stringlengths 10
| output
stringlengths 5
public void clear groups for int i 0 i markers length i markers i set group null | clear all of the group settings in the receiver |
public ifield get default group return ifield marker groups get severity id | return the default group |
private boolean progress cancelled get shell get display read and dispatch if progress cancelled progress cancelled false calculating resolutions false progress part done return true return false | spin the event loop and see if the cancel button was pressed |
protected void select appropriate folder contents icontainer resource try iresource members resource members for int i 0 i members length i if members i get type iresource file ifile current file ifile members i if has exportable extension current file get full path to string selected resources add current file if members i get type iresource folder select appropriate folder contents icontainer members i catch core exception e don t show children if there are errors should at least log this | records a containers recursive file descendents which have an extension |
public void update enablement boolean enabled description label set enabled enabled combo set enabled enabled description set enabled enabled | update the enablement based on enabled |
public ifield get category field return category field | get the category field |
public void set category field ifield field this category field field | set the field that we are categorizing by |
public void set table sorter table sorter sorter2 inner sorter sorter2 | set the inner sorter to the new sorter |
public void save state idialog settings dialog settings if dialog settings null return idialog settings settings dialog settings get section table sorter tag dialog section if settings null settings dialog settings add new section table sorter tag dialog section string description util empty string if category field null description category field get description settings put tag field description | save the state of the receiver |
public void restore state idialog settings dialog settings problem view view if dialog settings null select default grouping view return idialog settings settings dialog settings get section table sorter tag dialog section if settings null select default grouping view return string description settings get tag field view select category description this | restore the state of the receiver from the dialog settings |
protected void select appropriate resources object resource if selected resources null if export specified types radio get selection selected types get types to export else selected types null sentinel for select all extensions selected resources new array list if resource instanceof iworkspace root iproject projects iworkspace root resource get projects for int i 0 i projects length i select appropriate folder contents projects i else if resource instanceof ifile ifile file ifile resource if has exportable extension file get full path to string selected resources add file else select appropriate folder contents icontainer resource | records a resources recursive descendents which are appropriate |
private void select default grouping problem view view view select category field marker support registry get instance get default group this | select the default grouping in the problem view |
public void widget selected selection event e column selected first column doesn t count int column table index of table column e widget 1 if column sorter get top priority sorter reverse top priority else sorter set top priority column update sort state viewer refresh idialog settings workbench settings get plugin get dialog settings idialog settings settings workbench settings get section bookmark sort state non nls 1 if settings null settings workbench settings add new section bookmark sort state non nls 1 sorter save state settings | handles the case of user selecting the |
public void set export all types value boolean value if export all types radio null initial export all types value value export all resources pre set true else export all types radio set selection value export specified types radio set selection value | sets the selection value of this pages export all types radio or stores |
public marker grouping entry test attribute concrete marker marker return null | test the attribute of the marker to find a grouping |
public void set resource field value string value if resource name field null initial export field value value else resource name field set text value | sets the value of this pages source resource field or stores |
public boolean get contains return contains | get the value for if there is a check for containing a phrase |
private void handle exception exception exception ideworkbench plugin log exception get localized message exception error dialog open error view get site get shell marker messages error nls bind marker messages marker resolution dialog cannot fix message get marker description util error status exception | handle the exception |
private string get marker description return util get property imarker message get selected marker | return the description of the marker |
public boolean get select by severity return select by severity | get the value for if there is a check for severity |
private string get descending text int index switch index case 1 return marker messages sort direction descending text2 case 2 return marker messages sort direction descending text3 case 3 return marker messages sort direction descending text4 default return marker messages sort direction descending text | get the descending label for the descending field |
protected void set resource to display iresource resource set resource field value resource get full path make relative to string | set the resource whos name we will display |
public void set contains boolean contains this contains contains | set the value for if there is a check for containing a phrase |
private marker grouping entry get mapping concrete marker marker if marker get group null marker set group find group value marker return marker grouping entry marker get group | get the attribute mapping for the marker |
protected tree create tree composite parent tree tree new tree parent swt h scroll swt v scroll swt multi swt full selection tree set lines visible true return tree | create the main tree control |
private int get displayed size if view get marker limit 0 return math min get total size view get marker limit return get total size | return the number of errors being displayed |
private marker grouping entry find group value concrete marker marker if types to mappings contains key marker get type entry mapping default mapping null iterator mappings collection types to mappings get marker get type iterator while mappings has next entry mapping mapping entry mapping mappings next if mapping has attributes marker grouping entry entry mapping test attribute marker if entry null return entry else if it has no attributes it is our default default mapping mapping if default mapping null return default mapping grouping entry return undefined entry | find the group value |
private string get ascending text int index switch index case 1 return marker messages sort direction ascending text2 case 2 return marker messages sort direction ascending text3 case 3 return marker messages sort direction ascending text4 default return marker messages sort direction ascending text | get the ascending label for the ascending field |
public void set select by severity boolean select by severity this select by severity select by severity | set the value for if there is a check for severity |
private void create restore defaults button composite parent button defaults button new button parent swt push defaults button set text marker messages restore defaults text set button size defaults button new grid data grid data horizontal align end grid data fill horizontal defaults button add selection listener new selection adapter public void widget selected selection event e restore defaults mark dirty | create the restore defaults button |
private int get total size return end start 1 | get the total size of the receiver |
public void set types field value string value if types to export field null initial types field value value else types to export field set text value | sets the value of this pages types to export field or stores |
protected void create actions if get sort dialog null sort action new table sort action this get sort dialog | create the actions for the receiver |
public string get id if contribution descriptor null return null return contribution descriptor get local id | get the id of the filter |
public category sorter get category sorter return category sorter view get viewer get sorter | return the category sorter for the receiver |
private void add entry string marker type entry mapping entry marker type all derived get marker types marker type for int i 0 i all derived length i collection entries new hash set marker type type all derived i if types to mappings contains key type get id entries collection types to mappings get marker type else entries new hash set entries add entry types to mappings put type get id entries | add the entry for the marker type |
private void create table columns table layout layout new table layout markers table get table set layout layout markers table get table set lines visible true description column layout add column data new column pixel data 200 true true table column tc new table column markers table get table swt none 0 tc set resizable true line column layout add column data new column pixel data 50 true true tc new table column markers table get table swt none 0 tc set resizable true | create the table columns for the receiver |
protected void set types to export list type strings string buffer result new string buffer iterator types enum type strings iterator while types enum has next result append types enum next result append type delimiter result append non nls 1 types to export field set text result to string | sets the value of this pages types to export field based upon the |
public boolean is filtered out by activity if contribution descriptor null return false if identifier null identifier workbench activity helper get identifier contribution descriptor return identifier is enabled | return whether or not the receiver will be filtered out due to an |
private boolean is showing hierarchy viewer sorter sorter view get viewer get sorter if sorter instanceof category sorter return category sorter sorter get category field null return false | return whether or not a hierarchy is showing |
public void remove marker grouping entry entry iterator entries types to mappings values iterator collection remove collection new array list while entries has next collection mappings collection entries next iterator mappings iterator mappings iterator while mappings iterator has next entry mapping next entry mapping mappings iterator next if next grouping entry equals entry remove collection add next mappings remove all remove collection remove collection clear | remove the entry from all of the entries in the receiver |
private string get name for index marker list markers int category start return get category sorter get category field get value markers to array category start | get the name for the category from the marker at category start in |
protected void set complete boolean complete get button idialog constants ok id set enabled complete | set the dialog to be complete |
protected void init menu imenu manager menu if sort action null menu add sort action add drop down contributions menu if filters action null menu add filters action if preferences action null menu add preferences action | init the menu for the receiver |
public marker list get current markers if last markers null first time view schedule marker update util short delay building true if building return new marker list return last markers | return the current list of markers |
public boolean has no markers return last markers null | return whether or not the receiver has markers without scheduling |
public void add all sub types list types for int i 0 i root types size i marker type root type marker type root types get i add all sub types types root type | list all types known to this marker filter |
public void update enablement boolean enabled enablement button set enabled enabled high button set enabled enabled is priority enabled normal button set enabled enabled is priority enabled low button set enabled enabled is priority enabled | update enablement based on enabled |
protected viewer sorter build sorter ifield sorting fields get sorting fields int priorities new int sorting fields length int directions new int sorting fields length for int i 0 i sorting fields length i priorities i i arrays fill directions table sorter ascending table sorter sorter new table sorter sorting fields priorities directions sorter restore state get dialog settings return sorter | build a sorter from the default settings |
protected void update widget enablements if export current selection resource details button set enabled true else iresource resource get source resource resource details button set enabled resource null resource is accessible export specified types radio set enabled export current selection types to export field set enabled export specified types radio get selection types to export edit button set enabled export specified types radio get selection | updates the enablements of this pages controls |
protected tree viewer get viewer return viewer | return the viewer |
public boolean get contains return combo get selection index combo index of contains | get the contains value |
public boolean select marker concrete marker marker return is enabled super select marker marker select by description marker | returns true iff the given marker is accepted by this filter |
protected tree get tree return get viewer get tree | return the tree for the receiver |
private void set button size button button grid data button data button set font button get parent get font int width hint convert horizontal dlus to pixels idialog constants button width button data width hint math max width hint button compute size swt default swt default true x button set layout data button data | set the layout data of the button to a grid data with |
public void set contains boolean value if value combo select combo index of contains else combo select combo index of does not contain | return whether or not the contains value is of use |
public void clear cache resource name key null description key null | clears any cached information |
public void refresh clear cache description util get property imarker message marker resource name util get resource name marker in folder util get container name marker short folder null line marker get attribute imarker line number 1 location string marker get attribute imarker location util empty string try creation time marker get creation time catch core exception e creation time 0 try type marker get type catch core exception e1 type util empty string store the marker id locally id marker get id | refresh the properties of this marker from the underlying imarker instance |
public table sorter get sorter return sorter | return the sorter for the receiver |
public void set description string text if text null description set text non nls 1 else description set text text | set the description field |
public ifield get top field return fields get top priority | return the field at the top priority |
public void run imarker markers get selected markers set clipboard markers create marker report markers | copies the selected imarker objects to the clipboard |
public marker type get type string id return marker type types get id | returns the marker type with the given id or code null code if |
public void update enablement boolean enabled enablement button set enabled enabled complete button set enabled is status enabled enabled incomplete button set enabled is status enabled enabled | update the enablement state of the group |
public string get description return description get text | return the text for the description |
public boolean select concrete marker marker if is enabled return true return select by type marker select by selection marker select marker marker | return whether or not the receiver would select the marker |
public void sort tree viewer viewer marker list last markers sort viewer last markers get array | sort the array of markers in last markers in place |
public void set as default string marker type marker group set as default marker type this | set the receiver as the default grouping entry for type marker type |
public void set category marker node category marker category category | set the category the receiver is in |
public void map attribute string marker type string attribute string attribute value marker group map attribute marker type attribute attribute value this | map the attribute for the marker type to map to the receiver |
public void sort final viewer viewer object elements int start int end arrays sort elements start end new comparator public int compare object a object b return table sorter this compare viewer a b | sorts the given elements in place modifying the given array from index |
public void set grouping entry field marker group group marker group group | set the group for the receiver |
public int get priority return sort priority | return the priority of the receiver |
public field marker group get marker group return marker group | return the marker group for the receiver |
public string get short folder if short folder null short folder util get short container name marker return short folder | return the short name for the folder |
public string get location string return location string | get the location string |
public void set group object group this group group | set the group name |
private image get image string path return jface resources get resources create image with default ideworkbench plugin get ideimage descriptor path | get the image at path |
private int get width ifield field if field is showing return 0 return field get preferred width | return the width of the field to display |
private boolean is enclosed iresource element if working set null return false if working set is empty return true everything is in an empty working set set working set paths get working set as set of paths return working set paths contains element get full path to string | returns if the given resource is enclosed by a working set element |
public void run try resources plugin get workspace run new iworkspace runnable public void run iprogress monitor monitor throws core exception imarker markers get selected markers for int i 0 i markers length i markers i delete null catch core exception e error dialog open error part get site get shell marker messages remove marker error title null e get status | delete the marker selection |
protected table sort dialog get sort dialog return new table sort dialog get site get table sorter | return a sort dialog for the receiver |
public void remove marker node node removed markers add node | add the node to the list of removals |
public void add marker node node added markers add node | add the node to the list of adds |
public boolean is severity selected return enablement button get selection | return whether or not sort by severity is selected |
public void add expanded category marker category category categories to expand add category get name | add the category to the list of expanded categories |
public void set enabled boolean enabled enablement button set selection enabled | set whether or not the enabled button is selected |
public void set showing boolean showing visible showing | set whether or not the receiver is showing |
public boolean is error selected return error button get selection | return whether or not the error button is selected |
public void remove expanded category marker category category categories to expand remove category get name | remove the category from the list of expanded ones |
public void set error selected boolean selected error button set selection selected | set whether or not the error button is selected |
public void set category marker category category this category category | set the category of the receiver |
public list get root types return root types | b warning b for internal package use only |
public marker category get category return category | get the category for the receiver |
public boolean is warning selected return warning button get selection | return whether or not the warning button is selected |
public list get selected types return selected types | b warning b for internal package use only |
protected string update summary selected istructured selection selection collection selection list selection list new array list iterator selection iterator selection iterator while selection iterator has next marker node next marker node selection iterator next if next is concrete selection list add next return get summary new marker list selection list | retrieves statistical information the total number of markers with each |
public object get viewer input return get viewer get input | return the input to the viewer |
public marker type get marker type string id return marker types model get instance get type id | find the type model entry that matches id |
public void set warning selected boolean selected warning button set selection selected | set whether or not the warning button is selected |
Subsets and Splits