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There are many reasons why expectant mothers may have difficulty getting enough sleep while pregnant. Most pregnant women expect that their sleep will decrease after they have their baby, but they are not prepared for the sleepless nights that can develop during the pregnancy itself. | Sleep Well During Pregnancy |
It’s estimated that between 14-23% of pregnant women struggle with symptoms of depression. [1] During pregnancy, many hormonal changes occur, which can directly affect symptoms of depression and anxiety. | Screen for Depression During Pregnancy |
The carpal tunnel is a passageway in your wrist that contains connective tissue, muscle tendons, and the median nerve. The median nerve supplies feeling and motor movement to most of your fingers and parts of your hand. | Sleep with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome While Pregnant |
Sleeping while pregnant can be difficult. Having a baby bump can make it hard to get into a cozy position. Also, nausea, heartburn, and frequent urination can keep you up at night. | Sleep While Pregnant |
Many pregnant women struggle with hunger and cravings. While it is acceptable to indulge in cravings occasionally, what you eat nourishes your child, too. | Satisfy Hunger During Pregnancy |
Taking care of a newborn is an around-the-clock job, leaving new moms with little time for anything else, especially a beauty routine. However, by keeping your makeup and hair routine simple, you may be able to squeeze in a small beauty routine. | Plan a Postpartum Beauty Routine |
Maternity clothing offers more stretch and comfort than normally sized clothing. Pants and skirts must use an elastic waist band to compensate for a growing waistline. | Sew a Maternity Skirt |
When you're pregnant many things go through your mind. Follow these steps to prepare for your baby. | Prepare for a Baby (Teens) |
A gender reveal party can be a fun way to reveal the gender of your baby to your family, friends, and loved ones. You may plan a gender reveal party for yourself while you are pregnant or you may plan a gender reveal party for a female friend or family member. | Plan a Gender Reveal Party |
A physician usually recommends that a woman learns how to perform fetal kick counts in her third trimester of pregnancy, or sooner if she is experiencing a high-risk pregnancy. | Perform Fetal Kick Counts |
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is caused by the swelling and inflammation of nerves that line the wrist's carpal tunnel cavity, located in the wrist of each hand. | Reduce Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel During Pregnancy |
Learning how to plan a maternity wardrobe can be an exciting or daunting part of a pregnancy, depending on your approach. Much of your existing wardrobe can be utilized well into your pregnancy, but for at least a few months you will almost certainly need to invest in a few pieces of maternity wear. | Plan a Maternity Wardrobe |
Emergencies such as natural disasters can be a scary and stressful time, especially for pregnant women or women with infants or children. Though you may feel it is impossible to be ready for unexpected events, being prepared can help you avoid stress and put you in a better position to handle emergencies. | Plan for an Emergency if You Are Pregnant or Have Young Children |
There are a variety of ways that you can pamper yourself while you are pregnant. Find some time to relax and schedule a prenatal massage or soak in a warm bath. | Pamper Yourself During Pregnancy |
When a woman is pregnant, one of the ways she and her doctor check whether the pregnancy is progressing normally is to determine the growth of the uterus. | Measure Fundal Height |
According to the American Pregnancy Association, high blood pressure affects about 6 to 8% of pregnant women. If your blood pressure exceeds 140 mm Hg systolic (the top number) or 90 mm Hg diastolic (the lower number) you suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension. | Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy |
Swelling is a normal part of pregnancy. To accommodate your expanding body, you produce additional blood and fluid. The retention of fluid helps open pelvic tissue and joints to allow for labor and delivery. | Minimize Swelling During Pregnancy |
One way that you can make sure that your baby is on track for a healthy birth is to measure fetal growth. Depending on where you are in your pregnancy, how you track your baby’s growth may differ. | Measure Fetal Growth |
Pregnancy is full of changes; each change has a marked reason and contribution towards baby’s development. Every physical and emotional change has little bit of discomfort to accompany. | Manage Physical Changes in Pregnancy Through Diet |
In the past, physicians and diabetes experts discouraged women with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes from becoming pregnant. Diabetic pregnant women are at risk of spikes and dips in blood sugar that can cause health problems for them and their developing babies. | Manage Diabetes During Pregnancy |
Early pregnancy symptoms like nausea and indigestion can happen to any pregnant woman, but if you have an inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis, these symptoms might be signs of a flare. | Manage Ulcerative Colitis During Pregnancy |
Tracking your baby's fetal heart rate during pregnancy can be an exciting way to follow their development. The best way to find the heart rate is to visit a doctor or ultrasound technician. | Monitor Fetal Heart Rate |
Congratulations, you’re expecting a baby! The holidays can be an especially joyful and hectic time for any person. If you’re pregnant, you may have these feelings even more as you and others anticipate the arrival of your baby. | Navigate the Holidays During Pregnancy |
Many women have aversions to food while pregnant. Often, the main culprits are meat-based protein, milk, and greens, which of course are foods that provide valuable nutrition. | Manage Pregnancy Food Aversions |
Are you near the end of your pregnancy or in labor and want your water, or amniotic sac, to break? Many women may want to have their water break to get the process of labor started. | Make Your Water Break |
Lifting heavy objects while pregnant is often considered harmful and is not usually recommended. It is easy to strain your back when carrying extra weight, and softer ligaments during pregnancy can make you more susceptible to injury. | Lift Objects When Pregnant |
An expectant mother may have a host of worries: her baby’s health and well-being, her changing body, or even how to support her growing family. Although anxiety during pregnancy is common (researchers say as much as 33% experience anxiety or depression), it’s nice to have practical strategies at hand to help you manage it. | Manage Anxiety During Pregnancy |
Losing weight while you're pregnant is generally not advised by medical professionals — even overweight and obese women are almost always advised to gain weight during pregnancy. | Lose Weight While Pregnant |
Your pregnancy due date is typically calculated at 40 weeks of pregnancy. If you are beyond 40 weeks, you may be uncomfortable, impatient and excited to get the birthing process started. | Induce Labor at Home |
Pregnancy changes a woman’s body in many different ways. From the pregnancy “glow” (caused by greater blood flow and more oil production in the skin) to weight gain to changes in skin and hair, pregnancy affects every woman differently. | Look Beautiful While Pregnant |
Learning sonography is an important step in becoming a diagnostic medical sonographer, otherwise known as an ultrasound technician. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics expects job growth in this profession to reach 19 percent by 2016, a growth rate that is nearly double than the national average. | Learn Sonography |
The life of a fetus is generally measured from the time of ovulation or fertilization. The length of the pregnancy, on the other hand, is measured from the first day of the last menstrual period. | Learn More About Pregnancy Trimesters |
Most women know that one of the first signs of pregnancy is a missed period; however, if you have irregular periods, it may be difficult to know when a period is missed. | Know if You’re Pregnant if You Have Irregular Periods |
Pregnancy can be a joyous time in your life; however, it also can take its toll on your body and be physically difficult for you. Your body needs 20% more oxygen during pregnancy, so increasing your oxygen flow can help improve your and your baby’s overall health. | Increase Oxygen Flow During Pregnancy |
Many women prefer to keep their pregnancy plans a secret. Whether you are pregnant, trying to conceive, or want privacy during labor or delivery, you should not have to share information if you don't want to. | Keep Pregnancy Plans Secret |
When you become pregnant, your uterus will form an amniotic sac that will produce amniotic fluid. This fluid acts as protection for your baby while he or she is in your uterus. | Increase Amniotic Fluid |
Oxytocin is a powerful hormone in the human body. It starts contractions for pregnant mothers to get childbirth underway. It’s also thought of as the “love” or “cuddle” hormone, increasing feelings of closeness with others, boosting empathy, aiding in relaxation, and improving your mood. | Increase Oxytocin Levels |
Pregnancy causes many changes in a woman’s body, including her blood. During pregnancy, a woman’s blood volume can increase by almost 50% to nourish you and your baby. | Increase Iron Levels During Pregnancy |
After giving birth, most of your focus will probably be on the baby. But don’t forget that you’ve been put through the wringer! Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish. | Heal After Having Baby |
Childbirth is an experience that many women may wish to undergo without medical interventions such as epidurals or other pain medications. If you are interested in a natural birth, you will need to start planning early. | Have a Natural Birth |
Congratulations! You've now stepped from preconception to pregnancy . The next 38 to 40 weeks may be a challenge, but producing a healthy baby at the end is well worth it. | Go Through a Pregnancy Smoothly |
You've decided to hire a birth coach (also known as a doula), but you're not sure how to go about the hiring process. Well, don't worry! After you choose a few preliminary candidates, set up the interview, and conduct the interview, you should be on your way to hiring the doula who's right for you. | Hire a Birth Coach |
A typical pregnancy lasts approximately 40 weeks and is broken down into trimesters. The first trimester is considered the first 13 weeks of your pregnancy. | Have a Healthy First Trimester |
It is important to have good blood pressure during pregnancy to avoid any health complications for either you or your baby. With a combination of lifestyle strategies and medications as needed, you can keep your blood pressure in a healthy range to optimize the success of your pregnancy. | Have Good Blood Pressure During Pregnancy |
A healthy newborn baby from his mother taking very good care of herself during her pregnancy | Handle a Pregnancy |
Muscle soreness is a common occurrence during pregnancy. When you become pregnant, your body goes through a number of physical changes in order to accommodate the growing fetus. | Get Rid of Sore Muscles During Pregnancy |
A 3D ultrasound is a type of ultrasound that allows you to see 3D images of your baby. It can be exciting to get a 3D ultrasound, as you'll be able to really see your baby up close before he or she is born. | Get the Best Pictures on a 3D Ultrasound |
Pregnancy is normally an exciting time for expecting mothers. Sometimes, however, it can be challenging to get your partner involved in your pregnancy. | Get Your Partner Involved in Your Pregnancy |
It is well known that stress and anxiety can have a negative effect on your body and this can be especially true when you are trying to conceive. The process of trying to get pregnant can also be a very stressful time and because you are stressed about becoming pregnant, you may actually be decreasing your chances of conceiving. | Use Relaxation Techniques to Increase Fertility |
Your periods may be irregular for a variety of reasons; however, when you have an irregular menstrual cycle, it is hard to prepare for your period and to predict when you are going to ovulate. | Work out Ovulation With Irregular Periods |
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a set of physical and psychological symptoms that occur a few days to a few weeks before your period. Implantation symptoms, on the other hand, appear due to the implantation of a fertilized egg in your womb, meaning you are pregnant. | Tell Implantation Symptoms from PMS Symptoms |
In healthy women, the fallopian tubes carry mature eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. In order for a woman to become pregnant, at least one of these tubes must remain open. | Treat Blocked Fallopian Tubes |
Your basal body temperature (BBT) is your temperature when your body is at rest. Women can track their BBT to determine when they are ovulating and when they are most fertile. | Take Your Basal Body Temperature |
Fertility charting involves observing and recording signs of fertility, which can help you to identify the best time to conceive and increase your chances of getting pregnant. | Use Fertility Charting |
Whether you are trying to conceive or are hoping for a negative result, you probably would like to know as soon as possible if you are pregnant after having unprotected sex. | Take an EPT Pregnancy Test |
Before stopping birth control to try to conceive, make sure that you are ready to be pregnant. Schedule a pre-conception doctor appointment, improve your lifestyle habits, and start taking folic acid. | Stop Birth Control when Wanting to Conceive |
"Looking to get pregnant? All you need to do is take this supplement and you will get pregnant within two months, 100% guaranteed!" Fertility scams can be difficult to spot and when couples are stressed about their infertility they will stop at nothing to get pregnant. | Spot a Fertility Scam |
The physical symptoms of early pregnancy vary from woman to woman. One of the most common is a missing or delayed menstrual period, or spotting that isn't a menstrual period at all, but implantation bleeding instead. | Read an Ept Test |
The term morning sickness is a misnomer, as pregnant women can experience nausea and vomiting at any time of the day. While there is no cure for morning sickness, there are a number of things that soon-to-be moms can do to help alleviate feelings of nausea. | Get Over Morning Sickness |
The fetal ultrasound, or sonogram, has become a routine aspect of prenatal care for most pregnant women. High frequency sound waves are used to scan the expectant mother's abdomen and pelvic cavity, to create a picture of the fetus and placenta. | Get an Ultrasound for Pregnancy |
It can be hard to recognize male infertility. A diagnosis of male infertility typically happens after testing of both partners and finding fertility trouble in the male. | Recognize Male Infertility |
Ulcerative colitis is a medical condition characterized by the inflammation and formation of open sores (ulcers) in the innermost aspect of the large intestine (colon) and rectum. | Get Pregnant with Ulcerative Colitis |
Proper nutrition is important when you are pregnant. Getting the proper amount of iron during your pregnancy keeps you and your baby healthy. Between your physician-advised prenatal vitamin and a diet full of iron-rich foods, you should get your daily values. | Get Enough Iron During Pregnancy |
Sleeping can be an almost impossible feat when pregnant. As your stomach gets larger, you will find that you have very little choice as far as sleeping positions. | Get Better Sleep During Pregnancy |
Planning a pregnancy may be easier for the female in a relationship; however, a man can improve the health of his sperm, calculate ovulation and advocate for increased sexual intercourse with his partner. | Get a Girl Pregnant |
Implantation bleeding may be an early sign of pregnancy for approximately 1/3 of all women who conceive. The fertilized egg travels down the Fallopian tube and into the uterus, where it implants into the uterine lining. | Recognize Implantation Bleeding |
Gender selection, the process of predetermining the sex of your baby, is a controversial topic in medicine. Personal and societal pressures have led people to attempt to selectively conceive boys or girls for millennia. | Raise the Chances of Having a Boy |
If you're pregnant and are interested in finding out your baby's sex, you may want to know how to get a baby to move for an ultrasound. An ultrasound, which is also called a sonogram, is a noninvasive test that uses sound waves to create images of your baby, uterus and placenta. | Get a Baby to Move for an Ultrasound |
Thirty-five seems to be the turning point for an increase in fertility issues, miscarriage, premature delivery, stillbirth, placenta previa (placenta covering the cervix), birth defects, high blood pressure, diabetes, as well as complications during labor in an expectant mother. | Prepare Yourself for a Healthy Pregnancy at 35 Years Old |
During the first two weeks of pregnancy, it can be difficult to determine whether you're pregnant. Signs may be subtle. However, if you notice any unusual changes, you may be pregnant. | Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs |
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a series of procedures used to treat fertility and other genetic problems to assist you in conceiving a child. IVF is the most effective form of assisted reproductive technology currently available, but your chances of conceiving through IVF depend on several factors, including your age and the cause of your or your partner’s infertility. | Prepare for in Vitro Fertilization |
Deciding to start your own family is a difficult decision. Although it can be one of the most rewarding areas in life, it is also demanding of your time, money, and there's no guarantee of success. | Know if You Are Ready to Start a Family |
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is an infertility treatment that involves placing washed, prepared sperm directly into the woman's uterus on the precise day eggs are released from the ovary for fertilization. | Prepare for Intrauterine Insemination |
Once it becomes a driving force in what one or both of you wants in a relationship, the challenge of infertility can turn into the elephant in the room. | Prevent Infertility Problems from Affecting Your Marriage |
If you and your partner have been trying to get pregnant without any luck, or you have experienced several miscarriages, there is a chance that one of you may be infertile. | Know if You Are Infertile |
Human Chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, is the hormone that a mother’s body makes to prepare for and sustain pregnancy. [1] If you get tested and have a low level of HCG, it could mean that you’re not as far along as you thought, that you have an ectopic pregnancy, or that you may have a miscarriage – but don’t be alarmed about one low test result! | Increase HCG Levels |
FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) is essential for fertility and reproduction, among other things. There are many factors that lower the levels of FSH produced by the body, and this can lead to reduced fertility. | Improve FSH Levels |
Trying to conceive is an exciting time in a person’s life. It can also produce a lot of anxiety as you wait for results, especially if you aren’t sure how pregnancy tests work. | Know How Pregnancy Tests Work |
There are many reasons that hopeful parents might wish to have a baby girl. Perhaps you already have a son (or two or three!). Perhaps you are worried that you might pass along a gender-specific genetic disorder. | Have a Girl |
Want to increase your fertility and get pregnant faster? Read on for some valuable fertility tips for those trying to conceive. | Increase Your Fertility |
After trying unsuccessfully to conceive, many couples find that it is harder to become pregnant than they believed it would be. Unfortunately, there can be many contributing factors to infertility, sometimes making it difficult to determine what is causing a fertility problem. | Increase Fertility Naturally |
Getting pregnant can be stressful. On average, it takes six months to conceive for women under 35. If you're older than 35, conception may take over a year. | Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant |
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects 5 to 10 percent of women who are of child-bearing age. It is a hormonal disorder that causes obesity, acne, hair growth, and is one of the most common causes of infertility. | Get Pregnant With PCOS |
As experts in IVF & fertility treatment we've put together a definitive list of the 10 things that any couple should do to make IVF work for them. | Help Your IVF Work |
If you don't have a male partner, but still want a baby, artificial insemination may be something for you. Artificial insemination is the process where sperm is placed in the woman's uterus in order to create an impregnation. | Go Through an Artificial Insemination if You Are Single or Lesbian |
If you're trying to conceive and you've exhausted traditional advice, Instead Cups may or may not help you get pregnant. Instead cups are vaginal inserts that trap menstrual discharge, and are not intended to assist in the pregnancy process. | Get Pregnant Using Instead Cups |
So you think you are ready for a baby, huh? Well - Lets get you going on the right path! | Get Ready for Pregnancy |
Women who are breastfeeding commonly develop amenorrhea and infertility. Amenorrhea is when you do not menstruate. When you breastfeed your child, your body creates prolactin, which can keep you from becoming pregnant again. | Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding with No Period |
Many unintentionally childless couples are faced with a wide range of choices to help them conceive, however, most procedures are not only invasive and coupled with a range of side-effects but also carry great costs such as hormonal treatments or In Vitro Fertilization. | Get Pregnant Using the Lady Comp Baby |
The sympto-thermal method (STM) typically refers to a natural form of birth control. It involves determining the few days during a woman's menstrual cycle that she can conceive and then avoiding sexual intercourse on those days. | Get Pregnant Using the Sympto Thermal Method |
When you've decided you're ready to start a family, you want the process to be as easy and stress-free as possible. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to speed everything along. | Get Pregnant Quickly |
Sperm donation typically involves the provision of sperm by a healthy heterosexual man to a sperm bank or fertility clinic for the purpose of artificially inseminating a woman who is not his sexual partner. | Donate Sperm |
One of the biggest factors for women trying to conceive is their menstrual cycle. Timing sexual intercourse with your partner during the fertile days of your menstrual cycle, when you're ovulating, can drastically increase your chances of getting pregnant. | Determine Your Most Fertile Day to Conceive |
How to get pregnant using the latest and greatest in fertility research with items you can find at your local pharmacy. This article takes you through days 1-28 of the first cycle in which you are attempting to get pregnant/get you partner pregnant. | Get Pregnant in 90 Days or Less |
If you know the date of your last menstrual cycle, you can figure out possible dates of conception using a calendar. If you don’t know this, a doctor can estimate the gestational age with an ultrasound or through a physical exam. | Estimate Date of Conception |
For many women, knowing when conception is possible can aid in achieving or avoiding pregnancy. Fertility varies on a regular cycle for most women, while most men are fertile continuously . | Determine Fertility |
Whether you're trying to conceive or you are concerned about an unintended pregnancy, evaluating the symptoms of early pregnancy can be confusing. Hormone changes can produce a wide variety of symptoms, but since every woman's body is different, your specific symptoms may vary. | Determine if You Are Pregnant |
Dealing with infertility or difficulty getting pregnant can be frustrating and expensive. Some men face fertility problems due to low testosterone or problems with sperm count, production, and motility. | Eat to Enhance Fertility (for Men) |
If you're trying to improve your fertility, you'll want to consider a variety of lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, not drinking alcohol, and eating an appropriate diet. | Eat to Improve Fertility |
An ectopic pregnancy is the attachment of a fertilized egg either in the fallopian tubes or anywhere other than the uterus. [1] Ectopic pregnancies can turn into medical emergencies suddenly if untreated or undetected. | Detect an Ectopic Pregnancy |
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