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Anaesthesia for caesarean section in a patient with dopa-responsive dystonia or Segawa’s syndrome | Abstract Dopa-responsive dystonia, also known as hereditary progressive dystonia with diurnal fluctuation or Segawa’s syndrome, is a rare hereditary progressive dystonia with two striking clinical features: a marked diurnal fluctuation of symptoms with symptoms worsening throughout the day and improving after sleep, and a dramatic response to levodopa therapy. Whilst rare, it is treatable, with function being normal or near normal after levodopa therapy. We present our experience of providing anaesthesia for caesarean section in a patient with dopa-responsive dystonia and discuss the safety of levodopa therapy during pregnancy and the anaesthetic management of these patients. |
A Review of Thrombolysis in Venous Thromboembolism With an Analysis of Alteplase Admixture Stability | Purpose of Review ::: Our objective is to review important and recent clinical trials of systemic and local thrombolysis for acute venous thromboembolism (VTE). |
New development of TiNi shape memory alloys | Recent development of Ti-Ni alloys is reviewed. The topics include the effects of Cu addition which narrows the transformation hysteresis, the effects of Nb addition which widens the transformation hysteresis, sputter deposition of Ti-Ni thin films which is prospective as a material for microactuators, and the melt-spinning of Ti-Ni ribbons. |
Analysis of Earthquake Damage and Research of Anti-seismic Measures on Plate Stairs in Wenchuan Earthquake | Through the Wenchuan earthquake damage survey which mainly focuses on the analysis of the form of the de-struction of plate stairs,damage mechanisms of the stairs in the earthquake are analyzed.The research indicates that,in big earthquakes,the influence of partiality axis force of in-plane floor and vertical seismic action should be considered in plate-stair design.Pressure range reinforcement should be strengthened for plate stair section board in 1/4~3/4 span in order to resist eccentric axial force and tensile stress of concrete in transverse compressed area under vertical reciprocating load.And then from the perspective of design,stair anti-seismic design improvement measures are put forward. |
ChemInform Abstract: A Unique Fluoride Nanocontainer: Porous Molecular Capsules Can Accommodate an Unusually High Number of “Rather Labile” Fluoride Anions. | Porous molecular nanocontainers of the {Mo132} Keplerate [{(MoVI)MoVI5O21 (H2O) 5F}12{MoV2O4(F) (H2O)}30]·≈250H2O (I) precipitates from an aqueous HF solution of [NH4]72 [{(Mo)Mo5O21 (H2O)6}12{Mo2O4 (CO3)}30]·≈260H2O (II) and Me2NH2F (air, 5 d, 66% yield). |
How to Write and Read a Scientific Evaluation Paper | Scientific evaluation papers investigate existing problem situations or validate proposed solutions with scientific means, such as by experiment or case study. There is a growing amount of literature about how to report about empirical research in software engineering, but there is still some confusion about the difference between a scientific evaluation paper and other kinds of research papers. This is related to lack of clarity about the relation between empirical research, engineering, and industrial practice. In this minitutorial we give a brief rundown on how to structure a scientific evaluation papers as a special kind of research paper, using experiment reports and case study reports as examples. We give checklists of items that a reader should be able to find in these papers, and sketch the dilemmas that writers and readers of these papers face when applying these checklists. |
A super-twisted Dirac operator and Novikov inequalities | A super-twisted Dirac operator is constructed and deformed suitably. Following Shubin’s approach to Novikov inequalities associated to the deformed de Rham-Hodge operator, we give a for mula for the index of the super-twisted Dirac operator, and Novikov type inequalities for the deformed operator. In particular, we obtain a purely analytic proof of the Hopf index theorem for general vector bundles. |
Corrosion survey. Spl. Project #15,063 | "At the invitation of Darrell Smith, Dr. Ronald Yeske visited the Great Southern Paper mill at Cedar Springs, Georgia on October 8, 1984, to consult with the mill about several corrosion-related problems, being experienced at the mill ... A photographic record of the corrosion damage was taken for reporting purposes." |
Multi-site PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 aerosol source apportionment in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Aerosol sampling was performed at ten sites distributed in different location of Rio de Janeiro city, from September/2003 to Sepetember/2004, on a weekly basis with 24 h sampling time interval. PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 aerosol particles were sampled using Stacked Filter Units (SFU). Aerosol mass, black carbon, water soluble ions concentration as well as total aluminum, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium and titanium concentration were determined. Mean annual PM10 mass concentration ranged from 18 to 38 µg m-3, without violation of the Brazilian air quality standards. For fine and coarse modes, between 70 and 90% of the measured mass was apportioned to relatively few sources, soil dust accounts for 37-63% of the coarse mode mass. On the other hand, black carbon and secondary aerosol, related to anthropogenic sources as fuel burning, represents very high proportions (45-58%) of the PM2.5 mass. |
The eye in the sand: On creative remoteness | One bright October morning in 2012 a blue eyeball the size of a melon appears on Pompano Beach in Florida. No-one can say where it has come from, what creaturely skull once held it. It shows signs of having been plied out with a knife. The eyeball has a dark blue pupil, surrounded by an egg-blue iris, set in a steely blue sphere. 'It was very, very fresh,' declares the beachcomber Gino Covacci, who found the eyeball rocking in the surf. 'It was still bleeding.' He took it home in a bag, and put it in his fridge. Then he called the police. In footage he mimes holding the blue eyeball, standing atop a mass of tumbled jetsam: weeds, netting, shredded consumer goods. He stares aghast into the open cup of his palms. The camera pans out to the indecipherable sea. Dazzle and distance. What unfinished animal patrols there, sweeping the deeps with its blue, cyclopean beam? |
Radiologic Presentation of a Type 1 Dens Fracture | A 22-year-old man with no significant medical history presented with multiple life-threatening injuries due to a high-speed motor vehicle accident. He was neurologically intact. Admission computed tomography (CT) of the spine illustrated an oblique avulsion of the tip of the odontoid process with slight superior displacement of the proximal fragment, consistent with a type 1 dens (ie, odontoid) fracture (Figures 1-3). Additional imaging displayed a small epidural hematoma posterior to the fracture and ligamentum flavum discontinuity at the C1-C2 level, overall indicative of the acuity of the type 1 dens fracture (Figures 4,5). The injury resulted in instability of the atlanto-occipital articulation predominantly involving the lateral mass articulations with the occipital condyles, requiring placement of a halo and occipital cervical fusion and instrumentation (Figure 6). Anderson and D’Alonzo described 3 types of dens fractures with type 1 being the rarest, defined as an |
Modern teaching support platform design | A modern teaching support platform was designed based on application integration and the Nolan model. The system design used top-level design, information-sharing, management modeling, and user experience. The system emphasized openness, compatibility, security, extensibility, and practicability. Multi-department management is realized by dividing function domains. Intercommunications and interconnections use a level-division modular design, so the system can be easily extended. The teaching support platform is people oriented with people foremost environment for the users, the associated application environment, the integrated data environment, and the operating environment for high availability. The system plays an important role in university information construction. |
THE EFFECT ON PORE STRUCTURES OF THE ALKALI-RESISTANT GLASS FIBER CEMENT-BASED PAVEMENT MATERIALS WITH SEED CRYSTAL | This paper analyzes the effect on pore structures of the alkali-resistant glass fiber cement-based pavement materials with seed crystal.According to the experiments,seed crystal accelerates the corrosion and aggravates the injury of alkali-resistant glass fiber,moreover,it degrades the porosity of alkali-resistant glass fiber cement mortar,greatly influences the composite material's strength and performance. |
Al/Ce pillared montmorillonite: preparation and structural properties | Al/Ce pillared montmorillonite were prepared by cation exchange of different bentonites with hydrothermally treated (120-150℃ for 12-72h.) solution containing mixture of aluminum chlorohydrate (ACH) and REE(Ce) salts. After calculation at 450℃ or 500℃ the pillared montmorillonite are characterized by basing spacing of 2.51nm to 2.54nm and have BET surface areas of approximately 430m2/g , and also be stable at least 500℃. The large basal spacing and surface areas are due to the formation of large Al/Ce containing polyoxycation. High initial Al concentrations (at least 3.7M) and proper OH/Al molar ratio (at least 2.5) as well as Al/Ce ratio between 10-30 favored the formation of this cation. |
The tissue banking in cancer and stem cell research. | The Sapio Award was established in 1999 by the Sapio Group along with several Italian universities and research centers to recognize Italian scientists who have made a major contribution to the discovery or development of novel technologies in the fields of biotechnology, social and health services, nonotechnology and biosecurity in agricultural production and scientific distribution. The 2006 edition of the award meeting centered around the issues of tissue banks and biorepositories and translational medicine. The organizing committee divided this edition into a pre-meeting held in Milan on October 18, 2006 and a master meeting on October 19, 2006, held at the ISS in Rome. A summary of these meetings is given. J. Cell. Physiol. 212: 345–347, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. |
Retinal detachment secondary to proliferative diabetic retinopathy. | Twenty-nine patients representing 33 retinal detachments secondary to diabetic retinopathy were examined. Eighteen of the eyes had definite retinal breaks located in the posterior pole near the optic nervehead and were salvageable if the retinal break could be closed by surgery. In 15 eyes no retinal break could be found. Five of these eyes spontaneously reattached over a period of 6 to 14 months without treatment, one with extremely good visual return. All of the detachments appeared to be secondary to vitreous traction. |
Clinicodemographic and Psychosocial Factors Related to Presentation or Severity of Delusions of Theft among Females with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease | ABSTRACTObjectives: We examined the clinicodemographic and psychosocial factors that relate to the presentation and severity of delusions of theft among female patients with amnestic mild cognitive... |
X. Analysis of corundum, and of some of the substances which accompany it; with observations on the affinities which the earths have been supposed to have for each other, in the humid way | Some kinds of corundum, such as the adamantine spar of China, and the sapphire, have already been analyzed by Mr. Klaproth. This would have rendered any further experiments unnecessary, were it not, that I have had at my disposal many kinds of corundum he did not possess, and also some substances accompanying it, which were unknown before the preceding communication of the Count de Bournon. As, from the result of my analyses, it appears that all the different kinds of corundum are nearly similar in their constituent parts, and differ only in their proportions, it would be tedious to mention every experiment I made upon each kind. I shall therefore confine myself to stating, once for all, such modes of analysis as were employed with stones of a similar nature; and then present a summary of the results: lastly, I shall conclude with an enquiry into a much contested point, which lately threatened a revolution in docimastic chemistry. |
REGULATIONS AND ROLL-ON/ROLL-OFF SHIPS | The attention of owners and designers is drawn to the problem of ship behaviour in rough seas, which governs the capability of the ship. Various examples are known where ships have needed extensive modification to allow them trading in the service for which they were purchased. An analysis of the transverse motion parameters performed at the time of designing or before buying the ship would have prevented these troubles and a loss of money for the owners. Bureau Veritas has some experience in this field and has developed computer programs which permit estimation of the ship's behaviour in rough seas. More information about these sophisticated but commonly used methods can be obtained in relevant Bureau Veritas publications. The main problems raised by the existing Regulations which have a large influence on the conception and design of such ships are discussed. Order from BSRA as No. 54,293. |
Abridgment of reading suburban electrification: Its power supply facilities | The Reading Company is now electrifying its Philadelphia suburban railroad service, planning it so that the electrification may readily be extended to include through passenger and freight service between Philadelphia and New York City, and Bethlehem and Reading, Pennsylvania. Contract has been made with Philadelphia Electric Company for initial power requirements, and provisions are made for enlarging such supply to serve all of the above enumerated territory. The Railroad Company is constructing substation and transmission facilities to serve the suburban territory by a 12/24/36-kv. three-wire, single-phase, 25-cycle distribution system, with the view to serving the more remote area by superimposing 66-kv. transmission lines upon the initial system, at the time of future extension. The present and proposed system layouts are described, together with the estimated power requirements and the manner in which the railroad system is to be served from the system of the power company. |
Travel Experiences and Aspirations: A Case Study from Chinese Youth | Understanding cultural values is vital in tourism as these influence an individual’s travel experiences and expectations. Students represent an important segment of the international tourist population, and Chinese student tourists are an increasingly significant part of that segment. It is therefore important to understand how cultural values influence Chinese students’ experiences and aspirations. Will their past travel experiences influence future aspirations? Using data collected from a free-elicitation method, this paper reports on the travel experiences and aspirations of 284 Chinese students. It explores the notional link between past experiences and future aspirations and discusses the impact of Chinese political history and cultural values on tourist experiences and motivations. Implications for marketing are drawn out. |
Splitting the difference : gender and myth in ancient Greece and India | Hindu and Greek mythologies teem with stories of women and men who are doubled, who double themselves, who are seduced by gods doubling as mortals and whose bodies are split or divided. This text recounts and compares a vast range of these tales from ancient Greece and India, with occasional recourse to more recent "double features" from "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" to "Face/Off." Wendy Doniger argues that myth responds to the complexities of the human condition by multiplying or splitting its characters into unequal parts, and these sloughed and cloven selves animate mythology's prodigious plots of sexuality and mortality. Doniger's comparisons show that ultimately differences in gender are more significant than differences in culture; Greek and Indian stories of doubled women resemble each other more than they do tales of doubled men in the same culture. In casting Hindu and Greek mythologies as shadows of each other, Doniger shows that culture is sometimes but the shadow of gender. |
Complete DNA Sequence of IncM1 Plasmid Bearing the Novel qnrE1 PMQR Variant and bla CTX-M-8 from Klebsiella pneumoniae ST147 | The recent article by Albornoz et al. ([1][1]) reported a member of a new family of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance genes, named qnrE1 , originating from the chromosome of Enterobacter spp. We hereby report the identification of qnrE1 in a Klebsiella pneumoniae isolate from a parrot with |
MIC : An Agent Formal Environment | Ubiquitous systems can be considered as good challenges and case studies for the reliable development of open, cooperative and mobile systems in a globally uncontrolled environment. Furthermore, the complexity of these systems could constitute a real barrier to classical engineering approaches and validate the foundations of agent based computing. In this paper, we have abstracted a composable multi-agent system environment in an algebraic structure where mobile, interacting and autonomous entities evolve. We present also, a simple ubiquitous application developed according to the abstract model principles. keywords: agent formal deployment environment, agentbased software system, ubiquitous software system. |
A statistical geometry analysis of simulated water-DMSO and water-MeCN binary mixtures for biomolecular studies | Water-Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and water-Acetonitrile (MeCN) binary mixtures at various molar ratios ranging from 0 to 1 are studied using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations. Hydration properties of water in different regions of MeCN/DMSO are investigated by using the statistical geometry approach. The obtained results reveal that in water-DMSO simulations both water and solvent molecules prefer to be in mixed cluster forms, depending upon the concentration of DMSO. While in case of water-MeCN mixtures, self-association of water and acetonitrile molecules, take place, showing microheterogeneity associated with the water- MeCN binary mixtures. The results highlight the utility of statistical geometric analysis of MD simulation data of binary liquid mixtures for rapid screening of polar organic solvents in non-aqueous enzymology. |
National Integration in Malaysia | Tengku Abdul Rahman today lives in the comparative quietness of an elder stateman's world. His public policies in the closing years of his Prime Ministership are not appreciated by his successors; and, indeed, since his rather magnanimous voluntary retirement in 19 70, talk about the Tengku1s "old order" often wafts softly but unwholesomely through the corridors of Malaysian power. Memory is short, even in the realm of public life. Yet, the political historian of Malaysia can veritably demonstrate that in so many cogent and irreplaceable ways the Tengku, notwithstanding his disadvantages and those of his period, led the founding of nationhood in Malaysia. Thanks to the British who favoured him as a moderate leader, the Tengku led others in securing independence for Malaya. Without the role which, the Tengku played, Malaya might not have become a nation so smoothly and rapidly. |
Isolation and Characterization ofN-Acylhomoserine Lactonase from the Thermophilic Bacterium,Geobacillus caldoxylosilyticusYS-8 | Geobacillus caldoxylosilyticus YS-8, which was isolated from volcanic soil in Indonesia, was found to degrade various N-acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) with different lengths and acyl side-chain substitutions over a wide temperature range of 30–70 °C. The purified AHL-degrading enzyme showed a single band of 32 kDa, and its N-terminal amino acid sequence was determined to be ANVIKARPKLYVMDN, tentatively suggesting that the AHL-degrading enzyme was AHL lactonase. The AHL-degrading activity of the purified enzyme was maximized at pH 7.5 and 50 °C, and it retained about 50% of its activity even after a heat treatment at 60 °C for 3 h, exhibiting properties consistent with a thermostable enzyme. The mass spectrometric analysis demonstrated that the AHL-degrading enzyme catalyzed lactone ring opening of N-3-oxohexanoyl-L-homoserine lactone and N-hexanoyl-L-homoserine lactone by hydrolyzing the lactones and working as an AHL lactonase. |
LABORATORY TECHNIQUES FOR MEASURING WATER STORAGE PROPERTIES OF ORGANIC SOILS | Artificially drying or disturbing peat samples is shown to change their water retention properties significantly from those of undried, undisturbed samples. Procedures are given which permit the use of pressure plate and membrane equipment to measure the water storage characteristics of organic soils. /Author/ |
Optimization of microchannel heatsinks for high-power diode lasers in copper technology | Basis of the developments discussed in the presentation are 10 mm GaAs diode laser bars mounted on copper micro channel heat sinks. Optimizing the micro channel heat sinks leads to decreased thermal resistance and decreased pressure drop. In the presentation the steps to ten times reduced pressure drop and optical power output of the diode lasers of over 100 Watts will be described. |
NANOPOROUS ALUMINA MEMBRANE STRUCTURES FOR RELATIVE HUMIDITY SENSING ELEMENTS | The volumetric-surface variant of the capacitive MDM (metal-dielectric-metal) structure of the vertical direction based on high-ordered matrices of free anodic porous alumina membranes for applications in humidity sensing elements was designed. The improved humidity sensitivity, reduced response and recovery time over a wide humidity range were obtained due to alumina membranes with open-ended and widened pores without the barrier layer. It allows to eliminate the effect of the electrolyte anions embedded in pore walls on the adsorption/desorption processes. |
An Relevance Feedback Algorithm for Content-Based Video Retrieval | An algorithm of video retrieval based on Bayesian learning relevance feedback was presented.It uses a probabilistic framework to describe retrieval problem.The system updates the probability distribution automatically via Bayesian formulation according to user action.The results of experiment on thousands of shots show that the proposed approach can improve the efficiency and accuracy of the search performance and grasp user's query concept only several iterations. |
Mass production method of soft machine | Soft robot apparatus at least includes a first thermoplastic layer and a second thermoplastic layer, wherein at least one layer comprises a thermoplastic material that is extensible, at least one layer, inextensible a layer, at least one layer comprises a pneumatic network, the pneumatic network is configured to connect the pressure source and the fluid, said first and second thermoplastic layers are thermally bonded together. |
Object design method and system of | A system object of the computer aided design, the first computer system operated by the first user, the second computer system operated by the second user, the application server that hosts the design software applications When at least a first user and a, and a web server for providing an interface for accessing the design software applications. Design software application receives a first input comprising a first modification to the design template to generate a new design from the first computer system, wherein the second input comprises a second modification to the design template It received from the second computer system, based on the first modification and the second modification, by modifying the design template is configured to generate a modified design. |
Fractional Skyrmions and their molecules | We study a Skyrme-type model with a quadratic potential for a field with $S^2$ vacua. We consider two flavors of the model, the first is the Skyrme model and the second has a sixth-order derivative term instead of the Skyrme term; both with the added quadratic potential. The model contains molecules of half Skyrmions, each of them is a global (anti-)monopole with baryon number 1/2. We numerically construct solutions with baryon numbers one through six, and find stable solutions which look like beads on rings. We also construct a molecule with fractional Skyrmions having the baryon numbers 1/3 + 2/3, by adding a linear potential term. |
Fontes governamentais de informação para/sobre o trabalho | This study examines the public information organized and disseminated by governments. The text recovers the concepts of information, governmental information and identifies what could be considered information for and about labor. The international and national labor information services will also be appreciated in this study. Contributions of the Information Science will be helpful to uphold the important selection of a theoretical model and promote research challenges as to the identification of sources, grouping and the information for and about labor organization and dissemination logic. |
Report of a workshop on Geographical Information Systems held in London on 13 September 1985 | Abstract A workshop on Geographical Information Systems (GISs) was held on 13 September 1985 London. The objectives of the meeting included: the most appropriate approaches to be taken for integrated GIS developments, the delineation of key research issues and the provision of information on government initiatives and organizational plans. The workshop concluded with a debate on the general aspects of GIS development especially with respect to research needs and directions, government policy, organization, interorganization co-ordination and collaboration, funding and user needs and market opportunities. |
Application of ultrasonography in radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma | Objective contrast-enhanced ultrasound in ablation treatment of liver cancer value.Methods randomly chose 20 cases in our hospital in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and RFA before treatment by contrast-enhanced ultrasound(CEUS) on their number,size,properties were identified,and 1 months after treatment,and six months after the review by CEUS.Results no new lesions,and 5 lesions showed different degrees of reduction.Conclusion RFA before treatment by CEUS can provide the detailed data,RFA treatment options to provide the most effective data document. |
Hotel Bankruptcies: Here Again——But with New Rules | The precipitous concurrent drop in real estate values and hotel revenues has raised the specter of bankruptcy for owners and lenders alike. Changes in the bankruptcy code (enacted after the last wave of hotel bankruptcies) have remodeled the landscape for those who are considering bankruptcy protection, particularly under Chapter 11 of the U.S. code. This article presents considerations for both lenders and owners, beginning with the realization that declaring bankruptcy under this chapter ironically requires considerable financial resources and will require substantial assistance from counsel. Owners may benefit from the fact that most hotels are complex enough that they do not qualify as single asset real estate. To the lenders' benefit, owner-debtors may not spend room revenues collected after a bankruptcy filing (without permission), since they are considered to be cash collateral. Perhaps of greatest interest to debtor-owners, their lenders, and management companies, the code permits debtor-owners to... |
Copycatting: Fiscal Policies of States and Their Neighbors | This paper formalizes and tests the notion that state governments' expenditures depend on the spending of similarly situated states. We find that even after allowing for fixed state effects, year effects, and common random effects between neighbors, as state government's level of per capita expenditure is positively and significantly affected by the expenditure levels of its neighbors. Ceteris paribus, a one dollar increase in a state's neighbors' expenditures increases its own expenditure by over 70 cents. |
Zoonotic Pathogens in the American Mink in Its Southernmost Distribution | Abstract The American mink, Neovison vison, is an invasive species in Chile. Its impact on native fauna and public health has not been studied in depth in the country. In this study, we searched fo... |
The ICARUS Liquid Argon TPC: A neutrino "bubble chamber" after Gargamelle | The success of the bubble chamber in high energy physics was due to two fundamental characteristics: (1) it provided a massive target (2) with complete imaging and reconstruction of the events. In this context, the Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber can be considered as a modern fully electronic "bubble chamber". In this talk, we review the developments that led to the ICARUS T600 detector. |
Vortices, circumfluence, symmetry groups, and Darboux transformations of the (2+1) -dimensional Euler equation. | The Euler equation (EE) is one of the basic equations in many physical fields such as fluids, plasmas, condensed matter, astrophysics, and oceanic and atmospheric dynamics. A symmetry group theorem of the (2+1) -dimensional EE is obtained via a simple direct method which is thus utilized to find exact analytical vortex and circumfluence solutions. A weak Darboux transformation theorem of the (2+1) -dimensional EE can be obtained for an arbitrary spectral parameter from the general symmetry group theorem. Possible applications of the vortex and circumfluence solutions to tropical cyclones, especially Hurricane Katrina 2005, are demonstrated. |
Prospects and challenges of silver sulphide thin films: A review | Silver sulphide (Ag2S) has been a subject of investigation over the years for possible applications in various optoelectronics, electronics and industrial applications. Materials cost, abundance of the constituents elements, and its efficiency in use are fundamental properties in selecting materials for use as absorber or window layers in solar cell devices, or other optoelectronic applications. This paper reviews recent published work on the subject of Ag2Sbased solar cells and nano applications. The reasons for the sudden interest in the utilisation of Ag2S by the scientific community for Ag2S solar cells and other applications are discussed; coupled with the crystallographic and optoelectronic properties, including Ag2S crystalline structure, defect formation and metal composition. This review paper focuses on Ag2S synthesis processes and device properties. |
The Faraday effect in dilute magnetic semiconductors in ultrahigh magnetic field | Ultrahigh magnetic fields of up to 500 T have been used for investigations of the Faraday effect in the dilute magnetic semiconductor Cd/sub 1-x/Mn/sub x/Te. Measurements have been carried out using samples of the content x=0.43 at wavelengths 0.63 and 1.06 mu m at room temperature. Magnetic field dependence of the Faraday rotation is linear at both wavelengths up to 100 T. At higher fields there is a saturation in this dependence which has been interpreted as arising from a change of magnetization in the ensemble of Mn/sup 2+/ ions. It is shown that it is necessary to consider the interband exchange interaction and the direct influence of the external magnetic field on the carrier spins for correct interpretation of the experimental results. > |
α-Arylation of ketones by aryllead triacetates. Effect of methyland phenyl substitution at the α position | An examination of the α-arylation of a number of ::: ketones and their enolate salts by p-methoxyphenyllead ::: triacetate provides further evidence for a very marked ::: selectivity in the arylation reaction. It is found that the ::: reaction proceeds well at tertiary α-carbons and at ::: secondary centres activated by the presence of a phenyl group, ::: but fails where the secondary centre is unactivated and at ::: primary α-carbons. |
KISSING SLOWS LICKING: AN INVESTIGATION OF BODY PART OVERLAP IN VERB PRIMING | There is growing evidence that speakers mentally simulate the action portrayed by a verb and action simulation is an inherent part of language comprehension. This study examined if processing action words facilitates processing of other somatotopically (bodypart) related action words and if there are differences between normal and verb-impaired aphasic participants. Visual lexical priming of arm/hand and face/mouth verbs revealed that somatotopic relatedness interfered with processing of the ensuing verb in both groups and this interference effect was larger for aphasic participants. This suggests that semantic feature activation is robust and maybe an unlikely source of verb deficits in aphasia. |
Host address recognition technology based on ARP | The IP address embezzlement becomes one of the most serious questions in the network management.It is urgent for the network managers to protect the IP address effectively to ensure the network users' legal right.An effective scheme-IP address management tool to monitor and manage the IP address is presented.According to the principle of the IP address embezzlement the system realizes the real-time network monitoring by collecting and analyzing the data collected from the routing and switching equipment.After tracing and locating the IP embezzler's sited it isolates them from the network based on the port management supported by the switches. |
Direct Top-Down Fabrication of Large-Area Graphene Arrays by an In Situ Etching Method | D. Geng, H. Wang, Dr. B. Luo, J. Xu, Prof. G. Yu Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 , PR China E-mail: [email protected] D. Geng, H. Wang, J. Xu University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 10049 , PR China Y. Wan, Prof. Z. Xu Applied Mechanics Laboratory, Department of Engineering Mechanics and Center for Nano and Micro Mechanics Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 , PR China |
Understanding crossbridge dynamics from a modeling perspective | A new computer modeling system for determining crossbridge cycle dynamics is described. The transition rates from one state to another are defined by rate coefficients that can either be constant or vary with the position of the crossbridge relative to the thin-filament attachment site. This leads to a system of differential equations defining the rates of change for the fractions of bridges in each state. Solutions for this system of equations are obtained at specified times during and after a length change using a method for systems with widely varying time constants (C.W. Gear, 1971, Numerical Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs. NJ). Crossbridges are divided into discrete populations that differ both in their axial displacement with respect to thin filament attachment sites and with respect to the twist of the actin helix. Separate solutions are made for the individual populations and are then averaged to obtain the ensemble response. |
87Rb NMR study of the magnetic structure of the quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet RbFe(MoO4)2 on a triangular lattice | 87Rb nuclear magnetic resonance was experimentally studied in a quasi-two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet RbFe(MoO4)2. Dipole fields at the 87Rb nuclei were found over a wide range of temperatures and static magnetic fields. Magnetic structures in the ordered phase were determined at various magnetic fields. |
Metabolism of Crab-Eating Foxes, Cerdocyon thous: Ecological Influences on the Energetics of Canids | We measured rates of metabolism for a pair of crab-eating foxes, Cerdocyon thous, over a range of environmental temperatures. Basal metabolic rates for Cerdocyon are exceedingly low, averaging 65%-75% of that expected from their body mass. In contrast, thermal conductances were very high, about 140% of that expected from their body mass. These low basal rates of metabolism, in comparison with those measured for other canids, are attributed to the omnivorous food habits of this species. These results suggest that the basal metabolic rate of canids is ecologically labile and sensitive evolutionarily to environmental influences such as food habits and climate. Oxygen consumption for both foxes huddling together was 5%-18% lower than that for both foxes when separated but in the same respirometry chamber. The effects of huddling could thus have a significant effect on the daily energy expenditures of this and, perhaps, other species of canids. |
Impacts of Policies on Poverty. Absolute Poverty Lines | This module illustrates how to define “absolute” poverty lines, i.e poverty lines based on approaches that consider the welfare position of each individual or household as if it were independent of the conditions of other individuals or households belonging to the same community. In particular, this module will discuss the following methods: - the food energy intake (FEI) - the cost of basic needs (CBN) - the consumption insufficiency method (CI) - the budget standard method (BS) The analogies and differences of the above methods will be highlighted and we shall also illustrate how they can be made operational and how they work, by means of step-by-step procedures and examples. |
The pain of cocoon -- on the dilemma and breakthrough of new century military fiction writing | From 1949 to now,creation and innovation of military novels can be divided into three stages,the first seventeen years and ten years of the Cultural Revolution politics first stage,eighty's breakthrough and exploration stage,the ninety's present stage of the new military novels.Military novels,because of its special theme limit,had created many limitations in characterization,theme,thought construction,develop to today,with the social and political changes in the environment,the limitations have a great breakthrough and improvement,this is a big progress in the creation of military novels.But because of the influence of the previous generation works and literary marginal impact,military novels of the new century created many problems still exist many difficulties.Based on this,the paper combines with the development course of military novel and present cultural environment to briefly discuss the dilemma of new century military novels in the process of creation and breakthrough. |
Resonance Reverberation Method for Sound Absorption Measurements | A resonance‐reverberation method for measuring sound absorption in liquids from about 20 kc to above 600 kc has been developed. A single spherical glass container holds the liquid under test. The spherical system is excited with an intermittent train of continuous sound waves generated by a piezoelectric element. A second piezoelectric element detects the manner in which the sound energy dies away after the excitation stops. The time constant of this decay is inversely proportional to the sound absorption of the system. The liquid container was calibrated with liquids of known absorption to enable the separation of the wall losses from the liquid absorption. The sound absorption coefficients of 44 liquids are tabulated. Acoustic relaxations which were observed in some of the compounds studied are attributed to the perturbation by the sound wave of equilibria between rotational isomers. The application of the resonance‐reverberation technique to sound absorption measurements in solids is presented. |
Using a mammalian cell cycle simulation to interpret differential kinase inhibition in anti-tumour pharmaceutical development | Systems biology needs to show practical relevance to commercial biological challenges such as those of pharmaceutical development. The aim of this work is to design and validate some applications in anti-cancer therapeutic development. The test system was a group of novel cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors synthesised by Cyclacel Ltd. The measured in vitro IC50s of each compound were used as input data to a proprietary cell cycle model developed by Physiomics plc. ::: ::: The model was able to predict over three orders of magnitude the cytotoxicity of each compound without model adaptation to specific cancer cell types. This pattern matched the experimentally determined data. One class of compounds was predicted to cause an increase of the cell cycle length with a non-linear dose–response curve. Further work will use apoptosis and DNA replication simulations to look at overall cell effects. |
Health care in correctional facilities. | More than 1.3 million adults are in correctional facilities, including jails and federal and state prisons, in the United States. Health care of the inmates is an integral component of correctional management. Health services in correctional facilities underwent dramatic improvements during the 1970s. Public policy trends beginning in the early 1980s substantially affected the demographics and health status of jail and prison populations and threatened earlier gains in the health care of inmates. Correctional health services are seldom considered in discussions about health policy and health care reform. |
Surface structure of silicon crystal cell and manufacturing method thereof | The invention discloses a surface structure of a silicon crystal cell and a manufacturing method thereof. The surface structure of the silicon crystal cell comprises a main body, the main body is provided with a front surface and a back surface, wherein the roughness coefficient of the front surface of the main body is larger than that of the back surface of the main body; the surface morphology of a front surface microstructure comprises a plurality of tapering bodies; and the surface morphology of a back surface microstructure comprises a plurality of arc bodies or polygonal bodies. The invention enables the back surface of the surface structure of the silicon crystal cell to be flatter than the front surface of the same, thereby enhancing the photoelectric conversion efficiency and reducing the fragmenting probability in the manufacture process. |
Managing hot XML data in memory for high performance | With the fast development of computer communication and especially the Internet and Web technology, more and more service activities have been conducted on the Internet. An important quality criterion for Internet-based services is performance, usually measured by response time. Performance has been a key to provide satisfactory services to end customers and to survive in severe competition. In this research, we developed Internet main memory database (MMDB) techniques to reduce response time of XML databases, which are becoming a kind of mainstream databases in e-commerce and Internet-based services. In this paper, we describe the techniques we developed to manage hot XML data in memory for high performance. The core part of the techniques is a memory-resident index that is aimed to making the best use of the processor cache memory for the best possible performance. |
Method for producing a surface-emitting semiconductor laser device, and a surface emitting semiconductor laser device | Having at least one surface emitting semiconductor laser (21), the surface-emitting type semiconductor laser is a vertical-type emitter (1) and at least one pump radiation source comprises a (2), the vertical emitter and the pumping beam source the surface emitting semiconductor laser device being juxtaposed are integrated on a common substrate (13) monolithically is described. The surface emitting semiconductor laser device comprises the semiconductor laser (21) and the heat-conducting element in thermal contact (18), and a mounting surface provided for mounting the support (27). Method of manufacturing this type of surface-emitting type semiconductor laser device is described further. |
The effect of setting accelerators on hydrating mechanism of cement | Adopting XRD diffraction for compositional analysis of two kinds of setting accelerators,comparing the difference two kinds of setting accelerators in their aspects of performance by trials.And according to SEM test,we observe and study the modal character of hydrating product of cement mixed setting accelerators,and analyze its mechanism of hydration,it has main action of the promotion and application of quick-setting additive projects. |
Evaluating the motions of a semi-submersible platform with respect to human response. | The motions of a semi-submersible drilling platform have been evaluated so as to predict the effects on the comfort and activities of the crew. The horizontal motions at the drill floor exceeded the 'average threshold of perception' defined in International Standard 6897 (ISO 6897, 1984) by more than a factor of two; they were about half of the limit for the worst 10 min in five years for 'fixed offshore structures where work of a somewhat critical nature is carried out'. Other standards predict that the vertical motion would cause vomiting due to motion sickness in less than 5% of unadapted adults within the first 8h of exposure. The calculated probability of 'motion-induced interruptions' (loss-of-balance events) caused by deck motion was negligible. Notwithstanding the above conclusions, it is considered that current standards are insufficient to predict the effects of the motions of ships and floating platforms on the activities of the crew. |
Axial flow fan with transverse flow outlet | An axial flow fan impeller 2, draws air in via a decorative grill 14, and discharges it via an outlet 104. The air is ducted by means including a bell mouth casing 5, and a thin plate 3, a centrifugal diffuser duct being defined. Flow directing plates 17 may be provided. Various different shapes of plate 3 are disclosed as are various outlet flow directing arrangements, including adjustable flow directing plates that can direct the outlet flow to counter external air currents. A heater may be provided to heat the airflow as it leaves the outlet. A plurality of the fans may be combined, side by side or back to back (eg. figs. 11 and 12), and an arrangement of fans to circulate air in a room is also disclosed. The fan has particular application to the provision of air curtains. |
Establishment of the Yunkai Group-complex in western Guangdong:A new understanding of pre-Devonian metamorphic strata in the Yunkai area | : Through recent 1∶50000 regional geological mapping in the Yunkai area, western Guangdong, the authors think that pre-Devonian metamorphic rocks in the Yunkai area is a tectono-stratigraphic unit system which is ordered in general but disordered in part. Based on the regional superimposition relationships the Yunkai Group-complex may be further divided into the Xindong, Shuaitang, Shanmei and Qingdong formation-complexes. The four formation-complexes are separated by bedding-parallel ductile shear zones and the first-phase NW-trending folds control their distribution.The Yunkai Group-complex is suited for the whole Yunkai area, western Guangdong. The Yunkai Group and Gaozhou Group-complex is actually the same tectono-stratigrphic unit, i.e. the Yunkai Group-complex. |
Basic legal documents on international animal welfare and wildlife conservation | Part 1: International Agreements. Introduction. A. Wild Animals. I. Wildlife Conservation and Nature Protection. II. Fisheries and Marine Protection. III. Wild Birds and Game. IV. Individual Species. Part 2: Regional Instruments. A. Wild Animals. I. Wildlife Conservation and Nature Protection. II. Fisheries and Marine Protection. III. Wild Birds and Game. IV. Individual Species. B. Farming Animals. C. Transport. D. Companion Animals. E. Animal Experimentation. Part 3: European Union. A. Wild Animals. I. Wildlife Conservation. II. Fisheries and Maritime Protection. III. Wild Birds and Game. IV. Individual Species. B. Farming Animals. C. Transport. D. Animal Experimentation. Appendices. |
Cycle of the Scalp Hair of the New-Born Child * | The scalp hair of an adult presents cyclical activity, going from the anagen to the telogen through the catagenic state in a diffuse, mosaic form, with the result that at a given instant each region of the scalp contains hair in different phases of its cycle. |
Traditional Water Governance and South Africa's "National Water Act" - Tension or Cooperation? | In its first part this paper discusses the rationale for the recognition of traditional water management structures in the light of the realities of water management and supply in South Africa’s rural areas. Based on the findings of two case studies it is argued that customary arrangements form part of the social adaptive capacity of communities and can aid integrated water resource management. In the second part, the relationship between traditional water governance structures and South Africa’s new National Water Act is explored and the case is made that South Africa’s law and policy framework supports the recognition of traditional water governance structures as part of the overall water management strategy. Based on these arguments, in its final part, the paper debates the role for traditional leadership in water management in the cross-over zone between traditional rural customs and the new democratic governance and service delivery structures in South Africa. |
Yangtzedonta is Undoubtedly a Junior Synonym of Xianfengella | With the verification of the type specimen by six experts from the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, the specimen of Xianfengella prima He and Yang, 1982 described by Qian (Qian, 2001, flge2: la-c) is confirmed to be the holotype specimen (NIGP. 84430) of Yangtzedonta primitiva Yu, 1985, and consequently, Yu Wen's view that they are not the same specimen is impractical. This fact demonstrates that Yangtzedonta primitiva Yu, 1985 is undoubtedly a junior synonym of Xianftngella prima He and Yang, 1982, and is invalid. Qian's conclusion (Qian, 2001) that no bivalve appeared in the early Meishucunian Stage of the Early Cambrian is rational. |
Study on Preparation and Absorption Characteristics of Black Glass Doped with Co,Cr,Cu Composite Ions | Using sodium borosilicate glasses as matrices,the colored glasses doped with single transition metal ion and the black glass doped with composite transition metal ions were prepared.The transmittance spectra of the glass samples were determined.Results showed that,glass samples doped with different transition metal ions absorbed different wavelengths of light,the black glass doped with composite ions of Co,Cr,Cu could completely absorb the sunlight of all wavelengths reaching the ground with absorption rate of more than 99%. |
Compensating Attenuation Due to Gas Cloud Through QPSDM, a Case Study from Offshore Brunei | Marine seismic broadband solutions, as e.g. variable-depth streamer acquisitions, have shown great potential in providing high resolution seismic imaging and better low frequency penetration compared to conventional data (Lin et al., 2011). The increased low frequency content as well as signal to noise ratio play an important role in velocity model building, especially in the presence of gas. It benefits the PreSDM with absorption compensation technology (QPSDM) as low frequency energy may penetrate better through gas clouds (Xie et al., 2009). In this paper, we will show the methodology to compensate for Q absorption effects for a case study offshore Brunei. The step change in image quality shows that it is a viable solution to improve imaging through gas clouds by combining broadband acquisition and advanced depth imaging technology (Q tomography and QPSDM). |
A computational study towards the reactivity of 2-(2-ethynylphenyl-X-)pyrimidines in intramolecular Diels-Alder reactions. | Abstract The reactivity of 2-(2-trimethylsilylethynylphenyl-X-)pyrimidines towards intramolecular Diels-Alder reactions to give tricyclic annelated pyridines, decreases in the order X = CO > O > CH 2 > NH. A conformational study (MM calculations) and determination of the heat of activation (MNDO calculations) of their 2-(2-ethynylphenyl-X-)pyrimidine analogs showed that the order of reactivity is reflected by the probability of the molecules to be in a conformation which is able to react. |
Security as a Service Model for Virtualization Vulnerabilities in Cloud Computing | Cloud is a modern day paradigm mainly focusing on the remote resource sharing for the economical computing. Cloud provides various service models and tries to help the customer for better resource management. Due to remote resource sharing few security concerns arise which need to be handled in very systematic way. In this paper we have tried to survey and analyze various security issues arising due to different aspects of cloud computing. We second the thoughts put by various researchers and categorize them broadly like issues identified by CSA, issues identified due to location of the data, issues inherited from networking and more importantly the issues raised due to vulnerabilities in virtualization. Hypervisor vulnerabilities are area of concern as far as VM management is concerned. A security as a service model is proposed for Virtualization Vulnerabilities. |
Purification and characterization of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex from broccoli floral buds | Abstract The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) was purified from Brassica oleracea var. italica floral buds to a specific activity of approximately 6 μmol of NADH formed/min/ mg of protein. The PDC had cofactor requirements for NAD + , thiamine pyrophosphate, coenzyme A, and a divalent cation (Mg 2+ , Ca 2+ , or Mn 2+ ). The enzyme catalyzed the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate at a rate threefold faster than 2-oxobutyrate but was inactive toward 2-oxoglutarate. The PDC was competively inhibited by acetyl-CoA against CoA and NADH against NAD + . The enzyme was shown to be more sensitive to regulation by NADH than acetyl-CoA. |
High-field MRI at 7 Tesla for the detection of residual AVM components after radiosurgery: a comparative study with 3 Tesla | Poster: "ECR 2011 / C-0930 / High-field MRI at 7 Tesla for the detection of residual AVM components after radiosurgery: a comparative study with 3 Tesla" by: "L. Schuster, L. Gerigk, T. Hauser, A. Zabel-du-Bois, M. Bock, M. Essig; Heidelberg/DE" |
Fermentation process of traditional Asokarista using Wickerhamomyces anomalus and its optimization using three-factor, three-level Box–Behnken design | ABSTRACTThe aim of the study was to determine the effect of selected variables on fermentation of decoction of Saraca asoca bark to develop a suitable method for preparing its polyherbal formulation. S. asoca bark has been fermented using Wickerhamomyces anomalus (nonsaccharomyces yeast) and the method was optimized using response surface methodology (RSM). The independent variables, substrate volume (ml), temperature (°C), and time (hours), were optimized using three-factor, three-level Box–Behnken design to obtain the good content of secoisolariciresinol, lyoniresinol, and 5-methoxy isolariciresinol. Secoisolariciresinol and 5-methoxy isolariciresinol were first isolated from S. asoca bark. The method yielded a quadratic polynomial equation to predict the effect of independent variables on selected responses (<0.0001). All three variables significantly (p-value < 0.0001–0.0068) affected the selected responses. The experimental values agreed closely with the predicted values and the analysis of variance ... |
THE THICK TARGET YIELD AND EXCITATION FUNCTION FOR THE REACTION Rh$sup 103$(pn)Pd$sup 10$$sup 3$ | Rhodium foils were irradiated with the internal 16.7-Mev and external 22.4-Mev proton beams of the ORNL 86-in. cyclotron and Pd/sup 1//sup 0//sup 3/ yields determined. The yields were messured to be 236 and 96.8 mc/ma-hr for 22.4 and 16.7Mev protons, respectively, low compared with the respective calculated values of 520 and 219 mc/ma-hr. The possible reasons for the low results are discussed. The excitation function of Rh/sup 1//sup 0//sup 3/ (p,n) is given. (D.L.C.) |
Cholesterol lowering and morbidity and mortality. | Circulating cholesterol is causative in coronary atherosclerosis. Moreover, cholesterol lowering has been demonstrated to prevent the progression of atherosclerosis. Concern has been expressed, based on primary prevention trials and population studies, that cholesterol lowering might cause noncardiovascular mortality. When carefully analyzed, however, neither clinical trial data nor observational data supported this concern. |
Enriching information to prevent bank runs | Sequential service in the banking sector, as modeled by Diamond and Dybvig (1983), is a barrier to full insurance and potential source of financial fragility against which deposit insurance is infeasible (Wallace, 1988). In this paper, we pursue a different perspective, viewing the sequence of contacts as opportunities to extract information through a larger message space with commitment to richer promises. As we show, if preferences satisfy a separating property then the desired elimination of dominated strategies (Green and Lin, 2003) occurs even when shocks are correlated. In this manner the sequential service promotes stability. |
The transverse-momentum distribution in the central region in a phenomenological dual model | A phenomenological dual amplitude for double pomeron exchange is evaluated for the transverse-momentum distribution atx=0. It shows an exp [−bp⊥] dependence for lowp⊥ values and a subsequent flattening-off for largerp⊥. The results are compared with ISR data. Some analogies to the statistical bootstrap model are discussed. |
Reduced Reactivity of Aged Au Nanoparticles in Ligand Exchange Reactions | Solutions of alkanethiol-protected Au nanoparticles undergo a slow aging process over a period of several days, which dramatically reduces their reactivity in a place-exchange reaction with disulfides. This behavior was tentatively attributed to the reorganization of the most reactive binding sites (e.g., defect sites) on the nanoparticle surface. |
Tailoring oxidation of aluminum nanoparticles reinforced with carbon nanotubes | In this report, the oxidation temperature and reaction enthalpy of Aluminum (Al) nanoparticles has been controlled by reinforcing with carbon nanotubes. The physical mixing method with ultrasonication was employed to synthesize CNT/Al nanocomposite powders. The micro-morphology of nanoconmposite powders has been analysed by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques. The oxidation behavior of nanocomposite powders analyzed by thermogravimetry/differential scanning calorimertry showed improvement in the exothermic enthalpy. Largest exothermic enthalpy of-1251J/g was observed for CNT (4 wt%)/Al nanocomposite. |
Molecular structure of the chelate complex (3,5-dimethylbenzyl)diphenylphosphitodicarbonyl-chromium | Abstract The chelate phosphitoalkylarenedicarbonylchromium complex has been studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The presence of the short bridge (CH 2 O) leads to noticeable distortions of the molecular geometry which may be the reason why complexes of this type containing one more chelate cycle of the same size could not be isolated. The CrP bond in the complex 2.201 A, is the shortest CrP bond reported thus far. |
Contribution of fisheries sector to the economy of Sri Lanka | Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu, at the southern tip of mainland India, is where the waters of the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal come together. Sri Lanka, situated 22 miles off the southern coast of India where some of the richest fishing grounds are located The Indian Ocean is vital for the economy and food production forsmall islands like Sri Lanka . In Sri Lanka over 2.7 million fisherman from the 15 coastal districts depends on fishereies for their livelihood. This accounts for over 1.3 perecent of the countrys GDP . It is estimated that nearly 50,000 boats and trawlers operate out of the 25 fisheries habours. |
A Vector Outline Descriptor using Interpolatory Subdivision Curves | In this paper we present an innovative vector outline description scheme that employs C locally-controlled interpolatory subdivision curves to model the contours that best fit black-on-white bitmap images. The core of the method for outline extraction includes a procedure for salient features detection and an automatic algorithm for computing an appropriate set of local tensions. |
Practical Computation of Flat Outputs for Nonlinear Control Systems | In this paper, we deal with a design method for nonlinear systems, focusing on flat outputs of the dynamical systems. One of the main reasons why flat outputs are focused on is as follows. Once flat outputs are found for nonlinear systems, all we have to do is to apply a linear design method to such nonlinear systems, because the nonlinear systems may be transformed identically into the associated linear systems by means of flat outputs. However, the existing computation methods are complicated and not suitable to a control design from a practical point of view. For example, we sometimes meet the integrability issue concerning the flat outputs. This paper proposes a new type of practical computation method about how to circumvent the integrability issue of the flat outputs. Simulation is given for illustrating the usefulness of the proposed design method. |
Ereza Mar, Fuerteventura - Travel Queen | Located on the seafront, the Hotel Ereza Mar offers a magnificent view across the Atlantic Ocean. It has a privileged location situated at a mere 350 metres from the beach, as well as being near to all of the main leisure and recreation centres. |
GRADUATES' CHARACTERISTICS AND UNEMPLOYMENT: A STUDY AMONG MALAYSIAN GRADUATES | The main objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of graduates’ characteristics on the chance of being employed. A total of 3,025 Malaysian graduates involved in the study and data were analyzed using logistic regression analysis. The results show that the employment prospects of graduates with a good command of English and who possess leadership and technical skills are better when compared to those without these skills. These findings suggest that steps should be taken to improve soft skills among graduates. The results also show that Indian and female graduates in this study were found to have less chance of being employed compared to the Malay and Chinese graduates. However, these findings should be interpreted with caution as some of the respondents were not randomly selected, thus suggesting further research towards identifying the relevant factors is required. |
Synthesis and structure of the nickel(II) complex of 1,1,1-tris(((2-(methylthio)ethyl)thio)methyl)ethane, an all-sulfur ligand that promotes hexakis(thioether) coordination | Prompted by the potential analogy of thioethers to phosphines and by the occurrence of thioether coordination in blue copper proteins, they have recently been investigating the properties of homoleptic hexakis(thioether) complexes of transition-metal ions. Earlier work has shown that this new environment can be imposed on transition-metal ions by coordination to crown thioethers and that it induces unusual electronic structure - and therefore perhaps unusual reactivity - on them. Any future applications of homoleptic thioether complexes of crown-type ligands will, however, be hindered by the somewhat involved synthesis of the ligands. They now wish to report their initial work on the preparation and coordination chemistry of 1,1,1-tris(((2-(methylthio)ethyl)thio)methyl)ethane (L), a new ligand that makes the homoleptic hexakis(thioether) environment readily available. Moreover, the synthesis used here may afford a general route into analogous three dimensionally articulated ligands. |
On Emotion Representation of the Novels about Chinese Country World from 1949 to 1966 | This article analyzed the emotion connections among countrymen in the novels about Chinese country world from 1949 to 1966.On one hand,the countrymen began to express their feelings in the process of working and treated it as a kind of comrade-oriented friendship;on the other hand,their emotion is based on a fixed mode given by the government because of the flinty duel between different social classes. |
Preservation of native Brazilian bees: a question of historical and ecological conscience | Brazil has the greatest stingless bee diversity of the world. The majority of these species construct their nest inside tree hollows. Meliponini is the most important factor in pollination of those trees which need cross-fertilization and may account for as much as 90 per cent of all pollinators in some ecosystems. Unfortunately those bees are suffering a proccess of dregation that is even faster than of the forests which they inhabit. They are suffering the effects of an uncontrolled use of pesticides and insecticides that are leading to a decrease in their natural populations, in addition to an unprofessional exploration of their products by honey extractors ("meleiros"). We believe that to preserve those bees would be at least a way to preserve the basis of the food chain. In this asticle we also describe some of the history of bee keeping and exploration since colonial times to present-day Brazil. |
Prey defences and predator handling behaviour: the dangerous prey hypothesis | Ictalurid catfish possess locking spines which make them dangerous to gape-limited predators such as herons and grebes, but not to ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) which dismember prey. Herons and grebes handled ictalurids longer than prey without locking spines, but ospreys did not. As well, herons and grebes took ictalurids less frequently than ospreys. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that prey handling is a function of the risk of injury during ingestion. Minimization of this risk may not be a constraint, but rather a foraging decision for a predator. |
Cholecystectomy during pregnancy. | While cholecystitis has definitely been associated with pregnancy, performance of cholecystectomy during pregnancy seem to be a rare occurrence. To document this observation we reviewed the records of all cholecystectomies performed during a 10-year period on women between the ages of 16 and 45 in a university hospital and a busy community hospital. Six of the 749 cholecystectomies performed at the university hospital occurred during pregnancies of from four to 26 weeks' gestation. Four of the patients were operated on emergently after an average of one week of conservation management. In no instance did the operation induce premature labor or abortion. Operative cholangiography was performed in four of the patients without detriment to the fetus. This review indicates that the need to perform cholecystectomy during pregnancy is rare, but that it can be performed with minimal risk to the fetus regardless of gestation. |
Metastabile and Multiply-Charged Individual Defects at the Si:SiO2 Interface | In small-area silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs), the fluctuating occupancy of individual Si:SiO2 interface states generates Random Telegraph Signals (RTSs) in the drain current. We have observed a new class of RTS which exhibits anomalous behaviour. We demonstrate that these signals are due to individual interface states which can exist in two or more charge-equivalent metastable states. We present results on a single defect which exhibits two-electron capture, metastability and negative-U-like behaviour. |
Structure preserving model order reduction of large sparse second-order index-1 systems and application to a mechatronics model | ABSTRACTNowadays, mechanical engineers heavily depend on mathematical models for simulation, optimization and controller design. In either of these tasks, reduced dimensional formulations are obligatory in order to achieve fast and accurate results. Usually, the structural mechanical systems of machine tools are described by systems of second-order differential equations. However, they become descriptor systems when extra constraints are imposed on the systems. This article discusses efficient techniques of Gramian-based model-order reduction for second-order index-1 descriptor systems. Unlike, our previous work, here we mainly focus on a second-order to second-order reduction technique for such systems, where the stability of the system is guaranteed to be preserved in contrast to the previous approaches. We show that a special choice of the first-order reformulation of the system allows us to solve only one Lyapuov equation instead of two. We also discuss improvements of the technique to solve the Lyapu... |
Water Quality Safety Evaluation of Rivers and Reservoirs in Neijiang | The water quality safety of small and medium-sized rivers and reservoirs in Neijiang was evaluation by analytic hierarchy process.The results showed that the water quality safety in Neijiang was at middle level with certain safety risk.The rivers with water quality safety level worse than grade Ⅱ were mainly secondary revers in Weiyuan County and Longchang County.The comprehensive evaluation of water quality safety including water quality,eutrophication,health risk and water pollution risk is characterized as being intuitive,quantitative and qualitative,which can judge the level of water quality safety. |
Research on the idea of toxin evil causing stroke and neuro-protective therapy | The idea of toxin evil causing stroke is one kind of theory,which is different from the pathogenesis theory of stroke of traditional Chinese medicine.Base on this theory,the therapautic prescription of dispelling toxin and activating meridians and collaterals is an effective neuro protective method so as to be the key of TCM treating acute period of stroke. |
Structure, stability and magnetic moments of the FenCr (n=1–12) clusters: All-electron density functional theory investigations | Abstract The geometries, electronic structures and magnetic moments of the Fe n Cr ( n = 1 – 12 ) clusters have been systematically investigated using all-electron density functional theory. For the lowest-energy structures of Fe n Cr, the single Cr atom sits on the surface for all clusters up to n = 10 . For n = 11 and n = 12 the Cr atom falls into the interior site. For Fe n Cr ( n = 1 – 8 , 10 – 12 ), the local moment of the Fe atoms is found to align antiferromagnetically with respect to that of the Cr atom, while for Fe 9 Cr, the local moments of the Fe atoms are ferromagnetic with respect to that of the Cr atom. |
SEQUENCE TYPING CONFIRMS THAT CAMPYLOBACTER JEJUNI STRAINS ASSOCIATED WITH GUILLAIN-BARRE AND MILLER-FISHER SYNDROMES ARE OF DIVERSE GENETIC LINEAGE, SEROTYPE, AND FLAGELLA TYPE | Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) and Miller-Fisher syndrome (MFS) are correlated with prior infection by Campylobacter jejuni in up to 40% of cases. Nucleotide sequence-based typing of 25 C. jejuni isolates associated with neuropathy permitted robust comparisons with equivalent data from approximately 800 C. jejuni isolates not associated with neuropathy. A total of 13 genetic lineages and 20 flaA short variable region nucleotide sequences were present among the 25 isolates. A minority of isolates (4 of 25) had the flaA short variable region nucleotide sequences that were previously proposed as a marker for GBS-associated isolates. These 4 isolates probably represented the Penner serotype 19 lineage, which has been proposed to have an association with GBS. |
Research progress on biological toxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticle and its mechanism | Zinc oxide nanoparticle (nano-ZnO) has a size between 1 and 100 nm. Nano-ZnO has some special effects, such as small size effect, surface effect, quantum size effect, which makes it different from the ordinary ZnO, and is widely used in rubber industry, food processing, cosmetics and pharmaceutical fields. It has been reported that nano-ZnO has toxic effects in vitro and in vivo, but the mechanism of toxicity is still unclear. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the safety nano-ZnO by studying its biological toxic effects and related mechanisms. In this paper, we summarize the characterization, ingestion pathway, metabolism, systematic toxicity of nano-ZnO and its mechanisms, which may provide us with new strategy for the toxic research of nano-ZnO. |
Interaction between gallocatechin gallate and caffeine in crystal structure of 1:2 and 2:2 complexes | Abstract A suspension of (−)-gallocatechin gallate (GCg) and caffeine in water afforded two kinds of complexes, the 1:2 and 2:2 complexes of GCg and caffeine. The crystal structures of the two complexes were determined by X-ray crystallography. The driving force for the formation of the 1:2 and 2:2 complexes was thought to be mainly π–π interactions between the A, B′ rings of GCg and the six-membered rings of caffeines, and those between the B ring of GCg and caffeine, the B′ ring of GCg and caffeine, and the A rings of GCgs, respectively. |
THEORIES AND METHODS FOR STUDIES ON POLYMER MELT DIFFUSION AT INTERFACES | Regarding to the interfacial diffusion studies strongly relating to the polymer processing,this article provides a review on the basic theories of mutual diffusion at polymer interfaces from the dynamics and thermodynamics viewpoints.Various conventional methods used to study the interfacial diffusion of polymer melts are systematically introduced according to the research progresses on polymer interfacial diffusion.In particular,rheology as a newly developed method to determine effectively the dynamic interfacial diffusion process of polymer melts,is emphasized in details in the aspects of its application principle and progress,which plays important roles in developing the polymer diffusion theories from the molecular dynamics viewpoint and helps design interfacial structures of polymers and improve performances of polymers in the processing.The prospects of studying the interfacial diffusion of polymer melts are proposed. |
Subsets and Splits