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it seems that it's a penalty of some sort?!?!?!? | No a safety is 2 points. A touchback is when the ball is put on your 20 yardline. To answer the question its better to pin the other time inside the 20 then on it. However a touchback is better then theball on the 30 if your the defence. |\nthanks! | The sing is "Its Time' by Dublin. Its an alternate rock group. |
I've heard conflicting views about this and am curious to hear if there is a definitive answer. | Your man's baldness is also linked to heredity. While the balding gene can be inherited from either parent, look at the men on his mother's side of the family to determine the future of his hairline. |
Does higher intelligence (such as humans have) require some quality that only mammals have? | The fact that female mammals produce milk for their young means that at birth a mammal can have a relatively large brain, although they are relatively helpless. Other animals have to be able to at least get around.\n\nBrains don't grow as much as other parts of the body, which is why babies seem to have large heads.\n\nThe obvious counter-example is birds, where the young are stuck in the nest and depend on their parents for food. However, flight puts a limit on how heavy a bird can be, and so how heavy its brain can be. But flightless birds are a possible candidate.\n\nAmphibians and reptiles are cold-blooded, which seems as though it would rule out our sort of intelligence. On the other hand, perhaps an intelligent crocodile would think of slowing down when the temperature drops much as we think of sleep. Remember that a large brain would mean a large egg (and you have to fit the rest of the body inside the egg as well). |
why did they ban baseball from olympicss | Because the MLB didn't want to suspend its season to let the professional players go to the olympics, in a manner similar to what the NHL does for the winter olympics.\n\nThis plus other problems like a poorly designed qualifying scheme meant that piss-poor teams from Europe and Africa went to Athens, but several very good teams from N & S America were left out led to almost no ticket sales. It was all about the Money. |
How do you handle your civil rights being violated if your not a minority? \nCan a person really beat a big insurance company in court when most of them make up there own laws and ignore court orders? \nIsnt it a conflict of interest for judges or pollititions to own interests in insurance company's?\nWhy can workmans comp get away with ripping off people in need of benifits and simply ignore court orders?\nLastly why have you never once heard in the news that a person on workmans comp is being miss treated or defrauded by the insurance company,the same one that they are required by law to pay anywhere from 7.4%to20%(in some cases)of there gross income too? | Try going to insurance news:\n |
I think he is one of the best new artist out there (new as in he's only been on mainstream radio for a couple years). His new album, "Mr. A-Z," is excellent and he definitely avoided the sophomore slump. I also love his first album, "Waiting for my Rocket to Come." | Big Mraz fan... there's also other cds that can be bought if you check out his online store, which is in the source(s) list, but they took off "Jason Mraz Live", a CD I bought a couple months back, one of his early recordings. \n\nI love that album - doesn't feel commercial, its a live performance without the screaming fans that you'll find in his "Tonight Not Again" album (not that I particularly minded that - great songs on it), and I absolutely love the "Rand MacNally" track which, my guess is, the precursor to his hit "The Remedy".\n\nYou can also find Mraz singing "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" on the new Queen tribute album. "Killer Queen" I believe its called.\n\nLooking forward to his next album! |
a.Angola\nb.Turkey\nc.Iran | Turkey\nbut she was loose during the qualifiquation phase and not 'not chosen' |
i really dont know the real meaning of that saying | Other than the fact that venus is a goddess and mars is a god, I think the main reason was a marketing decision. The book which coined the expression was originally titled:\n\n"The Women are from Venus, the Men are from Uranus"\n\nBut then again, they thought it might be subject to some juvenile pranks. So they switched to Mars. Which is closer to earth, but not as close to the point as Uranus. |
I heard a song on the radio last week and I'm almost sure the name of it was "ELVIS IS ALIVE AND PLAYING SANTA AT SEARS".. I wanted to know who sang or wrote the song and the lyrics .. I can't seem to find anything on the internet.. Can you help? | this may not be the song you were thinking of, but there is a song called "there's a santa who looks a lot like elvis," which is sung to the tune of "it's beginning to look a lot like christmas" and speaks of a santa at k-mart with blue suede shoes, and it is on the album "more twisted christmas" by bob rivers. hope i helped! |
With everything we can do on the internet, what is it missing, what do you wish you could do on the internet, but currently cant? | Run a online operating system by |
Everything I've done today gone wrong and I am pretty mad and in an pistoff mood so what do ya do when ya mad? | Throw on your pj's, pick out the funniest movie you own, turn off the phone,grab softest blanket you own, maybe a pint of choc. ice cream (Dove's unconditonal choc.can't be beat} and enjoy yourself.. Life is too short to be angry. | is currently closed no new signups. They do face recognition on your personal photos. | Yep looks like is doing a face regongition search too. |
The Philadelphia Eagles have had an extremly dissapointing season. What do they need to improve on and can you put all the blame on Terrible Owens? You cant blame McNaab becaus eit takes a true man to play when injured. | The Eagles need to find a consistent WR in the draft. Perhaps Sinorice Moss, the younger brother of Santana Moss would help. Their defense also needs some help. I don't know what happened to them, but next year they shouldn't be all that bad. As for McNabb, I'm sick of all this pressure being thrown on him by both Owens and the media. As long as he stays healthy, the Eagles could be a threat--provided Andy Reid keeps the offense balanced. As for Owens, good luck finding a new team. |
I have gotten some unopened geodes for my dad for Christmas. I want to include some instructions on how to safely crack them open while creating as few pieces as possible. They will vary in size from 3 - 5" across. | One way to open a geode -- to reveal the crystals -- is with a chisel and hammer. Score the geode completely around the outside where you want it to crack -- usually in two equal halves. Keep going until it cracks and breaks apart. This will almost always work and won't damage the crystals. |
I have a Netgear wireless router that all the PCs in my house use to gain access to the Internet, but I have absolutely no idea how I can network the computers so that files can be shared between them. | That's assuming the main drive is labled C. This also only works for a Windows computer. What you failed to mention is how she will access information that has been set to be shared. First off, you want to set a password when your sharing a folder or drive. You should see a prompt when your setting share settings. To access a computer that has a shared drive, simply go to network neighborhood, find the computer by clicking on it, and you should be prompted to enter the password you earlier gave, then you have access to the files, you can drag/drop and even save files to other computers. |
I got a backwards version once, and I heard them, but my suspicion is that it's doctored. The sounds don't really line up to what's being played forward... but I could be wrong. Any thoughts? | Rock and Roll has so many really good legends and myths. Why not have secret messages? It adds to the whole of it all. Just like the legends that truly good rocks stars made it big because they sold their soul to the devil at the crossroads. Long live rock! |
my broadband connection works fine on my laptop until i start up any P2P application. once i start one up, i lose the connection to all other web applications such as web browsers, instant messengers etc. the P2P application will continue to work fine however...any ideas? | Probably the P2P application is taking control of your internet connection. |
Please give specific details and reasons why i should join either of them. Thanks. | Being a Navy wife for 30 years, I would say the Air Force. The brances go by reading levels. Air Force, Navy, Marine, Army are the levels. Then you want the pay. Same levels. Education, Medical, Dental is offered by all branches no difference. You want to get a job that pays good and one that advancement is in. It is all about time in and money. When the recuritor tells you you will be getting your Medical "Free" that used to make me laugh, because it comes out of your taxes you are paying for it. Not the president. No there is no money transpired, but you are still paying for it. If you want to go into the service, go to college first, go in as an officer not a civilian. Money money money. That is what you want to get. Your rate and rank has to go up.You will always be tested to achive a better rate. Now, it is a big commetment. You are going to get married to the service. There is no way out until your tour is up and then they ask you if you want to stay in. Will you be educated enough from the military to go out into the world and get a good paying job? Suppose you fall in love and get married, you cannot live on base unless you are a certain rate. Base living is very nice, but you are not making a lot of money. So now you have to live off base. Rent is high. So no marriage until your first tour is up get your education and your money. Better still, go to college before you go into any branch of the service. \nPlease go to college first. |
My father told me to set what would make me divorce my husband and just deal with whatever did not fall in those reasons. | Watch for the red flags prior to marriage. But when in love, we often miss the red flags, so if that happens, here are what I consider serious and justifiable grounds:\n\nAdultery -- many people can't move past this. It's a physical betrayal, but also tears at you emotionally. I personally think it's one of the most difficult ones to resolve.\n\nAbuse -- physical or verbal. Verbal often gets overlooked, but it's namecalling, screaming at you rather than holding a normal conversation, talked down to, and did I mention yelling and screaming? If you ask the person a normal question, like "do you have any change for the toll?" and they start screaming that "all you do is harp about money," you've got a problem. Physical is obvious, but don't overlook punching walls, breaking dishes, etc. Watch out for signs of roughness or meanness to your children and pets too.\n\nControl Freaks: This is also a form of abuse, but these men want to know your every move, monitor your phone calls, read your email and voice mails, won't let you go to the mall alone, etc. Insist that if you get a new hairdo or buy a new dress, it must be because you're cheating with someone. This is usually disguised as jealousy which women may think lattering -- at first. Don't be fooled. Control freaks also don't want you to hold a job or have any money of your own. You must beg for an "allowance."\n\nFinancial: There are a lot of men who live off women. They have jobs when you meet them. Then, something happens, and it's always the company or bosses fault. They tell you they're out job hunting, but nothing is happening. Next comes laying around on the couch all day, sleeping, watching tv or guzzling beer. Weeks turn into months and it's just you working. Or, the person flits from job to job and can't hold a job. This man will plunge you right into financial ruin and guess what -- you can't get them out of the house all that easy, if it happens to be your house and not a joint home. Keep an eye out that they don't dip into your wallet. A dollar or two missing, here and there, usually becomes much more. You'll get behind on bills, your credit will suffer. Don't stand for this.\n\nAddictive behavior: Drugs, alchoholism, gambling. Will cause you nothing but stress, pain and financial hardship. Don't try to be the hero and "help" the person out of despair. Unless you are rich enough to get them into very good rehab, like the movie stars do, it probably won't work. Addicts can only be helped if they want to be and you'll be surprised how many enjoy the behavior and have no desire to give it up. I've seen men go to AA or a counseling session, come right out and stop at a bar. It is almost a joke with them. You may keep gamblers out of casinos, but they'll spend a whole paycheck on lottery tickets or the football pool.\n\nIllegal behavior: Selling drugs, stealing, pulls insurance scams, (or any scams), etc., RUN. He'll eventually get caught and you might get implicated too! Do you want his record to become yours?\n\nGood luck. |
I already have "Google Earth" but I cannot see some places. Do you know any other program? If so, where can I download it. Thanks a lot. | I would say that at this time Google Earth is pretty much as good as it gets. It is an amazing program. Any other program would probably utilize the same satellite imagery. |
We love each other, but, I don't know... it seems to have lost that magic after 14 years. We are more roommates now. | Here's a hint: Men like women to show initiative with romance and eroticsm--too often in relationships it's considered the "man's job" to get things moving! This will sound corny, but give it a shot: First, if you've got kids, send them to the grandparents for the night in advance without him knowing (say on a Friday). Next, turn off all the lights in the house and place scented candles in the bedroom and run a hot bubble bath just before he normally arives home. Have some wine and two wine glasses at the ready on the coffee table, and rose petals on the floor leading a trail to the bedroom--or whereever you're most memorable encounter that you can remember occurred. Personally, I like David Sanborn or some other smooth jazz playing in the background. Music is important to setting the mood, and if you've got cable or a dish, you can tune it to the music of your choice. Just before he gets home, slip into a nice satin & lace nightie and cover it with a heavy robe. When he gets to the door, be there waiting to flash him and let him know what you've got in store for the evening. Not in a crude way, mind you. Most importantly, take your time...don't rush. The anticipation of that which is to come will be as intense as the act itself. Hope that helps!\nPeace,\nJayZ |
Anyone willing to share their experiences? | Not to complicate things or anything but it really depends on how each persons acts within a relationship. As long as each person asks like themselves and is not trying to put on an act to ipress the other person it can be great. Seeing that each one of you accept one another for who you are. \n On the other side if you feel like you have to be soembody you are not simply to get the other person to like you then the relationship is doomed to fail, because you will eventually get tired of not being yourself. The relationship will be horrible.\n Being in a relationship can be the greatest thing ever. All you have to do is comunicate and be yourself and you will be happy |
I have just received the following Message, is it from YAHOO?\n\nDear YAHOO User,\n \n Because of the sudden rush of people signing up to YAHOO, it has come to our attention that we are vastly running out of resources. So, within a month's time,anyone who does not receive this email with the exact subject heading,will be deleted off our server. Please forward this email so that we know you are still using this account. \nWe want to find out which users are actually using their YAHOO accounts. So if you are using your account, please pass this e-mail to every YAHOO user that you can and IF YOU DO NOT PASS this letter to anyone we will delete your account.\n\n From Mr. ALLEN SMITH\n YAHOO Admin. Dept.\n \nOur YAHOO system is getting to crowded!! We need you to forward this to at least 20 people. I know this seems like a large number, but we need to find out who is really using their account. If you do not send this to at least 10 YAHOO members, we will delete your account. Sorry for this inconvenience.\n Sincerely, Director of YAHOO Services\n BOB LOPEZ\n\nFrom: [email protected] | This is a HOAX\n\nThis email threatens to delete off their server, Yahoo users who will not forward this message to at least 20 people.\n\nFor Details :\n\nAbout other Hoaxes : |
He is the auther of the natural cures book. | |
This war on Christmas is ridiculous- what percent of americans celebrate this holiday?\nI do- and I am proud to :-) | Great question, and I am with are some stats based on a 2003 FOX News national poll conducted December 3-4 by Opinion Dynamics Corporation. \n\nPolling was conducted by telephone December 3-4, 2003 in the evenings. The sample is 900 registered voters nationwide with a margin of error of ±3 percentage points. \n\n1. Which of these late December holidays do you celebrate? (Multiple responses allowed)\n\n1. Christmas - 96%\n2. Hanukkah - 5%\n3. Kwanzaa - 2%\n4. (Other/Refused) - 1%\n5. (None) - 1%\n\nSo, I say if the majority celebrates it...why let the minority get us down... |
they have a plan for network | They may be - But be very careful. Do lots of research before plunking down any money!!! |
I've had to have my computer cleaned of viruses twice this year. Is Mac the answer? | Antivirus software is the answer. There are several free programs (AVG and Avast are two examples) that can help protect you from viruses. Keep them up-to-date, and you should have no worries. MACs are the target of viruses as well, though admitedly fewer than Windows systems.\n\nAlso, be a "safe surfer"--don't visit websites of questionable reputation, and don't open every attachment your friends send you, as it may have been a virus that sent it in the first place! |
(i need information on these topics)\nthe climatic regions are:\n1) Equatorial Region\n2) Tropical Grasslands/Savanna Type\n3) Tropical Climate\n4) Tropical Desert\n5) The Mediterranean Region\n6) The Temperate Grasslands/Pampas\n7) The Temperate Desert\n\ni have tried searching on animals found in climatic region of south america, even on these specific names but i cant get them \n\nso plz help me |\n\n\nIf these web sites don't help just email me and I will try to find you something different. |
where I can go to a local store and purchase it | The links below sell what you want. |
what is the fastest mile record now, in running? | The current world record in the mile is 3:43.13, set by Hicham El Guerrouj of Morocco on July 7, 1999. The current women’s record is 4:12.56 by Svetlana Masterkova of Russia, set on August 14, 1996 |
i want to know the the heighest possible degree avaible for the feild of medecine inn physcian | Most doctors get a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree in order to practice. |
My brother was just shipped out to Iraq and we were told we can "web chat" with a web cam and yahoo. Could you tell me how?\nThank you | download Yahoo messenger (with Voice and Videeo) from \n\nTest it out with typing messages back and forth.\n\nFor the Voice calls (FREE, PC to PC), the computger on each side needs microphone ability (built in to many newer laptops, or can be done with attaching a microphone).\n\nFor the video, attach a webcam (even a cheap webcam can do the job).\n\nGood luck to you and your brother! |
My sister was in a big mess for a while but is turning a new leaf and wants to go to college can she still get financial aid? | Sure you just need to complete a free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) This all you need to apply for fedral & state student grants. |
i want to print quality pictures with high resolution as well as copy scan and fax. i want a card slot that reads many different cards. | Hello,\n\nI use online Faxing and is really easy, cheap and very fast. (my customer loves too)\n\nGo to the web stie \nThen go over the tab "Marketing Tools" \nThen click on "Fax Thru Email"\n\nThat will take you step by step...\n\nHave a safe Happy New Year!\n\nJohn |
In the past recent decade, the ice caps are getting smaller. in another 10 years, it may be too late. what do we do? | There is a great PDF file that is listed below from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) that may be useful to you. It explains that little things may have a huge impact on global warming if they are widely accepted. Recycling, fuel-smart cars, solar power, planting trees are all ways of improving the environment and reducing the impact of global warming. |
He made a great album with the Wildflowers in the mid 90s, I really loved it and I haven't heard from him since. \n\nWhat is he up to?? | The band is actually The Wallflowers, they are still together and have released a few ablums, most recently Rebel, Sweetheart released earlier this year. |
When I visit the graves of my mom and dad,I see stones on top of the headstones at other grave sites.I wondered what the significance of that is. | The custom of placing stones on a grave or gravestone may hearken back to the biblical custom of erecting a pile of stones over a grave as a marker. It may also reflect the importance of visitation to the grave, with the stone indicating that someone has been to visit.\n\nRabbi David Wolpe suggests that in ancient times, a shepard counted his sheep at the beginning of the day by carrying the corresponding number of stones, and these were used to ascertain that the same number returned at night. Rabbi Wolpe then suggests that thestones may symbolize how precious each soul is to God, who, as it were, 'counts" each person in the world.\n\n--> |
have had this sn for a few yrs and have almost 800 friends, now someone has stolen my information and continues to do so, also sent me a virus yesterday what can i do | You need to clean up your computer. You probably have spyware and/or a keylogger tracking your online activity. \n\nOne tool you can use is the Yahoo Toolbar with Anti-Spy. You can get it at\n\nVisit this forum for advice on what to do if you have persistent spyware: \n |
In the US, how many people have a net worth greater than:\n $10,000,000\n $100,000,000\n $1,000,000,000\n\nHow about in the world? | According to Forbes, there are 374 Billionaires in the US (26 of their Forbes 400 richest Americans are NOT billionaires).\n\nAccording to , there were 17.1 Million Millionaires in the US in 2002.\n\nAccording to one source, 1 in 125 Americans are millionaires (as of 2004).\n\nPartial answer, partial credit? Hope it helps. |
who was longets living human on record..? | People have a genetic coding that basically extends life to approx 125 years old. Our genetic make up accounts for approximately 30% of our life expectancy. Environment and habits accounts for the other 70%. Our bodies are constantly breaking down and our body does not have the ability to repair these breakdown indefinately. Once our body loses the ability to repair our breakdowns we begin to see signs of aging. Once the process begins we are unable to effectively stop it. Maybe with advances of science and gene therapy we can extend our ability to repair but until then you are kind of stuck with your genetic make up. |
would it be the speaker of the house or the secretary of defense | The Speaker of the House of Representatives is next -- until a new Vice-President is chosen and confirmed by the United States Senate. |
It seems to me that they want that good looking guy, by hollywood standards, and not as focused on finding a nice guys that treats them good. What do they expect from us me. I'm a nice guy, but what more do you want from us? | Girls do like nice guys. I had a bad boy phase myself, but after I got sick of their games and lies, a nice guy was the one who won my heart afterall. Sometimes it is hard for a girl to see that a guy they are dating isn't nice at first. Alot of jerks act super nice to get into bed with them, and even abusers have been known to act really sweet to the girl to gain their trust and then ruin their self confidence bit by bit, but the whole time, the girl may not see it, they see the "nice" guy they fell in love with. They sometimes never realize it was an act all along. Outsiders realize that this guy is a jerk, but the girl is so naive, they think that he really is nice, deep down. Some girls also feel they do not deserve someone nice. I felt this way for awhile after a mentally abusive relationship. I thought noone decent would love me. But I was wrong, and the girls who only date jerks are too. Just hard to make them see it. Find a girl who is ready for a nice guy, they are out there, justhard to find nowadays ;) | why the heck have we added like over 21 leap seconds in the past 30 years???!!!! Something is not right. If the Earth only slows 2 milliseconds each hundred years, why not just add 2 milliseconds to the clock each century?!!! | nothing to do with daylight savings. Daylight savings is a human invention, not a natural phenomenon.\n\n...because leap seconds are not being added to compensate for the Earth's rotation slowing down.\n\nThe amount of time it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun is 365.2425 days.\n\nEven that is an approximation, the decimal digits can keep going on.\n\nSo initially, the calendar was divided evenly in 365 days. But about every 4 years, you'd be off 1 day. A century later, you've drifted off by a whole month!\n\nSo, leap years came into effect. Febuary has another day every 4 years. \n\nBut now you've approximated a year to 365.25 days, when in reality, its 365.2425 days.\n\nEvery century, you'll be off 1 day.\n\nSo that's where the next rule comes into play: "If the year is divisible by 4, but not by 100, its a leap year."\n\nNow we've approximated it to 365.2425, but because its always going to be an approximation, our calendar days are always slipping. All because the earth doesn't take exactly 365 days to go around the sun.\n\nThis is why leap seconds are added, and not to account for the slowdown of the earth's rotation.\n\nAs to why days are divided in exactly 24 hours, I'm not sure. But I would think the time difference is WAY less than 20 minutes, or we'd notice that soon enough, its dark at noon! :) Time was divided a long time ago, and a simple system was sought for keeping track of it, so the minuts/hour/year thing is a nice division thats easy to do math with. The lost time, if its accounted for by leap years and such, could be easier to manage.\n\nFirst, I never said the earth is not slowing down. I said its not why leap seconds exist. And ok, I can entertain my explanation may be wrong, but that's no reason for your condescending tone, Jolly Roger. But look, your link brings me to a christian science evanglism site, where is the evidence that my answer is incorrect? \n\nYou haven't bothered to explain his original question. If leapseconds account for the slowdown of the earth's rotation, why are there leap seconds and not leap milliseconds?\n\nIf you want to append to your answer, at least try to do so while respecting the other users on this site, and not insult their intelligence.\n\nThis has piqued my curiosity, if there's anyone out there that has a source that says my explanation is incorrect, I mean an actual science website, you know, one that steers clear of religion, please let me know. |
the 125th anniversary of a town | It is called a Quasquicentennial (quasqui = 25, centennial = 100 years). |
Is astrology true and does it play a huge role in your personality. | Genetics my question asker play the major role in determining your personality, however some people do believe that when you are concieved plays a part, because your mother has to deal with different enviromental factors with the changing of the seasons.\nAlso, the moon phases are believed to have an effect on the amniotic fluid you are swimming around in.\nAll of this leads to hints why people born under certain astrological signs act the way they do. |
is there different speeds with different pricing? with what we have now he's playing people that have cable dsl and he keeps getting booted off | Xbox Live is just like any online game. The biggest issue you will ever see has to do with Latency, also known as "Lag". \n\nLatency occurs when there are bottlenecks in the general network layout. Think LA freeways at 5pm on a Friday night. Unfortunately this issue is not one you can change, because it has to do with the actual design of the network, so choosing your provider properly is essential.\n\nCable Internet, in its basic form, is a shared medium. This means that every person who subscribes to Cable in your neighborhood shares the same on-ramp to the internet. This is only a problem if there are large numbers of concurrent users in your area.\n\nDSL, on the other hand, connects you to the backbone in a more efficient, seperated manner. This has the advantage of being much less susceptible to latency. Unfortunately, this advantage goes down the farther away from the switching office (CO) you are. \n\nAnother thing to consider is newer Cable networks tend to use a different model of communications than the old ones, and so approach DSL levels of service.\n\nTo sum up: DSL is better than Cable, but tends to be slower. However any speed higher than about 1 meg / sec should be MORE than sufficient to run today's games. |
I have had some jobs where I just stayed 2or three months should I put them on my resume | I stopped putting those little jobs on mine, and I don't think anyone cares. (Having a lot there can make the resume hard to read, and bury the important work you've done.)\n\nMostly, employers are concerned with experience that actually relates to the job for which you're submitting the resume.\n\nUsually, if an employer wants a _complete_ job history (for government jobs, background checks, etc), they'll give you a separate form with plenty of legal language concerning the honesty of your answers.\n\nJust make sure you're completely honest about your work history when it comes time to sign forms. |
i also have steve smith and only 1 spot left | Larry Johnson for sure, no question, he tore it up the second half of the season. |
I bought some land on Ebay, and then I was sent the tax information and other papers. I lost them, and never recorded. All I have is the tract number.\n\nI bought it about 3 years ago, and want to pay all the back taxes and then try to sell it. How do I get the tax information? | why buy land that clearly had no purpose or meaning, clearly why it has been so long and you didn't keep up with the papers. not trying to be mean but if it was just b/c u have the money share the wealth!!!! but if i am wrong about all that good luck hopefully you may find the paper! |
i am not prepared for exams. love girl to whom parents say no. | I make lists. I write and write and write. I put down all of my feelings and somehow within all of the words, things start to make sense; solutions start to emerge; reason seems to outweigh frustration. Try to write it all down. Try to figure out exactly what it is that has upset you. Then you can be on the read to healing and making things right! :) |
I was told by my dentist that my teeth Wisdom teeth must be removed. \nAm I in danger of losing my "wisdom"? \nShould I allow this dentist to "de-wisdomize" me? | WISDOM TEETH: IS IT WISE TO REMOVE THEM?\n\nCommon misunderstandings surround their name origin, removal reasons and pain sources\n\nWisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last teeth to grow in the back of\nthe mouth. Common misunderstandings surround their name origin, removal reasons and\npain sources, according to the Academy of General Dentistry, an organization of\ngeneral dentists dedicated to continuing education. \n\n"The name 'wisdom teeth' is age related - third molars don't erupt until teenage\nyears and beyond, when people theoretically are more wise to the world," says Trey\nPetty, DDS, FAGD, spokesperson for the Academy of General Dentistry.\n\nCommon reasons for wisdom teeth removal include impaction, pain and crowding of the\nother teeth, which are typical tooth growth characteristics.\n\n"If wisdom teeth are not visible, they are impacted or unable to erupt due to space\nand size limitations," says Dr. Petty. "Impacted teeth don't have enough room to grow,\nand will lay beneath the gums, which may or may not be a problem." \n\nPain and tooth crowding are also top wisdom teeth problems. "Adults have forgotten\nwhat normal pain from a growing tooth feels like," says Dr. Petty. Complications also\ncan arise when wisdom teeth partially erupt. The broken gum acts as a breeding ground\nfor bacteria and germs. \n\n"When wisdom teeth partially erupt, food gets caught in the gums and may cause an\ninfection, swelling, growth of a tumor or cyst and pain," says Dr. Petty. "If this\nhappens, consult a dentist before problems worsen and affect overall oral health."\n\n"If wisdom teeth have erupted, the key to preserving them is maintaining good oral\nhealth by brushing twice a day and going to see a dentist twice a year," says\nDr. Petty. |
I think it might be Illinois....any other opinions? | I believe this has been resolved. (Northern) Kentucky to the best of my knowledge. (Although I agree with those that say "Anytown, U.S.A.") Many allusions and suggestions, but only one quirky episode states it explicitly. \n\n"Behind the Laughter"\n1122 BABF17\nOriginal Airdate: 5/21/00\nA special behind-the-scenes look at the ups and downs of "the first family of American laughter." As the story unfolds, we learn of Homer Simpsons' humble beginnings and the demo tape that made him famous. Unable to get his videotape seen by any big time network execs, the family turns to FOX. The Simpsons quickly became an enormous hit, the future looking bright. But success comes at a great price and all the baggy pants in MC Hammer's old house can't save the family from themselves. Homer's addiction to painkillers, the tax problems, Bart's reckless behavior - it all spelled trouble for the show and the family. How did they ever pull through? With style and class. And a little help from their friends. |
Doing some crossword puzzle. 9 letters, and the 2nd letter is an O. Please and thank you! | totipotent\n\noh! too many letters!!\n\nSorry, I can't figure it out, they're tons of cells in the human body.\n\nI'd wager it's soma..... something. |
Reggaeton is a spainsh dancing that americans call grinding. i'm trying to teach my sister some moves but can't think, cuz i just do it, and its not planned out | There really isn't a move you have to just go with the music ,you'll make the best move!! |
And please, this question is for normal people; NOT marketing whores like that "longboard dood".. If you're a total square then don't answer this! | Remember that the 1st amendment only gives you protection from the Congress of the US enacting laws that interfere with your speech. Private entities (like Y! for instance) can do whatever the hell they please.\n\nI know it's infuriating. I grew up in a country where there was brutal suppression of speech of many kinds, and believe me, nothing makes you appreciate freedom like having seen what life is like without it. Nevertheless, those who own the bat and the ball get to make the rules. If you don't like it, you're welcome to create an alternate forum where expression rights can be more to your liking.\n\nRemember, Y! is not in this business in order to promote freedom. They are in it to make $$$. And when the DOJ threatens, the risk-averse executives listen to their risk-averse lawyers and do what it takes to make their risk-averse investors happy. |
This question is mostly targetted mostly at christian. however, if u r a non-christian yet u have a Bible, u r free to answer this question. | If Christians had the drive and the desire to witness as Jehovah Witnesses do the world would be a better place. God judges the heart in my personal opinon not religions. |
i have cousins which are living in usa.i want to visit them,but it`s so hard-almost impossible to accept us visa in geoergia(country).cos u.s. consul thinks that i`m going to stay there.what can you advise me? | THIS IS MY OPINION, NOT LEGAL ADVICE!!!!\n\nForeign nationals from poor countries are often denied visas under 214(b), intending immigrant. Unlike in other areas of the law, applicants are considered guilty until proven innocent.\n\nYou must convice the visa officer that your life in Georgia is better than a potential life in America. This is accomplished by showing close ties to your home country.\n\nYou should present evidence of the following things at your visa interview:\n1) A letter from your employer indicating that you have a good job and are expected to return to your job after you return.\n2) A copy of your bank statements showing that you have sufficient money to fund your trip.\n3) A copy of your lease/mortgage showing that you have a home in Georgia that you can not leave.\n4) Proof of a car.\n5) Photos of you travelling in other developed countries. For example, if you went to London on vacation and came back, you are more likely to return to Georgia after visiting New York.\n6) A good reason to visit America. I would say that you want to go to Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Don't say: I want to stay at my cousin's house for three months.\n7) Luck. Honestly, if your cousin lives in Chicago and the visa officer is from Chicago, you will have better luck. I once went to a lecture by a visa officer. He said that he once approved somebody because an applicant was planning on studying in America, but wanted to look at colleges first. One of the five colleges listed, was the speakers small liberal arts college. Because of that, the visa was granted. |
Mine is Scrooge with Bill Murray and I'm watching it right now! | Santa Clause 2 and Christmas with the Kranks. |
I mean, what should I do? should a put a lot of importance in my picture? or my profile? or should I inflate my income? or should I put much more care on the emails I write? How should I write an email such that it maximizes my likelihood of success? should I be smart? should I be positive? should I be bold? I mean, it seems like there are 70 men per woman in to be attractive you might need to have a strategy for success... otherwise you ar going to be part of the 69 men that don't get much. | 1. Put a good picture of yourself. If your undecided which pics to put up, ask a friend, or post them on and have them voted on. \n2. In your profile be sure to be honest and open about yourself. But at the same time, if you want to distinquish yourself from the millions of guys on there, don't be too desperate. Have confidence. \n3. Stay in the middle. Don't be too funny, but don't be too serious in your description. |
If so, how does this increase freedom? | The government should have the right to observe citizens. The NSA's mission is just that: to observe electronically criminal and terrorist interests. It is largely unlikely that a Big Brother society will develop as a result of this: the government will never have enough resources to listen in on everyone, nor would they want to. \n\nElectronic bugging has caught many criminals where standard investigations failed. These men include John Gotti, other Mafia dons, terrorists, and organized crime rings. It is an essential part of law enforcement and must continue. |
Does it include records of attendence,demerits, and deciplinary actions? | Usually the grades from all your classes from 9th grade to 12th grade and the scores from any standardized tests you may have taken. I have seen my transcripts and never saw any record of things outside grades and scores. |
My nephew has this and we are not sure what they are looking for. | I'm assuming that the lymph nodes r swollen therefore indicating infection...but wut do I kno I'm only 15... |
Or would he dissapear and become an average player like the %90 of overrated young talents? | Dai makes a good point on MLS players making the transfer to Europe. The only American that I have seen make the transfer and you hear of when watching the nightly reports on Europes games is Brian McBride. Though he has been with many clubs in Europe since 2000, he is still playing good. |
i know last year it win loss draw and then ???. what was the other column for? now there supposedly no more ties, but the other column is still there. what's up with that? | the far column is for Overtime Losses which are worth one point in the standings |
Also, is there a website, I can go to see all this information about myself? | Your registration does NOT expire even if you don't ever vote.\n\nYour registration DOES become invalid if you move. You need to re-register everytime you move. |
I have heard that those people actually had the whole Iraq war mapped out in advance. Anyone know about that, or anything more about this group? What is your opinion of this group? | It is the groundwork laid by the extreme right to take over the earth by means of global domination and imperialism. it's all about controlling the worlds energy sources. specifically fossil fuels.\n\nit's a baseline to establish class cleansing in this country. Be afraid... be very afraid.\n\nThese people are the modern day equivilant of the Third Reich\n\nhere's what's really going on....\n |
names of presidents in asia,europe,africa,north and south america,and other continents? | World Rulers: Heads of State and Prime Ministers -\nOn this pages you will find all Heads of State and Chiefs of Government of the countries of the world\n\n\nThis site contains lists of heads of state and heads of government (and, in certain cases, de facto leaders not occupying either of those formal positions) of all countries and territories, going back to about 1700 in most cases\n |
Recently there was a show on TV, I forget who but a scientist has proven we all carry the same common genes. So Adam and Eve or Scientifically we all come from the same man about 60,000 years ago, while all other forms of humans died off. | Even if racism stopped, people would just find another reason to hate each other. Color of hair, size of ears, they would find something. |
I am looking for amateur models to practice photography. Where can I find candidates | enroll in a photography course at a local college. THey usually have "models" who are interested in posing but nudes are generally for drawing not photographing. |
I need to protect a second computer in my home.In the time it takes to go online and purchase/download a virus program will I be safe from viruses? Any suggestions on virus software brands and prices? | ClamXav for Mac OS X or Avast for Windows. Both are free. |
i want to buy the timberlin boots and what to personalize them with my initals. | probably anyone who does airbrushing would do it |
What's the derivative of 5(sec(x)^2) | derivative of 5(sec(x)^2) with respect to sec(x) = 10(sec(x))\n\nderivative of 5(sec(x)^2) with respect to x = 10 * derivative of sec(x) with respect to x |
people who feel to the deepest depth, love with all their heart, feel all emotion with every ounce of they stand a chance when paired together? Do they make each other stronger or take away? | This is more of a case-by-case situation. With the understanding that both people are very passionate, the whole relationship could boil down to a competition of expression; one might try to outdue the other in showing how much they care. Depending on the people, this could come out very well, but at the same time, it could end in catastrophe. Another way it could end up going is that one of the two may feel too clouded in the other's show of passion, and feel like they need a break... thus possibly bringing the whole thing to an end. Not a common occurance, but it happens. The last thing i will mention is the more common of the 3, and by far, the best. The two people keep their display of passion limited to a certain amount. this assures that noone will feel drown out, and at the same time, neither of the two feels neglected by the other. I'm not talking about only saying "i love you" every 3rd wednesday or anything, those little things are ok to do whenever, but bigger things like dinner dates, trips to the movies, roses and yes, even sex, should be "rationed" to make sure you don't burn your candle down too fast and feel that there is nothing more really for you. \n\nIt is possible for any of these to happen, and with some variance, but once again, it all boils down to the types of people involved. Their other traits in their personality and their past will influence which path will occur.\n\n(i love your questions btw, give me more to answer, lol) |
and give reason...if I can't decide the best answer I'll call a vote..and that's likely to happen | I use both and both have strength and weakness. (I wonder why Yahoo and MSN are so dumb not to study the competitor's strength and improve own product)\n\nMSN:\n1. status clear - it shows offline when it is offline and online when it is online. When there is a message that doesn't go through, it tells you.\n2. It is relatively harder to sign in compared to Yahoo.\n3. No offline message ability\n4. extremely convenient control on each of your pal\n\nYahoo:\n1. Status unclear - we don't know whether some of our messages to through or not.\n2. Very easy to sign in - one can detect this if one is using a connection with really low bandwidth\n3. Offline message ability\n4. more steps to have control on pals in contact list\n\nMore... let's explore some more... |
Why Is my belief in the one true God and the Godhood of Jesus so offensive to the world? | Its offensive to me because your people feel the need to spread the gospel(which actually means forcing your ideas on people) and throughout history many millions have been tortured and murdered because they would not accept the gospel. I am sure that you and your church buddies do have a torture chamber in the basement, but your ancestors did. Open up some history books and flip to the inquisition. It will amaze you. Even the Pope is ashamed of this period. |
I am concerned with the chemical reaction of sulfur and water (in the aloe) and want to know what is formed. Most sources say that sulfur is not toxic when applied topically and a few say that it is. | What you are probably using is called pharmaceutical sulfur. It is used as a scabicide, parasiticidal, and antiseptic. There are three forms. Precipitated sulfur, sublimed sulfur, washed sulfur. Sublimed and washed sulfur are in the form of a fine yellow crystalline powder, with only a faint odor and taste. Precipitated sulfur is a very fine pale yellow amorphous or microcryst powder, which is odorless and tasteless. I am still looking for toxicity data and I will update my answer if I find anything. I wouldn't worry about using it, the cure is probably better than the illness. But always talk to a doctor before starting any kind of treatments. |
im on this site and i want to put "still tippin" by paul wall,on my bebo page! but i dontknow how to,and the director of bebo wont help can u ppl help me..PLEASE!!!! i dont kno what a SWF is,and i want to put the flash "Still Tippin/By PAul Wall" on my page!!...PLEASE....PLEASE....PLeaSE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!! | hey i just learned how to put the .swf on my flash on bebo! :D I'm so happy!!! I can probably find the flash on and I know how to find the swf for it. When I find the .swf file, I'll add it to this answer =)\n\n~~~~~~~~update~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nI found it!!! Here it is:\n\n\n\nnow copy and paste that into your "add flash" thingy, and it will work. |
I created an avatar last night. It shows up on my email and my yahoo messenger. Why does it not show up on | In Yahoo Answers, click on your name, click on Add Details then change the picture of your avatar there.... |
i'm 33 yrs old and i feel that my energy level is low.\ni have 4 kids i should feel like one, but sometimes it's hard i get tired a lot and don't sleep well at night. i used to be a very active person and this is really bothering me | Make sure to always eat breakfast. I think instant oatmeal or yogurt is best. Take a Ginseng and Fish Oil Supplement. Do some breathing exercises before lunch. Breathe in through you nose and out through your mouth, but very deep. You should feel it all the way in your stomach. |
In the fourth century BC, which ancient western civilization established a city in the modern day country of Tajikstan? | Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia, conquered the region in the 300s bc, but Macedonian control collapsed with Alexander’s death in 323. |
what are we really all here for?? | To find the meaning of life. |
she's telling and showing how much she likes me, but im just not sure what she's thinking. btw age 27 | You've got to ask yourself what you're expecting from this relationship with your girlfriend. If its just a fling and she feels the same way then you've answered your question.\n\nIf she feels the relationship is special and you don't then you have to ask yourself:\n\nDo I care about her or am I just interested in my own selfish pleasure?\n\nIf it's the latter, just realize that you will be breaking her heart... |
I have a system that uses about three different levels of queries and need to modify the lowest-level one depending on different circumstances. Is there any way to modify the underlying SQL in a VBA module? If not, are there any simple alternatives? | Sorry in advance if Yahoo eats my indentation, but I think you are looking for something like this (tested under Access 2000):\n\n\nPublic Sub FiddlingWithQueryObjectsViaVBA()\n\n Dim dbs As DAO.Database\n Set dbs = CurrentDb\n Dim qrydef As QueryDef\n \n Dim sSQLstring As String\n Dim sQueryNames As String\n \n For Each qrydef In dbs.QueryDefs ' iterate through all the Access query objects\n \n sSQLstring = UCase$(qrydef.SQL) ' Get the SQL for the current query\n \n If InStr(sSQLstring, "SOMETHING_I_AM_LOOKING_FOR") > 0 Then ' I found what I'm looking for?\n \n sSQLstring = Replace$(sSQLstring, "SOMETHING_I_AM_LOOKING_FOR", "REPLACEMENT_TEXT") ' replace the text\n qrydef.SQL = sSQLstring ' update the query object with the new SQL\n \n sQueryNames = sQueryNames & qrydef.Name & vbCrLf ' Maybe make a list of queries modified?\n End If\n \n Next\n \n MsgBox "Modified the following queries:" & vbCrLf & sQueryNames\n \nEnd Sub |
List your 10 favorite songs by the Beatles | Heres my top 10 in no particular order\n\n10. Here comes the sun\n9. Sargent Pepper\n8. Come Together\n7. Eleanor Rigby\n6. Hey Jude\n5. I feel Fine\n4. Day Tripper\n3. A Hard Day's Night\n2. Help!\n1. I am The Walrus |
I know it's just a string of pics but how do i put it together? | animated GIF\nA moving picture in GIF format, which is made up of a series of frames. When displayed, they provide an animated sequence that cycles over and over without stopping. Although popular on the Web, animated GIFs are larger than single-frame GIFs and take longer to download. Typically used for ad banners, the animation is usually confined to small areas of the image to keep the file size short. Very different than GIF and much more sophisticated, Flash is popular on the Web for instructional sequences as well as animations of all kind. Flash is an interactive format and its vector images take up much less space than GIF's bitmapped images. See Flash and GIF |
A lot of theories have surfaced over time but nobody\nseems to know who could have built them. | The Jews built them when they went into slavery. Take a close look at egyptian can see these bald guys with their bearded slaves..\n\nAnyone want to disprove that? |
I'm looking for a link to an image, please, not a yes or no answer.\n\nI'm looking for a good picture of Adam West from Family Guy. I'm not looking for a picture of the actor or of Batman; I'm just looking for a picture of the cartoon character, preferably >25k in size. |\n\nTry google image searches as well. |
i would like to know if i'm typing them in wrong or what i'ts frustrating to try and find these and can't get them to come up so let me know what to do | the above examples are not compliant/standard web addresses.\nYou can't use an apostrophe in a web address like this: '\nSo you might try to access |
Please state your case one way or the other. | Yes, I believe that he should. He is a liar and a crook and every former President was impeached for thier misconduct, why not him? |
Is there any way i can easily get rid of it? maybe like a household remidy!?! *HELP* | Suck halls, don't speak if you can, have ice cream, hot chocolate (though, not too hot), soup (not too hot), and anything liquidy or creamy. Don't forget some medicine for this stuff. Don't forget some rest. If all else fails (and you don't have a solo) sing what you can and mouth the words. |
Do you think people who think they've come down from The Mount to annoint us with their decree on What Is A Worthy Question need to be listened to or do they need to get a little stress releiver shaped like one of the Powerpuff Girls to squeeze whenever they see a question they don't like? | Just ask what you want. If you think that other people are going to theink it's a stupid question then forget them. If you have actually bothered to look at the questions that some people have asked on here then you will see that there are hundereds of people asking stupid questions, and it's not as if you are actually going to meet anyone on here anyway. |
Can I have some advice on this topic. I really love her and I need some advice. | First thing I'd suggest is knowing your opponent .. in laymens terms .. ask your girlfriend as much about your parents as you can such as culter attitude and so on .. and past experiences with her last boyfriends that have had the in some cases unfortunante opportunity of meeting them. Once you know what type of people you'll be dealing with you'll be more at ease knowing you can handle what difficulties may come from them. |
I Had a girl friend that love to have sex. Now I have a girl friend that dose it 2 if im lucky 3 times a month whats up with that? | just like some guys like alot of sex and some don't. It comes down to their personaility. |
Apart from double limits? | Depends on how you look at it. Besides double limits, nothing or just bragging rights. There's supposed to be some special thank you from Yahoo! but I don't think anyone at this level has gotten it (yet). |
her name was lois fern ramey tolliver... she was 6 weeks pregnant and was killed on the AA highway in carter county kentucky after striking a 2005 freightliner in the wrong lane in her blk 2005 merc cougar | I am sorry for you loss.\n\nCall the county firefighter station, this is what I did from there you also need to contact the police department. Those two places should be able to give you all the information available. |
I need to create a web page of a theater group but i don´t know how. could someone help me?. I also understand spanish. | If you only need help on how to build the page itself (HTML coding), I suggest:\n\nIf you want to save time, you can find nice free templates here:\n\n\n\nIf you need to know more about how to actually have that page on a real server on the Web so that the whole world can see it, I suggest:\n\n\n\nGood luck! |
pleeeeaase?\ni want details? | The above poster should have included this source, being that they quoted the site verbatim (see below) A search for those terms on that site will provide plenty of info. |
i can never seem to get a girl to like me and talk to me i was just wondering cause i am not ugly or anything. | because u r not searching in the right place\nif u r in a collage and did find one\ngo to club\ntheatre\n... \n..\n. |
i have a big red sty on my upper lid . it's very painful . what causes it . it came so sudden . | it could be an ingrown eyelash; or possibly a peice of debri or something that has gotten stuck in a pore, and infected it. go to your local doctor or emergency room; they will be able to give you an ointment of sorts that will help it go away faster. if nothing else, they will usually go away on there own after not very long- days or weeks.\n\nanyway, i hope that helps! |
Subsets and Splits