stringlengths 1
| non_english
stringlengths 1
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with %s; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA | U moes 'n kopie van die GNU Algemene Publieke Lisensie ontvang het saam met %s; indien nie, skryf in Engels aan Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA |
Well, if you feel you're losing your grip, simply stick to what you know is real-- like this victim-- and, ah! The bullet fragment that I have finally dislodged. | - As jy voel dat jy die vat verloor, hou jou vas aan waarvan jy seker weet dat dit regtig is, soos dit slagoffer en die koeël wat ek uiteindelik los gekry het. |
But I can't do it anymore. | Maar ek kan nie langer nie |
Alice Springs | Diamand KolomCountry name (optional, but should be translated) |
Couldn't figure it out. | - Dat ek nie kon vind. |
5th | 5de |
Channel Intensity | Verander Links Inkeep |
Songs in selected collection: | Liedere in gekose versameling: |
_Worm color: | _Wurmkleur: |
It's just a habit of his. | Rosalinde! |
Screenshot taken | Skermresolusie |
Mahjongg | Mahjongg |
Info | Inligting |
This Job is spot color page | Hierdie Werk is spot kleur bladsy |
_Copy | _Kopieer |
What of me? Am I going with you? | Gaan ek met jou saam? |
No_w | No_u |
No redo history | Geen geskiedenis vir herdoen nie |
600dpi | 600 punte- per- duim |
Were you aware that after Nadira left here, she was smuggled into the US and living under a false identity? | Het jy geweet nadat Nadira hier weg te gaan, sy in die VSA gesmokkel is? en daar gewoon het onder 'n valse identiteit? |
E_nable this connection | _Aktiveer dié verbinding |
OpenArena | OpenArena |
Did you visit Mario? | Was jy by Mario? |
Editor _font: | Redigeer_font: |
No strategies found on dictionary server at '%s' | Geen strategieë is gevind by woordeboekbediener by '%s' nie |
Show the switcher buttons | Wys die tweede tydsone |
Could not read text record #%1 from Database %2 | Kan nie open databasis |
bounce keys delay | Bonssleutels se tikwagtydbounce keys delay |
Grand Bank | City in California USA |
Transmitted packets: | Gestuurde pakkies: |
Desktop recorder | Werkskermopnemer |
Debug | Ontfout |
- No wonder, with a head like that | Ek het 'n hoofpyn! |
- The poor thing. | - Die arme mens. |
Move All Messages to Trash | Beweeg alle boodskappe na Gemors |
Initial window state: | Aanvanklike venstertoestand: |
The new password is too short | Die nuwe wagwoord is te kort |
Exit the program | Sluit die program af |
Post Field | Oplaai projek lêers |
Window Minimize | Minimeer VensterComment |
is greater than | is groter as |
Could not add the files to the archive | Kon nie die lêers by die argief voeg nie |
Huh? The letter you signed for. | Die brief waarvoor jy onderteken. |
%s requests the assignment of %s to the following task: | %s vra vir %s se teenwoordigheid by 'n vergadering. |
Couldn't export the certificate. | Voer wagwoord in om die sertifikaat te ontsluit |
Add & Address Book... | K- adresboek |
All packages are up to date | Alle pakkette |
All | Alle |
filename expected | embed" is a verb (command description). |
_Use safe moves | Gebruik veilige skuiwe |
Test _Source | Hulpbron |
Choose an action: | Kies 'n aksie:please reply |
Done | Klaar |
Excuse me. | Verskoon my. |
High | Hoog |
Well... say something, Gibbs. | Wel, sê iets, Gibbs. |
which indigenous language was suitable for | inheemse tale geskik sal wees vir die onderskeie |
Could not create ICE listening socket: %s | Kon nie 'n ICE-luistersok skep nie: %s |
Invitation | Uitnodiging |
Enter the user to finger | Gee die gebruiker om met finger op te soek |
Current selection | Huidige seleksie |
Comment : | Kommentaar : |
-We planned to ask you. | -Ons wou jou vra |
You're the cousin of the English king. | U is nie verniet die neef van die Engelse koning nie |
RANDNEGBINOM(4 ) | Rand ( ) |
Ashamed? | - Skaam? |
You laugh? | Jy lag? |
Except maybe Ziva. | Behalwe Ziva miskien. |
All I know Is that he wounded me | Al wat ek weet is dat hy my verwond het |
File System | Lêerstelsel |
-Glaske... | -Glaeske... |
. | . |
Text Wrapping | Omvou van teks |
Artist: | Kunstenaar: |
They're supposed to. It's the Pentagon. | Dit doen die Pentagon altyd. |
Strictness: | Strengheid: |
Remote connection to %1: %2... | Afgeleë verbinding na% 1:% 2... |
You had other ambitions. Me too. | Jy het ander ambisies gehad, ek ook |
An error occurred while trying to contact the login screens. Not all updates may have taken effect. | n Fout het ingetree terwyl probeer is om kontak te maak met die aanmeldingskerms. Miskien het al die bywerkings nog nie in werking getree nie. |
_Bin | _Bin |
Add a new dictionary source | Voeg 'n nuwe woordeboekbron by |
Popup | Opspring |
Load BIOS dump. | Laai BIOS storting. |
1 | 1 |
But it's a start. | Maar dit is 'n begin. |
And now I'm your new mummy. | Nou is ek jou nuwe mamma |
Couldn't open session for %s | Kon nie sessie vir %s open nie |
Image successfully burned to CD | Beeldlêer suksesvol na CD geskryf |
image_url . dat | Kon nie stel Kleur SkemaImage/ info menu item ( should be translated ) |
of Kho | Khoof Tir short |
Hunks | Hunks |
by Designation : | Country name ( optional , but should be translated ) |
You've lost. | Jy het verloor |
Date Range | Te- doen as gevolg vandag kleur : |
Directory for loading/attaching files to composer. | Gids vir die laai/aanvoeg van lêers aan die samesteller. |
Extra information | Naam : % 1 |
She wants you to go there with your rifles. | Sy wil jou daar hê, met jou gewere |
Paste as & Quotation | Plak as Aanhaling |
Dictionary source to use | Woordeboekbron om te gebruik |
To be a somebody one needs to have something. And I'm good only to serve him cabbage soup. | Om iemand te wees, moet jy iets hê en ek is net goed om vir hulle koolsop te bedien! |
Subsets and Splits