the credit scoring technology to small business loan underwriting.
In summary, we present some encouraging data for small business owners and lenders. Rather than limiting the availability of credit, credit scoring appears to encourage lending to small businesses by providing banks with a quantifiable measure of risk. By eliminating some of the informational asymmetry inherent in these loans, credit scoring may increase the lending dollars available to small businesses. Although a more thorough investigation of the impact of credit scoring over time is needed, our results suggest that small businesses and banks alike will benefit from the integration of this technology in the lending process.
Bank operations for lending to small businesses have changed dramatically in many banks with the advent of third party credit scores, such as Fair Isaac’s Small Business Scoring Service. Small business information is generally quite opaque and often difficult to assess relative to the credit-worthiness of the business. Credit scores introduce a quantitative measure of risk that may increase the availability of funds to small businesses. This relatively recent innovation has significant implications for the small business customers served by the banks that have adopted this technology.
Banks integrate credit scores in the lending process in several ways. Whereas some banks use the credit score exclusively in the lending decision, others adopt a mixture of credit scoring with relationship lending. Others banks have not integrated the use of SBCS at all; these banks use only relationship lending with a more traditional underwriting approach. In addition, the approach may differ within the same bank by loan size, business sector, or region. The different approaches introduce a complicated framework within which banks now compete for small business loans. Our purpose in this paper is to investigate the integration of credit scoring in the small business lending process and the resulting implications for small businesses seeking financing.
The effect of the use of credit scoring on credit availability continues to be controversial. Advocacy groups are generally concerned with the availability of credit for the disadvantaged segments of the small business population. Poor quality of information as well as overly restrictive score guidelines are often cited as complaints. In addition, if relationship banking provides loans to be made based on more subtle information than that able to be captured by a credit score, a trend toward the use of credit scores may reduce the pool of those small businesses with access to funds. However, to the degree that credit scores eliminate the
subjective, and sometimes prejudicial, aspects of lending, credit scores may actually serve to increase the availability of credit.
To the degree that credit scores can be relied upon to measure what they purport to measure; i.e., credit-worthiness, they have several distinct advantages for the lender. They provide a quantitative measure of risk that is not based on a subjective assessment of the borrower. Assuming a consistent application of scores, similar businesses should receive the same treatment in terms of loan acceptance. The technology is now available for a relatively low cost that serves to reduce the screening and monitoring costs. In addition, a quantitative measure facilitates risk-based loan pricing for the bank.
An avenue that holds great promise for the future for both banks and small businesses is the development of a secondary market for these loans. There is a possibility that credit scoring for small businesses may facilitate the development of secondary markets for small business debt similar to developments in the consumer loan markets. Small businesses would benefit as liquidity would increase and more competitors would enter the market.
We present the results of a banking survey conducted in 2005 on behalf of the Small Business Administration in order to provide some insight into lending issues of critical importance to small businesses. The remainder of this report proceeds as follows. We first present the survey design in Section II and then a review of the survey respondents in Section III. Section IV provides highlights of the methods of implementation of credit scoring
technology within banks, and Section V provides highlights of respondents’ assessments of the impact of small business credit scoring. Section VI provides our empirical investigation of the factors affecting small business lending and the use of credit scoring. We summarize our results in the conclusion.
We now turn to the survey to analyze the impact of credit scoring on small business lending. Research began with the acquisition of reports and data sets from federal regulators. The data sets contained all banks in the United States and Puerto Rico that reported lending to small businesses. From this list of banks, a random sample was designed providing a diverse
cross section of large corporate banks to small community banks throughout the nation. From a population of approximately 7,500 banks reporting lending to small businesses, our sample was 1500 banks or 20 percent.
With the sample selected, we next collected phone numbers for each bank. Once all the numbers were collected, each bank was called to identify the correct officer at the bank who would receive the survey. During the initial calls 7 percent (108) of the banks declined to receive the survey. The rejections ranged from not being allowed to participate in surveys to not having the time.
After all the information was in place from each bank, we faxed and emailed the surveys. This resulted in a small portion of returned surveys, so we began to follow-up with each bank. We resent 195 surveys resulting in 4 percent decline, 27 percent completed, and 69 percent no response.
This survey represents a stratified sample that is specifically designed for projectability to the population of banks. The complete survey design and weighting methodology are presented in Appendix A.
Banks responding to the survey are from a broad cross section of states throughout the United States. A response map is presented below in Figure 1.
As stated previously, the bank sample was drawn from all banks conducting small business lending in the United States. The types of small business lending conducted by banks in the sample are presented in Table 1 by bank size. Lines of credit and equipment leasing represent the largest relative percentages of the loan portfolios regardless of asset size.
Table 1. Loan Type as a Share of Total Small Business Loans (Mean Response by Bank Asset Size – in Percent) Assets Assets Less Assets $100 Million than $100 $500 Million Loan Type to Less than Million to $1 Billion $500 Million Lines of Credit 22 22 21 Business Credit Cards 4 5 7 Receivables Financing 8 14 10 Equipment Leasing 21 20 23 Vehicle 11 11 9 Other 14 26 22
Some loan types were not identified on the survey, and respondents were asked to identify the types of loans included in the unspecified, other category. The most common types of other loans specified include business acquisition loans, agricultural loans and inventory financing.
Fifty-three percent (53%) of the banks that responded to the survey are not utilizing credit scoring in their small business lending activities in any form (NCS banks). The remaining 47 percent of the respondents incorporate credit scoring in the small business credit decision in some form (SBCS banks). For purposes of this report, we further separate SBCS banks into two subgroups. OCS: BCS: Banks that use only the firm owner’s credit scores. Banks that use business credit scores either solely or in conjunction with owner credit scores. The group or subgroup of interest is identified within the text as appropriate.
Those respondents that elect not to use credit scoring were asked for the reasoning behind this decision. The provided responses were not mutually exclusive. Table 2 presents the reasons for not adopting credit scoring by bank size. Only 18 respondents in the asset
categories greater than $500 million did not adopt credit scoring. Therefore, the answers for the final two categories largely reflect this limited sample size.
Lack of Confidence Low Loan Volume Customer Resistance Loans Don't Lend Themselves to Cr Scoring Expense Other
When responding with “Other” the survey requests additional details regarding some sort of specification for this category. Belief that the loan officer was able to evaluate credit in a superior or equivalent fashion was mentioned by 26 respondents. A few respondents indicated that they used credit reports but did not obtain separate credit scores. The remaining
specifications for other varied from too small in terms of loan size to too small in terms of overall importance of small business lending to the bank.
Finally, for those banks indicating no use of credit scoring, respondents were asked whether there was any plan to implement this technology over the next 12 months. Only 6 percent of those banks not using credit scoring in small business lending indicate any immediate plans. However, this is quite consistent with a steady rate of implementation of credit scoring for small business loans. To the extent that the survey can be generalized to the population of all banks, this suggests adoption by close to 380 banks over the next year. Such a pattern is consistent with banks not generally having a reputation for the rapid adoption of new technologies as suggested by Frame and White (2004).
The 1998 Federal Reserve Survey of large banks provides evidence that banks implement credit scoring in various ways. This diverse implementation aspect is discussed by Akhavein, Frame, and White (2005) and Frame, Srinivasan, and Woosley (2001). This same pattern is also evidenced in this more recent, broader survey. Figure 2 depicts the credit scoring methodology of respondents. It is clear that banks elect several methods of implementing credit scoring. A large percentage of banks rely on the individual credit score of the business owner, which
confirms the informational significance of this measure as discussed by Mester (1997). It also suggests the importance to small business owners of maintaining excellent personal credit.
Figure 2. Banks Utilizing Method as a Percentage of All Banks Using Credit Scoring in Small Business Lending
Not only do banks differ by type of credit score used in the credit decision, but also by the source of the score. The most common source of credit scores is the third party vendor based on 70 percent of responders designating this source. Approximately 11 percent of those responding to this question indicate that they supplement an internal model with third party credit scores. Thus, 81 percent rely on third party scores to varying degrees. Only 11 percent rely exclusively on internal models, about half of which were developed with the assistance of external consultants.
Survey respondents from SBCS banks provide several alternate reasons for the adoption of credit scoring. Table 3 presents the ranking by importance of several factors across all bank size categories. It is clear that the predominant factor influencing the adoption of credit scoring is the ability to quantify the credit decision.
Survey respondents whose banks had adopted credit scoring were asked to respond to numerous questions regarding the impact of this technology on the lending practices of the bank.
The vast majority of banks do not rely solely on credit scores for the purpose of making a credit decision regardless of the type of small business loan. For those banks that do rely on credit scores for the credit decision, the loan amount is generally very small. Sixteen percent of the respondents indicate that the credit score can be used to make loans less than $50,000. The tendency to rely solely on credit scores declines dramatically above $50,000 as depicted in Figure 3. In addition, less than 2 percent of banks that rely solely on credit scores do not establish a dollar limit for the loan decision.
No Dollar Limit $250,000 to < $1 Million $100,000 to < $250,000 $50,000 to < $100,000 < $50,000 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16%
Credit scoring is used in various degrees for all types of small business loans. As noted previously, few banks rely solely on credit scores. We queried banks as to the importance of various factors in the credit decision. Banks were asked to rank the factors from a most In addition, if not important in the
underwriting process, the banks were asked to leave the factor blank. The results are presented in Table 4 below.
Based on the response, it appears that credit scores for small business loans are still not perceived as adding a great deal of value as compared with more traditional indicators of creditworthiness. The majority of banks rank cash flow of the business as the single most important factor. Collateral is the next most important factor. Using the cumulative ranking 9
from rank categories 1 through 3, credit scoring is actually the least important factor of those factors listed on the questionnaire other than the unspecified other category. For those banks indicating unspecified other as important, respondents list character, bank relationship, and related business experience as important considerations.
There are numerous potential applications of credit scores in banking, and the survey requested information regarding such other uses. The percentage of banks finding
The two most frequent uses of credit scoring outside of underwriting based on survey responses are loan monitoring and risk based loan pricing. The most frequently indicated use by respondents is loan monitoring regardless of bank size. This may suggest that banks are reducing their monitoring costs by relying upon credit scoring rather than more costly individual audits of existing loans. Alternatively, it may simply suggest that banks are Credit scoring as an ordinal
enhancing existing monitoring processes with credit scores. measure of risk lends itself to risk based pricing.
It is also interesting to note that banks are not utilizing credit scoring in the marketing process to any large degree regardless of the size of the bank. Taken in total, less than 7 percent of the banks that use credit scoring use it further for marketing other small business loan products. In addition, less than 5 percent of all banks using small business credit scores extend the use to marketing other small business non-loan products or services.
When asked to evaluate the importance of the banking relationship relative to a firm’s credit score when making the loan decision, many respondents were unable to indicate the exact weighting. This appears to be an area of some subjectivity on the part of the credit officer as approximately 45 percent of the banks using credit scoring were unable to segregate the decision between these two factors. To the degree that banks were able to identify the
significance of the banking relationship relative to the credit score, the results were mixed. The remaining respondents were split almost 50/50 between the banking relationship having credit weight and the credit score having greater weight in the credit decision. It is interesting to note, however, that 75 percent of the banks using SBCS indicate that if a small business has an existing relationship that a credit score is used in determinations regarding credit extensions or new loan applications to these business customers.
The Small Business Administration is also interested in the changes in small business lending that may occur as the direct result of credit scoring. The survey incorporated several questions designed to elicit this information.
The use of credit scoring does not appear to be making a material impact in the geographic dispersion of small business loan offerings by banks in the sample. Almost 75 percent of the respondents indicate no change in the geographic lending area following the implementation of credit scoring for small business loans. This limited impact in geographic markets is consistent with the findings of Degryse and Ongena (2005).
Of the remaining 25 percent of those using SBCS, the geographic expansion is primarily limited to two asset sizes with expansion differing greatly in degree. Banks with total assets between $100 million and $500 million cite geographic extension into new cities and counties. In contrast, banks with total assets greater than $1 billion cite national expansion for small business loans resulting from the implementation of credit scoring. More than 50 percent of the large banks utilizing SBCS indicate geographic expansion.
We also queried for small business loan product expansion resulting from credit scoring. The results of the survey are depicted in Figure 5. Approximately 30 percent of the banks using credit scoring for small business loans did not incorporate new lines of business as the result of this technology. Of those banks expanding loan product lines, the type of new loan offerings varied a great deal. Lines of credit for small businesses are the most common new product offering with 14.9 percent of banks using SBCS entering this new line of business. Whereas less than 10 percent expanded into other loan categories, those banks expanding in this arena cite primarily unsecured overdrafts as the principal offering.
None Other Lns Secured by Comm. R.E. Vehicle Loans Equip. Lease Improvement Receivables Financing Business Credit Cards Lines of Credit 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0%
An increase in loan offerings does not necessarily lead to an increase in the overall volume of small business loans. Therefore, a question was asked directly to ascertain the impact of small business credit scoring on the volume of loans being offered to small businesses. Based on our results, it appears that SBCS makes little difference in the actual volume of loans being offered to the small business community. Sixty-three percent of the banks responding indicate no change in the volume of small business loans resulting from the implementation of credit scoring. Nevertheless, 14 percent of the banks that use credit scoring indicate an increase in volume, with 9 percent indicating a moderate increase and 5 percent indicating a significant increase in volume. responses, below. Figure 6 depicts the overall results of this question, excluding non-
Figure 6. Estimated Volume Impact of Credit Scoring (Banks as a Percentage of All Responses) Significant Increase 7% Moderate Increase 11% No Change 78% Moderate Decline 4%
The use of small business credit scoring appears to be increasing the price of loans to small businesses; i.e., to less creditworthy small businesses. Quantifying risk allows banks to utilize a measure to adjust prices based on scores. However, this extends beyond simply adjusting the price of the loan in terms of the rate offered. It also includes changes in collateral requirements and guarantees required. The results are presented in Figure 7 below.
Increased Loan Size Reduced Costs of Credit Lines Wider Spread Over Cost Of Funds Premiums Charged on Less Credit Worthy Loans Increased Collateralization Requirements Increased Guarantee Requirements
The implementation of credit scoring is perceived by many credit officers to influence the quality of the credit decision. The vast majority of respondents, regardless of bank size,
perceived an improvement in the quality of the credit decision subsequent to the implementation of credit scoring for small business loans. This perceived improvement in quality also translates into perceptions of improved credit quality of the small business loan portfolio. Approximately 47 percent of the respondents using SBCS believed there had been some degree of reduction in the level of credit risk in the small business loan portfolio. This appears to be inconsistent with an extension of credit to lower quality borrowers as suggested by Berger, Frame, and Miller (2005). However, the discrepancy might be explained by the fact that respondents may equate improved risk-based pricing with a reduction in risk. If so, it is still possible that credit is being extended to lower quality borrowers, but with higher premiums charged for reduced credit quality as reflected in Figure 7.
All survey respondents were asked to rank the importance of various factors in making the decision to originate a small business loan. The factors included were loan size, third party credit score, internal credit score, type of business, business location, previous relationship with owner, loan purpose, and other. The results clearly indicate that relationship banking continues to dominate technology for purposes of originating small business loans.
Figure 8. Factor Ranked as One of the Three Most Important by Banks as Percentage of All Survey Respondents
Loan Size 3rd Party Internal Credit Credit Score Score Type Of Small Business Location of Business Previous Relationship With Owner Loan Purpose Other
If a bank responded that a factor was one of the three most significant factors leading to the origination of a small business loan, that response is depicted in Figure 8. It is not surprising that when considering the response of all survey respondents to questions regarding the importance of factors leading to a small business loan origination that credit scores do not appear to be significant. The importance of credit scores, whether third party or internal, is
minimized when considering all survey respondents. If all considered the factor important, then presumably all respondents would have adopted the technology.
The responses as presented in Figure 8 appear to indicate that the relationship with the firm’s owner continues to be the dominant factor in small business lending. Approximately 75 percent of the respondents included the previous relationship with the business owner as one of the three most important factors considered for loan origination.
We divided the respondents into two groups to further analyze these rankings. The first group consisted of those banks that implemented business credit scores. The second group consisted of those banks that used owner credit scores or no credit scores in the small business loan decision. Figure 9 presents the results of this analysis by cluster. In the presence of business credit scores, the importance of relationship banking declines relative to the importance for banks not using business scores. Whereas almost 40 percent of those banks that do not use business scores responded that the previous relationship with the owner was the most important key in the origination decision, only 31 percent of banks utilizing business scores responded in the same manner. In addition, for those banks implementing business scores, other factors increased in significance for this group, such as the loan purpose and the type of small business. One possible explanation is that the use of business credit scores favors product specialization.
The other unspecified category was evidently more important to those banks not implementing business credit scoring. Approximately 10 percent of total survey respondents indicated that cash flow analysis was an important factor when considering the origination of a small business loan. sufficiency of capital. Two other factors that banks mention are personal guarantees and
40 Loan Size Third Party Credit Score Internal Credit Score Type of Small Business Business Location Previous Relationship with Owner Loan Purpose Other
Credit review committees appear to operate similarly, regardless of whether the financial institution adopts credit scoring. The groups are segregated into two categories for purposes of this analysis; i.e., those that adopt credit scoring in any form for small business loans and those banks that do not use credit scoring for small business loans. There is no statistical difference between the mean of the samples for the number of committee members when evaluating differences between credit scoring and non-credit scoring banks. We find a slight difference in committee numbers based on the asset size of the bank. The number of committee members increases with the asset size of the bank, as would be expected. Whereas the smallest banks average five members, the largest banks average eight members. Comparing means reveals that there is a statistically significant difference at the 5 percent level of significance between the smallest asset category and all other asset categories. There is no statistically significant
The survey requests that banks indicate the frequency of committee meetings within specified ranges. Table 5 reflects by asset size the share of banks in each category. There is no
statistically significant difference whether comparing banks that adopted credit scoring or comparing banks by asset size.
Loan approval authority levels do not generally differ by banks regardless of whether evaluated by credit scoring implementation or bank size. The few differences that do occur can be explained by size rather than by the utilization of credit scoring by the bank. We compare the means of the samples by BCS and all SBCS relative to NCS banks. There is no statistically significant difference at the 5 percent level of significance. However, when comparing means of the loan officer approval authority by size of bank we find that approval levels simply tend to increase with the size of the bank for vehicle loans at the 5 percent level of significance. If the level of significance increases to 10 percent, then vehicle loans and receivable financing authority limits also differ between large and small banks. This result suggests that although the dollar amount of risk may be the same that the relative risk to small banks is greater which may lead to lower loan amount authorizations. However, as this does not hold across all loan categories, there are other considerations for the bank. In addition, higher loan approval limits do not necessarily translate into an easier source of credit for small businesses at larger banks. Table 6 presents the average maximum loan approval amount for an individual loan officer by type of loan. We compare the smallest banks with the largest banks. We present the mean, and the result of the t-test for testing the mean across samples is provided as well. When 19
Levene’s Test for equality of variance rejects the null hypothesis of equal variance, the t-test presented is based on unequal variances. Approval limits for the unspecified other category are not included as there is no basis for comparison.
Forty-five percent of the respondents to the survey indicate no requirement for the small business firm to maintain a deposit account in order to receive a small business loan. However, approximately one quarter of the 45 percent state that an account is encouraged but not required. Written responses indicate that loan pricing and deposit relationships are tied
together suggesting that small businesses that maintain deposit accounts enjoy lower borrowing costs. However, we cannot confirm this without having access to both the loan and deposit files maintained by banks.
For those banks requiring deposit accounts, there does not appear to be any difference in requirements between credit scoring banks and non-credit scoring banks. Both groups most frequently require business checking accounts. This result does not change if the sample is segregated by asset size. The one difference based on asset size is that some smaller banks tend to request alternate types of deposit relationships, including certificates of deposits and business savings accounts. account. The larger banks tend to require solely the business checking
The final aspect of small business lending that we investigate is the alternative uses of credit scores by banks. Within consumer portfolios, credit scores are used to target market a
large range of products. Although this is certainly a long run potential of credit scoring, it appears that the primary extension of this information is to monitor existing loans as shown in Table 7. Those banks that adopted business scoring are somewhat more aggressive with using credit scores to market small business loan and non-loan products. Clearly, the primary
alternative use of credit scores beyond origination is the monitoring of existing loans. More than half of those banks using credit scores utilize them for evaluating existing loans.
A great deal of extant literature that shows that asymmetric information between borrowers and lenders leads to an inefficient allocation of capital. Information sharing among banks is seen to reduce this asymmetry and mitigate market inefficiencies. Theoretical models have been used to make predictions regarding the impact of information sharing by banks through such technology as credit bureaus and more specifically, credit scores. Many of these models are developed in the context of consumer lending rather than small business lending. Nevertheless, the earlier theoretical models apply to the degree that lending for small business loans is similar to consumer lending.
Common filters, such as credit reports, are shown to lead to increased lending when adverse selection has eliminated high quality borrowers from the market (Pagano and Jappelli (1993)). Shaffer (1998) models common filters for lenders, such as credit scores, as a solution to
adverse selection. Several models predict that information sharing leads to a reduction in defaults, including Pagano and Jappelli (1993), Padilla and Pagano (1997), and Padilla and Pagano (2000). This suggests that banks that use credit scoring would improve the credit quality of their portfolios.
Although not isolated to small business lending, Shaffer (1998) provides a model that suggests an interesting hypothesis related to credit scoring. Shaffer suggests that a bank’s preference for a common filter, such as a credit score, will be greater during recessions than during the expansion phase of the credit cycle. Cowan and Cowan (2003) present a risk based loan pricing model that analyzes the pricing impact of various lending methodologies, including credit scoring. The model differentiates between banks based on the implementation of technology. The model predicts that loan pricing varies by the method of implementation of credit scoring, which is consistent with the empirical findings of Berger, Frame, and Miller (2005).
Despite the importance of this innovation to the small business market segment, little empirical evidence has been presented regarding the overall impact of this technology. Limited research is possible given the paucity of data regarding the internal lending operations of banks as well as the coincident borrowing activities of small businesses. Information required to investigate the impact of credit scoring on small business finance is proprietary. This includes lending decisions from the initial use of credit scores through the pricing of loans, as well as the resulting portfolio risk aspects of these decisions. An exception is the Survey of Small Business Finance (SSBF) conducted by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Surveys were taken in 1987, 1993, 1998, and 2003. The 2003 data will be available soon.
Preliminary evidence and significant insights into credit scoring for small business loans is also available based on an important telephone survey conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta in January of 1998. The survey provides the basis for several papers that utilize the survey data in conjunction with additional bank data to analyze various aspects of the impact of this technological innovation (Frame, Srinivasan, and Woosley (2001), Frame, Padhi, and Woosley (2004), Akhavein, Frame, and White (2005), Berger, Frame and Miller (2005), Berger
and Frame (2005)). This survey is limited to large institutions, given that at the time of the survey in 1998 SBCS was limited almost exclusively to the largest banks. However, given this limitation to the largest banks, the results cannot be generalized to the population of all banks.
Empirical evidence confirms that the banking industry is still in the process of integrating credit scoring into its back office underwriting operations for small business loans. Not all banks use credit scores for small business lending. Available data suggests that larger banks adopted these scores first, although some small banks are buying these scores as well. Furthermore, banks that use SBCS may use them in different ways. (Frame, Srinivasan, and Woosley (2001), Berger and Udell (2002), Cole, Goldberg, and White (2004), and Akhavein, Frame, and White (2005)). This may reflect the cost of entry for large banks into this loan market that has been dominated by community banks specializing in relationship lending. Alternatively, it is consistent with large and small banks favoring different technologies: transactions-based v. relationship-based. Such differences are reflected in other consumer
segments as well which suggests that relationship banking will survive the technological innovation.
The initial evidence from these empirical studies also suggests an increased supply of small business loans, albeit at higher prices. Generally, SBCS is seen to lead to expanded credit supply for small businesses. (Frame, Srinivasan, and Woosley (2001), and Berger, Frame and Miller (2005)). This increase is not limited to high-income areas, but extends to low-income and moderate-income neighborhoods (Frame, Padhi, and Woosley (2004)). The benefit appears to be the provision of small business loans to riskier businesses according to Berger, Frame and Miller (2005). The Berger, Frame and Miller (2005) paper is significant in that it is the first to provide empirical evidence of the risk and pricing characteristics of small business loans originated by banks that utilize credit scoring. The authors are able to match the 1998 telephone survey conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta with the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Terms of Bank Lending (STBL) by using information not disclosed to the public regarding responding banks.
There is conflicting evidence regarding changes in distances between business firms and lenders. Petersen and Rajan (2002), Hannan (2003), and Frame et al. (2004) substantiate an increase in distance between lenders and small business borrowers. Hannan (2003) provides support for a dramatic increase in out-of-market loans when measured by numbers of loans and suggests that credit scoring facilitates this increase. Frame et al. (2004) investigate the impact of credit scoring on in-market versus out-of-market lending. They find that out-of-market lending increases for both low and high-income areas but at a cost of reduced lending in-market. In contrast, Degryse and Ongena (2005) and Brevoort and Hannan (forthcoming) document findings that fail to substantiate an increase in distance between lenders and small business borrowers. In particular, Brevoort and Hannan (forthcoming) demonstrate that small banks find distance more of a deterrent than large banks for commercial lending.
Kolari and Zardkoohi (1997) hypothesize that the ratio of small business loans as a percentage of assets is negatively related to age. Using data based on 1993 through 1995, they find that age is negatively related to loans with original amounts less than $100,000 but positively associated with loans with larger original loan amounts. They argue that this is consistent with young banks marketing themselves to small business customers as well as the growing coincident with business customers.
Evidence from the 1998 Federal Reserve Survey suggests that SBCS may not be used by most banks in credit decisions above $100,000. Given the response of the 1998 survey, empirical evidence is limited to a large degree to micro-loans; i.e., small business loans of $100,000 or less. An exception at the overall level is provided by Berger, Frame, and Miller (2005) who find little impact of credit scoring for loans ranging in amount at origination from more than $100,000 to less than $250,000.
The purpose of this study is to contribute to the literature that investigates the importance of credit scoring for small business lending. We summarize the results of the study conducted across a broad cross section of banks on behalf of the SBA. Our results suggest that credit scoring may indeed lead to increased credit availability, although marginally so.
We are interested in answering the question of whether the use of credit scoring by banks influences the relative level of small-business lending. We are also interested in identifying factors that are important predictors of small business lending. In order to address these issues, we match the survey respondent’s June 30, 2005 Call Report data with the survey response to analyze the impact of credit scoring. The Call Report data is publicly available from the website of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (www.chicagofed.org).
Before proceeding with estimation, we begin with a Hausman Specification Test for simultaneity. The problem of simultaneity is of concern because it is possible that those banks with large concentrations of small business loans will be driven to adopt credit scoring by this aspect of their operations. This issue is raised as a concern in both Frame, Srinivasan, and Woosley (2001) and Berger, Frame, and Miller (2005). However, whereas Frame, Srinivasan,
and Woosley (2001) adopt a simultaneous equation estimation approach to account for this difficulty, Berger, Frame, and Miller (2005) do not. Ultimately, Frame, Srinivasan, and Woosley (2001) do not find that the ratio of small business loans to total assets is significant in predicting the probability of adopting credit scoring in their model. Consistent with these previous
studies, we do not find any statistically significant evidence of simultaneity at the 5 percent level of significance based on the Hausman Specification Test. Therefore, we proceed without using a simultaneous equation framework.
We analyze the impact of credit scoring on small business lending by estimating two OLS regressions. The first regression investigates the importance of credit scoring on the smallest size small business loans; i.e., loans with original amounts less than $100,000. This definition matches the definition used by Frame, Srinivasan, and Woosley (2001). The second regression uses a broader definition of small business loans and explores the impact of credit scoring for all size small business loans as reported on the Call Reports.
The dependent variables are the ratio of micro small business loans to total loans of bank i (MICRORATIO), and the ratio of total small business loans to total loans (SBLRATIO). These variables differ from the previous literature as the concentration of loans is investigated relative to total loans rather than relative to total assets. We believe this is important for isolating any relationship between credit scoring and small business lending as total assets may include many other types of investments other than loans.
The summary statistics for all the independent variables in the regressions are provided in Table 8. The first independent variable is the dummy variable that takes on the value of 1 for those banks that adopt credit scoring and zero otherwise (SCORING). This variable is designed to capture the importance of credit scoring in a bank’s relative investment in small business loans is captured in this variable.
The next four independent variables are drawn directly from Frame, Srinivasan, and Woosley (2001). The natural logarithm of total assets (LNASSETS) is used to capture the
influence of size and sophistication. The ratio of total equity to total assets (EQUITYRATIO) is used to capture overall bank risk. We use the ratio of commercial and industrial charge-offs to total commercial and industrial loans (CORATIO) to account for small business lending risk. The total loans and leases to total assets ratio (LOANRATIO) is used to control for the importance of lending in the bank.
Frame, Srinivasan, and Woosley (2001) also use two variables, number of banks, and number of branches, to capture the impact of organizational structure. For example, more centralized banks tend to have more branches and be more transactions-based lenders. The number of banks is not relevant in the current study given the broader spectrum of banks by size as opposed to a model developed for multi-bank holding companies. In the absence of
branch data, we use total property, plant, and equipment as a percentage of total assets (PPERATIO) as our proxy for organizational structure.
Table 8. Summary Statistics Variable Name Variable Definition A dummy indicator variable that takes on a value of 1 if the bank has adopted credit scoring and a value of 0 otherwise. The natural logarithm of total domestic banking assets. Total equity capital as a percentage of total domestic banking assets. Net commercial and industrial loan charge-offs as a percent of total commercial and industrial loans. Total loans as a percent of total assets. Property, plant, and equipment as a percentage of total assets. The number of years since the bank became insured. The number of years since the bank adopted credit scoring. Total micro small business loans as a percentage of total small business loans. Mean Median Std Dev
We measure the distance in time since adoption of credit scoring (TSA) for each bank using credit scoring in small business lending. Time is measured in years. This is similar to Berger, Frame, and Miller (2005) who use a three-year window to analyze the potential industry learning curve associated with the adoption of credit scoring.
We draw upon Kolari and Zardkoohi (1997) who hypothesize that the age of a bank is negatively related to small business lending activity. Due to missing data for the date of commencement of operations, we use of the number of years since the bank obtained insurance (AGE) to control for the influence of age on small business lending.
business loan portfolios will tend to have a higher proportion of small business loans overall. We use the ratio of micro business loans to small business loans to capture this effect (MICROSBL). This variable captures aspects of lending that we believe may influence a bank’s relative investment in small business loans and is only included in the regression for all small business loans.
The results for the regressions developed to analyze the influence of credit scoring on concentrations in small business lending are presented in Table 9.
There are two measures within the OLS regressions related to credit scoring, SCORING and time since adoption (TSA). Both of these variables provide insight into the impact of credit scoring on small business lending.
We find that the use of credit scoring is negatively related to the ratio of small business loans to total loans for both micro loans and all small business loans. The results are significant both statistically and economically. The estimated coefficient on SCORING is -2.28 for micro
loans and -5.86 for all small business loans. Thus, banks that adopt credit scoring have micro loan ratios and small business loan ratios significantly below the sample mean. Both estimates are significant at the 5 percent level of significance. This suggests that those banks that use credit scoring have lower concentrations of small business loans overall relative to all loans. This does not necessarily mean that credit scoring does not lead to increased credit availability, particularly when considering the results as a whole. The SCORING variable is measuring all banks that have adopted credit scoring regardless of when the use of credit scoring began in the bank. The average time since adoption for credit scoring banks is only approximately five years. If banks that have not traditionally been large small business lenders are the banks that adopt credit scoring, one would not expect the ratio of small business loans to total loans to be immediately on par or surpass the ratio evidenced by more traditional small business lenders. This may be a positive indication of credit availability if it means that those banks that adopt credit scoring increase their relative holdings of small business loans over time as suggested by our results for the second credit scoring variable.
The time since adoption (TSA) of credit scoring measures the number of years since the bank adopted credit scoring if at all. The estimated coefficient on TSA is 0.25 for micro loans and 0.59 for all small business loans. The coefficient estimate for the MICRORATIO regression is only significant at the 10 percent level of significant with a p-value of 0.052. The coefficient estimate for TSA in the SBLRATIO regression is significant at the 5 percent level of significance. These coefficient estimates relate to annual increases. For every year that credit scoring has been used, the ratio of micro loans to total loans increases. Similarly, for every year that credit scoring has been used, the ratio of small business loans to total loans increases. These results suggest that banks that have adopted credit scoring tend to increase their investment in small business loans. Thus, the availability of credit to this market appears to improve subsequent to a bank’s adoption of this technology.
Given the combined results on SCORING and TSA, it is possible that credit scoring will facilitate bank participation in the small business loan market. Credit scoring of small business loans may enhance the attractiveness of these loans to bank management by providing an avenue for better management of the credit risk inherent in loan portfolios. Such an
interpretation is consistent with our findings for the relationship between MICRORATIO and SBLRATIO and the time since adoption of credit scoring. However, as this negative
relationship is inconsistent with the previous literature, we investigate it further for possible alternative explanations.
The finding of a negative relationship between the MICRORATIO and SCORING differs from Frame, Srinivasan, and Woosley (2001) as well as Berger, Frame, and Miller (2005) who find a positive relationship. It is unlikely that using total loans in the denominator as
compared with the previous literature’s use of total assets accounts for the difference in the result. More likely, it is based on the difference in the samples. As noted previously, these prior two studies use a sample that is limited to the very largest banks. Those large banks that adopt credit scoring may be the ones with larger concentrations of small business loans. However, when a cross section of banks is analyzed of various asset sizes, a greater concentration of small business loans for small banks may overwhelm the previous effect.
We investigate the difference in means between banks with assets in excess of $1 billion and banks with total assets equal to or less than $1 billion. We find that the difference in the means of both dependent variables are statistically significant between these bank cohorts. Large banks in the sample average only 4.4 percent of loans in micro loans and 22.1 percent of total loans in small business loans. This compares with a mean of 9.8 percent and 39.7 percent respectively for the smaller banks. We therefore perform additional tests to ascertain whether the intercept term or the slope term associated with the SCORING variable differs by asset category. We fail to reject the null hypothesis that the coefficients associated with the intercept and slope indicator variables for large banks are equal to zero at a 95 percent confidence level. Thus, bank size differences do not appear to account for the negative coefficients on SCORING.
Another possible explanation for the negative relationships between SCORING and SBLRATIO and MICRORATIO is the interaction between the size of the bank and the adoption of credit scoring. If more large banks adopt credit scoring and these banks have lower relative investments in all sizes of small business loans, then the coefficient on SCORING results to some degree from the reduced ratios of large banks. We calculate a measure of interaction by
multiplying SCORING times LNASSETS. Incorporating this interaction term in the regression, we find that it is not statistically different from zero. Therefore, the interaction does not account for the negative relationship. This result suggests that banks that adopt credit scoring do tend to have lower investments in small business loans relative to the investment in total loans.
Given the inability of these alternative explanations to satisfactorily explain our findings, it is very possible that those banks with greater concentrations of consumer loans3 that depend heavily on credit scoring are transferring this technology to small business loans4. If this were true, it would account for the negative relationship between SBLRATIO and SCORING as well as the negative relationship between MICRORATIO and SCORING. Thus, banks that are more heavily invested in consumer loan products such as residential mortgage and consumer credit cards may extend credit-scoring technology to small business loans by depending on the importance of the business owner’s credit score in making the lending decision. Given the tendency for banks that use credit scoring to increase their concentration in small business loans over time, this suggests that there may be an increase in capital to small businesses that would not be available without credit scoring.
In addition to the credit scoring variables, we investigate several other independent variables are for their influence on small business lending. Our estimates reflect that small business loans with original amounts less than $100,000 as a percentage of total loans is negatively related to bank size as measured by LNASSETS. The estimated coefficient on
LNASSETS for micro loans is -3.10, and it is statistically significant at the 1 percent level of significance. The result for total small business loans is similar. The estimated coefficient on LNASSETS for total small business loans is -8.11, and it is significant at the 1 percent level of
Keith Leggett, Senior Economist in the Office of the Chief Economist at the American Banker’s Association, suggested the use of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (FDIC) demographic information regarding asset concentration specialization in the regressions. This demographic information will be used in future research to investigate further whether consumer banks are the group adopting this technology for small business loans.
3 4 We developed a variable of consumer loans relative to total loans to investigate whether our scoring variable was simply picking up the impact of consumer lenders being less invested in small business loans. We measured consumer loans as total residential first and second mortgages plus consumer credit cards. Although the results are not reported here, we found that the coefficient on SCORING remained negative and statistically significant for both regressions despite the addition of this new variable.
significance. This suggests that larger banks tend to have a smaller concentration of their loan investments in small business loans and is consistent with the evidence presented by Frame, Srinivasan, and Woosley (2001). Whereas they estimate a -2.44 coefficient on LNASSETS, our coefficient of -3.10 is based on total loans and so would be expected to be somewhat higher.
The equity ratio (EQUITYRATIO) captures overall risk characteristics of a bank. We do not find any statistically significant relationship between the banks’ equity ratio (EQUITYRATIO) and its concentration in small business loans. This holds for both micro loans and total small business loans. Despite higher risk weightings for this asset category in general, the results do not support any differences in equity ratios related to investments in small business loans. It is also consistent with the findings of Frame, Srinivasan, and Woosley (2001) who do not find a statistically significant relationship based on micro loans to total assets.
We also find a positive relationship between the ratio of commercial and industrial charge offs to total commercial and industrial loans (CORATIO) to the ratio of micro business loans to total loans (MICRORATIO) but only at the 10 percent level of significance. In contrast, we show no statistically significant relationship between CORATIO and the ratio of total small business loans to total loans (SBLRATIO). The positive association suggests that those banks that invest a higher concentration of loans in this loan segment are subject to higher risks. However, although the estimate is statistically significant, it is not economically significant. Thus, given the lower confidence level and the economic insignificance of the estimate, there is little difference in investment in micro loans relative to total loans for banks with higher risk profiles. Moreover, the results do not provide any empirical evidence of differences in proportional investments in total small business loans based on charge off rates.
The ratio of loans to total assets (LOANRATIO) captures the importance of lending overall in the bank’s asset portfolio. We do not find any statistically significant evidence that this ratio is an indicator of the relative level of investment in micro or total small business loans. The result suggests that the small business lending decision is not driven by the overall lending decision. It suggests that market segments are identified and lending decisions made based on the identification of attractive lending opportunities rather than targeted investment levels.
The results for the ratio of property, plant and equipment to total assets (PPERATIO) is mixed. There is no statistically significant relationship between this ratio and the investment in micro loans relative to total loans (MICRORATIO). However, the relationship is statistically significant at the 5 percent level of significance between this ratio and the ratio of small business loans to total loans (SBLRATIO). The estimated coefficient for SBLRATIO is -1.41.
Finally, we do not find any support for the Korali and Zardkoohi (1997) hypothesis that the ratio of small business loans as a percentage of assets is negatively related to age. This variable is only statistically significant for micro loans. The estimated coefficient is 0.07. Although this appears to be economically insignificant, it is not. This suggests that the investment in micro loans relative to total loans increases with each year. Banks in the sample are as young as one year old and average approximately 46 years. This suggests that banks not only continue to
make an investment in micro business loans over time, but that the investment in this smallest segment increases relative to total loans over time. In contrast, we find no statistically
significant relationship between AGE and the relative investment in total small business loans. Thus, the importance of small business loans to the overall loan portfolio may not reflect a decision of young banks to invest more heavily in these more informationally opaque firms as proposed by Korali and Zardkoohi (1997).
We are also interested in identifying bank specific characteristics that may lead to the adoption of credit scoring for small business lending. Therefore, we develop a logistic
regression to investigate the propensity for banks to adopt credit scoring for small business lending. The model is set forth in equation (3) below. The dependent variable is SCORING. It is an indicator variable with a value of one for those banks that adopt credit scoring for small business loans and zero otherwise. SCORINGi = b0 + b1LNASSETSi + b2EQUITYRATIOi + b3CORATIOi + b4LOANRATIOi + b5PPERATIOi +b6AGEi + b7SBLRATIOi + b8MICRORATIOI (3)
With only one exception, we use the same variables in this equation as those used in the OLS regressions. The above model includes an additional independent variable. We
hypothesize that rural banks are less likely to adopt credit scoring. Assuming that rural banks are more likely to make farm loans, we use the ratio of farm loans to total loans (FARMLNRATIO) as an indication that a bank primarily serves a rural community. This includes all farm related loans regardless of size.
The estimated results for the logistic regression are presented in Table 10. With a logistic regression, the beta coefficients (B) cannot be interpreted directly. However, the sign of the coefficient and the significance of the result provide important insights into predictors.
We find a limited number of variables that contribute to the likelihood of adopting small business credit scoring. It is clear from the results that the two most important variables that indicate that a bank will adopt small business credit scoring are the LOANRATIO and FARMLNRATIO. The first variable measures the importance of lending overall to the bank, and the second variable proxies for the importance of the rural lending to the bank.
The results of the logistic regression suggest that the greater the overall investment in lending for the bank relative to total assets, the more likely the bank is to adopt small business credit scoring. There is a positive relationship between LOANRATIO and SCORING, and this relationship is statistically significant at the 5 percent level of significance. This relationship suggests that the greater the lending volume, the greater the propensity for the adoption of credit scoring in small business lending.
As expected, the greater the investment in farm related loans relative to total loans, the lower the likelihood that a bank will adopt credit scoring. The negative relationship between these loans and the adoption of credit scoring is statistically significant at the 5 percent level of significance. The result suggests that rural banks are less likely to adopt credit scoring as compared with their urban counterparts5.
The decision to invest in small business credit scoring technology is positively related to the charge off ratio (CORATIO). Although the coefficient is only significant at the 10 percent level of significance, it provides some support for the argument that higher perceived risk levels motivate a greater investment in a technology that purports to improve risk management. It is important to recognize that this logistic regression is based on a snapshot in time and does not incorporate the change in this ratio over time since the adoption of credit scoring. Chargeoffs result from historical decisions. Without a time series that links the initial time of the credit decision to the initial adoption of credit scoring, it is not possible to evaluate the impact of the decision to adopt credit scoring on the credit worthiness of the bank’s portfolio. Thus, although there is some indication that banks that adopt credit scoring have greater loan risk, this cannot be used to conclude the adoption of credit scoring does not reduce risk.
In contrast to Frame, Srinivasan, and Woosley (2001) who find that the probability of using credit scoring is positively related to the number of branches, we do not find a statistically significant relationship between the probability of using credit scoring and the ratio of the
W. Scott Frame, Financial Economist and Associate Policy Advisor with the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, suggested that the farm lending ratio may not only be picking up rural banks, but also rural Midwestern banks particularly if there is geographic clustering in using SBCS technology.
difference is that given the broader sample used in this paper that banks with all sizes of branch networks adopt credit scoring. Within the Frame et al. (2001) sample, the number of branches would have provided a good indication of the bank’s involvement with retail banking rather than wholesale or investment banking. With our sample, our sample generally represents retail banks and therefore we may not be able to capture this “customer contact” aspect if all banks engage in retail banking regardless of the size of their branch network.
As anticipated, we do not find any statistically significant relationship between the proportional investment in small business loans or micro loans relative to total loans and the probability of adopting credit scoring. In addition, the level of micro business loans and small
business loans as measured by the log of these variables is not significant. Both of these findings are consistent with the previous finding of Frame, Srinivasan and Woosley (2001) who find that neither the proportion nor the level of the smallest small business loans are significant in the decision of the largest banks to adopt credit scoring.
Asset size as measured by the natural log of total assets does not influence the probability of adopting credit scoring. Again, this finding is consistent with the finding of Frame,
The decision to adopt credit scoring appears to be driven by both the importance of lending to the bank as well as the type of lending conducted by the bank. In particular, banks that make a high percentage of farm related loans relative to total loans are not likely to adopt credit scoring. In addition, there is some indication that banks with higher risk levels as measured by the commercial and industrial charge off ratio are more likely to adopt credit scoring. This may reflect a response to perceived risk levels in particular since charge offs result from historical decisions.
Banks are in the process of integrating credit scoring into their small business operations to various degrees. For those respondents that have declined to adopt the technology to date, the lack of confidence in the score was the primary reason for failure to adopt the technology. This is not surprising given that the development of business scores suffers from some of the same information asymmetry problems that confront banks engaged in small business lending. Perhaps it is this reason that leads SBCS banks to indicate that a previous relationship is more important than the credit score in the determination of the lending decision.
Regardless of whether banks adopted any form of credit scoring, relationship banking continued to dominate the lending decision regardless of bank size. This may reflect the value of flexibility in the renegotiation of contract terms in relationship banking as discussed by Boot (2000). It suggests a preference for discretion based versus rules based decision making in banking. In contrast, those respondents who elected a lending methodology based on credit scoring for the most part did so to obtain a quantifiable measure of risk.
Geographic expansion does not appear to be directly related to the use of credit scoring by the credit scoring institutions. The decision to implement credit scoring is not perceived to lead to a decision to expand the lending territory. It may be that geographic expansion is a function of multitude of interrelated factors; such as types of lending, branch network, and technological advances. This would be consistent with the interaction affects found to be influential by Brevoort and Hannan (forthcoming). Future research will use advanced models to elicit this relationship.
There is some evidence that banks are using credit scoring for risk-based pricing and in the process making loans to lower credit quality small businesses. Credit scores allow banks to charge risk adjusted premiums on these less credit-worthy loans. All credit scoring banks with assets less than $1 billion indicated that the primary difference in pricing subsequent to the use of credit scoring was the implementation of risk premiums for lower credit quality borrowers. For banks with more than $1 billion in assets, the credit risk premium was the second pricing
adjustment to result from credit scoring. The ability to price loans in such a manner makes the business profitable to banks and opens opportunities for more small businesses.
It is clear that small business lending is in a state of transition, in which credit scoring plays a part. Credit scoring is one of several banking innovations changing the lending landscape for small business loans. The primary use of credit scores outside the small business loan
origination is loan monitoring. Our results do not indicate any momentum in the development of secondary markets for small business debt. However, we would expect that secondary markets would be developed over the long run. We do find some trend toward specialization, which suggests that small businesses may benefit from selecting banks that cater to their niche.
We provide empirical evidence of a significantly negative relationship between small business loan concentrations and credit scoring There are several possible explanations for this finding, including the possibility that banks that have not been the leaders in small business lending use this technology to be able to more effectively compete in this market. Additionally, we show that small business loan concentration increases with the length of time since adoption. This result is consistent for both micro business loans and all small business loans. This suggests that banks tend to increase their investment in small business and micro business loans relative to their total loan portfolios subsequent to the adoption of credit scoring. It appears that banks may be using credit scoring to facilitate expansion in small business loans which is very good news for small businesses.
Credit scoring appears to be a strategic decision that is differentiated by the operational structure of the bank. The greater a bank’s investment in lending relative to assets, the more likely the bank is to use credit scoring. In addition, we find that rural banks are less likely to adopt credit scoring relative to their urban counterparts.
In conclusion, this survey data provides numerous opportunities for additional research in small business lending. More advanced models will allow us to identify subtleties in the data. Topics for future papers include issues related to the diffusion of this technological innovation for the small banks as well as differences between relationship and transaction based lenders.
Of great interest to small business borrowers and lenders is the impact of credit scoring over time. Thus, important future research would evaluate changes in credit availability over time subsequent to the adoption of credit scoring. Our current study has provided evidence related to the levels of small business credit in 2005. We intend to develop a panel data set that will allow us to evaluate changes over time more specifically.
To select a sample of banks for the proposed survey, we relied on the June 2004 Call Reports, supplemented with information from the FDIC List of Institutions. Call Reports are filed by all banks each quarter with the banking regulators and provide a great deal of information about financial characteristics of the bank. Each June, the Call Reports collect information about Small Business and Agricultural lending. This information helps to
determine which banks are making small business loans and the importance of such loans to the financial institution relative to other investments made by the bank.
Between the time the June Call Reports are filed and now, a number of banks have gone out of business through mergers, acquisitions, or in a few cases closings. At the same time, new banks have come into existence but have not filed a June report giving the small business loan information. Additionally, there are a number of banks that have no small business loans because their focus is on other lines of business. The following sections give a description of how we formulate the population, obtain a listing of banks, stratify the population, and sample within strata to obtain our final sample.
As noted in the introduction, our initial sampling frame is all banks that filed a June 2004 Call Report. Because of the relatively large number of banks that merged or were acquired, we merged the data from this list with the current list of institutions from the FDIC. This operation has the additional value of adding information about each institution that is not available from the Call Reports. Table A1 shows the counts of the number of banks obtained in this way.
We have no information regarding small business lending from the current institution list, and some of the listings on the current list are not on the Call Reports because they have no obligation to file. Therefore, these 997 are not considered to be part of the population of banks who filed a call report in June, 2004. Of the banks that did exist in June, 2004 who did file a report, 232 either merged or went out of business, or were closed by the FDIC. As there would be no one to talk with about current lending policy, these are also eliminated from the population.
This leaves 7,950 financial institutions that completed a June, 2004 Call Report. These banks were of different types, some of which did not do small business lending. However, even obvious types which have an orientation away from small business lending do make some small business loans. Using data from section RC-C of the Call Report, focusing on number and amount of small business loans, we find that some banks make secured loans in amounts under one million dollars, some banks make construction and i (C&I) loans in amounts under one million dollars, and some banks make both. We tabulated these categories by the asset
specialization type of each bank to see if there were any categories of banks that should be eliminated from consideration in the population. Table A2 presents this categorization.
Note that in these categories, even international banks and those who specialize in creditcards report some small business loans. A different tabulation of whether loans were made by entity type gives a similar story. Table A3 presents this result.
Entity Type Commercial bank US branch of a foreign bank State-chartered savings bank Cooperative bank Total
Remember that these are counts of banks by reported types and whether they lend to small businesses. The questions in the survey are oriented towards small business lending practices, so asking the 1,658 banks that do no small business lending would be fruitless. These were eliminated from the population.
Further investigation of the eight U.S. branches of foreign banks showed that none of these banks supplied other information that will be needed for analysis. In particular, they report no information on assets, deposits, equity, or liabilities. Because these banks have no reports of any ancillary information, they are eliminated from the population. This leaves U.S. banks that reported some small business lending, regardless of their primary focus or activities. Table A4 summarizes these banks.
Entity Type Commercial bank U.S. branch of a foreign bank State-chartered savings bank Cooperative bank Total
The population should be stratified to encourage comparison between subgroups of interest and also to ensure representativeness of national projections. Questions asked in this survey have not been asked of banks and financial institutions previously. Therefore, we don’t know what the distribution of responses might be, how they might be correlated with other variables, nor differences in variances between subgroups. Furthermore, there are a number of different questions regarding lending practices to be asked on the survey, so it is impossible to concentrate on a single question to suggest how the sample should be allocated.
Because of these concerns, we have attempted to stratify on three key variables: size of the bank proportion of secured loans devoted to small business lending, and proportion of Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Loans devoted to small business lending. The choice of these variables will be explained in this section, as well as the impact on the final sample distribution.
Size of the bank is important because of the resources the bank has available to devote to analysis of risk in small business lending. Additionally, with the expected changes in
regulatory supervision and the push to tie reserves to credit risk in a bank’s portfolio, larger banks are paying much closer attention to risk measures than previously. We would like to
compare the strategies of large, medium, and small banks to ascertain how they deal with these issues.
Previous analyses by the SBA have used a set of categories for comparison of groups of banks, and the stratification proposed here continues this stratification by breaking banks into four groups. Table A5 presents the distribution of banks by size in terms of assets.
From the Call Reports, we have two additional variables available for analysis. One is the dollar amount of secured loans made to small businesses, the second is the amount of C&I loans made to small businesses. There is a further breakdown by size of loan made, but there are two problems with looking at the amounts made. First, smaller banks tend to make smaller loans, so knowing the size of the loan is redundant with the size of the bank. Secondly, use of the sizes of the loans for additional information greatly expands the number of strata that would be used, also the cross-tabulation of size of loans (in three groups for each type) by size of bank results in the use of seven variables for stratification, making the sampling process very unwieldy and creating a table of banks with many zero cells.
We concentrated on grouping banks into groups that had significant resources devoted to small business loans versus those that had fewer resources in small business lending. To do this, we looked at the distribution of banks across resources in small business lending. We calculated the ratio of small business loans to the total assets of each bank. Table A6
summarizes the percentile distribution of banks on the ratio of secured small business loans and the ratio of C&I small business loans.
Using these cut points, we created two new variables. The first is a split of banks into those below the median ratio for secured loans to total assets (those with a ratio less than .0966), banks in the third quartile of banks (ratio of .0966 to .1509), those in the top quartile but not in the top five percent (ratio of .1509 to .2134), and those in the top five percent (ratio greater than .2598). The second variable is a similar split of banks, but using the C&I Loans to Total Assets ratio into four groups. A cross-tabulation of these variables is presented in Table A7.
The goal was to identify those banks that are heavily invested in one or the other types of small business loans. These banks have made a specific commitment to small business lending and may have very different views of credit risk, the value of a relationship to the bank , the value of a relationship to the borrower, and other variables that go into determining a lending strategy. Accordingly, we split banks into bands of commitment to small business lending.
There are banks that are in the top five percent of C&I lending that have a lesser commitment to secured loans. Similarly, there are banks that are in the top five percent of issuing secured loans to small businesses (relative to total assets), but are in the bottom 50 percent of lenders offering C&I loans. Very few banks have their ratios in the top five percent for both types of small business loans. To have sufficient loans in a stratum and to capture the commitment to small business lending, we created the bands outlined in Table A7. A bank that is in the bottom 50 percent of loans for both secured and C&I lending is in group 1. A bank whose highest ranking on either variable is in the third quartile is in group 2. A bank whose highest ranking on either variable is in the top five percent is in group 4. The remaining banks are in group 3. Table A8 summarizes the final categorization.
A final tabulation of size by the grouping variable in Table 8 gives the strata proposed for this survey. This tabulation is given in Table A9.
For this project, we proposed a sample size of 1,200 based on the budget available to conduct the research. We anticipate a reasonable response rate of 80 percent, so we plan to sample 1,500 banks with the expectation of a final sample of 1,200 returns. The next question is to determine how to allocate the sample to the cells in the three way table. Three choices are available.
One option is to sample equal sizes in all cells. For the purpose of comparison between groups, this would be the optimal allocation of the sample as each group in the population would have equal sizes for the comparison tests. There are 16 cells in the table, meaning there would be 1,500/16 = 94 banks per cell. This isn’t entirely practical as there are several cells that have fewer than 94 banks per cell. An adjustment would be required to be made.
A second approach is to use a proportional allocation of sample to cells. In the absence of any information about the variances to be measured and how they would vary between strata, this allocation is optimal for making national estimates, although it can be deleterious for making comparisons between subgroups. This allocation takes us to the other extreme, where now several of the small cells have only one bank selected.
A third approach is to recognize the nature of the distribution of banks across regulators, and capitalizing on the finite population correction factor within each stratum. From equal allocation, it is possible to shift some sample cases into those areas where we get the greatest variance reduction. Balancing the reduction in national estimates with comparisons between groups of banks plays a major role in the allocation. The distribution of the sample is presented in Table A10.
As described earlier, within each cell in table nine above, banks are ordered from highest proportion of loans to small businesses (by dollar) to lowest. A systematic sample was then selected in each cell using the number of banks in the cell and the sample desired. An overall sample of 1,500 banks was selected to be contacted and surveyed using the questionnaire developed for this study.
Using the information described above, weights will be computed based on the likelihood of selection in each stratum and these weights will be used in the analysis to guarantee that estimates from the sample are projectable to the full population of reporting banks that loan to small businesses.
We naturally expect some nonresponse from the survey, and expect to adjust sample weights to correct for nonresponse. Adjustments would be in the form of a second stage adjustment to the weights calculated from the probability of selection. The second stage
adjustment would further extrapolate from the received sample to the expected sample (described in Table 10). The first stage weights extrapolated from the sample in Table 10 to the population in Table 9 on a cell by cell basis. Sensitivity tests will also be conducted to
What is the approximate % of each type of small business loan shown below as a % of total loans to small businesses? Mean Response 23% 5% 11% 20% 11% 45% 20%
Loan Type Lines of Credit Business Credit Cards Receivables Financing Equip/Lease Improvement Vehicle Loans Loans Secured by Commercial Property Other
2. Does your bank use credit scores in any aspect of underwriting small business loans? Response Yes, credit scores calculated for the business Yes, personal credit scores for the owner of the business Yes, both business and personal credit scores of the owner No Banks 4 123 27 173
If you do not currently use credit scores, do you plan to implement credit scoring for small business loans during the next 12 to 18 months? Response Yes No Banks 12 161
For which of the following reasons does your bank not currently use credit scores for small business loans? (Please check all that apply). Reason for Not Using SBCS Lack of confidence in credit scores. Low loan volume. Customer resistance. Loans do not lend themselves to credit scoring. Expense. Other 53 Banks 67 47 10 77 22 50
Source of Credit Scores Bank developed its own scoring model. Bank developed scoring model with help from outside sources. Bank developed scoring model that it supplements with scores from 3rd party vendors. Bank purchases scores from 3rd party vendors Other Banks 11 10 16 105 12
Which credit rating services do you use? (Please check all that apply). Credit Rating Service Moody’s Fair Isaacs Dun and Bradstreet Experian Other Banks 5 40 16 58 63
8. For what small business loan types are credit scores used for automatic approval or rejection of loan applications? (Please check all that apply). Type of Loan with Auto Approve Based on Credit Scoring Lines of Credit Small Business Credit Cards Receivables Financing Equipment/Lease Improvement Vehicle Loans Small Business Loans Secured by Commercial Property Other None Banks 18 8 10 18 15 16 3 117
9. For what size small business loans types are credit scores used for automatic approval or rejection of loan applications? (Please check all that apply). Size of Loan with Auto Approve Based on Credit Scoring Less than $50,000 $50,000 to less than $100,000 $100,000 to less than $250,000 $250,000 to less than $1,000,000 No dollar limit No automatic approval Banks 26 5 5 0 6 106
10. For what small business loan types are credit scores used as part of the loan evaluation process for loans not automatically approved or rejected? (Please check all that apply). Loan Types for which Credit Scores Used Lines of Credit Small Business Credit Cards Receivables Financing Equipment/Lease Improvement Vehicle Loans Loans Secured by Commercial Properties Other None Banks 121 60 88 118 110 113 19 6
11. For what size small business loans are credit scores used as part of the loan evaluation process for loans not automatically approved or rejected? (Please check all that apply). Size of Loan for which Credit Scores Used Less than $50,000 $50,000 to less than $100,000 $100,000 to less than $250,000 $250,000 to less than $1,000,000 No dollar limit None Banks
12. Please rank the importance of each of the following in the final loan approval decision when the credit score is only part of the loan evaluation process. (1 = Most Important; if a factor is not important or not considered, leave blank) Mean Response 3.58 3.18 3.98 2.41 1.53 2.53
Ranked Importance of Factor in Loan Approval Decision Personal Guarantee(s) Net Worth of Business Credit Score Quality of Collateral Cash Flow of Business Other
13. For which other purposes besides loan underwriting does your bank use credit scores in small business lending? (Please check all that apply). Alternate Uses of Credit Scores Marketing other small business loan products Marketing other, non-loan small business products/services Periodic evaluation of existing loans Risk based loan pricing Other Banks 12 9 83 54 14
14. For what types of small business loans have you used mailing lists with credit scores supplied by outside sources to promote your loan programs? (Please check all that apply). Use of Targeted Mailing Lists for Loan Type Based on Credit Scores Lines of Credit Small Business Credit Cards Receivables Financing Equipment/Lease Improvement Vehicle Loans Loans Secured by Commercial Properties Other None Banks 4 3 0 4 2 0 0 134
Ranked Importance of Reason for Adopting SBCS Competitive Pressures Regulatory Pressures Simplification of loan application process Reduction in underwriting costs Quantification of credit evaluation Inexpensive access to additional borrower information Potential loan sales to secondary markets and/or other lenders Other Mean Response 3.9 2.8 2.1 3.2 1.8 2.4 6.0 1.16
16. If a small business customer has an existing relationship with your bank, do you use credit scoring on credit extensions or new loan applications for this customer? (Please circle only one response) Use of Credit Scores for Additional Business Yes No – go to Question 18 Banks 118 21
A mean response of 1.1 in “other” does not necessarily indicate that this is the most important category. Rather, it indicates that of the total number of banks that responded to “other”, these specific banks rate “other” as one of the most important factors.
17. Approximately how much weight is given to the existing customer relationship as opposed to the weight given to the new credit score in the credit extension or new loan? (Please circle only one response) Weight Given to Existing Customer Relationship vs. Credit Score in Credit Extension or New Loan 0% - 10% 11% - 20% 21% - 30% 31% - 40% 41% - 50% > 50% Depends on Customer Don’t Know Banks 1 5 2 2 15 25 68 3
18. As a result of small business credit scoring, how has your geographical lending area expanded? (Please circle only one response) Geographic Expansion as a Result of Credit Scoring Not at all Expansion to new cities Expansion to new counties within state Expansion to new border states National expansion Banks 117 4 9 1 5
19. What additional loan products are offered by your bank since the adoption of small business credit scoring? (Please check all that apply). Additional Loan Products Offered Lines of Credit Small Business Credit Cards Receivables Financing Equipment/Lease Improvement Vehicle Loans Loans Secured by Commercial Property Other None Banks 17 8 13 12 11 10 9 40
20. As a result of small business credit scoring, how has the volume of loans to small businesses changed? (Please circle only one response) Change in Volume of Loans to Small Businesses Decreased Significantly Decreased Moderately No Change Increased Moderately Increased Significantly Banks 0 5 96 14 8
21. In general, how have the pricing terms of small business loans changed since the adoption of credit scoring? (Please check all that apply). Change in Pricing Terms of Small Business Loans Increased maximum size of loans Reduced cost of credit lines Wider spread over cost of funds in loan pricing Premiums charged on less credit-worthy loans Increased collateralization requirements Increased guarantee requirements Banks 6 10 30 47 33 20
22. Have you expanded your small business lending to include new industries as the result of your adoption of credit scoring? (Please circle only one response) Lending to New Industries as a Result of Credit Scoring Yes No – go to Question 24 Banks 7 125
23. How many new industries are represented in your expanded lending to small businesses? (Please circle only one response) New Industries as a Result of Credit Scoring None (zero) 1-3 more industries 3-6 more industries 6-9 more industries >10 more industries Banks 17 1 2 0 2
24. In general, what has been the impact of credit scoring on the quality of credit decisions for small business loans? (Please circle only one) Change in Quality Significant decline in the quality of credit decisions Moderate decline in the quality of credit decisions No impact on the quality of credit decisions Moderate improvement in the quality of credit decisions Significant improvement in the quality of credit decisions Banks 0 2 41 74 13
25. In general, what has been the impact of credit scoring on the credit riskiness of the bank’s small business loan portfolio? (Please circle only one) Impact of Credit Scoring on Credit Riskiness Significant decline in the credit risk of the portfolio Moderate decline in the credit risk of the portfolio No impact on the credit risk of the portfolio Moderate increase in the credit risk of the portfolio Significant increase in the credit risk of the portfolio Banks 9 61 50 12 0
26. In general, what has been the impact of credit scoring on the quality of small business borrower information? (Please circle only one) Change in Quality of Information Significant decline in the quality of borrower information Moderate decline in the quality of borrower information No impact on the quality of borrower information Moderate improvement in the quality of borrower information Significant improvement in the quality of borrower information Banks 0 3 47 71 9
27. Please rate the general importance of the following factors for deciding whether to originate a small business loan? (1 = Most Important; if a factor is not important or not considered, leave blank) Ranked Importance of Decision Factor for Origination Size of the loan 3rd party credit score Internal (your own calculated) credit score Type of small business Location of business Previous relationship with business owner Purpose of loan Other Mean Response 4.20 4.64 3.87 3.26 3.79 2.27 2.56 1.607
28. For each type of small business loan that your bank originates, please indicate the maximum loan amount that can be approved by an individual loan officer. Mean Amount $ 294,084 $ 41,281 $ 254,314 $ 248,519 $ 226,063 $ 303,705 N/A
Credit Officer Size Approval Limits by Loan Type Lines of Credit Small Business Credit Cards Receivables Financing Equipment/Lease Improvement Vehicle Loans Loans Secured by Commercial Property Other
30. How often does this committee meet? (Please circle only one response) Frequency of Credit Review Committee Meetings 0-3 times a month 3-6 times a month
A mean response of 1.6 in “other” does not necessarily indicate that this is the most important category. Rather, it indicates that of the total number of banks that responded to “other”, these specific banks rate “other” as one of the most important factors.
31. In general, what type of deposit account is required to be maintained at your bank by those firms that receive small business loans? (Please check all that apply). Type of Deposit Account Required No requirement to have a deposit account Business Checking Account Money Market Savings Business Savings Account Certificate of Deposit Account Other Banks 149 166 4 8 6 34
32. Do you have a small business loan application form that you use for applicants? Loan Application Form Yes – we use the Small Business Administration application form Yes – we do not use the Small Business Administration application, but we have a different form that we use No – we do not have a standard form for small business loan applications Banks 51 71 195
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Bill and Hillary Clinton high crimes are well documented, including naked aggression against nonbelligerent states for regime change.
During her failed 2008 presidential campaign, she threatened to "totally obliterate Iran (as president if it) consider(ed) launching an attack on Israel…"
As secretary of state, she orchestrated naked aggression in Libya and Syria. She was involved in Obama regime coups in Honduras and Paraguay, fascist despots replacing democratically elected presidents in both countries - failing to oust Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro.
During a 2014 fundraiser, she compared Russia to Nazi Germany, Vladimir Putin to Adolph Hitler "before (he) began invading countries."
She's the most recklessly dangerous presidential aspirant in US history, maybe intending a third run for the nation's highest office, an unapologetic war goddess, once saying: "What do we have NATO for if not to defend our way of life."
She endorses war OF terror, not on it. Throughout her public life as first lady, US senator, secretary of state, and presidential aspirant, she supported naked aggression against nations threatening no one.
On October 9, the day after Kavanaugh's swearing in as a Supreme Court justice, she endorsed unacceptable political toughness against Republicans during a softball CNN interview, saying:
"You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about." adding:
"That's why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate. That's when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength" - nearly encouraging violence and intimidation.
Her remarks were reminiscent of Dick Cheney's post-9/11 rage saying: "The gloves are off. (It's) vital for us to use any means at our disposal…to achieve our objective(s)."
Endless wars on humanity followed at home and abroad, escalated under Obama with Hillary as secretary of state, then John Kerry, revved up further under Trump.
She endorsed gloves off political war for undemocratic Dems to try regaining House and/or Senate control, encouraging the anti-Kavanaugh spectacle to continue publicly.
How uncivil she and other extremists intend to go remains to be seen. Washington's political system already is too debauched to fix.
Will incivility degenerate to street riots? Will political war in Washington turn violent? Will Hillary become more despised than already?
She and husband Bill remain unaccountable for far too many domestic and geopolitcal high crimes to remember.
In mid-September, Putin and Turkey's Erdogan agreed on establishing a 15 - 20 km-wide demilitarized zone in Idlib province along the Turkish border.
Russian and Turkish forces will control the zone, an offensive to liberate Idlib put on hold at least until later this year, maybe not until 2019.
Full withdrawal of US-supported terrorists was to be completed by October 15, the deadline missed because al-Nusra and allied jihadists refuse to disarm and leave - likely at the behest of Washington, their paymaster.
According to AMN News, Syria's military "demand(s) answers regarding the(ir) failed…withdrawal from the designated buffer zone," adding:
"(T)he Syrian Arab Army's High Command is in talks with the Russian military about the next steps to take in the Idlib, Aleppo, Latakia, and Hama provinces" in response to noncompliance with the buffer zone agreement - by US-supported terrorists.
A Syrian military source said jihadists in Idlib continue attacking government forces and civilians, explaining:
They're "strengthening their positions, digging new trenches and expanding their network of underground tunnels," digging in for continued battle.
Al-Nusra, its affiliate Guardians of Religion Organization, and the Turkistan Islamic Party of Syria intend remaining in their positions, including strategic high ground and nearby areas held, using them as platforms for continued shelling.
Idlib is the last major stronghold of US-supported terrorists in Syria, controlled by tens of thousands of jihadists.
On Monday, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said Idlib's demilitarized zone agreement is untenable if al-Nusra and other jihadists fail to comply, saying:
"We cannot keep quiet about the continuation of the current situation in Idlib if the Nusra Front refuses to comply with this agreement," adding:
"After liberating territory east of the Euphrates River, freeing Idlib from terrorists' control is the next objective, stressing the province will be returned to Syrian sovereignty.
If the Russian/Turkish demilitarized zone isn't implemented, Damascus will take other options to eliminate al-Nusra and other terrorists in Idlib, he said.
"Because (millions of) Syrian citizens in Idlib, and it is not their fault, we said that the liberation of Idlib with reconciliation is much better than the bloodshed. Syria's support for the (Moscow/Ankara) Sochi agreement came from its desire not to shed blood," al-Moallem explained.
Commenting on US occupied territory in the country, he stressed the importance of liberating it from their presence, returning the entire nation to Syrian control.
"(W)e still consider Turkey a state that is occupying our territories. Therefore, our armed forces cannot participate with their forces in any operation east of the Euphrates," he stressed.
Head of Russia's reconciliation center in Syria Vladimir Savchenko blamed the Trump regime for the failure of al-Nusra and other jihadists to withdraw from Idlib's demilitarized zone, saying:
Because of US "inaction," they "establish(ed) control over a 20-kilometer strip on the Euphrates' east bank between the settlements of Hajin and al-Susa," adding:
US forces continue "simulat(ing)" fighting against ISIS terrorists they support. Days earlier, their fighters abducted 700 civilians during an attack on a refugee camp near al-Bahrah, holding them hostage as human shields.
On Tuesday, Iraqi General Dia al-Wakil blasted Washington, saying its so-called coalition supports the scourge of ISIS it pretends to oppose.
"I do not believe that the (US-led) international coalition wants to bring an end to terrorism in the region," he said, adding:
"Under the cover of the 'fight against terrorism,' US forces can remain and strengthen here. Behind this are economic goals. Americans need oil and arms sales contracts."
ISIS and other terrorists are deployed where the US wants them used. Their fighters are "simply transferred to a given point" from another, including from one country to another.
"We have already seen how terrorists moved throughout the region before the international coalition's very eyes," transported by Pentagon helicopters. It happens repeatedly.
ISIS "has not been destroyed, but will still be used in political struggles, especially amid instability in the Middle East." The same goes for al-Qaeda, its al-Nusra offshoot, and other terrorist groups.
Separately, Iranian Foreign Ministry official Jaberi Ansari said a massacre in Idlib by al-Nusra and/or other terrorists is Tehran's red line.
It would have "grave humanitarian and moral, as well as political costs, which is unacceptable," he said - no further elaboration added on how Iran might respond.
As technology advances, and we face innovations not previously dreamed of, many times poorly written legislation is taken advantage of to infringe on constitutional rights. As Chief Justice John Roberts said in his opinion:
“As technology has enhanced the Government’s capacity to encroach upon areas normally guarded from inquisitive eyes, this Court has sought to “assure[ ] preservation of that degree of privacy against government that existed when the Fourth Amendment was adopted.”
The government abused their power to obtain over 12,800 location points of Timothy Carpenter, a man who was eventually convicted after his cell phone was tracked near four robberies in the area. The Court ruled that positioning someone via tracking their cell site information is against their Fourth Amendment rights. They concluded that just because a citizen is stepping out into public does not mean that they give up their right to privacy.
The Supreme Court ruling means that now the vague and easily manipulated standard of “probable cause” and the previously established “third party doctrine” will no longer be the standard for law enforcement to acquire a justified warrant. The New York Times summarizes the new standard as demonstrating “specific and articulable facts showing that there are reasonable grounds to believe” that desired documents “are relevant and material to an ongoing criminal investigation.”
Now civilians do not have to be concerned about being tracked merely because they leave their home and know that their Fourth Amendment rights are still being protected. Justice Roberts continued:
“A person does not surrender all Fourth Amendment protection by venturing into the public sphere. To the contrary, ‘what [one] seeks to preserve as private, even in an area accessible to the public, may be constitutionally protected.’”
This decision is a victory for the American people because it makes it more difficult for the government to spy on them and their personal records while acting as a safeguard for digital privacy. The U.S. federal government has a long history of spying on its citizens with little regard for the Fourth Amendment. The Carpenter decision is an important step in reversing that trend.
Our laws must keep evolving as technology does to ensure privacy rights continue to be protected, even over newer, advanced technological mediums. The precision and accuracy of these citizen’s whereabouts being taken is neither right nor just. Our rights do not disappear merely because society becomes more advanced.
The Supreme Court should be commended for its decision to limit the ability of the government to surveil its citizens in public.. Cellphones and other technologies are used daily to make life easier and should not be subject to government abuse. This decision is another step in the right direction in securing and updating the Constitution with the safety of the American people remaining a priority. Hopefully, other lawmakers will take note of this decision and work to build a better framework for safeguarding the privacy of all Americans.
Over the past several decades cars have become increasingly high tech allowing for computers to take larger roles in the routine functions of the car. Computerized functions have been a boon to consumers, who gain greater reliability and efficiently, but it has also increased the vulnerability to criminal hacking.
Today, President Trump announced his choice for the new leader of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). While his choice of candidate has generally been well received by commentators on both side of the isle it is unlikely he will implement the needed reforms to the FBI. While Jim Comey and the FBI have been grabbing headlines over the past year, few pundits, or politicians are seriously talking about the true threat surrounding the national police force.
The global community has been rocked by tragedy after tragedy over the last several weeks, but few instances have captured the international spotlight as readily as the recent attacks in London . The international community was quick to offer their support to the beleaguered Britain, but a troubling response came from that nation's own leader.
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Pres. Barack Obama Stands in Solidarity with Leopoldo and Calls for his Release on his remarks at Clinton Global Initiative
We stand in solidarity with those who are detained at this very moment. In Venezuela, Leopoldo Lopez; in Burundi, Pierre-Claver Mbonimpa; in Egypt, Ahmed Maher; in China, Liu Xiaobo; and now Ilham Tohti; in Vietnam, Father Ly. And so many others. They deserve to be free. They ought to be released.
Thousands of Venezuelans have held a peaceful march through the streets of the capital Caracas, calling for the release of opposition leaders who have been in jail for more than a year. They include two former mayors, Leopoldo Lopez and Daniel Ceballos, who are being held on charges of inciting anti-government protests last year.
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Gotta light? Gotta light? Gotta light?….What’s that? Oh! Hello, dearest Filthy Dreams readers! And welcome back to our ongoing obsession with Twin Peaks: The Return. As you know, I was off in disco-land for the past couple weeks and so wasn’t able to properly catch the big fish as Lynch would say about the lunacy of Part 8. So in order to give that complete mindfuck its due before we return to the semblance of a storyline in Part 9, we’re going to do a Lost In The Bang Bang Bar double this week. 5-4-3-2-1…
“Let’s get off this highway, Ray,” orders Mr. C in the first scene of a completely and utterly insane 8th episode of Twin Peaks: The Return. While this directive seems like a nonchalant tossed-off line to move along the trajectory of Mr. C and his sleazy counterpart Ray after breaking out of prison in Part 7, but nope. Here, Lynch was, instead, referring to his wild turn off of the winding highway of the first portion of Twin Peaks: The Return to arrive at a full-on art film visual assault.But before we get to the not-quite idyllic flashbacks to the 1940s and 1950s, first, Lynch and Frost take us to the woods with Ray and Mr. C as they try to kill each other over some “numbers” or coordinates Mr. C needs. Ray, faking out Mr. C, with a dud gun, shoots him.
Things don’t go quite as expected, though, as some homeless people…I mean, woodsmen, stagger out of the trees and…do a séance or something over Mr. C. With lots of deep groaning and patting the dirt, they cover his face with blood and at one point, in the darkness, we see the disembodied head of BOB. “I think he’s dead, but he’s found some kind of help so I’m not 100%,” says Ray on the phone after understandably scrambling out of there. Whew…what the hell was that!
And then, we find ourselves at the Roadhouse. A bit early, don’t cha think? This was the first clue that Part 8 wouldn’t necessarily go as expected. Introduced by an M.C., played by J.R. Starr who bears more than a passing resemblance to Little Jimmy Scott (who we last saw in the Black Lodge in the original finale of Twin Peaks), we get to watch an extended performance by “The Nine Inch Nails.” That’s right–Lynch made NiN cool again in one television episode. Growling “She’s Gone Away” into a microphone with a pinecone attached to it, Trent Reznor and the rest of Nine Inch Nails seem to be the first band at the Bang Bang Bar that seemed to come directly from the Black Lodge. This wasn’t the wistful singing of Chromatics, Au Revoir Simone or Sharon Van Etten. Something’s wrong, as One-Armed Mike constantly says.
Then, we travel to White Sands, New Mexico on July 16, 1945 at 5:29 A.M. And here things get a little, well, explosive. Part of the Manhattan Project, Lynch not only shows us a test of the atom bomb, he takes us inside the bomb in a squeal of strings courtesy of “Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima.” Now, even though the bomb seemingly comes out of nowhere, there were hints of this nuclear obsession before, namely in Lynch’s own character Gordon Cole’s F.B.I. office, which has a photo of the bomb affixed to the wall.
Lynch has, in this moment, achieved the sublime, as described by Arthur Schopenhauer. In The World As Will and Representation, Schopenhauer poses the sublime as dependent on threat, using the wild chaos of nature as an example of moments of the sublime. As he writes, “Nature in turbulent and tempestuous motion; semi-darkness through threatening black thunder-clouds; immense, bare, overhanging cliffs shutting out the view by their interlacing, rushing, foaming masses of waters; complete desert, the wail of the wind sweeping through the ravines. Our dependence, our struggle with hostile nature, our will that is broken in this, now appear clearly before our eyes. Yet as long as personal affliction does not gain the upper hand, but we remain in aesthetic contemplation, the pure subject of knowing gazes through this struggle of nature, through this picture of the broken will and comprehends calmly, unshaken and unconcerned, the Ideas in those very objects that are threatening and terrible to the will. In this contrast is to be found the feeling of the sublime” (204).
For Schopenhauer, the more violent and menacing the natural causes, the more sublime. If a natural element threatens to subsume and overwhelm you, welcome to the ultimate sublime. “This is the full impression of the sublime. Here it is caused by the sight of a power beyond all comparison superior to the individual, and threatening him with annihilation,” describes Schopenhauer.
Good ole Artie couldn’t have imagined that in 1949, the United States would create something so destructive, powerful and nihilistic that it would blow all of his sublime nature references out of the water. Lynch’s alarmingly compelling representation of the inside of the atom bomb is precisely what Schopenhauer theorizes.
And it gets better or weirder because the atom bomb, apparently, births several different entities–the woodsmen who scatter around a gas station and convenience store and the Experiment, which is the creepy grown-up baby from Eraserhead figure that massacres those two young people in the room in New York earlier this season. The Experiment, or Mother, as people on the Interwebz are calling “her” (?) vomits up a mass of eggs, goop, garmonbozie and surprise! BOB!
Now, Lynch is showing us the birth of evil–and it’s man-made. Chilling, isn’t it? Remember this moment when Trump decides to finally nuke North Korea. Speaking of, in a world gone mad, Lynch and Frost’s maddening imagery feels just right.
But, of course, with the bad comes the good, and we arrive back at that black-and-white nostalgic “other place” with the giant and his new friend Seniorita Dido. With vintage music played over a gramophone, reminiscent of Lynch’s ambient album The Air Is On Fire, the Giant witnesses the bomb, as well as the Experiment and her hurling. He levitates and his head disappears in a cloud of gold. After, a gold sphere emerges with the face of Laura Palmer reflected in it. What does it all mean? Is Laura the representation of inherent good? Does good do that much coke?
And welcome to 1956 in New Mexico as a horrifying part-locust, part-frog emerges from an egg! A boy and a girl (literally listed as “The Boy (1956)” and “The Girl (1956)” in the credits) walk home from presumably some innocent sock hop. They flirt and act all teenage awkward. It’s all so sweetly innocent, but knowing Lynch, this wouldn’t last long. True to form, The Woodsman, resembling Abraham Lincoln, flies down from the sky with an apparent nicotine craving. “Gotta light?” he asks some terrified overweight husband and wife, as the sound slows down and the wife bellows like an elephant.
With the boy and girl now returned home, the Woodsman still continues his reign of terror as he crushes the heads of several people including a DJ who plays The Platters’ saccharine tune “My Prayer.” And all I could think is this would be my ideal song to be murdered to too. Talk about transcendence!
Of course, this shattering of the nostalgic midcentury American dream happens often in Lynch’s oeuvre–the epitome being the disembodied ear found in the high green grass in the beginning of Blue Velvet. Throughout his career, Lynch has investigated the, as The Guardian’s Gaby Wood and Hazel Sheffield write, “the strangely polarized era that was the 1950s. He loved the jitterbug, the big cars, the picket fences and the sound of planes flying overhead – a child’s view of an idyllic time. But the 50s were also about appearances: this very idyll masked warring agendas – things people refused to know and other, often incorrect, things they insisted on knowing.”
“All the problems were there,” Lynch told The Guardian, “but it was somehow glossed over. And then the gloss broke, or rotted, and it all came oozing out.”
And, well, there was a sure lot of broken eggs and creepy oozing in the final scenes of Part 8. Perhaps the most memorable and lurid scene came courtesy of that plague of the locust-frog. After killing the radio DJ, the Woodsman grabs the mic and repeats, “This is the water and this is the well. Drink full and descend. The horse is the white of the eyes and the dark within.” Come again?
Listening to this screed, all the figures shown previously from a waitress at Pop’s diner to a car mechanic and “The Girl” fall asleep. The previously mentioned…bug…flies into The Girl’s window, crawls onto her bed and yum! right into her mouth. Opening her mouth horror film-wide, she swallows the locust/frog right down. MMMMMMMMHMMMM! Down the hatch!
It’s all very Kafka, which consequently is the other image hanging on the wall of Gordon Cole’s F.B.I. office with the atom bomb. “As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect,” begins Kafka’s The Metamorphosis. Here The Girl does the opposite, forced into some, likely, uneasy dreams and swallowing a monstrous insect.
In Lynch on Lynch, Lynch describes his vision of 1950s middle America in reference to his childhood, as well as his perverted American ideal aesthetic: “My boyhood was ‘See Spot Run.’ Elegant old homes, tree-lined streets, the milkman, building backyard forts, droning airplanes, blue skies, picket fences, green grass, cherry trees. It was a dream world–Middle America as it’s supposed to be. But on the cherry tree, there’s this pitch oozing out–some black, some yellow, and millions of red ants crawling all over. I discovered that if one looks a little closer at this beautiful world, there’s always red ants underneath.”
Phew! Well, I don’t know about you, dearest Filthy Dreams readers, but yesterday was quite a day, especially for former Trump campaign advisor Sam Nunberg who shined bright like a diamond all afternoon into evening, performing a jaw-dropping and awe-inspiring flameout on live TV. It was a glorious tour de force, worthy of an Oscar. Too bad he was a day late.
If you don’t remember Sam Nunberg, I wouldn’t blame you–I didn’t either! But, he’s now rocketed to the top of my list of most hilarious Trump associates. To refresh your memory, Nunberg had a falling out with Trump on the campaign trail after it came out he formerly posted some racist comments on Facebook. You would think that would only ingratiate him to the President, but apparently even Trump has some bad PR limits. He’s also notable for being abandoned in a McDonald’s by Trump after his order was taking too long. Hapless.
But yesterday was the day Sam Nunberg became a star. The whirlwind started with….well, it probably started with getting day drunk. But publicly, it began with a phone call into MSNBC’s Katy Tur with Nunberg seeming to seek legal advice, while daring Robert Mueller to arrest him for not answering the grand jury’s subpoena to turn over his emails. Rambling about not wanting to waste 80 hours being questioned, he then disappeared from MSNBC only to speed dial CNN’s Jake Tapper and later, local news station NY1 for some reason to call White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders a “fat slob.” Somewhere in this, he also spoke to The Washington Post, Bloomberg, New York Magazine, Vox and Yahoo News. It seemed like he was just hammered in a bar and going down the list of numbers in his phone. Who hasn’t been there!
*takes breath* And then, he showed up in the studio of both MSNBC and CNN, wild-eyed and hysterical, slurping some cocktail from a coffee mug. He hinted that Trump was doing something shady with the Russians, claimed Carter Page colluded and boasted Sean Hannity and the Fox News minions would be embarrassed when the whole Russian investigation is finished. He also said his lawyers weren’t returning his calls. I’ll bet they weren’t!
Well, what we here at Filthy Dreams want to know is what was in that mug?! I’ll have whatever he’s having! We like to imagine that if we opened Filthy Dreams (the bar), we’d be screening this footage overlaid with disco music and whatever moonshine was in that cup as a drink special. While we don’t have the bar (yet), we were so inspired by Nunberg’s sudden masterful performance that we made a video tribute to Sam Nunberg’s grand performance, featuring one of our favorite soundtracks for nervous breakdowns–Sylvester’s “Stars”: |
To become a sponsor of the national event, please contact the Princess America office at [email protected]
Welcome to Princess America Pageants! As the fastest growing event in pageantry, The P.A.P. Program is not only an outstanding opportunity for young women across the United States to compete for scholarship assistance, but also gives them the chance to gain the experience to compete in future events, not to mention the confidence to fulfill their individual potential.
Princess America Pageants is not associated with any other national system or event, therefore you can use this as a fundraiser for whatever system you choose to involve yourself with.
Local and state pageants will fall under the rules and regulations of Princess America Pageants in terms of the NATIONAL competition. State competitions however are not affiliated with the national event other than name recognition/usage and phases of competition required to be held. Partial funds raised by the local, state, and national P.A. Pageants will be used to fund scholarships for deserving young people according to guidelines established by the Organization’s Board of Directors in accordance with Internal Revenue Service rules and regulations.
Princess America Pageants consist of three divisions which include Junior Teen Princess America (National Junior Teen) (13 - 15 years of age) Teen Princess America (National Teen) (16 - 18 years of age) and Miss Princess America (National Miss) (19 - 26 years of age).
It is MANDATORY that all state pageants hold a competition for ALL THREE age divisions unless express written consent is given by the national pageant office. OFFICIAL crowns and banners MUST be worn at all events associated with the representation of the state and/or national event. In order to qualify your contestants for the national pageant, the entry fee for the three contestants MUST be paid IN FULL within 30 days of the crowning of your state titleholders. (Entry fee is $1000 per contestant if producing a state pageant) Crowns MUST be ordered through the national office. Sashes are to be ordered by the state directors and at their cost. (Banners must adhere to national regulations, colors, guidelines, etc) Contact our Liason for State Directors (See below) for detailed information. Complete state fee is only $1000 per delegate to nationals.
States may have more than one representative in each division, (not to exceed three), but NOT using the same title. For example, Oklahoma may have an OKLAHOMA MISS, a SOONER STATE MISS, and a TULSA MISS. State pageants may negotiate within their contract that there are to be no other titleholders from that state.
Local and State pageants MUST submit copies of all score sheets, including judges' comments (if any) and copies of official auditors tabulations and scores, with signatures, no more than 30 days past the conclusion of the state event. Official SAMPLE score sheets including the national rules and regulations, as well as procedures and protocol can be obtained from our Liason to State Directors/Pageants.
A state's participation with the national event is to be negotiated and approved on a year to year basis.
Princess America Pageants and its Board of Directors reserves the right to amend any and all of the rules & regulations, phases of competition, event dates & locations, schedules, etc. set forth by the national office.
Once your entry fees are in, you will begin receiving information regarding the national event. ALL communication regarding your states participation with the national event will be directed through our Liason to State Pageants, Mrs. Ann Harmon ([email protected]ahoo.com)
Contestant applications can be found under our NEWS tab at the bottom of the page. Please copy and print, fill out, and mail in along with each of your contestants' 5x7 identification headshot and entry fee. Applications may also be emailed to [email protected] Applications may only be ONE PAGE. Headshots and applications may be changed until _______________.
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PRINCESS AMERICA PAGEANTS is registered with the FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS. Currently under ACTIVE status, Princess America Pageants (Registration Number G0900165986) was registered and filed on 10/16/2009 and Teen Princess America, Junior Teen Princess America, and Miss Princess America and several state titles thereof were registered and copyrighted in 1994.
For more information, please send a brief resume or letter of intent indicating your reasons for interest in becoming a state director to: |
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It’s beginning to look like giveaway city here in sunny Bermuda. Yesterday I told you about how you can win a five-night stay at Southampton’s The Reefs Hotel & Club by voting for your favorite contest submission online (really, it’s just that easy; go here to find out more). A luxurious ocean view room with meals daily is a fantastic prize, but in case you’re planning a wedding instead of a vacation then listen up, because today’s giveaway is a whopper. In order to celebrate the hotel’s 125th anniversary this year, the Fairmont Hamilton Princess in cooperation with Destination Weddings & Honeymoons magazine is giving away a fabulous destination wedding for one lucky couple getting married in 2010. What’s included? A better question would be what’s not included, because you and your guests will hardly have to reach for your wallets if you’re the lucky winner. Here’s what you’ll get: A ceremony and reception at The Fairmont Hamilton Princess in Bermuda for up to 20 people (or $10,000); 10 double occupancy hotel guest rooms; 20 JetBlue airline tickets departing from New York's JFK or Boston Logan; and a $1,000 Saks Fifth Avenue gift card for a total retail value of—wait for it, wait for it—$45,000. I told you it was a whopper of a prize. So, how do you win? All you have to do is submit a brief essay (500 words max) about why you want to have your dream wedding in Bermuda. In contest parlance: “Tell us how the Fairmont Hamilton Princess is the perfect location to host your Ultimate Dream Destination wedding and what getting married in Bermuda means to you.” That’s it. All submissions must be received by May 31, 2010 and potential winners will be notified by email on or before June 15. For more information about the contest click here. And to learn more about the historic Fairmont Hamilton Princess click here. Finally, for a little inspiration on what makes Bermuda such a special place for a wedding have a quick read here, but really, who wouldn't want to get married at the Pink Palace? Just picture you and your sweetie standing beneath that limestone moon gate and go get writing. Your dream wedding awaits.
It's an extraordinary prize for a lucky bride and groom!!! Thank you David for calling attention to it! The Fairmont Hamilton is going all out in honor of their 125th Anniversary and Destination Weddings & Honeymoons 5th Anniversary!
Donald Savoie’s new report on the future of economic development (and other things) in Nova Scotia is out. He is not recommending consolidation as some had suggested of the various organizations (NSBI, ERD, Innovacorp, etc.) but it does seem he is pushing the need for more integration of service delivery.
I only read it quickly but he wants to strengthen NSBI with a greater trade development and is calling for a more streamlined process for company support projects. He also seems to want NSBI to work more closely with these allied organizations.
He thinks the R&D focus should be primarily on the sectors with the greatest opportunity. Sound familiar?
He says “The provincial government should invest the necessary resources with the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency to assess properly the performance of the RDAs”. I think this is key. There is way to much moaning and complaining about the ineffectiveness of RDAs in both Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Let’s figure out once and for all what is the most effective role for local RDAs. Are they are bookshelf for provincial and federal funding programs as some have suggested? Or are they a highly valuable development team providing services that grow key sectors of the local economy?
I think his point that it doesn’t require new money and there may actually be savings is a good one. He claims $500 million is spent on economic development each year in Nova Scotia. That seems high to me but I know from my own research that the amount of money – for specific economic development – isn’t the problem in either NS or NB. I do think we could see more provincial spending on activities that influence economic development (like R&D) but the direct spending is large and maybe could be cut.
In New Brunswick, there are something like 600 people employed for economic development organizations such as BNB, Enterprise Agencies, ACOA, Industry Canada, NRC, etc. That’s more than enough – the real issue is effectiveness.
I think Savoie missed the boat by not recommending better measurement of results. NSBI has done some interesting things in this area and is probably one of the better organizations for measuring results. Others are far worse. New Brunswick’s reporting and measuring of economic development is vague at best.
In the end, I would have liked to have seen Savoie delve more into the FDI piece. He seems to have accepted this as for granted – he isn’t against it and repeats on several occassions the important role of NSBI in this area – but he doesn’t develop it in much detail while there are pages and pages on how to foster more entrepreneurship.
I think he touches on the issue that I have been focused on in recent years – aligning economic development on a sector or cluster basis. There is quite a bit of language in there about stratetgic growth sectors. The truth is that a lot of government bureaucrats don’t want to talk about focusing on key sectors (except in a broad, almost marketing sense) because they think that will dissaude investment in other sectors. I disagree.
Economic development in the Maritimes is now more important than ever. While Savoie looks at the world through a public policy lense, his addition here is valid and should be implemented in large measure by Nova Scotia.
– NS has a lower proportion of firms exporting products and services than the Cdn average. I wonder what the comparable figure is for NB?
– Encourage high-value and high-wage jobs by encouraging those firms that create those kind of jobs. This is, in part, because the NS pop is expected to decline, so you need higher incomes to provide the tax revenue to fund public programmes. Many of those high-value jobs are linked to R&D.
– See Halifax as a good thing for the rest of the province, not as a drain or competitor for other regions. That is something applicable to the Maritmes as a whole.
As to the coordinating/streaming of ED orgs; good idea, but it will require a lot of work and focus by someone to get that done. The ‘single service desk’ approach makes sense but can the various orgs involved work together well-enough to make that happen?
NB has a very low percentage of exporting firms. I don’t have the hard data on this now but close to 95% of the value of all exports can be tied to a couple of dozen firms (55% from one company). |
Saree, Indian Saree (Sari/sarri) Sarees online shopping, Indian Dresses, Indian Sari, Saree dresses.
The traditional Indian dress is the Sari which can be worn in many ways. Underneath the sari one wears a Petticoat, a waist to floor length skirt, tied tightly at the waist by a drawstring and a Cholli ; a blouse that ends just below the bust. The Salwar Kameez in India is the second most popular dress and is gaining in popularity fast with the younger generation. The Salwar Kameez in India too has had many design changes. The new designers have come up with great variations of the Salwar Kameez. Women also wear Lehengas.
The Indian Saree (or Sari) boasts of oldest existence in the sartorial world. It is more than 5000 years old! Patterns of dress change throughout the world, the Sari has survived because it is the main wear of rural India. 75% of the population (now a billion as per official estimate) wear versatile sari. We can certainly call this cloth versatile because it could be worn as shorts, trousers, flowing gown-like or convenient skirt, all without a single stitch!
Saree is of varied length. From 5 yards to 9.5 yards tied loosely, folded and pleated, it could be turned into working dress or party wear with manual skill. For day today dress of middle class women, 5-6 yard sari is comfortable to manage household chores.
Working class tucks the same length above the ankles and if they have to work in water or fields, they would tuck the front pleats between the legs to the back, and tie the upper portion round the waist. This left them free movement of hands and legs.
A nine yard saree used to be a connoisseurs pleasure with embellishments, embroidery and fine designing. Generally the climate of India is warm and humid. Saree and its male counterpart dohti was most suited for this land. Styles of wearing saree vary from region to region. Gujarat style and Bengali style are different. So are Mangalorean, Kannadiga, Kodava, Tamilian, Malayali, etc. The Saree is worn in at least 10-15 styles throughout the India.
Raja Ravi, the distinguished painter of 19th century, toured the entire sub continent in search of the ideal female wear. He wanted the best dress for the various goddesses he was asked and commissioned to paint. He selected the a nine yard saree which drapes the body beautifully at the same time exhibiting contours of female anatomy; bust, waist, hips.
Various regions of India have their own unique style of wearing the sari. The Gujarati style of wearing a saree requires the pallu to be draped artistically in the front rather than over the shoulder. Sarees with eye-catching magnificent pallus are best worn in this style. The Bengali style of wearing a sari has no pleats and the pallu has a bunch of keys that falls over the shoulder. The Corgi style of draping a saree involves tying the pleats in the rear and a small portion of the pallu is placed over the shoulder. The Maharashtrian nauvari style of draping a saree involves wearing the nine yards of fabric in a style that is traditional to the region. In Tamil Nadu, certain sections of society wear the nine-yard saree in a wrap around style sans pleats
1. Tuck the plain end of the saree into the petticoat and continue tucking till you take a complete turn from right to left. Adjust the lower end of the saree to the height required. Ideally wear your footwear so that you drape the sari to the right length.
2. Create pleats with the sari. About 6�9 pleats would do with most saris. Here it is essential to see that the pleats are even and fall straight.
3. Tuck the pleats into the waist petticoat, taking care to see that the pleats are turned towards the left.
4. The remaining portion of the saree must be turned once around the body and then draped over the left shoulder.
5. Arrange the pleats on this part of the saree and then pin them up on the left shoulder to prevent the pallu from falling off.
Before draping the saree, ensure that you wear a well-fitting blouse and petticoat. Do not wear a flared petticoat. Getting a fall stitched on the saree bottom ensures a better drape. While some women prefer to wear the top portion of the saree loosely over the shoulder and allow the rest to fall gracefully, others pin up the front pallu in pleats for a neat look. Use a pin to secure the pallu on the blouse to prevent the sari from falling in front. |
I’ll guarantee you this will be the new vessel for car stereos in the United States in the next 2-3 years.
The Devium Dash ($290-$340) is a new in-dash car stereo that is built around a faceplate made to accomodate an iPhone or iPod touch, securing it in a CNC’d aluminum and plastic cradle while giving you full access to the touchscreen and all your apps. Other features of the Dash include a double-din body, 50W x 4 output with 2 preamp outputs, and your choice of standard aluminum or anodized black or white finishes. Arriving in July.
Defined by Edwardian influences, original detailing and an exemplary locale, is this character-filled four bedroom tuck-pointed double-brick residence. Step inside to discover decorative high ceilings, deep cornices and bay window. Comprising formal lounge, elegant entry and hallway, there is also a rear extension with a retro-style kitchen, adjoining meals space and generous living zone highlighted by lantern windows, large glass aspects and glass-sliders opening onto a deck with elevated views and leafy vistas. Family accommodation is provided by four bedrooms with the main boasting built in robes. Freshly painted and with new carpet throughout, it features a fully-renovated, modern bathroom, split-system, huge laundry/workroom, two toilets and tandem carport. Just minutes from Puckle Street and Union Road cafe strips, Moonee Ponds Station, trams, top schools and Highpoint.
This is the final part of a series of articles previewing the 2012 NASCAR Sprint Cup season. Here I unveil the final five drivers. This article will also appear on Puttyracing.com and hopefully Jayski.com. The entire series will also be posted on bleacherreport.com as one article.
Kyle Busch seems to have conquered nearly every hurdle a professional driver faces except for one, his maturity.
Last year, the driver many fans call “Rowdy” once again failed to control his temper. The most notable incident was a Camping World Truck Series run-in with Ron Hornaday at Texas which cost Busch a start in the crucial Sprint Cup Chase race at the venue, ending his hopes of a championship.
As a result, the Las Vegas, Nev. native finished the season ranked 12th in the standings, last amongst the Chasers. After participating in 35 of 36 races, Busch had compiled four wins, 14 top-5s, and 18 top-10s.
Over the years, NASCAR’s fines and sanctions have done little to change the driver’s on-track mentality, although Busch now sports a more understanding attitude during interviews.
While considered one of the most talented drivers on the circuit, the 2005 Rookie of the Year has encountered poor Chase results similar to last season’s fiasco throughout his career. He has been in the top three in points entering the Chase in each of his last three playoff births only to falter in one way or another down the stretch.
Winning races isn’t an issue for Busch. The 26-year-old has found victory lane 23 times over the course of his eight year Cup Series career. But, when will he take the next step towards winning a title?
The problem isn’t with the equipment or team. Crew chief Dave Rogers kept the No. 18 car at the front of the pack in 2011 (Busch led 1455 laps, the most of any driver); and with three owner’s championships in the series, Joe Gibbs Racing is considered one of Sprint Cup’s premiere organizations.
The Answer lies with Busch himself. Can he refrain from letting his emotions get the best of him during the seasons most crucial moments? Only time will tell.
Ask a NASCAR fan who they believe the best closer in the sport is. Similar to a closer in baseball, racing’s usage of the term is applied to the driver who seemingly appears out of nowhere in the final laps of a race to achieve victory.
Kevin Harvick made a strong statement for being the best driver during the closing laps in 2011. During races at Fontana (March 27), Martinsville (April 3) and Charlotte (May 29), he took the lead away with four laps remaining or less in order to win. In all, he scored four wins last year to go along with nine top-5s and 19 top-10s.
He finished 3rd in the standings for the second time in a row, this year behind Tony Stewart and Carl Edwards. Normally a driver would be able to live with that sort of result. Harvick on the other hand became tired of coming up short in the title hunt and talked with team owner Richard Childress about making a change after the Kobalt Tools 500 (Nov. 13).
As a result, Gil Martin will be moved to director of team operations for Richard Childress Racing (RCR), and Shane Wilson will step in as the new crew chief of the No. 29 team beginning in 2012. Wilson was the crew chief for Harvick during the driver’s 2006 Nationwide Series championship run.
The aforementioned downsizing operation (see Jeff Burton and Paul Menard) that took place at RCR over the winter may also have a positive affect on the 2001 Rookie of the Year’s chances this season.
All of the pieces are in place for the Bakersfield, California native to make another serious run at the Sprint Cup championship. If Harvick can continue his closing laps heroics, he’ll likely have a shot to grab the title.
Matt Kenseth is a driver who has built a solid career from his ability to stay consistently fast and avoid trouble at most tracks.
Last season, wins weren’t a problem for the Cambridge, Wis. native. He won three races (his highest total since 2006) while collecting 12 top-5s and 20 top-10s.
On paper Kenseth’s 4th place finish in points doesn’t look bad. But, it’s a wonder that he was able to finish that high after adding in several misfortunes that the driver encountered during the Chase. At Chicago (Sept. 19), he ran out of fuel on the final lap before coasting to a 21st place finish. During the Tums Fast Relief 500 at Martinsville, Kenseth had run-ins with Kyle Busch and Brian Vickers, eventually finishing 31st. Later at Phoenix (Nov. 13), he suffered a DNF after another incident with Vickers. Outside of this series of mishaps, his playoff run looks similar to that of teammate Carl Edwards.
The 14-year veteran will have a new look for 2012 after Crown Royal parted ways with the team. The No. 17 Ford Fusion will be sponsored by a variety of companies including: Best Buy, Valvoline, Zest Soap, and Ford EcoBoost.
Qualifying has never been Kenseth’s strength, but in 2011 the tides began to turn as he posted a 14.2 average starting mark, which is the best of his career. He has always been a driver who can gain and maintain position after the green flag drops, but if his qualifying speeds continue to trend upwards, the driver’s job will be much easier.
Crew chief Jimmy Fennig could be a major reason behind his driver’s recent upsurge. After taking over for Todd Parrott halfway through the 2010 season, Kenseth has once again been amongst the series best drivers on a constant basis.
If this driver-crew chief duo picks up where they left off in 2011, Kenseth will be a major contender for the Sprint Cup.
It’s easy to be skeptical of Johnson after 2011. The five-time champion had the worst season since his rookie year in 2002.
For a driver who’s grown accustomed to sitting onstage at the NASCAR Drivers Banquet, two wins, 14 top-5s, and 21 top-10s is way off pace. The statistics weren’t the only thing missing from a lackluster campaign.
Johnson finished 6th in points also a career worst. Usually, the Chase is the No. 48 team’s stomping grounds (Johnson has 20 career wins during the Chase). But last season, the talented driver had no such luck during the final ten races. His hopes of an unprecedented sixth championship were dashed after a hard crash ended his night at Charlotte Motor Speedway.
What did Hendrick Motorsports do to correct last season’s letdown? Besides altering the color of the car to a dark blue and white pinstriped design, they didn’t change very much.
The pairing of the driver Johnson and crew chief Chad Knaus is perhaps the most potent matchup in the sport today on a regular basis. The two have been together since the beginning of Johnson’s career, and the offseason has given them some needed time apart.
The best thing that the 2010 Driver of the Year could have possibly done over the offseason is to learn to forget. But, the pressure of being a defending champion has now been lifted from his shoulders, meaning Johnson should be at his best.
He also has a new reason to be motivated. After failing to capture a sixth championship, the driver now wants to prove that he can win again as a driver for what is possibly Sprint Cup’s best organization.
Johnson’s first goal will be to knock off the rust that halted his run during the second half of last year’s Chase. His second goal will be to recapture the title and climb a step closer to Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt on the all-time championships list.
One point is the only thing that separated Carl Edwards from being crowned the 2011 Sprint Cup champion.
Because he finished runner-up to Tony Stewart by the closest margin ever, Edwards should simply continue to take the same approach when preparing for races in 2012. After all, it couldn’t happen again right?
The 19 top-5s and 26 top-10s that the 2007 Nationwide Series champion collected are easily good enough to have won the championship any other year. Perhaps the only thing holding the No. 99 team back was its inability to win. In 2012, Edwards should attempt to be more aggressive in order to improve upon the single victory he had last season.
Winning more races wouldn’t hurt his chances, and the driver’s most successful seasons have come when he is able to take the car to victory lane more often.
From an organizational standpoint, the biggest change from last season is the downsizing operation that took place over the winter.
While there a positives to a smaller organization, a move like this also carries potentially negative consequences. RFR lost at least 100 workers, some of which have been hired by other NASCAR teams. These former employees carried the knowledge they learned about RFR to their new organizations. This leak of information could hurt Edwards during the new campaign.
Otherwise, few changes were made over the offseason, making a repeat performance from last year all the more likely for the Missouri native.
The driver’s Roush Fenway Racing (RFR) Ford will once again feature a bevy or sponsors including: Fastenal, Best Buy, UPS, Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, Cheez-It, Aflac, and Subway; the resulting designs will give the car a different look almost every week. Bob Osbourne will return as the crew chief for the Fusion for the ninth consecutive year.
No matter the situation at RFR, Edwards has proven that he can drive well at virtually every track. This versatility should help him in the quest for his first Cup Series championship.
Filed under NASCAR, Sprint Cup Series Tagged with Carl Edwards, Jimmie Johnson, Kevin Harvick, Kyle Busch, Matt Kenseth |
There are many ways to save money in college if you’re willing to get creative. From tuition, to room and board, to food, to textbooks, to social activities, it all adds up quickly. Here are some tips to save money and still enjoy your higher education.
It’s a good idea to wait until after the first few days of class to buy textbooks. Your professors will let you know if you need the latest edition for class or not. Older versions will be significantly cheaper, and waiting a few days means you’ll avoid big lines at the book store. If you do require the latest edition, you can buy a less-expensive version from a book-trading website or you can borrow the book from someone who has already taken the class. You can also rent textbooks through eCampus, or buy used textbooks on Amazon. Remember to keep your textbooks in good condition so you can resell them at the end of the semester. The library is also a great option. If you only need a book for a short period, check it out for free.
Many colleges offer unlimited meal plan, but they are usually quite expensive. Save money by choosing a basic meal plan and making your own meals. Buy a crockpot. It’s an easy way to cook even when you aren’t home, and it makes a lot of food, so you’ll have leftovers. Learn how to cook by finding simple recipes online that only require a handful of ingredients. It’s also a good idea to stock up on granola bars, fruit and nuts. These snacks are helpful when you don’t have time to make or buy food, or when the dining hall is closed.
Many local businesses offer discounts to students. The savings may not be a lot, but every cent counts, especially when you’re already spending so much on your education.
Fun adds up fast, especially drinking at bars. At college, you want to take advantage of all the amazing activities and opportunities to meet people, but try mixing your nights on the town with inexpensive activities like gaming or getting together with friends for movie night. Check out the bulletin boards in the union to see what free events and activities are happening each week, or ask your resident assistant about what’s going on. Groupon or LivingSocial also offer good discounts to activities in the area, so be sure to check their sites periodically.
Spending a lot of money to beautify your college bedroom can break your budget fast. It’s your first time on your own so you should invest in a few decorations to make your room feel comfortable, but don’t put a hole in your pocket. Skip buying mattresses, furniture, lava lamps and other expensive items you don’t need.
Senator Restaurant Toronto When you eat vegan food, diners can be hit or miss. Most often, a complete miss. And yet, I have a strange fascination with them. Perhaps it’s because the 50s style diner is not particularly prevalent in Australia. Perhaps it’s because I spent too much time watching the Winchester brothers in the […]
Satay Tofu Salad Satay and salad? Yes, it sounds crazy, but bear with me – I promise something delicious awaits you. This hot and cold combination salad is one of my favourite meals. It’s quick and easy to make, and oh so tasty. And it’s inspired by one of the meals I order at one of […]
Lake Louise Canada Almost everyone we know who’d been to the Canadian Rockies insisted we had to go to Lake Moraine instead of, or as well as Lake Louise. Sadly, there was no space to park our RV when we got to Lake Morraine, so it’s on the to do list for another trip. And […]
CN Tower Toronto Canada Did any of you watch Degrassi Junior High as a child or teenager? This was one of our favourite TV shows growing up in Australia in the 80s. A generation of parents in the 80s seemed relaxed enough to let their children watch a show that dealt with fairly adult themes, […]
Chocolate Caramel Slice – Vegan Friendly! Vegan Myths No.1: Because we don’t eat dairy, we don’t eat dessert. Unless it’s fruit. Not true, my friends! As mentioned in our post on What Do Vegans Eat For Dessert? There is an array of desserts available to us, thanks to tofu, coconut oil and milk, and nut […]
Fabbrica Toronto Do you think celebrity chefs have groupies, like rockstars? This was a question prompted by my recent visit to Fabbrica, with my friend Alex. I turned to Twitter with this question and the answer was a resounding yes. Apparently, not only celebrity chefs have groupies, but your normal, talented chefs without the television appearances also […]
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Kale & Chickpea Curry Recently, the Nomads went to Butter Chicken Roti in Toronto. The great thing about this casual dining and take away Indian joint is that it caters to every diet type, and I do mean every type. The different diets are splashed across the windows in neat fonts, and we pop in when I […]
Wild Flour Banff One thing I wasn’t prepared for in Banff was the Aussies. You’ll laugh at this, because I’m Australian. But they were everywhere. You’d think you were in Thredbo or the Snowies, not in Canada. And not only were they prolific, they were ocker as, mate. Accents are a funny thing. A lot of people in […] |
By the early twenties, the Marx Brothers had conquered vaudeville. Seeking new horizons, they accepted a booking in England, without the approval of the Keith-Orpheum office. They returned home to face the wrath of vaudeville kingpin E.F. Albee, and the Brothers were blacklisted, broke, and on the brink of oblivion.
Meanwhile, another impasse had been reached by another brother team. Tom and Will B. Johnstone had written a series of revues for producer Joseph M. Gaites, of whom it was often said, "The M stands for Minimum." The collaboration had sustained a flop, Love For Sale (1919), starring Kitty Gordon as a bored heiress looking for thrills. It was reworked as Gimme a Thrill, which toured the doomed Shubert Advanced Vaudeville circuit in 1922, and also flopped.
In March of 1923, the Marx Brothers met the Johnstone brothers. The encounter led to a new iteration of "the thrill show," incorporating some of the boys' vaudeville material, and culminating in an extended sketch about Napoleon. I'll Say She Is was a smash at the Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia in the summer of 1923. But Gaites and his financier, James P. Beury, kept the show on the road for a year before daring to lay it at the feet of the New York critics.
I'll Say She Is opened at the Casino Theatre, Broadway and 39th Street, on May 19, 1924. It was a phenomenal success, lavishly praised by Algonquin Round Table tastemakers like Alexander Woollcott and Robert Benchley. The Marx Brothers became the darlings of the New York smart set and the preeminent jesters of the Jazz Age.
I'll Say She Is set the tone for the rest of the Brothers' career. Will B. Johnstone remained a key collaborator, contributing to the screenplays of Monkey Business, Horse Feathers, and A Day at the Races. Every Marx Brothers film contains material and situations that can be traced back to I'll Say She Is. However, unlike their next two Broadway musicals, The Cocoanuts and Animal Crackers, I'll Say She Is was never adapted for film, or revived onstage. It had a wildly successful run at the Casino, closed on February 7, 1925, spent a few more months on the road, and was not seen for the next ninety years.
In 2009, New York playwright, lyricist, and Groucho Marxist Noah Diamond began working in earnest on the project of researching, restoring, and adapting I'll Say She Is, with the hope of bringing the work back to the stage.
My primary source was Will B. Johnstone's rehearsal typescript: thirty-two pages of rough dialogue, with song titles and cues. The typescript is more an outline with dialogue than a working libretto. It was committed to paper in the spring of 1923, prior to the Philadelphia opening, a full year before the show reached Broadway. Undoubtedly, it was embellished in rehearsal and performance.
I interpolated material from other extant versions of certain scenes, and filled in details culled from firsthand recollections of the show. I unearthed hundreds of news clippings related to the original production, some of which described scenes and quoted dialogue. I retrieved ad-libs recorded by Broadway columnists. I filled in the gaps with surviving fragments of the Brothers' vaudeville repertoire, the earlier Johnstone revues, and the newspaper prose of Will B. Johnstone. I filled still more gaps with my own Marxist intuition, adding things out of necessity or desire or both.
I managed to obtain sheet music or recordings for about half the songs from the original production. That left a handful of missing numbers, for which I had only the titles, narrative context, and, in some cases, descriptions. I recreated these songs by writing new lyrics to music from other Johnstone shows of the period, using phrases and ideas from the typescript whenever possible.
In working on the adaptation, Diamond was assisted by musicologist Margaret Farrell, who is the great-granddaughter of Will B. Johnstone, keeper of his diaries, and custodian of his creative legacy; West Hyler, who guided the script through a crucial phase of its development; and Trav S.D., who went on to produce and direct the work's first public performances since the original production closed.
The show re-premiered at Marxfest, New York City's Marx Brothers festival, in May of 2014. The two historic staged readings at Marxfest, presented within a week of the ninetieth anniversary of the original Broadway opening, sold out quickly and generated great interest in the show. The subsequent workshop production was a smash hit of the 2014 New York International Fringe Festival, drawing critical raves and demand for tickets which far exceeded supply.
The history of I'll Say She Is continues, with a spectacular new production opening in the spring of 2016 at Manhattan's beautiful Connelly Theater. This will be the show's first proper run since the original production, and it will include many surprises not seen in the show's Marxfest or Fringe presentations. Details, as they emerge, will be posted with joyous abandon on this site, as well as our Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr pages. |
Safety should be a priority during home repairs and improvements. Your choice of attire, management of tools and materials and use of dangerous chemicals are some of the issues to be considered. Always wear clothing that is close-fitting so that it doesn't get caught in moving machine parts and sturdy shoes with a good grip. Remove all jewelry. If possible, wear gloves to protect your hands from chemicals or other irritants Safety glasses and goggles are recommended for working in almost any area of your home and yard.
While you may be watching hamburgers sizzle on the grill or the patriotic parade down Main Street, there is one group in Surf City that will be watching a different scene. We’re talking about the Huntington Beach Police Department. All 232 members of the force will be on duty on the Fourth to ensure residents and visitors have a safe Independence Day. The Independent has said it before, and we’ll say it again: Praise is due to a department that has taken much-needed measures to squelch the violence of years past.
John H. Eader Elementary School was put on voluntary lockdown for about 30 minutes today as a police situation occurred nearby. School officials held students inside for safety at the school on Magnolia Street and Hamilton Avenue, according to a newsletter e-mail from Principal Cynthia Guerrero. A police official said a man with several misdemeanor warrants ran from an officer and the department was conducting a perimeter check to find him. Eader officials called the Huntington Beach Police Department after helicopters began flying over the school at 2:50 p.m., according to the e-mail.
As the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks nears, it's important to compare our patriotic attitudes then to our attitudes today. Nine years ago, we vowed to never forget: To never forget how we felt as we collectively watched the Twin Towers collapse. To never forget that nearly 3,000 innocent lives were lost. And to never forget that more than 400 brave emergency workers lost their lives trying to save others. We lit candles to memorialize the lost. We donated blood to help the survivors.
-- Compiled by Torus Tammer; Photo by XXXXX AGE: 55 years, 7 months and proud of it FAMILY: Married 34 years to husband, Lynn, with one son, Eric, and a dog, Rowdy. EDUCATION: Associate degree from Mt. San Antonio College EXPLAIN YOUR JOB: Administrative secretary to marine safety beach parking, beach maintenance at lifeguard headquarters, city of Huntington Beach YOUR GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT: 11-year breast cancer survivor PERSONAL MOTTO: Life is short -- eat dessert first.
-- Story by Torus Tammer, photo by XXXXXX SHE IS Making sure you don't fall off the indoor wall FIRST STEP Ortega, 35, learned how to climb two years ago, after enrolling in a course at Golden West College. "It was an 18-week course, and all we did for one entire semester was learn climbing techniques and safety," she said. INSPIRED TO LEARN Reading an essay about climbing by Judy Aldrich Garland was the impetus behind Ortega's decision to tackle the challenging sport.
A year after Sean Guite set the Huntington Beach High single-season passing record with 2,346 yards, Coach Eric Lo said he’d like for the Oilers to run the ball a bit more this year. Guite, a senior, will be a part of that, too. “I can’t say enough great things,” said Lo of Guite, a second-team All-Sea View League selection who was fifth in the county in passing yards. “Strong arm, smart kid, and he’s a stronger runner than he was last year.
This week we are going to look at the life of yet another past president of our local Lions Club and Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, Bill Schryer. It was in the snow-covered town of Menominee in the northern part of Michigan that our man Wilfred L. 'Bill' Schryer first saw the light of day on Dec. 30, 1898. Schryer once described this hometown of Menominee as a "good place to come from, but a darn poor place to go back to." His family moved to California and settled in the little town of Olive, near Anaheim in October 1906, when Bill was 8. He received his formal education in the Olive-Olinda area before joining the navy in 1918.
The California Department of Public Health fined Fountain Valley Regional Hospital $75,000 on Friday for failing to follow policies to ensure patient safety. The facility was penalized for an incident that occurred in December 2011, when a patient died after hitting her head on the hospital floor during a procedure, according to a press statement. The Department of Public Health fined seven other hospitals in the state for noncompliance with safety policies. This is Fountain Valley Regional's fourth penalty.
For seven years, developers have tried to expand Huntington Harbour. Now one company has taken a significant step toward that goal. At its Nov. 19 meeting, the Huntington Beach City Council unanimously approved the Harmony Cove Marina project, which will install a 23-boat slip marina, outdoor dining restaurant, metered parking and a kayak and paddle board rental kiosk to a 2.28-acre site. "It seems like a pretty reasonable use for this area that's under utilized," Councilman Keith Bohr said at the meeting.
If the head negotiators from the Huntington Beach police and fire associations had had a podium of their own during Monday's night's Surf City Tea Party candidate forum, it might have turned into the free-for-all of the year. Instead, the employee groups got a spirited defense from just one man at the head of the Huntington Beach Central Library's downstairs conference room. And a fighting Irishman, at that. William "Billy" O'Connell was the only one of the five candidates in attendance to voice opposition to Measure Z, a November ballot measure that would repeal a property tax that helps to pay police and firefighter pensions.
The live-in boyfriend of Huntington Beach City Attorney Jennifer McGrath has withdrawn his initial plans to run for city clerk and instead is seeking a seat on the Huntington Beach Union High School District's board. Edward Pinchiff, an attorney, filed his candidate statement Aug. 9 and was qualified to run two days later, according to the Orange County Registrar of Voters. "As a long-term resident of Huntington Beach raising two future HBUHSD students, I want to ensure that our children receive a top-tier college preparatory curriculum and practical vocational training in a safe environment," he said in a statement.
Huntington Beach's police and fire associations have endorsed the same three candidates for City Council this year, each backing Jill Hardy, Jim Katapodis and Billy O'Connell out of the field of 12 contenders. The Huntington Beach Police Officers Assn. selected the candidates last week, according to President Jason Melschau. The Huntington Beach Firefighter's Assn. endorsed the trio in an undated post on its website. Melschau said the association's committee conducted interviews with all the candidates who responded, although he declined to give an exact number.
The Huntington Beach city clerk has asked the proponents and opponents of a controversial property tax ballot measure to correct and clarify some of their arguments. Enough signatures were gathered to place the measure on the November ballot to revoke a pre-1978 public safety employee retirement tax, which levies $15 per $100,000 of assessed property value and brings the city's general budget $4.2 million a year, according to city records. Most of City Clerk Joan Flynn's objections targeted the pro side of the argument.
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Microsemi Corp. of Santa Ana said Friday that the semiconductor company and its major stockholder, Jacob M. Kaplan of New York, have filed a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a proposed public offering of 2.5 million shares of common stock.
If the SEC approves the offering, the company will sell 1.5 million new shares, and Kaplan, his four trusts and his company, Jemkap Inc., will offer the remaining 1 million shares, according to the prospectus.
Kaplan has long owned or controlled about 3 million of the company's 7.8 million shares, said Philip Frey Jr., president of Microsemi. At 94 and recovering from a broken hip, Kaplan is interested in a more liquid estate, Frey said.
Proceeds to the company will be used for working capital and general corporate purposes, including possible future acquisitions.
"There's nothing immediately on the horizon," Frey said. "We've been discussing the offering (with Kaplan) all along and the company was looking at some acquisitions earlier in the year and figured the time was right. So we combined forces."
Paine Webber Inc., E.F. Hutton & Co. Inc., Fahnestock & Co. and Baker, Watts & Co. will manage the offering.
Microsemi makes and markets a broad line of high-performance semiconductor diodes used in a variety of military, industrial and commercial products.
Indonesia's Joko Suprianto, the top-ranked badminton player in the world, advanced to the men's singles finals in the U.S. Open on Friday at the Orange County Badminton Club. Suprianto will face Poul-Erik Hoyer-Larsen of Denmark today.
Suprianto defeated Fung Permadi (Taiwan) in the semifinals, 15-6, 15-8. Hoyer-Larsen knocked off the Rashid Sidek, 15-13, 15-3, ranked sixth in the world.
In women's singles, 17-year-old Mia Audia of Indonesia defeated Canada's Denyse Julien, 11-5, 11-0, and will play Denmark's Camilla Martin in the finals. Martin defeated Meiluawaty of Indonesia, 11-4, 10-12, 11-3.
KISSIMMEE — U.S. Congressman Bill Nelson, D-Melbourne, will hold a town hall meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday at the county courthouse. The meeting is part of a series held in the 11th district to provide constituents an opportunity to ask questions about legislative issues or discuss specific problems with Nelson. The meeting is open to the public.
Knowledgeable travelers knew that if you packed a small bag with essentials (toiletries, cosmetics for women, a change of underwear, pair of pajamas) you still could function if your luggage didn't arrive on the same flight you did.
But what began as a survival tactic for travelers has resulted in what one industry watchdog calls a ''war zone atmosphere . . . in which flight attendants and passengers should get combat pay.''
One airline group, the 21,000-member Association of Flight Attendants, says the number and kinds of carry-on items are becoming so great and so outrageous that it formally has petitioned the Federal Aviation Administration to require airlines to measure and limit carry-on baggage.
Under current FAA rules, a passenger is allowed to bring one carry-on bag (or item), provided it doesn't exceed a certain size (usually 24-by-13-by-9 inches, depending on the configuration of the aircraft) or provided it can fit under the passenger's seat or in the overhead bin.
FAA regulations also specify that ''no carrier may permit an airplane to take off or land unless each article of baggage carried aboard by passengers is stowed in an approved baggage or cargo stowage compartment. Everything else must be checked.''
In a survey conducted prior to the Association of Flight Attendants' plea for rulemaking, it cited the wild assortment of carry-on items being toted on board aircraft cabins: a cello, a Christmas tree with its roots wrapped in burlap and a truck tire, among them.
The association also points an accusing finger at the business traveler. In order to avoid baggage-claim delays or lost luggage, it says, he often boards the aircraft with briefcase, large overnight bag and cumbersome hanging bag.
In the formal petition filed by the union group, the Association of Flight Attendants excerpted a story that appeared in Frequent Flyer magazine in May 1984. In the article, editor Martin B. Deutsch noted that the magazine received an unusually large response from readers to a December 1983 article on carry-on bags.
According to Deutsch, passenger letters ranged ''from indignation to anger, or hostility to resignation, take your choice.'' Passenger letters stated that the cabin has been turned into a ''major cargo depository.''
''There's no question the airlines have to take some steps; it is not only uncomfortable in there, it's often dangerous.
''I'm referring to the war zone atmosphere that prevails both on getting in and out of the plane, the scramble to find space for the contraband, then the indiscriminate elbows that are used to vacate the overhead and flee once the flight has landed.
''Flight attendants and passengers should get combat pay, plus helmets to protect the heads and eyes. Ouch!''
The revelation that carry-on baggage has gotten out of hand recently was affirmed by results of the National Air Transportation Inspection, authorized by the FAA.
During the inspection, the agency conducted 21 no-notice en-route and 17 regular en-route aircraft inspections. The report revealed ''ladies trying to hide dogs under their hats or in garment bags; a garment bag containing an embalmed body; others containing bowling balls, bicycles and typewriters . . . and a live rabbit placed on the cockpit jump seat normally used by the FAA.'' Gail Jenkins, North American public relations manager for Thai Airways, said she recently watched two baby elephants being brought on in Bangkok.
A frequent flyer on Thai, she said, ''I've seen passengers transporting live tropical fish, carpets from Katmandu, Chaing Mai parasols, Thai spirit houses, boxes of fresh cherries, live pigs and unwieldy samurai swords. You name it, they bring it aboard.''
The petition filed by the Association of Flight Attendants is more a plea for help than for a ground-breaking regulation.
M.J. Brenne, the association's director of communications, said, ''The petition we have filed will only enforce a regulation that already exists.
''The flight attendants are noting large TVs, computer terminals, glass- covered paintings . . . all things that can get in the way of an emergency exit and can act as a missile in the case of severe turbulence,'' Brenne says. Exactly how the new regulation would be enforced is unclear. It could be enforced at the check-in stage, as it is done under Canadian aviation guidelines, she said. In Canada, if there is any question whether something will fit under a seat, airline personnel ''size it'' at the check-in counter. Others, however, disagree with the need for increased regulations by the FAA.
The Air Transport Association, which represents U.S. scheduled air carriers, opposes the petition for rulemaking as ''unwarranted.''
ALPENA - Kristi Ellis captured three firsts and broke her own school record in the 300-meter hurdles Wednesday, leading the Petoskey High School girls' track team to a third-place finish in the Big North Conference Championships at Alpena's Wildcat Stadium.
Alpena won the girls' meet with 141 points, while Traverse City Central, 110.5, was second; and the Northmen finished with 77. Gaylord and T.C. West tied for fourth with 69, while Cadillac was sixth with 56.5.
Sophomore Cory Starkey equaled the school record in winning the high jump in leading the Northmen boys to a fourth-place finish. T.C. Central placed first with 164, followed by T.C. West, 83; Alpena, 77; Petoskey, 76; Cadillac, 75; and Gaylord, 48.
Starkey's winning leap in the high jump was 6 foot, 4 inches, equaling the mark held by Nick Touran (2002) and Jack DeGroot (1991).
Ellis won the 300 hurdles in a school-record 48.47 seconds. It is the third time this season she has set a record in the event.
Ellis also won the high jump, 5-1; ran the anchor leg on Petoskey's winning 1600 relay team; and placed third in the long jump. Molly Touran, Margaret Liederbach and Amy Bieganowski joined Ellis in the relay; they finished in 4:14.4.
Liederbach placed second in the 800, as did Kerby Tamm in the shot put. Touran was third in the 1600, Catie Gammon placed third in the pole vault, and Touran, Liederbach, Bieganowski and Alexandra Taylor teamed up to place third in the 3200 relay.
"We had some injuries and illnesses and it was the hottest day we've had," Petoskey girls' coach Karen Starkey said. "The temperatures may have affected some of the girls, but overall it was a great performance by all the girls."
Besides Starkey's win in the high jump, Petoksey had one other first in the boys' meet. Dylan Fettig, Taylor Lewis, Chad Homuth and Joe Beck combined to win the 1600 relay.
"It was hot, windy and two or three kids got banged up," boys' coach Gavin Fralick said. "To lose a couple of kids and still come in fourth. … We ran hard and competed; we'll take that any time."
Petoskey's Mike Suter placed second in the high jump while Dan Etter was second in the 200, and Tate Moyer placed third in both the 100 and the long jump.
The Northmen were third in the 400, 800 and 1600 relays. Fettig, Beck, Matt Mastenbrook and Jared Goodrich comprised the 3200 relay; Suter, Moyer, Etter and Homuth teamed up in the 800 relay; and Moyer, Homuth, Etter and Suter comprised the 400 relay.
Tecumseh Adams won three individual events and ran a leg on a winning relay team, and Caitlin Reeves had a hand in three firsts as Harbor Springs swept the team titles at the Lake Michigan Conference track and field championships Wednesday at Boyne City High School's Earl Brotherston Field.
It is the first time both the Harbor girls' and boys' teams have won the league championship in the same year, and it came four days after the Rams completed the same feat - a double win - in the Division IV regional.
"We knew we had pretty strong teams," Harbor coach Emily Kloss said. "That's what our goal was right from the beginning - win the regional, win the conference, and show pretty well at the state meet. So far, we're pretty much right on track for what we were hoping for."
Adams won the boys' 800-, 1600- and 3200-meter runs, and ran a leg on the Rams' winning 1600 relay team in the boys' meet. Kyle Nowels, Clayton Bethke and Patrick Frank joined Adams on the relay squad.
It was one of three wins for Nowels as he also placed first in both the 110 and 300 hurdles, while teammate Randy Pischel (high jump) and Ray Foster (shot put) also placed first.
Reeves won the girls' 400 and 800 and ran a leg on the winning 1600 relay team in leading the Harbor girls. Alivia Murphy, Elena Ongaro and Maddie Buntin joined Reeves in the 1600 relay, while Buntin, Katie Hoffman, Jessica Hall and Murphy comprised Harbor's winning 3200 relay squad.
Harbor's Kristin Albert tied with Charlevoix's Alyssa Smith for first place in the high jump, and the Rayders captured the 800 relay.
Event-by-event results from the Lake Michigan Conference track and field meet Wednesday at Boyne City High School's Earl Brotherston Field. Winners are listed with their time, distance and height, along with athletes from area schools finishing in the top eight. |
1. A molecular probe for use in the detection of myelin in a subject comprising the general formula: ##STR00030## wherein R1 and R2 are each independently selected from the group consisting of H, NO2, NH2, NHCH3, N(CH3)2, OH, OCH3, COOCH3, SH, SCH3, alkyl derivatives thereof, a halo group, a radiolabel, a chelating group, and a near infrared group; wherein X1 is a double or triple bond; each R4-R9 are independently H, wherein R10 and R11 and/or R12 and R13 are each independently H or linked to form a cyclic ring, wherein the cyclic ring is aromatic, alicyclic, heteroaromatic, or heteroalicyclic; or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, wherein the molecular probe upon administration to the subject binds to myelin of the subject.
3. The molecular probe of claim 1, is a double bond, and R10 and R11 are linked to form a heterocylic ring.
6. The molecular probe of claim 1, further comprising a chelating group or a near infrared imaging group.
9. A method of detecting myelin in vivo in an animal, the method comprising: (i) administering to the animal a molecular probe including the general formula: ##STR00031## wherein R1 and R2 are each independently selected from the group consisting of H, NO2, NH2, NHCH3, N(CH3)2, OH, OCH3, COOCH3, SH, SCH3, alkyl derivatives thereof, a halo group, a radiolabel, a chelating group, and a near infrared group; wherein X1 is a double or triple bond; each R4-R9 are independently H, wherein R10 and R11 and/or R12 and R13 are each independently H or linked to form a cyclic ring, wherein the cyclic ring is aromatic, alicyclic, heteroaromatic, or heteroalicyclic; or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof; (ii) visualizing the myelin in the animal using an in vivo imaging modality.
12. The method of claim 9, further comprising the step of administering the molecular probe to the animal parenterally.
14. The molecular probe of claim 9, is a double bond, and R10 and R11 are linked to form a heterocylic ring.
17. The method of claim 9, wherein the molecular probe further comprises a chelating group or a near infrared imaging group.
[0001] This application claims priority from U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/101,299, filed Sep. 30, 2008, the subject matter, which is incorporated herein by reference.
[0003] The present invention relates to molecular probes and to methods of their use, and particularly relates to molecular probes that readily enter the brain and selectively localize in the myelinated regions.
[0004] Myelin is a specialized membrane that ensheathes neuronal axons, promoting efficient nerve impulse transmission (Morell and Quarles (1999) Basic Neurochemistry: molecular, cellular, and medical aspects. In Siegel G J, ed. Myelin Formation, Structure, and Biochemistry. Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 79-83). Due to its important biological functions in the normal central nervous system (CNS) and its vulnerability in disease, several techniques have been developed to visualize and characterize myelin histopathology. These can be broadly divided into those based upon antibody immunohistochemistry (IHC) (Horton and Hocking (1997) Cereb. Cortex 7:166-177) and more traditional histochemical procedures. The classic histochemical stains include luxol fast blue MBN (Kluver and Barrera (1953) J Neurosci Methods 153: 135-146; Presnell and Schreibman (1997) Humanson's Animal Tissue Techniques, 5th ed.; Kiernan (1999) Histological and Histochemical Methods: Theory and practice, 3rd ed.; Bancroft and Gamble (2002), Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques, 5 ed. and Sudan Black B (Lison and Dagnelie (1935) Bull. d'Histologie Appliquee 12: 85-91). Traditional chromogenic methods also include the Palweigert method ((Weigert (1884) Fortschr Deutsch Med 2: 190-192, (1885) Fortschr Deutsch Med 3:236-239; Clark and Ward (1934) Stain Technol 54:13-16), the Weil stain (Weil (1928) Arch Neurol Psychiatry 20:392-393; Berube et al. (1965) Stain Technol 40:53-62)), the Loyez method (Cook (1974) Manual of Histological Demonstration Methods, 5th ed.), and a method based on horse serum followed by subsequent reaction with diaminobenzidine (McNally and Peters (1998) J Histochem Cytochem 46:541-545). In addition, modified silver stains including the Gallyas method (Pistorio et al. (2005) J Neurosci Methods 153: 135-146) and Schmued's gold chloride technique (Schmued and Slikker (1999) Brain Res 837:289-297) have also been used as simple, high-resolution histochemical markers of myelin. More recently, fluoromyelin (Kanaan et al. (2005) Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 290:R1105-1114) and NIM (Xiang et al. (2005) J Histochem Cytochem 53:1511-1516) were introduced as novel myelin dyes, which enable quick and selective labeling of myelin in brain tissue sections. Although these myelin-staining techniques are widely used in vitro, none can be applied in vivo due to impermeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The lack of in vivo molecular probes has limited the progress of myelin imaging and hindered efficacy evaluation of novel myelin repair therapies during their development.
[0005] The present invention relates to molecular probes for use in the detection of myelin in a subject. The molecular probes include a compound having the general formula:
[0007] In one aspect of the invention, R1 and/or R2 can be selected from the group consisting of H, NO2, NH2, NHCH3, N(CH3)2, OH, OCH3, COOCH3, SH, SCH3, and alkyl derivatives thereof and each R4-R13 is H. The molecular probe in accordance with the present invention can readily enter the brain following systemic or parenteral administration and bind to myelin membranes.
[0008] In another aspect of the invention, R1 and R2 are each independently selected from the group consisting of H, NO2, NH2, NHCH3, N(CH3)2, OH, OCH3, COOCH3, SH, SCH3, and alkyl derivatives thereof, X1 is a double bond, and R10 and R11 are linked to form a heterocylic ring.
[0009] The present invention also relates to a method of detecting myelin in vivo in an animals's tissue. The method includes administering in vivo to the animal a molecular probe that includes a compound having the general formula:
[0011] In one aspect of the invention, R1 and/or R2 can be selected from the group consisting of H, NO2, NH2, NHCH3, N(CH3)2, OH, OCH3, COOCH3, SH, SCH3, and alkyl derivatives thereof and each R4-R13 is H. The molecular probe in accordance with the present invention can readily enter the brain following systemic or parenteral administration and bind to myelin membranes.
[0012] In another aspect of the invention, R1 and R2 are each independently selected from the group consisting of H, NO2, NH2, NHCH3, N(CH3)2, OH, OCH3, COOCH3, SH, SCH3, and alkyl derivatives thereof, X1 is a double bond, and R10 and R11 are linked to form a heterocylic ring.
[0013] The present invention further relates to a method of detecting a myelin related disorder in a subject. The method includes labeling myelin in vivo in the animal's tissue by administering to the animal a molecular probe that includes a compound having the general formula:
[0015] The present invention further relates to a method of monitoring the efficacy of a remyelination therapy in an animal. The method includes labeling myelin in vivo in the animal's brain tissue with a molecular probe having the general formula:
[0017] The present invention further relates to a method of screening the myelination effects of an agent in an animal. The method includes labeling myelin in vivo in the animal's tissue with a molecular probe having the general formula:
[0019] The foregoing and other features and advantages of the present invention will become apparent to those skilled in the art to which the present invention relates upon reading the following description with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:
[0021] FIG. 2 illustrates plots of the concentrations of free, unbound 6 and 7 following incubation with isolated myelin fractions and non-myelin pellets based upon a spectroscopic assay. In these assays, 10 μM of 6 and 7 was added to each solution containing myelin fractions or non-myelin pellets at various concentrations ranging from 0-2.5 μg per tube. Each data point was repeated in triplicate and an average was used.
[0022] FIG. 3 illustrates saturation and scatchard plots of [3H]BMB binding to isolated myelin fractions. [3H]BMB displayed one-site binding. High-affinity binding with dissociation constant (Kd) values in a nanomolar range was obtained (Kd)) 1.098 nM.
[0023] FIG. 4 illustrates plots of competition binding assays of test compounds using [3H]BMB as the radioligand in isolated myelin fractions. The concentrations that inhibited 50% of specific binding of [3H]BMB (IC50 values) were converted to inhibition constant (Ki). Ki values were calculated using the Cheng-Prusoff equation: Ki=IC50/(1+[L]/Kd), where [L] is the concentration of [3H]BMB used in the assay. Data are means of three independent measurements done in duplicate.
[0025] FIG. 6 illustrates photographs of in situ staining of myelin sheaths in the cerebellum of mouse brain.
[0027] FIG. 8 illustrates structures of coumarin derivatives that have been screened for myelin staining.
[0030] FIG. 11 illustrates quantification of the fluorescent intensity as determined in the same corpus callosum region following MBP staining (A) and chemical staining (B). The data were analyzed using the GraphPad Prism. (A) P=0.0393, n=3, Unpaired t-test; (B) P=0.0393, n=3, Unpaired t-test.
[0032] The present invention relates to molecular probes that upon administration to a mammal (e.g., systemic, parenteral, or intravenous administration) can readily and selectively localize to myelinated regions of the brain, central nervous system, and peripheral nervous system. The molecular probes can bind to myelin membrane and do not bind to a component of degenerating myelin fragments. The molecular probes can also be readily visualized using conventional visualization techniques to indicate myelinated regions of the brain, central nervous system, and peripheral nervous system. The molecular probes can be used in a method of detecting a level of myelination in vivo in a subject, a method of detecting a myelin related disorder in a subject, a method of monitoring the remyelination effects of an agent in an animal, and a method of screening the myelination effects of an agent in an animal.
[0033] The molecular probe can include a fluorescent trans-stilbene derivative or a pharmacophore thereof (e.g., coumarin pharmacophore) that is less than about 700 daltons and has a relatively high binding affinity (Kd) (e.g., at least about 1.0 nM) to isolated myelin fractions but a relatively low binding affinity (Kd) to isolated non-myelin fractions.
[0034] In an aspect of the invention, the molecular probe can include a fluorescent trans-stilbene derivative having the following formula:
[0036] The phrase "having the formula" or "having the structure" is not intended to be limiting and is used in the same way that the term "comprising" is commonly used.
[0037] The term "alkyl" refers to a branched or unbranched saturated hydrocarbon group typically although not necessarily containing 1 to about 24 carbon atoms, such as methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, isopropyl, n-butyl, isobutyl, t-butyl, octyl, decyl, and the like, as well as cycloalkyl groups, such as cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, and the like. Generally, although again not necessarily, alkyl groups herein contain 1 to about 18 carbon atoms, preferably 1 to about 12 carbon atoms. The term "lower alkyl" intends an alkyl group of 1 to 6 carbon atoms. Substituents identified as "C1-C6 alkyl" or "lower alkyl" can contain 1 to 3 carbon atoms, and more particularly such substituents can contain 1 or 2 carbon atoms (i.e., methyl and ethyl). "Substituted alkyl" refers to alkyl substituted with one or more substituent groups, and the terms "heteroatom-containing alkyl" and "heteroalkyl" refer to alkyl in which at least one carbon atom is replaced with a heteroatom, as described in further detail infra. If not otherwise indicated, the terms "alkyl" and "lower alkyl" include linear, branched, cyclic, unsubstituted, substituted, and/or heteroatom-containing alkyl or lower alkyl, respectively.
[0038] The term "alkenyl" refers to a linear, branched or cyclic hydrocarbon group of 2 to about 24 carbon atoms containing at least one double bond, such as ethenyl, n-propenyl, isopropenyl, n-butenyl, isobutenyl, octenyl, decenyl, tetradecenyl, hexadecenyl, eicosenyl, tetracosenyl, and the like. Generally, although again not necessarily, alkenyl groups can contain 2 to about 18 carbon atoms, and more particularly 2 to 12 carbon atoms. The term "lower alkenyl" refers to an alkenyl group of 2 to 6 carbon atoms, and the specific term "cycloalkenyl" intends a cyclic alkenyl group, preferably having 5 to 8 carbon atoms. The term "substituted alkenyl" refers to alkenyl substituted with one or more substituent groups, and the terms "heteroatom-containing alkenyl" and "heteroalkenyl" refer to alkenyl in which at least one carbon atom is replaced with a heteroatom. If not otherwise indicated, the terms "alkenyl" and "lower alkenyl" include linear, branched, cyclic, unsubstituted, substituted, and/or heteroatom-containing alkenyl and lower alkenyl, respectively.
[0039] The term "alkynyl" refers to a linear or branched hydrocarbon group of 2 to 24 carbon atoms containing at least one triple bond, such as ethynyl, n-propynyl, and the like. Generally, although again not necessarily, alkynyl groups can contain 2 to about 18 carbon atoms, and more particularly can contain 2 to 12 carbon atoms. The term "lower alkynyl" intends an alkynyl group of 2 to 6 carbon atoms. The term "substituted alkynyl" refers to alkynyl substituted with one or more substituent groups, and the terms "heteroatom-containing alkynyl" and "heteroalkynyl" refer to alkynyl in which at least one carbon atom is replaced with a heteroatom. If not otherwise indicated, the terms "alkynyl" and "lower alkynyl" include linear, branched, unsubstituted, substituted, and/or heteroatom-containing alkynyl and lower alkynyl, respectively.
[0040] The term "alkoxy" refers to an alkyl group bound through a single, terminal ether linkage; that is, an "alkoxy" group may be represented as --O-alkyl where alkyl is as defined above. A "lower alkoxy" group intends an alkoxy group containing 1 to 6 carbon atoms, and includes, for example, methoxy, ethoxy, n-propoxy, isopropoxy, t-butyloxy, etc. Preferred substituents identified as "C1-C6 alkoxy" or "lower alkoxy" herein contain 1 to 3 carbon atoms, and particularly preferred such substituents contain 1 or 2 carbon atoms (i.e., methoxy and ethoxy).
[0041] The term "aryl" refers to an aromatic substituent containing a single aromatic ring or multiple aromatic rings that are fused together, directly linked, or indirectly linked (such that the different aromatic rings are bound to a common group such as a methylene or ethylene moiety). Aryl groups can contain 5 to 20 carbon atoms, and particularly preferred aryl groups can contain 5 to 14 carbon atoms. Exemplary aryl groups contain one aromatic ring or two fused or linked aromatic rings, e.g., phenyl, naphthyl, biphenyl, diphenylether, diphenylamine, benzophenone, and the like. "Substituted aryl" refers to an aryl moiety substituted with one or more substituent groups, and the terms "heteroatom-containing aryl" and "heteroaryl" refer to aryl substituent, in which at least one carbon atom is replaced with a heteroatom, as will be described in further detail infra. If not otherwise indicated, the term "aryl" includes unsubstituted, substituted, and/or heteroatom-containing aromatic substituents.
[0042] The term "aryloxy" as used herein refers to an aryl group bound through a single, terminal ether linkage, wherein "aryl" is as defined above. An "aryloxy" group may be represented as --O-aryl where aryl is as defined above. Preferred aryloxy groups contain 5 to 20 carbon atoms, and particularly preferred aryloxy groups contain 5 to 14 carbon atoms. Examples of aryloxy groups include, without limitation, phenoxy, o-halo-phenoxy, m-halo-phenoxy, p-halo-phenoxy, o-methoxy-phenoxy, m-methoxy-phenoxy, p-methoxy-phenoxy, 2,4-dimethoxy-phenoxy, 3,4,5-trimethoxy-phenoxy, and the like.
[0043] The term "alkaryl" refers to an aryl group with an alkyl substituent, and the term "aralkyl" refers to an alkyl group with an aryl substituent, wherein "aryl" and "alkyl" are as defined above. Exemplary aralkyl groups contain 6 to 24 carbon atoms, and particularly preferred aralkyl groups contain 6 to 16 carbon atoms. Examples of aralkyl groups include, without limitation, benzyl, 2-phenyl-ethyl, 3-phenyl-propyl, 4-phenyl-butyl, 5-phenyl-pentyl, 4-phenylcyclohexyl, 4-benzylcyclohexyl, 4-phenylcyclohexylmethyl, 4-benzylcyclohexylmethyl, and the like. Alkaryl groups include, for example, p-methylphenyl, 2,4-dimethylphenyl, p-cyclohexylphenyl, 2,7-dimethylnaphthyl, 7-cyclooctylnaphthyl, 3-ethyl-cyclopenta-1,4-diene, and the like.
[0044] The term "cyclic" refers to alicyclic or aromatic substituents that may or may not be substituted and/or heteroatom containing, and that may be monocyclic, bicyclic, or polycyclic.
[0045] The terms "halo" and "halogen" are used in the conventional sense to refer to a chloro, bromo, fluoro or iodo substituent.
[0046] The term "heteroatom-containing" as in a "heteroatom-containing alkyl group" (also termed a "heteroalkyl" group) or a "heteroatom-containing aryl group" (also termed a "heteroaryl" group) refers to a molecule, linkage or substituent in which one or more carbon atoms are replaced with an atom other than carbon, e.g., nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus or silicon, typically nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur. Similarly, the term "heteroalkyl" refers to an alkyl substituent that is heteroatom-containing, the term "heterocyclic" refers to a cyclic substituent that is heteroatom-containing, the terms "heteroaryl" and heteroaromatic" respectively refer to "aryl" and "aromatic" substituents that are heteroatom-containing, and the like. Examples of heteroalkyl groups include alkoxyaryl, alkylsulfanyl-substituted alkyl, N-alkylated amino alkyl, and the like. Examples of heteroaryl substituents include pyrrolyl, pyrrolidinyl, pyridinyl, quinolinyl, indolyl, pyrimidinyl, imidazolyl, 1,2,4-triazolyl, tetrazolyl, etc., and examples of heteroatom-containing alicyclic groups are pyrrolidino, morpholino, piperazino, piperidino, etc.
[0047] By "substituted" as in "substituted alkyl," "substituted aryl," and the like, as alluded to in some of the aforementioned definitions, is meant that in the alkyl, aryl, or other moiety, at least one hydrogen atom bound to a carbon (or other) atom is replaced with one or more non-hydrogen substituents. In addition, the aforementioned functional groups may, if a particular group permits, be further substituted with one or more additional functional groups or with one or more hydrocarbyl moieties such as those specifically enumerated above. Analogously, the above-mentioned hydrocarbyl moieties may be further substituted with one or more functional groups or additional hydrocarbyl moieties such as those specifically enumerated.
[0048] When the term "substituted" appears prior to a list of possible substituted groups, it is intended that the term apply to every member of that group. For example, the phrase "substituted alkyl, alkenyl, and aryl" is to be interpreted as "substituted alkyl, substituted alkenyl, and substituted aryl." Analogously, when the term "heteroatom-containing" appears prior to a list of possible heteroatom-containing groups, it is intended that the term apply to every member of that group. For example, the phrase "heteroatom-containing alkyl, alkenyl, and aryl" is to be interpreted as "heteroatom-containing alkyl, substituted alkenyl, and substituted aryl."
[0049] "Optional" or "optionally" means that the subsequently described circumstance may or may not occur, so that the description includes instances where the circumstance occurs and instances where it does not. For example, the phrase "optionally substituted" means that a non-hydrogen substituent may or may not be present on a given atom, and, thus, the description includes structures wherein a non-hydrogen substituent is present and structures wherein a non-hydrogen substituent is not present.
[0050] In one aspect of the invention, R1 and/or R2 can be selected from the group consisting of H, NO2, NH2, NHCH3, N(CH3)2, OH, OCH3, COOCH3, SH, SCH3, and alkyl derivatives thereof and each R4-R13 is H.
[0051] In one example of the invention, the molecular probe can include a fluorescent stilbene derivative having the following formula:
[0053] In a further aspect the, the molecular probe can be selected from the following general structures:
[0055] In another aspect of the invention, the molecular probe can include a fluorescent coumarin derivative that is a pharmacophore of trans-stilbene. In an aspect of the invention, R1 and R2 are each independently selected from the group consisting of H, NO2, NH2, NHCH3, N(CH3)2, OH, OCH3, COOCH3, SH, SCH3, and alkyl derivatives thereof, X1 is a double bond, and R10 and R11 are linked to form a heterocylic ring.
[0056] In one example, the fluorescent coumarin derivative can a pharmacophore of trans-stilbene having the following formula:
##STR00009## [0057] wherein R1 and R2 are each independently selected from the group consisting of H, NO2, NH2, NHCH3, N(CH3)2, OH, OCH3, COOCH3, SH, SCH3, and alkyl derivatives thereof; and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof.
##STR00010## [0059] wherein R1 and R2 are each independently selected from the group consisting of H, NO2, NH2, NHCH3, N(CH3)2, OH, OCH3, COOCH3, SH, SCH3, and alkyl derivatives thereof; and pharmaceutically salts thereof.
[0060] In a further example, the fluorescent coumarin derivative can be a pharmacophore of stilbene having the following formula:
[0062] The foregoing formulae represent the general structures of fluorescent trans-stilbene compounds found to be effective molecular probes for labeling myelin in vivo as well as in vitro as described in the examples below. They are characterized by their ability to be administered to a mammal or subject parenterally and selectively localize to myelinated regions in the brain, central nervous system, and peripheral nervous system via direct binding to myelin membranes and not bind to degenerating myelin fragments. The molecular probes are unique in that they exhibit negligible toxicities as demonstrated in both preclinical and clinical settings, making them suitable candidates for clinical imaging modalities and translational studies. For example, once radiolabelled with positron-emitting radionuclide, they can be used for positron emission tomography to detect and quantify myelin contents in vivo.
[0063] When referring to the terms "fluorescent trans-stilbene" or "fluorescent trans-stilbene derivative" or "fluorescent trans-stilbene compound" in the specification and the claims, it is intended that the terms encompass not only the specified molecular entity but also its pharmaceutically acceptable, pharmacologically active analogs, including, but not limited to, salts, esters, amides, prodrugs, conjugates, active metabolites, and other such derivatives, analogs, and related compounds.
[0064] By "pharmaceutically acceptable" is meant a material that is not biologically or otherwise undesirable, i.e., the material may be incorporated into a pharmaceutical composition administered to a patient without causing any undesirable biological effects or interacting in a deleterious manner with any of the other components of the composition in which it is contained. When the term "pharmaceutically acceptable" is used to refer to a pharmaceutical carrier or excipient, it is implied that the carrier or excipient has met the required standards of toxicological and manufacturing testing or that it is included on the Inactive Ingredient Guide prepared by the U.S. Food and Drug administration. "Pharmacologically active" (or simply "active") as in a "pharmacologically active" derivative or analog, refers to a derivative or analog having the same type of pharmacological activity as the parent compound and approximately equivalent in degree.
[0065] As used herein, the term "pharmaceutically acceptable salts" or complexes refers to salts or complexes that retain the desired biological activity of the parent compound and exhibit minimal, if any, undesired toxicological effects. Nonlimiting examples of such salts are (a) acid addition salts formed with inorganic acids (for example, hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid, sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, nitric acid, and the like), and salts formed with organic acids such as acetic acid, oxalic acid, tartaric acid, succinic acid, malic acid, ascorbic acid, benzoic acid, tannic acid, palmoic acid, alginic acid, polyglutamic acid, naphthalenesulfonic acids, naphthalenedisulfonic acids, and polygalacturonic acid; (b) base addition salts formed with cations such as sodium, potassium, zinc, calcium, bismuth, barium, magnesium, aluminum, copper, cobalt, nickel, cadmium, sodium, potassium, and the like, or with an organic cation formed from N,N-dibenzylethylene-diamine, ammonium, or ethylenediamine; or (c) combinations of (a) and (b); e.g., a zinc tannate salt or the like.
[0066] Typically, the molecular probe can be formulated into solution prior to use. In one example, a molecular probe solution includes a 10 mM molecular probe solution. A molecular probe solution can also contain saline, DMSO, and HCL. One skilled in the art can utilize the molecular probe with pharmaceutical carriers and/or excipients in varying concentrations and formulations depending on the desired use.
[0067] In some embodiments of the present invention, the molecular probe can be radiolabeled to aid in the detection of the molecular probe once it binds to myelin. A `radiolabel` as used herein is any compound that has been joined with a radioactive substance. Examples of radiolabels include positron emitting 3H, 125I, 11C, and 18F radiolabels.
[0068] In an embodiment of the invention, the molecular probe can be coupled to a chelating group (with or without a chelated metal group) to improve the MRI contrast properties of the molecular probe. In one example, as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 7,351,401 which is herein incorporated by reference in its entirety, the chelating group can be of the form W-L or V--W-L, wherein V is selected from the group consisting of --COO--, --CO--, --CH2O-- and --CH2NH--; W is --(CH2)n where n=0,1,2,3,4, or 5; and L is:
[0070] ##STR00014## [0071] or a myelin binding, chelating compound (with or without a chelated metal group) or a water soluble, non-toxic salt thereof of the form:
[0073] The chelating group can be coupled to at least one terminal benzene groups or the R1 or R2 groups. In one example, the chelating group can be coupled to terminal amino R1 and/or R2 group through a carbon chain link. The carbon chain link can comprise, for example about 2 to about 10 methylene groups and have a formula of, for example, (CH2)n, wherein n=2 to 10.
[0076] In another example, the molecular probe with the chelating group can have the following formula:
[0078] In another example, the molecular probe with the chelating group can have the following formula:
[0080] In another embodiment, the molecular probe can be coupled to a near infrared group to improve the near infrared imaging of the molecular probe. Examples of near infrared imaging groups that can be coupled to the molecular probe include:
[0082] The near infrared imaging group can be coupled to at least one terminal benzene groups, or the R1 or R2 groups. In one example, the near infrared imaging group can be coupled to at least one terminal benzene group.
[0083] In one example, the molecular probe with the near infrared imaging group can have the following formula:
[0085] In another example, the molecular probe with the near infrared imaging group can have the following formula:
[0089] In certain embodiments of the present invention, the molecular probes described herein can be contacted with an animal's brain tissue central nervous system, and/or peripheral nervous system and utilized for labeling and detecting myelinated regions of an animal's brain tissue, central nervous system, and/or peripheral nervous system. Myelinated regions of an animal's brain are typically found in the white matter of the brain in the myelin sheaths of neuronal axons. Myelin is an outgrowth of glial cells, more specifically oligodendrocytes, which serve as an electrically insulating phospholipid layer surrounding axons of many neurons. For purposes of the present invention, an animal's brain tissue is typically a mammal's brain tissue, such as a primate, e.g., chimpanzee or human; cow; dog; cat; a rodent, e.g., guinea pig, rat, mouse; rabbit; or a bird; reptile; or fish.
[0090] In some embodiments, the molecular probes described herein can be used for the in vivo detection and localization of myelinated regions of an animal's brain, central nervous system, and/or peripheral nervous system. The molecular probe can be administered to the animal as per the examples contained herein, but typically through intravenous injection. "Administered", as used herein, means provision or delivery molecular probes in an amount(s) and for a period of time(s) effective to label myelin in an animal's brain central nervous system, and/or peripheral nervous system. The molecular probes can be administered to the animal can be enterally or parenterally in a solid or liquid. Enteral route includes oral, rectal, topical, buccal, and vaginal administration. Parenteral route includes intravenous, intramuscular, intraperitoneal, intrasternal, and subcutaneous injection or infusion.
[0091] An example of a dosing regimen is to administer about 40- about 50 mg/kg by weight to the animal. In one example at 5 min, the brain concentration of probe can range between about 4% to 24% ID/g to ensure sufficient visualization of the myelinated regions of the brain, central nervous system, and/or peripheral nervous system.
[0092] The molecular probes of the present invention can be used for neuroanatomical or neuropathological studies. Researchers studying normal brains can employ this method to examine the morphology and distribution of myelinated tissue in an animal. "Distribution" as used herein is the spatial property of being scattered about over an area or volume. In this case the "distribution of myelinated tissue" is the spatial property of myelin being scattered about over an area or volume included in the animal's brain, central nervous system, or peripheral nervous system tissue. Researchers interested in neurotoxicology and neuropathology can also use this method in several ways. One way is to infer demyelination by the absence of the molecular probe labeling compared to normal control tissue (e.g., normal brain). A second way is to study morphological changes in the myelin such as a fragmented or beaded appearance of the myelin sheath. In yet another embodiment of the present invention, one skilled in the art can assess and quantify changes in myelin content in vivo.
[0093] In other aspects of the present invention, myelin in an animal's brain, central nervous system, and/or peripheral nervous system can be visualized and quantified using an in vivo imaging modality. The molecular probe may be visualized any time post administration depending on the application as typical molecular probes embodied in the present invention have a low clearance rate due to specific binding in the myelinated regions (e.g. at 60 min, the brain concentration of probe can be ≦50% of 5 min value to ensure that half time retention in normally myelinated brain is 60 min or longer).
[0094] An in vivo imaging modality as used herein is an imaging modality capable of visualizing molecular probes described herein in vivo (within a living organism). An example of an in vivo imaging modality is positron emission tomography (PET). PET is a functional imaging technique that can detect chemical and metabolic change at the molecular level. To function as a PET imaging molecular probe, embodiments of the present invention must meet a set of biological requirements known to the skilled artisan, some of which may include lipophilicity, binding affinity, binding specificity, brain uptake, retention, and metabolism. Another example of an in vivo imaging modality is MicroPET. MicroPET is a high resolution positron emission tomography scanner designed for imaging small laboratory animals. Other examples of imaging modalities that can be used in accordance with the present invention include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), near infrared (NIR) imaging, fluorescent microscopy, and mutiphoton microscopy.
[0095] For directly monitoring myelin changes in the white matter of a subject, embodiments of the invention can readily penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and directly bind to the myelinated white matter in proportion to the extent of myelination. Radiolabeled molecular probes of the present invention can be used in conjunction with PET as imaging markers to directly assess the extent of total lesion volumes associated with demyelination. This can provide a direct clinical efficacy endpoint measure of myelin changes and identify effective therapies aimed at protection and repair of axonal damages.
[0096] The molecular probes of the present invention can also be used to diagnose a myelination related disorder in an animal through the use of in vivo myelin labeling. Thus, in certain embodiments of the present invention, solutions containing the molecular probes describe herein can be used in the detection of myelin related disorders in an animal.
[0097] Methods of detecting a myelin related disorder include the steps of labeling myelin in vivo in the animal's brain tissue with a molecular probe described herein, visualizing a distribution of the molecular probe in the animal's brain tissue as described above and in the examples, and then correlating the distribution of the molecular probe with a myelin related disorder in the animal. In one example of detecting a myelin related disorder, the methods described herein can be used to compare myelinated axonal regions of the brain in the normal tissues of control populations to those of a suspect animal. If the suspect animal has a myelin related disorder, myelin may be virtually absent in lesioned areas thus indicating the presence of a myelin related disorder.
[0098] Myelination disorders can include any disease, condition (e.g., those occurring from traumatic spinal cord injury and cerebral infarction), or disorder related to demylination, remylination, or dysmyelination in a subject. A myelin related disorder as used herein can arise from a myelination related disorder or demyelination resulting from a variety of neurotoxic insults. Demyelination is the act of demyelinating, or the loss of the myelin sheath insulating the nerves, and is the hallmark of some neurodegenerative autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis, transverse myelitis, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, and Guillain-Bane Syndrome. Leukodystrophies are caused by inherited enzyme deficiencies, which cause abnormal formation, destruction, and/or abnormal turnover of myelin sheaths within the CNS white matter. Both acquired and inherited myelin disorders share a poor prognosis leading to major disability. Thus, some embodiments of the present invention can include methods for the detection of neurodegenerative autoimmune diseases in an animal and more specifically the detection of multiple sclerosis in an animal.
[0099] Another embodiment of the present invention includes a method of monitoring the efficacy of a remyelination therapy in an animal. Remyelination is the repair of damaged or replacement of absent myelin in an animal's brain tissue. The methods described include the steps of labeling myelin in vivo in the animal's brain tissue with a molecular probe described herein, then visualizing a distribution of the molecular probe in the animal's brain tissue (e.g. with a in vivo imaging modality as described herein), and then correlating the distribution of the molecular probe as visualized in the animal's brain with the efficacy of the remyelination therapy. It is contemplated that the labeling step can occur before, during, and after the course of a therapeutic regimen in order to determine the efficacy of the therapeutic regimen. One way to assess the efficacy of a remyelination therapy is to compare the distribution of the molecular probe before remyelination therapy with the distribution of the molecular probe after remyelination therapy has commenced or concluded.
[0100] Remyelination therapy as used herein refers to any therapy leading to a reduction in severity and/or frequency of symptoms, elimination of symptoms and/or underlying cause, prevention of the occurrence of symptoms and/or their underlying cause, and improvement or remediation of damage related to demyelination. For example, a remyelination therapy can include administration of a therapeutic agent, therapies for the promotion of endogenous myelin repair, or a cell based therapy (e.g., a stem-cell based therapy).
[0101] In another embodiment of the present invention, methods are provided for screening for a myelination response in an animal's brain tissue to an agent. The method includes the initial step of administering an agent to the animal. Myelin in the animal's brain tissue is labeled in vivo with a molecular probe in accordance with the present invention. A distribution of the molecular probe in the animal's brain tissue is then visualized using a conventional visualization modality. Finally, the distribution of the molecular probe with the myelination response in the animal's brain tissue is correlated to the agent. One way to assess the myelination response in the animal's brain tissue is to compare the distribution of the molecular probe in an animal's brain tissue, which has been treated with a suspect agent with the distribution of the molecular probe in the brain tissue of a control population. "Control Population" as used herein is defined as a population or a tissue sample not exposed to the agent under study but otherwise as close in all characteristics to the exposed group as possible.
[0102] The molecular probes described herein can be used to determine if an agent of interest has the potential to modulate demyelination, remyelination, or dysmyelination of axonal regions of an experimental animal's brain tissue.
[0103] We have identified a series of stilbene derivatives that displayed promising in vitro and in situ properties for imaging of myelinated white matter. Compared to previously reported myelin-imaging probes, these compounds showed improved solubility and binding affinity. The synthesis and biological evaluation of trans-stilbene derivatives is described below.
[0104] Synthesis of stilbene derivatives was achieved through Horner-Wittig reaction as shown below.
[0105] In this study, 4-nitrobenzaldehyde and 4-dimethylamino-benzaldehyde were employed to react with a Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reagent, (p-nitrobenzyl)-phosphonic acid diethyl ester (1), to yield (E)-4,4'-dinitro-stilbene (2) and (E)-dimethyl-{4-[2-(4-nitro-phenyl)-vinyl]-phenyl}-amine (5). Further reduction of the nitro groups of 2 and 5 in the presence of SnCl2 in ethanol, furnished (E)-4,4'-diamino-trans-stilbene (3) and (E)-dimethyl-{4-[2-(4-amino-phenyl)-vinyl]-phenyl}-amine (6). Reduction of 2 also yielded a less polar, semi-reduced compound, 4-[2-(4-nitro-phenyl)-vinyl]-phenylamine (4) that was successfully separated and characterized by HNMR and HR-MS. Compound 4 was further protected with trifluoroacetic anhydride. Subsequently, methylation with iodomethane in the presence of potassium carbonate followed by hydrolysis and reduction yielded the monoalkylated compound, N-methyl-4-[2-(4-amino-phenyl)-vinyl]-phenyl}-amine (7), which was purified by flash chromatography. In addition, an iodinated compound, 4-[2-(4-Iodo-phenyl)-vinyl]-phenylamine (9) was also synthesized through Horner-Wittig reaction (see Scheme 2).
[0106] 4-Iodo-benzaldehyde readily reacted with 1 in DMF in the presence of NaH. Subsequent reduction with SnCl2 yielded Compound 9. Compounds 3, 6 and 7 are fluorescent compounds and soluble in EtOH, CH2Cl2, DMSO and other organic solvents. The excitation and emission spectra of 3, 6 and 7 (1 μM in DMSO), as recorded using a Cary Eclipse Fluorescent Spectrophotometer, are shown in FIG. 1. The maximal excitation wavelengths were found at 347 nm, 350 nm and 363 nm, and the maximal emission wavelengths were determined at 415 nm, 415 nm and 419 nm for 3, 6, and 7, respectively.
[0107] Compound 9 was selected for radiolabelling with 125I. The radiolabeling precursor, 4-[2-(4-tributylstannanyl-phenyl)-vinyl]-phenylamine (10), was first synthesized directly from the cold standard compound 9, in which the iodo group was replaced with a tributyltin group in the presence of Pd(PPh3)4. Iododestannylation reaction using no-carrier-added sodium [125I] iodide in the presence of hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant yielded [125I]9 (Scheme 2).
[0108] The radiochemical identity of [125I]9 was verified by co-injection with cold standard Compound 9. Following HPLC purification, [125I]9 was obtained in 70% radiochemical yield with a radiochemical purity of >98% and a specific activity of 80 TBq/mmol As monitored by HPLC, [125I]9 was found stable to be kept at room temperature for up to 8 hrs and in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.
[0109] Binding affinities of newly synthesized compounds 6 and 7 were determined based on spectrophotometry. Myelin sheaths and non-myelin pellets were extracted from rat's brain homogenates according to subcellular fraction protocol (Martenson, R. E.; Deibler, G. E.; Kies, M. W. Extraction of rat myelin basic protein free of other basic proteins of whole central nervous system tissue. An analysis of its electrophoretic heterogeneity. J Biol Chem 1969, 244, 4268-4272). Briefly, the homogenates were successively mixed with different concentrations of sucrose and spun in a Beckman ultracentrifuge. Myelin sheaths and non-myelin containing pellets were well separated according to their different densities and located in different layers of sucrose. The proteins were then collected and washed thoroughly with Colman buffer (10 mM). The desired proteins were aliquoted and frozen at -80° C. for up to 6 months without noticeable change in its properties determined by electrophoresis (data not shown). Prior to binding assays, the protein fractions (myelin and pellet) were thawed and diluted with PBS (10 mM, pH 7.0). A series of concentrations of the protein fractions were incubated with tested compounds (6 and 7, 12.5 μM) for 1 h at room temperature. The free and bound tested compounds were then separated by centrifuging at 6000 rpm for 10 min and quantified.
[0110] As shown in FIG. 2, when incubated with non-myelin pellet, the concentrations of free, unbound 6 and 7 were not reduced despite the increased concentration of non-myelin pellet. The concentrations of free 6 and 7 remained constant and close to the total concentration (10.47 μM for 6 and 10.53 μM for 7) initially used, suggesting there was no binding to the non-myelin fractions. In contrast, when incubated with myelin fractions, the concentrations of unbound 6 and 7 decreased proportionally when the concentrations of myelin fractions were increased, suggesting that specific binding interactions exist between the test compounds and the myelin fractions.
[0111] In vitro binding assay using radioligand is the most sensitive techniques available to quantitatively determine the binding affinities of compounds to certain proteins. Our previous studies have shown that BMB binds to myelin sheaths with high affinity and specifity (Stankoff, B.; Wang, Y.; Bottlaender, M.; Aigrot, M. S.; Dolle, F. et al. Imaging of CNS myelin by positron-emission tomography. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2006, 103, 9304-9309). For this reason, tritiated BMB was custom synthesized by American Radiolabeled Chemicals Inc. (St Louis, Mo.) and was used as the radioligand for binding assays. This allowed us to determine the binding affinities of the newly synthesized compounds using isolated rat myelin fractions. Saturation experiment was first conducted using [3H]BMB. As shown in FIG. 3, [3H]BMB displayed saturable binding with isolated myelin fractions of rats and approximately 30% of [3H]BMB binding to isolated rat myelin was displaced by 1.0 μM unlabeled BMB. Transformation of the saturation binding of [3H]BMB to Scatchard plots gave linear plots, suggesting that it involved single population of binding sites (FIG. 3). The dissociation constant (Kd value) was 1.098±0.20 nM and Bmax value was 17.61 pmol/mg under the assay condition, respectively. Competitive binding assays were also conducted using [3H]BMB as radioligand. The stilbene derivatives competed effectively with [3H]BMB binding sites on rat myelin fractions at affinities of low micromole concentrations. As shown in FIG. 4, the Ki values estimated for 3, 6, 7 and 9 were 370 nM, 119 nM, 126 nM and 494 nM, respectively. These Ki values suggested that all these derivatives of stilbene had relatively high binding affinity for myelin fractions in the order of 7>6>3>9.
[0112] We then evaluated the myelin-binding properties of the newly synthesized compounds 3, 6, and 7 through in vitro staining of mouse brain tissue sections. Both myelinated corpus callosum and cerebellar regions were then examined by fluorescent microscopy. At 10 μM concentration, compounds 3, 6, and 7 selectively labeled both corpus callosum and cerebellum (FIG. 5), exhibiting a staining pattern that were virtually identical to the pattern observed in immunohistochemical staining of MBP (Wu, C.; Tian, D.; Feng, Y.; Polak, P.; Wei, J. et al. A novel fluorescent probe that is brain permeable and selectively binds to myelin. J Histochem Cytochem 2006, 54, 997-1004).
[0113] Following our in vitro tissue staining studies, we then evaluated the brain permeability and subsequent myelin-binding properties of 6 and 7 in the mouse brain. A dose of 6 or 7 (20-80 mg/kg) was administered via tail vein injection into wild-type mice. Three hours post injection, the mouse brains were perfused with saline followed by 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) and removed. The fresh frozen brains were then sectioned. Fluorescent staining of myelinated regions such as the cerebellum were then directly examined under a microscope. As shown in FIG. 6, fluorescent compounds 6 and 7 readily entered the mouse brain and selectively labeled myelinated cerebellum.
[0115] Encouraged by the aforementioned studies, we further evaluated the permeability of [125I]9 across the blood brain barrier. Following bolus tail vein injection of [125I]9 (0.2 ml, 0.185 MBq), the radioactivity concentration of [125I]9 in the brain was determined at 2, 30, and 60 min post injection. As shown in Table 1, [125I]9 displayed rapid brain entry at early time intervals. The initial brain entry was 2.29±0.66% ID/g at 2 min post injection. At 30 min post injection, the brain radioactivity concentration reached its peak level (2.65±0.27% ID/g). The radioactivity concentration slowly decreased to 1.12±0.23% ID/g at 120 min post injection. These results indicated that [125I]9 readily entered the brain. Retention of [125I]9 at later time points was likely due to binding to myelin membranes as indicated by aforementioned in vitro and in situ staining studies.
[0116] To further evaluate the binding specificity of [125I]9 to myelin sheaths in the brain, in vitro autoradiography was carried out in mice. As shown in FIG. 7, a distinct labeling of myelinated regions such as corpus callosum and cerebellum were observed after the mouse brain tissue sections (sagittal) were exposed to [125I]9. The result indicated that the autoradiographic visualization was consistent with the histological staining of myelinated regions (i.e. corpus callosum and cerebellum).
[0119] Under Ar, (4-nitro-benzyl)-phosphoric acid diethyl ester (1, 1.81 g, 6.6 mmol) and 4-nitrobenzaldehyde (1.00 g, 6.6 mmol) were dissolved in DMF (10 mL) and EtOH (10 mL). Then NaOCH3 (2.3 mL, 4.37 M) in MeOH was added and the suspension was stirred for another 3 hours. The solid was filtered and dried in vacuum to give 1.50 g (yield: 83%) of 4,4'-dinitro-trans-stilbene. 1H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl3): 8.28 (d, J=8.4 Hz, 4H), 7.94 (d, J=8.4 Hz, 4H), 7.69 (s, 2H).
[0120] To a solution of compound 2 (0.10 g, 0.4 mmol) in THF (20 mL) was added SnCl2 (1.50 g) dissolved in 1N HCl (10 mL). The reaction mixture was stirred overnight at room temperature. The acidic solution was then neutralized using 1N NaOH and extracted with ethyl acetate (3×20 mL). The combined organic phases were washed with water and brine, dried over Na2SO4, and concentrated. Purification with flash column (HE:EA=2:1 to 1:1) yielded 4,4'-diamino-trans-stilbene (3, 0.03 g, 40%) and 4-[2-(4-nitro-phenyl)-vinyl]-phenylamine (4). 1H NMR of 3 (300 MHz, CDCl3): 7.31 (d, J=8.4 Hz, 4H), 6.86 (s, 2H), 6.68 (d, J=8.4 Hz, 4H). HR-ESIMS of 3: m/z calcd for C14H14N2 (M+H.sup.+): 211.1230, found 211.1225. Melting point of 3: 206.1˜207.3° C. 1H NMR of 4 (300 MHz, CDCl3): 8.22 (d, J=8.0 Hz, 2H), 7.59 (d, J=6.86 Hz, 2H), 7.41 (d, J=8.57 Hz, 4H), 7.22 (d, J=17.14 Hz, 1H), 6.97 (d, J=12.57 Hz, 1H), 6.72 (d, J=10 Hz, 2H).
[0121] To a solution of 4-dimethylamino-benzaldehyde (2.24 g, 15 mmol) and (4-nitro-benzyl)-phosphoric acid diethyl ester (1, 4.10 g, 15 mmol) in DMF (20 ml) and EtOH (20 mL) was added to NaOCH3 (1.62 g, 30 mmol). The suspension was stirred and refluxed for 3 hrs. After cooled to room temperature, the precipitate was filtered and washed thoroughly with ethanol to give dimethyl-{4-[2-(4-nitro-phenyl)-vinyl]-phenyl}-amine (5, 2.55 g, 65%) as red solid, 5 was used without further purification.
[0122] To a solution of 5 (2.55 g, 9.5 mmol) in EtOH (100 ml) was added to SnCl2 (8.58 g, 38 mmol). The resulting mixture was refluxed for 4 hrs. The solvent was then removed under vacuum and NaOH (2 mol/L, 40 mL) was added to the residue. The crude solid was filtered and suspended in ethyl acetate (200 ml). The precipitates were then filtered to give dimethyl-{4-[2-(4-amino-phenyl)-vinyl]-phenyl}-amine (6, 1.45 g, 64%) as gray solid. 1H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl3): 7.40 (d, J=8.62 Hz, 2H), 7.33 (d, J=8.40 Hz, 2H), 6.86 (d, J=5.92 Hz, 2H), 6.76 (d, J=8.34 Hz, 2H), 6.69 (d, J=8.22 Hz, 2H), 2.99 (s, 6H). HR-ESIMS: m/z calcd for C16H18N2 (M+H.sup.+): 239.1543, found 239.1542. Melting point: 167.7˜168.5° C.
[0123] To a solution of 4 (50 mg, 2 mmol) dissolved in THF (5 mL) under argon was added to Et3N (1 mL). The solution was stirred for 4 hrs. The solvent was evaporated under vacuum and the protected product was then used without further purification.
[0124] To the solution of the above protected product dissolved in DMF (5 mL) were added NaH (0.10 g) and iodomethane (1 mL). The vial was sealed and stirred overnight. Then the solution was diluted with methanol (8 mL) and 1M NaOH solution (2 mL). After stirred for another 2 hours, the solution was extracted with ethyl acetate. The combined organic layer was washed with water and brine and dried over Na2SO4. Following concentration, the reduced product was then subsequently used without further purification.
[0125] To the suspension of the above compound in acetic acid (10 mL) was added tin (II) chloride (1.0 g). The suspension was heated to reflux for 2 hrs. After concentration, the residue was dissolved in ethyl acetate, washed with 2 N NaOH solution, water, and brine. Dried over Na2SO4, the solution was concentrated and purified by flash column (Hexanes: ethyl acetate=2:1 to 1:1) to give 15 mg of 7 (0.6 mmol, 35% yield for the above three steps). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3): 7.36 (d, J=8.3 Hz, 2H), 7.32 (d, J=8.2 Hz, 2H), 6.87 (AB, J=18.7 Hz, 16.5 Hz, 2H), 6.69 (d, J=8.2 Hz, 2H), 6.62 (d, J=8.3 Hz, 2H), 3.92 (br, 3H), 2.88 (s, 2H). HR-ESIMS: m/z calcd for C15H16N2 (M+H.sup.+): 225.1386, found 225.1385. Melting point: 143.7˜144.7° C.
[0126] To a solution of diethyl 4-nitrobenzylphosphate (0.44 g, 1.61 mmol) dissolved in DMF (10 mL) was added NaH (0.07 g, 1.75 mmol). The suspension was stirred for 1 hour followed by addition of 4-iodo-benzaldehyde (0.35 g, 1.51 mmol). The suspension was stirred for another 2 hours. Water was added and the solid was collected by filtration to give 8 (0.40 g, 1.14 mmol, yield: 75%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3): 8.24 (d, J=8.65 Hz, 2H), 7.88 (d, J=8.68 Hz, 2H), 7.80 (d, J=8.19 Hz, 2H), 7.49 (m, J=8.2 Hz, 4H).
[0127] To a suspension of Compound 8 (0.20 g, 0.57 mmol) in ethanol (10 mL) was added Tin (II) chloride (1.00 g, 5 mmol) and heated to reflux for 4 hours under argon. The ethanol was evaporated under vacuum. The residue was dissolved in ethyl acetate, washed with 1 N NaOH, water, and brine. Dried over Na2SO4, the solution was concentrated and purified by flash column (Hexanes:ethyla acetate=2:1 to 1:1) to give 9 (0.18 g, quant. yield). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3): 7.66 (d, J=8.25 Hz, 2H), 7.35 (d, J=8.34 Hz, 2H), 7.04 (d, J=15.73 Hz, 1H), 6.71 (d, J=16.26 Hz, 1H), 6.70 (d, J=8.29 Hz, 2H). HR-ESIMS: m/z calcd for C14H12IN (M+H.sup.+): 322.0087, found 322.0084. Melting point: 213.4-215.2° C.
[0128] Under Ar, the substrate 9 (0.05 g, 0.15 mmol) was mixed with (Bu3Sn)2 (1 mL), Pd(PPh3)4 (0.02 g) and Et3N (5 mL). The mixture was sealed in a vial and heated to 80° C. for 1 day. The solvent was evaporated in vacuum and the residue was purified by column to give 10 (44 mg, 0.09 mmol, yield: 60%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3): 7.42 (s, 4H), 7.33 (d, J=7.87 Hz, 2H), 7.03 (d, J=16.18 Hz, 1H), 6.89 (d, J=16.24 Hz, 1H), 6.66 (d, J=8.08 Hz, 2H), 1.55 (m, 6H), 1.34 (m, 6H), 1.05 (t, 6H), 0.89 (t, 9H).
[0129] To a sealed vial were added 10 (50 μl, 50 μg in 50 μL of ethanol), [I-125] sodium iodide, and 1 N HCl (100 μL). Subsequently, 100 μL of H2O2 (3%, in water) was added via a syringe at room temperature. After 10 min, the iodination reaction was terminated by an addition of saturated NaHSO3, and the resulting solution was neutralized to pH 7-8 by adding a saturated NaHCO3 solution. The mixture was extracted with ethyl acetate (3×1 ml). The combined organic layers were dried over Na2SO4, and the solvent was removed by a stream of dry nitrogen gas. The residue was purified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC; C-18 column, acetonitrile: DMGA (5 mM, pH 7.4): 60/40, flow rate: 1 mL/min; retention time: 21 min) to get 18.5 MBq of final pure product with radiochemical purity over 98% and a specific activity near the theoretical limit (80 TBq/mmol). The chemical identity was verified by co-injection of the "cold standard" (nonradioactive compound).
[0130] Partition coefficients (PC) were measured by mixing the radioligands with 3 g (3.65 mL) 1-octanol and 3 g (3.0 mL) buffer (pH 7.40, 0.1 M phosphate) in a test tube. The test tube was vortexed for 3 mM at room temperature and then centrifuged (3500 rpm, 5 mM) 1 ml of samples from the 1-octanol and buffer layers were assayed for radioactivity content in a well γcounter. The partition coefficient was determined by calculating the ratio of cpm/g of 1-octanol to that of the buffer. Samples from the 1-octanol layer were repartitioned until consistent partitions of coefficient values were obtained. The measurement was repeated at least three times. PC was 2.5±0.1 at pH 7.40.
[0131] While under anesthesia, 0.1mL of a saline solution (consisting of saline (2 mL, 9 mg/mL), propylene glycol (2 mL), ethanol (0.7 mL) and HCl (0.3 mL, 0.3 nM))25 containing 5 μCi of radioactive tracer, was injected into the tail veins of mice (Swiss-Webster, 2 month old, 2 mice per group). The mice were sacrificed by heart puncture at 2 mM, 30 mM, 60 min and 120 mM post injection under anesthesia. Brains were rapidly removed and weighed, and the brain uptake was expressed as percentage of injection dose per gram organ (% ID/g), which was calculated by a ratio of per gram tissue counts to counts of 1% of the initial dose (100 times diluted aliquots of the injected radioligand) measured at the same time.
[0132] Mouse brain sections were incubated in [125I]9 (20% Ethanol, 4,380,000 cpm/16 ml) for 1 hr. The slides were quickly washed with PBS buffer (10 mM, pH 7.0) 3 times, saturated Li2CO3 in 40% ethanol (2×3 mM), 40% ethanol (2 mM) and H2O (30 sec). After drying by air, the slides were put in a cassette and exposed to film for 44 hrs to obtain images.
[0133] Normal control mice were deeply anesthetized and perfused transcardially with saline (10 mL) followed by fixation with 4% PFA in PBS (10 mL, 4° C., pH 7.6). Brain tissues were then removed, postfixed by immersion in 4% PFA overnight, dehydrated in 30% sucrose solution, embedded in freezing compound (OCT, Fisher Scientific, Suwanee, Ga.), cryostat sectioned at 10 μm on a microtome and mounted on superfrost slides (Fisher Scientific). The brain sections were incubated with compound 3, 6 and 7 (10 μM, 1% DMSO in PBS (10 mM, pH 7.0)) for 20 minutes at room temperature in dark. Excess compounds were washed by briefly rinsing the slides in PBS (10 mM, pH 7.0) and coversliped with fluoromount-G mounting media (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, Calif.). Sections were then examined under a Leica DRMB microscope equipped for fluorescence.
[0134] Under anesthesia, wild-type mice were injected with compounds 6 and 7 (20-80 mg/kg) via the tail vein, and the mice were then perfused transcardially with saline (10 ml) followed by 4% PFA in PBS (10 ml, 4° C., pH 7.6). Brain tissues were then removed, postfixed by immersion in 4% PFA overnight, dehydrated in 30% sucrose solution, cryostat sectioned at 16 μm on a microtome and mounted on superfrost slides (Fisher Scientific), and imaged directly under fluorescent microscopy without any further staining.
[0135] Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were asphyxiated with CO2. When the rat had stopped breathing, the skin/fur over the neck was wetted with a spray of 70% ethanol. The brains were then taken out and put into 0.32 mol/L sucrose (1×Colman buffer) in the homogenizer, first with the loose pestle 5˜8 times and then with the tight pestle until the solution reached a uniform consistency. The solution was then transferred from the homogenizer to the corresponding tubes. The tubes were centrifuged at 1000 rpm (4° C.) for 10 minutes. The resulting supernatant was carefully removed and transferred into Beckmann tubes that were previously filled with 2.80 mol/L sucrose and mixed thoroughly. After carefully overlaying nearly to the top of the tube with 0.25 mol/L sucrose, the tube was spun in the Beckman ultracentrifuge for 2.5 hr at 35,000 rpm (4° C.). The 0.25 mol/L sucrose layer was drawn off and discarded. The myelin fraction was collected at 0.25 mol/L and 0.85 mol/L sucrose interface and the pellet was collected at 0.85 mol/L and /1.4 mol/L sucrose interface. Both myelin and pellet were washed with buffer (1×colman, 7˜8 mL) three times before suspended in buffer (1×colman, 5 mL) and kept in -80° C. freezer for future use. The concentration of myelin and pellet were determined by Bio-Rad Protein Assay.
[0136] In the spectrophotometry-based binding assays, a solution of 6 or 7 (800 μL, 12.5 μM) dissolved in 10% DMSO buffer solution containing 10 mM MgCl2 and 10 mM PBS (pH 7.4) was incubated with isolated myelin or pellets at different concentrations ranging from 0.06 to 14 μg/tube. Each tube contained 10 μM of 6 or 7, 10% DMSO buffer, and membrane fraction in a final volume of 1 mL. Following incubation at room temperature for 1 hr, the free and bound 6 or 7 was separated by centrifugation at 6000 rpm for 10 min The supernatant was then collected and the UV absorption of free 6 or 7 determined by UV spectrometer were at 350 nm or 363 nm. The concentration of free 6 or 7 was obtained by comparison to a standard curve. In parallel, non-specific binding was determined using pellets under the same condition. All assays were performed in triplicate.
[0137] The radioligand-based binding assays were carried out in 12×75 mm borosilicate glass tubes. For saturation studies, the reaction mixture contained 50 μL of myelin fraction (1˜2 μg, 1× PBS), 50 μL of [3H]BMB (diluted in 1× PBS, 0.25˜3.5 nM) in a final volume of 500 μL. Nonspecific binding was defined in the presence of cold BMB (1 μM, diluted in PBS (containing 1% DMSO) in the same assay tubes. For the competition binding, 10-5 to 10-10 M compounds and 1.87 nM [3H]BMB were used for the studies. The mixture was incubated at 37° C. for 2 hrs. The bound and free radioactivity were separated by rapid vacuum filtration through Whatman GF/B filters using a Brandel M-24R cell harvester followed by 3×2 mL washes of PBS at room temperature. Filters containing the bound radioligand were dissolved in 6 mL biodegradable counting cocktail overnight and the radioactivity was assayed next day in the scintillation counter (Beckman) with 42% counting efficiency. The results of saturation and inhibition experiments were subjected to nonlinear regression analysis using Graph Pad Prism 4 by which Kd and Ki values were calculated.
[0138] We screened a series of derivatives based on coumarin that possess the same pharmacophore as stilbene. Coumarin is a naturally occurring compound in plants with many important biological activities. We found that the Coumarin derivitive 3-(4-aminophenyl)-2H-chromen-2-one (CMC), is highly permeable across the BBB and selectively localizes in myelinated regions. Our studies in a hypermyelinated mouse model indicate that CMC is a sensitive probe that can be used for in situ staining of myelin.
[0139] 3-(4-aminophenyl)-2H-chromen-2-one (CMC) was obtained from Matrix Scientific (Columbia, S.C.). The rest of compounds screened were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (Milwaukee, Wis.), TCI American, (Portland, Oreg.) and used without further purification. The Coumarin derivatives are soluble in DMSO and other commonly used organic solvents. The coumarin derivatives are fluorescent compounds and the excitation and emission spectra of CMC was recorded using Fluorescence Spectrophotometers (Varian. Inc., Palo Alto, Calif.) as shown in FIG. 9.
[0140] Swiss-Webster R/J mice were obtained from The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Minn., and used as control. Transgenic mice expressing constitutively active Akt (HAAkt308D473D, Akt-DD; Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, Canada) driven by the Plp promoter (Wight P A, Duchala C S, Readhead C, Macklin W B (1993) A myelin proteolipid protein-LacZ fusion protein is developmentally regulated and targeted to the myelin membrane in transgenic mice. J Cell Biol 123:443-454) were prepared and used as an animal model of hypermyelination. In this model, the Akt cDNA was inserted into the AscI/PacI sites of the modified Plp promoter cassette, and the Plp promoter/Akt-DD insert was injected to generate transgenics in SJL/SWR FI mice to induce hypermyelination. Positive founders were identified by PCR amplification of tail DNA using IntronSV40F (5'-GCAGTGGACCACGGTCAT-3') (SEQ ID NO:1) and Akt lower (5'-CTGGCAACTAGAAGGCACAG-3') (SEQ ID NO:2) primer sequences. Analyses were done from littermatched mice in all developmental experiments, and where possible with older animals.
[0141] For immunohistochemistry, mice were deeply anesthetized and perfused with PBS followed by 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS via the ascending aorta. Brains were dissected out, incubated for 24 hrs in 4% paraformaldehyde at 4° C., cryoprotected and sectioned (30 μm) with a sliding microtome. Sections were immunostained overnight at 4° C. with rabbit anti-MBP antibody (Chemicon-Millipore, Bedford, Mass.) 1:2000 dilution in 3% normal goat serum in PBS, followed by one hour incubation at room temperature with IRDye 800CW Goat Anti-Rabbit (LI-COR Biosciences, Lincoln, Nebr.) 1:5000 dilution. Images of the stained mouse brain sections were acquired on the LI-COR Odyssey infrared imaging system (LI-COR Biosciences, Lincoln, Nebr.).
[0142] Free floating sections were incubated in 1% H2O2/Triton-100 for 10 min, then incubated in a solution of test compounds (100 μM) in 1% DMSO/PBS for 30 min at room temperature. The sections were washed three times with PBS before cover-slipping with fluorescence mounting medium (Vectashield, Vector laboratories).
[0143] Following tissue staining with each test compound, images of mouse brain sections were acquired on a Leica DMI6000 inverted microscope (1.25× and 5× objectives) with a Hamamatsu Orca-ER digital camera, and operated with Improvision's Volocity software. Image J software was used to quantify pixel intensities values. The corpus callosum between the midline and below the apex of the cingulum was defined as region of interest (ROI). The density of myelin in the corpus callosum of wildtype mice was given the arbitrary value of 100, and the density of myelin in Plp-Akt-DD mice was determined as a percentage of wild-type mice. The data were analyzed using the GraphPad Prism, GraphPad Software, La Jolla, Calif., with a nonpaired Student's t test. For correlation, MBP immunoreactivity of the adjacent sections was also determined and quantified on the LI-COR Odyssey infrared imaging system, using 21 μm resolution, 1.2 mm offset with highest quality, and 3.0 channel sensitivity. The integrated densities of the midline corpus callosum were obtained using the associated Odyssey software. Statistical analysis was performed using a nonpaired Student's t-test (GraphPad Prism).
[0144] In this experiment, 25 mg/kg of CMC was administered through i.v. injection in the tail vein of 2-month old wild-type mice and Plp-Akt-DD mice Animals were sacrificed at 1 hr after injection through heart puncture. The brains were removed and fixed in 4% PFA. The brains were then sectioned and fluorescent images were directly acquired on a Zeiss Axiovert 200M inverted microscope (2.5× objective) with a AxioCam digital camera (Carl Zeiss Microlmagibg, Inc, Thornwood, N.Y.).
[0145] To date, we have screened several coumarin derivatives that potentially bind to myelin membranes. The structures of these coumarin derivatives are shown in FIG. 8. All of these compounds are fluorescent and the emission and excitation spectra of CMC are recorded as shown in FIG. 9. The maximal excitation wavelengths were found at 407 nm and the maximal emission wavelengths were found at 551 nm for CMC (Log P 2.68).
[0146] The fluorescent nature of these coumarin derivatives allows for staining of mouse brain tissue sections in a way similar to other conventional myelin stains. The tissue staining represents a direct approach to evaluate the binding specificity of the test compounds for myelin sheaths. The myelinated corpus callosum region was then examined by fluorescent microscopy. As shown in FIG. 10, at 100 uM concentration, CMC selectively stained intact myelin tracks in the wild-type mouse brain. Among these coumarin derivaties, CMC shows the highest contrast (FIGS. 10A and B). For correlation, the MBP immunostaining was also conducted in adjacent sections (FIG. 10E).
[0147] The staining pattern was found consistent with immunohistochemical MBP staining and was proportional to the size of corpus callosum region as demonstrated in a hypermyelinated Plp-Akt-DD mouse model. Compared to the control sections, the hypermyelinated mouse brain showed that the corpus callosum region was significantly enlarged (FIGS. 10C and D). The enlargement was also confirmed by MBP antibody staining using adjacent brain sections (FIG. 11F). Quantitative analysis indicated that the fluorescent intensity is proportional to the level of myelination. As shown in FIG. 11, the MBP antibody staining showed a fluorescent intensity that is 1.31-fold higher in the Plp-Akt-DD model that that in the wild-type control brain. Similarly, CMC staining also exhibited a fluorescent intensity in proportion to the level of myelination. In the Plp-Akt-DD mouse brain, the fluorescent intensity of CMC was found 1.27-fold higher than that in the wild-type mouse brain, which was consistent with MBP immunostaining.
[0148] Following our in vitro studies, we investigated the ability of CMC to monitor myelin contents ex vivo in the mouse brain. A dose of 0.5 mg CMC (25 mg/kg) was injected via the tail vein into wild-type mice and Plp-Akt-DD mice. One hr postinjection, mice were perfused and brains were removed and sectioned as described above. CMC staining of myelin was then directly examined under fluorescent microscopy. As shown in FIG. 12, CMC entered the brain and selectively labeled myelin sheaths of the corpus callosum and cerebellum of the wild-type mice and Plp-Akt-DD mice.
[0149] From the above description of the invention, those skilled in the art will perceive improvements, changes and modifications. Such improvements, changes and modifications within the skill of the art are intended to be covered by the appended claims. All references, publications, and patents cited in the present application are herein incorporated by reference in their entirety.
2015-07-09 Thioflavin derivatives for use in the antemortem diagnosis of alzheimer's disease and in vivo imaging and prevention of amyloid deposition
According to various embodiments, the present teachings provide an intermediate transfer member including a layer having a phosphorous containing polyamideimide having dispersed therein a conductive additive. A method of manufacturing the intermediate transfer member is provided.
1. An intermediate transfer member comprising: a layer comprising a phosphorous containing polyamideimide represented by: ##STR00004## wherein R is aryl having from about 6 to about 24 carbon atoms and m is from about 5 to about 200, wherein the phosphorous containing polyamideimide has dispersed therein a conductive additive.
3. The intermediate transfer member of claim 1, wherein the conductive additive is from about 1 weight percent to about 60 weight percent of the layer.
4. The intermediate transfer member of claim 1, wherein the conductive additive comprises carbon black.
5. The intermediate transfer member of claim 1, wherein the layer has a surface resistivity of from about 10.sup.9 ohms/square to about 10.sup.13 ohms/square.
6. The intermediate transfer member of claim 1, wherein the phosphorous comprises from about 1 weight percent to about 20 weight percent of the phosphorous containing polyamideimide.
7. The intermediate transfer member of claim 1, wherein the layer has a thickness of from about 30 microns to about 400 microns.
8. The intermediate transfer member of claim 1, wherein the layer further comprises polymers selected from the group consisting of polyimides, non-phosphorous containing polyamideimides and polyetherimides.
9. An intermediate transfer member comprising: a substrate layer; and a surface layer comprising a phosphorous containing polyamideimide represented by: ##STR00005## wherein R is aryl having from about 6 to about 24 carbon atoms and m is from about 5 to about 200, wherein the phosphorous containing polyamideimide has dispersed therein a conductive additive, wherein the surface layer is disposed on the substrate layer.
11. The intermediate transfer member of claim 9, wherein the conductive additive is from about 1 weight percent to about 60 weight percent of the surface layer.
12. The intermediate transfer member of claim 9, wherein the conductive additive comprises carbon black.
13. The intermediate transfer member of claim 9, wherein the surface layer has a surface resistivity of from about 10.sup.9 ohms/square to about 10.sup.13 ohms/square.
14. The intermediate transfer member of claim 9, wherein the phosphorous comprises from about 1 weight percent to about 20 weight percent of the phosphorous containing polyamideimide.
16. The intermediate transfer member of claim 9, wherein the surface layer further comprises polymers selected from the group consisting of polyimides, non-phosphorous containing polyamideimides and polyetherimides.
17. A method of manufacturing an intermediate transfer member comprising: dissolving a phosphorous containing polyamideimide having a formula ##STR00006## wherein R is aryl having from about 6 to about 24 carbon atoms and m is from about 5 to about 200, in a solvent; milling the dissolved phosphorous containing polyamideimide with a conductive additive to form a dispersion; coating the dispersion on a substrate layer; and curing the dispersion to form the intermediate transfer member.
18. The method of claim 17, wherein the solvent is selected from the group consisting of tetrahydrofuran, methyl ethyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone, N,N'-dimethylformamide, N,N'-dimethylacetamide and N-methylpyrrolidone.
19. The method of claim 17, wherein the conductive additive comprises from about 1 to about 60 weight percent of the total solids of the dispersion.
[0002] This disclosure is directed to an image-forming apparatus and an intermediate transfer member.
[0004] Image-forming apparatuses in which a color or black and white image is formed by using an intermediate transfer member to electrostatically transfer toner are well known. When an image is formed on a sheet of paper in a color image-forming apparatus using such an intermediate transfer member, four color images in yellow, magenta, cyan and black respectively, are generally first transferred sequentially from an image carrier such as a photoreceptor and superimposed on the intermediate transfer member (the primary transfer). This full color image is then transferred to a sheet of paper in a single step (the secondary transfer). In a black and white image-forming apparatus, a black image is transferred from the photoreceptor, superimposed on an intermediate transfer member, and then transferred to a sheet of paper.
[0005] Polyamideimide (PAI) has been used as a material for an intermediate transfer member. It has been observed that PAI is very difficult to release from the coating substrate, for example, aluminum or stainless steel. In addition, PAI is intrinsically hydrophilic, which has negative impact on transfer efficiency especially in humid environments.
[0006] There is a need to develop new intermediate transfer member materials that possess comparable mechanical strength to PAI and easy to release from the coating substrate. It would also be desirable to have an ITB material that is more hydrophobic.
[0007] According to various embodiments, the present teachings provide an intermediate transfer member including a layer having a phosphorous containing polyamideimide having dispersed therein a conductive additive.
[0008] A further aspect disclosed herein is an intermediate transfer member having a substrate layer and a surface layer. The surface layer includes a phosphorous containing polyamideimide having dispersed therein a conductive additive disposed on the substrate layer.
[0009] A further aspect disclosed herein is a method of manufacturing an intermediate transfer member. The method includes dissolving a phosphorous containing polyamideimide having a formula
wherein R is aryl having from about 6 to about 24 carbon atoms and m is from about 5 to about 200, in a solvent. The dissolved phosphorous containing polyamideimide is milled with a conductive additive to form a dispersion. The dispersion is coated on a substrate layer and cured to form the intermediate transfer member.
[0010] The accompanying drawings, which are incorporated in and constitute a part of this specification, illustrate several embodiments of the present teachings and together with the description, serve to explain the principles of the present teachings.
[0014] It should be noted that some details of the figures have been simplified and are drawn to facilitate understanding of the embodiments rather than to maintain strict structural accuracy, detail, and scale.
[0015] Reference will now be made in detail to embodiments of the present teachings, examples of which are illustrated in the accompanying drawings. Wherever possible, the same reference numbers will be used throughout the drawings to refer to the same or like parts.
[0016] In the following description, reference is made to the accompanying drawings that form a part thereof, and in which is shown by way of illustration specific exemplary embodiments in which the present teachings may be practiced. These embodiments are described in sufficient detail to enable those skilled in the art to practice the present teachings and it is to be understood that other embodiments may be utilized and that changes may be made without departing from the scope of the present teachings. The following description is, therefore, merely exemplary.
[0017] Referring to FIG. 1, an image-forming apparatus includes an intermediate transfer member as described in more detail below. The image-forming apparatus is an image-forming apparatus of an intermediate transfer system comprising a first transfer unit for transferring the toner image formed on the image carrier onto the intermediate transfer member by primary transfer, and a second transfer unit for transferring the toner image transferred on the intermediate transfer member onto the transfer material by secondary transfer. Also in the image-forming apparatus, the intermediate transfer member may be provided as a transfer-conveying member for conveying the transfer material in the transfer region for transferring the toner image onto the transfer material. Having the intermediate transfer member that transfers images of high quality and that remains stable for a long period is required.
[0018] The image-forming apparatus described herein is not particularly limited as far as it is an image-forming apparatus of intermediate transfer type, and examples include an ordinary monochromatic image-forming apparatus accommodating only a monochromatic color in the developing device, a color image-forming apparatus for repeating primary transfer of the toner image carried on the image carrier sequentially on the intermediate transfer member, and a tandem color image-forming apparatus having plural image carriers with developing units of each color disposed in series on the intermediate transfer member. More specifically, it may arbitrarily comprise an image carrier, a charging unit for uniformly charging the surface of the image carrier, an exposure unit for exposing the surface of the intermediate transfer member and forming an electrostatic latent image, a developing unit for developing the latent image formed on the surface of the image carrier by using a developing solution and forming a toner image, a fixing unit for fixing the toner unit on the transfer material, a cleaning unit for removing toner and foreign matter sticking to the image carrier, a destaticizing unit for removing the electrostatic latent image left over on the surface of the image carrier, and others by known methods as required.
[0019] As the image carrier, a known one may be used. As its photosensitive layer, an organic system, amorphous silicon, or other known material may be used. In the case of the image carrier of cylindrical type, it is obtained by a known method of molding aluminum or aluminum alloy by extrusion, and processing the surface. A belt form image carrier may also used.
[0020] The charging unit is not particularly limited, and known chargers may be used, such as a contact type charger using conductive or semiconductive roller, brush, film and rubber blade, scorotron charger or corotron charge making use of corona discharge, and others. Above all, the contact type charging unit is preferred from the viewpoint of excellent, charge compensation capability. The charging unit usually applies DC current to the electrophotographic photosensitive material, but AC current may be further superposed.
[0021] The exposure unit is not particularly limited, and, for example, an optical system device may be used, which exposes a desired image on the surface of the electrophotographic photosensitive material by using a light source such as semiconductor laser beam, LED beam, liquid crystal shutter beam or the like, or through a polygonal mirror from such light source.
[0022] The developing unit may be properly selected depending on the purpose, and, for example, a known developing unit for developing by using one-pack type developing solution or two-pack type developing solution, with or without contact, using brush and roller may be used.
[0023] The first transfer unit includes known transfer chargers such as a contact type transfer charger using member, roller, film and rubber blade, and scorotron transfer charger or corotron transfer charger making use of corona discharge. Above all, the contact type transfer charger provides excellent transfer charge compensation capability. Aside from the transfer charger, a peeling type charger may be also used together.
[0024] The second transfer unit may be same as the first transfer unit such as a contact type transfer charger using transfer roller and others, scorotron transfer charger and corotron transfer charger. By pressing firmly by the transfer roller of the contact type transfer charger, the image transfer stage can be maintained. Further, by pressing the transfer roller or the contact type transfer charger at the position of the roller for guiding the intermediate transfer member, the action of moving the toner image from the intermediate transfer member to the transfer material may be done.
[0025] As the photo destaticizing unit, for example, a tungsten lamp or LED may be used, and the light quality used in the photo destaticizing process may include white light of tungsten lamp and red light of LED. As the irradiation light intensity in the photo destaticizing process, usually the output is set to be about several times to 30 times of the quantity of light showing the half exposure sensitivity of the electrophotographic photosensitive material.
[0026] The fixing unit is not particularly limited, and any known fixing unit may be used, such as heat roller fixing unit and oven fixing unit.
[0028] A color image-forming apparatus for repeating primary transfer is shown schematically in FIG. 1. The image-forming apparatus shown in FIG. 1 includes a photosensitive drum 1 as image carrier, a transfer member 2 as an intermediate transfer member such as a transfer belt, a bias roller 3 as transfer electrode, a tray 4 for feeding paper as transfer material, a developing device 5 by BK (black) toner, a developing device 6 by Y (yellow) toner, a developing device 7 by M (magenta) toner, a developing device 8 by C (cyan) toner, a member cleaner 9, a peeling pawl 13, rollers 21, 23 and 24, a backup roller 22, a conductive roller 25, an electrode roller 26, a cleaning blade 31, a block of paper 41, a pickup roller 42, and a feed roller 43.
[0029] In the image-forming apparatus shown in FIG. 1, the photosensitive drum 1 rotates in the direction of arrow A, and the surface of the charging device (not shown) is uniformly charged. On the charged photosensitive drum 1, an electrostatic latent image of a first color (for example, BK) is formed by an image writing device such as a laser writing device. This electrostatic latent image is developed by toner by the developing device 5, and a visible toner image T is formed. The toner image T is brought to the primary transfer unit comprising the conductive roller 25 by rotation of the photosensitive drum 1, and an electric field of reverse polarity is applied to the toner image T from the conductive roller 25. The toner image T is electrostatically adsorbed on the transfer member 2, and the primary transfer is executed by rotation of the transfer member 2 in the direction of arrow B.
[0030] Similarly, a toner image of a second color, a toner image of a third color and a toner image of a fourth color are sequentially formed, and overlaid on the transfer member 2, and a multi-layer toner image is formed.
[0031] The multi-layer toner image transferred on the transfer member 2 is brought to the secondary transfer unit comprising the bias roller 3 by rotation of the transfer member 2. The secondary transfer unit comprises the bias roller 3 disposed at the surface side carrying the toner image of the transfer member 2, backup roller 22 disposed to face the bias roller 3 from the back side of the transfer member 2, and electrode roller 26 rotating in tight contact with the backup roller 22.
[0032] The paper 41 is taken out one by one from the paper block accommodated in the paper tray 4 by means of the pickup roller 42, and is fed into the space between the transfer member 2 and bias roller 3 of the secondary transfer unit by means of the feed roller 43 at a specified timing. The fed paper 41 is conveyed under pressure between the bias roller 3 and backup roller 22, and the toner image carried on the transfer belt 2 is transferred thereon by rotation of the transfer member 2.
[0033] The paper 41 on which the toner image is transferred, is peeled off from the transfer member 2 by operating the peeling pawl 13 at the retreat position until the end of primary transfer of the final toner image, and conveyed to the fixing device (not shown). The toner image is fixed by pressing and heating, and a permanent image is formed. After transfer of the multi-layer toner image onto the paper 41, the transfer member 2 is cleaned by the cleaner 9 disposed at the downstream side of the secondary transfer unit to remove the residual toner, and is ready for next transfer. The bias roller 3 is provided so that the cleaning blade 31 made of polyurethane or the like may be always in contact, and toner particles, paper dust and other foreign matter sticking by transfer are removed.
[0034] In the case of transfer of a monochromatic image, the toner image T after primary transfer is immediately sent to the secondary transfer process, and is conveyed to the fixing device, but in the case of transfer of multi-color image by combination of plural colors, the rotation of the transfer member 2 and photosensitive drum 1 is synchronized so that the toner images of plural colors may coincide exactly in the primary transfer unit, and deviation of toner images of colors is prevented. In the secondary transfer unit, by applying a voltage of the same polarity (transfer voltage) as the polarity of the toner to the electrode roller 26 tightly contacting with the backup roller 22 disposed oppositely through the bias roller 3 and transfer member 2, the toner image is transferred onto the paper 41 by electrostatic repulsion. Thus, the image is formed.
[0035] The intermediate transfer member 2 can be of any suitable configuration. Examples of suitable configurations include a sheet, a film, a web, a foil, a strip, a coil, a cylinder, a drum, an endless mobius strip, a circular disc, a belt including an endless belt, an endless seamed flexible belt, an endless seamless flexible belt, an endless belt having a puzzle cut seam, and the like. In FIG. 1, the transfer member 2 is depicted as a belt.
[0036] In an image on image transfer, the color toner images are first deposited on the photoreceptor and all the color toner images are then transferred simultaneously to the intermediate transfer member. In a tandem transfer, the toner image is transferred one color at a time from the photoreceptor to the same area of the intermediate transfer member. Both embodiments are included herein.
[0037] Transfer of the developed image from the photoconductive member to the intermediate transfer member and transfer of the image from the intermediate transfer member to the substrate can be by any suitable technique conventionally used in electrophotography, such as corona transfer, pressure transfer, bias transfer, and combinations of those transfer means, and the like.
[0038] The intermediate transfer member can be of any suitable configuration. Examples of suitable configurations include a sheet, a film, a web, a foil, a strip, a coil, a cylinder, a drum, an endless strip, a circular disc, a drelt (a cross between a drum and a belt), a belt including an endless belt, an endless seamed flexible belt, and an endless seamed flexible imaging belt.
[0039] In an embodiment shown in FIG. 2, the intermediate transfer member 54 is in the form of a film in a one layer configuration. The intermediate transfer member 54 includes a phosphorous containing polyamideimide substrate layer 52 having dispersed therein conductive filler particles 51.
[0040] For high speed machines, the industrial trend is to focus on multi layer members separating layer functions. In an embodiment shown in FIG. 3, the intermediate transfer member 54 is in the form of a film in a two layer configuration. The intermediate transfer member 54 includes a substrate layer 50. An outer layer of a phosphorous containing polyamideimide substrate layer 52 is disposed on the substrate layer 50. Both the substrate layer and outer layer contain conductive filler particles 51.
[0041] Suitable polyimides for the substrate layer 50 in FIG. 3 include those formed from various diamines and dianhydrides, such as poly(amide-imide), polyetherimide, siloxane polyetherimide block copolymer such as, for example, SILTEM STM-1300 available from General Electric, Pittsfield, Mass., and the like. For example, polyimides that include aromatic polyimides such as those formed by the reacting pyromellitic acid and diaminodiphenylether are sold under the tradename KAPTON®-type-HN, available from DuPont. Another suitable polyimide available from DuPont and sold as KAPTON®-Type-FPC-E, is produced by imidization of copolymeric acids such as biphenyltetracarboxylic acid and pyromellitic acid with two aromatic diamines such as p-phenylenediamine and diaminodiphenylether. Another suitable polyimide includes pyromellitic dianhydride and benzophenone tetracarboxylic dianhydride copolymeric acids reacted with 2,2-bis[4-(8-aminophenoxy)phenoxy]-hexafluoropropane available as EYMYD type L-20N from Ethyl Corporation, Baton Rouge, La. Other suitable aromatic polyimides include those containing 1,2,1',2'-biphenyltetracarboximide and para-phenylene groups such as UPILEX®-S available from Uniglobe Kisco, Inc., White Planes, N.Y., and those having biphenyltetracarboximide functionality with diphenylether end spacer characterizations such as UPILEX®-R also available from Uniglobe Kisco, Inc. Mixtures of polyimides can also be used.
[0042] Polyamideimde (PAI) as an intermediate transfer belt (ITB) material is very difficult to release from a coating substrate, for example, aluminum or stainless steel. PAI as an ITB is intrinsically hydrophilic, which has negative impact on transfer efficiency especially in humid environments. Disclosed herein is a modified PAI that overcomes the problems of release and transfer efficiency detailed above. A single layer ITB as shown in FIG. 2 or dual layer ITB as shown in FIG. 3 is described. The dual layer, as shown in FIG. 3, includes phosphorous containing PAI 52 as the surface layer disposed on a substrate 50. The dual layer ITB possessed a surface resistivity of about 109 ohm/sq, provided excellent color density with excellent print quality, toner transfer and cleaning efficiency. The single layer P-PAI ITB printed similarly.
[0044] The reaction above employs 9, 10-dihydro-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene-10-oxide (DOPO), 4-aminoacetophenone, and aniline mixed with an acid such as p-toluenesulfonic acid monohydrate and heated to 120° C. for under nitrogen gas while stirring. The reaction mixture is cooled to room temperature, 150 ml of methanol is added. The slight yellowish precipitate is collected by filtration, and washed with methanol. The collected dried powder is added into a mixture of 1,2,4-benzenetricarboxylic anhydride and hexamethylene diisocyanate in solvent, such as N,N'-dimethylformamide (DMF). After stirred at room temperature for about 4 hours, the brownish clear solution is heated to 90° C. for 2.5 hours. After cooling to room temperature, the phorphorous containing polyamide imide (P-PAI) is obtained.
wherein R is aryl having from about 6 to about 24 carbon atoms; m is from about 5 to about 200 or in embodiments m is from 10 to 180 or from about 20 to about 150. The amount of phosphorous in the P-PAI is from about 1 weight percent to about 20 weight percent of the phosphorous containing polyamide imide, or in embodiments from about 2 weight percent to about 18 weight percent of the phosphorous containing polyamide imide, or in embodiments from about 5 weight percent to about 15 weight percent of the phosphorous containing polyamide imide.
[0046] Due to the incorporation of phosphorous into the PAI a surface layer can be prepared that is hydrophobic in nature. It is theorized that since phosphorous has less affinity to water than to nitrogen, an increase in the hydrophobicity of the surface layer is obtained. Another attribute of the disclosed PAI intermediate transfer member is that a flame retardant ITB is also obtained.
[0047] Certain electrically conductive particles 51 dispersed in the phosphorous containing polyamideimide layer 52 (shown in FIG. 2 and FIG. 3), decrease the resistivity into the desired surface resistivity range of from about 109 ohms/square, to about 1013 ohms/square, or from about 1010 ohms/square, to about 1012 ohms/square. The volume resistivity is from about 108 ohm-cm to about 1012 ohm-cm, or from about 109 ohm-cm to about 1011 ohm-cm. The resistivity can be provided by varying the concentration of the conductive particles.
[0048] Examples of conductive fillers include carbon blacks such as carbon black, graphite, acetylene black, fluorinated carbon black, and the like; metal oxides and doped metal oxides, such as tin oxide, antimony dioxide, antimony-doped tin oxide, titanium dioxide, indium oxide, zinc oxide, indium oxide, indium-doped tin trioxide, and polymers such as polyaniline and polythiophene, and mixtures thereof. The conductive filler may be present in an amount of from about 1 to about 60 and or from about 3 to about 40, or from about 5 to about 20 parts by weight of total solids of the intermediate transfer member.
[0049] Carbon black surface groups can be formed by oxidation with an acid or with ozone, and where there is absorbed or chemisorbed oxygen groups from, for example, carboxylates, phenols, and the like. The carbon surface is essentially inert to most organic reaction chemistry except primarily for oxidative processes and free radical reactions.
[0050] The conductivity of carbon black is primarily dependent on surface area and its structure, generally, the higher the surface area and the higher the structure, the more conductive the carbon black. Surface area is measured by the B.E.T. nitrogen surface area per unit weight of carbon black, and is the measurement of the primary particle size. The surface area of the carbon black described herein is from about 460 m2/g to about 35 m2/g. Structure is a complex property that refers to the morphology of the primary aggregates of carbon black. It is a measure of both the number of primary particles comprising primary aggregates, and the manner in which they are "fused" together. High structure carbon blacks are characterized by aggregates comprised of many primary particles with considerable "branching" and "chaining", while low structure carbon blacks are characterized by compact aggregates comprised of fewer primary particles. Structure is measured by dibutyl phthalate (DBP) absorption by the voids within carbon blacks. The higher the structure, the more the voids, and the higher the DBP absorption.
[0052] Further examples of conductive fillers include doped metal oxides. Doped metal oxides include antimony doped tin oxide, aluminum doped zinc oxide, antimony doped titanium dioxide, similar doped metal oxides, and mixtures thereof.
[0053] Suitable antimony doped tin oxides include those antimony doped tin oxides coated on an inert core particle (e.g., ZELEC®ECP-S, M and T) and those antimony doped tin oxides without a core particle (e.g., ZELEC®ECP-3005-XC and ZELEC®ECP-3010-XC, ZELEC® is a trademark of DuPont Chemicals Jackson Laboratories, Deepwater, N.J.). The core particle may be mica, TiO2 or acicular particles having a hollow or a solid core.
[0054] In another embodiment, the electrically conductive particles include antimony doped tin oxide coated on an inert core particle (e.g., ZELEC® ECP-S, M and T). ZELEC® is a trademark of DuPont Chemicals Jackson Laboratories, Deepwater, N.J. The core particle may be mica, TiO2 or acicular particles having a hollow or a solid core.
[0055] In another embodiment, antimony doped tin oxide particles are prepared by densely layering a thin layer of antimony doped tin oxide onto the surface of a silica shell or silica-based particle, wherein the shell, in turn, has been deposited onto a core particle. The crystallites of the conductor are dispersed in such a fashion so as to form a dense conductive surface on the silica layer. This provides for excellent conductivity. Also, the particles are fine enough in size to provide adequate transparency. The silica may either be a hollow shell or layered on the surface of an inert core, forming a solid structure. Forms of antimony doped tin oxide are commercially available under the tradename ZELEC® ECP (electroconductive powders) from DuPont Chemicals Jackson Laboratories, Deepwater, N.J. Particularly preferred antimony doped tin oxides are ZELEC® ECP 1610-S, ZELEC® ECP 2610-S, ZELEC® ECP 3610-S, ZELEC® ECP 1703-S, ZELEC® ECP 2703-S, ZELEC® ECP 1410-M, ZELEC® ECP 3005-XC, ZELEC® ECP 3010-XC, ZELEC® ECP 1410-T, ZELEC® ECP 3410-T, ZELEC® ECP-S-X1, and the like. Three commercial grades of ZELEC® ECP powders are preferred and include an acicular, hollow shell product (ZELEC® ECP-S), an equiaxial titanium dioxide core product (ZELEC ECP-T), and a plate shaped mica core product (ZELEC® ECP-M).
[0056] The phosphorous containing PAI layer has a Young's modulus of from about 4,000 to about 10,000, or from 5,000 to about 9,000, or from about 6,000 to about 8,000 MPa; a break strength of from about 80 to about 300, or from about 100 to about 250, or from about 120 to about 200 MPa.
[0057] The thickness of the intermediate transfer member shown in FIG. 2 is from about 30 microns to about 400 microns, or from about 50 microns to about 200 microns, or from about 70 microns to about 150 microns.
[0058] In FIG. 3, the outer layer thickness is from about 1 micron to about 150 microns, or from about 10 microns to about 100 microns
[0059] A method of manufacturing the intermediate transfer member includes dissolving the P-PAI in a solvent. The solvent can be any solvent that dissolves the P-PAI. Examples include tetrahydrofuran (THF), methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK), N,N'-dimethylformamide (DMF), N,N'-dimethylacetamide (DMAc) or N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP) and the like and mixtures thereof. The solution of the dissolved P-PAI is milled with a conductive additive to form a dispersion. The dispersion is coated on a substrate such as polyethylene naphthalate (PEN), glass, aluminum, or stainless steel and cured for a single layer. The cured layer is separated from the substrate. In embodiments where a dual or multi-layer ITB is desired the dispersion of P-PAI and conductive filled is coated on a substrate such as polyimide or polyetherimide and cured.
[0060] The dispersion is coated on the substrate layer in any suitable known manner. Typical techniques for coating such materials on the substrate layer include flow coating, liquid spray coating, dip coating, wire wound rod coating, fluidized bed coating, powder coating, electrostatic spraying, sonic spraying, blade coating, molding, laminating, and the like.
[0061] In embodiments, the P-PAI may be mixed with other polymers such as polyimides, non-phosphorous containing polyamideimides and polyethereimides. Polyimide examples that can be used in the layer contacting P-PAI are inclusive of known low temperature, and rapidly cured polyimide polymers, such as VTEC® PI 1388, 080-051, 851, 302, 203, 201, and PETI-5, all available from Richard Blaine International, Incorporated, Reading, Pa. These thermosetting polyimides can be cured at temperatures of from about 180 to about 260° C. over a short period of time, such as from about 10 to about 120 minutes, or from about 20 to about 60 minutes; possess a number average molecular weight of from about 5,000 to about 500,000, or from about 10,000 to about 100,000, and a weight average molecular weight of from about 50,000 to about 5,000,000, or from about 100,000 to about 1,000,000. Also, other thermosetting polyimides that can be cured at temperatures of above 300° C. include PYRE M.L® RC-5019, RC 5057, RC-5069, RC-5097, RC-5053, and RK-692, all commercially available from Industrial Summit Technology Corporation, Parlin, N.J.; RP-46 and RP-50, both commercially available from Unitech LLC, Hampton, Va.; DURIMIDE® 100, commercially available from FUJIFILM Electronic Materials U.S.A., Inc., North Kingstown, R.I.; and KAPTON® HN, VN and FN, all commercially available from E.I. DuPont, Wilmington, Del.
[0064] Specific embodiments will now be described in detail. These examples are intended to be illustrative, and not limited to the materials, conditions, or process parameters set forth in these embodiments. All parts are percentages by solid weight unless otherwise indicated.
[0065] The P-PAI material was prepared via the reaction scheme described previously. Experimentally, 9, 10-dihydro-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene-10-oxide (DOPO) (108.1 g), 4-aminoacetophenone (67.6 g), p-toluenesulfonic acid monohydrate (2.56 g) and aniline (232.8 g) were mixed and heated to 120° C. for 18 hours under flowing nitrogen gas, with magnetic stirring. After the reaction mixture was cooled down to room temperature, 150 ml of methanol was added. The slight yellowish precipitate was collected by filtration, and washed by 3×250 ml of methanol. This dried powder (21.3 g) was added into a mixture of 1,2,4-benzenetricarboxylic anhydride (19.2 g) and 4,4'-methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) (8.7 g) in solvent DMF (70 g). After being stirred at room temperature for about 4 hours, the brownish clear solution was heated to 90° C. for 2.5 hours. After being cooled down to room temperature, a viscous brownish liquid was obtained comprising the disclosed P-PAI.
[0066] An ITB coating dispersion was prepared using the disclosed P-PAI, and special black SB-4 (Evonik) in NMP/DMF, where the weight ratio of the P-PAI/special black SB-4=90/10. As a comparison, a controlled ITB dispersion containing the non-phosphorous containing PAI (VYLOMAX® HR-11N, Toyobo) and special black SB-4 (Evonik) in NMP was prepared, where the weight ratio of VYLOMAX® HR-11N/special black SB-4=90/10. Both dispersions were coated on a stainless steel substrate, and cured at 200° C. for 1 hour.
[0067] After cooling to room temperature, the P-PAI/carbon black released from the substrate resulting in a 100 μm thick ITB device. In contrast, the controlled PAI/carbon black ITB did not release from the substrate unless it was immersed into water for at least 48 hours before it released. The disclosed P-PAI ITB device exhibited improved release property from the coating substrate, which is important for ITB manufacturing.
[0068] The above ITBs were tested for surface resistivity and Young's modulus, and the results are shown in Table 1. The surface resistivity of each belt is comparable. The modulus of the disclosed P-PAI ITB is significantly higher than that of the conventional PAI ITB.
[0069] Besides improved release property from the coating substrate, the disclosed P-PAI ITB was more hydrophobic since phosphorous is much less affinity to water than nitrogen. Another attribute of the P-PAI ITB is that it is flame retardant due to the incorporation of phosphorous.
[0070] Other embodiments of the present teachings will be apparent to those skilled in the art from consideration of the specification and practice of the present teachings disclosed herein. It is intended that the specification and examples be considered as exemplary only, with a true scope and spirit of the present teachings being indicated by the following claims.
The disclosed technology includes, among others, methods and devices for measuring distributed fiber bend or stress related characteristics along an optical path of fiber under test (FUT) uses both a light input unit and a light output unit connected to the FUT at one single end.
1. A polarization-sensitive optical frequency domain reflectometer device for measuring a distributed fiber bend or stress in a fiber under test based on optical polarization sensing, comprising: a light source that produces probe light that is at least partially coherent; an optical unit that couples the probe light into a fiber link under test in an input state of polarization (I-SOP) and receives reflected probe light from the fiber link under test in an output state of polarization (O-SOP) to produce first and second optical signals in two different optical polarizations from the reflected probe light; an optical coupler that couples a portion of the probe light as an optical local oscillator light; an optical detection unit coupled to receive the optical local oscillator light and the first and second optical signals and configured to mix the optical local oscillator light with the first and second optical signals to perform coherent detection of the first and second optical signals; and a signal processor that processes information from the coherent detection of the first and second optical signals to compute a difference in measurements of an optical parameter in reflected probe light from two different locations in the fiber under test and compute a polarization-dependent property of a fiber bend or stress from the computed difference at different positions along a fiber path in the fiber link under test to provide an assessment of the fiber bend or stress in the fiber link under test.
2. An optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) device, comprising: a light source that produces probe light at different optical wavelengths; an optical unit that directs the probe light to a fiber link under test and receive reflected probe light from the fiber link under test; an optical detector coupled to receive the reflected probe light from the optical unit to produce a detector signal; and a signal processor that processes information from the detector signal to perform: computing a first optical power difference in reflected optical signals from two different locations in the fiber under test at each of two or more different optical wavelengths; computing a second optical power difference in reflected optical signals from each of the two different locations in the fiber under test at the two different optical wavelengths; using the information on the first and second optical power differences to obtain optical loss caused by a fiber bend or stress present in the fiber link under test; and using the optical loss caused by a fiber bend or stress present in the fiber link under test to determine a parameter of the fiber bend or stress.
3. The device as in claim 2, wherein the light source includes different light sources at different wavelengths.
6. The device as in claim 2, wherein the light source includes a tunable light source that tunes to the different optical wavelengths.
7. The device as in claim 2, further comprising a sampling and averaging unit that processes the detector signal to produce an output to be processed by the signal processor.
8. The device as in claim 2, further comprising a control unit that is coupled to the light source to control generation of the probe light at the different optical wavelengths and is further coupled to the signal processor.
12. A method for using optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) to measure a fiber link under test, comprising: operating a light source to produce probe light at different optical wavelengths; directing the probe light into a fiber link under test; directing reflected probe light from the fiber link under test into an optical detector to produce a detector signal; processing information from the detector signal to determine a fiber bend or stress present in the fiber link under test, wherein the processing includes: computing a first optical power difference in reflected optical signals from two different locations in the fiber under test at each of two or more different optical wavelengths; computing a second optical power difference in reflected optical signals from each of the two different locations in the fiber under test at the two different optical wavelengths; using the information on the first and second optical power differences to obtain optical loss caused by a fiber bend or stress present in the fiber link under test; and using the optical loss caused by a fiber bend or stress present in the fiber link under test to determine a parameter of the fiber bend or stress.
[0003] The entire content of the before-mentioned patent applications is incorporated by reference as part of the disclosure of this document.
[0004] This patent document relates to fibers and characterization of fibers in various fiber systems and fiber devices.
[0005] An optical fiber tends to be subject to bending, forces or stresses in applications. For example, fibers used for an optical network or fiber communication link, such as International Telecommunication Union recommended ITU-T G.652 single-mode optical fiber and cable, would suffer a fiber bend or stress loss which may adversely affect the performance or reliability of the fiber. Such fiber bending or stress could be measured by a commercial multiple-wavelength optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR), e.g. at 1310 nm or 1550 nm, to distinguish a bend loss from other types of losses, e.g. broken, connection loss, etc., uses measured different bend losses information at different wavelengths where usually a bend loss is higher at a short wavelength than that of at a long wavelength.
[0006] This patent document discloses technology for characterization of fibers in various fiber systems and fiber devices, including, among others, methods and apparatus for distributed measuring at least one fiber bend or stress related characteristics along an optical path of fiber under test (FUT) uses both a light input unit and a light output unit connected to the FUT at one single end.
[0007] The disclosed technology relates to measuring distributed bend- or stress-dependent characteristics of light paths and can be applicable to the distributed measurement of fiber birefringence induced from a fiber bend or stress, for example, bend or stress radius, bend or stress length, bend or stress strength, fiber reliability, fiber lifetime, etc., at a particular fiber distance (position), at or over a specified wavelength range, of an optical path which comprises mostly optical waveguide, such as an optical fiber link, for example, for an optical fiber used for the fiber to the home (FTTH) or any access optical networks (FTTx) or multi-dwelling unit (MDU).
[0008] One aspect of the disclosed technology is the light input unit injects into the FUT at least partially coherent and polarized light having a controlled input state of polarization (I-SOP) by an input polarization controller (I-PC), the output light unit extracts corresponding light from the FUT, analyzes and detects the extracted output light corresponding to at least one transmission axis of an output polarization controller (O-PC) or an output polarization analyzer by an analyzed output state of polarization (O-SOP), and processes the corresponding electrical signal to obtain transmitted coherent optical power for at each group consisting of at least two distances of the FUT, wherein the short-distance (zS) and long-distance (zL) said distances in each said group of distances being closely-spaced and the each said group having at least one pair of detected signals, having two or more pairs of detected signals, a processing unit then computes at least one difference in a measured optical parameter corresponding to each distance in each group of distance pair, the measured optical parameter being proportional to the power of the said analyzed and subsequently detected light, thereby defining a set of at least one measured optical parameter differences; computes the root mean-square or absolute mean value of said set of differences; and calculating the at least one polarization and or fiber birefringence and or bend or stress related FUT characteristics, for example fiber birefringence, bend or stress radius, bend or stress strength, bend or stress length, as at least one predetermined function of said root mean-square or absolute mean value, the predetermined function being dependent upon the small fiber distance difference between the distances corresponding to the said each at least said two pairs of closely-spaced distances, and a processing unit further computes at least one bend or stress related fiber characteristics, for example, a fiber mechanical reliability and or an expect lifetime and or a failure rate statistics and or a bend or stress induced loss of bended or stressed fiber for the optical fiber cable being used for a access optical network, for example fiber to the home (FTTH) or multi-dwelling unit (MDU) scenarios, as at least one predetermined function of said the at least one polarization and or fiber birefringence and or bend or stress related FUT characteristics along an optical fiber path.
[0009] Another aspect includes a polarization-sensitive optical frequency domain reflectometer device for measuring a distributed fiber bend or stress in a fiber under test based on optical polarization sensing. This device includes a light source that produces probe light that is at least partially coherent; an optical unit that couples the probe light into a fiber link under test in an input state of polarization (I-SOP) and receives reflected probe light from the fiber link under test in an output state of polarization (O-SOP) to produce first and second optical signals in two different optical polarizations from the reflected probe light; an optical coupler that couples a portion of the probe light as an optical local oscillator light; an optical detection unit coupled to receive the optical local oscillator light and the first and second optical signals and configured to mix the optical local oscillator light with the first and second optical signals to perform coherent detection of the first and second optical signals; and a signal processor that processes information from the coherent detection of the first and second optical signals to compute a difference in measurements of an optical parameter in reflected probe light from two different locations in the fiber under test and compute a polarization-dependent property of a fiber bend or stress from the computed difference at different positions along a fiber path in the fiber link under test to provide an assessment of the fiber bend or stress in the fiber link under test.
[0010] In yet another aspect, a method is provided for using optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) to measure a fiber link under test and includes operating a light source to produce probe light at different optical wavelengths; directing the probe light into a fiber link under test; directing reflected probe light from the fiber link under test into an optical detector to produce a detector signal; and processing information from the detector signal to determine a fiber bend or stress present in the fiber link under test. The processing includes computing a first optical power difference in reflected optical signals from two different locations in the fiber under test at each of two or more different optical wavelengths; computing a second optical power difference in reflected optical signals from each of the two different locations in the fiber under test at the two different optical wavelengths; using the information on the first and second optical power differences to obtain optical loss caused by a fiber bend or stress present in the fiber link under test; and using the optical loss caused by a fiber bend or stress present in the fiber link under test to determine a parameter of the fiber bend or stress.
[0011] Those and other aspects and their implementations are described in greater detail in the drawings, the description and the claims.
[0013] FIG. 2A is a schematic diagram of an aspect of an optical frequency encoder embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0014] FIG. 2B is a schematic diagram of another aspect of an optical frequency encoder embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0015] FIG. 2C is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a clock generation embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0016] FIG. 2D is a schematic diagram of an aspect of an optical frequency encoder for the clock generation embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0017] FIG. 2E is a schematic diagram of another aspect of an optical frequency encoder for the clock generation embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0018] FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a reference and calibration means for the instrument embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0019] FIG. 4A is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR where a single-mode fiber (SMF) may be used;
[0020] FIG. 4B is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR where a PMF may be used for some places;
[0021] FIG. 4C is a schematic diagram of another aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR where a SMF may be used;
[0022] FIG. 4D is a schematic diagram of another aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR where a PMF may be used for same places;
[0023] FIG. 4E is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0024] FIG. 4F is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0025] FIG. 4G is a schematic diagram of another aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0026] FIG. 4H is a schematic diagram of another aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0027] FIG. 4I is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0028] FIG. 4J is also a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0029] FIG. 5A is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization analyzer and coherent detection means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0030] FIG. 5B is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization analyzer and coherent detection means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0031] FIG. 5C is a schematic diagram of another aspect of a polarization analyzer and coherent detection means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0032] FIG. 5D is a schematic diagram of another aspect of a polarization analyzer and coherent detection means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0033] FIG. 5E is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization analyzer and coherent detection means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0034] FIG. 5F is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization analyzer and coherent detection means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR where an optical switch is used for the local oscillation (LO) lights;
[0035] FIG. 5G is a schematic diagram of another aspect of a polarization analyzer and coherent detection means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR where another optical switch is used to add an additional fiber length for the local oscillation (LO) lights;
[0036] FIG. 5H is a schematic diagram as FIG. 5C but using conventional detectors (i.e. not balanced detectors) in the disclosed technology for the POFDR or OFDR;
[0038] FIG. 7 is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a reference and calibration means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POTDR where the coherent noise may also be estimated from an additional fiber that is related to the laser linewidth, etc.;
[0039] FIG. 8A is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POTDR;
[0040] FIG. 8B is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POTDR where the PMF used for some places for connections between components or modules;
[0041] FIG. 8C is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POTDR;
[0042] FIG. 8D is a schematic diagram of another aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POTDR;
[0043] FIG. 8E is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POTDR;
[0044] FIG. 8F is a schematic diagram of another aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POTDR;
[0045] FIG. 8G is a schematic diagram of another aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POTDR;
[0046] FIG. 8H is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POTDR;
[0047] FIG. 8I is a schematic diagram of another aspect of a polarization controller and optical router means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POTDR;
[0048] FIG. 9A is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization analyzer and detection means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POTDR;
[0049] FIG. 9B is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization analyzer and detection means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POTDR;
[0050] FIG. 9C is a schematic diagram of another aspect of a polarization analyzer and detection means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POTDR;
[0051] FIG. 9D is a schematic diagram of an aspect of a polarization analyzer and detection means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POTDR;
[0052] FIG. 9E is a schematic diagram of another aspect of a polarization analyzer and detection means embodying in the disclosed technology for the POTDR;
[0053] FIG. 10A is a flowchart illustrating operation of the POFDR measurement of FIGS. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5;
[0054] FIG. 10B is a flowchart illustrating operation of the POTDR measurement of FIGS. 6, 7, 8 and 9.
[0055] FIG. 11 is an example of a schematic diagram of a high spatial resolution multi-wavelength OTDR embodying an aspect of the disclosed technology.
[0056] FIG. 12 is an example of a high spatial resolution multi-wavelength OTDR embodying an aspect of the disclosed technology.
[0057] FIG. 13 is an example of a high spatial resolution multi-wavelength photon counting OTDR embodying an aspect of the disclosed technology.
[0058] FIG. 14 is an example of a high spatial resolution multi-wavelength OFDR embodying an aspect of the disclosed technology.
[0060] Some commercial fibers used for access optical networks (FTTx) or multi-dwelling unit (MDU), e.g., recently developed new bend insensitive optical fiber such as the International Telecommunication Union's recommendation G.657 (Characteristics of a bending-loss insensitive single-mode optical fibre and cable for the access network), can be subject to significantly bending without exhibiting any noticeable optical loss due to fiber bending or under stress. In such fibers, it would be difficult for using currently commercial available OTDR to measure this type of fiber bend or stress using a conventional technique mentioned above, but it is still important even more critical to measure a fiber bend or stress characteristics for an estimation of a fiber reliability or a fiber lifetime or a fiber failure statistics for a fiber network, e.g., for the FTTx, FTTH, MDU, etc., quality analysis and lifetime estimation.
[0061] Thus, there is a need for a new method for characterizing such bend- or stress-related fiber characteristics as a function of distance along a fiber link, for example, from a single-end of the FUT, that can be used for the field test and measurement and monitoring for the optical networks, for example, FTTH, FTTx, MDU, etc.
[0062] One potential test method to measure fiber bend or stress is to measure a bend induced birefringence. The birefringence is defined as the local absolute value of the difference between the propagation constants of two orthogonal polarization modes in optical fibers used for optical communications systems that can be expressed as
where c is the speed of the light in vacuum, Δn is the refractive index difference, and ν is the light frequency. The birefringence in the fiber can be generated by many factors, for example from environment or fiber installation situation, for example, from bend, twist, anisotropic stress on an optical fiber, and such factors may also be varied with ambient conditions such as temperature. For example, the birefringence Δβ can be induced by the fiber bend or stress during the fiber installation and is proportional to 1/R2, where R is the bend radius [R. Ulrich, S. C. Rashleish, W. Eickhott, "Bending-induced birefringence in single-mode fibers", Optics Letters, Vol. 5(6), pp. 273-275 (1980)]. Highly bent or stressed fiber can induce significantly fiber birefringence that may also reduce the fiber lifetime or even to cause a fiber broken later. This is particularly problematical for the highly bent installed optical fiber at home for the FTTH application, for example, the fiber could be "clappered" or "bended" by a cover of fiber distribution box during installation. Thus, it is desirable to be able to obtain the local birefringence values or local bend or stress properties to know fiber bend or stress characteristics, for example, bend or stress radius, bend or stress strength and their length, etc., along the optical fiber so as to reduce or remove the bended or stressed fibers at an early stage. If the actual local birefringence values or local bend or stress characteristics of a communications optical fiber link (e.g. G.652, G.657) can be determined, it is possible to accurately estimate the installed fiber reliability or quality or even fiber lifetime.
[0063] Depending on the application, it is desirable to measure the birefringence for estimating the bend-related properties [A. M. Simith, "Birefringence induced by bends and twists in single-mode optical fiber", Applied Optics, Vol. 19(15), pp. 2606-2611 (1980)] at a given distance. However, in many practical cases, it is not possible to measure the fiber birefringence at a given precision position by a commercial available OTDR. This is because such bend or stress often occurs in a very short distance, for example of 1 to 50 mm, and a commercial OTDR has a limited spatial resolution as such as large as 500 mm for commonly designed test wavelengths, for example 1310 nm and 1550 nm. However, the fiber birefringence may be induced by a small bend radius, such as of 1-50 mm as mentioned above, or there may be no or negligible loss from the bended or stressed fiber, especially for these recently new developed bend insensitive fiber, and hence it is not possible to obtain a reliable determination of the bend or stress properties of an installed optical fiber.
[0064] There is a number of approaches are known in the art for the measurement of the local birefringence along a fiber length.
[0065] Kim, et al, described the local distributed measurement of the birefringence in a very low birefringence single mode fiber by analyzing the backscattered light, where bending-induced birefringence measurements for various bending radii were reported in good agreement with those calculated (Electronics Letters, 5 Mar. 1981, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 193-194). However such method has several disadvantages as of a very poor spatial resolution of 1 meter when using a 10 ns OTDR pulse, unreliable results because there is no any polarization controller for the launched light and the analysis light and as well it would be very sensitive to the environment, e.g. fiber moving. Galtarossa, et al, reported spatially-resolved distributed measurements of fiber birefringence for single-mode fibers (Galtarossa et al, "Statistical characterization of fiber random birefringence", Optics Letters, Vol. 25, No. 18 pp. 1322-1324 (2000)) but its spatial resolution is limited to 0.5 m due to a 5 ns OTDR pulse being used. Palmieri, et al, reported spatially-resolved distributed measurements of bending-induced birefringence for single-mode spun fibers by using a polarization-sensitive optical frequency domain reflectometer (POFDR) (OFC/NFOEC, 21-25 Mar. 2010, Page OWS2), where the combined effect of spin rotation and bending birefringence is presented. However, such measurement cannot provide reliable measurement for the fiber birefringence or bend proprieties, such as bend radius, bend length, and bend strength, due to sensitive to the environment, e.g. fiber moving, thus it may not be practical to be developed for the field test and measurement application.
[0066] In using OTDR to measure the local birefringence along an optical fiber, a linear polarizer can be inserted at the light in and output port for measurements such as in a polarization sensitive OTDR (POTDR). Such POTDR basically measures local birefringence (1/beat-length) as a function of distance z along the fiber, or, in other words, distributed birefringence. Referring to the simple example of a retardation waveplate, the birefringence is the retardation (phase difference) per unit length between the "slow" and "fast" axes. Therefore, the retardation can be determined by the product of the birefringence and the thickness of the waveplate. Indeed it is suitable for measuring major commercial optical fibers, e.g. SMF-28, that typically have a beating length of ˜5 m up to ˜100 m. However, it is not possible or rather difficult to measure small bend length in mm scale, for example, for the FTTH application, because of its limited spatial resolution, e.g. a smallest spatial resolution of 500-1000 mm. Also although it is possible to use very narrow light pulse for an OTDR to obtain a high spatial resolved OTDR trace, it would require an expensive laser and a high bandwidth electronics. For example, in known techniques require the use of short pulses; "short" meaning shorter than the beat length of any interested event length of the FUT, e.g. a few to tens mm scale for a potential "human" induced bending. In order for them to measure birefringence in fibers properly, without being limited to fibers of short beat length, one must use very short OTDR optical pulse width, e.g. typically of ˜10 to 100 ps, and such OTDR also requires a very wide electronic bandwidth, e.g. of over several GHz. On the other hand, if a long light pulse is used, only fibers having long beat lengths can be measured. Hence, although it might be possible, using known techniques and meeting the above-mentioned requirements, to make a reasonably successful and reliable field measurements of mm to cm scale birefringence from a bend during the fiber installation, e.g. FTTH, at present their scope of application and performance would be insufficient for a commercially-viable, stand-alone instrument.
[0067] It should be noted that a conventional polarization sensitive OTDR with a linear polarizer inserted before the output and input port could measure the fiber birefringence via beating length measurement for the standard optical fiber, however, such method is difficult to measure the local birefringence for a small distance of few mm to few cm that is not only limited by a conventional OTDR spatial resolution, e.g. of 50 to 100 cm, but also such measurement would not be reliable because of only a single input SOP is used.
[0068] It is also known that to use a polarimeter could measure the local birefringence along the test fiber path. However, again it would also provide a problematic measurement result due to fiber moving or vibration, etc. to induce an instability of the light SOP that is travelled inside the FUT during the measurement period or an instrument may be designed very expensively.
[0069] It should be noted distributed PMD can be measured by the fixed analyzer or equivalently wavelength scanning method, as described by H. Sunnerud, et at (H. Sunnerud, B.-E. Olsson, M. Karlsson, P. A. Andrekson, "Measurement of Polarization Mode Dispersion Accumulation Along Installed Optical Fibers", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 11 No. 7, July 1999, pp. 860-862) that was suffered significantly long measurement with reliability problem of fiber polarization fluctuation during the testing. A first successful commercial test and measurement instrument (FTB-5600, EXFO Inc.) for the field distributed PMD measurement was using random-scrambling technique, where many uncorrelated measurements are performed for many "closely-spaced optical frequency pairs" over a large wavelength to estimate a distributed cumulative PMD along the fiber so as to significantly reduce the measurement sensitivity to moving of the test fiber (N. Cyr, H. Chen, U.S. Pat. No. 7,920,253, "Polarization optical time domain reflectometer and method of determining PMD"; N. Cyr, H. Chen, G. W. Schinn, "Random-Scrambling Tunable POTDR for Distributed Measurement of Cumulative PMD", Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 27(18), pp. 4164-4174 (2009)). However, such measurement technique could not provide high spatial-resolved distributed birefringence measurement neither fiber bend information, especially this instrument is limited to have a best spatial resolution of 5-10 m.
[0070] In summary, there is a need for a new method for characterizing such high spatial resolved polarization-dependent and or birefringence-dependent and or bend- or stress-dependent characteristics as a function of distance along a fiber link from a single-end of the FUT that is inherently robust to fiber movements and perturbations found in field conditions with high spatial resolution and does not require expensive laser, polarization optics, and electronics.
[0071] The disclosed technology in this patent document can be implemented in certain ways to eliminate, or at least mitigate, the disadvantages or limitations discussed above. The disclosed methods or devices can be used to provide more effective or alternative fiber characterization.
[0072] According to a first aspect of the disclosed technology, there is provided a method of measuring at least one polarization-dependent and or or birefringence-dependent bend- or stress-related characteristics of an optical path using light input means and light output means connected to the optical path at adjacent end, the light input means comprising light source means for supplying at least partially polarized light and means for controlling the input of the state of polarization (I-SOP) by an input polarization controller (I-PC) or an input polarization generator (I-PSG) of the at least partially polarized light and injecting the light into the FUT, and the output light means comprising means for extracting corresponding light from the FUT, detection and analyzing means for analyzing the output state of polarization (O-SOP) of extracted light from an output polarization controller (O-PC) or an output analyzer corresponding to the at least one transmission axis of the analyzer means to provide transmitted coherent optical power at each distance of an optical path in each of at least one group of a pair of distances, wherein the short-distance (zS) and long-distance (zL) said distances in each said group of distances being closely-spaced; and wherein the source and detection means are at the same end of the FUT and the light source comprises either CW lights or temporal pulses; and wherein the said group comprises a distance pair, said pair in each group corresponding to a small fiber distance (i.e. length) difference, and wherein the I-SOP and O-SOP are substantially constant for each said distance in each said group, and wherein at least one of the I-SOP and O-SOP is different between the respective said groups, the method including the steps of:
[0073] i. Computing the at least one difference in a measured optical parameter corresponding to each distance in said distance pair for each of the said at least one group, said measured optical parameter being proportional to the intensity of the said analyzed and subsequently detected light, thereby defining a set of at least one measured optical parameter difference;
[0074] ii. Computing the mean-square (or root-mean-square) or absolute value of said set of difference(s) as a function of the fiber distance;
[0075] iii. Calculating the at least one polarization-dependent or birefringence-dependent bend- or stress-related FUT characteristics as at least one predetermined function of said mean-square or absolute value, the predetermined function being dependent upon the small fiber distance or length difference between the distances corresponding to the each at least said one pair of closely-spaced fiber positions or locations;
[0076] iv. Computing the value of the at least one polarization and or fiber birefringence dependent bend- or stress-related FUT characteristics along an optical fiber path; and
[0077] v. Outputting the value of said at least one bend or stress related fiber characteristics, for example, a mechanical reliability or an expected lifetime or a failure rate statistics for bended or stressed fiber for the access optical networks, for example fiber to the home (FTTH) or multi-dwelling unit (MDU) scenarios, etc. (not limited), as at least one predetermined function of said at least one polarization-dependent or birefringence-dependent bend- or stress-related FUT characteristics along an optical fiber path.
[0078] In implementations, for measurement of birefringence, Δβ, at a specified distance z for each group includes distance pair having substantially said prescribed center distance, and the the at least one polarization-related FUT characteristics is the root-mean-square (RMS) or absolute mean value at the said center distance.
[0079] The measured optical parameter may be the computed normalized power, T(z,ω), and said predetermined function can be expressed for two uncorrelated the I-SOP and O-SOP, i.e. to use two uncorrelated polarization controllers, for a small fiber distance/length differences (Δz), according to the following differential formula,
where the SOP is averaged over at least one or more, or all I-SOPs and O-SOPs, the constant αs=3 {square root over (2)}, ω=2πν (ν is the optical frequency), and z is the optical fiber distance corresponding to the said center distance. Alternatively the said measured optical parameter may be the computed normalized power T(z,ω), and said predetermined function can be expressed for correlated the I-SOP and O-SOP, i.e. if a common (same) state of polarization controller is used as both the I-SOP and O-SOP, for small distance differences (Δz), according to the said above differential formula with the constant αs= {square root over (15)}.
[0080] The measured optical parameter may also be the computed normalized power, T (z,ω), and the predetermined function can be expressed for two uncorrelated the I-SOP and O-SOP, i.e. to use two uncorrelated polarization controller, for small fiber distance/length differences (δz), according to the following differential formula,
where the αs=3 {square root over (2)}, the SOP,ω is averaged over both I/O-SOPs, and optical frequency range. Alternatively the said measured optical parameter may be the computed normalized power, T(z,ω), and said predetermined function can be expressed for correlated the I-SOP and O-SOP, i.e. if a common (same) state of polarization controller is used as both the I-SOP and O-SOP, for small distance differences (δz), according to the differential formula with the constant αs= {square root over (15)} and z is the optical fiber distance corresponding to the center distance.
[0081] It should be noted that the measured birefringence at a specified distance z, Δβ(z,ω)), is the roundtrip birefringence value, and the forward fiber birefringence value (instead of the roundtrip birefringence value) may be calculated so as to estimate the fiber quality or lifetime or pass/fail situation, thus the forward distributed local birefringence may be computed from the measured roundtrip birefringence value by multiplying by a roundtrip factor as,
where η=0.5 or η≈0.61. It should be noted that a linear component of a forward (one way) local birefringence could be calculated by using η=0.5 for applying two independent I-PC and O-PC. An overall forward (one way) local birefringence could be calculated by using η≈0.61 or η= {square root over (3/8)}.
where the R is the bend or stress radius or bend or stress strength and the C is the constant that depends on the optical frequency and fiber properties, e.g. fiber cladding, refraction index, etc.
[0083] The second bend or stress parameter may be a bend length that is calculated from the said measured bend induced birefringence length. The bend induced birefringence length may be extracted from measured OFDR or OTDR trace that may be obtained after one or averaging over part of or all I/O-SOPs and center wavelengths.
[0084] In some implementations, for measurement of at least one the bend or stress related fiber characteristics, for example, a mechanical reliability and or an expect lifetime and or a failure rate statistics for bending of fiber, is calculated as one predetermined function of said the at least one bend related FUT characteristics along an optical fiber path.
[0085] Advantageously a high spatial resolution optical reflectometry may be applied for the said bend or stress related fiber characteristics measurement, for example OFDR, photo-counting OTDR, or high spatial resolved OTDR.
[0086] A polarization sensitive OFDR (POFDR) may be used to achieve a high spatial resolution for the said at least one birefringence-dependent bend or stress related fiber characterization, where an optical frequency encoder may be used by detecting these "zero-crossings" from a "sine" or "cosine" type interference signals from a reference or clock interferometer for the clock trigger signal generation for the data sampling.
[0087] Alternatively a POFDR may be used to achieve a high spatial resolution for the said at least one birefringence-dependent bend or stress related fiber characterization, where an optical frequency encoder may be used by detecting these "zero-crossings" from the "sine/cosine type" interference signals with a 90 degree phase difference from a reference or clock interferometer and or or their squared sine (or squared cosine) for the clock trigger signal generation for the data sampling, and such 90 degree phase different "sine/cosine type" (two) interference signals may be obtained by using two interferometers, either dependently or independently, with the approximately the same or similar interferometer characteristics but with a phase difference of about 90 degree, for example achieved by a phase shifter.
[0088] Alternatively a POFDR may be used to achieve a high spatial resolution for the said at least one birefringence-dependent bend or stress related fiber characterization, where an optical frequency encoder may be used by detecting these "zero-crossings" from three correlated interference signals with 120 degree phase difference from a reference or clock interferometer, for example by using an approximately symmetric 3×3 coupler, for the clock trigger signal generation for the data sampling.
[0089] A sampling clock signal may be generated from each "zero-crossing" of the said interference signal at a same or approximately closed time of "zero-crossing" by a revenant electronic circuit.
[0090] A POFDR may be used to achieve a high spatial resolution for the said at least one birefringence-dependent bend or stress related fiber characterization, where the said optical parameter may be measured by at least one coherent detection for measuring at least one polarization component with or without polarization analyzer, for example a linear polarizer or a polarization beam splitter.
[0091] In some implementations, a POFDR for measuring the said at least one birefringence-dependent bend or stress related fiber characteristics uses at least one balanced detector.
[0092] Alternatively a POFDR for measuring the said at least one birefringence-dependent bend or stress related fiber characteristics uses at least one conventional detector, i.e. non balanced detector.
[0093] Advantageously for the POFDR a reference reflector and a reference length may be used to provide these references for the light reflectivity and intensity. Also by performing at least two measurements for with and without an added additional fibre length on the FUT and or or with and without local oscillation lights would provide additional measurement information to remove those "ghost" events in the measurement.
[0094] Alternatively a high spatial resolved polarization sensitive OTDR (POTDR) may be used to measure the said at least one birefringence-dependent bend or stress related fiber characteristics.
[0095] Alternatively a high spatial resolved polarization sensitive photon counting OTDR may be used to measure the said at least one birefringence-dependent bend or stress related fiber characteristics.
[0096] In some implementations, the POFDR or POTDR may use a coherent noise detection to obtain a coherent noise level so that a coherent noise super-positioned on the FUT optical parameter measurement could be estimated and thereby it could be subtracted from the said measured optical parameter.
[0097] Advantageously the said POFDR or POTDR may use an internal reflectivity detection so that reflectivities from a FUT could be estimated accurately.
[0098] In some implementations, the POFDR may use an internal length reference to calibrate a FUT distance after the FTT for an acquired OFDR data.
[0099] In some implementations, the POFDR may use an additional fiber length to do at least two data acquisitions, at least one acquisition without any additional fiber length and at least one with an additional fiber length, to probe and remove these "ghost events". Such the said additional fiber length may be inserted at any position that could extend or short a test fiber length, for example between an instrument and a FUT, or at any location that could extend or short a local oscillation light length, for example via a 2×2 optical switch.
[0102] The measured optical parameter may be measured repeatedly for at least two times with the same I/O-SOP controller by the said I/O-PCs.
[0103] The mean-square (or root-mean-square) value may be computed by using said repeated measured optical parameters so as to reduce the noises, for example electronic noise, laser intensity or variation noise, laser phase noise, etc.
[0104] Alternatively the said mean-square (or root-mean-square) value may be calculated from one single (non-repeated) measured optical parameter "trace", wherein at least two "noise-uncorrelated"but "signal-correlated" data may be extracted from a small distance (or time) shifted the said measured optical parameter "trace".
[0105] The said at least one I-SOP and or at least one O-SOP may be controlled by at least one I-SOP or at least one O-SOP randomly or uniformly regarding the Poincare sphere.
[0106] According to a second aspect of the disclosed technology, there is provided measurement instrumentation, for measuring at least one polarization-dependent and or or birefringence-dependent bend- or stress related characteristics of an optical path (FUT), comprising: input light means and output light means for connection to the optical path at one end of the FUT for launching incident light, extracting, detecting, and analyzing light that has traveled at least part of the FUT and providing corresponding electrical signals, and processing means for processing the electrical signals from the output light means to determine said at least one polarization-dependent bend- or stress-related characteristics;
[0107] i. Computing the at least one difference in a measured optical parameter corresponding to each distance in said distance pair for each of the said at least one group, said measured power parameter being proportional to the power of the said analyzed and subsequently detected light, thereby defining a set of at least one measured power parameter difference;
[0108] ii. Computing the mean-square or absolute value of said set of differences as a function of fiber distance; and
[0109] iii. Calculating the at least one polarization-dependent and or or birefringence-dependent bend- or stress-related FUT characteristics as at least one predetermined function of said mean-square or absolute value, said predetermined function being dependent upon the said small fiber distance or length difference between the distance corresponding to the said each at least said one pair of closely-spaced fiber positions or locations;
[0110] iv. Computing the value of said at least one polarization-dependent and or or birefringence-dependent bend- or stress-related FUT characteristics along an optical fiber path; and
[0111] v. Outputting the value of said at least one bend or stress related fiber characteristics, for example, a mechanical reliability and or or an expect lifetime and or or a failure rate statistics for bended or stressed fiber for the fiber to the home (FTTH) or multi-dwelling unit (MDU) scenarios, as at least one predetermined function of said at least one polarization or fiber birefringence dependent bend- or stress-related FUT characteristics along an optical fiber path.
[0114] The various aspects of the disclosed technology, and their respective implementations, are predicated upon the same or similar underlying theory for measuring the same birefringence-dependent bend- or stress-related proprieties of the installed optical fiber link. Embodiments of these aspects can be advantageously used for a single-ended measurement for an optical fiber access network, for example for the FTTx test, measurement and monitoring applications.
[0115] In each of the examples of POFDR, there will usually be six main parts as shown in FIG. 1, namely an optical source 103, an optical frequency encoder unit 106, a reference and calibration unit 140, polarization controller and optical router 33, polarization analyzer and coherent detection unit 61, a control and data acquisition, analogue and digital signal processing unit 501, and together with a display unit 109, where all of the components of the measuring instrument are at the same end of the FUT.
[0116] Although each instrument in the described examples will have the above-described parts or sections, there will be many detailed differences in configurations for these six units according to the different birefringence-dependent fiber bend or stress measurement methods, namely fiber birefringence measurement based fiber bend or stress determination method.
[0117] Thus, for the fiber birefringence measurement based fiber bend determination method it comprises the input optical source controller 103 that will have an at least partially polarized light source, for example a tunable narrow linewidth laser with a linewidth of 1-1000 kHz for a POFDR, see FIG. 1, an input SOP (I-SOP) polarization controller (I-PC) 36 for controlling the SOP of lights from the light source 103 before it is injected into the FUT 100 (FIGS. 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D and 4E), a polarization determination means, either a polarization beam splitter (FIGS. 4A and 4B) or a linear polarizer (FIGS. 4C, 4D and 4E), and an optical router means (i.e. backreflection extractor) (FIGS. 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D and 4E) that could be either an optic circulator or a fiber coupler (or a beam splitter). The fiber pigtails could be either a single-mode fiber (SMF) or a polarization-maintaining fiber (PMF). The polarization controller and optical router means 33 described in FIGS. 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D and 4E uses a common polarization controller for the I/O-SOP polarization controller (I/O-PC), but such I/O-PC could be separated such as in FIG. 4J, where no any polarization determination means, either a polarization beam splitter or a linear polarizer, may be used in the polarization controller and optical router means 33 but it might be used in the polarization analyzer and coherent detection means 63 (FIGS. 5A and 5B). Alternatively different embodiments for the I-SOP and O-SOP controller may be as these configurations shown in FIGS. 4F, 4G, 4H and 4I, where a I/O-SOP could be controlled as either randomly or uniformly regarding to the Poincare sphere, e.g. by a polarization scrambler, or as several know uniform polarization states, e.g. by a polarization state generator (PSG) or input PSG (I-PSG). For the embodiments in FIGS. 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D and 4E with a polarization determination means, either a polarization beam splitter (FIGS. 4A and 4B) or a linear polarizer (FIGS. 4C, 4D and 4E), the polarization analyzer and coherent detection means 63 may use the embodiments in FIGS. 5C, 5D, 5F, 5G and 5H. It should be noted that an O-PC in a POFDR configuration could also be applied to adjust polarization of a LO light as shown in FIG. 5E to analyze the O-SOP.
[0118] The polarization analyzer and coherent detection unit 63 (FIGS. 5C, 5F, and 5G) may comprise local oscillation (LO) lights to measure the both signal inputs 1 and 2 by the coherent detections, e.g. each using two detectors A1 and A2 and detectors B1 and B2 (FIGS. 5F and 5G) to have two detection outputs A and B.
[0120] It should be noted that the coherent detection as shown in FIGS. 5A-5G could use only one detector, for example either a detector 62A1, or 62A2, 62B1, or 62B2.
[0121] An optical frequency encoder unit 106 (also called as a frequency clock or reference means) that is used to provide a clock trigger for sampling may comprise these optical components for an interferometer that may include a beam splitter 56, a delay line 70, optical reflectors 52 and 53 (FIGS. 2A, 2B) that could be Faraday rotator mirrors or fiber pigtailed fiber mirrors or any type mirror as long as they could reflect or rout the input light returning back to coupler 56 to produce an interference detection on the detector C 66. In order to produce more clock trigger signals, a frequency doubling technique (e.g. for N times, N≧1) may be used (FIG. 2C). The clock signal may be generated from a clock signal generation unit 71 by detecting those "zero-crossings" from the measured interference signals for the interferometer. To further increase the number of sampling clock triggers a sine/cosine method is used (FIG. 2D) to double the clock triggers where the interference signals from the "sine/cosine" method to have a 90 degree phase difference. Another method is to use an approximately symmetric 3×3 coupler to produce three interference signals each with a phase difference of 120 degree (FIG. 2E) so as to provide three time more clock triggers, e.g. from "zero-crossing" detection.
[0122] The input light source is a tunable narrow linewidth source. The analogue and digital signal processing unit may comprise a control, a data acquisition unit, a sampling and averaging unit and a data processor unit, analog-to-digital conversion being carried out in the sampling and averaging unit.
[0123] A reference and calibration means 140 includes the fiber length reference, for example 1 to over 10 meter for a short range POFDR with a measurable length of 100-2000 m and 10 to over 100 meter for a middle or long range POFDR with a measurable length of 2 to 100 km, and coherent noise detection 131, light reflectivity reference 129, as well to probe these "ghost" events by using an added additional length 123 on the FUT 100 by using a 2×2 optical switch 127 (FIG. 3). A similar purpose could be achieved by an 1×1 optical switch 125 to result an OFDR measurement with and without local oscillation lights (FIG. 5F), or to add an additional fiber length 123 with a 2×2 optical switch 127 (FIG. 5G).
[0124] In each of the examples of POTDR described herein, there will usually be five main parts as shown in FIG. 6, namely a pulse optical source 23, a reference and calibration unit 140, polarization controller and optical router 33, polarization analyzer and detection unit 61, and a control and data acquisition, analogue and digital signal processing unit 501, and together with a display unit 109, where all of the components of the measuring instrument are at the same end of the FUT. Thus, for the fiber birefringence measurement based fiber bend determination method the input optical source controller will comprise an at least partially polarized pulsed laser source 23, an input SOP (I-SOP) polarization controller (I-PC) 36 for controlling the SOP of light from the pulsed light source 23 before it is injected into the FUT 100 (FIGS. 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D, and 8E). The polarization analyzer an detection unit 61A is either having two photo-detectors A and B, 62A and 64A, respectively (FIGS. 9A and 9C), or having one photo-detector 62A (FIGS. 9B and 9D), o even having three or four or more detectors as such for a polarimeter design (FIG. 9E). If there may be no any no any polarization determination means used for the polarization controller and optical router means 33 (FIG. 6) described in FIGS. 8F, 8G, 8H and 8I), a polarization analyzer an detection unit 61A should have such polarization determination means, either a polarization beam splitter 34B or a linear polarizer 34A, as FIGS. 9C, 9D and 9E.
[0125] It is worthy to be noted that either a SMF or a PMF may be used for above described different embodiments, however, a PMF may be used where the light polarizations for both or either a light input from an optical source 103 or pulsed optical source 23 or signal input 1 or signal inputs 1 and 2 for the polarization analyzer and coherent detection 61 or polarization analyzer and detection 61A can be arranged to the PMF axis, e.g. usually in its slow axis.
[0129] It is worthy to be noted that above described different units or main parts may be combined differently according to embodiments in FIGS. 1 and 6 for the POFDR and POTDR, respectively. Also note that when a photon-counting OTDR may be used, all these POTDR embodiments should be applied.
[0130] For the single-end fiber bend or stress measurement method a distributed fiber birefringence can be extracted by analyzing backreflected light from Rayleigh backscattering or from the localized reflection so that the fiber bend or stress characteristics can be extracted and predicated. Note that fiber bend induced local birefringence is typical with a small length, for example 1 mm to 50 mm, and is typical higher that of inherently from a standard single-mode optical fiber, e.g. SMF-28. Thus a bend or stress induced local birefringence on a standard single-mode fiber could be measured by a high spatial resolved reflectometry, such as an OFDR, thus local bend or stress on the fiber could be estimated. For the birefringence based fiber bend or stress measurement method described, averaging over a certain wavelength range may be used to remove the wavelength related fluctuation, for example coherent noise. To use the single-end measurement method to measure distributed local fiber bend or stress, polarization sensitive OFDR (POFDR) or polarization sensitive OTDR (POTDR) traces as a function of fiber length must be analyzed and its SOP characterization at each fiber location or distance should be accurately measured or approximately estimated in a high spatial resolution, so it may be use a widely tunable narrow linewidth laser (CW) to obtain high spatial-resolved POFDR traces, for example having a tunable range 0.01 nm to 100 nm and a linewidth of 300 Hz to 10 MHz, or to use a very short pulse, for example 0.01 ns to 100 ns, in order to obtain a highly spatial resolved POTDR traces that does not suffer a problem of poor spatial resolution.
[0131] Some examples of the main fiber bend or stress measurement instrument configurations for a single-end distributed fiber bend or stress measurement according to the disclosed technology, and modifications, alternatives and substitutions thereto, will now be described with reference to FIGS. 1 to 9.
[0132] In the high spatial-resolved polarization-sensitive optical frequency domain reflectometer (POFDR) illustrated in FIG. 1 a unable CW narrow light source means 103 is coupled to a polarization maintaining fiber (PMF) for producing light source for launching into a fiber-under-test (FUT) 100 from connector port, which also receives corresponding backreflected light from the FUT 100 via connector 40, and an optical frequency encoder unit 106 consisting of fiber based Michelson interferometer having light beam splitter and combiner 56 (coupler 2), delay 70, reflectors means of mirrors 52 and 54 and detection means detector C 66 (FIG. 2B).
[0133] The input light, polarization controller and optical router means 33, and polarization analyzer and coherent detection means 63 may comprise a polarization-maintaining circulator or coupler 32 in FIGS. 4B and 5C or polarization-maintaining coupler, a polarization beam splitter (PBS) 34, and a input and output polarization controller (polarization controller or scrambler) 36. The circulator 32 is coupled to the input of PBS 34 by a second PM fiber (polarization-maintaining fiber) so that the optical path from the tunable light source 103 to the PBS 34 is polarization-maintaining A single-mode fiber can be used to couple the PBS 34 to the I/O-PC controller 36. However, a SM fiber may still be used (FIG. 4A).
[0134] The alignment of PMF is fixed in the factory in such a manner that substantially all of the optical power from the tunable CW narrow linewidth optical light source 103 is maintained in one of the two axes of the fiber 29, conventionally at the "slow" axis. Since the circulator 32 is polarization-maintaining, this alignment is maintained until the point between PBS 34 and I/O-PC 36. During attachment of each end of the PMFs to the components concerned, the azimuthal orientation of the PMF is adjusted to ensure maximum transmission of the optical lights towards the FUT 100.
[0135] In the polarization analyzer and coherent detection means 63 such as PMF may be used for the LO input that should be arranged to have 45 degree regarding to the PBS 84A and 82A axis so as to equally divide the light power in to two output ports for the coherent detections. The SM fiber may still be used, then a polarizer whose axis has a 45 degree regarding to the PBS axis may be used before the LO light incident into beam splitter 58A, in such case the LO light polarization may be arranged to have sufficiently lights, e.g. >0.01%, for the coherent detection. Otherwise a fiber based coherent detection configuration (FIGS. 5C-5G) may be used for the polarization controller and optical router 33 shown in FIGS. 4A-4J.
[0136] Backreflected light caused by Rayleigh scattering and, in some cases, discrete (Fresnel) reflections, from the FUT 100 enters the I/O-PC 36 in the reverse direction. Its SOP is transformed by the SOP controller or scrambler 36, following which the light is decomposed by the PBS 34 into two components having orthogonal SOPs, typically linear SOPs at 0 and 90 degree relative orientations. The first detector 64A or 64B1 and 64B2 (FIGS. 5C-5G) is connected to one of the two outputs of the PBS 34 to receive one of these orthogonal components and the circulator 32 (or coupler) is connected to the other output (with respect to backreflected light from the FUT 100). The second detector 62A or 62B1 and 62B2 (FIGS. 5C-5G) is in turn connected to that output port of the circulator 32 (or coupler) that transmits light from the PBS 34, so as to receive the other orthogonal component.
[0137] It should be noted, for the POFDR it requires to a local oscillation lights for the detection. Thus, before the any orthogonal components from PBS 34 being sent to detectors, a light splitter (coupler) provides a small portion of lights from the tunable CW narrow linewidth light source 103 as local oscillation lights for the coherent detection, where two local oscillation lights are obtained by light splitter 58 (coupler 4) and then combined by coupler 5 82 and coupler 84, respectively, to coherently measure the two orthogonal light components from PBS 36 that is originated from FUT 100 (FIGS. 5C, 5F and 5G). It should be worthy to mention here that such detection schemes in fact is as an interferometer, i.e. a light is split by coupler 27 and then they are combined together again by coupler 5 or 6 to form an interferometer, where typically the light is delayed after its "round-trip" time through the FUT 100. Note that the suitable calibration may be carried out for any related two detections for their relative detection efficiencies, wavelength dependence, overall optical components loss, etc., as will be described hereinafter, the sum of the detected powers from detection output A and B is proportional to the total backreflected power from the FUT 100.
[0138] Under the control of control unit 501, which also controls the tunable laser source 103, the sampling and averaging circuit, in known manner, uses an internal analog-to-digital converter to sample the corresponding electrical signals from the detectors 62A and 64A (for a POTDR) or 62A1, 62A2, 64B1, and 64B2 (for a POFDR) as a function of time to obtain the corresponding electrical signals, then signal processing, for example by fast Fourier transform (FFT) for an OFDR, averages the processed electronic signals to produce an OFDR trace that has the measured fiber loss (or attenuation) as a function of the FUT 100 distance.
[0139] It is appreciated to be noted that such signal processing, e.g. FFT, averaging, filtering, etc., in 92 and 94 may be processed by either a low-level FPGA or a high-level software of any computer, for example a person PC computer, PC tablet, etc. The resulting OFDR traces for different I/O-SOPs are used by a data processor 501 to derive the distributed local birefringence curve so as to estimate fiber bend properties, for example bend or stress strength, bend radius, bend or stress length, fiber reliability/quality and or or lifetime, as a function of the distance z along the FUT 100 from a single the same end of the FUT 100. It will be appreciated that the usual conversions will be applied to convert time delay which is calculated from a beating frequency after the FFT, where the beating frequency is proportional to both round-trip time of the light and tunable laser frequency speed, to distance according to refractive index of the FUT 100.
[0140] In addition to controlling the sampling in unit 501, the control unit controls the wavelength of the tunable laser source 103 or 23 and the I-SOP and O-SOP adjusted by I/O-PC 36. More specifically, for each setting k of the I/O-PC 36, the control unit 90 causes the backreflected power to be measured for at least one pair of distances zS.sup.(k) and zL.sup.(k), respectively, that are closely-spaced relative to each other. The center distance of the pair is defined as the average of two actual distances, i.e., zk=(zS.sup.(k)+zL.sup.(k))/2. (The labels S and L refer, for convenience and ease of understanding, to "short" and "long" with respect to the center distance zk).
[0141] It should be appreciated for the embodiments with the OFDR as in FIG. 1 that measures the beating frequency signals between the local oscillation (LO) light, e.g. from the beam splitter 27 (coupler B), and the reflected light signals from the FUT 100 in the time domain and then the measured signals are transferred into the frequency by the FFT, the first step of the data processing is to perform the FFT for the acquired the data from the detectors A and B, 62A1-62A2 and 64B1-B2, respectively, and then it may require a calibration or reference procedure to obtain an OFDR trace that is as a function of the distance.
[0142] If for the OTDR the above described procedure is not required, i.e. directly to obtain the OTDR curve as a function of the time and then of the distance after considering the light speed at the given FUT.
[0143] Since an OFDR tunable coherent optical source may be sensitive to the back-reflected lights, an optical isolator 23 may be sued as shown in FIG. 1.
[0144] It should also be appreciated for the embodiments with the OFDR as in FIG. 1 an optical frequency encoder unit 106, for example an interferometer either in fiber or free space, may be used, as shown in FIGS. 2A and 2B. In FIG. 2A, a free-space interferometer is used to obtain frequency reference signal, where the clock signal generation 71 may be as to produce the clock trigger signals from the cross-zeroing detection of the interference signal of the interferometer that is detected by the detector C. The FIG. 2B is similar as FIG. 2A but fiber components are used. In order to increase the clock trigger signals data sampling or to reduce the length of the delay line 70, further improved techniques may be required, for example to use the interference signal frequency mixing 73 after removing the DC level (FIG. 2C) so as to increase the cross-zeroing number. This interference signal frequency mixing 73 may be performed N times (N≧1) to obtain 2.sup.(N+1) zero-crossing so as to produce clock trigger signals 2.sup.(N+1) for the sampling, e.g. by ADC. The other method to increase the clock signals may be using sine and cosine encoder as shown in FIG. 2D where the clock signal could be extracted by calculating the "phase" in the phase diagram, for example evenly divided, or comparing their levels and "sign" to obtain even trigger signals. Moreover, simply the number of "zero-crossing" is simply doubled from the sine/cosine interference signals, and further these "zero-crossing" from the squared sine or squared cosine could be also be used for the clock trigger signal generation for the sampling. Such method may also be applied in the symmetric 3×3 coupler (FIG. 2E) where three sine function interference signals with different phase of 0 and +/-120 degree could be measured by detector C, detector D and detector E so as to increase the number of "zero-crossing" for three times if comparing a single interference (sine function) signal, for example for an interferometer.
[0145] It should be appreciated that, where the group may comprise more than one closely-spaced pair of distances, the center distance as defined above in fact differs for each pair in the group. The I/O-PC polarization controller 36 sets the different I-SOP and O-SOP in a well-defined known uniform or a random manner, such that the points conventionally representing SOPs corresponding to each member are uniformly distributed over the surface of the Poincare sphere, whether the distribution is in the uniform grid or random of points.
[0146] For the OFDR in order to remove or reduce the laser frequency sweeping nonlinearity, there may be an optical frequency encoder unit 106 that consists of a fiber based Michelson interferometer with delay 70, Faraday rotation mirrors 52 and 54, and detector C 66 as shown in FIG. 2B. The frequency clock or reference means 106 may provide signals from the interferometer for sampling the measurement signals by sampling and averaging unit 501 or alternatively providing signal for re-sampling of the measurement signals from the FUT 100.
[0147] Note the lights used for the said optical frequency encoder 106 may be obtained by a beam splitter or fiber coupler A 25 (FIG. 1), where an optical isolator 23 should be used to protect any lights returning back to the optical laser source 103.
[0148] Advantageously the balanced detection may be applied for the POFDR measurement, however a detection using one detector is also practical. The balanced detection may be constructed by the free-space optics as FIG. 5A or 5B or using fiber optic components as shown in FIGS. 5C-5G. It should be noted such balanced detection could be used for the examples of POFDR described in this document.
[0149] For the high spatial-resolved polarization-sensitive optical time domain reflectometer (POTDR) as illustrated in FIG. 6 comprises pulsed light source means 23, bidirectional polarization controller means 36 (conveniently referred to as an I/O PC controller means, sampling and averaging unit and data processor means 501, all controlled by a control unit 501, and detection means comprising first and second detectors A and B, 62A and 64A, respectively. The pulsed light source means 23 is coupled to a polarization maintaining fiber (PMF) 26 for producing light source for launching into a fiber-under-test (FUT) 100 from connector 40 via the I/O state of polarization (I/O-SOP) polarization controller (I/O-PC) means 36, which also receives corresponding backreflected light from the FUT 100, for example via an input and out port or connector. For the embodiments using the POTDR as illustrated in FIG. 6, etc. it may necessary to use a narrow light pulse width, for example 0.1 ns to 100 ns and a high detection bandwidth, e.g. up 10 MHz to 10 GHz, for the detectors A and B, 62A and 64A, respectively and a high sampling rate for the ADC. It is appreciated to be understood that the relative low sampling rate ADC may be used if the time shifting sampling technique, for example for the 1 ns light pulse the ADC may have sampling rate of 100 MSPS under sampling an operation of 10 shifted time with a step of 1 ns, may be applied in the embodiments for the sake of the low-cost instrument design.
[0150] The disclosed technology encompasses various modifications to the embodiments shown in FIGS. 1-9. For example, the PMF may be replaced by a polarization controller connected by non-polarization-maintaining fiber.
[0151] If the optical path between the output of tunable light source means 103 or 23 and the input of the polarization beam splitter 34 is polarization-maintaining, the polarization-maintaining circulator 32 could be replaced by a polarization-maintaining coupler (e.g., a 50/50 coupler). The circulator can be used and it gives about 3 dB more dynamic range than a 50/50 coupler.
[0153] Although these modifications may be applied separately, the embodiment of the disclosed technology illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 6 includes several such modifications.
[0154] Instead of PBS 34 in the FIGS. 4A, 4B and 8A, 8B, the polarization beam splitter 34 may comprise a polarizer 34A, at the expense of another polarization component of the test light. The detector is connected to one of the arms of the backreflection extractor 32, i.e. signal output 2, for example at an optic circulator or a coupler so as to detect a fraction of the backreflected light for processing to deduce the total backreflected power of the lights. Indeed when a polarization beam splitter 34 may be used as shown in FIGS. 4A, 4B and 8A, 8B the two signal outputs 1 and 2 are obtained for the coherent (POFDR) or non coherent detection (POTDR).
[0155] Alternatively for the embodiment of FIG. 4D, the polarizer 34A is removed, as shown in FIG. 1E. In such configuration, the detector 62 is still connected to one of the arms of the backreflection extractor 32, for example at an optic circulator or a coupler so as to detect a fraction of the backreflected light for processing to deduce the total backreflected power of the lights. Indeed in the embodiment of FIG. 1E only one of the two orthogonal light polarization components is detected due to the polarization sensitive coherent detection by detectors 62.
[0156] In the POFDR of FIG. 1 and the POTDR of FIG. 6 could then be carried out, although not required as stated above, to calibrate the relative sensitivities of the detectors including the losses induced by the intervening circulator or coupler, etc.
[0157] Alternatively for the embodiment, for example of FIGS. 4G, 4H and 8G, 8I, two separate and uncorrelated I-PC controller 36A or I-PSG 36C and O-PC controller 36B may be used. In the such embodiments, e.g. of FIGS. 4G, 4H and 8G, 8I, the same basic theory may be applied as such for the FIGS. 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D and 8E but having different theoretical constant as such described herein. The FIG. 4F or 8F is a simple configuration where the O-PC 36B is removed from FIG. 4G or 8G.
[0158] It should be appreciated that, in the embodiments involved with at least two detectors, calibration of the mean relative gain is not required; the measured total power is independent of SOP, and there is no need for an "absolute" calibration to directly measure absolute transmission values; they can be obtained to within an unknown constant factor. The subsequent normalization over the mean traces averaged over part or all SOPs, as described hereinbefore, eliminates the unknown factor.
[0159] It is envisaged that the detection means might comprise a single detector and normalized OFDR or OTDR traces be obtained by computing an average of all of the OFDR or OTDR traces, and dividing each of the OFDR or OTDR traces by the said average OFDR or OTDR trace, point by point, to obtain normalized OFDR or OTDR traces, as described in detail hereinbefore.
[0161] In the above-described embodiments, the operation of the I/O-PC polarization controller 36 is such that, for a given SOP of the light (which can be any SOP on the Poincare Sphere) received at its input, the SOP of the light leaving its output will be any one of a number of substantially uniformly distributed SOPs on the Poincare Sphere, whether the distribution is of deterministic or random nature. Typically, the number of I-SOPs and O-SOPs is each about 3-100 for normal acquisition mode while for 100-1000 for high quality acquisition mode, but it could be any practical number. It is noted that for the I/O-SOP random controlling mode the distribution of each of the I-SOPs and O-SOPs need not, and generally will not, be truly random; so pseudo-random might be a more appropriate term in the case where a random distribution is indeed used for convenience because it is easier and less expensive to implement than a uniform grid of I-SOPs and O-SOPs.
[0162] Although two detectors or two balanced detectors may be used to obtain two orthogonal polarization components simultaneously and advantageously a total power can be acquired for an accurate normalization for each I/O-SOP, it is envisaged that the two detectors or two balanced detectors descried in these embodiments could be replaced by one detector plus one optical switch.
[0163] A normalized OFDR trace would be obtained by dividing at least one of the OFDR or OTDR traces corresponding to the two detected different polarization components by the sum of the OFDR or OTDR traces corresponding to the two detected different polarization components. This alternative may be used regardless of whether the analyzer and detector unit comprises a PBS or a coupler. Any modification to the normalization and processing is expected to be minor and within the common general knowledge of a person skilled in this art.
[0164] It is also envisaged that a rotating polarization adjuster, whether it is with a polarizer or a PBS, may be used to sequentially acquire two orthogonal components for example via rotating the polarization by 90° to switch from detecting Px to detecting Py, or from detecting Py to detecting Px. The detector means 62, whether a single detector or two detectors, and the sampling and averaging unit 92, may be as used in standard commercial OTDRs that are known to a person skilled in this art.
[0165] It is also envisaged that an I/O-PC polarization controller or two separated I-PC controller and O-PC controller as illustrated in the embodiments as illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 6 may be used to sequentially acquire several "uniform" polarization states regarding Poincare sphere, for example linear vertical polarization state (LVP), linear +45 degree polarization state (L+45), right circular polarization state (RCP), and as well with their orthogonal polarizations as linear horizontal polarization state (LHP), linear -45 degree polarization state (L-45), left circular polarization state (LCP).
[0166] In the embodiment FIGS. 4F, 4H, 4G, 8F, 8G, and 8H, a input polarization state generator I-PSG 36C is employed to produce several "uniform" polarization states regarding Poincare sphere.
[0167] It should be noted that the polarization analyzer and detection means 61 could be designed as the light polarization analyzer, for example such polarization analyzer could be a polarimeter (FIG. 9E), a polarization scrambler with a linear polarizer or a polarization beam splitter.
[0168] The control unit 501 may advantageously be a separate computer. However, it is noted that a single computer could perform the functions of the signal processing, for example the FFT, averaging, filtering, etc. as for the sampling, signal processing and averaging unit 501, as well for the data processor and the control.
[0169] Various other modifications to the above-described embodiments may be made in implementations. For instance the tunable laser source 103 or 23 and I/O-SOP controller 36 could be replaced by some other means of providing the different polarization states of the laser lights entering the FUT 100 and analyzing the resulting backreflected signal caused by Rayleigh scattering and/or discrete reflections leaving the FUT 100.
[0170] Thus, a polarimeter may be used (splitters with three or more analyzers and photodetectors in parallel), which measures more than one polarization component of the backreflected signal simultaneously, or some other configuration, for example one after another, so that the power that reaches the photodetectors is dependent on the state of polarization (SOP) of the backreflected light.
[0171] It should be noted that each group is not limited to one pair of fiber distance. Indeed it may be advantageous to acquire an entire POFDR or POTDR trace for the FUT 100 with sufficiently spatial and sampling resolutions, and then to select the different distance steps for the signal (data) processing regarding to the bend radius, bend or stress strength, bend or stress length, etc.
[0172] It should also be noted that the above-described embodiment may have the change of the center wavelength for each I/O-SOP and the fiber bend or stress induced birefringence and bend or stress characteristics may be computed by averaging over an entire wavelength range.
[0173] It should be noted that the optical frequency encoder unit 106 may further consists of a oscillation signal (e.g. sine waveform) frequency doubling 73 to generate 2, 4, . . . , 2N times oscillation frequency to provide an accurately laser frequency determination by using a short delay 70 as illustrated in FIG. 3A. The optical frequency encoder unit 106 may have a further step to produce a clock signal from a clock signal generation 71 to trigger a AD converter to sample the measurement signals from detectors A and B, 62A and 64A, respectively.
[0174] In order to measure the FUT length beyond the laser coherent length, a frequency shifter and several different delay line may be used. Advantageously such arrangement could significantly increase an OFDR measurement distance for the FUT 100 without losing a spatial resolution of the instrument and its measurable distance is dependent on the number of delay lines.
[0178] To set I/O-SOP selected by the I/O-PC polarization controller 36 for each POFDR or each pair of POTDR traces.
[0182] With the group number register initialized to i=0, decision step 10.7 determines whether the total number of groups of traces have been acquired; if not, the program proceeds to step 10.8 to acquire the group i of OFDR or OTDR traces.
[0184] Once the ith OFDR or OTDR traces have been acquired as described above, in step 10.9 (see FIGS. 10A and 10B) the group is saved into the data file. It should be noted that for the OFDR step 10.9b is a FFT processing and length calibration to calculate the OFDR trace, i.e. to obtain loss as a function of FUT distance, but for the OTDR step 10.9b may be an optional step that may simple repeat the data acquisition of step 10.9a so as to remove those un-correlated noises in the mean square (MS) or root-mean square (RMS) computation, for example, to average away the electronic noise, polarization noise, in the MS or RMS optical signal (transmission) computation.
[0186] For the OFDR acquisition as for the embodiment in FIG. 1, after step 10.8, steps 10.9a and 10.9b will be repeated for K different center-wavelengths but the same I/O-SOP, selected by the I/O-PC controller 36 and until 2MK OFDR traces have been acquired after for M different I/O-SOPs and the acquired data are stored in the data file. Alternatively for the OFDR acquisition as for the embodiment in FIG. 10A, steps 10.9a and 10.9a' will be repeated for the same center-wavelengths and the same I/O-SOP, selected by the I/O-PC 36 for at least twice where a pair of OFDR traces has been acquired after step 10.9b and then stored in the data file, and then such steps of 10.9a and 10.9a' are repeated for M different I/O-SOPs. For the OTDR acquisition as for the embodiment in FIG. 10B, steps 10.9a and 10.9b will also be repeated for the same center-wavelengths and the same I/O-SOP, selected by the I/O-PC 36 for at least twice where a pair of OTDR traces has been acquired and stored in the data file, and then such steps of 10.9a and 10.9b are repeated for M different I/O-SOPs.
[0187] At this stage, the measurement parameters and all groups of OFDR or OTDR traces have been saved in the same data file.
[0188] If processing is initiated, step 10.14 allows the user to select the data file to be processed in a conventional "open file" dialog box, whereupon, in step 10.16, the data processor accesses the pre-saved acquisition data and associated measurement parameters from the data file, and uses the data to compute fiber bend or stress induced birefringence or bend or stress characteristics as a function of distance (z) along the FUT.
[0189] The manner in which the data processing step 10.19 in FIGS. 10A and 10B is processed following the below section (D) of "Theory and Signal Processing of Uniformly or Randomly Scrambled Input/Output SOP Analysis Method for Distributed Birefringence Measurement" and as well other procedures described herein.
[0191] Each group OFDR traces obtained for K center wavelength for one set input and output state-of-polarization (I/O-SOP) for the single-end POFDR based distributed fiber birefringence and bend analysis constitutes the elementary data points. Each OFDR acquisition consists of two OFDR traces and each such trace has N power values corresponding to N values tn of the time t, with n=0 . . . (N-1).
[0192] The data unit consists of two OFDR traces as such for FIGS. 4A and 4B where two OFDR traces are obtained simultaneously from photodetectors with their coherent detections (or alternatively sequentially in the case where an optical switch is used with one detector), all obtained with a given I/O-SOP as set by I/O-PC 36 and a swept wavelength range for a set central wavelength. Note it may be necessary to repeat such data acquisition for several different set central wavelengths, e.g. K, with the same I/O-SOP, especially for a `narrow` swept wavelength range may be used, for example of 2.5-125 GHz in C or L bands. Otherwise there is no required for many such `repeated` measurements for the central wavelengths if a wide swept wavelength may be used, for example >125 GHz in C or L bands or any telecom wavelength. (It is also necessary to be understood that too wide wavelength range, e.g. 20 nm in C-band, may not be necessary to bring significantly advantages but it may disadvantageously provide un-reliable measurement results in some case if there may be significantly depolarization from fiber PMD.) The two traces forming group k have been obtained in the following sequence (time flowing from left to right), where the labels x and y refer to the traces obtained simultaneously from photodetectors PDx and PDy corresponding to the detection output A and detection output B, respectively, for example as shown in FIG. 5C, Δλ=λL.sup.(k)-λS.sup.(k) (L, S mean Long and Short, respectively) equals to the tunable laser source swept wavelength range, the central wavelength is defined as λk=(λS.sup.(k)+λL.sup.(k))/2.
[0193] The overall data for the data processing (or stored in the data file after acquisition) is depicted as a below matrix (A) below, to which we will refer in all that follows. The matrix comprises K groups pair of OFDR traces (x and y) as a function of time (t), each consisting of N points corresponding to N values of time tn for K different laser central wavelengths that has a wavelength tuning range of Δλ, where n=0 . . . (N-1), for totally M different I/O-SOPs:
[0194] As shown in the data structure (D1), the data is the OFDR power as a function of time (t) (instead of power as a function of distance (z) as discussed in next section).
[0195] Also the data groups in the bold squares are considered these basic OFDR group traces, where the group traces from different I/O-SOPs must be processed independently, i.e. they can be considered un-correlated, but the group traces from the same I/O-SOP should be processed together before to extract the fiber birefringence and bend or stress information in order to achieve a best instrument performance.
[0196] It should emphasis again that if a wide wavelength range is used, for example >125 GHz along 1550 nm, then K can be set 1, i.e. only one single central wavelength is used. Otherwise, K may be set as 2 to 20 or any practical number if a wavelength range may be small, for example of 5-10 GHz, where it is important to require that every central wavelength must be different from each other.
[0197] Next step is the FFT computation for each acquired time domain OFDR RAW data in the Data matrix (A). The frequency domain data group can be obtained as described in following section.
[0198] After the FFT a new matrix data structure (B) is obtained that comprises K groups pair of OFDR traces (x and y) as a function of frequency (ν)--beating frequency between local oscillation lights and backreflected lights, each consisting of N' points corresponding to N' values of frequency νn' for K different laser central wavelengths that has the wavelength tuning range of Δλ, where n'=0 . . . (N-1), for totally M different I/O-SOPs:
[0199] As shown in the data structure (B), the data after the FFT is the OFDR power as a function of frequency or beating frequency (ν).
[0200] The measured light beating frequencies correspond the round-trip times of lights travelling for different locations/distances of the FUT and a laser frequency tuning speed so that it is also dependent on the fiber index, laser frequency tuning speed, etc. Here we propose an automatic fiber length calibration procedure by using a known length of the internal reference fiber to automatically calibrate the instrument so as to provide a fair accurate (but simple and robust) absolute FUT length if knowing the fiber type of the FUT is the same or similar as the internal reference fiber. Otherwise, if the fiber type is very different, then different ROIs (reflective of index) would provide a highly uncertainty for the measured fiber length. However, such uncertainty can be reduced to allow user to input a known ROI for the FUT. Indeed it is true for the most of fibers in the field, especially for the access network for the FTTH application, the standard optical fibers are used, e.g. G.652, G.657, with very similar ROIs.
[0201] The fiber length automatically calibration is to use an internal reference reflector that has a well known factory calibrated length and then every measurements in the field will compute the FUT length according to the reference length by simply to calculate the ratio between the measured FUT lengths and internal reference length. Although such length reference may not have a very high degree absolutely length accuracy, it can still provide fairly reliable and robust length measurement accuracy, e.g. with an uncertainty of <1 mm, especially helpful for the field T&M application. After the fiber length automatically calibration procedure, the spatial domain OFDR traces are ready for further computation and display (e.g. display of the distributed fiber loss, events, and optical return loss).
[0202] It is appreciated to be noted that above such length calibration procedure may not be necessary and such fiber length or distance could be obtained from other manner, such as a theoretical computation based on a laser frequency speed, a fiber ROI, etc. or any other method.
[0203] After above several steps, i.e. the FFT, length calibration procedures, etc., a new matrix data structure (C) is obtained that comprises K groups pair of OFDR traces (x and y) as a function of distance (z), each consisting of N'' points corresponding to N'' values of distance zn'' for K different laser central wavelengths that has the wavelength tuning range of AX, where n''=0 . . . (N''-1), for totally M different I/O-SOPs:
[0204] As shown in the data structure (C), the data after the FFT and internal reference length calibration or other method the OFDR power as a function of FUT distance (z) is ready for further bend analysis data processing, where the OFDR traces are similar as standard OTDR traces that is obtained in time domain acquisition using a pulsed light source.
[0205] It should be noted that for the POTDR configurations as described in embodiments FIGS. 6, 8A, 8B and 9A, the data structure (C) could be directly acquired after many averaging and above other steps are not required. However, the data structure for the POTDR should be as no repeated center wavelength required but require to do repeated measurements for at least twice for each Px and Py acquisition with the same I/O-SOP, etc. but acquired only from different time. Indeed such acquisition could advantageously reduce the noise after overall averaging of acquired data for many different I/O-SOPs, where a mean square calculation may be performed by using acquired POTDR data from different times.
[0206] Note in the instrument design for the distances between PBS 34 and two photodetectors (PDx and PDy) 62A and 64A must be set the same or very close.
[0207] As shown in the embodiment FIG. 1A where two photo-detectors are used for the OFDR acquisitions, thus it is necessary to perform the below described calibration procedure of the relative gain (including optical loss) for the two detectors PDx and PDy, respectively, before proceeding with any further computation. It should be noted the below described auto calibration includes for both electronic detection gain and optical insertion loss. Also this calibration is `relatively`, however, as we will describe in below data processing for the fiber birefringence and bend computation, there does not require for an absolute power measurement because of the normalization and equalization procedures could work with relative signal power or intensity although an absolute power calibration providing absolute light power value can also work for the signal processing, e.g. for the normalization and equalization procedures, etc.
[0208] The calibration principle is predicated upon the fact that, when an I/O-SOP polarization controller or scrambler is used to generate a sufficiently large number of SOPs so as to substantially cover the Poincare Sphere, in uniformly or random manner, the average power of the backreflected lights, high backreflections, e.g. from connection, etc., and Rayleigh backscattering (RBS) over any segments along the FUT will exit from the two ports of the PBS 34 with a 2:1 ratio, the higher power corresponding to the port to which detector A PDx is connected and the lower power corresponding to the port to which detector B PDy is connected. Hence, any observed deviation from this 2:1 ratio for the observed detector powers can be quantified and taken into account, as follows.
[0209] After the data acquisition, FTT and length calibration procedures are completed, 2KM groups of pair (two) OFDR traces obtained from both photodetectors (PDx detection output A and PDy detection output B, respectively) have been obtained and may be further stored, i.e., a total number of J=2KM traces from detector PDx and also J=2KM traces from detector PDy, as depicted in data matrix (c). The jth traces (j=0, 1 . . . (J-1)) from PDx and PDy are referred to below as Pkx,m(z)j and Pky,m(z)j, respectively, where k=0, 1 . . . (K-1) and m=0, 1 . . . (M-1).
[0210] If the overall losses in the two arms from the PBS 34 two detectors A and B, i.e. two optical paths from PBS 34 to detector A and detector B, respectively, were identical and the gains of both photodetectors and associated electronics were also equal, the ratio of the traces Px and Py after averaging over all J and over all the N values of z, for example using a known internal reference fiber length inside instrument or other fiber or device connected to instrument, would be
[0211] In practice, the ratio obtained from the average of the measured traces does not equal 2 because of different optical losses from the two arms of the PBS and different `effective` gains of the photodetectors, which includes the photodiode responsivity as well as the overall gains of the following electronics, amplifiers, and sampling circuit, etc. Note that it is not necessary to determine the individual gains or loss separately although it may still be an approach if a calibration procedure may be performed in such way. Therefore, before proceeding with the rest of the computations below, all the J traces obtained from photodetector PDy, i.e. all the Py(z)j, are multiplied as follows:
[0212] In practice, for the central wavelengths that are relatively closed to a narrow wavelength range, e.g. <5-20 nm, as the case for our fiber bend analyzer instrument, the relative wavelength dependence of the components, detectors, etc., may be negligible and this calibration process need only be carried out once per POFDR measurement sequence. Otherwise, this calibration may need to be carried out at every central wavelength, thereby increasing the overall calibration time, however this is still feasible because this calibration may not be required very often, for example at factory before the instrument being shipped out to costumers. However, if the instrument calibration is invalid due to environment changes then the user could still perform a calibration procedure according to his own environment situation. In another side for a case if an environment condition may be varied but it could be known, for example for a temperature issue that could be measured by using an internal temperature sensor, then a factory calibration data could still be used if such calibration data obtained in the factory are stored.
[0213] As a result of the calibration, i.e. after all Py traces have been multiplied by the measured relative gain as described above, the data processor now can compute the normalized OFDR traces. More precisely, the normalized traces in the case for the PBS embodiments are obtained by dividing either the sampled signal Px from detector PDx and signal Py from detector PDy by their sum (Px+Py) of the sampled signals from both of the detectors PDx and PDy which represents the total backreflected power before incident on the PBS, i.e., without selection of a particular polarization component.
[0214] It should be appreciated to be noted that this gain/loss calibration procedure can also be done by other different calibration method, for example by incident scrambled lights in the instrument via connector 40.
[0216] If a tunable laser and a polarization controller are used to launch and control the input light incident at an one end of FUT and a polarization state analyzer and power detectors (PDx and PDy) are used to measure the powers from the FUT from the same end of FUT 100, at two closely spaced fiber distances, zS and zL, around a given center distance, zc, for a large number M of input/output state of polarizations, i.e., I/O-SOPm, where m=1, 2, . . . , M, each referring to both the input-SOP (I-SOP) and the output-SOP (O-SOP) that sees the analyzer axis by the received light. Both the I-SOP and the O-SOP should be chosen in a well uniformly or random distributed manner, such that the points conventionally representing SOPs on the Poincare sphere are uniformly-distributed over the surface of sphere, whether the distribution is uniform or random grid of points. It has been observed that, on average over a sufficiently large, uniformly distributed number K (≧3-100) of I/O-SOPs, the mean-square difference between normalized powers measured at a distance pair of zS and zL is related to the local birefringence, Δβ(z,ω), at a given center distance, zc, where zc=(zS+zL)/2, by a simple known relationship, valid in all cases for any type of practical FUTs,
where < >SOP represents an average over the M I/O-SOPs, Δz=zL-zS is the distance step, ω=2πc/λ. The equation (4) can be valid for the correlated I/O-SOP setting as the set-up embodiment in FIG. 1A where one polarization controller or scrambler 36 is used, and in such POFDR configuration αs= {square root over (15)}. ΔT(z,ω) is a transmission difference between the two analyzed transmissions (i.e. normalized powers) measured at zS and zL, respectively, and its mean-square transmission difference is,
[0217] The equation (4) could be valid for the uncorrelated I-SOP and O-SOP, for example by two uncorrelated polarization controllers or scramblers, and then αs=3 {square root over (2)} is a theoretical constant. For the set-up configuration where one polarization or scrambler is used, then αs= {square root over (15)}. ΔT(z,ω) is a transmission difference between the two analyzed transmissions (i.e. normalized powers) measured at zS and zL, respectively, and its mean-square transmission difference ΔT(z,ω)2 for the transmission difference ΔT(z,ω) between the two analyzed transmissions (i.e. normalized powers) measured at zS and zL, respectively, can be computed as a function of distance z, where z=(zS+zL)/2 and Δz=(zL-zS),
and, for a short wavelength range, the mean-square difference may be averaged over both SOP and wavelengths as,
where the reference mean-value βo is a theoretical constant that is dependent on measurement input and output polarization set-up configurations, i.e. either two uncorrelated polarization controllers or scramblers or one correlated polarization controller or scrambler.
[0219] For the set-up configuration using two uncorrelated polarization controllers or scramblers, for example as FIG. 1D,
and for the set-up configuration using only uncorrelated polarization controllers or scramblers, for example as FIGS. 1B and 1C, where x polarization component is detected,
[0222] Its mean-square transmission difference <ΔT(z,ω)2> for the transmission difference ΔT(z,ω) between the two analyzed transmissions (i.e. normalized powers) measured at zS and zL, respectively, can be computed as a function of distance z, where z=(zS+zL)/2 and Δz=(zL-zS),
and, for a short wavelength range, the average of many different central wavelengths can be used, the mean-square difference may be averaged over both SOP and wavelengths as,
[0223] Furthermore, for the rms local birefringence measurement, the average of many different central wavelengths, especially for a short wavelength range can be used for each individual acquisition, i.e., in equation (1) averaging could also be carried out over both many I/O-SOPs and wavelengths to obtain the rms local birefringence, Δ(z), over the prescribed wavelength range as,
[0224] where < >SOP,ω as in equations (12') and (13) represents the average over the K I/O-SOPs for M different central wavelengths each with a predefined wavelength range. For the set-up configuration when a common (same) state of polarization controller or scrambler is used as both input and output light SOPs' controlling, the theoretical constant αs in equations (4) and (13) αs can be expressed as,
[0226] It should be noted that equations (4) and (13) are the simple differential formula which are valid for a sufficiently small distance step Δz (Δz=zL-zS) between the closely-spaced distances. However, for a large distance step other differential formula may be used, for example, arcsin formula as,
[0228] The local birefringence value or averaged local birefringence (RMS or mean) value over an wavelength range that is extracted from above equations (4), (13), (15) and (16) is valid for the single-end measurement for both configurations when a common (same) state of polarization controller (scrambler), and when two uncorrelated (different) state of polarization controllers (scramblers), then a different theoretical constant αs must be applied.
[0229] It should also be noted that the local birefringence value or averaged local birefringence value over a wavelength range that is extracted from above equations (4), (13), (15) and (16) is not the one-way (forward) birefringence value from the FUT, for example, for the single-end measurement configuration it is a roundtrip value for the FUT. Thus, a roundtrip factor (e.g. η≈0.61) is required to multiply on a measured roundtrip local birefringence for equations (4), (13), (15) and (16) in order to provide one-way (forward) distributed local birefringence of the test fiber.
[0230] It should be noted that equations (4) and (15) produce a fiber birefringence value at a given (fixed) wavelength or a given laser spectral wavelength range, e.g. for OFDR it has a swept wavelength range Δλ at a center wavelength λc or for OTDR it is referred as a pulsed laser spectral width with a center wavelength λc, or defined as the average wavelength for a particular prescribed wavelength range that is used in the measurement and equations (13) and (16) gives an averaged fiber birefringence over an optical prescribed wavelength/frequency range, where the fiber birefringence may be varied with the optical wavelength/frequency.
[0231] For the typical fiber with the weak bend or stress induced birefringence the weak mode coupling may be expected for the birefringence in the single short bend length/distance, for example, a half or quarter turn bend, e.g. with a radius of 5-20 mm, that presents a bend fiber length of few cm.
[0232] Above equations described for the single-end distributed fiber birefringence measurement can apply for measuring single-end fiber local birefringence as a function of distance z by analyzing the Rayleigh backscattering lights for each location (z) along FUT length--a distributed bend or stress measurement. Thus, it is necessary to use a high spatial resolved reflectometery, for example to apply a wide tunable frequency range for the OFDR, e.g. 1-10 nm. It should also be noted in order properly to measure the distributed bend or stress induced fiber birefringence a high spatial resolved polarization sensitive reflectometery, for example POFDR, etc., is recommended, especially for accurately measuring the bend radius, bend or stress length and especially for measuring fiber bend events one after another within a short distance. However, other type high spatial-resolved OTDR may be also possible, such as photon-counting OTDR or an improved high spatial resolved commercial available OTDR instrument.
[0233] For the typically FTTH fiber installation situation it may be expected that the fiber bend or stress events may be separated by over few to thousands mm although some events may be located very closely, for example few mm, thus a well designed commercial available OTDR with a short OTDR pulse, for example ˜0.1 ns to 10 ns, may also be used for the above fiber bend induced birefringence analysis although a poor performance may be expected.
[0234] The different ΔT(z,ω) values obtained with different I/O-SOPs may be different between whole OFDR traces as a function of z, instead of just one single number. Also note T(ν,z) is a normalized and equalized trace as a function of fiber length z.
[0235] It should be noted that a very narrow tunable laser frequency range of the OFDR would give a poor spatial resolution. A wide tunable and high coherence laser sources can be used, e.g. tunable external cavity laser, tunable narrow linewidth fiber laser, tunable narrow linewidth semiconductor laser, etc., for the OFDR or a very short pulse for the OTDR so as to have a sufficient spatial resolution in the field. However, when a very wide wavelength light source may be used, a "depolarization" effect may be occurred because of possible fiber PMD. Indeed for a very short fiber, such effect may be negligible, however, a "depolarization" may also come from if a FUT length is long or even from other sources, for example the light polarization fluctuation due to fiber moving, et al. It should be noted that such "depolarization" effect may be only related to the light polarization, but it may also be related to any "noises" and such "noises" could/might degrade the signal's polarization, and such "noise" could be from any sources, for example, the laser phase noises mixed with these beating signals at their same beating frequencies for an POFDR. Here we take account of the finding that when the tested light "polarization" may be varied due to any such "depolarization" effect the mean-square differences <ΔT(z,ω)2>SOP or <ΔT(z,ω)2>SOP,ω are "scaled down" by a factor that can be computed independently from the same raw data and such factor could be a relative variance of the traces and as a function of z.
[0236] It is worthy to be noted that in order to further reduce the `variation` or `fluctuation` or any `noises`, e.g. from a laser phase, on the measured optical parameter, the relative variance of the OFDR or OTDR traces may be calculated by an average over both the I/O-SOP and wavelengths.
[0237] Furthermore the averages indicated in equation (16) can be carried out over both I/O-SOPs and wavelengths and for the averages over many central wavelengths is particular important for the randomly birefringence mode coupling. However, no wavelength averages may be required for the weak birefringence mode coupling (as equations (4) and (15)) and indeed this could be some situations for the field FTTH fiber bend or stress induced weak birefringence cases where the local fiber birefringence may be induced from only a quarter or a half turn bend. But averaging over an enough wavelength range is critical to reduce the coherence noise as well to have an enough spatial resolution. It was observed that a 1 to 2 nm continuously tunable wavelength range to have a spatial resolution of 1 mm is sufficiently for the instrument design requirement regarding its cost, performance, etc. for the field test and measurement application, while other design parameters may also be possible, for example to use several discrete central wavelengths with a continuous narrow tunable wavelength range, as shown for the data matrix (A), (B) and (C) where K>1. Note if K could be set 1 if a swept wavelength range is wide.
[0238] Moreover, when the forward fiber birefringence value is to be displayed instead of the roundtrip birefringence value so as to estimate the fiber quality or lifetime or pass/fail situation, the result is multiplied by the above-specified roundtrip factor which for the both weak birefringence mode coupling case and randomly birefringence mode coupling case can be written as,
[0239] It is worthy to be noted that a linear component of the forward (one way) local birefringence could be calculated by using η=0.5 for two independent I-PC and O-PC. An overall local birefringence could be calculated by using η≈0.61 or η= {square root over (3/8)} for applying either two independent or dependent I-PC and O-PC.
[0241] As mentioned above for the most practical fiber bend or stress induced birefringence situations in the field, for example FTTH, the weak birefringence mode coupling in a short fiber bend distance/length may be possible so the equation (15) can be written as,
[0242] It is worthy to be understood that above MS or RMS computation has significantly advantages over the mean value computation. This is because the MS or RMS computation could reduce the detection noises to the second order because the mean-square transmission difference ΔT (z,ω)2 computation will remove the linear term of transmission difference multiplying noise after averaging many I/O-SOPs. Indeed such MS or RMS computation could significantly improve the instrument performance because it may be much tolerate the noises, e.g. detection electronic noise, polarization noise from fiber moving, et al.
[0243] It should also be noted and emphasise here that above said MS or RMS computation for the POTDR measurements may use repeated data measurements, as shown steps 10.9a and 10.9b (FIG. 10B) for the OTDR data acquisition or steps 10.9a and 10.9a' (FIG. 10A), and in such repeated data signal processing these noises, e.g. from detection, polarization, laser phase, et al, could be significantly reduced. It should be noted that such repeated data computation could be applied for any MS or RMS calculation so that the noise term could be no longer squared in the MS or RMS computation to remove or significantly reduce those randomly uncorrelated noises, especially for the mean-square transmission difference computations as for Equations (5), (5') and (8').
[0245] An optical fiber tends to be subject to bending, forces or stresses in applications. For example, fibers used for an optical network or fiber communication link, such as International Telecommunication Union recommended ITU-T G.652 single-mode optical fiber and cable, would suffer a fiber bend or stress loss which may adversely affect the performance or reliability of the fiber. Such fiber bending or stress could be measured by a commercial multiple-wavelength optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR), e.g. at 1310 nm or 1550 nm, to distinguish a bend loss from other losses, e.g. broken or connection loss, by use of the measured bend or stress induced loss difference information at different wavelengths. Such measurement is based on a bigger mode field diameter at a longer wavelength, thus for the most installed telecom optical fiber a bend or stress induced loss is higher at a longer wavelength, for example a bend loss at 1550 nm is bigger than that at 1310 nm
[0246] The disclosed technology below includes, among others, methods apparatus for distributed measuring at least one fiber bend or stress related characteristics along an optical path of fiber under test (FUT) uses both a light input unit and a light output unit connected to the FUT at one single end. The disclosed technology provides, for example, methods and devices for measuring distributed bend- or stress-dependent characteristics of optical paths and can be applicable to the distributed measurement of bend parameters, for example, bend or stress radius, bend or stress length, bend or stress strength, fiber reliability and or quality, etc., and or fiber loss or attenuation difference between at least two wavelengths at a particular fiber distance, i.e. position or length, of an optical path which comprises mostly optical waveguide, such as an optical fiber or cable link, for example, for an optical fiber used for the optical network such as fiber to the home (FTTH) or any access optical network (FTTx) or multi-dwelling unit (MDU).
[0247] One aspect of the disclosed technology is the light input unit injects at least two different wavelengths, the short-wavelength (λS) and long-wavelength (λL), into the FUT. The input light at different wavelengths may be injected into the FUT in different ways, for example, sequential injection of one wavelength at a time by one after another or simultaneously injecting the different wavelengths. The output light unit extracts corresponding light from the FUT, analyzes and detects the extracted output light power, and processes the corresponding electrical signal to obtain transmitted optical power at each distance along the length of the FUT. A processing unit is provided to process the signals from the output light unit and computes at least one power difference in a measured power parameter corresponding to each of two distances from at least two different wavelengths, for example short-wavelength (λS) and long-wavelength (λL), respectively, the measured power difference parameter at a pair of distances being proportional to local fiber loss or attenuation parameter. The processing unit calculates the at least one bend or stress related FUT characteristics, for example, bend or stress radius, bend or stress strength, etc., as at least one predetermined function of the fiber loss (or loss difference) parameter value, and determines the measurement of the at least one bend or stress related FUT parameter, for example, a fiber bend or stress length. The processing unit further computes at least one bend or stress related fiber characteristics, for example, a mechanical reliability and or or an expected lifetime and or a failure rate statistics from macro-bend or stressed for the optical networks, for example, optical fiber or cable for the home (FTTH) or multi-dwelling unit (MDU) scenarios, as at least one predetermined function of the at least one bend or stress related FUT parameter, for example, macro-bend or stress radius or bend or stress strength along an optical fiber or cable path. The disclosed technology also provides methods for an instrument calibration or reference procedure of the fiber bend or stress information, for example, fiber bend or stress coefficient, for unknown fiber type by adding at least one known bend information, for example, the fiber bend or stress radius or strength, on an optical fiber or cable under test. Such a instrument calibration or reference procedure for the FUT can be used to acutely measure and characterize any fiber macro-bend or stress related bend characteristics on the FUT.
[0248] Another aspect of the disclosed technology includes an identification of fiber type along an optical FUT path from measured at least one macro-bend related information, for example, bend induced fiber loss, bend induced fiber birefringence, and others, by adding additional known macro-bend, for example, bend radius, on a FUT by using both a light input unit and a light output unit connected to the FUT at one single end.
[0249] Some commercial fibers used for access optical networks (FTTx) or multi-dwelling unit (MDU), e.g., recently developed new bend insensitive optical fiber such as the International Telecommunication Union's recommendation G.657 (Characteristics of a bending-loss insensitive single-mode optical fibre and cable for the access network) can be subject to significantly macro-bend without exhibiting any noticable bend loss, and, therefore, it would be difficult for various currently commercial available OTDR systems to measure this type of fiber bend using various existing techniques. This is in part because there is nearly no or negligible macro-bend induced loss, for example, in the optical spectrum at 1310 nm or 1550 nm, but the fiber may still be subject a macro-bending or stress or significantly macro-bending or stress from a poor fiber installation that may result a poor fiber reliability so as to short a fiber lifetime or even failure for networks. In practical fiber deployment, strongly macro-banded or stressed fiber could adversely affect the installed fiber quality and reliability, or could reduce a lifetime for the fiber. In various applications, it is desirable to measure such fiber macro-bend characteristics to estimate the fiber properties to provide an assessment on the fiber reliability or estimate on a fiber lifetime or a fiber failure statistics for a fiber network, e.g. for FTTH, FTTx, MDU, etc., and or for a quality analysis and a lifetime estimation. The disclosed technology can be used to advantageously identify a bend-caused loss and a bend characteristics and thus provides the capability beyond some existing OTDR methods.
[0250] In properly characterizing fiber macro-bands or stresses, it is important to estimate the fiber local bend or stress prosperities, e.g. bend radius, bend or stress length, bend or stress strength, etc., for a communications optical fiber cable link, e.g. using G.652 or G.657 fiber, so that it could be possible to accurately estimate an installed fiber reliability or quality or lifetime. In particular, due to r widely deployment of bend insensitive optical fiber for the optical network, for example, the FTTH access network, such bend insensitive optical fiber tends to exhibit no or negligible bend loss at the common used communication wavelengths (e.g., 1310 nm and 1550 nm). In such deployment, the deployed fiber may still be highly bended and such macro-bend may cause a problem for the fiber quality or even shorting the fiber life time. Therefore, testing and measuring the fiber bend properties can be important for current optical networks such as the FTTH access network when the bend insensitive optical fiber, for example G.657, is installed.
[0251] The disclosed technology in this document can be implemented to meet those and other needs for characterizing bend- or stress-related fiber characteristics as a function of distance along a fiber link, e.g., a link from a single-end of the FUT, that can be used for the field test and measurement for the optical networks, for example, FTTH, FTTx, MDU, etc.
[0252] For example, one test method to measure fiber bend or stress is to measure a bend induced birefringence, where the birefringence can be induced by the fiber bend or stress during the installation and is proportional to 1/R2, where R is the bend radius, so that it is possible to determine bend properties. Highly bent fiber would reduce the fiber lifetime or even to cause a fiber broken. This issue is particularly problematic for the highly bent installed optical fiber at home for the FTTH application. Thus, it is desirable to be able to obtain the local bend or stress characteristics or it is best to find local bend or stress properties at each fiber distances, for example, bend radius, bend or stress length, bend or stress strength, etc., along the optical fiber or cable.
[0253] Depending on the application, it is often desirable to measure the bend or stress induced fiber loss at specified wavelengths for an estimation of bend- or stress-related properties at a given distance. However, in many practical cases, it is not possible to measure the fiber loss at a given precision position by commercial available OTDR. This is because there may be no or negligible loss for the bend insensitive fiber, for example, for wavelengths at 1310 nm and 1550 nm, or due to a poor spatial resolution from an OTDR, for example a commercial OTDR has a limited spatial resolution of as large as 50 cm for designed wavelengths but a typically bend or stress length may be of a few mm to few cm, and hence it is not possible to obtain a reliable determination of the bend properties. The fiber loss or attenuation is varied as a function of the wavelength and the macro-bend loss should be higher at the longer wavelength. Hence, measurements at different wavelengths provide useful information.
[0254] It should also be noted distributed PMD can be measured by the fixed analyzer or equivalently wavelength scanning method which tends to take long measurement times and suffer reliability problem of fiber polarization fluctuation during the testing. An early successful commercial test and measurement instrument (FTB-5600, EXFO Inc.) for the field distributed PMD measurement was using random-scrambling technique, where many uncorrelated measurements are performed for many "closely-spaced optical frequency pairs" over a large wavelength to estimate a distributed cumulative PMD along the fiber so as to significantly reduce the measurement sensitivity to moving of the test fiber. However, it can be difficult for such a measurement technique to provide distributed bend or stress or bend or stress induced birefringence information, and as well such method is limited to have a long spatial resolution of greater than 5 m.
[0255] The disclosed technology can be used for, in some implementations, characterizing high spatial resolved wavelength-dependent loss and or bend- or stress-dependent characteristics as a function of distance along a fiber link from a single-end of the FUT that could also distinguish fiber type between a traditional optical fiber, e.g. a SMF-28, a bend insensitive optical fiber, etc.
[0256] The disclosed technology can be implemented in ways that can eliminate, or at least mitigate, the disadvantages or limitations discussed above. The disclosed methods or devices can be used to provide more effective or alternative fiber characterization.
[0257] In one aspect of the disclosed technology, there is provided a method of estimating at least one bend- or stress-related characteristics of an optical path by measuring wavelength-dependent-losses at at least two different wavelengths using light input means and light output means connected to the optical path at adjacent end, the light input means comprising light source means for supplying at least partially coherent light and light incident means for injecting said light into the FUT, and output light means comprising means for extracting corresponding light from the FUT, detection means for detecting the output power of extracted light corresponding to the at least two wavelengths to provide transmitted optical power difference at each distance of an optical path in each pair of distances, wherein the short-distance (zS) and long-distance (zL) said distances in each said group of distances being closely-spaced and analyzing means for analyzing said each optical power differences at each distances of an optical path in said each distance pair for each said at least two different wavelengths; and wherein the source, detection and analyzing means are at the same end of the FUT and the light source comprises either temporal pulses (or tunable CW narrow linewidth coherent lights); and wherein the said optical power difference parameter for said each at least two different wavelengths is different between the respective said at least two wavelengths, the method including the steps of:
[0258] i. Computing an optical power difference in a measured power parameter corresponding to each distance in said each pair of distances for each of the said at least two wavelengths at least one wavelength is a long wavelength, for example beyond 1600 nm, said measured power parameter being proportional to the power of the said analyzed and subsequently detected light, and wherein the said optical power difference is a fiber loss or fiber attenuation;
[0259] ii. Computing at least one different optical power difference (loss) between said at least two different wavelengths as a function of fiber distance, and distinguishing the macro-bend induced fiber loss from other losses;
[0260] iii. Calculating the value of bend- or stress-related FUT characteristic, for example bend radius, bend or stress strength, as at least one predetermined function of a said fiber loss or attenuation value at at least one corresponding optical wavelength at a longer wavelength or a fiber bend loss or attenuation difference between two different wavelengths, said predetermined function being dependent upon the small fiber distance or length difference between the distances corresponding to the closely-spaced fiber positions or locations;
[0261] iv. Computing the bend or stress parameter may also include a bend or stress length that is measured from the said different optical power difference (loss) according to the bend induced wavelength-dependent loss parameter at the at least one wavelength, from the longest wavelength, from the measured fiber loss or attenuation parameter, for example by using a high spatial resolved OTDR; and
[0262] v. Computing and outputting the value of the at least one bend or stress related fiber characteristic, for example, a mechanical reliability or an expect lifetime or a failure rate statistics for bended or stressed fiber to the home (FTTH) or multi-dwelling unit (MDU) scenarios, as at least one predetermined function of the one bend- or stress-related FUT characteristic along an optical fiber path.
[0263] In implementations, for measurements of wavelength-dependent fiber loss at a specified distance z for each said group comprises distance pairs having substantially said prescribed central distance, and the said bend-related FUT characteristic is computed from a wavelength dependent loss value, ΔL.sub.λj.sub.-dB(z,λ) at the at least one wavelength that may be measured at L or UL band of the telecommunication bands or even beyond, i.e. longer than L or U band wavelength or even greater than 1675 nm, for a bend distance Δz.
where the R(z) is the bend radius, the Rth is defined as a "threshold" bend radius where for this "threshold" bend radius there is no any or negligible bend or stress induced attenuation or loss on the optical fiber, and the η(λ) is the fiber type related bend or stress coefficient or simple as a fitting coefficient. Note that Rth and η(λ) could either from theoretical numerical simulations or from experimental calibrations, for example for a given optical fiber the Rth and η(λ) can be obtained from at least two bend induced loss measurements for two different bend radius. The ΔL.sub.λj.sub.-dB(z,λ) is a bend or stress induced loss without any non bend- or stress-related losses and depends on the optical wavelength, λ, and fiber properties, e.g. fiber cladding radius, refraction index, etc., Δz is the bend distance or a portion of bend or stress length.
[0265] The bend radius or bend or stress strength may be computed from the bend induced loss parameter, ΔL.sub.λj.sub.-dB(z,λ), from the longest wavelength according to the predetermined function.
[0266] The bend radius or bend or stress strength may be computed from the bend induced loss parameters, ΔL.sub.λj.sub.-dB(z,λ), from at least one or advantageously more wavelengths according to the predetermined function so that an improved instrument performance may be achieved.
[0267] The measurement can be performed by a high resolution OTDR, for example using a very short light pulse and a wide bandwidth detection OTDR, or photon-counting OTDR, or tunable CW narrow linewidth coherent lights based optical frequency domain reflectometer (OFDR).
[0268] In implementations, for measurement of at least one bend or stress related fiber characteristics, for example, a mechanical reliability or an expect lifetime or a failure rate statistics for bending of fiber, is calculated as one predetermined function of the at least one bend or stress related FUT characteristics along an optical fiber path.
[0269] The bend radius or bend or stress strength may also be computed from the bend or stress induced loss parameter, ΔL.sub.λj.sub.-dB(z,λ), from only one wavelength loss measurement according to the predetermined function assuming the loss parameter measured from the said one wavelength may be bend or stress induced fiber loss or attenuation or may mainly or major come from the fiber macro-bend or stress. Accordingly, a low-cost simple instrument can be realized by only using one wavelength laser to measure the bend or stress induced loss and such wavelength could be at any wavelength within telecom bands but advantageously in some implementations the wavelength can be a long wavelength, for example >1625 nm or even >1675 nm OFDR or OTDR instrument. Indeed it could be a test and measurement situation if the loss induced from bend or stress could be identified without using the second wavelength loss information, for example it is known there is no any other loss except for the bend or stress induced loss.
[0270] In implementations, measurements based on one optical wavelength or at least two optical wavelengths may be used. For example, in one implementation of measurements using two wavelengths, the measurements at the first wavelength can be used to obtain the main measurements for the loss measurement according to the predetermined function while the measured loss parameter from the second wavelength may be mainly used to identify the loss type, for example bend or stress induced fiber loss or attenuation although two wavelength fiber loss or attenuation information could improve the measurement reliability so as to improve the instrument performance.
[0271] The bend or stress induced fiber loss or attenuation could be extracted from a fiber total loss subtracting the non-bend or non-stress related loss and such non-bend or non-stress related loss could be obtained from any means, for example a reference measurement for the FUT without any bend or stress, or a fiber loss from a location that is close to the bend or stress position or even far away from the bend or stress location as long as a relationship between the measured fiber loss and the non-bend or non-stress loss may be known. The bend or stress induced loss parameter(s), ΔL.sub.λj.sub.-dB(z,λ), from the said wavelength(s) is the measured total loss to subtract these non-bend or non-stress related loss(es).
[0273] It should be noted that a bend radius may not be a radius and may be any bend or stress related strength parameter.
[0274] The disclosed technology can be implemented to provide a method to obtain the Rth and η(λ) coefficients either from theoretical numerical simulations or from experimental testing, for example for a given optical fiber the Rth and η(λ) can be obtained from at least two bend induced loss measurements from at least one wavelength for at least two different bend radius and then the Rth and η(λ) could be extracted according to the said formula
or the Rth and η(λ) can be obtained from at least two bend induced loss measurements for two different wavelengths for at least one bend radius and then the Rth and η(λ) could be extracted according to the said formula
[0275] A second aspect of the method is to provide an identification of fiber type along an optical FUT path from measured at least one macro-bend or stress related information, for example bend induced wavelength-dependent fiber loss, and or or bend induced fiber birefringence, etc., by adding additional known macro-bend, for example a bend radius, on a FUT by using both a light input unit and a light output unit connected to the FUT at one single end.
[0276] In a third aspect of the disclosed technology, a measurement instrumentation is provided for measuring at least one wavelength-dependent-loss bend- or stress-related characteristics of an optical path to include input light means and output light means connected to the optical path at adjacent end, the light input means comprising light source means for supplying at least partially coherent light and light incident means for injecting said light into the FUT, and output light means comprising means for extracting corresponding light from the FUT, detection means for detecting the output power of extracted light corresponding to the at least two wavelengths to provide transmitted optical power difference at each distance of an optical path in each distance pair, analyzing means for analyzing said each optical power difference at each distance of an optical path in said each distance pair for each said at least two different wavelengths, and processing means for processing the electrical signals from the output light means to determine said at least one wavelength-dependent-loss bend- or stress-related characteristic. The processing means performs the following processing:
[0277] i. Computing an optical power difference in a measured power parameter corresponding to each distance in said each pair of distances for each of the said at least two wavelengths at least one wavelength is a long wavelength, for example beyond 1600 nm, said measured power parameter being proportional to the power of the said analyzed and subsequently detected light, and wherein the said optical power difference is a fiber loss or fiber attenuation;
[0278] ii. Computing at least one different optical power difference (loss) between said at least two different wavelengths as a function of fiber distance, and distinguishing the macro-bend induced fiber loss from other losses;
[0279] iii. Calculating the value of bend- or stress-related FUT characteristic, for example bend radius, bend or stress strength, as at least one predetermined function of a said fiber loss or attenuation value at at least one corresponding optical wavelength at a longer wavelength or a fiber bend loss or attenuation difference between two different wavelengths, said predetermined function being dependent upon the said small fiber distance or length difference between the distances corresponding to the said closely-spaced fiber positions or locations;
[0280] iv. Computing the said bend or stress parameter may also include a bend or stress length that is measured from the said different optical power difference (loss) according to the said bend induced wavelength-dependent loss parameter at said at least one wavelength, e.g., from the longest wavelength, from the said measured fiber loss or attenuation parameter, for example by using a high spatial resolved OTDR; and
[0281] v. Computing and outputting the value of said at least one bend (macro-bend) or stress related fiber characteristics, for example, a mechanical reliability and or or an expect lifetime and or or a failure rate statistics for bended or stressed fiber of fiber to the home (FTTH) or multi-dwelling unit (MDU) scenarios, as at least one predetermined function of said one bend-related FUT characteristic along an optical fiber path.
[0282] The measurement instrumentation also provides a method to obtain the said Rth and η(λ) coefficients either from experimental testing, for example for a given optical fiber the Rth and η(λ) can be obtained from at least two bend induced loss measurements from at least one wavelength for at least two different bend radius and then the Rth and η(λ) could be extracted according to the said formula
or the Rth and η(λ) can be obtained from at least two bend induced loss measurements for two different wavelengths for at least one bend radius and then the Rth and η(λ) could be extracted according to the formula below:
[0283] FIGS. 11-14 show examples of a high spatial resolution OTDR devices or systems based on the disclosed technology, which can be advantageously used for various measurements including, e.g., single-ended measurements of the optical fiber bend or stress for the FTTx test, measurement and monitoring applications.
[0284] The examples include, among other components, (i) an optical source controller, (ii) an analyzer and detection unit, (iii) an analogue and digital signal processing unit, together with one single control unit, where all of the components of the measuring instrument are at the single (same) end of the FUT. Different examples may be implemented with various differences in configurations according to the different fiber bend measurement methods such as a fiber long wavelength loss measurement based fiber bend determination method. For example to select a wavelength in L or U bands or even >1675 nm that can have a measurable fiber loss that is induced from a fiber macro-bend while probably there may be now any or have negligible loss at telecomm wavelengths, for example at 1310 nm, 1490 nm and 1550 nm.
[0285] For the multi-wavelength high spatial-resolved optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) as illustrated in an embodiment of FIG. 1 includes different pulsed light sources at different wavelengths, e.g. 22-B1, 22-B2, . . . , 22-BN. Each light source may be a laser such as a DFB laser, a Fabry-Perot diode laser or other laser to enable selecting different central wavelength lasers for the OTDR acquisition, for example, 1550 nm, 1675 nm, or a wavelength longer than 1700 nm. A power splitter means or device 29 such as an optical coupler is provided to combine light of different wavelengths to the FUT 100. An optical circulator or coupler 32 is provided as a backreflection extractor between the optical splitter or coupler device 29 and the FUT 100 to direct the back reflection of the light from the FUT 100 to an optical detector 62A. A signal condition circuit (e.g., sampling and averaging unit) 92 is coupled to receive the optical detector output from the optical detector 62A, a data processor means or unit 94 is to receive the output from the sampling and averaging unit 92 and a display is coupled to the data processor 94 to display information to a user. Those components are controlled by a control unit 90. The sampling and averaging unit 92 performs signal sampling and averaging that is synchronized with the light pulsed source 22-B1, or 22B2, . . . , or 22-BN via control 90. The light pulsed source 22-B1, . . . , 22-BN is launched into a fiber-under-test (FUT) 100 from a connector 40, which also receives corresponding backreflected light from the FUT 100 that are caused by Rayleigh scattering and, in some cases, discrete (Fresnel) reflections via the connector 40 in the reverse direction.
[0286] In addition to controlling the sampling in unit 92, the control unit 90 controls or selects the wavelength of the laser sources 22-B1, . . . , 22-BN. More specifically, for each setting k of the laser central wavelengths, the control unit 90 causes the backreflected power to be measured at at least one pair of distances zS.sup.(k) and zL.sup.(k), respectively, that are closely-spaced relative to each other. The center distance of the distance pair is defined as the average of two actual distances, i.e., zC=(zS.sup.(k)+zL.sup.(k))/2. The labels S and L refer to "short" and "long" with respect to the center distance zC. A power difference in one pair of distances is a fiber loss (i.e. attenuation). The same computation may be performed for different OTDR trace at at least another one wavelength. A loss difference is then known at at least two different wavelengths, for example between 1550 nm and 1650 nm or 1675 nm (a wavelength beyond 1675 nm).
[0287] Other different embodiments as shown in FIGS. 2 and 3 are also possible, where in FIG. 2 a multi-wavelength pulsed laser source 22-B, for example from a widely tunable laser, could be used to select different wavelengths for the OTDR acquisition, while in FIG. 3 a multi-wavelength high spatial-resolved photon-counting OTDR would be used for achieving a high spatial resolution where a counter 92A is used.
[0288] Due to the single-mode fiber has different mode field diameter (MDF) for different wavelengths and a mode field diameter increases via wavelength increases, for example a MFD at 1550 nm is bigger that of 1310 nm and a MFD at 1650 nm is bigger than that of at 1550 nm and 1310 nm and also a macro-bend loss is proportional to 1/MFD, and then there is a difference for the bend induced losses between different wavelengths, i.e. loss at a longer is higher than that of at short wavelength. Generally the other loss, e.g. splice loss, connection loss, has less sensitive to the wavelength, thus the bend induced loss can distinguished from other losses after its loss can be measured at at least at two different wavelengths, e.g. at 1550 nm and 1650 nm or 1625 nm and 1675 nm, etc. Such losses can be measured by an OTDR as embodiments of FIGS. 1 and 2, photon-counting OTDR as embodiment of FIG. 3, or OFDR as shown in embodiment FIG. 14, etc.
[0289] After knowing the loss that is induced from macro-bending or stressing, a bend radius or a bend or stress strength can be estimated (see below section) and a bend or stress length may also be measured from an OTDR trace, in particular from a high spatial resolved OTDR or OFDR trace.
[0290] In some implementations, for an OTDR or OFDR design at least a one laser wavelength may be designed in the bend sensitive wavelength, e.g. a wavelength longer that 1625 nm or even beyond 1700 nm with properly photodetector. Such OTDR or OFDR design can have a sensitive detection for the bend induced loss although there may be no or negligible bend induced loss at a short wavelength, for example <1600 nm, so as to estimate the bend radius, or bend length, etc. This is particular important for testing the new developed and installed bend insensitive optical fiber which may have a negligible losses at short communication wavelengths at 1310 nm, 1490 nm and 1550 nm from fiber macro-bend, but it may be possible to have some measurable bend loss if its loss is measured at a long wavelength, e.g. beyond 1600 nm in the L band or UL band, or even >1650 nm or 1700 nm and such wavelength laser (e.g. DFB) and photodetector are commercially available.
[0291] For optical fiber loss (attenuation) based fiber macro-bend determination method in a long wavelength, e.g. > in the C, or L, or U bands, or >1675-1725 nm, the input light controller will comprise a such light source, for example a narrow linewidth or moderately broadband light source either pulses or CW lights, that is injected into the FUT. The input light source is narrow or moderately broadband, or tunable, either a pulsed for the OTDR based embodiments or a CW tunable narrow linewidth laser source for the OFDR based embodiments. Thus, for a fiber loss based fiber bend estimation method the input light controller will comprise at least two lasers with two different wavelengths, in which at least one wavelength laser can have a measurable macro-bend induced fiber loss or attenuation. In some implementations, a long wavelength laser, e.g. DFB at wavelength 1650 nm, could be used for the bend induced loss measurement. Indeed this is particularly important for the bend characteristics estimation for the bend insensitive optical fibers. The laser can be any laser source that are injected into the FUT 100. The analyzer and detection unit may comprise an photodetector, e.g. APD. The analogue and digital signal processing unit may comprise a control, a data acquisition unit, a sampling and averaging unit and a data processor unit, analog-to-digital conversion being carried out in the sampling and averaging unit.
[0292] For the single-end fiber bend or stress measurement method a distributed fiber loss (i.e. attenuation) can be extracted by analyzing backreflected light power from Rayleigh backscattering so that the fiber bend characteristic can be extracted and predicated. For the fiber loss based fiber bend measurement method it is important to resolve the wavelength dependent fiber loss (attenuation) difference the fiber loss measurement may be performed at the bend loss sensitive wavelengths, for example in L or U band or beyond 1675 nm. To use the single-end measurement method to measure distributed fiber bend properties, however, OFDR or OTDR traces as a function of fiber length must be analyzed, a widely tunable narrow linewidth laser (CW) may be used for the OFDR to obtain high spatial-resolved OFDR traces, for example having a tunable range 0.01 nm to 100 nm and a linewidth of 100 Hz to 1000 GHz, or to use a short OTDR pulse for the OTDR, for example 0.01 ns to 1000 ns, in order to obtain OTDR traces with a high spatial resolution.
[0293] Examples of the main the fiber bend measurement methods and instrument configurations for single-end distributed fiber bend measurement, and modifications, alternatives and substitutions thereto, will now be described with reference to FIGS. 11 to 14.
[0294] Examples of the fiber macro-bend measurement methods can use a wavelength resolved fiber loss or attenuation to estimate or predict the fiber bend radius or bend strength. In particularly losses at at least two different wavelengths are measured where there is a measurable loss at at least one wavelength.
[0295] In the designed embodiments a macro-bend or stress can be known and distinguished from other OTDR or OFDR events, e.g. losses from connection, broken, etc., after the loss measurement is performed at at least two different wavelengths, i.e. to use a wavelength resolved fiber loss or attenuation measurement where any fiber loss difference can be used to distinguish the bend loss from other losses, and a fiber loss or attenuation at a longer wavelength can be used for estimation or prediction of the fiber bend characteristics, such as radius or bend strength, etc. Advantageously it should be appreciated that such wavelength-dependent-loss based fiber bend analysis can be applied to use a long wavelength loss, e.g. at >1625 nm or even beyond 1675 nm, etc, to calculate the fiber bend radius or bend strength, in which a loss measurement in other wavelengths, e.g. at 1310 nm, 1550 nm, is negligible. Indeed it is true for the bend insensitive optical fiber that have nearly `zero` attenuation from a related small bend radius at 1310 nm or 1550 nm but it could have some measurable bend induced loss at wavelength ≧1650 nm.
[0296] From an estimation of the fiber bend properties, the bend strength, bend radius, bend length, fiber reliability/quality and or or fiber lifetime can be predicated as a function of the distance z along the FUT 100.
[0297] It will be appreciated that the usual conversions will be applied to convert time delay to distance according to refractive index of the FUT 100.
[0298] After knowing a loss from a fiber bend, for example at a long wavelength, it should be appreciated to be understood that a fiber bend characteristics, e.g. bend radius, bend strength, etc., can be estimated or computed by assuming to know the bend loss at a test wavelength and a fiber type, e.g. G.652 or G.657, etc. A bend length can be further estimated from a measured high spatial resolution OTDR or OFDR trace, for example to find a bend begin location, or a bend region, or bend length, etc. Indeed such bend measurement requires a high spatial resolution reflectometery, for example to use a very short OTDR pulse with a wide electronic bandwidth as illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2, or a high spatial-resolved optical frequency domain reflectometer (OFDR) as illustrated in FIG. 4, or a photon-counting OTDR as illustrated in FIG. 3, etc.
[0299] The high spatial-resolved optical frequency domain reflectometer (OFDR) illustrated in FIG. 14 comprises a high coherent tunable CW narrow light source means 22 that has a very narrow linewidth, e.g. to have a coherent length of tens to thousands meters, and can also select different central wavelengths, for example 1550 nm, 1675 nm, or >1700 nm etc., power splitter means 24 (coupler 1), sampling and averaging unit 92 and data processor means 94, all controlled by a control unit 90, and detection means comprising first and second detectors A and B, 62 and 64, respectively, and a clock means 106 consisting of a fiber based Michelson interferometer having a light beam splitter and combiner 56 (coupler 2), a delay 70, reflectors means of mirrors 52 and 54 and a detection means detector C 66. A tunable CW narrow light source means 22 is coupled to a polarization maintaining fiber (PMF) 26 for producing light source for launching into a fiber-under-test (FUT) 100 from connector 40, which also receives corresponding backreflected light from the FUT 100 via a connector 40.
[0300] The input light controller means 102 and analyzer and detection means 104 comprise a backreflected light extractor, specifically a polarization-maintaining circulator 32 in FIG. 4 or polarization-maintaining coupler, a polarization beam splitter (PBS) 34. The circulator 32 is coupled to the input of PBS 34 by a second PM fiber (polarization-maintaining fiber) so that the optical path from the tunable light source 22 to the PBS 34 is polarization-maintaining A single-mode fiber may be used to couple the PBS 34 to the I/O-SOP controller 36.
[0301] The alignment of PMF 26 is fixed in the factory in such a manner that substantially all of the optical power from the tunable CW narrow linewidth light source 22 is maintained in one of the two axes of the fiber 29 and conventionally at the "slow" axis. Since the circulator 32 is polarization-maintaining, this alignment is maintained until the point between PBS 32. During attachment of each end of the PMFs to the components concerned, the azimuthal orientation of the PMF is adjusted to ensure maximum transmission of the optical lights towards the FUT 100.
[0302] Backreflected light caused by Rayleigh scattering and, in some cases, discrete (Fresnel) reflections, from the FUT 100 enters the instrument via the connection port 40 in the reverse direction.
[0303] In addition to controlling the sampling in unit 92, the control unit 90 controls or selects the wavelength of the laser sources 22. More specifically, for each setting k of the laser central wavelengths, the control unit 90 causes the backreflected power to be measured at at least one pair of distances zS.sup.(k) and zL.sup.(k), respectively, that are closely-spaced relative to each other. The center distance of the distance pair is defined as the average of two actual distances, i.e., zC=(zS.sup.(k)+zL.sup.(k))/2. The labels S and L refer to "short" and "long" with respect to the center distance zC. A power difference in one pair of distances is a fiber loss (i.e. attenuation). The same computation may be performed for different OTDR or OFDR traces at at least another one wavelength. A loss difference is then known at at least two different wavelengths, for example between 1550 nm and 1650 nm or 1675 nm (a wavelength beyond 1675 nm).
[0304] It should be appreciated for the embodiments with the OFDR as in FIG. 4 that measure the beating signals between the local oscillation light, e.g. from the beam splitter 28 (coupler 3), and the reflected light signals from the FUT 100 in the time domain and then the measured signals are transferred into the frequency by A fast Fourier transform (FFT), the first step of the data processing is to perform the FFT for the acquired data from the detector A and B, 62A and 64A, respectively, and then it may require a calibration or reference procedure to obtain an OFDR trace that is a function of the distance. However, if for the OTDR this described procedure is not required, i.e. directly to obtain the OTDR curve as a function of the time and then of the distance of the test fiber (FUT) after considering the light speed at the given FUT, i.e. ROI. For the OFDR in order to remove or reduce the laser frequency sweeping nonlinearity, there may be a clock or reference means 106 that consists of a fiber based Michelson interferometer with a delay 1 70, Faraday rotation mirrors 52 and 54, and detector C 66. The clock or reference means may provide signals from the interferometer for sampling the measurement signals by sampling and averaging unit 92 or alternatively providing signal for re-sampling of the measurement signals from the FUT 100 as illustrated in FIG. 14.
[0305] It should be appreciated that, where the group may comprise more than one closely-spaced pair of distances, the center distance as defined above in fact differs for each pair in the group.
[0306] Different from the high spatial-resolved optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) as illustrated in FIGS. 1, 11, 12 and 13, the OTDR in FIG. 14 includes two optical detectors 62 and 64 to receive optical signals from the backreflection extractor 32 and a polarization beam splitter 34, respectively. The OTDRs as illustrated in FIGS. 11, 12 and 13 may use a narrow light pulse width, for example 0.1 ns to 100 ns and a high detection bandwidth for the detector 62 and a high sampling rate for the ADC. In implementations, the relative low sampling rate ADC may be used if the time shifting sampling technique, for example for the 1 ns OTDR light pulse the ADC may have a sampling rate of 100 MSPS (under sampling) with an operation of 10 time shifting with a step of 1 ns, may be applied in the embodiments for the sake of the low-cost instrument design.
[0307] Before the operation of the multi-wavelength OTDR or OFDR based wavelength-dependent-loss measurement for the bend analysis is described in more detail, and with a view to facilitating an understanding of such operation.
[0308] Various other modifications to the above-described embodiments may be made. For instance the tunable laser source 22 could be replaced by some other means, for example widely tunable laser, discrete wavelength lasers, etc.
[0309] Measurements can be performed to one pair of fiber distances or additional distances. In some implementations, it may be advantageous to acquire an entire OFDR or OTDR trace for the FUT 100 with sufficiently spatial and sampling resolutions, and then to select the different distance steps for the signal (data) processing regarding to the bend radius, bend length, and other parameters.
[0310] The following describes one example of a method of operation of the OTDR based wavelength-dependent-loss measurement for the distributed measurement of fiber bend or stress prosperities as a function of FUT length.
[0311] The user first causes the system to initialize the OTDR, specifically initializing the pulsed light source 22, the OTDR detection and processing section, acquisition for the N (N≧2) high spatial-resolved OTDR traces at N different wavelengths where at least one wavelength OTDR trace would be sensitive to the bend induced fiber loss or attenuation. In particular such wavelength is set at a long wavelength region, for example from 1600 nm or beyond 1675 nm. It should be appreciated to be understood that the longer wavelength is, the more sensitive it is to the fiber bend induced loss so as to obtain a more sensitive bend measurement. Otherwise, if there is no any bend induced loss at any wavelength, it is impossible to characterize the bend properties, such as bend radius, bend strength, bend length, etc. For most commercial OTDR, an InGaAs APD may be used. However, advantageously a Ge photodetector may be used and it is more sensitive to detect the light beyond 1650 nm. Other laser and detector may also be possible to be used, for example to use a laser wavelength >1700 nm pulsed DFB and a relevant photodetector that can detect the light beyond wavelength 1700 nm. Indeed such laser and photodetector are commercially available.
[0312] The instrument then calculates the fiber loss or attenuation at the same fiber location for different wavelengths, where at least one loss must be extracted from one wavelength, and then further compute their differences or at least one such said difference. If there may be a loss difference between any two OTDR measurements, then a bend on the FUT may be determined and any loss from any wavelength can be used to estimate the bend properties, but a higher loss at a longer wavelength may be used to determine these macro-bend characteristics. If there is only one measured loss at a longest or longer wavelength but there is no any other losses at other wavelengths, one could also determine a bend characteristics of the test fiber.
[0313] The instrument will further perform a computation of the fiber bend radius or strength according to the measured fiber loss or attenuation and the fiber wavelength dependent bend coefficient, for example by using a factory calibrated wavelength dependent bend coefficient for a known fiber type. Note it is an advantage to have more than one measured fiber losses so as to have an accurately bend characterization.
[0314] Therefore the bend radius or bend strength as well a bend length will be estimated, respectively.
[0315] The last step will compute fiber bend characteristics as a function of distance (z) along the FUT, for example fiber quality, fiber reliability, lifetime and failure statistics.
[0316] It should be appreciated to be understood that above steps might also be used for the photon counting OTDR operation after an OTDR trace is acquired.
[0317] It should also be noted that for an OFDR operation the acquisition is firstly obtaining an time domain signal and then to obtain a spatial domain OFDR trace (similar as OTDR trace) after a FFT operation, and then above steps could be used.
[0319] Spatial Domain Data Structure--After the OTDR data acquisition or after a FFT operation of the OFDR data acquisition for at least two lasers with different wavelengths, a new matrix data structure (D1) is obtained that comprises K groups OTDR traces as a function of distance (z), each consisting of N points corresponding to N values of distance zn for K different laser central wavelengths, where n=1 . . . N, for totally K different wavelength lasers:
[0320] Fiber Coefficient Measurement/Calibration for Known Fibers--For the currently optical network fiber link installation, mostly the fiber types might be known, for example for the FTTH access network standard optical fiber of G.652, G.657(.A, B, etc.). It is necessary to measure the "threshold" bend radius or a fitting coefficient Rth and the fiber type related bend or stress coefficient or a fitting coefficient η(λ) and then users can select a properly fiber "threshold" bend radius Rth and the fiber type related bend or stress coefficient η(λ) or even to input the fitting coefficients for them regarding the FUT fiber type so that the fiber bend characteristics could be accurately calculated. This fiber bend coefficient measurement or calibration could be done/calibrated at the factory or by user.
[0321] In the field if user may not know the fiber type, it may also be possible to identify the fiber type by performing a fiber bend induced loss measurement for at least one wavelength, for example to bend the fiber to have at least one and, in some cases, two known radius, e.g. of 10 mm, and then such fiber bend fitting coefficients can be measured and calibrated.
[0322] Signal Processing of Distributed Bend or Stress Measurement Based on Wavelength-Dependent-Loss Analysis Method--As described above that the single-mode fiber, e.g. G.652, G.657, has different mode field diameter (MDF) for different wavelengths and a mode field diameter increases via wavelength increases so as to have an increased bend induced loss, for example a MFD at 1550 nm is bigger that of 1310 nm and a MFD at 1650 nm is bigger than that of at 1550 nm and 1310 nm, therefore a macro-bend loss is larger in the longer wavelength than that of a short wavelength because a bend loss is proportional to the MFD. Thus there is a difference for the band losses between different wavelengths. Also the bend induced loss can distinguished from other losses if bend losses can be measured at at least for two different wavelengths, e.g. at 1550 nm and 1650 nm or 1625 nm and 1675 nm (even beyond 1700 nm for an improved bend sensitive test and measurement), etc. This is because other losses have less or negligible wavelength dependence. Such losses can be measured by an OTDR or PC-OTDR or OFDR, as shown in embodiments FIGS. 11-14. Since most bend radius and length is small in the FTTH fiber installation, e.g. several mm and sew cm, a high spatial resolved reflectometery, for example a modified short pulse and wide detection bandwidth commercial OTDR, or a high spatial-resolved OFDR and PC-OTDR, should be used. Based on knowing the loss from macro-bending at a given wavelength for the measurement, a bend radius or bend strength can be estimated (see below section) by knowing a fiber type and using a factory (or user) calibrated wavelength dependent bend coefficient η(λ) that is a constant dependent on the optical wavelength, λ, and fiber properties, e.g. fiber cladding radius, refraction index, etc., and also a bend length can be measured from a measured OTDR or OFDR trace.
[0323] After the measurement of backreflected light power (e.g. Rayleigh Back Scattering) or fiber macro-bend loss (attenuation) at different wavelengths by an OTDR or OFDR, a loss between two different fiber distance zS and zL can be obtained. If there may be a fiber bend then such losses may come fiber bend and can be distinguished from other losses as described above, i.e. bend losses are different at different wavelengths. The fiber bend loss can be expressed as,
where P(z,λ) is the measured backreflected light power at a distance z and at a wavelength λ, and i (i=1 . . . I, I>1) is an index for the laser wavelength number.
[0324] In some implementations, for the measurement of the wavelength-dependent loss at a specified distance z for each said group comprises distance pairs having substantially said prescribed center distance, and the said bend- or stress-related FUT characteristic is the wavelength-dependent loss values, ΔL.sub.λj.sub.-dB(z,λ), at at least two different wavelengths, at the said at least one wavelength-dependent loss value is measured at L or UL band of the telecommunication bands or even at the further longer wavelengths.
where the R(z) is the bend radius, the Rth is defined as a "threshold" bend radius where for this "threshold" bend radius there is no any or negligible bend or stress induced attenuation or loss on the optical fiber, and the η(λ) is the fiber type related bend or stress coefficient or simple as a fitting coefficient. Note that Rth and η(λ) could either from theoretical numerical simulations or from experimental calibrations, for example for a given optical fiber the Rth and η(λ) can be obtained from at least two bend induced loss measurements for two different bend radius. The ΔL.sub.λj.sub.-dB(z,λ) is a bend or stress induced loss without any non bend- or stress-related losses and depends on the optical wavelength, λ, and fiber properties, e.g. fiber cladding radius, refraction index, etc., Δz is the bend distance or a portion of bend or stress length. ΔL.sub.λj.sub.-dB(z,λ) is a bend or stress induced loss at a given wavelength for a bend distance Δz. The bend or stress parameter may be a bend or stress radius R(z) or a bend or stress strength that is computed from the bend or stress induced wavelength-dependent loss parameter, ΔL.sub.λj.sub.-dB(z,λ), at a said given wavelength, λ, e.g., from a long wavelength, for example a bend or stress radius R(z) could be computed from said predetermined function according to the equation (2).
[0326] It should be noted that the ΔL.sub.λj.sub.-dB(z,λ) does not include the non-bend or -stress related loss that may usually be dependent on the wavelength, for example dependent on the 1/λ4.
[0327] It is appreciated that equation (2) is not the only formula but it could other formulas that may come from theoretical analysis, simulations and experiments.
[0328] It should also be noted that the η(λ) could be obtained from a factory calibration from known fiber type, or a user field reference measurement in the field by introducing a known bend radius (diameter) on the test fiber (i.e. FUT) or other source or method, for example by knowing fiber characteristics, e.g. standard fibers G.652, G.655, G.657, etc.
[0329] The bend radius may be computed from the said bend induced wavelength-dependent loss parameter, ΔL.sub.Δj.sub.-dB(z,ω), from the longest wavelength according to the said predetermined function.
[0330] The said Rth and η(λ) coefficients could be extracted from either experimental testing or theoretical analysis or simulations, for example for a given optical fiber the Rth and η(λ) can be obtained from at least two bend induced loss measurements from at least one wavelength for at least two different bend radius and then the Rth and η(λ) could be extracted according to the equation (2); or the said Rth and η(λ) can be obtained from at least two bend induced loss measurements for two different wavelengths for at least one bend radius and then the Rth and η(λ) could be extracted according to according to the equation (2).
[0331] The bend parameter may be a bend length that is measured from the different optical power difference (i.e. fiber loss) according to the said bend induced wavelength-dependent loss parameter, ΔL.sub.λj.sub.-dB(z,λ), at at least one wavelength, e.g., from the longest wavelength.
[0332] In some cases, at least one bend or stress related fiber characteristics, for example a mechanical reliability and or an expect lifetime or a failure rate statistics for bending of a fiber, is calculated as one predetermined function of said the at least one bend related FUT characteristics along an optical fiber path.
[0333] While this patent document contains many specifics, these should not be construed as limitations on the scope of any invention or of what may be claimed, but rather as descriptions of features that may be specific to particular embodiments of particular inventions. Certain features that are described in this patent document in the context of separate embodiments can also be implemented in combination in a single embodiment. Conversely, various features that are described in the context of a single embodiment can also be implemented in multiple embodiments separately or in any suitable subcombination. Moreover, although features may be described above as acting in certain combinations and even initially claimed as such, one or more features from a claimed combination can in some cases be excised from the combination, and the claimed combination may be directed to a subcombination or variation of a subcombination.
[0334] Only a few implementations and examples are described and other implementations, enhancements and variations can be made based on what is described and illustrated in this patent document.
2016-04-07 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional distributed fiber-optic strain and stress sensors based on polarization maintaining fiber using distributed polarization crosstalk analyzer as an interrogator
2014-12-11 Distributed fiber bend and stress measurement for determining optical fiber reliability by multi-wavelength optical reflectometry |
Even gold-diggers are not immune to the recession: “Back at Bagatelle, three young beautiful Turks smoke Camels outside in the cold. One is blonde, one is brunette and one is shivering in a T-shirt that reads ‘I Heart NY.’ Two appear to be models, or at least ‘models.’ (The other works in finance.) ‘When we go out there are usually four guys buying us drinks. Now there is only one,’ sighs the petite 24-year-old brunette. ‘Guys just aren’t going out as much. Plus, men aren’t buying bottle service so there are no tables to invite women back to.’ The other two nod ruefully.” [Page Six Magazine]
The list is a culmination of all the people who were reported missing — and remain unaccounted for — since the devastating Camp fire erupted in Butte County in the early hours of Nov. 8, consuming entire neighborhoods in just hours. That number dropped Sunday for the first time in days, from 1,202 to 993. But it raises a startling question: Could that many people really have died in the blaze?
The data are far from perfect. Some people may be listed twice, or more. Others may be safe somewhere, unaware that someone is looking for them.
“This is a dynamic list,” Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea told reporters. “It will fluctuate both up and down, every day.”
Nissan Motor Co. will remove Carlos Ghosn as chairman after he was arrested in Tokyo for violations of financial law, throwing the auto industry’s largest global alliance into turmoil.
Ghosn, a towering figure who saved Nissan from collapse and brought it together with Renault SA and Mitsubishi Motors Corp., was detained Monday in Tokyo over a suspected breach of Japanese financial laws, Nissan Chief Executive Officer Hiroto Saikawa told reporters in Yokohama, Japan. Ghosn and Director Greg Kelly have been under investigation at Nissan for several months, and the board is set to meet Thursday to remove them both.
“There’s a good opportunity for more access to credit and housing reforms. Oversight’s important, but I just think we’ve got a broader responsibility.”
—New Congressman Josh Gottheimer, sounding more unenthused about financial deregulation than aggressive oversight of President Trump
America’s farmers have been shut out of foreign markets, hit with retaliatory tariffs and lost lucrative contracts in the face of President Trump’s trade war. But a $12 billion bailout program Mr. Trump created to “make it up” to farmers has done little to cushion the blow, with red tape and long waiting periods resulting in few payouts so far.
According to the Department of Agriculture, just $838 million has been paid out to farmers since the first $6 billion pot of money was made available in September. Another pool of up to $6 billion is expected to become available next month. The government is unlikely to offer additional money beyond the $12 billion, according to Sonny Perdue, the agriculture secretary.
SUNY Broome offers teacher preparation courses through a partnership with their Community Education Program. The program is designed to help educators keep up with current information and techniques affecting driver education programs. Designed for busy teachers who might not be able to take all components on-campus, SUNY BROOME's classes are blended with campus meetings & online work.
The program consists of four courses; One of the four is a hands on course where teachers must meet at SUNY BROOME campus for the coursework. The other three courses are blended; meetings are at the beginning and ending of the course, on campus, and /or other work being done online or field trips. Course content is based on certification requirements in New York State. As with other programs the courses offer flexability, both online training and practical learning and allows you to finish the coursework for driver education in less than 12 months.
TSE 540 Risk Assessment ( no pre requisite ) A general safety course which includes special related topics of drinking, drowsy, distracted and deadly driving problems associated with the causation of accidents and collisions.
TSE 550 Traffic Safety 1 - Improving Classroom Instruction (Enrolled for 2 phase program. 7-12 Teacher certification in approved subject area, valid acceptable driver's license and record.)
TSE 570 Traffic Safety 2 - Improving Laboratory Instruction (Concurrently enrolled in Traffic Safety2)
TSE 590 Problems, Trends and Issues In Driver Education - Instructional techniques, material development, out reach for associated driver safety programs.
Recognition of course completion is awarded through partnership with SUNY Broome, a fully accredited institution and ADTSEA, American Driver Traffic Safety Education Associaiton . The course work is transferable to many states across the country. Courses are adapted to meet all requirements for New York state teaching requirements.
Students register at SUNY Broome 607- 778-5012. This program is a community education program that is not supported by any college tuition programs and does not qualify for any college or university major, minor or elective. Email the instructor at [email protected] for more information.
"GGood driving habits start in the classroom. Schools everywhere are in need of more qualified Driver and Traffic Safety educators as current instructors retire. SUNY Oswego is one of the few colleges in the state that offers flexible online training and practical learning that allows you to finish your certification for driver education in less than 12 months. " For more information go to this site. http://www.oswego.edu/academics/colleges_and_departments/departments/vocational/driversed.html
Study of the fundamentals of safety including the accident problem and the societal impact, causation, and counter measures of accidents. Also, safety in the workplace, Occupational and Health and Safety Act regulations, home, school and recreational safety, traffic safety, and disaster safety. 3 Credits.
For experienced teachers desiring to meet New York State qualifications for instruction in secondary schools; prepares students to organize, teach and administer driver education. Emphasis is placed on materials and methods of teaching both the classroom and practice phases of a high school program. 6 Credits.
For in-service teachers and supervisors of driver education. Selected instructional, supervisory and psychological aspects of traffic safety. Advanced techniques of instruction, new resources, research and professional problems. Prerequisite: teaching or supervisory experience in driver education. 3 Credits.
As each person's situation is unique, your best source of information is by contacting the Department of Vocational Teacher Preparation office. Call 315.312.2480 to receive information or to arrange for a phone or live appointment.
Interested in working with special need drivers. This Association is all about that. Not only do they have National and Regional meetings but they also conduct workshops that may interest driver education teachers who are looking to use their teaching skills with a different population of students. Learn more by clicking on the above website or cutting and pasting it into your browser.
The following Teacher Preparation institutions have provided the Association with information about coursework they offer. For more information contact them directly.
Sheriff Dougherty began his law enforcement career in 2005 as Deputy Sheriff on the Road Patrol for the Livingston County Sheriff's Office. In the years between 2006 and 2010 he led the Livingston County Sheriff's Office in arrests. He became well known for his drug interdiction efforts on Interstate 390 with numerous felony drug arrests. In 2010, he was assigned to the Criminal Investigations Division as a Deputy and promoted to Investigator within the division in January of 2011. In his years with the Criminal Investigations Division he again led in arrests and was well known for being a proactive, hardworking Investigator.
In December of 2012 he announced his intentions to run for Livingston County Sheriff and following a hard fought campaign, in November of 2013 he was elected the 50th Sheriff of Livingston County. As Sheriff, he continues to find ways to make the Livingston County Sheriff's Office efficient, effective and innovative. Sheriff Dougherty is very active in the community. He is a member of Geneseo Kiwanis and serves on their Board of Directors. He and his family are members of St. Mary's Church in Geneseo, NY. He is also a well known proponent and volunteer for the annual Cops for Kids Day that the Sheriff's Office Road Patrol brought back in 2010 to build trust with the youth. Sheriff Dougherty was elected following the retirement of Sheriff John York, who served as Livingston County Sheriff for 24 years before retiring
Sheriff Thomas Dougherty is a graduate of SUNY Geneseo, earning a bachelor's degree in Business Administration. In addition he holds several years of private sector business experience.
The Livingston County Sheriff's Office was the first Sheriff's Office in the State of New York to have gained accreditation for every division of the agency. The Sheriff's Office has maintained accreditation status in every division through the reaccreditation process thereafter. The Livingston County Sheriff's Office is a full service agency and is comprised of a Civil Division, Jail Division, Road Patrol Division, Communications (911) Division, Court Security Division, Criminal Investigations Division and Records Division, totaling 209 members at full staff. |
Levetiracetam Tablets are a broad spectrum anticonvulsant for treatment of epilepsy in dogs and cats. This medication is generally well tolerated by pets. Made by Camber Pharmaceuticals.
Levetiracetam is a drug labeled for human use that is used extra-label in dogs and cats. It has been shown to be useful for treating status epilepticus (SE) and acute repetitive seizures (ARS; cluster seizures) in dogs in a small, double-masked, placebo controlled study (Hardy et al. 2012).
Levetiracetam may also be useful as add-on therapy in cats when phenobarbital does not control seizures or alone in cats that are unable to tolerate phenobarbital.
Preliminary data in horses has demonstrated that it may be efficacious when given orally (Cesar et al. 2013).
May be given with or without food. If your animal vomits or acts sick after getting it on an empty stomach, give with food or small treat to see if this helps. If vomiting continues, contact your veterinarian.
Levetiracetam is contraindicated in patients who have previously exhibited hypersensitivity to it or any of its components.
It should be used with caution in patients with renal impairment; dosage amounts or dosing frequency changes should be considered.
Most common adverse effects reported include sedation and ataxia in dogs and reduced appetite, hypersalivation, and lethargy in cats. These effects may be transient.
PHENOBARBITAL: In dogs phenobarbital use significantly increased levetiracetam clearance and reduced half-life (from 3.43 hrs. without phenobarbital to 1.73 hrs. after 21 days of phenobarbital); dosage adjustments may be required.
Levetiracetam is an antiepileptic drug available as 250 mg (blue), 500 mg (yellow), 750 mg (orange), and 1000 mg (white) tablets for oral administration.
Levetiracetam is a white to off-white crystalline powder with a faint odor and a bitter taste. It is very soluble in water (1040 mg/mL). It is freely soluble in chloroform (653 mg/mL) and in methanol (536 mg/mL), soluble in ethanol (165 mg/mL), sparingly soluble in acetonitrile (57 mg/mL) and practically insoluble in n-hexane. (Solubility limits are expressed as mg/mL solvent.)
Levetiracetam at concentrations of up to 10 µM did not demonstrate binding affinity for a variety of known receptors, such as those associated with benzodiazepines, GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), glycine, NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate), re-uptake sites, and second messenger systems. Furthermore, in vitro studies have failed to find an effect of levetiracetam on neuronal voltage-gated sodium or T-type calcium currents and levetiracetam does not appear to directly facilitate GABAergic neurotransmission. However, in vitro studies have demonstrated that levetiracetam opposes the activity of negative modulators of GABA- and glycine-gated currents and partially inhibits N-type calcium currents in neuronal cells.
The pharmacokinetics of levetiracetam have been studied in healthy adult subjects, adults and pediatric patients with epilepsy, elderly subjects and subjects with renal and hepatic impairment.
Levetiracetam is rapidly and almost completely absorbed after oral administration. Levetiracetam tablets and oral solution are bioequivalent. The pharmacokinetics are linear and time-invariant, with low intra- and inter-subject variability. The extent of bioavailability of levetiracetam is not affected by food. Levetiracetam is not significantly protein-bound (<10% bound) and its volume of distribution is close to the volume of intracellular and extracellular water. Sixty-six percent (66%) of the dose is renally excreted unchanged. The major metabolic pathway of levetiracetam (24% of dose) is an enzymatic hydrolysis of the acetamide group. It is not liver cytochrome P450 dependent. The metabolites have no known pharmacological activity and are renally excreted. Plasma half-life of levetiracetam across studies is approximately 6 to 8 hours. It is increased in the elderly (primarily due to impaired renal clearance) and in subjects with renal impairment.
Absorption of levetiracetam is rapid, with peak plasma concentrations occurring in about an hour following oral administration in fasted subjects. The oral bioavailability of levetiracetam tablets is 100% and the tablets and oral solution are bioequivalent in rate and extent of absorption. Food does not affect the extent of absorption of levetiracetam but it decreases Cmax by 20% and delays Tmax by 1.5 hours. The pharmacokinetics of levetiracetam are linear over the dose range of 500 to 5000 mg. Steady state is achieved after 2 days of multiple twice-daily dosing. Levetiracetam and its major metabolite are less than 10% bound to plasma proteins; clinically significant interactions with other drugs through competition for protein binding sites are therefore unlikely.
Levetiracetam plasma half-life in adults is 7 ± 1 hour and is unaffected by either dose or repeated administration. Levetiracetam is eliminated from the systemic circulation by renal excretion as unchanged drug which represents 66% of administered dose. The total body clearance is 0.96 mL/min/kg and the renal clearance is 0.6 mL/min/kg. The mechanism of excretion is glomerular filtration with subsequent partial tubular reabsorption. The metabolite ucb L057 is excreted by glomerular filtration and active tubular secretion with a renal clearance of 4 mL/min/kg. Levetiracetam elimination is correlated to creatinine clearance. Levetiracetam clearance is reduced in patients with impaired renal function.
In vitro data on metabolic interactions indicate that levetiracetam is unlikely to produce, or be subject to, pharmacokinetic interactions. Levetiracetam and its major metabolite, at concentrations well above Cmax levels achieved within the therapeutic dose range, are neither inhibitors of, nor high affinity substrates for, human liver cytochrome P450 isoforms, epoxide hydrolase or UDP-glucuronidation enzymes. In addition, levetiracetam does not affect the in vitro glucuronidation of valproic acid.
Potential pharmacokinetic interactions of or with levetiracetam were assessed in clinical pharmacokinetic studies (phenytoin, valproate, warfarin, digoxin, oral contraceptive, probenecid) and through pharmacokinetic screening in the placebo-controlled clinical studies in epilepsy patients.
Pharmacokinetics of levetiracetam were evaluated in 16 elderly subjects (age 61 to 88 years) with creatinine clearance ranging from 30 to 74 mL/min. Following oral administration of twice-daily dosing for 10 days, total body clearance decreased by 38% and the half-life was 2.5 hours longer in the elderly compared to healthy adults. This is most likely due to the decrease in renal function in these subjects.
Pharmacokinetics of levetiracetam were evaluated in 24 pediatric patients (age 6 to12 years) after single dose (20 mg/kg). The body weight adjusted apparent clearance of levetiracetam was approximately 40% higher than in adults.
A repeat dose pharmacokinetic study was conducted in pediatric patients (age 4 to 12 years) at doses of 20 mg/kg/day, 40 mg/kg/day, and 60 mg/kg/day. The evaluation of the pharmacokinetic profile of levetiracetam and its metabolite (ucb L057) in 14 pediatric patients demonstrated rapid absorption of levetiracetam at all doses with a Tmax of about 1 hour and a t½ of 5 hours across the three dosing levels. The pharmacokinetics of levetiracetam in children was linear between 20 to 60 mg/kg/day. The potential interaction of levetiracetam with other AEDs was also evaluated in these patients. Levetiracetam had no significant effect on the plasma concentrations of carbamazepine, valproic acid, topiramate or lamotrigine. However, there was about a 22% increase of apparent clearance of levetiracetam when it was co-administered with an enzyme-inducing AED (e.g. carbamazepine). Population pharmacokinetic analysis showed that body weight was significantly correlated to clearance of levetiracetam in pediatric patients; clearance increased with an increase in body weight.
Levetiracetam Cmax and AUC were 20% higher in women (N=11) compared to men (N=12). However, clearances adjusted for body weight were comparable.
Formal pharmacokinetic studies of the effects of race have not been conducted. Cross study comparisons involving Caucasians (N=12) and Asians (N=12), however, show that pharmacokinetics of levetiracetam were comparable between the two races. Because levetiracetam is primarily renally excreted and there are no important racial differences in creatinine clearance, pharmacokinetic differences due to race are not expected.
The disposition of levetiracetam was studied in adult subjects with varying degrees of renal function. Total body clearance of levetiracetam is reduced in patients with impaired renal function by 40% in the mild group (CLcr = 50 to 80 mL/min), 50% in the moderate group (CLcr = 30 to 50 mL/min) and 60% in the severe renal impairment group (CLcr <30 mL/min). Clearance of levetiracetam is correlated with creatinine clearance.
In anuric (end stage renal disease) patients, the total body clearance decreased 70% compared to normal subjects (CLcr >80 mL/min). Approximately 50% of the pool of levetiracetam in the body is removed during a standard 4-hour hemodialysis procedure.
Dosage should be reduced in patients with impaired renal function receiving levetiracetam, and supplemental doses should be given to patients after dialysis.
The effectiveness of levetiracetam as adjunctive therapy (added to other antiepileptic drugs) in adults was established in three multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies in patients who had refractory partial onset seizures with or without secondary generalization. The tablet formulation was used in all these studies. In these studies, 904 patients were randomized to placebo, 1000 mg, 2000 mg, or 3000 mg/day. Patients enrolled in Study 1 or Study 2 had refractory partial onset seizures for at least two years and had taken two or more classical AEDs. Patients enrolled in Study 3 had refractory partial onset seizures for at least 1 year and had taken one classical AED. At the time of the study, patients were taking a stable dose regimen of at least one and could take a maximum of two AEDs. During the baseline period, patients had to have experienced at least two partial onset seizures during each 4-week period.
Study 1 was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study conducted at 41 sites in the United States comparing levetiracetam 1000 mg/day (N=97), levetiracetam 3000 mg/day (N=101), and placebo (N=95) given in equally divided doses twice daily. After a prospective baseline period of 12 weeks, patients were randomized to one of the three treatment groups described above. The 18-week treatment period consisted of a 6-week titration period, followed by a 12-week fixed dose evaluation period, during which concomitant AED regimens were held constant. The primary measure of effectiveness was a between group comparison of the percent reduction in weekly partial seizure frequency relative to placebo over the entire randomized treatment period (titration + evaluation period). Secondary outcome variables included the responder rate (incidence of patients with ≥50% reduction from baseline in partial onset seizure frequency). The results of the analysis of Study 1 are displayed in Table 1.
The percentage of patients (y-axis) who achieved ≥50% reduction in weekly seizure rates from baseline in partial onset seizure frequency over the entire randomized treatment period (titration + evaluation period) within the three treatment groups (x-axis) is presented in Figure 1.
Study 2 was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study conducted at 62 centers in Europe comparing levetiracetam 1000 mg/day (N=106), levetiracetam 2000 mg/day (N=105), and placebo (N=111) given in equally divided doses twice daily.
The first period of the study (Period A) was designed to be analyzed as a parallel-group study. After a prospective baseline period of up to 12 weeks, patients were randomized to one of the three treatment groups described above. The 16-week treatment period consisted of the 4-week titration period followed by a 12-week fixed dose evaluation period, during which concomitant AED regimens were held constant. The primary measure of effectiveness was a between group comparison of the percent reduction in weekly partial seizure frequency relative to placebo over the entire randomized treatment period (titration + evaluation period). Secondary outcome variables included the responder rate (incidence of patients with ≥50% reduction from baseline in partial onset seizure frequency). The results of the analysis of Period A are displayed in Table 2.
The percentage of patients (y-axis) who achieved ≥50% reduction in weekly seizure rates from baseline in partial onset seizure frequency over the entire randomized treatment period (titration + evaluation period) within the three treatment groups (x-axis) is presented in Figure 2.
The comparison of levetiracetam 2000 mg/day to levetiracetam 1000 mg/day for responder rate was statistically significant (P=0.02). Analysis of the trial as a cross-over yielded similar results.
Study 3 was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study conducted at 47 centers in Europe comparing levetiracetam 3000 mg/day (N=180) and placebo (N=104) in patients with refractory partial onset seizures, with or without secondary generalization, receiving only one concomitant AED. Study drug was given in two divided doses. After a prospective baseline period of 12 weeks, patients were randomized to one of two treatment groups described above. The 16-week treatment period consisted of a 4-week titration period, followed by a 12-week fixed dose evaluation period, during which concomitant AED doses were held constant. The primary measure of effectiveness was a between group comparison of the percent reduction in weekly seizure frequency relative to placebo over the entire randomized treatment period (titration + evaluation period). Secondary outcome variables included the responder rate (incidence of patients with ≥50% reduction from baseline in partial onset seizure frequency). Table 3 displays the results of the analysis of Study 3.
The percentage of patients (y-axis) who achieved ≥ 50% reduction in weekly seizure rates from baseline in partial onset seizure frequency over the entire randomized treatment period (titration + evaluation period) within the two treatment groups (x-axis) is presented in Figure 3.
The effectiveness of levetiracetam as adjunctive therapy (added to other antiepileptic drugs) in pediatric patients was established in one multicenter, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study, conducted at 60 sites in North America, in children 4 to 16 years of age with partial seizures uncontrolled by standard antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Eligible patients on a stable dose of 1 to 2 AEDs, who still experienced at least 4 partial onset seizures during the 4 weeks prior to screening, as well as at least 4 partial onset seizures in each of the two 4-week baseline periods, were randomized to receive either levetiracetam or placebo. The enrolled population included 198 patients (levetiracetam N=101, placebo N=97) with refractory partial onset seizures, whether or not secondarily generalized. The study consisted of an 8-week baseline period and 4-week titration period followed by a 10-week evaluation period. Dosing was initiated at a dose of 20 mg/kg/day in two divided doses. During the treatment period, levetiracetam doses were adjusted in 20 mg/kg/day increments, at 2-week intervals to the target dose of 60 mg/kg/day. The primary measure of effectiveness was a between group comparison of the percent reduction in weekly partial seizure frequency relative to placebo over the entire 14-week randomized treatment period (titration + evaluation period). Secondary outcome variables included the responder rate (incidence of patients with ≥ 50% reduction from baseline in partial onset seizure frequency per week). Table 4 displays the results of this study.
The percentage of patients (y-axis) who achieved ≥ 50% reduction in weekly seizure rates from baseline in partial onset seizure frequency over the entire randomized treatment period (titration + evaluation period) within the two treatment groups (x-axis) is presented in Figure 4.
The effectiveness of levetiracetam as adjunctive therapy (added to other antiepileptic drugs) in patients 12 years of age and older with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) experiencing myoclonic seizures was established in one multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, conducted at 37 sites in 14 countries. Of the 120 patients enrolled, 113 had a diagnosis of confirmed or suspected JME. Eligible patients on a stable dose of 1 antiepileptic drug (AED) experiencing one or more myoclonic seizures per day for at least 8 days during the prospective 8-week baseline period were randomized to either levetiracetam or placebo (levetiracetam N=60, placebo N=60). Patients were titrated over 4 weeks to a target dose of 3000 mg/day and treated at a stable dose of 3000 mg/day over 12 weeks (evaluation period). Study drug was given in 2 divided doses.
The primary measure of effectiveness was the proportion of patients with at least 50% reduction in the number of days per week with one or more myoclonic seizures during the treatment period (titration + evaluation periods) as compared to baseline. Table 5 displays the results for the 113 patients with JME in this study.
The effectiveness of levetiracetam as adjunctive therapy (added to other antiepileptic drugs) in patients 6 years of age and older with idiopathic generalized epilepsy experiencing primary generalized tonic-clonic (PGTC) seizures was established in one multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, conducted at 50 sites in 8 countries. Eligible patients on a stable dose of 1 or 2 antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) experiencing at least 3 PGTC seizures during the 8-week combined baseline period (at least one PGTC seizure during the 4 weeks prior to the prospective baseline period and at least one PGTC seizure during the 4-week prospective baseline period) were randomized to either levetiracetam or placebo. The 8-week combined baseline period is referred to as “baseline” in the remainder of this section. The population included 164 patients (levetiracetam N=80, placebo N=84) with idiopathic generalized epilepsy (predominately juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, juvenile absence epilepsy, childhood absence epilepsy, or epilepsy with Grand Mal seizures on awakening) experiencing primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Each of these syndromes of idiopathic generalized epilepsy was well represented in this patient population. Patients were titrated over 4 weeks to a target dose of 3000 mg/day for adults or a pediatric target dose of 60 mg/kg/day and treated at a stable dose of 3000 mg/day (or 60 mg/kg/day for children) over 20 weeks (evaluation period). Study drug was given in 2 equally divided doses per day.
The primary measure of effectiveness was the percent reduction from baseline in weekly PGTC seizure frequency for levetiracetam and placebo treatment groups over the treatment period (titration + evaluation periods). There was a statistically significant decrease from baseline in PGTC frequency in the levetiracetam-treated patients compared to the placebo-treated patients.
The percentage of patients (y-axis) who achieved ≥50% reduction in weekly seizure rates from baseline in PGTC seizure frequency over the entire randomized treatment period (titration + evaluation period) within the two treatment groups (x-axis) is presented in Figure 5.
Levetiracetam Tablet is indicated as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of partial onset seizures in adults and children 4 years of age and older with epilepsy.
Levetiracetam Tablet is indicated as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of myoclonic seizures in adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.
Levetiracetam Tablet is indicated as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures in adults and children 6 years of age and older with idiopathic generalized epilepsy.
This product should not be administered to patients who have previously exhibited hypersensitivity to levetiracetam or any of the inactive ingredients in levetiracetam tablets.
Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), including levetiracetam, increase the risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior in patients taking these drugs for any indication. Patients treated with any AED for any indication should be monitored for the emergence or worsening of depression, suicidal thoughts or behavior, and/or any unusual changes in mood or behavior.
The risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior was generally consistent among drugs in the data analyzed. The finding of increased risk with AEDs of varying mechanisms of action and across a range of indications suggests that the risk applies to all AEDs used for any indication. The risk did not vary substantially by age (5 to 100 years) in the clinical trials analyzed. Table 7 shows absolute and relative risk by indication for all evaluated AEDs.
Anyone considering prescribing levetiracetam or any other AED must balance the risk of suicidal thoughts or behaviors with the risk of untreated illness. Epilepsy and many other illnesses for which AEDs are prescribed are themselves associated with morbidity and mortality and an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior. Should suicidal thoughts and behavior emerge during treatment, the prescriber needs to consider whether the emergence of these symptoms in any given patient may be related to the illness being treated.
In adults experiencing partial onset seizures, levetiracetam use is associated with the occurrence of central nervous system adverse events that can be classified into the following categories: 1) somnolence and fatigue, 2) coordination difficulties, and 3) behavioral abnormalities.
In controlled trials of adult patients with epilepsy experiencing partial onset seizures, 14.8% of levetiracetam-treated patients reported somnolence, compared to 8.4% of placebo patients. There was no clear dose response up to 3000 mg/day. In a study where there was no titration, about 45% of patients receiving 4000 mg/day reported somnolence. The somnolence was considered serious in 0.3% of the treated patients, compared to 0% in the placebo group. About 3% of levetiracetam-treated patients discontinued treatment due to somnolence, compared to 0.7% of placebo patients. In 1.4% of treated patients and in 0.9% of placebo patients the dose was reduced, while 0.3% of the treated patients were hospitalized due to somnolence.
In controlled trials of adult patients with epilepsy experiencing partial onset seizures, 14.7% of treated patients reported asthenia, compared to 9.1% of placebo patients. Treatment was discontinued in 0.8% of treated patients as compared to 0.5% of placebo patients. In 0.5% of treated patients and in 0.2% of placebo patients the dose was reduced.
A total of 3.4% of levetiracetam-treated patients experienced coordination difficulties, (reported as either ataxia, abnormal gait, or incoordination) compared to 1.6% of placebo patients. A total of 0.4% of patients in controlled trials discontinued levetiracetam treatment due to ataxia, compared to 0% of placebo patients. In 0.7% of treated patients and in 0.2% of placebo patients the dose was reduced due to coordination difficulties, while one of the treated patients was hospitalized due to worsening of pre-existing ataxia.
Somnolence, asthenia and coordination difficulties occurred most frequently within the first 4 weeks of treatment.
In controlled trials of patients with epilepsy experiencing partial onset seizures, 5 (0.7%) of levetiracetam-treated patients experienced psychotic symptoms compared to 1(0.2%) placebo patient. Two (0.3%) levetiracetam-treated patients were hospitalized and their treatment was discontinued. Both events, reported as psychosis, developed within the first week of treatment and resolved within 1 to 2 weeks following treatment discontinuation. Two other events, reported as hallucinations, occurred after 1 to 5 months and resolved within 2 to 7 days while the patients remained on treatment. In one patient experiencing psychotic depression occurring within a month, symptoms resolved within 45 days while the patient continued treatment. A total of 13.3% of levetiracetam patients experienced other behavioral symptoms (reported as aggression, agitation, anger, anxiety, apathy, depersonalization, depression, emotional lability, hostility, irritability, etc.) compared to 6.2% of placebo patients. Approximately half of these patients reported these events within the first 4 weeks. A total of 1.7% of treated patients discontinued treatment due to these events, compared to 0.2% of placebo patients. The treatment dose was reduced in 0.8% of treated patients and in 0.5% of placebo patients. A total of 0.8% of treated patients had a serious behavioral event (compared to 0.2% of placebo patients) and were hospitalized.
In pediatric patients experiencing partial onset seizures, levetiracetam is associated with somnolence, fatigue, and behavioral abnormalities.
In the double-blind, controlled trial in children with epilepsy experiencing partial onset seizures, 22.8% of levetiracetam-treated patients experienced somnolence, compared to 11.3% of placebo patients. The design of the study prevented accurately assessing dose-response effects. No patient discontinued treatment for somnolence. In about 3.0% of levetiracetam-treated patients and in 3.1% of placebo patients the dose was reduced as a result of somnolence.
Asthenia was reported in 8.9% of levetiracetam-treated patients, compared to 3.1% of placebo patients. No patient discontinued treatment for asthenia, but asthenia led to a dose reduction in 3.0% of levetiracetam-treated patients compared to 0% of placebo patients.
A total of 37.6% of the levetiracetam-treated patients experienced behavioral symptoms (reported as agitation, anxiety, apathy, depersonalization, depression, emotional lability, hostility, hyperkinesia, nervousness, neurosis, and personality disorder), compared to 18.6% of placebo patients. Hostility was reported in 11.9% of levetiracetam-treated patients, compared to 6.2% of placebo patients. Nervousness was reported in 9.9% of levetiracetam-treated patients, compared to 2.1% of placebo patients. Depression was reported in 3.0% of levetiracetam-treated patients, compared to 1.0% of placebo patients.
A total of 3.0% of levetiracetam-treated patients discontinued treatment due to psychotic and nonpsychotic adverse events, compared to 4.1% of placebo patients. Overall, 10.9% of levetiracetam-treated patients experienced behavioral symptoms associated with discontinuation or dose reduction, compared to 6.2% of placebo patients.
During clinical development, the number of patients with myoclonic seizures exposed to levetiracetam was considerably smaller than the number with partial seizures. Therefore, under-reporting of certain adverse events was more likely to occur in the myoclonic seizure population. In adult and adolescent patients experiencing myoclonic seizures, levetiracetam is associated with somnolence and behavioral abnormalities. It is expected that the events seen in partial seizure patients would occur in patients with JME.
In the double-blind, controlled trial in adults and adolescents with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy experiencing myoclonic seizures, 11.7% of levetiracetam-treated patients experienced somnolence compared to 1.7% of placebo patients. No patient discontinued treatment as a result of somnolence. In 1.7% of levetiracetam-treated patients and in 0% of placebo patients the dose was reduced as a result of somnolence.
Non-psychotic behavioral disorders (reported as aggression and irritability) occurred in 5% of the levetiracetam-treated patients compared to 0% of placebo patients. Non-psychotic mood disorders (reported as depressed mood, depression, and mood swings) occurred in 6.7% of levetiracetam-treated patients compared to 3.3% of placebo patients. A total of 5.0% of levetiracetam-treated patients had a reduction in dose or discontinued treatment due to behavioral or psychiatric events (reported as anxiety, depressed mood, depression, irritability, and nervousness), compared to 1.7% of placebo patients.
During clinical development, the number of patients with primary generalized tonic-clonic epilepsy exposed to levetiracetam was considerably smaller than the number with partial epilepsy, described above. As in the partial seizure patients, behavioral symptoms appeared to be associated with levetiracetam treatment. Gait disorders and somnolence were also described in the study in primary generalized seizures, but with no difference between placebo and levetiracetam treatment groups and no appreciable discontinuations. Although it may be expected that drug related events seen in partial seizure patients would be seen in primary generalized epilepsy patients (e.g. somnolence and gait disturbance), these events may not have been observed because of the smaller sample size.
In patients 6 years of age and older experiencing primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures, levetiracetam is associated with behavioral abnormalities.
In the double-blind, controlled trial in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy experiencing primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures, irritability was the most frequently reported psychiatric adverse event occurring in 6.3% of levetiracetam-treated patients compared to 2.4% of placebo patients. Additionally, non-psychotic behavioral disorders (reported as abnormal behavior, aggression, conduct disorder, and irritability) occurred in 11.4% of the levetiracetam-treated patients compared to 3.6% of placebo patients. Of the levetiracetam-treated patients experiencing non-psychotic behavioral disorders, one patient discontinued treatment due to aggression. Non-psychotic mood disorders (including anger, apathy, depression, mood altered, mood swings, negativism, and tearfulness) occurred in 12.7% of levetiracetam-treated patients compared to 8.3% of placebo patients. No levetiracetam-treated patients discontinued or had a dose reduction as a result of these events. One patient experienced delusional behavior that required the lowering of the dose of levetiracetam.
In a long-term open label study that examined patients with various forms of primary generalized epilepsy, along with the non-psychotic behavioral disorders, 2 of 192 patients studied exhibited psychotic-like behavior. Behavior in one case was characterized by auditory hallucinations and suicidal thoughts and led to levetiracetam discontinuation. The other case was described as worsening of pre-existent schizophrenia and did not lead to drug discontinuation.
Antiepileptic drugs, including levetiracetam, should be withdrawn gradually to minimize the potential of increased seizure frequency.
Minor, but statistically significant, decreases compared to placebo in total mean RBC count (0.03 x 106/mm3), mean hemoglobin (0.09 g/dL), and mean hematocrit (0.38%), were seen in levetiracetam-treated patients in controlled trials.
A total of 3.2% of treated and 1.8% of placebo patients had at least one possibly significant (≤2.8 x 109/L) decreased WBC, and 2.4% of treated and 1.4% of placebo patients had at least one possibly significant (≤1.0 x 109/L) decreased neutrophil count. Of the treated patients with a low neutrophil count, all but one rose towards or to baseline with continued treatment. No patient was discontinued secondary to low neutrophil counts.
Minor, but statistically significant, decreases in WBC and neutrophil counts were seen in levetiracetam-treated patients as compared to placebo. The mean decreases from baseline in the levetiracetam-treated group were -0.4 × 109/L and -0.3 × 109/L, respectively, whereas there were small increases in the placebo group. Mean relative lymphocyte counts increased by 1.7% in levetiracetam-treated patients, compared to a decrease of 4% in placebo patients (statistically significant).
In the well-controlled trial, more levetiracetam-treated patients had a possibly clinically significant abnormally low WBC value (3.0% levetiracetam-treated versus 0% placebo), however, there was no apparent difference between treatment groups with respect to neutrophil count (5.0% levetiracetam-treated versus 4.2% placebo). No patient was discontinued secondary to low WBC or neutrophil counts.
Although there were no obvious hematologic abnormalities observed in patients with JME, the limited number of patients makes any conclusion tentative. The data from the partial seizure patients should be considered to be relevant for JME patients.
There were no meaningful changes in mean liver function tests (LFT) in controlled trials in adult or pediatric patients; lesser LFT abnormalities were similar in drug and placebo treated patients in controlled trials (1.4%). No adult or pediatric patients were discontinued from controlled trials for LFT abnormalities except for 1 (0.07%) adult epilepsy patient receiving open treatment.
Patients and caregivers should be informed of the availability of a Medication Guide, and they should be instructed to read the Medication Guide prior to taking levetiracetam. The Medication Guide may also be found in the full prescribing information. Patients should be instructed to take levetiracetam only as prescribed.
Patients, their caregivers, and families should be counseled that AEDs, including levetiracetam, may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior and should be advised of the need to be alert for the emergence or worsening of symptoms of depression, any unusual changes in mood or behavior, or the emergence of suicidal thoughts, behavior, or thoughts about self-harm. Behaviors of concern should be reported immediately to healthcare providers.
Patients should be advised that levetiracetam may cause changes in behavior (e.g. aggression, agitation, anger, anxiety, apathy, depression, hostility, and irritability) and in rare cases patients may experience psychotic symptoms.
Patients should be advised to notify their physician if they become pregnant or intend to become pregnant during therapy. Patients should be encouraged to enroll in the North American Antiepileptic Drug (NAAED) pregnancy registry if they become pregnant. This registry is collecting information about the safety of antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy. To enroll, patients can call the toll free number 1-888-233-2334.
Patients should be advised that levetiracetam may cause dizziness and somnolence. Accordingly, patients should be advised not to drive or operate machinery or engage in other hazardous activities until they have gained sufficient experience on levetiracetam to gauge whether it adversely affects their performance of these activities.
Although most laboratory tests are not systematically altered with levetiracetam treatment, there have been relatively infrequent abnormalities seen in hematologic parameters and liver function tests.
In vitro data on metabolic interactions indicate that levetiracetam is unlikely to produce, or be subject to, pharmacokinetic interactions. Levetiracetam and its major metabolite, at concentrations well above Cmax levels achieved within the therapeutic dose range, are neither inhibitors of nor high affinity substrates for human liver cytochrome P450 isoforms, epoxide hydrolase or UDP-glucuronidation enzymes. In addition, levetiracetam does not affect the in vitro glucuronidation of valproic acid.
Levetiracetam circulates largely unbound (<10% bound) to plasma proteins; clinically significant interactions with other drugs through competition for protein binding sites are therefore unlikely.
Potential pharmacokinetic interactions were assessed in clinical pharmacokinetic studies (phenytoin, valproate, oral contraceptive, digoxin, warfarin, probenecid) and through pharmacokinetic screening in the placebo-controlled clinical studies in epilepsy patients.
Levetiracetam (3000 mg daily) had no effect on the pharmacokinetic disposition of phenytoin in patients with refractory epilepsy. Pharmacokinetics of levetiracetam were also not affected by phenytoin.
Levetiracetam (1500 mg twice daily) did not alter the pharmacokinetics of valproate in healthy volunteers. Valproate 500 mg twice daily did not modify the rate or extent of levetiracetam absorption or its plasma clearance or urinary excretion. There also was no effect on exposure to and the excretion of the primary metabolite, ucb L057.
Potential drug interactions between levetiracetam and other AEDs (carbamazepine, gabapentin, lamotrigine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone and valproate) were also assessed by evaluating the serum concentrations of levetiracetam and these AEDs during placebo-controlled clinical studies. These data indicate that levetiracetam does not influence the plasma concentration of other AEDs and that these AEDs do not influence the pharmacokinetics of levetiracetam.
There was about a 22% increase of apparent total body clearance of levetiracetam when it was co-administered with enzyme-inducing AEDs. Dose adjustment is not recommended. Levetiracetam had no effect on plasma concentrations of carbamazepine, valproate, topiramate, or lamotrigine.
Levetiracetam (500 mg twice daily) did not influence the pharmacokinetics of an oral contraceptive containing 0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol and 0.15 mg levonorgestrel, or of the luteinizing hormone and progesterone levels, indicating that impairment of contraceptive efficacy is unlikely. Coadministration of this oral contraceptive did not influence the pharmacokinetics of levetiracetam.
Levetiracetam (1000 mg twice daily) did not influence the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (ECG) of digoxin given as a 0.25 mg dose every day. Coadministration of digoxin did not influence the pharmacokinetics of levetiracetam.
Levetiracetam (1000 mg twice daily) did not influence the pharmacokinetics of R and S warfarin. Prothrombin time was not affected by levetiracetam. Coadministration of warfarin did not affect the pharmacokinetics of levetiracetam.
Probenecid, a renal tubular secretion blocking agent, administered at a dose of 500 mg four times a day, did not change the pharmacokinetics of levetiracetam 1000 mg twice daily. Cssmax of the metabolite, ucb L057, was approximately doubled in the presence of probenecid while the fraction of drug excreted unchanged in the urine remained the same. Renal clearance of ucb L057 in the presence of probenecid decreased 60%, probably related to competitive inhibition of tubular secretion of ucb L057. The effect of levetiracetam on probenecid was not studied.
Rats were dosed with levetiracetam in the diet for 104 weeks at doses of 50, 300 and 1800 mg/kg/day. The highest dose corresponds to 6 times the maximum recommended daily human dose (MRHD) of 3000 mg on a mg/m2 basis and it also provided systemic exposure (AUC) approximately 6 times that achieved in humans receiving the MRHD. There was no evidence of carcinogenicity. A study was conducted in which mice received levetiracetam in the diet for 80 weeks at doses of 60, 240 and 960 mg/kg/day (high dose is equivalent to 2 times the MRHD on a mg/m2 or exposure basis). Although no evidence for carcinogenicity was seen, the potential for a carcinogenic response has not been fully evaluated in that species because adequate doses have not been studied.
No adverse effects on male or female fertility or reproductive performance were observed in rats at doses up to 1800 mg/kg/day (approximately 6 times the maximum recommended human dose on a mg/m2 or exposure basis).
In animal studies, levetiracetam produced evidence of developmental toxicity at doses similar to or greater than human therapeutic doses.
Administration to female rats throughout pregnancy and lactation was associated with increased incidences of minor fetal skeletal abnormalities and retarded offspring growth pre- and/or postnatally at doses ≥350 mg/kg/day (approximately equivalent to the maximum recommended human dose of 3000 mg [MRHD] on a mg/m2 basis) and with increased pup mortality and offspring behavioral alterations at a dose of 1800 mg/kg/day (6 times the MRHD on a mg/m2 basis). The developmental no effect dose was 70 mg/kg/day (0.2 times the MRHD on a mg/m2 basis). There was no overt maternal toxicity at the doses used in this study.
Treatment of pregnant rabbits during the period of organogenesis resulted in increased embryofetal mortality and increased incidences of minor fetal skeletal abnormalities at doses ≥600 mg/kg/day (approximately 4 times MRHD on a mg/m2 basis) and in decreased fetal weights and increased incidences of fetal malformations at a dose of 1800 mg/kg/day (12 times the MRHD on a mg/m2 basis). The developmental no effect dose was 200 mg/kg/day (1.3 times the MRHD on a mg/m2 basis). Maternal toxicity was also observed at 1800 mg/kg/day.
When pregnant rats were treated during the period of organogenesis, fetal weights were decreased and the incidence of fetal skeletal variations was increased at a dose of 3600 mg/kg/day (12 times the MRHD). 1200 mg/kg/day (4 times the MRHD) was a developmental no effect dose. There was no evidence of maternal toxicity in this study.
Treatment of rats during the last third of gestation and throughout lactation produced no adverse developmental or maternal effects at doses of up to 1800 mg/kg/day (6 times the MRHD on a mg/m2 basis).
There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Levetiracetam should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.
To provide information regarding the effects of in utero exposure to levetiracetam, physicians are advised to recommend that pregnant patients taking levetiracetam enroll in the North American Antiepileptic Drug (NAAED) pregnancy registry. This can be done by calling the toll free number 1-888-233-2334, and must be done by the patients themselves. Information on the registry can also be found at the website http://www.aedpregnancyregistry.org/.
Levetiracetam is excreted in breast milk. Because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants from levetiracetam, a decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or discontinue the drug, taking into account the importance of the drug to the mother.
Of the total number of subjects in clinical studies of levetiracetam, 347 were 65 and over. No overall differences in safety were observed between these subjects and younger subjects. There were insufficient numbers of elderly subjects in controlled trials of epilepsy to adequately assess the effectiveness of levetiracetam in these patients.
A study in 16 elderly subjects (age 61 to 88 years) with oral administration of single dose and multiple twice-daily doses for 10 days showed no pharmacokinetic differences related to age alone.
Levetiracetam is known to be substantially excreted by the kidney, and the risk of adverse reactions to this drug may be greater in patients with impaired renal function. Because elderly patients are more likely to have decreased renal function, care should be taken in dose selection, and it may be useful to monitor renal function.
Clearance of levetiracetam is decreased in patients with renal impairment and is correlated with creatinine clearance. Caution should be taken in dosing patients with moderate and severe renal impairment and in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The dosage should be reduced in patients with impaired renal function receiving levetiracetam and supplemental doses should be given to patients after dialysis.
The prescriber should be aware that the adverse event incidence figures in the following tables, obtained when levetiracetam was added to concurrent AED therapy, cannot be used to predict the frequency of adverse experiences in the course of usual medical practice where patient characteristics and other factors may differ from those prevailing during clinical studies. Similarly, the cited frequencies cannot be directly compared with figures obtained from other clinical investigations involving different treatments, uses, or investigators. An inspection of these frequencies, however, does provide the prescriber with one basis to estimate the relative contribution of drug and non-drug factors to the adverse event incidences in the population studied.
In well-controlled clinical studies in adults with partial onset seizures, the most frequently reported adverse events associated with the use of levetiracetam in combination with other AEDs, not seen at an equivalent frequency among placebo-treated patients, were somnolence, asthenia, infection and dizziness. In the well-controlled pediatric clinical study in children 4 to 16 years of age with partial onset seizures, the adverse events most frequently reported with the use of levetiracetam in combination with other AEDs, not seen at an equivalent frequency among placebo-treated patients, were somnolence, accidental injury, hostility, nervousness, and asthenia.
Table 8 lists treatment-emergent adverse events that occurred in at least 1% of adult epilepsy patients treated with levetiracetam participating in placebo-controlled studies and were numerically more common than in patients treated with placebo. Table 9 lists treatment-emergent adverse events that occurred in at least 2% of pediatric epilepsy patients (ages 4 to 16 years) treated with levetiracetam participating in the placebo-controlled study and were numerically more common than in pediatric patients treated with placebo. In these studies, either levetiracetam or placebo was added to concurrent AED therapy. Adverse events were usually mild to moderate in intensity.
Other events reported by at least 1% of adult levetiracetam-treated patients but as or more frequent in the placebo group were the following: abdominal pain, accidental injury, amblyopia, arthralgia, back pain, bronchitis, chest pain, confusion, constipation, convulsion, diarrhea, drug level increased, dyspepsia, ecchymosis, fever, flu syndrome, fungal infection, gastroenteritis, gingivitis, grand mal convulsion, insomnia, nausea, otitis media, rash, thinking abnormal, tremor, urinary tract infection, vomiting and weight gain.
Other events occurring in at least 2% of pediatric levetiracetam-treated patients but as or more frequent in the placebo group were the following: abdominal pain, allergic reaction, ataxia, convulsion, epistaxis, fever, headache, hyperkinesia, infection, insomnia, nausea, otitis media, rash, sinusitis, status epilepticus (not otherwise specified), thinking abnormal, tremor, and urinary incontinence.
Although the pattern of adverse events in this study seems somewhat different from that seen in patients with partial seizures, this is likely due to the much smaller number of patients in this study compared to partial seizure studies. The adverse event pattern for patients with JME is expected to be essentially the same as for patients with partial seizures.
In the well-controlled clinical study that included both adolescent (12 to 16 years of age) and adult patients with myoclonic seizures, the most frequently reported adverse events associated with the use of levetiracetam in combination with other AEDs, not seen at an equivalent frequency among placebo-treated patients, were somnolence, neck pain, and pharyngitis.
Table 10 lists treatment-emergent adverse events that occurred in at least 5% of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy patients experiencing myoclonic seizures treated with levetiracetam and were numerically more common than in patients treated with placebo. In this study, either levetiracetam or placebo was added to concurrent AED therapy. Adverse events were usually mild to moderate in intensity.
Other events occurring in at least 5% of levetiracetam-treated patients with myoclonic seizures but as or more frequent in the placebo group were the following: fatigue and headache.
Although the pattern of adverse events in this study seems somewhat different from that seen in patients with partial seizures, this is likely due to the much smaller number of patients in this study compared to partial seizure studies. The adverse event pattern for patients with PGTC seizures is expected to be essentially the same as for patients with partial seizures.
In the well-controlled clinical study that included patients 4 years of age and older with primary generalized tonic-clonic (PGTC) seizures, the most frequently reported adverse event associated with the use of levetiracetam in combination with other AEDs, not seen at an equivalent frequency among placebo-treated patients, was nasopharyngitis.
Table 11 lists treatment-emergent adverse events that occurred in at least 5% of idiopathic generalized epilepsy patients experiencing PGTC seizures treated with levetiracetam and were numerically more common than in patients treated with placebo. In this study, either levetiracetam or placebo was added to concurrent AED therapy. Adverse events were usually mild to moderate in intensity.
Other events occurring in at least 5% of levetiracetam-treated patients with PGTC seizures but as or more frequent in the placebo group were the following: dizziness, headache, influenza, and somnolence.
Of the most frequently reported adverse events in adults experiencing partial onset seizures, asthenia, somnolence and dizziness appeared to occur predominantly during the first 4 weeks of treatment with levetiracetam.
In well-controlled adult clinical studies, 15.0% of patients receiving levetiracetam and 11.6% receiving placebo either discontinued or had a dose reduction as a result of an adverse event. Table 12 lists the most common (>1%) adverse events that resulted in discontinuation or dose reduction.
In the well-controlled pediatric clinical study, 16.8% of patients receiving levetiracetam and 20.6% receiving placebo either discontinued or had a dose reduction as a result of an adverse event. The adverse events most commonly associated (≥3% in patients receiving levetiracetam) with discontinuation or dose reduction in the well-controlled study are presented in Table 13.
In the placebo-controlled study, 8.3% of patients receiving levetiracetam and 1.7% receiving placebo either discontinued or had a dose reduction as a result of an adverse event. The adverse events that led to discontinuation or dose reduction in the well-controlled study are presented in Table 14.
In the placebo-controlled study, 5.1% of patients receiving levetiracetam and 8.3% receiving placebo either discontinued or had a dose reduction during the treatment period as a result of a treatment-emergent adverse event.
This study was too small to adequately characterize the adverse events leading to discontinuation. It is expected that the adverse events that would lead to discontinuation in this population would be similar to those resulting in discontinuation in other epilepsy trials.
The overall adverse experience profile of levetiracetam was similar between females and males. There are insufficient data to support a statement regarding the distribution of adverse experience reports by age and race.
The following adverse events have been identified during postapproval use of levetiracetam. Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a casual relationship to drug exposure.
In addition to the adverse experiences listed above, the following have been reported in patients receiving marketed levetiracetam worldwide. The listing is alphabetized: abnormal liver function test, hepatic failure, hepatitis, leukopenia, neutropenia, pancreatitis, pancytopenia (with bone marrow suppression identified in some of these cases), thrombocytopenia, and weight loss. Alopecia has been reported with levetiracetam use; recovery was observed in majority of cases where levetiracetam was discontinued. These adverse experiences have not been listed above, and data are insufficient to support an estimate of their incidence or to establish causation.
The highest known dose of levetiracetam received in the clinical development program was 6000 mg/day. Other than drowsiness, there were no adverse events in the few known cases of overdose in clinical trials. Cases of somnolence, agitation, aggression, depressed level of consciousness, respiratory depression and coma were observed with levetiracetam overdoses in postmarketing use.
There is no specific antidote for overdose with levetiracetam. If indicated, elimination of unabsorbed drug should be attempted by emesis or gastric lavage; usual precautions should be observed to maintain airway. General supportive care of the patient is indicated including monitoring of vital signs and observation of the patient’s clinical status. A Certified Poison Control Center should be contacted for up to date information on the management of overdose with levetiracetam.
Levetiracetam Tablet is indicated as adjunctive treatment of partial onset seizures in adults and children 4 years of age and older with epilepsy.
In clinical trials, daily doses of 1000 mg, 2000 mg, and 3000 mg, given as twice-daily dosing, were shown to be effective. Although in some studies there was a tendency toward greater response with higher dose, a consistent increase in response with increased dose has not been shown.
Treatment should be initiated with a daily dose of 1000 mg/day, given as twice-daily dosing (500 mg BID). Additional dosing increments may be given (1000 mg/day additional every 2 weeks) to a maximum recommended daily dose of 3000 mg. Doses greater than 3000 mg/day have been used in open-label studies for periods of 6 months and longer. There is no evidence that doses greater than 3000 mg/day confer additional benefit.
Treatment should be initiated with a daily dose of 20 mg/kg in 2 divided doses (10 mg/kg BID). The daily dose should be increased every 2 weeks by increments of 20 mg/kg to the recommended daily dose of 60 mg/kg (30 mg/kg BID). If a patient cannot tolerate a daily dose of 60 mg/kg, the daily dose may be reduced. In the clinical trial, the mean daily dose was 52 mg/kg. Patients with body weight ≤ 20 kg should be dosed with oral solution. Patients with body weight above 20 kg can be dosed with either tablets or oral solution. Table 15 below provides a guideline for tablet dosing based on weight during titration to 60 mg/kg/day. Only whole tablets should be administered.
The following calculation should be used to determine the appropriate daily dose of oral solution for pediatric patients based on a daily dose of 20 mg/kg/day, 40 mg/kg/day or 60 mg/kg/day:
A household teaspoon or tablespoon is not an adequate measuring device. It is recommended that a calibrated measuring device be obtained and used. Healthcare providers should recommend a device that can measure and deliver the prescribed dose accurately, and provide instructions for measuring the dosage.
Treatment should be initiated with a dose of 1000 mg/day, given as twice-daily dosing (500 mg BID). Dosage should be increased by 1000 mg/day every 2 weeks to the recommended daily dose of 3000 mg. The effectiveness of doses lower than 3000 mg/day has not been studied.
Treatment should be initiated with a dose of 1000 mg/day, given as twice-daily dosing (500 mg BID). Dosage should be increased by 1000 mg/day every 2 weeks to the recommended daily dose of 3000 mg. The effectiveness of doses lower than 3000 mg/day has not been adequately studied.
Treatment should be initiated with a daily dose of 20 mg/kg in 2 divided doses (10 mg/kg BID). The daily dose should be increased every 2 weeks by increments of 20 mg/kg to the recommended daily dose of 60 mg/kg (30 mg/kg BID). The effectiveness of doses lower than 60 mg/kg/day has not been adequately studied. Patients with body weight ≤ 20 kg should be dosed with oral solution. Patients with body weight above 20 kg can be dosed with either tablets or oral solution. See Table 14 for tablet dosing based on weight during titration to 60 mg/kg/day. Only whole tablets should be administered.
Levetiracetam tablets, 250 mg are blue coloured, oblong shaped, scored, film coated tablets debossed with ‘H’ on one side and ‘87’ on other side. They are supplied in containers of
Levetiracetam tablets, 500 mg are yellow coloured, oblong shaped, scored, film coated tablets debossed with ‘H’ on one side and ‘88’ on other side. They are supplied in containers of
Levetiracetam tablets, 750 mg are orange coloured, oblong shaped, scored, film coated tablets debossed with ‘H’ on one side and ‘90’ on other side. They are supplied in containers of
Levetiracetam tablets, 1000 mg are white coloured, oblong shaped, scored, film coated tablets debossed with ‘H’ on one side and ‘91’ on other side. They are supplied in containers of
Read this Medication Guide before you start taking levetiracetam and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This information does not take the place of talking to your healthcare provider about your medical condition or treatment.
Like other antiepileptic drugs, levetiracetam may cause suicidal thoughts or actions in a very small number of people, about 1 in 500 people taking it.
primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures in people 6 years of age and older with certain types of generalized epilepsy.
Before taking your medicine, make sure you have received the correct medicine. Compare the name above with the name on your bottle and the appearance of your medicine with the description of levetiracetam provided below. Contact your pharmacist immediately if you believe a dispensing error may have occurred.
Levetiracetam tablets, 250 mg are blue coloured, oblong shaped, scored, film coated tablets debossed with ‘H’ on one side and ‘87’ on other side.
Levetiracetam tablets, 500 mg are yellow coloured, oblong shaped, scored, film coated tablets debossed with ‘H’ on one side and ‘88’ on other side.
Levetiracetam tablets, 750 mg are orange coloured, oblong shaped, scored, film coated tablets debossed with ‘H’ on one side and ‘90’ on other side.
Levetiracetam tablets, 1000 mg are white coloured, oblong shaped, scored, film coated tablets debossed with ‘H’ on one side and ‘91’ on other side.
Before taking levetiracetam, tell your healthcare provider about all of your medical conditions, including if you:
are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. It is not known if levetiracetam will harm your unborn baby. You and your healthcare provider will have to decide if you should take levetiracetam while you are pregnant. If you become pregnant while taking levetiracetam, talk to your healthcare provider about registering with the North American Antiepileptic Drug Pregnancy Registry. You can enroll in this registry by calling 1-888-233-2334. The purpose of this registry is to collect information about the safety of levetiracetam and other antiepileptic medicine during the pregnancy.
are breast feeding. Levetiracetam can pass into your milk and may harm your baby. You and your healthcare provider should discuss whether you should take levetiracetam or breast- feed; you should not do both.
Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Do not start a new medicine without first talking with your healthcare provider.
Your healthcare provider will tell you how much levetiracetam to take and when to take it. Levetiracetam is usually taken twice a day. Take levetiracetam at the same times each day.
If you miss a dose of levetiracetam, take it as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, just skip the missed dose. Take the next dose at your regular time. Do not take two doses at the same time.
If you take too much levetiracetam, call your local Poison Control Center or go to the nearest emergency room right away.
Do not drive, operate machinery or do other dangerous activities until you know how levetiracetam affects you. Levetiracetam may make you dizzy or sleepy.
The most common side effects seen in children who take levetiracetam include, in addition to those listed above:
Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a Medication Guide. Do not use levetiracetam for a condition for which it was not prescribed. Do not give levetiracetam to other people, even if they have the same symptoms that you have. It may harm them.
This Medication Guide summarizes the most important information about levetiracetam. If you would like more information, talk with your healthcare provider. You can ask your pharmacist or healthcare provider for information about levetiracetam that is written for health professionals.
You saw a bit of new syntax in the previous exercise: for num in 1...10. What this says to Ruby is: "For the variable num in the range 1 to 10, do the following." The following was to puts "#{num}", so as num took on the values of 1 to 9, one at a time, those values were printed to the console.
The reason this program counted to 9 and not 10 was that we used three dots in the range; this tells Ruby to exclude the final number in the count: for num in 1...10 means "go up to but don't include 10." If we use two dots, this tells Ruby to include the highest number in the range.
Woohoo and it’s almost here, we keep getting snippets of summer here and there. The last weekend has been glorious!
And if I may blow my trumpet just a little, I was quite well prepared this summer. Which left me enjoying the sun rather than running around trying to organise myself, like last year! The holidays are coming up and I am beach body ready! Almost!
It’s all about getting the legs out isn’t it? Start exfoliating, waxing or epilating to get your legs ready for the beach. And that tan, the smoother and softer the legs are the better tan will take. (If like me the only way you ever get a colour is out of a bottle.) Now my legs are never going to be brown, but a nice glow with soft skin looks so much better in summer dresses.
Get those toes painted and ready, we have all been there, painting our nails on a sunny morning and then smudging them as we are in a rush. Do a pedicure and polish in preparation.
Talking of summer dresses, have a trying on afternoon; I try to do this on a Sunday afternoon over a glass of wine. Try on all those summer dresses from previous years and be ruthless, get rid of what you don’t feel great in and make room in your wardrobe for your summer staple items and a few new ones.
I plan for certain categories, beach dresses, day dresses, smart casual dresses, and the odd formal dress just in case.
Drag out all of those summer sandals and do the same. For me comfort is key, do the sandals match outfits are they comfy, do they still look great?
Make a shopping list for summer wardrobe needs, day and evening dresses and pretty sandals. I find this works, as I don’t panic buy when I am out shopping I go with a plan. Of course there is always the love at first sight item, that is totally allowed, but other than that stick to the plan.
I always use the Bioderma factor 50-face cream under my make up. But also like to keep a stock of sun creams and after sun. This year I am loving the Photoderm Bronz which is a factor 50 but stimulates natural tanning at the same time.
You never know when you might book your next trip. Or spend a sunny day on a country walk. Plan ahead and look out for great deals on your favourite sun cream. Sods law there is never an offer on when you need to buy it. I always have an aerosol or Photoderm kids mousse sun spray handy too, for those busy city days, perfect for catching out teens that think sun cream was sent by the devil.
Additionally have a summer foundation in ready, I totally failed on this, this year, I much prefer a light tinted moisturiser on sunny days than a heavy foundation. Or go for a foundation with SPF for added protection.
It’s a proven fact that alongside a healthy diet exercise is the key to looking a feeling great. Plan exercise onto your routine, whether it’s swimming, walking or yoga. If you feel great you look great. And if you plan it you do it!
I have a lovely competition as a huge thank you to all my amazing readers. It’s coming up to May Half Term and summer will be along shortly after and if you’re anything like me you too will be wanting to get summer and holiday ready.
So I have got together with some of my blogging buddies and we decided a brand new giveaway would be a lovely boost to the holiday fund! With £100 cash to giveaway to one lucky blog reader of either Mini Travellers, Like Love Do or Parentshaped and my very own blog Extraordinary Chaos.
If you aren’t already following the other blogs on social media then do pop over a give them a follow, which will give you more entries to the competition, but they are also all fabulous blogs covering different topics around travel and life.
All you need to do is enter via the Rafflecopter entry form below. The more times you enter the more chances you have to win the £100 cash via PayPal!
xoxo ~~~***~~~ ??? Sooooo fab!!! Thanks for a chance to win at your giveaway !! fingers crossed tightly Liked & Shared with all my friends & followers???~~~***~~~ xoxo |
Hydrophane Bosals and Horse Products by EquineNow.com, part of the EquineNow.com, LLC group of websites.
You know what blogging is, but do you know the difference between macro and micro blogging? While it seems like it’s just about the size of the message, there’s much more to it than that. The types of messages and what they convey about your business can vary quite a bit depending on the medium used.
People typically think of a site like Twitter as micro-blogging, mainly because it was called that when it first came out. But it became quickly apparent that Twitter was mostly used for chatting and messaging. While there are examples of micro-blogging on Twitter, it’s not specifically a micro-blog in of itself.
You get to decide if your blog is a micro or macro simply by how much you’re writing. There’s not a pre-determined word count for a micro-blog but it’s considerably smaller and easier to take in than your typical macro blog. So which is better for your company? It all depends on what you want to convey.
This is your standard blog you see all over the web. Typical posts run around 500 words, although of course some go longer or a little shorter. However, too much more than 500 and you run the risk of boring the heck out of your audience. Let’s face it, the web has a short attention span.
These types of blogs are great for conveying a bunch of information. You can get a lot across in 500 words – in fact, this one you’re reading now is around that number. You can expand on points you wouldn’t be able to in a micro version.
When you commit to this length of blog you’re saying to your fans that you have a lot to say. It may be a bit longer than other blogs out there but it’s worth it as the information is vital. Plus, you’re able to do more with a macro blog. You have room to include charts, graphs, videos or other additions to your message.
While Twitter isn’t the only example of a micro-blog, it’s a great visual to have. You’re limited to 140 characters per tweet which means you have to be concise as possible. Of course there are ways around that (multiple tweets, extenders, etc.) but more often than not people stick to the format.
If someone is in a hurry, maybe running to the office or they just want to read something cool before they hit the gym, they’re not going to take the time to read a 500 word macro-blog post. If they did they would skim it and miss most of the info anyway. A micro-blog lets your busy readers get some great info in no time at all.
When you only post micro-blogs you’re showing your efficiency to your customers and fans. You’re telling the world you understand how busy and fast-paced everything is now and you can get your ideas across quickly and in as few words as possible. Of course on the other hand there’s always something lost in the translation, and as mentioned you might not have the same media options available to you. However, you may be able to split the blogs up into multiple bite-sized blogs, giving you more opportunities to bring in traffic.
This article is written by Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases (https://www.ereleases.com), the online leader in affordable press release distribution. Download your free copy of the Beginner’s Guide to Writing Powerful Press Releases here: https://www.ereleases.com/offer/beginnersguide.html
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In the fall of 2015, I had the privilege of joining Etsy as a Product Designer. I worked alongside an exceptionally talented team called Maker Innovation to bring a brand new product offering to life — a website builder we called Pattern.
Our vision was to create the simplest website building experience on the market. Within a few clicks, our users should be able to generate a gorgeous site that is pre-populated with their Etsy shop content and immediately ready for launch.
As design lead, my task was to create a series of tools that balance ease-of-use with legitimate customizability. The entire experience had to be intuitive — from designing and populating the site itself, to maintaining a blog, to buying and transferring domains.
The average pay for a Dance Therapist is $49,718 a year and $24 an hour in Delaware, United States. The average salary range for a Dance Therapist is between $36,670 and $60,594. On average, a Doctorate Degree is the highest level of education for a Dance Therapist. This compensation analysis is based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in Delaware, United States.
Plans, organizes, and leads dance and body movement activities to improve patients' mental outlooks and physical well-beings: observes and evaluates patient's mental and physical disabilities to determine dance and body movement treatment.
Attends and participates in professional conferences and workshops to enhance efficiency and knowledge. |
I was staring at the whiteness of the blank page and getting nowhere, so I started to ‘bounce’ my pen tip on the paper making little ‘dribs and drabs’ across the page. I looked at the marks and decided to keep going. I continued just twirling and pushing and pulling the pen around the page, only holding the very end of the pen so I had little or no control over the marks I was making.
This is sort of like the exercises Carla Sonheim has you do in her classes to loosen up. She does it with watercolors and then has you turn the page around and look at your marks from different angles to ‘see’ what is there.
It was given to us back in May and after all these weeks (and many dress rehearsals in different places throughout the house) she has finally settled on where she wants to be.
We were at the zoo. We loved the zoo, my mother and I. The parasol ants were her favorites but me; I liked the baby animals in the petting zoo. So we always saved them for last.
I would take my quarter to the machine, crank out a handful of pellets, lovingly cradle them in my little hands and make a beeline for the lambs. They were so cute and fuzzy! I couldn’t wait to feel their velvety wet noses nibbling on the food.
As I was swaying at the top of the fence, llama nipping at my ankles, I saw my mother seated outside on the bleachers with the other mothers, laughing hysterically.
I kept crying for her to come save me but apparently when your six year old daughter is being marauded by wild beasts the proper protocol is to sit and laugh with your contemporaries!
My mother loved to tell this story. The part she liked best was how my ‘little red sneakers’ were just the right size to fit in the holes of the chain link fence.
I’ve been trying for weeks now to figure out how to capture my sketches on Tablet so I can share them here. (I know..... you’ve waiting with bated breath! LOL) Anyway……I’m fascinated with watching time lapse YouTube videos of other people’s drawings. I figure if I’m captivated by it you would be too.
Tablet is an android device and because of this it needs to be ‘rooted’. A fancy word that means you have to go into places the normal user shouldn’t go to unlock certain settings. (I don’t recommend doing this, you risk ‘bricking’ your device or losing things you don’t want to lose.)
But I figured if I did ‘brick’ it I could just buy a new device (’walk towards the lowercase ‘i’……) that already has the capabilities to screencast without messing about in the settings.
And downloaded and tried and failed and Googled again and tried and failed. Called on my personal tech support and tried AGAIN and failed.
Then I found a site online that would do it for you. I broke down and paid. It was worth it. The frustration level had outweighed the nominal charge.
I did some research and found a simple screencast app, downloaded it to Tablet and thought I was all set.
The app was glitchy, only captured the first few frames and then stopped, wouldn’t play back, wouldn’t capture audio…..you get the idea.
I’m sure it’s a form letter, automatically generated, but it’s nice to know they got my query and they didn’t leave me flapping in the breeze the way it was ‘way back when’ we used snail mail for our submissions.
1. I never see artwork like mine in it. (Of course the reason for that might not be one I like…….LOL)
2. I’m tired of reading all the ‘I was discovered……….my blog led to my fame and fortune……….. I got a lucrative licensing deal from my blog…..I have thousands of readers…….yada, yadda, yadda… kind of stories. For honesty’s sake I’d like to hear more stories like, I started a blog four years ago and I’ve worked my way up to almost fifty followers! Yay! Because I think that’s more the norm. I get discouraged and feel like a failure when I read all these ‘made it’ stories.
3. And yes, I have enough of an ego that I’d like to be in print. There! I said it! It’s out there! Yes, I’d like the external recognition of what I do. |
After seven years, the Chilcot inquiry into the circumstances surrounding Britain’s involvement in the Iraq war finally has been released. Its conclusions are an excoriating critique of the limitations in British strategy and policy in 2003. The inquiry has identified a raft of issues: that war was not the last resort and that alternatives to military action were not fully explored; that the public case for war was built on evidence that did not reflect the uncertain nature of the actual intelligence; that the government was woefully unprepared for the post-conflict context; and that, in the end, Britain failed to achieve its key objectives. There may be many consequences. The Chilcot inquiry may reflect, as Sir Martin Gilbert has hoped, ‘an important milestone in government willingness to confront contentious issues’; or it may result in, as Alex Salmond as called for, the beginning of a ‘political reckoning’ for those most associated publicly with Britain’s decision to go to war. But Phillipe Sands, QC, has noted that the inquiry’s crucial role should be to ensure that ‘lessons will be learned that will allow us to make sure it never happens again’. Lessons undoubtedly will be identified, but whether they make another Iraq debacle impossible is more doubtful.
The eminent repeatability of the events of 2003 is evident when one examines two overarching themes identified by the Chilcot enquiry that weave themselves throughout the detail of the government’s decision-making over Iraq. The first is internal in nature, and it concerned the government’s decision-making processes; the second is external, and it was the priority accorded in British calculations to the ‘special relationship’ with the United States.
In terms of government’s decision-making processes in 2003, Chilcot notes their informality and ad-hoc nature. Cabinet often was informed of decisions rather than debating them. The inquiry identifies, in consequence, that there needed to be a ‘collective discussion by a Cabinet Committee or a small group of ministers’ on a number of crucial issues, including the political and legal implications of recourse to military options, and the potential difficulties in the post-conflict situation. In future, Chilcot recommends the creation of ‘a more structured process’ to ‘probe and challenge’ government options. Indeed, in such structures as the National Security Council, Britain already has more refined security policy decision-making mechanisms than existed in 2003. But it is doubtful if such changes would effect any revolutionary improvement in the quality of British strategy-making. The challenge for the Blair government in 2003 was the operation of two pervasive policy influences: uncertainty and beliefs.
There is generally in international relations an enormous gap between what decision-makers actually know as objective fact and what they would need to know to make fully considered, rational decisions. Decision-makers fill this gap with beliefs: beliefs about what it is right to do; beliefs about what will work and what the outcomes will be. Chilcot identifies Blair’s belief that Saddam Hussein was ‘a monster’ and that his regime represented a threat. This was reinforced by a set of ‘ingrained beliefs’ in government that Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction and that he would continue to develop them. Blair needed to make policy decisions but faced such uncertainties as the qualified conclusions of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC), and competing perspectives on the nature of the post-conflict context. Political crises typically short-circuit formal decision-making processes and reduce the size of decision-making groups. Facilitated by the nature of British political system, which accords great informal powers to the Prime Minister, Blair did what many British Prime Ministers before had done, and took the lead in driving foreign policy. From a 2003 perspective, he also had perceived successes in Sierra Leone, Kosovo, and Afghanistan to support belief in his judgement. Blair has noted in his memoirs that in acting over Iraq he was doing what he believed was ‘right morally and strategically’. In conditions of uncertainty what is believed to make strategic sense often becomes a function of what a decision-maker believes that it is right to do. Tinkering with government decision-making processes cannot eliminate in the future the uncertainty problem; nor eliminate the psychological factors that have such an important bearing on crisis decision-making.
Shaping Blair’s belief in the necessity of action was the second theme: the influence of the United States on British policy considerations. The Chilcot report concludes that the UK’s relationship with the US was ‘a determining factor in the Government’s decisions over Iraq’. This influence is a long-standing theme in British foreign policy. But what the inquiry also illustrates is that, time and again, British influence over US decision-making was minimal. Britain’s shift towards involvement in the Iraq war was influenced powerfully by the Blair government’s belief, as Chilcot notes, that supporting the US over Iraq was necessary in order to sustain cooperation in other areas; and that the UK could best influence US policy towards Iraq ‘from the inside’. But generally, Blair’s government proved unable to exert a decisive influence on the US – indeed, the reverse was true: by prioritising relations with the US, British policy was forced by degrees into alignment with that of the US. As Chilcot illustrates, despite Blair’s post 9/11 commitment that the UK would stand ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with the US, he was keen on reigning back the US focus on military options, preferring instead a gradualist approach that would maintain international support and that might at some point look towards regime change. Progressively, however, in attempting to reign the US back, the UK was instead simply dragged forwards. Blair’s long note of 28 July 2003 included the phrase ‘I will be with you, whatever’. This phrase was contained in a missive whose general thrust was a desire to slow the US’ moves to the military option; but it also expressed a general truth about the realities of the British position. The Chilcot inquiry notes that, in 2003, Britain should have adopted a more questioning attitude. But whether, especially post-Brexit, Britain would be in future be more willing to risk a rift in Anglo-American relations is a matter of debate.
The specific issues identified by the Chilcot inquiry are a devastating critique of the Blair government’s handling of the Iraq crisis in 2003. However, it would be unwise to assume that the roots of the problems identified are new or that in the future they won’t be open to repeat. The decision-making difficulties that manifested themselves in 2003 reflect pervasive problems in foreign-policy decision-making relating to uncertainty. Equally, the priority placed upon the ‘special relationship’, and the influence therefore on the UK of US policy priorities, is a long-standing theme that is likely to endure. These factors can generate great policy difficulties but they do not make failure inevitable. For a war fought on questionable legal foundations, for example, see Kosovo in 1999; or for policies driven forward by Prime Ministerial fiat, see the Falklands War in 1982. Blair has argued that his decisions over Iraq were taken ‘in good faith and what I believed to be the best interests of the country’. It is entirely possible that this is true; but, unlike in Kosovo and the Falklands, Blair’s great problem is that Britain lost.
Image: Jacques Chirac, George W. Bush, Tony Blair and Silvio Berlusconi during the G8 Summit in Évian, June 2003, via wikimedia.
July 7, 2016 defenceresearchUncategorizedAfghanistan, British Defence Policy, Foreign Policy, Iraq, Strategy
Blair was more interested in self-aggrandisement than in the welfare of the country: Westminster & senior military advisers did a great disservice toward our military by this adventure, they should all bow their heads in shame. |
@why-yu: yes it does. but in a way some people say you shouldn´t take doubles: by pushing the little button for rewinding but then advancing. the problem with this cam when taking doubles is that you have to re-"advance" really slow because otherwise the roll will move. and then on top it might hapen that the little button does not come out again which means you have to expose again - well you can hold your hand in front of the lens then. and: the film might only advance a little bit for the next pic. so you see it´s not made for taking doubles ;)
I once tried to make doubles with my hi-matic S, I rewound the last shots, but somehow I was not able to get double to the same place - in same shot/frame
A Tale of Monstrous Extravagance: Imagining Multilingualism, by Tomson Highway. Edmonton: U of Alberta P, 2015. 37 pp. $10.95.
The cover of this slim book prints “Monstrous” and “Highway” at the top and bottom in the same 44-point sans typeface, in contrast to the 12-point and 9-point non-sans of the remaining text. Monstrous Highway. In the cover photograph Highway is striking a head-back Elton John pose while singing to his own piano accompaniment. A similar vocal-piano photo of him appears on page 3 – perhaps a metaphorical substitution for one of him speaking.
The text is Highway’s lecture in the University of Alberta’s Henry Kreisel Lecture series in March of 2014 – a lecture that was, as the photographs suggest, also a performance. The typographers have worked with some success to enliven the text symbolically with contrasting fonts and music symbols, and to present its delivery as – and as it deserved to be – a career-celebrating moment.
The lecture itself is essentially a narrative of Highway’s life from birth in a tent pitched by his Cree parents on a Nunuvut snowbank some hundred kilometres north of their home Brochet, Manitoba, to his current career as an internationally productive playwright, novelist, and entertainer who along the way has become fluent in possibly seven languages (eight, he implies, if one includes that of music notation). His performance of the lecture – mostly in English but also in Cree and French – makes this journey seem amusing, pleasant, enriching, and paradoxically both unlikely and easy. Highway builds the unlikeliness of his story on the cultural
contrasts between subsistence cultures that are oral and improvisational and western industrial culture that is text- based, bureaucratic, and hierarchical -- and on his apparently easy transitions between them.
A mostly unspoken/unwritten element in his text is the contrastingly desperate condition of most of Canada’s aboriginal cultures – their current high levels of internal violence, high suicide rates, high rates of criminal convictions, low levels of educational attainment, high rates of unemployment, and the epidemic abuse and murder, both outside and inside aboriginal communities, of aboriginal women. None of these things – the subject in May 2014 of a United Nations report that characterized them as constituting “a crisis among [Canadian] aboriginal communities in terms of their basic necessities” – appear to have been a part of Highway’s own life, a fact which throughout the lecture adds to the humour he is able to create by his story’s unlikely evasion of the stereotypes his educated audience is certain to have encountered about similar aboriginal subjects. The book cover’s “monstrous highway” becomes both an hilarious and troublingly unlikely road away from aboriginal failure and hopelessness.
Only once in the book does Highway appear unhappy about this. About half way through his entertaining celebration of his how a pastoral northern aboriginal multilingual childhood led to his being able to recommend Budapest, Santiago, and Tokyo as each a “fabulous city” (35-6), he recalls for a short paragraph the savage 1971 murder in Manitoba of the young Cree woman Helen Betty Osborne and the serial killings, mostly of aboriginal sex workers, committed in British Columbia more recently by Robert Pickton (17). But the paragraph segues quickly back to Highway’s personal avoidance of stereotypes: “At age almost seven I left the paradise that is northern Manitoba to go to boarding [residential] school. That’s what I call it because, for me, it was a positive experience.”
Goodbye much more than that. I’m left thinking less of Highway’s enviable travels than of how it is to Canada’s shame that his story can seem so extravagantly unlikely. Pickton’s victims might have also enjoyed visits to “fabulous” Budapest, Santiago, or Tokyo. I’m left wondering also what Highway thinks of this contrast between his own formative experiences and the effect which similar experiences appear to have had on others. What can we learn from a remarkable individual about a systemic disaster by which he claims to have been only positively touched? Should there have been more Jesuits? Could multilingual education succeed as a national social policy?
Multi-day & Extended Tours, Collection from central Port Elizabeth hotels to Tour ends on arrival in Cape Town. Guests can be dropped off, on request, at Cape Town International Airport
ReturnsTour ends on arrival in Cape Town. Guests can be dropped off, on request, at Cape Town International Airport
Explore the Garden Route and its abundant attractions in just four days. Experience the highlights of the Garden Route, traveling from Port Elizabeth to Cape Town in this four day tour. Visit Tsitsikamma Park en route to the quaint holiday town of Knysna. Enjoy the bright greens and blues of the forests and lagoons and the evocative landscapes of the Klein Karoo and Oudtshoorn.
Day 1: Port Elizabeth to Knysna. (D) Head westwards along the Garden Route, which follows the Indian Ocean coastline and is bordered inland by soaring mountain ranges and indigenous forests. Visit Tsitsikamma Park and Storms River Mouth. Enjoy an afternoon at leisure at the hotel. Dinner and overnight in Knysna. Day 2: Knysna (B, L) Enjoy the shops and atmosphere of this quaint town before joining a lagoon cruise to Featherbed Nature Reserve. Enjoy a trailer ride to top of Western Head and walk back through Milkwood trees for lunch. Overnight in Knysna. Day 3: Knysna to Oudtshoorn (B) Travel through the Outeniqua Pass to Oudtshoorn, the centre of the world’s Ostrich farming industry. You’ll visit an Ostrich Farm for a guided tour and light lunch, before taking a tour of the spectacular limestone caverns of the Cango Caves, one of the world’s great natural wonders, sculpted by nature through the ages. Late afternoon you will travel to your hotel in time to check in and relax before dinner (for own account). Overnight in Oudtshoorn. Day 4: Oudtshoorn to Franschhoek to Cape Town (B) Enjoy an early morning meerkat safari (optional & for own account). Witness these incredible wild, habituated creatures emerging out of their burrows, in time to soak up the sun before they head about their daily activities (weather permitting). After this thrilling experience, head back for a delicious breakfast. After breakfast, the journey continues through the "Little Karoo" to Barrydale, where you will have the opportunity to visit a local farm school before travelling to Montagu, a picturesque and historic spa town. (The school visit is subject to the school being open.) Continue to Franschhoek, a picturesque village surrounded by spectacular vineyards, where French Huguenots settled more than 300 years ago. Here you will disembark the tour and be transferred (with a driver only) to Cape Town, spectacularly set at the foot of Table Mountain. The journey ends on arrival in Cape Town. [B] Note for 2019 season: The tour will continue straight through to Cape Town, and may only travel via Franschhoek to collect other guests booked on the Franschhoek Winelands Option from the SJC14 South Africa Odyssey Tour.
Day 1: Port Elizabeth to Knysna. (D) Head westwards along the Garden Route, which follows the Indian Ocean coastline and is bordered inland by soaring mountain ranges and indigenous forests. Visit Tsitsikamma Park and Storms River Mouth. Enjoy an afternoon at leisure at the hotel. Dinner and overnight in Knysna.
Day 2: Knysna (B, L) Enjoy the shops and atmosphere of this quaint town before joining a lagoon cruise to Featherbed Nature Reserve. Enjoy a trailer ride to top of Western Head and walk back through Milkwood trees for lunch. Overnight in Knysna.
Day 3: Knysna to Oudtshoorn (B) Travel through the Outeniqua Pass to Oudtshoorn, the centre of the world’s Ostrich farming industry. You’ll visit an Ostrich Farm for a guided tour and light lunch, before taking a tour of the spectacular limestone caverns of the Cango Caves, one of the world’s great natural wonders, sculpted by nature through the ages. Late afternoon you will travel to your hotel in time to check in and relax before dinner (for own account). Overnight in Oudtshoorn.
Day 4: Oudtshoorn to Franschhoek to Cape Town (B) Enjoy an early morning meerkat safari (optional & for own account). Witness these incredible wild, habituated creatures emerging out of their burrows, in time to soak up the sun before they head about their daily activities (weather permitting). After this thrilling experience, head back for a delicious breakfast. After breakfast, the journey continues through the "Little Karoo" to Barrydale, where you will have the opportunity to visit a local farm school before travelling to Montagu, a picturesque and historic spa town. (The school visit is subject to the school being open.) Continue to Franschhoek, a picturesque village surrounded by spectacular vineyards, where French Huguenots settled more than 300 years ago. Here you will disembark the tour and be transferred (with a driver only) to Cape Town, spectacularly set at the foot of Table Mountain. The journey ends on arrival in Cape Town. [B] Note for 2019 season: The tour will continue straight through to Cape Town, and may only travel via Franschhoek to collect other guests booked on the Franschhoek Winelands Option from the SJC14 South Africa Odyssey Tour.
Assigned parking! One of the best units in Nolde Bakery! True one bedroom with no half wall, but full bedroom. Walking in you're going to be wow'd with the huge windows and northern exposure. Second floor living means wonderful views and privacy. This unit has a spacious kitchen with ample cabinet space and granite countertops. The tall ceilings and open floor plan provide almost limitless layout options. Bedroom features two large closets. Office area in foyer is perfect for a stay at home office or studio. Full sized stacked washer/dryer by the large bathroom. Tasteful bathroom built to please! On your way in or out check out the huge gym just down the hall. Not your average condo gym but a large, fully equipped gym. Condo also features a movie theater, business area and common room. Locked storage in basement (room #135) and off-street parking spot #37. Assigned parking spot is mere steps from elevator to unit! Pets allowed!
Long Beach Marina’s roots on can be traced back as far as 1947, when employees started the tradition of writing the year of the summer they worked at the marina.
More than 70 years later, owners Sam and Jan Minervino continue to keep the history of the marina alive by offering convenient and hassle-free ski boat, pontoon boat and mooring rentals to those looking to enjoy all that a Maine summer has to offer. Since the Minervinos purchased the marina in 1988, they have strived to provide customers with the same memorable, enjoyable experiences that the family has enjoyed for years.
For the Minervinos, Long Beach Marina is more than a business. As Sam says, “It’s a lifestyle thing.”
Sam spent many a summer at Long Beach Marina, growing up on the water and eventually sharing his love of boating with his own children. The marina was always like a second home for the Minervinos, as the family spent pretty much every summer weekend on the lake.
So, it should come as no surprise that when Sam’s father, Henry, heard that marina was being put up for sale, he jumped at the opportunity to purchase it. Sam and Jan decided to take the the leap with his mom and dad and went in on the deal. Fast forward to the year 2000, when Sam and his wife, Jan, took full control of the business. Today, they continue to offer the same personalized service that people expect from Long Beach Marina, getting to know most of their long-time, returning customers on a first-name basis.
The Minervinos have worked to keep intact the original charm of Long Beach Marina while continually modernizing their offerings to boaters and vacationers.
Today, Long Beach Marina still maintains the original dock that was built on the property, providing infrastructure upgrades to keep it in use for years to come. For customers looking to keep their boat on the lake, the marina offers 50 moorings with a convenient shuttle service and easy access to a launch ramp.
For those looking to rent, the Minervino’s are constantly maintaining and upgrading their rental fleet of ski boats and pontoons, providing a clean, worry-free rental experience.
For more than 30 years, the Minervinos have had the pleasure of providing their customers with personalized service, many of whom continue to come back to the marina. Sam and Jan want to share their love of boating and Sebago Lake with all of their customers. Call us today to learn how we can provide you with a fun, relaxing experience on the water. |
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