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What causes pain in the leg and feet when diagnosed with diabetes?
I'm 46 and was just recently diagnosed as a diabetic. I've been having a tremendous amount of leg and feet pain, numbness, tingling, and stabbing pain shooting from the bottom of my feet up my legs. I'm also a nurse and I'm on my feet 12 to 16 hours a day. Well this morning I woke up and turned over and I was dizzy, and light headed. My blood sugar is 210.
<start> HIWell come to HCMI really appreciate your concern, I have gone through your given history and I could say that high level of blood sugar could cause the pain that you have, if this is being recently detected the high blood sugar level and it is the confirmed diabetes then it has to be managed on thigh rule basis, with anti-diabetic drugs, but with that life style changes would be equally important, exercise would be helpful too, once the blood sugar comes under control symptoms of muscular pain and other pain condition will comes to normal, cut down the calorie in diet, hope this information helps. <end>
What causes pain in the leg and feet when diagnosed with diabetes? I'm 46 and was just recently diagnosed as a diabetic. I've been having a tremendous amount of leg and feet pain, numbness, tingling, and stabbing pain shooting from the bottom of my feet up my legs. I'm also a nurse and I'm on my feet 12 to 16 hours a day. Well this morning I woke up and turned over and I was dizzy, and light headed. My blood sugar is 210.
Are sugar sweeteners safe to take when diagnosed with diabetes?
my fiance is a type 2 diabetic on 1000mg glucophage metformin hydrochloride tablets one am one pm and 100mg xelevia stiagliptin one daily and one daily tamsulosin PAMSVAX XL CAPSULES 400MG.He drives as a self employed proffession long night and day hours.Please advise best drinks as he still carries on with feeling rough with stomachache or prolonged morning toilet urinary passing due to occasional sweet as he calls treats but advice needed for fluctuating weight between 14 and half stone upwards. Advise needed not to reach type one diabetes by bad habits drinking new Lucazade Zero calories but still fizzy and 1.3 sugars with sweetners is it bad for him?year non smoker sweetcraving
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.A person having T2 DM has to follow certain guidelines in terms of diet and exercises. Plus when on medication it is necessary to maintain FBG Secondly sweetened drinks and any other sweets have to be avoided, as those increase blood glucose suddenly.Plus alcohol also needs to be avoided. Since he has prostatic enlargement, there is bound to be difficulty in urination, that is the reason for giving Tamsulosin. For a person with diabetes it is essential to adapt a modified lifestyle which means taking restricted diet, giving exact amount of calories based on ideal body weight, extent of daily exercise and blood glucose levels. Plus refraining from high fat, foods, junk foods, alcohol and smoking. At the cost of repetition let me say again he has to avoid sugars and sweetened drinks strictly.With high blood glucose levels if present treatment may not benefit, then Insulin will have to be added to control glucose. In most of the T2 DM patients Insulin has to be used to control blood glucose when disease goes on for over many years. Thanks. <end>
Are sugar sweeteners safe to take when diagnosed with diabetes? my fiance is a type 2 diabetic on 1000mg glucophage metformin hydrochloride tablets one am one pm and 100mg xelevia stiagliptin one daily and one daily tamsulosin PAMSVAX XL CAPSULES 400MG.He drives as a self employed proffession long night and day hours.Please advise best drinks as he still carries on with feeling rough with stomachache or prolonged morning toilet urinary passing due to occasional sweet as he calls treats but advice needed for fluctuating weight between 14 and half stone upwards. Advise needed not to reach type one diabetes by bad habits drinking new Lucazade Zero calories but still fizzy and 1.3 sugars with sweetners is it bad for him?year non smoker sweetcraving
Is Gatorade safe to drink when diagnosed with diabetes?
if I drink to much water my sodium level gets low, but I need to have more liquids for the Zepatier I am taking. it was suggested I drink gateraide. I am 65 yrs old, have type 2 diabetes, take two meds for the diabetes, and water pills.i am 5'1 and weight 120 lbs.
<start> Hello,the water pills also may be contributing to fall in your sodium levels. Gatorade does contain significant amount of added sugar. It may raise your glucose levels. You may need to look for a sugar free option. <end>
Is Gatorade safe to drink when diagnosed with diabetes? if I drink to much water my sodium level gets low, but I need to have more liquids for the Zepatier I am taking. it was suggested I drink gateraide. I am 65 yrs old, have type 2 diabetes, take two meds for the diabetes, and water pills.i am 5'1 and weight 120 lbs.
Is fasting sugar level of 118 normal for women with gestational diabetes?
I had gestational diabetics and it s been 18 days of my delivery through C section and by the first week of My delivery on my sugar level got Normal but today I check my fasting sugar level and it s 118 is it normal or I am diabetic now I am so scared please help me with that and Iam feeding my baby
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query. Gestational diabetes invariably does go away following the delivery. But these patients are prone to get T2 DM later in life. Blood glucose fasting 118 is abnormal, but falls in the pre-diabetic category. (FBG 108 to 125 mg & PP 141 to 199 mg, & HbA1c% 5.9 to 6.4 ). Therefore, presently there is no diabetes, however, you will have to take precautions like controlled diet, avoiding sweets (not too much), deep fried foods, pastries, bakery items, foods made out of maida and high fat milk products.You will also have to exercise regularly and maintain near normal weight . Plus refrain form alcohol and smoking as well as colas. In other words by adapting a modified lifestyle you will be able to postpone or prevent the development of diabetes. Thanks. <end>
Is fasting sugar level of 118 normal for women with gestational diabetes? I had gestational diabetics and it s been 18 days of my delivery through C section and by the first week of My delivery on my sugar level got Normal but today I check my fasting sugar level and it s 118 is it normal or I am diabetic now I am so scared please help me with that and Iam feeding my baby
Suggest treatment for an elevated A1 c level
Hi, I have been started drinking viniger Apple syder .my A1 c is higher and my family dr. Wants to increase my medication, I don't want to increase my medication and I loved to stop all my medication and to live healthier. My first question is How long it will take the changes.Is it good for the diabetic patiancents?What are side effects
<start> You need to mention your current HBA1c levels for better advise.Apple per say is good to have but it needs to go well with your blood glucose levels.That said,if it worsens diabetes,it will cause problems to you. <end>
Suggest treatment for an elevated A1 c level Hi, I have been started drinking viniger Apple syder .my A1 c is higher and my family dr. Wants to increase my medication, I don't want to increase my medication and I loved to stop all my medication and to live healthier. My first question is How long it will take the changes.Is it good for the diabetic patiancents?What are side effects
Suggest treatment for hypoglycemia
My normal blood sugar level is between 60 and 70 when I am not fasting and when I am. It spikes to up to 200 when I eat and than drops rapidly back to 62 within an hour or two. My Grandfather on my Dad's side was diagnosed with hypoglycemia and my Grandfather on my Mom's side was diabetic. Should I be concerned about the spikes or where it regulates itself??
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.I have seen the details. My suggestion is get a oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) done. That will give a clear indication about whether you have any problem with blood glucose. Secondly if persistently low glucose levels are seen and are causing any problem it is better to get your C-peptide level to see if there is any excess insulin. Another important point in a normal person even when one eats any sanck blood glucose level does not go above 140 mg. So if it going beyond that (200 mg) then it appears to be presence of diabetes. Therefore, please get an OGTT done. Thanks. <end>
Suggest treatment for hypoglycemia My normal blood sugar level is between 60 and 70 when I am not fasting and when I am. It spikes to up to 200 when I eat and than drops rapidly back to 62 within an hour or two. My Grandfather on my Dad's side was diagnosed with hypoglycemia and my Grandfather on my Mom's side was diabetic. Should I be concerned about the spikes or where it regulates itself??
Is HbA1c level of 7.5 a cause for concern?
My dad is diabetic and BP patient aged 75 weight 105 kg height 5'8" which supplement can i give him,which will not damage kidney and heart.he doesn't have any heart problem lipids are under control.We are giving him 1 Reconia G capsule per day but he is feeling weakness.Due to obesity which is mainly due to sugar control drug pioglitazones,he is not able to stand and walk for more than 5 minutes.if we switch stop pioglitazones his sugar becomes out of control,apart from pioglitazones he is also taking metformin and voligobose.His HB1ac is 7.5.suggest me a supplement in tab or capsule form that can be admistered to him safely,can be of Amway,Forever living or any other.
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.I have gone through the details given and appreciate your concern. Pioglitazone does cause some weight gain, but does not lead to obesity. It also causes swelling of legs and feet. There are other drugs like Gliptins which can be used to control blood glucose and the newer ones called SGLT-2 Inhibitors not only help achieve excellent glucose control but will also lead to weight reduction of over 6 to 8 kgs. in a short time. Those drugs are safe on kidney.Cap Reconia G is a combination of multivitamins, minerals and ginseng. That may be beneficial. But most important is a better blood glucose control and some weight reduction should help him.I would definitely discontinue Pioglitazone and add either a Gliptin or SGLT-2 Inhibitor or both together. His HbA1c% of 7.5 may not be too high considering the age of the patient. However, closer to 7 % would be a better option. Weight control will help in achieving that. I hope I have been able to clarify your doubts. You can in fact talk to your diabetologist about above mentioned compounds.Thanks. <end>
Is HbA1c level of 7.5 a cause for concern? My dad is diabetic and BP patient aged 75 weight 105 kg height 5'8" which supplement can i give him,which will not damage kidney and heart.he doesn't have any heart problem lipids are under control.We are giving him 1 Reconia G capsule per day but he is feeling weakness.Due to obesity which is mainly due to sugar control drug pioglitazones,he is not able to stand and walk for more than 5 minutes.if we switch stop pioglitazones his sugar becomes out of control,apart from pioglitazones he is also taking metformin and voligobose.His HB1ac is 7.5.suggest me a supplement in tab or capsule form that can be admistered to him safely,can be of Amway,Forever living or any other.
Is blood glucose level of 257 a cause for concern?
I was recently diagnosed (just over a year ago) as being pre-diabetic. The symptoms that I have had leading up to this diagnosis, I have had as long as I can remember (since at least Jr. High). I am now 33 years old. I have felt slightly off today. I do have a glucose devise that I got for Christmas. I have not really used it as I was not informed by my doctor to do so. I decided to test, again because of how I am feeling. I ate about 1:30 - 2:00PM. My level at 4:30pm was 257. Do I need to be concerned about this? If so, what do I need to do?
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.I have seen the details given. A blood glucose level of 257 mg after food is a clear sign of having diabetes. The criteria to diagnose is FBG 126 mg and above, PP 200 mg and above and HbA1c% 6.5 and above. Therefore you need to initiate treatment for diabetes forthwith. Do not delay. Many persons do not get any specific symptoms when diabetes develops. That is one of the reasons why it is unrecognized for quite some time. Along with starting treatment with oral antidiabetics (like Metformin + a Gliptin), you will have to also adapt modified lifestyle, meaning taking restricted diet, avoiding sweets, junk foods, colas, pastries, bakery items, alcohol and even smoking. Plus exercise daily for at least 1 hour. My suggestion is please your personal physician or a dibetologist and start the treatment. Take care. Also get your eyes checked for ruling out diabetic retinopathy. Thanks. <end>
Is blood glucose level of 257 a cause for concern? I was recently diagnosed (just over a year ago) as being pre-diabetic. The symptoms that I have had leading up to this diagnosis, I have had as long as I can remember (since at least Jr. High). I am now 33 years old. I have felt slightly off today. I do have a glucose devise that I got for Christmas. I have not really used it as I was not informed by my doctor to do so. I decided to test, again because of how I am feeling. I ate about 1:30 - 2:00PM. My level at 4:30pm was 257. Do I need to be concerned about this? If so, what do I need to do?
What causes blurred vision, frequent urination and numbness in the limbs?
Hi there. A couple months ago I started noticing these symptoms and they're increasingly getting worse. I've always drank a lot of water, I'm naturally just one of those people who drink a ton of water. But lately when I drink any water at all- even a small cup, my abdomen protrudes and looks extremely bloated and my bladder is immediately full. It takes little to nothing to fill it up- and this makes me need to urinate a lot more frequently. I've had blood sugar problems when I was younger- I've always been very active so I burn it all of pretty quick so I would sometimes get low blood sugar. Is there a possibility that I could have diabetes? My eyes have recently gotten worse in vision, I'm always thirsty, my bladder fills up quickly and I have frequent urination. Sometimes I have numbness in my limbs- but I always chalked that up to poor circulation.
<start> Hi, Thanks for your question. Noted your concern. These may be osmotic symptoms of diabetes. Due to high blood sugar levels body tries to flush out extra sugar through urine. Which leads to increased frequency of urination, abnormal thirst, generalized weakness. Due to change in osmolality of blood and lense fluid (because of high blood sugar levels) there is blurred vision. I may suggest to get following investigations done - Complete Blood Count- Blood sugar levels Fasting and post-prandial, - HbA1c. - Lipid Profile - Renal Function Test including Urea, creatinine, electrolytes. - Liver Function Test including Bilirubin, liver enzymes. - Urine examination. And consult diabetologist. Hope this helps you. <end>
What causes blurred vision, frequent urination and numbness in the limbs? Hi there. A couple months ago I started noticing these symptoms and they're increasingly getting worse. I've always drank a lot of water, I'm naturally just one of those people who drink a ton of water. But lately when I drink any water at all- even a small cup, my abdomen protrudes and looks extremely bloated and my bladder is immediately full. It takes little to nothing to fill it up- and this makes me need to urinate a lot more frequently. I've had blood sugar problems when I was younger- I've always been very active so I burn it all of pretty quick so I would sometimes get low blood sugar. Is there a possibility that I could have diabetes? My eyes have recently gotten worse in vision, I'm always thirsty, my bladder fills up quickly and I have frequent urination. Sometimes I have numbness in my limbs- but I always chalked that up to poor circulation.
What causes muscle pain and weakness when diagnosed with diabetes insipidus?
I ve recently had a mri of the brain as a result of diabetes insipidus diagnosis. Brain scan has come back ckear and normal. I have muscle pain and weakness and I m worried that I might have ms. Would this have shown on the mri? I m assuming lesions would ve been picked up and my results therefore would not have been normal? Thanks in advance.
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.In diagnosing MS brain scan (MRI) does help. It shows various white matter affection images. However, diagnosis is made clinically with support from other investigations including MRI. But simply having some muscle pain weakness why should one think in terms of MS? Thanks. <end>
What causes muscle pain and weakness when diagnosed with diabetes insipidus? I ve recently had a mri of the brain as a result of diabetes insipidus diagnosis. Brain scan has come back ckear and normal. I have muscle pain and weakness and I m worried that I might have ms. Would this have shown on the mri? I m assuming lesions would ve been picked up and my results therefore would not have been normal? Thanks in advance.
Suggest treatment for dementia in a diabetic
My 98 yo Mother in skilled nursing; has dementia. Suffers from Hi Bld Pres. diagnosed with Diabetes 3 years ago. I want to understand the side affects of her medications. = 5 with 2 that are intermittent. How do I proceed with obtaining this information from you?
<start> Hi, Thanks for your question. Noted your. I want to know - - Current medication she is taking. - Level of blood pressure. - Current blood sugar levels. In such a case there is a need for Detailed physical examination. Depending upon it following investigations may be suggested - Complete Blood Count. - Renal Function Test including Urea, creatinine, electrolytes. - Liver Function Test including Bilirubin, liver enzymes. - Blood sugar levels Fasting, Post-prandial, HbA1c. - Urine examination. - Brain imaging. Hope this helps. <end>
Suggest treatment for dementia in a diabetic My 98 yo Mother in skilled nursing; has dementia. Suffers from Hi Bld Pres. diagnosed with Diabetes 3 years ago. I want to understand the side affects of her medications. = 5 with 2 that are intermittent. How do I proceed with obtaining this information from you?
What do these blood sugar levels during pregnancy indicate?
Sir my wife is predancy 8 month raning now. Before 7 month blood sugar is ok,but just start 8 month blood sugar is fasting 77mg/dl and after lunch 171 mg/dl.So I am and my wife very apsad.Tale me fasting 77mg/dl-----after food 171mg/dl is ok or bad my wife and my baby is ok....
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.The blood glucose levels fasting 77 mg is normal. However, 171 mg after lunch if that is after 2 hours, then does signify presence of gestational diabetes. My suggestion is get a Oral Glucose Tolerance Test done immediately. If the test values are above 180 mg after 1 hour, & >153 mg after 2 hours, then it is confirmed as gestational diabetes. This has to be immediately controlled first with dietary control. If that does not work, then Insulin injections . It is absolutely essential to maintain blood glucose between 90 to 120 mg all through out the day. For expected normal outcome of pregnancy and for the health of the fetus this is necessary. Increased glucose level can lead to a bigger fetus (macrosomia) and difficulty in delivery. So please get the necessary test immediately. Then follow doctors instructions meticulously. Thanks. <end>
What do these blood sugar levels during pregnancy indicate? Sir my wife is predancy 8 month raning now. Before 7 month blood sugar is ok,but just start 8 month blood sugar is fasting 77mg/dl and after lunch 171 mg/dl.So I am and my wife very apsad.Tale me fasting 77mg/dl-----after food 171mg/dl is ok or bad my wife and my baby is ok....
What causes RLQ abdominal pain in a diabetic person?
My 60 yr old diabetic male friend has been having intermittent episodes of RLQ pain. Negative CT/X-rays. (At the VA) . But, for the first time he had the abd pain and it radiated up into his heart region.. he described it as excruciating. It resolved eventually. I realize that this is far too limited of information to come up with anything definite..gall bladder, gallstones or liver issues come to my mind. Any further speculative ideas?
<start> thank you for using HCM i understand your queries... if a patient like him come to my place. initially i would give him some analgesic for pain relief temporarily which would be easier for further evaluation...1. there are a few reason for RLQ pain like gall stones. liver infection.stomach ulcer2.i would do a few test like LFT ,to evaluate liver function.3. An usg to rule out any abnormalities in liver and gall bladder stones.4.some time it could be due to acid pain...5.you already said that his x ray was fine so then there in no problem in lungs..i hope you got sufficient information <end>
What causes RLQ abdominal pain in a diabetic person? My 60 yr old diabetic male friend has been having intermittent episodes of RLQ pain. Negative CT/X-rays. (At the VA) . But, for the first time he had the abd pain and it radiated up into his heart region.. he described it as excruciating. It resolved eventually. I realize that this is far too limited of information to come up with anything definite..gall bladder, gallstones or liver issues come to my mind. Any further speculative ideas?
How can edema in the ankle while having diabetes be treated?
My husband is a Type I Diabetic, well-controlled, 66 years old. He has been walking two miles a day, and recently experienced edema (pitting) to one ankle. He injured the ankle a few days later and went to an instacare, where he was told he had injured (pulled) several of the tendons in his foot. He is now experiencing shooting, burning pain that has kept him from sleeping for the past two nights. I have some voltaren gel from a previous injury. Would if be of any benefit to him? He has tried elevating his foot and applying ice packs.
<start> Hi do check his uric acid levels. Also apply ice, followed by ointment, and tie with elastocrepe bandage--twice a day.If the pain is too bad at night, give him Ibuprofen/Diclofenac with Omeprazole at bed time. And do show your doctor--regards <end>
How can edema in the ankle while having diabetes be treated? My husband is a Type I Diabetic, well-controlled, 66 years old. He has been walking two miles a day, and recently experienced edema (pitting) to one ankle. He injured the ankle a few days later and went to an instacare, where he was told he had injured (pulled) several of the tendons in his foot. He is now experiencing shooting, burning pain that has kept him from sleeping for the past two nights. I have some voltaren gel from a previous injury. Would if be of any benefit to him? He has tried elevating his foot and applying ice packs.
What causes recurring viral fever in a diabetic patient?
Hai sir,My father is a diabetic patient and his age is 52. For the past few months he suffers from viral fever and infection occurred in right kidney. Doctors confirmed as viral fever and requested to reduce the sugar level in the body. Now he has a controlled diet and has sugar level of 148. But still often viral fever comes and same reason from doctors. Is that a viral fever ? Or some other symptoms of cancer I might get afraid. Please suggest me a proper solution for this disease .Common symptoms:1) Cold fever2) headache3) vomiting4) Body pain5) coughing6) Tiredness
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.In a person with diabetes generally the resistance is lowered. So there can be repeat infections. Hence, it is absolutely essential to achieve a very strict blood glucose control. Ideally FBG: should be <100 mg, PP 150 to 160 mg & HbA1c% <6.8. With good blood glucose control, healthy balanced diet and regular exercise for about 1 hour a day, he should be able to live free from repeat infections. Viral fevers are fairly common and usually self limiting. When a person improves his fitness and maintains good control on blood glucose, these problems can be avoided. There is no reason to panic or think in terms of some serious diseases. Thanks. <end>
What causes recurring viral fever in a diabetic patient? Hai sir,My father is a diabetic patient and his age is 52. For the past few months he suffers from viral fever and infection occurred in right kidney. Doctors confirmed as viral fever and requested to reduce the sugar level in the body. Now he has a controlled diet and has sugar level of 148. But still often viral fever comes and same reason from doctors. Is that a viral fever ? Or some other symptoms of cancer I might get afraid. Please suggest me a proper solution for this disease .Common symptoms:1) Cold fever2) headache3) vomiting4) Body pain5) coughing6) Tiredness
What causes fundal erosion in a diabetic person?
Dr i have fundal erosion diagnosed today. Stools were dark after rihaxmine color has improved but i do get unformed stools. i have lost about 2 kg wt in a month. I am 68yrs, diabetic since last 20 yrs, under control. I have been taking metformin for last 20 yrs, I am a bit fed up with this. present wt is 71 kgs.
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query. I have gone through the details and understand your feelings. Unfortunately diabetes is such adifficult and life long problem, that one has to live with it. To remain fit and healthy strict blood glucose control is a must. In some people in spite of fairly controlled blood glucose retinal problems do develop. In such a situation it is essential to achieve a stricter blood glucose control. You are only 68 years, so please work towards achieving a stricter glucose control. That will help in having a healthier life. Since no glucose levels & HbA1c% are mentioned, it is difficult to how good is the control. ideally FBG should be <100 mg, PP 160 to 180 mg & HbA1c%<7. Thanks. <end>
What causes fundal erosion in a diabetic person? Dr i have fundal erosion diagnosed today. Stools were dark after rihaxmine color has improved but i do get unformed stools. i have lost about 2 kg wt in a month. I am 68yrs, diabetic since last 20 yrs, under control. I have been taking metformin for last 20 yrs, I am a bit fed up with this. present wt is 71 kgs.
What causes weight loss in a person suffering with lung cancer and diabetes?
my aunt is 76 years old and has had lung cancer diabetes uncontrolled and is overweight but in the last thirty days she is eating ever thing in sight ice cream candies cookies a lot of fats and processed meats and she lost twenty pounds and is still continuing to lose weight
<start> hello,Welcome to HCM. I am Dr. Nirav.I have gone through your queries for your aunt.Diabetes patient loose weight as they have not enough insulin to store carbohydrate as a fat, so they will utilize the available fat and weight loos starts.Though your aunt is taking ice cream, cookies and fat, but due to diabetes she will not be able to store it.Plus your aunt has also lung cancer.Lung cancer also loose the weight of patient as it will reduce the appetite.So i think it will be difficult for your aunt to gain weight until she will control diabetes.Have a better health. <end>
What causes weight loss in a person suffering with lung cancer and diabetes? my aunt is 76 years old and has had lung cancer diabetes uncontrolled and is overweight but in the last thirty days she is eating ever thing in sight ice cream candies cookies a lot of fats and processed meats and she lost twenty pounds and is still continuing to lose weight
What causes weight loss and frequent urination in a diabetic person?
I am 41 yrs old & have type 2 diabetes & recently lost about 15 lbs for no reason. I have been eating better but not that much better & I have a stressful new job that could be the culprit but i'm scared b/c i know my body & i usually don't just shed 15 lbs in 2 mths with little to no effort. I am drinking more water lately but don't know if that's from the diabetes symptoms or not. I'm scared something more serious might be wrong with me. I also pee frequently but I always have even before being dx w/diabetes,i went from 155 lbs down to 140 which is great but i'm scared b/c i usually have to work much harder to lose weight
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.I have gone through the details given and do understand your concern. However, there is no mention about blood glucose level (fasting or PP) and HbA1c%, so there is no way to know whther diabetes is well controlled or not. Secondly no mention about drugs being taken and the dosage.Persons with diabetes do loose weight at times fairly rapidly, particularly when it is uncontrolled with high blood glucose. That causes excess glucose loss through urine as well as increased frequency of toilet visits including getting up at night. In a well controlled diabetic FBG should be If blood glucose is not well controlled eating well can actually lead to more of glucose loss through urine. So my suggestion is please check your fasting, PP glucose levels and HbA1c% and try bring those in the above recommended range. Then weight reduction will stop. Strict blood glucose control is the remedy. Thanks <end>
What causes weight loss and frequent urination in a diabetic person? I am 41 yrs old & have type 2 diabetes & recently lost about 15 lbs for no reason. I have been eating better but not that much better & I have a stressful new job that could be the culprit but i'm scared b/c i know my body & i usually don't just shed 15 lbs in 2 mths with little to no effort. I am drinking more water lately but don't know if that's from the diabetes symptoms or not. I'm scared something more serious might be wrong with me. I also pee frequently but I always have even before being dx w/diabetes,i went from 155 lbs down to 140 which is great but i'm scared b/c i usually have to work much harder to lose weight
Suggest treatment for type 1 diabetes
my niece was disagnose with type 1 diabetes shes 21 yrs old. She was discharged from hosp today but originally was in ICU becuase her sugar was 480. When she was discharged her sugar was in the 200 range and now it is 434. Is this a dangerous level...what shoulld we do.
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.In case of T1 diabetes the only treatment is to give Insulin injection in adequate dose. Along with that there has to be a close look at her diet and what kind of physical activities she is doing. Because only drug does not help. Blood glucose should be maintained as follows : FBG: <100 mg, PP 150 to 160 mg and HbA1c% <6.8. So it is very necessary to check her blood glucose atleast twice a day. Close monitoring of insulin dose and glucose levels is needed. Thanks. <end>
Suggest treatment for type 1 diabetes my niece was disagnose with type 1 diabetes shes 21 yrs old. She was discharged from hosp today but originally was in ICU becuase her sugar was 480. When she was discharged her sugar was in the 200 range and now it is 434. Is this a dangerous level...what shoulld we do.
Is Glycomet advisable for high blood sugar levels?
Doctor I am 60 years male,my blood suger level is fasting 140 and post is 166 ,as the doctor advice taking glycomet 500mg SR ,morning and evening 1/2 an hour before meals.I have no other deceases.is it can continue ?,any side effect on this medicineor any alternate medicine
<start> Glycomet is the right medicine for high blood sugars. Glycomet SR has much less side effect that most of the time you won't notice any. You can take this medicine as this is a time tested medicine for diabetes. <end>
Is Glycomet advisable for high blood sugar levels? Doctor I am 60 years male,my blood suger level is fasting 140 and post is 166 ,as the doctor advice taking glycomet 500mg SR ,morning and evening 1/2 an hour before meals.I have no other deceases.is it can continue ?,any side effect on this medicineor any alternate medicine
What causes sporadic nausea and vomiting in a diabetic patient?
My Litase test result was 100 U/L. Lab said normal range was 7-60 U/L. I am 56 and diabetic. Have been nauseas and vomiting one day each week . I am concerned and not sure what to do next. I am going to stop taking Victoza since that can sometimes cause pancreas problems.
<start> HIWell come to HCMI really appreciate your concern, if this is just symptoms of nausea and vomiting then it could be due to gastritis dyspepsia and it may not be pancreatic disease only if the symptoms persist for ling time and associated some other symptoms then it requires the lab and imaging work up for correct diagnosis hope this information helps. <end>
What causes sporadic nausea and vomiting in a diabetic patient? My Litase test result was 100 U/L. Lab said normal range was 7-60 U/L. I am 56 and diabetic. Have been nauseas and vomiting one day each week . I am concerned and not sure what to do next. I am going to stop taking Victoza since that can sometimes cause pancreas problems.
What causes nausea, abdominal pain and fever in a diabetic person?
I am a 60 yr old female, type II diabetic and have had a history of ulcers. I am now experiencing nausea, pain in the abdomen (left side primarily) and may be running a low grade fever. The standard OTC meds for an ulcer provide minor relief but I am having difficulty sleeping. Is it time to go back to the gastroentronologist? What can I do to allevite symptoms until I get in?
<start> Hello,If you have symptoms of acid peptic disease often enough, and if OTC medicines controlling stomach acid are not helping, then it is better to get a proper investigation done to see if there is any ulcer. So my suggestion is better to consult a gastroenterologist as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can use a PPI like Omeprazole. It should be taken on empty stomach to reduce the symptoms. Plus good blood glucose control is also essential.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Prabhakar Laxman Jathar <end>
What causes nausea, abdominal pain and fever in a diabetic person? I am a 60 yr old female, type II diabetic and have had a history of ulcers. I am now experiencing nausea, pain in the abdomen (left side primarily) and may be running a low grade fever. The standard OTC meds for an ulcer provide minor relief but I am having difficulty sleeping. Is it time to go back to the gastroentronologist? What can I do to allevite symptoms until I get in?
What causes persistent vomiting in a diabetic?
My husband has been sick all day. He's vomited 3 times and he has pain on his left side of his abdomen. Could that be his gallbladder? We were in Fishers, IN over the week-end at our son's home and we both ate the same things and I'm fine. He does have diabetes but it is controlled.
<start> Hello,I have gone through the details and understand the concern. It appears the food taken has probably caused the gastric problem, may be due to increased acidity and reflux. In a person with diabetes this kind of a condition can develop due to sluggish stomach. It is better if he takes a drug like Omeprazole with Domperidone. Plus stick to a bland diet for next few days, strict blood glucose control is also to be maintained, and should avoid smoking and alcohol.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Prabhakar Laxman Jathar <end>
What causes persistent vomiting in a diabetic? My husband has been sick all day. He's vomited 3 times and he has pain on his left side of his abdomen. Could that be his gallbladder? We were in Fishers, IN over the week-end at our son's home and we both ate the same things and I'm fine. He does have diabetes but it is controlled.
Can diabetes be reversed with a low-carbohydrate diet?
Hi I am 25 year old female weighing 165 kg with strong diabetes history in family. My random sugar came to 129 and fasting sugar came to 118 and on a day, is this diabetes or prediabetes and is this reversible. Is it possible to ward of diabetes forever with diet?
<start> Hello,The blood glucose levels mentioned are showing a prediabetic state. Fortunately, it is a reversible condition, provided person maintains near normal weight, adheres to balanced diet and exercises daily for over 1 hour. Food intake has to be based on ideal body weight not on actual weight.For you to ward of diabetes following things have to be done: 1) Try and reduce weight by at least 5% to 8% of present2) Avoid sweets, deep fried foods, pastries, bakery items and pastas3) Avoid alcohol and smoking4) Exercise regularly, brisk walking or jogging is a good option4) Increase intake of green leafy vegetables and salads as well as fruits. Basically adapt a modified lifestyle. Then you will be able to postpone developing diabetes or prevent it.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Prabhakar Laxman Jathar <end>
Can diabetes be reversed with a low-carbohydrate diet? Hi I am 25 year old female weighing 165 kg with strong diabetes history in family. My random sugar came to 129 and fasting sugar came to 118 and on a day, is this diabetes or prediabetes and is this reversible. Is it possible to ward of diabetes forever with diet?
What causes osteoarthritis in the knee of a diabetic patient?
I have majority of the pain that describes Fibromyalgia, and I have brought this to my doctor's attention, and he still won't agree with me that, that could be my illness! I also have osteoarthritis pain knee, Could I also have Rheumatology Fibromyalgia? I also have diabetes.
<start> Hello,If this is the fibromyalgia, it is the kind of functional kind of disease and it is not the pathological process. I would suggest to try tab Gabapentin, try some exercise, be positive and practical, try to come out of the stress.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Akhtarhusain <end>
What causes osteoarthritis in the knee of a diabetic patient? I have majority of the pain that describes Fibromyalgia, and I have brought this to my doctor's attention, and he still won't agree with me that, that could be my illness! I also have osteoarthritis pain knee, Could I also have Rheumatology Fibromyalgia? I also have diabetes.
What causes pain in the mouth, gums and throat of a diabetic woman?
I m a 55 yr. old female, diabetic last 35 years and am experiencing sore like pain in my mouth, gums, tongue, throat although there are no visable sores. I m on Zolpidium, Tramadol, Hydroxyzine and Omeperozal. My teeth enamel seem to be thining and some teeth are very thin close to my gums. What can it be ?
<start> Hello,People with diabetes are more susceptible to developing infections, as high blood sugar levels can weaken the patient's immune system defenses. So, people with diabetes are at a higher risk for gum problems because of poor blood sugar control. At the other side, as with all infections, serious gum disease may cause blood sugar to rise.In my opinion you may have a periodontal disease .This is the most common dental disease affecting those living with diabetes and your pain can be a sign of mouth problems caused by diabetes. My advice for you is to consult your dentist as soon as possible and keep your blood glucose numbers as close to your target as possible.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Elona Xhardo <end>
What causes pain in the mouth, gums and throat of a diabetic woman? I m a 55 yr. old female, diabetic last 35 years and am experiencing sore like pain in my mouth, gums, tongue, throat although there are no visable sores. I m on Zolpidium, Tramadol, Hydroxyzine and Omeperozal. My teeth enamel seem to be thining and some teeth are very thin close to my gums. What can it be ?
What causes an elevation in the blood sugar level despite taking Metformin and Glipizide?
I am taking Metformin and Glipizide and blood sugar in the am are elevated. I follow a strict diet, no sweets, carbs only twice a week. My diet is mainly meat, vegetables or salad and ONLY water. I am trying to loss weight and I am exercising. Before dinner on last night blood sugar was 167. This am without anything but water, blood sugar was 268. I took another glipizide 10mg on today. My regular dose is glipizide 10 mg a day and Metformin 500mg BID . I think I should take the glipizide twice a day also. .
<start> Hello,The levels mentioned 167 mg and 268 mg are high, showing uncontrolled diabetes. It means either present treatment is inadequate and/or dietary intake is more. Since there is no mention of weight and height, no comment can be made regarding that. Increasing the dose of Glipizide can benefit. Taking an additional tablet randomly is not advised. To suggest appropriate treatment I need to know your FBG, PP, and HbA1c%, exact dietary intake and extent of daily exercise. Therefore, please do these tests and get back with all the necessary information or consult your regular diabetologist.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Prabhakar Laxman Jathar <end>
What causes an elevation in the blood sugar level despite taking Metformin and Glipizide? I am taking Metformin and Glipizide and blood sugar in the am are elevated. I follow a strict diet, no sweets, carbs only twice a week. My diet is mainly meat, vegetables or salad and ONLY water. I am trying to loss weight and I am exercising. Before dinner on last night blood sugar was 167. This am without anything but water, blood sugar was 268. I took another glipizide 10mg on today. My regular dose is glipizide 10 mg a day and Metformin 500mg BID . I think I should take the glipizide twice a day also. .
Suggest treatment for seasonal allergies in a diabetic
yes i am diabetic and have seasonal allergies in the spring and fall one of which is weather change is their something I can take.. My visit with the dr. on thurs i was told to take equate allergy relief 180mg per tablet once a day. they have done nothing YYYY@YYYY
<start> Hello,You haven't specified the type of problem you have. For example does the allergy present with skin rash, asthma, rhinitis or something else? Antihistamines are the main treatment options for allergic reactions. The drug you've mentioned is an antihistamine so it's appropriate. Depending on the allergy other kinds of treatment may be available and useful. People with allergic asthma will benefit from inhaled drugs (corticosteroids and bronchodilators) and pills (leukotriene inhibitors). People with rhinitis may require topical corticosteroid treatment (corticosteroid nasal spray), etc. Unless you use systemic corticosteroids (by mouth or injected) your blood sugar is not supposed to be seriously impaired.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Panagiotis Zografakis <end>
Suggest treatment for seasonal allergies in a diabetic yes i am diabetic and have seasonal allergies in the spring and fall one of which is weather change is their something I can take.. My visit with the dr. on thurs i was told to take equate allergy relief 180mg per tablet once a day. they have done nothing YYYY@YYYY
Suggest treatment for infertility in a diabetic
Hi I am ayesha how r u? I am.so depressed and sad because am trying 4 a baby last 3 years my husband is a sugar and cholesterol patient and his motility is only 5% but now he is taking medicines previous month dr monitor my ovulation days and egg when egg is mature dr asked me for intercourse ans she also giving me duphaston for 10 days but today my heart is broken I get period but it s very light and brownish in color Please help me
<start> Hello,Tablet Clomiphene Citrate of menses for adequate ovulation. Continue this for 5 days. On the day 14th get an injection Beta HCG 5000 IU intramuscular. After this continue tab Duphaston. Do some lab tests, serum proscribe, sugar, and thyroid status.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Ankit Om <end>
Suggest treatment for infertility in a diabetic Hi I am ayesha how r u? I am.so depressed and sad because am trying 4 a baby last 3 years my husband is a sugar and cholesterol patient and his motility is only 5% but now he is taking medicines previous month dr monitor my ovulation days and egg when egg is mature dr asked me for intercourse ans she also giving me duphaston for 10 days but today my heart is broken I get period but it s very light and brownish in color Please help me
What causes persistent swelling in the left foot while on Insulin?
hi,I got some swelling on my left foot..and it is almost a month now. iam diabetic on insulin.also take blood pressure tablets.the swelling goes for a while but a little and again it starts to swell.the pain is on top of the foot at times when I keep the foot down iget a pain on top but not always near the calf muscle kind of a cramping pain at times .I have neuropathy as well and some times the nerve pain comes near the ankle on the same foot sometimes looks like its pain in the bone.i am thonkimh every day it will go away.my questions are, my GP said my pulse are good,but I did not tell him about the pain ,he said if it becomes red you must see us.however it does not interfere with my sleep is it kind of a stres fracture,is it a clot or just the ligaments is it diabetic related
<start> Hello,The swelling on left foot, do you recollect how it started? Is there any pain and difficulty in walking? Is there any change of shape in the foot? Have been a regular walker or doing any exercise causing constant impact? Is there any color change noticed on the skin? How is the sensation in the foot and sole? I need to know answers to all these questions. So my suggestion is: 1) Keep your blood glucose in strict control (FBGHope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Prabhakar Laxman Jathar <end>
What causes persistent swelling in the left foot while on Insulin? hi,I got some swelling on my left foot..and it is almost a month now. iam diabetic on insulin.also take blood pressure tablets.the swelling goes for a while but a little and again it starts to swell.the pain is on top of the foot at times when I keep the foot down iget a pain on top but not always near the calf muscle kind of a cramping pain at times .I have neuropathy as well and some times the nerve pain comes near the ankle on the same foot sometimes looks like its pain in the bone.i am thonkimh every day it will go away.my questions are, my GP said my pulse are good,but I did not tell him about the pain ,he said if it becomes red you must see us.however it does not interfere with my sleep is it kind of a stres fracture,is it a clot or just the ligaments is it diabetic related
Suggest treatment for diabetes in a heart patient
My brother in law heart is only 25 percent working.He also has sugar problem.His doctor recommended him medicines.Is this disease should be cured with medicines or is there any serious issues with heart valves.Other doctor also recommend him for transplantion but this process is expensive so he cant afford. Pls reply me as soon as possible.
<start> Hello,I have gone through the details and understand your concern. It is essential to control his blood glucose levels effectively with appropriate treatment. Since no blood glucose levels and HbA1c% are mentioned, it is difficult to give any specific instructions or guidelines. As patient has a cardiac problem, it is very necessary to control the blood glucose levels strictly, preferable by using Insulin injections and a newer drug like the gliptins. As regards the heart condition, opinion of cardiologist has to be adhered too.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Prabhakar Laxman Jathar <end>
Suggest treatment for diabetes in a heart patient My brother in law heart is only 25 percent working.He also has sugar problem.His doctor recommended him medicines.Is this disease should be cured with medicines or is there any serious issues with heart valves.Other doctor also recommend him for transplantion but this process is expensive so he cant afford. Pls reply me as soon as possible.
What causes nausea, profuse sweating and dizziness in a diabetic?
My husband is 66, insulin dependent diabetic and controlled blood sugar who had a 90 minute massage this morning and following the massage, he felt dizzy, was pale, clammy and sweating and felt nauseated. His blood pressure was 148/74 and pulse was 78.
<start> Hello,From the description, it appears like a fairly severe hypoglycemic episode. Was the blood glucose checked following the episode? Sometimes in patients on insulin and with a very strict blood glucose control, there can be such hypoglycemic episodes. It is better to give a closer look at his diet, blood glucose levels and Insulin dosage. So, as to prevent further such episodes.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Prabhakar Laxman Jathar <end>
What causes nausea, profuse sweating and dizziness in a diabetic? My husband is 66, insulin dependent diabetic and controlled blood sugar who had a 90 minute massage this morning and following the massage, he felt dizzy, was pale, clammy and sweating and felt nauseated. His blood pressure was 148/74 and pulse was 78.
What does the following blood sugar level indicate?
My doctors assistant told me my glucose was 88 I had blood work done last week to check my diabetes levels because I was told six months ago that I was borderline prediabetic and only thing she told me was I was it 88 and couldn t explain to raise my doctor was busy waiting for her to call me and I m nervous on with that is the 88
<start> Hello,Blood glucose level of 88 mg/100 ml, is within the normal range. (Fasting 70 to 110 mg) PP To clear the doubts you may get an HbA1c% done, which will give a clear indication. HbA1c% Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Prabhakar Laxman Jathar <end>
What does the following blood sugar level indicate? My doctors assistant told me my glucose was 88 I had blood work done last week to check my diabetes levels because I was told six months ago that I was borderline prediabetic and only thing she told me was I was it 88 and couldn t explain to raise my doctor was busy waiting for her to call me and I m nervous on with that is the 88
What causes high sugar and protein in the urine while on Percocet?
My Dr. Has found that I have sugar and protein in my urine. I have high bloodpresser and take medication for that . I also take Percocet for chronic pain . I am due to take another blood test in July . Is there a way for me to stop this leakage of protein and sugar ?
<start> Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service.I have reviewed your query and here is my advice.Percocet tablets are unlikely to cause any "leakage" of protein or sugar in urine. This happens particularly if you have developed high blood glucose, (above 180 mg) then only glucose is excreted in the urine by kidneys. This is a sign of developing diabetes. As regards protein in urine, normally no proteins are excreted. That is a sign of some problem with kidney function. It can happen in various conditions including diabetes. So it is essential to get your blood glucose tested (fasting, PP, and HbA1c%) also kidney function test done. That will clarify the reasons.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Prabhakar Laxman Jathar <end>
What causes high sugar and protein in the urine while on Percocet? My Dr. Has found that I have sugar and protein in my urine. I have high bloodpresser and take medication for that . I also take Percocet for chronic pain . I am due to take another blood test in July . Is there a way for me to stop this leakage of protein and sugar ?
What causes discoloration on the lower legs in a diabetic?
I have some discoloration in my lower legs which has gotten better since raising my feet on pillows when sleeping.. Also had eyes checked as sometimes when driving, I see the lines on the road as wiggley or doubled. Closing one eye fixes that. Optometrist thought I may have had a small stoke in one eye. Opthomalagist said possibly due to lack of sleep. Noticed that my left eye lid is drooping so I can see it like a poor fitting contact in that eye. My diabetes numbers are good and my Diabetes Dr said I m under 6.0 and I don t have neuropathy. Should I be concerned or continue on as is. Oh- my left leg where it s discoloered, the skin is sensitive
<start> Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service.I have reviewed your query and here is my advice.If your diabetes is well controlled with an HbA1c% as regards the discoloration observed in feet, it could be due to swelling of the feet, which may be due to dependent edema. Please check your blood pressure and also kidney functions. Since there is no mention of your weight and height, being overweight can also lead to such a problem. If BP is high, get it properly controlled. Also, get the blood supply to your lower limbs as in diabetes blood vessels of lower limb are affected. A color Doppler study will help.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Prabhakar Laxman Jathar <end>
What causes discoloration on the lower legs in a diabetic? I have some discoloration in my lower legs which has gotten better since raising my feet on pillows when sleeping.. Also had eyes checked as sometimes when driving, I see the lines on the road as wiggley or doubled. Closing one eye fixes that. Optometrist thought I may have had a small stoke in one eye. Opthomalagist said possibly due to lack of sleep. Noticed that my left eye lid is drooping so I can see it like a poor fitting contact in that eye. My diabetes numbers are good and my Diabetes Dr said I m under 6.0 and I don t have neuropathy. Should I be concerned or continue on as is. Oh- my left leg where it s discoloered, the skin is sensitive
What causes pain under the right rib cage while having diabetes?
I am a 64 year old diabetic who has developed symptoms recently that I am concerned about. I have a constant pain of different strength under the lowest rib on my right side. It eases when no belch, pass gas, or evacuate my bowel. Yet I never feel like me bowel is ever totally empty, and have some distension in my abdomen. I am frequently warn out in spite of sleeping well. I take inseparable for acid reflux as well as a probiotic.
<start> Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service.I have reviewed your query and here is my advice.The pain in the abdomen you have relieved by belching and passing stools is most probably due to gastritis only. But, if it is for quite a long time, you should at least do one USG abdomen followed by an endoscopy if required later. Sometimes, few antidiabetic drugs also cause a feeling of fullness and bloating in abdomen but you have not mentioned which medicines are you on. Also, sometimes other coexistent disorders like thyroid will cause wearing off sleep and also bowel disturbances. So, please get a thyroid profile also done. For now, please continue the antacids, avoid spicy and junk food, exercise regularly and do the tests as advised.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Vineeta Singh <end>
What causes pain under the right rib cage while having diabetes? I am a 64 year old diabetic who has developed symptoms recently that I am concerned about. I have a constant pain of different strength under the lowest rib on my right side. It eases when no belch, pass gas, or evacuate my bowel. Yet I never feel like me bowel is ever totally empty, and have some distension in my abdomen. I am frequently warn out in spite of sleeping well. I take inseparable for acid reflux as well as a probiotic.
Suggest treatment for chest pain in a diabetic
Hello. My name is Angela. My boyfriend is 25 years old. He has recently been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, about 5 months ago. Lately, he has been having slight chest pain, no energy at all, and dizzy spells very often. His current doctor said it is because his body is still adjusting to the insulin....but does it really take the body this long to adjust to insulin? I don t think he should be having chest pain and dizzy spells. He says he feels weird . His current doctor is booked until July. We are thinking of going to emergency room, but I would like an answer from here first. His doctor also said he is in the honeymoon stage of diabetes. I believe he has not been monitored by his doctor closely enough.
<start> Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service.I have reviewed your query and here is my advice.Following are my observations and suggestions: 1) Chest pain is unlikely to be there due to the body getting adjusted to insulin because the effect of insulin is to reduce excess blood glucose and normalize the levels. 2) Chest pain could be because of overall weakness and fatigue which does happen in uncontrolled diabetes. 3) Honeymoon phase is a condition that occurs in T1 DM when insulin injections are given, the remaining pancreatic beta cells (which are insulin producing) get rest as there is no load on them. This improves their function and they start producing more amount of insulin. Thus the requirement of exogenous insulin reduces. Plus patient shows a better blood glucose control. This phase may last for a few weeks to months or longer. But invariably for few weeks. 4) If the patient is feeling tired and exhausted, that means his blood glucose is not well controlled. If glucose levels are well controlled then general health of the patient rapidly improves. It is necessary to monitor insulin dosage, dietary intake, and blood glucose levels more closely and meticulously then only all the symptoms will be well controlled.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Prabhakar Laxman Jathar <end>
Suggest treatment for chest pain in a diabetic Hello. My name is Angela. My boyfriend is 25 years old. He has recently been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, about 5 months ago. Lately, he has been having slight chest pain, no energy at all, and dizzy spells very often. His current doctor said it is because his body is still adjusting to the insulin....but does it really take the body this long to adjust to insulin? I don t think he should be having chest pain and dizzy spells. He says he feels weird . His current doctor is booked until July. We are thinking of going to emergency room, but I would like an answer from here first. His doctor also said he is in the honeymoon stage of diabetes. I believe he has not been monitored by his doctor closely enough.
What causes night sweats, chills and high pulse rate when diagnosed with diabetes?
My friend just was in the hospital for a staph infection , did surgery. After he came home he was diagnosed with Diabetes. They did not do a fasting blood sugar. He has night sweats/chills. He can't sleep more than an hour at a time. His pulse rate is high. They put him on Glucophage, that makes his very sleepy. I think something else is going on.
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.For diagnosing diabetes either fasting or PP blood glucose alone can be sufficient. Now a days mostly diagnosis is done on HbA1c%. If HbA1c% is>6.5%, diabetes is confirmed. Metformin is the firstchoise drug in T2 DM. Plus that drug does not cause drowsiness. Since this patient had already a svere Staph infection, it is possible that the same has not been cured completely. That is the reason for getting chills and fever. So please ensure that his infection is cured completely with appropriate antibiotics and also blood glucose level is also controlled properly. Ideally well controlled diabetic patient should have FBG <100 mg, PP 150 to 160 mg & HbA1c% <6.8. So only metformin may not sufficient. Thanks. <end>
What causes night sweats, chills and high pulse rate when diagnosed with diabetes? My friend just was in the hospital for a staph infection , did surgery. After he came home he was diagnosed with Diabetes. They did not do a fasting blood sugar. He has night sweats/chills. He can't sleep more than an hour at a time. His pulse rate is high. They put him on Glucophage, that makes his very sleepy. I think something else is going on.
Is Inuprofen safe to be taken for temple pain in a diabetic person?
I am a 64 year old man with type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and asthma. Apnea is controlled with use of a CPAP. Asthma is controlled with Advair. Diabetes is not controlled, although I am taking metformin and byetta for it. I am about 50 lbs overweight. I also have erectile dysfunction. I have several high stress jobs including practicing law, professional music, and personnel management for a symphony. I am recently having moderate sharp stabbing pain that lasts less than one second in my right temple. These recur. I have timed them and the frequency ranges from 4 to 25 second intervals. This has been going on for about a week. Ibuprofen helps sometimes, but not always. the only trigger I have noticed is that sometimes when I turn my head quickly to the right, as in driving, this triggers it, but not always. They become less noticeable when I am fully engaged, for example in a music performance or a court hearing.I am also experiencing unusual fatigue. Sometimes routine tasks are very hard to do. I have also experienced loss of balance generally over the last few years. Also loss of strength. For example until a few years ago I routinely did 40-60 pushups per day, now I struggle to do 2 or 3. Lately I feel as if I am sometimes confused and disoriented. My cognitive functions feel impaired. Routine tasks like driving, and playing my instrument are normal.
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.I have gone through the details given and I do understand yur concern. I have following few suggestions: 1) You will have to give a re-look at your diabetes treatment. Because if blood glucose is not well controlled then excess loss of glucose through urine (glycosuria) does lead to loss of energy and tiredness and constant fatigue. 2) Present treatment looks to be inadequate, some additional drugs need to be added. (since no blood levels or HbA1c% is mentioned, it is difficult to be specific). 3) Weight reduction is also very important as excess weight (fat) is the main cause for Insulin resistance. EVen a 5% reduction in present weight can help in improving blood glucose control. 3) Take a diet that helps better blood glucose control, avoid junk foods, high fat food products, increase intake of green leafy vegetables and salads, yogurt and low fat cheese. 4) Increase your time spent on exercise to abut 1 hour or more per day 5) Get a thyroid function test done, to rule out if there is hypothyroidism . 6) Lastly learn some relaxing techniques like Silva Mind Control Methods an alpha level relaxation which wiil definitely help in managing stress. Even ED which is a major long term complication of uncontrolled diabetes can be helped with better blood glucose control. Plus some medications also may be needed.I hope I have addressed some of your concerns. Thanks <end>
Is Inuprofen safe to be taken for temple pain in a diabetic person? I am a 64 year old man with type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and asthma. Apnea is controlled with use of a CPAP. Asthma is controlled with Advair. Diabetes is not controlled, although I am taking metformin and byetta for it. I am about 50 lbs overweight. I also have erectile dysfunction. I have several high stress jobs including practicing law, professional music, and personnel management for a symphony. I am recently having moderate sharp stabbing pain that lasts less than one second in my right temple. These recur. I have timed them and the frequency ranges from 4 to 25 second intervals. This has been going on for about a week. Ibuprofen helps sometimes, but not always. the only trigger I have noticed is that sometimes when I turn my head quickly to the right, as in driving, this triggers it, but not always. They become less noticeable when I am fully engaged, for example in a music performance or a court hearing.I am also experiencing unusual fatigue. Sometimes routine tasks are very hard to do. I have also experienced loss of balance generally over the last few years. Also loss of strength. For example until a few years ago I routinely did 40-60 pushups per day, now I struggle to do 2 or 3. Lately I feel as if I am sometimes confused and disoriented. My cognitive functions feel impaired. Routine tasks like driving, and playing my instrument are normal.
Suggest treatment for body pain in a diabetic
Low energy, which is variable, joint aches, particularly knees and ankles, vision often blurs and becomes tunnelled during bouts of low energy, trouble concentrating in these periods, blood test show borderline type 2 diabetes with a family history. Had flu about 6 weeks ago, never really recovered.
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.If you have diabetes then it is necessary to control the excess glucose level, then only you will feel energetic. If FBG is 108 to 125 mg, PP 141 to 199 mg and HbA1c% is But if you already have FBG 126 mg and above, PP 200 mg and above as well as HbA1c% 6.5 and above, then diabetes is confirmed. In such a situation excess glucose lost through urine causes loss of energy and tiredness and feeling low in energy. Since you have not mentioned any relevant details it is difficult comment very specifically. Even the attack of flu also adds to the weakness as it takes a bit longer to recover full normalcy after an attack of flu. So my advise is if you have diabetes then start the treatment straight away. Once blood glucose is well controlled, you will better. Thanks. <end>
Suggest treatment for body pain in a diabetic Low energy, which is variable, joint aches, particularly knees and ankles, vision often blurs and becomes tunnelled during bouts of low energy, trouble concentrating in these periods, blood test show borderline type 2 diabetes with a family history. Had flu about 6 weeks ago, never really recovered.
What causes dry mouth in a diabetic?
,,, hello I I have had a dry mouth for about a year now and reported it to my Doctor Who has tested me for diabetes and has said that I am fine. I drink water quite regularly about 2.5 litres a day but I still seem to feel thirsty my mouth feels very dry. I have noticed that if I drink milk it does help temporarily. I also urinate quite regularly and think this may be linked to the problem.
<start> hidry mouth is due to less secretion by salivary gland and salivary gland works on autonomic nervous system.in autonomic nervous system,parasympathetic system increase secretionif you are taking any medication which directly or indirectly affect parasympathetic system it may cause dry mouth, <end>
What causes dry mouth in a diabetic? ,,, hello I I have had a dry mouth for about a year now and reported it to my Doctor Who has tested me for diabetes and has said that I am fine. I drink water quite regularly about 2.5 litres a day but I still seem to feel thirsty my mouth feels very dry. I have noticed that if I drink milk it does help temporarily. I also urinate quite regularly and think this may be linked to the problem.
Suggest remedies for severe fatigue in a diabetic
Recently noticed that I'm very tired during the day. Type 2 Diabetic...recently off insulin...controlling diabetes with oral drugs, diet and exercise. I don't know if the tiredness has anything to do with that. Difficulty falling asleep, at night, and staying asleep (that has been occurring for several years. Any ideas ?
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.If you have T2 DM, and if the blood glucose levels are not very well controlled then there is every chance of feeling excessively fatigued and tired almost through out the day. It is essential to maintain FBG Sleep disturbances tend to occur with increasing age. But if one exercises over 1 hour every day, follows a proper pattern of going to bed, then chances of getting a good sleep do increase. Plus one should also learn certain relaxation techniques which help reduce the stress and bodily tension and help in inducing better sleep. Supplements like Calcium, Vitamin D3 also help in reducing muscular fatigue. Since no specific details are given it is rather difficult to give very specific answer. Thanks. <end>
Suggest remedies for severe fatigue in a diabetic Recently noticed that I'm very tired during the day. Type 2 Diabetic...recently off insulin...controlling diabetes with oral drugs, diet and exercise. I don't know if the tiredness has anything to do with that. Difficulty falling asleep, at night, and staying asleep (that has been occurring for several years. Any ideas ?
Suggest treatment for an ingrown toenail in a diabetic
Hi My name is Karen Cole and I am a diabetic. A few days ago I what appeared to be an ingrown toe nail. My toe is red on the side, what can I do at home for this. I called my DR's office 2 x Thursday and explained why I was calling , told them I was diabetic. So far no response. What can I do at home besides soaking it, it's not as red now. I don't have the money to pay online for an answer, sorry
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.In growing toe nail can be a very painful condition. Home remedies may be able to give very temporary relief. But most often ir needs to be removed by surgeon or in an ER. Because any injury to toes, other parts of the foot are dangerous in a diabetic person. You may try the home remedies but it necessary to get it attended by surgeon who has been doing these (toe nail removing) procedures regularly. Do not try to cut the deeper parts at home. Pain, infection and swelling can be really bad. Plus complications associated. In addition having a good blood glucose control is equally important. Thanks. <end>
Suggest treatment for an ingrown toenail in a diabetic Hi My name is Karen Cole and I am a diabetic. A few days ago I what appeared to be an ingrown toe nail. My toe is red on the side, what can I do at home for this. I called my DR's office 2 x Thursday and explained why I was calling , told them I was diabetic. So far no response. What can I do at home besides soaking it, it's not as red now. I don't have the money to pay online for an answer, sorry
How can diabetic neuralgia be treated?
and if needed another two around mid-day. I rarely need to take two more that day. This does help. It sounds to me like some strainn of neuralgia. I am seventy six years old, suffer from stage two diabetes but am reasonably healthy. I am young at heartand am still quite lucid and am still have very good concentration.
<start> Hello, thanks for the query. The information given is very less. There's no mention about what are symptoms, no details on blood glucose levels & HbAc1% and present treatment. However, to control neuropathic pain strict blood glucose control is very essential. Plus either Gabapentin or Pragabalin needs to be taken. Plus Methylcobalamine, folic acid & Lipoleic acid combination like Mego - XL once a day for about a month should be taken. This will help in pain relief. Thanks <end>
How can diabetic neuralgia be treated? and if needed another two around mid-day. I rarely need to take two more that day. This does help. It sounds to me like some strainn of neuralgia. I am seventy six years old, suffer from stage two diabetes but am reasonably healthy. I am young at heartand am still quite lucid and am still have very good concentration.
Suggest ways to control diabetics
My last period Was mid January. I have taken 3 HPT. All three were negative. I am diabetic with blood sugars running 400+ Since the beginning of February. Will the high blood sugars affect the urine pregnancy test? My periods have always been regular.
<start> Thank you for trusting healthcare magic,To answer your question, high blood sugar levels will very least likely cause a false negative pregnancy test. This is because, urine pregnancy test checks for the level of Beta HCG, which is not affected by the blood sugar level.I would advice you to see a specialist (endocrinologist) to have your blood sugar levels under control and then doing a pregnancy test with blood. <end>
Suggest ways to control diabetics My last period Was mid January. I have taken 3 HPT. All three were negative. I am diabetic with blood sugars running 400+ Since the beginning of February. Will the high blood sugars affect the urine pregnancy test? My periods have always been regular.
Can Ceylon cinnamon be taken for diabetes?
Daughter just disg with type 2. Have reduced sugar/carbs but is now showing 3 plus ketones w/o neurological sequelae. Has energy, no lethargy etc. what foods can she eat w/o spiking sugar but can reduce acidosis. She had 212 blood sugar two weeks ago but now hovering at 130-140. Do you know anything about Ceylon cinnamon for the reduction of glucose. Thank you
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.If the she has T2 diabetes, then possibility of having ketones is very low. Plus her glucose levels 212 mg two weeks back and now 130 to 140 mg, can not cause ketones. When diabetes is well controlled FBG should be as regards her food the total caloric intake has to be based on ideal body weight, extent of daily exercise and whether she needs to reduce weight. High carb foods, simple carbs, high fat cheese, junk foods, pasties, bakery items , sweetened aerated drinks and sweet corn syrup containing foods should be avoided. Should consume a good deal of green leafy vegetables, salads and permitted fruits (about 100 g a day). Whole grain products are better. Avoid red meat. Poultry and fish, chicken in moderate quantity (with in the specified caloric need) can be taken. She should exercise for at least 1 hour a day.As regars cylone cinnamon, there are some studies conducted about the effects of cinnamon in diabetes. But the benefits have not been found uniformly. Taking about 6 g a day is said to be useful. Thanks <end>
Can Ceylon cinnamon be taken for diabetes? Daughter just disg with type 2. Have reduced sugar/carbs but is now showing 3 plus ketones w/o neurological sequelae. Has energy, no lethargy etc. what foods can she eat w/o spiking sugar but can reduce acidosis. She had 212 blood sugar two weeks ago but now hovering at 130-140. Do you know anything about Ceylon cinnamon for the reduction of glucose. Thank you
What causes severe lethargy while having type 1 diabetes?
I have been very lethargic for the last 3 days, i am type 1 diabetic so i checked my ketones in my urine and according to the stripnresults there are a large number of them in my urine. Should i trybto flush my system myself or go to the ER to get IV fluids?
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.If ketones are present means blood glucose is not in control. So You should control that . But it is better to go the ER and get proper treatment. At home it may be difficult to manage. Because ketones present indicates very high blood glucose, which needs to be managed at ER setting. Thanks. <end>
What causes severe lethargy while having type 1 diabetes? I have been very lethargic for the last 3 days, i am type 1 diabetic so i checked my ketones in my urine and according to the stripnresults there are a large number of them in my urine. Should i trybto flush my system myself or go to the ER to get IV fluids?
Is HbA1c level of 6.9% a cause for concern?
Hello, I took my first A1C test. The results is 6.9% My doctor want's me to retake the test next week. I have a family history of diabetes. I'm 48 years old, don't smoke, 6ft tall and weigh 240 lbs. I exercise at least 5 days a week mainly cardio - some strength. And, I make good efforts at eating healthier meals. My total cholesterol is always in a good range (140 MG/DL taken 3-23-17). My HDL is 34 MG/DL. Should I be concerned so fast about this first A1C test?
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.HbA1c% is considered normal when it is less than 5.9%, between 5.9 to 6.4 % is considered as pre-diabetic. >6.5 % is confirmed diabetes. So your HbA1c% of 6.9 is showing that there is presence of diabetes. Therefore it needs treatment.Further looking at your weight and height it is clear that with a BMI of 32.59 kgs/M2, you have grade 1 obesity. Your ideal body weight should be 182 lbs. That means you are over weight by about 58 lbs. This itself can be a major contributor for inducing diabetes. HbA1c% hardly changes in just few days. If you start treatment for diabetes then it takes about 3 months for HbA1c% to show the change. My suggestion is, better to start treatment for diabetes in consultation with your physician or a diabetologist. Plus follow all the dietary advise and consider weight reduction seriously. Thanks. <end>
Is HbA1c level of 6.9% a cause for concern? Hello, I took my first A1C test. The results is 6.9% My doctor want's me to retake the test next week. I have a family history of diabetes. I'm 48 years old, don't smoke, 6ft tall and weigh 240 lbs. I exercise at least 5 days a week mainly cardio - some strength. And, I make good efforts at eating healthier meals. My total cholesterol is always in a good range (140 MG/DL taken 3-23-17). My HDL is 34 MG/DL. Should I be concerned so fast about this first A1C test?
How can gestational diabetes be treated?
Hello doctor. Am pregnant with twins. My random blood sugar tested at 3 months of pregnancy was normal.It was around 101. At 27 weeks I got tested with gestational diabletes. My readings are a bit high. FBS is 108, after one hour it is 174 and 2 hour it is 163. Please suggest what does it mean. I was not having diabetes before pregnancy as clearly shown by random blood sugar. What effect it can have on my babies and will it come back to normal after pregnancy?
<start> i can understand your concerns. these values shows that you are having gestational diabetes. and gestational diabetes is something that appears during pregnancy and goes away after pregnancy is over. baby can be large foe date and go into hypoglycenia just after birth. but effective management can prevent complications. <end>
How can gestational diabetes be treated? Hello doctor. Am pregnant with twins. My random blood sugar tested at 3 months of pregnancy was normal.It was around 101. At 27 weeks I got tested with gestational diabletes. My readings are a bit high. FBS is 108, after one hour it is 174 and 2 hour it is 163. Please suggest what does it mean. I was not having diabetes before pregnancy as clearly shown by random blood sugar. What effect it can have on my babies and will it come back to normal after pregnancy?
Suggest ways to manage diabetes
Hi Doctor, my mother is diagnosed with diabetes for last one year, her fasting was 120,post lunch was 136,hba1c was 6.5,doctor changed the medication to gluformin i 0.5, she started talking this tablet morning and night after food, it's been 3months now, she is doing yoga also, she started eating sweets, sugar related items, drinking tea with sugar for last one month and taking half tablet in the morning and half in night, I scolded her not eat sugar items, she said I am doing yoga now I am in control she said, she has got tests done at vijaya diagnostics center yesterday now the results are fasting-143, post lunch is 158,hba1c is 6.9, after seeing this I got scared of this, I scolded her, she told she will stop eating sugar items, she is going to walking in the morning, but I am getting tension about these reports, is fasting, post lunch and hba1c high or normal suggest me doctor please, is it dangerous to have this much range, her age is 47.she has got surgery (uterus removal) four years back, since than she got BP n sugar levels changed, please help me doctor, can she control sugar permanently. Are these reports high or normal, is she in control with sugar.
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.Diabetes T2 is occurring because of either deficiency of insulin or resistance to its action mainly due to excess fat or both. Since insulin is needed every day for carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, treatment has to be for life time. There is no cure.Apart from taking appropriate drugs she has to adapt a modifies life style. Which means : 1) Avoid sweets, sugar, jaggery, pastries, bakery items and sweetened aerated drinks. 2) Consume more of green leafy vegetables, salds and permitted fruits (about 100 g a day). 3) Exercise regularly so that accumulated glucose is burnt, weight is in control 4) Should maintain a BMI of Doing yoga or yoga asanas and pranayam is definitely helpful. But she should not indulge in taking sweets because that will increase the blood glucose very rapidly. In a well controlled diabetic ideally FBG should be<100 mg, PP 150 to 160 mg and HbA1c% <6.8. Fortunately her diabetes is still in good control. But it is better she follows all the above mentioned suggestions. Uncontrolled diabetes is dangerous as it affects every single vital organ in the body like eye (retina), small and large blood vessels, nervous system, lower limbs and heart. So please impress upon herself to strictly adhere to the suggestions. Alos get her eyes checked (retinal examination). Thanks. <end>
Suggest ways to manage diabetes Hi Doctor, my mother is diagnosed with diabetes for last one year, her fasting was 120,post lunch was 136,hba1c was 6.5,doctor changed the medication to gluformin i 0.5, she started talking this tablet morning and night after food, it's been 3months now, she is doing yoga also, she started eating sweets, sugar related items, drinking tea with sugar for last one month and taking half tablet in the morning and half in night, I scolded her not eat sugar items, she said I am doing yoga now I am in control she said, she has got tests done at vijaya diagnostics center yesterday now the results are fasting-143, post lunch is 158,hba1c is 6.9, after seeing this I got scared of this, I scolded her, she told she will stop eating sugar items, she is going to walking in the morning, but I am getting tension about these reports, is fasting, post lunch and hba1c high or normal suggest me doctor please, is it dangerous to have this much range, her age is 47.she has got surgery (uterus removal) four years back, since than she got BP n sugar levels changed, please help me doctor, can she control sugar permanently. Are these reports high or normal, is she in control with sugar.
What causes stinging pain in the legs while treating diabetic neuropathy?
<start> i can understand your problem. I think gabapantin should be enough for you, but it takes some time to build up in your system. You did not mentioned the dose. you should consult your doctor for gradually increasing gabapentin dose if it does not relief your symptoms. <end>
What causes weight loss while treating diabetes?
I have a friend that takes: carvidolol, furosimide k-dur, niphipine calcitrol, creator,novalog, LevimerShe takes nothing with food a d usually eats hours after taking meds. She has kidney disease, acid reflux, getting ready for surgery next week, lost a significant amount of weight in about 2.5 monthsDiabetic, hypertension etc. Advice for her
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.If a person has uncontrolled blood glucose (hyperglycemia), then, a considerable amount of glucose is lost from the urine as kidneys are not able to reabsorb it. Persistent loss of blood glucose through urine does lead to weight loss as well as persistent weakness and tired feeling. Since she has chronic kidney disease, which also is a possible complication of diabetes only and hypertension which again contributes to kidney disease. In such situation it is very essential for her to achieve a greater level of glucose control. That will help in controlling kidney problem. Even for better outcome of the surgery strict glucose control is absolutely necessary. Off course during surgery and post -operatively for a short period she will be on Insulin for better glucose control. But later again strict glucose control is a must. Thanks. <end>
What causes weight loss while treating diabetes? I have a friend that takes: carvidolol, furosimide k-dur, niphipine calcitrol, creator,novalog, LevimerShe takes nothing with food a d usually eats hours after taking meds. She has kidney disease, acid reflux, getting ready for surgery next week, lost a significant amount of weight in about 2.5 monthsDiabetic, hypertension etc. Advice for her
Suggest dosage for Prednisolone
I am taking two 5 mm tablets of prednisolone tablets and I am diabetic. I feel tired and sleepy in the after noon. Can I split the dosage - twice a day (0ne in the morning and one in the evening). I am also taking 1 Omeprazole (20 mg) tablets every morning before breakfast.
<start> Hello.I have read your message.I think I can help you.Ideally, I need to know why you are on the medicine in the first place.However, you can split the dose.As for the drowsiness, check your sugars.With steroids, sugars do go up, and this may cause drowsiness. If found to be high, your sugar medicines will need to be readjusted.Add calcium supplements and vitamin D supplements to your regimen while on steroids.Best of luck, Dr Mittal <end>
Suggest dosage for Prednisolone I am taking two 5 mm tablets of prednisolone tablets and I am diabetic. I feel tired and sleepy in the after noon. Can I split the dosage - twice a day (0ne in the morning and one in the evening). I am also taking 1 Omeprazole (20 mg) tablets every morning before breakfast.
What does this blood test result for diabetes indicate?
My blood sugar level is 141mg/dl, A1C= 5.8 Triglyceride = 219mg/dl , HDL =31 mg/dl .But a normal Cholesterol level. UA result protein is 30 mg/dl and some RBC and WBC 3 and 2 respectively. I have a normal PSA. I have frequent urinations also. So, I m worried about my health. Like Diabetics ? prostate problem, etc
<start> Welcome to HCM,Perhaps I can give you some insight into the few labs you have given, but we don't look at labs without specificity and the entire lipid panel, not just one value and be able to give you an accurate impression of what they mean.In general, a fasting laboratory glucose test 125 mg/dl and above verified in the same manner twice is indicative of a diagnosis of diabetes. 5.7-6.4 A1C is prediabetic, but you have not mentioned whether these values are fasting or post-prandial. A fasting triglyceride level is an independent risk for heart disease and standards recommend keeping it below 150 mg/dl. A level of 219 indicates a need for a low fat, high fiber, low fructose/high fructose corn syrup diet. So, I hear you are worried about your health. I do see some risk factors you can lower. A good public health diet is the Mediterranean Diet with no added sugar, no alcohol, and cut the fructose out, eat whole food and avoid added sugar. You would benefit from an exercise program to stimulate cardiac circulation. I would suggest both cardio and strength training routines.If you need to lose weight, losing it will be most helpful for lowering triglycerides, sugar and increasing overall health. Keep in touch periodically with your personal doctor to have your labs monitored and explained.You gave me a UA without a creatinine. However, I would keep my eye on the kidneys if you were my patient. A UA of 30 protein could be significant, would like to check with creatinine ratio. Possibility of decreased kidney function. What is your glomerular filtration rate (GFR)? If you are in early stages of kidney decline keeping your protein lean and low might preserve the functioning you have. In summary, if you were my patient I would counsel you on a low fat, high fiber, high water, lean low protein diet with no added sugar and limited fructose. Read labels, no high fructose corn syrup. I would also advise a full physical and referral to a Dietitian with complete labs, diagnosis and diet order for an individualized lifestyle plan. You will feel much better for doing something about your concerns now than later.My best wishes for your continued health. Kathy J. Shattler, MS.RDN <end>
What does this blood test result for diabetes indicate? My blood sugar level is 141mg/dl, A1C= 5.8 Triglyceride = 219mg/dl , HDL =31 mg/dl .But a normal Cholesterol level. UA result protein is 30 mg/dl and some RBC and WBC 3 and 2 respectively. I have a normal PSA. I have frequent urinations also. So, I m worried about my health. Like Diabetics ? prostate problem, etc
How can health anxiety be managed in an obese diabetic?
Hi, I'm an obese diabetic, on metformin and losartin, and i sleep on my side with my head resting on my arm, which is usually under my pillow. When I wake up whichever arm I've been sleeping on is almost always numb. I have health anxiety and have gone to the dr about chest pains, which was attributed to stress/panic attacks after they did all sorts of tests to ensure my heart is fine. My question is, how concerned should I be about this? Is it a circulation issue? etc etc. Thank you.
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.Since you are having obesity as well as diabetes in addition to anxiety, it essential for you to work seriously to reduce weight to a reasonable level. There is no mention of your weight or height and also of blood glucose values and HbA1c%, it is very difficult assess the situation completely. In anxiety neurosis patients get many symptoms which simulate a number of diseases.As your chest pain has been attribute to stress anxiety, it very essential for you to work on reducing the weight so that your BMI is closer to 25 kgs/M2. That will definitely improve your overall health. Plus should help in better control of blood glucose. Thanks. <end>
How can health anxiety be managed in an obese diabetic? Hi, I'm an obese diabetic, on metformin and losartin, and i sleep on my side with my head resting on my arm, which is usually under my pillow. When I wake up whichever arm I've been sleeping on is almost always numb. I have health anxiety and have gone to the dr about chest pains, which was attributed to stress/panic attacks after they did all sorts of tests to ensure my heart is fine. My question is, how concerned should I be about this? Is it a circulation issue? etc etc. Thank you.
Is NovoLog safe to be taken instead of Glipizide for diabetes?
i have type 2 diabetes i checked my blood sugar earlier this evening and it was 430. It has never been that high before, but I have missed taking my glipizide rx for about a week because it ran out and it is too soon to have it refilled at my pharmacy. I took 1,000 mg of my husband's metformin (which I used to take) and checked it again about a 1/2 hour later. my sugar had dropped to 380. should I wait to see if it continues to drop or would it be safe to use my husband's novolog 70/30 mix to bring it down? if so, what is a safe dose?
<start> Hi, I advice you against any such self medications for diabetes. And also avoid such abrupt stopping of antidiabetic medications in the future. Diabetes is a chronic condition that requires long term medication. You need to take the medications as prescribed. Getting off on an antidiabetic drug is extremely rare. The dose and medications depends upon your blood glucose control. For now, I suggest you against using your husband's insulin. You need to get yourself evaluated by an endocrinologist or a physician. As you are insulin naive, it's difficult to predict the effectiveness of insulin dose. And the metformin in your system can exaggerate insulin action. Please do follow the prescription as suggested by your doctor. Medications will be based on blood glucose levels and glycemic control. You will also be advised to get HbA1C values that predicts your average glycemic control over few weeks as you are not compliant with medications. I hope the above information helps you. Thanks for writing into healthcaremagic. Take care. <end>
Is NovoLog safe to be taken instead of Glipizide for diabetes? i have type 2 diabetes i checked my blood sugar earlier this evening and it was 430. It has never been that high before, but I have missed taking my glipizide rx for about a week because it ran out and it is too soon to have it refilled at my pharmacy. I took 1,000 mg of my husband's metformin (which I used to take) and checked it again about a 1/2 hour later. my sugar had dropped to 380. should I wait to see if it continues to drop or would it be safe to use my husband's novolog 70/30 mix to bring it down? if so, what is a safe dose?
Are back pain and ketosis diet plan followed by a diabetic interrelated?
I am a 66 year old diabetic female who is in ketosis. I have been having back pain lately and am wondering if the two are related. I take a magnesium supplement. My blood glucose has gone from 296 to 115 fasting since drastically lowering my carb intake. I've lost 15+ pounds so I'm having great results but my back pain is causing me to limit my activities. I would appreciate any advice you can give me. Thank you.
<start> For my 66 year old diabetic female on low carb diet having excruciating back pain, I would have the following advice; Back ache may be unrelated to the diet changes. I would first consider ruling out calcium deficiency and/or osteoporosis. Secondly, would like to look at serum electrolytes as the pain may be due to muscle cramps.I hope you are taking adequate fluids. If I can rule out the above mentioned suspicions, then would have my patient evaluated alongside with an orthopedician/ neurosurgery team to look for any organic cause. You can discuss the above options with your caregiver. I hope the above information helps you. Thanks for writing into healthcaremagic. Have a wonderful day. <end>
Are back pain and ketosis diet plan followed by a diabetic interrelated? I am a 66 year old diabetic female who is in ketosis. I have been having back pain lately and am wondering if the two are related. I take a magnesium supplement. My blood glucose has gone from 296 to 115 fasting since drastically lowering my carb intake. I've lost 15+ pounds so I'm having great results but my back pain is causing me to limit my activities. I would appreciate any advice you can give me. Thank you.
What causes diarrhea after taking Levemir?
Can taking insulin cause diarhea?I was just put on Levemir and it seems every time I eat, within the hour I have to go to the bathroom because my stomach gets all gassy and I have diarhea, I ve been taking the Levemir for about a month.I m ready to go back to the Dr because I can t keep living like this..
<start> Hi, Insulin Levemir is highly unlikely to be the cause of diarrhoea. It would have been helpful if you had mentioned about the duration and control of your diabetes. Some cases with long standing diabetes may present with diabetic diarhhea. Nevertheless, I would suggest you to consult your endocrinologist/ physician. Medications like antidiarrheal drugs and/ or certain antibiotics can be used to control this condition. Also there is no mention of concomitant drug intake. Some oral antidiabetics can cause gastric irritation leading to diarrhoea. If that is the case, then withholding the drug may be helpful. Thanks for writing into healthcaremagic. Have a wonderful day. <end>
What causes diarrhea after taking Levemir? Can taking insulin cause diarhea?I was just put on Levemir and it seems every time I eat, within the hour I have to go to the bathroom because my stomach gets all gassy and I have diarhea, I ve been taking the Levemir for about a month.I m ready to go back to the Dr because I can t keep living like this..
What causes high blood sugar levels?
doctor said my body is making high blood sugar and has me taking 48mg of Fenofibrate and was told to not eat potatoes or noodles and that is all I was told the bottle is printed to take for my cholesterol I do not know nothing about all this and I'm 45 yrs old
<start> Hello,Welcome to HCM.What your doctor is likely telling you is that you are pre-diabetic. If you were diabetic, your doctor would be prescribing diabetic medications for you. At this time he is advising you to change your eating habits and most likely he also advised you to exercise. It is called life style changes. Weight loss achieved through diet and exercise can prevent pre-diabetics from becoming diabetics.As to Fenofibrate it is a medication for high lipids/cholesterol, which frequently is a condition present in patients who also have elevated sugar and are obese, and should be treated early to decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases like having heart attack or a stroke.Your doctor likely has checked your blood tests - for diabetes he would check blood sugar level and so called hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) and for lipids/cholesterol he would have done a so called Lipid panel which includes total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol HDL cholesterol and triglycerides.Next time you see your doctor ask him/her if he could show you/discuss these results. HbA1c of 6.5 or higher done on two occasions makes a diagnosis of Diabetes mellitus.HbA1c of 5.7 to 6.4 makes a diagnosis of pre-diabetes.Hope I answered your question.If you need additional information, I will be glad to clarify further.Regards and best of health. <end>
What causes high blood sugar levels? doctor said my body is making high blood sugar and has me taking 48mg of Fenofibrate and was told to not eat potatoes or noodles and that is all I was told the bottle is printed to take for my cholesterol I do not know nothing about all this and I'm 45 yrs old
What causes severe loss of energy and body pain in a diabetic?
Hello my name is Gretchen I'm 40 years old I am a diabetic but in the last year or two I have lost all energy don't want to get out bed every muscle in my body hurts I'm in bed 19 to 24 hours because of pain and energy I know there is something going on cause I know my body I have tried to lose weight but it's impossible I also have chronic back pain what could it be
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.I have seen the details given. Following are a few suggestions since there are no details given about blood glucose control, drugs being taken, duration of diabetes, if there are any other complications like neuropathy and retinal problem present or not, no info on lipids, actual body weight & height and dietary pattern. 1) Please see that your blood glucose is very well controlled with fasting glucose 3) Avoid sweets, junk foods, pastries, colas, bakery items, too much of cheese, 4) Refrain from alcohol and smoking, 5)Increase the intake of green leafy vegetables and salads and permitted fruits. 6) You may have to look at your current treatment and if needed change it completely. 7) Also get a thyroid assay done to see if there is any problem with that gland too.Because just having diabetes even if it is a bit uncontrolled will not sap your energy totally. It is absolutely essential for you to take proper medical guidance from a good diabetologist in your locality. Because at 40 years you are too young to have these kind of problems. Please force your self to do some physical exercise daily. Begin with 10 to 15 minutes and then increase the duration and intensity. I hope these suggestions do help. Thanks. <end>
What causes severe loss of energy and body pain in a diabetic? Hello my name is Gretchen I'm 40 years old I am a diabetic but in the last year or two I have lost all energy don't want to get out bed every muscle in my body hurts I'm in bed 19 to 24 hours because of pain and energy I know there is something going on cause I know my body I have tried to lose weight but it's impossible I also have chronic back pain what could it be
What causes tiredness and soreness in the legs of a diabetic?
I have sore muscles in my lower legs and feeling very tired. I do have type 2 diabetes but my blood sugars are not high or out of control. The feeling of fatigue is being to be overwhelming and the pain in my legs keep me from sleeping or getting rem sleep
<start> Hello,I read your query and I would like to say that Diabetes can cause weakness and loss of fitness. Having raised blood sugar levels sometimes after a heavy meal and occasional altered salt levels puts muscles at a disadvantage and they don't perform quite well. Also with time as diabetes progresses, the blood supply to small nerves is lost and that nerve fiber dies.When the nerve serving a muscle fibre dies then the muscle fibre will also stop working. In addition people with diabetes also have an increased tendency to narrowing of the arteries that is a condition called peripheral vascular disease which is caused by narrowing of the arteries, usually due to the build-up of cholesterol. It is associated with smoking and poor diet. The blood supply to the muscles is decreased with time and this phenomenon is more pronounced after exercise, as it can't keep up with the demand. Pain is often more noticeable than weakness but both can be a problem.Hope that solves your query. <end>
What causes tiredness and soreness in the legs of a diabetic? I have sore muscles in my lower legs and feeling very tired. I do have type 2 diabetes but my blood sugars are not high or out of control. The feeling of fatigue is being to be overwhelming and the pain in my legs keep me from sleeping or getting rem sleep
Suggest medications to treat diabetes insipidus
I have low ADH. I have been tested for Diabetes Insipidus and do have it. The only two Endocrinologists where I live do not what it is. All my mucous membranes are dry, especially my eyes. My eyes are very sensitive to light. Any ideas what I can do? Are there any solutions?
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.The condition diabetes Insipidus is a rare entity. There are two types 1)Neurogenic- where there is deficiency of ADH secretion & 2) Nephrogenic where kidney is resistant to the action of ADH.Since yours is a ADH deficiency disorder, if not very severe then adequate water and other fluid intake should be enough to control the condition. If it is severe, then hormone supplemetation with Desmopresin can be dose. This drug is availabe as tablets, nasal spray and Injections. But better to use it under the guidance of an endocrinologist. It will help reduce water loss and improve all the associated symptoms. Thanks. <end>
Suggest medications to treat diabetes insipidus I have low ADH. I have been tested for Diabetes Insipidus and do have it. The only two Endocrinologists where I live do not what it is. All my mucous membranes are dry, especially my eyes. My eyes are very sensitive to light. Any ideas what I can do? Are there any solutions?
Are consistently high sugar levels, excess thirst and frequent urination serious concerns?
I am 45. Female. 6 1.5 . 155 lbs. Been checking my blood sugar because it ran high at a health screening. Always over 240 when fasting at least 10 hours. 247 this morning. Just ate dinner, and it s 463. Always overly thirsty. Getting up 4-5 times a night to urinate. VERY sleepy feeling a lot. Am I ok to make a doctor s appointment and wait for that, or is this something I should rush finding out about?
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query. I have gone through the details given. Your blood glucose levels are high, both fasting (247 mg) & after food (463 mg). This definitely is a serious concern. You have diabetes, which needs immediate initiation of treatment. Because of high glucose level after dinner, you are bound get more urine at night, disturbing your sleep. Feeling excessively thirsty, more hungry and going to toilet more often are clear signs of diabetes, plus tired feeling. Ideally there has to be immediate treatment initiation to control blood glucose, plus diet control like avoiding sweets, deep fried foods, high fat products (cheese), junk foods, pastries and other bakery items. Your weight and height seem to be fine. Plus avoid sweet corn syrup containing products and colas. If possible please seek immediate advise from the doctor. Waiting is not good. Thanks. <end>
Are consistently high sugar levels, excess thirst and frequent urination serious concerns? I am 45. Female. 6 1.5 . 155 lbs. Been checking my blood sugar because it ran high at a health screening. Always over 240 when fasting at least 10 hours. 247 this morning. Just ate dinner, and it s 463. Always overly thirsty. Getting up 4-5 times a night to urinate. VERY sleepy feeling a lot. Am I ok to make a doctor s appointment and wait for that, or is this something I should rush finding out about?
What causes daytime sleepiness while treating diabetic neuropathy?
I am on Lyrica 100 mg bid for Diabetic Neuropathy. I noticed I have been having a lot of daytime sleepiness and feel like I am in a dream state at times. I have other co-morbids such as Fibromyalgia, Sleep Apnea, T2 DM, HTN, Vitamin D deficiency. I am on other meds as well as I use my CPAP religiously. Should I let my MD know about this sleepiness and dream state?
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.Lyrica- pragabalin 100 mg twice a day is quite likely to cause a good deal of drowsiness. That side effect is almost always seen with pragabalin. Reduced dosage, might help in lessening the sleepiness. It is one of the most commonly used drugs to control pain in diabetic neuropathy. You should informm your MD and find out if an alternative can be given or reduced dosage may be used. It is also very important to achieve strict blood glucose control with fasting glucose around <100 mg, PP 150 to 160 mg & HbA1c% 6.8. That will help in better relief of neuropathic pain in addition to the drugs. Thanks. <end>
What causes daytime sleepiness while treating diabetic neuropathy? I am on Lyrica 100 mg bid for Diabetic Neuropathy. I noticed I have been having a lot of daytime sleepiness and feel like I am in a dream state at times. I have other co-morbids such as Fibromyalgia, Sleep Apnea, T2 DM, HTN, Vitamin D deficiency. I am on other meds as well as I use my CPAP religiously. Should I let my MD know about this sleepiness and dream state?
What causes pain in the upper right arm while having diabetes?
Causes of pain in upper right arm of 66yr old diabetic female? feels like burning nerves in fleshy outer area above elbow. almost like a sunburn or steam burn. Have eye condition preventing me from seeing if pink or reddened. Cannot feel a rash. Even clothing irritates it and increases pain. Has not subsided in five days.
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.If you have been having diabetes since long, then there is a possibility of developing diabetes related peripheral neuropathy. Some times it can affect a single nerve (acute mononeuropathy), as your present complaint is there. Most important is to achieve a strict blood glucose control with fasting <100 mg, PP 160 to 180 mg & HbA1c%<7. This will help in reducing the intensity of neuropathy. Drugs like Pragabalin 75 to 100 mg once or twice a day can be taken for reducing the pain. Plus Methylcobalamine tablets 500 mcg per day can also be taken. Thanks <end>
What causes pain in the upper right arm while having diabetes? Causes of pain in upper right arm of 66yr old diabetic female? feels like burning nerves in fleshy outer area above elbow. almost like a sunburn or steam burn. Have eye condition preventing me from seeing if pink or reddened. Cannot feel a rash. Even clothing irritates it and increases pain. Has not subsided in five days.
Suggest medication for nerve pain while having diabetes
What other medication can I try for my nerve pain? I am taking gabapentin 300mg 2 cap in am, 2 at noon and 3 at dinner time. I still feel pain at times. I have asked my provider all he wants to do is increase my dosages. I have been diabetic since 1998. I was taking the pill format and my A1c was in the range for 6-8, after I was prescribed just the metformin and long lasting insulin my A1c has been in the 14+.
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.Gabapentine is a good drug for reducing neuropathy related pain.Other drug is Pragabalin in doses of 75 to 100 mg once or twice a day.But most importantly having a strict blood glucose control is absolutely essential. With a HbA1c% of 14 plus your diabetes is totally uncontrolled. In that situation just taking either Gabapentine or any other drug is not going to help much. You need to bring fasting glucose <100 mg, PP 1150 to 160 mg & HbA1c%<7. Because presence of high glucose in peripheral blood will make nerve fibers more irritated. So please see that your blood glucose is rapidly brought to levels mentioned above. Then only there will be any benefit from drugs to reduce pain. Thanks. <end>
Suggest medication for nerve pain while having diabetes What other medication can I try for my nerve pain? I am taking gabapentin 300mg 2 cap in am, 2 at noon and 3 at dinner time. I still feel pain at times. I have asked my provider all he wants to do is increase my dosages. I have been diabetic since 1998. I was taking the pill format and my A1c was in the range for 6-8, after I was prescribed just the metformin and long lasting insulin my A1c has been in the 14+.
Can Norvasc be taken in place of Concor?
I am diabetic patient for last 20 years and on insulin, also using medicin for blood pressure and cholesterol. for last 7 years i am using Concor 5mg (Merck), last week doctor advised me to use Novasac 5 mg instead of Concor . Need your expert opnion for the Change in medicin . Inaddition also using Tritace 10 mg for blood pressure. regards Aleem Ansari
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.Novasac 5 mg is Amlodepine 5 mg a calcium chennel blocker used as hyptensive to reduce blood pressure. Tab Cocor is besoprolol, also used for high BP but a beta blocker. Both have action in reducing high BP, but mode of action is different. It is difficult to see why the doctor has asked you to change, unless the BP control is not as expected. Amlodepine is a fairly potwnt drug in reducing BP but can also cause swelling of feet and legs. You may ask the reason for changing the drug. Thanks. <end>
Can Norvasc be taken in place of Concor? I am diabetic patient for last 20 years and on insulin, also using medicin for blood pressure and cholesterol. for last 7 years i am using Concor 5mg (Merck), last week doctor advised me to use Novasac 5 mg instead of Concor . Need your expert opnion for the Change in medicin . Inaddition also using Tritace 10 mg for blood pressure. regards Aleem Ansari
Should Methylprednisolone 4mg intake be stopped if it increases blood sugar levels?
My pulmonologist put me on methylprednisone 4mg for bronchitis. i m on day 3 of six. my blood sugar has been going up a and is now 390 after the last dose even increasing lantus and Humalog to the max. I can t reach her or my endocrinologist. I should stop taking it - right?
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.I have gone through the details. As you have mentioned, due to Methylprednisolone 4 mg, blood glucose level is definitely going up. (390 mg). There is no mention whether before taking this drug, blood glucose levels were normal or not. Because 390 mg is too high. Since you are Insulin (two types), earlier levels must have been well controlled. Corticosteroids are known to increase blood glucose levels as they have a strong diabetogenic action. Your physician must have been aware of it. He should have advised you on how to control glucose during this treatment,as it appears you are in the need of that drug. Once that treatment is over or the drug is discontinued, glucose levels will revert. But you are not suppposed to abruptly stop a steroid. There has to be a slow tapering of the dose. So even if you want to discontinue do the same in consultation with the pulmonologist. Increasing insulin dose and adjusting diet also can help in cotrol of rising glucose level. Thanks. <end>
Should Methylprednisolone 4mg intake be stopped if it increases blood sugar levels? My pulmonologist put me on methylprednisone 4mg for bronchitis. i m on day 3 of six. my blood sugar has been going up a and is now 390 after the last dose even increasing lantus and Humalog to the max. I can t reach her or my endocrinologist. I should stop taking it - right?
What causes thinning arms and legs in a diabetic patient?
Hello Doctor Good Evening My husband diabetic his last month sugar rest report after food 204. 1. I just want to know it was under control? 2.his weight was 80kg he was tall too.his weight remains the same but i feel like he is becoming thinner his hand arms and legs below knee muscle top becoming thinner. 3.he is active and energetic too. Plz do suggest me did I want to worry about this?
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query. I have gone through the contents and understand your concern. When diabetes is in control blood glucose Fasting is Therefore, my suggestion is he should achieve better blood glucose control, (as mentioned earlier), plus do at least on two days a week some strength building exercise. Plus to increase a bit of protein intake every day. Thanks. <end>
What causes thinning arms and legs in a diabetic patient? Hello Doctor Good Evening My husband diabetic his last month sugar rest report after food 204. 1. I just want to know it was under control? 2.his weight was 80kg he was tall too.his weight remains the same but i feel like he is becoming thinner his hand arms and legs below knee muscle top becoming thinner. 3.he is active and energetic too. Plz do suggest me did I want to worry about this?
Does fasting sugar level of 124 and postprandial level of 192 require medication?
My FBS (Glucose, Serum) is 124; Glucose Post-Prandial Plasma is 192; and HbA1c (H.P.L.C technology) is 6.8%. Am I diabetic ? Should I take medication or can it be controlled by diet/lifestyle changes ? Thank you for your kind attention - A. Sen Gupta, Bangalore, India.
<start> Hello Sir,Thank you for your query. I understand your concerns .Based on the reports, you do have diabetes. For good glucose control your HBA1C should be less than 6.5%, your fasting blood glucose should be less than 110 mg/do and your 2 post meal glucose should be less than 160-170 mg /dl ( provided you are fit and fine and do not have any other debilitating illnesses). I am not sure of your age.As your sugar levels are borderline you could try 3 month trial of diet and exercise alone to control your glucose levels. After 3 months measure the blood tests again. If they have reduced then you can continue the same healthy lifestyle changes and keep checking your blood glucose levels every 3 months. If your blood glucose levels have not changed or have worsened after the 3 month trial of diet and exercise then you need to start medication along with your lifestyle changes.Healthy lifestyle tips:1) Exercise-moderate exercise like brisk walking, cycling, swimming etc - for atleast 45-60 min every day or atleast 5 out of 7 days in a week.2) Diet: Avoid sugary food items and sweets , cookies, chocolates etc. take plenty of vegetables ( restrict potatoes). Take whole grains products like wheat bread, oats, millets, brown rice etc. Avoid refined /plain flour items. you can take 2-3 servings of fruit( avoid mango, jack fruit, custard apple, chikko ). Take adequate protein ( eggs, pulses, non veg- but restrict mutton). Can take 5-7 nuts like almonds, cashew nuts etc. Restrict saturated fats like butter, cheese, paneer etc. 3) Reduce weight if you are overweight.I wish you well.I hope this answer has been helpful to you.Regards Dr Sunita Sayammagaru <end>
Does fasting sugar level of 124 and postprandial level of 192 require medication? My FBS (Glucose, Serum) is 124; Glucose Post-Prandial Plasma is 192; and HbA1c (H.P.L.C technology) is 6.8%. Am I diabetic ? Should I take medication or can it be controlled by diet/lifestyle changes ? Thank you for your kind attention - A. Sen Gupta, Bangalore, India.
Will stopping sugar and carbohydrate intake control a sugar level of 149?
I had a my blood tested at my physician's office the other day along with an urinalysis and an EKG. Everything was good including my blood pressure, oxygen absorption and pulse, body mass...etc. but my blood sugar level is 149. They said not to be alarmed. To cut back on all sugars and carbs. Is that sufficient or should I pursue a more vigorous anti-diabetic regimen?
<start> Hello,Thank you for your query. I understand your concerns.Random blood glucose value of 149 indicates that your blood sugar is in the Pre-diabetic range. You do not yet have diabetes, and if you control your blood glucose levels by appropriate diet and exercise, the chances of developing diabetes are reduced. For a person to be in non-diabetic range, their fasting blood glucose levels should be less than 106, their 2 hour post prandial blood glucose/random blood glucose should be less than 140.Your doctor has been correct in telling you to cut down on sugars and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are needed for the human body to function – without carbohydrates we can’t get strength to our daily tasks. But the important thing to remember here is we need to consume only that many carbohydrates as needed by the body and not more. We also need to exercise so that our energy input=energy output.I do not think that at this time you need more vigorous anti-diabetic regimen.My advice would be:1)     Restrict all sugar food items – cakes, chocolates, cookies etc.2)     Avoid/restrict food items made from plain flour.3)     Use whole grain products – for e.g. use brown bread, consume unpolished rice/brown rice, millets, wheat, oats, quinoa etc.4)     Eat plenty of vegetables – but restrict potatoes a they have mainly carbohydrates5)     You can eat fruits as they have anti-oxidants and vitamins – avoid mango, chikoo, custard apple, jackfruit 6)     Honey, Molasses, Unrefined sugar are all equally bad7)     Restrict high fatty food – cut down on saturated fats like butter, cheese etc.8)     You need to include protein in your diet every day, this is present in pulses/lentils, eggs, non-vegetarian (restrict mutton-chicken and fish are good)9)     You can take nuts: 5-7 cashew nuts, almonds, walnuts etc.10)     Exercise at least 45 min-60 min for at least 5 days of a week. It should be moderate exercise – jogging, cycling, brisk walking etc.11)     If you are obese/over weight-you have to reduce weight, by following the above diet and exercise you can lose weight. Target weight loss should be 1.5-2 kg/month.Measure your blood glucose levels in 2-3 months. It should have reduced. Keep checking your blood glucose levels every 6 months. You can also check your HbA1C(which is your average blood glcuose over the past 3 months - non-diabetic value is less than 5.6%).I wish you good health.I hope this answer has been helpful to you.RegardsDr Sunita Sayammagaru <end>
Will stopping sugar and carbohydrate intake control a sugar level of 149? I had a my blood tested at my physician's office the other day along with an urinalysis and an EKG. Everything was good including my blood pressure, oxygen absorption and pulse, body mass...etc. but my blood sugar level is 149. They said not to be alarmed. To cut back on all sugars and carbs. Is that sufficient or should I pursue a more vigorous anti-diabetic regimen?
Suggest remedy to control elevated sugar levels
Good morning!I am Johnpaul Pereira, 36yrs, 104kgs, i have done my blood test last week it has detected elevated sugar levels 130 mg/dl fasting and 132mg/dl PP.6months back it was 121mg/dl. Sugar levels are gradually increasing.Please advise. I have started morning walk for 5kms and also work outs for alternate days of the week in a park.I have a 9-10hrs sitting job.Thanking you for your advice.Warm regards,Johnpaul 0000
<start> Hello,Thank you for your query. I understand your concerns.For ideal blood glucose control, your fasting blood glucose should be less than 110 mg/dl, your 2 hour post meal/post prandial blood glucose should be less than 160 mg/dl and your HbA1C (which gives the 3 month average blood glucose level) should be less than 6.5%.From you have mentioned, you seem overweight/obese, I do not know your height. BMI is your body mass index – it is calculated as ratio of weight to height (kg/metre square).Ideal BMI for South Asians should be less than 23, for Caucasians and others the ideal BMI is less than 25.Weight loss will help in proper glucose control. You need to watch what you eat, reduce your intake of high calorie/high fatty/high carbohydrate (sugar/starch) food items. Take smaller portions of food. Consume more wholegrains like oats, millets, wheat products etc. Use food items made of whole wheat flour rather than plain flour. Consume more vegetables, restrict consumption of saturated fats like butter cheese etc.Exercise at least 45-60 min everyday – moderate exercise like jogging, swimming, cycling etc. Your target weight loss should be 1.5 -2 kg/month. Do weight training at least twice a weekRecheck your FPG and PPG levels in 1 month. If the sugar levels are falling, then continue with your lifestyle management and recheck your HbA1C in 3 months’ time. There should be a decrease in the HbA1C from current reading to one in 3 months. Despite, the above, if your sugar levels are raising then you need to see your doctor for medication. I wish you good health.I hope this answer has been helpful to you.RegardsDr Sunita Sayammagaru <end>
Suggest remedy to control elevated sugar levels Good morning!I am Johnpaul Pereira, 36yrs, 104kgs, i have done my blood test last week it has detected elevated sugar levels 130 mg/dl fasting and 132mg/dl PP.6months back it was 121mg/dl. Sugar levels are gradually increasing.Please advise. I have started morning walk for 5kms and also work outs for alternate days of the week in a park.I have a 9-10hrs sitting job.Thanking you for your advice.Warm regards,Johnpaul 0000
What causes nose bleeds in a diabetic and hypertensive person?
Hi. And how are you? For the last 3 days my husband has been getting bloody noses 2 or 3 times a day. Hes 74,has diabetis and injections once a day and hes on blood pressure med (lomax). Any thoughts on why these sudden nose bleeds have started? Thank You Kathleen Carlton
<start> Hi nose bleeds in a hypertensive mean the blood pressure is high. Please check and have it reviewed--regards <end>
What causes nose bleeds in a diabetic and hypertensive person? Hi. And how are you? For the last 3 days my husband has been getting bloody noses 2 or 3 times a day. Hes 74,has diabetis and injections once a day and hes on blood pressure med (lomax). Any thoughts on why these sudden nose bleeds have started? Thank You Kathleen Carlton
Which Humulin is advisable for diabetes in a heart and kidney patient?
I am a type II diabetic and have been using a oral medication for the past 25 years, since I have heart disease and kidney problems they tell me not to us Actos or Avandia which I am presently using. My heart specialist suggested I try Humulin but says I should get with my personal Physician and see which Humulin I should start with? Any suggestions?Steve
<start> Hello,Thank you for your query. I understand your concerns.Your heart specialist is correct regarding Avandia and Actos causing heart problems (usually heart failure) and kidney problems. You could benefit with insulin as it is safe in both heart and kidney disorder patients.Humulin is insulin. I will try and explain to you in brief. There are 3 types of Humulin.1)     Humulin S/Humulin R: This is short acting (S) or Regular (R) insulin. This needs to be taken 30 minutes before meals. Its action starts about 30-60 minutes after injecting, and it has its peak action at about 3 hours after injecting and the action lasts for about 6-8 hours. It is usually given twice a day. This insulin helps to reduce the blood glucose spike which is seen after a meal; hence this is given before the meals.2)     Humulin I: This is Isophane/intermediate acting (I) insulin. It is given once a day usually. Its action starts after 2-4 hours after injecting, its peak action is around 5-10 hours after injection, and the action lasts for about 16-18 hours. This insulin helps to reduce the background blood glucose levels (there is a constant supply of glucose in the blood throughout the 24 hours and this is synthesised from the liver and muscles by a variety of chemical messengers like glucagon, cortisol, adrenaline etc.)3)     Humulin M3, M5: These are pre-mixed insulins and these insulins have both the short acting and the isophane insulins mentioned above in varying ratios (30/70; 50/50). This is to be injected 30 minutes before meals and has the advantage of taking two insulins with one shot. Disadvantage is that it is slightly tricky to titrate your dose if your sugar is fluctuating. I am not sure how your blood glucose level is. If it is very high you could benefit with morning and evening doses of Humulin S along with bed time dose of Humulin I. Once your sugars are under control you could switch over to Humulin M3 twice daily. I would advise you to see your doctor, so that you could discuss with him in detail about the various insulins.I hope this answer has been helpful to you.RegardsDr Sunita Sayammagaru <end>
Which Humulin is advisable for diabetes in a heart and kidney patient? I am a type II diabetic and have been using a oral medication for the past 25 years, since I have heart disease and kidney problems they tell me not to us Actos or Avandia which I am presently using. My heart specialist suggested I try Humulin but says I should get with my personal Physician and see which Humulin I should start with? Any suggestions?Steve
What causes body tremors and tiredness while on Metformin and Omeprazole?
hi i am suffering with really bad shakes and tiredness i am convinced that one of my tablets are giving me these effects i am on calchechew 500 mg metformin 1000 deltacortrl 5 mg omeprazole teva 20 mgfolic acid 5 mg eltroxin 50mg elextrin 25mg duloxetine kirka 30mg i am on metroformin 1000 twice a day i am actually stating in bed 14 hours a day and also on the humari 40 injection every fortnight thank you so much at wits end
<start> Hello, Thanks for your query. I have gone through the details given. As it is clear that you are on multiple drugs for a number of medical conditions including T2 DM, hypothyroidism and depression. There are 7 drugs listed, which you are taking regularly. Of these drugs Metformin 1000 mg twice a day, is most often very well tolerated drug. Common side effects noticed on beginning of treatment with it are mostly gastrointestinal disturbances. Which invariably stop on taking the drug with or after food. Tremors (shivering) is unlikely to happen with that drug. Among other drugs duloxetine is more likely to cause symptoms like restlessness, poor coordination and shivering. Even Injections Humira (adalimumab) is the other drug which causes weakness & dizziness. SOmetimes due to multiple medications it is very difficult to pin point which particular side effect is due to which specific drug. But Metformin is unlikely drug for shivering. As regards feeling of weakness, if both diabetes (blood glucose) uncontrolled as well as if hypothyroidism is also not well controlled, there can be fairly severe weakness as well as sleepy feeling. Since there is no mention of blood glucose levels and HbA1c% as well as TSH levels, it is difficult to know.Thanks <end>
What causes body tremors and tiredness while on Metformin and Omeprazole? hi i am suffering with really bad shakes and tiredness i am convinced that one of my tablets are giving me these effects i am on calchechew 500 mg metformin 1000 deltacortrl 5 mg omeprazole teva 20 mgfolic acid 5 mg eltroxin 50mg elextrin 25mg duloxetine kirka 30mg i am on metroformin 1000 twice a day i am actually stating in bed 14 hours a day and also on the humari 40 injection every fortnight thank you so much at wits end
What causes E-coli infection in the foot of a diabetic patient?
My aunt had her big toe amputated in October due to an abscess from diabetes. She had an infection once already. Last week when she went to foot Dr, another infection set in. The culture came back positive for E-Coli. How could she have gotten that in her foot?
<start> Hello,Thank you for your query. I understand your concerns.Your query is understandable. E coli is normally present in the gut and does not cause any harm. But some strains of E Coli can cause intestinal and urinary tract infection.Uncommonly E. coli can cause skin infections especially in diabetic patients. They can cause cellulitis and foot ulcers. When patient has diabetes and if it is not properly controlled, their immune system becomes weakened. These people are more susceptible for uncommon infections and also the infections take a long time to settle down.E. coli could have colonised the foot ulcer from the her own gut, from person to person contact ( hand to mouth contact ), from contact with animals etc.Hopefully her infection will subside as her doctors have found the causative organism.I wish her a speedy recovery.Regards Dr Sunita Sayammagaru <end>
What causes E-coli infection in the foot of a diabetic patient? My aunt had her big toe amputated in October due to an abscess from diabetes. She had an infection once already. Last week when she went to foot Dr, another infection set in. The culture came back positive for E-Coli. How could she have gotten that in her foot?
How to treat rise in the blood sugar level after taking Methamphetamine?
My pal who has been diagnosed w/ diabetes & the 40 something yr old fellow also is a regular (sometimes daily) user (a shooter) of methamphedamine . Well he is new to this an hasn t as of yet been regular w/ doing his insulin .He saw the dr yesterday an was given his perscription (they increased his from 10 to 14 units & increased his oral med dose to 1000 also) & was informed that if he sees readings above 500 to go to the ER. Many times he runs above 500 I hear. Well he has done meth tonight an has just done a reading an it is 565 an was gonna do his insulin (though his girlfriend suggests to hold off an do it at 7am instead of now @ 1am so to start doing it at the same time each day) but now w this high blood sugar reading what should we do ? He didn t wanna go to the E.R. an said it (his high reading) is probably cause he has recently just shot meth . So is he in need of the E.R.?
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.It is clear that your friend has highly uncontrolled diabetes. Plus taking methamphetamine can further aggravate and cause severe hyperglycemia as you have now mentioned. This can also lead to a severe complication of diabetes called as diabetic ketoacidosis. Which can be a serious emergency condition needing hospitalization and blood glucose control to be achieved through IV Insulin and other supplements (electrolytes). At 565 mg it is essential that he goes to ER. Taking Insulin at home may still not correct the situation. If he wants to control his blood glucose effectively, revent possible long term complications of diabetes then should refrain from methamphetamine. Otherwise he will face more serious consequences. Ideally blood glucose should be maintained as : FBG <100 mg, PP 150 to 160 mg & HbA1c%<6.8. He is no where close to these recommended levels.It essential to convey these things to him. Thanks. <end>
How to treat rise in the blood sugar level after taking Methamphetamine? My pal who has been diagnosed w/ diabetes & the 40 something yr old fellow also is a regular (sometimes daily) user (a shooter) of methamphedamine . Well he is new to this an hasn t as of yet been regular w/ doing his insulin .He saw the dr yesterday an was given his perscription (they increased his from 10 to 14 units & increased his oral med dose to 1000 also) & was informed that if he sees readings above 500 to go to the ER. Many times he runs above 500 I hear. Well he has done meth tonight an has just done a reading an it is 565 an was gonna do his insulin (though his girlfriend suggests to hold off an do it at 7am instead of now @ 1am so to start doing it at the same time each day) but now w this high blood sugar reading what should we do ? He didn t wanna go to the E.R. an said it (his high reading) is probably cause he has recently just shot meth . So is he in need of the E.R.?
What causes rise in the blood sugar level despite taking Metformin?
I am diabetic and I am on 2000 mgs a day of Metformin. Here lately my sugar has been extremely high. I just took it (fasting) without having any food in my system and it is actually the lowest it has been lately but still very high..... 290. I have also had a very major increase in thirst the past month or so with my craving being that of milk.I am so on Omeprazole, Atorvastatin, Lexapro and Trazadone
<start> well blood sugar levels depend on many factors, primarily insulin is responsible for bringing down if blood sugar's go high for type 2 diabetes we usually initiate treatment with metformin and sequentially add further drugs depending on the blood sugar readings, I will also advise you to get your HbA1C done which will give us an idea about your last 3 months of Controll and accordingly we can add further drugs, also other factors which can independently aid you is exercise which can on its own help in lowering blood sugar's, so any amount of weight you loose is beneficial. <end>
What causes rise in the blood sugar level despite taking Metformin? I am diabetic and I am on 2000 mgs a day of Metformin. Here lately my sugar has been extremely high. I just took it (fasting) without having any food in my system and it is actually the lowest it has been lately but still very high..... 290. I have also had a very major increase in thirst the past month or so with my craving being that of milk.I am so on Omeprazole, Atorvastatin, Lexapro and Trazadone
What causes sudden unusual sensation and numbness in the body?
Hi, i am 33 years old and diabetic. for some time now my sugar levels have been well controlled since i test 3 times a day. however, sometime last year i noticed that sometimes i have a certain sensation that i cant really explain well but i feel like a shock is going through my body and i almost lose recognition of where my am for a moment and that passes in a matter of seconds after which i feel my heart beating fast and a pain in my forehead and eyes and a bit of weakness which all passes in seconds and i become supernormal like nothing happened. it happens mostly when i run on the threadmill or go up a stairs even though it also happens when i am asleep sometimes or just idling. i have checked blood sugar reading just after these episodes but its not hypo and also i had an ECG and doctor says nothing abnormal about heart function. i am confused. thryroid tests, white and red blood cell checks as well as kidney and liver function tests all done and all within range
<start> Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, you really don't need to worry.Your symptoms are generally seen in diabetics on treatment. Diabetes induced neuropathy is a well established long term effect. Also, get your medication reviewed by your physician.Take care,Regards <end>
What causes sudden unusual sensation and numbness in the body? Hi, i am 33 years old and diabetic. for some time now my sugar levels have been well controlled since i test 3 times a day. however, sometime last year i noticed that sometimes i have a certain sensation that i cant really explain well but i feel like a shock is going through my body and i almost lose recognition of where my am for a moment and that passes in a matter of seconds after which i feel my heart beating fast and a pain in my forehead and eyes and a bit of weakness which all passes in seconds and i become supernormal like nothing happened. it happens mostly when i run on the threadmill or go up a stairs even though it also happens when i am asleep sometimes or just idling. i have checked blood sugar reading just after these episodes but its not hypo and also i had an ECG and doctor says nothing abnormal about heart function. i am confused. thryroid tests, white and red blood cell checks as well as kidney and liver function tests all done and all within range
Is this dosage of Metformin advisable for diabetes?
i am 72 and now have type 2 diabetes just started taking metformin (800mg twice a day) and take blood twice a day. one in morning before meal and evening before meal. am averaging about 165 in am and around 120 in evening depending on what ate for lunch. no exercise yet,how do I lower the levels higher dose metformin or ???
<start> Hello,Thank you for your query. I understand your concerns.For ideal control of blood glucose your fasting blood glucose should be less than 110 mg/dl and your 2 hour post prandial should be less than 160-170 mg/dl. Your random blood glucose should also be less than 170 mg/dl.Seen this way, your blood glucose reading seems alright to me, as I feel both of the tests that you have taken are random. The morning blood glucose is still at the borderline, but your evening blood glucose is quite normal.If you could start exercising, you blood glucose values would come even lower than this. Is there any reason that you are not exercising like arthritis of knees etc? If you want you could increase your night dose of Metformin to 1000 mg and continue with your morning dose of Metformin 800 mg and recheck your blood tests in a couple of weeks. If your morning blood glucose test reading is too low (like 60-70 mg/dl), you could go back to the 800 mg at night time.If you are going to start exercising, then you can continue the same dose of Metformin 800 mg twice a day, as exercise increases insulin sensitivity.I hope this answer has been helpful to you.RegardsDr Sunita Sayammagaru <end>
Is this dosage of Metformin advisable for diabetes? i am 72 and now have type 2 diabetes just started taking metformin (800mg twice a day) and take blood twice a day. one in morning before meal and evening before meal. am averaging about 165 in am and around 120 in evening depending on what ate for lunch. no exercise yet,how do I lower the levels higher dose metformin or ???
Is Glycimark advisable over Glycomet for elevated blood sugar levels?
for my mother, her sugar level is fasting 135 and postal prandial is 238 tested @8 march 2017 .she taking glycomet gp 0.5/500.vogo 0.2g.ovlance/olmin20g ,crevan f 5/67.before test.now doctor refer to take glycimark.m 40/500,vogo0.2olmetec 20g, remyelin.d.but we again take postal prandial sugar test today her sugar level is 195 and pressure is 100.4
<start> Hello,Thank you for your query. I understand your concerns.For ideal blood glucose control the fasting blood glucose should be less than 110 mg/dl, the 2 hour post prandial blood glucose should be less than 160-170 mg/do. I am not sure of your mother's age as these values are patients who are less than 55-60 years old and who are reasonably in good health. As a person becomes older or if there is a diabetic patient who has multiple problems, then these target values would also be a little higher as too tight control of an elderly person's blood glucose will cause them to have low blood glucose ( hypoglycaemia) and this can cause in serious complications.I am also not sure how often your mother is taking the Glycimark M and the Vogo 0.2 mg. Assuming your mother is less than 60 years old and that she is reasonably good health, if she is taking Glycimark M 40/500 only once a day then it can be increased to twice a day ( 15 -30 min before breakfast and before dinner). If she is already taking this tablet twice a day, then she can increase the dose of this, she can take Glycimark M 80/500 twice a day. Recheck her blood glucose levels in 2 weeks .If her blood glucose is still high then she can take Vogo 0.2 mg either twice a day ( if previously she has been taking it only once ) or up to three times a day ( if she has been taking it only twice a day).If at any point she experienced low blood glucose symptoms like sweating, hunger, dizziness, fast heart beat, mood changes etc, then it is the Glycimark-m that is causing the symptoms and she needs to reduce the dose of this. The immediate treatment of low blood glucose is by taking a tablespoon of honey/sugar, sugar candies, glass of fruit juice or regular Pepsi/coke etc . This should be followed by a carbohydrate snack like sandwich, milk with 2 biscuits, fruit etc within the next 1 hour.her blood pressure is fine and she needs to continue with her Olvance and Crevan-F.I hope this answer has helped you.Regards Dr Sunita Sayammagaru <end>
Is Glycimark advisable over Glycomet for elevated blood sugar levels? for my mother, her sugar level is fasting 135 and postal prandial is 238 tested @8 march 2017 .she taking glycomet gp 0.5/500.vogo 0.2g.ovlance/olmin20g ,crevan f 5/67.before test.now doctor refer to take glycimark.m 40/500,vogo0.2olmetec 20g, remyelin.d.but we again take postal prandial sugar test today her sugar level is 195 and pressure is 100.4
What does this blood sugar level indicate?
I was just getting my nails done at a nail salon and I passed out I'm not sure if it was from the fumes I had my father check my blood sugar an hour later it was 142 should I be checked for diabetes Was having a work party all I had to eat was to rice crispy treats and a piece of bacon Plus I have a bad head cold
<start> Hello.Thanks for the query.On the basis of the reports you have told me, diabetes is unlikely.The sugars should have been either much lower, or very much higher.Still, it is always a good idea to test for diabetes.Testing with FBS PPBS HbA1C may help.Getting a cardiac and neurological check up to rule out arrhythmia, TIA and seizures is more essential, if the sugar tests are normal.Let us know the reports for further details.Dr Saumya Mittal <end>
What does this blood sugar level indicate? I was just getting my nails done at a nail salon and I passed out I'm not sure if it was from the fumes I had my father check my blood sugar an hour later it was 142 should I be checked for diabetes Was having a work party all I had to eat was to rice crispy treats and a piece of bacon Plus I have a bad head cold
Are Diamicron and Carbophage the right medication for diabetes?
Hi I am a female aged 55.... diagnosed with diabetes since June 2015.... I take Carbophage XR 500 3 times a day, Volix 0.3 twice a day and Diamicron XR 60 twice a day..... I do Yoga for an hour 4 times a week and walk for 30 mins 6 days a week.... my blood sugar levels are always over 200 fasting and similar after meals..... kindly advise
<start> Hello Madam,Welcome to Healthcare Magic.I have read your question fully and understand your concerns.You are taking the right medications – Carbophage XR, Diamicron and Volix are all the medication that I would prescribe in a diabetic patient. But your blood glucose levels are still high. For blood glucose to be in normal range your fasting blood glucose should be less than 110 and your 2 hour post prandial should be less than 160. Your HbA1C which is your 3 month average blood glucose value should be around 6.5%. (If you have not yet got your HbA1C done, kindly get it done soon)You could increase your Carbophage dose. The molecule in it is Metformin. So, if your kidneys are functioning normally (you may have had serum creatinine levels, serum urea levels and eGFR test done by your diabetes specialist before), you could increase your Metformin to 1000 mg twice a day. You could take Carbophage XR 1000 MG twice daily.You could also increase your Volix 0.3 mg to three times a day instead of 2 times a day.You can continue your Diamicron XR 60 mg, or you could stop it completely and take Amaryl 1-2 mg once or twice a day depending on your FBG, PPG and HbA1C levels.I think you may need another tablet in –addition to the above. You could ask your doctor if he could prescribe either Vildagliptin 50 mg-100 mg or Dapagliflozin 10 mg to your existing medication above. This decision again should be based on your blood glucose levels and HbA1C levels. I would advise you to see your doctor first, so that he could check if you have any contraindications to not to take any of the medicines mentioned.I hope this answer has helped you.Thank youRegardsDr Sunita Sayammagaru <end>
Are Diamicron and Carbophage the right medication for diabetes? Hi I am a female aged 55.... diagnosed with diabetes since June 2015.... I take Carbophage XR 500 3 times a day, Volix 0.3 twice a day and Diamicron XR 60 twice a day..... I do Yoga for an hour 4 times a week and walk for 30 mins 6 days a week.... my blood sugar levels are always over 200 fasting and similar after meals..... kindly advise
Suggest treatment for swollen leg and knee while having diabetes
my husband has had a swollen knee and leg for a week. no injury and no brakes. Sonogram showed no blood clots. His white blood cells are very elavated. He is diabetic. Has no appetite. His stooles have been dark olive green. We are going to see an orthepedic specialist. I am concerned about an infecion. He is in alot of pain. Any suggestions? E-Mail: YYYY@YYYY
<start> Hi your husband is a diabetic with pain and swelling knees with elevated white blood corpuscles.Ultrasound knees shows no blood clots.It should be septic arthritis.His sugar level should have got disturbed and that is the reason for lack of appetite .If green stools for single time it is bilious don't worry may be part of general disturbance in health.Your husband need to have IV antibiotics pain killers knee rest and control of sugar.Take care. <end>
Suggest treatment for swollen leg and knee while having diabetes my husband has had a swollen knee and leg for a week. no injury and no brakes. Sonogram showed no blood clots. His white blood cells are very elavated. He is diabetic. Has no appetite. His stooles have been dark olive green. We are going to see an orthepedic specialist. I am concerned about an infecion. He is in alot of pain. Any suggestions? E-Mail: YYYY@YYYY
Can Cremaffin Plus be taken for diabetes?
Hii, my name is pashupati poddar. My age is 72. I am a diabetic patient and I don't know whether the cremaffin plus is Sugar free or not? What are the dosage of cremaffin plus ? What will be the results after using it? Will my diabetes increase?I will be very honored to you if say me regarding this I am a diabetic patient and want to know about itThank you!
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query. Cremaffin liquid does not contain sugar, so if you need a laxative it can be used but Cremaffin Plus is not sugar free.Dosage 15 ml (one table spoon) at bed time is usually enough. Using it is unlikely to affect your blood glucose levels. It will help in better evauation. Thanks <end>
Can Cremaffin Plus be taken for diabetes? Hii, my name is pashupati poddar. My age is 72. I am a diabetic patient and I don't know whether the cremaffin plus is Sugar free or not? What are the dosage of cremaffin plus ? What will be the results after using it? Will my diabetes increase?I will be very honored to you if say me regarding this I am a diabetic patient and want to know about itThank you!
What causes severe swelling in the right foot?
I have type 2 Diabetes. have had longe bouts with unemployment so it has gone untreated for over a year. in the last two weeks my right foot has swollen twice ists normal size. I can no longer bend my toes and walking is hell. I my foot looks like its dying. Im scared and the worse part is i have no heath care. ANY SUGGESTIONS?
<start> Hello,Welcome to Healthcare Magic.I have read your question fully and understand your concerns.From what you are mentioned, with your foot swollen and in pain, I suspect it could be either cellulitis or Charcot’s foot. Cellulitis is an infection of the skin of your feet. There is swelling, pain, redness and increased warmth. Treatment is by antibiotics for about 10-14 days. Charcot’s foot is a complication of uncontrolled diabetes. Diabetes if not properly controlled can cause damage to nerves-called peripheral neuropathy. The patient may lose sensation in the feet. So, he cannot feel trauma or irritation, thus a small wound may become a festering infection. Diabetes also causes poor circulation of blood. Due to poor circulation the bones and joint weaken and result in fractures or dislocations. As patient cannot feel the pain of fractures, he continues to walk and this worsens the condition. Ultimately the foot gets swollen and deformed. Prompt offloading of your foot is very important, if not the deformity would be permanentHence, I would advise you to see your doctor as soon as possible. I am sorry, I do not understand much about health insurance in USA, but your health is important too. Hence, kindly see a doctor.I hope this answer has helped you. Thank youRegardsDr Sunita Sayammagaru <end>
What causes severe swelling in the right foot? I have type 2 Diabetes. have had longe bouts with unemployment so it has gone untreated for over a year. in the last two weeks my right foot has swollen twice ists normal size. I can no longer bend my toes and walking is hell. I my foot looks like its dying. Im scared and the worse part is i have no heath care. ANY SUGGESTIONS?
What causes excessive thirst and frequent urination in a diabetic person?
Yes, I have had Type 2 diabetes for over ten years... take pills - no insulin but lately I have been extremely thirsty and I urinate more than I ever have.... I also have had 3 yeast infections since Dec. 2016 (I am a 61 year old divorced woman- no sexual activity) and wondered if this is a result of my Diabetes?
<start> Hello,Welcome to health care magic.I have read your question completely and understand your concerns.Excessive thirst, frequent urination and fungal infections can all occur in a diabetic patient if their blood glucose is not well controlled. For good diabetes control, fasting blood glucose should be less than 110, 2 hour post prandial should be less than 160-170 and HbA1C which is there 3 month average blood glucose should be around 6.5-7% ( depending on the age, and any other medical complications).You could get the above blood tests done and consult your doctor. If your blood glucose is in the normal, you still need to see your doctor to rule out other causes of your symptoms.I hope this answer has helped you Thank you Regards Dr Sunita Sayammagaru <end>
What causes excessive thirst and frequent urination in a diabetic person? Yes, I have had Type 2 diabetes for over ten years... take pills - no insulin but lately I have been extremely thirsty and I urinate more than I ever have.... I also have had 3 yeast infections since Dec. 2016 (I am a 61 year old divorced woman- no sexual activity) and wondered if this is a result of my Diabetes?
What causes dizziness and blurred vision while treated for diabetes?
Hello, I am a 50 year old female , type one diabetic of 15 years on insulin, being treated with amitriptyline pregabalin,citalopram, trospium, metformin for disc prolapse , nerve damage and urge incontinence, I am frequently having dizzy turns, falling and blurred vision, this combination has finally reduced the constant pain to a minimum but the recently added breast pains and waking up with nostrils stuffed with dried blood is unnerving, I also added ramipril 2.5 mg
<start> Dizziness is non specific. It can be brought on sometimes by pregabalin or cervical disc compression. Pregabalin can also cause drowsiness.The falling could be due to imbalance which is brought on by peripheral neuropathy in diabetes.You need to get a complete ophthalmic check up since blurring of vision could occur with diabetic retinopathy. Monitor your blood sugars and renal function tests regularly. Also get a baseline ecg if not done previously. <end>
What causes dizziness and blurred vision while treated for diabetes? Hello, I am a 50 year old female , type one diabetic of 15 years on insulin, being treated with amitriptyline pregabalin,citalopram, trospium, metformin for disc prolapse , nerve damage and urge incontinence, I am frequently having dizzy turns, falling and blurred vision, this combination has finally reduced the constant pain to a minimum but the recently added breast pains and waking up with nostrils stuffed with dried blood is unnerving, I also added ramipril 2.5 mg
Are Rifampin, Isoniazid, Ethambutol, Pyridoxine and Pyrazinamide intake recommended for a diabetic?
My mother is diabetic and his doctor prescribe her rifampin, isoniazid, ethambutol pyridoxine and pyazinamide. Now she tells me when she takes the medication she gets dizzy and her urine is orange red. Should she be taking this medication since she is diabetic? Thank you doc.
<start> The medicines you mentioned are anti tubercular drugs. They have probably been started because she has tuberculosis. They should be continued.Urine turning orange to red is a side effect of rifampicin. It causes no harm as such. In fact all bodily secretions including tears can change colour on rifampicin treatment. The colour reverts back to normal once treatment with rifampicin is stopped. <end>
Are Rifampin, Isoniazid, Ethambutol, Pyridoxine and Pyrazinamide intake recommended for a diabetic? My mother is diabetic and his doctor prescribe her rifampin, isoniazid, ethambutol pyridoxine and pyazinamide. Now she tells me when she takes the medication she gets dizzy and her urine is orange red. Should she be taking this medication since she is diabetic? Thank you doc.
Is Glimepiride more effective than Bydureon?
my husband has been taking the Bydureon pen 2mg and our deductible has gone up and we can t afford it so our doctor suggested we call our insurance company to see if they had something else that we could afford and this this is what they suggested or should I say what would be cheaper, my and they said Glimepiride is the only thing that they could suggest that would be cheaper, my question is will this be just as effective as the Bydureon.
<start> **Thanks for contacting HCM with your health concern1. Byderon [exenatide] is a member of GLP-1 [glucagon like peptide] and because of their glucose dependent mechanism of action, it is associated with low rate of hypoglycemia and Since glimepride is inexpensive but has no durability so please consult an Endocrinologist [Diabetologist] for other possible options.2. As people with type 2 diabetes have very high incidence of heart disease [associated metabolic problem] so one has to make sure that his blood pressure,blood sugar and lipid levels are adequately controlled to prevent long term complication(S] <end>
Is Glimepiride more effective than Bydureon? my husband has been taking the Bydureon pen 2mg and our deductible has gone up and we can t afford it so our doctor suggested we call our insurance company to see if they had something else that we could afford and this this is what they suggested or should I say what would be cheaper, my and they said Glimepiride is the only thing that they could suggest that would be cheaper, my question is will this be just as effective as the Bydureon.
What causes eye floaters when diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy?
I have diabetic retinopathy and had a hemmorrage last thursday. Will the floaters in my eye cause me to see shadows that i might confuse with flashes? I did have a retinal tear in the other eye but it has been lasered and has been looked at by my specialist, but could the laser cause me to see lights as well? They are really flashing lights, just more flickers of lights
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.Following retinopathy (proliferative) if pre-retinal bleeding occurs, then the blood is not rapidly cleared from the posterior cavity of the eye. This can affect vision. After a certain period floater remain in the eye which can create some hindrance to the vision. Plus after the laser burns some flash lights are seen. These do not affect vision, but will remain. One need not worry about it. But it is essential to get a periodic retinal examination doen to see if there is any worsening of the existing condition. Plus strict blood glucose control is also a must. Thanks <end>
What causes eye floaters when diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy? I have diabetic retinopathy and had a hemmorrage last thursday. Will the floaters in my eye cause me to see shadows that i might confuse with flashes? I did have a retinal tear in the other eye but it has been lasered and has been looked at by my specialist, but could the laser cause me to see lights as well? They are really flashing lights, just more flickers of lights
What causes diarrhea while treating diabetes?
I am a 53 year old male diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 9 months ago. I drink 4-10 drinks 2-3 times a week. But I have cut out the microbrews and mostly drink just lager beer now. I have had bad cholesterol numbers for years. I am taking metformin (1000 mg) twice a day. I am also taking Lisinopril and Atorvastatin. My diabetes is due mostly to my weight (5 6 and 248 lbs) and lack of exercise. I peaked at 269 lbs and have been cutting down sweets and doing more exercise. I had a hard time staying on track from Nov (242 lbs) thru Jan (252 lbs) but am now back on track, eating better and incorporating more exercise. My blood numbers are all good or trending in the right direction. My A1C went from 7.7 to 6.5 in 3 months, and my liver and cholesterol numbers are now just within their proper ranges. So my issue is this: about 4-5 weeks ago, I started having a solid stool in the early morning, a loose stool later in the morning, and liquid coming out 2-3 more times later in the day. I get fairly tired by the early afternoon and will take a 2 hour nap on weekend afternoons. I have my normal diabetes follow-up with my doctor in a month, but am wondering what may be causing all this diarrhea? -Dave P
<start> Hello,Welcome to Healthcare Magic.I have read your question fully and understand your concerns.Metformin at high doses can cause stomach upset – commonest symptoms are diarrhoea, nausea and abdominal cramps. These side effects normally settle down when taken in Slow Release preparation form. So, instead of normal (immediate release) Metformin 1000 mg, you could take Metformin SR 1000 mg.I am not sure since how long you are on Metformin 1000 mg. Normally the side effects settle down in a few weeks. But in a small percentage of patients, the side effects remain. In this scenario, the only option is to reduce your Metformin dose and add in another Anti-Diabetic drug.As you are eating healthy diet now, are you consuming too much fibre? This can also lead to loose stool.So, if your diarrhoea still remains on Metformin SR, kindly see your doctor for further evaluation and advice. I hope this answer has helped you.Thank youRegardsDr Sunita Sayammagaru <end>
What causes diarrhea while treating diabetes? I am a 53 year old male diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 9 months ago. I drink 4-10 drinks 2-3 times a week. But I have cut out the microbrews and mostly drink just lager beer now. I have had bad cholesterol numbers for years. I am taking metformin (1000 mg) twice a day. I am also taking Lisinopril and Atorvastatin. My diabetes is due mostly to my weight (5 6 and 248 lbs) and lack of exercise. I peaked at 269 lbs and have been cutting down sweets and doing more exercise. I had a hard time staying on track from Nov (242 lbs) thru Jan (252 lbs) but am now back on track, eating better and incorporating more exercise. My blood numbers are all good or trending in the right direction. My A1C went from 7.7 to 6.5 in 3 months, and my liver and cholesterol numbers are now just within their proper ranges. So my issue is this: about 4-5 weeks ago, I started having a solid stool in the early morning, a loose stool later in the morning, and liquid coming out 2-3 more times later in the day. I get fairly tired by the early afternoon and will take a 2 hour nap on weekend afternoons. I have my normal diabetes follow-up with my doctor in a month, but am wondering what may be causing all this diarrhea? -Dave P
What causes breathlessness and swollen feet and limbs while on Lyrica?
Yes, I am taking Lyrica 100mg, once daily for nerve pain in feet and legs. I am type ll diabetic. I have lately been having problems breathing, swelling of feet and lower limbs. I also am having balance issues. Any connection? My email is YYYY@YYYY . What cause
<start> Hello,Welcome to Healthcare Magic.I have read your question fully and understand your concerns.Lyrica (Pregabalin) can cause fluid retention in the body, leading to swelling of legs. This is a common side effect. It can also cause breathlessness though it is a rare side effect. Lyrica can also cause balance problems. You could stop the Lyrica and see if the symptoms settle down. If the symptoms subside you could try an alternative pain relief like Gabapentin. If the symptoms still have not settled, you need to see your doctor for further evaluation, as there could be other causes for the fluid retention. I hope this answer has helped you.Thank youRegardsDr Sunita Sayammagaru <end>
What causes breathlessness and swollen feet and limbs while on Lyrica? Yes, I am taking Lyrica 100mg, once daily for nerve pain in feet and legs. I am type ll diabetic. I have lately been having problems breathing, swelling of feet and lower limbs. I also am having balance issues. Any connection? My email is YYYY@YYYY . What cause
What causes severe pain in the feet and legs despite taking Gabapentin?
I have been having severe pain in my feet and legs. I am a diebetic and been dianosed with nurophopy. I saw dr. salles in tullohoma for the first time and let him know of the pain i have been going through .i have been on gabapentin 600 mg. three times a day .He told there was no change in my condition from the last time i was there when Dr Capps was was there and to keep taking the medicine I was perscriped.That dianosis did not help my pain. Can you suggest my next step?
<start> Hello,Welcome to Healthcare Magic.I have read your question fully and understand your concerns.Instead of gabapentin, you could try Pregabalin. Start with 75 mg once a day and then increase it to 75 mg twice a day. Based on pain relief, you could increase the dose up to a maximum of 300 mg twice a day. As you have tolerated gabapentin well, you should not find much difficulty in tolerating Pregabalin too.Another option is Amitriptyline; you could start at the smallest dose of 10 mg at bed time. Based on pain control, gradually increase to 50 mg at night. If you are still able to tolerate without side effects, you could go up to maximum of 75 mg at night. Side effects from Amitriptyline are dry mouth, sedation, gastric upset, light headedness etc. Many people are able to tolerate lower doses well.Both the tablets are prescription only medications, hence you would need to see a doctor for the prescription. I hope this answer has helped you.Thank youRegardsDr Sunita Sayammagaru <end>
What causes severe pain in the feet and legs despite taking Gabapentin? I have been having severe pain in my feet and legs. I am a diebetic and been dianosed with nurophopy. I saw dr. salles in tullohoma for the first time and let him know of the pain i have been going through .i have been on gabapentin 600 mg. three times a day .He told there was no change in my condition from the last time i was there when Dr Capps was was there and to keep taking the medicine I was perscriped.That dianosis did not help my pain. Can you suggest my next step?
What causes weight loss and cold sensation in the fingers and toes?
hi i am a 50 yr old male and the last 4 days my fingers and hands are ice cold as well my feet and toes ... 5 years ago i was 405 pounds .. but have lost 150 through diet and excersize .. was a type 2 diabetic injecting insulin 3 times a day .. i have been insulin free for over 3 yars now since weight loss.
<start> Hello,Hello,Welcome to Healthcare Magic.I have read your question fully and understand your concerns.Cold peripheries could be due to hypothyroidism. It could be due to peripheral neuropathy – where the nerves of your hands and feet are affected. Peripheral neuropathy can be a complication of diabetes. It could also be due to poor circulation, called peripheral vascular disease, though it is a bit unlikely in your case as you are complaining in both your hands and feet.I would advise you to see your doctor for a thorough assessment and examination and to come to a diagnosis.I hope this answer has helped you.Thank youRegardsDr Sunita Sayammagaru <end>
What causes weight loss and cold sensation in the fingers and toes? hi i am a 50 yr old male and the last 4 days my fingers and hands are ice cold as well my feet and toes ... 5 years ago i was 405 pounds .. but have lost 150 through diet and excersize .. was a type 2 diabetic injecting insulin 3 times a day .. i have been insulin free for over 3 yars now since weight loss.
Suggest medication for pain management with a history of diatebes and high bp
My dad is diabetic, has hbp, fatty liver. He literally screams in pain off and on throughout the day, every day...for 2 years now. The doctor says there is nothing he can do except give him pain medication. He takes clonodine and his doctor gave him oxycodine, which he doesn't want to take because it is so addictive. What the heck can we do?
<start> Hello, Thanks for the query.Since patient has long standing diabetes and hypertension plus pain (as described), he needs to be treated with a semisynthetic narcotic drug like Oxycodone. Because routine non steroidal analgesics if used for long duration can lead to kidney damage. In diabetes as well as in hypertension kidney function is already affected. So in such situation Oxycodone is definitely a better choice. It does lead to physical dependence if used for a long time. However, if pain control has to be provided then that is the best alternative. Thanks <end>
Suggest medication for pain management with a history of diatebes and high bp My dad is diabetic, has hbp, fatty liver. He literally screams in pain off and on throughout the day, every day...for 2 years now. The doctor says there is nothing he can do except give him pain medication. He takes clonodine and his doctor gave him oxycodine, which he doesn't want to take because it is so addictive. What the heck can we do?
What do these blood sugar levels indicate?
I am 36 years old female. My father is a type-II diabetic. I have got my fasting and PP blood glucose checked around 2 times during this years and it has always been fasting (around 9 hours) between 130-140 mg/dl and PP around 100-110 mg./dl. For the PP blood glucose testing I took normal lunch with some rice curry and dal soup. My query is what is the reason for fasting glucose level to be more than PP glucose level?
<start> this should not happen . there has been some mistake . fasting blood sugar is always less than post prandial or after meal sugar. i would suggest you to get a repeat test. to be in safest zone fasting sugar should be 100 if its between 100 to 130 diet ,excercise and weight loss can normalise the sugar . <end>
What do these blood sugar levels indicate? I am 36 years old female. My father is a type-II diabetic. I have got my fasting and PP blood glucose checked around 2 times during this years and it has always been fasting (around 9 hours) between 130-140 mg/dl and PP around 100-110 mg./dl. For the PP blood glucose testing I took normal lunch with some rice curry and dal soup. My query is what is the reason for fasting glucose level to be more than PP glucose level?
Can Glycomet 500 SR be taken in place of Glycomet for treating type 2 diabetes?
Two months back, detected for type 2 diabetes.i am taking Glycomet 500 after Break fast and dinner. My sugar levels are now 190 fasting and 300 pp.weather it is necessary to continue the dose as it is or should it be increased? Secondly Can I take Glycomet 500 SR in place of Glycomet 500
<start> Hello,Welcome to healthcare magic.I have read your question completely and understand your concerns.Your Fasting blood glucose and post prandial blood glucose are still high. For good control of diabetes, your fasting blood glucose should be less than 110 and your post prandial blood glucose should be less than 160. I would advise you to get your HbA1C levels also checked. This is a blood test which tells you your average blood glucose over the last 3 months. For good diabetes control, it should be less than 6.5% provided you are below 60 years of age and without any other health problems like recent heart attack, stroke etc.For better control of your blood glucose levels, I would advise you to increase your Glycomet dose. Take Glycomet 1000 mg twice a day , at breakfast and dinner time. your could take Glycomet SR 1000 mg as well. SR means Slow Release tablets, the side effects with SR medication are lesser than with conventional tablets.Kindly check your fasting and post prandial blood glucose levels in 2 weeks.I would advise you to follow a healthy diet with plenty of vegetables, reduce the quantity of carbohydrates ( rice, roti, chapati, bread, pasta etc), take adequate quantity of protein, at least 3 serving a of fruit. Avoid high fatty, high sugary and high calorie food.Exercise for at least 45 minutes everyday.I hope this answer has helped you.Thank youRegardsDr Sunita Sayammagaru <end>
Can Glycomet 500 SR be taken in place of Glycomet for treating type 2 diabetes? Two months back, detected for type 2 diabetes.i am taking Glycomet 500 after Break fast and dinner. My sugar levels are now 190 fasting and 300 pp.weather it is necessary to continue the dose as it is or should it be increased? Secondly Can I take Glycomet 500 SR in place of Glycomet 500
Suggest treatment for swollen liver and infected kidneys
Hello Doctor,My mother is suffering with high diabetes and now after few tests we got to know that she has a patches of TB in the lungs, liver is swollen and kidney is also impacted with the infection.Can you please help with the some diet or medication as she is hospitalized
<start> Hello dearI have gone through your query and understood your concern.A healthy immune system often successfully fights TB bacteria, but your body can't mount an effective defense if your resistance is low.Diabetes ,especially uncontrolled diabetes can weaken the immune system.Thi is the reason why your mother's immune system could not prevent her from becoming sick. He is hospitalised and with her actual condition i'm sure that her doctors gave her insulin therapy.This therapy is absolutely necessary for her in this moment.About the diabetes diet my advice for your mother is to eat healthy foods in moderate amounts and sticking to regular mealtimes.This helps her body better use the insulin it produces or gets through a medicationA diabetes diet is a healthy-eating plan that's naturally rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories. Key elements are fruits, vegetables and whole grains and avoid procesed foods and saturated fats.Anyway this advices are for the time when she will return back home because now she is in hospital and i'm sure that she have the right diet and treatement for the moment.Hope this information is helpful for you.If you have other questions,feel free to ask.I will be happy to help.Take care. <end>
Suggest treatment for swollen liver and infected kidneys Hello Doctor,My mother is suffering with high diabetes and now after few tests we got to know that she has a patches of TB in the lungs, liver is swollen and kidney is also impacted with the infection.Can you please help with the some diet or medication as she is hospitalized
Can prediabetes result in lightheadedness, headache and blurred vision?
Hi i have had lightheadedness, headache and fuzzy vision for 5 months. i did an MRI of the brain and it was normal and my ct scan was normal. All my blood counts were normal. i went to an Endo doctor and they tested me and said i had prediabetes and high cholesterol. Would Prediabetes be causing my body to feel this uneasy ? they put me on Metformin and today i tested my blood sugar and it is 120 (2 hours after lunch) . does this sound like the right diagnosis?
<start> Hello,Welcome to healthcare magic.I have read your question and understand your concerns.I do understand that you are worried about your symptoms. it is good that your MRI, CT scan and blood counts are normal. This rules out a space occupying lesion in your brain which is what majority of patients are worried about when they have a headache along with visual disturbances.Prediabetes is unlikely to cause blurred vision in you. Very high blood glucose can cause blurred vision but in prediabetes, the blood glucose is not that high. Further, by starting metformin your 2 hour postprandial glucose is in normal range.Blurred vision by itself can cause a tension type headache due to straining of nerves. I would advise you to see a ophthalmologist so that you could have a full eye check.I hope this answer has helped you.Thank youRegardsDr Sunita Sayammagaru <end>
Can prediabetes result in lightheadedness, headache and blurred vision? Hi i have had lightheadedness, headache and fuzzy vision for 5 months. i did an MRI of the brain and it was normal and my ct scan was normal. All my blood counts were normal. i went to an Endo doctor and they tested me and said i had prediabetes and high cholesterol. Would Prediabetes be causing my body to feel this uneasy ? they put me on Metformin and today i tested my blood sugar and it is 120 (2 hours after lunch) . does this sound like the right diagnosis?