We found out that Novak’s and Jelena’s engagement in child education has inspired you to become a teacher.
Saznali smo da te je angažovanje Novaka i Jelene u oblasti obrazovanja dece inspirisalo da postaneš učiteljica.
Mr. Nebojša Aleksić – the heart & soul of Temet Winery in Jagodina explained his philosophy in wine production. A brilliant concept, an extraordinary aesthetics, modern design everywhere & total commitment to produce wines that represent the soil of the great Tri Morave region of Sumadija – ultimately create a very powerful brand – Temet – the wines with character!
Gospodin Nebojša Aleksić je srce i duša Vinarije Temet i objašnjava svoju filosofiju proizvodnje vina, koja je odličan koncept, izuzetna estetika, moderan dizajn u svim principima i potpuna posvećenost proizvodnji vina koja predstavljaju zemljište izuzetnog područja Tri Morave u Šumadiji – stvaranje snažnog brenda Temet i vina sa karaketrom.
Remember: similar attracts similar!
Zapamtite da slično privlači slično!
Name: Piceija "Corleone" Restaurant in NOVI SAD Address (street and number): Kosovska 18 Post number: 21000 City: NOVI SAD (Serbia) GPS coordinates: Telephone(s): 021/553-772
Naziv restorana: Piceija "Corleone" Adresa (ulica i broj): Kosovska 18 Poštanski broj: 21000 Mesto: NOVI SAD GPS koordinate: Telefon: 021/553-772 Web sajt: Kratak opis: Proverite zasto osvajamo srca nasih gradjana.Ukusna hrana,brza dostava i ljubazno osoblje ulepsace vam dan.Prijatno!!
There, that's s life in Vukovar for you.
E, takav je to život u Vukovaru.
February 17 is not just a day of independence, but a chance to reflect upon the Republic we want to be.
Februar 17. nije samo dan nezavisnosti, već prilika da se porazmisli o Republici kakvu želimo.
Unfortunately, we cannot say that the books published in Sopstvena soba have become bestsellers, but it is obvious that the interest exists and that it is beyond the narrow circle of devoted gynocritical researchers.
Nažalost, ne možemo se pohvaliti da su knjige objavljene u Sopstvenoj sobi postale bestseleri, ali je evidentno interesovanje čitalaca izvan kruga posvećenih proučavalaca ginokritike.
Activities National Assembly Speaker Convenes Fifth Special Sitting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2016
Predsednica Narodne skupštine sazvala Petu posebnu sednicu Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije u 2016. godini
See the websites you visit.
Pogledajte web-mjesta koja ste posjetili.
Responsibility both in defense and in attack took Tepic and Muslim for a series of 6:0 and a minimum lead 61:60.
Odgovornost kako u odbrani tako i u napadu preuzeli su Tepić i Musli za seriju od 6:0 i minimalno vođstvo 61:60.
An agreement needs to be signed to determine the quantity of heat that the town would use without charge, the conditions for buying additional amounts of energy for supplying companies, the announcement reads.
Sporazumom treba da se utvrdi količina topline koju bi grad koristio bez nadoknade i uslovi pod kojima bi se mogle otkupiti dodatne količine energije za snabdevanje kompanija, saopšteno je.
A reserved name may be transferred to another legal or natural person before the expiration of the period the name has been reserved for, in which case the Registrar shall deliver a confirmation acknowledging the transfer of the reserved name to the person in whose favour the name has been reserved.
Rezervacija naziva može se preneti na drugo pravno ili fizičko lice do isteka roka na koji je naziv rezervisan. Registrator potvrdu o prenosu rezervisanog naziva dostavlјa licu u čiju je korist naziv rezervisan. Naknade
Alba is very expierienced team, good team, but against them, like against every opponent, we have to give our best", Pecarski underlined.
Alba je veoma iskusan i kvalitetan tim, ali i protiv njih kao i protiv svakog drugog rivala, mi moramo da pružimo svoj maksimum", rekao je Pecarski koji je tokom proteklog vikenda nastupao i za juniorski tim crno-belih.
"If you had predicted all that in a novel in say 1920... people would have found it quite... bizarre," he continues.
„Da ste sve to predvideli u nekom romanu iz, recimo, 1920. godine, ljudi bi na to gledali kao na prilično bizaran momenat", nastavlja on.
Factory Murska does not leave users whose devices may need to be repaired in the period of the greatest harvest.
Fabrika Murska ne ostavlja na cedilu korisnike čije uređaje eventualno treba popraviti u sred najvećih radova.
Data on residence and domicile of persons, the owners of motor vehicles and boats, information about the owners of real estate, data from state archives, information on insurance policies.
Podaci o boravištima i prebivalištima lica, o vlasnicima motornih vozila i plovila, podaci o vlasnicima nepokretnosti, podaci iz državnih arhiva, podaci o polisama osiguranja.
Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija pointed out that Belgrade insists on consistent complying with the agreements reached in the EU-facilitated Dialogue with Pristina, first of all, those pertaining to the establishment of the Community of Serbian Municipalities, as a cornerstone of the Brussels’ First Agreement.
Beograd, kako je istakao, insistira na doslednom poštovanju dogovora postignutih u dijalogu sa Prištinom uz posredovanje EU, pre svega na uspostavljanju Zajednice srpskih opština, kao ključnog elementa Prvog briselskog sporazuma.
Luka Beograd company with its CSR activities actively joined the battle against social exclusion.
Kompanija Luka Beograd se svojim poslovanjem aktivno priključila borbi protiv društvene isključenosti.
One member of the audience raised concerns that suing is impractical and difficult for individual authors, particularly given the backlog in Kosovo’s judicial system.
Jedan član publike je izrazio zabrinutost za to da je podizanje tužbe nepraktično i teško za pojedinačne autore, posebno kada imamo u vidu ogroman broj nerešenih sudskih sporova na Kosovu.
- Availability of data about children and foster carers, as well as timely and adequate accommodation of children into suitable foster family;
Ciljevi - dostupnost podataka o deci i hraniteljima i blagovremeno i adekvatno zbrinjavanje dece u odgovarajuću hraniteljsku porodicu;
The oral tradition about the period after Kosovo presented the ever greater penetration of the Turks into the interior of the country as a historical inevitability which the Serbian despots and dukes resisted with all their might.
Usmena tradicija o pokosovskom periodu prikazuje sve dublje prodiranje Turaka u unutrašnjost zemlje kao istorijsku neizbežnost kojoj se srpski despoti i vojvode opiru svom silinom svojih tragičnih života čuvajući kosovski zavet.
We can help you gather all the necessary documentation, do everything related to the VAT in Serbia, submit the application for return and exercise your right on the refund.
Možemo vam pomoći da prikupite dokumentaciju, obavljate u Srbiji sve poslove oko PDV-a, podnesete zahtev za povrat i ostvarite pravo na refakciju plaćenog PDV-a.
In the historical, social, political, and artistic documents from WWI, the nameless character of a woman looms over the horrific events, suffering, disease and death like a shadow.
U istorijskim, društveno-političkim i umetničkim dokumentima iz Prvog svetskog rata, bezimeni lik žene se, poput senke, nadvija nad stravične događaje i golgotu, nad bolest i smrt.
Next time the same Users access the website from the same device, the Cookie and the information contained in it will return to the website which has overtaken it (that is the First-Party Cookie) or to other location to which it belongs (that is the Third-Party Cookie).
Sledeći put kada isti Korisnik prisupi sajtu sa istog uređaja, Kolačić i informacije u njemu se vraćaju sajtu koji ih je prikupio (to je Kolačić prve strane) ili na neku drugu lokaciju kojoj pripada (to je Kolačić treće strane).
Probably the most influential was the claim by Rudolf Bićanić that more developed regions, which had been a part of Austria-Hungary before the unification (of Yugoslavia), were paying higher agrarian land tax rates than Serbia, Montenegro and Dalmatia.
Verovatno najuticajinija je bila tvrdnja Rudolfa Bićanića da su razvijenije regije, koje su pre ujedinjenja bile deo Austrougarske, plaćale znatno veći porez na poljoprivredno zemljište, dok su Srbija i Crna Gora i Dalmacija plaćali manje.
Teofil Pancic was beaten on July 24 in a public transport bus in the Belgrade quarter of Zemun.
Teofil Pančić pretučen je u subotu, 24. jula u gradskom autobusu u Zemunu.
Malta Yacht Registration – let us take care of it!
Registracija jahte na Malti - pobrinite se za to!
Teaching Media Literacy and fighting Disinformation with eTwinning
Podučavanje o medijskoj pismenosti i borba protiv dezinformacija pomoću eTwinninga
During 2014 we continued intensive work to provide the financial support of the donors through the Gala concert marking the 40th anniversary of School for Music talents in Ćuprija.
Tokom 2014. godine nastavljen je intenzivan rad na obezbeđivanju sredstava donatora kroz Svečani koncert povodom 40 godina Škole za muzičke talente iz Ćuprije.
ETC light fixtures from series S4 use HPL lamps and are energy efficient for 25-40% more compared to light fixtures using standard lamps. Also, the price of HPL lamps is lower and they are produced by all the major lamp manufacturers in the world.
ETC reflektori iz serije S4 koriste HPL sijalice i pružaju uštedu električne energije od 25-40% u odnosu na reflektore sa klasičnom sijalicom, dok je cena HPL sijalica mnogo povoljnija u odnosu na klasične halogene sijalice, a pri tome je proizvode svi vodeci proizvođači.
It is also the home of the Eiffel Tower, which is one of the sights that Paris is best known for.
To je takođe dom Ajfelove kule, koja je jedna od znamenitosti po kojima je Pariz najpoznatiji.
His main fields of research are Nietzsche, the philosophy of music, bioethics and meta-, post- and transhumanism.
Glavna polja njegovog istraživanja su Ničeova filozofija, filozofija muzike i meta-, post- i trans-humanizam.
A perfect table for having evenings in the garden with family and friends.”
Savršen stol za večere u vrtu s obitelji i prijateljima.”
The Serbian peacekeepers were greeted with the appropriate words also by the Chief of Defence Staff of the Italian Armed Forces, General Claudio Graziano, and then the commander of the Peacekeeping Operations Centre, Colonel Milivoje Pajović, introduced to the guests the Force Protection Platoon commanding personnel.
Srpske mirovnjake pozdravio je prigodnim rečima i načelnik Generalštaba Oružanih snaga Italije general Klaudio Gracijano, a zatim je načelnik Centra za mirovne operacije pukovnik dr Milivoje Pajović predstavio gostima komandni kadar voda za zaštitu snaga.
The typical term of a corporate PPA exceeds 10 years.
Standardni period na koji se zaključuje korporativni ugovor je najčešće više od 10 godina.
In August 2020, ATA staged in Valias the play “Steal a Bit Less,” by Dario Fo.
U augustu 2020. godine ATA je u Valijasu izvela predstavu “Kradi malo manje”, a prema drami Darija Foa.
However, not long after the assassination of king Aleksandar I Karadjordjevic in Marseille in 1934, a new evil began to loom over Belgrade – fascism.
Međutim, ubrzo nakon atentata na kralja Aleksandra I Karađorđevića u Marseju 1934. godine, nad Beogradom se nadvilo novo zlo – fašizam.
Under his guidance, during the past 20 years, Radio B92 has set up and developed its numerous activities with focus on three media - radio, television and internet.
S njim na čelu, B92 je u proteklih 20 godina pokrenuo i razvio brojne projekte s fokusom na tri medija – radio, televiziju i internet.
Commission for the Control of the Execution of Criminal Sanctions
Komisija za kontrolu izvršenja krivičnih sankcija
I work with a small number of directors, with whom I have shared similar opinions of art and theater for many years.
Sarađujem sa malim brojom reditelja, s kojima već više godina imam slično mišljenje o umetnosti i pozorištu.
It’s also spacious enough to hold both patients and equipment at the same time.
Liftovi su takođe dovoljno prostrani za smeštaj pacijenata, medicinskog osoblja i opreme.
Author Corporate author Year of publication 18..
Autor Korporativni autor Godina izdavanja 18..
During the last game in a row, the ball flew off and hit the lion right in the head.
Tokom poslednje igre u nizu, lopta je odletela i udarila lava pravo u glavu.
Get ringtones, text tones, and alert tones in the iTunes Store on iPod touch
Dohvat melodija zvona, tonova poruke i tonova alarma u trgovini iTunes Store na iPhoneu
The statement is also supported by:
Saopštenju se pridružuju i:
Make use of our instructions for care and cleaning so you can increase the resale value for your buses as well as customer satisfaction. Find location
Iskoristite naše upute za njegu i čišćenje i povećajte vrijednost vaših autobusa prilikom preprodaje kao i zadovoljstvo kupaca. Pronađi lokaciju
Declaration on the safety culture of the European railways was today signed at the IPA summit by Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlovic, project manager from the European Railway Agency Peter Mihm and Acting Director of the Directorate for Railways Lazar Mosurovic.
Dеklaraciju o bеzbеdnosnoj kulturi еvropskе žеlеznicе danas su na IPA samitu potpisali ministarka građеvinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukturе Zorana Mihajlović, mеnadžеr projеkta iz Evropskе agеncijе za žеlеznicu Pitеr Mim i v. d. dirеktora Dirеkcijе za žеlеznicе Lazar Mosurović.
In an area where Christianity had been weakened by the often acrimonious divide between Catholics, Orthodox, and members of the Bosnian Church, Islam eventually won a number of converts, and various Muslim Bosnians held important offices in the Ottoman military and administration.
U području gde je hrišćanstvo slabilo učestalim oštrim podelama između katolika, pravoslavnih i pripadnika bosanske crkve, islamu su postepeno prišli brojni obraćenici, dok su se hrišćani iselili, te su razni muslimanski Bošnjaci predstavljali značajno uporište otomanske vojske i uprave.
It is really well thought out, and I look forward to the day, where all JYSK stores are updated with this concept,” says Christian.
Vrlo je dobro osmišljena i veselim se danu kada će sve JYSKove trgovine imati ovaj koncept”, kaže Christian.
The cult of St. Basil gradually spread after his death, as it was told of miraculous power of his relics.
Kult Svetog Vasilija postepeno se širio nakon njegove smrti, kako se prenosio glas o čudotvornim moćima njegovih moštiju.
Members - News for year 2007.
Članovi - Vesti za 2007. godinu
The most common answer is, “Patients should listen because I am an expert.” To which I respond by reminding the doctor he/she is a tiny speck in a person’s life – and probably the first to be ignored.
Najčešći odgovor je: „Pacijenti treba da slušaju zato što sam ja stručnjak.“ Na šta ja reagujem podsećajući lekara da je on/ona sićušna mrlja u životu osobe – i verovatno prva koja se ignoriše.
Paje, as well as Jambiani beach, is known as the best place for kite surfing and windsurfing.
Inače, Paje i Jambiani su poznate plaže kao najbolja mesta za kajt i jedrenje na dasci na Zanzibaru.
A quantum mechanical analysis of the decomposability of quantum systems into subsystems provides support for the so-called 'attenuated Eliminative Ontic Structural Realism' within Categorical Structuralism studies in physics.
Kvantnomehanička analiza dekompozabilnosti kvantnih sistema u podsisteme pruža podršku za takozvanu eliminativnu ontičku strukturalnu realnost, 'attenuated Eliminative Ontic Structural Realism ' (EOSR), u okvirima kategoričkih studija u fizici.
Bus - lines that travel through the CBD along Elizabeth, Castlereagh, George, or York streets.
Autobus - linije koje putuju kroz CBD duž ulica Elizabeth, Castlereagh, George ili Iork.
To reach Naxis Taxi Belgrade call the numbers 19804 and 011 358 11 11, as well as via Twitter @NAXIStaxi.
Naxis Taxi u Beogradu možete dobiti pozivom na brojeve 19804 i 011 358 11 11, kao i putem Twittera @NAXIStaxi.
Pontoon bridge attraction
Atrakcija pontonskog mosta
In each of the 50 standard rooms, 10 suites and one beautiful penthouse on the 7-th floor with picture of Josip Broz Tito, the former president of Yugoslavia, guests can enjoy in full comfort and luxury.
U svakoj od 50 standardnih soba, 10 apartmana i jednom ekskluzivnom apartmanu na samom vrhu zgrade, na sedmom spratu, u kome se nalazi slika Josipa Broza Tita, predsednika bivše Jugoslavije, gosti u potpunosti mogu uživati u luksuzu i komforu.
analyzing data on network traffic to enhance the performance of Total Materia service
analizu podataka saobraćaja na mreži, kako bismo poboljšali performanse usluge podataka Total Materia
Presentation of study programs of the Faculty of Architecture
Predstavljanje studijskih programa Arhitektonskog fakulteta
Today Pet Center has been recognized as the leading specialized retailer for pets in the region, with the quality of the offer and services at the level of the best specialized retailers in Europe.
Danas je Pet centar prepoznat kao vodeća specijalizovana maloprodaja za kućne ljubimce u regiji, sa kvalitetom ponude i usluge na nivou najboljih specijalizovanih maloprodaja u Evropi.
Camera record all the time because I wanted to record as much as I can this magic atmosphere.
Fotoaparat nije prestajao sa radom, a ja sam htela da zabeležim koliko god mogu ovu čarobnu atmosferu.
What can be seen?
Šta se može videti?
The RNIDS Assembly ratified the Letter of Intent with ICANN, signed by a Serbian delegation at 30th International Public ICANN Meeting, held in Los Angeles from 29th October to 2nd November.
Skupština RNIDS-a usvojila je tekst pisma o namerama sa ICANN, koji je srpska delegacija potpisala na 30. međunarodnom sastanku ICANN-a, održanom u Los Anđelesu od 29. oktobra do 2. novembra.
The module achieves a fuel saving of as much as 8.5 %, depending on the operational route and vehicle version.
Zahvaljujući ovom modulu mogu da se ostvare uštede u potrošnji goriva do 8,5%, što zavisi od dionice na kojoj se koristi i verzije vozila.
Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić underscored that since 2016, the Safe House has been in the City of Belgrade’s budget, announcing that the construction of a new kindergarten within this institution will begin in the coming days.
Zamenik gradonačelnika Goran Vesić je podsetio da je od 2016. godine Sigurna kuća na budžetu Grada Beograda i najavio da narednih dana počinje da se gradi novi vrtić u sklopu te ustanove.
Sliding doors are ideal as a panoramic or for small and narrow spaces exiting to a terrace or garden at any time.
Klizna vrata idealna su kao panoramska ili za male i uske prostore za izlaz na terasu ili vrt kada to poželite.
To put it differently, local public cultural institutions, through practical relation towards those who are trying to do something on the level of modernization or transformation, as if answer/speak the following: Why do we at all need Nomad University?, since we are satisfied and privileged representatives of one osseous, conservative and sedentary political system, why this strange application and camouflage?
Drugim rečima, ovdašnje javne institucije u kulturi kao da, kroz praktični odnos prema onima koji nešto pokušavaju na planu modernizacije ili transformacije od-govore sledeće: Šta će nam Nomad University?, pa mi smo zadovoljni i privilegovani predstavnici jednog okoštalog, konzervativnog i sedelačkog (sedentary) političkog sistema, čemu takva čudna aplikacija i kamuflaža?
She established the first safe house for victims of trafficking in the country.
Osnovala je i prvu sigurnu kuću za žrtve trgovine ljudima u državi.
Nature apartments are located just 5 km from the center of Novi Sad, 700 m from the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, 7 km from Sremski Karlovci, 2 km from the fortress.
Apartmani prirode nalaze se na samo 5 km od centra Novog Sada, 700 m od Instituta za kardiovaskularne bolesti, 7 km od Sremskih Karlovaca, 2 km od tvrdjave.
GOOD DEEDS GENERATOR is an OTP Bank Serbia initiative that supports social entrepreneurship and manufacturers who are working within this initiative.
GENERATOR DOBRIH DELA je inicijativa OTP banke Srbija koja podržava socijalno preduzetništvo i proizvođače koji u okviru njega stvaraju.
Children with developmental disabilities – from passive service beneficiaries to active participants in the life of the community;
Deca sa smetnjama u razvoju – od pasivnih primalaca/teljki usluga do aktivnih učesnika/ca u životu zajednice;
The so-called KLA was established in the Drenica area. The first armed terrorist operations began as early as 1996-1997.
Tzv. OVK je nastala u oblasti Drenice, a prve oružane operacije terorista su počele još 1996 god., a već 1997 god.
It is the Veterinary Directorate’s opinion that there is no threat of any spread of disease transmitted by dead animals.
Na osnovu mišljenja Uprave za veterinu, za sada ne postoji mogućnost širenja zaraznih bolesti čiji su prenosioci uginule životinje.
- Laws used to unnecessarily limit a legitimate public right to know can only be harmful.
- Zakoni kojima se bespotrebno ograničava legitimno pravo javnosti da zna mogu biti samo štetni.
You can also use the fireplace room for business meetings, where you will be able to arrange every job in a very quiet environment.
Prostor uz kamin možete koristiti i za poslovne sastanke, gde ćete u veoma mirnom ambijentu biti u mogućnosti da ugovorite svaki posao.
The previous incarnation of this project dates from the origination of the World Social Forum in 2001, when the focus of New Politics was the relationship between rising movements and progressive parties.
Prethodna inkarnacija ovog poduhvata datira iz vremena nastanka Svetskog socijalnog foruma 2001. godine, kada je u fokusu Novih politika bio odnos narastajućih pokreta i progresivnih partija.
Bibliography of the Journal Materinski list (1901–1903)
Bibliografija časopisa Materinski list (1901–1903)
Company and team assessment
Procena kompanije i timova
ambitious and motivated to achieve results
ambiciozni i motivisani da postižete rezultate
Meanwhile, the competition for KPC members in the Basic Prosecution of Peja took place between prosecutor Ardian Hajdarja and prosecutor Sahide Gashi.
U međuvremenu, nadmetanje za članove TSK-a u Osnovnom tužilaštvu Peći odvijalo se između tužioca Ardian Hajdarja i tužiteljke Sahide Gashi.
If someone who is in charge of Kosovo in the Serbian government says, ‘Only Lista Srpska represents Serb views and only Lista Srpska can cooperate with Serbia and if anyone else by some chance wins, we will not cooperate with them’ — that’s bullshit!”
"Ako neko iz srpske Vlade kaže, ‘samo Srpska lista predstavlja Srbe i samo Srpska lista može da sarađuje sa Srbijom, a ako neko drugi, nekim slučajem, pobedi, onda nećemo sarađivati s njim’ -- to su gluposti!”
Web frontend is developed using combination of Apache, PHP and MySQL.
Web frontend je realizovan pomoću kombinacije softvera Apache, PHP i MySQL.
To love ones child with tough love means to care enough about them to be able to say “No!” to their abuse and to be ready to respond in kind to their insults.” Language Serbian.
Voleti svoje dete tvrdom ili surovom ljubavlju znači brinuti o njemu toliko da biste mu mogli reći „ne!“ kao odgovor na njegovu zloupotrebu i biti spremni da uzvratite na njegove uvrede.“
But are they doing well in this regard?
Međutim, da li su policijski službenici/e uspješni u tom pogledu?
Absolutely wonderful service, rooms, and especially the people.
Apsolutno divna usluga, sobe, a posebno ljudi.
VIP AREAS For many years now we offer VIP lodges for the most important guests of your event.
Već duži niz godina u ponudi imamo i VIP lože namenjene za najbitnije goste Vašeg događaja.
Although the prisoners were made to believe until the last moment that the exchange might not happen, it actually occurred and was later celebrated in Osijek.33“Čvrsto smo vjerovali da će i taj dan doći, dan naše slobode”, 24 sata, 14 August 2017: Victims’ voices
Iako su do poslednjeg trenutka logoraši ubeđivani da do razmene možda neće doći, ona se ipak desila i kasnije je proslavljena u Osijeku.33Čvrsto smo vjerovali da će i taj dan doći, dan naše slobode, Portal 24 sata. hr, 14. avgust 2017:
Type: Apartment For Sale District: Tivat Location: Donja Lastva Price: €159.000 Bedrooms: 2 Baths: 1 Living Area: 51 m2 Parking Spots: 1 Description: Donja Lastva is a coastal settlement in the municipality of Tivat, Montenegro.
Vrsta: Prodajem Stan-Apartman Područje: Tivat Lokacija: Donja Lastva Cijena: €159.000 Spavaćih Soba: 2 Kupatila: 1 Stambena Površina: 51 m2 Parking Mjesta: 1 Opis: Donja Lastva je primorsko naselje u opštini Tivat, Crna Gora.
For this reason we have launched this free access website to help you acquire the basic computer skills.
Iz tog razloga smo pokrenuli ovu web stranicu sa slobodnim pristupom uz pomoć koje se mogu savladati osnovne računalne vještine.
We are 4km away from the centre of Pozega.
Udaljeni smo 4km od centra Požege.
ATS will subsequently publish information about its activities regarding transition.
ATS će naknadno objaviti informaciju o svojim aktivnostima u vezi sa tranzicijom.
Students had the opportunity to visit the warehouse, get acquainted with business processes, employee activities and see live everything they learn during basic academic studies.
Studenti su imali priliku da obiđu skladište, upoznaju se sa poslovnim procesima, aktivnostima zaposlenih i uživo vide sve ono što uče tokom osnovnih akademskih studija.
"This meeting fully confirms that President Vučić attaches great importance to relations with China.
"Ovaj sastanak u potpunosti pokazuje da predsednik Vučić pridaje veliki značaj odnosima sa Kinom.
Do you want to know more about our products and services?
Želite da saznate više o našim proizvodima i uslugama?
In the last two days, over 50 trucks carrying Serbian goods entered Kosovo.
Na Kosovo je za poslednja dva dana ušlo preko 50 kamiona sa srpskom robom.
Col Dobrivoje Avramović (No 1/1953 and from No 7/1960 to No 9/1960), 2.
1. pukovnik Dobrivoje Avramović (broj 1/1953 i od broja 7/1960 do 9/1960), 2. pukovnik Vojislav M.
The Danube Park also originated in the 19th century, at the sight of the former big lake and a lawn fairs used to be organised on in the past.
Dunavski park takođe je nastao u XIX veku i to na mestu nekadašnjeg velikog jezera i livade na kojoj su se održavali vašari.
Moreover, of decisive importance is the transition from a socialist society—in which the idea of social housing was made significant5—through the specific form of privatisation in the period of Slobodan Milošević’s regime, to the form of the current neoliberal, predatory capitalism in Serbia.
Takođe, od presudne važnosti je prelazak iz socijalističkog društva – u kom je ideja društvenog stanovanja bila značajna5 – preko specifičnog vida privatizacije u vreme režima Slobodana Miloševića, u oblik neoliberalnog, predatorskog kapitalizma u današnjoj Srbiji.

language: - sr license: cc-by-4.0 pretty_name: "Serbian Natural Questions (Subset) based on MaCoCu-sr" size_categories: - 1K<n<10K source_datasets: - original task_categories: - question-answering task_ids: - open-domain-qa

Dataset Card for MaCoCu-sr dataset

Dataset Summary

The Serbian web corpus MaCoCu-sr 1.0 was built by crawling the ".rs" and ".срб" internet top-level domains in 2021 and 2022, extending the crawl dynamically to other domains. This high-quality web corpus is characterized by extensive metadata, making it highly useful for corpus linguistics studies, as well as for training language models and other language technologies.

Source Data

The source data for the Serbian translations is derived from the MaCoCu-sr 1.0 corpus, which was built by crawling the ".rs" and ".срб" internet top-level domains in 2021 and 2022, extending the crawl dynamically to other domains. The crawler is available at

Data Collection and Processing

Considerable effort was devoted to cleaning the extracted text to provide a high-quality web corpus. This was achieved by:

  • Removing boilerplate using Justext
  • Removing near-duplicated paragraphs using Onion
  • Discarding very short texts and texts not in the target language
  • Applying extensive metadata filtering using Monotextor

Additional Information

Dataset Curators


Licensing Information

This dataset is licensed under MIT licence.

Citation Information

If you use this dataset, please cite the following:

  title={MaCoCu-sr 1.0},
  author={Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom},

Additionally, please acknowledge the following projects and institutions:

  • Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom INEA/CEF/ICT/A2020/2278341 "MaCoCu - Massive collection and curation of monolingual and bilingual data: focus on under-resourced languages"
  • ARRS (Slovenian Research Agency) P6-0411 "Language Resources and Technologies for Slovene"
  • Jožef Stefan Institute CLARIN "CLARIN.SI"


Thanks to CLARIN.SI for creating this dataset.

Notice and Takedown

Should you consider that our data contains material that is owned by you and should therefore not be reproduced here, please:

  1. Clearly identify yourself, with detailed contact data such as an address, telephone number or email address at which you can be contacted.
  2. Clearly identify the copyrighted work claimed to be infringed.
  3. Clearly identify the material that is claimed to be infringing and information reasonably sufficient to allow us to locate the material.
  4. Please write to the contact person for this resource whose email is available in the full item record.

We will comply with legitimate requests by removing the affected sources from the next release of the corpus.


This action has received funding from the European Union's Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020 - CEF Telecom, under Grant Agreement No. INEA/CEF/ICT/A2020/2278341. This communication reflects only the author's view. The Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Loading the Dataset

Here's a Python code example to load the dataset using the Hugging Face datasets library:

from datasets import load_dataset

# Load the dataset
dataset = load_dataset("smartcat/MaCoCu_sr_en")
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