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∄∡∫ ∐∡∱∬∄∺∔∄∷∺ ∑∡∀∺ ∁∡∔∺∷ ∊∡∬∸ ∞∡∱∸ ∐∡√∺
∄∡∫ ∜∡∭∯ ∙∞∡∬ ∛∡∯∕∺ ∀ ∀∼∡∀∺ ∀∐∡∭∯∛∡∯∕∺ ∔∡∲∷ ∜∡∬ ∞∡∱ ∐∡∲∷
∖∡∬∞∡√∺∙ ∞∡∬∸
∡∡∲∷∐∡∬ ∕∼∡∱∬ ∐∡∬ ∊∡∏∺ ∙ ∙∾∡∮ ∘∡∰∸ ∕∼∡∱∬ ∜∡∲ ∛∾∡∀∺ ∐∡∐∺ ∀∼∡ ∞∡∱∸ ∐∡√∺ ≋
∅∕∡∀∺ ∡∁∻∡∭∔∺ ∀ ∅∀∡∬∸∕∼∡∱∬∞∽∡∬ ∕∡∫ ∜∡∭∕∺ ∙∡√∺ ∘∡√∺ ∡∁∻∡∭∔∺ ∕∼∡∱∬ ∙∾∡ ∜∡∲∷∅∕∡∀∺ ∙
∅∡∱∬∀∺∁∼∡∱∬∀∺ ∕∡∲ ∜∡∯∕∺ ∔∡∱ ∕∡∫ ∔∡∄∺ ∕∡∲ ∜∡∭∯∀∺ ∛∾∡∬ ∐∡∐∺ ∐∡√∺
∙∾∡∔∺ ∔∡∱ ∛∡∄∺ ∙ ∜∡∔∺∸ ∘∡∰∸ ∛∡∱ ∙∑∡∱∬∺ ∙‌∔∡∔∺∸∜∡∱∸ ∙∾∡ ∡∅∡∉∺ ∜∡∱ ∡ ∟∡∭
∅∡∱∬∜∡∰∸ ∙∡∄∺∸ ∜∡∭∯ ∜∡∰∅∡∬∸ ∀∡∭∯ ∀∡√∺∖∡∭∯∷ ∙ ∀∼∡∭∯∸∅∡∬∸ ∕∡∫ ∔∡∲∷
∡∐∡∱∬∺ ∜∡∲ √∡∯∐∺∙∡∬∕∡∀∺ ∅∡∀∺ ∕∡∫ ∜∡∬∸
∜∡∮∸∕∡∲∕∽∡∲ ∀ ∐∡∱∬∷ ∕∻∡∀∺∑∡∭−∡∮∄∡∫ ∜∡∭∯∸ ∙∞∡∬∸∔∡∀∺ ∙∡∄∺∸ ∡∖∡∱∔∡∀∺ ∡∙∡∱ ∡∅∡∬∸ ∛∾∡∀∺ ∐∡√∺
∡∜∀∡∬∸∀∼∡∬∸ ∑∡∲ ∀ ∖∼∡∅∺∕∻∡∀∺ ∔∡∱ ∅∡∱∬∀∺ ∛∡∱∸ ∙ ∕∡∫ ∟∡∭∯ ∀ ∜∡∯∕∺ ∐∡∱∬∄∺ ∔∡∱ ∕∼∡∮ ∀∡∭∯ ∀∼∡∬∸ ∀∜∡∮∸ ∐∽∡∱ ∑ ∖∼∡∅∺ ∔∡∱ ≋
∐∡∭∯∄∺∸∛∡∄∺∸∞∡∬∸∜∡∀∺∔∡∀∺∀∡∭∯∄∺∐∽∡∱∔∡∲∷∄∼∡∭∙∺∸∁∻∡∙∺∸∛∡∱∸∛∛∡∄∺ ∘∡∀∺∂∻∡∐∺∕∡∭∯∐∡∱∬∄∺∸∜∡∭∯∷∙∛∙∾∡∬∅∡∭∯∸∜∡∭∯∷ ∅∡∭∯∸∛∡∭∙∺∔∡∱∐∡∬∜∡∬∸∜∡∭∯∷∕∡∫≋
∡∛∡∰∸ ∐∽∡∱ ∁∻∡∮∸∕∡∙∺∸ ∕∡∮∸ ∕∼∡∱∬ ∁∻∡∄∺ ∛∡∬ ∕∼∡∱∬ ∔∡∱ ∐∡∱∬∷ ∐∡√∺ ≋
∛∡∱∙∄∡∯∶∘∡∰∸ ∁∻∡∮∸∄∡∯∶∕∡∮∕∼∡∱∬∔∡∱∐∡∬∗∻∡∭∯∷
∖∡∱∜∡∭∯∸∙ ∛∡∯∕∺∀∡∭∯∀ ∅∡∅∺∁∽∡∱∸∘∡∱∬∄∡∯∶∑∡∬∸∐∡∲∷∛∡∯∕∺∔∡∲∷
∀∻∡∱∬∄∺∸∞∡∬∸∐∽∡∱∀∡∭∯ ∞∽∡∱∸∁∻∡∱∬∄∺∸∅∡∮∸∡∡∱∬∄∺∜∡∯∕∺∐∡∲∷∕∡∫∐∡∮ ∀∡∭∙∡∭∅∡∭∯
∖∡∫∜∡∱∬∀∺ ∐∡∱∬∄∺ ∡∆∡∄∺∷ ∙ ∛∾∡∭ ∘∡∰∸
∙∞∡∬∙ ∘∡√∺ ∜∡∭∯ ∐∡∱ ∐∡∱∬∄∺ ∜∡∬∸ ∕∡∲
∀∼∡∊∺∊∡∭∯ ∕∡∫ ∐∡√∺ ∛∡∕∺∀∽∡∀∺ ∑∡∲ ∀ ∖∡∬∁∡∱∫∄∺∸ ∐∽∡∱ ∔∡∲∷ ∐∂∡∭∯∏∺∸ ∑∡∲ ∑∡∬∸ ∀∡∭∯∸∀∽∡√∺ ∕∡∫ ∐∡√∺ ≋
−∡∫ ∙∾∡ ∡∡∭∙∺∞∡∬ ∞∽∡∬∸ ∕∼∡∮∸ ∁∻∡∮∸∕∡∫ ∅∛∡∬ ∙ ∜∡∭∯ ∡∡∱∬∄∺ ≋
∀∡∭∯√∺∅∡∬∸∜∾∡√∺∡∛∡∊∺∡∁∻∡∄∺∸∔∡∲∷∙∀∡∭∯∀∺∊∡∮∜∡∭∯∷ ∕∡√∺∁∻∡∁∡∶∛∐∡∲∷∜∡∰∐∽∡∱∡∙∻∡∬∸∀∼∡∮∸∑∡∲∀∙∾∡ −∡∮∀∡∱∬∄∺∐∽∡∱∕∡√∺∁∻∡∁∡∶∛∐∡∬∀∡∭∯ ∀∙∹∘∡∬∕∻∡∀∺∐∡∱∬∷∙∜∡∭∯∞∐∡∄∺∸∛∡∱∸∔∡∱∐∡∬∆∡∭∯∐∡∱∬∷ ∔∡∭∅∡∯∄∡∭∯ ∀−∡∱∫∺∜∡∬∘∡√∺∔∾∡∅∺∞∡∔∺∸∡∕∡∄∺∸∆∡∭∯∷∑∡∬∸∜∡∭∯∷∜∡∊∺∸ ∐∡∅∺∁∡∫∜∡∬∜∡∊∺∸ ∙∽∡∐∺ ∙∽∡∐∺∕∼∡∮∸∛∡∄∺∸∙∽∡∐∺ ∞∐∡∄∺∸∐∡∄∺∅∛∡∬∛∾∡∬∸∔∡∱∜∡∬∸
∡∙∾∡∔∺ ∐∡∱∬∷ ∂∡∭∯∂∡∭∯∄∡∭∯∡∞∡∬∸∁∡∲ ∀ ∑∽∡∀∺ ∐∡∲∷ ∜∡∱∬∀∺ ∀∡∱∬∄∺ ∘∡∲
∔∡∮∕∡∭∔∺∸∐∽∡∱∀ ∑∡∭∔∺∸∙∛∐∡∱∬∷∘∡∰∸
∙∡∄∺∸∐∡∭∯∷. ∙∡∭∀∡∭∅∡∭∯. ∀∼∡∶∖∽∡∐∺∀∡∭∯ ∘∡∲ ∜∡∬∕∼∡∭∯∄∺∔∡∱∐∡∬ ∔∡∭∯∄∺∜∡∊∺∸∆∡∲∐∡√∺ ∛∾∡∯∸∜∡∊∺∸∆∡∲∐∡√∺ ∀∡∭∯√∺∷∜∡∰∙∻∡∭∯∸∡∁∻∡∄∺∸∁∻∡∄∺∸ ∔∡∱∬∺ ∙∡∱∙∡∱∜∡∄∺ ∋∹∌∡∱∸∡∡∱∬∄∺∀∼∡∐∡∱∬∷ ∙∡∱∙∡∱∀∡∅. ∁∽∡∱∸∐∙∻∡∭∯∸∜∡∯∶∸ ∡∙∼∡∮∸∕∡∫∀∡∯∐∺∐∡√∺
∘∡∬∛∡∭∯∟∡∄∺∂∻∡∬∜∡∲ ∙∼∡∔∺∙∡∬∙∡∮−∡∮√∡∬∜∡∯∕∺∕∼∡∮∸ ∞∡∱∬∀∺∞∡∯∶∸∀∡∭∯∙∀∻∡∘∡∰
∀∙∀ ∜∖∽∡∐∺∁∻∡∮∸ ∐∽∡∱ ∞−∡∱∫∄∺∸∅∡∬∸∙∇∡∬∔∡∊∺ ∐∽∡∱ ∜∡∮∸ ∕∡∲ ∟∡∱ ∜∡∮∷∸ ∕∡∲ ≋
∐∡∅∺∁∽∡∔∺∸ ∑∡∲ ∕∼∡∱∬ ∕∡∫∛∅∡∱ ∙ ∡∡∱ ∜∡∭∯∸
∡∡∬∗∼∡∲∙ ∛∾∡∀∺∀∻∡∱∬∕∼∡∐∺ ∔∡∱ ∐∡∬ ∜∡∬∸ ∞∡∭ ∘∡∰∸
∄∜∡∭∯∸∆∡∱∬∺ ∙ ∛∾∡∭ ∐∡∲∷ ∞∡∰ ∐∽∡∱ ∛∾∡∱∷∙∡∬ ∜∡∬ ∜∡∯∕∺ ∕∼∡∔∐∡∬ ∄∷ ∀∽∡∬
∜∡∰∀∡∭∯∀∼∡∊∺∷∐∡∱∬∷∞∡∰∁∡∭∯∸ ∕∡∫∐∡∮∀∡∭∯∀∼∡∊∺∷∐∡∱∬∷∄∐∡∀∺∕∼∡∬∸ ∕∡∫∐∡∮∜∡∱
∙ ∡∡∱∜∡∭∯∸−∡∅∺ ∛∡∯∕∺ ∔∡∲∷ ∡∕∼∡∄∺ ∙∾∡∬ ∐∽∡∱∷ ∛∡∄∺ ∅∡∱∬∀∺ ∁∽∡∀∺ ∖∼∡∐∺∛∡∭∯∀∺ ∙∾∡∬ ∔∡∱∬∺∛∡∯∕∺∀ ∔∡∐∺ ∀∐∡∱∬∺ ∜∡∭∯∜∡∭∯ ∜∡∰ ∗∙∡∬ ∜∡∭∯∜∡∭∯ ∔∡∲∷ ∜∡∮∸∜∡∮∸ ∜∡∬∸ ∜∡∬∸ ∐∽∡∱ ∞∡∭∕∺ ∙ ∜∡∯∕∺ ∔∡∲∷
∁∽∡∱∸∑∡∀∺∙∡∭∯∀∺∐∡∲∷ ∡∙∻∡∭∯∸∛∡∯∐∺ ∙∡∭∀∡∭∅∡∭∯∐∽∡∱ ∖∡∬∅∡∯∡∕∡∫∕∡∱∫∷ ∙∡∄∺∐∡∭∯∷∐∽∡∱ ∜∡∯∕∺∐∡∯∔∺∀∐∡∱∬∷∜∡∯∕∺∑∡∭ ∘∛∡∔∺∘∐∡∬∔∡∲∷ ∘∡√∺∞∡∰ ∙∜∡∬∜∡∭∯ ∔∡∱√∡∬∙∛∾∡∭∜∡∭∯∕∼∡∱∬∔∡∱∛∡∡∱∬∄∺ ∕∽∡∲∀∻∡∄∺∸∕∑∡∲∀ ∆∛∡∬∐∡∱∬∺ ∀∡∭∯∛∡∄∺ ∆∛∡∬∜∡∱∸∐∽∡∱∡∐∽∡∀∺∔∡∱∛∡∬∀∡∭∯∡∛∡∄∺∜∡∯∕∺∑∡∬∸∛∙∾∡∬∜∡∱ ∁∽∡∱∸∙∻∡∭∯∸∐∽∡∱ ∖∡∬∅∡∯∛∡∲∑∙∡∭∔∺∖∡∯∔∺∸∔∡∱∀∼∡∐∡∱∬∷∘∡∬∞∡∬ ∙∞∡∭ ∞∡∬∞∔∡∬∙∛∾∡∭∜∡∯∕∺∔∡∱∜∡∭∯∀∺∀∼∡∐∡∬ ∅∡∭∐∺∐∡∭∯∜∡∭∯∀∺∐∡∬
∁∽∡∱∸ ∞∁∡∭∯∸ ∀∡∱∬∄∺ ∐∽∡∱ ≋
∀∡∬∕∡∯∘∡∬ ∜∡∯∕∺ ∙∜∡∲ ∗∜∡∮ ∐∽∡∱ ∞∽∡∬∸ ∐∡∬ ∜∻∡∱∬∷
∜∡∰ ∞∡∔∺∸ ∕∡∱∫∄∺∸ ∙∻∡∬∸ ∅∽∡∬ ∛∡∲∷ ∁∻∽∡∱∸∔∡∲∅∡∬ ∔∡∲∷ ∅∡∬∸ ∔∡∱ ∐∡∲∷ ∑∙∡∄∺∸ ∜∡∯∕∺ ∐∡∭∯∄∺∸ ∁∡∄∺∗∻∡∬∸ ∐∡∭∯∷ ∙∡∭∞∡∬∸∅∡∯ ∐∽∡∱ ∙∡∭∔∺ ∕∡∫ ∅∡∱
∙∡∭∀∡∭∅∡∭∯ ∔∡∱∬∀∺∜∡∭∯∀∺∐∽∡∱∀ ∘∡∯∛∡∬∸ ∞∡∶∃∡∬ ∅∡∱∬∺∀∡∬∸ ∆∡∲∙∡√∺ √∡∯∐∺∙∡∬∙∡√∺−∡∫∕∡∲∐∡∐∺∐∡∬
∙∡∭∔∺∸∀∜∡∱∸ ∙∡∭∯∷ ∜∡∭∯∷ ∙ ∆∡∲ ∁∻∡∄∺ ∕∡∱ ∙∡√∺∷ ∡∞∡∭∐∡∅∺∑∽∡∬ ∐∡∅∺ ∙∡∭∯∀∺∜∡∱∬∀∺ ∔∡∲∷ ∞∡∰ ∙∻∡∬∸ √∡∱∬∄∺ ∐∡∭∯∄∺∸√∡∱∬∄∺ ∡∙∡∱∬∄∺ ∐∡∱∬∄∺∙∾∡∔∺∸ ∙∼∡∱∬∀∺ ∙∾∡∔∺∸ ∙ ∞∡∭ ∖∼∡∅∺ ∔∡∱ ∐∡∲∷ ∄∐∡∭∙ ∙∡∄∺∸∕∡∫∸∅∡∕∺ ∡∡∬∸ ∔∡∱ ∜∡∬∸ ≋
∕∼∡∱∸∀∼∡∊∺∷∅∛∡∬∙∜∡∭∯ ∐∽∡∱∸∀∼∡∊∺∷∛∡∯∶∔∡∲∷ ∡∀∡∯∔∺∞∡∭ ∜∡∰∙∡∭∐∡∱∬∷ ∕∼∡∯∶∸∖∼∡∲∖∼∡∲ ∆∡∀∺∜∡∯∕∺∙∾∡∬∀ ∞∡∱∬∀∺∐∜∽∡∲ ∡∡∬∏∡∬∛∾∡∄∺∙∞∡∱∞≍∐∡∱∬∷ ∁∡∶∀∼∡∕∡∱∡∡∯∶∸∕∡∱∫∷----
∄∜∡∰∸ ∀∼∡∀∺∥∞∡∊∺∕∡∫∐∡∬∕∡∲∜∡∬∸ ∔∡∱∛∡∬∐∡∭∯∄∺∸∐∽∡∱∷∔∡∱∛∐∡√∺ ∄∜∡∰∸‌∜∡∱∸ ∄∡∫∷∅∡∮∸∕∽∡∬∸∛∡∱∸∀∡∭∯ −∡∯∐∺∔∡∲∷∑∡∭∯∸∐∡∱∬∷‌∙∡√∺
∀∡∭∯√∺∷ ∙∡∭∁∡∄∺ ∡∛∽∡√∺ ∀∼∡∮∸ ∀∡∭∯ ∅∡∱∬∺∀∡∬∸ ∔∡∱ ∐∡∬ ∞∡∭∀∹∁∡∬ ∛∾∡∭ ∐∡√∺ ∑∡∄∺ ∔∡∱ ∜∡∬∸ ≋ ∙∡∭∯∸∀∼∡∭∯∸∕∡∅∺∁∻∡∁∡∶ ∛ ∙∡√∺∷ ∜∡∰ ∐∽∡∱ ∕∡∲ ≋
∜∡∰∜∡∯∶∸∕∼∡∕∼∡∮ ∡∛∾∡∀∺∙∛∾∡∭ ∞∡∭∀∹∁∡∬∙∡∲∷∐∡∲∷∜∡∯∕∺∛∡∕∺∆∡∭∯∐∡∬ ∞∡∰∐∡∭∯∷∙∞∡∭∡∛∡∰∸ ∜∡∀∺∙∾∡∀∺∛∑∡∬∸∞∡∰∐∽∡∱∜∡∯∕∺∁∻∡∄∺∐∡∭∯∄∺∸∜∡∯∕∺∛∐∡∲∷∐∡∭∯∄∺∸∕∼∡∊∺∖∻∡∬∁∡∄∺∸∁∻∡∄∺∀∼∡∞∡∰∐∽∡∱∀∜∡∲ −∡∯∔∡∲∷−∡∱∸
∡√∽∡ ∙
∅∡∬∸∁∽∡∀∺ ∐∡∱∬∷ ∞∽∡∬∸ ∙∑∡∭ ∔∡∲∷ ∔∡∭∯∄∺∄∡∶∐∡∱∬∺ ∡∀∼∡∊∺∊∡∭∯ ∕∻∡∀∺ ∅∡∱ ∙∾∡∯ ∘∡∲ ≊ ∅∡∱∬∀∺ ∐∡∅∺ ∜∽∡∲ ∐∡∭∯∄∺∸∕∼∡∊∺ ∀∼∡
∖∡∄∺∔∡∬∙∔∡∱ ∔∡∲∷ ≋
∅∡∅∺∐∡∕∺∀∼∡∱∬∀∺∐∡∬ ∙∡∭∀∡∭∅∡∭∯ ∕∡∫∐∡∮∕∡∲∛∾∡∭∐∡√∺≋ ∡∁∡∯∜∡∱∬∀∺ ∔∡∄∺∐∡∭∯∷ −∡∮∜∡∭∯∛∡∕∺∐∡∊∺∔∡∱∔∡∭∯∄∺∐∡∬/ ∕∼∡∱∬∔∡∭∯∄∺∔∡∱∐∡∬∟∡∬ −∡∱∫∺∅∡∯∛∡∲∷ ∙∡∭∀∡∭∅∡∭∯ ∡∡∯∕∺∅∡∯ ∔∾∡∅∺∕∡∱∫∄∺∸ ≃≀ ∡∔∡∅∺∔∡∬∁∡∶∁∡∲∷∜∡∭∯∷∆∡∭∯∐∡∬ ∞∘∡∱∬∕∡∱∫∀∺∑∡∬∸
∇∡∬∐∺∕∼∡∀∺∡∡∯∕∺∁∻∡∰ ∕∺∐∡∲∷≅∔∾∡∅∺∡∐∡∭∯∄∺∸∐∡∬∀∡∯∔∺∜∡∭∯∷∕∼∡∔∺∛∽∡∱∸∐∡∱∬∷∙∡√∺ ∁∡∯∡∡∯∕∺∁∻∡∰ ∕∺∙∾∡∯∷∡∡∱∬∀∺∙∾∡∬∔∡∱∐∡∲∷∕∼∡∊∺∞∡∰∕∼∡∊∺∞∡∬∸∐∽∡∱∖∡∬∖∼∡∅∺∀∡∯∔∺∀∼∡∙∾∡∬∕∡∱∫∷ ∙∡∄∺∸∐∡∭∯∷∛∡∱∬∕∡∫∕∡∱∫∷∔∡∱∬∷
∕∡∱∫∺ ∕∡∱∫∺ ∑∡∄∺∑∡∄∺∗∼∡∱∬∄∺∗∼∡∱∬∄∺∑∡∄∺∸ ∑∡∄∺∸ ∀∡∭∯ ∆∡∱∬∀∺∀∻∡∄∺∷√∡∯∐∺ ∐∡∬ ∕∡∲∝∛∡∙∺∸ ∕∼∡∱∸ ∑∡∱∬∀∺∕∡∶∷ ∐∡∕∺∙∐∡∱∬∺ ∕∡∫ ∜∡∬∸ ≋
∆∡∲∙∡∬ ∖∡∲
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∡∙∡∱∛∡∭∀∡∔∺∘∡∱∬∀∼∡∮∸ ∙∡∄∺∸∖∡∄∺∑∡∲∑∡∭∯∸∑∊∷∺∜∡∭∯∀∺
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∖∡∫∁∡∶ ∖∡∄∺∁∡∶ ∛∡∄∺ ∐∡∱∬∷ ∛ ∙∾∡∬ ∕∡∫
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∆∡∔∺∸∄∡∫ ∜∡∭∯∸ ∙∞∡∬∸ ∑∙∡∮∁∼∡∯∶ ∀.∜∡∮∸ ∜∡∬ ∖∼∡∅∺ ∔∡∱ ∐∡∬ ∜∡∬∸.....∙∡∄∺∸ ∡∙∡∱∄∡∫ ∐∡∀∺ ∜∡∭∯∸ ∔∡∱ ∜∡∭∯∷ ∜∡∬∸ ∙ ∡∡∱ ∜∡∭∯∸
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∕∊∡∬∙∡∲∷∐∽∡∱∙∻∡∬∸ ...∙∼∾∡∱∬∀∺∕∡∱∸∜∡∭∯∷ ∙∼∾∡∱∬∀∺∕∡∱∸∙∾∡∔∺∸ ∙∞∡∭ ...∂∽∡∱∸∐∡∀∺∡∡∱∬∄∺ ∀∕∼∡∁∻∡∄∺∔∡∱∐∡√∺ ...∞∐∡∭∜∡∱∸ ∑∡∬∸∡∡∰∸ ...∁∻∡∱∬∷∙∡∱∬∷∕∼∡∮∸ ∀∡∭∯√∺∷∞∡∀∺∐∡∙∺∸∜∡∱∸ ∡∛∡∄∺ ∐∡∭∯∸∑∡∬∸∡∡∰∸ ...−∡∮∜∡∭∯ ∕∡∭∔∺∸∕∡∯∶∔∡∲∷ ∂∻∡∕∡∯ ∐∡∱∬∷ ∔∡∬∸∀∡∬∸∐∡∱∬∷∙∡√∺ ... 😀😃😄​
∡∖∡∱ ∙ ∕∡∱∫∺ ∕∡∲ ∛ ∑∡∬∸ ∐∡∲∷ ∀∡∱∬∄∺∑∡∄∺ ∐∡√∺ ∛∡∯∕∺ ∀ ∄∡∫∷ ∜∡∮∸∜∡∱∬∀∺ ∐∡∱∬∄∺ ∙∞∡∬∸ ∔∡∬∸ ∘∡∰∸
∙∡∡∱∸∜∡∭∯∸ ∙∡∄∺∸ ∇∡∬∐∺∀∡∬∸ ∘∡√∺∐∡∯∔∺ ∀ ∙∾∡ ∙∀∼∡∊∺ ∘∡∰∸ ≋
∁∼∡∱∅∡∙∺∸ ∙ ∔∡∱ ∕∡∫ ∔∡∲∷ −∡∮√∡∰ ≁≆ ∕∼∡∔∺ ∙ ∖∽∡∲∷ ∛∡∄∺ −∡∮ ∛∜∡−∺ ∕∡∲ ∑∽∡∀∺ ∙∾∡∬ ∐∡∮∙∡∱∬∐∡∱∬∄∺ ∙ ∔∡∭∯∄∺∐∡∬ ∀∼∡∊∷∺
∙∆∡∮ ∙ ∆∡∭∯∄∺ ∘∡∬ ∐∡∬∝∡∔∺ ∙∾∡ ∙√∡∰ ∁∡∲∷ ∐∡∲∷ −∡∱∫∺∁∡∄∺∀∼∡∊∺ ∕∡∫ ∆∽∡∲∑∊∷∺ ∔∡∱ ∐∡∲∷ ∔∽∡∬∸ ∜∡∱∸ ∛∡∱∬∷∙∼∡∀∺ ∅∡∬∸
∞∡∰ ∙∻∡∬∸ ∀∡∭∅∹∅ ∐∡∭∯∄∺∸ ∝∡∄∺ ∕∡∫ ∕∼∡∮∸ ∅∆ ∛ ∀ ∜∡∯∕∺ ∜∡∭∯∀∺ ∛ ∙∾∡ . .
∑∙∡∭∔∺ ∁∼∡∯∶ ∐∡√∺ ∆∡∭∯ ∐∡∬ ∙∡∄∺∸ ∐∡∭∯∷ ∙∾∡ ∡∅∡∅∺ ≋
∅∡∱∬∀∺ ∞∡∯∶∸∙∀∻∡ ∐∡∲∷ ∐∡∬≀ ∔∺√∡∰ ∑∡∬∸ ∞∡∰ ∐∽∡∱ ∀∼∡∱∬∄∷∺∔∡∅∺∔∡∬ ∔∡∱ ∛ ∐∡∲∷ ∕∼∡∊∺∞∡∰ ∐∽∡∱
∞∡∰∁∡∭∯∸ ∜∡∭∯∷ ∆∡∭∯ ∜∡∭∯∀∺ ∐∡∬ ∔∡∲∷ ∙∡∭∀∡∭∅∡∭∯ ∡∖∽∡∲∷ ∀∡∭∯ ∐∡∙∺∸ ∞∐∡∭∛ ∐∡∬
∀∡∯∜∡∬∸ ∡∡∬∸ ∀∡∭∯∸∙ ∡∡∱∜∡∭∯∸ ∐∽∡∱ ∞∽∡∱∸∛∡∰∸∞∽∡∱∸∐∡∔∺∸ ∖∼∡∅∺ ∔∡∱ ∐∡∬ ≋
∡∡∲∷∀∡∱∬∄∺∙ ∀∼∡∬ ∜∡∱∅∡∱∬∛∺∛∾∡∀∺ ∙ ∛∾∡∭ ∜∡∱ ∘∡∲ ∅∡∱∬∀∺∁∽∡∀∺ ∀ ∅∀∡∬∸∕∼∡∱∬ ∔∡∱ ∐∡∬ ∂∡∯∏∺√∡∰ ∔∡∱ ∐∡∲∷ ∛∡∯∕∺ ∔∡∲∷ −∡∮ ∅∀∡∬∸∕∼∡∱∬ ∛ ∐∡∬ ∂∡∯∏∺√∡∰ ∅∛∡∬ ∘∡∬ ∕∡∫ ∜∡∭∯∷ ∜∡∲ ∛∾∡∀∺ ∐∡∐∺ ∛∡∄∺ ∞∡∱ ∜∡∭∯∀∺ ∜∡∭∯ ∐∡∱∬∄∺ ∛ ∐∡√∺
∜∡∮∸∀∡∭∯∡∐∡∭∯∄∺∁∡∶∕∡∫∜∡∬∸ ∙∡∱∜∡∭∯∸∀∜∡∬∸
∀∡∬∕∡∯ ∐∡∭∯∷ ∙∻∡∬∸ ∅∡∱∬∀∺ ∞∡∶∑∽∡∀∺ ∁∻∡∀∺
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

What is Hate Speech?

Hate speech is any toxic communication used to attack individuals or groups directly, especially based on the characteristics (but not limited to): physical deficiency, mental deficiency, moral deficiency, age, ethnicity, race, national origin, caste, religion, disability, serious disease, sex, gender, gender identity, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, and immigration status.


The dataset contains toxic data like using rude words, and these are not aligned with the definition of hate speech data mentioned above.

About Dataset and Why Do We Encrypt

The lack of Burmese data for AI research makes it difficult to progress in this field. Hate speech is also a big problem in Myanmar and needs attention. So, we're collecting hate speech posts and comments from Facebook. Students from the Data Science and Machine Learning Club at the University of Technology, Yatanarpon Cyber City are helping us gather this data manually. We now have a dataset with 14,787 comments and posts. Most of the data is collected in the years 2019 and 2020. Because of ethical concerns, we encrypted the data, to decrypt the data, you will need to provide the information of the affiliation and academic works to get the key. Please contact [email protected]. But if you can decrypt it without needing our help, please feel free to use it. The hint is "find possible patterns of common characters like space".


Main Contributor: Sa Phyo Thu Htet

Other Contributors: Ei Thandar Aung, Naing Linn Phyo, Yang Ni Linn Lat, Chaw Su Thwe Thiha Nyein, Hnin Aye Thant

Data Collectors: Sa Phyo Thu Htet, Students from Simbolo, Club Members of Data Science and Machine Learning Club, University of Technology, Yatanarpon Cyber City, Myanmar

Cite As:

  author = {{Sa Phyo Thu Htet, Data Science and ML Club, UTYCC}},
  title = {burmese-hate-speech},
  url = {},
  urldate = {2024-3-1},
  date = {2024-3-1}

Non-commercial use

Non-Commercial Research License

This License governs the use of the dataset described as Burmese-hate-speech-data.

License Grant: Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Licensor grants Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide license to use the dataset solely for non-commercial research purposes and academic papers.

Restrictions: Licensee shall not edit, modify, or create derivative works from the dataset without prior written consent from Licensor.

Non-Commercial Use: The dataset may only be used for non-commercial purposes and academic papers. Licensee shall not use the dataset, or any modified version thereof, for production purposes, including but not limited to deployment in public demo links, without obtaining a separate license from Licensor.

Attribution: Licensee agrees to appropriately cite the dataset in any publications or presentations resulting from the use of the dataset.

No Warranty: The dataset is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Licensor makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the dataset.

Termination: This License shall terminate automatically if Licensee breaches any of its terms and conditions. Upon termination, Licensee shall cease all use of the dataset and destroy all copies of the dataset in its possession.

Open-Source Notice:

The dataset burmese-hate-speech-data is made available under the terms of the Non-Commercial Research License ("License"). By accessing or using the dataset, you agree to be bound by the terms of this License. The dataset is provided solely for non-commercial research purposes and academic papers.

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