stringclasses 4
values | channel
stringclasses 4
values | text
stringlengths 1
| ts
stringlengths 26
| user
stringlengths 2
elmlang | general | no | 2019-01-06T04:36:42.677300 | Tu |
elmlang | general | i decided it'd be nice to have typed input fields that have configurable prefixes/suffixes for units | 2019-01-06T04:37:03.677500 | Tu |
elmlang | general | so like " 4.5 %/mo" where "%/mo" is the suffix | 2019-01-06T04:37:32.677700 | Tu |
elmlang | general | it's for a real estate investment model | 2019-01-06T04:38:00.677900 | Tu |
elmlang | general | So you'd like to always render prefix/suffix close to what user typed in and to achieve this you are considering contenteditable, is it correct? | 2019-01-06T04:38:08.678100 | Lynne |
elmlang | general | correct, except i'm no longer using contenteditable b/c it doens't maintain cursor position, and it's just not as high priority as finishing | 2019-01-06T04:39:00.678300 | Tu |
elmlang | general | I see | 2019-01-06T04:39:14.678500 | Lynne |
elmlang | general | this is a little side project that i used as an excuse to learn elm, and i actually need the finished project to make a decision on an investment! | 2019-01-06T04:39:33.678700 | Tu |
elmlang | general | You could also look into input addons in Bootstrap style if you haven't yet | 2019-01-06T04:39:37.678900 | Lynne |
elmlang | general | i haven't, no | 2019-01-06T04:39:47.679100 | Tu |
elmlang | general | Spontaneously it feels like a decent alternative | 2019-01-06T04:39:49.679300 | Lynne |
elmlang | general | As you could style them however you want | 2019-01-06T04:40:19.679500 | Lynne |
elmlang | general | are you sure they can do what i want? it sounds impossible for now as it requires an input field that grows w/input | 2019-01-06T04:42:04.679700 | Tu |
elmlang | general | which, afaik, is only possible w/contenteditable | 2019-01-06T04:42:11.679900 | Tu |
elmlang | general | I am not sure of course | 2019-01-06T04:42:36.680100 | Lynne |
elmlang | general | kk | 2019-01-06T04:43:00.680300 | Tu |
elmlang | general | I don't understand your need 100%, so it is just a hint which you might want to consider when you are done with more prioritized tasks :slightly_smiling_face: | 2019-01-06T04:43:07.680500 | Lynne |
elmlang | general | sure :slightly_smiling_face: anyhow — thanks for the input (haha) on the contenteditable hack! | 2019-01-06T04:43:38.680700 | Tu |
elmlang | general | ur welcome and good luck | 2019-01-06T04:43:55.680900 | Lynne |
elmlang | general | Hmm.. maybe you mean imitating jQuery `animate` function like <> but within Elm | 2019-01-06T04:50:48.681100 | Renay |
elmlang | general | I meant lower level implementation which jQuery's animate might be using (I don't know how that function is implemented). | 2019-01-06T04:52:25.681500 | Lynne |
elmlang | general | <> | 2019-01-06T04:53:19.681700 | Lynne |
elmlang | general | There are also CSS animations | 2019-01-06T04:53:32.682000 | Lynne |
elmlang | general | Does the google bot index text from inside an SPA? My main page has almost no text, but a user can navigate to another view that does have a bunch of text on it. I don't know how to tell if that's being accessed or not, but I think probably not. One can pass an URL that causes the page to load with the text on it, but google search thinks that's a duplicate to the main view, which has no text displayed - and arguably that's correct since the same code is loaded either way. | 2019-01-06T09:47:08.687900 | Lindsey |
elmlang | general | <@Lindsey> kind of. If you don't use actual <a href> tags (or provide a sitemap) the bot doesn't have much to work with. | 2019-01-06T11:19:21.690100 | Jake |
elmlang | general | And although it can handle running some JS in a sandbox, I'm not sure if it's done on all pages (and probably not in the first pass) | 2019-01-06T11:20:16.692000 | Jake |
elmlang | general | yeah, I get "Duplicate, submitted URL not selected as canonical" for my help page. I could flag it as the canonical page but that's not really what I want visitors to see right away. Still, maybe better than no results on google. | 2019-01-06T11:23:00.693300 | Lindsey |
elmlang | general | Hmmm, making my tab buttons into hrefs might work though, now that I'm parsing the url. | 2019-01-06T11:24:23.694100 | Lindsey |
elmlang | general | Are you using hash routing? That might cause Google to consider all of your app to be one document | 2019-01-06T11:26:57.695100 | Jake |
elmlang | general | I just switched from urls containing various parameters to plain urls corresponding to my four 'pages' and then parameters in the query part. So basically four urls and then / | 2019-01-06T11:28:49.697100 | Lindsey |
elmlang | general | by hash routing I assume you mean some kind of base64 encoding of parameters and whatnot | 2019-01-06T11:29:30.697700 | Lindsey |
elmlang | general | Check the webmaster tool, it can show you what Google sees | 2019-01-06T12:32:37.698200 | Agustin |
elmlang | general | They do run JS in the bot now | 2019-01-06T12:32:41.698500 | Agustin |
elmlang | general | <@Lindsey> by "hash routing" I mean using URLs like `<|>` as opposed to `<|>` | 2019-01-06T12:48:08.700600 | Jake |
elmlang | general | :wave: i'm confused about this error message from the json package: | 2019-01-06T20:41:17.701300 | Dee |
elmlang | general | ```
-- TYPE MISMATCH -------------------------------------------------- src/Main.elm
The 1st argument to `list` is not what I expect:
142| Encode.list ( encodeRow rows)
This `map` call produces:
List Encode.Value
But `list` needs the 1st argument to be:
a -> Encode.Value
``` | 2019-01-06T20:41:21.701500 | Dee |
elmlang | general | that doesn't seem to be what `list` needs the 1st argument to be, according to <> | 2019-01-06T20:41:45.701900 | Dee |
elmlang | general | oh i'm looking at the wrong docs | 2019-01-06T20:45:49.702100 | Dee |
elmlang | general | what's the difference between elm-lang/core/Json.Encode and elm/json/Json.Encode? | 2019-01-06T20:48:01.703100 | Dee |
elmlang | general | <@Dee> `elm-lang/` packages are old package from Elm 0.18 | 2019-01-06T20:56:17.703800 | Earlean |
elmlang | general | ah okay, thanks! | 2019-01-06T21:06:57.704200 | Dee |
elmlang | general | What is the current best way to focus an input element? Ports required? | 2019-01-06T22:05:00.704900 | Loyce |
elmlang | general | <> | 2019-01-06T22:10:08.705000 | Claretta |
elmlang | general | :+1: Thank you | 2019-01-06T22:10:20.705200 | Loyce |
elmlang | general | Is there a way I could combine two `string` :arrow_down: so I get `Maybe (String, String)`?
<> | 2019-01-06T22:21:02.706300 | Bernardo |
elmlang | general | long shot, are you possibly after: <> | 2019-01-06T22:23:30.706600 | Ruthann |
elmlang | general | the string function returns a `Parser (Maybe String)` you can’t get around that unless you put in your own delimiter perhaps and split it at the end | 2019-01-06T22:24:14.707400 | Ruthann |
elmlang | general | OR are you actually after a map2: <> | 2019-01-06T22:25:00.707700 | Ruthann |
elmlang | general | Yeah I got kinda close with `map2`, but it's not ideal, since I end up with a record having two `Maybe`s, thus:
type alias ConfirmationToken = { tokenId : Maybe String, token : Maybe String}
routeParser : Parser (ConfirmationToken -> a) a
routeParser = query (Query.map2 ConfirmationToken (Query.string "tokenId") (Query.string "token"))
``` | 2019-01-06T22:27:11.708700 | Bernardo |
elmlang | general | ```
toMabeConfirmationToken maybeA maybeB =
case ( maybeA, maybeB) of
(Just a, Just b) -> { tokenId = a, token = b }
_ -> Nothing
``` | 2019-01-06T22:41:34.709900 | Ruthann |
elmlang | general | <@Bernardo> you can choose to return nothing if you don’t get both matches is this better? gets rid of the Maybes | 2019-01-06T22:42:23.710600 | Ruthann |
elmlang | general | Brilliant! Here's the version I just finished writing :grin:
type Route = Home | ConfirmRoute String String
toRoute : Url.Url -> Route
toRoute url = case (parse routeParser url) of
Just cToken -> case (cToken.tokenId, cToken.token) of
(Just tokenId, Just token) -> ConfirmRoute tokenId token
otherwise -> Home
otherwise -> Home
``` | 2019-01-06T22:44:37.711100 | Bernardo |
elmlang | general | yep that works | 2019-01-06T22:45:38.711300 | Ruthann |
elmlang | general | A lot of song and dance to get a couple of query string params thou :disappointed: | 2019-01-06T22:46:13.712000 | Bernardo |
elmlang | general | you could even put the inner case in a separate function and use the Maybe.andThen with `Maybe.withDefault Home` to streamline the pipes | 2019-01-06T22:46:41.712600 | Ruthann |
elmlang | general | TY, I'll give that a go | 2019-01-06T22:47:44.713100 | Bernardo |
elmlang | general | our parser is broken up into a list of possible results, i think if you have more routes, it’s better to do something like this:
parser : Parser (Route -> a) a
parser =
[ Login top
, Login (s "login")
, UserSettings (s (toPath UserSettings))
, Security (s (toPath Security))
, Logout (s "logout")
, Search (s "search" </> searchSubPageParser)
, ...
``` | 2019-01-06T22:49:18.713900 | Ruthann |
elmlang | general | we’ve only got 20 rules, but if i were to do it like you above, i’d go crazy! hehe | 2019-01-06T22:49:59.714400 | Ruthann |
elmlang | general | will you look that that, i even put in where i stole the code from:
{-| Lifted from: <>
``` | 2019-01-06T22:50:40.714800 | Ruthann |
elmlang | general | that’s using url fragments for routing:<> | 2019-01-06T22:51:26.715100 | Ruthann |
elmlang | general | Yeah, I'm right on the fence on whether to do fragment routing (so I can just naively serve my `index.html`), or bite the bullet and use a proper web-server | 2019-01-06T22:58:05.716800 | Bernardo |
elmlang | general | Aaaah, I see now, this turns the fragment *into* the path: `{ url | path = Maybe.withDefault "" url.fragment, fragment = Nothing }`, that's awesome, thanks <@Ruthann>! | 2019-01-06T23:03:31.717500 | Bernardo |
elmlang | general | ah yeah, old habits ( 0.18 ) die hard, esp when our whole web server is unfortunately hardcoded to serve assets etc via fragments… couldn’t use the history api unfortunately… have fun! | 2019-01-06T23:05:28.718900 | Ruthann |
elmlang | general | Ended up doing something like <> in my project
Thanks <@Lynne>! | 2019-01-07T03:10:42.719700 | Renay |
elmlang | general | Hey all... I'm trying to run a basically empty elm file (`view _ = text "hi"`, no-op update, etc) through reactor, and it loads for a minute then times out with ```
A web handler threw an exception. Details:
thread killed``` | 2019-01-07T03:11:30.720700 | Shawnna |
elmlang | general | Nothing gets printed in the console where reactor is running | 2019-01-07T03:11:43.721000 | Shawnna |
elmlang | general | The elm.json is as initially generated by `elm init`, 0.19 | 2019-01-07T03:11:59.721500 | Shawnna |
elmlang | general | also when i use `elm make` it says `Success! Compiled one module.` but doesn't actually make a file | 2019-01-07T03:23:09.722200 | Shawnna |
elmlang | general | with or without `--output=xyz.js` | 2019-01-07T03:23:22.722600 | Shawnna |
elmlang | general | Running make in strace, it appears to never open a file to write to | 2019-01-07T03:26:47.722900 | Shawnna |
elmlang | general | You have to have a `main` function in your module | 2019-01-07T03:39:19.723700 | Lynne |
elmlang | general | That's how Elm compiler decides if there is anything to do. | 2019-01-07T03:39:45.724300 | Lynne |
elmlang | general | That `main` function must return a `Program` because this is what Elm runtime is capable of running | 2019-01-07T03:42:22.725200 | Lynne |
elmlang | general | Hi folks. Do you know if there already is an "UnionFind" implementation in Elm? I've written one and I wonder if I can publish it without make a doublon. | 2019-01-07T05:18:05.726700 | Loralee |
elmlang | general | small addition: `main` can also be of type `Html msg` | 2019-01-07T08:42:27.727200 | Wendell |
elmlang | general | There was one, but it doesn’t look like it was updated to 0.19. <> | 2019-01-07T08:45:00.727400 | Wendell |
elmlang | general | Ok thanks | 2019-01-07T12:16:47.728000 | Loralee |
elmlang | general | Is there a guide anywhere for upgrading from elm/http 1.0.0 to elm/http 2.0.0 ? | 2019-01-07T12:33:46.728500 | Treva |
elmlang | general | Specifically I was depending on the Request type, which seems to have been removed | 2019-01-07T12:34:08.728700 | Treva |
elmlang | general | Construct the record yourself & use the `Http.request` function | 2019-01-07T12:45:13.728900 | Earnest |
elmlang | general | Maybe checkout the `elm-http-builder` package | 2019-01-07T12:46:04.729100 | Earnest |
elmlang | general | :man-shrugging: I think I like the new approach with typed methods, and Expect, and now that I’ve read through all the API docs I can probably do it. | 2019-01-07T12:47:39.729300 | Treva |
elmlang | general | Even more dependencies is not what I want. Thank you for the suggestions, regardless. | 2019-01-07T12:47:59.729500 | Treva |
elmlang | general | Because I am going to need headers at some point, and builder looks like it’ll be nice then! | 2019-01-07T12:48:40.729700 | Treva |
elmlang | general | Yup, I usually just write a more domain-specific version of http-builder in an Api module:
<> | 2019-01-07T12:49:16.729900 | Earnest |
elmlang | general | Hi folks, is there any working implementation of a global model (i.e. store a.k.a. redux) for Elm? I've been wondering a lot about it, couldn't exactly spot anything out there, after being repeatedly asked for something like that for my project? | 2019-01-07T16:55:36.733200 | Floy |
elmlang | general | pretty much, I don't see much of a problem with writing huge model for all my domain object, but I am terrified with dealing with any associations that are out there and keeping them in sync | 2019-01-07T16:59:48.733900 | Floy |
elmlang | general | <@Rosa> if you don't mind responding here, so I can easily spot this thread later on | 2019-01-07T17:00:13.734100 | Floy |
elmlang | general | i feel like you _could_ just pass it around as an argument. | 2019-01-07T17:00:55.734300 | Rosa |
elmlang | general | Can you be more specific about your question? An Elm app has a single model value that hold all the state of your application. (redux got the idea from Elm) | 2019-01-07T17:04:03.734600 | Earlean |
elmlang | general | What are 'associations' in this context and why do you think they would be a problem to keep in sync? | 2019-01-07T17:05:11.735000 | Earlean |
elmlang | general | It sounds an awful lot like you’re describing the Elm Architecture itself (which redux is an implementation of). | 2019-01-07T17:06:01.735800 | Cammy |
elmlang | general | elm spa exmple i think used to have a `Session` object which is almost (smells like ) a `Model`. and then each Page had its own `Model`, and could “sync” data with `Session` | 2019-01-07T17:06:19.736000 | Rosa |
elmlang | general | so let's say my model looks like:
type alias Store = {
students: List Student
classes: List Classes
type alias Student = {
classes: List Classes --- or should it be List Classes.Id
``` | 2019-01-07T17:06:40.736200 | Floy |
elmlang | general | for like caching, auth, and stuff | 2019-01-07T17:06:52.736500 | Rosa |
elmlang | general | <@Earlean> the question is if I know change one of the classes that change will not be reflected in each student record that is associated/participates in given classes? | 2019-01-07T17:08:19.736800 | Floy |
elmlang | general | as everything is stored "as value"? | 2019-01-07T17:08:29.737000 | Floy |
elmlang | general | or am I fundamentally wrong, now :thinking_face: ? | 2019-01-07T17:09:02.737200 | Floy |
elmlang | general | btw Richard just gave a rad talk on keeping things in sync
even used Students and Classes for examples | 2019-01-07T17:09:22.737400 | Rosa |
elmlang | general | awesome, will definitely watch it ! | 2019-01-07T17:09:38.737600 | Floy |
Subsets and Splits